MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO . VOLUME 25
Summer Commencement, July 28, 1951
Heading the academic procession are the speaker, Dr. Dan Kennedy, left, Dean Curtis L. Wilson, center, and A. E. Barnard, executive vice-president of the MSM Alumni Association who welcomed the new graduates into the organization .
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1951 MSM Homecoming
November 2 and 3
Return to Rolla and visit again with your classmates and fdends.
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P~~m November 2
2 :00 p.m. - - - - - - Board of Directors M'e eting in Rolla 4:00 p.m. - - - - - - Business Meeting, Auditorium. 6:30 p.m. ______ Dutch Treat Dinner, Hotel Edwin Long
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November 3 9:00 a.m. - - - - - - Registration, Parker Hall 11 :00 a.m. - - - - - Hom'e coming Convocation, Auditorium Parker Hall - Address of Welcome Dean Curtis L. Wilson - Convocation Speaker to Be Announced Later. 12:30 p.m. __ ___ St. Louis Section Cocktail Party, Hotel Edwin Long. 2:30 - - - - - - - - - - Football, Miners vs. Cape Girardeau College. 7 :00 - - - - - - - - - - Homecoming Dinner, Hotel Edwin Long 9:00 - - - - - - - - - - Homecoming Dance, ,Jackling Gym. Remember the dates, November 2 and 3. All Alumni of MSM are invited. P. T. Dowling, '40, Chairman - Alumni Committee Leon Hershkowitz, '41, Chairman - Faculty Hom'e coming Committee
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Along with the service which we have been able to render to the large number of students who came to Rolla for their engineering education, I think that the outstanding credit that made it possible for ~feature of the last decade from M.S.M. , with only temporary dormwhich I derive the greatest satis itory facilities (no permanent) , to faction is the number of graduates have an enrollment of over 2700 ¡ who have gone into industry, restudents, over 800 of whom were search, state and federal governmarried, many with several small ment service, and into the military children. With a faculty of over service of our country . In the last 170 , and a 'staff of more than 130 , 10 years I have had the honor , and most of them married and with I consider it a -great honor, to sig n 3309 diplomas, 3029 of which have been first or Bachelor of Science degrees. In its 80-year history the School has issued 6182 diplomas, of which 5463 have been first or Bachelor of Science degrees. Thus , well over half of all the graduates have completed their work in the last 10 years, and it would seem safe that of all the graduates of M.S .M . living today, about % of them have been students here_ dur ing the past 10 years. Like those graduates of previous years, these men are accomplishing great things and thereby are bringing still greater glory to their Alma Mater.
MSM and Rolla --- Dean Wilson Reviews
Progress of School During Last Decade By Curtis L. Wilson " It was ten years ago today that I received my appointment as Dean of Missouri School of Mines. It would be very interesting to me to review the progress of the School of Mines during the past ten years. I am afraid that I am the only one to whom it would prove interesting, at least right now, so I shall not spend too much time on that phase, - only a few poin ts. You know the enrollment figures from a pre-war maximum of about 900 students to over 2700 students on the campus at one time, in the fall of 1948. Many colleges doubled their pre-war enrollment figures, but M.S.M. holds the record for the country in tripling enrollment. Such a tremendous increase was made possible only by the cooperation of the people of Rolla. When our enrollment took its first big jump to 2200 in 1946, the U. S. Bureau of Mines moved into its new building and vacated the Experiment Station building for student use . The Missouri Geological Survey moved into its new building in the fall of 1946, releasing the whole of the Rolla building which provided some 14 fine classrooms. You may recall that we had to postpone 2 weeks the opening of the 1946 fa 11 semester to get some of the buildings in readiness . The U. S. G eological Survey moved of[ the campus to the former CCC buildings near the Fair Grounds , so that we might have still more space . And the people of Rolla , urged by the Chamber of Commerce and the local newspapers, converted everyth ing possible into rooms and apartments for students. The University authorities, under Leslie Cowan , secure d for us temporary classroom buildings, apartments, barracks, and faculty houses . All together we have over 30 temporary buildings on the campus, placed advantageously where they do not detract from the beauty of the campus and yet are close enough to be part and parcel of our campus community , and 16 faculty apartments on Nagogami Court. It was with this type of cooperation, for which the Chamber of Commerce can claim considerable
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Dean Curtis L. Wilson families it is reasonable to estimate that the School of Mines folks added between 4000 and 5000 people to the populqtion of Rolla - and over $250 ,000 a month. That figure has dropped since 1948, and while Rolla has scarcely noticed the drop, largely because of the growth of the U.S.G.S . and the reactivation of Fort Leonard Wood, yet I do not hestit ate to pred ict that in another decade the M.S.M. population will have returned to and even exceeded its 1948 figure. So I ask the Rolla Chamber of Commerce today, August 1, 1951 , to look ahead to the fall of 1961 and start to think about taking care of a greater M .S.M. than ever before, with a student enrollment of 3000 or more, with a larger permanent faculty and staff who will be looking upon Rolla as their permanent home. With a greater School and with the other fine institutions in Rolla , to continue to think of Rolla as a town of 10 ,000 inhabitants is dangerously conserva ti v e.
The MSM Alumni Association , not only through the addition of these younger men but because of the loyalty and determination of older graduates, has become a well organized and influential group which is rendering real service to the students and ¡g raduates of M.S.M. Their membership is scattered, as you would expect, but sections are organized and functioning in various parts of the country. The building program has made good progress during the past 10 years and this progress has been made because of close cooperation of University authorities, particular'y President Frederick A . Middlebush, who has dreamed great things for M.S .M. , and these dreams are materializing gradually in a vitalized program and also in a more adequate physical plant. With the support of the State legislature , we h-ave built a modern power p'ant, a permanent dormitory and a new Mechanical Engineerin;:; building. We have largely completed the remaining half of the Chemical Engineering building. With $165,000 of other money , not State appropriations, we have added an annex to th e Experiment Station building with 14 ,000 additional square fee ' for Metallurgy a nd (Continue d on Pa ge 11 )
89 Get Degrees at
M. U. Presiden t
Summer Graduation The 19¡51 summer commencement exercise s were held b eginning at 10:00 a.m. on Jul y 28 with Dr. Daniel Kennedy, R egiol!(l.l Engineer of the U. S . G eologica l Survey, Rolla , giving th e commencement add ress. Dr. K enn edy is a g raduate of the school. His address was " Commencement A P a use ior Orientation", which is r eproduced e lsewhere in the Alumnus . The Baccalaureate exercises were h eld on the evening of July 27 with the R ev e rend N eal M . Lovell , Minis ter of the 1st Chri stia n Church in Rolla , delivering the B accalaureate address on the subj ect " Tomorrow and You ". The B accalaureat e e xercises were follow e d by the ann ual r ece ption of D ean and Mrs. L. Wilson a nd the faculty honoring the graduating students. A total of 69 B achelors Degrees were conferred, 19 Masters D egrees and 1 Professional D egre e. A directory of th e grad uates of 1951 su mme r is contained under t he Alumni person al s.
U. S. Bureau of Mines Has Openings for Engineers Th e M inin g Branc h , Minerals T ec hnology Division, Bureau of Mines, Ro'la, Mo., h as sev eral ope nin gs for mining engin eers at present an d would welcome ap plication s from qualifi ed p er so n s. The wo rk to b e p erform ed ca lls for eng; neer s wi h ex p eri e n ce in mine and mineral d epos it exa min ation , but broad minin g e xp eri en ce wo uld be an asset. W ork w ill b e e nti rely in th e f ie'd covering the 6-state area of Arkansas, Kansas, Lou is ia n a, Misso uri, Okla hom a, a nd T exas. Officia l h ead qu a rter s would b e Rolla a nd while the engin eer is in th e f ield h e would b e a llowed $8 per day subsiste n ce expe nse, plus th e use of a car and its mainte nance. Vacancies occ ur at t h is time in the rank of Minin g En g ineer s, GS11 , $5, 400 p er annum . If yo u would lik e to place an application, fill out th e enclosed From 57 an d return to the U. S. Burea u of Mines , Box 1 ~fl. Rolla. Mo .
Oroga niza tion of the Exec utive Bra nch of the Government. A member of the Joint Advisory Panel on ROTC Affairs of the Civilia n Components Policy Board of the Office of the S ecretary of D ef ense, h e has, during the last few yea r s, served on advisory or visiting boards of the United States Nava l Academ y a nd of the M erch a n t Marine Acade my . and ha s b ee n a m em b er of the N ava l CiVI lian Advisory Committee and the Service Aca demy Boa rd. H e is an authority on inter national rel ations and h as written books in that fie'd .
Kenneth H. Mooney. Wife Killed in Auto Cra sh
Dr. Frederick A . Middlebush , who will enter his seventeenth year as preside nt of the University of Mi sso uri on Jul y 1. Since taking the office of president in 1935 , h e h as seen the e nrollment of the Univers it y increase 2 % times , from about 6,000 to more than 15 ,000 . H e has al so seen one graduating class for one year-4 ,216 in 194951-exceed the total number of stud e nts e nrolled in the Univer sity when h e join ed t h e faculty h ere in 1922. Dr . Middle bu sh hold s honora r y degrees from sev era l colleges a nd univer sities a nd h as been honored by e'ection to ed u cation al a nd go v ernm e nta l or ga ni zatio n s of t h e Na tion . H e is now president of th e A ssociation of Am eri ca n Uni ve r sities, a m e mbe r of t h e National Sci e n ce Boa rd , a m ember of th e Board of Trustees of t h e Carnegie Foundation , a me mbe r of the Committee of University Presid e n ts of the William Rockhill N elson Tru st, a nd a memb er of th e Board of Tru stees and Board of Governors of t h e Midwest Resea rch Institute. H e is a lso a m e mb er of the no n par tisa n group of emin ent citize n s w h o compr ise th e Committee on the Prese nt D a nger or ga nized to g ive continui ng atte ntion to the p eril faci n g Ameri ca n s du rin g th e prese nt inte rnational crisis . H e served on t h e Citi zens Com mittee on Re o r ga nizat ion of t h e F eder a l Gove rnm e nt <l ll d th e Comm iss ion O ;l
Mr. K enn e th H. Mooney, '43 an d h's wife Mrs. V irginia M . Moon ey, were ki' led, in an automobile accid ent n ear Sa lina , Kansas on August 6. K en and his wife , with their two sons w er e e n ro ut to the Univer sity of Notre Dam e at South B end, Indiana , where K e n was to b e stationed as an R.O .T.C . instructor. He had b een statio n e d at Camp Carson , Colorado, h av ing been called to active duty as a captain in +h e reserve corp l ast S eptember. Ken was ac tive on the campus during his 4 yea rs at Rolla , being a member of Kappa Si¡gma frater nit y, Th e ta Tau. class president, the V ars ity T e nnis team , and num erous oth e r organizations. H e w as em ployed by the Shell Oil Compan y at W ood Riv er, Illinois, prior to being call ed for active duty in the ar m y. Hi s home address was 4111 W est Rosil ee Ave. , S t. L o uis, Misso uri . Have yo u atten d ed section meetings?
your l ocal
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M SM A LUMNUS 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111
Issu ed bi-monthl y in the interest of the gr ad uates and former stu dents of the School of Mines and Metallurgy . Subscription price $1.50 , included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class m a tter Oct. 27, 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla , Mo .. und e r the A ct of March 3. 1879 .
Col. George Marvin New R. O. T. C. Head
MSM Homecoming Set for Nov. 2 - 3
Colonel George W . Marvin, Corps of Engineers , has been appointed Professor Military Science and Tactics at the Missouri School of Mines , according to a recent announcement here. Colonel Marvin comes to the School of Mines from Fort Leonard Wood where h e was Chief of Staff in the 6th Armored Division . Replacing him in the 6th is Colonel Leonard L . B in gham, former Post S-4 at Fort Ri! ey , Kansas. Prior to his assignment with the " Super Sixth" , Colonel Marvin was Chief of the Requirements Branch , Supply Division , G-4, U. S . Army , Wash!ngton, D . C. A veteran of eleven years overseas serviCe , Colonel Marvin has served in North Africa . Sicily, Ha waii, Panama, Italy. France, Germany and Greece. Colonel Marvin was Chief of the Requirements Branch, Supply Division , G-4 , U. S. Army, Washington, D . C . Prior to his assi'gnment in Wash ington , he spent two years on a military mission in Greece with a U. S . Army gro up . His wartime servi ce included participation in five major landings at such historic spots as Anzio and Sal erno , Italy and San Rafael in Southern Fran ce, while with an engineer group. Colonel Marvin's military decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, the Silver Star with cluster. the Bronze Star and the Purple H eart, and the Combat Infantry B adge. Assignments in the United States have included those in the Mobile, Alabama , and Omaha , Nebraska , engineer districts , and at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Homecoming at MSM has b e en scheduled for November 2-3 , and President James L . Head has appointed a committee on Homecoming under the chairmanship or Paul Dowling , '40, in St. Louis to work in cooperation with a faculty Homecoming Committee appointed by D ean Curtis L . Wilson and headed by L eon H ershkowitz , '41. Paul and H ersh are working together to outline the program . Thc football game for the occasion will be with the Southeastern Missouri State College of Cape Girardeau, a lways a strong opponent for the Miners , and a good game is promised for the Homecoming visitors. As soon as the details are complete , they will be mailed to a ll of the The Alumni Committee consists of Paul Dowling, ' 40 , Dan K ennedy , '26, Jim Stephens, ' 47 , Hal Krueger, '42, Waldemar Ruemmler, '38 , Shorty Baumstark, '40 , Kenneth H anson , ' 36 , and Stretch Murphy , '35 . The Faculty Committee is composed of L eon Hershkowitz, ' 41 , R. M . Ponder, ' 50, Homer Thompson . '32, C . J . Thorjie, '35 , and D . F. Walsh, ' 23 .
