p,.eJidential medal at .!)naulJ-ul'ation
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MSM Alumni Association OFFICERS
Published by the Missouri School of Mines Alumni Association Rolla, Mi ss our i 65401
Volume 41
APRIL 1967
President ................
. ............R. O. Kasten '43 ........ ....
.. .. ·Armco Steel Corp.. . .................... 1968 7100 Roberts , Kansas City, Missouri 64 125
Executive Vice-President.. ............. J ames J. Murphy '35 .......... .. Murphy Company ............. 1968 43 76 Oli ve Street, St. Lou is, Missou ri 63108 Vice-President Areas 1,2, 3.......... J. Craig Ellis '38 ...................... 3 10 Woods End Road ...... .. Westfield , New Je rsey
.. ................. 1968
Vice-Presiden t Areas 4, 5, 6......... Joseph W. Mooney '39 .. ......... 7383 Wes tmoreland U niversity City 30, Missouri
Vice-Plesident Areas 7,8 , 9 .......... William B. Fletcher '34 .......... _1 208 1 Smallwood Downey, California
Secretary-Treasurer ..................... Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 .Department of Geological E ngineering .... 1968 U MR, Rolla , M issouri 65401 .. .. M SM Alumni Associati on, Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets, Rolla, Missouri 65401
Executive Secretary ....................... Francis C. Edwards Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS"
Number :2
.. 2068 Coolidge Place, Schenectady, N ew York ........
Univ( versit>
Louis tors I
Rex Z. Williams '3 1
.... Rolla State Bank , Rolla , Missouri.
Term Expires
Tl: ed G< dents
Sta tes a nd Provinces Embraced
.. .......... .... .... ... New England , N. Y ., N . ]., E as t Pa., .... . 1.. ......... Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .... 155 1 Franklin Avenue Dist. of Columbia , ]lTd ., Va ., Delaware, Province of Quebec NJin eola, Long Isla nd, Ne w York
...........J, O. F errell '40 1605 No rth 10 th St. Longview, T exas
............ .... .......... S. Ark .. N . c., S. Ala., Ga ., F la.
c., La. ,
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3. ______ ___ .0. VV. Kamper '35 . __. ___.... ________ . __ ............... ......... Pennsy lva nia, \V . Va., Ohi o, \V. Pa., K y ., T enn ., Ind. ( Except 608 Villa vista, Pittsburgh 34, Pennsylvania Chi cago Indu stria l Area) 4 .......... .Fra',k C. Appleyard '37 .............. .... .. .. 1209 Mi lwaukee Ave. , Glenview, Ill.
6 ........... Bennett D. H owell '50...
_....N. Jil., Chicago I nd us tri a l Area in India na , \¥isc., Mich. , :M inn ., Province of Ontari o
.. 5. III., E. M o., N . Ark.
........ ... Ri chard H. Bauer '52 ....................... . 5 Sapping ton Acres Drive St. Louis 26, lVIissouri
.. ....... ...................... 1967
.. ............ 1968
8........... F . W. Heiser '39 ...... ......... ............. ..
.. ...... I da ., ~I ont a n a , l\ . D ., S. D .. Wyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Provinces of Manitoba, Sask., Alberta
196 7
................. Alas ka , \Vas hing lon, Oregon , California, H a waii
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Th onive
H. H. Har tzell '06
800 dents puses
.. ...... T exas, Ari zo na , New Mexico .................................. 1967
T exas Pacific Oil Company Box 747 , Dallas, T exas
9 ............ William B. Fletcher '34 .......... . 1208 1 Smallwood D owney , California
7............ Robert 1101. Brackbill '42 .... .......... . .......
16 Viking Drive Englewood , Colorado
other gates
.. ......................... I owa , W. Mo ., Nebr., Kan ., Okla.
551 8 South 66th E as t Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Stratt l
..... 3721 Neptune Drive, Orla ndo, Florida
Issued bi-monthly in the interest of th e grad uat es and fo rmer s tudent s of the Mi ssour i School of Min es and Metallurgy and th e University of Mi s so uri at Rolla . Subscription price, $1 .50, included in Alumni Du es. En · tered as seco nd -cla ss matter October 27 , 1926, at Po s t Office at Rolla , Missouri und er the Act of March 3, 189 7.
pus il dentS Middl head. bers ~ as act augur
James A. Vincent '37
Area No .
Dr. Weaver v iew ing the presidential med al presented to him at hi s in augurat ion a s th e 14th Preside nt of th e Uni ver s ity of Mis:;ouri.
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Allan ]. Ki esler '40 ...
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130 1 Cleveland , Ba xter Springs, Ka nsas
F. C. Schneeberger ' 25 No. I Bri ar Oak , L adu e, rVIisso uri
Melvin E. N ickel '38 1060 1 South Hamilton Avenue, Chi cago, TIIi nois
Dr . E . \ V . E ngelma nn ' I I 1048 E . 1700 S. Salt La ke City , U ta h
Dr. K ar l F . H asselma nn ' 25 1203 Esperson B uild ing, H ous ton, T exas
Pa ul T . Dowling '40 139 Frontenac Forest , St. L ouis , Nl issouri
C. G. Sti fel ' 16 8 20 1 M aryla nd Avenue . St. Lo ui s, lVri ssouri
D r. M erv in J . Kell y ' 14 2 \ Vincle mer T err ace, Short Hi lls, New Jersey
J anles W . Stephens '47 406 Eas t Th ird, Lee's Summit . M issouri
Harry S. Pence '23 17 Ca mb ridge Ct., Gle nda le. :,Jissouri
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First Inaugural Ceremony In 44 Years Held on Columbia Campus
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Dr. John Carrier Weaver was inaugurated the 14th pres ident of the UniverSity of Missouri , April 1 8, 1967 . The ceremony was the first s uch colorful event on the Columbia campus in 44 years. Three previous presidents - Walter Williams, Freder ick A. Middlebush and the retiring university head , Elmer Ellis - were faculty members and each served a preliminary year as acting president . The last formal inauguration was in 1923 when the late Stratton D. Brooks was brought to the University of Missouri from the UniverSity of Oklahoma. About 5,000 persons at Brewer field house watched as Robert Neill, of St. Louis , president of the Board of Curators placed about Dr. Weaver's neck a ribbon bearing the presidential emblem. The traditional proceSSional included Governor Warren E. Hearnes , presidents of about 60 colleges and universities and delegates fro m about 240 other schools as well as about 200 delegates from academic and profeSSional societies and foundations. Also in the 800 member process ion were 70 students from the university's four campuses . D r. Weaver in his address, described his inauguration as an occasion for reorientation and reded ication, The university, h e said must keep alive its willingness to strike into the futur e with
creative visions and mounting aspirations."
mental problems that cannot be solved by science.
'We must not only lead young people to a competence to handle today, but we have a desperate need for intellectual l' a dar capable of sensing enough of what lies ahead," he declared.
"Clearly citizenship is broader than the perimeters of science," he said, " If we are to take seriously the slogans of a great SOCiety, we had better demonstrate that we can first of all, through relevant and responsible education, produce good citizens."
Citing the expanded ro les of the state univers ities with the four campuses at Rolla, Columbia, Kansas City and St. Lo uis, the new pl'esident described the system as "a design in coordinated cohesion and efficiency to be found in only a h andful of other states. " "My readings of the intent of Missouri is that this multi-<:ampus university is not to be managed as a loose federation of quasi - independent institutions but rather as a strongly united and single entity," Dr. Weaver said. Although various campuses will retain unique characteristics which will add to the university's over-all diversity and richness, the university will seek common standards and ideals and coordination of purpose wherever its flag may fly , he said . To meet the needs of this and fu ture generations, Weaver said, the univerSity will have to strive to turn out students who are prepared for citizenship in a world that has many fund a-
... 1961
.. 1969
.. 1961
Bronze Medallion Presented to Dr. Weaver The bronze medallion presented to University President John C. Weaver, during the April 18, inauguration ceremonies by Robert Neill, President of the Board of Curators is rich in symbolism. The medallion, designed by George Ehrich, Professor of Art and Chairman of the Department of Art, University of Missouri at Kansas City, features fou r symbols on one side and the University seal on the reverse side. The symbols are: an obelisk, four stars, 115 rosettes and two-dates- 1839 and 1963. April 196 7
The obelisk is modeled after Thomas Jefferson's monument which now stands on the UniverSity's Columbia campus. The four stars represent the four campuses of the UniverSity. The rosettes, which form a ring around the obelisk and the four stars represent the State of Missouri. There is one rosette for each county and the City of St. Louis. The two dates are significant in the history of the University. The first, 1939, marks the original charter of the University , and the second, 1963, marks the inaugural year of the four campus University .
