Missouri S&T Magazine July-August 1957

Page 1


Highway Technicians Complete Course The sixty members of the M isso uri Sta te Highway D epa rtment who compl eted a n eight-weeks specia li zed co urse this summ er to tra in t hem for their job as technicia ns. In the fr ont row, center, in a dark s uit is D ean Curti s L. \-Vilso n. On the right of D ean W ilson is Dr. Thomas Beverid ge, the commencement speaker ; left of the D ea n is P rof. Leon H ershkow itz, of the Civil E ngin eering faculty.

Volume 31


1957 Number 4

(At the suggestion of Mel Nick el, for the rest of the year, the editorship of the " President's Column" is being passed to other OfF eel's and Directors.) ~E NGINEERING is t he a rt a nd science

of utili zing the mate ri a l a nd fo rces of nat ure fo r the benefit of mankind ." Tha t 's the de finit ion 1 learn ed a t Ro ll a forty yea rs ago, a nd a lthough most o f th e techni ca l info rma tion we learn ed then ha s long sin ce been forgo tten by us lost sheep who strayed fr om t he fold , t he def initi oll of wha t we we re learnin g has stuck through th e yea rs . The d e finiti on is just as good t oday as it was then. But wha t new ma t eria ls a nd for ces the eng in ee r ha s to wo rk with ! It 's thrilling to co ntemplate the vast strid es ma d e s in ce tn e secrets of the a tom were ma d e kn ow ll , a nd the stagge rin g a rray of new p rodu cts brough t into being by scientifi c a nd eng in eeri ng pr in c ipl es app li ed to the raw mate rials found in na ture. W e enj oy everyday use o f plas ti c products undreamed o f wh en I was a stud ent. Life is made more pleasan t , comfo rtab le a nd conven ient in h omes, offices a nd public places by electroni c devices that didn ' t ex ist a genera t ion ago. Prog ress is continuing a t a n accele rated pace and leads o ne to the wistfu l hope, "1 wish 1 could li ve fifty yea rs fro m now to see th e kind of world we'll have ." Some of o ur M SM a lumni have played a la rge part in the techn ological adva nce that is remaking th e modern world. Others have ma d e a mo re mod est contribution- but a ll o f us have benefit ed fr om it. And a ll of us have benefit ed d irectly or in d irectly , from the educati on a nd tra ining we got in our Alm a Mater. Does thi s not g ive us both a n oppo rtunity a nd a cha ll enge to pay a pa rt of the deb t we owe, by add ing to th e st rengt h of numbers a nd some po rtion of our reso urces , to help build a nd mainta in a viril e, active Alumni Assoc ia t ion ? All Alumni can make a co nt ributi on to the Alumn i Fund , t he a mo unt is left to yo u. Vie need the supp ort o f a ll to carryo n o ur prog ram of activi ty . Our goal is within reach a nd if yo u have not ye t ma d e yo ur con t ributi on fo r the curren t year yo u a re st rongly



MSM Alumni Association

President's Column

Term Expires


. ... :........ . 19 59

President.. ........... .. ......................... Melvin E . N icke l '38 ...... ...... Internatio na l H a rves te r Co . \Vi sconsin S teel Div is ion 270 1 E as t 106t h S tr ee t C hicago 17, Illino is Executive Vice-Presid ent.. ........... .. Pau l T . D o wling '40...

.. .... . 14 00 So uth 2 nd 51. S t. L o u is 4 , rVl isso uri

.. . P. O. Box 28 ...... .... ............. .

... S. Allen S to ne '30

Vice-P resident Areas 1, 2, 3

... ..,. 1959


Fo rt W ay ne , Indiana



Hal gre e 60 Cert

Vice¡ Presid ent Area s 4, 5, 6 ....... ) . W . S tephen s ' 47 .

. .. Lee 's S ummit , Missou ri


L. \' Elii,

Vice -Presid ent Areas 7,8, 9 ........ Ba rney N uell ' 2 1..

.. 3 44 0 Wils hire Bou levar d Los Angeles, Ca lifornia

19 5'9



..... Leon H e rs hk owitz '4 1 .......... 1300 Powell ..

Sec reta ry¡ Treas urer

Rolla, IVli sso uri Executive Secret ary ..

.. ... Francis C. Edwa rd s ...


...... MST\ r Alumni Associa tion O ld

Editor, " M S1I1 Alumnus"

~ l e t a llur gy

vey Offi<

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Rolla , i\ l issollri DIRECTOR S AT L A R GE Mervin ) . Kell y ' 14 ....................... .

I Q59

.. 463 W es t S tree t . Ne w Yo rk 14 , 1\'ell' Yor k

james W . S tephens '47 ............ ............ ..... . ..... Lee 's S ummit , ~ l i sso un

1959 ~ li sso uri

R ex Willi ams '3 1. ...... . .... ............................. 504 Ea s t 5th S treet , Ro ll a.



S ta les Embrac en

Direc to r

Term Exp.

:--: e w En g la nd , N. Y., 1\ . j ., Eas t Pa ., 125 Church Street. i\'ta ivern. Ne w York ........ Disl. of Colu mbia , ~ I d " Va ., Delaware

.. ........ H owa rd j . Teas ' 17 .

2....... R o ll a T. Wad e '3 1 ................... S. Ar k ., N. C., S. 730 Pierre M o nt Rd ., Shrevepo rt , Lo ui s ia na Ala. , Ga ., Fla . 3 ........... 5. All e n S to ne '30 .. P. O. Box n. Fort Wa y ne , Inni a na

.. c.


.j oseph E. Sca ll y '3 1 P. O. Box 1655. Tulsa . Ok la homa

C. Pa lmer '40 . 164 1 Andrew Dri ve , 5 t. Lo ui s 22 , Missou ri

.. 1958

La ., ~ li ss. , .

195 7

... \V. Va ., O hio , \V. Pa ., Ky., Tenn ., . . In d ., ( Ex ce pt C' hi ca!(o I ndu s tr ia l Area)

.. ..... 19 57

N. 11 1. , Chicago Indust ria l Area " in Indiana , \Visc. , ~ li c h " l\ linn .

........... j. Wa lter Wal lace '48 ... 18 4 55 S ted ha ll , H omewood , 1I1i noi s



.. S. II I. , E.

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D '42 ,

N . Ark .

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Iowa , \\ ', r<. 10., N eb ., K an., Okl a. T e~a s,

.... K e nn e th F . Andersun '4 2 .. 111 4 Co mm e rce S t .. Roo m 1909 Da ll a s 2, Texas 8 .......... H arvey L. T edr ow ' II O lin H o te l Denver, Coloradu

. 1958

Ari zu na , Ne w i\ lex ico

Ida ho , ~ l on t ana , No rth D a ko ta, .......... .. ..... ... ....... 195 7 So uth Dako ta , \ Vyoming , Colo rado ,

.. ..

9 ... .. ... Barney Nue ll ' 2 1 3 440 Wil s hire Bou leva rd Los An ge les , Ca lifo rn ia


Nevada , Utah .... \Vashing toll , Oregoll , Ca li fo rn ia ...

urged to do so a t once . Barn ey N ue ll ' 2 l Vice Pres id ent Areas 7, 8, 9.

MSM Alumnus Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the glOduat es and fonner students of the School of Mines and NI etallurg-y . Subscription price, $1.50, included in A til Inni Dues . Entered as second-class 'matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Offi ce at Rolla, Mo. , under the Act of March 3, 1879.

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NISM Alumnus


Dr. Beveridge, State Geologist, Speaker At Summer Commencement Held July 27 1919

1919 19i9 19i9 19i1 1959

19i9 1959

:FIRST SUMMER COMMENCEMENT at MSM since 1952 was held Sa turday , Jul y 27, a t Parker H a ll. T here we re 32 Bachelor's degrees, 2 Master of Science degrees .a nd 60 M issouri Sta te Highway Tra mee Ce rt ifica tes awarded by D ean Cur t is L . W ilson on behalf of P resident E lmer E llis, P resident of the U ni ve rsity of M isso uri , who was out of the sta te.



Dr. Thomas R obinson Beveridge '42, :M isso uri Sta te Geologist and Director of the iVIisso uri Geological Survey and Water Resources; a nd ExOffi cio Member of the Sta te Highway Commission gave the commencement address on the subj ect : " T he P ublic and Social Rela tions of T oday's E ngineer. "

. 19i9


Exp. 1953

. 1951 . 1951 . 1951 . 19i3

.. 1959

.. 195!

. 1951

.. 195!

D r. Beveridge, in ad monishing the grad ua tes a bout their futures, stated that with the broadening of the enginee ring curriculum to include Ind ustria l, N uclear, Chemica l, E lectri cal and :Mechanical Engineering co urses, the engin eer was no longer required to li ve under the primitive conditions in outposts of civilization but live sophi stica ted lives in urba n surround ings. It is im perative tha t the engineer be a bl e to write a nd say wha t he thinks. "What does society expect of the modern engineer ?" was a question of inquiry by Dr. Beveridge . " P rima ril y , he mu st be a man who is accepta ble in his community . H e is acti ve in civic and church organi za tions, and has a stable home life. Thi s home life, however, cannot be ideal as that in some p rofessions because the engineer may find it necessary to spend many days away fr om his family . This is especially true in the case of the consulta nt who spends a large portion of hi s tim e away fr om home. F urthermore, the engineer , being a professional man, must exceed the 40-hour week a nd will often be called on or will discipline him self to night and week-end workwith no overtime" Dr. Beveridge also stated , " A happy note in the engineering p rofession has been the rise in moral stand a rd s. It is no longer consid ered sma rt to go on binges a t conventions, and the few who a re foolish enough to do so a re now

July Augu.st 1957 iIl/lllIIll

fr owned on by fe llow enginee rs. This does no t mea n tha t the engineer must be a teetota ler but it does mean tha t he has reached a position in society which demands he be gua rded in his cond uct. Likewise the complete a bstainer is not a subject of ridicule, with one provision- tha t he not be a p rude a nd adopt a " holier-than-thou" a ttitude." P rofesso r R olfe M. R ankin , Directo r of the Summer Session, presented the candida tes for deg rees to D ean Curtis L. Wilson. Lt. Col. K enneth Mc Guire, U . S. Army Corps of E nginee rs.. presented eight ROTC cand ida tes fo r commi ssions as Seco nd Lieutena nts in the U . S. Arm y . The meda l for the outsta nding cadet in the Adva nced Course, ROTC, was awa rded to \Vaymon Lay ton J ohnston, of R olla, M issouri. This was for all-a round performance in lea dership and academi c a bility a nd display of initia tive and enthusiasm in furth ering the ROTC progra m. In the a bsence of R ex Whitten, Chief E nginee r of the M isso uri State Highway Commi ssion, who was in \Vashington, D . c., conferring abou t the U. S. In te r-State Highway Progra m, J. c. Co rbett, his assista nt, conferred certificates to the 60 tra inees in the Highway D epartment, as recommended by P rofesso r Leon H ershkowitz, of the MSM fac ulty .

