Missouri S&T Magazine May-June 1955

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S2nd Annual Commencement DR. ELMER ELLIS , President oj the Univ ersity of J1!I'issoul'i, con/ ened the def!,l'ees at the 82nd Annual Commencem ent at the Nlissoul'i School of Mines and M etallurgy. This was the first fo rmal graduation Dr. Ellis has participated in since beco'm ing Pl'esident oj th e Univel'sity,

Volume 29-Number 23

May-June 1955

MSM Alumni Association

President's Column HE EIGHTY - SECOND Commencement was observed at Rolla on May 30, 1955 and 223 graduates have entered the work-aday world. To ma n y, work is no novelty, whereas there are those that have been but lightly exposed to it. And many have had their share of not only toil , but battlefield toil. And many are a lrea d y the heads of families. But whatever their background and whatever their present status, to all it will be a n ew a nd exciting experience. For they have cast off and from now on they are on their own. They all are m embers of the Alumni Association until Nov . 1, 1956 , by virtue of a year's free ride which t h ey receive. W e have enco uraged them to continue their membership after that date. Whether they do or not d epends somewhat on the respect for MSM that they carry with them, but largely to the a lumni contacts that they make during the next year or two. May I encourage you older alumni to take an active part in helping these men and their families toward getting establish ed in their new scheme of things. Spend some time w ith them and see that they h ave an opportunity to make new friends an d become a part of their new environment. Sincerely, Harry S . P ence, President


Released From Active Duty Roy C. Cornett '38, h as been rel eased from active duty with the U. S. Corps of Engin eers and opened his own office as a Management Consultant at 4718 Fitzhugh, Richmond 26 , Virginia . Lt. Col. Corne tt is still active in the r eserve corps.

300 More Contributors Needed to The Alumni Fund. Have YOU Sent Yours? 2


Term Exp.

President ..................................... Harry S. P e nce '23 ... ......... 1118 S y ndic ate Trus t Bldg... St. Loui s 1. Missouri


Exec utiv e Vice-Pres ... Charles J. Potter ·29 ........ 330 North Carpenter . ..... and Vice-Pres. Areas 1. 2 . 3. India n a. P e nnsylvania


Vice-Pres. Areas 7. 8. 9 ..... Barney Nuell '21...


.......... 344·0 Wilshire Boulevard... Los Angeles. Cali fo rni a

Sec.-Treas .. ...................................... L eon H ersh ko w i tz ·41. .... 1300 Powell.... Rulla. Mi sso uri


Executive S ec retar y . ........... Francis C. Edwards ......... MSM Alumni Association Editor. " A lumnus" O ld M e tallurgy Buildin g Rolla. M issou ri DIRECTORS AT LARGE M. J. K elly '14 ................................................................... 463 Wes t Street .... New York 14. New York -


J. W.


Stephens ·47 ......................................................... .. ............ ..... ........... ............ L ee·s Summit. Missouri -

R ex Willi ams

·31 ............................................................... 504 Eas t 5 th .. .

Area No.


...... Rolla.

Missouri -


AREA DIRECTORS Stflte E lnbraced

T e rm Exp.

...Enoc h Needles ·14...... .. .............................. N e w En g l a n d. N. Y .. N. J .. East Pa.. ... 55 Liberty St. . New York. N. Y . D is t of Co lumbia. Md .. Va .. D elawa re 2 ................ Rolla T. Wade ·31...................................................... S. A r k .. N. C .• S. C .. L a., Miss.. 730 Pierre Mont Rd ., Shreveport, L a. Ala .. Ga .. Fla.

1955 1957

3 ............... .s. Allen Stone '30 ............................................... W . Va .• Ohio , W . Pa .• Ky .. Tenn. , .............. 1957 P. O. Box 28. Fort Way ne , Ind. Ind .. (Except Chicago Industrial Area )

4 ................ Mel vin E. Nickel '38 ............................................. N. III. , Chicag o Industrial Area in 10601 South L eavitt Ave. Indi a n a, Wis cons in , Michigan. Chicago 43, Illinois Minn esota


5 ...............Paul Dowling '4 0.... .. ..................... S . III. , E. Mo .. N. Ark. 1400 S. 2nd. St .. St. L ouis 4, Mo.


6 ................ H. E . Zoller '23... .. ................... Iowa. W . Mo., Neb., Kan .• Okla. Central Building . Wichita , Kans.


7 ...............S . H. Lloyd ·47 .... . 1900 Mellie Esperson Bldg. Houston. Texas


B ................ William H. Burgin '40 .. .

516 Acoma St. Denver 4 . Colorado

. ..................... T exas, Arizona. New Mexico

............. Id a ho . Mo n t ana , North Dakota . ............. Sou th D ak o ta, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevad a, Utah

0.. . . ........ Barney Nuell ·21... .................. .. 3440 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles , California

Lt. Col. Hoeman '32, in ROTC Department at Berkel ey Lt. Col. Arthur J. Hoeman '32 , is now on a v ery pleasant tour of duty with the Department of Military Science and T actics, Univer sity of California , at B erkeley. He has had th e ple asure of g etting reacquainted with Harold Grant, who at one time was coach at MSM, and is now coach at the University of California. H e has attended informal "get-to-gethers" every other month or so with other Miners lo cated in that vicinity. Col. Hoeman has b een on duty with th e Ordnance Corps a good many years and his present assignment is Assistant Professor of M ilitary Scie nce a nd Tactics . H e r esides at 88 0 K eeler Avenu e, B erkeley .

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MSM ALUMNUS I ssu ed bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines a nd Metallurgy. Subscription price, $1.50 , included in Alumni Dues. Entered as secondclass matter Oct. 27 , 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla, Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879.

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The top officia ls of the University of NJissoU1'i we1'e pr esent , J1!lay 30, fo1' the 82nd Annual Commencement E xercises. This group included members of the Board of Curat01'S and Alumni Association, and President Elm er Ellis of th e university, making his firs t official visit to a commencement p1'ogram since taking over as head of the unive1'sity . Th e m emb ers of the BOal,d of Curators present were: James A. F inch, Jr ., Cap e Girardeau, President of the Board; James S. B ush, St. L ouis, Chai1'man of the MSM Executive Committ ee of the BOal'd, and Randall K itt, Chillicothe, M ember of the BoaI'd. H arr)! S. Pence, President of the Missouri School of M ines Alumni Association attended th e exercises .

Elfred Has Had Active Career in Industry RANK STILLMAN ELFRED , Jr., ' 17 , started his professional career with the William Fost er White mining interests and soon thereafter organized the . B axter Chat Company at Baxter Springs , Kansas. H e b e came assoc iated with the Wallower interests as an e ngineer, which subsequently became the Eva ns Wallower L ead Company, one of the largest l ead producers of the TriState district. That company in 1929 exp a nded its activities to include the electroly tic zinc industry at St. Louis when Mr. Elfre d became Vice Presid ent and later President of Evans W a llo wer Zinc Company.


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In 1938 h e b ecame associated with the Olin interests at Alton, Illinois , as an executive on their operating staff a nd was made G eneral Manager of their E xplosives Division in 1944. H e was appointed Executive Vice President of Olin industries in 1952 a nd was el ected a Director that same yea r. In 1954 at the merger of Olin




Industries and Mathieson Chemical Corporation h e was made Executive Vice President of their Industrial Divisions, have charge of the operations of the Arms and Ammunition , Explosives , Metals and Ramset Divisions, Electrical Film , Forest Products and Paper Divisions. He is a lso a member of the Executive Committee of Olin Mathieson. Mr. Elfred is a lso a Director of the Chica go Great Western Railwa y Company; New Park Mining Company of Salt Lake City ; Midwest Radiant Corporation and P erry Coal Company of St. Louis ; The Hunter Engin eering Company, Riv erside, California ; The Arkansas and Louisiana Missouri Railway Com pan y of Shreveport, Louisiana; and the Evans Wallower Zinc Company of St. Louis. H e is a director of Liberty Powder Company, Liberty Powder D ef ense Corpora tion , Equitable Powd er Manufacturing Company, U. S. high school instructor in Gillespie, Company, Egyptian Powder Company and the Texas Powder Company, all a ffiliat es of .olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation.

MSM Graduate Honored by Oilwell Drilling Contractors A. W. Walker '24 , professor and of the petrole um production engineering department, University of Tulsa , was recently honored at a luncheon at the Tulsa Club b y memb er s of the American Associa t ion of Oil w ell Drilling Contractors. B. E. Groenwold , Explora tion Drilling Co. , Tulsa, presente a Professor Walker with an honorarium of $400 and a special plaque, in r ecognition of Walker's work in promoting the welfvr e and interest in the drilii ng i n dustry. h ~a d

The specia l grants w ere authorized by the contractors' association to be made to instructors or d epartm ent h ea d s of universities who h a v e dOl1 p. outstanding work in encouraging m e n to enter the drilling industry on a career ba sis. P resen ta tions have been made to instructors at the University of Kan sas, University of Southern Ca lifornia, University of N ew Mexico and T exa s Technological College.


Opportunity for Happiness Greater Than Ever in America, Elfred Tells Graduates


T NO TIME I N t h e entire long history of th e world has any grou p of people had the op portu n ity for happines~ as colleg.e seniors ,grad uating this month in A m erIca" declared F . S tlllman Elfred, J r ., 17, E xecutive Vice President of t h e Olin M~thieson Chemical Cor por ation , A lton , Illinois, in addressing the gra duates at the 82nd A nnual Com m encemen t of the Missou ri School of Mines and Metallurgy at R olla . "Three things w ill affect y our lives believe wha t we rea d , we seem to b e and your futures", Elfred t old the en tering a p eriod of stal em ate . W e graduates. "They are t h e sam e t h ree are at t h e begin ning of a p eriod of things that have affected t h e life of inten se d ip lom atic activ ity. W e m u st every other p erson who has lived n ot a llow ourselves to become u n on the face of the earth . The f irst duly optim istic . Too m uc h optimism is the answer to t h e q u estion: war today is u nh ealthy as a nation al state or peace? The second is t h e contin - of m ind. B ut w ith luck , op tim ism ued vitality and strength Qf o ur way can be a realistic pr ayer. of life . The t hir d is the con dition " Future historia n s w ill judge t h e of our national e conomy. cracking of t h e a tom as one of two "Today there a r e at l east some thin gs . It is eit h er the beginning of encouraging signs", Elfred contin - t h e end of our civ ilization or t h e en d ued. "We seem to be en tering a n ew of the b eginning of the f irst phase phase in the cold war. If we ar e to of an er a of progr ess su ch as the

w orld has n ev er known . " Thomas Mann h as said t h at war is only a cowardly escape f rom t h e p robl em s of p ea ce . That q uota tion today is ou t date d . W a r n ow is a suicidal escape from the p r oblem s of p eace. " The solving of t h e mysteries of the a tom has p lace d in our h a nds a cl ear choice : to r ise a b ove ourselves to a n ew h eight of m aturity or w rite failure to an experiment called ma n. "This is a ter rifyin g ch oice but a ny choice is t errify ing that comp els yo u to sh e d a n cien t suspicion s , gr eed and prejudice-or b e d estr oyed. " The second factor t h at w ill gov ern y our liv es w ill b e t h e pr eser va tion of lif e as we k now it in America. "Wha t we sho uld r em emb er abo ut our sy stem is t his: that as fa r as giving t h e individua l t h e opportunity to b e what h e wants to be, it is the b est system th at h as yet com e ou t of t h e mind of m a n . It is the

