Married Student Apartments Nearing Completion
Constructed on the site of the former intramural athletic field on 14th Street, these apartments are expected to be completed for occupancy at the beginning of the second semester. Financed by a government loan that will be liquidated by rental income, they will house 48 families. The married student population is about twenty per cent of the student body and plans are to build additional similar units to meet the need for such facilities.
Volume 33
September-October 1959
Number 5
President's Column of the MSM Alumni Association join the administration and the faculty of the school in cordially inviting you to Homecoming 1959. We all sincerely hope that every alumnus is able to attend at least part of the festivities and meetings. Why not call that old buddy of Miner days right now and arrange for you and your " bride" to meet him and his fair lady in Rolla lor the November 6 and 7 weekend. For those who may have forgotten-it is lots of fun , in addition to being very productive in the formulation of Association policies. The campus has undergone a tremendous face-lifting in the last few years, and is still giving birth to new buildings and facilities. The E. E. Building, C. E. Building, and the Student Union are rapidly nearing completion. We feel you will find the scheduled campus tours most interesting. In addition to seeing the new physical plant additions, you will have opportunities to meet new members of the outstanding faculty as well as retell old yarns with the " old guard " of the staff. The Directors of the Association are looking forward to a large turnout of alumni for the Open Directors Meeting on Friday. The Association can accomplish those things you feel it should only if the officers are appraised of your ideas. This is the meeting planned to allow you to be heard. The larger and more diverse the group that attends, the more effective will be the operations of the Association during the coming year . The Convocation and Annual Businees Meeting on Saturday will afford you an opportunity of properly welcoming our distinguished members and guests to whom Association awards are being presented. Saturday afternoon will see the Miners admini stering effective justice to the Teachers from Springfield. The many parties and dinners can be best described as " truly old fashioned Miner affairs. " No formal speeches or excessive formality of any kind- just good friendly fellowship of old and new Miners. It's fun- it's rewarding. Make your pla ns now! vVe sincerely want to see you at Homecoming 1959.
MSM Alumni Association
Term Expires
President.. .
..... ........... ..... ....... . l\Ielvin E.
Tickel '38...
.. .. .Interna tional H arvester Co . . \Visco nsin Steel Division 270 1 East 106 th Stree t C hicago 17, Illinois
Exec utive Vice-President .............. Paul T. D owling '40 ................ 1400 South 2nd Sl. ........ .............. ............ .. 1959 St. Lou is 4, IVIisso uri Vice-President Areas 1, 2,3 .........S. Allen Stone '30 ...... Vice-President Areas 4, 5, 6.... .... J, W . Step hens '47 Vice-Presiden t Areas 7,8 , 9 ......... Ba rn ey
.. .. P . O. Box 28 ...... .......... ...... .................. .. ..... 1959 Fort \Vayne, India na ... ... Lee's Sum mi t, _ IVlissouri
l uell '21 ................... 10 15 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles 17 , Ca lifo rnia
Secretary-Treasurer ......... .............. Leo n H ershkowi t z '41 ........ .... 1300 Powell . Rolla , ~ li sso uri
.. ................ .......... 1959
Executi ve Secretary ....................... Francis C. Edwards ................. M SM Alumni Associa ti on Ed itor, " 1II S1I I Alumnus" Old Metallurgy Building Rolla , lVJissouri DIRECTO RS AT LARGE Mervin J, K ell y ' 14 ...
.. .................... 2 Windeme re T errace, Short Hills, New J ersey ........................ 1959
R. O . K asten '43
..... 613 8 Manni ng, Kansas City 33, Missouri ........ ....... ...... ...... 1959
Rex Williams '3 1 .... .......... .................. .............. 504 East 5th Street, Rolla , Misso uri .
States Embraced
Te rm Exp.
....... ~ew En ~ l a:1d , ~. Y. , 1\. j., Eas t Pa. , ...... __ ............ 1961 Dist. of Columbia , ?o.Id .. Va .. Delaware
........... J, Cra ig Ellis '38 . 524 H ighland Ave nu e, Westfield , New Jersey
........... J, C. Salmon, Jr. '22 ......... ............................... ...S. Ark. , N. Box 967, l\Iinden ; Louisiana
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.. J . Walter Wallace '48 ..................................... .... :\. ilL. Chicago I ndustri al Area. in Indiana, \ Visc. , ?vI ich., Minn. 18455 Stedhall , H omewood , Illinois
1960 1960
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C. Palmer '40 . ........ . .. ............ ........... ..5. II I. , E. Mo., N. Ar k . .... ............. .. .... .. ...... .. ........... 196 1 164 1 Andrew Drive, SL Louis 22, 1Ilissouri
.......... .]osep h E . Scally '3 1 P. O. Box 1655 , Tulsa 5, Oklahoma .. ......... Kenn et h F. Anderson '42. ..... 1114 Commerce St., Room 1909 Dallas 2, Texas
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........... 0. W. Kamper '35 .. ......................................... .W. \¡a .. Ohio , W . Pa. , K y. , Tenn. , . Inc!" (Except Chicago Indus tria l Area) 608 Villevista , Pittsb urgh 34, Pennsy lvania 4
........ [owa . W . Mo. , Neb., Kan ., Ok la .
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Downey, Cali fornia
Those who attend will be able to personally thank Mel Nickel, our retiring president, for the tremendous job he has done during his three years tenure . If those of us who follow Mel can maintain his record , our MSM Alumni Association cannot but continue its phenomenal growth. See you November 6 and 7. P. T . Dowling '40 Executive Vice President MSM Alumni Association Guest Columnist
MSM Alumnus Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. Subscription price, $1.50, included in Alumni Dues . Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
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MSM Has Record Enrollment of 3039 Students; H. J. Andresen Promoted By Parker-Hannifin Corp. Largest Branch of University of Missouri A record enrollment of 3039 students are on the MSM campus this fall. This is an increase of more than 100 students who were enrolled a year ago when the total was 2929. The largest increase was in the freshman group which showed a 15 per cent increase over last year. There is a total of 8 15 in the freshman class, 594 in the sophomore, 791 in the junior, 672 in the senior, 143 graduate students , and 34 are unclassified. The largest enrollment is in the Mecha nical Engineering Department with a total of 687 students enrolled. Enrollment in other departments include : E lectrical Engineering, 632 ; Civil Engineering, 574 ; Chemical Engineering, 275 ; M etallurgical E ngineering, 25 3; Mining Engineering, 206 ; Science, Phy-
sics, 165 ; Science, Geology, 66 ; Ceramic Engineering, 43 ; Science, Chemistry, 3 5; Engineering, Special and Unclass ified Students, 113. The enrollment includes 32 women . This is the second year in which a record enrollment has been established . Last year the record of 2929 students was a record over previous enrollment and this yea r is an all-time record once more . With this enrollment, the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy is the largest school of the University of Missouri. Ranking next is the College of Arts and Science, on the Columbia campus, with a total enrollment of 2936. The College of Engineering, on the Columbia campus, has an enrollment of 1303 , a decrease of 121 from last year.
H. J. " Andy" Andresen '40 , has been appointed to a newly-created position of Manager of Sales Training for all industrial products of the Parker-Hanni fin Corporation, Cleveland , Ohio. He was advanced from his previous post, held since 1955, as sales manager for Crown air line lubricators, regulators and filters made by the corporation 's Hannifin Company division in Des Plaines, Ill. Earlier Mr. Andresen was an abrasive specialist with Samuel Harris & Co ., Chicago , III. , and before that had experience as an engineer with Sunnen Products Co. , and Emerson Electric Co., in St. Louis , Mo. During 1942 -45,
American Chemical Society Holds First Meeting of Golden Anniversary Celebration on MSM Campus EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, the University of Missouri Section of the American Chemical Society began its celebration commemorating 50 years of activity on the Columbia campus. The MSM campus was honored to be the site of the first of the six meetings honoring the golden anniversary . The meeting began with a tour of the MSM campus which was followed by a dinner in the Rayl Cafeteria . The principal speaker was Dr. William H . Webb , who centered his talk around the nuclear studies at MSM. He reported that grants from the state and federal governments had made it possible for MSM to build a nuclear reactor housed in a new building. Present plans call fo r the reactor to be completed by September 1960. Dr. Webb explained the characteristics of the reactor, including its type, core, moderator, reflector, coolant , average thermal flux and many other interesting qualities. Nuclear Engineering is defined as "the application of the physical and life sciences to the design of engineering systems involving nuclear and composed circuits, processes, energy converters and structures and the prediction of the behavior of such systems in the term of time, cost , men and materials. " With the great demand for trained
Sept ember October 1959
persons with B. S. and graduate training in nuclear science and engineering, the education of most of them must be handled in the university. Although MSM has not established a Nuclear Engineering Department, training consists of an infusion of relevant nuclear technology into each department of Ceramic, Metallurgy, Mechanical, Physics and Chemistry . Dean Curtis L. Wilson appointed a committee, with representatives from the principal departments concerned, which has planned curricula, facilities, instruction , and directly related matters. Members of the Nuclear Committee are: Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer (Metallurgy) , Chairman; Dr. H . Q Fuller (Physics) , Dr. T . J. Planje (Ceramics), Dr. A. J. Miles (Mechanical), and Dr. W. H. Webb (Chemical). In order to produce qualified nuclear graduates, a reactor is essential, since without it the student is acquainted only with the theoretical results and procedures of nuclear reactions . A Master of Science degree is Nuclear Engineering is also offered by MSM. The materials phase of nuclear engineering training is highly emphasized at iSM . The preparation of certain strategic materials and their fabrication into desired physical forms required a combination of chemical, ceramic, mechanical and metallurgical technology.
H. 1. "Andy" Andresen he was a Captain in the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. He is a member of American Ordnance Association, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, and Industrial Hydraulic Training Association. He is past president of the Glenview chapter of Toastmaster 's International. He also participated in Chicago University's Great Books Course for two years, serving one term as the discussion leader . The Andresens have three children and live at 710 Lincoln Street, Glenview, Illinois. SEND US NEWS ABOUT YOUR PROMOTION , FAMILY INCREASE , ETC.
Professor Hanley Honored on Eighty-Fifth Birthday; Greetings From AllOver W orld fellow metallurgists and other old friend s ga the red September 18th to celebrate the 85th birthday of H. R. "Cap" Hanley, P rofessor Emeritus of Metallurgy a nd former chairman of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering . A highligh t of the gathering was the p resentation of a large volu me of letters a nd telegrams fr om former students and friends from all parts of the U nited States. Of great in terest to everyone was a lette r of congratulation s from former aRMER STUDE
all urgy of lead and zinc, a field in which Professor Hanley has been particula rly active. Greetings from the school were by Dean Curtis L. Wilson, a metallurgi t a nd a long time personal friend of the H an leys. Dr. Walter Remmers, president of Pittsburgh Metall urgical Company, of the Class of '23 , gave a talk in which he co nveyed the greetings from a ll of the former students of Professor H a nley. A tape recording was p layed to convey greetings from many of his friends connected with the Cheng Kung
'23 , Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. John Hanley , Omaha, eb raska ; Mr. and frs . Bram J. Lewin '38, St. Louis , Mo.; and Mr. and Mrs . L. P. D avidson, of St. Lou is, Mo, Prof. H anley grad uated fr om MSM in 1901 , had a successful professional caree r in the West and returned to MSM in 1923 to become a member of the facul ty. In 1941 , he became chairman of the Department of Metallurgical E ngineering a nd in 1946 retired to become Professor Emeritus. H e maintains his office a t the school and keeps busy with consulti ng, writing and professio nal society com mittee work, particu larly AIME. For a number of years he was secretary-t reasure r of the MSM Alumni Association . R ecords show only five living graduates before his Class of 1901.
