Missouri S&T Magazine July-August 1954

Page 1


Volume 28


1954 Number 4

M. U.'s New Acting President Dr. Elmer Ellis, Dea n of the College of Arts and Science, bas been named acting president of the University of Missouri to succeed Dr. Frederick A. Middlebush , who resigned recently after serving" the divisions at Columbia and the School of Mines and Metallurg"y at Rolla for the past two decades. See story on Page 3.

Dr. George B. Clark of Illinois U. Named Head of MSM Mining Engineering Department R. GEORGE B . CLARK , of the University of Illinois, has been appointed Professor of Mining Engin eering and Chairman of the D e partment of Mining Engin eering at MSM , effective September l.


Dr . C lark received his B ach elor of Science in Mining Engineering degree from the University of Utah in 1935 . After his graduation he was e mplo ye d by the Tintic Standard Mining Company as a sampler, surveyor and junior engineer. In 1938-39 he was instructor in mining e ngineering and acting head of the Department of Mining Engineerin'g at the University of Utah . The following yea r he surveyed mine ral claims for patent as a United States mineral s urv eyor and then held a position of sampling foreman with the U. S. Bureau of Mines on strategic mineral surveys in Nevada and Monlana. During World War II, he served as an officer in the Corps of Enginee rs of the U. S. Army , spending two and one-half years in the European Theater of Operations and eight months as instructor at the Engineer School , Fort Belvoir , Virginia. Dr. Clark received his Master of Science in Mining Engin eering degree from the University of Utah in 1946. He was granted E. M. and Ph. D. deo-rees from the University of Illinois ~n 1949 and 1952, respectively. He has been a member of the staff of the Departm ent of Mining and Metallurgical En g ineering at the University of Illinoi s since 1946. A new type of flow measuring manometer was r ecently perfected by Dr. Clark , for the purpose of measureing the air flow in mine ventilation and fan studies. This new device is be ing patented by him. H e has performed considerable research in the field of high explosives, dealing particularly with sh aped charges, the propaga tion of shock waves, an d blasting properties of explosives. Dr. Clark is a member of the Am erican Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers , the American Society of Engin eering Education a nd Sigma Xi. 2

"Ike" Edwards Attends Ameri can Alumni Council Meeting in Mississippi

As a professional engineer, I dedicate my professional knowledg e and skill To the advancement and betterment of human welfare. I pledge: To give the utmost of performance, To participate in none but honest enterprise , To live and work according to the l aws of man and the highest standards of professional conduct, To place service b efor e profit, the honor a nd standing of the profession before personal advantage, and the public welfare above all other considerations. In humility and with need for Divine Guidance, I make this pledge.

" Ike" Edwards, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association, attended the 39th General Conference of the American Alumni Council, at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel, Edgewater Park , Mississippi, Ju l y 11 to 15. The 1716 members of the AAC are composed of representatives from the alumni associations of 646 colleges a nd univ e r sities throughout the United States, Canada and some forei'gn countries . 175 alumni associations were represen ted a t the conference and more than 300 members were present. Many outstanding educators were present to discuss with the g roup problems of common interest. Among the outstanding guests and co nsultants was Dr . Wilson Compton, President of the Council for Financial Aid to Education. The objectives of the council are : To insist on high professional standards and practices; provide m e dia for the sharing of professional experience, methods and ideas ; seek to create an a l umni interest where none exists and make it effective for the good of the institution where it does; promote through merit and dedication, through outlook and performance, the recognition of organized alumni effort as a vital force in education ; help the professional a l umni worker to increase the effectiveness in serving the enlightened interests of his volunteer leade rs; enlist a l umni as continuing participants in and as informed champions of education; develop active relationship with other organizations which support and advance the cause of education and strive to interpret the objectives and needs of education to the alumni, and the public, to the e nd that we ma y best serve the ultimate beneficiaries of all our efforts - those who teach and those who learn.

Make Your Hotel Motel or Lodg ing Reservations for Homecoming Now

Word has b een r eceived of th e d eath of Edward E. Paulick '49 , from blood cancer, on Jun e 1st. His home address was Box 284-A, Arnold, Missouri.


ENGINEERS' CREED A d opted by NSPE's Board of D irectors June, 1954

Edward E. Paulick, '49




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Dr. Ellis, Arts and Science Dean, Named Acting Alumni Association Reaches Goal of 2000 President of University Till Next June 30


R. ELMER ELLIS, d ean of the

College of Arts a nd Science at the University of Missouri, has been n a m e d acting president of the university to serve from September 30 until n ext June 30. D ean Ellis has accep ted the a ppointment on condition th at he not be ask ed to serve as acting president after June 30, and that he not be required to live in the official r esidence of the president on the campus. Dr. Ellis, 53 , w ill succeed Dr. John H. L ongwell, dean of the College of Agriculture, w ho took over after Dr . Loran G. Townsend, dean of the Coll ege of Education , had served in the post during the university's summer session . All are in succession of Dr . F rederick A. Middlebush, who r esigne d as presid ent, effective last Jun e 30, but served until the Board of Curators designated Dr. Tow nsend and Dr. Longwell as head of the university through the summer period . In designating Dr. Ellis to serve as acting president until June 30, the Board of Curators in effect postponed the naming of the president for a yea r . The board has been seeking a successor to Dr. Middlebush since his announcem ent of r etirement last January. Dean Ellis is a former vice president of the university, having served in that post following his release from the army in 1945, at the request of the university, until his appointment as dean in 1946. A native of North Dakota, he b egan his teaching career in 1925 as an instructo r in histor y at the University of North Dakota foll owin g his gr aduation there. After receiving his master's degree from North Dakota , Dr. Ellis served as professor of history and government at the North Dakota T each er's College and then as l ecturer in histor y at the University of Iowa , where h e obtaine d his doctor of philosophy degr ee in 1930. H e came to the University of Misso uri t h at same year. In 1939 and 1940, under a Guggenheim F ellowship he wrote two books, "Henry Moore Teller , D efender of the W est," and " Mr. D ool ey's America , a Life of Finley Peter Dunne." During World War II, Dr. Ellis JULY



served as a historian in Army Intelli gence, b ~ing assi,gned for a time in th e Pacific Theater, w here he obtained a rank of Major. In addition to servin g as dean in the College of Arts a nd Science , h e holds the title of professor of history and teach es post graduate courses. He is a member of the Phi B eta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity ; a past pr esident of th e National Council fo r Socia l Studies and a member of the Board of Directors of the Social Science Research Council.

Crookston Gets Promotion With Harbison-Walker Co. The Ilarbison- Wa l ker R efractori es Company, Pittsburgh, P ennsylvania , has an nounced the appointment of Dr . James A. Crookston ' 42 BS , '47 MS, as administrative assistant to the director of research. Dr. Crookston received his doctor's degre e in ceramic engineering fro m the University of Illinois . Prior to joining Harbison-WalkJ. A. CROOKSTON er, he was employed for two years as research e ngineer with the AC Spark Plug Division of General Motors Corporation . H e b ecam e affiliate d w ith H arbison-Walker in July 1949 , as a r esearch engineer , and served in this position until J an uar y 1, 1951 , when he was appointe d L aboratory Mana ger at the Compa n y 's Hays L aboratory . H e was serving in this capacity when h e receive d his present a ppointment. Dr. Crookston is a member of the American Ceramic Society, Institute of Ceramic Engineers , and T au Beta Pi and Keramos honorary frat ernities. H e is a profess iona l engineer , S tate of Missouri. and a v et eran of two years service with the U.S. Navy Reserve , havin g served as a Lieu tenant (jg.) The Crookstons live at 28 Alton Drive , Pittsburgh 34 , P ennsylvania .

T has been done . The membership goal of 2000 members in the MSM Alumni Association , which was set b y the B oard of Dire ctors for the 1954 fiscal year, h as be en attained. This goal was completed three months ahead of schedule and the Membership Committee h as hop es of the membership r eaching 2100 b y t he end of the fiscal year, October 31 , 1954.


W e would like for y ou to meet Mr. 2000th Member. In real life, h e is John W . Ehrler. John r e ceived his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from MSM in the spring of 1949. He is a native of Chicago, Illinois where h e was born June 1, 1923. H e attended St. Rita High School and the Morgan Park Junior College and the Illinois Institute of Technology prior to his matriculation at the School of Mines . While in school he was a member of the St. P a t 's Bo ard an d student as sistant in the Chemistry D epartm ent. He is a m emb er of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers , Kappa Alpha and Alpha Chi Sigma. After graduation h e accepted employme nt with the Fluor Corporation , Ltd ., Los Angeles, California. In 1953, he changed his employment a nd took a position with the Stanolind Oil and Gas Co ., with headquarters at Tulsa , Oklahoma, with whom he is nowemployed, and h e resides at Vivian, La . His address is P .O. Box 413. To the other 1999 members, we want to also giv e special recognition a nd thanks for your memberships and s upport of the Alumni A ssociation.

Two Join Teaching Staff Of Mechanics Department The Mechanics Department w ill have two new members on its teaching staff at th e b eginning of the fall ten n. Gerald Smith '51 BS. '53 MS, w ill r e turn afte r two years absence. Mr. Michael Joseph Gr een, who has a Bachelor of Sci ence in Civil Engineering d egr ee from D etroit University, w ill take gr aduate work in th e Civil Engineering Department in addition to instru cti ng in th e Mech a n ics D epartment. 3

Homecoming on October 15 and 16 to Feature Miner-Maryville Game, Many Class Reunions CT OBER 15 AND 16 . Those are the dates of the 1954 Homeco ming at MSM. Plans are sh aping up for what we hope will be the biggest and best homecomin g in year s. Emphasis is bein g placed on reunions of the liv e year classes; 1914, 1919, 1924, 1929 , J 934, 1939, 1944 and 1949. The Class of J 9 J 4 has its p l ans well underway for a r e union and celebration of its 40th a nniversary. The Class of 1929 is plann ing to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Members of other classes who wish to promote a r e union may contact the a lu mni office at Rolla and they will a ssist them with their plan s .


Registration will b e h eld in Parker H all all day Friday and Saturday morning. The Board of Director s of th e A l umni Association will hold their annual m eeting at 2:00 p.m ., Friday. At 6:30 p.m., Friday evening, a Dutch Treat Dinner w ill b e h eld in t h e Pine Room at the Greyhound Bus Depot. The annual meeting of the Al umni Association will b e h eld in the Auditorium of Parker Hall, 10:45 p.m., Satur day. The St. Louis Section is having Open House at the P ennan t Hotel at

12 :3 0 p.m. T he Miners meet Nor thwest Missouri State College in the hom ecoming football 'game at Jackling F ield, at 2:30 p .m. T hat evening at 7:00 p.m. th e al umni will assembl e at the College Inn , Hotel Edwin Long , for the Homecoming D inner. Later in the evening, at 9:00 p .m. , the Homecoming Dance will be staged a t t h e Jackli ng Gymnasium . Also that evening, t h e Ark- L a -Tex Section w ill hold an Open House for all al umn i , at the Pin e Room, Gr eyhound Bus De pot. This festivity begins at 9:00 p.m. In addition to these definitely scheduled activi ties , ma n y f r aternities w ill have r eu n ions and celebrations. Their p l ans will not be compl eted until after the be'gi nning of the school year. A ll al umni and visitors who p l an to attend homecoming are urged to make th eir hotel , motel or l odging reservations early to avoid last minute confusion and possibly disappointment. Write directly to these facilit ies in Rolla for your accommodations . SEE YOU OCTOBER 15 AND 16 AT HOMECOMING.

1954 M SM Football Schedule The Min er s h ave an ei'g ht game football schedule for the 1954 season with four home games. F01wteen active play er s were l ost through graduation and th e prospec ts for the coming season should produce a squad equally as good as last season. In the 1953 season, the Miners fini sh ed ' fifth in the M. LA.A. Conference standing and they won three of their eigh t games. Th e co-captain s this year are John M. McCarthy , from E ast St. Loui s, I lli nois and Charles A. "Pete" W eitzel , from W arrensburg , Missouri. The 1954 Football Sched ul e is as follows: Se pt. 18

Kansa s State T eachers College

at Pittsburg

Sept. 25

Wa shin gton University

a t St. Louis



Southwest Misso uri Stale College



South ast Missouri State College

at Cape Girard ea u at Rolla


Northwest Misso uri State ColI 'g (Homecomin g)



Central Misso uri State Colle;e



Northeast Missouri State Coll eg (Parents Da y)

at Rolla

Southern Illinoi s Univer sity

at Rolla



E. W. Carlton , Professor of Str uctura l Engineering, attended the annual m eeting of the National Society for Profess iona l Engineers, in M ilwaukee , Wisconsin , June 9th. Professor Carlton is the national cha irman of the Young Engineers Committee of the NSPE. This committee presented a pro posed program for the society's action. The p urpose of the proposed program is to stimulate the professional devel opment of the y OUllg engin eers and promote ga ins for them in th e nationa l society. P r ofessor Carlton went f r om Milwaukee to Atlantic City , New J ersey to att nd the s ummer mecting of thc American Society of Civil Engineer of which h e is dir cctor Distr ict 14.

