of MSM' Alumni A ssociation Univ e rs ity of Mi ssouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
Vol. 42
Iss ue d b i-monthly in the int e rest of th e g raduates and former stud e nts of th e Mis souri School of Min e s and Me tallurgy and t he Univ e rs ity of Mi ssouri - Rolla . Subscription price , $1 .50, includ e d in Alumni Du e s . Ente re d as second class matter Octobe r 2 7 , 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Mi_ssouri, und e r th e Act of March 3, 1897.
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with excellence, In step with our time, the Rolla Campus of the Uniuersity of Missouri builds toward the continuing greatness
of its history and the opportunities of its fu ture . .
THE UNMET NEEDS It is one thing to be a "front runner ;" it is comfortable to have an "even start;" but it is really challenging to start late , "catch up " and still compete successfully in the game of serving Missouri and America in science and engineeri ng higher education! Your alma mater finds itself in that position , and activities on campus reflect an in tense awareness of the exciting imperatives for performance. The atmosphere is electric as everyone in the Rolla "family" invests extra effort and determination to enhance the Rolla Campus' position as one of America's outstanding technological institutions. The most exciting things happen , of course, in the programs, projects, and activities of the various . departments and schools. New ideas and old disciplines mingle in ways to innovate or create. Solutions are found to professional problems which advance the art; more and more the Rolla Campus scientist and engineer applies himself to seeking unique solutions to broader social problems which face our country.
It is the unglamorous task of President John C. Weaver, the Chancellor and ¡the Business Officer of the Rolla Campus to make sure other members of the Rolla force have the facilities and equipment to pursue the opportunities which come before them . They are aided in a most important way by the Deans of the Schools at Rolla, but
Campus and city sit "c heek by jowl" alongside famed Route 66 and Interstate 44 as it traverses Southeast Missouri in the rolling Ozark hills . .. an outstanding and desirable atmosphere for the largest engineering school in the West and one of jour dynamic campuses of the Universit y of Missouri . August 1968
finally the three of them must rationalize the total advancement of the Campus. Right now, for example, Rolla needs $16 million Jar buildings, equlpmertt, and related capital improvemertt, and much more by 1975. Expensive? Yes! But, consider that this need has been established only after a great deal of paring and shaving from original, well-justified requests by the various Departments .
And where does aU the money go? Big chunks of it go into major buildings, to be sure. But a lot of it goes into support facilities which the average professor or graduate student never thinks about: Such fundamental items as utility tunnels, water mains, lighting, heating, replacing roofs, tuck-pointing. How dull! But , how necessary if the Rolla Campus is to advance through the "catch up" period and become the front runner it has a right and duty to be . Not only are the r e substantial requirements for utilities, maintenance and repair ; Rolla now must face up to the fact that past years of " making do" with temporary and obsolete structures can no Ion g e r be ignored . Over
168,179 square feet of "temporary, obsolete or rented" space must be replaced with useable facilities, just to meet cunrlnt use. First Major Building Need
"The University of Missouri - Rolla is a wetl respected imtitution now and has the future poterttial to become the leading technological university of mId-America," OJancellor Merl Baker has predicted ' 'The achievemertt of this poterttial will be extremely important to the economic and industrial dcvelopmertt of Missouri and the nation. " He has pointed out that Rolla's activities in science and engineering education give it an exceptional opportunity to achieve greater national excellence at an earlier date because-¡ resources available to it can be concentrated in special areas of emphasis to achieve quality peaks. A major need on the Rolla Campus is for a Chemistry and Chemical Engineering building. The Department of Chemistry, School of Science, the Department of Chemical Engineering, and School of Engineering occupy all or most of four existing buildings. One , the Old Chemistry Building, was built in 1885 and is now obsolete and partially razed. Two other buildings are of temporary construction. Even the "new" Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building, built 20 years ago, is filled to over capacity. Classes are scattered across the campus. Every undergradu3
ate student at Rolla is req u ired to take chemistry . An estimated 1 72,600 squar e feet of construction will b e required for these activi ties by 1977, and half of that is needed now . Also Needed Now
Even last year, the metallurgists and ceramic engineers needed an additional 1 3,550 square feet. Imagine wh at their requ irements w ill be by 1978! Fulton Hall, because of the nature of its constructi o n , is suitable for use by the UMR Industrial Research Cen ter and other applied research groups o n campus. This action-oriented research is most imp ortant to help so lve today's ser io us urban problems.
Now h o used in Fulton H all (bui lt in 1923) are two impo rtant disciplines fo r wh ich Rolla is internationally known, Metallurgy an d Ceram ic Engineering. A new complex for Metallurgy and Fu lton Hall was bu ilt o riginally to house field and pilot plan t activity of Ceramic Engineerin g w 0 u I d require the U.S. Bureau of Mines, not as an. ab o ut 75,700 net assignable square feet of space to meet needs conservatively academ ic faci lity.
Rolla's Future While Presid ent John C. Weaver , Chan cell or Merl Baker and others work to gain legislative and corporate support for the pressing fac ility needs at the Rolla Camp us, what can yo u - as an alumnus - do to advance the abilities of yo ur sch ool to se rve today 's students' The priority need, now, for a facility which cannot be built with pub lic monies and toward which corp orate funds s h ow minor interes t is building The University Center.
The total needed ill gifts to see the Un i ve r si t y Center built is $2,000,000 . In o rder to achieve this amo unt, many alumni, wh o can afford to do so, must make gifts far ab ove average ... to compensate fo r those who , b ecau se of circum stances or lack of deSire, will make no gift.
T he "average" alumn us is encO Ul·aged to g ive an Alumnus Share of $6 00 over the five year period, or $ 1 20 per year. Most of o ur alumni, even those just grad uated , ca n afford such a gift within the fram ework of their n o rmal giving.
Everyone who receives THE ALUMNUS is a supp orter of the MSM Alu mni Association ofUMR and has exhibited some concern for the futur e of his school. Each is called upon n ow, at this special time of need , to make a capital g ift to his sch ool in additi on so The Un ive rsity Center might be built in time to celebrate it as the alumni g ift to the Centennial Chall enge Program, the Centennial celebrati o n , and as an inspiration to co rp orate g ivers and legislators who are d o ing their very b est to see the R o lla Campus serve today's student.
All gifts ar e, of course, taxd eductible to limits establis hed by tax laws, n or mally to 30% of ad-
Make your gift a five year pledge anel as generous as your cirCllmstances allow!
About half the funds need ed for this most im p ortant facility must come from alumlli in the fom? of gifts! The average alu mnus gift to date is $777 .00 , pledged as payab le over a fi ve year period. The g ifts, in size, have ranged fr o m $5 , to $ 100,000.
justed gross income . Many alumn i, because of unusual success in life, can afford to give m uch more if they do desire!
estimated· for the 1974-75 academic year.
"Too many opportul1lties exist for engineering famlty and students to locate on the East and tl7est Coasts for Rolla to progress unless mlilimal facilities can be provlded," Dr. Baker has declared "The loss of top talent is a potential MissOtlri can not afford"
ginee helpe ation and I Ihro t TI build
Engineering Complex
The Rolla Campus, while a leader in producing B.S . degreed engineers, falls sh ort in its production of those with the Ph.D . degree . The reason is simple: the Campus d oes not have the faci lities necessary to d o the job. About 150,000 sq uare feet of new space are required for the present needs. A facility which would tie the existing Civil and Electrical Engineering Buildings together is contemplated. Such a building would allow UMR to move forward in meeting its graduate study offerings while freeing b oth the Civil and Electrical Engineering Build ings for expansion of under graduate programs. Physics and Nuclear
The Nuclear Reactor Building, co mpleted in 1961 , was intended to house the reactor on ly and had no facilities for lab oratories o r offices. Nearby is the Phys ics Building, completed in 1962, deSigned essentially as a classroom building. Today , of course, molecular, atomic, and nuclear structures are speCialized areas of physics as well as x-rays, cos mic rays and solid state phys ics . Rolla 's activities in nuclear research and in its expanded physics programs require a faci li ty connecting the two existing structures which would contain r esearch laborato ries, instructional lab o rato ri es and offices . This pr o posed building - like the graduate Engineering complex - em phas izes planning which allows building use by more than on e academic discipline and is an examp le of UMR 's effo rts to exercise the greatest possible economy in providing adequate facilities for Camp us needs . UMR 's cl o ud phys ics research program is nationally recognized, bu t is h oused in temporary facilities. MSM Alumnus
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Mining , geology and geological engineering have provided the basis and helped chart the course for the ex ploration and development of mineral wealth and economy n ot only in Missouri but throughout the world. These departments now function in buildings built 66 years ago and which now are old and can better be used to meet other needs. About 50,000 square feet are required for a structure to h ouse these departments.
But That's Not All!! Thus far, we have listed facility needs which are urgent. Competent planners must look beyond tomorrow, h owever, for at leas t a decade. Other needs envisioned before we see the year 19 78 include ren ovati on of Norwood Hall, construction of buildings for Environmental Engineering and Life Science, a Continuing Education
Physics and Nuclear Area Current parking facili ties w ill gi ve w a y f o r a gradua te engineeri ng complex tied to unde rgraduate ci vi l and electrical engin eering buildings to achieve maximum ecanom y in multi-disciplinary use.
Center, additions to Chemical an d Chemical Engineering fa ci I it i e s, n:echanical and aerospace facilities, mathematics and comp uter sci en c e, humanities , and student services facilities!
Not Marble Palaces Rolla Campus le aders have emphasized (and demonstrated by their
planning and legislative requests) that they are observing, with great fide lity, conservative but adequate stewards hip of funds for Rolla's futu re service in its specia lties. 'Through plannti1g facilities which call be !(Jed by more than one study diSCIpline alld by insistlitg upon plali1, utilitarian structures without any frills, or 'gli/gerbread, ' we believe we are giving MtJ'soul7' all opportunity to improve its educational stature and to make a real Ii/vestment in its ecollomic fitfure through utilizing the fidl potential oj t/x R olla Campus, " Dr. Bakel' declared
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The " sunken gardens " of yesteryear already have gi ve n ground to UMR 's nucle a r reactor and Ph ysics Building ; in coming yea rs a complex of laboratories w ill be built bet wee n the facilities expanding the cap abilities of both.
C i u if and Electrical Engineering Area August 1968
"Because of the demands belilg put by society upon UMR as a leading technological university, the campus IS changli1g its appearance. IVe must leave the immediate impression to vIsitors oj a dynamic university not only in step with our time but leading t/x way. EVelY alumnus can be Jil.Stly proud that hiS school IS meetli7g today 's challenges jor leadership. "
Nuclear Scientist Speaks to Summer Graduating Class Dr. Clarence E. Larson, president of the Nuclear Division of the Union Car bid e Corporation, Oak Ridge, Tenn., reminded the UMR graduates, at the Summer Commencement, their engineering and science accomplis hments to the needs of society.
massive attack on the world's large - scale problems," he said.
A total of 89 graduates were granted B.S. degrees, 77 received M.S. and Master of Sci e n c e for Teachers degrees , and 7 were awarded Ph.D. degrees.
Dr. Larson also encouraged the engineer and scientists to be interested in the humanities - history, philosophy, the arts - and to apply these interests to civic problems.
Dr. Larson quoted Pasteur in saying "Discovery savors the prepared mind " and encouraged the graduates to face their research in engineering and science with an open mind - "a mind alert to change with willingness to change." He said that the engineer and scientist must keep in mind that theoretical funds may have a practical application to the needs of mankind. "A broad scale of scientific, technological and managerial talents can be combined and directed to make a
Examples of technological advances which help mankind he cited are the production of radioisotopes for peaceful purposes and the atom as a source of energy.
Di¡. Larson has been president of the Nuclear Division since 1965. He has served as chief of the analytical section of the radiation lab oratory at the University of California at Berkeley and has assisted Dr. E. O. Lawrence in the development of the electromagnetic process for separation of uranium 235. He served the Y-12 Electromagnetic Plant in Oak Ridge as head of a technical staff where he developed several new chemical processes vital to practical separation of uranium 235, as director of research and development and then as plant superintendent.
He participated in research which led to use of solvent extraction for purification of uranium and directed a project resulting in a large-scale separation of lithium isotopes and production of hafnium-free zirconium. He served as director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as vic e president in charge of research for Union Carbide 's Carbon Products Division in the New York office, as associate manager for research for the Union Carbide Corporation, and as vice president of the Nuclear Division , adminis tering the Atomic Energy Commission's operati ons for Union Carbide. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of California and a B.S. degree from the UniverSity of Minnesota and is a member of numerous professional and honorary societies. He is the author or co-author of about 20 contributions to scientific literature. He was an official delegate to the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in 1955.
THEMIS Grant of $400,000 Will Support Cloud Research UMR has been allocated $400,000 under the project THEMlS Grants of the United States Department of Defense, Office of the Director of Research and Engineering. The grant will support research in the Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research of the Space Sciences Research Center at Rolla (SSRC). This is the first THEMIS grant for UMR. A total of $200,000 of these funds has been granted for the first year (academic year 1968-69) wit h $200,000 held in escrow for the two following years (1969-70 and 197071), according to Dr. T. ]. Planje, director of the SSRC and dean of the UMR School of Mines and Metallurgy. This is the second year for Project THEMlS across the United States. About 50 grants have been awarded for the 1968-69 academic year to abou t 6
60 educational institutions for the support of basic research in eight areas of interest to national defense. According to Dr. James L. Kassner, director of the Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research at UMR, "The general objective Df Project THEMl S as described by the Department of Defense is to strengthen the scientific and engineering capabilities of selected academic institutions by encouraging the development of interdisciplinary research teams capable of high quality research in areas related to problems of national defense." The cloud physics research at UMR, supported by THEMIS, is basic cloud formation research which may prove significant in weather modification. The work here is a part of research activity which has grown up all over the world in. the past 20 years after the first successful seeding of clouds made
weather modification a possibiliry. It has been going on at UMR since 1956 and has been supported by g¡rants amounting to over $ 3 36,000 from the National Science Foundation. The THEMlS grant will support a broad program in laboratory cloud physics which is being developed by the Graduate Center for Cloud PhYSiCS Research : The program will strengthen the scientific and technological base for weather modification by providing better theoretical models for cloud formation and precipitatia'n mechanisms. According to Dr. Kassner , such research will probably I e a d to the increased knowledge of the physics and chemistry of clouds and subsequently to more advanced techniques of weather modifications . "This will eventually lead to the solution of such problems as rain
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The THEMIS grant will promote quality graduate training in the area of atmospheric science on the UMR campus, and will expand the opportunities for the participation of graduate students and faculty from the departments of physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering in this research field. Various areas of research activity are included under the THEMIS grant at UMR. One project will involve the simulation on non-convective clouds (like fog) to study their properties. This research may, in the future, lead to a possible means for dispersaL Another a.r ea will be concerned with what makes fog droplets form around a nucleus (such as dust, air pollution particles, fire residue particles , salt particles). A project connected with this concerns ways to characterize these atmospheric nuclei. One project centers on the study of a class of atmospheric nuclei that posses s the special property which allows them to cause a super-cooled water droplet to freeze. Other projects study droplet growth mechanisms , the theoretical description of clouds and ' detection of the mechanical oscillation of fog droplets to determine the size distribution of the cloud droplets, the theory of light scattering properties of no nspherical droplets, the aerodynamic properties of individual droplets or how they move through the air , and ion .attachment in aerosols which will ultimately determine the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere. Among new equipment to be used in these projects are a sophisicated wind tunnel, a helium-neon continuous laser, and a Whitby aerosol analyzer. According' to Dr. Kassner, "Much time, effort and money have been spent on the study of gross atmospheriC phenomena. Unfortunately, much of this effort cannot be put in true perspective until a better understanding of small scale phenomena is attained. laboratory studies here are intended to elucidate some of these microscale processes. The results may contribute to August 1968
the outcome of projects already supported by the Department of Defense and other governmental agenCies." Members of the research team at UMR besides Dr. Kassner include Dr. Joseph Stampfer, senior investigator (cloud physics) at the SSRC and associate professor of chemistry; Dr . Robert Oetting, research associate (cloud physics) of the SSRC and associate professor of mechanical engineering; Dr. Edmund Rusche, assistant professor of physics; Dr. John C. Carstens, senior investigator (cloud physics) at the SSRC and assistant professor of physics . Dr. Joseph T. Zung, research professor (cloud physics) at the SSRC and professor of chemistry; and Dr. Myrne Riley , instructor in mechanical engineering, all UMR faculty, and Dr. Burton Shuster who is an affiliate professor of physics and scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
of 1968 with several part-time professors employed in the St. Louis area. Prior to joining the UMR faculty in 1967, Sarchet had been with the Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa. , for 26 years in a number of managerial positions. In his last assignment he served as director of their corporate commercial development department. He holds bachelor and master degrees in chemical engineering from the Ohio State UniverSity and the University of Delaware and has completed the advanced management program at the Harvard Business SchooL Sarchet joined Koppers in 1941. He served in many managerial capacities in engineering, production, sales . and development, including assistant sales manager, Kobuta plant manager
Dr. Kassner's work in cloud physics earned him an invitation as one of ten atmospheric scientists fro m the United States to take part in an International Workshop on Cloud Nuclei held last fall at Lannemezan , France, sponsored by the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
B. R. Sarchet Heads New Management Department Bernard R. Sarchet has been named chairman of the newly created department of engineering management at
UMR. During the past year, Sarchet has been in charge of planning and implementing the University 's degree programs leading to B.S. in engineering management and M.S. in engineering administration. In addition to the Rolla campus program, he is responsible for the master's program offered in the St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center through the Extension Division. All three programs have grown rapidly in the past year , now having a total enrollment of 325 men. The new department will have a full-time staff of 11 by the fall
Bernard R. Sarchet
and manager of development of the Plastics Division (now Sinclair-Koppers Co.). A registered profeSSional engineer in Pennsylvania, Sarchet is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineet·s, the American Chemical Society , Society of the Plastics Industry and Commerical Chemical Development Association. Sarchet is listed in American Men of Science, Who's Who in Engineering, Who 's Who in Chemistry, Leaders in American Science and Dictionary of International Biography. 7
$100,000 Toward New Campus University Center Received
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Dr. Merl Baker, chancellor (center) and Dean Emeritus Aaron J. Miles (rig ht) of the University of Missouri - Rolla, receive gifts exceed in g $100,000 toward a new campus Univers ity Center. From left are: Hans Schmoldt, president of Schmoldt Engineering Services of Bartlesville, Okla. ; H. E. Zoller of San Antonio, Tex., former president of Derby O il Company of Wichita , Kan.; Dr. Baker, Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann, former president of The Salt Dome Oil Corporation of Houston, Tex. ; and Dr. Miles. The men are alumni of U MR, formerly known as the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy.