In remarki ng about the party, Prof. H anley told Dr. Albert Schlechten, the presen t head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, " that he was going to do the same for Dr. Schlechten on his 85 th birthday."
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John E. May Has Article In Recent Ceramic Journal John E. May ' 51, has prepared a techn ica l paper presented in the August issue of the Journal of the American Ceram ic Society. Mr. May's paper is entitled "G rowth of Alpha Aluminum Ox ide P latelets From the Vapor."
Walt er E. R emmers Congratulates " Cap" H anley President of the United States, Herbert Hoover, who was also a mining engineer in former years . Mr. H oover is six week older than Professo r Han ley and was so able to welcome him into the rank of those who celebrated their 85th birthday . Greetings fr om the me tallurg ica l indus try were given by Dr. G. K. Willi a m , of Melbourne , Australia, who stopped in Rolla for the occa ion en route to Engla nd. Dr. \\ illiam is widely known fo r hi s work in the met4
U ni versity on the island of Formosa , where Professo r and M rs. H anley spent almost three years . And "Cap" established a department of meta ll urgical eng in eering for the Nat ionalist Government of China . Many beautiful and uniqu e gifts were presented to the H anley. One unu sual one came from a grou p of Eu ropea n meta llurgi ls. Out of town guests in add iti on to D r. Remmers included Mr. James F. Smith '27 , Columbia Falls, Montana ; M. L. Frey
Mr. May is presently employed as a ceramist in the Metallurgy a nd Ceramics Resea rch Department of the General E lectric Research Laboratory , Schenectady , N. Y. H e joined the G. E. Staff in 195 1 and has been enaaged in the field of metallurgy of soft magnetic materials and origin of microstructures . Currently he is concerned with physical ceram ics. T he American Ceramic Society is a na tional organ ization devoted to the advancement of the ceramic fi eld . As its publi cation constitutes the prima ry source of techn ical data in the American nonmetalli c minerals field , publication of a paper in one of the Soc iety's magazines is a mark of recogniton for the author.
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Geology Department Faculty Members Return From Variety of Activities During Summer Cars , planes and trains brought Geology Department staff members home to fall teaching responsibilities . From Europe came Dr. Amstutz after a series of lectures at universities in Germany and Switzerland. Most important, however , was his addition of a June bride. Dr. Frizzell continued research on the ear stones of fossils and recent fishes and spent time in Mississippi and Louisiana collecting new materials. At the local Bureau of Mines, Dr. Grawe carried on his critical review of projects and project proposals as well as conducting work on earth materials by differential thermal analysis and chemical analysis. Richard Hagni moved closer to the completion of his dissertation on the Tri-State mineral deposits by his work in the field and laboratory.
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John S. Brown '17 , Chief Geologist, St. Joseph Lead Company, retired October 1, after 34 yea rs of service with the company. Starting at Joplin, Mo., in 1925, Mr . Brown was transferred to northern New York (Edwards-Balmat) four yea rs later, and assisted in bringing tha t area into prominence as a zinc mining center. In 1947, he was transferred again , this time to Bonne Terre Mo. , as chief geologist. In this last situation a sizable geological staff was created and important new discoveries, including Pea Ridge (iron) and Viburnum (lead) have been achieved. Mr. Brown and his wife plan to make their home in Towson, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore, with summer residence at Edwards, New York.
Studies for Doctorate, Officiates at Football, Dabbles in Politics
a nd their relationship to hydrologic characteristics . Professor Morgan spent time developing shallow oil production in Kansas. While he claims he's not wearing new shoes from the venture, he still sports new suits. Dr. Proctor claims 8500 miles of travel in the West. Objective- determine the petrochemical characteristics of "productive" intrusive rocks . Finally, Dr. Spreng was observed on highways and bi-ways of Illinois and Kentucky, studying Mississippian carbonates. A MSM (Corps of Engineers) graduate let him have a close-up of the Montana earthquake and slide a couple of days after it happened. Now it 's back to school for all the staff to convince students that life in the earth science can be most challenging and pleasant.
Reti res After 34 Years Wi th St. Joseph Lead
Richard K ennedy
Professor Richard Kennedy joined the staff in September. Dick has completed his graduate course work at the University of Arizona and essentially written up his dissertation for the Ph. D. During the summer he polished off remaining field work, did some consulting work, and reported the fishing was wonderful. Professor Maxwell attended the electronic computer course of the IBM Corporation, then moved on to Washington D . c., to do research work on landform characteristics of small watersheds September October 1959
A. J. " Stooge" Kiesler '40, was a campus visitor on September 24 and 25. Stooge is head of the Melting and Solidification Laboratory of the General Electric Metallurgy and Ceramic Research Department. Stooge is keeping up his interest in athletics and will officiate in the ArmyAir Force football game this fall at the Yankee Stadium in New York, N . Y. Stooge is also interested in politics. He has been a town councilman of his township in Schenectady County, New York, and is running for town supervisor. His home address is 2068 Coolidge Place, Schenectady, New York. The Kieslers have a son 12 , Allan, J r., and a daughter , Gail , 14 years old. Allan, J r. , is playing on a little league football team and Stooge says he is getting him ready for MSM and " Gale Bullman can have him in six years from now." Stooge is working on his Doctor's degree under a combination program with General Electric and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He was impressed with the many changes that have taken place on the campus since he was last here some eleven years ago. He was here attending the Missouri Valley Regional Foundry Conference.
John S. Brown
Three Brothers Graduated In C. E Under Prof. Butler There a re a number of records set by members of families attending MSM and another has been called to our a ttention . Three brothers of the Short family , John A. Short '39, Donald H. Short '43, and Keith Short '49, all graduated in Civil Engineering during the chairmanship of the department by the late Professor Joe Beatty Butler. This might be a record that is not equalled by any other department under the same chairman .
Foundrymen Meet on MSM Campus
The Missouri Valley Regional Conference of the American Foundrym en's So ciety, working in cooperation with the MSM Student Chapter of the Society, was held on the MSM campus Septemb er 24 and 25 . This biennial meeting is held on alternate years on the MSM campus and attracted more than 200 found1'y enginee1's from M issouri and adjoining states. The Foundrymen's Educational Foundation has contributed more than $50,000 .00 to MSM, through the years, for scholarships, fellowships, etc.
Harry Kessler and Associates Purchase Meehanite Metal Corporation of New York The Meehanite Metal Corporation of New Rochelle, New York, has been purchased by Harry H. Kessler and Associates, of St. Louis, Mo. Harry H. Kessler '24, who is also president of Sorbo-Mat Process Engineers, St. Louis, Mo., Sorbo-Cast Corporation, New Brunswick, N . J., and Foundry Design Company, St. Louis, will also become president of Meehanite Company. Oliver Smalley, former president of Meehanite, will remain with the new group as advisor and consultant. No change in location or method of operation is planned and Meehanite will continue to operate as a separate company. Meehanite controls patents and processes used in quality iron casting for machinery where strength, heat, ductility, corrosion and rust resistance are major factors. The company has over 1000 basic patents in the metallurgical field. Fifty-five companies in the United States and 145 others throughout the free world are licensees for the Meehanite process. Sorbo-Mat Process Engineers provide a consulting service to foundries in the manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in the control of specifications in cast metals. Sorbo-Cast Corporation performs similar services for firms making automotive castings. Foundry De6
sign Co., provides consulting services in foundry design , lay-out, reorganization and modernization. Prior to the acquisition of Meehanite, the Kessler group served over 50 major foundries in the ferrous and non-ferrous fields. Kessler has been a consulting engineer since his graduation at MSM in 1924 and holds several major metallurgical patents. He has expanded consulting services into every phase of foundry operation, including manufacture, processes, foundry lay-out, design , quality control, modernization and expansion programs. Kessler has lectured on modern metallurgical processes in many major technical colleges in the country, including Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan , Pennsylvania State College and California Institute of Technology.
Master's at MSM and his Doctorate from Washington U. His industrial and research experience includes: U. S. Bureau of Mines , Paint Chemist, Radiochemist at Los Alamos and a Du Pont Fellow. Initially, Dr. Troutner will teach general and physical chemistry. His special research interest lies in the area of nuclear chemistry.
Troutner Joins Staff Of Chemical Department Dr. David Troutner '56 has joined the staff of the Department of Chemical Enginering as a replacement for Dr. Peter F. Lott who resigned last spring, as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Dr. Troutner received his undergraduate training at Washington U. , his
Dr. David Troutner
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Colonel Sherman Ellis'48 Receives Highest Professional Flying Rating in U. S. Air Force OMMAND PILOT WINGS, a symbol of the highest professional flying rating in the United States Air Force, were awarded recently to Colonel Sherman E. Ellis '48, Director of Production for the AMC Ballistics Missiles Center in Inglewood, California. The silver wings, surmounted with star and wreath, were pinned on by Colonel John L. Zoeckler, Deputy Commander of the Missile Center. Colonel Ellis was recently awarded the new Air Force Missile Badge, rocket equivalent of USAF wings. The silver insignia, which represents a rocket climbing to a field of stars, is worn on the left breast pocket of the uniform. To earn the Command Pilot Wings, Colonel Ellis had to fly more than 3000 hours in multi-engine aircraft , and attain a "green card" instrument pilot proficiency rating. His pioneering work in the new field of ballistics missiles production brought him the Missile Badge award. The Ballistics Missiles Center, commanded by Major General Ben 1. Funk, is responsible for procurement, production and logistic support of the ATLAS, TITAN, THOR and MINUTEMAN
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missile weapon systems, of the Air Force satellite systems, of space probe vehicles, and other advanced projects. Colonel Ellis is a native of Springfield , Missouri , where he was born and where he maintains his permanent address. After receiving his B. S. degree at MSM , he took a special aeronautical course at Drury College in Springfield, Mo. He took his Master's degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Michigan , and has completed the Advanced Man power Management Course at George Washington University. While in school he was made a member of Phi Kappa Phi national honorary scholastic fraternity , and holds an Air Force commendation for his straight A graduate work at Michigan. He served during World War II as a combat pilot and engineering and operations officer with B-24 Liberator heavy bombers. He has had eight years of production management experience with Air Material Command. Colonel and Mrs. Ellis with their daughters Sharon, 15 , Linda, 12, and Diane, 5, are now living at 238 Linda Vista in Rendo Beach, California .
