Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1960

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left to right: Paul T. Dowling '40, President of the MSM Alumni Association; Dr. Elmer Ellis, President of the University of Missouri; Mrs. V. H. McNutt; Dr. Curtis l. Wilson, Dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy.

MSM Alumni Association OffiCERS

Term Expires

President .................................... ....Paul T. Dowling '40 ................ Nooter Corporation ..................................... 1962 1400 South Third St. Louis 4, Missouri Executive Vice·President ..............James W. Stephens '4·7 .............Missouri Public Service Co . ........................ 1962 10700 East 50 Highway Kansas City 33, Missouri Vice·President Areas 1,2, 3 ..........J. Craig Ellis '38 ..................... 524 Highland Avenue .................................. 1962 Westfield, New Jersey Vice·President Areas 4,5, 6......... R. O. Kasten '43 ................ ...... Union Wire Rope Co .................................. 1962 21st and Manchester Ave. Kansas City 26, Missouri Vice·President Areas 7,8, 9.......... Barney Nuell '21 ...................... 1015 Wilshire Boulevard .. .. Los Angeles 17, California

.. ... 1962

Secretary· Treasurer ....................... Leon Hershkowitz '41 ............. Assistant Dean ........................................... 1962 Missouri School of Mines Rolla, Missouri Executive Secretary .......................Francis C. Edwards Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS"

.. MSM Alumni Association Old Metallurgy Building Rolla, Missouri


Ralph C. Graham '31 ...

.. ....................... Tennessee Gas & Oil Co., P. O. Box 2511, Houston, Texas .... 1962

Mervin]. Kelly '14 ......................................... 2 Windermere Terrace, Short Hills, New Jersey ........................ 1962 Rex Z. Williams '31 ........................................ Rolla State Bank, Rolla, Missouri ............................................. 1962 AREA DIRECTORS

Area No. Director States and Provinces Embraced Term Expires 1.. .......... Robert F. Schmidt '45 .......................................... New England, N . Y., N. ]., East Pa., .................... 1961 6 Willowbrook Avenue Dist. of Columbia, Md., Va ., Delaware, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Province of Quebec 2............ J. C. Salmon, Jr. '22 ............................................ S. Ark., N. C., S. C., La., Miss., ............................ 1963 Box 967, Minden, Louisiana Ala., Ga., Fla. 3............ 0 . W. Kamper '35 ................................................ Pennsylvania, W. Va., Ohio, W. Pa., ...................... 1963 608 Villavista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Ky., Tenn., Ind. (Except Chicago Industrial Area) 4 ........... Frank C. Appleyard '37 ......................................N. III., Chicago Industrial Area .............................. 1963 1209 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, III. in Indiana, Wise., Mich., Minn., Province of Ontario 5.. .......... C. C. Palmer '40 ................................................. ,.. S. III., E. Mo., N. Ark ............................................. 1961 1641 Andrew Drive, St. Louis 22, Missouri

6............ Bennett D. Howell '50 ........................................ Iowa, W. Mo. , Nebr., Kans., Okla ......................... 1962 3313 South Pittsburgh, Tulsa, Oklahoma 7.. .......... Kenneth F. Anderson '42 .................................... Texas, Arizona, New Mexico .................................... 1961

1114 Commerce St., Room 1909 Dallas 2, Texas 8............ Harvey L. Tedrow 'Il ........................................ Ida., Montana, N. D ., S. D., .................................. 1963 Olin Hotel Wyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Denver, Colorado Provinces of Manitoba, Sask., Alberta 9............ William B. Fletcher '34 ........................................ Alaska, Washington, Ore., ....................................... 1961 12081 Smallwood California, Hawaii Downey, California

Volume 34

DECEMBER 1960 Number 6 2

Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Missouri

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and MetaUurgy. Subscriptio1J price, $150, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Mo., under the Act of March .3, 1879.

MSM Alumnus



The President's Column


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R. F. Schmidt December 1960


Mrs. McNutt Establishes Endowment Fund of $25,000 at MSM; Presentation Is Made at October 14 Homecoming Convocation Mrs. V. H. McNutt established an endowment fund of $25 ,000 .00 for scholarships in memory of her late husband , Robert Emmett Dye, of the Class of 1912, a Mining Engineering graduate. The presentation was made at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association , at Homecoming October 14. Mr. Dye spent most of his professional career in the mining industry in Canada. The income from the endowment will be used for scholarships for students in Mining Engineering. Mrs. :YIcN utt in making the presentation sta ted , " Mr. D ye worked his way through school and he loved the mining profession. He always had a hand out for anyone in need and I know that aid to future mining engineers is in keeping with one of his greatest desires." The scholarships will be known as the Robert Emmett Dye Scholarships and the fund will be administered by the MSM Alumni Association. Mrs. McNutt was the speaker at the Homecoming Convocation, Saturday morning, October 15 , in the Ballroom of the Student Union on the MSM campus. Mrs. McNutt is a remarkable individual and she has had a very colorful life and in relating of these

experiences, in a way that only she can do it, makes her a most interesting speaker. She is a native Missourian and a graduate from William Woods College at Fulton, Missouri. And to quote "Amy," as she is affectionately called by her many friends, "the only worth while thing I ever did was to marry two MSM men-not at one time--so that makes me a mining engineer, by marriage, twice. Or does it make me two mining engineers? The decision is left to you." Amy married V. H. McNutt, of the class of 1910 and came to Rolla to live in 1912. He was teaching in the Geology Department, and her first work was helping Mr. Me. do over the mineral collection and getting exhibits ready for the Missouri State Fair. The specimens had to be cleaned and labeled. Paste for the labels was made from a formula given them and it smelled to high heaven but in Mrs. McNutt's words, " it attached me to rocks and crystals for life." That year force of circumstances made Mrs. McNutt add a course in oil and gas geology. The first in any school west of the Alleghanies. The following year, Mr. McNutt got a leave of absence, and Me and Amy set-up the first consulting office--oil geology-in the mid-continent field at Tulsa, Okla-

Mrs . V. H . McNutt speaking at the Hom ecoming Convocation. 4

homa. For the next 18 years, as Mrs. Me relates it, "we roamed over the United States looking for oil and gas." They discovered the first commercial oil deposit in Western Kansas , the first in New Mexico, and in their explorations, they discovered the first commercial potash deposit in the western hemisphere, near Carlsbad, New M exico, and freed the world from the domination of the German cartel during World War 1. In relating all of their activities Amy uses " We" because she went along, drove, took notes and was a handy man. Mr. McNutt was ill nine and onehalf years and during that time Mrs. McNutt did the foot work but Mr. MeN' utt made the decisions. She didn 't seem to know the difference between activity and accomplishment, but she liked activity, and it was not too difficult to carryon without him. In 1936, he passed away. It was then she decided to ranch. Her outfit was dudes and cattle. It is a 24 hour a day job but it has its compensations. A cow may chase you up to the fence, but she never talks back. In 1952, Mrs . McNutt married Bob Dye--he and Mr. McNutt had been close friends and lived together all their student days at MSM . Mr. Dye graduated from MSM in 1912 and sent to Canada and there managed the Dome Gold Mines. A few months a fter the marriage, Mr. Dye had a cerebral thrombosis and died November, 1955. Mrs. McNutt still lives on the Gallagher Ranch, near San Antonio, Texas and manages it as well as other large acreages in Texas and New M exico. After Mr. McNutt's death she continued to oversee the U. S. Potach Company which they fo rmed and this was through a period of expansion a nd diversifi cation. In 1957, the U . S., Potach Company consolidated with Pacific Coast Borax a nd Chemical Company, the la rgest company of its type. All of this activity seems to keep Amy young a nd we are certain that she knows now the difference between activity and accomplishment. MSM Alumnus


1960 Homecoming, Attended by Many Alumni, Termed Big Success Despite Game loss The 1961 Homecoming at MSM was a huge success. The weather was perfect and more than 1000 alumni returned to the campus for the two days of festivity, October 14 and 15. Reunions were planned for the classes from 1915, at five year intervals, to and including 1955. Reunion luncheons were held for the Classes of 1920, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1949, 1945, 1950 and 1955. Pictures were taken of some of these groups and they will be found elsewhere in the MSM ALUMNUS . All the scheduled activities were well attended as ; the Welcoming and Kickoff Dinner, Friday night, the Convocation and the annual Alumni Banquet held Saturday night, and the Reception afterward. The football game was well attended but the Maryville Bearcats would not permit the Miners to have a victory, not even for the Homecoming crowd. At the Convocation Mrs. Amy

McNutt was awarded a Honorary Membership in the MSM Alumni Association and three alumni were cited with the Alumni Association's Certificate of Merit, the highest award that can be bestowed on an alumnus. The recipients of the Certificate of Merit were; John H. Bowles '08, Lake Spring, Mo. , Harvey L. Tedrow '11, Denver, Colorado, and Russell W. Hunt '21, Neosho, Missouri. The Board of Directors at their meeting, on Friday, transacted the annual business of the Association. The Association, again for the second consecutive year, operated in the black and the income exceeded the expenses by some $900.00. The financial statement of the Association will be found in this issue of the MSM ALUMNUS. The excess of the income over expenses shown in this statement included some of the income for the 1961 fiscal year from contributions to the 1961 Alumni Fund.

The minutes of the Board of Directors are too voluminous to be printed in the MSM ALUMUS. Any alumnus that desires a copy of these minutes may have same by writing to the Alumni Office at Rolla, requesting same. All the alumni who returned for Homecoming seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. Many are making plans to return next year. The dates for the 1961 Homecoming have been set and they are October 20-21. Why don 't you plan to return to the campus that October weekend? Again, we are going to have Class Reunions for the Classes beginning with 1916, and at five year intervals to include 1956. If you are a member of one of these classes, try to be back to get together with your group. The Class of 1950 had 50 alumni, wives and guests at their reunion luncheon that was held at the Edwin Long College Inn. Of course, that was the largest class that has graduated from MSM. There were some 900 degrees granted that year. Hope to see you in Rolla October 20-21, 1961.

Registration at Homecoming

December 1960


Reunion Luncheons Class of 1925

L eft to Right-Clockwise around table: C. C. Irving '25, Mrs. Irving, R egan Ford '23, Mrs. A. A. Boyle, W. L. Peters, I. C. Salmon , Jr. '2 1, M rs. Peters, A . A. Boyle '25, Carl I. Heim '25.

Class of 1930

Left to Right: Mrs . Kirkpatrick, Col. H. F. Kirkpatrick, C. I. Grimm, Mrs. Miles, Dr. A. I. Miles, George F . Heath, Mrs. Harvey, E. T. Harvey, Mrs. Heath . 6

MSM Alumnus

Reunion luncheons Class of 1940

Left to Right : Mrs. Ferrell, J . O. Ferrell, David Mackey, Mrs. Mackey (Face partially hidden) Mrs. Jensen ( next to wall) Jim Jensen. ( Foreground table) L. to R. Harley Ladd, Mrs. Ladd, Walter A. Baumstark, Mrs. Baumstark.

