Campus Expand,s Greatly
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For Details, See Pages 8 and 9
Volume 32
July-August 1958
Number 4
President's Column ONE WHO IS KEE NLY interested in the welfare of our Missouri School of Mines, I have long watched the unending struggle of our administrators for the necessary state allotted fund s to keep the institution geared to the needs of an ever expanding enrollment and increasing costs of operation . Whi le I ca n be pleased at seeing progress being made and can thrill at the sight of a fine new building being erected on the campus or when I learn of plans for other improvements for the school, I cannot help but wonder how we fare as compared to other institutions of learning around the country whose needs for money to meet increasing operating costs and to more adequately pay their hard working professors and instructors are as great as our own. I particularly wonder about the situation that must exist with the schools that look to other than state legislatu res for their income and more particularly the commercial school which dispenses education strictly on a fee basis. Right here in my own home town of Fort Wayn e there is such a school. It is a small private technical college that 15 years ago was doing business in a one story building in the downtown section of Fort Wayne with a handful of students. Today this Indiana Technical College has an enrollment in excess of 2,000 students and has acquired, at a cost c+ somewhere around one million dollars, the entire campus and bui ldings of the old Concordia Lutheran College which recently built a complete new multi-million dolla r campus in an outlying suburban a rea near Fort Wayne.
But tha t is not all. Within the last 3 months this newcomer among technical colleges has dedicated a new Science and E ngineering Building costing nea rl y three-quarters of a million dblla rs which was obtained by a grant of one half this amount from Dr. Da na of the Dana Co rpora tion, well known ma nu fac turer of a utomotive parts, under the proviso that F ort Wayne citizens and indu stry ma tch the dona tion with a n equal amount whi ch was promptly done. Thi s brings up two thought provoking q uestions : H ow is it possible for a 2
MSM Alumni Association OFFICERS P""ident ....... ..... ................ ....... ...... Melvin E. Nickel '38 ....... .. ..... International Harvester Co . Wisconsin Steel Division 2701 East lO6tb Street Chicago 17, Illinois Executive Vice-President.. ..............Paul T. Dowling '40.
. ...... 1400 Soulh 2nd St. ....... .. St. Louis 4, Missouri
Vice-President Areas 1, 2,3 ..... .... S. Allen Stone '30.......
.... P. O. Box 28 .......... ..... . Fort Wayne, Indiana
Vice-President Areas 4, 5,6........ J. W. Stephens '47 ....... .
Tenn Expires
.............. 1959
tober¡ dates
'" 1959 1959
_. Lee's Summit , Missouri
Vice-President Areas 7,8 , 9 ......... Bamey Nuell '21.. ................ .... 3440 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California
............ Leon Hershkowitz '41.. ..... ....... 1300 Powell ..... .............. . Rolla , Missouri
................. 1959
Secretary-Treasurer .. _
Exec utive Sec retary.. Editor, " MSM Alumnus"
Yes and a in the is jusl of doc to pe and 0 ~Iines
.......Francis C. Edwards .......... ....... MSM Alumni Associa tion Old Meta llurgy Building Rolla, Missouri
comin. was tl ago. I these I enjo
DIRECTORS AT LARGE Mervin J . Kelly ' 14 ... .. .................................463 West Street, New York 14, New York
James W . Stephens '47 .............. .... ... .... ........... .Lee's Summit, Missouri ....... ..... .... .. ... ............. .
Rex Williams '31..
......... 504 East 5th Street, Rolla, Missouri ....
AREA DIRECTORS States Embraced
Area No.
T erm Exp .
........... Howard J. Teas ' 17 . . ..... .... New England , N . Y., N. ] ., East Pa ., .............. .. ... 195 125 Church Street, Malvern, New York .... . ...... Dist. of Columbia , Md ., Va., Delawa re 2.. ......... J .
... ... S. Ark ., N. c., S. Ala. , Ga. , Fla.
Salmon, Jr . '22 .......... ... ............. .
Box 967 , Minden, Louisiana
La .. Miss .. ....... .
....... 0 . W . Kamper '3 5 ...... ........W . Va., Ohio, W. Pa. , Ky. , T enn. , ........ 608 Vi llevista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Ind ., (Except Chicago In dustria l Arca)
4 ........... J . Walter Wallace '48 ............................ 18455 Stedhall , Homewood , Illinois
....... N. III. , Chicago Industrial Area in India na, Wise., Mich., Minn .
5... ...... ... c. C. Palmer '40 ... ....................... ..... .... ...... 1641 Andrew Drive, St. Louis 22 , Missouri 6........... ] oseph E . Scally '3 1 ....... ............................ .. P. O. Box 1655 , Tulsa , Oklahoma
..... S. III. , E. Mo., N. Ark . .... ........ ...... ........ ... ...... ......... t 958 . ..... 1959
..Towa, W. Mo. , Ne b., Ka n., Okla .
____ ._ .....Texas, Ari 7"Ona, New Mexico ... ....... _
................ 1958
........... ...... .... _. __ .. Idaho ,- Montana, 0.'orth Dakota , ... South D akota , ~lyo m i n , Colorado,
7........... Kenneth F . Anderson '42 1114 Commerce St. , Room 1909 Dallas 2, Texas 8 ... .. .. .... Harvey L. Tedrow ' 11. ... . Olin Hotel
Denver 1 Colorad o
9.... ... ...Ba rney N uell '21 3440 Wilshire Boulevarn Los Angeles, California
newcomer in the field of technical and engineering educa tion , lacking years of tradition behind it a nd the prestige of its hundreds of graduates to enhance its reputation , make such a phenomenal growth in such a short time? And more to the point: Wha t can the Missouri School of Mines lea rn and use from this success story to our like benefit ? D oes anyo ne have any good answers? S. A. Stone Vice Presid ent Areas No . 1, 2, 3 MSM A:lumni Associa tion Gu est Columnist
Nevada, Utah .... Washington, Orego n, Califom ia ...................... .... .. 1958
MSM Alumnus Is sued bi-monthly in ihe interest of the graduates and former students of the School of M ines and Me tallurgy. Subscription price, $1.50, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter Oct . 27, 1926, at Post Of fice af. Rolla, M o., under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEND IN P E RSONALS FOR THE ALUMNUS
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MSM Alumnus July
Come to Homecoming--October 31 and November 1
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MSM HOMECOMING 1958-October 31 and November 1. Check these dates right now. Yes, they are Friday and Saturday and a most beautiful time of the year in lhe Ozarks and normally the weather is just crisp enough to entice you out of doors. And there is no better place to spend these two days than in Rolla and on the campus of the School of Mines. Some will say, " I was at homecoming last year." Some will state, I was there two , three, four or five years ago . In any event, we believe all in these categories will remark, "Boy, did I enjoy it!" Then , there are those who have not had an opportunity to get back during the past ten , fifteen , twenty or more years, or perhaps have never returned for Homecoming. You will enjoy the campus again. Of course there have been changes. Many of them . Even in the past year, three new dormitories and a cafeteria have been completed. And this fall you will see under construction the Student Union Building between Norwood Hall and the Rolla Building ; the new Electrical Engineering Building northeast of the gymnasium ; the new Civil Engineering Building at the corner of Fourteenth and Pine; the beginning of an athletic and physical education plant at the northeast corner of the Golf Course and a building housing the Atomic Reactor just east of Fulton Hall (New Metallurgy Building) .
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By fall, the married students apartments should be under way and rumors have it that the new Kappa Alpha house will be taking form.
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The class reunions that are held during Homecoming have been enjoyed by the alumni who have returned for the celebration. Because of the interest, this year reunions of four classes have been planned. They are the Classes of 1923 , 1928, 1933 and 1938 . A member from each class has consented to accept the responsibility of contacting the alumni in each group to determine how many will be able to return for the occasion. Joe Wanemacher is assembling the Class of 1923. Charles Freeman is July August 1958
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1958 1: 30 p.m . Alumni Association Board of Directors meeting, Room 107, Mining Building 7:00 p.m.
Dutch Treat Dinner-Pine Room-Greyhound Bus Depot
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1958 9:00 a.m.
Registration-Parker Hall
10:45 a.m.
Annual Meeting MSM Alumni Association, Auditorium, Parker Hall
12: 30 p.m.
