St. Pat's, 1957
Her Majesty , Miss Marilyn Goodnight, Queen of Love and Beauty is seated beside Warren Carroll, representing Saint Patrick, a t the highlight of the festivities hono ring the Patron Saint of Engineers. On each side of St. Pat and H er Majesty a re the seventeen members of St. Pat's Court of Love amI Beauty chosen by the campus organizations; M rs. James Graham, the retiring Queen, and the two a tten dants of the Queen.
March-April 1957
Volume 31
Number 2
President's Column ( Paul T. Dowling '40, E xecutiv e Vice Pl'esident of th e Alumn-i Association, is the editol' of the Pl'esident's Column fol' this issue.)
IMARGAAATAIC The title line really isn't pied type though it may a t first gla nce appear to be. It is actually the quasi-offi cial designation of a n informal sub-rosa orga nization which the Assoc iation has long harbored within its ra nks. So und ominous ? It really isn't fo r it is merely the " I Married A Rolla Girl a nd Ain 't Ashamed to Admit It Club " . This very exclusive group has operated for ma ny years under an ext remely loose unwritten constitution and meets at very irregular intervals in mo t any old bar or other place wherein a quorum may happen to assemble - - a quorum being a ny two members in good standing and able to stand . The a rchives of the Association a nd the memories of the oldest members of the Club have failed to impa rt any indication that a general conclave of the organization has ever been called. This sad state of affairs is about to be remedied through t he effo rts a nd good offices of Margaret Lloyd , the well-kn own better-half of one of the Club's more illustrious members. In co njun ction with thi s sUlllmer's celebration of Rolla 's Cen ten n ial, Marga ret is a rranging a General Convention of the IMARGAAATAIC to be held Saturday, Jun e 8th. The outtanding event of the meeting will be the formal (shoes required) cocktail party and dinner to be held that evening. Since membershi p in the Clu b can only be gained by acq uirin a Rolla inlaws, the distaff (or bette r) half of each member is enthusiast ically invited. It is expected that most of the members will wa nt to spend several days in Rolla to effectively assist in the Centen nial celebration as a n 'Old Gua rd of M SM ' contingent. T hi s first formal mee tin a of the IMARGAAATAI C should serve as a worthy chall enge fo r the many more meetings wh ich it is hoped will fo ll ow. All of you who know Maraaret - a nd who does n't - can app rec iate that this party will be a memorable affair, not only for Rolla, but for all who attend. 2
MSM Alumni Association OFFI C ERS ..... .... Me lvin E. N ickel '38 .... ....
Term Expire, . Internationa l Ha rveste r Co ............... ..... 1959 Wiscons in S teel Division 270 1 E as t 106t h Stree t C hicago 17, TIIinois
Executive Vice-President. ......... .... paul T . Dowlin g '40 ............. 14 00 Sou th 2nd S I. .... .. ... ... .. ............ . St. Louis 4 ) i\1issou ri
Vice-Pres iden t Areas 1.2 ,3 ........ S. All en Stone '30 ................... .1'. O . Box 28 ... .. ...... ... ... ... .. .. .. . Fort \Va y ne J Indiana Vice- Pres iden t Area s 4, 5, 6 ........ .1 . W . Stephe ns '47.. .... .... . .... .Lee's S ummit. ........... ....... .. .
.. . 1959 . ...... .. . 1959
Ivfi sso uri Vice-President Areas 7,8, 9 ......... Barney Nu ell '2 1 ................. 344 0 Wilshi re Bou leva rd
Los Angeles . California 1959
Sec re tary ¡ Treasure r ........................ Leon H e rshk owitz '4 1 ............ 1300 Powe ll ................ .... .. .... ... .
Rolla 1\1 issouri l
Executive Sec retary ,_,
.iVISM Alumni Associa tion Old :,\I eta llurgy Bui ldin g Roll rl . 1\ Tissollri
....... Francis C. Edwa rcls .. .
Ed it or, (' M S I\1 Alumnus!!
................. 463 W est Stree t. l\e w Yo rk 14 . "'rw York
Mervin ] . Kelly ' 14 ...
......... Lee's SWllIni t. 1\ li sso url
Jam es W. Step hens '47 ....
............... S04 Ea s t 5 th S treet. Rolla . Misso uri
Rex W illia ms '3 1
that Jl10
Stat es Embraced
I. ....... Howard
J. Teas
Term Exp .
.. .. ...... :\ew England , N. Y. ) 1\.
.. .. 195 8 .
East Pa. , . 125 Church St ree t. Ma lve rn. New York ............ Dist. of Columbia , 1'. [d .. Va .. Delaware ' 17 .
Ark. , N. c., S. C .. La .. i\liss., .......................... . 1957 Ala ., Ga .. Fla.
.... s.
........... Rolla T . W ade '3 1 .
730 Pierre i\ [on t Rei .. Shreveport , Louisiana
.... s.
...IV . Va., Ohio, W. Pa ., Ky ., Tenn ., . Ind ., ( Except C h ical(o In dus tri a l Area )
All en Sto ne '30 . P. O . Box 28 . Fort Wayn e. Indiana
........... J . Walter W a ll ace '48 . . 184 55 Stedhall. H omewood. Illinoi,
s........... c.
C . Pa lmer '40 ...................
.. ..... 19 57 19 57
.. .......... N . Ill. , C hi cago In du st ria l Arr a . in Ind ia na . Wisc .. lI lich .. :'> Ii nn . .. ............... ,S. Ill. . E. :1 10 .. N. Ark .
19 58
164 1 Andrew Drive, St. LOllis 22. NJissou ri 0 ......¡..... J oseph E. Sca lly '3 1 ..................... Iowa. I\' . lI lo. , N eb ., Kan .. Ok la. P. O. Box 1(,55. Teilsa. Ok lahoma
... Kenneth F. Anderson '42 ....
.... 195 9
. .................. T exas. Arizona , New l\ l exicu .
.. . 1958
111 4 Commerce St .. Room 1909 Dalla s 2, T exas ........... H a rv ey L. Tedrow ' II ..................................... Idah o, ?l l ont a na, N o rth Dakota , ........ ...... ........
Ol in Hotel Denver, Colorado
9 ......... Ba rn ey Nue ll '21.. ........................................ .. .... \ \' a shing ton . Orego n . Ca liforni a ..................... . 3440 Wilshire Boule va rd Los Angeles. Ca lifornia
We a re eagerly looking forwa rd to' meeting with thi s ha rd core of loyal Al um ni. I AIN'T ASHAMED TO AD MIT IT, ARE YOU? SEE YOU ON SATURDAY, JUNE 8TH. PA U L T. DOWLI N G '40 HOME COM I N G
South Dakota , \Vvo ming. Colorado. Nevada , Uta h . 19 5R
MSM Alumnus I ssued bi-monthly in the interest of the gmduates and fo rm e1' students oj th e School of Min es and M etallurgy . Subscription price, $1.50, 'i ncluded in A lul1mi Dues. Ente1'ed as second-class m atter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at R olla, Mo. , under the A ct of Manh 3, 1879.
OCT OBE R 25 - 26
2400 MSM Alumnus
fill socii elect T Step I'ice \Ial Han and dre\' recti Ji offic Xicl socii Are, \\'al
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assai do t ogra Jil aluOl has, been'
Former Alumni Presidents Brought Together E'pire, ·· .. 1959
·.. 1959 .. 1959 ·... 1959 ·· .. 1959 . .. 1959
.... 1959
..... 1959 .. .. 1959
Five of the t en living past president of the lldSJl!l Alumni As,ociation attended the dinner hO I101'ing the School oj M ines that was given by the St . L ouis Section of th e University of M.issouri Alumni Association, at the Park P laza H otel, St . L Duzs , Mo ., F ebruary 2. L eft to right - F. C. Schn ee be1-ger '25, Cad G. Stifel '16, M el l'lickel '38, Present President of th e A ss9ciation; George A . E asley '09, K ad F. H asselmal1n '25, H arry S. Pence '23 .
'rm Lip
Three New Alumni Directors Named by President Nickel
..... 1958 .. .. 195)
...... 1951 ..... 1951 ..... 1958 .. [95Q ... 1958
.. 1951
.. 195S
erest of iellts oj :allurgy Iided ill lid-class Jffice at larch 3,
EL VI N E. N I CK EL , President of the M SM Alumni Association has made three a ppointments to fill the offices of Directors in the Associa tion tha t we re made vacant by the election of offi cers last fall. The three appointees were J ames W. Stephens '4 7, Lee's Summit , M issouri , Vice p res ident, Areas 4, 5, 6 ; J. vValter Wallace '48, 184 55 Stedha ll Road , H omewood , Illinois, Directo r Area 4_ a nd Clare nce C. P almer '40. 164 1 An drew Drive, St. Louis 22 , M issouri_ Director Area 5. J im Stephens' appoin tment fill ee! the offi ce left vacan t by the electi on of Mel N ickel to the Pres idency of the Association. Mel was a lso Director of Area 4, the position to which Wa lly Wallace was app ointed and Pete Palmer's cli rectorship was held by Paul D owling, the Executi ve Vice Presi de;]t of the Associa ti on. We wish tha t the a lumni migh t become bette r acqua inted with the a lumni association officers. In our a ttempt to do this we a re giving yo u a brief biographi cal resum e of each_ Jim Stephens has been active in alumni affairs since gradua ti on and has served as a section offi cer an d has been on the board of directors si nce M anh A pI-it 1957
1953 . H e came to MS M in 193 7 and remained until 1940, when he left to acce pt a p osition with the M issouri P u bli c Service Company _In 1942 , he
James W _ Stephens
wa s with the D_ S. Geological Sur vey for ten months and in November of that yea r he entered Wo rld War II , with the D_ S. N avy 's 60th Naval Constru ction Ba ttalion . Three yea rs late r
he was released from acti ve d uty and in Janua ry 1946, he returned to MSM. Jim 's leadership qu alities we re evident while in MSM . H e was a member of the studen t co uncil , Blue Key, R olla mo Boa rd , " M " Club , Vice P residen t of the Class of 1941 , Commande r Campus Ve tera ns Organization , Chai rman Student Al EE Section and member of the foot ball team. H e received his B .S . degree in E lectrical E ngin eering, in 1947, and returned to t he M issouri P ublic Se rvice Company . The followi ng yea r he was made District Manager of the Lee 's Summit Di strict and he still hold s tha t position . He conti nu es to be a leader in his comm unity and the comm un ity's ch oice t o head or participate in its many civic act ivities . He is Past P resident of the Lee's Summit Cham ber of Co mmerce, Past P reside nt Jackson County Communi ty Ches t , Executive Vice P resid en t H ealth and V'!elfa re Co uncil. Member Executive Commi ttee Metro~ polita n Area P la nning Coun cil, M ember of Board of Govern ors J ackson County Chamber of Com me rce, a nd M embe r Boa rd of Di rec tors, Kansas City Com mu ni ty Chest. He is a member of the Ka nsas City Cha mber of Comm erce and the Kansas C ity Sertoma Club. He 3
has membership in professional societies , as , the Kansas City E ngineers Club a nd the W es tern Section MSPE a nd NSPE . And to give recognition to his professional standing, he is a professiona l member, Eta Kappa N u, Rolla Chapte r. To round out his activities, he teaches an Ad ult Bible Class in the Method ist Sunday School. The three a reas which Jim has been chosen to administer has the la rgest concentration of MSlVI alumni. Wally Wallace received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Eng in eering in 1948 . H e is Past P resident of the Chicago Sec tion of the Alumni Association. With the exception of app roxima tely five years in service and finishing hi s educa tion , he has been employed by the National Bearing Division , American Brake Shoe Compa ny , a tota l of 17
from 1936 to 1940 and received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering. Pete has taken an ac ti ve part in the activities of the St. Louis Section since his return there in 1950 when he accepted a position with R. W. Booker & Associa ties . There are approximately 1400 a lumni in the sta tes that compri se Area 5.
