MSM ALUMNUS Missouri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy nOLLA. MO.
Honored By A. I. M. E.
Dr. J. Donald Forrester, Chairman of the Mining- Eng-ineering' Department, was elected Chairman of the Mining-, Geology and Geophysics Division of the Mining- Branch, of the American Institute of Metallurgical Engineers. See story on PaJre 4.
Mining- and
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Membership In MSM Alumni Association Reaches All-Time Record High of 1,800 The mcmbcrship in the lVISlVl A lu mni As ocia lion h as r each ed an all limc high of 1800 mem b er s comparcd w ith ap prox imately 1100 on a corre ponding date las t year. 1'hi is s till h ort of the targe t of 2000 m embers which wa se t by the board of dircctors. A ll a lumni who s ubmitted th it' ducs by April 1st r eceived a copy of th c 195 3 Alu mni Direc tory. Thcrc is till a limitcd s up ply of thcsc di r cc tol'i s, w hich were p r intcd wi th a lumni fun ds, r e m a in i ng a t thc a lumni office. U ntil th c s up p ly is -x haust ed
"Ro ll a Nig ht" Attracts 300 MSM Me n to St. Louis A group of app r oximatel y 300 MSlVI faculty m embers , students, alumni, prospec tive students and their fath er s contributed to the s uccess of " Rolla Ni'g ht" at the Engineers Club in St. Louis, January 28th. The St. Louis S ection of the A lumni A ssociation sponsored ' a dinner giv en in honor of Dr. A. W . Schle chte n , Chairman of the lVIe tallurgical En gineering D epartme nt at MSM, who was the principal speaker of the evening . Other g uests at the dinn I' included olficers of the En gin eers Club , E. E . Bloss, President ; Eldred B. Murer, Chairman of the Meeting Committee; and Walter Bryan , S ecr e tary of the club . Dr . Schlechten in his talk r elated his experiences in Europe la st s ummer as a member of a group who was making a study for the Organization of Europe::n Economic R ecovery. Its principal mission was research and to secure a n ev a lu ation of low g r ade ore deposits . His vivid description of Europe today, particularly th e metallurgical and mining aspects, were of grea t interest to the a u d ience. Rolla and th e MSM h as more members in th e Engineers Club in St. Louis than any other organization with the exception of th Union Electric Company. This d istinction has been accomplished thr ou,g h th e un tiring efforts of Prof. J. B. Butler, Chairman of the Civil Engin eering D epartm ent.
Laclede Stee l Presents School Si za ble Gi ft
a copy will con linu c to be iss ued with ac h m em ber hip . A ll who h a v en ' t p a rticipated in this drive are urgen tly rcq ucs tcd to do so to put the m ember s hip quota ovcr th e top a nd dircctori c' go to "fir t come first se r vcd".
National ASCE Preside nt Speaks on Ca mpus Dani el V. T errell, National President of the American Society of Civil Engineer s was on the campuS, March 31st, and spoke to a joint m ee ting of the Mid-Misso uri Section ASCE, MSM Student Chapter ASCE, Rolla Chapter ASCE, and the Misso uri Society of Professional Engineers. Visitors w er e present from Columbia, St. Louis, J eff erson City, Springfield and the su rroundin g ar ea. Prior to his address a banqu e t was given in his honor at the E dwin Long Hotel. D ean T errell is a l so D ean of Engineeri ng at the University of Kentucky.
Willi am lVI. Akin , Presid ent of L acl ede Steel Company , St. Louis, Missou r i, h as pre e nte d the Misso uri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy, a gift of sizabl e amo unt, fo,' th e procurement a nd in s tallatioll of a 300 pound el ctric pneumatic forgin g hamm er . This machine is of the most r ec nt design and will be u sed chiefly b y th e students and fac ulty of the Metallupgical En g in eerin g and M ech an ical Engineer in g d epar tm e nts at th e school. Its chief v alu e a nd use w ill be for in str uc tional purposes, working down cast in go t s of m e ta l a n d inves tiga tion involvin g the wo rkin g of m e t al. This is the second ,gift from Mr. Akin to the School of Mines. In 1952 h e presented the chool with a W eissenber g cam r a. This very s pe cial type of camera is des ig n ed for the x -r ay diffraction s tudies of crystals .
L eon H ershkowitz, of the CE D epartment, is faculty advisor of the s tudent chapter ASCE and president of the Rolla Chapter MSPE.
Arrange ments for th pI' sentation w er e made b y A . E. B arnard a nd Alfre d A. Boyl e, alumni of th e school. B arn a r d is a former Exe cu tive Vi ce Preside n t of the Alumni Association a nd is chief e n gi neer of th e W eil K a lter Manufacturin g Compan y in St. Louis. Boy l e is general s up erinte nd ent of the La clede Steel Company, Alton , Illi nois.
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Commence ment Week Program 1954 BACCALA UREATE EXERCISES Parke r Ha ll S u nday, May 30, 8:00 p .m. ADDRESS Rev e rend Paul R. Stock Pastor Trinity Evangelical and R eformed Church St. Lou is, Misso ul'i COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Uptown TheatI'e Monday, May 31, 9:30 a.m. Address Mr. Clark Hungerford Pre ident 8 t. Louis San F rancisco Rai lwa y Compan y St. Louis, Missouri
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The President's Column 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
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As you will notice in other columns of this issue, we are rap id ly approaching our goal of 2000 members of 1954. We are now going into home stretch and with the continued help of all loyal alumni, I hope that in the next issue we may anno unce the fulfillment of our objective. It was my privilege to attend dinner meetings of the New York and Kansas City Sections on Feb ruary 16 and 26 , respectively. To me, the opportunity to meet old and new alumni friends in such numbers and to see their ¡enthusiasm and interest in alumni aff3.irs was most inspiring and satisfying . We lack approximately $1500 in making up a special fund of $5000 to offset our anticipated operating deficit for 1954-we are still hopeluI contributions will continue to come in from those who desire to help. The following is a list of alumni who have contributed to the special fund since the last issue of the Alumnus and to the time this issue goes to press : Walter A. Baumstark '40 A . E. B arnard '2 7 C. C . Bland ex' 14 C . A. B urdick ' 10 Kurt D eCousser '22 P. T. Dowling '40 J . P. Gill ' 18 F. W. Green Hon. '40 Donald W . Griffin '26 Alex Grosberg '12 H. L . Harrod '29 K. F. Hasse lmann ' 25 Ray E. Hoffman '05 M . J . Kelly ' 14 Peter B. Kelly '50 Charles B . Kentnor '24 Harry H. K essler ' 24 F. Paul Kohlbry '22 G . E . Mellow ' 18 Gilbert Metz ' 14 H. H. Nowlan ' 13 C . C . Palmer ' 40 W. H . Powell '01 Allen J . R eid '32 A. C. Rucker '23 A. S. Schwarz '32 G. W. Wyman ' 22 H. I. Young Hon. '39 A study is being made of the changes necessary to our Articles of Asssociation and By-Law to p ermit your Association to embark upon an Annual Alumni Fund or Living Endowment Fund, as it is called by various school s usin~ it.
Under this plan fix e d dues are eliminated and memberships are based upon contributions, as in the case of Community Chest, Red Cross a nd other charitable organizations. This would fit the program to ever yo n e 's pocketbook , a nd a ll contributions would be d eductible fo r income tax purposes. The n ecessar y changes and mechanics to put this into effect will be presented to yo ur Board of Directors in June for their considera tion for our fiscal year 1955 which starts November 1, 1954 . With this Issue of t h e " Alumnus" the a ctua l r eins of editorship pass from Noel Hubbard , Registrar, to " Ik e" Edwards, our ExecutiveSecretary. Long and faithfully, and with a minimum of assistance has Noel Hubbard " put out the paper" . W e commend and thank him for a hard and u sually t hankless task well done . Of course, we will continue to use the mass . of material tha t comes through his office. This brings up the point that I am sure " Ike" Edwards will wel come articles and suggestions from each of you-for this is y our publication and you are the reporters. Sincerely, H. S. Pence , President.
Prof. Hanley Writes of Formosa Experiences Prof . H. R. Hanley ' 01 , Secr etary of the Alumni Association , who is presently in Tainan, Taiwan, China, helping in the establishment of a school of lVIining and Metallurgy there for the Chinese Government of Formosa, writes interestingly of his experiences in th is conne ction. Prof. Hanley is enthusiasti.c abo ut the work h e is doing. H e 'a nd Mrs . Hanley wer e recently guests at a banquet given by his Chinese students and co-workers. The banquet was in the form of a ceremonial welcome. There were 75 present at the table with tea and food. Prof. Hanley addr essed them through an interpreter but many of the students and visitors understood English . Prof. and Mrs. Hanley were presented a beautiful white silk plaque con-
Committee Seeking New M .U. President Creation of a committee to consider appointment of a new president of the University of Missouri to succeed Dr. Frederick A . Middleb ush was announce d recently by Powell B . McHaney, President of the Board of Curators. The committee surveying the f ield of possible appointees and will make recommendations to the board, is composed of L ester Cox, Springfiel d; James Finch Jr ., Cape Girardeau; Professor Edward H. Weatherby, Columbia , head of the university' s English Department; Cullen Coil, Jefferson City, a State Supreme Court Commissioner and president of the University Alumni Association and McHaney. Cox and Finch are members of the Board, which d esignated McHaney, a St. Louisan, chairman of the committee, with authority to name other members. Dr. Middlebus h, President of the University for 20 years, recently announced his resignation effective June 30, for health reasons . taining the names of all of the students, Prof. Hanley's name and Mrs. H anley's name with a mention of his position and also the college in its 43rd year of free China. Prof. Hanley writes that he has seen C. C. Weng '53 at the Chinese Institute of Engineers Convention . Weng is with the Taiwan Steel Works, P . O . Box 44 , Kaohsiung, Formosa. Prof. Han ley's address is Prof. H . R. Hanley, FaA Mission to China, APO 63. San Francisco , California. 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
MSM ALUMNUS 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
I ssued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. Subscription p l' ice $1.50, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879 .
Dr. Forrester Named Chairman of One Of Largest Groups of A. I. M. E. Dr. J. D. Forrester, Chairman of the Mining Engineering Department, was elected to the chairmanship of the Mining, Geology and Geophysics DIvision of the Mining Branch of the American InstItute of Mining and Metallupgical Engineers at their annual meeting in New York in February. By vIrtue of this office, Dr. Forrester is also an ex-officio director of the Board of Directors of the AIME. This division, one of the largest of the institute, was created in 1949 in an attempt to streamline the administra tion and technical work of the AIME. Being a r elatively n ew division, there is still much to be done in its organization and administrative setup which makes the chairmanship an important and ac-
tive office for l eadership. The sub-divisions of this divisio n are, Mining, Geology and G eophysics. The J ackling L ectureshIp and the Peel e A ward are important activities of the division. The Jackling Lectureship was inaugurated l ast year by the AIME. The name was given this L ectur eship honoring Daniel C. Jackling, ~m alumni of the Missouri School of Mines and the outstanding minmg en gineer in the mining industry. The individual to present the lecture to the meeting is chosen by a committee from a list of candidates who a r e outstanding in their contribution to progress in technology and in professional development. The honor and importance of this l ectureship is recognized in that there is no other ac-
tivity or session scheduled during this lecture hour. Dr. Forrester has actively participated in the annual meetings of the AIME. This year he appeared on the program at two different sessions. At a session of the Minerals Industry Education Division, he discussed, "What Qualifies a Geology Curriculum of Engineering Accreditation", and before the Coal Division, he presente d a paper on, "Undel'ground Electrocarbonization of Coal and Related Hydrocarbons ." This chairmanship will entail a great deal of administrative work demanded by a new and growing division. The institute has placed the leadership in very competent hands und er whose direction the division will continue to grow and accomplishe d the purpose for which it was established . Join the Alumni Association of y our Alma Mater.
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\ Map showing the d ivision of the Un ited States in 9 Alumni Areas.