Class Reurrion Luncheons-Classes of 1928, 1933 and 1938
192 3,
2:00 p.m.
Football--Miners vs Northwest Missouri State College Bearcats
7:00 p.m.
Annual Homecoming Banquet-New M S M Cafeteria
9:00 p.m.
Homecoming Dance-Jackling Gym
9: 00 p.m.
Open House Depot
Pine Room -
promoting the return of the Class of 1928. Vernon Asher hopes to be able to have the Class of 1933 exceed the number that the Class of 1932 had at their reunion last year and Norman Peukert is rounding-up the Class of 1938. All of these groups will have separate luncheons Saturday noon , November 1. In another year, we hope to add two classes to the reunion roster . Saturday afternoon, at 2 :00 p.m., the Miners will meet the Maryville Bearcats in the Homecoming football game. The Miners have been playing a good brand of football the last few years and have been at the top or near the top of the conference during this time. Having a football team composed of potential engineers, it is hard to determine the material you will have until the season opens and then football is secondary. But you will enjoy the brand of football displayed by a Gale Bullman coached team. Last year the Homecoming crowd completely
Greyhound Bus
filled the seating facilities at the game. The annual Banquet that is the climax of Homecoming will be Saturday evening in the new MSM Cafeteria. This modern building is complete and furnished with the latest in equipment. And this will be the first Alumni Banquet to be held in this facility . Interlaced with all of these events there will be many "open house" affairs to attend, the Homecoming dance at Jackling Gymnasium, the Dutch Treat Dinner Friday evening at the Pine Room , Greyhound Bus Depot, friends to visit that you haven 't seen for years and didn 't know they too returned for Homecoming. There will never be a dull and unoccupied moment. Afterward you too will say, " I'm surely glad that I attended Homecoming , I believe I will make plans to return in 1959." Will see you October 31 and Novem ber 1. 3
Robert B. Lewis New Assistant Registrar Robert B. Lewis, of Lebanon, Missouri, has reported for duty as Assistant Registrar a t MSM, beginning July 1, 1958. He is working under the supervision of Paul E. Ponder, Registra r and Director of Admissions. Lewis gradua ted , February 2, 1957, from the University of Missouri with a major in secondary education and previous to coming to MSM he worked at Sta te Hospital Number One at Fulton, Missouri. Mr. Lewis is ma rried to the former Bonnie Walters, also of Lebanon, who likewise graduated from the University of Missouri in February, 1957. Her major was home economics and she likewise was formerly employed at the State Hospital at Fulton.
James F. Smith Named Manager of Anaconda Plant; Has Had Many Important Assignments With Firm James F . Smith '27 , has been named Manager of the Anaconda Aluminum Company 's $60 million plant at Columbia Falls, Montana, that has 600 employees. Mr. Smith is 53 years old and has been employed by the Anaconda Company since 1927. After receiving his B. S. degree in Metallurgical Engin eering, he went to work at the electrolytic refinery of Anaconda's at Great Falls, Montana. During his 25 years at the Great Falls plant, he made steady progress as a foreman, research
uminium operations of the Pechiney Company . In September 1956, he was upgraded to general superintendent in charge of Columbia Falls operations. In Great Falls, Jim was a member of the school board . In Columbia Falls, he has likewise been community minded with membership in the Columbia Falls Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, director of the Whitefish Memorial Hospital and in church work. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a son, Stuart, a Columbia Falls High School sen ior.
Base Bid on Apartments Approved, Others Rejected The Curators of the University of Missouri tentatively approved the low base bid of Plez Lewis and Sons, of St. Clair, Missouri, of $345 ,000 for the general construction work on 18 proposed married student apartment buildings but rejected all bids for the mechanical and electrical work on the structures.
Jam es F . Smith chemist, superintendent of the refinery furnace and assistant superintendent of the copper refinery.
Robert B. L ewis
ATTENDS A. I. E. E. MEETING P rofessor C. James Grimm of the E lectrical Engineering Depa rtment attended the General Meeting of the American Institute of E lectrical Engineers in Buffalo, New York the week of June 23. Professor Grimm is the Chairman of the Student Branches Committee of the A. 1. E. E. He attended various meetings of the administrative committees of which he is a member and also took care of Institute business 111 Cleveland , Ohio on his return trip. 4
High points during these years were trips in 1948 and again in 1951, when he was sent by Anaconda to Mexico as technical consultant. His first trip was for the purpose of starting up Cobre De Mexico , a Mexican electrolytic copper refining and casting plant. The second trip involved enlarging the plant's capacity. In 1952 , Smith was assigned the position of production superintendent of Anaconda's newest venture, the aluminium reduction plant under construction near Columbia Falls. During the construction period , Smith went to France on three occasions to study al-
I n rejecting the bids for plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical work, the Board adopted revisions in the specifications for this part of the work and ordered re-advertising for the bids on it. The business manager of the University was authorized to ask Lewis for an extension of time until contracts for the remaining work can be awarded.
Induction Heater for Nuclear Study Bought A multi-purpose induction heater has been purchased from the Westinghouse Electric Company at a cost of $14,900. The heater is for use in the mechanical engineering ' department in connection with the new nuclear engineering curriculum. Funds for the purchase come from a grant to the University from the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission providing for an atomic reactor program at MSM.
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Dean Wilson Elected To A. S. E. E. Council Dean Curtis L. Wilson has been elected for a two-year term to the General Council of the American Society for Engineering Education at its annual meeting on the campus of the University of California, in Berkeley, June 15-21. The General Council is the national governing body of the organization. The American Society for Engineering Educa tion is an organization composed of 8,000 engineering educators throughout the United States and in some foreign countries. It was organized in 1893 a nd has been instrumental in the development of modern education features of the engineering profession. Professional papers at the Berkeley meeting were read by Dean Wilson , Dr. George B. Clark, and Dr. A. W . Schlechten of MSM. Those attending the meeting from MSM in addition to those named were Professor r. H. Lovett, Dr. H. R. Hanley and Professor L. C. Christianson. While in Berkeley several of the MSM group visited Professor L. E. Sh affer in his home in Berkeley. Professor Shaffer was formerly on the faculty at MSM.
Cotterill Promoted by American Zinc Company Carl H. Cotterill has been named Executive Assistant in the American Zinc, Lead and Smelting Company 's executive department effective July 1, 1958. Carl joined the Company in June 1940, as a metallurgist at the Dumas, Texas plant. During World War II , he served as captain in the Signal Corps. He returned to the Company in June 1946, and served in va rious capacities until August 1948, when he was made Plant and Process Investigator in the Company's St. Louis office, which position he has occupied since that time . Following the war he completed his master's degree in Business Administration at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Cotterill is the author of the book, "Industrial Plant Location , Its Application to Zinc Smelting," published in 1950. The Cotterills live at Route 2, Box 475, Manchester, Missouri . July August 1958
Joseph W. Collier, Jr., Named ttYoung Man of Year" At Festus-Crystal City, Given Jaycee Award Joseph W. CoIlier, Jr., '47., was named "Young Man of the Year" in the twin cities of Festus and Crystal City, Missouri, and received the Distinguished Service Award at the Festus Junior Chamber of Commerce banquet on March 4. The award was presented by John Dalton, attorney general of Missouri, who was the main speaker at the banquet. CoIlier, of Crystal City, is chairman of the blood program of Jefferson County Chapter, American Red Cross, The county chapter of the Red Cross sought him to promote and revive the blood bank program in 1954. Joe comes from Albuquerque, New Mexico. At MSM he took a vigorous part in school activities as a member of Sigma Pi and Theta Tau fraternities , received a B . S. degree in Metallurgy and met and married Audrey Schultz. Collier also is chairman of the board of deacons of Grace Presbyterian Church, Crystal City, and has been a board member of the Jefferson County YM CA for three years. Recently the disaster phase of the American Red Cross has attracted Joe's " action " touch, and he is chairman of a survey committee for Jefferson County Disaster Service Group.