Dr. Fisher to Teach At North Dakota U. Dr. Emory D. Fisher , Professor of Chemistry , at MSlVI , has been appointed visiting lecturer in Chemistry from June 15 to August 15 , 1957 , at the Summer Institute for high school
ta ught at Eas t Texas Sta te College and Kansas State College , each for five years , thus giving him a wide background of teaching beginning ¡ Chem-
TI Asso Sl. I
i~t r y .
Lloyd H. Wilson '47 With Lockheed Aircraft In the J anua ry 1951 issue of , " Science and Engineering," Page 59 , there appears an advertisement of the Lockheed Missile Systems Division , Research and E ngineering Staff Lockheed Aircraft Co rporation. Pictured in the adve rtisement is Dr . Lloyd H. Wilson '47 , Thermodynamics Section Engineer with Lockheed.
Bria l tion is D Grall
Colo R,
High Colo "IS)
Dr. Wilson received his B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, at MSM, in 1947 and his M. S. in Mechanical Engineering, at MSM , in 1948. With this la tter degree , Dr. Wilson holds the distinction of being the first to recei ve an M. S. degree in the D epartment of Mechanical Engineering a t MSM.
T ragitt Takes Position With Forest Service E . Rowland Tragitt '23 , la nds and minerals officer with the Bureau of Land Management , P hoeni x, Arizona, has resigned to accept a position in the regiona l office of the U. S. Forest Service at Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ge will serve as supervising mining engineer, cove ring both Arizona and New Mexico for the Forest Service.
Dr. Emory D. Fisher 1. Walt er Wallace years. H e is now District Sales lVIanager with H eadquarte rs in Chicago . Hi s World War II serv ice was as a pilot of a B-24 Liberator bombe r in the E ighth Air Force in England. H e is a membe r of the American Society of Mechan ical E ngin ers, American Society of Mining and Metallurgical E ngineers , American Fo undry men s Society , and Blast Furnace and Coke Association. He is active in civil a ff airs such as Little Leag ue 'No rk , Parents and Teachers Associatio n a nd the Cub Sco uts . And a member of the Chi cago Athletic Association and the Olympia Fields Country Club . Clarence C. Palm er a ttended MSM 4
teachers of science a nd mathematics to be held a t the Un iversity of North D akota, a t Grand Forks, during the above period. The In stitute is under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. The p urpose of the Summer Institute is to upgrade the background of high school teachers in science a nd mathematics as a part of the overall p rogram of the increased emphasis on enginee ring and science at the present time and to meet the expected need for scienti sts a nd engineers in the future. Dr. F isher has been teaching freshma n Chemi stry here for the past 11 years and p rior to com ing to MSM , he
H e took over his former duties in Arizona in May of 195 4, assisting the state superviso r with all la nds and minerals matters, planning and executing lands a nd minera ls programs and advising ra nge a nd forester officer and land office ma nage r in la nd disposal and acq ui sition cases. Prior to the Arizona assignment , Mr. Tragitt was in Utah a nd California . H e was engaged in mining operations in Missouri , Arkansas a nd Colorado before joining the BLM in 1939 . Small mine opera tors and owners in Arizona have exp ressed reg ret over lVIr. Tragitt's resigna ti on as they had co mplete confidence in his ability to hand le their problems with the BLM. His Albuquerqu e, New Mexico address is 1436 Princeton Drive , N . E.
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Ray McBrian '24, Elected President Of American Railway Engineers Th e American R a ilway E ngin eering Associatio n at its a nnual meeting in St. Louis, M isso uri , elected Ray McBria n '2 4, the President of the Association for t he coming yea r. M r. McB rian is Director of R esearch , D enver & R io Grande Western R a ilroad , D enver. Colorado. R ay is a native of Prince ton , India na . H e a ttend ed the Shawnee (Okla homa) High School, spent two yea rs a t the Colorado Schoo l of Mines, a nd entered MSM in 192 1, a nd received his B. S.
S. in )1'1 , in :al En-
ith this :he dis-
ciety for Metals, American Society of Mecha nical E ngineers, American Society of Lubr icating E ngineers, Ame rican Concrete In stitute, American Society for T esting Materials, Society for ondestructive Testing, N uclear E nergy Adviso ry Committee of t he Society of Automoti ve Engineers , a nd the Atomic E nergy Com mittee, Association of American Rai lroads . H e is the recipient of the deForest Awa rd from t he Society for No ndestructive Testing . Two years ago, Mr. McBria n comp leted a n extensive study of the use of nuclear energy in the operation of locomotives. This led to t he a pproval of the Atom ic Energy Commission for further study in this field . The ALUMNUS extends to Mr. McBrian its wa rm est congratulations and concurs in the Associa tion 's choice to fill its highest office .
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Abbett Edits Volum e On Civil Engineering
~l e-
Neidermeyer Back to U. S. After 22 Years
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R ay NicBrian deg ree in Metallurgical Engineerin g in 1924. Afte r leaving MSM h is first employment was with the M issou ri Highway Commission as Materials Inspector. In 1926 , he accepted a p ositi on as a chemi t with D & R. G. W. R. R . H e was p romoted to E ngineer of T ests in 1935 ; Engineer of Sta nda rds and R esearch in 1942 , a nd to the positio n he now holds, Director of R esearch in 1956. As Director of Resea rch a nd the La bora tory , he originated t he spectrocontrol of diesel engine operation a nd the electron microscope eval ua tion of internal combustion engin e fuels . H e is a member of t he Society of Auto motive E ngineers, Am erica n So-
'M atch Aptil 1957
O. D. " R ed " N iedermeyer '28, who has been in N icaro , Oriente, Cuba , with the N ickel P rocessing Co rporation a nd Nationa l Lead Company , has been tra nsferred to their New York Office, 111 Broadway, as Vice P resident of N ickel Processing Company , a nd working on special assignments for National L ead. The Neidermeye rs have spent more tha n 22 yea rs of their 25 years of married life outside of the U nited States, a nd now they a re attempting to catch up seeing a nd doing t hings they would have done if they lived in the U. S. They a re residing a t 7 Rockledge R oad , H a rtsdale, New York.
" American Civil Enginee rin g Practices," Vol. I , edited by Robert W. Ab bett, has been published by J ohn \i\' iley & Sons, Inc. R obert W. Abbett ' 27, is a n associa te of the engineering firm of TrippettsAbbett-McCarthy-Strato n , E ngineers . This book is the first of three volumes dealing with the field of civil engineering . It contains 11 sections each written by one or more recogni zed a uthorities in that fi eld . These volumes replace t he " American Civil Engineers H a ndboo k ", which was first published in 19 10. Fo r co nsulting engineering libraries these books a re a must. Volume I is a reference source for civi l engineers in all fi eld s. Emphasis has been placed upon the planning aspects of civil engineering as well as technical design a nd construction. Each section is indexed a nd well written. The 11 sections a re on ; Metropolita n a nd Community P la nning; Surveying; Tra ffic Engineering; Highway, Airport a nd R a ilroad Engineering; Soil lVl echa nics and Site Examination ; Tunnels ; a nd Mecha nical Tables . Mr. Abbett deserves a note of thanks from civil engineers everywhere for a great contribution to the civil engineering fi eld .
Charles Hall Receives USGS Incentive Award
I vaI' Pounds '49, D ies
Cha rles D. H all '40 , who is a supervisor in the Photogra mmetry Section of the U.S .G .S . Centra l Region Office of the Topographic Division, a t R olla, :Missouri , has been granted a n awa rd by the Incentive Award Committee of the U .S.G .S. The award was merited by his suggestion for a ltering the wiring a rrangement on Ke lsh plotter tracing ta bles. There a re 27 instrum ents of t his k ind in the Centra l R egion office to which this modification could be applied .
Ivor Pound s, Jr. , '49 d ied D ecember 2, 1956 , in the Roosevelt H ospi tal, 1 ew Yo rk , New Yo rk . H e had been in the employ of Cerro de Pasco Corporation , at La Oroya, Peru , South America. for . two yea rs prior to his death.
Dr. Daniel Kennedy '26 , R egional E ngin eer, p resented the letter of commenda tion from Dr. Thomas R. Nola n, D irector of the Geological Survey , along with t he check rep resenting the cash award .
Their son, O. D . Jr. , is a junior Mining E ngin eerin g, a t lvI SM .
Alumni Luncheon at the AIME Convention
An Febru,
\ ew nation Ins titl Enginl Geo made which tendar capaci
lunchf group gress ; under ning, irom attend ford ' 3Jrs. B. H. :\, E, S. De;
Many From MSM Attend
Gordo Exec. and:l Eppel. Gerale
'54, E
Ray Dale R. Hl }Irs. ~Irs , . '16, 1 \\'. L. '3 5, ~ and l
and 1
C. Ru
Schwa and I Stone Vogen \right
195i.· Airpl, the ti
See Story on Ri9ht 6
MSM Alumnus
Large Crowd Attends AIME Luncheon An MSM Alumni luncheon was held February 27 , at the St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana during the na tional convention of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. George Decker '39 , planned and made the arrangements for the meeting which was a huge success and the attendance filled the dining room to capacity. Dean Curtis L. Wilson was the luncheon speaker and he gave the gro up information on the school's proaress and the building program that is ~nder way and proposed campus planning. Alumni from 19 states and one from Canada were present. Those that a ttended the luncheon were: Rex Alford '40 , A. D. Bryant '10, ML and Mrs. F. Clearman ' 27 , ML and Mrs. B. H. Clemmons '3 2, Ben R. Coil '29 , N. E. Crockett '53, ML and Mrs. R. S. Dean ' 16, ML and Mrs. J. H. Jacobs '39, NI L and Mrs. G. J. Decker '39 , Gordon Deutsch ' 53 , Ike Edwards, Exec. Sec'y Alumni Association , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Emery '40, Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer, Met. Dep 't. MSM , Gerald L. Grayson '32, W. F . Geisler '54, E. W. Gieseke '33 , Mr. and Mrs. Ra y Hallows '27 , H. R. Hanley '01 , Dale 1. Hayes ' 12 , Mr. and Mrs. John R. Humphrey '42 , J. W. Heelscher '48 , Mrs. John R. Kenney '26 , Mr. and Mrs . Duane M. Kline ' 12 , J. J. Krebs ' 16, A. Legsdin , Met. Dep't. MSM , W. L.McMorris ' 55 , Gil Montgomery '35 , Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Metz '14 , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moran '27 , Ray E. Morgan , Geology Dep 't. MSM, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert F. Neumann ' 52 , R. C. Runvik ' 54, T . A. Ruppert '52, Carl Schwab '42 , Van H. Smith '10 , ML and Mrs. James F. Smith '27 , S. A. Stone '30, L. B. Taylor '5 1, T. J. Vogenthaler '48, ML and Mrs. R. H. Wightman '27 , and Dean and Mrs. Curtis L. W ilson.
