Volume 29
July - August
195 5 Number 4
Enoch R. Needles, '14 Senior Partn er in the jirm HOWG1'd , Needles, Tammen and B ergendojj, of New Y ork and K ansas City, was named by the American So ciety oj Civil Enginee1"s BOG1'd oj D irection, as its nominee jor President oj the So ciet y .
President's Column LTHOUGH the stifling heat of summer is upon us it is none too early to think of y our plans for Homecoming which w ill be November 4 and 5. W e are especially hopeful of having a goodly number come back to renew the ir acquaintances -- especially the Classes who were graduated in the years ending in 0 and 5, for it will be the ir fifth , tenth, fiftee nth , and so on reunions . Those Class or Section Officers desiring reservations for dinners and luncheons should immediately get in touch with Ik e Edwards w ho can make the arrangements with the va r ious hotels in Rolla. May I remind yo u again that our Fisca l Year ends on November 1, and you still have time to prevail upon several of your classmates to send in their contributions for the year of 1955 memberships- -a nd please don't be confused by the. voluntary type contribution plan- -we wish a broad base in numbers and we will be most happy to have the $5 .00 contribution that so many people are accustomed to . T here are a number of important items on our Agenda for the Annual Director's Meeting and I am especially hopeful that nearly a ll of the Directors can arrange to be back . A notice and the agenda will be sent to yo u in the proper time. Sincerely Harry S . Pence '23 President
R. P. Cummin s, 50-Year Grad, Retires From Highway Dept. Robert P. Cummins, veteran official of the Missouri State Highway Departm ent, who ha s serv e d for 22 year s as Superintendent of Highway Equipment , w ill r etire under the highway employee's r etirem ent system , Octob er 1, 1955. Mr. Cummins attended the 1955 Commencement Exercises at MSM this Spring wher e he r eceived p er sonally the 50 Year Recognition Awa rd as a member of the Class of 1905. P at is a native of St. Louis , Mo ., and r eceived a Master's degree from Christian Brothers College , of that city.
MSM Alumni Association OFFICERS Presiden t. ...
................................ H arry S. Pence '23 ............ 1118 S y ndicate Trust Bld g .. . St. Louis 1. Missou ri
l!;Xp .
Executive Vice-Pres ............. Charles J. Potter ' 29 . ........ 330 North Carpenter ................................... .. a nd Vice- Pres. Areas 1. 2. 3, Indiana. Pennsylvania
Vice-Pres. Areas 7. 8, 9 ..... Barney Nuell
'2 1...
........ 3440 Wils hire Boulevard.... Los An gel es. Cali fornia
Sec.-Treas ....
.. L e on Hershkowitz '41. .... 1300 PowelL. ...... Rlllla. Missouri
Executive Secretary . . Editor. " Alumnus"
. Franci s C . Edwards ........ MSM Alumni A ssocia tion Old Metallurgy Building Roll a, Missouri
J. W.
.. ......................L ee·s Summit. Missouri -
·31 ..................................................... ......... 504 East 5th ...................................... Rolla.
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M. J. K elly '14 ................................ ............................... ,463 West S treet. ... New York 14, New York Stephens ·47 ......
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1... ........... Enoch Needles ·14...... ............. New England . N. Y .• N. J .. East Pa.. .... 55 Lib erty St. . New York . N. Y. Di s t of Columbia, Md .. Va., D el aware
2 ..............Rolla T. Wade ·31... ................................................... S. Ark .. N. C .. S. C ., L a., Miss .• 730 Pierre Mont Rd .• Shreveport. L a. Ala .. Ga .. Fla.
3 ................ S . Allen Stone ·30 ..................... .. P. O. Box 28. Fort W ayne, Ind . " ................ Melvin E. Nickel ·38 ................ . 10601 South Leavitt Ave . Chicago 43 . Illinois
...... Paul Dowling ·40....
..... H. E. Zoller '23 .......................................................... Iowa , W . Mo .. Neb .. Kan .. Okla. Central Building. Wichita. Kans.
.. .... S . H. Lloyd '47... 1900 Mellie Esperson Bldg. Houston. Texas
...... William H. Burgin '40 ................................... ,. Idaho, Montana, North Dakota . ............. 516 Acoma St. South D a kota, W yom ing, Colorado . Denver 4. Colorado Nevada, Utah
.................. ..... S. Ill. . E. Mo .. N. Ark. 1400 S. 2nd. St .. St. Louis 4. Mo.
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.. ....... ............ Texas, Arizona, New Mexico
.. ...... Barney Nuell '21...
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B. E. Peebles Now Brigadier General in Reserve Division By ron E. P eebl es '36, has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the 102th Division (Reserve). General Peebles was commissioned a S econd Lieutenant upon graduation and completion of ROTC , in 1936 , a t MSM. He entered act,ive duty in World War II and was in overseas service in Europe where he served as a member of the Gener a l Staff of the 5th Army. The L egion of Merit and the Bronz e Star were among the service decorations awarded to him. General Peebles is w ith the Geo. R. Jansen Transfer Company , St. Louis. Th e P eebles family live at 401 Cla rk Street, Kirkwood , Mo.
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I ssu ed bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and fann er stu.dents of th e Schoo l of Mines and Metallw'gy. Subsuipt'ion p"ice, $1.50, included in A lumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Po st Office at Rolla, Jl!10 ., u.nder the Act of March 3, 1879.
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Bruce Clemmer Featured in Salt Lake City Newspaper Series on Leading Utah Citizens
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"Business Portraits" is a regular Sunday feature in the Salt Lake City Tribune covering leading men in all branches of industry. MSM alumni are outstanding men in Utah and J. Bruce Clemmer '28 , is the second MSM alumni, that has been called to our attention, who has been featured in these Portraits. Bruce is Regional Director, U . S . Bureau of Mines, at Salt Lake City. He likes his work and upholds his boss , the government. While some scientists these days are said to be complaining about the government being a hard task master in the field of pure research, he takes the opposite view. "Compared with private industry ," Bruce says , "the governmental technical agencies offer a much wid e r field of research and development. " At least that has been his experience after 27 years with the Bureau . Mr. Clemmer was born at Coon Rapids, Iowa. As a youth he won a scholarship at the University of Iowa. He was set on becoming a lawer until a boyhood friend returned from the South Dakota School of Mines enthused about the future in m e tallurgy. "I didn't know what the word meant, but it sounded interesting ," said Bruce. He journeyed to Rapid City and "Fell in Love." It was not with metallurgy (that came later) but with the mountains. The Iowan had never seen a hill over 50 feet high until he made the trip . Graduating with a B. S. degree from South Dakota in 1927, he came to the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy on a Fellowship to obtain a Master's degree. He became interested with minerals beneficiation at MSM where he seized the opportunity to continue investigation as a Junior Metallurgist with the U. S. Bureau of Mines, at Rolla. While at Rolla, he married Miss Margaret Moakley of St. Louis , Mo., on his birthday anniversary , September 29 , 1928. His daughter , Kathy , age 13, was born on his birthday anniversary. The Clemmers have two other children, Mrs. Dorothy Nelson,
Salt Lake City , Utah, and Mrs. Emily Boe, Seattle, Washington. At Rolla, Bruce a nd other researchers developed the first workable system of selective flotation of fluorspar. As a government employee, no royalties or patent rights accrued to Bruce in the U . S. But he has for some time received royalties on the fo reign patents on the discovery. In 1939, Bruce was transferred to the Tuscaloosa, Alabama Experiment Station, as a Minera l Dressing Engineer. Here efforts were devoted toward completion of a mode of flotation on iron , phosphate and barite ores. Transfer to the Tucson, Arizona Experiment Station, as Superintendent, came in 1945 . H e r e initial r esearch in the "acid cure process" which has apparent wide application in reduction of refractory copper and uranium ores, was developed . . His appointment as head of the Salt Lake City Experiment Station came in 1952 . Subsequently, he was p laced in charge of all the Experiment Stations in Region 3, including operation at Tucson , Denver , Salt Lake City and Rapid City . About 50 per cent of the work at the Salt Lake City station, in the last few years, has b een connected with uranium. Bruce says that sometimes he thinks the intermountain station is running a training school for the rest of the Bureau and for private industry. " As soon as an employee develops into a first rate researcher , he moves up and out," h e comments. That's a compliment to his administration. And Bruce himself spends a lot of time helping his employees get promotions. "One thing about the government technical services , you get ahead by pulling people up with you--not b y pulling them down ," he says .
