MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy ROLLA. MO.
Dr. Andrew Fletcher, MSM Hon. '49, was elected president of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. See story on page 8.
AAU States View That Faculties Must Be Guaranteed Freedom of Expression Faculties of universities must be guaranteed freedom of expression because freedom of thought and speech is vital to the maintenance of the American system and is essentia l to the general welfare . This is one of the conclusions contained in a statement of the Association of American Universities which was approved on March 24 by President Fred erick A. Middlebush of the University of Missouri and by the presidents of the thirty-six other AAU members and which yas released in this area by President Middlebush. The three thousand word statement, entitled " The Rights and Responsibilities of Universities and Their Faculties," was released here and on the campuses of the other member institutions simultaneously with its issuance at Princeton, N.J. by Dr . Harold W . Dodds , president of the AAU and of Princeton University. In the statement, the Association says , "It is essential to the achievement of its end that the faculty of a university be guaranteed this freedom by its govern ing board, and that the reasons for the guarantee be understood by the public." The Association also urges the universities to cooperate with legislative inquiries, and to meet any abuse therein by appealing to public opInIOn rather than non-cooperation or defiance No reference is made to any particular congressiona l committee . The affirmative obligation of faculty members to be diligent and loyal citizens is also stressed by the Association. Pointin g out that a scholar must have integrity and independence, and that the se attitudes render impossible ad herence to such a regime as that of Russia and its satellites, the Association's stateme nt says : "We condemn Russian Communism as we condemn every form of totalitarianism. We share the profound concern of the American people at the existence of an international conspiracy whose goal is t he destruction of our cher ished institutions. .The police s tate would be the death of our
universities, as of our government. Three of its principles in particul ar are abhorrent to us: the fom e nting of world-wide revolution as a step to seizing power; the use of falsehood and deceit as normal means of persuasion; thought control-the dictation of doctrines which must be accepted and taught by all party members. Under these principles, no scholar co uld adequately disseminate knowledge or pursue investigations in the effort to make fur;,hcr progress toward truth. "Appointment to a university position and retention after appo i l1tm ~ nt require not only professional competence but involve 111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111"1111111111111111""11111111
III b~half of the ALUMNI ASS OCL TION Harry Pence, Executive Vice-President, stated that:
"We in the Alumni Association have long felt that there can b e no compromise with loyalty whether it be in industry, government or teaching and we lOlTImend the AAU for the comp letely frank and ¡ uncompromising stand which they have taken." 1III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrlllllillHIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111 I111111111
t he affirmative obligation of being diligent and loyal in citizenship. Above all, a scholar must have integrity and independence. This renders impossible adherence to such a regime as that of Russia and its satellites. No person who accepts or advocates such principles and methods has any place in a university. Since present membership in the Communist Party r equires the acceptance of these principles and methods, such membership extinguishes the right to a university position. Moreover, if an instructor follows communistic practice by becoming a propagandist for one opinion, adopting a 'par ty line,' silencing criticism or impairing freedom of thought and expression in his classroom, he forfeits not only all university support but his right to m e mbership in the university.' The AAU statement is a report which was drafted by a committee of five appointed by President Dodds after it was authoriz-
ed by the Association's annual meeting in Chicago last October. Dr . A. Whitney Griswold , president of Yale University, was committee chairman . Other members were: Dr. Arthur H . Compton, chancellor of Washington University; Dr. Franklin D. Murphy, chancellor of the University of Kansas; Dr. John E. W. Sterling, president of Stanford University; and Dr . Henry M. Wriston, president of Brown University. The committee's report is the culmination of a study begun by the Association in 1950, while Dr . Middlebush was serving his first term as president of the AAU. Setting forth the nature and function of the university, the statement says that even in the face of popular disapproval, timidity should not l ead a scholar or a teacher to stand silent when he must speak in matters of truth and conscience , particularly in his own special field of study. The Association , in defining "academic freedom" says that free enterprise is an essential to intellectual as to econom ic progress. "A university must be hospitable to an infinite variety of skills and viewpoints, r elying upon open competition among them as the surest safeguard of truth," the statement says. "Its whole spirit requires investigation, criticism and presentation of ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and mutual confidence." Academic freedom, therefore, must be guaranteed to faculty members, who must continue to examine all ideas , even unpopular, abhorrent and dangerous ones, on the same theory that deadly diseases and enemy military potentials are studied to perfect defenses against them, the statement continues. F aculty members who meet the requirement" of citizenship, competence, and good taste, it adds, are entitled to "all the protection the full resources of the university can provide." Universities should maintain the "highest " standards of appointments and promotions and should "re-examine" the qualifications of professors invoking the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination in refusing to answer questions, who should bear a heavy burden of proof of their fitness to continue teaching, the (Continued on Page 7)
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Frisco Gives MSM New HVictory Bell" The old victory bell that use d to ring out from the Campus of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurg y each time the Miners scored an athletic win was cracked last year by a group of overly enthusiastic students who w er e celebrating a football victory. Since then, the campus has been without a victory bell untE the Frisco Railroad, hearing ot the dilemma presented the Gchool with a steam locomotive bell to replace the lost tradition . The bell, engraved on one side with the emblem of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and on the other, the emblem of the Saint Louis-San Francisco Railway, was presented to George McCormick, Kansas City, Mo ., who is the Chairman of the school chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, by E. F. Tuck, Superintendent of Motive Power for the St. LouisSan Francisco Railway. McCormick, in turn, presented it to Dr. Curtis L. Wilson, Dean of the School of Mines, who accepted it in behalf of the administration, and the President of the Student Council, William E. Patterson, Bolivar, Mo., who accepted it in behalf of the student body. The dedication was held in Rolla, Mo ., Feb. 12, on the campus of the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy. Following the dedication, F . G. Baker, Diesel Supervisor for the .
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The "Victory Bell"
Participating in the "Victory Bell" presentation, left to right, are: F. G. Baker, E. F. Tuck, Dean Curtis L. Wilson, and George McCormick. St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad, addressed the joint student branches of the American Institute of Ele ctrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers. Crawford - Cottingham Miss Ann Cotingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Cottingham, Rolla , Missouri, became the bride of Duane A . Crawford, '52, D ecember 28 , 1952. Duane is in the army and is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo . The couple will make their home at 19 Great Oaks, Rolla, Mo. While at MSM, Duane was a member of the Engineer's Club, Independents, C . L. Dake G eological Society, and was the r e cipient of the Steinm esch Tech. Writing Prize. Ferns - Feeler Miss Dolores F eel er of Rolla, Missour i , b e came the bride of C. Kipp Ferns, Jr. , '52 , on October 19, 1952, at the Tabernacle Bapti st Church in Rolla . Kipp has r ecently accepted a job with Cities Service Oil Company of Bartle3v ille, Oklahoma. While he attended MSM, h e was a member of the Gle e Club, Alpha Phi Omega, Canterbury Club, Inde pendents, AIME, Music Club, and Dake Society.
Yeckl - Sanders The marriage of Miss Mary Lou Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sanders of Florence, Mo., and Lt. Frank Yeckl, '50, took place December 20, 1952 in Rolla, Missouri. The couple will reside at 2 Military Courts in Rolla, Mo. Frank is in the army and is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. While at MSM, Frank was a m ember of the Engineers Club and ASCE. Klein - Applegate Miss Rosemary Applegate of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, became the bride of F. A . Klein, '52, Dece mber 31, 1952. The Klein's home is 117 E. 13th Street, Bartlesville, Okla., where Fred is employed with Phillips Petroleum Company. While in school the groom was a member of AIME, Phi Kappa Phi, and Tau Beta Pi. Charles R. Bonnell, '50, and Mrs. Bonnell a nnounce the birth of Timothy Kent Bonnell born April 20, 1952 . The B onnell's live at 4775 Yoland Crest, Minn eapolis, Minn. Chales is employed with Minneapolis Honeywell Corp.
Number of Engineering Graduates Far Less Engineering "Who's Who" Than Jobs; Salaries Expected to Increase More compan ies have been visiting th e Missouri School of Min es and Metallurgy than there have bee n st ud e nts availab le, acco r ding to Donald L . D ea n , Administrative Assistant of the School of Mines. During the 1952-53 fall se m ester more than 100 interv iewe rs r ep r ese nting many large e ngi n eer ing and chemical corporations throughout the United States, were on the campus but by the January graduation o nl y 97 e ngin eer s were e ligibl e for degrees, thus illustrating the great demand for e ngineers and scie ntists. In addition to those visiting the campus an eq u a l numbe r made inquiry by mail and already a lmost a hundred companies have mad e a rrangem e nts to visit the campus dur in g the sprin g term. The starti ng mon thly salary , curr en tl y being offered , ranges from $3 25 to $400 p e r month with an av erag e of about $350. This is expected to increase in the near future as a r es ult of the r emova l of the Wage Stabilization Board . The average starting salary last year was $334 per month , wi th the la rge industrial compan ies offering sa laries from $310 to $320 but s h ortly after the announcement that the W age Stabilization Boa rd was no longer in effect these larger compan ies incre a sed the ir starting salaries to a range of $340 to $380 p e r month. This increase is expected to cause smaller companies to offe r corresponding increases. The r e have been very few r eports of students trying to take unfair adva ntage of the shortage of e ngin eer s by causing compan ies to bid again s t eac h other. In fact , it is obvious that the stud e nts are consid ering man y facors oth e r than salary when they choose a position. This is borne o u t by the fact that la st yea r 's average accepted salary was only s lig htl y higher than the average offered sa lary. This year, a student w ho places full we ight on mon e tary considerations could probably obtain a s tarting salary close to $40 0 per month. Tb e visiting companies actuall y represe nt more e ngin eering op-
portunities than the sa m e number of companies would have represe nted in previous years. Many of tbe corpora tions, who in the past have p ermitted tb e ir various J i vision 3 to in terview se paratel y, now coord in a te their in terviews ,to e l iminate com petition b etween tb e div is ion s. It is not uncommon for one in terview schedule to be set up for as many as e ig ht diffe r e nt companies. Some 01 the organizations who se nd all th eir company r epresentativ es on o n e day are: B e ll Tel ephone Sys t e m , General Electric Company, American Brake Shoe Com pany, United States Steel Comp a n y, E. 1. DuPont D e Nemours a n d Company , Inte rnational Busin esss Machines Corporation, Ben d ix Aviation Corporation and W est i n g hou se Electric Corporation. In add ition to the companies inte rvi ew ing e ngineering g r adu ates on the campus an equally large number of companies and gove rnm ental age ncies handle job offe r s by having bulle tin s posted on th e various departmental bull e tin boards, which usually after i ni tial correspondence between st udent and company , brings about a n ex p en se pa id visit to t h e company for a personal inte rvi e w. However, companies visi ti ng the campus generally are more s ucc essf ul in obtaining e n g ineers than those making offers by ca mpus bulletin boards. In addition to p ermanent jobs for graduating e ngi ne e rs , summ e r job opportunities are open to freshman , so p h omore , junior and graduate students , with an average salary range of between $3 00 an d $35 0 per montb. 111111111111111'1111111111111',' 11111111111111111111111 111 1-1 1111111111111111111
MSM ALUMNUS 111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Iss u e d bi-monthly in the inte r est of th e graduates and form er students of th e School of Min es and Meta ll urgy. Subscr iption price $1.50, included in A l umni Dues . Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla. Mo. , und er the Act of M arc h 3, 1879 .