Prof. Rittenhouse, on Faculty Since 1947, Has Resigned Joseph W. Ritt nhouse ' 49, Associate Professor of Electrical E ngineering , who has b een a member of the MSM faculty since 1947, has resigned to accept a post as Technical D irector of the Hi-Volta ge Equipm ent Com pany in Cl ev eland, Ohio. He expects to assume his new d uties Sept. 1. Professor Ritten house received hi s bachelor d egr ee from Purdue University in 1939 and hi s master's degree at MSM in 1949. An account of a recent professional book of which he was co-author, ma y be found elsew h er e in th e MSM A lumnu s. In addition to this , h e has written numerous technical articl es and presented scientific papers at m eetings of th na tional societies. H e is a m ember of Si gma Xi , Kappa Nu, Tau B eta P i, T a u Kappa Alpha, th e American Society for En gin eering Education, the Am erican Institute of Electrical En gineers and both state and national soc ieties of professional en gineers.




at Rolla



Prof. Carlton Attends NSPE Meeting in Milwaukee

at Warre nsburg

MSM ALUMMUS I s u ed bi- monthly in th e in terest of th e graduates and f onne r students of t.h e School of Min es and M etallurgy. Sub scription price, $1.50, included ill Alumni Dues. Entere d as second-class matter Oct. 27 , 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Mo. , und er th e Act of March 3, 1879 . MSM





Changes in By-Laws Will Be Voted On

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At Annual Meeting of Alumni Association


T THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Missouri S chool of Mines Alumni Association, at 10:45 a.m. October 16 , certain changes in the By- L aws of the Alumni Association will be presented for adoption.

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Briefly, these changes are as fo l lows: (1) The types of membe r ships ar e reduced to three: Active , Associate and H onorary. (2) The basis for Active and Associate memberships will be th roug h volun tary annual contributions to the Annual Alumni" Fund . Fixed dues are eliminated (3) Members w ill receive an ann ua l subscrip tion to the "MSM Alumnus" a nd other rights and privileges gra nted b y the associatio n. (4) Conditions of Life Memberships previously held will remain unchanged. (5) A quorum for a meeting of the Board of D irectors has been reduced from eight to six members. (6) Added to the section describing the duties of the president is the statement, " The president shall ad minis ter the affairs of the association between the meetings of the Board of Directors in accordance with the gener al policy and program of the Director s ." (7) A section h as been incorporated for the establishment a nd operation of an Annual Alumni Fund to finance an effectiv e Alumni Association and to provide funds to meet the objectives of the association in enlarging t h e service to the Missouri School of Mines, the students and the alumni. S ection 6 of the Trust Agreement, in order to a llow greater flexibility and la titude of operation, w ill also b e submitted for amendm ent as follows:

State of M isso uri , hereinafter referred to as " Tru stee", Witnesses that: Whereas it is the desire of the Grantor and Trustee to amend said Trust Agreement by removing t h er e from any and a ll provisions or restrict io n upon the use of the income from sa id endo wment fund: Now , therefore, in consideration of said promises , it is mutually agreed by sa id Grantor and Trustee that S ection 6 of the terms of tr ust set forth in the said Trust A'g r eement of 26 February 1946, be and the same is amended to read as follows, to-wit: " 6. After paying the necessary exp enses incurred in the management and investment of t he trust estate, includiI?-g th e comp ensation of t h e Trustee for its own services, the Trustee shall pay and distribute the net income from the trust estate to the Grantor or its order."

Jackling Is 85 Years Old; Heads Firm Half Century Daniel C. J ackling ' 92, one of the most illustrious a lumni of the Missouri S chool of Mines, celebrated his 85th birthday on August 14. The Utah Copper Company is a lso commemorating the anniversary of his fiftieth y ear as president of their organ ization. A commemorative dinner was held in S a lt L ake City, Utah in his honor.

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This Agreement, made and e ntered into this ___ .. __ .___ ___ .. day of ................... _., 1954, by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association , a benevolent association incorpor ated under t he l aws of the State of Missouri , hereinafter refe rred to as " Grantor" and the Boatmen's National Bank of St. Louis, a corporation of the City of St. Louis , JU L Y


19 54

Washington U. Gets $54,473 From Alumni in Past Year Gifts to the Washington University Alumni Fund for 1953-54, set a r ecord of $54,473. This figure is more than double the previous high for gifts. A total of 2725 alumni and friends contributed to the fund with an average gift of $19.99 . Money g iven to th e fund will be used for faculty sala ries and for th e purchase of equipment and supplies.

President's Column T is pleasant to an nounce that we h ave made our goal of 2000 member s and if time and the printer permit, to show that we aren't fooling, we will have in this issue of the "Alum nu s" a picture of Number 2000.


Elsewhere in this issue you will find a n agenda for the Homecoming wee k end , October 15 to 17. There w ill not be a speaker, as such, for the Saturday morning convocation as this meeting will be in the nature of the President's and Directors' report to yo u , their stockholders. Hence , I sincerely encourage a large attendance on Saturday morning to act on a certain amount of business and to receive a report which in my mind should be ve·r y pleasing to y ou. There has been one contribution to the Special Fund since the last issue of the " Alumnus". This was received from J. C. " Fish" Salmon ' 21 , Minden, Louisiana. With this issue we are introducing a bit of "face lifting" on the " Alumnus" that Ike Edwards and Larry May, the publisher , have contrived in an effort to keep conservatively apace with good styling. We trust you'll like it. Hoping to see you at Homecoming, I am, Sincerely yours, H. S . Pence President.

Baarent Ten Brock, Jr. Baarent ' Ten Broek, Jr. , ex-'16, former St. Louis candy company executive and former newspaper reporte r , died at the Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri after a lon g illness . H e had been associated with his father, a veteran candy manufacturer who retired in the 1930s. Mr. Ten Broek had spent most of his time in Denver until h e returned to St. Louis in June and enter ed the Jewish Hospital. H e is survived b y his widow, Mrs. Bessie T en Broek; a son, Baarent T en Broek III ; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baarent Ten Broek, 19 Portland Place, Sf. Louis , and a brother G errit H. T en Broek . Interment was in the Oak Grove Cemeter y , St. Louis . 5

Dr. Forrester leaves Heads Alpha Chi Sigma For Dual Post in Idaho R. J. DONALD FORRESTER, Chairman of the Department of Mining Engineering at MSM since 1944, has resigned, effective September 1, to take a post as the new Dean of the College of Mines at the University of Idaho , and as Director of the Idaho Bureau of 'Mines and Geology. In his n ew post, D,r . Forrester will actually hold two positions as listed above. The Direc tor of the Burea u of Mines is a position equival ent to that of State G eologist. H e succeeds A . W. Fahrenwald . who becomes Dean Emeritus after heading the department at the University of Idaho for 21 years . Dr. Forrester is widely known tlu' oughout the mining world for his publications on mining and geology and he has been an author and co-author of 40 studies. He is author of the books, " Principles of Field and Mining Geology" and "A Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology ", and co-author of the book, " The Pacific Northwest". He has also done extensive writing on mining for encyclopedias and science books. While at MSM h e ga ined national recognition for himself and the school through prolonged research in developing the electrocarbonization process for coal. This development is likely to lead to a new and scientific method of "mining" coal without ac tually taking the coal from the earth. Dr. Forrester previously was a professor and head of the geology department at the University of Idaho from 1939 to 1944. His accomplishments in the mining field have brought him listings in "Who's Who in America " , " Who's Who in Engineering" , " Who's Who in American Education" , "American Men of Science", " Who's Who in the Midwest " , and " Who Knows and What" . He is a member of the AIME , American Association of Petrole um G eologists, American Society for Engineering Education , G eological Society of America , Society of Economic Geologists , Sigma Xi , a scientific honorary fraternity , Mark Twain Society and Rotary. Dr. George B. Clark, of the University of Illinois , has been appointed to succeed Dr. Forrester.




Dr. W. T. Schrenk , Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, has been elected President of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity, a national professioal chemical fraternity, with both professional and collegiate chapters across the United States. Dr. Schrenk was elected at the 22nd biennial conclave held June 21-25 , at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michi¡ gan . He succeeds Dr. Merl Griffin , with the Shell Oil Company in New York City. Among the other officers elected, was Dr. Frank Zvanut, MSM '32 , Wb0 was elected third vice-president. Frank is with Godfrey L. Cabot, Cleveland , Ohio.

Rosenfeld Gets Ph. D. Degree From Harvard University John Lang Rosenfeld , Assistant Professor in the G eology Departme nt was granted the d egr ee, Doctor of Philosophy, b y Harvard University at the commencement held June 18. Dr. Rose nfeld's thesis dealt with the " Geology of the South Half of the Ch est er Dome, V ermont." It is part of a large regional mapping program in a structurally complex area and w as cond ucted under the general sup ervisiOn of Dr. Marland P. Billings, of th e Geology D ep a rtment of Harvard University.

Two MSM Grads Partners In New Consulting Firm Hueston M . Smith '38, has resigned as Chief Engineer for the Fruin-Colon Contracting Company, of St. Louis, Missouri , and has organized his own Consulting Engineering firm. Hueston, with three others, has organized the Smith - Hanlon - Zurheide - L evy Company , with offices at 3926 Lindell Blvd. , St. Louis 8, Missouri. The L evy of the new firm is Bob Levy '33 . Bob is the Chief Industrial Designer, since the industrial phase of their activity is primarily a design problem and h e is a lso Secretary of the new organization. They plan to do mechanical, electrical, and industrial design. For architects, they will provide the engineering for plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, boiler installations and related mechanical items going into any structure. Electrical engineering will include lighting , power , substations. distribution facilities, controls, intâ‚Źrcomrnunication systems and other building services. For industrial clients, they will design the process, make equipment layouts, provide a production design, refurnish existing equipment and handle all or any part of the engineering related to an industrial in!;'tallation, either new or existing . Hueston's and Bob's many friends wish them success in their new un dertaking.

Alumnus Magaz;ne Gets Face-lifting in Make-up With this issue of the "Alumnus" , we have incorporated a few new ideas in "face lifting". Several of the past issues of the "Alumnus" were sent to Mr. Amadeo Tommasini , of the University of California Press, for his expert advice on methods of improving the magazine. Using his suggestions, together with our printer, Larry May , of the Rolla Daily Herald, we have come up with the changes you see in this issue . Other minor changes will be made in future issues to make the "Alumnus" a more attractive and readable magazine. The services of Mr. Tommasini were complimentary and part of the value received from membership in the Amertcan Alumni Council. MSM


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Faculty Members Publish Electric Power Textbook HE Ronald Press Company of New York has just completed publication of " Electric Power Tran smission" by P rofessor John Zaborszky a nd A sso ciate Professor J. W. Rittenhouse '49 , of th e MSM Electrical Engineering D epartment which is h eaded by Professor 1. H. Lovett. The manuscript for this 676-page book has been in preparation for over three y e ars and a lthough it is d esigned to m eet the requirements of a textbook for the graduate and undergradua te l evels it also contains much of r eference value to the practicing e ngineer. This new a nd comprehensive volu me presents the subject of power transmission in terms of today 's r equirements, achievements, and opportunities. It provides a broad coverage of the steady operation of tra nsmission lines and power systems, and the m ethods available for the study of these operations. The book treats in detail the fundam e ntals 0.E transmission. Although the later chapters ar e principally from the power point of view, it is excellent for the introductory course for both power or communication students. Keyed to meet both professio nal and student requirements, the book is organized for convenient sel ection of materials.


T he pra ctical usefulne::;s of the work is enhanced thro u ghout by discussions of the many r e cent technological advances, providing easier and more compl ete analysis of power system perfor mance. Included are such topics as the universal circle diagram , new methods for cal culating power system losses and for the inclusion of su ch losses in the study of the economy of system operation, the use of probability methods to establi sh generator reserves, and a method of calculating skin and spiraling effect in stranded cond uctors. The book a lso contains much original m aterial published for the first time-a recently developed m ethod of dealing with transformer m ismatch in a network, a new r egulation chart, some new power l oci , and novel anJULY



a lysis of the various aspects of power system operation. B ecause the authors , in their own experience , have found that most studen ts are seriously handicapped in power tra nsmission courses by lack of knowledge of the basic structure of the power system, they have includ ed an extensive chapter devoted to a purely qualitative discussion of this structure. This volume will prove invaluable not only as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students , but also as an up-to-date refresher and reference for public utilities engineers and manufacturers of electrical equipment.

