Norwood Hall R eli ef fr om co ngestion for this building is expected in the near iuture, as the recently app roved $ 75 ,000 ,000 State Bond I ssue wi ll provide funds for a new E lectrical E ngineering bui lding. No rwood H all now houses the Geology and Physics D epartments , as well as t he E lectri ca l E ngin ee ring D epa rtm ent.
Volume 30
January-February 1956 Number I
President's Column H is pleas::ll1 t a nd reassuring to note the ove rwhelm ing suppo rt the citi ze ns of :M isso uri gave to ed ucat ion when t hey passed , on J a n ua ry 24, by a th ree to one vo te, t he p 5 ,000 ,000 Bond I ssue. Both the $26, 550 ,000 req ues t for improvements a nd exp a nsion a t Columb ia a nd the $4,92 5,000 req uested for simila r expansion a t R olla a re in d eed so rely need ed. And indeed it is feared t ha t by t he t ime these f unds assu me the form of p hysical facili t ies, whi ch will requi re som e th ree to four yea rs, tha t a dd itional f un ds will again be need ed , if the p rojected growth a t both inst itutions become a reality .
It is hop ed tha t d uri ng th is exp a nsion pe riod we can prese rve o ur q ua lity of teach ing a s we abso r b the increaseel n umber of stu den ts . To do th is, h oweve r, will req uire the utmost care in orde rly p la nnin g a nd coo rd ina tion. Your Alumn i Associa t ion can be of g reat assistance, in an a d viso ry capacity, to the va rious d epartm ents in both pla n t expa nsion a nd t he procurem en t of in st ru ctiona l staff . T herefore, we in t u rn , m ust strengthen our associa tion a t a ll levels in o rel er tha t we can be of max im u m benefit t o the a dm in ist ra tion a nd to the in crea sing Dumbe r of g ra d ua tes . I t rust tha t yo u g ive every effo rt to broaden the ba se of member-con t ri b u tors to the Assoc ia t ion and a lso p ass pe rt inent s uggest ions a nd ideas a long to yo u r D irecto rs a nd O ffi cers .
At the s uggestion
*of Ha * r*ry
Pence, [or the r es:..
of the yea r , tile editorship of the "PrCRident's Column " is bein g passed a r ou nd to other Offi ce r s a nd Direct ors.
MSM Alumnus Issued bi-1Jwnthly in the interest oj the g1'aduates and J01'mer students oj the Sc hool oJ M in es and jl!I etall1.wgy. Subscription price, $1 ,50, 'included in A lllmni . Entered as second-class matter Oct . 27, 1926, at Post OJJice at R oUa, Mo. , under the Act oj March 3, 1879. 2
Te rm E xp .
OFFI CER S Presid e nt .......................................... H arr y S . P e n<:e '23 .. Exec u tive Vice - Pres... Cha r l es J. Potte r '29. a nd Vice- Pres . Areas 1, 2 , 3,
.. ... 1118 Syndi cate T r u s t Bl dg .... St. Louis 1. M i s s o uri
Vi ce-Pres. A r eas 7, 8, 9 ..... B a rne y S e c .- Tre a s ...
N u e ll
'2 1
33 0 North Carpen t e r.. ...... Ind i a n a, P e nnsylva nia
1956 .............. 1956
.. ................ L e on H e r s hk owi tz '41 ...... 13 00 Powe lL Rolla , Mi ss ou ri
1956 1956
R ex W illi a m s
A r ea N o .
. 50 4 Eas t 5th ...
.. ......... L ee's Summit , M i s s o uri -
...... R o ll a,
M issouri -
T erm
E xp .
AREA D I R ECT O R S State Embra c e d
...... N ew Eng land, N . y " N, J. , East Pa., .. L ............. Howa rd J . T eas '17................ 125 Churc h St. , Mal vern, N e w YOl:i~" Dis t o f Co lumbia, Md. , Va ., D el aware
2 ................ Rolla T . W a d e '31. 730 P i e rre Mont Rd"
195 7
.. .................... S . A r k ., N . C. , S. C., L a., M i s s ., S h r e v e pOl t, L a . A l a ., G a ., F l a .
.. ......... . ............ W. Va ., Ohi o, W, P a ., K y ., Tenn ., 3 .............. .5. Alle n Stone '3 0... p , O. Box 28 , Fort Wayne , I na~ In d. , (Except Chic ago Indus t ria l A r ea )
195 7
4 ............... Melvin E. Nicke l '38. ........... ................ ................... N. III., Chicag o Ind u s tri a l A r ea i n . Indi a na, Wis consi n, Michiga n , 10 601 Sou th L e avitt Av e. Chicago 43, Illin ois Minnes ota
5.... 6....
.. .... I owa , W. Mo ., N e b ., Ka n ., Okla.
... T e x as, Ar izona , N e w Mexico
7............... K e nneth F. And e r s on '42 .. . 111 4 Comme r ce St" Room 19 09 Dallas 2 , T e xas
.. .. Ida ho , Monta n a, North D a k o t a , ............. South D a kota, W y oming , C ol o r ado , Nevad a , Utah
8 ... .
.. ... Barney Nue ll '21... 3 440 Wil sh i r e Boul evard Los Angel es , C alif ornia
II inelu cal the
.. .... P a ul D owling '40... . .. ............ S . III. , E. Mo ., N. Ark. 1400 S. 2nd , St " St. Lou i s 4 , Mo, ...R. E. Zolle r '23.... ................... Centra l B uilding, Wichita , Kans .
to Jl! to I ment
'47 .................................................... ..
'IJiss ~4.9;
M. J. Kelly '14 ................................................................... 463 W est Street... .Ne w York 14, New Yo rk-1 956 W. Ste ph e n s
...... 3440 W ilshire Bou levard ........................ .. Los A n gel es , Californ i a
E xec uti ve S ecr e t a ry, ............ F r a ncis C . Edward s ........... M S M Alumni A ss oc ia ti o n Edito r, " A lu mn u s" O l d M e t a ll urgy B uild ing Rol l a . M i sso u ri
Vice -Pres . Are a s 4, 5, 6 , .... M el v i n E. N i c k el '3 8 .......... 10601 So u th L e a v itt Av e Ch icag o 43 , Illinoi s
Sincerely, Cha rles J. Po tter ' 29 Executive Vice P res iden t lVISlV[ Alumn i Associa t ion
MSM Alumni Association
.......... ..... W as hing ton Oreg on, Ca lifo rni a .
1956 1958
. ..... 1955
Ph ilanthropy Encouraged by Tax Laws PRIV AT E Ol~ GAN I ZA TIO N in American histo ry has ever ma d e such a Ja rge bequ est a s the $ 500 ,000,000 g ive n by t he F ord Fo unda tio n to 6 15 colleges a nd 3 500 hosp ita ls .
B ut the American ci tizen who is 111cl ineel to dona te to p rivate cha ri ty has th e sa me r igh t- he can ma ke up h is ow n welfa re program. The tax laws a re wri tte n so a s to enco urage p hi la nth ropy . T he F ord FO lln da t ion g ifts se rve to d ra ma ti ze th e whoie id ea o f p rivate g iving a nd , in a sense, i t is a cha llenge to the citize nry to ta ke ca re o f t heir o wn in st it u tio ns w t ibou t relying on th e Fed era l Gove rn ment to do it ,tll
T hu s . on a $20,000 in come, with donations o f $6,000 , the ind ivid ua l wo uld in eff ec t, g ive $2600 of hi s own money . \-" h ile U ncle Sam wo uld be contribu ting ~3AOO thro ugh a red uced tax. Ou t of a $50 ,000 in come, the taxpaye r co uld g ive $ J 5,OOO, with hi s ow n share bein g ~5 ,000 a nd the gn vernment rea ll y con t rib ut ing ~ lO ,O O O . O ut o f il :i) 100 ,000 income, there coul d be a $30 ,000 CJ nt ri b utio n , o f wh ich the tax j, ayer wo ul d ha ve to give onl y $ 5,850, wh il e the go vernm ent wo uld be pl! t tin g up $2 4 ,J 50. (Reprint from D avi d L a lV rence's co lum n in the St. L ouis Globe-D emo-
the sent;
mad dent
trail' grad,
Tun ingl(
eraI'. )
}1IfSM Alum.nus Jrlll/
$4,925,000 Requested by MSM From Recently Passed $75,000,000 State Bond Issue 1956
.1956 1956 1956
1956 1%6 1956
Exp. 1958
$75,000 ,000 BOND ISS UE for the construction of buildings at the state's educational, eleemonsynary and pena l institutions was overwhelmingly approved by the citiens of Mi ssouri on J anuary 24 th.
The School of ~lines has requested :;;4.925.000 from thi s issue; as its pa rt. Lo meet Lhe urgent a nd pas t-du e need s to p rov id e for t he in creasing enroll ment. The budget for o ur present need, includes $ 1.000 .000 for a new E lectrica l Enginee ring building, completing t he Engineering Lab oratories Proj ect; $ 1,500 .000 for a Jl ew bu ilding for Civil E ngin erin g a nd ~I ec h a ni cs Depart-
ments; $ 750 ,000 for a classroom building to house the Departm ents of Physics a nd l\Iat hema ti cs; $500,000 for dorm itory purposes; $350 .000 for a student infirm a ry; $ 175 ,000 for a new boil er a t the power plant, a nd $65 0 .000 iur repa iring a nd remodelin g present buildin gs. The a ll otm ent of fund s to the institutions from th is iss ue will be made by the state leg islature whi ch will be call ed into session by t he gove rnor so me tim e thi s month. The highest priority for co nstruction is th e Electrica .l Eng in ee rin g B uild ing to reli eve the bulging Norvvood nail whi ch houses the E lec trical Engin eering. Physics a nd Geology Depa rtments.
1957 1957
Kenneth F. Anderson New Alumni Area Director
K en11 eth F. Anderson
MSM Burmese Students to Broadcast for Voice of America
1956 1958
Kenneth F . Anderson '42 . Chi ef, Dallas F ield Office ( P etroleum ) , U. S. D epartment of Interior, Bureau of M ines , was elected by the MSM Al umni Asso ciation at the a nnllal election last F a ll. to serve as Area Director for Area No . 7. The ter m of this office is for a period of three yea rs a nd the A rea co III pri ses the States of T exas, Arizona a nd New Mexico . .Ken was instrum en ta l in the reorgani zation of the Dallas-Fort Worth Section which has been dorma nt for a num ber of yea rs.
John G. Duba, '40, Elected Vice -President of ISPE
1 do-
iould Jney. ibut-
ta,own ment
aive ment i'
Students from Burma at the School of Y1ines a nd M etallurgy meeting with the Educational Attache of the Burmese Embassy in W ashingto n and a rep resentative of the VOICE OF AMERICA in preparation for a broad cast to be made over the VOr CE OF AMERICA presenting the views of the seven students now enrolled a t the School of Mines a nd l\1etallurgy. These seven boys a re a ll being sent here by the Burmese Gove rnment for training in a n American educational in stitu tion to return to their h ome fo llowing e: radua tion. They are registered in ~f e tallurgi ca l and Mechanical Engineering. In the photog raph seated fr om left to right are: U Thant Gy i, Educational Attache, Burmese Embassy , Was hington, D. c.; Saw Prll , Akyab , B urm a; Tin Tun , Mo ulm ein , Burma ; U Thein Aung, Voice of Ame rica , Burma U nit , l,vashington , D. c.; a nd Tun Aung K yaw, Pakokkll , Burm a . Standing from left to ri ght are: Aung Thein , Pegu, Burma ; lVlaung Tha ung, Wakema, Burm a: lV1ra 0 0, Akyab, Burma; a nd Th a Tun of Akyab , Burma.
1/1111/ 5
Janu ary
Fl'bnlOr y
John G . D uba '40 , has been elected Vice P resident oi t he Chicago Chapter of the Illin ois Society of Professional Engin ee rs . John is Vice-President of the Chicago Chapter of the I lli nois Socie ty of Professional Eng i. neers. J Ohl1 is Assista nt Commissioner of the Chi cago Department of Publ ic W o rks a nd in addition to membership in t he Illinois Society of Professiona l Engineers, he is a member of the American Society of Civil E ngineers W estern Society of E ngin eers, American Associa tion of I'lanning Engineering Officials, American Water Work~ Asociation , American P ubli c Works Association a nd Vice P resid ent of the Tllinoi s E ngin ee ring Coun cil.
Nuclear Engineering to Be Added to Curriculum This Coming Fall N OPTI ON in N ucleur E ng in eerin g in t he Metallurg ical Enginee ring D el a rtm ent at MSM has I een approved by the facu lty. The wo rk will be ta ug ht und cr the s uperv is io n o r Dr. A. W . Schlechten, Dcpartment Cha irm a n, w ith Dr . D. . EPI elsh e im er, Pro fesso r of Mctallu rg ical E ng in erin g , in imm cd ia te cha rge of th c prog ra m .