Is Now Being Revised A revised edition of "Who's Who in Engin eering" is b eing prepared and D ean Curtis L. Wilson has sent to a ll living graduates of t h e Scbool of Mines, from 1943 back to the time the School was establish ed , for wbom addresses are available, a list of the require ments for those to be incl uded in the new publication. T hese r eq uirements for t h ose to be included in the new publication. These r e q u irements are: 1. Enginee rs of at least ten years activ e practice , at least five yea r s of which have been in responsible charge of impor t ant e ngineering work. 2. T eac h e rs of engineeri ng s u bjects in colleges or schools of accepted stand ing who have taugbt such subjects for at least t e n years, at least f ive responsib le charge of a major engineering course in such years of which have been in college or sc hool. (Military assignments w ill have prop e r consideration i n both of the above groups .) Dean Wilson requested t h ose interested to notify him, and h e is submitting the names to the ed itors of " Who's Who in Engin ee ring" , who will send these inte rested p e rsons a form for s u b mitting biographica l materia l for the use of the editors in prepar ing the n ew issue. T h e infor mation was sent only to those graduates up to 1943 , as norma ll y they would be the only ones to have the necessary ten yea rs of e xperience . However , if any of th e classes after 1943 feel tha t, through experience before graduation, th ey could qua lify , Dean Wi lso n asks that they send their nam es to him and he w ill b e glad to submit th e m for con si dera tion. A very large number of a l umni have a l ready returned t h eir requests to Dean Wi lson . C h a rl es A. Etem Charles A. Etem, ex ' 17, passed a way February 19, 1953 at Lakeside hospital in Kansas City, Missour i. H e had been an ins u rance agent in Hickman Mills, Mo. for the past twenty years, which was his home at the time of his death.
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Dr. Reginald S. D ean, Consulting Metallurgist, former Assistant Director of the U. S . Bureau of Mines and well known a uthor of metallurgical books and articles l ectured at M.S.M. during the week of M arch 16 . A series 01 four lectures on the metallurgy of manganese and titanium was presented primarily for the benefit of students in the Department of M etallurgy, but was open to a ll inter ested persons. The lectures were sponsoreci by the national h eadquarters of the American Society for Metals as a part of t heir educational program. Arrangements had been made for outstanding metallurgical authorities to speak at various colleges, and Dr. D ean was selected for M.S .M. A native son of Rolla, Dr ~ D ean graduated from M.S.M. in 1915 ; he is the son of the late Professor G.e orge R. D ean. Following graduation Dr. Dean worked for a number of industrial concerns b efor e joining the
U. S. Burea u of Mines in 1929 _ As Assistant Director of the Bur eau of Mines h e was r esponsible for i na ugurating a compreh ensive program of r esearch on the less common metals. At the present t ime Dr . Dean is a consulting metallurgist w ith offices near Washington, D. C . Martin F. Zogg Martin Florian Zogg, '25, died March 16 , 1953 of a heart ailment. At th e time of his death he was a district engineer of the State D epartment of Public Works in Par is. Illinois. Clarence J . Schultz Cla r ence J acob Schultz, '3 2, died J anuary 3, 1953, after a short illness. He had been employed a t the Samson & S essions Company in Cleveland as a drafting e ngineer since 1937. Join the Alumni Association of Yyo ur Alma Mater.
A commercial plant for the r e fining of silver by a vacuum metallurgy process first worked out at the Missouri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy has recently b een put into operation in Brazil. According to T. D . de Souza Santos, chief engineer , of the Techno logica l Institute at Sao Paulo, the pro cess is of immense practical value. Silver occurring naturally in lead is removed in the form of an allo y composed of silver, l ead , and zinc; this mixture is known as silver crusts or P a rkes crusts. The elimination of the lead and zin c from the crusts to obtain pure silver has previously been difficult and has resulted in losses of silver . Th e new M.S.M. process consists basically of h eating the crusts under a very high vacuum so that both the lead and zinc are vaporized. Preliminary tests were made in 1949 by C . H . Shih, a graduate student in the Metallurgy Department under the direction of Dr. A. W . Schlechten . The results were encouraging and a n article was published in the Engineering and Mining Journal. On the basis of the success of t h e la boratory experiments, large scale pilot plant tests were made in 1950 at M.S.M. by R. F . Doelling and Dr. Schlechten. Extensive tests w ere made on typical silver crusts from the smelter at H erculaneum, Mo . and also from the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Smelter in Idaho . Exce llent r ecover y and a high grade of silver was obtained showing that process was practical. The tests were described in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers . The plant in Brazil is the first commercial us e of the process that has b een revealed , but it is known that a lead company in France is making tests to d et ermine if they can use it successfully. Clifford L . Adams, '50, and Mrs. Adams announce the birth of a daughter, G errilea , born F ebruary 21 , 1952. Clifford is Assistant Professor of Physics at the U . S . Naval Academy, Annapolis, Mary l and.
New Meta ls Physics Studies Planned With the completion of the n ew $125 ,000 wing on the Ne w M etalurgy Building at Missouri School of Mines, plans are well underway to est ablish a series of investigations of m etals that will enabl e both MSM students and faculty to study the basic behavior of metals and a lloys. During the past few years m etallurgists h ave found that detailed stud y of the fundamenta l nature of how one m e ta l combines with another to form an a lloy can b e of immen se value in the deve lopm e nt of new alloys for use in j e t propulsion and in atomic engineering. Frequently, such studies reveal strange and unsuspected properties possessed b y the n ew a lloy. One s u ch allo y that is being studied at the present t im e by Dr. D. S . Eppelshe imer , Prof. of Metallurgical Engineering, consists of an intermetallic compound o f zirconium and l ead. When t h ese two m eta l s are h eated to ge ther in a n induction furnace in an a tmo sphere of h elium or a r gon t h ey combine to fo rm a hard grey a llo y with a very high m eltin g point of over 2 700 °]<'. On e unusu a l property of this a l lo y is its a bility to gen er ate spark s whe n scratched a ga in st a r ou gh surface or dropped on a co n cr e t e fl oor; such a material is said to b e pyrophoric . At the present time X-ray studies are und e rway in t h e m etallurgical lab oratory at Ro lla, to d etermine the true n a ture of the a llo y and al so to stu d y broadly the gene r al prope rties of p y rop horic substan ces. A t the present time cigarette lighter fl ints a r e made from an a llo y of one of the ra r e eartll group m etal s cerium and iron. W ith present lighter flin t selling at $35.0 0 to $4 0.00 a pound it is expecte d that the new a lloy which can b e made in qu a ntity at $5. 00 to $1 0.00 a pound may be competitive . It is al so thought that that t h e a lJoy may h ave military u ses for incendiary bullets and bombs. Why not becom e a m emb e r of th e Al umni Association?
Television Servi ce Clinic Held April 13 and 14 On MSM Campus With Prof. Nolte in Charge A clini c for television service m e n , to provide th em with basic informatio n on the fundam ental p rin ciples of television recelvmg sets a nd b est service techniques was h e ld at t h e School of Mines and Me ta llu r gy April 13 and 14. The clinic was presented through the University's Adult Education and Exten sion S ervice under its director, Dr. Amos J . S nider. Prof. Rog er E . Nolte of the Electri cal Enginer eing D epartm e nt of MSM was in charge of t h e program. Enrollment in the clinic was limi ted to fifty service men in order that each might r eceive a s
much individual a ttention as possible in t h e two days of instruction a nd d emonstration. In a ddition to D ean Wilson, Dr. Snid er , and Professor Nolte, the progra m presented as speakers: James Gutma n of the Sylvania Electric Prod ucts Co. ; Joseph D e nton of the Philco Corporation ; Willi a m A shby of the Rayth eon Mfg. Co .; L. J. Austin of the Simpson E lectric Company; G. Harba ugh of Terwilliger Sales Co. ; and Professor 1. H. L ovett, Chairman of Ele ctrical Engineering Department ; and P rofessor G. G . Ski tek of the E . E. D epartm e nt.
In Naval Experiment
Lyman F. Van B u skir k, w h o r eceived h is B. S. deg r ee in Mechanical Engineering fr om the Misso u ri School of Mines a nd Me t a llurgy in 1952, is shown working on the Ball T r acking Un it of "Bri ght Eyes" a t t h e U. S. Naval Ordnan ce Test Stati on , China Lak e, Californ ia, whe r e h e is employed as an Instr ument Engineer . "Bri ght Eyes" is a cam er a unit used on the test ran~es at t h e Station.
Rocky Mountain Section
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Seventeen members of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Alumni Association got together for a luncheon meeting at the Navarre Cafe in Denver on February 14. Alumni attending were: Leo J. Foster, '04. Cliff R. Wilfley, '05. Harvey L. Tedrow, '11. Oscar N. Bribach, '12. Kirk V. Cammack, '26. Willard E. Davis, '30. Maurice F. Murphey, '31. James E. Stokes, '3 1. Charles K. Rose, '33. George H. Musson, '33. Dave P. Hale, Jr., '34. Bob R. Kaley, '37. J. C. Kennedy, '50. Bill H. Burgin, '40. Robert C. Banghart, '51. Harold M. Hilburn, '51. Ray A . Warfield, Jr. ' 50. ~Harvey Tedrow was elected President of the Chapter for the year 1953 suceeding Kirk Cammack who had served as President for the past two years. Plans were discussed :ror a St. Patrick's Day Dinner-Dance to be held in ¡Denver. It was also agreed that a get-together for lunch be held on the fourth Friday of each month. The first of these monthly luncheon-gatherings took place on February 27 with nine members ' present.
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C. J. Potter's Article on Coal Is Published
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C. J. Potter, '29, is the author of an article entitled "Bituminous Coal" appearing in the Mining Congress Journal for February, 1953. Jack is President of the Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Compan, and during World War II, he was Solid Fuels Administrator for the government working out of Washington. His work there attracted international attention and won numerous recognitions for him both from the United States government and foreign governments. He is amply capable to speak upon the subject about which he writes. Jack Is also a director of the American Minin~ Con~ress.
Col. Harding Has High Post at Orleans, France Col. Chester K. Harding for four years, Professor of Military Science and Tactics at M.S.M., has recently been appointed Chief of the Engineer Division with the Army's Communication Zone in Orleans, France. Before his assignment, Colonel Harding was section engineer, at the Base Section at La Rochelle, France where had been since arriving in Europe in November 1952 . Colonel Harding and his wife, Ruth are well remembered among the students and townspeople of Rolla, where he served as head of the Military Department for four yean;
Academic Freedom '"'!i
(Continued From Page ,2) statement continues. But it warns against loss of that freedom which has made it possible for the universities to confer great benefits upon society and the country. In addition to urging 'cooperation with legislative inquiries, the Association calls on universities to cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies when faculty members are charged with violatin~ the law. " Unless a faculty member violates a law, however, his discipline or discharge is a university responsibility and should not be assumed by political authority," the statement says. " Discipline on the basis of irresponsible accusations or suspicion can never be condoned. It is as damaging to the public welfare as it is to academic integrity. The university is competent to establish a tribunal to determine the facts and fairly judge the nature and degree of any trespass upon academic integrity, as well as to determine the penalty such trespass merits." While asserting that professors are not entitled to special privileges, but are subject to the same penalties as other persons for violations of the l aw, the Association also counsels that they should not be subject to special discriminations , such as special loyalty oaths that others are not obliged to take. Outside of his special field ,
the statem ent says, a professor should remember h e is only a lay man and express himself accordingly. It a l so points out that academic freedom does not include fr eedom from criticism and is not a "shield" for those who break th e law. It says there is a line where "freedom" or "privilege" begins to be qualified by l egal " duty" and "obligation, " and the determination of that line is th e function of the l egislature and courts. The stat ement says t he professor owes his university and colleagu es and the public "complete candor and perfect integrity, precluding any kind of clandestine or conspiratorial ac tivities ." University faculties as well as governing boards have public obligations , it points out, because of public benefits they enjoy, includmg support of state universities by public funds and aid to endowed universities by tax exemptions.
Henry Zoller Permanent Head of Kansas CAP Colonel Henry E. Zoller was given a prominent place in "Contact", Aviation National Newsp a p er. Hank was shown receiving "big eagles" from Brig. General H. R. Spicer, USAF, Commanding G en eral of the Wichita Air Force Base, Wichita , Kansas. H ank is a Wing Comander for Kansas of t h e Civil Air Patrol. H e had recently been promoted to full colonel and as permanent commander for Kansas. Colonel Zoller ' was out of town when notice of his promotion was received at Wing Headquarter s . Wing staff members imm ediately h ad a scheduled meeting switched to the Witchita base, where General Spicer read the orders and make the presentation . Follo w ing the presentation of th e " big eagl es" G eneral Spicer presente d Colonel Zoller with several sets of r eg ulation "eagles" that he himself h a d won prior to his r ecent elevation to Brigadier Gen eral. Hank received his d egree from MSM in ' 23 , and has l ong been active in A lumni Association affairs. His home address is 8604 E. Harry, Wichita, Kansas.