George L Olmsted's Name Inadvertently Omitted The names of the four 50-year graduates on the platform at the 78th annua l Commencement May 28, 1951. to receive awards includ~ e d Mr. George L. Olmsted whose name was inadvertently omitted in the Alumnus printing. Mr. Olmsted was present for the occasion and e njoyed ills renewal of friendships of 50 y ears ago .
U . S . ARMY
Col. George W. Marvin
A. E. Buck, '25, and Wife In Fatal Plane Accident Albert Edward Buck , ' 25, was killed in an airplane accident late on the afternoon of June 24th as he was returning to his home in Albuquerque , N ew Mexico from the Kiwanis Convention which had just closed that day in St. Louis . Al was flying his own plane. With him was his wife. Mrs. Lydia Jones Buck, who was also kil1ed. Both Mr. and Mrs. Buck were killed when their plane crashed a s they were approaching the runways of the airport at Clinton , Oklahoma on their return from the Kiwanis Convention. The plane was completely destroyed by fire foP owing the crash. Al was an experienced pilot and had made many trips to various part of th e country in his private plane. Al graduated h ere in 1925 with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering and had been quite succe ssful in the Metallurg ical field. At the time of his death , h e was opera t ing his own company, t h e Rio Grande Steel Products Company, in Albuquerque. H e wa s a lso a partner in the Sandia Lumber Company, and formerly was one of the operators of radio station KOAT in Albuqu e rqu e . H e sold hi s interest in
Samuel J. Gormly Samu el James Gormley , '95 , passed away May 30, 1951 , at his home, 816 South 2nd Street, Alh amb r a , Calif. He had been a resident of Alhambra for 30 years. He was a member of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. this abo ut two years ago. Al h a d just comp!eted a term as Chairman of the City Commission of Albuquerque at the time of his death, and had been one of the civic l eaders in Albuquerque for the past several years . H e is survived by two daughters , Mrs. Annettee Lee D eChenne , 508 S. Tulane, and Mrs. B arbara Jean Hayes . 510 S. Tulane, Albuquerque . On the campus , Al was a member of L ambda Chi Alpha Fraternity , playe d football for four years, and participate d in track for three years , and established while here a record for the broad jl.lmp. H e ~pd his wife were burie d in Al6¡~u erq).l e.
Rolla C. of C. Award Presented Dean Wil son For Community Service 11 111111111111 11 11111 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I
Dr. Curtis L. Wil son , D ean of Missouri School of Mines and Meta llurgy a t Rolla, Missouri has b een granted the Community Se rv ice Award of the Rolla Chamber of Com merce. Presentat.ion was made at a meeting of the Chamber on July 25,1951 by Maurice E. Suhre, president of the Chambe r and himself a registered professional engin eer and president of the Rolla Concre te Materials Company .
cade of Community service, r ende r ed without thought of p e r sonal ga in by CURTIS LAWS WILSON "Civic leader, ed ucator , public speaker, dean of the Misso u ri School of Mines and Metallu rgy wh ich has g iven Rolla promin ence throughout the world as a center for the training of top rank'ng e ngineers; a figur e of national importance in the fie ld of minin,;: and engineering education , who has still found time to promote public welfare in his own commun ity w he r e h e is highly esteemed b y his f el',ow citizens." In accepting the plaque D ean Wilso n expr essed his affection for Rolla and the state of Missouri as a p l ace in which to live.
Th e Community Service Award is made by the Chamber of Commerce from time to time to those citizens of Rolla who have made outstanding contributions to the welfare of the community without personal gain. D ean Wilson 's was the 6th award that has been made during the past 15 years. The award, whlch was in the form of a plaque , read as follows:
James C. Long James Carter Long , ' 07 . died in B erkeley, Calif, May 31 , 19 51. At th e time of his. dea th, h e was livin g at 70 L athem Lan e, Berke'ey, California. He was a Consulting ,Enginee ring. While in school h e was a rnember of Triangle Fratern ity . Grubstaker, and the fGot ball team.
" B e it known tha t the Rolla Chamber of Comm erce does h er eby ex press its apprec ia tion for a de-
Have you attended section meetings?
yo ur local
Ma uri ce E. Suhre, (left) president of the C hamb er of Commerce, Ro ll a, Missouri, is shown h e r e pre~ c ntillg to Dean C urtis L . ' Vilson of th e Misso uri Scho ol of Mines and M etallurgy the community serv ice awar d of th e Rolla C h amber of Co mme r ce .
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BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1_ These m eetings will b e held i Friday , Nov. 2, 19 5 1, as fol- lows: The meeting of the Board of Director s will be h eld in the ! b asement of Parker Hall at 2 p .m ., and the Alumni Associaj tion meeting at 4 p.m . in the Auditorium of Parker Hall . 1_ The a bove mee t ings a re for t h e pu rpose of transacting , business as m ay p :-oper ly come before them. H. R. Hanley, Secy.-Treas.
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Dr. Forrester Examines Tunneling Operations Dr. J. D. Forr ester. Chairman of Department of Min 'ng Engineering at Missouri School of M .i nes, spent th ree w eeks dur ing Jul y exammmg tunne li ng operatio ns in the western sta : es. Also , he held numerous conferences and di~cussions with mining men and tunne l ope rators. Several of the men visited we r e alumni of Missou ri School of M ines. The trip was taken as part of a ~ponsored r esearch project Missouri School of Mines is conducting in ccoper a'ion with the F e d e ral Government. Tunneling operations were visited in Utah Idaho , Washing ton , and Cal ifornia. Th iS trip is being complemented by a trip into the eastern states b y J. C. Dotson, a research fe llow at MSM engaged in this project. I n add ition. a n extended inspection w ill b e conducted by Dotson durin g Au g us t of several tunnel operations in Colorado. Th e r esults of th e conferences hel d w'+h fie l d men and the observation s made of various tunne ling ope rations will b e analysed b y Dr . Forrester and Mr. Dotson and w ill be prepared into a f ina l comp' ete report for t he fed eral agenc ies sponsoring th e work. Th e in vestiga t;on is of a restric'ed classificatio n and th e refore w ill not be availa ble for general distribution. However , it is felt that a distinct con1ribu 'ion to the welfare of the UnHed States will result from the stud y. th ~
Dean Williams Inspects ROTC Unit at Ft. Lewis IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III I!IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111
Upon in v itation of the Secretary of the Army, Associate D ean Rex Z. Williams, representing D ean Curtis L . Wilson and the faculty of MSM, visi ted the Ft. Lewis ROTC Camp at Ft. L ewis, Washington on July 19 a n d 20 in order to observe the Reserve Officers Training Corps summer train ing camp. ROTC cadets from 17 sch ools are taking summer training at F t. Lewis which is located some 10 miles from T acoma , Washington. Representa t ives from each of the 17 school s were in vited to observ e the summer training camp. There are 62 Missouri S chool of M ines students taking training at Ft. L ewis in the ROTC program this summer. This was the second largest engineerin g group at the camp . D ean William fl ew from Rolla to Seattle on July 18 and returne d on July 21.
Six Graduates With Stanolind Oil Company Six graduates of Missouri School of M!nes, Rolla , Missouri, are filling important jobs in the geophysica 1 department of Stanolind Oil a nd Gas Company. according to an a nnouncement from Tulsa, Okla. Stanolind is one of the fi r s t six oil-producing companies in the United States , and it is al so one of the leading companies with respect to geophysical operations . Currentl y L ~ e company has 25 fie l d par :ies in operation in 6 sta tes. Here are brief background sketches of Missouri M ines m e n w h o are now doing geologica l work for Stano'ind . J . D . Novotn y, '48, was graduated from Missouri School of Mines with a degree in mining geol ogy . During World War II , h e served as an ensi'gn in the U . S . Navy and at the conclusion of his naval service in 1948, he joined Stanolind 's geophysical department. He is now party chief of a seismograph crew loca te d in Roswell , N ew Mexico . Richard H unt, '50, has been with the company sin ce 1948, and he is now an intermediate geophysicist ass igned to t h e company 's geophy -
Associate Dean Rex Z. Williams at ROTC inspection . sical interpretive office in Lubbock, Texas. H e has a B .S. degree in mining engineering and served in t h e U . S . Navy during the Jas t war. Another Missouri S chool of Mines alumnus now employed by Stano-' lind is R aymond L . Sanders, '50 , w ho is an interme diate geo physic ist w ith a seismograph party in Thibodaux, L ouis iana. He has a B.S. d egree in geology and saw servic E' with the U . S. Navy during World W ar II. H e j oined Stano l ind in J anuary, 1950. James O. Hilburn , '5 0, is also an intermediate ge ophysicist assigned to a seismograph crew in Houma, Louisiana . He was grad u ated with a B .S . degree in geophysics and came to work in February, 1950 . T. L . Nickens, ' 50 , has a B .S . degr ee in geol ogy f r om Missouri School of Mines and served with the Seabees dur in g W orld W a r II. H e joined Stanolind in 1950 and is no w a jun ior geophysicist with a seismograph party in Huntsville , T exas. Most recent Misso u ri School of Mines alu mnus to b e e mployed by Stanolind is J . P . .Brandt, '51 , who came to work in February of this year. He has a B.S. degree in mining geology , and saw service with the U . S. Navy during the l ast war. He is now a Junior G eophysicist (Jun e 25 ) ass ign e d to <l se ismo-
gr ap h cr ew in . Duncan , Oklahoma . In addition to the geophysical department personnel , C . T . Jones, ' 26, manager of S tanolind's Exploration department, is also a gr adua te of M isso uri School of Mines. He received a B.S. degree in mining 'g eol ogy in 1926. Since returning from service as a lieutenant col onel in the army engin eers in 1945 , Jones has h eld positions of division expor ation superintendent at Cas per, W yoming ; manager of the geophysical depa rtment ; manager of for e ign expl oration department ; a nd division manager at Oklahoma City. H e became manager of the e xplor ation department on January 1 , 1950 . Magill .- Beckman Miss Jeanette B eckman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. B eckman , 208 East 12th St. , Rolla , Mo ., became the bride of L t. Wm . H . Magill , '44, who is stationed at the Army Me dical Center, Md ., at 4 :30 p.m. , Saturday , July 28 , at the M e thodist Church in Rolla , Mo. At the time h e was in school, the groom ,,~: as a member of Sigma P i , Alpha Chi Sigma , and the Interfrat ernity Council. H e received his MS d egree from MSM in 1947 . The coupl e will make their home at B c l A ir e . Md .
Alumni Officers at National Convention By H. R. Hanley This annual Conve ntion att e nded by so m e 400 m em b ers, r epresentin g th e nine di stricts of the United States, m e t at Fre nch Lick Springs, Indiana , July 9- 12, 1951. Your President, Jam es L . H e ad , and S e cr e tary-Treasure r H. R. Hanley w e r e present. The program w as planned to cove r most things concerning Alumni organizations. Amon g the s ubj ect s prese nted w ere; Dire ct mail solicitations, the alumni m agazine, club a ctivities, special alumni events (class r e union s, home comings, a wards , etc.), r ecords, office orga ni zation, a nd public r e l atio n s on t h e campus . The subjects of spec ial inte rest to th e secretary of our organization ar e note d b elow: Th e l ect ure by H e nry Hoke . Sr. , editor and publisher of " The Reporter a nd Direct Mail Advertis in g". Thi s was outsta ndin g in that it gave to secretaries s uperior method s for con tact in g a'umni . Discussions of th e conte nt, format , layo ut, a nd design of th e alumni ma ga zine: In a ll discu ssion s of th e ma ga zin e , th e s ubj ect of "personals" was ventilate d at l e ngU1, but finish e d with th e majority opi nion that p e rsona l s are a n ecessar y com ponent of the magazine . R ea ders want to know so methin g about th e f ellows of th e ir ow n and conte m pora ry classes. A s urvey of l ea ding Alumni M agazin es has been mad e with r e s pe ct to 19 compon e nt ca ption s s uch as p er sonals , F ac ulty, Athl etics , Th e Univers ity , sec tion s, preside nts column , e tc . and yo ur secreta r y find s that th e pe r centa'ge of th e co n tent of t h e MSM Alumnu s d e voted to p er son a l s, faculty , or th e U nive r s ity is about t he sa me a, t h(' o th e r s. Of t hese s ix l oa din g ma gazin e .on l y one is d e v o id of per o n a l s. In selec tin g th e top ma gaz in es of t he y -ar th e jud ges appeared to favor those which did more than offer nos tal g ic div er s ions a nd gossip ; so m e thin g w a desira ble to br idge th e ga p between gen eral a lumni at large a nd th eir coll ege _ Th e l arger a nd well e ndowed magaz ines h Clve ~l nf'finite RnVrln t·
age ove r th e smalle r on es in coinp e tition for awards . Wi"liam B entinck-S mith , Harvard, be li e v es th e r e are too many who conceal bad desi g n with ga d ge try and typo graphical nov elty . The MSM Alumnus is fr ee from ce rtain faults in format l s uch as poor a li gnme nt of illu stra tion s a nd printing over in indistinct illu str a ·· tions symbo' ic of th e th em e . Althou g h there are formulas for magazin e cons tructi o n, it is the conse nsu s of th e cloak room that in dividual f ea tures and loca l probl e ms t a k e pre ced e nc e.