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MSM A lumnus


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best system-but it is a lso recognized as the most extravagant and expensive system . This exp ense is justifie d and we will continu e to en joy its results as long as w e can afford to support it w ith our inter est , our wo rk and our taxes. That w ill b e your r esponsibility and yo ur obliga tion. " Th ere is a destructive m ental a ttitud e prevalent in the world today. This attitude is fear. The best an t idote for fear is the kind of cou r"!" -' we get from an awareness of Wh<lt the American way of l ife r pallv means a nd has meant throughout our history. " Th e third among the import ?n i things that w ill temper your futures is our n ational econ omy. "What is the state of our economy today? We get a good economic p icture of the wo rld you are entering by looking at two birth rate charts. " Producing babies has f inally caught up w ith t elevision as America's favorite pastime . Such produ ction emph as is is being put on babies that we are increasing our population n early two per cent a yea r. According to the census bureau , y ou are destined to live in a country w ith a population of well over 200 million peopl e. The bureau is counting on you to contribute yo ur own abundant energies toward making this prediction come true . " The second r ecord is b eing set in the birth r ate of new businesses. Twenty-five thousand new firms were chart ered in the first two months of this year , a thirty per cent increase over the number of new incorporations in the same period last year. New firms are not born at t his r ecord pace in an unhealthy economy. The rate of their birth proves that our expa nsion is real and justified. These firms a r e springing up to satisfy the needs and d esires of America's increasing population. And the population is increasing because of the courage and optimism of our young people. As long as these two charts continue to climb , our only threat is from outside, not from within . "Today that tide is runn ing as it h as n ever run before," Elfred contint:ed . "Our economy is oper\ltin g at a rate in excess of 370 billions of dollars a nnua lly. Our passenger


June 1955

Dr. Eljred is shown here recetvtng an Honorary D egl'ee jrom President Ellis, as D ean W 'lso,t looks on. a u tomob iles are now b eing produced at the rate of nine millio n cars a year and t his industry alone is consL:ming 26 per cent of our steel production. Industrial corporation profits last year exceeded 14 billion dollars . O ur scientists and e ngineers a r e forecasting a future that will m ak ÂŁ the l u n ar high t ide appear t o be a ripple , and l eaves m e in a ha ze , if not in a daze. " I was shown the p lans of t he new t.ranscontinenta l a irl iner t ha t will be in us e in 1958. It is estimated that it w ill take less than five hours to fly b etween N ew York and San Francisco. Your generation w ill certa inly wit n ess the successful penetration of the stratosphere for comm ercial purposes. " From ever ything we hear and rea d toda y, we are r eminded aga in of how vi ta l and hopef ul , how wide in its choices a nd rich in it s energies is American life to b e in the comi ng half century . God willing , the road to a n unb elievable era for mankind is ahead for a ll of u s. You young p eopl e h er e today are securelyon your way down that road. " Follo wing t h e Comme ncement address, Presiden t Elm er Ellis of the Universit y of Missouri , on t he r e commendation of t h e facu lty of the School of Mines and Metallurgy made through D ean Curtis L . Wilson, conferred upon Elfred the d egree of Doctor of Engineer in g , Honoris Causa .

Alumnus Comes From Cuba For Son's Graduation at MSM Royal S. W ebster , Sr ., ' 03, returne d to MSM for commencement week and to witness the graduation of his son, Royal S . W ebster , Jr. , a member of the 1955 graduating class . It was necessary for Mr. W ebster to "go abroad" to attend the commencem en t as h e lives in Havana , Cuba. His business enterprise is with the United Railways of H avana. Since his graduation in 1904, in Civil Engineering, he h as been outside of the United States most of the time. The six children of the Websters r eceived their higher education in the U. S. , and Royal, J r., the yo ungest , is their only MSM graduate. This is accounted for in the fact that four of their children a r e girls . Royal , J r. , was married rather r ecently and his wife is from Havana. T he father plans to take them on a b elated honeymoon to Colora do and Y ellwstone N ational Park b efore their r eturn ho m e. The young Mr. Webster intends to a tten d the University of Havana next year for work towa rd an a dvanced d egr ee . Royal , Sr. , is a native of Kansas City, Missouri.

Contribute to the Alumni Fund



Dr. Woodman Awarded Honorary Degree


R. L. E. WOODMA N, Professor Emeritus of Phy sics a t MSM, was awarded the honorary d e gree of Doctor of S cience at th e 82nd Commencement exercises of the School of Mines a nd Metallurgy h eld May 30th in the Uptown Theat er. H e has been a member of t h e fac ulty of MSM for 36 year s.


Dr. Woodman was born at Claremont, New Hampsh ire , on November 14 , 1877 . H e was grad u ated from Dartmouth College with the d egr ee Bachelor of Arts in 18 99 and in 1902 r e ceived the Master of Arts d egree from the same school , having serv ed as a n assistant in Physics from 1901 to 1 902. After receiving h is second degre e he taught high school i n N ew England. In 1905 he received a n assistantship in Physics at ColumlJia University. w hich h e h eld until h e was awa rd ed the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Phys ics in 1908.


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President Ellis is shown here presentin.g an H onomry Degl'ee to Dr. L. E . Woodman, center. Dean Wilson is on the l¡ight .

lie was called to Missouri to the p rofe ssorship in Physics a nd Chairmanship of t h e D ep a rtment of Physi cs in S ep tember, 1919, a nd served in those capacities for 29 year s. During his chairman ship the D epa rtment of Physics grew with the School and offe r ed n ew courses as the dema nd arose to m eet the changing times a nd cha nging curricula. During those yea r s Dr. Woodman not only carried his share of the t eaching loa d but also serv ed on a number of import a n t fa culty committees , often as ch a irma n. H e h elp e d to bring a chapter of t h e h onor societ y of Phi Kappa Phi t o this ca mpus in 1920 and was on e of a sma ll group of fa culty m emb ers who in 1925 orga niz d th e forerun n er of t h e present chapter of the S ociety of t he Sigma Xi.

which la id the foundation of the present Science curriculum and placed it on a par with the engin eering curricula of t h e School. As Chairman of the Committee on Gradua t e Study and Advanced D egre es h e was instrumental in raising the sta n dard of graduate work and in making r e quirements for a dvanced d egr ees uniform in all d epartments throughout the ca mpus and comparable with the requirements of the Gradua te School of th e Univer sity of Missouri division s at Columbia. His committee saw the first honorary degree given in 1923 and a program a dopted in 1925 for t h e d egree, Doctor of Philosophy in the d epartm ent of M e tall ur gical E ngineering. For 29 yea rs Dr . Woodma n serv ed t h e Missouri School of Mines a nd M et a llurgy as a f ull- t ime professor, r eaching the r etirement age of 70 years in 1948 . R eliev ed of administ r ative d uties a nd committee work , a nd with the t itle Professor Emeritus of Physics , h e continues to serve the School well, t eaching cla sses in thermodynamics in the D epartment of Mechanical Engineerin g an d a class in H eat in t h e D epartme n t of Physics, at a time when enrollment is increasing, staff loads are increasing , and good teachers are harder to find.

In 1 92 0 Dr. Woodma n served as ch a irma n of a f aculty committee

In a ddition to being a member of Phi K appa Phi an d Sigma Xi, D r .

Upon receipt of t his d egree, Dr . Woodman accepted a n ass istant prof essorship at the University of Maine. In 1912 he was p rom oted to associate professor a nd in 1919 to the rank of full professor . Tha t year marked the b eginning of his l ong career at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy .


Woodman a l so is a member of Sigm a Pi Sigma, th e American A ssociatio n fo r t h e Advancement of Scien ce, the Amer ican P h ys ical Society, an d the A ssocia ton of Phys ics T each er s . Dr. Woodman has b een th e a uthor of several articl es th at h ave appeared in the magazines, "Physical " American Journal of R eview" , Physics" a n d " Scien ce". As a hobby, Dr. Woo dman's interests center in the f ield of music, and for t h e past 25 years h e has been teaching p ia no and orga n to a sel ected gro up of youngsters in Rolla. For 30 yea r s, he was t h e reg ula r organist of the M e thodist Church an d still p lays f or the Sunday School and for some of the church services. Anoth er activit y of D r . Woodman's has been the writ ing and production of p erh a ps a dozen plays for child ren. Mrs. Woo dm a n , hIs w ife, is a graduate of Smith College a nd has ta u gh t som e at th e high sch ool lev el. Since sh e came to Rolla , sh e has b een a ctiv e in club and civic activities. Their tw o chil dren are both gra du a t es of t h e School of Min es. H is son , E ug en e H. Woo d man, graduated with t h e cla ss of '30 , and his daught er , Elle n Woodma n , graduated w ith the class of '33. Sh e is the wife of Warwick Doll, a lso a grad u ate of MSM with th e same cl ass of 1933.