Andrew Fletcher New AIMME President , Andrew Fletcher, MSM Hon. '49, was el ected President of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers at the annual meeting of the Institute h eld in Los Angeles, California, on February 15 to 19. Dr. Fletcher delivered the Commencement address at the 1949 Commencement at MSM and for his distinguished service as an engineer and as president of the st. Joseph L ead Company, the degree of Doctor of Engineering (honoris causa) was conferred upon him. Dr. Fletcher has a lso been instrumental in establishing at the School of Mines the fo ur St. Joseph L ead Company scholarships, each having a value of $600.00 annually, and which are awarded on a competitive basis to the graduates of the high schools of St. Francois county and the town of Herculaneum, Missouri.
MSM Senior Attends Road Builders Meeting Maurice Robert Topel, of G asconade, Missouri, a senior in Civil Engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy was appointed by the State Highway Commission to attend the a nnua l meeting of t h e American Road Builder s Association to be held in Boston, February 9th to 11th. Topel was selected by a committee from the Civil Engineering
Group Wants to Become "Ark-la-lex" Sub-Section On Saturday, February 7, 1953 , approximately thirty-fo u r graduates, ex-st udents and wives met at Caney Lake, Louisiana, as the guests of J . C. (Fish) Salmon, Jr., '22. The gathering began at 6 p.m. with a cocktail hour and general get-together. This was followed by an excellent dinner. At the conclusion of the dinner a business meeting was held with C. N. Valerius, '25, Chairman. It was the unanimous wish of the entire attendance that an effort be made to secure the authority ' to form a l ocal subsection. F . H . Conley, '27, was e lected temporary president. The group has petitioned the Alumni Association for the formation of a local chapter to be called the " Ark-La-Tex" SubS ection, with h eadquarters at 2212 Hollywood Avenue, Shreveport, La. It is further r equested that t his sub-section include the following areas: 1. South Arkansas 2. North Louisiana 3. East T exas expressed The entire group
D ep a rtment composed of Professors J . B. Butler, E . W. Carlton, Leon Hershkowitz and C. W. Eshbaugh. Under the terms of his appointment, he was to attend certain sessions of the Association in Boston and will be required to make a detailed r eport to Rex Whitton, Chief Eng ineer of the Highway D epartment, on his return from the convention. Topel, an outstanding student in Civil Engineering, is a member of T a u Beta Pi, Theta T a u , and is President of Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering r ecognition fratern ity, and is also a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity. great enthusiasm concerning the proposed new chapter and had a very enjoyable evening. The loca l epid emic of the "flu" resulted in m em b ers being unable to attend.
Young Engineering Teachers Organize Plans have been started by a group of interested Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy faculty members to f orm a School of Mines chapter of t h e national organization of Young Engineering T eacher s, to promote and d evelop interest in the field of teaching Engineering h ere on the campus . During the first meeting Prof. S. H. Lloy d , Chairman of the Humanities D epartment, acted as chairman. Dr . C . A . J ohnson, Assistant Professor of Mathematics , was el ected Presid ent ProT em, and G . L. Scofield , A ssistan Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was elected as Secretary Pro-Tem , for the purpose of finding out more about the objectives of the organiza tion and a possible program of meetings. A temporary committee of fourteen members, one r epresentative from each department on the campus, was selected to formulat e a possibl e program for the group as well as for the purpose of determining the specific interest in the various departments. The committee includes: ¡G. L. Scofield , Mechanical Engineerin g D epartment; C . A. Johnson, Mathematics D epartment; J . K. Roberts, Civil Engineering D epartment ; R. R. Russell , Chemical Engineering Department; J. W. Rittenhouse, Electrical Engineering Department; R. V . Wolf, Metallurgical Engineering D epartment ; R. I. Martin, Mining Engineering D epartment; M. P . Nackowsky, G eology D epartme nt; T. J . Planj e, Ceramics D epartment; W. H . B essey, Physics Department; J. J . J el inek, Huma nities D epartment ; N. C . Costakos, Mechanics D epartment; R. E. Johnson, Drawing D epartment; and D. Allgood, Athletic Department. Max L. Kasten, ' 48 , and Mrs . K asten are the parents of a son, Michael D ennis, born October 4, 1952. Max is Chief Chemist for American Smelting and Refining Company, A. V . Plant, L eadville, Colorado. The Kasten's make their home at 138 W est Fourth Street, Leadville, Colo .
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The annua l S1. Pat's m eeting of the Southern California Section was held at the Redwood House on Saturday, March 21T he section was happy to welcome to their midst Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kayser of the class of '16, who moved to Los Angeles a few years ago to make tl1ls their permanent home. They were also pleased to hear of the betrothal of Jack Stadelhofer, ' 49 , to Miss Valerie Doul . Jack and his fiancee have attended previous meetings of the local chapter and the announcement was greeted with great enthusiasm by everyone present. An interesting lette r from Dan and Lydia Huffman, ' 22, who recently left Los Angeles to make their home in Sedona, Ariz., was read. The Huffmans and the Cy Youngs, who also have r etired and moved to Sedona, plan to drive over to one of the meetings in the not too distant futw·e. Both of these fine couples have been loyal , active memb er s of the l ocal chapter and while they were greatly missed, e veryone agreed it was nice to know they were close enough to get over for an occasional visit. Mention was a lso made of the fact that Eva Greene, ' 11, is now on the mend after a very serious accident last year that had her in a cast for months with rather serious injuries. Eva had always ben one of the main stays of the local chapter, and everyone is rooting for her complete and ea rly recovery. The chairman reported that the cocktail party at the A .L M .E. meeting in February was a great success from a social standpoint and the chapter had managed to come out all right financia lly. I nstead of a l arge deficit that was anticipated, they had managed to wind up a little bit in the black, which was the cause of much rejoicing. T h e colored movies of the Homecoming at Rolla, which were shown at the cocktail party, were shown again for the b e nefit of those who were unable to be prese nt at the February meeting. As previously announced in the Alum-
n u s, any l ocal chapter chairman who wants t h ese f ilms for any of thei r mee t ings are wel come to have them by simpl y writing to Barney N uell at 3440 Wilshire Bo ulevard, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Among those prese nt were : Mr . and Mrs. H ugh Barclay, ' 37. D ean Daniel s, ' 46 Mr. and Mrs. B ill Fletch er, ' 34. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halasey, ' 28. Mr. and M r s. T. L . Harsell, Jr. , '3 9. Mr. and Mrs. James H edd ell, '41Mr. and Mrs . A l H e nke, '47. John Hoey, ' 43. Mr. and Mrs . Don Huseman, ' 43 .
Mr .a n d Mrs. Edwin A. Kayser, ' 16. Mr. and Mrs. Laure l Linn, ' 49 . R ex Monroe, ' 32. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Nuell, '21Mr . and Mrs. Ken Sheckler, ' 37. H er bert H. Soes t, ex ' 05. J ack Stadelhofer, ' 49 , a nd financee Mr. a nd Mrs. B a nnon T errell, ex '2 9.
1903 Fred H a uenstein is r e tired and living at Rt. 2 , Exeter, Calif. His mailing ad dr ess is Rt .2, Box 644, Exeter , Calif.
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MSM Alu mni Association 111 111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111 1111 111 11 1111 11 111111111111 111 1111 11111111111111111 11111111111111111 11 11111111111 111 1111111111 11111111 1111111
OFFICERS President .......... .. James L . H ead ...... ........ 25 Broadway, .......... New York 4 , N . Y. Executive ............ A. E. Barnard ........ .. ..... 613 S . Central, ........ Vice-P res . Clayton 5, Mo. Vice-Pres . ............ Ho r ac e H . Clark .... ........ 7202 S. Shore D r. , .. Chicago 49, IlL Sec .-Treas . .......... H . R. Hanle y .......... ........ 606 W. 8th St., ........ Rolla, Missouri
Term Exp. Nov. 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953 Nov . 1, 1953 Nov. 1, 1953
D IRECTORS AT LARGE (Three-Year Terms ) Merv in J . Kelly, ' 14 ...................... 463 W est Street ...... .. New York 14, N . Y. Charl es J . Potter, ' 29 .................... 619 Oak Street ........................ Indiana, Pa. Melvin E. Nicke l , ' 38 .................. 7020 Creigier Street ................ Chicago, Ill. AREA DIRECTORS A r ea N o. A r ea Director States Embraced Term. Exp. 1 ................ Enoch Needles ' 14 .............. ... New England, N. Y., N . J ., .... 1955 East P a., Wash . D. C. , Md., Va. except Southwest Va. 2 ............... Cl aude Vale rius ' 25 ............ ... E. T e nn., E. Ky. , N. C., ............ 1955 S . C ., La .. Miss. , Ala. , Fla . 3 ................ S. Allan Stone ' 30 ................ ... W. Va ., W. T enn ., W. K y., .... 1955 S. W. Va., W. Pa., Ohio, India na (except the Chicago I ndustrial Area) 4 ................ W. P. Ru mm ler ' 38 ............... N . IlL , Chicago, Wisc., ............ 195 4 Mich. , N. Ind ., Minn . 5 .... ............ Paul Dowling ' 40 .............. .. ... S. IlL , E. Mo., Arkansas ........ 1953 6 ................ H . E. Zoller '23 ....................... Iowa, W . Mo .. Oklahoma, ...... 1953 Kansas 7 ................ S . H . Lloy d '47 .................... .. . T ex. , Ari z., New Mexico ........ 1955 8 ................ Dave Hale '34 ....................... Idaho , Mont. , N. D. , S. D ., .... 1954 W yoming, Colorado 9 ................ Barney Nu ell '21 ................... Wash ., Oreg on , Calif. ............ 1953
- -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - - Mrs. Ke nney li fe Member Visit of Alumni Association
St. Pat Makes Forty-fifth An nual to MSM, Leads Colorful Pa rade of Floats St. Patrick made his annual visit to Rolla a little early this year, arriving at the Frisco Depot on Friday, March 13, This was his 45th visit to the School of Mines. He was greeted as usual by cheering subjects and led the parade up Pine Street followed by the many colorful floats . This years winners of the float contest were Tau Kappa Epsilon, first place with a realistic theme centered around the young engineering graduate and his future; K a ppa Alpha was second, and Pi Kappa Alpha ranked third . The parade was fo llowed by the knighting ceremonies in Parker Hall which was in turn followed by the judging of the numerous beards . T he winners were Dick Runvik, Bill Stewart, J im Stapels,
and Dave Archer, all of whom were awarded the customary beer mugs. The orchestra of Ray Anthony furnished the music for the Friday night costume ball at which the queen was crowned. This year's queen was lovely Joan Christian, wife of Charles "Chuck" Christian a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity. Saturday night ended the celebration with the formal dance with more of the music for which Ray Anthony is famous. J im Ger ard, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, served as a very able St. Pat. Deadline fo r th e May-June issue of th e A lumnus will be June 1, 1953.
History was again made at the MSM Alumni Association when John R. K e nney brought to the Alumni Office a check for $100.00 for Life Membership for his wife, Mrs. Nadine Matlock K e nney. Jack h as been a Life Member for a good many yea r s, and now Mrs. Kenney has t h e same distinction, Jack gr ad uated in 1912 and has long been active in Alumni Association affairs, having served as Preside nt of the Chicago Section of the Alumni Association , He is a consta nt attendan t at Homecoming, Mrs. K e nney graduated in 1926 and was for a number of years on the faculty of the school as a tea cher of English. They a r e living in Chicago, Jack's business address being 2132 N , Halsted St. Mr. and Mrs , Kenny visited in Rolla in March.
