Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1968

Page 1

University of Missouri-Rolla

JUNE 1968

728 GRADUATE Fiue Receive 50- Year Pins

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"Systems analysis is man's HOPE FOR CONTROLLING technology instead of letting technology control him -


Dr. Donald Nelson Frey

ORA UA 10 Dr. Donald N . Frey, vice president of product deve lopment Fo rd Mot o r Co ., discussed "Where the Action Is" in his address at the 95th an nual commencement exercise . H e mainta ined that this is sys tems analysis because of its diversified "approach to the many major d ilemmas our techn o logical precocity has gotten us int o or has fai led to get us out of." H e sa id that sys tem s analysis, per se , is not of par ticular interest b ut the app roach does s uggest that we can begin to think about society 's problems in terms of system s . He urged young engineers to give increasi ng importa nce to the urban and social problems so closely related to their technological activities. " For better and fo r wo rse , engineering answers must increasingly fit within a fram ewo r k constructed by political , governmental and sociological consideration s," the Ford executive continued. " Tec:;hnical and non-technical complications o f the problems we face call fo r m 0 r e and more interdisciplinary approaches , which are th e hea r t and soul of systems analysi s ." He sa id that the main consumer need s lie in the areas o f food and

The Ninety-fifth Annual Commencem ent at UMR saw the traditionally male dominated school grant its first two Bachelor of Arts degrees to two lovely ladies, ( Mrs.) Glenda Lou Dickman and ( Mrs .) Dixie L ee Bird Finley, whose smiles reflect gene-ral approval of B A offering as one "in step with our time." Jun e 196 8

water, h o using, clothing, recreation , ed ucation and health care. In addi ti on , vital considerations include transpo rtation , communi cat ion, power a n d security. Dr. Frey ho ld s B.S. , Ph.D. and hono rary d octo r of enginee ring degrees fr om the Un ive rsity of Mi chi gan. Upon completion of hi s doctorate, he served as assistant pr ofe sso r of chemica l and metallurgical engineering there. In 1951, he joined the Ford Mot or Co . as manager of the metallurgy department. H e b ecame, s uccess ively, a sociate director of the science lab oratories, director of engi neering research , executive engineer of the Ford Division, assistant ch ief engineer of car prod uct engineering, prod uct p lanning manager , assistant gene ral manager of the Ford Division an d vice president and general manager of the Ford Di vision . H e was appointed to his curren t position in 196 7. H e is responsibl e for coordinating and applying modern plant systems and techniques to all North American o perations of the Ford Motor Co.

Development Co uncil o f th e nivers itv of Michiga n. In previ o us years he ha~ been named "Young Engineer of the Year " by the Engineering Society of Detroit , " Outstanding Alumnus" of the University of Michigan College of Engineering and "Det r oi t 's Outstanding Yo ung Man. " H e is the author of n u merous technical articles and is active in many p rofessional societies . Dr. Frey was born in St. Lo ui s and wa s graduated from the Detr o it pub lic schools. H e is the son o f 1\[uir Frey '23, an alumnus of UMR. H e concluded hi s addr ess by stat ing that , of course , such an appr oach cannot possibly solve all of our p roblems . "But as engineers you will be in the thick of getting a better wo rld 's work don e . . .. whe re the action is. I wish yo u well." Foll owi ng hi s address, Dr. Fr ev received an honorary D octor of Engineering deg ree from Ur- [R. There \vere als o 16 professional d eg rees presented to various individual s, recognizing out tanding contributions in their speci fic field s .

Dr. Frey is preS id ent of the Engi neering Society of Detroit , a tr ustee and chairman of th e Cranbrook Institute of Science, trustee of the Salk Institute of Biological tudies, member of the Nati o nal cademy of Engineerin g and chairman of the Board of the Solid Waste Management Com mitati o na l Research Co un cil. tee of the

UMR Chancellor Mer! Baker and U nivers ity of Missour i Pres ident John C. Weaver presented degrees to 725 graduates . These included 551 Ba chelor of Science deg rees , the Rolla campus ' fir st 2 Bachelor of Arts degrees , 160 Ma ster of Science degrees , and 12 Doctor of Philosophy deg rees .

He has served as a member of the

The baccala u reate was cond ucted at 3

Dr. Donald N. Frey, vice-president for product development for Ford Motor Company, Detroit, is president of the Engineering S0 ciety of Detroit, a trustee of Cranb1-ook Institut e of Science, a trustee of the Salk Institute oj Biological Studies, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and serves on the N ational Research Council as a committee chairman. He is a native of St. Louis and the son of a Rolla Campus alumnus.

MSM Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Volume 42

JUNE 1968


Number 3 10 a. m. by Dr. Joseph R. Rosenbloom , St. Louis rabbi. A total of sixteen who have made outstanding contributions to engineering were awarded hon o rary professional degrees at commencement exerci ses. Recipients of these degrees were: Robert E. Pep pers '5 0, plant s uperi.ntendent for the St. Joseph Lead Co. , Herculaneum, Missouri, Metallurgical Engineer. James R. Patterson '59, president of Central Constructors, Inc. , Sikeston , Missouri , Civil Engineer . John R. Bodine '51, vice president of the Bodine Fo undry Co., St. Louis , Mi ssouri, Metallurgical Engineer. The Colors, blowing proudly in the breeze, led participants in the graduating ceremony who braved threatening weather which contained its raindrops in the clouds until after the event was finished. Muddy shoes were forgotten in the happy knowledge that now the "sheepskin" was in hand .

Issu ed bi-monthly ill th e intere st of th e gradua te s and fo rm er stude nts of the M i ssouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Univer si ty of Missouri - Rollo . Subscription price , 51.50, inc luded in Alumni Due s. En tered as second -c loss matter October 27 , 1926, at Po st Office at Rollo , Missouri under the Act of March 3, 1897 .


Ralph A. Ecoff, Jr. , vice preSident - chief engin ee r of the Nooter Corp ., St. Loui s, Missouri, Engineering IVlechanics. o rb e rt 1;(1. Maurer, structural consultant for Sverdrup and Parcel, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, Engineering !\Iechanics; Fred C. Schneeberger '2 5, retired preSident o f Picker X-Ray, l'vlissis s ippi Va ll ey Inc. , St. Louis, Mi sso uri , Electrical En gi nee r ;

R. Ray Shockley, vice preSident and general manager of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company's Mi ssouri-illinois area . St. Louis, l\ [i sso uri, Electrical Engineer; R obert K. Boyd '41, vice president and mem ber of the board of direct o rs of the Guy F. Atkin on Co., Los An-

geles, Calif., Civil Engineer ; A . Daniel Fentzke '4 9, manager of research and development of specia l refractories for the Hartford Division Emhart Corp. , H artford, Conn ., Cera mic Engineer; Frank C. Appleyard '3 7, director of mining and ex plorati on of the United State Gypsum Co., Chicago , III. , !\ Iining Engineer;


Theodore S. Weissmann '49, assi tant to the vice-president - management planning and controls of the s pace division of the North American Rockwell Corp ., Dow n ey, Calif., Ceramic Engineer; Ellsworth W. Hudgens '48, gene ral manager o f Dow Indu stri a l Service Division o f Dow Chemical Co ., Midland , Mich., Chemical Engineer ; Ralph Emerson McKelvey '48, directo r - engineering of the Timken Ro ll er Bearing Co. , Canton, Ohio, J\ lechanica l Engineer;


Robert C. Perry '49 , director of automotive sales of the glass divi s io n of Pitts burgh Plate Glass Co., Pittsb urgh , Pa., Mecha nical Engineer ; William H. Gammon '49, vice president and director o f the As hland Oil and Refining Co., H o uston, Tex . , C hemical Engineer; Robert L. Topper '4 1, executive vict p resi d ent of the Pyrofax Gas Co rp. , a ub s idiary o f Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., H ouston, Tex ., J\1inin g Engineer. MSM Alumnus

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Honorary Professional Degree Recipients ·si· lor is lO. oj a

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Frank C. Appleyard

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Outstanding Young Engineers


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Outstanding Young Engineers from each of MSPE Chapters. Left to right : Donald Gregor y ' 58 , Missouri State Highway Department, Malden; George Tapp '58, St. Joseph Lead Co., Bonne Terre ; J erry Bayless '59, UMR, Rolla , (State W inner ); Richard Rhod es, Rhodes Engineering Co ., Macon ; Robert El sperman, Tarlton Contracting Co ., St . Louis ; James Odom '61, A. B. Chance Co., Centralia; David Plank '59, City Utilities , Springfi e ld ; William Luebbert '58, Misso uri Power & Light Co ., Jefferson City ; Paul Adam, Black & Veatch, Kansas City ; and John Ricketts '61, Tamco Asphalt Products Inc., Joplin .

Jerry R. Bayless '59, Assistant Professo r of civil engineering, UMR, has b een named Yo ung Engineer of the Year for 1968 by the Misso uri Society of Pro fess ion al Engineers. Bayless , who was nominated by the Rolla chapter of MSPE , was ch osen from among 10 named as Outstanding Young Engineers by their local chapters. T he award was made at the MSPE's an nual meetin g in Rolla , June 7 and 8.

Rolla Women Get First A.B. Degrees Mrs . Richard Dickman and Mrs. Charles Finley, b oth of R olla, received the first two bach elor of arts degrees ever granted at UMR . The degrees were conferred at the spring commencement exercises. Mrs. Dickman is the former Miss G lenda Williams , daughter of Mr. and

Bayless is the president of the R ol la Chapter of MSPE. He is originally from St. James. He has been o n the Ro lla faculty since 1959 and h old s B.S . and M.S. degrees from UMR .

Rolla Chambe r of Commerce and the First Presbyter ian Ch urch .

Bayless is area coordinator of JETS (Junior Engineering Technical Society for hi g h sch ool students) and faculty adviser to the UMR student ch apters of Chi Epsilon and MSPE. H e is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society fo r Engineer ing Education , American Con crete Institute, Society of Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi and Chi Epsilon. H e is a mem ber of the Rolla Optimist Cl ub, which h e has served as secretary-treas~rer , and a member of the

Six of the other nine nominees for the yo ung engineer 's awa rd were UMR Alumni. They were Donald B. Gregory '58, of Mald en, Southeast Chapter; William]. Luebbert '58, of Jefferson City; J ames T. Odom '61, of Centralia, Cen tral Chapter; R. David Plank '59 , of Springfield, Ozark Chapter; R ichard G. Rh od es of Macon , North Chapter; J o hn W. Ricketts '6 1, ofJoplin , Southwes t Chaptel ; and E. George Tapp '58, of Bo nne Terre , Lead Belt Chapter.



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Mrs. Ll oyd Williams of Route 4, Rolla. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ma rvin Dickman, o f Route 2, Rolla. Glend a, wh ose major is in history, plans to teach in the Dixon Juni or High School this fall. While at UMR, she was a cheerleader and a m ember of Co-ed s and consistently appeared o n the hon ors list. She and her husband are 1963 and 1964 graduates of Rolla High School. He is an aircraft mechanic for Skyway Airlines at Fort Leonard Wood . Mrs. Finley , the former Miss Dixie Bird of Lockwood, is the wife ofUMR 's head track coach and assis tant" football coach . They have two children, Gretchen and Angela. Mrs. Finley's degree is in psychology . She plans to continue her education toward a master's in counseling for the elementary school. While at UMR, she has written with her adviser (Dr. Lynn Martin), professor of psychology and director of institutional research) a wo rkb oo k-text called "Stimulus Stories for Group Therapy of Maladjusted Children ." The work wi ll h o pefully be published to be used in eleMSM Alumnus


mentary classrooms . Dixie has been on the first honor list all four semesters at UMR - which means her grades have averaged 3.00 and above out of a possible 4.00.

