New MSM Dorms Here's how the architect visualizes the three new MSM dormitories, just east of the present one, between Ninth and Tenth streets, with State street in the background . Costing a n estimated $1,050 ,000 , they are to house 310 students.
Volume 29
November-December 1955 Number 6
President's Column Your Board of Directors met on Friday, November 4 at 2:00 p. m. and at 3:30 p. m. a joint meeting was held with the Faculty Department Chairmen. At the Board meeting, after appropria te discussion, a bud'get of $15, 950.00 was approved for the fiscal year 1956. This includes the continuance of six Freshmen Scholarships of $500.00 each. At the joint m eeting common interests were discussed , especially concerning the anticipated student growth and the expansion which will be required to meet this. At the Annual Meeting at 10:45 Saturday, November 5, after a short discussion of our business affairs and the awards to three of our a lumni , Dean Wilson discussed the plan of campus improvement. Your President expressed considerable concern in the projected expansion, l est a deterioration to quality be experienced . This is deserving of especial consideration in view of the commendable position that MSM occupies in both the number and percentage of alumni listed in, " Who 's Who In Engineering"; n amely, a rank of eleven and ten , respectively. (Tables showing comparative positions of engineering schools in these rankings of alumni is reprinted elsewhere in this issue) . May I remind you again that our fiscal year 1956 started November 1, and that, in keeping with the s upport necessary to meet our budget, we need you contributions - and we especially want a broad base of membership our goal is 2,200 for the next year y ou decide as to the amo unt - and, I assure you , this is strictly confidential. Governor DOl1'l1elly r ecently announced that the vote on the State Bond Issue will b e h eld January 24, to provide funds for all plant improvement for the University (including MSM) , the State Colleges, and the Eleemosynary and P enal Institutions. The round figure for the Bond Issue is $75,0 00 ,000.00, and I ask that those residing in Missouri give it their support. Should the Bond Issue fail, the futur e of higher educa-
MSM Alumni Association OFFICERS President
'l'e= l!;xp.
. Harry S. Pence ·23 .............. 1118 Syndicate Trust Bldg. St. Louis 1. Missouri
E:xecu t ive Vice-Pres. .. Charles J. Potter ·29 ........... 330 North Carpenter...... . and Vice-Pres. Areas 1, 2, 3. Indiana . Pennsylvania
Vice-Pres. Areas 4, 5. 6 .......Mel vin E . Nickel ·38 ..... ..._10601 Sou th L eavitt Ave . Chicago 43. Illinois Vice-Pres . Areas 7. 8. 9 ... Barney Nuell '21 Sec. -Treas .
.......... 1956
............ 3440 Wilshire Boul evard .......................... 1956 Los Angeles. C a lifornia
............... Leon Hershkowitz '41 ...... 1300 PowelL ........................................................ Rolla. Misso u ri
Executive Secretary . ............ Francis C. Edwards ............ MSM Alumni Association Editor. "Alumnus" Old Metallurgy Building Rolla. Missouri DIRECTORS AT LARGE M. J. Kelly '1 4 ................................................................. .. 463 West Street. ... New York 14. New York -1956 J. W.
Stephens '47 .................................... ..
Rex Willi ams
'3 1 ............................................ ..
Area No.
Un that not tuni but
........... Lee ·s Summit. Missouri -
1956 1956
list die
Term Exp.
faun as e;
State Embraced
................ Howard J. Teas ·17............... .. ................ New England. N. Y .. N. J .. East Pa .. .......... _ 1958 125 Church St. . Malvern. New York Dist of Col u mbia. Md .. Va .. Delaware 2 ................ Rolla T. Wade ·31... .................................................... S . Ark .. N. C .. S . C .. L a .. Miss.. ... 730 Pierre Mont Rd .. Shreveport. L a . Ala .. Ga .. F l a.
3 ... ............ .5. Allen Stone ·30..................... ........ ..... P. O . Box 28. Fort Wayne . Ind'. . .
.. .... W . Va .. Ohio. W . Pa .• Ky .. Tenn.. ............ Ind .. (Except Chicago Industri al Area)
.... Melvin E. N i ckel ·38............................. ........... N. Ill .• Chicago Industrial Area in .. 10601 South Leavitt Ave. India n a. Wisconsin . Michigan . Chicago 43. I llinois Minnesota
6............ H . E. Zoller ·23.... Central B uilding. Wichita. Kans .
.. ....... Iowa . W . Mo .. Neb .. Kan .. Okla.
7 ................Kenneth F. Anderson '42. 1114 Commerce St.. Room 1909 Dallas 2. Texas
T exas. Arizona. New Mexico
........... Id aho. Montana. North D akota, ............ . South D akota. W yoming. Colorado . Nevada. Utah
9 ................ Barney Nuell ·21.. ..................... ........................... W as hington Oregon. California .. .. 3440 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles. California
tion in Missouri is indeed in great jeopardy. On November 1, Ike Edwards completed his second yea r as yo ur executive-Secretatry which, coupled with the fine and untiring efforts of Leon Hershkowitz, your el ective Secretary-Treasurer, I am sure you will agree, has given us excellent a lumni administration. For your Directors and Officers, may I wish all our Alumni and Friends a Happy Holiday S eason with the Hopes and Prayers that we may hav e continued Peace , Health and Prosperity throughout tthe N ew Yea r. Sincerely, H ar.'y S . Pence , President
5..............Paul Dowling '40.......................... .. ................ S. Ill.. E. Mo .. N. Ark. 1400 S. 2nd. St .. St. L ouis 4. Mo.
8 ...
wen to I tane seer ers,
... 504 East 5th ............................... ....... Rolla. Missouri AREA DIRECTORS
.. ........ 1955
Have You Sent Your Contribution To the 1956
vernl ficia
Alumni Fund?
MSM Alumnus
issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and fann er students of the Sc ho ol of Mines and Metalltl1'gy. Subscription price, $1.50, included in A lU1nl1i . Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Mo. , u.nder the Act of J1Ilarch 3, 1879.
Prof 109; deot
Schc Mec
Old Grads From 1905 to 1955 Return to Campus for Homecoming on November 5 omecoming at MSM, November 4 and 5, brought many alumni back to the scenes vvhere they were trained for their profession and
- 1956
·. 1956
-. 1956
- 1956
- 1956
- 1956
_ 1958
to r enevv acquaintances, vv h i chit seems among Miners, is extra special. Unfortunately, all that r eturned did not have an opportunity to register but in scanning the list of those that did register vve C. R. Wil/ley found graduates present from classes a s early as 1905 and as late as 1955. Clifford R. Wilfley '05 , vvho re-
ceived the 50 Year Recognition Avvard iast Spring at commencement, but was not here to receive it in person , returned for the occasion. Other early 20th Century grads present were: P. K. Horner '06, T. F. Quinn, ex '07, John H. Bovvles '08, George Easley '09, John R. Kenney '12, Martin E. Thornberry '12, William Ehlers ' 13 and Abe Levv Kaplan '15. Those of the 1955 Class that registered vvere: Harry Covven, Robert Farris, Dale Gilliam, Donald Gessley, Charles Gockel, William Hallett, Richard Kaiser , William Lidster and John B. Miles. In all, 195 registered, and vvith fevv exceptions , each class from 1905 to 1955 vvas represented.
Many had special appointm ents for. Friday night but the Alumni Association held a Dutch Treat Dinner at the Pine Room, Greyhound Bus Terminal, and 65 alumni and guests gathered for an enjoyable evening. The annual meeting of the Alumni Association vvas held Saturday morning in Parker Hall. Here the alumni were vvelcomed by Dean Wilson and an official report vvas given by the officers, telling of the Association's activities and accomplishments during the past year. The presentation of the Citation of Merit vvas made by President Pence to the deserving alumni, Jack Kenney, Joe Wanenmacher and Al Boyle. During the noon hour Saturday, many luncheons vvere held. The Class of 1930 met at the Colonial Village. The Class of 1925 vvere not able to muster their five members for a group
- 1951
Alumni Confer With MSM Officials
- 1951 _ 1951
_ 1955 _ 1956
_ 1951
rest 0/ :/lts 0/ ilillfg)'· ded jll :d·class I/jce at
arch 3,
Alumni and School of Mines officials at a conference held in conjunction with the School of Mines Homecoming on November 4-5, the purpose being to develop cooperation between alumni and the school with a view to helping the school official s in meeting the problems before them. First row, left to right: R. Z. Williams, Executive Vice President of the Rolla State Bank, Rolla, Mo.; Rolla Wade, Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. , Shreveport, La.; Professor 1. H. Lovett, Head of the Electrical Engineering Department ; Dr. Harold Q. Fuller, Professor of Physics; Paul Ponder, Assistant Registrar ; all of Missouri School of Mines ; S. H. Lloyd III , Salt Dome Oil Corp. , Houston , Texas ; Leon Hershkowitz, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, School of Mines; Mel Nickel , Internatjonal Harvester Co., Chicago, Illinois. Second row, left to right: James W. Stephens, District Mgr., Missouri Public Service Company, Lees Summit, Mo.; Professor R . M. Rankin , Head of the Mathematics Department; Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Professor of Metallurgical Engineering ; Professor S. H. Lloyd, Chairman of Humanities Department; all of Missouri School of Mines ; Harry S. Pence, President of the Alumni Association, Glendale, Mo. ; S. A. Stone, Ft. Wayne, Indiana ; Noel Hubbard , Director of Admissions; Dr. George Cla rk, Professor of Mining Engineering ; Dr. T. J. Planje, Professor of Ceramic Engineering ; all of Missouri School of Mines ; Francis Edwards, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association ; Professor R. F. Davidson, Head of Mechanics Department, Missouri School of Mines ; A. A. Boyle, Vice President, Laclede Steel Company, Alton , Illinois ; and Dr. O. R . Grawe, Professor of Geology, Missouri School of Mines. N ovem ber
D ecember
meal. All alumni w er e welcome at the Open House , with the St. Louis Alumni Section as host, h eld from 12:00 to 2:00 p. m. at the Pennant Hotel. Th e football game in the afternoon was witnessed by a v e r y large crowd of Home comers but the Miners were not abl e to give them a victory as they did last year. Saturday evening, 160 alumni and fri e nds met at the College Inn, Edwin Long Hotel, for the Annual Alumni Banquet. Professor E. W. Carlton , Chairman of the Civil Engin eering Departme nt, was toastmas t er. His v ersa tility in this role , and brief and p er tinent speeches b y a f ew present , made a v e ry successful b anqu et. From here the crowd dispers ed to many places . On the official program , a dance was hel d at Jackling Gymnasium and t h e Ark-La-Tex Alumni Section r eserve d the Pine Room and was a graciou s host at an Open House for all a lumni and their friends.