Retired and active leaders in the petroleum industry recently have made s ubstantial gifts to the Rolla campus of the University of Missouri which specializes in engineering and science education. The personal philanthropy, reported " in excess of $100 ,000" came from Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann of Houston, Tex., former president and director of The Salt Dome Oil Corporation and other companies, Henry E. Zoller of San Antonio, Tex., former president of Derby Oil in Wichita , Kan., and Hans Schmoldt, president of Schmoldt Engineering Services of Bartlesville, Okla. The University of Missouri - Rolla is
the largest engineering school in the West. It is conducting a $69 million Centennial Challenge development program to begin its second century of service in specialized education. The three men are alumni of the Rolla campus. Hasselmann is executive chairman of a four-state (Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico , Arizona) regional fund-raising campaign for the development program. He is assisted by Z 0 11 e r. Schmoldt is Oklahoma State Chairman. The Rolla campus, known throughout much of the world by its former name, the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, became the UniverS ity of Missouri - Rolla in 1964.
Dr. Merl Baker, Rolla chancellor, said that the gifts would be used toward building a University Center for the campus because the structure could not be funded with tax money. Included in the $69 million development program are funds for student aid, faculty enhancement , research and research equipment, the University Center construction, and special programs of interest to industry. UMR receives less than half of its operating budget from state funds; the balance is made up from gifts, grants , student fees , and auxiliary enterprises. National Chairman for the campaign is James J. Murphy, President Murphy Company, 4376 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.
1968 Homecoming October 18 t 19 Reun ion of the Classes of 1923, 1928, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958 and 1963 8
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Nooter Promotes UMR Graduates Robert J. Ryan, Honorary Professional Degree '67, Chairman of the Nooter Corporation, announced the elevation of Arthur Schwarz, '32, age
Arthur Schwarz
souri - Rolla , and has been with Nooter since 1946, Previously, he had worked for the Granite City Steel Co., was an ordnance officer for the Navy, and
spent several yea r s in Washington, working for the War Production Board and other government agencies.
Paul T. Dowling, '40, age 48, formerly Executive Vic e President has been named President.
Nooter fabricates and erects steel and alloy plate products, nationally and internationally, and has a Missouri Boiler and Tank Co. Division and the St. Louis Metallizing Co., a subsidiary.
Dowling, a metallurgical engineer, is a ,graduate of the University of Mis-
Its common stock is all held by its empl oyees.
Roy Gunther New Chairman of Frazier-Dauis Roy J. Gunther ' 27, has been elected Chairman of the Board of Frazier-Davis Construction Company, 1318 Macklind Avenue, St. Louis , Missouri. After receiving his B.S. degree in civil engineering at Rolla, Mr. Gunther accepted a position with the City of St. Louis on the River Des Peres project, for one year, as a junior engineer. This was followed by employment with the Callahan Construction Company, as field engineer, on the Lake to Gul f Waterway pro ject near Chicago. August 1968
His work has been primarily with covered tunnels , shafts and many heavy construction projects . Some of the most notable are the tunnels and shafts for the Board of Water Supply, CitY of , New York ; all tunnel work connected with the Glen Canyon Dam o n the Colorado River for the Bureau of Reclamation; the diversion tunnels and railroad tunnels for the State of Cali-
T-. Dowling
60, formerly President, to the newly created position of Vice Chairman of the Board.
This change is consistent with the Nooter policy of having the President under 60 years of age.
vice-president in charge of construction, executive vice preSident and in his present app o intment.
In 1929 he went with the St. Joseph Lead Company, in the MiSSOurb lead belt, as a mining engineer for five years. Returning to St. Louis, in 1933, he again was with the City of St. Louis, Sewer Department, for a tunnel construction job. Later he ,became associated with Frazier-Davis Construction Company and has been in their employ ever since. With Frazier-Davis, he has served as a field engineer , project manager on many projects , general s uperintendent,
Roy J. Gunther
fornia , Department of Water Resources , Oroville Dam ; and many others. Mr. Gunther's two sons, R . James Gunther '58, and Don J. Gunther '60 , followed the footsteps of their father, and received civil engineering degrees at Rolla, and are in the construction business.
Mark Terrys Entertained By British Royalty Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip entertained twice for the delegates to the World Conference of the English Speaking Union , which made the trip to Scotland doubly impressive to Mark Terry ' 20 and his wife, Jessie, who have just returned from Edinburgh. As a member of the national board, representing region seven, including Oklahoma, Te x a s, Louisiana and New Mexico. Mark pre-
sented the people from his area to the Queen and Prince Philip.
with a diamon d tiara) she spoke of the city or state which they represented .
Prince Ph ilip, who is presiden t of the Commonwealth area, spoke and joined the Queen in entertaining at the Palace of Holyrood w ith a garden party . There were 141 representatives of the U.S . there . On another occasion th e royal couple received in the library and met 'and talked with each degegate. As Mark presented each to the petite and charming Queen (sh e enhanced her handsome eveni ng gown
At other times d uring the conference the deleg\ltes were entertained by the Lord Mayor of Ed inburgh and the University Provost at dinner and dancing.
Prof. O. K. Lay Dies Pr ofessor Orm o nd K. Lay '3 2, age 57, died Jul y 31 at Phelps County Memorial Hos pital. H e lived at 510 North Main St. and had been an assistant pr ofessor of chem ical engineering s ince 1952. A native of South Bend, Indiana, Mr. Lay was born on May 2, 1911 . Foll owing elementary education, he attended UMR where he received his B. S. degree in 19 32 and a master's d egree in 1954. During W o rld War II he served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Lay was a member of the First Pres byterian Church. His fraternal memberships include Rolla Lodge No. 213 A.F.-A .M., Scottis h Rite Mason, The Shrine, and Eas tern Star No.1 76. ProfeSSiona lly he belo nged to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, American Chemical Society, Instrument Society of America, Amer ican Association for Advancement of Science , Sigma Pi Fraternity and H o n ora ry Society o f Sigma Xi. Relatives su rv iving are hi s widow, Mrs. Lillian Lay; two daughters, Mr s. Gary (Barbara) Patterson '61 , o f Rolla, and Mrs. Charles (Janet) Atkinson of Omaha, Nebraska; one br other , Car l P. Lay, Jr. of St. Louis; and thr ee g rand childreh . In memory of Mr. Lay friend s may contribute to th e American Cancer Society .
HOMECOM ING October 18 and 19 10
I n p r i vat e conversation with the Prince, it was learned it took four tons of luggage and- 100 members of the house h old staff to move the royal pair from London fo r the Edinburgh receptions. One of the outstanding speakers presented was Eugene de Rothschild wh o to ld of the new atomic activators England is building. Lord Basil Smallpiece, chairman of th e board of Cunrad line, was another inspirational speaker , Jessie Ter ry recalled . The Terrys shared with other Americans great pride in the talk given by Gen . Alfred M. Gunth er whose charm an d wit was a delight to all.
Noel Hubbard, Former UMR Registrar, Dies Noel Hubbard , 77 , former regist rar and assis tant dean at UMR d ied June 25 at an Olney, Illinois hospital. H e and Mrs. Hubbard had m oved to O lney fr om Rolla to live near their daughter. Dean Hubbard, who was born Jul y 2 3, 1890, in Carrollton , m., came to Rolla in 1920 as an emp loyee of the Bureau of Mines. He had previously served with the Bureau in McAlester and Bartlesvill e, Okla. , Washing ton, D. C. and Golden , Colo .
Following the conference the Terrys stayed at Claridges for 10 days. They had tea with Lady Violet Benson in het home , Stanway, and toured th iS famou s house. They visited Magdalene College at Oxford and were awed by the collection of antiquities. Presiderrt Baens who has served fo r 20 years there pridefully reported "We have no troub le with riots here." The Terrys had p lanned to go to Ireland but wh en they became ill , changed their plans. The Tulsans left Scotland deeply impressed with the Scottis h people. " They were s imply marvelous. They s.h owed s uch courtesy and concern."
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Dean Noe l Hu bba rd
H e was ap p o inted ass istant registrar at UMR JW1 e 1, 192 3 al)d was promoted to registrar and then ass istant
W as h in gto n Unive rs ity ................ St. Louis - 1 :30 Mi ssouri Va ll ey Co ll ege ............... Ma rs ha ll - 7 :30 Hill sd a le (M ichi g an ) Co ll ege . .... .. Ro ll a - 1 :30 U. of W isco nsi n a t M il waukee .... M ilwa u kee - 7: 30 Ce nt ra l Mo. St . Co llege ... .. ........... .. ..... .. Ro lla - 1 :3 0 S. E. Mo. St. Co ll e g e .... .......... Ca p e Gir ar d e au - 7 :3 0 N. E. Mo . St. Co ll e g e .................. ....... .. Ro lla - 1 :30 N. W . Mo . St . Co ll e g e ................ ... ........ . Ro lla - 1 :30 S. W . Mo. St. Co ll e g e ... ... .. ............. ... ... . Springfi e ld * * Homeco m i ng
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New Graduate School Dean Named Dr. R obert H. McFarland, 50, a noted physicist and researcher in the nuclear field has b een appointed Dean of the Graduate School at Ul\1IR. The appointment is effective Febr uary 1 , 1969 .
Dr. McFarland presently is a physicist at th e Lawrence Radiati on Laboratory in Liverm ore, Calif. H e has been on the staff of that laborato ry si nce 1960.
Dr. Wouter B osch , current dean of the Graduate School, wi ll soon r each mandatory administrative r etirement age.
Dr. McFarland has a wide range of exp erience in the academic, ind ustrial an d government fields. H e has publish ed about 50 articles in the area o f gaseous electronics and ato mic collis ion phenomena .
dean in 195 8 . At UMR he served as alumni recorder an d initiated a mimeographed newsletter for alumni. Dean Hubba rd also o rganized a news-story publicity system for the school an d served for a time as the sch ool photographer. In additi on, he organized a . systen'latic placement service for graduates and hand led the placement load fo r many yea r s in addi ti on to his wo rk as registrar. Dean. Hubbard wo rk ed for many years w it h student aid, handled the Jackling Loan Fund and assisted the business manager in arranging loan s for students . He was in charge of administering fun d s of the National Youth Administration program at UMR , and helped to organize numero us co-operative boarding houses here, including the Engineers Club. H e was also instrumental in securing funds through the Public Works Administration for the construction of Harris Hall. Dean Hubbard retired Sept. 1, 1960 after 37 years of service with the school. In civic affairs, he served Rolla as vice:president and president of the Chamber of Commerce and served on the Chamber Board of Directors for about 15 years . He was an active m ember of Chri st Church Episcopal. Relatives s urviving are his Widow, Mrs. Ruth Hubbard; two sons, Johns R. Hubbard , St. Louis, and William A. Hubbard , Towson , Md. ; two daughters, Mrs . Mary Wilson , Olney, Ill. , and Mrs. Theresa Taylor , Pittsburgh , Pa.; three brothers, Earl an d Thomas, of Carrollton, Il l. , and Lee of Curren, Ill. ; four sisters, Mrs. Edward Schrodder, Miss Bess Hubbard, and Mrs. Chester Rex , all of St. Louis, and Mrs. Hazel Fresch, of Inglewood, Calif.; and seven gra nd children . August 1968
Widely recognized as a phys icist an d a r esearch er , Dr. McFarland has given invited papers at Grenoble, France, and Lenin g rad , Russia; chaired a session at the International Conference on Ionization and Excitatio n Phenomena in Vienna, Austria , in 1967; has visited most of the imp o rtant laboratories in Europe, Russia and England ; and is personally acquainted w ith many of the leading investigators in th e nuclear field. Dr. McFarland received both his B.S. and B.A. degrees from Kansas State Teachers College in 1940 ; his Ph.M. degree from the University of Wisconsin in 194 3; and his Ph.D . degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1947. Dr. McFarland was a pr o fes sor of physics at Kan sas State University from 1947 until 1960 , when he joined the staff of the Law rence Radiation Labo ratory.
nlf the Trend Continues
For a lo ng time now, the lin e b etween public and private sch ools ha s been getting fu zzie r and fuzzier. P.ublic institutions of higher ed ucation a re coming to depend mo re and more o n the pr ivate sect or for financial support. The General Assembly, fo r exam ple, furnishes only about 50 per cent of the total bud get for the University of Missouri. The r est must come fr om gifts, auxiliary enterprises, student fees , and g r ants . Private colleges and universiti es, still fier cely jealous of their independence, are receiv ing more and more public monies, es p ecially fr om the federal government. Some of them receive as Illuch as 50 p er cent of their total budgets in s uch grants. And many private schools are beginning to loo k to state governments for additional s upp ort. In fact , you can expect s uch r eq u ests to be presented to the Gen eral Assembly when it convenes in January.
His ind ustrial experience has includ ed serving as a senior engineer with Sylvania Electrical Corp . from 1944 to 1946 ; a consultant with Well Surveys in Tulsa, Okla . in 195 3 to 1954 ; and a consultant in residence on the Sherwood project in the summers of 1957,1958, and 1959.
Where will all this lead ;> Well, our crysta l ball begins to cloud at thi s point. But it would appear that as pri vate institutions de pen d m ore and more on public money, then th eir independence and individuality also w ill gradually disappear. The private scho ol will take on the complexion of a state school and, in fact , all higher ed ucation 11'1 a y b e pub licly contr olled. State fund s are not likel y b e made availab le without fiscal accountability and other restrictions , as wel l.
Dr. McFarland's government experience h as included work for the Office o f Ordnance Research, Durham , N.C.; the Kansas Department of Public H ealth ; Nuclear Laborato ries; and Oak Ridge Inst itute of Nuclear Study.
While thi s is n ot necessarily bad, it will alter America's concept of pu b lic and private systems of higher education which has served thi s nation so well. But such seems to be inevitable if the trend continu es.
Special honors accorded Dr. McFarl and includ e A merican Physical Society Fellow, 196 2 and Phi Kappa Phi Mendenhall Fellow, University o f Wisconsin, 1942 .
G .H . "B us" Entsminger Vice President fo r University D evelopment University o f Mis souri 11
Alcoa Gives UMR $60,000 Grant The Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa Fou ndation) has awarded the sch ool a $60,000 grant for the appointment of a senior professor in metallu rgical engineering and o ne in electr ical engine"e ring for the three academic years beginning Jan. 1, 1 969 . T he grant was recently presented to UMR Ch ancell or Mer! Baker by John T uck er, Alcoa representative . According to Dr. Baker, two professors wh o ar e distinguished in their field will be appointed during the academic year. UMR will match the Alcoa grant in the s upport of these pt¡ofessors. Chancell or Baker emphasizes the impOl¡tance of industry-university relati onship . "UMR, as one of the nation 's leadin g universities in producing engineering a nd science graduates, h as ma ny mutual interests with industry. Ind ustrial interacti ons as demonstrated by this grant are a most significant recognition of these many mutual interests. " Dr. T. ]. Planje, dean of the School
of Mines and Metallurgy, a nd Dr. Harry Weart, chairman of the department of metallurgical and nuclear engineering, feel that the presence of a senior professor in metallurgical engineering will provide an added source of inspiration to the yo unger faculty members as well as add to the stature and national visibility of the metallurgical engineering program. According to Dr. J . Stuart J ohnson, dean of the School of Engineering, and Dr. John R. Betten, chairman of the department of electrical engineering, "The senior professor, by virtue of his eminence in the field, will enhance the pursuit of educational excellence in the department. " Dr. Johnson commends Alcoa in this program saying, "This is a forward looking move on the part of Alcoa and indicates the company's awareness of th e partnership b etween ind ustry and education." Alcoa now spon sors three fellowships and three sch olar ships at UMR in metallurgical engineering , ceramic engineering, and engineering.
Humanities and Social Sciences Buildin9 A humanities and social sciences building will b e under construction this fall o n the campus . The $ 1 million structure, to b e buil t with State of Mi ssouri funds , was approved in a recent specia l se~s ion of the Missou ri legislature. The building is hopefully to be completed in early
th e library and north of the mining and petroleum engineerin g building. It will contain abo ut 40 ,000 square feet of floor space for offices for the two department chairmen , fac ulty office s, clas srooms, seminar-conference rooms and teaching lab oratories.