New Students Pre-Register It 's a lot easier to start out at a univei~ity when you've visited there and found out what it's all about. Over 1,000 individuals who will be new students at UMR this fall are taking part in the summer pre-registration program being held on the campus until July 12 . About 200 freshmen come on the campus each week for two-day sessions of touring the qlmpus , taking tests, signing up for courses , talking to advisers and faculty -and meeting their fellow class men.

Slale Rolla, louis; , Miso As-

On June 26 -and July 10, new transfer students from other colleges - preregister. These students have been accepted for admission this fall. Some 600 other new students, who are not

participating in the pre-registration program this summer, will -t ake part in a similar program on September 3 and 4, before school begins September 9. Dr. Lynn Martin, program director and UMR professor of psychology and director of institutional research advises , "The program was inaugurated during the summer of 1966 to help orient students to college life before they are actually in th e midst of classes . We've found that students who took part in the program last summer had an easier time of adjusting to college . It 's evident that these students participating this summer are already quite at home on the campus. " The students are roominganÂŁ_boarding (n the Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall. Placement tests are taken in mathematics , English and chemistry. Faculty and the school's administrative personnel brief them in admissions, hOUSing, 1: h e cooperative engineering-s c i e n c e training programs, athletics , library activities , Student Union programs, student personnel and various campus organizations .

An attractive Alumn i Chai r, designed for beauty and com fort. Black and Gold t rim, wit h the School seal in gold.

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or cherry color arms as desired . Contact the Alumni Office for prices.

In Reception Line After Commencement Ceremonies

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Dr. Frey, the commencement speake r, is greeted by Mrs . Baker in the reception line at the reception after t he commencement ceremonies, for graduates, th ei r f amilies, guests and faculty. Chancellor Baker is at the head of the line, Bill Wolf, Presiden t of the Student Counc il is a t Mrs. Baker's left. To his left are Mrs. Ponder and Paul Ponder, Director of Student Services.

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June 1968



Faculty Awards to Doctors Penico, James and Manuel Dr. William J. James and Dr. O liver K . Manuel were chosen as recipients of the Faculty Research Awards and Dr. Anthony J. Penico was presen ted with the award for An Outstanding Professor in Teaching, provided by the Alumni Association. The stipend for each of these awards is $250.00. Dr. James is director of the Graduate Center fo r Materials Research and Professor of Chemistry . Dr. Manuel is associate professor of chemistry and Dr. Penico is professor of Mathematics.

Alumni Pres ident Ray Kasten with Dr. Penico

Dr. James was chosen for his outstanding research contr ibution s while serving as director of the Graduate Center for Materials Research. His cur rent interests are in the areas of phys ical chemistry, mechanisms of anodic dissolutions of metals and alloys, passivati o n studies us in g potentiostatic methods, studies of point defects in solid prepa rati ons, st udies of ferroelectric crystal s and studies of magnetic alloys by neutron diffraction. Dr. Manuel was chosen for his o utstanding research performed in the department of chemistry. His current interests lie in the areas of physical chemis try and cosmochemistry and mass s pectrometric studies of the noble gasses as an indication of the geological events in the history of the meteorites, the earth and the atmosphere.



Presenting Award to Dr. James

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Dr. Penico was chosen by student ballots programmed for the computer. He has been a member of the facu lty since 1966 and his und ergrad uate teaching has been outstanding which merited him the selection in a campus-wide vote, sco red by computer on the bas is of a weighted combination of a normalized student vote, honor society vo te and facul ty vote. Prev iou s winners of cash award s were not eligible for competition this year. This is the second year these alumni association award s have been granted. In addition to the monetary stipend each of the winning faculty member s received a plaq ue. 8

Dr. Manuel Receiving A w ard MSM Alumnus


50-Year Grads Honored at Commencement

Back row, left to righ t: la w re nce J. Zoller, Chancellor Merl Baker, George E. Mello w. leroy R. Scheurer, Raul Cha vez, Hanl ey Weiser .

The h o n o red guests at the 95th Co mmencement were the m embers of the class of 1918 who returned to the campus to celebrate the 50th annive rsary of their graduati on . T here were twenty-four graduates that year. Fo urteen are deceased , and nine of the remaining ten were contacted and invited back to the campus to personally r eceive the 50-Year Recognition Award .

There is o ne whose address was unknown. Five of the nine fo und it possibl e to return and were pres ent for the mem o rabl e occa sion. They were Raul Chavez, o f Chihuahua , Chih , Mexico, wh ose so n , Ed ward , acco mpanied him; G eo rge E. Mell ow o f St. Lo uis Mi sso uri; Le r oy R . Scheurer of Wichita Falls , T exas , w ho was acco mpanied by

()~ Jun e 1968

Front row , left to right:

Mrs. Scheurer , a fo rmer Ro lla gi rl, happy to return fo r the festi vities; H an ley H. Weiser , of Santa Rose, Ca lifo rnia who was acco mpan ied by i\ lrs . W eiser ; and Law rence J. Z o ll er , of Tul sa , Oklah o ma . i\ lr. Z o ll er 's s on , Jacques and h is wi fe cam e to w itness the eve nt. Jacques was in th e class of 1942, and Mr. Zoller 's othe r s on , Victo r , g raduated in th e cla ss o f 194 3.

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Meet M.U. Curators Neill and Billings Robert Neill , St. Louis lawyer, has been a member of the University of Missouri Board of Curators since 1957 and served as its President in 196467. After attending the University of Arkansas in his native state for a year, he enrolled at the U niversity of Missouri - Colu mb ia, in 1926 and was grad uated in 1929 with an A.B. degree. That fall he attended th e Harvard Law Scho ol, from which he received the LL.B. degree in 1932, becoming a member of the Missouri Bar Associati on in the sam~ year. It was

Neill was a law lectu rer on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin G raduate School of Banking in 1947-54. Later he served as Personal Counsel to the RFC administrator in 1954 . Later he served a year as co unsel to the Advisory Committee to the United States Senate Banking and Currency Co mmittee. He has been active in civic affairs in St. Louis and is a director of numerous corporation. Mrs. Neill is the former Nancy Mitchell. The Neills, married in 1939, have a son, Robert III, and a daughter , Nancy Lee. The son is married to May Gardner and they are b oth graduates of Stanford University. T he daughter will graduate from Madeira in 1968. J ud ge William H. Billings of Kennett , appointed to the Board of Curators in 1965, is chairman of the th reeman executive committee and finance committee. He was appointed circuit judge of the 35th Judicial Circuit by Gov . Warren E. Hearnes in November of 1966 and withdrew from the Kennett Law firm of McHaney, Billings & Welman with which he had been associated since graduating from law school. His father , Judge James V. Billings, a UMC grad uate, was judge of this court from 1933 to 1953.

Rober t Neill

also in 1932 that he became associated with the St. Louis law firm of Thompson, Mitchell, Thompson & You n g (now Thompson, Mitchell, Douglas & N eill ), becoming a full partner in 1946. He is enrolled before the Supreme Court of Missouri a'n d the Supreme Court of the United States and is als o licensed to practice before various Federal Commissions. Neill is a member of the American Bar Association, American Law Institute and American Judicature Society. ' He is a past Vice President of the Bar Associati o n of St. Louis, of which he is still a Director. He was appointed a trus tee of the Missouri Bar in 1960 , re-ap p oi nted for a second term in 1962, and re-appointed for a third term in 1965 , which expires in 1968. 10

Judge William H. Billings first enrolled in the Univers ity of Missouri Columbia in 1939, then joined t he Marine Corps in 194 1 and served until after the end of World War II. Returning to ' UMC he earned his LL.B. degree in 1952 . He won numerous decorations as a fighter pilot and numerous awards as a law student. During 15 months in the Pacific Theater , he was awarded the distinguished Flying Cross with g o ld star, Air Medal and eight gold stars, Presidential U nit Citation , Navy Commendation Award, and Asiatic-Pacific Medal with six battle star s. On the campus Judge Billings was a member of the b oard of editors, Missouri Law Review ; received the Judge Shepard Barclay Award as the most outstanding student , the J o hn D . Lawson Prize fr om the Miss ou ri Law School Foundation for the highest grade in

contracts, and the Law Stu dent Association Award for the highest first year grade average. He was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha , Phi Delta Phi, and the Order of the Coif, legal scholastic society. Judge Billings was admitted to the Missouri Bar in 195 2, admitted topractice in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri in 195 5 , and admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States in 1963. President of the Dunklin County Bar Associati on in 1957, he is also a member of the American Bar Associ-

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ation and the American Judicature SoCiety. He has served as chairman of the Missouri Bar Workmens Compensation Committee and the Circuit Court Bar Committee . He was United States Commiss ioner for the Eastern District of Missouri from 1956 to 1960, and was appointed in 1961 to a three-yea r term o n the Board of Admissions of the U.S . District Court. From 1959 to 1965 he served as special counsel for the Missouri Bar Advisory Committee. At Kennett Judge Billings has been prominent in civic, fraternal , and veterans activities. He married the former Miss Wila Mae Legan in 1945. They have three children: Diana Lyn, William Howard III , and Ward Hamilton.

MSM Alumnus

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"Our Man on the Longest Job " was one of the feature articles that appeared in the Missouri State Highway's special issue, "The Bridge." "Our Man" was Kurt Keller '57, Resident Engineer on the Poplar Street Bridge that spans the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri, the new bridge that takes its place among the world's great structures.

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Kurt, a department bridge construction engineer, is blessed with, among other attributes, immense patience and persistance and an ulcer-saving sense of humor. For the last four years he needed those qualities daily.


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He has been intr oduced at after-dinner affairs as "the resident engineer on the longest job in the history of the Missouri State Highway Department. " He and his crew members have been accused - jokingly, they think - of tryi ng to stretch one job into retirement. His wife, might have accused him of " marrying " a creation of concrete, steel · and asphalt without bothering to divorce her. Or at least for deserting her and their daughter to have an "affair" on the St. Louis waterfront. Kurt 's affair was with "The Bridge. " The building of the bridge did become the longest construction project in the Highway Department's history. Kurt did practically desert his wife and daughter at times but that was the kind of demands that the job put on every man on the Department 's crew, and many other workers, for that matter.