Kansas City Section of Alumni Reorganizes With Roy O. Kasten, Class of '43, Chosen as President
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Alumni in the Kansas City area met at the "Old Plantation" on Highway No. 40, east of Kansas City, on February 26th and reorganized the Kansas City Section of the Alumni Association. Sixty a lumni made reservations prior to the meeting and seventy-two were on hand to lend impetus to the reorganization. The meeting was most successful and their new officers are, Ray O. Kasten '43 , President; Fred H. Hoener '41 , VicePresident; Don A. Riley ' 48 , Secretary-Treasurer; Will i a m H. Kamp '17, Director; E. Taylor Campbell '23 , Director. Enthusiasm ran high at the meeting and plans were formulat ed tbat night for a St. Pat's dance though the date was near at hand. Harry S. Pence and " Ike" Edwards, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association were present at this first meeting. The classes of ' 48 and '50 won top honors for attendance. Both had ten m embers present. A glance at the following a ttendance roll will show there was a very good cross-section of classes represented. J . M. Abbott, Jr. '50, J. T. Adams '43, J . P. Balke '3 7, Leonard Bie ri '5 1, L. A. Botkin ' 48 , Don Bradley '4 1, R. A. Brenk '51 , J. P. Bryan 23, K. E. Burkhead '5 1, E. T aylor Campbell ' 23 , C. F. Clarkson '41, E. T. Compas '5 0, S. E. Compton '52 , E. E. Cornelius '48 . C. P. D aniels 49, E. L. DOLl$h erty '49, F. C. Edwards, M. H. Ellis
'48, J. W. Fitzpatrick '48, Bob French '49, R. C. Fundel '5 1, Robert W. Gates '50 , L. Hargus, Jr. '51 , Richard L. Henry '52, Albert L. Hill '28, Fred Hoener '41, B. D. Hollenbach '50, J. E. Hoopes '49, J. E. Huckins ' 23, Walter Janczewski '49 . J. D. Jenkins ' 44 , Junius L. Johnson '52, Roland C. Johnson '48 , W. H. Kamp ' 16 , R. O. Kasten ' 43 , W. A. K elly '50 , Gene Kenne dy 51, E. G. Lindquist '48 , Henry Llewellyn '51 , James O. Mack, Jr. ' 41 , Bob Means '51, J. G. Miller
'38, G. H. Moline '48 , C. H . Moore '43 , Edgar Oliphant, Jr. '52 , J. D. Oliphant '50. Ray Pickett ' 48 , C. R. Raining '48, Jack Reed ' 43, Clarence E. Richey 52, D. A. Riley '48 , A . C. Rucker ' 23, B. F. Schoberg ex' 02 , 1. L. Schuenemeyer ' 50 , F. A . Schwab '36 , Loren H. Selleck '47 , Kenneth V. Sibert 38, Burt Slates '28, Robert H. Smith '38. J. J. Sponske '50. J. W. Stephens '47 , H erb Stockton ' 41, J. A. Van Bebber '52 , P. O. Vaporean ' 52, E. J. \Verner ' 49, Howard W. Westerman '52 , J. W. Wilson '47 , Charles K. Wissel ' 49 , Arthur Yager '50 , R. 1. Zane '51 , and Carl Zerwe ck '50.
Officers of the Kansas City Section
Left to right: Don Riley, Bill Kamp, E. Taylor Campbell. Harry Pence, Ray Kasten, Fred Hoener and Ike Edwards.
The group which reorganized the Kansas City Section.
Unit for E E Department in Engineering Laboratories Is . Urgently Needed The list of courses comprising the first Electrical Engineermg Curriculum at Missouri School of Mines and MetallUl'gy was presented in the 1i1 1d-.l::i.l '/ catalOg ; noweve r, courses in electrical en gine erin g had been previously given in the Physics D epartment. Th ese coursÂŁs include d: Electrica l Machinery, Dy namo Laboratcry, Electricity dnd Magnetism, Electrical Laboratu ry , and Alternating Currents. At that time the following curricula were given at M.S.M., Mine Engineerin g, M etallurgy, Civil Engin eering , and General Science. In addition to these curricula , the 1916-1917 catal og offered for the fi rst time at M.S.M. curricula in Mechanical Engineering, Electrica l Engineering and Chemical Engin eering. The first Electrical Engineering Curriculum was identical with the Mechanical Engineering Curricu.lum during the first two year s. Subj ects in the junior year w er e simila r for the two divisions except for el ectives; the courses in the senior year w ere definitely different. This a rrangement of curricula was continued until 19221923 when a distinct curriculum in Electrical Engineering fo r the sophormore, junior and senior year s was presented. The curriculum durin g the early yea rs included no el ectrical subjec ts until the junior year w hen courses in Prin ciples of Electrical Engineering, Electrical Measurements, and Electrical Laborator y were ,g iv en. In t h e senior year, courses in Electrical Machiner y, Alternating Currents, and Ele ctrical Distribution w ere r equ ir ed a nd a choice of el ectives between Wireless Communication and Electric Rail ways was p ermitted. Other sub jects in the fi el ds of M ech anical Engineering , Civil Engineerin g, Mechanics, M et allurgy, and the humanities provid ed the n ecessary hours required for graduation. It is evident from the preceding outline of ele ctrical engineering subjects given during the early p eriod that the subj ects w ere limited to elementar y principles, and to electric circuits and machines . In the 191 9- 1920 school yea r a n elective course in Electrical Communi-
cation was offered dealing with the fundamental principl es of wireless telegraphy and telephony, a twocredit hour l ecture course. The following y ear this cour:;e was removed from the catalOg and no communication course was lIsted. Startmg in the school year 19211922 the first course entitl ed Radio Communication was ofrered. 'I his !IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111.
"This is the second of several articies by the ~E Department wntten at the request of the AlUmni Association in order to properly portray the urgency of completIOn of tIle second unit of the Engineering Laboratories project w111ch is uesigned to take care of the growth 01 the EÂŁ Depanment. 'l'he flrst unit was completed in 1950 and is now occupJed by the Mechanical Department." Editor. 1II111111 11111111111111111ilillilllllllllilli llllllllllllillilii11111111111111
was described in the catalog as a lecture and laboratory course although at that time laboratory facllitles in radio were totally lacking. During the period from 1922 to 1!:iL:5, fOllOwmg the catalog oescnption of the electrical machinery laboratory, this statement was added, "Another l aboratory is being equipped lOr work in radio communlcation." Previous to 1921 electrical en gineering laboratory facilities were crude and meager. L aboratory power faciliti es w ere supplied trom exposed wires supported by porcelain knobs; connections to machines under test were made from these wir es. In 1921 the north machinery laboratory in the basement of .N orwood Hall was rewired in conduit, test benches and a panel board were installed, thus, giving this room modern laboratory .L:acilities. During 1922 the southwest machinery laboratory room was similarly equipped . The two rooms described above and now designated as G3 and G9 in Norwood Hall provid ed the space allotted for electrical machinery
laboratories in the early 1920's. This same space in 1954 is stul the 0111Y space a llotted to e lectrical machmery l aboratories. Durmg the past thirty years there have been man y reV1SlOns and alteratlOns in power supply facilIties, obsolete machme:; have been replaced by modern U111t5 and in recent y ears many new units have been aaded but with no increase in avallable space. This condltion has created adaitional problems; tor example, certaln items 0": equlpment must be Changed from active space in the laboratones to storage space and back again as dilterent types of expenmencs are periormed. The present two electrical machinery laboratory rooms are now well eqUlpped with modern types of machmes together with many special torms of control equipment WhlCh is of partiCUlar importance in the study of modern power applications. The tacilities are r easona bly adequate for conducting relativelY small classes in labora tory courses although at the present time the number of such courses now essential in a modern electrical engineering curriculum is much l arger than when the laboratories were originally planned. There are many indications now that a considerable increase in enrollment may be expected in the near future. During the present semester in a freshman class with an enrollment of 385 the number of students who have selected the Electrical Engineering Curriculum is 72. This is the second largest enrollment in a single curriculum for the fr eshman cla ss-the l argest e nrollment being 81 in Mechanical Engineering. These figures indica te what size classes we will soon have in these two curricula and since a ll mechanical engin eering students have two-year's work in el ectrical engineering subjects, space must be provided for them as well as for the electrical engineering students. In addition to these two gro ups, the students in the other e ngineering curricula are required to take one semester of el ectrical engineerin g laboratory work , therefore, l abora tory facilities for these gro ups also must be provided. Concerning developments in the curriculum i t has been noted that (Continued on Pal:'e 21)
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W. E. Remmers Founders
H. H. Kessler Addresses
Demand for Engineers
Day Speaker at Marietta
Engineers in St. Louis
Still Good, Says U. S.
Walter E. Remmers, '23, chairman of the board of Electrometallurgical Corp . and U. S . Vanadium, was the principal speaker at a Founders ' Day program at Marie tta College, Marietta , Ohio , on February 14, 1954. He r e ceived an honorary Doctor of Science degree at the lecture_ Wally attended the Missouri School of Mines and receive d a B. S. in Metallurgy, 1923; M. S. in Metallurgy, 1924; Degree of M etal1urgical Engineer , 1927 ; and honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering , 1948. Before and while acquir ing these degre e·.:; he worked as a laborer, molder , and chemist. Mr. Remmers later became instructor and assistant professor in Engine ering at Washington University in St. Louis . Moving from the educational fi eld, in 1936 he went with Ele ctromet as a Sales Engineer and in 1937 became District Manager in Chicago. In 1941 he was transferr ed to New York, and in 1942 h e was elected Vice-President and Director of Electro Metallurgical Sales Corp. In 1945, h e was elected Vice-President and Director of Electromet. Mr. Remmei's moved up to the presidency of Electromet and several Canadian companies in 1948 a nd was made President of U. S . Vanadium in 1950. In April, 1952, he was elected Vice-President of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation. He is now Chairman of both Electromet and U . S. Vanadium and a member of the Appropriations Committee of USS.
Long-run prospects a r e good in such occupations as m e dicine, den tistry, teaching, C HEM 1ST R Y , PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS and ENGINEERING, according to a booklet prepared for present and prospective college students b y tl~e U. S . Department of L a bor's Bureau of Labor Statistics in cooperation with the U. S . Oftice of Education's Division of Hi·g her Educa tion. Occupational s uccess, it is point- cd out, is more dependent on superior qualifications and preparation for the chosen fi eld than upon the general outlook. The bookleL lists the following k ey points in <:hoosing and qualifying for an ocnlpation. (1) Acquiring a broad knowledge of the occupation and its relateu fields, including training requirements, duties, earnings, WOrkll1"e; conditions, and outlook ; (2 ) Meas uring one's aptitudes and interests in relation to the requirements and s uccessfully entering a nd r emaining in the occupation; verifying aptitudes and interests by try-out ex perience in extracurricular college activities and part-time jobs; (3) Relating college subjects and actiVIties to the occupationa l plan Iii H A RRY H . KESSLER terms of; requirements for the chosen occupation and related fields of en gineer s at th e Engineers Club of work; a foundation basic to later in St. Louis, March 18th. He des- specializations. an aid to occupacribed the imp rov em ents which tional mobility; and prepara tio n have b een m a de in castin g m ethods for a well-rounded life; (4) Che ckover the y ears and discussed spe- ing some aspects of the occupation cific problems in the question- a·gainst strong personal preference an sw er p eriod. His a uthoritative in such matters as location of emanalysis of problem s w er e well a c- ployment, type of employer and cepted b y the group. At the close associates, schedule of working of his ta lk, and a t sp e cia l request, hours, and amount of travel inhe gave some inter esting side lights volved. concernin g his avocation as a n ationa lly k nown box ing r ef eree. Betsy Haag Flood a rrived on March 2, 1954. She is the da ughlow offic er s. The chapter was 01" ter of J eanne and Harold Flood ' 43 ganized only fou r years ago a nd of 183 Main Street, South Acton , now h as 200 m ember s. Other a c- Massachuse tts. They have four complishmen ts under " Gus's" re- other children-one b oy and three gime w er e a financial contribution girls. to the sta te socie ty which more than d oubled a ny previous yea r Mr. and Mrs. S eymour Subitzk y and t h e w i n ning of the best a t- '50 are the parents of a b a by boy tendance trophy a t the annual con- born December 10, 1953 . H e h as vention which the Bergen County b een named Neal Bre nt. The SuChapter w as host . The Crawfords bitzky's are r esiding a t 23 West r eside a t 231 Walther y Ave., Rid ge- Uhler Ave nue , Alexandria , Virwood. N ew Jersey. ginia.