Attention, Chicago Alumni During the National :Metal Congress in Chi cago , Illinois, the MSM Alumni Associa tion is planning to have an a lumni lun cheon Wednesday noon, November 6th . The place will be the Palmer H ouse and tickets will be on sale a t the American Society for Me ta ls R egistration D esk at the Palmer H ouse , and a t the Interna tional Amphitheatre . It is importa nt to purchase tickets a t one of these two places as ea rly as possible, during the Congress, since a gua ra ntee must be given the hotel be fore 6: 00 p. m ., Tuesday , the day before the luncheon.

Prouty to Head Geology Dept. at Michigan State CHILTON E. PROUTY has been H ead of the D epar tment of Geology a t the U niversity of Pittsburgh . On September 1, 195 7, thi s position will termina te a t the U ni versity of P ittsburgh a nd he will continue to d irect the tra ining of potential scientists a t M ichigan State Coll ege, Lansing, M ichigan, as H ead of the Depa rtment of Geology.



" Chi p " was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a nd a ttended high school in Chapel Hill , No rth Carolina, graduating there in 1932. H e entered the U ni versity of N orth Carolina and rece ived his Bac helor of Science degree fr om tha t school in 1936 . Tha t same yea r he came to the M isso uri School of M ines and Metallurgy , completing h is work for his Master of Science degree in 1938. H e received a Resident Schola r awa rd from Columbia U niversity in 1939 and 1940. This led to his Ph. D . deg ree that he received there in 1944 . His teaching career began in 1938 a nd 1939, as Instructor a t the U ni ve rsity of No rth Carolina. H e ta ugh t General Geology and Map Interp retation. In 1946 , he wen t to the U ni ve rsity of P ittsburgh. H ere he ta ught P aleo ntology, Stra tigra phy, Sed imentation, Field Geology a nd Map Interp reta tion a nd beca me H ead of the Department. Dr. P routy has ha d a great deal of prac tical experi ence in the field of geology . H e has contributed his talents as Geologist with the Virginia Geologica l Sur vey; New York Geological Survey; U . S. Geological Survey se rving in Nevada, Virginia, T enn essee . Monta na and the D a kotas; the T ennessee Valley Authority where he was engaged in foundation stud ies a t Fo rt Loudo un dam a nd the Oak Ridge hydroelectric project ; Coope ra ting Geologist with the Pennsylvania Geological Survey a nd as a consulta nt in gove rnment a nd industry. H e has published many papers a nd books, among which a re: Laborato ry Manual of Historical Geology; St ratigraphy of the Lower M iddl e Ordovician of T azewell Coun ty, Virginia; R ela tionship of Cambro - Ordivician D olomites to F acies Ba rriers in Tennessee a nd Virginia ; R esults of Studies


Along the Allegheny Front in Pennsylva nia a nd Stoneheng- Larke R ela tionship, Centra l Pennsylvania. His a bility in his professiona l field is recognized by the professional societies in which he holds memberhsip. H e i a member of the Associa tion of Geology T eachers a nd is Presidentelect of this Associa tion for 19 58. H e has served as National Secreta ry in 1956 a nd 195 7 and was President of the Eastern Section of this group in 19 52. Other societies in which he has membership a re: American Geological Institu te, serving as Committeema n in 1956 a nd 195 7; the Pa leontological Society of America; American Association fo r Advancement of Science ; Geological Society of America and the American Associa tion of Petroleum Geologists. Further recognition of his professional sta ture is membership in the honorary fra terni ty , Sigma Xi , a nd the p rofessiona l fra ternity dealing with earth science, Sigma Ga mma E psilon . There a re two children in the Prouty fa mily, both boys, Willia m E . a nd J ohn F. They could with pride follow in their fa ther's footsteps. Dr. P routy is to be commended for the years of his life tha t he has contri b uted to the trai ning of geologists. In his new department a t M ichigan Sta te College we wish him continued success and we know tha t it will adva nce und er his able leadership .

House of Unique Design Built by Donald Dean In the F ebrua ry 195 7, issue of " Forlune," the Ap ril issue of " H ouse a nd H ome" and a n Associa ted P ress news release this spring, a ll procla imed an a rchitectural design of a home built by Dr. D onald L. D ean '49, Assista nt to the D ean of E naineering, Uni ve rsity of K a nsas, a t Law rence. It is called a hype rbolic pa ra bolid house a nd is made of stra ight pieces o f timber and is a nchored on three piers. D on designed a nd built the struclure to p rove its comm ercial prac ti cality . The structure, which is 40 'x80 ', cost $18,000, partl y furni shed , has as mu ch fl oo r space as the conve nti onal $36,000 house. \Ve had hoped to have a picture o f the house, showing its unique des ign a nd stru cture. 4

Science Education Council Organized by Claude Valerius at Shreveport, La. Cla ud e N . Valeriu s '25, a n ind ependent oil geologist, of Shreveport, Loui sia na, is a n extremely busy individua l in the opera tion of his own business but it seems tha t he a lways find s time to help others, parti cu la rl y the yo unge r genera ti on. Hi s la test worthwhile acti vity is his co ntribution in the organiza tion of the "Science E du cation Co uncil " with headq ua rters in Shreveport. And Cla ud e has been chosen Presid en t o f thi s newly organi zed group. The purpose of the Council 's program is to stimula te interest in Sc ience in p rima ry and seco ndary school a nd their program was initi a ted in the public, priva te and pa rochial schools in the parishes of Cadd o, Bossier a nd W ebster, Loui sia na. The Council has the support o f industry and professional organi zations in the community who a re fin a ncing the pr og ra m. In expla ining the p rogram, Mr. Va lerius sta tes, " Pa rti cular emphasis is

to be placed on the importan ce of laying a g roundwork for a scientific caree r elementa ry in high schools a nd schools." H e point out tha t ma ny stud ents, who decide a fter they get to college tha t they a re interested in such caree rs, a re thwa rted by their fa ilure to provide a ny educationa l bas is for that kind of work while they were in high school. " In other cases," he says, " students go through several yea rs of college before deciding wha t they want to do. So fa r as a caree r is concerned , this is la rgely was ted tim e. It is much better if the stud ent decides wha t he wants to do with hi s life before he enters college . The Science Edu cation Council will a ttempt to enable some students to make this ea rl y decision. " There is little qu estion that this Council will not succeed since simila r groups in several la rge America n ci ti es have been successful in their motive to interest and p repare youth in a caree r in the fi eld of scien ce.

12: ~ 2:c 7:C 9:C 9:(

Sept Sept ept Ocl( Ocl( Ocl(



J ohn H. Cox '48, has been a nnounced as M a nufacturing Engineer of the Babcock & \Vilcox Co mpany's Barberton \Vo rks, Ba rberton, Ohio. In this newl y-created post on the Supe rintendent's Sta ff , Mr. Cox will be responsible for coordinating the va rious fun ction s of the Ba rberton \1\1 orks' a tomic energy program involving lia iso n a mong in spection , quality control, production, engineering a nd va rious fa brication shops.

M r. and Mrs . Cox , the form er Lyn Nap ier, of Ba rberton, a nd their chil -

9:( 10:L

\ 01'

Cox in Newly Created Job With Babcock-Wilcox

lVI r. Cox has been with B&W sin ce 1948 . H e was th en a meta llurgica l tec hni cia n in the Qua lity Cont rol D epa rtm ent. In J a nua ry 1952, he was made assista nt fo rema n in the Tu be Shop a t Ba rberto n, and la ter, in D ecember of that yea r, he was tra nsferred to the Boiler Division's Pa ri s Work s as Tube Shop F orema n . In J a nua ry 19 54 , he was made F orema n in cha rge of the H eader and Drum Shop . And in October 1955 , he was named General Forema n a t the Paris W orks .

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dren, K enn eth E., six years, and Lora Ly n, 1 yea r , live a t 14 79 Union Street, Ba rbe rto n. J ohn is a member of the Am erican Soc iety o f M etals, Ba rberton E lks Clu b a nd the K appa Sigma fraternity.

1115111 Alu mnus

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l. H. Jackson Gets Merit Award at Oak Ridge


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1: 30 p. m. 7:00p.m.

Board of Directo rs Meeting, R oom 107 , Mining Building Dutch Trea t Dinner- P ine R oom- Grey hound Bus Depot

Saturday, October 26 9:00 a. m. 10:45 a . \11. 12:30 p.m. 2:00p .m. 7: 00 p . m. 9: 00 p . m. 9 :00 p. m.

R egistra tion- Parker H a ll Annual :Meeting MSM Alumni Association, Auditorium , P a rker H a ll Class R eunion Lun cheo ns-F ra ternity R eunions Footba ll-lVliners vs . So utheast M isso uri State College India ns Annual H omecoming B a nquet- Coll ege Inn - Edw in Long H otel H omecoming Dan ce- Jacklin g Gy m Open House

1957 MINER FOOTBALL SCHEDULE September 14 No rtheastern Okla homa Sta te College Sep tember 2 1 Ca rthage College Sep tem bel' 28 vVashington U ni ve rsity October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26

P ittsburg Kansas State Teachers College Cen tral lVlisso uri State College No rth west Misso uri State College So utheast :Missouri Sta te College

T a hlequah , Okla. R oll a , Missouri St. Louis , Missouri Rolla , 'M i ssouri Rolla, 'Misso uri Ma ryville, :Mi ssouri R olla , M issouri

( H o'inecoming) November November

1 N ortheast Missouri State College

9 Southwest M isso uri State College

Kirksville, Missouri Sp rin g field , Mi ssouri

Prof. Grimm Attends AI EE Meeting in Canada

i Lora Street,

of the rberton

1a fra·

P rofesso r C. J. Grimm '3D, of the E lectrical E ngineering Department, attended the Summer Genera l Meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in Mo ntreal, Canad a , June 24-2 8 . Professo r Grimm is ve ry acti ve in the affa irs of the AlEE parti cula rl y t he Stud ent Branches of the institute. In 1956-57 , he was Cha irman of District 7 of AlEE's Student Acti vities Committee a nd he was elected thi s yea r to the Vice-Chairman ship of AlEE's Committee on Student Branches . T hi s committ ee supervises the institute's 155 student branches with ove r 10 ,000 members . U nder the guida nce of Professo r Grimm , the stud ent bra nch at lVISM has a most enviable record that is unsurpassed by other schools' stud ent groups . The Cha irma n of the Committee on Student Branches is J oseph W, Rittenhouse '49 . J oe was form erl y on the

July Augus t 1957 1/1/111/1/5

fac ulty a t MSM in the E lectri cal E ng ineering Departm ent a nd he is now with the Hi-Voltage Eq uipm ent Company , Clevela nd , Ohio.

MSM Graduate Represents M. U. at Inauguration of Michigan Tech. President Dr. J ohn R. Van Pelt was inaugurated as P resident o f Michigan College of M ining and Technology , Houghton , Michigan, May 10, 1957. Professor Ernest R. Epperson '3 1, of the C hem ical Engin eering Department a t H oughton, served as a rep resenta tive of the U nive rsity of M isso uri a t the ina uguration ceremony, a nd was appointed by E lm er E lli s, President of the U niversity of M isso uri. Professor Eppe rson a lso received his Master of Science deg ree at M SM 111 1932 , a nd he has been teaching at MCMT for more than ten yea rs.