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'.'Everything about the bridge job was big," was Kurt's remark , " And that means that everything took time. When a pour started on a pier, for instance, we had to keep pouring until it was finished . And often that was two or three 0 'clock in the morning." Kurt came to the Poplar Street job from the Route 39 bridge over Table Rock Lake near Shell Knob , moving from the remote quiet of the Ozark hills to the busy clatter and clutter of the St. Louis waterfront. An engineer inspector TIl , he later became senior construction inspector and acting resident engineer. Then , in February, 1966 , June 1968

110 US

Man on the Longest Job"

Kurt Keller /57

when the resident engineer retired, Kurt took over his job. His taking over was particularlyappropriate . Kurt was born and raised in Germany where the first orthotropic bridges, like the Poplar Street structure, were constructed as West Germany rebuilt war-ravaged bridge over the Rhine River . Born in Ladenburg, he attended primary and secondary school there , then a navy school from 1943 until the war ended. He studied English atthe Foreign Language Institute at Heidelberg where he received a translator 's diploma in 1948. "I came to the U.S. in September, 1949," he said, "to getaway from war-torn Europe. The Korean conflict was going strong then and Uncle Sam thought I should be in service; I was inducted , sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri , and after some training made an instructor in combat engineering . This is how I became acq uainted with Missouri. We remained in Rolla after m y tour of duty and completed my formal ed ucation at the Sch ool of Mines (now the University of Mi ssouri - Ro lla)." The " I " became "we" in 1951 when he married his wife , Elvira, a native

Berliner whom he met in Chicago . Two years later they expanded the "we" to include a daughter , G loria. H e received his bachel o r 's degree in Civil Engineering in 195 7, and joi ned the Highway Department as engineer inspector II . Most of his work has been o n large bridges - the Poplar Street one was his twentieth with the Department. Before the Route 39 job, he worked on several bridges on Interstate 44 in the Sarcoxie and Mt . Vernon areas . The Po plar Street bridge was ha unted by more than its share of bugaboos. The weather is always present but there were floods , labor disp utes, equipment problems and a h ost of other troubles that plagued the project from the start causing what seemed to be endless delays. Alth o ugh alternately h u r l' i e d and harassed or bottlenecked and bored , none of the crew members regret their aSSignment to The Brid ge. No r wi ll they ever forget their experience on it. The Bridge challenged them all , and they m et that challen ge wi th hard wor k , dedication and knowledge. The Bridge was o pened and Kurt was aSSigned to another job , that of 11

Kent Roberts, Bill Atchley to Assist School of Engineering Dean Dr. J. Stuart Johnson has appointed Professor J. Kent Roberts '50, and Dr. Bill L. Atchley '57, to assist him as dean of the University of Missouri Rolla School o f Engineering. Professor Rob erts and Dr . Atchley will retain their titles of professor of civil engineering and engineering mechanics but will also be deSignated assistants to the dean of engineering. They will devote half-time to research and teaching activities in their respective departments and will assist Dr. Johnson in student relations, office detail and in the development of the graduate and undergrad uate curricula. Professor Roberts has served Dr. J ohnson in a similar capacity this past year. Professor Roberts has been on the University of Missouri - Rolla faculty for 21 years. He holds an M.S. degree in civil engineering from here and a B.S. in civil engineering from the University of Oklahoma. He is a director of the National SOCiety of Professional Engineers and on July 1, will ass ume the pOSition of secretary of the executive board of NSPE's professional engineers in ed ucation practice section. He is a past president of the Mis souri Society of Professional Engineers, a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers and past president of the Mid-Missouri section of this society, a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, a;'d member of the Chi Epsilon, Phi Kappa Phi , Tau Beta Pi, Phi Eta Sigma and SOciety of the Sigma Xi honoraries. He is a registered profeSSional enresident engineer, which will challenge the best efforts of him and his men . That 's the big U.S. Route 40 (Daniel Boone Expressway) job , linking the pre sen t highway with The Bridge across the maze of railroad tracks at the St. Louis Union Station. "That will be a bigger job than The Bridge," Kurt sa id. Our thanks is extended to the Missouri Highway Department for their permisSion to extract from their article the information concerning one of our illu stri'o us alumni, Kurt Keller. 12

gineer in Missouri and a past president of the Missouri Association of Registered Land Surveyors. He is a member of the State Board .of Registration for Architects and Professional Engineers. His civil activities include membership in Rotary International. Dr. Atchley joined the UMR staff in 1957. He holds a Ph.D . degree in structural mechanics from Texas A. & M. University and M.S. and B.S. degrees in civil engineering from UMR. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education and the Society of Sigma Xi and Chi Epsilon honoraries. He is also a member of the Sigma Nu social fraternity. Dr. Atchley has been chosen one of the "Outstanding You n g Men of America." He is the author of numerous technical publications in his field. His civic activities include serving as Rolla city councilman from the Third Ward and membership in the Lions Club.

Highest Honors to Norman R. Miller Norman Richard Miller of Joplin , Missouri, graduated from UMR with highest honors . He received a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engi!'leering. A total of 550 other B.S. degree recipients competed with Miller . Miller is a peace corps volunteer in Washington D.C. At UMR, he was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Society for Metals, the Intercollegiate Knights service organization, the Independents , the Pl'OS pecto r s Eating Cl ub and the Pershing Rifles. He was the recipient of a Curators Scholarship and was a cooperative engineering-science training student with the Na ti onal Aeronautics and Space Administration - he alternated semesters o f school at UMR with work at NASA. He is a s on of Mr. and Mrs. Byro n Webster Miller of22 1 Pennsylvania Ave. , Joplin.

B.S. Grads Start With

$787 Monthly Salary May graduates with Bachelor of Science degrees, at Ui\ IR , started ou t in jobs at an average sa lary of $787 per month. Thi s is th e highest ever received by bachelor degree recipi en ts at UMR. Starting average sala ries for B. S. grad uates one year ago were $ 7 3 5 per month. January B.S . degree recipients' beginning sa laries averaged 5772 per month . Master of Science degree recipients started out at an average of $918 per month , while Ph.D's started out at an average salary of $1,283 per month . The highest starting salary, at the B.S. level, was received by a student in electrical engineering, with $880 per month beginning pay. This was followed by $865 in chemical engineering, $850 in petroleum engineering, and $835 in mechanical engineering. The majority of the graduates entered jobs in the areas of electrical machinery and equipment, petroleum and applied products, aerospace and components, chemicals, drugs and allied prod ucts , metals and metal pr od ucts , public utilities and government se rvice.

$2,500,000 in Gifts, Grants Received UMR received about $7 ,500 ,000 in gifts and grants for the per iod May 1, 1967 through April 30, 1968 . This announcement was made by Mr. William C. Myers, Jr., member of the UniverSity of Misso uri Board of Curators . The gifts show an increase of over $750,000 in the preceding year. These gifts came from over 400 ind ivid uals, companies, foundations, and national and state organizations. About $600,000 has been r eceived for research and over $900 ,000 has been received for other sponsored programs given by s uch federal and state o rganizations as the Nationa l Science Foundation , Department of Health , Ed ucation and Welfare, the National Aeronautics an d Space Administration , AMSM Alumnus

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Mother Sees Three Sons Graduate From UMR i'lr s. Paul Spence of Cairo, III. , had reason to be proud at the recent UMR com mencemen t exe rcises . To be exact, s he had three reasons : her sons, Hugh , Kar l and James we re among th e 725 who we re granted deg rees from UM R . Hugh , wh o received hi s B .S. in electrical engi neerin g from UMR in 1966, received hi s master 's degree in electrica l engineering . K arl and James received bachelor's degrees , Karl in mechanical engineering and James in electrica l. All were honor graduates. College commencements are n othing new for Mrs . Spence. During the past few years, s he has attended commencements at which her seven child ren ha ve received a total of 11 degrees. There were four wh o graduated this s pring, the three from UMR and her yo ungest daughter, Oneta , from Southern Illin ois University. Mrs . Spence is a widow and all of her children h~lVe wo rked to earn at least part of their college expenses . Mr. Spence, who was chief marine engineer for Federal Barge Lines, died in 1960. At that time, o nly o ne of the seven was financia ll y self-sufficient the eldest daughter wh o had finished nurse 's trai ning . Two were in college and nurse's training. H owever , it never occurred to any of them or Mrs . Spence to ser ious ly doubt that they would all get their college ed ucatio ns.


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Among the Spences there is now one doctor of medicine, two registered nur~es (one of whom has an M.S. in art and is now teaching art), three engineers and a high sch ool biology teacher. tomic Energy Commission and othe r corporati ons, foun datio ns, individua ls and groups. In add ition , about $ 145 ,000 was received for student loans , mainl y through the National Defense Education Act. UMR has s pent over $450 ,000 fr o m fede ral funds in the past yea r to assist in constructing new facilities. Commitments have been received for additional s upport. Jun e 1968

At o ne point , for a period of two years, all seve n of the Spences were in coll ege at the sa me time. H ow they did it involved a lot of determination , faith and hard wo rk. All have wor ked . The younger three we re helped fo r varying lengths of time by Social Security benefits for d ependent chi ldren , which continued until they were 22 or o ut of college . There have been scholarships , fellowships and loans. But mostly the Spences depended o n themselves . The thre e UM R graduates went th r ough on the cooperative engineeringscience training program in which st udents alternate semes ters of study at Rolla with actual work in industry. All three "co-oped " with the Bel oit Corpor ation in Wisconsin . Although their interest in this program was u iginally fina ncial , they agree that they wo uld have participated in it anyway beca use of o ther benefits they gained from their work experiences. In addition to high academic averages, all were active in campus honor and stud ent organizations . Paul , the o ldest Spence boy, was a sophomore pre-med student when his father died. H e went on for his M.D. degree, which he received at St. Louis U niversity in 1966 . He worked during vacations as a deck hand on the barge lines, during sch ool months as a laboratory assistan t. And what he couldn't earn for his education, h e borrowed . He is now a naval lieutenant in Vietnam . After ser vice, he expects to return to Cairo to practice for at leas t five years, a conditi on of a loan made to him by the city of Ca ir o . He is the o nly one of the seven who is married. The two Spences wh o are registered n urses have both gone on for additional ed ucation . Anna Marie is cur rently workin g toward a degr ee in m us ic at Southeast Missouri S ta t e, Cape Girardeau, while working weekends at St. Mary 's Hospital in Cairo. Catherine also holds a B.S. in public health nursing and an M.A . in art. She is now teaching in D elaware and continuing her studies in night school. Thi s year's crop of Spence g radu-

ates expects to follow in the foot steps of their older broth ers and sis ters. Hugh is continuing at UMR on a research aSSis tantship and is wo r king toward his Ph.D. degree. Both Karl, who works for Allis-Chalmers in Mi lwaukee, and James, wh o has accepted a positi on with Westinghous e Electric in Pitt sb urgh , Pa. , intend to continue their education in nig ht sch ool as soon as they are settled. Oneta, a teacher in the Century (Illinois) High School hopes to go back for her M.A. afte r a yea r or so of teaching. Mrs. Spence refu ses to takean ycredit for the accomplishments of her offsp ring . "T hey did it all them selves," she insists . H owever, her fellow townspeo pl e think differ ently and in 1966 she was voted Cairo's Mother of the Year. Mrs . Spence , a registered nurse, has worke,d for the past seven yea r s at St. Mary s H os pital in Cairo. She is an active member of St. Patrick's Church and several church and civic o rgan ization s. And, happil y, she looks forward to more college com.mencements in the futu re.

King Memorial Fund A gro up of faculty, students, alum ni and frie nd s of UM R have establi shed the UMR Martin Luther King Memorial Loan Fund . The purpose of the fund is to provide short term loans for needy stud ents. It will be admini stered through University channels. It is hoped that the fund will grow to such a s ize that it can eventually be converted into a Loan Scholarship Fund. Alumni wishi ng to pa rtiCipate may make their check paya ble to the UMR Martin Luther King Memorial Loan Fund and send it to the First State Bank , Ro lla, Missouri .