The op ti o n was a c! led in res pon se to a pers is ten t d ema nd for s peedy im I rovements in th c mcta ll urg ical sc iences a s a bas is ro r ontinuin g s uccessfu l applicati on of n ucle ur power. Va rio us aut h ri ti es engaged in nuclear eng inee ri ng re ea rch a nd deveJop men t h ave s ta tcd that metallu rgy h olds th c key , not on ly fo r th e rap id developm ent o f a tom ic powe r, bu t fo r ma ny oth er ri elds a s weli, with somc o f thc ind ustr ies con. ide rin g cnd ing p rcsent em-
Bruce Williams, ex-'OS, Heads
Council of State Boards Bru ce 'Wi ll iam ex-'05, a t a recent meeting or th e Na t ional Co un cil or ta te B oa rd s o r Eng i nee ri ng I ~x a 111 i ne rs, h e ld in \iVashing ton, D. c., wa s elec tcd Pre id en'l o r th c Co un cil, th e o rga n iza t ion of whi h a ll Sta te Boa rds a re 111 em I er
ployces a t l oth th e und erg rad uate a nd g ra d ua te l ve l for in s t ru ction in th is par t icu la r ri eld of mcta llurg ical cience . N um rous facu lty member o f th e School o f M in es a nd Metall urgy have bce n working o n t he problem fo r abo ut a yca r. A co ns id era ble number o r the fac ulty have had cx perience in th e atom ic cnergy pla nl s at Los Ala mos, New i\Iex ico ; Oak Rid ge, T enn e. ee , a nd the A I'go nn c 'La ho rator ies in Chi cago. In co nn ec t io n with th is d eve lopment of th c a tomi c in d ust ry , D ean C u rt i ' L. Wi lsOI; , s tates that meta ll urgy ta nds o ut Irom in cntl y wit h its problems in s trength , tempcratu re s u itab ility , s urfacc p rotec ti on a nd cost play ing a n imp orta nt pa rt in nu cle ur s uita b ility ror in du stry. These in clu d e the d eg ree t o whi c h a meta l tran smit or obs tru cts va ri o lls rad iat ion s . p lus t he durat ion
an d ex t en t of th e eff ects on the metal itself. This combin a ti on o f nucleur a nd so li d -. ta te p hys ics, chemistry a nd co n ve nti ona l meta llurgy h as not yet a ttrac ted enou O'h wid espread a ttention a nd tud y , acco rdin g to t hose in t he indus t ry , a ltho ugh , th e D ean sa id , it claim s a hi gh pr ior ity in the developm n t of nuclear plan t a nd eq uipm ent. Th e co mmittee fr om th e facu lty tha t made th e fin a l stucly a nd repo rt was composed of Dr. Eppel heim er, a C ha irman ; Dr. A. J. M ile, C ha irma n of th e D epa r tm en t o r Mecha ni cal E nginee rin g ; Dr. H arold Q. F uller, ha irma n o f th e Departm ent o f Physics; Dr. T. J. P Ja nj e, Cha irma n o f t he Departmen t o r Ce ramic Engin eerin g , a nd D r. 'yV. H. W cb b . Associa te P rofesso r or Ch emi s try . The new proO' ram will be eff ective in Septembe r, 1956.
1954 Graduate Gets Silver Bars at Belvoir
Several Alumni Work Atomic Power Plant
B rucc is head of th e Bru cc W illi am s La borato ri es, J op lin , :M issour i, a nd is C ha irm a n o r th e M uli Hoa rd or R et!: is tra t ion ror Architec ts a nd !'ro res iona l I': ng in eers .
Frisco President Has
B ill Ell is is featured in a fiv e minute TV progra m which \\Testinghou e is using in t heir v is it to va ri ous cities.
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Top Office in N.D.T.A.
\ \T. W. ~ ul bertso n '3 7, Assistant to Manage r' Staff , Atom ic Power Division , B etti s F ield , P ittsburgh , Pa ., a n 01 e ration of the W est in ghouse E lect ri c Co rpo ra tio n, adv ise that the rollowing MSM Alu mni a re emp loyed a t th e p la nt: R. A. Bez t ' 50, T . l Burke '49 , R. F. D evin e '47 , W. R. E llis '39 , R. C. H endri ckson ' 53 , R. E. Hoffman , Jr. '39 , P . W. K loe ris, Jr. , '42 , C. E. McFa rla nd '49 and E. T. l\'Iyskowski '4 1.
C la rk Hungc rro rd , Hon. D r. o r Eng. '54 , Prcs id ent o r th e Sl. Lo ui s San Fran is 0 R a il way, h a s becn clectcd PI'C id cnt o f t he Nat io na l De rcnse Tran s por tatio n Assoc ia ti on at t hc ~ r o up 's tc nt h a nnua l onvc ntion III Bos ton , Oc tober 16. Dr. Hu ngerfo rd is Prcs id ent o f t hc orga ni zatio n's . l. L l.I is c ha l te l' . Th c N. D. T. A. is co mpos cI o r m ili tary a nc! c iv ilia n tran sI orta ti o n au thor i ti c who wou ld be rcs pon si b Ic ro r co-orcl i nati ng th na ti n' tra n po rtat io n III ve nt or ,1 IlCll io na l emergc ncy.
LI . fYor'l1lan Nielll ey er
No rm an N. N iemeyer '5 4 , received th e sil ve r bars s ig nify ing hi s n ew rank from M a jor Gene ra l Lou is W . Prentiss, COl1l ma nding Gen era l of The Jo.ngin eer ent e r , Fort Belvoir, Va . Ll. iemeyer ente red th e l\1'I11 Y in Jun e 1954, a nd at present h e is a Platoon Leader in Company 0 o f the Gi st E ngin ee r Comba t Ba tta lio n.
. rnd ill Prrsonals
Barn ett O. Crabtree K illed / n Illinois Ca r -T rail1 Cms !? Barn e tt O. C ra btree ' 52 was killed Nove mber 6, 1955 , when hi s car hit a fr eigh t tra in 10 mi le out h west or Pek in , I lli no is . The accid ent occurred rtb ut 11 : l 0 a. m . a nd he d ied at l:1 5 in the P ekin Hospita l. Barn ey h ad bee n workin g for th e eng ineering firm of ren haw and J ost. of P ek in . H e is survi ved by hi widow, Shirley , a nd three childre n , P a ul , age seven ; Dan iel, age fo ur, a nd Michael , two a nd one-ha lf yea rs o f age .
MSM AturJt1ms
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Paul Dowling Becomes Vice-Pres. of Nooter Corp. Paul T. Dowling '40, has received a n appointment as Vice - President , Nooter Co rporation , St. Louis, M is souri. H e has been with Nooter for 10 years and his position prior to his recent promotion , was Sales Engineer. Paul was employed by Nooter after hi s discharge from the U. S. Navy where he served as an officer. Shortl y after World War II. he was ca lled to se rve the governmen't in the allotment of scarce mate rials a nd he spent amost a yea r in Washington , D. c., on this assignm ent. H e has been ve ry active in alumni activities, serving as an officer in the St. Loui s Section and 'in 1952 , he was elected Area Director, Area No.5 , a nd was re-elected to the same position in the annual elec tion las t August, Mrs, Dowling wi ll be remembered as th e f,J rm er .Eleanor Heimberger, of Ro lla. The D owlings li ve at 1455 Forest \ ' iew Drive, W a rson Woods. Kirkwood. :\Iissouri,
l :li
At West Virginia Tech Dr. Leonard Ca rl Nelson ' 50, who has ben teaching and doing research at t.he Diesel School in the Mechan ical Engineering Department, North Carolin a State College, has been appointed Director of Eng in eering at the West Virginia Institute of Technology , Montgomery , West Vi rginia . The appointment to this new position became ef fecti ve February I. Dr, Nelso n has had additional teaching expe ri ence a t lVISM and at Northwestern U niversity.
The Bweau of Maintenance of the Illin ois Divi sion of Highways is do ing well under the g uida nce of MSM alumni. H. E. Diers '23 , is Engineer of Main tenance ; H enry O. Scheer '30. is Ass ista nce E ngineer of l'.'Iain tenance and J. E , Bell '49 , is the Eq uipment Engineer in the Bureau, A da ughter, Rebecca Ann , was born to Mr. a nd Mrs, Arthur Fu ldner '47, on September 24, 1955,
A full Department of Civil Engineering has been established a t St. Louis University's Institute of Technology a nd John F, McCarthy '48 , has been named its Director. John was formerly chief structural engineer for the \V. R, Bendy Consulting Engineers and FruinColnon Contracting Compan y ,
L. C. Nelson Is Director
A iU1'1'l11 i With I Uinois H ig hway Divisio 11
,died lit a i of Jrren
McCarthy Heads C. E. Dept. at St. louis U.
Jal/u ary
Joh n F, McCarthy He was a member of the yI SM faculty from 1948 to 1951 and .eceived his NIaster of Science deg ree in 1950. Civil Engitieering was introduced at the Un iversity four yea rs ago ; operating through the Department of Em;ineering. In additio n to civi l engin eerin!!' the institute now has departments of electrical, geological and geophys ical engineering , The institute 's present enrollment is now 41.3 s tudents. Th e school's long-range program blueprints a buildup to 1500 students .
R. Dean Grimm Promoted By Phillips Company R . Dean Grimm '37 , former assistant manage r of Phillips Petroleum Co's gasreservoir depa rtment, has been named manage r of gas reserves a nd availabi lity in No rthern Na tural Gas Co. 's supply depa rtm ent. Grimm . of Bartlesville Ok lahoma, has over 18 yea rs of na tura l gas experi ence ,
Nevins to Direct Olin Mathieson's Consolidated Fertilizer Division HE EASTERN AND WESTERN fertilizer divisions of Olin Mathieson Chemical Co rpora tion have been consolid ated under the direction of Samuel L. Nevins '21 , Vice P resident of the Co rporation , with headquarters in Little Rock , Arkan sas, The co nsolidation was necessary due to the rapid g rowth of the corporation a nd the difficulty in handling the administra tive work from New York and Baltimore, Mr. Nevins has attained a national reputation as a combina tion engineer, executive and super-salesman. thus making him a ready-made execu tive to admin ister the consolid ated divisions, lVIr. Nevins received an honorary degree from the U niversity of Arkansas, on January 28, which was conferred upon him for his outstandin g contrib ution to the State of Arkansas . He has been in Little Rock sin ce 1921 , a nd has long been one of the South 's leading scientists in the development o f plant fertilizers,
H e is known as the " fath er" of high a nalysis pelletized fertilizer and has developed ma ny advances in fertilizer technology, and was responsible for the first commercial plant at McKemie. to recove r elemental sulphur from so ur gas , At that time, many of the gas-di sti llate wells in the iVIcK emie-Patton gas-distillate field had been capped and there were threats to close the field down. Escaping hydrogen sulfide had killed a nima ls a nd was regarded as ,\ t hrea t to hunl1ns. l\Ir. Nev ins still holds basic pa Lents on the process in th is co untry . Afte r g rad uation from MS:VI , he wo rked for a time as a chemist with the l\Ionsanto Chemical Co ., and then for the Southern Acid a nd Sulphur Company which became part of t he Olin :\la thi eson Corp. , in 1948 .
Have You Sent Your Contribution To the 1956
Alumni Fund? 5
W a rd n. W a hl ' 52. I va n :.'II. N ied ling '40 . J ohn G. R ov '30. Ea rl Bru nkhoist ' 51. K enn eth B irk ' 52 , T ee! D ziemia nowig '4 , Jim l\la dd ox ' 50. Tinl Yagrr '52. B . D. P ewitt '42 . a nd D . H. Sho rt '43 . T he Sect ion is ex pectin g to have a nothe r ge t-together in M a rch Alumni in th e a rea who d o not receive noti ces may contac t W a rd W a hl , Limk iln P ike. Chalfon t , P a .. o r " Ike" N iedl in g . 82ti D erwy n R d .. Drexel Hill . Pa .. for th e e <ac t da te.
MSM Section
News Ark-La- Tex Section Th e D is taff Fac et of the Al'k -L a-Tex Section- Mr s. M cCartn ey, Mr s. QU'i nn, Mr s. W ade, Mrs . Sal1non, Mrs. R ob erts and M rs . Liv ingston .
H ost, " Fish" Salmon, V ice-President CU)I Ellison, President K evil Crider, Secy .-T reas . John Livingston.
C. " f ish " Salm on ' 22 , recreation esta blish men t on Ca ney L a ke, the resort 3 rea of no rthe rn L ouisia na , was the setting fo r tbe D ecem ber 10th meet ing o f th e Ark-La -Tex Sectio n. Cla ud e Vale riu s ' 25, tb e out-goin.g Pres id ent, repo rt ed on loca l activiti es and pla ns a nd gave a report o n th e An nu a l Alu mni M eetings a t M S~\1 during H omecoming. T he elec t ion of o ffi ce rs fo r 1956 was held a nd th e fo llow ing alumni were chosen : K ev il C rid er, ex ' 28, P residen t; Guy E llison ' 52 , Vice-P resid en t , a nd J ohn H. Li v ings to n '3 9 , Secreta r vTreasurer. App rox im a t ely t we n ty - six a lumni a nd their wives a ttended the ga therin g . T heir next meet ing will be held in :.'I [a rch.
St. Louis Section The St. L ouis Sect ion has elected a B oa rd of Directors, in a ddition to the reg ula r Sec t ion Off icers . The newly elect ed mem bers a re : K en Hanson '36, Cha rim a n ; J a mes Murphy '35 , Vice Cha irma n ; H a rry P ence ' 23 , Pa ul D owli ng '40 , W a rren H elber u '44 ; Fred Schnee berge r ' 25 , J ohn P ost '39 , H omer Stokes '38 , Ca rl Stifel ' 16 a nd Nea l Stu ec k '43 . The Board o f Di rectors \~' ill ha ve a lun cheo n meetin g on the t hi rd F ri day of eve ry month a nd every a lum n us is in vited to atte nd t hese meetings . T he first meet ing will be F ebrua ry 17. a t the F o res t Pa rk H otel. On 1Ia rch 14 , t he Secti on is ha ving a mee t in u a nd party a t AnheuserBu sch , 7th a nd P esta lozzi. T he theme o f the p rog ra m tba t evening will be t. P a ts . T he t ime wi ll be from 7:00 p. m. to 11: 00 p. 111. A ll a lu m ni , wives and g ues ts a re in v itee!.
Arizona' ~Section
C . IJ . R ob ert s, '28, JOlt ll Livillgsto ll , '39, !{ . Crider, ÂŁ>.1:-'28 , al1 d F . l-I . Conley, '27 .
Philadelphia Section
C. 11' . Va lerill s, '25, and TV. H. M( la rt n )" 'In .
T he Phi la d elph ia Sec ti on held a ve ry enj oyab le meet ing D ecember 2, [9 55 . a t the Alp ha Club , in Phi la clelph iR. :.'Ila ny o f the a lumn i's wives a nd/ o r g irl fri ends a tt ended. Al umn i who we re p resen( we re: E dga r J. H a ll ri egel ' 50 , Robert Schm idt '4 5. Paul E xiseber .