The building will house the classr ooms , laboratories and faculty offices of th e depat1ments of humanities and social sciences . At present, with no central humanities and social sciences building, classes in th ese departments meet in many different campus buildings . Faculty offices are now located mainly in the old R olla Building, a faCility which was built in 1870. Dr. Mer! Baker states, "The n ew building will be a physical symbol recognizing the grow ing q uality of humanities and social scien ces at UMR." T h e b uilding will b e a three-story ye llow brick str ucture located west of 12
Alumni Meetin9s Comin9 Up Several alu mni gatherings have been sched uled for thi s fall. T h ose for which we have definite information and have been advised of the plans are : HO USTON, TEXAS - September 30 , 1968. In the Concourse A, of the Hotel America . Socia l h ou r at 6 :00 p . m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. Chancell or Baker will be present to brief the alumni on the progres s and plans for the sch oo l and discuss the Centennial Prior ity Campa ign. Tickets wi ll be $8.00
per person including social hour and dinner. Wives and guests welcome. Contact G uy B row n, J r. '40, Drilling Tools, -Inc. , 1400 Southwest Tower , Houston.
DALLAS, TEXAS - October 1, 1968. At the Inn of Six Flags, Lopez Room", located on the Dallas - Fort Worth toll road. An alumni section is going to be organized at this meeting. Chancell or Baker will be present to speak to the group bringing information about the campus and the Centennial Pri ority Campaign. Ike Edwards and Bob Sutton, from the campus, wi ll . be at this meeting. The time is 7:00 p.m. for the social h our and 8:00 p .m. for dinner. Tickets are $5.50 per person and don't forget to bring yo ur wife and other guests are welcome . Contact John A. Schlensker '55, 1120 Parkhaven , Richardson, Texas .
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MILWAUKEE, WISCONS I N -October 1 1, 1968, An alumni dinner will be held Friday evening before the MinerUniversity of Wisconsin at Milwaukee football game on Saturday evening . The dinner will be at Henrici 's n ew restaurant in the Mayfair Shopping Center, North Avenue and Hig hway 100. Social hour at 6: 30 p.m. D inner at 7 : 30 p.m. Dr. John C. W eaver , President of the UniverSity of Missour i and Mrs. Weaver; Chancellor Merl Baker and Mrs. Baker, from the Rolla campus, will attend the dinner and football game . There will be several others from the R o lla campus present as well as St. Louis alumni. Plans are underway to have the UMR band present too. Plan to attend b oth occasions. The d in ner tickets are $6 .00 p er person . Contact Dr. W Wayne Siesenn o p ' 61, 1526 E. Marion, Milwaukee. The footba ll game is to be at the Sh o rewood High Sch ool field . Plan to attend both gatherings .
DETROIT , MICHI GAN - Octo ber 15 , 1968 . An alumni dinner will be
held at the Shera ton Cad illac Hotel Empire Room at 6: 30 p.m. T h is is during the 196 8 Materials Enginee ring Congress and Exposition. Many alu mni who are in Detroit for this meeting are expected to be present at this dinner in addition to alu mni in the Detroit area. Several members of the faculty will attend the dinner. Contact George R . Ba umgartner '56, 2 120 Syracuse, Dearborn.
MSM Alumnus
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1968 Annual Alumni Fund Roster of Contri butors Recorded as of August 31, 1968 On th e pages that follow are recorded the names of alumni, by classes, wh o have contributed to the 1968 Annual Alu m ni Fund as of Aug , 31 , 1968, T h ose of you w h ose nam es appear on th is list cannot fail to share a deep sense of satisfaction in what your g ifts to the Al u mni Fund for the Un iversity of Missouri - Rolla have already achieved. No t just th e s up p ort of Class of 1901 H anley, H erbe rt R. Williams, Bruce Cla ss of 1903
N- Oc·
Hauens tein, Frederick
nerwill ~Miner·
Iwaukee ng, The ew res· 19 Cen· ay 100, nner al " Presi· Juri and ! Baker .Ia cam· ,d fOOl' 10lhers as well under· present ns, The person, op '61. he foal' lfewood 1d bolh
etober viII be Holel his is gi neer· IIlan)' f Ihis senl al nni in ers of Can' 2120
scholar sh ips, pu blication of the bim onthly magazin e, s upp ort of th e Alu mni O ffice and other worthy activities, your gifts have also been an exp ression of fai th in the values of freed om in hig her educati on at yo u r Alma Mater an d in your continued loyalty to U MR. Thro ug h August 31 , 19 68 , ap p r oximately 3,000 contributed to the Alum-
Coover, Louis L Ford, Harold p, Grosberg, Alexander I rwin , Jose ph S, Lynton , Edward D. Thomas, George S, Willmott, lI lill er E, Class of 1913
Class of 1907 B'rown, William E, Fellows, Aubrey P. Perkins , William C Phillips , \Va lter 1. C lass of 1908 French, Charles L Hynes, Dibrell P, J ones, El ston E. Sedivy, Miles Wood , Clyde R.
Ehlers, William, Jr. Holliste r, Scovill E, Class of 1914 Finagin, J oseph C, Jr. Hall, Clyge W. Kelly, Me rvin J IcB ride, Roy N . Metz, Gi lb ert F, Needles, Enoch R. Rice, H ugh p , Simrall, Ri ley Webs ter , Jo hn N ,
Class of 1909 Beard , J ohn W, Chamberlain, Er nst L Lover idge, Frank R. ~1cCrae , Rowe F. Class of 1910 Blake, Frank 0, Bod man, John Wi Ha rlan, John D, Riede. Frederick E, Vogr, G eorge C Class of 19 11
Cla ss of 1916 Adams, Ber nard W. Grotts, Frederick John so n , Gordon E, Krebs , J oseph J Lumaghi, Octavius L McCartney, Wi ll iam H. , Jr. Miller, J ohn C Newstaedter, Haro ld Smith, V, X, Ude , George Vogel, Herman H. Class of 1y17
Cody, Benjamin H. Detweiler, Milan H. Farrar, Monroe Greene , Eva H. Townsend, Frank E,
Elfred , Frank S., Jr. Horn er , Howard A, Kamp , Wi ll iam T. Kluge, Harry A, Po rter, George S. Shipley, John J Teas, H owa rd J
Class of 1912
Cia ss of 191 8
Coaske, Paul E. Conway, Clifford L
Chavez , Raul Doennecke, Henry W,
A ug ust 196 8
Mellow, George E, Reber, William H . Scheurer, Leroy R. \Veiser, H anley Zoller, Lawrence J Class of 1919 Lottmann, \Valte r F, Oyler , \~! ill i am E. Class of 1920 Allison, H , F, Ashlock , Evan E, Barnard , Cha rl es R, Bash, David A, Braz ill , Matthew p, Bu rnet, George Eb m eyer , Gerald E, H oppock , H arland H , H oward , Ad r ia n M, Howard, Cliffo rd p , H owendob ler, J ohn No lte, W ill iam J Petsch, Art h ur, H, Pietsch, Peter H , Rackett , Gera ld F, Slove r , Edwin A, Swayze , Ronald 0, Terry, Mar k L Utoff, Frederick \Xl. Class of 1921 Badollet, Mari on S, Forman , Percy G, Hurd, Ha rold W. Miller, Edwin L , Jr. 1 eedham, Albert B , Rohl off, Jose ph H. Taylor , H, Frank Wi lson , Joseph Ivl. Class of 1922 Alcorn , Irwin \V Case, Walk er E, Ch ristne r , Glen J. Diers, Henry E, Huffman , Daniel E. K o hlb ry, Francis p,
n i Fund . You h ave our sincere admiration and thanks, In compiling and p ublish in g a list of this magnitude, error s are inevi table. We ask you r help in making cor rections for the next iss ue. If your n am e is not p ro perly spelled or listed , or if you have given and were omitted in error , p lease fill out and m ail the coupon at the end of the list.
Lapee, Ronald J. Leonard, H omer L Lo ng , A. E, Machin , Edwin G , Salmon , Julius C, Jr. Scr uby , H orace D, Weir, Thomas G , \Vyman, Glen S, Cla ss of 1923 BeDell , Milo N , Buser , H enry C C1mpbell , E. Taylo r Chapin, Elmer F, Ch omeau, H en r i Fischer, Paul E, Ford, Ragan Gatts , William p, Jewell, Armin B , Lindgren, Roy A, Moore, B , Hamilton Mu r phy, Raymond E. Pence, Har ry S. Pesout, Edwa rd Remmers , Dr. \Valter E. Ri d dle, John H, Rex leben, Bruno Teis, K enneth R, Ten Eyck , \Va n 'en Tragitt, E. Rowland \Van ema cher , Joseph Weigel, Melvin p, \Vern er, \"Valter A, Zoller, H enry E. Class of 1924 Andrews, J ohn L Blake, I'hilip L Courtney , R, M, D ever eux, And rew Dier king, George Gab ler , George C .lett , Jam es E, Kemper , Claude L Kentnor , Charles B" Jr. K ess ler , Dr. H arry H , Knight , William E, H, McB rian, Ray Scott, Guy R. Smith , Edward A,
Weim er, \Valter H. Wright , Wilfred S, Class of 1925 Atkinson, Mari on L Berry, H ugh R, Boyle, Alfred A, B r owning, Berti e Eagan , Th omas E, Gaines , George D, Godwin, William H auck, William F. H eitmann , Albert L H orrom, Orman J. Irving , Charles C l'vlatlack , Fred p, Mu ilenburg, Garrett Schramm , Herbert Valer ius Claude N, Ward, Ronald D, Class of 1926 Behnke, J ames D, Birchard, Harry C Butts, R, H , ( Buster ) Costello, Bernard Craig, Charles D, Craig, Samuel E. Crawford, James D , Gammetel', Elmer Gammeter , Erwin Goff, Ira N, Griffin , D ona ld Griswold, Edwa rd Herder, H oward A, Kennedy, Daniel Kitchen , Charles L Kollar , Ray E, Moore, Jame s P. Rood, J o hn A, Short, \'1/ I rvin Smith C Cabanne Thomas, H arold S, Tyrrell, ~lorris L Wilson , Jose ph M" Jr. Class of 19 27 Abb ett , Robert W. Barna rd , Albert E, 13
Cook, Edwa rd H . C utter, Lloyd A. Hallows, Raymond L. K ennedy, Truman H . Kraft , Ned O. Lusk, Robert R . McCaw , Robert F. Parsons, Edward W. Pa ul , Murray ]. Rankin , Rolfe M. Reid , J oseph H. Sievers, Edwin R. Smith, James F. Weber, Pau l Weiss, Clarence B. W ig ht man, Randa ll Class of 1928
Baumgartner, Rupert Boye r , Ph illip]. Burg, Lo ui s ]. Cord ry, Cletus D . Cr umbaugh, Daniel Faulkner, Edward C. Freeman, Charl es A. Gross, H owa rd H . Herbert, Charles F. Hill, Albert L. Hi sted , Howard H odgdon, Sam D . Kilpatrick, Harold R. Layne, Mark B . Machin, William B. Moreland, H oward B. Mu rphy, Thomas D. Schweickhardt, W illiam Slates, Burl Y. Smith , J oseph w. Walthe r , J o hn R. Class of 1929
Bolon, Harry C. Coil, Ben jamin R. Cr u m, Eben ]. Dittmer, Russe ll S. Drake , Wi lliam L. Dres bach , Charles H . English, Thomas O. Frotscher, Guenther Hueter , Charles C. J ohnson, Charl es W. Jones, Harlow G. Kemp , Arthur H. Kil"n , Em met R. Monsch, H enry D. MorriS, Orvi ll e W. Potte r , Charles ]. Schuette, Lo ui s H . Thompson, Mercer V. Walker, Jul e H. W ill iamso n, J oe J r. Class of 1930
Alexand e r, Vern e Beatty, Ren Brickner, Hugo ]. , Jr. Cirkal, Elmer
Davis, Willard E. Dillingham, Marion Graybea l, Joseph W. Harvey, Edwin T. Heath, George F. Hoeman, Ermin C. J ennings, Charles H. Juh re, Charles C. K aveler, Karl W. Kirkpatrick, H arry F. Meeka, Edward Miles , Aaron]. Moore, Percy E. Neal , Kenneth R. Osterwald, Herbert R . Rollman, William H. Roy, J ohn G. Scheer , H enry Shearer, Andrew C. Stone, Spencer A. Th omas, Myr on F. Cla ss of 1931
Baron, Adolph R. Conley, Jack N. D onaldson , W illiam E. Donlon, Thomas F. Epperson , Ernst R . Follow ill, Bemis S. Gevecker, Vernon A. C. Graham, Ralph C. Haffner, Raymond ]. H arrison, Albert Herron , Henry R. Kir kpatri ck, Ruel L. McCaw, Charles W. Mitchell , Alfred A. Murphey, Maurice F. H errell, R . R. Ross, Charles E. Sperling, Elmer ]. Stokes , James E. Suhre, Maur ice E. Throgmorton, Gordon Wade, Rolla T. Wenger, Francis E. , J1'. Wilhite, Clyde E. Wi lliams, Rex Z .
Monroe, Rex Moore, Rex Offutt, Ja mes ]. Pollak, J ohn A. Reid, Allen]. Rh oades, Robert P. FUchardson, Jam es K. FUggs, William R. Rydstrom, FUchard Schwarz, Arthur S. Thompson, H omer F. Tomlinson, Elmer M. Zvan ut, Frank ]. Terrell,]. B. Class of 1933
Asher, Vernon Beardsley, Coleman H. Berthold , Clarence F. Borchers, Raymond W. Braun, Walter H . Coghill , William W. Dodson, Virgil I. Doll , Ellen W. Edgar, Maurice R. Ferbrache, Charles P. Gieseke, Elmer W. Gross , Bernard, Jr. Harmon, James ]. Harris, Gene L. Helmkamp, Arthur R. Herzog, Milton L. Hubbard , Charles R. Jabsen, William]. K aczmarek , Theo d ore B . Kay , William Krattly, Homer W. Lambur, Charles H. Lamers, Clarence W. Lenz, William McDonald, James F. Merchie, Leo H . Pinkley, Rex E. Seiberl ing, Theodore O . Spotte, Irvin C. Wehrman , Alvin A. Williams, Arthur ]. Cla ss of 1934
Class of 1932
Bertram, FUchard A. Biggs, Gera ld F. Brewe r , William Davis, Stuart L. Friedman, Isaac W. Gibbs , Harold L. H ippler, Robert F. H oeman, Arth ur]. H orn , Rex T . Johnson, Leon K. Kassay, An drew T. Kay , Wi lliam T. Lay, Ormond K. McClusky, R odney W. McCreight, FUchard L. Macklin , Floyd S. Matsek, J ohn Meye r, Henry W.
Absher, Harold R. Bermi, Samuel A. Bruenin g, Wa lter H . Darling, J ames W. Dobson , FUchard ]. Fletcher , W illiam B. Ford, H omor T. Gaddi s, Wendell F. G illis, Gordo n H. Hale, George A. H ein, Edwin A. Hud son, Richard G. J ackso n , Leroy H. J os lin , Lecompte C. Krattl er, Gilbert L. Kruse, Cornelius W. McKinley, J o hn H. McReynolds, Elmer L. Maise, Clemens R .
Parker, FUchard A. Poese, Lester E. Power, William R. Springer, William R . Stewart, Thomas]., Jr. Sullentrup, Leo ]. Taylor, FUchard D. Tagan, D. E. Weigel, Robert C. Wuernberger, O . L. Class of 1935
Buck , Robert H. Campbell, William]. Coddington , William H. Colman, H oward B . Cooke, William F., Jr. Danforth, Warren B. Doan, D onald ]. Dutton, D o nn ell W. Edgar, Max E. Gibbons, Howard T. H affner, H arold ]. H arrod, John E. Hoffman, Emil D. H olt, Frederic H. Holtman, Louis W. Hoyt, Harlan K . Johnson, Ro bert W. Kamper, Oliver W. Lange, H oward F. McDill, William H. McDonald, Collins H. Montgomery, Robert G. Murphy , Ja mes]. Nickel, Elmer ]. Nolde, George, T.]., Jr. Peters , Wilb ur A. Royer , Thurber W. Sloss, J ames P. Snyder, Charles W. Solomon, Ru sse ll C. Class of 1936
Adams, Nyle M. Barrow, Carlton W. Beard , Reade M. Chapman, R obert T. Daily, Eugene ]. Dennis, William E. Fisher, Robert L. Fiss, Edwa rd C. Hans on, Kenneth O. Hoener, Alan]. Kircho ff, Elmer K. Massaro, Anth ony V. Menefee, James H. Michel, Hilbert F. Nat ions, George O. Nicholson, H arvey L. pfeifer, Herman]. , Jr. Prange, Robert L. Rasor, J ohn P. Roy, Edward A. Ruwwe, J o hn W. Schwalbert, William H. Simmons, Robert W. Woerh eid e, Arthur E., Jr.
