DECEMBER 1961 Governor John M. Dalton Addressing Homecoming Convocation
MSM Al umni Association Term Ex p ires
............... Paul T. Dowling '40 ............... Noote r Corpo ration ...................................... 1962 1400 South Third St. Lo uis 4, Misso uri
President ......
Executive Vice-President ............. .]ames W. Stephens '47 .. .
Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Missouri
.. .J. C ra ig Ellis '38
Vice-Preside nt Areas 4,5,6
.... R . O. K as ten '43 .
Secretary-Treasu rer ..
... Union W ire Rope Co . 2 1s t and Ma nches ter Ave. Kan~as City 26 , i\lisso uri
....... 1962
........ 1015 Wilshire Bouleva rd ........ Los Angeles 17, Ca lifornia
..... ..... .Leo n H ershkowitz '41 .
DECEMBER 1961 Number 6
........ 524 H ig hland Ave nu e Wes tfi eld, New J ersey
Vice-Pres ident Areas 1, 2,3
Vice-President Areas 7,8, 9 ......... Barney Nuell ' 2 1
Volume 35
.. .... .......... 1962
...Mi sso uri Public Service Co .. 10700 East 50 Highway Kansas City 33, Misso uri
Executive Secretary. .. ... .Francis C. Edwa rds .. .. . Editor, " MSM ALUMl US"
. ................... 1962
.. .Assista nt Dea n ... ~Ii ssouri School of i\-lines Rolla , Ivf issou ri .... ~IS/l1 Alumni Associa tion Old Metallurgy Bui ld ing Ro lla, Misso uri
~ I erv in
J. K elly ' 14.
.. 1962
..... .... 2 \\'indermere Terrace , Short Hills, "'ew Jersey ......... ...... ....... R olla State Bank, R olla , Missouri .................................. .
Rex Z. Williaills '3 1 ...
Area Xo .
States and P rov inces Embraced
. .... .. ... Robert F. Schm idt '45 . 6 \\'illowbrook Ave nue Lansdowne: Pennsy lvania
....... _._._._ ... __ ......... ..... Kew England , K. Y .. X . j.. Eas t Pa ., Dist. of Colum bia , :\Id. , Va., Delaware, P rovince oi Quebec .. .... ... S. Ark ., N. c., S. Ala. , Ga ., Fla.
2.......... .j. C. Salmon , Jr. '22 Box 967, )1inden , Louisiana
3 ..
.0. W. Kamper '35.. . .
4 ..
.. .. Frank C. Appleyard '37
c., La. ,
~ I iss.,
~lilwauk ee
Ave. , Glenview, III.
5... ... .... J oseph W. M ooney '39 .... ...... 7265 l\orthmoor, U ni versity City, Mo.
.. N. IlL , Chicago Industrial Area . in Indiana. 'Visc., ~ Ij c h., ~ I inn., Province of Ontario .. ........ S. Ill ., E. Mo.,
.. ..... Rolla T . W ade '3 1 ..... 5430 Tilburg, H o uston , T exas
S .......... Harvey L. Tedrow ' 11 ....... Olin H o tel Denver, Colorado
9 ........... William B. Fletcher '3 4. 120S 1 Smallwood Downey, California
.. .. 1964
r. Ark .
. ...... .......... . .. Texas, Arizona, New nIexico .... ................ . .. ................. Ida. , lIfonwna, N. D. , S. D ., 'Vyo., Colo., Nev ., U ta h , P rovinces of Man itoba, Sask ., Alberw . ...... .. AJaska, \V as hingtOIl , Ore., Ca lifornia , Hawaii
.... 1964
... 1963
6 .......... Bennett D. Howell ' 50... .. .................... lowa , W. M o., Nebr., Kans., Okla. 33 13 South P ittsb urgh, T ulsa, Oklahoma
Governor Dalton spoke at the Homecoming Convocation and at the Derucation of the Nuclear Reactor Building. Others in the p icture are: Left to ri ght: J. IV. Stephens, Exec. V. P . Alumni Association ; Dr. E llis, President of the U. of Mo. ; J. c. Salmon , Jr ., Director, Area 2, MSM Alumni Association; P. T. Dowli ng, President MSM Alumni Association; P. T. Dowling, P resident MSM Alumni Association; Rex Williams, Director a t Large, MSM Alumni Association ; AssistE.nt D ean Paul Ponder, MSM .
Term Expires
.. 1963
.. ........ ............... ........ Pennsylvania, W. Va., Ohio, \\I. Pa., . 608 Villavista, P ittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Ky., T en n., Ind. (E xcept Chi cago Indus tri a l Area) 1209
............. Tenncssce Gas & Oil Co. , P. O. Box 251 1, Hous ton , T exas .... 1962
Ralph C. Graham '3 1
1962 .. .... 1964 .... 1963
... 1964
Is sued bi-mon thly in th e interest of the graduat es and fo rmer students of the School of Mines and M etallU1'gy. Subscription price ) $1 .50) included in Alumni D ues . Entered as second-class matt er Oct. 27, 1926) at Post Office at Rolla) Mo ., under the Act of Ma rch 3, 1879 . MSM Alumnus
¡.. 1961
... 1961
.. 1961 .. 1961
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.. 1963 .1963
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December 1961
1961 Homecoming Highlighted by Presence of Missouri's Governor John M. Dalton; Alumni Take Part in Many Other Activities The 196 1 Homecoming a t MSM, October 20 and 21, was most successful. The weatherman co-operated and with the excep tion of a brief period Saturday morning the wea ther was unblemished. IVe were honored to have as our speaker a t the Annual Meeting and Convoca tion of the Alumn i Association, the Governor of Mi ssouri , John M. Dalto n. He spoke concern in g " Government's Development Role in Ed ucatio n," the quali ty of its educational program and its contributi ons to higher education a nd to the cultural life of the S tate of ·Misso uri. T he recipi ents of the Alumni Association Scholarships and other Scholar ships given by individuals, compani es , a nd orga ni zations through the Alumni Fund were present. A fine group of stude nts with excellent high school background and they gained 3 to 16 hours college cred it by examination. Paul T . Dowling '40, President of the :VIS:VI Alumni Association , presented to Governor DaHon a n Hon orary Membershi p in the MSM Alumni Associat ion in app reciation of his services t·o the School of M in es and Metallurgy. Citation s were made to three alum ni for their services to the school and the Association. The Certificate of Merit was awarded to Ben jamin H. Cody ' 11 , Phoen ix, Arho na; Edward D. Lynton ' 12 , Berkeley, Cali forn ia ; and Matthew P . Brazill '20 , St. Loui s, M issouri . The cl ass reun ions and receptions were well attended , and the many activities of the fraternities . At the Alumni Banquet, Saturday evening, there were 115 alumni , wives, a nd guests present. Wayne Bennetsen '4, was the master of ceremonies and served in a masterful manner. The Association had as its guest L eslie Blumburg, a senior stud ent and a member of the Student Co uncil. In a short talk he gave a very good acco unt of the reason he attended MSM , his impress ion of the school, and the tra inin g he has received. \\' e were pleased to have six past presid ents of the Alumni Associati on at the banquet. There a re just 11 li vin~ . The six pas t presidents were : H. S. H a rtzell '06 . Geo rge A. Easley '09 , F. C. Schneeberger ' 25 . Karl F. Hasselma nn '2 5, H a rry S. Pence '23, and lVlelvin E . Nickel '38 . 4
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Paul T. Dowling, right, presents Governor] ohn M. Dalton with an H on01'ary M emb ership in th e MSM Alumni Association. Lower right in picture, left to right.· 1. C. Salmon, Jr ., Direct01', Area 2 . Alumni Association; R ex Z . Williams, Director at Large, Alumni Association; D ean Curtis L. Wilson.
Former President Hoover Chats With Dr. Kelly
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H erbel't C. Hoov er, form er President of the Unit ed States and Dr. M ervin 1. K elly ' 14 . MSM Alumnus
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Dr. Kelly Receives 1961 Hoover Medal Dr. Mervin J. Kelly ' 14, ¡former Chairman of the Baard of Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., received the 1961 Hoaver Medal for " distinguished public service." The Medal , established in 1930 by faur engineering societies, was presented in person by former President of the United States, Herbert Hoover, far whom it is named. The citation, which was read by Walker L. Cisler, Chairman of the Hoover Medal Board of Award and President of the Detroit Edison Company reads: "Engineer, scientist, distinguished leader in industrial and military research whose dedicated efforts and engineering skill have contributed to greatly improved communications; who has furthered the cause of engineering service to mankind through inspired leadership in the creation of a great United Engineering Center." The 20-story United Engineering Center houses 19 engineering groups representing some 300,000 engineers. Both Dr. Kelly and Mr. Hoover were active supporters of the plan to erect the center. Mr. Hoover was honorary chairman of the dedication ceremony. Dr. Kelly was born in Princeton, Missouri. He received his bachelor of science degree from MSM and his Ph. D. in physics at the University of Chicago in 1918 . Dr. Kelly began his Bell System career as a research physicist with the Western Electric Company, in 1918. His work for the first ten years was in the areas of thermionic emission, gaseous discharge phenomena and electron dynamics. His area of technical interest was broadened in 1928 with work on the applications of accoustics in telephony. In 1934 he was appointed Development Director af Transmission Instruments and Electronics at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., and Directar of Research in 1936. In 1951 he was named President, and became chairman of the Board in 1959 shortly before his retirement. He hais received many honors and awards for his achievements in public service activities. His alma mater conferred an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree on him in 1936. The Haover Medal was established in 1930 by the American Society af December ,1961
Civil Engineers, the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petraleum Engineers; the American Society of Mechanical Engineers; and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Former President Dwight Eisenhower was the recipient of this Haover Medal award in 1960. Dr. Kelly has been retired from his services with Bell Telephone Labaratories and he is now consultant to the presidents of International Business Machines, Bausch & Lomb, Inc., and Tung-Sal Electric, Inc. He is residing at 2 Windemere Terrace, Short Hills , New Jersey.
MSM Senior Speaks At Dedication of Engineering Center SM
part in the dedication M ofprominent the United Engineering Center in New York on November 9. The new building, which is located across the street from the United Nations Building, will serve to house the headquarters of various engineering societies in the United States. The dedication ceremonies featured remarks by former President Herbert (Continued on Page 6)
Campus Representative in Distinguished Company
.William L. H allerb erg; Willis F. Thompson, President of the United Engineerzng Trustees; Herb ert C. Hoover, former President of the United States.