T h r. W in te r meetin g o f th e Ari zo na Secti on wa s held Sa turda y , D ece mber 3 , at t he K oK o Clu b, Ph oeni x, Ari zo na . At a br ie f b usin ess session it wa decid ed t o hold t he next meet ing on St. P a t r ick 's D ay , :'I l::trc h 17, a nd th e fo l.. lowi ng co mmittee was selected to ma ke t he a rra nge men ts : J. C. F in ag in ' [4 . Cha i rma n; F red E. D reste '42 . J ohn \\-. W rig h t '4 5. a nd J ohn 1'. (Cy ) Yo un g ' 17. T he K oKo Clu b fl oo r show, whi ch is an outs ta ndi ng att ra cti on . was opened wit h " TH E MfK I 1 ;C EI\-C I NEE R ." rend ered by a n exclusive a lumn i quin tet co mposed o f B ri xiu s '47 , G ri g by '48 . I-1a rm on ' 28 , :'Ilin sha ll ' 50 a nd Tra g it t ' 23, accompa ni ed by t he K oK o C lub o rches tra . Thi s n um be r was un iq ue a nd unu sua l ( wh ich is pu ttin g it mi ld ) , a ne! t he pa r t icipa nts wo re Ih e
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hard boiled headgear of miners . The Arizona Section is proud of its attendance record. The roster shows a total of 56 alumni in the State and a challenge is made to any other Section to show a larger attendance, percentage wise, at their meetings . Those present at the December meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. John K. Foreman ' 10, Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. Finagin ' 14, Mr. and Mrs. John T. (Cy) Young ' 17 , Mr. and Nirs . Dan E. Huffman '22 , Mr. and Nlrs. E. R. Tragitt '23, Mr. nad Mrs. John P. Harmon '28 , Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Dreste '43, Mr. R. P. Blain '44 , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Daily '44 , Mr. and Mrs. Jack \-"". Wright '45 , Mr. a nd Mrs. John L. Brixius '47 , Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Grigsby '48 , a nd ·Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Minshall '50.
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Central Arkansas Section The quarterly meeting of the Central Arkansas Section was held January 21 , at Hakn 's Doghouse, in Little Rock. Seven members and their wives enjoyed a delicious steak dinner. At a short business meeting the group voted to have another gathering in March at which time the election of officers will be held. The place of the March meeting will be at the home of Sam L. Nevins, 1922 North :Monroe, Little Rock. Those present were: C. \\1. Barrow '36, John Driscoll '43 , Ed Farrell '4 1, Jack Fuller '42 , Gene Hohlfelder ' 51 , J im ?'\evin '42 and Sam Nevins '2 1. C. W. Barrow is being transferred to Pittsburgh, Pa .. by the Auminum Co . of America.
NIr. and M rs. James R. Nevin wish the MSM alumni to know of the arrival of J ack Allen , on September 15th. The Nevin s' other two children are Carol , 8 \' ears old . and Jimm y , 6 years old.
Denver Section
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Wilfley received his SO year Recognition Award at the 1955 Commencement. The business meeting was presided over by Vice-President George Dickinson. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs'. Ray 1. Brasaemle '34 , Mrs. William Burgin, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk V. Cammack '26, Mr. and Mrs. J amison E. " Jerry " Couch '26 , Mr. and ]vIrs. George Dickinson '37 , M r. and Mrs. Welby M. King '42 , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M urphy '3 1, Mrs. Virgil Schroeder 'SO , Mr. Virgil Schroeder '46 , Harvey Tedrow ' 11 , ami Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilfley 'OS. The Denver Section held a nother meeting, February 4. The purpose was to permit the MSM alumni in the Rocky Mountain region , ,vho were attending the annual meeting of the Colorado Mining Congress, to gather at a luncheon . This luncheon is an annual affair. The group assembled at the Navarre Restaura nt for luncheon. At a short business meeting, officers for the ensuing year were chosen. Joseph Knittel '42 , was chosen as the new Chairman . Welby King '42, is the new Vice-Chairman , and Mrs. Pauline F. B. Schroeder ' SO, the incumbent Secretary-Treasurer. again was elected to that office. Those present were: Mrs. William Burgin, Kirk Cammack '26 , Jerry Couch '26 , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bald o ' SO , John H. Bender '53, George Dickinson '37 , Lee D. Dumm '33, Leo Foster '04 , Welby King '42 , Joe Knittle '42 , F. E. Riede ' 10, Pauline F. B. Schroeder '50 , Virgil Schroeder '46 , Merton Signer '23 , Harvey Ted row ' 11 , Raymond Warfield ' SO. and C. R. Wilfley. Ike Edwards was present a t the meeting and brought the group up-todate on the happenings at Rolla anri lVISM.
The Rocky Mountain Section met SatU"chy l've:1ing. D ecembe r 12 , a t the Olin H otel for a mem orial dinner honoring their late President , William H . Burgin. Welby M. King gave an eul ogy and presented Mrs. Burgin with fl owers in memory of her husband. C. R. Wilfley 'OS , talked briefly of hi s visit to the MS~/I campus durnig Homecoming. NIr. .I 11J11.ta1"V
one of our most illustrious a lumni. Professor E. W. " Skipper " Carlton. Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department, at MSM , was master of ceremonies. Serving in his preeminent way, he introduced Dr. and Mrs. Needles and guests. Dr. Needles was the speaker of the evening. He reminisced his days of learning at MSM , and the quality and need for engineers. H e related too, how your a lumni association can be of great assistance to your schooL The meeting gave the Texas group an opportunity to reorganize a Section of the Alumni Association. K. F. Anderson '40, Director, Area NO .7. served as temporary chairman of the meeting for the election of officers. The slate of officers elected were: President. Thurman M. Thomas '40; Vice Pre:;ident Thomas Newkirk ' 52 , and F. M. Springer '49 , Secretary-Treasurer. The group was temporarily named the North Texas Section. There were some forty alumni , wives and friend s of MSM present. Among those who were in attendance, in additIOn to those already named, were: Mrs. K. F. Anderson , H . F. Allison , ex'21, Harold R. Bentley '37 , Mr. and Mrs. Neal Campbell, R . L. Eason, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ferbrache '33 , Mr. a nd M rs . James D. Fowler '08 , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenidge '02 , Sam Hodgdon ' 28 , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hollow '29 , Leon Hershkowitz '41 , H. H . Kaveler '27, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride ' 14, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers '38 , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steele '50 , Mr. F. M. Springer, Robert C. Van Nostrand '42 , Alvin A. Wehrman '33. iVI r. and Mrs. J oe Wilson ' 21 , and Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur Woerheide, Jr. '36. Ike Edwards, from Rolla , also attended the dinner. Bob Steele was Chairman of the committee for a rranging the dinner and Ken Anderson and William T. Nolte '20 , gave their assistance. vVe' wish to express our thanks to them for a successful meeting.
North Texas Section The Alum'ni in the Dallas-Ft. Worth a rea and those attending the national convention of the American Societv of Civil Engineers. in Dallas, gathered at a dinner in the Empire Room at the Baker Hotel. February 15. to honor Dr. Enoch R. Needles ' 14. Colonel Needles, President of ASCE, is a nationally prominent civil engineer a11(1
Joins Mechanics Staff Karlheinz C. Muhlbauer, who received hi s B. S. in Civil Engineering , Jal1\lary 1955 , has joined the Mechanics staff as Instructor. Mr. a nd Mrs. Muhlbauer are natives of Germany and have been in the United States for abo ut four years. 7
National Capital Section The National Capital Section held a dinner meeting a t the Cosmos Club on Februa ry 6th. Col. E noch R . N eedles ' 14 was the g uest speaker a nd discussed the future of engineers and engineering with specia l emphasis on the Missouri School of Mines . The meeting was a ttended by H a rry F . Bossert '27 , Avery Drake, Jr. , 'SO , Robert L. F isher '36, David L. Forrester ' 11 , Jam es Hopkins ' 13, Cha rles Jennings '3 0, Gunna rd E. Johnson ' 16, Charles W. Keller ' 51 , Harry F. Kirkpatrick '3 0, Ned O. C ra ft '27 , R owe F. McCrae '09 , Collins H . McDonald '3 5, Willia m L. " Red " Miller '26, J ohn A. Polla k '32, Richa rd R ydstrom '32 . a nd Joseph O . Strawhun '4l.
James L. Gregg '23 Teaches at Cornell U. ( This is another in the series being published in thc Alummts Magazine of biographical sketches of MSM A lu1?'/,ni w ho chose t he field of education as t heil' t}ro f cssion .) J a mes L. Gregg ' 23 , gradua te in M etallurgical E ngin ee ring, has found tra ining engineers is the part of the engin ee rin g fi eld t.ha t he enj oys most and he has chosen Co rn ell Univers ity, Ithaca, New Yo rk, as the institution where he might ass ist in this end eavo r. Professo r Gregg is a na ti ve of Belton , :\Iisso uri , a nd he received hi s sec-
The Sec tion 's next meeting is pla nned for the week of St. Patri ck.
Meta llurgical Engineering and now he holds a Professorship in that departmen t. His wntlllgs ha ve been extensive. They include several books on alloys of iron , a book on copper, and miscellaneous pa pers a nd articles for professional meetings a nd publications . M rs . Gregg, the other half of the Gregg fa mil y , was the former Ada Sanders. As a hobby , Professor Gregg, works a t hunting a n.d fi shing and is noncommittal on hi s bag or catch in these sports .
MSM ROTC Program Is Rated Outstanding The F ifth Arm y Inspector General , Colonel H a rry C. Fishe r, made the annual in spection of the 1\1S1\1 Military D epa rt ment, J a nua ry 6.
On Okinawa
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Co lonel Fi sher ra ted the department as outstanding a nd in his conferencE' wit h D ean Curtis L. Wil son , he expressed h is g ra tification over the wonde rfu 1 sup po rt given by NISM to the ROTC prog:ram.
James L. Grcgg
K enneth W. Lichius Pfc . K enn eth W . Lichius 'SO, recently a rrived in Okina wa a nd is now a Mechanical E ngineer with the Okinawa Engn iee r District. K en entered the Army in November 195 4 . Ken was with the W estinghouse Co .. prior to enterin g service. M r. a nd Mrs . J ohn W. Gilmore ' 50. a re pa rents of a son, Willi am D ouglas. born Sert. 22, 1955. 8
onda ry edu cati on in t he High School a t Ind epen dence. i\Iiso uri . H e came to l\I Sl\I in 19 19, a nd was chosen for membershi p in T a u Beta Pi , P hi K appa P hi a nd Sigma Gamm a E psil on , profess ional a nd honorary fra terniti es . And in 1923, he received the F irst H onors Awa rd. After receiving hi s B.S . degree in 1923 , h e did not im med ia tely en ter the teaching fie ld b ut p racticed hi s metallurgica l engin ee rin rr pro fession in ind ustry wi th \\; estern E lectri c; the Ba ttelle Ylemoria l In st it ute, Colum b us. Ohio, a nd the Bethl ehem Steel Co. In the latte r position he was Assista nt to the Vice-P resident. It was in 1948, that he wen t to Co rnell U . to teach in t he Depa rtm ent of
1. G. inspections, which are in addit ion to the Annual Government Inspection. are also y early a ff a irs and are for the p urpose of determining the efficiency a nd a dherence to good management prac ti ces, as well as checki ng upon economi cal use of men and materials. I. G . inspecti ons are made of all Army units .
Herrick and Wright Named 1956 Grid Co-Captains T wo linemen , Tom Herrick and Ja mes Wright have been elected as CoCap tains of the 1956 1\1S1\1 football team . T om is a 19 year old Juni or, ma joring in E lectri cal E ngin eerin g . H e is a graduate of McBrid e H. S., St. Loui s, l\Io . Jim is 25 yea rs old , weighing 22S pounds, a nd is ma jorin g in Mecha ni cal Engin eering. This past year he was all-conference selection as tackle. Wright spent four yea rs in the Arm y during the K orea n War after his gradua tion fr om Ritenour H . S .. St. L oui s. Mo.
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Enoch Needles Establishes Three Scholarships For Underclassmen in Civil Engineering have been established at MSM , by Enoch R. Need les ' 14, and he has requested that they be known as the Alumni Association Scholarships in Civil E n.gineering . These scholarshi ps have a monetary va lue of $500 each. Freshmen or Sophomore students with a high scholastic sta nding are eligible for these awa rd s and they must be enrolled or indicate thei r in tent ions to graduate in the Civil Engineering Depa rtment. The recipients of these scholarships are chosen by a Faculty Committee. lVIr . Need les is a most ardent proponent of the School of Mines and Metallurgy and has done mu ch to p romote the Civi l E ngineering Department. Mr. Needles is the senio r partner in the fi rm of consulting engin eers, H ow-
ard , Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff. w'ith offices in New York a nd Kan sas City, Mo. At the Fall meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineer, he was in stalled as thei f p residen t for the current year. L ectures
Europ e
Robert G. Van Nostrand '42, spent three months thi s past winter in E urope. Bob is with the Magnolia Oil Company , Dallas, Texas, and his services abroad were in behalf of his employer. During his stay in Europe he presented eight lectures in France, Germany , Austria and E ngland . H e is an authority on geophysics and in the near future he expects to return to Eu rope.
Recipients of Lucy Wortham James Scholarships
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Students who received the Lucy Wortham J ames Schola rships at the Christ mas Convocation at the Schoo l of M ines and Metallu rgy. T he awards we re made available by Edward J . Dunleavy, President of The J ames Foundation , New York City , which was established through the will of the late Lucy \Vortham James, descendant of the pioneer J ames' fami ly that operated the lVIaramec Iron Works at St. James for many years. It was the custom of the J ames ' family , while the old iron works we re in operation , to send selected yo ung men to the School of Mines for a n ed ucation to help in the operations of the iron works. After the death of Mrs. Lucy Wortham James, this custom was revived by the Foundation. From left to right in photograp h: Dr. Curtis 1. Wi lson, Dean of the School of Mines and ~1eta llurgy; William Monroe J ennings, Dexter, M issouri ; Joe \Vi lliam Hemsky , Mt. Carmel, Jllinois ; Thomas W. Eaker , Steelville, M issouri and Erwin i'lf. Scobee, Overla nd, Missouri.
