MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO . VOLUME 26
HOMECOMING --- November 7 and S
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1952 MSM Homecoming November 7 and 8 Return to Rolla and visit again with your classmates and friends .
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November 7
6:30 p.m .... .............. Dutch Treat Dinner, Pine Room , Greyhound Bus Depot.
. November 8
9:00 a .m .................. Registration , Parker HalL 11:00 ........................... Homecoming Convocation , Auditorium, Parker Hall Address of Welcome - Dean Curtis L . Wilson. Convocation Address - F . S. Elfred, Jr. , '17, Exec utive VicePresident, Olin Industries, Inc ., Alton, Illinois . 12 :30 p.m .. ................ St. Louis Section Open House, Hotel Edwin Long. 12:45 ...........................Twenty-fifth Reunion Luncheon of Class of '27 - Pine Room , Greyhound Bus Station , Elm Street and Highway 66 . $1.50 p e r plate . 2:30 .. 7:00 .. ..
.. Football , Miners vs . Kirksville State Coll('ge . ... Fellows hip Time-College Inn, Hotel Edwin Long , No charge for refreshme nts . 8th and Pin e Street. Open to all alumni and guests -
7 :30 ...... ... .. .............. .. Annual Homecoming Dinner-College Inn, H otel Edwin Long. Brief Program ending 9:00 p .m . $2.5 0 p er plate. (Please buy tickets at r egistration or as earl y as possible). 9:00 ....
...... .. Hom ecoming Dance , J ackling G ym.
9:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . - Open House for Alumni a nd Guests - Pine Room . G r eyhound Bus Station , El m Street & Hw y. 66. No cove r c h ar-ge - no charge for , pt - ups - Brin g yo ur own "M ixin s" .
10:00 ..... ................... ...Board of Directors Meeting in Rolla.
Remember the dates, November 7 and 8. All Alumni of MSM are invited. R. Z. William s, '3 1, Cha irman - Alumni Committee . L eo n H e r shkowitz , '41 , Chairman - F ac ulty Committee.
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Arrangements for F ellowship Tim e, Dinn e r entertainment, and Saturday night Ope n House mad e possible by financial assistance to committee from Rolla Chamber of Commerce and Rolla Alumni.
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No-Host Dinner and Annual Banquet Are
Class of 1927 to Have
Planned for Homecoming November 7 - S
Twenty-Fifth Reunion
Final plans for the Homecoming were formulated at a meeting held October 1, 1952 in the office of Homecoming Convocation Daniel Kennedy, '26, with R. Z . Williams, '3 1, of the Alumni Com- Address Will Be Given by mittee presiding, and with Dan Kennedy, J. Emmett Mitchell, ex F. S. Elfred, Class of '17 '23, and Leon Hershkowitz, '41, F. S. Elfred, '17, executive vice present. Leon is Chairman of the Faculty Homecoming Committee. president of Olin Industries at Plans were made for the send- Alton, Illinois, is to deliver the ing of invitations to the 5 year Homecoming convocation address class reunions to be held at the in the auditorium of Parker Hall Homecoming on November 8. The class of '27 at the direction of A. E. Barnard, '27, is calling its 25th year reunion on that date . The class of '32, under the sponsorship of Homer Thompson, '32, is calling its 20th year anniversary reunion. Other classes are making plans for reunions . The no host dinner party is to be held on Friday evening, November 7, to be conducted in the usual fashion with those attending paying their own expenses. It is to be held in the Pine Room of the Greyhound Bus Station begining at 6:30 p.m . Leon Hershkowitz is arranging with the manage ment for two menus and a pricR schedule. The annual Homecoming dinner is scheduled for the EdJwin Long Hotel for Saturday, November 8. A fellowship period will precede F . S . ELFRED t he dinner and be held from 7:00 to 7:30 p. m. closing promptly at '1:30 . The dinner will follow im- at 11:00 o'clock on November 8. mediately and will be served in The subject of Stillie's address will the conventional banquet sty I e be announced at a l ater date. Stillie has been with the Olin Inwith place cards for the head table. R. Z . Williams will serve as dustries for many years and was M. C . After the dessert a few formerly general manager of the brief introductions of Alumni of- explosives division. He is a memHcer s w ill be made with no speak- ber of the Board of Directors of ing by those introduced . Dean the .olin Industries, of the EquitCurtis L . Wilson will give a brief able Powder Manufa.c turing Company and its affiliates, the Columword of welcome to the Alumni. bia Powder Company,and is also The dinner will conclude with a I5-minute humorous skit by the on the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Powder Company. In teriraternity Council. Stillie received his degree in The Rolla Chamber of Comme rce and Rolla Alumni have Metallurgical Engineering in 1917, made $ 160 .00 available to the and a degree of Metallurgical EnHomecoming Committee for use as gineer in 1920 . He is a member of that committee sees fit. It is the Kappa Alpha social fraternity . through this fund that much of the program is pos·sible. Tickets O!' as early in the day as possible for the banquet will sell at $2.50 in order to permit proper seating eac h , and alumni are requested to arrangements. On November 8 buy their tickets at registration from 9 :30 p . m. to 12:30 a. m ., th~
Through the initiative of A. E. Barnard, Chief Engineer, Weil Kalter Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Missouri, a ·c all has gone forth for the class of '27 to meet at Homecoming for their 25th Anniversary reunion. Al has arranged through Professor H. R. Hanley, Secretary of the Association, to secure a pla·c e for the noonday luncheon of the class to be heIdi at noon on November 8. Al ·promises that the luncheon will be over in ample time for the f ootball game in the afternoon and also in time to pay a brief visit to the cocktail party which the St. Louis Section is throwing at Hot€l Edwin Long during the noon hour on November 8. All members of the class are cordially invited to attend the luncheon and are urged to · be present.
Twenty-Year Graduates Will Meet for Luncheon The dass of '32 is holding its 20th year reunion at Homecoming on November 7 & 8. Homer Thompson of the Drawing Departmentof Missouri School of Min€s, is sending invitations to all members of the class. All members attending, however, should notify Homer ·a s soon as possible in order tha t he may make proper arrangements for th€ luncheon. Arrangements have been made for the noonday luncheon to be held in the Pine Room of the Greyhound Bus Station on November 8. Already Homer has heard from George Leisher , 4491a Tholozan Ave., St. L ouis, Missouri, promising to b e there and to have a big t ime . Homer expresses the hope that all members of the class will be there,and asks the coaperation of all in spreading the word of th e meeting. Committee has secured the Pin e Room of the Greyhound Bus Station for an ·o pen house for Alumni and their guests. This will provide a meeting place for those who want to visit and reminisce rather than attend the Hom ecoming Ball. Rolla Alumni a nd their wives will b e present at the Pine (Continued on Page 7)
More Freshmen Now Enrolled at School En ro llm ent a t the end of th e third w eek of the a ca d emic y ear 19 52 -5 3 stood at 1096 compa r ed with 1204 at the sa m e time las t The figur es include 282 y ear. f r'eshma n, 203 sophomores, 229 juniors, 319 seniors, 50 graduate stu den ts and 17 unclassified , Ther e a r e 13 women enrolle d , Most en couraging about the enr ollment fi gures is an over a ll increase of approx ima t ely 25 % in the f r eshm a n enrollm ent and from th e sta te ,o f Missouri alone , th e fre sh m a n incr ease is approximatel y 50 % over last y ear, Forty of th e n ew stu clJents a r e Kor ean V e terans enrolle d und er the n ew G,!. Bill , Public L aw 550 .
Additional Scholarships To Be Awarded This Year Th e Lucy Wortha m J a m es Schola r ship Committee will have two a dditi on al schol ar ships to award thi s y e ar as the r esult of contribution s m a d e by two of th e recipients of the award in r e cent yea rs, AI. Dick , ' 44 , has return ed to D ea n Curtis L . Wilson the $200,00 a w a rd ed t o him in 1941 , and R eo Goodwin, ' 47, h as r e turned the $200,00 sch ol arship h e r eceived in 1941. Un der t h e terms of th e gr a nt , th e sch ol ar ship is aw ard ed outri g ht with no obliga tion to r e turn th e fun ds , bu t Al Dick r e turne d th e am o un t a nd expressed the h ope t ha t t h e committee w ould a w ard it to som e on e this fall where it wo uld be of equ a l h elp t o t h e r ecipient that it w as to him w he n h e r eceived th e aw ard in 194 1. Reo Goodwin a lso expr essed s imila r sentiments in hi s r e turn of: th e a w ard , Al is with th e R ep a ir Divi sion, Ma r tin-P arr y Corp " Hun Lin g to n, W es t Virginia, a nd Reo is with th e S ea b oard Oil Com pany, M idl a nd , T exas. Th e r e turn of th ese two schola r s hi ps w ill m ak e fiv e schola rs hi ps a V:li la bl e und er th e Lucy Wo rth a m J a m es S chol ar ship Fun d Ihi s y'a l' , a s Ra lph H ayes of the J ames Fo un da ti o n h as sent t o D ea n Wil so n ~I chec k fo r $600 ,00 for the a w a rd of three $200,00 sch ola r s h il s d uri ng th e acade mi c y a r of 1952-53,
Head of State Education Dept. Addresses Faculty Dr , Hubert Wheeler, Commission er of Education of the State of Missouri at J eff erson City, ad dr essed th e f a culty of th e School of Min es at the monthly f a culty m eeting on October 7, Dr . Wheeler outline d the pr.incipal points of a report being prep a r ed by a l a yman commission appointed to study the school syst em s of Missouri , H e pointed to th e increased birth rate of th e sta t e that will send s,chool attend an ce a t the elem entary a nd secondary l ev el to a n all t im e hig h within the n ext f ew years . H e pointed out that present facilities in Missouri both in the form of class rooms a nd teaching staff are entirely inadequate to care for this increased enrollment. Dr. Wheele r also said that if Mi ssouri ,boys and girls continue to g o to colle ge in the future as they have in the p ast, colleg e enrollment in th e state during the la te 50 's a nd early 60's would a lso climb to an all time high and would r e quire exte nsive expansion in ed uca tional f a cilities at the college l ev el to care for this increa sed loa d.