R. R. Lusk, '27, Chairman of Chicago Organization Rob ert R. Lu sk, '27, former l y of X e nia and now an Eng in eer for th e Commonwealth Edison Com pany in Chicago, was r ecen tl y
1. Note el by ex p erts. The Alumni associations of most of th e colle'ges and univ er sities had their magazines on ex hibit for th e b en efit of those in attenel a nc e . A s tudy of th e m was inte resting and v a lu a b" e in appraisin g our Alumnu s . Th e outs ta n el in g commercial e xhibit was that of Tim e Inc. a nel Fortun e . Th ese ga v e prominence to mod ern office m e thod s i ncludi ng l e tter s. Sections Stress was prope rly laid on th e formation of n ew chapters, clubs or se ctions. It is generally con ce el e d that the numbe r or ac tiv e loca l al umni sectio ns is a n index, in part, of th e interest and s upport of the a lumni. A loca l section will elo t h ree things , among others: 1. Through its m ee tings it will brin g th e sc hool 's interests a nd activitie to th e local 'group. 2. It will promote fellows hip among its m e mbe r s. 3. It will provid e a n o r ga ni zatio n for promoting th e sc hool 's inte r est in loca l communiti es, s uch as s tu d e nt recruitin g , favor a ble publi city, e tc. A r ece nt tabulatio n of 140 col leges ( m e mbers of AAC ) indicated that th e a v e ra ge numbe r of 10cRl sec tion s was 53 . Personaliti es Th e pe r son s r es pon s ible for this o u ts tand i ng conve ntion a r e large l y un kn own 1'0 e n ginee r s of our Associ a tion. M e n tion is made of th e efficient r etiring pres id e nt of the Am e rican Alumni Council, T . Howl ey T opp in g , S ec r e tary , Alumni A sso c ia tion , Unive r si ty of Michi ga n ; t he president e lect, Charles E. Bowe n. Unive r s ity of Illin ois, a nd Mi ss Mary Cole m a n , S ec r e tary , Ste ph e ns College Alumni a nd I; h <'1 ir)11;111 " r ni ~ tri (' t TV "f w hirh
R. R. Lusk
e le cted to th e office of C h a irman of th e Chica go Chapter of th e IIlumin a tin " Engin eerin g Socie ty. Lu sk , a grad u a t e of Missouri School of Mines, Engin eerin g Branch of th e Unive rsity of Miss our i. for some years owned and o pe rated th e B elt El ectric Com pa ny in W ood Riv er . Illinois. H e a ls o se rv ed as tec hni ca l aS3 ista nt in l h e En g in eerin g D e partm e nt of th e She ll P etrol eum Corpora tion a i. th e ir Wood Riv er Refin e r y. Bob is a n active m e mber of th ' Chica go Natural H istory Museum Soci e ty, th e Ar a b P atrol, M ed inah T e mpl e , a nd th e Norm a l Pm"k Pres byterian Church . Mi sso uri is a part. Miss Cole man is noted for h e r compe tence and friend lin ess in th e admi ni stra tion of h e r offices. The banqu e t w as hi g h -li g hte d by prese ntati o n of th e Alumnu s of th e Year Award to Ju dge Harold R. M e din a , Prince ton , ' 09 , Columbia LLB , ' 1 2 SL John s . ' 47 (Hon. ) , a nd th e prin cipa l s p ea k e r was Dr. Ken n eth McFa rland , Educational Con s ultant and L ec ture r fo r G e neral Motors, who e sub j ec t was " Th e ' TT' in
R\\ s in ('~s"
Commencement --- A Pause for Orientation, 1951 Summer Graduates Are Told By Dr. Daniel Kennedy It has been twen ty-five years since I sat as a senior in this a uditorium to receive , as you will today, a degree. Were I to b e asked what one thing stands out most since that time, I would without hesti :a bon say, "The time p assed qui ckly. " Such an observation , however, would hardly suffice as the r eason for m y b e ing h ere. Sure ly , somewher e along the paths, I should have gath er e d some bit of information that will b e of valu e to y ou y o-ung er travelers toda y. If yo u will permit me to think as one of you today , the first item of importance is getting the right kind of job. Twenty-five yea rs ago , this required very little st udy b ecause jobs were few and offers were f ewer , and one's prime objective was to get on a payroll so that eating, as a habit, could be continued . Today it seems that our ma in job prob'em is de ciding whether t h e job with the " Cadillac" is b e tter than the one with the " Packard" or that either of them is as good a s the one wit h the " hou se and servants." Seriously, v er y few look at themselves twenty years hence and , in considering a job today , wonder what it w ill b e then. Today yo u have y outh and a re in a p eriod when technica l h elp is in short suppl y. Tomorrow it ma y b e another story. Surel y yo u will lose y our youth and then, quite possibly , more yo un g men will b e available than today. You are bu y ing a future when yo u sell you r services toda y . Rate the p ay offers against the avera路ge an d find out if the rate offered is much high er than average. If so , why is it that yo u are offered such high prem iums? Don 't l et flattery foo l yo u , for no t many of you a r e worth pre mium prices on yo ur present ability.
Af te r y ou get the ri ght job, take effectiv e steps to d ev elop it. Most of you will be on a salary , and r emember that it is sp elle d S-A-LA -R-Y. Some confuse it with P-E-N-S-I-O-N , although it's not synonymous . If you were startin g a business and were smart, y ou woul d put part of yo ur ea rnings back into the business. You would buy good fixtur es yo u would ad -
v ertise, a nd y ou would watch a fter y ou help. The r e should not be any change in this type of t hinking as you 路go on a salaried job. You are the business . You should study and r ea d to improve your abilities ; yo u should j o in technical societies, wear n ea t clothes, take p art in community a ffairs , a nd do e ver y thing pos-
Dr. 路 Daniel Kenned y s ible to f urther yo ur organization so that yo u ma y be fur th e r e d . R emember th at yo ur sa lary is yo u r bu sin ess ear nin gs a nd t h at yo ur business is yo u . D evelop and yo u ad v ance. T a k e things fo r granted a nd yo u , as someon e r ecently state d , fade away. If yo u want evidence . go to so m e firms with l a r ge e mplo y m e nt. You w ill see the ones who 路h av e 1r eated salary as a pension, w ho thought that sa lary r eceived was ne ver to b e partly put back into the ir jobs . Most e mplo y m ent h as ph ases. In e n g ineerin g, one had a tra ining phase, then a journeyma n ' period , a nd th e n management. Each one is ch aracterized b y a difference in types of duties and r esponsibilities. During the training p eriod , the spe c ifi c r equire m ents of yo ur empl oy-
ment ar e d eveloped . H ere you l earn the practical application of theory a nd d ev elop the manual d exterity required . Whe n the journeyman stage is reached, y ou are competent, throu gh schoolin g a nd training , to cope with all the operational prob l e m s of yo ur job. You ar e here the b est-worker type. Time , in years of e xperi ence, now do es not mean much toward yo ur advancement b ecause yo u know all the job requires an d a r e, ther efor e , proficien t . It is h ere that the smart individual begins checking his assets. The n ext step up the la dd er is a dministration , a nd h er e one meets h is f irst real challenge. Can h e h a ndle m en ? I suppose more m e n stop at this part of the ir d evelopment than at an y other. One cannot adva n ce to th e executive category today b y b eing a good, industriou s worker . In m y chosen f ield , a m a n may b e one of the b est topographic en gineer s, and yet, because h e cannot handle groups, h e stays in the journeyman gr a d e. While such m en a r e themselves mostly to blame , part of t h e blame can go to management. Today's m anagem ent push es d evelo pment progra m s aimed at up gradin g the workers more t h a n th e manage ment of p ast yea r s did . This is du e to two conditions . It is n atural to good m anage m ent, but it is a lso neces sary in present-day organization t o t r a in exe cutives as well as new emp loyees. In f act, today's business proble m s, ever ch a n g ing to meet t h e t echnological adva nces a nd competiti on , r equire constant tra in ing cou r ses at all l evels . To fail to r ecognize th is r equirement is tragic in that it leads to bu siness extinc tio n. Top administration , or man age m ent as it is called , is a subj ect beyond the obj ective of today's ta lk , for by the time yo u all have rea che d the a ge requirement for such responsibi li ty, you w ill have forgotten me and m y subj ect. Ther e is much to b e done if en gin eers a r e to gain their proper place in today's affairs. E ac h year more en gineers go into mana'ge m en t , ofte n in position s no t allied with the What's the News? Please write personals about y ourself or other MSM men for inclusion in the Alumnus.
engineering field . In addition to ful filling the requirements of business, they are expected to serv e more on local community problems. New school s, churches, sanitary system s, and oth er problems of local government require effort and clear th inking. As these obligations mo un t and the individ u al accepts them, he som etimes meets opposition from gro ups in wholly un expected places . This is a natural developm e nt. Anyone who achi eves emin~ e nce in any field is usua lly a subject of criticism. It is a natural condition and should not d e ter those who have the whole h earted intere sts of our country at heart. Engineers, by the n atur e of their p r ofession , diffe r in practice from t hose in l aw and medicin e in that: t h e ir efforts a r e dire cte d to proj ect s affecting groups, whereas the doctor of l awyer i s concerned more with th e individual. It coul d b e that the ir personal contacts with t hose w h om th ey h elp have rai sed the esteem of th ese l atte r professions a nd , likew ise , th e monetary r e ward . Conversely, th e l ac k of this personal contact ma y accou nt for th e small number of e n gin eers in th e high income gro up. The condition, h owever ca u sed, should make us redou ble our efforts to inform the public of the r es ponsibilities in o ur Na t ional lif e th at depe nd on the engin eer . Project an Inspiration La s t w eek , I h ad occasion to w i tn ess th e dedication of t he Granby , Colorado , Pumping Station , which is part of a project just completed t h at diver ts wate r from the w est slope of t h e Contin e nta l Divid e a nd , by r eg ulating la k es, tunn els, and pe n stocks. transports it to irri gate a n area of 700 ,000 acres in ea tern Colorado . In its travel s, the water goes thro u g h six hydroel ectric plants, producin g po w e r for th e ope ration of th e syste m and provid ing e lectri c power for other purposes. It h as been estimate d t h at thi s first year's operation will pay back mol' t h a n one m illi on dollars a nd that, in forty years, it will amo rti ze itelf. In its d e vel opment, it has create d two n e w la k es and stabilized a third glacie r l ake, thu s providing a r ecrea tion area for m illi on s of p eo pl e. Las tly, in providin g the water for irrigatio n , it will provid e .food and plants n ecessary for our Have spdi on
yo u attended .v our Incal mp('fin~~ ?
National popul atio n , which is ever increasing . It's a proj ect of which e ngin eers should be very proud, and to the yo un g e n gineers it should provid e an in spiratio n . I was impressed at the speaker's fir st re marks during the dedication ceremonies. He said, " We are h ere today to ded icate a proj ec t which man y have said could n't and shouldn't a nd wouldn't be built," and h e paid tribute to t h ose who had t h e co ur age to pursu e th e ir dreams. While e n route to and from Col orado , I visite d th e flood areas of Kan sas City an d th e n fl ew over t h e area from Kansas City to Topeka. H ere I was i mpressed with t h e t errific proble m s that some day will b e solved by en gi n eers. I was g ratifie d to h ear a nd see the prelimina ry work now starting to this solu tion, for a'gain th e dependence of the Nation a nd its people on e n gi neers was evid ent. Th ere will n e v er b e a time und er our present system whe n engin eers will l ack work . They are today 's history maker s. Our Record In developing my talk today, I have given much thought to t h e important parts th at go to make up one's life. Som e of t he happe nin gs that h el p form our character , our way of life, a nd our a mbitions are factor s beyond our control. Som e e vents w e can direct; oth er s we ca n u se to adva ntage. Birth , as we a ll know, is more or l ess a n accid ent. W e h ad no choice of pare nts and non e of in v ironm e nt in t he ea rl y years. W e do , h owe v er, have much to do w ith our lives afte r grad u ation. How well w e do thi s iob becom es our record.
Births A boy , K enn e th Eu ge n e ,wa s born to John H . Cox '48 , a nd Mr s. Cox on Jul y 7, 1951. H e weig h e d 8 pounds 8 V2 o un ces . John is with Babcock a nd Wilcox Co .. Barbe r ton , Oh io , a nd lives at 176 E. State St. , Barbe rton, Oh io. R ichard Wilson , '51, and Mrs. Wilso n a r e the pare nts of a baby g irl , Margaret Elizabeth , W ho weighed six pounds a nd fo ur tee n o unces. R ic h ard is with Chain B elt, M il wauk e, Wisc .