Joe is past president of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Management Club and is past chairman of the co-ordinating council of the St. Louis Regional Blood Program including several counties. He has always been counted on to participate in the Community Chest Drives within the two cities and has been a member of the Toastmaster's Club, a YMCA bowling league and a private engineering business. Collier started to work for Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company in the industrial engineering depa rtment in 1947 , and within five years was named assistant industrial engineer, where he has found particular expression in the field of methods and cost reduction . Coming from a family of four children , Joe has kept pace by having four children of his own , Sue, twins, Joette and Jofus and Jane. An ardent ou,tdoorsman , Joe spends much time with his family on their farm and fishing . Joe's current hobby is building a lane on the family farm which will soon meet competition with trout fishing at Montauk State Park, where both Audrey and Joe are considered " successful " fishermen.
International Exchange Program to Provide 1,000 Scholarships for Graduate Study Abroad Approximately 1,000 American college graduates will have a chance to continue their studies in any of 43 foreign countries during 1959-60 under the International Educational Exchange Program of the Department of State. Recipients of awards under the Fulbright Act for study in Europe, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific area will receive tuition , maintenance and travel to and from the country of their choice. The Institute of International Education is receiving applications for these scholarships until November I , 1958. The awards will provide approximately 1000 opportunities for Americans to study abroad in an unlimited number of fields. General eligibility requirements are U. S. citizenship, a bachelor's degree before departure, language ability suf-
ficien t to carryon the proposed study, a nd good health. A demonstrated capacity for independent study is also necessary. Preference is given to applicants under thirty-five years of age. Applicants will be asked for a statement of their reasons for desiring to study abroad and for a preliminary plan of their proposed study. Successful candidates will be affiliated with educational institutions that will help them plan their program . Persons interested in the scholarship awards should write to the Institute of International Education, 1 East 67th St., New York 21, N. Y. Competitions for the 1959-60 academic year close November 1, 1958. Requests for application forms must be postmarked before October 15 . Completed form s must be submitted by November 1. 5
Five MSM Students Have Summer "Dream Jobs" Out of the eight engineering students from Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri colleges placed in so-called "d ream jobs" this summer, working on the balli stic missile program, the M issouri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy has the d istin ction of having five men in t he prog ram. All have been given jobs with Rocketdyne, a division of North American Aviation Inc. , a t its Neosho, Missouri factory and test center where engines for the Thor and Jupiter intermedia te range ballistic missiles a re ma nufactured and tested. T hey are as follows: Lela nd Robinson, of Neosho , taking mechanical enginee ring; Hugh G. Moore, of Mt. Vernon , Missouri, who is in chemical en ginee ring; J ames K . Wilburn , H a rrison, Arkansas , a student in mechanical engineering; Russell Van Cochran, West Pla ins , Missouri , in physics and D. J. Pad berg, St. Louis, Missouri, in metallurgy.
Bob Fuller to Teach Science in Burma Robert G. Fuller , ' 57 who received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and this spring received hi s Master's degree in P hysics from the University of Illinois, is one of 46 yo ung men and women who will be leaving the United States this fall to begin three . 'ears of overseas mi ssion service for the Method ist Church . Bob , the son of Dr. and Mrs. H arold Q F uller, will go to Burma as a science teacher. The three-year missiona ries, or "3's" as they are called will go to 18 countries of Afri ca, Asia, Europe and North and South America. They represent 22
Pfizer Co. Has MSM Students In Oil Recovery Pr09ram M r. J ohn J. D oyle ' 16, sent us an advertisement of the Chas. Pfizer a nd Compa ny Inc. , that appeared in several newspape rs in Louisiana. P ictured in the ad were twenty you ng college men with chemistry or chemi cal engin ee ring as their majors . They we re assembled for final briefin gs before heading into the oil fi elds to conduct unusual wa ter flood ing " flow rate" tests. This is a new kind of program in the fi eld of seconda ry oil recove ry in wh ich the Pf ize r Company speciali zes . Of this group , twenty percent were stud ents from the Missouri School of M ines who have s umm er employment with the Pfizer Compa ny . IF YOU ARE TOO MOD EST TO SEND PER SONAL ITEMS TO THE ALUM JUS ABOUT YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS, HAVE YOUR WIFE DO IT. 6
Robert G. Fuller sta tes, H awaii and Canada . They will do va ried types of work, including agricultural demonstration , evangelism, yo uth a nd student counseling, and teaching from the kindergarten through the university levels. For six weeks this summer , the "3's" study a nd work together in a special tra ining co urse a t Scarritt College for Christia n Workers, Nashville, Tenn. , designed to p repare them for missionary service. They a ttend classes in linguistics, a nthropology, the Bible, basic Christian beliefs, a rts and crafts , Christia nity a nd communism, and the missionary heri tage and vocation. On the mission fi eld , the young women will serve under the Woman's Division of Christian Service of the Meth-
od ist Board of Missions and the men under the Division of World Missions. While in college Bob was president of the Missouri Methodist Student Movement. He was also president of the campus chap ters of Tau Beta Pi, hono ra ry engineering fr aternity , and Sigma Pi Sigma, honorary physics fraternity and president of the Wesley Foundation , campus organization for Method ist college studen ts.
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MSM Gets New Grant From Creole Corporation The Missouri School of Mines has received an unrestricted grant of $500.00 from the Creole Petroleum Co rp ., of New York in support of the ed ucational p rogram. The Creole Corporation, an America 1 company which operates in Venezuela, offered the grant in supplementa ry support of a scholarship it awarded under which J esus M. Gomez, of Venezuela, is enrolled at MSM for stud ies in Petroleum Enginee ring. In a letter submitting the grant, George T. Culp , one of the company's exec uti ves said , " The international reputa tion of the School of Mines as a center of learning for students from all pa rts of the world is well deserved. Yo ur institution is also helping Creole p repare Venezuelan yo uth for the important tasks which lie ahead during the period of national growth. These students a re not only acquiring technical skills, but are also building a better understanding between the two countries . Please accept our congratulations on the achi evement of your institution a nd our than ks for the assistance yo u have given Creole ."
Monsanto Makes Added $18,000 Gift for Research
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The Missouri School of M ines has received a supplementary grant of $18,000 from the Monsanto Chem ical Compa ny , of St. Louis, Missouri , in continued support of research on the explosibility of ammonium nitra te. This research project is under the direction of Dr. George B. Clark, Chairman of the M ining Engineering Department. The grant is for one yea r, and supplements a previous gran t under which the research project was instituted in 195 7.
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Dr. Ramalho to Offer Instruction in Use of Computer Machines in Chemical Engineering RUBENS S. RAMALHo, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, a member of the MSM Computer Committee, is preparing himself to give instruction on applications of computers to Chemical Engineering problems, Dr. Ramahlo spent two weeks in St. Louis , Mo" at the International Business Machines Applied Science Bureau taking a special course " Programming for Engineers and Scientists." He was employed for the summer by McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. , to work in the Digital Computer Division. He selected his work with
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Two Faculty Members to Continue Research Under Sponsorship of u. S. Agencies INCE JUNE I, 1956, Dr. Martin E. Straumanis of the Metallurgical Engineering Department and Dr. William J. James of the Chemical Engineering Department have received grants totaling approximately $39,000 for fundamental research projects under the sponsorship of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission and the National Science Foundation. A second renewal of the grant has just been approved. Dr. Straumanis, research professor of Metallurgy and director of the projects is world renowned for his contributions to inorganic chemistry, metal corrosion and crystal studies. He holds degrees of Chemical Engineering (1925) and Dr. of Chemistry (1927) from the University of Latvia, Riga . A postdoctoral year was spent at Goettingen as a Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation. Between 1934 and 1944, he served as director of the analytical laboratories and of the x-ray laboratory of the University of Latvia. In 1944, when forced to leave Latvia, he spent three years at the Institute of Metal Chemistry, University of Marburg, Germany. He is author of over 160 scientific papers.