LeRoy H. J ackson '3 4, was rece ntly g ra nted a n awa rd for commenda bl e ab ility a nd for sustained superi or perform a nce of d uti es with the U. S . Atomic E nergy Commiss ion , Oak Rid ge, Tenn essee . It is the poli cy of the U. S. Ato mi c Energy Commiss ion to recogni ze significant ac hi evement by g ra nting Superior Pe rfo rma nce Awards for acco mplishm en ts exceedin g tha t norm a ll y ex pected fr om its personnel. The recognition , g ra nted onl y to employees of exceptional merit, was s upplemented , in the case of M r. J ackson, by a mon eta ry reward of $ 1000 . M r. S, R. Sapiri e, Ma nage r, Oa k Ridge Operations, in a letter telling of the a ward sta ted , " Although pe rsona l integ rity is a sig nifi cant facto r in the success of eng inee rs, I know h ow much cred it must be given to the faculti es of America 's universiti es . Oak Rid ge Operations is indeed ind ebted to vou r staff for providing so und acad ~ mi c backg round which permits Mr. J ackson to make notewo rthy con tributi on to the mission of the Atom ic E nergy Commission. " As an engineer, M r. J ackson is engaged in wo rk v ita l to the defense e ff ort. I a m confident that his uni versity will a lways be proud of his profess iona I development. "

M r. J ackso n's a dd ress is SOO D ela wa re Avenue, Oak Rid ge, Tenn essee .

Theta Xi Fraternity Buys New House The Theta Xi fraternity Alumni Associa tion, afte r careful consid era tion has purchased the property at 160 5 P ine Street for their new fr a ternity ho use . The house is id eally suited for fra ternity living . It is two blocks from the campus, has a n acre of ad joining g round a nd a dditions can easily be added onto the present structure. During the summ er the necessary remodeling is being completed a nd the house will be ready for occupany thi s fa ll. Theta Xi formerly occupied a house a t 12 03 State Street.


Alumni Section

Northern New Jersey Section


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Southern California Section The So uthern Califo rni a Sect ion held their Summer 1\I eet ing a t t he R edwood H ouse Saturday evening, Jul y 27. R espect was paid to the memories of Nat La wrence a nd Bob Massey , who passed away since t he last meeting . Among newcom ers to th e a rea who we re welcom ed to their first meeting we re M r. a nd Mrs . Donald D. Mo ntgo mery ' 51 ; L este r Brockma nn ' 55 , who is stationecl in Los Angeles in the Armed Forces, a nd Bob Va n Mete r, of the Class of 1959 , who is working in Los Angeles d uring the summ er vacation . Also present, a fte r a long absence, were 1\Ir. a nd M rs. Archi e Naylor ' 24.

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C. Barllc), N 1I eU '21 A ddressiJlg the Newly Formed MSM Section

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Northern New Jersey Section

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An election of off icers was held a nd C ra ig E lli s was selected the Pres ide nt

I :llr, :llr, D. Edll Fin! hart '4 ,

Others present we re : M r. a nd M rs. Hank Adam s ' 12, M r. a nd M rs. P a ul Coaske ' 12, M r. a nd M rs. B ill F letcher '34, M r. a nd M rs . J ack Fl eisc hi , Eva Greene ' II , Pa ul H a lasey '28 , 1\Ir. a nd Mrs . Tom H a rsell '39 , 1\Ir. a nd 1\1rs . S. C. H ollister ' 12, W. F. Hubba rd '49, Mr. a nd M rs . D o n Hu sema n '39 , 1\1r. a nd 1\1rs . Ba rn ey N uell '21, D. 1\1. P iehl er '55, 1\1r . a nd IvIrs. W a lt Scha mel '34, a nd M r . a nd 1\1rs. Bill Schirm er '49.

T he a lu mni in New J ersey , t hroug h th e fin e effo rts of J. C ra ig E lli s '38 , gathe red fo r a n orga ni zat iona l meeting Jun e 21, at the Irvington H ouse, in Irvingto n, New J ersey. T here we re 23 a lumni p resent, incuding Ba rn ey N uell '21, Vice Presid ent Areas 7, 8, 9, who gave a talk on t he a lumni association a nd its benef it to th e schoo l a nd a lumni . After a busin ess meet ing the g roup unanim ously ag reed t ha t a Sec tion shoul d be orga ni zed to be call ed the " No rthern Ne w J ersey Sec tion. " Th is g roup wou ld benefit the a lumn i in New J ersey who have difficulty in try in g to meet with a section in New Yo rk .



AU 23 Who W ere ['resent. Can of t he g roup. R od Day ' 25 , was appo inted Vi ce P res ide nt pro-tem a nd H e rm Bottche r '41 , as Secreta ryT rea s ure r pro-tem . T he pro-tem o ffi ce rs will se rve until a nothe r election can be held in th e fa ll. The a lu mn i prese nt we re : H e rm a n F. Bottche r '4 1, T homas C. B rown ' 51, Geo rge E. Burke '46, H omer C. Coo nce ' 52, G. Robert Couch '4 1, R. O. Day '25, Robe rt E hrli ch '43, J. C ra ig E lli s '38 , R ay mond E. H a llows, Jr. ' 52 , J ohn Hum phrey '42 , H . S. K a li s h '43, H erbe rt E. K ent ' 5 1, Gil bert La Pi ere '47 , Edwa rd 1\1acMaster '5 1, Barney N ue ll '2 1, R obert G. Ordema nn ' 53, E. J. R eeves ' 52 , J. K. Schmi tz '43, A lvin E. St ra ub '40 , Pete r Vaida '47 ,


Identify Th em?

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J a mes F. Va nce, Jr. '42 , Geo rge C. Wa lt her ' 55 , and Ca rl B . Yode r '45 . Barney N uell a lso gave a showing of mov ies t hat were ta ken at the 1952 H omecomi ng . C ra ig E lli s wou ld like for a ll the a lu mni in the New J ersey a rea to contac t him , g iving their co rrect address, in ord er that they may be notifi ed of the fa ll meeting tha t is go ing to be held by t he sec tion . His of fi ce phon e in New York City is W orth 2- 1584, loca ted a t 50 C hurch St reet, R oom 2070 a nd hi s home phon e is W estfield , New J ersey, is vVestfi e ld 2-8359 or 2-5574 . His res id ence is at 524 Highland Avenu e.

MSM Alumnus

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Kansas City Section

Kansas City Gathering

The Kansas City Section staged their Annual Lad ies N ight a t a garden party at the home of Mr. and "Mrs. J. T. Adams '43, 7415 Campbell , in Kansas City, Misso uri. It was a perfect setting for a buffet supper on a very wa rm summ er evening. Forty alumni , their wives and guests were present to enj oy the fin e gathering. The a ttendance proved that the joint a ffairs a re quite pop ula r and the distaff side of the family take quite readily to MSiVi a lumni a ffairs. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor Campbell '23 , M r. and M rs. C. C. Barnds III , ' 55, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. ('Barney" Bryan ' 24 , Dr. a nd M rs. Donale! L. D ean '49 , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Doerres '43 , Mr. a nd Mrs. D. W. Dutton '35 , Mr. and Mrs. Ike Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Finch '43 , Mr. and Mrs. Pau l \-"". Gebha rdt '47 , Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Gunther '48, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Kas ten '43, Mr. ane! Mrs. 'vV. A. Kelly ' 50, George B. Kellison ' 50 and Miss Arlin Austin , C. H. Moore, iVi r. ane! Mrs. Robert Means ' 51 , Mr. and Mrs. George Parish, Jr. ' 55 , M r. a nd Mrs. D. A. Riley '48 , M r. and Mrs. J ohn J. Sponske ' 50, and Mr. and Mrs . Loren H. Selleck '47. The sec tion wishes to extend its sincere tha nks to Mr. and Mrs. Adam s for the faci lities of their home which enabled the section to have such an enjoyable evening. Congratulations to the Section P resident D. A. Riley and to J. W. Gunther who planned the buffet meal.

ge C. '45. ing of 1952

II (he a can¡ ldress, ied of to be phone :_1584. RoOD!

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North Texas Section The North Texas Section of the MSM Alumni Association held thei r Annual Spring-Summer Banquet on Friday evening, June 21 , at Amon Carter Field , which is midway between Dallas and Fort Worth . There were 38 alumni and guests at this banquet which featured a program entitled " The Magic Barrel," a demonstra tion which was presentee! by Mr. C. R. Thompson, of Magnoli a Pipe Line Company of Dallas. This meeting included the election of officers for the coming year. C. Jul y August 1957

I n the pleasant surroundings of

th e rldam.s home rnuch was dis cussed .

Ferbrache '33 , of Fort Worth , was elected president , and K. F. Anderson '42 of Dalla s was elected Vice Pres idel~t. Fred Springer '49 , of Dalla s, will continue as Secreta ry-Treasurer.


During the meeting Ken Ande rson gave a repo rt on the activities a t Hom ecoming las t fall and urged everyo ne to ma ke plan s to a ttend the 1957 H omecoming. A group of alumni from Tyler, T exas , were present and men ti on was made of the fin e ac tivities carried on by their grou p, the Ark-La-T ex Section. Mr. Thurman Thomes '40 , of D allas , was complimented on the fine job he has done as President of the North Texas Section during the past yea r.

The following a lumni a nd thei r wives were present ; those from Dall as we re : Mr. a nd Mrs. Sta nley G. Bend orf '44 , MI'. ane! Mrs. R . L. D ickens ' 51 , M r. a nd M rs. J a mes D. Fowler '08 , M I'. a nd Mrs. J ohn J adwick ' 50, M r. and M rs. Roy N . McB ride ' 14 , E. C. Sindeler ' 50, MI'. and M rs . F red M. Springe r '49 , M I'. a nd Mrs. Thurman Thomes '40 , and M r. a nd Mrs. A. E . Woerheid e '36 . Those from Fo rt Worth were: M I'. and M rs. A. L . Aclzers '22 , M r. a nd M rs. S. M. Greenid ge '02 , and M r. and M rs . Wm. J. Nolte '20 . From Richardson we re : M I'. and Mrs . John W. Ehrler '49. And the visitors from T yler were: C. H. F ink ' 52 , O. Goldsmith ' 20, R. C. Ra nkin '45 and O. E. Thompson '5 l.