Visit Alumni Office The Brw1jes brothers , William '5 9 and Franklin '53 , with their wives, were Alumni Office visitors May 20. They are widely separated . Bill is in 13

Seattle, Washington , an engineer for the consulting firm, Howard, eed les, Tamen and Bergendoff, and Franklin is in New York, N.Y ., a transpo rtation analys t w ith the Shell Oil Com pany. Franklin's residence is in Peeks kill, N.Y. Bill h as taken an active part in the orthwest Section of the Alumni Association in Seattle and is a past president of that group . Since they are both native Missourians the central locati on makes it a convenient meeting place. Their wives are "foreigners" though. Mrs. Bill is a native of Washington and Mrs . Franklin is from Minnesota . It was good to see the Brunjes again and to meet Mrs. Franklin for the first time .

Ark-La-Tex Section

meeting we re read and approved. The s p e cia I guests - Chancellor Baker and Mr. and Mrs . Ed ward s were introduced. Ike br ought us upto-d ate on Alumni affairs, and announced the dates of H omecom ing as October 18 and 19, 1968 . Chanceilor Baker brought us up-to-date on campus activities. The group enjoyed¡ the opportunity to have Dr. Baker at the meeting and hearing him discus s the school and future plans . It was announced that the Fa ll meeting wou ld be in Jefferson, Texas on September 29, 196 8 at 6:00 P.M ., and that Mr. and Mrs . David Fl esh wo uld be our hosts. A lso, on January 11 , 196 9, the Section would be the guests of Mr. "Fish" Salmon in Minden , Lo ui siana for the Winter meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Livi ngston asked the members present to be their guests,

along with 11'. and ~!ts . Reagan ford and ~[r. Salmon for a breakfast at the Barksdale Air Force Base Officers Club at 9:00 A.M. on Sunday. Thi was an excell en t affair. It was pointed out that there was a 30-year difference in ages of those attending the meeting. The follOWing members and guest s were present: Mr. J. C. Salmon '22: Mr. a nd Mrs. Ragan Ford '23 ; II'. and Mrs. C. E. lcGaughey '50; Mr. and Mrs. David Flesh '23 ; ~lr. and Mrs. Kevil Crider '28; ~Ir. and ~Irs . J ohn Livingston ' 39; 1\11'. and I\lrs. John Moscari, Jr . '5 1; ~1r. and 1\lr s. Gera ld R obe rts '28; 1\11'. and I\ l rs. Cla ud e Valerius '25; Mr. and Mrs. David Furnish '61; I\lr. and I\lr s. Denver Patton, Jr . '52; I\lr. and I\lr s. W. R. Mays '32; Chancellor I\l erl Baker; and Mr. and Mrs. Ik e Edwa rds.

This memorable occasi on took place ab oard Mr. Claude Valeriu s' luxuri o us yacht , which plows the water of the Lake of the Pines . The party boarded the vessel at Po rt of Tejas Village and it cons isted of the fo ll owing members: Mr. and Mrs . W. Bruen ing '3 4 ; Mr. and Mrs . K. Crider '28; Mr. and Mrs . J. O . Ferrell '40; Mr . and Mrs . D. J. Flesh '23; Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford '28; Mr. an d ~Ir s . J. H. Livingsto n ' 38 ; ~ I r. Bill McCartney '14; Mr. and 'Irs . John Moscar i, Jr . '51; Mr. and Mrs. D . Patton '5 2; ~Ir. an d Mrs. J. Stoll '57; [I'. and Mr s . C. Valerius ' 25. The cocktail h o ur was held o n the fl yi ng bridge while dinner was being prepared on the fantail over the barbecue pit. Dinner con s isted of barbecue turkey and baked ham with all the trimmings. The summer meeting of the ArkLa-Tex Section was held in Shreveport at the Cross Lake In n, June 1 t. Arrer a fine steak dinner, the meeting was called to order by Pres id ent Kevil Crider. The minutes of the Spring 14

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"Hear Ye" - " H ear Ye" . Let it b e known to all land I ubbers that the Ark-La-Tex Chapter of M.S. M. Alumni Association was the fir st to hold its spring section meeting aboard a sea faring crarr on the high sea of North Eas t Texas .


UMR Booster Club Honors Athletes Unive rsity of Missou ri - Ro lla athletes were h onored at the Thir d Annual Athletic Awards Banquet which was held May 15, sponsored by the UMR Boosters Club. Judged most valuable players by the club and awarded trophies were: Larry Oliver , football back, civil engineering junior from Florissan t, Mo.; Tom Owens, foo tball lineman, civil eng ineering sen ior fr om St. Lo uis, Mo.; sign ed by the G reen Bay Packers; Rand y Vessell , basketball , engineering junior fr om Farmington , Mo .; Ken Shuey, baseball , electrica l engineering senior from Cuba, Mo .; Dave Gray, track. electrical engineer ing sen ior from Rolla ; Robert Fleckal, tenni s, electrical engineering senior from St. Joseph, Mo. ; D on Traut, g o lf, graduate stud ent in chemistry from Centralia, Ill. ; R o bert Hill , rifle, chemica l engineering sophom ore from Ina , Ill. ; Stan Notestine, cross co untry, civil engineer ing juni or fr om Berkeley , Mo. Plaques, donated by R olla automobile dealers, were presented to athletes who have lettered four years at UI\IR. They are: G ray, track; Richard Rosenkoetter ,

track, chemica l engineering senior from Union;Mo.; Steve Coats, golf, mechani cal engineering senior fr om Ro lla, Mo .; Owens , football; Mike Fridley, football , civil engineering seni o r from Ro lla , Mo .; Dave Sauer, football , junior in chemical engineering from Herrin , Ill .; Vessell, basketball; John H ead, basketball, civil engineering seni o r from Rolla , Mo .; Loris Peipho , basketball , mechanical engineering sen io r from Hobart , Ind .



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Si lver cups were presented to Owens, captain of the football team , and Vessell , basketball team ca ptain . B ob Nicodemus, mechanical engineering junior from levada, Mo., was presented the Gale Bullman Award by the M-Club . He was chosen by the organization as the mos t o utstan ding in all-ar o und athletic ability, s po rtsmans hip , sch o larship , servi ce and leaderhip. Chuck Wal k er, defenSive tackle for the St. Louis Cardinal, spoke to the banquet gr o up . About 100 members make up the Booster Clu b and contribute to the upport of UMR at hl etics. MSM A lum nus

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Miners Are MIAA Baseball Champions Timely hitting and superb pitching was the key to success as the fighting Missouri Miners won the best-of-three series from the Warrensburg Mules to capture the MIAA conference baseball championship. The series , played in Warrensburg, consisted of a twin bill Friday and the final game on Saturday. Warrensburg won the opening game of the series by beating the Miners 6-1 behind the six hit pitching of Phil G ehner. Seeking the recognition they deserve and armed with a thing called des ire, the Miners stormed back to take the next two games . With his back to the wall Tom Frisbee evened the series with a masterful two-hit shuto ut in the second game of the tw in bill as the Miners blasted the Mules 11-0 . Saturday in the third and final game, the Miners capitalized on fine relief pitching by Ken Shuey and some cl utch hi tting to wrap up the title with a convincin g 6-2 win. Leon Hall had the hottest bat for the Miners by collecting eight hits in eleven trips to the plate . Al Spector also had a fine series with five hits, on e of which was a triple. Gehner 's pitching handcuffed the M:ners in the opening game. He scattered six hits, fanned eleven and walked o nl y o ne. The Mules got a run in the fir st on a Single and triple but the Miners tied the score in the sixth on a triple by Spector and a passed ball.

The Mules scored two in their half of the sixth and added three in the seventh to insure the win. Shuey started for the Miners and was charged with the loss. He gave up three runs and six hits in the six innings he worked . Terry Nixon relieved in the seventh and gave up three runs. Held scoreless for three innings in the second game, the Miner s rallied once in the fourt h on singles by Terry Broccard and Hall and a sacrifice fl y by Thad Podgarney. They added one in the fifth and two in the sixth before putting the game out of reach in the seventh. In the seventh, four walks , three Singles, and Mike Windis h 's tworun triple accounted for seven runs. Frjsbee overpowered the Mules with his pitching. He whiffed 13 batters and walked seven. He also drove in two runs in the seventh with a single and scored twice . Gary Keisker pitched five innings and was the loser. Keisker gave up four runs and six hits. He walked four and fanned three . In the final game of the series, Larry Schall started for the Miners and checked the Mules for two innings. He ran into control problems in the third and walked the first th ree batters he faced. Ken Shuey then assumed the pitching

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The Miner golf team experienced a disastrous fi rst day of play in a tournament at Warrensburg, for the MIAA golf championship. The final day was different and they were able to close the gap between themselves and the Springfield Bears and took second place with a total of 810 strokes, in the 36- hole even t, to the wi nners' 797.

d ividual medalist hon ors with 149 , just two strokes ahead of UMR's Freddie Parks. Fred die fired a two-over par, on the fina l day, to go wit h his 77 o n the first day. Following Coach Bud Mercier's team in the con test were: Kirskville with814; Cape Girardeau 837; Warrensburg 839 and Maryville 869 .

The Miners defeated the Bears on the Rolla course earl ier and the defeat by the Bears, on their course during the season 's play, was UMR's o nl y loss.

The Miners had o ne of their best seasons in golf and the prospects for the 1969 season look very good. This was the second straigh t season the Bears have taken the MIAA championship.

The Bears ' Or me earned the inJun e 1968

duties. Shuey fanned clean-up man Steve Eckinger , walked Ed Mossman to force in a run, fanned Ron Culp and got Keith Mauller to end the inning with a line drive to Spector at first. The Miners tied it · in the fourth o n a walk to Spector and a double by Hall. Two runs in the sixth on a single by Spector , a walk to Broccard, a sacrifice by Hall and a Single by Hahn gave the Miners a 3-1 edge . Mike Carpenter relieved Shuey in the sixth and in the seventh . The Mules pushed across one run . With two on and two out , and one run already across the p I ate , Mossman hit a towering drive to center and was r o bbed of a home run on a sensational catch by Podgarney to end th e inning. The Miners put together four hits in the ninth to put the game and the MlAA crown o n ice. Ken Shuey g ot credit for the win by pitching three innings of hitless ball. He walked one and fanned one . Jim Newman of Warrensburg was the loser.

