MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO . V OLUME 24
James L. ItBabe" Head, New MSM Alumni President .
Retiring President Mervin J. Kelly Speaks at MSM Homecoming Convocation To "come home" is one of the most heart warming phrases to our language. The campus of our Alma Mater is our academic home and returning to it is an occasion that is dear to all of us. More and more of our alumni are taking time out from their busy lives to return to the campus at the time of our Association's annual homecoming. There has been the largest registration of returning alumni this year in the history of our homecomings. Our President, Dr. Frederick A . Middlebush , Mr. Frank Mann, Chairman of the Executive Committee for the School and a member of the Board of Curators, and the past president of the Association, Karl Hasselmann, are unfortunately not with us today. They have been regular attenders over the past se veral years. Dr. Middlebush is in the east on national educational matters and sends his regrets an d wishes for a successful meeting. Mr. Mann planned to be with us , but illness has k ept him at home. Mr. Hasselmann was here yesterday and attended meetings of t h e Board of Directors but urgent business matters required him to fl y to Texas this morning. Weare pleased to have Mr. Allen McReynolds, until recently Chairman of the Board of Curators, with us again this year. All of us appreciate the warmth and cordiality of our reception by Town and Gown . The faculty and students and our friends downtown m a k e us feel welcome and completely at home. The y ear since we l as t met has been an unusually ,good one for the School and for the Association. From the many ite ms of progress a f ew might be m e nt.ione d. First for the School: 1. The largest class in history was graduated this year. The peak of the G.!. student wave was gradu a te d. The gra duating cla ss will continue to decre ase in size for the n ext few ye ars . 2. The n e w mechanical engineering l a bora tory is in u se . Professor Miles 'gave m e a tour through the l a bora tory thi s morning . Th e equipment a nd th e arrangem ents are s ple ndid. A t long last the M echa nica l Engineering D epartme nt has s pa ce and equipm ent t o implem e n t
it.s rigorous curriculum. 3. The new dormitory has been comple ted and is completely occup ied. This dormitory insures that for some time to come there will be adequate housing on the campus and in the town for all students. 4. The extension of the Metallurgy building is well along and before the end of this school year will be equipped for laboratory instruction. 5. Early this fall a committee of the Engineers' Council for Professional Development composed of distinguished faculty members from the outstanding engineering schools of our country completed an inspection of buildings and facilities and an examination of the curricula of our School. As a result of this inspection all engineering curricula are fully accredited by E.C.P.D. except for chemical engineering. The procedures in e valuating chemical engineering have not yet been completed. We are confident that upon their completion chemical engineering will also be accredited.
6. This one is not on the plus side . As was expected, the size of our School decreased this y ear. There are approximately 500 less s tudents on the ca mpus than in the second semester of last year. The Freshman Class was somewhat smaller than anticipated. However, this r es ult is in line with the experience of all engineering schools. The laI'ge number of G .l's who elected engineering traininf, brought the number of engineering graduates of the country to some 50 ,000 in the school year 1949-50. This large number ,has led to the pre diction of an excessive number of engineering graduates. These predictions have turned so many of our high school graduates into other areas of training that not more t han 12 ,000 engineers will be graduated in 1954 . It is significant that substantially all of the 50,000 engineering 'g raduates have been placed in technical work. While our economy could probably not provide adequate opportunity for that number of graduates in each year, certainly there has been a major overcorrection. The shortage of young engineers will be large. It will threaten the sound expansion of (Continued on Page 14)
Dr. Mervin J. Kelly , '14, retiring president, opening the Homecoming Convo cation. Others in picture are John Schuman, '16; Allen McReynolds, m ember of the Board of Curators; Al Barnard '27, Chairman of the Alumn i Homecoming- Committee; Dean Curtis L. Wilson; Harry Pence, '23, newly elected member of the Board of Directors,
On the Platform at the 1950 Homecoming Convocation
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Those who participated in the Homecoming Convoca lion-seated from left to right: Leslie Cowan, VicePres. of the Unive rsit y; Dean Curtis L. Wilson; James L. Head, '16, newly elected President of the Alumni Association' Dr. Howard I. Young, Hon., '39, Convocation speaker; Mervin J Kelly, ' 14, retiring president of the i\ssociati~n ; Allen McReynolds, m ember of the Board of Curators. Standing' are: Horace H. Clark, ' 15; George Easley, '09; Fred C. Schneeberger, '25; John M . Schuman, ' 16; A. D. Terrell, '98; Harry S. Pence, '23; H . R. Hanle y, ' 01 ; AI Barnard, '27; and Barney Nuell, '21. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
President's Column 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111
By James L. Head F e llow Alumni: As a result of your balloting, a new set of officers and directors took over the conduct of your a lu mni association as of November 1. Bio·graphical sketches for the complete list appear elsewhere in this issue. On the ir behalf, I want, as your new President, to extend our most cordial greetings to our fe llow Alumni, express our deep appreciation for the honor you have conferred upon us and its implie d confidence in us and to assure you that we pledge ourselves w holeheartedly to further the interests of the School and the Association. We b elieve that these are y our interests al so . You w ill note that the Board ha s
been increased from 5 to 12 members so as to afford r epresentation from each of the nine a lumni areas, plus t h r e e D irector s-at-Iarge. Henceforth, the term of one-third of the Board is to expire each year, This w ill bring a steady flow of fres h thinking to our problems, yet insure a cert.ain continuity to the Board, By continuity I do not mean the perpetuation in office of any pa rticular group or clique, but rather a continuity of experience a nd the avoidance of sudden dis rupting changes in policy and practice, A f e w of u s h a ve a lread y had s ome e xperience in a lumn i affairs at the National level. The n ewco mers to the Board are there l argel y because of the ir fin e work at the Section le vel. It is to this latter l e vel that we must look for our fut ure l ead ers. Personally , I cannot help but doubt that I and my con tem poraries of the cerca World War I era, when M.S.M. had a
sma ll enrollment and its few graduates were widel y scattered, tru l y represent the thinking of the several thousand who have graduated since t h en from our unb e lievabl y ex panded Alma Mater . You have onl y to demonstrate your abil ity and willingness to wo rk and we w ill gl adl y let yo u ta k e over . Our b ig proble m is still t h e same as it h as b een since the reactivation of the Association in 1941 , a nd that is, pa id-up m e mbership. It has not k e pt pace with the unprecedented increase in the number of ou r graduates during the post-World W a r II years . Henr y E. Zolle r , ' 23 , _busy like so many of yo u , has kindl y ac ce pted my in vitation to head up th is year's Membership Committee. After S ecy .-Treas. " Cap " Hanley's initial canvass from which we may expect response from about one thousand of yo u perenially faithful , " Hank" w ill be after the rest of y ou e ither individually, through (Co ntinued on Pa·ge 11 )
Meet the New Alumni President By F. C. Schneeberger, '25 Cul m inating a lo ng, contin u ous, period of service to the )VI.S.M. Alumni Association, and hi s Alma Mater, James L. " B abe" Head is el ected to the highest office the Alumni A ssocia tion h as at its disposal. Babe has been a constant Vice-President of the Association during the past many years. It has been on ly recently t h at he h as been ab le to arrange his affairs so th at he w ill have the time n ecessary to carr y out the many functions t his job enta ils. Having made those arr a ngements, h e was promptly rewarded with t h e elec tion to this important office. By virtue of Babe's somewh at fl ex ible territorial assignments ,h e pl ans to visit, frequently, all seclion s through out the country. H e al so p la ns to inaugu rate new Sec tions w h erever M.S.M. men are group ed in sufficient m em b ers. Babe's enthusia stic approach to alumni affairs, p lu s his willingness to do a n inte nsive travelling job makes him , indeed, a ·good ch oice for the job. Th e Alumni Association , and the Eastern Section esp ecially, owes much to Babe's consta nt stewardship. The Mining Club in New York has been the scen e of many fine functions where B a be always brou g ht the tempo up to a high pitch before h e passed-o ut the "mellow-touch" w hich provided tne f unds for continuing t h e idenity of that S ection. A.C.I.E. m eetin gs in New York were a l ways accompanied by the M .S.M . open- house feature , and Babe was a lways the motiva tin g force behin d these functions. Babe comes by his organizational flair r ath er hon estly, since h e was a combination of a "ram-rod" and a " joiner" while at Rolla. B iographicall y, he is a member of that r at h er voluble class of 1916. While in Ro lla, he h elpe d found the "Missouri Miner" and wa s its f irst editor . He was a ch arte r member and t h e f irst Regent of Iota Chapter of Theta T au. ( S t ill h as and wears hi s p : n! ). A lso, h e was on e of the orga nizer 's of SATYRS , a squareciancing Sophomore Socie ty which later b ecame in active b eca u se its includ e d w earing r equirements s h oes. Added to thi s h e wa s a m e m b er of Sig ma Nu wh er e h e was not clec ted Command er b e cause h e r e-
fused to r emove his mustache. In carrying out the m ath ema tics which determine cl ass-stan din g, it was d iscover e d after B abe left school , that h e was act u a ll y among t h e upper ten of his cl ass b y several d e cim al points. When this was (iliscovered he was initiated into Phi Kappa Phi which sel ects its m em- · bel'S wholly up on their scholastic standin gs . ·Babe was a 1st Li e utenant in t h e Engin eers during W orld W a r I. He was sent to Fra nc e, and at St. Nazaire h e was in charge of a rock quarry. This was apparen tly a commercial quarr y whic h was b e ing oper ated by the U. S . Engin eer s, and not the type of operation u sually found in the vicinities of State Ca pitols , etc. H e was al so superinten dent of Road s, Base S ection I w hile in France, where h e m ade all roads passabl e for foottraffic. It is inter esting to note that B abe has had a streak of Copper in his veins all throu gh his life. H e wa s born in D etroit, live d for a time in Indiana, and the n migrated to Moberly , Misso uri , where, as a boy , h e made a hobby of collecting Copper -h ead snakes. His interest in those r eptiles was to have an important b earing upon both hi s professional a nd frate r nal careers later on . Also, while a boy , he spent hours stirring, with a boat-oar, appl e butter which was cooking in a Copper k ettle . T he glitter of the copper always fasc inated him. The n when at the t urn of the Century, D. C. Jacklin g p u t l ow-gr ade Copper and M.S.M. on t h e map, Babe dec ided that h e was another Copper magnet in the making and fOrt~ l with selected Mr. J ackli ng's Alma Mater to further his interest in Copper.
After the war h e went to Rancaqua , Chile as a Mining Engineer fo r Brad en Copper Co. , r e mainin g there until 1921. After that, he was head of the Engineering offices of th e Cerro D e Pasco Copper Corp. , in P eru. In 1923 , the Chile Exploratio n Co., of Chuquicamata , Ch ile, employed him to dire ct their copper mining program. Durin g W ar II, h e worked as a do llar-a-day man for W.P.B. as Chief of raw materia ls a nd primary production in the Alumnin u m and Ma·gnesi um Division. Since 1945 h e h as bee n R esid e nt Engin eer for the Mining
a nd Exploration D epartment of the Anaconda Copper Mining Co., in N e w York. Among his many extra curricu lar ac tivities are : Director, America Institute of Mining arid Metallu rgica l Engineer s, Vice-President of the Mining and Metallurg ical Society of America , Chairman of t h e Board of t h e Engineering Societies Library, and a memb er of Engineer's J oint Council. Babe has a daughter 20 , who is an Art student in New York after h avi n g graduated from Colby Jun ior College. Also , a son who is a Midshipman in his S enior year at Annapolis. He r esides with Mrs. H ea d at D ougl as Manor L ong Is,l a nd N ew York f r om which place he commutes back and forth to hi s office in Lower Manhattan u sing only the fastest L ong I sl and ex press tra ins . He a lways carries a brief case which is buloging full of clip p ings and brochures cove ring the varioLls Alumni endowment plans promulgate d by Colleges throu ghout the country. The Alumni A ssociation may b e sur e of all of Babe's spare time during his period of office. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
MSM ALUMNUS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Issu e d bi-monthly in the inte r est of the graduates and former stu dents of the S chool of Min es and Me tallurgy. Subscription price $1.50 , in cluded in Alumni Dues. Enter e d as second-class matter Oct . 27, 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla , Mo., und er the Act of M a r ch 3, 1879. Officers of the Association J ames L. H ea d ' 16 Preside nt E xec. Vice-Po A. E. Barnard '2 7 H. H . Cl ark ' 15 ....... Vice-Pres. S ecy .-Treas. H. R. H an ley, '01 Board of Directors Mervin J. Kell y, '1 4 Charl es J. Potter, '29 Melvin E. Nickel , '38 E. A . Crawford , ' 29 Gunnard E. J ohnson, '16 L. A . Turnbull , ' 22 W . P . Ruemm ler, '38 H. S . Pence, ' 23 H. E. Zoller, ' 23 J . V. Spalding, '39 D . P. H al e, Jr ., '34 Barn ey Nuell , '2 1
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And the Other Officers, Too A. E. Barnard, '27 Executive Vice-President On graduation from M.S.lVI. , Al became connected with the Enos Coal Company of Oakland City, Indiana and was employed by them for a period of thr ee years. During
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A. E. Barnard this time he took a three months leave of absence and spent the time with the U. S. Engineers on the Missouri River. Since 1930 , Al has been with the Weil Kalter Manufacturing Company and is now Chief Engineer of this concern. For the last two years as Chairman of the Alumni Homecoming Committee, Al has "ramrodded" two very successful homecomings at M.S.M.
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Horace H. Clark, Vice- Presiden t Upon leaving MSM in 1907 he worked a year as chemist for Corn Products Refining Company. He then started with Insull Utility interests as chemist for Public Service Company of Northern Illinois and later became assistant engineer. In 1922 he was transferred to Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company as assistant vice-president and continued in that position until 1927, at which time he became vice-president and director of United Public Service Company. an independent Utility Holding Company serving 200 cities in 13 states throughout the middle west. In 1930 his Company was acquired by Middle West Utilities Company and their activities consolidated. He then became vice-president and engineer for -Universal Coal Corporation. In 1936 he started private practice as consulting engineer specializing in fuels and is still active in tha~ work. He is an active member o,f the AIME and the Western Society of Engineers and is an Illinois Registered Professional Engineer.
