Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1962

Page 1


Professor John P. Govier, Chairman, Department Mining Engineering .


MSM Alumni Association


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Term Expires


__ ._._ ._______________ ._.Paul T_ Dowling '40 _. ________ .__ . __Nooter Corporation _.. _.__ .___ .__ ____ __ ____ _______ _____ . 1962 1400 South Third St. Louis 4, Missouri


Executive Vice-President _. ___ .__ ._____ .}ame5 W. Stephens '47 __________ .Missouri Public Service Co .. _.. _. ______ ._ .. _. ______ 1962 10700 East 50 Highway Kansas City 33 , Missouri Vice-President Areas 1,2, 3 ______ ._.}. Craig Ellis '38 Vice-President Areas 4,5 , 6 _. ______ R.


Kasten '43

Vice-President Areas 7,8,9 _. ___ .. __ Barney Nuell '2 1 _ Secretary-Treasurer

_________ ._____ . _________ 1962

__ ._. __ .524 Highland Avenue Westfield , New Jersey _. _____ Union Wire Rope Co. 21st and Manchester Ave. Kan5as City 26 , Missouri

___ ._. 1962

__. __.1015 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles 17, California

_____ .__ ___ ._. __ .. 1962

._._._._.Leon Hershkowitz '41 ._. _________ ._Assistant Dean __. __________ .___ _ Missouri School of Mines RoHa , Missouri

Execu ti ve Secreta ry Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS"

._ 1962

._._.Francis C. Edwa rds _._ ... _. __ .__ .__ ._MSM Alumni Association .old Metall urgy Building Rolla, Missouri


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Ralph C. Graham '31

__ ._________________ ._ .. ____ ... _.Tennessee Gas & ail Co., P_


Box 25l1 , Houston, Texas . _. 1962

Mervin J. Kelly '14 _. _____ .__ ._______ .___ __ __ ._______ .. _. __ 2 Windermere Terrace, Short Hills, New Jersey _ .________ ._______ .. _._ 1962 Rex Z. Williams '31 _

____ ... _. Rolla State Bank, Rolla , Missouri _

_._ 1962


Area No.


States· and Provinces Embraced

Spl Inc

Term Expires

_........ _. Robert F. Schmidt '45 _._.___ .. ____ .__ ._ .__ _. __ .. __ ._.__ ___ ._._.New England, N. Y. , N. J. , East Pa. , _.. _. __ ___ .__ ._ .. ___ 1964 Dist. of Columbia , Md. , Va., Delaware, 6 Willowbrook ' Avenue Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Province of Quebec .__ ._. __ .__ ]. C. Salmon , Jr. '22_ Box 967, Minden., Louisiana

_____ ____________ ___ _. S. Ark., N. c., S_ Ala., Ga., Fla.

c., La. ,


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____ __. _._ 1963

3 ________ .__.0. W. Kamper '35 ._. __ ._.. _.. _._. ______ ___ .. _____ ._. __ .___ . _____ Pennsylvania, W. Va., .ohio, W_ Pa., 608 Villavista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Ky. , Tenn., Ind_ (Except Chicag8 Industrial Area)

____ 1963

4 .. _._.. _.. _Frank C. Appleyard '37 _._ .. _._ ...... _.. _.... . __... __ _______ N . III., Chicago ·Industrial Area _._ .. __ .___ .__________ . _____. 1963 1209 Milwaukee Ave_, Glenview, III. in Indiana , Wisc. , Mich., Minn. , Province of Ontario _..... __ ._-Joseph W. Mooney '39 _. ___ ._. ____ .. __ __ ___ ... ____ 7265 Northmoor, University City, Mo.

___ ___ .1964

___ S_ III., K Mo., N. Ark.

6 ___________ Bennett D. Howell '50 __ _ __._____ .___ .______________ Iowa, W. Mo., Nebr., Kans., .okla. 33 13 South Pittsburgh, Tulsa, .oklahoma __ .. _. _____ Rolla T. Wade '31 __ .__ .___ ._ .. _.. __ . 5430 Tilburg, Houston , Texas 8 _____ ______ Harvey L. Tedrow '11 ___ .. _. _____ .. _____ .olin Hotel Denver, Colorado

____ Ida. , Montana, N. D., S. D_, Wyo. , Colo. , Nev_ , Uta h , Provinces of Manitoba, Sask_, Alberta

9 ___________ William B. Fletcher '34 12081 Smallwood Downey, California

___ Alaska, Washington, are., __. California, Hawaii

FEBRUARY 1962 Number I


_. ____ .___ .. _._ 1964

___ Texas, Arizona, New Mexico .

Volume 36 Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Missouri

_____ .__ ._ 1962

.. ________ 1963


.._ ... 1964

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. Subscription price, $150, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Mo., under the Act of March 3, 1879. MSM Alumnus

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Prof. John P. Govier Appointed Chairman Of Department of Mining Engineering Professor John P. Govier is the new Chairman of the Department .of Mining Engineering. He joined the MSM faculty in 1957 as Professor of Petroleum Engineering with a background of twenty years experience working for major petroleum companies in North and South America. Professor Govier is a native of the oil country of Pennsylvania and received his degree in Petwleum Engineering from Pennsylvania State in 1.934. Though this is his first experience in the formal training of petroleum engineers he is from a family of educators. His grandfather was president of Pennsylvania State, his father was a professor of Electrical Engineering for forty years at Penn State, his father-in-law is head of the Department of Chemistry at Tulsa University and a brother-in-law has the Assistant Chairmanship in English Literature at the University of Rochester. Professor Govier's field is petroleum

reservoir engineering and with his occupational experience he has helped to gear the Petroleum Engineering courses to be supplemented, not duplicated or contradicted, by later protessional training. The Goviers have three children and reside at 648 Salem Avenue, Rolla. He is a member of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers , The American Society for Engineering Education, Sigma Gamma Epsilon, national honor society for the earth sciences " and Lambda Chi Alpha, social fraternity. Professor Govier reports there are 22 students currently enrolled in the Mining Department doing graduate work. This exceeds any other department at MSM . Professor Govier succeeds Dr. George M. Clark who¡ was selected to the position of Associate Director of the newly created Missouri School of Mines Research Labora tories .

Spring Enrollment Is 2960, Four Percent Increase Over last Year's Second Semester The enrollment at MSM for the spring semester is 2960 compared with the 1961 spring enrollment of 2852 . There are 745 freshmen ; 658 sophomores ; 822 juniors; 505 seniors ; 232 graduate students, and 28 unclassified. Electrical Engineers has the largest enrollment of 656 ; second is Mechanical Engineering with 608; Civil Engineering is next with 582; Chemical Engineering, 287; Metallurgical Engineering, 281; Physics , 167 ; Mining Engineering, 107 ; Ceramic Engineering, 77 ; Geology, 58 ; Chemistry, 57 ; Applied Mathematics, 49; Geological Engineering. 7; and Nuclear Engineering, 3. There are 28 coeds enro.JIed. This four percent increase in enrollment follows the pa ttern set by MSM's enrollment surge after World War II. The School of Mines is one of the very few schools that has had a yearly increase and reached an all time high of 33 15 last fall. The Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council , on the basis of a recently completed college survey] found that "The Nation February 1962

will have to make do with fewer engineering graduates for the next four to six years." The survey concluded that in the face of a general rise in college freshmen enrollments , engineering freshmen will fall back for the fourth year in succession. Starting from what many felt was already a rock bottom low for engineers , another two or three p ercent freshman decline is predicted. The overall engineering enrollment is down by 6.6% across the United States. The National Science Foundation estimates an a nnual demand for engineers between 1961 to 1970 will be 8 1,000 contrasted with our present 37 ,000 graduates. There is little doubt that the glamour sciences are drawing away some students who might otherwise have taken engineering, but it hardly seems p assible that this alone could account for the drop in the rela tive standing of engineering freshmen. The need is not to taI(e from science and give to engineering, but to increase engineering enrollments while maintaining science at its present level of growth.

E. E. Dept. Gets Research Grant From Boeing Co. The Electrical Engineering Depa rtment at MSM , is the recipient of a research grant from the Boeing Airplane Company, Wichita, Kansas . The grant, the third in a series of the amount of $5,543.60 is to be used between October 10, 1961 and May 31 ] 1962. A considerable amount of this grant money will be used to purchase operating time on the MSM computer. Without this computer facility at MSM, such research as covered under this grant could not be performed. The title of the research pwject is " Synthesis of Amplitude and Phase of the Current Along the Ferrotron-Loaded Spiral Antenna. " Professor G. G. Skitek, who has worked at Boeing the past two summers is directing the project. He is assisted by William Lodholz, a grad ua te student and Richard L. Smith and William Slocum, seniors in Electrical Engineering.

Dean Wilson on Missouri Scien'ce Adoisory Committee Dean Curtis L. Wilson has been appointed Chairman of a " Science Advisory Committee" recently appointed by Governor John M. Dalton. This committee is to aid scientific progress in Missouri and to promote the State's economy through science. Sixteen persons were chosen from state colleges and universities and from research staffs of industrial firms. Dr. D. S. Eppelsheimer, Professor of Metallurgy , MSM, was among the appointees.

Dr. Schlechten Edits Magazine Section Dr. A. W. Schlechten, Chai rman of the D epartment of Metallurgical Engineering has been app()inted Editor of the section on Extractive Metallurgy for the publication, "Chemical Abstracts." Published at Ohio State University, "Chemical Abstracts" is a compilation of current publica tions in the field of chemical , meta llurgical and ceramic industries . The section of Extractive Metallurgy which Dr. Schlechten will edit represents an expansion of the publication with thr.ee sections devoted to metallurgy instead of one in the past.


Sanitary Engineering Research laboratory to Be Set Up With Grants From U. S.; Three Graduate Students Get Traineeships The Department of Civil Engineering has received two grants from the u. S. Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, Education and Welfare. A Grant-in-Aid for health research faci lities construction in the amount of $7,3 00 was given to be matched by School funds to construct and equip a sanitary engineering research laboratory. The $ 14 ,600 will be used to convert an area in the Civil Engineering building near the present sanitary engineering laboratories into the research laboratory. T hese additional new facilities wi ll permit increased staff and graduate student participation in research activities in the fields of water resources engineering and environmental health. The new facilities are expected to be completed by September, 1962. All facilities are located on the second floor of the Civil Engineering bu ilding. This new laboratory will add 500 square feet to space to provide a tota.l area of 2,500 square feet of sanitary engineering laboratories for both instructiona.l and research activities. New equipment will consist of two peninsula laboratory assemblies complete with sinks, reagent shelves, desks, books and storage eases and necessary utilities ; fume hood ; two walk-in incubators (one for low temperature and one for high temperature); wall storage cabi net ; balance table; and air conditioning equipment. The second grant from this government agency is three traineeships for graduate students for advance study in sanitary engineering. According to Professor E. W. Carlton, Department Chairman , the traineeships are for a twelve month period and provide fees, tuition, and a stipend of $3 ,000.00 each plus a dependent allowance. The objectives of this program are to increase the number of trained public health personnel and to bring new people into the field of public health through new training opportunities. Trainees, at the completion of the year of study and research , are free to select any employment. The three grad uate students who received these awards a re Donald L. Evans '61 , Meredith H. Saxer '{'1 and Melvin D . Rickard '62 . 4

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From left to right: Donald L. Evans '61, M eredith Hambleton Sax er '61 and M elvin D. Rickard '62, at work in advanced study in Sanitary Engineering at the Missouri School of Mines and M etallurgy . All three hold U. S. Public H ealth Service Traineeships for this study .

