MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO. VOLUME 26
New Home for Mining Engineering
Completely remodeled and connected during this past year, the Old Mechanical Hall and the former Mining Building now provide adequate quarters for the Mining Engineering Department. See story on Page 5 for this and other recent improvements on the campus.
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1952 MSM Homecoming
November 7 and 8
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Return to Rolla and visit again with your classmates and friends.
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November 7 10:00_- - - - - - - - _Board of Directors Meeting in Rolla. 6:30 p.m._ - - - - _Dutch Treat Dinner, Pine Room, Greyhound Bus Depot. November 8 9:00 a.m. _- - - - _Registration, Parker Hall. 11:00 __________ Homecoming Convocation, Auditorium, Parker Hall - Address of Welcome Dean Curtis L. Wilson. Convocation Address. ] 2 :30 p.m. _____ St. Louis Section Open House, Hotel Edwin Long. 2:30 ___ _______ Football, Miners vs. Kirksville State College. 7:00 __ _______ _Homecoming Dinner, Hotel Edwin Long 9:00 _______ ___Homecoming Dance, Jackling Gym. Remember the dates, November 7 and 8. All Alumni of MSM are invited. R. Z. Williams, '31, Chairman - Alumni Committee. Leon Hershkowitz, '41, Chairman - Faculty Committee.
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Development of Physics Department at MSM Is Told by Dr. Harold Q. Fuller The science of physics like all sciences is dynamic . It is continuously changing as new facts are learned and new areas of research are opened. The early interests of physicists were to work toward an understanding of the physical phenomena of nature such as light, h eat, motion , sound, electricity, and magnetism. Today physics concerns itself with many other matters such as the nature of energy , structure of matter , nuclei of atoms, and the applications of physical principles to many allied fields of science and engineering. Physics is one of the basic physical sciences which is required of all engineers . From the developments of a basic physical principl e into practical applications have resulted the beginning of many fields of engineering. In looking over the old catalogues of MSM one finds that the Mechanical Engineerin 'S and the Electrical Engineering curricula were started in the Physics department and soon developed into their respective engineering d e partments and curricula. The last separation of a field of engineering from Physics at MSM occurred in 1924 when the Electrical Engineering Department was established. Since that time the Physics Department has developed its curriculm of basic and fundamental courses' in physics. From early in the twentieth century until science majors at MSM were in General Science. In 1930 a Science curriculum was set up with a major in anyone of several fields. Physics is one of these fields, so at the present time men wishing to study Physics as a major subject 2"raduate with a B.S. degree in Science-physics major. There were very few Physics majors at MSM until after World War II. Since that time there has been an increase in Physics majors graduating from MSM both at the bachelor and master's levels. The number of majors will never be large as the field is difficult. The demands of a physicist are both broad and exacting. He must have a good mind, a curiosity about the "why of things happening", and a creative imagination. He mus t also be able to formulate problems
in t erms of m a thematical symbols and to apply the logic of m a them a tics t o his formulation . The experimental physicist will nee d good eyes and muscular coordination to .:. ' -" -"~" - " -" -" _" _(I_('_(I_" _.:.
i Dr. Harold Q. Fuller, chairman I i of the Department of Physics, t i was born in Indiana and grad-I i uated from Wabash College in I i 1928 with the A.B. degree in I
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! Physics. He received his A.M. ! and Ph.D. ciegrees from the Uni- i ! versity of Illinois in 1930 and i ! 1932 both with major in Physics. i ,He taught at the University of i i Illinois and for ten years was on t i the faculty of Albion cOllege'li Michigan, the last few ¡ years of_ -I which he was head of the De-I ,partment of Physics. He has i , served several summers as Visit-,
I ing' Professor of Physics at Penn , state College and the University, i of Michigan. He has also spent I I several summers, including this I t past summer, at Oak Ridge, Ten-I i nessee, as Senior Physicist. I He came to Missouri School of Mines as Professor of Physics in ~ September, 1947, a year before 'Dr. L. E. Woodman retired. Dr. Woodman had searched the country for a man qualified to t succeed him. All feel that he has found such a man in Dr. Fuller, who is not only an outstanding physicist, but a good teacher and an amiable colleague. ,
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adjust a nd operate delicate appara tus . One interested in the field should b e acceptable to his fellowm e n as many physicists work in groups now. There is no upper limit to the tra ining , skill , and logical powers that can be absorbed by the profession. However, training in physics is gen erally recognized at three a cademic levels: bachelor, master, and doctorate . Training at the bachelor level should probably be sought by only those who rank in the upp er third of their college graduating class . Most of these will proba bly continue for advanced training. The majors of the MSM Physics de partment have been very successful in qbtaining positions. They have gone from MSM into industrial laboratories, government sponsore d r esearch agencies , teaching, r esearch foundations, and graduate schools. Some of our recent graduates will receive their Ph. D. degr ees this spring. A map showing the geographic location of recent graduates is placed in the East h all first floor of Norwood Hall. One observes that they are well sc attered throughout the United States and with one or two in foreign countries. A chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma, national Physics Honor Society , was installed at MSM in January , 1950. In order to be eU,gible for election to the society one must have at lease two courses in physics bey ond general physics, be in the upper third of his graduating class, and have at least 1.90 grade poin t average in phy sics . A graduate stude nt must have 2.00 grade point average to b e ele cted . The greater portion of the teaching load of the department is in the ge neral physics courses which are r equired for graduation from MSM in any curriculum. Each semester sev eral advanced undergraduate physics course s are taught and also a few graduate courses. Thes ~ courses are taken by students majoring in physics and advanced stud ents in engineering curricula who a r e taking some of their electives in phy sics. The sta ff of the Physics Departm ent is w ell qualified with respect to a cademic training , experience in industries and r e search . and teacning . The st aff and their graduate students have publishe d several re-
s.e arch papers in national journals during recent years. Dr. L. E. Woodman , Professor Emeritus, is the senior man of the staff. Dr. Woodman has been a~ MSM since 1919 and is well known to graduate since that time. Although he officially retired in 1948 he is still teaching Heat and Thermodynamics. Dr. Woodman received his academic training at Dartmouth College and Columbia University. Associate Professor William J. Jensen has been a member of the faculty at Missouri School of Mines since 1924. He received his A. B. degree from Carleton College and his A. M. degree from University of Illinois and has additional training there towards a Ph. D. degree. Dr. William H. Bessey came to us in February, 1952, as an Associate Professor. Dr. Bessey did hi s undergraduate work at Chicago University and his grad uate work at Carnegie Institute of Technology. Before coming to MSM he had taught at University of South Dakota, North Carolina State, and Carnegie Institute of Technology. Be a lso has had considerable experience in research. For his doctorate, Dr . Otto Stern, Nobel Prize winner, was his director. While at Carnegie he participated in research under ONR contracts. Dr. Louis H. Lund, Assistant Professor , came to MSM in the fall of 1948. He had his undergraduate work at Kansas Wesleyan College and graduate work at the University of Missouri. His previous teaching experience was at the University of Missouri and during World War II he was in a research laboratory supported by the U. S. Navy. This summer he is empl oyed in the Solid State Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Lund is the theoretical physicist of nie department. Mr. John M. Burger , Assistant Professor , is on leave of absence during 1951 -52 to continue his graduate work for a Ph. D. degree at the Univer sity of Kansas . Both Mr . Burger 's A. B . and A. M. degrees were receive d from the Unive rsity of Kansas. H e came to MSM in 1946. Mr. Burger had previously taught in "h i'gh schools, K emper Military Academy and Ce ntra l Missouri State College . Robert E. Houston , Jr. , who is an instructor in the de partment, cam e to u s in t h e fall of ]951 from
Michigan State College, where his B.S. and M.S. degrees were received. During World War II he was in the Air Corps and has had industrial experience at Ford Motor Company. This summer he is working at the United States Geological Survey in Rolla. Mr. Jesse T . Matthews also came to MSM in the fall of 1951. Mr. Matthews did his undergraduate work at T exas College of Arts and Industries and received his M.S. degree from University of Oklahoma. H e has taught at T exas College of T echnology. H e was in the Navy during World War II and h as had several years of experience in the oil fields of Texas. During his summers he is taking graduate work towards his Ph.D . degree at the University of Texas . Paul Kram, '48, and Mrs. Kram , are the parents of a son born May 19. The young man has been named Michael D avid. Paul is Engineer Inspector with the Missouri State Highway Department, J efferson City, Missouri. He gives his mailing address as 7313 D elmar , St. Louis , Mo.
Bob McC;aw, '27, Promoted by Radio Corporation R F. (Bob ) McCaw, '27 , has recently been promoted to Division Manager, in charge of Facilities Planning, with the Radio Corporation of America, Victor Division. Bob is located in the General Office at Camden, N. J. His position includes the development of new plants and facilities for manufacturing and engineering ; the most recent installation being a new engineering development center near Camden, N. J. Bob says he was delighted to read the recent article - in the MSM Alumnus - about Harry Kessler, because the two had met (purel y by accident) recently in New York City. (After a lapse of 28 years, it was quite a treat to meet another alumnus - especia lly at 42nd and L exington, in New York. ) Several recent MSM graduates are doing good jobs at RC.A. , and Bob reports that more engineers are needed to staff th e new facilities, now in the planning or construction stages, at RC.A.
To Be Completed Soon
The Missouri Legislature appropriated $100 ,000 for the completion of the new Chemical Engineering Building.