Mrs. M eyer anno un ce the a daughter born June 12 . n am ed Marcia Ann. The live at 2935 Maracopa Richmond , Calif.
birth of She w as Meyers Ave nue,
A dau gh ter, Emily Ra e, was born to Vest er Brown Unsell an d Mrs. Unsell at L e v ering HospJtal in Hannibal, May 27, 1 951. Vester is empl oye d in the construc tion d epartment of Missouri State Hi¡g h way D epartm ent, Division 3 , Hann iba ll , Mo . Charles J. Ross , '49 and Mrs. Ross a r e the p arents of a g irl born June 6, 1951. She was named T erry Evel yn. Charles g ives h is add r ess a s Rt. 1, Box 320 , Gle n Una Dr ., Los Gatos, Ca lif . John G ay R e illy, Jr. , '4 9 and Mrs. Reilly are the parents of a gi rl , G ay Anne, born F e bruary 14. John is a m e'allurgist with St. J oseph Lead Company , Bonne T erre , Mo. , and l ives at 110 S . W. Main St.. B onne T err e , Mo . Ed Mengel , ' 49, and M r s. M e ngel of Hannibal , Mo. , are t he parents of a son born Jul y 16, 1951. Ed is e mploy ed w ith Universal Atlas C em ent Co .. Hannibal. Mo . Ch arles Young, ' 50 , and Mrs. Young are t h e parents of a baby gir l born June 27 , 1951 at the Ph elps County Hospital. The baby h as b een nam ed Hilda Gale and w e igh ed sev en po unds and twelve ounces . Th e Youngs live at 8 Nago'gCl l11i Ct .. Ro ll a, Mo . Nanc y Scofie ld , '50 , and Gordon L. Scofie l d , '49 , are the p a rents of a baby girl , Kathy L yn n , born Jul y 20. 1951 , at the Phelps County H asp ita l in Roll a, Misso uri. Kathy L y nn w eigh ed 5 pounds 2 1/2 ounces. Gordon is now an instructor in the Mechanical En gineerin.g Departm e nt of ]\I[ M. D on al d Jam es D ay, '51 , and ]\I[rs. Day are th e parents of a son, Don a ld Gregor y, w h o arrived JUl y 10 , 1951. H e w e igh e d 6 pounds an d 11 o un ces . Don is e mployed with Inger soll M illing Company, Rockford, Ill. Th e D ays live at 2324 Cumberlrll1n Stl'('('t . R()('kf()rn . TTl .
Dean Wil son ( Continue d From Pa ge 3 ) Ceramics. That buildin g will now be calle d th e Metallu r gy building. With about a quarter of a million dollars, not Sta t e a ppropria tion s, w e are r e mo de lin g old M echa nic a l Hall and will build a n a nn e x t o th e Mining building. M e chanica l H all will now b e known as th e Mining Engin eerin g building. We h a v e an athl e tic fi e ld on N ag oga mi Ro a d a nd ar e enlarg in g th e golf co urse t o 18 holes. Ove r a n e dific e in Wa sh in g ton o n P e nnsy vania Ave nu e which h o uses some national archives ar e th ese words: "What is Past is Prolog u e ." I a ske d a taxi driv e r wh a t those word s m ea n t. H e said: " Th at's gove rnm e nt ta lk for - Y o u a in ' t seen nu t hin ' y e t. " I wish I cou ld sia nd b efore y ou tod ay a nd sa y that notwithstanding th e prog r ess of th e l ast 10 years, brothe rs y ou a in 't seen nuthin' ye t. " If th e p eople o t th e Un ite d Sta tes e ve r a w a k e n to th e importance of e ngi n ee rin g , no t onl y to s u ppl y th e lu xuries of life, not onl y to s upply those thin g s wh ich w e have com e to look up o n as th e n e cessities of life, if o ur p eopre e v e r awak e n to th e cog ni za n c th a t up on e n g in ee r i ng de p e nds th e v e r y e xist e nc e of o ur coun t r y as a fr ee nation , th e n our e n g inee r in g coll eges will b e fill e d to o v e rflo w ing . You know th e fi g ur es - con se rvativ e l y it is es t ima te d th a t th is coun ~ ry n ee ds a t l east 30,000 n e w e ngin ee ring g radu a tes each yea r . That in 1954 th is fi g ur e will drop to 12000 g raduati ng in e ng in ee rin g, a nd th a t m ilitary n ee d s will l eav E' l ess t h a n 9 o r 10 ,000 f o r in d u s t r y. " Wleile w e a r e g r a du a tin g 15, 00 0 or less e n g in ee r s each y e a r , Ru ssia , a cco rd in g to t h e te chni cal press, is turnin g out e ng ineerin g g radu a te at th e rate of 30 ,000 a yea r . Th e l e v e l of th e ir tra inin g is th e equiv al e n t of that for our Ma ster' s d egr ee. In addition , according to th e tech nical press , Ru ssia is turnin g ou t 70 ,000 g r a du a t es p er yea r fr o m t echn ica l institutes ; t h ese a r e te ch nici a ns and s ub profess io n a l w o rk er s. These ar e fa r more th a n a r e b e in g g rad uated pac h .v e a r in t h is country ." If w e can e ve r co nvince hi g h school vocationa l a dvis ors that th e e ngin ee rin g fi e ld is no t o v e rcrowd (> rl a nrl nroh8h1:v w ill not h(' o vp r
crowded in the n e xt 25 years, if w e can p e rsuade our State l e gislature t h at, w hile it is comme ndable to take care of th e age d and the h el p l ess, it is al so good se n se to invest in our y oun g p eople a nd give the m an opportunity to prote ct the w e l far e and th e security of our country, th e n I ca n sa y th a t M .S.M . will continu e to se rv e th e State a nd the Nation. At that, our n eed s for th e n e xt f e w yea r s a r e r el a tive l y sm a ll. W e s till hop e e v e ntu a lly to com p' e te th e Eng in ee rin g Labora tories Proj ects , th e fir s t unit of which is t h e n e w M ech a nic a l En gin eering bui ldin g . W e as k e d th e prese nt l eg-
islature for $ 500 ,000 to comple t e this proj ect, providing much n eed ed labor a to r y space for E lectrica l En gineerin g a nd for M e chanics . Electrica l En gineerin g is n ow crowde d into p a rt of th e fir s t floor a nd p a r t of th e b ase m e nt of N orwood H a ll. Rad a r turn ed b ack Hitler' s b om b e r s from Engl a nd in W orld W ar II . Ele c tronics will play a n equ a lly vita l r ole in a n y futur e war. Y et M .S .M. , t h e l a r gest e n ginee ring col l ege in Mi sso uri a nd one of th e t op 25 e n gin eerin g schools of th e 174 in th e country , is teachin g Elec tri cal En gineerin g 'n crowde d b asem e nt roo m s. Y o u may ta lk a b o u t
tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll lllll ll llllllllllll ill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1
MSM Alumni Association 11 111111111111 11111 11111111111 1111111111 11 111 1111111111111 11111111 1111 11111111111111111 11 1111 1111111 11111 1111 1111 1111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1
Term Exp.
OFF1CERS Pref id e nt
J a m es L . H ea d
Executive ............ A . E. B a rn a rcl . Vice-Pres . Vice-Pres . ........... H or ac e H . Cla rk S e c .-Treas . .......... H . R. H a nle y
... 25 Broa dw ay, ......... N e w Y ork 4 , N . Y . .. .. 61 3 S . C e ntra l , .... Clay to n 5, M o . ....... 720 2 S . Shor e Dr ., C hicago 49 , Ill . ........ 606 W . 8th S t .. R oll a . M i. so ur i
Nov. 1, 195 3 Nov . 1, 1953 N ov . 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953
DIRECTORS A r ea No. Area Director 1 .. ' ...... E . A . Crawford , ' 29 ................ 21 3 W althe r y Ave.. Rid ge w ood, N . Y. 2 Gunn a rd John son , ' 16 ......... 1020 P a lm e tto St .. D a ve np or t, Fla. 3
.. L. A . Turn b ull , ' 22 47 N a n tu ck e t Drive. Pi ttsbuI'g h , P a . ..... W . P . Ru e mmle r , ' 38 E agle Pic he r Co., B ox 540 E ast Chi cago, Ind . Harr y S . P e n ce , ' 23 ........ 11 8 S y ndica te Bld g . S1. L o ui s, M o. ..... H . E . Zoller, ' 23 3 900 E. F i r s t S1. Wi chita , Ka ns. ........... J . V . Spa ldin g , ' 39 B e thle he m Supply C o. , B ox 3008 , H o u sto n , T e x. ....... D a ve P . H a le , ' 34 ... 960 L e y d e n Dr. D e nv e r , Colo B a rn ey Nue ll, ' 2 1 530 W . 6th St. Los An g(' ]f' s. C;o) li f
States Embraced Term Ma in e, N e w H a mps hire . ..... V e r mo n t , R. 1. , C o nn .. M ass., N e w Y ork Phil a d elphia , W a s hin g - .... to n , D . C ., V a ., W . V a. , K y ., T e nn ., N . C ., S . C ., L a ., Mi s ., Ala., G a ., Fla . W . P E' n n .. O hi o. In d ia n a ........
N . Ill. , Chica go. Wi sc .. M inn . S . Ill ., E . M o .. Ark .
Exp. 195 2
............ 1952
Io w a, W . Mo .. Okla .. ....... 1953 K an s. T cxa s
195 2
Idah o, Mo n t. , N. & S . D a k. , 1951 W yo. , N e v ., U ta h , C ol o .. Ari z., N e w M e x . W a s h. , Ore., C a lif . ................ 195 2
Ma rk Hopkins on one end of a log a nd the farm boy on the other , but more than a log is n eed e d in this machine age to t e ach the f a rm boy mode rn engineering. The same situation a pplies to M echanics, which d epartment teaches so much a bout en g in eering materials. The d epartme nt of M e chanics has move d out of the b asem ent of Harris H a ll , to provide more room for Civil Engin eering , into an abandone d wing of the old M e tallurgy buildin g. W e ar e now purchasing for that d epartme nt a n ew t e sting machine, at a cost of a bout $5000 , only b ecau se w e have r ece ived permission to sell some of the War Surplus m aterial which w as given to u s a t th e end of the wa r . Chemical
Engineering Building
You know the history of the Che mical Engineering building. The State l egislature in 1940 voted a n appropr iation of $250 ,000 for a n ew Chemical Engineerin g build ing. Governor Forrest Donn ell cut this appropriation in half and with $ 125 ,000 the nor th h a lf of the Che mica l Engin eer in g b u ildin g wa s e r ecte d . Some $43 ,000 of othe r fund s w as use d to equip this north h a lf. A f ew years a go the Sta t e l e gislature a ppropria t ed $270 ,000 to comple te t he south half of this b uilding. B y this time construction costs had ri se n so that while the outsid e of the building w a s finish e d , the interior r e maine d incomplet e . The large Chemistry l ecture room has nothing but a dir t floor a nd of course n o seats or other e quipm ent. The en tire top floor of t h e south half is wi t h o ut plumbin g . steam or elec trical f acilities. The la bora tori e s on t h e ot h er floor s a r e w ithou t d esk s a nd l aboratory equipme nt. For t h e 1 95 1-53 bien nium w e have ask ed th e l egisl at ure for $240 ,000 to comple te th e interior of the south h a lf of th e Chemical Engineerin g building a nd the Governor and the dire ctors of t h e budge t have approve d this r e quest. Our Hou se of R epresenta tives h as v oted $200 ,000 for this purpose a nd that H o u se Bill no w a w a its S en a te action . If the S e n a te a cts f a vorabl y w e m ay be able a t lon g last t o comple t e the Ch e m ical E n g in eering build in g . If w e are ev entua lly su ccessful in obtaining comple ti on of the En'gineering Laboratories p r oj ect a nd th e Ch e mi cal En g in eerin g b uilclin g ,
w e will b e in an excellent position to r ender outstandi ng services to the State of Missouri. I would not b e hone st if I promised that our requ ests will stop ther e. We are still sore ' y in n eed of a building for Geology which is inadequately housed on the second and third floor s of Norwood Hall. G e ology is the v er y foundation of the mineral industries and geologists seem to b e m ore in d e m a nd a ll ove r the country than almost any t y p e of e n gineering. Unless w e train more g eolog ists a nd train them b et ter , the mineral r esources of this country will not be available and if the min er al r esources of other countries are d en ied u s our nation will b e in a cri tica 'ly w eak po si fion. Our nee d for a G e ology building is for instruction p ll rposes and would in no way duplicate the alread y e xcelle nt work b eing done b y the Missouri G eologi cal Survey for the State of Missouri. The Libra r y of Missouri School of Mines a nd Me tallurgy is one of the b est engin e ering libraries in the world . It contains over 75,000 volume s and w e have never let it fall b ehind in a cquiring the very latest liter a ture and journals of this and other countries. Because of these a cqu isition s s tack space has all b een u sed up and rea ding room a nd stud y f a ciliti es are a lmost non -existen t. Rather than a sk for a n e w Libra r y building , we accept our architect's opinion tha t Parke r Hall could b e r emodeled into an e xcell e nt Librar y building USiI1 g the prese nt auditorium for stack room space a nd a dding r e ad ing rooms a nd wor k rooms insid e the present buildin g . The Board of Cura tors ther efor e h as expresse d the opin ion that w e sh ould ev e ntuall y as k for a n e w auditorium building with a sea tin g capacity of 1200 to 1500 a nd in this a uditorium buil d in g pla ce t h e presen t a dministration offic es. Rooms for 500 Students Th e present p erm a nent dormitory is but o n e win g of a proj ect which , if ev e ntually comp' e t ed . will pro vide rooms for 500 students a nd dinin g facili 4. ' es for som e 600 stu d ents. W e do not n eed that much at the present time. In the n ext d ecade howev er w e ¡ expect tha t both Roll a a nd M .S .M . will cont inu e to grow. W e feel ther efor e tha t w e should b e able to house in dormitories a bout 500 students . T hi s wo ulcl in no w ay de trClct from
the d e mand for rooms in private homes in Rolla nor would it prev ent the fr a t ernities at the School of Mines from having their own houses filled. Weare _ concerned a bout the w elfare of our frate rnities a nd about our good friends in Rolla. W e want the ,g ood people of Rolla who desire to rent rooms to stude nts alway s to h a v e plenty of nice students to whom to r ent their rooms. W e also want th e fraterni tie s to opera te on a sound financial ba sis a nd w e do not want to hurt a n y of th em by competing with them. W e are sincerely confide nt howe v er . and this conf idence is based upon the experience of ot h er school s, that our dorm i 'ory will a d d so much to th e servi ces which the School ca n offer that it win attract still more s tudents so that the r e will b e plenty for all who are inter est ed. In a ddit ion to the dormitory, and part of th e same project, we hope eventual'y to have a student ce nte r so that social facilities may b e a ugmented and enhanced. Athletic Field Inadequate In a'hl etics Jackling Field has serv ed admirably in the past but it do es no t now compare with facilitie s a t other institutions nor is it a n y wher e n e ar adequate for our present n eeds. The Board authorize d us to star t work on the field across the highway but w e still need at le a st $50 ,000 and possibly $100 ,000 to e r e ct seats for at least 3500 p eople and dressing rooms for the players on the teams. With such a fi eld and proper facilities we would the n b e in a position to act as host for variou s athletic tourname nts a nd contests of a state-wide or district n a ture. We hope some day to have a f ield house not only fo r athle tic contests and physical training but a l so for the use of our ROTC which has done such r e marka bly fin e work. If it had not been for th e ROTC program throughout the country the last war would have been prolonged several years. W e a r e anxious to add to our military facilities so that our ROTC ma y m a k e greater contributions to the military prepare dn ess of our country. Ther e is not time to r eport to you comple tel y on all of our plans for Civil Engineering, for Physics, Math e matics , Drawing e tc. We have such plans and our faculty me mber s are alert to all modern improvements and are fitting their (Continu ed on N e x t. Page )
19 51
1899 Edwin T. Perkins is with the U . S. Bureau of Mines in Joplin, Mo. His home address is 1723 Jackson Ave. , Joplin , Mo. 1909 Hammond Ladd was in Rolla on May 27 and 28 attending the graduation of his son, Richard W. Ladd. Richard gradua t ed with a B.S. degree in Chemical Eng ineering . His home address is 151 Harwood Ave ., North Tarry town, N. Y. 1914 Riley M. Simrall is employed with Presstite Engr. Co., St. Louis , Mo. 1915 D. W. B l ayl ock gives his address as 220 Apple Orchard , Springfiel d , Ill. 1916 J. J. Krebs will receive mail addressed to 6800 Louisville St.. NewOrleans, La. 1921 E. L . Miller was on the campus the latter part of June . He is a Professor in the Department of Geol ogical Engineering at North Carol ina S'ate College , Raleigh. North Caroli na. 1923 M . P. Weigel gives his new home address as 432 Strathcona Ave. , W estmount, P . Q. , Canada. 1925 George D. Gaines is living at 3642 Glen Haven, Houston, Texas. 1928 J. Warren Smith will receive mail addressed to 1420 W . Main, Jefferson City , Mo. T heodore C. Gerber' s ~a' l ing ad dress is L ouisiana Ordnance Plant, Shreveport, La . 1930 Jason E. Barton , who is living at 539 Howard Ave nue , Billings , Montana , was on the campus Jul y
Dea n W ilson (Contin u ed From Last Page ) programs in to the most up-to-date trends. With the sympathetic encouragement of this community, our al umni, and of the State l egislature , and w ith a continuation of the wise administration given b y our Board of Curators and the University of Missouri, I can safely predict that another decade w ill show still greater progress so that RolIa will have even greater cause to continue to be proud of the Missouri School of Mines and Me tallurgy .