Prof. H. R. Hanley, '01 Secretary -Treasurer Prof. H. R. "Cap" Hanley was reelected Secretary-Treasurer for a three year period. "Cap" needs no introduction to the Alumni. He has been a most successful worker in the organization during the past years and much of the success of t.he Association during t.his period may be credited to him. Mervin J . Kelly, '14 Director at Large After graduating from M .S.M. in 1914, Dr. Kelly enrolled at the University of Kentucky where he received his Master of Science degree in 1916. In 1918 he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Chicago and in 1936, the honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering, Honoris Causa, was conferred on him by the School of Mines and Metallurgy; then , in 1946 he received a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Kentucky. Immediately after Dr. Kelly completed his doctorate work at the University of Chicago , he went to work in the research Department of the Bell Telephone System and has worked continuously with this organization since that time. In
the Presidential Certificate of Merit for his war contributions. Since tl1e war, in addition to his Bell Laboratories' responsibilities, he has bee n adviser to the Atomic Ene rgy Commission on atomic weapons and to the Department of Defense in various capacities . He is now a mem ber of the committee advising the Department of Defense on its expanded research and development program and giving one-fourth of his time to the Air Force on the r e organization an dexpansion of its r esearch and dev elopment program. Dr. Kelly is a Fellow of the American Physical Society , the Americc:n Acoustical SOCie ty , the Institute of Radio Engineers and th e American Institute of Ele ctrical ~'h gineers and was elected to the Nat' onal Academy of Scie nc es in 1945. Melvin E. Nickel, '38 Director at Large After graduation from the School of Mines in 1938, Mel enrolled in a training course which was under
M. E. Nickel
M. J. Kelly ]936 he was made Director of Research and in 1944, he became Exe cutive Vice-President . During the p eriod of his professional career, preceding that concerned with general administration, Dr. Kelly specialized in electronics. He has published many papers in this field of communication technology. During the last war Dr. Kelly directed at the Bell Laboratories approximately 1200 research and development projects in radar, sonar, 'g un directors, communication, etc., that required an expenditure of some $200 million. He was awarded
the direction of the Bethleherrt Steel Company . Upon completion of this course, he w ent to work for the Wisconsin Steel Works of th e International Harvester Company in their Chicago Blast Furnace Department. In 1947 he became Assistant Superintendent of the above mentione d department and in 1948 he was transferred to the Open Hearths Department, of which he is now Assistant Superintendent. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and the Blast Furnace and Coke Association and was Chairman of th e Chicago section of the Alumni Association and also a past member of th e Board of Directors. In 1942 Mel married Mary Louise Breuer and they now have thre e children , all girls , named Betty , Pat and Sheila.
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Charles J. Potter, '29 Director at Large After graduating from M.S.M. in 1929, Dr. Potter enrolled at the University of West Virginia where he received his Doctor of Philosophy degree, his thesis dealing with the study of problems relating to the coal industry. In 1935, Dr. Potter became connected w ith the Associated Coal Industries in West Virginia and in 1937 he became Assistant to the President of the Continental Coal Company. The following year he went to Washington, D. C. as Assistant to the Director of the Bureau of International Relations, National Bituminous Coal Commission acting as Principal Price Examiner. He remained in W ashington until 1945, serving as Solid Fuels Administrator and D epartment of Coal Mines Administrator under Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior for two ye ars. His outstanding performance in this important field was recognized by the United States Governm e nt when in 1946 he received the Medal of Merit from the President in recognition of his outstanding an d meritorious service to his co<'lntry in the war effort. In 1944 he became Manager of Prepar ation s of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal Company in Indiana , Pennsylvania and a year l ater was ra ised to the position of Assistant to the President of this company . In 1947 he became Vice-President in charge of operations and in 1948 assumed the presidency of this firm, which position he now holds. Also in 1948 , Dr. Potter received the highest civilian award granted by the British Empire when Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador, conferred upon him the rank of Honorary Commander of the Civilian Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Other foreign governments among the Allied forces in World War II have granted him similar recognition.
E. A. Crawford, '29 Director for Area No. 1 After receiving a degree from M.S.M. in 1929, Ernie went to work for the Sperry Rail Service where he served in various engineering capacities until 1939. From 1939 to 1941 he served as welding specialist in Brazil for the International General Electric Company under
arrangement with Sperry Products. During 1941 he was appointed Service Manager of Sperry Products to organize and establish a Service Department to handle its rapidly expanding group of products that were then being produced for the d efense of our country. From 1942 until 1948 he was Manager of Engineering of Sperry Products. While with Sperry, he
E. A. Crawford
obtained patents on the continuous automatic temperature compensat'on of el ectromagnetic straingau'ges a nd on methods for compensa ting for fluid loss in hydraulic transmission systems . Under his supervi sion, the first two superson ic reflectoscopes for the nondestructive testing of large masses were built and placed in service in 1944. Since 1948 he has b een Engineering Supervisor of the Continental Paper Company of Ridgefield Park , New Jersey with responsibilities covering process, equipment, machinery, power, buildings and properties . He was instrumental in developing and placing in service the first application of atomic energy to industry in the form of a recording gauge for measuring the mass per unit area of paperboard a nd emplo ying radioistopes. Ernie has delivered technical pap ers before the Toronto Railwa y Club, the Western Society of Engin eers of Chicago , the Pittsburgh Railroad Club, the American Society for Metals of Baltimore and the T echnica l Association of the Pulp and Paper Industr y at Boston ; and is a member of the American I nstitute of Mining and Metallurgi¡¡ cal Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is Vice-President of the Bergen County Society of Professional Engineers.
Gunnard E. Johnson, '16 Director for Area No. 2 After grad uation in 1916, Gunnard spent several years doing laboratory and research work at Morenci and Ajo, Arizona . He later went to East Chicago, Ind., which proved to be an important step. The plant of the International Lead Refining Company at that time consisted of a Parkes Process Lead R efinery. Shortly after his arrival there, this plant began a series of deve lopments that extended over many years . First, came the devolopment of the Sperry Electrolytic White Lead Process, then the French and American Process Zinc Oxide plants , l ater a process and plant for production of Refined Bismuth, followed b y the development of Muffle Furnaces for production of Zinc Oxide and Zinc. His progress from Night Foreman of the Lead Refinery to Plant Manager in 1936 was consistent. When the plant was sold to the Eagle Picher Company in 1946, he was appointed G eneral Manager of the plant, and served in that capac ity unti l his retirement in 1949. He was active in local civic affairs for many years, has written technical papers about his work, is copatentee in a number of patents, and is known by many of the M .S.M. graduates as a loyal and enthusiastic member of the M.S.M. Alumni Association. His winter residence is 1020 Palmetto Street D ave nport, Florida, and summe; home at Hemlock Hollow , R. R. 2, Worcester, New York.
Louis A. Turnbull, '22 Director for Area No. 3 Louis spent the first nine years after grad u ating from M.S.M. with the Western Coal and Mining Company of St. Louis where he first served as chief engineer for 19 coal mines in Illinois and the southwest and later as engineering and operatin g assistant to the president of the company . During this period of time h e served as special representative of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in prospecting and purchase of ligni te fields in Texas. Aft er l eaving the above firm , he spent several years as a mining engineer for the City of St. Louis , assigned to underground reconstruction of main tru nk l ine sewers . In 1941 h e joined the Bureau of Min es and during the war h e had charge of diamond drilling in the
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Rocky Mountain states for eighteen months d eveloping coking coal r eserves for Western steel plants. Since 1943 h e has b een located with the Bureau of Mines in Pittsburgh and is now e n gaged in studies of mining practices in underground and strip coal mines, the investigation of coking coal r e-
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L _ A, Turnbull serves and other coal deposits in th e States and Alaska a nd the development of improved m e thods of mining thin b e ds of high rank cok ing coals, now in gr eat d e mand b y the steel industr y . Louis is a m emb er of t h e Ame rican Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Enginee rs, Coal Mining Institute of Ame ric a , the Masonic Order and has just recently been elected a Director of the Alumni Associa tion. W, p, Ruemmler, ' 38 Director for Area No, 4 After graduating from M,S,M, in 1938 , W a llie went to the Montana School of Mines as a fellowship stude nt. From there he went to
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W, p, Ruemmler New York and studied at Columbia University as tw ice recipie nt of the Edwa rd-Weston F ellowship in elecITo-chemistry. In 1942 he went to work for the Anaconda Copper Mining Compan y at their East Chicago plant of the Internat iona l Smeltin g a nd R efining Division. After wo rking in their Research D epartment for
a w hile, he b ecame R esearch Engineer, heading this d epartment, After l eaving the above company in 1945 , Wallie was e mploye d b y the B a t elle Memorial Institute in Columbus , Ohio for three yyear s a s a Resea rch Engineer in their ele ctro-Chemica l enginee ring d epartment. Since 1948 he h as been working fo r the E agl e -Pitche r Company in East Chicago , Indiana-first as Development Engineer , then as Acting Gene ral Superinte nde nt and now, his present position is th a t of P la nt Manager. Harry S, Pence , '23 Director for Area No, 5 A product of the class of ' 23, Harry Pence came to Rolla from Nebraska but presumably got the v r ge fo r mining from the fact that he was born in Butte , Montana, After some yea rs of mining in Mexico and the United States ,
H , S, Pence Pence was e ngaged in plant engin eering and operation for the Certain-teed Products and Consolida ted Feldspar Corporations. From 1934 to 1942 h e was with th e Corps of Engineers and during this time was reside nt e ngineer in charge of construction on Locks an d Dams 24, 25 and 26 on the Mississippi Rive r. In 1942 Pence was called back in t o uniform and according to Freddie Schneeberger had the distinction, for at leas t three w eeks, of being the oldest second lieutenant in the Unite d States Army, Howe ver, this fact , H a rry says, was a wonderful pie ce of advertising and that out of sympathy h e was promoted as r a pidly as possible to lieute n ant coloneL H e served in the S outh P a cific , th e Philippines and J a pan w ith the X Corps, From 1946 to the prese nt h e has b een a h ea d engineer with Sverdrup an d P a rc el , a St. Louis firm who conduct a general enginee rin g prac-
tice , one of their projects being the Arnold Engineerin g De v elopment Cent e r und e r construction at Tulla homa, T en n essee for th e United States Air Force, Harry married Elizabeth Long of Rolla, the 1929 St. Pat's qu een, and as a result claims a charter membership in the "Fellas Who M a rried Roll a Girls an d Ain't Sorry of It," H, E, Zoller, '23 Director for Area No, 6 On graduation Hank started as a geologist in the oil field and late r became Production Manage r for the Shell Oil Compa n y. While with
H, E. Zoller Shell, h e spent on year, 1932 , in their Holland office in the Hague . In 1939 Hank became associated with the Derby Oil Company as Executive Vice-President and G e ner a l Manager. In 1943 he was elected Preside nt and Gene ral Manager of this company w hich po sition he now holds, Hank is one of the l ea ders in the oil field and in his community ot Wichita, Kansas, He is Vice-Preside n t of KA ,KE. Broadcasting Co" Inc. ; a director of The Union National Bank in Wichita ; a m emb er of the Rotary Club , Wichita Country Club , Kans as Industrial D evelopment Commission , Nationa l P etroleum Council , American Petrole um Institute an d is First Vic ePreside nt of the Chambe r of Commerce; Vice-Presiden t of Mid-Continen t Oil and G as Association ; Vice-President of Western P etrole um R efin e rs Association a nd Chairman of Kansas Gas Tax Evasion Committee, He is also a past President of the Wichita Club and the Knife & Fork Club. J, V, Spalding, '3 9 Director for Area No, 7 Imme di ately following gradua tion, Vic obtained employment as a Junior Sales Eng ineer with the B ethle h e m Supply Company of
Tulsa, Oklahoma. This company is a subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel and specia lizes in the .manufacture and sale of oilfield machinery. Follo wing fifteen months of tarining, Vic was transferred to Salem, Illinois as Distric t Sales and Service Engineer of this region. Some two and a half years l a ter, h e received anoth er promotion and
J. V. Spalding' became Machinery Sales E ngineer for the Houston , T ex as area where h e spent five yea r s and then moved on to Tulsa a'gain to specialize entirely in drilling machinery sales. Hi s last transfer was accomplished three yea rs later and he r eturned to Houston as Division Manager Engineering Sa les for the TexasLouisiana-Mississippi region ext ending from Brownsville, Texas to L a urel , Mississippi. David P. Hale, Jr., '34 Director for Area No. 8 After gra duation in 1934 , D ave spent two years working in various ore milling jobs in Arizona , Nevada , California , Colorado an d Arkansas. In 1936 h e became Manager of the Cartersville Barium Corporation in Georgia where he was employed until D ecember 1940 when he joined the U. S . Army and spent some time in Japan and Ger-
D. P. Hale, Jr. m a ny, receivin g the Purple Heart in the European Theater. In J anuary 1946 D ave ent ered the employ of th e Min e and Sm elter
Miners, 1950 MIAA Champions, Defeat Illinois' Best, 7- 6, in Corn Bowl Game Ina sm uch as the Miners have sustaine d outstanding prominence in their football conference games and b ecame eh gible for t he postseason Corn Bowl game, sponsored b y the American L egion (the fourth year of its existence), it is fitting that mention of these honors be made in the Alumnus. Gale Bullman, Associate Professor of Physical Education has writt en a s tory of this game which follows : Playing on a fi eld that was much more suitable for sledding, Missouri School of Mines from RoUa came from behind in the third quart er to nose out Illinois State , 7-6 , in the fourth annual Corn Supply Company, Marcy Mill Divi sion, Denver, Colorado as a m etallurgical engineer. In May of 1950 h e received a Metallurgical Engineering degr ee from M .S .M. for a thesis on Center Peripheral Discharge Rod Mill. Barney Nuell, '21 Director for Area No. 9
After graduation , Barney remained on the campus for two years as
Barney Nuell a n instructor in the Chemical En'gineering D epartment. In 1924 h e became a chemist at the St. Louis Lithopone Company an d two years l ater, h e became affiliated with the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, acting as a special agent in St. Louis. In 1933 h e went to New York State where h e becam e G e n eral Agent in Albany and stay -
Bowl football game at Wesleyan's frigid stadium. It was ironic that Burridge, whose placekicking was largely responsible for ISNU's first undefeated regular season since 1907 couldn't hit on either the field goal try or extra point. Bill Wohlert, who had converted 20 of 25 previous Rolla extra points, toed the decisive point in the third qu a rter. It was no day for football , yet both teams did an amazingly good j ob of providing an interesting show. While their maneuverability was practically zero since neither team was equipped with ice skates, both elevens refused to go into their shells and play defensive football. Passes actually proved as good a risk as running and the Miners tossed 25 to ISNU's 16. Rolla completed ei'ght and Normal hit on five. Ground thrusts were of no avail, Missouri collecting only 17 net yards and the Redbirds seven. The numbing weather brought about a plethora of fumbles , with ISNU losing six of its nine bobbles. Rolla had better luck , falling on two of its three. It was punter Bill Koedding 's bobble which helped Normal snag a 6-0 lead in the first period. Koedding went back to punt on his own 21 , ten ya rds behind the line of scrimmage, but fumbled the pass (Con0nued on Page 15) ed. in that city for ten years in this capacity. Since 1943 Barney has been Asso ciate General Agent with Conn ecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company and is a member of the National A,sociation of Life Under ~ writers, Quality Award 1945-46 ; American Society Chartered Life Und erwriters ; Masonic Order ; Shrine and the Brentwood Country Club. He has been president of the St. Louis Association ; trustee of the Los Angeles Association; president of the General Agents & Manafiers Association in Albany and has b een a director of our Alumni Association for three years and past president of the Southern California section.