To prepare students to cope with a world wh ere change is constant ly accelerating and where know.1edge is increaSing faster than man's ability to absorb it, the faculty must be ready to "innovate, to match new aims to new goals, to meet change with change," Dr. Weaver said . Dr. Weaver saw many challenges and opportunities in the one university-four campus organization that is evolving to meet changing needs of a changing state. "The mature, comprehensive developed campus at Columbia w ill be the primary bastion of broadly diversified graduate and advanced profess ional education for many years to come. At Rolla we must pres s energetically forward with the building of high quality ed ucational programs in science and technology at both the grad u ate and undergrad uate levels. In our two great cities we have a massive but exciting job to do in bringing into being two rapidly expanding , creatively conceived, new urb an universities," he said. "May I express my fondest hope that in unison we may carry this fine University' fOlward to its rightful destiny. " On behalf of the state, Governor Hearnes extended greetings to the new preSident. H e said that under Weaver's leadership the university undoubtedly would progres s. Greetings were given in behalf of the students of the university by Bernard Schweigert, Student Cow1Cil President , University of Missouri at Rolla. The "one university-fo u r cam pus" enrollment has grown to 3 7,210 students. 3
St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty
won the Originality Trophy for "Run For Your Life." A new award, the Novice Award , went to the Triangle fraternity for their float, "The Beverly Hillbillies. " A Special Award was given to th e Helias High School Drum and Bugle Corps of Jefferson City, and the International Fellowship for their contrib ution to the parade.
The first runner-up for the Queen of Love and Beauty was Claudine McVay from Springfield, Missouri. Claudine is a junior at St. John's School of Nursing . She was the candidate of Sigma Nu fraternity and was escorted by Larry Carpenter a junior member of the St. Pat's Board . Karen Lee Younger, presented by Kappa Alpha fraternity, was second runner-up at the ball. Karen is from Webster Groves, Missouri, and is a senior at Southeast Missouri State College, where she is majoring in French and English . She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority.
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A Gala St. Pat's St. Pat 's week-end was highlighted b y one of the most elegant and impress ive co ronations in many years . Miss Susan K. Price, of Jefferson City, Missouri , was chosen as St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty. She repr esented the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and her es cort was John Owens. Miss Price is a student at the U nivers ity of Miss ouri, C olumbia , maj oring in elem entary education . The parade, the feature of St. Pat 's celebratio n which attracts the largest number of spectator s, again was s pectacular. In the fl oat contes t the first place award was pr esented to Phi K appa Theta fo r their entry, " It 's a Mad , Mad , Mad, Mad W orld. " The fl oat depicting " Dumb o " b uilt by Pi Ka p pa Aipha took second place and K appa Sigma's " It 's Ab out Place an d Ti me " was third. Fifty-Niner s r eceived an award for the beautiful " Queen 's Fl oat" th ey cons tr ucted. The Wor km anship Award was won by Lambd a Chi Alpha's "A Tri b ute to Disney . " Sigma Ph i Epsilon
Winning Float in the St. Pat's Parade
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Centennial Committee Meets With President Weaver
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Paul T. Dowling, St. Louis, Chairman Industrial Committee; James Murphy, St .. Louis, Ch~irman Centen~ial Committee' Dr. John C. Weaver, President, U. of Mo.; Dr. Walter Remmers, Tucson, Arlzonq, Chairman Foundation Committee' and Ray Kasten, Kansas City, President of the Alumni Association.
Dr. Nolte Leaving U. M. R.; Made Many Significant Accomplishnlents Dr. Roger Nolte, chairman of the department of electrical engineering, will ass ume the position of chairman of the department of electrical engineering at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, in September. Dr. Nolte, wh o served as assistant and associate professor of electrical engineering at U .M.R. from 1949 to 1954 , rejoined the fac ulty as profess or of electrical engineering in 1955 after doing research at Iowa State College and consulting w ith the McDonnell Co. In 1960, he became the chairman of the department, a position wh ich he has held since. Dr. Nolte is also acting dixector of the newly formed Graduate Center for Electronics Research at U.M.R. Dr. Nolte holds a Ph.D. , M.S. and B.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Iowa State College. He has attended the Massachus etts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, the Univers ity of Illin ois . Bowdoin College and the Midshipman School of Columbia University. A m ember of numerous professional organizations , Dr. Nolte recently received a citation from the American SoApril 1967
ciety for Engineering Education for his devoted and effective service as vice president of that organization. For that society, h e also served as chairman of the Missouri-Arkansas section and as a member on the executive board for the Council of Sections West. H e is a senior member of the Institute of Radio Engineers for which he was vice chairman of the education committee , institute representative of U.M.R., on the Region Six subcommittee on education, professional group on education, administr ative committee, editorial committee, student quarterly board of con sultants, and the ad -hoc committee for joint operation with the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Other me m b er s hips include the AlEE; the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for which he is an editorial consultant for the IEEE Student Journal and vice chairman of the IEEE Student Branches Committee; Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Pi Sigma; the Sigma Xi; and Phi Eta Sigma. Dr. Nolte is a professional engineer in the State of Missouri and is a mem.ber of the Missouri and National Societies of Professional Engi-
n eers. He is listed in Who 's Who in America and Who's Who in American Education. At. U.M.R., he has served on several faculty committees and has been the faculty advisor and counselor for the j 0 in t student branch of AIEE- IRE, Theta Mu, a local honor society which later became Theta Gamma Chapter of Eta Kappa N u for which he was also advisor; and the Radio Club. In Rolla, h e is a member of the Methodist Church and Rotary International. According to Dr. Baker, chancellor of U .M .R., "The University of Missouri at Rolla is grateful to Dr. Nolte for many things. Of special significance has been his bringing to the department many well-qualified faculty members. His serving as vice president of the American Society for Engineering Education has enhanced U.M.R .'s national image and is a credit to him and to U .M .R. Dr. Nolte 's work with the alumni of the department is anoth er one of his especially significant accomplishments . " The Noltes who currently reside on Soest Road, plan to move to Coral Gables in August. 5
Potential M.I.T. of ( R ep1'inted from the M arch, 1967, I ssue of the "St . Louis Commerce," official publication of the Chamber of Commerce of M etro politan St . Louis.)
The University of Missouri at Rolla, which is conducting its first campaign for funds in the institution's 97-year history, is prepared to answer, in the person of its forward-looking young chancellor, Dr. Merl Baker, the question which may well be in the minds of some St. Louis industrialists: "Why should industry be expected to contribute funds to a state-supported institution?" Few will contest the assertion that industrial growth in any area today depends not only on such customary requirements as raw materials, power, transportation and labor, but also on a plentiful supply of brain-power - particularly in the fields of science and technology. This is dramatically evident, for example, in Massachusetts' tremendous post-wa r industrial development generated almost exclusively by the presence of the Massachusetts Institute of T echnology. With the university having the nation's largest engineering enrollment west of the Mississippi on its doorstep, St. Louis is in a position to emulate Massachusetts' achievement if the business community and the state's legislators get squarely behind U.M.R .'s program aimed at expanding facilities and increasing funds available for scholarships, fellowships, research and research equipment. To achieve this, the universit y hopes to obtain a total $69 million by its centennial year, 1970. Although the percentage of funds anticipated from private sources is small - approximately 10% or about $6 million - success in this endeavor is expected to seed success for th'e la rger segments from state and federal sources. In other wo rds, if gove rn ment has tangible evidence that the 6
business community is wholeheartedly in favor of the expansion program; legislators can be expected to look more favorably on the university's budget requests. Private funds will be used largely for student aid and student services. A major requirement for private funding is an urgently needed University Center building ($3.5 million ) , which cannot be built from state funds. U.M.R. already contributes greatly to the economy of the St. Louis area but is potentially able to do much more. Today, some 1,800 U.M.R . alumni live and work in the St. Louis area, or about half of the alumni living in Missouri. Of recent graduating classes, 82 per cent of those employed in-state (43 per cent of the total ) live in St. Louis, and 10 per cent of those working out of state are in the St. Louis area of Illinois. Many St. Louis indu~tries employ more engineers from U .M.R. than from any other university. The McDonnell Co. alone employs about 550 graduates, the largest number of engineers and scientists from anyone school. U .M .R.'s St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center, which offers master degree work in seven fields, now has 400 master's candidates, with approximately 800 expected by 1970. These men are engineers and scientists employed by St. Louis industries who are advancing their professional knowledge and skills while pursuing their careers. C urrently, the participants represent approximately 37 St. Louis companies. The individual, his