HOMECOMING November 5-6
McCarthy Inland Steel Branch Sales Engineer John J. McCarthy '44 , has been appointed Sales Engineer at the St. Louis Branch by Inland Steel Pro ducts Company , manufacturers of the Milcor line of steel building products. The St. Louis Branch includes the states of Alabama , Louisia na , Mississippi and counties in Arkansas,
John J. iVIcCarthy Florida , Illinois , Indiana , K entucky, Missouri a nd T ennessee. McCarthy has previous experience in the St. Louis area as a sales engineer in the fields of diesel engines and construction. H e will assist architects, engineers and builders with construction problems involving Milcor products . and h elp a dapt these products to new uses. H e will operate from the Branch Office located at 4215 Clayto n Ave. John r eceived his B. S . in Mechanical En gineering from MSM . Goodyear Atomic Employees Raymond W . Borchers '33 and Willia m R. Oldham are employees of the Good year Atomic Corporation. The parent company, the Goodyea r Tire a nd Rubber Company, was chosen, late in 1952 , to operate a nd m anage a gaseous diffusion plant in Pike County , Ohio . For this purpose the Goodyear Atomic Corporation was established at Portsmouth, Ohio .
Enoch Needles, '14, Is Nominee for President Of A merican Society of Civil Engineers NOCH R. NEEDLES , '14, senior partner in the firm Howard , N eedles, Tammen and B ergendoff, of N ew York and K a n sa s City , w as named b y the American Society of Civil Engineer 's Board of Direction , at it s Summ er m eeting in St. Louis , as its nomin ee for president of the society . Mr. Needles , one of our illustrious alumni , a native of Brookfield , Missouri , received his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1914 ; his Professional d egree , Civil Engineer, in 1920 , a nd in 1937 , h e was awarded an honorary d egr ee of Doctor of Engineering b y the School of Mines . Mr. Needl es' firm h as d esigned,
built a nd d evelop ed many of the na tion's famous bridges and expressways . In World War II , he served as a Colonel in th e Corps of Engineers, and w a s d ecorated with the L egion of M erit award . H e is currently Vice President of the American Society of Civil Engineer s and is Past Presid ent of the American Institute of Consulting Engineers and of the American Road Build ers' Association. Balloting for president of the American Societ y of Civil Engineers will take place in S eptember , with the in st a lla tion of th e new officers scheduled during the F a ll meeting, in October , at N ew York , N. Y. Mr. N e edles' home is in Summit, N ew J ers ey .
Dean Wilson Giues Address At M. U. Commencement
Two Alum ni Actiue in New Field of Materials Handlin g
D ean Curtis L . Wilson d elivered the Commencement Address closing the Summer Session at th e Univer sity of Missouri, at Columbia , the ev ening of August 5th. The Subj e ct of his a ddress was " Short Cuts ." The exercises w er e h eld in J esse Auditorium , on the Univer sity campus , a nd Dr. Elmer Ellis, President of the University , confe rre d d egrees upon more than 400 stud en t s .
Plan Class Reunions For MSM Homecoming At Homecoming , N ov ember 5, class r e union s of t h e Classes of ' 10 , '15 , '20 , ' 25 , ' 3U , '35 , '40 , ' 45 , and'50, are b e ing stressed. W e hope tha t a ll t h ese classes will want to participate in a r eunion a nd w e are cert a in that the Classes of '15 , '20 and ' 30 will b e p articularly inter ested. The m ember s of the fiv e -year classes are a sk ed to cont act the A l umni Office at Rolla indicating their d esire to p a rticipa t e in a reunion and luncheon in ord er that a rrang em ents ma y b e made . Last year , the Classes of 1914 and 1929 h a d a v er y en j oy able ga therin g of their classmates and fri ends .
Two of MSM alumni are attaining distinction in a n ew fie l d - the field of materials handling which is the art and science of the movement of and storage of all types of materials . L y nn Riege , ' 40 , is Past President of th e Chicago Chapter of the American Materials Handling Society, which is the world's l argest chapter of this organization. Lynn is now one of the national directors of the national organization. Lynn was an officer for three years of the Chicago section. The Sixth National Materials H a ndling Exposition was held in Chicago in May of 1955. Lynn served as Chairma n of the Sixth Annual Materia ls Handling Conference held in connection with the . exposition . Ther e w er e a pproximately 850 people attending this confer ence from all over the world. . In St. Louis , Austin Schuman, '42, is Past President of the St. L o uis Chapter of this organization and is now a national dir ector of the national orga nization. This fi eld of materials handling is b eing highly r ecognized by indu stry, according to L y nn. An average of 22 % of the co ~ t of the consumer item is in the materials handling. Materials handling adds nothing to
the val ue of the product; it only adds to its cost. The greatest progress in the fie l d of materials handling was made dur ing World War II and the Korean War due to the fact that large quantities of material had to be moved in a hurry and over various types of terrain. Lynn says that materials handling is among the last frontiers that industry has to reduce the cost of their manufactured items.
T. R. Beueridge, '4 1, Becomes Missouri State Geologist Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '4 1, was appointed State Geologist , for the State of Misso ur i , by Governor Donn elly, to suceed Dr. Edward L. Clark who resigned to become an official of an uranium company in Colorado . Dr. Beveridge will also serve as director of the Division of Geological Survey and an ex-officio member of the State Highway Commission. He has been affiliated with the Missouri Geological survey , as a permanent employee, since 1949 . Dr. Beveridge is a member of the Geological Society of America , the American Association of Petroleum Geologists , the Association of Missouri Geologists and Sigma Xi, honorary geological society . In World War II, he saw service in the Air Force.
Dr. Planje AppOinted Head Of Ceramics Department
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Dr. Theodore J . Planje , '40, has been elevated to the Chairmanship of the Department of Ceramic Engineering at MSM, to succeed D r. Paul G. Herold who resigned to join the television research staff of the Radio Corporation of America , at Lancaster, Pa. Dr . P lanje, is a veteran of the MSM campus. He received his B . S. degree here in 1940, then took advanced work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1940 and 1941. After serving in the U. S. Army d u ring World War II , from 1941 to 1946, Dr. Planj e returned to MSM in 1946 as an Instructor in Ceramics and has b een here since. His Doctor of Philosophy degree was received in 1950 from the Univ ersity of Missouri .
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ROTC Unit Trains at Fort Leonard Wood Th e Engineer Reserve Officer's Training Corps Summ er Camp , fo r members of the ROTC unit at MSM , was held at Fort Leonard Wood , Mo. Professor E. W . Carlton , th e School of Mines r epresentative, was present for two days to observe the cadets in a ctual field training, and to become familiar with the summer training period that suppl ements the fouryear military science program ta ught on the campus, Professor Carlton said that through this opportunity to get first hand information on the thoroughness of the ROTC off-campus training program , he f eels, " the cadets are getting training as fine as could b e had anywhere." " I find ," he continued , " the boys' morale high , competition k een , and the individual interest shown indicates to me that the training progra m is even better than 1 had ex pected."
Gifts to Washin9ton U. Top Hue-Million Dollar Mark Gifts and pledges totaling $5,523 ,173 have been r eceived by Washington University , St. Louis, Mo" for its S econd Century Development Program. The figure is 20.61 per cent of a three-year goal to collect $20,000,000. Nine gifts totaling $3 ,823 ,150 from l eadership - trusts and foundation pledges division were included in the a mount collected. Gifts , pledges and statements of intent received from 43 corporations total $1,094,550 and a total of $605,473 has been received from 78 individuals , The University seeks to collect $50 ,000,000 over a 10-year period under the program which b egan April 25. The money will b e used to provide buildings, increase faculty salaries , and endow professorships , and scholarships . New buildings contemplated under the program include a community center , a university student union and residence h a lls , July
L eft to right: Ma jor Robert B. Snodgrass, m embe1' of the Military D epa?·t m en t at MSM; PI'Oj. Emes t W. Carlton; and Cadet A llen H, Rudolph, of the i14SJlij ROTC Unit .
1955 MSM Football Schedule Date
Sept. 17
Kansas State Teachers ................................................................ Rolla
Sept. 24
Washington University ...................................... .................... .. St. Louis
Cu lver-Stockton ................... .................... ................................... .. Rolla
Southwest M issouri State College .................. ................ .. .... SpringfieJd
Southeast M issouri State Coll ege .................. .. ............................ Rolla
Northeast M issouri State College ................ ........................ Kirksville
Northwest M issouri State College .................. .............. ..