MSM Alumnus

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Shirley A. Lynch '28, Chose Teaching, Heads Geology Department at Texas A. and M. E SALUTE THIS MONTH, Shirley A . Lynch '28, an engineer who chose the teaching profession as a career. In addition to his instruction and administration in the teaching field, his activities are many and varied in the field of Geology. Professor Lynch is a native of Girard, Illinois , where he received his elementary and secondary education, graduating in 1920. He entered James Millikin University, taking a pre-engineering course in 1920-22, and the summer of 1922 was spent at the University of Wisconsin. In 1925 , he came to MSM and received his B. S. in Mining Engineering degree in 1928 ; in 1931 his M. S. degree, and in 1935 , his professional degree , Engineer of Mines. He took further work at North Texas State Teachers College, in 1936 , while serving as a guest professor. The school year of 1939-40 and three half-summer terms were spent at the University of Texas where he has completed all academic work for a Ph. D in Geology and Petroleum Engineering. His teaching experience began in 1923 when he accepted a position as high school instructor in Gillispie , Illinois High School. He remained there until 1925. While at MSM working for a degree , he served as an instructor in mathematics. After leaving MSM, he went to North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington, Texas, accepting a position as Associate Professor of Mathematics and he organized a Department of Geology in 1934. He was advanced, that same year , to a full professorship of Mathematics and Geology. In 1938, he was el evated to the Chairmanship of the D epartment of Geology, the post which h e held until 1946 , when he became Head, Department of Geology, T e xas A & M College , College Station, Texas. At A . & M . he reorganized the Department of Geology, and to-date, in scholastic circles his title is, Chairman , Department of Geology, Texas A. & M . College. It would seem that Professor Lynch has been kept busy se curing


May June 1955

formal education and teaching since lea ving high school, but he has found time to g e t much v a luable practical experience in th e engineering profession and th'e business world. He started in the construction game under th e guidance of his father, A. F . Lynch, and in the summer of 1922 , he did construction work with the Illinois T erminal System, and a lso was a test engineer for the Westinghouse E 1 e c t ric Company . During th e summers of 1923-27 , he did some contracting on his own. From practical experience in the construction field , he entered the field of Geology . First, in the summer of 1928 , he was a Geologist for th e Missouri Geological Survey. The following summer he served as Geologist with the Missouri State Highway Commission. His tale nts were then turned to the southwest where he was a Consultant in G eology, Mining, and Petroleum in Arlington, and north , east and west Texas . The summers of 1941-44 were spent with the G. C. McKinney Company as Valuation Engineer , making appraisals of all petroleum properties in Baylor , Houston and Montague counties. In 1944-46, he was parttime employee of the firm , DeGoyler and MacNaughton , Dallas, Texas, as Research Geologist and Engineer which included an engineering study of the East Texas Oil Fie ld and the development of a set of curves showing ultimate recovery at any structural position in the field. The Texas A. & M. Research Foundation used his services as Consultant in the College Station , Texas, and the New Orleans, Louisiana Areas from 194750. This experience, together with other experience as a consulting e ngineer , has made him an authority and in d e mand as an e xpert witness and engineer in appraisals in state an d fed eral courts. His recent business activities have bee n numerous. He helped organize and is President, Amtex Oil Compan y; President, Organized Apartments, Inc., of Bryan, T exas; President, Pacar P e troleum, Inc. ; Vice-

President, General Investment Corp ., Dallas, T exas; Vice-President, Empresas Mineras de Centroame ricas, S .A., and Vice-President, Central America Mining and Oil Corp. , a company now working in Guatemala , Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama . Professor Lynch has writte n many articles for professional and scientific journals and restricted publications of private reports for commercial work. He is a member of many pr0fessional and civic organizations, and honorary fraternities. His professional status has merited a listing in the American Men of Scie nc e, International List of Submarine Geologists and Oceanographers , Petroleum Dir ectory and Who 's Who in Education. The Lynchs have two daughters , Mrs . Henry Gilchrist, who lives in Dallas , T exas, and Carole Jan Lynch, a freshman at the University of Texas. Professor Lynch did not give us his hobbies and avocational interests. This is logical though , as the re is little time left in his busy life for such activity. When he is at home, he will be found at 407 Crescent Drive, Bryan, Texas. Thomas P. McCague '16 Dies; With Illinois Highway Dept. 33 Years Thomas P. McCague '16, district maintenance engineer of the Illinois State Highway Departme nt, di e d at Ottawa , Illinois, February 28 , 1955. Mr. McCague had been a member of the state highway engineering staff for 33 years and had lived in Ottawa during this entire period. H e is survived by his widow, a son, Thomas O. McCague and two grandchildren. A high tribute was paid to the memory of Mr. McCague in a letter to Mrs. McCague from H. E. Diers, engineer of maintenance of the Illinois Division of Highways. John S. Schroeder '04, Dies John S. Schroeder, ' 04 , passed away at his home in Woodland Hills , California, on April 13 , 1955. Mr. Schroeder received a B. S. degree in Mining Engineering from MSM. Last spring he received his Fifty-Year M edal at the Commencemen t of the School of Mines and Metallurgy.



Two Fifty-Year Grads At Commencement At the Annua l Commencem ent spe cial r ecognit ion is given to t h e Fifty -Year Al um ni . This year the Class of 1905 was h onore d. Ther e a r e sev en liv ing a lumni of t his class and of the sev en, t w o f ound it possible to attend a nd r eceive p ersonally t h eir R e cog nition B a d ges . They w ere: Rob er t P atri ck Cum mins a nd Ray Euge n e Hoffm a n. M r. Cummins is Superintendent of E q u ipme nt , Missouri Sta t e H igh way Commission , . J eff erson City , Missouri. H e h as b een serving in this cap acit y fo r more than 20 yea r s . H e is p ast preside nt of the Missouri S ocie ty fo r P r of essional Engineer s a nd was President of the MSM Alumni A ssociation 1933-35 . Mrs. Cummins accomp a nie d him to Rolla to r eceive this distinctive honor. " P a t 's" a ddr ess in J eff erson City is 1606 B J eff er son H eights Apts. Mr . Hoffma n is now r etired from active participation in his p rofession . Prior to his r etirem ent, h e was Superintendent, Atlas C em.ent Compan y 's pla nt at H a nniba l , Missouri . Mr. Hoffman liv es in H a nniba l a t 500 North Street. The MSM Alumni A ssocia tion gav e a lunch eon at the Colonia l Village, after the Commen cem ent E xercises, honoring Hie Fifty -Y ea r A lu m ni. The other living m emb er s of t h e Class of 1905 are : J oseph J. B rown , J r. , H a rry C . Cha m berla in , J a m es K . Christopher , J ame s A . Gregor y , Clifford R. Wilfley.


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T wo m emb ers of the 1905 graduating class, R. P. Cummins , second fl'om left, and R ay Ho ffman, are shown here with D ean Wilson, left , and Hany S. Pence, president of the MSM A lum ni A ssociation. I n the back is Francis ( I k e) Edwards, execu tive secretary of the A lumni Association. Navy, The Huffmans will their home in Albuquerque,



Mo¡r ales - Rankin Miss Carol yn J ea n Rankin , d a u gh t er of P r of essor and M r s. Rolfe M. Rank in, a nd V i ctor M . Moral es, a sen ior at MSM , w er e unite d in marriage, May 28th , at t h e First P r es by t eri a n Church in Ro lla . Th e n e wly w ed s w ill r esid e at 404 Main S tr eet , Rolla. Huffman - A llen Miss H el en D uke A llen , d a u ghter of Mr . a nd M r s. H a rry W. A llen of Rolla , a nd Shay D. H uffman ' 54, now of A lbuquerque, N. M. , w er e m a rri e d , M a y 28th , a t the St. Patrick' s Catholic Chur ch in Rolla . The bridegroom is a n Ensign in the U. S.


After being promoted to First Lieutel1 ant at Fort Sam H ouston , T exas , R obert W . M cL eane, '52, ( left ) is congratulated by B rig. Gen. James P. Co oney, Commanda(/ t of the Nl edical Field Service School, B rooke Army M edical Cente1',

MSM Junior Wins Annual AlEE Student Contest Morton Mullins, a Junior in Electrical Engineering at the Missouri School of Min es , was an nounced as the w inner of the Annual 7th District Amer ica n In stitute of Electrical Engineers Student Paper Contest, h eld at the Un iv ersity of K a n sas , Lawrence , Kansas on April 15-16. His p a p er , " Photo-Multiplier Scintillation Counters" , was adjudged th e b est in compe tition with 17 colleges a nd unive rs ities in th e six-state area cove r ed b y this district. His awards include a ca sh prize and a n a ll-exp e n se-p a id tr ip to th e Summer G ener a l M eeting of AlEE in Swampscott, M assa ch usetts the w eek of Jun e 27th. Mr . Mullins is t h son of E. B . Mullins , who l ives on W est Big B end Road, Kir kwood. H e was graduated from Kirkwood High School in 1952. H is m a rri ed , a m ember of Triangle Fra t ernity, and is th e present Presid ent of t h e Inter-Fraternity Council a t Missouri School of Mines.

MSM Alumnus

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E. M. Johnson Had Long Career at Eagle-Picher In the last iss u e of t h e "MSM Alumnus" a list of a lumni was given tha t now hold executive positions with the Eagle-Picher Company . Mr . E . M. Johnso n ' 92 , one of our three oldest a lumni, was t h e superintend ent of construction of the first b lock of a five b lock operation of the Eagle-Picher Company. This began in August 1916. He was r ecommended to Mr. O. S. Pich er b y the president of the United Iron Works, th e company t hat received the construction contract. A fr ie ndship developed b etween Mr. Johnson and Mr. P icher that l asted until Mr. Picher 's unt imely death . Mr. Jo hnson relates t h at the plant operate d successfully and continuously since b ei ng built except for a short time due t o l abo r t roubles . At the b eginning t h e company produc ed only zinc . Now t h ey produce

cadmium a nd germanium. Mr. Johnson's active employment ceased in 1943 and h e is now r eceiving r etir e ment ben efits from E agle-Picher.

Introduced to Society Margaret Louise a nd Patricia Susan, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs . Walter K eith Dean '41 , 457 N . Elizabeth, F erguson 21 , Mo. , were introduc ed t o local society a t an intimate gathering of professional friends of their parents held early , Tuesday morning, April 29 , at the St. Louis Maternity Hospital. Music for the occasion was provided by the girls themselves , who , looking fresh and charming in ident ical pink original creations and white flannel stoles, sang to impromptu solos of their own composition. At 3:30 a .m., the two debutantes left for a second r eception on another floor where they joined a larger group of their friends of the younger

set for breakfast. Margaret, w ho is known to h er family and friends as P eggy, was graduated with honors of 5 lbs. 4 oz. from Miss Webster's Pre mature Nursery School on Sa turday, April 23. She immedia t ely enrolled for a brief course at Miss B erry's Nursery for Advanced Study. On the same day Patricia, called Patty, received a certificate with a m erit rating of 4 lbs. from the Incubator for Little Ladies . She is attending Miss Webster's b efore r eturning to F erguson for the summer Gereau - Conley Miss Barbara Ann Conley was wed, April 23 , 1955, at St. Catherine 's Catholic Church, Shrev eport, Louisiana , to K enneth Joseph Gereau, ex'53. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs . F. H. Conley ' 27 , who were hosts at a reception in their home on Gilbert Drive. After the wedding trip to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, the couple are a t home in Shreveport.

