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MSM Alumni Association Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Missouri
Volume 38
FEBRUARY 1964 Number I
President ....
....... .James W. Stephens '47 ........... .Missouri Public Servi ce Co .. 10700 East 50 Highway Kansas City 38, 'M issouri
Executive Vice· President .............. R. O. Kasten '43 .. ..
.. ............. 1965
... Sheffield Division Armco Steel Corp. 7100 Roberts Kansas Ci ty 25, l\1issouri
...... 3 10 Woods End Road .......... ........ .. Westfi eld , New Jersey Vice-President Areas 4,5 , 6........ Joseph W. Mooney '39 ........... 7383 Wes tmoreland Uni versity City 30, Missouri
Secretary-Treasurer ....... ......... __ ..... Leon Hershkowitz '41 .
Executive Secretary Editor, " MSM ALUMNUS"
req the inc
Vice-President Areas 1, 2, 3 .........J. Crai g E llis 138
Vice-Pres ident Areas 7, 8, 9 ....... William B. Fletcher '34
Term Expires
..... 1208 1 Smallwood Downey, California
1965 1965 1965
...Assis tant Dea n .. .. .. ............................ 1965 Missouri School of Mines Rolla. IVIissouri
....Francis C. Edwards .................. MSM Alumni Association Old Metall urgy Building Rolla l :Missouri
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ing Allan J. Kiesler '40 .................. ..................... 2068 Coolidge P lace, Schenectady, New York ............................ 1965 Gi lbert F. Metz ' 14 .
196 5
........... 816 Cypress Road , Vero Beach, Florida.
Rex Z. Williams '31 ..
....... Rolla State Bank, Rolla, Missou ri
Area No . Director ........... Robert F. Schmidt '45 6 \\lillowbrook Avenue Lansdowne, Pennsylvani a
States and Provinces Embraced
Term Expires
......... ......... ... ... New E ngland , N. Y' I N. J" E as t Pa., .. ............... ,, 1964 Disl. of Columbia, i\1d., Va. , Delawa re, Province of Quebec ....... S. Ark ., r c., S. Ala .. Ga. , F la.
......... j . O. F errell '40 . 1605 North 10th SI. Longview, T exas
c., La ..
.. ... . ...... ...... 1966
Dewey Allgood, Jr. (See Story on Page 3)
...Frank C. Appleyard '37 . 1209 Milwaukee Ave. , Glenview, Ill.
5.. ........ Richard H. Bauer '52 ......... 5 Sappington Acres Drive St. Loui s 26, 'M issouri
6..... ..
7.. .......... Rolla T. Wade '3 1 5430 Tilburg, Houston, Texas
I ssued bi-monthly in th e interest of Ih e graduat es and fo rmer students of Ihe Sc hool of Min es and M etallurgy . Subs cription price, $1.50, included in Alumni Dues . Ent ered as second- class matter Oct. 27, 1926, at Po st Office at R olla, Mo., under the Act of Mar ch 3, 1879.
.. ...... 1966
..N. JIL, Chicago Ind ustrial Area ........................ ....... 1966 in Indiana, \Vise., i\1icb., Minn ., Prov ince of Onta rio
...... .. S. Il L, E . Mo., N. Ark . ................ .......... _............... 1964
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.Bennett D. Howell '50 ..................................... .Iowa , \.y. Mo., !\'ebr., Kan ., Okla. 33 13 South Pittsburgh, Tulsa, Oklahoma
8 .... . ..... F. W . H eiser '39 16 Viking Drive E nglewood, Colorado
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.. 0. ' V. Kamper '3 5 . ............. __ ... __ ......................... Pennsylvania . \V . Va" Ohio, \V. Pa., _._. 608 ViIIavista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvani a Ky., Tenn ., Ind . (Except Chi cago I ndust ria l Area ) 4..
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.....Texas, Arizona,
ew Mexico .....
.. ................... 1965
T ................... 1964
.. ___... ___....... ..... .......... __ .l da. , Montana, N. D ., S. D ., . ...... ........... _............... . 1966 \Vyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Provinces of l\'f an itoba, Sask., Alberta
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9........... William B. Fletcher '34 .......... ........................._ .. Alaska, Washington, a re., .. . 1208 1 Smallwood California, Hawaii D owney, Caljfornia
.. ... _.......... _........... 1964
Vicx MSN MSM Alumnus
Feb r
President's Column Jim Stephens '47, our hard-working National President has asked that I write the "President 's Column " for the current issue of the "Alumnus. " The request to do this includes, of cou rse, the implication that the words used include a " message ." Hence this ficticious tale of a midwestern engineering university-----It seems, m any years ago , th ere was a most successful un iversity wh ose fame was known far and wide. The school enjoyed great fame and reknown , not because of its location, but because of the high quality of engineers it produced. Their reputation was respected world-wide thro ugh their alumni and the accomplishments they wrought. The student body and faculty always felt a responsibility to their work, knowing the major role they played in continuinp; and enlarging this image. One day, some of the alumni were discussing one of the alumni projects designed to aid the school and students. A meeting was scheduled with appropriate agenda and notices were posted to all alumni to attend! Now one of these alumni , on receiving his notice to attend , decided that certainly he wouldn't be missed if he passxd up this mxxting. Thx Al umni organization, hx rxasonxd , would nxvxr miss onx mxmbxr. At lxast cxrtainly not hx, so hx stayxd away. His inattxndancx wasn't noticxd too much , but shortly, anothxr loyal alumnus and boostxr styrtxd missing mxxtings ylso! - - Thxn stzll ynothxr!! Thx projxct suffxrxd, but lzkx yn xpzdxmzc mxmbxrshzp plummxttxd xvxn fYstxr. Zt wys dzsystr h us, thx ylumnz hffzcx ryllzxd wzth lxttxrs ynd pxtztzhns, bft th x slzdx kxpt gyznzng grhfnd. Thx prhjxcm grhfnd mh y hylm ynd fZnylly mhxrx szmply wysn'm yny pfrph sx hr rxyshn mh gh hn!! Joseph W. Mooney '39 Vicx-Prxs idxnt - Arxas 4-5-6 MSM Alumnz Assoczatzon Febr uary 1964
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Let's Get Out of the Cellar Reports have been rW1ning rampant ab o ut ath letics at MSM. Miner teams have been in the cellar the last few yea r s and the student body is of the o pinion the teams should be more representative of a top engineeflng school. Dean Baker concurrs with this thinking too . Steps have been taken in this directio n by additions to the coaching staff and em phasizing the recruitment program. Dewey Allgood , Jr. has b een nam ed head football coach freeing Gale Bullman, veteran m ento r , for the sole task of Director of Athletics and Phys ical Education. Allgood , 41 years o ld, has been Bullman's assistant for 14 years and Dewey was also head basketball coach. This job he n ow relinquishes. The shift was made early permitting Allgood to canvass the area in search of player s to beef-up the Miner squad which was the smallest numerically since Gale Bullman took over the Miner 's gridiron fortunes in 1937. R ecently Bullman stated that the school was in danger of dropping the sport because of the lack of players on the 1963 team. Only about 25 will return for the 1964 season . Allgood's goal is to build a squad of 60 or more men. D ewey is an alumnus of North' D akota State, having graduated from Lisbon , (N.D.) High School. He captained the football, basketball a nd baseball teams in his senior yea r in high school. H e was a chief petty officer in World War II, servin g three years in the Navy. H e was on the destroyer " B eatty" wh en it was s unk in the Mediterranean by a German aerial torpedo. And to quote Dewey, " I was in th e water four h ours and haven't been swin1ming s ince . D enying r eports t hat th e gridiron sport wou ld be discontinued in the near future, Dean Merl Baker, said , "th at on the contrary, an inten sive effor t will be made to build up the football team, as well as other competitive sports . This effort will be con-
tinued as lo ng as stud ent s up port is stro ng. " Athletic awa rds, which may in some instan ces include fee s, housing and board, will be avail able at MSM for the first time n ext fall. The awards will be in accordance wit h the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Association. It is h o ped that these aids will attract engi neering-mind ed athletes who have in the past by-passed the Sch ool of Mines . Previously the only financial h elp available to the at hletes was regular stud ent employment. The increased emphasis on competitive sports will in n o way detract fr om either the high scholastic standards set by the school or the excellent intramural sports program within the school. "There is no reason a firs t-rate engin eering school cannot have a firstr ate foo tball or basketball tea m within o ur league", Dr. Baker said, pointing out that the new grants-in-aid program and increased interest in competitive sports should draw players who otherwise w 0 u I d have gone to o ther schools. The Miners who fielded their first footba ll team in 1893, had a 3-7 record last year, and their last .500 season was in 1959. Our present plight is the sho rtage of players. The 1963 squad was the smallest numerically in recent history with on ly 33 players. The decreaSing number of varsity players triggered the speculation that football wou ld be dropped.
Bud Glazier New A ssistant Grid Coach Bud J. G laz ier, h ead football coach at R o lla High School for the past two years, has been named assistant football coach at MSM, in an announcement made by Gale Bullman, Athletic Director, MSM. Glazier will hold the position of Instructor in the Department of Physical Education. The thirty-one year o ld G lazier last
year led his Rolla team to their most successful season since they joined the Central Missouri Conference in 1958, with second place in the Conference and an overall 6-3-1 record. Their only conference defeat was by Jefferson City, conference champions , with a tie with Hickman High School, Columbia, Missouri. Before coming to Rolla , G I a z i e r coached at Mountain View High School for five years and at Midway High School, Stark City, Missouri. A high school and college football star, Glazier played for Mountain Grove (Mo.) High School, and for two years at Wichita University, Wichita, Kansas.
the coaching staff and the more active recruiting of high school athletics. Athletic awards will be available for the first time this year. "Glazier's appointment completes the MSM coaching staff for next year and puts MSM in good shape for next season so far as coaches are concerned," Bullman said.