Nov. 12
CentraJ M issouri State College ................................................... Rolla (H omecoming) Southwestern Tennessee
Memphis, Tenn.
Walter Gammeter, Merton Signer Pursuing Careers in Education ALTER GAMMETER received his Bachelor of Science in Mining Engine r ing, in 1916. Hi s professional degree, Engin eer of Mines, in 1923, and chose the teaching profession as his major field of livelihood.
( T hese are two more in the sel'ies being published in the A lumnus Magazine, of biog1'aphical sketches of MSM Alumni who chose the f'ie ld of education as their pl¡ofession .)
His t eaching b ega n as a Student Assiotant at MSM from 1911 to 1915. In 1921, h e r eturned to the McKinl ey High School , St. Louis , Mo. , the school from which he graduated , as I nstructor of M e chanical Drawing. H continued there until 1925 , whe n
intend ent of the Arizona Asbestos A ssociation , Globe, Arizona. This property employed 250 m en . His next move was into the teaching profession , in 1921. Ea ch s ummer, with f ew exceptions , h e returns to th e engin eering d epartment of well known compan ies as consultant and to assist th em w ith the ir problems. The f ew summ er s h e did not sp end in the engin eer ing profession were sp ent at W ashin gto n University, St. Louis , w h ere h e was awa rd ed his Master of Scie nce d egr ee in 1938. W a lter h as found that painting is an extr em ely interesting creative hobb y . P erha ps some alumni may r ecogn ize th e painting of a scen e on Y a n cy Mill Stream, b elow Rolla. This was completed , from m emory, in his garage stud io a t his r esid ence , 33 10 Wyoming Avenue, St. Louis . Th e G a mm eters have two sons. W a lter , Jr ., gr a du ated from MSM in 1938 , in Mining Eng in eering , a nd Lawrence E u gene received h is d egree from the University of Missouri in 1944 . Too , we don't want to for g et to m ention the three grandch ildren. Mr. Gammet er's standing in his profession has b een recogn ized by election to : T a u B eta Pi , honor engin eering society, and Kappa D elta Pi and Phi D elta Kappa, two honor education societies . One bit of W a lter 's philosophy is , " Profitable use of l eisure time should b e the major goal of everyone's life."
W alter Gammeter h e was transferr ed to Roosevelt High School, St. Louis , as T each er of Sci ence . In 1942, he was promot e d to Assistant Principa l at Roosevelt. This position h e held until 1951 a nd h e was aga in promoted. This p ro motion w as to Principal of the B ea um ont High School, St. Louis, the post which h e now holds . He has managed to keep abreast the en gi n eerin g profession w ith From 1915 to 1921, he worked full time in th e mining profession. HE was an en gin eer for the Lucky Bill Mine , Bayard , New Mexico. Later he b ecome Superintendent of this mine. I n 1919 , h e w ent with the Engineerin g Department of the Burro Mounta in Copper Company , Tyrone , New Mexico. From this position h e became Chief Engineer and Assistant Super-
BARTONS VISIT CAMPUS J ason E . Barton '3 0, his wife and daughter, Ma r y Jane visited the ca mpus in July . J aso n is with the D epartment of Interior, Burea u of R eclamation, located at Billings, Montana. Their home address is 539 Howa rd A ven u e, Billings.
B:RTON IRA S IGNER, '23, D ean of th e Faculty , Col orado School of Min es, a native of Tonica , Illinoi s, en tered MSM in 1918. H e r eceived his Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering degree late in 1922, con sequently he is listed with th e Class of 1923. His professional d egree , Eng ineer of Mines, was obt a in ed in 1934.
Upon gr aduation he immediately e nter ed the mining a nd engineering f ield . H e was engaged in mining in Ca liforn ia a n d highway engineer in g in Illinois until 1929 w h en h e accepted a position as Instructor in th e Mining Departm ent at the Colorado School of Min es, Gol den, Colo-
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M erton 1. Sign!',. rado. A promotion to Assista n t Professo r came in 1932 and to Associate Professor in 1936. He became the Ch airman of t h e Mining D epartment, at CSM, in 1943, and elevated to his present d eanship in 1947. D ean Sign er's present hobbies a r e confined to gardening and tro ut fishing. H e has a lways had a great int erest in sports a n d from 1934 to 1940, h e served as the CSM baseball coach and assisted in coaching bask etball. His activity in this respect n ow is as a spectator. However his int erest in sports continues as h e is Faculty R epresentative to the Rocky Mountain Fac ulty Athletic Confer-
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In 1953 , he represented the small colleges on the National Collegiate Athletic Association T elevision Committee. At present h e is a member of the College Committee of the NCAA. H e is now serving in his fourth , three-year appointment to the Colorado State Planning Commission , and served as Chairman from 1949 through 1953. There are two children in the Signer family. Merton L Jr., and Mary Anne. Merton Jr., is a Mining graduate at CSM, in 1950 , a nd is now employed as Exploration Superintendent for the International Mineral ~ and Chemical Co.
MSM Dean Gets Honor From His AI rna Mater Dean Curtis L. Wilson received an honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering conferred upon him by the Montana School of Mines. The citation stated that the award was in recognition of D ean Wilson's contributions to metallurgy and engineering ed ucation . Dean Wilson graGuated from th e Montana School of Mines in 1920 and served on the faculty there for 20 years, l eaving the school in 1941 , as Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, to come to MSM to assume the Deanship.
This is Dean Wilson's third Do ctorate degree. He received the Ph .D degree from the University of Go erttingen, in Germany in 1928 and last year, Washington University , St. Louis, Missouri , conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering.
The Paul Carltons '47, 6968 Thorndyke Road, Cincinnati, Ohio , are proud parents of a son, Charles Ernest. The youngster weighed seven pounds, 14 ounces. This is the Carltons third son. Their other boys are named Dick and Douglas . Prof. "Skip" Carlton is the prouder grandparent.
John R. McDonald '53 , a Mining Engineering graduate, returned from Korea in July and was discharged from the Army. He is now seeking employment. Presently, he is living at 137 South Ninth Street, Newark 7, New Jersey.
Dean Signer likes his job. And from our observation, it is the fac et of engineering that is most satisfying to him.
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Placement Bureau Has Many Demands for Young Engineers Since the close of school, many industries have requested engineers. The greatest demand is currently for recent graduates and m en returning from military service. The distribution of requests according to degree has b een Mining, 12 companies ; Mining-Petroleum, 2 companies; M eta llurgy, 17 companies ; Civil , 18 compani es ; Science-Chemistry, 14 companies; Science-Physics, 6 companies ; M echanical, 34 companies ; Electrical , 11 companies; Chemical, 19 companies ; and Ceramic, 2 compa nies. Current requests are: M inin g Engineering Processing and Production, Iowa Coal Mining, Illinois Metallurgical Engineering Foundry, St. Louis Area Uranium Processing, Utah Ci vil Engineering Aircraft Industry, W est and Middle West Construction, Ohio Science Aircraft Industry, West and Middle West Civil Service Mechanical Engineering Aircraft Industry, West and Middle West Electrical Engineering Aircraft Industry, West and Middle West Power Generation, Middle W est Chemical Engineering Production and Control, Middle West Aircraft Industry, W est and Middle West Ceramic Engineering Aircraft Industry , West and Middle West Glass Industry, Michigan Notices of all openings are mailed as soon as received to all interested a lumni who have fil ed statements with the Office of the Assista nt D ean. Martin H . Thornberry ' 12, who h a s been making his home with his daughter in Joplin, Missouri, h as moved to Rolla and is now r esiding at the McFarland Nursing Home.
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St. Louis Section The home of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy '35, in Frontenac , St. Louis County, was the scene of the St. Louis Section party, July 16. More than 100 alumni and gu ests had a most enjoyable evening in an ideal setting for the occasion. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A l E. Barnard '2 7; Mr. and Mrs. Dick
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Part of th e St . Louis Alum ni Section party at ({ Stretch" M 'iller's home.
Early arrivals at the St. Louis Section party.