Passage of State Bond Issue Vital to MSM OV. PHIL M. DONNELLY of Missouri has announced that a special election will b e h eld, January 24 , 1956 , to p ermit the voters of Missouri to ballot on the proposed $75 ,000,000 bond issue for the construction of buildings needed b y the higher educational and eleemosy nary institutions in the state . These bonds will b e r etired by income from present sources and will not require an increase in t axation . A simple majority vote only is n eed ed for its passage. Alumni and friends of t h e Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy are urged to lend the ir assistance to make certain this bond iss u e is a pproved by the p eo ple of the stat e . The result of this el ection w ill d et ermine whether MSM will get t h e needed buildings that are n ecessary to alleviate the crowded classroom and labora tory facilities. And the school is just b eginning to fe el the impact of an increased enrollment that will continue to climb during the next t en years. YOU VOTE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO VOTE FOR THE BOND ISSUE.
Alumni Association Completes Year Under Annual Fund Plan; $15,900 Budget Set for '56 HE MSM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION h as just completed the first year of operation under t h e Annual Alumni Fund method of fin ancing its program. The success of th e plan was encour aging in that the contributions a mounte d to $2,000 .00 more t han the p r evious y ear under the fixed-du e , plan , but the number of a lumni contributing w a s 199 l ess . On November 1, we began a n ew fiscal y ear . And again w e are contacting yo u for yo ur support and participation in yo ur Alumni Association. The Association is again underwriting six Freshmen scholarships, of $500.00 eac h , for the 1956-57 school year . The target of 2200 contributors is our goal. This increase of slightly m ore than 22 per cent in numbers i s not too ambitious for our 6300 a lumni . The Alumni Association Board of Director s , at their annual meeting during Homecoming, approved a budget of $15,950.00 for the next fiscal y ear. This will mean an average contribution of $7 .00 plus must be a ttained to meet our expenses if w e reach our goal of 2200 contributors . This wa s the approximate average for
the past year. W e need a larger numb er of alumni participating. Some of the accomplishment of the Alumni Association during the past year in add ition to the underwriting of Six Freshmen scholarships are lis ted b el ow. Assistance to students and gifts to the school were given through the Alumni Association b y the following: Class of 1914, two Freshmen scholarships of $50 0.00. The John C. Murphy Co. Freshman Scholarship of $1 ,000.00 for two years. An a lumnus gave $5,000.00 that is earmarked for future assistance for the Civil Engineering D epartment . The Laclede Steel Company Fund was established to give gra nts to students in dire emergency need. Initial contribution of $1,000.00.
'41 ;
The Annual A lu mni Fund p lan of giving is simple. There is no maximum. There is no minimum. But give something . You may be sure that it will be put to a good use for the development of MSM. All contributors w ill r e ce ive the MSM ALUMNUS. And r emember, contributions are d ed uctible for income tax purposes. Wh y not send your check in today?
Scene at Homecoming
IIi, (
OLD GR A D S GATHER - L eft to rig ht : 1 . C. " Fish" Salmon, '2 1; Emmett M itchell, ex '2 1 ; Al Boyle, '25; No el Hu bbm'd, MSNI R egistrm'; G. E. Ebmeyel', '20; Prof. Aa1'ol1 1. Miles, '30; and William R. Powell, '30. MSM
Co., '23, !toni fiNn
Welcome, Grads! nUll!.
~h the lIVing:
ihll!an years. hat is ~e for ~nt.
Ian of maxi路 It give hat it devel路 butors
AS THE ALU1\IINI PRESIDENT A RRIVES - L ejt to right : Wm. R. Powell, '30; President Harry S. Pence, '23; Rolla W ade, '31; Mrs. Pence ; L eon H ershkowitz , '41; Clijjord R. Wiljley, 'OS ( in rear ); and Karl Kaveler, '3~.
Receive Citations of Merit
, are 路poses.
ero y H. Jackson '34, Director of Special P roject Division, O~k Ridge AtomIc Energy CommIssi on , Oak Ridge , T ennessee, was presen ted with a Certificate of Achievement and a cash award of $1,000.00. This award was the first of two approved for Oak Ridge Operations personnel under the new program which permits meritorious cash awards to employees for superior p erformance, or for producing tangible savings or intangible benefits to the Commission a nd the federal government. Jackson received this award for his outstanding performance in connection with direction of a construction program at the Y -12 plant. Mr. S. R. Sapirie, Manager of the .\EC 's Oak Ridge Office, in making the presentation stated , " Jackson has shown exemplary performance of his assigned duties far above the normal requirements for the position. And that the tangibil e measurement of benefits achieved by Mr. J ackson on the construction project included several million dollars gain for the Commission both through utilization of surplus materials and equipment from other construction projects and meeting extremely difficult design and construction schedules. " Mr. Sapirie added, "that J ackson gave his time unselfishl y to prosecution of work for which h e was responsible . H e could be found on the job and in the f ield at all hours of the day and night. " Mr. Jackson has been with the AEC since 1942, when he joined the Manhattan Engineer District as an engineer on site planning ; utility development, temporary housing and construction of camp facilities at Oak Ridge. In 1947 he was appointed to the position of Assistant Chief of the D epartment of Public Works for the . AEC. He was named Chief of the General Construction Branch in 1951 and advanced to Director of the Engineering Division in 1952. His appointment to his present position came in 1953 . Mr . and Mrs . Ja ckson and their two children reside at 165 Outer Drive, Oak Rid'ge.
of the ~ Past 'filing e list.
lts to d. In路
leroy Jackson Given Award at Oak Ridge
The MSM Alumni Association Citation oj M erit was presented to three alumni, at Homecoming, jor their outstanding service to the school and the Alumni Ass(tciation. ( L ejt ) John R. K enney '21, owner, K enney Tank I nstallation Co., Chicago, Illinois and Vi ce-President and Managing Director oj the Silv er R idge Mining Co., Ltd ., oj Sandon, British Columbia, Canada. (Center ) Jo sePh M . Wan enmachel' '23, Oil Geologist, partner, Kipling er & Wan enmacher, Consultants, Tulsa, Oklahoma. ( Right ) Aljred A . Bo yle '25, Vice-President, L aclede Steel Co., Alton, Illinois. Novem bel'
D ecemb er
Class of 1925 M embers oj the Class oj 1925 who returned jor Homecoming and the 30th Anniversary oj their class. L ejt to Right : Charles J. Irving, ElmhuTSt, I ll.; Aljred A. Boyle, Alton, Ill. ; Frank N. Strong, Springjield, Mo .; Carl J . H eim, Jasper, Ind. William F. Hauck , Morrison, Ill. , was not present when pictw'e was taken .
AT : Pelle A111111
Alumni Hold Reunions
Class of 1930 The Class oj 1930 celebrated its 25th AnniveTSary at Homecoming. The seven members pl'esent m et jor a luncheon at the Colonial Village . Six oj the group are shown above. L ejt to R ight: W illiam R . Powell, Co lumbia Bl'ick and Tile Co., Columbia, },IIo.; C. J. Cri'm m, Ass't . Projessor Elec trical Engineel'ing, MSM; Karl Kav eler, U . S. D ejence Corp ., St. Louis, Mo .; Ceo. F. H eath Co., St. Louis, Mo.; S. Allen Stone, D e-ister Concentrator Co., Ft . Wayn e, Ind.; Col. Hany F. Kirk patrick, Ojjice D eputy CI S, Logistics, Washington, D. C. Dr . Am'on J. Miles, Chairman, D ep't. M echanical En g-in eeri1'1 g },IISM was 110t present when picture 1vas taken . (j
MSM A lumnus
MSM's Homecoming Banquet
Miner Gridders Have 4-5 Record for Season h e Miners' football season ended with a standing of four victories a nd fiv e defeats. The victories were gained over Washington D. , Culver-Stockton, Southwest Misso uri State College, Springfield and Northeast Missouri State College, Kirksville . Two of the losses were b efore laI'ge crowds at MSM. Parents' Day the Miners lost to Southeast Missouri State, Cape Girardeau , by a score 9 to 6. The Homecoming crowd saw the Miners lose to the fast Central Missouri State College team, 25 to 19 . These two teams finish ed first and second in the conference standing at the close of the season. The other three losses were to Kansas State Teachers, Pittsburg; Northwest Missouri State College, Maryville, 11 to 6, and in the final game of the season, Southwestern Tennessee of Memphis gave the Miners their wo rst defeat of the season, 46 to 2l. The Miners tied for third place with Maryville in the 1955 MIAA Conference standing. T wo of the Miners were chosen on the All-MIAA t eam. Jim Murphy was named for the end position. During the season Jim caught 6 passes for 132 ya rds, scoring 24 points. Valgene Gribble was chosen in the backfield. He carried the ball 106 times for 514 y ards, an average of 4.8 yards. In ad dition to r eturning 6 punts for a 5.5 yards average, he proved his versatility b y catching 9 passes for 90 y ards gain .
T .
A T THE HEAD TABLE - L eft to right : Jack K enney, '12; Mrs. Harry S. Pence; D ean Wilson; Prof. E. W. Carlton; Ha1'1'Y S. Pence, President of th e MSM Alumni Association; and M1's . Curtis L. Wils on .
Oldtimers at Banquet
Blackwell Zinc Co. Gives $1000 to Met. Dept.