Hoover, and the award of the Hoover Medal to Dr. Mervin J. Kelly ' 14 , former President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Dr. Kelly was instrumental in the formation of a committee which raised funds that insured the construction of this new building. President Hoover made particular comment concerni ng the impo rtant role that Dr. Kell y had played in the financing of the Center. Engineering students of the United States were represented by Mr. William L. Hallerberg, a senior in Metallurgical Engineering at MSM, who spoke concerning the future of the E ngineering Center and what it means to present day engineering students. Mr. Hallerberg is 21, lives in Kirkwood , Missouri, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Hallerberg. His father is a stock broker. He is on a scholarshi p, on the Dean's list and holds the Curator's Award. He is treasurer of Alpha Sigma Mu; honorary Metallurgical organization; a member of Blue Key, national honorary fraternity; a member of the MSM Band; a member of student engineering chapters; sec; etary and international rep resentative of Gamma Delta, religious service organization ; an editor and business manager of Roll amo, a year book; President of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity; member of the Student Union Co uncil; member of Theta Tau, engineering fraternity. In Kirkwood High School he was simila rly prominent in many extra-curricular activities. I n his speech before the la rge a udience Hall erberg stated, " Here, then, is the real challenge to us, the engi neers of tomorrow. True, it will be our responsibility to design larger buildings, to build higher fl ying ai rcra ft, and more reli able rockets. But if we are to do these things in the wo rl d of tomorrow, it is also our respo nsibili ty to make sure there is a world for us to work in. Perhaps we can replace the jealousiesthe unreasonabl e ha treds-the insane competitions that dominate intern ational rela tions and substitute the rational app roach that has bro ught such progress in engin eerin a a nd science. I cannot promise what we wi ll do--on ly what we intend to do . I can ass ure yo u that we a re a nx ious to tak.e our place in the world - the engineering world a nd the wo rld of civili zation - a nd match or surpass the achievement of the past."
MSM Group at Dedication
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Dr. A. W. Schlecht en, Chairman, D epartment M etallurgical Engineering, MSM; William H allerb erg, who spoke in behalf of Engineering Students at the dedication of the United Engineel'ing Cent er,' George A . Easley '10, illustrious 111.SM alumnus and retired Mining Engineer.
Alumni Board Sets Goal of 2650 Contributors For 1962 Drive, With Budget of $23,000 The Board of Directors of the MSM Alumni Association met d uring Homecoming, Friday, October 20th. In attendance were: Paul T . Dowling '40, President; James W. Stephens '4 7, E xecutive Vice President ; Barney N uell '2 1, Vice Preside nt, Areas 7,8,9; Rex Z. Willi ams '3 1, Director a t La rge; Assistant Dean Leon H ershkowitz '4 1, Secretary-Treas urer ; J. c. Sal mon , Jr. '22, Director, Area 2: Bennett D. H owell, Direc tor , Area 6 ; and F. C. Edwards, Executive Secretary. T he 196 1 Alumni F und was discussed and the decrease in the number of contributors under the previous year. The total contri butoi's for the 196 1 Alu mni Fund was 2260 compared with 2390 in 1960. The boa rd again voted to have
the six schola rshi ps of $500.00 each to be un derwritten by the Association. The budget for the 196 1-62 was lxesented and approved . A sta tement of the Associa tion's fi nancial status will be found in thisl issue o¡f the MSM ALUMNUS and the approved budget for the next fi scal year. The board set as a goal, 2650 contributors to the 1962 Alumni Fund and a budget of $23,000.00 . Th ey would like to a ttain a co ntributi on from 40 per cent of the alumni. This is yo ur Associa tion, and only yo u can make it a strong organization. Sometimes we think tha t it is the amo unt tha t COllnts in our contri bution , and take the a ttitude " if I can 't contribute a large amount I wi ll not contribute. " It isn't
MSM Alumnu s
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the amount. If all alumni contribute someth ing, the Association will attain its goal financially and naturally its goal for the number of contri butors, The Board is interested also. in establishing new Sections of the Association, This is accomplished only by alumni in the area. They must have interest in an alumni group to make it successful and active. It is the Alumni Sections that keep the organization together , and there are many areas in which there a re a sufficient number of alumni to have an active and succe9Slful Section , New officers for Areas 1, 5, 7, and 9, were elected by alumni in these areas by mail ballots sent to them in August. Robert F, Schmidt '4 5, incumbent, was re-elected for Director, Area L Joseph 'V, Mooney '39, is the new Director, Area 5, Rolla T. Wade '31, is the new Director, Area 7, and William B, Fletcher '34, incumbent, was re-elected Director, Area 9, YOU LIKE TO READ ABOU T YOUR ALUMNI ACQUAINTANCES, THEY WANT TO READ ABOUT YOU , SEND US YOUR NEWS ITEMS,
C. C. Tevis Retires From Highway Department
A dinner was held in fefferson City honoring Co Co Tevis '23, Civil Engineering, who retired after 38 year~ with the Missouri Highway Department , Due to the limited facilities only 120 of his friends of the highway department were permitted to attend, Dean Curtis L Wilson was the speaker for this occasion and Professor E. W, "Skip" Carlton, of the Civil Engineering Department, MSM, was a special guest, Left to right : f , f , Corbett, Chief Engineer, Missouri State Highway D epartment; Co Co Tevis , former Chief, Division of Surveys and Plans; G, M, Threlk eld, Public Information, Missouri Stat e Highwa y Department, Dean Curtis L Wilson, Pro fess or E. W, Carlton ,
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Present for the Dedication and Convocation
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L eft to right : fa mes W. St ephens, E xecutive Vice President MSM Alumni Association; Dr , Elmer Ellis, President, V, of MissOU1'i; Gene Sally, State R epresentative Phelps Count y and newly elected Chairman, Missouri Atomic Energy Com mission; Paul T, Dowling, PTesident, MSM Alumni Association;' Dr. Daniel E ppelsheimer, Chairman, N uclear En ergy Advis01'y Committee, MSM,
Decem be r J 90 1
Engineers' Day, Scheduled in Fall for First Ti me Draws 1100 High School Students, Visitors Over 1100 high school students, junior college st udents, their parents and counselors were on the campu s of the Missou ri School of M ines and Metallurgy on Saturday, November 18, fo,r Engineers' Day. T hese visitors to the Rolla, MLssouri campus came from 148 high schools and junior coll eges within a rad ius o,f 350 nules of Roll a. The purpose of the day was to acquaint the prospective students, thei r cou nselors a nd the parents with the 'f ields of instruction avai lable at the School a nd to p rovide info rma ti on on the variohs phases of college li fe. Formerly held in the spri ng in conjunction with So uth Central Misso Llli Science Fair, thi s year's E ngineers' Day was schee!ul ee! separately and on a Saturday in order that interested parents and counselors nlight attend with the stud ents. Registration bega n at 8: 00 a. m. in the Stud ent Unio n. Rep resentatives from each department of study and various organi zations were available in the Student Un ion Ballroom to a nswer any questions and to co unsel with the studen ts , parents and oou nselors. Depa rtm ents representee! included: Mining and Petroleum E ngineering, Metallurgical and N uclear Engineering, Mathematics, Chemis try, Geology , Geolocrical E ngi neerin g, Physjcs, Mechanical E ngineering, E lectrical Engineering, Chemical E ngin eerin g, Cerami c E ngi neering, and the D epartment of M ili tary Science. I nformation was also given on th e campus life, fraternities, and the more than 80 student professional , musical and honoralY organrzations. Tours of the camp us were conducted throughout the day by members of various stud ent organizations. D epartmental tours were conducted by the individu al departments . Specia l displays a nd exh ibits were a rra nged for tihe s tudents. Of ¡parti cular interest were: M issouri 's only N uclear. Reacto r, the Computer Center, the Fou ndry , the M ineral Musewll , the ROTC display a nd others. F ree sandwi ches and cokes were served from 12 :00 to 1 :00 by the honorary tudent orgarLi zation from the Civi l, Mecha.rLi ca l amI E lect li cal D epartm ents. The cokes were donated cour tesy of Ule Coca Cola Distri but ing Company, Cuba, M issouri. 8
The arrangements fo r E ngin eers ' Day were ha.ndled by the Comm encement and P ublic Occasions Committee with;i stance from: Alpha Phi Om ega, I nter-Fraternity Co uncil , Tau Beta Pi a nd the Society of Women Engineers. Members of the committee are: G. G. Sk itek, Chai l111a n ; John M. Brewer, V.A.c. Gevecker, R. H. Kerr, R . E . Oeffner, R. A. Schaefer a nd Col G. R . Taylor, all of the M issouri School of Mines faculty.
E. E. Department Gets Grant From Boeing Co. T he E lectrical E ngineering D epartment is the recipient of a research grar.t from the Boeing Airplane Company , Wichita, Kansas . The grant, the tlurd in a series of grants to the E. E. D epart, ment, is in the amou nt of $5,543.60 and is to be used between October 10, 196 1 and May 31, 1962. A consid erable amount of thlls money wi ll be used to purchase operating tim e on the computer on the MSM campus. Without this computer faci lity a t MSM , such research as covered und er this grant. could not be performed. T he title of the project is " Synthesis of Amplitude a nd Phase of the Current Along the Ferrotron-Loaded Spiral Antenn a. " Pro-fessor G. G. Skitek, who has worked at Boeing the pas t two sum mers , is directing the project. He is assisted by William Lodholz '61, a graduate student, and \Villi am Slocum a.nd Richa rd L. Smith, under-graduates.
Bio-Medical Electronics Is Colloquium Subject The E lectrical Engineering Department sponsored a Coll oq uium on BioMed ical E lectronics, November 29-30. Dr. Victor W. Boli e, Chairm a n of Ole Bio"-:Medical E lectronics, Iowa Sb tc U ni versity of Science and T echnology , Ames, I owa, p resented two lectures. The first covered the top,ics ; Hea rtbea t Recordings ; Med ical Radiotelemetry ; Hospital Inst rum enta ti on, a nd Fetal H ea rtbea t in Humans. The second lecture WetS on, " Some N ew I edical F eedback Theory." The Coll oquium was well a.ttendecl by representa ti ves from medi ca l schools, medi cal doctor , electronic en crin eers
and teachers of Electrical Engineering in Missouri and the neighboring states.
Medal to Be Presented to J. M. Reid, Head of Zinc Co. T he American Institute of Mining, Metall urgical , and Petroleum Engineers has announced that its W illiam Lawrence Saunders Gold Medal has been awarded to J oseph 1V1. Reid ' 27 , of New Yo rk, Vice P resident of the Nati onal Zi nc Co. T he honor is for Mr. R eid 's "keen, a nalytical, and creative leadership in establi shing large scale successful operat ions in industrial mineral deposits , particula rl y of ilmenite, barite and bento nite clays." Presentation will be made in New York, February 21, 1962 , at the Annual Banquet of the Institute at its 91st Annual Meeting. Born in Coalgate, Oklahoma, he received his B. S. degree in Mining Engineering from MSlVI , in 1927 , and his P rofessional Degree, Engi neer of M ines, in, 1930. He joined National Lead in 1927 , holding a succession of posts leading, in 1949 , to appointment as General Manager of the Titaniwn Division. JVI r. Reid also is a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. M r. Reid has been prominently concerned with the development of mineral deposits in Arkansas, California, F lorida, Missouri , Nevada, New Jersey , orth Carolina, South Dakota and "Vyoming, and in Brazil and Norway.