The U. S. Navy announced in September that TERASCA, a three-stage "off-the-shelf" high altitude research missile, was launched 110 miles into space from ranges of the U. S. Naval Pacific Missile Range, Pt. Mugu, California last June. Among the engineers and technicians from the various departments of the Naval Ordnance Test Station at China Lake, California, who were directly involved in the development and firing of the missile were Harold Nuffer '57 and Delbert Grantham '57. This 2200-pound, 30-foot missile is unique in economy. Three rocket motors were taken "off-the-shelf" at NOTS and combined into a simple air frame and tested successfully in less than two months time from the program start. The entire project cost less than $20,000. This missile accelerating to a maximum velocity of 5000 mph reached its summit of 110 miles down range in three minutes, forty-four seconds after launching. Impact of the payload occurred 240 miles at sea, in seven minutes 25 seconds after launching. The missile's 28.5-lb. payload was intended for tracking purposes only, reporting acceleration, trajectory and spin rate. Its prime value is an inexpensive, readily available vehicle for high altitude studies. Future firings may include TV scanning devices and atmospheric study instruments.
New Math Instructors The Mathematics Department has acquired three new additions to its staff of instructors for the fall semester. These new members are: James Walter Joiner, B. S. in Education, 1953, Southeast Missouri State College; Howard Dean Pyron, A. B., 1955, Hendrix College, M. Ed., 1956, U. of Arkansas, M. A., 1959, U. of Arkansas; August J. Garver, B. A. Mathematics, 1959, Harding College.
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Two 1957 Graduates Haoe Part in Missile launching
Homecoming Colonel John L. Zoeckler and Colonel Sh erman E. Ellis Septemb er October 1959
Ted Lynton and Wife Take Trip Around World By Cargo liner, Plane After His Retirement
EDWARD "TED" L YNTON 12, is one of the many MSM alumni who show up in some of the most unusual places. And the place September 29 , 1959, was Cape Town , South Africa. The reasons, Ted relates, are as follows: After 16 months in Paris as the representative of the California Exploration Co., a 100 ro subsidiary of the Standard Oil Co. , of California, he really retired last October. Having nothing much to do , Mrs. Lynton and he went to Hawaii and then to Alcapulco, Mexico , where T ed had the thrill of catching a big sail fish. ALE
This travel was enjoyed so much, he and his good wife decided to make a trip around the world and see the places they had heard of but never seen. All traveling, except some air , was by cargo liners. They were on their own and not connected with a tour which was found to be more satisfactory making plans as they went along. They left San Francisco , May 10, on a freighter to J apan . They were there 18 days and found it to be a beautiful and interesting country. The people were most friendly. From Toyko, they flew to Taipeh for three days. They were cordially received by the Chinese Nationalists. Thence to fabulous Hongkong where they did what everyone else does- that is to replenish their ward robes . At Hongkong they took a cargo liner for a 24-day tour of Indonesia, which included 4 days in Bali. Indonesia is no tourist haven as it is a police state and they are tough on western tourists. They landed in Singapore and then on to Bangkok where T ed's uncle was adviser to King Chuldlonkorn from 1900 to 1904. There Ted had an accident. He fell in the swift current of the river with camera and all but a passing launch picked him up mad as a wet hen. In Calcutta, they stayed with Richard G. Prough '38. Dick is manager of operations and geology for Standard Vacuum Drilling near Calcutta. The Lyntons were invited to call on Prime Minister Nehru. Ted and the Prime Minister were school boys together at Ha rrow in England when they were 14 years old. From 8
Bombay, another cargo liner took them to Durban in 21 days via the Seychelles Islands, Mombasa, Zanzibar , Dar-es Salaam, Beira, Laurenco Marques. In Mombasa, they docked for three days so they fl ew to Nairabi where they visited the game reserve .. They found two lions sitting under a tree and were able to get within 50 feet of them and snapped a n excellent picture. On a rriving in Cape Town , they travelled 4500 miles by car and bus through South Africa. They visited Johannesburg, took in the native da nces at the Crown Gold Mine and in the Krueger National Park a lion a nd four lionesses parked themselves around the visitors' car. In the Hluhluwe Reserve they enjoyed photographing black rhinos until they charged the photographer and scattered him back to the car. Cape Town is a beautiful city and they had the thrill of standing on the Cape of Good Hope. The Lyntons plan to leave for Sweded by cargo liner, to visit their daughter-in-law's parents. Then to Paris in November to meet H. F . Adams ' 12 and Mrs . Adams and the four of them will go to London. The Lyntons will sail from Antwerp on November 24 for San Francisco , via the Panama Canal, arriving home December 15 for Christmas.
Jack Guth Sails Many Seas On Duty With Coast Guard Jack E. Guth '50, since graduation , has been in active service with the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. This past summer he was promoted to Lt. Com mander . Since joining the USC&GS he has served in the divisions of Photogrammetry, Coastal Surveys, and Geodesy. At sea he has sailed in the Atlantic, Pacific, Bering Sea and the Arctic. H e has had five years of sea duty , including two years of command of a small survey ship. On land he has worked in over half of the sta tes of the U. S., including Alaska, and for the past wo years he has been in cha rge of various geodetic fi eld parties, including Highway Control Surveys in New E ngland , Earthquake Surveys in California, and has just completed a Mountain Triangulation Survey in the primitive area
of Idaho. This winter he will be sent to Seattle, Washington, to take special courses in Oceanography a t the University of Washington. And next spring he expects to be transferred to Florida to report for duty aboard the USC&GS HYDROGRAPHE R . Commander and Mrs. Guth have two children, a daughter 3, and a son 1. J ack is making plans to return for the 1960 Homecoming.
Writes Chapter on Coal Trade for New Book
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Cha rles H . Lambur '33, President, T ekera International, Inc. ; Director, U. S. Collieries, Inc.; Director, Schneider Co rporation, has a chapter in the new book, " Economics of the Mineral Industries," by the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. This book is considered the most comprehensive book ever published on this subject and is forwa rded by the Honorable Herbert Hoover. Mr. Lumbur's chapter in this new book is on " Coal Marketing and Trade." And he is one of the thirtysix industrial, legal and financial experts who have collaborated in writing this book.
Four Students Hold St. Joe lead Scholarships Four students from the Lead Belt of Southeast Missouri are now enrolled at MSM under the St. Joseph Lead Company Scholarship Plan. The holder of the freshma n scholarship is Frank Cummings, Jr. , son of Mr. and Mrs . F . W. Cummings, 23 Vine Street, Rivermines, Mo. The sophomore holder is Barry Wade House, son of Mrs. Myrtle House, Bonne Terre , Mo. The junior scholarship is held by Donald William Burlage, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Burlage, H erculaneum , Mo. The senior schola rship is held by John Philip D avis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Davis, 12 Donald Street, Flat River, Mo . Under the St. Joseph Lead Company Scholarship Plan , one freshman scholarship is awarded each academic year and only students in St. Francois county and the towns of Herculaneum, Fredericktown a nd Potosi, Missouri, are eligible to receive this award. MSM Alumnus
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Kansas City Freshman Passes Exams to Gain 21 Hours of Credit in First School Week JUNE GRADUATE of a Kansas City high school who entered MSM as a beginning freshman this semester with 21 hours of college credit within the first week of schoo!. He is now well on his way to becoming a sophomore before the semester ends. He is Donald E. Burton, 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Burton, 5714 Prospect Ave. , Kansas City florists, This jet-speed academic record was achieved by passing college course ex-
outside study. Other students at MSM in the two years this program has been in effect have acquired credits in three courses and up to 13 hours , but Burton is the first to make a clean sweep of all subjects offered . " Burton 's achievements , while a personal triumph , reflects also the excellent training which his high school and other schools in Missouri are offering those students who demonstrate a capacity to do superior work ," commented Dean Curtis L. Wi 1-
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Donald E , Burton of Kansas City, right, 18-yel11" old fr eshman at the University of M issouri School of Mines and M etallurgy , hands a pile of freshman textbooks to Dr. Curtis L. W ilson , dean of th e school, Burton will not need them, He passed examinations in all these courses and obtained 21 hours oj college credit during th e first wee k of school, Th at is enough credits to qualify him as a second semester fr eshm an with four hours additional 011 his second sem estel' work. Donald intends to m ajor in nuclear scien ce at th e School of Min es.
aminations offered to an y entering freshman. Burton is a graduate of Southwest High School and he entered MSM with three scholarships awards , With his 21 hours credit, Burton ha s not only completed all hi s first semester requirements , but has 4 hours of finished second semester work. The school offers all entering freshmen the opportunity to obtain credits by examination in courses in which they have especially prepared themselves in high school or Septemb er Octob er 1959
son of MSM. Burton acquired credit in first semester mathema tics , S hours: first semester chemistry , 5 hou rs; engineering drawing, 2 hours ; descriptive geometry , 2 hours : English , 3 hours; and military science 4 hours. He made " A" grades in 12 hours, and " B" grades in the other 9, which should make him one of the scholastic leaders in the class when the sem ester ends , He was salutatorian of his 1959 graduating class at Southwest
and he took a " solid " high school program including four years of mathematics, English , social studies , drawing , ROTC , and two years of science and language. He received the Phi Beta Kappa scholastic award for his achievement in high school , and was given a University Curator 's Award for freshman enrollment. He was also awarded the General Motors Scholarship at MSM. He passed up an appointment to West Point, and nomination to the Air Force Academy in favor of nuclear engineering studies at MSM . And yet he is not a bookworm type; his extra-curricular record is about as impressive as his scholarship. He was on the ROTC drill team; was captain of the rifle team; lettered in marksmanship ; was a lieutenant colonel of his high school unit ; and was on the all-city division staff for two years. He has a long list of awards in ROTC. He was a member of the Beta Club a national honor society; member ~f the N~tional Quill and Scroll Society; the SCIence Club of America; the Latin Club; the Chess Club; the Round Table (student council); the Junior Red Cross Disaster Group, and he worked on the school newspaper. Burton has a summer's experience in research , having worked after graduation in the research laboratories of the Cook Paint & Varnish Company in Kansas City, under the program of ' the Kansas City Science Pioneers, Inc. He expects to continue his college education to the completion of a doctorate degree.
New K. A. House to Be Dedicated November 7 The Kappa Alpha fraternity is planning a dedication of their new fraternity house during Homecoming, November 7, This is the first fraternity house tG be built on land that has been designated for fraternity housing on Universityowned property. Many of their prominent alumni are expected to return to the campu s for this occasion and invitations have been sent requesting the presence of a large number to attend a buffet dinner the afternoon of the seventh. A few of the students have been occupying the new house since the beginning of the semester. 9
Kessler Presents Scholarships
Parents Day Crowd Is Largest on Record The annual Parents Day held at MSM , October 17 , drew the largest attendance since the custom originated a few years ago. The parents were impressed by the facilities provided for teaching their sons a nd daughters and the large amount of construction under way to improve the schooL A record of 5650 attended the football game. A Miner victory would have climaxed a perfect day.
Harry H. K essler '24, noted m etallurgical engineer and even more noted as a prize fight official, is shown here with the recipients of the two Harry H. K essler Scholarships which Mr. Kessler established at MSM two years ago. On the left is Louis Benton Allen, Jr., Mr. K essler in the center, and on the right is Frank H enry Speckhart. Harry was in Rolla on Septemb er 24th, where he addressed the Missouri Valley R egional Conference of the American Foundryman's Society. H e spoke to the group at a noon-day luncheon, speaking on the subject, {(Rom' of the Crowd", in which he related some of his experiences as a boxing official and the pictures of the Marciano-Moore fight were shown. Harry frequently appears on television as a referee in the bouts at Madison Square Garden.