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17 . He is Assistant Chief, Desi,g n Div., Design and Construction , Region 6, Bureau of Reclamation , Billings . Mont. Henry O. Scheer gives his address as 912 S. 5th, Springfiel d , Ill. 1932 Richard Ry dstrom gives his new address as 915 Potomac Ave ., Alexandria , Va. John A. Pol~ak is living at 2401 N. Broom St., Wilmington, Del. Stuart L. Davis, who is now a Lt. Col. w ith the Air Force, gives his mailing address as P. O. Box 556 , Coconut Grove , Miami, Fla . 1933 Walter H. Braun gives his new address as 906 Northampton Dr. , Silver Spring, Md . Charl es H . Lambur is living at 41 Par k Avenue, New York, N. Y . Francis A. Click can be reached at 5802 East Aspen Dr ive. Albuquerque , N ew Mex. 1934 Roy E. Swift is on the faculty of the Department of Mining and Metall urgical Engineering of the University of Kentucky at Lexingt on, Ky. Robert C . Weigel gives his address as 820 Woodl awn, Mexico, Mo . H e is empl oyed with Mexico Refractor.' es Co. , Mexico, Mo . Ralph C . Cole , who is employed with Shell Oil Co. , Richards Bldg. , P . O. Box 193 , New Orleans 3, L a. , is liv ing at 5850 General Haig St. , Ne w Orleans, La. 1935 Hachiro Ishiguro ,g ives his address as 1-1 , N ishikicho , Kan da , Toyko , J a pan . 1936 L. VV'. Me y er is now reCelVll1g mail at 1423 Duffield St., Pittsburgh 6, Pa. Joh-n P. Rasor is living at 313 Pasqual, San Gabriel, Calif. Kenneth O. Hanson gives h is address as 208 N. 22nd , St. Louis , Mo. Frank C. App' eyard gives his new address as Box 184, Hillsborough , New Brunswick , Canada . Frank has r ecently b een transferred from the U . S. G ypsum Company 's Chicago office t o the ir Hillsborough Pl a nt. 1938 Fr('rl M . MllPllc'r giv ps hi s Ill;o}il -
ing address as c/ o the Kuljian Corp , P . O . Gobindpur 8 Hazaribagh , Bihar, India . 1939 Roy Gerber Brown can be reached by writing 112 Todd's Lane , Newport News, Va. Leroy E. Smith was a campus visitor June 27 while on vacation . Leroy is emp~oyed with the Toledo Edison Company, Toledo , Ohio. H e lives at 2504 Aldringham , Tole do , Ohio. William F . Oberbeck is a Sales Engr. with Jos T. Ryerson and Son , 5 Clinton St. , St. Louis 6, Mo . He lives at 27 Orchard Lane, Kirkwood 22, Mo. Jack McCaw is still employed with the DuPont Company . At present he is Construction Engineer at the DuPont P l ant at Chester, Pa. His residence is 2714 McCarey St., Chester, Pa.
Lawrence May, '02, Dies; Designed Oil Burner Lawrence May ' 02 died at the Brunswick General Hospital in New York after a brief illness. Mr. May had an exten ded and active career in the field of engineering since graduation: first in engineering and construction work and then with General Electric company at Schnectedy , New York. He then en gaged in business of importing and exporting in Cuba. He served as a dollar a year man for t h e govern ment's War Trade Board during Worl d War II. Following this he became interested in the design of oi l heating equipment and designed the Q u iet May oil burner, and headed th e manufacturing concern which was later incorporated un d er the name of the Quiet May Oil Burning Corporation with him as Vice-President. He later designed the Lawr ence May oil burner , which desi'g n was marketed by the Caloroil Burner Corporation . During the second world war he spen t his time on the p l anning of radar bases and the building of the Oak Ridge T ennessee p l ant for th e manufacture of atomic bombs . Mr. May, whose home was at 32 5 East 79th Street. N ew York, is survived by his widow, Mrs . Florence Messing May: three daughters, a son and three sisters. H e was always an active member in New York se ction of the Alumni organi z;o}1'inn .
1940 George Che ds ey as supervisor of mining Equipme nt Sales for the Syntron Company , Homer City , Pa . George's hom e address is 101 Tillman , Johnstown, Pa . H e nry M. W olpe rs is Chief En g in eer , Unite d Const. Company, Box k-58 , Riv e rd a le, N . D a k. J . O . F e rr ell gives his mailing add r ess as 533 E . " I " Stree t , Ontario , Calif. Woodrow L . Burgess is Construction Engr ., Corps of Eng in eer s, U . S. Army , Portland, Ore . Vernon Cox was on the ca mpus June 30. He was here on vacation. Vernon is with K e n Coal Company, Beaver Dam, Ky . Guy Brown , Jr. , who is a n Enginee rin g Repres e ntative with B e th l e h e m Supply Compa ny , 1918 Alamo National Bldg., San An tonio , T exas, gives his mailing a ddress as 47 Cromwe ll Dr., S an Antonio , T ex.
1941 Paul J . Bourchie r is with th e Avoset Company l ocated at Gustin e Calif. ' Preston Axth e lm, ex '41, was a campu s visitor on July 21. H e was h e r e arran ging to place his son in s chool this fall. His a ddress is 3419 Humphrey, St. Louis, Mo. Robert L . Topper is living at 3 100 Travis Stree t , Houston 2, Tex. Rob e rt E . Fields is a M echanical Engr. , The Atlantic Refining Co ., Box 2819, D allas. T e xas. His ma iling a ddress is 5011 Linnet L a ne Dallas 9, T e x as. ' Willia m E. Crockett .gives his ad dress as 1215 N. Arlington Ave., Indianapolis , Ind. H e is self-em p loyed as a Mfgr' s representative. Harold R. W a mpl e r is Superin tendent of Oxid e Plan t . Ame rican Zinc Co. of Ill. , Hillsboro , Ill . H e w ill r ece ive mail ad dressed to 309 Kin g Street, Hillsboro, Ill. H enr y T . J a m es g ives his bu s iness address as Soybean Production M g r. , Ra lsto n Purina Co ., 835 S . 8th St. , St. Loui s . Mo . Anth ony C. P a utl er gi v es hi s most recent add r ess as 107 9 Su ccess Ave. , S tratford , Conn. Frank B. Roge rs ' new address is R. R. No.4, Box 659E, St. Louis 15 Mo . '
1942 Richard L. Schum ac h e r gives h is a ddress as R. D . No . 3 , B e thle h e m . Pa . Arthur G . Adl er i s living a t 1 26 Sunset Drive . Colli n svill e . Ill.
Alumni Personals 1111111111111111 111 11111111 111 111111111111111111111 111 1lllllll llllillll:i lilll
Virgil A. Smith, Jr. , lists his address as Apartado 45 , B arce lon a , Venez. V e rnon T . McGhee writes " Phil lips P e trol e um C ompan y ha ~ transf e rr ed m e to Houston , Texas, whe r e I will h a v e the position of R egio na l P e trol e um Reservoir En'Jin ee r.· ' H e g ives h 's mailin g add r ess as 10th Floor , 'City N a tion a l Bank Bldg., Houston 2, T exas . G eorge P. D a hm is Plant Manage r , HarrIson Abras ive Div. , M e tals Dis integrating Co. , inc. , Manchester, New H ampshire . H s hom C! a ddress is 6 K e nb e rma St. , Manchester, N ew Hampshire. G e orge V. Bradshaw, Jr. , is liv · ing at 3241 F l oy d W a lk Camden 4 N. J. His busin ess a dd~ess is En g: Group L ea der , Gov't . Radiation Section , RCA V ic tor Div. , Camde n , N . .J.
1943 Robert P. McMath gives his address as 1st Lt. Robert P. McMath , 0-60603 . Hq. 802nd Eng r . Avn. Bn .. APO 970 , San Francisco , C a lif. ' M a rion K. Main was on t h e campus Jun e 15. Marion is livin g at 1105 North K e lly , Od essa, T e xas . Jose ph P. B e r ndt, Jr. , is a m e m b e r of the process section of Monsa nto Che mical Company 's G e n e ral En gl'. D e pt. in S t . Louis, Mo. J ames Glove r is living at 5436a Gilmore. St. Louis . Mo . Earl E. Biermann is livin g at 56 North H a rvey, F e r g uson, Mo . R. K. Comann is plant En g in eer, U . S. Gypsum Co ., G e noa , Ohio. J. H . D oerres, w h o is em plo yed with Great L a k es C ar bon Corp , Arcade Bldg. , St. Loui s 1 , Mo. as a Sales En gr ., is livin g at 3920 Fillmore , St. Louis, Mo. William R . And erso n wri tes, " Doin g work on opening up a n e w coking coal mine in South e rn Colo r a do. It h as been quite interesting as I h ave b ee n in o n the min e from What's t h e News? Please write personals abo u t y ourself or other MSM m en f or inclusion in thp. Alumnlls.
t h e fir st exploration by diamond dri:l:ng up to th e prese nt where in a few months it will b e pro ducing mine s hippin g coal to th e stee l mill h er e in Pu eblo." His addr ess is Fuel & Iro n Corp. , Pueblo , Colo. , Box 3 16. Edwi n S. Fris is now a Captain in th e U. S. M arin e Corps and gives ']~i s address as Hq. S a MCAS, Quan tIco , Va . Cla ud e E. Davis has r e ce ntly w f]t t e n that his n e w address is 1225 A shwood Road , Charl eston 4 , W est V a . Capt. Willi am H . Bassett is with the Granite City Eng in eer D epot Granite City , Illinois. His home ad~ dress is 612 B elleriv e Blvd. , St. Louis , Missouri. Clifford A. Comeau is with the U . S. G y·ps u m Co ., Sigard , Utah . Hi s home address is Box 197 Elisnor e, Utah. ' William Wilson is with the Armour R esearch Found ation Chicago, Illin oi,s. His hom e addr~ss is 396 1 N. M e rrim ac Ave Chicago, Illinois . ., Victor H . Zolle r' s business addr es,> is Suite 401. Crawford Hote l Midland , T e xas. Hi s horne addres~ is 1711 Prince ton , C . R. 14, Midland , T exas. Donald H. Short is w ith th e Burea u of Ships, Navy D ept., Wash 25, D. C . His hom e addre ss is 2002 N . Troy St ., Arling ton , Virginia . Roy C. Wern e r is livin g at 540 Amber gate Dr. , W ebste r Groves Missouri . His busin ess address i~ W e rn e r Metal ware, 2117 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Misso ur i . D . J . Stude baker is with the Standard-Vacuum Oil Co. , Sumatra , I ndonesia . Hi s mailing address is Huma n sville , Missouri. R. K. Coma nn is with the U. S . Gy ps u m Co ., Chica go , Illinois. H1s h orne address is 9015 W end emer e Ave. , Brookfie l d , Illinob. C la r ence A . Lambelet is living at 56 College Ave. , N e w Brun swick , N ew J e r sey . Emil T. Ru hl e resides at 2172 N. 45th St. , Milwaukee, Wisconsin. C. F . P . Stu eck 's n e w address is 73 W e bs ter W oods , W ebster Groves, M isso ur i. C lyde H . Krumm el 's home address is 204 N. Sunset, Apt. 3, Dayton , Ohio. His home address is 821 Springfiel d , Da y ton , Ohio . J. H . Doerres is with the Great L a k es Carbon Corp. Arcade Bldg. , St. Loui s, Missouri. His home ad dress is 3920 Fillmore St. S t. Louis , ' M isso uri .