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Schlechten to Edit New Section of Magazine Chenlical Abstracts has announced that a new section on Extractive Metallurgy will be added to this widely known publication beginning January 1, 1962. Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Chairman of the D epartm ent of Metallurgi cal E ngineering at the Missouri ahool of Mines a nd JVI'eta lIurgy has been appointed Section Ed itor for thi s new section. In the past, all a bstracts on metal lurgy were published in one section under the editorslup of Dr. J. B. Austi n, Director of Rese.:1.rch for the U nited States Steel Corporation. Under th e new arrangement, Secti on 19 will be Ex tractive Metallurgy, Section 20 will be Fen'oLLS Metal and Alloys, and Sec tion 21 will be Tonferrous Metals a nd All oys. MSM Alumnus
Alumni Luncheons
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Standing, left to right: E. L. Miller, Jr. '21; A. A. Boyle '25 ; J. J. Krebs '16; Jennie Lenox Wheeler '22; V. X . Smith '16; E. S. Wheeler '22; F. H . Taylor '21; J. C. Salmon, Jr . '22; Lewis N. Hoppock '16. Seated: Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Krebs.
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L eft to right seated: Mrs. Erwin Gammeter; Mrs. Elmer Gammeter,' Mrs . Hershkowitz and Mrs. Carlton. Standing., left to l'ight: Daniel K ennedy; Erwin Gammeter; Professor E. W. Carlton; Elmer Gammeter; Assistant Dean Leon H ershkowitz. Decembe r 196 1
Alumni Lu ncheons Classes 1928 to 1936 1(\
Standing, left to right: Bill Schweickhardt '28; Wayne B roaddus , S" . '3 1; H erman P feifer '36; Charles McCaw '31 . Seated: Mrs. Broaddus, Mrs. Sc hweickhal'dt, Mrs. McCaw.
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Class of 1941
Front Row, left to right: Mrs. Volz, Mrs. Schoent halel', Mrs. B ennetsen, Mrs . Steimk e, Mrs. H ardine, Mrs. Jensen . Second row : H. A . Volz, Bob Scho enthaler, TtVayne B e11net se71, Fran k Steim k e, K enneth HaI'dine, James Jensen. Back R ow : Fred W. Finley, C. M. Watt enbal'ger, Frank B. Rogel's, Flo yd Smit h. 10
MSM Alumnus
Class of 1951
) '31.
Standing, left to right: Robert I. Morris, D avid D. Parrish, Howard L. Clark, Robert Vansant, D. E. Anderson, Donald W. Canady, Kieth Wick. We are sorry we cannot identify their beautiful wives but we do know that the second from the left is Mrs. Anderson and it may be that the other four ar e seated in front of their marvelous husbands.
Class of 1956
l\!!!", Seated: Mrs. Barnard and Mrs. Thompson. Standing: left to right, Charles R . Barna1'd, h. ' and L ero y E. Thompson. December 1961
St. louis Men Present Job Panel for AlEE-IRE On the eighth o'f November the joint branch of AlEE-IRE , held a job panel discussion on " After Graduation What? " P resident Gerald Nigg, introduced Ed J. Ziha, of McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis, Mo., member of the St. Louis Section of AIEE-lRE and moderator for the evening. The other panelists were : R . W . Roetrger of Union E lectric Co. of Missouri , G. J. Fiedler, of Sverdrup and Parcel Consulting Engineers, St. Louis ; J. S. Robinson , Westinghouse Electric, and R. D. Hill, McDonald Electric. Each speaker made introductory remarks of approximately 10 minutes, explaining his purpose in representing his company at the meeting and presenting pertinen t information. A repo rt from the joint meeting of the Student Branches of AlEE-IRE from the University of Missouri , St. Louis University, Washington University and MSM held November 3, in Columbia , Missouri, indicated a very impressive showing on the part of the MSM branch. 11
Dr. leonard Nelson Becomes President of West Virginia Institute of Technology
First family of West Vil'ginia Tech greeted a long line of dignitaries after the inaugumtion of President L eonard C. iVelson . As Dr. Nels on greets a visit01', one of his f our children adjusts Mrs . Nels on's corsage . The new chief executiv e wears th e President's M edallion, his insigne of the office, w hich was designed by Lewis Blakely, a sophomore industrial arts m aj01' at T ech.
Dr. Leonard Carl Nelson was inaugurated President of the West Virginia Institute of Technology, F riday, November 17th. Dr . Nelson had headed the Division of E ngineering at Tech prior to becoming its president. Governor Barron, o f West Virginia, and many dignitari es were present for the ceremonies . Included were representatives from Northwestern University, Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, two of the three schools from which Dr. Nelson holds degrees , and Supreme Co urt Judge Frank c. .Haymond , a H a rvard University alumnu s, made a special presentation of a scroll on behalf of Harvard. The governor spoke at a banqu et Friday evening in the new president's honOL Other speakers at the inauguration were : Dr. A. J Miles for the Missouri School of Mines; Director J D. Little, Jr. , of the Industrial D evelopment Division of the Depa rtment of Commerce for Northwestern U.; President J oseph A. Marsh of Concord College and West Virginia Council of State Coll ege and University Presidents and representa ti ves of the student body and the alumni association. Joseph C. J effers, Jr. , president of West Virginia Board of Education , p re12
sided a t the program , conveyed the greetings of the board a nd conduc ted the in stallation of the p residen t. " Leonard Carl Nelson's whole life has been in preparation for this responsibility," Dr. Jeffers said. He recounted Dr. Nelson's academic accomplishli shments a t Iowa Universi ty , MSM, a nd No rthwestern U ., including two schola rshi ps at the last of these. Dr. Nelson in hi s speech stated, " Technical education is probably the most exped ient remedy for our ills." He predi cted the college will play a vital role in West Virginia's economic recovery . Along with predicting a key part for the school in providing state citizens with work , he promi sed ha rde r wo rk for stud en ts. " I 'm convinced that if we are to effecti vely surmount the formidabl e probl ems which confront West Virginia and the world our students must be inspired to work harder ," he declared. " And this can be accomplished by : ( 1) Proper ori enta tion in the home a nd in the community to develop appreciation for the value of ed uca ti on. (2) Evalua tion of the student's ability, and then provision for proper faciliti es and programs for those of different abiliti es. (3) Instruction by qualified
and stimulated teachers . (4) Disciplined adherence to high standards. Noting Russians gains in technologyand , less publicized , in the liberal arts as well- he declared that " we are not demanding our students to exert the effort that the average Russian student expends." West Virginia Institute of Technology is a multi-purpose state college offering baccalaureate training in engineering, teacher education and business. The largest number of students is enrolled in engineering. The present enrollment is app roximately 11 00 studen ts, 250 of which a re women. M rs. Nelson is the former Barbara Parcher of Boston, Massachusetts. The Nelsons have fo ur children; Randall and David, age 15; Laurel, age 10, and Sheryl , age 6. D r. Nelson received his B. S. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa Sta te University, his M. S. from MSM and his P h. D. from Northwestern University. Most of his professional tion with the exception of the threelife has been spent in the fi eld of educa year period as an officer in the U . S. Navy . H e tau ght at MSM, Northwes tern U. and North Carolina State College. He joined the faculty at West Virginia Institute of Technology in 1956 as Dea.n of Engineering. He is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, Mechanical E ngineering Honory; Sigma Xi , Science Honorary; American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Society for Engineering E ducation. He is presently a memb er of the Board of Directors of the Fayette County Development Corporation. The Nelsons reside in the President's home ; 320 Fifth Avenue, Montgomery, West Virginia.
Quote and Requote Thxrx is nothing wrong with our typxwri txr xxcxpt for onx littlx Lxy . Thx othxr forty-two work pxrfxctly, But just onx inactivx by makxs a diffxrxncx, doxsn't it ? For instancx, yo u may say to yoursxlf, " I a m just on x. \\That I do or don 't do won't makx much diffxrxncx to thx MSM Alun1l1i Association" . But you arx wwng. Thx Association nxxds you. Its program is incomplxtx without you. Thx nxxt timx yo u think yo u arx not important, rxmxmbxr our typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf, " I 3111 nxxdxd vxry much as a kxy mxmbxr of an important group. "
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Alumni Section
Arizona Alumni Attend Summer Meeting
News Southern California Section The Homecoming meeting of the Southern California Section was held at Redwood Restaurant, in Los Angeles, Saturday evening, ovember. T his was one of the best meetings they have ever had , with good attendance and a number of newcomers who attended for the first time. Included in this group were: Mr. and M rs. Jerry Fridenberg , 59; Mr. and Mrs. Jim JUSltus ' 60; Mr. and Mrs . Gil LaPiere ' 60; Maurice Reynolds '60 ; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snowden '60 ; Mr. and Mrs . Bob Aufderheide '61; Vernon D unn '61; Richard Robinson '61. The local chairman, Barney Nuell '21 , and Flo.y d Smith '41, were bo¡t h a t the MSM Homecoming and gave a gl.owing l'eport of the festivi ties and the new developments on the campus. J ack Greiten , Jr ., ' 53 , was also, in Rolla fOI the Homecoming but wag unable to attend the meeting. Those who ihad no! been back to Rolla for some time were keen Iy in teres ted in some beau ti f u I slides of the campus taken by Bill Fletcher '34, when he was on the campus this Spring. Others pre:;ent at the meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. Ka rl Allebach '28; Maurice Bellis '43; Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bosica '51; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Correy ' 59; Mr. a nd Mrs. Bill Fletcher '34 ; Mr. and Mrs. Al Fowler '60; Cha rles L. French '08; Mrs. Eva H. Greene , 11 ; M r. and Mrs. Paul H alasey , 28 ; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hollister ' 13; Mr. and Mrs. Don Huseman '43 ; Mr. and M rs. Hate Jaffe '41 ; Fred Klee '35; Mr. and Mrs . Paul Medley '60; M!'. and Mrs. Barney N uell '21 ; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Overton '56; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith '41; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Steffen ' 56; Mr. and Mrs. Bannon Terrell '32; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker '56 ; M r. and Mrs_ Tom Weir ' 22 , and John Wilms '43 , and guest.