HOST TO L - P GAS SCHOOL - Students and faculty of the L -P Gas Schoo l at a three-day extension class held on the campus of MSM March 16, 17 , and 18. There were a total of 106 students attending t he school, Which was for service men en~a~ed in low pressure gas work in Missouri, with the Miissou ri L -P Gas Associa-
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Carlton's Work With Wire Fabric Reviewed The work which Professor E. W. Carlton, Professor of Structural Engineering, here at M.S.M., has done in connection with welded wire fabrics in concrete slaps, working on cooperation with the American Road Builders Association, is attracting wide attention. The November issue of Highways and Bridges publised in England contains a complete review of the article and copy of the bibliography dealing with the work that Profesor Carlton has completed in the laboratories of the Civil Engineering Department. This work was done as a part of theses for several graduate students on the campus all working under Professor Carton's supervision, A part of the testing equipment was developed by Professor A. V. Kilpatrick of the
Mechanical Engineering Department. A large number of copies of Professor Carlton's report were published by the American Road Builders Association and distributed to the engineering profession.
Greek Exchange Student Gets Rotary Scholarship Spyros George Varsos" Greek exchange student, who is attending the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, to work toward a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering, was awarded one of the four Rotary Foreign Scholarships presented by the Rolla chapter of the internationally known Rotary Club. A. C. McCutchen, President of the Rolla Rotary Club presented the scholarship. Through the efforts of the Anglo-American-Hellenic Bureau
of Education at Columbia University in New York in New York many deserving Greek students are able to come to America for advanced study. This Bureau will enable many such students to use their knowledge found over here to help rebuild the war torn cities of Greece. By the generosity of a number of colleges and Universities the Bureau will soon be returning 184 graduate and undergraduate students to Greece to share their knowledge and experience with their countrymen. Spyros graduated from Evageliki High School, Athens, Greece, and has completed one semester here d uring which time he was on the Honor List. He is a member of the International Fellowship Club and also holds membership in the Canterbury Club. Other recipients of Rotary Foreign Scholarships were: Jaromir V. Houska, Czechoslovakia; Bhikubhai M. Sedalia, India; and Wing-Cheuk Lo , China.
tion as sponsors. Those who participated from MSM were Dr. A. J. Miles, Professor of Mechanical Engineer ing; Professor L. B. Taylor, Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering; and Dr. J. D. Forrester, Professor _of Mining Engineering.
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Southern California 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
The Southern California Section of the Alumni Association a cted a s hosts a t a most enjoya ble Cocktail Party for the visiting M.S.M . delegates to the A.I.M.E. Convention in Los Angeles, on Tue sday, February 17th. D ean Wilson spoke briefly, outlining the progress made at the school and the splendid cooperat ion we have b e en getting from the Board of Curators and the Sta t e L egislator in the matter of a ppropriations. B a b e H ead, as National Presid en t , also spoke a nd presented the greetings of Mr D. C. Jackling, whom he had s een in San Francisco a few days previously. The local chairman showed some colored movies which were t ak en at Home coming and everyone present enjoyed the old familia r scenes at Rolla and the close -up shots of everyone who w as present a t the Homecoming b a nquet In addition to those present, w ho are listed below, there w er e many other Rolla men and their wives pre sent but who, in the ex uberance of the occasion, did not get around to signing the R egist er . Ther e were in excess of a hundred p eople present, and ever y one expressed their enjoym en t at the fine time in geting toge ther and gre eting old fri ends. B arney Nuell, ' 21. A. D . Terrell, '99. F. C . Appleyard, '37 . A . L eg sdin, Prof. J a m es W . Sha ffer, '42 . L. B. Taylor, Prof. B . H . Clemmons, '32. K . F . Ander son, ' 42 . J ames L . H ead , ' 16. R. T . Wade , ' 31. T . G . W eir, ' 22 . H a r old E. Spick a rd, ' 17. B en R. Coil, ' 29. Willa rd M . B enham, ' 15. R ob ert L . Root , ' 49 . Paul A . H a lasey, '2 8. K. L . K e a t ing, ' 50. E . W. Engelmann, '11. H a rvey P. Nel son, '50. M. I. Signer, '23. R. H . Wightma n , ' 26. S . A. S t one , '30. Roger M a nning, ' 22 . Karl A . Alleb a ch, ' 28. A lber t L . P essin, '32. Lou is A. Turnbull, '22.
P . K . Horner, ' 06. E. R. Tragitt, ' 23 . J . D . Forreste r, Faculty F. Ed B a iley , '50. John T . Cullom, ' 49 . B ill Burgin, ' 40 . Bill Grifin, '51. Joe Stev en s, '32. R eg. Whitlock, '49. Dr. L. E. Young, (Former Dire ctor of M .S.M. 1907-13) Fred Bunge, ' 46. K en Sheckler, '37. E. R. Sta nley, ' 14. Bill Fletcher, ' 34. P a ul Lindau, '11. Joe Ste v ens, "32 . R . Schuhmann, Jr. '33. J . Chas. Miller, ' 16. Don Huseman, ' 43 . Tom H a r sell, '39. H . R. H anley, '01. Jack Stadelhofer, '49. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Houston SectIOn 1IIIIIIIIIIIIl"illlllllllllilliillJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111'
During a recent convention of the AAP G , SEPM and the SEG, an informal lunche on of MSM Alumni was h eld at The T exa s S tate Hotel, Houston, Texas on March 26, 1953. Ther e were impromtu speeches from Mr. George Barnwell, '23 , Mr. Claude Valerius, '25, Harry Nowlan, ' 13, and Joe Wilson, '21. Mr. R. E. Morgan, Professor in th e G e ology Depa rtment at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy was present. Among those present were B . W. Andrews, ' 48. G . F . Barnwell, ex '23 . R. L . Braeutigam, '33 . C. H . Burris, '47. W. F. Cooke, Jr., '35. R. E. Goodwin, ' 47. R. C. Graham, '31. K . F . H a sselmann, '25 . J . V. L a v ery S . H . Lloy d , '47. C. W . M a galis, '25. B . F. Morgan, ex '26. P rof . R. E . Morgan H . H . Nowlan, ' 13. J . E . R a k a skas, '40 . R. P . Ridley, ' 40. P . L. T errasson, '48. C. N . Valerius, ' 25 . Mrs. C . N. Valerius Rob ert V a n Nostra nd, '42 . D . C . W a d e , '42. R. T . W a d e, '3 1. J . M. Wilson, '2 1. M r s. J . M . Wilson R ober t Zinke, '5 1. <
Sedalia Student Awarded Class of '42 Scholarship G er ald Siron , son of M r . and Mr s. Cla u de G. Siron, 1400 South Warren , Sedal ia, M issouri, has been awarded t he Cl ass of 1942 M emorial Scholar ship at the School of M ines and M e tallurgy of the Un iversity of M issouri a t R olla , accordin g t o a nnouncement f r om Dean Curt is L. W ilson of the School of Min es. G er a ld is a senior a t the S mith-Co tton High :::lchool a t Sedalia a nd plans to study Mech a nical Engineering as h iS life 's profession. The Cl ass of 1942 M emorial S cholar hip was st a r ted when Ca pt. John W. Ray l of Sedalia, m ember of th e class of 1942 in the School of Mines w as killed in action in F r ance on August 18, 1944. Cap t. Rayl h a d b een presid en t of the class of 1942 a nd was highly r egar ded b y his fellow cl assm ates and m ember s of the fac ulty. He was the first member of the class t o be killed in the war a nd his classm a t es starte d the M emorial F und in his honor. Six oth er m embers of the class of '42 w er e la ter killed in act ion and th e scholarship was chan g ed to a gen er a l m emorial f or the classs of 1942 . They were W illia m A ltman , William H. B ro w n , Walter C. Fraser, Melvin C. U llrich, John Z agata, a nd Joseph L. Zag a ta . The scholarship h as a value of approx imatel y $1000 and has been awa r de d t o Siron for the fres hma n an d the sophomore y ears. Siron's f ath er is shop foreman f or on e of th e in dustries in Sedalia a n d is the fa ther of ten children , six y ounger, and three older than Ger ald. This award w ill carry G era ld t o his junior y ear w h er e h e ca n h ave access to loan f un ds of up to $500 a year which w ould p ermit him to finish his ed u cation with lit tle or no h elp fro m his fa mily. G er a l d w ill enroll in the School of Min es a n d M e tallurgy as a f r eshman in M echanical Engineering for t he fa ll semester of 1953-54. 1913 R ay G. Knicke r bock er is a M eta llurgica l Engineer w ith U . S. Bureau of Mines. His mailing address is 928 W . 10th S tr eet , Rolla , Mo.
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Russel Caples Named Anaconda President
Alumni Personals 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III
1917 Russel B. Caples, ' 10, manager of Anaconda's Great Falls, MonHoward Jones Teas is a Partner , tana, reduction department since Teas & Steinbrenner, Malverne, 1941, has been elected president N ew York. and director of Anaconda Alumi1923 num Company. The announceCharles C. Tevis is with the ment was made March 11 , 1953 by Missouri State Hwy . Dept. State Cornelius F. Kelley, chairman of Bldg. , Jefferson City, Missouri. He the board of Anaconda Copper lives at 206 Hub Street, Jefferson Mining Company, the parent com- City. pany. 1925 Mr. Caples succeeds Francis O. George D. Gaines lives at 3642 Case who recently resigned to be- . Glenhave n , Houston 25 , Texas . H e come president of the Glen Alden is employed with The Fluor Corp. ,-,oal Company. Ltd. , 3137 0 St. , Houston, Texas . As president of the Anaconda 1927 AlUminum Company , Mr. Caples B. L. Chaney , 15637 Marshwill make his he ::dquarters in New field Avenue , Harvey, Ill. is DisYork City. He will, however, continue to manage the zinc contraci trict Engineer with Illinois Divinegotiations for the Montalla zinc sion of Highways . M . J. Paul lives at 321 Potomac plants of the Anaconda company. Avenue, Lombard , Ill. He is A native of Glascow, Mo., Mr. Chern. Engr. with Natural Gas Caples graduated from the MisPipe Line Company, Texas Ill. souri School of Mines in 1910, and Natural Gas Pipeline Co. was awarded the honorary degree Donald J. Bisett, ex '27 , lives at or Doctor of Engineering by the 4020 SuI Ross , Houston 6, Texas . college in 1947. He has been preslQent of the American Zinc H e is an Independent Oil Operamstltute since 1951, and is also CI tor, 925 San Jacinto Bldg., Houston , Texas. director of the American Institute F. A . Gerard's adciress is 620 01 Mining and Metallurgical EnS. Washington , Park Ridge, Ill. gineers. 1928 Russel is a life member of the Mark B. Layne is a consulting MSM Alumni Association. While he was in school at MSM, he was engineer at Higginsvile, Mo. William K. Schweickhardt lives a member of Tau Beta Pi and the at 8930 Parkside , Morton Grove , Athletic Association. Ill. He is with Walsh Refractories Curtist C. Webster, '50, and Corp. , 176 W. Adams St,. Chicago Mrs. Webster are the parents of 3, Ill. 1929 a son born October 12, 1952. George Willard Talley is superCurtis is a Metallurgist with Carbon and Carbide Corporation at intendent of Mfg. Electric Motor Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Web- Control, Cutler Hamer Inc. , Milster's home is i33 E. Tennessee waukee, Wisc. He lives at 559 N . 67th St. , Wauwatosa 13, Wisc. Avenue, Oak Ridge. 1930
Ed P. Vollherbst, Jr. '43, and Mrs. Vollherbst are the parents of a daughter Kindra Elaine born January 8, 1952. The family resides at 160 N. Passaic Avenue, Chatham, New J ersey, where Ed is an X-ray application engineer. A boy, Dan L eslie, was born May 2, 1952 to Wayne J . Huff, '5 1, and Mrs. Huff. Wayne gives his business address as Lane-Wells Company (oil-tools) 5610 S . Soto, Los Angeles, Calif. , and his home address as 39 N . Carmelo, Pasadena 8, Calif.
