Missouri S&T Magazine, November-December 1951

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AIU::~O~i:: ~OP~ I. L U M


Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO . VOLUME 25






New Chemical Engineering

Starting on Page 4, Dr. Walter T. Schrenk tells of the progress which h as b een made in the ChemIcal Engineering Department which h e heads.



Dan Kennedy tVeep' of Rolla C. of C. Dr . Daniel Kenned y, ' 26 , D ivi sion Engineer in charge of t h e Cen tra l D ivision of th e Unite d States Geolo,g ical Survey, wa s ele cte d vice-president of th e Rolla Cham iJe r of Commerce at a meeting of the Board of Direc tors held last nigh t accord in g to a n a nnounc em e nt from M. E. Suhre, Preside nt of the organization, and al so a grad nate of MSM of the class of 1931. Kennedy came to Ro lla in 192 1 as one of the G.1. students at th e Sch ool of Mines assign e d here for training by th e Veterans Administration following World War 1. He graduated in C ivil Engineerin g in 1925 and h as b een with th e U .S.G.S . since graduation, stationed a t different points throu¡.g h out th e United States. With the beginnin g of Worl d War II , Dr. K e nnedy r e turned to m il itary serv ice and was on the s taff of Gene ra l George C. Patton on hi s fam ed march through cen tral G e rmany with the Third Arm y. As a r es ult of his se rvice, h e w as persona ll y d eco rated with the Bronze star by Genera l Patton. After the war Dr. K e nnedy wa s a ppo inte d Chief, Operat ion s and Plannin g Staff , Army Map Serv ice, a nd Chi ef Topog raphic Eng ineer in Washington, D. C. H e was res ponsible to the Commanding Officer a nd for broad planning and techn ical sup ervision of 3000 p eo ple. In th is capacity h e served as Assistant Chi ef Engin ee r in con nection w ith th e Atomic Bomb tes t in the P a cifi c area. However , Dan had a l wa ys been

MSM Men Take Part in Concrete Institute Meet Professor E. W. Carlton, ' 26, a nd Joseph Senne , '51, of the Departm e nt of Civil Engin eering presented a p a per at th e St. Lou is Region a l Meeting of the American Con crete Institute h eld at the Sher aton Hotel on October 30 , 31, 195 1. The topic of the paper was " I nstru mentation and Strain M easurements in Welded Wire Fabric Reinforced Concrete Slabs. " Professor Carlton has been superv ising extensive work in research in reinforced concrete for the past several years .


a booster for Ro lla and with the r e ti r ement of Capta in C . L . Sadle r as h ead of the l ocal U .S.G.S. , h e returned to Rolla as Chief of the div ision here. Und er h is management the U.S .G.S. in Rolla ha s s hown s t e a d y and consisten I ¡growth. H e was instrumental in arranging for the leasing of the Thomas- White Bu il ding at the

Col. Dan K e nned y



All Curricula Now Fully Accredited The Chemical Engineer ing D epar tment of Missouri S chool of Mines and M e tall u r gy is now full y accredited by the E ngineers' Council for P rofessional D evelopment, according to word received by President F rederick A . Middl ebush of the University of Missou r i and D ean Curtis L. Wilson from Willipm N . Carey , Secretary of t h e Council. The accreditation is the result of the post-war inspection of a ll of the curr ic ul a at the school. T his inspection was made in September of 1950 and the accredi ta tion of a ll of the other curricula was made at the annua l meeting of the Council h el d in Octobe r of 1950 . T he inspection report on t h e Chemical Engi n eerin g D epartment, under the procedure of t h e C ouncil, h ad to clear throu,gh the Am erica n I nstitute of Chemical Engineer s , and they did not have time to r eport to the Council , fo llowing the inspection l ast year for accreditation at the 1950 meeting. T he r epor t was clear ed at the annua l meeting of the Engineers' Counc il for Pro fessiona l D evelopment, hel d at Boston, Massachusetts on October 19, 1951, which D ean Wilson attended as a member of the Council. This accreditation now makes all of the engineering curricula at t h e School of Mines and Metall urgy fu lly accredited b y the Engineers ' Council for Professiona l D evelopm e nt.

corn e r of 9th a nd Elm Streets and for arranging for th e constru ction of the new bu ilding now going up at the corne r of 9th a nd P ine to be occupied when completed by t he U .S.G.S. His staff h as increased to wh er e h e has the largest pay roll in town, amounting to approximate ly $1,000,000 .00 annuall y. Col. Kenn e dy has long been an acU ve me mber of the Chamber of Comme rc e a nd was elected to the Boa r d of D ir ectors th is spring . His inte r est and enthusiasm we r e appare nt to the other dir ec tors and as a r es ult in the vacancy in the vice-presidency the Boa rd of Directors elevated h im to h is office by acclamation.


Georgen a Clarke G eorgena Josephine Clarke , ' 21 , is d eceased. She re~ e iv e r her M.S . degree in G en era l Science from MSM in 1921. She h a d sp ent most of h er later yea r s in Santa Barbara , Calif .

Issued bi-monthly in the inter est of t h e graduates and forme r stu dents of the School of M ines an d Metallurgy. S ubsc r iption p rice $1.50 , included in A l umni D ues . Entered as second-cl ass matter Oct. 27 , 1926, at Post Office at R olla , Mo ., under the Act of Ma r ch 3. 1879.

W h at's th e Ne w s? Pl ease w r it e p ersona ls a bout yo urself or othe r M SM m en fo r inclusion in the A lumnus. 1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111




Old Grads Meet in

Rolla During 1951 Homecoming, Nov.2-3 The annual Homecoming program was held in Rolla on November 2nd and 3rd. The old grads started arriving by the middle of the week . President James L . Head arrived in Rolla on November 2nd , returning from the west coast, and he had attended numerous alumni meetings en route , which are discussed in other articles in the Alumni magazine. The Board of Directors met on the afternoon of November 2nd, and this was followed by the business meeting of the organization. On the evening of November 2nd, there was an informal dutch treat dinner in the College Inn of the Hotel Edwin Long. There, until far into the night, the alumni gathered and swapped their yarns of events of long ago. All of the fraternity houses were open to returning a lumni both 0n Friday and Saturday night. Saturday morning was spent in the r egistration of the r eturning alumni in the lobby of Parker Hall, followed by the Convocation program held in the auditorium at 11 :00 a.m . At the Convocation program, which was presided over by VicePresident Harry Pence , '23 , Harry emphasized that the Alumni Association is now becoming "big business" with the large number of graduates going out in recent years. With appropriate remarks in r ecognition of the outstanding con-

Many Attend 1951 Homecoming Dinner tributions to MSM, Harry awarded the Association Citation of Merit to George Easley, '09, Enoch Needles, '14, Fred Schneeberger, '25, and Karl Hasselmann, '25 . Vice- President Pence then called attention to the growth of MSM under the l eadership of D ean Curtis L. Wilson . He referred to the fact that approximately 60 % of all living graduates have Dean Wilson's name on their diplomas, and the changes that have taken place on the campus under Dean Wilson's administration, such as the completion of the new power plant building, erection of the Me chanical Engineering building, the building of the south wing of the Chemistry Department building, which is not yet complete, but which is well under way. He also pointed to the remodeling of the Mining Building and the Metallurgy Building, which will soon be completed. Harry also pointed to the fact now a ll curricula of the school are

Another Scene at Annual Banquet

.1ccredited by the Engineers' Council for Professional . Development. He then announced that by action of the Board of Directors Dean Wilson has been made a lif~ member of the Alumni Association of the School of Mines. Associate Dean Rex Z . Williams i elivered the Convocation address J ealing with the shortage of engine~rs with which the country", is bemg faced .today. Dean Williams' address is reproduced. elsewhere in the' magazine. . The noon hour was spent in r enewing acquaintances at the fraternity houses and in the restaurants downtown. Dean and Mrs. Curtis L . Wilson entertained the alumni officials in a luncheon at their home. The Class of '26 held their own reunion at the Colonial Village, and this was r egarded as a demonstration of what could b e done with a class reunion . The St. Louis section held its annual cocktail party at the Edwin Long during the noon hour beginning at 12:30 p .m . ' At 2 :15 p.m. the Miners played the Homecoming football with the State College at Cape Girardeau as their opponent, the Miners winning 19 to 6. That evening the annual Homecoming banquet was held in the College Inn of the Hotel Edwin Long. There. was no formal pro'gram, the returning alumni meeting and visiting with their friends a 3 they dropped in. This was followed by the Homecoming Ball in the gymnasium and by parties in the various fraternities on the camp ..:s. All in all, the Homecoming was regar jed as an ou tstanding success (Continued on Page 19)




Growth of MSM's Chemical Engineering Department Above Normal Since 1941 By W. T. Schrenk The Chemica l En gineerin g d epartm e nt approaches the Christmas season with th a nkfulness fo r the man y thin gs which h a v e occ urr ed d uring the pa st f e w years, a nd th e s ta ff tak es this opportunity to ex le nd gr eetings to th e gr a du a t es of Ihis d e pa rtm e nt as well as to a ll a lumni of the Missouri School of Min es and Me tallurg y. Accredited by ECPl) Th e d e pa rtme nt has b een advi sed of its accredita tion on th e basis of a n in s p ection in the fall of 1950 . It is now r ecog ni zed by the Am eri can Institute of Chemica l En g in eer s , t he Am erican Ch e mical Society and th e Engin eer s' Council for Profession a l D e velopm e nt. Throu g h the efforts of Preside n t F . A . Middl ebush , D ean Curti s L . Wilson and th e Board of Cura tors, a bill for th e a ppropriation of $240 ,000 is now in the h a nd s of the State LE'g islature for th e completion a nd equipping of th e Che mical Engi neerin g buildin g . Th er e is a good probability th a t th e bill will be passed. Thi s will e nabl e th e d epartme nt to comple te the e xpan sion progra m sta rte d in 1941. Whe n this is don e th e d e p a rtme nt of Che mical En gineerin g will b e w ell equippe d with r es p ect to buil d in g, equipment and staff, and b e tter abl e to p erform its duties of tra in ing chemical e n gineers . Th e growth of thi s d e p artme nt during the la st t e n years ha s bee n hea lth y and a b ove norm a l. Th e s tu dents gra duatin g in Chemica l En g in eering durin g th e pa st se ve ral years have bee n a bove a v era ge in n umber becau se of the r e turn of man y v e tera ns t o school a ft er serv ice s in th e arme d forc es . Thi s ex cess h as b ee n a b sorb ed b y indu s try a nd th e n eed for t ra in ed p er so nn el in ch e mistry a nd c he mical e ng inee rin g is a n ev e r expandin g on e and f a r g r ea t er th a n the numbe r of gr a duates. This e xcessive de m a nd for gra d u a tes in chemistry and ch e mical e n g in eering will con t inu e for m a ny y ear s to come . Applied Chemistry Emphasized The Missouri S chool of Min es and M e t allurgy h as em ph as ize d a pplied ch emistry in all e n g ineering curri c ula since its foundin g in 1871. G raduates ma jorin g in this cur riculum have m a d e outst a ndin g r ec-

ords in th e v a riou s fi elds of in dustry. The Che mical En gin eerin g curriculum wa s adopted in 1917 a nd since tha t d a te 593 stud e nts .:.l_ "_II_ IJ_ fl_ I'_ "_ I,_Cl_ II_ II_ II_ •

Dr. Walter T. Schrenk , I Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering, is a na tive of Illinois and a grad- juate of Monmouth College. He

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Walter T. Shrenk received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University 01' Wisconsin. After serving as Tnstructor there , he came to Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in September, 1923, first as Assistant Professor . He has been Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering' since 1929 and has seen the department gTOW from a small laboratory iii the Old Chemical Hall to a full-size four-story brick and concrete building'. With gTeat patience but persistent vigilance he has built the D el>artment of Chemistry and Chemical Eng·jneering to one which is now accredited by the American Chemica l Society . the Am erican Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Engineers Council for Professional Development. While his Depal·tment has now been accredited and occupies a new building', Doc is stilI in there pitching with his sleeves rolled up. Doc will not be content until he sees the new building completed and fully equipped.








have graduated with a B.S. degree a nd 63 h a ve received the M . S. degree. The lar·g e majorit y of these men hold positions for which they received tra inin g at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy. They are to b e found in all types of chemical industry in the United States a nd foreign countries, as w ell a s teaching on th e facultie s of colleges a nd universities. Gradua tes are filling positions of r es ponsibility in a ll fi elds of chemical e ngineering and many have a chieve d emin e nt success . Thorough Training in Math The Ch e mical Engineering curriculum closely follows r ecommend ation s of th e American Institute of Che mical Engin eers . It presents a thorough training in m a thematics, physics, chemistry and economics as well a s in the principles of chemical e n gin eering. Th e stud y of the principles of che mical e n gin eering b egins in the sophomore y e ar and ext end s through th e se nior y ear. Unit operations, thermodynamics and che mical e n g ineering' d e sign are es p ecially e mphasized . Gradua te courses are maintained in the principal branch es of chemistry and chemical engineering which makes available a lar·ge selection of well rounded courses for the M.S . d eg r ee in Chemical Engineering or chemi stry major . The department is housed in a r elatively n e w building, half of which was completed in 1942. The four story building containing an a r e a of 47 ,000 sq . ft. was completed , as far as fund s would p ermit, in 1949. It is a modern fire proof structure of skeleton concrete, buff brick e xterior. concrete interior with walls and floors of concrete. It contains offices, class rooms, leclure rooms and laboratories for che mistry and chemical engineering. The section constructed in 1949 has not been fully completed and equippe d . Lab Well Equipped The ch e mical enginee rin g laboratory is well equipped to give training in the various unit operations . Spe cial appa ratus is available for ·J raduate study in this fi eld. The d ep a rtment maintains a compreh ensive research program. A contract with the Atomic Energy Commission for the d e termination of the rate of rapid reactions is in progress . In addition to this , each


















senior member of the staff is performing and directing r esearch pro jects of g r ad uate students. This r esearch has resulted in the publica ti o n of many a rticles in the current scientific literature. The staff of the Chemical Enginee rin g d e p ar tm e nt is well qu a lified , both with respect to training a nd experie n ce in indu str y and teac hi ng. The latest addition to the staff is Dr . R. C. P eabody, who will assume his duties as an Assistant Professor in February, 1952. Dr. P eabody ha s a B .S. degtee from Iowa State College (1951). H e was an instructor on the staff of Iowa State College a nd at th e same time a r esea rch associate for th e Atomic Energ y Commission at that institution. He will teac h gener a l chemistry a nd qu a litative analysis as well as so m e g radu ate courses . More Staff Additions Dr . R. O. Suthe rl a nd was ad d ed to the staff of th e Che mical Engi neering de p artment in th e fall of I S·51 with th e r a nk of Assistant Professor, r eplacing Dr. R. A. Cooley who r esigned to acce pt a positi on in industry. Dr . Sutherland's b as ic training was received at Yal e University where h e obtained a Ph .B . d egr ee (1931) and M.S. d egree (1934). H e r eceived the Ph.D . degree f r om the University of Wisconsin (1936). Since th at time h e h as been teaching gene r al and physical ch emistry at Northland Coll ege, C a rleton College, H am ilton College and th e Unive r sity of W yoming. H e is currently teachin g unc' e r graduate and grad u ate work in physical ch emistry. Dr. Norman L. Smith j oined th e st aff in S eptember, 1950 , as an Assistant Professor. He received a B .S. degree from the Unive r sity of Arkansas (1943 ) and the Ph.D . de g r ee from the Unive r sity of Minne sota ( 1950 ) . H e has h ad approximately four yea r s of ind u strial expe rience. H e spent the interval of Jul y, 1944 , to Jun e , 1946. in th e U . S. N a v y. Dr. Smith specializes in teaching c h e mical e n gi n eering s ub jects - petroleum refin er y engin ee rin g , thermodynamics, kin etics and industrial in str umentation . Dr . R obert R. Russell, Assistant P rofessor , joine d the staff in 1949 . H e possesses an A . A. degree from Graceland C ollege ( 1941 ) and an A. B . d egree (1 943 ), M. A. de g r ee (19 46 ) and a Ph.D. (1948 ) frOJ:r) th e


University of Kansas. B efo r e co m ing to this institution Dr . Russ e ll was an ins tructor on the staff of t h e Unive r s ity of Kansas for abo ut fiv e years . H e spe cializes in organic chemistry , t ea chin g both und e rgraduate a nd g r adwate subjects in this fi e ld . H e is a lso doing resea rch o n epoxy d e rivatives and thei r c h e mical r eaction s. H e is th e author of several articles relatin g to th ese compounds, as well as ot.he r or-ganic der ivat. ives. Dr. W ill iam H. Webb Dr . Willi am H . W e bb , Associ a te Professor , cam e to this in stit ution with a B.S. deg r ee (1936) from the M ississippi State College. He comp leted the requireme nts for a M.S . degr ee at the JVIi ssou ri School of Min es and Metallurgy (193 9 ) and ha s been a membe r of th e staff since that time except f or th e interva l from Jul y, 1942 to January , 1946, whe n h e was in t h e U. S . Army , and th e period of Jun e, 1948 to S e pt. 1949, when h e was on leave of ab se nc e completin g th e requirements for t h e Ph.D . degr ee at the Unive r sity of Wi sconsin (1949 ) . Dr. W ebb specializes in inorganic a nd a n a l y tical chemistry and is teaching und ergraduate wo rk in thi s field. He al so teaches a g rad uate course in in strumental an a l ysis . His wo rk on german ium is c ur r e ntl y b eing published. Dr . Em ory D. Fish er', Professor of Che mistry, joined th e staff in th e summer of 1946. He h as b een teaching ge n e ral che mistry and qualitative ana l y ~ i s since t hat t ime , a lso g r adua te courses in the c h emistry of colloids a nd phase rul e. Dr. Fisher rec e ived a B.S. degree f r om D akota W esl eyan University (1931) and th e Ph.D. de·g r ee from the University of Wiscon sin (1935 ) with inorganic and physical chemistry as major a nd minor s ubj ect s. Before coming to t h e Missouri School of Min es a nd M e tallurgy he taught at the University of Wisconsin while comple ting his Ph .D. degr ee. H e also taught at K ansas State College, E ast T exas State College and th e Unive r sity of T exas. Dr. Frank H. Conrad Dr . Frank H . Conra d , Professor of Chemical Engin eeri ng , join ed the staff of this institution in th e fall of 193 6 and has bee n on the s taff since that date exce pt for the interval of Jul y 1 5, 1942 thl'ough J a nu ary , ' 1946, whe n h e

was in the U. S. Army . His special fi e l d has bee n teach ing principles of ch emical e n g inee r ing and chemical e n gi ne e ring de s ign. In add ition , he h as conducted grad u ate courses in u nit ope ration s, heat transfer and evapo r a tion , d istillation a nd se lected topics. H e a lso directe d the resea rch work of grad uate stu dents, and much of th is work has resulted in publications in the chemical journals. Dr. Conrad r eceived a B .S . d eg r ee (1923) and Ph.D . degre e (1934) from th e University of W ashin gto n . H e served as in in structor on the staff of the Chemi cal Enginee rin g d e partment at that in stitution and a lso held several responsibl e positions in industr y b efo r e comin g to th e Missouri Sch ool of Mines a nd Metallurgy. Dr . W. T . Schre nk , Professor and Chairman of th e Ch em ical En gin eering department, came to this institution in S e ptember, 1923 . H e has been on the staff continuously s ince that time. H e specia lizes in a nalyt ical chemistry , water and fuel technology and inorgan ic chemistry . H e has directe d the re search work of candidates for th e M.S . degree and two who have secured the Ph.D. degree . Man y of these r esearch problems have r esulted in pu blica t ion . Continuously on Staff Dr. Schre nk r eceive d a B .S . d eg ree (1915) from Monmouth C ol l e·ge, M.S. degr ee (1919 ) a nd Ph .D . deg r ee (1922) from t h e Un ive r sity of Wisconsin , with a ma jor in ana l yt ical an d inorganic chemistry and a minor in organic c h emistr y and chemical e n gineerin g . H e tau g h t at the University of Wiscon sin from 1917 to th e spring of 1923 , except for the inte rval of May, 1918 to D ecember 31, 1918 , which was spent in the U . S . Arm y. Dr. Schre nk h as served continuously on th e staff of t h e Chemica l Engineering d e p a rtm e nt fo r twentyeig ht yea r s, participating in its g rowth and deve lopment. The staff is a bl y assisted at t h e present time by four in struct or s who h ave contribute d m a terially to th e training of st ud e nts. Richard R. Cornwa ll joined th e staff in S eptembe r , 1946 , as a n in stru ctor in Che mical Engin eering. He h as b ee n teaching industrial stoichiometry and th e laboratories of unit operations sin ce that date except f or the sc h ool yea r 1949- 50 ( Continued o n Pa ge 28 )




Association's Citation of Merit Goes to Four Prominent Alumni of School Geol'ge 1\, Easle y

c.; o rg A , Ea 'ley of H a rw ooel, M isso u ri w as grael ua t -eI fr o m th e Sc hoo l 01 Min es a nel M lallurgy in 1909 wi lh th d g r ee 0 .( B a 'h el o r c i n c in Minin g En g in rin g. many olh r 'g ra duate of lh e 01 01 Min e , he ou 'ht ram