Arizona Section MiS!'iouri Schoo¡l of Mines Alumni. wives and friends gathered at the home of Len Schuler '49 , the evening of November 4, 196 1 for the fall meeting. ReDecember 1961
freshments followed by a steak fry with all the trimmings was enjoyed by alL Please note that Arizonans can enjoy an outside teak fry in November. Weather was wonderf uL Fred Dreste '43 and his wife Marilyn were kind enough to show slides and tell of their summer trip to Tahiti_ Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gribsy '48; Mr. and M rs._ Fred Dreste '43; M r. and Mrs. Joseph Finagin ' 14 ; Mr. and Mrs . Ken Stedelin '38; Mr. and Mrs_ Stan Johnson 'J.3; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huffman '22; Mr. and Mrs. John (Cy) Young ' 71 ; Mr. and M~S'. Robert Pennington '50; Mr. and Mrs_ John Brixius '47; Mr. and Mrs . Robert Farrer '5 5; Mr. and Mrs _ Robert Winkle '42 ; Mr. and Mrs. Len Schuler '49; Mr. and Mrs. Wm_ Horky ' 59 ; Mr. and Mrs. HamId Thomas '26; Mr. and Mrs_ Gordon Napp ' 51 ; Mr. Roland Tragett and guest '23; Mr. R. L. Fowler from offi ce of General Council, Department of Agriculture, Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coaske ' 12, visiting from Capistrano Beach , California. A summer meeti ng was held at the home of R. J. Pennington '5 0, with fifteen members attending. The picture of that meeting was ta ken by Mr. Jos .. eph C. Finagin ' 14 with his favorite camera.
Wichita Section The Wichita Section has elected new officers for the 1961-62 fiscal year. T hey are: Charles Schneider ' 59 , Chairman ; Don Ege ' 58, First Vice Chairman ; Bill P ipal '58, Second Vice Chair-
man ; Silas G_ Garrett ' 56 , Secretary : James A. Wilki n .~ , Jr. ' 60, Treasure r: H arold Ege ' 59 , Sergeant-at-arms _
New York Alumni to Dine During AIMME Meeting There will be a MSM Alumni Dinner during the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers national convention in New York, N. Y. It will be held at the Brass Rail Restaurant, Fifth Avenue and 43rd Street, on Tuesday evening, February 20, 1962. This is the same place the dinner was held during the 1960 convention in New York_ More informa tion concerning this dinner may be obtained from ]. Craig E llis '38, Worth 2-1584 ; Bob Brackbill '4-2, JUdson 6-5000, Ext. 3305 ; or H erm Bottcher '41 , DIgby 4-4000, Ext. 504. All of these phone num bers are the New York exchanges. All alumni who live in the New York area or who are in New York attending the AI ME convention or other purposes should plan to attend. Please advise one of the above alumni.
Send News Items Alumni Sections are reminded again to send the news items of their meetings to the Alumni Office by the first of the odd numbered months for publication in the MSM ALUMNUS. Pictures of your groups are also solicited to accompany articles of Section meetings. Good clear pictures are best for reproduction and be certain that the individuals in the picture are identified. 13
MSM A lumni Association Financial Statement
Dean Wilson Regional V. P. of Mining Engineers
Budget 1960-6 1 Sala ry & Wages ___ __ __ ____ .__________ .. _______ ___ __ $ 7,445.00 lVISM ALUM NUS ___ __ __ ____ ______ ______________ _ 4,100.00 Printing ___ ________ _____ __ _______________ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1,600.00 Payroll Taxes ______________ _________________________ _ 160.00 Miscella neous Expenses ___ __ _____ __ ___ __ __ ___ 750.00 Postage _____ __ __________________ ___________ __ ___ _ 2,300 .00 Travel ___ ~ ______________________________ _________ _______ _ 1,400.00 Office E xpenses _________________ _______ ___________ _ 150.00 Scholarshi ps ____ __ __ __ _______ ____ ______ ____ __ ___ _ 3,000.00 General E lectri c Matching Gran ts ______ r. B. M _ Matching Grants _____ ____ __ ____ _
E xpenses 1960-61 $ 7,705.03 3,847.00 1,612 .05 151.64 890.67 2,356 .18 1,072.50 176.10 3,000.00 130.00 10.00
Budget 1961-62 $ 7,945.00 4,100.00 1,700.00 160.00 900.00 2,500.00 1,400.00 175.00 3,000.00
The Society of Mining Engineers has announced the elec tion of Dr. Curtis L. Wil son, D ean of M SM , as its Vice P resident fo r the Central R egion for the th e three year period 196 2 to 1965 . T he Society of Mining E ngineers is a constitu ent organization of the American Institute of Mining, M etallurgical a nd Petroleum E ngineers with national headquarters in N ew York , N. Y.
$20,9 05.00
$ 21 ,88 0.00
Dr. Thompson Promoted to Colonel, Chemical Corps
BAL ANCE SHEET October 31, 196 1 ASSETS Cash on ha nd and in bank- Reg ula r Account __.... _______ ._. _... _____ _____ __ ._ .. __ __ $ 2,446.5 9 Cash in ba nk- Laclede Steel E mergency Fund __________ __ _._. ___ _______ ______ ___ __ _ 68 5.00 Cash in bank- Robert E. D ye Endowm ent F und _____________ .__ _______ . _____ __ . ___ _ 226 .48 T rust F und __ . ___ .__ . __ _._._ ... ___ .. _. ___ . __... _____ _______________________________ . ______ ___ ______________ _. 3,480 .00 I nvestments __ _______ __ __ ___ ... ____ . __.______ . ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __. _____ ________ .. . ___ _ 10,746.77 $ 17 ,584 .84 LIAB I LITI E S AND MEMBER'S EQUIT Y Acc ru ed F ederal Pay roll Taxes . ___ ____ . _____ ._. _______ .__ ______________ ___ ___ ____ _____________ $ 91.60 Accrued State Payroll Taxes _________ ______ ____________ _._ ..__________ ____ _______ ____________ ___ 7.30 Schola rshi p and Gift F unds . ___ . ___ .. ___ ______ __ ___ _______ _____________ ... ___ __ _____ _____ . __. ___ _ 1,683 .04 T rust F und _____ . ___ .. ___ ____ ... ___ _.. ____ ____ __ ______ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ _______ ___ __ __ __ _ 3,480.00 l\1ember's E q uity __________ _.__ .. ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ ____ __ ____ _. ___ ___ _____ ____. ___ ___ __. ___ .__ _. ___._ 12,322.90 $17 ,584.84 Opera ti on al I ncom e ___ .___ _________________ ___ ____ . ___ . ______ __ _________ _... _____ _________ $17 ,69 7. 34 Excess Expenses Over I ncome ____ _____ . ___ _________ .__ ___ ____ ____ _._. ____ ___ ._. ______ ____ ____ $ 3,25 3.83* M ember's Eq ui ty-November 1, 1960 ______ . ______ .. ___ __ ___ . ________ ______________ ___ $15 ,576 .73 M ember's E q ui ty-October 31, 1961 ________________ .__ ____ . ___________ __ _____ __. _____ __ $12,322.90 2,260 N umber of Cont ri buto rs to the Alumni Fund ___ . ________ .. ______________ . __._____ ___ *The financial sta tement for the 1960 fi scal year showed an excess of incom e over expenses of $3 ,486 .54 . Of this amoun t $2,573.78 ~ e r e contributions to the 196 1 Alum ni F und a nd $9 12.76 was the actual excess of Jl1come over expenses for th e 1960 fiscal year. E xcess I ncome Over E xpenses 1959-60 .... ____ ________ _____ ____ .... _. __ ___ ___ ___ _______ ___ $ 3,486.54 Income 1960-6 1 _.. _.... __. ____ _____ ______ ___ ____________ _____ __________ __ _____ __._. __ . _____________ .__ _ $ 17,697 .3 4 1960 E xcess I ncome P Ius 196 1 In co me ___ . ___ _______ __ ___ .... _______ ._. __ .. _.. _________ __ $21,182 .88 E xpenses 1960- 61 ___ .. _. _.. _____ ... _____ ________ _______ .__ __ __ ________ . ____ .. __________ __ _ $20 ,9 51.1 7 E xcess I ncome Over Expenses 10/ 31/ 61 ___ _.__ ____________ _______ _. ____________ ___ ___ __ $ 232 .7 1 ST ATEM ENT OF FUND ACTIVITY FOR T H E FIS CAL YEAR Novemb er 1, 19 60 to October 31, 1961 BaJance Receipts D isbursements 11 / 1/60 Lacl ede Steel F und ________ .... $ 88 5.00 $ 741.00 $ 94 1.00 243 .35 1,014 .91 500.00 M UlVhy Co. Schola rshi p ___ _ 500.00 Kessler Scholarshi p __ _______ .. 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Alumni Assn . Schola rshi ps __ R obert E . D ye E ndow men t F un d _______ _________ 25,000 .00 476 .48 25,2 50.00 $26 ,141.65 14
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Balance $ 685.00 271.5 6 500.00 22 6.48 $ 1,683.04
D r. Dudley Thompson , Chairman of the D epartment of Chemical Engineering, M SM, has been promoted to Colonel, Chemi cal Corps, United States Arm y R eserve. Colonel T hompson began his military career in 1931 in the R . O. T. C. a t Virgini a Polytechni c Institute, Blacksburg, Virgin ia. H e received his commission as a 2nd Lt. in the Coast Artil ~ lery Corps in May 1935 , concurrently with the receip t of his B. S. Degree in Chemical E ngineering. H e later received his M. S. and Ph. D. fro m V. P. r. He was ordered to active du ty in 1941 as a 1st L t. in the Anti-Aircraft Artillery . H e was released from a.cti ve duty in 1946, receiving many commendations a nd medals for his service to his count ry, and his rank was Lieutenant Col onel. H e has been acti ve in the U . S. Arm y R eserve. Last summer a t the requ es t of Major General Marshall St ubbs, the Chief Chemical Offi cer, Colonel Thompson was one of eleven of ficers who pa rticipated in the Aero-Space Workshop a t the New York University Coll ege of E ducation in Pla ttsburgh, N . Y.
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Photoelasticity Symposium Has Maximum Attendance T he Symposiu m held by the Mecha nics D epa rtment, October 30-31 , was attended by 50 persons, the maximum number set by the commi ttee because of the typ e of the meeting. The symposiu m on I nd ustri al P hotoelas ticity was sponsored in co-op era tion with the Instruments D ivision of the Budd Company, dealing WitJl Mechani cal testing and experim ental stress analysis, with Wayne E . Nickol a, of the B udd Company, as the principal lecturer.
MSM Alumnus
MSM Alumni Association Financial Statement
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STATEMENT OF SECURITIES OWNED AS OF October 31, 1961 $11 ,000 .00--face valu e-United States Treasury Notes , 4Ys'l'o, November 1964. The above is carried on the Association 's books at $ 10,746.77. $3,480 .00 with Trustee, Boatman's National Bank of St. Lo~is' l . $25 ,000.00--face val ue-United States Treas ury Bonds, 3% '7a-Mat unty Date 11 / 15/ 67 - (Robert E. Dye Endowment Fund) .
