MSM Alumni Association
iuOl WI educati l Term Expire.
Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Missouri
Volume 39
AUGUST 1965 Number 4
President .................. .
. ..... James W. Stephens '47 ............Missouri Public Service Co . ....................... 1965 10700 East 50 Highway Kansas City 38, Missouri
Executive Vice-President ............. R. O. Kasten '43
...... Sheffield Division Armco Steel Corp. 7100 Roberts Kansas City 25, Missouri
Vice-President Areas 1,2,3 ....... ..]. Craig Ellis '38.
... .. 310 Woods End Road . Westfield , New Jersey
Vice-President Areas 4,5 ,6 ........ Joseph W. Mooney '39 .......... 7383 Westmoreland ............................. 1965 University City 30, Missouri Vice-President Areas 7,8 , 9 ......... William B. Fletcher '34 .......... 12081 Smallwood Downey , Cali forn ia
.. . . 1965
Secretary·Treasurer ...... ................. Leon Hershkowitz '41 . . ... .... Assistant Dean .................................... 1965 Missouri School of Mines Rolla , Missouri .. MSM Alumni Association Old Metallurgy Building Rolla , Missouri
Executive Secretary . .. ....Francis C. Edwards .. Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS"
Allan J. Kiesler '40 ..................... .................... 2068 Coolidge Place, Schenectady, New York Gilbert F. Metz '14 .
......................816 Cypress Road, Vero Beach, Florida.
Rex Z. Williams '3 1
........ ... Rolla State Bank, Rolla, Missouri
. 1965 .. ............ 1965 .. ........ 1965
States and Provinces Embraced
.... Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .
1551 Franklin Avenue Minneola, Long Island , New York
... .. New Engla nd , N. Y., N. J. , East Pa. , ... Dist. of Columbia, Md. , Va., Delaware, Province of Quebec
.......... ,J. O. Ferrell '40. . ................................. .. ........ S. Ark ., N. c., S. Ala. , Ga., Fla. 1605 North 10th St. Longview, Texas
La. , Miss. ,
Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Mi~souri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri at Rolla. Subscription price, $1.50, included in Alumni Dues. Entered as second-class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Missouri under the Act of March 3, 1897.
4...... ..... Frank C. Appleyard '37 ...... .. 1209 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, TIL
..... N. TIL, Chicago Industrial Area in Indiana : Wisc. , Mich., Minn. , Province of Ontario
...s. Ill.,
Term Expires 1967
3........... 0. W. Kamper '35 ................................... _........... Pennsylvania, W. Va., Ohio, W. Pa. , . 608 Villavista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Ky ., Tenn. , Ind. (Except . Chicago Industrial Area)
] ackling Gym, the iin! buiLding on the campus to be razed:. Th e new Library will be constructed 011 the site.
.. ...... 1967
6............ Bennett D. Howell '50 ...._.......... _...... _ ......_.. __.. Towa, W. Mo., Nebr., Kan., Okla . . 3313 South Pittsburgh, Tulsa, Oklahoma
.. .. 1965
... Richard H. Bauer '52 . 5 Sappington Acres Drive SI. Louis 26, Missouri
7........... Robert M. Brackbill '42 Sbell Oil Company Midland, Texas
8............ F. W. Heiser '39 ......... 16 Viking Drive Englewood, Colorado
_______ .. _____ Texas, Arizona, New Mexico
............................... Ida., Montana, N. D., S. D., ... Wyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Provinces of Manitoba, Sask., Alberta
9...___ .. ___ William B. Fletcher '34 ... __ .... ___________ Alaska, Washington, Ore., .. 12081 Smallwood California, Hawaii Downey, California
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Sports Program at UMR in Transition Stage
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The demolition of Jackling Gymnasium will cause changes in the phys ical education and sports program at UMR . Physical ed ucation , intram ural and varsity s ports headquarter s will move into a temporary building now being constructed over the o ld tennis courts on State Street back of the Mining Building. The building will house athletic offices, eq uipment storage s pace and shower and dressing rooms for home and visiting football teaIT1S . Required for all freshmen in the past , physical education classes will b e discontinued this fall. Both men 's and wOlTlen 's phys ical ed ucation courses will be taught for credit in the n ew fieldhouse in 1967. IntraITlUral sports, which now invo lve 1500 "Miners " representing 2 8 organizations playing 15 different yea rround events, will b e continued with so me schedule changes. According to Professor Gale Bull -
man, physical education department chairman, swimming, handball and equipITlent loans will have to be discontinued for two years. Still on sched ule, however , are intramural softball , horses hoes , cross cow1try, rille, flag football , tennis, golf, track and bowl Lng. Negotiations are under way for [;lCilities for intramural basketba ll , vo lleyball , wrestling and table tennis. Varsity s ports were boosted this year with so me add itiona l grants-in-a i d . Home basketball games will be played on the Rolla High School courts seating 2,000 (1,100 more than Jackling Gym) . The home football opener will b e September 25, when the Miners play Pittsburg, Kansas State College onJackling Field . Next season 's team will play for a possible 4,000 fans in the stadium. Intercollegiate basketball practice and official contests will b e held at the Rolla
High School gym for th e next two years. Varsity cross country, track, golf, tennis, rifle and baseball willbethesame as always ... and better, as baseball joins conference play and track moves to new facilities for 1966. Swimming is the only varsity sport that will be eliminated, as the Jackling pool becomes the basement of the new library. Aquatic spo rts w ill resume in 1967 in the " Natator ium " in the new field hous e. The safety of the old gym has b een of great concern to school officials for some time , and the decision of the state architect that it had outlived its useful purpose was helpful in gaining the appropriation this year for badly needed modern athletic facilities. The athletic staff of Pl'ofessor Bullman, Allgood, Van Nostrand, K ey, Glazier and Findley will maintain an active program on the Rolla campus during the transition period.
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Jackling Gymnasium will be the first building to fall in the execution of the "Master Plan" of development for UMR. When the demolition crews demolish this familiar sports site it will be also the beginning of a new era in athletics at our school. This is the first building to be razed in recent years to prepare a site for a new building. The new library to be constructed on the old gymnasium site will be the beginning of four new buildings to be built during the 1966-67 academic year. The modem, 4-story library designed by Murphy and Mackey, St. Louis architects, will b e a modular building which means the easy-to-br ouse-through stacks will b e its only interior walls. There will be 75,000 squa re feet of floor space, as compared to the 8,000 square feet now in use in the Parker Hall library. Instead of the present student capacity of 130 , more than 800 "Miners" can study in the new build ing. In addition to single, double and 8-man tables in the reading rooms, s pecial areas will b e fumished with August 1965
lounge furniture for r ecreational reading . The library will be fully air-conditioned and books can be checked o ut over marble-topped circulati on desks at a security-improved central exit. Twenty-five private study rooms will be available to faculty and graduate students. For discussions that requir e us e of reference books, seminar rooms will be availab le. The windows in the $2'-+-million building are especially designed to keep out the sun at all times. A buff brick building with a dignified look, the library will b e built this fall with $1' 2million funded by the Missouri legisI ature and $ 750,000 from the federal g overnmen t. Another part of phas e one of the development program will be an annex to the Physic s Building. Before the second semester gets under way, the east-west hall of the present Physics Building will be extended to Pine Street. The $500,000 annex, designed by P. John Hoener & Ass ociates, St. Louis, will hous e four research lab oratories, office and equipment s pace. Appropri-
ations for the physics additions were authorized by the nnd General Assemb ly of Missouri. Beyond Jackling Field , in what is now the R .O.T.C. dril l field , aMaterials Research Center Building w ill be started next spring and completed for us e by 1957 . The three-story Center, a part of the University System Space Sciences Research Center, will be the first of several research buildings to make up the planned research quadrangle . Space laboratories , graduate student and staff offices will be provided for continuation of work on the more than 20 projects now under way at the temporary Materials Research Center in downtown Rolla. D esig ned by Froese, Maack& Becker , architects of St. Louis, the Center was funded by a U.S. Office of Education grant of $342,000 and $750,000 from the state General Assembly. Research, phys ics and library buildings will b e only the beginning. Money has already been appropriated for an addition to th e Mechanical Engineering Building which, according to plans to 3
be drawn by Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, St. Louis, will extend the present facility north to the Mining Building. The $900,000 addition was provided by Missouri's 73rd General Assembly, which was adjourned this summer . After Jackling Gymnasium is razed, construction will soon start on a $ 2million auditorium-fieldhouse west of the area occupied by the former 18hole golf course which was trimmed to 9-holes for the athletic program. The new gymnasium will include a "natatorium" for aquatic meets and swimming classes, basket ball courses, physical fitness and work -out rooms, offices and equipment rooms. Theauditorium will seat 5,000 for athletic contests and more than 6 ,000 for staged events. Architects for this structure are Marshall and Brown of Kans as City. Missouri. And this is 0 n I y the beginning. "Miners" this year will witness the first steps in a University of Missouri at Rolla development program that will eventually reach all areas of academic life on the campus.