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U. of Missouri-Rolla, with largest engineering enrollment west of Mississippi, could do much for St. Louis industry- but it needs help
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compa ny and the St. L ouis area all benefit through the increased capability of these g raduate students to keep pace wi th scientific and technological advancem ents. Sup plementa ry private support has been the histo ry of Geo rgia T ech, the U nive rsity of California at Berkeley, M ichigan, Illinois, T exas, and other sta tesupported uni ve rsities. This support h as made the m a rgin of diffe rence between "good " and "excellent" universities . T he essence of all this is tha t the U niversity of M issouri at Rolla has the potential of doing for M issou ri wh at M.I .T. h as done for Massach use tts a nd wha t the U ni versity of Califo rnia has done for C alifornia. But th is can be accomplished only if this institution can secu re, in add ition to its p ublicly provided revenues, p ri vate sup port so as to make its total resources sufficient to unde rwrite its need s. If U .M .R. can achieve its centennia l goal, not only will the producti vity of unde rg raduate engineers a nd scientists increase (its 521 g raduates in 1966 did not begin to fill the positions offered by the more than 500 interviewing firm s) , but a special g rowth will be experienced in g radua te degrees, research, and service to business a nd industry. G raduate enrollment and research is dependent on adequ a te fac ulty a nd facilities. If a unive rsity awaits ove rcrowded student pressures at the g ra dua te level before providing the faculty and fa cilities, April 1967
the n eed for them will never arise because gradua te stud ents in enginee ring scie nce will go elsewhere to study a nd u ltimately take jobs there. This would be a serious loss to St. L ouis a nd the region and is a loss that we cannot afford . A number of St. Louis executives a re keenly awa re of the stake the community has in U. M .R. a nd the achievement of its realistic goals. They h ave pledged both funds a nd their time to help make the campaign a success. C hairman of the un ive rsity's nation-wide campaign is J ames J. M urphy, presiden t of M urp hy Company, mechanica l contrac tors a nd engineers. H eading the cam paign fo r St. Louis and the sta te of M issouri is Pau l T. Dowling, executi ve vice p resident of Nooter Corporation . Like m a ny other a rea executives, these me n need mo re engineers a nd scientists in their firms. In addition, increasing the volume of work thei r companies perfo rm dep ends to a great ex tent on the expansion of the a rea's industrial economy - an expansion prompted in no small part by the local a vailability of technologically trained personnel. They are doing something about their needs - n eeds that are identical with those of the area . They deserve the support of the entire St. Louis business community in helping U .M .R. attain its goal - to be a "center of excellence" in science and engineering. 7
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Alumni Meet in Paducah, Kentucky
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Chancellor Baker Is Main Speaker Chancellor Merl Baker was the principal s peaker at a meeting , March 30 at the Irv in Cobb H otel in Paducah, K entucky. The meeting was s p on sored by the Paducah Area Section of the Alumni Association , and guests were educato rs and ind ustr ialists fr om the Paducah area. Attending the dinner from UMR, in addition to D r . Baker were: Dr. Aar on ]. Miles '30, Dean of En gineering; G. E. Va ug hn , Jr. '49, Director of the Co-op Program; R obert E. Lew is , Director of Admission s and Registrat ; Dr. William H. Webb ' 39 , Cha irman of the Department of Ch emistry and Ike Edwards , Executive Secretary of th e Alu mni Association . Special guests present were: Robert A. Winkel, Superintendent and Joe White, Employment Supervisor, Union Carbide Corporation, Nuclear Division; Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs . Lewis Barbee , Mr. and Mrs . Th o mas W atson and Mr. an d Mrs . T om W alker from the Paducah Ju nior College ; Mr. and Mr s . Ch arles Mathison, B radfo rd D . 8
Mutchler, and Mrs . D . T. Cooper fr om Tilghman H igh School, Paducah and Stephen R oss, a Co-op student fr o m UMR working at Union Carbide. Alu m ni and their wives in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Breidert '50; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Castr o '51 ; Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Chapman '4 9; Mr. and Mrs . D o n Crecelius '41; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fuller '66 ; Mr. and Mrs. G ene G ottschalk '4 2, and his father , Chas. Gottschalk ' 1 2; Mr. an d Mr s. Frank G uzzy '51 ; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gorline '5 0 ; Mr. and Mrs . T . G. Lanh am '5 0 ; Mr. and Mr s. E. P. Lar son '5 1; Mr. and Mrs . H erb ert H . McGolgin '4 3; Mr. and Mrs. D elb ert Pruitt '58 ; Mr. and Mrs. Vi rg il Smith '4 2 ; Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Theilman '62. Vi rgil Smith s erved as Master of C erem onies and introd uced the speakers , and m ade p lans for this most successful gathering. T hanks, also, to D o n Crecelius for h is ab le ass istan ce.
3200 Contributors Needed for the 1967 Alumni Fund
Hi9h in Foundry Industry Jack H . Thompson '52, was a recipient of a Foundry Educational Foundation scholarship w h i I e attending MSM. H e received his degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation Jack was employed by the East St. Louis Castings Company as a foundry engineer. In 1955 , he left this position to become plant engineer at the Bodine Foundry Company, St. Louis, Miss o uri . Now he is plant ma1).ager. He supervises the entire plant employing appr oximately 170 men and is r es po nsible for production , does m ost of the pur chasing and oversees all plant eng ineering. Activities in technical and educational organizations occupy a g ood p ortion of J ack Thom ps o n 's extra-cur r icular time. Since 1963, h e has b een on the FEF Advis o ry Co mmittee at UMR. T wo of thes e years h e served as committee chairman. J ack h as also been an active Am erican Fo und ry Society memb er , serving on the Light Metals Comniittee since 1 964. H e h as given speech es to various AFS and student groups, and in 1966 completed fo ur articles o n Aluminum Casting Production for th e n ew American Society for Metals Han db ook. MSM Alumnus
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Westerfeld Heads Medical Center At Upstate New York University Dr. Wilfred W. Westerfeld '34, has b een appointed acting president of the State University of New York Upstate Medical Center , effective July 1, 1967. Dr. Westerfeld is dean of the School of Graduate Studies and professor and chairman of the department of biochemistry at the Center. He was acting dean of the College of Medicine between 1956 and 1957. He will serve as acting president until a permanent successor to the currc:nt president, Dr. Carlyle Jacobs en , is appointed. Dr. Jacobsen, who was 65 on J an uary 17, is retiring under a State Univers ity policy of retirement for chief administrative officers at age 65. He has been appointed executive director of the Hos pital Review and Planning Council of Central New York, Inc., effective August 1, 1967 .
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A search for a permanent president is in progress. He will be appointed by the chancellor and Board of Trustees of the State University. The Council of the Upstate Medical Center, a local advisory group of nine citizens appointed by the Governor, is responsible for recommending a candidate for the office, A committee of Upstate Medical Center faculty members is adviSing the Council concerning qualifications of prospective candidates for the pOSition. Dr. Westerfeld is currently in Saigon, Viet Nam with a team which is r eviewing med ical education in that country, H e is expected back at the end of April. Dr. Westerfeld has been affiliated with the Upstate Medical Center (formerly Syracuse University College of Medicine) since 1945. Prior to that he served as assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. The author of many scholarly papers, Dr. Westerfeld is a member of the American Society of Biological Chemists (Program and Membership Committees), American Chemical Society; Sigma Xi; Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (Membership Committee); and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He April 1967
serves on Committees on Growth, Dentistry and Alcohol of the National Research Council. Chairman of the Awards Committee for the Research Foundation of the State University of New York since 1955, Dr. Westerfeld received the St. Louis University Alumni Award in 1959. A native of St. Charles, Missouri, Dr. Westerfeld received his B.S. degree from Missouri School of Mines and obtained his Ph .D. degree in biochemistry at St. Louis University. He did postgraduate work at Oxford University as a National Council fellow and at Columbia University . Dr . Westerfeld is married and has five children . They reside at 726 Ostrom Avenue, Syracuse.
UMR Freshmen Rank High in Aptitude Tests Does it take a genius-type student to major in engineering or science? Admission officials at UMR say not at all, but, on the other hand they better not be a dumb-bunny either. Statistics on this year's freshman class at UMR show that most of them are good students by anyone's standards . Almost 30 per cent of them ranked among the top ten per cent of their high school graduating class . Over 53 per cent were in the top fifth, and 90.4 per cent were in the upper half. Performance on the School and College Aptitude Test , required by 27 private and public colleges in the state of Missouri, followed a similar pattern. Compared to all four-year colleges that participate, 88.5 per cent of the Rolla freshmen were in the upper half tested. As might be expected, the firstyear group from UMR ranked especially high in mathematics, with 92.5 per cent at or above the median score. On the Missouri Mathematics Placement Test used by participating schools for placing freshmen in the proper mathe-
matics courses, UMR students did even better, with 97.5 per cent at or ab ove the median score. Scores on the verbal portion of SCAT were lower than those in mathematics , but still well above average, with 78,2 per cent at or above the median.