Class of 1937
App leyard, Frank C. Benner, Cha rles F. Bommer, Theod ore ]. Breuer, Walter F. Ca rdetti , FUchard ]. Carrolla , Ross R. D o nnelly, Warren L. Grimm, FUchard D. Hausmann, Arthu r P. H olz, Walter L. Jarrett, Walter R. Jones, Walter T. Lange, Ro bert C. Loga n , Edwin W. McClanahan, Arthur L. Maloney, William G. Mattei , Peter F. Millard, Frank S. Post, Samuel S. Schaumburg, Grant W. Sheppard, J o hn]. Tyrrell, Miles E. Vogt , Fred K. W. Wommack, Thomas W. Class of 1938
Ballman, Edward A. Bliss, Allen D . Bowman , D on D. , J r. Cameron, Charles V. Carpenter , Forrest L. Clayton, Charles L. Ellis, Joseph c. Evans, James D. F. Fernandez , H oracio Hill, Eugene F. H owerton , J oseph W. J aenecke , Donald R. J arboe, Rupert A. J on es, R obe rt V. Lanier , Eugene B . LeG rand, Jesse S. Lewin , Bram ]. Long, John R. McCrae, Fletcher T. McCurdy , Belding H. Medley , Raymond R . Morri son, Frederick Muell er , Frederi ck M. Nicke l, Melvin E. Peukert, Norman L. Pittenger , Frank H . Prange, H erbert L. Pr o ugh , Ri chard G . Rogers, Raymond H . Ruemm ler , Waldemer P. Sho rt , J o hn A. Stokes, Home r B. Class of 1939 Barger, H ubert S. Boorky, Mor ri s Bo ul son , Charl es E. Brand, G lenn E. Burris, Donald D. Carte r , Robert A. Claridge , Elmond L.
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urnnv S
Crecelius , Herbert F. Decker , GeorgeJ. Dieffenbach, Ro bert P. Elliott, Edward E. Elliott , Lewis C. Glatthaar, Jack R. Graber, Lewi s J. Harsell, Thomas L.,Jr. Heis er , Frederick W. H o ffm an , Ray E. , Jr. Jacobs, James H. J o hn so n , Earl H. Kenyon, Robert R . Kidd , Haro ld S. Livingston , J o hn H . Lo ng , J o hn R. Moo ney, J oseph \V Moo re, J ack W Muell er , George E. Mus sell, Walter E. Po hlmann , Edgar F. Rhodes , Almon E. Roarig, Wilbert A. Roe, Laurence A. Runyan , James R. Siegrist, Kermit A. Smith, Leroy E. Sou lt, J ohn P. Spalding, J ohn V. Sullivan , William L. , )r. Tetley, Alb ert 1. Wandergriff, Willard C. Yungbluth, Ru ssell 1. Class of 1940 Alexander, William C. Alfo rd , T . Rex Baumstark, \Valter A. Bentley, layton W. Brown, Guy,)1'. Capp, Sidney Carpenter, Ro bert K . Carr, William J. , Jr. Cotterill, Carl M. D ennie, Powe ll A. D en n ie, Benjamin A., J1'. D o nahue, James B. D ow ling, Paul T. Ferrell, J ames O. Fort, George E. Griffeth , Th omas J. Gund, Russell A. Henson, Leonard E. H erzog, Aloysius R. Kampe r , Herbert G. K elley, Ralph E., J1'. Ki dwe ll, Albert 1. Ki es ler , Allan J. Kl ug, J. Robert Leber, Walter P. Loveridge, J oel F. Machm er , Ferdinand G. Mackey, David H . ~larkley , J o hn S. Mill er, Edgar S., J r. Niedling, lvan M. 0 ' eill , J o hn J. , Jr. Pal mer, Clarence C. Parish, Gerald A. Au gust 1968
Perry, Ernest 1. Plenge-Was hburn , Carlos Reed , J o hn F. Ridley, Robert P. Riege, Lynn J. Rieke, Vernon W. Rose, Colin G. Ros s, Paul F. Ru eff, Edwa rd 1. Schrader, Ralph E. Sharp, Eve rett W. Smothers, William J. Stewart, Frai ze r M. Straub, Alvin E. Sturges , Herbert D. Summers , Huey Tucker , Armin J. Weber, Arthur , J1'. Class of 1941 Adams, Was hington Andreae, Andreas A. Bennetse n, \Vayne J. Bottcher , H erman F. Bo urne , Wi lli am H . Boyd , Robert K. Boyt, Gene Cla rkson, Charles F. Co rneau , Clifford A. Couch, Geo rge R. Crecelius, D o nald G. Crockett, William E. David son, Ro bert F. Dreste, J ero me P. Enochs, J o hn R . Farrell, Ed ward C. Fick , Armin F. Fields , Robert E. Finley, Fred W. Ga rdner, J o hn W, II Gebhardt , Adolph A. Grisham, Marvin C. Hacker , Alden G. Hardine, Kenneth 1. , J 1'. H oener, Fred H. J affe, Nathan D. J ensen, James W. K err, James W. K yle, Frank K. Lambeth , J ennings R . Lover idge, Warren 1. Lynch, Daniel S. McKee , Jack B. Mack, James 0 ., J1'. Mentz , Frank H. , J1'. Meyer , Ro bert H. Morris, William 1. Nicholas, H arold J. Pautler, Anthony C. Reagan , A. Noel R o ux, James R . Schoenthaler, Robert Schweitzer, Ro bert E. Sexton , R obe rt M. Shankland , J ohn H . Smith , Floyd P. Springer, Ja mes J. teven s, Harvey C. tewart, Daniel R.
tockton, Herbert R. Strawhun, J oseph O. Topper, Ro bert 1. Vo lz, Herbert Wampler, H arold R. Wattenbarger , Chris M.
Ballinger, Homer J. W. Bassett , William H. BelliS, Maurice O. Berndt , J oseph P. , J1'. Biermann , Earl E. Bottom, James H ., Jr. Christensen , Douglas Comann, Richard K. Class of 194 2 Coolidge , D onald J. , Jr. Adler, Arthur G. Dres te, Fred E. Al len , John C. Driscoll , J o hn V. Axmacher, George W. Eh rl ich, Robert 1. , J r. Beveridge, T homas R. Fleischli, Jack E. Blankenship, Gilbert H. , J1'. Flessa, Vernon E. Brackbill , Robert M. Flood, H arold W. Busch, William D . Fris, Edward S. Clark , Hugh M. G imson, William H. , Jr. Crookston , J ames Glover , James Cunningham, Ri chard J. Hanna, Robert 1. Cutler, David Higley, Leo W., Jr. Fuller, Julian A. Hu sema n , Donald J. Grayer, George D. Johnson, James C. Hagar, Bailey W. Joynt , Kenneth H euer, Cha rles A. Kalish, H erbert S. Ka rbos ky , J oseph T. Ka sten, Raymond O. Kind, Daniel Key, Enos 1. Ki ss linger, Fred Krill , Francis ~ L Kloe r is, Paul W. , Jr. Krummel , Clyde H. , Jr. Krueger , Harold A. Lambelet, Clarence A. Lawler , Wilbert J. Landi s, Bruce R. Loes ing, Vernon T. Larso n, Leonard N. Lyons, John H ., Jr. Lem ing , J o hn G . McCull ough, H erb ert A. McCormick, Charles McGhee, Vernon T. McMath , Robert P. Ma rtil1 , Kent W. Marlow, Max 1. Mitchell, Jimmy 1. Martin , Gene S. Muskopf, Oscar M. Meyer, Orville, 1. Nelson, Paul Ne ustaedter, J ames A. Ne ubert , Ra lph 1. Paul, J ames R. Nevin, James R . Ras mussen, Rene K. Nicola , Nick S. Schmitz, J oseph K. Olde, Fred W. Schumann , Lloyd C. Pagel , Herbert E. Short, Donald H. Pew itt, Bion D. Skitek, Gabriel G . Pohl , Robert A . Str ickler, Halfor d O . Ra ss inier , Edgar A. Studebaker , D onald J. Sand haus, Elmer H . Stueck, C. F. P. Schmitt, J ose ph B. U/erner, Roy C. Schowalter , Kenn et h A. Wilm s, J o hn O. Schuman , Austin E. Wilson, William , Jr. Schwab , Carl F. , Jr. Wright, Clarence J. Shaffe r, James W. Zoll er , Victo r H . Shoc k ley, Gilb ert R. Sindel , Albert T. Smith, John , Jr. Class of 1944 Stewart, Alexand er 1. Arras, J ean 1. Taylor, Otis H. Trotter, Charles R. Barnhart , H erbert D . Brinkmann, H erm an O. VanNostrand, Ro bert G . Witt, Jack A. Carmichael, Ronald L. Denison , Robert R. Wolff, Leo nard C. Dick, Cha rl es A. Zanzie, Charles E. Zo ller, Ja cques W. Dietz, Roben O . H ., Jr. D owd, James D . Dueke r , Jam es E. Goetermann, Edwin c., J r. Cl a ss of 1943 Griffiths, John W., II Adam s, Joseph T. H ansen, ). Richard Amli, Harold E. Heiden rei ch, Roger H. Aschemeyer, Elmer F. Kasten, Paul R.
Kl o rer, Robert W. K ozeni , D n K. Larson, \Va rren L. Mazzo ne, Thomas J. Ploesse r, Ala n P. Rudi sail e, H . J. Sa nd ers, Linco ln A. Schmoldt, Hans E. Schoeneben, K enneth W. SCOtt , Harry S., Jr. Setch1leld, Robe rt E. Simons, Sanford 1. Smith, P. Gene Staley, Gene 1. , J 1'. Summers, Ro bert F. Weinel , Ernest A. \Vestwater , Robe rt S. Class of 1945 Blase , Edwin W. Boyd, Roy H. Kasten , Vernon 1. Kawaguchi, Makoto ). Lindberg , Allan W lv!cK elvey, James M. Milton , O sberne Murray, Robert E. Ozawa , Jack K. Schmidt, R. Fred Shank , Earl M. Van Mae r ssen , Otto 1. 'fiest, Amy G . qa s~ _ o f 1946
Burke, Geo rge E. Clayton , Austin B. Conn ett, Robert P. Daniels, Th omas D . Doisy, Richard J. Fowler , H owa rd M. Jones, Raym ond B . Matth ews, Ralph A. Meye r , D onald I. Olsen , O sca r M. Pagan o, Sylvester J. Rutl edge, William A. Smith , Robert H. Wilhelms, Kenneth ~1. Class of 1947
Bailie, Cecil C. Bell, Warren H. Bruns, Robert F. Bruzewski, Robert F. Carafiol, Gilbert Carlton, Paul F. Co le, Richard E. Dameron , Ha rry C. Dunham, Roy H . Dutton , D onavon A. Eins panie r , Berna rd J. Ellerman, William E. Elli s, Will iam A. Feldhaus, R,1lph ). Foga rty, Ed win R. Ginzberg, ~1. Ge rson Goodwin, Reo E. Goodwin, William J. 15
H e nke , Elvin A. Henry, George E. Johnson , Philip D. K err, Frank F . LaPiere , Gilbert H. Lava t, Eugene W. Lew is, Marjo ri e Paul Little, James E. McDonald , Malco lm H. McKinni s, Cha rles L. , Jr. Mansfie ld , H er m an Martin , Ar li ss V. Perryman , George 1. , Jr . Pi er ce, Thomas R. Pomeroy, Chester M. Ray, Rob ert L. Salarano , Stephen P . Schein e man , J oh n A. Schmitz, Richard L. Schork , J o hn E. Sheppard, K e ith D. Sn id er, James W. Snowden, J am es R . Step hens, James W. Str unk , Mai land R. Tappm eye r, Rona ld A. \Vege ner , Wi lbe rt F. \~1hite, R o bert L. Wylie, Jam es E. Yee, Bing Quai
Class of 1948 Anderson , Wa lter F. Appelba u m, R o bert H . Bae rveltt , R o bert F. Ba lm at , Jack S. Banks, Ralph Bermel, Pete r F. Bi ll y, Josep h H. Bradford , Victor L. Brow nin g, Cha rl es M. Brow nin g, Ph il A. Ca nning, Fred H., Jr. C haney, James B . Cope la nd , A. Eu gene Crosby, R o bert A. D elany, Michael J., J r. Doe ll ing, R o bert F. Elli s, Maurice H . Ell is , W illi am F. Enochs, Richard C. Fi elds, Les te r E. Fis he r , J ames R. Fitzpa trick , J oseph W. Fl ynn, R obert H. Ful ler, Ler oy W. Gage r , Lem N . Gauerke, Reinhart C. Grady, William J. , Jr. Griessen, J o hn III G ri gsby, H arry G . Guilfoy, Dona ld C. Gurnea, El vin M. H a ley, Comer C. Hamm ann, Jo h n W. H a rter, Warren F. Hasko, Stephe n H eld, Robert E.
Hepp, Jose ph T . Hoelscher, Ja mes W. Hoey, Paul E. Howe ll , Richa rd B. Howell , T heodore R . Hudgen s, Ell sworth W. Hud so n , Cha r les N . Jackson, J o r ge John son, Charles C. K ee ley , G ilbe rt S. Kreutzer , Robert C. Law so n , Ver n o n R . Leaver , Harvey B. McCo rmack , Geo r ge E. Marchal, J acq ues H . Miller, W illi am J. Moe , Har o ld G . Mo line, Go rd o n H. Mue ll er , Edward E . Now lin , R oger E. O'Ne ill , Lawrence F. Pickett , Ray E. P r octo n , Albert W. Ramsey, Geor ge H. Robins , Irvin D . Rolaff, Erich Schaeffer , W ill a rd A. , III Sch midt , Dona ld G . Scholz, Arthur E. Sm ith , David G. Sm ith , H arlan D. Smith, Hubert R. Sp inzig , Edgar W. , Jr. Stauffer, Clyde M. , Jr. Stoecker, W il bert F. T errasso n , Pa ul L. P. Thurman, Wil liam H . Va nEaton , Char les \'1/. III \Varren , Glen n W. Weddle , Wi lburn L. Wha ley, Henry P. Whan ge r , J ames R. Wo lfar th , Teddy R.
Cl ass of 1949
A llan , C ha rles W. And e rso n , Doug las And erson, Geo r ge M. Aubuchon, Edwa rd L. Ba ily, Walter E., Jr. Ba llm ann , Richard B . Berry , J e r ome T. Bi r ch . Bettjeanne M. B is h op, H arry S. Bisse ll , J ames J. Blanke nmeiste r , Erwin G . B ooth, R o bert C. Boye r , Alexandel' A. B reit:w iese r , R o bert H . Breuer , Coy L. Carney , W illi am D. Carro ll , J ohn T. Ca rter, W illiam D. C hapman , Ver n o n A ., Jr. Cizek, Frank J. Comstock , Elbert E. Coolidge, William H. Cox , Delb ert R.
Cromer, C harles F. Da ly, Thomas E. Daniells, C harl es P. Dav idson , Cha rl es C. Dea n, Donald L. DeBolt, Donald G. Ea so n , Donald E. Ege, R obert W. Ehrler , John W. Eiche lberger, Charles E. Evan s, Wi ll iam W. Fe ntzke, Avitu s D. Finda ll , R. F. , Jr. Flie hman, Mauri ce H . Fos ter, Jack D. Frank, Lo uis E. French, R obert G. Ga mbill , James W. G ammon , William H . GeOl'ger , Lester J. Goll er , Carl H ., Jr. G reer , Paul H . H ansen, R o bert C. H emme, Adolph F. Ho llman n , Har o ld R. H o ll oway, Nick, J r. Hubbard, Wi lliam F. , Jr. Hudson, Clarence H . IlIth o r s t, H. M . J o nes, Oliver W. Kelahan, Rob ert C. Ke lly, Donald V . Kimmick , Edward J. Knecht, Wa lter S . Knop p , C harl es R . Knutson , El mo G. K o moto, Frank K. Lenox , W ill iam H. Linn, Laur el G. Lo ng, Thomas B . McCallister , Odis L. , Jr. McDo nald , J ohn E. Magruder, Wil liam H ., Jr. Martin , R . Lee Mengel, Edm und L. 'Mu lli gan , J o hn J. Norman, Amos Ochs, Calvin M . O stmann , R obe rt F. Otto, Richa rd Iv!. Pad fi eld , R,~ lph C. Pe nm an, Robert R. Perry, Robe rt C. Po ll is h , Ll oyd Quinn , J osep h S. Ratcliff, J o hn J. Reill y, J o hn G ., J1'. Re inken s m eye r , Norma n R e iss, J ose ph J. Re mington , C ha rles R ., Jr. Ritten h o use, J osep h W. R oot, R o bert L. Ross, C harl es J. Ross, Ha r vey D. R ow ley, K erm it G. Ru ssell , Raymo nd H. Schirmer, \X/illiam A. Sch owal te r , Ralph E. Sch uler, Leonard L. , Jr.
Seelig, Albert F. , Jr. Sevick, J oseph G . Shute , John W. Siegel, Will iam A. , Jr. Springer , Fred e ri ck M. Stadehofer, Jack F. Starkweather , Reuben H. Stein , John E. Sutton , Glen W. Telth o r s t, Edgar J. Timmer, Donald H . Tinda ll , Ro bert F., Jr. Toomey, John B . Tothill , Charles E. B. Tr otter , Jack K . Tucker , Arth ur L. Werner , Edwin J. Wi ssel, C harles K . Withrow , Har o ld J. Wunnenberg, Ed ward C. Yochum, Robert J. Class of 1950 Agnew , Lewi s E. , Jr. A m s ler , John O. Bach, Wi lbert E., Jr. Bachman, William G. B age, Ea rl A. Barcr o ft , John R. Barsachs, Edwin H . Becker, Ronald F. Belew, Lela nd F. Brad ley , Kenneth R. B r ei t, Ka rl K. Breuer, Delmar W. Brinkmann, Charles E. Brown , John P. Brown, Rob er t N . Bucha , William F. Buel , Ro bert W. By rd , H e r man C. Byrd , Lloyd E. , J r. Campbell , Earl D . Ca n twell , Laurence W. Carl, Lo ui s H. C hambers , Frank T. Chen, W illie Y. C h oate, Robert L. C hurch, C harles H. Clayton , R oy T. Cliffo rd , Richard E. Co leman , Elbert H ., Jr. Co llin s, W ill iam W. Cor r ie, Beryl B. Cra ne, Fred S. C r o runga r d , Bill y R. Dam pf, Dona ld P. Da r e, W ilbert L. DaS il va, Aniba l J. Davidson , Edwin A . D el P o rte, Karl H . Die rin ger , Dona ld R. D rake, Ave ry A. , J r. Eiss in ger, Karlhein z Ell iott, J a mes O . Etz, Carl E., Jr. Evans , James L. , J r. Eybe rg, Walbrid ge P.