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Business Meeting of Alumni Group Held
MSM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION November 1, 1949 to November 1, 1950 Rolla, Mo. , November 3, 1950
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The following table shows the numerical status of membership and receipts for three periods: November 1, 1947
November 1, 1950
Nov. 1-49-50
Nov. 1-48-49
Nov. 1-47-48
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NO' 1 Men
Previous Life Grand Total Net Total
No. Men
No. Men I Receipts 964
5254 .00
I' I
5 1055
I 5537.00
50 I
Financial statement in brief for year November 1, 1949 1 , 1950.
... .. $ 1546.00 (1) Cash in Rolla State Bank 3296.79 (1) Printing Cost 10 ,000.00 Stocks, Bonds, Time Deposits. 173.06 Interest & Dividends received Alumni Dues, Life , Actives and Junior ...... 5254.00 (2) The details of the $10,000 Stocks Bonds, etc. are as follows: November 1 , 1948 Government Bonds Maturity value. 5200.00 October 11 , 1949 Redemption of Treas. Bond , 1948-51 1300.00 Leaving Maturity value of Bonds on hand (A) 3900.00 November 12 , 1949 Bought G. Bonds Net Cash 3600.00 7500.00 June 19, Time Deposit Mutual Federal Savings and Loan Assn. 3 '/r Interest ... .. .... .. .. .... ........ .. ...... .... .. ... ... .. . 2500.00 Advice of Carl Stifel 10,000.00 Total Summary . Maturity value Gov. Bonds (A) Net Cash investment .
3900.00 $10 ,000.00
(1) This figure reflects the expenditure of an additional $419.10 for printing the September-October Alumnus, not available when the Secretary made a brief review of status. October 27.
A meeting of the Board of Directors under President Kelly was called at 2:00 p.m .. October 27 , 1950, to transact routine business. The secretary announced the results of the MSM Tellers Committee
on the election of new officers and directors. According to the authorizeq change in By-laws, the election of 12 new directors and 4 officers of
The Business Meeting of the Association was held in the auditorium of Parker Hall at 4:00 p.m. on October 27, 1950. President Mervin J. Kelly presided . He reviewed the accomplishments of the past year, pointing out that two outstanding events had been the full accreditation of all curricula at the School of Mines and Metallurgy that had been passed upon by the Engineers Council for Professional Development, and in which the Alumni Association had played a part. The second was the amendment to the constitution enlarging the Board of Directors and also providing for junior membership for all graduating seniors, thus permitting them to receive the alumni magazine for one year following grauation without charge, and tne next year allowing membership at $3.00 per year, the third year, they would be eligible for full membership. H. R. Hanley, Secretary-Treasurer of the Association reported on the business affairs of the Association, a complete report of which is published elsewhere in the Alumnus. Barney Nuell then asked the new President to take the chair as Acting President and moved that the Association express their gratitude for the splendid work done by Dr. Mervin J. Kelly during the past two years as President of the Association, in spite of the tremendous demands for time that had been made upon him in his business capacity. the Association was completed prior to October 27 , 1950. The results of the election were as follows: James L. Head '16 , President A. E. Barnard '27, Executive Vice- Presiden t H. H. Clark '15, Vice-President H. R. Hanley, Secretary-Treasurer Directors at Large (three year term) Mervin J. Kelly ' 14-463 West Street, New York 14, New York Chas. J. Potter ' 29-619 Oak Street, Indiana, Pa. Melvin E. Nickel ' 38-7020 Cregier Street, Chicago , Illinois. Directors for various Numerical Areas: Area 1 (New England) - E. A .
Crawford ' 29 (Life), 483 Oakdale Hill, Cliffside, N. J. (2 years). Area 2 (Philadelphia, Washington, S.E. N.S.) - Gunnard E. Johnson '16, 1018 Palmetto St. , Davenport, Fla. (1 year). Area 3 (W. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana) - L. A. Turnbull ' 22, 47 Nantucket Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. (1 yea r). Area 4 (Northern Illinois, Chicago, Wisconsin, Minnesota) - W P. Ruemmler '38 , Eagle Picher Co. , Box 540, East Chicago , Ind. (1 yea r ) . Area 5 (Southern Illinois, Eastern Missouri) - H. S. Pence , '23, 118 Syndicate Building, St. Louis, Mo . (2 years) Area 6 (Western Missouri) - H. E. Zoller '23, 3900 East First St., Wichita, Kan. (3 years) . Area 7 (Texas) - J. V. Spalding '39, 3216 S. Utica St., Tulsa, Okla. (2 years) . Area 8 (lVIountain States) - D . P. Dale, Jr. , '34 , 960 Leyden Dr., D enver 7, Colo . (1 year). Area 9 (Pacific Coast) - Barney Nuell ' 21 , 530 West 6th St. , Los Angel es, Calif. (2 years). T ellers Committee consisted of the fo llowing men: H . R. Hanley, Chairman, S . H. Lloyd, D. F. Walsh, Leon Hershkowitz. The secretary gave a brief report on the Alumni activities which was accepted by the Board. A gene ral business meeting of the A ssociation was held in Parker Hall at 4:00 P.lVI. when a review of Alumni activities w a s made. President-elect J. L. Head called an informal meeting to discuss fUe ture plans to consider new committees and their personnel. The following committees were named and Chairman noted: 1. Membership Committee (H. E. Zoller). 2. Honors & Awards Committee (H . S. Pence) . 3. Public an d University R elations (Carl Stifel , Wm. Allers ; F. C. Schneeber'ger). 4. Curricular & Res earch Committee (lVI J. Kelly). 5. Program Planning Committee. 6. Presiden t s Vi siting Committee. 7. Committee on Publications (P. T. Dowling). 8. Constitution an d By-Laws Committee (Barn ey Nuell). 9. The Presid ent's Column Committee. Th e r egistration of "Hom ecomers"
at 9:00 a.m. October 28 in Parker Hall was at an a ll-time hi gh - 190 registrants. Homecom~ng Convocation President Kelly reviewed the activities of the Association during the p ast years and presented tile auth orized certificate of merit to the following three Alumni: John lVI. Schuman '16. Victor H. Gottschalk '98 Harry S . Pence '23. Among the distinguished visitors on the p l atform during the convocation were Senator Allen lVIcReynolds, member of the Board of Curators, and past president thereo E, L eslie Cowan , Vice-President of the University, and Dr . Howard I. Young, President of the American Zi nc L ea d and Smelting Company. Th e Convocation was high-lighted by a most informative address b y Dr. Young on the significance of metals in the life of our nation under conditions of peace or apprehension. The football game with Springfie ld was no place for one w ith a w e ak heart! The lVIiners came from b ehind in the second half to win 35 to 34. The outstanding success of the Homecoming celebration was du e l argely to the efforts of the following committee members: The Alumni Homecoming Committee - A. E. Barnard '27, Chairman, W. A. Baumstark '40, lVI. E. Nickel '38, J. E. Seally '31 , and R. lVI . White '26. The Faculty Homecoming Committee L eon H ershkowitz ' 41 Chairman, D. R. Cox, E. K. Schu~ man '20, H. F. Thompson '32, C. F. Thorpe '31, D. F. Walsh '23. H . R. Hanley , Sec.-Treas~
Shanafelt - McNerney lVIiss Donietta lVIcNerney, daughter of lVIr. and lVII's. William McNerney of Newburg, became the bride of lVIervin E. Shanafelt, '50 , of Belleville, __ Illinois, __Wednesday, August 30, at the Newburg Baptist Church. The bride was employed in the Registrars Office at MSlVI for almost two years. While in school the groom was a member of tb~ Ind ependents, the Engineers Club a nd Gamma Delta of ASlVIE . He was al so a member of the Track Squad. At present, he is employed with t h e White-Rodgers Electrical Company in St. Louis. The couple will be at hom e at B elleville , Illinois.
Request $1,000,000 For New Buildings A new Geology building costing $5 00 ,00 0 and a new a uditorium costing $500 ,000 are among the requests for funds made of the Legislature for the 1951-53 biennium according to D ea n Curtis L. Wilson : The Board also asked for $500 ,000 to compl ete and equip the engineerin g l aboratories building, of which the first unit was put into operation this fall; a nd $240,000 to compl ete ,and equip the new Chemical Engineering building, most of which is now being occupied. In addition to the above, the Board r equested a total of $1,679,000 for personal service, additions, repairs, replacement and operations for the above period. This coupled with the request for buil dings a mounts to a total of $3,419,000 r equested for lVI.S.M. for the biennium. In the Legislature, which convenes in earl y January, M.S.M. will be represented this year b y two n e w l egislators. D eVere Joslin, father of LaCompte Joslin, MSM '34, will serve as r epresentative from Phelps County; while John A. Johnson of Ellington, Missouri will represent th is district in the state Senate. Both have promised inte rest and cooperation in promoting lVI.S .lVI . in the L egislature.
Alumni Committees Are Named by President Head New committees are being appointed to carryon the work of the Association. To date the following have accepted the chairmanship of the following committees: Membership H. E. Zoller, '23, Chairman; B a rney Nuell , '2 1, Vice Cha irman. Public and University Relations Carl G. Stifel, ' 16. Chairman; William Ehlers, Jr. , '13 , Vice Chairman. Program Planning F. C. Schneeberger, '25. Curricula and Research Dr. lVI . J. Kelly, '14. Constitution and By-laws Barney Nuel, '21. Honors and A wards Harry S. Pence, '23 . Athletics W. N. Taggart, Jr. , ' 20.
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Carl H. Cotterill, '40, Writes Timely Book
of 1to to
Carl H. Cotterill , '40, has written a timely book on Industrial Plant Location, Its Application to Zinc Smelting. (1) An examination of this book reveals an intensive study of technology and economics of the subject. Among the captions that are outstanding are locational, transporta-
as they influence profits. Carl graduated in Chemical En.g·ineering at MSM and recieved his Master Degree in Business Administration at W ashington University in 1948. H e is associated with n1e American Zinc Lead and Smelting Company (2) as Pland and Process Investigator. The MSM Alumni Association is proud of the author of this book w hich in many respects is pathf inding in nature. (1) Published through the court esy of the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Co. , St. Louis, MIssou ri. (2 ) Business address : 1600 Paul B rown Building, St. Louis , Mo .
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Carl H. Cotterill, '40 tion and marketing fac tors which directly affect the economy of production. The August issue of " The Spirit" , a monthl y publication of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, reviews the book as follows: The book arrives at a procedure to be used in scientifically determining the most profitable location for any industrial plant, by considering the relative effect on unit costs exerted by the factors of raw materials, fue l and power, market a r ea, transportat.ion, labor , capital sources, laws, taxes, a nd technological requirements. By taking full adva ntage of geographic factors, a location for minimum overall delivered cost is indicated. The Zinc S melting Industry has been taken as a case study illustrating his proceedure_ This comprehensive survey of the United States Zinc Industry, a lthough secondary in the title , makes the book quite uniqu e in its fieldcorrelating for the first time the of zinc, fields of business, and geography of production ,
(Continued From Page 3) you r local section officers, or through the erstwhile president or secretary of your graduating class. You may recall that during the year 1950 , the By-l aws were changed b y referendum ballot to provide that every new graduate becomes automatically a member of the A ssociation, without payment of dues or without voting privileges, until October 31st of the year following the calendar yea r of graduation, and that for the subsequent year the annual dueg w ith voting privileges would be $3.00 Thereafter, the regul a r dues of $5 .00 would be in effect. Thus, the members of the class of '50 are considered paid-up members until October 31 , 1951. Members of the class of '49 are eligible to join for the same period for $3.00 and are being especially invited to do so. We confidently expect t h at this temporary sacrifice of revenue for the Association will result in ultimate gain through a greatly increased dependable membership . We are also sending a copy of this issue to all graduates and many former students whether paid up in 1949-50 or not. Your dues will help to make it a better publication. I coul d write at length as to reasons for active membership in your Association. Let me but quote from the introductory chapter to "A Primer of Alumni Work" by R. W. Sailor, one of the American Alumni Council's H andbook series: "The relation between the college and its a lu mni has been likened to a two-way street. It is not possible to produce and continue the alum-
nal relationship where all the going is in one direction. The college h as .. provided its graduate with his weapons for his life whether they be the profession in which h e is engaged , the general cultivation th at e nables him to understand ;mything that can be explained, or the pastimes and occupations that ena b le him, by simpl e introspection, to cast aside the worries and bothers of difficult situations and to find relaxation and respite within himself. These are three pricel ess contributions . "Neverth eless, it is merel y human that the alumnus, if successful, IT ight often b elieve that some of tfie el ements in his success were innate . . h e tends to fopget or minimize the part A l ma Mater had in nurturin g him. "The other way of the street is more obvious. A college must have a con sta nt fl ow of high-grade prospective students; and of g ifts, whether of art treasures or books, or of cash, buildings and lands . Above all, the flow must include thoughtful goodwill which will wa tch the interests of the college in such matters as friendl y publicity, the relief of tax burdens, and the protection from adverse l egisl ation and , in many cases , from th~ election of unfriendly r egents and other State officers ." Your n ew Board is happy and f ortunate for the support and cooperation of President M iddl ebush, Vice President Cowan and D ea n Wilson . R egistrar Noel Hubbard continues to carry the load of publishing the Alumnus. To them a ll I want to take this opportunity to expr ess our thanks. In " The President's Column" il). subsequent issues, I or my fellow officers and directors will discuss briefly the policies, aims and activities of the Assoc iation . We want to keep you informed. We will welcome your suggestions on any subject connected with the work of the School - and we will not dodge your brickbats. Cordially yo urs, James L. H ead, '16 November 28, 1950 Coolidge - Schien Donald James Coolidge , '43, was married to Miss Helen Schien on S eptember 16, at Los Altos California. He plans to return to school t.his fall at Oregon State. His ad dress there is 362 East 14th street, Eugene, Oregon.
Dr. O. R. Grawe of the Geology Department, Dean Curtis L. Wilson and E. Taylor Campbell, ' 23 , at the buffet dinner.
As the Alumni Gather
Robert H. Smith, '46 , and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Fletcher T. McCrae and "Bus" McCrae, '38, and Dick A. Walker, '48 , at the Homecoming dinner.
lI'iIIi of the in the
Prof H. R. Hanley, 01, greeting Dr. Howard I. Young, Hon., '39 , who delivered the convocation address. Milt J. Harden, '26, and Leslie Cowan, Vice-President of the University, visiting during registration.
Mrs. Charles W. McCaw, C. T. Jones, '26, "Pluto" Cameron, ' 23, and Degen Boyd, '26, reminiscing over old times. " Pluto" and Degen visited their sons who are freshmen this year at M.S.M.
J. R. Bodine, prominent in the foundry industry in St. Lou is, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. "Beani e" Barnard, '20, enjoying the buffet dinner.