To Attend International Workshop in France Dr. James L. Kassn er, Pr ofessor of Physics, UMR, is one of ten atmospheric scientists from the United States who will take part in an Internati onal Workshop on Cloud Nuclei in Lannemezan, France, Sept. 8 to 23. Dr. Kassner is the senior investigator in the cloud physics research group of the Space Sciences R esearch Center and will participate under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation . Dr. Kassner will take one of UMR's cloud chambers to b e used as the standard for calibrating oth er instruments, and will report on research on the formation of dr o plets in clouds. The workshop is sp onsor ed by the International Ass 0 ci a t ion of Meteorology and Atmospheric Phys ics of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
Industry-University Conference in St. Louis Obligations of the technological university to in d u s try wer e outlined by Chancellor Mer! Baker in an industryuniversity conference on the continuing education of St. Louis engineers held , April 26, at the Engineers ' Club of St. Louis. Representatives from St. Louis bus iness firms and pr ofess ional societies heard talks by U .M.R. faculty and St. Louis executives in the five-hour session sponsored by the U.M.R . Exten sion Divis ion . Speaking to th e group were St. Louis executives, Aloys P. Kaufman, pres ident of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis; George Graff, vice president, engineering techn ology , McDonnell Co .; Lawrence Wightman , assistant vice president of corporate 9
manufacturing , Emerson Electric Co .; and R . ). Stratmeyer, director of personnel, plan ning, a nd development , Mo nsanto Co.; and U.M .R. Dean Emeritus, Curtis L. Wil son. Dr. Baker stated, " A technological unive rs ity and industry in the region it s erves are very closely related and th eir mut ual support is m ost important. " "T he University must provid e ed ucational o ppo rtunities for the region , both o n-cam pus at a ll ed ucati o nal degree levels , and off-campus with conferences, credit and non-c/}'edit courses and works ho ps, " Dr. Baker said. " The University must provide personnel and fac ilities for cooperative and contract research wit h industry and it must provide a resea rch image for the region by becoming a research center," he said. As evidence of U .M.R .'s contributions to th e region, Dr. Baker cited the s uccess of the St. Lo uis Graduate Engineering Center at which employees of St. Lo uis ind ustry are pursuing advanced degrees in evening classes ; and the U.M.R. Industrial Re se arch Center which brings ind ustrial problems to the faculty for soluti on . Dr. G . Edw in Lorey, U.M.R. dean of extens io n and continuing education , was the moderator of a panel disc uss ion on ind ustry- university relations. Panel members were Graff, Wightman, and Stratmeyer, and U.M.R . d ean s, Dr. A . ). Miles , School of Engineering; Dr. T. ). Planj e, School of Mines and i\[(;tal lurg y; and Dr . H . Q Fuller , School of Science. Dr. Anton deS Brasunas, director of the St. Louis Graduate Engineer ing Center , s erved as overall moderator of th e day 's session.
Dr. Miles Stresses Need For Good Undergraduate Engineering Education The education of the undergr aduate and grad uate stud ent is the great est res p o ns ibility of o ur unive rs ities, is the o pini o n of Dr. A. ). Miles, dean of th e Sch oo l of Engineering at UMR. In a recent interview, the engineering educato r stre:,sed the im p o rtan ce of instructi on and g uid ance to engi 10
neering students in view of the nation 's declining undergraduate engineering enrollment. Dr. Miles pointed out that approximately one-half of the nation 's freshmen who designate engineering as their maj or d o not finish the engineering. Most continue their ed ucation , but with a different major, he said. "T he engineering profession, for the engineer w ith the bachelor 's degree, is probably the highest paid profess ion in our country," Dr. Miles said. " Our news papers are full of advertisements attesting to the demand for engineers and th e s h ort s upply," he said. Alth o ugh the glamour and extremely high sa laries for holders of advanced
degrees have received a great deal of attenti o n because of the rapid developm ent of s uch pr ograms as the aerospace program. Dr. Miles sees undergraduate eng ineering education as most important. ' With out numerous qualified engineers at the B .S . level, we would have no candidates for advanced degrees and fewer qualified research wo rker ," he said . "For these r easons , the univ er s ities should pay particular attent ion to good undergrad uate instruction from experienced and qualified faculties, interested, capable, and devoted to undergraduate instructi o n, " Dr. Miles sa id.
ECPD Compliments UMR on Improved Courses in Humanities, Social Studies The impro ve d quality ofthehumanitie and social sciences departments at the UMR received s pecial attention in a recent inspection by the ed ucation and accreditation committee of the Engineers Council for Professional D evelopment, the accrediting agency for engineering curricula. Dr. Dudl ey Thompson, dean of faculties, said that the committee complimented the Univers ity on the improvement of facu lt y and curricula since the last ECPD ins pection in 1965 . The committee gave s pecial importance to several points in the r ep o rt of Dr. Jim Pogue, chairman of the depa rtment of humanities and acting chairman of the department of social sciences. Br oader co urse offerings and greater depth of offerings were commended by the committee. This includ ed the introd uction of new field s of study, s uch as philos ophy , Russian language and literature , and increased offerings in literature, hi s tor y, psychology, econ o mics, and engineering managem ent course. Also cited as important was the increased attenti on to library use and th e purchase of wo rks of literature and critica l and scholarly co mmentaries . Inc reased emphas is upon pr ofess ional deve lo pment of faculty members was viewed w ith approval by th e co mmittee. Fund s have b een mad e ava ilable so that faculty me mb ers can atten d pr ofess io n-
al m eet ings and keep up to date in various disciplines. During the past two yea rs, the hu manities depa rt ment has added 14 new staff memb ers, the social sciences department has added 10. Many in both departm ents either have doctor's degrees or are working toward them . The departments have received grant totalling ap pr ox imately $50, 000 over a period of t\.vo yea r from th e D epartm ent of H ea lth , Education and W elfare. The first was used for audiovis ual equipment s uch as recordings of English and American literature, maps, language teach ing materials and development reading and psychological eq uipment. A further grant will be used for a language laboratory. The departments al 0 look fonvard to improved facilities in a proposed new building . Of s pecial interest to the ins pection committee was the rel ationship of the tw o departments to th e engineering program as a wh o le. The cooperative attitude between the tw og ro u ps was praised by the committee . Thi s increased interest by UMR stud ents and faculty in the hum ~ nities and soc ial sciences refl ect a nati onw id e change in techn o logi cal sch oo ls. Meetings with Dr . Pogu e and the ECPD team we re Dr. R . M. Sawyer, Dr. Micha el Patrick , Dr. o rm an Crockett , Pr of. Melvin G arner , Prof. D av id O a kl ey, a n d D ean Dudl ey Th o mpso n .
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University of Missouri at Rolla faculty members dine with national official s of the Society of Automotive Engi neers during their recent visit here . Ralph Isbrandt, national president of the group (third from left) and John M. Roop, manager of the sections and membership division (se cond from right ) presented the local chapter w ith a $200 check and plaque designating the UMR group as an outstanding student branch of the nat ional organization. The presentation was made at a meeting of the St. Louis section of SAE. From left are as follo w s: Dr . Dudley Thompson, dean of faculties at UMR ; Charles R. Remington, Jr ., UMR professor of mechanical engineering; Isbrandt; Dr . Thomas Faucett, chairman of the UMR department of mechanical engineering; Roop ; and Dr. William S. Gatley, assistant professor of mechanical engineering.
UMR Student Chapter Judged Outstanding The UMR student chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers has been judged by the national organization as one of three outstanding student branches of the society. This award brings the UMR chapter an attractive plaque plus a $200 check to be used for some scientific, educational or professional project. The judging was based on the chapters activities, projected p lans, cooperation with the St. Louis Section and membership. The chapter with over 300 members is the largest in the world. Outstanding activities of the chapter include the annual automobile safety check conducted in cooperati on with the Rolla Kiwanis Club; the new car show on the campus , held in cooperation Apr il 1967
with the Rolla dealers; and the wh eelbalancing demonstration which the club held for Engineer's Day. The facu lty advisor is Dr. William S . Gatley, assistant professor of mechanical engineering. Charles R. Remington, professor of mechanical engineering, is chairman of the St. Louis Section of the Society. Student presidents in office during the period for w hi c h the award was given, were Michael Browne '67, now working for Inland Manufacturing Division of Gen eral Motors, and J ames E. West '66, candidate for a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering.
3200 Olntributors Needed for the 1967 Alumni Fund
Van Nostrand's Swim Tearns Had Eleven Winning Seasons The College Swimming Coaches of America recently honored a member of the U .M.R. Athletic Department for "outstanding contributions to collegiate swimming." Professor Burr VanN ostrand received a plaque for 15 years of coaching college swimming teams. C.S .C.A. President Robert H. Al len announced the award at the Annual Awards Banquet of the National Swimming Championships held March 2325 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Coach VanNostrand, who also doubles as interior line coach for the var sity football squad and associate professor of physics education, has been 11
deprived of his U .M.R. sw imming squad for the past two seasons due to the lack of fac il ities. During his 15 years, the Miners recorded an in1pres sive 72 win, 36-loss mark, including 11 winning seasons . " That '56-57 squad would have to b e on e of the best," noted Van Nosstrand. ' W e won nine out of ten meets and scor ed a reco rd 500 points . " That season 's s ingle los s was to Southern Illin ois University, but the year included wins over Indiana State, Louisville University, and St. Louis University. In the following season, VanNostrand 's Miners downed SIU and compiled an 8 '2 record. His squad to ok first place in th e AAU Meet in the s pring of 1960. Coach VanNostrand j 0 i ned the U .M.R. staff in J an uary of 1952, after five successful years as head football coach of Rolla High School. He attended Ohio University and Southwest Missouri State at Springfield , where he played football and baseball. He also holds a Mas ter 's Degree from the Unive r Sity of Missouri at Columbia .
ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS WANTED For information ab out these positions p lease contact Assistant D ean Leon H ers hkowitz, Placement Office, UMR, R olla , Mi ss ouri , and g ive file number. MI NING - Plant food industry. Secon d larges t miner of phosphate rock. Capable of p erforming sconometric stud ies of mining and distribution operati o ns . Refer Fi le N o . 2 32. C ERAMIC - to 5 years experience in quality control, R&D , Process or Pr od uction . C era m i c tile industry. Fl orida. Refer File N o . 2 33 . EN G INEERS - Mechanical and electrical. Con s ulting engineers . Under 35, Yo ung firm. Ex cellent working conditi ons. Midwest. R efer File N o . 2 34. EN G INEER - Pipeline engineering , cons tructi on, and corr os ion control. 12
Excellent promotional opportunities and company benefits. Midwest. Refer File No. 235. M.S . or Ph.D. - Specialized training in explosive research. Prefer 3 years experience. Analytical and exper imental R&D in weapons . Should be thoroughly familiar with interior ballistics. R efer File No. 236. ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS -Mechanical and equipment design. Electro and development chemist. Production s upervisors . Manufacturing company northern U .S. Refer File No. 237. ENG INEER - Develop and promote foundry processes bonding sand cores and molds. Prefer experienced personnel. Understand basic chemistry and comm ercial foundry operations. Refer File No. 238. ENGINEERS - R&D Senior-Special Machinery. Project Engineer - Mining Machinery. Senior Design-Hydraulic Presses and Mobile Railway Equipment. District Sales . Refer File No. 239. PROCESS ENG INEER - Reporting to chief proces s engineer in charge of chemical engineering g r 0 u p. Rapid growing refinery in midwest. 25 to 35 years. 3 to 5 years experience covering unit monitoring , trouble shooting and technical serv ice. Refer File No. 240. METALLURGIST - General for eman of steel foundry northern U .S. Good salary and fringe benefits. R efer File No. 24I. CH IEF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER - Nation 's leading manufacturers of industrial leathers. D egree in mechanical or industrial. 30 to 35 years. 5 years experience . Good salary. Northern U.S. Refer File No. 242 . E.E. - D eS ign , application, selection and specifications of electrical controls, drives and industrial instrumentation. Large machinery manufacturer. Refer File No. 243 . ENG INEERS AND SCIENTISTSAll fields . Large rubber company. All degree levels. All qualified applicants cons idered. Refer Flle No. 244 .. ENGINEER - Product design. Company engaged in steel plate fabrication, principally tanks . Refer File No. 245. MIN ING - Engineers and geolo-
gists. Ten engineers needed. Two geologists . Large sulphur com pany. South, east and southwest. Refer File No. 246. ENGINEERS - Chemical, M. E. Chemists and ceramics. Large oil company. Good opportunities. Refer File No. 247. FOUNDRY SUPERINTENDENT - Chicago-Milwaukee area. Production operations, molding, finishing, patterns , etc. 35 to 45 . Salary open. Refer Fife No . 248. T.V . AND RADIO EQUIPMENT - Research chemist , design and development, Electro-mechanical engineer, TV development and systems engineer. Midwest. Refer File No . 249. ENG INEERS - Injection mold designer, package and engineering for manufacturing areas. Large glass cOmpany. Refer File No. 25 O. SILOCONE DEPARTMENT Large compan y, industrial sales, chemist, development chemist, process and development engineers , research analyst-mathematician, application specialists. Salaries good. Refer File No. 25I. STEEL COMPANY - Electrical and mechanical maintenance engineers . Product development. C.E., E.E., or M.E. Midwest. St. Louis area . Refer File No. 252 . KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Project engineers - T.V . sys tems; timing and countdown sys tems, equipment design, s pecialist power systems and analysis and many others. Salaries good. Refer File No. 253.
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METALLURGISTS -Assistant plant s uperintendent for malleable fo undry, and foundry engineer . Midwest based. Refer File No. 258 . ENG INEERS-SCIENTISTS - Inexperienced and ex perienced . B.S . and M.S . levels in chemistry , Ch.E., M.E.,
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Kenneth A . Poush '63 and Mis s Nancy Kirk Records were married in Kensingt o n , Pennsylvania , March 9 , 1967. K en is an engineer in the ew KenSington res earch lab oratories of Aluminum Co. of America. Olson -Wilson
Richard J. Ols on '66 and Miss Beverly Sue Wilson were married Novemb er 5, 1966 , in Lafayette, Louisiana . They ar e res iding in the Cielo Vi sta Apartments , Apt. 3 1 , 901 East Michigan Drive, Hobb s , New Mex ico. Richard is a field engineer w ith Schlum berger W ell Service C o . T hey ar e very happy in H obb s and D ick enjoys his work very m uch. Hatfield-Hahn
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Dr. W alter B. H atfield , Jr. '58, and Miss Arl ene Elizab eth H ahn , of C r an April 1967
ford , N. ]. were married April 22, 1967 , in Cranford . Dr. Hatfield is a physicist at Bell Telephone Laboratories at Holmd el, N.]. The bride attended Berkeley School in East Orange, N.]. After a wedding trip to Jamaica, the couple w ill reside in Laurence Harbor, N.]. Schluetter-Hoeh
Donald H. Schluetter '66 and Miss Marilyn Hoeh, of Oak Ridge, Mo., wer e married at Cape Girardeau, Mo., June 4 , 1966. They moved to Vanadium, New Mexico, where Don is employed with Kennecott Copper Corporation , Chino Mines Division, at Santa Rico , New Mexico. Their mailing address is Box 135, Vanadium, N.M.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Overleas '64, announce the arrival of their first child, Michael Anthony, March 4, 1967. The father is a graduate student at UMR having been released from active duty with the Army last year. The mother is the former Betty Nickel of Chicago, Illinois. Their Rolla address is 908 Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Ashley '64, have another son, Michael Scott, born March 11, 1967. His brother Matthew is 3 years old. The father is an electronic engineer with the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona, California. He has completed requirements for an M .S. degree in electrical engi neering at Arizona State U . Their residence address is 8980 Indiana Ve., RiverSide, California. Mr. and Mrs. Terence G. Towers '65, are proud of their first child, a daughter , Karen Sue, born March 4, 1967. Terence is a chemical engineer with B. F . Goodrich Chemical Company of Louisville, K y. Their address is 2313 Medford Lane , Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Stoll '57, welcomed their second daughter, Tracy Lynn , born J anuary 13 , 1965. Her sister, Brenda is 4 years old. The father was recently promoted to district engineer by Humble Oil Company and moved fr om New Orleans to Shrevepor t, Lo uisana. Their address is 20 35 Beth Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Latzer '61, began their family upon the arrival of John David , November 10,1966. John is plant manager of Mobilefreeze Co., Inc., Parsons, Kansas. Their addres s is 3 115 Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Corrigan '65, are the parents of John Patrick, born March 29 , 1967. He is their first child. John is employed at the McDonnell Company in St. Louis, Mo., and their residence address is 12085 B Natural Bridge Road, Bridget o n , Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Houchin '66, now h ave Daron Lee, their first child, born April 4, 1967. The Houchins live in Carbondale , IllinoiS, where Larry is an engineer with the Illinois State Highway Department. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Konkle '62, announce the arrival of Vickie Gay, April 11, 1967. Their other children are Valerie, age 5 , and twins, Cathy and Christie, 2 ~ years o ld. The father is with General Aniline & Film Corporation, Calvert City, Ky.
DEATHS Robert A . Ba rton ' 06
Robert Arthur Barton '06, died October 8, 1966. H e was res iding at Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, at the time of his death. H e received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering in 1906 and was awarded his professional degree Civil Engineer, in 1910. George W. Dougla s ' 30
George W. Douglas '3 0 , age 6 3, operator of the Canal Motel near Mitchell, Illinois , died January 12 , 196 7, of an apparent heart attack. Mr. Douglas was a native of Bro okport , Illinois, and lived in Granite City, IllinOiS, 30 years. He was an employee of G en eral S tee 1 Casting Corporation for many years . He is s urvived by hi s widow, Mona; a son ; a daughter ; three sisters and s ix brothers . His r es id ence address at the time of his death was R.R. 1, Box 1192 , Granite City, Illi nois. Herman Blickenderfer ' 27
Her m an Blickens derfer '27 died D<:cember 1 7, 1966, in Peor ia , Il lino is. 13
He was Professor Emeritus and former head of the Department of Civil Engineering at Bradley University. He is survived by his widow, Irene Woods Blickensderfer, formerly of Rolla.