MSM Alumni Gathering of Two Decades Ago


(ha tion e Sheil been intend driilin ing 0 counti Deaf Rand, Cimm \\'it new d cover) first I Duro hell • area, well. wildcc Rand


This 1936 vintage photo is of the L os A ngeles Section of the Alumni A ssociation. T wcnty-o ne years 'makes quite a diffe rence . .7. A. lV . Gleason '14, 2. Cla y Gregory ']0, 3 . H . E. S/Jickarri '.77, 4 . S. IJa ul Lilldau '13,5 . C . D. W ebb '03, 6. S. C. Knight '0 6, 7. T . I . Phel/Js '06, 8. f. T . "Cy" 1I0ung '17, 9. I I. B. ll m'ringtol1 ' 75, 70. Jo e St evens '32, 1.7 , H. G. IJllbbard '23, 12 . R. E . Stanley '1 2, 13 . E. D. " T eri" Luntol1 , ] 4. II. F. Va/,el1t in e '23, ] 5. Ra/,ph H aley ' ]5, .7 6. R . L. "Bo b" Mass ey ']8, .77 . L. S. Copelin '13, ] 8 . G, F. 7?ack ett '20, 19 . K. C. Wi/'son ' ] 9, 20 . A. G01'don M eier '23, 2 ]. Will . ll . Jones ' 10, 22. Writ. T, IJayriock ( Wa shington U.) 23 . S . S . McNair ' .7 2, 24 . V. I I. Dosl cr '26, 25 . I I. W . NO'ylol' '24,26. P. g ('oas ke ' .7 2, 27. Fil1llll f ll Aulhorson ( Gues t of ll . C. Hubb ard )

St. Louis Section T he SL Lo ui s Secti on held its a nnua l In stall a tion P a rty Jun e 22 , at t he O ff ice rs lu b, D . S, Naval Air Statio n, L a m be rt F ield , St. L o ui s, M is ouri. Al p rox ima tely 75 a lumn i, t he ir wives a nd g ue ts w re p resent to celeb ra te a ne! g ive recognition to t he new sect io n off.ice rs , Stephen P. a la ra no '47 , is th new e tion C ha irm a n ; P eter F . Matte i '3 7, is t he Vice Cha i rm a n ; B ru ce T a ra nto la '5 1, is the e retary , a nd Ri cha rd H . Ba uer '52 , is the T reas ure r. T he nex t meetin g o f th e St. Lou is g ro ul will be t he ga th erin g at B ush 's G rove, St. Lou is, a ft er the M in e r'W a shi ng ton D, football ga me , at urday , Se ptember 28 th . HOME 01TNG O CT. 25 & 26 M INE RS


VS .


R. L. Hanna Sales Manager For G. E. Central Re9ion Rob ert L. Hann a '43 , ha s been na meel one o f two di stri ct sales ma nage rs in Gene ra l I.<:lectri c's powe r tubes' twenty-o ne s ta te centra l reg ion . H e will co ntinu e to ma ke his headquarte rs at 38 00 N. M il wa ukee Ave., Chi cago . In his new capac ity , M r. H a nna "will g ive sa les a nd a pp ka ti on eng in eerin g ass ista nce to initi al equipment ma nu fac turf' rs who use power tubes in their mi lita ry , communi ca ti ons a nd indu tr ia l e lect roni c equipm ent. H e wi ll a lso be d irectl y res po nsibl e for br in gin g to these ma nufac turers a ny highl y specia li zed aPlli ca ti on eng in ee rin g as,sis tance they may req uire , .lVIr, H a nn a 's prev io us ass ignm ents in G, E, in clude to urs of d uty a a t ra nsm itter des ign eng in ee r a nd a televis ion sa les ng ineer , Fo r the pa s t. ix yea rs, he ha se rved a s d istri c t sa le ma nage r o f the former G. E. tube d eI a rtm en t in th e hi cago a rea .

with ti(lns Came City, well native tendel Techl



Pn versit the souri schol, Colur and t J[ine


R obeI'I L. H alllla R obert is a resid ent of P a la tin e, Illinoi , a nd is a membe r o f Eta K a ppa N u As ocia ti on, Gamma T heta ha pter.

l\IlSM Alllmnli s

the, ber who man provi as fr in co Th ships Hospi Pre inaugl assist, encou their IUly

lite a J3,6. ~ . C. R. L. I, 21. laylor

Wischoff Is Promoted By Shell Oil Company

A. F. Mohri Awarded Medal By Iron-Steel Institute

Charles A. V.rischoff '41 , a n exploitation eng in eer in the Tulsa office of the Shell Oil Co. , for the past yea r, has been named district production superintendent. He will be in cha rge o f drilling, new development and producing of new properties in the Texas co unties of Armstrong, Carson, Dallam , Deaf Smith, H artley , Moo re, Potter, Randa ll a nd Sherman, and part of Ci mma ron co unty, Oklahoma. vVithin the region covered by the new distri ct is Shell 's ra nk wild cat discovery well , Alamosa Ranch A-I , the first commercial producer in the Palo Duro Basin in the T exas Panha ndle. Shell has extensive lease holdings in the area. It is now drilling a confirma tion well , Alamosa Ra nch A-2 , a nd two wildcats, Alamosa Ranch B- 1 a nd L. S. Ranch 1. Wischoff , a veteran of 17 years with Shell , has worked at many locatio ns in Oklahoma and Texas - MrCamey , Pampa, \Vichita Falls, E lk City , and Oklahoma City , Okla., as well as Centralia , Illinois . H e is a native of Mad iso n, W isconsin , and attended the Wisconsin Institute of T echnology before entering MSM.

A. F . Mohri '23 , Chi ef Metallurgist , The Steel Company of Canada, was awa rd ed the America n Iron a nd Steel Institute Meda l a t the sixty-fifth general meeting of the insti tu te in New Yo rk, New Yo rk . He received the awa rd from Benjamin F. Fairless, presid ent of the institute. The American Iron a nd Steel Institute Medal is awa rd ed by the institute's board of directors for a paper of specia l merit and importance which has been read before a meeting of the institute. M r. Mohri merited the medal for the excellence of hi s pape r, " Meta llurgical Aspects in the Design a nd Operation of a New Continuous An nealing Line," read before the general meeting last yea r. After M r. Mohri 's graduation III 1923 , he spent a short peri od in the nonferrous metals fi eld and join ed Inland Steel Compa ny as metallurgist in their Indiana H a rbor Works. In 1936 , he became associated with Granite City Steel as chi ef metallurgist. And in 1948 , he went with The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd. , first as metallurgical engineer in cha rge of the flat rolled produ cts division. The following yea r he was promoted to chief meta llurgist, the position he now hold s. The Mohris reside at 154 Rothsay Avenue, H a milton, Onta rio, Canada.

Curators Establish Sophomore Awards President E lm er E llis, of the Unive rsity of Misso uri , has announced that the Curato rs of the University of Missouri have established 125 sophomore scholars hips, 100 of them for the Columbia divi sions of the University a nd the remaining 25 for the School of M ines and Meta llurgy at Rolla. These scholarshi ps a re available for the academ ic year opening in September to student residents of M issouri who car ried a full program of freshman wo rk in the University last year, providing they did satisfactory work as freshmen , and need the assistance in continuing their college ed ucation. The Curato rs Sophomo re Scholarships are for the amo un t of the Libra ry , H ospital and Incidental fees. President E llis said the schola rshi ps ina ugurate a new policy of providing assistance to p rom ising sophomores to enco urage them In cont inuation of their studi es . July August 1957

Vogt President of Triangle Fraternity in that Robert A. Vogt's election to the Natio nal Presidency of the Triangle F ra ternity d id not come to our at tention un til recently . Bob, who received his B . S. D egree in Mechanical E ngin eering in 1947 , was first elected to a one year term on the National Co uncil of Tria ngle at their St. Louis co nvention in 1954. At the fo llowing convention , in 1955 , he was elected to a four-year term a nd to the office of Vice P resident, and in July 1956, he was elected the National President of the fraterni ty . T his in deed is quite a honor a nd should have been given the proper a ttention a year ago .



R. L. Johnsons Visit Rolla Richa rd L. Johnson ' 21 , a nd his wife, the former Josephine Farri s, of Roll a , visited Rolla and MSM ca mpus in July. It has been a number of years since they were in Rolla a nd it was difficult for them to orient themselves to the many changes . M r. J ohnson is now ma nage r of the Refining Division of the D. X. Sunray Company , a t Dun can, Oklahoma. Dick's father , Edward :Mackey J ohnson, a lso was a graduate of MSM , in the Class of 1892 , a nd it is believed that he is the oldest living alumn us of the School of M ines . H e received degrees in Chem ical and Mecha nical E nginee ring. The eld er Mr. Johnson has retired a fter ma ny yea rs with EaglePicher Compa ny . H a rry J ohnson a nd Verdier Marti n '23, cousins of Dick, a re MSM Alumni , and Tom McMahon, Dick's nephew, is now a student at MSM.

Rob ert A. Vogt During the tim e he served on the National Co un cil, as Extension Manager, two new chap ter colonies we re form ed . These two new colonies will undo ub ted ly become Tria ngle chapters before the end of this yea r. Triangle, being a fraternity of engin eers a nd a rchitects, is limited in schools at wh ich it ca n colonize , but it is steadily advancing and bui lding for a solid future. T he T riangle Fraternity on the MSM campu s is undergoing extensive remodeling a nd enl a rging of their faciliti es this summer. Fo r a livelihood , Bob is a representative of the C. H. Burnap Company , St. Louis, M issouri , manufacturer's representative for heating, ventilating, air 9

filteration and du t co ntrol equipment . H e has been with this company sin ce 1952 both in D ecatur, Illin ois a nd St. Louis . P rior to 1952, he was recalled to ac tive duty with the A rmy in October, 19 SO, while employed by the Ameri can Air Fi lte r Company, of Loui ville, Kentucky, as a sales engineer. Bob is married a nd Mrs . Vogt is the form er Marion Burchard. And she will be remembered as a ma id in St. Pat's Co ur t of Love a nd Beauty in 1947, rep res en ting the Tria ngle F rate rnity. They have two chi ld ren, J ohn a nd Tom . Bob does have some spare tim e int erlaced between hi vocation with the C. H . Burnap Compa ny a nd avocation with Triangle. This he spend s in the norm al t hings that is to be done a round his home, assisting with boy's athl etic teams a nd participating in occasional so ftb a ll a nd cork ball games a nd bowling . Basketba ll , in whic h he excelled , was abando ned when he found his legs wou ldn ' t go a ny more. Vie k now that Bob has ren dered a fin e service to Triangle a nd belatedl y we congratula te him.

"IMARGAATAI C' Group Has Gal a Reunion On June 8th , the las t day of the Phelps County Centennia l, that g roup of a lumni, the, " IMARGAATAIC", met for a gala reunion a nd party at the La mbda Chi Alp ha frate rni ty. This gro up, " I Mar ried A Rolla Girl And Ain' t As ha med T o Ad mi t It," occasionally meets but thi s was by far the la rgest gathering attended by some eighty indi viduals. Pau l Dowli ng '40, served ably as toastmaster, recalling a pprop ri ate 111 sta nces in the introd ucti ons. On e o f the honored g ue ts was Mrs . Amy -:'IIcN utt Dye, who is now a Texas ra ncher, and is also a very interesting speaker, related ma ny interesting events in the pa t in Rolla a nd as a wife of a MSM a lumnus who was a geolog ist. This date was also th e 30 th wedd ing an nive rsa ry of Dean a nd M rs . C urt is "Vilso n which was comm emo rated by a la rge cake a nd they we re presented with a scroll autog rap hed by those p resent. C. R. R emin gto n '49 , was the cha irma n of t he group that organized a nd was responsibl e for the uccess of the I MARGAATAIC gatherin g .