Fahien, Raymond W. Faith , Robert V . Fa rrey, Henry B . Feltz, W. R. Ferrero, Dominic Fe rry, Robert S . Fin ch , Fr ank Foss i, Robert L. Ga blemann , Wi ll iam L. Geo rge, Orvin K . George , R . J. Gilm o re , John w., Jr. G r anes, C. T. Gray, Ivan L. Greenberg , Aaro n J. G regory, Scott H. Griffin, Donald C. Haa s , Paul A. Hackett , D . D. Hallemann, J ose ph E. Hardy , Rolland L. Harris , W illiam M. Hay, J os eph L. Haymes, Will iam G. Heller , Enrique S. HelWig , Arthur W. Hillhouse, David L. H ollis , W illiam H obelm an , Martin G. H o l me, R . o rm an Hor sley, Joseph J. Houk , Cla r ence C. Howard, Hildon D. Howell , Bennett D. Hum p hrey, Waldo D. Hunt, James R. Hyde , James c. , J r. I s be ll , C la rence A ., Jr. Iversen, Re id E. J ad w ick , John E. Jami eson, G eorge W. Jerman, T he od o r e 1. J o hn son , Edward L. Jo hn son, Ray B. J o hnso n , Warren H . Jorcke , O liver A . Judah , Russell J. Kelly , Peter B. K e rr , Richard H . Kind er , D avid C. King , C. O. Kin g, Dona ld K. KJ a us , Irvi n g K now les, Ca rl M . K ovach , J o hn J. K ra us , Karl L. Kuhlman , Ennis A. K un z, Cha rl es O. K yburz, Edward P. Laird , Harry W. Lanham , Thomas Lask o, Edwa rd P. Lay, George R . Lee-As ton, Ro bert Loc kett , Donald N. Lukr o fk a, Love ll J. Lyons, Francis D. Maddox , James A. McGaughey, Cha rl es E.
MSM Alumnus
MeNe MeNie ~Iann,
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Middl ~Iille r
"Iiller ",oon ~luehl
"Iurpl :\agel :\eide Nclso Niche Niede :\ortr Oliph Parke: Patten PenniJ Phillir Poliqt Ponde Preiss Rausc Renne Reyno Ries, : Roach Robis Roma Rose,
Sakon Serenl Senga Seven ShalTe ShaUl Sims, Skinn Slushl pind Sprin. Starke Stever Strain Straw Stron Szum Tenn Theel
Trask Trian Tunn Um m Unscl Vance VanN VOgl c
Mc Gowan , John P. McNeil', Warren E. McN icho ls , John R. 1vlan n , Carl K. Marinkovic, Sergio F. Ma rshall , Donald W. Matthews, Paul A. 1\lattlage, Raymond F. J\1egeff, Seymour I. Mendell , Robert H. Middleton, Douglas F. Miller , Chester E. Miller, Rob ert J. Moo ney, Edward WI. ,'vluehring , John E. Murphy, William L. , Jr. N agel, Lawrence J. Nei del , Roge r A. Ne lson , Harve P . N ichol s, J o hn W. Tiederstadt, Roland J. 1 o rth , O live r S. Olip hant, John D. Parker, R . C. , tten , Ro bert I. Penningto n , Robe rt J. Phillips , Ha rvey I. , Jr. Poliquin, Thomas E. Po nder , Robert M. Preiss, Robert K. Rau sch , Maurice K . Re nner, Linus J. Rey nold s, Earl G . Ries, Fra n k W. Roach, Kenneth C. Robi son, Leslie B. Romano , Frank J. Rose, Robert T. Rue!1heck , Raymo nd T. Sak onyi, J oh n J. Seren o, Leroy F. Settgas , Robert C. Severtson , Vern on S. Shaffer, Robert B. Shourd , Roy R. , Jr. Sims , Dale E. Skinner, NUlton R. Slushe r , Roben C. Spi ndl e, Shirl ey S. SpriI'lge r , Eve rett \'\1. Sta rke, Robert E. Stevens , Billy Strain. Robert A. Strauss, Ervi.n J. Strong, J ohn F. Szumachowski , Edwin R . Ten ni ll , Jack R . Theer man, H arold B. Tibbs, Harold E. Trasklin, R. O . T rianda , J ohn Tunnicliff, Clarence J. Ummel , Oti s R. Unsell, Veste r B. Vance, J ohn M. VanNon , J ohn R . Vogler, August]., Jr. Vo iles , Cletus F. Walke r, Dale E.
A u g u st 1968
Wargo, Lewis L. \Varren , Eugene \V. W ehling , Howard C. Weingaertner, John \V . Xfe instein , William White , Thomas W., J r. Whitn ey, Richard D . Wilson , Anthony E. \Vinter , Eugene Wo lfram , Ralph E. Wood, Ro bert C. \Xlright , Har o ld R. Wunnenberg, Donald A. Wyatt, Franklin W. Young, Charles Jr. Z immerman, D ona ld G . Zvanut , Albe rt J.
Class of 1951 Anderhub , Anthony P. And erson , David K. Arnold , John M. Baldwin. W illiam M. Ballass . John T. Ballestero, An tonio P. , Jr. Barr ow, Robert B. Bec kman , Charles A. Bellis, Gerald B. Bender, Ge rald H. Bishop, Billie J. Blenderman, Gene R. Bopp, H ar o ld M. Boscia , Frank J. Bow k ley, Hel'ben L. Boyd, Cha rles L. Brown, Donald R. Browne, Thomas c. , J1'. Brunkhorst , Earl R. Ca rt hew, Douglas J. Cla rk , Howard T. Co manich , George \v. Co oper, Jam es D . Crow, Ross F. Dasenbrock, Arthu r A. Daugherty , Bo b E. Dickens, Richard L. Dieckgrafe, Ro bert E. Dowling, Donald J. , J r. Dowling, Neal B . Dreste, Harry F. Dryden, Joseph L. Dulberg, Irving Dunn, Ervin E. Durrenbe rger, J oseph \V. Elli ott , Edwi n G. , Jr. Fahs, Donald G. Fornari, J osep h B. Fritschen , H erman A., J1'. Ga bri else , Richard S. Ganley, Robe rt J. Gardner, John E., Jr. Giacoma , Fred A., J r. Gillen , David U . Glenn, David E. Gorman, Will iam H. Greer , Rex E. Hargus, Loren, Jr.
Harper, Wi ll iam S. Harris , Henry C. Ha wker, Gene J. Hawkin s , Wil liam Heagler, J ohn B ., J r. H eetfield, Rob ert D . Hen so n , Gerald I. Herley, David F. H es tetun e, David G . Hirner , John A. Hor st, William E. Hubbard , Jac k L. Huff, Wayne F. Hughes , Chester K. , Jr. Irw in , David M. Ives te, Ma r io R. Jackso n , Ea rl E. Jer ome, Ge r hart D. Johannesm eyer, H erman Kap lan , Newton H . Kel ler, Gerald N. Ke ller , Ru sse ll M. K en nedy, H. E. Kettel', Richard P. Kinane, Cyril 11'1. K leink opf, Merlin D. K line, Charles R. Klin e, Ray mond M. Knight, G eo rge L. , J 1'. Kolb , Eugene F. Koontz, Rollin H. Larson, Eugen e P. Lattin , Judson M. Lehmann, Charles F. Llewellyn , H enry D . McEvilly, William G. McGovern , Daniel E. MacDonald , John B. Marrin, Robert D: iVlellott , Robert N. Milligan, Edward J. M. Montgomery, D onald D . Murray, Richard W. N app, Gord on E. Oldenburg, Ted J. Owens, Frank \V. Payne, Grover C. Pearson, \Valter O. Ph elps, Richard C. Plater , J. Bryden Ried er , Robert J. Rober, D ona ld L. Roetze l, J. D. Roller , J oe C. Ro ll er, Raymond F. Roloff, Raymond F. Roloff, Don V. 3alnlas , Janl as Sarapuu , Erich Sch midt , Vernon E. Schuchardt , Robert E. chweizer, Charl es T. Seip , Ro bert H., Jr. Shield s , Robert w., Jr. Shopher, Sterl ing D . Sho rt , Wallace W. Sieck , Ervin H. S il ve r , 1vlilton M. Simpso n, T homas A.
Skiles, James J. Slankard, Robert C. Smith, Dona ld R. Sm ith , J ohn E. Spin dl e, Ha rvey E. Tarantola, Bruce E. Tatosian, Va naga n Taylor, Donald J. Tuepker, Ralph A. VanB ramer , \Villiam Van sant, Robert E. Venarde , Jack H. Vose, Willia m B. Wa llace, Edwin R . Watso n , Harry G. \Venneborg , William Z. Wheatley, Elmer G. Wh itson, Haro ld E. \Vil e, L1rson E. Winte rs, John F. Wolf, Rob ert V. Wood le, Roy G., Jr . Zane, Ro bert I. Zeid, 1\'larvin C.
Class of 1952 Alvardo, Frank T. Barnar d , Paul G. Basler, Francis S. Bauer , Ri cha rd H. Belew, James A. Bilheimer , Earl L. Birch , Frank E. Bowlin, William H. Boyle, J ames R. B redesen , Kars ten A., Jr. Bruskotter , John F. Chorney, Peter L. Coonce, Homer E. Cox , \Villard E. Cramer , K enn eth L. Davis, Gedale D . DeL1p , Kenneth L. Dye, Robert A. Evans , J ohn E. Fergu son, Wallace Fink , Clyde H . Finklang, John W. Flore, Robert E. Freiberger , Ha rold C. Gee rs, J oseph H . Glei ser, Marcos G . Haus mann. Paul L. H ausner, Paul H. H ei lich, Raymond P. Hewett, Charles A. Hocke nbury, Melvin C. Hydinge r , Paul L. Jackson , Wayn e D. Jen sen , Gunthe r T . Jones, Donald E. Justus , Richard F. , Jr. Keil, Byron L. K err , Homer c., Jr . King, Ge rald S. Knoebel , Ri chard 1-1. Krons t, Edwin F.
Lucca , M. D. Lucido, Peter J. McIntyre, John F., Jr . Maday, Donald S. Ma r ch , Joel L. Martin, Dan \v. Matson , Don D . Me skan , Dav id A. Michelotti , Joseph E. Miller , Herbert E. Moore, Franklin L. Mo refi eld , George S. Moy, Hong Shu New kirk , Thomas F. olan, John B. Pape, Earl E. Patton , Denver S., J r. Priest , John E. Reeves, Ernest J . Roster, Edward L. Rumsey, Donald A. Schmitt , Donald E. Schoeppel, Roge r J. Scrivner , J. Roge r Stickle , Dirck B. Stinebaugh, Thomas E. Stapkey, Waldemar D. Strite, Ru ssel l R. Swee ney , Jame s R. Thompso n, J ac k H. U nger , \Valter H. Uthoff, Robert F. VanBuskirk , Lyman F. Vanderheyden . .J oseph P. Varanouskas , J osep h P. Wa lfberg , L. H. Wa hl, Ward B. H. Wakefield , Roge r E. \Valz , Ro bert L. \Vesterman , H owa rd \XI. \Ves tmoreland, Darus, Jr. Wheelock, Ler oy K . Wickey, Robert O. \Villiams, Norman Winton , Mark F. Zachelmeyer, No r man P. Zedalis, John P.
Cla ss of 1953 Abendr oth. Reinhard P. Akin , William 1\\. Almeter, Frank 1\ \. Augustson, Luther B. Baumgardner, Arthur Bende r , J o hn H. Berry, Charles A. Boyd, Ma rvin W. Carl, Ralph W. Ca rver, Ro bert E. Crane, Harold R. Creamer, Edward L. Dill, Earl R. Eason, Jack L. Edwards, Gene W. Freebersyse r , Geo rge J. Gegel, D o nald L. Hagemeier, Dwight F.
Hansen, Peter G. Harper, Wallace T. Haynes , Myron B. H eeger , Charles H. H eineck, Dale W. Holland, Richard O. Hoppler , Jarvis A. Jenkins, Robert D. Jones, Robert A. Jost, Robert D. Katz, Manfred Kent, Nevada A. III Knearem , James 1. Kr o nmueller, William M. LaBouff, Gera ld J. Lee , Walter Lipensky, Milan McBeth , J oseph D. Oberschelp, William F. Patterson, William E. Poschel , Eugene J. Quatraro, William D. Robbins, Clay Ruppert , T. A. Schlesing, Darwin B. Smith, Bert 1. Strohbeck , Eugene E. Thompson , George W. Thompson , Jam es E. Tope l, Maurice R. Tuele , E. T. Vienhage, Robert P. Wagner, Frederick R. Yorston , H. J.
Class of 1954
Alburtis , C. Lawre nce Andersen, Robert W. Barbier, William J. Burgett, Max A. Burns, Frede rick B. Casteed, J. R. Cole, K enneth D. Conci, Frank B. Egan, Paul J. Gera rd , J ames A. Gotsch, Richard W. Gray, J oe E. Groteke, Daniel E. H ampel, Richard J. H o r ine , Robert A. Hubeli , James A. Hu ghes, Jud son A., Jr. J oh nson, Clarence S. J ones, J ames C. Lincoln, H erbert E. III McMullin, James M. Pillisch, Herbert P. Poe, Harry E. Schneider , D o nald O. Selvaggi , Anthony J. Sipe, William E. Stevens , Richard H. Stewart, Wi ll iam H . Toutz, J ames O. Watkins , Joseph S . W illiam son, Rayburn 1.
Class of 1955
Linhares, James D. II'!cClure, Randall M. Allison, David E. McCoy, Charles J. Baker , Chester H. McReynold s, Wo ods A. Barnds , Campbell C. III lvliller, Raymo nd E. Berg, Richard O. Morales , Agu il ar V. M. Boze , Ralph E. Mullins, Morton 1. Brown, H oward M. Overton, Jerry B. Corco ran, Th omas A., Jr. Rayyi s, Mo hd A. S . Cowan, Harry D. Reetz, Arthur, Jr. Cruse, Richard 1. Remme rs, Ed win P. Davis, Ralph T. , Jr. Reser , D onald E. Dess ieux, P. Russe ll Rickey, Ro bert B. Fink , Arthur c., Jr. Sauer, Harry J., J1". Fisher, Donald G . Schm idt, Harold A. Franklin, Jam es M. Schmittou , Clay J. Friederich, Ge rl and C. Senior, George 1. G ess ley, D onald Statler, Kennyn D. Gilliam, Dale D . Steffan , Kenneth F. Godsey, T erry 1. Suhre, Maurice E. , Jr. Hahs, Charles A. Tause r , Raymond H. Hallett, William M. Tho mpson , David E. Harb ert, D onald B. Unnerstall , J ames A. Haslett, Gera ld W., J1". Vallez , Michael H. H aubold , Reiner G . Wa lker , Nor man 1. Jones, Richard 1. Weiss, Nicholas M. Kaiser , Richard 1. Williams , D on E. Kickham, Lawrence Tt. , Jr. Yi annos, Peter N . Kumm er , Frederick S. Lan e, Thomas F. Luehring, Elmer 1. Class of 1957 McCarthy, J o hn M. Alexander , William Iv!artin , Robert J. And erson , J ohn R. Mil es , J o hn B. Arnesen, Kj ell Mill er , Cha rl es E. Astroth , Louis E. Oetting, Rob ert B. Auld , Rob ert F. 0 ' eill , William J. Baechl e, Augu st A. Padan, J ohn W. Baker, Charles R. Palmer , Jam es H. Baker, D o nald D. Plache, Kurt O. Ballard, D arrell D. Ray, H erman A. Bardelmeier, Augu st R. Reitsma, Louis J. , Jr. Bates, David W. Ro be rts, J oe B. Bowers , Donald R. Sch lenske r , J o hn A. Clodfelter , Gene C. Scott, Juliu s N . Collins, Thomas J. , Jr. Se nter , Ll oyd O. Cooksey, J oel N ., Jr. Sma rt, Samuel Coonce, J ames M. , Jr. Smith, Glen A. Couch , Pat ri ck S. Summers, John W. Cowan, R obert W., Jr. Tucker, Paul B. Davis, Gary W. VanBuskirk, J ohn R. Dietrich , Frederick J. Walther, Ggorge C. Eme ry, J oh n R. Weitzel, Charles A. Es hbaugh , Robert \XI. Zimmerman, J o rd an jV!' Feaste r , R oger 1. Fergu so n, D onald J. II Fowlkes, Charless W. Class of 1956 Gerlach , Paul D. Gerwert, J o hn T. Altheide , Charles R. Giffin , Billy J. Barna rd , Cha rles R. , J r. G;eenwalt , Don R. Baumgartner, George R. Harbaugr" , David 1. Bentilla , Kenneth R. H aubo ld , N iels B. Borgerding, James H . H eagle r , Richard B. Brawley, John M. H onsberger , John A. Doe, Bruce R. Hu mphrey, Richard 1. Edmond s, David G. Hussey, Raym o nd 1. Gartland, William A. Jackso n , Robert A. H ernd o n, Ri cha rd S. J ohnson, J ames W. Hicke rnell, J ames 1. J ohnson , Norman C. Lieberman , \Va rren
Johnston, Waymon 1. Kalin, Thomas E. Kick , Dav id D. Kind er, Robert H. K osfeld , Wayne H. K ozeny, D onald J. K.red er , Kermi t R. Lange, Robert C. Leming, Paul W. Louvar, Joseph F. McKinstry, David G. Matz, Alexander H. , Jr. Metz , Gilbert F. , J 1". iVlitchell , James 1. lvlothers head , J o hn 1. , Jr. Mueller , Richard D. Nelson, William D . N utter, Ro bert G. Pyle, Eimer G. Reeves, Chesley V. , Jr. Reid , Edwin D. Reus s , Ll oyd E. Rother , J o hn H . Schaed ler, Kenneth D. Schneider , Robert W. Schrumpf, D ale A. Segelh o rst, Alfred E. Smith , J ames G. Soper , Will iam S. Stoll, J oe A. Tanquary, Clifford C. Troutner , John R. Tucker, Richard C. Venable, W ilfo rd G . \Va rren, Robert N . Webb, Rob ert B. Weldy, Charles R . We ntz, Charl es A. , Jr. Williams, Ru ssell E.