Januar y
J. B. Arthur Donates Stock for Scholarship J. B. Arthur; Founder and President of the Mexico Refractories Company , recently donated a block of stock from his personal holdings in the Company to the School of Mines and Metallurgy for the purpose of establishing a perpetuati ng Scholarship-Loan Fund. The F und , to be known as the "J. B. Arthur and Fam ily Schola rshi p - Loan Fund ," will initially provide an annual grant of $500.00 to an outstand ing J unior or Senior in Ceramic Engin eering. Two .hundred dolla rs of the award is to be in the form of a loan to be repaid by the recipient after graduation. Fut ure funds acc umulated from repayments and stock dividends will permit additional grants. Awards are to be mad e to students in Mechani ca l, Metallurgical and Mining Engi neering, respectively , when the number of gra nts affo rded by the fund exceeds the number of eligible recipients in Ceramic Engineering. Recipients are to be selected by a scoring system based not on ly on scholarship, but upon engineering promise , need , persona lity, and leadershi p. Arthur has been a strong supporter of the School of M ines for more than a quarter of a century . H e took part in the meetings in 1925 to promote the establishm ent of the D epartment of Ce ramic Engineering and during the years si nce that date he has sponsored graduate fellowships and dona ted material s and , equipment to the SchooL For this latest contribution , whi ch will play a significant role in the future development of the Department of Ce ramic E ngineering, the School is indeed gra tef uL
Competition Open for
St. Joseph lead Awards
' FOR competition for the St. J oseph Lead Compan y Scholarshi ps at MSM , has been
made. These scholarships are open to graduates of the high schools of St: Francois County and the towns of F redericktown , Herculaneum and Potosi, M isso uri. where St. Joseph Lead Company 9
has its prin cipal operation. The Principal of each of the high schools in the area may nomina te two candida tes for the awa rd. These cand idates will be interviewed by a fac ulty co mmittee of the School of Mines under the chairma nship of Assistant Dean Vernon A. C. Gevecker. Nominees will be given certa in tests to determine their qualifications for the award. One scholarship will be a warded for the academic yea r beginning in September 1956. The one receiving the award , if satisfactory academic progress is made, may be nominated to continue the awa rd each year until grad uation. The value of the awa rd is $600.00 per academi c year. During the Freshman yea r th is award may be supplemented by the Cura tors Award , as provided by the Board of Cura tors of the University of Missouri , having a value of $ 135 .00. The holder of this schola rship cou ld , ~'ith what he earned during the Summer , and with limited help from hi s pa ren ts, complete his education through the benefits received from this scholarship.
McDonnell Arranges Program for Students INAL ARRANGEMENTS a re being completed for an Engineering Cooperative Progra m between McDonnell Aircraft Co rporation , of St. Loui s, and MSM. The progra m is an innovation on the pa rt of the school. A number of Mecha nical, Electrical a nd Civil Engineering stud ents will be perm itted to elect the co-operative program subject to high academi c sta nda rds, a nd selection by the School and the Company. Students who elect the prog ra m and are fina lly selected will a lternate school and wo rk periods, beginning during thei r Sophomore yea r. Each stud ent will work at the McDonnell Ai rcra ft Co rpora ti on for five periods tota ling 80 to 87 vveeks. The total t ime req uired to earn the engin eering degree und er the progra m will be five years a nd one summer. However, during the pe riod , the student will not onl y have completed his academic wo rk , but will also have the equivalent of nearly two yea rs in industry . This p ractical work expe ri ence helps him to get more out of hi s academic
courses, a nd a lso makes him a more valuable ;J,nd attractive employee to indu stry after his graduation. The program at McDonnell, which is being greatly expanded, has been very carefully prepared so as to give each student the best possible view of the entire organization , and practical work experience in both Engineering a nd Manufacturing Divisions. Schools selected for this program a re from the highest ranking institutions in the United States.
Halliburton Co. Consultant Gives Lectures on Campus N DEem-mER 8 AN D 9 the Geology Depa rtment had as a specia l lecturer, Mr. R. H. \\finn , Senior Staff Consulta nt of the Halliburton Oil Cementing Company, of Houston, Texas and Duncan , Oklahoma. The series of lectures, involving ten hours, covered various field s of logging of oil wells, including the usual type of electric logging, special types of electric logging, neutron-gamma ray logging, and the application of these in the determination of porosity , saturation and hyd ro-carbon content of petrolum bearing strata . The lectures were attended by students and staff members in petroleum engineering and geology. The Geology Depa rtment is most appreciative of M r. Winn's service and of the courtesy of hi s company in permitting him to lecture here. His ta lks were quite practical and well illustrated both by examples a nd lantern slides . Approxima tely sixty students attended the series of lectures and received a set of manua ls which were to se rve as a textbook for the lectures. Unfortuna tely the manua ls did not arrive until the course was nearly completed , but the stud ents can use them for study.
MSM Graduate in Ministry Dr. Va nce H. Webster, pasto r of the First Baptist Chllrch, Eugene, Oregon, received his B. S. degree in Mecha ni cal E nginee ring at l'vl SiVI in 1923 . H e entered the mini stry in the la te '20's and has been at hi s present pastorate since the early '40' . Dr. 'Webste r has just completed a wo rld tou!' , a nd en ro ute it was his privil ege to visit hi s son who is a mi ssionary in Paki sta n.
Titanium-Plating Method Is Found An investigation cond ucted by the MSM Metallurgy Department for thE' Air Force concerning methods of plating titanium on other metals has been brought to a successful conclusion after three and one-half yea rs work. The contract with the \\fright Air D evelopment Center totalled over $ 100,000 and required the se rvices of a number of faculty members , graduate students and special employees of the Schoo l. Dr. M. E. Straumanis, of the Metallurgical Engineering Department, was the principal in vestigator , a nd the project was supervised by Dr. A. W. Schlechten. Other faculty members on the projects included Drs . Legsdin , Morri s, V¡l ebb and Russell. Titanium , a relatively new metal , is noted for its resistance to corrosion , but at the present time it is still quite expensive and difficult to fabricate. The Air Force was interested in finding methods whereby a corrosion resistant titanium coating could be plated on a base metal such as iron or copper. Contracts for such research were made with the Metallurgy Department of MSM , the U . S. Bureau of Sta nda rds, and the College Park, Maryland , Station of the U. S. Bureau of ]'dines . Extensive investigations by those three organizations showed tha t the meta l co uld not be pla ted from aqueous soluti ons as is done with nickel and chrom ium. It was finally found at MS~d that it was necessary to use a ba th of molten salts maintained at a high temperature and protected by an a tmosphere of helium gas . Unde r these conditions very s uccessful pla tings were obtained and a patent has been applied for in the names of Dr. Stra uma ni s, Dr. Schlechten , and Dr. C. B. Gill. It is expected that the patent wi ll be granted soon . Co mmon iron and steel articles plated by thi s method a re highly resistant to co rrosion, particula rl y fr ol11 nitric acid a nd salt solution s. In a ddition to the regula r reports made to the Ai I' Force , the research has been described in a se ri es of a rticles appearing in vario us scientifi c periodi cals. SEND YOUR CON TRIB UTTON TO THE ALUMNI FUND NOW
MSM Alumnus
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D ean Curtis L. Wilson has anno unced that two new coopera tive training programs between MSM and industry a re under consideration. The first program involves students in M ining, Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineering, and perhaps other field s, and will be initiated with the Nordberg Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This company is particu la rly interested in Freshmen and Sophomores.' The other cooperative program is with the Union Carbide N uclear Company, in Paducah , Kentucky , who is interested in Freshmen and Sophomore students in Chemical , Mechanical and E lectrical Engineering, and perhaps other departments . Representatives of these two companies have been on the campus interviewing and selecting trainees.
Eleven H. S. Students In Highway Training The Cooperative Civil Engineering Trai ning P rogram la unched last year by the Missouri State Highway Commission and MSM has enabled eleven high school students to participate in the program a t the School of Mines. The students a nd the high schools they attended a re: James B. Jackson , St. J oseph ; Dona ld C. Bartosik, Shelbina ; Edward P. Woodward , Princeton ; Larry D. Stacy , Callao ; Donald R. Feaster, Palmy ra ; Jan H. Paynton, Stanton ; Dona ld H. Hertzberg, E ldorado Springs; Johnnie E. Hall, Conway; Cha rles E. Asher, Winona ; Joseph E. Reichert, Caruthersville, and J erry R. Bayless , Cuba. These students a re doing well in their academic training.
St. Pat Is Coming St. Pat will come to the campus to preside a t a celebration in his honor to be staged March 16 and 17. To furnish the music for the celebration , the St. Pat 's Board has secured the services of the " Big Beat " of Buddy Morrow and his orchestra which has been featured from Notre Dame to \Vestern Onta rio. A gala program has been arranged for the students and returning Miners .
Januar v Februar'y
Enrollment Is 1,775 For Second Semester The School of M ines has an enrollment, this semester, of l ,775- or an increase of 28 per cent over the enrollment at the same tim e last year. The 28 per cent increase was much larger tha n the in crease in other divisions of the University of M issouri. The enrollment has increased 386 students over the enrollm ent a year ago. The College of Engin ee ring, at Columbia, has 1,160 students or 273 more than the 887 of a year ago .
Olin Gives Million for Washington U. Library A gift of more than $1,000 ,000 was made by John M. Olin , board chairman of Olin-Mathieson Chemical Co rpJ ra tion , for the planned new $3,500,000 library for Vlashington Universi ty , St. Louis, :iVIo. The new li brary , which is scheduled to be ready for occupancy in September 1958, will be named the John :iVI. Olin Library . Olin , an Alton , Illinois, resident , is a member of the uni versity 's board of directors . In additi on to Olin 's gift, three donations totaling $3 00 ,000 have been made anonymously for the libra ry project. The new building will have space for 1200 students and facilities for 900.000 books. The present Ridgley Library , built in 1903, was intended to serve only 2 SO students and house 70,000 books. It now has 3 75 ,000 volum es and publi cations.
Lambda Chi Alphas Move Into New House The men of the Lambda Chi Alpha fra ternity at MSr./I have moved int o their beautiful new fratern ity house on North Pine Street. The new house is one of the la rgest a t MSM a nd will have facilities for 40 students . The accommod ations a re spacious , with ample facilities for living quarters, for study , a nd for recreation. The sleeping quarters a re on the second fl oo r a nd include two room s for eight students each, and additional rooms for two students each, On the first floor are such facilities as a large li ving room, a dining room to accomm o-
da te 70 students, a la rge kitchen , rest rooms, lounges, the furnace room and other facilities. A formal " open house" is plan ned la ter in the spring at the new building. At the present, the move, and reception for ma ny alumni returning for St. Pat's celeb ration has fill ed thei r sched ule for a few weeks .
McCurdy Is Hancock Director Belding H. McCurdy '38, 1102 South Durand Street; J ackson, Michigan . Chief Engineer, H ancock Manufacturing Co" has been elec ted Director in the organization. In ad dition to the in sta lla ti on at J ackson, there is a nother pla nt , Hancock Industri es, Los Angeles, California . Belding received hi s deg ree in E lectri cal Engineering and has been with Hancock since 1950 .
Lambeth Vice-President of Firm J. R. Lambeth '41 is now Vice-President-Sales, Jones & Laughlin Steel Warehouse Divis ion, Indianapolis, Ind. M L Lambeth was formerly plant manage r of the H ammond , Ind. , plant of W. ]. Hollida t & Co ., which was acquired by Jones & Laughlin and is now one of 13 warehouses opera ted by tha t company . The Lambeths' home add ress is 9300 No rth D elawa re St. , Indianapolis.
Hardy Forms New Business Rolland L. H a rdy ' SO , who has been project engineer at the E ngineer R esearch and Development Labora tory . Fo rt Belvoir, Va. ; has resigned to enter pri vate practice on 9. full time. basis. He has organized a company , H a rd y In struments, Inc. , located at 308 South Washington , Falls Church , Va ., of whi ch he is president and chi ef engineer. The new company is engaged in general civi l engineering and the design and development of improved surveying instrum ents.
Bob R ose With Edison Compan y Robert T. Rose is with the Edison Company , as construction enaineer bu ilding the third unit of a g~~e rat~ ing station near J oli et, Ill. Bob has become a member of the Illinois Registe red Professional E ngin eers. H e resides a t 5524 So uth Bruner St.. Hinsdale, TIl. 11
St. Louis AIME Names MSM Men to Offices officers of the St. Louis Section of the A.I.M.E. for 1956 includ e a number of Rolla men. The Cha irm a n of the Section for the coming year i Dr. A. W . Schlechten of the MSM fac ulty , a nd the Vice Chairman wi ll be Carl H . Cotterill, MSlVI 1940 . Professor O. R . Grawe will hold the office of Chairman of the Program Committee. One of the members of the executive committee is Gill Montgome ry , MSM 1935 . The representative to the Engineers Coun cil for P rofessional Development is Dean Curti s L. \Vi l on , former natio nal of fi cer of the E. C. P. D. , a nd the cha irma n for student relations is Otis H . Banes, MSM 1942. National officers of the A. I. M. E. during the past yea r have included Dr. D . S. Eppelsheimer , member of t he Metals Branch Co uncil nad Dr. A . W. chlechten, Chairm a n of the Ex tractive Metallurgy Division. In the past , several Ro lla men have held the off ice of President of t he A. I. M . E. , whI ch is one of the hi ghest hono rs attainable in the field of M ineral Industries. These have been , in 1935 , H. A. Buehler, former State Geologist ; in 1932 D. C. J ackling, prom inent g rad uate of MSM; in 1949 L. E. Yo ung, former Director of MSlVI; a nd in 195 3 Andrew F letche r, P resid ent of the St. J oseph L ead Co. , a nd recipi ent of a n hono ra ry deg ree from MSM.
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION S C H 0LARSHIPS : These scholarsh ips are avai lable to students at la rge and have a value of $500 payable in ca h , $250 the fi rs t semester a nd $250 the second seme ter. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION S C H 0LARSHIPS IN CIVIL ENGINEE RING: T hree scholarships, at la rge, in Civil E ngin eeri ng with a valu e of $500 eac h per academic year. JOE B. BUTLER SCHOLA R SHIP IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: A scholar hip, at large, with a value of $500 in m emory of P rofessor Joe B . Butler. for 35 yea rs a member of the facu lty of MSlVI, a nd , at his death in 1955, Chairman of the Department of Civil Eng ineering.
Scil Dr.