N w J crscy. H e se rv eI for m a ny yea r 'lS Cha irm an of th e Financi al Comm itt e of th e MorTi Town s hip Co mm ittee a nd w as activc in man y c ivi c work in Morri Town ship wh er e hc has I i v eI Jor th e p as t 2:t yea r " (n sc ho ol , Geor ' wa s a m embe r of th Kappa Alph a Frate rnily a nel he ha ' co ns is te ntly m a inta in ed hi s int r es t in (his o r ga n ization . H c has bcc n o nc of th c pri me mover s in c urin g th e KA Hou se o n Sta tc tr e t, a nel on all trip to Rolla h c la k es tim to vi il a t that fratern ity, whi c h vi sils a r c hi g hly appr c c ia (e el by (h e stuelent m c mber s,


th e tim e w hc n h e w as in school , Fre d wa s a member of Lambda Chi Alpha , Th e ta T au, Quo V a d is, Pipe a nd Bowl, Squ a r e and Compass, Editor in Chi ef of Mi sso uri Miner . A IlVIE , Mi n i ng and M e tallu rgy Assoc iation , a nd Dyn a miter , H e ha s a lways b een an active s upporler of th e Alumni A ssocia tion a nd of a ny move mcnt lookin g toward th be tterm ent of MSM . Karl Hasselmann Karl Ha s elmann, after gradua ti on from MSM in 1925, w e nt to work for Standard Oil Company of Ca lifornia , doin g work in s urface geology . In 1927 hc join ed th e Sinclair Oil Company where he wa s in charge of geolo'g ical ancl geo physical e xploration in Europe

F r ed C. Schn eebe r ge l'

" Il el fo r t un e in outh Am ri ca a nd he f l.lnd both . H e d ev l opeel, ope ra t eI a nel owneel var iou s min e ill lh differ nt co unlri e in Soutl1 America a nel ac led as co ns ultin " l' n ~ i n e r with lh e firm of E a l ey ;ln d En sl y in th d evel opment of o th I' min e. H h Ip eI or ga ni z ,1n I se rv eI a vi pre ide nl f lh e rnt rn a ti nal Minin g Corporati II :l nel s till I've in lh a t capacity. Dr . Ea le y wa s awa rel ed hi s En ,~ in roC Min s D eg r e in 19] 2 a nd in 1938 wa a wa rel ed th H o no r a r y D g r ee of D oc lo r of En in erin ' at Ih e c hoo l of Min al Rolla. n h a s rv d asp I' i(I n l 01 th e' M inin g a l d M lallurg ica l Soc i ty o C Am ri ca, PI' i le nt o C (h Min in'.ÂŁ: Club in N w York, pr s iel en ! ()C Am ri ca n C ha mb I' 01 ommer' oC BoJivi " a nd helel o lh e r impor (a nl l ost in th minin g in d u lr y . II has pr::tcl i ' d hi s I 1' 0 I' s io n in M x i 0, e n(ral Am 1' va ri us co Intri 01 South Am ri ca anel in pra c ti ca ll y all I Ih e m inin g s (a (0s in (h Uniled S tat s , now pe nt in M l 01 hi s l im e' N w Yo rk C ity. llc al 0 s I'V eI lor 19 yea rs a c h a irm 'ln o C lh c x c uliv co mmil( a nd elirec lor of lh Firs l Na I iona l Tron Bank oC Morri stown ,

FI' d C . SchneebeI' O'cr , ' 25 , wa s (' m pl oycd by W es ti ng house X -R ay Co" Inc " Lon g I 'l anel City, N e w Yo rk , Coll o win g hi S " r a duation from M, .M. For about 20 ycars h wa s e mplo yed with that com pan y rind preelcce'so r co mpan ies rib o r b d by it. Durin g hi s erv icc w ilh W c !.in ' hou se , Fred wa s, Jo r e io- h t yca r , G e ncral Sales Man ;~, O' c r of (h e X -R ay opc ra tion . Dur in g World W ar Il hc wa s mov ed 10 SI.. Lou i wh er e h e w a respon ibl for all X -Ray activ itie with Ihe U. . Army w hi c h purch ased

all of. it X -Ra y appal"ltu at that point. H e l eft W Lin o- hous to b com e Exec utiv - V ice Presid ent of th Pi Ie r X -Ray Corpor aliQn of Mi SOllri , which po s iti on h e now hold s. Frc d w a l cc t d IJrc rd e nt of lh Al umni A ssociatio n in 1945. Al

lIntil 1933 wh e n h e o r ga ni zed Sa l t Dom e O il Corpor a tion, of which compa ny h e is now pres ident. In 1945 he wa s gr a nted the deg r ee of En g in ee r of Min es afte r s ubmittin O' a thesi e ntitled " D evel opment c111cl U se of a n Appara Iu s for Makin O' Geophysica l M ea ur c m nts Upon th e E a rth's Surface Co ver ed W ith Water " . H e b came Vic e Pre ident of th e MSM Alumni A ssociati on in 1945. a nd Prcsident in 1947. Wh e n a t c h ool , h e w as a m e m b r of Si g m a Nu ocial frater nity, Th eta Tau, Satyrs, S e nior Council. Minin g and Me tallurgy A sociation , a nd w as on both th e football and trac k tea m . Karl h as l o n g bee n one of the prime mov 1'S for d e velopme nt a nd progr es at MSM . Enoc h R. Needles Enoc h R. N e dl es , ' 14, is o nc of the for e mos t e n gi n ee!' in br idge




design in the United States, de s ig nin g such structures as the Tri borough Bridge in New York City and similar structures. He is now e ngaged as one of the chief engi neers in the design and construc tion of the Maine Turnpike, one of the current outstanding e n gineering developments. He received his Professional De g r ee of Civil Engineer in 1920, and


Annual Report ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, SCHOOL OF MINES Rolla, Missouri, Sept. 24, 1951 The following table (1) shows the numerical statu s of membership , segregated expenses for the current year (5 0-51 ) and the three preceding years . It is seen that the present actives plus paid juniors are 26 less than the preced ing year while the receipts from dues and interest and divi dends are $429.79 less . The printing and postage costs are approx imate l y the same for each of the past years . 'fABLE I ,.

New Active Me mbers


1948- 49 802

1947-48 965

60 6 51 864

86 5 46 1051

4. 814 $5819.00


924 $5154 .00

$5 163 .00

173.06 3296. 79 585 .10 452.14

107.86 3244.43 523.76 425.41

107 .98 3334.02 80.00 1462 .25

1949-50 913

1950-51 826


was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering , Honoris Causa in 1937. In D ecem b er of 1942, Enoch entered the Corps of Engineers as a Lt. Colonel and wa s promoted to Colone l in 1945. H e served in the Office Chief of Engineers in Washington , D. C . Outstanding in the professional world , Enoch was President of the Ameri can Institute of Consulting Engi neers in 1946, and director of the American Society of Civil Engineers from 1937 to 1939. H e is a memb er of the American Road Builders Associati on , the American Toll Bridge Association, th e Society of American Military En¡;!inee rs, the Engineers Club of New York, the Bankers Club of New York, and the Army & N avy Club of Was hington , D. C . He has writ ten numerous technical papers. Enoch has established at the School of Mines the Enoch, R. Needles Speech Award to promote better speaking and writing among the students. H e is a partner in the consulting firm of Howard Needles, Tammen a nd Be rgendoff. Enoch has given genero usly of his time in furtherin g th e interest s of his Alma Mate r .

78 C Paid Junior Members 0 0 New Life Members 57 E Old Life Members 904. F' New Member Statu s (Ac tiv e Plus Juniors) 13 Old .... dv . Paymt . Members G !l37 Total Active (A + G ) Receipts Active + Juniors $4654.00 (A + C ) 243.27 Dividend s 3179.02 Printin g 550.04 Postage 854.03 Misc. Expe nse Advance Payment Members 53-54 52 -53 From 51-52 4. 5 15 Numbe r

17 J

56 930 8

54-55 3

55-56 3

56-57 3

57-58 2

The r esu lts of th e post card ballot for Area Directors whose terms ex pired November 1. 1951 are shown in Table 4 below . TABLE IV Area 2 ( Phila. , W as h. D . C., Va ., W. Va. , Ky. , N. C. , La. , Miss. , Ala ., Fla. ) ..... .. .......... . . T . C. G erber Area 3 ( W . Pa. , Ohio, Indiana ) ........................................ D . N. Griffin Area 4 ( N . Ill .. Chicago, Wisc ., Minn ., Mich.) ....... W . R. Ru e mmle r Area 8 (Ida., Mont., N . & S . Dak ., Nev. , Utah, Colo ., Ariz ., N. Mex.) .................... ............... D. P . Hale The names of all the directors are shown on Page 25 . Presid ent J. L. Head called an informal meeting to discuss future plans to consider new committees a nd their personnel. The following committees were named and Chairmen noted (as of Nove mber 1, 1951) . 1. Membe rship Committee (H . E . Zoller) 2. Honors and Awa rds Committee (H. S . Pence) 3 . Public and University Rela -

tions (Carl Stifel , William Ehlers , F . C. Schnee b e rger) 4 . Curricular and Research Com mittee ( M . J . Kelly ) 5. Program Planning Committee. 6. Presidents Visiting Committee. 7. Committee on Publications (P. T . Dowling ). 8. Constitution and B y-Laws Committee (Barney Nuell ) 9. The Pre3 idents Column Com mittee .



Associate Dean Williams Talks at Homecoming on Shortage of Engineers Mr. Chairman , Fellow Alumni, and Ladies: I feel that I might w ell have take n as my subject th e title of an article which r e cently appeared in Fortun e Magazine. Those of you who saw this article will rememb e r that it was entitled " There's a Helluva Shortage of Engineers" , and that is the theme of my talk . We will have approximately 120 young men graduating on January 23, 1952, and this week there have been seven companies on the cam pus to interview these young men . The seven include d a manufacturer of electrical equipment and machinery , a manufacturer of equipment and supplies for th e railroad industry , a chemical company engaged in atomic e nergy work, a ch e mical company engaged in production of food and chemicals, an aircraft company , and two major oi l companies. Next week there w ill be e ight more and so on and on until graduation day . To Graduate- 175 We e xpect approximately 175 graduates on May 26, 1952 , and r hav e no id ea how man y companies wi ll come he r e during the spring to talk to th e m , but fe el sure that the number will r ea ch 100 . W e Und that companies w hich form e r ly interviewe d only once a year are now coming twice yearly, that other co m panies which have never interviewed on this campus before a r e now calling on us , and fi nall y that companies which have never inte rvi ewed on any campus a re now coming to Rolla . On e co mpan y, which will b e h e re in a bout two weeks b ecame worrie d o v e r the possibility of not havin g man y applicants for its inte rvie w s, a nd so it is spon so ring a sp ecial m eetin g to which are invited all se niors in M ec hanical and Civil Engin ee ring, and a ll facult y m e m bers in tho se two d epartments. The purpose is to create inter est in th e company and as an added attrac ti on th e r e will be a complimentary buffet supper. Anoth e r company told m e that it would like to se nd a company plane to th e University of Okla homa, th e Sch ool of Mines , W ash ingto n Unive r sity , an d others to pick up p e r so nnel officers an d faculty m em b e r s and take th em to

the Gulf of Mexico to inspec t com pany facilities and to get in a w eek end of· deep sea fishing. Now we like to feel that some of this great interest in our seniors is due to the quality of the graduates, and we get some evidence that such

Rex Z. Williams is th e case. The prog r ess our graduates mak e stands as proof for such a belief, but we realize that th e r eal reason for this activity is th e shortage of e ngineers . I want to exp)ain to you some of th e prese nt conditions with r espect to the sup ply of young e nginee rs both now and in th e near futur e. To do this, I wa nt to refer to the chart which is s ho w n h e r e . It s hows th e num b er of e n g inee ring graduates in this country over a p eriod of yea r s from 1935 until th e prese nt, and has b een proj ecte d a f e w years into th e futur e . You w ill notice th e gradlIa l ris e in th e numbe r of e ngin eerin g gradu a tes until 1942 f ol lowe d by the sharp d eclin e durin g th e n e xt few years . This, of co urse, was d u e to World W ar II. The extr e m ely rapid rise beginning in 1946 was du e to th e r eturning v e t era n s afte r the cessation of hostili ties in World War II . Th e p eak year was 1950 when som e 51,000 young m e n were ·gr ad uated. In 195 1 th at number h ad fa llen to approx imate ly 35 ,000 and it ~ 'i stima ted th a t th e numb er in 19.5 .~



w ill b e approx imatel y 26 ,000 . You w ill not ice that th e chart predicts a continued downward . trend to a level of somewh ere in the neigh borhood of 15 ,000 to 17 ,000 by 1954 . In 1948 th e United States Burea u of L abor Statistics antici patin g th e large number of grad uates du e in 1950 , issued printed mate ri al to hi g h school counsellor3 and to the press predicting an oversupply of yo un g engineers and urging high school students to consid e r carefully the advisability of en terin·g a crowded field. We b egan to feel the effect of this informa tion shortly thereafter th r ough decreased freshmen enrollme nt. Our freshmen classes decreased in numbers and have continued to do so until this fall. I do not mean to say that the information men tioned above was the only reason for d ecreased freshmen en r ollment, b ecause a large part of it was undoub:edly due to the fact that th e 18 year olds who were e nte rin g college in 1949, 50 , and 51 were th e boys who w e r e born in the earl y 1930' s whe n th e nation's birth rate was at its all time low. N everth el ess, freshm e n enrollment in engineerin g decreased all over th e country, and in 1950 was only 29,000 for th e entire n a tion. It is s tated that th e freshmen e nroll m e nt inc r ease d 5 % in 1951 and ours a t th e School of Mines in creased abo ut 10 % . Industry Absorbs Surplus M eanwhile, what happened to th e surplus e ngineers predicted b y th e labor statistics? Well, they w e r e absorbed b y industry , and there is evidence to show that there is a n unfilled demand for somewhere between 80 ,000 and 95,000 e n gine e r s in this country at th e p r ese n t tim e . Th e r e is a l so evide nce to indicate that there will b e a co ntinued future d ema nd for so m e 30 ,000 to 35 ,000 yo un g engi n eers ever y yea r. I know that y ou m ay ask why can we expect to n eed th a t many young engin eer s in the futur e when the pre war production of e n,ginee r s was somew h ere in the ne ighborhood of 12 ,000 to 15 ,000 per year, and that production seem ed to have bee n bal a nced pretty well a gain st d e mand. S om e of th e r easo ns wh y I b elie v e t h a t the 30 ,000 to 35 000 e ng in eers p er yea r is not too hi g h a r e as follow s: Vve h ave n ew in d u stri es which we r e not e ven in ex iste nce 10 yea r s




ago. Consider for instance the atomic energy industry which up until the present has been directed a l most solely toward military needs , but which even now is be ginning to be directed toward in dustrial uses. Thousands of e ngi neers are alread y employed in this industry, and many more will b e needed in the future. We all know that we are runnin g into more difficult problems in su pplying oursel ves and the world with the necessary materials. In the field of petroleum there was a time when shallow drilling sufficed and when much of the exploration was based on surface geology. Nowadays the drilling is deep and the exploration is based upon geophysica l meth ods. The difference in the need for technically trained people is enormous. We find that we are using more complicated machines as anyone will agree when he compares the p r esent automobiles and railroads

and communications to those that we had only a few years ago. Such increased technology calls for more and more engineers. Finally, it might be pointed out that down through history every war has brought an ' upsuI'ge in technology and most of that upsurge has been retaine d even after peace returns to the world. So, for these reasons, it does not appear that ' we will be able to bring the supply of young engi neering graduates up to the l evel of the demand for you ng engineers, at least not in the fors eeable future. Now what can be don e to a lleviate this condition as much as possible? Well, we must make use of technical institutes and other such courses which will train boys to do specific and technical jobs e ven though th ey will not provide enough training to make an engineer. We must use more women in technical work j ust as the T opo -


graphic Division of the United States Geological Survey is doin g here in Ro lla at the present tim e. We must up-grade our existing en gineers to b e sure tha t they are used for work that can be don e only . by an engineer and avoid keeping such men on routine drafting or other work which can b e handled by the people m e ntioned before. We must act to increase the perce ntage of high school ¡g raduates who enter engineering colleges. In this we are subject to definite limits b ecause only a relativel y small p ercentage of the high school graduates are fitted for an engineering education. I have read that perhaps as many as 10 % of the high school graduates could profitably take engineering, whereas onl y 3 % are actually entering engineering schools. In convincing more high school graduates to enter engineering colleges , we will be faced with the (Continued on Pa,ge 18)

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1904 R. A . Conrads' home address is 407 Engman St. , Clearwater, Fla . R. T . Rolufs attended Homecoming this year. His address is 102 W . 12th , Roll a , Mo . 1907 Horace H. Clark atte nded Home coming. He resides at 7202 S . Shore Drive, Chicago 49 , Illin ois. 1909 George A . Easley was prese nt at Homecoming. H e is livin g at Morristown , New J er sey. 1910 Russel B. Caples is presid ent of th e Am erican Zinc Institute a nd presided at th e annual meeting of the Institute h eld in St. Louis 011 May 21, 22 , 1951. H e is presently Manager of Anaconda Copper Minin g Co. , Great Falls, Montana. 1911 H ar vey L . Tedrow , Olin Hotel , D enver , Colorado , re g istered for Homecom ing. H e is with th e Lon don Mines & Milling Co . Milan H. D e twe ile r attended Homecoming this yea r . H e is retired and l ives at Z eigler , Illinoi s. S . Paul Lindau is livin g at 108 N. Harvard Blvd. , Los An gel es, California . His business a ddress is 1016 W . 9th Street, Los An geles, California . 1912 Paul E. Coaske's hom e address i 1547 W estword Blvd. , Los Angeles, California. John R. K e nney attended homecoming this year. H e is living at 2312 N. Halsted St., Chicago. Illi no is . 1913 Wm . Ehl er s, 8116 T easdale, University City , Missouri , was prese nt for Homecoming this year. E. C . McFadden 's ne w add r ess is 1053 5 So . Wood Stree t. Chicago , Illin ois. 1916 William H. Kamp is with th e Ra l ston Purina Co., 2334 Roch ester , Kansas City, Missouri. His home address is L ake Quivira , Kan sas City , Kansa s. John M . Schuman registered for Homecoming . His add r ess is 708 Pine Street, Rolla , Mis ouri. Jose ph J. Krebs attended Hom e coming this yea r. H e i living at 6800 Louisville Stree t, New Orlea ns, Louisiana. George E. Ude, More nci , Arizo na , attended Homecoming. Carl G . Stifel. 625 S . Skinke r . St

11111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111 1

Alumni Personals 111111 1111 1111 1111111 111 1111 111111 111111 111111 11111 111 111 1111 111111 11 1111 111 11

Loui s, Missouri , registered for Homecom in g. H e is President of the Carl G . Stifel Realty Co . Edmond H. Woolryc h was prese nt at Homecoming. H e is livin g at 306 Olive, Rolla, Missouri, and is with the Mis ouri G eologica l Survey. Lewi s N. Hoppock r egistered for Hom ecomin g. H e is livin g a t Clarinda, Iowa. James L. H ead attended Homecoming. Hi s r esidential ad dr ess is 250 Arleigh Road, Do uglas Manor , Lon g Island , New York . Harold A. N e us taedter is with the Nationa l L e ad Co. , and lives at 5635 Eich elberger Ave.. St. Loui s, Missouri. H e was present at Homeco ming this yea r. Edwin A. Ka yse r is r etired and liv es at 4103 Shaw St., Long B e ach , Cal i fornia. Fre d Grotts' residential address is 2011 S. Walnut S t., Springfield , Illinoi s. 19 17 George B. Wilson gives his address as Ozark Hote l, Rolla, Mo . H e is in the Draw ing Dept. of MSM. George registered for Homecomin g . John S. Brown , St. Jo e L ead Company. Bonn e Terre , Missouri . was on the campus November 20. interviewing January graduates for e mployme nt with hi s company. 1920 Charles R. Barn ard attended Homecoming this yea r . Charles is with the Enos Coal Mining Co . in Oakland City , Ind . Hanley W . W eiser visited on the camp us on October 4, 1951. H e is associated with the Nassau S melting a nd Refinery Company, Totten ville , Staten Isla nd, New York. Mr. W e iser's r esid e ntia l address is 5769 Amboy Rd., Price Bay , Staten Island, New York . George Burnet wa present at Homecomin g this year. G eorge is with th e U . S. Army Engineers, and gives his mailing address as 60 Rolla Garde ns , Rolla, Mo . Matthew P . Brazill, Jr ., who i w ith Wm. M. Taggart Co. , 1602 L ocust St. , St. Louis 3, Mo. , r egistered for Homecoming . William W e igel was on the cam pu Nove mb er 20 . H e was inter-



viewing students for employment with St. Joe Lead Company , Bonne T erre, Missouri, where h e is employed . 1921 Bernard E. Hammer r egistered for Homecoming this year. Bernard is owner of a ge n e ral store in Stan ton , Mo. Anvil Williams is living at 1326 Grove St., Vicksburg, Mis . Julius C . Salmon, Jr . was present for Hom ecoming . His mailing add r ess is Box 201, Minden, L a. Barn ey Nuell , who is with Comm . Mutual Life Insurance Co ., was prese nt for Homecom ing. Barney is living at 211 S . Carson Rd. , B ever l y Hills, Calif. E. K . " Toots" Schuman registered for Homecoming this year . " Toots" is with the U.S.G.S, in Rolla , Mo . 1922 Joe B . Butler r egistered for Homeco ming. He is Prof . of Civil Engin eerin g at MSM. His home address is 305 W, 9th , Rolla , Mo , William W . Bolt is Superinte ndent of the Crown Mine of the Freema n Mining Corporation at Farmersville, Ill. This is a n ew coal mine which went into production only last month. G eor ge F. Barnwell , ex ' 22 , whose business address is Standard Vacuum Oil Co. , 26 Broadway , New York 4, N. Y. , gives his hom e address as Apt. 20 , On e Fifth Avenu e, New York 3, N ew York. W . R. Gettler is an engineer with B ec htel Corp., San Francisco, Calif . H e is living at 3878 Clay St. , San Francisco 18, Calif. 1923 Neal Ham , who was pre ent for Hom e coming th is yea r , is with In ge rsoll Rand Co. Ne al is livin g at 715 Westwood Dr. , Clayton, Mo. G eo r-ge Zeller's address is HolIi tel', Mo. J . L . Whitworth can be reached at the Quebec Hou se, Apt. 853 , Washington, D . C. Harry S. Pence r egistered for Home coming. His business address is Sverdrup & Parcel, 1118 Syndi cate Trust Co. , St. Loui , Mo. J ame Emm ett Mitchell was prese nt for Hom ecoming. Hi s address is Box 114 , Rolla , Mo. Fre d E. Gra y gives his address as Mine Manager , Coronado Copp er & Zinc Co. , Dragoon, Ariz. Harry J. Schiermeyer, who atte nded Hom ecom in g , is l i ving at


19 51

219 McKinley Ave. , Edwardsville , IlL Harry is with the Ill . Div. of Hi g hways .

1924 L H. Lovett is a Professor in the E.E. D epartment of MSM. He registered for Homecoming an d gave his add r ess as 1606 Rolla St. , Rolla , Missouri. L eo Schapiro, who is employed with Douglas Aircraft Co. , Santa Monica , Calif., is living at 6502 '12 W . Orange St. , Los Angeles 48 , California. Jean Paul Bryan is with the Corps of En ginee r s, Kansa s City District Office, 10 E. 17th, Kansas City , Mo. His home address is 139 N . Main St. , Liberty , Mo.