IPare ~ Co.,
. Korl
Mo.; KirkMiles, ,iettlre
Martin Thornb erry , '12,' Abe L ew Kaplan , '15; and C. E. Ebm eyer, '20 . N ovember
D ecemb er
Mr. R. C . W eisbrod , Manager of The Blackwell Zinc Company, Inc. , Blac kwell, Oklahoma, has announced that a contribution of $1 ,000.00 has b een made to the D epartment of Metallurgical En'g ineering at MSM. This money will b e u sed to purchase a piece of equipment for use in Metallurgical laboratory work. Marvin L. Hugh en '53 , has recently b een made Sup erintendent of the Blackwell plant.
Gil Metz '14, Retires From Hardinge Company
Gilbert F. Metz ' 14, a stalwart of the sales engineering -group of the Hardinge Co. , Inc. , York, Pennsylvania, was honored at a dinn er meeting of the staff at the York Country Club , in S eptember. Gil is retiring from active participation with the company. In recognition of his achievem ents and in apprecia tion of his unselfish assistance and cooperation, h e was awa rded the d egree of " Doctor of Sales Engineer-
In E
The honorary degr ee was created particularly for this occasion and the conventional sheepskin was replaced by a properly polished , inscribed and fitte d marble plaque, which also can serv e as a desk set. After the end of the year, Mr. M etz proposes to continue activity along lines of the past, but largely in a consulting capacity and probably from headquarters in Vero Beach, Florida.
Missouri Geologists Take Field Trip Through State The Association of Missouri Geologists h eld its second annual meeting, Octobe r 8 and 9. The high light of the meeting was a two day field trip d ealing with the stratigraphy of the lower part of the Pennsylvanian and its associated coals in Western and W est-C entral Missouri. The trip began at Joplin and ended at Eldon. It was l e d b y Dr. Walter V. S eari ght, Sec'y-Treas., and planned by a committee including Dr. Searight, Dr. Thomas Beveridge ' 42 , State Geologist and Dr. Garrett A. Muilenburg ' 25 , A ssistant Sta t e G e ologist . The annual dinn er a nd business m eeting wa s held at the Mitchell Hotel in N ev a d a . About 60 p ersons attended, including intereste d r epresentatives from the University of Chicago, the Univer sity of Ill. , the University of K a n sas a nd the Ill. G eological Survey. Five memb er s of the G eology Departm ent of MSM w er e present ; P . M. B e thke, F . G. Bonorino, O . R. Graw e, R. E. Morga n a nd A . C. Spreng. N ew officers el ected for 1956 are
Gil M etz, ' 14, l'eceives his " deg1"ee" from B ob R ussell, w hile Harlowe Ha1"dingc lo oks on.
John S . Brown '17, Chief Geologist St. Joseph Lead Co ., Bonne Terre, President; J . F. Wescott, Geologist, A. P. Green Co ., Mexico, Vice-President; Walter V . Searight, Principal Geologist, Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources, Rolla, Sec'yTreas. ; C . E . Allender, Division Geologist, Mo . State Highway Department, St. Joseph, and R. J. Leininger,
Corps of Engineers, Kansas City, were elected members of the Executive Committee. The association has nearly 100 m ember s, all of whom are professional geolo gists. Dr. O. R. Grawe, Chairman of the Department at MSM was the or ganizer of the Association and was its first President.
1955-56 MSM Basketball Schedule Dec. Dec. D ec. D ec . D ec. Dec. D e c. Jan . Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan . Jan. F eb. F eb. Feb. F eb . Feb . F eb.
1 3 9 10 13 17 19 7 11 14 21 27 28 31 4 7 11 14 18 21
Harris Teachers College Blackburn College Greenville College Central College Westminster College Cape Girardeau Southern Illinois University Washington Unive rsity Lincoln University Cape Girardeau Warrensburg Maryville Kirksville Central College Warrensburg Springfield Kirksville Washington University Maryville Springfield
Rolla , Missouri Rolla, Missouri Rolla , Missouri Fayette, Missouri Fulton , Missouri Rolla , Missouri Carbondale, Illinois St. Louis , Missouri Rolla, Missouri Cape Girardeau, Mo. Rolla, Missouri Mary ville , Missouri Kirksville, Missouri Rolla , Missouri Warre nsburg , Mo. Springfield , Mo. Rolla, Missouri Rolla , Missouri Rolla , Missouri Rolla , Missouri
MSM Alumnus
itectur l study' engine! Engine this ar given il issue a The Metall t and ell uates I The j ed has study i A co appear of "N! "Big T in the For : the fir: given:
Num "Who's
Colle! MH .
Michig. Cornel: PurdUE Illinois Wiscon Califor Ohio S Kansas Minne, Mo. Sc Columl IOwa S Yale Penn. 1 Rensse: StanfOl Washi[ Pennsy Barvar Texas Kansas Nebras
Lehigh Texas S. D. 1
were :utive
100 ;ional rman s the 1 was
MSM Has 283 Gradua tes in 1954 HWho's Who In Engineering ;" Three-fold Gain Over 1948
Four Area Directors Elected by Mail Ballot
HARLES J . BAER, Assistant to the Dean , University of Kansas , School of Engi n eerin g and Architecture, has completed the fourth study of the college backgrounds of engineers listed in "Who's Who in Engineering. " The data compiled from this and the three other studies is given in an article in the October 19 55, issue of " M echanical En gineering". The Missouri School of Mines a n d Metallurgy ranks tenth in percenta gc and elev enth in the numb er of g r aduates listed in the 1954 e dition . The n u mber of MSM gr aduates listed has increased 300 % since the l ast study in 1948. A condensed version of this study appeared in the Octob er 17 , 1955 i ss u e of " Newsweek " under the caption, " Big Ten". P ercentage-wise MSM is in the "Big Ten". F or your comparison we are listing the first thirty colleges as they were given in the study.
h e annu a l b a llot-by-mail election was held to sel ect officers fo r the Alumni Association to fill th e expirin g t erms of four Area Direc tors.
Number of College Alumni Listed in "Who's Who in Engi n eering. " College M .LT . Michigan Cornell P u rdue Illinois Wisconsin California Ohio State Kansas Minnesota Mo. Sch . Mines Columbia Iowa Sta te Yale Penn . State Rensselaer Stanford Washington P ennsylvania Harva rd Texas Kansas State Nebraska Colorado L ehigh Texas A & M S. D . Mines
N ovemb l'."
1954 930 620 582 568 496 350 334 321 301 298 283 268 255 255 222 222 210 208 207 202 191 186 186 178 172 164 153
1948 933 585 677 384 450 357 299 299 219 269 95 281 211 270 181 194 188 155 213 234 113 81 132 160 174 93 17
1937 76 1 460 611 309 364 305 229 254 124 182 44 292 171 270 147 125 132 107 197 200 62 55 111 92 175 41 15
Case Cal. In st . T ec h. Ill. In st. T ec h .
152 146 144
135 107 III
105 34 95
Proportion of En gineering School Alumni Listed in " Who 's Who in Engi neerin g. Total No. P er BS in cent Thru Who's List1954 Who e d College D a r tmouth 87 7 58 6.62 N e brask a 3282 186 5.66 Rochester 57 5.61 1017 K a nsas 5432 301 5.54 Missouri 2157 117 5.42 Cal. Inst . T ech 2706 146 5.3~ Swarthmore 529 28 5.29 Penn. 4506 207 4.60 S . D . State 87 4.58 1897 6301 283 4.49 Mo . Sch . Mines Virginia 51 4.42 1156 Stanford 4937 210 4.26 Cornell 15021 582 3.88 Yale (Approx ) 6800 255 3.75 Iowa 2807 104 3.71 Mich. (Approx ) 17265 620 3.59 Utah State 26 3.50 744 M .LT. 27088 930 3.44 Minnesota 8945 298 3.35 Illinois 15024 496 3.30 Columbia 8446 268 3.18 W as h. U. (St.L.) 3770 119 3.15 Kansas State 6072 186 3.07 Vermont 41 2.98 1374 Washington 7324 208 2.84 T exas 6776 191 2.82 Ohio State 11398 321 2.82 Tufts 90 2.80 3211 Ric e 1579 42 2.66 Rose 71 2.55 2782 PROMOTE D BY FRISCO
The Frisco Rail way has announced that C. N. Cawlfield '50, a Mechanical Engineering graduate , has b een named to the Diesel Supervisor's post in Springfield , Missouri. Mr. Cawlfield r eceive d this a~~ign  ment from a similar position which h e h as h eld with the Frisco in Tulsa, Oklahoma, since 1953. Cawlfield joined the Frisco in 1950 immediately aft er his graduation.