Roy E. Keirn '26, Dies Roy E. Keim ' 26 , died January 31, 1957. He was employed with Boeing Airplane Co., Seattle, Washington , at the time of his death. M a1'Ch A PI'il 1957
MSM Graduate Enthusiastic About Canada's Potential Natural Resources
AN H. SMITH ' 10, Sales Manager of North American Cya~amid Ltd. , Toronto , Canada IS enthusiastic abo ut the potential that Canada has for the engineering graduate, and the great progress being m~de in Canada in the discovery , promotlOn and operation of natural resources of mineral , oil and power. Forty years ago , he relates , the United States, Mexico and South America all provided opportunities for MS]\II graduates. Now in 1957 , and the next 50 years, mining history will be written in Canada . To be specific concerning Canada's future , he writes, " In this jet engine age, high temperature alloys are required , of which nickel is one of the main constituents. A great nickel field is being developed in Manitoba by the International Nickel Company, which will probably exceed the production in the Sudbury, Ontario fields in another 10 years. Also in northern Quebec , another deposit similar in formation and character to the Sudbury fields , has been discovered and concessions are being given to some 20 mining companies to develop the area. Another vast copper - gold mineral deposit or deposits are being developed and brought into production in the Chibongamon area of Quebec. Quebec as well as Newfoundland have new discoveries of asbestos." Concerning the oil resources , he continues, " Oil as well as gas is being
found in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba provinces. The greatest oil reserve III the world exists in the oil tar sands of Alberta. Natural gas is being brought from Alberta, across Canada to the Great Lakes pipelines, part going south and part east to Ontario and Quebec." . " In Ontario , one of the world 's greatest deposits of uranium occurs a'nd is bein a treated in plants at the rate of 1000 to 5000 tons per day. Acid , lime and ammonia have to be produced to enable the winning of these deposits. " " Ontario is also experiencing the opening of vast deposits of iron ore by several large steel companies. " Adequate transportation is becoming a reality in the St. Lawrence seaway permitting ocean going ships to enter Lake Superior, and two transcontinental railroads serve the mining fields. Mr. Smith states, " Canada is short of trained men , particularily in mining , metallurgy and chemical engineering, and hopes that some of the development of Canada's resources will be handled by MSM graduates. For the research minded chemist, Canada wants pyrite turned into elemen~al sulp~ur, sulphur dioxide gas for aCId and Iron oxide for iron ore." In short, Van concludes, " Canada has waterpower, oil, gas, minerals, pulp paper , transportation eve~ything , awaiting trained men to furmsh the human element needed III its development. "
Early Co-ed, Retired, Now Has New Career Co-eds at the School of Mines are in the extreme minority . And co-ed graduates are a areater rarity. And seemingly their a;complishments are legio.n. Eva Hirdler Greene, from St. LOUIS , Missouri , entered MSM in 1909 , after attend ina Washinaton University, and received "'ber B. S. "'degree in 1911. From the 1911 ROLLAMO we wish to extract a quote . " Little Eva, according to the St. Louis newspapers is the only female mining engineer in the world . She has been with us for two years and says she is sorry that it has not been four. She puts great dependence in her unlimited amount of nerve and expects to operate a gold mine in California."
Mrs. Greene did go to California and dealt in gold - black gold - as a petroleum geologist. Though she has now. retired ~nd living at 2.15 Sout? HamIlton Dnve, Beverly Hills, Cahfornia , she has made a wonderful second career for herself as an expert on psychometric testing procedures and has made quite a reputation on the coast as an authority in this field. She helps young people, as well as adults, through scientific testing procedures, to find out their aptitudes and guides them toward the field of work in which they are most likely to find success and happiness. 7
Knox, M -Sgts. L. J. Evan , J. E. Roeth. R. L. Schafer, SFCs M. Clifton, P. R. Cogley , C . F. E lser, Sgts. J. c. Boyman a nd D. J. La ffey . Capta ins R. O. D ietsche a nd J. P. Stewa rt will rep resent M SM a t the 19 57 Genera l Mi lita ry Science Summ er Ca mp . Fort Ri ley. Kan sas.
Dean Congratulates Student Officer
Alumni will remember l\I- Sgt. Loui s C. H ess, who has been reassigned to the Military D epartm ent after a 3-yea;¡ tour of duty in Europe.
Chief of Engineers to Visit Campus May 3
Dean Curtis L. Wilson , Lt. Col . K enneth McGuire, Ca det Brig. Gen . James Graha'l'II
First ROTC Cadet Brigadier General
OT EVERY COLLEGE in the country can boast of having a Brigadier General in command of their ROTC Co rps of Cadets, but that is now the case at the Mi sso uri School of Mines and Metallurgy . D ean Curtis L. Wilson pin ned the insignia of Cadet Brigadier General on J ames R. Graham of Fredericktown, M isso uri , during a ceremony in the D ean's offi ce, making the first tim e tha t a ROTC Cadet at M issouri Schoo l of M ines a nd Meta llurgy has been appo inted to such a high ra nk . Lt. Colonel K enneth Magui re, Associa te PMST a nd M ili tary D epartment F ac ul ty Adviso r to eni or cadets, participated in the ceremony, rep reenting Colonel E ugene E. Moye rs, PMST. Colonel l\Ioyer , who created the po ition, requested that Dean Wilson bestow on Cadet Graham what now becomes the schoo l's hi ghe t military honor. The l\Iissouri School of :-lines and Meta llurgy ha s the largest enroll ment in t he Na ti on for both the req uired basic a nd volunta ry advanced clas es
for an E ngineer ROTC unit. The constant in crease in enroll ment in the school, and the resul ta nt growth of the ROT C Corps of Cadets, made the fo rmation of a brigade necessary .
Colonel Moyers, Other Officers to Leave MSM For Foreign Service Colonel E. E. Moyers, PMST , is cur rently a t F itzsimmon s Arm y Gen eral H ospita l, D enver, Colorado, fo r physica l exa mina ti on. H e is expected to return to MSM abo ut April first. Colonel Moyer has been a lerted for d uty in J apan a nd will leave R oll a in Jun e. Other M ili ta ry D epartment faculty members who have received noti fication of rea signm ent prior to the beginning of th e 1957- 1958 school yea r a re : l\Ia jor R. B. Snodg rass, to Germa ny ; Cap ta in R . E. Williams, to apta in R. O. Dietsche, to Germa ny; AC & GS Co lleae. Ft. Leave nworth. K a nsas : L ieutenant \\1 . C. H ogan, to Fra nce. l\I Sl\I will be rep resen ted at the 1957 E ngin eer ROTC ummer Camp. Fort Leonard Wood by Capta in L. Norto n. Cap tain G. A. Nowak, Lt. J. R .
~lajor Genera l E. C. Itschner, Chi ef of Engineers, U . S. Army will visit R olla on :-1ay 3, 1957. Ma ny :.t lumni will remember Genera l Itschner as Lieutenant Itschn er when he served as Assista nt Professo r of Mi li tary Science a nd Tactics in 19 12 a nd later in 1934. he becam e PMS&T a nd held tha t pos ition until h is tran sfer in 1936.
The Schoo l of Mines wi ll honor General Itschn er with a review a nd inspection of the entire ROTC unit which now tota ls more tha n 100 tud en ts and he will accep t a n honora ry initia tion into Chi E psilon , an honorary Civil E ngin eering Fraternity . This awa rd will be presented by the D epa rtment of Civi l E ngineering.
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MSM Senior Granted Scholarship for Study Of Nuclear Technology J a mes Winston J ohnson, of Nashoba, Okla homa, has been gra nted a schola rhip in Nuclear T echnology by the Atomi c Energy Commi ssion to work towa rd a Master's D egree a nd eventua lly the D octor of Phil osophy D eg ree in N uclear T echnology at M M. J a mes gradua ted from the layton High chool, Clayto n, Ok lahoma, in 1947 and graduated from the outheas tern State College, Dura nt, Oklahoma. in 1953 , a fter whi ch he entered the Army a nd came out as a sta ff sergea nt in 1955. H e entered M M in eptember tha t year a nd is compl eting work for his Bachelor of Science D egree in Chemical Engin eering to awa rded on May 26 , 1957.
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Arizona Section The Arizona Section held a special dinner meeting at the Hitching Post, in Phoenix, February 2. The special meeting was called as a farewell party for E. Rowland Tragitt '23, who has accepted a position in Albuquerque, New Mexico with the U. S. Forest Service. Mr. Tragitt was one of the founders of the Arizona Section of the NISM Alumni Association and has been the Section 's Secreta ry -Treasurer. Following the pre-dinner social hour and a delicious meal, Mr. Tragitt was presented with a leather-bound , engraved note pad and a magnetic pencil. The business of election of officers was necessary , and new officers for the coming year were suggested by the Chairma n and unanim ously elected by the members present. The new off icers are: Cha irman , Fred E. Dreste '43 ; Vice Chairman , Gordon E. Napp ' 51 ; Secretary - Treasurer , J ohn \V. Wright '49. The new chairman then took over and it was agreed that the next meeting should be in honor of St. Patrick, on March 16, in Phoenix , The 24 members and wives tha t were present were: Mr. and Mrs , John L. Brixius '47 , Nil'. and Mrs. Benja min H . Cody ' 11 , Mr. and Mrs. Milan H. D etweiler ' II , Mr. and Mrs. Fred E . Dreste '43, Mr. and Mrs . Joseph c. Finagin ' 14 , Mr. and Mrs. J ohn K. Forman ' 10, Mr. and Mrs . John P . Har mon '28 , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Huffman '22 , Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pennington ' 50, Mr. and Mrs. E , Rowland Tragitt ' 23 , Mr. and Mrs. J ohn W, Wright '49 and Mr. and Mrs. John T . Young ' 17.
recently moved to Chicago from the east. The grou p was happy to welcome Margaret Burgoyne who recently received her Master's Degree from Northwestern University, The following officers were unanimously elected for a period of three years. Section Chairman , Arthur G . Gore ' 50, 724 Fulton St. , Morris, III. ; Vice-Chairman , J. lV1. Lattin ' 51 , 14644 S. Edbrooke Ave ., Dalton, III. ; Treasurer , J. R . Kenney ' 12, 2132 N. H alsted , Chicago , III. ; Secreta ry , J. c. Ingram ' 13, 8223 S. St. Lawrence Ave " Chicago 19 , III. ; Membership Chairman , J. '0/ , Howerton '38 , 4124 Ma in St. , D owners Grove, Ill. ; Social and Co rresponding Secretary, Mrs. lVla rga ret Burgoyne, 430 \Vinnetka Ave. , Winnetka, III. lVIel Nickel '38, President of the MSM Al um ni Association, was the principal spea ker a nd gave a very interesting outl ine of the progress of the Association during the past year and a very encouraging picture of the school's imlnediate future. A rising vote of thanks was acco rded the retiring chairl:tan, J. \V, " vVally" vVall ace '48, for his loyal service to the Section during the pas t three years. A very lively discuss(~n was had on the subj ect of organization to secure a wider pa rticipation in the affairs of both the local Section and the national organization, Practically everyone got into the act and a number of excellent suggestions were brought forth . Joe H owerton will be in charge of this drive to interest more members in the Sections activities.
Philadelphia Section
Chica90 Section
The Philadephia Area Section had their St. Pat's Party at Kenny 's Restaurant, in Camden, New Jersey , on March 15th, Those who a ttended the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brunkhorst ' 51 , Mr. and :Mrs, Philli p H. Delano '29 , Mr. and Mrs, Boin Pewitt '42 , and daughter, Mr. a nd Mrs , Robert F, Schmidt '45 , Comdr. and Mrs. D on H. Short '43, and Mr. a nd Mrs. Leroy F. Van Sciver '39.