Births My. a nd Mrs. M . H , B eav er are th e pa r ents of a ba by boy, Robert !. B eav er , who w as born on Apr.il 13, 1952, ,;,n Luling, T ex as , Rob er t and his parents are now livin g a t 308 Bluch er Stree t, in F,a liurri,a s, T ex as . My. a nd Mrs , John B. T oomey of Morton , P ennsy lvani a, an n o un ce the birth of a dall'g hter , K a thl een, on Ju ly 26 , 1952 . Th e Toom ey f amily is living a t 993 Gr ee n Briar Lan e, Morton, P ennsylva nia , Mr. and Mrs , Billy K. Winter s of St. Louis, a r e r eceiving congr a tul a tion s over the a rriv a l of th eir third child , a son , born on September 9, a t St. Joseph 's H,ospita I. H e h as b e en n amed Billy K ei th Winters, Jr, Billy, Jr . h as two sist er s, Vi cki and Jan. My. a nd Mrs , G e n e Huffman are the p a rents of a d a u ghter , Patrici a An n , who w as born on July 26, 195 2, a t Centralia, Illinois. The Hulfm an s a r e living at No, 8 R a ndolph Drive , Ce ntralia, Illinois.
Miners Win First Two MIAA Grid Clashes The Missouri Miner s p l ay e d th e Kansas State Teachers Squa d a t ~) ittsburg , Kansas, Saturday , S e ptember 20. The Miners mad e a good showing ,but l ost 7 to O. The Pittsburg team had p erhaps the -best line that the team w ill have to face this season, and it had b een rated by the experts as at least 25 poin ts b etter than the Miners. Th e Miners p laye d th eir annual gCl me with Washington University on S eptember 27, and again w ent d own to defe at at a score of 27 t o 6, Bill Ro em erman of the Miners c.arried the ball over their l on e marker following a susta ined driv e a cross the fie ld . The attempte d place kick by Fred Smith wa s wide . At the first confere nce game of th e season played against Mary ville, October 4, the Miners were on the winning end of the score 21 to 6, Bill Roemerman made tw o of the touchdowns a nd Ralph Moell er made the oth er , The Miner s' second confer e n c :: victim was Warren sburg on Oct. 10. After trailin g, 14-0 , at th e end of the first half , Coach Gal e Bull¡, m an's eleven cam e back stron g . with touchdowns scored by Jim Shil dmey er , Tom Ko e deritz and K eith Smith for a 2¡0-14 victory , Th e r emaining games of the season a s this e dition of th e Alumnu s goes to press are : O ctob er 17 Cape Girard ea u a t Ca p e Girardeau, O cto ber 25 S.pringfi eld at Roll a. N ovem ber 1 Will iam J ewell a l Liberty , Nov ember 8 Kirk svill e a t R olla (Hom ecoming ) . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11
MSM ALUMNUS i'lllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111
Iss u e d bi-monthly in the inter est of the graduates a nd f orm er stud e nts of th e School of Min es and M e ta llurgy . Subscription pri ce $1.50, includ e d in A l umni Du es, Enter e d as second-class m a tter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Roll a , Mo ., under the Act of March 3, 1879 ,
M. S. M. Mechanics Department Functions As Service Group for Entire Student Body By N. C. Costakos When M. S . M . first Qpened in 1871 , courses in "Analytical Mecha nics" and "Applied Mechanics" we re among the courses listed in the curricula . This illustrates the d ependency Qf engineering upon t he f ield 'o f Mechanics . The Mechanics Department was not a separate entity until Leon Ellis Garrett was made chairman in 1921. Before this time Mechanics was taught mainly in the Mathematics Department. Professor G a rrett was the only staff member until September 1931 , w h en R. Z. Williams joined the staff. In the next ten years the staff var.i ed from two to four m embers. Ross Carrolla and Durward F. Fisher were r eplaced by Robert Mains and Robert Morris. Mr. Carrolla received an M . S . d e gree and left the school to do construction work in various parts of t h e world. At present he is in K.ansas City. Mr. Fisher died while on the staff. The Fred Fisher loa n fund was established in his m emory by the students and his f a mily. In 1938 Professor Garrett died and R. Z . Williams was made cha irman of the department, a position he held until 1952 when h e r esigned to take over duties as Ex ecutive Vice President of the Rolla State Bank. When Dean Wi lliams resigned in 1952, Professor R. F . Davidson served ·a s department chairman until the return of N. C . Costakos in S eptember, 1952 . Professor Costakos had been away on leave of a bsence at the University of Minnesota. F r om September 1941 until June 1944 the staff c·o nsisted of three men , Professor Williams and t w o instructors, Dale Topping and N. C. Cost a kos . From June 1944 until January 1946 Professor William s was the only staff member, as Mr. Topping and Mr . Costakos left to work for Goodyear Aircraft of Akron, Ohio , Mr. R. F. D a v idson joined the staff in Janua r y 1946, while Mr. Costakos ret urn e d in June and Mr. Topping re turned in September of the same yea r . Mr. Ralph Davis joined the staff
in September 1946 . The department grew with the influx of G . 1. stude nts until there were 12 members. As the enrollment decreased after 1950, the staff also decreased until at present there are five members. Some of the members .:. ' _( _ I _ I _I)_ ( ~_(_tl_(_I)_II_II_
i Associate Professor N. C. Cos-! i takos, chairman of the Mechanics! i Department graduated from the!
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of Minnesota with a! S. in Chern. Eng. in 1939. Aft-I er doing' government research on
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1944 to work for Goodyear Air-craft Corp. of Akron, Ohio. His work in Akron was concerned' with rese~rch and .development on sandWich type aircraft struc-,ture and stress analysis on conventional and jet type aircraft, ,In June of 1946 he returned toM.S.M . where he has been except tor one year's sabbatical leave at the Univ. of Minn. for advanced work in Mathematics, Mechanics, and Chemical Engineer- ing. Besides teaching the usual undergraduate courses, he teaches courses in Applied Elasticity and Photo elasticity.
The Mechanics department is a service department for the entire student boay. Statics, DynamiCs, Mechanics of Materials, and lVlaterials Testing Laboratory are r e quired courses in all the engineering curricula. Students in Civil Engineering take an additional r e quired course in Materials of Construction. The department also offers enough advanced courses to satisfy the needs of g raduate students working towards M. S. d e grees. The advanced courses consist mainly of work in Advanc ed Mechanics of Materials, M ech a ni cal Vibration, Applied Elas tici ty , Elastic Energy Methods, P h ot oelasticity, and Advance d T est.m g
corrosion inhibitors in gas engine lUbricants, he came to M.S.M. in i
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The Mechanics department has had quarters in several buildings on the campus. For a number of years Professors Garrett and Williams had their ofLce in what is now the small con1erence room in the south end 01 Parker Hall basement. Tne classrooms used were alSO located in Parker Hall basement. These areas are now occupied by the Reglstar's otlice and the Library periodical room·. Tne laboratory was located unaer the present auditorium in Parker Hall.
I 1:141. i He received an M.S. from the i Univ. of Minn. in 1943. With the i urop in student enrollment caus- i ed by the war he leIt M.S.M. in i
In 1939 the department moved to Harris Hall. Two 0I1ices ano: several classrooms were used. The testmg laboratory was located in the liarris Hall basement. ln 19':1:7 the MeChanics department moved into what is now the new Metallurgy and Ceramic Engineering BUllding. Later the laboratory equipment was moved to the east wing of the old metallurgy building where it now remains. In 1950 the offices and personnel of the Mechanics department -a lso moved to the old Metallul'g y building where they are now located.