Having Luncheon With MSM's 50- Year Graduates

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Counter Clockwise around the table : R . P. Cummins '05, R ay E. Hof fman '05, Mrs. V.A.C . Gevecke,' Ass't D ean Gevecker '31, M,'s . Karl Kav eler, Karl Kav eler '30, Mrs. Edwm'ds, " I ke" Edwards, Royal S. W ebstu '03, Ha1'1:y S. Pence '23, E. W. " Skip" Cm'lton '26, M,'s. Cm'lton, L eon H ershkowitz '41, Mrs. H ershkowitz, John K enney '12, M,'s . K enney, N oel H ubbm'd, MTS . Hubbard, Mrs. Cummins . May

June 1955


John Bruce Miles Tops Jimmy Johnson Gets $1000 1955 Graduating Class Atlas Powder Scholarship

Jimmy C. Johnson, a junior chemical engineering major at the Mis souri School of Mines, ha s b een awarded a $1 ,000 Atlas Powder Company scholarship for his senior year. Johnson was one of eight outstanding chemistry and engineering juniors to receive the $1,000 grants. The eight were chosen from a group of 21 f inalists who had spent two days in Wilmington being interviewed by Atlas officials and visiting the company's central r esearch l aboratory and chemicals plant there. Scholarship a pplications w ere submitte d b y over 120 applicants, rep-

dy, chairman of the Atlas scholarship committee, the program was started last year to h elp meet industry's pressing n eed for technical personnel by enabling some outstanding science a nd engineering students to complete their education. Dr. Kenn e dy said t hat the program's initial success in 1954 encouraged the company to continue offering scholarships this year. Heads Highway Engineers Fr~ll1k O. Fink '25 , county engin eer of Franklin County, Missouri, was elected president of the Highway Engineers' Association of Missouri at its 47th Annual Convention held at the Hotel J efferson , St. Louis, Mo.

Former MSM Registrar Gets Honorary Degree H enry Horton Armsby, Chief of Engineering Education of the U . S. Office of Educa tion, received t h e honorary degree of Doctor of Engin eering at the June 9th commencem en t exercises of the Newark College of Engineering, Newark, New J ersey. Dr. Armsby will be r emembered by a l umni of MSM as Registrar a nd D ea n of Men . This position h e

John B. Miles J 9hn Bruce Miles '55, received the Highest Honors A w ard conferred upon the m ember ' of the Class of 1955 having the highest average gra d e for four yea r s' work. John is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A aro n J. Miles, '30. Dr. Mil es is Chairman of th e Me chanical Engin eer ing D epartm ent a t MSM. I II ch ecking our r e cords , w e find that Dr. Miles ranke d tenth' in the Class of 1930 out of a tota l of 62 graduates. On May 12 , 1955 , Syl vest er J. Pagano '46 , marrie d Arlen e R. Mueller, daughter of Mr . a nd Mrs. Julius F. Mueller, of W a t erloo , Illinois. The n ewlywe ds will r eside at 300 W est 10th Street , in Rolla . Mr. Pagano is Assistant Professor of Mathem atics at MSM. Ernest J. R eeves '5 2, is Ch emical Engineer , Plastics Process Engineering S ection , Cel anese Corp. , of America, Development R esearch, at Summitt, New J ersey. Ernest served as a lieutenant with the 11th En gineer Combat Bn . in Korea . H e was ma rrie d in May 1952 and they have a six-months old son, James . Roberta , Ernest a nd J ames reside in N ew Providen ce, N ew J ersey, Apt . No.2 , 64 G a l es Drive. 10


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Iimmy J ohmon resenting top students in 33 colleges and universities through out the country. Factors in m aking the awards w e r e schol astic standing, recommendations of college authorities, extra-c urricular a ctivities and financial n eed. The grants will b e applied toward senior y ear tuition, board, t ravel and other costs . In a ddition to the scholarships, the eight winners will b e given a chance to gain practical experience this summer b y employment in one of Atlas' explosives, chemicals, or a ctiva ted carbons plants, or in its r esearch laboratories. According to D r . Thoma s K enne-


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H enry Horton Armsby h eld for nineteen years . In 1941 h e l eft MSM to accept a position with the U. S. Office of Education.

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Bob Haviland Prominent In Rocket Research Field The routes of rocket ships that some day will fly as earth satellites or as space craft to the planets was the topic of an address by Robert P. Haviland '39, before the American Rocket Society at the Rensselaer Poly t echnic Institute, Troy , N . Y., April 27. Haviland is project engineer of General Electric's two-stage rocket program. His duties include co-ordination research, development and test activities of several government agencies, industries, and educational institutions on the "Bumper " rocket. Produced for army ordnance , this rocket has achieved the greatest velocity and highest altitude ever r eached by man-made object-5000 miles per hour and a h eight of 250 miles. Mr. Haviland discussed the power required to send a space craft outside the earth's influence and described the influences of the sun, moon and the earth itself on the space paths of the rocket ships. During World War II , Mr. H aviland served as a lieutenant commander in the navy's guided missiles division and the navy's pilotless aircraft organization. After completing his work on the Bumper rocket, he dir ect ed the activities at the GE T est Station , K ey W est , Florida. At present h e is special consultant to the GE guided missiles d epartment. Bob is m entioned in , " Rockets , Missiles and Space Flight", a book by Willie Ley. one of the world's a uthorities on rockets . Report for Active Duty A number of the m embers of the January 1955 graduates, who received their commissions as S econd Lieutenants in the Corps of Engineers, have received orders to report for active duty with the Corps. Those who reported, the last part of May, to Fort B elvoir, Virginia , were: Donald R. Bogue, Richard L . Cruse, Robert Hoffman. Ronald Kingsbury, James Millar, Robert L . Myers, John W. Padan , a nd Julius N . Scott.


June 1955

MSM Enters Into Co-operative Engineer Training Program With Highway Department


HE MISSOURI STATE Highway D ep a rtment and the Missouri S chool of Mines and Metallurgy have entered into a co-operative engineer training program to give qualified high school graduates, who because of financial r easons may find it difficult to continue their education, an opportunity to continue their schooling at MSM, train for a degree in Civil Engineering, and acquire p ermanent positions as engineers for the highway commission. The program will b e set up so that it ma y b e completed in a reasonable number of years. The participants will spend a lternate periods of academic tra ining in college and OnJob-Training work with the commission. Similar programs are in operation in colleges in other states, and have proven practical and advan-

tage ous to both student a nd employer. T o be eligible for the program, an ap plicant must b e a citizen of Misso uri or the son or ward of a citizen of Missouri a nd a graduate of an e duca tional program making applicants eligible to enter MSM. Applicants are selected on the basis of engineering aptitude, character and p ersonality. During the p eriods while the participant is working for the Commission, h e will r eceive the regularly established salary for the position h e occupies. The participant w ill b e responsible for tuition a nd a ll other expenses incident to his school period. The program will be limite d to a maximum number of participants each yea r .

W illiam A. H ubbard, '44, who is with the Shell Chemical Company in Chicago, and W . A. M cCormick, District Supervisor of the St . Louis area of the Shell Chemical Company, giving a demonstration on May 19th bef01'e a class in Protective Coating in the Chemical Engineel'ing D epal'tment of the Missoul'i School of M ines and M etallurgy . Bill Hubbard presented to the class the latest develop ments in the fie ld of epon l'esins with which he is specializing in the Chicago al'ea f01' the Shell Chemical Company. At the far end of the fl'ont line is Professol' G. E. B rand, '39, Assistant Professor of Chem·ical Engineering, who was in charge of the class .


Dr. Straumanis Co-Author Of Chemistry Textbook Dr. M . E. Straumanis, Research Professor of Metallurgy, MSM has collaborated with Dr. B. Jirgen so ns , Anderson Hospital for Cancer Resear ch University of Texas, Houston , T exas'in the writing of the text, "Short T extbook of Colloid Chemistry" . The publish ers, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., has informed Dr. Straumanis that this book is included in the list of "the 100 most essential technical books" prepared ea ch y ear by Reginald Hawkins , head of the T echnical Departme nt of the New York Public Library.

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William Kopp '37. Victim Of Plane Crash in Arizona A plane, missing for four months , with four men aboard , one of w h ich was William Kopp '37, was found, May 4 1955 wrecked on Mt . Lemmon n ~ar Tu~son , Arizona. The bodies of the four men were found n ear the wreckage. Mr. Kopp was born July 17 , 1915 , in St. Louis , Missouri, and r e ceived his B. S. D egree in Mechanical Engineering at MSM in 1937. He was married in 194 1 , and is survived by his wife, Mrs. Clare Kopp and four children, who reside at 316 Wes San Juan, Phoenix , Arizona.

Bruce Williams Honored for 22 Years of YMCA Service The honorary title of " d irector emeri tus" of the J opEn (Mo. ) Y. M. C. A. was bestowp.d upon B ru c:e 'Williams, ex-'05, Joplin engin eer and chemist, by m e mbers of the board of directors at a surprise luncheon in his honor at the "Y" . Mr. Williams recently resigned fro m the "Y" board after 22 years, including five years as president. In a n nouncing his r etiremen t effective immediately , Mr. Willianls expressed a d esire to continue workin g in T.he Y .M .C.A. progra rn in a less demanding capacity. If you put too much "1" in a l etter , it becomes "litter".

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Carl H. Cotterill '40, of the American Zinc L ead Smelting Co ., St . L ouis, M.o ., and John J. O'Neal '40, of Olin-Math.ieson I ndustries , East Alton, Illinois, watching student in the Chemical Engineering D epartment, MSM . These two alumni wel'e here making an inspection of the EE D epartment as m embers of the R esea1'C /t and Curricula Committee, of the Alumni Association. This activity is canied out at specified intervals provided for in the by-laws of the Alumni Association. Lovett - Love Mrs. Alma A. Love, of Cleveland, Ohio and Professor 1. H. Lovett were married June 5, 1955 , at Jackson , Michigan, the ceremony being conducte d b y Dr. King D . Beach, Professor Lovett's brother-in-l aw. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs . King D. B each , Jr.. of Cleveland , Ohio , Mrs . Love's daughter and sonin-law and niece and nephew of Professor Lovett . Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles B each of Jackson, Michigan and Mr. a nd Mrs. Floyd P eterson , of D etroit, nephews and nieces of Professor Lovett. Mr. and Mrs. Lovett will attend the meeting of American Society of Engineering Education at Pennsylvania State College, June 20 to 25 followed by a trip to N ew England and will be at home at 1606 Rolla Street after about July 11th.


"Satch" Paige's Rules to Live By: "Avoid fried meats , which angry up the blood." "If your stomach disputes you , lie down and pacify it with cool thoughts." "Keep the juices flowing by jangling around gently as you move." "Go very light on the vices, such as carrying on in society. The social ramble ain 't restful ." " Don't look back , Something may be gaining on you." Thor Gjelsteen '53 , has a new position as geologist for the uranium division of the Superior Oil Co. His mailing address is Box 1872 , Grand Junction, Colorado. John Henry Starke '47 , visited MSM in June . H e is plant and Field Engineer , Virginia Carolina Chemical Corp ., Mount Pleasant, Tennessee.

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Seide 12

MSM Alumnus


West European Metals Experts Visit Campus EVENTEEN EUROPEAN indust rialists, technicians and ot h er officia ls devoted t o the t ask of furth er developing high purity metals in W est European countries wer e on the MSM campu s in April fo r conf er ences. A full sch edule of lectures, presentation of technical p aper s, and insp ection of exhib its and laboratories.