Louis to take the Junior College District post in 1 96 3 . A native of Davenport, Iowa, Key graduated from McKinley High School, St. Louis, Mo., and spent three years in service. He received his B. S. in Edu-
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" Interviews are going on now with graduating high school seniors who are interested in science or engineering, and we hope to have enough players to make ourselves felt in both competitive football and basketball."
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Bill Key Appointed Basketball Coach Billy Allen Key has been appointed Associate Professor of Physical Education and basketball coach at MSM. Key has been Chairman of the Physical Education Department and Assistant Dean of Student Activities of the St. Louis Junior College District, and will assume his new duties June 1st. Key will replace Dewey Allgood who was recently appointed head football coach and will teach classes in physical education and work with the School's extensive intramural sports program.
Bud Glazier
He played two seasons for Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Miss ouri , where he was student assistant coach in 1956. He received his B . S. in Education there in 1957 and his M. S. on Education from Drury College in 1961. A Marine Corps veteran, Glazier is married and the father of four children. In announcing his appointment, Bullman expressed his confidence in the future of the expanded athletic program of the school, which has run into trouble in recent years because of shortage of players. Recent steps have been taken to up-grade the program which have included increasing
Key comes to the School of Mines with an overall varsity basketball coaching record of 256-93 , and a college record of 108-48 in 14 years of high school and college coaching. He began his coaching career at the Wellsville (Mo . ) High School in 1949, where he spent three years, and another four years at Monroe City (Mo.) High School before moving into college athletics in 1956. For six years he was assistant dean, athletic director, basketball and baseball coach at Harris Teachers College, St. Louis, Mo. His 1962 baseball team won the city championship competing against Washington U ., St. Louis U. and Concordia Seminary. He went to Nicholls State, Thibodaux, Louisiana as basketball coach and assistant professor of physical education before returning to St.
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Billy Allen Key
cation degree at Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, in 1949, and his M. S. in Health, Physical Education and Recreation from Washington U. in 1956. Key is a member of the Missouri State Teachers Association, of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, the National Basketball Coaches Association, and the Greater St. Louis Athletic Association. He is a Mason.
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Key is married and the father of a 17 year old daughter.
Rugby Rugby footbali has made its debut at MSM. The MSM team will be a part of the Missouri Rugby Football Union and the first game has been scheduled with Washington University, St. Louis, on their field March 29. About thirty students have indicated their interest and have reported for practice. All games will be played in St. Louis on Sunday afternoons. This sport has attracted interest in St. Louis over the years and the rugby football teams there are among the best in the nation.
MSM Alumnus Feb n
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Record Spring Enrollment T he largest spring semester enrollm ent in the histo r y of the School of Mines was tallied this spring of 1964 . The figures showed that a total of 3357 stud ents had enrolled ma king an increase of 156 over last spring.
Aidedby Laclede Steel Fund
Three departments, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and civil engineering continued to attract the majority of students. T he Mechanical Engineering Department has th e largest enrollment with 767 ; Electrical Engineering, 752; and Civil En gineering 670. The Civil Engineering Department has the largest un dergrad uate enr oll ment in the country. Mechanical Engineering sh owed the greatest increase of an y departm.ent, with a gain of 10 1. Electrical Engineering increased 56, and Civil Engineering 16.
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Graduate registration also sh owed an increase, with 384, compared with 3 1 7 at th is time last year and 36 7 during the fa ll semes ter. En ro llment by classes is as fo llows : Freshman, 799; Sophomore, 77 6; Junior, 798; and Sen ior, 65 0. Fifty-three women ar e enr olled .
During the Christmas vacation a fire destroyed the annex of the Kapp a Sigma fraternity. The loss was great and many of the students suffered considerable loss of their personal belongings . The Laclede Steel Emergency Fund gave assistance to five members to aid them in replacing part of thei r loss. The students were (left to right) Ron Peterson, Robert Elliott, Dale Schaeffer, jim Murrel, Bill Moreland. Dean Baker, a t right, presented t he checks to the students . In 1955 Wiiliam M. Akin, President, Laclede Steel Company, St. Louis , Mo. , established the Laclede Steel
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January Placement Statistics
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M onthly sta rting salaries for graduates with degree of Bachelor of Science gra duated January, 1964. (All salaries based on 40-hour work week .) High L ow Average Chemical Engineering ( 2) .............. $583.00 $600 .00 $591 .00 Civil E ngineering (14) ......... ........ ... 53 2.00 578 .00 625.00 E lectrical Engineering (27 ) ........... . 670 .00 625.00 57 0.00 Mechanical E ngineering (21) ......... . 620.00 680.00 575 .00 Metallurgical Engineering (11) ... . 665.00 610.00 55 0.00 Metallurgical E ngineering N uclear Option (4) ................ 650.00 632 .00 58 5.00 M ining Engineering ( 1) ....... .... ...... . 600 .00 Mining Engineering Petroleum Option (1) ......... ..... 625.00 Science - Chemistry ( 2) ............... . 620.00 605.00 615.00 Science - Mathema tics ( 2) ............ 616 .00 603.00 590.00 680 .00 Science - Physics (1) .. ................. . Class Average - $611.00 M . S. Degrees - Average $ 75 8.00 N OTE: Certain salaries a re omitted in computing averages as not being indicative of present rates. These sala ries are for army officers, civil service, teaching, graduate studies, and forei gn employment. February' 1964'
Emergency Fund at the Schoo l of Mines . H is objective b asically was to provide a fund that can be used to meet emergency needs of worthy students who are financially embarrassed due to unforeseen causes, through n o fault of their own, that might force them to leave school. Many students ar e confr o nted with these problems , and many students have received assistance fr om this fund enabling them to remain in school after an emergency has arisen depleting their financial resources. Since its establishment the Laclede Steel Emergency Fund has given m o re than 60 students assistance totaling in excess of $10,000. This fund is flexible in that the ass istance given to aid the student is given in the form of a g~ t or a loan depending on each individual s'.tuation. The Fund is administer ed by the MSM Alumni Association . Alfred A. Boyle ' 24, Vice President-Operations, La cl e d e Steel Company assisted with this fund .
Chi Epsilon Conclave Frank D. Lyon '50, returned to the MSM campus to be the principal speaker at the 18th National Conclave of Chi Epsilon, the National Civil Engineering Honor Fraternity with 58 national chapters. Mr. Lyons, who became Director of Highways for 0 klahoma in 1961, has spent his entire career in the highway engineering field. He began with the Missouri Highway Department as a rodman of a survey party prior to his graduation. He became construction inspector, resident engineer, preliminary bridge design, and survey and plans. At the time he resigned his position with the Missouri Highway Department for his present position he was Senior Engineer of Surveys and Plans Division. Membership in Chi Epsilon was conferred upon Lyons at an initiation during the conclave. Similar honors were given Professor Louis Petro, of the Civil Engineering Department and Dr. Mer! Baker, Dean of MSM. Mr. Lyons stressed the need for competent engineering administrators in his address to the Chi Epsilon delegates. The same qualities which make a good engineer are necessary to become a good engineer administrator. First, one needs good training, which students get at MSM. Necessary too, is the hard shell of experience coupled with the wisdom and maturity that it instills or should instill in a good administrator. Experience does not necessarily mean length of time spent on the
job, since intensified work can bring about greater experience in a shorter time. Brain power is essential. Professional integrity is an absolute must to become a successful engineer ad min i s t rat 0 r . Do not get caught without it. One of the prime attributes of the administrative engineer is Versatility. Fear of versatility is common among engineers. He must try to inspire. This may be the biggest difference between the engineer and the engineer administrator. An administrator must be a catalyst. As an administrator, one must bring all activities to gether for a common objective. One must be able to deal with people with respect and compassion. He will need a sense of humor and few lucky breaks. As an engineering administrator, one will be lonely. Students are lonely when they enter a tough quiz with no books, notes, or consultants. This will not change as one grows older. An administrator will still have this lonely feeling and will have to overcome its bad effects to achieve success. One benefit of engineering administration is a fine sense of pride and confidence in knowing what one can accomplish. One can also attain the respect of fellow workers and his community. The 18th National Conclave of Chi Epsilon was the second national convention which MSM has been host to this year . The other was the national meeting of Tau Beta Pi.
Learn-and-Earn Prograln A learn-and-earn program at MSM makes it possible for students to finance their own coli e g e education while gaining valuable industrial experience through the Cooperative Training Programs which alternates periods of school work and industrial employment.
Dr. A. J. Miles, Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is coordinator of the program and Professor C. W. Grate is executive secretary. The work-study project, which is available to both graduate and undergraduate students, provides a supervised
integrated plan of class work and industrial experience designed to broaden the knowledge and experience of the student. Although the student may enter the cooperative program at anytime before his senior year, School of Mines officials recommend that the student begins after his freshman year. Students participate in the plan year-around, spending alternate semesters and summer sessions in school and work. Under the plan the student will receive his degree in five calender years, during which he will have gained over 18 months industrial experience, and will have earned between $ 7 ,000 and $8,000. A total of 250 students are now enrolled in the program, under arrangements with 25 different employers in 1 2 states. Opportunities are available for students in all departments. "The Program has been lauded by employers and students "', Professor Grate states "and more opportunities are availabl~ than there are students to fill them ."
Alun Club
Students interested in this program may secure further information by writing to Professor Grate, Executive Secretary, Cooperative Training Program, MSM, Rolla, Mo.