H. B. Smith Heads Air Arm Division, Westinghouse

Harold Griffith, Canada Steel Named for Fairless Award

Harry B . Srru th '42, has been appointed Engineering Manager of the Air Arm Division, Westinghouse-Baltimore Defense Divisions. Mr. Smith joined the Air Arm Division in 1952 . In 1953 , he was appoi n ted Supervisory Engineer and in 1956, he was elevated to manager, Radar Techniques. He held the position df Manager, Advanced Development Engineering since 1959. There are 1600 employees in the Air Arm Division, half of which a re professional , as engineers , physicists and mathematicans. Their work includes radar, digital computers, control and stabilization systems, optical systems (covering infrared and ultraviolet) and systems engi neering for space, missile and airborne applications . A major effort in their applied research is the socalled " molecular electron ics" which is interesting since it combines electronics with metallurgy, chemistry and solid state physics. Mr. Srruth relates that little did he reali ze that these specialties found together in only a few places like MSM, all some day would be part of a single industrial program. Harry now has his Master's degree from the University of Maryland and is studying for his Ph .D . at the same school.

Harold M . Griffith '27 , of Hamilton, Ontario, Vice President, Operations, The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd. , has been named by the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum E ngineers, to receive the Benjarrun F . Fairless Award.

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The Award recognizes distinguished achievement in iron and steel production and ferrous metallurgy. The citation for Mr. Griffith appla.uds his career as "a steel maker, a metallurgist, and operating executive, and engineering leader in basic developments of blast furnace burdening and in apen hearth refractary and oxygen practices." Farmal presentatian taak place the evening af February 21 , 1962 , at the annual AIME banquet in New Yark during its 91st Annual Meeting. Mr. Griffith was barn in Clintan , Ill., lived an a fa rm near Lamar , Mo. His career began with Bethlehem Steel Carp ., at Aliquppa, Pa., as apen hearth metallurgist. He left in 1936 tOo become steel wQorks metallurgist with the Steel Ca . af Canada, Ltd. He advanced through a number of impartant posts to Assistant tOo the President and , in 1953, tOo Vice President in charge af operations. He was elected tOo the Board af Directars in 1959. A farme r Chai nnan af the Natianal Open Hearth Cammittee, he has been active in the affairs of AIME and The Metallurgical Society af AIME. He is a member o.f the American Iron and Steel Institute and Chainnan of its Cammittee on Manufacturing Prablems. H e is also a member af the British Iran and Steel Institute and fanner President af the Hamilton Chamber af Cammerce.

Flight Training Program Enters Third Year The ROTC Flight Training Program being offered tOo the Cadets of MSM , is ent.ering its third year. The program was started in 1960, through coordinaticm between the University of Missouri and the Department Df the Anny, so as to provide flight training af sufficient scope to qualify selected students in the basic principles af contact flying. Colanel Glenn R. Taylor , P rafessar of Military Science, stated the instructiQn includes the appraved Federal AviatiQn Agency standardized flight instruction program. While it is highly desirable to. qualify students for a Federal Aviation Agency private pilot's certificate, successful completiDn 'Qf the caurse is not dependent upon such award. The ground instructian is conducted by qualified MSM Faculty persDnnel under the direction of Dr. Aaron J. Miles, Chainnan, Department of MechFebruary 1962

Students in Aviation Instruction

Colon el Glenn R . Taylor, Professor of Military Science, and Major Charles I . McGinnis , Operations Officer, M ilitary D epartment, Missouri Sch ool of Mines and Metallurgy , are shown with MSM ROTC Flight T raining St udents and Instructor at Rolla N ational Airport. From left to right, are: Colonel Taylor, Cadets Larry K. H enderson, Thomas 1 . Long, Edward A. Kriege, Mr . L ee Maples of Maples Aviation Company, Cadets Gary A. Trippensee , Robert L. Hyberger, and Major McGinnis .

anical Engineering. The flight instruction is conducted by the Maples Aviation Co., Inc ., Rolla National Airport at Vichy, Missouri , a flight instructDr school approved by the Federal Aviation Agency. The flight training at MSM is offered to a limited number of selected students. The requiremen.ts fDr qualification are high . It is extra-curricular training and it is nat easy. The program is designed fDr determined students WhD know what goals they seek and have the fDrtitude and stamina tOo attain them, Colanel TaylQor stated. Students campleting the ROTC Flight Training Program generally have the appQortunity tOo progress an to. Army AviatiQon training and assignment.

Young Engineers Honored By St. Louis Group The St. Louis Engineer's Club celebrated YQoung Engineers MDnth NQovember 28th. This meeting featured a panel presentatiQon by young engineer members under the title of "The P roper PrDfessianal Develapment af the YQoung E ngineer." The mQoderatQor Df the panel

was Thomas A. Hernnann ' SO. Three af the faur panelists were MSM alumni. Hulan D. McDaniel ' 51 , spoke an "IndQoctrinatiQon into Professianalism and Initial Develapment Phase. " Rabert D. Ray '49 , spoke an "ProfessiQonal Development Qof the Yaung Through Professianal and Technical Societies. " And Jack EasQon ' 53 , spoke on "Employers and Managements Responsibility for Develapment of the Young Engineer." Each year in February the Engineers' Club of St. Lauis gives an award tOo the outstanding young engineer and he is given the distinction af the "Yaung Engineer of the Year. " This year this distinctian was earned by Rabert D. Bay '49, a Civil Engineering graduate. Bay has been very active in prafessianal activities and is an autstanding member af his professian. Presently he is emplayed as an engineer with the Laclede Steel Campany . SECOND HOMECOMING COMMENCEMENT WEEKEN D MAY 26 AND 27

Concrete Conference Set for March 22-23 The Deparl me nl of C i vil I'; ngineerin g wi ll hos l l he annual Mi ssouri Co n r ·te on Mar h 22 and 23. T he lwo-day eve nl will fealur lini sess ions 10 be held in Ih e Audilorium of til(' C i vi l I';ngin e'ri ng Buildin g in cooJ)c mlion wil h lh e I'orll and Ce rn nl Associal ion ,1Ild t he "i ssouri Ready M i x A ssociali on. Seve nlee n speakcrs will ompris ' th con fere ncc whi 'h is con ce r ned wilh Liw uses il li d advan ccs in 'oncret producl s in illd llsl ry il nd gover nment. Each y ear : Ji )(HI I 200 enginee rs all 'n el represcil lin g both m,lnu farlurers o f cemen t and uS{'J'S in both gover nm ent and private indu stry. Sp('iLkers of wid e "J) rien ce ar' slal cd to ('() ndu t sessio ns, repr ese nti ng lhc I 'ort land ('c menL Asso i'Lti on, the U. S. Burea u of Reclamati oll , Ih Mi ssour i Sleltc IlighwilY Co ml1li ss ion, l hc Co rps of I'; ngin ee rs, t he O ffi ' o f Ci vil I)cfcnse o f tile Ikpilrlll1 enL of J) 'fense, Ih Di vision o f Com mer e and Deve lopmc nl of Ih · Sled o f Mi ssouri , and s v ral I' 'p res nta tives o f both slru l ural and ar hi te ctu ral interests in indu st ry. Lesl er I':. Co x, of Spr in g fi eld , Mi ssouri , V i e- Presid cnt o f Ih c Boa rd of C ural ors of th e University of M isso\lJ'i iln d Chairman o f lh e Di vision o f Co mnl (; r('e and /) ev 'Iopnl cnt , Slelle of M issOlll'i , will a.d d r 'ss th e 'on fe rencc iJ.l lh' dinncr n e('lin g Thursday ni ght. M r . Cox will speak on " M id- Ameri ca I ndu sl rial J) ·v ·Iopm cnl. "

Geology Dept. Has Large Group at National Meet Fi ve sl aff mcmbers o f Ihe C ology and Ccologic: li Engin ' 'ring /) partment and seve n grildu ille sl ud nl s rece nLi y atte nd ed I h . NiLti onal C:co log i al So iety o f All1eri ca l11 e tin gs in C in in nali , Ohi o. T · hni al pape rs we re 11" senl ed by staf f an d gradual ' sLud ·IlLs. Dr. I ',LlI I /) ('a n 1'1'0 tor , Chairm an o f I he Depa,rl111 el1l, and ./ . N. S hri va.~ tava orall y presenl'd resull S of reseal' h (}Il lmce cl('mc n l di sl rihut ion in i ~ n co u s rocks and il s relati on lo' ore deposili on. l)r . Am slul z, R. Zimmcrma.n, and F . EI 11:1Z sUIllI1l;lrized I' 'sults o f res arch in pa,pers on sedim enl ary slru -tures and sulphid e ;,nd harit e lllin 'J'(lli za li ol1 in Ih e: M iSSOllri ,Ln(/ Arkan sas r 'giolls.


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fran Thr ee alumni em lJloyees oj th e Milwaull ee /Jlant oj th e I1C S park Plug Division oj General Motors. Th ey w'e, left to rig ht: [( en Iidarns '53, J erry Borman '59 (Lnd /(irharri Wh eat '49. Th ey are shown on so'm e ground support equipmen.t f01' th e Air fi'01'ce 1'i 1'A N int el'continental Ballistic Missile. 11 C Spark Plug develo ped (Lnd IJroduced tlz e inertial guidance for tlt e Titan JJ w hich soon. will be del,lo y ed tlzl'OUg hout th e continent in trat egic A ir om /nand sites. O th r sLa ff members p re enL at l he mee l i ng weI' Pro fessor O . R, ' Grawe, J. M ax well , R. I . K ennedy and ,R . I hgn i . The Nalional Journa.l o f Sedim entary I' Lrology has accel l ed fo r p ubli ali on, in early 1962, Lh res 'arch of Arlhur Troel l who r eived hi s M' L r 's d gr in 1960 . The work enLiLi I, " l'l anl ISnlrapmenl as an O ri gin for M iss issipp i Bi oh rms" was complel ed as th e M. S. t he is r quiremenlS un der the dir cli on or .or. A. '. I reng. Upon Lhe ompleli on o f hi s grad uale work at M SM , M r. Troel l was a.wareled an oul sl clildin g s holm'shi p ;Lward at Ri e ni ve rsil.y wh re he is presenLl y work i Ilg l owaI'd his ci a l oral .


Hildebrand Gives Lectures on Metals I':. L . Hild eb rand '43, staff ngine I' a.t lh e Ilum l Ie O il and Refinin g Co mpany 's Bay tow n refinery addr'ssed Ihe Co rpu s Chri sl i Chap l er o f Ame ri n l1 We lclin g So iel y , Febru <lry 19lh , Hi s suhje t wa.~ " '''' eldin g Slainless SLeels ." Th foll ow ing w ek he addressed th Ii ousi on Ch;lpler as A WS on the same

subj ·ct ' . one in a eri es o f eight edua ti onal Ie lure on l he t heme " Metals and Th eir W eldeLi ili Ly " that were preS nted a~ Ri e U niv r ·ity. In add ili on Lo lhe presenta ti on of l hese lec tures, lVlr. Hildebrand was on a I anel p rogram foll owing each o f the eighl lec lure where lhe panelisl s di cusse I quesLi ns frOIl1 Lhe audi ence. In Mar h , H ild eb rand addressed lhe ociel y for MeLals in anAm eri ci:l n other educa ti on eri e at Ri e; his talk in Uli eri es wa on " Why Metals Fail " conce rn ed th e "Embrittlement of M el all ic Materi als." The A W and A M educational seri es were bOlh de igned to com penal for lhe incre'lsing tempo o f technol ogical change in disseminat ing i nform ali on on mela llurgy. Technological advancement is occ urrin g 'Lt . uch a pac l oday lhat enginee r must spend an 'q Ire iab le amounl o f lime in ·tudy to k · ep currenl wi th devel opment. To illuSlrate t he n cd for lhe edll aLional l -cLurer , ov' r 200 enrolled for lhe A'vV an I A lVl seri es. Hi llcbran I, a graduale in Met,lllu rgi ill En gin eerin g, j oin d H um ble's Uay town I' fin ery a plant metcdlurgi t afl r iL bri f employ ment with th e MSM Alumnu s


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U. S. B ureau of M ines after graduation. Now a s taff engineer in the Central Technical D ivision, he is primarily concerned with materi al selection a nd specifications, material fabrication, a nd the performance of material in industrial service. Hildebrand is a professional registered engineer in Texas and holds a Texas State Vocational Teacher's Certi ficate , having served as an instructor at Lee Coll ege in Baytown for several years. He is active in AWS, ASM, National Association of Corrosion Engineers , and American Society for Testing Materials , and has p resented several papers before national meetings and served on various com mittees of these orga ni zations .