Left to Right: George Fort, Ed Rueff, Dave Mackey, Carl Cotterill, Mrs. Jensen (partially hidden) Bob Klug, Mrs. Cotterill, Jim Jensen, Mrs. Dowling, Powell T. Dennie, Russ GUild, Mrs. Dennie, C. C. "Pete" Palmer, ,"i;[rs. Palmer. December 1960



Reunion Luncheons


Class of 1935


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Left to Right-Front Row: Gil Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery, James J . Murphy, Mrs. Murphy and Harold J. Haffner. Back Row-Left to Right : Mrs. John E. Harrod, John E. Harrod (Shoulder shows), Mrs. George J. Borgstede, Elmer W. Nickel (standing), George J . Borgstede, O. W . Kamper, Mrs . Elmer J. N ickel. Mrs. O. W. Kamper was present but not included in the picture. She was at the extrem e left front row . Max Edgar was also present at the luncheon but had to leave before the picture was taken.





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Class of 1955

Left to Right: Paul B . Tucker, Mrs. T ucker, Mrs. Sutt on, O. Leslie Sutton, Walter J . Casler, Mrs. Casler. 8

MSM Alumnus

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i'.l Citation of Merit Presented to Three Alumni For Distinguished Service ¡to Their Alma Mater Three alumni were honored at the Convocation held October 14, during the annual Homecoming, and presented with a Citation of Merit, the highest award the Alumni Association can bestow on an alumnus of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. This citation reads: " In recognition of outstanding service to the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgyservice which represents loyal devotion to the progress of an educational ideal and which has been rendered freely and unselfishly. This certificate carries with it the gratitude of all men and women who take pride in the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy of the past and present and who holds faith in its future." The recipients of the Citation of Merit were: John Hyer Bowles '08, Harvey Louis Tedrow ' 11 and Russell Wayne Hunt '21. John H. Bowles, a graduate in Mining Engineering, in 1908, of Lake Spring, Missouri, followed his profession until 1949 except for a few years when he was in the mercantile and milling business and in the Army during World War 1. During the years he was active in his profession he made examination of mining properties

and prospects in California, Oregon, Idaho , Colorado, Tennessee, Alabama, West Virginia, North Carolina and Honduras. He did oil geology, supervising, drilling and property management in Kentucky, Tennessee and Louisiana. In Louisiana he experimented and proved the use of heavy mud in drilling in high ~e gas and oil areas. Also in oil geology he supervised the use of magnatometers and in California, Oregon and South Dakota he supervised their use for the purpose of determining trend of tertiary channels where they had been out by faults or cross-erosion. For a number of years he was connected with the Palmer Corporation and its subsidiaries. In 1959, John and his wife, Blanche, established the Blanche and John H. Bowles Scholarship Fund at MSM. Upon retirement John returned to his boyhood home at Lake Spring, where his father moved to in 1900. The Bowles have two children, Joe Ed, who is now in the Armed Forces and Ruth, who is an artist and resides in St. Louis, Mo. Harvey L. Tedrow '11, also a graduate in Mining Engineering, lives in Denver, Colorado. Harvey has had a

long and interesting career in nurung . . He started in Arizona dealing with clay and copper on properties of the Phelps Dodge Corporation. In 1920, " Hard Times" hit depleting copper prices and closed mines. This prompted Mr. Tedrow to go to Mexico where he was foreman and superintendent of mines in Sinaloe and Sonora. He returned to Colorado in 1923, and entered into lead and zinc mining until 1929 when "Hard Times" hit ~ and this time it was called a depression. From 1930 to 1932, he was in Russia as a consultant on mining operation in the Ural District for the Soviet Government. Upon his return he did some conSUlting on his own ununtil 1934 when he became affiliated with the London Gold Mines and Milling Co., as manager. This is one of the oldest and continuously operated gold mines in the U. S. and a successful operation was continued until 1949. From 1943 to date, Harvey, has been busy with consulting work and operations for his own account. He has been an officer in several mining companies. Mr. Tedrow has always been extremely interested in his alma mater and the promotion of the Alumni Association. He has been an officer in the Rocky Mountain Section of the Alumni Association for many years

Citation of Merit Recipients With School's Officials

Lef~ to Ri?ht: Paul Dowlir:g '~O, Presid~nt o! the Alum~i Association; Russell W. Hunt '21; John H. Bowles '08; Dr. Ellts! Prestde'!t ?f the Um~erStty of Mtssoun; Dean Wtlson, MtSsouri School of Mines. Harvey L. Tedrow '11 , also recetved a CttattOn of Ment but was unable to attend the Homecoming ceremonies to personally receive the award. December 1960


and is now Director, Area 8, of the MSM Alumni Association comprising seven western states and two provinces of Canada. He maintains an office in Denver and has residence at the Olin Hotel. Russell W. Hunt, another Mining Engineer, in the Class of 192 1, is owner and operator of Southwest Lime Company , Neosho , Missouri. Mr . Hunt has had wide experience in mining and for twelve years was a member of the firm of C. F. Bowers Construction Co., and he still is a member of the board of directors of the company. M r. Hunt established the Southwest Lime Company Scholarships at MSM for Freshmen in Mi ning and M ining Geology a nd may be renewed for the Sophomore year. T here a re two of these scholarships with a stipend of $500.00 each.

Student Automatiue Society Branch Actiue on Campus In the November 1960 issue of the SAE Journal , published by The Society of Automotive Engineers, there appears an a rticle on page 106 and 107 entitled " SAE at Missouri School of M ines ." The article relates the activities of the Student Branch of SAE on the campus. To announce r:1cetin gs and a reminder to all , a plywood giant, seven foot tall, stands outside of the Mechanical Engineering Building during the day of the meeting. No one on the campus can miss the sight of this character. Some of the Branch's activities are; to have an information booth on the campus during Freshman Week; operate a local economy run; an award to the outstanding Freshman enrolled in Mechanical Engineering; holds monthly meetings ; arrange for field trips; have a vehicle safety check, and enter in technical paper contests. The Branch received its charter in 1953 under the encouragement of Associate Professor Charles R. Remington, Jr. The success of the Branch, which is one of the largest Student Branches in SAE with 175 members, was due primarily to the efforts of Professor Remington and Professor G. L . Scofield of the M. E. Department. The Branch's current activity and progress is encouraged by the leadership of James A. Jones, who is their faculty advisor. 10

International Symposium in Mining Research To Be Held in February, World Wide in Scope An International Symposium on Mining Research that is to be held Oll the MSM campus, February 22 25, 1961 , has been termed one of the most significant mining programs of this decade. It is being sponsored by the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, and the U . S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines. Six other symposiums have been held on the MSM campus but this is the first of a wide International nature. Of the participants on the program more than fifty percent are from outside of the United States, and papers will be given or presented for mining a uthorities from Australia, Austria, Ca ~ada, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia and Sweden. MSM alumni who are un the Symposium Committee are Alvin W. Knoerr '38, Editor, "Engineering and Mining Journal ;" Louis A. Turnbull '22, Assistant Chief Division of Foreign Activities, U. S. Bureau of Mines; and Carl R. Christiansen '47 , Associate Professor, Mining E ngineering, MSM. Georges J . Vigier '50, Mines Domaniales de Potasse d' Alsace, Mulhouse, France, has a paper, "Considerations in the Mechanical Behavior of Rock; Analysis of Various Aspects; Applications of Mining," is one of our international alumni who will participate in the program. Dr. George B. Clark, Chairman, Department of Mining Engineering, MSM; Robert F. Bruzewski '47, Associate Professor, Joseph Mining Engineering, MSM; J. Yancik ' 56, Senior Research Engineer, Monsanto Chemical Company, and John E. Lyon and Joseph G. Stites, also of Monsanto, have collabora ted in "Performance Parameters of Densified Micro-Prilled Ammonium N itrate-Fuel Blasting Agents," a paper that will be presented at the symposium. All presentations will be given in three languages , English, French and German, by means of wireless translator equipment with individual earphones. The translations will be given from three booths by a team of seven transla tors . Marling J. Ankeny , Director, U . S. Bureau of Mines, will be present for the welcome address, with Elmer W . Pehrson , Chief, Division of Foreign

Activities, U. SI. Bureau of Mines, giving the keynote address. Particulars and a program brochure of this symposium may be secured by a request to Dr. George B. Clark, Department of Mining Engineering, MSM, Rolla.

All Curricula at MSM Fully Accredited by ECPD The Engineers Council for Professional Development has notified Dean Curtis L. Wilson of the results of the accreditation inspection held last spring at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. Eight engineering curricula were inspected and all eight of them were fully accredited for five years, the maximum period for which ECPD will grant accreditation. Receiving accreditation were curricula in. Cer~mic Engineering, Electrical Engmeenng, Mechancial Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining En~neer~ng, Mining Geology, Nuclear ~nglI1eenng and Petroleum Engineermg. Since the curricula in Civil Engineering were previously inspected and accredited, all engineering curricula at MSM are fully accredited by ECPD.

Bridge DeSign by MSM Graduate Receives Prize Lincoln A. Sanders '44 in collaboration with two other engineers submitted a bridge design for the American Bridge Highway Bridge Competition last year. There were 300 entries. The entries were analyzed to uncover what were considered to be most promising or intriguing design ideas that may prove helpful to the profession. Thirty-six entries were selected on the above basis one of which was Sanders and his associates. A booklet will be published: showing the features of each of the thirty-six entries that American Bridge considers most significant. Sanders and his associates will re , cdve a sum of $100.00 for the publication of their entry. MSM Alumnus

Dressel Heads Research Center, Bureau of Mines Waldemar M. Dressel '43, has been appointed to the position of Superintendent of the Rolla Metallurgy Research Center of the U. S. Bureau of Mines. He was formerly a Metallurgist and project leader on the staff at the Center. He assumed his duties on November 21 and as Superintendent he will carry out the responsibilities of coordination and directing the activities of the administrative, mechanical and

urn Geologists, and Sigma Gamma Epsilon and Sigma Xi fraternities.

Dr. Bjerhammer of Sweden Is lecturer on MSM Campus Dr. Evert Arne Bjerhammer lectured at MSM in the Civil Engineering Building Auditorium, Friday, November lith. His subject was " A Generalized Matrix Algebra for Solving Geometrical and Statistical Problems in Geodesy and Photogrammetry ." Dr. Bjerhammer is an International authority in the field of Surveying, Geodesy and Photogrammetry and is a visiting lecturer to the United

Dr. Kelly Presented With Golden Omega Award Dr. Mervin J. Kelly '14, former dilector of research and retired board chairman of Bell Laboratories, received the annual Golden Omega award of the Third National Conference on the Application of Electrical Insulation at their meeting December 5-8, 1960, held in Chicago, Ill. The award presentation , as well as the principal address at the " Unity of Action" banquet was made by Walker Cisler, President of Detroit Edison.