Mrs S Mrs. Ne;
on October 26 - 27
William L. Niece, '20, Paul Dowling, '40, chai rman of the St. Louis section, and Noel Hubbard, Registrar , in the "chow" line at the banquet.
Thornberry, for the ban-
Harry S. Pence, '23, receiving an appropriate label at the registration desk from Miss Gussie Willy of the Alumni office staff.
Mrs. S. H. Lloyd , C. R. "Pluto" Cameron, '23, and Mrs. Neal Ham at the banquet.
F. C . Schneeberger, '25, Dan Kennedy, '26, and William A. Hubbard, '44, at the buffet dinner. In the background is E. Taylor "Polar Bear" Campbell, '23.
Dick A. Walke r , '48, and Paul Fullop, '48, gett:ng organized for the banquet. PHOTOS BY DWIGHT TEAGARDEN . 'SI
Leon K. Hershkowitz, '41, and A. E. Barnard, '27, co-chairman of the Homecoming Committee and P. K. "Jack" Horner, '06 , discussing things in general.
Winters and Zumsteg Awarded Scholarships John F. Winte rs of Macon, Missouri, a senior in Metallurgical Engin eering, and Richard E. Zumsteg of Quincy , Illinois, a senior in Minin g Engin eerin g, h ave both b ee n awa rded the American Sme lting and Refining Compa n y Scholarships at the School of Mines and M e tallurgy for this year, according to D ean Curtis L. Wils on. Thesp. sc holarships , made available b y th p. American Smeltin g and Refinin g Company to promote interest in the mine ral industry , carry a s tip end of $ 500 each. Both boys have outstanding gr ade r e cords at th e School of Mines, a nd both have been leaders in stud e n t activities. Winte rs is a member of Theta Tau , a Professional En ginee rin g Fraternity, and of T a u B e ta Pi , a National Honora r y Engineering Fraternity, and ha s served as Secr etar y and Treasurer of th e T ec h Club , a cooperative boarding hou se . Zumsteg transferred to the School of Mines from Quincy College as a sop homore. H e is also a m e mber of both Theta Tau and T a u B eta Pi, a nd of the Kappa Alpha, a social fraternity . He has served as State Treas urer of the Missouri Academy of Scie nce and as Executiv e Officer of P e rshing Rifl es, a milita r y orga nization. Zumsteg served for two yea r s in the Army b efor e coming to Rolla.
Dr. Kelly (Continued From Page 2) our industrial eco nomy . The d ecreased enroll ment in engineering in the fall of 1950 must not b e p e rm itted to continue into succeeding y ear s. All e n ginee ring socie ties and e ngineers as individuals should do e v erythin g possible to bring about a n increase in th e e nrollment in e ngineerin g curricula next y ear. The items for the Alumni Association are: 1. The Asso ciation t oday has some 115 more active membe r s than a yea r ago, and its assets h ave incr e ased approximately $1500. 2 . In the l ast year the members have approved changes in by- laws that give promise of l a r ge and continuing b en efit to the Association . Under these changes a ll graduates of the School automaticall y b ecome m emb ers. During the first year they r e ce ive the " Alumnus" and all b e n efits othe r than voting without payment of du es. In the second yea r they will attain full membership on the pa y ment of $ 3.00 , and in the third year t h ey pay the reg ular dues of $5.00. We belie ve that this change will make it possible for a much larger percentage of graduates to become active members in t h e early years follo wing gra duation. 3. In r e cognition of the increasingly wide distribution of our alumni throughout the country, w e
have gone to a regional basis for selection of a portion of t h e me mb e rs of our Board of Directors, and incre a sed the number from 5 to 12. Nine come from specified areas in the Unite d States and three are general. In addition to the 12 dir ectors, there are four officers-president, executive vice-president, vicepresid e n t a nd secretary-treasurerwho are m e mbe rs of the Board . The 16 m e n el ecte d to th e enlarged Board are as follows: J a m es L. Head, ' 16, Preside nt. A . E. B ar nard , '27 , Exec utive Vic e-President. H . H . Clark , '15, Vice-Preside nt. H . R. H a nley, ' 01 , SecretaryTreasurer. M e rvin J. Kell y, ' 14, Charles J . Po t ter, ' 29 , a nd Melvin E. Nickel, ' 38, Direct ors-at-Iarge. E. A. Crawford ' 29 , Gunnard E. Johnson, ' 16 , L. A. Turnbull , ' 22, W. P . Ruemmler '38 , H. S . P e nce, ' 23 , H. E. Zoller, '23, J. V . Spalding , ' 3£¡, D. P. Hale, Jr. , ' 34, and Barney Nuell , '21 , Area Board Membe rs .
Severtson - Snelson L a urabel Snelson, daughte r of Mrs. Jo e Snelson of 206 Sout h Cedar Street, Rolla , Mo. , b ecam e the bride of V e rnon S. Seve rtson , ' 50 , October 7, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Rolla. While in school V e rnon was a membe r of AIME. H e is now employed with th e Eimco Corporation a t Salt Lake City, Utah.
More HHomecomers"
Prof. D. F . Wals h , ' 23, in cente r and G. H. Wagner, '47, re gistering A. W. "Spoof" Walker '24.
Avery A. Drake, '5 0, recelvmg his registrat~ on label from Mrs. Mary Ella Day, of the Reg'istration Committee.
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Miners Defend MIAA Title Successfully Gale Bullman' s 1950 Miners again are the undisputed footba ll champions of th e M, I. A.A. confe r ence. With victories over Mary ville , Warrensburg, Kirksville and Springfield, against a single loss to Cape Girardeau , the MSM gridders for th e second consecutive y ear wound up the se a son a t the h ead of the pack. Most spe ctacular triumph w a s against the Springfield B ears on Oct. 28. The Bears rolled up a 20-to-O lead in the firs t half before MSM got under way. In the third p e riod the Miners went ahead 21-20 , and f in a lly emerged victorious, 35-34. The week before, Bullman 's gridde I's turned aside Kirk sville , 47-7, Earlier victorie s, reported in the last issue of the A lu mnus Magazine, included a 32-13 triumph over Warrensburg , a 14-0 w in over Mary ville, and a 34-19 victory over the Washington U. Bears of S t. Louis. Cape emerged with a 7 -6 victor y in the final regular game of t h e season in a downpour, Seniors ending their colle gia te careers on th e MSM gridiron were : Dick Jones, end ; Bob Wein e l and J ack Theiss, tack les ; Dave Ande rson , Charles Kimball , J erry Wilson , John Mosca ri , Dick Ro e merman and Dick Thurston , g u a rds ; Dud Blanke, center ; D on Dowling a nd Bill W ohl ert, fullback s, Alde n Williams, quarte rb a ck ; and Ed Kwadas, halfba ck.
Corn Bowl Game ( Continued From Page 8 ) from center. H e still tri e d to punt but end Howard Eades le d a rushing Redbird line that smothe r e d the boot and the othe r e nd , Roge r La pan , fell on the ball on the one . Quarterback Cleon F e llows sneaked over on the first down . Burridge's placement then veer e d to the right of the uprights. Missouri , with Alde n Williams <aki n g to the air frequentl y , crossed the goal once in the se cond quarte r on a 30 y ard pass to end Jim Tietj e ns but an illegal shift nullifie d the thrust and brought a 15 ya rd penalty to the 45. Later in th e second p erio d th e
Mine rs d elve d to th e Cardinal 16 , but Janie Lashme t interc epted a Williams pass and ran it out to the 28, a nd F r a nk Chiodo , who got off o n e boot tha t tr avele d 70 y ards from th e line of scrimmage kicke d o ut of trouble , Anothe r blocke d punt ga v e ISNU a scoring chance from th e 14 y ard lin e in th e third stan za but F ellow s fumbl ed a nd L e la n d B ev era ge r eco ve r e d f or the Min e r s . The Misso urians' w inning thrust s tarted aft er Chiodo's partially blocked punt we nt out of bounds on the Min er 47. Willia ms w inge d a p ass down the m iddle t o fullb ac k Don Dowling w ho wa s up e nd e d b y Burridge on th e 16. The vis itors th e n unloose d' a p ote nt gro und a tta ck to score in fo ur p l a ys. Ed K wadas w e n t throug h th e middl e for th e las t fiv e y a rd s a nd W ohl er t did the r est. The MSM Lineup : End s - T ietj e n s, Jon es , Morris, Smith. T a ckle s - W eine l , The iss, ~ e v e r a'ge, U lz. Gua rds - Ro e m er ma n , Thursto n , Wilson, Ande r son, C e nte r s - Blancke , S cho eppe l. Willia m s, Huffman , B a cks K wa d as, Do w ling, H a m pel , Ko ed d in g , Wohlert , Proc tor.
1,687 Are Enrolled In MSM This Fall The fall e nrollme nt tota ls 1687 , a de cline of almos t 30 p e r ce nt ove r t he sa m e p eriod last year. This d e cline was brought about b y the large graduating class of l ast sprin g and summe r , a nd which class r epr ese nte d the large influx of vete ran s in 1946 a t th e close of t h e war. The Mining D ep a rtme nt has the hig h es t enrollme nt on the campus , follow ed b y Civil Engineering and th e n Mechanical Enginee rin g . The r e w e r e 131 stud e nts enrolle d w ith graduate rank. School officials contempla t e a furth er d e cline n e xt year , particula rl y with th e l a r ge number of r e servist s b e ing calle d up from the stud e nt body at this time . However, b a rring unforeseen military de v elopme nts, afte r n e xt yea r the en r ollme nt should s t a bilize a nd soo n b egin to increase . This increase will b e come more accelerate d in the la te 50 ' s whe n the upswing in the birthrate, which started in 19'37 and 38 , b egins to b e f elt at the coll ege l ev e l.
Chicago Section Awarded Illinois Mining Institute Scholarship Euge n e L . T aylo r of Blue Island, Illinois, a j u nior in M inin g Eng in eering, Mini n g G eology option , a t M issouri S ch ool of M ines and M e t a llurgy h as been a wa rd e d th e Illinois Minin g In stitu te Scholarship f or 1950-51 , a ccordin g to a n ann ounce m e n t from D e a n Curt is L. Wils on of t h e school. This schola r ship , w hich is to the Cl mount of $200 , h as b een mad e a vailable b y t h e Illino is Mining Ins titute for th e p u r pose of r e co g ni zi n g the ac a d emi c accompli shme nts of some worthy s tud e nt fro m Illin oi s who is m a j orin g in Minin g Ene gineerin g . Ta yl or is the son of P . F. Tay lor of Blue Isl a nd , Illinois, a nd is a gra du a te of th e high school of that community . Tay lor matricula te d a t Missouri S chool of Min es in Jun e , 1949, a nd , t o date, ha s e a rn ed a 2,4 g r a d e point r ecord out of a p ossibl e 3,0 . H e was sel ected as t h e nominee for the a w ard from a mon g 54 stu d e nts fr om Illinois.
A ver y fin e MSM Alumni m eet i ng was h eld in Chicago in con -j un c tion with th e Na t ional M e t a l Co n g r ess an d Exposit io n on W e d nesd a y, Octo b er 25 . Drs. A. W. S chlechte n a nd D. S. E ppe lsh e imer d eli ver ed ve r y fin e in f ormal m essages r e l a ti ve to MSM a nd , in p a rti c ul a r , t h e M e tall ur g y D e partment. T we nty -sev e n wer e in a tte nda nce a t this m ee ting, a s foll ows : H, H . Cla rk , '07 , H. C. Miller , ' 3 9, F. M, K rill , ' 43, F, J. Foley, ' 32, E. G a m me t e r , ' 26 , M . L. Frey, ' 22 , W. P . Youn g. W , P. Rue mm l er , ' 38, E. W, Lind blad , ' 33 , E. L, Brundige, ' 48 , D. G, Sc h m idt, '48 , K . K. Ike uy e , ' 46 , W. J . B a rn e tt, ' 44 , R. H. M aveety. ' 12. D. H. Mackey , ' 40 , A. W. Schle chte n , F a culty , D . S, E p p el sh e imer , F a culty, T. R. Gra h a m , ' 34 , H. J. Pfeif e r , ' 36 , L . H . D eW a ld , ' 33, F. J . S chmitt, ' 32 , P . W . Kl oeris, '42 , G. A, Engl e , '42, C . E. Za n zie , ' 42 , R. F . S chmid t , ' 45 , G, H . D a vis, ' 47 , W . D . W a t e r s, '39,
Gottschalk, Pence,
Awarded Certifications of Merit
Schuman Honored At its Homecoming Convocation the Alumni Association honors distinguished members of the Associat ion for outstanding contributions to the Association and the School by awarding to them a Certificate of Merit. This year three of our members are so honored. Victor Hugo Gottschalk. B.S. 1898, M.S. 1900 , Ph.D. University of Chicago 1918. Dr. Gottschalk was professor of Chemistry at our School from 1903 to 1920 , then he enter e d industrial research and occupied important positions in industry until h e went to the U. S. Bureau of Mines as Research Metallurgist. He retired from the Bureau of Mines in 1949 and is now a visiting professor at the University of Maryland. His work there prevented his being with us today. As Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Gottschalk was a most constructive influence on the campus and through his inspiring in terest in research he l ed a number of his students into graduate training and research ca reers. To his inspiration, coupled with that of Professor Dean, I am indebted for my continuing in graduate wo rk preparatory to my life's work in applied science. After leaving the School , Dr. Gottschalk has kept in intimate contact with its activities and with those of the Alumni Association from the time of its organization. Whereever his work took him he was a participant in the alumni activities. in that area. For many years now he has been active with the Washington and B altimore gro ups. John M. Schuman. B.S. 1916. Merchant in Rolla since his gradua tion. The Schuman family have long been residents of Rolla and l oyal to our School. John entered l'h e business of his father, succeede d him on his death, and has expanded his business interests into new areas. He has al ways workeg in the interest of the School and has been active in the Association since its beginning. Whenever we h a ve needed help or advice on local matters, John has been availabl e a nd has given each probl em all 01 the time that it required. Harry S. Pence. B.S. 1923, E.M. 1935. Harry is on the staff of Sverdrup and Parcel Consulting Engineers of S1. Louis and plays an increasin gly important part in the
John M. Schuman, '16 operations throughout the world of this engineering organization. H e has been most active in the affairs of the St. Louis Chapter of the Alumni Association as well as in those of the national organization. He has served as a member of the Board and as a vice-president. Whether or not in office , Harry has been avail able for aid on our prob: lems and has been one of the best of our counselors on policy throughout the years. This year he returns to administrative service as a member of our Board of Directors . William M. Stich, '50 William M. Stich, '50, was killed in an automobile accident in the course of his employment near Sweetwater, Texas, while supervising some core drilling in connection with some exploration work. The truck in which he was ridins was accidently turned over and William was killed. His brother, Leonard Stich is now a senior in the Mining D epartment at MSM. Milton W. Wallace, '2 1 Milton Wardell Wallace, '2 1, died September 1, 1950 , after a long illness. He had been with Westin'~ house Electric Corporation , Bloomfield, New J ersey, for some years. He is survived by his wife, one son , and a daughter. While in school , h e was a member of Grubstakers and American Association of Engin eers.
