MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO. VOLUME 27
Recipients of the Lucy Wortham James Scholarship Awards for 1952-53. See story on Page 9. Front row : Arthur Baebler, Dean Curtis L. Wilson, and John Averill. Back row: Richard Kaiser, Leonard Keller, and Donald Baganoff.
Outlines Extension
Dr. Kelly Heads U. S.
Course Policies
Atomic Committee
Dr. Amos J . Snider , Director of the Adult Education and Extension Service, University of Missouri, Columbia . Missouri, at the invitation of D ean Curtis L. Wilson, of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, met in Rolla with D ean Wilson and other members of the Policy Committee of t h e School of Mines and Metallurgy to outline methods of procedure for h a ndling certain extension courses and conf erences in various fields of e ngineel'i:l!! to b e held in Rolla and elsewhere in Missouri.
Dr. Mervin J. Kelly , ' 14, President of the Bell T el ephone L aborato ries , 463 West Street, N ew York 14, New York, was , on D ecember 31, 1952, appointed by Robert A . L ovett, S ecretary of Defense, as Chairman of an eight man committee to advise him on the def ense of North America against possible atomic attack. Other members on the committee with Dr . K elly are Walker Cisler, President of the De troit Edison Company ; S. C. Hollister . Dean of Engineering at Cornell U niversity; F . L. Hovde , President of Purdue Un iversity; C. C. Lauritsen, Professor of Physics , California Institute of T echnology; Art.hur E. Raymond, Vice Preside nt of the D ou glas Aircraft Company; H . S . Vance, Chairman of the B oard, Studebak er Corporation ; and R. E. Wilson, Chairman of the Board . Standa rd Oil Company of India n a. Dr . K elly graduated from MSM in 1914 and l ater took his Master's Degree at the Uni versity of K entucky and his Doctor's D egree at the University of Chicago. H e was gr anted t h e Honorar y Degree of Doctor of E ngineeri ng at MSM in 1936. On the campus, h e was a member of Sigma Nu and Tau Beta Pi. H e h ad long b een active in the Alumni Association and served as president from 1948 to 1950 .
Dr. Snider outlined th e different phases of the Extension Service and basic policies of opera tion which applied to such courses. H e pointed out that the resident divisions are r esponsible for the content of all extension courses and conferences and that the E xtension S ervice stands ready to h elp in the promotion of any such programs in which the academic divisions are interested from an educational standpoint. Dean Wilson reported that arrangements have already been made for an extension course in M e tallurgical E ngineering , at the r equest of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society for Meta ls . This course is planned to start next S eptember and will run fo r of college credit. The course will d eal with the fundamental princip les of physical m etallurgy and is designed to assist the many metallurgical engineers in the St. Louis area in gaining knowl edge of some of the modern concepts underly ing present-day metallurgical practices. The course will be taught in St. L ouis and will be under the¡ supervision of Dr. Daniel S. Eppelsheimer, Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. In addition to the extension course, various proposed conferences to be given on the campus at Rolla were also discu ssed. One of these is a surveying confer ence arranged by Professor E . W. Carlton, of the Civil Engineering D e partment, to be held n ext April. A coal symposium under the sup ervision of Dr . J . D . Forrester , Chair-
man of the D epartment of Mining Engineering, will a lso be held as well as a state-wide clinic on television for t elevision servicemen sponsored by the Electrical Engineering D epartment of which Prof essor 1. H. Lovett is Chairman. A ll of the extension courses and conferences will deal w ith engineering subj ects. Some will carry college credits and others will be of an informational nature for the b enefit of interested persons.
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Attention, Section Chairmen!
Barney Nuell has Homecoming color movies
a vailable for showings. There are 250 feet of 16 mm. movies in color which Barney Nuell took at Homecoming availabl e for t h e asking, to be shown at any alum ni gatherin g. In a ddition to some fin e action shots of the football game, there are many closeup shots of our crowd in the stands, as well as a close-up of ever yo n e present at the Saturda y night dinner. There are also some fin e views of the en tire campus, inclu ding the n ew Chemistry Building, n ew Mechanical Hall , and Harris H a ll, which man y of our ol der gra ds h ave never seen . This shoul d be a r eal interest getter for yo ur next section meet-
ing . Those who were present at Homecoming w ill enjoy seeing the mselves " in the movies", and those who could not come w ill e njoy seeing their fri e nds and old fami lia r scenes as well as the additions to our plant. In t h e event no one in your section has a projector and screen , these may be r ente d at your l ocal camera shop for a very nominal charge. If yo u would like to show t h ese movies , write direct to B arney N u ell at 3440 Wilshire Blvd. , L os Angeles 5, California , giving the date of yo ur meeting . Requ ests w ill be honored in the order of their receipt.
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Harry Fields, MSM Business Manager,
New MSM Official
Returns to M. U.; Post to M. T. Caldwell
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Harry Fields , business manager of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy since 1946 has returned to the Columbia campus of the University January 1, as Assistant to the Vice-President in Charge of Business Operations, and Assistant to the Secretary of the Board of Curators. Leslie Cowan , who is the vice president and also secretary of th e Board, said that Fields' promotion
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in April, 1946, as auditor of that institution, and was named business manager of the School of Mines and Metallurgy in September of that year. The Policy Committee of the School of Mines and Metal lurgy gave a farewell party to Harry and Mrs . Fields in Rolla on January 20, with Dr. A. W. Schlech ten, Chairman of the Metallurgical Engineering Department as Chair man of the committee for the oc casion. Dean Curtis L . Wilson , Mrs. Gale Bullman, and Professor S. H. Lloyd all spoke of their app r ecia· tion of Harry's work as Busines'3 Manager of the School of Mine5 . Professor Lloyd pres en ted Harry and Mrs . Fields with a silver tra y from the Policy Committee as a n expression of such appreciation. Caldwell is a native of Boon e County and is also a war veteran , having served from 1943 until 194 6 in the U. S. Air Force . Formerly a bank accountant, he was first ap pointed accountant in the payroll department of the University in 1948. He is married and the fath-er of a small girl.
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Engineers' "Who's Who"
Now Being Prepared
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is a part of the readjustment of assignments in the business management of the University to conform to present day needs. Marvin T. Caldwell, administrative assistant in the University comptroller's office at Columbia , has succeeded Fields as business manager at Rolla. Fields is a graduate of the University, having received a B. S. degree in Business Administration in 1942. He entered the U. S. Navy shortly after graduation and served in the amphibious landing forces in the Pacific, participating in almost all the combat landings against the Japanese. Upon being released from the Navy in December, 1945, Fields was named an assistant in the Office of Business Operations of the University. He was transferred to the Rolla division of the University
A revised edition of "Who's Who in Engineering" is being prepared and Dean Curtis L. Wilsons has· sent to all living ·g raduates of the School of Mines, from 1943 back to the time the School was established, for whom addresses are available, a list of the requirements for those to be included in the new publication. These requirements are: 1. Engineers of at least ten years active practice , at least fiv e years of which have been in responsible charge of important engineering work . 2. Teachers of engineering subjects in colleges or schools of accepted standing who have taught such subjects for at least ten years, at least five years of which have been in responsible charge of a major engineering course in such coL lege or school. (Military assignments wi II
have prop er consideration in both of these above groups.) Dean Wilson r equested those inte reste d to notify him , and he is submitting the names to the editors of " Who 's Who in Engineerin g", who will send these interested per sons a form for submitting biographical material for the use of the e ditors in preparing the new issue . The information was sent only to those graduates up to 1943, as normally they would be the only ones to have the necessary ten years of experience . However, if any of the classes after 1943 feel that, through experience before graduation, they would qualify, Dean Wilson asks that they send their names to him and he will be glad to submit them for consideration. A very large number of alumni have already returned their requests to Dean Wilson. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
MSM ALUMNUS 1111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the gra duates and former students of the School of Mines and Metallurgy . Subscription price $1.50 , included in Alumni Dues. Enter ed a s se cond-cla ss m a tter Oct. 27, 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla , Mo ., under the Ac t of March 3, 1879 .
Many Alumni Attending HRolla Night"
Grads Present Papers at
in St. Louis Hear Dr. Aaron J. Miles
Physical Society Meet
By W. A. Wundrack On January 29, 1953 , 8 :30 p.m ., Dr. A. J. Miles , Chairman of Mech~ anical Engin eering, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy , presented a very stirring speech to the Engin eers Club of St. L ouis. The Engineers Club was having its "Rolla Night" and the turnout was quite l arge. With the aid of name tags many familiar faces took on their familiar names and the building vibrated to the handshaking and back slapping as old college friends met once again . Dr. Miles drew upon his wealth of experience in the field of research and education to tell the¡ assembled members and guests of the Engineers Club the achivements made by MSM in its attempt to stay abreast of the needs of industry for qualified engineering graduates . It was pointed out by Dr . Miles that all engineering departments and all engineering options at the School of Mines and Metallurgy are fully accredited by the "Engineers Council for Professional D evelop ment." In addition to B .S . degrees in engineering and science, a ll departments offer Masters degrees. The Doctorate is available in the Mining, M etallurgy, Geology, Ceramic, and Min-
era 1 Industry D epartments. A statement by Dr . Miles that out of the 140 Engineering Schools on the E.C.P.D. list MSM is among the upp er twenty by e nrollment, was of k e en inter est to the a lumni and students present at the meeting. A s well as Dr. Miles the MSM faculty was represente d by Professor Joe Butler- Civil Engineering D epartment, Professor (Skipp er ) Carlton-Civil Department, Mr. J. M . Vickers- Drawing D epartment, and ' Donald D ean-Administrative Assistant. The alumni of MSM and present students numbered well over 250. As it was aptly put by Dr . Miles at the beginning of the speech, it was a wonderful feeling to have so many former students present to hear a p r ofessor talk when they didn't have to attend the l ecture. Kowalski -Bockstaller Miss Betty Jane Bockstaller of St. Louis, Mo., became the bride of Thomas A. Kowalski , '52, November 22 , 1952. Tom is employed with St. Louis Smelting & Refining Company , National L ead Company, Fredericktown, Mo.
At the meeting of the American Physical Society, held in St. Louis at the Washington University on November 28 and 29 , 1952, three former grad uates of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, who were majors in Physics , presented papers at this meeting. Donald 1. Meyer . '46-presented a paper entitled, " A Precise Measurement of the " F " Line of Thorium B" , by D. 1. M eyer and F. H . Schmidt, University of Washington . Dr. Meyer completed his Doctor's degree at Washington University of l ast Spring and is now at the University of Oklahoma. C. E. McFarland , '49-presented a paper entitled, "Magnetic Analysis of Protons from Cr52 (d,p) Cr53 and Ni58(d,p)Ni59". by C. E . Mc- ' Farland, M. M. B retscher, and F . . B. Shull , Washington University. R. L . Becker, '51 - presented a paper entitled, " To ta l Cross Sections for F ast Neutrons" , by R. L. Becker M. Walt, and A. Okazaki , University of Wisconsin. He also presented a paper called " The To tal Neutron - Proton Scattering Cross Section at 2.5 Mev.", by R . E. Fields, R. L . B ecker, and R. K. Adair , University of Wisconsin.
Night" at the
"Rolla Night" at the Engineers Club in St. Louis at a meeting held on January 29 designed especiaHy for Alumni of the School of Mines. An overflow crowd attended. Dr. A. J. Miles, Head of the Mechanical Engi-
Placement Service
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to MSM Alumni Due to the fact that the school is in a position to be of considerable service to both industry and its alumni through its placement office, an attempt is being made to expand alumni contacts for placement files. In order to keep this service before the alumn i it is planned to list several positions ava ilable in each issue of the Alumnus. It is hoped that the alumni address file may b e kept more current as a by-product of this service. The Placement Office is especially hopeful that it may render placement service to MSM Alumni completing their military obligations. Sales Engineers-A company devoted to fabricating and distributing steel and aluminum products , is desirous of contacting experienced and inexperienced yo un g Civil, Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineers to do work of a sales nature. This company has its main office in Kansas City and its area is generally the mid-west. Salary open. Metallurgical Engineers-A large steel company located in California has several openings for Metallur-
gical Engineers. They are: Supervisor-Process Control Foundry, salary $500 per month, SupervisorRadiogaphic Laboratory, salary $450 per month and Product Metallurgist Foundry , $450 per month. The salary may be increased to make it commensurate with professional qualifications. Mechanical Engineers-A large company , devoted to producing water cooling towers and associated equipment, is interested in contacting Mechanical Engineers for machine design work in the Kansas City area. The starting monthly salary was quoted as $425 to $475. Civil , Mechanical and Electrical Engineers-A large consulting Engineering f irm , located in Kansas City, Missouri, has asked the Placement Office to anno unce that they have standing openings for men in the above three fields who are interested in design. The salaries will be commensurate with experience and ability. Mechanical and Electrical Engineers-The City Utilities of a medium-sized Missouri City is desirous of contacting Electrical and Mechanical Engineers with or without experience. Salary open. Mining Engineers-A large brick company, located in West Virginia , desires to hire a graduate in Min-
Engineers Club in St. Louis
for gi-
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at s to Be Held
IMarch 13 and 14
Ray Anthony will furnish the!
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for the annual St. Pat's!
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this year.
St. Pat's!
!- will be celebrated with the cus- Ii iIt omary Masquerade Ball on Fri-!-
Iday, I the
March 13, at which time I Coronation of the St. Pat's
i- Queen
will be held.