Scholarship in Mineral Curricula Established A scholarship program providing $ 1,000 for an outstanding senior in one of the mineral industry curricula and a chance to compete for a $3 ,000 fellowship after graduation has been established at MSM. Known as the Louis Ware Scholarship in mineral preparation engineering and mining engineering, the annual award was made available by the International Minerals and Chemical Corp., Skokie, Illinois. Terry N. Turner, Kansas City, Missouri, a senior in metallurgical engineering is the recipient of the scholarship for this year.

53 Students From India Form Organization

Waldemar M. Dressel technical services of the Research Center. Wally is a native of Sappington, Missouri and he ~ntered service with the Bureau of Mines in 1943 after graduating from MSM with a B.S. degree in Mining Engineering. Except for an interval between 1945 and 1950, when he was employed by the Gulf Oil Co., in Midland, Texas, he bas been with the Rolla Research Center and has resided in Rolla. Mr. Dressel and his wife, Laura, reside at 35 Rolla Gardens. They have two children, Diane 16, and Wally 9. Mr. Dressel is active in the Methodist Church and he is president of the Men's Club and Associate District Lay Leader of the Rolla District of the Methodist Church. He is a member of the Rolla Lion's Club, the Association of Missouri Geologists, the American Association of PetroleDecember 1960

Dr. Evert Arne Bjerhammer States sponsored . by the Surveying and Mapping Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Bjerhammer is a graduate of the Department of Surveying at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and holds a Doctor of Technology Degree from the same institution. He is a member of several International Congresses such as; General Association, Intern. Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Congress of Surveyors; Intern. Congress of Photogrammetry, Stockholm ; and other commissions. This meeting was co-sponsored by; the Civil Engineering Department, MSM; Mid-Missouri Section, ASCE; the Rolla Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and the Rolla Chapter of Sigma Xi.

The formation of India Association consisting of 53 students from India adds one more chapter to the history of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. The objectives of the Association are : to create better understanding among the students from India and other nations on the campus by the way of exchange of culture, social and educational thoughts and various activities ; to provide a means for free exchange of creative culture and social ideas between the members of the association and various other organizations on the campus and in the town including the local people. Membership is open to all irrespective of their nationality, status and occupation. The Association will alway~ be ready to provide speakers, muslCal records of India and any other information regarding India to any organization on the campus, in the town or even to individuals at any time. 11

Hanleys Spend Two Months on European Tour Sightseeing and Visiting Mines, Refineries Professor H. R. Hanley '01 , and Mrs. Hanley have been globe trotting again. They sailed from New York September 2, for England on the S. S. Statendam and returned to New York from Gibraltar on the Christofor Colombo on November 7. T he fi rst country on their itinerary was Ireland, which they report as being gay , green and beautiful. Killarney was headquarters for a few days, then Cork and what do you suppose Professor Hanley did when he reached l3larney Castle? F rom London they flew to Norway and toured the fj ords -- they also went to Oslo .and on to Stockholm , Copenhagen , and Pa ris. Then Madrid with a bull fight , a trip to the " Valley of the Fallen" , a day at Toledo , where the castles of ancient Moorish culture stand out in relief. Next was Lisbon and then back to Seville, Spain, and to Maloga ami Granada with the famous Alhambraa monument to the extinct Moorish civilization, and very beautiful. Tangier, Morocco, with its ancient Kasba h was a ste pping stone for Gilbralta r, their point of embarkation for home. The " Rock" with its intensive fortifications quickly impresses the tourist with its strategic geographic importance and the wild monkeys provide some interest. T he trip was not all sight-seeing for Prof. Hanley. In Helsingborg, Sweden , he spent a day at the large chemical plant of the Raymershalms Gamla Industri Aktiebalog. In Hamburg, Germany, he visited the large copper and lead refinery plant known as Norddeutsche Affinerie. Some officials in these plants were members of a group of engineers he had conducted over the United States in 1951 under the Marshall Plan. From Seville, Spain, he drove with company officials to the ancient Rio Tinto Mines where he spent two days of intensive study and thus fulfilled an ambition nurtured since he was a student of mining and metallurgy at MSM. Here, there is a definite evidence of intermittent exploitation for copper and by-products dating back more than 5000 years . Ancient historical facts are represented by numerous items III a museum . For example, there is a large Roman water wheel, 14 feet in 12

diameter once used for power development ; this had been excavated from a hillside. There are numerous Roman mining tools such as picks, shovels, hand scrapers of fantastic shape, oil lamps of earthen ware etc. Glass cases contain ancient Roman coins that have been authenticated as to rulers and dates from a period slightly before the Christian era and extending to about A. D . 400. The following rulers who produced these coins are listed in sequence as fullows: Augustus, Nero, Vespasian, Galba, Titus, Romitian , Nerva, Trajan Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Claudius; Constantine, etc. The mine has produced a variety of metals and by-products from time immemorial. Here on the site of antiquity there is a modern plant carrying on tbis production efficiently. In-addition to this general status there have been advances made in blast furnace and ;;.cid plant design not known elsewhere. These massive pyritic deposits are oxidized at the surface and it is this oxidation which gives rise to the characteristic red appearance of the surrounding hills. Another outstanding characteristic is the numerous heaps of brown Roman slag amounting to about 16 million tons; evidently the Romans smelted ore for many centuries to produce such stupendous piles of slag. This waste product is brown on the surface but has a black interior thus showing the effect of oxidation through the centuries. It is said to contain only 0.14 percent copper, a remarkably low figure compared with the present day slag which is about 0.5 percent copper. The return crossing of the Atlantic was a bit rough and this suggests that a smoother mode of travel might be used if fate makes a subsequent trip possible.

Robert Topper '41 Holds Executive Posts in Transco Robert K . Topper '41 has risen to the executive levels with Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation of Houston , Texas, and its associate companies. He is president of Trans-Jeff Chemical Corp., Houston, Texas, Transco's joint venture with Jefferson Lake

Sulphur Co. He is also executive vice president of the newly formed TexasSouthern Pipeline Corporation, a $63 million subsidiary of Transco, and is executive assistant to the president of the parent company, Transco. Two years after his graduation from MSM he was employed as an engineer with the Bituminous Gas Corporation. Then he served in the U. S. Navy Corps of Engineers as an officer from 1942 to 1945. In 1945 he joined the ]. F . Pritchard Company as a construction superintendent. Also as a construction superintendent, he took a position with St::nolind Pipe Line in 1946. At the time he joined Transco in 1951, he was an engineer with Stone



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and Webster Service Corporation in New York. His appointment as president of Trans-Jeff was made March 1960, and his appointment as executive vice president of Trans-Southern came October 1960. Mr. Topper is a member of the Lakeside Country Club in Houston, the Houston Petroleum Club, the Houston Engineering and Scientific Society, the Kappa Alpha Order, St. Francis Episcopal Church, a life member of the Houston Fat Stock Association, and a director of the Houston Gold Association. He is listed in Who's Who in Engineering and is a registered 'engineer in Texas and Missouri. His wirie, Lucette, and children, Donald Alan, 13; Elisabeth, 10 ; Lucette Madeline,S; and Michelle Marianne, 2 months; and Mr. Topper live at 11 015 Wickwood Drive in Houston.

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M. S. Badollet, Authority on Asbestos Fiber, Retires From Johns-Manville Research Center





University and at MSM, where after service with the Army Engineers and Chemical Warfare, he received a B. S. degree in 1921. In 1926, the University of Missouri awarded him an honorary degree in chemical engineering. From 1921 through 1923, Mr. Badollet taught analytical chemistry at Pennsylvania State College, after which he spent five years as research chemist and sugar technologist with the Carbohydrate Laboratory of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He joined the Calite Company, later acquired by Johns-Manville, in Lompoc, California, in 1929 and was transferred to Manville to do research on Celite the same year. He has headed the Asbestos Fibers Research Section since 1939 and has been responsible for the development of many test methods adopted' by the asbestos industry here and abroad. His symposium of articles on asbestos is widely used by industry and schools. Mr. Badolett, who is a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey, is a member of the American Chemical Society, the Society of Professional Engineers, The Chemists Club of New York, and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. He is a fellow of the Americ:an Institute of Chemists and of the Geological Association of Canada. He served as president of the Men's Club of Fanwood, N.]., for two terms (193739). Mr. Badollet is listed in American Men of Science, Who's Who in the East, and Who's Who in Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Badollet, the former Dorothy Sweeny, of Oil City, Pa., reside at 25 Farragut Road in Plainfield. Marion S. Badollet They have one daughter, Mrs. Robert asked to address service clubs, teachers' M. Troxwell, of Lancaster, Pa. groups, and pmfessional societies. Mr. Badollet holds U. S. patents on 162 Students Represent coated diatomaceous earth for filtering hydrocarbons, a water-rept:llerit 31 Countries on Campus composition suitable for filters in asThere are 162 foreign students enbestos-paper manufacture, treating dia- rolled at MSM. Of this number, Intomaceous earth, colored asbestos pro- dia leads with 29 students, followed by ducts such as paper, and asbestos pro- Peru with 16. Other countries representducts in sheet form. He is coholder of ed are Argentina, Brazil, Burma, Canapatents on permanent color-imetric da, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, standards for hydrogen-ion determina- Egypt, EI Salvador, Formosa, France, tions, an apparatus for measuring the Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong turbidity of sugar solution, and partial- Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Korea, Malaya, Mexico, The Netherlands, ly dehydrated chrysotile fiber. Born in Vincennes, Indiana, in 1895, South Australia, Spain, Thailand, TurMr. Badollet studied at Vincennes key, Venezuela and Virgin Islands.

Marion S. Badollet '20, of Plainfield, New Jersey, chief of the Asbestos Fiber Section of the Johns-Manville Research Center, Manville, N. J., retired on December 1 after 31 years with the company. Mr. Badollet, a widely recognized authority on asbestos fiber, is a contributing author in numerous books and encyclopedias including the Book of Knowledge, the Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, The Encyclopedia of Chemistry, The World Book Encyclopedia, and the Modern Plastics Encyclopedia. He has written many technical papers, chiefly on the properties and use of asbestos , which have been published in this country and in Canada, and he has often been

December 1960

Recent Graduate Co-Authors Important Ceramics Article ])elbert E. Day '58, has collaborated on an important technical paper which appeared in the November issue of the J uurnal of the American Ceramic Society. Mr. Day's paper, written in cooperation with Guy E. Rindone and Ronald Caporali, is entitled " Relative Acidities of Glasses Containing A1203 and T 102 as Determined by the Oxygen Electrode." Mr. Day is now continuing his graduate studies at Pennsylvania State University, where he received his M. S. degree in 1960, with the aid of a fellowship sponsored by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company. The American Ceramic Society is an international organization devoted tCJ the advancement of the methods of ceramic research and production. As the Society's monthly publications are the main sources of technical advances in the ceramic field, the publication of a paper by the Society is a mark of high recognition for its author.