New Housing Officer Harry J. Mott has replaced Jack Wilson as Housing Officer at MSM. Mr. Wilson has been Housing Officer since 1958, and has accepted a position with a private housing corporation which is building a dormitory in Columbia to house university students. Mr. Mott com e s to MSM from Columbia, Missouri, where he was selfemployed. The other half of the Mott family is employed at the U. of Missouri and expects to move to Rolla in the near future. The Housing Office administers the facilities for students on and off the campus and the food service at Rayl Cafeteria. The construction of another dormitory is pending in the dormitory area. The original bids were excessive and rejected.
MSM Alumnus
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The Annual "Rolla Night" at the Engineers ' Club of St. Louis, was held January 23. This yearly occasion where alumni and prospective students from the St. Louis area meet with the faculty and students from the School of Mines was the largest in its 18-year history. The 400-seat auditiorium at the Engineers' Club was filled to overflowing with approximately 100 Sitting in the aisles and standing and another 75 to 100 were in the foyer unable to ( nter the auditorium.
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The St. Louis Section had as their guests the department chairmen and administrative heads, from MSM, at a buffet dinner prior to the meeting. Also attending the dinner were faculty from the School of Mines and MSM alumni.
left to right: Dean Baker; Ray Romo, President, St. louis Section, MSM Alumni Association (partially hidden); Vance lischer, President of Engineers' Club of St. louis; Ike Edwards, Executive Secretary, MSM Alumni Association.
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Assistant Dean Leon Hershkowitz was master of ceremonies at the meeting. He introduced faculty members and Professor E. W . Carlton who introduced Dean Merl Baker who spoke on the topic, "A Changing Age in Engineering Education " . Dr. Curtis L. Wilson, Dean Emeritus , MSM, was also present at this overflow gathering . After the meeting faculty and prospective students discussed the School of Mines and its training of engineers and scientists.
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left to right: Dr. Curtis l. Wilson, Dean Emeritus, MSM; Ray Romo, President, St. louis Section, MSM Alumni Association; Dean Baker, Dean, MSM; Vance lischer, President, Engineers' Club of St. louis; Ike Edwards, Executive Secretary, MSM Alumni Association; James P. Goeddel '54, Treasurer, St. louis Section, MSM Alumni Association. February 1964
The Kansas City Area Section of the MSM Alumni Association held a reorganization meeting, February 7th at the Gold Buffet in North Kansas City. Under the leadership of Ken Kyle '41 and J. W. Stephens '47 , a representative g r 0 u p attended t his meeting to hear Dean Merl Baker the principal speaker of the evening. Also present from the MSM campus were Assistant Dean Paul Ponder; Robert Lewis, Registrar and Director of Admissions and Ike Edwards. New section officers were elected and Ken Kyle:: was chosen as Pres ident; C. M. Tarr '52, Vice President and Paul W. Gebhardt '47, SecretaryTreasurer. Those in attendance were: Verne
Left to right: Richard H. Bauer '52, Director Area 5, MSM Alumni Association; Paul T. Dowling '40, Immediate Past President, MSM Alumni Association; C. C. Palmer '40, Past Area Director, MSM Alumni Association; Joseph W. Mooney '39, Vice President, Areas 4, 5, 6, MSM Alumni Association.
Alexander ' 30; Leonard Bieri '51; William E. Brennecke '58; Virgil C. Boyd, Jr. '56; Tom Burke '60; E. Taylor Campbell '23; Walker E. Case '22; Garry E. Crabtree '62; Ed Davidson '50; Sal Fasone '5 1; Roger L. Feaster '5 7; Dale E. Fulcher '63; Paul W . Gebhardt '47; Loren Hargus, Jr. '51; Warren Hooks '58; Richard A. Kahl '6 3; R. O. Kasten '43; Ken Kyle '41 ; Jack E. Maley '62; CDR Donald W . Marshall '50; Larry D. Martin '62; John W. Parks '50; Thomas W . Place '61 ; Robert W. Randolph '6 1; Bob Rickey '56; Erich Sarapuu '51; J olin T . Sedovic '63; Paul B. Sisk '59; Burl Y. Slates '28; J. W. Stephens '47 ; Herb Stockton '41 ; Clifford C. Tanquary '57; Harold Telthorst '49; Clement H . Webb '32; Edwin J. Werner '49; D. S. Westmoreland '52; Richard A. Wills '61 ; and Bob Zane '51.
New York Section
Sixty alumni and their wives gathered at a social hour and Banquet at the Brass Rail Restaurant in New York, New York, February 18, during the national convention of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, to greet Dean and Mrs. Baker and members of the MSM faculty who were attending the AIME meeting.
J. Craig Ellis '38, Larry Spanier '50 and G. R. Couch '41 arranged and promoted the gathering. Dean Baker was the speaker of the evening relating some of the goals and plans for the School of Mines. Dean Emeritus , Dr. Curtis L. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson were present and ten members of the faculty from MSM were there.
Left to right: Colonel Glenn Taylor '63, Professor Military Science, MSM; Professor Ernest W. Carlton '26, Chairman of the Department of Civil Eng ineering; John P. Soult '39, President, Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co. , St. Lou is, Mo.; Carl G. Stifel '16, Chairman o¡f the Board, Stifel Realty Company, St. Louis, Mo .
Among those present were: M. S. Badollet ' 21; C. A. Beckman '5 1; A. A. Boyle '25; G. R . Couch '4 1; Mrs . R. S. Dean, widow of the late R. S. Dean ' 15; H. w.. Flood '43; Mr. and Mrs . J. H . Jacobs ' 39; Russell Judah '50; A. L. Kidwell '40; Glen W . King '60; C. H . Lambur ' 32; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lapee '22; J. D. McBeth '53; S. 1. Megeff '50; J. Craig Ellis ' 38; Mr. and Mrs . Chet Pomeroy '47 . Mr. and Mrs. Neil Plummer ' 36;
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Dr. Robert E. Moore was guest speaker for the American Society of Metals Golden Anniversary meeting held last November in St. Louis . The meeting also commemorated the founding of the St. Louis chapter, itself established forty years ago on the same date. Dr. Moore's topic was "New Developments in the Glass and Ceramic Fields." He discussed oxide ceramics, intermetallics, ferroelectrics, and ferr07 magnetic materials. He pointed out how concentrated research on a traditional material, silicon carbide, led to the discovery of semiconductor and laser b~ havior.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Richardson '32; C. G. R,ose '40; W. M. Shepard '5 1; John H . Schemel '53; Ramesh Shah '61; Larry Spanier '50; Fred M. Springer '49 ; Peter G. Stern '61; Louis A. Turnbull ' 22; L. K. Wheelock '5-2. Faculty and other from the MSM campus were: Professor R. L. Ash; Dr. George B . Clark; Dr. D . ·S . Eppelsheimer; Dr. H . R. Hanley; Professor Adolph Legsden; Dr. H. P. Leighly; Dr. Paul Dean Proctor; Professor and Mrs. J. S. Scott; Dr. and Mrs. E. MOo Spokes and Norbert Vermount and Ike Edwards.
The Houston Texas Section of the MSM Alumni Association will have a meeting Wednesday, May 6th. Dean Mer! Baker will be the speaker at this meeting. Complete plans have not been made as we go to press but notices will be sent to all alumni in the Houston area. R. A. Tappmeyer '47, has charge of the planning and should alu mni in the area not receive a notice, alumni can contact Mr. Tappmeyer at the Salt Dome Production Company, 737 Texas National Bank Building, Houston 2, Texas, for information as to the time and place of the meeting.
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Dr. Robert E. Moore and space requirements . A fibre optic was demonstrated and potential applications outlined. Other new g lass materials discussed were: porous "thirsty glass," encapsulating radiation absorbing glasses , photo-sensitive g lasses and others. Dr. Moore is Assistant Professor of Ceramic Engineering at the Missouri
G. R. Couch served as master of ceremonies for this occasion.
Houston Section
Februa ry 1964
School of Mines. He received a B .S. in Ceramic Engineering from MSM in 1957, an M.S. in Silicate Science from the University of Toledo in 1958anda Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering from the University of Missouri in 1962. He has published and presented papers on crystal structures, portland cement chemistry, synthetic micas, ceramoplastics, and the mechanical properties of brittle materials . He holds a patent on a method for making synthetic micas.
MSM Role in Space Program
Recent developments in the fields of
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glass and glass-ceramics were also noted and demonstrated . Glass-ceramics are crystallized g lasses availab le as consumer products in the form of Corning Ware and Centura Ware, while these same materials have outstanding mechanical and electrical properties for industrial
RObert Lewis, Registrar and Director of Admissions wishes to contact Felix E. Hallman of the Class of 1951. He was living at Oshkosh, Wisconsin after I e a v in g MSM. Should anyone know of his present whereabout or his address we would appreciate your contacting Mr. Lewis giving this information . Mr. Lewis has some information that will be very pleasing to Mr. Hallman .