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MSM Buildings Undergo Many Changes to Provide New and More Space on Campus The campus of MSM is still unchange . During the past year Old Mechanical Hall has been completely remodeled and connected with the former Mining Building and the entire structure converted mto the Mining Engineering Building. This provides new office space for the Mining staff and several new class rooms, giving complete and adequate housing for the Mining Engineering Department. The upper floor of Old Mechanical Hall, which formerly housed class rooms of the Mechanical Engineering Department has been converted into drawing rooms and the Drawing Department moved from the top floor of Norwood Hall to the top floor of the new Mining Engineering Building. The Geology Department is occupying the space vacated by the Drawing Department. The Legislature at the last session approFlriated $100,000.00 for the completion of the new Chemical Engineering Building. This will allow the completion of the top tloor and the large lecture room on the first floor of the new buildd e r ~ o ing
the n ew Chemical Engineering Building, will be finished during the summer months .
Dean Wilson Elected to General Council of ASEE Dean Curtis L . Wilson of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in Rolla was elected to the General Council of the American Society of Engineering Education at the annual meeting of the Society held at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, on June 20th to 28th. This Society consists of a group of educators and technologists throughout the United States and concerns itself with the promotion and development of engineering education in g e n era 1 throughout this country. The Dean will represent the Mineral Engineering Division. He was accompanied to New Hampshire by Mrs . Wilson and daughter, Virginia. Dean Wilson , at the same meeting, was appointed to a committee of 34 members of the Society. This
Committee on Adequacy and S tandards of Engineering Education is to study and evaluate the presentday education in engineering to see if it is adequate to prepare engineers for duty 25 y ears from now. With the ' rapidly changing technology of the country, some of the engineering educators feel that this is the most important committee' of this 'g eneration so far as engineering education is concerned . The Committee will be headed by Dean L. E . Grinter, graduate dean of the University of Florida. The study will extend over a period of three to five years. Dean Wilson has also recently been appointed to the Nominating Committee for the Engineers Council for Professional Development to name new officers and committee chairmen of that organization for the 1952-53 academic year. He was appointed to this committee by the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. Dr . J . D . Forrester , Head of the Mining Engineering Department at MSM, also attended the A.S.E.E. at Dartmouth and presented a paper on " Education in Geological Engineering ." He was accompanied by Mrs. Forrester.
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The Metallurgy Department is occupy ing this summer the new addition to the Experiment Station which is the new home of the Metallurgy Department. This addition added on to the old Experiment Station Building has increased the Jloor space in this building by about 50 %. It will add greatly to the facilities of this important branch of the school. All of the above work, with the exception of the completion of
Brown - Boyer Miss Lila Marie Boyer of Oakm ont, Pennsylvania, became the bri de of Stuart S. Brown , '50, May 31, 1952. Stuart is employed by the Gulf Research and Development Company . The couple will make their home at 729 Brunot Street Verona, P ennsylvania. The groom: while in school, was a member of A.I.Ch.E. , Independents APO Alphi Chi Sigma, ROTC ' Band,' Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, and received the Varsity Award for swimming .
New Entrance to Mining Engine~ring Building
MSM's 1952 Football Schedul'e
MSM Homecoming Dates Changed to November 7 and 8 Plans for th e Hom ecoming have again been altered and the date change d from October 3 and 4 to Nove mber 7 and 8. Th e change was mad e due to a ltera tions in the foot ball sc h edule , a nd with the ap prov al of Pr sid ent J a m es L. Head . Plans for the Homecoming ar e r eachi ng the fi nal s tage according to President I-l ead. A committee or a lumni head e d by Rex Z. Williams, ' 31, Executiv e Vice-President of th e Rolla State Bank, Rolla , Missouri, and a fac uil ty committee hea ded by L on K . H e rshkowitz, '4 1, A ssis tant Professor of Civil Engin eer i ng , are sh ap ing up th e plans. There w ill be th e u s ual Dutch Treat dinn er h eld Friday ni ght. Thi s w ill b e follow e d by l ' gistra (ion and the Hom ecoming Convo cation addre Saturday morning Nove mber 8. In th e afternoon will be th e Hom ecoming football ga m e be tw e n th e M in er a nd Kirksville. Th e Annu a l banqu et will b e held a t the Edwin Long Hote l on the e v e nin g of Nove mber 7. Scatte r e d in with th e abo v e ev e nts w ill b l ots of vi siting and lots of ig ht seeing of the ne w buildings r e ce ntly add d to th e campus. Those who hav e not been in Rolla for som e tim e will be p l easa ntly s ur pri ed at the a mount of n e w cons tru ctio n th at has ta k e n p l ace . All Alumni s h o uld k ee p their dates ope n fo r November 7 a nd 8. Professor H. R. H a nley, S e creta r y of th e A' 'ociatio n , pla n s to e nd a d e ta il d program to a ll alumni in t h ncar futur c. 111 11111111111111111111111 11111 1111 111 11111111 1111111111 111 111111 111111111111
DATE S ept. 20 S e pt . 27 4 Oct. Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Nov. 8
TIME 8 :00 2:00 2:30 8:00 8:00 2:15 8:00 2:1 5
OPPONENT WHERE PLAYED Kansas State T eachers College Pittsburg, Kansas Washington University St. Louis, Missouri Maryville Rolla , Missouri Warrensburg Warrensburg, Missouri Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau, Missouri Springfi eld (Parent's D ay) Rolla, Missouri William J e w ell College Liberty , Missouri Kirksvill e ( Hom ecomin g) Rolla, Missouri
Bell Tek phone Officials
Football Practice
at M. U. Commencement
to Start on Sept. I
Dr. Mervin J. K elly was on e of the four presidents in the B e ll Telephone Syste m prese nt at the .110th Annual Commencemen t exercises Jun e 5 at the University of Missouri. These four men, all grad uates of the University of Missouri, hold four of the 20 presidencies in the Bell System. They are Cleo F . Craig , President of the American T e lephone and T el egraph Company , William V. Kahler , Presid e nt of th e Illino is Bell Telephone Company, Eugen e McNeel y, President of the Northwestern Bell T e le phone Company , a nd Dr. Kelly, President of the Bell Telephone Laboratori es in N e w York City. Dr. Kelly, a native of Princeton , Missouri , grad u ated from the Missouri School of Mines in 1914 with a B.S . degree in General Science . He also holds a Master of Scie nc e degree from the University of Ken tucky and a Ph.D. degr ee from th e University of Chicago. In 1936, Dr . K e lly was given an hon orary degre e of Doctor of Engineering by the MSM, a nd the Unive rsity of K e ntucky awarded him an honorary degre e of Doctor of Science in 1946. Noted for his research and for scientifi c achievement, Dr . K ell y has l ong b ee n active in th e alumni affa irs of his Alma Mater.
I ss ued bi -m nthl y in th c interest of th g r adua te' a nd form er s tu d e n ts of t h e School of Mi n es and price Subscrip t ion Metallurgy . $1. 50 , in clud ed in Alumni Du es. Ente r ed as seco nd -cIa s matte r Oct. 27, J9 26, at Post Office a t Rolla, Mo ., und e r th e Act of March 3, 1879 .
More Than 30 Alumni Stationed at Ft. Belvoir
H a rry Charles Loesche
Richard H. Bauer, ' 52, is now a S eco nd Lie ute nant in the Corps of En g in eers at Fort B elvoir , Va. He writes that he h as encountered more than thirty men, a lumni of MSM , who are in training at Ft. Belvoir a nd that they recently got together and formu l ated plans for keeping in clo se to u ch with each other durin g th e ir military service. The influ e n ce of MSM is very strong a mong thes e young men. Dick repor ted for active service on May 29. Dick's horn e address is 6233 Arsenal Stree t, St. Louis, Mo .
Harry Cha rles Loesche, ' 23 died instantly Jun e 27, 1952, of a h ea rt a ttac k. Harry worked with the U. S. Bureau of Min es a nd live d at 212 Lancas ter Road, W alnut Creek , Californ ia. He was a m e mbe r of Bonanza , Square and Compass, a nd Mi sso uri Mining and Met. Association when at MSM. He is s ur vived by his wife and one son.
Ed Pohlman, '39, a nd Mrs . Pohlmann a nnounce the birth of th e ir so n, Donald Wayne, on Jul y 18 . The baby w e i,g h e d 7 pounds and 5 ounces. The Pohlmanns live on Rt 1 East St. Lo ui s, Ill . Ed is with 'th~ Corps of Engineers as Project Engineer in charge of levee construc tion proj ec ts.