Deal Fran

Homecoming Plans Feature Reunion, Grid Game With Cape Indians, Banquet, Dance MSM Homecoming is to be Octobe r 25 a nd 26. We a re making p la ns, why don 't yo u a nd return to the camp us during this tim e. Each year the number of alumni that attend hom ecoming inc reases a nd la t yea r the a ttenda nce at the footba ll game was the second la rgest in the history of t he school. The C lasses of 1927 a nd 1932 a re having re union s celebra ting their 30 th a nd 25 th a nni ve rsari es. A. E. " Beani e" Barna rd has consented to head the g ro up asse mbling t he Class of 1927 a nd O. K. Lay a nd H omer Thompso n spearheading the movement to get the class of 1932 together. Pla ns a re to have a n interesting session at the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Assoc iatio n Saturday morn ing . Sa turd ay a fternoon the footba ll game

prom ises to be a good one : The oppos ition , the Cape I ndia ns, is expected to be strong . And the M iners a re expec ted to be a facto r in t he Conference thi s year and the summe r pred ictions a re a bove ave rage. The Annual Banquet will be Saturday evening. You wi ll want to a ttend t his event and af ter that the Open H ouse which has proven to be the highli ght of the Homecom ing. Too, don 't overloo k the Homecoming Dance, that is held at the same hour, at J ackling Gym. All of the ac tivities cannot be scribed. Come a nd see for yo urself. kn ow yo u will enj oy it a nd there be no reg rets t hat yo u a ttended 1957 H omecom ing.

deWe will the

Dr. Straumanis to Spend Year in Vienna Lecturing at Technical Institute M . E. STl<AUMAN IS, R esearch Pro fesso r of Metallurgy, at MSM , has been gra nted a F ull . b rig ht Professo rship at the T ec hni cal In stitu te in Vienna, Austria. P rofesso r Rohn , who is the head of t he T echnical Institute, was one of the g roup of scientists who visited the School of M in es two yea rs ago as t hey toured the U nited States visiting our co untry 's engineerin g schools. At that time Pro fesso r R ohn met Dr. Strauma nis, a nd expressed a n interest in the St ra um a ni s techniqu e in the X-ray def raction meas urements for which the l\I SM professo r has become a n in te rnational a utho ri ty. Stra uma nis' research has led to one o f hi s methods being na med for him , " The Stra uma nis T echnique." It is in thi s fi eld that he wi ll lec ture a nd co nsult in Vienna. It is inte resting to note that Dea n Curti s L. Wi lson a nd Dr. Stra um a ni s we re both study ing und er the world fa mous Meta ll urgy Professo r Tamma nn , a t th e U ni ve rsity of Goettingen, in Ge rm a ny . Dr. Stra um a ni s later became P rofessor of Chemistry a t Riga, La tvia. When Latvia was in vaded by the Ru ssian s, t he Stra uma nis fam ily escaped to Ge rma ny . It was then that Dr. Stra um a nis co ntac ted D ean Wi lson. There was a place fo r a research proH.


fesso r in the Department of Metallurgy a t MSM , a nd he joined the fac ulty here in 1947. Dr. Straumanis is the a uthor of 170 scient if ic publicatio ns a nd the coa uth or of two books. H e has recently return ed fro m l\Iontrea l, Canada , where he a ttended the Congress of intern a tiona l U nion of Crysta llog raphy. At the Co ngress he delivered a treatise 011 T ita nium T riodid e which he had prepa red wit h Tatsuh iko E ji ma ' 55 , as co-author. Tn a n expe rim ental invest igatio n being spo nsored by the National Foundat ion, the two M SIVI author found that tita ni um triox ide crystals contain defects in t he fo rm of interstital ato ms. Many papers were p resented at the Co ng ress by- Crys ta ll ographers from all ove r the world including 10 Russian scienti sts . Mrs. Stra umani s will acco mpa ny her hu sband to Vienna fo r the academic yea r as a Fu ll b right P ro fesso r.

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D ean Curtis L. V,Tilson I S recupera ting in a satis facto ry ma nn er from a n a ttack of double pneumonia. D ean Wilson fini shed the Summer Commencement exercises on July 27 , 1957 , a nd the next day was ta ken to the Phelps Co unty H osp ita l a nd placed in a n oxygen tent [or a n illness which was soon diagnosed as do ubI e pn eumonia . As this is written on Aug ust 13, D ean Wilson is showing ra pid improvement, a nd will probably be back on the job by the tim e this is publi shed.

Nuclear Ener9Y Technolo9Y Fellowships Auailable The Atomic En ergy Commi ssion recentl y made the an noun cement that the Atomic Energy Commission Special F ellowships in Nuclear E nergy Techn ology wou ld be available a t the midpoint of the 1957 -58 academi c yea r. The purpose of the progra m is to encourage qualified students to pursue courses, at the g radua te level, in the general fi eld of nuclea r energy technology . T o ma ke a ppli cation for a fellowship , the ap plica nt should have a bachelor 's degree in Chemical E ngineerin g, Mathematics or Physics a nd have completed a course in ordin a ry differen tia l equa tions. The stipend for these Fellowships is $ 1800 as a base, with a n a dditiona l $3 50 for a spouse a nd $35 0 for each dependent child with a max imum of two . The fello wship awa rd includes payment of tuition , fees, a nd some travel a llowance . Fellows a re req uired to devote full tim e to study a nd research. The dura tion of the F ellowship is for one calenda r year, i. e., two semesters a nd a summ er or four quarters. These a re excellen t Fellowsh ips a nd it offers an opportunity to get training in this rapidly expanding a nd important fi eld of science a nd technology . The Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy is one of the thirty colleges and uni versities at whi ch these Fellowships a re accep table to the A.E. C The deadlin e for filin g for the next Fellowship consideration is October 15, 1957. Application form s a nd inform ation may be obtain ed from the Fellowship Office, Oak Rid ge In stitute for Nuclear Studies, Oak Rid ge , Tennessee.

July August 1957

Gross Is Marketing Executive of A. C. F. Bern a rd Gross '33 , is Vi ce Presid ent Marketing - of the V,T-K-M Division of the A. C F. , Inc. , in Houston, Texas. Before his present positi on, he was Presid ent of the K ey Compa ny , East St. Loui s, Illinois, a nd he had been associa ted with the Key Company sin ce 1934 . In 1956 , this company merged with the o rgani zation in which Berna rd is now vice pres id ent. The \iV-K-M Divi sion of A. C. F. In c., ma nufactures gate va lves for oil field production a nd pipe lin es a nd plug valves . Key fittin gs a re a lso produced for oil refin ery service. The Gross' Texas a ddress is 52 10 Cha mpla in Bend , Houston 27.

60 Highway Employees Complete Short Course The Civil E ng inee rin g Department in co njun ction with the Missouri State Highway Department designed a course of eight weeks duration to train a g roup of Highway Depa rtment empl oyees for work as techni cians to assist in their engineering depa rtment. In thi s experimental program sixty employees were enrolled in the specialized co urse a nd a ll sixty successfully comple ted the presc ribed work a nd received certifica tes at the summ er commencement. The M issouri Sta te Highway Commission has a very progressive highway program. This is evidenced in the fa ct that Missouri is rea dy for ac tion a nd was selected as the first state to sha re in the multi-million dollar inter-state highway prog ra m. This was the first co urse of its kind sponso red by the Missouri Sta te Highway Commission in their a ttempt to meet the demands of a n enl a rged highway prog ram in a n era when technical employees a re at a premium . It is ve ry p robable that the co urse will be continued in the 19 57-58 academic yea r. The Highway employees who enrolled for the co urse we re: twenty members of the present employees of the department, two from each of the Commission's ten districts, a nd the remaining forty were high school g ra duates recentl y employed by the depa rtm ent.

E. A . Mor.tland '02, Dies Earn est A. Mortland '02, died in St. Louis, M issouri , May 25 , 19 57. H e is survived by a son , a brother a nd a siste r. He was 77 years of age.

Van Buskirk-Riewerts John R. Van Buskirk ' 55 a nd Miss J oan Riewer ts, of Bradley, California , were ma rried December 30, 1956, and a re li ving a t 95 So uth Santa C ru z, Vent ura, California. J ohn is with the Naval Air M iss il e Test Center, Pt. M ug u, California .

Alumni Personals 1927 E. R . Sievers is Chief of the Mining Cla im Secti on , U. S. Forest Service , Missoula, Mo nta na. His home add ress is 214 H as tings Avenue.

1928 Colonel T. C Gerber has a new ad dress : 5100 Wickett Terrace , Bethesda 14 , Mary la nd.

193 1 Capta in Thomas F. Donlon , CEC , USN, has been transferred to the Pub-, Iic Works Office N a val Air Station Quonset Point, Rhod e I sla nd . We not~ too , since our las t contac t with Captai n Donlon, that he has received a p romotion from Command er to Captain. Cong ratulations!

1 932


Banion T errell , 6464 Brad ford , North Hollywood , California, was a campu s visitor in August. lVIrs. Terrell and their son , Jimmie, acco mpa ni ed him on his M idwest visit. 1 933 Warwick L. D oll and M rs. Doll (Ell en Woodman '3 3), were R olla visitors in Aug ust. The D olls a re in Cha rleston , Wes t Virginia , where \i\Tarwick is employed with the U . S. Geologica l Survey . Their a ddress is 8 14 Beech Avenue. 1934 Lecompte J oslin has been elected presid ent of the Rotary Club R olla M isso uri. Lecompte is a Co lon~1 in th~ Army R eserves a nd is comma ndin a off icer of the reserve tra inin a unit i;~ Rolla . 0

193 5 Marvin H. Breuer, Supervisor in the Stereoplotting U ni t, Photog ra mmetry Section of the Centra l R egion , Topograp hic Divi sion , U. S. Geological Survey , R oll a, lVl0 ., received a n awa rd for 11



a suggest ion that ha been adopted by t he survey . Marvin suggested the adoption of a method by whi ch t raci ng tab les made by the In struments Co rporation a nd u ed on the Kel h Plotter may be conve rted to direct reading in feet for photog raphy of a certain fl ying height. H e was p resented with a check a nd a letter from the Director of the Geological urvey in recogniti o n of hi achi evement.

1 936 Byron E. Peeble , retiring pre .id en t of the Rotary lub , t. Loui s, M is ouri , was a delegate to Inte rnational Rotary ' co nve ntion tha t was held in Lucern e, Switzerla nd , thi s summ er.

193 7 Marshall W . Taylor, II, 2425 30th Avenue, S. W. , Calgary , Alberta, Canada, welcomes MSNI alu mni who might be in that part of No rth America, to drop in a nd say hell o. Marshall is Vice P resident-General Manager, Tra ns Empire Oils, Ltd . Hi s busin ess add ress i 505 8 th Ave. , vVest. Richard D. Grimm 's add ress 111 Omaha, Neb raska , is 10621 Pople ton. H e is with No rthern Nrttu ral Gas Co.

193 8 Richa rd G. Prou o-h , Chief Geologisttandard-Vacuum R eside nt Manao-er, Oil Co ., 30 Bondel Road , Calcutta 19, India , is drilling the first deep wildcat well ever to be dri ll ed in the Bengal Bas in. A most in teres ting project. 1 940 Lt. Col. E rn est L. Perry ha been given a domes tic assignment with t hr Office of the Di strict E nginee r, St. Lou is D istr ict, 420 Locust Street , St Louis 2, Missouri . Lt. Col. No rm a n P. Tucke r is ass igned to Hq . FEAF, fo r d uty wit h the Pacific Command in Hawaii. His address is APO 95 3, a n F ra ncisco, Cali fo rnia. Tva n NI. " Ike" N iedling has joined AMP, In c. , m aker o f soJde rl e s te rminal for wiring, p ri nted circuits and p rog ramm in o- sys tem , a nd also P a tchcord prog ra mmin g systems. H e i D istrict a les E ngin ee r coverin o- laba ma , Miss iss ipp i, No rth west F lorid a a nd o utheast Louis ia na . H e is li vin g a t Dolly Rid ge Road , Route 16, Box 20 2, Birm ingham , laba ma, and he in vites a ll NISl\I alumn i to look him up when in tha t a rea .