Harry S. Pence, '23
Chicago Section The Chicago Section will hold a m eeting on J anua r y 17 or 18 to which a ll alumni, faculty members and students on senior trips arein vited . The meeting will be h eld at the Engineers Club on South Federal Street, Chicago. Anyone interested should contact Wallie P. Ruemmler , Development Engineer, Eagle Picher Company , 151st and McCook Avenue, East Chicago , Indiana.
'50 Graduate Killed in Automobile Accident Geor·ge C. Hoffman, '50, was instantly killed in an automobile accident near Ligonier, Indiana, on, November 3. George's wife , J ean, was also killed in the accident together with two of Jean's sisters, her niece, and nephew. A total of six were killed in the accident. George graduated in J anuary of 1950 and was employed by the Topographic branch of the USGS in Rolla. He was driving his wife and her relatives to Lansing, Michigan , when the accident occured. Five of the ·g roup were killed instantly and t h e sixth died a few hours later,. In school, George was active in student affa irs being a member of Theta Tau, American Road Biulders Association , and editor of the American Society of Civil Engineers paper.
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L . L. Donnan , ex 1884, was present for Homecomi ng. He ,gave h is address as 805 W. 9th. , Upland , California.
1892 E. M. Johnson gives his m a il ing
address as Box 514, H e nry etta , Oklahoma.
1898 Arthur A. Terrell was present for H omecoming th is year. H e is with th e National Zinc Company , I nc., B artlesville , Okl a. His h ome is 710 Dewey Ave. , Bartlesville , Okl a.
1899 E dwin T . Perkins is with the Eagle Picher Co . Gal wa , Kansas. He g ives his home addr ess a s 1723 Jackson Ave. , Jopl in , Missouri .
1901 R. T . Rolufs l ives at 102 W. 12th
street, Rolla , Missou ri.
1903 Royal S . Web ster was present at H omecoming this y ear. He is with the U n ited Ra ilwa y s of Havana , Cuba. H is h ome address is Edificio Barcardi 220 H avana , Cuba .
1904 Evan E. P rice is living at the Alta Cl ub , Salt Lake City , Utah.
1906 Herbert H . Soest, ex ' 06 , is livin g at 1929 Lovel ace Ave. , L os Angel e s 7, Califo r nia . T . D . S amue l , ex ' 06 , ,g ives h is addr ess as 442 W. 68th St. K a nsas City, M isso ur i. Preston K . Horner registere d for Home coming. Preston is l iving at 75 14 B yron P lace , C la y ton , Missouri. F r ank L. Treuting , ex '06, is living at 59 Meadow Brook Rd. , Ham den , Connect icut.
1907 Horace Clark was pres e nt at Homecoming this y e ar . H e ga v e his home add r ess as 7202 S outh Shore D rive, Chicago 49 , Illinois.
1908 Jame s D . Fowl er give s his bus iness address as 3900 Lemmon Ave ., D allas , T exas . H e is l iving a t 4544 F airway Ave. , D a llas, T exas. H. A. J ohnson is l iving at 15427 Saticoy St. , VanNay s, C alifornia.
1909 P . F . M ichae l is living a t 1407 E . 20th S t., T u lsa , Okl ahom a . G. A . Easl ey g iv e s his a ddress a s Morr istown , N. J . H e atte nde d H om ecomin g .
Alumni Personals 191 0 V a n H . Smith se nds 'gree tings to th e Home coming class a nd says t hat h e h a s see n a f e w of those with w hom he gradua ted namel y , Frank Blake, Burdick , C a ples, D e twe iler, Dose nbach. Jack Harlan , Picke ring, John Ste wart, R. C. Thompson a nd G eorge Vogt. J. W. Bodman's bu sine ss a ddre ss is L e v e r Bros. Co. 505 P a rk Ave ., N e w York , N e w York. He is living a t 18 W e dgem er A v e . Winchest e r , Massa chusetts. G eorge C. Vo gt is l iving a t 187 7 Shel b y St., S eattle 2, W as hington. J . D. H a rlan is living a t 2017 5th Ave . N. , S ea ttle 9, Washin g ton . M onro e Farrar lives at R. R. 4, Mattoon , Illinois. Frank O . B l ake a tte nd e d Homecomin g this y ear. His address is 520 Friend s Ave ., Whittie r , C alif.
1911 Harvey L. T e dro w l ives at the Olin Hotel , 1420 Logan st. , D enve r , Col orado. M ilan H . D e tweile r , Vice -Pres. Z e igler Coal and Coke Co ., Zeigl er , 111 ., was in Rolla for t h e Home com ing w e ekend .
1912 P . E. Coaske ' s bu siness address is 15 75 W e st wood B l vd ., Los A n geles , Califo r nia. H is home a ddress is 7641 Bo e ing Ave. , L . A. 45 , Californi a . S . D. C a llawa y giv es his business address as 1535 Broadway, K ansas City , Missouri . He is living at 622 Huntington , Kansas C it y , Missou r i . M. E. W illmott is with the Ford Motor Co m pan y , Iron M t. M ich. He is li ving a t 322 Hamilton , Iron Mt. Michigan. J ohn R. K e nney , 2132 N. Hal sted St. , Chicago , Ill. , spent the Home coming w ee kend in Rolla.
1913 H a rr y H. Nowl an is living a t 101 B e rn a rdin Apts. , Eva nsville, I nd. W illiam Ehler s a tte nde d Home coming thi s y e a r. He g ives his h ome a ddress as 8116 T e a sd al e , Univer s ity City , Mo.
1916 H. H. N e ustaedte r's home a ddress is 5635 Eich elbe r ger Rd. , S t. Louis, Missouri. J. R. M a h e r is w ith the So il Cons erv a tion S e rvic e , 43 4 P l ankington !I. v e ., Mil wa uk ee , Wi scons in . His
home a ddress is 46 12 N. L a rkin S t , Mil w a uk ee 11 , Wisc. Jo hn M. S chum a n w a s presen t al: Homecoming . H e g ives his m a iling a ddress a s 1500 Elm , R olla , Mo. Carl G . Stifel , 625 S. Skinke r , st. Lo uis, Mo. , a tte nd e d Hom ecoming .
1917 Howard A. Horner is w ith Frick Co . Inc ., W ayn e sboro , P e nnsylva n ia . His home a ddr ess is 422 W. M a in Street , W ayn esb oro , P e nn sylvania. J ames H. Bock' s mailing addre ss is Box 319 , R t. 1, T a mpa 1, F lorid a. John S. Brown is chief Geolog ist, St. Joseph L ead Co. H e w as in Rolla for the Home coming w ee kend. His ho m e address is 46 S. W. M a in St. , Bonne T e rre , Mo. G eorge B. W ilson r egist e r e d a t H om ecoming. H e is a n instru ctor a t MSM. He gives his home a ddress as O zark H ote l , Rolla , Mo.
19 18 H a n le y W e iser' s business a ddress is 1 Nassau P l ace , Fat tenville S . 1. 7, N. Y. He is l iving at 5769 Amboy Rd. Prince Bay, S. 1. 9, N e w York . Mic h a e l W. Shan feld gives his a ddr ess as Shanfe ld Bros . M e tal Co. , 58 D ock S t. , St. Louis, Mo. He was present for Homecoming thi s year. G e orge E. M e llow, 69 Fair O a k s, r:la y10n, Mo. , was in Ro lla for the Home coming weeke nd . H is business a dd r ess is Liberty F oundry Co.
1919 B e n Nichols attended Homecomin .g this y ear . His home addr ess is 5844 Roamin P I. , St. L ouis 12, Mo .
192 0 William L. N iece , 3128 N . W . 12 , Okla homa C it y , Okla ., was in R olla for H omecoming . H e is w ith Gulf Oil Corp. Edw in K . " Toots" Schuman , 11 06 Pi ne , Rolla , Mo. , regi stered fo r Homecoming thi s year. W illiam M . T agg a rt, No. 30 the Or ch a rds, C layton 24 , Mo. , ,gives his b u siness a ddress a s Wm. M . T agga rt a nd Co. , 1602 Loc u st, St. L ouis 3, Mo. He sp e nt the Homecoming weeke nd in Rolla . H a rland H. Hoppock is w ith th e W . T. R a w le igh Co. , Freeport , Ill. H e a tte nd e d Home coming ac tivities t his yea r. Cha r les R. Barna rd , w hose bu siness address is T he Enos C oal Minin g C o., Oakland City, Ind. , was pr ese nt a t H omecoming this year . Hi s home a ddr ess is 118 N. Lucr e tia St. , O a kl a nd City , Ind.
P AGE 18
Alumni Personals 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII i
Fre d W. Utoff is with Northern Ill. Coal. His home address is 1115 Lora l Ave ., Jolie t, Ill. Fre d atte nd ed H o m ecoming. Matth ew P . Brazill, G a t esworth Hote l , St. Louis, Mo. , was prese nt at Homecoming. H e is with William M. T ag'g art an d Co . P e te r H. Pie tsch g ives his business addr ess a t 2511 West 23rd St. , Chicago, Ill inois . H e is living at 602 3 Kimba rk Ave. Chicago , I llinois . Ca rl A. G ettler' s bus iness address is 835 S. 8th St. St. Louis, Missouri . H e lives at 607 W estborou g h P l ace , Web ster Groves, Misso uri.
1921 Barn ey Nuell was prese nt at Homecom ing . H e is with Conn ecti cutt Mutua l Life In sur a nc e Co . His home add r ess is 211 S. Ca r so n Rd ., B e verly Hill s, C a lif. Josep h M. Wi lso n 's busin ess add r ess is 707 Continenta l Bldg. , D a l l as, T e xas. H e is living at 5811 G ast.on A ve., Dallas, T exas. W. R. Q uill iam is living at 2260 S o uth S t r eet, B e aumont, Texa s.
1922 P . D. Wind so r attended Home co ming this yea r. He gives his ad dr ess as 109 North O a k , B elleville, Ill. Albe r t E. Lon g, ex ' 22 , r egis ter ed for Home comin g . His bu sin ess is lo n g In s ura nc e A gency, Rolla , Mo. D a nie l E. Huffman w rites, " In Jun e I purchased a business in Whittier, California. It is the Whitti er Bra ke Supply C o. , 540 S. G ree nleaf Ave ., Whittier , Calif. My resid e nce is 74 8 S . P a inter Ave. , Wh ittier, C alif. " Julius C. Sal mon's business address is Box 201 , Minden , L o ui s ia n a . H e was present at Homecoming. A. L. Ackers is with th e Stanolind Oil a nd Gas C o. P. O. Box 1410 , Ft. Worth, T e x as. H e lives at 2509 S tadi um Drive, Ft. W o r th 4 , T e xas. Loui s A. Turnbull gives his ad dress as 4800 Forbe s St., Pitts burgh, 13 , P a . H e is li vi n g at 208 Nantuck et Drive, Pittsburgh , 27 P en n sylva nia. E. Torrence is with the Broke n Coffee Co. , R anco'g u a, Chile.
N eal Ham was in Rolla for H ome co min g weekend. N eal is with th e I nge r soll R and Compa ny , St. L ouis . H e Jives at 715 W estwood Dr. , Cl ay ton , Mo . Juli a n Huckin s, who is with Corps of En gineer s, U. S. Army , was in Ro lla for th e Home coming weeke n d . His home address is 4507 Roanoke Parkway, K a nsas C ity 2, Mo. H arr y S. P en ce, 17 Cambridge Ct. , Gle nda le 22 , Mo. , is with Sverdrup and Parcel , S yn dicate Trust Bldg., St. Lou is, Mo. H e w as present for H omecoming this yea r. H e nry E. Zolle r attended Homecoming this yea r. H e is w ith D e rb y Oil Co., Wichita , Kans . Prof. D. F . W a l sh , MSM, r eg istere d for H omecoming this yea r. E. Ta y lor Campbe ll , 282 1 She r-
m an A ve ., St. Jose ph , Mo. , was in R olla for Homecomin g. H e is with th e Mo . State Highway D e pt . Campbell R. Ca m e ron , who is w ith Lone Sta r Ste el Co. , lives at 707 E. S e nec a , McAl est e r , Okl a. H e atte n de d Homecoming a ctivit ies t hi s yea r . H a rry Schie rm eye r l ives at 219 McKin l ey Ave. , Edwa rd sv ille , Illinois. B. Hamilton Moore , e x ' 23 gives his a ddre ss as 110 S. Yal e , A l buqu e rqu e, New M e xico. H e is l ivin g at 141 5 E. Ro ma, Albuque rque , New M e xico. Au g ust Fre de ric Mohri is the Chief Metall urgist of the S teel C ompa n y of C a nada , Hamilton, Ont a r io, Canada. His home address is 154 Rothsay Ave n ue, Hamilton , Onta rio , C ana da. H e nri Chomea u is with th e R e liable Life In s urance Co mpan y, 23 1 W. Lockwood , W eb ster Groves, Missou r i.
192 4
Professor I. H. Lovett of the MSM Ele ctrical D e pt . r egistered at H ome co ming. Andre w R. D e vere ux g ives his bu s in ess address as 1300 W est 59th stre e t , C hi cago 36 , Illinois. H e is l iving at 7941 Dobson Ave nue , C h icago 19, Illinois . G . T. Die rkin g is with Ford, B a con a nd D avis Const. Corp. T hr ee foot B ldg . M eridian , M ississippi. Hi s hom e address is 805 S. Grand St. , Monroe, Lou is iana.
Eve r e tt J. W e ndell , Co. Supt. of Hi g hw ays, gives his address at 18 Oak P a rk Dr. , P eo ri a, I ll . H e was prese nt for Home coming.
Charles C . Irvin g was in Roll a for th e Hom ecoming weekend. Hi s
hom e add r ess is 3 17 W. B utter f ie ld Rd. , E lm h urs t , Ill . H e is w ith J . M. Corbett Co . Hugh R. B e rry is w ith Shell Caribb ean Petrol eum Co., 50 W . 50t h St. , N e w York , N. Y . and is livin g a t 911 Grove St., Mamaroneck , N. Y. Hug h was prese nt for H ome coming. C. N. Va le rius ' business address is 637 Ricou- B rewste r B l d g ., Shre v e port. La. He is l iving at 443 G ladstone Blvd ., S hre veport, L a. Alber t L. Heidtman is living at 119 O gleb y Ave., Li nco l n , Illi nois.