The Chicago Section met on Februa ry 28 , for a dinner meeting a t the Chicago Ba r Association 's dining room. There were presen t the " regulars") ranging from the Class of 19 13 to 1956 , Mr. and M rs. Jack Glatthaar '39 ,
Ike N ied ling '40, who was inst rumental in organizing thi s Section recently cha nged positions an d moved to Birmingham, Alabama, where he is associated with AMP, Inc. Bob Schmidt, Don Short a nd Ward \Vahl are acting
Man h A pril 1957
as a comm ittee in keeping the group together. Alumni living in Delaware, So uth New J ersey and Eastern Penn sylvania a re invited to join thi s group. Contact Bob Schmidt, 6 Willowbrook Ave. , Lansdowne, Pa. Several members of the Philadelphia Section have been meeting for lunch at Kenny's R esta urant the first F rid ay of each month . Those making up this group have been George V. Bradshow '42 , Boin Pewitt '42 , D on Short '43, Bob Schmidt '45 a nd Ward B. Wahl. MSM alumni a re welcome to join this g;roup too ,
Permian Basin Section The members of the Permian Basin Section and their wives ha d a dinner meeting, J anu a ry 25 , a t the E lks Club , Midla nd , T exas. Members a nd their wives that attended were: NI r. and Mrs. Thomas J. Clare ' 55 , Mr. a nd ]VIrs , Glenn E. Grays '29 , Donald P. D ampf ' 50, Mr. and Mrs , \Villi am Givents ' 51 , Mr. and Mrs. Bi ll J. Greer ' 55 , M r. and Mrs. By ron L. Keil ' 52 , M r. a nd Mrs. N. B. Larsh '2 1, Mr. and M rs. J. N. " Nick " M uscovalley ' 55, Gil A. Naert '42 , 1Vlr. an d M rs. Thomas F. Newkirk ' 52 , Mr. and M rs. Cha rles A, Peek '49 , Dona ld J. Quinn ' 52 , M r. a nd Mrs. Warren D, Roach ' 51, Guillermo R, Sauri '44, M r. an d M rs. A. T. Sindel '42, Mr. and Mrs. Wally A. Sitko ' 55 , Mr. a nd Mrs , H a rr y G. \Vatson ' 51 and Mr. and NIrs: Art Weber '40 . Guests a ttending were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ditzel, of the Class of 1949 , Uni versity of Missouri. Art Weber , who was elected President of the Section in November 1956 has been transferred from M idla nd t~ Fort Worth as Division Manager for Bethlehem Supply Company. An election was held to fill this vacan cy and H a rry G, Watson was elected President. A, T. Sindel was then elected Secreta ry to ,fi ll the vacancy left by H a rry Watson's promotion, Charles A. Peek was named Cha irman of the Program Committee, Again on March 16 the a lumni 111 the Permian Basin a rea gathered at th~ Ra nchland Hill County Club , 111 YIlclla nd , T exas, to honor St. Pa t. It was a joint meeting with the a lu mni group of 'the Colorado School of M ines. Approximately 50 people gathered fo r i9
the occasion. The MSM alumni and wives tha t attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Blankenship , J r. '42 , Mr. and Mrs. E. D . Campbell ' SO , Mr. a nd 1\IIrs. Thomas J. Clare '55 , Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Crays '29 , Donald P. Dampf ' SO , M r. and Mrs. Paul E. Green ' SO, Mr. a nd M rs. Bill J. Greer ' 55 , 1\IIr. and Mrs. M. B. (Po) Larsh '21 , Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas F . Newk irk ' 52, Mr . and M rs. Guillermo R. " Bi ll" Sauri '44 , M r. and Mrs. A. T . Sindel '42 and Mr. and M rs. H a rry G. \Vatson ' 51. Everyone seemingly has a " gay ole time" but all agreed that it could not compa re with St. Pa t's at MSM .
Southern California Section The St. Pat's meeting of the Southern California Section was held at the Anheuser-Busch brewery , in Los An geles, F riday evening, March 15. This meeting was arranged through the courtesy of Hubert Smith '48 , who is Manager of the Bottling Plant at Anheuser-Busch's new West Coast operation. A delicious potluck dinner was arranged by M rs. Barney N uell with each of the members contributing various items to the menu. After a brief business session, and a lot of reminiscing, well lubricated by the foamy suds, as in the old days down in the Cut, those eneraetic members, who had the pep to climb the stairs, a nd the curiosity to see how Budweiser is made, were taken on a guided tour of inspection of the plant which everyone found most interesting. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hank Adams ' 12, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ashlock '20; Mr. a nd Mrs. Jos. B. Dillon ' 56, Mr. and Mrs. B. Donaldson '3 1, Mr. and Mrs . Erv Dunn ' 51 , Mr. and Mrs. B . F letcher '3 4, M rs. Eva Greene ' 11 , Mr. and Mrs . Paul H alasey '28, M r. a nd Mrs. Nate Jaffee '41 , Mr. and Mrs. Don Jaenecke '38 , Mr. and Mrs. H orace Johnson '08, Mr. and Mrs. Paul K loe ris '42 , Mr. a nd Mrs. Laurel Linn '49 , Mr. a nd l\1Irs. Cal Moeller '44 , Mr. a nd Mrs. Rex Monroe '3 2 and their son, M r. and M rs. Barney N uell '2 1. and their daughters, Mr. and M rs. Hubert Smith '48, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stadelhofer '49 and M r. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Youngs '49. 10
National Capital Section The National Capital Section held their St. Pat's meeting a t the Officer 's Club , Bolling Air Force Base, the evening of March 14, with a fine turnout of alumni a nd wives. \Valter J. Ware '31, of the Office of Chief of E ngineers, U. S. Army , spoke on the " D evelopment of Water Resources of the M issouri River Basin. " The progress to da te on this long range and never ending progra m for flood control, power generation a nd irrigation was especially interesting to the MSM alumni present. In addition to Walter Ware, the dinner meeting was a ttended by : M r. a nd Mrs. Louis A. Turnbull '22. Mr. and Mrs. J oseph C. Strawhan '41, Mr. a nd Mrs. Richard Rydstrom '32 , Mr. a nd M rs. Collins H . :McDonald '3 5, ?I'Ir. a nd Mrs. Edward D. Lynton ' 12, M r. and Mrs. Ned O. Craft '27 , M r. and Mrs. Harry F. Kirkpatrick '30. Mr. a nd Mrs. Cha rles C. Juhre '3 0, Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles J. Jenni ngs '30, Mr. and M rs. Homer A. H ollingshead '21 and Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert L. Fisher '36. All alumni in the Washington , D. C. a rea should plan to attend the next meeting on M ay 16, 1957. The group will be glad to have any alumni a ttend who may be passing through 'Washington on the 16th of May .
St. Louis Section The St. Louis Section held its Spring meeting at the Anheuser-Busch brewery , March 21st. Steve Salarno '47 , presided at the business meeting in absence of the Section's president, Joe Mooney '39. The group disc ussed ways and means of strengthening the Section a nd a project wa s presented to be undertaken by the Section. A Project Committee was appointed by the chairma n. Pete Ma ttei '3 7, gave the Secretary 's report a nd pla ns tha t a re being developed for the Annual Initia tion of Officers tha t will be held, June 22 , at the Caribbean Room , U. S. Naval Air Station . Lambert Field, St. Louis, M issouri. Alumni a re encouraged to attend this summer meeting. As in the past, thi s will be the best meeting of the season. P la n now to attend. Pa rticulars will be forthcoming later.
Colorado Section Establishes Scholarship The Colorado Section of the ' Alumni Association has announced through its p resident, F rederick VV. Heiser '39 , of Viking Drive, Cherryhills Village, Englewood , Colorado, that the section has established a schola rship at MSM in memory of Merton 1. Signer '23. Dean Signer was for ma ny years Dean of the Colorado School of Mi nes, at Golden , Co lorado, and died suddenly last summer. The scholarship will be known as the Merton 1. Signer Memorial Scholarship . It carries a stipend of $125.00 a ~' ea r for four years. Dean¡ Curtis L. Wilson has asked the Freshman Scholars hip Committee , under the cha irmanship of Noel Hubbard. to select a recipien t for the awa rd .
Mining Company Honors Memory of William Burgin The Bea r Creek Mining Company , wholly owned domestic exploration affiliate of Kennecott Copper Corporation , has named the new 1,080 foot sha ft on it Eureka district lead -silverzinc project after the late William A. Burgin . Mr. Burgin , who was killed in a commercial airliner crash in the Rockies a year and one-half ago, was former regional explorat ion chief for the Bear Creek M ining Company , a t Denver , Colorado. Mr. Burgin was a native of Springfie ld , Misso uri , gradua ting from MSM, in 1940, in Mining Engineering. He first started to work for Kennecott at the Utah Copper Division as a track man at the Bingham pit. Later he was employed by Pacific Bridge as a shift boss at Park City and worked at U. S. Steel corporation, prior to joining Bear Creek in 1951. H e married Miss Lorraine Beason , of Salt Lake City. U tah . She now resides in Denver. T he new Burgin Shaft is expected to be completed by July or August
2400 MSM Alumnus
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This is an anhitect's sketch of the new Student Union building that will soon be built on the MSM campus . The buff brick and glass, two story structure has been a dream of th e school for many years . At last it will become a reality . Th e building will be lo cated betw een the iVlechanical Engineering and Rolla buildings on th e west and iV01'wood H all on the east. At fi rst only th e front wing, which will house and 'm eeting rooms, and the right wing w hich will house the lounge and ballroom will be built. Ev entually it is planned to remove the Rolla building and build the left wing . This will house a much larger ballroom. Th e anhitect }01' th e building is K enneth E. Wichm eyer, of St . Louis, Missouri.
Central Missouri Science Fair Held The first Central Missouri Science Fair was held on the MSM campus, April 11 , in conjunction with the annual Engineer's Day, A reco rd of 1700 high students registered for this dual event and 107 exhibits from students representing 11 high schools were on display a t J aclding gymnasium competing for the $3 00 cash a nd other prizes. The attenda nce for this occasion was nearly double that of form er yea rs a t the annua l E ngineer's Day. The Missouri high schoo ls from a distance tha t brought stud ents to MSM for this science day were: J ackson. D onipha n, Lebanon, J efferson City a nd vVashington . And it was stud ents from two of these distant schools that were awarded the grand pri zes in the two divisions into which the entra nts were classified. The Division I Grand P rize, of $25.00, was presented to two girls, Judith A. H erm an and D ee Karreder. of St. Francis Borgia High School. Washington. Mo, Their display was on "Ma rch AP1'il 1957
nuclea r fission, The Division II Grand Prize was awa rded to Ben Hartsfield , of Jackson High School, for his entry demonstrating the possibilities of automa tically controlling non-electrolytes in solution based upon the refraction of light. The cash prizes and other awa rds were made possible by the business men of Rolla , engineering societies and individuals.
E. E. Professor Attends Radio Engineering Show The Electrical Engineering Department of MSM was represented by Dr. R oge r E . Nolte a t the Radio Engineering Show in New Yo rk, March 18 to 21. The show, a ttended by more than 50,000 engineers a nd scientists, co nsisted of 55 technical sessions and 83 4 industrial exhibits displayed throughout the four fl oo rs of the New Co liseum. Dr. No lte se rved as vice-cha irman at the annua l meeting of the E du cat.ion
Committee and became an executive officer in the newly formed Professional Group on Education. This newest of the 26 professional groups within the Institute of Radio Engineers will serve as a n active link between indu stry and the education institutions. It will deal with the scientific manpower shortage by evaluating the use of closed-circuittelevision at all levels of education .
Dr. Planje's Paper to Be Read At Ceramics Meeting Dr. T. J. P lanj e, of MSM , is the coa uthor of a research paper to be delivered a t the 59th a nnua l meeting of the American Ceramic Society , to be held in D a llas , T exas , May 5 - 9. The paper is entitled, " Phase Relationships in the Quatermary System Lim e-T i taniaZirconia-Silica," a nd will be part of the Society's Basic Science divi sion Program. The meeting wi ll be the year's la rgest gathering of ceramic scientists, plant opera tors, engineers, designe rs a nd research men. More than 1800 a re expected from a ll parts of the U. S. and ma ny fo reign cou ntries .
