Missouri S&T Magazine, Spring 1944

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MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO .





The arrival of a scientific and l'ational age req uires not on ly . a change of method, but new spirit a nd vision. The central fact of our times is that technologIcal development has outstripped our social system. The great manifestations of avia tion and electricity, the marriage of physIcs and chemIstry, are offering the promise of ab undance to a world in which there has never been enough light and warmth and food. Between this bountiful field a nd its harvest lies the myth of over-production. Yet abundance fin ally can be made a blessing instead of a menace, once our instinctive distrust of a better world has been dispelled. . . W e may depend upon it, things will not snap back l11to thelr old shapes at war's end. A conflict that in its beginmng seemed nothing more than a defense of the traditional way of life in the democracies has, in its later stages, become a p lanetary revolutlOn with the objective of security and economic advancement for all mankind. . The task of leadership from here on calls less for force and emotionalism than for a direct appeal to the reasonableness of man . If there is to come out of this war a wider life, the unfolding of the winas of the human spirit, this w ill not be by any physical overturr~ but by an internal stirring in the hearts and minds of the , people as individuals. N ature still is rich, but man by his own lack of forethought has disinherited himself. It is not that we are without some immensely wealthy families in America, but I like to toy with the idea that even the richest among them, controlling this or that natural resource or industry, may be considered poorer than any peasant of Russia, where each citiz,e n is co-owner of all the riches, developed or undeveloped, of his country. Such criticism as I would make of the system of our Russian . ally is that it is based on a producer interest rather than a consumer right. T o possess great resources, and to be equipped with technical skill, are of small benefit until out of them come goods for our more adeq uate living. This recognition of the consumer is a basic postulate of a more reasoned world. The bottleneck of distribution will hamper our best efforts a t production under present conditions, for it now costs more to move goods into the hands of the consumer than to produce them. In 60 years from 1870, while the population of the United States trebled, the volume of production of goods increased ninefold. While only three and one-half times as many workers were able to multiply production nine times, those employed in distribution increased almost ninefold. A s consumers we have paid every cost, industrial and commercial, in our economic system. The problem of living, once per sonal a nd physical, now calls for group economic p lanning. It was an able engineer , Sidney A. R eeve, who wrote in that amaz,ing book, " Modern Economic T endencies": " Man has never passed through a hideous social crisis which could not have been foreseen and prevented by a conservative, but courageous and timely, reliance upon wisdom which had been basic for centuries before. The irritating causes lie in fixed institutions, which remain unchanged while the needs of the times alter. It is neither the snobbish indifference at the top nor the ignorant bitterness at the bottom which causes crises, but intellectual timidity '1>

Ed itor, Complete Edit io n, St. Loui s P ost- Di spatch. Abstract of COll1ll1enCemeJ~l Addre ss, J a nu ary 25, 1944. (Co n tinued to Page 3)


Dr. H. A. Buehler , for 36 yea rs State G eologist of Missouri and active in every phase of Missouri's ¡mineral industr y and many other phases of governmental and industrial activities in the state, died at his hotel room in Jefferson City on M arch 14 of a heart attack. Dr. Buehler had gone to Jefferson City to at tend a meeting ot the Missouri State High way C ommission of which he was an ex-offi cio member. H e h ad c0l11plained of not feeling well fOf some time, but h ad decided to make the trip to Jefferson City to attend the meeting. H e had h ad dinner w ith Carl Brown , Chief Highway Engineer , and left Mr. and Mrs. Brow n at the hotel about 10 p.m. About 3 a. m. he called his p er H. sonal friend , Dr.L. D avid Enloe, but died soon after Dr. Enloe arri ved. Chief h as been a familiar figure on the campus of the School of Mines and M etallurgy for 43 years, first coming w ith the Missouri G eological Survey in 190 1. In 1908 he was appointed State G eo- 'logist. In addition he h as held numerous other appointments -Co various boards and commissions that has brought him into a more intimat e touch with Missouri life than p erhaps any other person and he has left the imprint of his personality upon more phases of Missouri history than perhaps any other individual. H e was particularly beloved by students and alumni of the School of Mines. M any of these Alumni and students here have worked for the Chief, frequently when there wasn 't a great deal for them to do, but the Chief found them a job because they needed work. The Chief h as lent money to many of the Alumni to allow them to finish their education . In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the mineral resources of Missouri, the School of Mines and M etallurgy, 11l 192 5', conferred upon Dr. Buehler the honorary degree of D octor of Science. Dr. Buehler's funeral was held in the auditorium in Parker H all at 2 :30 p. m. on March 16. Gov . Forrest C. Donnell delivered the principal eulogy, and related the Chief's many accomplish ments during his long term of service to Missouri and paid high tribute to the Chief as a man as well as a p ublic ser vant. Following the Governor's add ress, R. C . Allen , vice-president of the Oglebay, Norton Mining Company, Cleveland , Ohio, a lifelong friend of Dr. Buehler who knew him even in high school days, delivered a short eulogy paying high tribute to the Chief - or " Aj ax" as he was known in high school days- as a friend and an outstanding scientist. The stage and the orchestra pit of Parker H all were banked wi th floral tributes from friends from all over Missouri and many from outside of the state. D elegations from the Missouri H ouse :tnd the Missouri Senate, now in session, attended the f uneral and these bodies adop ted resolutions of sympathy. The auditorium was filled to capacity wi th mai1Y prominent citiz,e ns from Missouri an d by people from all walks of life in R olla who had known and * P hoLo

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( Co Il\inued t o Page 5)


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Dean Wi lso n arri ved a t 11:4 0 a. m. Tuesday, Febm ary 15. H e was met at the trai n bv K . F. H asselm ann who took him by his home and then to a luncheon at the Ramada Club, w hi ch started a t 12 :30,and the foll ow in g we r e p resent: D ean Curtis L. Wilson. K . F. H asselmann '25. W. A. SchaefferJr. '2 4. Joseph M. W il80n '2 1. K. F. HASSELMANN O . K. Holman '3 7. ]. V. Spalding '3S . 1. W. Alcorn '22. During the luncheon, an inform al discussion regarding the policy, conditions existing, p rogram, and aims of the School took place. Dean Wilson and Mr. Hasselm ann spent the balance of the after noon at Rice Institute as guests of Dr. Lovett, president of the Institute. The Alumni dinner party began at 6 :00 p .m. in R oom D of the H ouston Club and the following were present: Dean Curtis L. Wilson. Allen L. Lewis '42. M . Albertson' 11. H . E. M inor' 1O. I. W . Alcorn '22. L. D . Olafson '43. Niles K. Brill '42. W. H. R eber ' I S. W . A. Enderson '40. C has. A. Schaeffer '42. Osher Goldsmith '20. W . A. Schaeffer Jr. '24 . K. F . H asselmann '25. Fred P. Shayes ' 17. Edward L. Hilderbrand '43. J. v. Spaldin g ' 3S . Joseph M . Wilson '2 1. O. K'. H olman '37 . After di nner, Mr. I. W . Alcorn presided as acting chairman and O. K. H olman as acting secretary of the meeting. Mr. Alcorn read a list of replies from Alumni who were unable to attend the meeting and those present were p leased to note that the Alumni who could not attend were ver y anxious to form an active Alumni chapter. Dean Wilson began his talk with a general discussion of Alumni sections in N ew York, C hicago, St. Louis, and Tulsa, and outlined very briefly their accomp lishments. Dean Wilson then discussed his job. Those present were impressed by the fac t that he likes his job and is establishing himselfas a competent and vigorous leader of the School. H e wen t on to discuss the rece nt changes in the town of Rolla and described the rapid growth d ue to its close proxi mity to Fort Leonard W ood. H e then took up the various training programs for the armed for ces in which the School has taken pa rt. H e emphasi4ed particu larl y the School's need for buildings. The plans which are being laid out at pre en t are necessaril y dependent on the duration of the war. H owever, Dean Wil son f.,:els that a definite construction program can be initiated as soon as buil ding materials are available. Dean W ilson then outli ned the educational viewpoint that the School is now fos tering for un dergr aduate ed ucation . T he School

is stressing the fact that engineers will be in a major part employees of companies and corporations after they graduate. These six basic poin ts are stressed in the handling of students: (1) they must be loyal to their employers, (2) they must be honest, (3) they should develop as full y as possible the ability to get along with others, (4) they should avoid mediocrity and be a better than average student, ( 5) they should develop character, and (6) the School is trying to get over to the students the idea of self-education. Dean Wilson then we nt into a discussion of the faculty. H e. gave the details of the various changes which have been made in the past few yea rs and stressed the fact that there is now complete harmony within' the fac ulty. H e stated that the Board of Curators has gone on record and adopted the policy of doing everything possible to hold the present faculty together in the event the School's enrollment should dro p dangerously low during the remaining years of the war ; and , in the event enrollment should reach a dangerously low level, plans have been laid for improvements and research which wi ll be very beneficial to the School when enrollment increases in the postwar era. Dean Wilson next discussed the position of the School in the State, its relationship with the University at C olumbia and the Board of Curators. The Alumni present were gratified to hear that many past difficulties have been eliminated and that the School is receiving full cooperation fron1 the University and the Board of Curators. The State Legislature has been friendly and the situation regarding the State appropriations, which are necessa ry fo r the operation of the School, has definitely improved. M oney in the amount of $1,250,000 which is available to a school in the State of Missouri for the establishment of an institute of technology was then discussed by D ean Wilson. This fund has been set up by the Sever Estate and is to be used for the crea路路 tion of a technological institution for undergraduate education. H e outlined the proposal made to the Sever Estate trustees which was a plan to establish at the School of Mines the Sever M emorial Institute which would incorporate mechanical and electrical engineering. This Institute would not be separate and apart 路from the School of Mines but would be an integrated unit within the School. In closing this p art of the discussion, Dean Wilson stated that the School's chances of getting the funds from this Estate are excellent but no decision has been reached by the trustees of the Estate at this time. Dean Wilson then brought the discussion to the organi 4ation of an active Alumni group and went into some detail regarding the work of other sections of the country. At the conclusion of Dean Wilson's talk, the meeting was thrown open to a general discussion of what was desired in the way of an Alumni organi4ation. Those present form ed an Alumni chapter and the following offi cers were elected for a period of one year : K. F. H asselmann, chairman ; W . A . Schaeffer Jr. , vice-chairman ; M . Albertson, vice-chairman ; C . A. Schaeffer Jr. , secretary; and]. V. Spalding, treasurer. After a long discussion, those p resent adopted a re olutiol1 that the newly fo rmed Alumni chap ter of Mi souri School of Mines advocates the fo rm ation of a central national organi4ation to be supported by va rious groups of Alumni throughout the countr y. T o facilitate the operation of the central organi 4ation, this grou p desires that a paid Secretary be emp loyed to handle the necessar y administrative details. The Alumni who attended the meeting we nt away fee ling that something tangible had been accomplished. M any questions and rum ors were satisfa ctor ily answered and they fe lt that the leader ship of the School is now competent and progressive and it was also fe lt that the starting and developing of an acti ve Alum ni group in this part of the coun try would materially benefit the Schoo!.