E. A. "Gus" Crawford Honored At Testimonial Dinner Mr. E. A . " Gus" Crawford '29, past Director of Are a No. 1 and Life Member of the Alumni Association was honored at a testimonial dinner given by the B ergen County Chapter of the New J ersey Society of Professional Engineers. " Gus" is the immediate past president of the chapter. In appreciation of his leadership and progr ess made during his term <of office, ' h e was presented with a Cyma watch , a gavel with engraved name plate and a framed scroll signed by f el -
Speaking informally on "Ne w T echniques in the Foundry Industr y", Harry H . K essl er '24, Partner, Sorbo-Mat Process Engineers, St. Louis, Mo ., addressed a gathering
PA G E 8
Al umni Section Officers
Arthu r D. Terrell, '98
Dies in Oklahoma
DENVER, COLORADO, AREA M. 1. Signe r , '23 _ Chairman 950 15th Street, Golde n , Colorado Welby M . King, '42 - S ecretary 1102 Troy, D env er 8, Colorado
Arthur D. Terrell, ' 98, prominent MSM A l umni, passed away March 18 , 1954, after a brief illness. Born in Hold en , Missouri, June 18, 1877 , Mr. T errell graduated from MSM with two degrees, f.irst one in Civil Engin eering in 1898
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH , AREA J . E. Stevens '32 - Chairman Vice-Pres . Murray Refractories Co. P. O. Box 338, Murray, Utah Mr. Phillip Boyer '28 - S ecr etary 1476 Michigan Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah ARK-LA -TEX J . C. Salmon, 22 - President P. O. Box 20 1 Minden, Louisiana R. T. Wade , '31 - Vice-President 730 Pierre Mont Road Shreveport, L ouisiana Kenneth J. Gereau , Ex-'53 318 College St. Sl;reveport, Louisiana ST. LOUIS, MO., AREA John P . Soult, '39 - President 1706 Olive Street St. Louis, Mo. Ray Ruenheck , '50 - S ecreta r y 5735 B Acme St. Louis, 20, Mo. Joseph Mooney , Ex- '39 Treas . 7265 Northmoor Drive University City, 5, Mo. SCHENECTADY, N . Y. AREA J. J . Raffone '51 - Chairman 22 64 Nelson Drive Sche n ectady, 9, N. Y . Paul B. Powell, '48 S ecr e tary 1011 Union Street Sch e n ectady, N. Y. (Q uarterly Meetings on first or second Tuesda y of the month.) WASHINGTON, D . C . AREA James H . M en ef ee, '3 6- Pr esid ent 34 05 Tulane Drive Pdt. 33 West H yattsville , Maryland Edwin T. Myskowski, '41- V. Pres. 64. Forrester St. S. W. Washington, D. C. R ichard R ydstrom , '32-Act. S ecy . 861 Pinewood T errace F a lls Church, Virginia (Informa l m eeting 11 :30 a.m . eve ry Tuesday for lunch Executive Dining Room , Third Floor, Pentagon Bldg Contact Lt. Col. Stuar t
Davis '3 2, Ph. Liberty 5-6700 , Ext 74469 or Col. John J. Livingston ' 27 Ph. LIberty 5-6700 , Ext. 74081 for reservations.) LOS ANGELES, CALIF., AREA Barney Nuell, '21 - Chairman 3440 Wilshire B lvd . L os Angel es, Calif. SAN FRANC I SCO BAY AREA Robert L. Ray , '4 7 - Chairman 23 15 Grant St ., Apt. 8 Berkeley, California J . E. Bryant, '47 - S ecy .-T ~' eas. 16022 Via M e dia San Lorenzo , California K ANSAS CITY AREA Ray O. Kasten, '43 - President 430 0 Moats Drive Rte . 3 Kansas City, Missouri F red H. Hoener, 41 - Vice-Pres . 3305 West 71st Street K a n sas City , Missouri D on A. Riley, '48 - S ecy -T reas. 39 10 N orledge Kansas City, Missouri William H. Kamp , ' 17 - Director Lake Quivira Kansas City, Kansas K. Taylor Campbell, ' 23-Director 282 1 Sherman Ave . St. J oseph 49, Missouri
NEW Y OR K CITY AREA J ames L. Head , '16 - Chair man Room 1726 25 Broadway New York , New York
and the second in Mining E ngineering in 1899 . He received the 50year gold medal at the 1948 Commencement exercises in Ro lla and was a r ecipient of the Certificate of Merit from the A lu mni Association.
Washington U. Recipient
Mr. T errell was an official of tbe National Zinc Company for m any yea r s. H e r etired from active duty last June but remained with that company as a consultant. H e was an active member of the A IME a nd the American Zinc Institute. H e was the first preside nt of the MSM Alum ni Association when it was organize d in 192 1, and h e ld a life m embership in the Association.
Of $1,000,000 Gift Mr . and Mrs. D avid P . Wohl , of S t . L ou is, have given Washington University $1,000,000, to be used in any way the university wishes except for construction of b u ildings, university Acting Chancellor E than A. 1:::. S.h epl ey announced recently. T he Wohl s earlier gave funds which made possible the erection of the D avid P . Wohl Jr. Memorial Hospital, recently opened in the Washington University Medical Center. T he annual income of more than $50,000 from the new gift will be spent for such general university purposes as may be approved by the university corporation. The university's present unrestricted endowment f u nds had amounted to
Survivors are his wife, Nellie, two sons, Edw ard of N ew York and Bannon of California , a nd a daughter-in-law. Mr. T errell is a lso survived by two grandsons, one of whom, James, is in the U . S. Air Force ; and a sister-inlaw, Mrs. Etta Fudge of Rolla.
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less than $4, 000 ,000 , so the Wohl's gift will sub stantia lly increase the funds.
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MSM Placement Service For more information corres pond directly with the ofifce of the Assistant Dean, Parker Hall , Missouri School of Mines, Rolla , Missouri . Positions Available CIVIL, MECHANICAL , ELECTRICAL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS-To do insurance inspection work in various parts of the country. METALLURGICAL ENGINEER -With several years experience in the non-ferrous field for research in mineral separation or ore dressing. CIVIL AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS-For sales work concerning aluminum and steel products. Location-Mid-West. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Sales in airconditioning and heat transfer department. MECHANICAL OR CIVIL ENGINEERS - Project Engineer in complete charge of pipe line construction covering several states. Must have considerable breadth of construction experience. MECHANICAL ENGINEERYoung man from upper % of class for design and supervision on pipe line. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERYoung man from upper % of class for research in pipe line problems.
Student Engineers Wanted For Summer Employment
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Assistant Dean V .A.C . Gevecker advises that his office has received a great number of requests from Sophomore and Junior students for summer employment in engineering and related fields. Several companies have adopted a cooperative plan whereby they seek the services of underclassmen for summer employment to see how they work out in their organization with the possibility of hiring them upon graduation . In some instances they employ Sophomores under this plan . Employers who are in need of competent summer employees are asked to contact the Assistant Dean, MSM, Rolla , for further information.
William G. Meyers, Class of 1953, Electrical Engineering receives coveted Achievement Award from P. M. Craig, Vice-President - Engineering, Television and Radio division. The annual Achievement Award is presented to outstanding members of Philco's research and engineering organization for meritorious achievement in the performance of their work. Meyers has been an important member of Philco's technical staff since 1953.
Washington U. Fund Drive By Personal Solicilation Chancellor Ethan A. H. Shepley spoke recently at a kick-off dinner held on the Ca mpus for 180 volunteers who will participate in the personal solicita tion division of the campa~gn .
The Chancellor saic, "The university must seek and always maintain excellence in its faculty and programs. W e are also looking for outstanding stud ents as well a s for dollars." Wilson L ewiS, chalrman of the 1954 Alumni Fund Committee, .... ' _
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pointed out that this y ear is the first since the fund drives w er e started in 1933 that p er sonal solicitation is being used . Formerly solicitation was by mail. The p ersonal solicitation drive w ill b e from April 1 to June l. A m a il campaign, w hich started shortly after January 1, already has brought in $24,877, Ge orge Meyer , d ire ctor of the Alumni Division of the Washington University D evelopment Pro'gram, r eporte d . This compar es with $24,557 ra ised in last year's drive. There is n o goal in th e campaign, fund s from which will go into th e u n iver sity 's gener a l fund .
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Sports Parade The Miner 's basket ball team closed th e season with a r ecord of six victories and 13 d efeats which was not good e nough to k eep them out of th e cellar in confere nce s tanding. The swimming t eam won tlli"ee m ee t and lost four but t h eir 300 ya rd medley relay team was un d efeate d in competition . This set a new school r ecord . The conference indoor track meet was h eld at Col umbia and the M i ne r 's t ea m finish ed fourth. One schoo l record has b een broken in the p ole vault event. D avid North cleared 12' 5" which exceed ed the old r ecord by one-half inch that was establ ish ed in 1931 by D a v e Moulde r. In the Min er 's first dual m eet of the seaso n with Drury College , they were victo r iou s by a score of 93 to 38. Th e oth er dua l m ee ts a r e with , Harris T eacher s, S.W . Mo . Sta t e College, Westmini st er So. Ill. U. , Was h ingto n U. , a nd N.E. Mo . State College. Th e seaso n e nds with th e MI A A Outdoor m ee t Ma y 8th, with contest s al so in tennis and golf. Th e t ennis team w ill com pet e with the above scho ol with th e
Leon Hershkowitz Now a Lieutenant-Colonel L eon H er shkowitz '41 , our efficient S ecre tary-Treas urer of the A l umni A ssociation , recently r eceiv ed notice from 5th Army H e adquarter s, Chica go, Illinois, of his promotion to Li e uten a nt Colonel, Corps of En gin eer s, U. S . Arm y active R eserve . L eon r eceive d his first commission of 2nd. L t. up on 'gradu a tin g from R.O.T.C. at MSM in 1926. His varied military career incl uded comma nder of sev er al CCC camps und er th e army , to his call to active d uty in 19 41 which took him to th e S outh Pacific where h sp e nt three rugg ed years. His prim ary duty was building air s trips but this was interrupte d by the J apanese Im perial Marines in their so uth ern thrust to take an air base in the M iln e Bay area . His organization partic ipated in th e complet e defeat of the enemy at this point which proved l ater to be the most south ernl y advance o f the J apanese Army.
e xception of N.E. Mo . State Colle ge and in a ddition they will vie with St. Lo u is U. and Concordia . The golf team m eet s Drury in two matches, S.W. Mo. State College, W es tminister , So. Il l. U. , N.E. Mo . State College a nd St. Loui s U. T h e intramura l boxing and wrestli ng competition h as b ee n comple t ed with 16 team s in th e contes t. The boxing r es ults w er e: The ta X i, first; K a ppa S igma, second ; Pi Kapp a A l ph a, third ; T ecn. Club, fourth. Th e first four p laces in wrestling w er e: Sigm a P h i Epsilon , f ir st; Sigma Nu , second ; Pi Kappa Alpha , th ird and T h :'! ta Kappa Phi, fourth.
Gets G. E. Promotion
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A J. Kiesl er ' 40 , was recently made a r esearch associate at th e internation a lly famo u s Kno lls R esearc h Labora tory of G e ner al El ectric . Kiesler , formerl y chief m etal lurgist of G. E .'s Sche n e ctady Steel Foundry, will h ead up the m elting operations at the n ew M etall ur gical R esearch Center . Mr. a nd Mr . L yman F. Va n Buskirk ' 52 , a nnoun ce th e arr ival 0 ' M a rk L y m a n on October 13 , 1953. Th e Van Buskirk' s ar r e sidi ng at 300-B L a n gley . Chin a Lake, Cali fornia. L y man is empl oyed b y th e U . S. Naval Ordn a nce T es t S tatio n , Inyok ern , China L a k e, Cali fo rn ia a s a m echanical e nginee r .
John N. D avidson '5 1 a nd Mr . David so n are the parents of a girl Linda Gay , born J anuary 21 , 1954 . Joh n is empl oyed w i t h G en eral El ctric Compan y a a n el " ctri ~;)l ('n e-in eer. Th ey a r livi n g at 1321a Claran e tte Court, Owensboro , K entucky.
MSM Men Address Engineering Groups D ean Curtis L . Wil on addressed the annua l mee ting of the Ill inois Society of Professiona l Engi neer 3 at a banquet a t the Broadvie w Ho tel , E ast St. Louis , Illinois, on March 26th . Professor E. W. Carlton, of the Civil Engineering D epartment, attended the State Presidents Conference of the NSPE in Pittsburgh , P ennsylvania , Marc h 26. He is c h airman of th e Young Engin eers Committee of the NSPE and gave a r eport to the conference on the Yo un g Engin eer s Program. Youn g engineers have n e v er been r ecognize d in t h e professiona l fie l d a n d con sid ration is b ein g g ive n to p ermit the ir member sh ip , as w e ll as s tud ents, as affil iates. On March 20 , P r ofessor Carlton a ttende d the a nnua l m eeting of t h e Ohio Socie ty of Professional Eng in eers and wa s th e principal speak er b efore th e student council and disc u sse d w ith th em , " Profession a l Thinking in En g ineering Educatio n" . As chairman of th e YEC of th e NSPE h e g ave a n address on "'Human R elations", b efor e th e -tud ents at the Universi ty of A r k a n sas, on April 7th. Professor Carl to n is a l so N a tional D ir ector of th e ASCE , Di s trict 14 .
High Rotary Post to
Rex Z. Williams, '31 R ex Z . Will iams ' 31 , form e r A sociate D ea n of MSM a nd now executive vice-president of the R oll,. State Ban k a nd director of th e M SM Alumni Association , \1\ as elected the Di strict Gove rnor of Rotary In te rnationa l at the o r g ani za ti on s 19 7th di strict confer e nce I II St. L oui s r ecentl y. Th e area 01 illi s d istrict comprises nea rl y all the co unties in the southeastern quarter of th state of M isso uri. A s ~:),e r ¡ nor , R ex w ill preside at t h e val"icll, d istr ict conference, sp eak at many of the individual club m eeti ng, a nd , toget h er with the district board of directors, sup rvi se j h e many R otary activities th rou gh c ut th e district. H e h as ser v ed in sever a l offic s of th e local club in R olla includin g a te rm as presid nt.