MSM Student at New York Ceremony

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MSM has recei ved a grant of $ 12 ,500 from the National Science Foundation for support of a program for Summer Science Training for high school students of superior academic ability. Professor Charles R. Remington , Jr. , of the Department of IVlechanica l Engi neering will be director of the program that will run from June 10 through J ul y 27. Dean Curtis L. Wi lson said the program is designed to introduce the hi gh school students to important phases of the various science and engi neering fiel ds, and to enco urage these studen ts to anal yse their own particul ar in terests and develop their potentialities toward further studies for professional careers. Pla ns are to select about 36 high school stude nts who are exhibiting high academic ability in their high school work and bring them to MSM for the 7-week program this summer. The school will seek the cooperation and advice of high school co unselors a nd other officials in selecting the candidates . T he cand idates , of course, must show strong interest in the p rogram. Candid ates for the training program will be selected fr om appli cants strictl y on the basis of ability and irrespecti ve of their financial stat us. However, the terms of the gra nt from the Science Foundation will permit the school to grant some financial assistance to promising students who need this assistance in order to attend. The purpose of the program is to bring academically talented students February 1962

MSlvi studen t WiU;am L. HaUerbcrg (ce nt l': r ) talk ; w ith Dr . .-1. W . Srhl c: hten (left), chail'll1an of the D epartment 01 M etaUurgical Engine erin g and ."1. L. Foscu e, vice president of Union Carbid e Corporation at the company's " .-lto mic Enel'g y in Action" exhibit in its Park A venue headqual"ters' building . H aUerb erg, a metallurgical student, was in New York to speak in behalf OJ America's engineering students at the dedication of the new Unit ed Engineerin g Center. H e shared th e platform with eX-PI'esident H erb ert Hoov er and other luminaries. Th e 21 year-old honor student, a resident of Kirkwood , Mo., is the recipient oj a Union Carbide Engineering Scholanhip, one of a numb er of grants gillen to outstanding high school graduates who plan to become engineers and scien tis ts .

in to co ntact with college teachers and scientists who a re recognized in their field s. The program will emphasize qualifications necessary in st udents prepari ng themselves fo r university level work in appli ed science field s, and to use the remaining time he has in the secondary school to better his prepal ation for future college wo rk. The curri culum will include expl oration of man y fi elds of engin eering and science through lectures , demonstrations and conferences by outstand in g authorities in these fi elds. The stude nts will visit industri al plants and laborato ri es to observe science actually at wo rk and it will give them a n id ea of opportunities open in the va rious fields. The program will includ e adequate a ttention to recreation a nd physical fitn ess supervised by members of the staff in physical education and athletics. MSM has held other summer training programs for hi gh school students for the last three years. There have also been Summer Institutes for Hi gh

School Mathematics and Science Teachers for the last four yea rs, and these will continu e again this coming s umm er und er a grant of $96,500 from the 1\'ational Science Foundati on.

J. B. Heagler Speaks at Kansas Soils Conference P rofessor John B. H eagler , Jr .. ' 51. of the Departm ent of Civil E ngin eering addressed a special Soil Mechanics and Foundations Con fe rence at the Un ive rsity of 1:.ansas , Ma rch 2nd. Professor Heagler p resented a paper entitl ed "S tabi li zation of Fine Gra in ecl Soil s. " The con ference was co ndu cted by the Civi l E ngin eerin g Depa rtm ent of the C. of Ka nsas under the di rection of J. F . McMahon , Associate Professo r of Ci\'il E ngineering. P rofessor H eagler has been at i\ISi\I on the Civil Engineering staff sin ce 195 1. H e received hi s M . S. degree and C. E. degree a nd C. E. degree from MSM. 7

'53 ; Mrs . F. M. Patten ; Dr. T . M. Morris; Victor J. Hoffman and Harold S. Thomas '26. Daw Huffman was the M . e. for the occasion. Dr. J. D. Forrester head of the Mining Department at the University of Arizona assisted with the arrangements Lor the luncheon. On November 4 , a MSM steak-nik dinner was held at the hOjlI1e of Len Ark-La- Tex Section Schuler '49 , in Phoenix. This attracted The Ark-La-Tex Section held their Miners as far away as Albuquerque, winter meeting, December 2, 1961 , at New Mexico. Other activities are planthe Officer's Club, Barksdale Air Force ned for the coming year. The Arizona Base, Louisiana. James O. Ferrell '40 section is quite active and the alumni vice president, presided. in the area show a great interest in the The nominating committee chainnan, groups activities. Chuck McGaughey '50, presented its The Arizona Section met Janu'ary report and the slate of officers for the 13th at the Green Gables in Phoenix. coming year was James O. Ferrell '40, They were honored to have as their President ; Ragen Ford '23 , Vice Presi- special guest Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dowldent, and M. H. Beaver ' 51 , Secretary- ing '40, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Treasurer. A motion was made and Schwarz '32. Mr. Dowling is Presiseconded that the slate be accepted as dent of the MSM Al umni Association presented and the nominees were and the Schwarz's were in the area on elected by unanimous vote. vacation. J. e. Salmon ' 22 suggested that There were twenty-seven present at MSM alumni in South Arkansas be in- this meeting and Mr. Dowling talked vited to attend the Ark-La-Tex Section to the group about the school and meetings. "Fish" also gave the group a alumni activities. John Young ' 17 and report on the 1961 Homecoming and Ben Cody ' 11 made the arrangements the status of the Alumni Association ' for this s pecial meeting, and they said and actions of the Board of Directors that only the very unusual weather, for meeting at Rolla during Homecoming. Arizona, prevented a larger attendance. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. e. E. McGaughey ' 50 ; Mr. and Mrs. William Horkey ' 59 ; Robert PenningJohn H. Livingston '39; Mr. and Mrs. ton ' SO; Mr. and Mrs. Charles BrownJ. O. Farrell '40 ; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. ing '48 and their guest Herb Webber ; Beaver ' 51; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cody ' 11 ; Mr. and Roberts '28 ; Mr. and Mrs . William Mrs. John T. Young ' 17 ; Mrs. and McCartney ' 14 ; Mr. and Mrs . Ragen Mrs. Milan H. Detweiler ' 11 ; Mr. and Ford '23 ; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Valer- Mrs. Leonard Schuler '49; Mr. and ius '25; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tothill Mrs. Dan Huifman '22 ; Mr. and Mrs. '49; Mr. and Mrs. J. e. Salmon '22 ; John B rixi us '47 ; Roland Traggett ' 23; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krebs '16 ; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreste '43 and Mr. Mrs. Dale Schillinger '56 ; Mr. and and Mrs. John Wright '49. Mrs. Denver Patton ' 52 and Mr. and Detroit Section Mrs. Walter Bruening '34.

Alumni Section


Arizona Section During the Arizona Section meeting of the American ~nstitute of l\1.ining and Metallurgical Engineers , December 4, 1961 , at Tucson, MSM alumni found time for a luncheon gathering. Ninety notices were sent to alumni and forty replied and sixteen met for the luncheon. They were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Huffman ' 22 ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grigsby '4,8 ; Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Jacoby '48; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burg '26 ; John Brixius '47 ; Eldred Wilson '18; Omega Moreland ' 50 ; Jay Dotson


During the annual convention of the Society of Automotive Engineers in Detroit, Michigan , the Detroit Section of the Alumni Association had an alumni meeting and dinner a t the Stockholm Inn , Tu esday evening, January 9. Ike Edwards, Professor Charles Remington and Professor Gordon Scofield , from the MSM campus, a ttended this gathering. Brief comments concerning the school and the Association were made a fter which colored sli des of the campus and school activiti es were shown. Section Offi cers for the com ing year

were electe d. The new officers are: Donald D. Brown '56 , President; William A. Gartland ' 56 , Vice President, and Lawrence J. Rathgeb ' 58, Secretary-Treasurer. The cold and inclement weather prevented a large representation at this meeting.

Alumni Dinner to Be Held at ACS Meeting There will be a MSM Alumni Dinner during the annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society which will be held in New York , New York dUIfing the period April 22 to 26. The dinner is scheduled fOor Monday evening, April 23 . The time and place will be announced at the meeting.

Annual "Rolla Night" Held in St. Louis TheSt. Louis Section had as their guests ' the Chairmen of the Departments and administrative heads of MSM at a dinner preceding " Rolla Night" a t the Engineers' Club of St. Louis , January 25th. Also in attendance at this dinner were 35 faculty members together with 50 alumni. The past several years the Section has been entertaining the faculty of the school prior to this major occasion at the Engineer 's Club . This year the attendance was the largest ever. The next event on the Section's roster is their St. Pat's Party and dance which will be held March 15 tho

Reminder to Secretaries We wish to again remind the Section 's secretaries of our press dates in order that they mi ght get the Alumni Section News to us in time for the earlies t issue after the meetings are held. The MSM Alumnus deadline . dates are the first of February, April , June, August, October and December. P ictures help to explain your story a nd alumni are interested in seeing their friend s as they are now. Remember too, the picture should be recognizable a nd identification should be marie of individuals portrayed . All pictures submitted will be returned on reques t.


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MSM alll llllli, w ho orr Projcrt and SlI pen'isory En gin ccrs of th e U . S. Gcologiral Sur vcy , C cntral "/r ea, To pographic Division, that att cnded all . lr/1'a n ccd Cours c in Gcodesy on th e MSM Campus ill D ecc mb cr. L ~ft to right, Font ro w : lVa1' l1 e R. Broaddus, Sr ., '31,' J . D. R oct zcl '51; Floyd Tltf. T e t er '51; Jerry B erry '49; J acob Fiebell11an '50 ; Ralph D . H all '40 . Bo eR row, left to right : Frcd L entz '28 ; Ja m es K. R ob erson '50; R ay B. Collier '49; Mar v il1 Breu er '35; Law rence H. Borgerding '51; Stan lcy B. Brady '49; Earl G. R eynolds '5 0; L eslie B. R obinson '50 .

"Second Homecoming" Set For Commencement Week A " Seco nd" H omecom ing will be held this year during Conlmencement Weekend , May 26 a nd 27 . The " Second " H omecomi ng was ina ugurated last year to accommodate alumni who cannot return to the cam pus for .the fall Hom ecoming a nd it was well received by alumni. Plans now are for a Homecoming Luncheon for all alumni , their guests a nd fri ends, Saturday noon , May 26th on the MSM campus in the Ballroom of the Student Uni on. The School is honoring the members of the Class of 19 12 com memorating the 50th anniversary of the gradua tion and they will be given the 50 Year Recognition Award . The Alumni Association will honor the members of th e Class of 19 12, who return to personally receive the Recognition Award , with a recep tion and a luncheon . The da tes for the 196 1 H omecoming this fall are October 26 a nd 27 .