Westin9house Presents $2,000 to MSM
the I been Swedi one e societ:
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Noel Whitma n, Manager of the M issouri Vall ey District of \Vestinghou e E lectric Corpo ration of St. Louis, presenting to Dean Curtis L. 'Ni lson of M isso uri School of M in es a nd Metallurgy a check for $2 ,000 to purchase a new p iece of equi pment fo r the Mecha nical E ngin eerin g labo ra to ri es at M issouri Schoo l of M ines. Dr. A. J. Mi les, Cha irma n of the Mecha nical E ngineering Department, s ta tes tha t he is considering the purchase of a multistage ax ia l-fl ow fa n as manufactured by 'vVestinghouse for use in the power labo rato ry. In the p hotog ra ph , left to right, a re: D ean Wi lson , Dr. Mil e , M r. R. C. Aye rs, Area Sales Manager for W estinghouse in St. Lou is and ir. Noel W hi tma n. L URA AND GEORGE EASLEY SCHOLARSHIPS: Several schola rsh ips each year in a n a mount aro und $500 each. CU RATORS SCHOLARSHIPS: The Curato rs of the U niversity of M issouri have provided 125 scholarshi ps a nd awa rd s to entering freshmen for study a t MSM to be a wa rded on a competiti ve basis to hi g'h ra nking g rad ua tes of :M issouri H igh Schools who need fin a ncia l a sistance in order to con ti nu e t heir ed ucation. T he value of these schola r hi ps is $ 135 for t he academi c yea r. LIONS CLUB OF ROLLA SCHOLARS HIP: T he schola rship has a valu e of $100 fo r the academ ic year. The recipient mu st be a grad uate of a full y accredited high schoo l a nd rank in the upper third of the high school clas . The awa rd is to be made on t he basis of scholasti c a ttainm ent, need, and specia l talent. It mu t be used the year fo ll owing hi gh school g raduation . SCIEI CE FAIR SCHOLARSHIP: The Board of Curators of t he U niversity of M issouri has provid ed for th e
award each year at 1\1 M of three schola rshi ps a t the St. Loui s a nd Kansas City Science Fairs. At each fair , one four-yea r schola rshi p a nd two oneyear schola rsh ips a re of fered . These schola rships have a valu e of $ 135 for the academic yea r. ST. TOSEPH LEAD CO. CHOLARSHIP: The St. J oseph Lead Co. awa rd s each yea r to a n entering freshman at MSM a schola rsh ip wit h a value of ,600 for t he academic yea r. On ly g raduates of the high schoo ls I cated in St. Franco is Co un ty , M issouri , a nd the citi es of F rederi ck town. H ercula neum , a nd Potosi may be ca ndidates. All of the above schola rshi ps, wit h the excep tion of the Science Fair Scholars hi p , may be supp lemented if the winner is a graduate of a M is ouri High Schoo l, by one of the Cura tor's Schola rships a nd Awards menti oned a bove. Pro pective app licants shoul d write al once to : Th e Dean , Missouri Schoo l
of M in es a nd iVletall urgy , R oll a , M issouri .
MSM Alumnus
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:lit¡ Presi; Organ Decer Board
Swedish Academy of Science Elects Kelly
w. J.
O'Neill Returns to Military Service
Dr. Merv in J. Kelly ' 14, P resident of the Beli Telephone La boratories, has been elected a Foreign Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. one of the world 's foremost lea rn ed societies. In the letter notify ing Dr. Kelly of the honor, the Secre ta ry of the Academy declared , " Our Society is most happy in conferring on yo u this token of profound respect , called forth by yo ur masterly researches in the domain of E lectronics a nd E lectrotechnics, whi ch have foreve r enroll ed yo ur na me in the Annals of these Sciences ."
Ollse ;ollri e of I of
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The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences was founded in 1739 by Carl Linnaeus a nd others for the encouragement of nat ural sciences a nd mathema tics. It awa rds two of the pries of lhe No bel Foundation , the prizes in Chemistry a nd Physics . The Academy , which IS associated with a number of Swedish museums, carries ou t its work m ostly thro ugh scien t iLc institutions, publication of scientific pamphlets, and in providin:; funds to outstanding scientists and a uthJ rs. Dr. Kelly is one of 108 for eign mem bers from countries outside Sweden . This number is consta nt. Swedish membership consists of a max imum of 140 and a minimum of 108 members.
Among t.he distinguished American s who iI,e n, r. l11bers of the Swedish R oya l Academy of Sciences a re: Irving Lanmuir, Harl ow Sha pley , H a rold C. U rey a nd E. O. La wrence . The la te Albert E instein was also a member.
Heads Chica90 Section of AIME Women 's Auxiliary Nadine :Matlock K enney '26 , (M rs. John R. Kenney ) is Chairman of the Chicago Section of the "Vo men 's Auxiliary to the A. 1. M. E. , a nd rep resented the Section a t the Ann ual Meeting in New Yo rk , New Yo rk , in February. iHrs . K enney is a lso Fourth VicePresident of the Women 's Na tional Organizati on, having been elected last December , and is now on the Na tion a l Boa rd of Directors.
Michael, Capt . O',V eill, B etty and B ill)1 Wi lliam J. O'Ne ill , CE ' 55 , ret urn ee! to milita ry service, Jan uary 3 1, 1956 , after grad uate work at i"I S 1\1. H e has been ordered to the F a r E ast ( Korea) as a con st ru ction engineer. Bill came to ::\IS1\1 as a F reshman in Februa ry 1953 , on leave from the Army, where he had len years serv:ce as a Captain in the Corps of E ngin eers . By goi ng to s umm er school a nd carrying extra hours, Bi ll was ab le to make
Lt. Col. Payne Assigned To Service in Far East Lt. Col. Leslie 1\ [, P ayne '40 , W<l ~ g rad uated from the Ass JCia te Command a nd General Staff Officers CO '.lrSE; give n a t the Co mmand a nd General Staf f Coll ege at Fo rt Leavenworth , Kansas, on Decem ber 16, 1955. During World War 11 , he served ill the So uthwes t Pacifi c Theatre of Opera tions ; a nd from Aug ust 1946 unt:] 'M arch 1947 , he was com m un ica tion" officer with the 47 Sth Fighter Group in Korea. F oll ow ing hi s g radua ti on , Colonel Pay ne repo rted to Fo rt Lew is , Washnigton, for furth er assignnwnt to the F a r East ( K orea ) . P rior to hi s assign ¡ ment to Ft. Leavenwo rth , he was Battali on Commander of a Comba t E nginee r Battalion a t Ft. Leona rd W ood. ::\'Ii ssou ri,
it thro ugh ::\IS::\ I In bven ty -seven mont hs. H e gradu a ted in the top ten per cent of the class a nd was elected to Tau Beta Pi and Chi Epsilon honorary frate rni ties. During the Fall semester , Bi ll taught full time in t he Mechanics Depa rtment whi le ta kin g graduate work.
Howard Katz, Former MSM Business Manager, Dies H oward M. Katz ' 13, a prominen t R olla cit izen a nd fo rmer Business 1\1anagel' of 1\ I S1\ I, died a t the home of hi s daughter in Vicksburg, M ississippi , J an ua ry 28 . The Katz home at 11th and State Streets, burned J a nua ry 1, a nd M r. ane! :\1[s. K atz left slw rtly the rea fte r to vis it their daughter. D eath was a ttributed to a heart a ttack . :;\Ir. Katz had been associat.ed with the F)owell L um ber Co ., in Rolla, for several years a nd had resided in R olb for 25 yea ['s. Howard took a n active interest in l\I SM alumni acti vities a nd he was Secretary -T reasu rer 0 f the Associa tion for several yea rs. Survi vo rs include his widow, NI s. Adele Powell Katz, of Ro lla; a da ughter, l\I rs . T homas Dominick , of Vicksburg : a nd two sons, Howard ~VI. Katz, of Bit umiful , Uta h , an d .Tam e~ K. P owPI! K atz of Ro ll a .
Miner Cagers Win Testimonial Dinner Given Harry Kessler From One MIAA Team For His Contribution to Sportsmanship The Miners basketball season has not been too lucrative as far as games won are concerned. Thus far their standing is four games won and nine lost. The team is lacking in experienced players and height. In conference play they have met each of the other teams and gained one victory. To date the resu lts of their games were as follows: Miners 91 Harris Teachers Col. 69 Miners 70 Blackburn College 6S Miners 68 Greenville College 97 Miners 71 Central College 77 Miners 78 Westmnister 63 Miners 70 Southeast Missouri 81 Miners 62 Southern Illinois 91 Miners S7 Washington University 86 Miners 70 Lincoln University 80 82 Miners 4S Southeast Missouri Miners 60 Cen tral Missouri 71 Miners 63 Northwest iVlissouri S6 Miners 78 Northeast Missouri 100 98 :Miners 90 Central College
MSM Swimmers Win Four Out of First Fiue Meets The M iner tank team has fared very well in their swimming meets this season. In the first five contests the Miners have won four of them. Their only loss was to the University of Loui svill e, by a score of 53 to 31. The results of the other contests were: Miners 53 , St. Louis U. 31; M in ers 50, Illinois Normal, Bloomington 34; Miners 45 , Vanderbi lt 39 , and M in ers 54. Indian a State , Terre Haute 29.
On J a nuary 25 , 1956, a group of friend s and admirers of Harry Kessler extended to him a testimon ial dinner at the Chase Hotel in St. Louis. This dinn er was given primarily in recognition of Harry 's outstanding contribution to sportsmanship as he acts as referee of boxing bouts, all over the country. H a rry is known to milli ons of sports fan s because of his frequent appea rances on telev ision as the referee a t Madison Square Garden almost every Friday night. H e insists tha t he be introduced as a graduate of Missouri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy . He ~s consid ered to be Ameri ca's outstanding boxing referee. The honorarium s which he receives all ?,O for char ¡ itable purposes . The testimonial dinner was attended by close to 1000 people and included such well known sports fi gures as Stan Musial, Red Schoendienst, Marty Marion , H a rry Caray, Joe Garagiola, and many others. Bob Burn es, Spor ts E ditor of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat , was one of the principal speakers. The arrangements committee invi ted Dean Curtis L. Wilson , as head of H :ury Kessler 's Alma Mater, to atten d am]
be on the speaking program . In confo rmity with H a rry's desire to help worthy charity, the proceeds of the dinner, a moun t ing to some $1 S,000, went to the Ameri ca n Medical Center in Denver.
Dr. Schlechten Adviser to Encyclopedia Brittanica The E ncyclopedia Brittanica has announ ced that Dr. A. W . Schlechten , Chairman of the Department of Metallurgical E ngineering a t M.S.M ., has been appointed edi to rial adviser for all a rticles dealing with M ining and Metallurgical E ngin eering appearing in the E ncycloped ia . Probably the best known of all reference works, the Encyclopedia Brittanica, was established in 1786 and is now pub lished under t he a llspices of the Un iversity of Chicago . About 160 a rticles are concern ed with subj ects whi ch can be classifi ed und er M ining a nd Metallurgical Engin eering. As the ar ticles a re revised periodically to keep them LIp to da te, the scripts will be submitted to Dr. Schlechten fo r review and criticism.
requir westel )IE ina in tr;ll }IE "ears erectic iner)'. CH cal C locatic For any 0 Assist; )Iines
Joh Ellen se)" \' 28th, Apostl
Her ree la 1955. with Granil been RubbE mg at )Iissol
Powell Home Destroyed by Fire A Rolla land mark, " The P owell H ome," a t 11 th and State Streets , was destroyed by fire, on New Year's Day. a nd not more tha n the gutted wa ll s remain. The str ucture wa s bu ilt in 190 5. by l\Irs. Fann ie Powell , a nd it was a fa miliar sigh t and it home for nunv MSM stud ents. In late years it was the res id ence the H oward Ka tz ' 13 famil v . Wh en housing became critical , Mr. ICa tz opened it for students quarters. At the time of the fire, it was homo for eleven Miners but most of th em ,lIere away for the Chri stmas - New Years holiday . The origin of the fire is not known.
ior e nuciN lnitel
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IIlg al
}Ial Jlissol nJarrie
At th e H arry K essler T estimollial Dinl1C1' at th e Chase Ho tel In St . L ouis on January 25, 1956 . L eft to right: Stan lvlusiaL , H arn [(es sie1' , D ean Wilson.
MSM Alumnu s
Jlis Fedmi ton. ( is a P, ('o.
Personnel Needed
re to S
,000. ~nter
; anhten. etal· has Ir all J!et1 the ref· Brit· 1d is
E N GI NEER S - ALL B R AN CH E S for employment in ae rona utical a nd nuclear wo rk- va rious locati ons in the U nited Sta tes . M ETALLU RGIST S- Va ri ous locations in the United Sta tes GEOLO GI ST S- 7 years experience req ui red- explora tion work in Sout hwestern part of t he U ni ted Sta tes . jVIETALLU RGISTS- Sa les enginee ring in powdered metal prod ucts- Cent ral United Sta tes . M ECHA N I CAL ENGI NEE R S - 5 yea rs experience required- lay-out a nd erecti on of undergro und mining machinery . CH EMI CAL ENGIKEER S- P hys ica l Chemistry-experience req uired loca ti on- P ennsy lvania . F or de ta iled in fo rma t ion co nce rni ng a ny of the ab ove positions, contac t the Assista nt D ea n . ;\Iisso uri School of :\lines a nd M eta llurgy . R olla . M issour i.
160 Ijects ining
'iodi· the Dr. 1.
LOllis i!SOIl.
Marriages M eD ol/ ald- Sulliva n J ohn R. McD ona ld ' 53 . a nd M a ureen Ellen Sulli van , of Bl omfield , Ne w J ersey , we re united in ma rr iage J a nu a ry 28 th, al the Church of St. T homas T he Apos ll c. in Bloom field . 1\11 ey er- le B eau H enry W . :deye r '32 a nd D r . D esiree la Bea u, we re ma rri ed Aug ust 6. 1955 . :\Ir. Meyer is a Sand T echn icia n with the General Steel Cast ing Co. , Gra nite City , Il1. , a nd Dr. Ie Beau has been Directo r of R esearch . M idwest Ru bber Recla iming Co. T hey a re li ving a t 34 Ly nn brook Dri ve . St. Louis . :\,1issou ri . Sw eene),- L cl1 ger :\'I iss P hy llis L enge r, o f Sta U!l ton. Tl1. , a nd J. R . Sweeney ' 52, were united in ma rriage Jun e 4 , 1955 , a nd a re li ving a t 186 Maple Ave., Ga lesb urg , TI l
Carroll- O' Brien Ma ry An n O'B ri en , of Sp rin g fi eld . M issouri , a nd J ohn T. Carroll '49 , we re ma rr ied N ovember 26 , 19 55.