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JEAN LLOYD FIRST WOMAN ' B E; GRAD MSM ALUMNUS Issued quarterl y, in the interest ,of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and M etallurgy. Subscription price 50 cents, included in Alumni Dues. E ntered as second -class matter O ctober 7, 192 6, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri, under the A ct of M arch 3, 187 9.

Officers of the Association C ARL G. STIFEL, ' 16 . ... ... ...... ... ..... . . President J AM ES L HEAD, ' 16 . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. Vice -Presiden t G UNNA RD E. JOH NSON , H OW ARDM . K ATZ, ' 13 .

' 16 .... .... . . ... Vi ce-President ... . .. .... . . Secretary-T reasurer





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THE YEAR OF JUBILO! (Co n tinued fro m Page 1)

and inertia everywhere." U p to now, such changes or reforms as have arisen have come less from the fact that they were reasonable than from a sense of outrage or insult that set emotions abla:;e. The costs of this war to America, like the costs of the long depression that preceded it, are to be measured onl y in the con sumable goods that were not produced. This is why it is fundamentally so important to make sure of full production upon the outbreak of peace. W e must immediately begin to manufacture all those consumer p roducts, from clothing to chemicals and electrical supplies, that have been almost irreplaceable for the duration of the can flict . Where we have the raw materials, the technique and the willing hands, every thing is possible. It is by these things that men live, not by bookkeeping. If indeed we ca n bring our social and economic practices in line with the reality of our technical abilities, America need not suffer another period of unemployment, depression or lack of the best things of life.


Dear Mr. Katz: It~ly, March 7, 1944. The " Winter '43" copy of the MSM Alumnus has just recently reached me after quite a series of " forwardings." I enjoyed read ing it so much that I thought that I should write and tell you what a fine job I think the association is doing in getting the news out to us w ho have strayed so far from home. I found the " Alumnus" just packed with items of interest but the pa rt I appreciated most was the inform ation on Alumni Per sonnels. There's just nothing like those bits of news on what one's " buddies" are doing all over the world. I was happy to find the address of some of my " lost friends" and will now be able to gain contact with them once again. In the p ast few months I have received two issues of the " Miner N ews Letter " w hich has been sent out to Miners in the service. I dor't know who is responsible for the publication of these letters but it is surely a fine piece of work. They help to span the gap between issues of the Alumnus and help keep us informed on what's going on back in R olla. Our Battalion h as been over here fo r several months and have been kept on the run all of the time. It has been said that this is an Engineer 's W ar and our experiences have certainly proven that to be the truth. O f course, the In fantry soldier is the most im porta n ~ man and always will be but the Engineer isn 't fa r behind him in importance. The artillery, armored fo rces, and air force all depend upon the engineers for roads, bridges, clearing mines, constructing air fields, etc. There just seems to be no end to the amount of work to be done. H owever , our work is usually interesting and has suffi cient variety so as not to become tiresome. The morale is high among our men- they can actually see the results of their work, and therefore they don 't mind the long hours and adverse working

Miss Jean Lloyd, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. S. H. Lloyd , was M SM 's first wom.an gr aduate in Electrical Engineering, receiv:ing her degree in January, 1944 ,



Jean was an outstan ding ' student r anking tenth in a class of 77. She was grad uated with second honors and was made an honorar y member of T au Beta Pi, the honorary membership being due to the fac t that onl y male engineering students are eligible fo r full membership. Numerous offers of employment were made to Jean before gr aduation bu t she finally decided to join the W A VES a nd speciali:;e in electronics. She is now taking her. basic training at Smith Co ll ege af t er which she will take further JEAN LLOYD ':' training in R adar and Electronic subjects at M.LT

WILLARD FARRAR '30 KILLED IN NEW GUINEA A ccoi'ding to word received from his mother , Major ,Willard Farrar '30 was killed while in active duty with the Army, at Port M oresby, N ew Guinea, on December 2, 1943. Details of his death had not been received by Mrs. Farrar at the time she w rote to 'Dr. H. A. Buehler, chief geologist, for w hom " Yank" at one tin)f; worked. " Yank" was a M ajor in the Army at the time of his d,e ath,. and while at school, he was C adet M ajor of the ROTC unit during his senior year. H e was promi nen t in the field of Geology b efore he was called to active du ty under his reserve commission: ' H e is survived by his wife , Frances, and his mother.

DR. S. A. TRENGOVE RESIGNS Dr. S. A. T re ngove h as resigned his position at M SM to be; come editor of the Mining Congress Journal in W ashington, D.C. Dr. Trengove came to the School of Mines in September, 1941 , from Hibbing, Minnesota where he was co,nnected wi th the O liver Iron Mining C o. H e ass umed his new du ties in W ashington on M arch 1st. A succe,.ssor to D r. Trengove has not yet been selected by Dean Wilson. conditions which we encounter at times. From time to time, since I've been in the army I've met " Miners" and discussed with them the possibili ties of a big " M iner " reunion afte r the war. W e've all agreed that such a reu nion wo uld really be something to look for ward to. H as the thought of su ch a reunion occurred to the A lumni A ssociation 7- if not, I'd li ke it submitted for their consideration. I think of M SM often- of the pleasant times and of the hard work I did there. I wou ld like very much to return there after the war and work for a M aster's degree- and have been thinking seri ously of doing that. U ntil then, I will be looking forward to news of M SM in the subsequent issues of the .M SM AIUl:nn us. Sincerely, K. A. SCHOWALT ER. ~· Ph OlO

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Capt. Edward Fiss '36, was one of the offi cers who led the assault on Kwajalein in t.he M arshall group in the American forces attack on this highly important Japanese base. H e was also one of the group who helped to take Attu under control for the Ameri : cans, a little less than a year ago. H e is a member of Tau Beta PI and Phi Kappa Phi and graduated from MSM with second honors. He is also a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity. After leaving Rolla Ed went to Georgia School of T echnology and took a Master 's degree in Chemical Engineering. H e was employed by the Duke Power Co. of Charlotte, N.C . at the timc he entered the ervice.

A new X-ray machine has been presented to the Missouri School of Min es and M etallurgy by the W estinghouse Electric M anufacturing C o. and was installed in the laboratories of the Electrical Engineering Department on January 24 by F. C . Schneeberger, MSM '25, who is in charge of the X -ray department of the W estinghouse organization. Prof. F . H. Frame, head of the Electrica l Engineering department,stated that the new equip ment would be used to demonstrate the fund amentals of the ap pli cation of X-ray, both for medica l and industri al work, and is a mu ch needed addition to the School of Mines laborator y equipment in electrical engineerina. X -ray, according to Prof. Fram :::, now ha a wide industrial application. During the present emergency all vital parts used in airplanes are X-rayed for fl aws before they are assemhled. X -ra y also has application in welding operations of pres ure vessel of all types and is used extensively in shipbuilding and in analyzing the welds for possible faults. After the present war emergency, X-ray will have even wider app lication to industrial purposes and will be used in the examination of metals, plasti cs and other industrial items, and also in testing food products of all types where foreign objects are likely to create a liability.

Marine 1st Lt. Paul Fullop ex '4\ an aviator in the Pacific theatre and former ly outstanding athlete at MSM, has been doing his share in the war against Japan. Fullop , a member of Lambd,l C hi A lpha fraternity, was one of the most outstanding football players in recent years here at MSM. H e was M.I .A.A . A lI -C onference in 1941. Fullop was recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross and his gunner for the Silver Star after a foray in which a Jap transport was sunk. The graphic story, related by Fullop himself, begins when he "stumbled on a Jap transport with a 2000- lb. bomb. " H e came in just off the water , let go, and had to pu ll up sharpl y to miss the deck. The transport suffered a direct hit amidships; and , as Fullop puts it, " jumped clean out of the water, broke in half, and sa nk almost immediately. " Caught in the resulting explosion, which blew the cockpit of Fu llop's p lane full of water and damaged it severely, Fu llop was " limping" out when he was spotted by Zeros. Certain that "this is it, " F ullop piloted the damaged plane while the gunner fended off the attacking Zeros. Safe at the home base Fullop jumped out to pay tribute to his splendid gunner only to find him slumped over his guns. Unknown to Fu llop the explosion had broken the gunner 's leg in three places. All the while in intense pain, the gunner had turned in one of the best examp les of aerial gunnery in the war to save his plane. Ful lop 's tribute : " It's kids like that gunner that make us better men than those little, slit-eyed sons of T ojo wi ll ever be." Capt. Armin Tucker '40 has been awarded an air medal for meritorious service. M rs. T ucker received the citation from the War D epartment M onda y. It read: " By direction of the President of the United States an air medal is awarded to the following named offi cer for meritorious achievement whi le participating in anti-subm arine patrol fight. A ccomplishments of many of these missions was made when unfavorable weather conditions made flying hazardous. A ll members of the crew exhibited untiring energy and meticulous care whi le fl ying in the W ar Area, pos ibil ity of encountering enemy ships of fi ghter type, or anti-aircraft fire added to the hazard of this mission. These services reflect highest credit of the military forces of the United States. " C apt. Armin). Tucker, Air Corps, U.S. Arm y ,(s Pilot over 400 hours from Dec. 1941 to Feb. 1943." Lt. Fletcher Taylor McCrae '38 who has been stationed in the Aleutian Islands with the Arm y for the last two years, spent that part of a 15 -day furlough that wasn't consumed in travel visiting his wife the form er Betty Smith , in R olla. It was Bu ' first tri p hack to the States in ce taking up hi tation in the Al eutian Islands. Bu state that he ha seen Cap t. Joe Rakaskas now stationed in the interior of Al a ka, and Lt. Edmund Richard Butch, who is al 0 stationed some pl ace in the A leutians at this tim e. Lt. M cC rae left Roll a on February 17, to return to Seattle, W ashin a ton from whi ch ci ty he wi ll sai l by boat to take up his duties again in the A leutian I land . Bus was asked for a story fo r the Alumni magazine but tated that Milita ry C ensorship would n't Al ullllli k no win g o f anecdote s, ci tat io ns, aTl d ex peri ences o f l h e Jll ~e l v e:; o r o lh c r ~ i ll t he waf effDn a rc urged LO ~ c lld the nt tu the ed il or for fu t ure i ~"" U C ~O rlhi ~co lu ll1 l\ .

permit an y story at this tim e but he would have plenty to tell at a later date.