"Nooter Sooter" Had Origin on Campus The Nooter Corporation of St. Louis, Missouri, in cooperation with officials of UMR has designed a highpowered shock tube for the mechanical engineering department. The device, 27 feet of carbon and stainless steel, has been appropriately nicknamed "N ooter B ooter. " Built by Nooter Corporation, fabl"icators of steel and alloy, and assembled by a University graduate student, the shocktube has "booting " capabilities above Mach 10. ti:lliam A. Crede, Westphalia, a mechanical engineering student, built instrumentation and auxiliary equipment which put the "Nooter Booter" into operation for graduate research. The tube was initially designed by Crede and L.G. Rhea, assistant professor of mechanical engineering. Nooter Corporation prepared the final design, which provides a primary driving power of 10, 000 pounds per square inch. A facility for generating shock waves s uch as sonic booms, will be used at 4
UMR for research areas of chemistry, physics and engineering. Professor Rhea explains, for example, that transonic flight tests can be simulated by putting airplane models inside t he shock tube and testing resistance to air pressures. Eventually an apparatus will be installed to photograph experiments as they are performed inside the tube. The "Nooter Booter" weighs approximately 4,800 pounds and it is put together with bolts 2 1/ 4 inches in diameter. It is the largest in the state of Missouri.
M. U. President Nears Retirement Dr. Elmer Ellis, President of the Univer sity of Missouri, under whose administration the University of Missouri has grown to a four-campus system, will reach a mandatory retirement age of 65 in August, 1966. The Board of Curators has launched a nation-wide search for his successor. A screening committee has invited nominations from the faculty, alumni, and friends of the university. Robert Neill, president of the Board of CuratOl"S, is chairman of the committee. Serving on the committee are two other curators, William H. Billings of Kennett, and Oliver B. Ferguson of Fredericktown; a former curator, James F. Finch, Jr., of the Missouri Supreme Court, has been appointed to represent alumni, and Professor Unklesby , Chairman of the Department of Geology, Columbia, represents the faculty on the screening committee.
Kansas City Section The Kansas City Section had a "get together" in the form of a picnic on July 24 at the Mill Creek Park in Independence, Missouri. The wives furnished a covered dish and the main meat dish was barbequed beef. The alumni, their wives andchildrenenjoyed this outing. Dr. Baker, Ike Edwards, General Ray Cochran and their wives from the Rolla campus were guests of the Section. Among those present were James
Stephens '47, Ray Kasten '43, Joe Adams '43, John Averill '59, AI Rouse '59, Ken Kyle '41, Henry Ponzer '60, Gale Fulgham '47, Bob Rickey '56 and Mike Tarr '52. The officers of the Kansas City Section are Bob Rickey, PreSident, Gale Fulgham, Vice President and MikeTarr, Secretary-Treasurer.
Charles B. Finley Joins Athletic Staff Charles B. Finley has joined the football coaching staff at UMR. Finley, a native of Lockwood, Missouri, graduated from the Lockwood HighSchool and received his B.S. degree from Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield , in 1960. He coached football at the Sarcoxie (Mo.) High School for three years and at Lebanon (Mo. ) High School for two years prior to his appointment at UMR. Chuck is married. He and his wife , Dixie, have two children, Gretchen, age 5, and Angela, 1 year old. They live at 8 Pecan Grove, Rolla. This addition to the coaching staff was greatly needed to develop the unusually large football squad at our school.
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En9ineers Club Relocates The Engineers ' Club, the oldest cooperative eating club on the Rolla campus, will open their new facility at the beginning of the fall tenT!. The new Engineers' Club building is located at 814 West 16th Street, north of the electrical engineering building. This is the only building that has been deSigned and built specifically for an eating club. The officers, members and cooks extend an invitation to all alumni to visit the new building and facilities. Ed Shimamoto is president of the Engineers' Club.
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Dr. C. A. Hochwalt Summer Commencenlent Speaker "As a graduate of UMR you will be more than a scientist or an engineer , but an entrepreneur of technology, a risk-taker on the perimeter of scientific achievement," Dr. Carroll A. Hochwalt told 142 graduates at the Summer Commencement at UMR. President and director of the St. Louis Research Council, Dr. Hochwalt talked on "Technology and the Entrepreneur. " A former Monsanto Company vice-president, h e is also president and di.rector of the St. Louis Regional In d ustrial Development Corporation. Dr. Hochwalt defined his terms and their importance, " ... science and technology, the proved hypothesis and its practical application by invention or inn ovation are mutually dependent. While the present era has yielded important
breaks in basic research, it has been far more productive of advances in technology in the applied sciences." The speaker stressed applications of technology in the modern world in economics and politics. In reference to current military crises, Hochwalt spoke of "the unprecedented modern-day shift by all major world powers from man power to brain power as the source of military posture." "In fact, the brain power tends to serve as a neutralizer of numerical manpower differences in ~ kind of bombversus-bomb stalemate, since it is quite impractical to determine, who has the better bomb." Dr. Hochwalt concluded by pointing out to graduates, "you are being
graduated from an excellent school with high standards which you've succeeded in meeting." "You've learned how to learn, and that will be the mainstay of your professional life - for what you've learned is not worth much ... knowledge is being obsoleted at· an estimated rate of 15 per cent per year. "In other words, if you fail to keep up with the literature in your field , you can count on having to start learning it over again seven years or so from today. " UMR, in the Summer Commencement, granted 80 bachelor of science degrees, 41 master of science degrees , 15 master of science for teachers and six doctor of philosophy degrees.
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A 1925 college dropout who never lost his am bition to get his d egree made it at commencement exercises at the University of Missouri at Rolla at the s ummel' commencement. A bachelor 's deg ree in metallurgical engineering was granted to 60-yearold Har old W. Seifert, wh o set a record for tilTle elapsed between start ing and finis hing college. Seifert, who entered the former University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1922 after gr ad u at i 11 g from J oplin High Sch ool, returned to Rolla last September for his final year. Semi-retired s ince 1958, Seifert has already had a s uccessful career in the field of metall urgical engineering. After he left college in 1 925, he went to Mexico where he has s pent most of his boyhoo d , and h e has lived th ere most of the intervening years . Seifert started his career in the brass fo und ry of La Consolid ada, S .A., Mexico City , a steel company, working up to general s uperintendent of nine plants before he left the C01Tlpany almost 20 yea rs later. At one time, La Consolidada was the second larg est steel COlTlpany in Mexico and pioneered several plants, in the firs t chr o me, cadAugust 1965
Haroid W. Seifert with Profs. R. M. Rankin (left) and Robert Wolf (right).
mi um and electroplating plants in Mex ico. Seifert superv is ed and o perated the fir st open-hearth steel plant to use natura l gas for firing. After W orld War II, Seifert was instr um ental in founding Al umin o Industrial Mexicana, S.A., in Mex ico C ity , a -divis ion of Aluminium Limited, and was ma nager of th e firm and assistant to th e pres id ent until his r etirement in 195 8 . Since that tiITle he has d one cons ulting wor k in T exas , Mexico, an d th e Central America co un tr ies . Th e decis ion to return to schoo l came almost as an acc id ent. Last s um mer Seifert stopped to take a few pict ures of his alma mater as h e passed through Rolla. In a chance enco unter with school officia ls , he mentioned his long-s tanding w is h to fin ish school, and th eir en co ur agement led hi m to take the neces s ary steps for readmiss ion. A s pecia l pr ogram was worked o ut which wo uld make it possible for him to grad uate in on e fu ll year of class work.
Dr. Faucett Returns as Mech. E. Head Dr. Thomas R . Faucett, head of the mechanical engineering department at the State Univers ity of Iowa, Iowa City, has been named chairman of the department of mechanical engineering at UMR . Dr. Faucett will succeed Dr. Aaro n Miles, who was chairman of the department for 23 years before his recent appointment as Dean of the Sch ool of Engineering at UMR.