W heeloc Il- J acovina Mi ss Patri cia A. J acov in a a nd L. K. vVheelock '52 , were ma rri ed September 29 . 1955. R el'lunert- I-l aag ?liary Ann H aag, of K irkwood , Mo. and \Villia m E . R emm ert ' 50. were Ina rried D ecem ber 3, 1955 . Their home address is 420 Li ndema n , K irkwood 22 , M o.
Births Mr. a nd Mrs. Manfred I,--a tz ' 53 , 1102 W . 8th St. , M ishawaka, I nd. , welcomed t heir seco nd so n, M ichael Ala ll , Aug ust 1, 1955 . M a nf red is with Bendi x Aviation P rod ucts . To t he Neal B. D owlings, J r. ' 51 , a second da ughte r, Sally D uchesne, born J ul y 24, 19 55. J\"ea l is a Chemi cal E nqin eer with the Bu ckeye Cell ulose Corp .. :\l emp his, T enn . ;'IJr. a nd ~ l r s . By ron L. K eil ' 52 , 1000 W. 12th, Od essa, T exas, ha ve a new ba by girl , born Sept. 18, 1955 . H er na me is K a ren Ann. T he first add ition to H. J. V/i t hrow 's ('49) fa mi ly a rrived in October, 19 55 , a nd t he little M iss was na med J a noly n J oy . T he W ithrows also moved in to a new home, to them, this past s ummer located at 324 R osewood S. E ., Gra nd Ra pids, I\[ ich. ~ lr . a nd ~ lrs . W illi a m C. K a ul kner ' 50, have a da ugh te r. D aw n Il ene, born D ecember 29, 1954 . Their so n was 2 yea rs old J a nu a ry 2. M r. a nd Mrs. H enry J. H eUri ch '49 , a nn oun ce t he a rri val of their 6th child, a da ughte r, M a ry E ll en, D ecember 3 1, 195 5. a t t he St. E li zabeth 's H ospital. Gra nite C ity , Ill. Th e four b rothe rs welcomed their seco nd s ister. H enry is F orema n Supe rviso r a t Gra nite City Steel Co . ~l r. a nd Mrs. Glenn D uncil a re pa.reilts of a da ughte r, bo rn Nove mber 14 . 19 55 , at St. J ohn 's H ospita l, Sprin gfi eld , Il1. She has a t hree yea r old brot her. ;'Ilr. a nd M rs. M elvin A. H aga n '48, ru e proud parents o f 'M elori e K im who a rri ved in M ay 19 55. The H aga n's ad d ress is 54 10 Sycamore, K a nsas City ? O,
Feldmitle1'- Clark :\ll iss M a rgaret Cla rk a nd W illia m H. Fedmiller ' 54 . were ma rr ied a t H ealdto n, Okla homa , August 7, 19 55 . Bill is a Pet roleum E ngin ee r wit h t he T exas Co. January
Mr. a nd !\Irs. Ly ma n Va n B usk irk ' 52 . an nounce the a rri val of J ud ith Ly n , D ecember 1, 1955. The Va n Buskirks now co nsist o f one so n a nd t wo da ughters. M rs. Va n B uskir k was t he form er Vursa Stogsd ill of R oll a . Th ey res id e
in Chi na La ke, Ca li fo rni a , whe re Lyma n is emp loyed by the Nava l Ord na nce T est Sta tion as M echa nical Eng ineer. Ll. a nd M rs. W. F. H ubba rcl , Jr. , '49, adv ise of t he a rri val of Ma rk Ra ndall , Septembe r 17. Lt. is in t he U . S. Naval P ostgradu a te School, M onte rey , Ca li fo rni a . M r. a nd M rs . F ra nk Conci ' 54 , wish the alu mni to k now a bout Frank Adolph who a rri ved a t their home July 27 , 1955 . F ra nk is a Civil E ngin ee r with t he D ivision of Highways, Ca rbond a le . Ill. T heir address is 230 No rt h 15th , l\Iul-phys boro, Ill. M r . a nd M rs . Wall ace T. Harper ' 53 . have a da ughte r, Ly nn M a ri a , born AUg-lis t 24, 1955 . \, 'allace is a Resea l'Ch E ngill Per, L os Ala mos Scientif ic L a boratOIT · T,os Ala mos, K . :\ L They have a new a ddress in Los Ala mos , 3 1J 3-H T rini ty D ri ve . !\I r. a nd Mrs . K enneth L. D eLap '52. 23 10 Cherry St. , Co lumbus, I nd ia na . a nn ounce t he a rri val of K enn eth L. D elap IT, Sep tember 29 , 19 55. M r. a nd M rs . Ri cha rd H. Steve ns '54- , a re ve ry pro ud of Ly nn D awn , born October 19, 1955. T hey li ve at 1008 Cherry St reet, Alcoa, T enn . To l\lr . a nd M rs. W illia m A. K oederi tz ' 51, a son , D a vid J a mes. born D ecembe r 6, 1955 . They ha ve two other boys W illia m Leo a nd Ga ry Pa ul. Bi ll is a P et roleum Engin eer. :\Ia iling a dd ress Box 668 , H ea ldton , Ok la . Mr. a nd :\Irs. \Va lte r S. J a rrett '3 7. a nn o unce t he t hird future a pp licant for l\ JSM a rrived N ovember 2, 19 55. T he new son was na med Cha rles R obertso n . B ob a nd hi s fa mil y li ve a t 2533 Sa lem Ave. , B ren twood 17, Mo. ~Jr . a nd M rs . Bob Ly nch ' 52. a re pa rents o f a son born J une 26 , 1955. R obe rt Loya l (T o be a :\ISM grad o f 1977 ) .
Alumni Personals I 8 99 Ed win Perkins, 1723 J ackson Ave .. J op li n, Mo., retired from the U . S. B urea u of M in es, Jun e 30, 1955. a ncl is now e1 0ing occasiona l co nsul ting wo rk . 1 90 1 W. H. POI·vell , lum berma n , St. J a mes , Mi ssour i, has been ve ry ill for ove r a yea r. Dr. H . R. H a n ley , with the P urdu e T eam, c/ o Arm y Section, Arti llery Schoo l, AP O 63 , c/ o Pos tm aste r. Sa n f ra ncisco, Ca liro rnia , ex pects to rc-
turn to Rolla about eptember 1, after ramblin g around Europe and South e rn As ia for a few mont hs . On hi s return he expect to vi it Siam , Burma, Calc utta, Pakis tan , E gypt, Holy Land. Turkey , Greece, Italy , Spain , Switzerla nd , Germany , Au tr ia , the Benelu x o un tr ies, France, E ng land , a nd Scotla nd . " C ap " has pa ed the two yea r mark in th e Far Eas t a nd h e s ta t es that each d a y ha been inte resting a nd cha ll eng ing. He wi ll leave with much s t ill to be accomp li s hed but can be co m p leted acco rdin g to hi s p la ns . Hi s des ire to re turn is beco min g s trong . T h e call o f fami ly, fr iends a nd hi s own fires id e is a n irres i tib le o ne.
of the pass ing of hi pa rtner Oscar H . K oc h , Augu s t 7, 1955. This partnership ex i ted fo r 4 1 yea r. Mr. Fowle r co ntinues as owne r of the firm und e r th e sa me na m e .
1 9 1 0 C ha rl e A. Burd li ck, 3 900 Co nn ec tic ut Ave. , N . W. , Wa hin gto n , D . w rites t hat h e o nly had o ne tr ip to Arizona t hi s yea r. 1 9 1 2 C. L. C o nway , 60 1 Le:\l esa Lade ra , Me nlo I a rk , Califo rni a , retired on May 1, 1955 afte r 30 yea rs o f se rvice with th e U. S . Gyps um Co. Hi last positi o n wa s Wo rks Manager, at th e ir M id la n d Ca li fornia. P la nt.
1 9 1 3
D. W. Buckley DeKa rd W. Buck ley , who g ra duated f rom i\1 S ~1 in 190 1, wit h th e B. S . degree in M ini ng E ng in ee ring , h as r t ired and i\Irs . Buck ley and he are living at 208 \V. 52 nd S t.. in . ea ttl e . \\'ashin gton. Tn 195 1, :\1r. Bu c k ley received hi s 50 y ear R ecog niti on Gold :\1ed a l a wa rded at t he Comm e ncem nt exe rc ises . 1 9 0 7 \\' 111 . C. Pe rkin s was re tired fr o m C AA. in Aug us t 1954 , a nd is now em ployed with Free e a nd -:\i cho ls, En gin ee rs, Ft. \\' o rth , T exas. His a ddre 5 3774 T o wn se nd Dri ve. F o rt W o rth 10 . 1 9 0 8 J a mes D . F owl e r, o f th e firm , K och & F o wl e r . C o ns ultin g Eng in ee rs, writes
D o na ld H . R ad cliffe ' l 3 a nd M rs Radcl iffe depa rted D ecemb e r 15 . o n iI trip a ro und th e wo rld. They expec t t o be go ne fo r about s ix mo nths . i\Ir Radcliffe is a re tired o il geolig is t an d in vesto r . Thei r mailing ad dress i Box 29 8, Pa los Ve rdes Estates . Cali f. 1 9 1 4 C. W. H a ll , La k e Winnem i sett. RFD 2. D eL a nd. F lo rid a , is e njoying the le is urely life of the s ta te and travel. 1 9 1 6 H. H. Vogel, \ ' ice Pres ident. Barton Mi nes Co rp. , Ko rth C ree k . ~. '\' .. rece ntl y purchased a win ter home in ~ ew Smy rn a Beach , F la.. for winter use now a nd possib ly event ua l retiremen t. 1 9 I 8 E. R o s H o usho lde r, Reg is tered P ro, fess io na l E ng in eer , i co ndu cting hi s o wn e ng in ee rin g office as us ua l. Hi ~ a ctivitie cove r, bes ide. ri zo na. Eas t e rn San Bernardino Co un ty. Ca lifornia , ancl Southe rn a nd \\' es t C e ntra l Kevada. :\1r. H oush oleder is it retired Lt. 0 1. U. S. A rm y a fte r 33 y ea rs in rese rve a nd a c tive duty in " Torld War's I & II. Hi s addre s i 43 1 Ea t pring St.. Kin g man. A ri zo na . 1 9 2 0 Geo rge Burn e t is a tru c tura l Engin eer a t La ng ley AFB , \ 'a .. hi s bro th e ;' L eo L. Burn e t , a lso a :\1 :\1 a lumnus . is in J ac kso nvill e. F la . R. E. Tll idge and :\11' . Illid ge. th e form e r Alic ia Parke r , of Ro ll a . are ve ry . ve ry pro ud g randl a r nt They live a t 709 ('he tnut. J op lin . :\li so uri . 1 92 2 H e nry E. Di e rs , Hig hway Eng in eer . with the Tlli no i. D ivis ion of Hi g hwa y s
Spring fie ld , is n ow re iding at 190 ¡\ Parkv iew Drive, ' pringfield. Thoma G. " 'e ir, D istr ict Y1anage r . L o An ge les, o f t he J oy :\l a nufa cturin f( Co. , write he hope to O'et back orne day and ee t he change. His add re is 1425 Rancho Rd .. A rcadia, Ca lif. Edw in G. i\Iach in , Box 188 , Na h ville. Ill. , is Ge ne ra l u p ' t. , fo r t he .I . D. Barter Co ns tr uc ti on ' 0. , H atTi burg, 111. 1 resently he is work ing on a p roject bu ildin g new runways, etc .. at the :\1a lden Air Bas , i\Ia lden, :\Jo . 1 9 2 3 H e nry G . Hub ba rd , Box 145. B lythe Calif .. wri tes . "1 have just tarted mining quartz c rys tal ( Poor Man 's D ia monds) from my Qua rtzs ite , Ari z cla im ; and , togethe r with my s ilver, e lling t hem as s mi th partner. am m o un ted jewelry to te nd erfoo t to uri t and to th e t housand of c ity-d ud e s li ck e r wh o are ' counting geige r ' a lo ng th e A ri zo na h ig hways. " 1 9 2 5 J ames L. Pa s ley . 20 1 Boo nv ille Rd .. J eff er on C ity. :\10 .. ha a on who i_ it Sophomo re a t :\1S:\ 1. Joseph -:\. Harr is . i ' reti red and nOlI has th e H a rri s Apa r tm ents . 65 Some r, set Street. C lea rwa te r Beach . Fl o ri da . a nd enj oy ing life afte r 29 yea rs of ng in ee r in g. 1 9 2 6 E lm e r Gamm e ter . is Ch ief ~1etal , lu rg is t. Babcock & Wilco x Co .. Tubula r Produ c ts Divi io n. :\lilwa uk ee. Wis. Th i compan y was the f rm e r Globe Steel Tubes 0. , I urcha ed by B & \\' , J a nu a ry 1. 19 55 . . Tho ma i a Geological H aroll En g inee r with th e Phi lli p Petro le um Co. , a nd he is a pecia lis t in und erg round tora ge . His re ide nce i a t 70 7 Kee le r . Ba rt les vi ll e. Ok la. 1 9 2 8 Pro fe so r hirl ey . L y nc h. Texas :\ & :\1. ha been condu tin g a m in ra l inves ti gat io n In t he m o untains of Guatem a la , EI a lva d o r a nd Hondura ' , Ce ntra l Am e ri ca . a pa rt o f hi duties as \ ' ice Pre ide nt a nd :\fa nager D e ve , lopm ent. Cen tra l Ame ri ca O il a nd :\fin ing Co. 93 1 \\' . E. D o na ld o n . i a C hemi ca l En g, . ~ava l Ordnance T e t in ee r a t th e C ta ti o n. hin a L a ke. Ca lif. H e ha bern a t thi s loca ti o n in e 19 50. Ra lph C. Gra ham . Se ni o r \ ' ice J resi,
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dent, Tennessee Gas Trans. P. O. BO) 25 11 , Houston , Tex. , a ttended the 28th session of the Advanced Managemen t Program given by H a rvard University , September 9 to D ecember 8. J oseph E . Sca lly, 211 0 S. Jamestown Ave. , Tulsa, Okla ., is Vive P resident of Alsonett H otels . T his compan: consists of 35 hotels and reso rts as well as other property and a llied businesses. Most of his time is devoted to travel in line with the wide spread a rea of the company 's opera tion. 1 93 2 The J ohn :Ma tseks a re now in their new home a t 22 Pi ne 1\lanor, Little Rock , Arkansas. J ohni A. Po lla k recently accepted a position as D ep uty Chi ef, E lectronics Systems Secti on , Constr uction Division Hq. , U . S. Air Fo rce, the Pentagon . Washingto n 25 , D. C. 1 93 3 T. W. Hunt, with the Portland Ceo men t Association, in Chicago , Ill., has a change of add ress to 5307 Magnoli ? Ave., Chi cago 40 . Alvin A W ehrman , 4428 Bryn Mawr, Dallas, T exas, is Chief , Mi li ta ry Planning, South western D ivision, Corp: of E ngineers . 1 93 5 Oliver W. Kamper advises his son Russell , plans to enter MS1\1 next Fall. Oliver is with Harbi son-\Valker Refractori es Co ., Pittsburgh, Pa., with residence at 608 Vall evisla Avenue, P itts· burgh 34. :Wax E. Edga r celeb rated his 20th anni versa ry with the I a tional Parl-Service , August 1955 . H e is now with Glacier Na tiona l Park Service , West Glacier. Mo ntana . 1 93 6 :\lorris H. Grober, 12 98 Hamilton St. Louis, Mo. left the engineerin : fi eld , July I , and ::n te red the a uto mobile business as a half owner in thf Ben Stepman, Hudson dealership , 625(' Page. There was also an add ition to th( Grober famil y last ApriL Now the Grobers have two girls a nd a boy. J ohn P. Raso r, 3 13 Pasq ua l Ave. San Gabri el, Cali f. , is Sec'y-T reas. , or Tinker & Raso r, manufacturers of electrical instrum ents . 1 93 8 Fletcher T. McCrae has a new address, 476 East Fu lton St., Fa rmington , Tllinois. C. M . Browning is now in P hoen ix. Jan1lary