Edward W. Mockobey '32
Edward Walter Mockobey '32 died in Kansas City, Missouri, in March, 1967. Kenneth A. Folk '65
Kenneth A. Folk '65 age 26 and his wife, Beverly, were killed in an automobile accident in Tampa, Florida, March 18, 1967. After grad uation he joined Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, Mo ., in their management program. In July 1966, he was assigned to the Tampa, Florida, plant as a project engineer. He returned to St. Louis in October to be married to the former Beverly Kay Eckenrodt. Harold J. Roesser ' 31
Harold John Roesser ' 31, died March
17, 1967, after a long illness. He was living in Buffalo, New York at the time of his death.
his widow, a daughter, three sons, a sister and three brothers. C. E. Bardsley '22
Rafael E. Velasco '20
Rafael E. Velasco '20, age 75, died in San Antonio, Texas, April 18, 1967, after a brief hospitalization. He was president of Amigos Food Company. One of the nation's pioneers of Mexican-food processing and distributing Mexican-type food, Velasco went to San Antonio in the early 1920's, during the troubled times of Mexico's revolution. A native of Mexico, he first came to the United States to Arizona at the age of 14 years. ' He received his degree at the Missouri School of Mines in metallurgical engineering in 1921. His tortilla factory, begun in 1925, was the second of its kind in San Antonio. From that beginning, his brand - Amigos Food Company - is now found on a variety of Mexican type food widely distributed over the state. One of his early products was a forerunner of today's nationally popular corn chip foods. He is survived by
Dr. Clarence E. Bardsley '22, age. 73, died April 25, 1967, at a Bethesda, Maryland, hospital. He received his B.S. degree in civil engineering in 1922 and his M.S. degree in 1924 and Sc. D. from Michigan University in 1926. Professor Bardsley taught at MSM from 1920 to 1938. He was co-author with the late Professor E. W. Carlton '26, of the book, "Surveyor 's Field Note Forms." In 1952, he became head of Instruments and Machinery for the National Bureau of Standards. He was retired at the time of his death. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ruth Bardsley and three daughters and five grandchildren. Graveside services and burial were at the Rolla Cemetery. Keith E. Short '4 9
Keith E. Short '49 , passed away October 27 , 1966. He is survived by his widow, Jo Ann. He was living in Alton, Illinois at the time of his death.
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Ronald C. Marshall '65, has been promoted to 1st Lt. in the Corps of Engineers. He is commander of the 557th Engineer Detachment in Korea . He entered the Army in 1965. Before entering the Army he was employed as an electrical engineer by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Huntsville, Alabama. 2nd . 11. Thomas 1. Fogle '65, was commissioned upon graduation from 14
2nd Lt Bill L. Montgomery
2nd Lt. John D. Molitor
2nd Lt Eugene R. Koebbe
Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He has been assigned to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, where he will be in the Air Force Systems Command .
John D. Molitor '65, was commissioned an Army Second Lieutenant upon graduation from the Engineer Officer Candidate School at Ft. Belvoir, Va.
2nd . Lt. Bill 1. Montgomery '65, also received a commission upongraduation fro m Officer Training School, Lackland AFB, Texas, and was assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, and he will serve as base civil engineer.
Eugene R. Koebbe '65, also was commissioned an Army Second lieutenant after graduation from the Engineer Officer Candidate school at Ft. Belvoir , Va. MSM Alumnus
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M S. Badollet has been invited to take P~\rt in an Intern ational Confer ence o n the Physics and Ch em istry of Asbestos Minerals to b e held at Ox for d University, July 19 to 21 ,1967 . The paper he is presenting will come under the h eading of Phys ics , m echanical properties , morph o logy, surface pr o perties, etc. Mr. B adollet will represent Fairleigh Dickinson University H ealth Research Institute w here he is listed on the faculty as a cons ultant. In April 1968, he will present a paper b efore an International Confer ence Biological Effects of Asbestos at Dr es d en , Germany. While in Europe this year h e wi ll go to G en eva, Switzerland fo r a week to do research in the arch ives at Etat Ru e H otel d e Ville , Geneva Library tracing from 1500 to 1800, and h opes to complete the fam ily tree . His address is 35 Farragut Road, Plainfield , N . ].
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ried to a Westinghouse engineering s uperv is or and they have four children and their son Jam es, is single, and a Captain in the regu lar Army.
R obert D . H odge is one of several alumni which we had "l os t" for a few years and found again. He is now with Westinghouse Electric Corporati on's Defense and Space Center in Baltimore, Maryland. In Octob er of this year he will reach his 65th birthday and retire again. H is first retire~ ment was from the Army in 1955 with the rank of Lt. Co lonel after 32 years of service. After receiving his M.S. degree in Bus iness Administration from Harvard in 1929 , he joined the Inter national General Electric Company as an export sales engineer wher e he remained until April 1941 wh en h e went on Active Duty with the U.S. Army. In 1946, h e went back to inact ive Resel'Ve status as ' a Col onel and rejoined International G.E. In February 194 7 , he acce pted a regular Army commiss ion as a Maj or and returned to active duty as a temporary ll . Colonel. H e and his wife, Dorothy, have two children. The daught er, Phyllis, is marApril 1967
Elmer Gammeter
Elmer Gammeter has been named chief metallurgist and coordinator of research and development at Babcock & Wilcox 's Tubular Products Divis ion. Elmer holds a B.S ., M.S. and pr ofessional degree Metallurgical Engineer from Rolla. H e joined G lobe Steel Tub es Co., in 194 3 as chief metallurg ist and contin ued in that p OSition when Glob e was acquired by B & Win 1955. He was named division coordinator , R&D, in 1962 and transferr ed to division headquarters at Beaver Falls, Pa. The Gammeters have two children and two grandchildren. Mr. Gammeter is a member and active in many professional societies.
193 7 Warren L. D onnelly has b een appointed Vice President, Materials Systems Division, Union Carbide Corporatio n. This is a newly formed divis ion of Unio n Carbide. Donnelly has b een with Union Carbide since 1941 when he joined them as a research engineer at the Lind e Tonawanda Laborat o ry. During his early career with Lind e, h e held various management positi ons in research and production. From 1961 until his present appointment, he was manager - flame plating in the division's new pr od ucts department. The new division was form-
ed to com.bine Union Carbide's product and process capab ilities in the hig h-performa nce nu terials fie ld , so that sys tems of materials ' can be prod uced for customers . Instead of only making unfinished parts or oth er forms of starting materials, the corporation expects to prod uce finish ed parts, s ubassemblies, or complete assemblies, according to th e needs of the custom er. T ypical pr oducts for the new division might var y from corrosion resistant centrifugal pumps to eros io n shields for helicopter blades.
Warren L. Donnell y
1 940 R obert ]. Klug vis ited his classmate Carlos Plenge and his family of eleven children while on their South American t o'll r last s um.mer. The Plenges live in Lim.a, Peru . Bob is in the aut o and electrical s up ply business in Lebanon , Missouri. P. A. D enn ie, who h as been on a speCial assignment in the H ead Office, Exploration and Production Shell Oil Com pany, has been pr omoted to manager , Exploration Engineering in the E & P organization. Powell joined moved to Head Office as a Senior Ex p loration Engineer in1956. He accepted employment w ith B.I.P.M. at The Hague in 1957 and later that year returned to the Midland, Texas area wh ere he became a Division Pr od uction Manager in 195 9. H e was named Ass istant to the Vice PreSident, Pacific Coast E & P Area, 15
in 1960, and Area Production Managel', Denver Area, in 1961. In 1963 , he became Head of the North American Division, Shell International Petroleum Company Limited, London, and he returned to his present assignment in January 1966.
194 1 James W. Jensen has been elected District Governor of District 609 of Rotary International. The District is composed of some forty Rotary Clubs in south central and southeast Missouri. Jim is a research physicist at the Bureau of Mines in Rolla.
manager of product engineering at Graflex, Inc., a subSidiary of General Precision Equipment Corporation, Rochester, N. Y. Graflex is one of the nation 's leading manufacturers of audiovis ual equipment, and quality photographic equ ipment for the profeSSional. Prior to joining Graflex, Ellenson was assistant to the president of pfeiffer Glass for almost two years, and manager of product engineering at Itek Business Products for about four years. Ellenson , his wife Gwenn, and their two children reside at 6 Hunters Row, Pittsford, New York.
194 3 Lt. Col. Gene S. Martin, USAF, is staff judge advocate Hq. 441 COS Group, APO, San Francisco, 96 328. H e will be retiring in August 1967 and will practice law in Lamar, Missouri. His address will be 903 Grand.
Since joining the Bureau of Mines , in 1949 , h e has spent many summers in North er n Alaska particularly on the Seward Penins ula , where he was engaged in the exploration and develo pment of the region's mineral deposits. His br oad exp eri ence in the Arctic res ulted i.n his select ion for the special aSSignment to Antarctics during the austral SUITlmerS of 1959-60 and 196061. H e is the principal author of two Bureau of Mines publications on coal deposits in Antarctica. Mulligan, his w ife, Peggy, and their 3 children reside in Douglas, Alaska. R obert B . Ellenson has been named 16
H enry J. H ellrich is making plans to enr o ll one of hi s four sons in UMR this fall. H enry is chief power engineer in the utility department of Granite City Steel Company. His address is 2437 H odges Ave., Granite City. Odis L. McCallister, Jr., is president of McCallister Equipment Company, Inc., 141 4 West 4th Street, Lit-' tle Rock, Arkansas.