W. S. Fris is in th e U. S . Marine Corps at Quantico , VirgInia . H is home address is Box 586, Orient, Illinois. Jack E. Fleischli is with the Chani Belt Co ., 3838 Santa Fe Ave. , Los Angeles, Calilornia. His home address is 4246 Marber Ave. , Long Beach , California. Maurice O. Bellis lives at 139 Nassau Blvd. , Garden City, New York. 194 4 John W. Griffiths can now be reached at 506 F airview, Webster Groves , Mo. Rob er t W. Mellis is now living at 9229 Arline Ave ., Overlan d 14 , Mo. Dr . Charles Sparks was a campus visitor here on J une 30th. Charles has just comple ted the work for his Doctor of Medicine degre e at St. L ouis University on June 5, and is e ntering D e Paul Hospital to serve his internship during Ih 2 coming year. His address is c / o the Hospital in St. Louis . Mo. Frank li n C. Rehfeld is living at 27 R St., Columbia , Misso uri. <,ames W. Copening is living at 274 Kanawha , Worthington , Ohio. His business address is 2:ti2 N. 4th , Columbus, Ohio . Edward M . Schultz is living at Rt. 10, F e rguson , Missouri. Francis R. Walsh is wIth the U. S. Geological Survey , 1004 New F ederal Bldg. , St. Louis, Missouri. His home· address is 1207 Sunset A ·le., Ri'c hmond Heights, Mo. Lt. E. M. Kane has b ee n recall~d to active duty with the Nav y. His address is USS Harverson (DER , 3 16 ), c-o FPO , S a n Franc isco , Californ ia. 1945 James Morgan McKelvey just r e ceived his Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from Washington Unive rsity, St. Louis , Mo. H's mailing address is 7019 Washington , University City , Mo. Rob ert C. Rankin is Assis' ant D esign Enginee r , St. L . W. W. Ry. Co. , P. O. Box 611, Tyler , T exas. Robert E. Pautl er is employed \'lit h Barry -Wehmiller Mach ' nery Company , 4660 F ' orissant, St. Louis . Mo. as a R esearch En gr. Robert F . Schmidt writes that at present he is employed with H. Kramer and Company in Chicago , Ill. but is being tran sferred to the Ajax Metal D iv. of H. Kramer and Compa n y this Au gus t. This plant
Alumni Personals I111I1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
is located in Philadel phia where his mailing address will be Apt. 7, Bldg. 62, Drexelbrook Dr. , Drexel Hill , Pa. Paul J. H ennekes is a Proj ect Engr. with Shell Oil Company , Wood River, Ill. E. L awrence Bahn is living at: 103 Randolph St. , Freehold , New Jersey. Robert C. Rankin is Assistan t Design Engr., St . Louis Southwestern R y. Company, P. O . Box 611 , T y ler , T exas. 1946 Ralph A. M athews is a design engineer in the plant engineering group of Monsanto Chemical Company's Wi'liam G. Krummrich plant at Monsanto , Ill. E. L awrence Bahn, Jr. , has recently moved to Cape Girardeau, Mo. His mailing address is Rd. No. 2, Box 515, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Arthur R. Meenen is now a structural e ngineer with Sverdrup and Parce l I nc .. 905 Olive Street . St. L ouis, Mo. His home address is 3433 Sublei<e , S t. Louis, Mo. Fred W . Schmitz is with Com mercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute, Indiana. His home address is 1608 S . Center St. , T e rre Haute. Indiana. 1947 Stanley Due k e r is employed with the Automative Eng r. Department, Wagner Elec . Corp ., 6400 p' ymo uth , St. Lou is. Mo. J ohn L. Brixius is working for Miami Coppe r Company, Miami , Ar iz. Chester M . Pomeroy gives his new address as 12 W. Magnolia Ave. , Hagge rstown , Md . Ray T reon is livi ng at 58 King St .. Plainesv ille, Ohio. G eorge J. Miller is now workin z on his M as 'er s degree at Carnegie T ech . I nst. G e orf e is living at Ap t. No. 207 , 4531 Forbes St .. PittsburGh 13. Pa. Robert L. Ra y is employe d with Jos. T. Ryerson and Son , Inc., 65th and Hollis S ts. , Em eryv ille, Calif. He is li vin g at 2315 Grant S t.. Apt. 8 B e rk e le y , Calif. Philip D. Johnson ha s recently accepted a job with 't h e · U. S. Gypsum Company at Oakfield. N e w
York as Mine Foreman. Philip is residing at 6 South P ea rl Street, Oakfield, New York. J. L. Hales k i's address is Javier Prado 1930, San Isid ro , Lima , Peru. William Ellerman is with the National B ea rin g Div. American Brakeshoe Co . Meadville, Pennsylvania., H e is living at 502 Timber Road, Meadville, Pa. J . Edward Little is with the Missouri State Highway titate Hiway Department. His home address is 728 E . High St. , Jefferson City, Missouri . Robert E. Pautler is livin.g at 2111 Erich., St. , St. Louis, Missouri. His business address is 4600 W . Florissant, St. Louis, Missouri. Harold G. Butzer's new address is 2222 Hillsdale Drive, route 1 , Jefferson City, Missouri. John H. Stark ' s mailing address is P. O. Box 66 , Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Hi s business address i s Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. , Mining Dept., P. O. Box 432 , Mt. P leasant, Texas. W. F. Wegener is with the Mexi co Refractories Company at Mexico, Missouri and writes that a 33 percent expansion in productit:n facilities is keeping him and the rest of the staff there busy . His home addr ess is 320 North Cole Stree t Mexico, M isso u rI. Alb ~rt H. Thorwegen is living at 7734 Snowden , Richmond Hts. , Missouri. 1948 Carroll L ee Ledbette r is li ving at 609 Keith St .. Fla t Riv er . Mo. Theodore Dzie mianowicz g ives address as 620 Ida S t. , Fayette ville. Ark. James R. Whau,e r can b e reach ed by writing 3535 Glenmore Dr .. Houston 23, T exas . Kermit N. Rasmussen has accepted em ployment as D evelopment En gineer with the Johnson G as Appliance Company of C eda r Rapid s, Iowa. Kermit's bus in ess address w ill b e 520 East Avenue N. W. , Cedar Rapid s. Iowa. Robert E. Condit's business address is c / o G e n eral E' c c. Co., H. L. E. Eng r .. 101-R, 1285 Boston Ave .. Bridgeport, Conn. Phil A. Brownin g, 4711 Came lia S1'.. N ew Orleans, Ia. , is employed with She ll Oil Compan y, New Orleans, La. William H. He'lwege, Jr. , is a member of th e p lant d evelopment d e p ~\rt m e nt of Monsanto Chemical
Company's William G . Krummrich Plant at Monsanto , Ill. R. Allen Crosby has r ecently moved to 245 Indianwood Blvd ., Park Forest, Ill. J . D . Novotny has been n amed party chief of Stanolind Oil a nd Gas Company's S eismograph Party No . 25 , operatin g out of Rosw ell , N ew Mexico. His mailing address is P . O . Box 496 , Rosw ell, New Mexico . Paul Moore g ives his address as 738 Bryso n , Youngston, Ohio . Schuyler Ki ngsland of Norfolk , Va ., has b ecom e a m ember of the production departm ent of Monsanto Che mical Company's Orga nic Div . plant at Norfolk , V a . Ellio tt F . Dressn er still r e ceives his mail at 623 W. Magnolia S t., L akelan d , Fla. D ennis L . McColgin is Purchasin g A ge nt, Salt Dome Production Co ., 1900 Mellie E sp erson Bldg. , Houston, T exas. William R. Brown gives his address as 919 S outh 8th, Springfield , Ill. Stanley E. B ye, w ho is w ith E. I. duPont d e Nemours and Co ., gives his mailing address as 1661-F Valley Ave., Birmingham 9, Ala. R ob ert E . Hackman n is an Industrial Engr. , Union Electric Company, 7 Collinsville Ave ., E . St. Louis, Ill. Joseph T . H epp, who lives at 2211 Norh a nd South Rd. , Ove r la nd 14, Mo. , is e mployed as an Engr.-Pate nt D ept., W agne r Electric Corp. , 6400 Ply m outh Ave ., St. Louis, Mo . Richard B . H owell is an Experi mental En gr. with B e thleh em Steel Company, B e thlehem , Pa. H e gives his a ddress as Parkhurst Apts. , 8-D , B eth' e h em, Pa . K en E. Niewoehn er wri tes that sin ce ge tting out of t h e service in 1950 , h e h as wo rk ed in th e Meta l lurg ica l D ept. of the Rod and Wire M ill of t h e J ohnstown Plant, B eth lehem Steel Compan y, J oh nstown , Pa . He is now li v ing at 408 State , John stown , Pa . Ray Picke tt is Sal es Representa t ive w ith Marsh Steel Corp in th e ir W ichita Distr ict office. R ay is livi ng at 1650 Voluts ia , Wichita , Kan sas. D . O . Rein ert gives his business add r ess as S a les Enginee r, Radi o Corp of America , Camde n , N . J. Dona ld G . Schmidt gives his b u si ness a ddress as H . Krampr ;:J nn
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Company, 1339 W . 21 st St. , Chi ca'g o 8, Ill. H e writes, " At presen t I am working in th e R esea rch D epartment as training for work in sales e n g ineerin g ." William A. Schaeffe r , III , gives his most r ecent m a iling add r ess as 203 North Oak Street, K erm it, T ex . Billy Ray g ives his malling address as Box 381 , Midland , Texas. Steph en Ha sko is with the Ceramic Arts Studios, 8 N. Bloun t St., Madison , Wisconsin . H e I S living at 51 Corry Street, Madison , W iscon sin . Fred A. Todd's address is 5620 W aterm an. St. Lo u is , Missouri. Jo seph T. H epp is w ith Wagner Electric Corp. , 6400 Ply mouth Ave ., St. Louis. Missouri. His home address is 5941 Brownleigh Dr ., B erk el ey, Missouri . Ra ymond J . Ju er gens' mailing a ddr ess is Box 134 1, Hou ston , Texas . L eRoy E. Kie nitz is with Pick an d s Mather & Co .. Cro sby, Minnesota . His home address is 609 3r d St. , S. W. , Cro sb y, Minnesota. J. Walter Wallace is liv ing at 326 J effer son St. , M ea dville , Pa. Hi s business ad dr ess is 326 Jefferson S t., Meadville, P a. K. G. Ackermann 's n ew a ddr ess is 3713 So ., K enilworth Ave., B erwyn , Illinoi s. Billy D . McNary's ho me address is 417 Dairylawn , Columbia, Mi ssouri. Ro y Cram er is living at 443 Woodland , Moberl y, Missouri . Charl es C. J ohnson r esid es at F ayette , Missouri . G eor ge T . Grant lives at 951 East Brid ge S t. , Plainw ell, Michiga n .
R. F. D av idson is on l eave of a bsen ce f r om th e Mecna ni cs D epa rtm ent of the SChOOl of Mines and i s atte nding I owa State College at Am es. Fred is working on a Doctor ate. H e a nd his fam il y r e ~ i de at 677 Pamm el Court, Am es, Iowa. J oseph D. Alle n is e mplo yed by F ederate" Meta ls. 150 St. Charl es St. , Newark, New J er sey. H e r esid es at 1341 Mapl e Terrace, Rahway, New J er sey. R . C. Gau erk e is now sup erinte nd e n t of Model Shop , Milwaukee Gas Specialty Co ., 730 N. Jackso n St.. Mi lwaukee. Wisconsln .