F l' bruary
Ariz. , at 33 12 E. Co rnadu Rd. He i ~ with the Airsearch Mfg. Co. , of Ariz. H e was ma rri ed in 1950 and the Brownings have a tow-headed boy born in 19 53. 1 93 9 Wilbert A. Roarig, an E ngineer with the Wi sconsin State Highway D ep't , has a new address, 1603 South 28th St., LaCrosse, Wis. Lt. Col. H erbert F . Crecelius is nov,' assigned to H eadquarters, Camp Detri ck, Frederick, Md. , and is with the OlilCe of the D irector of Research at Ll1e Army 's Biologica l Warfare Research and D evelopment Center. H e returned state-side a fter three yea rs in the Far East. E . L. Claridge is presently on a tempora ry assignment at the Royal Dutch ::ihell Labo ra tories at Amsterdam. His temporary address is Maarderstraat 234, Huizen, N . Holland. T he etherland s. H e expects to return in June 1956 . 1 9 40 Dick Followill was in Rolla during the holidays and spoke to the Rolla Rota ry Clu b on helicop ters. Dick nov res ides at Enterprise, Alabama , where he is an instructor in helicopters a Fo rt Rucker. J ohn D. D eery is a member of the firm Associated Engineers, Inc. , engaged in consulting work, in Huntington , Wes t Virginia . His mailing add· less is Box 1026, Logan, W. Va. George L. Chedsey is P residen t 0 A S~0c i a ted E ngineers, I nc. , with office a t 11 57 4th Avenue, Hunginton, Wesl Virginia . Leona rd E . H enson , 725 N . 75th St., East St. Lou is, Ill. , was recently p romoted to Superintendent of the F luoride a nd Chemical Products Division of the East St. Lou is Works of the Alumnium Company of Ameri ca. Hi s son just fi nished his senio r year at E. St. Louis H. S. a nd was a member of the football team tha t completed a 4 2 game winning streak without a loss . J oel Loveridge was recently mad( Genera l Superin tend ent, Western Division, of the Alpha Portla nd Cement Co. Hi s residence is a t 1008 Grand view Dr. K irkwood , Mo. M ilton Gee is Manager for W a l' Chang Co rp 's . Bould er, Co lorado , Tungsten M ill. 9 4 1 Wi ll iam H . Bourn e is with the De-
pa rtment of Water & Sewers, Cocanut Grove Station, Miam i, Florid a , a nd resides at 39 70 Pa rk Ave. , Miami 33. J ames O. Mack, Jr. , is N itrocellulose Superintendent for H ercul es Powder Co. , Sunflower Ordnance Works, Lawrence, Kans. Hi s residence address is 64 23 West 79th, Overland Park , K ans. 1 9 4 2 W. D. Busch has been with the Pettibone M ulliken Co rp. , sin ce February 1954 . H e is working exclu sively for two subsidia ry compa ni es that specialize in crushing equipm enl. T hey a re the Uni ve rsa l E ngin eering Co rp. and H a mm erm ills, In c. Hi s address is 422 5 \\'ood mont Road , Toledo 13 , Ohi o. A lex La wrence tewa rt has been promoted to Company Spec ia list (Regional R epresentative) in crushin g , cement a nd mini ng machin ery of the All is Cha lmers Mfg. Co ., with off ices in the NBC Bldg., Clevela nd , Ohi o. T he Stewa rts li ve a t 502 Huntm ere, Bay Vi llage, Ohi o. Aust in Schuman is working in t he new ly created l\Iethods a nd Production D epa rtment, International Shoe Co ., t. Loui s, Mo. Projects in this departme nt involve the use of a la rge elect ronic computer. R. H. Brackbill left for E urope, Janua ry 21, for six months assignm ent in The Hague, Netherla nds with N.Y . D e l3ataarsche Petroleum M ij. Bob has been with Shell Oil Co ., at 1\1id land , T exas . Leo na rd C. Wolff , recently pru\ilO tcd to Comma nd er, U . S. Navy , is serving as Shi ps M achinery Officer on the Sta ff , Comm a nder Air Fo rce, U. S. Pacific F leet. H is address is COMAIRPA C 732 , U. S. Nava l Ai r Station. San D iego , Calif. 1 943 J ames R. Pau l, who is with Dowell I nc ., has transferred to Carmi , TIl. . where he wi ll be D istrict Area l\Ianage r for Dowell. H is fa mily, wife a nd three da ughters; daugh ter number three a rri ved this past Fa ll , will acco mpa ny h im. H erbert S. K alish has been promoted to E ngineering Manager in the Atom ic E nergy Division of Sylvania E lectric P rodu cts, In c. H erbert is also Cha irman of the Long I sla nd Chapter of the America n Society for M etals. H e gave a ta lk a t the Cha irm an's Breakfast at the AS1\1 Nation al M etals Co ngress .77
last October on the fo rma tion of the L ong I sla nd Cha pter. D on Coolidge is now wo rking with Foss & Alsen, Archi tec ts, in J uneau, Alaska . Hi s a dd ress is 22 1 Behrends Ave ., Juneau. D ona ld J ay St ude baker, i with the N . V. Standard-\ 'acuu m P et roleum l\Iaatschappij Sungei Gerong Palemba ng , Suma tra , I ndo nesia. 1 9 44 \\-illia m T. R ule has accep ted a new p osit ion as F luorspar :;\Ietallurgist a t the M ine rva No . 1 M ill, of the M inerva Oil Co ., FloUl'spa r Di vision, Cave in R ock , Ill. K en W yga nt has moved to 4 herida n P lace, F air Lawn, N . J. H e was recently assigned to a gro up study ing the comercia l application of E lectronic D a ta P rocessing l\I achinery . K en is with A . T. & T. Co .; 100 Willi am Street. _-ew York 38, N . Y. 1 94 5 J a mes F . A. T ay lor is now 111 E ast Afri ca with hi s wife an d little da ughter. He may be addressed a t P. O. Box 25, K ilembe, Uganda, East Africa. 1 94 7 W . C. Wunni cke, resigned from Stanolind Oil & Gas Co ., afte r more t ha n 8 yea rs of service. to accept a position with U . S. Smelting, R efining a nd :-lining Co ., Oi l D ivision, han dlin .g completi on a nd p rod uction of oil a nd gas in Colora do, Ko rth west Kew lVl ex ico , a nd pa rts of U tah , \Vyo ming a nd ~ e br aska . His busin ess add ress is 3 50 Colorado National Bank Bldg ., D enve r. J a imes Wy ler is Seni or E nginee r ( P la nt Extension ) South western Bell T elephone Co., Li ttle R ock . Ark . Hi s home ad dress is 2701 No rth P urce . 1 9 4 8 E. ,Yo Sp in zig, with J ohn :-Ia nvi ll e Sales Corp ., now has h is h eadq ua rters in Kan sas City , :-10. H i home ad dress is 2010 :;\I cGee Traff icway . Gera rd o J offe is at tend ing Harvard Gradua te School of B usiness Admini stra tion and will grad ua te in J une 1956. R obert E . H eld is with the Pos t E nginee rs at Ft. Benjam in H a tTi on, Ind .. a nd hi s ho me a ddress is 52 13 No rmal Ave. , La wrence 26 . Ind . T. R . Wolfa rth , A istant Genera l ,e rv ice :;\la nage r, Caterpiller Tractor Co. , P eori a, Ill .. ha been employed by Caterpi ller since gradu a t ion \I" ith the e :cepti on of two yea rs mil itary leave d uri ng the Korea n emergency.
............................. . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
D. O. H einert is COll1un icat ions Sa les lIL:llIager, ;'\ortheastern R egion. R CA. H is resid ence is at 15 :-Iac Arth ur Rd. , Natick , M as . Willia m C. l\l cM illan is presently a l\la jo r in th e Arm y in Korea, serving as Produ ction E ngineer Advisor to the Ordnance Ba e Comma nd . Since leaving M Sl\l he ha obtained his :\1. S. degree in M echani cal E ngineering at P urdue nive rsity and has spent two years in New M ex ico on a guided missile project plus one year a t an Ad va nced Ordn a nce Co urse a t Aberdeen , Md. 194 9 R obert F. T indaH, J r. , is a n engineer with the Ind ia na F lood Control and ' i\Ta ter R esources Commission , 3 77 Board of H ea lth Bldg ., 1330 W est :-lichigan St. , I ndia na p olis 2, Ind. " -iil iam H. :-lacg ruder t ra nsferred from E lectromets' X iaga ra Falls work to the T ita nium P lant a t Ashta bu la. Ohio, as A ista nt Superin tendent , effective September I , 19 55. H is residence a dd ress is 2325 W aln ut R oad , Ash ta bu la. Robert W . Ege is a n E lectri cal E ngin eer with the Frisco R a ilway a t Sp ring¡¡ field, :-10. Two other alum ni a re in the E lect ri cal E ngin ee ri ng Office. T hey a re W . R. Brown '48 a nd O. H. Summ ers )55. J osep h G. Sevick has been a pp oin ted T echnica l Superin tende nt of the F urnace Pla nt, t. J oseph L ead Co .. :\lonaca. P a. , a nd h e resid es at 126 Sawye r Drive, Ali q uippa, T'a . H ubert R. Smith, with AnheuserB usch. I nc ., has been transferred to L os Angeles, Ca lif. , from St. L ouis. Hubert in vites a ll alumni in the L . A . a rea to stop for refres hme nts . He did n't say wheth er at h is home, 1 7 156 L os Ali mos, Gra nada H ills , Ca lif.. or his employ er's es tab lishm ent. Joh n]. R a tcl iff , 622 1 Reber P lace . t. L ouis 9. :-[0., is Ass' t to D irector of La bor Rela tions, F risco R a il way . 1 9 5 0 J a mes O. E ll iott, who entere 1 the St udent App rent ice Course. of t11P Fr isco Ra ilway 0. , afte r gradua ti on , is mak ing ra [ id progress a nd just recen tly wa p romoted to Road mas ter. 20 th T rack D ivi sion, with hea dqua rters at Fo rt Sm ith , Ark. Edw in H. Barsachs has a new add ress. 55 3 1 out h Bos ton P lace . Tu lsa 5. Okla hom a . Ro bert D. R owe is Projec t E ngineer , l nter-A merican Ceodet ic Survey , For t
Clay ton, Cana l Zone, and is s ta tioned in La Paz, Bolivia . D ona ld R. M cGrat h is A sista nt Genera l up erviso r, Sheet M ill Metallurgy , Ga ry Sheet a nd T in Mill , S . Steel Co rp. T he M cGra ths h ave 3 c:hildren, two boys a nd a girl. D on sta tes t ha t \\" . " ose ' 51 a nd A. E. Tw ieha us '40, a re also employed at Gary Sheet and T in M ills. R obert Bulla is D ivi ion E ngin eer fo r a lva n Am eri can, I nc ., R obin 011 . Ill. T he fir m sp ecia li ze in w1terfl oocling . B ob i ma rri ed a nd th ey have two da ugh te rs, Bethany .1 ill a nd Barbara J an . T he home a dd ress is 403 N . Rob b, R ob inson, Ill. R oy E . H olt has become a membe r of th e E ngineeri ng D epa rtment of :'I[onsa nto Chemi ca l Company ' Wi lli a m G. Kr umm rich P la nt in t. L ouis. :-10. H e has been emp loyed for the past four yea rs in elect rical eng in eering for An heuser-Busch. I nc . H e prev iously was employed by M cD onn ell Aircra ft Corp. , R obertson, :\10 .. in s tructural des ign. H e lives a t 105 11 Pres twick Drive . St. Lou is. R obe rt 1. Patten. is General ?d a nagel', Wa llis Supp ly Co. Prese ntl y he is designing a nd cons tr ucting a new pla nt fo r the c mpa ny . Th eir o f f ~ces are a t Ga in esvill e, Ga .. a nd Bob resides a t 757 X orth B rad ford St. Stua rt S. B rown is now empbyed a t the ~a t i on a l Tu be Di vision, RE'sea rch Labora tory . U . S. Ste I Corp .. Pi ttsburgh , P a ., with res idenrf' a t 211 A lto ona Pl. , Pi tts burgh 28 . K <l rl H. D el P orte, 211 0 l\.[a rm ion Ave ., J oliet , II!., is d oin g grad ua te w rk towa rd a :- LR.A. degree a t -"ort hwes te rn "C. Glen K . Du nci l is a n Associa te Enginee r with C. T. P . Co., p ringfield . Il l. Da le E. W a lker is with the So uth western Illi nois Coal Co rp. , a nd reside at Steelev ill e . Tllin ois . The \\"<l lkers have tw da ughters ; D onna :- Iae . 4 1-2 years a nd Pa mela , 18 month. . Ave ry A. D ra ke. J r .. U . .G .. . :\ Iinra l Depos its Gr. . Washingto n. D . (' . ha s recentl y been ass igned to a co uple of yea rs of paper pushing d uty as Sta ff Assi<; ta nt in P rog raming in the Offi ce of the Chi ef. Min era l ])epo its Br. Lew;s L. " 'a rgo is fie ld E ngin ee r for :- [oldcraf t. Tnc. . designers a nd b u:! leI'S of p l a~ tic mo ld s . L wis li ves at SOLS Rola nd , ve., Ba ltim ore, Md .