Howard J . T eas ' 17 , was el ec ted as Direc tor of Area No. 1. Mr. T eas lives
Ho ward 1. T eas in Malvern , N. Y. and is a partner in the consulting fi r m , T eas and Ste inbremmer. Pa ul T. D owling '40, inc umbent, was re- el ect ed Director of Area No . 5. Paul is w ith the Nooter Corporation in St. L ouis , Mo. K enneth F . Anderson ' 42 , was chosen as Dire ctor of Area NO.7. K enneth is Chief of the P e troleum S ection, U. S . Burea u of Mines, 1114 Commerce Street, D a llas , T exas. Barney Nu ell ' 21 , incumben t, was re-el ected Director of Area NO.9. B a rn ey lives in Los Angel es, California , where h e has an ins ur an ce business at 3440 Wilshire Boulevard. The office of V ice President, Areas 5, and 6, has b een vacant . since the death of the la t e Horace H . Clark. The Alu mni Association Board of Directors app rov ed the appointment of M elvin Nickel ' 38 , to f ill the unex pired term of this office. ~,
Alumni Give Papers at Geological Meeting Dr. O. R. Grawe and Philip IVl. B ethke, of the Geology Department attenoed the annual national meetlng of the Geological Society of America and associated geologIcal societIes, in New Orleans, LouisIana, November 7 to 9. Dr. Grawe was a guest of The Caluornia Co. during an aIrplane 'tnp of some 400 mIles over tne delta reglOn, which permitted him to see numerous inshore and oUshore arilling operations, and a flight over we wond's deepest well. lie a lSo 'tOOK advantage of a post-meeting trip by bus to the J eiferson ISland Salt IVllne . This trip gave a cl oser view of delta physlOgrapny and geOlOgy . Dr. Grawe was surpnsed to fino one of o ur MSM alumni, Nick Nicola ' 42, who IS Mining Superint endent of this property. Mr. N icola acted as a guioe on the inspection trip of the mine. Anoti1er MSM al umnus, Merlin D. Klell1koph '51, who has recently been working toward his Doctor's degree at Columbia University , presented a fine paper entitled, " Trace-Element Exploration of Maine Lake Water" . Dr. Kleinkoph is now with the Standard Oil Co. of California at Bakersfield, California . Dr. J ohn S. Brown ' 17 , in conjunction with A. E. J. Engel, presented an important paper entitled , "Revision of Stratigraphy and Structural Features in the Grenville S eri es, Edwards-Balmat District Northwest Adirondacks , New York. " BIRTHS
Mr. and Mrs . Tru m an D. And erson '55, announce the a rriv a l of Truman D. Jr. Truman , Sr. , is with W estinghouse in Pittsburgh , Pa. Mrs. And erson, " Bonnie", worked in the R e gistrar' s Office while And y atte nd ed MSM. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es L. Johnson , ' 49 , announce the birth of a son , at the St. Joseph's Hospita l , St. Charl es , Mo. , Nov emb er 21. Mark Edward w eigh d five pounds , three ounces and is the third son in the John son f a mily . J a m es is a n e n gin eer at the McDo nnell Aircraft Corp. , St. Louis, Mo .
Alumni Section Officers DENVER, COLORADO AREA Mrs . Pauline F. B. Schroeder '50, Sec' y. 7235 West 34th Ave . Denver , Colorado . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH AREA J . E. Stevens '32, Chm., P . O. Box 338, Murray, Utah. Phillip Boyer ' 28, S ec' y ., 1376 Michigan Ave. , Salt Lake City, Utah. ARK-LA-TEX SECTION Claude N. Valerius ' 25, Chm . 443 Gladstone Blvd. , Shreveport, La . Osher Gol dsmi th ' 20, Vice-Chm ., 701 South Chilton, Tyler, Tex. Guy Ellison '52 , Sec' y -Treas ., 170 Kayla St., Shreveport, L a. UPSTATE NEW YORK AREA SECTION A. J. Kiesler' 40, Chm . 2068 Coolidge P I. , Schenectady, N. Y. Guy Boos ' 49, Vice-Chm. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y . Ivan Gray '51, Sec'y ., 42 Cornelia Ave. , Rte. No.5 , B a llston L ake , N. Y. Dale Lackey '51, Treas ., P . O. Box 213 , Burnt Hills , N. Y. WASHINGTON, D. C. AREA SECTION Charles H. J ennings '30, Pres. , 4156 South 36th St. , Arlington 6, V a. Lt. Col. Martin G. Tieman '31 , VicePres ., 4540 MacArthur Blvd. , N. W. , Washington , D . C. Robert L . Fisher '36, Sec'y-Treas. , 6401 31st St. N. W. , Washington, D . C . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SECTION Barney Nuell '21, Chm. , 3440 Wilshire Blvd ., Los Angeles, Calif. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Robert L. Ray '47 , Chm ., 1040 Park Lane , Oakland, Calif. J. E. Bryant '37, Sec' y -Treas. , 16022 Via Media, San Lorenzo , Calif. KANSAS CITY AREA Fred H. Hoener ' 41 , Pres ., 3305 West 71st St. , Kansas City , Mo. D on A. Riley '48 , Vice-Pres., 3910 Norledge, Kansas City, Mo. NEW YORK AREA James L. Head ' 16 , Chm., Rm. 1726 , 25 Broadway , New York , N . Y. CHICAGO AREA J. Walter Wallace ' 48, Chm. , 18455 Shedha ll Rd., Homewood , Ill. John C . Ingram ' 13 , Sec'y. , 8223 St. Lawrence Ave ., Chicago 19 , Ill. John R. K e nney ' 12, Trea s ., 2132 N . Halstead St., Chicago , Ill.
ARIZONA SECTION Dan Huffman ' 22, Chm ., 826 E. B elmont Ave ., Phoenix, Ariz. John L. Brixius ' 47, Vice-Chm. , Rte. No.1 , Box 39P, Globe, Ariz . E. Rowland Tra gitt ' 23 , Sec'y -Treas. , 1511 West K eim Drive , Phoenix, Ariz . PERMIAN BA SIN SECTION Gilbert H. Blankenship, Jr. , '42 , Pres., 204 N. Big Spring St., Midland , T ex . N . B . (Po) L a rsh ' 21 , Vice-Pres. , 1608 W. Missouri , Midl a nd , T ex. Harry G. W atson ' 51 , Sec'y., 204 N. Big Spring St. , Midland , T ex . Warren D . Roach ' 41 , Treas. , 313 E. Spruce, Midland , Tex.
ST. LOUIS AREA SECTION Ray Ruenheck '50, Pres., 1233 Ashford , Bissells , S t. Louis County , Mo. Steve Sa lar no '47 , Vice-Pres., 1334 Pine Tree L ane, Webster Groves, Mo. B ob Rieder '51 , Se c'y. , 6739 Bradley, St. Louis 9, Mo. Joe Mooney , ex- '39 , 7265 Northmoor Drive , University City 5, Mo. PHILADELPHIA AREA SECTION Ivan " Ike " M. N iedling '40, Chm. , 826 D erwyn Rd. , Drexel Hill , Pa.
Dr. Kelly Gives Lecture At Franklin Institute Th e Franklin In stitute, Philadelphia , P e nnsylvania , held its first Philip C. Staples Annual Lecture, November 16 . Dr . Mervin J. Kelly ' 14, gave this initial l ecture speakin g on the subject, " Contribution s of Research on T elephony - A Look at the Past and a Glance into the Future" . This L e cture was established this y ear in memory of Philip Clayton Staples, a former president of the B ell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania and of The Franklin Institute , through th e joint efforts of 89 personal friends and a ssociates and four business concerns. BIRTHS
Mr. and Mrs . B y ron L. K e il '52 announce the arrival of Karen Ann Sept. 18, 1955 . The Keils live at 1000 W est 12th . Od essa. T exas .
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The Chicago Section held their Fall meeting, October 26 , at the Chicago Bar Association. J. Walter Wallace. Chairma:n of the Section, presided. There were about 40 alumni present and the Class of 1950 had a representation of eight members. In a short business meeting, reports were given by the Section Officers. This was followed by remarks concerning the Alumni Association and MSM, by Mel Nickel '38 and " Ike" Edwards, who was present, from Rolla, for the session. This Pre-Homecoming meeting resulted in a goodly number of alumni, from the Chicago area, b eing present at MSM on November 4 and 5.
The Fall m eeting of the Southern California section took the form of a " Beer :Bust" at the Pabst Brewery in Los Angeles on October 28. 'fhe Mission Playroom was provided through the hospitality of the brewery WIth rel'reshments on the house. The wives of the members provided the spaghetti and m eat balls, cold cuts, salad a nd dessert to make It a most satistyin~ occasion in many ways. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs . Phil Bieber ' 49; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brent '47; Mr. and Mrs. James Ferrell ' 40 and son; Mrs. Eva H . Greene ' 11; John Grisson and guest; Mr. and Mrs . Paul Halasey '28; Mr. Tom Harsell '39; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin A. Henke '47; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hollister ' 13; Mr. and Mrs . Wayne Huff '51; Mr. and Mrs. Don Huseman '43 ; Mr. and Mrs. R ex Monroe '32 and son; Mr. and Mrs . Barney Nuell '21; Mr. and Mrss. Russell Parker ' 29; Mr. and Mrs. K en Peterson '49; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schamel; Mr. John Wilms ' 43; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood '47 .
Bob Perry Going to New Glass Plant in Maryland
Dueker to Do Resea rch In Electronics for Navy
Robert C. Perry ' 49, has been appointed Assistant Superintendent of the grinding and polishing departm ent for Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company's new 34-million dollar plate glass manufacturing plant currently under construction at Cumberland , Maryland. Mr. Perry presently r esides with his wife and four children on Oakes Drive, Crystal City, Missouri. During his und ergraduate years he served as a m ember of the varsity basketba ll t eam and was active in Tau Beta Pi, Triangle engineerin g and Blue K ey service frat ernities. Bob is a native of Crystal City and received his B . S . d egr ee a t MSM in Mechanical Engineering .
A n ava l r esearch d evelopment fel lowship w as awarded to James E. Duek er ' 44, Assistant Profeessor of Physics at Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio . Dr. Duek er has been granted a three-semester leave of absence and w ill complete work for his doctor's degree during his leave.
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Kelly Gets International Communication Award Dr. Mervin J. K elly ' 14, President of Bell T el ephone Laboratories, and Sir Gordon Radley, Director General of the British Post Office, were recipients of the first Christopher Columbus International Communication Prize, that was conferred in Genoa, Ealy, on October 12. The award was in recognition of " the planning, now b eing placed into practIce, of the submarine telephone cable which will make it possible to establIsh 36 telephone circuits across the Atlantic b etw een Scotland and Canada with ext ension to New York, intending f urthermore to reward h er eby numerous scientists, research workers and engineers who have cont ributed in the planning, production and placing in operation of the intercontinental submarine telephone line". The prize is based on recommenda· tions of the Italian Higher Institute of T el ecommunications and Snperior Research Council. The transatlantic t elephone cable is scheduled to b e place d in service by late 1956 and is a joint undertaking of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co., the British Post Office and the Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corporation.
Treas., :, Ariz.
S. McVey, Jr. '5 0'; R. L. Owens '50 . There w ere a few more who looked in on the group but were unable to stay for the luncheon. We wish to thank "Ike" Niedling for arranging this very successful gathering.