David Phillip Peterson r esides at 6033 Po tomac Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Robert F. H a r tmann has r ecently r esigned from his position with t h e Chry sl er Corporation , and h as accepted a n ew job with the Western Cartridge Company at East Alton , Illinois. Bob will be in the Me ta l Products D epartment of the company 's Resear ch & D evelopm ent Div ision . His new home aadr ess is 6 H alleck A ven ue , Edwa r dsv ille. Illinois. 1949 Ro y I. Cople n w ill r eceive m a il addressed to 311 E . M a rk et, Warr ensburg, Mo. Arthur F. G er eck e is e mplo yed w i th Ce ntury E lectric Co. H e will r eceive m a il addressed to 4508 N. Whipple, Ch icago 25 , Ill. Go r don E. Ra y m er is now i n th e n avy a n d gives his address as L t. J. G., USN, Vp-61 NAAS Mira mar, S an D iego. Calif. J ohn J . Ratcliff, who is livin g at 43 38 Bin g h a m , St. Loui s, Mo., is e mplo yed wi t h Fri sco R y ., P ersonn el Office, R oom 1020 , Frisco Bl d'g ., S t . L oui s , Mo. Rex G . Goddard gives his add r ess as 7143 Lind en , Hou sto n 17 , T exas. Fre d M. Springer l ists his m ost r ece nt a ddr ess as 1515 Burn s Ave , Wichita 3, K a ns. Rup ert E. Bullock just r eceived his M.S. d egr ee in Civil Eng ineer in g from Wa shin gton Univer sity in St. Loui s, Mo . His mailing address is 107 N. Buckeye, Bloo mfi e ld , I owa. D onald H . Ha se gives his n ew address as South Ga y lord Rd. , Joliet, Ill. John J . Ra tcl iff's bu siness ad dr ess is Frisco Ry., P er sonnel Offic e , Room 1020 , Fri sco Bl dg., St. Louis 1, M o . H e lives at 43 38 Bin gh a m Ave .. S t. Loui s 16. Mo. C. W . B ennett h as r ecently accep te d a job with th e W. B . Knight Machin e r y Compan y, 3920 W est Pine , S t. Lou is, Missouri . Bill's p osition is t h at of Assistant Pla n t Sup erintend e n t. His mailing addr ess is still 7373 Liber ty Avenue, U ni ver sity City, Missouri. William F. B ennett is now emp l oyed by th e Jo y Manufacturin g Co. , 4235 Clayton, S t . L o ui s, M issHi s o ur i as a sal es en g ineer . hom e add r ess is 2127 Overlea , St. Louis, Missouri. Charl es H. A. H eitzeberg is livin ~ at 1001 S . First St. , Champaign , Ill .
Charles A . Pee k's home address is 630 Wilma Stree t , Tyler, T exas. Harvey A. Anderson Jr. resides at 6142 Uni versity Av enue , Chicago, Ill. J esse W. Bowen is li v ing at 3014 W. Pierce , Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Laurel G . Linn is living at 222 % W. Queen Street, Inglewoo d 1, California. R .B. Elle nson is lIving at 25 Parade PI. , Brooklyn . New York . His business address is I.B.M. Engineering Lab ., Poughkeepsie, N ew York. Charles E. Pankiewicz gives his address as Oakley , Kan sas. Loren Lafferty is with Boeing Airplane Company, Wichita , Kansas. He resid es at 2407 Elli s Ave. , Wichita , Kansas. Gordon L . Carpenter is in th e U . S. Air F 'o rce at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. His mailing addr ess is Route No .3 , West Plains , Missouri. Clarence L. Wolfe is with the Sangamo Electric Company 111 Springfield, Illinois. lie is living at 2654 E . Sherwood , Springfield , illinois . Thoma~ P. Wirfs ' home address is 3298 Louisa Heights, Catlettsburg, Kentucky. He IS with the Ashland Oil and Refining Co ., 14th & Winchester, Ashland, Kentuck y. Theodore Weissmann, is living at 217 Dow Ave ., Carle Place , N ew York. Carl J. Danzer is in the U. S. Air Force . His home address IS 6027 Eitman Ave. , st. Louis, lL' , Missouri. Coy L . Bre uer, 307 Jackson St., Marshfield, Missouri is with th e Missouri State Highwa y D e partment . Lloyd P . Youngs gives his mailing address as 8000 Van Nu y :; Blvd., Van Nuys, California , Josh D. Maguire is with the '1'. V. A. , Box 579 , Johnso nville , T e n nessee. Paul Eugene Tanne r is with the Illinois Division of Highways, El gIn, Illinois. He gives his home address as 112 Vin e St. , Elgin , Illinois. Charles W. Allen is with U .S .S . R & M , Bingham Canyon , Utah. His home address is 1223 East 3rd So .. Salt Lake City, Utah. Robert B. Ande rs is with the U.S .G.S ., Tallahassee, Florida. His home address is Route 1, B ox 89, Palme tto , Florida . Don a ld F . Ha sk ell 's mailing ad -
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dress is Box 1312, Little Rock, Arkansas. He is with the U. S . Engineers, 300 Broadway Little Rock , Arkansas. Robert D. Bay' s home ad dr ess is 1936 McCausland, St. Louis, Missouri . Amos Norman is in the U . S. Army. His home address is 2019 Fayette St. , North Kansas City, Misso uri . L eo nard L. Schule r, Jr., writes that his new address is 2517 South Boulevard , Houston 6, Texas , c / o Hunte r Ha yes Company . Alexander A. Zwie rzchowski is t ea ching Mechanical Engineering at th e University at Bridge port, Bridgeport 4" Connecticut. His home address is 246 P equonnock St .. Bridgeport 4 , Conn. Jack K. Trotter is County Supt. of Highways, Cumberland County , Toledo, Ill. Karol A. Ske dzeleski gives his address as 190 Derhake Rd. , Florissant, Mo. Dr. Chi-Mei Hsiao is with the Lindberg Steel Treating Company, Chicago, Ill. His home address is 731 P a rk St.. Chicago 10 , Ill. A. F. Uriwal gives his new address as c / o Aluminum Company of America, M e tallurgical Dept. , 3311 Dunn Road , D e troit 11 , M ic h. H e is living at 4826 F e rnwood Ave nu e, Detroit 4, Mich. Ivor Pounds, Jr. , is D ept. H ea d , Dwig ht and Llo y d Sintering D e pt. , Ame rica n Smelting and Ref inin g Company , E. H ele na , Mont. He is living a t 1325 H a rri so n , H elen a, Mont. Jose ph J . Reiss is e mplo ye d with Monsanto Chemical Company as D esign Engr .. Monsanto , Ill. H e is living at 7022 S. Grand Ave. , St. Louis, Mo . Edgar J. T elthorst is now a Lie u tenant, Hq. 313th Engr. Const. Gp. , Camp Carson , Colo . Harold M. Telthorst, who -give s his prese n t address as 5709 S. Broadway, Apt. D , St. Louis 11 , M o ., is e mplo ye d with Misso uri Port' a nd Cem e nt Compa n y, 9403 Riv e rview Dr ., St. Loui s 15 , Mo. William F. B e nnett is employed as a Sales Eng r . b y the Jo y Manu facturing Company , 4235 Clayto n , St. Louis, M o. Hi s r esidence is 2127 Q u e rli a. S1:. Loui s, Mo .
T. S . W eissman is working for Stewart Clay Company Incorpor ated, 133-137 Mulbe rr y St. , New York 13, N. Y . W a lte r R. Hughes is e mplo yed in the R esearch Laboratory of the Eagle Picher Company at Joplin , Mo . Quentin Kuse is with W est Lake Quarry a nd M ate rial Compa n y Highwa y 40 a nd T a u ssig Ave ., S t. Louis County, Mo. His residence is 4247 A Loui sia n a, S t . Louis 11 , Mo. E. V. Ma so n is an Elec trical D e sign Trainee in th e Autopilot and Navigation Design Group, Aeroph ys ics and Atomic Energy Re search Division of North American Aircraft Corp , L os An geles , Ca lif.
1950 Donald W. M a rshall gives his mailing add r ess a s District H ea Hh Unit No. 1, Cameron , Mo. Arthur Franks has recently re turned to Rolla afte r n ea rly a year as a Marine flyer in the Korean battl e zon e . His home address is 1803 Vichy .Road , Rolla , Mo. James L . Laumand write s that he has acce pte d the position of Civil Engl'. with the Mexico Refractories Company of Mexico, Mo. His new a ddress is 502 W. Boulevard , M ex ico, Mo . R. E. Hall can b e r eached at 7104 Walrond , Kansas City , Mo. Donald J . Partrick writes, "I am now in the Engineer corps of th e Arm y . assigned to the Enginee r R esear ch and D evelopment L a bora t.ory at Ft. Belvoir , V a . I can b e reache d at 813 E. B elmo nt, Spr in gfie ld , Mo. " Edward L. John so n gives his ad dress as Ame rican Zinc , Lead , and Smeltin g Co. , M e talin e Falls, W ash. Da le L . Kingsley is living at 412 % N . A sh . Wichita , Kans . Willia m W einstein gives his a d dress as 49 Nixon Court, Brooklyn , N ew York. H e has r ecentl y r e turn ed from Anchorage , Alaska , where h e w as e mploye d b y the Alaska Road Commission . Upon his ret u rn h e accente d a position with Fred e ric R. Harris , Inc ., Consultin g E ng in eers, where h e will be doing field work on a section of th e New J ersey Turnpike . C a rl M. Knowl es gives his address as Pvt. Ca rl M . Kn owles, U. S . 55055938 , 9710 TSH D et 2, Army Chemica l Center, Md . John H . Sea r s is now living at 1 02,:~O St. K8 t.h e rin e . Ove r l 8nd . Mo .
Richard B . Miller 's new address is 1422 Bluebird T errace, :S-rentwood, Mo . Loren K. Bates writes, " I am working in the Engineerin g D epartment of the National Lea d Company, Titanium Division in S . St. Louis. My home address is 5513 W yoming St., St. Louis 9, Mo ." Erwin J . Wassilak is with G enera l Electric Company. His mailing address is R. D . 1, B each Road, Brew erton , N . Y . Cletus F . Voiles gives his address as 30 West Chicago Ave., Chicago 10, Ill. Mervin E . Shanafelt h as recently a ccepted a job with H a rnischfeger Corp. , Diesel Div. , Port Washington, Wisc . Ro ger B. Lyons is employe d wi th Southwestern B ell T elephone Company. His mailing address is 812 Bompart Ave ., W ebster Groves 19, Mo. Raymond H. Maag giv es his address as 4233 Schiller PI., St. Louis, 16, Mo . James W . O'Connor , Jr ., is Field Engr ., R. G. LeT ourea u , Inc., Peoria, Ill. His home address is 216-Missouri, Peoria , Ill. Anthony J. Panta leo is now a 2nd Lt. , 40th Engineer Petr ole um Distribution Company , Ft. L eonar Q Wood, Mo. Lewis Wargo's new address is 26 Erie Street, Brockport, N . Y . A . B. Cal dwell's n e w address is 4827 Lake Park Ave ., Chicago, Ill. Ronalld Becker can be r eached at 1438 Woodland , Richmond Hts. , Mo . Harold E . Mueller writes, " I have been emp~oyed by Champlin Refining Company, Enid , Okla . since the end of March of this yea r . My home address is 505 W. Indiana , Enid , Okla ." Frankl in Q. P ac kh e iser is a m ember of the r esearch d epartment of Monsa nto Chemica l Company' s Pl as.~ ics Divi sion a t Sprin gfield , Mass. Joe Horsley who is with the Mi ssouri Highwa y D epartm en t h as r ecently b een transf err ed to Roll a to do fi e ld work for the Construction Burea u . His present address is 10 5 W . 16 t h St .. Rolla , Mo. Stanley Dolecki is a Pfc in the a rmy and ,gives his add r ess as AF 17307457, 3535 In st. Sqdn ., M ath er AFB, Calif. Phillip A verbach gives his new a ddress as 222 Stenson Street,
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Rochester, N . Y . Daniel R. Atchison w r ites, " I have changed m y place of employment. I am now working for W h ite Rodgers Elec. Company, St. L ouis, Mo. " Hi s home address is 4536 G r asso, St. Louis 23, Mo . John R. Barcroft gives his addre ss as 3216 "A" Street, Box 35, Sandia Base , A lbuquerque, N e w Me xico . William C. Faulkn er , who is employed by the Wabash Railroad Compa n y as a n A ssistant Engr ., can be reached at 334 S . Union , Decatur, Ill. Willard L each is a Signal Assistant, c/ o Signal Supt., St. L . S. W . Ry. Company , Tyler, Texas. Walter W. Campbel l gives his ehange of a ddr ess as 710 1/2 S. Metcalf, Lima, Ohio. L. P. Snyder writes, " I am now employed b y Const. Division , E . I. duPont d e N emours and Co ., who is building a solium cy anide and H y drogen P eroxide plant in Memphis, Tenn ." His mailing address is 1061 Morehead , M emphis, T enn. Billy R. Browngard is now in the army a nd gives his address as T-Sgt. Billy R. Browngard , 17074083 , 3415 Acft. Gnr. Gp. , Box 2084, Lowry A .F.B ., COlO. Ivan L . Bounds sailed for Japan May 16, and is now in Korea. Hi s present address is HM3 . 631-35-51 , 9th Replacement Draft , Company L . Camp P endleton , Ocean siae, Calif. G eorge G . Slocum writes, " I am now working as a fie ld engineer for the Turne r Construction Company of N ew York in N orth Have n , Conn. W e are building a fac t ory for Pratt and Whitn ey Aircr aft Engineers ." Rob ert W. Buel is employed with Standard 0" Company, 314 N . J ef ferson , St. Louis, Mo. Fre d H . Eckert, 11 Monroe Park way , M asse n a , N ew York , is a Metallurgical Enginee r with A luminum Company of America, Masseria , N ew York . Wi' liam J . V a rk g ives h is business address as En gr ., Sa les D ept. , B ethleh em Supp ly Compa n y, Houston, T exas. His mailing address is Box 3008 , Houston , T exas . Rob ert T . Rose gives his address as 922 Post St., Ottawa. Ill .