The footba ll squad is expected back for practice S e ptembe r 1. This squad is expected to be on e of the smallest si n ce b efore the war, with onl y 22 of last years lettermen returning for practice this fall. The r es t of the team will be made up of fr eshm e n. Nine members of l ast years team graduated, three a r e in the service, and two will be graduating in January and are not e ligible to play. A total of about 38 , hould r e port September l. This year's Captains ar e Walter R. Smith and Buddie Ray Morris . The sc h edule for this fall is as foll ows:
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Re p or ted b y Barn ey N u ell T he third annual picnic and outing of the Sou thern California Section was hel d at the Col orado Lagoon in L ong Beach on Saturday afternoon and evening , June 28. After a very enjoyable al fresco dinne r on the beach of the lagoon , the crowd of approximately 40 repaired to the recreation hall , where the chairman showed colored movies of his recent trip to Mexico City , Taxco , Havana , F lorida, New Orleans, and Rolla. The scenes of the campus were particularly interesting to some of the older graduates, who had never seen the new Chemistry Building , Harris Hall, or the new Mechanical Hall. Many old friends were p leased to see D ean Wilson, Noel Hubbard and Sam L l oyd in animated conversation in fr ont of Parker Hall , and also to see Prof. Butler , Prof. Carleton , and Prof H ershkowitz in front of Harris Hall . Following the showing of the pictures there was a brief usiness meeting, directed toward the building up a lumni membership in this area and formu lating p lans for the AIME meeting which is to be h el d in Los Angel es next February. At the conclusion of the meeting , a professional sq u are dance caller took over, and everyone had a fin e time in th is form of mild recreation. Those present were Pat Anderson, '51; A llan V. Doster, '26; Charles Ron Ferr y, '51 ; Jack F l eischli ; '43 , Bannon Ferrell ; William B. Fletcher , ' 34; T ed Gosen, '51; E. A . H enk e, ' 47; Wayne Huff, ' 51; Don Ruseman , D ye - McN u tt Robert E. D ye, '12, and Mrs. Am y Shelton McNutt have announced the ir marri age which took place at Mrs. McNutt's h ome at Gallagher Ranch in San Antonio , Texas, on August 7, 1952. Bob is Vice- President and General Manager of th e Dome Mines, Ltd. , at South Porcupine, Ontario, Canada. Mrs . McNutt is the widow of V . H. McNutt, ' 10, who pioneered in the extensive development of potash in the vicinity of Carl sbad , New Mexico. Bob and his bride will be at home at South Porcupine , Ontario, Canada , afte r September 1.
' 43; D . E. Huffma n, '2 1; Nath an Jaffe , ' 41; D. R. Jae n ecke, '38; R. L. K idd , '29; Laurel Linn, '49; J ohn A. Mazzonini , ' 43 ; Barney Nuell , '21 ; Ar t L. erson, ' 43 ; R. H. Rasmussen, '43; and their wives, as well as Mrs. Pop Wright, Pop himself not being ava ilable for this particular meeting . Special tribute was paid
to Charles Ron Ferry, who drove approximately 100 miles from San Diego to be present with u s at th is m eeting. This is the kind of spirit we very much enjoy, and all a l um ni who are visiting in this area are urged to get in touch with chairman Barn ey Nuell for invitation to our f uture meetings.
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MSM Alumni Associa tion 1111 11111111 11111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111111 11111 11111 11 11 111111111111 111 111111111 1111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11
OFF J CERS Presid ent
James L . H ead
Ex ec u tive Vice-Pres. Vi ce-Pres. Sec. -Treas.
. .. .... 25 Broadwa y, ......... New York 4, N. Y. A. E. Barnard .. _............ 613 S . Central, . Clayton 5, Mo. Horace H. Cl ark ............ 7202 S. Shore Dr. , .. Chicago 49 , Ill. H. R. Hanley .................. 606 W. 8th St. , ....... Rolla, Missouri
Term Ex p . Nov. 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953
DIRECT ORS AT LARGE (Three-Y ear T erm s) Me rvin J . Kelly , '14 ........ .. .. . 463 W est Street ........ New York 14 , N. Y. Charl es J . Potter , ' 29 ..... .. ..... _ 619 Oak Street ....... .. Indiana , Pa. Melvin E. Nickel , '38 .......... ....... 7020 Creigier Street ........... ..... Chicago, Ill. AR EA DIRECTORS Area No. Area D ir ect or States Emb r aced Term Ex p . 1 .. E. A. Crawford, '29 ............... Maine, New Hampshire, 195 2 213 Walthery Ave. , Ver mont, R. 1. , Conn. , Ridgewood , N. Y. Mass ., New York 2 .
.. ...... Theodore C . G erber , ' 28 ........ Philadelphia , Washin-gLa . Ordinance Plant, ton, D. C. , Va. , W. Va., Shrevepo rt , La. Ky ., T enn. , N. C., S. C. , La ., Miss. , Ala., Ga. , Fla . Donal d N. Griffin , ' 26 1073 Hawthorne Rd. Fort Wayne , Ind.
.... W. Penn. , Ohio , Indiana ... .. .. 1954
............ W . P . Ruemmler, '38 ............ N. Ill. , Chicago , Wi sc., ...... _.... 1954 Eagl e Picher Co. , B ox 540 Minn. East Chicago, Ind. ..... H arr y S. Pence , ' 23 ____ ..... __ 118 Syndicate Bldg. St. Louis, Mo.
S. Ill .. E. Mo. , Ark . .... __________ . 1952
H. E. Zoller, ' 23 ...... __ ........ ... Iowa, W. Mo., Ok la., __ ......... 1953 3900 E. First S t. Kans . Wichita , Kans. J . V. Spalding, '39 . __________ __ __ T exas 195 2 Beth lehem Supply Co ., Box 3008 , Houston , T ex.
8 .... __ ... Dave P. Hale, '34 __ ... ___________ ____ 960 Le y den D r. Denver, Colo 9 Barney Nuell , ' 21 ____ . __ .___ ..... 530 W . 6th St. Los Angel es, Calif.
Idaho , Mont. , N. & S . Dak. , __ 1954 Wyo. , N ev., Utah , Colo. , Ariz., New Mex. Wash. , Ore., Calif. ____ . ____ . ______ 1952
M. U. Vice-President Tells路 Purpose of Education at MSM Summer Graduation B y Thomas A. Brady W ear e her e today to mark , appropriat ely , a special occasion in your life and in the history of our socie ty . No e v ent which contributes si'g nificantly to the spiritual and inte llectual growth of any individual ca n b e r egarded as unimportan t. It doe s not matter that those whom w e graduate today may number ten or a thousand. There may still b e those among you who may make us all glad that we have given you this shining opportunity . I am not h er e to tell you that any of you may some day be President of the United States - although I believe the statement is true . Nor is it m y purpose to exalt the glory of the commonplace. You are graduating into the world as it is and the society of which you are a part is the 6ne y ou see around you . M y purpose here is to remind you that not everything some people say about the world is true and to point out to y ou how its real nature bears upon the opportunities that lie before you . Told W orld Is Chaotic We a re frequ e ntly told that the world is chaotic, troubled, and insecure . Writer s who must discover dramatic situations and whose store of knowledge is much broader tha n it is deep, are constantly reminding us tha t man is more insecure than he ever was before and that h e is participating in a gigantic de ath struggle such as the world has never seen. There a r e many complications in life - that I would not d en y . But th e cri ses tha t men fac e have all be en fac ed b efor e d es pite the fact that the circumsta nces of history a r e n ev er repeat ed . When the ordin a r y m a n says tha t history r e p eats itself, h e is righ t. For , h e m eans b y this that m a n f a ces the ch oice s a nd mu st m ak e the decisions tha t m a n y men b efor e him h a v e f a ce d a nd m a d e. H e m e ans tha t t h e gr eat inse curity springs not from the n ecessity of facing d a n ge r bu t from a n unworthy compromise w ith evil. He m eans that while man k eeps his courage , his h on or , a nd his Christia n f aith,
neither death nor disaster is for him the final defeat. I would remind you that history holds forth no promise to any man that he may have life upon his own terms. Our Lord never promised us peace , prosperity , and security in this life. He gave us the 路 tools the abilities, opportunities, and transcendent spiritual graces by means of which we may justify our existence in this life and our salvation in the next. Victims of Historical Error You are frequently given a discouraging picture of the world today. Many men around you are disillusioned and say that war, tensions, high taxes, greed and dishonesty no longer allow a young man to make a great spiritual and material achievement. These people are the victims of historical error. This error which reached its greatest vogue in the nineteenth century ' was never more than a combination of 路glittering fallacies . One of these was the idea of progress - that man was pulling himself, ever onward and upward, by his own bootstraps. The Christian dogma that man was a creature who worked both good and evil was discarded. If man had no propensity toward evil, what was the need of salvation . The pearly gates were thrown away and replaced as an ideal by the cult of things - things to own - places to go - wealth to pile up. And all the time this world was riding heavily over the depressed millions of the earth people who had no progress , small enough wages, little food or medical care , few conveniences. This attitude brought most of the societies of the modern world to a dangerous and unhealthy condition - atheism and hyprocrisy at the top, despair at the bottom . But the most wicked thing was that people throughout all walks of life were taught to set a materia l value upon everything worthwhile . Once this attitude b ecame general it was a foregone conclusion that when once the dispossessed gained power , they would abuse it - for when the exercise of power h a s no high spiritual purpose , it is alwa y s
tyranny. We have given you here the finest education in science and technology that our age affords. You are ready and prepared to struggle for the mastery of material problems - to design things that will bring people closer together - to make things that people need. Let us ask ourselves why we have gone to such labor and expense to give y ou this education . Material things, in themselves, are neither good nor bad, but are capable of use for either purpose. I could never agree with a confirmed agrarian whom I met once, who argued that the motor car was evil. He proceeded to point out all its evil uses. But I could point to many 路good uses too. And so , you who are trained to build , are also trained to destroy - and the crux of the whole problem is found right here. Before you were engineers, you were human beings. You , like all other men , are endowed with divine souls and have a divine end and purpose . If this is not true, how will you be able to work for any end other than your own comfort and convenience ? Doesn't it make a difference to the engineer whether he designs plans for increasing the world's food supply or whether he designs gas chambers for Hitler? Greatest Danger Today I said you were also trained to destroy . Any you may be called upon by your government to do ' that as part of her military operations. Our people have not sought war and, please God, we never shall . When it comes, you and I can only use our skill with such effect that it will be as brief and as successful as possible . But the greatest danger we face today is not war . Man has seldom been fre e from the threat of war and many of his .great achievements have been made during such periods. The only d a nger we face is that y ou a nd I may not be true to what w e know is good and right. By giving y ou this education, we have multiplied a hundred-fold the power of a righteous arm. And there lies your tremendous responsibility . You have a weapon that all m en do not possess '-- and it is y ou who must see that it is used properly and for the right purposes .