192 6 Dani e l K e nn ed y, who is with th e U. S . G . S., Rolla , Mo. , registered for Homecoming . Nadine Matlock K enney was prese nt for H omecoming . She gave h er mail in g address as 2132 North H a l st ed St. , Chicago, Ill. Prof. D . R. Schooler, 605 W. 14th St , Rolla, Mo. , reg istered for H omecom i ng. Milton J . H a rden , who is with the U. S. G. S. in Rolla, attended H omecoming . His home address is 1008 Pin e St. , Rolla , Mo. Ern est W. Carlton of t h e M S M Civil D e pt. attended H omecoming events. D ege n B oyd g ives his b u siness address as Boyd Excelsior F uel Co. , For t Smith , Ark. D egen lives at 2005 South Greenwood , F t. S mith, Ark. He was in Ro lla for the H ome coming wee kend. Cha r les L. K itchen , e x ' 26 , attend e d H omecoming this year . H e is with W isconsin S teel C o. a n d is livin g at 7015 Michigan Ave., Ch icago, Ill . Ch a rles T . Jones, 3710 S. Utica Ave ., Tul sa 5, Okl a. , sp ent the H o m e coming weekend i n R olla. He is with Stanoli nd O il and G as Co. Harry C . Birchard's business addr ess is 23g¡2 1 Kean , D earbor n , Michiga n. H e is l iving at 30 0 South V e rnon , D earborn, Michigan. Kirk V. Cammack gives his busin ess ad dress as 142 N e w Custom House , D e nver, Colorado. His home address is 2230 F a irfax , D enver, Colorado. P. D. Scott is l iving at 52 1 Date St. , Boul der City, Nevada . B . M. Costello is with t h e B. F. G oodrich Co. , Akron , Ohio. H e is li ving at 3 17 K e n il worth Dr ., A k ron , Ohio. Morris L. T y r ell is with th e Cela -
h g
Alumni Personals
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nese Corp. of America, Narrows, V irginia. W. Irwin Short is living at 2329 McNary Blvd. , Pittsburgh 21 , Pennsylvania.
d L
/ T. O. English is with the Alumi/ n~m Co. of America , 80~ Gulf .Bldg.
PIttsburgh, Pennsylvama. He IS llving at 22 Apache Rd. , 9, Pittsburgh 28 , Pa.
1930 John G . Grohskopf, 1704 Oak St., Rolla, Mo., is Asst. State Geologist, Missouri Geology Survey, Rolfa , Mo. John registered for Homecoming. Aaron J. Miles was present at Homecoming. He is a professor at MSM, and lives at 102 W. 14th St. , Rolla , Mo. C. James Grimm of the MSM Electrical Engineering Dept. registered for Homecoming. His mailing address is Box 105, Rolla , Mo.
J. A. Holman was in Rolla for the Homecoming weekend. His business address is International Paper Co. , and his mailing address is P. O. Box 84 , Cotton Valley , La. Ray L. Hallows, whose business ad dress is The Eagle-Picher Co., Cincinnati, Ohio , was present for Homecoming. H e is now living at 1205 Edwards Rd. , Cincinnati, Ohio. Charles C. Juhre, who is with the Lyman M. Robison is manager U. S.G,S., Rolla, Mo., attended Baltimore Mill , Cooperative Mills , Homecoming. 2101 E. Fort Ave., Baltimore 30 , ,/" Jack Jarboe can be reached at Md. 1104 E. 21st Place, Tulsa, Okla . Prof. R. M. Rankin was presen.t A. C. Shearer is with N. Chicago at Homecoming. Prof. Rankin live's Refiners and Smelters, 2028 So . at 1604 N. Pine , Rolla, Mo. Sheridan Rd., North Chicago, Ill. A. E. Barnard , 613 S. Central Herbert R. Osterwald is with Ave. , Clayton 5, Mo., was in Rolla for Homecoming. He is with Weil the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Box 36, Bremen Sta. St. Louis, Kalter Mfg. Co. Missouri. He is living at 216 GilFloyd A. Gerard , 620 S. Washington , Park Ridge, Ill. , attended bert St. , Kirkwood 22 , Mo. Homecoming this year. 1931 Prof. Elbridge A. Goodhue, MSM , Vernon A. C . Gevecker is an Asregistered for Homecoming. Prof. sociate Professor of Civil EngineerGoodhue lives at 656 Salem Ave. , ing at MSM. He registered at HomeRolla , Mo. coming this year and gave his mailing address as 1101 State Street, 1928 John E. Weber, 334 Church St. , Rolla, Mo. Rex Z. Williams, Ass' t Dean, Bonne Terre , Mo. , was present at Homecoming. He is with St. Joe MSM, registered at Homecoming this year. Dean Williams' home ad," Lead Co. Mrs. E. A. Goodhue registered at dress is 504 E. 5th St., Rolla, Mo. Loren A. Wilson att.ended HomeHomecoming. Mrs. Goodhue lives coming this year. He gave his adat 656 Salem Ave., Rolla , Mo. Myron N. Dunlap attended Horne- dress as Crane, Mo. coming. J!e is with St. Joseph Lead Joseph E. Scally is with AlsonCo. , and lives at Rivermines, Mo. ette Enterprise, P. O. Box _1655 , Karl A. Allebach is living at 1301 Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is living at 2110 S. Jamestown, Tulsa, Okla. Chavez Ravine Rd. , Los Angeles, California. Jonathan C. DeFoe is with the Arthur P. Berry lives at 341 Sta- Socony - Vacuum Italiana S .P.A. Casella Postale 269 , Naples, Italy. tion st. , St. Anne , Illinois. W. E. Donaldson gives his busiSam D. Hodgdon 's business address is 6211 Cedar Springs Road , ness address as Code 4011 Michelson Laboratory, China Lake, CaliDallas 9, Texas. He is living at 543'9 fornia. His home address is 50B Neola Drive , Dallas 9, Texas. Ringgold, China Lake, Calif. 1929 R. L. Kirkpatrick can be reached Harry C. Bolon, 1200 Morrell at 1923 Brun Ave ., Houston, Texas. Ave., Rolla , Mo. , is with the Water Martin G. Tieman gives his home Resources Div. , U. S. G. S. , Rolla , address as 1704 Oakcrest Drive , Mo. Harry attended Homecoming. Alexandria, Virginia ~ E. Jefferson Crum is living at ( James E . Stokes is with the Bur518 Joppa Rd. , Towson , Maryland .'
eau of Reclamation, 310 New Customhouse, Denver, Colorado. His home address is 1391 South Clayton St. , Denver 10, Colorado. W. R. Towse is living at 49 Academy Hill Terrace, Stratford, Connecticut. Clyde E. Wilhite, Corps of Engin eers, Southwestern Div. , attended Homecoming. His home address is 2438 Salerno Dr. Dallas, Texas.
1932 Homer F. Thompson registered for Homecoming. Homer is an Instructor at MSM, and gives his, mailing address as Rt. 2, Rolla, Mo. Floy d S. Macklin, who was present at Homecoming this year, is with the U . S. Engineer Office , 10 E. 17th St., Kansas City, Mo . His home address is 912 Charlotte, Kansas City, Mo. Richard Rydstrom gives his address as 1016 East 36th St. , Baltimore, Md. W. M. Pickels' business address is P. O. Box 2175, Houston, Texas. He is living at 1502 Mc Duffie , Houston 19, Texas. John Matsek is with the Corps of Engineers, District Engineer Office. , Little Rock, Arkansas. He gives his home address as 406 Palm street, Little Rock , Ark. John T. Sturm is with the W. H. Powell Lmbr. Co., St. James, Mo. Harvey C. Chaden's business address is 1610 Circle Ave. , So. Bend , Ind. He is living at 828 E. Fox St. , South Bend, Indiana. ~H. O. Tittel is with Monsanto Chemical Co. Anniston, Alabama. He is living at 813 Coleman Drive Anl1iston, Alaba'ma. '
1933 Elmer Roemer, 1801 Oak St., Rolla , Mo ., registered at Homecoming. Elmer is with the U .S.G.S. in Rolla . Lowell A. Hibbits was present for Homecoming. He is with Usona Mfg. Co. , 3512 Chouteau Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. , and is living at 4038 Quincy St., St. Louis, Mo. B . J. Gross, who is with Key Co., was in Rolla for the Homecoming weekend. He gives his home address as 7164 Washington , St. Louis 5, Mo. Milton L. Herzog's new address is Ecusta Paper Corp ., Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. C. H. Beardsley is with the Corps of Engineers, Ft. Worth , Texas , Harry F e derow is living at Lake Shore Drive , Springfield , Missouri. E. W. Gieseke is with the Ameri-
'an ya n<lm id 0., 30 Rock f 11 I' Phl Z;I , N w Yo rle , N w Yorle . H e is l i v in/,; cit 10 1 10 n ial ir cl , F o un [ilin ity, T nn . W. W. og hilJ g iv hi s m a il ing a Id l' 55 a. P . . Box 512, Monah a ns, T exa . W . R. T o ws c ha ng d hi s Crom th A . I' II Fir o. t PI' s icl ' nt iln d Majo rity wn r 01: th e 0., 220 , on n 'c ti c ut. Fire B ri ck l\esNvoir Av ., B ri Ig l o rt, Conn. l[ ;s hom' <J elelr ss is 49 A cad my H iJI T IT8ce , tra t1: o r cl, on n.
1934 I m ' ns 11. Mai s is with th SI.. 1,01ii s P Oli c D e pl.. in th rim D te ·ti on L abo r a to ry. 1 m n ' wa PI' se nt fo r th Hom eco min g acti v i ti cs . ITi .' hom ::r ddr ss is 6125 Ma rwin It Av ., I.. Loui 16, Mo . p ri nge r i ' wiLh Arm co W . R. II 1 (' 1'Il ~ILi o n a l o rp. H w as in Rolla fo r H om eco m ing, n n I gay h i.' ad(II' ss as M icldl t wn , O hi o. W . B. IT!
11 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Alum ni Personals I11I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIi lu I. He is l iving at 750 S. W ash in gto n 1.. , P ap illio n , N b .
1936 Fr cI A. Sch w a b wa s present for Homecoming th is yea r . Fred is with th U. . En gin er s in Kan sa s City, Mo., a nd is livin g a t 2200 W. 48th T I'ra ce, Kan sas City 3, Kans. H . F . Mi c h 1 giv es h is mailing addl' ss as 116-3rd., R iv erdale, North Dale t a o Ba s.iI Os m in is w i th the Union Ele ctric Power Co. 815 B 11 SI.. AlLon, Illin o i '. H is liv in g a t 5871 Dc G .iveI'ville Av ., St. Loui s, Mo. J a m e H . M e nefee gives his bu s in . ad clres' as R a nd U Di svi s ion Office , Chi.f of Engineers D IA : W as hing ton 25 , D . C. Hi s hom e ad dr e s i ' 3405 Tul a ne Drive, W e.' t Hy a LLsville , M ary l a nd. T. A. Roes' busin es' address is 1. 252 S. V a nd · v nter, St. Loui s, Mi sso uri . H e is r a t 303 Oakley La n , K irkwood, Missouri. G or' O. Nat ions giv s hi s bu sin s · ad dress a P. O . Box 266, Pittsburgh , 30 , Pa. He is livin g at 771 L b a n a n Ave., Pittsburgh 28, Pa .
1937 with th Am eri 'Hn o n 1. Co rp ., Dayton 9, Ohio. l l ishom a ddr 's is 95AvonWay , 1 elYto n, h io. r. . L. McR y nold s is w ith th ..., h;lrOII t el Corp., 204 B nLl y /\v e.. h8ro n , Pa .
1935 J . Thorp r eg is t r d co min g . P r o.L Thorp liv ilt :35 n A I' s, Rolla, Mo . J a m s J . Murphy is l iv in g a t 6170 P e rs hin g, I.. L u i ', Mo . H w a ' in Ro ll H f I' Ih Hom omi ng we lend . R udo lph J . ri rc'ss is P:1 I1 Y, ra nit li v i n g 'I t 36 3 Lo ui s, Mi sso uri . Il a l' la n K. Hoy t is w ith lh Com m o nwea lth 'di so n . 79[1 e.rry / \ v e., 8:1 mwood Pa r le , lili no is. .Il owa rcl F . L a ng is w it h h II il o. W ood R i v I', Il l ino is. II is v in g a (. I G36 law o n, A lLo n, Ill . T . W. Roy r CB n b I' ac h cI at () O() W . N;) mi Av . AI' 'a din , ;.1 1i.l:. Max E:. EcI'ga r's bu 'in s · <l dclr s' is Nilti o na l 'Parle J'vi ' , F d 1'101 1 Cfi B u il d ing, Om:1 ha 2, N eb ra s101 1'
G r a nt ch a umbur g gives h is bu s ad dr ss a ' Geneva Steel 0 ., Box 269, S alt Lake City 8, ta b. N wton H. Ottinger, 1100 Park M a n or , Okla homa City, Okla., w a PI' se nt for Homecoming thi s year . He is A ssl. Div i ion M a na'ger, S ta l of OklahO.m a , Schl umb l'ger W ell Surv ying Corp. P t l' F. Ma tte i r egis ter ed fo r H o rn co min g. Pet r is wit h the M ast r Bu iid r' Co. , a nd is I ivin g a t 2403 K ie nl n Av ., S t. Lou is 20, Mo .
Flelcher T . McCrae w as present a t Homecom in g t h is year. H is with Midland Elec tric Coal Corp. , Farming to n, Ill. H is livin g at 167 North Wood St., Farm in g ton, Ill. Fr d M. Mu ell er is with Eba sco erv ice' In c. Box 4919 , Station F . Kan 'as City, Mi sso uri . His m a il in g ad dress is Box 524, Adri a n, Mo. J o hn R. McCl osk ey is livin g at 70 8 D o nn elly, Columbia, M isso uri. Donald R. J ae n cke g iv es hi s bu 'in ess addres as 3410 W est 67th 1.., Los An gel s, Ca l iforni a . Don ald is livin g at 4205 T hi rd Av ., Los An gel s, Ca lifornia . C. C. V a n D e v nte r is living a t ApI.. I -A , Oakwood M a nor, Wo odI Ilr y, N w J r ery . 1939 H er bert J o hn o n wa ' on th e campus a r ly in S e ptember with h is w ife. He is in the Process Controf D e pl. 01 Ca rn egie, Ill. Ste 1 Corp . II i.' hom e a ddr ss is 10812 South P a rk Ave. , C hicago, Ill. Edga r F . Po hlm a n , who is with Corp' of En in ers, SI.. Lou i Dist. , wa s in Roll a for Hom Hi s m a ilin g address is Roule N o. 1, E as t I.. Loui , Ill . H ic hard W . L o ve is e mploy d w i lh th e T xa Co . Hichard w as prese nl for Homecoming a nd ga v e h is home arldres a s Box 11 7, Sa le m , Ill. Thaddeu ' S. Stoj e ba is with th Creal P e ll' l e um Corp ., Carip ito R c1: in fY , Car ipito, V e n ezu ela . John G. B eac h ' bu sin es address s 505 Kin " Ave ., Columbu s, Oh io. H i hom e addre is 40 3 K i ng Ave. , olumbu , Oh io . M I'ri s B oo r k y g iv e bu sin es' add r ess as 112 Hardi n g Sl .WOl'ces t I', Ma S . Hi s h o m e add r e . is 45 outh Fla g'!)' St. , W ore s te l', M ass . John R. Po t i with the Comm er cial Solve nts Corp. 1817 W . Full d o n Av . Ch icago, Illino i . H e i_ livin g a l 59 05 W. Ri ce St., Chi cago, III i no i . W. L . Go lkel is with Jose ph E . e agr a m' a nd Son s In c. , Lawr · ncebu rg, Ind .ia n a. J a m e H . J aco bs i living a t 1024 W yo min g t , Bould r City , N -v a da .