Their v isit t o our cam p u s is p a r t of a pla n b eing p repa r e d thro ugh the Foreign Oper ations A dm inistration. It is par t of the world-w ide co-operative program t o h elp the cou n tr ies of Europe. M SM was t h e only coll ege campus the group v isited d u r ing their n ation-w ide t our . T hey sp ecifically r equested a v isit to MSM after hearing reports fr om anoth er group of meta l exper ts fr om Europ e who visite d h er e last f all.

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The study h ere en compassed principa lly t h e production of titanium, baryllium, zir conium and semi- con ductor s as m ateria ls n ecessary f or n ew products a nd n ew indu stries .

Tax-Savin9 Ways to Support Your

Alumni Association and MSM Annual Contri butions to the A lumni Fund Gifts of stock to tlie Association B equests under the terms of your will Gifts of life insumnce

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Your Associa tion is a tax-free cha ritable organization incorporated in 1946 under Article X, Chapter 33 , of the R evised Sta tutes of 'M issouri of 1939. As such yo ur Association can p roperly receive money, stocks a nd bonds, or property through the methods listed a bove. A card or letter to the Alumni Office, Rolla, will bring yo u a copy of the Associa tion Constitution and By-Laws, fo r yo ur use in discussing with yo ur legal or fina ncial advisor ways of tax-free support to the Alumni Associa tion a nd through it, yo ur Schoo!.

Since most of t h ese exp er t s a r e from small countries tha t a r e not able to star t production of the m et als for sev er a l years, it is essentia l they study the la st steps in the r efining process so that r efining a m etal for specia l purposes in their own count r y may be p ossible.

Toffey - Needles Mr . a nd Mrs . Enoch R ay Needles h a v e the honour of a nnouncing the marria ge of their daughter , Sally J an e, to Harold James Toffey, Jr., Lieuten a nt (j .g.) Unite d Stat es Na v a l R eserv e, on Saturday, April 9, at S ummit, New J ersey_



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Back row : A. L aurencelle ( M anager) - Washington, D. c., A. Ko ch - Ne therlands, F . B enesovsky - Austria, J . A u bert - France, D. F eron - B elgium , H. Grub e1' - Germany , R . Syre - Fmnce, K . ll!loeller - Germany, J _ Clerin - France, R _ R einbach - Germany, S. W allden - Sweden. Front row - lef t to right : H . u wick er - Gennan)I, E. Ko ellik e1' - Switz erland, J . Fast - Ne therlands, S. Morgan ( Chairman oj the G1'OUP ) - England, D ean CU1,tis L. Wilson - M .S_M ., K . B j01'ling ( Secretary of the Group ) - Sweden, A . W _ Sc hlechten - M.S .M ., S. B eaver - England . May

Jun e 1955


Outstanding High School Graduates Receive Scholarships Granted by MSM Alumni -1 HE MSM ALUMNI Association


granted f unds for six scholarships to outstanding high school seniors g r a du a tin g in th spring of 1955 . Th e recipients of thes schol a r ship h ave be n chosen by the faculty committee. T h val u e of th se sch l arships is $5 00 .00 each. W e wish to acquaint the MSM Alumni w ith th r ecipients by givi n g a brief r esume of each. J ohn David Cr celius, of S e dalia , Missouri, grad uated f rom the Smith/' Cotton High Cr celius School, l' a n kin g second in a cla ss of 169 students. H e has had "E" grades in all mathematics and science co urses and p l ans to major in Mechanical Engine ring at MSM. H arl ey William B en ingfield , of Kansas City, MissouTi , is a graduate of Central High School. H a r l ey rank e d 23rd in a class of 393. He had a near-perfect score in the Ohio Psychological T est an d the Pre -Engineering T est which p laced him in the B ellin gjield 99th perc ntile of the former a nd the 98th percentile of the la tter . H e has had excellent grad s in high school and his proposed field of study is Petrol e um Engineering. Ron ald Scott, of Stotts City, Missouri, ranked third in a class of 59 , that g r a d u ate d from t11 Mount V ernon, Missouri , High School this spring. His scores on the Ohio T est and the Pre-Engi.., n eerin g T est were in th 95th a nd Sco tt 98th percentil s respecti vely. H e was activ in D ebat-



ing and Speech in high school, winning first place in the American L e gion Oration Contest. Chell1 ica l Engi n e rin g is hi s chosen f ield. Russell V a n Cocman , Jr ., of W est P I a ins , Missouri , gra duate d second in a class of 126 m embers. His scor e was in t h e 96th percentile on both tests . He was quite active in extracurricular activi¡ t ies in high school , as a member of Coch1'an the Stud e nt Council, Basketball T eam a nd Science Clubs. M ech a ni cal or Chemica l Engi n .ering is his ch oice for stud y in call ge. Kenneth J ean Howa rd , of B ethalto , Illinoi s, r anked t hird in a class of 69 gr ad uates. He scor ed in th e 92nd percentile on t h e Ohio T est an d t h e Q6th percentile on the Pre-Engineerin g T est. In high school h e played in the band , played football three years, l ettering two years, a nd was a member of the National Honor Society, L etterman's Club , a nd th e Future Teachers of Ameri ca. H e wishes to major in Chemical Engin eering at MSM. D onald William Thoms, from Perryville, Missouri, grad uated from the P erryville High S chool and was a l so third in a class of 79 students . In the Ohio T est he scored in th e 89th p erc ntile an d in the 95th percentile on the Pre-Engineering T est. Donald belonged to t h e L atin Club and r eceived the Misso uri Boys State Honor . He h opes to m a jor in Elec trical Engineering. Th e MSM Class of 1914 , underw r ote two $50 0.00 scholarships availa ble to high school seniors or MSM fres h men. The faculty committee has ch ose n the students to whom these w ill be awarded . One of t h ese scholarships was awarded to John Fuller, of Prince ton, Missouri . John gra duated with f irst h onors in a class of 54 students that received their dipl omas from the

Princeton High School. On the he Ohio T es t ranked in the 95th percentil e and on th e Pre -Engineering T est in the 92nd percentile. During his entire high school work h e has not missed one d ay of school and h as mad e "E" Fuller gr ades in all Mathe matics a nd English courses and "s" grades in Science . H e was a class presid ent in h igh school and r e ceived a l etter in footba ll, bask etball an d track for three years. The oth er Class of 1914 Scholarship was award ed to J oseph Edward Crowe, of St. Louis, Missouri. Joseph enrolled at MSM in S eptember 1 9 5 4, aft e r graduating 30th in a class of 120 from Central High School , S t. L ouis He comCrowe pleted his first sem ester h e r e carrying 19 semester hours w ith a grade point average of 2.32 o ut of a possibl e 3.0. J oe was on the Honor List for the F a ll semester of '5 4- ' 55 . The Cla ss of 1914 Scholarships are available only to those stud en ts who are or propose to major in Civil Engin eering. James J . Murph y, '35, of the John C. Murphy Company, St. L ouis, Misso uri , ha s made available a substantial scholarship for the 1955-56 school yea r , to b e known as the John C . Murphy Compa n y Scholarship in M echan ica l Engin eering. The area for applications are r estricted to St. Louis and the terr itory immediately surrounding S t . Louis The high school senior to r eceive this award is Stanley Alloy Moore, St. Louis, Missouri. Sta nley graduated 13th o ut of a class of 23 1 from Southw est High S chool , St. Louis, Mo ., and had a n ear-perfect scor e that place d him in the 99th p ercentile on th e Ohio Test a nd in the 98th p er centile on the Pre -Engin eering T est . H e partici-

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pated in the Clef and Quaver Club , the Spring Festival , and the band , in which he l ettered, and was feature editor of the school n ewspaper . Dr. G eorge Easley ' 09 and his wife, Lura , h ave m a d e ava ilable a sub s tan tial n ew scholarship fun d d esigned to h e lp d eserving boys secure an e ngineering e ducation at MSM. Dr . Ea sl ey and his wife presented to the Boar d of Cura Guerra tors of the University of Misso uri, 700 shares of stock of t h e New York , Chicago and St. Louis Railway Company, commonly known as the Nickel Plate Road , an d having a value at the present time of aro und $3 5,000 .00 . The income from the stock is to be used for scholarship purposes at MSM. D ean Curtis L . Wilson has announced the recipient of the first scholarship made available under this fund , is Carlos R enato Guerra , of Lima, P eru . Dr. E asley, in commenting upon the selection , said that it seem ed appropriate that this boy should have b een chosen in view of the many year s of experience that he himself has had in South America. Dr. Easley has written to Hector Boza ' 11 , Vice President of Peru, and Mr. Boza has contacted the young man and given him the benefit of his own exp erience at MSM. Carlos ranked first in his graduating class of 50 from the Guadalupe High S chool in Lima , Peru. H e ranked in the 98th p erc entile on t h e Pre-Engineering Test. He proposes to study Mining Engineering. A Special Educational Scholarship has been esta blished at MSM, and Glenn W i I f red Hoffman, Overland, Missouri, has been chosen to receive this awa rd. Glenn ranked thirteenth in his June graduating class from j Rit en 0 u r High H offman School in St. Louis County. His percentile scores were 89 on t h e Ohio T est and 96 on the




Pre -Engineering T est. H e was very active in clubs and other a ctivities in high school. At MSM, h e exp ects to major in Chemical Engineering .

ROTC Awards Given At Special Ceremony

Mrs. Alma Schuman, of Rolla , Mo. , wife of the l ate John M . Schuman '1 6, h as established the J ohn M. Schuman M e m 0 r i a I Scholarship Fund. The first recipient of t his scholarship is Joseph C . L ewis, of Hickma n Mills, Missouri. J 0 s e p h ranked third in his L ewis graduating class of 53 from the Gra ndview (M issouri ) High School. He was awarded the Curator's Schola rship as t h e outstanding member of the graduating class. His t est scores were 97th on the Ohio an d 95th on the Pre -Engineering. In high school h e was a m emb er of th e National Honor Society, the band, the Student Council, an d president of the Senior Class . At MSM he expects to major in Electrical Engineering.