1925 Raymond F . Orr is a member of . the Board of Direc tors of the American Zinc Institute. Raymond is with the Athletic Mining and Smelting Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. Fred C. Schneeberger was present for Homecoming this year . Fred's business address is Picker X-Ray Corp. of Mo., St. Louis , Mo ., and his home address is NO.1 Briar Oak, L adue , Mo. Donald R. Bakel' register ed for Homecoming this year , and gave his business address as Th e Markle y Co., 222 W . Gregory, Kansas City, Mo. Leo L. Burn et is Chief , Engineer ing Division , J ac ksonville Dist., Corps of Engineers, U . S . Army, P. O. Box 4970, Jacksonville, Fla . H e w ill receive mail addressed to Rt. 8, Box 335-L, Jack sonvill e 7 , Florida.

1926 L eon Hershkowitz, Asst. Prof. of C . E. , Missouri School of Mines, registered for Homecoming. He is livin g at 1300 Powell , Rolla , Mis souri. B ennet R. Thompson, GeologistGulf Oil Corp is living at 320 W. Commercial St. , Lyons, Kansas. H e attended Hom ecoming this year. Elmer Gammeter was at Homecoming. He is Dir . of Laboratories at the Globe Steel Tubes Co ., and lives at 823 E . S y lvan Ave., White Fish Bay 11 , Wisconsin. Erwin Gammeter, 600 N . Lom bard , Oak Park , Illinois, was pres ent for Homecoming. W . L Short is living at 2329 McNary Blvd ., Pittsbur'gh , Pennsyl vania. H e r egistered for Homecoming. Nadine M. Kenn ey was here fol'



Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Homecoming. She is living at 2132 N. Halsted, Chicago, Illinois . Dani el Kenn edy , 1810 Vichy Road was prese nt at Homecoming. Ernest W. Carlton is a Professor of Structural Engineering at M.S.M. and lives at 203 E. 2nd St. , Ro lla, Missouri. H e registered for Homecoming. D . R. Schooler , 605 W. 14th Street, Rolla , M isso uri was present at Homecoming. B. Degen Boyd is Vice-President of the Boyd Excelsior Fuel Co. , at F1. Smith , Arkansas, and lives at 2005 So. Greenwood Ave ., Ft . Smith , Arkansas. H e was present at Homecoming. Mike A. L edford, 2531 Addison Rd., Houston, Texas is President of the Houston Drlg . Corp . 1351 Esper son Bld g., Hou ston, Texa s.

1927 Joe Holman's address is Rt. 1, Box 355 , Natchez , Mississippi. Robert R. Lu sk , 6645 Stewart Ave. , Chicago, Illinoi s g ives his business addre ss as 72 We st Adam s St., Chicago. Illinois. R. M. Rankin, 1604 N . Pine Street. Rolla , Missour i, attended Homecomin g . He is on the faculty of M.S .M . A. E. Barn ard r egister ed for Hom ecoming. H e is with the Weil Kalter Mfg. Co. , St. Louis , Missouri, and lives at 613 S . Central. Cl ay ton. Missouri. 1928 Rupert P. Baumgartner is living at 635 Cascad e Rd .. Pittsburgh 21, Pa. W. B. T emple's n ew address is 25 15 Beec hwood Dr .. S. E .. Grand Rapids , M ichi'g an . Wm . L. Metcalf, 2809 Iowa St.. Granite City , IlL. was present for Homecomin g. Theodore C. G erb e r is with th e Remington Rand Inc ., Shreveport, La. H e r egiste r ed for Homecoming this year. Paul A. Halasey 5335 , Auckland Ave., North Hollywood , Calif. , is with the Mole Richardson Co. , 937 N. S yca more Ave., Hollywood, Calif. D. H. Crumbaugh 's home address is 2567 Miam i St. , E. Gary, Indian a.

1929 Harry Bolon registered for Hom e -


coming. He is with the Water R e sources of the U ,S .G .S ., Rolla , Missouri. Warren F. Fruit is' with the Bucy rus Erie Co., a nd lives at 161~ Lake Dr ., S . Milwaukee, Wi sc .

1930 Dr. Aaron J .Miles, Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering D ept. was here for Homecoming. H e lives at 102 W . 14, Rolla, Missour i. C. J ames Grimm, M.S .M. faculty , was at Homecoming . J . W. Graybeal's mailing address is Box 1600, Midl a nd , Texas .

1931 Maurice E . Suhre ,g ives his business address as Rolla Concrete Ma terials, Rolla, Mo . Maurice was present for Homecoming. H e is now living at 6 Vichy Road in Rolla. J ames E . Stokes is with the D e partment of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation . He registered for Homecoming, and gave his home address as 1391 S . Clayton St. , D en ver, 10, Colo. Col. V.A.C. Gevecker attended Homecoming. He gave his address as 1101 State , Rolla , Mo.

1932 J . R. McCarron is serving as Chair man of the Philadel phia Cha pter of the American Society for Metals t his year. This chapter ranks fifth in the national organizations. H e is livin g at 140 Barcladen Rd ., Rosemont, Pa. , and is with Vanadium Alloys Steel Company . George L. Leisher attended Home 'coming this year. H e is with S . W. Bell T el ephone Company and lives at 4991a Tholozan Ave. , St. Loui s, Missouri. Homer F . Thompson , Instructor of Drawing at M.S.M. , attended Homecoming. His h ome address is Route 2, Rolla , Mo. John T. Sturn was at Homecom¡, ing. He is with the W. H. Powell Lumber Co. in S1. James, M issouri. Howard W y rick , 25 Shady Glen Court, New Rochelle, N ew York , registered for homecoming. R ex Monroe, 2020 Orange Drive. Whittier , Califo rnia , is with the Sivyer Steel Casting Company, Refinery Division , Los Angel es Office , 5905 Pacific Blvd., Huntin gton Park , California. Will Brewer is living at 2429 So . Sandusky Ave., Tulsa, Okl ahoma. Maj. W. A. Gallemore's mailing address is Hqs . AAC (A-4) , APO 942, c/ o PM, Seattle, Washington . His hom e address is 701 Cresen(




St. , Ro gers , Arkansas .

1933 R. A . Parker is living at 401 E. Washing ton , Owe n sville , Mi sso uri. H e is Supt. , G e n eral Chemical Compa ny , Owe nsville, Mi ssouri . Lowell A . Hibbits a ttend ed Hom ecomin g. Lowell is living at 4038 Quincy St. , St. Louis , Mi sso ur i. L ee H. D eW a ld is with Nation a l Cy lind er G as Company , 1200 North Cla r emont Ave. Chica go 22 , Ill inoi s. His home a ddr ess is 928 Ma in Street, Aurora , Ill inoi s. Jack M. Londe is living at 1342 T e mple St. , St. Louis, Missour i.

1934 Gordon Gillis can b e r eache d at 25437 Hanove r , D earborn , Mich . Ro y E . Swift gives his new ad dress as 110 Dantzl er Ct. , L exin g ton , K y. Osca r M . Duncan attended Homecoming this year. O scar is w ith the Ind . F a rm Burea u R efin er y , and is livin g at 542 E . lOth St. , Mt. V e r non , Ind. H erb ert A . Hoffman is w ith th e St. Joe L ead Company, and is livin g a t 5 Th eodore St. , Bonn e T erre, Mo . Arthur H . Walth er gives his address as Versa illes Pla nk Rd. , An gol a , N . Y . H e is emplo yed with National Anilin e Div ., Alli ed Che m . & Dye . Gu y R. Miles, 6646 P ernod Ave. , St. L o uis, Mo ., is with St. Loui s Dist. , Corps of Eng in eer s. U . S . Arm y.

1935 Robert H . Buck r esides at 3 6 B ellvu e S . W ., Grand R ap id s, Mich iga n . J ames J . Murph y registered at Hom ecom in g. H e is livin g at No . 7 Chipper Rd ., Fronte na c, Missouri. Wm . G. Graff is l ivin g a t 2830 Woodview Ct. , St. Loui . Coun ty . Missouri a nd is with th e S te rlin ~ Al uminu m Prod . Co . Fre d W. Kl ee, 5244 Chatsworth. D e troit, Michiga n is a partn er in United T a bl e Pad Co. , 1021 3 H arp e r , D etr oit, Michi gan. W. J . Campbell is Assistant G e n er a l Manager of ~he Fraser Brace Terminal Con str uctors, 280 Broad way, New Y ork . He resides at 74 D owning Ave ., Sea Cliff, N ew Y ork. Hachiro I shig uro is with t h e Marubishi Bu ssan Co. , 1. N ishiki ch o Kanda, T okyo , J apan.

1936 K e nneth O. H anson wa s p r esent for Hom e com in g. K enn e th is livi n g


Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

at 6648 Mardel , St. Louis 9, Mo ., and g iv es his busin ess a ddress as H a rri - Han so n Co ., 208 N . 22nd . St. L oui s, M o . Oscar H . Fage r atte nd ed Hom ecoming. Osca r is liv in g a t 2353 S . Compton , St. Louis, Mo . Rea d e M . B ea rd is G e n e ral Supe rvisor of Me tallurgy, Rollin g M ill and Wire Products, Columbi a St e e l Co. , Pittsburg , Calif. H e give s his home ad dress as 3398 th e Alam e da , Concord , Cal if. Rob ert M. Springer's n ew a ddr ess is 251 Mulb e rry P I. , Ridgewood , N. J . William E . Walk er is with Products Engin eering Co ., Ca p e Girar deau , Mo. H e was present f or Hom e coming. Albert B . W a lten sp iel , w h o is w ith the Corps of Eng in eer s , D ept. of the Army , P. O. Bo x 1600 . Ft. Worth , T exas, is livin g a t 41 57 Anita Ave. , Ft. Worth 9 . T exas . 1937 W a lte r R. Jarre tt is Di strict Man age r for St. Louis wit h the Bing ham Pump Co . His hom e a dd r e ss is 2533 Salem Ave ., Brentwood 17 . Mo. Bob wa s a campus v isitor on October 12th . Buran W. Brown is workin g with W estern G eoph ysica l C o. , P . O . B ox ] 59, Ca sp er , W y o. Richard J . Ca rd e tti i with U. S . S teel Company in G a r y , Ind . H e g ives hi s mailing add r e ss a s 2563 W . 13th , Gary , Ind . William C . Bu sch can b e r each e d at 2007 Huffm a n Blvd. , Rockford . Ill. H e is em ploy ed with Centra l Jl l in o is El ec tri c a nd Gas Company , Ro ckford , Ill . Fred K. Vogt is now Assistan t Scout Executive of B oy S couts of America. His mailin g addres is 123 W. 12 th St. , Gra n d Island. N ebr . 1938 Juliu s P. Faris' h om e addres is 4301 Hemphill , Ft. W orth , T e xa s . H e is st ationed at Holl om a n Air Force B ase a t Alamogordo , N ew M e xico. Euge n e B . Lanie r i living a t 1410 Isted Rd. , Gle n Burn ie . Md . C. R. Curnutt was on t h e campus Octo b e r 29 , 1951 intervi e w in g se n iors for possible employ m e nt w ith the Consoli d a ted Vultee Aircraft Corporation. H e h a s b een with th ~~



co mpany si n ce gradu a tion and is presently locate d at th e p lant in Fort Worth , Texas. Fle tcher T . McCra e r egiste r ed for Homecom in g. H e is with the Mid land Ele ctric Coa l Corporation in Farmi ngton, Illino is. His r eside ntia l a ddr essis 167 North Wood St. , Farmi n g ton , Illinois. E. W . Simpso n was ap pointe d City Sanita r y Officer of J eff er son City . H e h as pre viously b een e mployed by the sta te b oa rd of H ea lth at C ame ron , Missouri. Dud ly Folsom 's home address is 4247 Forest A venue, P a ducah , K e n tu ck y .

1939 Jim H. J aco bs is now associated with Union Carbide and Carbon Laboratori es Inc ., Ni aga ra F a lls, N ew York as R esearch Me tall ur g ist. Hi s home address is 191 Hill sid e Drive, L ewiston , N . Y . I J a m es U la k , whose address is 615 W . Edwards, Sprin gfi eld , Ill ., i s working for the U . S. Burea u of Publi c Roads , Ill . D ist. , Springfield . Illinois . Earl H . John so n is with the South Works of the United S t ates Steel Company at S. Chicago , Ill. H e has recentl y purchased a n ew h ome at 1560 State Lin e Ro a d , Ca lumet City , Ill., wh er e h e r esi:les. Geol'ge E . Mueller has jus t com p leted h is Doctor of Philosophy degr ee from Ohio State University in th e fi eld of E l ectrica l Engi n eerin g. John R. McDonal d , who is with Phillips Oi l Company, is li v in g a t 7448 Ch erok ee Drive K a n sas City . Mo. Donald D. Burr is is Sal es R e pr ese nta tive for Certai n -teed Prod llCtS Corporation , Milwaukee, Wisc . D on is living at 5451 N. Bay Rid ge Ave., Mi l waukee 11 , Wi sc .

1940 Maj. A. J . Tucker' s mail in g address is Air Force ROTC , Rutge r s University, New Brun swick , New J er sey . D av id Mackey is with Simond s Saw and S teel Co. , Lockport, New Y ork . D a vid w as a ca mpu s visitor October 24 , 1951. Walter A . B a um sta rk r egister ed for Homecoming. H e is with the Carpenter S teel Co. and r esi des at 53 4 Oaks Co urt, W e bster Groves, Missouri. Paul T . D owlin g , 1455 F orest View Dr. , S t. L oui s County 22 , Missouri , wa s present for H om e co min'g .


Clarence C. Palmer registered fOl: Homecoming. He is livin g at 5366 Cabanne Ave., St. Louis, Missouri. Lawrence E . L a mbelet is with the U.S.G.S. , Rolla , Mi ssouri , and is living at 1001 Lynwood , Roll a. He was here for Homecomin g. Edward B. Kuhne is Engin eer Revenue Agent with th e U. S . Bure au of Internal Revenue, 1610 Masonic T e mple Building, N ew Orleans, Lo u isiana. H e resides elt 6308 E ads Street , N ew Orlea n s, Louisiana. J. C. L eslie is Mana ge r of the Paint D ept. of th e Con sumers Cooperative Association in Kansas City, Mo. Hi s home address is RL. 12, Oakwood , North Kansas City , Missouri. William H. Burgin's Busin ess ad dress is Raw Materials Dep t .. G eneva Steel Company, G e n ev a, Utah. His home address is 366 E . 8 N. , P rovo , Utah . 1941 Rob ert F . Dav idson is on the f elculty of Missouri School of Min es. He is living at 6 Na¡ ~ogami Court. and was present at Hom.ecom in g. Earl L eroy Smoot r egiste r ed for Ho mecoming . His home add r ess is 100 Martinsburg Road, Mt. Verno n , Ohio. W. A. Sherman is li vin g at 3907 E. Tho xton , Albuquerqu e, New Mexico . H. J . Schroeder is employed by the U . S . Bureau of Mines at Plattev ille, Wisconsin. His r esidential address is 826 West Main Stree t, Platteville, Wisconsin. D. G. Crecelius is now at the P aducah, Kentucky plant of Carbid e a nd Carbon Chemi cals Company . H enry T. James is with the Ralston -P urina Co. , at 835 S . 8th St., St. Louis, Missouri . His h om e address is 867 Wood Av e ., Kirkwoo d 22 , Missouri. Ma rvin E. Pingel is with W estinghouse Electric, and li ves at 465 Cook Road , Mansfield , Ohio.

,v ,r

d .e It 5,

5t 2,


\9 5\

1942 Lt. Cdr. L eonard C. Wolff h as b een assigned to Rennsse1aer Poly technic Institute, Troy , N. Y. to d o graduate work in Manage m e nt and Industrial E ng in eering . Hi s ma il ing address for the n ext academic yea r will be Lt. Cdr . L. C . Wolf, U. S. Navy , Rensselaer Polytechn ic In stitute, Troy , N. Y. Mark W. B eard gives his a ddr ess as 744 Washington Av e. , Ap t. No . 8 , Alton , Ill .


Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Otis H. T aylor is Specia l Minin g R epresentative fo_r Goody ea r Tire an d Rubb e r Compa ny, 42]0 Forest Park , St. Loui s 8, Mo. K. V. Harrington 's add r ess is 7704 Arlin gton St. , W e bster Groves 19 , Mo. Jim L. Mitchell can b e r eac hed at 4819 W. Capitol Av e .. Milwa uk ee , Wisc . Gilbert H. Blanke n ship , Jr. wa s present f or Hom ecom in g a nd ga ve hi s m a ilin g address as 1209 W. Michiga n , Midl and , T exas. H e is now e mploy ed with the Pure Oil Company , B ox 671, Midland , T exas. Elmer H. Sa ndhaus, who a tten d ed Home comin g , is em pl oyed w it h the U.S.G.S. in Rolla , Mo .. a nd is livi ng a t 62 Rolla Gard e ns, Roll a , Mo. Thomas A. J ones h as accepted employ ment with Lion Oil Company a t E l D orado, Ark. Tom 's job is that of Eval uation En gin eer a nd calls f or a knowled ge of engineering, geology , law and accounting. This will utilize his t r a inin g both in e ngin eer ing a nd in l aw. For t h e prese nt his mailing address r e mains 209 N. Elm St. , Little Ro ck, Ark. Maj or James H . Fox is studying Geophysics a t S t . Loui s Univer sity , St. Louis, Mo. Hi s pare nt orga ni za tion is t h e Air Force In stitute of T ec hnology , Wri g ht-Pa tterson A. F. B ase, Ohio. Geo r ge W . Axmac her atte nd ed Homecoming this year . G eor ge is work in g for Waukesh a Sa les a nd Se rvice, Dallas, T exas, and hi s hom e is 4730 Homer , D allas, T ex. Arthur T aylor Guernsey is Division Engineer , Sh ell Oil Compa ny , Hobbs. New Mex . Paul F. Steinhoff is now se nior engin eer in the process e n g in eerin g de p a rtme nt of Che mical Plants D ivision of Bla w- Kn ow Co mpa n y, PittsbuI'gh , P a . Gilbert G . Haas is r eceiving mail a d dresse d to R. R. 2, Box 44B. F a irfax. Okla. Thom as R. B ev erid ge's mailin g addre ss is c / o Missour i G eolog ical Survey, Roll a, Mo . Major Vernon T. Loesin g w ill r eceive m ail ad dressed to 1129 Elm St. , Lawton , Okla . L eon a rd H . Bolz, 2725 Conn ecticut. Washin gton. D . Co, is w ith th e


National Burea u of Standards, Di v . 9-4 , Was hington , D . C . Willia m L . Pollock is Proj. En gr. , Misso uri State Hwy. Dept. H e is livin g at 603 Wiggs St., K ennett, Mo . Harry F. Rob ertson who is with T en n essee Coal , Iron a nd R. R. Co. , is livi ng at 216 Woodwa rd Rd. , Birmin gh a m , Ala. Willia m D. Busch is livin g at 5715 Southern Blvd ., Youngsto wn 12 , Ohio . H e is workin g with AllisChalmers Mfg. Co ., 543 Ohio Edi w n Bld g., Y o un gstown , Ohio. Charles A. H eu er , 3642 Horn , Alton, Ill ., gives his business ad dress as W estern B rass Mills , 1. Alton, Ill. H aro ld E . Maune is with T .V .A. , Wilso n Dam , Ala. H e is livin g at 3204 H a tch Vlvd ., Sheffield , Ala. John H. Castleman gives his address as 1111 W . Benne tt, Compton , Ca lif. John is with the Ralph M . Parsons Co . Walte r E. Doelling, whose home a ddress is 4616 Touro St. , New Orlea ns 22 , La. , is emplo yed with Gulf R efining Co., J efferson Hwy. & Prot. L ev ee, N e w Orlea n s, L a. 1943 Paul Rothband is livin g at 605 Victor y Drive, Collinsville , Illinois. Capt. Rob ert P . McMath's address is Hq . 802 EAB , APO 970, Sa n Francisco, California . Edw. L . Hildebra nd is emplo yed by the Humble Oil & R efinin g Co . His hom e a ddr ess is 2002 Alaba ma , B ay town , T exas. R . O. Kaste n was present at home coming . Hi s h ome addr ess is 4300 Moats Dr. , Kansas City , Misso uri , and h e is em ployed by Union Wire R ope Corp. , 21st & Manchester, Kansa s City, Missouri. James A. N eu staedter r eg istered for Home coming. H e is w ith Alcoa M inin g Co ., 230 Park Ave .. New York 17 , New York. James is livin g at 4740 41 st St., Long Isla nd City 4, New Y ork . Bruce R. Landis is with the C. W. Nofsinge r Compa n y, K a n sas City, Mi ssouri. Bruce was present fo r homecom in g . J ohn C. Hoey , 450 N . S yca more , Los Angele , Ca liforni a , is w ith G ener al Electr ic Co., 212 N. V i¡gn es St.. , L os Angeles, Calif. H. R. Hill is with WestinghoLlse Electri c Corp. , 1625 K. St. , N. W .. W as hin gto n , D. C. His residential a ddress is 5810 9th Road North . Arlin gto n , Va . J oe T . Adams is li v in g a t 741:1



Campbell , Kansas City, Missouri. He is with Nordberg Mfg. Co ., Dist. Mgr. , Kansas City , Missouri . Joe registered for Homecoming . Orville L . Meyer's home address is 2935 Maracopa , Richmond , Cal ifornia . Kenneth E . Meyer is living at 34 Slate Lane , Levittown , L . 1. , New York . V . E. Fl essa is with G eneral Electric at Syracuse, New York . H e is li ving at 114 Marilyn Ave ., No . Syracuse, New York. Herbert H . McCol'g in is with the Missouri Portland Cement Co. , 9403 Rivervie w Drive , St. Louis , Missouri. His residential address is - Magnolia Dr. , R.R. 2, Casey ville , Illinois.