who took positions elsewhere are: D. W . Cox, H. H . Leutjen and S . P . Holcomb, who are all w orking for McDonnell Aircraft of St. Louis, Mr. D. W . Bre uer is an instructor in the Air For ces Institute at Wright Field at Dayton, Ohio. Mr. G. F. Hofstaedter :is with the testing bureau in Philadelphia. Mr. W. E. Speece is with the Nebraska Highway department in Lincoln, Nebraska. Dale Topping received a Ph. D. from the University of lllinois and is now working for Goodyear Aircraft. R. E. James is with the University of New Mexi-
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(Continued on N ext Page )
Mechanics Department (Contin ued From Last Page) T echniqu es . The Materia ls Testing Labora tory is probab ly the best equipp ed in Missou ri. The four univers al testing machin es are of the gear driven and hydrau lic types. These testing machin es were manufa ctured by Riehle, Tinius Olsen and the Baldwi n-Loco motive Works, t he three leading testing mailUfadure rs in the United States. The 1000-lb . a from varies size capadt y in the smalles t machin e to 60 ,000 lb . capacit y in the largest machin e. A pure compre ssion testing machin e of 300 ,000 lb . capacity was recentl y added. These machin es !give the laborat ory a group of testing devices that are highly diversi fied as to range of loading , method of loading , and type of manufa cture. In additio n to the univers al and compre ssion testing machin es, several special types of testing equipment form an integra l part of the laborat ory. These include Moore Rotatin g Beam Fatigue Testers , a Tinius Olsen 60,000 in-Ibs. ca pacity torsion machin e . Brinell , Shore and Rockw ell Hardne ss Testers , Izod and Charpy Impact Tester, Cold Bend Testers , Etc . Serves Dual Purpos e Besides equipm ent n ecessar y for measur ing the l arge forces encounte red in proof testing and in researc h , the Mechan ics Labora tory is also equipp ed to measur e the extrem ely small d eforma tions that enginee ring materia ls undergo when they are subject ed to forces . Moore, Beery, Whitte more, Riehle, and electric contact extensomete r¡s are u sed m ,a inly in proof testing. These gages r ead to two ten thousan dths of an 'i nch. Electric r esisten ce str ain gages and P e t e r s r ecordin g extenso meters reading t o about a million th of an inch are used in both proof testing ,and r esearch . Huggen berger ten so meter s r eading to about a hundre d thousan dths of an inch can be used with gage lengths varying from one half :inch to f 0 u r th inches . With auxilia ry equipm e nt the tensom eters, like the e lectric r esistan c e strain g,a ges, can be fa si e ned to almost any conceivabl e sir,uctu re. In co njuncti on with courses in p h o to elas ti city th e d e partme nt has a well equipp ed special laborator y cons isting of an eight in<;:h
polaris cope, a photog raphi,c laboratory, and equipm ent with which the intrica te photoe lastic specim ens can be made. It is the aim of the materia ls testing laborat ory to enable the enginee ring student s to become somew hat familia r with the kinds of loading machin es, strain measuring devices , techniq ues of testing, and to better unders tand the behavi or of enginee ring materia ls . Interes ted in Their Work The presen t staff of the Mechanics departm ent consist s of men who are ¡all extrem ely interes ted in their work. They are studyin g at four major univers ities for advanced degrees . While taking advanced courses , they are doing more than just studyin g a particular course . In additio n to the course content , they are observing the teachin g techniq .ues of other teacher s in order to improve their own teachin g techniques . Assista nt Profess or R. F . Davidson, came to the Mechan ics departme nt in 1946 immed iately after being r eleased from active duty with the U. S . Army. He served five years w.ith the Corps dlUring War I d o fEngi neers War II. Part of this time he was station ed at Fort Leonar d Wood and part of the time in Englan d and France . Before enterin g the army Profess or Davids on worked for six years with the Illinois Division of Highwa ys . H e gradua ted from M. S . M. in 1941 with a B . S. in Civil Engine ering. In 1949 h e receive d an M . S. in Civil Engineeri ng, also at M . S . M. At presen t he is workin g on a Ph. D . in C. E. at Iowa State Univer sity at Ames, Iowa. His researc h work is concern ed with the analysi s of short, indeter minate , statical ly curve d bents. H e special ized in advanced strengt h of materia ls, fatigue testing, and strain gage techniques . Native of This Area Assista nt Profess or Ralph Davis is the only membe r of the departme nt who is a native of this area. While in the Navy he att ended the Univer sity of Washin gton .a t Sea ttle, and the Univer sity Minnea polis Minnes ota i n of where he receive d a B . S. in Mechan icel Engin eering in 1946. After a short period with McDon n ell Aircraf t in St. Louis, he }oined the staff in Septem ber 1946. In 1~50 h ~ receive cl an M . S . in
Mechan ical Engine ering from this institut ion. At presen t he is taking gradua te work during the summe r months at the Univer sity of Minnes ota where he intends to spend a year's sabbati cal leave in the near future . His special ty is in Mechan ical Vibrati ons and Elastic Energy Method s. Assista nt Profess or Rodney A. Schaef er began teachin g at M. S . M. in 1947. He receive d a B . S . in 1947 and an M . S . in 1950 in Electrical Engine ering. During the summe r months Profess or Schaefer either takes advanc ed work in Applie d Mechan ics at the Univer sity of Michig an, or he conduc ts t ests for McDon nell Aircraf t of St. Louis . He has made an extensi ve study of the propert ies of engineering materia ls to aid him in his teachin g. He special izes in Vibrations and in the applica tion of servom echanis ms to the testing of Engine ering materia ls. John B. Heagle r has the rank of instruc tor. This is his second year with the departm ent. As is customary with instruc tors in this departme nt he is workin g for an advanc ed degree at M . S. M . He receive d a B . S. in Civil Engine ering in 1951 and will soon receive an M. S. Before enterin g M. S . M . as an underg raduate , Mr . Heagle r served for three years in the U . S . Army in Europe and :in Japan . While taking underg raduate work here, he was and still is a partner in Heagle r and Co ., consult ing enginee rs of Rolla and St. Louis . Etz-De Shurley Miss Glenda DeShu rley became the bride of Carl Etz, Jr. '50 on July 19, 1952, at the Hanley Road Baptist Church in Clayton , Mo. Richar d E. Schwab '50 of Overland P a rk, Kansas served a s best man, and J. William Zoller '42 a nd Rodney Shaeffe r '47 were ushers. While in school, the groom was ,a membe r of the Studen t Counci l and the Indepe nde.'.1ts . The couple is at home a t 950,7 Milton Ave. , Overlan d, Missou ri. Neuma nn-Buc hheit Miss Mary Jeanne Buchh eit and Nor,b ert F . Neuma nn '52 were marrie d on August 23, 1952, at St. Anthon y of Padua in St. Louis. The groom is workin g toward his master 's degree in Metallu rgical Engine ering here at M. S. M. While in school the groom was a membe r of Tau Beta Pi.
Meet MSM's Eight New Faculty Members There are eight new faculty members on the MSM teaching staff this fall. This brings the total of faculty members to 114. Three of these a re on leave of absence, as Alvin C. Steinbach, instructor in German , and Ralph E . Lee, assistant professor of mathematics, are both doing graduate study toward Doctor of Philosophy degrees, and Richard Lee Rowton, instructor in the Chemical department, is in the army. Among the new staff members is Dr. Glenn E . Brand, who received his M. S . degree from MSM in 1949. He is an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering. Dr. Brand left his position as instructor her e in 1949 to attend the University of Washington to work on his Doctor's degree. Another new member in the Chemical Engineering DeparL ment is Armand K. Lay. Armand who is an instructor in that department, receive d his B. S. degree from MSM in 1932. Robert A . Shoolbred is a new member of the Civil Department. He received his B. S . degrree from Clemson College. The only new addition in the Drawing Department was John M . Vickers. Mr. Vickers graduated from Texas A & M this year with an M. Ed. degree . James E. Thomas and Douglas L. Daley are both new instructors in the Math Department. Mr. Thomas 'h olds a B . S. degree from Missouri Valley College, and Mr. D a ley received his M . A. from the University of Michigan. In the Military Department, Major Walter F. Boski is the new Associate Professor of Military Science and Tadics, while Lt. Clarence C . Gerrard is an instructor in Military Science and Tactics.
Homecoming ( Continued From Page 3) Room to act as hosts. The Alumni Committee is deeply appreciative for the help from t he Rolla Chamber of Commerce an d Rolla Alumni in making funds available to help with the entertainment of the visiting Alumni. Several new factors of the Homecoming celebration have bee n made possible b~ this fine help.
John M. Schuman, '17, Dies, Prominent Grad J¡ohn Morris Schuman, ' 16, died at Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, September 29, 1952, following a lingering illness. He h a d been in ill health for several years. He was 58 years old. He had been active in business in Rolla for many years, operating first the Schuman Lum-
ber Company and the Schuman's Dry Goods Store. In later years h e built and operated the Busy B ee Laundry in Rolla . While at school, he played on the football t e am . H e is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alma Schuman of Rolla; a son and daughter; his brother, Edwin "Toots" Schuman, ' 20, and a sister , Ethel Needles, wife of Enoch R. Needles, '41, of Summit, N. J. John .a lways followed with keen interest the progress of his Alma Mater, and at Homecoming and other public occasion the home of John and Alma was always a happy rendezvous for older returning alumni. John had spent his entire life in Rolla and was buried in the Rolla Ce metery . Have you attended your local
The St. Louis Section of the Alumni Association met for a luncheon meeting on August 27 and elected new officers for the 1952-53 term. The officers elected are as follows. W. J . Bennetsen, '41,-Chairman; Carl Cotterill, '40,-First Vice -Chairman; J. C . Radcliffe, '3 8, - Second Vice-Chairman ; Warren Helberg, '44,-Secretary; Jim McGrath , '47,-Treasurer. Wayne Bennetsen succeeds Paul Dowling, ' 40, as Chairman. Wayne is employed with Emerson Electric Mfg. Company in St. Louis, and has been with that company for several years. Wayne was a member of the football team when he was attending MSM, and was a member of R ad io Club, Engineers Club, AlEE, T au Beta Pi, 'Phi Kappa Phi, Miner Eoard , " M" Club, and received Flirst Honors at gradlUation. Wayne's address is R. R. 6, Box 1881E, Sappington, Missouri. Carl Cotterill, who is replacing J. P. Soult, '39, as First Vi¡ce-Chairman, is associated with the American Zinc and Smelting Company as Pland and Process Investigator. Carl received his M. S . degree in Eusiness Administration at Washington University in 1948. He was a member of the Rollarno Board, Alpha Chi Sigma, Student Council, Engineers Club, Miner Board, SAME, Detonaters, and AIChE while at MSM. Carl's address is 2583 West Point Drive , Maplewood 17, Mo. John C. Radcliffe is Second Vice-Chairman replacing W. A. Baumstark , '40 . John -is living at 1031 South Big B end, St. Louis, IVlisso uri. During the time that h e was at MSM, John was a member of ASME , Triangle , Miner Staff, Rollamo Board, Blue K ey, and received 2nd Honors at graduation. Warren Helberg . is Secretary taking the place vacated by E . H. Cook, '27. Warren is with Em erson Electric Company, 8100 West Florissant Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri. Warren was S ecr e tar y of the Senior Class , Vice Presid ent of the Junior Class while h e was in school, and w a s a member of Phi Kappa Phi , T ech Club, Stu dent Council , Ind ependents, T s u Beta Ri, and Blu e K ey. .Tames B. McGra th is now se rv ing as Treas ur e r s u cceeding (Continued on Next Po~t: )
Interesting Story of Old Time Professor Recalled Clifford H. Nowlin, f.or many years connected with the Public School system :i n Kansas City, in an a rticle appearing in the Kansas City Star under date of August 31, 1952 related an interesting experience with Professor George R. Dean, who will be rem embered by many of the older Alumni as head of the Mathamatics Department here for many years. Mr. Nowlin, in writing about Central High Scho.ol in Kansas City said as a part of his article: "An ·o utstanding tea'cher 0 f mathematics was George R. Dean. His selection as teacher at Centr,al was a bit unusual. John T . Buchanan, principal, told me this story about it. One day in the late summer of 1894 a stranger entered the principal's office, where Mr. Buchanan and Richard Minkwitz, teacher ,0 f Greek and Latin, chanced to be talking. The stranger was a slender man, p1ainly dressed and 'Of retiring manner. " My name is Dean," said he , "and I thought you might be needing another teacher, so came to apply." "What can you teach?" asked Buchanan. H esitatingly, the man replied, " Mathematics. " " What is your present position?" " I'm the prescription clerk at Mr. - - -'s drugstore." "So you think you could t each mathematics! Could you take an e xamination in algebra and geometry?" " I think I could." "Co uld you take it right now?" " I could try it. " Mr. Buchanan winked at Minkwitz. Both were good mathemati.::ians and th ey would give this man a knockout test. Getting down the ir college a lgebras, they made up an examina tion of tough problems for Mr. D ean, setting him to work in the next room. Th e n from their plane and solid geometr y texts they started copying some hard originals. Wh e n they were about half through making out thejr geometry qu estions, Mr. D ean handed in his a lgebra paper with a ll the problems perfectly solved. This gave Buchanan and Minkwitz a mild shock . After they had ,c hosen
the hardest geometry problems that would surely shock this upstart, they put him to work again. In a half hour or less he handed in his paper with all the problems perfectly solved but one. Said Dean, "Professor Buchanan, you left out ,a line in the seventh question, when you copied it, so it cannot be solved.' They referred to the textbook, and sure enough they had left out one line. Professor Buchanan, being a good sport, said: "Dean, you win! Y.ou are as good as hired." At the next meeting .of the Board of Education he was approved. Dean's work at Central high was so outstanding that in September, 1897, he was called to the Missouri School .of Mines at Rolla as head of the Department of Mathematics. Many 'Of his Kansas City pupils went there to take his course. His fame spread to Schenectady, N. Y. Charles P. Steinmetz, electrical wiZJard, asked for Dean's help in developing original mathematical formulas. It 'is said that Pre sid e n t s, congressmen and others hire "ghost writers" to write their speeches. Dean became "ghost mathematician." So the modest Central high teacher of Algebra I proved to be one of the geniuses in the field of mathematics in his day.