At a special ceremon y h eld in P ark er Hall, May 11th, D ean Curtis L . Wilson and Colonel Eugene E. Moyers, PMST, presented honor a wards to certa in of the ROTC cad ets. The gra dua tes and the awards they received were as fo llo ws: The Distinguished Milita r y Graduates were: Cadet Col. T ruman D. Anderson , Osage B each , Mo. , Ca d et Major P hilip P. Corneli , L emay, Mo ., Cadet Lt. Col. Donald G essley , St. L ouis, Mo., Cadet Lt. Col. J ames L . Elsw ick , Monett, Mo. , and Cadet Capt. Richard L. Kaiser, Mexico , Mo. The Distinguished Military Stu d en t s Award was presente d to Cadet Lt . Col. Billie D . H enderson , D oniphan , Mo. The Curator's ROTC Award , for the outstanding senior stud ent enrolled in Advanced ROTC was r e ceived by Ca d et Col. Truman D . Anerson. The S ociety of America n M ilitary Engineers' Award was m erited by Cadet Capt. Arthur G. B aebler, W ebster Groves, Mo. , and the Gold Medal awarded yea rly to the outstanding junior en gineering student enrolled in the first year Advanced ROTC course was won by Cadet SFC Kenneth M . Enslow, H elena, Mo. The S ons of t h e American Revolution's ROTC Award was achieved b y Cadet Lt. Col. Dona ld G essl ey. The Chicago T r ibune ROTC Summer Camp Award was won by Cadet Capt. B enj amin K. Smith, Poplar Bluff, Mo., and the Curator's ROTC Su m m e r Camp Marksmanship Award was won by Cadet Capt. K en n eth L. Ponciroli, St. Louis, Mo. T h e Curator's ROTC Award (Sophomore) was presente d to Cadet Robert G . Fuller, Rolla, Mo . The Rolla Reserve Officer's Association Award , to an outstanding ROTC S enior of the graduating class , went to Ca d et L t. Col. Way n e E. Broaddus, Jr., Rolla , Mo. Col. D a niel K enne dy ' 26 , Regional Engineer of the United States G eological Survey, and Mr. Nean White, President of the Rolla Cha mber of Commerce, were among the guests present at the ceremony .

Keith Wick '51, Featured In DECO Publication The " D ecography," in D enver Equipment Company's publication, featur e d Keith Wick '51, the y oung, aggressive m ember of DECO's Sales Engineerin g Staff. H e joined DECO in 1951 after graduation from MSM. H e was born April 20 , 1927 , in Chicago, Illinois. K eith was raised completely outside of the mining sections. F ollowing a brief tour of Army duty, Keith attended Wright Junior College, graduating in 1948, then to MSM. During summer vacation s, he gained his p r actical experience, working for Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Great Fa lls, Montana and AS&R Compa ny's l ead smelter at H el en a, Monta n a . K eith was sel ected in 1953 to l ea d DECO's Chicago office. His a lertness and ab ility to quickly grasp engineering probl ems and find practical solutions have made him many fri ends. K eith is a Junior m ember of the AIME.


Mrs. Smail Retires After Thirty-one Years Of Service in M SM Registrar's Office Mrs. Zona Smail , for t h e past 31 y a r s a m ember of th e R egistrar's s taff at th e School of Min es a nd M tallurgy, a nd for th e past 13 yea r s Chi ef Cle rk , is r etiring from the offic e effe ctive Jun e 30, 1955. During h er long t erm of service in the R egistrar's Office, Mrs . Smail ha s be com e a cquaint d with p erh a p s 90 fir of th e living gra duates of th e school , a nd an e qual number of former students. H er fri e ndly and effici e nt ways have k ept h er popula r with stud ents, faculty and emplo yees of th e school during this p eriod. In addition to h e r school work , Mrs. Smail h as b e en a ctive for many y ears in the E as t ern Star a nd is P ast Matron of tha t organization . Mrs. Smail's daughter , th e present Mrs . M a r y B err y of N ew York City , atte nd ed the School of Min e s and married a graduat of th e school, Hugh B erry , ' 25, now on e of the officials of the Sh 11 Oil Company in N ew York City . The ir two son s, Mrs. Smail 's grandsons , Ch a rles B er ry and Hu gh B erry, Jr ., w r e both graduate d from th e school, in 1953 a nd 1954 r esp ectively . H er granddaughter , H el en B erry, att nded th e School of Min es for som e time and m a rri ed P a ul Ca rroll, '50 , who is now a Captain in th e U. S.Army ta tion e.d at Fort B elvoir, Virginia . Mrs . Smail is b eing s ucceed e d a s Chi ef Clerk in th e R egistrar' s Offic e by Mrs . Louise Tucker , who h as b een S e nior Cl rk in th e office for th e pa st six y a I's . A group of a pproximat -ly 50 of t h e fa c ulty, a dministrative staff a nd e mployes of the S ch ool of Mines ga th er ed at t h e h om e of Mr . a nd Mrs . Rob C oo k at 105 Sou t h Walker lh e ev e nin g of Jun e 9th in l' cog nition of Mrs . Sm a il a nd h er l o n g y a I'S of ser vice to th e school. Dr. Aa r o n J. M iles, Prof essor of M ec h a ni ca l En g in eerin g , acted as T oastm a tel' ; Mrs. Ivohn Cook , S ecr eta r y to D ean Wilson , r ea d a l etter of app r ecia tio n from D a n Wil on w h o was o u t of town a nd could n o t a t ten d ; Prof s or R. M. R a nkin , w h o was ac tin g in a dmini s tra tiv e ch a r ge of t h sch ool


in D ean Wilson 's absence, spok e a did Dr. W . T . Schrenk , Cha irm a n of th e Ch em ica l Engineering D epartm ent. Mrs. Loui se Tucker present d Mrs. Sma il with variou s l e tters of tribute which had b ee n r e ceiv ed since h er r e tirem ent had b een a n nounced , and Noel Hubbard , th e R egistra r and Director of Adm i sions , th e n s poke of h is 31 y ars of servic e with Mrs . Smail, and in ap pre ciation of th ese y ears of ser vice, h e presente d to Mrs . Smail, from th e variou s f a culty m e mber s and employees , a t el evision set to be installed in h er hom e on June 10th. Mrs . Smail will continue to reside in Rolla at h er home at 602 Ce dar Street. H er daughter, Mrs. Hugh R. B erry of N ew York City came to Rolla to attend the party a nd to visit with h er mother. H arr y H . K end a ll D ies H a rry H. K endall eX-' 22 , d ied at his home, 424 D u dley Drive, Shreve port, Louisiana, March 6, 1955 , fol lowing a heart attack. Mr. K e ndall was in th r eal estate busin ess in Shre v eport a nd had bee n a r eside nt of that city for about 50 years . Survivors include his widow , Mrs. Ruth K e n d all, and his moth er , Mr '. Lucille Kendall , both of Shrev ep ort.

Alumni Personals 1904 Evan E. Price , r e tired, sent in a ge n erou s contribution to th e Alumni Fund an d on th e ca rd which h e r turn ed a nd in th e sp a ce provid e d for P er son a l News For Th e MSM Alumnu s, h e w ri tes, " D eeply in Lov e". Eva n r esid es at h Alta Cl ub , Sa l t Lak e City . U tah . 1910 R. C. Thom pso n h as ch a n ged hi s addres to P .O . B ox 623 , L aM esa, Ca li fo rnia. H e is r tire d fr om ac ti ve p a r t icipa ti on i n hi s p r ofe sia n. 1914. L . J . B ou ch er sends in his ne w add r ess as P .O. B ox 1421, Melbo urn e,

F lorida. Mr. Boucher is probably retirin g in the new hom e he h a s b ee n constructin g th er .

1917 John H . R e illy has changed his address and it is now , in care of American Sm elting and R efining Co ., Apdo 38 Bi , M e xico I, D . F ., M exico . 1926 E. M . Lind e nau is R esident M a n a ge r , Campa nia Min ero Chaco Pacifico , Apa rtado Aero 112, Cali, Columbia , South A merica . This is on e of th e l a r gest dr edgin g compa nies in the world , and th ~ on ly on e dr edgin g gold a nd p latinum to g th e r . 1927 Rob ert F. McCaw, of 205 Windsor Ave ., Hadd e nfie ld , N. J. , has b een appointed Director of Facil ities adminis tra tion of the National Broadcas tin g Co. H e will b e located at 30 Rock ef eller P l aza , New York , N . Y. 1928 Mr. William S. Temples se nds in a cha n ge of address to 11158 Sunshin e T errace, North Hollywood , California. 1929 Lt. Col. John H . Hahn has a chan ge of a ddr ess. It is now the 114 Labor Sup ervision Center, APO 696 , N w York , N . Y. 193 0 Mr . and Mrs. Charles (Chuck ) H. J nnin gs, 4156 South 36th Street , Arling ton , Va. , w ere on th e campus in May. Chuck is a n e n g in eer with th e N a v y D ep a rtm e nt in W a shin g ton, D .C . G e n e Woodman was in th e ca mpus , Ma y 3D , to a tte nd t h e 82nd Comm e ncem e nt wh er e his f a th er , Dr . L . E . Wood m a n , was gr a nted th e honora r y d e gr ee of Doc tor of Scie nc e. G e n e is with the Waterw ays Expe rim nt Sta tion , Corps of En g in eer , Vicksbu r g, Missi sippi. 1931 Alfred H arri son is w ith th e U. S. Corps of En g ineer s a t L o uis ville, K e n. tuck y. Hi s hom e a ddr ess is Box 18, Middletown , K e ntucky . 1932 Lt. Col. Stu a rt L. D a v is writes that his wife, L orrain e M. , a nd sons, Stuart L . Jr. , Ron a ld A ., and Richard K. , will sail with him from N e w York on July 13th for a t hree year a ssig nme nt in P a ris, Fra nce . Col. D a vis will be

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Chief, Air Force Plans, Joint Construction Agency, for Air Forces in Europe, He ends the correspondence with "Ooh lala!!," what ever that means, 1935 William H , Coddington , who is employed with the Bigelow - Liptak Corp" has moved to Park Forest, Illinois. 1938 C. W, Robertson is with Stone and Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, Mass. His present assignment is Construction Superintendent at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Uptown , L,I. , New York . 1939 Lt , Col. Marshall V, Jamison has been in Tokyo, Japan, for more than a yea r and expects to be there for three years more. His address is Hdqts . First Air Weather Wing, Box 8, A.P.O. 925, c / o Postmaster , San Francisco, California. 1940 Lt. Col. Ernest L. Perry, who is stationed in Hawaii, appeared in the l ocal paper recently with his catch, a 150 pound fish caught off the east coast of Hawaii. His military address is 65th Engineer Bn., APO 25, San Francisco, Calif.