The semi-!
formal ball will be held the fol-
lowing night, Saturday, March!
i 14, according to St. Pat's i dent, Hugh Blevins. I
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ing Engineering with some field experience, preferably in clay mines. They want a man who can work with and handle men and who can advance in the company. Salary open. Chemical Engineers-A Chemical company, located in Missouri, wants a recent graduate in Chemical Engineering who can work with its program for expansion . They produce Phosphoric Acid , Ammonium Sulphate, Nitro-phospates, etc . Salary open.
neering Department at MSM, spoke on "Engineering Ed ucation" _ Professor J. B. Butler Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department, was Chairman of the Program Committee for the occasion. '
Metallurgical Department Using Cobalt
a s Part of Course in Radiography b y R . V. W olf, Instru ctor Metallu rgical Engineering With t h e appro v a l of t h e U. S. Atomic Ener gy C omm ission , t h e D epartment of M etall ur gica l Engineering h as p r oc ured a ca psul e of radioactive cobalt to b e u sed for radiographic i nsp ection as a p ar t of the course in Radio graphy a n d N on-destr u ct iv e T esting. R. V. Wolf, Instructor in M et a llur gical Engineering, h as b een licen sed by the A.E. C . to h andl e a nd s up ervise t h e u se of t h e Cobalt. Cobalt 60 is a r a dioactive isotop e of common cobalt. ( Cobalt 59) , and constantly g ives off n uclear
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l ene wel d on % mch cast iron. A rrow points to line showing' lack of f usion. r a di a tion in the form of b eta a n d gamma r ays; it eventually dIsmtegr ates to n on-r a dIO a ctIVe N ickel 60 . In five to six years, a cap sul e , or SO Ul'ce of Cobalt 60 will Ulstin tegr ate to on e-h a lf of i ts on g m a l rauia tion stren gth. The co balt Obtain e d b y th e M e t allu r glcal i:!: n gm eerin g D ep a rtme n t IS rated as b em g a <:5 0 mILlIcurie so ur ce, h avIn g a gamma ra a ia uon strengt h e q c;.al to a cap sule conta ining over a t hird of a gr a m of r adium. I I ~. From the small, steel -en ded, br ass cap sule slightly over a n inch l ong comes the pen etrat mg gam ma r adIa tion that i s a ble to " look thro ugh" 4 inches of steel in l ess than an hour, showmg a n y l a ults or flaws that are .gr eater th an abo u t two p ercent of t h e t ota l section thickn ess . Becau se of t h e e con om y r esulting i r om its u se, Cobalt 60 i s f ast replacing radi um inspection and in some cases X -Ray insp ection in man u fa ctur ing i ndustrIes. Radioactive cobalt in in d ustry is th e most w idel y used p r oduct of th e
a tomic pile in st a ll ation s of t he Atomic En er gy Comm ission . B ecause of ~ h e high io ni zatio n eff e ct of the g a mm a radia tion a n d its potential dan ge r to p er so nn el , the A t omic E nergy Commission e x e r cises ri gid cont ro ls on t h e use and user s of Cobalt 60 so ur ces . A s h as b een appr oved b y the A.E.C ., th e Metallu r gy D epartment capsule is h and l ed w ith an e igh t foot el ectro-magnetic r emot e handli n g d ev ice, and betw een exp osu r es , the source is st ored i n a l ead safe tha t p r ovides 3 Vz inches of l ead around t h e capsule in a ll d irections. Expos u res of castings, wel ds, a nd other ar ticle s a r e carried o u t in a r oom li n e d with l ead, both on th e walls a n d fl oor . A common G e iger t u b e sur v ey m e t er is use d to che ck the r adiation l evel su r round ing the r oom d uring e xposur es to a ssu re t h at no per sonnel is exposed to too great a dose of radiation. I nspection of a r ticles w ith gam m a r a d iation fr om a Cob alt 60 source is simila r to the in sp ection of a rticles w it h X-rays. The part to b e in sp ected is p l aced b e tween t h e radiation so ur ce an d a shee t of photogr a p h ic fil m for a cal culated l ength of time. The fil m i s then proce ssed and an y def ects or
Coba lt 60 r a dio graph of a cast iron j ack h ou sing t h a t h as section thic knesses from Yz t o 4Yz inch es . A rro ws p oint t o intern a l blowholes. undesira ble internal inclusions in the a rti cl e m a y b e see n on the film a n d acc ura t ely l oca t ed . I n indu stria l applica t ion , th e d efectiv e p a rt m ay b e d iscar d ed , or , b ecau se
:'ulIle of tne eq u .pnlent u!>t!d in G a mma r ay r a di o!:,raphy , in cludin g lead st or age safe conta ining Cob a lt 60, magn etic h a n d ling pole, sur vey mete r , fil m hold er , a nd ca p sul e h old er . of t h e dete r mination of t h e l ocation of th e intern a l d ef ect , the par t may b e r e p a ired a n d sal vaged. Qu it e ofte n th is will r es ult in a tre mendous sa ving to the company tha t uses this type of impe ction .
Dr. Grawe at Meeting of Geologists in Boston Dr . O . R. Gra w e , Ch a irma n of t h e G eol ogy D ep a rtm e n t a nd Mr . J . L . Rose nfel d , A ss istant P r ofessor of G e ology a tte nde d t h e a nnu al m eeting s of t h e G eological Society of A me rica an d a ssoci ated socie ties which w er e h eld i n B oston , Mass ach usetts N ov ember 13- 15. N earl y 2,000 geol ogist s and the ir wives w er e in atte nda nce. Among the M SM a l u m ni present wer e : T om B e v eri dge, '42, M isso u ri G eologica l Survey; La r ry B l ade , e x '5 1, U .S.G .S .; Jac k B urst, ' 43 , Shell P e trol e um C orp or ation; Sa m u el S. G oldi ch , e x ' 32 , Professor of G eolo-gy, Univer sity of Minn e sota; W a lter D. K e ller , ' 30 , Professor of G eol ogy, Uni ve r sity of Misso uri ; Me rlin D . K l e in kopf , '51, G r ad u a t e S t u de nt, Colu m b ia Univer sity; Shir l ey L y n ch , '28 , C h a irm a n , G eol ogy D ep artme nt, T exas A a nd M College; G . A. Muile nburg, ' 25 , A ssista n t S tate Geol ogist , Mi sso uri G eolog ical Su r vey; Ma r tin Tisch ler , 51, Gra d u ate S tuden t , J ohn s Hopkin s U n ive r sity. Former m emb er s of t h e st aff of the G eology D ep a r tment, n ot al um ni , w ho we r e noted to b e p r esen t w er e: J osia h Brid ge , U. S .G .S .; Eu ge n e Simpso n , U .S .G .S .; Louis W . Currie r , U .S .G .S .; Ch a rl es H. Summ er so n , Ohio S tate U ni v er sity.
Many MSM Alumni at ASME Meeting
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T . C. Gerber, ' 28, and Mrs. G e rb 路 er attended the Annual M eetin g of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at the Hotel S tatler, New York City, November 30 to December 5. While there, Col. Gerber had lunch with Alumni President, H ead. Doubtless there were more alumni in attendance. Ted is G e n eral Mana'g er, Liberty Powder Company, Wabash River Division at N ewport, Indiana. The Gerbers live at 212 West H a rrison Street, Danville, Illinois. A feature of the annual meetings of the American S ociety of Metals is the setting aside of the Wednesday noon for alumni reunion luncheons. This yea r in Philadelphia on October 22, some 23 luncheon s were scheduled in the official program among which the MSM gathering was not the l east important. The roster of those paying their respective luncheon checks were made up of: M . L . Frey , '22, Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee , Wisc. D avid F . Walsh, ' 21, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Rolla, Mo. C. H erb ert Lindsl y , ' 25. W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co. , F t. Madison, Iowa. Elmer Gammeter, '26, Globe Steel Tubes Co ., Milwaukee, Wisc. J . Russell McCarron, '32 , Vana ' dium Alloys Steel Co. , Philadelphia, Pa . Fred J . Schmitt, '32, D . A. Stuart Oil C o., Chicago , Ill . M. H . Murray, ' 34 , Olin Industries Metals Div., New H aven Conn. H . L . Nicholson, '36, Ohio Seamless T ube Co ., She lby, Ohio . John W. Frame, '37 , B ethlehem Steel Co ., B ethlehem, P a. John D . Berwick , '39, Olin Industries M etals Div ., New H aven, Conn. Max Bolotsky, '38, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md . Clayton W. B entley , '40, D ou g las Aircraft, EI Segundo, Calif. Clinton V. N ewman, '41, Chase Brass & Copper Co ., Cleveland , Ohio. George P . Dahm , '42 , Metals D is ' integrating Co ., Manchester, N. H . Gordon A. Eng le, '42, Micro Switch Div., First Industrial Corp. , Freepo rt, Ill.
E . S. Bumps, ' 43 , Studebake r Corp ., S. B end , Ind . Herbe r t S . Kalish , ' 43, Sylvania Electrical Products, Bayside , L . r. , N. Y . F . M. Krill, ' 43 , Kaiser Aluminum, Spokane, Wash. Fred J . R add , ' 43 , Continental Oil Co. W. J . B arnett, ' 44, Case Institute , Cleveland, Ohio . Vernon J . Pingel , 44 , Borg-Warner Central Research , Bellwood , Ill .
L e o n Eriv , 45 , America n Can Co., Newark, N. J. Herman Mansfield, ' 47, Wright A e ron a utical Div. , Woodridge , N. J. G e orge J. Miller, '47, Westinghou se Elec . Corp . J . D . Sullivan , '47, A . O . Smith Corp. , Mil w a uk ee, Wisc . Ra y Tre on , '47 , Case In stitute, Cl ev e la nd , Ohio . R. B. Howe ll, ' 48, B e thlehem S teel Co., Bethlehe m , Pa. ( Continued on Page 12)
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
MSM Alumni Association 11111111111111 111111111;11111 111 111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
OFFICERS President
James L. Head
...... .25 Broa dwa y, .... .. .... New York 4 , N. Y. Exec u tiv e A . E. Barnard .. .... .. ....... 613 S. Central, . ...... Vice-Pres. Clayton 5, Mo. Vice-Pres . .. ... Horace H. Clark .... ........ 7202 S. Shore D r ., .. Chicag o 49 , Ill . Sec. -Treas. ... H. R. Hanle y .... .. .... .. 606 W . 8th St., .. ...... Rolla, Missouri
Term Exp. Nov . 1 , 1953 Nov . 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov : 1, 1953
DIRECTO RS AT LARGE Mervin J . Kelly , ' 14 Charles J . Potter, '29 . Melvin E. Nickel , ' 38
(Three-Ye ar T e rms ) .. .. 463 W es t Stree t .. .. .... New York 14, N . Y. . ... .. 619 Oak Street .. . ............ Indiana, Pa. ..... 7020 Creigier Street .. Chicago, Ill. AREA DIRECTORS
Term. Exp. Area No. Area Director States Embraced 1 ............... Enoch N eedles '14 .... ......... ... New England, N. Y ., N. J. , .. .. 1955 East Pa ., Wash. D . C., Md ., V a. e xcept Southwest Va. 2 .. .... .......... Claude Valerius '25 ........... ... E. Tenn ., E. K y ., N . C ., . ..... ..... 195 5 S . C ., La ., Miss., Ala ., F la. 3.
S. Allan Stone '30 .. .... ........ .. ... W . Va ., W . Tenn. , W . K y., .... 1955 S . W. Va. , W . Pa., Ohio, Indiana (e xcept the Chicago Industrial Area ) . W. P. Ruemmler '38 ....... ...... .. N . Ill. , Chicago , Wisc. , ......... ... 1954 Mich ., N . I nd., Minn.
5 ... ...... .... .. Paul D owling '40 ................ .. S . Ill. , E. Mo. , A r kan sas ........ 1953 6 ..
.. .. H. E. Zoller '23 ......... .. ......... .. . Iowa , W. Mo. , Okl ahoma , ...... 1953 Kan sas
7 ... ............. S. H. Lloyd '47 ..... ..... .......... .. T e x ., Ariz ., N e w M e xico ........ 1955 8 .. ....... .. .. ... D ave Hale ' 34 ........... .. ....... .. Idaho , Mont. , N . D ., S. D. , .. .. 1954 W y oming , Col orado 9 ................ B arney Nuell '21 ................. .. Wash., Ore gon , Calif . ............ 1953
K. C. Mulhbauer Wins General Scholarship Karlheinz c. Mulhbauer has been announced by Dean Curtis L . 'yy llson as the Wlllner of the General :::,cholarship at lVl;:;IVI ror the current scnool year. Karl is a fresnman in Civil .t;ngineenng and was born and reared In Germany , comlllg to tills country tOlloWlllg the cluse of t.he war. l 'he General Scnolarship fund was made avaIlable by an anonymous donor at l:iomecomlllg in HI;>O who presented Dean 'W ilson with $bUO.OU wIth the r equest that it be used for scholarshIp purposes to assIst needy students thl"ough school. ThIS IS the tnlrd award under the fund. The selection was made by a commJttee of the faculty consisting of 1-'rof. R. F . Daviason, Prot. C. W. Eshbaugh, Dr. E. D. Fisher, Prof. S. H. LlOyd, and Prof. R. lVI. Rankin, and Noel Hubbard, Chairman.
Fire Destroys Foundry Operated by Alumni A fire swept through the Liberty Foundry Company at 7600 Vulcan Street, St. Loms, Missouri, causing damage estimated at $70,000. Two of the operators of thIS company are, George Mellow, ' 18, secretarytreasurer, 69 Fair Oaks, Clayton, Mo. , and Richard W . Mellow, ex ' 16, executive vice-president and general manager of the foundry, 70 Fair Oaks, Clayton, Mo. The foundry, which makes castiron and steel castings, has about 200 employees. The blaze, first observed in the core room by a watchman, spread quickly to south and east parts of the pie-shaped brick building. Origin of the blaze was not d et ermined . The damage was estimated at $40,000 to the building and $3 0,000 to the contents. G e orge Mellow is a frequent visitor to Rolla, and is one of those actively engaged in the promotion of the Foundry Educational Foundation on the campus of MSM and has b een active in the promotion of instruction in foundr y practice on the MSM campus. Send in Persona ls.
Noel Hubbard, Chairman of the General Scholarship Committee, and Karlheinz C. Muhlbauer.
B. Rogers 'Retires as
Iron Works President Charles B . Rogers has announced his r etirement as President of :Kogers Iron "W orks Company of J opllll, Missouri, and his elecuon to ChaIrman of the Board of the above company. This change in Mr. Rogers' position comes after more than 50 years as an officer and President of the company whic h bears his name. During these years the company has grown from a very small concern, serving a limited trade area, to an internationally known manufacturer of mining machinery. In addition to the many installations in the United States, Rogers Iron Works equipment is in operation in Canada, Mexico, many South American countries, the Belgian Congo, South Africa , Philippines, Turkey, Yugoslavia , and other foreign countries where it has contributed to the development of areas rich in natural r esources. The business was founded in 1901 by Mr. Rogers' father , the l ate Captain Jack Rog ers, and H. R. Conklin as a n iron foundry and machine shop to serve the Joplin district mining industry. Shortly thereafter , the Ro gers Iron Works Company b ecam e the leading sup plier of a ll types of mllllllg machinery to the min es and m ill s of the Tri-State district. Rogers Iron Work s has pioneered m any new developments in machinery for mining a nd rock crushin g, noteworthy among these have b een development of the modern high-capacity j aw crusher a nd the introduction of mechanized underground drill "jumbos" or carri-
ages. The Rogers Company is outsta nding in the desi¡g n and manufacture of mechanized drilling eq uip ment, and has supplied many of these machines to l eading mining concerns throughout the world. In recent years emphasis has b een placed on the manufacture of portable, crushing machinery , and the Rogers Iron Works is one of only four concern s presently suppl ying eq uipment of this type to the U. S. Armed Forces. Mr . Rogers , when he attended MSM found time to play football and h~ has in his possession a picture o f the first team of 1900 and one of the second team of 1899; he would appreciate hearing from any of the m embers of either team at his home address which is 318 Sergea nt Ave nue , Joplin, Mo . Henry W. Hurst Henry W.Hurst, '21, passed away suddenly December 12, 1952. He was a consultant with Inland Steel Campany, Rosiclare , Illin ois at the time of his death. While at MSM h e was a memb er of Theta Tau , Prospector, Square & Compass, Trowel Club, American Assoc. Engineer s, Stud ent Council, and Rollamo Board. Donald Updike Donald Updike, '22 died of a heart attack at his h ome in Green wich , Conn. , January 18, 1953. He was 56 years old. He was a partner in the building contractors' firm of Nordholm & Updike which h e founded in 1927. Whe n he attended MSM , h e was a member of L a mbda Chi Alpha , Tau Beta Pi , Sigma G amma Ep silon , Phi Kappa Phi, and was Manager of the Athl etic Assn.