Lowell E . Reeve can be reached at 332 Lexington Drive, Menlo Park. Calif_
1932 W. R. Riggs is with Sinclair Research Laboratories, Inc. , Harvey. Ill.. and lives at 828 Sterling Dr .. Flossmoor. Ill. J. K . Richardson gives his residence as 1754 Oak Ridge Dr., Salt Lake City. Utah. He is employed with Kennecott Conner Corp. , Utah Conner Division.
Engineers Week Held
By Springfield MSPE A number of the faculty members participated in the Engineers Week conducted by the Springfield Chapter of Missouri Society of Professional Engineers at Springfield, Missouri during the week of February 23. l 'hose who took part were: Dr. A. J. Miles-Queen City Lions Prof. J . W. Rittenhouse-Metro Club Dr. Paul G. Herold-Rotary Prof. G. G. Skitek-Sertoma P rof. S. H. Lloyd- University Club P rof. E. W. Carlton-Lions P rof. J. Kent Roberts-Springfield Kiwanis Donald L. D ean-Optimist P rof. J. Kent Roberts-Greenwood High Tarr - Maggi Miss Gay Maggi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Maggi of Rolla, became the bride of Clarence M. Tarr '52 December 24, 1952 . Clarence is employed with U.S. Steel , South Works, Chicago, Illinois, in which city the couple will make their home . He was a member of Independents, AIME, ASM, T ech Club, American Foundryman's Society, and the Wesley Foundation while he was in school. The bride was a student at MSM for about a year. sives Sales, E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co ., Inc. E . Richard Mertz, 14255 Kitt ridge St. , Van Nuys , Calif., is going to the University of Adelaide, Australia for a year as a visiting l ectur er. L eaving in May, Prof. Mertz will r eceive a Fulbright grant from the international information administration of the U. S. D ept. of State to cover his travel and salary. H e will lecture and do research in prestressed ceramics and conduct a seminar in optimum design.
1934 Leo J . Sullentrup of 1838 W. Marquette Rd., Chicago 36, Ill. , is Construction Superintendent and Engr . for S . G. H ayes & Company of Thornton, Ill.
W. W. Kay, 902 Brooks Bldg., Wilkes-Barre, Pa . is with Explo-
Alan J . Hoener lists his address as 48 Webster Woods, Web-
ster Grove 19, Mo. 1937 P. E. Silver, Jr. gives his address as P .O . Box 286 , Robstown , Texas. Richard J. Cardetti, 7500 Locust Avenue, Gary, Indiana, is General Supervisor of T esting, Gary Steel Works , U. S. Steel Corp. , Gary , Ind. Marshall W. Taylor visited the campus February 14, and announced that he has accepted a position with the British American Oil Company in Alberta, Canada. The job will have the title of Divi~lona l 1'etroleum Engr. 1938 Roy C. Cornett gives his army address as Lt. Col. Roy C. Cornett, 0363462, Engr. ~ec., Hq. AF1! 'E, APO 343, c lo 1'.NI. San FrancIsco , Calif. H e is on duty in Japan. C. W. Robertson gives his address as 177 Mayals Road, Blackpil, Swansea, Glam, U.K. and is employed with E. B . Badger & Sons Ltd., c lo N.O .R., Skewen, Near Neath Glam, S. Wales, U.K. 19311 G. J. Decker gives his address as 2601 W. Storey, Midland, Texas. L . A. Roe writes that his new address is 1501 Vilas Avenue, Madison, Wisc. Herbert F. Crecelius writes, " I have been in Korea several months. My new address is Lt. Col. H. F . Crecelius 0-25187, Hq., EUSAK, Chemical Section, APO 301, c lo Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 1940 Lynn J . Riege has been elected treasurer of the American Material Handling Society, Chicago chapter, according to an announcement recently made. Lynn is with the U . S. Gypsum Company in Chicago, his home address being 1712 E. 86th Place, Chicago, Ill. Clayton W . Bentley lists his address as 1145 E. California St., Glendal e, Calif. 1941 Walter R. DeForest gives his new address as 126 N. Philadelphia Blvd., Aberdeen, Md. A . C . Pautler gives his new address as 168 Cut Spring Road, Stratford, Conn. Robert Fields was a campus visitor on F ebruary 16. He is employed with Atlantic Refining Company, Dallas , Texas. Lt. Col. Andreas A . Andreae gives his address as Hq. Eighth
Alumni Personals 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Air Force, Carswell AFB, Texas, where he is Deputy Director of Plans. Herman Botcher is Dept. Head of lVlaint., Constr. & UtilitIes, E . R. Squibb & Sons. He lives at 75 Fairview Ave., North Plainfield, N . J.
LCDR Wm. H. Bourne is at U. S. Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Clifford A. Corneau is Works Mgr. of U . S . Gypsum Plant at Empire, Nevada. G. R. Couch's mailing address is 501 W. 7th St., Plainfield, N. J. He is with National Lead Co., Titanium Div. , South Amboy , N . J. Donald G . Crecelius can be reached at Nolan Drive, Rt. 6, Paducah, Ky., where he is with Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co. , Ed C. Farrell lives at 230 ParK T errace, Hot Springs, Ark. He is with Baroid Sales Division, National Lead Co., P . O. Box 358, Malvern, Ark. Robert E. Fields is Sr .. Production Engr., Atlantic Refining Co., Dallas, Texas. Robert lives at 5011 Linnet Lane, Dallas 9, Texas. Alden G. Hacker is Production Mgr. for McQuay-Norris Mfg . Co. Alden lives at 1078 E. 5th, Connersville, Ind. Leon Hershkowitz is Asst. Professor of Civil Engineering at MSM. Leon's residential address is 1300 Powell, Rolla, Mo. F . K. Kyle can be reached at 210 East 66th St., Kansas City, Mo. Frank H . Mentz is Plant Manager for Westinghouse Electric Corp. Frank gives his home address as 234 Tates Creek Ave ., Richmond, Ky . Robert H . Meyer makes his home at 1687 Garnet Lane, Concord, Calif. Bob is a Chem. Engr. for Dow Chemical Co. Marvin E. Nevins is President of Wisconsin Centrifugal Foundry, Inc. He makes his home at 329 Windsor Drive, Waukesha , Wisc. Anthony C . Pautler is in the U. S . Navy . His mailing address is 20903 Greenleaf, Cupertino , Calif. Robert Schoen thaler, who is a building contractor, lives at 3126 Nimitz Blvd ., Oklahoma City 12, Okla.
Floyd P. Smith is Divisional Engineer with Engineers Ltd., Pipeline Co ., 5690 S . Union, Bakersfield, Calif. His mailing address is 200 Irene St., Bakersfield, Calif, Harvey C. Stevens is an Engineer with Shell Pipe Line Corp. Harvey lives at 4018 Law Dr. , Houston, Texas. Robert L. Topper's home is 4904 Holt, Bellaire, Texas . Bob is Asst. Chief Engr., Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp . Mike Scheriff was in Rolla during the latter part of October on his vacation, Mike is employed with General Chemical DIV . of Allied Chemical and D ye Corp. , D eming, New Mexico, Warren Loveridg e was in Rolla on November 4 in connection with the 50th Anniversary of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. Warren is with Laclede Steel Co" Arcade Building, St. Louis, Mo. H e lives at 810 Craig Dr ., Kirkwood, Mo. Jason M. Patrick is a Lt. CEC, U. S, Navy, Administrative Asst. to Public Works Officer, Naval Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan , Navy No. 3923, Box 13, F . P.O. , San Francisco, Calif. 1942 Richard L, Schumacher gives his new address as R. D . No.1 , Ce nter Valley, Pa . B. F, Ebeling lives on Rt. 2 Alexander, Ark ., and receives his mail at Box 168, Alexander. He is working with Reynolds Mining Corp. in Alexander. Vernon T, McGhee, who is employed with Phillips Pet. Co ., 1043 City National Bank Bldg. , Houston 2, Texas , lives at 1305 Richelieu Lane , Houston 18, T exas. G eorge W. Axmacher, 4730 Homer , Dallas 4 Texas, is District S a les R epresentative for Darling Valve and Mfg. Co., Dall as, T exas. C . M, Stevens gives his home address a t 905 Lakewood Ave., Schenectad y, N .Y. He is with General Electric Co. , Schenectady, N. Y . Wm. A . Townsend gives his new home address as 2428 Dorman Dr" Portsmouth , Ohio . L . G, Dawson's address is 23 Rock Springs, Mexico , Mo. Rob ert Brackbill was a campus visitor on F ebruary 24 and 25 , B ob was r epresenting the Shell Oil Company and interviewing the graduating seniors for employment with that organization.
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His mailing address is 2314 Suffolk , Houston, Texas. that E . A. R assinier advises his address has been changed to Trunkline Gas Co ., P.O . Box 1642, Houston, Texas. Major James H. Fox was awarded a Master of Science degree in R esearch and G eophysics from St. Louis University in F ebruary. His mailing a ddress is 1908 Wismer Avenue, Overland, Mo. J . A. Fuller, who is Asst. Supt. for R eynolds Mining Corp ., lives at 44 Alcoa Dr. , Bauxite, Ark. Nicholas Nicola is Mining Engin eer for P e rry Coal Co., O'Fallon, Ill . H e lives at 17 Hilda Ann Dr. , Belleville, Ill . Carl F . Schwab, Jr . gives his address as 110 E . Maple , Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Carl is Distric t Mgr. for Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp . Rob ert Van Nostrand has just compl eted all of the requirements. for his Ph. D . at the Univ. of N. Carolina. He is enr oute to take up his new position as Senior Research Physicist at the Field Research L ab. , Magnolia P et. Company at Dallas, Texas _ His new address will be F ield Research Laboratory , Magnolia Pet. Co ., Dalla s, Texas. T om A. J ones was on the campus D ecember 17 . Tom' s address is P. O. Box 1537 Eldorado , Ark. , wher e h e is T ax Attorney for L ion Oil Co. A. G . Adler is with American Zinc Co. , B ox 495 , E . St. Louis, Ill. His home address is 126 Sunset Drive , C ollinsville , Ill. Mark W. B ea rd ' s addr ess i s Humber t Rd. , R. R. No .2, Alton, Ill. Gilbert H . Blankenship , Jr. is a Geologist with Cameron Oil Co ., 230 Central Bldg., Midland, T exas. His address is 1604 N. T errell St. , Midland, T exas. H. W. Buckner is with Convair Aircraft Corp. , San Diego, Calif. H e is living at 1826 W . Drescher, San Diego 11 , Calif. William D. Busch is residing at 5715 Southern Blvd. , Youngstown 12, Ohio . His business address is c lo Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. , 543 Ohio Ediso n Bldg., Youngstown , Ohio . John H . Castleman, c ia L os Angeles Brewing Co., 1910 N . Main St., L os Angeles, Calif., is living at 1111 W . B ennett St., Compton , Calif.