Philadelphia Section An alumni luncheon was held in connection with the National Metal Congress, at the Hotel B enjamin Franklin, October 19. Ivan M. " Ike" Niedling '40, used the occasion to start the preliminary organization of a Philadelphia section. Dr. A. W . Schlechten and Dr . D. S . Eppelsheimer of MSM Metallurgical Department were present and Dr. Schlechten made a few remarks concerning the recent happenings at MSM He stressed the large number of job opportunities in comparison with the number of men graduating . The following alumni were present for the luncheon: M. R. Calton '50; E. L. Kapernards '50; M. L . Slawsky ' 49; D . W. Short '43; R. Case; J . R. McCarrow '32 ; B . Osmin '35; C. W . Bentley '40; L . Erv '45; G . R. Couch ' 41; K. Tangri '55; C. W. Funk '48; R. M. Gage ' 49 ; H. S . Kalish '43; R. S . Steward '39 ; 1. M. Niedling ' 40; H . Mansfield '47; C . A . Brown '50; R. C . Wiley '50; A. Scholz '48; J . Sulliva n '47; A. Krainess '5 0; H . L. Nicholson '36; E. Gammeter ' 26; R. Ballinger ; W . B. Wahl '52; B. Franklin '50; U.
N ovemb er
D ecember
MARRIAGES Donald Pickering '55 and Mary Lou Butler, better known as " D ewie, " were married in D enver, Colorado, S eptemb er 2, 1955. The Pickerings are living at 2030 " K " Street, Apt. No. 7, Merced, California where h e is stationed with the 52nd AAA Bn., at Castle Air Force B ase.
Eta Kappa Nu Chapter at MSM Gets National Award OR the second consecutive year, the Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu , national Electrical Engine ering Honor Fraternity at the School of Mines and Metallurgy, has won the national activities award presented by the New York Alumni Chapter of the organization.
PRESEN TI N G E. E. AW A RD - L eft to right: D ean W ilson, Dr. E. B. Kurt z, Richard K aiser, Jam es Longshore, Pro f. I. H. Lovett and Pro f . G. G. S kitek.
Happy Days at Homecoming
The chapter of the School of Mines and Metallurgy is composed of Junior and Senior students in Electric Engineering. The president of the chapter this year is James F. Longshore of South Roxana , Illinois. The award was based on the chapter activities. Richard L. Kaiser of Mexico, Missouri, and Donald Gessley of St. Louis, were presidents for the first and second semesters of 1954-55 respecti vely. There is a total of 58 chapters in the organization, representing practically every state in the union. This selection is based on the achievements of the various chapters. The Rolla chapter's primary projects for the past year were the construction of an amplifier for an analog computer, preparation and presentation of the Electrical Engineering Program on television o~er KOMU-TV at Columbia , Missouri ; assisting in the establishment of science clubs in several Missouri high schools ; procuring safety posters for use in the Electrical Engineering labs on the campus; creation of special crystals for the Civil Air Patrol for emergency use ; and several other lesser proj ects. The presentation was made by E. D. Callahan, an official of Bell Research Laboratories in Murray Hill , New Jersey. Dr. E. B. Kurtz, Head of the Electrical Engineering Departm ent of the State University of Iowa , a nd past president of the organization , was also present and spoke on t h e a ccomplishments of the group.
P err y B. And erson '97, of 39 Orchard L a n e , K ir kwood, Missouri , die d M a r ch 19 , 1955 .
SOME OF TH E S T. LO UI S A L UM1V l - L eft to rig ht . Bruce E . T artant ola, '51; Peter F. J1Il attei, '37 ; D onold E. S pac kler, '50 ; and James " Stretch" Murph y, '35 .
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Highway Groups Give MSM $11,500 for Study Of Prestressing Thin Concrete Paving Slabs HE SCHOOL OF MINES and Metallurgy h as been awarded $11 ,500 by the Missouri State Highway Commission and the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads to finance a study of the effects prestressing will have upon thin concrete pavement slabs. Dr. Curtis L. Wilson, dean of the University of Missouri school here, announced the award. The grant, he said, provides for a cooperative project that will be under the general supervision of E. W. Carlton, professor of structural engineering and chairman of the D epartment of Civil Engineering in the School. H e said the major research studies will be made b y faculty members and graduate students in civil engineering. Prof. Carlton explain ed that in this proj ect prestressing w ill be accomplished b y stretching steel wire or cable running l ength-wise thro ugh thin concrete slabs. Slabs of only 6 inches in thickness, instead of the usual 9 or 10, will be poured on a rolled stone base. After the concrete has set, he said, the l engths of alloy steel rods or cables, which will be prevented from adhering to the concrete, will be stretched by hydraulic jacks and anchored at each end of the slab. Tension on the cables , he added, will pre-load the sInb and prevent it from cracking. " We want concrete pavement to wear out, not break up," Prof. Carlton said . " If prestressing of concrete can be applied to highway con struction and we are able to build roads that wear out instead of cracking up , the highways now costing upwards of a million dollars a mile to construct will last forty years instead of ten or fifteen."
Also , h e said, the use of a thin slab in highwa y construction would result in a saving of 40 per cent or more in concrete. H e mentioned another possible advantage, saying that it might be possible to put traffic on a prestressed slab in fourteen days Or l ess
instead of twenty-eight days, the time now required for the present type of concrete pavement. Much experimentation has been done on pre stressing concrete sl abs for airstrips and warehouse floors, Prof. Carlton said , and it is hoped that, thro ugh the type of research made possible by this grant, prestressing can be successfully adapted to highway construction. H e believes that in the actu a l laying of pavement, the distance between joints would be 100 feet or more, but in the experiments to be conducted the strips will be about 20 feet. long . He pointed out that the steel rods or cables in each l ength of slab would maintain the individual slab sections in compression, even under load conditions; therefore, there would be no expansion joints as now used in pavements. Only constru ction joints would be necessary. Experimenting with small slabs w ill be done in the laboratory, he said , as well as in the fie ld where the effects of various temperature and moisture conditions on the slabs can be studied. It is hoped that the first preliminary studies will be compl eted by Jan. 1, 1957, when the grant expires, h e said, and if these are conclusive eno ugh to justify experimentation by the Missouri Highway Commission it is possible the Commission wo uld build a short highway test section or passing lane to be tested by truck traffic. " One of the principal types of heavy duty highway pavements in use in Missouri and in many other states is known as portland cement concreted rigid type pavement," Prof. Carlton said, in discussing the project . " There have been two trends in design of this type of pavement. One consists of concrete slabs containing distributed reinforcement such as wire mesh or bar mats and the other trend r esorts to the articulation of the slab by jointing at very short intervals with no distributed reinforcement. Another improvement in highway design has taken
the form of expensive sub-grade stabilization. " There exists an additional approach to this problem in the form of prestresse d pavement slabs. This t yp e of design is b eing used in structural work at an increasing rate . It is, however, not as yet availa ble for p a v em ent use b ecause the n ecessary res earch studies have not b een carried out to produce d esign information on which full scale pavem ent sections can be based. " It is the purpose of this project to study the effects of prestressing upon thin concrete sections such as would b e considered for pavement use . Preliminary studies, such as are intended in this project, are the basis upon w hich the Missouri Highw ay D epartment and others may dev elop criteria which, if economical, can b e us ed in the establishment of standards of practice for the construction of prestressed concrete highway slabs."
Needles Will Be Honored
At ASCE Meet in Dallas On Wednesday, F ebruary 15, 1956, during the national convention of the Am erican SOCie ty of Civil Engineers, in D a llas, T exas , the MSM alumni will h a v e a dinn er m eeting honoring A S CE Presid ent Enoch R. N eedles ' l4. D ean Curtis L . Wilson will be the principal speaker at this occasion . The time and place of the meeting has not b een d efinitely set but will be announced in the official program and displaye d at the r egistration desk at the convention . All alumni and friends of MSM a r e invited to attend.
We Are Counting on YOU To Be One of the 2,200 Contributors to the Alumni Fund 13
Section News
Early Homecoming Arriuals
Rep. mande :vlajor
Washington, D. C. Section
The W ashing ton D . C. S ection h eld a d inner m eetin g a t the Cosmos Club No v ember 17, 1955 . N e d O . Kraft '27 of the Aluminum Cor por ation of America p resented an illustrated le ct ur e on the articl e " Spendid R e tre at of Alcoa", tha t app eared in the October 195 5 Fort une Magazine . Colone l Harry F. Kirkp a trick gave his im pressions a t the 25th r e union of t he Class of '30, at MSM Homecom ing, N ov ember 4 a n d 5. The group v ot ed to h a v e the title of t h e loca l section head chang ed fr om President t o Cha irma n . This off ice is h eld b y Ch arles H . J ennings '3 0. The Vice -Chairman is Louis Turnbull ' 22, Mining Engineer , Bureau of Mines, r esiding at 2910 13 R oad South, Arlington, Va . Mr . Turn bull r epla ces Col. M a rtin G . Tiem a n '31 , who has gon e t o G erm an y . T o a dvise t h e ch a irma n a nd to b etter serv e th e MSM a lumn i in the National Ca pitol Area, t h e f ollowing Dir ectors w er e el ected: Aver y Drake , jr. '50 , H om er A . Hillingsh ead ' 21 , Col. H a rry F . Kirkpa t rick '30, N ed O . Kraft ' 27, Row e F . M cCrae ' 09 a nd Ri ch a rd Ry dstrom '32. Other s who a tte nde d the m eeting w er e : D av e Ander son , ex '53, Harry F . Bosser t ' 27 , R. L . Fish er '36, Pau l F ontain , ex ' 53, D a vid L. Forrester ' 11 , Thomas A. Hughes ' 42 , M ason B. L arwood '34, Collins H . McDo nald '35, Thom as P . W a lsh ' 17 an d W a lter J. W a r e '31. Elm e r F. Chapin ' 23 sent his r e gr et s that h e was u nable t o a t tend. H e is the AEC r epr esen ta tive , Div. of R aw M a t eria l s in Canad a. His address is Eldora do Mining a nd R efining , L td. , P ort H ope , Ontario . Thomas D . Mur phy ' 28, Apt. 6E L on g M eadow Ap ts ., H agerst own , Mar y l and a nd Joe O . S t r awhun '41 , B ox 98 , Cha rlottesv ille , V a. , coul dn ' t attend the meeting du e to l ast m inute work p la n s. The n ext m eetin g is p lann ed for J a nua r y 11 , 1956, a t the Cosmos Club .