The role of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in the University of Missouri Space Science Research Center, made possible through fund s appropriated by the legislarure in its final last session, has been recently defined. This will be the establishment of a Materials Science Research Center on the Rolla campus. The center will investigate the crystal and microstructure of metallic, polymer and ceramic materials , as these relate to physical and chemical behavior in environments varying from those on earth to the extremes encountered in space. This will be a poly-disciplinary program and the direction will be provided initially by the Departments of Ceramic Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Ch emistry, Metallurgical Engineering and Physics . To date President Ellis, of the University of Missouri, has given approval to a requested building fund, which is to be allocated from the legislative grant of $2 ,000,000, for the construction of a building on the Rolla cam pus to house the activity and for t,he purchase of fixed, capital items of equipment. Preliminary floor plans have been prepared for the facility and these have been coordinated with an architect, Froese, Maack and Becker, St. Louis , Mo ., who were appointed by the Board of Curators. Ninety thousand dollars of the $250,000 authorized by the legislature for personnel and equIpment during the current biennium for the University 's Space Science Research Center , has been allocated to the Rolla campu s and two of the four Senior Staff p o si9
tions in the facility have been filled. Dr. William J. James, Professor of Chemistry, MSM, has been appointed to the position of Professor of Chemistry and Materials Reasearch. Dr. Otto Hill has been appointed to the position of Professor of Physics and Materials Research effective April 1 st. Dr. Hill comes to MSM from Convair, at Fort Worth, Texas. Senior Staff representatives of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Department of Ceramic Engineering shall be appointed by September 1, 1964. The Campus Planning Committee for the Rolla campus is presently making a study to determine what available building space on the campus is best suited to the needs of the facility, and it might be estimated at this time that the facility will be ready for occupancy by January 1966. The architect has developed preliminary plans for the Materials Research Center to provide 30,000 gross square feet of floor space on four floors at an estimated cost of $1 ,071,369, and to include fixed equipment as laboratory benches, hoods, etc. This funding is to be made possible by matching part of the $750,000 of the University Space Science Research Center Fund allocated to the Rolla campus with National Science Foundation Graduate Research Facilities Grant. The School will have some$350,00Q for capital equipment from which fund, it is planned that the following equipment may be purchased for the facility; mass spectrograph, electron paramagnetic resonance spectrograph, electron microscope and emission diffractometer, infra-red and ultra-violet spectrometers, x-ray diffraction and VaCl..Uffi fluorescent spectrometer, and emission spectograph . These are the kinds of modern research tools required for materials development and which do not exist on the campus at present. In the immediate future action will be taken to seek funds, primarily as grants from industry and Federal agencies, to support research with equipment currently available or to be pur10
ph chased for these projects and later installed in the facility. Dean Baker has reported to the faculty that he anticipates the Material Science Research Center will be but the first of two or more poly-disciplinary research facilities to be developed on the Rolla campus in the future.
M. S. in Mechanics The Mechanics Department, at MSM, beginning with the Spring Semester is offering a program leading to a Master of Science degree in Mechanics. The fields of study include Elasticity, Experimental Stress Analysis, Stability, Materials Science, Photoelasticity, Placticity, Plates and Shells and Vibrations. Financial assistance is available for graduate assistants, instructors and halftime instructors. Professor R. F. Davidson is Chairman of the Department of Mechanics. Full information on this new graduate degree may by obtained by contacting Chairman, De par t men t of Mechanics, MSM, Rolla, Missouri.
NASA Traineeships The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will support five new traineeshi ps in the s pace-related sciences and technologies at MSM during the 1964-65 academic year, undertheNASA graduate training program started with the 1963-64 academic year. During the present year four students at MSM are under the program.
ances are paid from the NASA grants, which also provide funds for expenses to the sponsoring university.
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The Miner basketball team finished in the cellar in conference standing with a 0-10 record. Cape State College took first honors with a 9-1 record and Warrensburg, Kirksville and Springfield were in a three-way tie for second place with 6-4 records. Maryville was third w ith a 3-7 season . The Miner 's Ralph Farber ended the season scoring 445 points in 23 games while the top MIAA scorer accumulated 502 points . He averaged 20.9 points per game, followed by Marty Howard with 12.5 and Jack Hornbuckle with 8. 2 per game.
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For information regarding the positions listed below write to Assistant Dean Leon Hershkowitz, MSM, Rolla, Missouri.
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Ch. E. - Process engineering 2 to 5 years petrochemical or refmery experience. Project engineer 5 years experience in design, construction and/ or maintenance. M. E. or Ch. E. Engineer-contractor experience helpful. Industrial chemicals company in Midwest. Refer File No. 83.
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C. E. - 2 to 5 years experience.
Prefer M.S. in Sanitary Engineering. Also E. E. with experience in power or electronics. Large engineering company in Midwest. Refer File No. 84. E. E. - Direct engineering section in support center . . . Ph. D. degree. Interested in research and teaching. Pay raises good. Refer File No. 85.
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Each traineeship is expected to continue for a period of three years, assuming satisfactory work on the part of the recipient. Nine students at MSM will be taking work toward their advanced degrees under the NASA program next year. A grant of $76,400 has been made by NASA for this program.
M. E.; E.E.; Math. ; Physics; Mechanics; Met. E.; Ch. E. - Career opportunities currently exist within all professional and technical fields. B. S. & M.S. degree with or without experience. Refer File No. 86.
Recipients are selected by the universities they attend . Each graduate chosen for the program receives annual stipends up to $2,400 , with additional allowance up to $1,000 for dependents if necessary. The stipends and allow-
Met. ; M. E.; E. E. - Large chemical company. 3 to 5 years experience in metals industry, ferrous o r non ferrous strip and sheet production . Also experience in metal fabrication and stamping. Midwest. Refer File No. 87.
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Physics ; Chemist - Physicist with theoretical and applied knowledge in magnetic and optical effects in solids. Also molecular synthesis and high vacuum deposition of materials. Chemist, knowledge of elastomers and polymers for development beyond the state-ofart in electronic com ponent applications. Refer File No. 88. Industrial Engineer ; Industrial Refrigeration Engineer; Mechanical Design Engineer Sales Trainee - Experience in the field of medium size, semiautomatic and automatic special machinery. Conveying and bulk handling equipment would be helpful. Manufacturers of continuous production machinery. Refer File No . 91. Major oil company seeking engineers for industrial sales. Career opportunities in the diversified and creative selling of industrial and commercial fuels, lubricants, solvents, etc. Ages 25 to 29 preferred. Refer File No . 92 . Sales Engineer Trainee; Met. E. Trainee - Sales, 3 years experience. Met. no experience. Large metal manufacturer, Midwest. Refer File No. 93. Mining or Met. E. - 1 to 10 years experience. Background combination of mining and flotation experience. Florida phosphate operations. Age limit 45 . Refer File No . 94. Mining E. - Rock salt mine. 2 to 5 years experience. Leads to mine foreman after six months. Northern U.S . Refer File No. 95. Mining E. - Field geological surveys, locating and analyzing new limestone reserves . Competent in all phases of r ock q~rrying and processing. Refer Fil(! No. 96 . Structural and Electrical Design Engineers - Consulting engineering company. State and Federal Public Works. Industrial and commercial clients. Midwest. Refer File No. 97.
Superv ise o perati o ns, und ergro und mainten an ce problem s . R efer File N o . 99 . Minin g Engineer - Mining fo r und erg r o und divisio n. Civil for hydraulic structural d es ign for tailing and dispo sal industrial water supply. Mechanical Engineers fo r mine department. Western U.S . Refer File No. 100. Mining Engineer - Underground barite mine. Experienced or n o experience. Mine surveys, routine and straight line drawings for timber details, etc. Southern U .S. Refer File No. 101. Products DeSign Engineer - 3 to 5 years experience in designing multimaterial and multi-part assembly components. Background hard non-metallic materials . M. E. graduate. Administer laboratory testing operations. Midwest. R efer File No . 102. Maintenance and Rolling Mill Departments - World's largest integrated casting, rolling and extruding facility of aluminum and magnesium . Supervision and management. Prefer M. E. but not essential. Refer File No. 103. Two Engineers - Manager of research development in ceramics, plastics and sanitary engineering in company's plant in the south . Ceramic or chemical eng ineer with ceramic exper ience for plant production, product development and control work. Refer File No . 104. ENG INEERS - in estimating departm ent. Primarily of municipal facilities as water and sewage treatment plants and r elated structures , pumping stations , etc. M. E. or C. E. Refer File No. 105 .
Supervising Building Engineer Maintain liaison with architects and contractors on all phases of building construction . Knowledge of telephone equipment layout requirements helpful but not required. Age 24-40. Refer File.No. 98.
D ennis R. Reeder '6 3, and Miss J oanne M. Singleton, of Granite City, Illinois , were married November 2 3, 1963. Dennis is a development engineer in the G laze D evelopment Laboratory of the Ferro Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio. He expects to go on active duty in the Ordnance Corps, U . S Army as a 2nd Lt. May 24, 1964. Their present address is ~305 ForestoneAve., Apt. 103A, Cleveland 9.
Mining Engineer - Large glass company. World's deepest limestone mine.