Dr. Reynolds Addresses American Metals Society Dr. James E. Reynolds, Jr., '48, Chief Engineer of the Semi-Conductor Products Division of Motorola Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, addressed the MSM Chapter of the American Society for Metals on November 30. His subject was "Solid State Diffusion, Theory and Practice." He described practical applications of diffusion techniques, particularly with reference to the manufacture of semi-conductor devices for . the electronics industry. Dr. Reynolds obtained his Master's degree from MSM in the Metallurgy Department in 1948. He served as instructor in the department. After leaving MSM, Dr. Reynolds took graduate work at M .LT. , receiving his D. Sc. degree in 1953. During the following two years he was employed by the Batelle Memorial Institute, where he was concerned primarily with titanium alloys. In 1955, Dr. Reynolds went to the Motorola Corporation where he is now employed. Other Alumni Want To Know What You Are Doing. Send in Personals. 13


Alumni Section

News Southern California Section The Southern California Section enjoyed one of its largest and finest meetings on Saturday evening, November 5th. In spite of a heavy downpour of California's " liquid sunshine," fiftytwo hardy spirits braved the elements for a fine evening of elbow-bending, reminiscing, and breeze-shooting, to say nothing of a delicious steak dinner. The meeting was enlivened' by the welcome addition to our ranks of a goodly number of recent graduates and their good-looking wives. Among those making their first appearance were Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Malmberg, and Eugene E. Mertl '60; Chuck Corey '59, with his bride of three months; Philip Elam and Paul Wilson '58; Mike Hughes, Norman Pond, Dennie Dowell, all from the class of '59 and all with their wives. Also attending for the first time were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beachler and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bocia '51. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rule; and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cawthorne, all of the class of '51. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. Powell Dennie '40; Mr. and Mrs. F rank Goodrich '38; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gostin '44 ; Mrs. Eva Greene' 11 ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greiten '53; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Hagan '48; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Halasey '28 Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hollister '13; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hughes '54; Mr. and Mrs. Don Huseman '43 ; Mr. and Mrs. Barney Nuell '21; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schirmer '49; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith '41; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Weber '47 ; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weir ' 22, and Mr. and Mrs. John O. Wilms '43. With a continuing growth of industry in the Los Angeles area, more and more ~fSM graduates are settling in southern California and forging successful careers for themselves. They have 266 0 11 the Section's mailing list and they believe that this puts them next to the St. Louis area as the second largest Alumni Chapter. Any challenges? They are determined to make their mark al-

so in the percentage of contributors to the Association's Annual Alumni Fund. Jim Gostin and Donnie Dowell each commented that they have been making a good recruiting effort on some bright young high school students who were pointing toward an engineering career. Others were stimulated to make similar efforts, and if the students in question happen to have brawn along with brains, they are all the more welcome, as Coach Bullman would no doubt welcome some added strength for the team. The only business of the evening was a discussion of what took place at Homecoming and the reading of a number of interesting news releases provided by Ike Edwards. The balance of the evening was given over to gaiety and good fellowship.

Arizona Section The fall meeting of the Arizona Section was held October 22 ,1960, in the Ray-Kearny-Hayden Arizona area. AÂŁtivities started at 2: 00 p. m. with tours through the pit at Ray or the reduction plant at Hayden. After the tours the group gathered at the home of Joe Henry for refreshments of beer and soft drinks followed by a steak fry and augmented by beans, and other delicacies. Only a short meeting was held, primarily to settle the financial affairs. Much thanks is due the Grigsbys, Henrys and Johnsons for the arrangements for the very enjoyable day. A note of interest is that on October 16, 1950, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Finagin '14, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Those attending the fall meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Huffman '48, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Napp '51, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brixis '47, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Detweiler '22, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schuler '49, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pennington '50, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Young , 17, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Rose '49, Rowland Tragitt '23, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grigsby '48, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry '53, Mr. .and Mrs. Stan J<~hnson '48, Mrs. Robert Winkle and guest Mr. A. Melbr, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Huffman '22 and Mr. and Mrs. William F. Harky '59.

were: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Lunton ' 12; Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Freeman '28; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Berry '28; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Histed '28; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meeka '30; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McCormick '31; Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Schamel '34; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray '47; William B. Distler '47 ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D . Ross '49; Mrs. Bettie Lu Blanchard Shroyer (Mrs. Robert) '49; Robert B. Shroyer '49; M. and Mrs. Murray Schmidt '49.

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New York Section The New York Section is still holding its monthly luncheons at the Mining Club, 33 Broadway, New York, New York. The luncheons are held at noon on the first Thursday of each month. All alumni and friends of the school are welcome. Alumni who may be in the city on that date are most welcome. Alumni to contact concerning these meetings are ; J. Craig Ellis '38, phone Warth 2-1584 or H. F . Bottcher '41 , phone DIgby 4-4400.

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Alumni to Have Dinner During AIMME Meeting There will be an MSM alumni dinner held during the annual meeting of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, in St. Louis, Missouri, Tuesday evening, February 28, 1961. The exact place for this dinner has not been set but there will be signs at the registration desk and we hope to have an announcement in the Official Program with the exact information. Richard Bauer '52, President of the St. Louis Section of the MSM Alumni Association is making the arrangements for this alumni gathering. In the past these dinners have been quite popular and attended by a large number of alunmi and many members of the MSM faculty.

Alumni Sections



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Send Us Your News

San Francisco Bay Section The San Francisco Bay Area Section gathered October 15, for a dinner meeting at the Whitcomb Hotel in San Francisco. Those present

About Alumni Meetings, Pictures Too, If Available.

MSM Alumnus

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Missouri School of Mines

Alumni Association Budget

St. Louis Engineers' Club Plans Annual Rolla Night

EXPENSES Budget Expenses Budget 1960-61 1959-60 1959-60 $ 7,445.00 $ 7,145 .00 Salary ................................................... .. $ 7,145.00 4,100.00 3,735.25 MSM Alumnus ............. ..... ........ ........ 3,900 1,600.00 1,273.63 Printing ................................................. 1,500.00 160.00 144.00 Payroll Taxes ........................................ 120.00 750.00 716.10 Miscellaneous Expenses ...... ........ ......... 700.00 2,300.00 2,182.50 Postage ............... ................................... 2,100.00 1,400.00 1,315.03 Travel ....... ............................ ............ ...... 1,200.00 150.00 165.73 Office Expenses ...................................... 100.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Scholarships ............................... ............. 3,000.00 $20,905.00 $19,677.24 $19,765.00 BALANCE SHEET October 31, 1960 ASSETS Cash on hand and in bank-Regular Account ..... ................................. $ 5,178.21 Cash in bank-Laclede Steel Emergency Fund .................................... 885.00 Cash in bank-Robert Emmett Dye Endowment Fund ........................ 25,000.00 Trust Fund .................................................. ........... ................................... 3,480.00 10,746.77 Investments $45,289.98

The annual "Rolla Night" at the Engineers' Club of St. Louis will be held at 8:30 p.m., January 26, 1961. Each year the Engineers' Club schedules this occasion honoring the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and invites all alumni, prospective students and friends of the school to attend. The Chairman of the departments, school officials and many members of the faculty will be present. The speaker this year will be Dr. Wouter Bosch, Professor of Paint Chemistry, at MSM. His topic will be "As We See It." The St. Louis Section of the MSM , Alumni Association will have the administrative officials and department ¡ chairman as their guests at a dinner . before the meeting. The present plans ' are to have the dinner at the ' Engineers' Club.

LIABILITIES AND MEMBER'S EQUITY Accrued Payroll Taxes ........................................................................... $ 91.60 Scholarships and Gift Funds .......... ........................................................ 26,141.65 Trust Fund .............................. .................................................................. 3,480.00 Member's Equity ................. ..... ................................................................ 15,576.73 $45,289.98

Mining Department Has Two New Instructors

Operational Income ................................ ................. .................... ............... $20,590.00 Number of contributors to the 1960 Alumni Fund ........................................ 2390

Varsity Basketball Schedule 1960-1961 Thursday, Dec. 1 ... . Saturday, Dec. 3 ..... . Wednesday, Dec. 7 .. Saturday, Dec. 10 ..... . Thursday, Dec. 15 ... . Saturday, Dec. 17 ..... . Thursday, Dec. 22 ... . Dec. 28, 29 , 30 ......... . Wednesday, Jan. 4 ... . Friday, Jan. 6 .......... . ~10nday , Jan. 9 ~8t urday , Jan. 14 ..... . Tuesday , Januaty 24 Saturday, Jan. 28 ..... . Monday, Jan. 30 ....... . Saturday, Feb. 4 .... . Saturday, Feb : 11 ..... . Saturday, Feb. 18 ..... . Monday, Feb. 20 ..... . Wednesday, Feb . 22 .. Sa turday , Feb. 25 December 1960

S0uthern Ill. U .-Alton ............................................ Alton Evangel College-Springfield, Mo. .... _................... Rolla Washington U. ................................................... St. Louis \Vestminster ............................................. .................. Fulton Harris Teachers ........................................................ Rolla U. of Tennessee-Martin Branch ...... .................... Rolla. Memphis State .................................................... Memphis M. 1. A. A. Christmas Tournament ............ Warrensburg Harris Teachers ................................................... St. Louis John Brown University ............................................ Rolla N. E. Mo. State College-Kirksville ...................... Rolla Central Mo. State College-Warrensburg ........ ........ Rolla S. E. Mo. State College---' Cape Girardeau ............... Cape N. W. Mo. State College-Maryville ..... ..... ..... Maryville N . E. Mo. State College-Kirksville .............. Kirksville N. W. Mo. State College-Maryville ...................... Rolla S. W. Mo. State College-Springfield ......... ..... .. ...... Rolla Central Mo. State College-Warrensburg .... Warrensbufi!; S. W. Mo. State College-Springfield ........ ...... Springfield Evangel College-Springfield, Mo. ............... Springfield S. E. Mo. State College-'Cape Girardeau ............... Cape

The Mining Department has added two new instructors to their staff. Mr. Richard Ash, Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering, replaces Professor Caudle, who has been reassigned t<J the office of Research Engineering while working on his Doctorate. He received his B. S. and M. S. degrees in Mining Engineering from Penn State U., and formerly worked for the Atlas Powder Company as a technical representative prior to accepting the post at MSM. The second addition is Mr. Gerald B. Rupert, an instructor in Geophysics. He replaces Professor Black who recently resigned. Mr. Rupert holds B. S. and M. S. degrees from the University of Indiana. He was with the Texas Company as a senior computer before coming to MSM.