Alumni in Service Major Harley W. Ladd '40 , is with the Corps of Engineers , U. S. Army. 8056 Army Unit, Yokohama Engineer Depot, A.P.O. 503 , c/ o Postmaster , San FranCiSCO, California. 1st Lt. C. J . Reed '50 , is now with the Hq. Special Weapons Command , 8452 AAU, Sandia Base , Albuquerque, New Mexico. Lt. Paul F . Carroll '50 , has r ecently returned from a sixteen months tour of duty in Korea and is now stationed at Fort Belvoir , Virginia. Visit The Woodmans The home of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Woodman has been host to MSM alumni and alumnae this summer. Eugene H. Woodman '30, visited his parents the latter part of July . Eugene is with the Mississippi Waterways Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Mississippi. He lives in Vicksburg at Route 2, Box 9. The Woodmans' daughter, Ellen Woodman Doll '33, and her husband Warwick L. Doll '33 were also their guests. Wick is with the Water Resources Branch , U. S. Geological Survey, and h e is located at Charleston, West Virginia. Mrs. Doll has a B.S. in Science degree from MSM. Joins American Lava Corp. Harry W. Smith ' 51 , formerly of Walsh Refractories Corporation , in St. Louis, Missouri, has joine d the American Lava Corporation in Chattanooga , Tennessee, as Ceramic Engineer in charge of the Steatite quality control l aboratory . His address in Chattanooga is 3908 Tacoma Ave .

T ragitt Becomes Arizona Lands, Minerals Off,cer E. Rowland Tragitt, '23, has be en named the lands and minerals officer for the State of Arizona by the Bureau of Land Managem ent in their n e w r eorganization program. He will handle the lands and minera l work , not merely min eral problems. The l ands assignment includes sma 11 tra cts, withdraw analysis , exchanges , homesteads, desertland en tries, etc. Mr. Tragitt is a native of Webster , South Dakota and received his Minin g Engineering degree at MSM in 1923 . He has been employ ed by the Bureau of Land Manage ment a nd its prede cessor, the General Land Office, since 1939 when h e entered on duty as a special agent of the Division 01 Investigation at Salt Lake City, Utah. He transferred to San Francisco, California, in 1941 and worked in California since then, except for service during World War II. He was a First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps , with the Adjutant General's Office. A year ago, h e was .named supervising valuation engineer for Region II (California and Nevada) of the BLM, which position he held until the n ew assignment in Arizona. Mr . Tragitt has his headquarters in Phoenix and his address is 526 East Cherry L ynn Road, Phoenix, Arizona. In his communication he advises that he expects to be in Rolla for HOMECOMING, October 15 and 16. It should be remembered that his father , H . N. Tragitt, was Rector of the Episcopa l Church in Rolla for over 25 years . H e is now residing in St. James, Missouri.

Personals Edward L. Johnson '50 , is now rcsiding at 825 North Moffett , Joplin , Missouri. His form e r a ddress was Mascot, T ennessee. Paul John Egan '54 , is now em · ployed with the Empire District Electric Co. , Joplin , Missou r i. Hi s mailing address is c/ o Empire District Electric Co ., Joplin . H. M. Johann esmeyer, '51, is with the consulting engin eer firm , Black & Veatch, in Kansas City . His r es idence is at 24 East 54th T errace , Kansas City, Missouri. 7

MSM Section

News Kansas City Stag Party The Ka n sas Ci ty S ection, of t h e MSM Alumni Association , h eld their Summer S tag P a rty at Gra nd v ie w B ea ch, J uly 30. Thirty-fo ur a lu m ni wer e p r esent. Eigh t w h o m a d e r eser va ti on s fou nd , a l the las t minute , t hey we r e u n a ble to atte nd . E ver y one was p riv ileged to h ave th eir fill of ver y f ine bar bec ue d b eef, p ota t o sa la d, tomatoes, a nd all that goes w it h a n outdo or dinner w hi ch was prof essio nally h andl ed b y o ur ow n Jim Stephe n s '47. There wer e numerous prizes for t h ose w h o h e ld the lucky number ed t ickets. Ever yo n e h a d a good time a nd w e can a d v ise those K a n sa s City Alumni w ho wer e not present that th ey m issed a v er y enj oya ble ga t h e r ing.

Chicago Dinner Meeting After a p eriod of sever al years a do rmant Chicago S ection of the MSM Alu m ni Association came t o life with a rather successful dinner m eetin g on Ju ne 7th, at the Chicago Bar A ssocia tion . In order tha t th er e b e no misunderstandin g a mong those un-

Ka n sas

City Alumni Help Themselves to Barbecued Beef and Fixin's at Outdoor Dinner

familiar with Chicago, w e h aste n t o ad d t h a t this b ar a ssocia tion is com posed entirel y of l a w ye r s . In spite of this fa ct the 45 m en a nd one l ad y who a ttende d , made it a r eal MSM ge t-together. Mr. Wallace assumed the cha ir a nd in troduc ed the sp eaker s, M SM Alum ni Association President, H arry S . P ence ' 23 a nd Francis C. " Ike" Edwards, Executive S ecretary of the Alumni A ssociation. A v er y interesting a ccount of the a ctivities of the associa tion was g iven toge ther with the pla ns for building a bigger L.ne!

Getting the Finishing Touches to the Meal in Kansas City 8

more effe ctive m em b er ship . A r eport on campus changes a nd activities brought us up to da t e on th e s itu a tion a t Rolla . Melvin E. Nickel '38, Area 4 Director, opened the m eeting and called for the r eport of the nominating com mittee which was submitted b y J. Walter Scott ' 19. The following officers were ele cted to serve for one year: Chairman, John Walter Walla ce '48 ; Treasurer , John R. Kenney ' 12 ; Secretary, John C . " Jack" In gram ' 13 . According to our statistics the Chicago Section has the possibility of growing into the l a rgest of all sections and it is the pre sent objective of the officers to m a ke it, not only the lar>gest but also the most active. Another dinner is bein g planned which will b e h eld b efore the HOMECOMING DATE of October 15 and 16. B elow is a list of those present at the June 7th dinn er. J. S . Absolom ' 50 ; W. A. Baunstark '40 ; Moris Bolay '53 ; W . F. Bucha '50 ; Mrs . William R. Burgoy n e '35 ; R. K . Comann '43; D . H . Crumbaugh ' 28; R. J. Cunningham '42 ; K. H. Del Del Porte '50 ; A. R . D evere ux ' 24; John Fuqua ' 49 : William Godwin ' 25 ; J. E. Harrod '35; H. A . H erder, e x '26 ; J. W . Howerton ' 38 ; K. K. Ikeuye '46; J. C. Ingram ' 13 ; Wm. H. Jon es '50 ; J . R. K enney '12 ; Fred Kisslinger '42; C. L . Kitchen, ex '26 ; R. H . Maveety ' 12; W. F. McConnell '42 ; J . H. McKinley '33; MSM



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c. V. Menke ' 52; John Moscari, Jr. '5 1; L . C . Nelson '38; M . E . Nickel '38; A . W. R. Oswald '34; P . H. Pietsch '20; Lynn J. Riege '40; Q. J. Schiene '52; D. G . Schmidt '48; J. Walter Scott ' 19 ; John Smith, Jr. '42 ; W. D. Stropk ey '52; C . M . Tarr, Jr. '5 2; K. E. Wick '51. Attention, Chicag'o Alumni! Get y ourself braced fo,r a rea l drive to liven up the Chicago Section. Each alumni is expected to. "get into the act". Address a ll communications to J. C. Ingram, 8223 St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago 19, Illinois.

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The Southern California Section h eld their an nual outing at th e Colorado L agoon in Long Beach On Saturday afternoon a nd evening, June 5th. This was t h e l argest meeting of its kind we have yet had and was marked b y t h e a ttendance of a goodly number of children of m embers ranging in a ge from 1 to 19. Looks like a lot of good future MSM ma t erial in this fin e crowd of yo ungsters and among t hose present was Duane Monro e who had just returned from Rolla, where he is a sophomore. In a ddition to a wonderful potluck dinner arranged b y Mrs. B arney Nuell , with each of the members bringing va rious differ ent items of food , festiviti es were very much enhanced by a unique game a rranged b y Mrs. Nuell. As each m emb er arrived h e was given a bingo-like sh eet , ruled off into twenty-five squares, w ith MSM in the center square. H e was asked to w rite his own name at the top of the sh eet and in one of the squares and then exchange autographs with other members present or their w ives. This, of course, served the useful pupose of getting every one acquainted with everyone else , which was particularly desirable in the case of the newer m emb ers attending for the first time . After the dinner, w hich was conducted outdoors, we a djourne d to the playroom to enj oy this unusual game of Bingo, with a variation t h at instead of pulling numbers o ut of a hat, we pulled slips of paper with the names of those present. As each person's name was called , he was ask e d to get up, introduce himself briefl y, giving his class and occupation, or in the case of the w ives , JULY AU GUST 195 4


ide ntify themselves a nd give everyone a better chance to get well acquainte d. This game was so successful that we unh esitatingly recommend it to the other chapter s which may want a n ovelty to enlive n their meetings. Those present were : lVIr. and lVII's. Hugh Barclay '37 ; lVIr. an d lVII's. Charles Browning ' 48 ; lVIr. and Mrs. Don Hutton ' 47 , and d a ughter, Pat, a nd two smaller children; Mr. and lVII's. James F err ell '40 , and son , Stuart; IVIr. and Mrs. J ack Fleischli ' 43 , and children, Jackie and Karen; Mrs. Eva H. Green e ' 11 and son D avid Greene an d wife; Mr. an d Mrs. Paul H a lasey '28; Mr. and Mrs. Al H enke '4 7 and son, Rick y; lVI1'. and lVII's. W ayne Huff '5 1, and son D ana; lVIr. and lVII's. D on Huseman '43 , and twin sons, Eddie a nd D ana; IVI1'. a nd Mrs. Nat J affee ' 41 a nd son ; IVIr . and Mrs. Edwain A. K ayse r '16 ; IVIr. and Mrs . Rex Monroe ' 42 an d son , Duan e (a sophomore at MSlVI ); Mr . and Mrs. Barney Nuell '21 and sister Mrs . Eva N. Ritter; Mr. a nd Mrs. George H. Pratt, ex' 10; Mr. a nd Mrs . J ohn Schmitz ' 49; and Mr. a nd Mrs. BannOn T errell a nd hi s m oth er, Mrs. A. D. T errell.

Meeting in Shreveport The Ark-La-Tex Section held their summer "get-to- gether", July 10t h in the new office building of the Schlumbel'ger Well Surveying Corporation in Shreveport, Louisiana. The alumni who are employees of the Schlumberger Corporatio n were hosts to the g,r oup. Rolla T. Wade '3 1, vice-president of the section, was chef-in-chief and director of cuisine and ably assisted b y Cly de H. Fink , 52 , the "chief steak turner" . J. C . Salmon , Jr. ' 22 , president of t h e section , preside d at the business meeting. Claude Valerius '25, D irector of Area No. 3 of the alumni association , was introduced b y the chairman and he introduce d " Ike" Edwards, Executive of t h e MSM Alumni Association at Rolla, The section voted to h a ve the ir



October 15 and 16

n ext meeting, th e last Saturday in S eptembe r , at T y ler, Texas , with the alumn i gro u p at Tyler as hosts. The section a lso a pproved to financ e and be hosts at a cocktail hour durin g h c m e coming a t Rolla , October 16. There were 55 a lumni and g u ests prese nt at the steak fry and it was th e con sen s us of opinion that th is gathe rin g was one of the b est they have h ad . Among those who were present were: Jimmie L ee B ean, lVIr. and Mrs. W. H . Bru e nin g '34; Harvey Coffe '55 ; Mr. and Mrs . F . H . Conley , 27; Mr. and Mrs . " Ike" Ed wards ; lVIr. a nd Mrs . Gu y Ellison '5 2; Mr. and Mrs . Ed. F arrell '41 ; Cly d e H . Fink '52; Mr. a nd Mrs. David J . Flesh , ex ' 23; Mr. and Mrs. J. M . Forgotson '22 ; Kenneth J. Gereau , ex '5 3; Bill Greer '55 ; Osh er Goldsmith ' 20 ; Mr. and Mrs . E. M. Gurnea ' 48 ; Frank H errgesell '52 ; Mr. an d Mrs. Willard S. L each ' 50; Mr. and Mrs. John H . Livingston '39; Mr. and Mrs. C . E. McGaughey '5 0; Mr . and Mrs. Wm. H . McCartney ' 16 ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Neustaedter '50 ; P eggy Parker ; Mr. a nd Mrs. T. F. Quinn , ex '07; Robert C. R a nkin '45 ; Mr . and Mrs . G. A. Rob erts ' 28; Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Ruttinger '52; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sa lmon , Jr. '22 ; Owen E . Thompson '51; Mr. an d Mrs. C . H . Valerius ' 25 ; a nd Mr. and Mrs. Rolla T . Wade '3 1.