Dr. Faucett was previously o n the faculty at Rolla from 1960 to 1962 as pr ofessor of mechanical engineering, leaving to accept th e Iowa Uni-
The University of Missouri increases incidental fees on all four camp uses . Dr. Elm er Ellis, Pr esident of the Univers ity of Missouri an n o unced the increase is needed to help defray the increas ing operational costs. The incidental fee for Miss our i st udents will b e $140 for a s emester , an incr ease of $25 over the $ 11 5charged last year. Missouri stud ents do not pay tuition at the University. Out-ofstate students enrolling in the Univers ity w ill pay an increase of $ 37 .50 , or a total of $ 3 2 7.50 a semester.
' Ro ug h! " s ay s Seifert, "but I wouldn't have mis s ed it for the wo rld! "
Would he enco urage other s to foll ow his examp le? "Definitely " is Seifert 's em ph a t ic opinion. Most o lder people are afraid of going back to sch ool, as he was before h e fin ally took the ste p. ' 'T o even understand what is going on in the world today, people of my gen eration m u s t continue their ed ucation , either th r o ug h further sch ooling or reading," says Seifert, who d oes not believe in an inactive retil¡ement.
Dr. Fa ucett and his wife, Ruth , ar e the parents of four children.
Fees Increased
How has it been for him to go back to the class r oom after 40 years absence with boy s a generatio n a nd a half yo w1ger?
He fo und that his alma mater has grown up, too, with an enrollment more than 10 times that of 1925. At that time, the sch ool offer ed work in seven fie ld s of science and engineering , now bachelors d egrees are offered in 12 field s , master 's degrees in 22, and th e doctor of philosophy degree, not availab le o n this campus at this time, may be earned in 16 d ifferent maj ors. The sch ool which was then kn own as the technological branch of the Univer s ity of Mis s ou ri , is now a full-fledged Un ivers ity of its own.
Sigma (mechanical engineering), Tau Beta Pi (engineering) and Sigma Xi (science and research.) He is listed in Wh o's W h o in Am.erican Educat ion, Wh o 's Who in Engineering, Amer ican Men in Science and Wh o 's Who in America. H e is an active member of the American Society 0 f Mechanical Eng in eers an d is currently a regional chairman of the depa rtment h eads committee.
The curators of the Univers ity have a pproved th e increase beginning with the 1965 fa ll semester.
Dr. Thomas R. Faucett
versity post. He has also served on the faculties of the Univ ers ity of 'Rochester and Purd ue Univers ity , and has been emp loyed in the Cleveland Diesel Engin e Divis ion of General Mot or s corporation. H e has had extens ive cons ulting and research exper ience. Dr. Fa ucett r eceived his elementary and high sch ool educati on in the public school in Fulton, Misso uri. H e r eceived his B.S. d egree in m echanical engineering at the University of Missouri at Columbia and the M.S . in mechanical engineering and Ph . D. degr ee Purdue University. Dr. Faucett is a member of a numb er of h o n orary societies, including Pi Mu Epsilon (mathematics) , Pi Tau
D r. Ellis said these increases were necessary for the efficient operatio n of th e UniverSity and are more in line w ith the increased contributi on to the UniverSity 's s upport by the taxpayers of the State. Th ey are also more in line w ith the fee structures of the other Midwest state univer sities which are attended by Missouri students . Many of these univers ities have increased thei r fees this past year.
Oil Company Donates Gravity Meters Three under-water gravity meters donated by Esso Production Research Co., a s ubsidiary of H umble Oil and Refining Co., Ho uston, Texas, are being changed from oil exploration to earthquake detection equipment for us e in the UMR Geophysical Observatory. The MSM Alumnus
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Dr. Lorey Heads Expanded Extension Division
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souri at Rolla from 1942 to 1949. A graduate of Washington University , Hafeli was head coach in football and basketball at Kenyon College befor e joining the U.M.R. facutly where he became coach in football and head coach in basketball. In addition to coaching , he served part of this time as director of athletics and physical education with special emphasis on the physical training program of the Army trainees on the Rolla campus. Since leaving the faculty 1949, he has been owner and manager of a Rolla drug store and the Rolla Swimming Pool.
Dr. G. Edwin Lorey, associate professor of ceramic engineering has been appointed director of the Extension Division at UMR. At the same tin1e, Dwight L. Hafeli, Rolla businessman and former U.M.R. faculty member was named coordinator of educational short courses and conferences in the Extension Division. Established on the Rolla campus in September, 1964, the Extension Division enrolled over 3,000 students d uring the first year of operation. The Extension Division is responsible for all programs beyond the usual academic offerings on the Rolla campus. These programs include the St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center, located on the campus of the University of Missouri at St. Louis, off-campus credit courses, evening courses on the Rolla campus, non-credit courses, short courses , conferences an d institutes. This year for the first time, the Extension Division is offering evening courses for college credit both on the Rolla campus an d at Fort Leonard
New Fraternity
Dr. G. Edwin Lorey
Wood. Several non-credit courses are now being presented in Rolla, others are scheduled for St. Louis and Lebanon, and at least ten on-campus conferences and institutes are planned for the coming year.
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Geophysical Observatory has recently been established on the campus to accelerate geophysical research. The gravity meters were designed several years ago by Dr. Hughes M. Zenor, director of the UMR Obseratory while he was an employee at Humble. Humble used the instruments in water-covered areas, lowering them from a boat and taking recordings by remote control. To be adopted as earthquake seismometers, the meters will require some modification. Data will be gathered by the meters and recorded on magnetic tape. It will then be transmitted by long distance telephone to the UMR laboratories and the position and magnitude of earthquakes may be determined a few minutes after occurrence. Dr. Zenor als 0 states the instruments will be used for a study of earth tides. Due to attraction of the moon and sun, the earth 's surface moves up and down periodically with the rotation of the earth. August 1965
Extension Director Lorey first came to Rolla in 1956 as assistant professor of ceramic engineering. A native of New York, Lorey received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in ceramic engineering from Alfred University and the Ph.D. in ceramics from Rutgers. Prior to coming to Rolla, he has been a research assistant and instructor at Rutgers and research assistant at Alfred University. Lorey is past president of the Ceramic Educational Council of the American Ceramic Society, past president of the Rolla chapter of Sigma Xi honor society, and vice chairman of the Materials Committee of the American Society of Engineering Education. He is the author of several technical publications, and has been a consultant for refractories, glass and clay industries of Missouri. A Rolla civic leader, Lorey has been active in church and community affairs. Hafeli was on the staff of the athletic department of the University of Mis-
Another fraternity will be added to the campus this academic year. The new frat is the Epsilon Psi chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha, the o ldest greek letter fraternity originally organized for Negro men. It was founded in 1906 at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. There are now three hundred and thirty-three graduate and undergraduate chapters in the United States and two foreign countries . The Alpha house is locat ed at the intersection of Highway 63 and Elm Street.
Wins National Honor Members of the Delta Sigma Phi social fraternity at UMR have received national recognition for excellence. The chapter ranked number one among the 68 chapters of the men's organization. Because UMR grants degrees only in engineering and science the scholastic achievement becomes more significant. Second in the national scholastic rank was the UniverSity of Southern California chapter. Southern Methodist U niverSity took second honors and the engineering and science students of Georgia Institvte of Technology chapter were rated fourth. A UMR scholar ship plaque is awarded twice annually to the initiated member showing the greatest scholastic improvement and the best grade average. One m 0 nth's fraternity expenses award goes to tw o members showing t he best first semester grade average.
Phi Kappa Theta House Remodelled
s outhwest. Potash operation . Refer File No. 176. GEOLOG IST - Mining ind ustry in central Florida . Experienced in ex ploration, economic evaluation and develo pment of lTlineral properties. Exten sive travel may b e required. Refer Fi le No . 172 .
M.E. - MIN I NG - MET -CH.E.Large COITIpany w ith va ~'ious req uirements in these engineering field s . Refer File No . 171. SUPERV ISOR, INDUSTRIAL ENG INEER I NG - M.E. or M e t. Experience in foundr y. Midwestern heavy equipment manufacturer. Refer FileN o . 170.
Ph i Kappa Th e ta House
The new Phi Kappa Theta fraternity house will be occupied this fa ll. The new structure is on the sam e s ite of their o ld house which was d estroyed by fire two s ummer s ago. T h e twostory white brick str uctur e has r oom for 60 Ph i Kaps . On the first floor is the rece ption r oo m, dining room accolTlmodating a b o ut 50 persons and card and televis ion room which is sound proof. Separat ed from the dining room by s liding d o ors is the s pacious chapter r oom . This gives two large room.S for party fes tivities . G lass doors inthechapter and card r oom. enable easy access to the s urrounding patio . The kitchen is located on the right s ide of the dining r oom. The remainder of the first fl oor houses three st udy rooms. The second story is made up of stud y r oo ms and two s lee ping p orches . Each has a large desk witha formica top and a s pacious wa rdr ob e. The excell ent aco ustics and lighting sys tem provid e id ea l study conditi o ns . Th e basem en t of the h o use IS J U S{ r o ug hed- in and is used for storage. I n the futur e the s paciou s basement co uld b e converted into any type of rool11 n eeded. Th e Phi Kappa Theta h o use is located at 8th an d State Streets .