Many Firms Will Send Interviewers to Campus
Pi Kappa Alpha Holds District Meeting at MSM
This year about two hundred companies will visit the MSM campus in hopes of securing the services of some of the top engineer graduates of the schooL Some of the larger companies are : Alcoa, Convair, Dow Chemical, General Motors , General E lectric, B. F. Goodrich, Texaco , Westinghouse a nd R . C. A. Representatives coming to the campus is a great help to the grad ua tes. It enables them to gain inside knowledge of many companies, their operations, policies, etc.
The Alpha Kappa Chapter of the P i Kappa Alpha on the MSM campus was host to the District N ine's ann ual convention , October 9 and 10. Eighty undergraduates representing ten chap ters in Missouri , Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa attended the sessions.
Last year the average starting salaries for MSM graduates were as follows: Ceramic Engineering, $509 .00; Chemical Engineering, $490.00; Civil Engineering, $485.00; Electrical Engineering, $513 .00; Metallurgical E ngineering, $499 ; Mechanical Engineering, $500.00; Mining Engineering, $486.00. The office of the Assistant Dean of the Faculty, Leon Hershkowitz, arranges the companies' visits and interviews with the students.
The convention was honored with the presence of two members of the Supreme Council of the Fraternity. They were Cha rles Freeman , National Treas urer, and L. A. McCall , National Secretary, who came from Florence, South Carolina, to attend the District meeting. The welcoming banquet was held in Rayl Hall with Dean Curtis L. Wilson addressing the group. Faculty advisors of other fraternities on the campus were guests at the banquet. A second banquet was held in Rayl Hall , Sunday afternoon. Robert V. Wolf ' 51 , was master of ceremo nies and Dr. Daniel Eppelshei mer spoke to the group. His topic was "I mpressions of Pi Kappa Alpha by an Ivy Leaguer. "
The a nnual banquet was held at the Rolla High School Cafeteria with Dr. Albert Schlechten as the banquet speaker , and entertainment was provided by the MSM Glee Club under the direction of P rofessor J ohn Brewer.
Shell Fellowship Giuen To Roger Schoeppel Roger J. Schoeppel '52 , has been awarded a year-long Shell Fellowship by the Shell Companies Foundation , Inc., to attend the University of Oklahoma. H e will do graduate work in Petroleum Producing Energy. Roger is one of 51 graduate students receiving SheD Fellowships at 37 different schools throughout the country. These schools award and administer the Fellowships through funds of the Shell Foundation. The Fellowship Program was initia ted shortly after World War II to help combat the shortage of scientists and engineers at the graduate leveL Since inception of the program, over 600 Fellowships have been awarded. Each Fellowship includes payment of all tuition and fees for the school year. In add ition , the Fellowship provides $ 1,800 for the personal use of the single student or marri ed student with no children , or $2,100 for the married student with on child or more. An additional fund is supplied as a cost-of-education suppl ement to the department in which the student studies. Schools not supported by taxes receive a further grant for general administrative use. Schoeppel received his B. S. and M. S. degree in Mining Engineering at MSM and has taught at his alma mater for the las t four years.
MSM Alumnus
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Students Win Prizes In Ceramics Contests At the 61st annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society, held in Chicago, Illinois, J ohn F. Mitchell , a senior in Ceramic E ngineering rece ived the second place awa rd in the 13th An nual Stude nt Speaking Contest. In p resenting his subject "A Mechanism for the Bloating of Clays and Shales" Mr. M itchell was competing with fifteen other undergraduate students from the Schools a nd D epa rtments of Ceramic E ngin ee ring throughout the co untry. This is the second consecuti ve place awa rd to entries from MSM. Las t yea r's second place winner was D elbert Day ' 58, who is currently a graduate student a t Pennsylvania State U niversity . This is the first year the D epartment has had a successful entry in t he Annual Ferro Enamels Student Paper Contest. Eugene L. Rusert, also a senior, received the fourth prize in the national contest which is sponsored by the F erro Co rporation of Clevela nd, Ohio . T his contest is open to undergraduate students from the United States and Canada , who have undertaken original research in the field of porcelain enameling . Rusert's field of investigation was the effect of particle size distrib ution of oxide colorants upon the resultant color of porcelain enamels. Mr. lVlitchell is now employed by General R efracto ries Compa ny, in St. Louis, Mo. , and Ru sert is a member of the ceramic sta ff of :McDonnell Aircraft Company, also of St. Louis. During the meeting, Dr. T. J. Planj e, Chairman of the D epartment of Ceramic E ngineering, at MSM , was elected President of the Ceramic Ed ucational Council for the yea rs 1959-60. H e was also appointed chairman of the R esea rch Committee of the Basic Sciences Section and member of the Society's Committee on Ed ucation for a three-year term.
Hoffman Joins Faculty R obert N . Hoffman ' 55 , is back a t MSM as an I ns tructor in the Mining E ngineering D epartment. Bob served in the Armed Forces for two years a fter grad uation and then he was employed by the Shell Oil Company. lIe is doing graduate study for his Master's deg ree in Petroleum Engineering, in addition to his teaching.
Sept emb er Octob er 1959
Two Young Women From Cuba Among MSM Co-Eds Among the 32 co-eds enrolled at MSM are two fr om Cuba. They are Rosario G. Menocal a nd Gini More. This is not their first experience in a n America n college as Gini attended Tulane U ni versity a nd Rosa rio , Vi lla nova U nive rsity. When asked why they chose the Missouri School of Mines, their reply was, " vVe came here because of the fine repu tation the school has as an engineering school. " R osario , a metallurgical engin eering major with a N uclear Opt ion, is somewhat short and has blond hair. Gini is taller an d has black ha ir . She is a Chemi ca l Engineering maj or. The girls say that the students have more fun along with their studies in the U . S. In Cuba the schools a re much more formal. And ma ny of the schools are still closed because of the revolution. Beca use a ll the schools in Cuba are co-ed , the girls said they feel quite strange representing a la rge p ortion of the co-eds. They find that the customs are quite different here. In the States boys and girls can go ou t on dates without chaperones. In Cuba , a girl never asks a boy for a date . If a boy asks a girl for a date in Cuba more than th ree or four times he is getting serious. The girls mentioned that they notice a ve ry pronoun ced diffe rence between the boys of d ifferent fraternities. " Most of the town people are very nice and friendl y," the girls remarked, " Many people in la rger cities seem anti-Spanish and a nti-foreign. " The gi rls were in Cuba during the revolution. Their acco unt was as fo llows : " In the early days of the revolution Castro used terro ri stic tactics in H avana . His men planted bombs in night clubs and in movie theaters. During the time a fter Batista left a nd Castro en tered H a vana anarchy prevailed. All the poli ce a nd civil authoriti es had resigned. It was right a fter Castro en tered H avana that we left to start school. Vie were aga inst Ba ti sta and his policies, bu t we feel Castro is not doing what he could or should do . H e has done ma ny wrongs and not enough rights. The masses of the uneducated people a re s till for him but would be for anyo ne who makes big prom ises ."
Asphalt Conference On Campus Nov. 12 An Asphalt Con ference wi ll be held on the MSM camp us, November 12th , presented by the Department of Civil Enginee ring, MSM , :Mi sso uri Bitum ino us Con t racto rs Associa tion a nd The Aspha lt Inst itute. An array of experts in the field have been given a part in the p rogram and the conference a ppea rs to be ve ry wo rthwhile to those interested in this phase of engineering. A few of the topics that will be discussed a re: " Asp halt Development and Research Programs at the Coll ege Level," by Professor J ohn B. H eagler, Jr. , lVISM; " Road a nd Street Ma in ten a nce " by W. W. Baker, City E ngineer , Oklahoma City; " Theo ry and Practices of Vibrating Compaction," by E. J. Fiddes, Baldwin-Li ma-Ham ilton Co rp.; " Asphalt Treated Bases," by D. D . Woodso n, T he Asphalt Institute. At the even ing banquet, Grant D. West , Vice President, :M isso uri Asphalt Contracto rs Associa tion, will be the toastmaster a nd the speakers will be Senato r Jo hn \V. No ble, Chairman Appropriatio ns Committee , Missouri State Legislature , and H onorable \Villiam J. Randall , U . S. Representative, Fourth lVlissouri District.
P. G. Hansen on Sabbatical Leave at Washington U. Peter G. H a nsen ' 53 and M. S. '5 7, has been granted a sabba tical leave to work on his doctorate at Washi ngton University, St. Louis, Mo . Pete has been at MSM since 1949. After he received his Bachelor degree, he joined the staff of the Mecha nics Department the fa ll of 1953, serving as Instructor and doing work on his Master 's degree . After he received thi s degree he was adva nced to an Assista nt Professo rs hip in the Mechanics depa rtmen t. Mrs. H ansen, the former J oan Hail ey of Rolla, and their da ughter, Karen , will reside with Pete at 14 58 Blue B ird Terrace, Brentwood 17 , Misso uri. M r. H anse n expects to receive his Ph . D in Mechanics. SEE YOU AT HOM ECOMING
Alumni Section
News Chicago Section The Chicago Section of the MSM Alumni Association held the first of three planned meetings for the 1959-60 season, October 19 a t the Chicago Bar Association in downtown Chicago. A group of 19 men , ranging from the class of 1910 to 1959 turned out to enjoy a bull session and dinner. We were fortunate in having Mr. John G. Duba, class of 1949 , talk to us about the role of an engineer in city government. John is the Mayor's Administrative Officer of the City of Chicago, and was selec ted by Mayo r Daley a couple of years ago to represent him in working with the many departm ents of the city which are engaged in engineering projects. These ra nge from water supply and sewage disposal to super-highways and jet-age airports, and represent a wide variety of engineering skills. The budget of a large municipality such as Chicago allocates hundreds of millions of dollars a nnually to work which is primarily of an engineering nature , and as John pointed out, the role of the engi neer in these huge expenditures is sometimes obscured by the political , emotional, social, and economic aspects of any given project. It was also announced that two more meetings a re planned for this season with tentative da tes set for December 7' 19 59 and Feb rua ry 15, 1960. The De~ cember meeting will again be a dinner meeting at the Chicago Bar Associa tion , but the February date is planned as a husband and wife dinner at a restaura nt to be selected on the west side of Chicago, near Toll Road transportation.