Class of 1958
Allmon, Geral d W. Almond, Ji mmy E. An dreas, Wayne T . Bauer , Raymo nd Brill, \XI. C. Buchanan, J ohn O. Ca pps, Robert O. Colburn , Samuel E. Correll , H oward D . Cr owe, Joseph E. Cullen, lvli cheal J. J. Cum mings, Brad fo rd C. Daniel s, Leslie C. Davila, Oscar J\ l. Day, D elbert E. Dend ler , Richa rd C. Dull , Melvin J. Enni s, J erry R. Fox, 1. Fred Franke, Geo rge E. Fun'ell, Richard R. Garrett, J ames H. , Jr. Grant , Wi lliam H. Grebing, Ronald P. Gregory, Donald B. H ackett, Jam es 1.
H ardebeck, Elizabeth M. Harris, Bobby V. H ead, Eldon W. H eltibrand , Dewayn W. H ems ky, J osep h W. H erforth , D o nald J. Herrmann, PaulO . III Hudso n , Melvin C. Hu ghes, Geo rge T. III Hu mphrey, D o nald D. Ki sva r sa nyi, Eva B. K on rad, Richard J. Lager , Gel'vase, J. Lew is , Bruce N. Light , Thomas E. Lin , Chin g-San Littlefield , J erald K. Lu ebbert, William J. Mason, Denni s E. Metten burg , Clarence \\1. Micka , D o nald C. Miller , George T. Miller , Roy 1. Mo rgen stern , Richard A. N ied erm eyer , O sca r , Jr. Nolan, J ames R. Okenfuss, Richard H. Opperman, Raymond F. Pate, James E., Jr. Philips, Raymond E. Pressly, H ar old B. Ra sc he, J ohn F. Rickey, J ohn O. Roper , Phill ip W. Schaefer , Orville 1. Schiermeier , J ohn J. Schm idt , Edward R. , Jr. Schultz, Kenn eth R. Sfred do, H umbert E. Siroka, Murray Smith, Th omas Smu land, Robert J. Soma, John 1. Starkweather, Gilbert Steven s, Robert P. St ri eder, H enry 1. Sucher, Robe rt W. Su ll ivan, Charles H. Taylo r , Paul W. Th omas, Rex D. nnerstall, Lester A. Vie, J erry D. Vitek, Rich ard K. Wallace, No rva l D. Watts, Charles A. Wear, Frede ri ck C. Welch, Charles R. Winte r , Les ter H. Withrow, K erry R. Wright, George F. Young, Ralph O. Class of 1959
Adam, K enneth C. Arimura , Its u Asher, Charles E. Auberry, William D. Bayless , J erry R.
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Bitzer, David B . Bo lon, Lucien M., J1'. Bramon , Gerald A., Jr. Brown , Donald E. Cain , Clarence, J1'. Cannell , Alfred, L. Chico, Raymundo J. Co rey, Clyde C. Crapne ll , Don W. Deddens, Allen E. Des Camp , Victor A. Edwards, Doyle R. Feas ter , Donald R. Fritchey, Meri l B. Fuller , J ohn E. Gi lm ore, Rex A., J1'. Go ld in , Herbert A. Green , Sidney J. Handkins , Robert E. Henderson, D o nald E. Hess, Robert M. Ho rky, William F. Homsey, Edward E. Hradsky, Joseph w. Hudgens, Lowell L. Hurst, Herbert L. Husemann, Ronald B. Ito, Naomichi Itschner, Emerson C. Johnson , Gordon E. Johnson , Philip R. J ones, Frank Err Kelly, Paul R . Kieffer , Alonzo R . III Klocke, Har old G. Knickman , T erry M. Krom , Richard R . Kruger, William A. Kucharski, Ed war d A. Las hley, Rodger L. Latham , James I. Law, D avid C. Lawson, Neal L. Lemberge r , Robert A. Ligasacchi , Attilio Long, Floyd C. Lum , Harry K. Lutz , H . John Marchbanks, Martin E. Mattingly, Raymond C. Mc Ha ffie, G erald T. Mitchell , John F. Morgan , George H. Neum eie r , Lea nd er A. Olson , Ph ilip T. Powell, Kenneth E. Pugh, James E. Puntney, Albert W. Rector, Adrian F. Reichert , J oseph F. Robens, Paul H. Sa ultz , Jame s E. Scharf, J oel S. Schneider , Charles S. Schoonover, D onovan K . Schumacher , Ca rl R. Selle, Gerald O. Shoemaker, James L. Simpson, Charles R.
August 196 8
Smith, Gaylon G. Spanel, Les lie E. Statler , William 0. , Jr. Stato n, Robert M. Stelloh, Robert T. Stevenson , Gerald L. Swanson, Kenneth A. Tackett, Charles E. Th om pson, Billy J. Thompson, Richard L. Uding, George E. , Jr. Wallace, Cha rles E. Waxman, Stan ley Weimholt, J ames E. Weinrich, Alben W. White hair , Louis H. Wieker, Richard H. Wilson, D onald P. Wilson, Hugh W. Class of 1960 Adams, Hubert L. Akmakjian , Charles Alyea , Jerrold M. Bagby, Gary A. Ban'and , Kerwood W. Bartlett , Sylvan Bausch, Russell L. Berto rello , Micheal J. Boss, Ronald J. . Bosto n , Lawrence A. Bramfitt, Bruce L. Burke, Thomas D . Cappellari, Lew is C. Carrier, R. P. Chen, David Claypool, J o hn W. Coffman, J ames D . Cooper, Lloyd E. Corbin , Kenneth D. Cox, Kenneth R. D aub el, K arl J. DelPrete, Anthony , J1'. D enk, William J. Dickens, Walter H. Dunnavant, Allan A. Fisher , Melvin , J. Gilb ert , Will iam J. Gomez, J esus M. Gl'ave s, G eorge H . Gustafson, George R. Hager, John P. Hawk, Ral ph L. Haw kins , Russell 0., Jr. Hoaglund, G lenn C. H o ffmann , Victor J. H olman, Wayne Hu ffman , J ohn M. Hyatt, Gordon R . Job e, Kenneth D. Jones, Robert G. Jordan , Paul R. , Jr. Kell er ma n , Rogene A. Kelsick , Robert W. Kieffer , Robert C. Ki ll ian, Donald R. King, G lenn W. Klebba, K enneth T .
Knobeloch , Donald C. Kosten, Harold W. Keshari, Hossien R. Kuntz , J ohn R. Lawhon, Richard A. Lawrence, Ronald C. Loebs, H erbe rt A. Loeffler , Keith R. Loos, John H. Love lace, James T. Lukowitz, G regory J. McDaniels, John L. McNeely, David C. McNutt, Amy Maxton, Ralph. C. Mertl, Eugene E. Meyer, Herman J. III Mill er , Rona ld L. Moit, Daniel D. Moyer s, Gerald E. Mun sell, Burl D . Nenninger, Donald A. Painter, James H . Papin , Thomas A. Patterson , Gary K . Patterson , Robert W. Pendleton , Kenneth 1. Pen ning , Tho mas F. Phelps, Wa lter L. Poarch , Jam es W. Ponzer, Henry L. Powell, Walter F. Price, David E. Pries meyer , William F. , Jr. Ragains , Wilbur G. Ray, Rugene E. Reilly, William J. Rephl o , Louis C. Reynolds, Maurice M. Rizer, Gene C. R oseberry, Ben E. Sargent, J oseph G . Savage, Wesley A. Scofield , Gene L. Siron , Robert E. Spei d el, Edward O. Springer, Harry R . Steinmann , Wa lter D. Stone, J erry L. Sturgeon, Chester W. , Jr. Tayloe, Leo F. Tharp , Charles E. Underwood, Millard K., Jr Urban, Robert J. , J1'. Vacca , H erman L. Wagenheim , Neil T. Walker, Paul M. Whittelsey, Charles C. Wilson , Harry J. Windeknecht, Burton D . Wood, K en neth W. Class of 1961 Amsle r , Larry C. Avery, M. Ronald Barnes, Richard C. Blake , Charles A. B olon, Albert E.
Brenner, R. L. Brenning, Eugen e E. Burlage, Donald W. Carson , W. D. Chao, Hung-Chi Cu rtin, John F. Dear , G len F. Deppong, Frank A. D ew ing, H erman H. , Jr. D onah oe, Th omas E. ElBaz , Farouk El S. End, Ja mes L. Evans, Donald L. Farmer , Larry E. Flood, Thadd eus F. Fox, Richard W. Ga ll iher , Kay D. G laser , Arthur E. G lucksman , Sheldon Gorczyca, Frederick Hall , Geor ge S. Henning, Will iam A. Hillmeye r , Michael J. Hodges, J ohn L. H o llen beck, Char les F. Huff, Fred V. Ingram, Melvin A. Jacob , Ant h ony J. J o hner , Albert W. J ohns on , Harold E. Kiefer , Charles A. Kinder, J o hn B. Kurtzhals, Jam es D. Latzer, J ohn C. Leonard , Rene J. Leu, Juan Lewis, David M. Litzler, Rona ld J. Lla o, Juan L. Logan, Robert M. Lortz, Francis E. Lynch , J ames F. McLa uglin, Eugene J. , J1'. McNabb , Jesse E. Marb le, James B. Marosek , Charles F. Mathews, William E. May, Wi ll iam L. Merritt, J o hn F. Mungle, Burlin D . Myers, Dale D. Nickerson , T. Jack Nix, James L. Noell, Nelson H . Od om, James T. Patterson , Jerom e D. Peterson, J ay A. Pettibon , Robert B. Pezza, Anthony D. Pfeuffer, Donald R. Pierce, D onald Z. Pietsch , Earl Reese, Bartley L. Ru eh , D o n L. Schrieber, Richard L. Shu ltz, Martha C. Siese nn op , Wayne W. Sievers, Wayne L. Smith, Ray B.
Spanski, Gregory T. Spieldoch, Richard B. Stone, Tony C. Swier, Geo rge A. Theobald, Thomas A. Wa lker, Harvey J. , Jr. Walton, J oh n W. White, Charles M. , Jr. Wieth o p , Russe l H. Willey, Robert B. \Vorley , Morri s T. Wuerz , D o nald E.
Class of 1962 Bauer , Larry G. Baumgartner , William Baxter, Boyd R. Bearce, Denny N . Binz , D o na ld P. Boyd, Ge rald M. Brady, Francis J. Brashers, Jim G. Breitenfeld, Ri chard T. Brockhaus, Roben H. Brockmann, Richard K. Bruns, Myron D . Buckrod , Gary J. Buerki , Roger F. Burris, Elmer L. Busch, Ray E. C~sperson , Leon J. Cline, Larry D. Cole, Fred V. Culnan , Patri ck D. , Jr. Dave, Bhalchandra T. Dawson, Richard H . Dischner, Edwa rd E. D o re, J onn A. Doshi, Bipin T Dunn, Stuart T. Duvall, H enry P. Einsel, Miller D. Elfrink , Lindell H. Fadler, Eugene C. Farnham, Arthur H. Frauenhoffer, J o hn M. , J1'. Funsch, Owen B. Gaertner, Douglas A. Goe, Larry D . Goff, J erry L. Golhofer, Rob ert D. Gormley, James M. Graham, J ohn R. Grate, G eorge R. Greeley, Michael N. Guest, James O. Haas, D o nald W. Hake, Ler oy W. Hallerberg, William L. Harri s, William Tr., Jr. Ha rvey, Lawrence E. Hatfield, Daryl C. Hau shalter, Fred W. Helgeson, Gerald R. Hoffmeister , Jack L. Hopper , Richard A. Huff, Billy M.
Hunter , Gord on N. les ke, J. E. Jacobs , D avid C. J ohn son , Richard T. K adakia, Jayant S. Kallemeier , Robert E. Kamman , John A. Kam per , Russell A. K elley, R onald R. K err , K enneth D. Kinswo rthy, Burton H. , J r. K o nk le, Thomas V. K o rn , Robert A . K otth off, G ene W. K ow ley, B . A. K rone, J ack B. Kuhn , Ca r ol E. H . Kuhn , Har old L. Lamb er , Curt K . Larason , Norman G . Long, Th o ma s J. Lo rm ley, J. N . McCaw, Charles K. McLain, Jimmie H. McMurtrey, Gerald D. Mais, Raymo nd A. Maisch , Peter H. F. Ma r sin kava ge, D o nald M. Mehta, Navnit C. Mills, T erry L. Mo r gan , D onald E. Mort o n , D onald E. Murd ock , Kenneth D . N elson , Max A. owinsk i, Stanley W. Ober mark , James R . Otten , Peter E. O wnby, P. Darrell Patel, J ayant ibhai S. Perry, Michael M. Plassma n , J ohn F. Plavn ick , Paul D. Ploeger , Richard A . Powers , Robert R . Quinn , Mathew J. , Jr. Rand , Stanley E. Rencehausen , G erald P. Reuch , Aa ron M. Roberts, J ames B . Roberts, J o hn H. Ro use, Richard 0, Ro uss in, Robert W. Rullkoetter , Gerald W. Saner , K enneth L. Schaefer, Rusto n R . Schwa ller, J ohn J. Siebels , J ames E. So usa-Poza, Avelin o Spec khart , Frank H . Staley, J erry A. Stea rns, J erry D. Stiga ll , Paul D. Stokely, W illiam S . Swaw , Brya n E. Theil ma nn , Ve rn o n E. T o lman , Ca rl U he, Ge rald C. Va n Doren , T h omas P. Wa lter , Ronald W.
Water s, O rville J. Weber , William G. Welch , Gary E. Weyhreter , Alfred F. Wilbanks , Bill O . Willems, D onald R. W illifo rd , Henry G. , J r. W illya rd , D onald L. W ilson , R obert J. Wrig h t, D avid B . Yang , David D. W.
Class of 1963
Alexa nder , George D. Ar ms , Ro bert L. Baker , Merl Bartling, D o nald L. Benn , Ed wa rd Blevins , Zenas C. Brock , Van W. Br ow n , Curti s C. Brown , D allas L. Brown , D ewey F. , Jr. Brown , John W. Brunj es , Franklin E. Bruns, Martin T. Buaprase rt , Boonchauy Buck, Richard L. Burton , Robert R. Clark , D enni s A, Clements, John L. Clippa r d , Fred B. , Jr. Crenshaw , Rueben L. Dauernheim , Woo dy D . David , Ed ward G . Dodd , Curti s W. Dressel , Theodore , Jr. Eaves, Kenn eth F. Eirten , Frank O. Fehsenfeld , G ary D . Frierdich , D o nald W. C. Fryer , K enn eth E. Fulcher , D ale E. Gla ssel, Clifford L. Gunn , J ames A . H affner , J ames D. H end erson , Fr anci s D. H o lt, James L. Hu sto n, Ro bert E. Jaba s, Stephen D. Jaeger , Benjamin W. H. J arm an , R. D ean J ennings, Richard L. J ohnsto n , D ale A. J o hn ston, Lyle D. Kahl , Richard A. Kim , Chan g D. Klier , J erome M. K och , Ed mund O. K oenig, Walter R. K oester , Robert D. Lasma ni s , Raymond Lew iS, James \V Li go n , W illiam R. Mac Crin dl e, Coli n C. Mar kland, Robert E. i\ larti n , Ri charcl L. II lartin , Robert E.