Armin J. Tucker finished his tour of duty with the Air Force at the end of May and returned to Pan-American World Airways , June 1st., and began flying the North Atlantic. He received his masters degree in Business Administration from Rutgers University, June 8, 1955. Benton H. Martin is now living at 1324 East L emon , T empe Arizona, R. S, Stewart is Engineer Manager, with the Atomic Energy Division, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. , Bayside, N. Y. His residential address is 83 Summit Road, Port Washington, New York. Herbert 0 , Kimmel was on the campus in June, Herbert is doing geophysical exploration work with the Imperial Oil Company of Canada. His hea dquarters is at their District in R egina, Sask. His mailing address is 2431 11th Ave. , Regina,




1941 James R. Roux is with the MarlS Engineering Service Co., St. Louis, Mo., and is representing the Tool Steel Gear and Pinion Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. 1942 Charles M, Hillery is now emplo yed by the Victor Oolitic Stone Co., Bloomington, Indiana, Ralph L. Neubert, who since 195U has been maintenance superintendent of Monsanto Chemical Company 's, Anniston , Alabama plant, has been named to a like position in the Monsanto plant at Monsanto, Tennessee. The move is effective August 17th. Neubert accepted employment with Monsanto in 1942 as maintenance superintendent of the Carondelet plant. 1943 James R. Paul was a campus visitor recently. J ames is District Engineer for Dowell , Inc" a subsidiary of the Dow Chemical Co" 517 Union National Bank Bldg" Wichita, Kansas, Major Roy L, Kackley, Officer in the Regular Army, is attending Texas A , & M. College for 'g raduate study. The Kackleys have a family of three daughters, ages ; 6 mo" 7 yrs. , and 10 yrs , No prospective engineers there. Their address at College Station , Texas is 701 Gilchrist. Don J. Huseman has the St. Louis Bearing Co. , 333 East "B" Street, Wilmington, Calif. Don started this business 9 years ago. The young Husemans are twin boys, Edward and Dana, 9 year;; old , They live at 4130 Locust Ave " Long Beach, Calif. Donald S, Smith sends in a change of address to; 1722 Cranway Drive , Houston 24 , T exas , 1945 Leon Eriv. 5 Manor Drive , Newa rk, New Jersey, is working as m eta llLIl'g ist in the equipment, metals and lub r i· cants laboratory of the American C a n Co. His spare time is spent trying to keep up with their 15 month old daughter, Sandy, 1946 Burnette Henry, who is with the U , S, Gypsum Co., was recently transferred to Midland, California as works manager of the plant there , 1947 Arthur J. Bush has accepted a posi-

tion with the Frazier - Davis C onstruction Co. He is now on a proj ect for the Bethlehem - Cornwal Division of Bethlehem Steel. His present address is YMCA, Washington & R eed, Reading, Pa. Wesley Eugene Weber is now a member of the technical staff of the Systems Division, Hu ghes Research and D evelopment, Culver City, Calif. He was formerly associated with Furane Plastics, Inc , George Wagner was a campus visitor on May 27th. George is Division Metallurgist, Rolling Mill, G e n eva Works, U. S. Steel Corp. , Provo, Utah. Bin cr Wuai Yee geologist w ith the Carte; Oil Co., h~s been transferred from the Oklahoma City Division Office to the Wichita Kansas District Office . He is living at 1739 South Roosevelt, Wichita. 1948 R. Allen Crosby, his wife and children stopped by MSM enroute to Azusa, California, where he has accepted a position w ith Aerojet General Co" a subsidiary of General Tire and Rubber Co, He will be a metallurgist for his new emplo yer, His former emplo yer was the Taylor Forge & Pipe Works, Chicago. R. Kent Comann '43 a brother-in-law of Cros .. by, who li~ed in Chicago, has also moved to California, Ray E, Pickett is Sales Manager for Marsh Steel Corp. , North Kansas City, Mo, His residence address is 2540 W, 90th , Kansas City 13, Mo . ' W , M. Parkinson has sent in a change of address, His mailing ad dress is now Schlumber'g er Orient, S, A , c/ o Concesionaria de Petroleo Shell~Condor, Casbe , Barranca Bermeja , Columbia, John F. McCarthy is assistant professor of engineering at St. Louis University , St. Louis , Mo, John was employed as chief structural engineer at the Fruin-Colon Contracting Co" and also at W , B, Bendy -Ceme nt Engineers before joining the university faculty , H e received his M.S, de gree at MSM in 1950 where he held the position as instructor in the C.E. d epartment. Dr. Edward E. Mueller is t eaching in the School of Mineral Engineering, University of Washington , Seattle,





Washington. His residence address is 1235 23rd Ave., North, S ea ttle 2. Neal Wood is with Macweir Coal Corp. , 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago , Ill. His r esidenc e is 1115 North Austin Blvd ., Chicago 51 , Ill. Mr . and Mrs. J. W. Hoelscher, Box 165, Port Sulphur, Louisiana , announce the arrival , of Jim Jr. , March 3, 1955. Jim Sr. , is with the Freeport Sulphur Co. R. Allen Crosby has moved to Ca lifornia. His new address is 19023 Orangepath , Glendora , Calif.

1949 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B . Ballmann , 214 Douglass , W aukasha , Wisc. , announce the arrival of Ma r garet Tandy , born February 21 , 1955. Edgar J. Telthorst has changed his address to 402A West Schirmer , St. Louis, Mo. Lt. W. F. Hubbard. Jr. , is still on active duty a nd attending a postgraduate school in Monter ey, California and resides at 13 81 Ord Grove Ave ., Seaside, Calif. H e has been at Monter ey since last August and expects to be there for two yea rs. W. H. Gammon advises us that his new address is 3028 Bath Ave., Ashland , Kentucky. Fred E. Winters is now residing at Homewood Manor, Highway 51, North Jackson , Mississippi . Mrs. Winters (Ruby ) formerly worked at MSM. Elmer E. Jackson is with the St. Joseph Light & Power Co . His residential address is 116 Benton, Richmond, Mo . Howard R. Myers is with the California Division of Highwa ys-Bridge Dept. , and resid es at 3252 Birdsall Ave. , Oakland . His business h ea dquarters is in Sacramento. D avid W. Tittman is with the Erie Mining Company, Aurora , Minn esota. His mailin g address is 124 Wyndotte Rd. , Hoyt Lakes, Minn . Bill R. Ro ark is in Odessa , T exas, with the Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. Fred M. Springer has moved to Dallas , T exas. Th er e his address is, 5506 Winton, Dallas 6 . Fred is now Mechanical Engineer in Oil Movements Department, Magnolia Pipeline Co .


1950 Kenneth Walpert, 6412 Templeton Street , Huntington Park, California, is with the City of Los Angeles . William R. Felta , Field Representative. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. , has changed his address to 701B W. W endover, Greensboro , N. C. Ennis A. Kuhlman is with the McDonnell A ircraft Corp ., St. Louis , Mo ., and r esid es at 9020 Cardinal T errace, Brentwood 17 , Mo. H e states , " I would be gl ad to hear from any of m yo Id classmates ." James J. Scott h as a new address , Rte . No. 21 , State Drive , Lebanon , Pa. Jim is Mine Foreman , Bethle h em Cornwall Corp. , Cornwall, Pa. Carson E. Wieland advises that h e has accepted e mployment w ith the du Pont Company . His residence is 4441 Duke Street , Apt. 304, Alexandria , Virginia. Robert C . Wood who is empl oyed b y the Pre cision Exploration Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma, is now on a project in Spain. His address is c/ o Valdebro, Santa Dorotea, Burgos, Spain. Irving Klaus now is a ceramic engineer with Permadent Products , Inc ., of New York , N. Y. The Klaus ' have a n ew son, Theodor e Joseph, born April 4th . Their a ddr ess is 137 Winthrop Road, Washington Park , Nixon, New Jersey. Paul A . Matthews, who is with the Miami Copper Co. , h as moved to Globe , Arizona. His mailing address t h ere is Box 2202. George W . Mabie is w ith the Fields-Mabie Corp ., 30 North LaSalle St., Chicago , Illinois . His residence is at Route 11 , Box 830 , Mehlv ille, Mo. George D eutman is now r esiding at Cuba City, Illinois . His m a iling address is G en eral D elivery . Hulen Luetjen gave the address at the Spring Banquet and Initia tion for Sigma Pi Sigma , Physics Honor Society, that was h eld h ere. Hulen is employed b y McDonnell Aircraft Co. , St. Louis, Mo. His address is 932 Highmont, St. Louis 12 , Mo. Robert L. Choate, who has been a member of the staff of th e Physics D epartment, MSM, for th e la st two

years, has resigned to accept a position with the J e t Propulsion ' Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology. Mr. Choate began his n ew job June 1. Harry C. Funk is with the EagleP icher Co., in their Insulation Division , R esearch D epartment, Joplin , Mo. Th e Funks r eside at 2907 East 18th St. , Joplin. J. C. K enned y is methods engineer with the H. K. F erguson Co ., Wilmington, D elaware. Th ey r eside at Naamans Trailer Park , Virginia Ave. , a nd Ridg e Road , Clay mont, Del. Raymond C. Avery, Jr. , 28 Millwood Circl e, Framingham, Mass ., a dvises that h e p lans to r eturn to MSM this fa ll for work toward a n advanced degree. The ir two children, Susa nne a nd Jack , are both in school. S ergio Marinkovic is assistant mine superintendent with the Nickel Processing Corp. , Nicaro, Oriente, Cuba. Charle E. Brinkmann writes of the arrival of Carol D enise D ecember 30, 1954. She is their second child. They h ave another daughter, Gail Ann. The Brinkmanns r eside at 733 T aylor, Moberly , Mo. , where Charles is with th e Missouri Power & Light Co. Alden C. Hutchison has rece ntly built and moved into a n ew contemporary sty l ed house at 1212 West Stanford Street , Springfield, Mo. He wel comes any of his Miner fr iends to stop and see the Hutc hisons w h en in Springfield. John E. Muehring is Administrat ive Assistant to C. M. Rhoades, President, Rhoades Construction Co. , Inc. , Newton , Kanas. His home address is 705 North Elnl St. , Newton . John is a lso Battalion Operations Offic er of the 891st End. Avn. Bn. , Kansas Nationa l Guard. P eter R. Perion is now employed by the Aerojet - General Corp., at U zusa , Calif. His n ew address is 123 E. Grey tone Ave., Monrovia , Calif. Lawrence Spencer was a campus visitor on April 30th. Larry is Applications Engineer with the Eastern Air D evices, Inc ., in Dover, New Hampshire. His home address is 12 W est Concord Street, Dover, N. H.

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Irwin L. Joslin is a m e mbe r of a group organized by the Letour'neauWestinghouse Co. , for the d e velopment of a low-powered, pressurize d water nuclear reactor as a practica l means for gene ra t ing e lectricity b y atomic power. Irwin is in charge of the mechanical engin eeri ng and drafting for the group. This r esearch is being don e by the plant at Peoria , Illinois ,

1951 David F. H erley ha s r eturned to the United States after spending t he past two years with Socony V a cuum Oil Company in V e n ezuela . He has set up <;'. consulting practice in Illinois and is locate d at 420 North Washington Street, Salem, Illinois. Donald R Tone is doing consulting work throughout the Colorado Platea u Area. His business a ddr ess is 2002 W est 2nd Ave. , Durango, Colo . Tom Erspamer is a Mining En g ineer at the Danube Mine, Bovey , Minnesota . This is an open pit mine operated by the Pickands, Mather & Co. His m a iling address is Box 116 , Bovey. William A, Givens has changed hi . address to Box 4577 , Oklahom a City, Okla. H e is a petroleum engineer with Cities Service Oil Co. J . E. P erryman, Jr. , is in Europe representing the Caterpillar Tractor Co ., and serving as a technical r eprese ntative to the U . S. Engineers. S / Sgt. Milton Silver, USAF , is presently engaged in the Armed Forces special weapons proj ect. This is the third series h e has attended. H e is assigned to Sandia AFB , Albuqu erque , N.M. but has been on duty at Aberdeen Proving Grounds , Md. , and Nevada Proving Grounds , Mercury, Nevada. Ray A. Romo was separated from th e U. S. Army, March 28 , 1955. His a ddress is 3601 Edmundso n , Overland 21, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Marion S. Penick , 226 Holt Street, Dayto n , Ohio , an nounce the birth of their third son, D aniel Ralph, on March 3, 1955. Marion is a Consulting Engineer with Ralph L . Woolpert Co ., Dayton. Tom Simpson has a new address which is Room 302 , City Hall , B essem er, Alabama.