Bauer '5 2 ; Mr . and Mrs, Wayne B ennetsen '41 ; Mr. and Mrs, Bill Browngard ' 50; Roland Buthmueller and Miss L esL y nne Benson; Bob Cha p]:\cll ' 51 ; Mr. and Mrs, Bill Christman '47; Mr. an d Mrs, Carl Cotterill '40 ; Mr. an d Mrs. Paul Dowling '4 0.: Mr . a nd Mrs. Cly de Durph y '42; Mr. an d Mrs . Ike Edwards ; Mr. and Mrs, J ac k Fa ser '47 ; Mr . a nd Mrs, Mortim er Green. Mr. and Mr s. Paul Green ' 50; Mr. and Mrs, B en Gross '31; Mr, and Mrs. Bill H errman; Mr. and Mrs, Tom H errman ' 50; Mr, and Mrs, George E. HeIfers ; Mr. and Mrs . Bill Holtg::i ve ; Mr. an d Mrs . Bob Klorer '44 , Mr . a nd Mrs. D on McCormack ' 51 ; Mr. a nd Mrs, J ames McGrath '49; Mr. and Mrs, John J , McCarthy ' 44 ; Mr. a nd Mrs P ete Mattei '3 7; Mr ,
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and Mrs. Ralph Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mooney '39; Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy '35. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Palmer '40 ; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Raul '42; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pence '23; Mr. and lVIrs. Joseph J. Quinn '49 ; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rau '36; Mr . and Mrs. Joseph J. Reiss '49; Bob Rieder and Miss Norma Pulley; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross '49; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ruenheck '50; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Salarano '47. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneeberger ' 25; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shanfield '39 ; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith '48; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sontag ' 50 ; Don Spackler '50; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stokes '38; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Suren '52; Mrs. Clara Taggart; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tarantola '51; Mr . and Mrs. E. Fusz Thatcher ' 28; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Theiss '51 , and Mr. and Mrs. J a ck Vorbeck '47 .
Ark-la- Tex Section
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The annual summer meeting of the Ark-La-Tex Section was held June 25, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Conley '27, 7004 Gilbert Drive , Shreveport , ¡La. A fine group was present to enjoy the barbecue meal served in the patio of the Conley home. Claude Valerius, President of the Section, presided at the business meeting; "Ike" Edwards, who was present from Rolla, made a few brief remarks, after which movies were shown which were taken at MSM several years ago and a movie of the recent marriage ceremony of Ken Gereau, ex-'23 and Barbara Conley. Everyone had a very enjoyable evening, thanks to the gracious hosts, Mr. and Mrs. "Satch" Conley. Others present were: Walter Bruening '34; Kevil Crider, ex-'28; Mrs. "Ike" Edwards; Guy Ellison ' 52; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Farrell '41; Mr and Mrs. David Flesh, ex-'23; Mr. and Mrs. James W. Forgotson ' 22; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gereau, ex-'53; Mr. and Mrs. Elven Gurnea '48; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lacy '30; Mr. and Mrs John H. Livingston '39; Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Martin '52; Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Quinn, ex-'07; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Roberts '28; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Salmon '22 ; Mr. and Mrs.
l ul;;
Fred Scharf '53; Mrs. Claude Valerius; Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Wade '31.
New St. louis Officers The St. Louis Section held their annual election of officers and they chose, as their President, Ray Ruenheck '50. Ray is married and lives with his wife, Iris, and daughter Carol Ann, at 1233 Ashford, Bissell Hills, St. Louis County, Missouri. Following his profession, he is in the Engneering Department, at Emerson Electric. Steve Salarano '47, was chosen as the 1st Vice President. Steve, his wife , Peggy; daughter, Barbara, and son, Paul live in Webster Groves , 1334 Pine Tree Lane. Steve is Representative for the Carpenter Steel Co. , in the St. Louis area. The new Secretary of the Section is Bob Rieder '51. Bob's address is 6739 Bradley, St. Louis 9, and he is employed at the McDonnell Aircraft Corp. Joe Mooney, ex-39, was re-elected Treasurer. Joe , Marge and the children need no introduction to the section as you all know that Joe is with the New York Life Insurance Co., with residence at 7265 Northmoor Drive , University City 5.
Plans for Organizin9 New Alumni Sections Underway We have frequent inquiries from alumni wanting to know the location of Alumni Sections in certain geographic areas. There are several areas that have a concentration of alumni but no active organization. A few of the areas are; the Southwest MissouriNortheast Oklahoma - Southwest Kansas Area; the Missouri Lead Belt Area; the New Orleans Area; the Dallas-Fort Worth Area and the Tulsa-Oklahoma City Area. We are hopeful that organizations can be started but it will take interested alumni in the areas to spearhead the movement. During the summer, two alumni were in the office interested in initiating a section and we are aiding them the best we can
Ivan M. Niedling '40 , who lives at 826 Derwyn Road, Drexel Hill , Pa. , is going to attempt an organization of the alumni in the Philadelphia , Pa ., Area. Warren Roach '51, 313 East Spruce, Midland, Texas, is planning to organize the group in that area. Both of these alumni will be contacting the MSM men in their areas but due to the high mobility of engineers they may not know your present location. We suggest if you are interested, and reside in a reasonable distance of Midland, Texas or Philadelphia, Pa., that you write to Ivan or Warren expressing your Interest and desire to assist.
Metallur9Y Graduates Fewer in 1955 Than Preuious Year The American Society for Metals has recently pointed out that, in spite of the great demand in industry for metallurgical engineers, the 1955 graduates in this specialty represent a smaller number than last year. Only 492 degrees in metallurgical engineering were awarded this year in the forty-nine institutions in the United States and Canada. as contrasted to the 549 degrees of last year, the society reported. "Starting salaries in all engineering fields continue to give metallurgy top preference," a society statement pointed out. "An average of better than $400 monthly for metallurgical engineers indicates the high preference for specialists in this field. The number of engineering students selecting metallurgy as a career is, therefore disappointing to both schools and industry."
Scott - Scott Miss Anna Lee Scott, of . Jefferson City, Mo. , and Melvin Dale Scott '49, were married at Eldon , Mo. , at the Hickory Hill Church , July 17, 1955. The newlyweds will make their home in Coffeyville, Kansas. Until recently, Mr. Scott has been with the Missouri State Highwa y Department and now is with the Kansas Highway Department, as inspector, with headquarters at Coffeyville .
Largest Appropriation Is Given to School Governor Phil M . Donnelly has signed a bill providing a r ecord appropriation of $1 ,800,000 for the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy to operate for the next two y ears. It is the largest single appropriation in th history of the school a nd r epresents one of the few times , in recent years , that a fund request h as b en met, almost totally , by the Missouri Legisl ature. The appropr iation gives the school $421.000 more for operations durin g the 1956-57 biennium than wa s r eceiv e d for the current two years.
Kent Comann Engineer For Pabco Products, Inc.
Recent Graduate on Duty At Air Base in Labrador
Pabco Products Inc., has appo inte d R. K ent Comann '43, resident engineer for their new gyps um wallboard plant in Florence, Colorado , As Pabco's resident engineer , Comann will serve at the Florence plant site as the own er 's r epresentative . He will co-
Second Lieutena nt Kenneth D . Cole '54 is now on duty at Goose Air Base project on the coast of L abrador. In March 1955 , he was called to active service and was sent to Ft. B elvoir Corps of Engin eer's School to take 14 weeks in En gineer Officer Basic Course. Upon comple tion of this course he was sent to his present assignment. This project is under the jurisdiction of the E aste rn Ocean District , Corps of Engineers. L t. Cole is a nativ e of Missouri, born at Jane, Missouri , attended high school at Granby, M issouri and received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at MSM. Upon graduaton h e went to work for the Missouri State H ighway D epartm ent, at Joplin , Missouri , on general con struction supervision.
In comm e nting on the signing of the bill , Governor Donnelly said tha t the University of Misso uri and th e Misso uri School of Mines and M e tallurgy at Rolla have d emonstrated that they n eed mon ey beca us e of increase d enrollment. The increase w ill b e used largely for higher salaries for the faculty and personnel an d add itions to th e t ea ching staff. Th e appropriation r equ ested for additional buildings at MSM , must come from a $75, 000 ,000 issue which the governor proposed to the l egislature to m eet the immediate n eeds at the state's education a l and other institutions. This $75,000 ,000 bond issue is to be placed b efor e the peopl e of Mistion in the near futur . The original appropriation r equ est for buildings included the completion of the Engineering Laboratories Building to house th e Electrica l Engineerin g D epartme nt; a Classroom Buildin g ; Boile r and Turbin e for th e Power P lant a nd R ep a ir of Old Buildings. These a dditional facilities are bad ly needed to m e t the r equirem en ts of the expanding nrollments . The enrollm nt for the F all s m e ster is expect e d to r each 1900 or a n increase of n ea rly on -third over t h e F a ll semester of 1954. M a n 's inhumanity to m a n is gr eat stuff for the gun manufact urers.