2650 February 1962

Grady to Supervise Latrobe Press Plant

Mr. Grady joined Latrobe from Allegheny Ludlum where he has press plant metallurgist for the past two years. Prior to that he spent five years with the Canadian Comstock Corporation and two yea rs with the United States Army Ordnance Corps. Charl es is a graduate in Metallurgical Engineering and a na tive of Hamilton , Ontari o, Ca nada. M rs. Grady is the forme r Valerie Lounsbury, of Hamilton , Ontario. They have three children.

Two Alumni Promoted

By Nooter Corporation

Charles G. Grady

Cha rles G. Grady ' 59 , has been ap· pointed press plant superintend ent , Latrobe Steel Company, Latrobe, Penn. Latrobe is a major prod ucer of too,l steel, die steel a nd specialty high temperature a lloys . Mr. Grady 's new assignment calls for setting up processes and procedures of press opeations , including new press and a uxiliary equipment.

The N ooter Corporation, St. Louis , Mo. , has an nounced changes in personnel that a ffect MSlVI alum ni. Arthur Schwarz '3 2, who has been serving Nooter as Vice P resident-Genera l Sa lse Manager has been elevated to the positi on of Seni or Vice President. Paul T . Dowlin g '40, has been appointed to the position of Vice Presi dent-Gen eral Sales Manager. P rior to his app oin tment he was Vice PresidentDivisional Sales Manager, a position he has held since 1959. Paul has been Presid ent of the MSM Alumni Association since 1959 and previo us to his election as P resident he was Executive Vice President of ' the Association for three yea rs. 9

Working for Advanced Degrees in Important Field

Chern Dept. Gets 3 New NDEA Grants T h e D epartme n t of C hemis try a nd C he mi cal E nginee rin g has received t hree a dd ition a l fellows h ips fro m th e N a ti onal De fe nse E d ucation Act fo r s t ud y o n t he docto ral level in E ngineerin g B ioche mi s try . T h is b ri ngs th e tota l num be r o f fello ws hi ps in th is fi eld at 1\1- M to six. At p re e nt t he re a re t hree s tu dents working towa rd the P h . D. deg ree on th ree yea r N DEA fell ows hips in t he field of E ngin ee rin g B ioch emis try who bega n wo rk in Septembe r 1961 a nd t hree mo re will begin wo rk in 1962 . T he p ur pose o f t hese grad uate fello ws h ips is to ass is t good s tuden ts to p repare th emselves to t ea ch in t he nat io n 's coll eges a nd unive rsiti es a nd to enco u rage furth e r d evelopm en t in g ra d ua te fields. D r. D ud ley T hompso n . C ha irm a n o f the Departm ent st ressed th e impo rta nce o f Engi nee rin g Biochem istry (a nd in parti c ula r I ndus trial M ic rob iology) in the everyday life o f society a n d the need fo r q ual ifi ed teacher in t his a rea . He exp lain ed further t hat t his field incl udes compl ex c hemi cal s. a n area invoh 'i ng in o ne aspec t t he use o f p erme nta tion. a nd a n exa m ple o f thi s is pe n icilli n. O th e r areas in th is field in vo lve t he co ntrol o f indus tr ial was tes so t ha t \I¡ater. th e nation 's num be r one na tura l resou rce. i ~ not co nta m ina ted . a nd t he use o f b ioc he m ica l researc h to p rov id e new b iologica l warfare age nts . Th ese fell ows h ip gra nts ma rk the t hird yea r t hat :\J S :\J has pa r t icipa ted in th e .Ka t io na l De fe nse Edu cati on Ac t P rog ra m . At p rese nt th e re a re te n a t :\ IS:\f. Ad di t io na l gra d uate fell o ws hips have been esta bli shed fo r t he 1962-6) acade mi c vea l' . T his wi ll includ e t hree In E ngine'e rin g B iochemi s try a nd two in E ng inee r in g Physics .


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D,' . Donald 1. Siehr direct s new B iochemical Engineering in struction at th e M issouri Sc hool oj M ines and Met allurgy ,

Doctorate Studies in Engineering Biochemistry U nder NDEA Provisions, Directed by Dr. Siehr D r. D o na ld J. Siehl', Associate P rofessor o f B iochemi stry a t 1\1SM , is d irect in g in s t ru c ti o n o n t he Doctoral level in t he field of Engineerin g B iochemis try . v\'o rk in t his fie ld is being offered at t he M isso uri School o f M ines a nd M e tallurgy un de r t he provisions o f t he N atio nal D e fe nse E du ca t io n Act o f 1958, a nd s t ud ies avail able at p rese nt incl ud e Ge ne ral B iochemi s try, rnd us tr ial B ioche mi s try , E nzy mology, I nte rmed iate M e ta boli s m a nd B iosyn B iochemical thesis, a nd Adva nced Techni q ues , E ng inee rin g B ioch emis try (a nd part ic ul arl y 1nd us t rial M ic robiology) is ass um i ng a new a nd ex pa nded importa nce in society a nd a n eve r in c reasing need is being felt fo r speciali s ts in the field bo th as teac he rs a nd in id us t ri es . E ngin ee rin g B ioc hemis try programs , of t he ty pe no w offe red at t he Mi sso uri School of M in es a nd Me tallurgy , a re lim ited thro ug ho ut t he nation . T his field a ppli es to eve ry day life thr o ugh its co ncerns with compl ex chemicals. Co mpl ex c hemi cals include, in o ne aspec t , t he p rod ucts o f fe rm e nta ti o n s uch as a ntibi o ti cs inclu di ng pe ni cillin . fine che mi cals s uch as citri c ac id , a n im-

p o r ta nt com ponen t in so me patented pain relieve rs . a nd v ita mi n developmen ts includ ing vitami n B12. Other interes ts in t he fi eld of E ngineeri ng Biochem is t ry a re t reat men t of in dus trial wastes to p rese rve the nation 's wate r s up pl y a nd . develop me nt of b iological warfare agents .. D r. Siehr , who d irects t his p rogra m within th e Departme nt of C hem is t ry a nd C hemi cal E ngin ee rin g, received his t rain ing a t t he C n iversity of \ri consin , receiving hi s B . S. Degree in C hemis try in 195 1. hi s M . S. Degree in B ioche mis try in 1955 a nd Ius P h . D . in 195,7. \"'h ile se rving in t he l'. S. Army in 1952 -53 he wo rk ed as a resea rc h ass ista nt in th e b iop hys ical resea rc h a reas a t the Arm y C hemi cal Cente r , Edge wood , Maryla nd. from 19 57 t hr ough August 196 1 he was a Resea rch B iochem is t a t Abbo t t Labo ra to ri es. No rth Ch icago. Il lin ois . Tn Septe mber 1961 he bega n to deve lop the E ng in ee ring Biochemis t ry progra m at t he M issouri Sch ool o f M ines a nd M etallurgy. He is a m ember of th e Socie ty of Sigma X i, th e Ameri ca n C he mical Socie ty , the B iochemi cal Society a nd t he Ameri ca n Associatio n jor th e Adva nce ment o f Science . MSM Alumnus

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On February 16, the National Capital Section held a di nner meeting at the Naval Weapons Plant Officer's Club in Washington, D. c., attracting twentyone a.lunmi , their wives and friends. T his meeting also signaled the retirement of Charles J uhre '30 as President of the Section. D uring his term of office Mr. Ju hre has had some of the best meetings the Section has experienced. Special vIsitors were: Francis C. " Ike" Edwards, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association , speaker of the evening; M rs. George F. Heath , wife of George F. Heath '30, visiting from St. Louis, Mo; M rs. Whitlock, who resides with her da ughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jennings '30 , and Dr. Robert Cooley, fo rmer Professor of Chemical Engineering at MSM , who was visiting in Washington. Followi ng a social ho ur, Ike Edwards gave a very interesting slide-talk depicting progress in tducation and building construction at NISM . His well received talk prompted many questions and comments concerning people, places and other thi ngs in Rolla . Alumni and wives who attended a re as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jennings '30; Colonel and Mrs. Stuart L. Davis '32; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Lambelet '40; Mr. and Mrs. T homas E. H ughes '42; Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Bermel '48; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 1. Phillips 'S O; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Zedalis '52, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baker '55 . An election of officers resulted in the railroading into office the followi ng alumni : President, Tom Hughes '42; Vice President, Lawrence Lambelet '40; Secretary, John Osborne '49 , and Treasurer, John Toomey '49 .

James David Spencer also carrying 19 semester hours had a grade point a verage of 3.52. William Edward McCracken made a grade point average of 3.20 in 20 semester hours of course work. William Randolph Wilson had an average of 3 : 00 in 19 semester hours. T hese are excellent records of schola rship and alumni should be proud that they have been able to aid superior students in their training for the engineering profession. The Faculty Committee that chose these high school students fo r the Alumni Association Scholarship did an excellent job in their selections and are to be complimented on their fi ne work .

Rushing Has High Post With Globe Co. J ames F. Rus hing '40 , a Civil En gineering graduate, has been appointed D irector of P roducts Development for The Globe Company. Rushing, who will be located at the Globe Company 's general offices at 4000 So uth P rinceton Ave., Chicago, Illinois, will be responsible for the expansion of existing Globe products , particularly in the area of cable trays and channel fram ing- a.1l designed to serve the company 's principal market, electrical engi neers and electri cal contractors. Rushing has been manager of pro ducts and market research for the structural prod ucts division of Ceco

Scholarship Recipients M ake Excellen t Grades T he alumni should be interested in the first semester grades of the six fres hman who are recipients of the Alumni Associations Scholarships. Robert Lee Ricketts came out with a perfect record making all A's in the 16 semester hours of courses ar;d a grade point average of 4 :00. John David Smart in 20 semester hours of subject matter mad e a nearly perfect grade point average of 3.95. R onald William Umphrey carrying 19 semester hours had a grade point average of 3.73 . February 1962

Ja mes F . Rushinr,

Steel Prod ucts Corporation, Chicago, for the past eight years. Previously, he was head of the products development department for Granco Steel Products Company, Granite City , III. The Globe Company, established in 1914, and mem bers of the National Electrical Manufacturers' Association are well known in the electrical and power engineering field for their line of diversified p roducts servi ng the electri cal and contracti ng fields.

Cagers Show Fighting Spirit But End Season in Cellar The Miner basketball team ended the season at the bottom in conference standi ng but the brand of basketball displayed in several of thei r ga mes was that of a wi nning team. There were on ly five victories in their twenty-three game sched ul e a nci all of the victo ries were over non -co nference competitors. The Cape Gi rardeau I ndians won the conference title with no defeats. The Miners played them in the final ga me of the season givi ng them a scare but the Indians edged us out by a 9 1 to 04 score in the overti me contest. Spri ngfield was second in the conference followed by Warrensb urg, Kirksvi lle and Maryvi lle.