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Alumni Endowment Fund Plan Presented
Lucy Wortham James
For Benefit of Those HO n the Way Up"
Scholarships to Go to
In the last issue of the Alumnus we outlined a method of making immediate gifts of cash or securities to the Alumni Endowment Fund on the part of those in a P.osition to do so. We promised a subsequent article for the benefit of those "on the way up," who have a feeling of loyalty toward the school and a sense of obligation for what M.S.M. has done for them but are not ye+ in a position to make a gift of any sizable amount. In recent years more and more people have come to recognize the value of life insurance as a means of making a worthwhile contribution to their pet charity on an easy, painless, tax deductible basis. While the Alumni Endowment Fund is not a charity, strictly speaking, it deserves the wholehearted support of anyone who got his ed ucation at Rolla and is now meeting with some success in life as a result of that education and training. For example, a man at age 25 who may not think in terms of a $1000 gift can purchase $1000 of Straight Life Insurance for $20.85 a year from any mutual life insurance company. If he makes the Alumni Endowment Fund the beneficiary , without reserving the ri·ght to change· the beneficiary, the premium is fully deductible for income tax purposes, the same as any other charitable contribution. At the end of 25 years the policy is fully paid-up for $1000, payable at death, or may be cashed in for $602. If death should intervene the full value of the gift he intended to make becomes immediately available to the fund and can be set up as a permanent memorial. If financial reverses come along , and· for any r eason whatever the graduate decides to discontinue his policy, he is under no obligation to continue paying premiums. In such a case, the policy could be endorsed as a fully paid-up policy of a reduced amount, in accordance with the number of premiums paid , but in ever y case this would be substantially greater than the premiums paid in. At age 30, $1000 of straight life insurance calls for a premium of
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Send in Personals.
$24 .01, at 35 $27.97, at 40 $32 .97 , and at 45 $39.38. These policies would be paid-up respecti-vely in 24 , 23, 22 , and 21 years and would be worth respectively $643, $684, $734 , and $763. Y our local insurance agent of any company will be gl ad to help yo u in arranging the d e tails of such a policy. If any further information i s d esired feel free to write to me, with the ~ssurance that I w ill ,g ladly help , and with no financial return for myself whatever , as an expression of my interest in promoting the Alumni Endowment Fund. Barney Nuell.
Five Students This Year
Two a dditional awards of Lucy Wortham James Scholarships were made possible at the School of Mines and M e t allurgy this year by the fact that two students, who had previously received an award , h a v e returned the $2 00 they received several years ago with the r equest that it be awarded to some worthy student again . Charles Alfred Dick, Huntington, West Virgi nia, who graduated in 1944, fir st r eturned the $200 to D ean Curtis L. Wilson of the School of Mines, and in an accompanying l e tter expressed the hope that it can be rea warded to some worthy boy and that it would mean as much to the new recipient as it did to him when h e was in school. Later Reo Eldon Goodwin, of Midland , T exas , who graduated in 1947, returned the $200 he had received with the same request. Pla n s for a music room in conThe schol arships were made junction with the school library ava ilable el even years ago , followhave been made by the library ing the death of Mrs. Lucy Worcommittee and approved by the tham James, the last direct descenfaculty of the Missouri School of dant of the pioneer James family Mines a nd Metallurgy , Rolla , Misof St. James , Missouri, who desouri. vel oped the old M e ramec Iron All s"udent s and school personWorks at Meramec Springs. The nel will have access to the room James family , anxious to h aveand records will be issu ed on the technical help ava ilab le, had sponorder of a l ending library, for use in the room only. A group of sored several students at the School of Mines to the extent of $200 a classical records have been puryear , which in those early days chased, to which more will b e added late r. Three record players will practically paid the student's way. R alph Ha yes , of the New York be available for use at a ll times. Community Trust. in New York The music room will be temporarily in the Clubroom of the Me- City . one of the trustees of Mrs . J a mes' estate, reintroduced the chanics Building. It is hoped the practice of making t h ese awards plans will be finished and the muto the School of Mines. Three of sic room opened on or before F eb the awards this year came direct ruary 1, 1953. from the trustees of Mrs. J ames' The Library Committee consists estate and two indirectly from the of Dr. D . S. Eppelsheimer, Profes- est a t e through the r e turn of funds sor of Metallurgical Engineering ; previously awarded . The r e cipiJ . M. Brewer , Instruc tor in E ngents were sel ected upon nominalish ; E . C. Chase , Instructor in Metion s from the facult y by a comchanical Enginee ring ; L eon H ersh- . mittee appointed by Dean Wilson, kiwitz , Assistant Professor in Civand this yea r the awards going to il Engineerin g; L . H. Lund, AssisJohn E. Averill , Arthur G. Baebtant Professor in Physics ; R. E. ler, Donald Baganoff, Richard L. Nolte, Assistant Professor in ElecK aise r , and L eo nard K eller. trical Engineering; T . J. Planje , Associate Professor in Ceramic E,n Deadline for the March-April isgineering; John Lang Rosenfeld , Assistant Professor of Mechanics ; sue of the Alumnus will be April 1, L. B . Taylor Assistant Professor 1953.
Music Room Planned For School Library
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Miners and Bears Devise New Plan for
E. R. Needles Contributes
Handling Footba ll Rivalry Enthusiasm
$1000 to Endowment Fund
A new method for handling t he football rivalry e nthusiasm between t he students of Southwest Missouri State College and the School of Mines a nd M etallurgy h er e, h as been developed by Donald D edmon of Mountain Grove, Missouri, President of t h e Stud ent S enate at Southwest Missouri Sta te College, and William Patterson of Bolivar, M issouri, Preside nt of the Student Council a t the School of Mines and Metallurgy. Previous pr e ~ga m e enthu siasm has l ead to the a pplication of gener ou s qua n tities of r e d p a int and p ep slogans upon the buil dings on the campuses of both institutions. The program is, according to Patterson, designed to change the expressions of rivalry b etween the two schools from t he methods described a bove to some channel s of j!ood will. On January 13 , D edmon spent the aft ernoon on the campus at R olla, a nd h e and Patterson outlined a program t o this end. T hey h ave pl anned a p ermanen t football trophy in the form of a walnut powder k eg about 20 inches in l ength to be called " Y e Olde P owder Keg" . On a plaque on the keg will b e put the title of the trophy and und erneath that the awar d to the victor of t h e annual football gam e b etween th e two schools as a symbol of their traditional rivalry. The keg w ill b e presented first following the Springfield-Miner game at Homecoming at SMS next October 30. It will be presented by the student body president of the losing team to the team captain of the winning school team. The student governing bodies of the two schools have enter ed into agreement that from now on there will be no more painting on the two campuses preceding the games and no student found guilty of painting on the other school property will be protected from prosecution as in the past. D ean Jam es E. Bane of SMS and D ean Curtis L . Wil son of the School of Mines are both in favor of this plan, and have agreed to give their active support to the program. Th e Stud ent S enate at Springfield and the Student Coun-
cil at R olla have both voted approval of the p lans. It is expected that within the near future , a joint statement from both teams w ill a ppear in their school papers .
James F. Smith Advances Wi t h Anaconda Company J ames F . Smith h as b een appointe d to one of the top positions of a relatively n ew compan y The Anaconda Aluminum Company . For the past 25 years, Jim h as b een associated with the Great F a lls Plant of th e Anaconda Copper Mining Company, most of the
Enoch R N eedl es, ' 14, one of the new members of the A l umni Association B oa rd of Director s h as set a good exa mple for others through a contribution of $1000 .00 to the Endowm ent Fund . Enoch has l ong been active in promoting the inte r est of M SM and in making his con t ribution stated that as a new member of the Board , he wished to make this offering to help get the fund under way as soon as possibl e . Enoch is a partner in the firm of H oward, N eedl es, T ammen and Ber gendoff Consulting Engineers, 55 Liberty Street , N ew York 5, New York , a nd h as acquired inter n atio nal r ecognition first as a design er of famous bridges in the metropoli tan N ew York Areas and as one of t h e chief en'g in eers of various tur npike j obs in the ea st. Members of th e End owment F un d Committee a r e Carl Stifel , ' 16; Harry S. P ence , '23; Dan K en nedy , '26; R Z . Willi ams, '31; F . S . EIfr ed, '17 ; F . C . Schn eeberger , ' 25 ; Karl F . H assel mann , '25; Ba rney Nuell , '21; J . L. H ead , '16; and Charles J . Potter, '29, alternate .
Kappa Sigma Planning Fiftieth Anniversary
time in a supervisory capacity in the copper r efining d ivision to which he contributed new ideas that reflected notabl e economy of opera tions. H e has traveled extensively in foreign countries; in Mexico he redesigned an old copper refinillg plant and placed it in economic operation. His new position is production superintendent of Anaconda's Aluminum Plant to be constructed at Columbia Falls, Montana . The completion of the plant will require approximately 18 months . His many fri ends will be pleased to learn of his advancement.
T o cele brate the Fifti eth Ann iversary of the B eta Chi Chapter on th e campus of the Missouri School of Min es, the active chapter at Rolla , toge ther with all a lumni , are p lannin g to h old the Golden Anniversary Celebration in Rolla the weekend of Hom ecoming 1953. The w eekend w ill b e hi'ghlighted with a banqu e t honoring al umni from B eta Chi. Fu rthe r details of our Fiftiet h Anniversary will b e published in forthcoming issues of th e MSM Alumnu s. W atch for them. Den Boer- R eeb urg h Miss Evelyn R eebu r gh wa s united in marriage to John H a rry den Boer '48 , Frid ay, Novemb er 21 , 1952, at Scheffiel d. Alabama . John was a m ember of t he T ech Club , RO.T.C . Band, AIMME, Photography Club, Sigma Chi , and American Society for Metals when he attended MSM .
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Heart Attack Fatal to J. H. Steinmesch Jesse Herman Steinmesch, '06 , died December 15, 1952, from a heart attack following a short illness . He was a member of the MSM faculty for sev eral years , after having risen from shipping clerk to general superintendent of Desloge Consolidated L ead Company at Desloge, Mo. , which position he held until 1929 at which
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Mrs_ Charles H. Fulton, Widow Of Former MSM Director, Dies Mrs . Marianne Fulton, widow of the late Dr. Charles H . Fulton, dir ector of the School of Mines from 1920 to 1937, d-ie d at her home in Montclair, N. J ., Jan. 12, according to word received in Rolla . She is survived by a daughte r , Mrs. C. Gordon Cooke, and three sisters . Dr. Fulton was Director of the School of Mines from 1920 to 1937, a nd Mrs. Fulton was well known to alumni during that p eriod . Mrs. Walter E. Remmers Dies Following Long Illness Mrs. Anna Lois Remmers, wife of Walter E. Remmers . '23 , passed away at her home in Darien , Conn. , on December 18, 1952, following a long illness. Mrs. Remmers, the former Lois Mitchell , was reared in Rolla , and was well known among the students at the time of her marriage to Wally Remmers in 1927. She was a sister-in-law of John M. Schuman, ' 16, who died September 29, 1952. Mrs . Remmers is survived by her husband and two sons, Edward , who is doing advanced work at the Massachuset's Institute of Technology, and Thomas who is in hi·gh school.
time he came to MSM where h e was an energetic and popular teacher. He was include d in the 1931 edition of Who's Who in Engineering. Mr. Steinmesch l eft MSM in 1935 to serve as mining consultant to A . O. Smith Company in Milwaukee, Wisc . In 1938 he joined with Joseph Desloge in the organization of the Minerva Oil Co . and was successful in discovering oil near St. Elmo and elsewhere in Southern Illinois . Since 1942 h e had devoted most of his time with the mining division of that company to see it develop into the nation's le adng producer of cer a mic fluorspar. While attending MSM, Jesse was a member of Phi Kappa Phi and Grubstakers . He took a great interest in MSM affairs, and was a
T. Grant COOke A letter from T. Dickerson Cooke , Director of the Institute of Applied Science, Chicago, announces the death of his father , T. life member of the MSM Alumni Association. For several years Mr . Steinmesch made an annual contribution to the student chapter of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers as an honorarium to the winners in an essay contest among the members of the organization. He is survive d by his wife who resides at 2009 Gle nwood Avenue, Eldorado , Ill. , where they have lived for the past several years. Also two dau ghters, Barbara and Jane t, both married . Janet is married to Robert Gill Montgomery. '35, and they make their home· a t 2309 Illinois Avenue , Eldorado, Ill .
Dr. S. L. Baysi nger, Former Curator, Dies Dr . S . L . Baysinger d ie d Januar y 28 a t the a ge of 83 y ear s. Dr . Bay sin ger w as a physicia n a nd civic l ead er in Rolla. He had served the S ch ool of Mines eithe r
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a s a m emb er of the Board of Cur a tors or a m ember of the faculty for many y ears, and was quite w ell known to the students. H e was the fath er-in-law of C. Y. Clayton , ' 13, for many years professor of Me tallurgical Engineering at MSM, now decea sed , and grandfather of Charles Lee Clayton, '38, 1004 Hill Street , Hannibal, Missouri. Grant Cooke , an alumnus of the Missouri School of Mines and Meta llurgy in the class of 1908, Mining Engineering. Mr. Cooke had a prominent r e cord as a Civil Engineer with one· of the large railroad companies. Incidental to his work as an en gineer , he became inter ested in profession of Identification and found ed the Institute of Applied Science , June 1916 , a corr espondence school devoted to this fi eld . H e studied at New Scotland Ya rd in London , a t P a ris, Rome, B ern e, Beriln , and Brussels and w as one of world-wide authori ties in crimina l investigation with emphasiS' on fin gerprinting. The Institute , now in its 3-5th year of service , is b eing a dministered by his son, and associa tes.
Lt. C. J. Wigge Killed Enroute to Korea
ASME Meeting
Lt. Conrad J . Wigge , ex '45, was killed in a plane crash while serving as a Lt. in the navy aboard the aircraft carrier, Philippine Sea. Conrad was en ro ute to Korea from San Francisco and was r eturning to his ship from an operational flight when a gust of wind cal ried his plane to the side of the carrier throwing it against the stern. The plane sank in about 30 seconds . The body was not r ecover e d. Conrad was a J et plane operator and in 1948 was a member of the fly ing squadron that carried ou t the first carrier base mass operations w i th J e t-fi,g hter p l anes off the A tlan tic coast. H e is survived by his mother, Mrs. Eva Wigge; h is wife, Willena; and two children, Linda L ee, 8, and Conrad W . III, 1, with whom he lived .in Alameda, California . On the campus he was a member of the Triangl e Club , Rollamo Bo ard, a nd the M Club.
(Continued From Page 7) Art Scholz , '48 , B e thleh em Steel Co. , B ethle h em, Pa. Lowell T. Smith, , 49, W estern Cartridge Co. M . R. Calton, '50, Caterpillar T ractor, P eoria, Ill. Lou Kapernaros, '50, Riley Stoker Corp ., Worcest e r , Mass. R obert E. Riley, '5 1, Armour R e¡ search Foundation , Chicago , Ill. Edwin J. Soxman, '51, Air Force Proj ect, Alfred Univ ., Alfred , N. Y . D ean M. Williams, '52 , Kaiser Aluminum & Che mical Corp., Spokan e, Wash. Alumni President, James L. H ead, '16, N ew Y ork City . D an iel S . Ep pel shemier, M .S .M. Faculty, Rolla, Mo . A. W . Schle chten, M.S.M . F acul ty , Rolla , Mo.
Join the Alumni Association of your Alma Mater.