1944 Paul R. Kasten is now with the Oak Ridg e National Laboratory , Oak Ridge , T enn . Paul can b e r eached by writing 304 W. Van derbilt Dr. , Oak Ridge , Tenn. William A. Hubbard , who is working for Shell Chemical Corp. , was present at Homecoming. Bill gave his address as 233-16 131 Ave ., Laurelton, L . 1., N . Y . William Douglas Hicks resides at 1428 Bluebird T errace , Brentwood 17 , Mo . He is working for Westin ghouse Electric Corp., 411 North 7th St. , St. Louis 1, Mo. Rob ert E. Setchfield, who is now Construction Supervisor for Union Electric Company of Mo. , attended Homecoming this year. He is living at 8677 N. Avenue , St. John 21 , Mo . Ernie A. Wein el r egistered for Homecomin g . Ernie, who is work ing for Hall Construction Company , is living at 3219 Forest PI. , E. St. Louis, Ill. Hans E. Schmoldt's' addre ss is 711 Johnston e, Apt. C ., B a rtle sville , Okla. Alan P. Ploesser , who w a s prese nt for Home coming, gave his ad dress a s 902 R eb a PI., Evanston , Ill. Ala n is with U . S. Gypsum Co. Peter Mushovic is employe d with Morain e Production Div. of Gen er al Motors Corp. His addre ss is 4249 Edison St. , Day ton, Ohio. P e t er wa s' present for Homecoming. E . C . Goe temann can b e foun d a t 1349 McCutch eon , Richmond H e ights, Mo . George E . Burk e is Supt. of Publi c Works, Town of Morristown , 110 S . St., Morristown , N . J . Hi s mailin g a ddr ess is Box 588 , Morri stown . N . Y .




Jim Bryant writes that "his ad dress is 16022 Via Media , San Lore nzo , Calif. William HellwE'ge was a campus 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 visitor on August 25 . Bill is with the Monsanto Chemical Co ., at Herb ert D . Barnhart, who is em- Monsanto , Ill. ployed with General Electric Co. , Malcolm H . McDonald was presErie, Pa ., gives his home address e nt for Homecoming. He is e mas 131 Lowry Rd. , Erie, Pa. Robert F . Summ ers , 34 Califor- ployed with Harbison-Walker Renia , Highland Park 3, Mich ., is fr a ctories and gives his home ade mplo ye d with the Chrysler Corp . dress as Fulton , Mo. Warre n H . Bell attended HomeGeol'ge A . Feyerahend gives hi s coming a nd listed his add r ess as addre ss a s 1518 E . Swan Circle, Audubon P a rk , Brentwood , Mo . 6370 Oriole , Dallas , Texas. Warren is working for Granite City Steel' G eorge is w orking for Standard Oil Co ., 314 N. J efferson St., St. Company , Granite City , Ill . Louis, Mo . Herman M. Storer is with Joy James A. Liley' s address is 9553 Mfg. Co. Herman is living at Chester , Overland 21 , Mo . Huntington, W . Va . 1945 Joel H . Teel can be r each ed c lo Allan W. Lindberg wa s pre sent Shoshane Mines, Tecopa , Calif. for Home coming th is y ear. Allan Bing Quai Yee writes that he is employed with White -Rodgers has rece ntly been transferred to Ele ctric Co. , and is living at 106 the Okl ahoma Central Division OfPlant Ave., Webster Groves , Mo. fice of The Ca rter Oil Co. , 1300 Theodore Hen t c h e I can b e Apco Tower, Okl ahoma City, Okla. reached by writing 708 Compton Loren H. S elleck registered for Ct. , W ebster Groves, Mo. Homecoming. Loren is working for Elmer A . Milz , who is with Shell J . F. Pritchard & Co ., Kansas City , Oil Company , is living at 2220 Mo . His mailing address is 3536 Hampstead Lane , Wichita Falls, Virginia, Kansas City , Mo. Texas. K e ith D. Sheppard is Reservoir 1946 Engineer for Continental Oil ComT. D. Daniel s is still with the pany. His address is Box 1061 , Chemical Division of G en e ral Ponca City , Okla. Electric . H e is n ov" locate d in Arthur H. Fuldner , Jr. , whose Los Angeles at 1052 West 6th business a ddr ess is 1- T -E Circuit Street, Los Angeles 17 , California . Breaker Co., 19th & Hamilton St. , Robert J. Armstrong is with E. Philadelphia , Pa., gives his home du Pont de Nemours & Co ., Wil ¡ address a s 7240 G lenthorne Rd. , ming ton , Del. His home address is Upper Darby , Pa. 4 West Point Ave. , N ew Castle, Richard D. Amel , 227 12th Ave ., D elaware , and his mailing ad dress Green Bay, Wisc., is employed is Box 1506. Wilmin gton , Dela - with th e Wisc. State Highway ware . Comm. , Green Bay , Wisc. Fred H. Bunge is with the FloCharles E. Shulze was present tation Dept., Applied Research for Home coming this y ear. Cha r les Lab. Chemical Division , Armour is on the faculty of MSM and g ives & Co. , 1355 W . 31st St. , Chicago , his home address as 809 E. 6th St., Ill. His hom e address is 715 South Roll a , Mo . L a Gra n ge Rd. , La Grange , Ill . John C. Vorbeck attende d Homecoming a nd listed his address as 1947 Paul F . Ca rlton form er ly e m - 6353 Nottingham , St. Louis, Mo . ploy e d with the U. S. Corp of En- John is with Emerson Electric. J e sse W . Wilson , 8005 Penn, g ineer s in St. Loui s and l ivin g at 137 Girard Place, Kirkwood , Mo ., K a n sas City, Mo. , is working for ha s resigned and a ccepted a posi - York Corporation , 107 W. Linwood tion with the Civil A erona utic Blvd ., Kansa s City, Mo . Tom G . R y an is living at 3735 Authority in Indian apoli s, Ind . Hi s Pa seo, Kansas City, Mo. Tom atpresent position is "Proj ect Engite nde d Home coming th is y ear. H e n eer " Soils and Surfacing Bra nch in charge of the developme nt of is now working for J . F. P r itchard nuclear soil t e sting e quipment. His Co. L e ro y E . Ki enitz is with Pickn ew home a ddress is 700 Harlan St. , Plainfield , Ind . ( Continu ed on N e xt Page )

Alumni Personals


13 Members of Class of 1926 Attend Reunion




The class of 1926 held a reunion at Homecoming this year. Of the original class of 1926, 13 members attended. The idea of a reunion was originated and carried out by a c ommittee consisting of Daniel Kennedy. Prof. E. W . Carlton , Prof . D. R. Schooler, and Prof. Leon Hershkowitz. This committee sent a letter to each member informing them of the plan. This reunion was in the form of an anniversary, as it was 25 years ago this year since the graduation of this class. The most important feature of th '? event was an informal luncheon held at noon on Saturday, 1Jovembel' 3rd at the Col onial Village . Those in attendance of the class of '26 v,rere Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gam meter, Mr. and Mrs . Dan Kennedy , Dr. and Mrs . M . K. Underwood , Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kitchen , Mr. and Mrs. Degen Boyd, B. R. Thompson, Mrs. Nadine Sease Kennedy , Prof. and Mrs. D . R. Schooler, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hershkowitz, and Prof . and Mrs. E . W. Carlton . Guests of the class of '26 who attended were Prof. and Mrs. F . E. Dennie, Prof . and Mrs . R. M . Rankin. Dr. and Mrs. W. T . Schrenk, Prof. and Mrs. J . B. Butler, Noel Hubbard , and Mrs. Hel en Underwood Ledford, who was St. Pat's Queen at that celebration in 1926.

To Publish Article d y







15 t-






An article on " The Use of Modified Orthographic Projections in Structural Geology " by Milton A. Sobie and V. G. Gabri el. an associate professor of Geophysics in the Department of Geology , has been accepted for puublication in the next October or December issue of the "Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union ." Milton A. Sobie, who graduated from the Mining Engineering Department last June, is with the O. C . School of the Ma rine Corps in Parris Island, C. C. He expects to be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Marin e Corps about September 9, 1951. According to Sobie , Bill Fairchild . a June graduated of the GeolQgy Department. was called up into the Active Service. He will be stationed at an army base outside of San

Francisco as an officer of the Corps of Engineers , Topographic Section, working on aerial photos . Milton Sobie's address is : Pvt. M . A. Sobie, 114260 U.S .M.C .R. Plt. 26, Co. "G" 1st Bat. O.C . Special Training Regt M.C.R.D . Parris Island , S . C.

Working for Winchester According to a recent letter from John D . Berwick , '3 9, there are three MSM graduates besides himself now working for Winchester Repeating Arms Company , Divi sion of Olin I ndustries, Inc. , in New Haven , Conn . They includ e M. H . Murray , '34, 10 Samoset Ave .. North Haven, Conn. ; D e Wilton Timberman , ' 40 , 120 Standish Ave., North Haven , Conn. ; and M . F. Lagemann , '36. Indian Hill Road, Orange , Conn. John gives his busi ness address as Assistant Metal l urgist, Research & Development Division , Winchester Repeating Arms Company , Division of Olin Industries, Inc ., New Haven 4. Conn . 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1111111111 11 1111111 1111111 11 111 1111 111


(Contin u ed From Last Page ) ands-Mather and Company in its Iron Mines near Crosby, Minn. Leroy's mailing address is 609 3rd St. , S. W ., Crosby , Minn. A. Risher Hall , Jr . is Mana'ger , Engineered Products Sales, Old Fort Supply Co. , Ft. Wayne , Ind. His home address is 4606 A lexander Dr., Ft. Wayne , Ind . George E. Purdy is now with Tretolite Co., St. Louis 19. Mo. George was at Homecoming and gave his address as 7321 Zephyr, St. Louis, Mo. Harold B . Harms is employed with General Elect.ric Company. 1635 Broadway , Ft. Wayne , Ind. He can be reached by writing 1504 Kensington Blvd. , Ft. Wayne , Ind. Pau l M. Benne tt, Jr ., who lives at 6333 E. 4th Terrace, Tulsa, Okla. , gives his business address as The Atl an tic Refining Co., 830 Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. William E . Ellerman has recently changed hi ~ address to 436 N. Street, M eadville , Pa. Gale f~\ lghum ¡gives his mailin g


Many 1950 Grads Join Alumni Association The Class of 1950, which became eligible for associate membership in the Alumni Association last November, has responded in excellent shape to a joint invitation from Professo r H. R. Hanley , SecretaryTreasurer of the Alumni Associa tion, and Dean Curtis L . Wilson to become dues paying members of the Association. The joint letter , which was sent out to the group in October, has , so far , produced over 150 pa id up m embers, the largest membership of any class in the Assoc iation. In commenting upon these new members, Dean Wilson stated that he was very pleased that the younger graduates are interested in joining th e Alumni Association and keeping in touch with the school through the medium of the MSM Alumnus. "Naturally, I have a very p ersonal inte.rest in these younger members, and woul d like to continue the privilege of association with them," the dean said. Additional paid up dues from this group are being received by the Alumni Office da il y.

With Westinghouse A number of recent graduates are now employed with Westinghouse Electric Corporation . These includ e Peter J. Koppel, Ken,neth W. Lichius, John E . Williams, and Roger A. N eidel of the class of 1950. Donald W. Canady , Charles F. Cromer, Richard L. Dickens, David E. Glenn , Harold G. Forister, Charles R. Klin e. Charles J. Minnick , Joe R. Powell. Harvey E. Spindle. Richard A . Thompson, John B . Toomey, Julian Weaver, Harold E. Whitson. and Frederick H. Wolf of the class of 1951 are also with Westinghouse. address as R. R. I , Box 288, Inde pendence, Mo. William Louis Shivelbine is a co-owner of a music store in Cap e Girardeau, Mo. His address is 630 Broadway, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Robert L . Ray is with Joseph T . Ryerson & Son, Inc ., 65th and Hollis St. , Emeryville, Calif . (Continued on Page 17 )



Meet the New Alumni Association Board Members





Theodore C. Gerber , '28 After gradu a tion in 1928, T e d was with the Unite d Sta t es oranance D ep a rtm e n t in M a nila . H e was later with the Militar y Departm ent, L ehigh Univer sity , B e thleh em , Pa. In 1942, a s Colonel of Ordna nce, he esta blish e d and h ead e d , throu ghout World War II , an office in St. Louis, Missouri sup ervlsm g all (66) Governm entOwn ed Contract or-Operated chemical and loa ding pla nts . This offic e w as known a s Field Dire ctor of Ammunition P l ants. H e r e tire d





from this office at the end of World War II. In 1946, he became Assistant to the Pre side nt, Certain-teed Products Corp ., in which capacity he serve d until 1948, at which time h e b e came Division Director of G a te s Engineering Co. In 1951 , he be ca m e G en eral Manager, Remington Rand, Inc., Louisiana Ordnance Plant near Shreveport, L ouisiana, which position he now holds. He is also Consultant to Atomic Energy Commission .. T e d is a member of American Socie ty of M echanical Engineers,


P .


JR .

American Ordnance Association, Kappa A lpha, Union League Club of Chicago , Racquet Club of Philad elphia , Army and Navy Club of Washington , D . C., and A .A.O.N.M.S . Donald N. Griffin, '26 Don received his B.S. in Mine Engineering from MSM in 1926, and immediately thereafter entered the employ of Butchart Manufacturin g Company, Joplin, Missouri, r emaining with that company for four y ears. For one year h e served a s Surface Superintendent of Mis-

MEET A T DETROIT- An A lu mni Association lun cheon meeting was helc1 at the Hotel Teller in Detroit, Mich., on October 17 , 1951, President James L. (Babe) Head of the MSM A lumni Association, and H. R. Hanley, secretary-trea surer, are among those at the speaker s' table, upper right.



sauri. - . Kansas Zinc Carparatian, Waco. , Missauri, leaving its emplay in 1931 to. jain , Jhe Deister Cancentratar Campany, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He has remained there since that time serving in variaus capacities, at present being Chief Engineer. All af his prafessianal activity since graduatian has been in the field af Mineral Dressing. In 1931, Dan married Mary Elizabeth Haad af Webb City, Missaurio Far many years they have lived at 1703 Hawtharne Raad, Ft. Wayne, Indiana . Dan is a member af 'Pi Kappa Alpha, Engineers Club af Narthern Minnesata , American Institute af Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, American Mining Cangress, Ft. Wayne Cauntry Club , and Mining Club (New Yark City ) .





W_ P. Ruemmler, '38 After graduating fram M.S.M, in 1938, Wallie went to. the Mantana



search Labaratary at Tulsa , Oklahama. Harald W . Martin registered far Harald is with the 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I hamecaming. Vicker's' Electric Divisian in St. ( Cantinued Fram Last Page) Lauis, and lives at 4471 Olive, St. 1948 Lauis, Missauri. Gearge Ramsey was a: campus Rabert M. Rack is attending visitar an August 13 , 1951. Gearge Washingtan University in St. Lauis and his wife Marrily are again the as a graduate student, and is teachpraud parents af a san, Rager ing same caurses in Metallurgy. Hamiltan Ramsey, barn May 19, His mailing address is 6966 Edisan 1951. This is their secand bay. St. , St. Lauis, Missauri. Gearge is with the Carter Oil ReCharles W . Wehking has accep.ted emplayment with the praSchaal af Mines as a fellawship ductain department af the Manstudent. Fram there he went to. santa Chemical Campany. New Yark and studied at Calumbia Walter C. Fleher is a member University as twice r ecipient af the af the design section af Mansanta Edward - Westan 'F ellawship in Chemical Campany's engineering electra-chemistry. department. In 1942 he was emplayed at the Rager Nawlin is living at 23 East Chicago. plant af the Interna- Grasvenar Pk ., Lynn , Massachutianal Smelting & R efining Divi- setts . sian af the Anacanda Capper MinKenneth E . Niewahner, who. is ing Camp any in the research de- emplayed by the Bethlehem Steel (Cantinued an Page 19) (Cantinued an Page 20)


Alumni Personals

Curators and Officials Are Visitors at School of Mines



Members of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri, with University officials in attendance at a meeting' held at the School of Mines and Metallurgy in Rolla on November 9. First row, left to right: Dean Curtis L . Wilson of the School of Mines; Dr. Glenn W. Hendren, vice-president of the Board, Liberty, Mo.; Powell B. McHaney, president of the Board, St. Louis; William P_ Elmer, Salem; James Finch, Jr., Cape Girardeau. Second row: Harry Fields, Business Manager of the School of Mines; James S. Bush, Board member, St. Louis; Lester E. Cox, Board member, Springfield; Leslie Cowan, secretary of the Board and vice-president of the University, Columbia; D. A . Daggs, Board member, Memphis, Mo.; Frank Stonner, Chamois. Top row: Rex Z. Williams, Associate Dean of the School of Mines; and President Frederick A. Middlebush of the University. Stratton Shartell, Board member, Kansas City, also attended the all-day meeting but had to leave before the picture was taken.