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From June to December 1947, he was a student trainee with Canada and Howard Smith Paper Co. He received his M.S. degree in 1949 and his Ph.D. in 1954, both from Vanderbilt University. He served as instructor (1952-53) and assistant professor (1953-55) at Vanderbilt University. His doctorate thesis dealt with "A New Method for Obtaining Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Data." He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Chemical Society and Sigma Xi.
physical chemistry (1953) from Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. His major work was in the field of single crystal x-ray studies as a Corn Products Research Fellow. He spent five months in the Physics Department of Penn State University as a Health Institute Fellow on the application of X-RAC to single crystal mathematics under the direction of Dr. Ray Pepinsky. He is author of 10 publications. The program sponsored by the A.E.C. deals in general with the dissolution of nuclear metals in acids, Several students, graduate and undergraduate have assisted on the project during the summer months. Professor O. K . Lay of the Chemical Engineering Department is responsible for the design of equipment which indirectly
Dr. Rubens S. Ramalho McDonnell from several offers in order that he might have the opportunity to obtain experience on computers. It is Dr. Ramalho's plan to offer instruction in computer methods and techniques as specifically applied to complex problems in advanced chemical engineering courses which he is teaching. Dr. Ramalho joined the staff of the Department of Chemical Engineering in September 1957, coming to MSM from Arthur G. McKee and Co., Cleveland, Ohio, where he had been employed for several years as a process engineer. He was born in Brazil, received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Brazil in 1946.
July August 1958
Since September 1957, he has been in Austria as a visiting lecturer on invitation of the U. S. State Department. He returned to Rolla in July. Dr. James, Associate Professor of Chemistry and assistant director received a B.S. in Chemistry (1949) from Tufts University, Medford , Massachusetts, and M.S. (1952) and a Ph.D., in
Dr. William J. James measures the dissolution rates of metals in acids. Professor Lay and Mr. Wayne Custead, Instructor of Chemistry assisted with the project this summer. The project sponsored by the National Science Foundation involves the study of imperfections in recrystallized and deformed materials. Mr. T. Ejima, graduate student in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, is a research assistant on this grant and is working for his Ph. D. degree . Mr. Brace Li of the same department worked on the project this summer. SEND PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS FOR THE ALUMNUS 7
Million-Dollar Electrical Engineering BUilding
!r01/l ;s K, This is the site and prese nt construction progress on th e new $1,000, 000 Electrical Engineering Building. It is located east oj t he jootb all jield. This pic ture was t aken jrom th e east end oj the 22 0 yard straight-away that passes the n orth side oj t he jootbalL fi eld.
New Athletic Fields Being Prepared
Th e new athletic and physical education jacilities will be located at the northeast section oj th e MSM Golj Course. Th e dir t moving equipm.ent is preparing the area jor the new jacilities and the immediat e establishment oj intramural flthletic jields. Th e Pi Kappa Alpha Frat ernit y Hous e is in th e background . 8
MSM A lumnus
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Civil Department's Future Housing
The location of the Civil Engineering Building is at th e corner of 14th and Pine Streets . This picture was taken from the thil'd flool' of Fulton Hall looking in a northeastel'ly direction. The Superintendent of Construction on this ouilding is K enneth H eimbaugh, a civil engineering g1'aduate, Class of 1953.
For Study, Relaxation and Recreation
The Student Union is placed between N01'wood Hall and the Rolla Building. This view was taken from tlte second floor of th e Mechanical Engineering Building with the came1'a pointed southeast showing the corner of Norwood Hall . l uly August 1958
McKinstry Completes Army En9ineer Course in Germany eco nd Lt. Dav id G. M cK inst ry ' 57, recentl y completed with hono rs t he pos t engineer cour e at the Arm y ' E uropea n E ngin ee r choo l in IVl urn al, Ger ma ny. L ieutenant M cK in st ry , a n a ista nt pos t engin ee r in the U. S. Arm y Garri on's Headq ua rte rs in F ulda , Ge rmany, ente red the Army in J a nua ry 1958 , completed ba ~ i c t rai nin g at Fort Belvo ir , Va. , a nd a rri ved in E urope last Ap ril. H e i a former employee of the Alli -C halmers Mfg. Co ., W est Alli s, Wi sco ns in .
1958 Miner Football Schedule DATE Sep t. Sept. ept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.
Dean Hubbard Makes Tour Of ROTC Engineer Camp Ass ista nt Dea n Noel H ubba rd visited the E nginee r R OTC Summer Camp at Fo rt Leo na rd Wood, M issouri to see first ha nd how the ca mp operates a nd to meet t he engineerin g st ude nts fr om M SM who are attend ing the camp. Dea n Hu bba rd was one of eight ed uca to rs, who, at t he in vitatio n of the Arm y , donn ed Army uniforms complete with combat boots a nd took part in the camp. T hey we re given a cha nce to fir e the M l R ifl e a nd the 4 5 caliber pistol, to operate the heavy eq ui p ment a nd to ride in a helicopter. I n addition, t he educato rs a te in t he s tudent mess halls a nd obse rved their classes during inst ruction.
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55 Degrees Awarded at Summer Exercises; Bureau of Mines Regional Director Is Speaker Regional Di recto r of R eg ion Four of the U. S. B urea u of M in es, Bartl esville, Ok la homa deli ve red the comm encement address at t he Summ er Commencemen t held in Parker H a ll , Augus t 2, 1958. The ti tle of D r. Sm it h 's address was " T he Scientist, Man of D estiny. " T he I nvocation and Bened ict ion were 6iven by Revere nd W illi am J. F ri ederichs, Pas to r, I m m a n u e I L uthera n Church , Ro lla. D r. Smi th , a g rad uate of Clark College and with a n hono rary Doctor of cience Degree from that school is promin ent in the field of science, pa rticula rl y in t he fi eld of petroleum engineering . D uring W orld W a r II he d id outsta nding wo rk on jet propul sion fu els. H e a lso served as Director of the Resea rch P rogra m in petroleum for the Ameri ca n Petroleum Institute. In his work with the Bureau of M ines, which he first joined in 1923, he has directed much of t he pla nning of the modern chem istry labo ra tori es of the B ureau 's ta tion a t Ba rtl esville a nd in 1942 he became Chief of the Chemistry a nd R efinin g Section of tha t organi zation. His wo rk as Reg ional Director of R egion Four o f the B ureau of Min es covers direction of t he work of t he B urea u in Arka nsas , Ka .lsas, Lo ui sia na , M ississippi, M issouri , Okla homa , Texas, ]?a na ma Cana l Zone, P uerto Rico a nd the Virgin I sla nds . I n 1949 , D r. Smith received the Distinguished Se rvice Awa rd of the Department of the Interio r a nd in 19 55 the Scroll of the American Petroleum Institute. In 193 7, he was presented a Merit Cita tion fr om the Na tional Civil Service League in recognition of his
L! David C . M cKinstry
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outsta nding caree r in public service . H e is a Fellow of the Okla homa Academy of Science. T he deg rees a warded a t the Summer Comm encement t o t a l e d forty-f our Bachelor of Science D egrees and eleven Master of Science Degrees. The grad uates were p resented for their deg rees by D ean Curtis L. Wilson a nd the deg rees were conferred by President E lm er E llis of the U niversity of Misso uri. Col. L. L. R ail , P rofessor of M il ita ry Science a nd Tacti cs , presented 13 R. O. T. C. students for Commiss ions as Second Li eutenants in the U ni ted Sta tes Army and administered the oa th of offi ce to these students. The Commissions were presented by President E lmer E llis.
Four From MSM Staff Do Summer Work at McDonnell Four members of the MSM faculty are employed by the McDonnell Aircra ft Corpora tion for the summer. Associa te Professo r C. R . Remington , of the M echa nical Engineering Department, is in the Airpla ne Division doing work on heat tra nsfer a nd thermodynamics in ma nned missiles. Instructor Phillip O . Brown is also in the Airplane Division dea li n a with radar components a nd sy stems (Electronics ) , and Assista nt P rofessor Robert T. D eWoody is in the Missiles Division , missiles ~ ui da n ce systems . Brown and D eW oody a re fac ulty members of the E lectrical E ngineering D epa rtment. Dr. R a malho, of the Chemical Engineering D epartment, is also at M cD onnell's.