In Wi steel has ; the I be u cial : ~lisse
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Prof. Thorpe Resigns to Join Aircraft Firm in California
R. K ent Comanl1 ordinate activitie s of the various contractors of th e gypsum board factory. K ent graduated at MSM , in Mining Engineering, and he has had extensive experience with l eading manufacturers of building materials throughout th United States. Now r esidents of Canon City , Mr . Comann and his wife, Marily n , have two sons, T y ler age 5, and three yearold Brad . Both Mr. and Mrs. Comann a r e natives of St. Louis , Missouri. With General Dynamic Corp. Dr . John T. Ballass '5 1, r eceived his Bach elor of Science degree in M e t a llurgical Engineering at MSM. H e took advanced work at L ehigh University and h as completed th work for his Ph .D d egre e in M eta llurgical Engineering. H e is now associated with the EI ctric Boat Division of G eneral D y namic Corporation , a t Groton , Connecticut. His a ddr ess now is, 63 Woodlaw n Ro a d , New London, Conn .
Clare J. Thorpe ' 35, Associate Pro fessor of Mechanica l Engineering , at MSM, h as resigned h is position to accept a post as S e nior Engineer , with the R esearch and Power Plant group of the Aero Physics D epartment, North American Aircraft Corporation, Downey , California. Professor Thorpe h as been a member of the faculty here for twelv e years. He h as been active in community affa irs and is President of the Ro lla Kiwanis Club. Mrs . Thorpe has been teaching in the Rolla Public School.
John S. Schro eder '04 , passed away, April 13 , 1955. He was living at 21520 Arcos Drive, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California. He is survived by his wife who resid es at the above address.
B ir th Mr. and Mrs . William S. Pippert ' 51 , now have Joyce Lynn, born Septemb er 11, 1954 . The Pipperts live at 3 Clydehurst Drive , Webster Groves, Mo. , a nd Bill is employed with the Natio na l Lead Co. , Titan ium Division , St. Louis .
MSM Alumnus
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Laclede Steel Establishes Fund to Aid Students Alumni Association's Fiscal Year Begins in November In Cases of Extreme Financial Emergency W illiam A kin, P residen t of Laclede Steel C ompany, S t. L ouis, Missouri, h as ann o u nced the establishment of the L a clede S teel Company Fund to be used for extreme cases of financial need for worthy students at th e Missouri School of Mines and M e tall urgy, who otherwise might b e forced to leave sch ool.. T he p u rpose of .the f u nd is to have read il y available a financia l res e rve that can be qu ickly drawn upon a n d disbursed to worthy stude nts who are con fronted w ith extreme financial emergency, and who otherwise might be forced to withdraw from school fo r a period , and who could CO D ceivabl y be forced to completely a bandon their schooling. S u ch cases could include deaths in the immedi ate fami ly, the need of travel money incidenta l to this, medical cost inciden-
ta l to injuries or extreme sickness within the immediate family , the birth of a child to the student's wife , etc . H is p roposed that the fund be accepted by the Alumni Association acting as the Financial Agent and forward ed to the School of Mines. It is furth er proposed that the fund be disburs ed b y the D ean at h is discretion in s ums up to $50 per individual. For s ums to individuals requiring more than $5 0 it is proposed that approval also b e obtained from the Executive S ecretary of the A l umni Association. R epayments to th e fund , although d esirabl e where th e b eneficiary is abl e, n eed not b e made in cases of extreme need . The Laclede Steel Company made an initia l contribution of $ 1000 to t he Fund .
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2 :00 P.M ... ..... Boal·d oj D irectors Mc ethigj R oom 102 , Mining Building. 3:00 P.M . ...... Board oj Directors and F ac1Ilt'y M eet'ing, R oom 102, Mining Building. 7:00 P.ilIi.. ...... Du.tch Treat D inn er -
9:00 A .M ......... R eg,ist1'Otion -
10:45 A.ilIi.. ...... Annual M.eetin {!, MSM Alumni Association , Auditorium, P01'ker Hall. 12:30 P.M..
..Open House ( Place and H osts to be announced later) .
12:30 P.M .. ...... Class and F1'Oternity R eunions .
2: 15 P .M .. ...... Footb all -
Min e1'S
VS .
7: 00 P.M .. ...... Homecoming -
9:00 P .M .. ... ... Ho m ecomin g Dance -
Park er Hall.
ippert born
ebs ter ,loyed ln iuITl
Pine R oom" Greyhound B us D epot .
Central Missouri State College .
College I nn, Ho tel Edwin Long.
There have been some questions concerning the fisca l year period us ed by th e MSM Alumni Association. The period , November 1 to October 31 is used for a ll alumni assoc iation activities; financial , contributions and e le ction of officers. The " MSM Alum nus, " which is 29 yea rs old , originate d the first of a calendar year, consequently the calendar yea r is used in this case.
Did You Know That . .. The Missouri School of Mines a nd M e ta llu rgy opened Novembe r 187l. The first class of t h ree m e mbers graduated in 1874. The first men graduate d in t h e fie ld of Chemistry and G eneral Scie nce in 1891. The first Metall urgical Engineers as well as the first Master of Scie nce candidates , graduated in 1909. In 1917 the first Mechanical Engineers were graduated: in 1919 the first Chemical Engineers, and in 1928 the f irst Ceramic Engineers. T here has b een a total number of 17,124 individuals e nrolle d in MSM since 187l. The Mining Engineering D epa rtm ent has produced the greatest numb er of graduates, totaling 1,744 ; Civil Engineering next with 1,170 ; Mecha nica l Engineering with 794 ; Metallurgical Engineering w it h 690; Chemical Engineering with 682 ; Science with 250 , a nd C eramic Engineering with 225, making a total of 6512 B a chelor of Scienc e d e grees aw~rd ed. There has b een a total of 454 Maste r 's D egrees, 331 Professional D egrees, 28 Honorary D egr ees, and 28 Ph .D D egr ees conferre d to-date. A grand total of 7,353 d egrees. The la rgest enrollm ent of 2 ,756 was after World War II. Ther e are 120 faculty m ember s.
Jackling Gymnasium .
9:00 P .M ... ... Open H ouse - Ark-La-Tex Section, Ho st, Pin e Room, Greyhound Bus D epot. July
S how people that you are a live wire , a nd they won ' t step on you.
Recipients of St. Joe lead Scholarships The appointments for the St. Joseph Lead Company Scholarships for t.he 1955-56 school yea r have b een announced by D ea n Curtis L. Wilson . Cary Lindell White , son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles White, 1010 Monroe Street, Flat River , Missouri, has been appointed the S enior scholar. Mr. White graduated from the Flat River High School in the Spring of 195 2 and from Flat River Junior College in 1954. He has been in attendance at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy since September 1954. Jerry Owen Dawson, son of NIl'. and Mrs. C. L. Dawson, 232 Middle Street, Bonne T erre, Missouri , has been appointed the Junior scholar. D awson graduated from Bonne Terre High School in the Spring of 1953. H e has been in attendance at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy since September 1953 . John Frederick Rasche , son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Rasche, Route 2, Farmington, Missouri, has been appointed as Sophomore scholar. Mr . Rasche graduated from the Flat River High School in the Spring of 1954. He has been in attendance at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy since September 1954. Edward Eugene Hornsey, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Lewis H. Hornsey, of Potosi, Missouri, was appointed to rec eiv e the Freshman Scholarship. Hornsey graduated from the Potosi High School this Spring and w ill e n~ t er his Freshman yea r at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy in September 1955 .
Hoeoel Heads Midwest Office National Supply Company K enneth O. Hoevel '33, has b een appointed Division Manager of the Midwest Division . of the National Supply Company. Mr . Hoevel started with the company in 1935 as a store clerk, serving in Oklahoma City and Seminole , Oklahoma. In 1937 he was transferr ed to the Torrance , California plant for training in sales and service work on rotary equipment, and then spent two years in this work in the Kansas oil fields . He was appointed a sales engin eer at Tulsa , Oklahoma, in 1939 and b ecame general foreman of the assembly department at the Toledo, Ohio, plant in 1942. H e ser ved as Division Sales Manager of the Northwest Division. H e received his degree at MSM in Mechanical Engineering. H e is a member of the American Petroleum Institute , the Nomads, an d the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The Midwest Division , with headquarters at Tulsa, covers the states of Kansas and Oklahoma.