Bob Silhavy '41, and Gene Boyt '41 , are in a Japanese prison camp. Mrs. Chas. Silhavy, mother of Robert C. Sil havy, has transmitted a cop y of the foll owing telegram received from the War Department concerning these two MSM gradu ates, now prisoners in a Japanese island. " Following short wave message from Ja pan has been intercepted STOP QUOT E 'H ello M other and D ad. Over two years have passed since I last saw you or received an y message from home. I am hopin a that these few words find you enjoying the best of health and not worrying about me. I am getting along fin e and my health is good. M y weight is 135 pounds. Give my regards to all my friends and relatives. Letters from them containing snapshots wi ll be highl y appreciated. I am sure the parents of two of my friends would appreciate knowin g that their sons are well , if you will drop them a line. They are Lt. Eugene P. Boyt, c/ o Arthur M cFarland, 66 and N orth Pine, Rolla, Missouri, and Lt. Ralph W. Yoder, 737 Dover pl ace, Saint Louis, Mis ouri . R eceipt of this broad cast can be ac knowledged by radiogram to me through the International Red C ross Society. Keep the old smi le wo rking because I hope to see yo u all again soon. M erry Xmas, H app y N ew Year and H appy Birthday until we are united once aga in , I remain, Your lovin g son, BOB. This is Robert C arl Silhavy, United States Arm y, broadca ting from Zentu yi, prisoner of war camp, Shikoku Island , Japan to Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Silhavy, 8969 O lden avenue, Overland , M o.' UNQUOTE . This message supp lements previou offi cial report received from International GULLION Red Cross." PRO V O ST MARSHAL G ENERAL M embers of the ci a of '41 and other friends of Bob and Gene should fo llow the instructions outlined below in addre ing their communications : A PO W Zent uyi Prison Ca mp Island Shukoku Via N ew York, N .Y. Japa n. Ensign A. R. Schaller '40 is with the Seahees on duty ome place in the Pacific, his address being 99th N aval Can tru ction Bn ., Fleet Post O ffi ce, San Francisco, California. Recentl y he was sur prised w hen an Am erican subm arine came into port and on it was Ensign John Post ' ~9. A fter a visit, Johnnie to k Gu for a ride on his ub marine and he spent the day in the uom arine on patrol du ty.

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A Eulogy by R. C. Allen at Funeral of Dr. H. A. Buehler

The Annual MSM Cocktail Party which has long been a feature of the N ew York meeting of the AIME was a war casualty this year. However , a large number of Alumni were in attendance at the meeting and the meeting served as somewhat of an annual reunion for graduates p articularly those in the East. Those attending the meeting this year so far as known at this w riting were : Arthur D. T errell '98. John S. Brown ' 17. Prof. H erbert R. Hanley '01. F. S. Elfred Jr. ' 17 and Mrs. Elfred. Paul R . Cook '07 . H anley H. W eiser '1 8. G eorge A. Easley '09. M. S. Badollet '2 1. VanH. Smith '10. Irwin W. Alcorn '22 . John S. Stewart ' 10. G len J Christner '22 . W. R owland C ox '11 (Hon.) Louis A. Turnbull '22 (ex ' 16) . E. W. Engelmann ' 11. E. S. Wheeler '22 and Mrs. Wheeler. H arvey L. T edrow' 11. E. W. Gieseke '23 . H omer K. Sherry ' 12. James L. Gregg '23 . R. F. Knickerbocker ' 13 and M. P. W eigel '23 . Mrs. Knickerbocker. T. E. Eagan '2) . R eginald S.Dean ' 15 Eugene M cAuliffe '27 (Hon.) Joseph H. R eid '27 and Mrs. R eid . and Mrs. Dean. Robert Craig, ex' 16 Lt. C omdr. E. C . Miller '28 USNR. and Mrs. Craig. E. A. Crawford '2 9 and James L. H ead ' 16. Mrs. Crawford. Edwin S. Tompkins, ex ' 16. U. C. T ainton '30 (Hon.). H erman H. V ogel ' 16. Reinhardt Schuhmann Jr. '33 . Faculty and Former Faculty M embers H. A. Buehler. G. W. N oble. Dean Curtis L. Wilson. Former Director L. E. Young. Former Director W. R. Chedsey.

The Chief, he was known to yo u in Missouri and in many other communities throughout the country and the world . I hope you will appreciate how difficult it is for me to speak to you across the body of my friend, a friend of my youth, of my middle age, and of my mature years. In the few words which} shall say to you I shall try to bring to you those thoughts which I think that D r. Buehler would like for me to touch upon. T o me he is rlot the Chief, he is not Dr. Buehler or the eminent scientist, great geologist, a member of learned societies. H e was to me as he is to you folks here in R olla, a friend. H e and I went to the University from the same community. I don 't remember when I came to know Dr. Buehler but it was in my late 'teens. I well remeniber that when I came up to the University of Wisconsin to take the entrance examination he, as a Senior, was there to meet me and I spent my first night at the University at M adison in his bed, with him. T o me in those years and to his friends of college days and high school days, his name was Ajax and during all these thirty-five years or more in which he and I have been in steady correspondence he has invariably signed his letters to me " Ajax," which leads me to think how discerning our young people, the associates of high school days were, in recogniz.ing the greatness in the boy that then was, that they called him Ajax, that figure of Greek mythology. Aj ax, the strong man who fo ught with other heroes in the battle of Troy. In my home on Thursday evening after I had learned of the passing of Ajax, I talked until late to the night with another lifelong friend , Dr. William O. H otchkiss, formerly State G eologist of Wisconsin and now the retired President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I said to him , "H otch, w hat is the thought that comes to you when gaging the loss of this mutual friend ? What' shall I say to his friends at R olla? What thoughts shall I take to them ?" W e discussed together wh at to say at the passing of this· beautiful and useful life which now ends. What he leaves to us is something more than originates in learning and in wisdom and in endeavor and those things which we think of generally as accom p lishments- something more than that, and I want to read to you now the few lines of a p oem written by Leigh Hunt. I am sure a good many of you w ho went to school in our generation are familiar with this poem. It is the one which in the opinion of Dr. H otchkiss and my daughter , Jean, best represents that precious thing which is at the best, I think, of your appreciation and my appreciation of this beloved brother and associate and friend. In my school reading books of 4 5 years ago was a poem called " Abou Ben A dhem. " The other night I said to my daughter Jean, " C an you place your hands on that poem, do you know where it is? Do you know who wrote it and where it appears?" She said, " Daddy, I don 't know where I can lay my hands on that p oem, but I know it, I will type it for yo u. " I want to read it to you as she typed it for me. Perhaps your memory may correct any mistakes. ABOU BEN ADHEM ABOU BEN ADHEM (may his tribe increase !) A woke one night from a deep dream of peace, And saw, within the moonlight in his room, M aking it rich, and like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold :-Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold , And to the Presence in the room he said, " What writest thou ?"- The vision raised its head , And with a look made of all sweet accorJ, Answered, " The n ames of those who love the Lord." " A nd is mine one?" said Abou. " N ay, not so," Replied the Angel. A bou spoke more low, But cheerly still ; and said, " I pr ay thee, then, W rite me as one that loves his fe llow-men." The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night It came again with a great wakening light, A nd showed the names whom love of God had blessed, A nd 10 I Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.



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cherished the Chief during his long residence here. Dean Curtis L. Wilson of the School of Mines and M etallurgy, Carl Brown, Chief Highway Engineer of the Missouri State Highway Department, and Scott Johnson of the State Board of Public H ealth were appointed by Gov. Donnell to represent the State of Missouri at the funeral.



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RESOLUTION NO . 69 Cons titutional Convention of Mis souri 1943-1944 Offered by M r. Allen M c Reynold s

Missouri has lost a great public servant. After more than forty years' public service, death has called Chief Buehler. Few men have left so fine a record of unselfish public service as that left by Missouri's great Chief G eologist. Year in and year out he has been concerned with the discovery and development of the natural resources of this State. Every industry tapping those resources owes a debt of gratitude to Chief Buehler. H e knew the mineral resources of the Sta te~l ea d , z.inc, iron, bauxite, and every other mineral reserve has claimed the benefit of his extensive knowledge. The development of the great clay resources fo und their original inspiration in his work. The development of the water power was under his supervision and largely at his suggestion. The stone and marble industry continuously acknowledged benefits of his assistance. So extensive was his knowledge, and so disinterested his contributions, that from the very inception he has participated in an ex-officio capacity in the road development and the road program. Few people have known his politi cs--no one cared . The impOt'tant thing was that here was a great disinterested p ubli c ser vant w ho devoted his life to the development of the natural resources of the State in order that mankind might be benefited . It is said that no man is indispensable. This may be true, but it wi!! require many days to find a man of the stature and capacity and unselfish devotion to succeed to the work of H. A. Buehler , as State G eologist for Missouri . The C onstitutional Conve ntion p auses in its labors to pay tribute to this great and unselfish public servant. R. E. MARRS, Secretary.