Mason, D onald R . McCrary, Charl es E. Mehta, Man yu K . Melzer , J o hn L. Mitchell , Ronald D. Montgomery, Randall R. Mo rg an , H arry B. Myers , J ack F. Mys linski , Frank J. Na iye r , Shafiq ue N iblock , Glenn A. Oberhau s, Thomas K . O 'Brien , Michael G . Palma, O scar M. Peterson, D onald L. Reid , Bill H. Rifai, Moham med S. R oberts, Carl J. Robertso n , Ro nald S. R obison , James B. R obinson , Ja mes B . Ro hmaller, Paul Salm on , Ralp h M. Schaefer , Seth C. Schanbacher , W illiam Schuerm eyer , W illiam Sehl, Eugene, Jr. Seym o ur , David J. Shalton, Lonn ie J. Silve rberg, Carl G " Jr. Smashey, Russell W. Smith , Sammie L. Staley, Jos eph E. Stark , Thomas F. Stemler , Orri n A. Sutton , Willia m R, Taylor , Glenn R. Thurman, Lowell E. Tira , J ames S. T o len , Gary W. T omas ek , An ton J. Trautman, D enn is R. Tritsch , W illiam R. Vaninger , Jon L. Vaughn , Gary E. Watke, Walter w. , Jr. Wiegand , T erry D. Williams , D onald L. Williams, Rona ld R. Z in k , Richard C. Class o f 1964
Adams, Stan ley B. Aga pit o , J ose T . Alexand er , Charl es F. Ander so n, Fl oyd N . And er son , James J. Bannister , Ed win J. Bartel, D o nald S. Bas ler , Th o mas J. Bier ma n , Sh eldon L. Brid egr oom , W illiam E. Britto n , J erry A . Br oe king, Kenn eth W. Buescher , G . E, Campbell , Charles E. Cassell , Ralph M. Chen, T en-Hs i Chervitz, J err o ld 1.
Schaeffer , D avid M. Chew, T erry D. Schmidt , Richa rd L. Corw in , Robert F. C raig , Th o mas A. Scott , Fo rrest L. Sheth , Kirti kan t R . Cutts, J ames F. Shewchu k, J o hn P. D ani els, W illiam H . Simm ons, Michael F. Dudenh oeffer , Paul A. Eppels heim er , D aniel S. II Smith, Ha rvey S.III Sowell , Lew is c., Jr. Ferrell, Charles S. Steinkamp , Wi lliam E. Fin k, W ilb ert Stricker , Alan E. Fischer , Hen ry E. Struebing, Ro lland C. Folk, J ames L. T all on , Ri chard J. Gardn er , D. T. T ao, Frank F. -K . Gebh ard s, John H. Taylor , Geo rge H. G reer, Gl en M. T erry, J ames W. Hallman , Felix E. Valentine, Craig A. H a rpe r , Alan S. Vermaut , Norbert A. H ay mes , William E. Wa lthall , Phillip D. H enry, James M. W ang, Yun Henso n , Ronald P. \Va rgo, T errence D. Hill , J ames L. Web b , J o h n J. H oepkerm , El me r C. Wedeking, Milton J. H oge, Philip R. Wh eeler, Irving B. , Jr. H o lley, R obert G. W u , Chang-Yu H o ppe, G erald P. Wulfert , K enneth J. , Jr. H ornbreak , Fred A., Jr. Zimnich , Ha rold E. , Jr. H ud elson , John R. Hul sey, J o hnny L. Class o f 1965 J atck o, An th ony L. J ones , D on W. Ader er , Alexand er P. K am p , Alan A. Al o nge, N icho las J. K elty, Thomas M. And erson , J erry M. K err , Alb ert L. Arn o ld , Rich ard 1. King , Frank W. III As cens io , Ca rl os A. Kirch o ff, W illia m S. Atkin son, Charl es H . K o pas kie, Berna rd E. Aubrecht, Lad im er J. Kraus , R o nald W. Bah r, Lut her W. Lam mer s, James H . Balser, Pete r A. Land , Donald W. Barr, Ralph S. laRose, Treva H. , Jr. Bass , Paul J. Loeschner , Arthur H . Bergt, D av id E. Loth , W illiam D. Blume, D av id J. Lyo ns, Charles G . Braschl er , Ro nald Malone, W illiam M. Braswell , Sylves ter W. Martin , Richard A. Brunner , Ga ry D . McCa ul ey, Ronald A. Bugg, D onald A. Meehan , Michael D . Bugg, Stephen F. Mee han , Michael E. Butler, J ames L. Mi chel , David J. Carr, George H . Mills , Charles S. , Jr. Ca rter , D o nal d L. Mochel, W illia m R . Chi an g , Chi en- Ping Mo rri son , Donald J. Chilt on, D anny L. Mr och , Alan B. Chin , Philips CT . Murray , Milton J. Clifto n , W ill iam A. II Nease, Reginald F. Cline, L1 rry G . Needl es, Warren R. Cole, Edwa rd A. Nor man, Eric J. Corgan , M. A. K . Pappas, James M. Co rr igan , J ohn D . Parkin son , La r ry L. Creech , Harry L. Parr, Richard A. Dill o n , R, K . Peacock , D avid N. D od , R. A. Peima n n , Larry O. D o ir on , D. G. Presser , J ohn R. D o ll , Wa rwick \V Price, Charles E. D ri emeie r, All en H. Raney, Ed war d M. D unke r , W illiam D, Reinh eimer , Charl es J. Elli ott , D av id A. Ri ess , A. G , Fah rni , Ric hard C. Riggs , Charl es O . Farrell , Wi lliam 11 1. , Jr. Roge r s , L. J. Ferguso n, Kenneth P. Sa nde rs, Laurence R . Franklin, W illi e L. , J r .
MSM Alumnu s
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Nielso l Otto, R Palmer Parikh Parke: Parke: Patel, J~
Gausman, Douglas O. Gaylord, Thomas K. Giger, Dolphus F., Jr. Goldstein, /vlartin P. Goodman, Daniel K . Goos, Gerald D. Gordon, Clark G. Griffin, Paul D . Grimes , Gary W. Gross, lvlanfred E. Haag, William 0., Jr. Habenicht, Helmut Hafeli, Dwight T. Halbach, Ronald E. Hamm, William P. Hansen , Ronald A. Hathikhanavala, Bomi Heeger, Dennis M. Henard , David E. Henery, Edward N . Henry, Daniel T. Herrera, Armando J. Hoffman, David J. Hohman , Joe A. Holt, H. Edward Howard, Cecil M., Jr. Hrastich , Thomas A. Huang, T sang-Chi Huellewig, James S. Jersa, Wchael J. Jones, David S. Junge , Greg Kempe , Al len C. Kettlekamp, Robert L. Kettler, Gerald J. Knussmann, \Villard T. Kornfeld , Dale M. Kovel , Steven M. Lapresta , Samuel J. Lassley, Richard H. Li , Chao-Tai Lillie, Edward T. Liu , Wan-Cheng Loughead , James R. Lower , Larry M. Lu , James W-B . Magurk, David W. Ivlarks, Z. Clark ~larlow, Charles F. Marshall , Ronald C. Martin , Charles R. Martin, T er rence N. Meyer, Jerry L. Meyers, Dennis M. Milkert, Glenn E. Miller , David A. Moore, Jim H. More lan d, Will iam C. Morgan, Grover D. , Jr. Myers , Charles A. 1 ewell, George T. ickless, A rth ur L. Nielson, Darrell M. Otto, Robert L. Palmer , Lee T. Parikh, Nalin C. Parker, David J. Parker , William F. Patel , Jayantibhai V.
A ugu st 1968
Penwarden , \Vayne Picker, Melvin L. Peirson, Rob ert C. Pietsch, Ervin I. Powell, John K. Price, William J. Puronen, Eric O. Ricketts, R . L. Riney, Charles W. Robb , Kenneth A. Rochester , Harold , Jr. Rude , Owen D. Russell, Jack E. Ryan, R. J. Schroer, Wilbert G . Seifert , Harold W Skeer, John N . Slapak , Michael J. Smith, Frederick J. Smith, Robert S. Spivy , Paul L. Steimley, John F. Stepp, Edward E. Stuart, Robert L. SW1da, Laxman S. SW1dermeyer , Robert W. Suthipasnarupon, Anant Thomas , Donald 0., Jr. Thomason , Jun e c., Jr. Thompson, James \V Towers, Terence G. Turall, Truman W. Turner, Dennis \V Vancil, Dale E. Vandivort , Clyde A. \Vahler , Vincent c., Jr. Walter, Vic O. Wang, Wen -Li M. Wells, William D. Whitten, Travice W., Jr. Wilson , Clyde W Yang, Hsun-Kuang Yung , Sku Chien Class of 1966 Adair, Lawrence M. Allen, Jerry D. Bachman, David A. Ballman, Edward A. , Jr. Baumann , Thomas L. Behring, Allen G. Bertelsmeyer, James Betz , &~ymond R . Bingham , Lloyd W. Bland , William F. Blumfelder, William O. Boehmer, J err ol L. Boillot, Charles R. Book , BUile W Borgman , Charles R. Bowron , Gary G. Brady, Dale E. Bray, Robert W., Jr. Bridges, Robert B. Bryant , Charles T. Brynac, Michae l J. Buchmeier, Frank, Jr. Bufalo, David J.
Buschke, Thomas H . Carstens, John C. Caner, Robert L. Chambers, David L. Chang, Homer SoY. Chu , Richard Soc. Coble, Jerry G . Coco, Matteo A. Crow, David E. DeClue, Duane H. Desai, Arvind A. Desa i, Sureshchandra Dumoulin , David L. Dunn, Harry Edward Eberle, Bruce W. Ellison, Donald R. Fiebelman, Har o ld Ford, Lloyd L. Foss, Gle n N . Fox, Edwin K. Gardner , Donald M. Gentne r , John Gobble, Donald E. Good, James H. Gray, James C. Greer, Ronald E. Grimm, Arthur F. Hankins, James L. Hartman , D onald H. Hayes, Edward D. H eater, Charles L. Heider, Robert L. Heisler, Eugene V. Hoffee, Andrew E. Hoffstetter, Gary G . Howell, John D . Htain , Maung L. Hughlett, Michae l L. Jagtiani, Arjan S. J ennings, Donithan R. Johnson, Dennis C. Jong, Ding-Wen Kamman, Kenneth R. Kirberg , Leonard C. Kirbey , Eldon E. Kisvarsanyi, Geza
Klug , Alfred E., Jr. Koch , Gary C. Koehler , Paul J. Kreitner , Jerry D. Lane, Richard Q. Lawrence, John A. Lochner, David W. Lund , Cui M. Lytle, Glenn A., J1". Marriott, Dale D. Marsha ll , Steven R. Mason, J ohn T. III May, Thomas J. McGinnis, Michael J. McKinnis , Larry Nelson McMahan , Joseph L., Jr. Meier, Thomas O . Miller, Cha des C. Miller, J ohn N. Mohr , John W Molkenbur, Richard A. Morgan, John G. Morhsedi, Abodolkarim Moss , Edward A. Muckvich it, Pichit Munn , Dale A . Moore, J ohn W. orton , Gary Panhorst, Albert c., Jr. Parks, Robert A . Payne, Ronald J. Poddar, Balgopa l S . Pollack, Allen L. Prewett, Francis C. Ragsdell , K enneth M. Rauer , Jam es M. Reed, David F. Reinsch, Law rence J. , Jr. Roberts, Loy Dean Romano, Anthony M. Ross, Anthony O. Ru ser , John R ., Jr. Ryd berg, Carl M. Saranita , Thomas V. Scheer, Samuel A. Schoeffel, James A.
Schuch, J osep h G. Scott, Aldrew L. , Jr. Scott, Kenneth R. Segasture , Robert G . Sherrick, Bobby J. Sham, Ashuk C. Shiells, James Siemens, J erry A. Simmons, Fred A. Slocum , Roy W. Smith, Allen T. Smith , Vernelle T. Snell , Robert B . Spence, Hugh F. Stangel, Jam es E. Steele, Jam es D. Stewart, Les li e D., Jr. Stockhausen , William T. Strickland , Thomas H . Stua rt , Jimmy E. Taylor, H. Porter Thompson, Stanley D. Tibbs , N ich o las H. Tucker, Ralph W Turner , Charles R. Umphrey, Ronald W Uthe, Floyd H . Walters , Ronald P. Wa lts , Raymond J. Wang, Sinclair S. Wehmeyer, David P. Wes ley, Darrell K. W hitley, Donwell D. , J1". \Videman, Lawson G. Wildschuetz , Harvey F. Williams , Charles R. Williams, Maurice A. Williams, William S. Woodbury, Fran klin B. W. Woodfield, Richard A. Woodward, Charles D. Woolery, Billy Joe Wooley, Gary Gene Yallaly, James G. Yoes t, D avid A. Yu, Chi-Kung Yuh, Eugene Y-J.
I have contributed but my name is omitted ( ) My name is incorrectly re corded . It sho ul d read as below .
NAME: _._ ... _.................... __ ......... _... _........ ...... _.... CLASS ... ........ . ADDRESS : CITY: ... _._. __ ... _. __ ........ .. _... _....... _.......... _....................... _............... . To:
Ike Edwards, Executive Secretary MSM Alumn i Association Uni versity of Missou ri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
1968 Homecom ing Plans Announced The 1968 H om ecoming will b egin Friday, October 18. The new library will be dedicated at 2:00 p.m. The next event wi ll be the Homecoming Parade at 6:00 P.M. This is followed by the Early Arrivals banquet at 7:00 p .m . Saturday morning, there will be meetings of the Centennial Committee and the Alumni Association Board of Directors. At n oon, the. Classes of ' 2 3, '28, '33, ' 38 , '43, '48, '5 3, '58 and '63 will have their reunion luncheons. The Miner-Warrensburg Mules football game is at 1: 30 p.m . In the evening at 6:30 p.m. , the Annual Awards Banquet will be held . The two banquets will b e at the Crystal Ballroom, Carney Manor Inn. These are the highlig hts . Early inquiries indicate a large number o f alumni are r eturning for the week end .
Engineers and Scientists Wanted For informati on about the positions listed bel ow, please contact Assistant Dean Leon Hershkowitz, UMR, Rolla, Missouri , 654 01. Als o give file number_. MINING ENGR. - Federal Agency. Mining r esearch underground mines exp eriencing structural r ock failures . Travel 33%. R efer File N o. 26. ENGINEERS - Development electr onic products and processes. DeSign specialty batter ies Chem. Engr. And other engineer ing pOSitions. Refer File No. 27. MINING ENGR. - Large Gypsum Company in m ining and quarry operati ons . In Mid-West. Refer File N o . 28. ENG INEERS - Sales, Quality Contro l, Systems Design Analyst, Standards and Instrument Engineer. Large electric company. Good salaries. Refer File No. 29 . M.E. - CHEM. E. - As des ign eng ineers, experienced in specification of equipment , cost estimation, plant layout. Chief Chemist or Contr ol Lab-
oratory Supervisor, prefer experienced. Chemical company in the West. Refer File No. 33 & 34. CONSULTING FIRM - Industrial , Project, and Applications Engineers. Mid-West location. Experienced. Refer File No . 35. AZTRAN - Development Engineer, Finish Chemist and Special Effects Engineer. Experienced polymer coating of textiles. Refer File No. 36 & 37. EN G INEER - Tire Dynamics, Wheel and Brake Scientist. Advanced degree. Large rubber company. Mid-West location. Refer Files No. 38 thru 40. CERAMIC - R&D, thick-film, microelectronic area entailing the art research on thick-film development. Refer File No. 44. CH.E. - Process engineer to provide technical assistance to manufacturing department on processes involving application of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry. Refer File No. 45 . ENGINEERS - C.E. ; E.E.; M.E.; and Chemists. R&D, plant and marketing. Glass company. Good salaries . Refer Files 36 thru 50. C.E.-M.E. - Water Resources Development, Federal Agency, St. Louis, Missouri. T¡we l ve months training. Scheduled advancement. Continued education at Government expense. Refer File No . 51 and 52. METALLURGIST - Foundry in Oklahoma. Refer File No.5 5. COLLEGE RECR UITER - Oil company to be stationed in Corporate Headquarters in New York. Heavy travel Refer File No. 56. EN G INEERS - Ind ustrial in Bakery plants on Eastern Seaboard and in MisWest. Refer File N o. 57. MINING - Engineer and Superintendent in mercury mine located in T exas . Experienced and ab le to speak, write, and read Spanish . Refer File No. 58. ENGINEER - To work with Building and Planning Department of public schools. Large southwestern city. Refe r File N o . 59. ENG. & SCIENTIST - All disciplines. Large manufacturing company in Minnesota. Good opportunities both bachelor and grad uate degrees. Refer File No. 60 .
E.E.; M.E.; Ch .E.; CHEM - Openings in Pennsylvania and Kentucky. Large diversified chemical com pan y. B.S. and advanced degrees. Refer File No. 61.
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Kevin F. Oliver '67 and Miss Virginia Wheeler were married June 8, 1968, at the Vinita Park Methodist Chw:ch, St. Louis, Mo. Kevin is a systems engineer with Sunstrand Aviation , Rockford, Illin ois, and their new home is at 42 32 Harrison Ave ., Apt. 31, Rockford, Ill. Carmack-Evans
Larry Gene Carmack '67 and Miss Judy Evans were married in Kirksville , Mo., February 24, 1968. They reside in Dubuque, Iowa , where Larry is junior proces s engineer with John Deere Dubuque Tractor Works. Their address is 1850 Ellis, Apt. 119. Isaak-Horstmann
Gary J. Isaak '68 and Miss Charolotte Horstmann, of Highland, Ill., were married July 20 , 1968, at the St. Paul's Catholic Church, Highland. Gary is an electrical engineer with Olin Mathieson Corp., East Alton, Illinois. The newlyweds' address is 115 Maryknoll, Maryville, Ill.
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Paul D. Stigall '62 and Miss Mary Plunkett, of Laramie , Wyoming, were married June 1, 1968, in Laramine. Paul received his M.S . degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Wyoming, in 1965, and is presently working toward his doctorate. The Stigalls' mailing address is Box 3452 , UniverSity Station, Laramie. Wristen-Vandever
Ensign David Bradley Wristen '67 and Miss Margarette Ann Vandever were married at the Visitation Cat hoI i c Church in Kansas City, Mo., July 27, 1968. After a brief wedding trip to Tan-Tar-A , at the Lake of the Ozarks , the couple will be at home in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where Ensign Wristen is stationed with the U.S. Navy for two years .