S. H. Lloyd "I Named President of Company Samuel H. Lloyd, III '47, has been elected President of Blue Water Drillina Corporation a t a recent meeting of th~ Board of D irectors . Former p resi . dent H. F . Moses was elected Chairman of the Board of Di recto rs and Chief Executive Officer. Lloyd previously served as Vice P resident. Blue Water is owned by Austral Oil Compa ny , Cresent D rilling Company , 'Mississippi Rive r Fuel Corporation a nd Olin Oi l and Gas Corporation and has engaged in contract drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico since its inception in 19 57. Mr. Lloyd received his B. S. deg ree in Mechanical E ngi neering a t lVI SlVI. He is the son of Mr. and M rs. Samuel Lloyd, of Rolla ; Pro fessor Lloyd is Chairman of the Department of Humanities and Social Studies.
Homecoming Queen
of 1961
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Samuel H. Lloyd III December 1961
Miss Diane Watkins
Crowning of Queen To Be Annual Event The practice of nanling a Homecoming Queen was inaugurated at the 196 1 Homecoming. There were 18 candidates for this coveted honor chosen by fraternities and organi zations. Miss Diane Watkins, representing the Triangle Fraternity, was selected MSM 's Homecoming Queen for 196 1. She was chosen by the Student Unio n Board and the Student Union Special Events Committee. Miss Watkins is a very attractive blonde from Benton, M issouri and attends Southeast Missouri State College . She was crowned at half-time at Homecoming's foo tball game by two members of MSM's football team . Taking second ,llld thi rd places in the Queen contest were Miss Sandra Ki rchoff of Kar,a Sigma Fraternity a nd Miss Ellen Impson of E ngineers Club, respectivel•. All the lovely cand idates for Homecoming Queen were honored Saturday night at the Student U nion Homecoming Dance. T he halftime s,how of the MSM Homecoming game was kicked off by the School of l'dines band. " A Wonderful Guy" was played for Governor Dalton, and the alumni were honored by the playing of the " Missouri Waltz " Next came the parade of the Queen candidates followed by the crownjng of the Homecoming Queen, Miss Diane Watkins . An interesting side light was provided by the pledges of Kappa Sigma Fraternity , as they presented their own Homecoming Queen, Bob Ricketts. T he halftime activities were concluded with the annual running of the Pajama Race. For the second year in a row, the Kappa Sigma Pledges took horne the trophy. The naming of a H omecoming Queen will add materially to the homecoming weekend events. This " first" one was very well staged and was well received by the Homecoming crowd. There seems to be a weal th of material for the Miners to choose a lovely queen though coeds are scarce on the MSM campus which will not permit the entire roster to be chosen from our ranks. The first Homecomi ng Queen was a very representative person and set a mark for choosing the queens in futur e years. 15
Miner Football Tearn Ends 1961 Season In Tie for M.I.A.A. Second Place T he M in er footba ll team finished a most succeS5 fu l seaso n. A 19 to 0 vic tory was sco red in the game with Wash ington University ; they won three games in the co n ference which was the first in two yea rs, and they finished the seaso n tying for second place in the MIAA Conference. NIany were ready to " write-o ff" the Miners at the begi nning of the season after two dry years a nd the first gr1me with the Southern Il li nois Un iversity epded in a 44 to 0 loss. Thing.> looke;! better after the Washingto n U. whitewash and the foll owing game wi th T' i ~ ts burg, Kansas Sta te Go ri llas though defeated 20 to O. S.I.U. and P ittsbu rg both rated in the top five smail colleae teams last year. The 1.). of Tennessee ( Ma rtin Branch ) contest placed the Miners on the short end of a 50 to 22 score. Then began the conference r~ame s and Malyville was th e first opponent. The l\Iiners battered from the previous game won the game 'N ithout th e first string backfi eld a nd the superb perfOi:mance of replacements. Th e score was 20 to 13. This first conference v~cto r y in two years started the pattern. Before a fi lled "stadium" at H omecomirw the Miners earned a victory over" tne Spring fi eld Bears who came on the field a 21 point favorite. Their second victo ry in the conference was by a 13 to score. Carryi ng the reputation of the " Incredi ble Miners" with a " New Look " the Miners journeyed to Warrensburg to meet tJle Mules. This game also ended in fa vor of the Mi ners, 20 to 6. Everyone was amazed. the Min ers tied for tJle con ference ' lead . Fri [,1, Kreisler, sports writer of the K a nsas City Star had a very ti mely article about tJle Miners in hi s colum n which was in part "The Missouri Schooi of I'dines , at Rolla , one of those schools that does no t 'pay its players' rid es high atop the l\IIAA foo tball hea p toclay, don 't cou nt on them stayin g for ~ ong. because Rolla is a highl y special~zed sch?ol for ~n g in ee rs and physici sts, It doesn t recrUIt. Coach Bullm an never asks a person to en mll to pla.y foo tball he jus t waits to see who shows up at practi ce in the fall. H e a lso wa its to see who shows up for p racti ce each day beca use afternoon labo rato ry classes run until 5 o'clock, the sa me group of boys ra rely show up on co nsecuti ve days. Its 1-6
ing first. In dua l meets during th e season th ey won 8 a nd lost 2. T he M iner team par ticipa ted in the CAA coll ege division cmss-country meet at Wheaton, Illi nois. T here were 34 schools represented by 118 runners . MSM runner J ohn Brown finished in the 30th position 2.5 seco nds behind the first positi on runner. T he MSM team finished 10th in the meet with 277 points. Other MSM runners were Lesli e Sheets who finished in 55 th position followed by Bill E rickson who was 56 til a nd Con Stergas wa 87til. O Ll~tand r~nners in the count ry partI CIpate 1Il tllls N CAA meet including Olympic contenta nts. T he meet was wo n by So uthern Illinois University Wlth a tota.! of 33 points. In cross-country co mpeti tion sCOl'in a the team with the low score is the vic~ tor.
a scrambling kind of football . Only last week four checked out equi pment because they he.:1.rd ma np ower was needed . \Vith a ll fo ur fu ll backs out of the Maryv ill e game, the halfbacks Ga ry Voorhis and B¡o b Olson, altern~ted at the posit ion and acco unted fo r 11 0 yards . Voo rhis had carri ed the ba.ll on only one play previously . But you k now the players must li ke it , th e hours aren't very good, and the pay is terrible." I ' or the 1iners next game the Cape GI rardea u In dIans showed up at J ackllI1g F Ield. T hey, with K irksv ille were to uted to win the con ference. It was P.are nt's Day at M SM . Yes, the IndIans can play football and proved it to the M iners by taki ng the long end of the 27 to 7 sco re. T hi s dropped th e M!l1ers to a ti e for second in the conference. Their la t hurd le was to over .. come tJle Bu lldogs at Ki rksvi lle. At the end of the game the M iners were on the The 1961 M.I .A.A. Conference Footlower end of til e 20 to 6 sco re. Thi s did not a lter the final co nference stanciill O ball Sportsm anship Award has been won with the Mine rs tied with the Cape I~~ by Miner senior halfback Pat O'Mealy . T h.e Award was a jeweled wrist watch. dians for seco nd place. Pat, the Miners ' all-rou nd backfield Looking back at the season's record had to nuss most of the 1960 seaace, we see tJlat the Miners took advantage of a lot of breaks. The Miners were out- son 's play when he was. injured in tile scored 24 to uchdowns to 15 to uchdowns fi l; st few minLlt,es of ~le openi ng game. they had less fi rst downsl, less penalties . o Mealy, who lS ma rrled IS araduatin<" ' b cmore fumb les, and they aained onlv in Civil Engineering. 3233 yards wh ile tJleir opp~nen ts gairi'- . Forty-one men from the six school s 111 the con ference received vo tes as tile ed 3537 yards. Last year the team lost 16 men by outstandi ng spo rtsman in some rrame in graduatJon. T hI S year eight will be lost. which they competed tllls seas~n . The In Conference play the Miners had a bal loting is always extremely close when 3-2 season and All-Gam e seaso n of 4-5 . an attempt is made to pick one mall Kirksvi ll e won tile conference with S from such an outstandi ng group of wins ; the Mi ners and Cape tied for spo rts men. In determi nin a the outstanding spor ts man , the g;lle officials s~co nd ; Warrensburg and Sp ringfi eld tIed f ~r 4th and 5th place, and Man;- a re asked !o select a man for his sportsVI lle fll1i shed last usu rpin g the position manshIp 111 all games in whi ch a the M lI1ers have held in 1959 and 1960 . M. 1. A. A. team competes. Each Again, we state, tJle Miner atJl letir at hletic department of tJle conference teams have excell ent tutorage under schools is asked to select a man from thei r l\I.I.A.A. opponents in all conferGale Bullman and his staff, Burr Van Nostrand, D ewey Allgood and the stu - ence games . Other Miners who received votes were: K enneth Ca rre Cha rl es den t assistan ts. R iggs. J ames Teske, RobertToo ke, and Glenn Usher.
O'Mealy, MSM, Wins Sportslllanship Award
Cross-Country T earn Second in Conference
The M in er Cross-Country team has been doin g vel-y well t he last few seasons a nd again t hi s yeaT, lead by harn er J ohn Brown they capt ured second in the Con fer ence with K irksvill e tak-
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The dedication of Missouri 's first nuclear reactor, Saturday, October 21, brought the H onorable J olm M . D alton. Governor of Missouri , and many other dignitaries to the ca mpus. The schedul ed principal speaker Senator A. M . pradling, Chaim1an of the Atomic E nergy Commission of Missouri , was not able to be present because of the foggy weather not permitti ng his plane to land at the local airport. Also aboard the plane was J ames A. F inch, J r. , P resident of the Board of Curators of the University of M issouri . T he day 's schedule of activities was crowded making it necessary fOT Dean Curtis L. Wilson to shuffle the program and proceed wi th the dedication. Dr. Frank G. Foote, substituting for Dr. Nom1an Hilberry, Director of the Argonne N ational Laboratories, preented D ean Curtis L. Wilson with a block of Fermi Graphite from the nation's first atomic reactor a t the University a t Chicago. D r. Foote outlined the a tomi c age from the first discovery of nuclea r fi ssion to the present day reactors. He explai ned that graphite is an important part of a reactor and that the gift block from the original reactor, which has since been disassembled , was the first pi ece of any size that the Argonne Nati onal Laboratori es has released. The F ermi Graphite will be displayed in the reactor building. The H onorable John M . Dalton , Governor of Missouri , spoke bri efl y a t the cerem oni es that he was " proud the Rolla is the site of Missouri 's first nuclear reactor. " The Governor accepted the keys to the building from Alan J. Hoener '36, th e architect, and in tum presented them to Dr. Elmer E llis, President of the Univers1ty o f Missouri . Also participating in the dedication activities were Gene Sally of Rolla , a member of the Missouri Atomic Energy Commission and several members of the state legislature. Following the dedi cation ceremoni es in Parker Ifull the overflow-crowd pro· ceeded to the reactor building for its inspection . l1he swimming pool type reactor holds 32 ,000 gallons of water that is chemically pure and will not cond uct electricity. It is constantly re-cyded through de-chemicalization process to insure Dec;ember 1961
Jrn nUS
D ean Curtis L. Wilson, right, acce pts a large block of F ermi Graphite from Dr . Frank G. Foot e of the Argonne N ational Lab oratories. T he graphite is from the nation's firs t atomic reactor, at th e Universit y of Chicago, and is the first graphite of any siz e to be released .
that it is not contamina ted with fo reign matter. Some of the technical data concerning the reactor is as follows: The core is heterogeneous; 90 per cent U-235 enriched uranium oxide-aluminum water. The modera tor, reflector and coolant is light wa ter. The biological shield is light water and normal concrete. Th~ critical mass is approxima tely 3.3 kilograms of U-2 35 for water reflector. The power level is up to 10 kw. The fuel elemen ts a re MTR type, each fu~l element has 10 fuel plates, each plate ap proxi mately 17 grns. U-235; ' each fuel element is 3x3x3 6 inches. We have on campus 22 full fuel elements; 1 left hand , half elem ent; 1 right hand, half element ; and 4 control rod elements. The experim ental facilities are; 1 core access element, 1 isotope production element, 1 them1al column and 1 beam t ube. The reactor pool is 19 feet long 9 feet wide and 27 feet deep.