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Here's What the Faculty Members of MSM Are DOing and Have Done This Su'mmer Dean Wilson attended the ASME Meeting and the ECPD Meeting at Dartmouth College in June, and in August plans to take his vacation a nd go to California . The remainder of the summer was spent in his office attending to administrative details. Quite a large number of the MSM faculty is working for the U. S. Geological Survey in Rolla this summer. C. E. Schulze of the Ceramics Department and R. L. Rowton of the Chemical Department are with the U .S.G.S. Prof. J. B. Butl er , Chairman of the Civil Departm ent, is also employed there. Prof. Butler attended the 3rd National Surveying Teachers Conference at Blackduck, Minnesota at Camp Rabideau, the University of Illinois Surveying Camp. He was there August 3 to 8. The camp is sponsored by Committee 8 on Surveying of the Civil Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education along with the University of Illinois . Others working for the USGS include Prof. A. W. Grove of the Electrical Engineering Department ; Prof. W. R. Phillips and J. W . Barr, Humanities Department; Prof. R. M. Rankin , Chairman of the Math Department, and Dr. C. A. Johnson , also of the Math Department ; Prof. R. H. Young, C. R. Remington , and R. E . Schowalter, Mechanical Department ; Dewey AUgood and C. S. Barnard of the Physical Education Department; and R. E. Houston and J. T. Matthews of the Physics Department. Doing Research Work In the Ceramics Department, Dr . P . J. Herold , Chairman of the Department, and Dr . T. J. Planje are doing research work on silica refractories in that department this summer. Prof. E. W. Carlton and Prof. Leon Hershkowitz of the Civil Department are working for the Missouri State Highway Commission, Division 5, with headquarters here in Rolla , in connection with supervising a special group of students on a highway project on a farm to market road from Vienna to Belle . Prof. C. W. Eshbaugh and Prof. J. K. Roberts, both of the Civil De-
partment, are with Division 8 of the Highway Department, working west of Rolla on construction, and C . D. Muir is with the Highway Department in Macon, Missouri. The remainder of the department consists of V.A.C . Gevecker who is attending Iowa State College in connection with work on his Ph.D. de'gree, and Mr. J . H. Senne, who is doing research for the Wire Reinforcement Institute, spending part of his time in Rolla, and part in St. Louis.
On Summer Faculty In the Mathematics Department, Prof. R. H. Kerr, S. J. Pagano and Mr. Mike Zupsich are at school as members of the summer faculty. Prof. R. E. Lee is attending the University of Indiana working for his Doctor's degree, and Prof. D. H. Erkiletian is traveling for Ferry Seed Company . Prof. E. A. Goodhue began work for the USGS early in the summer, but was taken ill and went to St. Louis for an operation . He is still in the hospital, but on last report, his condition was much improved. Dr. W . T. Schrenk , Chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department, made an inspection trip of Phillips Petroleum Company at Bartlesville, Oklahoma and Borger, Texas, during the month of June , and attended the National Meeting of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity in Madison, Wisconsin, during the week of June 20. In addition to that, he is spending part of the summer on the campus. Dr. N. L. Smith attended an American Petroleum Institute Symposium committee meeting in Chicago and attended the Foxboro instruction course on instrumentation at Foxboro, Massachusetts, for an 11 day period during the month of June. Dr. Smith plans to spend the rest of the summer vacationing and doing some research on the campus. Dr . R. C. Peabody is teaching in the Chemical Department this summer, and Doctors R. R. Russell and R. O. Sutherland are doing research in the department this summer. Dr. Sutherland is going to spend the month of August in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Dr . R. H . Conrad is working for Monsanto Chemical Com-
pany in St. Louis , Dr. E. D. Fi sh er is traveling extensively and vacationing, and Dr. Wm. H. W ebb is in
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, with the Atomic Energy Commission. In the Physics Department, Dr. H. Q . Fuller, Chairman of the Department, and Dr . L . H. Lund of that department are working with the Atomic Energy Commission a t Oak Ridge, Tennessee . Dr . L. W . W.oodman is spending the summer at home giving piano lessons. Dr. W . H . Bessey is staying on in th e department at home ,giving piano lessons. Dr. W. H. Bessey is stayin g on in the department as a m ember of the summer faculty , and Prof. W . J. Jensen is spending the summer selling insurance. Prof. L. G . Christianson , Chn;rman of the Drawing Department is attending the University of Missouri at Columbia doing work on his Master's degree, and H . F . Thompson, also of that department, is with Division 8 of the Missouri Highway Department, workin g west of Rolla on construction. Electrical Department Prof. 1. H. Lovett, Chairman of the Electrical Engineering D epartment, spent most of June visitin g new electrical engineering buildings and teaching facilities at various universities including the University of Illinois, the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin , and also attended a conference of electrical engin eers concerned with electric power equipment and sponsored by the Line Material Company at Milwau kee. As to the rest of the department, Mr. P. L . Anthony is attend ing a summer conference and train ing period for electrical engin eer ing teachers at Westinghouse Electric Corporation , E. Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania ; Mr. C. J. Grimm is inspecting new ¡governme nt h y dro electric power stations in Montana and the Northwest; Prof. H. R. Horton is having a vacation and recovering from a previous illne ss ; Prof. R. E. Nolte is working on r equirements for a Doctor's d egr ee at Iowa State College at Ames, Iowa; Prof. J. W . Rittenhouse is working on requirements for a Doctor's degree at Purdue Univer sity, Lafayette, Indiana ; Prof. G. G . Skitek is working on requirem ents for a Doctors' degree at Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio ; and Dr. John Zaborsky is working with
lhe Westinghouse Electric Corp. at .E . Pittsbul'gh, Pennsylvania , on development of n ew forms of switchng e quipment. Dr. A. W . Schlechten , Chairman of the Metallurgy Department, Dr. H . R. Hanley, Dr. M. E. Straumanis , P rof. Adolph Legsdin , Dr. T. M. _VIorris, and Mr. R. F . Cathcart are all working on a research project for the United States Army this summer. Dr . D. S. Eppelsheimer of the Metallurgy Department is vacationing in Michigan and is planning a trip in the west later in the summer. R. V. Wolf is workin g for a foundr y in St. Louis . Dr. J. D. Forrester , Chairman of th e Mining D epartment, is doing research for the United States Army during the summer months . Mr . J . C. Dotson is also on a research proj ect for the Army. Prof. R. I. Martin is with Phillips Petroleum Company , Research D epartment, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Prof. R. M. Bruzewski , who has recently returned to the Mining Department after spending some time in the army is working on a research project for the Army. Prof. W. A. Vine w ill return to the department this fall after a l eave of absence to do work on his Doctor's degree. Prof. L. B. Tay lor is working this summ er in Arabi, Louisiana . Teaching This Summer Prof. S. H. Lloyd, Chairman of the Humanities D epartment, and Mr. J. P. Audrain are teaching in the Humanities D epartment this summer . S everal of the members of that department are spending the summer in various colleges working on Doctors degr ees. These include J. M. Brewer a nd K. M . Moulder , who are attending th e University of Missouri , W. J. Murphy, who is attending the University of D enver and A. C. Ste inbach , who is tClkin g his work at Ohi o Stat . J. A. Steinmeyer r ecently ap pli e d for and r eceiv ed a scholarship from Case Insti tu te of T e chnolo·gy in Cleveland , Ohio. This scholarship is set aside for economics teachers only. Mr. Ste inm eyer is usin g this sch ol arship taking some work from various teachers called in from differen t schools . These teach ers hold cla sses, and visits are mad e to industries and industrial plants in and around Clevel and , w h ere th e cl ass discu sses with the m e n in these · industries what they have been do in g in cla ss. Professor M .
H. Cagg is vacationing this summer and Prof. Carl Christy is traveling about the country. Dr. J. J. J elinek is spending the summer as an instructor a t the University of Arizona. Scattered The Geology Department is quite scattered this summer . Dr. O. R. Grawe, Chairman of the D epartment, is remaining in Rolla to supervise remodeling and rearrangement of the Geology D epartment. He was appointed by President Middlebush to act for D ean Wilson during the D ean's abse nce from town in Jun e . Dr. D . L. Frizzel is in P eru doing some reconnaisance geology for oil exploration. He is l eading a party through a relatively unknown area. Dr. V . G . Gabriel is studying geop hysics at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Prof. R. E. Morgan is conducting field investigations for the Stanolind Oil Company in Western Canada. Prof . J. L. Rosenfeld, who is being assisted by Dale Cotter, a graduate student in the G e ology D epartment, is conducting his field mapping of the Chester Dome Area of Vermont. Dr. A . C. Spreng has spent part of his summer working for the Missouri Geo logical Survey and will spend the latter part in Montana and Wyoming conducting his field investiga tions of the Banff formation and its eq uivalents. Dr. M. P . Nackowski is .engaged in Geolo·gical mapping for the Minerva Oil Company in Southern Illinois. He is assisted by Philip Clarke, a graduate student in the Geology D epartment. W. R. Higgs is employed by the Missouri Geological Survey collecting clay and shale samples. Dr. A . J. Miles , Chairman of the Mechanical Department,. is working on stress analysis for the McDonnell Aircraft Corp. in California. Prof. A. V. Kilpatrick is also working for McDonnell on specia l di e maki'ng . Prof. E. C. Chase is vacationing in D enver and the western states. Prof. G. L. Scofield is in North Dakota working for a construction company . Professor C. J. Thorp e is vacationing an d acting as Chairman pro-tem during th e absence of Dr. Miles . In the M echanics Departm ent, Prof. R. F. Davidson, Chairman of th e Department, and G. D. Smith a r e teachin g in the M e chanics D epa rtment and a lso in the Civil D e partme nt this summ er. Prof. Ralph
Davis is doing graduate work in mechanics at the University of Minnesota this summer . Prof . R. A. Schaefer is employed with McDonnell Aircraft. Mr. J. B. Heagler is working with his father in his consulting engineering office in Rolla during the summer months. Prof. N. C. Costakos, who has b een on a leave of absence , will r eturn to MSM this fall from the University of Minnesota where h e has been taking graduate work . At Coaching Clinic Coach Bullman has been spending a large part of his summer in connection with a Coaching Clinic sponsored by the State 'l'e achers College at Kirksville, Mo. wher e he made ta lks on both pass offense and defense. He also expects to attend the Midwestern Intercollegiate Officials Association Clinic where he will be the main speaker. Attending this clinic will be the coaches of the big 7, Missouri Valley an d MIAA and the entire membership of the Midwestern Intercollegiate Association. August 2 to 14 Coach Bullman plans to make a visit to Ypsil anti , Michigan to the Detroit L ions Professional football team in the national l eague. During the latter part of August he is going to visit several high schools in Illinois , including Johnson City , Herrin and Belleville . The rest of the summer will be spent at MSM.