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T H E VA NGUA RD OF A L UM N I - L eft to l'ight : F . H. (( Sat eh" Conley, '27,' T . C. Gel'ber, '28; L eon H ers hkowit z, '4 1; f . C . " Fish" Salmon, '2 1; Al Boyle, '25; K m'l K aveler, '3 ~ ; D ean C. L. Wilson ,' and M. N . B edell, '23 .
S m it h '5 5, Wally S. Sitko '55 , R oy Shourd '50 , A. T . S ind el ' 42, A r t W e b er ' 40 , Harry G. Watson '5 1, a n d Vi c Z oller ' 43.
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Scholarship Dedicated to
Last vanced
Permian Basin Section The Permian Basin Section held their second m eeting of the year, on November 3. T h e gro u p met a t the Scha rbau er Hotel in Midla n d , T exas . In their business session it was t entatively d ecid ed that the Section woul d gr a n t a schola rship for M SM. The de ta ils concerning the schol arship will b e worked out l ater , with t h e possibility of it starting in 1957 . T he n e xt m eetin g w ill b e h eld in J anuary or F ebrua r y , 1956 . President Gilbert H. B l ank en ship presented a set of b y -laws to govern the section. T hese w ere accep ted unanimo u sly b y the m embers. The president a lso appointed the fo llowin g alumni a s r epresentatives of MSM alumn i in their r espective cities ; B yron L. K eil '5 2, Od essa, T exas, Don Wisem an '51 , Hobbs , N ew M exico and Don Cam pbell '50, Big Sprin g , T exas a nd Area-at-L a r ge. Other alumni present in add it ion t o th ose wh o h av e b e en n a m ed w er e; R ob ert Brackbill ' 42, Richard '55 , Don Ca mpbell '5 0, G eorge - J. D ona l dson ' 51 , R eo E . G oodwin ' 47 , Paul E. Green '5 0, B ill J . Greer '55, John Gra sso '5 5, R. W. H eins ' 49. J erry B . Hold er , J im Hilburn '50, Rich ard H . Knox ex '26, N . B. (Po ) L a r sh '21, Jim McClaine '53, M . K . Main ' 43, J erry D . Novotny ' 48, Ch as . A. P eek ' 49, J. R. Rhodes , Gu illermo R. Sa uri '44, B enjamin K.
Memory of Prof Butler The MSM A l umni Association B oar d of Dir ectors at th eir ann u al meeting, November 4, ina u gu ra te d a sch olar sh ip known as " T h e J oe B eaty Butler S cho larship ," to b e awa r ded annu ally to a h igh sch ool s enior who e nters MSM as a F reshma n in Civ il Engineering. Th e mon e t a r y value of t his scholarship i s $500 .00. To d edica t e this scholarship as a m em oria l to the late Professor Butl er is cer t ainly the l east the Alumni A ssocia tion can do in respect fo r t h e t hirty -five y ear s of untiring a n d enthu siastic effo r ts tha t h e gave to th e S ch ool of Min es an d M e tallurgy. Th e r ecipient of t his scholarship w ill be chosen b y the MSM Faculty Commit tee tha t i s appointe d by D ean Curtis L . Wilson to a w a rd all sch ol ar ships . Since th e esta b lishmen t of t his sch ola r sh ip sever al alumni have subm it te d fund s to the A ssociation r e stric ted for t h is sp ecifi c use.
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Representing the 5th Army Commander, Lt_ Gen_ William H_ Arnold, Major General Frank O. Bowman , Commanding General , Ft. Leonard Wood and the 6th Armored Division , paid a courtesy visit to Col. Eugene E. Moyers, PMST , of the MSM ROTC Unit. The courtesy visits are an annual affair and are in line with the Army's interest and emphasis on the ROTC Program. Because of the large area covered by the 5th Army it has been customary to request local commanders to represent the 5th Army Commander. MSM is particularly proud of its achievement this l ast year and points with enthusiasm to the tremendous increase in enrollment in the Advanced Course in ROTC, which is purely voluntary on the students' part and is the procedure through which a student works for a commission in the U_ S. Army. Last year 58 students signed for Advanced Military; this Fall semester 143 students enrolled. For the Fall semester of 1956, 175 students have indicated their intention to enroll. General Bowman was Camp Commander of the 1955 ROTC Summer Camp. Col. Mo y ers was Deputy Camp Commander. General Bowman was PMST of Alabama Poly Tech. in 1929 and is an enthusiastic supporter of the ROTC Program. General Bowman will be the guest commander of the Military Ball and will be given appropriate honors by a special guard of honors. He will select the Queen of the Military Ball with the assistance of Dean Curtis L . Wilson and Col. Robert H. Conk , Chief of the Missouri Military District, St. Louis, Mo. DEATHS
Earl R. Jenkins '33, died of a heart attack , in October, at his home in Kansas City , Missouri. He was a sales engineer with the Lift Truck Sales and Service, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Sophie Lee Jenkins, 7306 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City , Mo.
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MSM ALUMNi ASSOCiATION Harry S . Pence, President
Military Department Has New Officers; Ball And ~~Shoulder Patch" Contest Promoted The Department of Military Science and Tactics at MSM has been augmented with four officers and an enlisted man this year. Lt. Col. Kenneth E. Macquire came to MSM from duty at Headquarters Communications Zone Post Engineer at Orleans, France. Capt. Raymond O. Dietsche was formerly Aide to the Chief of Staff, U. S. Army Europe, at Heidelb erg, Germany. Capt. James P . Stewart came to MSM from Verdun, France , where he was Adjutant of the 32nd Engineer Gp. (Constr.). 1st. Lt. Wilbur C. Hogan came from the U. S. Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea, where he was Senior Engineer Advisor to the I ROK Corps. M-Sgt. John Q. Walker has just returned from the 100th Military Intelligence Group at Camp Drake, Japan. This year, as part of the program for establishing MSM-ROTC as one of the outstanding corps of the nation, two projects are being promoted. For the first time in four years the Military Department is planning a Mili-
tary Ball , to be held December 10. With the wide recognition of MSM's ROTC has come the need for a distinctive shoulder patch to be worn by the Cadets. In order to obtain a design for the patch, Col. Eugene E. Moyers, PMST, has announced that a "Shoulder Patch" contest will be held , open to ROTC Cadets, and prizes of $50.00, $25.00 and $10.00 will be awarded for the three best designs. A new award, known as the PMST Award, has been created, to be conferred each semester upon those students in each class who have demonstrated outstanding qualities of character and leadership. The first award is a red fourragere worn on the right shoulder. If a cadet receives the award a second time, the red is replaced with a blue fourra,gere. The third award is designated by a gold fourragere. Sixteen cadets, four Seniors, three Juniors, five Sophomores and four Freshmen , received the red fourragere at the Awards Review, November 9.
R. E. Dye '12, leader in Canadian Mining, Dies Robert Emme tt Dye '12, an outstanding Mining Engineer, who retire d from active participation in his profession in 1954, died in San Antonio, T exas, November 16, 1955, at t: .e age of 67 . Mr. Dye was a native of South Da kota and came to MSM first in 1906 . H e received his Bachelor of S cience in Mining Engineering in 1912 a nd his professional degre e, Engineer of Mines, in 1915. Mr. Dye w ent to Canada early in his professional career. He became a l eader in the mining fi eld and at the time of his r e tirement, the " Northern Miner ," expressed in an e ditorial the Bob Dye as h e w as known to his fri ends a nd the mining industry . The e ditoria l read in part, "One of the best loved Canadian mine managers has been removed from the active mining scene. Bob has one of the w a rmest, friendli est p ersonalities of a ny m an we have known. One couldn ' t h elp but like him and conse quently his fri ends are l egion ." His fun eral was h eld in San Antonio , November 17. H e is survived by his wife , Amy McNutt Dye, Galla gh er R a nch, San Antonio , T exas.
Neil Plummer to Head Utah Section of AIME Neil Plummer , Metallurgical Engin eer for Utah Copper Division, Kenn ecott Copper Corp. , has b een elected chairman of the Utah Section, AIME . N eil is a native of Canyon City, Colora do. He was first employed a t Ma gna, Utah , mill of Utah Copper Division, as a flotation operator following graduation from MSM in 1936. Following initial employment at Utah Copper, Mr. Plummer worked for The T exas Co ., and N ew Jersey Zinc Co. , at Ca ny on City. Prior to his promotion as metallurgical engineer of the department of mills, h e served a s gen eral mill for eman.
Gas Turbine May lead to "Dream Engine" for Autos The "dream engine" of the automotive industry may soon become a practical reality. University of Illinois professors, Norman A. Parker, Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department and John C . Miles '31, Professor in Mechanical Engineering, appear to have found an answer to the problem of excessive fuel consumption which has kept the dream from coming true. The dream engine is an efficient gas turbine. A modern gas turbine is the ultimate in simplicity and light weight. Essentially it is just a pair of fans, one blowing air into a combustion chamber , and the other being blown by the blast of fuel burning with the air. In certain fixed installations a fuel-saving device called a " regenerator" is added, but it approaches the size of a boxcar .
The University of Illinois research has produced a regenerator no lal'ger than a suitcase. They have developed a practical small heat exchanger . It is a disk with more than 63 ,000 s mall holes per square foot . They have also d iscovere d a wa y to p ermit this disk to turn fr e ely while exhaust gases go through two-thirds of it in one direction and the incoming air :Eor the turbine goes in the opposite direction through the other third. They have found how to keep e xhaust impurities from fouling up the thousa nds of tiny openings in the ¡.:! isk . Professor John C . Miles is a brother of Dr . Aaron J . Miles , '30, Chairman of Mechanical Engineering Department, MSM , and an uncle of John B. Miles, '55, Instructor in the Mecha nics Department , MSM.