Carl G. Stifel Candidate For Mayor of St. Louis Carl G. Stifel , ' 16 , is a candidate for the office of ma yo r of St. Louis on th e R epublican ticket accordin g to n ews stori es in the St. Louis press. Carl graduated from MSM in 1916 and, was while here, e n ga'ged in many activities on t h e campus being a member of the Kapp a Sigma social fraternity and Theta Tau professional fr a t ernity al ong with numero u s l ocal activities. H e was ' for a time president of the Pocahontas Mining Company, but later entered the r eal esta te business and is at present president of the Carl G. Stifel R ealty Company. Carl has a l ways been active in the Alumni A ssociation serving as Preside nt of the organization from 1941 to 1945 . H e has al ways taken a keen interest in the affa irs of his Alma Mater, and has contribute d much to th e advanceme nt of MSM.
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San Francisco Section Dinner
A n A lumni meeting of the San Francisco Bay Area was h eld at Veneto Restaurant, 389 Ba y St. , ~an Francisco, Calif. A delicious dinner , a few good old Min e r son s, and a r eal fine time were enjo yed by the group. Those present were Left to Right in picture: Top Row : Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gettler '22, W. I. Phillips '07, W. B. Distl er '47, C lare nce Altmiller , A. W. Hackwood ex ' 11, M r . and Mrs. R. L. Ray '47, an d Mrs. A. W. Hackwood. Middle Row: Howard Histed, Jr., Mrs. Howard Histed, Mrs. W. B. Distler, J. H . Murphy '38, Ch airman , Mrs. J. H. M urph y, Mrs. E. R. Tragitt. Bottom Row: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lambe '49, Howard Histed '28, Mr. and Mrs. John Ch a n g, E. R . Tragitt '23.
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Laboratory, Research Equipment Needed at MSM listed by Department Heads As is generally known the need by technIcal mstitutlOns tor laborawry and research eqUlpment IS never ending, and especially so in a period of technological advancement such as we l1ave been expenencing in recent years. At the request of the Alumni Association, Dean Curtis Wilson has prepared a list of such equipment that is needed to replace 01.' aug · ment present equipment. '1'he acquisition of much of the eqUlpment hsted by state funds has been deIerred from time to time in favor of more d irely needed items. New equipment is not necessarily a must as slightly obsol ete or reparable equipment is entirely acceptable. For further descriptive information please correspond directly with the Chairman of the Department with copy to H. R. Hanley, MSM Alumni Office, Rolla Misso uri. These items represent a definite means of rendering valuable and tangible assistance to the various departments. Additional lists will be presented f rom time to time. H. S. Pence Exec. Vice-Presiden t Mining Department Dr. J. D. Forrester Bottom-hole pressure bomb Bulldozer, medium size Furnace for coal-ash fusion. Gas fired type Motion picture camer a (16 mm with special lens ) Pulverizer. Laboratory size , Fishe r im proved model or equivalent Screen vibrator to hold 24 " x 48" screen Metallurgy Department D l". A . W . Schlech ten Small laboratory s ize h eat treating f urnace - heavy-duty glow-bar type . Phys ics D e pa rtment Dr. H a rold Q . Fuller L arge spectrometer with camera Magnetic test set Medium quartz spectro·graph Geology Department Dr. O. R. Grawe Geiger counter for quantitative determination of the radio activity of specimens in the l aboratory Straumanis-type X-ray camera to fit department X-ray equipment
Beckman Spectrophotometer for geochemistry use. Wentwortn micrometer for quantitative analysIs of minerals in tnin sections. .This department can always use: a) Good mineral and rock materIal. SpeCImens, mineral suites, Ole suites, or just plain pound material trom known localities. Mustum specimens, fossi l s, microt ossils. b) Well cuttings suitabl e for student use in logging wells, correlating well logs, drawing structure maps. We need especially suites from rather well-defined s tructures. c) Electric logs, gamma-ray lo·gs, neutron logs. Ceramics Department Dr. Paul G. Herold Two circle optical goniome ter for X -ray diffraction work D. C. Amplifier for differential thermal analysis research Quality Control Computer to be used in teaching quality control classes Mechanics Department Prof. N. C. Costakos Babinet Compensator for Photoe lastic Studies. Emory Hydraulic Cells, Emory .!J 0 u r don Indicators, Hydraulic Jacks , for applying and measuring -~--- --
loads on existing structures. Baldwin Time-Axis Strain Recorder Electrical Engineering Department Prof. I. H. Lovett 1 Tektronix cathode- ray oscilloscope , Tektronix type 514-D , DC to 10 mc. , with delay line. 1 Sound-level meter, General Radio type 759-B , with 759-P21 extension cable and tripod, 759-P35 vibration pickup , and 759-P36 control box. 1 Analog computer, Boeing, basic co mputer assembl y , operational se r vo . and functional generator. 1 T e levision demonstrator, RCA, d isplay mounted. Civil Engineering Department J . B . Butler Photo Elastic Apparatus Small Jaw Rock Crusher Portable Crane - I-ton capacity Missouri Hi·ghway Type Concrete Beam Testing Machine Six-Channel Oscillograph One-Bag Cement Mixer Hydraulic Jacks - ranging from 5 to 50 ton capacity One small Compression Machine - 3 to 10,000 lb . capacity 120,000 (Universal) Testing Machine The Civil Engineering Departm e nt can always use: a. Structural models in steel , aluminum , concrete or wood of bridges , dams, buildings, etc. b. Construction e qui pm e n t models.
A Breakfast given by Mrs. Nadine Sease K e nney following the Homecoming last fall for Kappa Alpha Alumni and their wives. Those attending were, left to right around the table: John Govatos '53, Karl Moulder, Mrs. T. C. Gerber, Mr. John R. Kenney '12, M. P. Brazill '20, Mrs. Charles Barnard, George Dierking '24, and Mrs. Kenney'26;
William Wundrack '49, and Mrs. Wundrack are the parents of a daughter born January 14, 1953 . Mrs. Wundrack is the former Miss Mar y Ann Miles, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. J . Miles . Dr. Miles is H ead of the Mechanical Engineering Department at MSM. Bill is with Sverdrup & Parcel in St. Louis , and the Wundrack family lives at 39 Washington Terrace, St. Louis, Mo.
Miss Priscilla Kern became the bride of Gerhard Ernst Joffe, '48, a little over a year ago . Gerhard is with Schlumberg Well Surveying Corp. and gives his mailing address as Box 378, Magnolia, Ark. He was a member of Phi Kappa Phi, AIME, Interfraternity Council, Alpha Epsilon Pi, and was a winner of the Steinmesch Tech. Writing Prize when at MSM . Nolan-Paulsell
Miss Maxine Paulsell of Rolla, Mo ., and John Berry Nolan , '52, were united in marriage November 28 , 1952. John is with the Bureau of Design, Illinois Highway Dept., Springfield, Ill. His mailing address is Box 1383, Springfield , Ill . While he was at MSM, John was a member of Tau Beta Pi , Phi Kappa Phi, Engineers Club, and Chi Epsilon. Bo:<.tin-Reynolds
The wedding of Miss Jerry Reynolds of Summit, N . J. , and Charles R. Boutin, '49 . took place November 29, 1952. The couple will make their home in New Providence, N . J. Dr. Grawe, Other MSM Men, At Pittsburgh AIME Meeting
On November 7, Dr. O. R. Grawe, Chairman of the Geology D epartment, dropped in on the Sixth Annual Joint Off-the-Record Meeting of the Pittsburgh Section of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. Papers were presented by the Coal , Petroleum, and Institute of Metals Division and by the National Open Hearth Committee of the Institute and by the Mineral Industries section of the Engineers' Society of Mod ern P ennsylvania . Dr. L. E . Young, former Director of M.S.M. , was one of the co-chairmen of the Coal Division: Chilton E . Prouty (M. S . 1938), now Professor of G eology at the University of Pittsbul'gh , R. F . Doelling (1948), J. G . Sevick (194:1 ), J. F . Winters (1951), of St. Joseph Lead Company also were present. Deadline for the March-April issue of the Alumnus will be April 1, 1953.
A daughter, Diane Jill, was born to J . Russell Snowden, '47, and Mrs . Snowden, January 10, 1953. Mrs. Snowden is the former B e tty Jo Butler, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. J . B. Butler. Professor Butler is head of the Civil Engineering Department at MSM. Russell is Asst. Professor of C .E. , Speed Scientific School of the University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky. The Snowdens also have a son, David Russell, who is 4 years old. They make their home at 228 Rochester, Louisville, Ky . Robert Joe Cronk , ' 50, and Mrs . Cronk have announced the birth of Robert Joe II at Galena, Illinois, November 16, 1952. Mrs. Cronk is the .former Roxy Carney of Rolla. Joe is with the Illinois Geological Survey and is stationed at Galena. The grandfather is A. H . Cronk , ' 12, Superintendent, Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Mining Co., Rosiclare , Ill. Professor Joseph W. Rittenhouse, '49, and Mrs. Rittenhouse are the
parents of a daughter . The child was born November 14, 1952, and was given the name of Jane Eileen. Professor Rittenhouse is with the Electrical Engineering D e_ part of MSM. . William M . Bouska, '51, and Mrs. Boushka are the parents of twin dau ghters, Nancy and Susan, born November 26 , 1952. William is with Ca rbide and Carbons Chemical Co ., Oak Rid ge, Te nn. The Boushka's live at 198 Purdue , Apt. 111, Oak Ridge , Tenn . Engaged
Announcement has been made of the e ment of Miss Wanda Marcinies of Greenwich, Conn ., to Theodore E . Boyd , Jr ., '50. T ed is with the Unite d States Metal
Helps Design Chemical
Plant at Arco, Idaho Earl M . Shank, ' 45 , played a key role in the design of the recently completed Idaho Chemical Processing plant at Arco, Idaho . Earl is a member of the Chemical Technology Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The laboratory is the largest Atomic Energy Commission laboratory in the United States, and is operated for the AEC by Carbide and Carbon Chemicals company, a division of Union Carbide and Carbon corporation. Earl may be reached by writing Box 457, Kingston , T ennessee . He was a member of Tau Beta Pi , Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Chi Sigma, A .I.Ch.E ., Blue Key, and of the football squad at the time he was attending MSM.
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Harold Herivel, ex ' 16 , died November 17 , 1952, following a long illness. While at MSM h e belonged to Kappa Sigma Fraternity, and to Beta Tau. At the time of !.is death, he was consulting metallurgist on ore dressing problems at the Morenci, Arizona , branch of Phelps Dodge Corp. He had been with this company for many years. Edmund C. Hunze, Class of ' 26, Dies in East St. Louis
Edmund Carl Hunze, ' 26, passed away on Sunday evening, January 11, 1953. Edmund was with American Zinc Company of Illinois, East St. Louis, Ill ., at the time of his death. While in school he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kap pa Phi, Sigma Xi, Ira Remsen Society, and was President of the MSM band . He is survived by his wife who r esides at 26 13 Ridge Avenue, Ea st St. Louis, Ill. Refining Company of Carteret, N. J. , and gives his mailing address as 9 Walworth Avenue, Scarsdale , N . Y . During the time he was at MSM, T ed was a m ember of Chi Sigma, Glee Club , and Theta Xi.