Those attend ing on Octobe r 19th were: A. N. Detweiler ' 10, R. A. Lindgren '23 , A. Devereux '24, R. R. Rusk '27, B. L. Chany '27 , H . R. Thornton '36, F. C. Appleyard '37, M. E. N ickel '38, J. W. Howerton '38 , R. E. Burns '40 , E. L. Washburn '42 , R . L. Hanna '43 , J. G. Duba '47, H . G. Moe '48 , T. E. Sm ith '5 1, J. M . Lattin '51 , H. Wei Li '58 , R. H. Wieker '59, R. Hanna '59.
loan Funds Make College Education Possible To Many Deserving Students, Hubbard Says "No boy or girl graduating from Misso uri High Schools this year need to be denied a college education on account of lack of sufficient money, " Noel Hubba rd , Assistant Dean and Chairman of the Loan Fund Committee at MSM, told the Rolla Chamber of Commerce in an address October 21. Dean Hubbard stated that under two of the National Defense Education Acts of 1958, which made loan funds available at the colleges throughout the U. S., MSM has already loaned $63,500 of the $78,788 made available since the beginning of the program late last academic year. The law permits loans to be made up to a maximum of $1,000 per year to each applicant. The loans a t MSM have averaged $640 per student. Sums for loan purposes are alloted to the colleges each fi scal year beginning on July 1, as appropriated by the Congress of the United States. Loans at MSM were made extensively to incoming freshmen this past September who ranked in the upper quarte r of their high school class and who could demonstrate that they were in need of financial assistance in order to sta rt their college education. The loa ns, when supplemented by the Curators Scholarships having a value of $200 each, and with what the parents could contribute and the students earn during the summer have given sufficient money for these incoming students to enroll with assurance that they would have sufficient fund s to complete the academic year. The dema nd for the loans, Dea n Hubbard sa id , has been so great tha t the school , in order to keep within the funds allotted had first made the loans to seniors from the school 's own loan funds which have, under the regulations set up by the donor, much less liberal repayment terms and interest rate than the Federal Fund has. H owever , since these seniors would soon graduate and be earning money , they could meet the obligation from the school's loa n funds much more readily than could a n incoming freshman. Later, as the demand for the funds continued the school began making loans to juniors also from its own funds. Only $15 ,000 of the amo unt allotted to the school remains uncommitted at the present time.
Dean Hubbard spoke also of the availability of scholarships but pointed out that the larger scholarships can meet only a small number of the demands for assistance. Last year with 20 scholarships, other than the Curators Scholarships available, there were over 200 applications for these awards. Those not receiving scholarships were told of the availability of the Federal Loans as a certain source of financial assistance where such assistance was needed.
ROTC Staff Has Many Changes Every Year The MSM Military Department presents an ever changing face to the school and the community. The yearly changes in the Military Department occur because the faculty and staff are "loaned" to the school by the Department of the Army. The normal duration of the ROTC assignment is three years for a field grade officer and two years for company grade officers. The tour of noncommissioned officers is not strictly controlled but averages around three yeii rs . The "homesteader" of the Department, Master Sergeant James E. Roeth has been on the staff for seven years . Thus, close to one-third of the ROTC instructors are replaced each year. Colonel Lloyd L. RaIl remains the PMS&T.
Science Foundat ion Sends Geologist to Speak at MSM Dr. William E. Benson, Program Director for Earth Sciences of the National Science Foundation spoke on the MSM campus, October 22. Dr. Benson met with the MSM Chapter of Sigma Xi giving them information about the activities of the National Science Foundation . Dr. Benson is a geologist interested in geomorphology, stratigraphy, glacial geology and economic geology. His talk was of special interest to MSM due to the widespread grants and other help given by the National Science Foundation to scientists a nd institutions engaged in basic research in the Physical, Engineering, Biological a nd Medical Sciences.
MSM Alumnus
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Ellis Henry is Traffic Commissioner of St. Louis Ellis C. Henry, Jr. '50, acting City Traffic Commissioner, City oi St. Louis, Missouri, since September 1958 , has received a permanent appointment as Traffic Commissioner from Director of Streets, Henry S. Miller. Mr. Henry ranked highest of the two engineers who took a recent civil service examination for the post. Mr. Henry joined the city's traffic division in 1954 after working in private industry. He is a veteran of World War II. He is a member of the national Institute of Traffic Engineers and is also president of the Missouri Valley Section of that organization. He is a member of the Engineers' Club of St. Louis, Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, and is chairman of the Metropolitan St. Louis Traffic Engineers, an organization seeking uniform traffic control devices and signs in the St. Louis Area. Ellis is married and the father of four children and lives at 8648 Oriole Ave. , St. Louis.
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White Takes Aviation Post at Dayton, Ohio Ronald M. White '26, for the past six years Director of Aviation for Kansas City, Missouri, has been appointed to a similar post at Dayton, Ohio. His connection with aviation in Kansas City goes back to 1932, when he planned and supervised the levee and drainage work for the Municipal Air TerminaL One of his major achievements since becoming aviation director was the construction of the Mid-Continent International Airport. COME TO HOMECOMING
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Foundry Engineers Meet on Campus
'58-'59 Alumni Fund Highest on Record
The Missouri Valley Regional Conference of the American Foundrymen's Society, working in cooperation with the MSM Student Chapter of the Society, was held on the MSM campus, September 24 and 2 S. Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer, Professor of Metallurgy , was chairman of the local committee. This biennial meeting is held on alternate years on the campus and attracted some 200 foundry engineers from Missouri and adjoining states. Dan A. Mitchell, of Progressive Brass Manufacturing Company, Tulsa , Oklahoma, presided at the opening meeting with Dean Curtis L. Wilson delivering the address of welcome. The response was made by Webb L_ Kammerer , President of Midvale Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Louis , Mo. , who is Regional Vice President of the American Foundrymen 's Society .
The 1958-59 fiscal year marks the fifth year of the operation of the Annual Alumni Fund by the MSM Alumni Association. This year has been the most successful though complete figures cannot be given until the close of the year , October 31. The Association has exceeded all previous figures on the number of contributors to the Fund, the largest being last year with a total of 2135 _ And the amount of the contributions will exceed last year 's record by over $2,000.00. It appears also that our operation figures will be " in the black" which was not so the past three years. We are looking forward to a more successful year in 1960 in the operation of the Alumni Association and the 1960 Alumni Fund. As you all know, practically all the expense of the operation of the Association comes from the contribution to the Alumni Fund. This is a " one package" contribution, taking care of the subscription to the MSM ALUMNUS, membership, scholarships sponsored by the Association , administration of the Association, etc. There are 7711 living graduates of MSM and approximately 2500 former students. All are alumni of MSM. And we are in hopes of getting fifty per cent of our alumni to participate in the Association and its activities . Each year the alumni are contacted, some as many as six times, asking that they participate in the Association's program_ Our biggest expense items are printing and mailing . This expense could be greatly reduced by alumni responding to our first mailing. Soon our first contact will be made and we hope that you co-operate by submitting your contribution immediately to the 1960 Alumni Fund. Three thousand contributors to the 1960 Alumni Fund is not unrealistic. Each year MSM is graduating more than 500 engineers and the support of these alumni as well as those who have not participated before should increase the number of contributors to 3000 for 1960. You could, after you finish reading this article , send in your contribution and not wait for our first letter asking for your support of the 1960 Alumni Fund.
The afternoon session was devoted to papers and discussion. A. Carl Weber, Director of Research Engineering, Laclede Steel Co. , St. Louis, delivered the Friday luncheon address, his subject being, " The Engineer Meets His Foreign Friends."
1959 Graduate Risin9 Rapidly at U.S. Gypsum Richard L. LaGrand '59 , is employed by the United States Gypsum Company in their Kansas City, Missouri , plant. Richard has a wonderful opportunity with this company. According to Mr. Thomas M. Beers, Personnel Superintendent of the Kansas City plant, Richard has been given ten years promotion in responsibility in the nine months he has been in U. S. Gypsum 's employ. He has been responsible for the expenditure of $1,500,000 for plant expansion .
1960 Annual Alumni Fund Send Your Contribution Now. The Fiscal Year Begins November I. September October 1959
Dr. Cooke, Two Others Are Authors of Article Dr. Strathmore R. B. Cooke, M. S. '30, Professor and Head of Mines and Metallurgy, University of Minnesota, has collaborated with two other authors in an article, "Effects of Structure and Un saturation of Collector on Soap." This article appears in the September 1959 issue of " Mining Engineering."
Missouri Governor Sets Up Council On Higher Education Governor James T. Blair, Jr. , has formed a Governor's Council on Public Higher Education which seeks to solve financial a nd enrollment dilemmas facing the state-supported schools. James A. Finch, Jr. , President of the Board of Curators , University of Missouri, was named chairman of the group. The Governor submitted a sevenpoint program to the presidents and board chairmen of the state's schools of higher education. The Governor said , " I believe that we should attain coordination without infringing on the basic autonomy and freedom of each institution. " Blair told the gro up that " enrollm ents have increased over 100 0/0 in the last seven years from 13 ,900 to 38,650 ." Each college president was instructed to project his enrollment which will be submitted to the council's next meeting to be called by Finch. A special committee was named to work out policies on s tudent tuition , fees, charges, scholarships, loan assistance, standards of adm ission and maintenance of good standing . The Governor told the officials he beli eved " uniform " procedures should be set up on these sub jects. " We should also establish procedures for the consid eratio n and approval of major curricu la , degrees and program changes proposed by the various institutions," Blair added. A meeting is to be called soon of the fiscal officers of each college in an effort to establish uniform accounting systems, reporting of enrollment and finances, and a method of presenting a budget. Dean Curtis L. Wilson attended the initial meeting of the Governor 's Coun ci l, representing the School of Mines. President E llis, of the Un ive rsity of :Missouri , heads one of the committees . 14
Engineers Club Alumni Form Corporation For a number of yea rs the alumni of the Engineers' Club on the campus have been attempting to form an organization to benefit the student members of the club. Five alumni have finally managed to ge t their plan " off the ground ." These alumni are: Joseph Mooney '39 , Kenneth Ponciroli '54 , Robert E. McC rea ry ' 56, Leonard Schuler , Jr. '49 and Ray E. Smith, the present President of the Engineers Club. An application for in co rporation has been made under the Not For Profit Act of 1953 in the State of Missouri , to form the M. S. M. Engineers ' Fund , Inc. The Fund has in its treasury abo ut $3 ,000.00 at present and this amount is expected to increase ma terially. During Homecoming the alumni are asked to visit the Club while in town. For full information about their plans after they are incorporated , interested alumni are to contact Joseph W. Mooney, 7265 Northmoor Drive, University City 5, Missouri. This group feels that after many years of planning they have something ve ry worthwhile for the benefit of MSM students.
June Graduate Receives Award for Bridge Design The $44 ,000.00 Steel Highway Bridge Design Compe tition sponsored by the American Bridge Division of United Sta tes Steel Corporation attracted entri es from 264 professional engineers and 36 college students. The contest was conducted under the auspices of the American Institute of Steel Construction. Troy R. Roberts ' 59 , entered the co ntest while a student and was the third honorable mention in the Student Contest. In addition to the hono r a monetary awa rd of $500.00 was also granted. Mr. Roberts is a Civil Engineering graduate and attended high school at Neosho , Mi ssouri. Sin ce leav ing MSM last June he has been employed by Larkin & Associates, Kan sas City , Missouri.
Elected to Metallurgy Board of A. I. M. M. E. The Metallurgical Society of the America n Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers elected Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Chairman of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at MSM, as Director of the Society for a trem of three years representing Extractive Metallurgy Division and Reinhardt Schuhmann '33 , Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at Purdue University , a Director for one year coincident with his chairmanship of the Extractive Metallurgy Division.