J ohn C. Latzer '61 and Bonnie Bogart, of Los Angeles, California, were
February 1964
married June 15, 1963. J ohn received his Master's in Business Administration from U .C.L.A. in June 1963 . He is now plant manager Mobilefreeze Co., Inc., Parsons , Kansas. T he Latzer's address is 910 South 32nd Street, Parso ns. Anthony J. Selvaggi '54 and Miss Nancy McDonald of Clark, New Jersey, were married October 26, 1963 . Anthony is with Westinghouse as a process engineer in the lamp and electronic parts department. T heir address is 20 East Roselle Ave., Roselle Park, N . ]. Kennyn Don Stotler '56 and Miss Deloris J. Hager of Scott City, Missouri, were married J uly 13, 1963 and they are residing at 126 Edgewood, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Ronald R. Pfeuffer '61 and Miss Arlene Carr of Detroit, Michigan, were married May 31 , 1963. Ron is with Revere Copper and Brass. The newlyweds' address is 2198 Philip Ave., Det roit, Michigan. J ohn R. Grindon '61 and Miss Shirley Ann Gideon of Rolla, Mo., were married at the St. Patrick 's Church in Rolla, February 1, 1964. The groom is employed at McDonnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis, Mo. The newly-weds' new home is at 4027 J ane Avenue, St. Ann, Missouri. E. Robert Schmidt, Jr. '58 and Miss Donna Waters of Annandale, Virginia, were married December 30, 1063. The bridegroom is technical associate in eng ineering and consulting services irJ the nuclear power field , Nuclear U tility Services, Washington, D . C. T heir residence address is 2001 North Adams St., Apt. 832, Arlington, Virginia. Ken C. Lux '62, and Miss Penny LaG rand of Williams, California were married in Arbuckle, California, November 16, 1963. Kaye " Chub " Newton '5 8, was the best-man. Ken is with the California Division of Highways as as junior civil engineer. T he newly-weds r eside at 703 "B" St., Marysville, California. J ohn T. McNally '59 and Miss Theresa Ann Lang of McAllen, T exas , were married in Denton, T exas, on Septemb er 14, 1 963 . J ohn is D istrict Corro11
sion Engineer with the Tretolite Company and they live at 1809 Lakin, Apt. 15, Great Bend, Kansas.
engineer with Standard Oil Company, of Cal ifornia, and they reside at 14628 Cortina Drive, LaMirada, California.
tucky, 3555 Terrier Lane. Dan is a development engineer with American Standard .
Gary A. Trippensee '62 and Miss Dianne Clark were married January 11 , 1964, at Ozark, Alabama. Lt. Trippensee is stationed at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, and they will reside in Ozark, Alabama.
Robert P. Stevens '58 and D'Jeanne '57, had a new arrival in their family, December 21, 1963, named Andrea Beth. They also have a new home and a new address 15 10 East Anderson , Mexico, Mo. Bob is a research engineer for the A. P. Green Fire Brick Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Eshbaugh ,57, announce the arrival of a son, Stephen Wayne, born January 19,1964. They have two daughters. Bob is with the Naval Ordnance Laboratory and the Eshbaugh residence is at 9607 Dilston Road, Silver Spring, Maryland.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dowling, Jr. '51 at last have a son, Donald J. III, born July 23 , 1963. He joins his four sisters. The father is with Buckeye Cellulose Corporation, Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hermann '58 , have a son James Walter, born August 4, 1963. The other children are Kathy Lynn, 2 years and Paul IV, age 3. Paul is an electrical engineer with Emerson Electric. Their address is 8640 Gregory Court, St. Louis 34 . Mr. and Mrs. Robert W . Suchner '58, have their second child, Robert William, born November 16, 1963 . The father received his M. S. degree from the Department of Milling Industries , Kansas State University and is a student there serving as a resident assistant. They live at 120 North Delaware, Manhattan, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs . Jerald L. Bishop '62, are parents of a son, Richard Leroy, born. July 30, 1963. His sister Laurie Anne is 2 years old. Jerry is working for Commonwealth Edison, of Chicago, Illinois, and was recently assigned to the technical staff at Dresden Nuclear Power Plant, Morris, Illinois. Their new address is 13 South May St., Joliet, Ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Hardebeck '58, have twin sons born December 16 , 1963, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. They were named Philip Kempton and Stuart Douglas . Harry is with Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory and is obtaining research data for his Ph. D. The Hardebeck's address is Box 995, Arecibo, P. R. Mr . and Mrs. Gerald J. LaBouff '53, announce the birth of their third child, Gerald Earl, November 19, 1863. Their address is 16507 School, South Holland, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kalin '57, 10605 West 61st St., Shawnee, Kan'sas, announce the birth of Cindi Ann, August 29,1963. Kalins' other daughter, Carol, is 4~ years. The father is with Black and Veatch, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Berndt, Jr. '43, advise of the arrival of their fourth son, Richard Paul, December 13,1963. The Berndt's are in Brussels, Belgium, where the father is Manager, Corpuration Planning and Evaluation for Monsanto Europe. Their address is 37 Groeselenberg, Uccle, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs . Paul Haas '50, added another boy to their family, Alan David, November 17, 1963. Total now three boys and a girl. Their address is 8000 Bennington, Knoxville, Tennessee. Paul is group leader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Mr. and Mrs. William B . Mclane '62, announce the arrival of their first child, William Boyd, October 19, 1963. They live in Mystic, Connecticut, 37 Willow St. Bill is a nuclear test engineer with the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Odam '61, welcomed another son, James Daniel, August 29, 1963. Jim is distribution engineer Consumers Public Power District, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Mertl '60, have a daughter, Christine Marie, born in October. She is private property of their son Kenneth. Eugene is a design
Mr. and Mrs . Daniel E. Groteke '54 , have another girl, born August 5 , 1963. She has a sister and a brother. They reside in Louisville, Ken-
Mr . and Mrs. Robert C. Wood '50, welcomed their third child, Robert Michael , born September 9, 1963. The other two Wood children are: Kathy Ann, 5 ~ years, and John, 3~. The father is a geophysicist with Oasis Oil Company of Libya, Inc., P. O. Box 395, Tripoli, Libya. The Wood's expect to be in the United States on vacation in late August or September. Dr. and Mrs. John Bruce Miles '55, have a sister for their son. Andrea Lee was born October 13, 1963. The Miles live in Columbia, Missouri, 102 West¡ridge. John is Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineer- . ing, at the University of Missouri. Mr. and Mrs Edward H. Alsb1lry '61, announce the arrival of Stephen Edward, December 27 , 1963. They reside at 558 Cherry, Sullivan, Missouri. Edward is employed as a mechanical engineer with Meramec Mining Company. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Ventimiglia '60, are parents of Thomas Paul, their second child, born November 14, 1963. His brother, Vincent Jr., is 21 months old. The Ventimiglias extend an invitation to all Miners in the Denver area to stop by 6668 Lewis St., Arvada, Colorado, to see the new addition and have a cold one. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hesse '62 , have a son, James Robert Jr. , born December 29, 1963. They reside at 2541 South Ninth, Springfield, IllinoiS , where the father is a metallurgical engineer with Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co . Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Schuchman '63, 12 Spruce Drive, Centralia, Illinois, now have Teri Lynn, born December 21, 196 3. This is Norm and Jo Ann's second child.
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DEATHS Robert S. Green
Robert S. Green '33, died January 3, 1964, in Mexico, Missouri, after suffering a stroke. He became president of the A. P. Green Fire Brick Company in 1946 , which his father founded in 1910. He retired as president to engage in ceramic research work but continued as a member of the board of directors. He was president of theAudrain County Historical Society and was a tr ustee of the Missouri Historical Society. Surviving are his widow, Mrs . Susan Keays Green; three daughters, Mrs. Christopher McCutcheon, Mis s Susan Green, and Miss Nancy Green; three sisters, Mrs. Arthur D . Bond, Mrs. Walter G. Staley and Mrs. Neal S. Wood, and a brother Allen P. Green, Jr. '32, of Seattle, Was hing ton . Albert W. Happy
Albe rt W. Happy '3 2, Director of the Bureau of Environ men tal Services, State D epartment of H ealth , passed away unexpectedly at h is home in Jefferson City, Misso uri , J anuary 3, 1964 . He was 53 year s of age. H e received his B. S. degr ee in Civil Engineering at February 1964
MSM and his Master 's degree in Public Health at Yale University. He was with Missouri State Highway D epartm ent prior to hi s position with the State D iv ision of Health. He was veteran of World War II, entering as a Lt. JG in Anti-Submarin e Warfare and disch arged in 1946 as a Comman der. Following discharge h e was in th e Naval Reserves. During his active duty he spent three yea r s in Africa and one year in the Phillipines. He was an active memb er of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineer s, J efferson City Chapter and was past president and se rved o n vari o us Society committees. He was also past president of the Missouri Public Health Association . He is survived by his w idow, Frances, residing at 2022 Lowell Drive, Jeffers on City.
brain hemo1'1'hage. Durin g World W ar I, Mr. Butler was with the British Government in the manufacturing of antimon ial lead, he later was with th e British Air Force an d sent to Canada and later to Chicago , Illi nois, con tributing his metallurgical know ledge to war wor k . After the war he went to Nicaragua in charge of a large gold mine. At MSM h e was ed itor of the 1909 Ro llamo and a gifted cartoonist. H e grad uated w ith honors and was a member of Tau Beta Pi. Mr. Butler developed an alum in um fo il while with o ne of the aluminum companies in New York. AFrench director of the company turned it down with the opinion it wou ld never be of co mmercial val ue. He is s urvived by hi s widow , Mary B utler, residing at 2010 Granada Avenue, San Diego 4, California.
Charles C. Tev is
Charles C. Tevis '23, age 62,2012 Lowell Drive, J efferson City, Missouri, died unexpectedly, February 17, 1964 . A veteran of 38 years as an engineer for the Missouri State High way Department , Mr. Tevis retired November 15, 1961, and since that time h e had been employed as a consulting engineer. During his long tenure with the State Highway Department, he served as District Engineer at Willow Springs, Springfield and Kirkwood, and chief of the division of construction in the Highway Headquarters at Jefferson City. He was chief of the Division of Plans and Surveys when he retired. He is s urvived by his widow, Ida Lou Tevis; o ne da ughter , Mrs. Betty L. Lefler, of W ebster Groves, Mo. , and a niece, Mrs. W . B . Overby, of Shenandoah, Ia ., and a nephew, John R. Wallace, Houston , Texas. Jame5 S. Swafford
Eugene Lueke
Eugene Edward Lueke '57, died December 21, 1963, the res ult of an automobile acciden t o n Highway 50 near Salem, Illin ois. Mr. Lueke was sing le and was emp loyed by Roches ter and Goodell Engineers, Inc., Salem, IllinOiS , at the time of h is death. Fred J. Schmitt
Fred]. Schmitt '32, died February 9, 1964, at his home, 524 South Stone Ave., La Grange, Ill. He was Director of Marketing Research for the D. A. Stuart Oil Co., Ch icago , Il l. He is survived by his widow, Charlotte, a son Dr. David Schmitt, of Madison, Wisconsin , and a daughter , Mrs. Steven Owen , of Napierville, Illino is. William G. Waller
William Gregg Waller '62, was killed in France December 9, 1963 .