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1948 John McKinney is living at 2009 Clark Street, Paducah, Ky. K. G. Ackermann is with Mines Engineering Company, and his residential address is 3713 S. Kenilworth Avenue, Berwyn, IlL T. R. Howell gives his correct address as 50'1 North W estern Avenue, Mexico, Mo . Phil A. Browning. whose home address is 4711 Camelia St., New Orleans, La., is a Drilling Engineer with Shell Oil Co. R. F. Baerveldt is employed with the Mechanical Goods Division of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. His address iii P . O. Box 1075 , Nashville , Tenn . Leo R. Kaempf can be reached at 514 Eighth St. , Niagara Falls, N. Y . Gordon H . Moline's most recent mailing address is 1334 Quindaro Blvd., Kansas City, Kans. R. Allen Crosby, who is with United States Steel Co. , is residing .. t 245 Indianwood Blvd., Park Forest, Ill. Edward F. Paschal gives his change of address .. s 1026 E. Broadway, Enid, Okla. Donald Reinert has recently moved to 15 MacArthur Rd. , East Natick, Mass. Michael J. Delany . Jr. , is with the J. Faessler Mfg. Co. of Moberly, Mo. His permanent mailing .. ddress is 5225 Wabada Avenue, St. Louis 13 , Mo. Robert Doelling is living at 333 -40th St., Beaver, Pa. , and is employed with St. Joseph Lead Co. Monaca , Pa. Elliott F . Dressner is Staff Geologist, International Minerals & Chemical Corp., Bartow, Fla. Richard C. Enochs is with A. S . & R. Co ., A. U. Plant, Leadville, Colo . Dick lives at 404 Chestnut in Leadville. L. G . Gla'gow's address is Air Aren. Div., Westinghouse Electric Corp ., Baltimore, Md. Joseph Ware Fitzpatrick is a Lt. Cmdr .. , Sanitary Engineer, Regular Corps, U. S. Public Health Service, Region III, Washington , D . C. He lives at 5513 Parkland Ct., S. E. Washington, D. C. Campbell Funk, who is with the Aerojet Engineering Corp, Azusa, Calif" gives his residence as 610 N . Lemon, Azusa, Calif. Elmo Lingquist writes, " I am now with Fairbanks-Morse & Company as plant engineer in charge
Springfield, Mo . He lives at 1020 S. Delaware, Springfield, Mo. Gordon L. Carpenter is a 2nd 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Lt. in the Air Force and gives his of maintenance repair and plant home address as Rt. 3, West Plains, layout and will be located in Mo. Kansas City after the first of the Frank J. Cizek, 76 Longhill St., year." Springfield 8, Mass,. is with the Nels A . Anderson is with SouthSelf-Locking Carton Co., Palmer, western Insulation & Material Co ., Mass. Springfield, Mo . Mack Ellinor's address is 1375a Peter F. Bermel has recently Blackstone, St. Louis 12, Mo., He been discharged from the Army is employed with Sverdrup & Parand is working at the U. S. G. S., cel, nc., 1118 Syndicate Trust Bldg., Rolla, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Ronald E. Emo 's latest address A_ Daniel Fentzke's address is is 1318 McAdams, Dallas, Texas. 2370 Norton Dr., Augusta, Ga. He Alvin H . Schwartz is with the is with Babcock and Wilcox Co., Universal Hat and Cap Mfg . Co., Re£ractories Div., Augusta, Go. New Bedford , Mass ., where he is John H. Fuqua is a Metallurgist part owner in the business. Al with Calumet Steel Castings, Hamwrites, "Believe it or not, my en- mond, Ind. gineering background has come in R. A . Isringhaus gives his advery handy." dress as 1231 Laire Dr ., St. Louis 1949 County 15, VIo. Tom E. Daly reports that his Joe Quinn was on the campus latest address is Box 693, Brook- October 31. Joe is with Allis haven, Mass. Tom has been emR. J. Yochum can be reached at ployed by Phillips Petroleum Co. 1116 Bates St., St. Louis, Mo. since his graduation. He is a comG. T . Carthew gives his address puter with the Geophysical Crew, as Box 263, Ellsworth, Pa. He is and has had experience in the with Bethelhem Collieries Corp. Permian Basin, The Rio Grande R. R. Penman is living at 1719 Valley and the Gulf Coast of Texas. E. Riverside, Decatur, IlL He is now located in Mississippi. Ruben H . Starkweather will reRobert D. Bay's address is 3224 ceivemail addressed to 1633 E. Watson Rd., St. Louis, Mo. Bower, Springfield, Mo . E. C. Hill is living at 2900 AlVernon O. Casper writes that bany St. , Schenectady, N.Y. his new address is Apartment F, 115 West Hunter Circle, Oak Ridge, Murray Schmidt's present address is 606 North Lincoln St. , Tenn . Hinsdale, IlL Warren G. Heidbrier was a campus visitor on October 23. Warillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111111111111111111111 ren is Assistant Chief Engineer Personals from other years with the St. Louis Ordnance District. His home address is 7000 will appear in the next AlumAmherst, University City , Mo. nus. Elbert E. Comstock is employed 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 by the Continental Oil Company Charles W. Allan, who lives at at Box 1501, Big Spring, Texas . 1585 S. 14th East, Salt Lake City , Carl J. Danzer is in the Air Utah , is a Cost Engr ., with U.S.S.R. Force, and receives his mail at & Mng. Co. , Bingham Canyon, 6027 Eitman Ave ., St. Louis, 10, Utah. Mo. Edward L. AuBuchon now reRobert Lee Martin is now emsides at 108 54 S. Avenue G, Chi- ployed by the Shell Oil Co ., Procago 17, IlL He is Plan Metalduction Dept., Oklahoma City, lurgist with Microcast Div. , AuOkla. His present address is c/o stenal Labs. , Inc. , Chicago . Shell Oil Co., Box 1672, Sterling, Colorado. Edward G. Braun's mailing address is 2350 Glenmawr Avenue , D. W. Greeman gives his adApt. 5, Columbus, Ohio. He is dress as Box 725, Eagle Pan, T exas. employed with Jeffrey Mfg. Co., Paul W . Gloriod gives his busiColumbus, Ohio . ness address as c / o the Texas Co. , William Dale Carney is with Mo . Drawer 2, Pearland, Texas. State Hwy . Dept., M. O. Box 189, Donald F. Haskell is working as
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a Mining Engr. with Utah Inc. 120 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Don lives at 511 128 St. Rockaway Beach, N. Y. Masashi Hayase' s business address is Engineering Dept., Code 725, U. S. Naval Gun Factory, Washington, D . C. Henry J. Hellrich's mailing address is P . O. Box 642, Nameoki Station, Granite City , Ill. He is Assistant Power Engr . with Granite City Steel Co . William H. Magruder's new address is 526 81st St .. Niagara Falls, N. Y. He is Production Engineer, Electro Metallurgical Co., Niagara Works, Niagara Falls , N. Y. John D . Maguire is with Westinghouse Electric Corp. as a Field Engineer. His address is 3100 North Grand , St. Louis, Mo . Joseph F . Miazga , 1st Avenue, Thompsonville, Conn ., is employed with United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Div., East Hartford, Conn. John J. Mulligan can be reached by writing Box 2990, Juneau, Alaska. Amos Norman is with Corn Products Refining Co. , Argo, Ill. He is living at 4235 W. 90th Place, Oak Lawn 9. Illinois. Peter M. Oram is a geophysical computer on a seismic crew . Peter is with the Texas Co., Crosby, N. Dak. Robert L. Root is a Geologist, Filtrol Corp ., Los Angeles, Calif . He gives his residential address as Box 145, Eureka, Utah. Frank W. Sakonyi is residing in Orient. Ill. Frank is an Electrical Engineer for C.W. & F. Coal Co., Orient Mine No . 3, Waltonville , Ill. Ralph E. Schawalter is an Instructor of Mechanical Engineerin .~ at Missouri School of Mines & Metallurgy . Ralph gives his resid ence as 656 Salem Avenue , Rolla , Mo. Leonard L. Schular. Jr .. who is employed with Hunter Hayes Co .. 2517 South Blvd. , Houston . Texas, lives at 2616 Steel. Houston. H. R. Schwede r is with The Fluor Corp., Ltd .. 2500 S. Atlantic Blvd. . Los Angeles. Calif. He lives at 6183 Herefo rd Dr. in Los Angeles. Albert F. Seelig is residing at 1043 Van Nostrand, L emay 23 , Mo. He is employed with American Steel Foundries, Granite City , Ill. Frederick W. Slaght's address is
Alumni Personals 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
c/ o Delur Cather & Co., Engineers , 101 W. Main St., P . O. Box 248, Strand ,Okla . Richard L. Stovall is a Test Engineer for Minneapolis Honeywell Regulator Co., Minneapolis , Minn. Paul Eugene Tanner , 176 Harding St., Elgin, Ill. , is a Resident Engineer for Illinois Division of Highways. William C . Teas, who is a party chief with T eas & Steinbrenner, Engineers and Surveyors, 125 Church St., Malverne, N. Y., lists his address as 961 Fenwood Dr. , Apt. No . 1, Valley Stream, N. Y. J. B. Toomey is an Engineer, Naval Air Craft Factory , Philadephia, Pa. He lives at 993 Green Briar Lane , Morton , Pa. Robert C . Twonbley's address is 1237 Nassau St., Kalamazoo, Mich ., where he is with Am. Mutual Insurance Co. Al F . Uriwal is a Metallurgist with Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Al is living at 4826 Fernwood, Detroit 4, Mich. Otto Leob Van Maerssen 's address is Apartado 45, Barcelona, Venez . He is a Reservoir Engr. for Mene Grande Oil Co., which is a subsidiary of Gulf Oil. Arthur H. Weber is with Tellepsen Contsruction Co. , Houston, Texas. He resides at 4602 Oakdale D. , Bellaire, Texas. Charles K. Wissel who works for The Gas Service Co. , Kansas City , Mo. , resides at 2620 E. 38th, Kansasa ity 6, Kansas.
1950 Daniel R. Atchison is living at 4536 Grasso, St. Louis , Mo. Leland F. Belew is with the Technical and Engineering Division "Guided Missile Research and Development", Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Ala. Earl Bage writes, "I am working with General Electric Co. in their Lockla nd , Ohio , plant as a Mechanical Engineer within a project which is developing an Aircraft Nuclear Propul~ion Unit. My mailing address is 7085 Glenmeadow Lan e , Cincinnati 37 , Ohio ." Herbert S . Carman, 623 Summit St. , Win~ton-Sal e m, N. C., is employed with Western Electric Radio Shops in Winston-Salem.
Earl Bishop is living at Walnut, Ill. Kenneth R. Bradley gives his address as Field Engineer, Oil Well Supply Co., Odessa, Texas. Karl K. Breit is with A. P. Green, Fire Brick Co., Mexico , Mo. He is living at 9701 W. Florissant Ave., St. Louis 21, Mo. Carleton A. Brown, who is a Metallurgical Engineer, Eclipse, BendIX Aviation Corp, ElmIra, N. Y., gives his address as 44 Trailer Park, Horseheads, N. Y. Stuart S. Brown sends his new business address as American Steel Band Co., Carnegie, Pa. His home address is 729 Brunot St, Verona, Pa. L. Murray Pipkin gives his mailing address as 1905 S. Douglas, Springfield, Ill. William B. Brown, 329 Lindenwood, Alton, Ill., is a Mining Engr., Mississippi Lime Co. Dale T. Carlson writes that he is Field Engr. for Combined Metals Reduction Co. Dale gives his address as Box 516, Caselton Hts., Piache, Nevada. Edgar L. Bueker, who is employed with Vicker, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., gives his home address as 4084 Alma Avenue, St. Louis 16, Mo . Herbert F. Byrns will receive mail sent to 1617 Waverly Way, Baltimore, Md. R. R. Prater can be reached by writing General Delivery, Ft. Knox, Ky. Donald J. Patrick is with the Texas Co., Houston, Texas. John Lloyd Carney, Jr., who is Assistant Engr., Bridge Designer Wabash Railroad Co., is living at 139 S. Hartnett, Ferguson 21, Mo. George P . Miller is living at 6631 Alamo, St. Louis, Mo . August V . Castelli writes, "At the present time I am in the Army in Korea and will get out in May of '53." August will receivemail addressed to 226 Chambers Rd., St. Louis 15, Mo. Charles L. Menzemer is in the army and gives his address as Pfc. Charles L. Menzemer, US 55158273, 9710 TSU CMLC Det No.2, Army Chemical Center, Md. Charles E. McGaughy's present John P. Cavanaugh is with the Ill. Div. of Hwys. Bureau of Materials. John will receive mail sent to 1806 S . 8th St. , Springfield, Ill.
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address is 3705 Richmond Avenue, Shreveport, La . FranK 'I' . Chambers is a SalesEngmeer tor Laclede Steel Co. .I"rank is living at 4304 Koeln DrIve, St. Louis 16, Mo. Walter A . Chap uk, who is a chemlst, is living at 4352 Lindell .l::SlVd., ::it. Louis tl, Mo. Wuliam W. Clark is working for J . .1". Pritchard Constr. Co., Box 286, New Orleans, La. He gives his residence as 2128 Timoleon, New Orleans, La. Richard E. Clifford can be reacned c/ o F. H. McGraw & Co., Box 749, Paducah, Ky. His address is Box 78, La Center, Ky. William W. Collins, is a Petroleum Engr. His residential address is 1506 S. Quincy, Tulsa, Okla. Beryl B. Corrie, who is with the Omo Oil Co., Box 193, Bakersfield, Calif., is living at 2225 Chester Lane, Bakersfield, Calif. A. J. Craig, Jr. is living at 697 E. 29th St., Paterson, N . J. He is employed wi th Weston Electric Inst. Corp., 614 Frelinghusysen Ave., N. J. as a Metallurgist. Curtis L. Craig gives his address as Box 430, Chamberlain, S . Dak. Donald P. Dampf is a Junior Petroleum Engineer, c lo Tennessee Production Company, Rt. 1, Tokio , Texas. Richard E. Davis is Operating and Consulting Engr., Gas Processes Division, Girdler Corp ., 223 E. Broadway, Louisville, Ky . Avery Ala Drake, Jr. is with the United States Geological Survey, Box 7618 , Lakewood Branch, Denver, Colorado, as a Geologist, Mineral Deposits Branch. Robert D. Dressler, who is a Construction Engineer with Falstaff Brewing Corp., St. Louis, Mo. , lives at 7113 Marwinette, St. Louis 16, Mo. Glenn K. Duncil, Field Engr., Central Ill. Public Service Company, is living at 1227 S . Grand Avenue East, Springfield, Ill. Karl Eissinger is with the U. S. G. S. in Rolla, Mo. Carl E. Etz is living at 9244 Seneca Lane, Overland, Mo. Carl isa Mechanical Engineer at McDonnell Aircraft Corp . James L. Evans, Jr. is working for A. P. Green Fire Brick Co. , in Mexico, Mo . James gives his residence as 821 N . Western Avenue, Mexico, Mo .
Henry B . Farry, Box 267 , Benton, Wisc., is an Engineer wIth Eagle Picher Co ., Ill-WISC. Oper., 0alena, Ill. ~nms A. Kuhlman is a Lt., Pero Center, Camp Kilmer, N e w l:hunswick, N . J. Frank }'inch is a Mining Engineer with U. S. Vanadium Co. His address is Box 463, Uravan, Colo. Robert L. Fossi is living at Island Hill Avenue, Ridgefield, Conn. Bob is with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Conn. J. C . Manetzke's address is 1230 North Osage, Tulsa, Okla. George Wm. Gergeceff, 90825th St., Granite City, Ill., is a Mechanical Engr., Granite City Steel Co. Scott H. Gregory, who is a Field Engineer with Tennessee Production Co., gives his address as c lo Tenn. Prod. Co ., Oil Field l:U., Big Lake, Texas. Albert 路 M. Greenblatt's address is 5007a Page, St. Louis 13, Mo. Robert L. Lucker can be reached at 722 Edwardsville Rd., Wood River, Ill. Max Hauser will receive mail c lo Duswald Products Co., 126 Post, San Francisco, Cal. Donald C. Griffin, Apt. 10J, Arlene Village, Millville, N. J., is a Ceramic Engineer for T. C. Wheaton Glass Co., Millville, N. J. Paul A . Haas is Asso. Dev. Engr. at Oak Ridge National Lab. Paul's residence is 259 Canton Hall, Oak Ridge, Tenn . Walter L . Hampson, Jr. gives his address as Box 109, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Roy E. Hall who is with Remington Arms, Lake City, Mo. , is living at 7104 Walrond, Kansas City, Mo. Robert E . Carter is employed with Graybar Elec. Co ., Inc., 2642 Washington, St. Louis 3, Mo. Bob receives his mail at Box 1541, Rt. 13 , Kirkwood, Mo. Ellis C. Henry is with Joy Mfg. Co., 4235 Clayton, St. Louis, Mo . Ellis lives at 4945 Clayton, St. Louis, Mo. Albert J. Higgins is Mine Foreman for American Smelting & Refining Co., Apartado 3, Big, Chihuahua , Chih, Mexico .