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Richard J . Cunningham, P. O. Box 98, Winamac, Ind., is a Civil Engineer for Federal Power Commission , Chicago, Ill. L. G. D awson is with A. P Green Fire Brick Co ., Mexico, Mo., and makes his home at 23 Rock Springs. Mexico, M e . Major James H . F ox makes h.~ home at 1908 Wismer Avenue , Overland , Mo . He is with the USAF attending graduate school (G eophysics ) at St. Louis University. Gilbert G . Haas gives his address as Box 398, Shidler, Okla. Philip 1. H endricks, who is with Phillips P et. Co., gives his address as P . O. Box 693 , Brookhaven, Miss. Charles Hillery -gives his address as Box 145 Omar, W . Va. James K. Johnston is with F airchild Aircraft. James is living on R. F . D. No.5 , Hagerstown, Md. J . T. Karbosky is a Process Engr., Gasoline D ept. , Phillips P etroleum Co .. B a rtlesville, Okla. H e resid es at 525 Osage , Bartlesville, Okla. Harold A. Krueger, w ho is the Manager, St. Louis S. & R. Div ., National Lead Co. , lists his ho me as 106 Thost St., Fre dericktown , Mo . Wilbe rt J . Lawler is Technical Supt. , K aiser Aluminum C o., Trentwood, W ash . H e is living at E . 1203 Th ruston Avenue , Spokan e, Wash. G eo rge R. L e land' s South American address is Popayan No. 64- 18, Mede llin , Colombia . George Bradshaw can be reached at 2788 York Ship Rd. , Camde n 4, N. J. R. M. Brackbill is with the Shell Oil Co . at Houston, Texas. B ob was o n the campus interviewing seniors for the Shell Co. on November 6, and remaine d over for the Homecomin g on November 7 & 8. His address is 2314 Suffolk Dr., Ho u ston, T exas. C. M. Stevens was a campus visitor on Nov. 13, interviewing for General Electric. H e is Assistant Superintendent of the Moto r Generator Div. of General Electric in Schenectady, N. Y. George V . Bradshaw was on the campus November 12 interviewi n g for his company. George is Mech. Design Engr., Gov't Radi-
ation Section, RCA Victor Div ., Camd en, N . J . E. P. Schne ide r is with Wagner Elec. Co . His address is 968 Nancy Carol Lane, Glendale, Mo. Dr . Kung-Ping Wang, who is Chief, Far E ast Branch, Foreign Minerals Region, Bureau of Mines , Wa shington , D . C ., was on the campus October 29 on business, lives at 8107 Takoma Dr. , Silver Spring, Md . J ohn H. Lyons, 70 Shaw Dr., Merrick, L . 1. , N. Y. is with Gene r a l Bronze Corp ., Stewart Aven u e, Garden City, L . 1. , N . Y. H. A. McCullough is Field Engineer w ith the F. H . McGraw Co., P aduc ah, Ky . H e is living at 18 S. B enton , C ape Girardeau, Mo . V. T. McGhee is work ing for Phillips P etroleum Co., 1043 City National B ank Bldg., Houston , Texas. H e lives at 1305 Rich elieu Lane, Houston 18, T exas. Jim L . Mitchell, who is emp loyed with Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co ., Milwaukee, Wisc ., gives his r esidence as 4819 W . Capitol Dr., Milwaukee 16, Wisc. F red W. Olde is living at 3532 Wismer Rd ., St. Louis County 14, Mo. Fred is employed with McD onnell Aircraft Corp. Robert A . Pohl, 1901 Redman Rd ., St. Louis 15, Mo ., gives his business address as Monsanto Chemical Co ., 1800 South S e cond St. , St. Louis 4, Mo. Kenneth A . Roffm ann is with H emminghaus, Inc. , Engineers & Contractors, Refrigeration & Electric. Ken's home is 415 Robert Avenue, F erguson 21 , Mo . Eugene Ruttle, R D . 1, Venetia, Pa. , is A ssistant Mine Foreman Mathies Coal Co ., R. D . 2, Finley~ v ille , Pa. Joseph B . Schmitt, who is Mgr. Pittsburgh District Sales, Kopp e r s Co. , Inc ., Chemical Division , Pittsb urgh 19 , P a., lives at 24 Tusca Glen, B eaver, Pa. K e nneth A. Schowalter, 1033 Vermont Avenue, Pittsburgh 34, Pa. , gives his business add r ess as Mellon Institute , 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Richard L . Schumacher is with the New J ersey Zinc Co ., R. D . 3, H is address is B ethlehem, P a. R. D . 3, Bethlehem, Pa . Austin E . Schuman makes his home at 7522 Alicia Ave ., Maplewood 17, Mo . A ustin is e mployed with International Shoe Co ., 1509 Washington Ave., Educational
Room, St. Louis, Mo. James W. Shaffer's residence is 319 N . Cannell St., Hillsboro, Ore. Virgil A. Smith, Jr. is with Mene Grande Oil Co. as a Petroleum Engr. His address is Apartado 45, Barcelona, Venez. Jack A. Witt's address is Oquawka , Ill. He is in Earth Moving and Concrete Construction. LCDR Leonard C. Wolff, USNR is with Bureau of Ships, Code 710, Navy D ept., Washington, D. C. His residence is at 6520 Wilson Blvd. , Falls Church, Va.
1943 Charles S . McCormick, who is with McDonnell Aircraft Corp., Lambert-St. Louis Municipal Airport, St. Louis, Mo., lives at 3408 Airway Ave. , St. Louis . W. J . Wagert gives his home address as 324 Carroll St. , E. Chicago, Ind. Bruce R. Landis is employed with C. W. Nofsinger Co., 1311 Rialto Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., and is living at 1406 S. Main, Independence, Mo. Orville L. Meyer is a Senior Assistant S anitary Engineer, U.S . Public Health S ervice, and is living at 2935 Marcopa Ave., Richmond 2, Calif. E. F. Aschemeyer has recently changed his address to 3713 Lincoln, Dearborn, Mich. Raymond O. Kasten is living at 4300 Moats Dr. , Kansas City, Mo . Harold E. Amli, who is Asst. Br. Chief, Engr. Support Branch, Equip. Lab ., (W.A .D.C.) Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, can be reached at 321 Lamont Drive, Dayton 9, Ohio. Joseph T. Adams is with Nordberg Mfg. Co. H e is living at 7415 Campbell, Kansas City 10, Mo. William H. Bassett is with CalMetal Corp. of Louisiana , Pipe fabricators and steel fabricators . His address is P . O . Box 248, Baton Rouge, La . Maurice O. Bellis has a new mailing address. It is Box 543, Far Hills Branch, D ayton, Ohio . Maurice is District Sales Mgr. of Seruomechanisms, Inc. Jo seph P. Berndt, Jr. , who is living at 619 Deerhurst Dr. , Webster Groves, Mo ., is employed with Monsanto Chemical Co. in their General Engr. D ept. , St. Louis , Mo. Earl E. Biermann , 56 N. Harvey,
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Ferguson 21 , Mo. , is with Universal Match Corp . in Ferguson . J ack Boe tj er is with Black, Sivalls & Bryson , 7500 East 12th, Kansas City, Mo. Jack's address is 1203 W. 25th , Independence, Mo. Joseph B. Schmitt was on th e campu s interviewing prospective empl oyees from the class of '53 r ecently for his company, Kopp er s Co. , In c ., Pittsburgh, Pa. J oe is the Pittsburgh Distric t Sales Mgr . of the Chemical Div. Harvey Barnett is w ith the Chem. Dept. , Case School of T ec h. , Clevel and, Ohio. James R. Paul is District Engr. w ith Dowell I nc. , 521 Union Nationa l Bank Bldg., Wichita 2, Kans . Jimmy was on the campus November 25 interviewing graduating seniors for employment by his concern . H e lives at 803 Apache , Wichita, Kans. W. D. Kent's address is 507 Melrose Bldg., Houston, Texas. Lloyd C. Schumann is empl oyed with the Carter Oil Company as a Reserve Engr. His mailing address is 3538 S. Knoxville , Tulsa, Okla. John V. Boland , J r. li ves at 2715 D alton Ave ., .St. Louis, Mo. R. Kent Comann is Admin. Asst. to the Works Mgr ., Jefferson Isl a nd Salt Co. , Jefferson Island , La. Robert L. Ehrlich , who is an I ndustrial Engr. , Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., 17th and Kansas Ave., Kansa s City, Kans., is living at 4016 W . 72nd T errace, Prairie Village 15, Kans. H. W . Flood will receive mail addressed to 183 Main St. , S . Acton, Mass .. He is working for Dewey and A l my Chemcal Co ., W. Concord, Mass. E. E. H end erson is the owner of Henderson Sales Co. , 8131 Manchester, Brentwood 17, Mo. H e lives at 20 Toppin g Lan e, Kir kwood 22, Mo . Herbert S. Kalish, 88-10 35th Avenue, Jackson H e ights 72, N . Y ., is with Sylvania Ele ctric Products Inc ., Bays id e, N. Y. Francis M. Krill is Head , Metall ographic D ept., Div. of Met. Research, Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Spokane 10, Wash . Francis gives his residence as N. 1005 Locust Rd. , Opportunity, W asb .
James A . Neustaedter is working for Alcoa Mining Co ., Alcoa Bldg., 425 Sixth Ave., Pittsbul'gh 19, Pa. James lives at 684 Florida Ave ., Mt. Lebanon , Pittsburgh 28, Pa. John H. Olson gives his new address a s 1992 S . Washington B l vd. , Birmingham, Mich. He is with Chrysl er Corp. , Engin eering Div. , 12800 Oakland Ave., Detroit, Mich. Ren e K. Rasmusse n , who 15 employed w ith Mississippi Glass Co. , as Plant Supt. , is li v in g at 401 N. Truman Ave. , Fullerton , Calif. Franklin C. Rehfeld is a Contract Engineer with Monsanto Chem ical Co., Organic Chemicals Division Engineering D ept ., 800 N. 11th Blvd., St. Louis 1, Mo. H e liv es at 859 N . McKni,g ht Rd. , University City 24 , Mo. Joseph K. Schmitz , 719 East 2nd S: ., Plainfield , N. Y ., is Plant Eng ineer for Nixon Nitration Work s, Nixon , N. J. D. J . Studebak er is Crew Chief, Standard-Vacuum Oil Co ., Sun ge i Gerong , Pal embang , Sumatra , Indonesia. He w ill receive mail c lo Iva n Dodwell, Humansville , Mo. Roy C. Werner gives his business address as Werner Metalware, 2117 North Broadway , St. Lo ui s, Mo.
1944 Edwin W. Blase, ex '44, writes that his new address is 23 Cutler St. , Groton , Conn. Edwin A. Zwald gives his h ome address as 1411 E. Bowie , Beeville, Texas . Warren L. Larson lists his new addres as 1215 N. DeWitt Street B ay City , MiCh'. H e has h is doc~ tor's degree and is now in ch arge of R esearch and D evelopment work at the D ow Chemical Company 's Magnesium Foundry, Bay City Division. Edwin C. Goetemann, Jr. is District Manager for Eastern Sta inless Steel Corp. Edwin lives at 1358 McCutcheon Rd ., Richmond Hts., 17, Mo. H enry S. Adamick 's address is 802 E . 7th, Rolla, Mo. Phili p M. Dampf, Jr. , who is with American Zinc Co . of Ill. , Box 222 , Monsanto , Ill. , lives at 3128A Morganford Rd. , S t. L ouis 16, Mo . J. A. Liley is living at 9553 Chester , Overland , Mo. Wm. A. Hubbard lives at 131-12 234th St. , Laurelton , L. 1., N. Y.
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He is employed with Shell Chemical Co. C. A. Dick's residence is 2018 Enslow Blvd., Huntington , W. Va. James D . Dowd is a research Engr . for Aluminum Company of America. His address is 628 Ridg 2 Avenue , New Kensington , Pa. Wm. H. Dragoset, who is with Merck and Co. , Inc ., Rahway, N. J ., lives at 11 North Hill Rd. , Colonia, N. J. Thomas B. Gettys is Sup. Steam Service Engr. , Westinghouse Elec. Corp. , and lives at 1356 '12 S. " E " St., Elwood , Ind. Millard F. Kadera gives his residence as 5438 Chippewa , St. Louis 9, Mo. He is working for McDonnell Aircraft Corp ., St. Louis, Mo. Paul R. Kasten is a Development Engineer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Paul is living at 304 W. Vanderbilt Dr ., Oak Ridge, Tenn . Robert W. Klorer is Sales Engineer for Spauloine Fibre Co. He gives his address as 412 Chanslor , St. Louis 21, Mo. Warren L . Larson 1701 Noeske St. , Midland , Mich. is with the Research and Development Group, Bay City D iv., Magnesium Foundry, B ay City, Mich. Thomas Joseph Mazzone can be reached at 7001 Oakland Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn. He is employed with Honeywell Regulator Co., 2754-4th Ave. S ., Minneapolis, Minn. Robert W. Mellis is living at 402 Thurston, Ferguson 21. Mo . Lincoln A. Sanders is an Assoc. Structural Engr ., Bridge & Structure Div., L os Angeles, Calif. He lives at 5880 W. 76th St. in Los Angel es. E. M. Schultz, Jr. , who is with McD onnell Aircraft Co. , lives at Rt. 10, B ox 476 , Ferguson , Mo. P. Gene Smith is with Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck , N. Y. He is living at 54 Daffodil Lane, Wantaga, N . Y. Ken Wygant is employed with Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co., Long Lines Dept., New York, N. Y . Ken lives at 20 Marshall St., Apt. 3B, Irvington 11, N. J.