Dean Williams (Continued From Page 9) fact that many who should be there will not be able to go because of financial problems. It may be true that it is easier now for a young man to earn a high percentage of his college expenses than it form erly was, but the fact remains that it is extr emely difficult for a young man to go to college without con siderable financial assistance from someone. Th ere is little doubt but that the large increase in engineering enrollments immediately after World War II was due in no sma ll part to the financial assistance pro vided by the G. I. Bill. If we could provide some financial assistanc E' to young men now finishing school. we could undoubtedly increase th e e nrollment. We do, of course . have scholarships and fellowship s and they serve a very useful pur poSE' . but most of them are for ju niors and seniors and graduate stu de nts and we should not forget that before we can have juniors and seniors and graduate students we first must have freshmen and soph omores. Our e xperience here in dicates that we seldom lose a stu dent because of financial pressure afte r he reach es his junior year. By that time he will have b e come ver sa tile enough to m a k e it through on e way or another, but during his freshman and sopho more years, it is much more diffi cu I t. Another f ea ture which is of ¡g r ea t importance and which will affec t our enrollme nt in the futur e is our government's plan to main tain a three and on e half million man armed force. It is tru e tha t w e ha v e h a d large r armed forc es at times in the past, but we have never had on e anywhere nearly as lar ge except during actual war times when th e large forc e w as plann e d for . a r elatively shor t period, perhaps 4 years or 5 yea r s. Now w e plan such a force for a lon ~ period which has been estimate d to be at l east 10 years and possibly 20 years in duration. This is a new experience for our coun try. So far , it has not disturbed college e nrollments very much and t here are several rea sons for this small disturbance. One of them is that the enlistme nt contr acts w er e sudd enl y exte nd e d durin g th e


summer of 1950 when the Korean situation became acute. Another is that ma ny thousands of reservists have bee n recalled to active duty sin ce the winter of H?¡50. Fina lly , we have had some 600,000 inductions from the 18 V2 to 26 year pool of men. These things supplied the necessary manpower without forc ing us to take young m e n out of college to any 'g reat extent. Now man y of our reservists who are on active duty are eJigible for r e lease after havin g ser ve d for 17 months and that period w ill soon be r ea ched by man y of the m . Th e e xten sion s on t he e nli stment con tracts a r e about to r eac h their end poin t. Th ere is a lso a stron g public sentim e nt for rota tion so that men who hav e b een in the armed forc es for a cons iderable period may be r eleased. Finally, we have almost de ple ted th e 18 I,I, to 26 yea r old pool of men. The time when w e must depend upon young m e n r each ing th e age of 18 V2 y ears is rapidly a pproaching. Dr. M. H. Try tten , Director of the Office o f Sci entific Personnel of the National Resear ch Council analyzes the s ituation in the followin g mann er . He states that an armed force o f three and one half million men would probably contain 750 ,000 " Military Careerists", th a t is , m en who will spend an average of 10 years in th e armed forces. By sub tracting the 750,000 from the total forc e, w e find that th er e will have to be 2,750,000 men who are not " Military Careerists". From wher e will these men come ? It is esti mated that during th e next decad e ther e will be an avera'ge of 1,200. 000 m en to reach the age of 18 V2 years e very year. Actually tha t figur e is only 1,050,000 now , bu t it' will in crease. Based upon the r eiection s which the armed forc es hav e made, we can expect that 72 % of the men who r each 18 V2 years of age will b e fit for military servi ce . That percentage of th e entire 1,200,00 0 gives 864000 m e n who will be fit for mili ta ry service and who will reach the age o f 18 V2 every year. From this pool mu st come the "Military Careerists", who will average 75,000 p el' year, as w ell as a ll other men for the armed forces. D educting th e 75 ,000 " Military Careerists" l eaves approx im ately 790,000 others for military service . Now if we ar e to maintain our three and on'~ hal'F ~ •


. -



million man force , we might show what will happen in the following manner: Annual Annual No . If They Supply Serve Req'd 2,750 ,000 2 yrs . 1,375,000 790 ,000 2 2,750,000 3 y r s.

917,000 790,000 3 2,750,000

4 yrs .

687 ,000 790 ,000 4

It is seen at once that requiring e very able bodied 18 % year old to serve two years will supply only little more than one half the number needed. To require them to serve three years still will not supply the number needed. Four years of service would supply about 100,000 more than a re needed. So it looks as if every 18 % year old who is fit will be needed in the armed service for a period of time from three to four years. These figures make no allowance for deferments, for educational or for industrial purposes. It is believed that we will reach this condition some time between the summer of 1952 and the summer of 1953. The implicatio ns for colleges and for industry are very serious. It is true that as these young men enter military service there will be an equal number of veterans rel eased. Those released will return to industry or to school. It is my belief that th 2 major portion will r eturn to industry since that is where they came from. Some of course, will go to college, but I do not b elieve that that numbe r will be large. I want to point out what h appened to our e nrollment during the period from 1941 to 1945 when the yo ung men were going into military servic 2 rather than into college. Our enrollment in 1941 was approximatel y 1000 . By the spring of 1945 it had decreased to 188 , and in the summer of 1945 to 99. I leave it up to yo u as to what will happen to u s if w e do not have some system of educationa l deferments . I think that we should realize that there is a vast difference between the planning which we are now doing, and the planning which was used for World War I and World War II . Then we were fac-



ing an emergency estimated to be from four to five years. Now w e a r e facing an emergency estimated to last from 10 to 20 years. Now what can be done about this situa tion ? Of course we must publicize the need for engineers and for con tinuing their education . That is now an easy job. It is extremely difficult to convince the family and the neighbors of J ohn Doe that it is fitting and proper for him to go into military service while Rober t Roe , who lives three doors up the street. is d eferred to attend the School of Mines. It is equally hard to convince the draft board in a dairy region that John Smith , who is milking 20 cows, should go into military service while Rob e r t Black, who is manufacturing steel , should stay on the job. Neverth eless, those are things which we must attempt to do. I b elie ve that the Am erican p eople have certain popular misconceptions about mil itary service. Perhaps those misconceptions are not so bad when we face a short war , but they are seri ous for a long term plan . On e of them is that military power a lon e contributes to the national safety in time of war. Another is that all military personnel make greater sacrifices and contributions than do civilians. Still another is the belief that professional manpower can be obtained in suffi cient quantities after the military needs are met. We seem to have based our conception of compulsory military service on the philosophy of equality of sacrifice. What we need to do is to adopt the philosophy of the hi ghest individual contribution. We know we are outmanned-that we have onl y 6 % of the world's population. We must realize the necessity to out pro duce our potential enem ies and to do that we must rely on efficient use of our manpower. H ere at the School of Mines we are trying to accompli sh these things in a number of ways. W e are keeping draft boards and d eferment boards posted as to the activities and progress of our students. Toward this end we have sent over 2000 reports and letters about individual students to these boards. W e also send a representative to meetings such as this on e. Only a few weeks ago I attended a manpower meeting in Pittsburgh . We intend to continue such activi -


Homecoming ( Continued From Page 3 ) with a good time all the way through. Even Mother Nature wa:; on the side of the Homecoming Committee this time , as the weather was reasonably good . However , starting on Monday morning, November 5th, the snow started com ing down, and by W ednesday morn ing, November 7th, the ground was covered with 20 inches of snow the biggest on record at this tim e


of year, and also, the biggest at any time of year in the past 39 years. The Alumni Committee was un der the chairmanship of Paul Dow ling, '40, but Paul was called to Washington by company business that kept him out of the St. Louis area during most of the time, and his duties were ably carried on by Kenneth H anson, ' 36, Vice-Chairman of the Committee. Kenny spent some time in Rolla, and did a -g ood job in rounding out the program .

New Board Members ties and to supply speakers for such meetings whenever possible. W e are attempting to increase our freshman enrollment through such things as Engin eers D ay when w e bring hundreds of high school seniors to the campus to acquaint them at le ast a little with en gineering. Weare sending representatives to hi-gh school career days so that the boys and girls may know about the opportunities in engineering and we have just finished sending many of our department chairmen out over the state to talk to high school seniors in their own schools. By such a process, we are contacting some 65 Missouri high schools which we have never canvassed b efore. What can you do about this lem? Well , you can spread the gospel as best yo u can. Perhaps you can interest some qualifi ed young men in your community in engineering and if you do, don 't stop when you have aroused his interest, but do send us the names and addresses of any such young men so that we can follow up. As employers yo u m ay use you r engineering employees on engineerin g work and attempt to use others for the more routin e jobs. And possibly as time goes on , you may come up with some sort of an idea where by some promlSlllg young lad who cannot come to college because of financial rea sons may be g iven enough assistance to get him started. Fin ally, let me conclud e by sayin g that we believe we h ave something worth while here at MSM - worth while not just for the yo un g men who come here, but for our country as well , and we in tend to keep working with these yo un g men and for them just as MSM has done during these last 80 years, through boom or bust, and throc!gh war and peace .

(_Continued From Page 17 ) partment, finally heading the d epartment as Research Engineer . Upon l eaving Anaconda in 1945 , he was employed by the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus , Ohio as a R esearch Engineer in the department of electro-chem ical en gineering. Since 1948 he has been with Eagle-Picher Company, successively as D evelopment En gineer of the East Chicago Plant, Acting Gen era l Superintendent and now as Plant Manager. This plant was formerly owned by Anaconda Cop per and was purchased by the Eagle-Picher Company after his initial period of employment here. D. P. Hale, Jr. , '34 Upon -graduation in 1934 , D ave worked for two years in various ore milling jobs in Arizona, Nevada , California , Colorado an d Arkansas . In 1936 he became Manager of the Cartersville Barium Corporation in Georgia where h e was emplo yed until D ecember 1940 when he joined the U. S. Army and spent some tme in Japan an d Germany , receiving the Purple Heart in the Europea n Theater . In January 1946, Dave entered the employ of the Mine and Smel ter Supply Company, Marcy Mill Division , D enver, Colorado as a metallurgical engineer . In May of 1950 he received a Metallurgical Engin eering degree from MSM for a thesis on Center Peripheral Di scharge Rod M ill. During the time he was in school. Dave was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha , Rollamo Board , Missouri Miner" Blue Key, AIME, R.O.T.C. , St. Pat's Board . and Interfraternity Co uncil.


(Co ntinu e d From Page 17 ) Compan y at th e John stown Plant in th e Rod a nd Wire Division a t Johnstown, Pennsylvania is condu ctin g an even ing sch ool course in steel making at t h e Johnstown High School under the supervisio n of the School of Min era l Indu stries , P e hnsylvania State Colle ge, ac cor d in g to a newspaper article r e ce ntl y r ece ived by th e Alumni Office . Paul F. Shatto is with th e Mu tua l Chemical Company of Ame r ica , 1348 Block St. , Baltimore 31 , Maryland. L. R. McClary is livin g a t 68] East Drive, W oodr uff PI. , Indian apolis , Indiana . Charles Mitchell's hom e add r ess is 3102 V era Drive , Knoxv ille . Tennessee. Rob ert M. Rock lives at 5757 University Ave. , Chi cago, Illinoi s. Donald G. Schmidt's new a d dr ess is 5 16 S. Park Aven ue , Hinsd a le , Illinoi s. Paul Fullop is livin g a t Carmi , Illin ois, and is emplo y ed by th e Ea stern P e t r ole um Co. Paul wa s here for homecom ing. James L . M ille r is now livi ng at 8 Kinwood Ave .. W or cester , Massach usetts . Robert F. Ba erveldt registered for ho m ecoming. Hi s mailing a d dr es,> is P .O . B ox 1075, N as hville , Tennessee. Robert is e mployed by the M ech. Goods Div. of Goodyear T ire & Rubber Company. John C . East, Box 254, Mountain Grove, Missouri is with the Missouri State Highway D epartme n t. Ra lph E. McKelvey is livin g at 228 Oklahoma Av e ., Louisville, Oh io . Ra lph is employed by Tim ken Ro ller Beari ng Company, Canton , Ohio. Melvin A. Hagan is a ceramic Engin eer with th e Midwest Research In stitute . 4049 Pennsylvania , Kans a s City , Missouri. Hi s home address is 436 W . 47th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Rob ert V. G e ve cker regist ered for h ome com in g . Rob ert is with the Brid.g e Bureau of t he M isso ur i State Highway D epartment and li v es at 503 W. Elm. J e ff e r son C ity , Missouri. John R. Barton is with th e R e search Foundation , M echanical En .g in eeri n g D e partment, Ohio State Un iv ., Columbu s, Ohio. He is liv ing at 1165 Sells Ave ., West, Co lumbus , Ohio. T ed Wolfarth , 5870 Itaska Street,





McGraw I have a position as ElecLrical Fie ld Engineer on the AEC Plant at Paducah , K y . My ad1111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111I11111111111111 dress is now 420 Washingto n St., St. L ouis, Missouri is now in Ger- Paducah, Ky. " many with the a rm ed force. Albert Seelig Jr. r egister ed for Rob ert Niewoehner is in the Homecoming t hi s yea r . His address Sale s division of th e Joseph R y er- is 1043 V a n Nostrand, Lemay 23 , son Steel Co. in the St. Louis ofMo. H e is e mplo yed with Amerific e . can Steel Foundries in Granite Aubrey B. W atts was prese nt at City. home coming. Aubrey's ho me ad J am es C. S chmitt is with Illinois el l ess is Fre:lericktown , Missouri. Power Company, P. O. Box 151 , E. Alton , Ill. James is now living Wm . H . Thu rman is e mplo yed by the Missouri State Hi ghway a t 3407 Lincoln Ave ., Alton, Ill. Dept. , and li ves a t Wa r saw , Dona ld F. Haskell is with th e Mi ssouri. United S tates Enginee r s at Lit tle George E . H ess is liv in g at 8729 Rock, Ark. Donald was r ecently White , B r e n two 0 d , Missouri. married. He receives mail at P .O . Geo r ge is with Century Electr ic Box 1312 , Little Rock , Ark. in St. Loui s . J ames G. Clifton is still with Law rence G. Glasgow is a G radFord, Bacon & Davis, In c., but is uate Assistant at Penn. State Col - now locate d in Connecticut. H e l ege. His mailing address is U n imay b e addressed at 601 Connecti . versity Cl ub , State College, Pa. cut Blvd., E. H a rtford , Conn . Don ald H. Collar's m a iling ad Challes R. Remington , Jr. is a n dr ess is B ox 65 . W e llton , Arizona . instru ctor in M. E. a t MSM. Charles 1949 registered for H omecoming and William A. Wundrac k was pres- gave hi s add r ess as 7 Cronin Ct ., e nt fo r H omecom in g. Bill is with Rolla , Mo. S ve r d rup & Parcel and is li v in g Lowell Smith has changed jobs at 38 W a shin gton T errace , St. a nd is no w with Ca rtrid ge Co., E. Louis. Mo. Alton , Ill. His r esid e n ce remains Clayton J. H yslop is n ow located at 10300 W. Main S t., E. Alton, Ill. in Louisville , Ky . where he is GenRob ert B . S chneider , who is eme ral Foreman of t h e L atex Plant, ployed with Southwestern Bell Kentucky S y nth etic Rubber Co. T elephon e Co ., is living at Ro om His hom e addr ess is 4208 Dixie 1106, 1010 Pin e , St. L ou is 1, M o. Highway. Gordon L . Scofiel d is now teachOdis L eRoy McCallister, Jr. is ing at MSM in the Mech . D ep t . in the army. His a d dre ss is 2nd GO~Qon was prese nt at HomecomLt. Odis LeRoy McCallister , Jr . in g. H e is living at No. 8 Green 0966 4 51, 143 E ng in eers Tr. B r. Co. , Acres, Rolla, Mo. Ca mp McCoy , Wisc. Fra n k Brice has resigned fr om Bob B. Myers ha s been in Korea his p osition with the Joseph E . S easin ce l ast J an uary , but is now on g r am Co. an d has accepted employ hi s w ay back to th e States fo r re- ment at t he H artford, Ill. R efiner y lease from th e a rmy after w hich , of the Sinclair Oil Compa n y . h is address will be 28 18 Cha rl es , Frank's mailing ad d r ess is 1608 St. J ose ph. Mo. Maple, Alton, Ill. Charles K. Wissel w rites that h e Rob ert D. B ay atte nded Homewis hes to receive all ma il a t hi s comin g. H e is with the U.S . Corps busin ess add r ess which is Th e Ga,~ of Engineers, and is livin g at 5g¡32 Service Co. , K. C ., Mo. Div. , Box Nagel, St. Loui s, Mo. 2 1 19, Kan sas City, Mo. Willi am J. Y oun g is livin g a t William H. Coolidge atte nded .Rosiclare , Ill. Homecomin g . Bill i s with Ralston Richard A. Schn eider , who is Purin a Co., and gives hi s h ome livin g at 9221 Seneca L ane, Overa ddress as 4557 W . Pine. St. Loui s , l a nd 14, Mo., is working with Fa cMissouri. tory Mutua l Fire Insurance Co. Laurel G. Lin n is w ith North Fre d J . Miller , Jr. was present Ame ri can Aviation , Lo An geles for Hom ecom in g. Fred gives his 45 , Ca lif . H e is livin g at 5823 bu sin ess address as General Steel Cas tin g s Corp., Granite Ci ty, Ill . D a ne la nd St., Long B e ach 11 , Cali£. John D. Magu ire w ri t es, " I hav e H e is livi ng at 4230 Hartford St. , a ccepted a position wit h the F . H . St. Louis 16, Mo. McG r aw Co n stru ction Co . W ith Edward L. A uBu chon , who is

Alumni Personals


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PAGE 2.1


employed with Austenal Labora tories, Inc., Microcast Div. , 715 E. 69th PI., Chicago, Ill., is living at 10854 S. Ave . G, Chicago 17 , Ill . Ruben H . Starkweather is now with the Arabian American Oil Co ., Dhahran, Saudi, Arabia. H e expects to be in Arabi a for about a year. Earl E. Hoehn is Process Engineer, Union Starch & R efining Co ., Granite City, Ill. His home ad dress is 4506 St. Louis Ave ., St. Louis, Mo. James B . McGrath is em ploy ed with Fruin - Colnon Contracting Co . James is living at 5151 North land Ave. , St. Louis, Mo . H e r eg istered for Homecoming this year. Joseph D . Crites g ives his pres ent address as Proy e cto Rom e ra!. Casilla 263 , La S er e n a , Chile , where he is employed with Beth l ehem Chile Iron Mines Co . George M. Anderson was present for Homecoming this y ear. Geol'ge, who is e mployed with Harbison-Walker R efractori es Co. , is living at 214 N . Monroe , Vandalia, Mo. Gilbert John Rekate's address is OCAU, Section C-2, U .S .N .T .C. , Newport, R. I. Edward John Kimmick is working for the U.S.G.S. , Topog. Branch, Rolla , Mo . Paul A. Haas gives his n ew address as Room 238 , Charleston Hall, Oak Ridge , Tenn . Arthur F. Gerecke , Jr. , whose home address is 4508 N. Whipple St., Chicago 25 , Ill., is working for Century Electric Co. , 4811 W . Ful lerton, Chicago 39, Ill. Paul W . Gloriod gives his ad dress as 8 N . W. 32nd St., Apt. F , Oklahoma City , Okla. Myrl K. Line is a n Engineer , Plant Engineering D ept., McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis , Mo . H e is living at 9115 Arline , Overland , Mo . James E. Bell is Quarry Supt. for U. S. Gypsum Co ., Empire , Nevada . Paul Schaefer gives his address as 1638 W. 3rd , Joplin, Mo. Lloyd Pollish can b e reache d at 1344 Sampson Ave ., Butte , Mont. Gerald D . Holmes, who is Distr ict Traffic Supt. for Southwest ern Bell Telephone Co., 820 Broadway , Hannibal , Mo. , is living at 621A Olive St., Hannibal, Mo. John H . Osborne , Jr. is employed with th e U .S.G .S . in Ther-

11 1111111 11 1111111111111 11 1111111111111 11 111111 11 11 11 111111111111111111 11 11 111

Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111 111 11 11 11 1111111 11 1111111111111111111111 11 111111

mopolis, W yo . His mailing address is Box 521 , Thermopolis, Wyo. R. J. Jones can be r eached b y writing 550 N. F a rnham , Galesburg, Ill. H e is working for Equita ble Powder Mfg. Co. , E. Alton , Ill . Edward N . Junea u gives his home address as 424 Spe ncer St. , Bethalto, Ill . Vernon Caspe r writes, " I should like to inform the Association that I am no longer associated with the Long Island Lighting Co ., but am now a member of the Electrical Engl'. staff of the L ederle Laboratories Div . of the Amer ican Cyan amid Co ." His mailing address is 100 Rockly n Ave ., L y nbrook , N . Y . Harold E. Straub is Res earch Asoociate, Departme nt of Mechanical Engr. , University of Illinois, Urbana , Ill. H e is living at 1625 Georgia Dr., Apt. D-1, Urbana, Ill . Ward J. Carter is working for B ell Aircraft, H elicopter Div . H e will receiv e mail addressed to 953 Highland Ave. , Buffalo 23 , N . Y . William F. Hubbard , Jr. is in the Naval Air S ervice . Hi s present address is Lt. W. F. Hubbard, Jr. , FAIRBETU Pa c. N.A.S., San Diego 35 , Calif., but m a il will b e forwarded to him from Bosworth , Missouri. J. E. Barkley is with the Michigan State Hw y. D ept. and his home a ddress is R.R. 2, Luce rn e , Mo. Ra y mond H ar tmann ha s recently changed his ad dr ess to 10168 Cabot Dr ., St. Louis County 15 , Mo . 1950 V. A. L everett ha s been recalle d to ac tive duty with the U. S . Air Force. Major L e v er ett is presently a <::signed to the Air Force ROTC at Washington University in St. Louis where h e is assistant professor of Air Science a nd tac tics. He may be addressed as Major V. A. Lev erett. 44 D et. AFROTC, Washington Univers ity, St. Louis, Missouri. Daniel R. Dickinson is emplo yed by the T ennessee Valley Authority at Knox v ille, T en n essee. His resid ential address is Route No . 15, Bakerstown Ro ad , Knoxville , T en n essee. Louis Carl , is employed by the Seeger R efri ger ator Company of Evansvill e , Indiana . L ewis' ad dress is 1209 Bayard P ark Drive.