ENGINEERS WANTED For information regarding the fo llow ing positions write to Ass istan t D ean Leon Hers hkowitz, UMR , R olla, Misso uri. METALLURGIST - Positio n open in the St. Louis, Missour i area. Refer Fi leNo . 182 . E. E. - ENGINEER I NG SC IENCE OR PHYS ICS - Ballast D es ign Engineer. Improving circuitry and components for electromagn etic ballasting d evices for contro lli ng fl u orescent lam ps. Refer File No. 185 . SALES ENG INEER - Large oil com pany. Prefer M.E. 25 to 35 years of age . Midwest states. Refer File No. 18 3 . ENG INEERS - D es ign, s upervisor, pro ject and field service . Large h eavy machinery manufacturer. Refer Fi le No . 181. ENGINEERS - All types . Large electrica l ITlanufactur er. Nationwide placem ent. Refer Fi le N o . 180. METALLURGIST - Experienced in secondary lead s m elting. Good sa lary . In T exas . R efer File No.1 7 8 . ELECTR I CAL ENGINEERS Good salaries , Midwes t location s . Many phases of E.E. Refer File No. 177 . CHEMICAL ENGINEER - Mi ll s hift responsible for entir e s hift o perati on . Experienced preferred. In
M.E. - Centra l. Engineering d epartm.ent h ome office of m idwest company. Experienced in p lant layout, process flow, and building design projects. Food and feed ITlanufacturer. Refer File No. 169 . QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER - Met. or Met. E. Location southern Michigan. Metallurgical and Chem.ical laborator ies. Refer File No. 168. ENG INEERS - M.E. , C.E ., Ch.E., PhysiciSt. Large r ub ber manufacturer. Varied pos itions . Good salaries. Refer FileNo. 166. SALES ENGINEER - Ch e mica l com pany. Initial pos ition administrative assistant to ind ustrial sa les management. Refer File N o. 165 . VICE PRESIDENT, TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT - Age not a factor but ITI USt be experienced in techn ical and research activities. Familiarity w ith lum b er ing an advantage. Refer File N o. 16 3. CERAMIC ENG INEERS - Fill a critical opening in an atolTlic p ower lab oratory. Need n ot have nuclear exper ience. R efer File No. 16 2 . ENG INEERS - Plant engineering d epartm.ent midwest steel company. Res pons ibilities in design and redes ig n leading to pr oject engineering and for area maintenance s upervis o ry pos iti ons. Refer Fi le No . 16 1 . MIN I NG - Superintend ent of Ben efic iation and Pelletiz ing. Experience in b oth. First p os itio n domestiC, latter over seas . Salaries good. R efer File No. 159 ENG INEERS - Fo undry manag ement , pr oductio n, plant layo ut , eq uipMSM Alu mnus
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ment design, maintenance and metallurgy. Prepared to train. Domestic and overseas. Two men top level positions . Refer File No. 157 . CH.E. - CHEMISTS - M .E. - Large Oil Com.pany. Research and Manufacturing Department. Located in Ohio. Refer File No. 154 . Engineers - All fields. Oil company. Experienced and non-experienced . Eastern locations. Refer File No. 15 3. ENGINEERS - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. Scientists also. Refer File No. 152. ENGINEERS - All fields . Lar ge chemical company. Experienced. Midwest and South. Refer File No. 15I. ENGINEERS - SCIENTISTS.Technical center large glas s company. Good salaries. Midwest. Refer File No. 145 . MINING - MET. - M.E. - E.E. - CH. E. Many locations . Large selections. Experience and no experience. Refer File No. 144. NUMERICAL ANALYST - M.E. Math discipline versed in standard technique of numerical analysis. M.E. tool and dye engineering. Vapor metallizing. Refer File No. 155. ENGINEERS - Process, Development' Inspection, Metallw-gical, Chemical Development, Drilling, Mining. Large minerals and chemical corporation. B.S. and advanced degrees. Experience and non-experience. Refer File No . 193 . ENG INEERS - Ch .E. 's - operations , plant, process, development, technical service, air pollution control and field sales. M.E. 's, design, staff, plant, eq uipment des igners and des igners . Most with experience . Chemical company. R efer File No. 192. SAFETY ENG INEER - Industrial safety large aircraft corp oration, Midwest. Refer File No. 19I. ENG INEERS AND SCIENTISTS - Three to ten years experience in M.E., E.E., Physics (Eng.) and Mathematics. R. and D. Department of apparatus and optial division. Security clearance necessary. Refer File No. 190. E.E. - Communications eng ine e1'. Oil company in the south. R efer File No.189.
M. E. - Sales trainee. Pr o ject engineer. Manufacturer custom-built machi-
nn US
August 1965
nery for food industry. Refer File No. 186. CE. or MINING - Underground and shaft construction. Midwest 's new operation. Refer File No. 172.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. W ayne R. Br oaddus Jr. , '55 , of J o nes bor o, G eorgia , an n o unce the birth of a son , Ben Hunter , July 9, 1 965 . M1'. and Mrs . Ellis E. Shafer '6 1 , have a second d aug hter , Sheila Lo uise, born June 22, 19 65 . Ellis is an electr onic engin eer at the Fed eral Aviatio n Ag ency, Kansas City, Mo . T heir residence is at 176 Law n Drive, B elt on , Mo . M1'. and Mr s . W ay ne C Horton '6 1 , n ow h ave a daug hter , Am y Eliza beth , b orn D ecemb er 10, 1964 . W ayne is an expl oration geolog ist with Amerad a Petr o leurll.. They live at 911 3 Luga ry Driv e, H o usto n , T exas . Mr. and Mr s . C o lin C Mac Crindle '6 3, wish to ann o unce the b i.rth of their first s on , James Ian, on June 7, 1965. Colin is pr esentl y the cornp any's chief m etallurgical engineer and ass istant plan t s uperin tendent , Eas ter n Operation , Am.erican N icheloid Company, Slatington , Penn sylvania. The MacCrindles' address is 827 Main Street, Slatington. M1'. and Mrs. To m. D . Burke '6 0, h ave add ed th eir fo ur th ch ild to th eir' fin e fam.ily. T hey named him T im othy and h e was b orn July 29, 1965 . The co unt n ow is thr ee b oys and a g ir l. T om is w ith th e C orps of Engin eers in K an sas City, Miss o uri. T h e r es idence addr ess is 3438 North Br igh· to n , K an sas City 1 7 . M1'. and Mrs . Otto L. Van Ma er s sen '49 , ad vise us of the birth of th eir second s o n , fifth child , Ap r il 9 , 1965 . T heir address is 6 0 7 N . R osem.on t, D a ll as Texas . O tto is a plan ning engin eer for L.T V ., G r and P rair ie, T ex as . M1'. and Mrs . K ermit R. K r eder '57 have an add ition to their fa m.ily with the arrival of J ennifer Lee October 10 , 1 964 , to jo in h er two bro thers, Steven 7 ~ years, and Greg, 2 1/2 year s o ld. The fat h er is an engineer wi th McDonnell Aircraft in St. Lo uis , Mo ., an d the Kr ed'ers resi de in St. Cha rles, Mo ., at 1 213 C h arw ood Drive.
M1'. and Mrs . Clar ence J. Vett er , J1'. '57 , b elatedly ann ounce the arri va l of a d aughter , C onnie June, o n June 30 , 1964 . Clarence is a r esearch engineer w ith U.S. Indu strial Chemicals C o ., Tusco la, Ill. Their address is P. O. B ox 71 , Atwood , Ill. Mr. and Mrs . Anth on y Selvaggi '5 4 , we lc o lTl e th eir fir s t child , J oseph Anth ony, Augu st 16, 1965 . They live at 20 E. R oselle Ave ., R oselle Par k , N ew J er sey . Anth o n y is a process eng ineer' w ith Wes tingh o use El ectric Co rp Ol'ation . M1'. and Mrs . Ll oyd E. C ooper '6 0 , h ave a s ister fo r their son , Eric Lee, age 3 '2 yea r s . Kyla Raye was b orn Marvh 4 , 1965 . The Coopers live at 806 H o lid ay Ave ., H azelwood , Misso uri and Ll oyd is a strength engineer at Mc· D o nnell Aircraft Corp o rat io n. M1'. and Mrs . J o hn R. G rind o n '6 1 informed us of the birth of Christin e Mari e, wh o anived March 6 , 1965 . The m other is the fo Shirley Gideon of R o lla. The fa ther is a senio r engin eer at McD o nnell Aircr aft Corp o ratio n , St. Lo u is, Mo .