1 9 4 1 F red H. H oener is a l\Ia nufa cturers' R epre enta t i e, steel p roducts sales .




H is bus in ess add ress is 3305 ,"',T. 7 1 Street, K a nsas C ity 13, Mo . F ra nk Mentz is with We tinghouse at B loomfield , N . J. Frank would enjoy hea rin g from othe r members of the Class of 1941. H e lives in R osela nd , N. J., 32 Evely n Road. \Villia m 1. Morri s is Chi ef E ngineer, Emerson Coal Mining Corp ., C rown M in e, Farm ersvi ll e, Illin ois, and is Ji vin g at 3409 So uth Fo urth St. , Springfi eld , Illin ois. E rn e t F . Kin g is in the Instrument Div ision, Thoma A. E dison Indu stri es of McGraw-Ed ison Co ., W est Orange, N. J. Hi residence add re s i 353 outh Cente r t. , Orange, N . J. 1 942 A. T. Guernsey , Seni or Explora tion En a in eer in cha rge of special stud ies in the Shell Oil Co mpa ny 's Denver Area production department, celeb rated his 15th yea r with the company. Hi s address is 115 E stes, L akewood , Colorado. Hugh H a rn ess, Jr. , 222 Azalea Circle, Sp rin g Hill Alabama, has a n amateur rad io station , W4 CIY , a nd would app reciate a card fr om other alumni who a re ham s. In cid ental is hi s job with the refinin g divis ion of ALCOA at Mob ile, Alabama. V. A. Sm ith , Jr. , is in Paducah , K entu cky , employed by U nion Carbid e N uclea r Co rporation, with residence at 22 1 Goodman Drive. R. A. Kelly has a pos iti on with Mo nsanto Chem ical Co. , St. Lou is, M isso uri. Hi s add ress is 11 35 Pa rtr idge Ave. J oe Van Pool is in Bartlesvi ll e, Okla homa , with P hilli ps Petroleum Co ., and resid ing at 141 8 Prairie H eights Drive. E ugene L. H elton , 259 R a nd olph Ave. , Peor ia , Illin ois, is with t he Ca terpill a r Tractor Co . J o hn D. Nicholson is Sales Manage r a nd Directo r of Southern E ngin e a nd Pump 0. , H ousto n , T exas, wit h residence in Bella ire. T exas, 53 16 Val eri e. J a mes " J ay " K. J ohnston i now associa ted with the General E lectri c Co ., in M iss il es, Ordnan ce Systems D epa rtm ent at Ph il ad elphi a , 1 a., as St ru ct ures E ngineer. T he J ohn ton s resid e a t 73 7 No rt h Pa rk Avenu e, No rri stown, Pa.

New Yo rk, . Y. Hi s residence address i 121 Oak Lane, Cra nfield , . J. G. R. Meyers is with the Ambassador Oi l Co rp. , Abilene, T exas. Hi s home add ress is 18 17 J ackson Street. Maurice O. Bellis, formerly of H empstead , N . J., is now in Los Angele , Ca li fornia, add ress : Apt. 19, 297 1 So uth Potomac Avenue . T he Ray O. K asten's have moved into their new h ome at 6138 Manning, K a n a City 33 , M issouri . 1944 A. P. P loesser is hi ef Mine E no-ineer with Beng uet Co nsoli dated , Inc. , Bag uio, P hilippines . Ea rl M. K a ne is in Bartlesville, Ok la homa, resid ing at 3600 Wayside D ri ve. Willi am H. Dragoset is with The Chem strand Co rpora tion . Pen sacola , F lo ri da. 1 945 J a mes T. McKelvey has been appoin ted Associa te Profes or of Chemical E ngin eerin o- at W ashingto n U nivers ity , St. L oui s, l\Ii souri. McKelvey has ta ug ht a t J ohn s Hopkins Univers ity fr om 1954 until his recent appointment wh ich is effective in Jul y . From 1950 to 1954 , he did re earch with E. 1. DuPont de Nemours & Co . McKelvey earn ed the master of science a nd doctor of [hilo op hy degrees at ' Vashington U ni ve rs ity , where he also ta ug ht from 1946 to 19 SO.


J a me Alfred mit h, 2229 N i kay un a Drive, Schenectad y , N. Y. , a n applications engin ee r in the E ngineering P la nning a nd Development Secti on

Edwa rd P. Vollh erbst, Jr. , is with t he x- ray divi sion , W es tingh ou e E lect ri c International Co. , 40 Wall St. ,

194 () R obert L. l\Iann , 108 So uth Center Street, East Prairie, M issouri , is Minister o f the Methodi st Church. After gradu atio n in civil engin eerin g he took a posit ion with the Missouri State Highway Department until October 1947 , a nd he decided to enter the minis try . H e beca me A sociate Pastor of the M ethodi st C hurch, J eff erso n City , Misso uri , until Septembe r 1948, when he entered the Perkin s School of Theology , outhern Methodi st U niversity. Dalla , Texas. H e received hi s Bachelor of Divinity Degree in Jun e 195 1. a nd his first fu ll- time pastorate was in the W entzvill e - O 'Fall on (M is ouri ) cha rge of the Method ist Church. Tn October 1954, he wa trans ferred to hi p resent ass ignm ent.

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of Genera l E lectric, received hi s Master of Science in E ngineering deg ree at the 162 nd a nnu al co mm encement excercises, Un ion College, Schenectady . R. R. Willia ms is in the mining business in the British West Indies . His ma iling address is Lydford P . O. , St. Ann , J a ma ica, B. W . 1. Donova n A. Dutton is in San Di ego , Ca lifornia, a nd is a Man ufacturer's Rep resentative. His ad dress is 5 155 T ipton St. , San Diego 15. Maila nd R. Strunk received his P h . D. degree in Chemical Engineering at Was hington U ni ve rsity, St. Louis, Mo ., in June. Ma iland will be a n Associate Professor a t iVISM in the Chemical E ngineering Department effective at the beginning of the 1957- 58 yea r. Pa ul \ Ai. Gebhardt is in Ind ependence, Missouri, home address, 11 004 35 th Terrace. Rufus H. Ga rdner is with the Illi nois Division of Highways , Spr ingfield , Illinois, and li ving a t 16 13 Holmes. Jose G. McClin ton is with the ITE Circuit B reaker Co. , Pittsb urgh, Pa ., a nd is li ving 1I1 W as hington , Pa., R . D. 1. Robert J. Barmeier is with So uthwestern Bell Telephon e Co ., St. Loui s, Missouri. His residence address is 9622 Durham Drive, St. Loui s 15. John A. Scheineman has a cha n.ge of address : Box 2648 , H ouston, T exa s. Gi lbert H. LePiere is with W . E . Hutton & Co. , 14 \!\Tall Street. New York , New York. We have not had Gilbert 's add ress for a few yea rs .

1948 Winston C. Moss and Ll oyd W. Fesler a re employed by No rth American Aviation , Inc. , Los Angeles Divi sion, Internationa l Airport , Los Angeles 45. Cali fornia. Robert M. Rock is a Sales E nginee r for Amer ican iVIanganese Steel Co., Chicago H eigh ts, Ill. H e lives in Glenwood , Illinois , 28 No rth Campbell . Maurice H . E llis, Sales Enginee r , Ar mco Drainage & Metal Prod ucts . has a new address, 1407 West 3rd , Chillico the, M issouri. J ames R. F isher has been appo inted Area Engineer with the D epartment of Agr iculture, Soil Conservat ion Servi ce in M innesota , Area 4 , with hea dqua rters in St. Peter, Minnesota. Hi s ad dres there is 30 70 So. Min neso ta. Geo rge D. Ru ssell has moved from July August 195 7

R osicla re, Illinois, to 8 15 Bower Hill R oad , P ittsb urgh 16, Pa . Harold G. Moe's add ress is 3 19 18 Lama r, Farm ington , M ichi ga n. 'W illia m A. E llis is working for the Central Illin ois Light Compa ny , P eo ri a , TlJin ois , a nd 522 1 Gl en E lm is hi s add ress. Cha rles C. F leher, 1373 Las Pa lmas Drive, Santa Cla ra , Ca lifornia, is with Genera l El ect ric.

1 949 J ohn G. R eilly, Jr. , was a campu s visitor in Apr il. J ack is with the St. Joseph Lead Co mpa ny, Ba lm at, St. Llwrence Co un ty , New Yo rk . M . R obe rt Rohr is with E. 1. du Pont de Nemours, Explosives Dept. , Gibbstown, N . ]., a nd he resides at 1209 Wayne Road , H addenfield , N. J. Mack E lli no r, Jr. , is with the Na tional Cash Register Co ., D ayton. Ohio. and the E llinors live at 2798 Prentice Ave ., Dayton 10. \!\Ta rren 'vV. Roberts is in Sp ringfield , Illinois, with the Springfield Boil er Co. His address is 1117 S. Livingstone. R obert M. Cage is R esident Metallurgist , Chrystler Co rporation , Indiana polis, India na. His address is 5772 East 30th Street. James S. Crum p, 26 H a nley Industr ia l Ct. , St. Louis 17, :M issouri , is wi1 h the M id west Machinery Co .. I nc. Francis L. Lyons is wo rking for 13 ~ e in g Aircraft Co. His address is 240 South Ida St. , \!\Tichita, Kan sas. Keith E . Short is in Alton , Illinois , 29 13 Buena Vista , and employed by Standard Oil Co . (India na) , at Wood Ri ve r, Illinois. Thomas H. Pering is with Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co ., in P ittsburgh, Pa . The Pering home is at 1559 Orchardview Drive, Pittsburgh 20 . J ohn F. F indlay , 1808 W. 'M cCarty St. , J efferson City , M issouri , is employed by the M issouri Highway D epartment. L owell T . Smith, formerly assoc iated with Olin Mathieson 's research a nd development is now Sales Metallurgist with Carond elet Foundry, St. L oui s. 'Misso uri , to promote the high alloys. His resid ence is at 28 Sou th Ruby Lane, Caseyville, Illinois. Fran k L. B ri ce has a new address: 5877 Denmead, La kewood , Ca liforn ia. Daniel N. M iller, Jr. , is with PanAmerica n Oil Co mpan y , Caspe r, \iVyomingo Hi s address is 2139 S. J efferson.

Roger Knopp is Sales E ngineer with the D a llas S. Deem Co ., Tulsa, Oklahoma, a ma nufact urer's rep resenta tive of the Am eri ca n Air Filter Co. His resid ence is 171 2 South Newpo rt , Tulsa, Oklahoma. John H. F uqua has left the \!\Test Coast a nd is now Works Manager of H . 1. C. A ., Inc ., Shrevepo rt, Lou isiana. J oseph M ichael a rri ved a t the Fuq uas' home last year, ma king their fifth child. The dis tribution now is three girls and two boys . Their Shreveport address is : 1927 Bayon Drive.