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News Arizona Section The Arizona Section held their most enjoyable meeting to date, an all day affair at San Manuel , Arizona , on June 14 . Harry Rose '49 , arranged a most interesting tour of the San Manuel Copper Corporation 's mine, surface pla nt, mill and smelter, so tha t the group saw the complete operation from ore to copper plates. The mine has been in production only two yea rs and uses the latest equipment and techniques on low grade ore of 0.75 per cent copper. Concrete lining for the tunnels is being used very successfully. After over two hours and two or three miles of hiking a t a bout 1500 feet underground the group enjoyed a hardy lunch at the Mine Boarding House. The mine output averages over 30,000 tons of ore per day. An automatic hoist a t the main shaft lifts 18-ton capacity skips at 300 fpm, driven by a 3,000 h . p. motor This and associated electrical machinery were of particular interest to the E. E.'s. After completing the tour, the group convened at Don Cole's home for refreshments followed by a delicious charcoal-broiled steak dinner. Cy Young volunteered to a rrange for the next meeting which will include a concrete plant tour and a patio dinner at Iris home in Scottsdale early in October. The meeting officially closed at 9: 30 p. m., over twelve hours after starting, with a rousing hand of app reciation to the H a rry Roses for arranging the whole a ffair , the Don Coles for their food and refreshment arrangements and Paul Mathews and John Cullom for assisting on the tours . A letter of appreciation was also sent to the San Manuel Copper Corporation . Those a ttending were: Mr. and Mrs. T. M . Patten '3 5, Mr. and Mrs . E. Rowland Tragitt '23 , Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Dreste 43 , Mr. and Mrs . John T . (Cy) Young ' 17 , Ed. Kyburz ' 50, H a rold Staves ' 56, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
luly August 1958
G. Grigsby '48 , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pennington ' 50, Mr. and Mrs. Milan H. Detweiler '11 , Mr. and Mrs. Harry L . Rose '49 , Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cullom '49 , Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole '52, a nd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mathews '52, Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Huffman '22 , and Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Winkle '42.
Ark-La-Tex Section The Ark-La-Tex Section held its summer meeting in Shreveport, Louisiana , at the East Ridge County Club with 44 members and guests present. The ar rangements for this meeting were made by F. H. " Satch" Conley '27. Robert C. R anki n '45 , p resident of the Section presided. At the business meeting the minutes of the spring meeting were read and app roved. A motion was made that J. J. Krebs ' 16, from New Orleans , be made an honorary member of the Ark-La-Tex Section. This motion carried unan imously a nd Mr. Krebs exp ressed his appreciation for this honor. H e also thanked the Section members fo r their help in starting the New Orleans Section . Mr. Cla ude Valerius '25 , introduced Mr. and Mrs. Rolla T. Wade '3 1, from H ouston, Texas . H e mentioned , for the benefit of the new members and guests, that Mr. Wade is also an honora ry member and one of the members responsible for the organization of the Ark-La-Tex Section. Aft'er a magnifi cent buffet dinner, Ike Edwards, Executive Secretary of the MSM Alumni Association spoke to the group. . The next meeting will be in September. Notices will be sent to the members giving the place and time. Chairman Rankin thanked those who arranged fo r this fine meeting and expressed his app reciation for the la rge a ttendance. After the meeting adjourned the rema inder of the evening was spent in dancing and visiting.
Southern California Section The Summer meeting of the Southern California Section was held a t the beautiful San Fernando Valley home of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Ashlock '2 0, on Saturday, July 12 .
Those who made the long ride to Tarazana were rewarded with a most delightful day in very pleasant surroundings . In addition to the fine swimming pool, in which the members and their children relaxed during the a fternoon , the amateur fa rmers among the group enjoyed the many varieties of fruit trees including orange, tangerine, lime, kumquat, apple, fig, peach a nd numerous others. Sharing the hostess' honors with Mrs Ashlock as her mother, Mrs. E mory of Sikeston , Missouri. The group was happy to welcome Mr and Mrs John Howendobler '20, who were attending their first alumni meeting with the Southern California Section . Mrs. Howendobler is a ta lented photographer and entertained the crowd with beautiful colored slides of most of the national parks throughout the country which she and John have visited on many of their tours. Others present were: Mrs. Eva Greene ' 11 , Mr. and M rs. Paul H alasey '28 , Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huff '51 , Mr. and Mrs. Barney N uell '21 , Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmidtz '49 , Mr. and M rs. William Schirmer '49 , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadelhofer '49, Mr. and Mrs . Bannon Terrell '32 , and John Wilms.
Houston Section Mrs. Harland H . M iller, MU '35 , who is president of the joint Houston MU-MSM Alumni Section, and Mr. Miller, and son Punky and daughter Sarah Jane, stopped by Rolla on their 3.nnual visit to Misouri. They had never visited the Rolla campus and a tour was arranged to show them the present facilities and the plans and construction for a larger School of Mines. A noon luncheon, in thei r honor, was held a t the Colonial Village and those p resent were: Assistant Dean a nd Mrs. Vernon A. C. Gevecker; Assistant Dean a nd M rs. Noel Hubba rd' Professor and Mrs. Leon Hershkowi~ ; Mr. and Mrs. Buford Robinson- Mr. Robinson is P resident of the Phelps County Missouri University Alumni grouIYand Mr. a nd M rs . Ike Edwards . The guests we re given appropriate gifts, prod ucts of our trees a nd hills.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lynch '51, 210 Park Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois, announce the arrival of Scott Lawrence, November 12 , 1957 . John is with the Lindberg Engineering Company Chicago. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Germer '55 have a son, William Leigh, born Ma; 17 , 1958 . Chuck is with the Alpha Portland Cement Company. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dendler '58, an nounce the birth of Darise Renee at the Phel~s Co~nty Memorial hospital, Rolla, MISSOUri, June 26, 1958. Richa rd is now a cadet in training with the ROTC unit at Fort Leonard Wood Missouri. ' Mr. a nd Mrs. Charles L. Edwards '57, welcomed Scott Evans Edwards born July 6, 1958 at the Phelps Count; Hospital, Rolla, Missouri. The father is an instructor in the Mechanical Engineering Department a t MSM.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schluessing, of Smi th ton , Mo., were married June 22 , 1958, a t the Methodist Church in Smithton. Bob has a position with Howard, Needles, T ammen and Bergendoff , consulting engineers, in Kansas City, Mo. The newlyweds are now at home at 2901 Linwood, Kansas City. Ruth V. Goodhue '28 and Byron E. Yoder were united in marriage J uly 12 , 19 58 at the First Presbyterian :::hurch in Rolla, Missouri. The couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bradford of Hillsboro, Illinois. Mrs . Bradford is the daughter of Mrs. Yoder. Mr. a nd Mrs. Yoder a re making their home at Route 3, Rolla. Mrs. Yoder is employed as Computer in the Geodetic Unit of the USGS at Rolla. Professor Rodney A. Schaefer '47 and H elen Strothkamp were married July 26, 1958, a t Rolla, Missouri. They a re residing a t 1104 Joyce, Rolla, Mo.
Donald J. Ferguson I , '57, and Miss Susan Kay Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude LeRoy Welch, 712 S~arth~ore Lane, University City, MIssouri , were married July 18, 1958 at the Union Avenue Christian Church St. Louis. They will reside at 1309 Walker, Greensboro, N. C.
Kenneth D . Cole '5 4, has announced his engagement to Miss Verna Hollett of Montreal, Canada, and plans are fo; a I.ate O.ctober ~edding in Kansas City, M lssoun. Ken IS a construction manage~e nt e~gineer with the Corps of E ngmeers m Kansas City.
Paul Haas '50, and Miss Betty Leepof Knoxville , Tennessee, were marned on May 31, 1958, and they will make their home at 410 Valparaiso Road , Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Paul is a Group Leader with the Chemical Techn.ology Division of the Oak Ridge NatIonal Laboratory.
Lt. a nd Mrs. Jack Guth '50 now have a .son, Jay Edward, born M~y 23 , 1958, m Wilmington, Delaware. Lt. Guth is with the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey , Washington 25 , D.C.
MARRIAGES Thomas E. Light '58 and Carolyn Ann Underwood , daughter of Mr. and M rs. John A. Underwood Rolla Missouri , were married June' 6, 19 58, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in R?lla. Thomas will be on active duty with the U. S. Army at Fort Belvoir Va ., for six months, after which he wiIl be employed by the Corps of E naineers in the Kansas City District. '" Robert Ruppert '58 and Miss Helen Yvonne John , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton John , of Safe , M issouri were married June 7, 1958, at th~ First Methodist Church , Rolla, Missouri. The Rupperts are making their home in Marion, Michigan where Bob is employed by a petroleum company . Robert W . Schneider '57 and Miss Phyllis Faye Schluessing, daughter of
DEATHS Howard B. Wyrick '32, 1343 West Riverside, Decatur. Illinois , died July 9, at the D ecatur and Macon County Hospital. Mr. Wyrick was with the Shell Oil Company and was transferred to Decatur, the Harristown division office, in April 1956, from New York City and served in the capacity of a line superintendent. He was born in Waynesville Missouri , June 4, 1905 and married ' Grace Christian of Waynesville in 1930. He is survived by his wife and a son, David B. Wyrick of East Alton, Illinois. The funeral services and burial were at Waynesville. The family requested donations be made to the Cancer Fund or the Macon County Blood Bank in lieu of flowers.