MARRIAGES Prothero-McGill
C aptai n R onald P. Prothero '61, and Miss Sara Jane McGill of Little Rock, Arkans as wer e married July 3, 1965. Miss Mc G ill, a gr aduate of the Univers ity of Arkans as , has b een serving as a H om e D emonstr ation Agent with the Pulas ki C o unty Agricultw-al Extension Service. Captain Prothero , U.S. Army C o rps of Engineers , is serving with the Little R ock En g ineer District as an eng in eer for the Ar kansas River Navigation Pr o ject in the construction of Lock and D am N umb er 6 near Little Rock. The Pr o ther os ' address is 3700 Central Road , A pt. 6 08 , Little Rock. Bridegroom· Pautler
William E. Brid egr oom '64 , a nd Miss Car o l Pautler of Evansville, In· diana , were lTlarr i e d Novem.b er 14, 1964 . Mrs . Brid egr oom was a seni or at DePaul School of Nurs ing in St. Lo uis, Mo . William is an application engineer at Vick er 's Electric Products Divis ion , S perry Rand Corporation. The newlywed s ' addres s is 5956Shuit e, St. Louis .
Bol o n-Ro b ert s
Dr. Albert E. Bolon '61, and Miss Sherrell Rae Roberts, of Council B luffs, Iowa, were married June 19, 1965 at the Epworth Method ist Church ~ Council B luffs. The bride has her B .S. degree from Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa and M.S . degree in textiles a nd clothing from Iowa State U niversity, Ames, and has taught in Freeport and Des Plaines, Illinois, Dr. Bolon earned his Ph.D. degree at Ames and w ill join the Metallurgical and N uclear Engineering Department at UMR this fall as ass istant professor. The yo ung couple will make their home at the Bolon Cabin at the Rolla Country Club . Dore -M itche ll
J ohn A. Dore '62, and Miss Mary Caroline Mitchell , of West Palm Beach, Florida, were married at the Northwood Methodist Church, JWle 15 , 1965.John is presently emp loyed as exper imental engineer at the Florida Research and Development Center, of Pratt Whitney Aircraft Corp. The Dores' address is Route No.2, Jupiter, F lorida . Doll -P oli ng
Warwick W. Doll '65 , and Mis s Carole Poling of Charleston, West Virginia, were married A ugust 20 , 1965. They will live in Cleveland, Ohio , w here Warwick will do graduate work in polymer engineering at the Case Institute of Technology. Their new address is 1847 Idlewood, East C leveland . Kamper -Wyl ie
Russell A . Kamper '62, and Miss Laura Steele Wylie were married July 10, 1965. Mr s . Kamper , of Wikinsburg, Pennsylva nia , is an elementary grade teacher. The new lyweds s pent their honeymoo n in J amaica. Ru ss is a structural engineer for Peter F. Loftus Corporation , in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. H e is continuing graduate work at night sch ool. Russ and Laura's new home is ApartmentF56, ll5 N ., St.ClairStreet, Pittsburgh. Adam -R audebaugh
Kenneth Charles Adam '59, and Miss Di ann e Raudebaugh were married September 4 , 1965, in the Point Magu Base Chapel, Point Magu, California. Miss Raud ebaugh will enter her sen ior year at San Fernand o Valley State College where she will receive her bachelor d egr ee in business administration. Mr. 10
Adam is on the engineering staff of t he R adio Corporation of America in Van Nuys , California. A chenbac h-Pa rk s
Gary David Achenbach '63 and Miss Carolyn Frances Parks, of Rolla, Mo., were married August 14, 1965, in the First Baptist Church in Rolla . Thebride is a graduate of th e U. of Missouri at Columbia, and will teach in the R o lla Junior Hi g h School th is year. The bridegroom w ill continue his wor k on his Ph . D. degree in chemical engineer ing at Ui\1R. The newlyweds will reside at 1510 D North Rolla St., Rolla. M cCaw-Wadick
Charles K. McCaw '62, and Mis s Margaret Sue Wadick, of St over, Missouri , were married July 31, 1965 at the St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in R o lla. 1\ McCaw is a graduate of Central Missouri State College, Warrensburg, and has taught two years in the St. James (Mo.) schools. Charles is a mechanical engineer with Cities Service Oil Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma . The McCaws expect to reside in D es Plaines, Ill.
DEATHS Ear l R. Ho us ho lde r ' 18
Earl Ross Hous hold er '18, died July 9, 1965 in the Veterans Administration Hospital, Prescott, Arizona. Jo h n F. Findl ey '49
John Frederick Findley '49, died January 1, 1965. H e was employed by the Missouri State Highw ay Department as District Engineer Ass istant and r es id ed in Hannibal, M o . Wi lli am D. Larso n ' 6 3
2nd. Lt. William D. Larson '63 . Notice was r eceived at the Alumni Office advising of his death. His last address on file at the Alumni Office was Re ese AF B , Texas. Wi ll ia m C. Po we ll ' 2 1
Will iam C. Powell '2 1, age 69, of Overton, Texas , died July 22, 1965. H e was in the lum.ber business and was active in the business until his death. H e was the br other of the late Fr ank B. P owell of R o lla, and W.H. Powell
of St. James. Surviving are his widow, Lois Patten Powell , a da ughter, Patricia Yost of S ea tt l e, Washington, three son s , William of Seattle, Was hington , Walbridge and Julian of New Orleans, Louisiana, two s isters, Mrs. H oward M. Katz, and Mrs. Frank Dennie of Rolla, Missouri. Burial was in Overton. El dre d D. W i lson ' 18
Dr. Eldred Dewey Wilson '1 8, died July 26, 1965 at the Tucson Medical Center after a prolonged illness. H e was 67. D r. Wilson, considered by assoc iates as, "Mr. Geology of "Arizona, " was widely known for his geolog ical s urvey and mapping work . H e served with the Arizona Bureau of Mines at the UniverSity of Arizona since 191 8, and was noted for his original wor k on dozens of Arizona Bureau of j\'l in es publications. His latest work, "G uidbook I - Highways of Arizona, U.S. High way 66" was published in June. He has served as state geologist of Arizona since 1925 . H e was awarded a doctorate in geology in 1937 from Harvard University. His contributi o ns to the geology of Arizona h ave been numerous, greatly spurring devel o pment of sc ientific knowledge about the state. Among these are, the fint geological map of Arizona with a co-{;ontrib utor, com prehens ive treatment of the str uctural phenomena of the San Manual ore depos it, and the "lvlat zatzel Revolution, " an ancient geological event and the Butler Mountain range of so uthern Yuma Co unty. H e was awarded a 75th Anniversary medallion of merit by the U. of Arizona and was recognized as one of the nati on 's prominent geologists by the AIME.Besides his widow, Frances, he is s urvived by two daughters , Mrs . Cynth is Seed of Tucson and Mrs . Ann Brooks 0 f Littleton , Co lorado, and two sons, Arthur and E. Dewey , both of Tucson.
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Walter Adams Luther , Jr. '03 , died in April 1965. He was res iding at 408 South Germantown Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee at the time of his d eath.
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Winso n B . Kehr '42, died s udd enly July 28, 1965, of coronary occl usion and insufficiency, in Mansfield , Ohio . M SM Alu m nus
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Pa ul C. Hatm.a k er '23 , died F ebruary 2 , 196 5 .
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J ames D. Fow ler '08 , died August 4 , 1965 in Dallas, Texas. He was res iding at 4328 Larchmont St. , Dallas, T exas at the time of his death . Roy N . McBride ' 14
Roy N. McBride '14 . The offic e has b een advised of his d eath. Information regarding his death was n ot given. ,
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192 1 William F. Netzeband has retired from American Zinc Lead and Smelting Company after 24 years' affiliation with the firm. He states he is "happier when he is underground " where he has s pent most of his time until the last three or four years, He was one of the first to bring engineering and geological knowledge to one of the great mining fields in the world, the southwest Mis souri area. He has taken part in ever y phase of progress ill the mining fields and no doubt his knowledge will be continued to be used in a consulting capacity in mining engineering. His son, William F. Jr., Clas s of 1950, is an electronic engineer, located in Pasadena, California. Mr. Netzeband 's retirement plans are rather vague at the present but he and Mrs. Netzeband will b e at home at 205 Jackson Avenue, Joplin , Missouri.