Transferred to Tulsa Victor H . Zoller ' 43 , Vice-President an d Manager of the Midland , T exas Division of the White Eagle Oil Co. , has been transferred to Tulsa , Oklahoma to supervise all White Eagle exploratory operations. Mr . Zoller opened the Division Offices at Midland la st year. He will continue to direct operations of the division from Tulsa.
Figures have been compiled concerning the employment salary status of graduates with the degree of Bachelor of Science, who graduated May 30, 1955. Low Average High $340 $385 $420 $350 $384 $422 $325 $373 $405 $400 $350 $384 $417 $350 $376 $405 $350 $384 $400 $400 All $28 4 $387 $700 The above statistics are d etermined from reported starting salaries. Certain values were not used in determining averages as outlined in the fo llowing comments. There was one foreign student who received his MS in Metallurgical Engineering who received a salary of $43 l. Among the Civil Engineering graduates, two were employ ed by the USGS at $28 4. One with previous experience will receive $522 and another will receive $565. There was one Science graduate who will receive $530. One Mechanical Engineering graduate with previous experience will receive a stipend of $500. In Chemical Engineering, one MS degree graduate will receive $525 and another graduate will be paid $770 for foreign employment. All the above figures are on a monthly salary basis. Mining Eng. Met. Eng. Civil Eng. Science Mechanical Eng . Electrica l Eng. Chemical Eng. Ceramic Eng. School Average Degrees
The St. Joseph L ead Company awards four scholarships each yea r to students that graduate from high schools in the " L ead B elt Area" of Missouri. The recipient is chosen b y the Faculty Committee at MSM. The scholarships amount to $600 each.
K enneth '42 , and Connie Roffman announce the birth of a daughter , Mary Clair, born on July 24, 1955. Ken is president of H emminghaus, Inc. , Engineers and Contractors for refrigration and electric projects. Their home is 415 Robert, Ferguson, Missouri.
A r eport from Alaska indicates prices rising, and the housing situation hopeless . It should b e ready for statehood now.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Carlson '5 0 , welcomed John C. , their third son, upon his arriva l , January 14, 1955. The Carlsons live in Pioche , N evada, where Da~ e is employ ed with the Combined Metals Reduction Co.
1955 Grads Get $300 To $700 Salaries
Clark-Brennecke Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Brennecke, of St Louis., Missouri, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Frances, to Edward L. Clark , Jr. , son of Dr. Edward L. Clark , Grand Junction, Colorado. Ed. , Jr. graduated from MSM, in the Classs of '55 , receiving his degree in Mining Engineering. He is now attending Cornell UniverSity, Ithaca, New York, working on his Masters degree . The wedding will be later this year .
lVl SlVl Alumnus
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DENVER, COLORA-DO AREA Wm . H . Burgin ' 40, Chm ., 516 Acoma St. , Denver , Colo. ; Sec'y. , Mrs. Pauline F . B . Schroeder '5 0, 7235 W est 34th Ave ., D enver , Colo. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH AREA J. E. S teven s '32, Chm. , P. O. B ox 338, Murray, Utah; Phillip Boyer '28, Sec'y., 1376 Michigan Ave . Salt Lake City, utah. ' ARK-LA-TEX SECTION Claude N. Valerius '25, Chm. , 443 Gladstone Blvd. , Shreveport, La. ; Osher Goldsmith ' 20 , Vice-Chm., 701 So uth Chilton, Ty ler, T ex .; Guy Ellison '52 , S ec' y .-Treas ., 170 Kay la St. , Shreveport, La. ST. LOUIS , MISSOURI AREA Ray Ruenheck '50, Pres., 1233 Ashford, Bissell Hills S t. Louis County Mo.; Steve Sala:no ' 47 , Vice-Pres .', 1334 Pine Tree Lane, W ebster Groves , Mo. ; Bob Rieder ' 51, S ec'y. , 6739 Bradley, St. Louis 9, Mo. ; Jo e Mooney , ex-'39 , 7265 Northmoor Drive , University City 5, Mo. SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK AREA E. Cecil Hill ' 49 , Chm ., Bldg. No. 24-327, No . 1 River Ro ad, Schene ctady 5, N. Y . WASHINGTON, D. C. AREA H. A. Hollingshead ' 21 , Pres., 902 Potomac Ave ., A , No. A-I, Alexandria Va.; C. H. McDonald '35 , Vice-Pres. ': 5204 Varnum St. D ecatur H eigh ts , H y attsville, Maryland; Richard R y dstrom '32 , Sec'y.-Treas. 961 Pinewood Terrace, Falls Church ,' Va. (Informal meeting 11:30 a .m. ever y Tu esday for lunch at Ex. Dining Room, 3rd floor Pentagon Bldg. Contact L t . Col. Stuart Davis '32, Ph. Liberty 5-6700 , Ext. 7446 9 or Col. J. J . Livingsto n ' 27 , Ext. 74081 for R es .) . LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA AREA Barney Nuell ' 21 , Chm. 3440 Wilshire Blvd. , Los Angeles , 'Calif. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Rob ert L. Ray '47 , Chm. , 1040 Park Lane, Oakland , Calif. ; J. E. Bryant '37, S ec'y.-Treas. 16022 Via Media , San Lorenzo , Calif. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI AREA Fred H . Hoener ' 41 , Pres. , 3305 W est
Jul y
71st St. , Kansas City , Mo. ; Don A . Riley '48, Vice-Pres. 3910 Norledge Kansas City, Mo. ' '
1907 Paul R. Cook an Engineer with the City of New York, is now living at 411 Smith St. , Brooklyn 31, New York .
NEW YORK AREA J a m es L. H ead '16, Chm ., Rm. 1726, 25 B roa dway , New York, N. Y.
1917 Fred P . Shay es sends in his new address as Abbott Crest Home, 901 W est L exington Blvd., Corpus Christi, T exas . J . G. R eilly, who has been residing in Mexico , D . F ., Mexico gave us a change of address to Ca silla 219, Lima, P eru.
CHICAGO AREA J. W alter Wallace '48 Chm 18455 Shedhall Rd. , Homewo~d , John C. Ingram ' 13, Sec' y. , 8223 St. Lawrence Ave ., Chicago 19, Ill.; John R. K enn ey ' 12, Treas . 2132 N. H a lstead St. , Chicago , Ill. '
1923 E. Rowland Tragitt, after living in ARIZONA SECTION Pho enix, Arizona, for a year, h as D an Huffma n ' 22 , Chm., 826 E. B elpurchased a home. His n ew addr ess mo n t Ave ., Phoenix, Ariz ., John L. there is 1511 W est K eirn Drive. Brix ius ' 47, Vice-Chm., Rte . No.1 , D ean Merton 1. Sig n er, D ean of the Box 39P, Globe , Ariz.; E. Rowland Faculty , Colorado School of Mines Tragitt ' 23 , Sec'y. -Treas ., 1511 W est visited t h e alumni office in July. D ea~ K eim Drive , Phoenix, Ariz. was officially at Fort Leonard Wood for a f ew days where the ROTC uni t of the CSM is in Summer training. More News About Grads C . C . T evis, who has been in charge Andrew Tay lor '5 1, and his wife of District No.8, Missouri State Hi,ghstopped b y the campus in July. Andy way D epartment, at Springfield , will be transferred , effective October 1 to is with the K easbey & Mattison Compan , in St. Louis . His home address _ Kirkwood and will b e in charge' of District No . 6. is 410 South Harvey, F erguson, Missouri. 1928 O. W. Greeman is with the BrownsElmer E . Trautwein ' 40 , is now living at Indian Springs Ro a d , In- ville Custom L abo r ato r y, Box 390, Brownsville , Texas. His duties are diana , P ennsylvania. sampling a nd assaying ores and minFranklin B. Rog ers, ' 41 , is with erals from Mexico prior to crossing the Granit e City Steel Co. , Gra nite the border. H e is also doing consultCity, Ill. , and resides at 1527 Trampe ing work on ore dressing and mill L ane, St. Louis 15 , Mo . design . Warren H. B ell , ' 47 , is Sales EngO. D. Niedermeyer visited the cam ineer with the Granite City Steel Co. pus June 15. " Red," with his wife and His office is in Houston , T exas, at son , Tommy , were in the States on a 4101 S 2. n J acinto , and h e lives at vacation trip . H e is Vice President a nd 9701 Bassoon Drive, Houston. G en eral Manager of the Nickel ProVictor H. Zoller , '43 , h as moved cessing Corporation at Nicaro, Cuba. 1932 from Midland , T exas to 3747 South D elaware , Tulsa, Oklahoma. Major Willard A. Gallemore, who h as b een stationed at Rand olph AFB T ed J . Tucker , '5 4, is in Alton, Tex., has been transferred and hi~ Illinois , residing at 302 East 13th n ew address is c/ o Joint Construc tion Stree t. H e is employed with Olin A gency , APO 230, New York , N . Y . Industries. William Brewer , who is with the U. S. Corps of Engineer s, has been When a man has the reputation of transferred to the Ohio Rive r Division being "sma rt as a steel trap, " there's Cincinnati, Ohio. His add r ess there i~ a fellow who knows exactly when to Box 1159, U . S. Post Office and Court shut UP . House.