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Tribute Is Paid Former MSM Head
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By James L. Head By the death of Dr . Lewis E. Young on December 27th at the age of 75, the engineering world lost not only a distinguished engineer but also one who was devoted to public service on behalf of his profession and his fe llow engineers. I met L ewis Young in September 1912 on the fi rst day I was in Rolla to enroll as a Freshman at MSM. It was before the compl etion of Parker Hall and his office was then in Norwood Hall in th e southeast corner of the second floor. H e left at the end of my F reshman year. World War I and subsequent emploment in South America pre vented me fro m renewing our acquaintance until sometime in the ' twenties. We later became close friends and we worked to路gether on many committees and boards, particularly those of AIME and Engineers Joint CounciL Despite his connections with and degrees from other engineering schools, he was a lways a loyal supporter of MSM. He well m erited the honorary doctorate conferred upon him by the University in 1947. H e was a familiar figure at Alumni dinners, especially those in Pittsburgh and New York City. Dr. Young's enthusiasm, constant activity, look s and erect bearing , all belied his age . Outstanding among his many activities was his continuing interest in the student and the youn g man just entering the profession. H e was indeed their counselor and friend. During his term as President of A IME in 1949 , he much preferred to talk to stu 路路 dent chapters instead of restrictin g his visits to local sections. The many honor s b estowed on " L. E. " were but an indication of the r espect, admiration and affection held by so many of u s. I do no t know the so urce nor t h e author of the following whic h I have had for some years. It seem s appropriate at this time . " .. .. He went down As when a l ordly ce dar, gr een with bOll'ghs Goes down with a great shout upon the hills And l eaves a lonesome place a~ain st the sky."
Directory of Missouri Geologists Published A Directory of Missouri Geologists has just been published by the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. It was compiled and written by Dr. O. R. Grawe, Chairman of the Geology D epartment. The information contained therei n will also be included in a World Directory of Geologists which is being prepared by the International Geological Congress. The directory contains the names a nd addresses of 162 practicing geologists who r eside in Missouri. Many of them are specialists. The list includes 44 teachers, 32 carto graphers, 26 mining geologists, 15 State Geological Survey geologists,
11 State Highway Departme nt geol ogists, 7 consulting geologists, 6 oil and gas geologists, 2 clay prodLlctS geologists, and one . mineral technol ogist. Rolla l eads all cities in the State with 50 geo logis~s or n early onethird the total number. Thirty ~two reside in St. L ouis ,1 9 in Kansas City, 14 in Bonne T err e, 13 in Co路lumbia, and 9 in Joplin. The directory serves no t only as a census of geologists residing in Missouri but it also w ill serve as a ready reference for anyone desirin g t he services of a geologist. Send in Personals.
MSM Alumni Association 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllili111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 OFFI CERS
..... .......... . H arry S . P e nc e ' 23
Term Exp.
... 1118 S yndicate Trust BIde . . St. Louis 1, Missouri
................. 1956
Executive Vice-Pres . . Charles J. Potter '29 ..... ..... .. 330 North Carpen ter. . and Vice-Pres. Areas I, 2, 3, Indiana , Pennsylvania
.. .. ........ 1956
Vice- Pres. Areas 4, 5, 6, Horace H. Clark '15 .............1202 South Shore Dr ive Chicago 49, Illinois
Vice-Pres . Areas 7. 8, 9 Barney Nuell '2 1 .
.. ...... 3440 Wilshire Bouleva rd Los Angeles, Cal ifornia
Sec .-Treas . .... . .......... .... L eon H ershkowItz '4 1 .
. .... 1300 Powe ll ...... .... .. .. .... .... .... .... ..... . Rolla, Misso uri
19 56
Executive Secr e ta ry, .. Fra nc is C. Edward s ... . ........... MSM Alumni Associa tion Editor, "Alumnus" Old Me ta ll urgy Build ing Rolla, Missouri DIRECTORS AT LARGE
M. J. Kelly ' 14 . J ., W . Stephens '47
................ 463 West Stree t ...... ...... New York 14, New York -
.. .. ........ ...... .......... .... ... ......... ......... ..... ... .......... Lee's Summit, Missouri -
Rex Williams '3 1 . ....... ........ .. ............. .... .......... 504 E ast 5th .
...... . Rolla, Misso uri -
Area No, 1.. .
States Embraced
Term Exp.
. ... Enoch Needles '14 .................... ..... ..... .... New England , N. Y., N. J ., East Pa .. ........... 1955 55 L iberty St. , New York , N. Y. Dist. of Colu mbia , Md., Va ., D elawar e
...... 5. Ark ., N. C .. S. C .. La .. Miss .. ............ ......... 1954 2.. . .. ... .....Claude Valerius '25 443 Gladstone St. . Shreve port, L a. Ala .. Ga ., Fla. L .
. ...... 5 . Allen Stone '30
P. O. Box 28, Fort Wayne. Ind . ............... Me lvin E . Nickel '38 . 10601 South L eavi tt A ve . Chicago 43 . JIlinois 5...
.... .Paul Dowling '40 . 1400 S . 2nd . St ., St. Louis 4. Mo.
. .. ... W. Va., Ohio , W. Pa. , Ky., Tenn., .. .................. 1954 Ind ., (Exce pt Chicago Indus trial Area) .... N. Il l., Ch icago Industrial Area in . ~~~~:~t :'i sco n si n . Michigan , .... 5. Ill ., E. Mo. , N . Ark .
.......H. E . Zoller '23 .... ......................... ............. I owa, W. Mo. , Neb .. Kan ., Okl a . Central Building, Wichita. Kan s.
... .. 5. H. Lloyd '47 .. .... .............. ..
.... Texas. Ari7.ona. New Mexico .
1900 Mellie E sperson Bldg. Houston , Texas
.. .. . 19 54
.. ..... .. 19 55 .. .......... 1956 .. 1955
.. .William H . Burgi n '40 .......................... ...... Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, ...... ............. 1954 1219 California S t.. South Dakota , Wyomin g, Color ado. Denver, Colorado Nevada , Utah 9.
.... .. Barney Nuell '21 ...... ....... ............... .......... .... Washington , Oregon, Californ ia . 3440 Wilshire Boule vard Los Angeles. California
.. ....... 1955
Alumni From 1898 to 1953 Attend Dinner In New York City During A I M E Meeting The annual m ee ting of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers in N e w York City in February, afforded an opportunity to renew the custom of an Alumni Dinner Meeting for the "Miners" and their l adies from far and wide. The Metropolitan S ection of the Association was, as usua l, host for the cocktail hour preceding dinner. A group of 95 was on h a nd a t the clu b rooms at the Building Trades Employees Association to greet D ean Wilson, A lumni President Pence, faculty members, and a gro up of students, and to renew old friendships of Rolla days. Cl ass r epresented, ranged from 1898 to 1953. Past President J am es L . H ead '16 presided and w as asite d in the introd uction s by Past Preside nt George Easley '09. No professional enterta inment w as provided- nor r eq uir ed, the "IV.i.ine r s" can be dep e n ded upon to k ep things going on their ow n initiative and mome ntum. D ea n Wilson a nd A lumni Pre.;ident P e nce '23 r eported r esp ec tivelyon the progress a nd plans for the School and the Associa tion. Th e la te A. D. T err ell '98, A lumni Pr sid ent in 1921 , 1922 a nd 1923 a n.d th us the first presid e nt of the Association as it is known today, responded to his introduction in his usual gracio us m a nne r . In addition to Dea n and lVl l¡S. Wilson , Ro lla a nd th e F ac ulty wc r e r epresented by Dan S. Eppe ls he im er, A. L egsdin a nd IVI. P. N:lck owski. Th e sec tion was h appy (: 0 ha ve a s its guests, two gr ad ua te' stud e nts and a Junior f r om S ia m a nd to gr ee t three from t he ne wly form e d Alumni G roup a t Sc llC'n 'c tady, N ew Yo rk. Th e r eg istration li st in clud in g thos wh o s topped il1 ror cock ta il s but co uld not r em a in fo r d inn e r. A. D . Te rrell . ' 98 , B Cll" ll es v ill ~, . Okla. P . R . Cook, ' 07 , B r ooklYI1 . N. Y. G e o. A. a nd Mrs. E c1s1ey . ' 09. N ew York City Row e F. M cCr Clc, '09. \iVas hin gton , D .C. R. B. a nd Mrs . Ca ples , ' J 0, N - w York City Van H. a nd Mrs. S m it h, ' 10. 1'0 r Gn to , O n tario Duan e IVI. K lin C'. " 2 . To ron( o. Ontario
G. F. and Mrs. Metz . '14. York, Penna. James L. H ead, '16, New Y ork City H. H. Vogel , '16, North Creek, N . Y. F. S. Elfre d, '17, Ea st Alton, Ill. H. J . and Mrs. T eas, '1 7, Malv erne, N. Y. Hanley W eiser, '18, Prince Bay, Staten Island, N. Y. Louis A. and Mrs. Turnbull , '22 (ex-'16) - W ashington, D. C. F. K. M. and Mrs. Hunter, '23 , N ew York City Harry S. Pence, '23 , St. Louis, Missouri
Hugh R. B erry, '25, N ew York City Roger O. Da y , '25, W estfield. N e w J ersey C. W. and lVII'S. Amber, '28 , East St. Louis, Ill . T. C . and Mrs. G erber, '28 (ex'17) , Hamden, Con n. O. D. and Mrs. Niederm eyer , '28, Nicaro , Oriente, Cuba E. A. a nd Mrs. Crawford, '29 , Ridgewood , N ew J ersey W . W. Kay , '33 , W ilkes-B arre , P enna. Chas. M . Lambur , ' 33, N ew York City Robt. G . Montgomery , '35 , Eldorado, Ill. M. F. Lagemenn , '36 , N ew H aven, Conn . B. N. Osmin, ex '36, Phila delphia , Penna .
At the New York Meeting. GI
, -,
A. L . McC~dnahan, ' 37 , Garden City, Long Island, N . Y. T. A. a nd Mrs. Wommack, ' 37 , White Plains, N. Y. John D . Berwick, '39, N ew Haven, Conn. J. H . and Mrs . Jacobi , ' 39, Niagara F~~ls , N. Y. Alumni Director W. H. Burgin, '40 , Denver, Colo. R. G. and Mrs. Couch, '4 1, North Plainfield , New J ersey Charles H. Jacoby, ' 42 , D etroit, Mich. H. A. and Mrs. Krueger, ' 42 , Fredericktown, Mo. Earl B. Ruth , ' 42, New York City R . L. Scnumacner, ·q2 , Friedensville, Penna . Herbert S. K a lish , ' 43 , B ayside, Long Island, N. Y.
J . A. Neustaedte r , '43, Pittsburgh, Penna. Edw. P. Vollherbst, '43, N ew York City Carl B. Yode r, ' 45 , Long Island City, N. Y . James A. Smith , ' 47 , Sche n e ctady, N _ Y. Elliott F. Dressn er, '48, Bartow, Florida E. W. and lVIrs. Loucks, ' 48 , Fa ir H aven, N ew J e rsey H . A. and Mrs. Wisco , '4 8, Pompton L akes, New Jersey A. D. Fentzke, '49 R. J . M enze, ' 49 , Copper hill , Tenn. Wm. C. and Mrs. Teas, '49 , Mal verne, Long Island, N. Y . T. S . Weissmann, '49 , N ew Y ork City
Hear Dean Wilson and President Harry Pence
Sey mour M e geff, ' 50 and Gues t , Bayside , Long Island, N. Y. A . J . Craig, ' 50 , P aterson, New Jersey Irving and Mrs. Klaus, ' 50 , N ew Brunswick, N e", J ersey P . J. Mille r , '5 0, LaSalle, Ill.. Bryan G. S ee , '5 0, New York City E. B. and Mrs. Ska lka, ' 50 , Pater son, N ew J ersey Lt. ,T.G. IVI. A. Bue ttner, '5 1, New London, C onn. D. A. Cohen, '5 1, Brookly n , N. Y.
C. F. Lind e r , '51 Rhin e b eck, N.
Y. John E. Ma y , '5 1, Sche nectady , N. Y.
(Continued on Page 17)
Colorado Section Twenty members of the Colorado Section of the Alumni Association go t together for a luncheon-business meeting at the Navarre Cafe in Denver on January 30th. Alumni attending were: John Bender '53. Robert Breitwieser '49. Bill Burgin ' 40. Oscar Bribach '12. Kirk Cammack ' 26. Wilbert Dare '50. George Dickinson '3 7. L e o Foster '04. Wayne Hahne '52. Welby King 42 . Maurice Murphey '31. Cliff Page '3l. M. 1. S1gner '23. Jim Stokes '3l. Harvey Tedrow '1 1. Bob Wood ' 50. Bill Anderson '43. Charlie Freeman '28. Ray Warfield '50. C . K. Rose '33. M. 1. Signer '23 was elected C~airman of the section replacing Harvey Tedrow ' 11 who had served as Chairman for the pas t year. Will ard Davis '30 was elected Secretary of the section replacing Bill Burgin '40. The Colorado Section also celebrated St. Pat's by arranging a gala affair, dinner and dancing, at the Wolhurst Saddle Club south of Denver. Those who were in attendance were; Mr. and Mrs. Welby King, '42, Mr. and Mrs. George
L. E. Agnew, '50, Awarded Fellowship in Physics Lewis E. Agnew '5 0 has been awarded the Nationa l Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship in the field of physics for tbe academic year of 1954-55 . He is planning to do his grad u ate \vork at the University of California. Swce his graduation from IVI.SIV1, Lewis has b een employed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory. He is the second r ecent graduate from MSM with a major in phy sics, who has been awarded a l'iational Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. The other graduate to gain this distinction was Robe rt Becker ' 51 who is now doing graduate work at t h e Unive rs ity of Wisco n sin.