1 950 \Vill iam E. Remmert received the degree of Masters in Business Admini st ratio n from St. Louis U ni ve rsity at their comm encement in Jun e. Lewis Agnew was co-a uthor of a paper which was presented at the Washington meeting of the Ame ri can Physical Society. Lewis is working toward his P h . D . degree in P hysics at the U niversity of California. Cha rles H. Church is doing gradua te work at the U niversity of Michiga n, and he expects to complete his P h. D . degree in Physics in the fa ll of 1957. Jo hn R . Van No rt was awa rd ed a Master of Science degree in Civi l Engineering at the Uni ve rsity of Pittsburgh 's annua l comm encement J une 12. \iI/ill iam J. Winters is with Evans &: \!\Tinters, Po rtersville, Pa. , and resides R. D. 1, Prospect, Pa. Ka rl H. D el Porte is with J ohns Manvi lle, 22 E. 40th St. , New York, N. Y . H e is li ving in Scarsda le, N . Y. , 160 Delhi Road. L. R. Brunnenmeyer is with Bend ix Engineering of the Bendix P rod ucts Aviation Corporation , Fuel Systems Division. H e is living at 19590 D a rden R oad , So uth Bend , Indiana. John B . H. Fitzwilliam is a M in ing E nginee r with the Bestwall Gypsum Compa ny , Blue Rapids, Kansas. Robert D. Rowe, Geod eti c E ngineer with the lAGS , now has a n ad dress , lAGS , c/ o U . S. E mbassy, La Paz , Bolivia, S. A. Robert Lee-Aston has resigned as M in e Geologist for the Tennessee Coppe r Company 's operation at Ducktown , T ennessee, to become P lant Engin eer for pla nt and qua rry of the Signal Mou ntain Divi sion of the General Portland Cement Compa ny, Signal Mountain, Tennessee . His resid ence




address is R oute One, Signal Mountain , T ennessee. D avid J ack Freeman's address now is lOSS Grenoble Lane, F lori sant, Mi ssouri. W a lter \".T. \Vissman is in Richmond , Indiana, employed by the Ralston Purina Co . Address : 10 Sunset Drive. Edwin A. Davidson, with lYI. J. Harden Associates, Photogrammetri c Engin ee rs, is now in K ansas City, M issouri. Address: 111 5 East Armour Boulevard. Thomas E. Poliquin has a change of address, 777 Savin Ave.) Apt. B, West Haven , Connecticut. Robert B. Shaffe r is in the Vanderbilt H ospital, Nashville, T ennessee, with polio. Mail a ddressed to him in care of the hospital will reach him. D elma r W. Breuer, 2521 Olson Drive, Dayto n 10, Ohio, has completed residency requirements for a Ph. D. a t Ohio State University during the past year. H e is Associa te Professor , USAF Institute of Technology, at Wright Patterson AFB , D ayto n. H e purchased a new home on return to his position in Dayton . James E. McDonald has a pOSit ion with civil service at the Naval Air Sta tion, Pensacola , Florid a. Hi s address is Route 4, Box 165 , Ca ntonm ent, F lorida. Everett W. pringer, who is with the N a tiona l-U . S. R adia tor Corpo ration , has been transferred to J ohn stown , Pa., res iding at 108 5 Confer Avenu e.

1 95 1 D ouglas J. Ca rthew is In the iron ore mining busin ess a t th e Grace Min e, Morgantown , Pa. His reside nce is Joa nna , Pa . J a mes P . Tarwa ter received a Master of Science in lYI etallurgica l E ngineering a t the Carnegie Institute of T echnoloay's Jun e comm encemen t. J ohn R . Brady, 868 1 R a nd y Drive, Garden City , Michigan, is with the Am erican Louisia na Pipe Lin e Co., D etroit, l'vIichigan. H e has been a R eservoi r E ngin eer with Am eri can Natu ra l Ga s ystem for ix yea r . Dr. Hubert L. Bowkl ey has accepted a position as As ociate Professo r in the Chemical E ngin ee ring D epartment at MSM , eff ective at the beginning of t he 19 57-5 8 school yea r. F ra ncis E . W ees . Jr. , 4124 So. 3 7 St., Omaha, Nebr. , is Bridge a nd tru c-




tura l Designer for the U ni on Pacifi c R. R. Co. Anthony P. And erhub is with McD onn ell Aircraf t Co rp. , St. Loui s, lYIo. , resid ing at 8430 J anua ry Ave., Berkeley 21, Mo. Anthony was married in i'vlay 19 S1 , a nd the Anderhubs have two children, Beth M a rie, 4.0 years a nd Bryan Anthony , 8 months. D onald A. Nelson , 3805 Oscar, Alton, Illin ois, is a n Estimato r in the Eng in ee ring D epartment, ta nda rd Oil Co ., \!\Tood Rive r, Illin ois. Willia m L. Petty, Jr., is now in Downers Grove , Illinois, 6416 Powell Street. R ex E. Greer is as ociated with Tuloma Bui lders, Inc. , Tulsa, Ok la homa . TheiI' Tulsa residence is a t 65 15 E. 27th St. Richa rd H. Oitto, Jr. , is M in ing Methods R esearch E ngin ee r, U . S. Bureau of :iVIines, assigned to their Pittsburgh, Pa ., office . Address : 5369 Youngridge Drive, Apt. 6, Pittsburgh 36 . Gera ld H enson is with Cities Service Oil Co ., III their Chicago , I lli nois, office. Dudley L. Castro is in Paducah , K entucky , with Union Carbide N ucl ear Company, residing a t 2548 Clay Street. \Villiam R. Jon es is in th e Production Maintenance D ept. , Bottling Plant, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. , St. Louis, Misso uri , a nd lives in East St. Loui s, Illinois, 102 N . 70th. D avid McRae Irwin is in Clevela nd , Oh io, with the R elia nce E lectri c & En gin eering Co . His address is 500 East 266 t St. , Euclid 32, Ohio. Vasil Uzul1og1u, of I ta nbul , Turkey , is returning to the U . S. thi s fa ll. H e has a position with the Bell T elephon e La borato ri es . Willia m E. H orst. fo rme rl y of Broomall , Pa ., is now in Shelby , No rth Ca rolin a , 41 3 Leand er Street. J. Gerald Schlosser is in Mi lwaukee, Wisco nsin , a nd has a positi on with the Goodyea r Ti re a nd Rubber Co., res iding at 2629 South Shore Drive. Geo rge E . H owes is employed by the Lock heed Aircra ft Corp. , Bu rba nk , Ca lifornia , wit h residence at 602 E. Santa Anita. H oward A. Olso n is Process E nginee r, . S. Gypsum Company , Fort D odge, I owa. Willi a m G. M cEvilly, form erl y of Ft. D odge , I owa, has moved to New-

burgh, New Yo rk, with resid ence a t 21 Ca robene Co urt. Geo rge W. Sulliva n has accepted a position with H ay nes Stellite Compa ny , Kokomo, Indi ana . Val H. Stieglitz, Jr. , is presently employed as ma intenance engineer a nd engineering advisor with E. L. Co tto n, In c., of Mia mi, Florida. The Sleigli tzes have two chi ldren, ages 5 a nd 2 yea rs . Their home is at 5820 outh Dixie Highway, M ia mi 43 . Loren H a rgus, Jr. , ha been advanced to Senior E nginee r in new plant co nstru cti on, Chevrolet Central Office, General Motors Bldg., D etroit, "Mi chiga n.

1 952 J ames Bottorff received his Ph. D . deg ree, in June, a t Purdue U niversity. H is doctora te was in mechanica l enginee ring. H e majored in jet p ropulsion a nd he has accepted a position with Aeroj et - Genera l Co rporation, Azu a , California. Dr. Bottorff is president of the Indiana Section of the American Socici.y of M echa ni cal Engin eers. Kipp Ferns was v isiting on the campus in Apri l. Kipp is with the Cities Se rvice Oil Compa ny a nd is located in Amarillo, T exas, residing at 3 1l 0D West 11 th Street, Amarillo , Texas. J erry S. K lobe has accepted a po iti on at U nion Carbid e Nuclear Company's Oak Ridge Gaseo u Diffu ion Pla nt , Oak Ridge, T ennessee. R obert O. W ickey is with the Ca li fo rnia Research Co rpora tion , Ri chmond , Ca lifornia. His add res is 98 Moss Ave. , Apt. 1, Oa kla nd , Cal ifornia. Paul H. H a usner is employed at Rya n Ae ronautical Co ., Lindbergh F ield , San Diego, Californ ia . Hi s re idence address is 45 30 54th, Apt. 9, San Diego 15. Paul L. H a usma nn is in Memphis, T enn essee, with the Buckeye Cell ulo e Co rporation, a nd li ving a t 39 1 Lenora Drive . H. G. Akins is Project E na in eer with the Intern ationa l H a rvester Co. , Chicago, Illinois . Hi home address is 4 11 4 H ahn do rf , Wes tm ont , I llin ois. Frederi c W . Ay res is employed by the Ea u Cla ire Sand & Gravel Co. , Ea u Cla ire, Wisconsin , la rge producers of ready-mi xed co ncrete. H e has also gone into t he ready- mi xed co ncrete bu in ess on hi own at Chi ppewa Fa lls, Wisconsin. Martin , who ha been with Lewis

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the Saha ra Petroleum Co ., Alexandria, Egypt, is now with the Continenta l Oil Company's Geological Department, P. O. Box 11 21, Durango , Colorado. George T. Palmer, Jr. , is with the Carbon & Carbide at Pad ucah, Kentucky. His residential add ress is 106 Goodman Road, Paducah. J ames K. Searcy is in Washington , D. c., with the U. S. Geological Survey , \Vater Resources Division a nd has residence in Arlington, Va ., 2009 No rth Upland Street. Walter L. Gage is employed as a n engineer with the Blackwell Zinc Co ., Blackwell , Oklahoma. Melvin C. H ockenberry , 1011 Azalea Road, Union , N . J, is an employee of the Ordnance Corps , Department of the Army , Picatinny Arsenal; Dover, N. J. Vernon R. Scott is with Motorola , Inc. , in the.ir \Vestern M ilitary E lectronics Center, Phoenix , Arizona. His add ress there is 4808 E. Brill Street. Warren V. DeNIier is a n E ngineer in Chemical Research & Development in Genera Electric's Richland , Vhshington, plant ; his add ress is 13 18 Potter. J ames M. Thompson is a Metallurgist with Convair Aircraft Corp. , located in Pomona, Californi a , residing at 11 5 1 E. Pasadena St., Apt. 1. E ugene H. Lindsey 's add ress is Department of Minerals Technology , U ni ve rsity of Cali forn ia , Berkeley. H. Chalm ers K err, Jr. , of 2034 Meade Ave., San Diego , Cali fo rnia , who is employed at the U . S. Navy Electronics Laboratory , has been named president of the Navy E lectroni cs Laboratory Employees Association.