Annua l "Rolla Night" in St. louis to Be Jan. 15 " Rolla ight a t The Engineers' Club of St. Louis" wil be held January 25, 1962 , at 8 : 15 p. m. T his armual a ffair brings prospective students, their parents, and friends to meet MSM p rofessors, the school's administrators, and alumni . For many years " Rolla Night" has drawn the biggest a ttendance of any function held at The Engi neers ' Club . We a re certain the same will be true at the 1962 function. The principal speaker of the evening will be Dr. D . S. Eppelsheimer, Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at MSM. His subj ect will be, " N uclear Engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. " The E ngineers' O ub is located at 4359 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. 17
Nuclear Reactor Building
Dr. Ellis Cites Lag In Higher Education R. ELMER ELLIS, President of the University of Missouri spoke at the opening session of the joint regional conference of the American Alumni Council and the American College P ublic Relations Association, in Kansas City, Mo., November 26. Two hundred and fifty representatives of college alumni and public relation activities were in attendance representing colleges and universities in eight midwestern states. "Only parts of the Deep South and border states have lagged more behind national development in higher education than we have in this region," Dr. Ellis sai d. "While some of us on the basis of enrollment if not support can show increase relative to other colleges in our region or state, I doubt that any of us can compare ourselves with our type of insti tution nationally and say that our over-all position is relatively better than it was 10 or 20 years ago. T his has its results in industrial development, in population grow th and in all aspects of our society. Our inability in the recent past to expand our resources for higher ed ucation a t the national rate or better is a major factor in our low popula tion growth and slow industrial development. Our lack of scholarship funds bleeds our region of a good percentage of our best minds to distant institutions and these people rarely come back. " "More than one-half of the federal grants in universities for research go to just fi ve institutions, none of them in our region. Seventy-nine percent goes to just 20 universiti es. I have not seen this list, but I have grave doubts that any of these are in our region. The 66 universiti es that receive 92 percent include several in our a rea, of course, but the pickings are small when 46 institutions divid e 13 percent of the total. " Dr. E llis said national support goes to schools that are supported locally and that the amount received in government or foundation grants actually is dictated by alumni and area busil1esses. Dr. E llis stated further tha t, " We may or may not like to do it, but fund , raising is a vital and unrel enting force i'n our fuhlre. To carry out our destiny as institutions we must have our needs . known and implement our programs to satisfy them. "
Shown above is th e Nuclear R eact or Building at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy. Th e reactor, Missouri's first, was dedicated October 21. Sp ecial design of the building p1'ovides for negati1'e air pressure within the building to insure prop er opemtion of th e facili ty.
1961-62 Miner Basketball Sehedule Saturday, Dec. 2 ..... ......... Nichols State College, Natchitoches, La . ........ Rolla Tuesday, Dec. 5 ....... .... ... Westmi nster College .................... .. .......... .... .. Rolla Fri da y, Dec . 8 .................. Harris Teachers .. ............................ .......... .. St. Louis Monda y, Dec. 11 ............ John Brown University, Siloam
Springs, Ar k. Rolla
Thursday, Dec. 14
Evangel College, Springfield, Mo ............... .. Rolla
Saturday, Dec . 16
U. o f Te nnessee-Martin Branch .................. Marti n
Tuesday, Dec. 19 ............ Ottawa University, Kansas ....... .. ................... Rolla Thursday, Dec. 21 ..... ..... Dec . 27 , 28, 29 ............ .... Saturday, Jan. 6 .......... ... _ Monday, Jan 8 ......... .. ... .. Friday, Jan 12 ...... ........ .. Monday, Jan. 22 .. ..... ..... Friday, Jan . 26 ........ .. ...... Saturday, Jan. 27 ...... .... Saturday, Feb . 3 .. .... ........ Thursday, Feb. 8 .. ............ Monday, Feb. 12 .......... .. Thursday, ' Feb : 15 ......... . Monday, Feb . 19 ...... ...... Saturday, Feb. 24 ......... . 18
Nebraska State Teachers-Peru ............ ........ Rolla Conference Tournament .......... .... Cape Girardeau Central Mo. State - Warrensburg ...... Warrensburg South west Mo. State- Springfield ........ Springfield Northwest Mo. State-Maryville ....... .. ........ ... Rolla Southwest Mo . State-Springfield .................. Rolla Northeast Mo. State-Kirksville .............. Kirksville Northwest Mo. State-Maryville ............ Maryville S. E. Mo . State- Cape Girardeau .. Cape Girardeau Harris Teachers ............................ .. ................ Rolla Northeast Mo . State- Kirksville ...................... Rolla Washington University ..... ... .. ................... . St. Louis Central Mo . State- W<;Irrensburg ...... Warrensburg Southeast Mo . State- Cape Girardeau ............ Rolla
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Graduate Student Is Awarded Fellowship
Robert B. Lewis, Registrar and Director of Admissions at MSM, has been elected Vice President of the Missouri Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers at their recent annual meeting in Kansas City. Lewis came to MSM in 1958 and received his B. S. degree from the University of Missouri that same year.
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Roy A . Smith, recipient of the Ball Brothers Fellowship in Metallurgical Engineering adjusts a laboratory rolling mill while Dr. A. W . Schlecht en, Chairman of the Met. Engl'. Depm·tment looks on.
Famed Company Makes Grant to Met. Department The well known firm of Ball Brothers Incorporated, M uncie, Indiana has established a fellowship in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering a t MSM. The famous Ball Brothers Mason Jars are familiar to almost everyone, but the company has expanded in other fields and now has a variety of metallurgical interests. Rolling of zinc by Ball Brothers was originally started to provide material for the old type zinc screw cap· for jars. Now Ball BrotherS! is a major producer of zinc battery cans, lithographers and engravers plates, as well as strip and sheet zinc for the construction trade and other applications. Ball Brothers Research Corporation with laboratories in M uncie and Boulder, Colorado is designing and building satellites for observation of the sun . The recipient o,f the fellowship for 196 1-62 is Roy A. Smi th who holds a B. A. in Geology from the UnivensiI:\Y of Missouri in 1958 a nd a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from the Missouri School of Mines a nd Metallurgy in 1960. During the time he was an undergraduate at MSM, Mr. Smith December 1961
Jrn nUS
was awarded the Kennecott Copper Corp. Scholarship for outstanding academic work. Following graduation Mr. Smith was employed by the Kaiser Aluminum Co. at Newark, Ohio where he worked as! a research metallurgist until returning to MSM this fall. As the Ball Brothers Fellow, Mr. Smith is wo,rking for an M. S. in MetalI urgical Engineering; his research will be concerned with the recrystallization of metals and will be directed by Professor H. P. Lei~ly, Jr.
Fees for Out of State Students to Be Raised Non-Missourians who enroll in the schools of the University of Missouri will pay higher fees next year. Dr. Elmer Ellis, President of the University of Missouri has announced that beginning with the 1962 fall term non-resident fees for undergraduates will be $ 150.00, bringing them in line to the average of neighboring state uni versi ties. The non-Missourians, along with Missouri students, will pay regula r inci dental fees and Student Union fees of $107.50. The increase out-of-state fee is $25.00.
Robert B . Lewis
J. D. Novotny Promoted by Pan American Petroleum Jerome D. Novotny '48, has been appointed district exploration superintendent for Pan American Petroleum Corporation's Corpus Christi (Texas) District. A native of South Dakota, Novotny received his B. S. degree in Mining Engineering and Geology from MSM in 1948. He joined Pan American in 1948 as a junior computer in West Texas. He worked in various geophysical assignments in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and West Texas, before his appointment as division geophysicist in Pan American's Houston office in 1958. Mr. Novotny a,nd his family will move to Corpus Christi from Houston, Texas. 19
MSM Cadet Is Given Bronze Cross Award
tai ned the academic honor li st each s¡emester sin ce entering M SM in the fa ll of 1958 . Mr. White is a member of T au Beta Pi which is the National Engineering and Sc ience Honor Fraternity, of Alpha Phi Omega, the National Service F raterni ty made up of men who are, or have been, active in the Boy Scout movement, of Sigma Pi Sigma , which is the National P hysics Hionorary Fraternity , of the Stud ent Council , a nd of the Baptist Stud ent Union. He has been recipient of tile National Scholarship H onora ry Fraternity Phi Kappa Phi Book Plate Award in 1958-59 , and of a Nati onal Science Foundation Undergrad ua te R esearch Student Gra nt in the fall of 1960 and sp ring of 1961. Mr. White is ma rried and he and hi s wife, Bernice, res ide at 71 2 W est 11th Street, Rolla , Missouri.