Page 6



ST. LOUIS SJCTION MEETS Through the efforts of Bernard]. Gross '~3 and F. C. Schneeberger '25, the St. Louis Section of the Alul'l11i Asscciation met at the H otel De Soto on the evening of M arch 18. It was a dinner meeting with Benny G ross p residing. After the dinner , Benny called upon Deai1 Wilson to give the principal address of the evening. The Dean told of his visits to other sections of the Alumni A ssociation at Tulsa, N ew York, Chicago, and H ouston. All of these, he said , had been functioning well. H e paid high tribute to the Alumni with w hom his visits h ad brought him into contact and said these men were successful in their own work and that they were enj oying the respect and esteem of others in the engineering profession. The D ean stated that the reputation of MSM depends not on the Faculty, not upon build ing or equipment, but upon the Alumni of the school. Faculties change, equipment and buildings go out of date, but the Alumni go on and on . Dean Wilson sp oke of the enrollment during the past year as reaching a total of 1083, the largest in history, then stated that with the war situation as it is, there would probably be in the fu ture a period of low enrollment for the duration of the war. The Dean rep orted that through the Will of the late William ]. Rucker , the school h ad recently received a bequest of $20,000, which he stated, h ad been invested in government bonds until such a time as there could be set up some sort of activity at MSM fin anced by this money that would be an appropriate memorial to Mr. Rucker and to carryon the name of Mr. Rucker to coming generations as a result of this bequest. H e also told of an Alumnae in C alifornia whose name was not known to him who, through his attorney, is making arrangement to leave a $10,000 bequest for scholarship purposes to MSM through a provision in his Will. The Dean also rep orted briefl y on the status of the Edwin R. Siever estate and praised the Chicago Alumni group for the splen did work they have done in promoting the interest of MSM in connection with the Siever matter. Following Dean Wilson's talk, Benny Gross stated that he h ad received letters from the Houston section suggesting the desirability of an organization with a p aid secretary. H e asked Fred Schneeberger , who had recentl y been to T exas, to report to the meeting on this matter. Fred stressed the need for an organization that fun ctioned throu ghout the country. H e spoke highly of the enthusiasm of the H ouston organization and that the plan submitted by the H ouston group for an organization wi ll provide closer cooper ation among the various chapters. H e stressed the need for a national full -time paid Alumni secretary w ho wo uld look after Alumni matters, put out an Alumni magazine each quarter in which would be written articles by the Alumni and the Faculty relating to their fields. H e estim ated that there were 2700 living Alumni and sta.ted that many of these would be willing to spend $10 .00 a year and h ave a good organization rather than the present $5 .00 dues with not so active an or ganization. H e also brought from the H ouston section a suggestion that the Alumni offi ce be in St. Louis r ather than in R olla, saying that the w hole country looks to the St. Louis section for leadership. Benn y G ross then asked fo r a discussion of Schneeberger 's report . Karl Kaveler '30, spoke of the Alumni A ssociation ,It Missouri University as a possible model for an organi zation at M SM , and suggested that p art of the salary and expenses of the M SM organization be borne by the School of Mines as is done at Colum bia. ]. K. W alsh ' 17, stated that if the secretar y's salary was dep endent entirely upon funds from the Alumni A ssociation, the organization wo uld be short lived , and endorsed Kaveler 's idea that a part of the expense should be paid by the school. Mi ckey Brazill '20, stated that the A ssociation has made good starts bu t d ue to the fact that the chap ters are u nder cer tai n leaderships fo r onl y a yea r or two and then changed to less enthusiastic leadership , the organization dies down. After f urther discussion it was decided to present the matter

" R?LOPPY" BREUER TO QUIT YANKS M ar vin Breuer ' 35 for the past four seasons one of the out5 ~a i 1di n g pitchers for the Yankees, has now said he will not play baseball during the 1944 season, but will stay at his job at the Eastern Aircraft of G eneral M otors where he is employed in building Avenger torpedo bombers for the United States N avy, being stationed at their Linden plant. " Floppy, " w ho is employed as a junior stress analyst at the Linden plant h as been playing in organized baseball for 10 years, and for the past four years with the Yanks. A sore arm last year kept him out of the game for most of the season.


C h arles J. Potter '29, of Indiana, Pa., has been appointed Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator by Secretary of Interior, Ickes. H e was also appointed Deputy C oal Mines Administrator , in active charge of G overnment operation of the mines. Jack is well known through tout the coal industry, having had the responsibility for the huge and extremely diffi cult job of coordinating minimum coal p rices under the Bituminous Coal A ct of 193 7. There was an article in the Mining C on gress Journal for December , 1943, by Dr. Potter covering the subject; " G overnment Possession and C a n trol of C oal Mines."



H. S. McQUEEN RESIGNS H. S. M cQueen, for many yea rs A ssistant State G eologist for the Missouri G eological Survey on the campus, has resigned his position to become associated with the R epublic Mining and Mfg. C ompany, at 2535 N ew York C entral Building, 2 30 Park avenue, N ew York 17, N ew York. His home address is 2 11 N elson road, Scarsdale, N ew York. Mac is well know n to many of the graduates of the School of Mines and was p rominent throughout the state in all phases of the miner al industry.

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WASHINGTON SECTION HOLDS DINNER The second annual dinner of the Washington Alumni group was held at the H otel 2400 on O ctober 22, and according to reports reaching R olla a good time was had by all. Those attending the group were Arthur ]. Stewart '91 and Mrs. Stewart and Miss Laura Stewart, V. H. G ottschalk '00, D. L. Forrester ' 11 and Mrs. Forrester and guest, James Hop kins' 13 and Mrs. H opkins, James L. H ead '1 6, F. S. Elfred ' 17 and guest, W. R. M cC omb ex' 17, N eal H am '23, C ap t. H erbert O. Schramm , Ord . U.S.A. '25, M ason B. Larwood ' 34, Cl emens R. M aise '3 4 and Mrs. M aise, Collins H. M cDonald '35 and Mrs. M cDonald , M erlyn]. Block ' 41 , Irwi n L. Cherrick '42, H arold R. Hill '43 and guest. to the national officers for their ideas as to a permanent paid secretar y. Short talks were then made by P rof. S. H. Lloyd, Prof. H. R. H an ley, M . H. Thorn berr y, and N oel Hubbard . The St . Louis section re-elected Benn y Gross as C hairm an for the comin g year with M . H. Thornberry as Secretary and elected M. H . (p .r.) Murray '3 4, as Vice- Chairman. Those attending the meeting were as follows ; C urtis L. Wilson ; A. E . Barnard '27; E . H . Barnett '43; Cari ta;! W . Barrow '36; M . N. DeDell '23 ; Dorse S. Bishop '3 7 ; Al fred A. Boyle '25; M . P. Brazill Jr. '2 0; W. E. C ase '2 2 ; B. ]. Gross '33; H. R. H an ley '0 1; Wm. A. Hu bbard '44 ; Donald R . Jaenecke '38; Karl W. Kaveler '30; H. A. Kluge ' 18; S. H . Lloyd '2 1; E. W. Logan '3 7 ; Fred P M atlack '25; M. H. (P.I.) Murray '34; E lmer J Nickel '35; F. C. Schneeberger '25; M . H . Thorn ' berry' 12 ; G eo. L. T riefenbach ex ' 17; John K. W alsh ' 17 ; R onald D . W ard '25; Noel Hubbard .

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A total of eighty degrees were granted at the winter com' mencement held on January 25 with two prominent St. Louisans as the principal speakers. Among them were three Professional degrees : Pinckney R onald M abrey '27, Durward Rice Schooler '26, and Erwin Charles Hoeman '30, M.S.' 35 . R abbi Ferdinand M . Isserman of T emple Israel in St. Louis, delivered the baccalaureate address. R abbi Isserman is interna' tionally known in the field of religion and has traveled widely both before the war and during the present conflict. At the commence' ment exercises on January 25 , Paul Greer, Editor of the complete edition of the St. Louis Post, Dispatch, delivered the commence' ment address. An abstract of this address is on page one of this edition.The degrees were conferred by Dr. Frederick A. Middle, bush, President of the University.

The letter below came to H oward M . Kat?" secretary and treasurer of the A ssociation, from W. S. Thomas '94, of 32 15 N.E. 42nd avenue, Portland 13, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1944. " I am enclosing my check' N o. 56 for $5 .00 in yo ur favor to apply on my dues for this 1944 year. Coming June I will have been 50 years since my graduation at the School of Mines in 1894. " Before we separated we met and agreed to keep in touch with each other. W e little knew what that meant in practice, because to keep such a promise was almost impossible. Times were worse than bad. W e all h ad to take what we could get, and that was almost nothing much of the time, we were not able to get a prospect. W e got scattered, and except for m yself, had no steady position until the end of 1895 w hen out of ,l blue sky I got a telegram to come to M ontana at once. Along about late August, Prof. Seamon wrote offering me the position of A ssistant to him at $300 .00 a year. I taught elementary chemistry, determinative mineralogy, qualita' tive analysis, and often qu antitative and technical assaying. I closed my books, graded the students, and put aside :lll of the apparatus for the year before I left the school late in May. The other men had a hard time of it, so had not any incentive to write, and 1 was too busy and did not know w here to find my classmates. I heard from Theo. S. DeLay from C olorado. H e wanted to know of a 'good test to apply to a coal to see if it h ad coking qualities. I replied at once and he replied that had found that the reactions were just as I h ad outlined. I have not heard from him directly since, but have been told he has done well and is in Clinton, Iowa. " I met Claude Devlin Grove, a very happy man, on his. honey' moon in Salt Lake City in 1899. H e was doing very well at that time. H ad just erected the largest and most up ,to,date Chlorina' tion mill in collabor ation with Lord Kelvin, the noted British scholar and scientist of that time. The process was obsolete in a short time after the mill was built due to C yanide process. I have not seen G eorge W . H erdman at any time since June, 1894. For a long time he was missing, but the school has found him ; I under, stand he is in Omaha, N ebraska. Frank Lee T yrrell 's present place of residence is not known to me, and Miss Lola Morris his wife. T emple D yer , died in R olla and I understand that C. 'D. Grov~ 1S gone. " M y classmates of 1894 were : C. D. Grove, deceased ; Theo. S. Delay, 515 W. Mills street, Creston, Iowa; G eorge W . H erdman, deceased ; T emple D yer , decea~ed ; Lola M orris T yrrell, deceased ; F. L. TY~,rell , Salem, M o.; W. S. Thomas, 32 15 N.E. 42, Portland, Oregon.