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Walker E. Case, formerly a senior engineer with American Telephone and Telegraph Company, in Kansas City, Mo., has retired and is now living in Florissant, Missouri, at 3915 Woodcrest Drive.
192 5 Charles C. Irving retired in April from the J.M. Corbett Co., Chicago, August 1965
193 0 Marion A. Dillingham has been elevated to President, Amberson Engineering Company, Houston, T exas. His former position was vice president of Amberson. His address is 2239 Golds mith R oad, Houston, T exas . Karl W. Kaveler , technical advisor, Olin Brass Metals Division, is back in East Alton, Illinois, since returning from a 3 1/ 2 year assignment with Military Advisory Group in Puson, I<torea under contract w ith the U.S. army. His address is 914 McPherson , Alton , IlL
193 5 E.W. Nixon, Norfolk and Western Railroad 's assistant general manager of transportation, was appointed, effective July 1 , general manager of the railway 's Western Region with offices in
Wabash became a part of the N & W last October. He held the transportation position in R oanoke s ince January 1. ,1 9 4 0 Lawrence E. " Larry" Lambelet, who for a number of years was a cartographer with the U.S. G eological Survey, is now project manager for a $9-million s urveying and mapping project which the United Nations Special Fund is to assist the Government of India over a five-year period in pre-investment surveying, mapping and training. He has been assigned to New Delhi, and his new address is 74 Link Road, New Delhi, India. The project seeks to aid the Government of India to achieve s elf-sufficiency in staff and equipment for the exec ution of high-priority surveying and mapping needed for many development projects now being carried out or planned in the resources Section. The project also includes assistance in expanding the present cartographic training programme of the Survey of India and in the establishing, in Hyderabad, a Pilot Production and Training Center for pre-investment surveying and m.apping.
194 1 E. W. Nixon
St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Nixon jo ined the engineering department of the former Wabash Railroad in 1935 . He worked as transitman and assistant engineer before beco ming assistant trainmaster in St. Louis in 1940. After serving on thr ee divisions , he became train mas ter of the Moberly Division in 1942 and of the Decatur Division in 1944. He was promoted to superintendent at Chicago in 195 0 and after serv ing as superintendent of the Mo berly Division for two years he returned to St. Louis as ass istant g eneral manager - operations. In 1960 he was named manager special operations , the job he held when the
Colonel Richard G. Rhodes began ten months of study at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington D.C., August 23. He is one of 180 senior officers of the m.ilitary services and key civilian officials of the Federal Government who have been se-
Col. Richard G. Rhodes
lect ed to attend the course . The Indus trial College plays a m.ajor role in nationa l policy by enhancing the education of policymaking personnel. T h e cu rr ic ulum will focus on fom m ajo r c o urses : the Management of Nati onal Secmity, Management in the De11
partment of Defens e, th e Management of Nat io nal R esources and Foundations for National Security St udi es . Colonel Rhodes entered the Army in 1941 and was last stationed in Okinaw a. R obert F . Boyd has been named Vice Pres ident of G uy F. Atkinson Co., Long Beach , California. Bob 's s on is to enroll at UMR this fa ll and is quite pr o fic ient in bas ketball.
194 2 David Owen s h as been appointed advertis ing manager of Simp licity En gineering Company, Durand , Michigan. H e joined Simplicity in 1964 and h e will assume the advertising post in ad dition to his prev io us duties as marker research man ager. Simplicity manufactures vib ratory equipment for the aggregate, brick and clay, mining, foundry, and food ind ustries.
of Bay City Bearing Co., Inc., Los Angeles, California. He received his degree in Mechanical Engineering at Rolla, served three years as Lieutenant in th e U.S. Navy, was sa les engineer for Phillips Petroleum Company a nd joined the Chair B elt Company in 1953 , as a s a l e s engineer. H e becam e affiliated with Bay City Bearing Company in 195 3 and helped to build this company into one of the largest bearing and power transmis s ion dis tr ibut ors in the eleven western states . The company h as twenty sale s m en and five branche s an d a mach ine and steel fabrication shop in the southern Califo rnia area . The Fleischlis h ave a da ughter , Karen, age 1 8 , who is in college, and his son J ack is in high school and the other daughter, Ginger, age 4, is in kindergarten. Jack , J eanette and fam ily live at 5254 Ap pian Way, Long Beach, California.
Wes tinghouse Electric Corporation in J ersey City, N.Y. His residence addr ess is 30 Bertrand St., Old Bridge, N.].
194 8 Jos eph Ware Fitzpatrick was transferred from D enver, Colorado, to Kansas City, Missomi, where h e is the R egion al Program Director, Divis ion of Air Pollution, U.S . Public H ealth Service, R egion VI. Joseph, Marion and their s on Larry, age 7, reside at 2204 West 1 04th Terrace , Leawood, Kans as .
194 9 Maj or Gordon L. Carpenter has been awa rded the U.S.Air Force Commendation Medal at th e Space Systems Division, Los Angeles , California. Th e award was for meritorious service as a memb er of the Titan III n; iss ile development program with SSD. H e is
Dav id O wens
Ed ward T . K endall , Jr. 'is area manager U. S . General Services Administration and is now ass igned in Charl otte, North Carolina. His address ther e is 4 8 29 Currituck D r ive, Charl otte.
Jack Fleischli
J ean Ll oyd Arras is a hous ewife again aft er a brief but interesting job as electronics engin eer w ith th e industrial manager 's office 15th Naval District , Canal Zone. Her husband 's tran sfe r to Madrid, Spain terminated her career - the s h ortest in engin eering history. J ean and Bob ar e now in So uth Am.erica w h ere h e is repr esenting Chrys ler. Their address is in care of Chry s l e r Peru , Apartad o 50 3 7, Lima, Peru. D o nald C. Br and is minister at the Union Eas tminster Presbyterian Church in Lex ingt o n , K entucky .
1 9 4 5
, J ac k Fleischli was r eCe\1tly appoint ed vice pr ~s id ent in charge of s ales 12
W alter S. Knecht has accept ed a p ositi on with FMC C o rpor ation as head o f theri data process ing department in the In o rganic D ivis io n. His new address is 1412 Robin H ood R o ad , Charles to n W es t Virgiriia. Leon Eriv has taken a new pOSitIOn a s materials proc ess engineer w ith the
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1 944 Allan ]. Fuchs, Jr., 3807 Claridge R oad, Yester Oaks, Mobile, Alabama , has resigned a pOSition w ith Standard Oil Division of American Oil Co. , to vent ure into his own bus iness as wholesale distributor for AnheuserBusch in Mobile.