Oil Companies Give C. E. Lab Equipment The Shell Oil Company and the Standard Oil Company have given the D epartment of Civil Engineering items to equip the Bituminous Laboratory in the new Civil Engineering Building. The monetary value of the Shell Oil gift is approximately $350 and the Standard Oil Company , $500. These items have been received a nd are very much needed in equipping the new laboratory. The fund s a llotted in the construction of the Civil E ngineering building included the equipment. Due to the rise in building costs and the need for a building of a size to meet the requirements of the expanding enrollment in the future , most a ll the funds were spent in construction. The equipment they hope will come from some source. Consequently equipment needs are dire . The equ ipm ent in the present building is antiq ua ted and in sufficient to meet the requirements. The D epartment expects to move into the building during the Christmas holidays.
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135 Students Enrolled In Co-op Program In the fall of 1956, at the suggestion of McDonnell Aircraft Corporation , St. Louis, Mo. , a n engineering co-opera tive program was made ava ilable at iSM . Dr. A. J. Miles, Chairman of the Department of Mechanica l Engineering is the Co-ordinator a nd Professor C. W . Grate '3 2, Professor of Mechanical Engineering is the Executive Secretary and they have the responsibility of contacting industry and enrolling students in the program . The program requires five years for completion . Students work in pairs. They begin after their fr eshman year. While one is working in industry his partner is in school , changing position s at the end of each semester or summer term. The co-operative program has two objectives: first , it gives the student industrial experience while in school and second , it affords him fina ncial aid to finance his education. The wage scale is the same as other workers in a similar job and ranges from $ 72 .50 to $9 0.00 per week. The program has steadily grown and now it has enrollment of 135 students in 30 companies.
Mechanical Staff Ha s Three New Instructo rs
T welve citizens of I ndia m'e shown upon their arl'ival in Rolla for graduate study at M. S. M . The students, all teachel's fl'om I ndian engineering colleges, will be working towal'd advanced degrees in the fi elds of Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, M etallurgical Engineel'ing, and Mining Engineering. Participants in a p1'ogram designed to strengthen engineering instruction for the rapidly growing economy of India , these m en are studying unde1' the sponsorship of the I nternational Cooperation Administmtion. From left to 1'ight are: B. D. Shiwalkar, lainti Prasad, Viswanatha Seshadri, K. V. Apparao, S. L. Mahlotra, H. N . D atta, S. N. Roy Chowdhury, P . l. George, Ch elikani Chiran jivi, S. P. l ain, and V. K. Mathur . Greeting Mr . Mathur is Mr . lack K. Boyd, M . S. M. coordinator for the group .
The D epartment of Mechanical Engineering has added three new instructors to the staff for the 1959 -60 academic year.
ASME Student Chapter Takes Re9ional Honors
32 Foreign Students Represented on Campus
At the 1959 America n Society of Mechanical E ngineers Regional Student Conference, at Purdue University , Lafayette, Indiana, the MSM stud ent chapter copped several honors which were outsta nding at the Conference.
The n umber of foreign students a t MSM has steadi ly increased the last several years and this year there are one hundred twenty-five enrolled from thirty-two different countries.
Joe Pigott, B. S., Washington U. is a new instruc tor who has had 5 years experience with Union Carbide Nuclea r Company at Paducah, Kentucky. Richa rd iurray , B. S. from Southern Methodist University, and he is also an engineer ing co-op graduate . Kenneth Spencer, B. S. , gradu a te in Applied Science from Sou thern Illinoi s University . DON 'T BE MODESTSEND US NEWS ITEMS ABOUT YOURSELF
Teachers From India Enroll at MSM
September October 1959
The MSM Student Chapter had the largest number of present. Thi s even included the host chapter . Another was the :M an-Mi le Trophy which was returned to MSM for the fifth time. Sidney Green received an hono r for hi s paper on " Methods of Determining Vibration With Strain Gages."
T he countri es represented are: Brazil, England , Burma, Canada, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Cuba , D amasc us , Dominican R epublic, E I Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, H olland , Hunga ry , India, Indonesia, Iran, I srael, Ita ly, Jamaica, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan , Peru , Portugal, Spain , Thai la nd , Turkey and Venezuela.
There were 25 la rge schools represented a t this conference including the University of I owa and the University of lI1inoi s.
Among these students there a re only the two co-ed . A story a bout them will be found elsewhere in thi s issue of the M SM ALUMNUS.
Miners Beat Wash. U., Warrensburg and Pittsburg Gorillas HE MINERS SMARTING from their 1958 defeat, via a fluke, entered the Washington U. Bears' den with a determination that the Bears must play an excellent brand of football if they gained a victory over them this season. The Bears, aided by the Miners' errors, surprised themselves by holdi ng a 15 to 14 edge at half-time. But the
Gas Turbine Is Obtained For Mechanical Department A. A. Boyle '27 , Chairman of the Alumni Advisory Committee for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was successful in securing funds to purchase a gas turbin e for that department . Bids have been let for the purchase of this equipment and apparently the Curtis-Wright Corporation is the low bidder and the terms of the contract are now being nego tiated and deli very is anticipated about April 1st. A full story about this equipment and its procurement will be given when it is received. We thought that those who are interested and assisted in the purchase would like to know the status of this equipment. A gas turbine was badly needed by the department and fund s for this expensive item co uld not be foreseen in the near future from appropriated fund s.
Faculty Members Make Visits to High Schools Fourteen members of the faculty are visiting the high schools of the State of Misso uri to give information about the engineering training offe red at the School of Mines and Metallurgy by the state. The inform ation about the school is given to students, teachers and advisers. The faculty m e m~e r s making the visitations are: Paul Ponder, Charles Remington , Vernon Gevecker, Paul Munger, Rodney Schaefer, Robert Wolf, Dr. Planj e, Dr. F uller, Gordon Scofi eld , Ed. Vaughn , G. G. Skitek, Dr. Proctor, Dr. Schrenk and Ed. Lorey . 16
Miners struck twice in the second half while the Bears' ground attack dwindled to a mere 42 yards and they gained just 75 yards overhead. Early in the second half the Miners forged ahead. After Washington took the kick-off , the Bears stalled at their 45-yard line and Kovac dropped back to kick. Miner Charlie McCaw broke through and blocked the effort which was downed by Miner Dean Moss at the Bruin one-yard line. Deranja carried the ball over. His rush for two extra points was quelled . Later in the third quarter the Bears drove to the Miner 13. There was a fifteen -yard penalty for holding which set the Bears back. The Miners covered 90 yards in a drive which began in the third quarter and carried over into the final period . The payoff came on a five -yard pass from Wheeler to Louis Meisenheimer, the co-captain who normally is a tackle , but was an end for the touchdown catch. Pat O'Mealy added the extra point with a placement and the Miners were in front 27 to 15 . N ei ther team threatened in the remaining minutes and the M iners made it victory number seven again st 30 fo r the Bears in the classic series which dates back to 1898. The Miners' last victory was in 1955 . Statistics on the game show that the Miners gained 23 1 yards from rushing; Washington 106 yards. In passing, the Miners gained 109 yards; Washington 127 yards. In fi rst-downs, the Miners piled up 19 against the Bears' 12. Wheeler completed eight of 12 passes. Now we will talk about the Miners' season opener against Lincoln University , of J efferson City, Mo. , at J ackling Field . This strong team gave the Miners an opportunity to check their strength against a team that defeated them 46 to 0 last year. The Miners looked very good in their 30-to-14 defea t by a team that is regarded as one of the best small-college elevens in the nation. The Miners fo ught the Tigers on a lm o~t even terms the first half that ended in the visitors' favor, 16 to 8. T he Miners were ahead in the firstdowns department with 24 to Lincoln's 17. The game was characterized by fumbl es, interceptions and penalties. The Miners were guilty of several fumbles and allowed three interceptions. On the other hand Lincoln acquired 160 yards in penalties to the Miners' 45 yards. The Miners' third game was also a
non-conference contest against the strong ~ansas State College, Pittsburg, played m the Miners' diggin's. Tom Cooper scored 14 points to lead his team to a 20-to-7 victory over the Gorillas. He scored the first Miner TD on a 20yard run to climax a 70-yard drive on the opening sequence of plays following the kick-off . Pat O'Mealy scored the second TD with a 15-yard run around end. Cooper added his second score to another 15-yard play that was set-~p by Arnold Hill's interception of a Pittsburg pass. P . Schlicher scored the Kansans' only tally on a four-yard plunge that completed a drive of 80 yards. The Miners had 22 first downs and Pittsburg, 14. Yards from rushing; M!ners, 306, Pittsburg, 149, and the Mmers completed 6 out of 12 passes for 70 yards and their opponents attempted 14 making 3 of them good for 72 yards. The game was played on a muddy field . The next Miner contest was the first con ference game with the Warrensburg Mules under lights in the Mules' pasture. The Miners got off to a bad start by allowing the Mules to score twiceonce on a long run and another on a long pass-in the first 3 minutes of pl~y. This handicap seemed to give the M m e~s new determination , and by the half-time the Miners added a touchdown and a conversion while holding the Mules in check. Halfback Tom Cooper scored the first tally and the conversion was made by Pat O'Mealy and at the half the Miners trailed 7 to 13. Coming back with a new determination in the third quarter, the Miners pul.led ahead taking a 14 to 13 lead. ThiS glory was short lived as the Mules scored again , making the score 20 to 14 which stood until the end of the third quarter. In the final period the Miners scored two more times giving the Miners a 34 to 20 victory and fine start in MIAA play. Cooper and Weigard each scored two T. D.'s. Weigard also ran the conversion to lead the scoring with 14 points. Another Rolla tally came when Guard Craig Meier blocked a Mule punt which bounced into the end zone and was rec~vered by End Allen Early. O'Mealy kicked two of the Miner conversions. J erry Boyce, of the Mules led their scoring with two tallies i~ the first quarter.
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Institute Held for High School Teachers An In-Service Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation is being held on the MSM campus during the 1959-60 academic year. This Institute is for high school teachers of Science and Mathema tics . There are 35 participants. Each participant is taking a course in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. These courses a re being taught by Dr. Emory Fisher, of the Chemistry Department, Mr. Charles Amtle of the Mathematics Department, a nd Dr. Franklin B. Pauls of the Physics Department. Dr. H arold Q Fuller is serving as Director of the Institute.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hausner '52 announce the birth of their first child' David Martin , June 23 , 1959. Th~ Hausners have a change of address which is 1500 EI Prado , Lemon Grove California. ' Mr . and Mrs. Otto L. Van Mae rssen '49, have a daughter, Veronica Henriette, born June 9, 1959. The father is with the Gulf Oil Corp ., and the fa mily reside at 3487 McFa rlin Blvd ., Dallas, T exas. Mr. and M rs. Bruce Neil Lewis '58 have started their fa mily with the ar~ ri val of a da ughter which they named T erri Lynn , on August 20, 1959 . Bruce is em pl~yed by Charles C. R edman, Jr. , Engll1eers & Surveyo rs in Kennett Mo. The Lewis' mailing address i~ P. O. Box 62, Kennet t. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Daniels '46 , have started their family with the a rri val of Tommy, October 17, 1958. They live at 1410 Ri verside Dr. , F ullerton California . The father is with General Electric in Downey, Califo rnia. Mr. and M rs. H erman A. F ri tschen Jr. ' 51 , have a new son Kirk H erma n' " born March 16, 1959. Herm an is with Cities Service in Bartlesville Oklahoma Their residence address i; 712 Yal~ Drive, Ba rtlesville. Mr . and Mrs. Milan J. Zupan '52 , added a daughter to their family of two sons and a daughter, August 28, 1~ 59 . Milan is a mechanical engineer With the .Westinghouse Electric Corp ., Kansas Ci ty , Mo . Their residence is a t 5517 Cedar, Kansas City .