Ernest Carroll Wilkinson '50, age 34, died of heart disease at the Phelps County Memorial Hospital, Rolla, Missouri, July 24, 1958. He was employed by the U. S. G. S. in their Photogramn:etry.unit at R~lIa. He is survived by his Widow, Paulme Murry Wilkinson and a daughter Carol Ann, his parents R~v. and Mrs. A. T. Wilkinson , of Ca~ GIrardeau, Missouri, a brother and three sisters. Burial was at Rolla . John H. Dunkin, ex'08, one of Tulsa, Oklahoma's most ardent civic boosters and a merchant who built a small department store into one of the titans of the southwest, died June 12 , 1958 in Tulsa. He was president of the BrownDunkin Company, in Tulsa. He is survived by his widow, Jane R ., a son, John Randolph Dunkin, a student at the University of Oklahoma, a daugh¡ ter, Della Jane, a sister, Mrs. John A Brown and a brother, Francis Dunkin of Reseda, California.
Alumni Personals 1902 . Ca rroll D . Webb visited the campus m June . He was in the midwest attending the International Rotary Convention in Dallas. A year ago he attended the Rotary Convention in Geneva Switzerland. He is semi-retired but i~ doing much work on heaters for oranae groves for frost protection. He lives '"in Covina , California, 424 E. Badillo.
191 4 Carl G. Stifel has been elected President of the St. Louis Convention and Publicity Bureau. 191 9 William E. Oyler has been transferred to the New York office of Lever Bros., 390 Park Ave. His new assignment is a technical advisory position and he is living at 3 Hickory Lane Darien, Conn. ' 1923 Professor Raymond E. Murphy, Professor of Economic Geography, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, and editor of "Economic Geo a '" rap hy, " was on leave from Clark during t~e. ~pring semester. He was serving as VISltlllg professor, Department of Geography , University of California, Berkeley. He returned to the Worcester Mass., school in June. ' Lynn Harbison has a change of address to 1325 N. Jefferson Sprinafield Mo. ' '" , MSM Alumnus
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1928 Edward C. Miller, 116 Everest Circle, Oak Ridge, Tenn ., who is with the Oak Ridge Scientific Labs. , was a campus visitor in July.
Charles H . Dresbach is now manager, Operations and Concessions, New York Exploration Division (Western Hemisphere and Foreign) of the Gulf Oil Corp ., 17 Battery Place, New York, 4, New York. He formerly was Manager to the New York Office of Gulf in West Africa. Russell C. Miller recently celebrated his 25th year with Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia, Pa., manufacturer of electronic controls and instruments. He has been connected with the firm 's Chicago office for the past 22 years ; before then , he was in research and engineering departments. Prior to joining L & N , he was with Wilson Western Sporting Goods Co., and E. 1. duPont de Nemours & Co. His address is 912 Windsor Road , Glenview, Ill. Dr. Arthur L. Bradford, head of the Department of Engineering, N. Y. State College for Teachers, Buffalo, N. Y., will leave September 10 for a year's sabbatical leave in England where he will do graduate work in research at the University of London as well as some independent writing. While in England they will also attend the wedding of his son, Hilary, an attorney in Niagara Falls, N. Y., to Beryl May Hutchby of Nottingham , England . The young couple will return to Buffalo to make their home.
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Edward Meeka is now with the California Ceramic & Quarry Tile Co., Richmond , Calif., and his address is 416 South 38th Street. Andrew C. Shearer has moved from DeLand , Florida to Chapel Hill, N . C. His mailing address is Box 518.
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\Villiam H. Lenz who has been with the Bureau of Mines in Reno, Nevada has resigned to take a position with the U. of California's Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory as a Metallurgist in the CMB division . The CMB division is one of two at the Laboratory concerned with chemistry and metallurgy research. William J. Jabsen who is in the comercial heat treating business in Kalamazoo, Michigan, gave a series of eight lectures on the "Basic Fundamentals of July August 1958
Heat Treating." The course was attended by 11 5 individuals from industry surrounding Kalamazoo. His address is 319 E. Thomas St. Michael Young is Assistant Superintendent, Lead Dep't. , American Smelting & Refining Co., San Luis Potosi , S. L. P ., Mexico.
1934 John J. O'Hearn , 9935 Gooding Dr., Dallas 20, Texas, is with the Tecon Corp. 1 935 Robert W. Johnson is Assistant Construction Engineer, Illinois Division of Highways Number 5, Paris, Ill. , and living at 220 E. Court, Paris.
1937 Clarence H . Harris, Jr. , is in the Area Public Works Office, Agana Guam , Marianas Islands. His mailing address there is P. O. Box 35. Lt. Col. Fred Vogt is assigned in Seoul, Korea. He is with Hdqtrs KM AC, Engineer Section, A. P . O. 102 , San Francisco, California. 1 938 Omar C. Walley has a new position as Engineering Ass 't to the President, Hartman Electrical Mfg. Co., Mansfield , Ohio., and will move to Mansfield from Brecksville, Ohio when their new home is finished. Jay C. Krath , 504 E. 9th St., Sweetwater, Texas is with Pan American Petroleum Corp.
J. R. Glatthaar has been appointed assistant director of Agricultural chemicals sales for Monsanto Chemical Company's Inorganic Chemicals Division at St: Louis, Mo. He has been the division district sales manager at Chicago since 1956.
1940 Oscar R . Benavides, Camana 631 of 602 , Lima, Peru is manager of coal mines.
1941 Marvin C. Grisham is Production Superintendent, National Gypsum Co., working in New York and resides at 332 Willow Court, Ridgewood , New Jersey. The Grishams have two children ages 5 and 12 . Virgil O. Becker is with the E. A. Becker Foundry Co., 1201 Hwy. 66, St. Louis, Mo. His residence address is 11740 Talbott Ct., St. Louis 15 . Major Edmund R . Butch is in the R. O. T. C. Instructor Group , Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa.
1942 Thomas A. Jones has been assigned to Monsanto Chemical Company 's Treasury Department at St. Louis , Mo. , after serving as tax supervisor for the company 's Lion Oil Company Division. Gene Gottschalk, Route I , Gilbertsville, Ky ., is starting a business and residential sub-division on a sixty-six acre tract near Kentucky Lake and Kentucky Dam Village. His company is known as the Gottschalk Development Corp. John S. Harris is employed by the Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. His address is 712 Francis Place, St. Louis.
1943 Jack Fleischli is Vice President of the Bay City Bearing Co ., Inc. , distributor for 35 major bearing and power transmission manufacturers with offices and warehouses in Los Angeles, California. His residence is at 5254 Appian Way, Los Angeles. J. L. Shafer, Jr. is in Tulsa, Okla., with Bethlehem Supply Co. His address there is 4301 E. 60th Place.
1944 H. D . Barnhart is in Syracuse, N . Y. with General Electric Co. , and is the Manager, Instrumentation M & P Lab. He lives at 904 LeRoy Road , Sy racuse. Dr. Richard S. Mateer has been appointed the Chairman of the Department of Mining and Metallurgy at the University of Kentucky, effective August 1, 1958. Dr. Mateer has been Research Metallurgist at the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Donald K . Kozeni is now Superintendent of the Taylor & Boggis Foundry, Euclid , Ohio. His new residence address is 160 Beechwood Drive, Chesterland, Ohio. William F. Emerson was a campus visitor on June 23 . William is a field representative for the E & E Mine Service Company at Christopher, Illinois, of which he is part owner. He is returning to Illinois via the state of California . Walter J. Dean is with U. S. Metals Refining, Wakefield, Mich. His address is 112 Lepisto St., Wakefield . 1 945 Herman Schalk is with National Lead, Titanium Division, St. Louis, 13
Co. His residence address is 10032 Zenith Court, Affton 23, Mo.