Salt Lake News Letter Phil J. Boyer '28, S ecretary of the Salt Lake City Area S ection, has released t h e first edition of a newsletter for alum n i in that area. It is a th r ee page affair and gives news about 32 a lum ni in t h at area . Those in t h e Salt L a k e City Area (It spl ashes over into the surroundin g states) who h a ven't contacted Phil, w e would su gges t that you do so to get on his list. It is a newsy n ewsletter. H e has plans for a f all " round -up". Personals Cha rl es S. B a rkley '5 4 , has ch a nged his ad dr ess to 512 W est Ormsby. Louisville, K entuck y. Sven d E. J . H e n r iksen '53 , is now located in Austin , T exas. His a ddress there is 2106 Nu eces S t., Austin (5) . Si dn ey Cole '5 4, B .S. in Mecl1 a nica l Engineering. is now at Harvey , IlliEois. H e can be r eached i n care of the Y.M .C.A. , a t H arv ey . 9

1904 State Baseball Champs

Horace H. Clark Dies, Former Alumni Director Horace H erb ert Clark ' 15 BS , ' 37 EM , a prominent Alumni and m ember of the Board of Dire ctors , MSM Alumni Association, dieci s udd enl y in Chi c ago, Illinois, May 4, 1954 . Mr. Clark was born in Chicago , Ill ., July 15. 1886. H e received his B a c h e lor of Science in Mining Eng ineering degree in 1915 and his E. M. degree in 1937. Mr. Clark was an authority on fuels ; solid , liquid and gaseous, and their production, distribution and utilization. He served in executive positions with the P eoples Gas Company , Un ited Public Se rvice Company a nd Univ ersal Coal Compan y . During the last ten years of his life h e h a d his own consulting engineering service w ith headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. He took a very active part in alumni activities. In 1950 , h e was vice-president of the Alumni Association, and always was one of the boosters of the Chicago S e ction of the Association.

Back row, left to rig-ht: Nesbit, Gregory (Manager), Wilson , Evans ; middle> row: Quinn, F oster, Barnard; front row: King , Rush, Cummins, G rav es, Jamison.

T. F. Quinn Sends Photograph of MSM Team Which Defeated Uniuersity Nine Half a Century Ago r T. F. Quinn ex-'07 , 514 Ockley Drive, Shrev eport , Louisiana, a r e tired r ailroa d engineer, has contributed the picture of the 1904 M SM State Championship B aseb a ll t eam. Their victories included a 3 to 2 w in over t h e Univ er sity of M issouri at Columbia . The d eciding score was no t made until the tenth inning. Mr. uinn h as given t h e follow ing information, to the best of his know l edge, abo u t the p l ayers that composed the victo ri ous team. N esbit is d eceased . James A . Gregory ' 05 BS . ' 08 EM, r esid es in Newport, Arkansas and is a r etired contractor. Frank L. L . Wilson ' 08 B.S. in Mining , '19 B.S. in Metallu rgy, is livi n g in Wheaton, Illinois . H e is in the r ea l estate business . Evans is b e lieved to b e d ead. Q uinn is liv in g in Shreve port , 10

Louisiana. L ee J. Foster ' 04 , r esides at 614 Fillmore Street , D enver, Colorado. He is a r etired Burea u of R eclamation engin eer. Mr. Fo st er r eturned to Commenceme nt this yea]" t o receive, p erson a lly, t h e 50 year R ecognition Award. Th er e is n o re cord of Mr. Rush H e r esided in Marshfield a nd Springf ield , M issouri . Robert P. Cummins ' 05, is w ith th e Missouri State High way D epartme n t in Jefferson City , Misso uri. G r a ves has passed on . J am ison li ved in Rolla but th ere is no ava ila ble record co n cor n in g him . Edwin E. Slover '5 1, adv ises that he h as a position w ith the Carbide a nd Carbon s Chemical Company , in t h eir I nstit ute Plant, Institute, W est V irginia .

R. F. McCaw Stresses Need For Regional Planning Robert F. McCaw ' 27 , facilities planning division m anager of the Radio Corporation of America, was a spea ker recently at a meeting of the Camden-Trenton ( N.J.) area regional plannin g council. Bob in his discussio n presented the trends of industry to certain types of land use and their consideration of the ir prospective n e ighbor. Mr . McCaw brought out that regional planning is a ll important to induce the right industry to move into the area and they must b e ind ustries ¡good for our communities an d sta te and g ive som e thing b etter than just payrolls. In giving his views on the type of board necessary , h e stated , " Industry would w elcome some type of r egiona l pl a nning board to protect its own investment. W e want to know that the futur e growth is something w e can live with and associ ate with." MSM


MSM Alumni Prorninent in Field of Education '37


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(In each issue of the " Alumnus" we plan to give recognition to Alumni who have chosen the field of education as their profession_ These two biographical sketches are the first of o II r series.) R. ARTHUR L. BRADFORD ' 29, was a graduate of the Rolla (Mo .) High School. He received his A. B. degree from the University of Missouri in 1927, and his Master of Science (magna cum laude) fro m the Missouri School of Mines in 1929 . In 1939 he was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy degree by the G e 0 r g e Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TenA. L. BRADFORD nessee . His teaching experience began at MSM in the English Department, where he was Graduate Assistant and later instructor. This was from 1927 to 1930. From MSM, he went to the University of Minnesota as instructor in English in 1931. From 1932 to 1938 he was instructor in English at the Maplewood and Ritenour High Schools in St. Louis County, Missouri. He was graduate Assistant in Speech and English at the George Peabody College in 1938-39 where he received his Ph.D. Fortified with his Ph.D. , he became head of the D epartment of English at the Nebraska State College , Peru , Nebraska. He remained there until 1946 and then accepted a position in the English Department at the State College for Teachers, Buffalo , New York , where he is now head of the Department of English. This post he has held since 1947. Special recognition must be given his wife , Phariss Cleino Bradford '28, for she too is an MSM alumna, receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in 1928. She too was an English instructor at Buffalo State for three years but now gives full time to homemaking, church and club duties. Then, their son, Samuel Arthur Bradford '51, received his B. S. degree in Chemical Engineering at MSM in 1951. Sam, a 2nd Lt. in the Signal Corps , returned from Korea last October and is now a chemist at Pillsbury Mills , Buffalo,



New York. Their other son, Hilary Phariss Bradford, is a graduate of the University of Buffalo. He received his A.B. degree in 1950 and his LL.B. in 1953, and is now an attorney for the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court Fourth Department), Rochester, New York. Dr. Bradford has been the author of several publications. Articles on language and literature have been published in the English Journal, Quarterly Journal of Speech, Peabody Journal of Education and other professional journals. A local color short story of the Ozark region was published in the Yale Review , the Spring 1942 issue, entitled, "Ain't Nobody Perfect". Honorary, academic and professional societies of which Dr. Bradford is a member are: Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa Delta Pi, Phi Delta Kappa, and Pi Gamma Mu. His extra-professional activities in the Buffalo Literary Clinic and a member of the Board of Deacons , First Pilgrim Congregational Church, Buffalo. Their home address is 750 Richmond Avenue, Buffalo 22 , New York.

R. STRATHMORE R. B. COOKE '30 MS, '33 Ph.D. (M.U.) , is a native of Wangenui, New Zealand. His undergraduate degrees, B.Sc. in Chemistry and B.E. in Metallurgy, were received from the University of New Zealand, and a A .D.S.M. degree from 0 tag 0 S c h 00 I of Mines, Dunedin , New Zealand . His Master of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering was granted by MSM in 1930 and s . R . B. COOKE in 1933 he was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy degree by the University of Missouri with resident work at the Missouri School of Mines.


H e r eceived a scholarship from the New Zealand School of Mines during 1925-29 an d F ellowships from the U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1929-30 and 1931-33 , and the Carnegie Institute of T echnology in 1930-31. At Carnegie

Tech. he also taught Meta llurgy in 1930-31. He then came to the Missouri School of Mines and was Assistant Professor of Metallurgy and Min eral Dressing from 1936-1939 . The following year he was appointed R esea rch Professor of Min eral Dressing at the Montana School of Mines, Butte, Montana, where h e remained until 1936. That year he accepted a post at the School of Mines , University of Min nesota , as Professor of Me tallurgy and Mineral Dressing which is his l.'Jresent position. In addition to his duties at the Unive rsity of Minnesota he is consultant to the U . S. Bureau of Mines and many mining compan ies on various occasions Dr. Cooke is author and co-author of some forty articles and books on mining and metallurgy. His avocation and hobbies are , astronomy, AIpille flow e r photography and mountain climbing. From his experience in in these fi elds he has w r itten two articles which were publish ed in the " Minnesota Naturalist." The Cookes were married in 1933. Mrs. Cooke was the former Helen Cahill of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. They have one child, Bruce , age 13 years. Their home address is 4408 Zenith Avenue, North Robbinsdale , Minnesota. Births Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1. Zane, '5J are the parents of a baby boy bol'll June 24, 1954 . He has been named Stephen Robert and weighed eight pounds and eleven ounces at birth. The Zane's reside at 7138 Craig Road , Overland Park, Kansas. Jay Carroll DotSOn arrived On June 5, 1954. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay C . Dotson, '53 of 1 Nagogami Court, Rolla, Missouri. They have two other children, Bobby and David. Mr. Dotson is employed as an instructor at the Missouri School of Min es in the Mining De partment. L. J. Foster ' 04 , has just returned to his home, 615 Fillmore Street Denver, Colorado, after a trip througl~ the eastern part of the United States and Canada . He and Mrs. Foster started on the trip following the MSM Commencement this spring. Mr. Foster was present at the commencement to receive his 50 year alumni recognition award. 11

Dean's Daughter Becomes Bride of M SM Graduate iss Virginia Ruth Lee Wilson, daughter of Dean and Mrs. Curtis L. Wilson, was married at the First Methodist Church ill Rella at 4:30 p .m. on June 27th to J erry De e Plunkett, MSM '53. The wedding was performed by the Reverend Walter D. Niles, Pastor of the Methodist Church. The bride chose as h er attendants Miss Barbarn Biggard of Garden City, Long Island, New York as her Maid of Honor, and Miss Gail Hadaway of Elyria, Ohio, and Miss Avonell Stephenson of Burgettstown, Pennsylvania as her bridesmaids. All three h ad been classmates of Virginia at Oberlin College. Robert G. Fltller, son of Dr. Harold Q. Fuller of MSM Faculty, served as the bridegroom's best man. Mrs. Plunkett was graduated from Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, with the class of 1953. Last year she taught school in the second grade at Parma, Ohio. Jerry spent three years in the U. S. Air Force and was discharged with the rank of Staff Sergeant. ' Two of these years were spent in Asia as an A erial Photographer. He graduated from MSM with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Engineering in 1953 and received his Master's Degree in 1954. In January of 1954 he was appointed on a research fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, Massachusetts where he is working on his Doctor's Degree in Ceramic Engineering. H e graduated with honors at MSM bein g a member of Si'g ma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, T au B eta Pi, Sigma Epsilon , Keramos and the American Ceramic Society. J erry and Virginia will travel extensively during the summer months and this fall they w ill go to Cambridge w h ere J erry will resume his work at M.LT.

Hansen-Hailey Miss Joan Hailey and Peter Hansen, '53, exchanged marriage vows June 4, 1954 at the First Methodist Church, Rolla, Missouri. Mr. Hansen is currently employed with the Missouri State Highway Department. Next fa ll he will resume his work as an instructor in the Department of Mechanics at the School of Mines. Peter is affiliated with the Sigma Phi Epsilon Social Fraternity and also with several honorary fraternities. The couple will be at home at 301 Stuart Apartments, Rolla , Missouri.