1933 Lt. Col. Vernon L . Asher, '33, the first Officer of the D ay in the history of Fort Leonard Wood , r eturned June 5th with the 9857th Engineer Replacement Training Center to take two weeks of summer rese rvist training. Col. Asher first arrived at Ft. Wood Jan . 8, 1941, five da ys after the War Department issued an order designating the area Fort Leonard Wood instead of the Seventh Corps Area Training C enter. 1935 Emil D. Hoffman, D esign Engineer, Meter Division , Westinghouse Elec. Corp. , has moved to Raleigh , North Carolina , with r esidence a t 312 Northwood Drive, Route No. 1. 1936 H erman J. Pfiefer visited MSM in June. H erman is District Manager of the Electro M e tallurgical Co., Houston, Texas. His residence is at 3774 Sunset Blvd. , Houston. 1937 P . E. Silver was visiting on the campus in June . Pete is Service E ngineer with the Baroid Division of National L ead Co. His home address is 39 Maple wood L ane , Natchez , Mississippi. R. J. Cardetti and wife are happy to report that they are now proud parents of a baby girl, born May 12, 1955 ; their first. Richard is G en eral Supervisor , Production T esting, U. S. Steel Corp. , Gary, Ind ., and r es ides at 7500 Locust Ave . 1938 Rup ert A. Jarboe has had a change of address to 315 East Myrtle, Independence, Kansas. Cha rles V. Cameron, who has bee n with the Shell Oil Co. , D enver , Col o ., has b een transf erred to the Sh ell Office at 50 W est 50th Street, New York , N. Y. R aymond Howard Ro gers sent a few hours on the campus in July . Mr. Rogers is with the Corps of Engineers assigned at the Dallas , T exas office. His r eside nce address i s 605 1 Belgrad e . 1939 J. J. Parker has a n ew address. It is 7342 Leona , St. Louis, Mo. John is with the B ank Buildin g and Equipment Co. , 906 Sidney, St. Louis .
1940 Ivan M. Niedling visited the a lumni office in June. H e is with the Cities S ervice Oil Company of Pennsylvania and lives at 826 Derwyn Road , Drexel Hill, Pa. Ivan is interested in starting an a lumni section in the Philadelphia area . H e will be contacting the al umni in that area this Fall. Ivan's son was with him and he appears to be a pot ential Miner , though just a Junior in high school. J ack E. Tiede has moved from Saltillo, T exas to Dahlgr en , Va. His mailing address in Dahlgren is P . O. Box 36. R. E. Burns, who is with the Aluminum Company and has b een assigned in the Davenport sales territory, has been transferred to Spokane, Washington as Branch Manager of t heir n ewly opened office. His Spokane address is 610 Fid elity Building. Colonel Walter P. L eber IS attending th e Command and G eneral S t a f f School , Leavenworth , Kansas. His addr ess there is , Student Detachment. 1941 James R. Roux has moved his business, the Roux Engineering Sal e s Company, to 1135 Pearl Street , Bould er , Colorado and his residence is at 517 Pine Street. Jim is a manufacturer's agent r epresenting the Tool Steel Gear Pinion Co., The W. A. Jones Fo und r y a nd Machine Company of Chicago and the Ford Steel Co. , in the states of Colorado , Arizona, New Mexico and part of Wyoming and South D akota. W e wish yo u success, Jim , in y our new location. Allan J. Summers is head of Missile Preliminary D esign D epartment at McDonnell Aircraft Corp. , St. Louis , Mo. H e r eceived his M. S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at California Institute of T ech. in 1951. There are three children in the Summers family and they all live at 967 Couch Lane, Kirkwood, Mo. 1942 Lt. Col. V ernon T . Loesing, '42 , has b een assigned Resident Engineer at L add a nd Eielson Air Force Bases in Ala ska. H e is supervisor of all construction work and related activities of the Alaska District, Corps of Engin eers, at th e two bases . Col. Lo esing serv ed in North Africa and Italy dur-
ing World War II . Since 1948 he has served in the Philippine I slands , at Fort B elvoir, Va., Ft. Sill , Okla. and Ft. Leavenworth , Kan. Robert F . Guilfoy h as moved from the mid-west to the east and is now living at 5811 Glouchester St. , Springfield, Va. Eugene Ruttle's new address is 5 Priscilla Drive, R. D. No.1 , Library, Pa . Arthur G. Adler has advised us his new address is 37 W. Chalmette Circle, Chalmette, Louisiana. Paul W. Kloeris, Jr. is Process Engin eer for Westinghouse in their Atomic Power Division, engaged in manufacturing nuclear r eactors. The Kloeris' address is 797 A Cook Drive , Pittsburgh 34 , Pa .
194 3 James R. Paul is with Dowell, Inc., 5k7 Union National Bank Bldg ., Wichita 2 , Kansas . Lt. Comdr . Donald H. Short, U. S . Navy, recently graduated from the U. S . Navy Postgraduate School , Monterey , Calif. He visited MSM enroute to the Office of U. S. Navy Supervisor of Shipbuilding , Camden , New J ersey . James W. Marlow, Apt . A, 747 East 138th Street, Hawthorne, Calif., is a Junior Engineer with the North American Aviation Corp. James C. Johnson is now in the midwest. His new a ddress is 9 Glen View Drive, Belleville, Illinois. Maurice O . B ellis has had a change of residence to 139 Nasssau Blvd., Garden City , New York . 1944 R. P. Balin is in business for himself, selling and servicing television and radios in Phoenix, Arizona . His mailing address is P. O. Box 445 , Phoenix. Kenn eth W. Scho enberg has been appo inted Divisional Engin eer, Central Division, St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, with headquarters at Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Glen Sta ley sent in a change of address to Sesser , Illinois . 1947 Joseph L . Haleski is with the Joy Manufacturing Co. , located at Ca silla 3111 , Lima, Peru.