1945 Richard A. Walker Is employed with B eardsley & Piper Company,Foundry Equip ., as Sales and Service Mgr. He lives at 7444 W . Adams, Forest Park, Ill. Earl M. Shank gives his busi--
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ness address as Carbide & Carbon Chern. Company, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Earl receives his mail at P.O. Box 457 , Kingston, Tenn . Roy H. Boyd was a campus visitor on February 21. Roy is Hydraulic Engineer for Bureau of Reclamation. Box 183. Indianola, Nebr. Makoto J. Kawaguchi is a Metallurgist with Hall-Scott Motors, Berkeley, Calif. His home address is 2470 West St., Berkeley, Calif. Edwin W. Blase is now living at 1162 Ocean Ave ., New London, Conn. Edwin is with Chas. Pfizer & Co. , Groton, Conn. Robert F. Schmidt is with the Ajax Metal Div., H. Kramer and Co., 46 Richmond St., Philadelphia 23, Pa. His address is 6 Willowbrook Avenue , Lansdowne, Pa. B. J. Sparlin is living at 144 Orchard Dr ., Pittsburgh 35, Pa. H e is with Westinghouse Electric Corp ., East Pittsburgh, Pa . Kor Uyetake -gives his address as 2628 W ellington, Salt Lake City 6, Utah. 1946 John E. Coulthard gives his address as Gilman, Colo. Kay K. Ikeuye is with the Institute for Study of Metals in Chicago. He is living at 5483 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago 15, I ll. _ Henry R. Rust, who is Sales Engineer for Northern Ohio & Canada for Presstite Engr . Co. , St. Louis , Mo., gives his mailing address as 69 18 Beresford , Cleveland 29, Ohio. K. M. Wilhelms is living at 3671 Wilmington, St. Louis 16 , Mo. He is with Laclede Christy Co ., 5900 Manchester, St. Louis, Mo. O . M. Olsen's new address is 4040 Lovell, Cincinnati 11 , Ohio.
1947 Harry C. Ahl, Jr.'s address is 1676 Winchester, Lincoln Park 25 , Michigan. J. Edward Little is employed with the Missouri Sta te Highway Dept. J efferson City. His home address is 728 E. High Street, Jefferson City, Missouri. W. J . Christman is at present a sales representative for the Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, 922 Roanoke , Springfield , Missouri.
Carl R. Christensen, 227 Elmer Street, Platteville, Wisconsin is Mining Engineer, and Instructor, Mining Dept. Wisconsin Institute of T e chnology. Loren H . Selleck is with the J. F. Pritchard Co. , Control Mana ger , 10th & Central, Centennial Bldg. Kansas City, Mif.souri. His home 'a ddress is 3536 Virginia, Kansas City , Missouri . Henry T. Capelle , 6051 E. Lincoln, Wichita , Kansas, is in the Production Dept. of the Shell Oil Co. Dale Topping's address is Box 128, R. D. 3, Cuyahoga Falls , Ohio. Gerorge J. Miller has recently b en promoted to Materials and Process Engineer in the Aviation Engineering Division of Westinghouse Ele ctric Corp. His home a ddress is 1305 Walnut Street, E. McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Carl R. Christiansen's address is 227 Elmer Street , Platteville, Wisc. Eberhard H. Miller writes that he is associated with R. W. Booker & Assoc . of St. Louis , Mo. as a Field Engr. with his office presently at Marshall , Texas, and can be reached a t 203 Jean D r. , Marshall, Texas. William E. Ellerman is living at 436 North St., Meadville, Pa. Eugene E. Hammann is with Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, Ill. as a District Representative. His residential address is Leake Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Charles G. Brent, 8555 Catalina Avenue , Whittier, Calif., is with The Fluor Corp. , Ltd. , 2500 S. Atlantic Blvd ., Los Angeles 22 , Calif. Stanley Taylor Dueker is a Mechanical Engineer, Automotive Engineering Dept., Wa-gner Electric Corp. , 6400 Plymouth, St. Louis, Mo. He lives at 9507 Radio Drive , Affton 23 , Mo. Bernard J. Einspanier, who is in the Engineering Division , Factory, Mutual Insura nce Companies, gives his residential address as 8208 John PI., Overland 21 , Mo. E . R. Fogarty can be r eached at 2535 N. Boston PI. , Tulsa , Okla .. L. W. Fuller is liying at Park Lawn Drive , Euclid 17, Ohio . He is a Sales R epresentative, Pigment Div. , Eagle -Picher Sales Co. Kenneth Gille is in charge of Mining Sales, Dings Ma'g netic Separator Co ., Milwaukee, Wisc. Ken is living at 7105 W . Blu emound Rd., Wauwatosa , Wisc. Reo E . Goodwin is living at 1803
W. K e ntucky . Midland, T exas. R eo is a G eol ogi t w ith S eaboard Oil Co., Box 352, Mid la nd , T exas. Willis H . H arville is a Supervisor , Tra ining, P ower D ept., Du Pont, S avannah Rive r Pla nt , Atomic E nergy Div . H e gives his r eside nce as 2039 Wre n Rd ., North Au g u sta, S . C. El vin A. H enke, who is an Engineer w ith Shell Oil Co., is r esidin g at 4427 Rutgers Ave., L o n g B each 8, Calif. M . F . (M el ) K a llm eyer writes that h e is still at W e stern Electric Co . in India napolis, Ind ., mak ing ringers for n ew s ty l e B ell S yste m telep h ones. His a ddr ess is 1621 N. Hawthorne L a n e, Indian a polis, Ind . Gu erdon G . Kopp' s address is B ox 175, Ducktown , T en n. H e is w i th T en n essee Copper Co. in Ducktown . S . H . Lloyd' s address is 1243 Ove rhill Dr ., Houston 18, T exas. Jose G . McClinton is an Application Engr . w ith W agner Electric Corp ., St. Loui s, Mo . Jose l ives at 1043 H astie Rd ., Pittsburgh, Pa. C . M. P omero y, who is a T e chnical S ervice R epresenta tive, Explosive D ept., E. I. Du Pont d e N e mours a nd Company, Inc. , gives his r esidence as 451 S . Union S t., Wilmin gton 5, D el a. Ro d ney A. Schaefer is A sst. Prof. of M echanics at MSM . H eli ves at 804 M ain , Rolla , Mo . J ohn A . S ch ei neman who is with Shell Pipe Line Corp. , gives his mailing a ddr ess as 1400 E. Elm , Springfield, Mo. James A . Smit h , 122 D e Graff S t., Sche n ec tady , N . Y. , is an Application Engr. , Central Station Engr . Div ., of G eneral Elec tric Co. W a lter S tevens is Prod. En gr ., Canadian Gulf Oil Co. W alter w ill rece ive mail add r essed to B ox 130, Calgary, Alberta, Canada . J oel H . T eel gives his address as c /o Anaconda Copper Mining Co ., D arw in Min es, D arwin , Calif. R obert L. White is in the Chemical Div . of Koppers Co., In c ., 122 S . Michigan, Chicago 3, Ill. His ad dr ess is 4717 S . Win ch ester Ave., Lisle, Ill.
1948 Rob ert H a rtmann was a campus vis itor February 26. Bob is with the Western Brass Mills, Metals Divi sion, East Alton, Ill., and is living at 10311 Halls Ferry Road , St. Loui s 21, Mo .
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Alumni Personals
ed at 31 6 W . Maple St., Hinsdal e, Ill .
Arthur E. Scholz is an E x p e ri mental En g r . with B ethleh e m Steel Co. H e lives at 62 Market St. , Irvin g C. Falk gives his address as 31 Commonwealth Ave. , N ew B ethlehem, P a. Cly d e M. Stauffe r , who is D isProvid e nce, N. J . trict En g in eer for H o usin g and R. F. Doelling gives his addre:;s as c /o Mrs . Boorman, Hom e Fin ance Age ncy, U . S . Gov e rnment. lives at 4315 North 16th Stu a rt Apts. , R olla, Mo. Drive, Phoen ix , Ari z . J oseph T . H e pp lives at 111 Wi ll iam H . Thurm a n is e mpl oy ed An de rson , St. Cha rl es, Mo. He with Prock Construction Co .. Inis e mployed with Wagne r Elecd e p e nde nce Mo . tr ic Corp. (Patent Dept.), 6400 C . W. V a n E ato n li ves at 333-G Plymo uth Ave ., S t. Louis , Mo . St. S . W., Ardmore. Okl a. He is J o hn V . Glaves is with U. S . a Consulti n g Pet. G eolog ist. Rubb e r Co. , 101 N. W . 23, OklaRichard H . W a lk e r is now livin g h oma City, Okl a. J o hn lives at at 15 S t. G eo r ge Ct., F l orissa nt, 21 33 Churchill PI. , Okla . City , Mo. H e is em pl oyed with Em e rOkIOl.. so n E l ectric Mfg. Co . Bill Grady is a Project Eng ineer Wilbern L . W eddle's bus in ess with Armame nt Division of Uni add ] ess is Thompso n Products, Inc ., v ersa l M a tch Corp . Bill lives a ~ 23555 Eucl id Ave., Eu cli d 17 , Ohio. 738 W. Canterbury Rd ., Unive r sity He lives at 937 N e la V iew Rd .. City 24, Mo. Cle v eland Hts., Ohi o . Ste phen H asko is a Ceramic En Wilbur F . Wicki zer is a C o n sultgin eer with National Bureau of in g Eng r. H e l ives at 721 E. P acific , Sta ndards . H e g ives his address a s Springfield . Mo. 8507 Old B ladensburg Rd ., Silve r Charles N. Hud on , 15812 HoSprings, Md . man. M a rkh am, P . O . H a rvey, Ill. , Frank D . Hequemboul'g, Jr . is workin g for Sincla ir Research gives his address as Box 124 , L a boratori es, Inc ., 400 E . Sibl ey, Charl eston , Mo. H e is Area Eng r . H a rvey. Ill. for F . H . McGraw & Co., Ato m ic Jack W. K elso is in the Radi aPlant, P a ducah, K y . tio n Lab ., Unive r sity of Calif ., Dwig ht C . Jacoby is A ssistant B e rk el ey, Ca lif. J ac k 's ddress is Mine Shift Fore man a t Phelp s 19 2 Rid geway Ave ., Oa kland , Calif. Dodge Corp. , Morenci Branc h , and J ac k W . K el so is in t h e Radig ives his mailing address a s P. O . a tion L a b ., Un iv ersity of Ca lif., B ox 411, Mo renci , Ariz. B e rk eley, Ca lif . J ac k 's address is C . W. Knoeb el i s livin g at 8347 192 R id geway Ave ., Oakl and, D elmar Blvd ., University City , ' Calif. Mo. H e is e mplo yed with McP. G. She th h as co mp leted hi s Quay-Norris Mfg . Co. , 2320 Marwo rk for hi s Ph . D . degr ee and coni, St. Louis, M o. is returning to his hom e in India Rob e rt C. Kre utzer can b e te mporarily , where his addr ess r eached at 829 Colebrook Dr ., will b e Modasa , Dist. Saba rkanth a . Webster Groves 19 , Mo. B ombay S tate, Indi a. Eu gene Moniak's address is 74G L e m N. Gager's add r ess is c / o H azel wood, D e troit 2, Mich. S . V . P. M., Sun ge i G e rong, Palem William E. N e ustaedter , who is bang ,Ind o n esia. w ith Phillips Petrole um Co ., K anJ ohn H amma nn 's mailing ad sas City, K a n s. , gives his address d r ess a s 771 B olt, Apt. 201, St. as 107 W a rd Parkway, Kansas Louis , Mo. C ity, Mo. O . H . Kortjohn , Jr. has just Ir vin D . Robbins, P. O . B ox 186, been r elease d from the army Folsom , Calif., is Construction wh e r e h e was 1st Lt. in th e 47th Supt. with Mor r iso n -Knudsen Co. , Engr. Camoufla'g e B atta lion w hich Inc. is t he "e n e my forc e" u sed fr eH erbert B . S a chs is a naval office r a nd gives h is address as BOQ quently to a dd r ea lism to Army feld man e uv e r s. Hi s hom e ad600, u. S . Nava l A ir Statio n , P end r es is 3523 Ch e r ok ee , S t. Lo ui s , sa cola, 1-' 11 Mo. Willard A. Scha effe r , III , gives his mailing addr ess as 909 S . MagGerardo J offe i'> with St.: hlumnolia , K ermit, T exas . berger W e ll Surveyi n g Corp ., Donald G . Schmidt can be r eachMagnolia , Ark . 11 1111111111 111111111 111 11111111 111 111 111111 111111111111111111111111111111111
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Frederick Lee Schenck is a Geologist for Arabian-American Oil Company , and gives his address as Box 1238A, Dhahran, ::,audi, Arabia. Rayburn A. Wilks is in the Engineering Department of Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. He lives at 2239 1/2 169th St., Hammond , Ind. J. Walter Wallace, who lives at 18455 Stedhall Road, Homewood, Ill., is employed with American Brake Shoe Company, 109 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Dennis L. McColgin resides at 5258 Cosby St. , Houston, Texas. E. N. Hampton gives his address as Box 113, Shidler, Okla. J"ames R. Whanger of the Hughes Tool Company spoke on the "Metallurgical Aspects of Materials Used in Mining" at a joint meeting of ASM-AFS February 1l, 1953. at MSM. James lives at 3535 Glenrose Dr .. Houston. Texas. William A. Hvde has been appointed Assistant Suoerintendent of Maintenance . TTnited States Steel Company, Oliver Iron Mining Div . for Eastern District Operations . William is 1iving at 725 16th St. N ., Virginia , Minn . He has been with the Oliver Iron Mining Company since his gradu;:ttion. IVL Subramanyan gives his most recent address as Mines Inspector No. 1 Circle, Dhanbad , Bihar, India.