St. Louis Section (Continued From Page 7) Wayne J. Bennetson, '41. James is employed with Fruin-Colin Contracting Company of St. Louis. His home address is 5151 Northland Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. While in school h e was a mem·ber of the Football ' squad , Theta Kappa Phi, St. Pat's Board, Blu€ Key, A. S. C. E. , and served as " M" Club Presid e nt. The S ection reports that they had a fine turnout for their cocktail party at Buschs Grove in St. Louis following the Washington Univ.-MSM football game September 27 , with .a bout 150 alumni m.d their wives attending. This cocktail party was operated in the form of ·a "Cash-Bar. " Also planned is the ·a nnual St. Louis Section "Loading Ra'c k" and cocktail party, preceding the Homecoming Football Game at Rolla . Their next meeting is scheduled
SCHEDULE OF CAMPUS EVENTS October 23 Theta Kappa Phi Founders Day . October 23-24 Engineers Day. October 25 Parents Day. Football game - Springfield Rolla. Pi Kappa Alpha Open House. October 31 Football game - William J ewell College - Liberty. November 7 and 8 Homecoming. 50th Aniv. of Beta Alpha of Kap· pa Alpha. Football game - Kirksville Rolla. 50th Aniv. of Sigma Nu. November 22 Lambda Chi Alpha Harvest Dance . December 1 Basketball game - Harris Teachers - Rolla. December 3 Basketball game - Washington Univ . -- Away. December 5 and 6 Sigma Nu Christmas and Yukon Party. December 6 Basketball game Drury Away. December 10 Basketball game - Westminster - Away. December 13 Basketball game - McKendree Rolla. Pi Kappa Alpha Christmas Formal. Kappa Alpha Christmas Formal. Triangle Christmas Dance and 25th Aniv. December 15 Basketball game - Westmin ster Rolla. December 19 Bask etball game - Cape Girardeau - Away. for Wednesday evening, October 22. Donald Dean, '49, Administrative Assistant, will be the speaked. Mr. Dean is to bring movies or other photographs of the campus as it presently exists to tell of the growth of the school in the past few years and the plans for the future. Plans are also being made for the annual Christmas Luncheon to ,be .h eld shortly bef'Ore Christmas at 'a location in St. Louis to be announced at a later date.
FEF Advisory Group Visits MSM Campus
The St. Louis andl Ka:nsas City Foundry Educational Foundation Industrial Advisory Group met with Dean Curtis L. Wilson and other faculty members of the Metallurgi¡c al Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Humanities Departments of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy at Rolla, Missouri, on October 1, 1952 to congratulate F.E.F. scholarsh~p winners and to plan the coming 1952-1953 program f.or the Rolla Student Chapter of the American
F,oundrymen's Society. , Plans for completing the present new ¡foundry were discussed in detail together with ideas for interesting. high school students in selecting the foundry indJustry as a life time career. D ean Wilson in reporting on the progress made at the school during the past year in foun<;lry, emphasized the importance of the role the Industrial Ad-. visory Group had played both in the development of the M.S.M. foundry and in the placement of students for .both summer and permanent employment in the industry. Following the meeting a social gathering and barbecue presided
over by Mr. A. L . Hunt was heIdi at the farm of Dr. D. S . .Eppelsheimer. Van Buskirk -Stogsdill Miss Vursa Stagsdill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . J. W . Stogsdill of Rolla, became the bride of Lyman F. Van Buskirk, '52, August 8, 1952, at St. Patrick's Church. The groom was ' a member of Theta Kappa Phi fraternity, R. O . T. C. band , Miner Board, APO , A. S. M. E., Hammer Throwers, and was on the Football Squad while attending MSM. Lyman has a position with the Naval Ordinance Test Station at China Lake, Calif., where the couple will make their home.
Faculty, Students Hosts to FEF Visitors
Bottom Row - Left to right: Henry Meyer, General ~teeJ lJastmgs Co., tiramte City, 111., D. In. Hocnswender, Witte Engine Works, Kansas City, Mo., George E. Mellow, Liberty Foundry, St. Louis, Mo., Webb Kammerer, Midvale Mining and Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., A. L. Hunt, National Bearing Division, American Brake Shoe Company, St. Louis, Mo., L. A. Kleber, General Steel Castings Co., Granite City, IlL, J. A . Williamson, M. A. Bell Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Ralph Hill, East St. Louis Castings Co., East St. Louis, Ill. Second Row - D. R. Bogue, S. J. Cole, A. J. Selvaggi, M. J. Smid, R. L. Crosby, and Alfred Neiman, F. E. F. Scholars. Third Row - Ralph Hollocher, Jack Humphrey, F. E. F. Scholars, Dr. A . J. Miles, Chairman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, R. Abendroth, and Jack Wheeler, F. E. F. Scholars. Fourth Row - Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Chairman, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Mr. Donald Dean, Administrative Assistant, Prof. S. H. Lloyd, Chairman, Departmcnt of Humanities, Mr. R. V. Wolf, Instructor in Metallurgical Engineering, and Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer, Prof. of Metallurgical Engineering and Faculty Advisor F. E. F.
Job Prospects for Grads Again Bright It appears ' that the engineering
graduates at the Missouri School of Mines will again be heavily "courted" by representatives from industry. The interviews are starting even earlier than last year with General Motors wanting facilities for five interviewers September 30, Truman King of Wagner Electric on the Campus October 1, United States Steel Company interviewing October 6, Atlantic Refining Company talking with graduates on October 15, etc. Some of the companies arriving early in the interview season have outlinedi "follow-up" programs to keep them in contact with the student until he graduates. These "follow-up" programs often include dinners with younger company representatives in Rolla, expense paid trip~ for company visits, etc. The results of last year's interviews indicate that there probably will · ,b e more than one company f.or each graduate. M. S. M.graduates appeared to be in their "heyday" last year with 172 companies interviewing on the campus and a considerably larger number making contacts by .c orrespondence. Arrangements for job interviews in all fields were centralized in the Placement Office. Associate Dean Rex Z. Williams was in charge of placement up to the time of his resignation January 23, 1952, to becl()me Vice President of th'e Rolla State Bank here. Donald L. Dean , Administrative Assistant, h a s been acting as Director of Placement since that date and will continue in this capacity during the 1952-53 school year. Most of the interviewers came early last y ear and the interview schedule w a s light after the middle of April. It was observed that, although t h e companies arriving later in th e year contacted fewer men, they were talking with men in a posi t ion to talk in more definite t erms a s regards job acceptance. A s a r esult many of the companies arrivin g in April made definite o ff e r ~ on th e campus. A ga in l ast year many of the inte r v iewe r s w er e MSM Alumni or r e prese nta tives for MSM Alumni. It is a lwa y s gratifying when a
successful Alumnus thinks highly enough of his college background to come to his Alma Mater for his technical needs. Almost without exception the interviewers remarked on the mature attitude with which the stUdents faced the great need for Engineers. They looked each job over ca.efully and salary was not the complete yardstick used in measuring the qualifications of a job. This was also borne out by statistics which showed that the average starting salary was very close to the average offered salary. Due to the rapidly changing job situation the average startmg salaries for the January and May classes were calcula teCi separately. The average startmg salanes for men at the.tSS level graduatmg during the 51-52 schOOl year were as fOllOWS: January class $318 per montu; IV.lay Class $i:!i:!'i per month. TUe above figures are conservauve Que to tne J:act tuat In mdny cases tne sa.Lary reported was oruy a bdse salary and expenses were to be aauecl. Al:;O mdny of tne lobs accepced practlcally had guaranteesoi a ralse up to $5U.UO· per montu in three to SlX months.
Some of the higher paying jobs ran .u p to $500 per month in the United States and $600 outside of the United States. An approximate breakdown of where ·g raduates are going immediately upon leaving school is as follows: Industry 76 % ; Government j-obs 13 %; Education (teaching and advanced degrees) 7 %; and directly into Military service 4 %. Looking ahead to the days when the chief worries of the Placement Office will switch f!'om facing interviewers disappointed by the nwnber of men accepting jobs to finding jobs for all the graduates, over thirty companies were added to the file of 2000 companies considered in contact with MSM . Job opportunities were not as good that year as they are now and while all men found jobs, many took positions out of their chosen field. Swnmer jobs too were plentiful last year and many undergraduates were put in contact with organizations interested in them through bulletins origin a ting in the Placement Office.