Dickinson '37, Mr. and Mrs . M. I. Singer '23, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kal ey '37, Mr. and Mrs . Bill Burgin ' 40, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Page ' 31 , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Knittel '42, Mr . and Mrs. Cliff Wilfey '05, Mr . and Mrs. Maurice Murphey '31, Mr. and Mrs. Al W eber '53 and Miss W endy Hattaway.
Sc henectady Section The Schenectady Section of the MSM A l umni Association held its quarterly mee ting in Schenectady on March 9th. J . A. Smith ' 47 and J. J . Raffone '51, gave oral reports of the recent New York Section meeting in New York City which Dean Curtis Wilson addressed. They also reported on progress made for the proposed joint meeting in Schenectady with the New York Section.
Heads Milwaukee Section For Metal s Society E lmer Gammeter, '27 has been named chairman of the lvlilwaukee Section of the American Society for Metals. Elmer's professional career started with the Midvale Co., Philadelphia, after which he went with the Western Electric Co. in Chicago. In 1931 he joined the Edison General Electric Appliance Co., where he has a major part in the devel opment of atomic hydrogen welding of heat resisting steel tubing used as sheathing for h eating elements in household appliances. In 1937 he went to the Stainless Steel Bureau , metallurgical division, U . S. Steel Corp. , and became manager in 1940. He is now director of laboratories at the Globe Steel Tubes Co . He was on the executive committee and was chairman of the Chicago ASM Cha pter in 1937-38 and national trustee in 1950-51. The Gammeters have two children, a boy and a ,girl, both of whom are in college. Mark A. W e b er ' 50 and Mrs. Weber announce the arrival of Rebecca Mary on December 31 , 195 3. Mark is working with the Catalyt ic Construction Company at LaPlatte , Nebraska. The Weber's live at Plattsmouth , Nebraska.
MSM Metallurgy Faculty Members to AIME Groups Four members of the faculty of the Metallurgical Engineering and Mineral Dressing Department were chosen as m embers of several committees of the AIME at their r ecent m eeting in New York. Dr. A. W. Schlechten is Chairm an-Elect of the Extractive Metallurgy Division; Chairman, Mem¡ bership Committee and Member of the Program Committee of that same division. Dr. D. S. Eppel sheimer was ap pointed to the Executive Committee of the Minerals Industry Education Committee ¡ang a member of the Metals Branch Council. Dr. T . M . Morris is a member of the Papers and Publication s, Membership and Education Committees of the Minerals B eneficiation Division. Dr. H . R. Hanley was appointed as a m ember of the Lead and Zinc and Electrolytic Extractive Processes Committees of the E xtractive lletallurgy Division. B angh a r t - L a Yeske Miss Jacqueline Marie LaVeske became the bride of Roger Clinton Bangha rt '50, on the 20th of J une, 1953, at the Rockhill B aptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Roger is a 2nd Lt. in the U . S. Marine Corps undergoing advanced training at the Quantico Marine Base. The Banghart's are presently r esiding at 113 Merrimack, Mana ssas, Virginia. Fish - Minor George E . Fish -52 was married on Novembe r 13, 1953 , to Miss Margare t M. Minor in Fort Worth , Texas. George is a Geological Engineer with the Pure Oil Company in For t Worth. They are making their home at 3821 8th Avenue , Fort Worth, T exas. R ulof T . Ro lufs D ies Rulof Theodore Rolufs ' 01 , passed away March 11 , 1953 in the Firmin Desloge Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, where h e underwent major surgery on F ebruary 22nd. He d istinguished himself in the fi eld of mining and metallurgy and prior to his r e tirement in 1950 he was employed by the U. S . Burea u of Mines in Rolla , Missouri. He is s urvived by his wife, who resides in Rolla, a so n and two daL1~hters .
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The annual S t. Pat's meeting of Sou thern Ca lifornia Section was held at the R edwood Ho u se, on Satur day evenin g, March 13t h . There was an exceptionally l ar ge cr owd p resent, w hich is in d icative of the fine spirit that has been developed in t h at sect ion . Visiting a lumni a r e urged to get in to u ch w ith the ch airman as t h ey ar e p lanning an outing f or t he 5th of June and another earl y in the fa ll.
Those present at the meeting wer e: Mr. and Mrs . Karl A llebach '27. Mr. and Mr s. J ack F l eischli '43. Mr . and Mrs . W m . Fletcher '34. Mrs. E va Gr eene 'II. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halasey '28 - and -guest Mr. and Mrs . Hankins of Mo. U niv. Mr . and Mrs. James H eddell '32 . Mr. and Mrs. A l Henks '47. Mr. and Mrs. S . C . Hollister ' 13
Alumni Group at Southern California Section Meeting
- and guest Mrs. Oxnam. Mr. and Mrs. D on H useman '43. Mr . and Mrs. D on J aenecke '38 . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Kayser '16. Mr. and Mrs . Barney NuelJ '2l. M r . and Mrs. Rene Rasmussen '43. Mr. and Mrs. L i nc Sanders ' 44. Mr. and M r s. Ken Sheckler '37. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schamel '34 . Mr. and Mrs. Herb Soest ex ' 06. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stinebaugh '52 Mr. and Mrs. Bannon Terrell ex '32 . Mr. and Mrs . Gene Weber '47.
On A. S. M. Visiting Lectureship Program Dr. Amos J. Shaler , Chief of the Division of Metallu rgy , Pennsyl vania State College, gave a series of l ectures at the M isso uri School of M ines on February 4 and 5. These lectures were arranged and sponsored under the A.S.M . Visiting Lectureship Program. Dr . Sha l er is considered one of the country's best informed a u thorities on powder metallurgy and is the author of books and articles on that su bject. Before his appointment to his present position at Penn. State , he taught courses in powder metall urgy at the. Massa ch usetts Institute of Technol ogy. Dr. Shaler also has served as a scientific liason officer in Europe for the Office of Naval Research. Ra lp h E. Nuelle '44 , has a rare distinction of attaining a "World's F irst." The " Coronet", December '53, in an article " T he World's F irst A tomic Drugstore" relates Ral p h 's un u sual duty of distributing rad ioactive isotopes to hosp itals in St. Lo uis . Ralph is a research engineer wi t h N u cl ear Consultants, Inc ., in St. L ouis, Missouri.
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Pl a n Now to Attend
Miners vs. Maryville Bearcats l.
Grad to Pa rticipate in Exercise Fl ash Burn William C. Ulz '52 (PFC) is now sta tioned a t Fort Campbell, K entucky and will participate in Exercise Fla sh Burn at Fort Bragg, N . C . during April a n d
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May. H e is a m ember of the 185th Signal Battalion 's H eadquarter 's Company . He is receiving tra ining in the t a ctica l use of atomic weapons . His wife Josephine l ives at 106 W . Monroe, Kirk wood, Missouri. A. J. Tiefenbrun '31 who is with the U. S. Engineers Corps in St. Louis was on the campus interviewing graduating seniors for employment. His home address is 5923 Marwinette , St. Louis, Missouri.
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Presley F. Paul, ' 42 , was a campus visitor in April. His home address is 411 Porter Ave., St. Louis, Missouri.
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ROTC Juniors Tops Among 49 Colleges
Of the Month in Japan John W. Finklan g '52 , now PFC, (right), receives congratulations and a certificate from Captain Darrell J. Townsend , after being selected S oldier of the
Junior students from the School of Mines and Metallurgy ranked first among students from 49 col l eges and universities with ROTC units in the 5th U. S. Army area, on the basis of the Army general classification test given in the Fall of 1953. This information has just been r eceived by D ean Curtis L . Wiison of the School of Mines and Metallurgy from Lt. General Wm. B. K ean, Commanding General of the F ifth Army at Chicago.
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o Month for the 50th Signal B attal .. ion in Japan. He is the truop information and e ducation non-commissioned officer with the battalion's Headquarters Company. PFC Finkl ang was sel ected fo r his soldierly appearance, knowledge of duties and military courtesy. Mrs . Finklang (Jane) is residing at 3630 Herbert Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
A score of 115 is required for qualification for the officer candidate group. The l owest score attained by a School of Mines students was 118 and the highest was 155 out of a possibl e 168. A total of 61 students from the School of Mines took the test and all qualified .
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Joe A lbert Hol man, '27, died April 8, 1954 in Marshall , Texas. Death was due to a heart attack. The funeral service was hel d at the Rain Tally funeral home on April 10 at Marshall. Until the time of his d eath, Joe was empl oyed with the Blaw-Knox Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. Joe was a member of Kap pa Alpha and Quo Va dis while a stud ent at MSM. U_
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HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip
and mail it immediatel y to MSM Alumni Association , Rolla , Mo. T hanks.
Name ,..................... .... ' ........ ,.............. " .. ,, '"''' '''
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Joe A . Holman D ies
James B. Millar, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J . Millar of Rolla, among the School of Mines contingent, made the hi'gh score of 155 on the test. .: . '_
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The Fifth Army area comprises th e states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska , North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Missouri. These tests, according to Col. E. E . Moyers, Professor of Military Science and Tactics, at the School of Mines and Metallurgy, are for the purpose of assuring that officers commissioned from the ROTC program meet a minimum standard qualification. They provide an indication of the standard of the advanced class and a further guide as to the quality of the ROTC students enrolled in the advanced course .
Nick Nicola, '42, visited us this month. He is employed by the P erry Coal Co. , O'Fallon, Illinois and resides at 17 Hilda Ann Drive, Belleville, Illinois. William A. Rutledge, '46, advises' h e is with General Electric Co. , 1635 Broadway, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Alumnus Named Soldier
My new address is .. ...................... ' ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. " ............ .. " .......... ",
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MSM Host to Better \II ~
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Concrete Conference The School of Mines and Metallurgy present ed a B etter Concrete Conference, M a rch 5th and 6th in cooperation with the Portland Cement Association , through the Adult Education and E xte nsion Service of the University of Missouri , Dr . Amos J . Snider, Director . Professor E. W . Carlton , of the Civil Engineering D epartment, MSM, was the general chairman of the confere nce. This was the first meeting of its kind to be held here and more than 200 persons attended, many of whom . were builders and contractors throughout Missouri.
The lectures and discussion concerned, control laboratory and demonstration of applicable e quip ment, aggregates of concrete, use of light weight aggregates, air entrainment, precast specialties and miscellaneous product sales , concrete floor construction, precast and prestressed structures, small plant set-up and oper a tion probl ems, watertight walls and durability of concrete. Professor J. B . Butler, D epar tment Chairman , Professor E. W . Carlton and Assistant Professor J. H. Senne, all of the Civil Eng ineering . Department, were speakers on the program from the School of Mines. M . E. Suhre, '31, owner and operator of the Roll a Concrete Materials Inc. , spoke to the group at their luncheon m eeting on the " Operation of a Small Concrete Plant". T en other sp eak er s appeared on t h e program who were r epresentatives of the Portland Cement Asso ciation and commercial concrete industries . Two films were sh own that w er e produced b y the Portland Cement Association, entitled , " How to Make Quality Concrete" and " How to Transport, Place a nd Cure Concrete". The names of alumni, other than MSM faculty, that appeared on the registration list, who attended the conference were: C . A. Bottermul er ' 49 , D . E. Bradley '1 5, C . L . Breuer '49 , W. W. D ecker '38, M. H. Ellis '48, R. W. Jenkins 49 , E . F. Thacker '28 and H . M. T elthorst '49.
A girl , S andra Robin, was born F ebruar y 13 , 1954 to Yvette and L eo n Eriv ' 45 , of 5 Manor Drive, Newark , New Jersey.