Swimming Team Rolls Up Seven Wins, Two Defeats The MSM Swimming Team had a most successful season. In their nine contests they won seven . T he ta nk men defeated Westminster twice. St. Lo uis Un iversity twice, E mporia State College , Indiana State and Lou isvi lle Ln iversity . Their two defeats were in the hands of Washington University and Pittsb urg State . MSM Freshman John Guignon blasted four school' records in ' 200 Freestyle, 440 Freestyle, 160 Individ ual Medley , and the 200 Individ ual M edley. Myron Bruns , MSM senior established a new school reco rd by ach ieving 9 out of 10 fi rst in diving. The 1963 swimming team should maintain a record equall y as good as the 1962 gro up since the team will be composed of 10 of the 12 '62 tea m. freshmen who a re recipients of the Al2 sophomores and 1 ju nior. Bu rr Van Nostra nd is the sw imming coach. 11

ENGINEERS WANTED For information con cerning the positions li sted below write to Assistant Dean Leon H ershkowitz, MSM , RoHa , Mo. , and include Fi le N um ber. EXECUTIVE ASSIST ANT TO A VICE PRESIDENT- Large mllung corporation. Mining degree, 7 to 10 years experience in ad min istration of mining opera.tion , position entails administration responsibiliti es at executive level. Good salary. Refer to fil e No . 25 . ELECTRI CAL PROJECT - DESIGN ENGINEER- E . E. degree. Ability to design O'r evaluate control circui ts; evaluate adeq uacy of design of power generation systems. Refer File No. 26. IND USTRIAL ENGI NEER-I. E. or M. E. degree. Methods , Process standards, layout and work factor analysis in fabrication or produc tion assembly areas. Some ind usttial experience preferred. Midwest, la rge radio compa ny . MECHANICAL ENGINEER- On e or two years experience in Chemical P rocess. Ma.nufacture of phosphoric acid and ammonium phosphate fertilizer. In M issouri. R efer to Fi le No. 29. MECHANICAL Ai'JD ELECTRICAL ENGI TEERS- In Dallas, Texas area. Large company engaged in aeronautics, ast ronauti cs and aerospace systems engi neering design, radar, com munications, etc. Experi ence 2 to 6 years. Some advance deg rees. Refer File No. 3l. E LECTRICAL CHEMI CAL METALLURGI CAL-Major mtlling compa ny for western operation . 3 to 5 years experi ence. Refer File No. 32. CH EMI CAL - MECHANICAL EN GINEERS-Large tire ma nufacturer. Good sala ries . Ages 23 to 40 years . 2 to 10 years experience. Refer Fi le No.4 . CHEMICAL-MECHAt'JICAL ENGINEERS-Large gypsum company. Locations midwest, south a nd east. Ages 23 to 40 years. Experi ence re-; q uired. Salari es good. Refe r F il e No. 35. ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL CHEMICAL-Chemical company in midwest. P revious experience necessary . Refer Fil e No. 36 . ASSISTAI T TO THE MANUFACTURING 1VIANAGER.- Medium sized concern in midwest , independent divi sion of large corporation. Degree in lVI. E. or Chem. E. manufa c turin g 12

a bility to a nalyse problem areas , leadership potential and later assume post of Plant Manager. Refer File No. 37. ADMINISTRATOR - Division of Technology . Northern school. P. E . and M. S. in E ngineering. Preference given to Ph.D. a nd consul ting experience. 12 months position. Refer Fil e No. 39 . ASSISTANT TO MANAGERTraining in glass technology or combu stion engineering. 2000 employee glass container plant. East Coast. Age 20 to 25 years. Refer F ile No. 40. CH EMI CAL ENGI NEERS-Interes ted in plant process engin eering work and career interest in ma nufacturing management. Up to three years experience. Refer Fi le No. 4l. CH EMI CAL ENGI NEE RS- Rapidly -growing silicone chemical busin ess. a nd Marketing Sections. Experience one to eight years. Refer Fil e No. 42 .. TOP J OBS-Marketing Man3ger. Field Service E ngi neer, Director of Research , Engineering Advisor/ Detector systems, Operations Director , Chief Engineer-Assistant to the Presiden t. Refer File No. 45. CE RAMI C ENGINEER - Experience in cerami c capacitors, introdu ction of new products to production and production problems, mi xing, firin g, etc. Refer File No. 50. YOUNG EiNGI NEER- Interested in a career in heating, air conditioning, and process piping construction. Interested in a man who can develop into and beco me pa rt of their organizatio;]. Misso uri. Refer F il e No. 49. CITY ENGINEER-Missouri town. Salary to $ 7,700. Refer File No. 51. MECHANICAL ENGI NEER vVith backgro un d in furniture , metal fab ri cating or related fields. Foremost manufacturers of dinette and other types of furniture. Missouri. R efer F il e No . 52. LINE MANAGEMENT POSITIONS- Structural clay products. Pl ant Superintendents, Cerami c degree. Experi ence . Southwestern States. Refer F il e No. 55 . CHEMI CAL ENG I NEE R OR CHEM I STS - 22 to 20 years. Backgroun d in use of plastics, particul a rl y liquid resins , ad hesives , polymers, etc. Refer Fi le No. 58. METALLURGICAL AN D 1Vl ECHANICAL ENGI NEERS-30 years old or und er . Secondary smelters of alu minum , making specifi cation aluminum alloys from scrap aluminum ior casting pur poses . Refe r Fil e No. 59 .

J UNIOR , SEN I OR AND PROJ ECT ENGI NEERS Mech:lI1icaL Metallurgy and Ceramic, Research and Develop ment. Refer Fi le No . 61. MECHANICAL AND MET A LLURGICAL ENGINEERS- Ordnance Corps. Grad uates who have fini shed military obligations. No experience. East coast armory. Refer Fil e No. 63. ELECTRI CAL ENG I NEE RSP ubli c service company . M id west. D istribution and transm ission engineeri ng. Refer File No . 64 . MECHAN I CAL OR METALLURGICAL ENGINEER- Fairl y new organ ization in the fi eld of reb uilding diesel engin e and pipel in e pu mp parts with hard-facing metals and cerJmic materials. Midwest. Refer Fi le No . 65 . CHEMICAL ENGINEER - Large pai nt company in research labo rat()ry. container division. Refer File No. 68 . ASS ISTANT TO MANAGER Transportation Department a nd Aircraft H eat Excha nge Sales. Age range 25 to 33 . Hope to attract man wi th good managerial potentiaL Refer File No. 73.

MARRIAGES Mitchell - Townsend

Robert C. Mitchell '61 and Miss Sandra K. Townsend were married November 24 , 196 1 at the Army Chemical Center, Maryland. The ceremony was performed at the post chapel by Chaplain Brown. Bob is now serving a. twoyear tour with the Army as Chemical Corps exhibi t officer at the Army Chemical Center. The exhibit has completed a tour of the Vl est Coas t with exhibit showing at Portland , Oregon: Vancouver, \Vashington; Sacramento, Cali fornia; Los Angeles, Cali fornia ; and Provo, U tah. Displays have also been made at Hilton H ead , South Carolina and Ft. Monroe, Va . Waxman - Goldman

Sta nl ey 'Wax man ' 59 and Miss Susan Goldma n were marri ed July 29 , 1961. Stanl ey is project engineer, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N. ]. and the \Va:l(ma ns resid e at 11 4 Franklin St., Morristown, N . ].

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Lasko - Tenbuckle Edward P. Lasko 'SO and Helen Tenbuckle were married June 16, 1961 and reside at 1638 West 40th St. , Erie, Pa. Ed is a physical metallurgist and working on special assignments for the Erie Forge and Steel Corporation.


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Tedrow - Hunt Harvey Tedrow ' 12 and Mrs. Wyonne Hunt were married. December 11, 1961 at Las Vegas, Nevada.

BIRTHS Lt. and Mrs. Roger C. Weber '6 1 are the parents of a daughter, Karen Marie , born November 21 , 1961 at the St. Michael 's Hospital , Grand Forks , North Dakota. The father is now assigned to the USAF 478th Civil Engineering Sqdn. , Grand Forks A. F. B., North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs . Gerald F. Barnes '61 , announce the arrival of their first child, Jarena Lea, January 18 , 1962 , at the DePaul Hospital , St. Louis, Mo . J erry is in the Electronics Equipment Division of McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis. The Barnes' reside at 275 St. Regis Lane, Florissant, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Godfrey '5 8, have their third child , Jeffrey Jay, born January 19, 1962. Their son Mark , is 4 years, and daughter Beth, 17 months. Carl is with Emerson Electric in St. Louis , Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Cooper '60, welcomed wi th the New Year their first child, Eric Lee, January 1, 1962. Lloyd is an instructor in the Mechanics Department, MSM, and working toward his Master's degree. The Coopers reside at Plaza Park, D-6 , Box 47, Rte. 3, Rolla, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Beckemeyer, Jr., ' 57, now have a son, Eric John, and a brother for their three daughters, born January 25 , 1962. Ed is also an instructor in the Mechanics Department, MSM , and working on his Master's degree. The Beckemeyers live at No.1 Nagagomi Court, Rolla, Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Okenfuss '58 , began their family with a boy, Charles Richard, who arrived January 14, 1962. Dick is with Proctor & Gamble in their Development-Overseas D iVISion. Their address is 7046 Glenmeadow Lane , Cincinnati 37, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D . Vie '58, have February 1962

a sister for their daughter Elizabeth Kay, 20 years old. Karen Lynn was born November 23, 1961. The Vies live at 2507 Chess tal , St. Charles, Mo, Jerry is a research engineer at Mallinckrodt Chemical-Uranium Division, Weldon Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs . Robert Ponder 'S O, have a new addition to their family , a boy who arrived June 29 , 1961. This brings their total to 3 boys and 3 girls including 3 year-old twin girls. The Ponders are in Superior, Wisconsin, 1714 Hugbitt Ave. Bob is with Murphy Corporation's Superior Refinery as a process engineer. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Madigan '5 9, belatedly announce the arrival of a son, Dennis Fuller , January 25 , 1961. The father is with the Chrysler Corporation, Highland Park , Michigan, as an engineer. They reside in Royal Oak, Michigan, 1504 East 4th St. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hallett '55 , have a potential Miner, Jeffrey Marion, born July 7, 1961. Their other son, Gregory William, was two years old last September. They reside in Peoria, Illinois , 1429 Sunnyview Drive. Bill is a staff engineer with Caterpiller Tractor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Fitzwater '55 , now have a girl , Jodie Ann, born October 8, 1961. Their son, Arthur Paul is 3 years old. They live at 1680 Hillandale , La Habra, California. The father is project engineer with Aerojet, Azusa, California. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Comanich '5 1, added another girl, Camilla Sue, to their family, December 4, 1961. Her sister Carol Ann is 1 year old. They live at 661 Greenway Court, Sunset Parkway, Seymour, Indiana. George is Assistant District Manager, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Blackstun '57, have their third son, born December 2, 1961. Mark is two years old and David , 8 years. Clifford is machine sales representative for Bethlehem Steel Co. Their residence is at 6101 Ruth St., Matairie, Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer H. Hadler '59 belatedly announce the birth of their second child, a son, Steven, April 14, 19 61. His big sister will be two years old in February, The Hadlers moved to their new home at 455 Milford Road , Orange, California, a little over a year ago. Palmer is research engineer, with Autonetics at Anaheim. Mr. and Mrs . Donald Dean Baker