Evansville , Indiana . Edwin A . Kehr resides in Wa terloo , Illinois . He may be ad dressed at P.O . Box 313 , Waterloo , Ill. Reid E . Iversen has r ecen tly b een discharged from the U . S . Navy a nd has accepted employment with the Di ebold Company at Canton , Ohio . Ro ger A . Brooks resides at 3918 South Compton Avenue, St. Louis , Missouri . Donald D . Hockett registered for Homecoming this yea r . Donald is living a t 208 South 9th Street , Wood River, Ill. , and is employed by Em erson Electric . John E . Mue.hring's new address is P.O. Box 131 , Creston, Iowa . H e h as r ecen tly accepted employment with the O. D . Milligan Construc tion Company, General Contractors of Manhattan , Kansas , as a Super intendent of Construction. David E. Fugate's new address is 2518 E. 31st St. , Kansas City , Missouri. David is employed by W e stinghouse Electric Corp ., Aviation Gas Turbine Division . Daniel R. Dickinson is working in the Concrete Design S ection of Tennessee Valley Authority. His mailing address is Rt. No. 15 , Bak erstown Rd. , Knoxville, Tennessee. Charles B . Konop is with the U . S. Geological Survey, Box 133 . Rolla, Missouri . Earle H . Filer attended Homecoming. His home address is 305 N. M a dison St. , Rome , New York . H e is with the Rome Air D ev elop m ent Center . W . L . Dare is living at 411 Broad w ay, Silver City , New Mexi co. Edwin A. K ehr is livin g at 5334 Natural Bridge , St. Louis , Misso uri. Stanley Dolecki is in the Air Force. His a ddress is Stude nt Attachment, 52 F. , Bartow Field , Florida. Edmund P. Hyatt is an instructor in G eology at the Brigham Youn g University in Provo , Uta h. His home address is 1404 N. 380 W es t Street, Provo , Utah. Mr. Robe rt W . Buel is living at 328 Olive Street , Washington , Missouri. Bob is with the Standard Oil Company in Chicago . George W. Crabtree registered for Homecoming. His home a d dress is Carrollton , Ill. Carlton A. Brown is working in the metallurgical departme nt of Eclipse M ac hin e. Division of B en -


dix Aviation Corp. , Elmira , New York. He is living at the Pionee r Trailer Park, Horseheads, New York . H e and his wife have a little girl , Linda Alen e , born March , 1951. Merrit E. Langs ton is an Instructor in Metallurgical Engineering h ere at M.S .M . Merrit atte nded Homecomin g this year . Albert M. Greenblaat is living a t 5007 Page Blvd., St. Louis, Mo . Robert H. L e onard is with th e U . S . Geological Survey , Box 133 , Rolla, Missouri . Roman H . Wellington is em ployed in the Mines Engineering Office of the Kennecott Copper Corp. , at Ruth, Nevada. His mail ing address is box 505 , Ruth , N e vada . Francis P . H ercules' n ew address is 556 Morgan Street, S t . Charles , Missouri . Edgar L . Bue k er is living at 3617 Juniata St., St. Louis, Missouri. John E. Jadwick 's home address is 2020 Huntingoon Ave. , Dallas, T e xas. Rob ert E . Wittman is living at 28 Me. Owen St. , Dayton , Ohio . Dona ld W . Marshall is Asst. Dist. Eng r. , Div . of Health of Missouri District No.1 , Cameron, Missouri. H e is living at 522 N . Godfrey St. , Ca m eron, Missouri. Edwin R. Szumachowski is with the Battalle Memorial Institute , 505 King Ave., Columbus 4 , Ohio . H is home address is 1413 Ashland A ve. , Apt. C ., Columbus, Ohio . F. D .Lyons is living at 2019 N . Fort, Springfield , Missouri. V . E . Mallrich gives his address as 100 Kin gs ton No.3 , L y nn ac r es , Loui sville , K e ntucky. Wm. J . Rupr echt is living at 25 L o ng Ave., Suffern , N ew York . Dale Sims' n ew a ddr ess is 1940 East B enn e tt, Sprin gfi eld , Misso uri. R. R. Shourd 's home address is 4001 Lindwood L a n e, Abilen e , Texa s. John T . Moran ha s accepted em ploy m ent as A ssistant to the Chief Eng in eer a t the Crown Mine of the Freeman Coal Minin g Corporation at Farmer sville , Ill. John's mail in g address is G eneral D elivery , F a rm er sv ille , Illinoi s. J. D. Winkler is living at 1022 S . Linden , Norma l , Illinois. Robert L . Choate is with B ell Aircraft Corp. His home address is 52 Linda Drive , Buffalo 25 . N ew

MSM 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Class of 1950 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllili11111111111111111111111

York . Ivan L. Bounds' present mailing address is H .M.3 , 631-35-51, U.S. N .R. , Assault Plt. , Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion 1st Marin e Regiment, 1st Marin e Div. F .M.F., c lo F .P.O. , San Francisco, California. His p erman ent maili ng ad dress is still Rt. 1, Box 35D, Natchez, Mississippi. Frank T. Cha mbers is livin g at 4304 Koeln . St. Louis, Misso uri. R. A. Andrease n w as released from active duty in th e Army on October 21 , 1951. His n ew ad dress is 442 Illin ois Ave. , Elgin , Illinois. Geor ge W. Jami eson was her e for Homecoming. George is with the Carte l' Oil Company, Tulsa , Oklahoma, and g ives h is home ad d r ess as 21 N. Zuni s, Tu lsa, Oklahoma . Thomas A. Herrman , 4011 D elmar, Apt. 503, St. Louis, Misso uri r egistered fo r Homecomin g. Thomas is with Sverdrup & Parcel , Inc. H erb ert S. Carman is now living at 623 Summit Street, Winston Salem, North Carolina . David C. Kinder's n ew address is Hillcrest, Hillsboro, Illino is. Edgar L . Bueker resides at 3617 Juniata St. , St. Louis 16, Missouri. Wm . M . Harris is on the facult y a t M .S .M. His home address is 900 Misso uri, Rolla , Missouri. Willia m r egistered for Homecoming . Dale Sims is with th e City Utilitie s of Springfield , Springfield , Misso uri. His home address is 1940 E. Bennett. Sprin gfield , Missouri. John R. McNichols' n e w a ddr ess is 4062 L a rkspur Drive , Day ton , Ohio . John J. Sponsk e h as b een working as Safe ty Enginee r for Bitumi nous Casualty Corp. in th e Kansas City territory since g radu a tion . His home address is 8344 Ma rty , Over land Park , Kansa s. V ernon S. S ev ertson is with th e Eimco Corp ., 33 19 South W a llace Street, Chicago , Illinois. Everett W . Sprin ge r 's hom e a d d r ess is R. R. No . 1. E ast Alto n , Illinois. Richard H. K err is a n in struc tor at MSM. His home a ddress is 908 W . 11th . Rolla, Missouri. H e r eg ist ered for Hom ecomin g .



Karl H . DelPorte gives his ad dress as 445 Alice Ave ., Kirkwood , Missouri. Sidney Silver .h as been employed by the F ederated metals Divisions of the American Smelting and R efining Co., N e w York City for the past year . His present address is 123 West 74th St. , Apt. 9B , N ew York , N. Y. Linus J. R enner ha s rece ntly accepted employment with the Joseph T. R yerson Company in its St. Louis office. His position is that of technical adVlise r and salesman for metallic products . His mailing address rema ins as 507l Minerva , St. Louis, Missouri . Bery l Corrie is workin g for Max Spide l , Drilling Contractor. His ad dress is R. R. 3, Alle gan , Michiga n. Lloyd D eHekker is living at 1900 Wen gl er , Overland, Missouri . Herbert P. Kuebrich is living at Gilmour Academy , Gates Mill, Ohio. Luther J. J enson gives his ad dress as 223 E . D ean Ave., Madison , Wisc . L . Robert Brunn enmeyer rep orts that he is now a m emb er of the Signal Corps in the U . S . Army. His mailing address is as follows: Pvt. Lester R . Brunnenmeyer, US 55 130481 , HQ and HQ Co. , 804th S .B.D. , Ft. Holabird , Md . Joseph J . Horsley's mailing address is 105 W. 16th St., Rolla, Mo. He is with the Missouri State H ighway Department. R. L. Fossi gives his address is Island Hill Ave., Ridg efield, Connecticu t. G eorge William Gergeceff is living at 908-25th Street, Granite City, Ill. Richard E. Schwa b has r esign ed from his job with the Missouri State Hig hway D e p a rtme nt and has accepted em ployme nt with Howard, Needl es, Tammen and B ergendoff a t that company 's Kan sas City Office. His mailing address is 773 N ewton St. , Overla nd Park, Kansas. Ra y B. Johnson has accepted an a ppointment as instructor in Civil Engin eering at the Coll ege of Engine ering, Univer sity vf Arkansas, Fa ye tteville , Arkansas. J. A. Coffma n is living at 320 Center Street, Farmin g ton , Missouri . Wm. M . Crimmins gi v es his address as Cub a City , Wi scon sin . A. K. Eldridge's hom e ad d ress is 3960 a Natural Bridge , S t. Louis, Mo .







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James T . Shearon has joined the U. S . Air Force as an Aviation Ca det. He may be addressed as Cadet James T . Shearon, Cadet P . O. Box 115 , Vance Air Force Base Enid Oklahoma. " Robert E. Peppers'- home address is 121 North 96th St., Belleville, Ill . Robert is now enrolled at Washington U. where he hopes to get a Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. William K. Mengel is with the U. S . Geological Survey , Box 192 , Winterset, Iowa . Paul Manocchio is livin g at 304, Madison St., Boonton , New Jersey . William L. Murphy is in the Navy , stationed at San Francisco, Cali fornia. His home address is 72 Low den ' pt. Rd ., Rochester 12. New York. Jam es D. McCoy gives 'his home address as 709 Main St. , Savanna , Illinois. E. L. Kap ernaros is employed as Metallurgist with the Riley Stoker Corporation in Worcester. Mas!Oachusetts. His new address is 766 Main Street, Worcester , Massachusetts. K~nn et h R. Bradley is with the Oil Well Supply Company in Odessa, Texas. Herbert F . Byrns is living at 1617 Waverly way, Apt. D. , Balti more 12, Maryland. H e is with the Inter-American Geodetic Survey , Medellin, Colombia , South America . Dominic Ferrero is with the Missouri State Highway D ept., Shelbyville , Mo. His h ome address is c / o Sumpter Apts. , Shelbina, Missouri. Lawrence W . Cantwell is with th e Division Engineer's Office. A.T. & S.F. Ry. Co ., Marceline , Missouri. His home address is Bucklin. Missouri. Albert Krainess is a Metallurg is t with the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 6071 Second Blvd .. Detroit, Michigan. His home address is 678 Antoine , W yandotte , Michigan. Wesley B . Koenig is with the Trunkline Gas Co., P. O . Box 1'642 , Houston , Texas . His home aâ‚Źldress is 1116 Main St. , Apt. 9, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. P eter B . L. Kelly is living at 114 So . Oakdale, Springfield , Illinois . He is with the Illinois Division of Highways, 126 East Ash , Springfield , Ill. Ennis A. Kuhlman is in the U. S. Army. His mailing address is Lt .



Class of 1950 1IIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili111111111111111111111

E. A. Kuhlman 02208385, Co. B , 69th M . Tk. Bn. , CCB, 6th Armd. Div. Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Wilbert F. Wegner is e mployed as Ceramic Engineer for the Mexico Refractories Company at Mexico, Missouri. Amos E. Barnes is with the U. S. Army stationed at Huntsville , Ala bama. His home address is Doni phan , Missouri. Frank Finch is living at 810 Mul berry St., Mt. Vernon , Indiana. Henry B. Farrey ,gives his mail ing address as Box 267 , Benton , Wisconsin. Richard M. Frazier is in the U . S. Army. His mailing address is Pvt. Richard M. Frazier , U. S. 55106820, HQ & Ser. Co. , 358th Ard. BAM Bn. A. P . O . 503 , c/ o PM, San Francisco, California. R. C. Graffagna's address is U . S. Naval Hosp. , Ward C-2. Jackson ville, Florida. Robert W . Gates is livin g at 9113 E. Dalberg Stree t, Bellflower, Calif. J. L . Carney's new address is 7927 Hildeschein , St. Louis. Missouri. Fred Eckert is living at 6123 Robe rts Ave ., St. Louis, Missouri. James O . Elliott's address is 1235 S. Carson. Tul sa, Oklahoma. Walter Hannan 's mailing address is General D eliver y, Sioux F alls, S. Dak. R. C. Williams resides at 615 W. 12th , Clovis, N e w Mexico. James B . Timlin's home address is 26922 Euclid Ave. , Cleveland , Ohio. Fred E. Winters has resign e d from his position with th e Missouri State Health Department and has accepted a position as Inspection Engineer at th e Wood River Refinery of the Standard Oil Company at Wood River , Illinoi s. For the mom ent Fred 's mailing address will r emain as P.O. Box 92 , Fornfeld, Mis souri. J. W. O'Connor is living at 304 Mill Street, Alton , Illinois. Joseph McVey gives his address as 6525 San Bonita Ave., St. Louis , Mis ~oll ri.

Chin':?; HOll Ma's mailing address is c/ o Mrs. G. W. Carmack , Plattesburg, Mo. Ol iver S. North is Commodity

specialist with the Bureau of Mines , Dept. of Interior , Washington, D. C. , His home address is 612 18th St. , N . W., Washington , D. C. Roger A. Neidel attended Home coming. He is with the Westing house Electric Corp. , and lives at 7750 Fleta , Affton , Missouri. James B. N el son is with the American Steel Foundries, Granite City, Ill. His home address is 1014 Summit Ave. , W ebster Groves, Missouri. H e was present at Homecom ing. D . L. Honerkamp is emplo yed by the Sinclair Research Laboratories Inc. Harvey, Illinois. He works in the Lubricants Division . His home address is 14649 Chicago Rd. , Dolton , Illinois. Thomas E. Poloquin is with Unite d Engineers & Constructors Inc .. and is living at 2354 Goodale , Over land 14, Missouri. Thoma s was present at Homecoming. Gilbert John Rekate is in the U. S. Navy. His mailing addr ess is Gilbert John Rekate, <Y.C.A:.N. , S ection C-w, O . C. , U.S.N.T.C., Newport, R. 1. Willie Chen is in the U S . Army. His home address is 55 Mott Street , New York 13 , New York. Robert M. Ponder is an instructor at M.S.M. and lives at 1004a Rolla St. Robert attended Homecoming. Raymond Ruenheck, 1115 Dunford Dr. , St. Louis ,Missouri, was present for Homecoming. Raymond is with Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. Arthur L. Schmidt is in the Technical Service Unit of the 9766th T .S .U., at Frederick , Mary land , stationed at Camp D etrick , as PFC Arthur L . Schmidt, US 55080953. Arthur W . Yager is employed by International Business Machines in Kansas City , Missouri. He gives his home address as 120 W. Eliza beth , Independence, Mo. Edward P. L asko is with the U. S . Metal Prod. Co., in Erie , Pennsylvania. He is living at 940 W. 3rd. St. , Erie , Pa. Edward r egistered for Homecoming this year. Ralph E. Johnston is a 2nd Lt . in the U. S. Army. His home address is 7207 Westmoreland , St . Louis, Mis~ouri. Albrose J. Hudson is with the Titanium Alloy Mfg. Div. Nat . L ead., P . O. Box 90 Ellwood City, Pa. His mailing address is 1826 On tario Av. , Niagara Falls, N. Y. Arthur A. Smith is with the En (Continued on Next Page )


Class of 1950 (Co ntinued From Last Page) gin e r D e pt., Rock Isl and Arse nal, Rock Island , Illin ois . H e is living at Apt. 100 1f2 , 34th Street , Moline , fll inois. Roland J. Niederstadt is with Jo se ph E. Seagrams & Son s, Inc. H e is livin g at 3339 Burt St., Om a ha , N e bra ska. H a rvey W. M e ie r is Assi sta nt Eng in ee ring with th e Ame ric a n Furnace Co., 1300 Hampton Ave ., St. Loui s, Mi osouri. H e r esides at 416 Longstr eet Rd ., Apt . B. , L e may, Missouri . Edward M. Cha nd le r gives hi s hom e add ress as 91 East Como Ave ., Columbus , Ohio. K e nn e th Kaste n is living a t 114 W. Howard , Milwaukee, Wi sconsin . G eo r ge Re es' hom e address is 1910 South 51 s t Court, Cice ro, Ill. Ernes t Sindela r lives at th e Sky way Lodge, Room 260 , Fairborn , Oh io. Marvin E . Smith r esid es at 118 Ea s t Riv e rside Dr. Evansville, Indiana . Edward E. Paulick h as b ee n working for th e Aeronautical Chart Plant in St. Louis since grad uation . His mailing a ddress is Route No.1, Box 248-A ., Arnold , M issouri. Rob e rt W. Schn eid e r h as r es i·J ne d hi s position a t th e Brid ge D e pt. of th e Ill . Central Railroad and h as taken a job with t he Ohio Oil Com pany at T erre Haute , Ind. Rob e rt E. McGowan a tte nd ed Hom ecomin g this year. H e lives at 5523 P e rshin g , St. Louis, Missouri. Rob e rt J . Mill e r 's hom e add r ess is box 36 , M e rc e r , Wiscon sin. H e is an in s tructo r in th e minin g depa rtm e nt at M.S.M . Rob e rt w as prese nt for Home comin g. Rob e rt Bulla is livin g a t 611 Ea st Ch e rry Stree t , Robinson, Illinoi s . H e is emplo ye d by Davi so n P e trole um R ese rvoir En g in ee rin g, 205 E . M a il St., Robin so n , Illin ois. Eu ge n e D e ppe is with th e A . P . Gree n Fire Brick Co ., M exico , Mo ., a nd r esid es at 1015 W est Monroe , Mexico , Misso uri . Rolla nd L. H ardy is a geodetic En gin eer with th e Arm y M a p S e r v ice, 6500 Brook s L a n e, W ashin gto n D . C ., H e is li v ing at 32 13 J osely n St. , N. W ., W ash in g ton , D . C . Rob e rt W. H ein s e nte r ed Mi l itary Service on Nove mber 16 , 195 1. Hi s mailin g address is 318 Southworth Ave. , Platte ville, Wi sco n s in .


Rob ert Lee-Aston is Mining Engineer wit h T e nnessee Copper Co ., Coppe rh ill , T e nn essee . His mailin g a ddr ess is Ducktown, T e nnessee. Frank Finch is with th e U. S. Vanadium Co., Uravan, Colo. His m a il in g a ddress is Box 463 , Uravan , Colorado . B e rnard J. Eck is in th e United States Army. H e g ives his mailin g a ddress as 1945 So . Gle nwood Ave .,



Sprin gfi eld , Illinois. L a n es L . Gurl ey's hom e address is 203 Grand Avenue, E ast Alton, Ill. H e is w ith Standard Oil , Wood Rive r , Ill. J . K e nt Rob e rts is w ith th e C . E. D e p a rtm e nt, M .S.M. , Rolla, Mi ssouri . G erald G . Brun ' s mailin g add r ess is Pfc. G e rald G. Brun , US 55075( Continued on Next Page)

IIII IIIIIIIIII !IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

MSM Alumni Association 1I11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111111 11 1111 111111 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

OFFJCERS Presid e nt

Jam es L . H e ad .... .......... 25 Broadway , .......... New York 4, N. Y . ExecuUve A . E. Barnard ................ 613 S . Central, . Vice-Pres. Clayton 5, Mo . Vice-Pr es . ............ Horace H . Clark ............ 7202 S. Shore Dr ., .. Chicago 49 , Ill . Sec .-Treas . .......... H. R. Hanl ey .................. 606 W. 8th St. , ....... Rolla , M issouri

Term Ex}). Nov. 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953

DIRECTORS AT LARGE (Three-Y ea r T e rms) Mervin J . K e ll y , ' 14 ...................... 463 W est Street ........ New York 14 , N. Y. Charles J . Potter , '29 .................... 619 Oak Street ........................ Indiana , Pa . Melvin E. Nickel , '38 ...... .. .. 7020 Cre igie r Street .. .... .......... Chicag o, Ill. AREA DIRECTORS A r ea No. Area Dir ector 1 .. E . A . Crawford , ' 29 ..... 213 Walthery Ave. , Ridgewood , N. Y . .. Th eodo r e C. Gerb er , '28 .... .. .. 2 La. Ordinance Plant, Shre v e port, L a . 3 ................ Don ald N. Griffin , ' 26 1073 Hawthorn e Rd. Fort W ay n e, Ind . 4 ................ W. P . Ruemmler, ' 38 ............ Eagle Pich e r Co., Box 540 Ea s t Chica go, Ind . 5 ................ Harry S. P e nce, ' 23 ............. . 118 S y ndicate Bld g. St. Louis, Mo . 6 .............. H . E. Zolle r , '23 .................... 3900 E . First St. Wichita, K ans. 7 ............... J. V . Spa ldin g, ' 39 .............. B e thl e h e m Supply Co. , Box 3008 , Houston , T e x . .. ...... D a v e P . Hale, ' 34 .................... 8 .. 960 L ey d e n Dr . D e nve r , Colo 9 ................ Barney Nu ell , ' 21 530 W . 6th St. Los Angeles. Cal if.

States Emb r aced Term Main e, New Hampshire. Ve rmont, R. I. , Conn ., Mass. , New York Philadelphia, W as hing- ........ ton , D. C ., Va., W . Va .. Ky. , T e nn ., N . C ., S . C .. L a., Miss., Ala. , Ga., F la . W . P e nn., Ohio, India na ........

Exp . 1952



N . Ill. , Chicago, Wi sc. , ...... ...... 1954 Minn . S . Ill .. E . Mo. , Ark . ..............

195 ~

I owa, W . Mo .. Okl a .. ......... .. 1953 K ans . T exas ............... ................ ..... 195 2

Ida ho, Mont., N. & S. Dak. , .. 1954 Wyo ., Nev ., Utah , Colo .. Ariz., N e w M ex. W ash ., Ore., Calif . ................ 195 2





John M. Moore Injured


Poppitz - Tanner Miss Charlotte Tanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert N . T anner , w as m a rri ed to R e inhold A . P oppitz, ' 49 , in the First R efo rmed Churc h in New York City. Th e g room was a member of L a mbd a Chi Alpha , Rollam o B oard , Theta T a u , G a mma D elta , A .I.E .E ., Blu e Key , Freshman class Trea sure r , a nd Sophomore class President. He is now serving in the U . S. Ar my Sig nal Corps, 9489 TSU , F t . Mon mouth , N e w J e r sey .