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Concrete Conference in Session in New Chemical Engineering L a boratory,
Basic Requirements for Degrees Are Outlined Inqui r ies are fr equently being r eceiv ed concernin g professional degrees, requirements , kinds , etc. To be of service to those interested we shall briefl y outline the iJasic requirements. Graduates are encollraged to start work for pro fess ional degrees as soon as they meet th e t ime el ement requirements. The following professional d e grees may be earned from MSM; Engineer of Mines, M etallurgical Engineer , Civil Engineer, M e chanical Ene: neer , Electrical Engineer Chemica l Engineer and Cerami~ Engineer . It is necessary that y ou have a Bachelor or Master of Science in an engineering curricu lum from M SM. An acceptabl e t hesis covering professional investigation 01' experience within a chosen fi eld must b e submitted . A satisfactory record of at least seven yea rs ' professional experience in the fie ld (f ive years of which m ust have been in positions of r e o sponsibility) is required. If the degree of B.S. or M.S. has b een granted in the same department. in which the professional degree is d esired, then a satisfactory record of at least fiv e years of professional exp erience (three years of which must have been in position s of responsibility ) is reauired. If yo u hold two bach elor's d e grees, you may obtain two engineering degrees, providing that you
And thanks to t h e generosity of the hosts, th e exchequer came out
a11ead. elapse b e tween the granting of two engineering degrees. Inter ested graduates should contact the R egistrar, MSM, fo r comp l et e informa tion concerning fees and detailed information abo ut t h e thesis and its presentation. New York Alumni Dinner (Continued From Page 13) John J. Raffone, '51, S chenectady, N. Y. D. O. Schafer, '51 , Greenport, Long Isl and, N. Y. '51 , Upper W . M. Shepard, Montclair, N ew Jersey E . J . Reeves, ' 52 Bloomfield New Jersey , , Ensign E. L . Vickers, ' 52, Bayonne, New J er sey L . M. Wheelock, '52 and Gue st, New York City R. P. Abendroth, '53 , Graduate Student, Rolla, Mo. Andrew M. L arson Gradu ate Student, Rolla, Mo. ' Anek Hongsyok , Undergraduate Student, Rolla, Mo. J . D esluge, (W ashington Univ ) Eldorado, Ill. . , D ean and Mrs . Curtis L . Wilson Rolla, Mo . ' Dr. D . S . Eppelsheimer, Rolla, Mo. Prof. A. L egsdin, Rolla, Mo. Dr. M. P. Nackowski, '49, Rolla, Mo. Many of the "Miners" were observed attending the various sessions and social functions during t h e week but conflicting engage ments and the bright lights in New York City prevented them from attending the dinner. They missed a fine party.
HOne Package Deal" Alumni Fund Plan Proved Successful at 275 Schools in U. S. In the J a nuary-Fe br uary iss ue of the " MSM Alumnus" w e presented an article, for your consideration, on the merits of an Annual Alumni Fund p lan of giving f or the support and to meet the objectives of the Alumni Association. The incorporation of this pia n, if adopted, by the Alumni A ssociation, would b e, putting it briefly, a " One P ackag e Deal" . As it is now, membership dues are solicited from all m embers and form er students whose addresses are known . In addition to this a sp ecial campaign was la unched this yea r to m eet the anticipated operational d eficit. Under the "One P ackag e Deal", an appeal would be made to all Alumni to make contributions to the Alumni Fund, similar to Community Chest Fund drives. The amount would be determined by each donor. E a ch contributor would become an active m ember of the Alumni Associa tion , r eceive the " MSM Alumnus" for one year and would receive other ben efits and privileges which the association provides from time to time . Essentially the pla n is the sam e as the one now
Alumnus' Articles Appear In Three Publications Rob ert L . Stone ' 34, chairman of the D ep artment of Cer amic Engineering, Univ r sity of Texas, ha s the distinction of appearing three times in F e bruary in the t e chnical publications of the American Ceramic Society as a u thor or co-author of scienti.l'ic paper s . Publication of a paper in either of t he Socie ty's two magazines constitutes r ecognition of achievement in ceramics since t h e organization is the only on e of its kind in the Unite d States serving the entire non-m etallic miner a l s field. Well-known in the cer amic industry and in ceramic education, Dr. Stone is a former T echnical Secretar y of the American C eramic Society. H e holds a Ph.D . in ceramic engineering from Ohio State Univer sity. H e received his B. S. degree from MSM in 1934 and his M. S . degree from North Carolin a State Colle~e in 1\136.
in operation but instead of a minimum fixed fee of $5.00, there would be no minimum and conv ersely, no maximum. Instead of two types of solicitation ther e would be only one . This would provide a lumni an opportunity to participate in the support of the Alumni Association in ratio to their financial ability and desire. The p la n has proven successful in more than 275 school s that have adopted it. Of this number approximately forty are publicly supported schools . A few of them are : Michigan M & T , Michigan Sta te, Iowa State, Ohio State, UCLA, Georgia T e ch., Indiana U., T e xa s A & M ., Arkansas U. Florida U. , Utah U ., Virginia P. 1. , Alaba m a P. 1., North Carolina State, North Dakota State and Rhode I sl and U . Contributions to th is type of annua l giving Alumni Fund are an allowable deduction on incom e ta x returns .
Dr. M. J. Kelly Featured In "Business Week" " Business W eek ", in the F ebruary 6th issue of their national business magazine, f eatured Dr . M. J . Kelly, ' 14, Preside nt of B ell T e lephon e L aboratories a n d former presid ent of the MSM Alumni Association. The front cover pictures Dr. K elly in one of the many l a b oratories h e directs . Within the magazine sev eral pages are devoted to pictures of the m assive buildings and the r evealing a r t icle concerning the operation. personnel and purpose of the model laboratory at Murray Hill, New J er sey. It is indeed an unusual a nd efficient institution untying knotty r esearch problems present d by t he American T elephone & T elegraph Compan y a nd W estern Electnc Company . This recognition of D r . Ke ll y a n d his work is in k eeping with his status as a national authori ty on communication an d r esearch . Oth er recent recognitions were the conferring of the Science Awa rd of the Air F orce Association and the Industri al Reseasch In st i tute Medal for 1954 .
Tribute Paid to MSM Alumnus, Robert E. Dye, '12 Rob ert E . D ye '12, who has bee n Ma nager of the Dome Mines, Ltd . South Porcupine, Onta rio , Canad a a nd who has r ecently r etired a s manager of the company, was the s ubj ect of a warm tribute in an a rticle app earin g in t h e Northerii Miner, under th e date of April 6, 1954. A copy of th e a r t icle in part states as fo llows: " As an en gineer lVIr. Dy e ha s made outsta ndin g contrib ution to the progr ess of mining in this countr y, chiefly through hi s labors with th e Ontario Mining Association , where h e served on t h e committee stud yi n g hoisti n g ropes and wa s spok esman for the Ontario gal e! min e op erators in a brief presented to the Dominion go vernment. Bu t notable as were his professional achiev ements i t w ill be for the innum erable acts of human kindness that h e will best b e r emembere d. How much these cost him i n time, effor t and mon ey will never be known for they have neve r came to l ight except when m ention ed by the thankful r ecipients." "Bob D ye was a lways ready to l end a helping h a nd. His office door was never closed ev en to the l owliest e mplo yee a nd w e can recall , many a time , taking our turn in the office reception room while muckers and mill h an ds told their tale of woe to the manager. Never d id a " boss" have the welfare of his m en so sincerely at heart. Nor was h e playin g for the .grand stand . What h e did came from the h eart ; a nd to that fact to the exclusion of a ll others i s the reason why no un ion have ever b een certified at D ome. P aid union orga nizers hav e done their b est bu t to no avail for the men knew from lon g acq u a int~ nce that th ey could find non e better to serv e their interest. W e can think of no gr eater tribute to B ob D ye - Min e Ma nager ." Bob will be remember ed by many of the older alumni . Hi s wife , the former Amy McNutt, the widow of V . H . McNutt, will al so be reme mber ed by m a n y of his classmates . J. T. Vitt, ' 07 , Dies
J . T. Vitt ' 07 . passed awa y J a nuary 12, 1954 at h is home at 9 003 L .. ckland , S1. Louis 14 , M isso uri.
'54 St. Pat's Week A Big Success
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The traditional St. Pat' s cel ebration at MSM was a big success. St. . Patrick, himself, arrived on time, via the Frisco , a' l a handcar. H e was greeted by an unusually large throng. The crowd then moved to Pine Street to witness the Parade of Floats and th IC judges chose the Lambda Chi Alpha entry as the winner. This float depicted the " Spirit of MSM as the Flight to Success" . The second place honors were awarded to the Sigma Phi Epsilon ÂŁloa t and the Kappa Alpha entr y was chosen t hird. Next the activities moved to Parker Hall for S1. Pat's annual speech to the students , the knighting of the seniors and the beard contest winners w ere announced. In the evening the Miners and their dates turned out enmasse at Jackling Gymnasium for the Mas querade Ball where Miss June Lange, of St Louis, officially r eceived the crown as Queen of St. Pat's Court of Love and B eauty . It was a gala evening of dancing with Ralph Flanagan and his na tionally renowned orchestra. The two days of festivities closed Sat urday evening with the formal
The Queen is Crowned
June Ann Lange reigns as Queen of Love and Beauty
Missouri - Arkansas Section Meetin of A. 5- E. E. Held On School Mines Campus April 9 and 10 The annua l meeting of the Misso uri-Arkansas S e ction oi th e American Societ y for Engineering Education was held on the MSlVl campus April 9-10. There were ball at J ackling Gymnasium. a ll, it was among the best.
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St. Pat Arrives on Hand Car
approximately 200 engineering educators, members and visitors present at the conference. The section comprises of six schools which are: MSM, University of Jefferson City, Washington University and St. Louis University at St. Louis a nd th e University of Arkansas. The conference was honored by the presence of the national Board of Directors of the ASEE who held their business m eeting here. The members of the board are; Dean L . E. Grinter, University of Florida, president ; the vice-pres!dents are: D ean B. R . T eare, Jr. , of Carnegie Institute of Technology, W. C. White of Northwestern University, Dean W. L . Everitt, of the University of Illinois, D ean E. A. Walker of Pennsylvania State College; Secretary, Prof. A. B. Bronwell of Northwestern University and Treasurer, G . W. Franham, editorial director of the Ronald Press . All the general sessions w er e held at Parker Hall. The topics of principal interest were the resume of ASEE recent activities and the panel discusion on the evaluation of engineering education in the IVIissouri-Arkansas Section. N ew officers for the section were electe d by the group . Professor D an ie l S . Eppelsh eime r , of the MSM Met : ~llurgical Engineering D epartment was el ecte d vice-president of the section for the ensuing year.
Where They Work
U. S. Gypsum Co.
Caterpillar Tractor Co. The following MSM graduates are employed by the Caterpillar Tractor Co. : Eugen e H elton, '42 , R e search. Nicholas Mushovic, '42, Expor t Sales . Charles Black, '42 , Purchasing . Eugene Hammann , '47, General Sales . T eddy R. Wolfarth, '48 , Serv ice . W a lter Anderson, ' 48 , Engineer ing . D elmo Brugioni, ' 50 , Engineering. M a rion Ca lt on, ' 50 , Research . Rob ert Zane, '51 , General S a les . Rob ert Ramey, ' 51 , S ervice . K ennet h Cra mer, ' 52, Found r y . Marvin Ste adman, ' 52 , G en er a l Sales. Leonard Wolfberg; '5 2, Metallurgical. John Chappell, '51, In Training.
Following M S M gr a dua t es are emp loyed by the U. S. G yp sum Compan y. T heir r epresen ta tive a dvises -us t h at th er e a r e more gradu ates of t h e M issour i School of M mes em p loyed by their com p a n y than a n y ot h er college or university. F r ank C . Appleyard , ' 3 7 , M a nager of M ines. Arthur B. Ca ldwell, '5 0 , Q uar ry S upe r in ten den t. Rob ert P. C onnett, '4 6, A ssist a nt W or l{s Man age r. Cliffor d L. Con w ay, ' 12, Wo r k s Man ager . ChtlOrd A . Cor n eau , ' 41, Works Ma n ager. Rober t D . D a vies, '4 8, Q u a rry S uperin ten d en t. Max M. F isch er , ' 35 , Pap er M ill S up erin tenden t. M a rvi n C. Grish a m , ' 41 , W or k s Wood River Refinery Ma n ager . B urnette H enry, '46 , Bd. Pla nt Listed below are the names of Superintendent. graduates of MSM now employed J oh n F. H ernan, '5 0 , Gen er a l at the Wood River (Ill.) Ref inery Forem a n - Bd. of the Shell Oil Company. L eRoy Kienitz, ' 47 , G en . Fore R. lV1. Bosse, 1952. m an - Qua rry. J . M. Wilson, 1927. W a lter L ee, '53 , Quarry EngiG. C. Cunningham , 1925. n eer . M . R. Strunk, 1947 . S a muel E. Martin, '48 , Supt ., H . F . Lange, 1935. Pap er M ill. S. S. Braun, 1940. Turner W. Rich a rds, ' 52 , Asst. G . G . Coulter, 1948. Qua rry E ngineer. James Glover, 1943. L y n n J . R iege , '40 , Engr. , Mat'l. L . H. Markway, 1948. H a nd. E q uip. J . J . McGovern, 1948. Clayt on J. Sieh , ' 51 , Quarr y S u C . J. Wenger, 1933. p erintendent. C . L. W . Hunze, 1934. D a vid T. Steel e, '5 3, Qua lity A sL . W. Holtman, 1935 . sist a n t. T. D. Jones, 1947. Wm . E. Steph ens, ' 3 8 , Mill SuO . M. Muskopf, 1942. p e rin t en den t. R. E . Johnk, (Military l e ave ) . W alter H . T asc h ek , '46 , Works R. E. Johnk, (Military l eave) Ma n ager . 1947 H arold E. Tib b s, '5 0 , M ine Su A . E. Pritchard , 1943 . p er inten dent. J. M . Logrbrinck, 1939 . J oh n R. T h omp son, '51, Maint. F. A . Giacoma, 1951. Fore man, Mine . D . C. McCormack, 1951. Wm. E. V an Ells, ' 4 7 , Ki ln Su R. A. Schneider, 1949. p er int en dent . J. E. Aker s (Military l eave ) H aro ld E. V ogt, '47 , W orks Ma n 1953. ager . F r ederi ck C . W est ern , '4 9 , Q u arr y Super intend ent. Frederick V. Moore, ' 20, Dies Nor m a n P . Zach elm eyer, '52 , Frederi ck V a il M oore ' 2 0, d ie d Perlite Foreman . D e cemb er 3, 1952 , of a h eart a t Glen E. Wilson , ' 50 , M in ing En- tack w hile on a hun t ing trip. At gineer . the tim e of his d ea th, h e was reJo h n P . Zedalis, ' 52 , Trainee. sid ing i n Phoenix , Arizo n a . While W . R. Z iebell, '5 0 , Prod. Asst. , a stu dent a t MSM, Fred was a Quarr y . member of Sigma Nu a n d S atyr.