1 946 Wilbur F. Wickizer has opened his own consulting and design engineering office known as W. F. Wickizer, consulting and design engineer, 1827 South Stewart St., Springfield, Missouri. His residence is at 1600 South Fairway Terrace. Ralph A. Mathews is with Monsanto Chemical Co. , St. Louis, Mo. Ralph lives at 5229 Nottingham Ave. , St. Louis.
194 7 Paul F. Carlton was visiting on the campus the first part of July. Mrs. Carlton and their four children were with him. Paul is Chief of the Analysis Branch of the Ohio River Division Laboratories of the Corps of Engineers, Cincinnati. Gale Fulghum has been transferred from the Westinghouse Gas Turbine plant in Kansas City, Mo. , to the Westinghouse Atomic Equipment plant at Cheswick, Pa., and his new address is 521 Holly Drive, Monroeville, Pa.
1948 Robert J. Niewoehner is with Jos. T . Ryerson & Son, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., and is manager of alloy steel sales. His address is 435 California, Joplin , Mo. Leroy Kienitz is Ass't Superintendent New York Trap Rock Co., New Hamburg, N. Y. Stephen Hasko, a member of the staff of the National Bureau Standards, Washington , D. c., recently published an article on " Beta-Alumina Structures in Trivalent Systems." The National Bureau of Standards has been investigating a -group of alkaline earth and rare-earth oxide compounds that compri se a system of extremely high melting point substances for the Wright Air Development Center. Arthur E. Scholz is in Syracuse, N . Y. with Crucible Steel Co ., of America. His address is 123 Village Dr. Kenneth E. Niewoehner is with Bethlehem Steel at Johnstown , Pa. His residential address is R . D . 5, Box 266A. Wilburn L. Weddle is in Cleveland , Ohio with Thompson Products , Inc. , and lives at 24 375 Garden Drive, E uclid 23 . G. U. Sessen , with General Electric in St. Louis, Mo. , resides at 185 St ., Benedict Lane , Florissant 21 , Mo. Michel J. Pagezy is Joint Chief of the 14
Department of Exploration and Production, Shell of France, 42nd Washington St., Paris. The Pagezys have a family of four children.
1949 Joseph E. Wright, Box 275X, Route 1, Guntersville, Ala., is in the missile design department of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Charles P. Daniels has accepted a position with the McLean Construction Co., Springfield, Mo . Bill R. Roark is Division Engineer, Sinclair Oil and Gas Co., and his address is 1201 Hall Ave., Metairie, La. Lt. Cmdr. J. E. Greig is a Navy ROTC instructor, University of Kansas, Lawrence and has residence at 1208 W. 10th St. This summer he is aboard a navy destroyer off the Atlantic coast. Arthur J. Shaver's address is III Church Street, Boonville, N. Y. David Dalpini, 5733 Waltham , Ft. Worth, Texas, is with Pan American Petroleum Corp. Milton L. Simmons is in Cleveland, Ohio, 16395 Parklawn and is employed by the Ferro Corp. William L . Miller, Route two, Rochester, Ill., is with Sangamo Electric Co. , in Springfield, Ill. William H. Lenox has moved from Wichita , Kan., to Omaha, Nebr. His address is 3721 Ernst Street.
1950 Herbert S. Cain has been assigned to Berry Hydraulics ' General Office sales engineering staff in Pittsburgh, Pa. He previously was with the company in Houston, Texas, specializing in hydraulic pumps and motor applications in gas transmission plants . J. Wilton Hughes is at Bluefield College, Bluefield, Va. Charles E. Mace is with the Gulf Oil Roswell, N . W., and resides at 1003 West Mathews, Roswell. Dominic Ferrero has been transferred to District 6, Missouri State Highway Dep't., Kirkwood , Mo. , and is living at 735 Kostka Lane , Florissant , Mo. William J. Ruprecht is with the ACF Industries, American Car and Foundry Div., Berwick, Pa. His Berwick address is R. D. 2. Frank M. Yeckl is with the Missouri State Highway Dep't. , District 6, Kirkwood , Mo. , in the construction di-
vision. His residence is at 1009 Elvado Dr., St. Louis 19, Mo. Lt. John L. Painter, USN, is in Brunswick, Ga. His address is 99 Yorkshire Dr. Murel L. Payne's address is 935 Porter, Wichita, Kansas. Dale L. Kingsley is with the Cooperative Refinery Association, Kansas City, Mo. His address is 3814 East 50th St. N ., Kansas City 16. William J. Vark is with Bethlehem Supply Co., and he is living at 701 N. Wilson Ave., Metairie, La. Victor E. Mallrich is with General Electric Co., Home Laundry Dep't., Appliance Park, Louisville, Ky . His address is 4218 Dolphin Rd. William G. Barker is employed by the Abbott Laboratories, Waukegan , Ill. His address there is 2225 N orthen Ave. Eugene F. Stifel is with McDonnell Aircraft Corp., and lives at 2220 Norside Drive, Alton, Ill. Norman F. Schneider is Senior Development Engineer, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla., and his address is 337 S. E. Rockwood. Thomas H. Weidman lives at 3502 Joplin , Mo., and is with Weidman Industries, Inc., Baxter Springs, Kansas. David W. Peart is plant manager, Bestwall Gypsym Co., Blue Rapids, Kansas. Oliver S. North is a Commodity Specialist, Ceramics Division, U. S. Tariff Commission, Washington 25 , D. C. His Washington address is 2119 H. St., N. W., Apt. 802. Kenneth P . Larkin is in Midwest, Wyoming with Pan American Petroleum Co. A. M. Petska is with the Oregon State Engineers, and resides at 715 Clarmar Way, Salem. Ralph E. Mottin is Manager, Mechanical Development Dep 't. , Eng. Div., Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, Mich. He lives in Taylor Center, 24324 Ward . Eugene W. Warren 's address is 2102 Grand , Liberty, Texas. Laurel D. Berger, 804 Dale Aye. , O'Fallon , Ill. , is with the Illinois Highway Dep 't. , as a highway engineer. Richard E. Marting receiving his Master 's degree in Business Administration at St. Louis U. at the close of the 1958 spring semester. Marting joined Union Electric Co ., St. Louis, Mo. , after graduation from MSM
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where he received a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. He has been working toward his Master's degree since 1955. Pierce J. Miller is in the Production Engine Dep't., Laboratory Aircraft Gas Turbine Div., General Electric Company's Evendale Ohio plant. His residence is at 1942 D . Chaucer Dr. , Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Donald H. Jenkins, Jr. , is with Reynolds Metals Co., Arkadelphia, Arkansas and his address is 1703 Phillips. Richard M. Frazier is in Chicago, Ill. , with Hickman, Williams & Co., and he is living at 136 South Summit St., Wheaton , Ill. 1951 Robert J. Rieder is a member of the Technical Staff of the Ground Systems Division of Hughes Aircraft Company, Fullerton, California. His residence address is 2341 West Broadway, Anaheim , California. Robert L. Land , Jr. , has a new address of 21 Garfield Rd ., Belmont, Mass. He will be at M. 1. T. for a year in their Industrial Management school. Charles "Ron" Ferry, Rte. No . 2, LaSalle, Ill. , is with the Eicor Division, The Scranton Corp., Oglesby, Ill. His work deals mainly with applications of transistors and other semiconductors. Frank D. Motta is with the Ordnance Ammunition Command, Joliet, Ill., and resides at 406 East James St., Dwight, Ill. Frederick H . Wolf is in Baltimore, Md . His address is 904 Prestwood Rd . He is with the Westinghouse Electric Corp., Air Arm Division . Raymond C. Wiley resides in Rockville, Maryland , 12911 Turkey Branch Parkway and is employed by the U. S. Naval Ordnance Lab. in Silver, Springs. Richard W . Ladd is in the technology department of Tidewater Oil Co., Delaware City, Del., and resides at 14 S. Kingston Rd. , Brookside Park, Newark. Joseph Perryman, Jr. , who is with the Caterpiller Co., is in Brussels, Belgium and has an address 13 Ave. Saturne Vule. Raymond M. Kline, 14824 Ralls Dr., Robertson , Mo., is with McDonell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo . Robert H. Schwaig is with the Pfaudler Div., Pfaudler Permutit Inc. , St. Louis, Mo. He lives in St. Louis County 22 8 Ben Davis Road. Samuel A. Bradford is Research AsJuly August 1958