Pi Kappa Alpha House Will Be Enlarged Daniel R. Whit e l'eceives congmtulations from Lt . Col. Chades R. Ob el'mey er, D eputy Assistant Chief of Staff at Fort L eonard Wood, Mo ., at j)resentation ceremony N ov . 3 . Daniel R. White, a native o.f K ansas City, Mi SISOUl-i, whD is a sen ior at the Mi ssouri ch ool of M in es a nd M etallurgy , [:eceived the Army a nd Navy L egion of Valor B ronze ross Awa rd for th e 196 1-62 chool yea.r, as the outsk1.ndin g ROTC s tud ent of th e Senior D ivi sion ROTC within the XI U . Army Coq s a re<t, whi ch in clu des all o f the coll ecycs and uni versiLi es in Mis ouri a nd Illinoi s . ongra tul ating Cade t White is L ieutena nt Colonel harl cs R. Oberm ey er, a member of tJle Arm y a nd Navy Legion of VaJo r, currentl y ,1;igned a the D eputy Assis tant hi ef of StaJr, G-3, at Fort L eona rd Wood , M issouri , wh o p resented he Awa rd a t a ball,wion review ceremony at 1: 30 ]. m. F riday, N ov mber 3 rd on the MS M drill fiel L The A ml y a n 1 N avy L egion of Valor of the U nite I ' ta tes, whi ch ma ke this awa rd , i cti1 a ' ocia Lion whose memberhi p is composed enLirely of holders of the ongres ional M e la l o f H onor, the ervice C ross Arm y's D i tin guished a nd the avy '1'0 s. 1 t.. membersh ip in cl ud es vetera n ' a nd ervi ccmen of a ll ervic s, a nd it members have fo ught
in wars and campaigns as far back as the Indian Wars . Found ed in 1890 it has more tha n 1400 members . The Legion of Valor is lUl0Wll for its two di st inctive medal : The Sil ver Medal for H eroism and the Bron ze for outstallCling service and achi evemen t by milita ry cadets . In accord a nce with n ewl y es tabli6h ed policy of tJle Legion of Valor AWcl rd Committee, Cadet White's awa rd was received for hi s perform ance during his Junior year so tila t pro] er recogniti on may be given to the schoo¡l during hi s Seni or year. This is the seco nd s ucce s ive tim e thi s awa.rd has been a ttained by M SM stud ents in competit ion with a ll eni or D ivi sion ROTC Cadets in Mi s ouri a nd Illinois. The las t p revious a wa rd of the A rm y ,md Navy Legion o f Valor B ron ze ross was mad e to Ca.det L ieutena nt Lawrence L. I-Ioberock of M SM for the 1960-61 aca lemi c year. Ot her ROTC hono r awa rd ed to Cad et White have includ ed the Chi cago T ri bune Awa rd , the Superi or adet Awa rd , a nd the Pro f SOl' of M iLitary Sci nee A wa rd. 'I n add ition he has a t-
The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house, a lready one of the most a ttractive in R olla , is schedul ed for exI ansion. P ictured is the a rti st ' rendering of the expand ed facility vi ewed from the So uthwest. Gro'llndbreaking ceremoni es a re sched ul ed for the occasion of the Chap ter's Founders' Day in March a nd the addition will be comp leted for the beginning of the 1962 63 school year. Alpha Kal pa ha pter of Pi Kappa Alpha , one of the oldest fraterniti es on the MSM camp u (1 905), built the presen t fin e s tructure in 1930, the first house in Rolla constructed a a fr aternity house . onveni ence to all cam I us faciliti es, a nd the Roll a bus iness lis trict we re facto rs in tile decision to mod erni ze a nd expand at the present locat ion ins tead of reloca ting in a more remote a rea . T he four-floor add ition, extending south [rom the back of the present house, will contain a fire proof stairwell erving the entire house, complete new toilet faciliti es, a.nd will expand th e capacity of th e house from 51 to 62 men. Remod eling of tile present s tructure will provide for enl arcyed kitchen a nd d ining faciliti e , a chap ter o ffi ce, a ground fl oor recreation room a nd a groun I fl oo r s tudy-chapter room. Architectura l s tyle of the add ition will be the same half timber a nd s tucco as that o f the present hou e a nd exterior
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appeara nce will be enhanced by the addition of a landsca ped patio on the Bishop Street side. David C. Grimm '50, St. Louis, is the current preside nt of the " H ouse Corporation " made up of the Alumni members; Bernard C. Wagner '50, St. Louis, is chairma n of the expansion committee ; Richard H. Bauer '52, St. Louis, is in charge of solicita tion of Funds; Robert V. Wolf '51 , of the MSM faculty is the Secretary-Treasurer of the group. Folger and Pearson , AlA, Kansas City, is the architec t .
Architect's Drawing, Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House With Proposed Addition
ENGINEERS WANTED ELECT RICAL -Power option or experienc e. Plannin g and designing power installa tion, lighting and control systems. Covers comple te projects , estimat es , specs, installa tion drawings, materia l , etc. Prefer 2 to 5 years experience. Large milling operatio n in Iowa. Refer File X. ENGIN EERS - All types·. Large steel compan y . Recent gradua tes, militar returnee s , and experienced engineers . Refer File No. 9. CH EMI CAL - CIVIL - ELECT RICAL - MECH ANI CAL - Gypsum company in midwest and east. Chemicals in quality departm ent, research. Civils in so il chemistry. Electricals plant engineer. Mechanical experience in heating, ventilat ing and air-conditioning. Refer F ile No . 10. DIRECTOR OF OPERA TIONS Division of very large diversified manufacturing corporation. Age 45 , M. E. degree, 15 to 20 years experience in manufa cturing machinery. Soli d professiona l mechanical engineering experience necessary. Diversified work history in about 3 machin ery manufacturing companies would be ideal. Capable of supervising chief and manufacturi ng engineer and director of purchasing . Mid-cen tral states. Salary well in five figures. Refer File No. 11. ,MECH ANICA L ENGIN EERS Packaging Engineer, design, packing, handling and shipping merchandise. Require travel to branch operations. Plant or resident engineer. Responsibility plant production of branch operations. Mid-west. Clothin g manufa cturer. CHEM ICAL - ELECT RI CAL PHYSI CS-Res earch and Development Process Engineer, chemical backgro und. Test Engineer with E. E . design, test
and development electronic equipm ent. Mechanical-to design electronic equipment to military spees. for aircraft and missiles. Salary excellent. East coast. Refer File No. 13. CHEM I CAL OR MECH ANICAL--Several positions in P roject Engineering Depart ment large engineering company. Ages 25 to 30. 1 year experience. Will be trainee project engineers assisting seninr project engineers. N ation-wide. Refer No . 14. CHEM ICAL - Anthrac ite Research Center U. S. Bureau of Mines. Should have some industr ial experience. GS -9 to GS-12. Refer File No. 15 . CHEM ICAL - ELECT RICAL MECH ANICA L - Chemical compan y in mid-wffilt. Chemicals technical writing and field assistance. Backgr ound should include either petro-chemical or heavy chemical product ion supervision or process engineering. Electric al services section of la rge engineering dpartm ent. Experie nce must include power distribu tion systems and supervision of electrical mainten ance in petro-chemical, chemica l or related cOntinuous process industr y. Mechanical for project section of large engineer-
A . 1. A., Architect s
ing departm ent. Salaries good . Refe, File No. 17. MECH ANICAL - Enginee ring Research Departm ent. Midwest. Compa ny manufa ctures air compressons a nd pumps. P refer applica nts with ;ninimum experience will provide training opportunities. Refer F ile No. 18. CHEM ICAL - CHEM ISTS - MECHAN ICAL Researc h departm ent of an associa te of large chemical company. Interes ted in young personnel. Compan y having- rapid expansion. B.S . M.S ., and Ph. D. man needed . Some jobs with domestic and foreign travel. Refer File N o. 20 . CHEM ICAL - MECH ANICA L Produc t Research Group Leader , Process Development Engineer, Quality Control Specialist Growing compan y. worldwide market in pressure sensitive tapes, coating and adhesives. Refer File No. 21. COMP UTER ENGIN EERS - Analysis of complex engineering problems for Datatro n Compu ter Chemical or Mechanical with 2 or 3 years design or process engineering e..xperien ce in petroleum , petro-chemical, or chemicalindustries. Good salary. Refer File No. 23 .
Decem ber 1961 21
ENGAGEMENT M r. and M rs . Paul V. Sanders of San Antoni o., T exas, a nnounce the engagement a nd approaching marriage of their eldes t da ughter , Margaret Alice to Robert G. Fuller '5 7, son of Dr. a nd Mrs. Harold Q Full er, Rolla, Mo. The bride is a gradua te of T rinity U niversity, San Antonio, T exas, and received her M S in Audiology from the U . of Illinois in 1958. The groom returned from Burma las t s ummer a fter servi ng as a special term missiona ry fo r the Methodist Church teaching physics at the M ethodist E nglish School in Rangoon, Burma . H e is presently enrolled as a grad ua te stude nt a t the University of Illinois working toward his docto rate. The wed ding will take place a t the Aldersgate M ethodist Church in San Antoni o, Texas, December 29, 1961.
DEATHS W. J. Sabo Colonel W illiam J. Sabo '3 1. We have been advised of his death bu t no particulars. His last address as we have it in the a lumni office was: I n care, H . B. Cooper, Gravel Pond Road , R. D. 2, Cla rk 's Summi t, Pa. Joe J. Bowles
Joe J. Bowles ' 10, prominent farmer and stockman of Lake Spr ing, M isso uri , died November 15, 196 1, in a St. Louis, M isso uri hospital. H e was 73 years of age . H e was the son of the late Dr. E. B . and M artha Bowles, pioneer residents of the a rea. H e was a member of the M asoni c L odge 213, AF & AM and had recently received his 50year pin . He was a charter member and pas t president of the R . E. A. at Licking, M o., a nd a member of the Board of Directors of the Show-Me E lect roni cs Corporation, M arshfield, M issouri. Sur viving a re his widow, Marj orie of the home; fo ur daughters, M rs. Mary Perry, of Lake Sp ring; M rs. Betty Eyberg, of Kansas; M rs. Marj oriel H ahn a nd M rs . Louise Edscorn , both of St. Lo uis, M o. ; one brother John of Lake Spring; nine gra ndc hildren ; six great-gra ndchildren, and a n umber of nieces a nd nephews. John C. Ingram
John C. I ngram ' 13 , di ed November 20, 1961. J ack, as he was known to his many, ma ny fri ends, retired several years ago a fter serving for 28 years 22
with Armour & Company as a specialist in the processi ng of fats and oils. During his 28 years with Armour, his activities and specializations ranged from fine expensive cosmetics to coated abrasives and detergents, and his titles ranged from Plant Superintendent to R esearch Administration . He contributed much to the development of the deodorant soap know as " Dial. " T he Alumni Association awarded hi m the Certificate of Merit in 1956. He was living at 19 West 45th, Western Springs, Illinois at the time of his death. Thomas B. Kent
Thomas B. Kent ' 25 , died December 12 , 1960. At the time of his death he was Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, Minneapolis Publi c Schools, M inneapolis, Minnesota, and he was living at 3943 Chowen Avenue, South, Minneapolis 10. Edward M. Johnso n
Edward M. Johnson '92 . As we go to press we received word of the passing of Mr. Johnson. He was one of our two oldest living al umni , gradua ting in 1892. Mrs . Corneliums Roach (nee Sallie Millard ) graduated in 1891 but she is younger tha n Mr. Johnson; she resides in Kansas City, Missouri.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logue '60, have their second child, Catherine Cecilia , born , M ay 25, 196 1. Hugh is with Weelex, Inc., La Habia, Cali fornia . The Logues have a new address too, 10931 South First St. , Space 23, Whit tier , California . Mr. and Mrs. Roger T . Martin '61 , announce the arrival of their second daughter, Tracy Ly nn, born October 11 , 1961. T hey live at 216-D Austin Drive Court , Barberton, Ohio . Roger is with Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. M r. and Mrs . H enry Allan Tiogo '60, are pa rents of Pa ul Anthony who arrived October 11 , 196 1. The mother is the former Lois Anne P edrucci. Henry is a computer programmer fo r the Autometri c Corp. , an d their residence address is 74-1 5 Kessel St. , Forest Hills, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Perry '49, had their fifth child when their fourth daughter arrived Jul y 16, 1961. Bob has been promoted to Manager , Works No.1 , Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Creighton, Pa . The Perrys' address is
15 20 Broadview Blvd ., N a tr 0 n a H eigh ts, Pa. Mr. and M rs . Otto Loeb Van Maerssen '49, a nnounce the arrival of a son, Otto H ans, November 6, 1961. They are still in Fort Worth, T exas, where Otto is employed by the Gulf Oil Corp. Mr. and M rs. Otto T. Bentrup '60, announce the arrival of their first child, David Karl , born November 6, 1961. They live at 8 12 South First, Morton, Illinois. Otto is with Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria , Ill. Mr. and Mrs. William H . Smith '58, now have their second child born November 28 , 1961. The Smi ths are at China Lake, California residing at 54A Farragut. Mr. and Mrs. Willi am G. Bachman '50, added Ann to their family, November 20, 1961. This brings thei r total to six. T he mother is the former Elaine Carlton , of Rolla. This also brings the total number of grandchildren for "Skip " Carlton, of the C. E .. D epartment , to 13. Lucky or unlucky " Skip" still is the champion on the campus in this field. Mr. and M rs . Donald E. Puyear ' 54, now have their second chil d , a boy, born October 3, 196 1. His name is Kenneth Hugh. Donald is Assistant Professor of Chemical E ngineering at Virginia Poly technical Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia , and still " plugging along" on a P h . D. His address is Box 233, Blacksburg, Virginia.