Teagarden-An gell Dwight Teagarden, '51 , w ith his bride, was on the campus May 29. Dwight was married May 28th in St. Louis, Missouri , to Miss Joanne Angell of Alton Pass , Illinois. They are now living at 4215 Cleveland, St. Louis , Missouri. D w ight is employed by the Carter Carbura tor Co. , in St. Louis, Missouri. 12


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Plunkett Engagements William J Barnett '44 and IVliss Helen Louis Klaric have announced t he ir engagement. The wedding is to take place on August 21 at the Catholic Church of St. Mary Magdalen in Wilmington , Delaware. Bill was a member of Theta Kappa Phi on the M.S.M. campus and had extensive activities in other student organizations. H e has done graduate work at the Notre Dame University at South B end, Indiana and is now Research Associate in the department of Metallurgical Engineering at the Case Institute of Technology at Cleveland , Ohio. His a ddress at the present is Newman Hall, 2099 Abington Road , Cleveland 6, Ohio. Births Mr . and Mrs. John D. Knopp , ' 54 are parents of their first child, a daughter, born June 10, 1954 . The baby has been named Michele Marian and she weighed five pounds and eight ¡ and one-half ounces at birth. They are living at 204 East 12th Street, Rolla, Missouri. John now plans to obtain his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Missouri School of Mines. Marvin L . Hughen, '53 and Mrs. Hughen announce the arrival of Elizabeth Ann on S eptember 9, 1953. Marvin is employe d with the Blackwell Zinc Co ., Blackwell , Oklahoma. They are residing at 223, East Coll ege Avenue , Blackwell.

Simpson-Pradat Thomas A. Simpson '5 1, and Miss Susie P. Pradat were united in marriage, Saturday, July 17, at the Canterbury Episcopal Chapel, on the campus of the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are employees of the United States Geological Survey whose offices are On the University campus. Thomas is a Geological Eng in eer with the Ground Water Branch of the service and Mrs . Simpson is Chief Clerk in the office.



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Highfill -Wolfe James K. Highfill '54, was married on June, 1954 , to Miss Lois Ann Wolfe , in St. James, Missouri. The bridegroom graduated with First Honors from the Missouri School of Mines. H e received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and received a Commission as Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Corps of Engineers. James was also a member of the following Honorary Fraternities: American Society of Civil Engineers, Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, Blue Key and Phi Kappa Phi. James and his bride will reside in Wood River , Illinois .

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Roloff -Anderson Don V. Roloff, '51 and Florence Gayle Anderson were married at the Church of the Advent, Nashville, Tennessee, on July 3, 1954 . Don graduated from the Missouri School of Mines in 1951 with a degree of Bachelor of Science, Ceramics Major. He was a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity while on the campus and also served on the Rollamo Board . MSM ALUMNUS

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Employers Th rough Assistant Dean's Office el HE MSM placement service has is no charge. Submit an application. 1 been in operation many years. When an opportunity m eeting your This service endeavors to assist seniors and alumni to secure positions in industry commensurate with their training and ability. At present the Office of the Assistant Dean functions on all matters of placeme nt. Inquiries are received from industry by the placement office and various members of the faculty. Collectively these are referred to interested individuals as soon as received. No lists of firms are distributed by the school for this reason . A job lead is current for a very short period of time. The school has been embarrassed on many occasions by use of old lists giving names of individuals no longer connected with the company in addition to cases where the company's needs have been fulfilled months previous.

specifications is r e ceived you will b e notified imm ediately where to make application. For more information correspond directly with the office of the Assistant Dean , Parker Hall , Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Missouri . There are a number of MSM graduates whose services are available such as the one listed b elow. If you have need for technical personnel , send the information to the Assistant Dean concernin g the opening and assignment. SERVICES AVAILABLE : METALLURGICAL ENGINEER: 9 yea rs var-

Alumni can assist themselves and others by keeping the placement officer informed at all times . Failure on the part of applicants to inform the school on changes of address, action on job referrals, or changes in employment have resulted in names being removed from the files. Basically, an applicant should notify the school every sixty days that he is still interested in making a change and should notify the school when he no lon'ger desires placement service. The services of the p lacement officer are yours for the asking . There JUI..Y AUGUST 1954

Thanks for "Rollamos" O ur r e quest for th e "Rollamo" oJ former yea r s has greatly decreased the llu mber of missing cop ies in our fi tes. Mrs. Roberta Rowe , of Rolla , who was ve r y a ctive in camp us activities in fo rmer yea r s, co ntributed copies for the years 1907 to 1915 exce pting the yea r 1908. W eare very thankful for the gift of t hese edition s as th e older copies are th e d iffi c ult ones to sec ure.

See You at Homecoming October /5-/6

M SM Alumni Association Term Exp.



All MSM alumni are eligible to US 2 the placement service. Application can be made by letter glvmg: (a) name and mailing address ; (b) present employer and address ; (c) curricula and degree; (d) bri.ef description of job desired listing type of position wanted, area or areas in which employment will be accepted and lowest acceptable entrance sala ry (e) a statement whether or not the applicant's name and experience r ec ord may be submitted to prospective employers; and (f) a brief resume of experience. Other information can b e secured from school records .

ied experience in materia l sel ection and processing, steel mill practice. Some research and development. Desires responsible position in California.

.. .. .. .. ..... 1956

Executive Vice · Pres . .. Charles J . Potter ' 29 ........ .. .... .330 North Carpenter. . and Vice-Pres. Areas 1, 2. 3, In diana, Pennsylvania

........... 3440 Wilshi r e Boulevard . ....... .. ... ........... . 1956 L 9S Angeles, C alifornia

Vice-Pres. Area s 7, 8, 9 Barney Nue ll 'll .

Leon Hershkowitz '41 _

Sec.-Treas .

...... 195 6

....... 1118 Syndica t e Trust Bldg . St. Louis 1, Missouri

..... ......... . H a rry S. Pence '23 .

Executive Secretary, .. Franc is C . Edwards. Editor . "Alumnus"

....... .1300 Powell ... Rolla , Missouri


.. .. MSM Alumni Association Old Metallurgy Building Rolla . Missouri

DIRECTORS AT LARGE M. J. Kelly '14 .. .. . .

... ............. 463 West Stre et .... .. .... .. New York 14 , New York -


..... Lee's Summit, Mi ssouri -

19 56

... .. .... .... . Rolla , Misso uri -


J. W. Stephens '47 504 Eas t 5th

Rex Williams '3 1 ..


Area No. 1.. .

States Emb r aced


..... Enoch Needles ' 14 .. ...... .. .... ......... .............. New Engla nd , N . Y ., N. J ., East Pa. . ..........

55 Liberty St. . New York , N. Y . 2.. . . 3... 4...


Dis t. of Co lumbia , Md ., Va .. Delawa r e

.... .Claude Valerius '25 ...... 5 . Ark ., N. C .. S . C .. La ., Miss .. .......... ............. 1954 443 Gladstone St. , Shrevepo rt , L a. Ala ., G a., Fla. .. .. .. .. .S. Allen Stone '30 P . O . Box 28, Fort Wayne, Ind . .. .. ... Me l vin E. Nicke l '38 . 10601 South Leavitt Ave .

Chica'lto 43, Illinoi s 5.. ....

Term Exp .

.... ... W . Va., Ohio , W . Pa ., Ky., Tenn .. ........ ........... 1954 Ind .. (Exce pt Chicallo Industr ial Area)

.. ......... ...... . N . Ill ., Chicago Industrial Area in . ............ .. 1954 Indi ana, Wi scon sin , Michiean, Minneso ta

..Paul Dowling '40 . ........... .. .... 1400 S . 2nd. St. , St. Louis 4, Mo .

.. .. S . Ill ., E . Mo. , N . Ark.

.. .. .............. .......... .. .... 1955

6 ..... ... .... ...H . E . Zolle r '23 ..................... . .. ..... ... Iowa, W . Mo., Neb., Kan. , Okla . Ce ntra l Building, Wichita. Kan s. 7 .... ........... S . H . Lloyd '47 ....... .. ............ ....... .......... .. ...... T exas. Arizona . N e w Mexico

.. . 1956 .......... 1955

1900 Mellie E spe r son Bldg. Houston, Texas 8.. ...

.. .. William H . Burgin '40 ....... .... .................. Idaho, Montana , North Dakota, . ........ .. ......... 1954 1219 California S t.. South Dakota. Wyoming, Colorado. Denver, Colorado Nevada , Utah

9 ........... .. Barney Nu ell '21 . .. .... .. .... .. ........ ...... ..... Washington , Oregon, California . 3440 Wilshire Boule vard Los Angeles. CaUfornia

.. ..... 1955


Alumni Section Officers DENVER , CO L ORADO AREA 1\'I. I. Sig ner '2 3 - Ch a irm a n, 950 15th Stree l, Golden Color ado ; W elb y M . Kin g ' 42 - S cr eta r y, 11 02 Tro y, D en -"er , Color ad o . SALT LAKE CITY , U TAH AREA - J . E . Sleve ns '32 - C ha irm an VicePI' s. Murray Refr ac tori es Co . P . O . Box 338, Murray , Uta h ; Mr . Phillip Boyer ' 28 - Secr etary , 1476 Michiga n Av e ., Salt L a k e City, Uta h . ARK. -LA .-TEX. - J . C . Salm o n '22 Presid e nt, P . O. B ox 201 , Mind e n , Loui sian a; R. T. W ade ' 31 - Vice Pre ide n t, 730 Pi err e Mont R oad , Shre ve port, L o ui sia na; Ke nn e th J. G er ea u, E x . '53 - S ec. - Trea s ., 31 8 Coll ege St. , Shrev ep ort, L o uis ia na. ST . LOUIS , MO. , AREA - J a m es B . McGrath ' 49 - Preside nt, 5844 Lind en wood , St. L o uis, M o. ; P a ul B . Pro ug h ' 33 - 1st Vice -PI' side nt, 8 Finley R d., Kirkwo od , M o.; R ay m on d T. Ru e n he ck '5 0 - 2nd Vice Presid e nl, 573 5 B Acm e , S t. L o ui 20, Mo.; J ohn R. P o t '39 - Sec r e la r y , 9411 Tilles Dr ., Bren twood 17 , Mo.; Jose ph M oo ney Ex . '39 Trea s ur er , 7265 Northm oor Drive, Uni ve r sity City 5, Mo . SCHENECTADY, N. Y . AREA J. J . Raffon e '51 - Chairman , 2264 Nelson Drive Sch e n ec ta d y 9, N . Y. ; P a ul B. P ow ell ' 48 - S cre ta r y, 1011 Union Stree t, Sch e necta d y , N . Y. ( Quarterl y M ee tin gs o n t he fir 1 o r se'cond Tu esd ay of the mo nth ). WASHINGTON , D . C. AREA - H . A. Hollingsh ead ' 21 - Presid e n t, 902 Potom ac Ave., Apt. A - I , Ale x a ndria, Virg inia ; C . H . McDon ald '35 - Vice Presid e nt, 52 04 V a rnum St., D eca tur H ei'ghts, H ya ttsville , Maryl a nd ; Richnrd R y dstr om ' 32 - S ecr e la r y- Treas urer , 86 1 Pin ewood T err ace, Falls Churc h . Virgini a . (In f orm al m ee tin g 11 :30 a. m . e very Tu esd ay f or lun ch at Execuliv e Dinin g Ro om , 3rd flo or, P e n lago n Bld g. Con tact L t . Col. Stu a rt D a vi s '32, Ph . Lib erty 5- 6700 , Ext. 74469 or Col. J o hn J . Livin gs t on '2 7, Ph . Liberty 5-67 00 , E xt. 74081 fo r r es(, J'v a tion s.) LOS ANGELES AREA B arn ey Nu ell '21 - Ch a irman , 3440 Wil shire Blvd. , Los Angel es , Calif . SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Rob ert L . Ra y '47 - Ch a irma n, 231 5 Grant St. , Apt. 8, B e rk eley , Californi a; 14

J . E. Bryant '47 - Se cretary-Treasurer, 16022 Via Media, San Lorenzo, CalifOl·nia. KAN SAS CITY AREA - Ray O . K as len ' 43 - President, 4300 Moats Dri ve, Rte. No.3, Kansas City, Mis so uri ; Fred H. Hoener '41 - Vice P res id enl, 3305 W est 71st Street , K a n sas City , Missouri ; Don A. Riley ' 48 - S ecret a ry-Treasurer , 3910 Norledge, Kansas City, Missouri ; William H. K a mp ' 17 - Director, Lake Quiv ira, Kans as City, Kansa s; K. Taylol' Campbell ' 23 - Director, 2821 Sher m a n Ave ., S t. Joseph 29 , Missouri. N EW YORK CITY AREA - James L. H e ad ' 16 - Ch a irman , Room 1726 , 25 Broadway , New York, N w York. CHICAGO AREA J. Walter Wallace ' 48 - Chairman, 18455 Shed ha ll Ro a d , Home wood, Illinois ; John C. Ingram '13 - Secre tary , 8223 S o uth St. Lawrence Ave ., Chicago 19 . Illinois; John R. K enney '12 - Trea sur er, 2132 N. Halsted St., Chicago, Illinois; Walter A . Baumstark ' 40 Dir etor , 1381 Ashbury Ave. , Winne tk a, Illinois; Earl L. Washburn ' 42 Dire ctor , 116 Derbyshire Lane, Arlington Heights, Illinois; Roswell H . Ma veet ' 12 - Director, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Illinois; Joseph W. Howerton ' 38 - Director , W estern Ele ctric Co. , Hawthorne Station , Chicago 23 , Illinois ; E lmer Gamme t er ' 26 - Director , 823 East Sylva n Ave ., Whitefish Bay, Milwaukee 11, Wisconsin ; Judson M . Lattin '51 - D ir ector , 6916 W est Clyd e Ave., Apt . 402 , Chica go 40 , Illinois ; M elvin E . Nickel ' 38 - Dire ctor, 10601 South L eavitt Ave., Chicago 43 , Illinois.