Engineers and Scientists Wanted For informati on about the pOS iti o ns lis ted below , please co ntact Ass istant Dean Leon Hershkowitz, UlvIR , Rolla, Mo. 65401. Also give file number. M.E. - Steel company in St. Louis Area. Design and maintenance in plant engineering department. Refer File No . 199. MET. E. - Automobile company pr oducing powder metal parts and bearings, ceramic magnets , co ld extrus ion parts, in R. & D . department. Experience not necessary. Refer File N o . 1. ENGINEERS - Producti o n manager trainees feed o r food plant prod ucti on , adminis tration , and marketing . Also M.E. or Ch.E. design pr oce ss lines, eq uipment , layout of new plants . Prefer 2 to 5 years experience. West Coast. Refer File No.2. M.E.-Ch.E. - Polymer , phYSical , s urface, ion exchange che mists . Large 15

chemical company. Ex perienced , Ch icag o area. Refer File N o . 3. M.E. -CE. - Design, detail and pr ovid e drawings fo r building and eq u ipmen t. 2 to 5 years experience. Refer File N o.4 . C HEMIST - T wo years industrial experi ence organic and phys ica l chemistry. R &D of emuls ion pr oblems as sociated with r ollin g and fabricati on of metals . Chicago ar ea. Refer File No . 4. CHEMIST o r Ch. E. - Batch type processing of s urfactants, c h em ic al specia lties . In Texas . Refer File No . 5. ENG I N EER - D ealing w ith d es ign and construction of aggregate p lants and general en g ineering d uties. In K ansas and Iowa . Refer File No .6. Ch .E. - MET E. - Plant supervisor. No rthern Idaho. Must make metallurg ical (or chemical ) ch anges in d epartment process as s ituati on d ictates . Refe r Fil e No .7 . . M.E. - Maintenance engineer in lar ge d iversified m ain tenance d epartment of electr olytic zinc plant. In the wes t. Refer File No.9 . MET . - R &D and advisory role to man ufa cturing in physical metall urgy . Metals p r eparations and elastomer-tometal b onding techniques . In Ch icago ar ea. Refer File No .1 O. E.E . - MET. E. - Large steel company in R&D Met. E. advanced deg ree , 2 years ex perience in ir o n and steelmakin g leading to studies in a wid e va riety of projects in blas t furnace control. E.E. in instrumentation and systems co ntr ol devices. Met. E. in ferr ou s welding tech nology. Refer Files No. 11 , 1 2, 13. CH EM. - Ph.D. ion exchange resi n R & D . Coatings R & D . M. S. marketing and technical sales. In eas t. Refer File No. 14 . ENG I N EERS - M.E. plas ti c sales. Sanitatio n water and water systems. E. E. process instru me ntati o n and electric p ower distributi on . Systems engineer. Ch .E. R & D . als o ma r keti ng and sales . Refer Files N o . 1 5 , 16, 17 , 1 8 , 19 , and 20 . M.E. - E.E. - Sales engineer ing d epartment. One yea r tra inin g . Electro ni c co mpon ent sales . Refer File N o . 21 and 2 2. 16

CHEM.E- CHEM. - B.S . and graduate degrees . Research chemists . Ch emical process engineer s. Large potas h company . Ass ignments west coast. Refer File No. 2 3. M. E. - Man ufacturing Engineering Manager. Northern Illinois . Supervising 150 peo ple. Responsible for man ufacturin g pr ocesses and method s , cost estimates, in specti o n and qual ity con trol, etc. R efer Fi le N o . 24.

MARRIAGE S Bra u n-Brau n

James Lawrence Braun '67 and Mi ss R ose Mary Braun were married Apri l 20 , 1968 , at the Ste. Marie D e La c Catholic ClJ.\.p:ch, Ironton , Missouri . T he bride is a g raduate of the U rs u line Academ y, Ar"cadia, Mo ., and St . Mary's Hospital Sch o ol of Practical Nurs ing, St. Lo uis , Mo . The brid egr o om is an engineer with the Westingh o u se Corporation . The newly weds will make their home in Pryo r , O klah oma where J ames is employed with Wes ting h o u se . O w e ns-Price

J o h n Owens '67 and Miss Susan Price were married June 22 , 1968 , in J effer son City, Misso ur i. Mrs . Owen s was St. Pat 's Q ueen of Love and Beauty in 1966. Huff-Hays

Captain Fred V . Huff '6 1 an d Miss Sally J. H ays , of W as hing ton , D .C , were m arr ied at the Post Chapel, Walter Reed Arm y Med ical Center , Washington . Captain Huff is a sanitary en gineer. T he H uffs' address is 690 Com o Avenue, St. Pa ul , Minnesota. Ledbe tte r- Fran ks

2nd Lt. J ames E. Led better '47 and Miss J anie Lou ise Frank s, were ma rried May 1 2, 1968 , in the First Baptist Chu rch , W es t Plain s, Mo . Lt. Ledbetter is as sign ed at the White Sand s Miss il e Range, N ew Mex ico. T h eir addres s is 100 R ossfo rd. Heater-D ick

Charles L. H eater '66 and Mi ss Susan Dick , o f W ichita, K an sas, were married June 1 , 196 8, in St. Paul's Chapel N ew man Ce nter in Wichi ta. T he bri de

is a student at Wichita State Un iversity. The bridegroom is a des ign eng in eer with Pr ofess io nal Engineer ing Co ns ultants and their res id ence is at 111 3 Pai ge , Wichita.

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BIRTH S Mr. and lI lrs . Patri ck S. Co uch '57 , 74 1 7 Sl y Park Road , Place rvill e, Cali fo rn ia , ann o un ce th e bi rth of their four th daug hte r, born Ja nuary 2 3, 196 8. She ha s been named Rachel Leono re. She ha s o ne brother , K ev in , 8 yea rs ; and three sister s, Ka ther ine 7, ) ulie 6, an d Sara 5 years . Mrs . Couch is the fo r mer Peg gy Light of Ro lla, an d the gra nd parents a re Mr. an d lIlr s. Lew is Affo lter , of R o lla. Patr ick is an ass ociate en gineer w ith th e State of Cali fo rn ia W ater Res ources Divis ion . Mr . an d Mrs. J o h n L. Simmo ns II I , '67 have J effr ey Al an , b o rn July 31 , 19 67. The fat her is an associate eng ineer at McD o nnell-Do uglas Aircraft , St. Lo uis , Mo . Their addres s is 1 795 Woodr idge Lane, Apt. C, Floris sant, Mo . Mr. and Mrs . Z en as C ¡Blevin s '63 , are proud of th eir seco nd child , a b oy, born Septem be r 30 , 1967. H e is a lot of company for h is parents an d 3-year-old sister. T he Blevins are enjoying themselves in the west where Zenas is hyd raulic en g inee r with the Bureau of Reclamation in Boise , Idah o . Their address is 692 5 As hland Dr ive. Lt. and Mrs . Harry B . Morgan '6 3, became par ents on March 26 , 196 8, w ith the arr ival of Scott D o uglas at the Fort Carson , Colorad o, U . S. Army H osp ital. Harry is an engineer staff officer , U. S. Army Air Defense Com ma nd D CLOG;En g ineering Directorate , Eut AFB , Colo rad o Springs, Colorad o . T heir residence add ress is 110 Arl en. Mr. and Mrs . George M. Gas par ovic '67, ad vised us of the birth of their dau g hter , Christy Sue, N ovem b er 26 , 1967 . They are living at R .R. 2, Box 206 , Pendl eto n , Indiana, and George is pr oduction fo r eman at the G uide Lamp D i vi s i on of Gen eral Motors. D r. and Mrs . Bruce L. B ramfitt '60 , have a son , Christopher Livings ton , b o rn Ma rch 26, 196 8 . Bruce and J oan MSM Alum n us

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are residing in Bethlehem , Pennsylvania , Route 4. Bruce is a research engi'n eer in the alloy development section of Bet hie hem Steel corporation 's Homer Research Lab o rator ies. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mu rtrey '62 began their fam ily, J une 7, 1967, with the arrival of Gregory Dan. The fa ther is a bridge engineer with the Bridge Department , Division of Highways , State of California. Their address is 435 Ammuni tion Road o. 316 , Fallbro ok, California. Dr. and Mrs . Charles G . Lyons '64 , are p roud of th eir first son , Jeff, born January 27 , 1968. Dr. Lyons received his Ph. D . in Civil Engineering from Texas A & M University , in J anuary 1968 and he is now a junior research engineer with Esso Prod uction Resea rch Com pan y, Houston , Texas. T hey reside at 2120 Fo untain View, Apt. 29, Ho uston . Mr. and Mrs . Harley D . Hickenbotham '67 are proud of their new daughter, Laura Jean , born March 12 , 1968 . Dean Philip , their 3V2 year old son, is pleased to have her in the fam ily. Harley presently is wo rkin g in research and developmen t for the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Indus tries, Chemical Division. He will be o ne o f a team of cons ultants fo r a new pigment plant start-up at atrium, West Virginia , th is year. His address is 225 Austin Drive, Barberton, O hi o. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Feaster ' 59 , welcomed their second da ug hter , La ur ie Lynne, born March 3,1968 . T hei r other daughter , Dawn, is now four yea r s old . Donald is District Engineer, Southwest Florida Wa ter Management District, Broqksville, Florida. Their residence is in Tampa, 104 1 7 27th Street. Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Gardner '64 have a son, Andrew, born January 3, 1968. The Gardners reside in Lee 's Summit, Missouri, 8 19 Mu lberry , and the father is an assistant civil engineer with Burns an d McDonnell Engineer. ing Company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R obert Simpson '59, anno unce the birth of their second daughter, Barbara Anne, born March 23, 1968. Mr. Simpson is a resident en gineer in the div is ion of constructi on, Missouri Highway Department , at Sikeston . Their address is 111 Edwards Street. June 1968


Mr. and Mrs. J ames L. End ' 6 1, have a brother for their two girl s. He was born September 8, 1967andnamed W illiam Edwar d . They live in New Orleans , Lo uisiana where James is manage r of the local office of Can-Tex Ind ustries , a Division of Harsco Corp o ration. Their address is 4800 Evangeline.

firms and r esearch in lead , zi nc and barite deposits in Missouri and served as geologist for many companies. He wrote many technical papers, including re ports for the Colorado and Mis souri Geological Surveys; a textb ook and contributions to technical jour nals. He was a member of many profeSSiona l and

Major and Mrs. Ronald P. Prother o '6 1, have their secon d child, a daughter , Elizabeth Ann, born June 4, 1968 . T heir son Paul Ronald is 2 years ol d. T he Protheros lived at 308 South Califo rnia Street , Helena, Mon tana . Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carter '67, announce the arrival of their second s o n , Mark Allen , in May . T heir other son will be 3 years o ld in J uly. R obert is a programmer analyst for Airco Research Laboratory, Murray H ill , N .]. T heir res idence is at 29 00 Park Ave. , South Plainfield , N.]. Mr. and Mrs. Armando Herrera L. '65, advise it 's a boy, Armando Jr., born May 18, 1968 . This is their first child. T h e father had planned to return to UMR on a government scholarship . T h is was cancelled since he shifted job s from one with the government to a private company. He is now a reservoir engin eer with Compania Shell de Venezuela, Ltd. , Apartado 809 , Caracas, Venezuela. Mr. and Mrs . Ronald R. W illiams '63 , adopted Stacy Marie, March 21, 1968. She was 2 V2 months old when she came to the Williams h ouseh o ld . R on has received a promotion at McDonnell-D o uglas and he is now a research scientist. T he W illiams' live at 4 14 5 Carrollton Court, Bridgeton , Mo.