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Maj . Gordon L. Carpenter
a memb er of the Air Force System s Command which manages r esearch, development, prod uction and procw'ement of USAF miss iles, pl an es and s upport systems . Wi lliam H. Gamm o nafter som eeight year s in res earch and develo pm ent fo r As hland O il C om pany, including s everal years as d ir ector of research , was tr ansferred to the United Carb on Divis ion of Ashland. After o ne year , h e was elected pres ident of United Ca rb on. United is one of th e leading manu factmer s of carb on black with plants in France, India, Ven ez uela and Australia. Ther e ar e five plants in the Unit ed States . Th ey also manufacture SBR at a plant in Baytown , T exas . John]. Mulligan, mining engin eer w ith the U .S. Bur eau of Min es, Junea u , Alas ka, is working on a seri es of reports on the tin dep os its of N orth MSM Alumnus
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Charles H. Church has been pr omoted as an advisory physicist at West inghouse Research Lab o ratories, Westinghouse Electr ic Corporation, as of J anuary 196 5 . His add ress is 1056 Old Gate R oad, Pitts burg h , Pennsylvania. John P. Brown has been appointed Manager, Process Engineering for Mill Products , Brass Divis ion, Olin Works , Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation, East Alton , Ill. Brown joined Olin in 195 3 as a Laboratory Metallurgist. Prior to his recent ap pointm ent h e was Metallurgical Process Engineering Su_pervisor, a position he held for two years. The B row n s live at 1074 0 Spring Graden Drive , St. Louis, Mo. William W einstein has b een appointed vice president, foreign operations of the Found ation of Canada Engineer-
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ing Corporation Limited . He has b een with FENCO since 1959 and has been in charge of traffic and transportation activities. He is active in the work of the Canadian Good Roads Association, Canadian Standards Association and th e Institute of Traffic Engineers . In his new position he will assume the res pons ibility of providing engineering and supervision services to FENCO 's grow ing list of overseas clients. He is located in the head office, 2200 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada . Everett W. Springer, has a new position as operations staff plant engineer with Crane company, 4100 South Kedzie, Chicago, Illinois , with residence at 10239 West 151st Street, Orland Par k , Illm o is. Augu st 1965
195 1 Dr. Herbert L Bawkley has accepted a position in the Department of Chemistry , Appalachian State College , Boone, North Carolina. George R. Donald son, 1118 N orthwood D rive, S., Ch am paign, Illn ois, who is self-employed as a consultant , was o n the campus August 2-13 f; r the " Computer Applications for Oil and Gas Industry Personnel" workshop b eing conducted by the Mining Department. W alter A . Shulaw is teaching mathematics in the Robinson ( Illinois ) High School. Donald C. McCormack has been pr omoted to a new ass ignm ent in Shell Oil Company 's Head Office in New York, as Assistant Manager, Manufacturing Operations D epartment with r esponsibilities of econ o mic analysis of various functions in manufacturing departments for all Shell refineries in the United States. Orland B . D ommers is now with Ball Associates, oil and gas consultants in Denver, Colorado. His n ew address is 4080 Upham St. , Apt. 108, Wheatridge, Colorado. Dr. John T. Ballass, auth or and lectur er on welding metallurgy, ha s joined Hobart Brothers Company. He will b e assistant to the director of research and development for welding consumables , and w ill work on special p r ojects in the development of new electrodes, automatic selding wire and flux. Before joining Hobart, Dr. Ballass was s upervisor of metallurgy for the Electric Boat Division of General D ynamics C orporation, and was respons ib le for developing a wire an d flux for submerged arc welding of HY80 steel. Donald C. McCormack has been pr omoted to a n ew assignment in the New York office of th e Shell Oil Company. After graduation he was employed by Sh ell in their W ood River, Illinois refinery. He has s erved in various capacities at that refinery, in the Head Office, in New Yo rk, as well as foreign assignments in the Hague. In 1962, he returned to Wood River as Assistant Department Manager-Lubricating , and in 196 3 became Manager-Gas De-
partment. Recently he was transferred to New York as Assistant Manag er, Manufacturing Operations Department with res pons ibilities of economic ana ly sis of various functions in manufact ur ing departments of a 11 Shell refineri es in the United States . Charles Dudley Blancke advises that it doesn't pay to pr ocras tinate . H e has planned to attend h omecoming this yea r for the fir st time. His employer Reynold s Metal Company h as seen fit to transfer him to a new job as s uperintend ent of operations at Reynolds Miragoane Mine in Haiti. His new address w ill be in care of Reynolds Haitian Mines, Inc. , P.O. B ox 1026, Port-au-Prince, Haiti . His wife and two children are going with hin1 immediately on this transfer and they all ar e looking forward to the new location. " Dud " has been ass igned with Reynolds at Benton, Arkansas. He wishes to advis e Gale Bullman that he has been trying to talk some football prospects into attending Rolla b u t it is hard to lure them away from the University of Arkansas .
1 9 5 3 Bert L Smith is one of fourteen students and educators from outstanding technical schools tru·oughout the country to have joined Aeros pac e Corporation, San Bernardino, Califor nia,
Bert L. Smith
for the s ummer months as members of the technical staff. While at Aer ospace, Smith is working on analytical predicti o ns that w ill assist in defining a tes t program to demonstrate the feaSibility for large cold law1Ch m iss iles. B ert has been teaching at K ansas State University, Manhattan, while working on his Ph.D . He will return to his teaching there in the Applied Mechanics Department and finis h his 13
M 5 MAL U M NIP E R SON A L 5 ------ ----------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
thesis for a Ph. D. in applied mechan ics. Smith res ides with his wife, J oyce a nd their two childr en at 1615 Humbolt in Manhat tan . 1
Herber t E. Lincoln , 101 Sedgefi eld Drive, Greenv ille, South Carolin a , has finally settled down. He is now associated with Daniel Constru ction Compa ny and has been since Octobe r 1964. The Lincoln fami ly remains a total of three childre n.
195 5 Campb ell C. Barnds III , has been transfer red to Cutler- Hamme r's Kansas City Office and has been appoint ed District Manage r. His n ew residen ce address is 10005 Juniper St., Overlan d Park, Kansas. Spyros G. Varsos was r ecently pr esentep with a Martin Compa ny Achievement Award for outstan ding creative
Spyros G. Varsos
contrib utions in science and technol ogy for 1964 and 1965 . Now a res earch speciali st with the Compa ny's Orland o, Florida , Divisio n Inform ation Sciences Laborat ory, he is the invento r of DATEC (Digita l AdaOtuve Techni ques and Ef, . ficient Comm. unicatio ns), a new mod ulation techniq ue. H e present ed a paper on the techniq ue at the 1964 conven tion of the Institut e of Electric al and Electr o nic Enginee rs in New York, N.Y. Varsos has received more than $1,000 awards for seven disclos ures of invention relating to his work on a ne w Army division commu nicatio ns system b eing develop ed at the Orland m.issiles and electr onic pia n t. H e is current ly wo rking on signal process ing techniq ues for band-w idth reducti on and target recogni tion enchanc ement. 14
Dr. John B . Miles is on leave from the Univers ity of Missou ri at Columb ia w here he has been associat e profess or in the Depart ment of Mechan ical Engineering , to serve with the Genera l Electric Compa ny in its large steam tur bine-ge nerator departm ent in Schenec tady, New York. They will reside at 2 Birch Lane, Scotia, New York . W. Roy Chastai n received his M.S. degree in Busines s Admini stration from the Univers ity of Akron , in June. He now resides in Pittsbu rgh , Pa., and tr avels nationw ide and in Canada for the Pittsbu rgh Plate Glass Compa ny as a technic al service enginee r on chlorin e, hydrog en peroxid e, sodium chlorat e, calcium hypoch lorite, calcium chlorid e and titanium tetrachl oride. His address is 232 Kiefer Drive, Pittsb urgh. James A. Cooley has been named sales produc t enginee r in the packag ing materials grou p of B.F. Goodri ch Chemical Compa ny 's Clevela nd, Ohio headquarter s. B efore joining BFG Chemic al in March, he was sales represe ntative for Goodri ch-Gul f Chemic als, Inc.
195 6 Phillip F. Teodor i has been transferred from San Francis co, Califor nia to the Philade lphia , Pennsylvania offic e of Johns-Manville Corpor ation. His new address is Apt. 46, Millside Manor, Ri vers ide , New Jersey. Harold Staves replaced Phil Teodor i at the San Francis co office of the JohnsManville Corpor ation. James A. Jones has been nam.ed dir ector of cam pus develop ment at the Southw est Missou ri State Coli ege, Springf ield. Val Gribble is a project planner on Gemini , with the McDon nell Aircraft Cor po ration , St. Louis, Mo. The Grib bles and their family of two boys, Vance, age 9 and Kurt, age 3, reside at 2928 Concor dia Lane, St. Ch arles, Mo.
195 7 Dr. C.A. Wentz is with the international departm ent, Phillips Petrole um Comp any, Plastics Devel opmen tEurope . Prior to his tran sfer , h e was wit h the chemica l depart ment and research and develop ment departm ent of Phillips Petrole um., in Bartlesv ille, Oklahoma. His present address is 115 E.
------ ------
9th St. , Apt. 15-D , New York , New York.
)e degr us t.
195 8 Eugene P obert Russell received his Mas'ter 's degree at Iowa State U niversity in August . Adolph Elling has been employ ed by Beling Engine ering Consul tants, Moline, Illinois since June 1964. H e is a design enginee r and in July 1965 he became a Registe red Profess ional Enginee r in the State of Illin ois.