Robert B. Ell enso n
195 0 Commander J ack E. Guth has a new aSSignment as Special Assistant to the Associate Administrator of the Environmental Science Services Administration, Washington Science Center, Rockville, Maryland.
194 9 John J. Mulligan has the distinct honor of having a mountain peak named in his behalf. Mulligan Peak is in Victoria Land east of the Ros s Sea in Antarctica. Mr. Mulligan, Bureau of Mines engineer in Juneau, Alaska, conducted studies resulting in discovery of coalb eds in the area during the 1959-61 field seasons. Mulligan is no stranger to cold regions. During World War II, he was station ed for many months at Egedesm inde in Northern Greenland where he was responsib le for gathering and transmittal of weather information vital to ai r traffic ac ross the North Atlantic Oc ean.
he was promoted to sel-vice metallurgist in Chicago. In 1956, he was asSigned to the Indianapolis District Sales Office as resident service metallurgiSt. In 1964, he was transferred to Pittsburgh as metall urgical engineer-sheet & strip product metallurgy, the position he held until his recent promotion. He and his wife, Trudy, have two children, Cheryl and John, and they reside at 2410 Springwood Drive, Pittsburgh.
Harol d R. Hollman has been app oin ted assistant manager - sheet and st rip product metallurgy for the United States Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa. He joined U .S. Steel after graduation as trainee at the Gary (Ind . ) Sheet & Tin Works . In 1950, he was named pr oduct metallurgist - tin mill prod ucts at th e plant, and three year s later,
Haro ld R. Ho ll man
Eugene A. Bartels has been named s urveys and plans engineer for the St. Joseph District of the State Highway Department. He has been with the Misso uri State Highway Department since 195 O. His first assignment was as deSigner in the Hannibal District. In 1956, h e was transferred to the Jefferson City office and he has been in St. J oseph since 195 8 . The Bartels live at 382 1 Mitchell Avenue. H. Garth Tennikait has been named manager-test engineering for American Steel Found ries, an operating unit of AMSTED Industries. Tennikait is a 17-year veteran of American Steel Found ries. H e joined the company in Granite Citu, Illinois, in 1950 as a test engineer. In 1961, h e was named proj ect engineer in ASF 's product engineering d epartment, in Chicago, and one year later he was appointed the department 's staff engineer. In 196 3, he returned to Granite City to serve as mechanical engineer in the product engineering department test section. In his new capacity, he will remain at Granite City and will s upervise the MSM Alumnu s
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testing of new and existing ASF products. He is a graduate of the American Management Association 's management course. He is active in commwlity and civic affairs. During World War II, he served in the U .S. Marine Corps. He and his wife, Betty, reside at 666 E. Lorena, Wood River, Ill. They have three children.
Bureau of Public Roads in Nicaragua , as an Office Engineer, has been trans ferred to Costa Rica, his former post fr om 1958 to 1961. He was on a temporary aSSignment for three months last sum mer in Panama where he was Acting Division Engineer for the Panama Division and Acting Pres ident of the Sub-Darian Committee.
195 1
He was concerned with the InterAmerican Highway and also establishing a highway connecting Panama with Colombia through the Darian jungle. In Panama he met Irvin D . Robbins '48, who is project manager for Morrison Knudson Co., and also another Miner, Marcos Gleiser '52, wh o is in the commercial rather than .engineering field in Colombia. On returning to Costa Rica he was made Operations Engineer. He sent the alumni office a report on the Inter-American Highway concerning the driving conditi ons . He will be glad to furnish a copy to any alumnus who contemplates taking a vacation via auto in that area . Frank's address is c/ o Bureau of Public Roads, Apartado "Q," San Jose, Costa Rica.
Arthur A. Dasenbrock is with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation and is now assistant project manager on a $60 million petrochemical complex in Bombay, India. He expects it to be conipleted the latter part of 1968 or early in 1969. He uses 71 1 St. Anthony Street, Effingham, Illinois, as his mailing address. W. M. Billinghurst now has his own consulting business in Melbourne, Australia , specializing in metallurgical and chemical engineering. He was previously with Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand, Ltd. He has had extensive experience in the min era I, chemical and fertilizer industries of Australia and New Zealand. His address is 100 Collins Street, Melbourne, c.r. , Australia . E. E. Dunn is general construction superintendent on the construction of a brewery for Anheuser-Busch in Columbus, Ohio, with a capacity of 1.5 million barrels annually. Dr. Paul Harrawood is Assistant Dean of Engineering and Associate Profes s or of Civil Engineering at Vanderbilt Univers ity, Nashville , Tennessee. H ar old C. Ratliff formerly as s istant vice president ofFruin-Colnon Contracting Co mpany, St. Lo uis, Mo. , has b een elected vice president and named h ead of the newly-created special projects divisio n with headquarters in St. Lo u is . Ratliff's res po ns ibilities incl ude manag ement of all activities of the special projects divis io n , organized to develop and carry o ut s pecial, maj or industr ial engineering an d constr uctio n proj ects . Mr . Ratliff, wh o has been res iding in N ew O rleans, La., has been with Fru in, Colnon fo r 16 years . H e jo in ed the com pany as a fie ld eng in eer after grad uation .
1 95 2 main e the
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Ap ri l 196 7
Willard E. Cox is on leave this academic year from Montana Tech taking graduate courses at the University of Montana at Missoula. He will return to Butte this fall.
195 3 Dr. J erry D. Plunkett h as b een appointed associate dir ector Bi-Nationa l Develo pment Plan, 51 8 Seventeenth Street , R oom 385 , D en ver , Colorad o . Maj or Ralph L. Kuster , Jr. has r eceived the Air Med al at K or at Royal
Ma jo r Ralph L. Kuster, Jr .
Thai Air F orce Base , T h ailand for air action in Southeast As ia. He was cited for his o utstanding airmanship and courage in the successful accomplishment of important miss ions under extreme h azard o us conditions . A A-10 5 Thunderch ief pilot and weapons officer, he is now a member of the Pacific Air Forces which provides offensive-defensive airpower for the U .S. and its allies in the Pac ific, Far East and Southeast Asia .
195 5 Walter J. Casler is an engineer w ith the Post Engineer at Ft. Leonard Wood , Missour i. His mailing address is Rte. N o . 1 B ox 10 3, W aynesville, Missouri .
195 7 H enry A . Root, 173 3 Orchard Hill Road, Cheshire, Connecticut, sends greetings to all his frie nds at Rolla. He is with Alin Brass in N ew Haven . John R. Troutner is one of 45 to a Alfred P. Sloan Fellows hip to attend the Massachus etts Institute of T echnology for the 1967-68 academic year. The fellow ship is for a full year leading to a M.S . degree in Management. Presently Tr o utner is with the Nation al Security Agency, Ft. G eorge Mead e, Maryland. Men are selected for the Sloan Fellows hips w ho h a v e already distinguish ed themselves within som e s pecialized area to the p oint wh ere t op managem ent feels they will carry m o re senior m anagement respon s ibilities in the futur e.
1 9 5 8 Charles E. Ward is w ith the Fo rd Mot or C o mpany ill Ind ianapo lis, Indiana. H e is m arried and the W ar ds have three b oys . His add ress is 3 20 2 Laundale Avenue, Indiana po lis . J o n D. Low ry is the n ew manager of admin istration and planning of Corh art R efr act o ries C o mpany , Co m m o n wealth Buil d ing , Louisvi lle, K ent ucky. Corha r t is a s ub s idiary of Corn ing Glas s W o r ks . Lowry j ined Corning ' Lig hting Pr od ucts D ivis ion in 1963 as a pr od uct plan ner. In 19 64 , he b('came a sen ior ma r ket plann er , an d late' th at year m oved to the T ra nsportation Products D epartment ill [h e ame capacity. H e has been wi t Carhart ~ i 1 , l' 196 5 .
M 5 MAL U M NIP E R SON A L 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
195 9 Morrell C. Diebold has r ecently been promoted to Vice President in charge of training for Ozark National Life Insurance Company, 215 West Pershing Road, Kansas City, Mo . H e joined O zark National in February 1965 , as a part-time agent and began full-time in May 1966 , at which time he was promoted to District Manager in the St. Louis Division in Mis so uri. He previo usly had worked for McDonnell Aircraft as a senior engineer for two years. H e received his B.S. d egree, at UMR, in Electrical Engineering. Morrell, his wife Ola Mae, and two sons will move to K ansas City, from St. Charles, in the near future.
Major Luke L. Callaway, Jr., received the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service as project officer with Studies Division, Army Combat Developments Command Engineer Agency at Ft. Belvoir, Va. , from May 1965 to January 1967 . He and his wife Nancy , live at 1800 Ramsey Road , Norfolk.
M a jo r Luke L. Callaw a y, Jr.