194 0 J am vi s ito r w ith 1I
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1938 H l'b rL C. W 1£ g i v hi s addl' s ns 6216 Dext 1' , Af.fton , 23, M .
F. Ru sh in g w a PI' s nt .c com in g. H e is w ith Gran ite C ity t 1 Co., ::r nd is l ivin g a t 4522 H ll y Av ., St. Loui 15 , M o. M aj r G r ge B. Munro g iv es hi s ad dl' s as Box 1542, Wri g ht P 1'1 tt 1'. o n AFB, Oh io. 11'1 1' nc . P allTlc r , wh o i with
nt is
17 II. ~o
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R. W. Booker and Associates, was in Rolla fo r Homecoming. He is living at 5366 Cab anne, St. Louis 12 , Mo.
I11111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Lawrence E. L ambelet, whose mailing a ddress is 1001 Ly nwood Dr. , Rolla , Mo. , r egistered for Homecoming this year . L awrence is w ith the U .S.G.S. in Rolla.
J. W. Gardner gives his business address as 845 E. 61st street, Los Angeles, California. His hom e a ddress is 431 N. Olive Ave nu e, Alhambra , California. Robert H. M eyer is with the Doro Chemical Co . Pittsburg , California . His home address is 1687 Garn et Lane, Concord , California. Howard T. Gibbons is with the U. S . Radiator Corp. Ed wardsville , Illinois . Howard is living at 823 Elsie St. , Edwardsville , Illinois.
Paul T. Dowling attended Homecoming this yea r. Paul is with Nooter Corp. , St. Louis 4 , Mo . an d is living at 1455 Fores t View Dr. , Warson Woods, St. Louis County 22 , Mo. Russell A. Gune g ives his business addr ess as 2408 E. 4th Place , Tulsa , Oklahoma. H e is living at Rt. 1, Bixby , Oklahoma.
Alumni Personals I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i
M. E. N evins' busin ess a ddress is Wisconsin Centrifugal F oundr y Inc. , Waukesha , Wisconsin. His home address is 205 N . Greenfield Ave. , Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Armin J. Tucker lives at 29 Moore Avenue , Mt. Kisco , N ew York. 1942 Walter A. Baum stark gives his business address as 712 Cass Ave ., Austin E. Schuma n , 7522 Alicia St. Louis , Missouri. His home a dAve. , St. Louis 17, Mo. , attended dress is 534 Oaks Court, W ebster Homecoming weekend in Rolla. H e Groves, Missouri. is with International Sho e Co . Rolland W. McFarland's business Otis H. T aylor was present for address is 422 J ersey, Quincy, Ill. Homecoming. He is employed with Rolland is living at 2019 V ermont Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. , and Quincy, Illinois. is living at 924 H arvey Ave ., Kirk. wood 22 Mo. Arthur P. Morgan IS Branch ' Manager of Ing le Bros . Broom corn;N.JOSePh C. Knittel can be r~ached and Grain Shattuck Oklahoma . a t 4239 S. 37th St. , St. LOUIS, Mo. His home ~ddress is Shattuck ' OkHarold A. Kruegar is w ith Nationlahoma. ' al Lead Co. Harold was in Rolla fol.' Homecoming. His mailing ad 1941 dress is 400 W ashington, Baxter Donald G . Crecelius , 95 Tabor Springs, Kans. Melvin C . Flint gives his busiRoad , Oak Ridge, T enn. , attended Homecoming weekend in Rolla. ness address as The Atlantic Refining Co. , 260 S. Broad St. , Room Don is employed b y Carbid e a nd 305, Philadelphia, P a. Carbon Ch emical s Co. Andrew A. Cochran , 20 S. Bara t St. , F erguson 21 , Mo ., came to Rolla for Homecoming. An dr ew is w ith Mallinckrodt Che mic al Works. S1. Louis. L eon Herschkowitz r egist er ed for Homecoming this yea r. L eon is Ass1. Prof. MSM. His home a ddress is 1300 Powell , Rolla , Mo . orman D ee Blair is w ith Southwestern B ell T el ephone. H e lives at 3632A Wilmi ngton, S1. Louis 16 , Mo. Norman was present for Homecoming . Harold J. Schroe der , 1017 N. Main St. , Malvern , Ark. , was at Ho mecoming this year . Harold is w ith Baroid Sales Divi sion , Na tional L ead Co. J . O. Strawhun gives his mailing address as Box 1069 , Ch arl ottesville , Virginia.
George Wm. Axma cher registered for Homecoming and gave his mailing a ddress as 1745 % W. Al abama, Houston, Tex. James W. Shaffer's business address is 112 S. Third St. , Hillsboro, Oregon. James is living at 319 N. Connell St. , Hillsboro, Oregon. Jose ph B. Schmitt is w ith Kop p er s Co. , Inc. , Pittsburgh, P e nnsy lvan ia. He can be reached at 24 Tulsa Glen , B eaver , Pennsylva nia . G eorge R. L eland ca n be r eached at Edificio Tobon No. 40 , Medellin , Colombia. R. M. Brackbill is with Shell Oil Co. Box 100, Calgery, Albert a , Canada. Mail addressed to 741 3rd. Ave ., N. E. , Calgary, Alber ta , Canada, w ill reach him. A. G . Adler's business address is American Zinc Co. of Illinois, Box
495, E. St. Louis, Illinois. His home address is 617 N. 13th S1. E . St. Louis, Illinois. R. L. Stowell gives his business addr ess as Box 218, Paranam, Paramaribo , Suriname, South America . His mailing address is Madison , New York. R. A . K elly is living at 1135 P artrid~e Ave., University City , MissourI. K. V. H arrin gton is with L e onard W ed. & Mfg. Co . 224 Lombard , S t. Louis , Missouri. His home address is 7704 Arlington , Webster Groves , Missouri. Gene Gottschalk's busin ess address is Buick Motor Div. , G en era1 Motors Corp. Bldg . 84, Flint, Mich. Jim L. Mitchell is with AllisChalmers Mfg . Co. , Milwaukee , Wisconsin. H e gives his home address as 4819 W . Capiton Drive, Milwaukee , Wisconsin.
1943 John Frede rick Burst can b e reached by writing 1237 Althea Drive, Houston, T ex. Capt. Howard W. Durham g ives his address as 802nd E.A.B. , APO 239-1 , c lo P.M. , San Francisco , Calif. Waldemar M. Dressel registered for Homecomin g this year . He is employed with the U . S. Bureau of Mines in Roll a and is living at 17 Rolla Gardens, Rolla , Mo. Howa rd B. Liley is now w ith S ocony-Vacuum Oil Co . Howard r eturned to MSM for Homecoming weekend. His m a iling address is 1512 a Eckert Pd ., St. Louis 20 , Mo . Joseph T . Adams, 7415 Campbell , Kansas City 5 , Mo., was in R olla for Homecom ing . H e is e mplo yed with Nordberg Mfg. Co. Louis B. Wissl er attended Homecoming this year. H e is now with Hussmann R efrigerator Co. , St. Louis, Mo. , and resides at 563 8 Clemens, St. Louis, Mo . Joe B. S elle gives his business address as Ohio Steel Foundry Co. and his home address as 4615 Mt. V ernon S l. , Houston , T exas. Joe register e d for Homecoming this year. Claude E. D avis writes that his new address is 26 E still Dr. , Charl eston 4 , W . Va. Edward E. Gygax is with Union Electric Co. of Misso uri, 315 N . 12th St. , St. Louis, Missouri. H e can b e r each ed at 9440 Bagl ey Dr. , J ennings 21, Missouri.
PA G E 22
Franc is M . Kr.ill 's business address is K a iser A l uminum and C hem. Corp. Spokane, Washington . His add r ess is 2. 1704 10th Ave., Spo kan e, W ash ington . M. K. Main is with Sh 11 Oil, P. O. Box 3832, Odes a, T exas. H e is l ivin g at 1105 N. K ell ey, Odessa , T exas. W a rre n J. W age r t g ives hi s addre s as B ox 116 , Harri sto wn , I lli n ois. H. W. F lood is li ving at 4519 M a inf ie ld Ave ., Baltimore, Maryla nd . 1944 Edward M . Schultz , Jr. , a tte nd ed Homecom in g this yea r . Ed is with Bronze A lloys Co . Hi s hom e ad dress is Rt. 10 , Box 476 , F er g uso n 21 , Mo . /
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Ala ska. Mail addressed to Box 517, Jun ea u. Ala ska , will r each him . 1947 Rob ert L . Ray, M. S . ' 47 , is a Metallurgist with J os. T. Ry er so n a nd Son , Inc ., Em e ryville, Calif.
Lore n H. S ellec k was presen t for Homeco ming. Lore n is e mpl oyed with J. F. Pritchard a nd Co. , and is li v in g a t 3536 Virg ini a, Kan sa s City, Mo. G eorge H . Wa g ne r is living at ] 10 6 Bi shop Ave., Rolla, Mo. /"Rodn ey A. Sch aefer is a n in structor at MSM, a nd is l ivin g a t 804 Main, Rolla , Mo. Fr derick E. Nev in is li ving a t Wm. P. McKinn ell , jr. is a grad704B E as t 12 th St. , Rolla , Mo. uate stude nt at MSM. H e r egiste r e d D . A. Gre co is with Sew in g Ma for Homecoming a nd gave hi s ma ilc hin e Service and Supply Co. H e in g address as 1106 Bi sh op , Roll a, Mo . r egister e d for Homeco ming and Alb ert H. Thorwega n, w h o is w ith ga v e hi s hom e a ddress as 1123 T y 1 I' St. , St. Louis, Mo. th e Misso uri State Hi g hway D ept. , /",Paul R. Kasten can be I' ache d atte nd ed Hom eco ming thi s yea r . H e b y writing 249 Ca s per Hall , Oa k is livin g at 7734 Snowd e n , RichRidge, T enn. mond H e ights, Mo. Willia m A. Hubbard was prese n t Donal d H. Koch is livin g at 6352 for Ho meco ming. Bill is livin g at Bancroft, St. Louis, Mo ., and is e m 233 -16 131 Ave ., Laurelton , L . 1. , ployed with St. Louis Hdw. Mfg. N. Y. H e is with Shell Chemical Co. Don was in Rolla for Home comCorp. ing. William A. H errm an attended ( iHarold L. S en eff, M . S. ' 47 , can b e Hom eco min g this year . H e is em - r ea ch e d at th e E. E. D ept. , 129 Engl'. ploy e d w ith Fruin-Coln on Contr. Bldg. , Univer sity of Mi ssouri , CoCo .. a nd is livin g at 1262 P ennsyllumbia , Mo. van ia Ave ., University City 14, Mo. Samuel H. L l oyd i with S alt R. W. K l orer 's busin ess a ddr ess is Dom e Production Co . H e registere d for Hom eco ming thi s yea r and ga v e 34 N. B r e ntwood , St. Louis, Misso uri . H e is living at 5329 B . Gla dhi s home address as 1243 Overhill , stone, S t. L ouis, Mi sso uri. Houston , T exas. D av id A. Wicker can b e r ac h ed P a ul F. Ca rlton , who was prese n t at Box 326, Bruin , P e nn sylva nia. at Hom ecoming , is with the U . S. K e n W yga nt' s busin ess address is Eng in eerin g Corps, a nd is l ivin g at Room 1109-100 W illiam St. , New ] 37 Gira rd PI. Kirkwood , Mo. York New York . K e n is livin g at Wi lb e rt F. W ege n er is livin g at 253 -0'6 35th Rd. , B ell eros M a nor 320 N. Cole , M exico, Mo. H e is em6, L . 1. , New York. ployed at Mex ico R efractori es Co. 1945 Wil bert was in Roll a for HomeRoy H. Boy d , whose b us in ess adco min g. . . d r ess is Box 737 , McCook , N e braS~ J ames W . Ste ph e n s 1S w1th M o. Public Service Co. His, hom e adk n b e reached at B ox 283, In dianola , Nebraska. dress l S 406 E. 3rd, L ee s Summlt, 1946 Mo. J ames r eg istered for Hom eEbe rhard H . Mi ll er was pre ent co min g. Lester K. Mo ll er can b e r eac h ed for H omecoming. H e is e mploye d at Route No.2 Bi hop, T exas . with Res ear ch Divi sion of Olin Industries, E ast Alto n Plant, and is Robert C. P l etz, who give hi s li ving at 5051 a Win ona , St. L ou is business add r e a 200 Union B ldg. 9, Mo . T e nn essee V alley Auth ., Knoxvi ll e, Howa rd M . Fowl er is with t h e T en n essee, is li v in g at 701 Lon gT e rri to rial D e pt. of Min e, Jun au , v iew Rd . Apt. B, Kn oxv ill e, T e nn .
W a lter 1. Steve n s is with Canadia n Gulf Oil Co. , 8035 -10 2 St. , Edmonton , Albe rta , Canada. Bin g Quai Y ee, who is with the Carte r Oi l Co. Dra w e r 438, Manhatta n , K a n as, is livin g at 331 Moro St. , Manhattan , Kansas. Virg il A . J o hn so n is with Sin cla ir R ubb e r In c. Houston, T exa . H e can be r eache d a t 7305 Lak ehurst Drive, Hou ston , T e xas . W a rre n H . B ell g ives hi s bus in ess add r ess as 25 1/l Hildand P ark Vill age. D a llas . T e x as . W arren is livin g at 3323 Kni g ht str ee t, Dall as, T exas. George 1. P err y m a n is with Cre ole P e trole um Co r poration , Lagu n ill a , E st ado Zulia , V e n ez u ela. K e nneth L. G ill e 's busin ess address is Bucy r us - Eri e Co ., Export S al es D e p t. S. Milwa uk ee, Wisconsi n . H e can b e r each ed at 1223 Man itowac , S. Wilwa uk ee . 1948 Arthur Edward Scholz g ives his prese nt a ddress as 62 E ast Market Stree t, B e thl e h em , Pa. Willi am E . Simpkin is l iving at 507 W est lllh str ee t , R olla, Mo. H e r egiste r e d for Home comin g. P a ul Full op was present for Hom ecoming. H e gives hi s hom e a ddress as F latwood, Mo. G eor ge H. R a m sey writes tha t hi s n w address is 3242 S . Knoxvill Tulsa, Okl a. Rob ert V . Gevecker is with Mi so uri S tale Hi g hway Highway D e pt. , 37 17 Harri on, K ansas City , Mo. C. R ay Holla nd w as at Homecoming thi s year . Hi s home a ddress is 203 Oa k St. , Rolla, Mo . Stan ley F . John sen, who is with Ca rm a l Coal Co ., r egister ed for Hom ecom in g. H e is livin g at 811 W . Pra irie , Marion , Ill . Mi cha el J. D ela ny, Jr . wa s in Ro lla for H omeco ming. H e is m ployed with I ngersoll-Rand Co ., a nd is li ving a t 5225 Wabada Ave., St. Loui 13 , Mo . Sidn ey A. Fra nklin , Jr ., ex '48 , was a camp u visitor on Oc t. 16 , 1950. Si dney is in the m otion pictur in d ustr y in Holl ywoo d . Hi s h ome addres is 2882 0 Cl iffside Dr. , Malibu , Calif. / J ac k Roth e r r giste r ed for Homecom in g t hi yea r. J ac k is with Sta n dard Photo Co. , a nd is l iving at 4517 A Fl ad, St. Loui s, M o. J a m es B . Chaney, who i with B a r oid S a les Div. , Natio n al L ead Co., gives hi s h om e a ddr ess as P .O.