BIRTHS Richard Henry Duncan , '49, and Mrs. Duncan are the parents of a da u ghte r, L aura J ane, born May 27 , 1952. Richard is an instructor in the Physics D epartment at the University of Missouri at Columbia , Missouri. The family resides at 12 "M" St. , Col umbia , Missouri. Robert Klug , '40 , and Mrs. Klug a nnounce the birth of Carolyn Lou ise born in F ebruary, 1952. Bob and his wife are now the parents of four childre n , two boys and two g irls. Bob was on the campus June 18. H e is in the hardware busin ess at L ebanon, Mo .. and gives his home address as 116 Meadowlawn , L ebano n , Mo. P. Gene Smith . '44, and Mrs . Smith announce the birth of a boy, P e ter G ene , on March 19, 1952. The baby weighed 7 pounds , 12 ounces . Th e Smith 's are living at 54 Daffodi l Lane , Wantagh , N ew York .
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Mr. Cox was in Europe. President F]"ederick A. Middlebush, Vice-president L eslie Cowan, and Dr. M . Pinson Neal , acting dean of the School of Medicine, accomThe University of Missouri is at panied the Curators on' the tours. l ast going to have a four year Their first visit was to the MediMedical School. The State Legis- · cal Center of the University of latu r e at the session just cl osed Arkansas at Little Rock, where made an appropriation of $6,000 ,000 they a lso inspected the state teachtowa r d t he construction of the new i_g hospital which that university faciliti es to house and equip the has under construction. The trip , fou r year Medical School at Colum- made late in June, was completed bia. with an inspection of facilities at The school of medicine of the the School of Medicine of WashUniversity was built upon the Medington University in St. Louis. ical D epartment of K emp er ColA second tour , earl y in July , took lege founde d in St. Louis in 1840. the group to the University of VirIn 1845 it became a department of the University of Missouri and contin ued as such for 10 yea rs being John J. O'Neill, '40, Gets disco n tinued in 1855. The School of New Olin Assignment Medicine was r e-established on the John J. O'Neill, Jr. , '40, has reUniversity Campus in Columbia cently been appointed manager of in 1872 with a curriculum of only the research and development detwo years . In 1891 the curriculum was extended to three yea rs and in 1899 to the fu ll four years. In 1910 the last two years w er e discontinue d because of inability to finance the expansion n ecessary for t9aching the clinical subjects. This program has continued to the present time , which mean t that stude nts completing two years in the Medical School at the University had to transfer to four year schools to complete their education. Repeated requests have been made for a n appropriation to e stablish the four year school, which r equest was ·g ranted at the la st session of th e Legislature. University officials in recent wee ks have inspected the facilities of medical schools over the Nation in preparing plans for the four year S chool at Columbia. Physical plants and teaching prog rams at other universities have JOHN J . O · NEILL . JR . b een studied as preliminary plans partment of th e explosives division a r e being furthered for establshof Olin Industries, Inc. of East Alme n t of the enlarged school. After Governor Forrest Smith ton, Illinois. John is a native of Franklin signed House Bill 496 appropriating Square , L . I., N. Y., and has been $6,000,000 to establish the fo urwith Olin Industries since he gradyear school, President Powell B. uated in 1940 . He is a member of McHaney of the Board of Curators the American Institute of Chemical appointed a committee to r ecomEngineering, the American Rocket mend the ground for the construcSociety, and the American Ordtion Members of the committee are nance Association. J am'es A. Finch, Jr. , of Cape GirJohn and his family reside at 214 ardeau, chairman ; Dr. Glenn W. Chaffer St. , Roxana , Illinois. H e has Hendren of Liberty, J. A. Daggs of two daughters, Anne Marie , and Memphis, Lester E. Cox of SpringMary Marga ret. Mrs. O' Neill is the field, and Mr. McHaney. At the time of the recent insp ection trips , form e r Miss Irene Ray of Rolla.
4-Year M. U. Medical School Is Assured
gll1la in Charlottesville a nd th e University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill for an inspection of medical facilities of those universities. Members of the group, with the exception of Mr. McHaney, then w ent to the West Coast where they studied medical school faciliti es of the University of Washington at Seattle, the University of V ancouver in British Columbia , and the University of California at Los Angeles. Later in July President Middlebush visited medical schools of the following universities: The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor ; Western Reserve University, Cleveland , Ohio; Unive rsity of Rochester, Rochester , N. Y. ; Unive rsity of Vermont, Burlington , Vt. ; Ohio State University , Calumbus, Ohio ; and Indiana University, whose medical school is at Indianapolis. Sites in Columbia for the loca tion of the teaching hospital are being studied by University officials and the special committee of the Curators. T he n ew school will play an im portant part in the . University's educational program in the state.
Wins $100 Essay Prize Jack M. Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wheeler, of 6537 Tholo zan, St. Louis, Missouri, was one of five students at the School of Min es and Metallurgy, at Rolla, to win a $100 prize on his essay , "My Impression of the 195 2 Foundry Convention. " Wheeler will be a senior in Metallurgical Engineering at the school this fall and was chosen as the delegate to the International Foundry Congress and Show in Atlantic City , New Jersey, held on May 1-7 , 1952. He was selected b y a facult y committee appointed by Dean Curtis L. Wilson of the school. His report of the convention will b e published in the July issue of the Amer ican Foundryman Magazine . Harry Fields. Business Manager , made a trip to Ft. L ewis , Washington, during July as a person al r eppresentative of Dean Curtis L. Wilson to represent the D ean on an official visit to the ROTC unit there. MSM students in ROTC spe nd their summer at Ft. Lewis.
Dr. W. T. Schrenk Honored By Alpha",Chi Sigma Dr. W . T . S chrenk , Chairman of the Che mical E ng ineering D e partm e nt a t MSM, was el e cte d vicepresi de nt of Alpha Chi Sigma, Chemical fr a te rnity, at th e b ienn irl l -::on cl a v e h eld on the campus of the Unive rsity of Wisconsin this sprin g. The concla v e cel ebrate d the 50th annive r sar y of Alpha Chi Sigma. Alpha Chi Sig m a on th e MSM ca mpus h as bee n one of the most a ctive of the professional fraterni ti es, a nd h as b een an important p a rt of the educational program in Che mical Engineering since it was establ ish e d here. Much of its success has b een du e to Dr. Schre nk' s efforts. George B. Wilson George Baldwin Wilson , ' 17, Inst ructor in Eng ineerin g Drawing
at MSM for the past four years, passed away June 29 , 1952. D eath was du e to a heart attack. H e was liv ing at the Ozark Hotel in Rolla at th e time of his d eath. After g r aduating from MSM , Mr . Wilson join ed the Army and se rved durin g World War I. H e worke d for some y e ars with the Illinois State Hig h way D epartment, and b efor e coming to MSM in 1949 w a s A ssis tant City Enginee r, City Engin e e ri n g D e partment, E. St. L o uis, Illinois . While attending school at MSM , h e was a membe r of IKK, and In d ep e ndents .
J. P. Colbert Advanced at Nebraska University J . P. Colbert, ' 21, took ove r t h e duties of D ean of Stude nt Affairs of the University of Nebra sk a July 1. Phil has a h istory of 27 year s of d ealing in an administra tive f unc tion, with college stude n t s and t h eir
p r oble m s, a lthough h e describes h imself as "an e n g inee r b y tr a d e. " Colb ert has bee n a University ins tructo r since 1925. H e has se rved a s d ir e ctor of th e Unive rsity Veter a n s' Con s ultation Board since 1944, an d f or a n u mbe r of years h e w as fr esh ma n coun sele r fo r t he College of E ngi n cer: n g and ca m pus counselor for stud e nts con ce r ned w it h S el ective S e rvic e proble m s a t the U nive r sity of N e bra sk a . An ac tive p a rticipant in the f ield of e n g in ee rin g for t he last 31 years, h e r ece iv e d h is B. S. degr ee in civil engin eer ing f r om MSM . In 1925 h e j oine d t h e University of Ne brask a fa culty , whe r e h e took his gra d u a t e t raining and r eceived h is M . S. in civil e n gineering in 1935. H e w as advanced to th e rank of assistant professor and l ater to a ssocia te professor. A t the t ime h e w a s at MSM. Phil w as a m e m b e r of Pi Kappa Alpha , T a u B e ta Pi, C. E. S ocie ty, and Am er ica n A ssn. of Engineer s .