Article by J. J. Raffone Featured in G. E. Review F eatured in the May 1 95 4 i ss ~ e of the G en e r a l Ele ctric Review w ill be a n a rticle b y J . J . Raffon e ' 51 , the R e view's sp ecia l engineering writer . Titled , " L a bora tories
J. J.
in the Sky", the story gives an engineer 's -eye-view of op er a tions at G en er a l Electric' s closely guarded Flight T est Center in upstate N ew York , in clud ing a f irsthand account of a n ac tua l flight tes t . The m a t e ria l is app earing in print for the fi rst time a nd was highly classified un t il recently . The G e n eral Ele ctr ic R eview is the largest te chni cal m agazine in Nort h America.
Sinclair Resarch Lab. The Sincla ir Research L a borato r ies, Inc. at Harvey , Illinois r e por t that the f ollow ing A lumni ar e m e mbers of t h eir organization . A l e tter f r om the Direc t or of Personnel S ervice s states in pa r t, " Th e list of su ccessful a lum n i is im pressive a nd inclu de om- M an ager of G en e r a l S ervi ces , W. R. Riggs '3 2 , as w ell as J ames W a smun d , Dr . Thorpe D resser '33, Glen Merrit t ' 48, Cha rl es H u dson ' 48 , Mo r ris R a u sch ' 50 , D onald Ho n ~ r  k a mp '50 . R ichar d Soehlke ' 52 , Willia m Ga m on '4 9 , a nd G e n e Russell '47. " A r epresenta tive fro m S incla ir was on the cam p us interviewing June grad u a t es as p r ospective e mployees.
1909 William McElroy is living at 1225 Walnut Street, Alameda, Calif.ornia. He writes that he is hoping to visit Rolla to attend the Commencement on May 31st.
1910 A . D. Bryant is Vice-President of Standard S ilica Corp ., 209 S. LaSalle Street, Chicago 4 , Illinoi s.
1914 Claude C . Cushwa 's mailing address is P. O. Box 48 , Atascadero, California .
1915 Dona ld E . B radley w a s a campus v isitor on M arch 4, in connection with the Portland Cement Confer ence being held on the campus. Don is with The Master Builders Company, 6938 Prospect Avenue. Kansas City, Missouri.
1916 John T . Cole is a mining engineer with offices in Okmulgee, Oklahoma .
1921 L . E . Dav idson is residing at 1927 South College St., Springfield, Illinois.
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Glen S. Wyman has been appointed general superintendent at the Chile Exploration Company operation at Chuquicamata, Chile . Glen J . Christner, general manager of the insulation division of The E agle -Picher Company has recently been el ected a vice-president of the Co .
Charles C . T evis has recently been promoted from Assistant Con· struction Engineer of Missouri State Highway Department to District Engineer of D istrict No. 9 of Willow Springs, Mo .
G. T . Dierking is now living at Memphis, Missouri.
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Wm. H . Bush has moved to 5475 Lorraine Drive, Washington 22 , D. C. Roger O. D ay gives his address as 427 Boulevard, Westfield , New J ersey.
Mrs . John R. K enney (Nadine Matlock Sease) has been installed as President of the Chicago Section of the Woman's Auxiliary to the AIME. The Kenney's receive their mail at 2132 N . Halstead St. , Chicago , Illinois.
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1928 K arl A. Allebach has moved to 9836 Charleville Blvd. , B everly Hills , California.
Alumni Personals I111111111111111111111111111111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,
1929 Francis E. Tucker was a campus visitor on April 6 and 7. He is with the U. S. Engineers office at Memphis, Tennessee and was here recruiting graduates for emplo yment with his organization.
1930 Iviy ron F. T nomas was a campus visnor on January 23. Tilis was his tIrs. viSit to tlle campus smce he graduatea and n e was impressc!a w lt n the changes that nave t aken place a unn g the p ast 24 years . Myron nas a son who is consldenng th e POSSlbillty m enro lling at IVl::;1V1 .Eo E. DEPARTMENT
rom J>age 6) the first course in Hadio Communication was o11ered in H}22. This was soon after the start of radio broadcastmg. When the department was separated t rom the Pnyslcs Deparl· ment an extensive r eVision of tll ~· Electrical }<;ngll1eenng Curriculum was approved. The ele ctrical subj ects tnen adde d included Principles of Electrical Engll1eer mg in the sophomore year, E le ctncal IVleasurements, .principles of Alternating Currents and Electric Power '1 ransmission in the junior year; El ectric l-'ower Stations, E lect ric Railways, Electrical Engineering Design, and E l ectrical Engmeedng Applications in the senior year. With extensive develOpments ill the f ield of el ectronics and communication during the p eriod 193J to 1940 additional courses were d eveloped such as Electronics , Vacuum Tubes, and cour ses in Comm unication Engineering. Except for the addition of these subjects, few changes were made in the curriculum unitl the school year 19431944. Previous to this date all courses given in the d epartment were required subjects and a tot81 of eleven credit hours of el ectives were chosen from other departments. Then in September of '43 a series of elective subj ects were offer ed such as Ultra-High-Frequency T echniques, Frequency Modulation , Operational Circuit Analysis, and Transient Analysis . This was the b eginning of a p l an which has developed into a more extensive ser ies of el ective subjects which now h av e b een divided into (~ontinued ~
for a course in M e t allurgy . Myron is with the Steel and Tube Divi sion of t h e Republic Steel Compan y at Clevela nd , Ohio. His home addr ess i s 38 W a ndIe Avenue , B ed ford, Ohio. V!illard (Shorty ) Davis, with the G eophysics Branch of the USGS , will leave the United States in April f or Camaguey, Cuba, where h e will spend two years u tilizing geophysical techniques in exploration for chrome. Shorty will h ead a gro up of f ive geophysicists engage d in this wo r k for the Foreign G eology Branch of the USGS. 1932 George H. Musson is now with t h e Colorado S chool of Mines R esearch F ou ndation at Golden, Coltwo groups , one group oi lline courses in the field of Electric Power Systems and another group of nine courses in the field of Elec tronics and Communication. For the sophomore and junior years all s ubjects are required; during the senior year there are certain require d subj ects and in addition 14 credit hours of electives . Since World War II there .h as been a d efinite trend in the interests of el ectrical engineering students towa rd t h e fie l d of elec tronics and communication. This has necessitated extensive development of courses with the result that in the department there are now ten lecture courses and five l aboratory courses in this fie l d. Providing laboratory facilities for these courses has been a difficult prob lem. This has been accomplished throu gh the us e of three former l ecture rooms and one office room in Norwood Hall. The space provided by these ro oms is inadequ ate but there is no more space in Norwood Hall except rooms allotted to the Physics Department and the G eology D epartment; these d ep artments have no space to spare . With evi dence of increased enrollments in the near future and evidence of keen interest of high school graduates in the field of el ectrical e ng ineering the urgency for increase d laboratory facilities b ecomes imperative. The essential l aborator y space can b e supplied b y the proposed Engineering Laboratories Proj ect plans for which h ave been prepared. The completion of this proj e ct is dep endent upon adequate appropria tions.
orad o, wher e h e is employed as a pI'oJ e ct engineer. G eorge r ecently r eturned from a sojour n in Italy wher e h e was employed in a consulting ca pacity by one of the larger Italia n fluor sp a r producer s. J a m es K. Richa rdson, A ssista nt to the G en eral Man a ger of K enne cott's Utah Copper Division, has just b een maae cha irma n of the IVllner a1 Economics Dlvlsion of t h e AIME. 1934 James W. Darling is now at Orla ndo, Florida, resiaing at 401 North Ferncreek. His employer is the Kelly-Darling Survey mg Service in Orlando. 1936 Donald Eggleston is r esiding at 13111 N ew l and S treet, G a rden Grove, California. 1937 Roy J. Scafe will r ece ive his mail at Box 35, c/ o Pacif ic Coas t Bor a x Co. , Boron, Calif. Wendell G. Folsom is r esiding at 1615 Prichard Stree t, Dallas, Texas. 1938 Cha rles V. Cameron is with the Shell Oil Company in Casp er , Wyoming. His mailing address is P .O . Box 720 , Casper , Wyoming, Allen D. Bliss is chief industrial engineer at the Forge Plant of Aluminum Company of America at 2210 Harvard Ave. , Clev eland 5, Ohio. Allen is living at 6019 Ridge Roa d , Par m a 29, Ohio. Cecil W . Robertson is with Stone and Webster Engineering Corp of Boston, Mass. and live.; at 323 Marshall Street, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. 1939 G e orge A . P eschke is with the Houski Oil & Refin ing Co. at Lloyd minster , Al berta, Ca nada. Ge orge is r esiding a t 5205 50th Street , Lloydminster, Alberta. 1940 Bill Burgin, form erly with the Columbia-G en eva Division of the U . S . Ste el Corp ., has b een with the B ear Creek Mining Compa n y (a Kennecott Copper Corp . Subsidia r y) since April, 1952 . Bill is m a n ager of the Ro ck y Mounta in District with off ices at 51 6 A com a Street , Denver , Colorad o. Lt. Col. Ernest P er ry w as a ca m pus visitor J a nua r y 27. E r n est's m a iling a ddress is Qtrs. 61 -D. , Ft. Belvoir, Virginia . 1941 Louis A . Kuek er h as joined the fi eld engine ering staff of the
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver Clty, Calii ornia . H e was formerly associated wlth the Sandia Corpor atIon. Norman Bla ir was a campus visitor on .I! ¡ebruary 8 r epresenting the Sout hwestern B ell T elephone Company by interviewing prosp ective employees fro m among the senior class. Norma n is living at 363 2a W ilmington, S t. Louis, Missouri. J. R. Lambeth has been named G eneral Manager of the W. J. Holiday Co ., Hammond, Indiana. His address has changed to 466 % 'South Court Street Crown Point, Indiana. Wash Adams was on the campus in April. H e is with the Collins Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. His address is 1141 31st Street N .E. 1942 Clarence M. Stev en s was a ca mpus viSitor on January 13 recruiting for the General Ele ctric Company . His home address is 905 Lakewood Avenue, Schene ctady, N ew York. Robert M. Brackbill has move d to 2302 Walnut St., Odessa , Texas. Bob was on the campus F ebrua ry 15, 16, and 17, representing Shell Oil Company in conne ction with the ir r ecruiting program. W elby M . King, who completed his tour of duty a s a Captain with the U. S . Army Ord . on F ebruary 1, r emains in D enver a s a civilian h eading up the D enver R e gional Office of the St. Louis Ord . District. W elby is also S ecre tary of the Colo. S ection of the Alumni Association. G eor ge P. Da hm is now living a t 636 B eechwood Roa d , Linden , N ew J er sey. John C. Austin is with the Aluminum Company of America at Mas sena, N. Y. His home a ddress is 34 Walnut Ave., Messena. 1943 Arthur P eter sen h as move d to 3822 Wichita , Houston 4, Te x as . R ob er t L . H anna w as on the campus in e arly March. Bob is district sal es m a n ager f or Gen er a l Ele ctric Compan y in Ele ctronics Dept. , A r ling ton H eights, Illinois. His home a ddress is 906 E. St. J a m es St., Arling ton H e ights, Illinois. H erbert S . K a lish spoke to the Powder Me tallurgy Group , N ew York S ection, AIME on March 17
on "Effe ct of Atmosphere on Sint ering of Stainless Steel" . Herb is with the Sylvania Electric Products, Bayside, L ong Island , New York. He resides at 147-41 38th Avenue, Flushing, New York. William H. Bassett can be reached through his employer Cal-Metal Pipe Corp. of La., P .O. B ox 248 , Baton Rouge, L ouisiana. 1946 Kay K . Ikeuye now lives at 6030 South Ellis Avenue , Chicago, Illi11ois. 1947 L t . John C. Allen , USN, will rece ive his mail at 22 Blakely Court, T r oy , New York. Robert F . Bruns is residing at 1323 Laven-Del L ane, Kirkwood 22, Missouri. Willia m E . Ellerman has moved to 831 Irvin Avenue, Meadville , P ennsylva nia . Ivan P. Kinder advises the a lumni office his address has changed to 918 Lynda Lane, Arlington, Texas. 1948 Robert E. Held has moved to 7010 Dartworth Drive, Parma 9, Ohio. Ray E . Pickett will r e ceive his m a il at 2540 W. 90th St. , Kansas City 13, Missouri. Robert Geve cker was on the campus on J anuary 13. Bob is with the Mo. State Hwy. Dept. at J ef fer son City, Mo . His home ad dress is 311 Boonville Rd., Jefferson City, Missouri. Robert J. Niewoehner will r e ceive his mail at 2615 Roseland Terra ce, Maplewood 17, Mo. Donald G . Lowde r has moved to 2518 Avenue D. , Scottsbluff, Nebra ska. Robe rt M. Rock is residing at 1445 Otto Blvd., Chicago Heights, Illinois . H. C . Brassfield has moved to Rt. 1, Stev ens Road , Foster , Ohio. 1949 K ermit Rowley is residing at 1114 Bonita Drive, Hobbs, Ne w Mexico. Wm. H. L enox has moved to 6108 T ennessee, St. Louis 11, Missouri . Charl es A. P eek will receive his m a il a t P. O. Box 1540, Midland , T ex as. Wm . A . Drago, Jr. was a campus visitor on March 11. His home address is Rt. 3, Marion, Iowa. John T. Moran is living at 408 W . 1st South St. , Carlinville, Illinois .