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J ames William Poarch '60, and M iss Elizabeth M ae Blun t, daugh ter of Mrs . Marion C. Blunt of Avon Lake, Ohio, and L ewis G. Blunt, of Toronto, Onta rio, were married October 21 , 1961 , in the st. Ba rnabas Episcopal Church, Bay Village, Ohio. John William Donaldson '60 served as best man . Jim is employed with the B. F . Goodrich Company an d the couple reside at 2715 East Eri e Street, Apt. 210, Lorain, Ohio. Templeton-Reese
J a mes B . Templeton '62 and Martha Carolyn Reese were ma rried August 12, 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama . Jim is with the T. C. I. Division of U . S. Steel. The Templetons' address is 1528C Warrior Road , Birmingham 8. Brown-Hanna
Gilbert N. Brown ' 59 and Miss D elores Ann Hanna were married No-
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vember 4, 1961 , at the St. James Methodist Church, Danville, Illinois. Gilbert is with the Kokomo Gas and Fuel Co., Kokomo, Indiana_
Alumni Personals 191 0 Charles A. Burdick is still in the profession. He spent last summer going over some iron mines in Pennsylvania. He resides in Washington , D. c., 3900 Connecticut Ave. , N. W. 1 9 1 2
Joseph S. Irwin sends us word to be delivered to the Class of 1912 , "We want to see you in Sixty-Two," with the comment, " Of course no one can guarantee to be there bu t let's try real hard:" He is referring to the members of the Class of 1912 and their return to the campus a t commencement time to personally receive their SO Year Recognition Award . Joe is still a consulting geologist and his business address is 2106 7th St. S. W. , Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 191 7 John K.Walsh has been appointed safety supervisor of the St. Louis County (Mo.) Division of Highways. He will be responsible for maintaining safe driving conditions and eliminating hazards along the 7 SO miles of coun ty roads. John's address is 630 Fairview, Webster Groves, Missouri. 192 8 Charles F. Herbert has a son, Tom , who was named on the All-State Football team in the State -of Illinois. He is a lineman who kicks , and kicks-oH and goes both ways. Charles had somewhat of a talent for football too. He played at MSM lettering in footb all . He is now living at 80S 34th Ave. , Moline, Illinois and is with the Bituminous Casualty Corporation. 193 6 Fred A. Schwab is now state-side and his new address is U. S. Army Engineers District Office, 60 12 U. S. Post Office a nd Court H ouse, Omaha 2, Nebr. 193 7 Peter F. Mattei , Executive Director, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, addressed the Engineers ' Club of St. Louis, November 28. His topic was the " Mississippi River Pollution Abatement Program." It was an illustrated lecture December 1961
and he was assisted by Charles B. Kaiser, Jr., General Counsel for MSD. The address was based upon pollution abatement of the Mississippi River, the problems confronting the MSD in meeting the completion date as agreed with the Federal Government, and the problems confronting the district in the passage and sale of bonds for this. project. Pete joined MSD in 1957 and became the Executive Director last May. 1 9 3 8
Raymond H. Rogers is with the Air Force Logistics Command , Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, with residence a t 4922 Silvercrest Terrace, Dayton 40. 194 0 A. James Kiesler, metallurgist at the General E lectric Research Laborat(}ry, spoke at Bishop Gibbons High School on careers in metallurgy. The talk fo rmed part of the Career Planning P rogram being carried on by the school,
and covered the nature of the job, income and opportunities in the field, and the type of training required. Kiesler has been with General Electric since 1946, fi rst as a metallurgist in the Schenectady Works Laboratory, later as Chief Metallurgist in the Steel Foundry, and since 1954 with the Research Laboratory as head of the Melting and Solidi fication Laboratory. An internationally recognized authority in ' foundry metallurgy, he has been awarded the honorary p rofessional degree of Metallurgical E ngineer by the University of Missouri School of Mines anet Metallurgy, and rep resented the United States this year a t the International Foundry Congress in Vienna. Kiesler is a past chairman of the Steel Founders Society of America, Division I, and past chairman of the Steel Division of the American Foundryman 's Society. Last year he was appointed to the E1 tric Furnace Execu-
If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks. Name ______________________________ .______________________________________ ____________ _____________ ___ ____ .____ ___ ____ __ My new address is __ ____________________________________________ _____________________________ .__ .__ __ ___ ____ __
My Company or Business Is ____________________________ ________ _____________________________________ .
And My Title Is ____________________________________________________________________________________________ __
Here's Some News for the MSM
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tive Committee of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. He and Mrs. Kiesler and their two children live at 2068 Coolidge Place, Schenectady.
942 Robert Van Nostrand was recently transferred from a French oil company • to the French subsidiary of the Rogers Geophysical Company o.f Houston , Texas. Bob's new address is 13 Rue Lemercier, Paris 17 , France. 1 947
Richard E. Cole who for the past year and a half has been plant manager of the Messina, New Yo,r k plant of Reynolds Metal Co. , is leaving for India in December to make a feasibility study for the construction of a new aluminum plant by Reynolds. His U nited States address during this period will be 715 N. S. 55th P lace, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
194 9 Laurel G. Linn is a Research Specialist with the Autonetics Div. , North American Aviation and resides at 2435 North Redwood Drive, Anaheim , California. Laurel had a reunion last spring with Don V. ('49) and Juanita Kelly ; Joseph E. " Gene" ( '49) and Helen Greig, and Jim Koch , former fac ulty member, in the San Francisco Bay Area. Don and Jim are with Lockheed missiles . Gene is in the U. S. Navy . Juanita and Helen are forme r Rolla girls. James D . Blankenship recently received a promotion at the International Business Machi nes Corp. Jim is now Manager, M ulti-Use Components P roduct Engineering. He joined IB,M in
1949 and was assigned to the St. Louis, Mo., office. His present res,i dent address is 3632 Lyndale Drive, Johnson City, New York.
195 0 James D. Davis has filed for the Republican candidacy for the United States Senate in next year's primary election. Mr. James entered politicS! when he successfully ran for Councilman-at-large in Springfield, Missouri last spring. He is 34 years old and is a consulting engineer. His business address is 18n South Stewart, Springfield. He is married and the father of two children Kathryn Ann, 8, and David Jr., 5. 1 954
195 8
Bro. Robert Hanss, SM, is a graduate student, Geology Department, Washington U., St. Louis , Mo. His address is 425 S. Lindbergh, St. Louis 31.
Robert W. Sucher is a graduate assistant in the Department of Milling Industries, Kansas State University. His address is 122 Fremont, Manhattan. Dale A. Strub was a co-author of a paper, " Space Structures for Bridges," that won a $ 100 award in the James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation's $25 ,000 Award Program. Dale is with Clark, Daily & Dietz, Consulting Engineers, Urbana, Illinois. Lt. Co!. John O. Buchanan is assigned to Hq. 7th Army in the engineering section and is Chief of the Maintenance and Supply Division, and is located at Stutgart, Germany. His address is Jq. 7th Army, Engr. Sect. APO 46 , New York, New York. 1 9 5 9 Joseph R. Reichert is a resident engineer with Haskins, Sharp & Ordelheide, Consulting Engineers. Presently he is in Illmo, Mo,., where he is engi~ neering and inspecting construction on a sewage treatment lagoon and sanitary sewage system for the city of Illmo. He expects to be on this aSISignment until August 1962. His mailing address is PO Box 366, Illmo, Mo.
195 5 Richard Wildermuth is with the Stimsonite Division of ESNA, 3445 N. Kimball, Chicago, Ill. , and resides at 1645 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago 26 . 1 956 Army Reserve Captain Silas G. Garrett, Jr. , completed the four-week financial management budget course at The Finance School, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, October 6. Capt. Garrett was trained in the principles and procedures of budget formulation and execution. He is employed at the Boeing Airplane Company, Wichita, Kansas .
195 7 Charles Alvin Wentz, Jr. , completed his work for his Ph. D . degree in Augus t. His thesis was entitled "The How of Gases throu gh Packed and Distended
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Beds of Spherical Particles." His graduate work was in fluid mechanics. He received a Walter P. Murphy Fellowship for his first year of graduate study, and a Research Corporation Fellowship for the second year. Mr. Wentz will receive his degree in June 1962. Alvin has accepted a position at the Phillips Petroleum Company's Research Center, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Roger L. Guyot, chemical engineer with C. K . Williams & Co., East St. Louis , II!., was elected Alderman of Ward II , for the City of Waterloo, Ill., on April 22, 1961. The term of this office is two years . His address there IS 301 W. Third Street.
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196 0 Lelia Mae Thompson is employed by the State o.f California, Department of Health, Bureau of Sani tary Engineers . She received a nine-month scholarship to study for a M .S. degree at the U. of California . Her address is 715 Apgar, Oakland, Cali fornia . Second Lt. E ldon R. Dille recently arrived in Germany and is now assigned to the 547th Engi neer Battalion . He is a platoon leader in the battalion 's Company A, in Darmstadt. He entered the Army in J anllary 1960 .
MSM AlumnV$