1949 William E. Mead is now associated with the Raw Materials Branch, Atomic Energy Commission, and will be located in Butte, Montana. Fred M. Springer's address is 510 S . W. Third Street, Seminole, Texas. H e is a Mechanical Engineer Trainee with th€ Magnolia .i?ipe Line Co. Milton L. L emmons is now in Santiago, Chile on company business (Feno Corporation). He just recently was given the Weaver Award by Feno for his outstanding work in supervising production of enamel frit in Japan where he spent the major part of 1951. Robert W. Heins gives his address as 308 Temple Drive, Hobbs, New Mexico. He is with the Shell Oil Company. Robert C . Twombley l1as recently been appointed Engineering Manager in the St. Louis, Missouri District office of the American Mutual Liability Insurance Co. Robert was first associated
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Alumni Personals 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
with their Kansas City, Missouri office and then later was named Branch Engineer of their Kalamazoo , Michigan office. Henry J. H ellrich's address is 2437 Hodges Ave., Granite City , Ill .
Herman N. Bockstruck's address is 2716 Salu St., Alton, Ill . William H. Gammon was on the campus February 19 interviewing prospective students for his company. He gives his address as 3325 Peoria Street, Steger, Illinois . William R. Riggs, 828 Sterling Dr. , Box 166 , Flossmore, Illinois was on the campus February 19 interviewing prospective students for his company. W . S. Knecht's address is 5433 Loughborough , St. Louis, Missouri. E. G . Blankenmeister is employed with Westinghouse Electric Corp ., X-Ray Division, Hermann Prof. Bldg., Houston, Texas. His address is 5317 Lampasas, Hous , ton, Texas. Elbert A. Grimsley's address is 301 South 9th Street, Independence, Kansas. Elbert is Corrosion Engineer with the Great Lakes Pipe Line, Co. William J . Morgan is with Sylvania Electric Co. , Seneca Falls , New York . William's address is 6 Clark Street, Waterloo , New York. Fred J. Miller, Jr. was visiting the campus February 5. H e is presently doing plant engineering work with General Steel Castings Co-poration, Granite City, Illinois . His home address is 5918 Loughborough A venue , St. Louis 9, Missouri.
1950 William A. Spence r is working as an electrical engineer in GMX Division at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California , Los Alamos, New Mexico. He is living at 539 A. Quartz St., Los Alamos. Albert J. Zvanut writes that his new address is 2932 Park Street, Nackleffo , Ohio . He is still employed with Lincoln Electric Company in Euclid, Ohio . Cletis Voiles is now out of the service and working at Standard Oil Company in Wood River, Ill.
Robert J . Ramacle is employed by the Standard Oil Company of Indiana at the Whiting Refinery. His home address is 1838 Oliver Street, Whiting, Ind. Frank Finch is a Co. Highway Engr., Union, Missouri. Frank was on the campus February 16, 1953. George G. Slocum is now living at 224-33 67th Avenue, Bayside, New York. He is Project Sup erintenden t for the Board of Education, New York City Bureau of Construction, 49 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. John McMahan's address is 110 Barton Avenue, Rockledge, Fla. David W . Peart is now in the service a nd gives his address as Pic. Peart, US 55101954, Personnel Office, 30th Engineer Base Topograhic Battalion, Ft. Winfield Scot t, Calif. Edwin A. Kehr lives at 1008 Marie, Alton, Ill. Albert - M . Greenblatt advises that his n ew address is 6826 Julian, University City, Missouri. B. M. Enfield is living at Rt. 2, Stinnett, Texas. His mailing addr ess is Box 398, Stinnett, Texas. Eugene A . Bartels' address is 517 Church St., Hannibal, Mo. Elmer W . Friske, who is Field Engineer, Pine Flat Dam, Box 177 , Sanger , Calif., is living at 1430 DeWitt in Sanger. Irving Klaus will receive mail at 19B Hawthorne Drive, New Brunswick, N . J. Philip B . Davidson is employed w ith Crutcher-Rolfs-Cummings. He is living a t 2242 Jean, Houston, Texas. Edward P . Lasko, who lives at 940 W. 3rd St., Erie, Pa., is a Metallurgist with U . S. Metal Prod. Co ., Filmore Avenue and N.Y.C.R.R. , Erie , Pa . Edsel O. Day is employed with Bendix Avia tion, Kansas City, Mo. Edsel will receive his mail at 716 Browe r W .. Springfield, Mo . William B . Heisler is in the Test Dep artment. Missouri Pacific Lines. St. Louis. Mo. His home address is 5330 Delmar Blvd., Apt. B-1, St. Louis 12, Mo. Albert Krainess, 678 Antoine, Wyandotte, Mich., gives his business address as Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 6071 Second Blvd., Detroit, 31 , Mich. Sheldon I. Arenberg is a Physici!lt, Applied PhY!lics Labor-
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atory of The Johns Hopkins University. His mailing address Is 1324 Fenwick Lane, Silver Spring, Md. Clarence C. Houk, Box 218, Potosi, Missouri, is Washer Supervisor, Baroid Sales Division, National Lead Company, Washington Co. Opera tions. John J. Kovach is living at 544 Leslie Avenue, Wood River, Ill. John is employed as Electric Service Engl' . with Westinghouse Elec. Corp. , Southwestern Dist., St. Louis , Mo . John F. Delaney's address is Chile Exploration Cd., Chuquicarna ta, Chile . Cornelius M. Donovan will r e ceive his mail addressed to 533 N . Spring Street. Winston Salem, N .C. , and is with Signal Corps Supply Agency , Philadelphia, Pa . Mike V inc e nt is living at 7827 S. Wexford, Calif. Mike is Sales Engineer with Atlas Powde r Company. Ralph E. Johnston is now in the army and gives his address as Lt. R. E. Johnston , Jr., 02208395, 26 Ord SVC Co., Ft. Richardson Alaska, APO 949, c lo P .M., S eattle , Wash . Walter E. Salomo , 209 Butle r Drive, Kennett, Mo. lists his business address as Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. , 208 College St. , Kennett, Mo.
1951 Donald W. Schmidt is at present e mployed by the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Butte, Montana. Don lives at 321-B North J ackson Street, Butte , Montana . John C. Theiss is now living at 7296 Lyndover Place, Maple wood 17 , Mo. John F. L y nch is working as a Ceramic Engineering for Ipsen Lab. of Rockford , Inc., 2125 Kishwaukee Str eet, Rockford , Ill. His home addr ess is 5022 Illinois St., Loves Park, Ill. Ro ger J. Hull is a metallurgist with Ozark Mahoning Company, Rosiclare, Ill. H enry C. Harris writes tha t his new address is 1110 Vermont, Lawrence, Kansas. Jaim e Ramir ez's address is 5045 Lindell Blvd. , St. Louis , Mo . William W. T sai is with the Dorr Compa ny, Stamford, Conn ., as a
Deadline for the May-June issue of the A lu mn u s will be June 1,
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Alumni P ersonals 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Research Engineer in their minerald ressing lab. Homer E. Steuck has written that his home address is 2185 South 77th str eet, W . Allis 14, Wisc. Clarence A . Lange, Jr. 'i s at prese nt with the army in England . H e writes, "We have a large construction program under way. My job is sort of a l iaison officer between the engineer units and the British Air Ministry in connection with obtaining construction supplies for o ur work. The job is very interes ting ." His address is Lt. Clarence A. Lange, Jr . 064403 , 916th Engl'. Avn. Supply Point Co. , APO 190 c / o P.M., New York, N. Y. Ralph Calton is a Lieutenant in the army and gives his address as Lt. Ralph Calton , 414 G el pi Drive, Lake Charles, La. George D. Mille r ,g ives his add ress as 4465 W . Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Robert O. Faris' address is 543 FranCis St. , Marrero, La. John R. Chappell is empl oyee! by Fell and Wheeler , Consultant Engrs., an d is living at 227 E. 34th S t r eet, Tulsa, Okla . Jack L . Hubbard gives h is residenc e as Ardmore, Okla . Jack is with Magnolia Pet. Company, Box 668, H ealdton , Okla. William G. McEvilly , 31 Poplar St. , Newburgh , N. Y. , is working for E. L ee Heidenreich, Jr., Cons ulting Engrs. , N ewburgh, N. Y . Ervin H. Sieck is e mployed with Wisconsin Steel Works, c / o R esearch & Testing, 2701 E. 106 St. , Chicago , Ill. He lives at 8400 S. Colfax, Chicago.
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M. Edward Doyle, who is working for Monsanto Chemical Co ., Monsanto, Ill., lives at 4230 Red Bud, St. Louis, Mo. Jack Harry Vernarde was awarded a master of science degree in chemical engineering Dec . 18, 1952, at the University of Minnesota. Mail addressed to 3915 Lemay Ferry Road, St. L ouis 23, Missouri , will be forwarded to him.
1952 Wallace Ferguson writes that h e has been transferred from Morrisville, Pa. to Sparrows Point, Md. as Office' Engi neer for Kopper s Construction Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. He gives his mailing address as 48 Dundalk Avenue, Dundalk, Md. Chester L . Williams sends his new address as 4264A Russell, St. Louis 10, Mo. PaulO . Vaporean gives his home address as 2908 E. 35th St. , Kansas City, Mo. Pvt. Philip J. Quatrochi is with the 2nd Infantry D iv . in Korea. Mail sent to his home address at 38 Chatsworth Place, New Rochelle , N. Y. will b e forwarded to him. Quentin J. Schiene has recently changed his home address to 554 0 S . Kimbark Avenue, Chicago 37 , Ill. He is a Ceramic Trainee with U. S. Steel Corp . in Chica¡go. Thomas E. Stinebaugh gives his new address as 1434 Santa Monica , Apartment 12, Santa Monica, Calif. G lendon J . Ramsay is living at 1088 Lake Avenue, Rochester , New York. Donal d Drewel is a Trainee with Continental Foundry and Machine Company. His residence is 4406 Magoun Ave ., E. Chicago , Ind.
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