There were 200 alumni and their guests in attendance at the alumni banquet held in the Ballroom of the Student Union. Seated at the head table; L eft to right: Mrs. Wilson; Mrs . Rankin ; D ean Curtis L. Wilson; Mrs . Dowling, David H. Mackey '40 who was the master of ceremonies par excellence; Paul T. Dowling '40; Mrs . V. H . McNutt ; Professor Rolfe M. Rankin '26; Mrs. Mackey. At the bottom of the picture, facing camera; Mrs. W ells L eitner; Assistant Dean Paul Ponder; Mrs. Ponder; Mrs. Lewis and Robert L ewis, R egistrar, MSM . Cent er of picture far left (facing) Powell D ennie '40, Mrs. D ennie and Harold S. Kidd '39.

Scholarship Recipients





During Homecoming we were able to assemble more of the students who are receiving the scholarship awards underwritten by the Alumni Association or given through the Alumni Fund . All but one were present fo r this picture. T hey are, from left to right: George R. Schillinger, Sophomore, L emay, Mo., A. A. Scholarship; Lonnie Shalt on, Sophomore, Alton, Ill., A. A. Scholarship; Doyle W. Ephlin, Freshman, Poplar Bluff, Mo., A. A. Scholarship; Wayne L. Scho effel, Sophomore, Alton, Ill ., A. A. Scholarship; Rob ert E. Badgley, Sophomore, Overland, Mo., A. A. Scholarship; Philip G. Anderson, Freshman, Quincy, Ill. , Harry H . K essler Scholarship; Larry Cooper, Freshman, St. Louis, Mo ., f. C. Murph y Company Scholarship; George C. H eilig, Senior, Cape Girardeau, Mo., The Marton Signer Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Section of the Alumni Association. William E. Burchill, Freshman from Taylorville, Ill ., who has a Harry H. Kessler Scholarship was not present jor the picture . 16

MSM Alumnus






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family total to three boys. The other two are Kerry, age 6, and Larry, 4 years. Gerald is a civil engineer with B. D. Simon Construction Co., and¡ they !live at 104 W. Blvd. S., Columbia, Mo. Mr. a nd Mrs. Norman H. Pond ' 59 began their family upon the arrival of Stephen Kent, February 15, 1960. They live at 3595 South Sepulveda , Los Angeles 34, Calif. Norman is with Hughes Aircraft and is a member of the technical staff of the microwave tube division. He is also a graduate student a t U . C. L. A. ~ r. and Mrs . Dennis E. Schneider '60, now have Kevin, born July 15 , 1960. Dennis completed his active duty military service September 28, 1960, and he is now assistant staff engineer, General Telephone Co. of Illinois. They live in Bloomington, Ill. , 506 E. Locust St. ~r. a nd Mrs. Anthony ]. Berenato ' 55, announce the arrival of Theresa Marie, born October 5, 1960. They live at 880 Patricia Ave. , Sharon , Pa. Anthony is with Westinghouse as factory engineer in charge of new manufacturing equipment for production of a new core for distribution transformers.


W. W. Kiskadden '16 W. W. Kiskadden '16, was killed in an automobile accident near Mt. Carmel, Illinois, November 9, 1960. Claude C. Cushwa '14

Claude Calvin Cushwa '14, age 69, di~d 'November 1, 1960, of lilicosis, long dormant, finally developed after the flu. He was residing in San Luis Obispo, California at the time of his dea th . He came to Grass Valley, Califo rnia in 1937 where he became manflger of the Spring Hills gold mine. In 195 2 he went to San Luis Obispo where he was employed by a chrome mine near Morro Bay. In 1953, he went to work for the division of highways and remained until his retirement October 22 , 1960, He is survived by his widow, Mrs . Margaret Cushwa, of San Luis Obispo ; a daughter, Mrs. Mark Billings, of EI Cerrito, Calif. ; a brother, Clay, of Independence, Mo., three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.

Alumni Personals 191 2 Paul Coaske and his wife Sara left in October for trip, via auto, to Mexico City, and then on to Guatemala.


Robert C. Slankard ' 51 , and Miss Shirley Annette Hornsby, daughter of Mr. ,.nd Mrs. James Hornsby, of Covip-gton, Kentucky, were married on November 19, 1960 at the Ninth Street Baptist Church , Cincinnati, Ohio. Bob is with General Electric in the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Dept., as a technical engineer. Their address is 1601 Seymour ave., Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Clyde C. Corey ' 59 and Miss Evelyn Borlisch, of Rolla, Mo., were married July 22, 1960. The newlyweds live at 2534 B. Beverly Ave. , Santa Monica, California, Clyde is an associate engiTIter with Dougl:J.S Aiscraft Co., designing shipping containers for the Nike Zeus miss Ie. Robert E. Briscoe ' 59 and Miss Martha Hansen , of Wamego, Kansas, were married September 3, 1960. Bob is with Roei ng Airplane Co., Wichita, Kansas, and Mrs . Brisco is Assistant Sales Manager for Continental Airlines, Wichita. Their home adress is 1303 E. Clark. December 1960

Gil Metz sends greetings from Florida where he is residing at 816 Cypress Rd., Vero Beach. He occasionally sees Clyde Hall, of DeLand, and L. J. Boucher, of Indialantic. All three are well. 1 9 1 S

Abe Lew Kaplan, 4615 Monaco Rd., Memphis, Tennessee sent his regrets that he was unable to make it back to the campus for the 45th reunion of his class at Homecoming. If God willing he hopes to make it back for the 50th. Abe is retired.

191 6 Gunnard E. Johnson, Hemlock Hollow Dr., Worcester, N.Y., is retired and expects to spend the winter at New Port Richey, Florida. 1 92 S Charles H . Lindsly was a campus visitor in November. Mr. Lindsly has been with the Shaeffer Pen Company fo r a number of years and just recently he became affiliated with Sylvania E lectric Co. He is a chemical engineer and an expert in glass. 1 9 3 5

Howard B. Colman has accepted a position as manager of engineering for

the Industrial Chemicals Division of Cyanamid, Linden, N. J. His residence address is 146 Eastern Parkway, Irvington, N. J.

193 6

Herman J. Pfeifer recently moved from California to Bethelem, Pa., and ii District Manager, Sales, for eastern states for Union C-arbide Metals Co., and his new address is 250 W. Langhorne Ave., Bethlehem, Pa. He hopes to return to MSM for the 1961 Homecoming. 1 9 3 7 J. W. Frame, of Bethlehem Steel Co., Bethlehem, Pa., was on the campus in October. He is interested in engineers who may wish to become employees of Bethlehem. 1 9 3 8 James G. Miller II, Vice PresidentGeneral Manager, Process Coaters, I nc., advises that he and Ken Wilhite held a small Sigma N u reunion in Los Angeles last September 26. Jim's new business will pre-finish plywood. His address is 13030 Valleyheart Drive, North Hollywood , California. Eugene F. Hill is still with Wolverine Tube, a division of Calumet Hecla, and was recently advanced to Director of New Products Division, 17200 Southfield, Allen Park, Michigan. His residence address is 24320 Edgemont, Southfield, Mich. 1 9 3 9 Peter Ribotto is vice president of Caland Ore Company, Ltd., Atikokan, Ontario, Canada. Pete is mighty proud of his family of four boys. L. A. Roe, Director, Mineral Processing, International Mining & Chemical Corp., Skokie, Ill., spoke before the St. Louis Section of the AIME, December 9, on "Trends in Iron Ore." This general talk covered the general history of iron ore beneficiation, economics of are beneficiation, the new developments in the direct reduction of ores, and a look into the future ,of iron ore benefication. 1 940 Vernon W. Rieke is with the Aluminum Company of American at New Kensington, Pa. His address there is 46 1 Longone Road. 19 4 1

James W. Jensen, Research Physicists, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Rolla , Mo., is President of the Rolla Rotary Club for the 1960-61 fiscal year. Walter A. Shulaw is with Mahutska Oil Co.,and his address is 404 W. Pine 17

Ed A. Smith Honored By Osage Indians Ed A. Smith ' 23, president of Service Drilling Co., 1307 South Boulder, Tulsa, Oklahoma, has received a situation and made an honorary member of the Osage Indian Tribe. Ed for a number of years has been an independent oil operator in Oklahoma and it was in this field that he rendered a great service to the Osage. The resolution crea ting this honorary membership states its purpose is to honor a distinguished gen tleman in his great service rendered to the Osage I ndians due to his knowItdge of the oil industry a nd his faith in the possibilities of the Osage Rese rvation. Many years had elapsed with little interest in the Osage by the oil operators. Mr. Smi th began a vigorous ~ nd intelligent program of developmen t upon acreage that no one desired. He revived the " Whitetail Pool" north of Pawhuska, Okla homa which had been dormant for over 25 years that enriched the Osages fina ncially. His operations ca used many oil operators to retu rn and prospect for oil after an absence from thei r lease sales for over 20 years. This interest and great contribution in developing new oil pools in the Osage Rese rvatio n, stimulating the lease sales and drilling many wells upon the Rere ervation and the tribe's love for him Yrr. Sm ith was adopted into the Osaa~ T_ri be and given the Osage Indi~n Name of " Ki-he-kah-nah -she " meaning " Standing ChieL" ' Copies of this resolution na ming Ed an. Honorary Member of the Osage Tnbe was sent to President Eisenhower, Douglas McKay, Secretary of the I nterior a nd Glenn L. Emmons Commissioner of Indian Affairs . '

Miner Gridders Lose All Games of Season THE 1960 MINER FOOTBALL team has set a record. There were no victorie!: and 9 losses. The team experienced a season that has been predicted for some time in conference play and competing with teams that were loaded with material that has been recruited from fa r and wide. The Miner squad is composed of engineering students who like to play football a nd the only reason they appear at practice and in games 18

is because of their love for the sport. There are no scholarships. Their time for practice may be limited should they have classes or laboratories that conflict. Still they want to play football and they display a fair brand of the art. It was just the breaks of the game that resulted in two of the Miners ' losses. In the game with University of Tennessee (Martin Branch), the Miner's had 21 first downs to their opponents 6, and 238 yards rushing to Tennessee's 94 but were beaten 20 to 12. One of the Vol's touchdowns resulted in their recovery of a Miner fumble a fter the Miners had worked the ball down to the Vol's ten yard line. In the game with Warrensb urg, which the Miners lost by two points , a Miner fumble was recovered by the M ules in their own territory which resulted in a TD. The Miners also had six other fum bles in that game. It was a Mule field goal in the last minute of the game that brought this Miner defeat. Despite this unfortunate season the Miners placed two men on the second all-conference team. T hey were Paul Wiegard and M ike Hillmeyer , and Chas. y1cCaw was placed on Washi ngton U's team. Paul Wiegard all-opponent broke a school record by scoring the most touc hdowns in one season. Again next year the M iners will be back with another football team. The squad will have many new faces since 16 of its members will be lost by graduation and 13 of these a re lettermen . Also 13 of the 16 men were in the starting line-ups either offensively or defensively . Again , the team will be composed of potential engineers who wan t to play footba ll and Coach Gale Bullman and his able sta ff will direct them in the skills of the game . We know they will develop a team that will be considered as contenders in the conference and will not be taken lightly by their opponents. T his season's record was: MSM 14 ; Southern Illinois U. 34. MSM 12 ; Washington U. 34. MSM 6; Kansas State College, P ittsburg 51. MSM 12; U. of Tennessee, Martin Branch 20. MSM 22; Maryville 53. MSM 7; Springfield 20. MSM 21; Warrensburg 23. MSM 0 ; Cape Girardeau 42 . MSM 14 ; Kirksville 53. Kirksville won the championship in

the MIAA conference undefeated . T heir backfield star, Mills , set all types of records and was placed on the national All-Small Co llege team. Cape Girardeau placed second in the conference.