John R. Kenney '12, Prominent Alumnus, Succumbs to Illness
- c ow·tesy Sc henectady
( IV . Y.) Gazette
It's a Hard life for Parents of Triplets The D ecember 15, 1956, issue of the Schenectady (N.Y.) Gazette, devoted a full page to a fine a nd a bit unu sual family residing in nearby Scotia, New York. MSM Min ers a re acc ustomed to achieving the unusual, so David Hillhouse 'SO, a nd his good wife d id thi s very thing three yea rs ago when Cha rlie, Mickie a nd Timmy ar ri ved a t their house. The co mmon qu estion now is, " Wha t 's it like to be pa rents of t ri plet boys ?" " It's murder," says Mrs. H illhouse who , 'with three years' experience can a nswer with a uthority . " And I can honestl y say that each day since they came has been ha rder - in one way or ano ther than the day befo re. " As she spoke the triple-tro uble team frolicked like li ttle angels with their boats in the bathtub. " But," said M rs. H illhouse, " yo u should have seen them last week when I caught th em spraying cement over the bathroom fl oo r and on eac h other ( the Hillhouses had been laying tile in the bathroom. hence the presence of the cement spray .) or. th e
other night they got in to Daddy 's record collection and sta rted rolling his treasured records along the din ing room fl oo r. " D ave, who is an engineer in Genera l E lectric's General E ngineering Laboratory, views the " getting them to bed " prob lem as the worst. " It's either a maddening or hil a rious a ffair ," he says, " depending on whether yo u're actually doing it or talking about it la ter" Mrs . Hi llhouse had to prepare 36 bottle of fo rmula every day until the boys were two a nd one-ha lf months old a nd she changed 55 diapers every day until they were 18 months old. She can also recall nights she a nd D ave never got to bed unti l 5 a .m. ·M rs. Hi llhouse says she can genera te very li ttle sy mpathy when she hea rs the girls with one baby compla ining . :\lr. and M rs. H illhouse a re native :\Iissour ia ns a nd are now residing at 407 Engleman Avenue, Scotia, N . Y.
John R. K enney ' 12 , one of our outsta nding alumni, died, April 7, in the Presbyteria n Hospita l in Chicago, Illinois, after a long illness. J ack was born a t Ancaster, Onta rio , Canada, a nd he came to the United States with his parents when one year old. H e a ttended the Chicago public schools a nd the Armour Institute in Chicago. After grad uating in M ining Engineering a t MSM , he immediately went to work fo r the Nevada Consolidated Mining Co. , at McGill , Nevada , and later worked for Buffalo Min ing Co. , of Coba lt, Onta rio, Canada. In 1913 he returned to the U. S. and was with the Engineering D epartm ent of the City of Chicago , a nd in 19 16 he returned to Canada to work for the Roseberry- Surprise M ining Co .. of Sandon, B. C. In 1923 he went into business for himself in Chicago establishing the Kenney Tank Installation Co ., which was the leading one of its kind in the city. H e was Vice-President and Managing Director of the Silver Ridge Mining Co ., Ltd. , of Sandon , B. c., Cana da. He devoted much time in thi s area a nd he was an authority on the minera l formation of the Slocan a rea 01 British Columbia. J ack joined the AI ME in 1914 a nd he was a devotee of engineering, especia lly " ha rd rock mining" which was his specialty . Mr. K enney was an enthusiastic a lumnus of his a lma ma ter a nd had a devoted interest in the alumni association 's activities . H e was an officer in the Chi cago Section , a Life Member of the Association and attended most all H omecomings. In 1955 , the Alumni Associa tion awarded him the Certifi cate of Me rit in recognition fo r his service. He was a lso a n active supporter of the Kappa Alpha fraternity on the campus. M rs. K enn ey , the former Nadine JVla tlock, is also a n alumnae of MSM . and a L ife Member of the Associa tio n. They we re married in 1949. Besides his widow , he is survived by a daughter, M rs. Brent Foster, Jr. , of D a llas, T exas; a son J ohn R. Jr. , of Chicago ; three gran dchildren, a nd a sister. Mrs. E ugene Goughrine. MSM Alumnus
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The M id-Missouri Sec tion of the A rnel'iean Society of Civ il Engineers met Ma1'C h 22 , at Columbia, Mis souri, with M ason L ockw ood, the Presiden t of ASCE , as t heir guest . Pictured here are t he officers of t he Mid -Missouri Section four of who/I'/. are M SM alumni . S eated, left to right: A drian Pauw, Colu m bia, President; lVlason L ockwood, L eon H enhk ow'itz '4 1, Rolla, Fin t Vic e President ; L. D . Asmus, Jeff erson Ci ty, Second Vic e President. S t anding: C. H . Bakel' '55, R olla, Seo'eta1"y-Treasurer; D aniel K ennedy '26, Past President, Director ; R ichard Johnson' 55, K irksville, hm'iol' Director.
St. Pat Makes Annual Visit T. PATRI CK , the pa tron Sa int of Engineers, return ed to the MSM Campus, March 15, for the 49th consecutive yea r to lend the p roper setting to the top Miner social event of the year . Warren Ca rroll, a junior in petroleum engineering, port rayed St. Pa t in truly rega l splendor. And the Queen of Love and Bea uty, M iss Ma rily n Good night, of Spri ngfield, Missouri , a cand ida te of the Kappa Sigma fratern ity , reigned over the ga la fest ivities during the week end . St. Pa t did not va ry hi s tra nsportation used for 49 years. Entering Rolla on the customa ry ra ilroad ha ndca r then reso rting to the old relia ble ma nure spreader to lead the pa rade of fl oats up the brick pavement of P in e Street. T he a nn ual M asquerade Ball highlighted the F riday nigbt fes tivities a t
March April 195 7
J ackli ng Gy mnas ium, with the music of Ra lph Marteri e. Man y of the camp us fra ternities had pri vate da nces d uring the rema inder of the night to fill in until time for breakfast a nd the sta rt of the second day of festi vities. T he Queen was crown ed Saturday night a t the Fo rma l Ball . M rs, J a mes Graham, the 1956 Queen of Love a nd Beau ty , led the corona ti on procession. esco rted by Allen J ohner, of Kirkwood , M isso uri . pre ident of the St. Pa t's Board. T he float tha t was entered in the pa rade by the TKE 's won the first honors. In cidentally they seem to be the perennia l winners. All the fl oats were excellent a nd we believe they we re more colorfu l a nd 111tricate tha n fo rm er yea rs. St. Pa t 's departure from the campus
was un eventful a nd unnoticed but his spirit remains dwindling for a time then regaining tempo a nd reaching its pea k M a rch 14. 195 8.
Geology I nstructor to Attend Summer Institute Ri cha rd D . H agni, half-ti me in t ructo r in Geo logy , has been selected as one of 30 yo ung in stru ctors in geology to a ttend the first summ er institute in geology for college teachers sponso red a nd supported by the Nat ional Science Foundation. T he institute will be held in the D epartment of Geology , Uni ve rsity o f Illinois, Urbana. The theme will be " Recent Concept and l\Iethod s in l\Iineralogy and Geochem istry a nd their application to Geology.n T he Institute will be held from June 17 to August 10. Many p romi nent mineralogists a nd geochemist will give lectures.
Students at Kirksville In Three-Two Plan With MSM
)lrs. \lissOUf :nent 01 Lee, to :nore. t _raduat' ;nd 5t nursing. )lrs. M is a gl choo!, )lines , nOW elr f.: aiser more. P take pI; plete.
E. G to )liss Cal,forn )lal' 4. Students j1'Om N 01-theast Missouri Stat e College , K il'ksviUe, Missoul'i, under th e Thl'ee-Two Plan with the Nlissouri School oj Min es and M etallurgy at Rolla, MissoU1-i, on a l'ecent visit to the campus oj the School oj Mines under th e supel'vision oj Pl'ojess01- Ollin f . D l'ennan, pl'ojessol' oj Ph ysics. These students attend NOl't heast Missoul'i Stat e CoUege jor thl'ee -y ears and the Missouri School oj Mines and M etallul-gy jor two years and l'eceive degl'ees from bot h schools.
Miner Swimming Team Has Successful Season The Miner Swimming team had its most successful season in the hi story of the school. It participated in ten intercollegiate meets and was victor in nine of them, piling up a total season score of 500 points to their opponents 358. The results of the individual meets we re as follows : MSM 53 52 60 59 45 49 64 51 18 49
Illinois No rmal Illinois W esleyan St. Louis U niversity Pittsburg State Washington U niversity Un iversity of Loui sville India na State Pittsburg State outhern Illinois U . Ft. Hays Kan sas State
33 34 26 27 41 37 20 35 68 37
Four pool reco rd were broken t hi s season by the M in er ta nkers. Gordon Aderma n et a new reco rd in the 200 ya rd b utterfly , tim e 2 :33 . D ave \Venthe, R obe rt Sucher, Go rd on Ad erma n, a nd R a lph Moo re establi hed a new 400 yard Med ley R elay reco rd of 4: 22 .3 . D ave \Ventlle in the 150 yard Backstroke et a new reco rd , Time 1 :4 5.6.
Robert Sucher broke the existing lVISM reco rd in th e 200 yard Conventional Breast Strok e with a new tim e of 2 :36.6. Burr R. Van Nost ra nd is the MSM swimming coach.
MIAA Cage Standings The fin a l sta nding of the schools in the MIAA Conference at the close of the 1956 -57 basketball seaso n. Won Lost Kirksville ......... ..................... 8 2 2 W a rrensburg ........................ 8 Springfield ........................... 7 3 School of M ines .......... .......... " 7 Cape Gira rdeau .................... 2 Maryville .............................. 2 8
'oc iet y Nle mbers
G. . Am stutz , P . 1\1. Bethke a nd Dr. O. R. Grawe, of t he Geology D epartment s taff, ha ve been accepted as Cha rter 1\lembers of the Geochemica l Society of Ame ri ca. For the fir t tim e, the Geology Department now is offering work in geochemis try a a grad uate course. a lthough the staff members have been engaged in th is fi eld in resea rch p roject in the pa t.
Homer Hollingshead '21 Dies of Heart Attack H omer A. Holli ngshead '2 1, d ied of a heart attack at hi s home, 2437 Menokin Drive, Alexandria, Virginia , March 28 , 1957 . H e wa an engineer with H eadquarters, U. S. Air Fo rce , AFCI E , The Pentaao n, Wa hington. D . c., a t the time of his death. M r. H ol1ingshead received hi s p rofessiona l degree, Civil E ngin ee r. at MSM in 1932. For seve ra l yea r he wa employed by the Illinois Divi sion of Highway. At th e outbreak of World Wa r II, he went on act ive duty a nd attained a n ill ustrious wa r reco rd in the So uth P acific, a nd held t he rank of Colonel. H e was always greatly interes ted in hi alm a ma ter a nd took an active part in a lumni ac tiviti e. a nd was pa l p resid ent of t he Nat iona l ap ital , ection of t he Alum n i Associa tion. Hi son atte nded the School of Min es a nd met a tragic death in a jet pla ne cras h several yea rs ago. Mr. H ollingshead is ur vived by hi s wife re iding at the home add re s.