Miner Football Team of Fifty Years Ago 1
Standing, l eft to right South gat e, Martinez, Walsh, Pick les, Coach Q uinn , Ca ptain Rex , Norton , Gr e enidge and Fa y . S eated - Garrett, Morris, Mortland, May (deceased ) a nd L ym a n .
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1910 B. Franklin Murphy, manager of the Southwest Missouri Division of St. Joseph Lead Company , was recently in New York for a meeting of the company's division managers with the trustees. His mailing address is Bonne Terre, Missouri. John D. Harlan is a director and Member of tbe Executive Committee, The Crow's Nest Pass Coal Co. , Fernie, British Columbia. His residential address 6037 44th Avenu e, N. K, Seattle 5, Washington. 1911 John K M. Schultz gives his m a iling address as 3617 Hanover St. , Dallas 5, Texas. John is with th 2 Joy Mfg. Company. 1913 James Hassett, ex ' 13, is livin s at 225 Camino Real , Redondo Beach , Calif. S. K Hollister has left for Japan on a 2 year contract for the W estern Persipi ta tion Corporation. 1923 Milburn L . Dorris writes, "I am with the State Hwy . Dept. and my address is 103 S. 6th Street, Chillicothe, IlL" K Roland Tragitt g~ves his new address as 1623 20th Avenue, San Francisco, Calif. 1926 J. D. Crawford has been appointed General Manager of the Alaskan Operations of the United States Smelting, Refining, and Mining Company. His home address is Box 1304, Fairbanks, Alaska. 1929 T. W . Rubottom can be reached at 3012 Pittsburg, Houston, Texas. He is with Westinghouse Electrical Corp., 1314 Texas Avenue, Houston , Tex. 1930 George F . Heath is self employed. His business address is George F. Heath Co., 4030 Chouteau Ave. , St. Louis 10, Mo. Edwin C. Hoeman is with the University of Akron, Reconstruction Finance Corp., Synthetic Rub ber Division, 351 West Wilbeth Road, Akron 1, Ohio. He is living at 2621 Columbus Road, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Charles H. Jennings gives his address as 2600 South Adams, Arlington, Va. 1932 Arthur Julius Hoeman has been with the European Command, Headquarters at Heidelberg, Ger-
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many , for the past two years. He is chief of the technical staff in Ordnance. Arthur's mailing address is Maj. A. J. Hoeman 0-42485 , New Arrivals Section, APO 743, c/ o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Floyd S. Macklin is Construction Management Engineer, Kansas City District, Corps of Engineers. His mailing address is 912 Charlotte , Kansas City, Mo. Andrew W. Kassay, who is Senior Chemical Engineer, Plaskon Div., L .O.F. Glass Co., Glendale Avenue, Toledo 4, Ohio , is living at 1559 Michigan Avenue, Toledo 14;. Ohio. 1933 E. W . Gieseke , who is employed with American Cyanamid Co., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20 , N . Y ., is living at 101 Colonial Circle , Fountain City , Tenn. Robert S. Green is with A. P. Green Fire Brick Co. , Mexico , Mo. His home address is 18 S. Jefferson Road , Mexico , Mo . Curt H. Schmitz is living at 405 North Ba.rbara Ave., Azusa, Calif. Curt is working with Lucky Lager Brwg. Co ., Azusa, Calif . Dr . Lloyd S. Rolufs is Chief of Surgery, U. S. Public Health Service Hospital, Kirkwood, Mo. He is living at 525 Couch Ave., Kirkwood 22, Mo. Reinhardt Schuhmann , Jr. was a campus visitor on July 23. ~ein hardt is Ass0 0iate Professor of Metallurgy at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge , Mass. He has just finished the publication of a new book entitled "Metallurgical Engineering", the book being published by the Addison-Wesley Press . His home address is 21 Prince Ave. , Winchester, Mass. 1934 Ellsworth W. Fort is consultant with the Gordon Atwater Consulting Geologist with the Gulf Coast Province , 1034 Whitney Bank Bldg. , New Orleans, Ia. 1935 W. J. Campbell is Assistant General Manager, Traser-Brace, Terminal Constructors, 280 Broadway , New York 7, N. Y. 1936 Elmer Kirchoff is employed with Auto Specialties Mfg. Co ., 643
Graves Street, St. Joseph, Mich. Elmer is living at 2015 Morton Avenue, St. Joseph, Michigan. Willard A. Baker's address is P. O. Box 58, 1214 Carroll ])rive, Lawton, Okla . He is Assistant Area Mana'ger, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Box 58, Lawton, Okla. Morris H. Grober is with G. C. Hettage and Company, Arcade Bldg. St. Louis 1, Mo. His home address is 1298 Hamilton, St. Louis 12, Mo. 1937 Marshall W. Taylor, II, was on the campus June 18. Marshall is self employ ed in San Antonio, Texas, and is now staying at St. James, Mo. P . E. Silver, Jr., was a campus visitor on June 18. He is a Service Engineer with Baroid Sale Division of National Lead, and gives his mailing address as P . O. Box 286 , Robstown, Texas. Buran W . Brown is a Geophysicist with Western Geophysical Co ., 523 West Sixth Street, Los Angeles 14, Calif. He gives his mailing address as P. O. Box 246, Stratford, Calif. John P . Balke 's address is 1505 Sheley Road, Independence, Mo . John is Field Sales Engineer for Elliott Company, 438 Lathrop Bldg., Kansas City 6, Mo. Frank C . Appleyard writes, "I've b.e en attached once more to the Chicago Office of U. S. Gypsum Company, transferred from the job of Works Manager at their Hillsborough, New Brunswick, Canada Plant to that of Manager of Mines, where I'll now have charge of all the company's mining operations. " Frank's mailing address is Box 293 , Glenview, Ill. 1938 Robert P. Alger writes that his new business address is 2720 Leeland Avenue, c/ o Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. , Houston , Texas. He writes that May 15th h e moved from Magnolia to headquarters to be assistant to the Chief Field Development Engineer. Bob is living at 2501 Dickey Place, Houston 19, Texas. Shion-Chuan Sun, Department of Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State College , Pennsylvania. He is living at 214 East Waring Avenue , State College , Pa . 1939 Phil Blazovic, Jr. , is General
Ma n a ger , Carbol a C he m ical Co ., Nat ur al B r id ge, N. Y. H e w ill I' ce iv e m a il add r ssed to B ox 277 , Nat u ra l Bridge, N. Y . Fre d N . T a yl or, w h o is e m pl oye d w ith She ll P i p L in e Co r p ., P . O . Box 2648 , Hou s to n 1, T exa s, is li v in g at 4716 W ed ge wood , B e lla ire, T e xa . H e r bert F . Cr ce li us g iv hi n e w ad d r ess a s Lt. Col. H . F . Creceli us, P . O . B ox 35, Ed ge wood , Md . 1940 Edw in H . BOl'g m a n, w h o is livin g a t 26 S eaton R oad, R t. 1, B a rtl esv ill , Okla ., is wo rkin g fo r Ph ill ip s P e tr ol e um C o ., B a rtl esv ille, O k la . Ch a rl es E. H a ll i w ith t h e B ur ea u of R ecl a matio n , D & C , D a m s, D e nv er F e d e r al C e n ter , C olo . Ch a r les is li v in g al 905 Ze nob ia S t. , D e n ve r 4, Colo . L y nn J . Ri g e g ives hi s h o m a dd r es as 1712 E . 86th Pl ac e, Chi cago 17, Ill. L y nn is wo rk in g for U . S . G yps um C o mp a n y , 300 W . Ad a m s St. , Chicago, Ill . 1941 Arm i n W . Fi c k is li v i n g a l 1540 W . Gra nl Slree t , D ow ner Grove , Ill . R. R. Broo k s hi re is wi t h t h e A lom ic En e r g y C o mmiss io n , O a k R id ge Co nstruc ti o n Area , ak Rid ge, T e nn . Ri c hard C . R h od es is a Lt. Col. w i t h l h e D pt. of A rmy , Far Ea l Co m ma n d . His le mpo r a r y a ddr ess is 315 N . Me r a m ec , C l a y to n 5, M i so u r i. Rob r l L . T o p pe r is w it h Tra nsco ntin e n ta l G a s Pipe L i n e Co r pora t. , H o u s ton 6, tio n , 31 00 Trav is T e xas. H e is l iv in g at 4904 H olt St. , Bella ire , T x . Fra nk K . K y le is a la w t u d e nt at Ka n sa Ci ly U ni ve r ily , Ka n sas i ly Mo . Hi m a il i ng a ddr ess is 2 10 Ea s t 66lh t ., Kan sa Ci ly, Mo . 1942 C h a r I s H . J acob y w a camp u Jul y 3. H is a pr g in l' w ilh th e Burea u Ba le v ille , Ar k . Ch a ri i li v in g a t 1009 Bo w ell St. , B a te v ille , Ark . Wi lli a m E. Hill , Jr . i up e r in£ R u e ll B a r d all a n d l nd nl W ard B olt and N ut Compa n y , R oc k i Di xo n Fa ll , Ill. H is ho m a ddr Roa d , R oc k F all , Ill . E a r l R u lh g iv e hi s bu in e add r e a s c / o B l ac k w a ll and Bryo n . In c ., 30 R c k e rfe ll r Pl a za , N w York , N. Y . W illi a m R. lr ic k e l is a h e mi cal En g in e r wilh J o hn on a nd J o h n-