'57, announce the birth of their first child , a SOD, Daryl Dean, November 6, 1961. Don is a design engineer for Sandia Corporation. T heir home address is still 10417 Gloria Place, N. E . Albuquerque, N. M. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Burke, 11 5 North Riley, Kansas City 19 , Mo., welcomed their third child , Kevin Dean, born October 22 , 1961. The father is employed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Mr. and Mrs . Herman Ray ' 59 began their family upon the arrival of Kenneth Charles , August 9, 1961. T hey live at 2611 North Roosevelt, Arlington, Va., and Herman is a hydraulic engineer with the U . S. Geological Survey , Water Resources , Washington , D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce P ressly '58, have a brother for Diana Elaine who is 20 years old. He arrived August 10, 1961. Bruce is an engineer in the Materials Division , Bendix CorpDration , Kansas City, Mo. , and Bruce , Mary and family live on R. F . D . 2, Belton, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lawrence Spencer '58, now have their third son, Daniel Bryan, born July 12 , 196 1. Larry was appointed Chief Metallurgist, Ohio Malleable Division, Dayton Malleable Iron Co., effective December 4, 1961. Their residence address is 3574 Kenlawn St., Columbus 24 , Ohio. Robert P. and D'Jeanne Stevens both '57, announce the arrival of Valerie Anne, born January 6, 1962. Their other child, Brad , is 30 years old. The Stevens' are in Mexico , Missouri where Bob is a research engineer with A. P . Green Fire Brick Co. Residence address, 1403 Neptune. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bates ' 57 have their first son , David Lynn, who arrived December 10, 1961. Their two daughters are Susan Diane, S years old , and Carol Ann, 2 years; old. The father is a project engineer with The Marley Company, Kansas City, Mo. T he Bates' live in Independence, Mo., 25 16 Queen Ridge Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. L uehring '5 5 is chief development engineer , HiVoltage Equipment Co., Cleveland , Ohio. They have a new home in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The youngest of their six children is Karen , born June 10, 1961. The others are: Susan, Jane , Bill , Patti and Edward. Their home is at 26 71 Scarborough , Cleveland 6. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Lincoln '5 4, had another addition to their family


last June and they now have two girl s, 20 years and 6 months. The L incolns live at 167 Houston Dr. , Bessemer, Alabama and plan to be there until spring. Herbert is Chi ef F ield E ngi neer , Rust E ngin eering Co. Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert A. Horine '54 , belated ly anno unce the birth of Brent Hansen, March 23, 1961. The father is an engineer with Union E lectric Co., St. Louis , Mo. Their address is 10063 Barberton Drive , St. Louis 26 . Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth L. Birk ' 52 , are parents of D ia ne Carol, born August 28 , 1961. She i their second daughter. Th ey are at Woodb ury, N. ]., 4 Lauderdale Road. Kenneth is with Mobil Oil Co mpany. Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. Van Maerssen '49, Herengracht 62 1, Amsterdam , HoIla nd , have their first boy, born November 6, 1961. This is their fourth child.

DEATHS Robert R. Kaley '3 7 Robert Russell Kaley '37, age 56, died suddenly, June 6, 1961, while on a fishing tri p in Wyoming. He was a supervising mechanical engineer for Westinghouse Corporation , and resided at 928 Olive, Denver, Colorado. He was born in Go uverneur, N . Y., a nd ma rried Mabel Robson, of Scranton, Pa., in 1930. He was a member of the American Society of Mechani cal E ngineers, Ma onic Lodge, Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and the Speakers Club. He is survived by hi s widow ; three da ughters, Mrs. Marjorie Robinson , Germany ; a nd Martha a nd Cleone Kaley, Denver ; fou r brothers, three sisters, a nd a gra nddaughter. Osca r Gotsch '18 Oscar Gotsch ' 18, died 1 ovember 20, 196 1, of coronary thrombosis.. Mr. Gotsch taught Chemi stry at the Bea umon t Hi gh School , St. Loui s, Mo. , and resid ed at 52 10 Li nd enwood Ave., St. Louis. The late Walter Gamm eter ' 16 was Mr. Gotsch 's pri ncipal at Beaumon t. Mr. Gotsch was very prou d of his Alma Mater a nd recommend ed M SM to all hi s students who were searchin g to further their education in the cience and engineering fields. H e is sur vived by hi s widow, H elen, residing at the above add ress. George G. Harri s ' 23 George G. Harris '23, died at La.ke City. Michi gan, January 2, 1962. H e had been an invali d since a pa ral y ti c stroke in August 1959.





Alumni Personals 1 907 William C. Perkins is with Freese, ichols and E ndress, Fort Worth , Texas. He is doing general run of engineerin g office work , including a little drafting, estima ting, prepa ration of specs. , etc. and engineering reports . His Fort Worth, Texas add ress is 37774 Townsend Drive.

190 8 Clyde R. Wood, 152 N. Brooks, Sheridan, Wyoming, had a nice visit with Harold Mapes '08, of Moose, Wyoming, while hun t ing elk in the Jack on Hole country in the fall of J 960. Clyde got his elk and deer before 6: 30 a . m. the first day of the season.

191 0 John W. Bodman remains active in the chemical engineering business. He spent last October in Japan laying out new plant faciliti es for a large chemical company in Osaka, Japan. Du ring November he carried out some petrochem ical work for the Standard Oil Co . of Cali fo rni a in San Francisco and Los Angeles. His residence address is 18 Wedgemere Ave. , Winchester, Mass. 1 9 1 3

R. G. Knickerbocker , metallurgical engineer, form erl y with the U. S. Bureau of Mi nes, is now retired and residing at Diamond Sp rings, California. His ma iling address is P. O. Box 55 . H e invi tes any a nd all Miners to visit him and join him a nd hi s wife in loafing in a rock in ' chair.

191 4 Clyde H all and M rs. H all (Fannie Mitchell , of Roll a) are booked for a a rou nd-the-world tour on P & 0 shi p "CHUSAN," sailing from Long Beach , Californi a, May 9, 1962 with emphasis on th e orien t. Clyde is still in DeLand , F lorida, Lake vVinnemi ssett, Rte. 2, Box 21S. 1 9 1 8

H. R. Stahl , 13 Mi ll Street, Bonne Terre, Missouri , has been reti red since F ebruary 1960. H e formerly was mill superintend ent for F ederal Mill , St. Joseph Lead Co.


1 922 Walker E. Case, Senior E ngineerWestern Area, American Telephon e and Telegraph Co., has been assigned the responsibility of outside plant engineering work on portions of a new transcontinental coaxial cable. Work is in progress at present across Illinoi s and Missouri and is expected to be completed to the west coast by 1965. His Kansas City, M is ouri address is 910 W. 85th Street Terrace.

192 3 Raymond E. Murphy will be Director , Graduate School of Geography, Clark U niversity, Worcester , Mass. , effective September 1962. He now is Professor of Geoaraphy and editor of Economi c Geography at Clark U. 1 925

William Godwin is in a retired status since October 31, 1961 and is mak ing his home at 507 N. E. 4th St. Hallandale , F lorida. T. E. Eagan, Chief Research l\letallurgist, The Cooper Bessemer Corp., received the A. S. T. M. Award of Meri t at their mee ting last June. His address is 515 Woodland Ave. , Grove City, Pa. 1 926 J ul e H. Walker is a petroleum geologist specializing in co nsul ti ng and prod ucing with offices at 43 8 \~l il so n Bldg., Corpus Chri sti, Texas . H e state he is " making a go" in the oil business thanks to some ba ic principles learned at MSM. \Valter A. Burg is county engineer , P ima County, Arizona . H e is al 0 county consultan t, Bureau of Publi c Roads, Dept. of Commerce, Reaion 7. His add ress is 14 . Langley, Tucson, Arizona.

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E mmet R . Kirn , 15 25 Park View Ave. , \Vhiting, Indiana , is seni or buyer in the reorganized American Oil Company. Albert V. Muell er is Chi ef Sa nitary and Stru ctural E ngineer for Williamson and Associa te , 63 71 Manchester Ave. , St. Lou is, Mo. Mr. Muell er's name has been changed and it is now Millar.




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pany early this year. The Kraftile Company has been a producer of structural glazed facing tile and other structural clay p roducts for more than 30 years. The company is located at Fremont, California and Meeks resides at 35886 Argonne St. , Newark, Calif. Warren L. Howes is consultant to the FMC Co.r poration a nd Standard Slag Corporation. His address is 1305 Hillview Dr. , Menlo Park, California.

1 93 2 Colonel Stuart L. Davis will retire from the Air Force, June 30, 1962. Present plans are to open an architectengineer office in Washington. D. C. He is now living at 305 Croton Drive, Alexandria, Va. 193 3 Arthur Helmkamp is vice president and chief engineer of St. Maurice-Helmkamp-Musser, civil engineering and land surveying. His mailing address is P. O. Box 1550, Marysville, California. Col. Warwick Doll and Ellen Woodman Doll are in Charleston, West Va. Warwick is District Engineer, U. S. Geological Survey and Ellen is mathematics teacher at the Woodrow Wilson Jr. High School. Their son, Warwick Woodman Doll is a freshman in Chemical Engineering at MSM . Charles H . Lambur, President of Schneider of Paris, Inc. , manufacturing and mining, was elected Judo Chairman, Metropolitan A. A. U. , National Committee and Olympic Committee. He is President of the Judo Club, New York Athletic Club and awarded Sportsmanship trophy 1961. He visited associated business interests for three months in Europe last year. His New York address is 303 Fifth Ave. George H. Musson formerly with Minerva Co., Fluorspar Div., Eldorado, Ill. , has recently joined Armour Agricultural Chemical Corp . His address now is 1705 Davis Ave., Bartow, Florida. 1 9 3 5

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W. J. Campbell, project manager Tidewater-Kiewit-P. E. c., is now supervising the construction of a 135Million dollar 600' naval research radio station at Sugar Grove, West Va.

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1 9 3 6 Walter T. Jones is president and general manager of Rio Grande Steel Products Co., Inc., Albuquerque, New


February 1962

Mexico. Rio Grande underwrites a scholarship at MSM in memory of the late Albert E . Buck, alumnus of MSM, who was killed in an airplane accident. Jay Alford, a metallurgy major and football letterman has held this scholarship for the past two years. W. H. Schwalbert sent us information concerning his two sons. Greg graduated from the U. of Michigan, is married, has a regular commission in the U. S. Navy, and is in jet pilot training. His other son, Russell, is a sophomore at P urdue majoring in industrial management. W. H. himself, is still superintendent, transmission and distribution , The Toledo E dison Co., Toledo, Ohio.

1 93 8 Robert V. Jones, metallurgist in charge of coding and specification, Copperweld Steel Co., Warren, Ohio is senior member of American Society for Quality Control and past chairman of the Youngstown Section of ASQC. His Warren, Ohio, residence address is 2925 Foster Drive, N. E. 193 9 Dr. George E. Mueller has been elected a Fellow of the Institute of Radio Engineers by the IRE Board of Directors. Dr. Mueller is a member of the staff of Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc., Canoga Park, California. He is Vice President of TRW's subsidiary Space Technology Laboratories, Program Planning and Development, and was honored for his work in the field of microwaves. The rank of IRE Fellow is the highest membership grade in the Institute of Radio Engineers and is conferred only by invitation of the IRE Board of Directors upon a person of outstanding qualifications and experience in electronics, radio and allied fields of engineering. TRW, Inc., has 27,000 employees engaged in research, development, and production of precision parts and systems in electronics, missile space, aircraft and automotive fields. 1961 sales approximated $400 million . Lt. Col. Marshall V. Jamison, after retiring from the Air Force last June 30, spent three months with the National Academy of Science helping develop a ten-year national plan for the atmospheric science. He is now with the Rand Corporation working in environmental aspects of military bases.