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Mrs. John M. Lee, of Williamsville, Missouri , has announced the engagement of her daughter Mary Elizabeth Lee, to Richard M . Pracht, of Baltimore, Maryland. The bride-elect is a araduate of Williamsville High School ~nd St. Luke's Hospital school of nursing. Mr. Pracht, son of Nir. and Mrs . Max Pracht, also of Williamsville, is a graduate of Williamsville High School, and the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1954, and is now employed as a metallurgist with Kaiser Aluminum Company , of Baltimore. Plans for the wedding, which will take place in the summer, are incomplete.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ponder '5 0, are very happy with Thomas Lyle Ponder who arrived at their home , August 12 , 1956. This is number three for the Ponders. They have Jamie, 2 years and Charlotte, 4 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kowalski ' 52 , a re proud of their daughter, Pau la Louise , born April 18 , 1956, at the U. S. Army Hospital , Dugway Proving Ground , Dugway, Utah. Tom is now with the U. S. Defense Corporation , St. Louis , Missouri and lives at 1505 Missouri. lVIr . a nd Mrs . James R. Patterson ' 54 , now have another daughter, Karen Lea , born November 21 , 1956. Jim is with the Aluminium Company of America, at Bauxite, Arkansas and resides at 80 1 Forest Lane, Benton , Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Netzeband. Jr. ' SO, 944 Edna, Kirkwood 22 , Missouri , announce the birth of James William, July 28 , 1956. Nir. and Mrs. Gerald N. Keller ' 51 , are the parents of Kenneth , born January 26 , 1957 , in Denver , Colorado. The Kellers were recently transferred to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and live at 229 Truman Street, N.E. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam M. Shepard '51 , belatedly announce the arrival of Jane Elizabeth , on July 3,1956. The Shepards are in Denver, Colorado, with residence address , 3014 South Forest Street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Steele '50, 11211 Tascosa Dr. , Dallas, Texas have Robert Jr. , born May 1, 1956. Mr . and Mrs. George Thompson '53, welcomed Robert Paul, who a rri ved October 30, 1956. This is their second son. George resigned his commission of Lt. (jg), Coast and Geodetic Survey and accepted a position in the management training program of the Northern Pacific Railway . They live at 5613 112th St. S.W. , Tacoma, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Smith ' 55 , have a daughter , Karen , born in July 1956. They live at 121 Bosstick , D anville, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sweeney, 209 Silver Street, Galesburg, Illinois, a daughter, Catherine Ann, born January 28, 1956. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Reilly , Jr. '49 , now have fourchildi'en with Peter who arrived in August 1956. The others are
E. George Stevens ' 52 , is engaged to Miss Margaret Vavrik , of Stockton, CaLfornia. The wedding is planned for :\Iay 4. 1957.
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Delta Sigma Phi Chapter Installed on Campus The installation of the fo,tI issouri School of Mines chapter of Delta Sigma Phi was held at the chapter house on Sunday, March 10th. The installation banquet was held in the Pine Room, Fred Dietrich, Charter president, served as master of ceremonies. \Velcomes were extended by Dean Wilson and Assistant Dean Gevecker. Mr. F. Wacker , Executive Secretary, delivered a speech concerned with the Delta Sigma Phi International Fraternity. Mr. S. O. Smith, President of the International Fraternity, spoke on the future of the Delta Epsilon chapter of Delta Sigma Phi , and presented the charter . The charter membership was twentynine. Other guests included Captain R. O. Dietsche , president of the alumni cJntrol board , Mr. W. N. Leitner , faculty advisor, and Mr. Arthur Macalady , president of the interfraternity council. The new chapter house is located at 202 West 18th.
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2400 March April 1957
Gay, John III, and Mary. Balmat, St. Lawrence Co., New York, is their address. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patton '50, a daughter , born December 18, 1956, in Chamblee, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carter '49 , 2316 Hiwassee Dr. , Kingsport, Tennessee, wish the MSM alumni to know about Mary Dale, who arrived at their house on November 1956. Bill is with the Tennessee Eastman Co. Mr. and Mrs. T . A. Corcoran '55, announce the arrival of Venita E laine on January 2, 1957. T. A. is in the U. S. Navy and they use 1915 Ekin , New Albany, Indiana as their add ress _ Mr. and Mrs. Carleton A. Brown ' 50, a son, Mark Carleton, born July 26 , 1956. In Lakewood , New York , they live at 310 Maplecrest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Kummer '5 5, 426 W . 8th St. , Washington , Missouri , a son , born January 19 , 1957 , to add to their family which includes a girl of three years. Fred has the construction company , Buckley and Kummer, doing commercial and industrial construction. Mr. and Mrs . James Weber ' 53, are proud parents of another son , Edward Paul , born August 22 , 1956. His brother James Layne will be 2 years old this July. Bill is with the Texas Company , Escobas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Mi lton Freiert ' 50, welcomed Mark in April 1956 , at their new home, 1425 St. Denis, Florissant, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mulholland , Jr. ' 52 , have their first son , Gerald Patrick, born December 18, 1956. They have two daughters. John recently became a Construction and Maintenance Supervisor with Shell Oil Company. They live at 4532 Audubon , St. Louis, 10, Mo .
Alumni Personals 1892 Edward M. Johnson, P. O. Box 514, Henryetta, Oklahoma, is the on ly Jiving member of his class.
1 904 George V. Bland, Custer , South Dakota , is the Senior Partner of Bland Mining and Milling producers of 20 0/0 of the U. S. domestic beryl during the last five years. 15
191 0 Monroe Farra r has retired on his fa rm R . R . 4, Mattoon, Illinois. Albert Park is Assistant City E ngineer, Casper, Wyoming. His mailing address is P . O. Box 493 . 192 1 William R . Quilliam, a gradua te in Mining E ngineering, is an attorn ey in the oil business in Beaumont, T exas. H e wrote "1 was a stud ent a t MSM durin bO" th~ time tha t men like D ean, Ba rley, Ga rrett, Clayton, Thornberry, McRae, presided over the classrooms. It is ha rd for me to think of MS M without them. I'm coming back someday for a visit. " P . O. Box 165, Beaumont, T exas, is his mailing address. J oseph H. Rohloff is H ead of the Science D epartment, Wa rwick ( Rhode Island) High School, a nd has been teaching in \Varwick for 21 years. H e received the Elizabeth Thompson Award fo r outstanding science teaching, Am erican Academy of Arts and Sciene. H as had a winner from his school's Science Club go to the National Science Fair seven consecutive years, a nd is T echnical Directo r of M. W. Dun ton Co ., of P rovidence, R. 1., ma nufacturers of solders and flu xes . His address is 2 Palm Blvd. , Lakewood 5, R. 1. 192 2 Da niel Huffman was employed by Arizona ' Products a nd Machine Co ., on D ecember 26, 1956, as Mechanical E ngineer Inspector a nd a week la ter w~s made Chi ef Inspector. His address IS 826 E. Belmont , Phoeni x, Arizona. Edwin G. M uchin , Nashville, Illinois, is P roject Manage r a nd General Superintende nt for construction of a dam and reservoir for E ffingham Wa ter Au thori ty, Effingham , Illinois.
1924 Wilford S. Wright is T echnical Advisor on M ining fo r the Internati onal Coopera tion Administra tion with present headqua rters in :M anila, Philippin e I sla nds. H e is doing special in vestigation on nickel and iron reso urces. Hi s address is USAOM-I CA, APO 92 8, c/ o Postmaster, San Fra ncisco , California . F red P . Matlack is a t Smiths Bluff, T exas, wo rki ng a t the T exas P ure Oil Refinery's constru ction with R. lV1. Pa rson & Co. His address is P. O. Box 625 , Nede rland , T exas. 192 5 Cha rles C. Irving, Contractor with the ]. M. Co rbett Co., advises tha t 16
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their daughter, Marie Ann , was ma rried in November to Neils Krag, in Bangkok, Thailand . Cha rles and Mrs. Irving made a six weeks trip to the Orient to visit them in Bangkok. The Irvings live a t 317 W . Butterfi eld Road, E lmhurst, Illinoi s. 1 926 E. M . Lindena u is active in his profession again after spending six months a t his Thunderbird Ranch , Tucson, Arizona . His address now will be San Francisco M ines of Mexico, Ltd. , San Francisco D el Oro, Chih ., Mexico. 1927 R . R . Lusk, with Commonwealth Edison Co ., Chicago, Ill. , will move into their new South Chicago Division, H eadquarters Building, 7601 So. Lawndale Ave ., Chicago 29, about May 1. P. E. Silver, Jr. , Se rvice Engin eer, Baroid Division , National Lead Co ., was tra nsferred to Shreveport, Louisiana, in F ebrua ry.
1928 ]. Bruce Clemmer, H ead of the Intermountain Experiment Station , U. S. Bureau of Mines, Salt Lake City, Utah, received the M ining Wo rld Magazine's individ ual a ward for 195 6. for contributions to the fi eld of ex't raction of uranium. This award was presented to Mr. Clemm er at a session of the Western National Mining Conference.
1930 Jason E. Ba rton has left Billings, Montana a nd is now a t Hagerstown, Maryland , 3 71-A Nottingham Road. \Villiam H . Keller, with Johns-Manville Sales Corp. , after a lifetime in St. Louis, M issouri , has been transferred to Chicago, Illinois. Hi s mailing address is P . O. Box 523, Libertyville, Ill. 1 932 H. B . Wy rick is now in Ha rristown , Illinois, with Shell Oil Co ., and lives at 1343 West Ri verview, Deca tur , Ill. His son D avid B. Wyrick ma rri ed M iss D olores Masters, of St. Louis, Mo., November 24, 1956, a nd he also is working for Shell a t their Wood Ri ver Refin ery . Colonel Stua rt L. D avis, USAF , is looking forwa rd to the return to the la nd of modern conveni ences in June 1958, from his present assignm ent in Pa ris, Fra nce. His address is J CA, APO 230, New York , N .Y. John Ma tsek has been promoted to the position of Chi ef, M ilita ry Bra nch , U . S. Co rps of E ngineers, Little Rock
District, after operating as Acting Chief for three months. The branch opera tes under the Chief Engineering Division and is responsible fo r all Military D esign in the Little Rock District. His residence address is 22 Pine M anor Drive, Little Rock, Ark.
1933 Milton L. Herzog is General :Manager - Film Division - Olin Mathieson Chemical Corpora tion, Pisgah F orest, N orth Carolina. They are manufactures of cellophane and polyethylene film . H e has residence at Breva rd , N. C.
1934 Ernest B . Stolle, has a new address, c/ o M idwest Piping Company, Inc. , 520 Anderson Street, Los Angeles, California. E rnest was transferred by Midwest from their N ew J ersey installa tion. 1935 Anthony ]. Szcuka was on the campus in February interviewing for the Corps of E ngineers, 'Memphis District, where he is employed. His home address is 2068 Evelyn, Memphis, T ennessee. 193 6 Geraldine Grimm Harr has resigned as Planning Engineer for the City of Midland , T exas, a nd is now working for the City of Kansas City, M issouri . 1937 John W. O'Neal is now Supervisor in Government Procurement in the Apparatus Sales Division of General Electric in Schenectady. His address is 14 59 Keyes Avenue, Schenectady. Oscar E. Grewis' address is 2030 Dolph Lane, St. Louis 23 , :Missouri. Oscar writes that he is pla nning to enroll his son, Tom, a t MSM this fall. Mary Riley 's address is c/ o of St. Joseph Lead Company, Balma t, New York. 1 938 Horacio A. F erna ndez is with M inerales Estrategicos, S. A., Apartado Postal No. 52 , Pa rral, Chih ., Mexico. H e has a son who is a ttending high school in Chaminade College , Clayton , Missouri and he advises the son will soon be attending good old MSlVl. Horacio's residence address is Lic. Verdad No. 4, Pa rral , Chih. , Mexico. Roy C. Cornett, Management Consulta nt, has a change of residence address, 121 8 Hollins Road, Richmond 26, Virginia . His business address is at 3524 \Vest Cary Street. H e is adding a confid ential personn el service, fo r both employe rs and job-seekers, to his MSM Alumnus
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management consulting business. J. Craig Ellis has a new address, 524 Highland Ave. , \Vestfield , N. J. Craig wishes to hear from the MSM alumni in the New York area in order to revive the MSM alumni section . He is with Industrial Gas Burners, 50 Church Street, New York, . Y.