May 21, 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO "TOTAL ENROLLMENTS AND B . S. DEGREES FROM HISTORY OF MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES, 1940 - C. N. Roberts" With Graduates for the Commencement of May 26, 1952 estimated and graduates 1949-1951 taken from official Commencement Programs. Total Enrollment
School Year 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52
B. S . Degrees 503 874 540 320 est.
3025 2711 1950 1425
B. S. Degrees granted in 1952 and accumulative total of first degr ees granted by 1951 and 1952 listed for each curriculum.
Curriculum Mining C. E. M. E. E. E. Met. Chern. E . Gen. Sci. Ceram. E. Total
Accumulative Total 1951 1530 954 808 676 618 572 208 186 5552
B , S. Degrees in 195,2 7'5 62 44 44 31 39 10 15 320
Accumulative Total 1952 1600 W14
851 720 648 61'1 216 199 5872
1933 Lowell E. Reeve resides at 332 Lexington Drive, Palo Alto, California. 1935 William W. Kay is with the E . 1. DuPont DeNemours Comp-any, 9 0 2 Brooks Building, WilkesBarre, Pennsylvania . Walter S . Schamel has been appointed District Manager of the Los Angeles office for American Wheelabrator & Equipment Corporation. He will open new offices at 3155 Leonia Blvd. , Vernon, Los Angeles 58, California and handle the company's line of prod ucts , including dust collectors, abrasive blasting machines, and other foundry equipment. J im C. Meachim is with the Humble Oil & Refining Co ., Box 1271, Corpus Christi, Texas . Jim is living at 1527 Devon Drive, Cornus Christi, Texas. 1936 J'Ohn R. Hubbard and Mrs. Hubbard and sons Thomas an d James were in Rolla in early August visiting with his parents, Mr. and
Graduate Student Directs MSM Band This Year The MSM Band for the first t !me in over fifty years was without a band director this fall. Prof. W:.lliam R. Phillips of the Humanities D epartment who directed the oand last year felt that his work was too heavY this year to dev0te the time to the band . After canvassing the faculty, Dean Wilson found that William A Paar, ' 51 , a graduate student :in the Electrical Engineering D epartment has had e~perienc e in ,band work and he has volunteered to help out with the band program. All of this brings to mind the fact that for over fifty years MSM had no worries about the band director as John W. Scott, ex '02, took a keen interest in the band an d devoted his time unspar.ingly to directing it for over half a century. Mr . Scott's death in 1950 immediately created a problem with reference to the band which has been temporarily solved this year by Mr. Paar volunteering his services. For the first time in many years the band did not appear at the football game with Washington University in St. L ouis this fall.
PAGE 11 ;'11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Power Co., Charlotte, North Carolina. He resides at 2901 Hillsdale Ave., Charlotte, North Carolina .
Mrs. Noel Hubbard . John is a Chemist with the Lewin Metal Co . in St. Louis. He lives at 4157 Osceolo, St. Louis . Missouri. Edward C . Fiss is with the Duke
N y le M. Adams is with Portland Cement, 611 Merchants Bank B'lilding, Indianapolis 4, Indiana as Field Engineer . He lives at 334 S. W . 15th St., Richmond, Indiana .
Alumni Personals
MSM Alumni Association '11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
OFFlCERS President
.' ... James L. Head ............. 25 Broadwa y, ....... New York 4, N . Y. Executive ..... A. E. Barnard .......... ..... 613 S. Central , ........ Vice-Pres . Clayton 5, Mo . Vice-Pres ............. Horace H . Clark """ ..... 7202 S. Shore Dr ., .. Chicago 49, Ill . Sec.-Treas . ......... H . R. Hanley .................. 606 W . 8th St. , ........ Rolla, Missouri
Term Exp . Nov. 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953
DIRECTORS AT LARGE (Three-Year Terms) Mervin J. Kelly, '14 ...................... 463 West Street ........ New York 14, N. Y. Charles J . Potter, '29 ....... __ ........... 619 Oak Street ........................ Indiana, Pa . Melvin E. Nickel , '38 .................. 7020 Creigier Street ................ Chicago , Ill. AREA DIRECTORS Area No. Area Director States Embraced Term Exp. 1 ................ E . A . Crawford, '29 ............ .. .. Maine, New Hampshire, ........ 1952 213 Walthery Ave ., Vermont, R. I., Conn ., Ridgewood, N. Y . Mass., New Yo'r k 2 ............... Theodore C . Gerber, ' 28 ........ Philadelphia, Washing- ........ 1954 La. Ordinance Plant, ton, D. C ., Va., W. Va., Shreveport, La. Ky., Tenn., N. C ., S. C ., La., Miss. , Ala ., Ga ., Fla . 3 ................ Dona ld N. Griffin, ' 26 1073 H aw thorne Rd. F ort Wayne , Ind .
W. Penn. , Ohio, Indiana ........ 1954
4 ............... W. P. Ru emmler, '38 ............ N. Ill. , Chicago , Wisc., ........... 1954 Minn . E agl e Picher Co ., Box 540 East Chicago , Ind. 5 ................ Harry S . Pence, '23 ........... .. .. S. Ill ., E. Mo., Ark ................. 1952 118 Syndicate Bldg. St. Louis, Mo . 6 ..... .......... H . E . Zoller , '23 .................... Iowa , W. Mo. , Okla. , ............ 1953 3900 E . First st. Kans. Wichita, Kans. 7 .............. J . V . Spalding, '39 ................ Texas ............ ........................... 1952 Bethlehem Supply Co. , Box 3008, Houston , Tex. 8 ................ Dave P. Hale, '34 .................... Idaho , Mont. , N . & S. Dak ., .. 1954 960 Leyden Dr . Wyo., Nev., Utah , Colo., Denver, Colo Ariz., New Mex. 9 .. ............. Barney Nuell, '2 1 ................ Wash. , Ore. , Calif. 3440 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.
1939 Miles W . Proctor's mailing address is Winston - Mantilla - Mont illa, Apartado Aereo No. 1068 , Cartagena, Colombia, South Americ.a . H e writes "Fm eng~ged in construction of 450 miles of h ighway known as Carretera Troncal D e Occidente-Sector Norte, which will eventually link Santa Maria, B arranquilla, Medellin, Cali, Buenaventura , Bogota, Calcuta and other important cities of Colombia-a venture under the cogniznance of and partially financed by the International Bank of R econstruction and Developme nt for the purpose of encouraging the devel opment of Colombia's resources." Stuart Dods' new mailing address is Capt. Stuart Dods 0-363 464 , 597th Engr., Base D epot, APO No. 757, New York, New York. Ed P.ohlmann is now working for the Corps of Engineers, Kansas City Dist rict, St. Louis Area Office, as Chief of the Operations Section, prima rily engaged in military ,construction work in and around St. Louis. Mail to him should b e a ddressed to Route No . 1, East St. Louis, Illinois. Hubert S . Ba rger was a campus visito r on August 22. His address is, 2525 B ellemeade Ave., Evansville , Indiana. H e is a petroleum consultant, his office berng at 304 Locust Street, Evansv ille, Indiana. H . K en Tuckett was a campus v isitor on August 22. His home address is 318 Taney Street, Gary, Indiana. Walter E . Mussell is with the Corps of Engineers , Mobile District. His home address is 406-A N. Wilcox, Chickasaw, Alabama . W illiam W. Rea's mailing addr ess is 43 Bonner Rd. , Offutt AFB, Omaha , Nebraska . 1940 J a mes O . F errell's residential a dd r ess ,i s 642 W . H Street, Onta rio, Calif. Rob ert L . Topper is empl oyed with the Transcontinental Gas Pi pe Lin e Corp ., 3100 Travis, Hous ion 6, T e x as . Robert is living at 49 04 H olt, B ellaire, T exas. J ohn F . R eed 's m a iling address is S p r.i n g Lak e, M ichig an . Elm e r E. Trau twein is presc ntl y w ith R och est er and Pittsb ur g Coa l Co ., a t Indiana, Penn-
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
sylv ania, as a mechanical Engineer. He gives his home adcliress as Indian Springs Road, Indiana, P ennsy 1vania. J ohn J . O'Neill is living at 214 Chaffer Ave., Roxana , Illinois . Walter P . Leber's new address is R. F . D . 6, Box 522A, Alexandria, Virginia. Benton H. Marton's mailing address is Box 144, Dell Rapids , South D akota. Benton is Construction Superintendent with the L. G. Everist Inc ., Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 1941 Ray V aughn is with the Mc Donnell Aircraft Co . at Robertson, Missouri. Karl E. Krill ,g ives his new address as Box CM, Duke Station, Durham, North Carolina . Anthony C . Pautler's n ew mailing address is Lt. A. C . Pautler , VF 837, N . A. S. , Moffett Field, California. J. W. Gardner is living at 1477 Main Street, Quincy, Illinois. Arthur W. Brune obtained his Ph. D . in Mining Engineering from P enn State in August, and has been appointed assistant professor of Mining Engineering at L ehigh University. Mail should be addressed to Department of Mbing Engineering, L ehigh University, B ethl ehem , P ennsylvania. J ohn R. E nochs was a campus visitor on July 30. John is Assistant Design Engineer with the Motor Engineer Division, Telechron Inc ., A shland , Massachusetts . Richard G. Rhod es of Clayton , Missouri is serving with the X Corps in Korea. Colonel Rhodes is operations officer in the corps engineer section . His home addr ess is 315 N. Mera mec , Clayton, Missouri. Joseph T . Dusza is with Harb ison Walker Refr. 4343 Kennedy Ave ., Chicago, Ill. His home address is 7150 So . Yale Ave., Chicago 21 , Illinois. 1942 J a cques W . Zoller is with the Shell Oil Co. , Room 1031 , Maro Bldg., Tulsa , Oklahoma. Robert A. Smith gives his new a ddress as 525 Taylor Ave., Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Nicholas Nicola is living at 17 Hilda Ann A ve., B elleville, Illinois . Nick is with the Perry Coal Company at O 'Fallon , Illinois. John K . Olsen's home address is 3110 Dickinson, Camp Hill , Pennsylvania. R. M. Brackbill's new address is c-o Shell Oil C ompany, Box 20.99, Houston 1, Texas . Harold A Kru eger resides at 417 Franklin, Fre d ericktown , Missouri. Charles E . Zanzie is with Sargent & Lund y, Engrs. , 140 S . D earborn, Chic ~go , Illinois . He is living at 54 E . Daniels Rd. , Palatine, Illinois. John H . L yons' home address is 70 Shore Rd ., No., Me rrick , New York. Arthur P . Leisher is with Bendix Radio, Towson, Md. His home address is 6155 Chinquapin Pkwy , Baltimore 12, Maryland . Wilbur J . Lawler has recently been advanced to the position of Technical Superintendent of the Trentwood works of Kaiser Alumin um & Chemical Corporation in Spokane 6, Washington. Don R. Strehlau is with the DuPont Co. , F abrics & Finishes Division, Marshall Lab ., 3500 Grays Ferry Rd ., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . He gives his home addr ess as 55 Revere Road No. 7, Drexel Hill, P ennsylvania . 1943 Lave rn e D . Olafson is employed wit h Humb le Oil & Refining Co. at Houston , T exas. His home a d dress is 202 N . 7th, Baytown, T exa s . Francis M. Krill's new address is 1005 North L ocust Road , Opportunity, Washington. Robert P. McMath's new m ailing address is Capt. R. P. McMa th , 060603 , Qtrs. 424-D , Fort Be lvo ir, Virginia . Henry Kurusz is liv ing at 131 West R ose St., Webster Groves 19, Missouri. Edson S . Bumps is with th e Studebaker Corporation , South Bend, Indiana. H e is li vin g at 221 So . Tuxedo Drive, South B e nd 15 , India na . Warren J . Wagert' s home a ddr ess is 324 C arro ll St., E . Chica go, I n diiana. Warren is with Shell Oil Co ., 200 Carroll St., E . Chica go, Indana. John G . L eming is now with Bell Aircraft Corp., P . O. Box 1, Buffalo , New York. John r esid es a t 2749 F orest Ave. , Niaga ra Falls, New York .