In Korean Plane Crash

Franklin Kalk, ' 51, and Mrs. Kalk h ave a nnoun ced the birth of Lyn n Ma ri e at Elmhurst, Illinois, on Augu st 28, 1951. Franklin is with T en n essee Coa l a nd Iron Company in Birmin gham , Ala .

Owens - Davis Miss Patricia Mae D avis became t h e bride of Rob e rt L . Owe n s, '50 , Au g u st 18 , 1951 , at St. Louis, Mo . Rob e rt is emplo ye d with Lacle d e Steel Company a t Alton , Illinois . H e an d his bride are living at 603 Alley St. , Alton , Ill. H e b elonged to th e Engineers Club , a nd A .S .M . whil e a t MSM. Duerr - Wambacher Joan Wambac h e r of Kirkwood, Mis:::ouri , b e came th e brid e of Sidn ey E. Due rr , '50 , in Jun e , 1951. Sid has r e ce ntly b ee n trans f e rred to Bee ville, T exas, as a P etroleum Eng ineer for the Stanolind Oil and Gas Company. The coupl e are making the ir home at 301 Eas t Ha yes, Bee ville , T exas. Sid was a m e mbe r of the football squ a d , En g in eers Club , Sigma Nu , and th e " M" Club while h e was a t MSM . Mi~s

Class of 1950 (Continued From L ast P age) 066 , 9203 , TSU-TC , TRADS , Fort Eustis, Virg inia . Billy R. Browngard h as b ee n r el eased from active duty in th e Air Force. H e is livin g at 429 Edwa rd St., Hannibal. Mi ssouri. Billy was prese nt for Homecomi ng this year. Theodo r e Jerman is in the Army. His mailing address is Pvt. T . S . J e rman , 9203 TSU-TC Research a nd D e v elopm en t Sta. , Fort Eu stis . Vil":?inia. Irvin L . Propst is with Monsanto Chemical Co ., and路 lives at 3401 Dunnica, S t. Louis, Missouri. Irvin a ttended Home coming. John W. Parks, 1463 Oriole PI. , Bre ntwood , Missouri r egist e red for Home coming. John is with Sunn e n Products Co .', 7910 M anc h est e r ,

John M. M oo r e, e x ' 44 , was in jure d in an airp lane acc ide nt when a Banshee j et fighter plane r e turning from a mission over North Korea plowed into other j ets lined up on th e forw a rd fli g ht deck of the aircraft carri er Essez . Accord ing to announcement from th e Navy, the acc ide nt had tak e n place while th e E ssex was in operation aga inst the enem y 75 miles off Won sa n , Korea . John was in sc ho ol h e r e from 1940 to 1943 when h e le ft to enter militar y service a nd did not r eturn . H e was two yea r s on tI1 e football team and two yea r s on the basketball team while in school. H e was a m emb er of Th eta Tau fraternity and otherwise active in stu dent affairs while on th e campus . The ex t ent of hi s injuries was not made known by th e Navy D e路 partment. John is m a rri ed to th e daughter of Mr . and. Mrs. Eugene C. Johns'on , 47 S y lvester Avenue , W.e bster Groves, Misso uri. Mn . Moo re is now livin g in San Diego , Californi a. Mapl ewoo d , Misso uri. Rob ert H . N e us taedte r wa s presen t for Home coming. Robert lives a t 701 Lucy Drive, Mag nolia . Arkansas , and is e mployed b y Shlum b e rg e r Oil W e ll Surveying Com pan y, Ma g noli a. Arkan ~ as. Ro y L. Simond's address is Phil co T ec h, 605t h T a ctical Control Sq. , 502nd Tactical C o ntrol Grp. , APO 970 . c / o Postmaste r. San Franci sco . C a lif. Harv ey W . M eyer is living at 416 Longs treet Rd . Apt. B .. L emay, Mi ssour i. His bu sin ess add r ess is asst. Eng r ., Ame ric an Furnace Co. , 1300 Hampton Ave .. S t. Louis, Missour i. Bruce F . Mille r r e gistered for Homecoming . H e is living at 2 13 W. D artmouth Rd ., Kansas City . Missouri , a nd is with th e Municipal S e rvice C o .. 908 Gra nd Ave .. K a n sas City , Missouri. David F . Fu gate's h om e address is 25 18 E. 31st St .. Kan sas City 3 , Missouri. James L. Evans is living at 821 N . W estern , Mexico, Missouri. H aro ld B. Theerma n 's n ew a ddress is 305 W . Elm . J effe rson City , Misso uri . Fred D. Co chra n' s mailin g a d l.J

D a le E . W alker, ' 50 , and Mrs . W alker a r e the parents of a baby g irl , Donna Ma e, born July 6, 1951. Thei r ad dr ess is Box 371 , Steel e ville , Illinois , where D a le is workin g for Southwes te rn Ill. Coal Corp . Gerard F . Hofstaedste r, Jr., ' 50 , a nd Mrs . Hofsta edter have a n nounced that they are th e pare nts of a baby girl, Patricia Eilee n , weighing 7 pounds. The baby was born Octobe r 24 , 1951. The Hofstaedte r ' s live at 4200 Tudor St., Phila delphia, Pa. Charles E . McGaughy , ' 50 , and Mrs . McGaughy are the parents of a son, Charles E. McGaughy , Jr ., born July 10, 1951 , in Shreveport , L a. The McGau,g hy's can be r eached by writing 3660 B eckh a m Dr . . Shreve port, La. dress is Gra ndview , Missouri. Willia m S . Hogan has rec e ntly ac cepted e mplo y ment with Monsanto Chemical Company ' s atomic e lec 路 tric powe r project in St. Louis. George P. Miller was a campus v isitor on S e ptember 22 , 1951. H e is w ith Missouri Steel Cas tin g s C o mpa ny , J oplin, Missouri. Aver y A . Drake Jr ., a tte nd ed Homecoming. He is l iving at 403 E. 10th , Rolla , Missouri. Eu ge n e C . Chase, 1704 C e dar , r egiste r e d for Homecomin g. Euge n e is a n i :l structor a t MSM . Walte r A. Chapuk is livin路g at 38 12 N . Grand Ave .. St. L o ui s, Mis so uri. P a rn e ll S c hoenky is living at 125 E ast M a pl e Ave ., Kirkw ood 22 . Mi ssouri. P a ul A . Haas is attending th e sc hool of R eactor T echnology a t Oak Ridge, T e nnessee . H e is li v i n g a t Room 162 , Cas p er Hall , Oak Ridge, T e nnessee . Cletus F . Voiles has been r ecalled to se rvic e an d is at present sta tioned at Lake Cha rl es Louisia n a . His h ome a ddr ess is 702 Lo cu st . (Continued on Next P age)



Deaths Lt. Raymond J , Lieb Lt. Raymond J o hn Li eb, ' 49, w as kill d in ac ti o n in Ko r ea o n Octobe r 4, 1951, acco r di ng to a nnounc e m e nt from th e W a r D e partment . J o hn w as e rvin g with th e Fifth Ca v a lry Div is io n . H e wa s a vete r an of W orl d W a r II, had be n w o und e d twic e prev iou sl y s in ce he was recalle d to ac tiv e duty last Jun e. J o hn g r a duated in Ch mical En g ineerin g wa s a m e mb e r of Th ta K appa Phi fraternity a nd a n AIl.\·lCl C hi Si'g m a. H e w as m a rri e d a n ti has I wo so ns. Wi lli am It. B u rgoy n e Willi a m R. Burgoy ne, '35, d ie d a l hi s ho m e in Evanston , Illin o is 0 11 Oc tobe r 19, 1951. H e wa s Pro duct io n Man age r o f th Unit -c! Sta t s Gyps um Com pa n y a t th e ti me of hi s dea th. Fun e r a l se rvi ces w e r e h e l d in Winn e tk a, Illinoi. , a nd h.is body w as tak e n to GI'ee n bay, Wi sco n sin for buri a l on Octobe r 24. Bill was one of the pil la r s in th e Chica go sec tion of th e A l umni A ssocia tion . H e is s urviv e d by hi s wife, th e ( rmer Margal'e t Mann, daughter 01' Dr. a n d Mrs. C. V . M a nn of Rolla, and th e ir thr'ee child r e n . Od us Lee Fronabarge r L e Fronabarger , ' 48, O du s pa ssed a w ay Septembe r 12 , 1951 . Odus was a jun ior e ng inee rin g w it h th e Mi sso uri Utiliti es a t Cape Gi r a rd ea u , but w as o n s ick l ea v e a t th e tim e of hi s d ea th . H e w as a m e mb e r of A.S .M .E. while in sc hool a nd r e ce i ve d F i r s t H o no r s a t g r ad u at io n . Do nald Carl K lemm Donald Carl Kl e mm, '50 , w as kille d in a n acc id e nta l ex plosion in a min e opera ted by th e Ti ebag h i Compa ny, Pa a-g oum e ne, N e w Cale don ia, o n Septembe r 5, 1951. D o n had bee n in N e w Cal donia for a year a nd a h alf, h a vin g b eco m e as ocia te d with th e company af te r hi s g !'ad u at io n from MSM . Anthony A. M udd Anthony A. Mudd , '49 , was kiU e d in an au tom ob ile accide nt March '10 , 1951. Anthony wa s e mployed with Car negie-Illin o i Shee t a nd Tin Mill , Gary , Indiana , a t th e t im e

of hi s death . H e had g r a du a t ed from MSM with a B .S , degree in .El ec tri ca l Eng in ee r in g. Frank X , Nac h tmann Frank Xavier N ac htm a nn, ' 09, passe d away May 13, 1950, accord in g to w or d re ce ived from hi s w if e. While in school , h e w as a m e mb e r of Kappa Si g m a, Tau B e t a Pi , MSM m in s tre l Troupe, and Roll a mo Board . H e spe nt m a n y years with th e Fri sco R. R. in St. L o ui s, M o.

Class of 1950 (Co ntin ~l e d

From L as l Pa gc:)

Ca rr o llt o n , Ill. Ru s II J . Jud a h is in th e U. S . Nav y . H is m a ilin g add r e s is LTJG Ru s:ell J . Ju da h , U .S.S. , Fra nk Knox DDR 74'2 , c / o F .P .O., San Fra n c isco, Ca lifo rni a. Philip Av crbac h is livin'g at 222 Sten on St. , Ro che :; te r, N GW YOI·k. Rob e r't C. S e ttga, 3761a Potom ac St. , St. L ou is , Mi so uri r egis te r :I f o r H omecom in g. H e is with M o n sa nto Chem ica l Compa n y. Ralph A . Stallman was prese nt <.t H omecoming thi s yea r . H e is with th e H a rbison W a lk e r R e finin ;,( Co., Fulton . Misso uri. Rob e d E . Wittman is livin g at 28 M e Owe n Stree t. D ay t o n 5, Ohi o. Irwin L . J osl in g iv es his hom e adc! r e:;s as 435 3 SI. Reg in a Lan e, SI. L o ui s, lVl issou ri. D . W. Brewe r is in the M e chanics D e pt. U.S.A.F. In stitute of T e ch nolo gy, Wri g hl Palt e r :;o n Fi e ld, Day to n , Ohio . Arle n E . Ku e hn e r t is living at 4605 Elm Av e., Ashtabu la, Ohi o. E. R. L a ndi s g iv es h is m a ilin.g ad d r es' as Box ]6 58, B illi ngs , Mon t a na . Bc d Ma y is with Sv er d l' up a ncl Par cel In c ., Syndicate Trust B ldg., Sl. LOlli lVlLso uri . D ona l d T . Kin g is livin g at 187 Carna ti o n St., Uniontown , Pa. Rober t N . Schm idt, wh o is em ployed with Fri sco R a ilroad , is Ii in g a l 1930 E. B e nn ett, SpI'ingfield, Mo .

1951 Richard C. FLind e l writes that h e is no w e mployed as a Junior Process Engin ee r with BOP Divi sio ' l of G.M.C. in Kansas City, Kansas . He is livin g a t 2301 North 10th Stree t, Ka nsas City, K a n s. En s. J ohn A . Hirn e r is now in t h e Navy a nd assigned to the U.S .S . Grcg rc,Y (DD-80 2) . H .is ho me ae!-



dress is 325-Second St ., Monroe City, Mo . Gera ld D . Smith wa s present for Homeco min g and liste d hi s address as 23 Great O a k s, Roll a, Mo . G e ra l d is an in structor at MSM. W a lte r O . P e arson is now a Pr ivate in th e army and giv es hi s ad dress as U . S . 55202599 , Co. A, 1 2 :~ 2 nd Armd . Ord. Main t. Bn. , D iv. T .N .S . 3rd Armored Div ., Ft. Knox, K y. George H e rb ert Greig attended H omecomin g. H e rb is work in g for St. J oe L ea d Compa ny a t Bonn e T e rr e, Mo. , and gi v e s his m a ilin g add r ess as St . Jo e Club, Bonn e T e rre, Mo. Robe rt T . M ea n s has accepted e mploym e nt with th e T exa s Com pany, 4070 S . F ir s t St. , St. Lou is , Mo . as a n indu str ia l sales e n g in ee r . Bob 's ma il in g add r 2ss is 524 Cresce nt Drive . Kirkwood 22 , Mo. H a rr y W . Smith is workin g as a Ce l'a mi c En g inee r for th e Walsh R e fr ac lori es Corporation 101 F e r ry St. , St. Lo ui s, Mo . Hi s re side n tial address is 9825 Eastbrook Dr ive, Ove rland , Mo . Eldridge S . Middour is e mployed as a micropa l eo ntolo gist for th e Atla nti c R efinin·g Company at Hou s ton , T e xas . His r eside ntia l a ddress is 4102 V ill a n ova, Houston 5, T exas. Rob e rt V . Wolf, In s tructor, M e t. D e pt. , MSM , r egiste r ed at Hom ecoming. His m a iling a dd r ess is Box 110 , Rolla , Mo . Don a l d D. Montgom e ry, who was prese nt for Homeco min g is now e mploye d with Mon sa nto Ch e mical Co. Don is l iv in g at 5132 W a te r man Ave. , St. Lou is, Mo . Fra nk B. Ste ve n on is workin g in th e Explora tion D e p art men t of th e K e nn ecott Copper C orpo r ation's min e a t Ruth , N e v ada . Sinc e Frank e xpec ts to be move d around so m e, his m a il s hould be se nt c / o P .O. Box 554, Rolla, Missouri . It w ill be forwarded fr o m the Rolla Pos t Office to him. W a lter G a ryotis h as r ecently acce pte d e mployme nt with th e Bi tuminous Ca s ualty Corp ., Ro c k Isla nd , Ill. H e m a y b e addressed c / o Bituminou s Casualty Corp. , 70 F a irlie St., N . W., Atlanta , Ga. William E. Horst is a g raduate s tud e nt in th e M e t . D e pt. at MSM. Bill was prese nt for Hom ecoming a nd ga v e hi s a ddress as 1210 P in e St. , Rolla, Mo. D a vid Gould a tte nd e d Homeco m in g th is yea r . H ga v e his busin e ss


PAGE 2.7


address as Laclede Steel Company . He is living at 1627 Rock Springs Dr. , Alton, Ill. Rollin H. Koontz is employed as a Electronic Engineer by the Sandia Corporation , Sandia Base, Albu querque, New Mex. His mailing ad dress is 312 North Valencia Dr .. Albuquerque, New Mex . William B. Plummer has accepted a position as Development Assistant with t.he Barbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp . at Oak Ridge , Tenn. Herbert E. Kent is employed b y the Radio Corporation of Anlerica at Harrison , New Jersey. Anthony Pierre Anderhub. who is employed with McDonnell Air craft Co .. was present for Homecoming. He gives his mailin g adclress as 5600 Nottingham, St. Louis. Mo. . Gerald H. Bender attended Homerflmine:. Gerald is with Monsanto Chemical Co.. Monsanto. Ill. His I"a ilin.e: address is 5919 Nagel, St. LO"is, Mo. Thomas E. Walsh has recentl y accepted emplo yment with t h e Arabian American Oil Company , 505 Park Avenue, New York , New York. Tom is still residing at 49 Arthur Street, Yonkers, N. Y. Richard H. Duncan is enrolling this fall in the University of Misso uri at Columbia to complete work toward his Doctor of Philosophy. His hom e address is 12 M. Street, University Housing Area , Columbia. Mo. Karlheinz Eissinger is emplo yed by the U.S.G.S.. Topog. Branch, Box 133 , Rolla, Mo. Eobert J. Morris has r ecently written that he is employed by the Allison Div. , G eneral Motors Corp. His address is 652 E. 42nd St. , Ind ianapolis , Ind. Dan E. McGovern r ecentl y completed a special training program for engineers conducted by Jonnson Service Company, Milwaukee, Wisc .. manufacturers of automatic temperature and air conditioning control systems. Upon completion of the course, Dan was assi'gned to Johnson's St. Louis branch as a junior field engineer. Irving Dulberg is emplo yed by the Mineral Industries Extension Service. Pennsylvania State College, State College, P a. His mailing address is Academy Apts. , B ellefonte, Pa. W. K. Th eerman is employed b y

t h e J . F. Pritchard Co. , Engineers and Constructors of Kansas City , Mo. His mailing address is 210 W . 1st St., Freeport, T ex. Hilmi Dokuzoglu has been em ployed by the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining Company at Kel logg, Ida ho since 'gra du ation. He plans on retu rnin g to Turkey in the near future. His permanent ad dress will be Hilmi Dokuzoglu , M.T.A. , Ankara, Turkey. John T. Ballas registered for Homecoming. John is a graduate student in the Met. Dept. at MSM. He gives his mailing address a s P. O. Box 225 , Rolla , Mo . Dee R. Gehrig is emplo yed with Ill. B ell T elephone Co. D ee was present for Homecoming and gave his home add r ess as 304 N. Hickory , Centralia, Ill. Jaime Ramirez is employed w ith Laclede-Christy Co. Jaime was present for Homecom ing and gave his address as 5045 Lindell Blvd. , St. Loui s, Mo. John Roschke has entered Purdu e University as a grad u ate student in the D epartment of Mechanical Engi n eering . His mailing address is 130 Andew PI., W. Lafayette , Ind . Howard T . Clark writes, " The MSM Alumnus h as been a great help in keeping in touch w ith old grads and a very good morale builder to those of us who are in the Armed Forces." Howard gives his address as Pfc. Howard T. Clark , USAF , Co. A , 12th Platoon , Army Langua .e:e School , Presidio of Mon terey, Calif. Merrill R. Cotten is emplo yed with Mossman Construction Co. , Piedmont, Mo. Robert E. Schuchardt, who attended Homecoming, is emplo yed wit h American Steel Foundries. Robert w ill receive mail addressed to Rt. 6, Box 708-10 , S appington. Mo. Bhikhubhai M. Sedalia is a student in the Ceramic Engineering Dept. of M.S.M. H e will receive mail addressed c/ o Ceramic D ept. , M8M. Roll a, Mo. William E. Craig is employ ed by the L aclede Christy Clay Products Co., 5900 Manchester, St. Louis , Mo. , as a Mining Engr. His mailing add r ess is 4465 W. Pine St. , St. Louis, Mo. Homer Steuck is emplo yed by the U. S. Corps of Engrs .. at the Jim Woodruff Dam near Chattahoochee , .... 1<:l. Hi s ma ilin g address is General

Prof. Butler on Panel of Prominent Engineers Professor Joe B . Butler, Head of the Civil Engineering Department at MSM, was selected as one of the panel of prominent engineers and industrialists to discuss the matter of the importance of personality to

Prof. Joe Butler the professional engineer, as an nounced in an art icle appearing in the November issue of the "American Engineer ," the official publi cation of the National Society of Profes~ional Engineers. The extensive articl e which appea red in the magazine consists of comments made by t h e panel concern in g per sonality development Appearing w ith Professor Butle r on the panel were tunnel designer , Ole Singstad ; Col. Chester Lichtenberg, retired General Electric en gineer; Sidney Stolte , St. Paul consulting engin eer; Elmer Housley , Aluminum Co. of America execu tive; ; Verne Ketc hum , Vice-Presi dent, Timber S tr u ctures, Inc. ; and well known bridge engineer, D. E . Steinman. D eli very , Chattahoochee, Fla . Charles L. Boyd has accepted em ployment with the Mechanical En gineering Div ision of the Baywa y Refinery of the E sso Standard Oil Co. at Bayway, N. J. Charlie' s mail ing address is 125 Raab Ave .. Bloomfield , N . J. Charles R. Knopp is now empl oy e d with the Reynolds Mining Co. at that company's Bauxite Min es near Benton , Ark. William B. Vose is in the U. S . Army and is stationed at Ft. Sill. . ( Continued on N ext Page)




Miner Basketeers Off to Good Start Coach D ewey Allgood and his basketball squad got off to a good start in their 1951-52 season with a 65 to 33 victory over Harris Te~chers of St. Louis. Th e MSM ~ quad will have five other practice games before they begin their conference schedule on Thursday, D ec. 20 , at Cape Girardeau. WarLensburg is the defending MIAA champion. Returning lettermen on this year's squad include: Reinhard Abendroth of St. Louis , Roger Burns of Sparta, Ill., Bob Faulkner of Rolla , Gene Huffman of Rolla , Bob Jenkins of Kansas City, Bob Nichols of Bernie, Mo. , and Walter Smith . of Kennett, Mo . Others on the squad are Leo Christopher of Rolla, Shay Huffman of Rolla , Harold Koelling of St. Louis, Lloyd Merritt of St. Louis, John Miles of Rolla , Bob O 'Brien of Park Ridge , Ill., Dale Orrick of St. Louis, Bob Ross of Poplar Bluff, Ray Skubic of St. Louis , Sam Smart of Sparta, Ill. , Oti s Stanley of Naylor , Mo. , and Charles W e itzel of Warrensbu r,g, Mo.