Frizzell's Book Published By Uniuersity of Texas D o nald Frizzell, Professor of G eology a t MSM, has had publish ed , by th Univer sity of T exas, a 232 page , " H a ndbook of Cretaceous Forma minif er a of T exa s." This publicatiOn is l' a d y for distribution a nd is p erhaps prima rily of interest to advanced colleg e-le ve l students and commercial labora tory mieropaleontologists but should also b e useful to specialists. Twenty -one plates made from l in e dr a wings h av e b een painstakingly m a d e in order to give accurate illustration s for users . .

Ballots Sent Out for Election of Directors Ballots hav e b ee n sent to the 2000 m ember s of th e MSM Alumni A sso ciation for th e cas ting of votes £01' the n ominees chosen by the Nomin a tions Committee, or candidate of the ir own choice, to fill th e vacancies lhat will exist on the Boa rd of Dire ctors a t the end of the present fiscal year. The four positions to be fill ed are the Area Directors for Areas two, three, four a nd eig ht. Th e nomin ees sele cled by the committee were: Rolla T. W a d e '31 , S . Alle n S to ne '30 , M elvill E. Nickel ' 38 and Willia m H. Burgin '40, r es p ectively. Th e completed ballots are to be r e turned b y October 1sl, to e n a ble proper counting and the an nounce m e nt of th e n e w officer s at th e Annua l M ee ling of the Alumni Associa tion , O ct ob e r 16 .







F (


W. A. Giuens in Training With Cities Seruice Co.


William Arthur Giv en s '51 , ha s ac cepted a position with th e Cities Service Oil Co. (D el. ) and is in th e company 's junior engin eer training school. During his training period , wh ich ma y last as long a s on e y ear , he will b e a ssigned to various div isions within th e compa ny, be comin g familiar with its inte gra teci opera tions, after which h e will r eceive a perman e nt a ssignment. His initial a ssignm enl is with th e Oil Production division , Bartlesville, Oklahoma , hom e office of th e compa ny.


From Frigid Area to Desert Cpl. G en Kolb ' 51 , is with the 9301 TSU Ordnance Climatic Tes l Deta chme nt, Yuma T est Station, A r izo .. na. Prior to hi s Ari zona assignment he was in ce ntral Canada whe r e h e p ent last winter t es ting tru clc equipm ent under sever e winter conditions. Now h e is t es ting th e same equipme nt unde r d esert condition s . On e extre m e' to th e oth er .









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Gets Ph. D. at Syracuse Rich a rd J. Doisy ' 46 , B.S. in Chem ical Engin eering was awarded a d egree of Doctor of Philosophy at S yra cuse Univers ity at their 1954 Com m encement Exercises. MSM ALUMNUS



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Ass o. for nina· their , thal ~etors

year. 'e the hree, eeted a T. elvin Llrgin ball· I' 1st, e an· t the I\sso·

sac· Ser· I the ining riod. year, livis· ning lera· ve a litial ,due· oma,


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Two New Scholarships Given by Schlumberger cr'WO NEW SCHOLARSHIPS , with a value of $500.00 each, have been esta blishe d at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy by the Schlumberger Foundation , of Houston , T exas . The funds were m ade available to the foundation by the Schlumberger Well Surveyin g Corpo-


ration. Under the rules of the Foundatio n, the student to b e selected must have high academic standing, must be a full time student in his junior or senior year of undergraduate study and working toward a B ac helor 's D egree in eit h er Electrica l , Mechanical, Petroleum Engineering , Physics or Geology . All students must complete a t least twelve hours of study in Electricity before graduation. The scholarships are to be know n as the " Schlumberger Collegiate Awards". Dean Curtis L. Wilson has appointed a committee of the faculty to select the recipients of the awards for the coming year and this committee, headed by the Ac:sistant Dear , Vp':'non A. C. Gevecke r , has unanimously recommended that the awards go to Ken Frank Steffen , of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, and Norman Laverne Walker, of Harrison, Arkansas. Both of these students are Juniors in Electrical Engineering and both ar e in the top ten per cent of the Junior Class. The scholarships will b e effective for the academic year of 195455. The Schlumberger Foundation will match each of these scholarships with a like amount as a contribution to the School of Mines an d Metallurgy. The thousand dollars so contributed may be used by the school for w h atever purpo se it desires. The Schlumber ger W ell Surveying Corporation, which is engaged in the P etroleum Industr y , has a considerable number of School of Mines graduates in its employ. J . D. Derry To New Position


de' yra·


J. D. D erry '4 0 is no longer connected w ith the West Virginia Coal and Coke Corpora tion. H e is now chief engineer at Ethel Chilton Mines , Inc. , Ethel , P ennsylva nia. JULY AUGUST 19 5 4

MSM Alumnus Has Part In Revision of Textbook Professor John C . Miles '31, in cooperation w ith two other professors , are revising the popular tex tbook, " S team, Air and G as Power" , by S evern s and D egl ar. The new edi tion is about 50 p ages larger than the old edition and includes recent developments and ~uggestions made by previous users . New chapters are included on Gas Turbines a nd Mechanical Refrigeration, and the chapter on Air Compressors h as been expanded to include rotary compressor s. Much of the existing coverage is new or r e written and a number of new p roblems and illustrations have been added. The book is to be published by ' John Wiley & Sons, Inc. John is a MSM ·graduate in Mech anical Engineering, receiving his degree in 1931 and he is now Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois. He is a brother of Dr. Aaron J . Miles, h ead of the Mechanical Engineering D epartment at MSM.

Ohio Civil Engineer Has Controversy With Union The Ohio Engineer (published by the Ohio SPE ) reports the case of a yo ung civil engineer who refused to join a union and was removed from his job by his employer. L. Stewart McCo y, an Engineer-inTraining enrollee with the Ohio State Board of Re gistration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors, was Chief of Party for T erry & Wright, contractors on a section of the Ohio Turnpike . After twice r efusing to forc e their employees to join the International Union of Operation Engineers, Terry and Wright agreed to replace rodmen and chainmen with union m en. McCoy still r efused to join the union an d was r eassigned to office work b y his employer. McCoy filed chal'>ges with the Nationa l Labor R ela tions Board against union offici als and also against the company. The complaint stated that h e did not desire to join the union, that the union held him up to discrimination by his employer in the type of work he may perform and for which he is .professionally q ualified , and that such coercion was un- · fair l abor practice.

ALUMNI PERSONALS 1910 Albe rt Park w ill r eceive hi s mail at B ox 493 , Casper, Wyoming.

1912 Du ane M. Klin e gives his ne w address as B ox 168, Baxter Springs , Kansas.

1913 Scoville E. Hollister visite d the campus on June 1st. This was his second visit to IVL S.lVI. since graduation. H e is a consulting engineer in mining and metallurgy in California. His home address is 2340 Avocado T errace, Puente, California.

1914 Roy N. McBride states his n e w address is 1611 First National Bank Building, Dallas 2, Texas .

1916 John R. Ivlaher is nOw residing at 1064 Marshall Avenue , St. Paul, Minnesota .

1917 F. P . Shayes is living at 307 Meldo Park Drive , Corpus Christi , Texas.

1922 William W. Bolt can be reached at P.O. Box 356, Pawnee, Illinois. D a niel E . Huffman writes that h e is now employed b y the Central Arizona Concrete Association and the Association of Concrete Pipe Manufactures of Arizona. His home address is 736 E . Turney, Apt. 5, Phoenix, Arizona.

1923 E. Rowla nd Tragitt advises the a lumni office his address has changed to 526 East Cherry Lynn Road , Phoenix , Arizona.

1927 John E McCauley is with Sloan , Cook & Lowe, Consulting Engineers , 120 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 3, Illinois. John resides at 957 Oneida Street, Joliet, Illinois. 15




1929 L t. Col. J ohn H . H a hn h as been tran sfe rred t o th e M unic h D e tach m e n t, 0-25 9358 , 7822 Ar m y Unit, AP O 407 , N w Yo rk , Ne w York .

1932 J a m es H. D elan ey an d w ife w er e campus vis itor s in June . Jim pla n s t o complete work for h is p r ofessiona l d egree n ex t y ea r . H e h a s d e v el op ed a n ew process for dry in g coa l. H is a ddress is st ill B ox 906, Z eigler , Illinois .

1933 B ertra m L . U lr y is r esidin g a t 1146 9 69th Place, So u th , Seattl 88 , W as hin gto n . B e rt is e mp l oyed by t h e Sta t e of W a shin g to n , D epartmen t of G a m e , 50 9 F a irv iew Av enue , North , S eattle, W a s hin g ton . W a lte r H. Bra Un ha s move d t o 1828 Ce n te r Str eet , R oy a l Oak, IVIich iga n .

1935 Willi am H . McDil.l g iv es his n e w a ddr ess a s 3858 Tild e n , C ul ver City , Ca lifo rnia B e rt Me nke is li vin g a t 661 5 Un iver s ity D riv , U ni ve r s it y City 5 , Misso uri . B e rt is w or k i ng fo r t h e Me nke Printin g Co., 1804 Cho ut ea u Stree t , S t . Lo uis 3, M isso uri . Ma x E. E d ga r s tates hi s n ew a d dress is Gl ac ie r Natio n a l P a r k , W,est Gl ac ie r , Mo ntan a.

1936 Al bert A lper is with M itz & A lper , Structura l E ng in ee rs , 3147 D elma r Blvd ., Un ive r sity C ity 24 , M issso uri .

1938 H . Raymo n d R oger s is em ployed b y t h e U . S . Corps of E ngi neers , Sou t h w est e rn Div i io n OHi ce , D alla s , T exa s . H is h om e a dd ress is 605!l B elg r a d e Ave n u e, D alla s 27 , T exa s . Fre dri c A . Won n is n ow a t S a cr am e nto , Ca lif o l'l1i a. res id in g a t 22 06 10th Av n ue.

1939 , J ack W . Moor' wri tes th a t h e w ill now r e ce ive his m a il at 324 M ayo S tree t , Ta ll a h assee , F lo rid a 16

John R. McDonald h a s move d t o 1016 43rd Street, Waco , Texa s.

1940 B ento n H . Martin is w orking for the Socorro Ma nganese Corporation , Socorro , New M exico . B e nton 's home a ddress is Box 67 5, Socorro, N ew M exico. Ca rl H . Cotterill is n ow r ess iding a t B a rre tt Sta tion Ro a d , Rt. 1, B ox 26 8, Ma n ch ester , Missouri. F . Hugh Wilson is R egion a l G eologis t fo r the Tide -W a t er A ssocia ted Oil Co ., Box 1404, Houston , T exas . H e gives his home address a s 2712 P ortsmouth, Houston .

1941 H erb ert A. Volz, 24 Marqu 2tte R oad , Pittsburgh 29, P ennsylvania, is a S af ety D ev elopme nt Engineer for the Callery Chemical Co ., Ca ller y , P ennsylva nia.

1942 Charles H. J a coby is with the Inte rna tional Salt Co. , 12841 Sande rs Street, D e troit, Michiga n. Charles giv es his home address a s 1265 MonrO e Stree t, Dearborn, Michiga n. H a rry F . Robertson is Mining En gineer for the Pla t e au Ura nium Mining Corporation , Grand-Junction, Colora do. Harry r esides at 2345 T ex as Avenue, Grand-Junction . M a rk W . B e ard now lives a t 220 5 F er g uson Drive, Monte b ello , California. Rob er t J. W e iss is Manage r of th e Z eidler Concre t e Pipe Co., Joplin , Missouri. Bob is living a t 419 Moffet, Joplin.