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MINERS AT NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION Fourteen miners are helping N orth American A viation build airplanes for the war effort according to Frederick M . Kiburz, 194 3, w ho visited the campus on February 14. Those working with Fred at N orth American are Jack N evins '42, Jim N evin '42, V. A. Smith '42, Orville M eyer '4 3, Rus M eyers '43, Bill H offm an '43, R enwick '42, Wissler '4 3, Stoops '43, E. R. Brown '43, Glen Jett '4 3, Brandon Carmody '41 , Forinash '42, and N eum ayer ex '43.

APPRECIA TION OF ]ACKLING LOAN FUND Dr. D. C . Jackling '92 has transmitted to Dean Wilson a Christmas greeting received by Dr. Jackling from Lt. Edward Kromka, quoted below : " I am one of the many men yo ur loan fund helped to realize the gaining of an engineering degree from Rolla. At present I am fl ying a twin engine bomber, the B,2 5, in the M arine Air C orps. After the war, I plan to return to a mining engineering career. I feel a happy security when I realize I do have a work to which I may return and begin a normal career. In a sense, your loan also made possible my gaining of the Air C orps. I sincerely wish to thank you for your kindness which has made possible my present happy circumstance and w hich has given me a confidence and technical ability to begin my work in the future. I am very grate' ful to you and hope som.e day to pass along your help to another person. " Lt. Kromka was graduated from MSM in M ay, 1942, majoring in Mining Engineering and at once enlisted in the M arine C orps, Aviation Branch. H e was one of the outstanding athletes who h as been on the MSM campus for many years. H e was captain of the football team and also was elected by the A ssociated Press as one of the All , American Third T eam of the smaller colleges for 1941 ,42. Dr. Jackling in transmitting the letter to Dean Wilson ex' pressed himself as pleased with the appreciation shown by Lt. Kromka, saying that " Such evidence of appreciation is somewhat

r are nowadays, and understandably so in view of th~ predominant disposition on the part of communistic influences seeking to instill the philosophy that privileges have become rights to be construed as matters of course- in other words that the most one can acquire by hook or crook and in return give the least constitutes a legiti ' mate p attern fo r human associations and activities."




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1878 L. R. G rabill , MSM's oldest living graduate, in expressing his regrets at not being able to attend the annu al dinner in W ashing' ton, wrote " Sorry- getting somewhat shy of dinners." Mr. G rabill maintains his interest in MSM affairs and sets an example for younger alumni by never failing to respond to no tices of eastern alumni meetings.

1891 Arthur]. Stewart lives at 106 Kin gsley avenue, Bethesda, M d.


W . S. Thomas lives at 32 15 N.E. 42nd avenue, Portland, Oregon.

1899 T om L. G ibson, who attended the Missouri School of Mines in 1899 and 1900, writes f rom Friar's Point, Mississippi, and sent a copy of a newspaper article concerning ,l report he had made on the C eroat Tunnel Development for the M ohave C ounty, Arizona Chamber of C ommer ce. G . C. B 2~u ghm a n is a member of the State Senate in Minneso ta. His home address is W aseca, Minnesota.

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G. W. Dean has retired and gives the address 3927 Palm , St. Louis, Mo.


Dr. V. H . Gottschalk is employed by the US. Burea u of Mines at College Park, Md., his home address being 47 Central avenue, Cottage City, Md.


S. M. Greenidge gives his address as Box 21 10, Fort Worth, T exas. R. S. Webster is with United R ailways of H avana, at Apartado 450, H avana, Cuba.


]. O. Ambler is a supervising engineer with M etals R eserve Company, Defense Plant C orporation at T exas City, T exas.


C arl L. Lintecum died in a sa natorium in Tu cson, Arizona, September 27, 1942, according to word received from Mr. E. J Schrader of the Executive Council of Theta T au. Mr. LlI1tecull1 was one of the most prominent mill operators of the W est. H e is survived by his wife and a married daughter. C. R. Wilfley gives his address as 2233 Grape street, Denver 7, Colorado. Clyde M cK. Lai~ure associated with the California State Division of Mines for 26 years and, since Jul y 1922, District Mining Enaineer for the San Francisco District and second in command to W alter W. Bradley, State Mineralogist and Chief of the Division, died sudden ly at his Alemeda home on December 21, 1944 of pneumoma. 1908 R. R. Benedict is highway engineer, Public Roads Administration, North Interior Bldg., Washington, D.C.

1909 W. W. Miller is living at 7425 South Shore, South Chicago, Illinois. H e represents Charles T aylor and Son in the refractory field . Mr. R. H . Butler has been inspecting officer for the M aterials Division of the Inspection Board of United Krngdom and Canada for the mid-western states since 1940. Address : Room 604- 360 N. M ichigan avenue, Chicago 1, Illinois. His office is responsible for the inspection of metallurgical materials for use on War Contracts for the British Government in the mid -western area. H arvey O. Garst gives his address as P.O. Box 48, Paris, Ill. E. P. Barrett of the U S. Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, Minn., spent several days in Rolla recently at the US. Bureau of Mines here. 1910 ]. W. Bodman , now a research director with Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, M ass., gives his address as 18 W edgemere avenue, Winchester , M ass. ]. D. H arlan is vice-president and general manager of mines, US. Smelting, Refining and Mining Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. C . A. Burdick is living at 1833 N ew H ampshire avenue, N.W. , Washington, D.C.


Eva Hirdler Greene, formerly residing at Tulsa, Oklahoma is now living in Hollywood 28, California. H er home address being 1382 N o. Ridgewood place, A p t. N o.7. D. L. Forrester is assistant chief of Primary Production Branch, Copper Division of the W ar Production Board, Room 1648T emporar y " R " Bldg. His home address is 59 15 14th St. N .W ., W ashington, D .C .


A. G rosberg is vice-president of V elvet Freeze Inc., St. Louis, Misso uri. H enry F. Adams is mill superintendent of the Inspiration Consolidated Copper C o., Inspiration, Ari zona M. H. Thornberry is now living at 4065a Hartford , St. Louis, M o. Thorny is teaching math in a private school in St. Charles and was present as usual at the Miners-Kansas State T eachers football game on N ovember 20.

]. R. Kenney is now employed at 2132 N orth H alsted street, Chicago, Ill. Mr. Kenney was in Rolla on July 17 visiting his son, who is a freshman at MSM . Robert E. Dye is with the Dome Mines, Ltd., South Porcupine, Ontario, Canada. Scovill E. Hollister is metallurgical engineer, with the Southwestern Engineering Co. , Puento, California.

1913 E. R. N eedles is now a Lt. Col. C. of E. and is located at the Hotel Washington, Washington, D.C. H. H. N owlan is a geologist and engi neer in Evansville, Ind . W m. Ehlers, J r. is supervising engineer for construction of Air Training School at Cape Girardeau, Missouri. James H opk ins is with the A)uminum &' Magnesium Division of the W ar Production Board, 2 109 T emporary " R " Bldg., Wash ington, D.C. His home address is 9127 Flower avenue, Silver 1914 Springs, Md. Jos. C. Finagin is with the Aluminum Company of America, as utilities inspector during the construction of an extrusion plant in Phoenix, Ari ~ . His address is 928 E. Culver , Phoenix, Ari~. G. F. M et<\ is district manager of the H ardinge Co., Inc. and gives the add ress Farguhar Estates, R. D. 6, York, Pennsylvania.


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1915 H omer M . Wilson died on July 14 according to word received in Rolla. Mr. Wilson was part owner of the Fresno mine, T erlin gua, T exas. 1916 Fred Grotts is president of the Fort Pitt Steel Casting Co., at M cKeesport, Pa. t B. W. Adams, with Armstrong Cork Co., gives his business as 713 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio, and lives at 401 M adison street, Ravenna, Ohio. . Robert Craig has recently returned to the States from a special mission to South and Central America in behalf of the Cleveland Rock Drill Co. Mr. Craig left Miami, Fla., last November for Rio and the East Coast, crossing the Andes and returning via the W est Coast. During his trip he traveled about 25,000 miles- all by air except for several side trips to reach some of the mining properties in which he is interested. His address for the present is 1511 17th street, Denver, Colo. Lewis N. Hoppock is a contractor at W aco, T exas, his street address being 520 N. 33 rd street. ]. Charles Miller has been transferred from W ashington, D.C. to Los Angeles, C alifornia by the US. Geological Survey. His business address in Los Angeles is Room 429-F Post Offi ce and Court H ouse Bldg. James L. H ead is still on the part time loan from the Chile Exploration Co. serving as a $1 a year man with the War Production Board in W ashington. H e has recently been promoted to Chief of the Raw M aterials Branch of the Aluminum and M agnesium Division. W orking with " Babe" is James H opkins '13, whose job it is to see that the aluminum and magnesium meets the 1917 war-time demands. C aptain Emmett L. Arnold gives his new address as APO 683 c/ o Postmaster, N ew Orlea ns, La. Paul R. Cook writes from Chelsea, N.Y. H e is employed by the B. W. S. Shaft Co. Co!. T. P. W alsh now gives his address as F.D ., 08 457 , Finance Section, H eadquarters Antilles Department, APO 85 l , c/ o Postmaster Miami , Florida. W. R. M cComb is with the U.S. Dept. of Labor, W ashington , D.C. His residence address is 160 1 C aton place, N.W.