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Missouri School
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Alumni Association
Second Annual Alumni Fund
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Goal, 2200 Contributors
Keep in contact with old friends. Support your Aln1a Mater. Get the Alumnus lVIagazine. Help promote Education at lVISM by sponsoring scholarships. Maintain a strong Alumni Association.
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MSM Alumni Office, Rolla. Mo.
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More Than 1,000 Visitors on Campus for Parents' Day ARENTS' DAY at MSM was held October 16 , 1955. More than 1000 parents came to visit the campus and inspect the facilities that are offered to train their sons in the engineering profession .
At the annual Parents' Day banquet, attended by an over-flow crowd , James A. Finch, Jr. , of Cape Girardeau, President of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri , outlined plans for three new dormitories at MSM, designed to house 310 students , a new cafeteria , and a new Student Union building. The new buildings will be financed by revenue bonds. Mr. Finch pointed to the phenomenal increase in enrollment that warrants construction of student housing . He said that in the Fall of 1953 the enrollment at MSM was around 1200 , which has increased in 1955 to 1911 students , and a projection of the enrollment into 1956 indicated an enrollment to about 2300, with no additional university housing or additional laboratories or class-rooms. "Based on anticipated growth at MSM as we now project it, I do not believe that these proposed new dormitories will be sufficient in years to come and the probabilities are that even more dormitories will be required," Finch declared to the parents .
Finch devoted a considerable portion of his address to the discussion of the proposed $75,000,000 bond issue for construction at the various state institutions in Missouri. " I am sure you will appreciate that while we can help ourselves in building dormitories and cafeterias without appropriations because we can pledge the revenues and therefore issue revenue bonds, we cannot do that in the case of class-rooms or l aboratories or teaching facilities , and in those instances we must rely on appropriations ," Finch declared.
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"Undoubtedly , in my judgment, the hopes of all public higher education in Missouri, and by that I mean both the University and State Colleges, for meeting these increased e nrollments lie in the $75,000,000 bond
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PA REN T S' D A Y BANQUET - Flanking D ean Wilson a1'e President Elmel' Ellis oj the Univ enity of Missouri (lef t ), and James A. Finch, Jr ., Pl'esident oj the Board oj Curators . issue which is to be submitted to the voters of the state of Missouri. " The Freshmen who entered coll ege this Fall probably were born a bout 1937. That was before the big increase in birth rate which commenced around 1940. The simple fact is that more children are attending college. In 1900 , about 4% of the childre n of college age attended college. In 1950 , the national average increased to 31 %. The percenta'g e has been increasing approximately 1% per year, and all stud ies indicate that it will continue and may reach as much as 50 % of t he children of college age." Finch said that about a year and half ago when the Board of Curators was planning the needs of Columbia and Rolla, they projected an estimated enrollment for each year for a number of years ahead, and in the Fall of 1955 the enrollments at both Rolla and Columbia are about what had been estima ted for the Fall of 1957. " Now r emember ," Finch said , "how the birth r a te jumped beginning with a nd following the way years. Look at your own public schools , from kinderga rten through the tenth grades,
an d see how much l arger those classes are. The public schools everywhere are bursting at the seams by reason of the greater number of children of school age. Imagine what is going to h appen to us if we don' t begin immediately to build additional classr ooms and l aboratory facilities and train a nd employ additional staff. " It is p erfectly obvious that if we build the facilities and hire the staff so as to be abl e to take care of the increased number of students who will want to attend, the University at Columbia, with a present enrollment of approximately 8900 students will have between 17,000' and 18,000 students within fifteen yea rs , and if the tremendous demand for engineers continues as now appears probable, Rolla will doub le or more than double its present enrollment of nearly 2,000 studen ts. An enrollment of nearly 5,000 students is easily foreseeable . If th e bond issue fails, we simply cannot continue to grow. Where these children will go , I do not know, because ever y institu tion of higher l earnin g is confronted with this same problem."
1901 Dr. H . R. Hanley has as his address H . R. Hanley , Purdue Team, c lo Army Section, Artillery School, APO 63, c lo Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 1907 Walte r 1. Phillips has changed his address to 180 Turk Street, San Francisco , Calif. 1909 Ernst L. Chamberlain is still a consulting engineer at Olivia, Minn. 1922 Louis Turnbull was on the campus in October attending a Mining Conf erence. 1923 Elmer F. Chapin gave us a change of address to Eldorado Mining and Refining Ltd., Port Hope , Ontario , Canada.
Carl Heim Experiences Harrowing Ordeal Carl J. Heim '25 suffered a harrowing ordeal when his right hand was caught in a corn picker for about e ight hours before anyone came to his assistance. Carl has a farm near the Ferdinand State Forest, Jasp er , Indiana , where he had gone to harvest his corn crop. In an attempt to dislodge an obstruction in the corn picker, the glove on his right hand was caught in the rollers . This pulled his hand in the rollers but luckily the mechanism suddenly stopped before severe damage was don e . Nevertheless he could not extract his hand and his calls for h e lp were useless for eight hours. His failure to return home in the evening brought h elp and the machine had to b = dismantled to extract the hand. Four fingers of the right hand were badly crushed but surgery may save them. Loss of his right hand would b e a serious handicap to Carl in practicing his profession, Civil Engineering . H e is the City Engineer for the communities of F erdinand a nd Huntingsburg, Indiana. During the past 15 years h e h as been raising Christmas trees as a hobby a long with his corn-growing end eavor. Mr. Heim has raised a bout 100,000 Christmas trees on his tract of l and. Carl attended the 30th Anniversary r eun ion of his class at Homecoming. 18
1925 Bertie L ee Browning is Research Associate at the Institute of Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wisc. K . F . Hasselmann has moved his office to 737 T exas National Bank Building, Houston 2, Texas . 1926 E. M. Lindenau has been promoted from Resident Mana ger to Manager of the Compania Minera Choco Pacifico , S . A. , which is one of the largest dredging companies in the world His address is Apartado National No. 849, Cali, Columbia, S. A. 1932 Major Willard A. Gallemore has b een transferred and his address is c/ o Joint Construction Agency , APO 230 , New York, N . Y . 1933 Lee D . Dumm is with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 53, D enver, Colo., and resides at 220 South Meade St., Denver 19. William H. Lenz has a change of address to U. S. Bureau of Mines, 1605 Evans, Reno , Nevada. John Messersmith's address is now Woodlawn , Virginia. 1934 Fulton "Steamboat" Campbell is in Los Angeles, Calif., with resid ence at 1036 S. Menlo Ave. Homer T . Ford has a change of address to Assistant Manager V. A. Hospital, 915 North Grand Blvd. , St. Louis 6, Mo. 1936 Basil Osmin now has a N ew York address, 240 E. 35th St., New York 16. 1938 Clarvel R. Curnutt Is with Convair in Fort Worth, Texas. His residence is at Rte . No. 10, Box 279. 1939 Lt. Col. Marshall V. Jamison sends his greetings from Tokyo. He is with Hdqrs. 1st Weather Wing, APO 925, San Francisco, Calif. L . A. Roe has given us his new a ddress, 234 Sheridan Place, Lake Bluff, Ill. 1940 Jack E. Tiede is an Ordnance Engineer now located in Dahlgren, Va. Mailing address, Box 36. Powell A. Dennie, with the Shell Oil Co., Oklahoma City, Okla. , has
receive d an assignme n t to the New York office of Shell Oil and later will go to The Hague, Netherla nds. The Dennies attended Homecoming. R. K. Carpenter is with American Zinc Co. , Monsanto , Ill. , with resid ence at Imperial, Mo. 1941 R. K. "Bob" Boyd is still with Guy F . Atkinson Co. , Contractors, whose main office is in San Francis_ co, Calif. At present he is assisting w ith the construction of a dam at The Dalles, Oregon. His residence is at 5924 Pimenta Ave., Lakewood , Calif. 1942 Robert M. Dunham is in Ulysses , Kans. , Rte. No.3, Box 21B , employed with Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. J. A. Crookston sends in a change of address to 1224 East Jackson, Mexico , Missouri. 1943 William S. Gra y, J r., is Roll Metallurgist, Continental Foundry and Machine Co. , East Chicago, Ind. His home address is 17316 Holmes Ave. , Hazelcrest , Ill. Warren J. Wagert has a new address , 6108 North Dearborn St. , Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph T. Adams is Midwestern District Manager , Nordberg Mfg. Co. , with offices at 4528 Main St. , Kansa s City, Mo ., a nd resides at 7415 Campbell. Joe W. Eisman is Store Manager, Benld Packing Co ., B enld, Ill. His mailing address is Box 36, Mt. Clare, Ill. Donald H. Short sent in his new address as 26 E. Kings Highway, Mt. Ephraim, N. J. 1944 Louis W. Grass gives Box 167, Rte. No.2, House Springs, Mo ., as his mailing a ddress. 1947 William C . Wunnicke is now lo_ cated in D enver, Colorado, 350 Colrado National Bank Building. B enjamin J. Rhoads, Jr. , is in Odessa, T ex., with Odex Engineering . L eRoy McKenn a is employed in Sales and S ervice for Al1)erican Cyanamid Co. , Explosive D ep' t ., residing at 1507 St. Vincent Ave., LaSalle, Ill.
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1948 Bernard Cohen is in Seneca Falls, N. Y. , employed with the Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., in the Material & Process Section. His home address is 204 Fall Street. Edgar W. Spinzig , Jr. has moved to Kansas City residing at 4439 Roanoke Parkway, Apt. No. 2N.