DEATHS Dr . G. A . Mu ile n burg Dr. Garrett A. Muilenburg, age 78, pr ominent Missouri geologi st, died W1expectedly at the home of his daughter, Mr s . Raymond Kasten, in Kansas City , Mo ., j\llay 19 , 1968 . He res ided"in Rolla for more than 50 years and "retired in 1958 as ass istant state geolog ist . H e joined the Missouri School of Mines facult y in 1916, advancing to the he a d of the Geology Depa rtment in 19 34, and in 1952 be became Assistant State GeologiSt. H e did much consulting wor k fo r nume r ous mining

Dr. Mu il enbu rg honor soc i e tie s with biographical sketches in Who 's W h o in America and Who 's Who in Engineering. Surviving in add ition to Mrs . Kasten, is another daughte r , Mrs . D . W. Dutton, Atlanta, Geo rgia; five g rand children; a b r other, C. A . Muilenburg, Tehachapi, California; a sister, NIl'S. Martin Van Peursen, Orange City, Ia ; and a half-sister , Mrs. John Brugger s, Kalamazoo, M i chi g a n. A Mem o rial Fund is being establi shed to honor Dr. Muilenb ur g. William R. Quilliam W illiam R. Quilliam '21 age 75, a longtime Beaumont, Texas , la wye r , religiOUS leader and profeS Sion al engineer , d ied Ap ril 24 , 196 8 , after an illness of several months. H e rece ived a bachelor 's deg ree in mining engineering from MSM , earned a master 's degree at the University of Chi cago , and attended Louisia na State Unive r· s ity Law School. He was a field geo logist for seve ral o il compa ni es in Mexico , South America and the United States . H e practiced law in T exas for nine yea rs and in 1942 he was C011117

missioned a captain in the Corps of Engineers and served as an engi neer and acting judge advocate at Camp Polk and later transferred to Ordnan ce in Detroit. In 1945 he was Assistant U .S. District Attorney for the eastern d ist r ict of Texas. Later he was appoi nted ch ief attorney for the Beaumont area Veterans Administration and briefly attached to the H o usto n Regional Veterans Administration office b efor e retiring from the VA to res ume law practice. H e is s urvived by his widow, Mrs. G lad ys Quilliam; a son, W. Reed, a Lubbock, Texas lawyer and men"lb er of the T exa s legislature; three grandchi ldr en and a sister , Mrs . C. H. Ma rtin. Om e g e N. Mo relan d Omege N . Moreland '50, d ied Decem b er 20, 19 65 . Ed w ard Augu st Gei ss Edwa rd Aug ust March 24, 1 96 8 .


'49 , died

Otto E. G e ldmach er Otto E. Ge ldmacher ' 35, died February 3, 1 968 .

Alumni Personals 1 9 1 1 Frank E. Townsend sent the al umn i office so me ob se rvation,s after reading in the MSM AL U MN US the starting salari es o f the 19 68 graduates . " After grad uating in 1911, I started to work fo r the Am eri can Sm elting and Refinin g Co mpa ny as an ass istant chemist at Ag uas Calientes, Mexico , fo r $ 75.00 per mo nth. That was $ 2 5 .00 more than they had been payin g which was 100 pesos or $5 0 .00 U .S . currency. How times ha ve changed . I a m old er and eat less." Mr . T own se nd retired several yea rs ago . At the ti m e of hi s r etiremen t he wa s chief chemi st, Nation al Z in c Co mpan y, Bartl esv ill e, Oklahom a . Mr. T o wnse nd al so r efl ects, "Why wa s St. Patrick th e fir st engineer ? So meo ne said the Lo rd wa s, becau se h e mad e a talk in g machine out of a spare part." H e states he ha s fo r gotten the story, " Can so meon e tell m el" H e still res id es in Ba r tlesv ille, 7 28 W yandotte Avenu e. 18

1 924 Dr. Harry H . K ess ler, of President of the Meehanite Metal Corporati on, and four other companies, has been elected a trustee of the Foundry Ed ucational Fo undation . His business address is 9909 Clayton Road, St. Louis , Missouri.

1 9 3 2 Richard Ryd str om, 3867 Pinewood Terrace, Falls Church , Virginia , retired in August 19 67, after 35 years with the Corps of Engineers .

1 9 3 3 V.I. Dodson, of V.I. Dod son and Associates, is pleased to announce formation of a partners hip with J ames B . Upchurch, Regis tered Pr ofess ional Enginee r and R egistered Land Surveyor, of D ecatur , Illinois . The firm will do bus iness under the name Dodson, Upchurch & Associates, at 1213 Charleston Avenue, Mattoon, Illin oi s . Vern o n L. Asher, exchange engi neer , So uthwestern Bell Telephone Company, St. Louis, Mo., ad vises that their son , Lt. ( jg) USN is now assigned to the USS Topeka. Steve is UMC '65 m echanical engin ee rin g grad uate. Their daughter , Na ncy, g raduated in May at Central Methodist College , Fayette, Mo . Vernon was in R olla St. Pat 's week en d and marched with J ob 's Da ughter s Drill Team in the St. Pat 's parad e. Vernon sponsored the d rill team. W. W. Key, T he Highland s , Drum s , Pa. , a representative of the E. 1. d u Pont de Nemours & C o ., Inc. , is n ow a profeSSional engineer in Penn sylvan ia , by examination , as well as D elaware. 193 4

T. J. Stewart has b een app o inted D irector of Pro d uction and Marketing fo r the Pfizer -Mine r als , Pigments and Meta ls Division . Mr. Stewart was formerl y G eneral Producti o n Manager fo r the MPM Divis ion. H e joined C. K. William s & C o ., now part of Pfize r , in 19 37 as a process engineer at East St. Lo uis where he also ser ved as as s istan t s uperintendent, work s manager and g ene ra l prod uction manager. He was als o a former vice pres id ent and director of C. K. Williams . While in East St. Loui s he wa s president of the East Side Associated Industries , a

member of the East St. Loui s Chambe r of Commerce and the St. Loui s Society of Paint Technologi sts . H e is a member of the American In stitut e of Ch emical Engineers ; American Institute of Mining and Metal lurgical Engineers and the Darien Co un try Club . T he Stewarts ' residence is in Darien , Connecticut. W. H. Bruening was promoted Ja nuary 1, fr om Master Mechanic , K ansas C ity Southern Rai lway , at Shreveport, Louisiana , to Assistant Superintendent of Machinery in charge of diesel loco m otives over th e entire railroad system. T hi s change necess itated a move to Pittsburg, K ansas , and their new address is 160 6 South Olive. 193 6


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Lt. Col. Andrew T. Aylward , longtime commander of the Bureau of Services, St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department , St. Louis, Mo. , has been named C hi ef of Detectives for the department.

1 9 3 9 W. E. Mussell was recentl y promoted and now he directs the real estate pr ogram of the U .S. Arm y Co rps o f Engineers in the seven So uth eastern States, Canal Z on e and Puert o Rico . He is in the divi s ion 's headquarters, 30 Pryor Street , S.W., Atlanta. Geo r gia wi th res id ence at 240 9 LaFortune D ri ve, D ecatur, G eorgia.


94 0


C. " Pete" Palmer has b ee n elected Pres id en t an d Chairm an o f the Board of R. \Y./. Boo ker a nd Assoc iates . cons ul ti n g eng in eer s, St. Lo uis. J\ l isso u ri . Mr. Pa l m er was elevated to th e ab ove pos iti ons u po n the d eath of Mr . R. \'( '. Booke r. J ust recent ly Mr. Palme r beca m e execu tive vice p res iden t in cha rge of admin is tra t ion of the St. Lo ui s based firm . A. J ames Ki esle r . ma nage r of the iVletals Processing Un it at the Ge nt ral Elect r ic Resea rch Center , has been appo inted to a fi ve-yea r te r m o n th e ed itorial b oa r d o f th e Cas t r.letal s Research J o urnal, p ubli s hed by the Am e r ican Fo un d rymen 's So ciety. Th e Journal , fo und ed in 196 5 . wa s created to communi cate scientifi c ad van ces to the MSM A lumnu s

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metal castin g world . As a member of the board of diredo rs of the AF S, M1'. Kiesler was inst rum enta l in pers uading the vari ous technica l societies in the foundr y industry to band together to publi s h the journal. H e join ed GE in 1946 and was named chief metallurgist of the Foundry Department in 1948 . H e transferred to the Research Laboratory in 1954_ Mr. Kies ler se r ve d as chairman of the Twenty-Second Annual Electric Furnace Conference in 1964 , and in 1965 he was the recipient o f that conference 's awa rd fo r o utstandin g contributions to the steel ind ustry. In 1966 , he served as general chairman of the Second Operatin g Metallurgy Conference and Ex-

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A. James Kiesler



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position, and in 1967, he was eleded chairman of the Iron and Steel Divis ion of the Metallurgical Society of American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. 1

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John C. Allen is the Asia Regiorial Manager of Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mend enhall. His office is in Tokyo, Japan , and his area covers all Asia as far as and including Afghanistan. The Aliens have a son in the Air Force , a daughter in college in New Jersey and his wife, two sons and a daughter are in Tokyo with him . He states that he frequ ently meets other alumni in his travels. His address is Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall , APO San Francisco 96525 . Ju ne 196 8

194 3 Lieutenant Colonel R obert P. McMath , Assistant Chi ef, Engineer ing Division , Logistics Dired o rate, APO New Yo rk 09 1 28, ex peds to retire from the U .S. Army Corps of Engineers in August after mo r e than 26 years of service .

1 94 7 DodoI' Lloyd H. Wilson is Deputy D iredor of Defense Research and Eng ineering for Strategic and Space Sys te m s , Ro o m 3E1 30 , Pentago n, Washington, D. C. He was named to the post last November after service as Assistant Diredor (Strategic Weapons ) for 16 months , during which time he supervised the overall Defense Department R&D Programs for ballistic missiles and strategic bombers. In his present assignment he reviews , analyzes and evaluates all DoD research and engineering programs for strategic offens ive and defensive weapon systems, the DoD space program and the major missile test ranges. Dr. Wilson received his bachelor's and master's degrees at Rolla and his Ph.D at Purdue. Subsequently he became Associate Professor at Washington UniverSity, St. Louis, Mo. , and during this period partid pated in the design of the T ALOS missile and of the supersonic wind tunnel at the Arnold Engineering Development Center. He joined Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, in 1955, rising to the position of Assistant General Manager and Chief Engineer of the Missile Systems Division of the Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., the post he left to join the Defense Department in July 1966. He and his wife, Lea, live in Washington. They have two children. E. A . Henke became chief engineer of Shell Oil Company's Anacortes Refinery, Anacortes, Washington. He has been assigned at the company's installation in New Jersey. His new address is Rte. 3, Box 803 , Anacortes.

194 8


Walter Wallace moved after 28 years with Abe x Corporation (formerly American Brake Shoe Company) to become President and part owner of Smeeth-Harwood Co., Chicago, Illinois , manufadurers of copper castings

for the blast furnaces ope rated by all the majo r steel companies. His busi ness address is 2700 North Campbell Aven ue , Ch icago, and his residence address remain s 536 W. Bonnie Brae , Hin sdale , Il l.

1 94 9 Harold M. Telth o rst has been named District Sales Manager , St. Louis , for the Missouri Portland Cement Company, and his new residence ad dress is 32 Lake Mill Lane, Chesterfield , Missouri. Dr. Matthew P. Nackowski is curr ently on leave of ab sence from the Un ive rsity of Utah, and has an aSSignment as an expert in Applied Geology, Middle East Technical University, Mining Engineering Department , Ankara, Turkey, provided by UNESCO. His address is Res. Rep. UMDP. PK 407 , Ankara, Turkey. E. L. Mengel is plant manager, Universal Atlas Cement, Division of U. S. Steel Corporation , Fairborn , Ohio. Previously he has been aSSigned to UAC plants at Waco , Texas , and Hannibal , Mo. He has been employed by U. S. Steel since 1949. Mrs . Mengel is the former Marilyn Comstock, Rolla , Mo. They have three teenage children , Matt , Alan and Jeanette . Their address is 1109 Mint Springs Drive, Fairborn.