1951 M. H. Bea v er is with the Magnolia P e trole um Company, Edna , Texas. His home addr ess is 508 South Pro'gr ess, Edna , Texas. Elbert Bond will r eceive mail addressed to 1559 S . Fre mont, Springfi eld , Mo. Edwin Sox man is w orkin g wi'h the Air Force Project at Alfred Univer sity , Alfre d , N e w York. H e is doin g so m e graduate work toward his Master of Science d egr ee in Ceramic Engineering. "\Cernon Schmidt is attending P erkin 's School of Theology. H e give , ,h is add r ess as Per kins H all , Southern M ethodist University , Dallas 5, Texas . George L . Knight, Jr ., can be reached at 217 Tranquil Avenue , Cha rlotte, Nor th Carolina . Charles R. Hamm is in the Produ dng D ep a rtment of Stanolind Oil and Gas Company , P . O . Box 7, Ellinwood , Kans. M a rtin F. Rust is empl oyed by the Phil co Corp . in Philadelphia . His m a il ing address is 7800 Roose v elt B lvd .. Ph ;ladelphia 15, Pa. L eroy E. Ross, J r ., has b een called to active duty in the U. S . Air Force. H e has been stationed at Cheyenne, W y o ., but is b e ing transf erred to Elgin Air Force Base, Fla . a nd will r eport there a bout the middl e of July. G eor ge L. Knight, Jr. is with the Interna tional Harvester Compa n y in the Foundry Lab of their R ese ayc h and D evelopment B l dg. at 5225 S . W estern Blvd. , Chicago, Ill. His home address is 1400 E . 53rd St.. Chicago , Ill . H erma n M . Johannesm eyer reports tha t his mailing address is 2101 J ac k son , Paduca h , K y. H e is employed in connection with the construction of the Atomic Energy Pl ant there. Dona ld W. Schmidt has accepted a position with the Brade n Copper Company in Rancagua, Chile a s a Mining Engl'. Shift Boss. His address is c/ o Braden Copper Co. , Rancagua Chile, S. A. D avi d K . Anderson is employed with Stan d ard Oil of Californi a. David gives his mail ing ad dre ss as 7918 E. 8th Street , Downey, Ca lif. Joe Dryden , who is e mploye d with Em er son Electric, is living at 5139 Pa ge, S t. L ouis, M o. J erome K. Elbaum 's p ermanent address is 72 Continental PI. , Gle n Cove , N ew York. John Moscari is working for U .
S. Steel. John will receive mail addressed to 2233 Ludlow St., Rahway, N . J . Kenneth E. Tempelmeyer lists his mailing address as 5203 Plover, St. Louis, Mo . Kenneth is employed with Commercial Solvents Corp . Henry C. Harris, whose home address is Pleasant Plains , Ill., is with Westvaco, Chern. Div. of FMC . Langdon B. Taylor is living at 811 W . 12th, Rolla, Mo. He gives his business address as MSM, Mining Department, Rolla, Mo . James J. Trace , who is employed with Bell Telephone Laboratories, gives his home address as 224 Mississippi Ave. , Crystal City, Mo . Chester E . Neal will receive mail addressed to 1914 New Madrid , Cape Girardeau , Mo. Gene John Hawker, 322 Linden PI., DeKalb , 111., is employed with General Motors . William C. Chamberlain gives his address as Physics Dept. , MSM. , Rolla, Mo. John Williams business address is Bell Telephone laboratories, Murray Hills, N. J. Irving Dulberg's home address is 620 Linwood St., Brooklyn, New York. Robert H. Seip, Jr., who is employed with New Jersey Zinc Company, gives his home address as 26 Maple Road , Franklin, New Jersey. John B . HeagleI', Jr., 608 W. 6th St., Rolla, Mo., gives his business address as He.,agler and Company , Rolla, Mo. Robert J . Smith is employed with General Motors, Kansas City, Kans. Joseph W. Durrenberger gives his home address as 206 Brookwood PI., Valdosta , Ga. Frank C. Berger can be reached by writing RR No. 11 , Box 433D, Lemay, Mo . William Koederitz will receive mail addressed to 4146 Osceola , St. Louis, Mo. William R O 'Connell is living at 534 S. Seigel, Decatur, Ill. Kurt H. Frank , who is employed with Monsanto Chemical Co. , St. Louis, Mo. , is living at 3830 Will Ave ., St. Louis, Mo. Richard G. Huber is il1 the army . Mail sent to 4986 Tholozan, St. Louis, Mo . will be forwarded to him. Emerson S . Sharp gives his mailing address as Rt. No . 3 , Lebanon , Mo. Richard A . Thompson is employed with Westinghouse Electric , E .
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Pittsburgh , Pa. Dale F. Lackey, whose present mailing address is RFD No.1, Morley, Mo., is employed with General Electric. Roy G. Woodle , Jr., gives his mailing address as 1420 Summit, Springfield, Mo. Leamon F . Kerns will receive mail addressed to 1607 Grace St., Hannibal, Mo. Harold J. Gifford , who is with U . S. Steel, can be reached by writing 5611 S . St. Louis Ave .. Chica,go , Ill. Joseph V. Grothaus, w,hose mailing address is 401 E. 9th, Fulton, Mo., is working for U. S. Steel in Chicago , Ill. Herbert Edward Kent will receivemail addressed to 56 . Warner Ave. , Springfield, N. J. Robert A. Gerard gives his permanent address as 374 S. 4th St. , Ste. Genevieve, Mo. George D. Miller, whose permanent address is 4 Corners Diner, El Dorado Spgs. , Mo., is employed with Emerson Electric , St, Louis, Mo. David R Whitmer has accepted a position with Shell Oil Co., E : Chicago, Ind. His present mailing address is 2424 Wismer Rd ., St. Louis 14, Mo. Athel L. Merts gives his mailing address as Rt. No.3, Marmaduke , Ark. Ravindra C. Patel gives his home address as 37, Tagore Rd. , Santa Cruz , Bombay 23 , India. Joseph H. Senne, Jr. is an Instructor, Civil Engineering, MSM, Rolla, Mo . His mailing address is Rt. No.1, Rolla , Mo. Merville E. Doyle, . Jr., is employed with Monsanto Chemical Co., and will receive mail addressed to Northmoor PI., Godfrey, Ill. Tom Brown gives his home ad dress as 1726 Madison Ave. , Granite City. Ill. William V. Cummings will receivemail addressed to Bethany, Mo. He has accepted a job with General Electric. William E. Craig's address is 52 Church , Bonne Terre, Mo. Kenneth J. Laumand gives his address as 8833 Madge, Brentwood, Mo .
Clark F . Houghton can be reached by writing 6246 Marmaduke, St. Louis, Mo . Chester Estep is employed with General Motors, Kansas City , Kans . Orville C . Young is working with Wagner Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. Robert H. Schwaig will receive mail addressed to 3138 Gurney Ave., St. Louis 16, Mo. George Heuer gives his address as 2629 Shenandoah, St. Louis 4, Mo. Charles E. Shulze , who is an instructor at MSM, is living at 809 E. 6th, Rolla, Mo. Truman E. McClard's permanent address is 1136 Jefferson St., Brooklyn, N. Y. . Tom Welton, Jr., who is employed with Bethlehem Steel Co. , Johnstown, Pa ., will have mail forwarded to him from 801 Ave . B, Sterling, Ill. Richard E. Mansfield will receive mail sent to Rt. No . 7, Box 526 , Springfield, Mo. He is working with U. S . Naval Ordnance Test Station. Gillum E. Burgess, Jr., receives mail addressed to RR 1, Collinsville, Ill . Robert Kupsch. who is employed with American Smelting and Refining Company, ,gives his mail address as 2728 W . Melvina St. , Mil waukee 16, Wisc. Louis P . Lesniak's business address is Goodyear Aircraft, Akron , Ohio. Donald McCormack is employed with Shell Oil Company, Box 262 , Wood River, Ill. Maurice J. Ludwig , 1218 Richmond Blvd., Richland, Wash" is employed with General Electric, Richland, Wash . John R Tate is with Fluor Corp . Ltd., Wood River, Ill. Kenneth E. Burkhead's address is 5836 Deery, Kansas City 3, Mo. Ervin E. Dunn is working for J . F . Pritchard and Company, Kansas City, Mo . Harold G. Forister, whose home address is Greenville, Mo. , is working for Westinghouse Electric Corp . William M. Baldwin's permanent. address is Greenville, Mo . Leon F. Woodlock has accepted a job with St. Louis-San Francisco RR His mailing address is Davis-¡ ville , Mo . Robert D. Heetfield will receive mail at 5740 Cabanne Ave ., St. Louis, Mo. Eugene P . Larson is e mployed b y
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Carbide and Carbon Co. , Paducah, Ky. R William Shields, Box B , Webster Groves 19, Mo. , is working for Unite d States Steel. Frederick E. Bruch, Jr. , can b e r eached b y writing 8742 Anne ta Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. W a lter L. McLuckie who is fron, Coal City, Ill. , is a City En gr., Kansas City, Mo. Jack E. L ange nbac h , who is emp loyed with W agner E l ectric Corp., -gives his address as 9321 Pardee Rd ., St. Loui s 23, Mo. William B. Vose will r eceive m ail at 503A G eorge St. , Alton , Ill. Eugene Hohlfellder's permanent a ddress is 1200 Greenbay Rd., Glencoe , Ill. D ee R. G ehrig is emplo yed with Illinois B e ll T el ephon e Company . His mailing address is 304 N. Hickory, Centralia, I ll. Robert O . Tuegel' s home add r ess is 3821 Greer Ave., St. Louis, Mo . J ean L . Meyer is with the Department of Navy . Hi s mailing address at present is 224 E . Grandview, Union , Mo. Samu el P. Halcomb can be reached b y writing 23 Grea t Oaks, Rolla, Mo. Delbert R Cox's p ermanent address is 501 W . 9th, Rolla , Mo. ¡Jack Absalom gives his correc t address as 2705 W est 7 place, Gary, Ind.
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Norman B. Wolk ha s b ecome a m ember of t h e d esign departme nt of Monsa nto Chemical Company 's Qu ee ny Plant in St. Louis, Mo. D wight T eagarden is a Lieutenant, 104th Company, 2nd STR, Ft. B enning , Ga. W alte r J . Wipke is empl oyed with In te rn ational Business Ma chin e Corp, S1. Louis, Mo. He ¡gives his address as RR No . 5, Kirkwood 22 , Mo. Dan N. Miller, Jr. is e mployed with Stanolind Oil and Gas as a geologis t in "he Corpu s Christi Distr ict. H e i s livin g at Apt. 4, 1405 2nd St. , Corpus Christi, T exas. Gerald H . B ender has become a m ember of the d esign se ction of Monsanto Chemical Company 's Willi am G. Krummrich plant at Monsanto, Ill. Robert E. P eppers, whose mailing address is P. O. Box 106, B ea ver, Pa ., is a R esearch Engl'. w i th St. Jo seph L ea d Company of Pa., Monaca 7, Pa. H e w rites that h e is attendin g evening cla sses at Carn egie In stit ute of T ech. for a degree in Indu strial Man age m ent. Ro-ger W . J enkins, 1943 Cinderella Rd. , Sprin gfield , Mo., is a
S enior Structural Draftsman with Frisco Railway, Springfiel d, Mo . Ross R Plainse is a Mining Engi-neer, Bureau of Mines , 18 Federal Bldg. , Duluth , Minn . Jerry E. Cotner is in the Army an d gives his addresses as PFC Jerry E. Cotner, AF 17284164, 3391 SQD , Box 25, Keesle r AFB, Miss. James C . Basham is employed with Centra l Soya Co., D ecatur, Ind . His mailing address is R No. 1 , c/ o Porter 's Trailer Sales, D ecatur, Ind . Thomas R Salisbury is in Mexico and gives his address as Seismograp h S ervice Corporation of Del a ware, Av. Juarez No. 95-207, Mexico , D.F. Richard G. Swobda is working for the U.S.G.S. in Rolla, Mo . Francis E. Wees, Jr ., who is employed with Northern Natural Gas Company , Omaha, N ebr ., gives his home address as 4124 S . 37th St., Omaha, Nebr. Edward J . Zeitz is living at 5419 Frain Ave., Cleveland , Ohio, and is working at National Carbon Co ., Cleveland , Ohio. Arthur A. Dase nbrock gives .his most r ecent address as 711 St. Ant hony Ave. , Effingham , I ll . Frank G . Hansbrough is empl oy ed with Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. , 8100 Florissant, St. Louis 21, Mo. He is living at 114 Wilson Ave. , Springfield, Ohio.
Senior Metallurgists and Electrical Engineering Students on Senior trip at t h e Allis-C h almer s _pl an t at M il wa u kee, W isconsin. At front (left) is Prof. J . W. Rit tenhouse and at extreme righ t front is Mr. J . S. Winston of the Metall urgy Department.