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son , Chi ca go , Ill . H e is livi n g at 364 7 W . 108t h P l ac e , C hi ca g o 43, Ill . 1943 J am e C . J o hn s on , w h os r eside n tia l addr e i 8522 C ircle D r ive, oriol k , Virg i ni a, i e mp loye d with Mon a n lo C h e m ical Compan y , 6429 Co lla ge T oll Road, Nor fo l k , V a. E d P . V oll herb t is w it h W e ti n ghou se E I ctri c In l' l Compan y , 40 Wa ll tr -e t , N e w Y ork , N. Y . E d is li vi ng at 160 Pa ssaic Av ., ha l h am , N. J. 1944 J a m es R ic h a r d M ille r h a s 1'ce n tl y r e ce i ved h is d egr ee of D octor f Philosoph y in C h e m is t r y f r o m Wa s hing lo n U ni v e r sity i n S t. L o u i . Hi s m a il in g add r ess is 4319 D e lor S tr eet, St. L o ui s, M o . H a rol d B lock i wit h lh e Pa tent Office in W a s hin g lon , D . C . H i livin g a t 5402 Co nn e cticut Ave nu e , Wa s hin g to n 15, D . C. L eon E r i v wr ite t hat he is work i ng for 1. S tern and Co ., a pr ecio u m e ta ls co n cern , prod u c in g m a ny allo ys f or lh e j e w e l r y , d e nla l and l e clri cal co n tacl i n d us tri es, of Mt. Vern o n , N e w Y ork . H is m a ilin g a d cl r e s is 307 E . P r ospect, Mt. V e rn on . 1946 Art hur M ee ne n wri te t hal h is n w addr ess is 590 8 L iv in gs ton Dr ., l. L oui , Mo. 1947 Willi H . Harville c a n b l' a c h . Spe nc e r , Ind ia napoli s, e d a t 1801 I nd . ta nl y T . Du e k e r w ri les lh at h is mo l r e ce n l a ddr s i 9507 R a d io Drive , Affton, M . H nry W . Holli da y i wi l h lh Di lr icl En g in e r A l as ka Di l ri ct, APO 942 c / o P .M ., a W e. W a hing'lo n . H i la lion ed a l Fl. R ic ha r d so n , n c ho r age . A l a k a . 1948 o r r ct a d J a m es A . L a mbe ' cl r es i B o x 833, S el by , Cal i£orn ·a . R ic h a r d H. W a lk e r w as a ca mpu s v is ilo r o n J un 20. Di ck i in St. Lo ui s, M i ur i w ilh Em r son Flec lri c C o mpan y . a an A si la nt PI' j ec t En g in r in th e Pro du c ti o n 01 a u lo m a ti c f ir c ntr ol sy le m fo r B -47 j t b mbe r . Ro ge l' Ern t No wli n r c ivecl t h M a le r of i n ce cl eg r e fr o m th e U ni ve r ity 01 K an sa s in c to b Cl' 1951 a cco r din g lo an a nno un c -
m e nt r eceive d from th e Un iver s ity . " A n Expe r iR oger 's th esis wa m n ta l S t ud y of t h e Effects of Va ri o u s Surfa ce Treatments o n the H ardn ess a nd Corr os ion R esistance of H a r d S a li n a Ch r o m ium P lat ." W . W . Bi hop , w h o is l iv ing at 925 B I u e bonn e t Court, Kirk wood 22, Mo . ,is e mp loy ed with G e n e ra l El ec tri c C o mp a n y , St. L o ui s, Mo . Fra nk A . B e y e r , Jr . is e m ploy e d with H a liburton Oi l W ell and C e m e ntin g Compan y. F r a n k gives hi s r e s id nti a l a dd r ess as 430 N . 19th , Dun ca n , Okla. J ac k S . B a l mat is li v in g a t 13 22 or t h U ls t r St. , A lle ntown , P a., a nd is w o r kin g in th M a in Laboralor y a " B e thl e h e m Steel Compa n y , Bet h le h e m , P a . P. K. H a rn s, J r. , I S w o rk in g fo r Mi s uri Ulilitie Compa n y, 205 Po pl a r St. , P o pla r B l uff , Mo . J o hn H . Co x was a campus vi s itor o n Jun e 23. John ha b n tr a n sfe n ' e d fr o m t h e W o r k s Con tro l Lab 10 t h Tu b Div is ion i n Supe rvi s ion a t t he B a b coc k & W ilcox , B a r b e r Lo n . O hi o. H is hom address is 323 E . B a ird Ave nu . B a rb e r ton , O h io . Co m e r C . H a ley was o n th e ca m p us J ul y 3. Com e r is w ith W estin gho u se a t Sh a r o n , Pa ., a n d g iv es ill s ad d r es as R. D . N o . 7, M e r ce r , Pa . V e rn o n R. F esle r is a n E lectr ica l Eng in - 1' w ith th e C ivi l S e r v ice a n d gi ves h is r es id e nti a l a dd r e s a s 1064 Ea t 4t h S t., Lo n g Bac h 2, Cali f . E dwa rd L . Burndi ge's b u s in ess addres is Kn olls Atomi c Powe r Lab . G e n e r a l E le ctr ic Com p an y, c h e n c ta dy, N . Y . H e is livin g at 75 W as hin gto n St. , Sarato ga prin gs, . Y. F re d e r ic k S c h r e n e k g iv s hi s ad d r ess a s G e n e ra l D e l ive r y , Ar a mc o, Dh a hr a n , S a udi Ara b ia . J . C . Vo g t is Di tr ibu li on E n g inee r with L a cl ed e G as Co m p a n y . S t. L o ui s, Mo ., a nd is l ivin g a t 39 50 Fo r e t P ar k Blvd. , St. L o u is 8, M o . 1949 W ill iam G. Cole m a n g ives h is ad el l' s as 952 1 S a n Lui , So u th 'ga le , Ca li f. C a rl J o D anze r is a Ll. in th e Ai l' F o r e a nd is in j et tra in i ng a l e lli s A i r F o r ce B ase a l L as V gas , e va d a. H i h om add r ess is 6027 Eitma n , St. L o ui s, Mi sso uri. Olto L oe b V a n M a r ss n h as I' c n ll y wr itt n t hat h is n w a ddr ss i M n e Gra nd e O il Co mp a n y , Ap a r lado 45, B a r c lo n a , V n ez . W illi a m J . Y o un g has b e n e m ploy d w ith E bas co In c ., of N w
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York, N. Y. since January, 1952, employed at the construction site of the Stearn Electric Station in Joppa, Ill. His address is RFD, Reevesville, Ill. Charles A. Peek of Stanolind Oil and Gas Company has returned from military leave of absence and is located in that company's division office at Ft. Worth, Tex. as an intermediate geologist. Charles will receive mail addressed to P. O. Box 1410, Ft. Worth 1, T exas. Robert C. Ellis gives his address as Cpl. Robert C. Ellis US 55116695, 539th KT .I.T., APO 358, c/ o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Stanley B. Brady is with the U. S. Geological Survey, P. O. Box 133, Rolla, Mo. His mailing address here in Rolla is P . O. Box 508, Rolla , Mo. Stan is living at 1615 Spencer Street, Rolla , Mo. Alexander A. Zwierzchowski gives his address as 246 Pequonnock St., Bridgeport, Conn. His business address is University of Bridgeport, c/o Engineering Dept., Bridgeport, Conn. Joseph K Wright gives his mailing address as 2327 Schubert St., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He is in the Plant Planning Dept., The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , 1144 East Market St., Akron, Ohio. Amos Norman gives his new address as 4235 W . 90th Place, Oak Lawn 9, Ill. John D . Maguire is living at 404 Cherry Cts., Carbondale, Ill. Charles R. Knopp ,gives his address as Reynolds Mining Corp., Miragoane, Haiti. Charles writes, "My work in Haiti is as an engineer in the development of a bauxite mining operation for the Reynolds Mining Corporation." Alan A. Becker is with the Bridge Bureau , Missouri State Highway Department, Jefferson City, Mo. Alan is living at North Ten Mile Drive in Jefferson City. 1950 Elmer W . Friske writes, "I am employed by the Guy F. Atkinson Construction and Engineering Company of South San Francisco , Calif. At present my position is Chief Field Engineer on the multimillion dollar Pine Flat Dam being built on the King's River about 30 miles east of Fresno , Calif. My residence is at 1430 DeWitt, Sanger, Calif." Art Franks was a campus visitor on June 18. Art's home address is 208 Bennett St., B elvidere, Ill.