His address is 14931 McKendree Avenue, Pacific Palisades, California. Edgar F. Pohlmann is a civil engineer, U. S. I nformation Agency, Voice of America. He is site engineer on a receiver si te for the Greenville, N. Carolina, VOA plant. T his radio broadcasting faci lity will be the most powerful short wave station in the United States. H is address is 209 South Evans, Greenville. 1 940 Jack E. Tiede, project in the Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering D ivision of NASA's Marchall Space Flight Center, has been appointed chief of the Center's engine management office at Rocketdyne, Neosho, Missouri. Tiede assumed his duties January 15. The manufacture and test of the H-1 engine for the Saturn space vehicle is scheduled to be transferred from Rocketdyne's Canoga Park, Cali fo rnia plant to Neosho in the near future. T iede will be responsible for technical supervision of the program for the Marshall Center. Each Saturn booster uses eight H-1 engines, developing a total thrust of 1.5 million pounds. A native of Billings, Mo., Tiede received his degree in Chemical Engineering from MSM. He served eight years on active duty with the U. S. Navy during World War II and the Korean Conflict, receiving nine campaign and service ribbons. He entered service as

Jack E . T iede 15




an ensign and upon discharge had attained the rank of commander. He was empl oyed five years as a sales manager with th e U . S. Rubber Co ., St. Louis, Mo. , and began his civil service career in 1954 . He has been at the Marshall Center since September 1961. He is a registered engineer in the State of Alabama. H e is a Mason with membershi p in the Blue Lodge, York Rite Bodies, Scottish Rite Bodies, and the Shrine. Mrs. Tiede is the form er Geraldine Brownfi eld of Dallas, Texas. John F. Reed has been elected President and Chief Executive Officer of Manning, Ma.xwell and Moore, I nc. , Stratford , Conn ecticut. Mr. Reed has been with MMM since 1944, serving as a planning engineer, works manager of the company's plant then located in Tulsa, Oklahoma; works manager of Muskegon, Michigan plant of the company's crane and hoist division; general manager of the former C. A. H. division and in 1957 , he was elected a vice president and. a year later was elevated to executive vice president a nd a director. Before coming with MSM , Mr. Reed was with U. S. Steel, Fairchild Aircraft and McDonnell Aircraft Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Reed reside at 187 Brookmere Drive, Fairfield, Conn. , with their five sons. George E. Fort, after one year as an individual petroleum consul tant, fo rm ed a consulting firm of Fort and M iller in Jan uary 1960. T hey specialize in development problems, reserve and economic evalua tions a nd sta te regulati ng commission hearing. Their offi ce is in the F irst National Bank Building, Oklahoma City 2, Okl a. Charl es E. Hall who is a civil engineer with I nternational E ngineering Co., Inc., is transferring to East Pakistan for 2 Y;; years. His wife and daughters, 12 a nd 8 years, will accompany him. His address will be P. O. Box 160, R amna, Dacca 2, East Pakistan. 1 94 2

John Smith, Jr. has been promoted to Superintendent of Labor Relations, Operating a nd Merchandising, Western E lectric Co., Buffalo, New York. Austin E. Schuman is with R. C. A. Service Co., as a research mathematician and is engaged in the development of automated computer applications at the Atlantic Missile Range, Patrick AFB , Florida. H e resides in Melbourne at 320 D unbar Ave. 16

194 3 Jam es, C. Johnson has been appoimed assistant to the director of manufacturing for Monsanto Chemical Company 's I norganic Chemical Division, after serving as an assistant director of manufacturing.

194 4 C. Alfred Dick, formerly of Greenville, South Carolina , is now Genera) Manager of Dick Broadcasting Co ., Inc. , Chattanooga, Tennessee. His company has radio station WMOC. K. W. Schoeneberg, Chie f Engineer , Akron, Canton a nd Youngstown R. R . Co. visited in Rolla and was on the campus during the Christmas holidays. His address is 31 41 Elgin Drive, Akron 13 , Ohi o. 1

Virginia , Minn. , in 1953 . Two years later, he was appointed assistant superintend ent of maintenance for the Pil otac Plant at Mo unta in Iron , Minn. , S. S. Steel 's fir t facility for upgrading and agglomerating magnetic taconite iron ore. In 1960 he was na med assistan t superintend ent for maintenance and opera tion , the post he held prior to his latest promotion. During World War II, 1\1r. Hyde served four years in th e U. S. Navy attaining the rank of lieutenant. Whil e servin g as a naval aviator , he saw duty in the Paci fic Theatre as shi ps company hangar deck officer on boa rd th e a ir-

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Kay K. Ikeuke left the Advanced Tech nology Laboratory, Division of American Standard in September 1961, to form a company with two other metall urgists. T he new firm is Advanced Materials and P rocesses. Kay is treasurer and manager, materials research. Their location is 930 N . San Antonio Road , Los Altos, California.

19 4 7 Keith D . Sheppard continues to reside in Geneva, Switzerland and invites any MSM al umni to visit him . Keith is a petrole um reservoir consultant and vice president, James A. Lewis E ngineering, S. A. , 13 Ave de Miremont, Geneva , Swi tzerla nd.

William A. H )'de

1 94 8 W illiam A. Hyde , veteran ma in tena nce engin eer form erl y wi th U. S. Steel 's Oli ver I ron M ini ng Division , has been appoi nted supe rintendent of maintenance an d utilities for the Atla ntic City Ore Mi ne of Colum bia-Geneva Steel Division now under constr uction near Lander , Wyoming. After receiving his degree in mechanical engineering he began his career as engineer trainee with Oliver IrOIl. Mi ning at Duluth , Minnesota. In 1949 he was named operati ng engineer at Trout Lake Concentrator at Coleraine, Minn. , and the foll owi ng year, was appointed supervisor at the Gross-Marble Concentrator at Marble , Mi nn . After serving for a year a t the Mounta'n Iron Washing Plant, he was promoted to assistant superintendent of maintenance for Oliver Iron Mining's eastern district of

craft carrier USS Lexington. He is a member of ASIVIE a nd AIME and has been active in commu ni ty affairs. Mr. Hyde a nd his wife , Mary , awl their three chil dren , Br uce E. , Rosalind D. , a nd W. Alan , will mak e their new home in Lander. Lawrence F. O'Neill sends us the good news of hi s promotion to Commander , Civil E ngin eer Corps, U. Navy, effective June 1961. His assignment now is in Malta and his wife Becky, and children , Dan 15 , Chris 11 , Tim 8, Mary 3, a re all with him . His job is one the Mediterranean NAT O Staff inspecting NATO construction in Turkey, Greece, Italy, France and United Kingdom ba es. They expect to be back in the U. S. in July '62. His address is H eadq uarters Allied Forces Mediterranean , avy No. 240, FrO, New York , N . Y.

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Gerardo Joffe has organized and is president of Science Investment Company, concentrating on investments based on breakthroughs in science and technology. His address is 351 California. Joseph Fitzpatrick is Chief, Water Quality Section, Water Supply and Pollution Co ntrol P rogram, U. S. Public Health Service, Denver, Colorado.

1 949 Harold M. Telthorst is District Sales Manager , Missouri Portland Cement Co. , with headquarters at Omaha, Nebraska. This move is part of an expansion program by his company. The company is building a distributing terminal in Omaha which will enhance existing service in the area and also broaden the sales area to the north, northeast and northwest. The cement will be barged upriver from the Kansas City mill. His address is 619 Meadow Road, Omaha 54 , Nebr. Robert R. Penman is quality assurance manager of Metallurgical Products Group, Metals and Controls Inc., a division of Texas Instruments Inc., at Attleboro , Mass. Vernon O. Casper is relocated from the tempest of Long Island to the tranquility of Westchester and advises that it is almost as scenic as Missouri around his present abode. His address is 37 Bittersweet Lane , Mt. Kisw, N. Y. He is an electrical engineer with Stauffer Chemical Co., Chauncy, N. Y. Albert F. Seelig, Jr. , 7241 Dorset, St. Louis 30, Mo., began employment as mechanical engineer with the U. S. Army Transportation Materials Command , 12th and Spruce, St. Louis, December 26 , 1961. Donald T . Timm er gave his son an escorted tour of the MSM campus last summer and the son has decided he would like to be a member of the Class of 1975. Don is the structural department head, Shaffer, Parrott and Associates , Mansfield, Ohio. 195 0 Howard Houska has his own consulting engi neer firm located in Festus, Missouri , 209 North Mill St. H e is engaged in municipal and subdivision engineering. John J. Sponske advises three mining engineers of the class of 1950 are presently residing in the greater Kansas City area. In addition to himself, there February 1962

are Robert D. Whitmer and Waldo D. Humphrey who are employed with the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mining Company. John is with Bituminous Casualty Corp. Frank Packheiser writes, "After 7 years of traveling allover the United States and Europe as a technical service representative for Spencer Chemical Company, I am going to settle down in one place and get married." He is now on the senior staff of the technical department and located at Orange, Texas , residing at 1520 Link, Orange. Leland F. Belew is employed at the Marshall Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Adm. Huntsville, Alabama. He is chief of engine management office. The current rocket engine programs contained within the engine management office are the F-l and H-l (1500 K and 188 K thrust LOX IRP respectively) and the J-2 and RL-lO (200 K and 15 K thrust LOX / Hydrogen respectively.) His Huntsville address is 4215 Panorama. Dr. Harve P. Nelson, 1235 Palisade, Reno, Nevada, is Associate Professor of Mining, Mackey School of Mines. Dr. Nelson received his M. S. and Ph. D. in Mining at MSM.

195 1 Edwin J. Soxman, Senior Scientist with Servomechanism, Inc., Goleta, California, his wife Lila, and three children, Laura, Cindy and Guy are enjoying life in their new residence just two blocks from the Pacific shore. Their address is 5747 Pasado Road, Goleta, California. Frank E. Birch and his wife Bettijeanne '49 , their son and two daughters reside at 2115 North Drive, Butte, Montana. Dan E. McGovern is Branch Manager, Johnson Service Company, 2128 S. Hanley Road , St. Louis, Mo . The Johnsons have six children, five boys and a girl and reside at 2801 Ridgeview, Bel Nor 21, Mo. Arthur A. Dasenbrock at present is representing Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. , in a consulting and advisory capacity during the construction of a petro-chemical plant for A. N. 1. C. Gels, Spk, a division of E. N. 1., Italy's state owned oil and gas industry at Gela, Sicily, Italy. Edwin G. Elliott, senior research engineer , Rocketdyne, Canoga Park, California, has moved to a new home at

17220 Elmdale Place, Granada Hills, Calif. Charles L. Boyd was recently transferred from Tuscarora Pipe Co., Harrisburg, Pa., to the Aviation. Department, Esso International, Inc., as senior engineer with offices at 60 West 49th St., New York 20, N. Y. His residence address is 65 Glenwood Rd., Fanwood, N. J. Robert J. Ganley is a consulting engineer and just completed construction of the first of two major projects since he went into private practice, 2 M. G. D . treatment plant, 3 pump station and 26,000 feet of intercepting sewers at Springfield, Vermont. The rehabilitation of complete water supply system of Altamont, N. Y., a new filter plant, raised dam storage tank and transmission line. Bob's business is located in Albany, N. Y., 36 State Street. Thomas A. Simpson resigned from the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. c., in August 1961 and accepted a position in the newly organized Geological Survey of Alabama to develop further mineral industry of the state. He is chief of the economic geology division--exploration mineral development. His mailing address is P . O. Drawer "0," University, Alabama. John J. Raffone's firm has cha.nged its name to Marsteller, Inc. It was formerly Marsteller , Rickard , Gebhardt and Reed, Inc. John is account executive in this firm that handles industrial advertising and does technical publishing. Their location is 800 Second Ave. , New York 17 , N. Y. Ernest Peter Longerich has been transferred from Bendix Research Labs. , Detroit, Mich., after 90 years to work in a new group, Advanced Development, at Bendix, Pacific Division, at North Hollywood, California. Their new home is at 7409 Oak Park, Van Nuys, Calif.

195 2 William A. Paar has been appointed development engineer, manager, Electronic Development, a t IBM's Space Guidance Center, Owego , New York . Paar became associated with IBM in 1956 as an associate engineer in Digital Circuits at the Airborne Computer Laboratories, he was promoted to staff engineer in 1958 and project engineer with the Titan project in September 1959. Paar, his wife Billie and their 17




two children, Dale and William, Jr., live at R. D. 1, Owego. J. Roger Scrivner received a promotion from regional sales manager to national sales manager for Ledex, Inc., effective October 196 1. The firm is located in Dayton , Ohio and he lives In Kettering, 2731 Santa Rosa Drive.