David L . Hillhouse, 39 Clinton Ave., Pittsfield, Mass., is with Aero . and Ordn. Systems Div ., General Elec. Co . Floyd Hoffman is a Smelter Testman for Phelps Dodge. Floyd gives Box 1313 Morenci, Ariz. as his mailing address. R. Norman Holme writes, "I am employed as a m e tallurgist in a pilot leaching plant by the Phelps Dodge Corporation." His mailing addre ss is Box 592, Morenci, Ariz. Joseph J. Horsley, who is a bridge Engineer with the Missouri State Hwy. Dept., is living at 105 W. 16th, Rolla, Mo. James O. Elliott gives his address as 212 Elliott Ave., Chaffee, Mo. Laurence W. Cantwell, Bucklin, Mo. , is with Div. Engrs. Office, A. T. & S. F . Ry. Co ., Marceline, Mo. Jack Absalom is living at 3732 Fir St., E. Chicago, Ind. Rolland L. Hardy writes, " I am now a Project Engr. at Engineer Research & Development Laboratories, U. S . Army, Ft. Belvoir, Va ." His mailing address is 205 W . Mann Ave., Alexandria, Va. Wm. George Bachman's address is 1233 Bluegrass Drive, St. Louis, Mo. Edwin H. Barsachs was on the campus November 24. His business address is Reservoir Engr., Atlantic Refining Co., Midland, Texas. Eugene A . Bartels is living at 922a Center St., Hannibal, Mo. Ronald F. Becker's new address is R. R. 10, Box 403EE, San Antonio, Texas. R. C. Parker visited the campus January 5. His recent address is 421 Washington Ave., E. Alton, Ill. He was released to inactive status after serving 30 months with the U. S . Navy. During his second stay in the Navy, he served aboard a vessel attached to the U . S . Navy Sound School in San Diego, Calif. and acted as Asst. Personnel Officer at the U . S . Naval Construction Battalion Center, Port Hueneme, Calif. Robert D . Boedy has recently moved to 2912 W . 74th St. , Kansas City, Mo . Richard J . Schlueter is living at 1107 Cedar, Laurenceville, Ill. Sidney Silver has r ecently been transferred from the New York Office of American Smelting and
Refining Co. to their Canadian subsidary, Federated Metals Canada, Ltd. , where he is working in the metals purchasing D ept. His home is 268 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Robert E. Hebert was a campus visitor September 10. He is with Titanium Metals Corp. of America, P. O . Box 2128, Henderson, Nevada. P aul A. Huber is Assistant Plant Engr. with Mississippi Lime Co ., Ste. G enevieve, Mo . P aul lives at 1360 Market in Ste. Genevieve. Henry C . Hen, who is with Missouri Portland Cement Co., gives his address as 943 Chain of Rocks Dr., St. Louis, Mo. George W . Jami son, 21 North Zunis, Tulsa, Okla., is empl oyed with The Carter Oil Co ., Tulsa, Okla. Theodore 1. J erman is stationed in Va. with the 9203 TSU-TC Transportation Research & Devel opment Sta., Ft. Eustis, Va. Edward L . Johnson gives his address as c /o Geology Dept., American Zinc Co., Mascot, Tenn. Albert A. Jones, who is working for DuPont Explosives, is living at 604 S . Short, Litchfield , Ill. E. Louis Kapernaros, 315 Salisbury St., Worcester, Mass., is a Metallurgist for R i ley Stoker Corp. , Industria l Steam G enerating and Fuel Burning Equipment. David C . Kind er, who is a Chemical Engr. for E agle Picher Co ., gives his address as Hillcrest, Hillsboro, Ill. Donald T. King is a Colliery Engr. with U . S. Steel Co. , Coal Div. Don is living at 187 Carnation St., Uniontown, Pa. Ralph J . Knoernschild was recently separated from the Army. His address is 1708 Sibley St., St. Cha rles, Mo . Charles R. Knopp is a Mining Engr. with R eynolds Mining Corp ., Miragoane, Haiti. P eter J. Koppel , who is a Manufacturing Engr. with W estinghouse, gives his residence as 379 W a lnut, Meadville, Pa. Carl W. Knowles is a D esigner for W . W . K ellogg Co ., N ew York, N . Y. Arlen B. Kuehnert is working as a Field Engineer for Walsh Const. Co. on Electro Metallurgy Power Plant Extension. He is living at 4605 Elm Avenue, Ash-
tabula, Ohio. Edward P . K y burz will receiv e mail c /o Chile Exploration Co., Chuquica mata, Chile, S. A. where he is working with copper mining. Edwin R. L andis is a Geologist, Mineral Fuels, F u e I s Branch, U . S. G. S. Edwin's r esidence is 4206 W. 1st Ave., D enver 19, Colo . Chester J. L a pinski, Box 333, Holden, Wash., is with Chelan D iv., Howe Sound Co., Holden, Wash. Gerald Lieber can be reached at 5912 Southwest Ave., St. Louis 9, M . Geral d is working for Fruin-Colonon Contracting Co ., 1706 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo . James D avid McCoy is a Lt. in the Army in France. Mail will b e forw arded to him from 709 Main St., Savanna, Ill. James E . McDonal d is employed with Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corp., P. O . Box 3295, Station F, Jacksonville, Fla. H e lives at 462 W est 63rd St., J acksonville, Fla. John P. McGowan, who is a Metallurgical Engineer with Owens Illinois Glass Co., resides at 526 Alby St., Alton, Ill. Dona ld R. McGrath is a Metallurgist with Stainless Steel Div ., Gary Sheet & Tin M ills, U . S. ~JAel Co . Don lives at 512 Johnoon 1)t., Gary, Ind . Warren E . McNely lives at 2183 Rosedale Ave., Oa kland 1, Calif. Warren is with Ind enco Engrs . of Oakland . Joseph S. McVey, Jr., who is employed with National Bearing Div., Am . Brake Shoe, Meadville, Pa., is living at 326 J etterson , Meadville, Pa . W . J . M a in lives at 8101 N. Keating , Skokie, Ill. Sergio Marinkovic is with the U.S .G.S. in Rolla, Mo., and lives at 1310 Bishop, Rolla , Mo. Dona ld W. Marshall is on Educational l eave of absence from Burea u of Public H ealt h Engin eering, Div. of H ealth of Mo. , District H ealth Unit No.1 , Cameron , Mo., to attend Graduate School of Public H ealth , University of Michigan for Master's D egree in Public H ealth En gr. His temporary addre ss is Apt. 723, 1435 University T err ace, Ann Arbor, Mich .
Dell Hollenbach writes, " I am employed by International Business Machines in Kansas City and my mailing address is 2512 61st T errace, N. Kansas City, Mo." Karl H. D el Porte is a Sales Engineer, Johns-Manville Sal e Corp., and he is living at 2030 W. Sunnyside, Chicago , Ill. Eugene D eppe can be reached bywriting Rt. 3, Box 256, B elleville, Ill. William J. Edwards is living at 5207 Grace, St. Louis, Mo., and is emplo yed by McDonnell Aircraft. D ennis L. Eidson gives his address as 50 15 West Quincy Ave., Chicago, Ill. A. K. Eldridge writes, "My home address is Apt. 10, 150-1973rd Ave., Flushing, N. Y. I am now in the sal es engineering d e partment of International Business Machines, World Headquarters, 590 Madison St., New York City, N. Y. " R. O . Franklin's new address is 3035 Nordic Dr ., St. Louis 21, Mo. W. J . Latvala r eceives mail c /o Th e Consolidated Copper Co ., Kimberley, N exa da. Arthur R. McDermott gives his address as Rt. 2, Potosi, Mo. R. N. Schmidt has recently been appointed Asst. General Foreman B & B and WS, Eastern Division, East and West, H eadquarters , Springfiel d, Mo. Roy Mattlage expects to be rel eased from active duty with the army in F e bruary , - '53 . His mailing address is 3905a Wilmington, St. Louis, Mo. Norman Jeffries was a campus visitor J an. 5. His present address is 2004 Jo hns tone, Bartlesville, Okla. Norman was jus t released from military service on D ecember 26, '52 . Randolph M. Terry's address is 10440 Thorpe Ave., St. Louis, Mo . Thomas W . White, Jr. is living at 2458 CalIon, Baltimore, Md. L eonard H. Wolfberg writes that h e now lives at 131 Ridgemont Rd., P eoria , Ill. G eorge G. Slocum is with the Board of Education of N ew York City. H e is living at 224-33 67th Avenue, Ba ysid e , L . 1. , N. Y. W . E . B ach, who is with Aluminum Company of America , has r ecently changed his addr ess to 6910 Montgomery Rd. , Cincinnati 36, Ohio . Charles R. Bonnell r ecently presented a paper entitled "A
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Different Approach to Analog Computation", at the Nationa l Electronics Conference on October 1. The paper will be published in the National Electronics Proceedings and Radio Ele ctronics Engineering News Publication. Bonnell is a Research Physicist with the Minneapolis Honneywell Reg ulator Company which is located in Minneapolis, Minn. Bill Bucha was on the campus Octoner 18. Bill is with nancock Engr. Co. Chicago, 111., and lives at 1246 Pratt in Chicago. Lloyd E. Byrd's address is 1731 W. Hancock, D etroit, Mich . Willis S. Cady can be found at 122 % E. Midland, Auburn, Mich. Edward E. Kauffman visited the campus Jan. 9, '53. Ed has just received his discharge from the United States Army Signal Corp. He was in the service from May , '51. to Jan. 8, '53. His correct address is Princeton, Mo. Merritt E. Langston's states is that of Medical Battalion Sgt. Major with the Hq. Hq. Co., 11 8th Medical Battalion, 43rd Division, APO 112, c lo P .M ., New York , N. Y. He is near Munich, G ermany, and seems to be enjoyinJ himself visiting the many cultural and educational facilities in that area_ John R. Miller gives his army address as Lt. John R. Miller , 0-1917517, 506th QM Pet. Sup. Co. , APO 301, c lo P.M ., San Francisco , Calif. Russell J. Judah writes that h e has been released by the Navy and is now employed as a Junior Engineer by the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. at Linden, Alabama. His address is Russell J. Judah, Box 151, Linden, Ala. K. G. Kasten lives at 218 W. S. 1 St., Jackson, Mo. Donald Jenkins is in Topeka , Kans., employed by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. His home address is 922 Polk . Everett W. Springer writes, " I have recently been transferred to United States Radiator Corp. , 127 N . Campbell Avenue, D etroit 9, Mich. as Foundry Superintendent and will reside- at 17728 Eddon St. in Melvindale, Mich . Willie Y . Chen advises that his mailing address is 55 Mott St. , New York 13 , N. Y. He was released from the army in October 1952, and is at present employed
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
by Federal T el ephone and Radio Corporation at Clifto n, N. J. John J. Curtis will receive mail addressed to Aparta do No. 30, Concipcion D el Oro, Zara tic is , Mexico . Art Franks has accepted a posi tion with K ennecott Copper Cor p. His mailing address is Box 316 , Ruth, Nevada. Vincent V. Toth is a Heat Treat Technician, Caterpillar T r act 0 r Co., Peoria, Ill. H e lives at 110 Mission Rd ., Peoria , Ill. Harvey W. Meier, 1009 N . Clinton Blvd., Bloomington, 111., is a Staff Engineer with Eureka Williams Corp. , Bloomington, Ill. William K. Mengel is working for the U .S.G.S., Box 133, Rolla , Mo. Pierce J . Miller is Chief Metallurgist and Assistant Plant Superintendent, Matthiessen and Hegel er Zinc Co. , LaSalle, Ill. He r e sides at 2701 N. St. Vincent's Ave ., LaSalle, Ill. Omega N. Moreland is a Research Engineer with Kennecott Copper Corp., Hurley, New Mexico. His mailing address is Box 897, Hurley. New Mex. John E. Muehring, 208 S . Maple St. , Box 131, Creston, Iowa, is Superintende nt of Construction, O. D. Milligan Const. Co ., General Contractors of Manhattan, Kans. Harold E. Mueller is a Geologist with Champlin Refining Co., Enid , Okla . H e lives at 505 W. Indiana , Enid , Okla. William L. Murphy lives at 72 Lowden Point Rd. , Rochester 12, N . Y. H e is employed with Eastman Kodak Co., Kodak Park, Ro chester 4, N. Y. Lawren ce J. Nagel , 4815 N . Claremont Ave. , Chicago 25 , Ill ., is with T oledo T esting Laboratory , 1810 N. 12th St. , Tole do , Ohio. W. F. Netzeband , Jr. is an Engineer in Airplane D esign Div. , McDonnell Aircraft Corp. He iives at 527 E. Essex, Kirkwood 22, Mo . John W. Nichols is Construction Superintendent, Raymond C 0 ncrete Pile Co ., 140 Cedar St. , New York 6, N. Y . His address is P . O . Box 62 , Rhinecliff, N. Y . Robert L. Owens is Pla nt Metallurgist with Laclede Steel Co. H e lives at 603 Alby St. , Alton, Ill. Franklin Q. Packheiser is with
Monsanto Chemical Co., Springf ield, Mass., and is living at 372 Union St., Springfield, Mass. John L . Painter is in the Navy and gives his address as Lt. J . G. L. Pain ter, Fallweatrapac c lo FPO, Sa n Francisco, Calif. W . G . Pa ulsell is attending the University of Oklahoma for his Master's D e gr ee. His address is 708 A sp Avenue, Norman , Okla. Ralph E. Peterson is Equipment Engr. with Texas Illinois Natural Gas Pipeline Co. He lives at 608 Pyburn, Pocahontas, Ark. Thoma s Eugene Poliquin, who is Field Engineer for Unite d Engineer and Constructors Inc. , Agents for Union Electric Co. , on Meramec Power Plant, gives his residence a s 2354 Goodale , Overland , Mo. Robe rt K . Preiss lives at 19759 Chapel , D etroit 19, Mich. Bob is with Dearborn Motors Corp. Cla r ence E. Radford gives his n ew m ailing address as 1513 S. 8th St. , Springfield , Ill. William E. Remmert is an Engineer with Tret-o-lite. H e is living at 2904 Brazea u ave., Brentw ood 17 , Mo. Earl G. Reynolds is with the U.S.G.S . H e gives his temporary mailing addr ess as R. R. No.6 , Medina , Ohio, and his permanent address as Hollandale, Wisc. Gene F. Robinson is employed a t Trailmobile, Inc. as a Mech. Engr. in training. He lives at 1637 S. Broadway, Springfield , Mo. Leslie B . Robison' s business a ddress is U.S .G.S ., Rolla , Mo . John D . Sat t e rlee is with the U.S.G.S. in Rolla , Mo. John H. Sears, 334 Couch , Kirkwood , Mo. , is a R esearch Engineer with Russell & Axon , Consulting Engineers, 408 Olive , St. Louis, Mo. Vernon S . S evertson gives his address as 3319 S. W allace St. , Chicago 16, Ill. Dale E. Sims, who is an Elec. Engl'. with City Utilities of Springfi eld, Mo ., resides at 1940 B ennett St. E. , Springfield , Mo. Milton R. Skinner, Jr. is employed with Southwest ern Bell T elephone Co., Room 1055, Telephone Bldg.. 1010 Pin e St., St. Louis , Mo. Fra n k Albert Soukup is a Foundry Trainee with Bulla rd Company, Brid geport 8, Conn. He
lives a t 113 Division Ave., Shelton, Conn. L awre n ce A . Spanier, who is a n Application s Engineer for E ast ern Air D evices, 585 D ean S t., B rooklyn 17, N . Y., is liv ing a t 1312 E ast 7t h S t., Brookly n 30, N. Y. J . R. Van Nort is with the Eng ineering D ept., U . S . Steel Co. and r eside s a t 528 E . End Ave ., Pitts burgh, P a. R a y A. Warfield, Jr. is now living a t 2731 Arlington Avenue, Pue blo, Colo. Ray is with Color a do Fuel and Iron Corp., Pue blo , Colo. L ewis L. Wargo gives his address a s 26 Erie St., Brockport, N. Y. Richa rd A. Washburn is Topogr aphic Engr ., U.S.G .S. H e give s his r esidence a s Livingston, Wisc. Howard C. Wehling's new address i s 1144 Brand on Rd ., Clev el a nd Hts ., 12, Ohio . He has recently taken a n ew job as Practice Engineer , Open H earth, Otis Works, Jones & L a ughlin Steel Corp., Clev ela nd, Ohio. T . H. W elliver gives his mailing a ddress a s c lo S e ismograph S ervice Cor p., Box 1590, K ennedy Bldg., Tulsa Okla. Richard Dale Whitney is with W est Brother s Brick Co., 7000 Sherrit Rd ., B ennings 27, D . C . Richard C. Williams is Office Manager a nd Engineer for Dura Bilt Products Co., erectors of Quonset and Strain Steel Buildings. He lives at 2013 Wallace , Clovis, N ew Mexico. Anthony E. Wilson is a Capta in w ith the Air Force, a nd gives his a d dress as MIAPD , Insp ector G ener a l , 165N, Ca n a l , Chicago , Ill. Willia m L. Wisch is e m p l oyed w i th t he Mo . Sta t e H wy. D ept. H e gives h is r esid en ce as 607 W. Elm St., J effer son City, M o. J . W ayne W orrall, 416 Oneida, J oliet , Ill. H e is w ith Commonw ealth E dison Co., 72 W est Adams St., Chicago 90, Ill . D on W unnenber g is w ith the E ngineering Div ision of B elting S al es, Mechanical R ub b er G ood s, G oodyear T ire and Rubber Co., Inc ., A kro n , Ohio . His a ddr ess is 253 0 S tate Rd. , Cuyah oga F a lls , Ohio . Cpl. R ober t A. B etz h as been credite d w ith h elping his unit in Korea earn t h e M eritor iou s Unit Commenda t ion, according t o word r eceive d fr om the A r m y H om e Tow n New s Center in K ansas
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
City, Missouri. Bob is in Headquarters Company, Army's 52d Tra nsportation Truck Battalion. H e has a lso been awarded the Unite d Nations and Korean Service Ribbons . H e is the son of Mr. and Mrs . C . E. Betz of 5656 Newa rk Ave ., Chicago, Illinois. Shirley Katherin e Swartz Spindle , 6957 R eynolds St., R ear , Pittsburgh 8, Pa., is a Chemist, W e stinghouse Research Labs., East Pittsburgh, Pa. John J . Sponske gives his home address a s 8344 Marty Ave. , Overland P a rk, Kans. Billy Stev en s is in the Army, a nd will r eceive mail sent to his home address at 323 Tay lor, Sulliv a n, Mo . Rob ert Allen Stra in, who is employed with Emer son Electric Mfg. Co ., 8700 W. Florissant, St. Louis, Mo ., lives at 7000 Brandon Dr ., St. Louis 20, Mo . Seymour Subitzky is with the U .S.G.S. in Washington, D . C. , and lives at 3806 Mila n Dr., Alexa ndria, Va. David E. Tate gives his mailing address a s Box 333 , Tracy City, T enn . Dave is with the Tennessee V a ll e y Authority, Chattanooga , T enn.