1939 Harold C. Miller is Chief Research Engineer for the Super-Cut, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, manufacturers of diamond tools and diamond products. His home add ress is 1411 N. State Street, Chicago 10, Illinois. Edgar F. Pohlman, Route No . I , East St. Louis, Illinois, is head of the Contract Modification Section of the St. Louis District, Corps of Engineers, 420 Locust St., St. Louis , Mo. Lt. Col. Marshall V. J amison, Hqs. , 9th Weather Group, Hws. , Andrews AFB , Washington 25 , D. c., is looking forward to a few years in the U. S. after three pleasant years in Tokio , Japan. He just returned from an international weather symposi um in Australia and several pleasant weeks traveling with the U. S. Baseball team , managed by MSM-man Walter Koziatek. His U. S. team won 16 of 18 games played in the Philippines, Australia and Hongkong. John P. Soult, President of FruinColnon Contracting Co. , St. Louis, Mo. , returned from a trip to India in March. I 940 Thomas J Griffeth is Plant Manager of the Universal Atlas Cement Co ., Fairborn, Ohio. Tom has been with Universal Atlas since 1945. The Griffeths live at 103 E. Emerson Avenue with their four children. The oldest is a sophomore in high school. P. A. Dennie, after spending a year in the head office of the Shell Oil Co. , in New York, N. Y. , is on his second phase of an advanced training program with the company. He is now in The Hague, Netherlands, which is the technical headquarters for the world-wide group of companies known as the Royal Dutch Shell Group. While out of the country, Powell will visit his company 's operations in Nigeria and their London offices. His wife, Pat, accompan ied him to Holland a nd they plan to take a month's vacation to tour Europe before returning to the U. S. in August. Lynn Riege is Director of Sales, Hapman Conveyor's, Inc., Kalamazoo, March April 1957
Michigan. He received the National Honor Award for contributions to the materials handing profession in 19 56 , and installed as national secretary of the American Materials H a ndling Society . H e lives in Kalamazoo , 411 Oakhurst . Major Paul F. Ross is on a threeyear tour as Ass' t. PMST, AFROTC , University of Idaho , Moscow , Idaho , residing at 101 8 East 5th, Moscow . 194 I James W. Kerr is Project Manager in organizing an educational program for developing electronics technicians for International Business Machines Corporation . He is in Poughkeepsie, New York, living at 29 Antoinette Ave . Frank B. Rogers, 1527 Trampe Lane, St. Louis 15, Mo ., is a metallurgist with Granite City Steel Co ., and received his :M .S. in E ngineering Administration , Washington University, St. Louis, in June 1956 . H e is Lt. Comdr. in the Naval Reserve.
1 942 Gil A. N aert , Advanced Petroleum E ngineer for the Ohio Oil Company, was transferred to Ohio 's Midland, Texas office. H ugh M. Clark is Chief of Materials Control and Test for the Hamilton Standard Division, United Aircraft Corporation , Windsor Locks, Connecticut. H e was a campus visitor in February interviewing seniors with the view of prospective employment by his concern. K. P. Showalter was also on the campus in February interviewing seniors for possible employment with Applied Research Laboratory , Monroeville, Pa. Ken is Assistant Division Chief of the Coal, Coke and Chemicals Division. His home address is 6342 Woodlawn Road , Verona, Pa . 1 943 Kenneth R. Joynt is Assistant Division Superintendent, engaged in the exploration and development in the offshore areas for Magnolia Petroleum , Co. , Morgan City , Louisiana. M. K. Main has been transferred from Odessa to Midland , Texas by the Shell Oil Company . Dr. Edmund C. Burke is now Research Metallurgist with Hunter Engineering Company, Riverside, Califo rnia , and resides at 5272 Greenbrier Drive, Riverside .
1944 Kenneth E. Rudert, for the past two years, has been assigned to the Royal Dutch Shell headquarters in The Hague, Holland , as a Petroleum Technical Economics Coordinator. He has visited 25 of the 32 refineries owned and controlled by Royal Dutch Shell. The most interesting of these were in Suez, Egypt, Bombay, India and Balikpappan, Indonesia. This assignment wi ll end in June this year. His temporary address is Nieuwe Duinweg 13 Scheveningen, The H ague, Holland. Edwin A. Zwald was promoted to District Geologist, with the Un ion Producing Co ., in November 1956 , and transferred from Beeville, Texas, to Houston , Texas. His address there is P. O. Box 24n . J. Richard H ansen's address now is 1462 Jefferson Heights Road , Pittsburgh, Pa., where they purchased a new three-bedroom home. 1 946 Kay Ikeuye is with the Metallurgy Division of the Atomic Energy Division of American Standard , 1682 Broadway, Redwood City, California. 194 7 William P. McKinnell, Jr. is with the Ohio Co. , Denver Research Center, P. O. Box 269 , Littleton, Colorado , and resides at 320 Palm Court, Littleton. William received his Ph.D. degree from Ohio State University in 1956. Robert L. White, with the Koppers Co. , Inc. , Chemical Division, has a new add ress, R. D. No.2 , Evans Corner, New Brighton, Pa. 1948 Jacques H. Marchel is now state side and his address is 44 East 63rd Street, New York 21 , New York. Gehard E. Joffee 's add ress is now 110-20 71 st Road , Forest Hills, N . Y. Thomas E. Austin , Jr. , is the Engineer Officer, Veterans Administration Hospital, Butler, Pa. Schuyler Kingslund, is with Monsanto Chemical Co., Nitro , West Virginia, Schuyler is married. Mrs. Kingslund is the former Nellie Dunsto n, of Virgin ia, and they have two children , Schuyler , Jr., and Douglas, and they live at 18 Lakeview Drive, River Lake Estates, St. Albens, West Virginia .
1949 D. R. Witherspoon has recently moved to Midland , Texas from Ca rlsbad, New Mexico. He is Seismic Sup17
Jl L U M N I
ervisor for the Texas Company. Dr. Robert C. Han sen is a Sen ior Sta ff Engineer in the Hughes Research La boratories , Hughes Aircraft Co. , Los married , has one child and resides at 8356 Chase, Los Angeles . J ack K. Trotter is County Superintendent of Highways, J efferson County , Illinois a nd his a ddress is 71 8 Magnolia, Mt. Vernon , Ill. There are four children in the Trotter family , two girls, 8 years and 5 years, a nd two boys, one and two years old. \Villiam F. Hubbard , Jr. , 5650 Varna Ave. , Van Nuys , California, is with the office of the Bureau of Aeronautics , located at Lockheed Aircraft Co rp. , Burba nk.
1 950 Laurence \V. Ca ntwell, P. O. Box 62 9, Room 407 , Santa Fe Building, Ga lveston , Texas, is Assistant Enginee r in the Chief Engineers office , C. G. & S. F. Ry. Co. , with headquarters in Galveston. Roy R. Shourd has been promoted to Manager of the Wichita Falls District of Schlumberger Well Surveying Corporation. H e was forme rly District Ma nager at Big Lake , Texas . E rnest C. Sindelar, 5101 Rawlings St. , Dallas, Texas, is a Project Engineer with the Texas Metal and Mfg. Co., working on government contracts. Robert C. Settgas resigned his position as a Senior Project Engineer with Olin-Mathieson Chemical Com pa ny 's Metals Division to accept the position of Superintendent of Maintenance with the Carter Carburetor Division of CF Industries in St. Louis, M issouri . His residence add ress is 9 SO Quanal Court, Kirkwood 22, Missouri. L. J. Lukrofka, Vice President of the Ka nsas City Section of the M SM Alumni Association , advises they have secured final papers to complete the adoption of a second da ughter. L. J. is Superintendent of the Missouri Water Company , Independen ce, Mo. H a rry C. Lohma n is working for the Wate rbury Furnace Company, M inn eapoli s, Minnesota. Scott H. Gregory , with the Tennessee Gas Transmission Co. , H ouston, T exas, was recently transferred to Houston with residence a t 5237 K leberg, H ou ton 27 . Iva n L. Gray has been tran sferred to General E lectric 's newly-formed com18
mercia I atomic power equipment depa rtment in San J ose, Californi a. He is Superviso r - Chemical Process Equipment Design. Ivan has been with G.E . since gradua tion. The Grays ' address is 952 Kingfisher Drive , Jan Jose. A. Eugene Barn es is a R ocket Engineer with the Thi okol Chemica l Co rporation, Elkton , Maryland. His a ddress is 8 Malvern R oad, Chestnu t Hills, 1 ewark, D elawa re. 'William Holli s, Metallu rgist at General E lect ri c Co. , Fitchburg, Mass ., is now residing a t 6 Chapel St., Ashburnham, Mass. Robert M. Ponder is a Process Engineer for Cla rk Oil a nd Refin ing Corp. , at thei r BI ue I sla nd , Illinoi s refinery . The Ponders have moved to 4315 West 142nd Street, Blue I sla nd , Illinois, a new home. T heir fami ly co nsists of a girl and two boys . Richard J. Stegemeier is with the Union Oil Company of California , Research Center, Brea, Calif . His address is 20 19 \V. Ash, Fullerton , California . Peter J. Koppel has been appointed Field Service Manager , Industria l Division , ?\'Ieadville, Pa. , Works of 'Westinghouse Electric Co rp. Peter went with Westinghouse after grad uation a nd in 1951 was assigned to the Industrial H eating Division. He is well qua lified to perform the responsibilities of this positon , having had wide experience in the field . He will be respon sible for the di visional activity on erection , start up and test, and service of a ll industrial heating appa ra tus. His add ress is Sta r Route, Meadville, Pa. Lawrence J. Nagel has a change of address to c/ o Grad - Seelye, Det. 2 7501 SUPRON, ,APO 147 , c/ o Postmas ter, New York, N. Y . Cha rles M . Rice is now head of the Power Reacto rs Section of the Atomi c Energy Division of American Sta ndard , 1682 Broadway , Redwood City , Ca lifornia. Robert N . Schmidt, who has been employed by the St. Louis - San Francisco Railway Company since his graduation , has been appoi n ted Assistan t Division E ngineer, H eadq uarters. F ort Scott, Kansas. Robert D . E rb is a Ma nufacturers R ep resentat ive with the Curti s Musgrove Co. His add ress is 3 14 Locknere La ne, San Antonio , T exas. Bennett D. H owell is a Mechanical Engineer - Production D epartment -
Oklahoma Public Service Co., in Tulsa. His address is 33 13 South Pittsburg. Wa rren H . Johnson is with the SoilCement Bu rea u of the Po rtland Cement Association , Chicago , Ill. , with residence a t 1204 Dartmouth Lan e, Deerfield, Ill. Geo rge P. Mi ller is president of Stan da rd E lectric Steel Casting Co ., Springfield , Missouri. The M illers have two children, Steve a nd Connie. Their address is 2171 Cind erella Road , Springfield. \Vi lliam W. Fahn enbach , 2637 South 30th St. , Milwaukee, \Vi sc. , is with the U . S. F orest Service as Supervisory Car tog raphe r. Edward P . Lasko is a Metallurgist with Erie Forge & Steel Corp. , Erie , Pa. He is workin g in the foundry department on qu ality control of the casting division . In Erie, he lives at 940 W. 3rd St. S. O. Megeff is a Senior Engineer with Sylvania Electric Products, Inc . His address is 147 -3 1 38 th Ave ., Flushing, New York. E llis C. H enry , Jr. , is an Electrical E ngin eer, T raffic Division, City of St. Louis, Mo . The Henrys have three children and live a t 8684 Oriole . Robert J. Pennington , 3433 E. Flower St. , Phoenix, Arizona , is with the Moto rola Research Laboratory . J ames Wm . O'Connor , Jr ., is a Construction E ngineer with Daniel O'ConneUs Sons, Inc ., living in Sp ringfield , Mass ., 66 Wilshire Road. Jim is married a nd they have two children , Kathy , age 5, and J ames III , age 2Y;; years. J ohn D. lVlcDonough is now with the R esearch D epartm ent as a Staff Meta llurgist with the Rem- Cru Titanium Inc. , in M id land , Pa. , a nd living at 84 1 Bank St. , Beave r, Pa. Frank Finch has been transferred to Ft. Dodge, Iowa , by the National Gypsum Co ., where he is Production Engineer. H is ad dress there is 626 No. 23rd St. Edwin H . Barsachs' new address is 74 13 Ea st 30th St. , Tulsa, Oklahoma. J ohn W. Knappert ha been promoted to Assistant Superintendent at Donner - H anna Coke Co rp. , Buffalo, N . Y . His residence add ress is still 190 Euclid Ave. , H a mburg, N . Y . Milton T erry is one of many MSM alum ni who a re a t Fruin- Colnon Contracting Co ., St. Lou is, Mo. , a nd its presid ent is John P . So ult '3 9.