1949 Meyer Eisenberg is in New Brunswick, N . J., residing at 64 Chester Circle. He is with the Architectural Tiling Company, Inc ., Keyport, N. J . David D alpini is located in Houston, T ex., with Pan American Production Co., in the Esperson Bldg. He resides at 4931 Palmetto. Mack Ellinor is with Convair, Ft. Worth , Tex. His mailing address is P. O. Box 9893, Ft. Worth. Dr. Do nald D ean's new address is Mechanics Dept. University of Kansas, Lawrence. Lt. Gordon E. Raymer, USN , is now working for his M.S. in Management Engineering at Rensselaer Poly. Inst. His address is c / o of NROTC Unit, Rensselaer Poly. Inst.
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Louis H. Carl is with the WhirL pool _ Seeger Manufacturing Co. , Evansville, Indiana . His home address is 1909 Broadmoor Ave. Bernard M. Enfield is an employee of the Chicago Bridge and Iron Co. , Chicago, Ill., with residence at 91 Elm, Park Forest, Ill. Clarence E. "Tad" Graves, Jr., has a new address , B ox 64, Ouray, Colo. 1st Lt. James Shearon is with D et. 645, AFROTC, Ohio State University, Columbus. Carl M . Knowles has a new position as Structural Engineer with the Bechtel Corp., and is on a field assignment at Beaumont, Texas. His address there is 2260 Ashley. Bill Bucha has moved to 379 Vine St., Glen Elyn, Ill. He is still in the employe of Edwin Hancock Engineering Co. of Chicago. James L. Hetherington, Mine Supervisor, Humphreys Gold Corp., Starke , Florida , advises that they have a son, William Lee, born June 27, 1955 . Their address at Keystone Heights, Fla., is Box 71. 1st Lt. James T . Shearon has reo cently bee n assigned to the Ohio
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George R. Donaldson resides at State University, Columbus, for a 1007A North Big Spring, Midland, three-year tour of duty as an in. Texas. He is employed at the At. structor in AFROTC . lantic Refining Company. William Weinstein is back in the U. S. after a sojourn in Canada for James P. Brant is an employee of eight months. He is Project ManaInternational Petroleum (Columbia) ger for a consulting engineering firm Ltd. , Apartado Aereo 3533, Bogota , designing a limited access highway Colombia. for the Pennsylvania Highway Dep't . William E. Craig is with the New Bill, his wife and two children live Jersey Zinc Co., Gilman, Colo. at 1501 Fernhill Rd. , Fullerton, Pa. Murray Burstein is with the KretCharles E. McGaughey has moved ler Construction Co. , Inc ., Flushing, but is still in Shreveport, La. , 728 N. Y. After January 1st, his resiCamilla Drive. dential address will be 44 Ash Lane, William Vark is with the BethleHicksville, L. I., N. Y. hem Supply Co., New Orleans, La . T. A . Simpson, with the Ground Home address at 701 N. Wilson Ave. Water Branch of the U.S.G.S., gives C. W . Cantwell, 618 Crescent, Denhis new address as 545 Lovoy Street, ton, Texas, is with the Chief EngiBirmingham 11, Ala. neer's Office, Engineering Dep' t ., Robert D. Heetfield is now emSanta Fe Railroad. He is at the field p loyed in St. Louis, Mo ., residing office in Denton , on the construction of the new 50 mile main line at 5511 Cabanne Ave. track to se rve Dallas with over-night Daniel E . McGovern is now in passenger service to Chicago. The Ferguson , Mo ., residing at 215 Newell Dr first train leaves Dallas for Chicago, Dec. 5, over this 7-million-dollar William G. McEvilly came by project . Cantwell, his wife Joseph. MSM on his way to his new position ine and children Ronnie and Kris with Certain-Teed Products Corp. at Ann moved to Denton from Marcetheir plant located in Ft. Dodge , line, Mo. , in October 1954. Iowa. Bill has been Assistant Commissioner of Public Works in his Frank T. Chambers is Sales Enhome town , Newburgh, N. Y. Prior gineer , Laclede Steel Co. , St. Louis, to this he was with Colorado Fuel Mo. and Iron-Richard Ore Mine, WharJohn O. Amsler, 4132 Virginia ton, N . J. While here he revealed Ave. , St. Louis, Mo., is now a Reghis marriage plans to Mary Bette istered Professional Engineer in Way , of N ewburgh , N . Y. The date Missouri. is tentative but will be during the Robert F. Gurnea is an employee Christmas holidays . of Midwest Piping Co ., in the WeldJohn G. Jameson is now in Engleing Department. His home address wood, Colo. , residing at 2739 So. is 503 W . Ripa , Lemay 23, Mo. Washington . 1951 M. A. Scheriff is with the AmeriDavid McRae Irwin has moved to can Smelting and Refining Co., l ead 14405 Scioto Ave. , East Cleveland and zinc mil at D eming, New Mex12, Ohio. ico , with residence at 1210 Encanto .
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HELP US KEEP YOUR AD-DRESS CURRENT If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and
mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla , Mo. Thanks. Name My new address is . ______ ___ ____ ___ ______ ____ __ ____ ___ ______ ___ ____ __ ____ ______ __ __ __ _.________________ __ _
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1952 Lewis C. Martin writes that he is e njoying desert life in Egypt where h e is employed by the EgyptianAmerican Oil Co. H e is engage d in geologic mapping and is working out of a tent composed on the d esert. T emperatur es r a nged in the neighborhood of 117 degrees when he first went there in June , with littl e cooling-off at night. Now the temperature at night falls to a point wher e severa l blankets a r e used Mail and supplies , including movie are r eceived twice a week by plane A h el icopter is us d in geologic exploration. His ad dr ess is P. O. Box 50, Alexandria, Egypt. B ernard Coh e n ' address is now 108 Forest Ave. , Marietta, Ga . H e is with the Lockheed Aircraft Co . Jean E. H ac k r is a Chemical En. gineer with Sh ell Oil Co. His residence is at 419 Simmon s S t r eet , Apt. No.3 , Burlingto n , Wash. Lt. (jg ) G. D. Davi s, USNR, ha s a n ew address. It is USS H elena CA 75, c/ o FPO San Francisco , Calif. Pa ul H. H a usn r is a Metallurgist with the Aerojet G en eral Co. H e is in th R sea r ch and D evelopm e nt Group of the Liquid Engine Div. His address is 1223 26th St., Sacramento 16, Calif. Paul T imbrook has a n ew address , F ar h ams , Mass. Elwood L. Knob el is a Lubrication Research Engin r e mploye d at the Boeing Airplane Co., S ea ttle, Washington . At home his add r ess is 4146 1/2 36th S. W. , S eattle 6. Roger J . Scho eppel is now Ins t ru c-
tor of Petrol eum Engineering at MSM. The Schoeppels reside at 15 Nagogami Courts , Rolla , Roger also wants to announce t h e arrival of Stephe n Mark on November 2.
195 3 Jack M. Wheeler has a change of address to Rte . No.2 , Box 45 , Waukesha , Wisc. Edward L. Creamer is now a graduate student instructor in the Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kansas. His a ddress is 1311 T en n essee St. , L a wrence . A . M . Brown is at Radford , Va. , with the L ynchburg Foundry Co. His r eside ntial address is 341 6th Ave . G erald J. LaBouff has moved to 1342 Lake Ave., Whiting, Ind. Antoon Dabbous now has a maiL ing address of P. O . Box 782 , Portales, New Mexico. Lt. George L. Dowdy is presently assigned as a H-19 h e licopte r pilot in support of the Brazil Project, Inter-American Geodetic Survey. H is mailing addre ss is 1. A.G. S . B raz il Project, APO 676 , New York , N . Y . H enry M. Cole is with the State Health Departmen t, Division of San itary Engineering, Pierre , S . D . His home address is 4 02 W. P l easant. Robert D . Jost has moved east to Ind ependence, Kans., resid ing at 737 Washingto n . Maurice R. T opel has been r el eased from m ilitary service and is now working for the Illinois Highway D epartment in Effing h am , Ill . His address there is 607 South 5th . James D. McClain is employed as a Junior P e troleum E n g ineer with
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the Stanolind Oil and Gas Co ., Odessa, Texas . He lives at 274 8 B ren twood D rive. W illiam E. Patterson is assigned for d u ty on the staff of the Industrial Manager of the 10th aval District in San J uan , Puerto Rico. Prior to h is ass ign ment here he was serving as Administrativ e Assistant to the I nspector of Naval Mate ri a l at Aruba , N. W . 1. His duties now ar concerned mostly with p lanning and inspection of work on Navy v ssel . He says his work is inter sting and the Island of Pu e rto Rico is a n id a l p lace to l ive, and h e and his family are e njoying it very much . His n ew address is LTJG W. E. Paterson, Office of the Industri al Manager, Navy No. 116 , FPO , New Y ork , N. Y. 1Q54 Bruno Hak e is with the Sknillka Construction Co. , 7173 D e lm ar , St. Louis, Mo. He is Chief Estimat.or a nd Engineer . Bruno has b een wit.h S k ra inka since graduation . Henry K . Purnhagen was a campus v isitor recently. H e is locat d at Indianapolis, Ind., emplo yed at th e A ll iso n Div ision, Gene ra l Motors , as a Detail Engineer i n the Test Control D epartment. Henry , his wife and two children live at. 3401 Danbury Road . Russell Dav is and J. D. Rob e r ts also in the Class of '54 a r e emplo yed at. Allison .
1955 Spyros G. Varsos is a Sp ecial ized Engin eer Train ee with t h e Radio Corporation of America , Camd en , New Jersey and is a signed in t.h Broadcast Studio, S ection 587 . J. M . Zimm erma n visited t.h e cam pus with his r ece nt brid . H e ha just receive d his commission as an Ensign in the U. S. N::;vy and will r e port to the P entagon wh er e h will be stationed for duty. Thomas J. Clare is Engin e r Trainee with Sunray Mid-Contin nt Oil Co His a ddress is Apt. No . 4, 506 S.W . E ast 4th St. , Oklahoma Cit.y, Okla. ~obert E. Farrer is now in Rooll1 son, Ill. , residing at 716 N . J effer son. T err y L. Godsey 's address is P . O . Box 601 , Abbeville, La. G eorg e C . Walth er's new address is 59 B eauvior Ave. , Summit, . J .