Cross Country Team Places

Eleuenth in NCAA Meet The Miner Cross Country team placed eleventh in the NCAA Small College National Meet held in W heaton Illinois. T his is the first season sinc~ cross country was organized on the ca mpus three years ago that the team coached by Nick Barre, has been able to enter a squad in this na tional meet. The Miner's top man was Lesli e Sheets with a time of 21 :5 8 for a 3.0 mile course to place fo rtieth in a meet of 150 runners. Bob Steiner was the second M iner scorer, with forty-eighth place fo r a time of 22:12. John Brown and Sherman Brady were the third and fo urth YIiners to top the first place time that took last year's meet. The only other school from the MIAA Conference that entered the National Meet was Kir ksville who walked off with fou rth place with a total of 153 poi nts. The M iners score of 292 wo n the eleventh place. The num ber one team of the nation fo r small colleges is Central State of Ohio at Wilberforce, Ohio. T heir team had a score of 72 poin ts. John Mullholland of Loras College, D ubuque, Iowa, a school of about 300 enrollment, took first place with a time of 20 :28.

Engineers Wanted For information concerning the positions listed below write to Assistant Dean Leon Hershkowitz, MSM, Rolla , Missouri . RESEARCH AND DEVELOPM ENT - Sound Control Engineer. Design E ngineer. Chemical Engineer. Fluid Dynamics E ngineer. Mecha nical and Chemical Engineers . Age 25 to 35 years . Experience two years or more. Manufacture of air conditioning, heating, ventilating and heat transfer equipment. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER - 2 to 10 years experience. Position connected witr industrial power system and layout and control. Midwest. MSM Alumnus


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P ROJECT ENGINEER - Construction Equipment Engineering Department. F ive years experience minimum. Mechanical Engineer position will be application of power from either gas or diesel engines. Midwest. Approximately 30 years of age. RESEARCH FOUNDATION Needs E lectrical, Mechanical and Chemical engineers ; Physicists and Chemists; Mathematicians and Metallurgists . Varied years of experience. Midwest. B. S. to P h. D. degrees. Salaries good'. T OP LEVEL POSmONS - Vice President of Manufacturing; Administ rative Assistant ; Chief Industrial Engineer; Ass't to Vice President ; Director, Product Planning and Development; Manufacturing Research Engineer and Sales Representative. All well in the five figure salary scale. CHEMICAL ENGINEER - M idwest. Detergent processing and allied precesses. Experience an asset. ENGINEERS - Optical, Mechanical , Electrical, Chemical ; Chemists, Physicists and Mathematicians. With ff:w exceptions these positions are fo r "Indians," they have a supply of " Chiefs." In the East. Excellent salary scale. MECHANICAL ENGINEER - Re¡ cent graduates and experienced engineers fo r stress analysis and thermodynamics. Development engineering on new products and current programs. ENGINEERS - Project, Junior ProResearch Ceramist. cess, Product, North Central U . S. Large manufacturing fir m. SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY¡ Electrical or Metallurgical Engineer , or Physics. Applications of solid state materials to semiconductor devices . Development and Evaluation ability to instruct in the solid-state field. ENGINEERS - Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and Metallurgical. Large sheet and tube company. Mechanicals in production and maintenance plant wide. Electricals in production and maintenance. Chemicals in laboratory and finishing mills. Metallurgical in laboratory , open hearth furnace work, tin mill, cold strip and seamless pipe mill. ENGINEERING - Analytical Statistician research which has included appraisal of quality and adequacy of statistical sources of data. December 1960

BIRTHS M r. a nd Mrs. Richard B. Heagler ,5 i , announce the birth of twin daughters, Carol Jean and Mary Gay, October 10, 1960. They have another daughter, Ann, age 2. Richard is an instructor in the Mechanics Department at MSM. M r. and M rs. Harold O. Gaddy '5 7, have their third daughter, Christy Gail, who arrived November 16, 1960. Her sis ters are E llen , 5.0 years , and Kelly, 4. T he fa ther is with Maggi Construction Co ., Rolla. T he Gaddys' address is 20 Green Acres, Rolla. M r. and M rs . David Kick '57 , now have their first child, a boy, Steven David , who arrived November 17, 1960. The fa ther is a graduate student and also a n instructor in the Mechanics Department at MSM . M r. and Mrs. Joe B. Dillon '56 a re parents of a son, Kenneth Allen, born September 14, 1960. T hey also have a da ughter, Renay, age three. Joe is with the Los Angeles County Road Depaxtment as senior assistant civil engineer. The Dillons live a t 2224 Stranhan Dr., Alhambra, Calif. M r. and M rs. Leslie C. Daniels '58. p roudly announce the arrival of their fi rst child , Stephen Mark, on N ovember 24, 1960. The father is with Mobil Oil Co., as a process engineer, in the East St. Louis, Ill., plant. T heir address is 390 Versailles, Florissant, Mo. Mr. and Mr. Charles S. McCormick '4 3, have added to their family of two boys, a girl, Grace Ann, born November 2, 1960. Charles is with McDonnell Ai rcraft Corp., St. Louis , Mo. T he McCormicks live in Ferguson , Mo., 93 6 F rost Ave. M r. and Mrs. Delbert E. Day '58, now have Thomas Edwin Day, who a rrived at their house, October 3, 1960. Delbert is a graduate student at Pennsylvania Sta te University, as a Fellow in Ceramic Technology. Mr. a nd Mrs. William C. Faulkner ,SO, increased their family to three, June 28, 1960, upon the arrival of their second son, David La ren. Their other son, Douglas Lynn is 7 years old and their daughter, Dawn Ilene is 5. Bill is Ass't Division Engineer for the Wabash Railroad and his address is Box 55 , Forsyth, Illinois. Mr .. and Mrs. James R. Sweeney '52, 209 Sllver St., Galesburg, Ill., proudly announce the arrival of Carol Frances born August 26, 1960. The total no"; is three girls, -- all beautiful. (It comes from their mother). Jim is

plant superintendent, Bixby-Zimmer .Engineering Co., Galesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Nutter '57, have an addition, James Edward who a rrived J uly 17, 1960. They live in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, 2060 Twelfth St., and the father is assistant to chief research engineer, Lamb Electric Co., Kent, Ohio . Mr. and M rs . Vernon C. Potter '52, a nnounce the a rrival of their second child Jeanine Katherine, September 15, 1960. Vernon is supervisor process engineering, Brush Beryllium Corp., Elmore, Ohio. Their address is 207 W. Ottawa St.. , Oak Harbor, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs . J. K. Elbaum '51, also have their second child born, August 5, 1960, and he was named Daniel Gordon. T hey live a t 2503 Shermon Drive, Kokomo, Ind., and J. K. is with Haynes Stellite Co. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Poliquin '50, 33 Savin Court, West Haven, Conn ., now have a third daughter, Susan Kay born August 1, 1960. Tom is job engineer with United Enginerin6 and Construction, I nc., South N orwalk, Conn. Mr. '"-nd Mrs. Robert P. Vienhage '5 3, have a new baby girl born J une 16, 1960. They live at 1931 S. Hampton Springfield, Mo. and the father is vice president of Acme Foundry Co., Inc. M r. and M rs . Walter Schwenk '59, proudly announce the a rrival of a boy, .M ark Jacob, August 8, 19 60 . Their home is at 115 High Street, E. Williston, New York. Walter is research welding engineer with Grumman Ai rcraft Engineering Co., Bethpage, N. Y . Mr. and Nlrs . Ha,old A. Weinland , 53, a re proud parents of their new arrival, Susan L3.urie, born September 4, 1960. They also have two sons, Danny and Jimmy . The father is senior petroleum engineer, Sinclair Oil & Gas Co., Fai rfax, Oklahoma , a nd they reside at 402 South 2nd St. Marjorie Paul Lewis '47 , advises of the birth of her daughter, Marjorie Tabor Lewis, April 23, 1960. The Lewis's a re living at 105 Hamilton Place, Oakland 12 , California. Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson '48 have a new son, Matthew Paul, born September 29, 1960 and they are now living in their new home at 9607 LaRue Drive, San Antonio, Texas. David i3 Vice President and Sales Manager of Stull Chemical Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ger<.>.ld A. Bramon. Jr. '59 welcomed a new son, GregolY; born August 3, 1960. This brings their 19

William J. Nolte '20 Retires After Spending More Than Forty Years in Texas Oil Industry William J. Nolte, '2 0, exploration superintendent for Pan American Petroleum Corporation 's N prth Texas New Mexico division, retired December 9, 1960 after 30 years with Pan American and a predecessor firm and more than 40 years in the oil industry . The former mayor of Benbrook, a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas, and past president of Benbrook's Water and Sewer Authority, Mr. Nolte is widely known in the oil industry. He is a member of that group of early geologists who helped introduce more scientific methods of petroleum exploration. A native of St. Lol,lis, Missouri, Mr. Nolte entered the oil business in 1920, armed with a degree in Mining Engineering and Geolqgy from MSM. He and his bride, Pauline, travelled tG