M o rrell C. Diebold
Raymond Mattingly has been appointed motor sales engineer for the Franklin Electric Co., Bluffton, Ind. He will serve Iowa , Neb raska and western Illinois in his new capacity. He has had eight years experience in electric motor sales and customer service in the southeastern area of the U.S . Franklin is the world's largest manufacturer of submersible electric mot 0 r s for water pumping and also produces fractional HP motors, gearmotors and automatic wrapping machines. His office will be at 6516 West Higgins Ave. , C hicago ,
1 960 Bill M . Dalton after spending four and one-half years in Germany with the U .S. Army, 79th Engr. Battalion, and travel including 12 countries not counting East Germany, returned to the 18
U.S. in September 1965 and accepted a po sit ion as senior engineer with Sohio Chemical Co. Sohio is now the Vistron Corporation. He was employed with Sohio before his military service. He is now project Engineer. Bill and his wife, Tonyia, have three children, Julie, 6; Mark, 5 and Kevin age 4- , and they all reside at 2549 Sherwood Drive, Lima, Ohio.
David M. Lewis has changed jobs and he is now a project engineer in the central engineering department Continential Oil Company, Ponca City, Oklahoma. His address there is 1512 Ash Street.
1 962 Michael S. Herzog has been promoted from production manager of Chas pfizer & Co. , Emeryville, California. Mr. Herzog was a process engineer at the East St. Louis, Ill. plant be for e his transfer to Emeryville in 1963, as prod uction manager. He is a member of the A.I.Ch.E ., the International Arabian Horse Association and Alpha Chi Sigma honor chemical fraternity. The Herzogs reside in Sebastopol, California.
196 1 Jerry W. Jamieson, senior engineer at Union Electric Company 's Sioux Plant, has been promoted to engineer and will continue at the plant. Jamieson has had continuous employment with U.E. since 1963 when he was employed in the Student Engineer in the Engineer Development Program. He was transferred to the Venice Plant later that year as assistant engineer and to the Sioux in mid-1966 as a senior assistant engineer.
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George E. "Rocky " E. Stourton recently res igned as chief engineer of the Land Clearance Authority of the City of St. Louis to accept the position of president of York Construction Company and Director of Marlou Enter prises, Inc. His address is 4191 Domenico Court, Bridgeton, Missouri.
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Larry D. Cline is a reservoir engineer with Humble Oil and Refining Company in the Refugio , Texas District. Larry received his M.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the U. of New Mexico in June 1966 following 2 years of active duty with the U.S. Army Corps oj Engineers. After graduation he was employed by Humble as a production engineer in the South Texas Division at Kingsville. In February 1967 , he was transferred to Refugio. His wife, Judie, is an elementary school teacher in Refugio .. They reside at 223 West Bailey . Gary K . Glover collab orated in the design of an uninterruptible power system and authored an article describing the system in the March iss ue of the Westinghouse, "ENGINEER." The system is designed to provide precise uninterruptible AC power for critical
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data-handling equipment. Explained in the article is the technicalities by which an uninterruptible power system employing m-g sets converts 50 or 60cycle power and maintains precise output limits during input power failures, drawing on battery emergency power or diesel standby power. Glover is a design engineer in Drive and Power Systems, Motor and Gearing Division of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. He has also been responsib le for the design of diesel-generator p ower systems for satellite tracking stations and has contributed to the design of the drive system for the Titan III mobile service at Cape Kennedy. The Glovers live at 1010 Beach Road, Buffalo, New York.
Miss o uri Law School in 1966, and he is now with the U .S. Patent Office in Washington, D .C. He is a member of the Missouri Bar and is enrolled in post graduate studies in Patent Law Field at the George Washington Uni-
Richard D. Mills
versity. His address is 1715 ArmyNavy Drive, Arlington, Va. Richard D. Mills has been commis sioned an Army second lieutenant upon graduation from the Engineer O fficer Candidate School at Ft. Belvoir, Va. He was trained in map reading, interpretation of aerial photographs and construCtion of fi xed and floating bridges, roads and airfields . Extensive instruction was given in combat engineering, camouflage, reconnaissance and demolition. William R. Ligon is in the manufact uring development program of Allis-Chalmers. Bill was married in August 1965 . Mrs. Ligon is the former Miss Suzanne Branch of Logansport, Indiana. Bill served in the Army from October 1964 to October 1966. The Browns have a daughter , Liza, born July 1966. Their address is 10472 West Montana, West Allis, Wisconsin .
Reginald F. Nease is now planning supervisor at the A.P. Green Fire Brick Company, Mexico, Missouri. He joined them 8 months ago. He formerly was with Douglas Aircraft. His address is 1716 Fairgrounds, Mexico.
1 963
Major Vernon E. Frank hasbeendecorated with the U.S. Air Force Combat Rediness Medal at Kadena AB, Okinawa . He is a F-105 pilot and the
If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla, Mo. Thanks.
Name ...__ ..__ ...... __ ......__ .. __ ...... __ ............. ____ .. __ ..__ ....____ ........... __ ............................ ---My new address is ...... __ .................. __ .____ .______ .. __ .. __ .... __ ..................... __ ...... ____ ... __
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Here's Some News for the MSM
award was for four years of professional performance as a combat crew member with the Pacific Air Force. He is now at Kedena which provides offensive-defensive air power for the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific, Far East and Southeast Asia. He recently completed his 100th mission. James L. Kohnon received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of A p r il 1967
1 9 6 4
Daniel A. Blanco is a mechanical engineer, smelter maintenance at Southern Peru Copper Corporation, Ilo, Peru. Dan and Miss Martha Santa were married November 14, 1964. He holds a ham radio license, call l etters OAGBF. Hector Trache-Maldonado is teaching in the Univers ity of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto, Rico. He is an assistant professor in the Physics D epartment. Currently he is engaged in research work on "Radiation Damage in Ferroelectrics." He is a member of Sigma Xi and of the "Puerto Rican Engineering College. " He plans to return to the U.S . to work toward his Ph .D. degree. Major John J. Cook is assistant professor of military science at the University of Florida. He spent a year as engineer equipment maintenance adviser at Roal Thai Army, Thailand. His address is 1717 N. E. 15th Street , Gainesville, Fla. Elmer C. Hoepker was recently assigned to another contract on the Interstate 5-Westside Freeway. On the new job, located west of Hanford, California, he will do bridge construction inspection and s urveying . His address is Box 1079, 1120 "N" Street, Sacramento , California. Paul Kornb erger ha s been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army upon graduation from the Engineer Officer Candidate School at Ft. Belvoir, Va . He r eceived 23 weeks of instruction in preparation for his
first assignment as an engineer platoon leader.
Ko r nb erg er
1966, as a District Parts Sales Representative for Caterpillar Tractor Company. He likes Oklahoma very much. He and two other alumni celebrated St. Pat's together on March 17. His new address is 7428 N.W. 26th St., Bethany, Oklahoma. Victor Ray Marshall is mix-melt supervisor with the American Saint Gogain Corporation, manufacturers of flat g lass. His new location is Arnold, Pennsylvania, a s uburb of Pittsburgh. His mailing address is P. O . Box 5. J immie D. Christen completed his requirements for a M.S. degree in Chemistry, at UMR, and is working toward his Ph.D. His mailing address is P.O . Box 381, Rolla, Mo.
Sheldon L. Bierman has received an appointment as Patent Examiner, U.S . Patent Office, Department of Commerce, Washington, D .C. After receiving his degree in mechanical engineering Sheldon entered law school in Washington , D.C. 1 9 6 5
EnSign Willard L. Knussmann is presently serving with the " Seabees" of the Navy. The battalion is operating with detachments in the Southeast Asia countries. His address is Amphibious Construction Battalion One, ALFA Company, USNAB, Coronado, California. Michael D. Smith moved to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 1,
William R. Norfleet has completed the Officer Candidate School of the Coast Guard and has been assigned to be an engineering billet in the Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C. H e is working in the ship building branch of Naval Engineering and is primarily concerned with the construction of a new class of cutters for the Coast Guard which empl oy gas turbine engines as their main propulsion plant. He hopes to attend Law School at Georgetown University this fall. Bill 's address is P.O. B ox 7134 Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D. C. 20044. 1 9 6 6 Private Gutherie L. Scaggs completed eight weeks of advance infantry training at Ft. Dix , N.]. receiving specialized instruction in small unit tactics . Pen-Chu Chou, who received his B.S. degree in Chemistry at UMR, is a grad uate student at the University of Minnesota. His address is 12 24 Gibbs Avenue , N-4, St. Paul, Minnesota. Frank A. Buchmeier, Jr., has been commissioned as an Army 2nd Lt. after graduating from Artillery Officer Candidate School at Ft. Sill , Oklahoma. He is currently assigned to Ft. Bliss, Texas, for furth er training with "Hawk" missiles. Before entering the armed forces he was employed by Union Electric Company, St. Louis. Dennis C. Johnson is an instrumentation engineer with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and resides at I-A Mt. Vernon Drive, Rockv ille, Connecticut.
MSM Alumnus