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Kermit E. Livingston is presentGordon H. Moline's home adly employed with Zealzer Carthage dress is 1334 QUindaro Blvd., KansCo., Kansas City, Missouri. He is as City, Kansas. living at 3951 McGee, Kansas City 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Kent Alien is with Commercial Solvents. Corp., Box 1471, Monroe, 2, MissourL. 19, Missouri. He is employed with J. L. Shafer's home address is LOUlsiana. Kent is living at 2515 ' N. .312 Gregg, Apartment A, Shreve- National Lead Co., Titanium Di- \ l<:tn St.,lVlonroe, LouiSIana. vision in St. Louis, as a Project pod, Louisiana. Jack is with the Wm. J. Grady's maIllngadckess Engineer. Harold was a campus is 738 ·B. W. cantel'ibury Rd., St. Bethlehem ' Supply Company, Box visitor here on September 20. ' 1838, Shreveport. LoUls, Missouri. 1946 WillS.t on F. Bott is employed by 1944 . Earl M. Hogan is with the U. S. E. ' 1. diu'ont ae Nemours & Co., Richard D. Wh-e at is s'erving on Geological Survey, P. O. Box 346, Ja-ckson, South carolma. He is' livadlve duty 'witli the U. S. Navy in Sacramento, California. ing at Apt. 30-A, Peach Tree GarNewport. Rhode Island. His mailing 1947 dens, Barnwell, South Carolina. address is Lt. R. D. Wheat, USNR, Harry , C. Ahl's home address is James R. bowman gIves his MOQ, KK12, U.S. Naval Training Station, Newport, Rhode Island. ' 332 Bartley Avenue, Mansfield, present ·,address at> 1401 POppy Richard expects . to be released Ohio. Harry is presently employed Ave., Warrington, Floriaa. from active duty -during the latter with the Ohio Brass Company, ' 1949 I pa:r;t of Noveml:>er, when he will re- Mansfield, Ohio. . Dan N. Miller has ·been awarded George J. -Millerinforms . us that one of three fellowship _grants ofturn to his home in Springfield, his new addres.s is 1305 Walnut fered by the Stanoline Oil & Gas . Missouri. Edmund! . Waltenspieland his . Street, East McKeesport, Pennsyl- Company for research in t.he _field wife were campus visitors on' Aug- vania. of petroleum ' geology. Dan will Willis·H. Harvill is now with Du- work on his Ph.D. via the fellow- uSt 27. Ed is with the Builders-Paeifie Co. as Sales Engineer. He is Pont in the power department of ship at the . University of Texas. living at . 6811 No. l '3 th ·-Place, the Savannah River Project. His His home address is 7 Kings Court, . home address is 2039 Wren Rd., FergUson; MiSsouri. '. Phoenix, Arizona. .' Ecrnest J .. Massard has been se- North Augusta, South Carolina. William E. Turner IS employed . S. H. Lloyd spent the latter wrt as Hydraulic .E ngineer ,b y theU.S. lected · as editor of Michigan So-- ciety ·of · Prpfessional Engineers of July in Rolla visiting with his Geological SUrvey ' in Rolla, MisMagazme. "PEN". Ernest "is living parents, ,prof. and Mrs. S. H. Lloyd. souri. His home " address is 205 at f5038A;ppoline, Detroit, Michi- He was a·o eompanied by his wife Grant -Apts., Rolla, Missouri. and son; Michael. Sam is with the gan. ' W. 'Dale - Garney's new address . Donald G. LePere is with West- Sait Dome Oil Corporation in is 1020 S. Delaware, Springfield, Houston, Texas, and lives at 1243 inghouse ElectrIC Corp., East Pitts-MissourI. Dale is with the Missouri burg, Penns'y lvariia'" Don resides at ' Overhill Drive, Houston, Texas. M. F. Kalmeyer is living at .5256 State Highway Department in 59 Garden 'Terrace, Pittsburg, 21, Springfield. E. 10th, Indianapolis ' 19, Indiana. Pennsylvania. · " .. Anthony Marzano's mailing adJohn A. Scneineman's residential Albert Hoffman gives his home adqress as 809 ' A Pierce Ave., Ni- address is . 1926 Cinderella Road, dress is Vet Apts., Bldg. 'u, Apt. 50; Belman, N. J. . agara Falls, New· York. Albert is Springfield, Missouri. -Wm. H. Magruder's new address with the Union Carbide Research 1948 . Labs'at Niagara Falls, New York, Earl W. Loucks is .a Salesman is .526 81st Street, Niagara Falls, . as a Research Engineer. with Koppers Co., Inc. 350 Fifth New York. Roy P. Stahl is with Wagner Robert J. Kick is with the Mor- Ave. New York, New York. He reaine Production Div. of General sides at 5 Laurel Drive, Fair Haven, Electric Corp. 6400 Plymouth St., St. Louis, Missouri. He is livig at Motors Co., and lives at 134 Ox- New Jersey. ford Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Theodore R. Howell was a camp- 4976 Delor, St, Louis, Missouri. John G. Reilly is with the St. Thomas J. M.azzonegives his us visitor on August 26. Ted is livnew address at 7001 Oakland Ave- ing at 501 N. Western, Mexico, Mis- Joseph Lead Co. at Bonne Terre, nue, Minneapolis, Minnesota. souri, and is employed! by the A.P. Missouri. He resi.des at 308 S. ··Pine Warren W . Helberg is living at Green Fire Brick Co. in Mexico. St., Bonne Terre, Missouri. 1525a N. Union Blvd., St. Louis 13, Stanley R. Hrach's mailing adJohn W. Kasten's address is 250 Missouri. W. Kentucky St., Tucson, Arizona. dress is 424 Denmanston, Indian. Louis A. Hartcorn is employed! Fred H. Canning is with the apolis, Indiana. by General Electric, Richland, George F. Heath Co., 4030 ChouJoe Crites was a campus visitor Washington. He is living at 629 teau, St. Louis, 10, Missouri. He on July 30. Joe is with the BethleBirch Ave., Richland, Washington. lives at 4117 Magnolia, St. Louis, hem Chile Iron Mining Co. William A. Hubbard was in Rolla Missouri. George B . .Zurheide is an Industhe latter part of August, visiting Charles R. Huffman is employed tria-I Engineer with Pittsburg Plate with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noel by the Kennecott Copper Corp., Glass ' Co., Crystal City, Missouri. Hubbard. Bill is with Shell Chemi- McGill, Nevada. His mailing ad- George gives his mailing address cal Company, 5"00 Fifth Ave., New dress is McGill, Nevada. as Box 309 Festus, Missouri. York, New York. His home is at William W. Bishop gives his Donald G. DeBolt is living at 233-16 131st Street, Lawrelton, mailing address as 727 Marson Dr., 5334-A ltaska, St. Louis, Missouri. Long Island, New York. Webster Groves, Missouri. Clyde H. Leinon is employed by 1945 John M. Masterson is living at Reynolds Mining Corp, Alexander, Harold F . Webers is now living 10173 Cabot Dr., St. Louis 15, Mis- Arkansas. His home address is 24 at 112 E. Drake, Webster Groves souri. Alcoa Drive, Bauxite, Arkanslls.