W illiam f. N olte Shreveport, La., that year where he started his fi rst job with the Palmer Corporation-. Later he worked for Marland Oil Co., out of its Ft. Worth office, gaining experience not only in surface methods of exploration but in the emerging methods of seismology, torsion balance and core analysis. On Jan. 1, 1929, he left Marland and opened a consulting office with a partner at Wichita Falls, Texas. At the time, innovations in exploration methods were competing for dominance which sometimes led to un-


economic uses and gave rise to difficulty in evaluating the best method for any given area. In the move for the new, the more venerable surface methods were often ignored. On May 19 , 1930, when he was hired by Dixie Oil Co., as district geologist at Wichita Falls, Mr. Nolte brought with him solid experience in the various geologic methods, a great respect for " venerable" geology and a desire for better evaluation of all methods, a " balanced" program. I n 1931 , Dixie Oil and two other firms were combined to form Pan American (then, Stanolind Oil and Gas Co.) . In 1932, Mr. Nolte was made division geologist for the new company 's North Texas - New Mexico division, and in 1935, he was appointed division exploration superintendent. As Pan Am's new division eJg>loration superintendent, his " territory" covered East North, West Texas, New Mexico, and ultimately Southwestern Colorado, Southeastern Utah and Arizona. The problems were great, vast, unexplored land areas, high land prices and the over-riding necessity of increas reserves of the new firm . The balanced program with its emphasis on careful evaluation and budget considerations were not always easy to maintain against the bullish land market with its intense competition or the promises of short-cuts to success offered by competing exploration methods. But the more considered approach proved itself in the many significant discoveries made by Pan Am in these first years and later at fields such as T hree-Bar, Midland Farms, Wheeler" West DevQnian, South Monahans, H-J , Empire-Abo, several San J uan Basin oil and gas fields and many others. It proved itself also in the shrewd purchases of semi-wildcat areas in Texas and New Mexico, especially in the Permian Basin, where Pan Am established a leading posi tion. It proved itself with many discoveries in the San Juan Basin. A geologist for 40 years, Mr. Nolte has witnessed and been a supporter of many important advances in the pro-

fession. He has been active in many professional organizations, including posts as president of both Wichita Falls and Fort Worth Geological Societies, affiliates of American Association of Petroleum Geologists. His membership in AAPG dates from the organization's earliest days. He holds membership also in the Fort Worth Geophysical Society and in the T exas Professional Engineers. In addition to his civic activities , Bill is an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Worth, and he holds membership in the Fort Worth Club, Rotary Club , Knife and Ford Club and Theta Tau fraternity . Although there is some anxiety about the future of oil geology today, Mr. Nolte does not hold such feelings for his profession. If the best members of the profession challenge their managements with well documented programs and new methods , geology and geophysics will be all the more healthy for it, he believes. " I'm convinced that the young people¡ in the profession have the talent and the courage to act, with new, well-documented programs for management. The young people will achieve new greatness for the profession in the future."

M.U. to Be Educational Center for Handicapped A five year grant totaling approximately $700,000 to be used for establishing the University of Missouri as a special regional facility fo r Vocational Rehabilitation of the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The aim of the entire project, according, to P resident Elmer Ellis , is to provide adequate higher educational opportunities for students of ability who now are unable to attend institutions of higher education because of physical handicaps. I n order to establish the University as an educational center for handicapped students modifications will be made in all major facilities so such students will be accommodated. T he grant application was submitted on the basis of a survey by a committee determining the number of handicapped persons in Region VI which includes Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Kansas and Nebraska. MSM Alumnus

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St., Robinson, Ill. The Shulaws have two children, Cinthy is 10 years old, and Danny is 4 years. Colonel Andreas A. Andreae, Deputy Director of Civil Engineering, Hq .• Eighth Air Force, Westover AFB, Mass. , has been nominated for promotion to permanent Colonel USAF. Calonel Andreae is registered as a professional engineer in the state of Vermont. 1 9 4 2 Robert A. Pohl has been appointed manager of production practices for Monsanto Chemical Company's Overseas Division at St. Louis, Missouri, after serving as manager of the company's plant at Anniston, Alabama. Robert L. Stowell is with the Aluminum Company of America and assigned in Pittsburgh, Pa. His address there is 112 Richmond Circle, Pittsburgh 37. 1 943

H . W. Flood returned recently from a business trip in Alaska. While there hr saw Don Coolidge '43 and his wife Helen and was a guest in their home in Anchorage. Don is doing structural design work for a local architect, Edwin Crittenden Architects and Associates and seems to be enjoying life in the biggest city in the biggest state. Harold also called on James D. Crawford '26. Mr. Crawford is Vice President and General Manager of the U.S. Smelting, Refining and Mining Company and is responsible for his company's gold dredging operations in Alaska. Jim has some rare stories about his 32 years in Alaska. Jim is located in Fairbanks, Alaska. Mr. Flood is a staff member, Arthur D. Little, Inc. , 35 Acorn Park, Cambridge 40, Mass. 1 946

Jack B. McKee, Assistant Chief Transformer Engineer, Wagner Electlic Co., St. Louis, Mo ., spoke on " Residential and Commercial Underground Distribution", at the November 17th meeting of the Engineer 's Club of St. Louis. Uti lities throughout the country fu r some time have been pressured by home owners, residential and commercial developers and others, to eliminate overhead wires and go to underground dis tribution. K. K. Ikeuye is still with American ~ t a nd a rd in thei r recently merged division , Advanced Technical LaboratorDecember 1960

ies in Mountain View, California. His home address is 123 Piedra Dr., Sunnydale, Calif. 1 941

Fred G. Mertens is now Project Engineer at North American Refractories Company's plant at Curwensville, Pa. Previously he was a mining engineer for four years at MARCO's Farber, Missouri plant. His address is Box 2, Hyde, Pa. James W. Stephens, assistant to the President, Missouri Public Service Co., Kansas City, Mo., was the commencement speaker at the Finlay College of Engineering, November 18, in Town Hall, Kansas City, Mo. 1 948

Robert E. Hackman has been appointed assistant district manager in the East St. Louis District of the Union Electric Company, as of November l. Hackman was sales manager in the district before his recent promotion. He was hired in 1948 as a student engineer and promoted to assistant industrial engineer in Industrial Sales the following year. In 1950, he became an industrial engineer. Shortly afterward, he was transferred to East St. Louis, becoming Sales Manager in 1957. Winston F. Bott has been granted a U. S. patent for a simple, yet foolproof mechanism for workmen on high structures where there is a possibility of fire below, such as on oil derricks and refinery and chemical plant towers. Bott developed the device originally for use on off-shore drilling platforms, where space is limited, but since then many other applications have been found. The device is being marketed under the name " Bott Emergency Escape Mechanism," shortened to the " BEEM," and the promotional slogan for the item is " When Emergency Strikes, get on the BEEM!!" Winston's address is P. O. Box 237, Mathis, Texas. 1 949

Frank J . Cizek has recently been appointed manager for R. C. A. in Detroit, Michigan. This endeavor is in the field of machine controls and a utomatic gaging. His address is 33830 Glenview Dr., Farmington, Michigan. J. B. Toomy, President, Value Engineering Co., Alexandria, Va., advises that Ron Becker '5 0, has joined his company. Damon W. Snow is with the Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Com-

pany, 201 South Central, St. Louis, Mo. Gordon L. Carpenter is a Captain in the U. S. Air Force and his address is 608 Arbor St., Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. BIli Bennett has received a nice pramotion. He4fs now Western Production Manager of Environmental Equipment fur Pesco Division of Borg-Warner. William J. Young, 4910 So. Penn., Denver, Colorado, is with Denver-Martin Co., as senior design engineer. Joe S. Quinn has been transferred from St. Louis, Mo., to Omaha, Nebraska. He is with Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., and his address is 803 W. O. W. Building, 14th and Farnam St., Omaha 2. Comer Haley, R. D. 7, Mercer, Pa., and his wife have adopted two sons. One is 5 years old and the other is 10 1fl months. The first one came to them at the age of five days and the second at the age of nine days; The adoptions on both are now complete. The eldest was named Stephen Comer Haley and the youngest is Kevin Roy. A<; a side line, Comer is making an attempt to grow Christmas trees, and he states it is getting more complicated all the time. Henry J. HeUrich lives at 2437 Hodges, Granite City, Ill., and his family of four boys and three girls has not increased. Henry is with Granite City Steel Co. 1 950 Robert L. Choate is now working in the Advanced Projects Group of the Communications Systems Research Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., His residence address is 16218 E. Elgenia St., Covina, Calif. Donald Griffin left Raytheon Mfg. Co., to form a new company manufacturing glass to metal seals. He is engineering manager of Electronic Products Inc., 85 Cambridge St., Burlington, Mass. The Griffins welcomed their fourth child, second son, Dennis William on May 10, 1960. They live at 172 Garden Circle, Waltham, Mass. Raymond W. Fahien, Sunrise Court, Route 1, Middletown, Wisc., is with the University of Wisconson, DepartDlent of Chemical Engineering. William Hollis and family live at 7 Star Road, Groveland, Mass. They enjoy being near the ocean and visiting new places and friends. Bill is with General Electric Company's small aircraft engine plant as material and process 21




control metallurgist in Lynn, Mass. Robert Joe Cronk, Sr. is senior mine geoligist with Hidden Splendor Mining Co., Grants, N. M. and his residence address is 705 Flagstaff, Grants. John L. Painter has moved from Patuxent River, Maryland, to Oak Harbor, Washington. David H. Macdonald is with Monsanto Chemical Company's W. G. Krummrich Plant, Monsanto, Ill. His residence is at 632 Huntwood Lane, Kirkwood 22, Mo. Karlheinz Eissinger will transfer to the Pacific area of the U. S. Geological Survey in January, 1961, for a minimum two-year assignment. His address will be U.S.G.S. 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, Calif. 1 9 5 1 Thomas A. Simpson, 916 Timber Lane S. W., Vienna, Virginia is a geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey-Ground Water Branch and is engaged in mine drainage work in anthracite region of Pennsylvania. Tom is assistant to Mining Hydrology Section Chief. Wade e. Wurtz has returned to a civil service position and is now a Metallurgical Engineer at the Rock Island Arsenal where he was formerly employed. His address is 44 Manor Drive Mounted Route, Bettendorf, Iowa. George H. Heuer is with the Department of the Army, U. S. Army District, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, New Mexico. His residence address is 607 S. Missouri, Albuquerque. Arthur A. Dasenbrook, Superintendent of Construction, Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., just completed an assignment as Resident Engineer on the Yankee Atomic Electric Company atomic power generated station at Lowe, Mass. He has been assigned as Superintendent for Sperry Rand Research Center at Sudbury, Mass. Art has as his address 711 St. Anthony Ave., Effingham, Ill.