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Wilbur F. Quevreaux was on the campus F ebrua r y 15, 16 and ' 17 , representing Shell Oil Co. in connection with their recruiting program. His home address is 7.. North Gore, Webster Groves, Missouri. Charles W . Bennett is working as a sound and projection engin eer with the European Motion Picture Service. Charles will receive his mail at Uhlandstrasse No.6, Bad Nauheim, Germany . William C . Redd, Jr. is residing at 201 Katklyn Street, Joliet, Illinois. Masashi Hayase is now residin g at 4201 4th S t. S.E., Apt. No. 11, Washington, D . C. We presume he hasn't changed empl oyment as it wasn't indicated in his letter. L eonard L . Schuler, J r., is with the General Elevator Engineering Co., 1210 South 8th Street., St. Louis, Missouri.
1950 Seymour Megeff is with Sylvania Electric Products Co. , Bayside , Long Island, New York. He lives at 50-15 W eeks Lane,, New York. Karl H . D el Porte, sales representative of the Johns-Manville Ind. P rod. Division, Chicago , Illinois, graduated from their adva nced training course in modern sales techniques. Karl is attending Northwestern University for h is Master's D egree in Business. He is a member of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers and the Engineers Club, St. Louis , Missouri. He joined Johns-Manv ille in November, 1952. Erwin J . Wassilak is living at 100 Clearview Drive , North Syracuse, New York. He is with the General Electric Co., Electronics Park, Syracuse, New York. Richard E . Clifford , 1111 West D ecatur St. , D ecatur, Illinois, is empl oyed with Chastain, Burgener , and Associates at 250 1/2 North P ark St., D ecatur, Illinois . J ohn C. B ennett is residing at 127 Winchester Drive, Winchester P ark, Hampton, Virginia . John is employed as an electrical engineer with the Maida D ev. Co. , 214 Academy St. , Hampton , Va. G. F . Hofstaedter , Jr. is emp loyed as a research engineer with T eleflex, Inc ., North Wales , P ennsylvania. H e is r esiding at 7210 Montague S t., Philadelphia 35, P a. Richard D . Whitney will receive his mail at P . O. Box 144 , Godfrey, lllinois . Dick is a pro ject engineer
Alumni Personals 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
with Owens-Illinois Glass Company. Roger C. Banghart, formerly with the B ear Creek Mining Co. as a Jr. Geologist, enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps in June 1953. He r eceived a 2nd Lt.'s Commission in Sept. of 1953 and is presently undergoing advanced training at the Quantico Marine Base. Roger is living at 113 Merrimack in Manassas, Virginia . Billy Ste v ens is presently located at the Fitzsimmons Hospita l , Wal-d C-6, D enver , Colorado. Bill will remain at Fitzsimmons for another year while undergoing medical treatment. Milton R. Skinner r esides at 1515 Buchanan St., St. Joseph, Missouri. H e is employed b y t.he Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. D. W . Breuer has moved to 324 Trunk D r ive, Dayton 3, Ohio. J ames E. McDonald will r eceive his mail c/ o Meriitt-Chapman & Scott Corp. , P.O . Box 627 , Valdosta, Georgia. His home address is Rt. 1, Hightower Rd., Valdosta , Georgia . D ale E. Sims is ~ now r esiding at. 1956 South Collison , Springfield , Missouri. Arlen G lenn Sliger is employ ed w ith the M. W. Kellogg Co. at J ersey City, New J er sey. He is living at 35-53 77th St. , Apt. 6b , Jackson Heights 72 , New York. Anibal Jose DaSilva can b e reached at 8 Weyman Avenue , New Rochelle, New York. Donald E. N elson gives his home address as 6122 W ashington, S t. Louis 21 , Missouri. Don is working for McDonnell Aircraft Corp. L ewis E. Agnew, Jr. is residing at 1311-B 22nd St. , Los Alamos, New Mexico . Ray Fahien has moved to 741 N. 57th Street, Baton Rouge, L ouisia n a. Lee Powers was a campus visitor recently. L ee is the quality control engineer with the National Lead Company in the Titanium Division in St. Louis. His home ad dress is 317 Ames St. , F e rguso n , Missouri. J ames H . Ashmore is now with the W estern Cartridge Co ., E ast Alton Illinois. His home address is 755 East Woodland D rive, E ast A l ton, 111.
Franklin Q . Packheiser gives us his home address as 1020 J efferson, Apt. 902, Kansas City, Missouri and his employer is the Spencer Chemical Co. of the same city. Robert T. Rose has a change of address to Hillsdale, Illinois. The address is 6-5-44 Bruner Street. Curtis L. Craig is in Omaha, N ebraska with the U . S. Corps of Engineers. He receives his mail at Box 172, Omaha.
1951 Rob ert I. Zane has moved to 7138 Craig Road, Overland Park, Kansas. Langdon B. T:1ylor has b een named acting head of p etrol e um engineering instruction at New J.\,[exico In stitute of Mining and Tt:chnology at Socorro, New M exico. John Moscari, Jr. gives his address as 3039 E. 91st St., Chicago 17, Illinois. Hulon D . McDaniel informs that he has moved to 10560 Canter W ay, St. Louis 14, Missouri. H e has just r ecently been discharged from service . Walter O. Pearson is employed in the engineering department of the Illinois Terminal Railroad Ccmpany of St. Louis, Missouri. His home address is 2450 Cleveland Ave., Granite City, Illinois. John M. Arnold states that his new addre ss is 520 West Logan St. , Moberly, Missouri. John is working for the B evier Coal Company of Bevier and Macon , Missouri. Dr. B. M. S e dalia has changed his employment from the General R efractories Co. to the Titanium Alloy Mfg. Division of the National L ead Company at Niagara Falls, New York. Robert J. Rieder has moved to 6739 Bradley Avenu e , St. Louis 9, Missouri. John J. Raffone will receive his mail at 2264 Nelson Drive, Schenectady 9, New York. Jaime Ramirez is residing at Calle 23 -A, No. 2031, B ogota, Colombia, South America. Judson M. Lattin has moved to 6916 South Cly d e Avenue, Chicago 49, Illinois . Richard Roemerman is living at 7319 Idamor Lane, St. Louis County 23, Missouri. George E. Commerford will r eceive his mail at 37 Glen Avenue, Scotia, N ew York . Clinton Chamberlain's mailing address is Box 124 , D es Mo ines ,
Washington. ROland H. Koontz has recently r esign ed his position with Sandia Corporation at Albuquerque, New M e xico, and has accepted a new position with the Ele ctronic Defen.:;e Laboratory of Mt. View, California . E. T . Bond III is e mployed by the A n aconda Copper Mining Company in the Sampling D ept., and is residing at 2113 Yew, Butte, Montana . Cevat Y a li will receive his mail c/ o Morrison-Garantl, P. K. 28 1, Ada na, Turkey. John R. Brady h a s moved to 129 Grove NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Laverne F . Cook has moved to 4367a North 14th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. W . K. Theerman will rece ive his mail c/ o The Fluor Corp. , Ltd. , APO 616 , c/ o PM, NY, NY. John N. Davidson is residing at 1321a Claranette Court, Owensboro, Kentucky . John is an electr ical engineer with G eneral Electric Company.
1952 Roy W . Nutter saile d for G erm a ny on January 29 for Army ser vice . H e can be reached c lo Rt. 2, Putna m, Conne cticut. G e orge E. Fish was a campus v isitor on March 23. George was here interviewing graduating seniors for the Pure Oil Company of Fort Worth, T exas, with which concern he is associate d as a ge ological en gineer . Peter Kurtz is living at 200 10 W est Pacific Coast Highway, M a libu, California. Pau l W. Timbr ook is residing at 204 Sunset Drive , Malvern , Ark a n sa s. Walla ce F erguson can be r e ached at 639 Lincolnway East, South B end, India na. Wallace is w orking for C. W . Cole and Son of 220 W . LaSalle St. , S outh B end , Indian a, as Chief of P a rty. John G. Bartel is living at 2904 Bunk er Hill Ro a d, Mt . Rainier, M a r y land . 1st Lt. Byron L . K eil is r esid ing at 2336 South 4th St., Spr ingfield, Illinois. L eslie F . Holdman was on the ca mpus J anuary 8 interviewing students for Schlumbe rg er Well Survey ing Corp . L e s's mailing address is c lo Schlumberger, Cushing, Oklahoma. PaulO . V a porean is living at 3719 Pas eo, Kansas City 9, Missouri.
c lo Enginee r ing D ept ., Ministry of Mines , Kabul, Afghanistan. D a le W. Heineck is now em111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIh ployed as plant engineer for Alpha Wallace H . Holmes will receive Portland Cement Co., LaSalle, Illihis mail at 11 East Elm St., Chica- nois. go 11, Illinois. Wm . C . Blackwell gives his new Lt. George S . Morefield, 388th address as Box 355, D esloge, MisCm!. Smk. Genr. Co., APO 20, c lo souri. Bill is in the U. S. Army PM, San Francisco, Calif., writes, statione d at Aberdeen Proving "I have enjoyed greatly the copies Ground in Maryl and. of the Alumnus I have received." 2nd L t . Harry J . FitzGibbon, George is stationed in Korea at who was formerly with Magnolia present, but will be released from Petro Co., Lake Charles , L a . until the Army in May . Afte r his dis- last August, is stationed at Ft. Belcharge he will return to his work voir, Virginia as an instructor in on rocket design at the U. S. Na- asphalt pavements in the Engineer val Ordnance Test Station , at C h i- School. Harry is living at 1011 na L ake, California. 8th St. , Apt . A-I , Alexandria , VirWayne D. Jackson, who was just ginia. r e cently discharge d from the Army , Rob ert C . Spitler is residing at gives his mailing address as P . O. 25 Sappington Acres Drive , St. Box 992, Boulder City, N evada. Louis, Missouri. Wayne is employed by the Manga Wayne C . D annenbrink has n ese, Inc ., at H enderson, N evada. moved to 69 12 W. Beloit Rd. , MilThomas E. Stinebaugh has mov- waukee 14, Wisconsin. ed to 2216-B Ocean Park B l vd. , Wm. E. Patterson will receive S nnta Monica, California. his mail at 12 T ang St., Vallejo, Richard L . Light has just been California. Bill is an Ensign in discharged from the Corps of Engithe U.S. Navy, working as ship neers where he held the rank of superintendent in the production 2nd Lt. and has returned to his department of the Mare Island Nahome in Rolla , 104 East 5th Street. val Shipyard. L yle E. Matthews is a Guided J a m es E. Thompson and Ken Missile T est Engineer, Code Ct. 54, H e imbaugh are now employed Point Mugu, California. H e ,g ives with Plez Lewis & Son Construcas his residence address 228 % Palm . tion Company at St. Clair, Missouri. Ave., Santa Paula, California. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Alumni Personals
Svend E . H enriksen writes tha t his address is now Box 3472 , S hrev eport, Louisiana. Svend is working as a Second Computer for G e ophy sical Service, Inc. Robert L. Crosby is r esiding at 922 North D eWitt, Bay City, Michigan. Ahmad Ali will r e ceive his m a il
Virgil H aney (Jan . '54 that is) has accepted a position with the Creol e Petroleum Company in Venezuela. He asks that mail be send to him in care of his hJme 1411 South 34th Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Eugen e W . Ellis can be reached a t 4614 Fowler Court , Apt. 28 , Ever ett , Washington.