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Robert Betz is a Corporal with the truck battalion located in Korea. He has been out of the country since last October. His home address is 423 North Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, Illinois. Seymour Megeff writes, " I have been employed for over 11/2 years by the W. A. Sheaffer Pen Company in Ft. Madison as a metallurgist in the testing l ab." His mailing address is 1334 Avenue "F", Ft. Madison, I owa. Joseph J. Milich will receive mail at Morris Road, Rt. 58, Schenectady , New York . Kenneth Quinton Lee is employed by the McDonnell Aircraft Corp. in St. Louis, Mo. According to an article appearing in the Globe Democrat, Kenneth was the 10,000th worker to be employed by the McDonnell organization. His home address is 7002 Arthur Ave. , St. Louis, Mo. Willie Y . Chen is in the U. S. army, his address being Battery 'D , 459th AAA AW BN (SMbl), Ft. Cronkhite, Calif. John A. Walker, Jr., received his Master of Science degree in Met. Engr. from the University of Kansas in October 1951 according to an announcement received from the University. John's thesis was "A Study of the Present Status of Metallurgical Slag Viscosity Measurements." Bryan G . See writes that he has recently been moved and gives his new mailing address as -c / o MerrittChapman & Scott Corp., Room 2835-A , 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N. Y . Amos K Barnes writes that he is serving in the army assigned in the Guided Missile D evelopment Group of Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville , Alabama. His address is Cpl. Amos E. Barnes US 55058918, 9330th TSUORD, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville. Karl H. Del Porte is on active duty in the Army at Ft. Belvoir, Va., and gives his address as Sgt. Karl H. DelPorte US 55058633, Hq. Co., 1st Sch. Bn., TECR, Ft. Belvoir, Va . Richard K Davis writes, " My employer is the Girdler Corp., Chemical Engrs . and Constructors, Louisville, Ky. I am classified as
an Operating Field Engineer working out of Louisville, Ky. At the present time my home address is in the Girdler Corp., 227 E. Broadway , Louisville, Ky., although I am now working for a few months in Houston, Tex ." John R. Barcroft's address is 3225 K . 34th Street, Sandia Base, ALbuquerqu e, New Mexico. Clinton L . Beard is emploed with Globe-Union Inc ., 900 E. Keefe Avenue, Milwaukee , Wisc. He is living at 2562 N. Palmer St., Milwaukee, Wisc. G en e Warren gives his employment as Construction Engineering with Gulf Oil Corporation. His home address is Box 387, Daisetta, Texas. B er y l B. Corrie, who is living at 2225 Chester Lane, Bakersfield, Calif., is employed as Field Engin eer for the Ohio Oil Company, B a k ersfiel d , Calif. James Alson Brown will receive mail addressed to R. R. No.1, Box 25 , East Carondelet, Ill. James is employ ed with Jos. T. Ryerson & Son Inc. , P. O. Box 527, St. Louis 3, Mo. Charles S. Vaccaro , who is with Stanolind Oil and Gas Company , Wink, T exas, gives his mailing address a s Box 43 , Wink, Texas . Norman A . Vaniman is a Pfc., U. S. Army, 9771 TSU DPG , Tooele , Utah . Arvid W. Gorline is a Chemical Engineer with K F. Drew & Co. , Inc., Power Chemicals Division. He gives his home address as 1225 St. Joan Drive, Florissant, Mo. Robert J. Merkle gives his address as 4723A Anderson Avenue , St. Louis, Mo. Pfc. Douglas F. Middle ton writes that h e expects to be released from the Arm y in November. His present address is Pfc. Douglas F . Middleton U . S . 55027826, ERDL Hq. Bn. , 9829th TSU CE TECR, Ft. Belvoir, Va. Edwin H. Barsachs reports that his most recent address is c/ o the Atlantic Refining Company , P . O. Box 871 , Midland, Texas. Mike Vujnovich, Box 1374, Trona, Ca lif. , writes that he is with the America n iPotash and Ch~mical Corpora tion in Trona and has b een with them a s a production engineer since J a nuary 1951. G erald C . Shelton writes, " I graduate d from U. S. Air Force OCS in September , 1951, and am station at Sandia Base , A lb uqu erqu e, New
Mexico." His present address is 1810 Ross Place, A lbuquerque, New Mexico. Bill Speece was released from the Marine Corps on March 24, 1952, a nd since that time has been making his home at 4641 Baldwin, Lincoln, Nebraska. George W. Mabie is a Lt. , 3721st Tng . Sq. , Lackland AFB, San Antonio, T exas. Pete Koppel is living at 379 Walnut, Meadville, Pa. Richard C. Graffagna writes, "I was recently dischal'ged from the U. S . Navy and am now employed as a sales engineer by the BacherGreen Company , Aurora , Ill. " RiChard's mailing address is 516 N. Crystal Avenue, Elgin, Ill . J. Richard H u nt's address is c/o Empire Geophysical, Inc ., Seymour , T exas . Raymond L. Sanders of Stanolin d Oil and Gas Company has been transferred to the company's general office at Tulsa, Okl ahoma, as a geophysicist. His address is P. O . Box 59 1, Tulsa , Okla. Carl E. Wojan , who is living at 600 Badger Avenue, Antigo, Wisconsin, is in the Div. Engr's Office , Chicago and North W estern Railway, Antigo , Wisconsin . Joseph W. Miller is in Industrial Hygiene Engin eerin g, St. Louis County Health Department, Clayton, Mo . Joe is living at 23 1 Midway, Kirkwood 22, Mo. David C. Grimm r ecen tly received his Ma st er of Business Administration degree from St. Louis University , St. Louis, Mo. His home address is 3984 Dover P l ace, St. Louis 16, Mo. Merritt L angston was on the campus recently. H e is now a Master Sgt. in the Army a nd exp ects to be sent overseas soon. His home address is 1105 N . Madison , Peoria, Ill. , a nd mail sent to that a ddr ess will be forwarded to him. 1951 M . Edward Callahan has recen tly been discharge d from the army and is presently employed by the N e lson Electric Mfc. Company , 217 N . Detroit, Tulsa, Okla. Edward is living a t 1618 South Newport, Tulsa , Okl a. Wayne Francis Huff's new a ddress is 329 N. Carm elo, Pasadena 8, California. Benjamin C. Speak, who is employed with Minneapolis-Honeywell Reg. Co ., 4354 Olive , St. Louis ,
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Mo., gives his residential address as 4634 Lindell , St. Louis 8, Misso uri. D avid K. Anderson can b e r eache d at 421 Diana P l ace, Fullerton, Californ ia . D onald J. Dowling , Jr. , is in the army and his address is Pvt. D ona ld J ohn Dowling , Jr., U. S . 55160337, 9710th T .S.U. Cml. C. D et. No.1 , Army Chemical Center, Maryland. Dan L . Miller a n d wife visited the campus May 23. Dan is employ ed by Stanolind Oil and Gas Company and has an office in Corpus Christi, Texas. In S eptember he w ill take a l eave of absence from the company to accept a Stanolind Fellowship at the University of T e xas where h e w ill work toward a Ph.D. in Geology. William E. Braken siek writes that his address is Lt. William E . Brakensiek, 01861725, 704th En gineer Dump Truck Company , APO No. 59, c/o Postmaster San Francisco , Calif. Hulon D. McDaniel is in the army. He is now stationed at Ft. Belvoir , Va., and is with the 8th Training Compa ny 2nd Tra inin g Battalion , ERTC, (Engineers Rep lacemen t Training Center ). J ohn Gardner was on the campus July 7. John giv es his address as Box 185 Miami, Arizona , where h e is employed with Miami Copper Co. Harry G. Watson gives his new mailing address as 1907 lOth St. , Lubbock, T e xas. William R. Griffin has r esigned from Gladding McBean Company , an d has accepted a position with the Solar M:ÂŁg . Co. in Los Angeles , Cal if. in the C eramic Division. H e is living at 2836 N. V e rdugo Rd ., G lenda le, Calif. Franklin D. Kalk, who is em ploy ed with T ennessee Coa l & Iron Div ision, U. S. S ., F a irfield , Alabama, gives his ma iling a ddr ess as 502 Bruer Drive, Broadmoor , B essem e r , A la. William A. Givens is attending Officers Ca ndidate School, Corps of Engineers, and gives his address as o/C W,illiam A. Givens, U. S . 55203490, Class No. 26, Co. A , TEOCS , Fort B elvoir, Va. L eroy E. Ross writes, " I was r ecalled to active duty with the
Air Force last July. I spent the entire first year at Elgin AFB , Florida as a T est Officer of Photogrammetric and Car tog rap h i c Equipment. On July 7th I enter the gradu ate school of Boston Univ. to work toward a Masters degree , still an Air Force Officer. For the n ext 2 years m y address will b e: 1st Lt. L eroy E. Ross, Jr ., Optical Research L a b., Boston University, Boston, Mass." Merlin D . Kleinkopf is with Atl a ntic Refining Co. , Freer, T exas. Philip E . Hustad gives his address as 508 Lo is Ave. , Bessemer, Ala. Wilbert Theerman is doing structura l design work for the Arthur G. McKee Engineerin g and Con tractors, 2803 West 40th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Wilbert's r esidential add r ess is 1812 S. Cheyenne , Tul sa , Okl a. 1952 Richard C. Coope r gives his most re cent address 8'5 619 Hampton . Pittsburgh 21 , P en ns ylvania. Charles A . Beckman is with the U. S. Navy , USS Ruchamkin (APD89), 40 F. P. O. New York . His home address is 9 West May Street. Bay Shore, New York. Mr. Beckman expects to b e re leased from the Navy in September. Willard E. Cox 's address is L t . Willard E. Cox , 0-2208378, Co . B. Engr. Const. Bn. , APO 677 , New York. He is with the Army Corps of Engineers stationed at Goose Bay Labrador. His h ome address is 420 8 N . Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. K. A. B redeson is assistant p lan s designer in Division 8, Missouri State Highway D epartment, J efferson City , Mo. K. M. Saminmi has joine d t h e Bridge Bureau personnel of the Missouri State Hi¡ghway D epartm e nt, Jefferson City , Mo ., as a deta ile r Fred Kl ein , who gives his business a ddr ess as Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahoma, will receive mail addressed to hi s home at 4846 Mil e ntz Avenue , St. Louis, Mo. Marvin W. Stead m an is l iving at 112 R a disson Road , M arquette Heights, P e kin , Ill. H e is now employe9 by Caterpillar Tractor Company Tractor Company of Peoria, Illinois in their Eng in eer Training D ept . and upon compl etion of this training will be assigned to the Sales Division.