1943 H en r y N . Sloa n st a t es tha t his n ew ad dr ess is 1047 J olie t Stree t, L a Sa lIe, Illinoi s . Ira L . P erkin s gives his home a d d r ess a s 103 M a diSO n Ave nue , R ed Ba nk, N ew J e r sey. Ira is employed b y t he E a gle P ich er Co ., F oot Bla n c ha rd Str e et, N ew a rk , N ew J e r sey. E d w a rd S . Fri s h as moved t o 132 92 Wa k e Ave nue , S a n ta A n a , Ca lifor ni a . J o h n O. Wilms is livin g a t 325 South Arnm or e , Los An geles 5, Ca li forn ia.

1944 K e nne th Rud ert resides at 356 Tom Hunte r Roa d , F t. L ee , New J ersey. Glen Sta ley, Jr. is pre sently locate d at the Winter s G en e ral Hospital, Topek a , K a n sas . It is uncertain how long Glen will r e m a in in the hospit a l.

1945 Kor U ye ta k e gives his m a iling address as 80 8 N e whouse Bldg. , Sa lt Lake City , Utah . B . J . Spa rlin writes tha t his a ddr ess is now 151 Orcha rd Drive , Pittsburgh 35 , Pa .

1947 B. W . Nichols will r eceive his mail at Box 1029 , Santa Rita , N e w M exico . H erma n M a nsfield is empl oy ed b y the Wright A eronautica l Division, Woodridge , N ew J ersey . His home a ddress is 14-33 Cha ndle r Drive , Fairlawn , N e w J ersey . Albe rto E . Olivares's address is Ave nida Lima , Los Ca robos, Qta Ma rinov , Cara cas, V en ezuela. 1\[orman R a nkin is now r esiding at 603 % Madison Avenue, Jefferson City , Missou ri . Willia m C . Wunnick writes of hiS change of a ddresss to Box 1540, Midla nd , T ex a s. Willia m is still wor king for the Stanolind Oil & G a s Co ., a nd has b een promote d fr om Farm Boss to Tool Push er. G eorge W a lpert has move d to 517 13th S t r eet , Nor t h , T exa s City , T ex as. Thom as R. Pierce is a G eologist for the T ennessee Division of G eology , G- 5 Sta t e Office Bldg., N a shville , T e nn essee. Tom will r eceive his m a il at Rt. 3 , M t. Juliet, T enne ssee.

1948 W a lter F. Smith gives his he>m e ad dress as 843 Bunker Hill Ave nu e, Trenton , N ew J er sey . Rob ert lVI . R ock is empl oyed a s an E xca v ation Engin eer for th e Ame rican Community Builder s, P a rk Forest , Illinois. H e is living at 1415 Sunn yside Ave nue, Chica go H eights , Illinois . David P . P et erse n is with the Stull's Ch emica ls, Inc ., 117 Humble MSM A LUMNU S




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Avenue , S a n Antonio 11 , Texas. Da vid's home address is 718 B y rnes Drive, San Antonio 9, Texas. Jerome D. Novotny has bee n named fi eld seismograph supervisor for Stanolind Oil & Gas Co .' s Lubbock Texas District where h e will supervise seismic operations. He joined Stano lind after graduation , as a junior computer with a seismograph party . Sinc e then he has been on various seismograph functions both in a staff a nd supervisory capacity. James W. Hoelscher will r e ceive his m ail at Box 165 , Port Sulphur, Louisiana. James is working for the Freeport Sulphur Co. , Port Sulphur. Vincent V. Valleroy states that h e is with the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas , Lawrence , Kansas . Albert G. McGuire, Jr. has moved to 675 Holbrook Drive , Idaho Falls , Idaho. Albert is with the Phillips P etroleum Co. , N.R.T.S., Idaho Falls. Jesse Ross is residing at 5941 Brownleigh , Berkeley 21 , Missouri . J esse is working for the Shell Oil Co. , Woodriver Refinery, Woodl'iver , Illinois. Paul E. Hoey gives his new address as 1925 Woodside Drive , Augusta , Georgia. Roger E. Nowlin is now living at 1727 Albany Street, Schenectady, New York. Bob L . J.V[ornin is employed with the Coors Porcelain Co ., Golden , Co lorado. Bob gives his home address as 3885 Pierce Street , Wheatridge , Colorado

1949 Elbert A. Grimsle y will receiv e his mail at 104 West 5th, Stanberry, Missouri. R. A. Isringhaus is now employed with Midwest Rubber Reclaiming Co. of East St. Louis, Illinois in Production Research. His mailing address is 1231 Laire Drive , St. Louis County 15, Missouri. Charles H. Lloyd was a campus visitor On June 3rd. Charles's business address is: P. Kretzer & Sons , Inc. , 32-15 Lawrence Street, Flushing 54, New York. He resides at 29 Pine Cresent, Toronto , Ont., Canada. Forrest G. Robinson is with Consulting Engineers, Flagg & Corlew , JULY AU GU ST


116A, St. Louis Street, Edwardsville , Illinois . Forrest gives his residence address as Carpent er Road , Edward sville, Illinois. William E. Turner is now living at 1505 Lincoln, Little Rock , Arkansas. William is in the Engineering D epartment of the Misso uri Pacific Railroad Co. , Little Rock. Thurston B. Howard is residing at 3645 Woodmont Road , Toledo , Ohio. H e is emplo yed b y th e Sun Oil Co. , P.O. :j3ox 1004, Toledo. Joseph R. Sculley, Sr., is in the Plant Engineering Depa rtment of the Flintkote Co. , East Ruther ford , New J ersey . Joe r esides at 264 Gordon Drive, Paramus , N ew Jersey . D aniel N. Miller , Jr. states that his new address is 361-D Deep Edd y Apts., Austin , T exas . ' D a nie l is with the University of Texas. John T. Moran writ'es that h e is presently emplo yed as a Mining Engi,neer for the National L ead Co. , St. Louis Smelting and Refining Division a t Fredericktown , Missouri. His home address is R.F.D. 3, Fre dericktown. Howard R. Myers is with the Cal ifornia State Highway Department, Stockton Offic e. Howard gives his home address as 3252 Birdsa ll Avenue, Oakland , California. Harry L. Rose is now living at 149 6th Avenue, San Manuel, Arizona. James S. Hopkins , Jr. is employed b y W estinghouse Electric Corpora tion, 95th & Troost, Kansas City , MissoHri . James will receive his mail a t 9121 W estern Hills Drive, Kansa s City. Ch a rl es H. H eitze bert is now residing at 6714 Hancock Avenue, St. Louis 9, Missouri. Charles is with the Electrical Engineering Departm ent, WashingtOn University. St. Louis 5, Missouri. Therold W. Perkins has moved to B e ul a h Church Road , Box 52 , F ern Creek 1, K entucky . William L. Griffith gives his new address as 518 North Vin e, Monroe Ci ty , Missouri. R. L. Klug visited the campus on July lOth. H e is a S ervice Enginee r with the Caterpillar Trac tor Co. , P eo ria , Illinois. William J. Lawrence will receive his mail at 27 Brentwood Blvd. William is working for the Convair Air-

craft Corporation, Fort Worth , T exas. Murray Schmidt is now at Kansas City, Missouri, residing at 4935 Hol ly Street. Charles L enzini is living at 5630 P ershing A venue , Apt. 115, St. Louis , Missouri. Stanley R. Hrach is wit.h Wm . Hrach & Sons, 8001 Van Buren Avenue, St. Louis, 11 , Missouri. Stanley gives his r esidence addl'ess as 9902 Kenyon Court, Rock Hill 19 , Missouri. Laurence Spanburger's mailing ad dress is 5020 Northfield Drive , R. R. 14, Ft . Wa y n e , Indian a .

1950 Edgar L. Bueker who has been with Vicker, Ind., Presstite Engineering Co., & American Car Foundry Co. , has joined the Rese arch and D e velopment Department of the Explo sive Division of Olin Industries, ,Inc. , Headquarters , East Alton, Illinois. Elmer W. Friske can be r ea ched at 900 Crystal, Taft, California. Fred D. Cochran of Grandview , Missouri , is with th e Kan sas City Power & Light Co-. John E . Muehring has moved to 705 North Elm, N ewton , Kansas. 1st Lt. Charles J. Reed, J1'. is with the U. S. Army Engineers Combat Bn. , APO 541, c/ o P .M. New York , New York . His permanent address is P.O. Box 4, Willow Springs , Missouri. Robert L. Fossi advises his address has changed to 1326 Kingsley Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. William J. Rupprecht is presently employed with the American Brake Shoe Co ., National Bearing Division , 4930 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis 10, Missouri. Bill will r eceiVe his mail at 1341 Od essa Driv e, st. Louis 15, Missouri . Kenneth R. Bradley r esiding at 2530 North Tom Green Avenue, Odessa , Texas, is with th e Oil w ell Supply Co. James E. McDonald writes that his address is now c/ o Fletcher-MerrittRaymond Kawerau Mill, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. James is working on a Paper Mill Construction pro ject. J . W Parks is employed by the Olin Industries, East Alton , Illinois. 17




His home address is 200 St. Nicholas Lane, Florissant, Missouri. Robert J. Remacle has joined the staff of the Indiana Standard Oil Co., 2400 New York Avenue, Whiting, Indiana. Bob will receive his mail at 956 East Nolema~ Street, Centralia, Illinois. Vernon S. Severtson is with the W a llboard Production Department, U . S. Gypsum Co., Sweetwater, T exas. His mailing address is 811 E. 14th, Hillcrest Apt 12, Sweetwater. Warren E. McNely is now at Oakland, California , residing at 283 Parkview T errace. His employer is the Indenco Engieners, Oakland, California James O. Hilburn gives his new address as 2704 33rd Street, Lubbock, Texas. J ames is employed by the Stanolind Oil & Gas Co., P. O. Box 268, Lubbock, Texas. James L . Hetherington is working for Humphrey's Gold Corporation, Starke, Florida. He w ill receive his mail at Box 71, Keystone Heights, Florida. Lt. Edward P. Kyburz h as been called to two years active duty in the army. H e has been assigned to the Engineer Center at Fort Belvoir , Virginia. His mailing address is Apt. 416-B, Fort B el voir, Virginia. Thomas W. White, Jr. is r esiding at 407 Henry Street, Alton, Illinois. His employer is the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana , Woodriver, Illinois. H erbert P. Kuebrich is Division Metallurgist for the ThompSOn Production Inc ., Metallurgical Production Division, 23555 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Herb r esides at 12622 Edmonton Avenue, Cleveland. Seymour Subitzky writes that he has moved from Alexandria , Virginia to 2412 J efferson Park Avenue, Charlottesville , Virginia. Donald C. Griffin is now working in the Glass Laboratory in the Electronic Tube Division of Raytheon Manufacturing Co ., Newton, Massachusetts. Don states that his address has changed to 29-9 Garden Circle, Waltham, Massachusetts . Francis D . Lyons of 1830 South Robberson, Springfield , Missouri, is with the Misssouri State Highway D epartment. Peter B. Kelly of 123 West Aarup Street, Springfield, Illinois is now 16

with the Orr Engineering Co., Consulting Engineers, Minneapolis, Minnesota. George D. Miller is with the Joy Manufacturing Co. , 33 Oliver Bldg., Pittsb urgh, P ennsy lvania. George is living at 3215 South 48th Street, Milwaukee 15, Wisconsin. Erine V. Mason is now residing at 1170 North San Antonio Avenue, Pomona, California. Joe E. Randle , Jr. is with the Aircraft Division of General Motors, F airfax , Kansas City, Kansas. Joe lives at 4424 North Viginia , Kansas City 16, Missouri. Omega N . Moreland is Process Supervisor for National Lead Co ., Fred ericktown , Missouri. He gives his r esid ence address as 303 Newberry, Fred ericktown. 1st Lt. Geo'r ge W. Mabie gives his home address as 5176 Cobb Drive, Dayton, Ohio. George is a Weap?n System Engineer, Bombardment Aircraft Division , Wright Air Development Center, Wright-PattersOn AFB, Ohio . Donald H . Jenkins, Jr. has moved to 1725 Green Acres, T opeka, Kansas. His emploY'e r is the Goodyear Tire & Rubb er Co., Topeka . William W. Wilkins, Jr. is working for the Ferro Corporation, 5309 South District Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca lifornia . He resides ,at 1330 Voorhees Avenue, Manhattan Beach, California. James E. Miller will receive his mail at Box 2212, Rutherford , New J ersey. James is employed by Howard, Needles, Tammen & Borgendoff, 55 Liberty Street, New York, N ew York .