M5M Mermen Schedule Eight Swimming Matches Coach Chester Barnard has scheduled eight swimming matches for the 1951 squad, which includes a home and home meet with the strong Naval Air Statio n team of Memphis, Tenn . Members of this year's varsity squad include the following: Don Anderson of Bartle sville, Okla. , Lee Beverage of Belleville , Ill., Juergen Blo ess of Manica , Lon"?; Island , N. Y. , Wally Holmes of Chicago, Wally Johnson of Milwaukee , Ralph Moeller of Chicago, Johnn y Moore of Rolla, John Padan of Chicago, R ay Rucker of Rolla , Jim Smith of St. Louis, Gerry Zacher of Clayton , Mo. , and Harold Zoellick of Morgan Park, Chicago .

Dr. Schrenk (Continued From Page 5) which was spent as a research fellow at the G eorgia Institute of Technology. Mr. Cornwall possesses a B.S.

(1945) and M.S. (1946) from Washington University , St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. R. L. Snell is "assisting primarily in general 'chemistry and qualitative analysis . He came to this institution with a B. S. (1948) from Drury College and will complete the requirements for a M .S. degree at the close ¡of the current school yea r. Charles O.Reed ¡ joined the staff in 1948. H e has been working in general chemistry and " water and fuel technology. ' He possesses a B.S . (1948) from Washington University and is completing the requirements for a M.S. degree. R. L. Rowton completed the requirements for a B.S. degree from the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in the spring of 1950. He served as a graduate assistant during 1950-51 and during the current year is an instructor. He is conducting quiz sections in general chemistry and assisting in the laboratory of physical chemistry .

Class of 1951 (Continued From Last Page) Okla. Bill's best mailing address is 503-A G eo rge St., Alton, Ill. Eldon Segurdson gives his mailing address as 302 North Beaver , Bethany, Okla. Richard G. Mallon gives his address as Oak Ridge School of Reactor Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P . O. Oak Ridge , Tenn. Richard is living at 109 Canton Hall , Oak Ridge, Tenn. Antonio P. Ballestero, Jr. , who is with Edwards and Kelcey F . R. Harris and O. J. Porter and Co., 3 Williams St., Newark, N. J., is living at 75 Carnation St. , Bergenfi eld , N . J. Walter O. Pearson's home adr'ress is 2566 State St., Granite City, Ill .

U. S. Army Engrs., Ft. Belvoir , Va. His address is 2nd Lt. George P. Bollwerk-01861591, Student Officer, Box S-88 , Ft. Belvoir , Va. Warren Heidbreder is a Process Engr., McDonnell Aircraft Corp., Lambert Field, St. Louis, Mo. Warren is living at 10718 Lacklink Rd. , Overland , St. Louis 14 , Mo. Trevor W. W . Hill is at the Pei1nsylvania State College, Division of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. He is living at 351 E . Fairmount Ave., State College , Pa. Richard W . Ladd is employed with General Chemical Div., Allied Chem. & Dye Corp ., North Claymont, Del. Richard is living at 105 Forest Ave. , Claymont, Del. Robert E. Dieckgrafe can b e reached by writing 105 Forest Ave ., Claymont, Del. Michael F. Summers writes, " I am now living in Bessemer, Ala. where we are building tunnel kilns for Harbison -Walker at Bessemer and at their plant in Fairfield, Ala. " Michael is living at 301 S. 12th St. , Apt. la , Bessemer, Ala. Raymond L. St. Clair is employe d with McDonnell Aircraft Corp. His home address is 619 Kingshighway. St. Charles, Mo . Donald W. Maltzahn is employed by the U. S. Vanadium Company at its Uravan, Colorado mine. His mailing address is Box 22 , Uravan, Colo . Milton A. Sobie is at Quantico , Va . taking special training with the U. S. Marin e Corps. He may be addressed as Second Lt. Milton O. Sobie . 055026 , USMCR, 3rd Pla toon " F " Company . 10th Special Basic Course , Special Training R egiment, Quantico , Va . William W. Fairchild g ives his address as 2nd Lt. Wm. W . Fairchild, 21st Engl'. Base, Photo Mapping Co. , Ft. Winfield Scott. Calif. Eugen e Hohfelder is emplo yed by the Aluminum Ore Co. at Bauxite , Ark. His mailing address is 214 (Continued on Page 31)

G eorge P. Bollwerk is with th e

Final 1951 MIAA Football Standings Kirksville . ........ ... ... -.... Springfield ROLLA Maryville ... Cape Girardeau W arre nsbur g




4 4 3 2 0 0

0 0 2 3 4 4

1 1 0 0 1 1

Pet. Pf. .9 00 90 .900 87 .600 75 .400 59 .100 25 .100 38


44 44 60 69 58





Los Angeles The Los Angeles Section held a s pecial dinner meeting Tuesday evening October 23 , in honor of th e MSM Alumni attending th e Amer ican Mining Congress convention . "Babe" Head ' 16, president of the Alumni Association was guest of honor. A steak dinn er preceded the informal meeting. The follow ing "Miners" were prese nt: Guests Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Engelbaum .. James L. Head ... J. H. Steinmesch Hank Adams Mr. and Mrs. Neil Plummer ......

' 11 ' 16 '05 ' 12 '36

Regulars Ml'. and Mrs. Barney Nu ell J . C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. R. H . Wightman . Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lawrence .. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Whitlock .... Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moseley .. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Monroe Karl Allebach . ....... ............. . E . R. Tragitt ... N. D . Jaffe D. J. Huseman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halasey Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kidd ... Jack Gardner Michael Green .... Mr. and Mrs. T . L. Harsell , Jr .. Mr. and Mrs . R. L. Massey ... Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hollister Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barclay

' 21 , 16 ' 26 ' 16 ' 49 '32 '32 ' 28 ' 23 ' 41 ' 43 ' 28 ' 29 '4 1 '37 '39 '18 '2 1 ' 13 ' 37

Plan Scholarships at MSM, Other Colleges The American Brake Shoe Company plans to establish scholarships in 13 colleges and universities starting with the year 1952-53. They plan, however, to start one at MSM this year and add another next year so that each year there will be two scholarships on the campus, one for a junior, and on e for a senior. The scholarships are available to students in Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering, and the winner of the scholarship this year is Rayford S. Kruger of Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, a junior in Mechanical Engineering , and an honor student. Dr. William B. Given , Jr ., is President of the American Brake Shoe Company, and in May of 195 L he delivered the commencemen.t 'qq-



Section News

The Chicago Section of the MSM Alumni Association held a successful dinner meeting at the Chicago Engineers' Club October 18th . The honored speaker was " Babe" Head , ' 16, President of th e Alumni Association. " Babe " gave a very informative talk concerning the status of th e school and th e Alumni Association . He devoted considerable time to a discussion of the objectives of th e Alumni Association and the plans which ar e a lready being put into effect. Th e followin g Alumni w ere in attendance : .. '48 V. L. Bradford H. H. Clark .. .. .. ............... '07 A . N. Detweiler ' 10 A. R. Devereux '24 ' 27 F. A . Gerard . . .. '25 Wm. Godwin W. B . Gray ' 12 ' 43 R. L. Hanna '51 W. S. Harpen ' 16 J. L. Head . ' 13 J. C . Ingram .. .. ' 44 A. S. Ittermann '51 J. M. Lattin ' 12 R. H. Maveety . E. C. McFadden ' 11 H. C. Miller ... .................. . '39 J. Moscari, Jr . ... '5 1 M. E. Nickel '38 W. E. Oyler ' 19 L . J . Riege .. ................ '40 W. P. Ruemmler . .................... '38 J. J. Sakonyi .............. .. .... ............ '50 D. G. Schmidt '48 W. K. Schweickhardt ... .. ...... '28 John Smith, Jr . . '42 C. Verdi ' 42 W. P. Young . '39 C. E. Zanzi e ... ' 42


San Francisco The San Francisco Bay Area Group met at Spenge r's Fish Grotto , Berkeley, California , on S ep tember 29. Present w er e: ' 24 MI'. and Mrs. Phil Blak e .. '07 W. E. Brown .... ...... '47 Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cathcart .. '24 John Chang ' 49 Mr . and Mrs . L . C. ElIioU '39 ' 15 A. W. Gleason Mr. a nd Mrs. Glen Hackman '37 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hi ste d .... ' 28 ' 41 R. H. Meyer .... " '38 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murph y .. '47 Mr. and Mrs. R . L. Ray . .. ' 49 R. R. Whitlock T e d Lynton , ' 12 Chairman , was missing , having returned to his E.C.A. work in Europe . lVIrs. Lynton recently joined him in Paris. At the la st meeting , Ted related many of his interesting experienc es and observations of this work. Once again the Christmas meeting of the San Francisco Bay Area will be held at the Wolliws in Orinda. The date is Saturday , December 15. Any Alumni not on the mailin-J Jist for this area, please contact Bob Ray, ' 47 , at 2315 Grant St., Apt. 8, Berkeley, Calif. , or Jim Bryant, ' 47. 16022 Via Media , San Lorenzo, Calif.

dress at MSM and received the honorary Degree of Dr. of Engineering. The Faculty Committee of th e School of Mines selected six candidates for the scholarships and these nominations were reviewed by R. B. Parke r , Assistant to th e President of the American Brake Shoe Company , and A. L. Hunt, Manager of the National Bearing Division of the American Brake Shoe Company in St. Louis , who made the tentative sel ection of Rayford S. Kruger, which selection w a s approved by the Faculty Committee under the Chairmanship of Associate Dean R. Z . Williams. Others on the Committee included Dr. D . S. Eppelsheimer, Dr . H. Q. fuller, Dr. A. J. Miles, Dr . A. W . Sqplechten , and Dr . W. T. Schrenk.

9 Grads With Horton Nine MSM graduates are with the Frank Horton Company, consulting Engineers at Lamar, Missouri, according to Charles Shukers, one of the nine. Charles visited the cam pus on September 29th . These include Kent Martin , ' 42 ; Fred Fin ley, ' 41; Carl Finley , '45; Chris Wattenbal'ger, ' 41; Vernon Lawson, '48; Charles Davidson, '49; Rex Hopkins , ' 42 ; Charles Shukers , ' 50 ; and Elmer Allgeier , ex ' 41. Have you attended section meetings?

yo ur l ocal


Foundry Development Program Is Inspected The _ Foundrymen 's Educational F oundation Industrial Advisory Committee held a meeting in Rolla , November 20. The committee, h eaded b y the chairman, A . L. Hunt, Manager of the National Bearing Division of t h e American Brake Shoe Company of St. Louis, inspected the progress being made in the foundry devel -


opment prQgram at MSM and r e ceived a r eport from the Chairman, C~aud e Schne ible of D etr oit, Michigan, of the ¡ BOard of the F oundrymen's Educational F ounda tion, covering the progress b eing made n a tionally by the F .E.F. G eor ge D reher, Execu tive D irector of t he F .E.F. , Clevel a nd , Ohio, a l so r eported on t h e pro'g r ess of the orga nization. While on the campus, a joint meetin g of t h e Industrial Advisory Committee of the Foundrymen's Educational Foundation and the


stud ent ch apter of the American Foundry Socie ty was h eld at which C. W. Culbertson, Foundry Coke Sales Manager , Great Lakes Carbon Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri , addressed the meeting on " Cupola Control M ethods". Please write p ersonals about y ourself or other MSM men for inclusion in the Alumnus.

Annual visit of the National Officers of the Foundry Educational Fo undation a t their meeting with the Missouri School of Mines Advisory Committee of the organization and the recipients of the Foundry Educational Foundation schola r ships at the School of Mines and Metallurgy. L eft to right, bottom row: R. V. Wolf, Instructor in Foundry a t Misso uri School of Mines; Dr. A. J. Miles, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Missouri School of Mines; G. E . Mellow, Liberty F oundry Compan y, St. Louis, Mo.; Dean Curtis L. Wilson, Missouri School of Mines; M. A . Allen, American Steel Foundries, E. St. Louis, Ill. ; Claude B. Schneible, President, C. B. Schneible a nd Company , D etroit, Mich.; George Dreh er , Executive Director of the ~oundry Educa tional Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio; H. W . Meyer, General Steel Castings Co. , Granite City, Ill.; Webb Kammerer, Midvale Mining a nd Manufacturin g Co., st. Louis, Mo.; Associate Dean Rex Williams, Missouri School of Mines; and Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Head of the Metallurgy Department at Missouri School of Mines. 2nd row : Leland B everage; Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer, Foundry Educational A d visor and Professor of Metallurgy at Missouri School of Mines; A nthon y J. Selvaggi; Jack H. Thompson; Norbert F. Neu m ann ; Ralph Hill, E. St. Louis Castings Co., E. St. Louis, Ill. ; A. L. Hunt, Man ager for the Nationa l Bearing Division of the American Brake Shoe Company, S t. Louis, Mo. ; and J. A. Williamson of t h e M. S. Bell Co., St. Lo uis, Mo. 3rd 1'0W: William D . Bradley, J ack M. Wheeler, Ralph L. Hollocher, Alan B. B urgess, Joe L . March, a nd Reinhard P . Abendroth.


19 5 1

Class of 1951 (Continued From Page 28) W . Narraway St. , Benton , Ark. John Roschke writes, " I am cur rently undertaking graduate work here at Purdue Univ. in Mechani cal Eng r . My field of major is gas turbin es and jet propulsion, but I am also engaged in research work in fluid mechanics." John 's mailing a ddress is 130 Andrew PI. , W. Lafayette, Ind . D wight T eagarden was call ed to active duty in the U. S. Army soon after grad ua t ion . Lt. T eagarden is now stationed at Ft. Benning , Ga . with the 104th Company Str . at Ft. Benning. H e is schedul ed to be released from active duty about Oc tober 20 , 1951. A. L . Merts is on the faculty of the Physics D e pt. at th e University of Tulsa. H e may be addressed c / o D ept. of Phys ics . Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla. N ewton Kaplan is livin g at 76 Winthrop, Albany, N. Y. Cyril Kinane can be reached b y writing 414 E. Chapman, Ely , Minn. Ernest Longerich gives his add r ess as 207 W. 11th, Rolla , Mo. William W. T sai is emplo yed b y the Farre l-Birmingham Co. of Ansonia, Conn. H e now resides at 35 Lynwood PI. , New Haven. Conn. William plans on entering Penn State College for g radu ate s tudy in the spring of 1952. Henry C. Harris is living at 11 8 East 11 th, Lawrence, Kans. Joseph P . Fris can be reached b y Writing W-17, 109 , Richland , Wash. Chester E . Neal is living at 1914 New Madrid , Cape Girardeau , Mo. Hassen C. Yali is emplo yed by th e International Engr . Company at Berkeley, Calif. His mailing ad dress is Apt. I-A , 2028 D elaware, B erkeley 9, Calif. Frank C. B erger 's mailing addr ess is R. R. No.1 , Box 433P, L emay, Mo. Donald O. Schafe r is in the U. S. Marines. His temporary address is Pvt. Donald O. Schafer , PIt. 428, D Company, 5th Recruit Training Bn. , Parris Island, S. C. His pennanent forwarding address is P. O. Box 267 , Greenport, L. 1., N. Y. John C . Batteiger can b e reached at 224 N. Bailey Ave ., Ft. Worth , Tex. Bill Burkhardt gives his address as "Y" Bldg ., Apt. 4, Fla t Riv ~J: , Mo .


. Rex Williams Resigns As Associate Dean R. Z. Williams , a member of the faculty of MSM for the past 20 years a nd A ssociate Dean of the sc hool , has anno unc ed his resignation from t h e faculty effective Feb ruary 1, 1952 . H e plans to e nte r business in downtown Roll a. Rex , as he is affectionatel y known to facult y and s tud ents alike, ha s

Rex Z . Williams

been a lower of strength on th e faculty . He started as an instructor and was promoted from tim e to tim e, finally to the full professors hip and h ead of the Mechanics D epartment. Five years ago h e was ap pointed to the post of A ssistan t D ea n, a nd this September Rex was promoted to th e position of Associate D ean. Always an effective and a popular teacher , R ex carr ied his ability into the adm inistrative field where he was highly regarded b y both st ud en t s and faculty. Commenting upon his r esigna tion , D ean Curti s L. Wilson said , " The students of Missouri School of K eith E. Wick is living at 1576 Elm, D en v er, Colo. John Winters is working for St. Jo e L ead. John is living at the St. J oe Clubhouse, Monaca, Pa. J a m es G. Robert is emplo yed by F. H. McGraw Constr. Co . at Pa( Continued on Next Page)

Mines w ill sorel y miss the wise g uidan ce and friendly help which Dean Rex Z . Williams has given them over the years . Faculty mem bers will miss his pleasant associa tion and so und judgment. The Board of Curators and University offici al s will miss his complete loyalty a nd d evotion to duty . No one, however , will miss him more than 1. We have worked together in complete harmony and, I believe , e ffectiveness during the p ast fiv e yea r s of his tenur:e as Assistant Dean and Associate D ean. I can testify that his contributions to the ¡g ood name of Missouri School o f Mines an d to the fundamental wel fare of t h e st udents have been beyo nd material evaluation . We de drive considerable comfort from the knowl edge that Rex plans to r emain in Roll a where he will continue his d eep interest in MSM and where we can continue to call upon him as a friend of t h e School and its st ud ents." In connect ion with his l eav in g. Rex stated, " I think that I shall a lwa ys fe e l as if I am a part of the School of Mines. Certainly I hop e to have a part in its futur e affairs whenever my participation seem s desirable a nd appropriate, and since my plans are to remain in Rolla there will be no r easo n to lose contact w ith the school and its alum ni. "

T he faculty , th e a dministrativ e s taff, the student body , and the many alumni who have known R ex here, wish him eve r y success in his new undertakin g, a nd are con fident he will have it.

Gives to '42 Memorial Scholarship Fund Jim L. Mitchell, '42, has se nt a contr ibution to the class of ' 42 Memorial Scholarship fund . Thi 5 fund, which was started by th e class of '42 following the death of certain m embers of the cla ss duri"ng W orld War II, now has a total of $933. 00 in the account. The fund was originally sta rted with the idea of making a scholarship ava ilable to the brother of John Rayl, th e first member of the class to be killed in the war, but the brother was un able to take advantage of the scholarship. The method of utilizing the scholarship is now being considered by a special faculty committee appointed b y D ea n Curtis L. Wil son .



MSM, MU Alumni Meet in Houston On Wednesday evening, November 14, 1951 a joint dinner m eeting of the School of Mines and University of Missouri al umni in the Houston, T exas, ar ea was held in the Shamrock Room of the Shamrock Hotel at Houston. The meeting was arranged because the annual meeting of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and Universities in Houston had brought so many faculty members and administrative officers from the Columbia and Rolla campuses to the city. The meeting, which was the first joint meeting of Alumni of the sister institutions, was ably presided over by Karl F. H asselma nn, MSM '25, past president of the School of Mines Alumni Association. Amon g the speaker s was Henry S. McQueen, Mo. U. , who was associated with the Mo . Geological Survey in Rolla for several

years prior to 1942. President Frede ri ch A. l\1iddlebush spok e v ery interestingly about the progress and problems of the university as did D ean Curtis L. Wilson concerning the School of Mines. D ean Wilson a lso presented a School of Mines Alumni Association citation of Merit to Karl Hasselmann in recognition of his years of outstanding service to t h e school and to the association. This citation had been voted by the Board of Directors of the MSM Alumni Association at its November meeting in Rolla. L eslie Cowan , Vice-President of the university, was present and was introduced as were Associate D ean R. Z. Williams and Business Manager Harry J . Fields of the School of Mines. A number of d eans and department chairmen from the Columbia campus were al so introduced. ' Approximately 125 alumni and wives attended the meeting with the Rolla and Columbia campuses almost equ a lly represented . At the



Class of 1951 (Continue d From Last Page) ducah, Ky. in connection with construction of the new atomic energy plant there. His mailing address is 825 N. 24th St., Paducah , Ky, Gene J . Hawker h as written that his new address is 125 1/2 N. Logan Ave., D anville, Ill. Martin Oudenhaven is living at 194 Lincoln , Midvale, Utah. L eRoy E. Ross is in the Air Force at Elgin Air Force B ase, Fla. Theodor e Gosen is em ployed with Richfield Oil Corp. , Div. of Refin ing, Wilmington, Ca lif. William C . Chamberlain is living at 24D Ellio t Ct., Manhattan, Kans. Bill writes t hat he has recently had a new addition to his family and that mother and baby are doing well conclusion of the meeting p lans were laid for the formation of a " Missouri Club" in Houston, it being intended to continue such joint meetings in the future.

AT HOUSTON, TEX.-Everyone repo,rted a wonderful evening.

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