1951 John B. MacDonald is living at 120 W . 5th Avenue, Roselle, N . J . Warren K eller is D evelopment Engineer ; R eactor Enp. Engl'. Div., Oak Rid ge N a tional Lab ., Bldg. 7500 X-IO Area, Oak Ridge , T enn. H e is living a t 229 Carlisle Hall , Oak Ridge, T e nn . M a rtin S. Oudenhaven gives his a ddress a s RR 4, B ox 40 , P ewauk ee, Wisc. William A . Reim is now in Uncle S a m' s Army and i s st a tioned in Korea with a RO.K . Artille r y Unit a cting as photo-interpret er. H e r eports tha t the country is cold a nd b a rr en , but not as b a d as it might b e. Ther e's plenty of G eology to b e seen , but l a nd mines a nd b oob y trap s discourage a n y f ield wo rk . His home a ddress is 1334 L a throp , River Forest , Ill. R ex E. Greer is liv ing a t 818 Shawnee, B a rtlesville, Okla. W. K. H ack el gives his a ddress as 6416 Oa kla nd Ave ., St. Louis 10, Mo .
Marvin Z eid is in the army , and gives his address as US 55197439, Hq. & Hq . Co. 53, QMBD, APO 34, c lo P.M., New York, N . Y. G erald M. Wilson is a It. with the 3rd Shore Party Bn., 3rd Marine D iv ., Camp Pendleton, Calif. R. L . Burtnett's address is 4542-B Yucca St., Los Alamos, N ew Mexico. James L . Anderson gives his address a s Box 933, Colevaine, Minn. Carl A . Freytag's maliing addre ss is RF.D . 1, M ercer, Pa. E . John Roschke can be reached at 130 Andrew Place, W. Lafayette, Indiana . William R. Vose recently graduated from the S e venth Army's Non-Commissioned Officers Academy at Munich, G ermany. Vose, who entered the Army in August '51, is serving as a computer in the 690th Field Artillery Battalion. Mail will b e forwarded to him from 503 A . George St., Alton, Ill. Antonio P . Ballestero, Jr. is employed with F. R. Harris, Inc., 27 William Street, N. Y., N . Y. His home address is 75 Carnation St., Bergenfield, N. J . Roger Banghart is employed with Bear Creek Mining Co. , 1219 California St., Denver, Colorado. Charles A . Beckman, who is living at 9 West May St., Bay Shore , N . Y., is doing Se ismic work for the State of New York. G erald H . Bender is Maintenance Engr., Monsanto Chemical Co ., Monsanto, Ill. Gerald lives at 5919 Nagel, St. Louis, Mo. Chester A . R achwa l gives h is address as 622 Y : North B yer s Avenue, Jopli n, Mo. Willia m L. B ev a n is working for American S teel Foundrys, Gra nite City, Ill., a nd is living at 4932 Pernod, St. L ouis 9, M o. W. M . B illinghurst , who is living a t 6 Hin emou Fla t s, 34 Hawk eston e S t., W ellin g ton, N ew Z ealand , is w ith the Chemical Engin eerin g Se ction , D om inion L ab. , D ept. of S cientif ic a n d Industria l R esearch, 111 S y dn ey St., W est , W ellington , N ew Z eala nd . Cha rl es T . Schweizer can b e r eached a t 2512 High S chool Drive, Brentwood 17, Mo . G en e R. Blenderma nn gives his address a s c lo Creole P etroleum Corp ., Jusepin, Edo . Monagas,
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Venezula, S. A., where he is a Petroleum Engr. George P. Bollwerk is with Co. A. 18 Engr. C. Bn., APO 46, New York, N . Y . He is an Engr. Combat Platoon Leader in Kassel, Germany. Charles L . Boyd, who lives at 125 Raab Ave., Bloomfield, N . J ., is with Esso Standard Oil Co., P . O. Box 222, Linden, N . J . John R. Brady is a Junior Engr. with Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. John is living at 319 Washington S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Richard A. Brenk, whose home address is 3249 Coronado Rd ., Kansas City, Kans., is with the Product Engr. Dept. , B .O.R. Ass. Em. Div., General Motors Corp., Kansas City, Kans. William E. Brakensiek is now 2nd Lt. William E . Brakensiek, 01861725, 704th Eng r. Dump Truck Co., APO 59, c lo Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Richard D. Broaddus gives his address as U.S .G.S., Rolla, Mo. Thomas C . Browne is with Stowe-F u 11 e r Refractories Co ., Alexandria, Pa. R. J . Ramstack, Jr. is living at 7720 W. Rogers , W. Allis 14, Wise. Fred E . Bruch's mailing address is Box 181 , Waltham, Mass . Fred is a Field Engr. with Shell Oil Co., Products Pipe Line D ept. Melvin A. Buettner is an Ensign in the U. S. Navy, Ship R epair Unit Two , U. S . Naval Base, Green Cove Springs, Fla. Billy L. Burkhardt, who is with St. Joseph Lead Co., Bonne Terre , Mo ., gives his address as " Y" Bldg., Apt. 4, Flat River, Mo. Otis A. Burns is living at 201 S . Emily, Picher , Okla. Dougla s J. Carthew, 2 W. Main St. , Annville , Pa., is a Minin Q' Engr. with Bethlehem Cornwall Corp. Ross R. Plainse is living at 5141 North 42nd St., Milwauk ee 9, Wisc. Dudley L. Castro is with Carbide and Carbon Chemical Co. He gives his mailing address as La Center, Ky. Raymond F . Cathcart is a graduate student at MSM , and is living at 1002 Elm Street, Rolla , Mo . George W. Comanich is a Jr. Engr. with T exas Eastern Transmission Corp. He gives his ad-
Alumni Personals IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!II!II!!!!!!I!!!I!!II!!1!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!III!!I,
dress as Box 342, Norris City, Ill. John S. Connolly is living at 8122 E . Third, Downey, Calif. John is an Engineer with North American Aviation, La k e woo d Blvd. , Downey, Calif. L aVerne F. Cook, who is employed with Wisconsin State Hwy. Comm. as a n Engineer, is living at 605 W. 11th St., Dubuque, Iowa. Gilbert L. Crowell 1s living at 1809 Duss Ave ., Ambridge, Pa. Gilbert is with American Bridge, Engr. Drawing Dept. , Park Road , Ambridge Pa. Ruel H. Welsh writes that his new address is 7081 Glenmeadow Lane, Cincinnatti 37, Ohio . John N. Davidson, who is with General Electric, Owensboro, Ky. , gives his mailing address as 1927 S . College St. , Springfield, Mo. Richard L. Dickens is working for Westinghouse Electric Corp. Dick is living at 930 Sheridan, Pittsburgh 6, Pa . Orland B . Dommersnaes is a Petroleum Engineer with the T exas Company, Production Dept., S. Texas Division, and gives his residence as P. O. Box 426 Daisetta , Texas. Ervin E. Dunn, who is Field Construction Engr. with J. F. Prichard & Co., Kansas City, Mo ., gives his r esidence as 109 Lake Avenue, Storm Lake , Iowa . Joseph W. Durrenberger will receive his mail at Box 555, Ray , Ariz. Joe is an Engr . with Ray Mines Div. , Kennecott Copper Corp. Edwin Elliott is a W elding Engineer connected with research at Battelle Memorial Institute. H e is now living at 175 W . 10th Ave., Columbus, Ohio . James lVI. Ellison gives his address as 509 Ferguson , Wood River, Ill. Donald J. Day is a Lt., Co. A, 826th E. A. B., Walters AFB , T exas. D onald G. Fahs is with Ill. Div. of Hwys ., Dist 6, 126 E. Ash, Springfield, Ill. H e lives in Apt. C at 1425 S . 5th, Springfield, Ill. William Gorman is a Civil Engineer, Mo. State Hwy., Kirkwood , Mo., and receives mail at R. R. 1, Box 488, Robertson, Mo.
David S . Gould is with Houdaille-Hershey Corp ., Decatur, ill. He is living at the D ecatur Club, De catur, Ill. William R. Griffin, who is with the Solar Mfg. Corp., 2901 E . Slawson Ave. , Los Angeles, Calif., is living at 2836 N. Ve rdugo Rd ., Glendale 8, Calif. Joseph V. Grothaus, 6920 S. Shore Dr., Chicago 49, Ill., is with U . S. Steel Co., South Works, Chicago, Ill. Rufus W . Hamman is Assistant Engr., Core Laboratories, Pet. Reservoir Engineering, H 0 u s ton, Texas. Rufus is living at 5700 Navigation, Houston, Texas. Frank G . Hansbrough is Field S ervice Engr. for the Emerson Electric Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. Frank gives his residence as 2020 East 7th St., Tucson, Ariz. Loren Hargus, Jr. is living at 403 E. Walnut, Independence, Mo. He gives his business address as B. O. P. , General Motors Corp. , Fairfax, Kans . G ene J. Hawker is living at 511 Longwood, Apt. 4, Rockford, Ill. He is a IVletallurgist with Ebaloy Foundries, Inc. William Hawkins is with Lindberg Steel Treating Co ., and gives his residence as 3218 Sullivan, St. Louis, Mo . Gerald L . Henson, 903 S. Johnstong Avenue, Bartlesville, Okla., is with Cities Service Oil Co ., Masonic Bldg. , Bartlesville, Okla. Vincent J . Hession, Jr. is employed with Reaction Morors, Inc. , Rockaway, N. J. Vincent gives his mailing address as Rd. No . 1, Box 309A, Hackettstown, N . J. Jack A. Hirner is on active duty as the Ele ctronics Officer aboard the USS Gregory (DD802). Mail will be forwarded to him from 325 Second St., Monroe City, Mo. Dale E. Hirschfeld is an Engineer in training with the Jeffrey Mfg. Co. , Columbus, Ohio . His residence is 429 S. Dickason Blvd , Columbus, Wisc . H. M. Johannesmeyer writes, " I a m still employed with F. H. McGraw Const. Co ., in charge of the Miscellaneous Iron Section. M y address is now 2542 Clay St., Paducah, Ky . Lt. Clarence A. Lange, Jr. 064403 gives his mailing address as 916th Engr. Avn. Supply Point Co., APO 190 , c lo P . M. , New York, N. Y.