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1918 H. W. Doenn eke is employed by the O~ark Chemical Co. , Tulsa, Okla. J. P. Gill has been elected vice-president of V anadium Alloys Steel Co., Latrobe, Pa.



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Philip B. Shotwell who has been in the R egqlar Army since W orld War I has been advanced to the rank of Colonel. Follow' ing a tour of duty in M anagua, Nicaragua as United States Mili , tary Attache, he is now stationed in Phoenix, Arizona. Raul Chavez with his family visited the campqs on September 2 and 3. This was his first visit to Rolla since he graduated in 19 18. His home address is 4708 Ju arez, Chihuahua, Chih., M exico, where he is a mining engineer.


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M . M orris is with the Administrative Office of the U S. Bureau of Mines in W ashington. His home address is 4700 Connecticut avenue, W ashington, D .C .

1920 Mark L. T erry, an assistant division manager for the T exas Co., has been transferred from M attoon , III. , to Denver, Colo. E. E. A shlock is now with the W . E. C allahan Construction Co. and gives the address 714 W est Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, C alifornia. Dr. C. E. Bardsley lives at 291 0 V oelkel avenue, Apt. 4, Cor' mont, Pittsburgh 16, Pennsylvania. H e visited the campus in February. Lt. Cmdr. E. E . A shlock is located at C amp Pear y, V a. His home address is 158 S.E. Blvd. , Corona, C alif. George Burnet visited the camp us February 17. George is with the War Dept. , 7th Service, Command H eadquarters, Omaha, N ebraska. His home address is 9 55 South 17th street, Fort Dodge, 1921 Iowa. Barney Nudelman was in Rolla N ovember 10. H e gives his new address as 530 W. 6th street, Los Angeles, C alif. Dr. F. W . Shaw is connected with the M edical C ollege of V irginia, Richmond, V a. Albert B. N eedham, district engineer for the Sixth District of the US. Bureau of Mines, was on the campus during the latter part of August attending a conference of the District Engineers of the Bureau. His district comprises the state of T exas, and he has offi ces in the N alle Building Annex, Austin, T exas. H. L. Bailey is living at 32 42 Decatur avenue, N ew York 67, N ew York. Col. C. R. Mize, Finance Dept. at Fort Sam H ouston, T exas, died early this fall according to word received from Col. T P . W alsh. ' 1922

J N . M cGiri was recently appointed district manager at Tulsa of the land and exploration department of the Tide W ater A sso' L. A. Turnbull is with the US. Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh , Pa. H e lives at 4800 Forbes str.eet. J E. Jones is with the Jonesa Coutts, at 1052 S. Fair Oaks, Pasadena, C alifornia. E. S. Wheeler is with the Climax M olybdenum Co. of Penn ' sylvania and gives the address 507 Fifth A ve. , Langeloth, Pa. T G . W eir is employed by the Sullivan M achinery Co., N.W, M anager. H e gives his address as 341 0 1st avenue south, Seattle, W ashington: H enry G. Hubbard is mining engineer, Division of M ines, San Francisco, C alifornia. ' 1923 G. A. Zoller is now a lieutenant colonel at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. D. S. T ed ford is now with the Rep ublic Mining and M an ufac' turing Co., Bauxite, Ark . Samuel Irwin Zook is with the Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis. His home address is 272 4 Burwood, St. Louis, M o. N eal H am is chief, High Pressure Blower Section, General Industrial Equipment Division, W ar Production Board , W ashington, D.C. His home address is 630 1 16th street, N.W. James L. G regg is with the Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa. H e is living at R .D. 2 Coopersburg, Pa.

1924 C. B. Kentor has been elected president of W. S. R ockwell

.' Page, 9

Co., N ew York City, N .Y. , Lt. Col. Jack C amp bell is now on overseas duty. His add ress is APO #9098, c/o Postmaster; N ew York" N"Y"

1925 K. F. H asselmann is now living at 98 1 Kirby ·drive, H ouston, His business and mailing address is 1900 M ellie Esperson Building. Karl is president of the Salt Dome Oil C orporation. Capt. H erbert O. Schramm is chief of the Lubrication unit, Industrial Division, Artillery Branch, Office .Chief of Ordnance, W ashington , D.C. H e is living at 74 5 N . Buchanan St., Arlington, Virginia. Dr. H . Foster Nix, formerl y with the Bell T elephone Research is now Director of R esearch with the Sharlpes Corporation, centrifugal and pr ocess engineers, at 12 S. 12th street, Philadelphi a 7, Penllsylva nia. H ome address : 1828 P ine St., Philadelphia 3, Pa.

1926 ' Cpl. W . D. East has been transferred from T exas to C amp C ampbell, Ky. H e is with the US.A. , 11 0th General H ospital. M ajor Daniel Kennedy is with United States Lake ' Survey O ffi ce, Lake Survey Branch Army ·M ap Service, ·64 9 Federal Building, Detroit, Michigan.

1927 E. R. Sievers is a captain in the Air Force, his address being Photo Wing, Army Air Force, Bolling Field, D.C. N ed O. Kraft has been promoted to ' a Lt. C olonel. N ed is stationed in W ashington, D.C. 28 W est Baltimore, Kensington; '. M aryland. James W. H ardy is a lieutenant in the C oast Artillery, sta' tioned at Fort Winfield Scott, C alifornia in the Artillery Engineers' Offi ce. His wife, M arie, who attended MSM .in 1926,27 is. applying for a commission in the W AVES. Jam es F. Smith together with M rs. Smith and little son, Stuart, were Rolla visitors recently. Jim is holding dowil a position of' importance with the Anaconda Copper C ompany, Great Falls, M ontana. 1928 O . D . Niederineyer is general manager with the C ompania de Minas de Colquiri, C asilla N o 360, Oruro, Bolivia, S.A. R. W. Couch, now associate engineer for Missouri State High, way Dept. is living at 304 Hamlin street, Jefferson City, M o. M ark B. Layne is with the L. F . H arper Construction C o. at. G reat Bend, Kansas as construction engineer. M onte C. Ledford is superintendent of the Rutile Mining Co. of Florida, Atlantic Beach, Florida.

1929 R. H. Parker is living at 1604 Buckingham road , Los Angeles 6, C alifornia. Paul M oulder is now somewhere in N orth Africa, according ' . to a cablegram received by Mrs. M oulder. Benj amin R. Coil is mine superintendent of the C astle Dome Copper Company, Inc. at Miami, Arizona.

1930 Dennis H. Miller , lieutenant in the Army Air For ce and Miss Elizabeth Quarles, daughter of Mrs. Williamson H oward Quarles at the home of Mrs. Quarles, 8792 Antler drive, Richmond H eights, some time in earl y February. " Diner" was active in ail student activities on the camp us, being captain on the basketball team, a member of the Triangle fraternity, President of the C.E. Society, President of the Class of '29, and Vice' President of the Senior Co unciL H e was employed by the Southwestern Bell T elephone C o., before entering the army. H e is now stationed at Birmingham, Alabama, Signal Sect., Hdq. III A.S.C. Eugene W oodman was a camp us visitor on December 14. Eugene is with the US . Engineer Offi ce, at Vicksburg, Miss.

1932 Rex T. H orn is living at 3705 Seneca, St. Joseph, M o. Arthur G . Adler is a lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers in the U S. Army, his address being APO , N ew York City.

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1933 P. E. Fischer is now vice-president of the Certain- teed Products Corporation with headquarters at 120 So. LaSalle street, C hicago 3, Illinois. H e was transferred from Buffalo, N ew York where he was general superintendent of the company. . . . . Lowell A . Hibbits is senior instructor in the basIc dIvIsIon of the Department of Aircraft Specialists at Chanute Field , Illinois. His home address is 6 Willows avenue, R antoul, Illinois. Michael Young is with the U.S . N aval Training Statio n at San Diego 33, California. . M. R . Edgar who is with the N ational Zinc Company of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, visited the camp us on February 2. Wuss lives at 142 1 S. Oak aven ue, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. W arwick L. Doll is now M ajor. His address is C. E. 0-286089, APO #403 A : c/o Postmaster, Shreveport, Louisia na. C harles P. Ferbrache is living at 4111 avenue T Yz, Galveston, T exas. . . G. P. Steen is now located at 602 N . D atmouth, Al buquerque, N ew Mexico. ]. C. M essersmith is superi ntendent of the General C hemical C o., T oomsboro, Georgia. M ajor E. W. M cC lure now in a Service G roup gives an address of c/o P .M . San Francisco, C alifornia. A L. H esse is living at 1929 Seventh street, Lake C harles, La. .Wm . H . Lenz has recently advanced to the position of chief metallurgist for the Fansteel M etallurgical A ssociation, Chicago, Illinois. H e lives at 1706 Lydi a stree t, W aukega n, Illinois.

1934 C lemens R. M aise is chemist in the F.B.I. Laboratory, Department of Justice, W ashington, D.C. H e is maki ng his home at 2 109 N orth 18th street, Arlington, Virginia. M ajor G . S. Richardson is stationed somewhere in England. His address is APO 696, c/o Postmaster , N ew York City, N.Y. M ason B. Larwood is materials engineer , O ffice of Quartermaster General in W ashington. H e is living at 7758 Emerson Rd., W . Lanham Hills, H yattsville, Md .

1935 Collins H. M cDonald is with the W est Bros. Brick Company, 7 19 Fifteenth stree t , N .W ., W ashington, D .C . His home address is 5204 V arnum street, Decatur H eights. H arry H . Komm is in the Army, his address being 376 17167, Co. H 1st Trg. Regt., Drew Field, T ampa, Florida. M ajor Rudolph]. Knoll is now with 174th Engr. C. Bn ., C amp Beale, California. Leroy Jackson is living at O ak Ridge, T ennessee. His add ress is Post Offi ce Box 326. George A . Penzel has been promoted to C aptain in the Army. His add ress is Port of Embarkation, Seattle, W ashington. ';ohn C harles H arvey is assistant superintendent of Dow M agnesium C orporation at Freeport, T exas.