Alumni Personals
"11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1950 John P. McGowan has left the e mployment of the Eagle-Picher Co. in Hillsboro, Illinois, and has 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 accepted a position as Metallurgical Paris, France. His mailing address Engineer with Owen-Illinois Glass is S.M .A.M., KSAR ES Souk, Co. in Alton, Illinois. John's mail- French Morocco. ing address is 526 Alby St. , Alton, William G. Paulsell's new adIllinois. dress is 708 Asp Ave ., Norman, James E. McDonald's new ad- Oklahoma. dress is 462 West 63rd Street, JackWm. O. Kelley's residential adsonville, Florida. dress is' Godfrey, R . 2, Illinois. Robert M. Ponder is now living Harry B. O'Dell .g ives his home at 15710 Lexington Ave ., Harvey, address as 2308 Centerville AvenIllionis. H e has accepted a position ue, Dallas, Texas . with the Great Lakes Refining 00Stanley Dolecki is in the U . S. vision of the Petco Corporation in Air For·c e . He gives his mailing adBlue Island, Illinois, as a Process dress as 3535 Installations Sq., Mather Air Force Base, Sacramenengineer. Paul A. Haas is now living at to, California. Stan expects to be 259 Canton Hall, Oak Ridge, Ten- released from active duty in February, 1953, and plans to come nessee. Charles Brinkman and Mrs. back to MSM for his Masters deBrinkman were on the campus on gree in Civil Engineering. July 26 accompanied by their new ,Paul A. Huber is Assistant Medaughter, Gail Ann. Charles is with chanical Engineer for the Mississipthe Missouri Power & Light Com- pr Lime Co. in Ste. Genevieve, pany at Moberly, Missouri. Their Missouri. Paul and his family were home address is 401 S. Williams campus visitors September 9. Milton R. Skinner is living at Street, Moberly, Mo. David F. Fugate is employed by 2112 S. Spring Street, Springield , Westinghouse, Aviation Gas Tur- Illinois. James B. Timlin is livihg at 1150 bine Division, as a junior engiSunset Dr. , Cleveland 24, Ohio. neer:' His home address is 200 W. 92nd Street, Kansas City, Missouri. . Mark A. Weber's mailing address is General Delivery, Scotts Bluff, Russell J. Judah's new address is 406 North Eighth Street, Colum- Nebraska. Carl E. Zerweck is living at the bia, Missouri. La Harpe Hotel in Grand Junction, Richard N. Simpson has been reColorado. leased from active Army duty at Raymond W. Davis was a campR€dstone Arsenal. Richard's mailus visitor on July 11. Raymond is ing address is 6 Green Acres, Rolla, with the Allis-Chalmers ManufacMissouri. turing Company, Commercial B ank Thomas A. Herrmann 's new adBldg. in Peoria, Illinois. dress is 5834 Westminster Ave. , St Wayne D . H art is employed by Louis, Mo. the Phillips Petroleum Co., WorRobert E. Her,bert is with the land, Wyoming. Titan ium Metals Corp . of America , Ralph E. Mottin received his P. O. Box 2128 , Hend€rson, Ne- Masters degree in Mechanical Envada . Rob ert was a campus visitor gineering from Purdue University on September 10. on June 1, 19 52. He is now working Donald W. Marshall is attending for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. in gra duate school at the University A kron, Ohio as a Junior Machine of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michi- D esign Engineer. gan, where he plans to take gradH a rol d B. Theerman has been uate wo rk in Public Health l!Alge mployed with the Phillips Petrolineering and Sanita ry Engineerjng e um Co . since May of 1952 in the for his Masters degree . Dan's mailStructural D esign Section. Harold ir!g add r ess is 1435 University Ter- i3living at 121 N. Quapaw, Bartlesrace, Apartment 725 , Ann Arbor, ville, Oklahoma. Michigan. Homer T . Sheppard is with the Clarence J. Tunnic1iff's new aO- Central Foundry Division of Gendr ess is 45 39a Flora Ave ., St. Louis , eral Motors in Danv ille, Illinois. His home address is 1609 N. GilMo . Wm. A. Spencer is lIvmg at 2::14 bert, Danville, Illinois . Raymond L. Sand€rs is with the N. Columbus, Glendale, California. Ch ristian M. Colson is with the Stanolind Oil and G as Co ., Tulsa, Soci e te Miniere et Metallurgique Oklahoma , as a G eophysicist. He is dc Penarroya , 12 Place Vandome, li v ing at 1928 N . Oxford, Tulsa,
Alumni Personals
Oklahoma. Raymond C. Avery's new address is 28 Millwood Circle, Framingham Centre, Massachusetts. Francis N. Kronsberg is with North American Aviation Inc ., Aeropihysics Laboratory, 12214 Lakewood Blvd. , Downey, California. His mailing address is 101 Roy ·croft Ave ., Apt. 1, Long B each, California. Roy J. Scown is at present in the army stationed at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, where he is teaching construction drafting. He ex,pects to be discharged next November . His home address is 2213 Chippewa Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Benton H . Martin is a Construction Superintendent. Edward J . Kollasch is employ€d ,by the Halliburton Oil Well Cementing 00 ., Duncan, Oklahoma . His home address is 706 North 11th Street, Dun can , Oklahoma. Henry M. J ohnston is with the U.S . Geological Survey, Box 133 , Rolla, Mo. James W. Hughes is employed by the Koppers Co ., Chemical D ivision, Kobuta Plant, Monaca , P € nnsylvania. He resides at 1024 P e nn. Ave ., New Brighton , Pennsylvania . W. R. Feltz is with Goody ear Tire & Rubber Co ., Tank Lining Sales Plant, 3, Akron , Ohio . His residential address is 2060 9th Street, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Eugene W . Warre n is living at G2 3 Travis Stre et, Liberty, T exas. 1951 George E. Commerford is in thc U. S. Army, stationed at Aberdeen , Maryl and. G eo r ge's mailing addJress is 4112 Mississippi Ave .. Crys t a l City, Missouri. M . H. Beaver 's new addr ess is F a lfurrias, T exas. H e is worki ng for t.h e En gi neerin g D epartment of Magnoli,a Petroleum Company in F alfurrias , Texas. William Z . Wenneborg was r ecently promoted to R esident E ngi neer for the Union Pacific Coal Company's min e at R eliance, Wyoming. Bill 's new address is Hou se 68 , R el ia nce, W yo ming. Ra y mond M . Klin e is now livin ~ at 508 Pammel Ct., Ames, Iowa . Charles A. Rice resid€s at DO!"1TI W-17 , Rm. 214 , Richland, WaShltt,, ton. Cyril M. Kinane's residentia l address is 40 W. lllth PI. , Chicago . Ill . Elmer G . Wheatley gi ves ]:is address a s 309A E. Franklin , DuQuoin , Ill .
Robert J. Smith's mailing address is Lt. R. J. Smith, 0-1862129, Co. "C" 321st Sig. Bn. Corps, APO 107, %~ostmaster, New York, New York. Wiley T. Ruhl~s. mailing address is 1083 Keyes ' Ave., Schenec~d~, New York. . Joe C. Roller is employed by the U. S. Geological Survey, Box 133, Rolla, Missouri. Joe resides at. 909 park Street,. Rolla, Misouri. Edward J. Milligcm is with the Certain-t-eed.. Products Cor,p ., Akoen, New York. His mailing address is 39 Flower St., Buffalo 14, , . New York. Stanley NiemczUra's new address is 254 University Heights, New Brunswic-k, New -Jersey. William R. O'Connell is with the Stanolind Oil & Gas Co., Exploration Department; :? O. Box 3092, Houston 1, Texas, . Bill Wohlert's mailing address is Ens. W. H. Wohlert, 9610 Sherwood Pl., Aipt. 30, Norfolk, Vir. ginia . . Bill is on active duty -with . the USCGR and is stationed. with the USCG Port Security Unit,- Norfolk, Virginia. George Herbert Greig was gradluated from the U. S. Naval School, Pre-flight, in Pe~Jlcola, Florida in August. His maflingaddtess is Room 232, Eldg. 1451, USNAAS Whiting Field, ' Milton, Florida, where he is engaged in primary flight training. Robert N. Mellott's home aadress is 171 Hillside, Glenn Ridge, New Jersey. James C. Basham resides at 8291h East 1st St., Tucson, Arizona . Anthony P. Anderhub is living at 6624 Hoffman,St. Louis 9, Missouri. Eugene E . Light gives his mailing address as 500 Olive, Rolla, Missouri. Tom Welton -is with the Robert Evans Co., 2107 West Main Street, Springfield, Ohio, as a tool designer. Tom's residiential address is 762 East Southern Avenue, Springfield, Ohio . Harry F. Dreste is living at 430 :Couch Ave., Kirkwood 22, Missouri. Ernest Peter Longerich is with the Bendix Aviation Corporation. His' mailing address is 585 Detroit Street, Lincoln Park, Michigan. Elmer D. Packheiser is with General Electric, 1 Jamerson Rd., Lackland, Ohio; His home address is 6447 Pace Ave., Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, Ohio. James J. McHugh is with the U .S . Geological Survey, Box 133,