195 0 Glenn E. Wilson was eleded vice president, Georgia-Pacific, Po r t I and , Oregon. He will be in charge of the division's nation-wide gypsum manufaduring operations. Before joining G-P's gypsum diviSion, in 1958, he served as an engineer and produdion executive for several leading companies. He was vice preSident of manufaduring for Bestwall Gypsum when that company was merged into G-P. Stanley Dolecki has been made an associate partner of Harland Bartholonew and Associates, planners, engineers , landscape architeds , St. Louis, Mo. He is in charge of the civil engineering work in the firm 's St. Louis office. He former ly was chief engineer of the engineering company. Warren R. Wieland who has been chief engineer for Neal J. Campbell, Consulting Engineer, is now executive 19

M 5 MAL U M NIP E R SON A L 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------

vice president of the newly incorporated firm of Campbell & Wieland Consulting Engineers. Mr. Wieland has been with Mr. Campbell 's engineering firm for 18 years , joining the organization in 1950 as a junior engineer. In 1954 , he became a senior engineer, and in 1960, he was promoted to chief engineer. He is a member of the Ameri can Society of Civil Engineers, the Constructi o n Specification Institute, the Illinois Association of Structural Engineers and the Engineers' Club of St. Louis . Chandrakant C. Gandhi is managing director Emco Transformers Limited, Ballard House , Mangrove Street, Bombay, India.

Wa r re n R. W ieland

195 2

195 8

John P. Zedalis is now with King and Gavaris, Con sulting Engineers, as an Associate and Manager of th eir Wash ington, D. c. , office with responsibility for regional and international operations. The business address is 532 North Washington St., Alexandria , Va.

Major Kenneth R. Schultz has received the U.S. JOint Service Commendation Medal at EnT AFB, Colorado. Major Schultz, assistant chief of the NBC damage branch , ORAD Combat Operati o ns Center, received the Department of Defense medal for his mer itori us service with the combined armed forces at EnT.

Jack H. Thompson has been appointed Vice PreSident, Manufacturing of the Bodine Foundry Co., St. Louis , Mo. He formerly was plant manager.

Ro be rt H. Schwaig has formed the Schwa ig Engineering and Equipment Co ., 3700 Hampto n Ave., St. Louis , Mo ., to repr esent processing equipment manufacturing and to provide cons ultin g engineering , and engineering serv ices to industry in the area . Mr. Schwaig is a chemical engineer and the fir m will give special emphaSiS to water treatm ent and air pollution control. Charles M. Rieder was an alumni o ffi ce vis itor in April. We are glad to be in co ntact with him again. He is gen eral engineer of utility contracting. Office o f the Chief of Engineers , D epartment of the Army, Washington , D. C. Hi s residence add res s is 810 York Dri ve, Woodbridge, Va . 20

James J . Wofford has been promoted to Assistant Manager, Works 10, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries , Henryetta , Oklahoma. He has been director of prod uction services at PPG's ins tallation in Crystal City, Mo . He joined PPG after graduation. James is married and he and his wife, Betty, have three children , Julie, Mindy and Steve.


Majo r Kenneth R. Schu ltz

Roy Lary Miller and his tw o sons , Eric and Gary were alumni office visitors in May. Lary is plant superintend ent , United Sierra Division , Cypres s Mines Corporation, Grand Island s, ebraska. Mrs . Miller , nee Sandra Snelson , and Lary will return to their home, 4 33 6 Capital Ave ., and leave their sons and daughter, Diana, with their grandparents for a longer visit.

195 9 1 957 Roger L. Feaster has been named orth Iowa Field Engineer for the Portland Cement Association with headquarters in Mason City, Iowa. Feaster moved from St. Joseph, Missouri where h e has been field engi neer for the Misso ur i District of PCA since 196 3. He was previously employed by the Miss ouri State Highway Department. He is a registered professional engineer and a membe r of the Missouri and National Societies of Professional Engineers. The Feasters have two children , Jeffrey, 12 , and Jan, age 6.


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1 95 5 Donald H. Bailey has been promoted to the pOSition of chief engineer of the Rock of Ages Corporation , Graniteville , Vermont. Bailey joined the firm in May 1966, as a member of the engineering staff. As chief engineer h e will direct work in the fields of r esearch and development bearing on quarry and plant methods , tool s and equipment. He was formerly employed as a mining engineer by the Copper Range Company, Hou ghton, Michigan , chief mining engineer for Cerro de Pasco Corporation, and was a research engineer for the Rubberoid Company of Hyde Park for three years.

1 9 5 6

1 9 5 1

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William O. Statler, Jr. is an engineer , control components, with General Electric Company ' gas turbine department, Schenectady, N.Y . 1\11' . Statler, nee Carolyn Ann John, and William have two children, Stephen , 3 years and Kristina , one year old. Their residence is Scotia , .Y. , 40 Glen Terrace . Charles F. Rhea has been named Field Liaison Engineer in the Maintenance and T raffic Division of the Missouri State Highway Department in the Department 's Headquarters inJeffers o n City. He joined the Highway Depart-


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ment upon graduation and has been assigned most of the time in Di strict 10. 1 960

Major Glenn W. Holman recently received a promotion to his present rank and is a member of the Trans portation School staff and faculty, Office of the Director of Instruction , Ft. Eustis , Virgi.nia . He also recently completed the transportation officers advanced course at th e U .S. Arn'ly Transportation School , Ft. Eustis . The Ho lmes address is 2565 -C Bullard Street, Ft. Eustis.

Major Glenn W. Holman

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Captain K enneth D . J obe has received th e Bronze Star Medal. This award was for o utstanding meritorius service as a civil engineer assigned to the 57 7th Engineer Battalion near Tuy Hoa, Vietnam. His aSSignment now is the U.S. Army EOAC , Ft. Belvoir, Va . Herbert W. Schroer n ow is a project engineer wi th William Tao an d Associates , Con s ulting Engineers, 235 7 59th St. , St. Louis, Mo. H is duties include the design of heating, ai r- conditioning and ventilating systems for large commercia l buildings. The Schroers ' new residence is at 1181 3 Lillian Avenue , Des Peres, Mo.

~part ·

Victor J. Hoffman received hi s Ph. D . degree from the University of Ari zon a, on June 1st , and has accepted a pOSiti o n as Sec. Mgr. ( Mineral Studies) at U ni o n Ca rbid e Corporati on , Niagara Fa ll s , N.Y . His address is 8072 W Rive r sh oe Drive.

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196 2 Le on J. Casperson , plant en ginee r , Talbot General Wire Prod ucts, Inc. , effective February 26, 1968 , is a R egistered Professiona l Engineer in the State of Missouri. Leon 's company is at Neosho, Missouri, and h e ha s r es idence at 2622 Missouri , Joplin . Dr. Jack H. Dell has b een named staff engineer for Computer Program Development and Structural Analysis by Descon Engi neers, Inc. Descon is a leading marine engin eering firm with Headquarters at H o u ston , Texas , and operates world-wide in such fields as ha rb or development , marine terminal engineering , o ffshore engineering services for the petroleum industry, naval architecture, u n derseas system s engi neering and project management. Bipin N . Doshi has b een working for U nir oyal , Inc. , since grad uati on. He s pent 3 years in process development and at present he is project manager with the division engineer department. H e is married to the former Linda Stone , of Alabama, wh om he met on the campus at Rolla. T h e Doshis j ust returned fr om visiting his parents in India and Linda 's parents in K orea. Their residence is at 25 Highland Ave. , Na ugatuck , Conn ecticut. Keith Edward Cha pman has been awa rded the Ai r Medal for valor in a ceremony h eld at Vinh Long Army Airfield April 30 . Captain Ch apman controlled and guided the resupply mission six times including one medical evacuation flight in strongly held Viet Cong territory . An av iat o r with the 199th Aviation Company, h e entered Army in January 196 3 and arr ived in Vietnam in May 1967 .

196 3 Robe r t A . Harris , Jr. was o ne of 61 grad uating sen iors at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to l' e c e i v e a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the sch ool 's 172nd Co mmencement exercises May 7th. Robert received a B.S. degree in PhYS ics at UMR. Lt. Col. Ma u r ice L. No rthcutt was named an early graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College , May 1 , at Ft. Leavenworth , Kansas . T his early gradua ti o n allows Lt. Col. No rthcutt to report to his next as sign-

ment in Vietn am pr ior to the regular grad uati on exercises on Jun e 7. Boonsh uay Buaprasert is an engineer with th e D epartment o£ Mineral R eso urces, Rama 6th Road , Bangk ok , T hailand. Major John M. Adsi t was named an early grad uate of the Army Command and Ge neral Staff College, at Fort leave nwo rth , Kansas . Th e early graduation allows th e Corp s o f En gineers officer to report to Vietnam pr ior to the regular grad uation exercises w hich we re held JW'le 7th . This 1 O-month course trains officers fr om the U.S . an d over 5Cl allied nations to perform duties as commanders and general staff office rs in divisions o r logistical commands.

196 4 Richard L. Schmidt , 14 Lake View Avenue, Apt. C-3 , Lynn , Mass ., is an engineer ( Materials) with General Electric 's Aircraft Engineering G r 0 u p. Richard received his Master 's degree from I owa State U ., in Metall urgy, in 1966 . S. O . "B ud " Ogden ha s been named assistant manager of the H ydr ocarb on Feed Stock section in T he D ow Chemican Com pany 's Corpo rate Purcha s ing Department. He has been supervisor of the Corpo rate Special Assig n ments Pr ogram s ince 1966. He joined Dow in 1961 in the Special ASSignments Program. In 1962 , he r eturned to school fo r two years then rejo ined D ow as a process engineer in the Chemicals Pr ocess Services Department. H e moved to the Coumarin Plant later in 1964 as a production development engineer and was named assistant superintend ent there in 1965. The Ogdens live at 25 1 5 La mbras , Mid lan d , Michigan. Floyd N . And erso n recently accepted a position as associa te engin eer wi th Babcock and Wilcox Ato mic Energy Division in Lync hburg, Virgin ia. H e is in the nuclear ana lys is g r oup of the Fas t Breed er Reactor Seqion. Their new addres s is 102 Dal e Ave .

1 96 5 Beri s J. Va nder Schaaff, III has joined Wa rd 's Na tural Science Est. , In c., afte r se rving two years with th e U . S. Army as Company Co mmande r of the 34th Engineer Com pany ( Base Photo21




mapping ) making maps for Vietnam. He was awarded the U.S. Arm y Co mmendati o n Medal fo r meritorious se rvice as compan y command er. His address is 1732 Empire Blvd. , Apt. 12 3, Webste r , ew Yo rk. David E. Bergt is a fi eld engineer wit h Schlumberger Overseas, S. A . whose headquarters are in Paris, France . David has been working overseas since graduation . His first aS Signment was in Batman , Turkey, then in Rus Gharib , Egypt. He saw s ome interesting s ights during the 1967 Middle East War. He was in Cairo at that time. Now he is in Angola where he has been for several months. Hi s address is in care of Schlumberger , Caixa Postal 280, Cabina , Angola .

will b e tran sferred to the Internati o nal Department next August. Mr. Egemen will be in Ro lla July 18 to give three talk s o n "Lacquer Formulations," " Specialty Coatings," and " Solubility Parameters , " during t h e " Advanced Paint Refres her Co urse" July 15-19. Thi s cou r se is held und er the direction of Dean Wouter Bosch. Onur's addres s is 302 River Road , Bldg. 4 , Wilmington, Delaware. Lt. Dennis R . Turner is company commander with the 697th Enginee r Pipeline Company, located in Kovat , Thailand. H e expects to be with that unit until Novem b er 1968 and he wi ll return to the states. His unit is involved in building pipelines and liquid petroleum storage tanks in Thailand , K orea and Vietnam . His address is 697th Engr. Co. (PL) , APO , San Fl-ancisco 9623 3.