195 2 Quentin J . Schiene, 142 Fourth St., Chicago Heights, Ill. , ceramic engineer, field, with the U. S. Steel Corp., South Works proudly advises us that his family consists of three boys; Rich, 3~; Marty, 2, and Tom 1. Robert A. Dye is resident engineer for the new research laboratory that Rea Magnet Wire Co. is going to build at Ft. Wayne, Indiana. This company IS a subsidiary of Aleo. His address is


2311 Paulding Rd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Raymond L. Hallows, Jr., is a coauthor of an article appearing in the August-September issue of the " RCA Engineer". The article is entitled,"Television. Imagery Simulator". He joined the RCA Specialized Training Program in J Ijhe 1952 and was assigned to the Advanced Development Group of the Electron Tube Division, working in spccial studies on television systems. His activities include design and development on optical sine-wave response measuring apparatus and on a highdefinition closed curcuit color television chain. Mr. Hallows transferred to the Astro-Electronic Products Division in 1958, where he worked on the development of special television systems and on measuring and specifying parameters affecting the reproduction of images in photographic and video systems. In 1959, he transferred to RCA Laboratories, where he has participated in studies concerning infra-red systems and' components for the detection of tracking of space targets. He is a member ot the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers and the IRE. R. T . Henslee is in Ruston, Louisiana, with T. L. James & Co., Inc., P. O. Box 531. Archie W. Culp, Jr. is with Astra, Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina. His residence address is 101 Portland Lane, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 1 953

Manfrad Katz has been transferred from the ' Bendix Products Division, in South Bend, Indiana to the Bendix Systems Div., in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as a project enginer. His new address is 1711 Palomar Ave., Ann Arbor. R. P. Abendroth has changed positions from research metallurgist at Union Carbide Metals Co., to research scientist, Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ab and Betty live at 3520 Golfgate, Toledo, Ohio. e. e. Weng, P. O. Box 30, Kashsiung, Formosa, China, is a research engineer with Taiwan Machinery Mfg. Co. Mack A. Breazeale is a research associate at Michigan State University in the field of ultrasonics. This has been his position since his return from his educational pursuits under the Fulbright Scholarship nearly a year ago. He was at the University of Stuttgart, Germany doing research. The Brea-

zeales have a second child, a son, born in October. 1 954

William H. Stewart is a resident engineer with the Illinois State Highways and is presently working on a section of Interstate Route 57, and he is living at 304 West Pecan, Carbondale, Ill. Tom Crutcher who has been in Vene,;uela for 25 months is home on leave. Tom is with the Mobil Oil Co. While in Rolla he was guest speaker at the Rolla Rotary Club relating some of his experiences and impressions of his South American sojourn. He wilJ return to Venezuela at the termination of his leave. Clarence J. Scott has completed his Ph. D. in Physics at Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., and is now with the Fermi Institute of Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 1 955

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Robert B. Oetting is an instructor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the U. of Maryland and working on his Ph. D. degree in Mechanical Engineering. His address is in care of the Mech. Engr. Dept., College Park, Maryland. Charles G. Edwards is general manager of the Port Richey Mining Corp., Box 181, Port Richey, Florida. Walter A. Sitko is with the Great Western Drilling Co., 222 West Georgia St., Odessa, Texas. Charles A. Weitzel of Engineering and Construction, Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo., has been promoted from assistant to senior assistant engineer. He has been with the company since 1957 when he was hired as a student engineer. His first promotion was in 1958. William J. O'Neill is area engineer, Construction Management Branch, Dep't. of Buildings and Grounds, District of Columbia Government, Washington, D.e. Bill and his family are living at 101 W. Linden St., Alexandria, Va. Edward L. Clark, Jr., 213 Bragg Circle, Tullahoma, Tennessee, is with Aro, Inc., at the Arnold Air Force Station. James G. Mullen has completed his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Illinois and is now employed at the Solid State Division of the Argonne National Laboratories, Argonne, Ill.

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1 958 1 9 5 6 Walid F. Dajani has left the U. S. Donald L. Mathis is a graduate student at MSM. His address is 606 and returning to Egypt and his mailing address is P. O. Box 828, Cairo, West 6th, Rolla, Mo. Egypt, U. A. R. 1 957 Clarence W. Mettenburg is with the Thomas E. Kalin accepted a position as resident engineer for the construc- U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station ' tion of a municipal electric generating China Lake, Calif. Carl D . Griffith has moved from station in Holland, Michigan. B. W. "Bill" Franklin has a new New Jersey to Levelland, Texas and position as civil engineer in the con- . his address there is 304 12th St. ' George D . Tomazi has a new adstruction department , St. Louis County Water Co., 8390 Delmar, University dress; 44 J endale Court, Jennings 36, Mo. Ci ty 24, Mo. James E. Twyman is with the AlliCarlton C. Summers has joined son Div., G.M.C. in the Materials ReChemstrand Research Center, Inc., as search Laboratory. His residence ada research chemical engineer. Summers is 221 E. 52nd St., Apt. 20, Indress served with the U. S. Army Ordnance dianapolis 5, Ind. Corps before joining Chemstrand where 1 9 5 9 he has been assigned to the PioneerArmy 2nd. Lt. Donald W. Thoms ing Polymer Group. He also has held a previous position with Dow Chemical recently participated with other perCompany of Freeport, Texas. He is a sonnel from the 82nd Engineer Bat¡ 2nd Lt. Donald W. Thoms member of the American Chemical talion in Exercise South Wind at El• _n_c_a_lI_ ...-..:J_C_II_' ___ 11_0_'_11_ Society. Warren C. Geil has been appointed supervisor of the engineering depart- j HELP US KEEP YOUR ADDRESS CURRENT ment's design section of Monsanto Chemical Company's Agricultural If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and Chemicals Division at St. Louis, after mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks. serving in that department. Frank Henninger, Jr., is Gyro Instruments, Bendix Aviation, Teterboro, N am, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------N. J. The Henningers moved into their new home at 682 8th St., Secaucus, N. l\ly new address is ........................................................................................... . J., December l. Clarence Vetter is now employed with U.S. Industrial Chemical Co., My Company or Business Is ......................................................................... . Tuscola, Ill. , as a research engineer in the Pilot Plant. He previously was with Spencer Chemical Company at Pittsburg, Kansas. And My Title Is .......................................................................... _.................. Joel "Nick" Cooksey and his family have moved from Taylorville, Ill., to Winnfield, Lousiana, and are residing at 206 North Bezille. Here's Some News for the MSM ALUMNUS: Harry M . Meyer, Jr. is out of the Navy and is with Laclede Steel Co., Alton, Ill., and is residing at 4210 Aberden. Gerald C. Godzwon is presently employed at Amco Chemical Co., Joliet Ill. and his residence address is R: R. 2, Box 136, Minooka, Ill. Larry D . Oppliger is a co-author of three research papers which were presented at the November meeting of the American Physical Society. Mr. 0ppliger is doing his graduate work at the University of Wisconsin in research I in nuclear physics.







December 1960





Island and in April '60, he was sent to the Civil Engineer Corp Officer School, Port Huenueme, Calif. On September 7, 1960, Glenn Lee, came to live in the Kieffer household and all three are living at 3290 Julia, New Iberia, La. Martin F . Marchbanks is a graduate student working for a M. S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering. He expects to complete the requirements by June 1961. His address is 1108 Rolla St., Rolla, Mo. Daniel A. Pelhank is associate engineer with McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo. He is working with the electrical group on- "Project Mercury" space capsule. He and M argaret have a new daughterJ- Juliann, born September 15 , 1960. Their son, Jeffrey, is 20 years old. Their residence is at 707 Sering, Alton, Ill. Victor A. Descamp is a ttending the Chrysler Institute of Engineering a nd expects to receive his Master's of Automo tive E ngineering in June 1961. His residence address is 21574 MacArthur , Warren, M ichigan. William J. Newby, 3 143 West 20th, Joplin, Missouri , is a mining engineergeologist with American Zinc, Lead & Smelting Company , Joplin , Mo . Jack L. Ulmer is with Boeing Airplane Company , Wichita, Kansas, and resides at 3 19 North Yale, Wichita.

gin Air Force Base, Florida. The exercise, a joint Army-Air Force operation involving more than 10,000 men, featured land and air operations in North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Lt. Thoms is a reconnaissance officer in the battalion's Headquarters Company, a support element of the Strategic Army Corps regularly located at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Before entering the Army, he was employed as associate engineer at Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle, Wash. His wife, Joan, lives with him at Ft. Leonard Wood. John E. Fuller, 2051 South Old Manor Road, Wichita 18, Kansas, is with Boeing Airplane Company. Marquis B. Robinson, who is with Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., has been named engineering scientist in applied research in the Industries Group. Samuel J. Van Grouw is with the General Electric Company and reports indicate excellent performance in their E ngineering Program. He has demonstrated strong technical ability as well as good practical sense. Other attributes he has displayed in his assignn:ent work are high motivation, initiatIve a nd very mature attitude. With these qualities he has ass umed fa r more responsibility than normally given a n Engineering Program man. He is ranked in the upper tenth of the engineers with General E lectric. Alonzo R. Kieffer III, is in the U. S. Navy, Civil Engineer Corps ., and is Ass't Resident Officer in Charge of Construction , Naval Auxiliary Air Station , N ew Iberia, La. I n November 1959, he married Joan K. Nells , of St. Louis, M o. , and in December '59, he went to O. C. S. at Newport, Rhode

1 960

2nd . Lt. H enry I Douglas, Co. E, 13th E ngr . Bn., (Inf. Div.) APO 7, San F rancisco, California, is stationed a t Camp Casey, Korea, located near Tong D uChon . There are at least two other alumni stationed in Korea that he has met.




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2nd. Lt. Roy A Fike is recelVlng eight weeks of officers orientation at the Transportation School, Ft. Eustis, Va. The training ended November 30. Before entering the army, he was employed by Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Waco, Texas. Mario Alfonso Padillo, Guatemala, Guatemala, has been appointed assistant instructor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Ernest E . Lindsey, 109 Dogwood, Park Forest, IlL , is doing administrative and reservoir work with Natural Gas Storage Co., of Ill. Charles E . Hunter is with Swift & Co., as Ass't Planning Engineer and he , Mrs . Hunter and two children , Christopher and Michael live a t 450 East Boulevard St., Barton, Florida. 2nd Lt. Lee B. Robinson is stationed on Okinawa and his address is Co. B, S09th E ngr. Bn. (Hv. Cons.) , APO 33 1, San Francisco , California. P ierre and Marie Noel Borgeaud are now residing at 503 South 6th St., San Jose, California. Pierre is teaching in the Division of Engineering of San Jose State College. Glenn H. Whiting is at the Sandia Corporation with the Atomic Energy Commission . He is also attending the University of New Mexico working toward his Master 's degree. His add ress is 4400 Douglas McArthur, Albuquerque, N . M. Karl J. Daubel, 1929 Cinderella, Springfield, Mo., is with the City of Spri ngfield . As of January 11 , 1961, he expects to serve with the U . S. Medical Service Corps for two years . Douglas A. Dollmer is an analytics engineer , Pratt Whitney Aircraft, East Hartford, Conn. His mailing address is Box 112 , E. Glastonberry, Conn. 2nd L t. Wayne R . Derx, U. S. Army has an assignment at Ft. E ustis , Virginia, and his address is 288 Richneci. Road, Denbigh, Virginia. J on M. Zoller after receiving his degree was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the Corps. of Engineers, January 23, 1960 and completed a tour of duty October 22, 1960 at Ft. Benning, Georgia. On November 8, 1960 he accepted employment with Westinghouse Electric Co., Baltimore, Maryland, as an assistant electronic engineer. His address is 816 E ighth St., Laurel, Maryland. He is still single -at this writing. MSM Alumnus

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