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1951 William Givens has recently moved to Odessa, Texas. He is an engineer for Cities Service Oil Compa ny. Julian Weaver is now living a t 1007 West Capitol, Little Rock, Arkansas. Leon F. Woodlock has been appoi nted Roadmaster of the St. Louis Sa n Francisco Ry . Co ., a t Ft. Scott, Kansas. His address is 1524 S. Judson, Ft. Scott. Edwin Elliott, 41 3 West Main Street, Titusville, Pa., is a Metallurgist for the Universal - Cyclops Steel Corp . Erwin E. Dunn is employed by Holmes & Narver, Inc. , Los Angeles , California, as Project Engineer in design of missile facilities for the Air Force I CBM Program . The Dunns a re living at 32 1 Valley Street, Anaheim , California. Ross F. Crow is back with the Koppers Company after 21 months in the Army. The Crows also have a new addition to their family , Patti J ean and she is their first child. Their address is M .R. No.9 , Beaver, Pa. William G. Van Bramer is now with the IBM Corporation as a D esign Engineer in the Production D esign Department of the Milita ry Products Division. He will eventually be located in Owego, New York, at the Airbourne ~o~pute r Laboratory though now he IS 111 Poughkeepsie, N. Y ., residin a at 356 South Road . b Clement Linder was a campus visitor in March. He was here a few days renewing acquaintances between jobs. C. T. Schweizer is now employed by the Mo. State Highway Department as Engineer Inspector II, H eavy Construction, working on the Mark Twain Expressway, St. Louis, Mo. His address is 2512 High School Drive, St. Louis, Mo . Robert B. Barrow is ass istant Project
Engineer, Consolid ated electro-dynamics Corpo ra tion, Research Division , Rochester, N . Y. The Barrows have their first son, born November 5, 1956. They reside at 840 Wegman Rd . Rochester 11 , N. Y. Dona ld A. Coben , 1045 Ocean Ave ., Brooklyn , N. Y., is associa ted with Kiernan E ngineering, in cha rae of en . . b gll1eenng and customer relation s. The company is designers of automotive eq ui pmen t and management consul t.ant s . R. S. Gabrielse is a partner with a new firm , The Stiles Company Mechanica l Contractors, Box 524, Sheboygan, \iVisconsin . Arthur A. Dasenbrock is R esident Engineer fo r Stone & Webster E nai. b neenng Corp ., work ing on the project for Combustion E ng. Inc. , Nuclear Research and Development Center, W indsor, Conn. Robert L. Land , Jr. has been promoted to Superintendent - Coke P roduction-Gary Works Coke and Coal Chemical Division , U. S. Steel. His address is 2596 Morgan St. , East Gary , Indiana. R obert C. Slankard is now with the U . S. Air Force, Installa tions, Criteria and Requisition Branch, Airfield Pave~ents, located in the Pentagon , Washll1gton, D. C. and he is living at 2008 N. D aniel Street, Apt. 301 , Arlington 1, Va. Marvin Zeid is a Petroleum Enaineer with the Brazos Oil and Gas Co ., Houston, Texas . The Zeids have a son Marvin, and reside at 4502 Kingfisher. Bella ire, T exas . '
J. R. " Bob" Faulkner has accepted a position with Reynolds Metals in St. Louis, Missouri and he, his wife and their two children , Beverly and ' Jimmie, now live at 9265 Forman Road I ndian Hills Divi sion , St. Louis , Mo '
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If yo ur address has changed , complete and tear out this slip and mail it immedia tely to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks.
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Mm'ch April 1957
Kenneth L. Birk is with Socony Mobil Oil Co ., Paulsboro, N. Y., with residence at 94 1 Walnu t Aven ue, Woodbury H eights, N. J. J erry S. K lobe was released from active d uty with the U. S. Arm y in Jan ua ry, and is now Associate Engineer, Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Union Ca rbid e N uclear Company, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. In Oak Ridge his add ress is 95 Tabo r Road. Ward B . \i\Tahl is now Salesman with the Socony Oil Co. , Philadelphia, Pa., and is living a t H a rtsville, Pa. , His mailing address is Box No.5. John P. Zedalis is Assistant Office Engineer, Chas. T . Main , Inc. , Architest - Engineers, Boston, Mass. John was ma rried on March 2 1957 to Bernice H elen Ziemba, or' Hartfo rd , Connecticut, at Alexandria, Vi rginia. The newlyweds address is Apt. 8, 6700 Glen Carlyn Drive, Falls Church , Va. J uni us L. J ohnson has been transferred from the production engineering staff of D elco Battery operations in M uncie, Indiana , to the position of Resident Production Engineer of the Delco Battery plant located in Olathe Kansas. His address there is 508 Ridae~ b view. John W. Finklang formerly Minin a Engineer for the Anaconda Company~ Butte, Montana has accepted a posit ion as Valuation Enginer, U. S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Bill ings, Montana. His ad dress is 1036 North 25th Street Billings. ' Lewis C. Martin has been wi th the Petroleum Co. , doin a creoloaic Sahara . 0 0 0 mappll1g in the Lybian Desert and subsurface work in Cairo , Egypt. The Middle-East crisis .brought a request from the Department of State that he return to the U. S. He arrived in the U. S. on November 30, married on Christmas I?ay a nd is now working for the Contll1ental Oil Company. His tempora ry address is P. O . Box 11 21 Dura nao Colorado. ' b , David Conklin is with the Chemistry D epartment of the American Standard 1682 Broadway, Redwood -Ci ty Cali~ fornia. ' J. Roger Scrivner, 2028 Lakewood D rive, Dayton 10, Ohio has recently joined G. H. Leland , I n'c ., as a Sales Engineering Trainee. They are manufacturers of Ledex rota ry solenoids and circuit selectors .
Lt. Joh n G. Macke recently returned from two years in Japan a nd has been assigned to E llington AFB , Texas, as a pilot of T-29 's . His unit is the 3608th NTS (Fly . Supp.) P . O. Box 226, E llington AFB , Houston , Texas. Wallace Ferguson is a F ield Engineer with the Holmes Con stru ction Co. , in the Chicago area . Hi s add re s is 826 E . Victo ria, Wooste r, Ohio. 1 953 H a rry J. F itzGibbon has been tran ferred from Cameron , Loui iana to Magnolia Petroleum ompa ny's district office in Lake Cha rles, La. , where he is a corrosion engin eer. Hi s Lake Cha rles address is 215 Beauregard Drive. David B. McKee is a Chemist with Gra nite City Steel, Gra nite City, Ill. David and Miss Betty J. Gross, of St. Louis, Missouri , were marri ed eptembel' 29 , 1956, and are living at 2402 Cleveland , Gran ite City. LeRoy Justice is a Juni or Engineer , Transmission Department, Atlantic Seaboard Corp. , Lexington , Va. R. F. D. No.5 is his home address . T. L. Koederitz has been tran sferred to Cincinn ati , Ohio. He is with the General E lectric's Gas Turbin e Testing Division , as T echnical Engineer. His Cincinnati address is 2524 Ardmore. Harold A. Weinland , 630 W . College St., Seminole, Okla., is with Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. They have chil dren , D a nny, 6 years old and Jimmy , 2. 1 954 Richard L. Reeg is employed with White-Rodgers Company , Armament D epartment, St. Louis, Mo. He spent last summe r at Wright Patter on AFB on a flight test program. Richa rd lives at 4216 South 38 th , St. Louis 16. J ohn A. Moritz is attending Case Institute of T echnology, Cleveland , Ohio , and will receive hi s Master of Science in E ngin eering Administration in Ju ne 1957. John was sepa ra ted from the Army in 1956 after 18 months in Japan a nd he is on leave of absence from M . A. H a nna Co ., Iron River, Michigan . Daniel E. Groteke is on active duty with the Army sta tioned at F ra nkfort Arsenal, Phi ladelphia, Pa ., working as a metallu rgical engineer in the Scientific and Profes ional P rogram with a ra nk of SP / 3. H e expects to be discha rged in October 1957. Hi s address is 7041 Hegerm a n Ave., Ph iladelph ia . 20
Kenneth D. Cole was separated from milita ry service in Febr uary 1957 , and is working for the Corps of Eng ineers in the Co nstruction B ranch, Co n tract Adm ini stration Sectio n of the Kansas City District. His address is 6004 Perry St reet, Ka nsas City, Missouri. Richa rd C. Kolb is a P rod ucti on Engineer with the Oklahoma Public Service Co., living at 210 IN. H askell St., Tul a, Okla homa. 1 955 H. G. IVeidman, Jr. , 216 East 9th prin as, Kansas, has Street, Baxter accepted a position as a junior mining engineer with the Food Machin ery and Chemical Corpora tion. Walter J. Casler is now Deputy Bui lding Official - Building Regulations, Depa rtment of P ublic Works, St. Louis County, Missou ri , with of fices in the Court House, Clayton , Mi ssouri . Bi ll J. Greer, who is with the Hughes T ool Company , has returned to Mid la nd , T exas, after a year in Hou ton. John A. Grosso, fo rmerly with Sinclair Oil and Gas Company, in Odessa, T exas, is now in the a rm y . Richard B. Leisure received his mili ta ry discharge September 1956 , while overseas. H e enrolled in the Un iversity of Mad rid , Spa in , one semester and ta ught English to 6 stud ents there. Now he is on his way around the world a nd expects to be back in the States by August 1957 . He was in Greece when we received a note from him in Ma rch. H e uses 101 Highland Street, Calu met City, Illinois, as hi s address . Orval L. Sutton is with the Gardner - Denver Company, Quincy, Illinois, as a Junior E ngin eer designing pum p and comp resso rs for oil fi eld use. The
Suttons have a so n, James Leslie, born August 23, 1956. They live on R. R . No. 1, Palmyra, Mo. Sam Smart's add ress now is Sparta, Illinois. Ralph T . Davis, Jr. , is now with Eme rson E lectric Company, St. Louis, M issouri and residing at 111 D a rst Road, Ferguson 21, Missouri . 2nd . Lt. Cha rles E . GockeL 2nd . Lt. Alfred J. Bogush , Jr. , an d ' 2nd. Lt. James M. F ranklin , recently grad uated from the 14-week officers basic course at The E nginee r School, Fort Belvoi r, Va. These off icers received training in staff function s, combat operations and military engineering. Oris G. Lansford is an Engineer with the Oklahoma Public Service Co Weleetka, Oklahoma. ., 1st. Lt. J ohn V'l . Padan has retu rned ft:om duty in Germany and winding up hiS two yea rs of duty with the H & S Co ., 5th E ng. Bn. (C) , Ft. Leonard Wood , Missouri. 1 956 Robert E. D avis, who is employed by the Texas Company , has been transferred from Midla nd , Texas. to Farmington , New Mexico. Albert G. Sturd evant recently joined the development staff of the Packaain a Division of the Procto r & Gamble C~m~ pany , Cin cin nati, Ohio. Donald F. Haber recently began six months of active duty training at Fort Leona rd Wood , M issouri , under the Reserve Forces Act. 1 957 Ke nneth G. E scott is an Enaineer Trainee with the Oklahoma P Ubl'ic Service Co ., a nd resides at 1340 G. East 38 th P lace , Tu lsa , Oklahoma .
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