September October 1959
Mr. and M rs. Alde n C. Hutchison '50, are pleased to a nnounce the birth of a son, May 1, 1959 . H e was named David Craig. If all goes well he will enroll at MSM the fall of 197 7. T he H utchisons' address is 12 12 W. Stanfo rd, Sp ri ngfie ld, Mo. Mr. and Mrs . Irving L. "Larry " Spencer ' 58, belatedly announce the arrival of B ruce Alan, November 14, 1958 . T heir other son, Larry , is 4 years old. The fa ther is with Allison Div., General Motors Corp ., a t Indianapolis, Indiana, in the R esearch D epartment. Mr. and Mrs . J ames J ones ' 56, announce the birth of their second son, Gregory Arthur, born October 3, 1959, at the Phelps Co unty H ospital. Their other son is 3 yea rs old. Mr. Jones is on the staff of the Mecha nical EnO'ineering D epartment, MSM. b Mr. and Mrs. Richa rd G. Soehlke ' 52, announce the birth of their first child , Kathleen Mary , May 17 , 1959 . T he fa ther is a technologist with Shell Oil Co. , Wood River, Ill . T heir residence is at 3817 Berkeley, Alto n, Ill. M r. a ~ d M rs. Owen T hompson ' 51 , have their fo urth son, Otis, born June 11 , 1959. Their add ress is 533 Maple Ave., San Bruno, California . Mr. and Mrs. R obert K. Garrett '59 , a re pa rents of a boy, bo rn June 14, 1959 . Bob is wth Bethlehem Steel Corp. , Lackawanna, New York, and they have a new home address , Apt. 12, 89 Pine St. , Hamberg, N . Y. Mr. and Mrs. Cheste r E. Moyers ' 59 , now have a brother for their dauO'hter Gail Ann , age 3. J on Mark wasb bor~ September 8, 195 9. T he father is in the transformer division of Sanga Electrical Corp. , Sp ringfield, Ill.
estant Episcopal Church on the Green, in Norwalk . Mrs. H ughes attended Vassar College and studied a t New York University Grad uate School of Business Ad min istra tion. Mr. Hughes is employed by Westinghouse Electric Corp ., in Philadelphia, Pa.
Volker- Cass Vernon D. Volke r ' 54 a nd Miss J eannine Cass, of Pawhuska, Oklahoma, were ma rried July 2, 1959, in St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Pawhuska. Vernon is with Sunray M id-Con tinent Oil Co. , and is a staff producti on supervisor in the Osage District Office. His Pawhuska add ress is 212 ~ E . 7th St.
DEATHS William L. M iller William L . Miller '26 , Supervisory Irrigation E ngineer, Bureau of India n Affairs, Department of the Interior Washington 25 , D. c., passed awa; May 31, 1959. Death was, d ue to cancer and he had been ill since December 1958. Mr. M iller was with the Bureau fo r approximately thirty years. Interment was in the Arlington Na tional Cemetery , Washington, D . C. T . F. Quinn T . F. Quin n '07 , died at his home in Shreveport, Louisiana , August 19 1959 while listening to a ball game'. M/ Quin n had been in ill health for some time. He is survived by his wife residing at 514 Ockley D rive, Shreveport.
Alumni Persona ls 191 6
Fred Grotts . retired consulti nO'b enO'ib neer, 1500 ChICago Avenue Evanston Illinois, reports he is jus t fi ne after ~ couple of eye operations.
H ewitt -Lawrence Cha rles H . H ewitt ' 55, and M iss Gloria Lawrence of Kansas City, Misso uri , were married on July 7, 1959 . Charles is in the grad uate school of the University of Missouri , working on his Ph. D . in Physics. H e has passed his comprehensive exams a nd has his thesis to complete for his doctora te. At the p.resent time he is teaching in the PhySICS Department at the U . of Mo. Hughes-Bridge Judson Alexander Hughes , Jr. '54 , nad Miss Claiborne Bridge, of N orwalk Connecticut , were married AuO'ust 15 ' 19 59 , is the chapel of St. Paul"s Prot~
Rola nd J. Lapee is co-arthur of the chap ter " E lectroly tic Zinc P rocesses" in . Reinhold 's new book, " Zinc-Th~ SCience and Technology of the Metal its Alloys and Compou nds ." T his book; A. C. S. Monograph No . 142 , was edited by C. H . Mathewson , Professor E meritus of Metallurgy, Yale Unive rsity with the cooperation of the Ame rican ' Zinc I nstitu te. M r. Lapee is with the Anaconda Company at Grea t Falls Montana. ' 1924 James E. J ett, geophysicist with the P ure Oil Company , Housto n, Texas, has a son who is a senior in Baylor U's
192 2
Medical School a nd h is da ugh ter is a sophomore a t R ice I nstitute. 1931 M arvin R. J ames is works engineer for the Ramsey Co rp., Sulli va n, Mo. 1 932 Edwa rd D. H ale is in charge of manufactu re of weldin a electrod es with Babcock a nd Wilcox Co. E dward i attending Ak ron U ni versity wo rking fo r a Master 's degree in Ed ucati on. H is address is Box 416 , R . D. 2, Wadsworth , Ohio. J. K . R icha rdson, assistant general manager of Chino Mines since 19 54, resigned September 1, to take a position as vi ce-p resident a nd general manager o f Glover Associates (Ca nada ) , Ltd. , a ma nagemen t consul ting firm . He will live in Mont real. Mr. R icha rdson was with Ken necott nine years . Ray H . R under has a cha nge of add ress from Honolulu , Hawaii to 6441 Ke nwick, Fort Worth , Texas.
1933 Henry S. Hickman was recently promoted fro m D istrict E ngineer in the Baton Rouge, La ., of fi ce of the U . S. B ureau of Public Roads to an engineer member of a Project Exami nation T eam in the W ashi ngton Offi ce of U. S. B.P.R. T he family has moved to the Wasillngto n area and are living at 10 104 Quin by t. , Silver Spring, Marylan d . E lmer A. Roemer , 180 1 Oa k Street , R olla , M issouri , H ydra ulic E ngineer, USGS (Water R esources ) ca n boast of a MSM famjly . Na ncy hi s oldest daughte r is ma rried to Bo b Marlow, ' 58, a mechanical enginee r wi th St. J oseph Lead Compan y, residin a in Farmingto n, Missouri , a nd they have a son, K ent , four years old ; his da ughter, Salli e, is the wife of Valgene G ri bble ' 56, an engineer with McD on nell Aircra ft , St. Louis, M issouri . T hey live in St. Cha rles, Missouri , a nd have a son, Va nce, three yea rs old ; his yo ungest da ughter, J a ne is ma rried to W esley Savaae, a Lambda Chi , who gradua tes in J anua ry, a nd lastly his son, E ddie enters R olla High this year nad plans to attend M SM .
1 9 4 1 J ack B . McKee is with W agner Electric Co., St. Louis, M issouri , as superviso r di tbributor tra nsformer products dept. H e is also a Lt. Colonel, Comma nder of the 327th E ngr. Bn. 102 nd Inf. Div. (Reserve) and spent two weeks reserve training a t amp M cCoy , Wisconsin tills pas t summer.
tephen 1\1. Cla ncey, 83 4 Lehigh Rd ., Newa rk , D elawa re is with H alby P rod ucts Co. , in \Vilmington. Dona ld H . Fa lkingham has been appoin ted Rocky M ounta in Di vision E ngin ee r of the Pa n American Pe troleum Corp. , with headq ua rters a t Casper, Wyoming. He was d istri ct engin eer at Cody , Wyoming p ri or to the recent promo tion.
1942 H. B. Smith wa a ca mp us visitor in September. H e is ecti on ma nager of advance developm ent engin eerin o', Air Arm D ivision, Wes tinghouse Elec tri c Corp. , Baltim ore, Ma ryland. About 800 engineers a re employed a t the Air Arm D ivision. W . J. Lawler, Kaiser Aluminum a nd Chemical Co ., resides a t El Ca mino Tassaja ra , D ia rlo, California . W illia m D. B usch has a new address, 19246 H enry Road, Fairvi ew Park, Clevela nd 26, Ohio. 1 943 E dwa rd E. Gygax now has hi s own company the Gyga x E ngineeri ng a nd Eq nipment Company , 235 Wooster D ri ve, St. Lo ui s 35, M is ouri . He is rep resentin a a num ber o f ma nufact urers in the ind ustria l ven til a tion fi eld .
1944 J ames D ueker is now employed a t M cD onnell Aircra ft, St. Louis, M issouri, has completed his resea rch for hi s Ph . D. degree in P hysics fr om the U . of M i ' ouri a nd should fini sh his thesis a nd oral exa mina tion for this deg ree in t he nea r fu ture. W illiam A. Hubba rd is ma nager of Ind ustria l Chemi cal Sales with AMOCO Chemical Corp ., 9 10 So uth M ichigan Ave. , Chi caao, Illinois. 194 7 D r. Willia m P. McKinnell , Jr. , is an adva nced resea rch engineer at the Ohio Oil Compa ny, Littleton, Colorado. H e received his Ph . D. a t Ohio State in 1957. a nd is the only metallurgist in the lab . In Littleton , he resides a t 32 0 Palm Court. Geo rge H. \Vagner has recently been promoted to the pos ition of Service M eta llurgist, in the Central States Offi ce , Columbia -Geneva Steel Div., U. S. Steel Co rp. Hi s headqua rters is at 120 Montgomery St. , Sa n Francisco 6, Ca li f. The Wagners' family consist of two boys, D enny a nd D avid. F red G. M ertens with N orth American R efractories, Cleveland , Ohio, resides at 1004 S. Olive, M exico, Missouri .