June 1955

Joe J. Carl is n ow r esiding a t 738 Riv er Drive, Bette ndorf, Iowa. He is e mployed with th e Iowa-Illinois Gas and Elec t ric Co ., Dave nport, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs . Richard Bullock an nounce th e arrival of a son , Richard L ea vitt, April 24 , 1955. Ri c h ard is a graduate stud ent a t MSM a nd r eceived his M.S. d egre e in Ma y. Lt. (j .g.) Charles W a rre n Keller is station ed in th e Pla nning and Progr e~s Division, Ammunition Section , 0 ": the Bureau of Ordn a n ce, vVashi n g .. ton, D.C. His home a d d r ess is 21 8 E. Mason Ave. , Apt. D-1 , Alexa ndria . Virginia. Richard A. Bre nk. Jr . is in t h e Engineering Depa r tment, Avia t ion Gas Turbine Divisvion , W estingh o use Elec . Corp. , Kansas City, Mo . H e lives at 6515 W est 78th St. , Ove rl a nd P ark , Kansas . Euge ne P. Larso n is on duty with th e U. S . Army , with t h 2 9766 TSU . Camp D etrick , Frederick , Md . H e in serving with the Chemica l Corps and is on leave of absence from C arbide & C arbon Ch e mical Co .. P a ducah , K y . H e h as r eside n ce at 617 Park Place, Frederick , Md.

1952 Lawrence E. Quinla n is an Ensign in the U. S. Navy . H e r e ce ives his mail at 1073 Spruance Ro a d , La M esa Village, Monte r ey, California. James C. Hall has changed his ad dress to Box 16, North Little Rock , Arkansas. Rob ert Made lun g is an e mplo ye e of Boe ing Aircraft Co., Seattle , W ash. His mailing address is 238 132 Southwest, S eattl e 66. Mr. a nd Mrs. G eorge M acZ u ra a nnoun ce th e arriva l of a daught e r , March 14, 1955. They r eside at 1913 M a gd a l e n a, East St. L ouis . Illinois .

Francis P. H e rgese ll sends in a change of address to RF.D. , Tivoli , N. Y . Merril L. Stott has accepted a position w ith th e Olin-Mathe iso n Comp a n y as production engineer. H e gives 305 N. Colle ge, Rock v ille, In diana, as his mailing address. Thomas E. Stine baugh is now 10' cate d at 18 % Thornton Ave. , V enice , Calif. L ewis C. Martin , a gradu ate stud e nt in the G eology D e p artm e nt a nd an e mployee of the Division of G eological Survey and W a t e r R esources, State of Missouri , has withdrawn fro m school to accept a position as A ssistant Geologist with th e Egypti a n -Ame rican Oil Compa ny . He will wo rk w ith a plaintable crew conducting geological mapping in th e d eSe rt. His h ea dquarters will b e in A l exandria , Egy pt. G ed a le D. D a vis is now on act ive duty aboard the U.S .S. H e lena CA 75 . His home address is 3285 G u stine , S t . Louis , Mo ., a nd his military address is in care FPO San Franc isco , Calif. Th e Fre derick R Bullivants write of th e arrival of Lim Louise, born J anuary 26 , 1955. Fre d is w ith the Industrial H ea ting Division of W estinghouse Electric Corp. , an d r esides a t 601 S tate Street, M eadville, P a . Rob e rt O. Wickey is a graduate student at the University of Mi n neso ta in Che mical Engin eering. His m a iling addr ess is 1308 S.E. 7th St. , Minnea polis , Minn . Mr . a nd Mrs . Duan e Crawfor d an nounce th e arrival of Kathry n Ann , born April 26. Mrs . Crawford is th e fonn e r Ann Cottingham , of Ro lla. Duane is e mployed with the Ohio Oil Company, at Bridge port . Illino is . Rob e rt E. Flore is now lo cated in

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If yo ur address h as changed , comple te a nd tear out this slip and

mail it immediatel y to MSM Alumni A ssociation , Rolla , Mo. Thanks. Name M y new ad dr ess is .. ......... ... ......... .. ...... .. .......... .. .. ...... .. ..........

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Washington, D.C. and is employed by a consulting f irm , Oyster & Co. Bob was married Jun e 18 to Miss Joan Ma y , of Washington, D. C .

1953 V e rnon T. J on es , Sr. returned from Japan May 20th, after having served with the army overseas . H e saw his son , Vernon T . Jr., for the first time. Mrs . J ones is the former M ara la Atkinson of Frederick , Mayl and . Norm an A. Rosekrans is' in the Armed Forces and his milita r y a ddress is US55463168, 9393 TSU , D et . No.1 , Box 383 , White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico . Jack Wheel er was a campu s visit or June 1st. J ack is on active duty with the U. S . Navy and is stationed at the U . S. Naval A ir Station , Grosse Ile, Michigan . His present tour of duty will en d in S eptemb er . He is undecided w h eth er to return to MSM for an advanced d egree or b egin work as a n engin eer. 2nd Lt. Jerry K . Lynch is a pilot with th e USAF an d ass igned to the 499th Bombardment Sqdn TAC, Langl ey AFB , Hampton , V a . Willia m F. Oberschelp has b een discharged from service and is now with the L ine Material Co. , M ilwauk ee, Wisc. , as F ield Engineer. He lives at 1245 N. Astor, Apt. No . 8, Mil waukee . G eorge F. McCormick, after comple ting wo r k for h is Master's Degr e l ast Jun e , is now working for th e Fa r so ns Comp a ny in Pasa d ena , California. H e is attendin g n ight school a nd working on his P h .D. The Mc-

Cormicks now h ave a baby d aughte r , J eanette Clair, seven months old . They have purchased a h ome in P as aden a w h ere they are living. Pfc. Sta nley Wiseman is a m e mb er of the Ft. B e nning Ga. , rifle an d pi. to l t eam w hich f ired in t h e Third Army ch a mpionship matches , May 27, at Ft. B e nnin g . More than 550 m a rksm e n competed in t h e match es. S tanl ey is a m ach ine g unn er in Company "C" , of t h e 3rd I nfa ntry Di v ision 's 30th Reg ime nt. H e e n ter ed th e Army in S e ptembe r 195 3 . 1st Lt . Conne lly Sande r s , Jl'. , w s r ecently a ppointe d compan y comm a n d e r of Company "C", 13th Arm',Engineerin g B a tta lion in Kor ea . H e enter ed t h e serv ice soo n afte r gradu a tion and was promoted to First Lie ute nant in Decembe r 1954 . S . Theodor e A l germ isse n ha s b ee n el ecte d an associate m embership to t h e W ashington Unive r sity ch a p ter of S igm a Xi , an honorary scientifi frater nity . Luth er B . Aug uston is e mployed by t h e Tula r e Coun ty Road Commissioner 's Office , Visalia , California , a nd hi s r esidence is at 1356 S eq uoi a Ave., T ul a r e . Pv t. Ronald L. Buesch er recently a rriv ed in Al aska and is n ow a member of t h e 4th Infa n try R egime n t . Rona ld e ntered t h e servic e in July 1954 a nd was stationed at Camp Ch affee an d F t. Sill , Okla. before a rriv ing for duty in Al ask a.

1954 John A . Moritz is a m embe r of the 1st Cava lry Division in J ap an. His

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outfit is B atter y B in the division' s 82nd ' Fie ld Artille ry B a ttalion . H e entered th e army in July 1954. 2nd Lt . Richard B. L eis ur e r ecentl y a rriv ed in Aus t ria a nd is a m e m b er of th e 7690th A rmy Unit. H e was form rly e mployed by Shell Oil Compa n y, E ast Chicago, Illinois. S / Sgt. and Mrs . William Robert Phillips announce t h e b irth of Wil liam Rob ert, J r ., Octobe r 22 , 1954. Bill , Sr. is du e for di sch arge fro m the service, July 28 , 1955. At present h e is an Instru ctor G unn e r on a B-2 9 a t Rando lph A FB. T exas . Hi s m a iling address is 2 735 Austin Hwy. , S a n Anton io, T exas . Pvt. Alber t Vo ndra sek writes th a t h e is a n instru ctor at the Divi sion R ad io S ch ool , 13th Sig na l Company , Albe r t rec eived his S e nd a i, J apa n. B .S. in S cience, Geology Option . H e r epo rts t h at h e is near a low mountain rang e w h ere h e can s tud y r o::ks a nd k eep up hi s in terest in G eo logy. His military address is 13th Signal Co., 1st Cav. Div., APO 201 , S an Fra n cisco, Ca lif. K e nneth D. Col e is in th e Engineer Office r s B asic Course a t Ft. B elvoir , V a. H e w ill gra du a t e Jun e 24, 1955. Rob e rt T ellefse n wa s on th e campus Ma y 6th . H e is n ow loca t ed at 666 Y2 South Clinton , D efia n ce, Ohio . Martin W. B a r y lski is now at 221 56A Horace H a rding Blvd. , B ay side 64 , N. Y. H e is still with t h e Sp erry G y roscop e Co ., of Grea t Neck, N. Y . Richa rd E. R ea vis h as moved to 436 E ast Kansas , L ibe rty, Mo.

1955 L eonard J . K eller ' 55 has acce p ted a position w ith t h e U. S. Gypsum Co . an d w ill r eport to th e ir p l an t at Sweetwate r , T exas servin g as a Quarry Enginee r . Wa y n e R . Broaddus, Jr. h a accepted a pos it ion with Allis-Ch almers Ma nufact uring Company , M ilwaukee, Wi sconsin . H e will b e assign e d t o t h e ir Graduate Tra ining Course . G eo rge H elia s Parharoglu h as a positio n as a M ech an ical E n g in eer , w it h t h e firm , Knapp e n-Tippe ts-AbbeU-McCa r th y, and is now o n th e Seyha n D a m Proj ect at Adana, Turk ey.

MSM Alumnus

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