1936 Perry R . Love visited the camp us on February 19. Perry is party chief for the M agnolia Pet. Co. Geophysical Dept., Box 441 Sulphur Springs, T exas. . R obert T. C hap man is mining engineer with the Aluminite Mining Corporation at Little Rock, Arkansas. Frank W . Reinmiller is mining engineer, W estvaco C hl orine Prod. C orporation, Palo A lto, C aliforn ia. Milton L. Lagemann is with the AAF.T.T. C., Yale U niver sity, N ew H aven, C on necticut.

1937 Winston W ommac k is now a lie utenant colonel in the Army. G. W . Schaumb urg is an industrial engineer with the Geneva Steel Company, P. O . Box 269, Salt Lake City, U tah . Brooks W olfe is fo reman of the C ad mium Department at the A mer ican Zinc Company of Illinois. His home address is 625 N orth 24th street, Eas t St. Louis, Illinois.

W alter R obertson Jarrett and wife, M ary, announce the arrival of a son, W alter T aylor, on January 6, 1944 at St. Louis M aternity H ospi tal. Lt. (jg) R . L. Elgin gives his address as 37th USN Const. Battalion, c/o Fleet Post Offi ce, San Francisco, C alifornia. H. N . Ottinger gave his address as 310 S. 9th street, Mt. V ernon, Illinois before entering the armed services.

1938 M aj. E. B. Lanier is executive officer of the Offi cer C andidate Regimen t, his address being Hdq . Offi ce, C andidate Reg., Ft. Belvoir, V a. Bert was married recentl y. H ome address being 4304 Thirty- fourth street South , Arlington, Virginia. C apt. W . W . Decker is now " Somewhere in England," after having served in Africa, Sicily and Italy. Lt. James G. Miller gives an address of c/o Postmaster, N ew York City. M aj. Hueston M . Smith who is in the 91st Engr. Regt. stationed somewhere in N ew G uinea received his promotion to Lt. C ol. Dec. 30, 1943. M rs. Smith is employed at the Missouri General Utilities Co. 1939 Lt. A E. Rhodes is stationed at Reff's C amp, Orlando, Florida. W . C . H arbour who has been with the C .B's at G uadacanal, has returned to the U nited States to accept a commission in the N avy. H e is now stationed at Tucson, Arizona for indoctrination training. Incidentally, when Bill returned to the United States, he was able to see his son, born while Bill was in Guadacanal. J ack W . M oore is with the Floridi n Co., Quincy, Florida. His mai l address is Box 248. Lt. (jg) Earl H erbert Johnson USNR is completing his four months course at Cornell University for Deck V olunteer Specialist. H is address is So. Baker , Room 108, C ornell University, Ithaca, N ew York. Private W alter E. Mussell, un assigned, ASN 376309 17, Rec. Ctr. # 1772, Co. " C " Jefferson Barracks 23, Missouri. H arry B. Bridges is petroleu m production engineer with the Shell Oil C o. at C entralia, Illinois. Ens. 1. ]. U lak is in the Sea Bees and gives his address as AB . Proving G rounds, Davisville, Rhode Island.

1940 John R. Klug is a first lieutenant with the 166th Engrs. Combat Bn. at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. Lt. George.Fort was a camp us visitor during January. Lt. Fort is a flight engineer at G reat Bend , Kansas. C harles B. W ard has been promoted from C aptain to M ajor in the Black Panther H eavy Bombardment G roup at Chatham Air Field, Georgia. Milton K. Gee is living at 29 M orden ave nue, Sea Cliff, Long Island , New York. Lt. T. R . A lford gives his address as c/o Postmaster, San 1941 Francisco, C ali fornia. Capt. A llen Summers is in England . Allen was married in Joplin last M ay to Rozema Spurrier at Salina, Kansas .. Will iam M . Puetz has been promoted to M ajor 111 the U. S. Army. His p resent address is 91 Div., Camp White, O regon. Joseph Straw huh is with t~e P hillips Petroleum Co. at Borger, T exas. His address is Post O ffi ce Box 123 . Lt. Robe rt L. T opper is with an engineer section in N orth A fr ica. Capt. R. M . Sexton gives his address as 0-405 100, A PO 528, c/o Postmaster, N ew York, N .Y. .. . Ernest C . Sell is with the O lin Corporation, A lum1l1u m DI VIsion, T acoma, W ashington . His home address is 2 17 N orth Kay . street, T acoma 3, W ashington. Fred Finley has been awarded the Silver Star fo r gallantry 111 action in connection with the fighting in N orth A frica. Fi nley is now statio ned in England and is a first lieutenan t in the Eng111eers Corps.






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M erl yn]. Block is an engineer with the Bureau of Ships in the N avy Department in Washington. H e is living at 1337 T aylor street, N .W . Seymour ]. Beers is mill superintendent of the Universal Exploration Co., Gouverneur, N.Y. K. F. Livingston is located at 370 1 Walnut, Kansas City, M o. Capt. A. F . Flick gives his address as APO 511 c/o Postmaster 1942 N ew York City, N.Y. Irwin L. Cherrick is electronics engineer, N aval Research Labs., W ashington, D.C. His home address is 4028 Ni chols S.W. , W ashington, D .C. W elby King was wo unded in action in Italy 0 11 December :; . H e was wounded when a shell exploded ne,lr where he was working, killing or wounding all of the men in the group. A piece of shrapnel w as dri ve n through his right foo t. W elby is now recuperating at the General H ospital in Italy . Lt. V ernon M cGhee .is with the 55 4th H eavy Ponton Bn. at C amp Swift, T exas. Charles Hillery is with the W. Virginia Coal &' Coke Corp., Omar , W est Virginia. T A. Jones is assistant mining engineer with the U.S. Burea u of Mines at Little R ock, Arkansas; he was on the campus during the Christmas holidays. T ommy's home address is 11 0 1 W . 24th street, Little R ock, Arkansas. Kenneth A. R offmann has received his c~mmission as Ensian in the N avy and reported to Princeton University on February 2"5, and will be there for two months when he will be sent to another school for additional training. Mr. and Mrs. C arl Eugene Davis of Hudson H ouse, Ardsleyon-Hudson, N ew York, have announced the engagement of their daughter , Miss Jacqueline Davis to Ens. Charles T M orris. Miss Davis is a graduate of W ashington University. N o date has been set for the wedding which will take place sometime durin a the spring months. Charlie is in the N avy A viation Service, at pr~sent at the N aval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. First Lt. Gilbert A . N aert is now stationed in N ew Guinea his address being 0-860957 APO N o. 503 (Unit One) , c/o Post: master San Francisco, California. W. R. De Forest gives the address Box 12 5, Aberdeen, Md. Lt. R obert F. Guilfoy has been in India for some time. C . M. Stevens is employed by General Electric Co. , Schenectady, N ew York. Lt. Thomas R . Beveridge 0-70368 6, HB.C ., Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho. Ens. W. L.Poliock was in a U.S. N aval H ospital at M emp his, T ennessee, havll1g been on submarine duty. K. F. Anderson lives at 114 Denison street, Little Rock, Ark. W. ]. Lawler resides at 10 12 W oodberry road , N ew Kensington, Pennsylvama. Gilbert G. Haas is a first lieutenant in the C orps of Engineers of U.S . Army, statlOned at Los Angeles, C alifo rnia. Lt. E. R . Kromka is stationed at a M arine Air Base, V .M .B. 43:;, El Centro, C alifornia. Robert L. Stowell is mine foreman for The Republic Mini ng and Mfg. C o., Paramanbo, Surinam, South America. Gordon Engel is with General M otors Research Division Detroit, Michigan. H e resides at 5' 310 W oodward ave nue Detroit' Michigan. ' , . Columbus V erdi who is with Fansteel M etall urgical Corporation, Chicago, IIIIl101S, ltves at 1103 W oodland Circle W aukegan Illinois. ' , Lt. George P . Dahm gives address 0- 44 2462 APO 957 c/ o Postmaster San Francisco, C alifornia. Lt. T .A. Hughes now with an Arm y Air B,lse at M ax ton ' N orth C arolina is in the 16 1st Air Base Engineers' Bn.

1943 R obert L. H ann a is now living at 44 5 W estcott stree t Syracuse 10, N ew York. '

Page 11

Joseph P . Berndt Jr. is a 2nd Lt. , Co. C, 246 Engr. C Bn ., APO #304, Ft. Lewis, W ashington. Lt. Leonard N. Larson"is now stationed at Pratt Kansas his address being 17th Bomb M aii1tenance Squadron, Ar~1Y Air Field , Pratt, Kansas. Leonard writes that he is now the father of a boy. D avid Lee was born Dec. 9, 1943. H arold W . Flood is employed by the Nicaro Nickel C ompany Nicaro, Oriente, Cuba. ' Lt. Joseph T Adams was on the campus February 26. Joe is enroute to C amp Abbot, Oregon, where his address will be E.O . R .P.- E.R .T C. C amp Abbot, Oregon. Edwa rd Hi ldebra nd is living at 417 Michigan avenue, Baytown, T exas. William G . Persons is a service engineer with the Tretolite Company at G reat Bend , Kansas. . ~illj am E. Klund is with the A. C. Sparkplug Compan y at Fhnt J, Michigan. HIS home address being 507 Yz A von street. G . D. Jett, now employed by N orth American A viation is living at the YMCA, 10th and Oak, Kansas City, M o. E. R . Brown who is with N orth American Aviation resides at 325 W. 11th, Kansas City, Missouri. Ens. James Glover is in the USNR formerl y at the University of Ariz.ona, Tucson ,Arizona. Jim was married M arch 18 to Evelyn H awkll1s at R olla. They will make their home in Brooklyn, N .Y. H erbert Kahsh I S employed by Battelle M emorial Institute 50 5 Kings avenue, C olumbus, Ohio. . ' Lt. C. F. Stueck was on the campus December 17. N eal is statlOned at the Greenville Army Air Base at Greenville South C arolina. ' Lt. P . L. Hough spent the Christmas holidays in Rolla with his wife and son, Lee, at the home of her parents, M r. and Mrs. Breuer. H arold R . Hill is application engineer with the -W estinghouse Electnc &' Mfg. Co., 1625 K St. N .W ., W ashington, D.C. H is home I S 291 0 Mlhtary road, Washington, D .C . Lt. Clarence Lambelet of Camp Polk, Louisiana was in R oll a recently. ]. K. Schmitz is located at 84 Chestnut street, Indian Orcha rd , Massachusetts. :~ H W . Pracht is living at 10 Forest place, Massena, N ew York. F. M. Krill is living at 1685 E. 107th street, Cleveland, Ohio. Ali K. O Zkal .is a graduate student in mining engineering at Stanford Ul1lverstty, Stanford , California. Lt F. C. Rehfeld is now stationed at the D avis-Monthan Field at Tucson, Arizona . Robert E. Buckley is engineer with the Kennecott Copper Corporation at Ruth , N evada. ]. H . D oerres received a commission in the N avy in December and spent tbe holidays at his home in St. Louis. " Lloyd C. Shumann is junior mining engineer , U.S. Bureau of Ml!1es, M ayville, Wisconsin. S ervet Ahmet Duran is doing graduate work at Stanford U mverslty, Stanford , C alifornia. . O.L.Davis is with the Alcoa Corp'o ration,Massena, N ew York . A. L. Petersen Jr. gives his address as A.S .N . 0-5 172 30 APO 1256 1-C c/ o Postmaster N ew York City, N .Y. E. C. Keller who is at R epublic Steel Corporation lives at 1809 East 67th street, Chicago, Illinois. F. ]. R adavich is taking graduate wo rk at Massachusetts Institute of T echnology. H e lives at 441 Beacon street, Boston, M ass.