sistant, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State College, Ames , Iowa and resides at 2818 West St. Owen E. Thompson, formerly with the Cotton Belt R. R. in Tyler, Texas, has accepted a position with Electrical Communications Inc., San Francisco, Calif., as applications engineer and is living in San Bruno, 533 Maple Ave. James E . Thompson is a construction engineer with Kroger's and has residence at 404 Timberlake, Eringer, Ky. William A. Koederitz is in Morgan City, Louisiana with Magnolia Petroleum Co. His mailing address is Box 910. Charles E. Steinmetz is with the Chemstrand Corp., Decatur, Ala. His address is 2008 Nelson S. E. Harold C. Ratliff is now in St. Louis Missouri , with residence at 1617 Meredith Dr. Gerald D . Smith, 3182 Morganford Road, St. Louis 16, Mo., is with the James R . Kearney Co . Wm . Dean McKee, Jr. is with Basic Research Branch, Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. His address is 365 N. Fifth St., Lewiston, N. Y. 1952 Milan J. Zupan is with the Westinghouse Electric Co., gas turbine division , Kansas City, Mo. , as a manufacturing engineer. Milan is married and has two children and resides at 5517 Cedar, Kansas City, Mo. Raymond Hallows, Jr ., is an engineer with the newly created Astro Electronic Products Division, Radio Corporation of America, Princeton, N . J. His residence address is 252 Stockton Rd ., Princeton. Ward B. Wahl was an alumni office visitor in June. He is with the Elliott Co. , and resides in Hartsville, Pa. C. Kipp Ferns, Jr. , who is with the Cities Service Oil Co., Billings, Montana, was a Rolla and campus visitor ':"'-O-a_~~I_~'-'~I_~ I
in July. While on his vacation he underwent an emergency appendectomy which didn 't delay him long. George MacZura is research engineer in the Ako Research Labs. , East St. Louis, Ill., and he has residence at 3815 Highland Rd. Gunther T. Jensen has a new address effective September 1. It is 331 McMillan Drive, Tyler, Texas. Gunther is with General Electric and its air conditioning division has been transferred to that Texas city. He has been in Pequannock, N. J. Burton J. Duchek is with Bendix Aviation Co ., Mishawaka, Indiana and living at 2514 Erskine Blvd ., South Bend 14. Wm. M . Penney, Jr. , 922 Audubon Dr., Clayton 5, Mo. , is with FruinColnon Contracting Co., St. Louis. Dirck B. Stickle has a change of address: 97 Montgomery St., Rhinebeck, N . Y. He formerly was in Talara, Peru . Roger E . Wakefield has moved to Mexican Hat, Utah and is metallurgist at the Texas-Zinc Mineral Corporation's uranium mill. G. F. Sinnamon is with the Bendix Aviation Corp., Pacific Div. , North Hollywood, Calif. , and lives at 731 8 Casaba Ave., Canoga Park, Calif. Gerald S. King is employed by Shaad & Viets, Mission , Kansas, and has residence at Apt. 9, 8241 President Court, Kansas City, 10, Mo. John G. Bartel is now employed with H . K. Porter Company, Inc., Refractories Div., P . O. Box 349, Pascagoula, Miss. Roy E. Lee, Field Engineer for Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp., is in Wichita Falls, Texas, 317 Rockwood . Vernon E. Hackman has been promoted from senior assistant engineer to electrical engineer in the Engineering and Construction Dep 't. , of Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo. .!4
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If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks.
Name .... .. .... .. .. .......... ............ .... ......... .......... ...... .. ........ ............. ..........
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195 3 Earl R. D ilI was recently t ransferred to Sedalia, :Mo., as District Wire Chief, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. His Sedalia add ress is 208 Rainbow D r. James F . Robe rts, an employee of the M issouri State H ighway Dep't. , is in Springfield, Mo. H is add ress is 20 7 W . Cherokee. Wallace T. Ha rper has moved from Acworth, Ga ., to Menlo Park, California . His address there is 1032 Ringwood Ave. Robe rt R . Richter is in the grad ua te school a t St. Louis U . H is St. Louis, Mo. , add ress is 4950 Columbia .
1 954 Joe E. Gray is ma rried a nd the Grays have an 18 month old son, " Doug", and live a t 606 R ichard St., Hot Springs, Ark . Joe is general manager of the Spa Construction a nd Supply Co. , an asphalt paving concern . T om Crutcher has completed a 22 month to ur of duty with the Army a t Ft. Myers, Virginia . He is spending the summer a t the M issouri Geology F ield Camp, Lande r, Wyo., doing fi eld mapping under the a uspices of the University of Missouri . I n August he is to receive his Master's degree in geology from the University . Ted J. T ucker is now employed by the Came ron I ron Works, Ho uston, Tex ., as a metallurgical engineer. His Houston ¡address is 1636 Richmond. F irst Lt. John L. F inley has been tra nsferred from F t. Leonard Wood, Mo ., and his new address is 607 M cLawhorne, Wa rwick, Va. Cha rles S. Barkley is in Clinton , I a ., with E. I. du Pon t de Nemours & Co. His add ress is 43 1 Woodlawn Drive, Clinton.
Sidney J. Cole, J r. , I S 111 the Army . His home address is 5145 S. Leamington Ave., Chicago 38, Ill.
1955 J ames G. Mullen is a t the University of Illinois a nd his Champaign add ress is 901 S. F irst St. Russell L. Langston is Aeronautical Power Pla nt E ngineer, T est a nd Evaluation Lab., R D L , Ordnance M issile Labs., Redstone Arsenal, Ala. H is address is c/ o c. N . Buchanan Route 4 , Box 44, Huntsville, Ala . H enrique D. F renkel is T echnical Director, Intertec C. A., P . O. B . 54 63, Caracas, Venezeula . Lt. (jg) M . J ordan Zimmerma n who has been aboard the USS Hornet has a cha nge of add ress to P. O. Box 1558, D enver, Colo. Marlin F . Kreig's new address is 53 00 Sherb rooke Rd ., Evansville 10, Ind . Thomas V. Bruns is employed by Dow Chemical Company and is residing in Denver, Colo., 1675 S. King. D onald R. Bogue, T ower Apts., 11 E, Anderson , I ndiana, is with the Delco Remy Division, General Motors Corp. I 956 Roger L . Berkbigler received his Master's degree in Automotive E ngineering from the Chrysler Institute of Engineering, at D etroit, Mich ., June 3. H e is presently employed by the Adva nced Chassis D esign Dep't. in Central E ngineering for the Chrysler Corp . H a rold T . Staves' new address is c/ o America n Smelting & Refining Co., Silver Bell, N. M . Samuel A. Gulotta's address is Box 596, Sturgeon Bay , Wisc. Lawrence E. Allen , Jr. , is now in
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Liberty, Mo ., living a t 24 Main Court. Ja mes B. N ickell, Resea rch a nd Development E ngr., of the Collins Radio Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was a campus visitor in July. H is address is Box 433, Hiawa tha, Iowa . H a rvey L. Lewis is with Sinclair Pipeline a nd is living a t 300 West Main St ., Independence, Kansas.
1957 H a rold N uffer is in China Lake, California with the Navy Ordnance Test Station . His address there is 77 Bard , Room 25.
H erbert W . Miller H erbert W . Miller has rejoined the staff of the Texas Company's Process Engineering Department a t its Port Arthur, Texas refinery following completion of a period of milita ry service. H e is presently participa ting in an extensive training program after which he will ass ume his assignment as Assistant Chemical E ngineer. His address is 1301 Sixth Street, Port Arthur . Larry D . Oppliger is working at Sandia Corp., this summer and will return to the graduate school , University of Wisconsin , this fall. His address is Dep't. , of Physics, Sterling Hall , University of Wisconsin, Madison , Wisc. Clifford W . Blackstun is with Bethlehem Supply Co., Tulsa, Oklahoma. His address is 2538 S. Ha rvard Pl. , Apt. B.
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R oyce M . Scott has joined the technical services department of Monsanto Chemical Company's Organic Chemicals Division pla nt at Monsanto, Ill. MSM Alumnus