Box 218, Potosi, Mo. James was present for Home coming. Bernard J. S exa u er attended Homecoming. H e is employe d wfth National Brg. Div. of American Brake Shoe Co. , and is living at 3745 Shreve Ave ., St. Louis, 15 , Mo. Harvey B. L ea ver can be r eached by w ritin g 618 W. 10th, Topeka, Kans. H a rvey was in Rolla for Homecoming. H e is employe d with A rm co Drainage and M etal Prod. , Topeka, Kans. eorge E. Hess r egister e d for Homecomin g . George is with Century Electric . Mail addressed to 100 Oak, Rolla, Mo. w ill r each him.
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dyress is 422 E. 5th St., Washington, Mo. He is with Modern Auto Co. Keith E. Short can be reached at 128 Boonville Rd ., Jefferson City, Mo. Keith was in Rolla for Homecoming this year. He is emplo yed with Mo. Division of Resources and Devel opment, J efferson Ci ty, Mo.
Engrs. His mailing a ddress is 3406 A. Clara, St. Louis 20, Mo . George J. Juen ger Jr, is living at, 2246 Blendon, St. Louis 17 , Mo. Donald Griesedieck, who is employed with Union Electric , St. Louis, Mo., came to Rolla for the Homecoming weekend. He is Ii ving at 3929 Canterbury , St. Louis , Mo. J. K e nt Roberts was present at Homecoming. He ,gave his address as 14 Nagogami Ct., Rolla, Mo.
Charles R. Remington, Jr. , regis1950 t ered for Homecoming. Charles is Frank S. Greene was present for a n Instructor at MSM. His home Homecoming this year. He is em ployed with Sheffield Steel Corpora ddress is No. 7 Cronin Ct. , Rolla, Mo. a tion. Frank is living at 1231 S. McIvan H. Garthwaite's business Joseph R. Sculley is living at Coy Stree t , Independence , Mo. address is P. O. Box 518, Andrews, 1416 North 43rd St. , East St. Louis, Thomas A. H errmann registered Texas. H e gives his home address Ill. for Homecoming. He gave his hom e as Mount Hope , Wisconsin. James C . Schmitt is with Illinois address as 1262 Pennsy lvania , St. W. A. Schaeffer III is living at Power Co. , J ames was present for Loui s, Mo. He is working for Sve r 1902 W est 26th st.reet, Sny der, T ex- Homecomin g and ga v e his mailing drup and Parcell Inc ., Consulting as. address as 3407 Li ncoln Ave., AIEngineers. Clyde M. Stauffer's address is ton, Ill. /-:Chandrakant D . Gandhi is taking 4315 N. 16th D r., Phoenix , Arizona. / Delbert R. Cox registered for / g ~aduate work at MSM. His mailing Wilbert F. Stoecker . .gives his /Homecomi~g . H e is a n instructor at addr ess IS P. O. Box 12 , R~ lla, Mo. busmess address as Ul1lverslty of MS M and I S llvmg at. 102 W. 12th RIchard H. Kerr, M. S. 5Q, was Illinois, Mechanical D epartment, St., Rolla, Mo. p r esent a t Homecoming . He is an Urbana, Illinois. His home addr ess Harley L. Monroe, who was at Instructor in t h e Math D epartment is 1412 W. University, Urbana , Ill. Homecoming this yea r , is employof MSM and is livin g at 800 W. 10th Odus L. Fronabarger is w ith Misc d w ith St. Joseph L ead Co. He St. , Rolla, Mo. so uri Utilities Co., Cape Girardeau , lives in Fl at River, Mo. Ralph A. Sta llm an registere d for Missouri. H e is living at 405 South Jerome T. Berry is with the Homecoming this year . Ralph is a Boulevard, Cape Girardeau , Mo. graduate student at MSM and ,gives U .S.G.S. in Rolla. He registered for Robert C. Kreutzer's business adHomecoming . J erry lives at 1019 home ad dress as Government Apt. dress is 3221 Locust St. , St. Louis , Lynwood Dr., Rolla, Mo. 0-4, Rolla , Mo . Missouri. His ho me ~ddress is 829~walter J. Janczewski 's mailing Robert F lippo writes t h at he is Colebrook Dr., Webs ter Groves, 19 , a d dress is 5122 Grand Ave . Kan- l; v ing at 2808 McLe more, Fort M isso uri. sas City, Mo . ' Worth, T exas . Richard C. Enochs is with the A. Vernon T. Brunson is r esidin g at Vaughn E. Tippit, whose home V. Smelter Co. in L e adville, Colo5212 1h Fountain Ave. , Los Angeles a ddress is 10 7 Shaw n ee Stree t , Par a do. Mail addressed to P. O. Box ol a, Kans., was in Rolla for Home27 , Calif. H e is employed by th e coming . He is with Carrothers Lockheed Aircraft Corp . in Bur616 will reach him. 1949 Const. Co. bank , Calif. J ames B . Nelson was present for Ralph E. L ee registered for HomeDonald F . Haskell writes, "Sin ce Homecoming. H e gave his mailing com ing this yea r. Ralph is an Inmy retu r n from Alaska t his fall, add ress as 1014 Summit Ave. W eb structor at MSM. ]\I[ B. Millan e of W est ern Reserve ster Groves, Mo. He is with AmeriUniversity and I h ave orga nized Norman B. Wolk , who is now a can Steel Foundries, Granite City , Atlantic Aero. W e spec ialize in graduate student a t MSM, r egisterIll. A erial Maps use d for th e developed for Homecoming this year. NorGeorge William M a bie, who is ment and evaluation of mineral ma n 's mailing address is Newb urg, with Ford Motor Co. , D earborn , lands." His new mailing address is Mo. Michigan , came to Homecoming Atlantic Aero Surveys, Room 927 , G le n W. Sutton's address is Corp. this year. George gives his home Century Bldg ., St. Louis 1, Mo. Gle n W. Sutton, USMC, 2nd Air address as 114 S. Rosever e, D ear D elivery Platoon, S ervice ComHarold M . T elthorst, who was born , Mich . present for H omecoming, is with m and, FMF, Camp L ejuene, North Raymond Rue nheck , who is emthe U . S. En gineers. H e g ives his Carolina. ployed with Emerson Elec tric, is mailing address as 5709 S. BroadNorman E. Barr is in research living at 6203 Bircher, St. Louis way, Apt. D, St. Louis 1, Mo. with Eagle-Picher Co ., Joplin, Mo. 20, Mo. Ray was present at HomeFloyd W. Wri<ght is living at 1804 Be is living at 1729 Virginia, Jop - coming this year. lin , Mo. Dunklin , Cape Girardeau , Mo. Irvin L. Propst attended the Daniel P . Letizia is working for Homecoming activities October 27 J ames A. F eltma nn was in Rolla Sverdrup and Parcell , Consultant and 28 . He is living at 732 Reed, for H omecom in g. J ames' ho me ad-
Lemay 23, Mo., and is working for Monsanto Chemical Co., Monsanto, Ill . Donald D ean Hockett i s with Misso uri Boiler and Sheet Iron Works. He is living at 208 South 9th stree t , Wood Riv er , Ill. Don was at MSM for Homecoming. James H. Ashmore was present at Homecoming. J ames is with Western Cartridge Co., and is living at 659 Lorena Ave., Wood River, Ill. Thom as E. Poliquin, employ e d by Engineering and Construction Inc. , Philadelphia, Pa., was present for Homecomin g . He gives his home a d dress as 2354 Goodale, Overland , Mo. Jesse R. Bodine was in Rolla for Homecoming. His busin ess add r ess is Bodine P a ttern and Foundry Co. , St. Louis, Mo. Richard
who was
~'esent for Homecoming, is living /
~: 3857 Bowen St. , St. Louis, Mo. H e is employed with Union Electric Co ., St. Louis, Mo.
Robert E. McGowan is working Squa r e D Co. , 2600 D elmar, ?t. ~ouis, Mo. Bob was present for Homecoming. H e gives his home add ress as 5523 P ershing Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Reginald J. Jones registered for Homecoming and gave his business address as W estern Cartridge Co. H e is living at 1238 Brown Street, Alton , III
~r /
Robert C. Settgas, who is with K ey Co ., E ast St. Louis, Ill. , came to Rolla for Homecoming .Bob is livin g at 3761a Potomac St. , St. Louis, 16 , Mo . Robert W. Bu el, who lives at 328 Olive St , Washington , Mo. , was present for homecoming. H e is e m ployed with S ta ndard Oil Company . Josep h E. H a llemann came to the Homecoming this year. H e is employed wit h MacDonnell Aircraft, an d his home address is RR No.2, New Have n , Mo. Charles R. Bonnell, who is an Instructor a t MSM, was present for Homecoming . His mailing add r ess is 1804 W a lnut, Rolla, Mo . Ronald F. Becker is with Rotary Engineering Co. He is livin g at 67 Frederick L ane, Glendale, Mo. William G. Bachman was in Rolla for Hom ecomin g. H e g ives his business address as Bachm an Machine Co., St. Louis , Mo. Christopher Cawlfield gives his
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a ddress as 1916 Shady V a lley Rd. , Springfield, Mo. W arren H. Johnson , 4268 Emerson, Schiller P ark, Ill ., r egistered for Homecoming. W arr en is with t'h e Ill. State Highway D ept.
/ Richard E. Ma rting resides at 3857 Bowe n St. , St. Louis 1, Mo. Dona ld W. Fink writes, " Since lea ving school I e ventually e ntered the field of life insurance and am now d evoting all of m y time to it." His mailing address is 4146 Maryla nd , St. Louis 8, Mo . Frank W. Ri es can be reache d at 607 St. Anthony Avenue , Effingh a m , Ill. Reid E. Iverson , writes that hi s army address is M ed ical D eta chment, 307th M e dica l Group , Mac ¡ Dill Air Base , Tampa, Fla.
Fra ncisco F erreira was in Rolla for Homecomin g. H e is living at 232 Shaw Street, New Bedford , Mass. Paul F. Carroll is in the U . S. Army a nd is statio ne d at Fort L eon,....-R. H. Steiner is living at 3216 ard Wood, Mo. H e was present for Barrett, St. Louis, Mo. He was on Homecoming and gave his mailing" the ca m pus Sep tember 30, and gave address as 603 W a lnut St. , Rolla , hi s busin ess addre~s as White Ro gMo. ers E lectric Co. Roland J. Niede r stadt attended Warre n E. McNely's most r e cent Hom ecomi ng this yea r . H e is workaddress is 1317 S. 6th Street, in g for Jos. E. Segrams and Son a nd Springfield , Ill . is living at 1413 State Street , E. St. Bmy L . Browngard 's address is Loui s, Ill. T-sgt. Billy L. Browngard , Edwin H. Barsach s registered for 17074083 , 306th Bombing Group , Homecoming. H e is a graduate stu368th Bombing Sqd., McDill Fiel d , dent at MSM and gives his home F l a. address as 1602 Pin e, Rolla , Mo. Ragip M. Samli can b e reached at Eldon C. Lindimore is employed 500 Rivec id e Drive, Room 622 , with Howa rd , Needles, Tammen , New York 27, New York. and Bergendoff. He was in Rolla Edgar L. Bueker is living at 3617 for Homecoming . Eldon gave h is Juinata St, St. Louis 16 , Mo. mailing address as 4064 E. 69th Robert E. P eppers' mailing adT errace, Kansas City 5, Mo. dress is P . O. Box 77, Beaver, Pa. A. M . Krause was present for Robert C. Porter l ists his address Homecoming. H e is l ivin g a t 1107 as 918 S. 24 th S treet, Springfield , State St. , Rolla, Mo . Ill. George W. Crabtree is employed Cletus F. Voiles can be reached wi th American Steel Foundries a nd at 30 W. Chicago Ave. , L aws on is living at Eldred, Ill. Geor-ge atYMCA, Room 1720 , Chicago, Ill. tended Homecoming. William E. Wolchek gives his adLouis E. Greco was in Rolla for dress as 1507 Unive rsity Avenue, S. Homecomin g . H e resides at 1123 T yl er St. , St. Louis, Mo., and is E., Minn ea polis 14, Minn. Ra y mond W. Fahien can b e found working at Emer son Electric Co. , at 100 W est Stadium , West Lafay 8100 W . Florisa nt, St l St. Loui s, ette, Ind. Mo . Bob J. M erkle, who was in Rolla Dr. Chi-Mei Hsaio is working i ll the laboratory of the Lindbu'g for the Homecoming weekend, Steel Training Co . in Chicago. His gives his address as 4723 a Anderson address is c lo L :nd b erg Steel Trea t Ave., St. Louis, Mo. in g Co. Lab oratory, 22 n. Lafoin William M . H arris is an InstrucSt., Chicago, Ill. tor in the Mechanical D epartment L. J Lufr ofka is Sanitary EngIat MSM, He r egistered at Hom ecoming and gave hi s home address n eer for the City of Sprin gfield , Mo . CI S 900 Missouri, Rolla , Mo. Edward J . Kallasch gives his adTheodo r e J. R eev es can be r eachc ress as 111 F a r go, Houston, Texas. ed at 6579 Julian Ave. , St. Loui s Robert C. Slusher has r ecen tly 14, Mo . H e is attending night school w ritte n that his new address is c lo at W ashin gton University this fall. Pan Ame rican Production Co ., Rt. Charles R. H ymes is living at 179 2, Lyford , Texas. W. Center , Pleasa nt Grove , Utah. Jack R. T ennill is living at 3216 John P. McGowan gives his ad- B a rrett St., St. Louis , Mo. Jack is with Presstite Engl'. Co., St. Loui s, dress as 531 E ast Fre mont St., Hillsboro, Ill. Mo.