195 3 Ahmad Ali Aukefie writes from Kabul , Afghanistan , where he is Director of Exploration Department, M inistry of M ines and Industries, that the monthly sala ry of an Afghan engineer is abo ut 1000 Afghani s or $20 .00 per month. And this is his salary as D irecto r of a department. William VV. Kronmueller is with the Standard Oil Co ., of Indiana, a t their Wood Ri ve r, Illinois, in stallat ion and resides in Florissant, Mo. , 1000 St. Brendan La ne. William R . Park is with the consulting engineering firm , Black & Veatch , Kansas City , M issouri. His address is 8101 Tomahawk Road , P rairie Vi llage 15 , Kansas . Bill received h is M. S. July

August 1957

degree in General E ngineering-Op tion in Valuation at Iowa State in 1956. Forrest C. Mosley , 300 Vista Place, J ef ferson City , Misso uri , is Regional Maintena nce E ngineer for Montgomery Ward & Co. , working out of the regiona l office in Kansas City, Misso uri. Forrest was formerly with the Bridge Office, Missouri State Highway Department. Philip J Clarke resigned from Shell Oil Co ., in Regina , Sask. , in March , a nd accepted a position with Canpet Exploration , Ltd. , 720 7th Ave. , S. W. , Calgary, Alberta , as Chief Geologist. Can pet is an English company controlled by Caracas Petroleum , S. A. Apex (Trini dad) Oilfield s, Ltd. , and Foldfield s American Development, Ltd. The three parent compa nies have their headqua rters off ices in London, England.

Ralph G. Moeller is a 1st Lt. U. S. Army , serving as a pilot in the 4th Av iation Company, Ft. Lewis, Washin gton. He expects to be discha rged in October a nd accept a posi tion with American Manganese Steel Co ., Chicago Heights, Illinois. H e is now residing in Tacoma, Washington, 9629 Meadow Road. Donald E. Puyear has been discha rged from active duty with the Army and he is back at MSM . Hi s address is c/ o C hemical E ngineering D epartment. Joseph B. Cole, Maintenance Engineer , Gas Dept. , Mene Gra nde Oil Co ., Apa rtado 45 , Barcelona, Venezuela , S. A. , plans to visit the campus in Novembe r of thi s year. J a mes Highfill 's milita ry add ress is Co. "C" 803 EAB APO 195 , New Yo rk , New York.

1 954

1 9 55

\Villiam P. Dixon has accepted the graduate appoi ntm ent at the University of Kan sas to contin ue grad uate work toward his P h. D. degree. William should complete his :Master's degree in P hysics at MSM during the summer of 1957 . H e has been on a U. S. Burea u of M ines Fell owshi p during the past yea r. Anthony J. Selvaggi joined the Westinghouse Co rpo ration in June, 1954, in their Graduate Stud ent Training Program. He was in the Arm y from November ' 54 to November ' 56 , and returned to vVestinghouse and accepted a position with their Lamp Div ision, in Bloomfield , N. J. Hi s address is 228 N . Third Street, Newark , N . J. Richard Stevens is with ALCOA as Metall urgist, Alcoa, T enn essee . Their second daug hter , Kim J anell , was born July 3 1, 1956. They li ve in Alcoa, 1008 Cherry St reet.

Robert J. Martin 's add ress is U. S. S. Genesee (AOG-8) , c-o Fleet P.O. , San F rancisco , California. William J. O'Neill has accepted a position with Metcalf & Eddy , Architectural E ngineers, Boston, Mass. H e department in June for Greenland , where he will be a construction engineer on one of his firm 's projects. H a rvey E. Schulte has becom e a member of the technical services department of Monsanto Chemical Company 's J ohn F . Queeny Plant, St. Louis, M isso uri , after having served with Columbia Southern Chemical Co rporation, Barberton, Ohio , for the past two years. Richa rd O. Berg's add ress is Co. A 3rd Engr. Bn. (C) , APO 24 , Sa n Fra ncisco, California. Lester Brockmann is presently in the U. S. Navy fo r six months and has just completed his basic training a t Great Lakes NTS , Illinois, and is going to

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HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CU RRENT If yo ur add ress has changed, complete and tear out this slip and

mail it immed iately to MSM Alumni Associa ti on, Rolla, Mo. Thanks. Na me ............... ........................................... ......................................... . My new address is ............... ......... .................................................... .


.:.. _ 1,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_(,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,-,"_ "_ "_ "_ "_ "_ 1'_ "_ "_ ,._ •. _ .,_ "_ 1'_"_11_1'_ "_ 1_:.





P o rt Hu eneme, Californ ia , for hi next duty ass ignment. H e is st ill an employee of Th e T exas Company. Mail adcl res ed to 5 Apple Tree Lane, layton 24 , ~Iisso uri , wi ll reach him . J oseph P. G reen' a dclre s i 1519 Carol L a ne , Wi chita Falls, T exas. H a rry K. l\Iathewson is employed as a n ass i tant eng ineer in t he Components E nginee ring Depa rtm ent of the Air Ar mam ent Div ision , perry Gy roscope Com pany , Great Neck, Jew York . From ;,Iay 1943 to Feb rua ry 1946, he served in t he Navy. H e previously was employed as a des ig n a ne! developmen t engi neer . Lawrence H eld , Jr ., ha s accepted a pos ition wit h t he l\Iisso uri P acific R a ilroad Co. , a t Fall C ity, Neb ra ska , immedia tely foll ow in g g ra du a ti on . H e was tran s fe rred to Osa watom ie, K a nsas, in the fa ll of 1955 . In Ap ril , 1956 , he wa s call ed to ac ti ve duty wit h th e Ar my . R eceived his co mmi ssion at Fo rt Be lvo ir , Va. , August 1956 , a nd com pleted his six months tour a nd di scha rged a t F t. L eona rd W ood. l\Io ., in October 1956. H e return ed to hi s employment with the l\I o- P ac at Osa watomie. As a mem be r of t he 5th A rm y R eserve, he wi ll atte nd s umm er tra ining camp in "Wisconsin in A ug ust. Arthur G. Baebler ha s been ass ig nee! as As is tant a les E ng in eer in th e a les D epartme nt 's D evelopmen t a nd Tra ining Divi sion o f Gnion E lectri c ' 0 . . St. L ouis, ~Ii sso uri. Baebler was cmploycd fo r three months at t heir l\Ieram c Pl a n t in 1954 on a tem porary bas is . He wa re-e mpl oyed in 1955 as a stu lent eng in ee r. a nd except fo r a sho rt time s l e nt in milita ry se rv ice,

has bee n wit h the compa ny since tha t ti me.

1 956 K en neth F . teffa n has received a M a ster o f cience deg ree from Califo rnia In titute o f T ec hnology in elect r ica l eng in ee rin g. P. E . Ohlse n is with No rth Am erica n Avi a ti on Tn c., L os Angeles D iv iion , Tn te rn a ti ona l Airport . L os Angeles 45 , Ca li fo rni a . D ona ld E. R ese r, form erl y Tn d u tri a I E ng in ee r with t he Pittsburg h Pl ate Glass Co ., is now a D evelopm ent E ng in ee r wit h th e W este rn E lectri c Co ., o f C hi cago , TIL H e expec ts to be tran s fe rred to a new W es tern El ectri c a ble P la nt nea rin g co mpletion in Oma ha , )J eb raska . Hi s res id ence address is 6 [ 5 Ch icago Ave .. D owne rs Grove . Tllin ois. J a mes M a rtin is in R olla. Mi sso uri . vl' it h t he 1\ [i sso uri Geo log ica l urvey. P a ul E. R a msey is a stud en t at t he Un ive rsity o f T exas . Hi s a ddress is U nive l's ity Tra il er Park , L ot 43 , ALLti n 3, T exas . D ona ld F . H a ber's ma iling a ddress is Box 18 1, Dura ngo , Colo rado. James J. W o ff o rd 's add ress hilS been cha nged to 3 1 T aylor Ave., C rys, ta 1 C ity , Mo. D a le E. Chap ma n's a ddress is 11 47 T enn essee, Apt. NO. 3 . L aw rence. Kan sas . P vt. C ha rl es R . Altheid e recentl y bega n six months of ac ti ve milita ry t ra ining at Ft . L eo na rd W ood , ~ ri s ­ so uri. 2n d Lt. Ko rm a l H a rt ha s been assig ned to the 575 th E ngin ee r Bat ta lion at F o rt B elvo ir. Va . H e ente red th c A rm y last M a rch .

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2nd Lt. Bruce K Carp en te r is at Ft. B elvo ir , Vi rg ini a , with the 9 1 t Engi. neer Ba tta li on's H eaelq ua rters a nd ,e rv ice Compa ny. H e a lso entered t he Army la t ~Ia r c h. K en L-' ra nk Stef fen's a Ielre s is P. O . Box 6 1, l nglewood , Cali fo rni a .

1 957 Fred J . Colema n ha received a n AEC Radiologica l Fe llowship at Va ndc rbilt U ni\'e r ity , where he wi ll do g r<JCl uate wor k in Phys ic . La rry Opp Iiger has been a ppoi n ted g ra du ate a ss istant in the Phy ics D epartment at the Un ive rsity o f \visco nsin fvr th aca de mi c yea r 1957 -5 8 . R obe rt G. F ull er ha s received a Nat ional cience Fe ll ows hi p to conti nue g rad ua te "vo rk in Phy ic . H e wi ll att nd th e U ni vers ity of Tll in ois . R obe rt . Qu ise nberry ha accepted a pos ition wit h the T exa s Co ml a ny in their Research a nd T echni ca l La bora· tori es at Po rt Arthur. Texas. Ca rence L. D owd en a lso has acce pt· ed a po ition with the Texa Compan y in the ir P ort Arthur L a bora tor ie . Geo rge D. , a m ple has jo in ed the Texas Co mpa ny wo rkin g in their P o rt Arthur-Po rt Nec hes R esea rch a nd T echni ca I Labo ra to ri es . W a rren C. Ge il has join ed t he en· ?; inee rin g d epartme nt o f M onsanto C hem ica l Co mpa ny's Tn o rga ni c C hemica ls Di vision, t. L o uis, Misso uri. R obe rt J . Fah ri g ha s join ed the s taff of th e " ' hitin g R esearc h L a b ratories o f t he ta nda rd O il Company ( Tnd iana). Whi ting. Tn d ia na. Bill G. Bea m. has bee n eml loyed a a t ra in e eng in ee r in t he Prod uct ion D epa rtm ent of th e T exas Co mpany a nd hi s add ress is 3 [ 5 No rt h Wa lnut St. . I'a us \ 'a lI ev. O k la homa. K ermit kred r ha s acce pted a posit ion \" it h t he Wri ght Aero na uti ca l Di vis io n o f t he C urti ss- W r ig ht Corporat io n, \Y ood-Ridge. l'\ew J ersey . D on Z . Zieb II ha been as ig ned to the tra ining p rog ra m o f t he H a let ho rpe (:l I d.) F: xt rusion " 'o rks o f t he K a ier . luminllill a nd Ch cm ica l Corporati o n and will fa ll w t he rota tin g tra inin g prog ram in in du tria l meta ll u rgy in the tec hni a l de l a rtm ent. H e a nel 1\[ 1'. , Z ieba \l , th fo rme r J ea n i\f . J ohn s to n. of D es Pla in es, re ide a t 345 Woodb rid ge R oad. De. Pla ines, ~rcl . J ack E. T oliver has a cha nge o f add ress to 670 La ke. t ree t , Apt. 303, F a ll s Churc h. \ ' irgin ia .

?l I SM


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