1951 J ohn E. Synott will receive his mail at Box 311, Port Morgan, Coho rado . Raymond C. Cathcart gives his address as Box 895, L ake Jackson, Texas. Robert C. Slankard writes that his new address is 722 East vVi!.herbee Street, Flint, Michigan. James E. B a llew is employed by the Service Pipe Line Co., :Sox 1!:17~'. Tulsa 2 , Oklahoma. James res ides at 1919 South Evanston, Tulsa 4. Okl ahome.

Donald W. Schmidt is in the Mining Engineering Department, Chino Mines Division , Kennecott CC'pper Corporation, Santa Rita, New l'.'Iexico. Jean L . Meyer writes that he is entering military service On July 21, 1954. His p ermanent mailing address will be: c/ o Lawrence J . C . Me:;er, 11 Cherry Street, Union, Missouri. Thomas C. Browne is residing at 2115 Orchard Drive, South Plainfield, New Jersey. James Salmos, residing as 152 Broadway, Haverhill, MassachUl'ett.s, is emplyoyed with the Watertown Arsenal, Watertown, M assachusetts. Roy G . Woodle, Jr. is Ap.rophysics Engineer for Convair, Fort Worth, Texas. Roy will r eceive his mail at Rt. 2, Box 608 , Ft. Worth , T exas. Homer E . Steuck gives as his temporary a ddress : P .O. Box 942 , Canon City, Colorado. Homer is prospt'cting for uranium during the summer months. George W . Comanich wntes t :1at h e is e mployed as Assistant Engineer in the Division Office of the T exas Eastern Transmission Corp. He giv(-s his residence address as 304 Calvin Blvd., S eymour, Indiana. Dale F. L ackey is w ith G eneral Electric Co. , Sche necta d y, New York. His mailing address is P.O. Box 213, Burnt Hills, N ew York. Harry W a lker is now living at 605 W est P age Street, V andalia , Missouri. Harry is working for the Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. , Vandalia, Missouri. Harry W. Smith is employed by the American Lava Corporation , Chattanooga, T ennessee . L . H. Borgerding gives his perman ent address as Rt. 2, Box 67, Marthasville, Missouri . Daniel Meyer is employe d with the U.S.G.S ., Box 133, Rolla, Missouri. Daniel gives his residential a ddress as 236 Grand Avenue, Kirkwood 22 , Missouri. Richard L . Dickens was a campus visitor recently. Richard is with the W estinghouse Electric Corporation, 1232 Fidelity Union Life Bldg., 1511 B y ron Street, Dallas, T exas. M. Dean Kleinkopf is attending graduate school, Columbia University. His home a ddress is 156 Ames Avenue, L eonia, New J ersey. MSM ALUMNUS

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1952 George MacZura has moved to 1913 Magdalina , East St. Louis" Illinois. James C. Hall is now residing at 2630 North Palo Verde , Tucson , Arizona. Murray N. England is now employed by the McDonnell Aircraft Co. , in their Airplane D esign Section . His mailing address is 303 Roberta, Ferguson 21 , Missouri. Darus S. Westmoreland, Jr. is with the Bureau of Reclamation, P. O. Box 264, Indianola , Nebraska. William H. Bowlin is living at 3229 Denver Drive , Kansas City, Missouri. M. W. Steadman , 112 Radisson Road , Marquette Heights , North P ekin, Illinois , is employed with the Caterpillar Tractor Co ., P eoria , Illinois . Lt. William A. Finnegar's present address is 304th Engineer Avn. Group, Beale A .F.B., California. This is only temporary. After September 1st, his address will be 279 Okell Street, Buffalo 20, New York. H erbert E. Miller is Field Engineer in the ' Wewonah Field Office , Tennessee Coal & Iron Co. , Bessemer, Alabama. His home address is 112 Van Drive, Midfield, Alabama. Thomas E. Steinbaugh is now living at 2812 Pearl , Santa Monica, California . Joe Andrews has recently moved to 502 Clifford Street, Harrison , Arkansas . Ensign Edward L . Vickers' address is U .S . Navy, USS Reclaimer CARS42) , c/ o F .P .O ., San Francisco, California. Byron L. Keil resides at 1000 W est 12th Street, Odessa , Texas. John H. Mann is with the Naval Air Missile Test Center, TS 22 , P t . Mugu, California. John lives at 212 Woodley Road, Oxnard , California. James H . Tankersley is Process Supervisor for the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co ., 69 University Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. H e will receive his mail at 2440 Cogar Drive , D ecatur , Georgia . Richard H . Bauer a dvises his change of address to 10032 Dellridge Lane, St. Louis County 21 , Missouri. Allan A. Cole, Jr has signed a contract with the Cerro de Pasco JULY AUGUST


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 2:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M.

.. ................. ..... Board of Directors Meeting, Conference Room Parker Hall. .. ................ Dutch Treat Dinner Depot.

Pine Room, Greyhound Bus

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 9:00 A.M ................................ Registration -

10:45 A.M . .. ........... ...... .. . 12:30 P.M.

Hosts St. Louis Section -


.. Class and Fraternity Reunions

2:30 P.M.

.. Football -

7:00 P.M.

9:00 P.M ..

...Annual Meeting MSM Alumni Association , Auditorium - Parker Hall.

.. ...... Open House nant Hotel

12:30 P.M.

9:00 P.M ......

Parker Hall.

Miners vs. Maryville State College.

.. ... Homecoming Dinner Long. .. .......... Homecoming Dance -

College Inn , Hotel Edwin Jackling Gymnasium .

.. ............ Open House - Hosts, Ark-La-Tex Section Room, Greyhound Bus Depot.

Corporation to work in their Peruvian operations . Allan left for P eru on July 2nd. Richard C . Cooper's mailing ad · dress is CIA Morrison-Knudsen d e Brazil, Caix Postal 1035 , Recife , Pernambuco , Brazil, .South America. Richard is with the Westinghouse Engineering & S ervice D epartment in South America. Franklin L . Moore informs that h e has moved to Rt. 1, F enton , Missouri. Russell R. Strite is a Chemist with the C . No . Division , Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah .

1953 Lt. Eugene J. Kirk graduated from basic jet pilot school July 22nd , and was awarded the silver wings of a United States Air Force pilot. Eugene entered the USAF pilot training program in July , 1953 . H e was first assigned to Lackland Air Base, T exas for primary pilot training . From there h e was sent to Bryan Air Force Base, southeastern Texas, for basic single engine jet training . Upon graduation he was granted a delay enroute b efo r e r eporting to another

Air Force training.

base for

a dvanced


j et

Richard O. Holland is now living at 226 Sout h West Street, Nevada , Missouri. G eorge W . Thompson h as rece ntl y moved to 2015 7th Street, South , St. P etersburg 5, Florida. Lt. D e w ell O . Thrall can b e reached at 332 Engineer Combat Group, Ft. L eonard Wood, Missouri . H enry M . Cole will r eceive his mail at 3135 Ea st 7th Street, J oplin , Missouri. Svend E. H enriksen writes that h e is no longer employed by the G eop h ysical S ervice Inc . Svend will r e ceive his mail c/ o Professor E . K . H enriksen, College of Engineering, University of Missouri , Columbia, Missouri William G . Meyers resides at 8301 Fayette , Philadelphia, P ennsylvania. David L Steele is with U. S . Gypsum Co ., Southard, Oklahoma . D avid's home address is P .O . Box 77 , Southard , Oklahoma. 2nd L t. H e nry R . Willis is now stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood , Missou ri. His mailing address is: 01929735 , 19




Co . A, 398 E.B.C. Ft. Leonard Wood , Missouri. Albert A. Fosha, Jr . is stationed with U. S. Army in Korea. Albert's permanent address is 3725 Berkel ey, Alton, Illinois. Pvt. Edward L. Creamer 's mailing address is US 55427793, 551 Engin eering Co., (Survey Base), APO 942 c/ o P.M. S eattle, Washington . Randal Lee Garten is e mployed with the Missouri Pacific R R, Osa watomie, Kansas . Randal lives at 711 Main Street, Osawatomie. Raymond J . William is with the Cleveland Diesel Division of Genera l Motors, 2160 West 106th, Clevela nd , Ohio. H e r esides at 18042 Midvale Avenue, Cleve land 11 , Ohio. 2nd Lt . G e rald J. LaBouff a t the present is serving overseas . His overseas address is 01929723 , Co. " C" Engineer Bn , APO 25, c/ o P.M. San Fra ncisco, Ca liforn ia. His permanent address is 270 8 Southw est Trail , St . Joseph, Missouri. William E. Be nnett can be reached c/ o E. A . Rich a rds , Rt . ' 1, Brighton , Missouri. George F. McCormick states that his n ew address is 3151 East Colora ¡ do Street, P asa de n a 8, California. L. C. Prickett will receive his mail at P e quot Ave nue, Thompsonville, Connecticut. L . James R eger informs that his new address is 5 Te rr ace Circle , Mexico, Missouri. Lawrence L. Rosine can be reached c / o Midwest R esearch Institute, 4049 Pennsylvania, Ka nsas City 11 , Misso uri. 2n Ll Lt. William F. Oberschelp writes at present he is servin g as C. O. of H eadquarters & S erv ice Co. in the 439th stationed in Korea. Bill states th at h e has run into many M.S.M . Alumni serving in Korea , amon g the m: Bob Ruppe rt '53 , Jim Tie tj n s '53, John Eva n s ' 52 , Chuck Anderson '53. Bill's mailing a ddress is 01 929866 , H / S Co. 439 th Engineer Bn. ( Con st.), APO 20, c/ o P.M. San Francisco, Ca lifo rnia. William L . Crawley w ill r eceive his m a il at 4254 McKee, St. Louis 10 , Misso uri .

1954 H erb ert E. Lin coln , III, is em ployed w ith the U. S. G y psum Co. , 300 W est Ad a ms S t r eet, Chicago 6, 20

Illinois. Herb will r eceiv e his mail at 103 East Willia ms Street, Waterloo , New York . James A. Hubeli is with the Anaconda Copper Mining Co ., Great Falls Reduction Dep a rtment, Box 151 , Great F a lls, Montana. His home address is 3822 Detonty Street, St. Louis 10, Missouri. James M. McMullin has moved to 3100 Santa F e, Corpus Christi, Texas . Eugen e F. Trytko w ill rece ive his mail at P.O . Box 376. Mountville, P ennsy Iva nia. How a rd J. Yorston writes that his new address is c/ o Ca rte r Oil Co. , Box 661, Magnolia , Arkansas. Richard O. Slates is living at 3225C 34th Street, S a ndia Base , Albuqu erque , New Mexico . Richard is employed with the Sandia Corporation in Albuquerque. Yen-Ngen Wang informs tha t his n ew a ddress is 6025 -27 H a ppel' Avenue , Chicago 37 , Illinois. Richard H. Stevens sta tes his change of address to 1008 Cherry Street , Alcoa , T ennessee. Ri chard is working for the Aluminum Co. of Amrica , Alcoa. Carl G. Davis writes that h e is now living at 4160 Meadows Drive, Apt. D-2 , Indianapolis, Indiana. Carl h as accepted employ ment as a Project Engineer in the Allison Division of General Motors. P a ul E. R a msey is with the Stanolind Oil & Gas Co . H e gives his home address as 106 1f2 Ash Street , Dun can, Okla homa. Arthur F. Dilworth can b e r ea ched

at 2015 West 45th Ave nue, De nve r , Colorado. Joseph S. Watkins a dvises the a lumni office his address has changed to 932 15th, Boulder , Colorado. C. L . Alburtis writes of his change of address to 952 West Decatur Street, Decatur, Illinois. Wing Che uk Lo is now employed with the Crane Co. in Chicago , Illi nois. His mailing address is 1531 East 61st Street , Chicago 37 , Illinois. Ralph L . Holloche r has a ccepted a position with the Ca terpillar Tracto r Co ., P eoria , Illinois . Ralph will r eceive his mail at 3637 Childress , St. Louis , Missouri. Robert B. Hopler , Jr . .gives his mailing address as 47 Samson Avenue, S easid e Heights, New J e r sey. Bob is working fo r the St. Joseph Lead Co ., Bonne Te rr e, Missso uri. Eugene W . Vaughn is with the Al coa Aluminum Co. , Da v e nport, Iowa. Harry E. Poe has accepted a position with RCA , Camde n , New . J ersey. Harry gives 514 Sunset Blvd., Cape Girardeau , Missouri, as his perman ent a ddress . J ohn D. Roberts is working for the Allison Division of G e nera l Motors, India napolis, Indiana. John can be r eached at 913 W est Court Street, Paragould , Arkansas. Arnold G . Reynolds is employed by Gene ral Electric Co ., Owensboro, Kentucky. T om Crutche r r esides at 715 West 11th Street , Rolla , Missouri. Tom is with the Misso uri G eological Sur vey, Rolla.

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