Willia m R. Co pe pa ssed th e I\ lissouri Ba r Examinati o n and was Swo rn in befo re the Supr eme Co urt , I\ [av 4 . After recei ving hi s B .S. d egree in ~ lec­ trical engineering , he ente red th e Law Sch ool at Columbia and received h is Juris D octor degree in January. H e has b een employed at Phillips Petr o leum , Bartlesville , Oklah o ma, in the res earch and devel o pment di vis io n as a pat ent attorney. William was recentl y marri ed and Mrs . Cope is the former Mi ss Jan Beth Levy , of Bartl esville. After the ceremonies at Jefferson City, they departed for Fort Belvoir where Li eutenant Cope wil l report for active duty with the U .S. Arm y Co rps of Engineer s.

If your address has changed, complete and tear out this slip and

Ronald C. Mars hall was released from active duty w ith the U.S. Arm y Corp s of Engineers, May 3rd , in the g rade of Captain. He resumed hi s pr ofessional p os ition with the N ational Ae r o na ut ics and Space Admini strati o n , Marshall Space Flight Center , Hunt sville, Alabama. His new address is 202 4 N. Memorial Parkway, Apt. C-l , Huntsvi ll e.

mail it immediately to MSM Alumni Association, Rolla , Mo. Thanks.

1 966

Name ... _. ___ . ___ . _______ ______ ... __ _______ _.____ . __ _________ .... ____ . __ .. __ ..... ____ ._ .. ___ ____ .. ______ __ __ .. _.. ___ ._ ..

William E. Sykes is at the Na val Officer 's Candid ate School , Newport, Phode Is land. H e expects to graduate in the May class .

Onur Egemen is with Hercules , Incorporated, as a technical representative in the Polymers Department. He


My new address is ______ __ __ ____ ____ .. __ __ __. ______ ____ .._. ________ . _____________ ._____ ____ . _______ ____ . __ . ___

My Company or Business Is ____ ________ ._ .. __ ________________ _____ ________ . ___ . ______ _____ . ____ ._....

And My Title Is ____ .. ____________.. _______________ _. __ ... _. _____ ___ .. _.. _._ .. __ .. _._. __ ._.. __ ._. __ ..... ____ ._

Here's Some News for the MSM ALUMNUS :

2nd Lt . Willard T. Sudduth has been ass igned as a platoon leader in the 577th Engineer Battalion 's Company C near Tuy Hoa , Vietnam. Lt. (j .g. ) Gary C. Koch will be d eployed on the USS Constellati on in Southeast Asia until January 1969. H e will be fl ying the avy A- 64 Intrud er. H is address is c/ o Attack Squadro n 198 , F.P.O. San Franci sco, Ca lifo rn ia 9660l. 2nd. Lt. Alfred E. Klu g, Jr. co mpleted an o rdnance o fficer s bas ic co urse, April 26 , at the Army Ordnance School , Aberdeen Pr ovi ng G r o und , Maryland . The nin e-week train in g was in the ord nance mi ssion of s u pply in g and ma intainin g the Army's weapo ns and com b at ve hicles. Raym o nd E. Betz entered act ive d uty with the Co rps of Engin eers , 1\1arch 1968 , as 2nd Lt. , co mpl eted the Engineer O ffice r Ba sic Co urse at Ft. Belvoir , Va ., and is n ow aSS ig ned with the U .S. Ar my Eng in eer T o pog raphic La b-


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oratories. Raymond was married in August 1966; and in August 1967, he received his M.S. degree in Industrial Administration at Purdue University. He accepted a position as a management consultant for Touche, Ross , Bailey and Smart, St. Louis, Mo. The Betz present address is 7246 Jon Paul Drive , Apt. 302, Alexandria, Va. 1967 Kevin C. Foster, research geophysicist, Gulf Research & Development Corporation, just completed 10 weeks aboard the M.S. Gulfrex doing oceanographic studies. The Gulfrex was stationed in the Mediterranean during this time. Mrs. Foster and their daughter , Karen, spent the time visi ting her parents in Connecticut while Kevin was on the above assignment. Their residence is at 434 Brunner Drive , Monr oeville, Pa. M Urab Ozsay advises us that he is receiving and enjoying theMSMALUMNUS and Newsletters. He is serving in the Turkish Armed Forces as a lieutenant and expects to be on active duty for another year. His address is 11 Ortaklar Sokak , Mecidiyekoy, Istanbul , Turkey. N ickey L. Prater has been commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U . S. Air Force upon graduation from OfficerO' Training School, Lackland AFB, Texas. He is being assigned to Lowry AFB, Colorado , for training as an avionics officer. 2nd Lt. Stephen E. Willis completed an ordnance officer basic course , Apri l 26, at the Army Ordnance School , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland . James M. Medlin is a geophyist wi th Gulf Oil Company. He spent 18 months in Houston, Texas, and Harmerville, Pa., and then was transferred to Mene Grande Oil Co. for a two-year contract. He and his wife are now residing in Lagunillas, Venezuela. His address is Apartado 2 34 , Maracaibo , Venez uela. Major Arthur S. Baxter , J r. was assigned to the Office of the Chief of Engineers , Washington, D . C. after receiving his M.S. in Civil Engineering. The Baxters have three children, Arth ur III , Susan Lynn and Mary Ann. Their residence is at 4918 Fran Place , Apt. 10 3, Alexandria , Va. June 1968

MSM Alumni Association Term Expires



__________ .____________ .. R. O. Kasten '43 __ .____

Executive Vice-President ______ . ____ ... J ames

J. Murphy '35.

__ __ .Armco Sleet Corp. 1968 7100 Rober ts, Ka nsas City, Missour i 64125 . .. ____ Murphy Company ____ ...... __ ... __ . __ ... __ . __ . ______ .


4376 Olive Stree t, St. Lou is, Missouri 63 108

Vice-President Areas 1, 2,3 .--.-- ... J. Craig Ellis '38 ____ .__ ______ .__ .... 2204 Woodbridge.


Muncie, In diana 47304

Vice·Presidenl Areas 4, 5,6. ______ . Jos eph W. Mooney '39 ____.. __ .__ 7383 Westmoreland __ .. __ . ______ . __ . __ . Uni versily City, lVl issouri 63130


Vice-President Areas 7,8, 9____ . ____ William B. Fletcher '34.


______ 1208 1 Smallwood Downey, Cal ifornia 90242

Secretary -Treasurer ...... ...... __ ....... Dr. Thomas R. B eve ridge '42 .Depar tment of Geological Engineering _ UMR, Rolla , M issouri 6540 1 Executive Secretary

...... Francis C. Edwards ..



..... . :MSl'II Alumni Association, Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets, R olla, IVlissour i 6540 1


Allan J . Kiesler '40 .

............ 2068 Coolidge Pla ce , Schenectady , New York 12309 .. .


James A. Vincen t '37 .

.... 372 1 Neptune Drive, Orlando , Florida 32804 .


Rex Z. \Villiams '3 1 .

.... Rolla State Bank , Rolla , IVli ssouri 6540 1



Area Ko . 1..

States and Provinces Embraced


... ............. 5. Ark. , N. C., S. C., La. , M iss. , . Ala., Ga. , Fla .

........... ]. O. Ferrell '40 . 1605 No rth 10th St. Longview , Texas 75601 3


Term Expires

............ New England , N. Y ., N. ]. , East Pa. Dist. of Columbia , l'vld., Va., Delaware, 1551 Franklin Avenue Province of Quebec ".\Iineola, Long Island, New York 11501

....Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .



....... 0. \V . Kamper '3 5 . . ... Penn sylvania , \V. Va. , Ohio, \V. Pa., . Ky., T enn. , Ind. ( Except 60S Vallevista , Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 15234 Chicago Indust rial Area)


.............. N . Ill., Chicago Industrial Area .. . ... Frank C. Appleyard '37 1209 Milwaukee Ave. , Glenview, Ill. 60025 in Indi ana , \Visc. , :Mich., l"Iinn ., Province of Onta rio


.... __ ... . Richard H. Bauer '52 ................... .... ........... __ .... __ .. S. III .. 5 Sappington Acres Drive St. Louis 26, l' Iissouri 63 126 {; ........... Bennett D. Howell '50 5518 South 66th East Avenue, Tul sa, Oklahoma 74145


~l o ..

1\. Ark.

.. Iowa , \V. 1"10., Nebr. , Kan., Okla ..................... .



........... Robert 1"1. Brackbill '42 ........................................ Texas , Arizona , New M ex ico . Texas Pacific Oil Company Box 747 , Dallas, T exas 7522 1


........... F. \ V. H eiser '39 ..... ................. ................... ........... Ida. , :Montana, N . D. , S. D ., . 16 Viking Drive \-\iyo., Colo. , Nev., Utah, Englewood , Co lorado S0 110 Provinces of Manitoba, Sask., Alberta


...... ..... E. Murray Sc hmidt '49 ............ ... ..... ................... AI3s ka , \Vashin gton , Oregon , . 1420 Creekside Drive, Apt. 16 Ca lifornia , Hawaii \Valnut Creek , California 94596



H. H. H artzell '06 130 1 Cleveland, Baxter Sp ri ngs, Kan sas 66713 Dr. E. " ". Engelmann ' 11

1048 E . 1700 S. Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 C. G. Stifel ' 16 820 1 lVl aryland Avenue, St. LOlli s, Mi sso uri 63 !OS

F . C. Schneeberger '25 NO.1 Briar Oak , Ladue , Mi ssouri 63 132

l'felvin E. Nickel '38 1060 1 So uth Hamilton Avenue, Chicago , fllinois 60643

Dr. Karl F . Hasselmann '2 5 1203 Esperson Building, Hou s ton, Texas 77002

Paul T. Dowli ng '40 139 Frontenac Fo rest, St. Louis, Mi ssouri 63 131

Dr. !\lervin J. Kelly ' 14

James 'V. Stephens '47

2 \Vindemer Terrace, Short Hill s , New Jersey 07078

406 East Third , Lee's Summitt , Mi sso uri 64063

Harry S . Pe nce '23 17 Cambri dge Ct. , Glendale , Mi ssouri 63 12 2


728 men and women were added to the frater nity of Rolla Campus alumni at graduation May 26th, seen to the right in their ' march across the paved mall before the new Library, and at left , in a view from the steps of the Materials Research Building as they return from the ceremony held on Old Jackling Field .



Dr. Merl Baker, Chancellor Univ ersit) of ~ issouri at Rolla Par ke r Hall kolla. Mi330uri 05401




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