J oseph T . H epp has accepted a positi on with the Powe r Seal Corpora tion a nd is on a special assignm ent to the president in vestiga ting foreign ma rkets. His address is 78 5 F ranklin , N orth M uskegon, M ichiga n. R. C. Gauerke is now located a t 1208 E lizabe th , N. E ., Albu querque, New M ex ico. H omer Stokes is on a n assignment with F rui n-Coln on Cont racting Co., in the Ca nal Zo ne. His mailing address is c/ o F ruin -Colnon Interna ti onal, P . O. Box 2026 , Balboa H eights, Ca nal Zone. 1 949 D r. Ti en-Shih (Ted ) Liu is establishing a metalluray group a t the Southwest Resea rch I n t itute, Sa n Antonio, T exas. Willia m W . Evans, R . R. 4, B razil, I ndia na , is assista nt superintendent of cerami cs , America n Vitrified P roducts Co. T here a re four children in the Evan s's fa mily ; Michall 7, Marie 4, M ili sa 3, a nd Mark 10 . Willi am E . Smith, Cha rles Patton D ri ve, Ste rli ng, M ass ., is executive vice pre id ent, Guy P. H a rvey a nd Sons, Co rporation. T he Smiths- have one son M a rk , 20 yea rs old. ' L. E . D ieckman, S. J., has been transferred fr om D enver, Colorado to St. Mary 's College, St. Ma ry's K ansas. M. L. Simmons who is with the F erro Corp ., of Clevela nd, Ohio , writes that he has completed the requirements for a LL. B. degree in law from the Clevela nd-Marshall Law School, in Cleveland. H e has passed examina tions and has been admitted to the Ohio State Ba r. H e hopes to return to the ca mpus before too long to see the changes tha t have taken place. Fra nk W. Sharp is with H alliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. Duncan Oklahoma . " J ames P . Yo ungblood is Distri ct Plant Supe rintend ent, Southwestern Bell T elephone Co. , with hea dqua rters at Victoria, T exas . His home address is 1306 Di ck, Vi ctoria. J ohn E. Stein is now in D allas Texas residing a t 271 9 Crestridge Dr. ' E. G. Blankenmeister, who has been in H ouston, T exas, has moved to 91 30 Shermer, M orton Grove, Ill. 1 950 Walter L. H ampson, Jr. , is with General . E lectri c's H anford Atomic Plant , Richla nd , Washington, and resides at 671 2 W . Uma tilla Rd. , Kennewick, Washington, with the same wife and
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three children, Linda 10; Lana, 70 years old, and Tom, age 4 . . WaIt~r would like to hear from his fnends In the class of '50 in Chern. Engr. A. L. Merts is a physicist at the University of California Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. He joined the laboratory immediately after completing work for a Ph. D. at U. of Kansas in 1957. He lives at 2835 Arizona Avenue, Los Alamos. Oliver S. North, a specialist with the U. S. Tariff Commission has been investigating the fluorspar mining industry, especiaIly in Illinois and ~entucky in response to a senate resolutIOn. Last winter he participated in the iron ore industry investigation. He is living at 2119 " H " Street, N. W., Apt. 802, Washington 7, D. C. Max E. Roper was in the army for two years after graduation and worked for Ford Motor Co., for six and one half years, and is presently plant engineer for National Gypsum Company's largest plant. The Ropers are expecting their fifth child in November, thus, no visit to the MSM campus at homecoming. Their home is at 1555 Shan Dr., Mobile, Alabama. Richard A. Washburn has been with Inland Steel, East Chicago, Ill. , since 1954. He is now general heating foreman of No. 3 Coke Plant. He lives at 1420 Forest Place, Calumet City, Illinois. Lewis E. Agnew, Jr. has been re-hired by the University of California's Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory as a physicist in N Division. Robert John M. Miller is consulting geologist at CampbeIl Chiougamau Mines, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada. Robert W. Gates is in Kansas City, Missouri, with Clarkson Construction Co., and resides at 709 E. 66th Terrace, No., Kansas City 18. John W. Behm is with Norair Division of Northrup Corp., Northrup Field, Hawthorne, California. His residence is at 2127 Noble View Dr ., San Pedro, California. 1951 Don V. Roloff was a co-author of a paper that won the AIME-Open Hearth Conference Award for 1959. He is also vice president of the Ogden Dunes Lions Club. He is a ceramic engineer with U. S. Steel, Gary, Indiana. Thomas A. Simpson is still with the U.S.G.S ., Grand Water Branch, as a geologist and is working on a mine September October 1959
drainage project in the anthracite mines in Pennsylvania, with headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. His home address is 916 Timberlane, S. W., Vienna, Virginia. John Moscari, Jr., is with U. S. Steel South Works, Chicago, Illinois. His residence address is 6820 W. Englewood Avenue, Palos Heights, Illinois. 1 952 George V. Anderson is district traffic engineer with the Wisconsin Highway Commission at Eau Clair, Wisconsin. Guy C. Ellison is a geologist for Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Co., Lafayette, Louisiana. The Ellisons now have three children, two boys and a girl. Guy contends that the South Louisiana Bayous need more MSM grads. William A. Paar has been appointed project engineer, electronics department, Tital Project, at the Owego facility of I. B. M.'s Federal Systems Division. His first assignment was as an associate engineer in Digital Circuits at the Air-
borne Computer Laboratories in 1956. He was appointed staff engineer in 1958. He resides with his wife Billie and two children, Dale and William, Jr., at R. D. 1, Owego. Turner W . Richards is production engineer for Central Division of U. S. Gypsum Co., and lives on Route No.2, Box 432B, West Chicago, Ill. Richard Justus has a new address; 314 West 14th, Joplin, Missouri. Recently he attended a ten day course in "Advance Statistical Methods as Applied to Quality Control." Harold L. Pierson's mailing address is Magnolia Petroleum Co., P. O. Box 27, Morgan City, Louisiana. John W. Finklang has moved to. St. Louis, Missouri, from Columbus, Ohio, and his new address is 10239 G(een Valley Dr., St. Louis 36. Roger J. Schoeppel is now in Norman, Oklahoma with residence at 1738 Marian Dr. 1953 John P. Greiten, Jr., is with Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., Lancaster, California. His residence address is 716 W. Kettering Avenue, Apt. l-E, Lancaster. Theodore A. Ruppert has moved north and is now residing at 20 Grantwood Lane, St. Louis 23, Missouri.
1 954
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Herbert E. Lincoln with the Rust Engineering Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., has two additions to his life since 1957. A wife, Shirley whom he married in November 1957, and they have a daughter Mary Gay, 40 months old. Eugene F . Steiner is teaching Mathematics at the U. of Missouri while he continues his graduate work toward his M. S. degree in mathematics. Kenneth D. Cole is a GS-12 (Construction Engineer) working for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Topeka Area. His position is a Resident Engineer over three
HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks.
Name .................................................................................................... My new address is ............................................................................. .
Atlas I CBM Si tes in Kansas. The three sites encompass approximately $9,000,000 work of construction work. H e is a reaistered PE in Missouri and resides at 4t 5 Prospect Avenue, Osage City, Kansas. Paul E. Ramsey, Box 744, Crane, Texas, is with Texaco, Inc.
1 9 5 5 Kenneth E. Mann received his M . S. degree in Ma thema tics from the U. of Missouri in J anuary 1959. He was married in July and is now working for Boeing Aircraft in Seattle, Washington. Terry L. Godsey has been released from active duty with the U. S. Tavy and returned to work for Magnolia Petroleum Co ., as geophysical engineer. His mailing address is Box 27, Morgan City, Louisiana. 1 9 5 6 John R . H ammond , 306 S. 13th, Chesterton , Indiana, is with the Gary Sheet and Tin Mill , working in management. The Hammonds' have a daughter Beth Lynne, born D ecember 7, 195 7. William C. Bohres who is with E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. , Wilmington , Del. , has changed from research to techni cal sales service work. H e also has changed from their expe riment station to the Chestnut Run Sales Service Labo ratory . His address is 1246 Kynlyn Dr., Wilmington. J ames R . Becker is in H ouston, T exas with Cameron Iron Works, Inc. His address is 26 19 Tannehill Drive, Houston 8. Robert E. Davis is a seismic interpreter with Texaco, Inc. , Box 600, Wichita , Kansas. J. B. Holder, with Sinclair Oil Co ., is now in Tul a, Oklahoma residing at 3401 East 40th.
Noble Barker has a new address, 109 F ulton , Marquette H eights, Pekin, III. 1 9 5 7 Donald S. Balla rd is now a n employee of the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Kenneth R. Crandall has been employed by the University of California's Los Alamos Scientific Labora tory as a computing analyst in the Theoretical Division . Kenneth formerly was with Douglas Missiles in Santa Monica, California . Howa rd Muldrow is employed by the Uranium Div., Mallinckrodt Chemical Works , St. Cha rles , Missouri and lives a t 2554 Avis Ave. , J ennings 36, Mo. Patrick S. Couch and hi s wife Peggy have been ord ered to new duty at the U. S. Naval Hospital in Ca mp Pendelton, California and their new address is 2245 Catalina, Vista, California. Patrick is in cha rge of the Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department at the hospital. He handles the in formal contracts and he is also Resident Officer in charge of construction a t that ac tivity. The Couches hope by the time the alumni a re reading this tha t they, the Couches, will be entertaining their first child in their home. 1 958 Harry E . Ha rdebeck is continuing his graduate work in E ngineering Physics a t Co rnell University un der a National Science Cooperative F ellowship. Robert E. Spratt is employed in Mining D efen se Laboratory near Panama City, Florida and he is attending the graduate school at Florida State U. doing work in the Mathematics Department. James E. Twyman is in Indianapolis, Indiana with Alliso n Division of General Motors. His address there is 610 E.
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32 nd Street.
1 959 Ronald J. Mount and wife, Sue, and children, D ebbie Sue and Richard J. reside at 30 5 So uth Second Street, Effingha m, Illinois. Ronald is employed by the Illin ois tate Highway D epartment. Sidney Green , a Westinghou e Scholarship recipient, is employed by Westinghou e, East Pittsburgh, Pa. Sidney has been selected to be one of the twelve Westinghouse young mechanical engineers to be a student on the Wes tinghouse graduate training course. H e will take the Advance Mechanics Program leading towa rd the Master of Science degree in Mech. E ngr. at the Univer ity of Pittsburgh. Russell V. Cochran is attending the U . of Illinois on a ' Voodrow Wil on Fellowship a nd he is doing graduate work in phys ics. H e wo rked for Bendix during the past summ er. Itsu Arimura is doin a grad uate work in Physics a t Purd ue Un iver ity where he holds a a rad uate assistantship in the Physics Depa rtmen t. Rex L. J ones holds a National Defense Fell owship Title IV at Purdue Uni versity where he is to do grad uate work in Solid State Phy ics. Ed mund W . Rusche has a Nationa l Defense Title IV Fellowship at New Mexico A & M . H e is doing grad uate work in Solid State Physics. Leslie E, Spanel is doing graduate work in Physics at Iowa State University where he hold s a grad uate assistantship in Physics. Norman H. Pond hold s a Hughes Graduate Fellowship in Physics and he is attending grad ua te school at UCLA. Mohammed R . Arshadi vi sited the campus in August. H e is a graduate student a t Oklahoma State University. His address is 211 South Duncan St., Stillwater , Oklahoma. Phi li p T . Olson has been relea ed after six months of act ive duty with the Army as 2nd Lt. , and has accepted a job with T exaco Inc., as a construction engineer. Hi s add ress now is 1932 apoleon , New Orleans, La. Jim A. Chittend en is employed in the techni cal sec tion of the Du Pon t D ellephane Plant, Clin ton , Iowa. His address is 543 Yi 5th Ave., Clinton. Richa rd W. D enise is currently taking gradua te work a t Purdue U. Hi s address is 21 8- 15 Bimitz Dr., W. Lafayette, Indiana. MSM Alumnus