195 9 Jack E. McElro y, who is with the Wiscon sin Teleph one Compa ny, will be on tem porary duty for 18 months a t the Bell Laborat ories. His new address is 6 Bell Drive, Westfie ld, ew Jersey. Caryl M. Kur z, a sales enginee r for the Dow Chemic al Compa ny, has an address change to P.O . Box 11 403, St. Louis, Missou ri. Donald F. Schwar z has been appoint e d a staff enginee r in Electron ic Sensors and Dis play Engine ering of Internationa l Business Machin es' Space Guidance Center in Owego , New York . H e joined IBM in 1959 as a jlU1ior enginee r and in 1961 was named associate enginee r. In 1963 hewas elevated to sen ior associat e enginee r. Donald , his wife Karen and childre n Donald , Karen and J effe r y, live at R.D ., l, ichols, N.Y. Major Dale K . Randels of the Military Departm ent at Rose PolytechniC Institut e, Terre Haute, Indiana , has been reassign ed to the Military Assistan ce Comma nd, Saigon, Vietnam . The Major's new one-year assignm ent will be as constru ction enginee r advisor to the South Vietnam ese . Major Randels is married and is the father of four children . Harry E. West is purchas ing agent for Interna tional Petrole um Co., 137 Avenue Louise, Brussel s, Belgiu m. Their residen ce address is 28 ijsberglaan, Alsemb erg, Belgium , phone 3 58-30-8 2. They would like to hear from alumni living in or visiting in Europe . Jimmie Alan Chitten den was awarded a M.S . degree in Chemic al Enginee ring at Iowa State Univers ity in July. MSM Alumnu s
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Joallan H ootman received his Ph.D . degree at I owa State University in August.
1 960 Jimmie L Smyth, electrical engineer with Missouri Utilities Company in Cape Girardeau, Mo., has b een ap point ed manager of the company 's Dexter office effective JWle 1st. His new add ress is 1022 Wood land Drive, D exter, Mi s sou ri. Ronald James was awarded the degree of Docto r of Med icine at the University of Missouri, Columbia , Jun e 8 , 1965 . His wife, Betty, th e forme r Eiizabeth J oan Plogs ted, of J efferson City, Mis souri, also received her Doctor of
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196 1 T. Jack Nickerson, Ind ustrial Engineer, Department of the Army Civilian , arrived in May at Hq. U.S. Army Communications Zone, Europe to serve as Staff Industrial Engineer fo r the o rganization. He will b e res ponsiblefor developing work measw'ement pr ograms for depot complexes thr o ugh o ut France and Germany. Mr. Nickerson 's wife, Nite, and daughter, Sandra Kay, accom panied him to Eur ope. He expects to b e on the ass ignment for two years . His addr ess is Com ptr o ller Division, HQ. , USA COMZEUR , APO New York, N.Y. 09058. Roger C. W eber was discharged fro m the U.S. Air Force in August and is now working as a structural engin eer f or The Austin Co., Cleveland, Ohio. H e lives in Lak ewood , Ohio , at 169 22 Clifton Blvd.
Captain Neal Grannemanngraduated fr om the University of Mis sour i School of Medicine, in June 1965, and is now interning at William Beaumont G eneral Hos pital as Captain in the Army Medical Corps . His wife, Lynn , who received her B .A. degree in education from U. of Mo. at Columbia, is now serving as a full-time housewife for boys 4 years an d on e year of age. Their addres s is William Beaumont G eneral Hospital, B ox 309, EI Paso, Texas .
196 2 And r ew Aylwa rd , Jr. r eceived his Master's degr ee at Columbia Univers ity, in January, and h e accepted a position with International Business Machines at Owego, New York. H e formerly worked at McD onnell Aircraft Corp., St. Louis , M o. D avid F. Markel lost his wife and baby in an automobile accident in March
If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla , Mo. Thanks. Dr. Ronald Jam e s and wife.
Medicine degree in June. Ronald is continu ing in mixed med icine-p ediatrics field at the University Medical Center in Columbia, and Betty is in an intern ship in pediatrics . Their address is 106 j'ltlcBa ine Av e., Columb ia. R . W. H ankins on was awarded an American Oil C om pany Fellowship for the 1965 -66 academic year which w ill allow him to con tinue his work on a Ph.D. degr ee at a more rap id rate . H e has been an Instructor at I owa State University in chemical engineering . H e will continue on th e fac ul ty there, part tim e status . H e was elected to members hip in Phi Lambda Upsilon, a n ational honor ary academ ic society for chemists and chemical engineers. His address is Crestv iew Trailer Park , Rte. 3, Box 56, Ames, Iowa .
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My Company or B usiness Is ........._.......___ ._.___.____________ __.. __ . ____ . _________ ._ .... _-.-.----
And My Title Is ...._.. ___ _...... ___... _..... _._ .. __ .__... ____ ._. __ ._.__ .. _... __ .. __ .... __ .. __ ......._. __ __ .. .
Here's Some News for the MSM
Paul M. Walke r is senior production engineer fo r Continental Oil Company and has r es ided in Admore, Okla hOITl.a for th e past five year s . The Walk ers have thr ee daughter s, aged 8, 5 , an d 4 years . Their Ardmore addres s is 840 Northwest Boulevard. August 1965
this year. David is with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company as assistant district traffic s uperintendent located at 121 East Center, Sikeston, Missouri. He received the present position in February which is a promotion to higher level management. He completed the Missouri National Guard OCS School in June this year. Thomas Van D oren will bedischarged from the Army in Septemb er and is returning to Collins Radio Company where he was employed prior t o his call to active duty. Peter Otten has a new pos ition with Union Carbide Company, Linde Divis ion, at their Crystal Research and D evelopment Laboratories in Speedway, Indiana. Henry P. Duvall is a graduate student in aeronautical engineering at the University of Washington. He recently spent two weeks on reserve duty at Ft. Leonard Woodandrenewedacquaintances with Ken Abkemeier '63 , Al McCullough '63 and Doug Pinner '63. Pat Duvall 's address is 1252 Alb Avenue S.W., Seattle, Washingt on. William L. Hallerberg h as received a grant and leave of absence from the Union Carbide Corporation to pursue graduat e work at Case Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, towar d a doctorate. His address is 10500 Euclid Avenue, Apt. 102C, Euclid, Ohio. Major Donald E. Wuerz received his professional engineer's licens e in May '65, promoted to Major, Corps of Engineers, July '65, graduated from the Engineer Officer Career Course, Fort
Belvoir, Va., September '65, and reass igned to general engineering division as Branch Chief at U .S.Army Engineer School, Ft. Belvoir. He is expecting an ass ignment in Germany in 1966. His present addres s is 6403 Gentile Court, Alexandria, Virginia. Blair A. R owley has a new position as research engineer, Zenith Radio Corporation, Chicago, Illinois. J ohn J. Komo has received an appointment as assistant professor of engineering at the Institute of Technology, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Sedat Ozdol h as been named assistant professor of civil engineer ing at th e Institute of Technology, St. Louis Univers ity.
1 963 J oel E. Philhours is a co-author of a publication that appeared in the July 15th issu e of the Physical R eview . The title of the article is ' The Study of Cowley and the Christy-Hall Theories of Order Parameters. " Joel completed his requirements for the B.S . degree here in 1963 and since that time he has been d oing graduate work in Physics at Kansas State University. H e is scheduled to complete his d octorate during this s ummer. Virgil E. Meredith has been promoted to associate programmer, International Bus in e s s Machines, Endicott, New York. His residence address is 3626 Lott St., Endwell, N.Y.
per Corp., 1515 Mineral Square, Salt Lake City, Utah, with residence at 3451 South 2300 East, Salt Lake City. 1jLt Richard L. Buck is now serving in the 62nd Battalion (Construction) in Viet Nam. Previously stationed at Fort Leonard Wood , Missouri, he was transferred from the 921st Engineer Group to the 62nd Battalion in June. He uses his home address, 244 South Park Manor , Lebanon, Missouri. Wayne E. Blumenberg received his M.S . degr ee in Chemical Engineering from Iowa State University in July.
1 964 Gat·y R. Holland received his Master's degree in Industrial Administration, from Purdue University and accepted a position as Ass istant to the Pt·esident of Manufactu ring Process Laboratories , Inc., Chicago, Illinois. H is address is 520 Wellington, Apt. 5-H, Chicago, Illinoi s. William E. Burchill received his Mas ter's degree in nuclear engineering, in Aug ust, from the University of Illinois. He received a nuclear science and engineering fellowship from the Atomic Energy Commission and will continue work on a Ph. D. degree from the U. of Illinois. He lives at 301 W. Illinois , Urbana.
965 2nd u. Paul H . Bass was commis sioned in the U.S . Air Force upon graduation from Officers Training School
James B. R ob ison is associate design engineer at the Kennecott Cop-
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2nd Lt . Paul Ba ss
Dr. Joseph Senne Civll Engineering 110 Civll Engre Bldg.
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at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is being aSSigned to Wright-Patterson AFB , Ohio, an Air Force Logistics Command installation, for train as a civil engineering officer. MSM Alumnu s