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1948 Rob ert O. Gre gory, 4510 Oakland, St. Louis, Mo. , r e ce ive d his Master of Science d egr ee in Ele ctrical Engineering from W a shington University, St. Louis . H erber t B. Sachs sends in his new addre ss at 1507 North Bend Road , College Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Edward L. Brundige has been added as sta ff member to th e Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California . H e is a chemist in the Chemist r y and M e tallurgical Division. He came to Los Alamos from th e Knolls Atomic Powe r Laboratory, Sche n e ctady, N. Y. Irving C. Falk h as moved to Que ntin , Pa, 1949 Dona ld H. Timme r is Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Harrisburg Cha pter of the P e nnsylvania Society of Professional Engineers. Don is gathering information for the us e of prospective e ngineering students who come to the office of the Society for advice . And , of course, a catalogue from MSM has been sent to him . G e ne Arthur Tyrer has moved to 3058A Western Avenue , Park Forest, Illinois . Charles E. McFarland received his Ph.D in · Physics from Washington U. this Spring. His prese nt address is 5717 Enright , St. Louis, Mo. Norbert Schalk , 6920 Millbrook , University City 5 , Mo. , was granted a Doctor of Science in Electrical Engineering d e gree from Washington U . at th e ir recent comme nce ment . Robert L. Root has a change of address to 1467 Blaine Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah. Previously he gave his addr ess as Eureka , Utah. John H. Fuque now live s at 8135 Florence, Downey, California . 1950 William A. Kelly was a campus visitor in July . Bill is with B endix Aviation, Kansas City , Mo ., and lives at Blue Ridge and Arlington in K. C. V ernon G. B erkey has a new addr ess , 7505 Remoor Rd ., Baltimore, Md. V erno l} is with th e Baltimore Works , of the Armco Steel Corp. Albe rt Krainess has joine d the Jet Engine Department of the General
Electric Company , in the ca pacity of Mate rials Engineer. His address is 1948 Seymour Ave., Cincinnati 37 , Ohio. L e roy F . Sereno gives us his n ew address, 1085 Nor th M a in St. , Jacksonville, Illinois. Carl M . Knowles has moved to 120 E. 87th St. Apt. 1B , N e w York 28, N. Y . Charle s E. McGaughey , wife a nd two childre n visited MSM in July. This was Charle s ' first visit on the campus since graduation. The McGaughey's w ere on their vacation visiting their old home town , Keokuk , Iowa. Mr. McGaughey is with the Mid-continent Steel Casting Corp. , Shreveport, La. , Their address the r e is 3705 Richmond Avenue. Joseph J. Horsley, Design Enginee r at the McDonnell Aircraft Corp ., resides at 9201 Lackland Ave ., Overland , St. Louis 14, Missouri. Mark A. Weber is now at 907 Seventeenth St. , Two Rivers, Wisc. Rolland Hardy has moved to Route 1, Springfield, Va. John F . Hernan, 12 Fir Street, Park Forest, Illinois is with the U. S. Gypsum Co. , Chicago . Raymond W. Bowles , Ele ctrical Engineer for the Minneapolis Honey Well Regulator Co., is now living at 2441 29th Ave. , South, Minneapolis. Ray B. Johnson is now in Kansas City, Missouri, residing, Apt. 311 , 107 Ward Parkway . Dustin J. Wood is now in Miami , Florida , residing at 750 N. W . 13 Ct. , Apt. No . 2. Earl Bishop, who has been with lAGS , Fort Clayton, Canal Zone , is now at Walnut, Illinois. Dale L. Kingsley is now in Kansas
City, Missouri, living a t 4007 Holme s , Apt. No. 1. Love ll J. Lukrofka's a ddr ess is 1109 W es t 4th St. , Independence, Mo. 1951 John W. Clark visited MSM in June . He is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, N e w M e xico Sta t e Colle g e . H e r e ceive d the promotion to this grade just rec ently. His a ddre ss is 823 N. Miranda, Las Cruces , N e w Mexico . H a rry N. Walker has acc epte d a position with the Kohler Company, Kohl er, Wisconsin. Milton M . Silve r has become a member of the T e chnical Service s Department, M 0 n san t 0 Chemical Company' s W . G. Krummrich plant, St. Louis , Mo. He has been in the army doing instrum e ntation work at Aberde en , Md. His address is 6439 Clayton Road , St. Louis . Enrl Jackson was on the campus in June. He was on vacation in the U. S . H e is with th e Iron Mines Co. , of V e n ezu e la at EI Pao, Vene zuela . William M. Shepard , who is with the Bea r Creek Mining Co., has cha nged his address to Box 462 , Eureka. Utah. Warren D. Roach is with the Sohio Petrole um Co., Midland, Texas. Warren , lives in Midland at 313 East Spruce. There are two Roach childre n, a boy, 7 y e ars old and a girl, three. Gerald B e nd er , rece ntly rele ased from military service, has returned to his position with Monsa nto Chemical Co., St. Louis. H e is living at 5919 Nagel Ave . 1952 P a ul H. H a usn e r returned from Europ e in Januar y and has b een discha rged from the s er v ice. H e comple ted one s emester of gradua t e work
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HELP US KEEP YOUR ADnRESS CURRENT If y our address h a s chang ed , comple te a nd t e ar out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association , Rolla, Mo. Tha nks.
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My new addr e ss is .. .................... .. .......... ............ ........ .... ..................... ......
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at Kansas University and accepted a position as Development Metallurgist with Aerojet General Corp., Azusa, California . His present address is Canyon City Hotel, 628 North Azusa Ave., Azusa , Calif. Robert George Sutherland is employed in the Mining Engineering Department, Anaconda Copper Mining Company, Butte, Montana. His address there is 825 Seventh Street. Donald P. McCammon is Plans Designer, District I , Missouri State Highway D epartment, and lives at 2905 St. Joseph Avenue , St. Joseph , Missouri. Wayne R. Jackson is now living at 196 Ackerman Ave. , Ridgewood , N . J. J. H. Tankersley has moved from D ecatur, Ga ., to 1918 Langdon F arm Road, Apt. No.4 , Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Lewis C. Martin is with the Egyptian American Oil Co. , P. O. B ox 50 , Gammal Comp ., Alexandria , Egypt. Raymond L. Hallows, Jr. has a new address, 116 North Passaic Ave., Chatham , New J ersey. James B. T empleton has moved to 3118 % Ct. U , Ens. , Birmingham 8, Ala. Joseph G. Wargo is r esiding at R. R. No.1 , Modesto, Illinois , where he moved from Oxford, Ohio. Peter Kurtz, Jr. has as his new address, 827 2nd. St. Apt. C , Santa Monica , Calif. Edgar J. G egg' s address in Birmingham, Alabama , now is 1602 Woodfern Drive. Junius L ee Johnson, R. R. No.1 ,
Selma, Indiana, was transferred May 1st., by General Motors from the BOP plant in Kansas City, Ks ., to the Delco Battery Division in Muncie, Ind. 1953 Juergen J . Bloess, recently returned .from military service, is now with the T echnical Service Division , at the Baytown Refinery, of the Humble Oil and Refining Company. He joined the Technical Service in 1953 and was called into military service. T he Bloess' address is 811 North Main Street, Baytown, T exas. John P. Friedrich is at Oklahoma A & M College, Stillwater, Okla. His address there is 9A College Court. Robert C. May is now at Aiken , South Carolina, with residence at 1702 Alfred Street. E a rl R. Dill 's new address is 7703 Garden, St. Louis 19 , Mo. E arl is Facilities Engineer with Southwestern Bell T el ephone in t h eir Webster Groves office. 1954 Sylvester Theodore Algermissen. was awarded his Master's D egree in geology at the spring commence ment at Washington University, St. Louis , Mo. His address is Montgomery City, Missouri, Al Vondrasek is with the 13th Signal Co., 1st Cavalry Division , APO 201, San Francisco, Calif. Ralph G . Moeller is a 2nd Lieutenant with the 34th Engr. Combat Bn. , Ft. Lewis , Washington. Conrad Neal , who was instructor
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in the EE Departme nt, has accepted a position at China Lake, Ca lifornia . Eaul E. Ramsey has a new address, 95 Jester Road, Fort Bliss, T exas. J ack L. DeShurley is in Compton , California, at 515 West Almond. Joseph F. Krispin is still in St. Louis, Mo. , but has moved to 5421 Loughborough. Richard O. Slates sent in his present address as 3408 E. 43rd St. , Kansas City , Missouri. Herbert E. Lincoln has been appointed Sales Engineer , with the U. S. Gypsum Co. , for the Eastern half of New York state , and his headquarters is U. S. Gypsum Co., 45 Colvin Ave., New York , N. Y . 2nd. Lt. Joe Hughes received the wings of an Army Aviator when he graduated from the army aviation tactics course, Army Aviation School, Camp Rucker , Alabama . 195 5 Lester Brockman is a Trainee Engineer working for The Texas Company in their Harvey District. He is located in New Orleans', Louisiana, at 3817 A Louisiana Avenue Parkway. Peter A. Van Dusen , 5423 Highwa y 9, Corpus Christi , Texas is employed with the Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. Joseph M. Rutsky is now living at 2345 N. 140th, Seattle 33, Wash. Arthur Canady and Robert Morley have accepted an offer of emplo ym ent with Kaiser Services, Kais er Building, Oakland 12 , California. James W. Marlow is a Junior Engineer at the North American Avia tion , Inc. , International Airport, Los Angeles 45 , California . Joseph N. Muscovalley is located in Odessa, T exas , r esiding at 2802 North H enderson. Elva L. Crandell has a new address, 254 9th Ave. , Marion, Iowa. Virgil L. Powell 's new address is Box 491, Fairfax , Okla . 2nd. Lt. Ronald M. Kingsbury, is residing at Mason Hall, Apt. 225, Alexandria, Va., while on duty at Ft. B elvoir. 2nd. Lt. Richard L . Cruse, a lso on duty at Ft. B elvoir, resides in the Riverview Apts ., Apt. No.5, Alexandria, Va .
1115M Alumnus