James S. Swafford '60 was killed in an autom o bile accident the latter part of December 1964 in Sedalia, Missouri.
Alunlni Persona ls
Scott David Callaway Scott David Callaway ' 12, is deceased. T he alumni office was advised of his death but date and oth er particulars were not given.
William Thomas Griffith was an alum n i office and campus visi tor in February. Mr. Griffith has been retired many years after long serv ice as Su perinten den t of Sch ools in Montana. He is o n a vis itin g trip in th e Midwest and wi ll go o n to the east coast to visit h is chil d ren and gran dch ildren . Three g rand child ren ar e now in college . There
Henry R. B. Butler Henry Reginald Brinton B utler '09 , died sudden ly January 7, 1964, of a
1 906
were just th ree buildings on the campus when he received his degree in Mining Engineering. He is enjoying good health and he res ides at Sand Cou lee, Montana.
191 2 Edward D. Lynton and his wife, Gertrude, are world traveling again. This time they went to Australia stopping at several points in the south seas going and returni ng. T h ey left in January and expect to be back at their h ome in March. Before they departed , Ted was hoping they would be back in ti me to attend the San Francisco Bay Section 's St. Pat's Party.
Instructor at MSM , an Assistant Metallurgist with the U.S. Bureau of Mines and a meta llu rgical engineer for copper com panies in Tennes see and in Mex ico. He was a development en gineer in the field of copper refining until 1928 wh en he was prom o ted to department chief. In 1944 he was named assistant superintend ent, development engineering, s upervising at var io us times virtually all of the metallurgical activities at Hawthorne . Dur ing World War II , h e represented his company on the National P:-oduction Authority in Washington ,
191 3
1 9 1 9
Walter Scott, assistant s uperintendent in development engineering, Western Electric Company's Hawth orne Works retired March 1st. H e received his B. S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering and pr ofess ional degree Metallurgical Engineer in 1925 . He has a Master's degree from the U. of Nevada, and attended Northwestern University 's Even in g Sch oo l of Business Admlnistratio n for two years . H e joined W estern Electric in 192 3 after servi ng as an 14
Ernest S. Wheeler and his wife,Jennie Lenn ox Wheeler '22, are o n a 40-day Air Stream Trailer Caravan touring Mexico.
192 5
J . Walte r Scott concerning procurement and manufacturing of magnetic and other strategic material. He was h is company 's representative at the World Metallurgical Congress held in Europe in 1955 and a second Congress held in the U.S. in 1957. He h o lds five patents and is author of numerous technical articles invarious technical journals. In add ition to being a licensed engineer he is a r egister eo pharmacist in Misso ur i. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, and has been an officer in the AIME and th e American Society for Metals. T h e Scott's plan to contin u e res iding in Downers Grove, Illinois, with freq uent travel and trips to their " tired" farm in Michigan, and enj oying the com pany of their two children and two gra n dchildren.
ter nati • AviatiC Rockel Street, Mollett andJu
192 2
Milo N. BeDell has been appointed to the p os ition of Assistant to Vice President, Operations , Laclede Steel Company . The announcement was made by A. A. B oyle ' 25 , Vice" President, Operations . Formerly Chief Engineer , BeDell will be in Charge of Manufacturing Development in his new capacity . H e has compiled almost 40yearsof service with Laclede since joining the Company in 1924. His residence address is 1620 Clawson, Alton, Illinois.
191 8
David A. Bash is now retired . He was formerl y with Cities Service Oil Company as manager of their tax department. He visited Rolla and the campus last s umm er, the first ti.me for many years. He was impressed by the advancement and growth of the schoo l. The Bashs reside at 1517 Jennings Ave n u e, Bartlesville, Oklahoma.
1 923
R. G. Knickerbocker, P. O . Box 295, Placerville, Californ ia, has been in the h os pital many months with emphysema. He retired a few years ago after many years of service with the U.S. B ureau of Mines.
Dr. Elrod Dewey Wilson, senior geologist of the Arizona B ureau of Mines at the University, was hono red by the T ucson Retail Trade Bureau. Dr. Wilson has been at the University sin ce 1918 and he was presented with an award that is given monthly to the member of the University fac ulty that the Trade Bureau feels has made an outstanding contribution to both the Univers ity and the comm unity . Dr. Wilson has written morethan 90 articles, builetins , and papers describing the earth science phenomena of Arizona . As a tribute to Dr . Wilson his fellow scientists and engineers have named him "Mr. Geology of America . "
1 920
Thomas E. Eagan is retiring in March after many years of service with the Cooper B essemer Corporation. He resides at 515 Woodland Avenue, Grove City, Pennsylvania.
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193 4 William E. Hedges is D irector of Public Works , Oklahoma City, Oklahoma . He is their first director coming to Oklahoma from Springfield, Missouri, where he was the first Public Works Director in Springfield, the position he held for 10 years. The Hedge's daughter , Mrs. Harriet Smith, is the wife of T. M. Smith, a senior in Electrical Engineering at MSM. Another daughter , Nancy , is a student at Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield , and their son, Bill, Jr. , is a sopho m o re in high school. Bill, Sr., is past president of the Miss o uri Society of Professional Engineers. In Oklaho ma City, their address is 3705 N. W. 65th.
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193 8 Howard Mollett is with Atomic International Division of North American Aviation , Research Department of Rocketdyne and resides at 2 2944 Gault Street, Canoga Park , California. The Molletts have two children , Dennis , 13, and Judith, 9 .
Geodesy Branch of the Staff of the Chief o f Engineers , Corps of Engineers , Dep artment of Army, Wash ington, D.C. He was formerly a staff engineer in the Branch of Pro gram Planning, Topographic Division , U. S. Geological Survey in Washington, D. C. Larry and Mrs . Lambelet , the former Miss Marg aret Campbell, of R olla , live at 7001 Exfair Road , Bethesda, Maryland. The Lambelets have four children - the oldest,
193 9 ,Jennie 40-day au ring
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John G . Beach is a Senio!.· Chemical Engineer, Electrochemical Engineering Division, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio. John has been with Battelle for 2 2 years . One year less than the number of years he has been happily married. Their family of four are: David A., 20 years old ; Susan E., age 18; John R ., 15 1/2 years of age and Barbara A., 1 1. They reside at 168 East Weber Road , Co lumbus . O. K. Holman , Operations Manager for Texas Gulf Producing Company, Houston, Texas, h as been named Vice President in Charge of Production for Mid America Pipeline Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Before joining Texas Gulfin 1945 , he worked in the engineering and production departments o f the Texas Company's South Texas Division and later was Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the Saltdome Oil Corporation, Houston. His new address is 2658 East 58th Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Joel Loveridge has been elected president of the District Golf Association, in St. Louis, Mo. The news release quoted, "he may rule the district for the next year, but he runs a poor second in his own household. His wife Ginny, is a five handicapper and the best Joel can do is eight". The Loveridges have a daughter, Christy, 17 years old and a son, Murphy, 14. Both are golfers. Joel is Director of Western Operations for Alpha Portland Cement Company. Lawrence E. "Larry" Lambelet was recently transferred to the Mapping and February 1964
194 2 Harold A. Krueger is n ow associated with the Kennecott Copper Co rporation as Assistant to the Vice PresidentMining. He will continue to maintain his Fredericktown , Missouri, address 106 Thost St. Austin E. Schuman, who is with General Electric as senior programming analyst, is working on Apoll o Support in the Manned Spacecraft Program , Co coa Beach, Florida, and r esides at 320 Dunbar Ave., Melbourne, Flordia. Lt. Col. B. W. Hagar is serving as Logistics Programs Officer with theMilitary Assistance Advisory Group, Reptlblic of China, on the Island of Taiwan' ( Formosa). His address is Box 13, Programs MAAG, APO 63, SanFrancisco , California.
1 943
Lawrence E. lambelet
a son, is a senior Physics major at Rutgers University; the three still at home, two girls and a boy, are a high school senior, a ninth grader and a fifth grader , respectively. J. R. Roux , owner Roux Engineering & Sales Co ., Salt Lake City, Utah, advises his oldest daughter finished her first quarter at Michigan State University and thinks it 's great. A. Noel Reagan is currently associated with General Electric 's "Modern Engineering Course", a six-week program for engineering managers. His address is 110 Woodhaven Drive, Scotia, New York. Andreas A. Andreae retired as a Colonel USAF after 22 years of service and is general manager of the PontiacCadillac agency, Portsmouth Motor Mart, Portsmouth , New Hampshire.
Matthew J. Kerper is the coauthor of an important ' technical paper which appeared in the December '63 issue of the American Ceramic Society Bulletin . Kerper 's paper, written in cooperation with T. G. Scuderi, is entitled, "Mechanical Properties of Glass at Elevated Temperatures ." Kerper is project leader with the National Bureau of Standards " Glass Section, Inorganic Solids Division, Washington, D.C. Since the Society's publications are the main source of technical advances in the ceramic field, the publication of this paper is a mark of excellence in ceramic r esearch for Kerper.