1944 Bachelor of S6e n ce in M ining Engineering H enr y S. Adamick with Ke nnecott Copper Co., Box 272, R,lY, Anz.ona. William G . Barnes with Shell Oil C o., 406 S. Chestnut street, M cPherson, Kansas. Ronald L. Carmichael with Burea u of Mines Rolla Missouri Peter E. DesJardis, Dorm LL, R oom 44 , 120 Lincoln' Highway:

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Yallejo, California. Richard E. W ampler, Ensign, US. N avy. Bachelor of Science in Meta!!u.rgical Engineerin g Robert R . Denison with US. Steel. Asst. chemist, Sheffield Steel Corp., H ouston, T exas. A lfred Dick with Columbia Steel, Apt. N o.3, 819 E. 11th, Pittsburg, California. James W. Dowd with Aluminum Co. of America, N ew Kensington, Pennsylvania. Don W. Frommer in Army. Engr. Off., Officers' Candidate School, Ft. Belvoir, Ya. Class #55. Alan]. Fuchs with Columbia Steel, 412 E. 4th street, Pittsburg, California. Ed C. Goetemann with N ational Bearing M etals Co. H ome address, St. Louis. Louis A . Hartcorn in N avy Y -7, Columbia University, N ew York, N .Y. R oger H. H eidenreich in N avy, 704 Interdrive, University City 5, Missouri. W arren L. Larson, ensign, N avy, home address 7310 E. 12th street, Kansas City, Missouri. Dick S. M ateer with W estern Electric C o., East Orange, N .]. H ome address, N ewark YMCA, N ewark, N ew Jersey. Ed P. Patterson, Pratt-Whitney, Kansas City, Kansas. Y ernon]. Pingel with Curtiss-Wright, 25 1 H utchinson, Buffalo 15, N ew York. William T. Rule with Eagle Pitcher Co., Galena, Kansas. Ed M . Schu ltz with Columbia Steel Co., Pittsburg, California. Sanford L. Simons with Battelle M emorial Institute, 505 King avenue, Columbus 1, O hio. R esidence, 150 1 Belmont avenue. Robert S. W estwater in N avy Y -7 ; Oaklane Manor, Melrose Park, Philadelphia, Pa. Bache lor of Science in Civil Engineering Will iam F. Emerson with Carter Oil Co., Tulsa, Ok lahoma. A lbert W. Presnell in N avy Y -7 ; home address 4601 Quincy , St. Louis, waiting orders. Ken W . Schoeneberg in Army Engr. O.C.S ., Ft. Belvoir, Y a., C lass # 55. Ed]. Waltenspiel with N avy Y -7; still home in Rolla. Francis R. W alsh in Army, Co. G 56 DC R 4th Pl atoon, Ft. Belvoir, Yirginia. Bachelor of Science in Me chanical Enginee?lng Robert P. Balin with National Refinin g Co., Coffeyville, Kan. Don C . Brand with M onsa nto, 5416 N. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Missouri. Lorraine F. Bridge wi th W estinghouse, 1320 Lincoln avenue, Prospect Park, Pennsylvania. Charles D. Brockmeyer with N ationa l Refining, Coffeyville, Kansas. John W . Domain with AlIi on division of General M otors, 3702 Central avenue, Indianapolis 5, Indiana. Thomas Getys with W estinghouse. James D. Gostin with Elliott Co., Ridgeway, Pennsylvania. Dominic Greco in N avy, 112 3 Tyler, St. Louis, Missouri . Bi ll D. Hicks with W e tinghouse. Earl M . Kane with Saginaw M al. Iron Co., Saginaw, Mich. Thomas ]. M azzone, Allison Division of General M otor, 2957 T albot street, Indianapolis, Indiana. Francis N elson with Alii on Division of General M otors, Indianapolis, Indiana. Fred E. N evin, Engr. Officer Candidate School, Ft. Belvoir, Yirginia, Class # 55. Allan S. Reichert with Curti Wri ght. L. B. H arri on C lu b H otel, Yictory Parkway at M cMill an street, Cin cinn ati , Ohio. (Is Junior Engineer, Wright Aero. Corp.) R obert E. Sethchfield in Army; Engr. O ffi cers' Ca ndid ate School, Ft. Belvoir, Yirginia, Class # 55. Ormond M . Sievert in N avy, Elliott Co., Ridgeway, Pa.

William]. Thomas in N avy; home address until called in Y -7, 13 05 W . High, Jefferson City, Missouri. Ba.chelor of Science in Electrical Engineering George E. Barber, ensign, N avy, Fort Schuyler, Bron x, N .Y. H erbert D . Barnhart. H arold S. Block (undecided) . James W . C opening, ensign, Navy, Baltimore, M aryland . R ayfield E. Gogan with W estinghouse. ]. Richard H ansen, 120 Linden avenue, Union, Missouri. Robert W . H arlow with Carter Oil Co. William P. H enne with W estinghouse, Pittsburgh, Penna. Midshipman Alfred S. Ittermann in N avy Y -7, USNR Mid shipman School Section #17 , N otre Dame U, Indiana. John L. Krall , OCS, Fort Belvoir, Yirginia. Donald G . LePere in N avy; Ens. # 353 105 U.S. N ava l Training School (Indoctrin ation) , U of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. James Arthur Li ley in Navy. Sec. 21, USNR N otre Dame, South Bend , Indiana. Jea n Lloyd in W AYES . USNR Midshipman's School, W .R . Smith C ollege, Gillette H ouse, N orthampton, M ass. T y D. M ai ntz (Test Engr. Gen. Elect.), 829 Prie tl y ave nue, Laurence Park, Erie, Pennsylvania . Robert E. Murphy in Army, OCS, Fort Belvoir, Y a. Jean L. Rona t at home 3 127 N orwood aven ue. Ken N. W ygant in Arm y Engr. Officers' C and o School, Ft. Belvoir, Y a., Class # 55. Bachelor of Science in Chemica.l Engineering . Robert L. Banks with N ational Refining Co., Coffeyville, Kan . John W . Brodhacker with Com-Solvents Corp. , T erre H aute, Indiana. William H. Dragoset with Koppers United Co., 41 8 Ohio avenue, R ochester, Pa. Louis W . Grass with Phi llips Pet. Co., Bartle ville, O kla. John W . Griffiths in Army OCS Ft. Belvoir, Yirainia. W il liam A. Hubbard with Shell Oil Co., W ood river, Illinois. H ome address, 1000 Langdon, A lton, Illinois. ]. D. Jenkins in N avy Y -7. Russel T. Lohmann with Koppers Co., 1012 Pennsylva nia avenue, M onaca, Pennsy lvani a. James Miller in N avy Y -7 . Ens. USNR Bil let N o. :14075 C lass 24, NTS (I ) Fort Schuyler, N ew York 6 1, N.Y. Charles U R akestraw in Army. Robert W .Roos with Koppers Co., 1012 Pennsy lva nia avenue, M onaca, Pa. H ans E. Schmoldt with Phi llips Petroleum Co., Barger, T exas. H arry S. Scott, ensign, US. N avy. Charles H . Sparks with Koopers Co. , 10 12 Pennsylvania avenue, M onaca, Pa. Dan]. Stocker with A lcoa, 2933 Bond avenue, East St. Low , Illinois. (Aluminum Ore Co., East St. Louis, Illinois. ) Alfred W . Thiele with Phillips Pet. Co. , Bartlesville, Ok la. David A. Wicker in N avy Y -7, Ann apolis, M aryland. James E. Dueker , B.S. with a M ajor in Physics, going into the Navy, 4096 H aven street, St. Louis 16, Missouri . Elea nor Gibson ex '44, formerl y resident inspector of the Arm y Ordnance Pl ant at San Antonio, T exas has resigned her position there and joined the SPARs. Eleanor was in Roll a on Dec. 20 en route to her home in Pelham, ew York , then to report to Palm Beach, Fla. on Jan. 17 to begin her work in the SPAR organ ization . Mi s Edna M oo re and Harold Rudisaile, MSM tudent of Roll a were married at the home of Mi Moore, Ga rden City, M issouri , on Saturday, Feb. 26. Mrs. Rudisaile returned to Smithton Missouri where she i a teacher in the schools, and Mr. Rudisail~ left fo r F rt Belvoir, Y a. , to attend school. ]. H. Boch Jr. i at the N avel A cademy, A nnapoli , M aryland. O ld address wa A / S Y -12, G roup A , Barracks 10-3- 47, N .N.Y. , Portsmouth , Y a.

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