P A GE 22
William A. Givens of Paris, Ill., has been commissioned a second lieutenant following graduation from the 26-week Engineer Officers Candidate School at the Army's Engineer Center, Fort B el voir, Va. G eorge H. Greig is now a Naval Cadet, and gives his address as N IC G. H. Greig, USNR, Room 139, Bldg. 529, USNAAS Corry Field, P ensacola, Fla. Will Houf is i s in the army and gives his address as Pvt. Will Houf, ERDL Hq. Bn 9829th, Ft. B elvoir, Va. H e is a T est Engr. (Electrical) a t Engineer Research & D evel opment Lab. 1st Lt. Gillum E. Burgess is with the 1st Army Corp in Korea as a communications officer. Gill u m was a m ember of the softball team r epresenting the 1169th EngIneer Combat Group which went to the finals of the I Corps " Little World S eri es". Gillum's wife, Doris, hails from Rt. 1, Collinsville, Ill. 1st. Lt. Richard G. Huber, 064747 , gives his address as 77th Eng ineer Combat Co ., 25th Infantry Div., A.P .O . 25, San Francisco, Calif. David McRae Irwin, who is a Sales Engineer with Joy Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., is living at 14405 Scioto Ave., E. Cleveland 12, Ohio. Eugene Hohlfelder is living at 214 W. Narroway, B enton, Ark. He is employed with Aluminum Ore Co. , B e nton, Ark. James Spilman is now at home at 910 Cedar St. , Rolla , Mo., but will b e r eturning to the army . soon. Robert B. B arrow writes that h e is employed by Ritter Comp a n y, Inc., Rochester, N. Y . H e writes, "Ritter Company, as you may know, is one of the largest .manufacturers of dental equipment in the world. I am employed as ' their m et a llurgist in the Factory Research Laboratory. The position involves not only fabri cation, but a lso work in their brass, a luminum and iron foundri es." His m a iling address is 283 Rosly n St. , Rochester, N. Y . Phillip J effers is with G en er al Refracto r ies Co., Clayburg, Pa. Robert E. John ton is employed with B end ix Aviation Corp . H e is living a t 31 09 Tracy, Kansas City 3, Mo . William A. Kappus, who is with
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Base, A l buquerq ue, New Mexico, can be reached at 8714 Woodland Ave., N. E., A l buquerque, New 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 11 111111 11111111111I11111 11 11 1111 111 Mexico. General Electric Company, T renRobert J. Kupsch will receive ton, N. J., is living at 304 Mermall addressed c lo AS & RCO, rick Rd ., Bellmore, N. Y. P. O. Box 294, Lenoir City, Tenn. Geral d N . Keller writes, "We, Edward Kwadas is with the oil my wife " Jo" and I are "doodleindustry, Producers and Off Shore buggers" and have made four Drilling Contractors, 1900 Mellie moves in the l ast eight months, so Esperson Bldg., Houston, Texas. to give a l'esidence would be fo lly. Dale F. Lackey is an E l ectrical At the present we are staying in Engineer, General E l ectric Co., Hillsboro , Ill." Gerald's mailing Schenectady, N. Y. He w ill readdress will be Seismograph S ervceivemail addressed to 50 1 Scheice Corp. , Box 1590, Tulsa, Okla. nectady St., Schenectady, N . Y . Warren K eller is engaged in nuGeral d B. Bellis, Construction Engr ., California Co., Baratar ia, clear r eactor devel opment and La., was on the campus October operation. His address is 229 Car16, with h is wife and daughter. lisle Hall, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Chester Hughes is living at 11 3 Richard Ketter, 722 E lm St., 'Lebanon, Pa., is an Engineer with Eden Lane, Duluth, Min. Earl E. Jackson's mailing adBethleh e m Cornwall Corporation. dress is P. O . Box 351, Ruth, Nev. T homas David Kinas who is an B illy J . Bishop is residing at Engineer-in-training for Bunker704 Walnut St., Amory, Miss. Hill & Sullivan, gives his mailing Lt. M. O. Sob i e, 055026, address as Box 41 , Kellogg, Idaho. USMCR is with ¡" C" Company, 1st Donald G. Kingsborough, OrchBn., 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Div. , ard Farm, Mo. , is Assistant Engr. Camp Lejuiene , N. C. at Missle Dept. , McDonnell AirW illiam Shepard, who is w ith craft Corp. of St. Louis, Mo . the army <It Ft. Belvoir, Va., w ill Raymond M. Kline is a student receive mail addressed to 540 at Iowa State College. He is l ivPark St., upper Montclair, N. J . ing at 508 Pammel Ct. , Ames , Jack Langenbach is now Pfc. Iowa . J . E. Langenbach, USMC (SS), George L. Knigr.t, Jr., who is "A" Co ., R.R.C. 44, Sig. Sch. Bn., Foundry Technician with Interna Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San tional Harvester in Manufactur- ¡. Diego, Calif. ing Research, gives his address as Judson Lattin, who is with Wis2102 S. Wesley, Berwyn, Ill. consin Steel Works, Chicago, Ill. , William A. Koederitz' mailing is living a t 3039 E. 91st St., Chiaddress is 416 % S. 5th, Heal dton, cago 17, Ill. Okla . He is a Petroleum Engr. Charles F. Lehmann can be with Magnol ia Pet. Co. reached c io Creole Petrol eum Leon F. Woodlock writes, "I Corp ., Jusepin, Venez ., S. A. have b een employed with th e St. Henry Llewellyn is with the Louis-San Francisco Railway Co . Public W::>rks Dept., Engineering since graduation. I was Rodman Div., 19th F l oor, City Hall, Kanin the Division Engineer's Office sas City, Mo. Henry is livin g at at Ft. Scott, Kans., until June '52. 3722 Vineyard Road, Kansas City At that time I received an ap28, Mo . pointment to the position of Maurice J . Ludwig, 1218 RichStudent Apprentice and am now mond, Richland, Wash. , is on the working under the Division Engr. Rotational Training Program, with in Fort Smith, Ark." Leon gives General E lectric Co . his address as 3520 Barry Ave. , Edward MacMaster is a Jr. Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Engr. with Bendix Aviation Corp., Donald J. Taylor's address is Teterboro, N. J. Ed is living at 78 249 J efferson, Valley Park, Mo. Lincoln Ave. , Totowa Boro , PatE. F . Kolb, who is doing autoerson, N. J. motive engineering with Wagner Dan McGovern, who is a Sales E lectric Corp. , 6400 Plymouth, St. Engr. with Johnson S ervice Co. , Louis, Mo., is living at 619 Kings 3541 Lawton Blvd., St. Louis 3, highwa y, St. Charles, Mo. Mo. , l ives at 1387 Burd Ave. , St. Rollin H. Koontz , Engineer- Staff Louis 12, Mo. M ember of Sandia Corp., Sandia Paul McIlroy, Jr . gives his ad-
Alumni Personals
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dress as Metaline Falls, Wash. Albert B. McIntyre is a Structural Designer for Day & Zimmerman, 1700 Samson St., Philadelphia, Pa. He is living at 432 Leverington Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Donald W. Maltzahn will receivemail at 240 McKinley Ave., Kenmore 17, N . Y. Richard E. Mansfield is engaged in guided missile research. Dick gives his residence as 851 Melendres, Las Cruces, New Mex. Richard T. Means of Manchester, Mo., is an Industrial Salesman with the Texas Co . E. S . Middour is a Micropaleontologist with Atlantic Refining Co., P. O. Drawer 30, Corpus Christi, Texas. His home address is 4629 Franklin Dr., Corpus Christi, Texas. Donald D. Montgomery, who is a Maintenance and Construction Engr. with Monsanto Chemical Co ., lists his residence as 5132 Waterman Ave., St. Louis 8, Mo. Charles R. Ferry is a Transformer Design Engr. , ThordarsonMeissner Mfg. Co. , Mt. Carmel, Ill. Joe Carl gives his address as 522 Portland, Beloit, Wisc. Warren R. Foster gives his -business address as Finishing Area , Liberty Powder Corp, Badger Ordnance Works, Baraboo, Wisc. Warren is living at 419 Ridge Street in Baraboo. John E. Gardner, 3041 Hillcrest, Miami, Ariz., is a Mining Engr. with Miami Copper Co ., Miami, Ariz. Julius H . Moor is a Hydraulic Engineer with the U.S.G.S. His mailing address is Box 908 , Palmer, Alaska. Robert J. Morris, 652 E. 42nd St., Indianapolis, Ind., is a Metallurgist for P . R. Mallory & Co. , Inc. , Indianapolis, Ind. John Moscari , Jr . is in the Navy, but will receive mail addressed to 2233 Ludlow St., Rahway, N. J . Frank J. Myslinski is a Mining Engineer employed b y N ew Jersey Zinc Co. Frank gives his mailing address as Austinville, Va . Gordon E. Napp is Blasting Foreman, Castle Dome Copper Co. and will receive mail sent to Box 100, Miami, Ariz. Herman R. Niemeier's military address is A l1c Herman Niemier , 17319035 , H . 49th Air Division , APO 22 , c lo P. M., New York ,
Alumni p.ersonals 1IIIIIIIII illlllllllllllllll llli llillllllllllllllllili11111111111111111111111:
N. Y. Marion J . Norton, who is Engineer Aide with F. H. McGraw Construction Co. , Paducah, Ky. , gets his mail c lo M. T . W arford , Kevil, Ky. Howard Olson is a Siesmologist with Magnolia Pet. Co. Howard will r ecei vemail addressed to Box 454 , Postville, Iowa. Frank W. Owens is employed as Metallurgical Engineer with American Smelting and R efining Co ., Federal Pla nt, Alton , Ill., and is living at 684 5th St., E . Alton, Ill. Paul S. Pender 1311A 19th St. , Granite City, Ill. , is a Piping Engineer with M. W. Kellogg Co ., Paducah, Ky. William G. Petty, 7412 Richland PI, Pittsburgh 8, Pa. , is working as a Jr . Process Engr. for Koppers Co. , Inc. , Pittsburgh, Pa . Richard C. Phelps, who is a Field Sale s Representative for Merck & Co. , Inc. , gives his residence as Omphali us Rd. , Colden, N . Y. J . B. Plater, 14 Homewood Ct. , Springfield, Ill., is a Safety Engr. with Hawkeye Sec. Ins. Co ., 50 0 E. Capitol, Springfield, Ill. Joe R. Powell is now a Lt. in Engineering stationed in Korea as a battalion maintenance officer. His address is Lt. Joe R. Powell , 01861984, H & S Co. 430th Engr. Const. Bn. , APO 301 , c lo P.M. , San Francisco, Calif. John J. Raffone is Asssitant Editor, G eneral Electric R eview, General Electric Co. , Schenectady, N . Y . John lives at 2162A Eastern P'kway, Schenectady, N. Y . Harold C. Ratliff, 4728 Heidelburgh, Affton , Mo. , is with Fruin Colnon Contg. Co. as an Engineer . Robert E. Riley, Sr., is a R esearch Metallurgist with Armour Research Foundation of the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill. His home address is 649 W. 66th St. , Chicago 21 , Ill . Donald L. Rober is Test Engineer for General Electric Co. Don is living at 1022 Maryland Ave., Schenectady, New York. Richard R. Robotti is an Electrical Engr. for General Electric Co. Dick is living at 3 Mather St., Binhamton, N. Y. Richard J 0 s e p h Roeme rman, who is an Electrical Engineer for
J. Livingston Co., 4857 Goodfellow, St. Louis 20, "vlQ., gives his address as 6210h. Oakland Ave. , St. Louis, 10, Mo. J . D . Roetzel is wit h the U .S.G.S., Rolla, Mo. Ray Roller, 223 K entucky Ave., Pikevlile, Ky., is employed with Jeffrey Mfg. Co. , Harlan, Ky. W. H . Rushford, Process Engr., Phillips Chem. Co., Philblack Plant, Box 363, Phillips, Texas, is residing at 415N Harvey, Borger, T exas. Thomas Salisbury can be reached at Mississippi 33-1, Col Cuauthemoc, Mexico, D. F . He is with Seismograph Servic~ Corp. of Mexico, Av. Juarez, No. 95-20F, Mexico, D. F . Robert H . Schwaig is a Chemical Production Engr. Bob has recently moved to 721 Monroe Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. H enry A. Sheeley is with U. S. Steel. He is living at 716 % 5th Ave., McKeesport, Pa. S. Dean Shopher is Assistant to Plant Supt. , Mexico Refractories, and gives his residence as 416 W . Jackson, Mexico, Mo. Elden Sigurdson who is a Petroleum Engr. Trainee, will receivemail sent to Chase, Kans. Milton M. Silver is now A 12c. M. M . Silver, AF 17318976, 9301st TSU Ord. (BRL ) , Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md. He requests that his mail be sent to 6412 Alamo St., St. Louis 5, Mo. , which is his home address. Thomas A . Simpson was just released from t he lv~arine Corps and gives his present mailing address as 23 Burleigh St. , Waterville, Me. Edwin E. Slover is Pvt. E . E. Slover, US 52194384, Co. Hem: 506th AIR, 101st Arbn. Div., Camp Breck enridge, Ky. Robert C .Slankard, who is a Structural Engineer, Structural Mechanics Lab., David Taylor Model Basin, Washington, D. C., is living at 1340 Gallatin St. , N. W ., Washington, D . C. John E. Smith is with the U .S .G.S. His mailing address is 1102 Lynwood Dr., Rolla , Mo. Edwin .J. Soxman gives his business address as c lo Air Force Proj ect, Alfred , N . Y. (Box 793). Ed is living at 22 V2 S . Main St. , Alfred, N . Y. Arthur W . Sundholm, who is a G e ologist with Pure Oil Co., Tulsa , Okla., gives his address as 1616 Cincinnati , Tulsa , Okla.
Bruce E. Tarantolais is with the ExplosIve Dept., Atlas Powder Co., St. LOuis, IVlO. Bruce is living at 5570 Lansaowne Ave., St. Louis 9, Mo. Jonn C. Theiss writes that he is empiOyed in ::,peclal Structures Section of Sverarup & Parcel. Jonn can be reachea at Apt. ::::u6, 72~6 Lyndover Pl., Maplewood, Mo. Donald R. Tone is employed by the New Jersey Zinc Co., and is living at the Franklin Club, Franklin, N. J. Robert E. Turman is with U. S. Steel Co. as a Management Candidate, Operational Trainee, Gary Works. He is living at 457 Van Buren, Gary, Ind. Robert E. Vansant is in the U . S. Army as a Lt. He gives his home address as 6927 Marquette, St. Louis 9, Mo. Harry N. Walker gives his residence as 309 E. Walsh, Vandalia, Mo. Harry is with HarbisonWalker Refractories Co., Vandalia. George H. Warner is Sales Engineer for Richard A. Kent Co ., N. Y., N. Y. His home address is 420 East 3rd Ave., Roselle, N. J . Harry G. Watson, who is an oil scout for Stanolind Oil and Gas Co., Lubbock, Tex. is living at 1907 10th St., Lubbock. ) William Z. Wenneborg, Box 122, Reliance, Wyo., is a Resident Engineer with Union Pacific Coal Co. Theodore F. Westermeier, Jr. is in the army at Ft. Riley, Kansas. His home address, and his mailing address for the present time is 129 Lindenwood, St. Charles, Mo. Harold Whitson is a Mfg. Engr. with W estinghouse Electric Corp. Harold gives his residence as 1838 Parkline, Apt. 16, Pittsburgh 27 , Pa. Larson E . Wile, who is a Metallurgist, Lynchburg Foundry Co., is living at 1813 Mobile Rd., Lynchburg, Va . Frederick H. Wolf is a D esign Engineer, A utopilot Section, Westinghouse Electric Corp. He is living at 438 S . Augusta Ave., Baltimore 29, Md. Robert 1. Zane is employed with Caterpillar Tractor Co., Special Representative, Earth Moving S ection of Sales Development Div. He lives at 209 N. Underhill, Peoria,
Alumni Personals 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllillillillillllllllillUlllillill1111
Petroleum Company, with the Geopny,:acal Crew and is located in .DL·ooKnaven, IVliss. Turner W. lw::nards has been worKlng lor NaClonal Gyp"um Co., ana gl VeS hIS maLllng auuress as 20;.::1 btn Avenue, ;::,outh, .I! ·ort Doage, Iowa. IVll1an z.upan is with the Aviation Lias 'l"\rrbme DiVIsion of W estnghouse ~l e ctric Corporation, Kan"as CIty, lVlO. WaHace H. li.olnIes writes, " I have oeen made ;::,uperintenaent of the ::illver RIdge IVlmmg Company, Ltd. Mail will reach me if address: Wallace H , Holmes, Silver Ridge Mming Co., Ltd., Sandon, B . C., Canaaa." Gerald S . King's mailing address is Pvt. Gerald S . King, RA. 17360188, Co. E 516 Abn. Inf. Regt., Cpo Breckinridge, Ky . Lt. Junius A. Johnson recently arrived in Korea for duty with front-line Infantry divisions of the Eighth Army. He is assigned to the 25th Infantry Divisions 65th Engneer Battalion. Barnett Crabtree writes that his mailing address is 203 Watson Road, Sullivan, Mo. Howard W. Nunez may be reached by writing General Delivery, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bernard L. Pawloski is living at 154 W. Ce nter, Fostoria, Ohio. Gerald F. Sinnamon gives his mailing .lddress as 1494 W ebster , Birmingham, Mich. William A . Finegar 's address is Lt. Wm. A. Finegar, CE 02104484 , Student Officer Company, Box
1952 Richard Zang is with Phillips
560th AECOC, Ft. Belvoir, Va. David L. Conklin is attending Reactor Technology School at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and gives his address as 116 Placer Lane, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Richard C. Cooper is with Westmghouse Electric Corporation, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Richard L. Burdick is living at 1710 S. Shaver" Pasadena, Texas. Byron L . Keil's mailing address is Lt. Byron L . Keil, 02104493, Company D, 8th Engr. C. Bn., 1st Cav. Div. , APO 201, San Francisco, Calif. John O. Steele will receive mail addressed to 2146 Florida Avenue, N. W. , Washington, D. C . Joe Geers is in the army and gives his address as 2nd Lt. Joe Geers, Student Officer Co., Box S i62nd AECOC, Ft .Belvoir, Va. George S . Morefield writes, "On Aug. 12 i was called to active duty with the Chemical Corps USA , at Ft. McClellan, Ala. Then, on Dec. 17 , I joined the present unit here at Ft. Ord , Calif., as a Chemical Intelligence Officer. My present service address is Lt. G . S. Morefield, 50th Cm!. Svc. Plat., Ft. Ord, Calif." Robert Proctor is employed with Westinghouse Electric Corp., Educational D ept. , E. Pittsburgh, Pa. Jerry Klobe is living at 95 Tabor Rd. , Oak Ridge, Tenn. Charles M . Heimbach gives his address as 709 Casino Dr., Forest Hts ., Aiken , South Carolina. James H. Hall's address is 638 V2 N . Main St., Kewanee , Ill. R. H. Lilienkamp is with the Air Aren. D i v., Westinghollse Electri.c Corp ., Baltimore, Md.
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