1 945
Robert F. Schmidt has been appointed Chief Metallurgist with Ajax Metal Div., H . Kramer & Co., Philadelphia. He formerly was Field Metallurgist. His residence address remains 6 Willowbrook Ave. , Lansdown, Pa. 1
Raymond Lahmeyer a senior engineer in HighwiiY Planning, Mo. State Highway Department, has been promoted to 15
f,1 5
District N o .5 Engineer. H e has been with the Highway Department for 17 years and is a Civil Engineering graduate. Elvin A. Henke is now assistant manager administrative services with Shell Oil Company, 50 West 50th St. , New York, N.Y. They moved from Anacortes , Washington, last summer and are now residing at 569 Fletcher Ave., Oradell , New Jersey.
9 4 8 E. W. Spinzig, who is with Johns Manville Sales Corporation, was transferred to New York, New York from Kansas City, Mo . He is senior engineer in the pipe division and resides at 322 Woods End Road , Westfield, New Jersey.
observations to locate the South Pole. Since his return to Washington, D.C., Pete has been Assistant Chief of the Office of International Activities, Topographic Division, U.S . Geological Survey. Pete and his wife, Bobie, live at 1619 Cottage Street, Vienna, Virginia. Charles M. Browning received his M.S . degree in Mechanical Engineering from Arizona State University in 1962. He is general supervisor of research instrumentation and advanced proj ects laboratory, AiResearch - Garrett Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona.
T. R. "Ted" Howell has been promoted to General Manager of A. P. Green Fire Brick Company.Mr. Howell started with the Green Company in 1948 at the Company 's general offices in Mexico, Missouri, as a Draftsman in the Sales Engineering Department
Pete Bermel is d irectbg the work of six topographic engineers of the U .S. Geological Survey pres ently mapping Antarctica under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. Pete was co-leader of a similar expedition to the Thiel Mountains in Antarctica in 1960-61; and in the 1962-1963 austral summer he was in charge of
T. R. Howell
Peter F. Bermel
mapping operations in Antarctica in support of the U .S. Antarctica Research Program . During the 1962-1963 season a party he directed 'took astronomic 16 '
and in 1949 he became a Construction Supervisor. In 1953 he was transferred to A. P. Green of Texas, in H ouston , as Chief Sales Engineer. In November 1956, he was transferred to A. P. Green of Ohio as Chief Sales Engineer and named Sales Manager in 1962. His offices is located at 15 00 West 3 rd Avenue, Columbus. 1 949
Vernon O. Casper , 37 Bittersweet Lane, Mount Ki sco, New York, has
had a change in employment and is now with the Real Estate and Construction Division of International Business Machines , White Plains , New York. William Shaw, a senior engineer in Surveys and Plans with the Mo . State Highway Department, has been transferred to Maintenance. Shaw has been with the Department since graduation in Civil Engineering. H e has been an engineer inspector on construction, resident engineer, and designer before his pro motion to senior engineer in Surveys and Plans in 1960. Joseph S. Quinn , manager. of cement industry accounts in the Pacific region for Allis - Chalmers, has been appointed cement and lime ind ustry field sales manager for the firm's newly-cr eated process equipment and systems division. He will continue to be located in Los Angeles, California. His address is 2242 South 5th Aven ue, Arcadia, California. Joe joined Allis-Chalmers after graduation and was assigned to St. Louis, Mo. In 1960 he became the Omaha district office manager and in March 1962, he was transferred to Los Angeles as cement industry accounts manager. Fred M. Springer, planning associate with Magnolia Pipe Line Company in Dallas, Texas , has been transferred to the Planning Division of the Marine Transportation Department of Socony Mobil as a Planning Analyst. He joined Magnolia in 1949 and held numerous rotational assignments in the Pipe Line Company. In his new position he will be located in the New York Headquarters of the Marine Transportation Department. In addition to his transfer the Springers have a new son, Paul Frederick Springer born October 2, 1963 . The Springers have a daughter Kathryn who is j years old. Their new address is 20 Tulip Street, Summit, New Jersey. Magnolia Pipe Line is a wholly owned affiliate of Socony Mobil. W. Allen Morgan has been promoted to senior engineer, Systems Engineering Support, at IBM 's Space Guidance Center, Owego, New York. Mr. Morgan joined IBM in 1951 as a design engineer, was promoted to associate engineer in 1955, and staff engineer in
MSM Alumnus
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Development Engineering in 1957. In October, 1959, he was appointed advisory engineer in Indicator Electronics. He is veteran of World War II, serving in the Navy from 1943 to 1946. He is a member of the American Institute of Electric Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Mr. Morg,an, his wife, Lynn, and their two children reside at Glenmary Drive, in Owego.
1 950 William R. Feltz has been reassigned by Goodyear 's Industrial Products division from a similar post in Nashville, Tennessee to a new post in Columbus, Ohio. Feltz has been with Goodyear since 1950, and his first assignment was in his home city, St. Louis, Mo. , as office salesman. He took training in Akron, Ohio before field assignments in Charlotte, N .C., and Nashville. E. H. Coleman , Jr. has a son "Jerry " who is attending MSM after completing his military duty. E. H. is supervisor of Calibration Laboratories Marine Corps Supply Center, Barstow, California.
S. Megeff has a new position as technical director, Julius Aderer , Inc., Long Island City, New York. His residence address is the same 23 Kingswood Drive, Old Bethpage, N. Y. James B. Nelson has joined Monsanto Chemical Company's Inorganic Chemicals Division as a member of its engineering department after serving as plant engineer with Cupples Products Corporation, St. Louis, Mo . Edward P. Lasko left Erie Forge and Steel Co., Erie, Pennsylvania, to install a metallurgical quality control department for Florida Steel Corporation , Tampa. His residence address is 6811 Spencer Circle, Tampa. Del Brugioni was recently named to a newly created pOSition in the Quality Control General Office of Caterpillar Tractor Company. He is the Chief Inspector with world-wide responsibilities for the inspection and product testing functions. In this cal? atity , he will be working with all of the ComFebruary 1964
pany's manufacturing plants .md manufacturing subsidiaries to further im prove product quality. Rolland 1. Hardy has completed work for Dr. Ing. degree at the Technical University at Karlsruhe, Germany, in January 1963. He was presented with the first copy of his dissertation, in August 196 3. It was published by The German Geodetic CommiSSion, Munich, during the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Assembly at Berkeley, California. Rolland is with the PhYSical Science Administration, D efense Intelligence Agency , Washington , D.C. His residence address is 4505 Colleen Lane, McLean, Virginia . Robert E. Davis i$ n ow with Am erican St. Gobein as a furnace engineer, residing at 4505 Stageco ach Road, Kingsport, Tennessee. The Davis' have a three year old daughter. R oy R. Sho urd and family moved from Los Angeles , California to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He received a promotion with Schlumberger Well Surveying Corporation. He is now Division Manager - Oklaho ma Division. Roy and his wife, Patricia, have four children and reside at 5016 N. W. 26th , Oklahoma City . Roy was cocaptain of the 1949 Football team .
Arthur A. Dasenbrock, construction .e ngineer with Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., is presently in charge of construction of an office building for Savannah Electric & Power Co ., Savanna, Georgia. His business address is-Box 4218, Savannah. George Knight, 212 Vine Street, Statesville, North Carolina, is a metallurgist with J. C. Steele and So ns, manufacturer of brick-making machinery . The Knights adopted a little girl August 7, 1963 who was born on March 16, 196 3.
952 J . Robert Faulkner has been promoted to regional extrusion coordinator for Reynolds Metals Company's Southcentral Sales Region , which is headquartered in Clayton, Missouri. In his new position, Mr. Faulkner will provide lias on service between Reynolds' extrusion plants and extrusion customers throughout the region, which includes all of nine states and portions of eight others. Mr. Faulkner has been with Reynolds since 1956 as an industrial sales representative.
195 1 William M. Baldwin and wife, Beverly, were alumni office visitors in J anuary. Bill is now associated with the Big Bend Engineering Company, 240 DeSota Street, Tallahassee, Florida. He is in the structural engineering department of this firm of consulting engineers . Bill was formerly a professor in the Mechanics Department, University of Florida. William G. VanBramer has been appointed a staff engineer in Titan Saturn/ ASQ-38 Test Equipment Mechanical DeSign at IBM's Space Guidance Center in Owego, New York. He joined IBM in 1957, transferred to Owego in August 1957, was promoted to associate engineer in 1958 and senior as · sociate engiueer in 1960. He , his wife Vivian and son George, live at 320 Taylor Avenue, Endwell, N. Y.
J . Robert Faulkner 1 953
Dr. Jerry D. Plunkett heads a graduate program instituted by the University of Denver in physical ceramics leading to both the master and doctorial degrees in metallurgy. It will 17
center around the concept of properties (thermal, mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic) and the response of ceramic materials to their physical environment. Dr. Plunkett is associate professor of metallurgy and research ceramist at the university's Denver Research Institute. James F. Roberts, a senior engineer in Maintenance, Mo. State Highway Department, has been promoted to Highway Planning with that organization. James joined the department in 1953 as a fulltime trainee. Previously he had worked during the summers as rodman.