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E rnest C. Sindelar, who was Project E ngineer a t the Wright Patterson AFB . Ohio , in developing unconventional fuel servicing equipment, at I resent is employed by the Texas l\Ietal and Ffg. Co., Inc ., who has Arm y a nd Ai r Fo rces co ntracts for developing thi s type of equipment. Seymour Megeff was p romoted to Senior Engineer at the Sylvani a E lecbeen with Sy lvania three yea r . Hi s tric Products, Bayside, N . Y. H e has resid ence address is 147-3 1 38 th Ave .. Flushing, N . Y . Mark A. W eber is wo rking in Cad iz, Spain on the America n-Spanish Air Base . H e is an enginee r on t he 500 milt' pipe line being built to connect the Rots a nd Zaragoza Bases. :\Ja x E. H auser has been tra nsferred to one of DuPon t 's subs idi a ri es a nd his add ress now is c ' 0 Cia ]\[ex ican3 de Exp l os i ve~ S. A. Aven ida .1u a rt' z. ~um. 11 7. M exico 1. D. F. Scott H . Gregory is e mpl o ~r ed by the T en nessee Gas T ra nsmiss ion Co ., as Area P roduction Sup 't , H olli da y . T e\·· '!.S.
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J ohn J. Sponske has completed fi vr yea rs as Sa fety Engin eer for the B itum:n ius Casulty Co rp ., R ock Island. JII.. and is the enginee r for the K ansa s City territo ry . H is address is 8399 .\Iar ty. Ove rland Parlz. K a ns. Eve rett W. Thrall has been t ra nsfen'ed to Venezuela . His address is Phi lli ps Petroleum Co. , D epar tado de Correos 1031, Caracas, Venez uela . S. A . J ames W. 0 'Conn0 r, Jr . is employed as an engineer with D aniel O'Co nnell 's Sons, Inc. , Genera l Contrac tors a nd Engineers . Hi s home address is 66 Wi lshire Road , Sp ringfield , Mass. L. J. R en ner is a Sales E ngin eer for Spaulding Fibre Co .. In c.. 7247 Oli ve St. , St. Louis, Mo. James E. McDonald return ed in November af ter 18 mon ths employment in Kawerau, New Zealand. H e is p resently employed in St. Loui s, Mo ., ancl hi s address th ere is 41 32 W . Greenlea Place. P ie rce J. Miller began hi s new employment with General E lectri c, J a nuary 1. H e is a T echnical E ngin eer at thei r Avia tion Gas Turbin e pla nt in Evendale, Ohio, and is wo rking in the Operation Di vision as part of th e Welding Sectio n. His address is 1942B Cha ucer Dri ve, Cincin na ti 37, Ohio. T ed T ucker en tered th e U. S. Navv, Decem ber 5 th. • January
1 95 1 Grover C. Pay ne ha received a n ap pointment as Roadm as ter, 40th Track Division, Frisco R a ilway Co ., with headq ua rters a t En id , Okla homa. Grover has been with the Fri sco since gradua tion . J ohn G. J ameson , Sales Engineer, with Ingersoll R and Co ., is now a t 2739 South W ashington , E nglewood , Colorado. S. D ean Shopher is Pla nt Superin te ndent, of the M exico , Misso uri. plant of the l\Iexico Refrac tori es Co . Hi s home address is 4 15 E. l\Jo nroe. M exico . Billy L. Burkha rdt, with St. J oseph Lead Co ., is now res iding in F la t River. Mo . l\[aili ng ad dress P. O. Bo x 654 . J. B. P la ter, 14 Hom es tead Co ur t. Sp ringf ield, Ill.. is a general casua lty in sura nce und erwrite r. Hi s wife ::'Ilona Lou is a Case Aiel wo rker for fl1f Ch ild a nd Fam ily Se rvice in Springfi eld. Willia m W . Fairchild expects to complete wo rk in mi cropaleontology towa rd a l\[as ter 's degree in paleontology during the Summ er of 1956 . at the U ni ve rsity of Ca liforni a. Berkeley . John B. Griffi th , 59 15 '\Vellesley Ave.; Pittsburgh 6, Pa. , is P roject Engineer, R a ilway ignal Fi eld. Classi fici a tion Yard Section , U nion Switch &. Signal Divi sion of W estinghouse Air B rake Co . He ente red this new posi tion in November. Ma urice J. Ludwig is on ac ti ve dut.y with the U . S. Arm y, Hdq rs. B t ry. 4054 , Fo rt B liss , Texas . His to ur wi ll end in Feb rua ry 1957 , a nd he e.' pects to return to school. Newton H . Ka plan, 58 Belvidere Ave ., Alba ny , N. Y. is Constru cti on Supervi so r, on the Ne w Yo rk State Thruway resta ura nts a nd gas s ta tions . for supervising a rchitect. Keith Frederi ck Cheadle I S now employed a t Western E lectri c Co .. No rth
Ca rolina , 'W orth Chatham Rd ., W inston- Salem, N . C. Willi a m J. Borge rs is with the Na tional Carbon Co., J ava Ltd" P. O. Box 218 7, Djakarta , J ava, Indonesia . 1 9 5 2 M ichael S. Rodolakis has returned fr om B remerhaven, Germa ny and his mailing add ress now is 897 L iberty St reet, Sp ringfi eld , Mass . Roy N utter, R ese rvoir Engin ee r, with Co re L a bo ra tories , Inc., 1020 Paterson B ldg., D enver, has been working Weste rn Colorado thi s Winter a nd the weather has been ve ry cold. Hi s own statement, " But remember, this is God 's co untry " H . Cha lm ers Ker r, Jr. , 2034 Meade Ave ., a n D iego, Calif. , advises he is active again in a ma teur rad io a nd will be on the looko ut for an y MSM grads who a re " hams" on the 10 a nd 20 meter pl)one a nd 40 meter C. W. bands. E rn est J. R eeves has accepted a pos iti on as Chemi cal E nlZ in eer with the Procto r & Gamble Co. , in Sta ten I sland , N. J. His address is 64 Gales Drive, New Provid ence , N. ]. Quetin J. Schi ene is engaged to M iss P eggy Kane, of Bayo nne, N . J. They wi ll be marr ied , Feb . 26 , 1956 , in Bayonn e a nd will li ve at 7715 . outh Shore Drive, Chi cago, Ill. Qu entin is a Ce ramic Eng in ee r for U . S. Steel. Dona ld " D uke" S. M aday , 611 F ill more Ave., Buffalo, N . Y. woul d like a call from a ny alu ms wh en in the vicinity . P hone T aylor 6125 . R obert A. D ye bega n wo rk at his new position in the Constructi on Division, Alumnium Co. of Ameri ca , D ecember 1, 1955 , at Bettend orf, I owa. Ken neth L. Crame r has a cha nae o f ad dress to 206 For rest Ave .. R ~be i n Addition, Washingto n, Ill. D on W. M a rtin is Gen eral lVi a nage l' of :Vlykobar M ining Co. , i\Iykonos. Greece . Hi s wife , Shirl ey, is with hi m
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HELP US KEEP YOUR AD-DRESS CURRENT If yo ur address has change d , comple te and tear out this slip a nd
mail it immed iately to MSM Al umni Association, Rolla, Mo . Thanks. Name .............. ........... ...................................................................................... . My new address is ...
.. ........................................................................ ..
••• _.,_ "_,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ 1,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ C' _ I'_ "_ I'_C'_"_I'_U_,,_ ,.:.
residi n a at No. 3 1'uskulou , Chul a ndri , Greece. H a rlow M. K eeser, 712-H Lone Oak Rd. , P aducah , K y ., was discha rged f rom the army in October a nd is now wo rking as Associa te E ngineer fo r Un ion Carbide N uclear Co ., Paducah. l\1arcos Gleiser, ivil E ngin eer is with Cont ra loria Ge neral de la Rep ublica, E d ifi cio MURILLO TORO 01'1CINA 447 , Bogota, Colum bia S. A. H is residence ad dress is Call e 25 No. 4-76 , Bogota . l\1arcos would li ke to hear from a ll hi s fri ends. Pfc. Cha rles A. H ewett, is a p hys icist und er t he S & P P lacement Prog ram 9 710 TV e ml C D et. No . 2, Army Chemical Ce nter , :\1aryland. He ex pects to re-ente r g raduate study toward a P h .D in Physics a fte r his reo lease fr om service in August 1956. W. A . H a hn e is back with Ge nera l :\lotors s in ce his release from the Arm y in July ' 54 . At p rese nt h e is setting-up a new p rogra m of P reventi ve i\1a in tena nce . Another of his acco mpli shment during the past yea r was hi marriage las t l\Ia rch . W ay ne D. J ackso n, Orin oco il1 inin g Co ., Apartado 3, Cuid ad Bolivar. Veneuela , wr ites, " i\o snow, no ice , no ea rmu ffs, no shi ve rs . Truly a :\Jerry Chri stmas a nd Happy N ew Y ear ." 1 953 H a rry J. F itzGibbon is Area E ngineer fo r the Cameron :\leadows pla nt of :\1ag noli a Petroleum Co. H is address is J. B. Rte., Cameron, La . Willi a m C. B lackwell has jus t completed two years of ac t ive d uty in t he Arm y a nd has accep ted a p ositi on with the Collins R ad io Co .. Ceda r R apid s , I owa .
George J. Freebersyser has been released f rom ac tive duty with the Army as a 1st Lt. a nd 27 months service . H e returned to Carb ide a nd Carbon Chemicals Co. , Institute, West Vi rginia . J a me L. Knearem, 13 Co urt Drive. Ap t. A, Lancas ter Co urt, Wilmington 5, Del. , was released from the U . S. Army, No vember 17, 1955 a nd is now working for Hercu les Powder Co ., as a Mecha nical E ngineer. J ack L. Eason , 51 F la min go D r. , Sl. Louis County 23, Mo ., was releasec1 from active duty in the Navy a nd is with R. L. Eason & Associa tes , 542 .~ Southwest Ave. , St. Lo uis, Mo. My ron B. H aynes retu rn ed to the Tllino i D ivi sion of H ighways, D ist . ~o . 6, in Jun e, upon release from the U . S. A rm y . His add ress is Mt. Pulaski , Ill. F ra ncis Di ebold is with th e Kansa" City So uthe rn R a ilway Co ., as Assist ¡ a nt Divisio n E ngin eer, of the K a nsas City Terminal, with resid ence at 70 + E. 45th Terr. No rth Kansas City 16. Mo . Thomas L. Koede ri tz, F ield E ngineer, Schlum be rger Oil W ell Sur vey ing Corp. , Falfurrias, Texas, was released from ac tive duty as a J. st Lt. in tl1f' Co rps of E ngin eers, April 1955 . N . A . R osekran s is stud y ing at Me xico C ity College. Hi s address is R enall No. 36, Apt. 30 1. M ex ico City . 5 D. F ..
:\iex ico. 95 4 Joseph S. W atkins is wo rkin g pa r f time for a n experim ent sta tion in ad di tion to wo rk ing on hi s :!\is in EE at the I ni ve rsity of Colorado whi ch h e hopes to complete by Jun e 1956. Hi ', address is 10601- 2 14th. Bou lder.
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Jud on A. Hughes, Jr. , H & S Co 240 EBC, Ft. K nox, Ky. , is looking forward to October ¡1956 when his army service will be completed. He was with Westinghol[se prior to hi s call to Arm y d uty. R ohe rt W . Anderson, U . S. Corps of Enginee rs, 5012 SU, F t. Sheridan , Ill. recen tly participated in Operation Sage Brush. H e pla ns to return to Citi es Servi ce Oil Co . upon release from active duty in May. Chas . A. Guderm.uth, Jr. is in the Signal Corps, V. S. Army . He fini shed the 8 1-2 month R ada r R epair CO urSf in Nove mber. Hi s military address is 510th Signa l Co. ( BM) , Ft. Monmouth , N . J. D a ni el E . Groteke is on a military leave of absence from the Alli s-Cha lme rs ::\[fg . Co . Hi s pe rm a nent add ress is 562 9 Win ona. St. LO lli s 9, Mo . SP3 W. L. Irvin US 2590572 7, Post Ord na nce Co. AU 83 50, Box 139 . APO 949 . Seattle, W ash .. i a t Ft. Richa rdson , Alaska. He operates a n indoo r rifle a nd pi stol ra nge there. H e a ttended the National M a tches a t Camp Pe rry , Oh io as a mem ber of t he U. S. Ar my Alaska Rifl e T eam . He will be released from the service in April ' 56 a nd will return to Hughes Tool Co. , II I H ouston . T exas . 1 95 5 2nd Lt. J ohn W. Padan is n ow a phtoon leader in a Combat E ngin eer Company . located in Bad H ersfeld , Germ a ny . His address is Compa ny ce," 5th E ngin ee r Battalion (Combat). APO 171, New Yo rk . N . Y. Sco tt 1'. Porter is emp loyed as 3 Juni o r E ngin eer in the E lectroni c Tube Prod uct D evelopmen t a nd Producti on Engin eerin g D epa rtment, of the Sperry Gy roscope Compa ny , Great Neck , Long Isla nd , New Yo rk . His add ress is 825 1 262 Street , F loral Pa rk , L. 1.. New York. Willia m Roy Chas ta in has been in the Chl orin e D epa rtment of ColumbiaSouthern Chemi ca l Corp .. Barberton. Ohi o, pla nt for the pas t ten months . H e has been transferred to N atrium , ' Vest Virginia, to help construct a tita nium tetrachloride p la nt. The p la nt is exp ected to be in p roduction in April 1956. Bill then ex pects to take over as one of t he shift fo remen . R obert O . Winchester is employed by the Columbia Gas Service Sy tem Co rp. , in Columbu s, Ohio. His add ress is 40 ' V. Long St.. Colum bus .
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