195 3 Peter G. Hansen, Associate Professor of Mechanics, MSM, is on leave working on his doctorate at Washington U., St. Louis, Mo. His residence add ress is 143 8 Bobolink Place, Brentwood 17 , Missouri . Jim Knearam was recently promoted to design supervisor, Hercules Powder Company, Bacchus Plant, Magna, Utah. He is in charge of inert components, Stage III of the Minuteman. He resides at 3716 MiIlcrest Road , Salt Lake Ci ty 9, U tab. E. E. Strohbeck is presently assigned to Bataafse Internationale Petroleum Mij N . U. P . O. Box 162 , Corel van Bylandtlaan 30, The Hague, Netherlands. He expects to be on this assignment with the Shell Oil Company until July I , 1962. Harold A. Weinland is senior petroleum engineer with Sinclair Oil and Gas Co., Fairfax, Oklahoma. The Weinland family has now increased to five. There are two boys, Danny and Jimmy, and the latest arrival was Susan. Capt. Connelly Sanders, J r. has been assigned to the Pacific Ocean Division, Corps of Engineers, as Executive Officer and Aide-de-Camp to Major General G. E. Galloway. The Sanders' are now living at Ft. Shafter, Honolulu , Hawaii . They also have their fourth child, and second son, Samuel Kevin. Connelly describes him as a husky "Mi ner. " The Sanders' address is Qtrs. 835-D, Ft. Shafter, A. P. O. 958, San Francisco, California. 1


John G. " Jay " Jolly, who is with Granco Steel Products Co., has received a promotion from district sales manager to the position of national product manager for all galvanized , Yin-Cor, and Arch-Cor products. Jolly joined Granco in 1956 after working two years for ALCOA. He is a grad uate in Civil Engineering. He is a member of Chi Epsilon , Theta Tau and the St. Louis E ngineers' Club . He is a board member of the St. Louis Chapter, Construction Specifications Institute and has


been active for many years in the Producers Council and has served as the PC editor for the Construction R ecord for two years. Lt. Cmdr. Richard Reavis, CE U. S. Public Health Service is attending Northwestern University until June 1962 . His address is 730 Wesley , Apt. 2, Evanston , Illinois. Captain Joe E. Gray, recently promoted to this rank , has been at Camp Wolters , Texas for two years, has orders to go to H elicopter School at the same location. He is Commanding Officer, Co. D, 864th Engr. Bn. James A. Gerard left Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co., November 1, 1961 , to accept a position with J ohn T . Cortland Engineers, a mechanical consulting firm, Park Ridge, III. Donald O. Schneider has changed jobs. He formerly was with Reardon Paint Co., and he is now senior technician , University Match Corp. Both firms are in St. Louis, Mo. Don 's address is 3505 Herbert St. , St. Louis 7.

1 9'5 5 T. A. Corcoran, Jr. has a change of address from the Neptune Gold Mining Company, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua to 1915 Ekin Ave., New Albany, Indiana.

195 6 Bruce R. Doe who received his degree in Geology is currently with the U. S. Geological Survey in the Isotope Geology Branch in charge of a project on Isotope Studies of Crustal Evolution. His address is 2230 Washington Ave ., Silver Spring, Maryland. He expects to remain at the Geophysical Laboratory until May finishing projects started in lead isotopes. Charles R. Barnard , J r. , construction and bridge engineer, Akron , Canton and Youngs town R . R . Co ., received his Professional E ngineers Certificate last November.

195 7 Waymon Johnston has completed his Master's Degree at the U . of Missouri and has, accepted a position with LaneWells Co., Wichita Falls, Texas . John Mothershead, who is with Western E lectric Co. , Greensboro, N . c., is on a six months assignment at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Whippany , N. J., on Telestar Project. Gene C. Clodfelter changed employment in May 1961 and he is now with

the Dow Chemical Co., engineering construction services division, working at The Dow Metal Products Division, Madison, III. His address is 5401 Beacon Ave. , St. Louis 20, Mo. Gilbert F. Metz, Jr. is now in refractory sales with A. P. Green Fire Brick Co. in their Chicago office. His address is Y. M. C. A., 255 S. Marion, Oak Park , Ill. Richard L. Humphrey received his Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, August 1961. He is employed as a mechanical engineer, U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Silver Springs, Maryland. His residence address is 7922 15th Ave. , Hyattsvill e, Maryland . A. E. Segelhorst is representative of Hughes Aircraft Company station in Spain. His address is 35 Calvo Sotello No. 8 Derecha, Zaragoza, Spain. Ronald G. Frakes and family have moved to their new home in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Ron transferred from the General Motors Proving Ground to the Reliability Section of the Buick Motor Division. Their new address is 353 Woodbridge Dr.


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195 8 William Boyd Dye has been promoted to Assistant Highway Engineer with the California Division of Highways at Eureka, California. He is presently assigned to the hydraulic department. Bill is married . Mrs. Dye is the former Norma Papke, of Eureka and the Dyes have one son, Jeffrey Lee. Joseph Sainz has joined the engineering department of Monsanto Chemical Company's Research and Engineering Division at St. Louis, Mo. , after serving with Warner-Jensinson Manufacturing Co., St. Louis. John F. Rasche has been promoted to development engineer in the engineering research division of the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company's research division. Rasche joined Staley's in 1958 as an associate development engineer. Howard D. Correll has recently transferred from Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where he was employed as a project engineer with the Bureau of Public Roads, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He was accompani ed to Ethiopia by his wife, Evelyn , and their 20 month-old daughter, Deborah Jeanne. The family will reside on the Addis Zemem-Bahar Dar Project near Lake Tana, in northwestern Ethiopia.

MSM Alumnus




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Charles A. Watts has recently been promoted to general inst~lIation and maintenance coordinator, General Telephone Company of Illinois, Bloomington _ J. Hardy Garrett, Jr. , project engineer with E. A. Polumbus, Jr. , and Associates, Denver, Colorado, is scheduled to be transferred in the near future to open an office in Paris, France_ E. Robert Schmidt, Jr. , is to work with Ako Products Coo , on the PL-3 reactor for the Byrd Station , Anarctica_ Mr. Schmidt is employed by the inter-nuclear Co. , Clayton , Mo. , and located in Schenectady, N . Y .

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E ngineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His thesis topic was " Heat Transfer Characteristics of Unirradiated Isopropyl Diphenyl and Santowax OMP." Eugene L. Rusert was re~ntly appointed to a National Committee of twelve men to prepare a Section on Ceramic Coatings for the Metals Handbook. Rusert is a member of the Ceramic Group , Materials Division, McDonnell Aircraft Corp_ , St. Louis , Mo. Ensign Charles E. Asher received his Naval Aviation Observer Wings, November 16, 1961 , at the Naval Air Station , Corpus Christi, Texas. He is serving in the Airborne Early Warning Squadron 11 , at Argentia, Newfoundland_ Robert G_ Hughes is project and resident engineer on propellant and engine manufacturing facilities in support of the Minuteman and Bomarc Programs at the R and D Plant of Thiokol Chemical Corporation, Brigham City,

Utah_ Bill Brunjes, Field Engineer with Howard, Needles , Tammen and Bergendorf, consulting engineers, is working on the Duluth-Superior High-Bridge, Duluth, Minnesota. Joseph F _ Reichert, Resident Engineer, Haskins , Sharp and Ordecheide, is assigned to Illmo" Missouri , for the installation of a sanitary sewerage system which will be completed in August, 1962_ 1 9 6 0 2nd Lt. Richard A. Lawhon recently participated in Exercise Brandy Wine, a field training exercise involving some February 1962

26,000 troops in Germany_ LL Lawhon , a platoon leader in the 9th Engineer Battalion's Company C which is regularly located in~ Aschaffenburg, entered the Army in < July 1960, was last stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Va. , and arrived overseas last October. He was employed at the U. S. Naval Propellant Plant, Indian Head , Maryland before entering the Army. 2d. Lt. Robert L. Kelley has completed the basic officer orientation course at the Army Signal Training Center, Ft. Gordon , Ga. Before entering the Army he was employed as an electrical engineer for McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. 2d. Lt. Herman L. Vacca is presently stationed near Mannheim, Germany as Laboratory Officer of the 562nd QM Det. and assigned additional duty as Assistant to Class III Responsible Officer for Petroleum Storage and Dis-

2nd Lt. Rob ert L. K elley

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If your address has changed , complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association , Rolla , Mo. Thanks.


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Here's Some News for the MSM ALUMNUS:

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tribution in southwest Germany. His address is APO 28, U. S. Forces, New York, N. Y. James L. Hibberd is supervisor, U. S. Steel , Gary Works, Gary, Indiana. The Hibberds have two children, James Louis Jr. , age 2, and Jeanne Marie, 5 months. They reside at Hobart, India na, 49 N. Wilson. Major Raymond A. Whelan is resident engineer on the construction of a Naval Base for the Iranian Navy under the U. S. Military Assistance Program on Kharg Island , a small island in the Persian Gulf. His mailing address is U. S. Army Engineer District, Gulf, A. P. O. 205, New York, N. Y. Glenn W . King is assistant metallurgist, Volco Brass and Copper Co., Kenilworth , N. J. The Kings have adopted a baby boy who was born August 21, 1961. They have named him Bryson Philip. They reside at 2097 Galloping Hill Road, Union, N. J.

Lowell G. Roberts is now stationed in Toul, France. His address is 507 Eng. Co. Depot Main., A. P. O. 288, New York, N. Y. 2d Lt. Richard R. Kapfer graduated from the signal officer orientation course at The Army Signal Training Center, Fort Gordon, Ga. He entered the Army in May 1961. Previously he was employed by the International Business Machines Corp., Endicott,

had his training at ¡Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland , attending the basic military Orientation Program Course and Armament and Maintenance Repair Course. Following completion of these courses, he served as Project Engineer with the S-4 Support Command of the Ordnance School at Aberdeen. He and his wife will make their home in the residential area of the arsenal.

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Wayne Ruck has successfully completed the Graduate Training Course at Allis-Chalmers and has been assigned as erection engineer in the Erection Department in Milwaukee , Wisconsin . 2d. Lt. John H. Dennis has completed his eight-week officer orientation course at The Transportation School, Ft. Eustis, Va. He was employed by the Missouri State Highway State Highway Department in Jefferson City before entering the Army. 2d. Lt. Ronald V. Willenbrink has completed his eight-week officer orientation course at the Chemical Corps School, Ft. McClellan , Ala.


2nd Lt. Ronald V . Anderson 2nd Lt. Richard R. Kapfer 2d. Lt. Ronald V. Anderson has been assigned to the Lake City Arsenal, Independence, Mo. , where he is a Special Assistant to the Commanding Officer for Industrial E ngineering with additional duties as adj utant. Lt. Anderson

Thomas K. Bohley presently is assigned to the Aberdeen Provi ng Ground, Maryland. Kenneth E. Cocke is an associate engineer at Boeing Airplane Co., Wichita, Kansas. Ken is one of three members of the class of 1961 that has been selected by Boeing to participate in thei r 2-year rotation program. A total of ten engineers will enter the program. The other MSM alumni were Don Pierce and Gary Cassatt. Arthur M. Rupp , Jr. has accepted a position in the research laboratory of the O. Hommel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. He resides with his wife, E laine and daughters, Michelle and Lisa, at 927 Forsythe Road , Carnegie, Pa. 2d. Lt. W. F. Jud , J r. completed his Officer Orientation Course August 18, 196 1, at Ft. Belvoir, Va. , and was transferred to Ft. Benning, Ga., where he had his airborne course, and is now stationed in Frankfort, Germany. His address is CE 168th Engrs. Co. C, A. P . O. 46 , New York, N. Y. MSM Alumnu s

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