195 4 Kenneth D. Cole is consultant to the Area Engineer , Redstone Arsenal and Area Engineer at Arnold Research Center, Tullahoma, Tennessee, on Cryogenic systems and construction of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen facilities for Manned Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. He is with the U . S. Army Corps of Engineers. His residence address is Route 7, Fayetteville, Tennessee.
eau of Mines and is serving as a scientific staff assistant in the Interagency Committee on Oceanography in Washington, D. C. In this new position he is aiding in the development of the mineral resources portion of the national oceanographic program. Within a year he hopes to return to the Bureau of Mines Oceanographic Office in Tiburon, California. John reports his new address is 1201 S. Scott St., Apt. 404, Arlington, Va. 22204 , and urges all excohorts to look him up when in the area . Elmer L. Kuehring, Chief Engineer, Hi-Voltage Equipment Company, Cleveland, Ohio, would like to contact some of his old classmates and Miners via amateur radio single sideband 7220 kc 's Sunday evenings at 9:00 p.m . CST or Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p .m . CST. Cal K8LXB. His address is 2671 Scarborough Road , Cleveland 6.
195 5 John W . Padan repo rts that he and his bride have moved from San Francisco, California, to Arlington, Virginia. John has temporarily left the Bur18
Jack E. Toliver received a degree in law from the U . of Michigan in June 1963, and passed the bar in December 1963 and has joined a law firm as an associate member. His new address is 3631 Beacon Drive, Beechwood, Ohio. He formerly was associated with General Motors in DetrOit, Michigan. Waymon L. Johnston recently joined McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, Mo ., and is aSSigned to the Project Cemini. The Johnstons purchased a new home at 735 Carriage Lane, Hazelwood, Mo., where he and his wife Donna, and sons, John, age 2, and Jeff, 1 year, reside.
195 8 195 6 James L. Hickernell has been appointed chief metallurgist of the oil tool division of Reed Roller Bit Company. He has been with Reed for the past six years in metallurgy and heat treating. Until his recent promotion, he had been assistant shop superintendent in charge of heat treating. His residence address is 8801 Winningham, Houston, Texas. Dr. Joseph J . Yancik has been appointed technical service manager for blasting materials in the marketing department of Monsanto Chemical Company's Agricultural Division after service on its development department.
John W. Padan
the advance projects group. He is with North American Aviation Space and Information Systems DiviSion, Downey, California. His address is 2750 Woodbine, Fullerton, California.
Rudolf Resnick, assistant aICC for Engineering and Con struction, Civil Engineering Corps, U . S. Navy - Spain, after six years working in Italy, Canada, Ecuad or and Spain will return to the United States in July 1964 . His mailing address is aICC APO 285, New York, N. Y.
195 1 John T . Gerwert was recently promoted from administrative buyer to purchaSing supervisor and reassigned to
Dr. Delbert Day has received the Clinton, Mississippi, Jaycee's 196 3 Distinguished Service Award honoring the Outstanding Young Man of 1963. A newcomer to Clinton, Dr. Day is a Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers, and has called Clinton his home since September 1962. Since coming to Clinton , Delbert has served as an instructor in Chemistry for Mississippi College night classes and has participated in an outstanding manner in the activities of the town and his church. This is expecially commendable when his relative short time to live in Clinton is considered . His citation read in part, " he is capable and willing to work in his church , service club and community ". The list of his activities were too lengthy of enumeration here and you wonder when he has time for his job and his family. This is characteristic of Delbert and we will be most happy when he will be on the campus again as assistant professor of Ceramic Engineering and too , the community of Rolla will benefit by his residence. John W. Waters has received a promotion with the Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Michigan and is now gas production superintendent. He formerly was assistant superintendent. MSM Alumnus
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1 960 Gilbert Cirrincione, mechanical engineer with Gardner-Denver Company , Quincy, Illinois, is vice president and program chairman of the Quincy Engineering Club. Also he is serving as membership chairman of the Western Chapter of Illinois Society of Professional Engineers for 1963 - 1964. His address is 9 Granview , Quincy. Kwok Ying Chen has been promoted to senio r civil engineering assistant, Los Angeles County Flood Control District. His address is 6531 Gilson Avenue, North Hollywood , California. H. John Meyer III, has purchased a new home at 2941 San Marcos Drive, Ft. Worth , Texas, for his wife and three children. He is with General Dynamics Corp., as research engineer. Paul R .Jordan,Jr. previously employed by International Telephone and Telegraph Federal Labs., Ft. Wayne, Indiana , is now senior microwave engineer and member of the technical staff of Space-General Corp., El Monte, California. Paul is married and lives at 5424 Arbor Rd., Apt. 25 , Long Beach, California.
MSM, in J an uary, and has accepted a position with Monsanto Chemical Company. H e and his wife Lorraine will live at Route 2, Box 42, Waterloo, Illinois. James D. Patterson received a research fellowship sponsored by the M and T Chemicals , Inc ., a New York firm, and is d oing graduate work in the Department of Ceramic Engineering at MSM. The research will concern the engineering development studies concerning refractories a p p I i cat ion for ziron raw materials now produced by M and T Chemicals.
196 2 Yadvendra V. Desai received his M.S. in Mechanical Engineering in August, and joined Autotro-nics, Inc., in St. Louis, Mo ., as a project engineer. In
I I i
If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo . Thanks.
Name_ ....... __ ._._ ............. _... ________ ._____ .... ____ . __ ___.. ___ .. _.................................... ___________ . My new address is _................. __.. __ ....... _...... ___ . ___ ........... _.. _.. _... _.............. __ ....... __
My Company or Business Is ......................................................................... .
And My Title Is .................... _............................ _.......................................... ..
mun· 'e too I you s job
Here's Some News for the MSM
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1st Lt. Roger A. To Ibert pro'
David M. Lewis received his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at
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2nd Lt. Kenneth E. Snavely is stationed at Ft. McClellan , Alabama, with the U . S. Army Chemical Corps. He is an instructor, Radiological Defense Branch, Chemical School and Center. He entered active duty October 2, 1963 and in on military leave from the Phillips Petroleum Company. The Snavely 's began their family June 7, 1963 , with the arrrival of Karen Lee. The Snavely 's address is 35 Harris Trailer Park , Rte. 1, Anniston, Alabama.
inao ies of is ex·
Crew of the Month at his Strategic Air Command Unit at Tinker AFB , Oklah oma. Lt. Talbert, launch officer, and other members of the crew r eceived the recognition for their outstanding accomp lishm ent of squadron missions and training programs.
1 9 6 1 1st Lt. Roger A. Talbert has been selected as a member of the Missile
February 1964
. : . _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ ' _
• • :.
March 1963, he became a production engineer with Norma Hoffman Berings Corp. He is now being transferred to their India p lant at Baroda which is Desai's h ome town. Desai is very proud of MSM and wants to continue to receive the MSM Alumnus and news about his sch ool. His address is U niversity Road , Baroda 2( G UJ) India.
L S ---------------------------------------------------------
Bailey Meter Company and has been assigned to contract engineering. Bailey Meter, wh ose headquarters are in Wickliffe, Ohio, manufactures industrial instruments and automatic controls for the power and process industries.
John A . Reagan is now employed with International Business Machines after receiving his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering at MSM in January. The Reagan's son, Joseph Albert was born July 2, 196 3. Their present address is 9 Hillside Courts, Apt. 14, Endicott, New York.
Lt. J. G. Samuel C. Owens is now assigned to the U. S. S. Providence stationed at Yokasuka, Japan. He has a three-year tour of duty. He uses his home address 5609 Helen Avenue , Jennings , Missouri.
1 964 L. Lynn Pruitt , a graduate student in Civil Engineering, has been awarded a public health traineeship for graduate study in sanitary engineering. Thetraineeship is granted for a period of 12 months and provides fees and a stipend of $4,080. He has been on the Dean 's honor list every semester during his undergraduate study. He is a member of Chi Epsilon, honorary C. E. fraternity, American Society for Civil Engineering and Tau Beta Pi, national honorary engineering fraternity. He was in the National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Program investigating the photochemical actions of solar ultraviolet radiation on chlorine and its derivatives in water.
Chester B. H odge, Jr. hasa newposition . Formerly, he was an equipment engineer with General Telephone of Illinois. Now he is a production engineer wit h Minneapolis - Honeywell Regulator Company, in theMinneapolis Aeronautical Division. His residence address is 2820 Roosevelt N.E., MinneapoJis. Russell R. Richard entered the Navy as an Ensign and attended a 4-month deep sea diving school. Presently he is servi ng as Diving Officer aboard the the U . S. S. Mataco doing wor k in salvage diving out of San Diego, California. He is on leave of absence from the Caterpillar Tractor Co. His address is U. S. Mataca (ATF-86), FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
1 963
Ronald Bassin has completed the cadet engineering training co urse at
Ronald Bassin
2nd Lt. Ronald Bartlett is stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. They expect to be transferred in June. Mrs. Bartlett is a Rolla girl, the daughter of M/Sgt Louis Hess.
Jerry M. Kinsey, an electrical engineering graduate, has joined the engineering department of M 0 n san t 0 Chemical Company's InorganiC Chemicals Division.
Walter William Watke, Jr. is now with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Kansas City, Mo., as a junior draftsman. His address is 8211 Ward Parkway Plaza , Kansas City 14.
James T. Holt, who r eceived his B . S. degree in Chemistrv, has joined Shell Oil Company 's N c rco Chemical Plant, Norco, Louisiana .
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David M. Lewis has joined Monsanto Chemical Company's OrganiC Chemicals Division in the maintenance department of its John F . Queeny Plant in St. Louis, Mo. David received his M . S. in Mechanical Engineering.
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Thomas Hamilton and Virgil Thomas have reported for assignment in their junior professional development program at the U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, Chica Lake, California.
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John]. Pappert also a mechanical engineering graduate, has accepted a position with Monsanto's Organic Chemica ls Division in the maintenance department of its William G. Krummrich Plant, Monsanto, Ill.
MSM Alumnus