151 Niagara, Dayton , Ohio. Donald G. Shaner is now livin g at 194 N. Purdue Ave., Oak Ridge, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111; Tenn. (Apt. 203). He is employed by Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Rolla; Missouri. Company, in Oak Ridge. Edward J. Kwadas is with the Richard L. Henry is with the Salt Dome P ·r oduction c.o., '19'00 Marsh Steel Corp: 101 East 9th St. , Mellie Esperson Building, Houston, North Kansas City, Missouri. His Texas. mailing address .i s % Mrs. Harry William M. Boushka is with the Burnum, 2902 Troost, K;l.nsas City, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co., . MissoUri. Union Carbide & Carbon Corp., John ·E. Mulholland's home adlRoom 6, K-303-7, K-25 Plant, Post dress is 1424 High St.,' Chester, Ill. Office Box P, Oak Ridge, TennesTurner W : Richards is with the see. His home address is 214 North U . S . Gypsum Co. His home address .Purdue Ave. 111, Oak Ridge, Ten- . is 2621 So. 5th Ave., Ft. . Dodge, nessee. Iowa. Robert O . Faris is with the Texas Thomas S. Aibernathy is employOil ·Co. in Harvey, Louisiana. His ed by the Missouri Conservation h.ome address is ·543 Francis St., Commission, 'Jefferson City, MisiVIarrero, Louisian·a . . souri. His mailing address is 15u:> William M. Shepard is now in Bessie St., Cape GJrardeau, Mo. the U. S. Army. Bill's mailing adDavid F. Vanfossen is WitD. the .dress is 540 Park Street, Montclair, Shell Oil Company, Houston, TexNew 'Jersey. , .'. ~. -as. Mail should ,b e addressed to 112 Hulan D. McDaniel's new ' ad- · Ohio Ave., East Alton, Illinois. dress is 10560 Canterway, St. Louis Don McCammon is employed 14, Missouri. Richard G. Mallon is now living ' with the Long Construction Comat· 8100 House St., Detroit,Michl" pany 810 Rialto BtiildIing., .Kansas City;'Missouri. . Dan's mailing adgan. Her;bert E. Kent is with the dress is 724 Green Street, St. Jose.ph, Missouri. . Radio Corporation of America, John W. Finklang's new address Tube Department, Harrison, New is Apt'. -402·, Montana Hotei, 207 W. Jersey . His home address is 75 Centennial Ave., Cranford,. New Broadway, Butte, Montana. N·orman P. Zachelmeyer is with Jersey. L . W. Holcomb is living at 316 the U. S. Gypsum Company at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mall to him should Park Ave., Sparta, Illinois. be addressed to 1423 2nd Ave . North, Fort Dodge, Io wa. 1952 Lawrence E. Quinlan's home adJames C. Hall is with the Tennessee Copper Company, Copper- dress is Apt. 205, 194 North Purhill, Tennessee. Mail should 'be ad- due, · Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Robert F. Uthoff is employed dressed to P. O . Box 622, Copperwith the Illinois State Highway D ehill, Tennessee. partment, Springfi eld , Illin ois. William J. Arnold is with the Bob 's mailing add['ess is 524 S. Bureau of Reclamation, 334d & Montana Ave . Billings, Montana. Lincoln, Springfield, Ill . Clyde H. Fink is with t he cJ Bill resides at 123 North 32nd St. , lum,b erger W ell Surv eyin g Corp. , Billings, Montana. Leonard H. WoUberg's new ad- Box 92, Shreve.port, Lo uisiana . dress is 702 Monroe, Apt. 3, Pe- Mail addresses to Box 92. Shreve' . port, Louisiana , will r each' him . . oria, Illinois. Denvel L. Tippitt is employed Robert W . Phillips' mailing ad · by the Sandia Corporation, Sandia dress is 1314 1h Georgia, Lo u islanu , Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico . Missouri. Bob is empl oyed by th ' His home address is 720 Picher U. S. Bureau of Mines at Lou'is lnl1(l . Ave., Joplin, Mo. Missouri. Gerald F. Sinnam:an is with BenJames B. Templeton is now Hvdix Aviation Corp. His mailing ading at 52{) 20th St. N ., Birm ln gh nm, dress is R't. 1, Palmyra, Wisconsin. Alabama. Joseph C. Michelotti's mailing Wallace Ferguson Js workJn g 101'. address is %L. Sprauge, R.D. 3, the Koppers Construction Compon, Kuser Rd., Trenton, New Jersey. out of Pittsburg, P nn llylvlU)jn , f-ffl Quentin J. Schiene is attending is do.l ng s urve y work wlth Ul" HUt· Loyola University. His mailing adof Junior Party Ch ic!. Wollo I{';' dress is 8714 Kingston, Chicago, mailing odd r 88 18 % ',)rg(\ L Illinois. 7.]0, Stockton, N w;}' ~ • Don R: Hu y'S new ilddrclS8 is G orlC . '1'. 'Pnlm r. J r, 1M. M rpl ill II III 1111 III III III 1111 1111 III 1111111111 III 111111 1111 11111 1111 II III III III 1111
Alumni Personals
ed wth the Phillip s Chemic al Company, Borger , Texas. His mailing aaoress is Philric h Branch , Box 2L74, Borger , Texas. Hong Snu Moy is employ ed with the Corps of Engine ers. His mailing address is A.P.O. 942, % P.M., Seattle , Washin gton. C. Eugene Taylor is with the Illinois Divisio n of Highwa ys, 126 East Ash Street, Springf ield, Illinois. Mail to him should .be address ed to Shipma n, Illinois . O. Timkin Yager's home address is 324 Devon Rd., Fairles s Hills, Pennsy lvania. Tim is workin g for U. S. Steel, Fairles s Works, Morrisville, Pennsy lvania . Robert L. Walz' mailing address is Box 787, McCam ey, Texas. Rodney C. Fons is living at 5894 Enrigh t Ave., St. Louis 12, Mo. Richar d D. Goul resides at 5528 Arts Street, New Orleans , Louisiana. Joseph H. Geers' new address is 402 N. 11th St., Tonkaw a, Oklahoma. Joe is now with Gulf Oil. John E . Priest is employ ed by the Dept. Public Works & Buildings Divisio n Highw ays Br. Design , Centen nial Bldg., Springf ield, Illinois. His mailing address is Room 402, Y.M.C. A., Springf ield, Illinois. Gerald S. King is with the U. S. Army. His mailing address is 2917 Sunrise Drive, North Kansas City, Missou ri. Samue l J. Schnei der is with the Laclede -Cl1ris ty Refract ories Com,p any, 4205 Ridgew ood Ave ., St. Louis, Missou ri. Sam's home address is 6926 Norma ndale Drive, St. Louis, Missou ri. Tom L. Scheffl er is a Test Engineer for G eneral Electric . Tom g ives his mailing address as Riverton , Illinois . J ames F. Ruhl is living at 1083 New Ke yes Ave. , Schene ctady, York. Jo hn B. Nolan's address is P.O. Eox 1383 , Springf ield, Illinois. Frankl in L. Moore is employ ed by the Missou ri Pacific Railwa y Co., Falls City, Nebras ka as a Gener a l Engin eer . His home address is 23 11 Stone Street, Falls City Neb r aska . L y le E. Matthe ws resides at P .O. Box 773 , Santa Paula , Califor nia. Charles E. Rothwe iler is with Me Kaiser Alumin um andJ Chemic al Corpor ation Alloys Divisio n, Newar k , Ohio. His home address is 206 Uni o n Street, Newark , Ohio. Thom as L. Nicken s in employ ed Aviatio n Corp .. by th e Bendix South B end, Indiana . His home ad dress is D exter. Missou ri.
Alumni Personals
Michae l S. Rodola kis is employ ed by the Allis-C halmer s Mfg. Co., West Allis, Wiscon sin. His home adaress is 897 Liberty St., Springfield, Massac husetts . Don R. Huey is employ ed by Civil Service at Wright Air Force Base in Dayton , Ohio. His home address is H1l5 Riversi de Dr., Dayton , Ohio. Joe Varano uskas is with Howard, Needle s, Tamme n anciJ Bergen ootf, 54 Liberty Street, New York, New York. Joe's home address is 35U Richar d Ave., Staten Island 9, New York. James R. Borber g is in the U. S . Navy. His mailing address is O .C.S.R. Section 1-6, Officer Candidate School, Naval Trainin g Section, Newpo rt, R. 1. Roy W. Nutter is with the Core Labora tory, Inc., 1020 Patters on Blag., Denver , Colorad o. Roy's mailing address is %Core L a,boratory, Inc . 1020 Patters un Blag. , Denver , Colo. Edward L. Calcate rra's mailing add['ess is 100 South 9th St., Herrin, Ill. He is with the E. 1. duPont de Nemou rs Co., P. O. Box 117, August a, Georgi a. Donald A. Rumse y is workin g for the Alumin um Compa ny of Americ a in Massen a, New York. His mailing address is 10 Forest P l ace, Massen a, New York. James A. Bottorf f is continu ll,g his educati on at Purdue Univer sity, w h er e he is a gradua te assistan t. Jim is living at Bldg. 14, Apt. 6, Ross-A de Drive, W est Lafaye tte, Indiana . Richard M. Bosse i s with the McDonn ell Aircraf t Corpor ation at Robert son , Missou ri. Cheste r D. Rhod es' home address is 1211 First Ave. No., Texas City , Texas . Warren V . D eMier 's new address is Box 1305 , Richlan d , Washin gton. H e is now enrolled i in Genera l Electri c's R otation al Trainin g Prugram under the Atomic Energy Commi ssion. Allan A. Cole is in the U.S. Air Force. His mailing address is 475 Fairvie w Ave., Orange , New Jersey. J erry S. Klobe is with the Carbide & Carbon Chemic als Company, P.O. Box P, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. His hom e address is 217 Carlisl e H all, Oak Rid ge, Tennes see.
Melvin C. Hocken bury is employed by the U . S. Army OrdDover , nance, Pictinn y Arsanl, New Jersey. His home address is 123 W. Main St. , Route 6, Denv ille, New Jersey. Frank T. Alvara do is on militar y leave of absence from Parson s , Brinck erhoff, Hall & MacDo nald , 51 Broadw ay, New York, New York. Francis P . Herrge sell is employ ed with Interna tional Busine ss Machines, 314 Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City , Missou ri. His home ad dress is 308 Marsha ll Street, J efferson City, Missou ri. Thoma s E. Quick is with the United States Army Reserv e, Cor ps of Engine ers, Studien t Officer Company , Box S-56 , AECOC , Ft. Belvoir, Virgini a. Mail should be addressed to 6615 Sacram ento, St. Louis 20, Missou ri. Robert R. Madelu ng is empl oyed with the Anacon da CQPper Minin g Co., Butte , Montan a . His mailing address is 608 W. Park Street, Butte , Montan a. Eldo K. Koppel mann IS w ith the J. Faessle r Mfg. Compa ny, Moberly , Missou ri. His mailing address is 501 East L ogan , Moberl y, Missou ri. John Steele is employ ed with t h e Bureau of Ships, Washin gton 25, D . C. John A Bara 's new address is Canton Hall, Oak Rid ge, Tennes see. At present John is a student at the Oak Ridge School of R ea ctor Techno logy. Larry E. Ben son's home address is 1261 Lamar Street, Memph is, T e nnessee . Johnni e N. Stova ll is with the U. S. Army. His home address is R. R. 1, Indepe nden ce, Misso uri. John W . Layth am , Jr . is in the U. S. Arm y station ed at Ft. Leonard Wood , Missou ri. J ohn's hom e add r ess is 8917 Litzsin ger Roa d , Brentw ood 17, Missou ri. Walter Clemen ts' home addres:s is 657 S . Volutsi a , Wichita , Kansas. Glen Audsle y's mailin g address is D eWitt, Missou ri. John Paul Zedalis is in t he U .S. Army . His mailing addres s is 431 S. Semina ry Street, Collins ville, Illinois . Richard D . Zang is with Phillip s Petrole um Co. Mail add['ess ed to 472 N. 83rd Street, E . St. Loui s, Illinois , will reach him . Raymo nd Campo s N etto's address is Ave Maraca na 1461 , Rio de J anerio, Brazil, South Americ a. K enneth L . Cramer 's mailing add r ess is 1142 Knoxvi ll e , P eor ia , Illinois .