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Gail Kataleen Davidge '67 and Edwin C. Kettenbrink , Jr. '67 were married June 15, 1968, in Muscatine, Iowa. They were in Rolla fcir the summer while Ed finished his thesis, then they moved to Iowa City, Iowa. Ed has an N.D.E .A. Fellowship to work on a Ph .D. in geology at the U. of Iowa. Gail is enrolled in the M.A. in Teaching program under a H .E.A. Fellow-' ship. Their address is 320 N. Johnson , Iowa City.
Mr. and Mrs. William H . Earney '67, 12 North 13th Street, Apt. B, Marshalltown, Iowa, advised us of the arrival of their first daughter, Alyson Jane April 16, 1968. She has two older brothers , Christopher, 3 V2 and Douglas, 1 year old. The father is a design engineer at Fisher Governor. Company.
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Pa rks-Chambers Robert A. Parks '66 and Miss Rebecca Anne Chambers were married in Springport, Indiana, on June 16,1968 . The bride is a junior majoring in Biology and will continue her studies at the University of Vermont, except for fall 1968 semester when they will be in New York City. Robert will begin work on a Ph .D . in System Science at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn this fall semester. He now is a Career Development Program Engineer with General Electric. Po lrefke-Weir Thomas James Polrefke, Jr., '68 , and Miss Lynn Weir were married on June 8 , 1968 in St. Louis, Missouri. Thomas is with the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg , Mississippi. The newlyweds are residing at Apt. 19-D, Circle Lake Apartments in Vicksburg. Bertelsmeyer- Da nti n i
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James Bertelsmeyer '66 and Miss Donna C. Dantini, formerly of lindenwood College, were married at the Old Cathedral in St. Louis, Missouri on July 25, 1968. James was just released from the Marine Corps in July and is starting Graduate School at Memphis State University working toward a MBA. The couple is now residing at 3439 Barclay, Apt. No.4, in Memphis, Tenn .
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Gene H. Albrecht '68 and Miss Linda Robertson were married on August 3, 1968. Gene is employed at Continental Pipleline as an engineer trainee. The couple is now making their home at 3220 Seymour , Wichita Falls, Texas. August 1968
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L. Brown ,67, have a new baby girl, Jennifer Leigh. She was born November 20~ 1967. The Browns moved from Allentown, Pennsylvania, to the Chicago, Illinois area where he is district engineer for Wisconsin and Illinois representing the Lehigh Portland Cement Company and they reside at 628 Maple Court, Mt. Prospect, IlL Dr. and Mrs. Victor ]. Hoffman ' 60, announced the adoption of their first child, Christopher J osephon May 24, 1968. His birth date was April 5, 1968. Dr. Hoffman is a research mineralogist with Union Carbide CorpOl'ation , Niagara Falls, New York. Their residence is at 8072 W. Riverside Drive . 1st Lt. and Mrs. Michael F. Simmons '64 report the birth of Nicole Ann, on June 1, 1968, at the Ft. Lee, Virginia, Army HospitaL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plassman '62 , are parents of a baby girl, Carmen Louise, born June 10 , 1968. Their son , Christopher Eric is now three years old. The father is a systems engineer with the IBM Corporation. Their address is 1509 Mimosa Lane, Jefferson City, Mo . Lt. and Mrs. Fred Ettleman .'68, have a red-headed son, born July 9, 1968. Their residence is at 1820 Conomingo Road, Bel Air, Maryland. Lt. Ettleman is on active duty with the Ordnance Corps at Abe r dee n Proving Grounds. Carolyn, Mrs. Ettleman, for merly was secretary in the Alumni Office. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth]. Wulfert '64 announce the arrival of their first sor:, Frederick Kurt, born June 24 , 1968. The Wulferts reside at 170 Burke
Court, West Lafayette , Indiana, wher e the father is doing graduate work at Purdue Univer s ity. Dr. and Mrs . William D . Loth '64 , have a son, Kevin, born July 17 , 196 8 . Dr. Loth received his D. Sc. degree from New Mexico State University , in September 1967 , and is now a senior research engineer with Es s o Prod uction Res earch Company , Houston, Texas. They reside at 12802 Brandywyne Drive, Housto n. Mr. and Mrs . Larry N . McKinnis '66 , have a second son , Gavin Wayne , born July 15 , 1968. His brother, Darin Nelson, thinks he is grand. The father is with the Ford Motor Company and the family reside at 409 N. Chocolay , Clawson, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Travice W. Whitten, Jr., '65, began their family with Jeffrey Alan, born on June 9 , 1968 , The mother is the former Janet Woods , of Rolla. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mike Woods and Mr. and Mrs. T. W Whitten, both of Rolla. Travice is a junior civil engineer, City of Sunnyvale, Calif. Their address is 654 Sobrato Drive, CampbelL Mr. and Mrs. James H. Christian ,6 7, are proud of their third child, a daughter, Karen Lee , born July 3rd, 1968. She has one brother, Jimmy , 6 years old and one sister , Kelly , age 4. The father' is an electronics engineer with General Dynamics, Pomona , California. He is also doing graduate work at California State College at Los Angeles. Their address is 909 Carson Lane , Pomona . Mr. and Mrs . Harrell LaRos'e, Jr. '64 , announce the birth of a second child, a boy, "T. H." laRose III born April 14 , 1968. Their first child, a girl Lu 'Rae was born in March of '66. Harrell is an assistant engineer with the State of California Water Resources Division. Their address is 9004 "I" Avenue , Hesperia. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vorst '68 became proud parents for the first time with the birth of Jennifer Lynn , May 13, 1968. The Vorsts live at 4070 Domenico Court , Bridgeton , Missouri and Carl is with Conductron-Missouri as an electronics engineer.
cis J. Gibbons, of Long Island, New York. Burial was at Centralia.
Roy H. DeWaters '0:; Roy Hayward DeWaters '09. The Alumni Office was advised of his death. H e resided in Gulfport, Mississippi. Albert W. Usadel '48 Albert W. Usadel '48, died January 16, 1948. He was living in Madison, Wisconsin at the time of his death.
Ray E. Pickett' 48 Ray E. Pickett '48, died May 15 : 1968, at a hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, of injuries suffered in a fall at the home of a friend . He was in Milwaukee on business. At the time of his death, he was employed by a division of Universal-Cyclops Corporation as general sales manager. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri and
Wendell J. Barr '33 Wendell J. Barr, age 59 a Carrollton, Missouri, businessman since 1964, died July 18, 1968, at the University of Missouri Medical Center, Columbia, where he had been a patient for over a month. He had been in failing health for the past four years. He was a mining engineer and travelled over most of the United States and was in Bolivia serving as a mining engineer. He moved to Carrollton in 1964 and opened the Midwest Auto Supply Store. He is survived by his widow and four sisters.
Ernest L. Chamberlain '09 Ernest L. Chan,berlain '09 died June 11 , 1968 , in Olivia , Minnesota, following an illness of several years aue to leukemia. H e went to Olivia in 1919 and served as resident engineer in the construction of Ditch 15 in the drain'a ge system. He served as county engineer for nine yea rs and since then has been a ditch and consulting engineer with offices in Olivia. He retired at the age of 80 due to failing health. Mr. Chamberlain was well known throughout a wide area in Minnesota for his engineering work. He supervised drainage in many surrounding counties of the state. He was a member of several engineering societies, and the Masonic Lodge for 50 years. He is survived by his widow, Harriet; a son, Theodore and a daughter, Mrs. John Wellman, both of Montevideo, Minn.; and another daughter, Mrs. Fred Bathke , of Rochester, Min n.; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Wade, of Tampa , Florida, and Mrs. Nora Dibble of G rand Rapids, Michigan; and 10 grandchildren. Funeral services were held in the Olivia Masonic Temple.
Howard F. T. Gibbons, Sr. '51 Howard Francis Thomas Gibbons , Sr. '41, age 51 years, died July 2, 1968, at the St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital , Effingham, Illinois. He was quality control manager for the A.B. Chance Company, Centralia, Mo. He is survived by his widow, Edith; a son, H.F.T. , Jr., of Columbia, Mo.; a daughter, Sandra Lee Gibbons, of New York ¡City, and a brother, Fran-
Alumni Personals 1 923 Ray E. Pickett
lived in Kansas City, for 13 years before moving to Youngstown, Ohio, his residence prior to his death. After graduation, he joined the Marsh Steel Corporation, North Kansas City and was general sales manager when he left the company in 1957. He was past manager of warehouse sales for the Builders Steel Company, Kansas City and was appointed manager of steel service for the Youn&stown Sheet and Tube Company in 1964. He joined Empire-Reeves, in March 1968. He was a member of Old Mission Masonic Lodge , Community C h r i s t ian Church, Kansas City, the Sigma Nu fraternity, Theta Tau and was a letterman on the Miner Football Team . Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Betty Pickett, and daughters, Constance Rae and Janet Denise; and son , Ray Allen; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pickett , Leawood, Kansas. Services were held in Kansas City.,. Mo. His widow 's address is 4003 Windsor, Youngstown , Ohio.
John H. Riddle has sold his quarry operation and concrete plant and has retired from active management. The operation and management has been turned over to a participating partner , now operating construction division and doing business as Riddle Contacting Company. P.O. Box 1208, Salina, Kansas.
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193 5 Max E. Edgar, after 14 years as chief engineer, Glacier National Park, has been transferred to the San Francisco office of the National Park Service ~s safety engineer for all NPS construction projects west of the Mississippi River. His new address is 805 Everest Court, Mill Valley, California. 194 1 Nathan D. Jaffe and family are heading for their thrice-delayed 20th anniversary trip to Holland , England, France, Switzerland , Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Israel and on their way back, after two months , through Rolla and hence to their home in California. North Hollywood, that is, 12814 Collins Street. Dr. D. D. Wyatt, assistant administrator for program plans and analYSis of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D. C. delivered the dedicatory address at the dedication of a new hall of science at Northwest Missouri State College, MSM Alumnus
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Maryville, May 31 , 1968. Dr . W yatt is a native of Northwest Missouri and attended public schools at St. Joseph. Harold R. Wampler has been elected Vice Pres ident-Manufacturing, American Zinc Co. , St. Louis , Missouri. His form er position was assistant vice president-manufacturing . The Wamplers' address is The Barclay House, Apt. 8-F, 2 30 South Brentwood , Clayton , Mo.
Paul F. Steinhoff has been named Southwest Sales Manager of the Badger Co., Inc. , Cambridge, Mass. Badger , a s ubsidiary of Taytheon Company , is an international organization of des igners , engineers, and constructors of
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Carl ]. We is has been promoted to division manager in char ge of construction by the Bank Building and Equipment Corporation , St. Louis , Mo. He joined the firm as contract superintend ent. In his new job he will direct purchasing, construction and related functions .
194 8 19 4 2
1 9 43
chemical and petroleum plants. I n his new position, Steinhoff, will direct business development efforts originating from the southwest and will be responsible for coord inating the business activities as they relate to the consulting, engineering , and construction services offered by Badger. Before j oining Badger, Steinhoff was employed by the Lumm us Company, Blaw-Knox, Koppers Company, Allied Chemical Corporation, and Proctor & Gamb le. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Pennsylvania, and a member of the American I nst itute of Chemical Engineers, American Petroleum Institute and the Houston Engineering and Scientific Society. His H o uston headquarters will be at 7007 Gulf Freeway . August 1968
James R . Fisher is now state construction engineer w ith the U.S . Soil Conservation Service , Bozeman, Montana. He was emp loyed by the USCS in 1955 and worked in Minnesota . He served as a project engineer and area engineer in that state. He is a registered engineer in Missouri and Minnesota and has applied for registration in Montana. Mrs . Fisher is the former Gloria Skare , of Benson , Minnesota. They have two children, Charles 5, and Timothy age 2. They live at 526 North 10th, Bozen,an.
w ill utilize his wide experience in the organiC colors field to seek new o utlets for these products in the automotive , plastics and other industri es . He will report to the national field sales manager on thi s special project. Former ly s a I e s service manage r , Gerald is a member of the National Paint , Varnish and Lacquer Associati on and of the American Chemical SOCiety . He will relocate from his h ome in O ld Bridge, N .]. to Ann Arbor , Michigan .
G e rald l . Metcalf
194 9 Harry R. H ollman , is assistant manager, sheet and strip product metallurgy , U.S. Steel Corporation, Pittsburgh , Pa. He , his wife, Trusy, daughter , Cheryl, age 16 , and son, Joh n, 1 3 years old , moved to Pittsburgh four years ago after residing in Indianapolis for 10 years. Their address is 24 10 E. Springwood Drive, G lens haw , Pa.
19 5 2 ]. P. Varanouskab , senior civil engineer , with the Depar tment of Trans portation , State of ew York received a Master's degree in transpo r tation planning fro m Polytechnic Tn s t i t u te of Brooklyn , in June. His address is 4 114 46th St. , Long Island City, New Yo r k .
195 4 G erald L. Metcalf has been appointed to a new sales and marketing pOSition in the pfizer Minerals, Pigments and Metals Division. H e will be based in the Detr o it area where, in addition to hi s regular sales activi ties, he will be responsible for the ma rket development of specialty colo r dispersions. Gerald
Elbert A. W illis, formerly of Aux- vasse, Misso uri , is th e new manager of the A.P. Green Refractories Company, Troy Divis ion, Troy, Idaho. H e joi ned the Green Refractories after graduation . He was research engineer and research manager in charge of fire clay and insulating firebrick at t he Mexico, Missouri, p lant .
195 5 Richard L. Kaiser is em pl oyed at Collins Radio Company as D epartment Head in Dallas , Texas. He is engaged in satell ite communication systems des ign. Mrs. Kaiser is a nursing instr uctor at T exas W om en's University and they have a son, Mark , who is 15 month s old. Richard will be presenting a paper at NEC this fa ll on a COM SAT station just co mpleted in Austra lia. They are now res iding at 5706 Park Lane , Dallas . Wi lliam]. O 'Neill is owner of Engbuild International I nc., c/o Pa g e Comm. Engineers, Inc. , APO San Francisco, 96309. He fo rmed thi s company in Vietnam and has d one work in m ost of t he prominent citi es . H e
has concentrated o n the construction of hospitals in Danang , Qui Nhon, and Saigon. Virtually all of his wor kers , foreme n , superintendents, and engineers are Vietnamese.
K enneth G. Riley has been elected vice-president of the Sinclair-Venezuelan Oil Company, with offices in Caracas, Venezuela. He b ecame a Sinclair employee after graduation and has held positions of increaSing responsibility wit h Sinclair Research and Refining Company. Befo re this assignment h e, his wife and daughter were living in Norwalk, Connecticut. 1 957
William O ' Neill
195 6
H erb ert W. Mill er has been app ointed Super visor of Operations in the Petrochemicals Additive Division of Texaco, Inc. Mr. Miller joined Texaco's U.S. Refining operation s at Port Arthur, T exas, as a junior chemical engineer after graduati on . In 1964, he was appointed sen ior chemical engineer and late in 1965 he was named Project Engineer , Petrochemicals, at Port Arthur. Later he was appointed Staff Engineer, Additive DiviSion, New York , the position which he h eld prior to his latest appointment.
LeRoy E. Th ompson, a graduate stuRobert Fahrig h as been promoted dent in civil engineering at Rice Unito the position of Group Leader in versity, H o uston, Texas, has been named one of f 0 u r national w inners of a the Planning, Scheduling, and Technical Service Division, American Oil $2,500 research Fellows hip fr om the Company, Whiting , Indiana. H e has Ame rican Institute of Steel Construcbeen in technical service wo rk since tion. He will use the Fellowship tocomjoining the company upon graduation. plete his doctoral studies at Rice in Three years ago, h e and h is fam ily "Th e Behavior of Steel Beam-Columns spent twelve months in Australia, where Subjected to Alternating Inelastic Fahrig was on a special assignment Strains ." At present he is on leave of absence from UMR where h e is an As- ' with an affiliate of American International Oil Company. His res pon sibility sistant Professor of Civil Engineering. centered o n the establishment of a T echnical Service D epartment and initiating planning and economic work at Amoco Australia's new refinery on Bulwar Island near Brisbane. Robert , his wife, Collette , and two children reside at 1 7057 Grant street, LanSing , Illino is . LeRoy E. R o bert Eberle is on leave of abThompson sence from The Boeing Company, as research engineer , and is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 7th District in the State of Washington. He served in the state legislature, 19 63-65, as representative from th e 34th District. The Eberles and their three children reside at 3229 34th S.E. , Mercer Island , Washington.
Richard B. H eagler has been pr oc moted from engineering analy t in 26
charge of computer work to director of research for Granco Steel Pr od ucts , Co., St. Lo uis, Mis souri. He will be in charge of testing Granco products to ins ure that they meet building code and ind ustry standard s, and will provide technical liaison wi th industry.
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Charles R. Gant received his Master 's degree in Business Administration at St. Louis University'S spring commencement. H e is an engineer at McDonnell-Douglas in St. Louis. Hi s addres s is 1 7 Forest H ome Court. . R onald R. West has received a gran tin-aid from Sigma Xi, national h onorary society for scientists and engineers engaged in research. The award will assist West in his stud y of paleosynecology of the marine invertebrates of the Wewoka Formation ( P ennsy lva n ian), Hughes County, Oklah oma. A candidate for a doctoral degree, West is spending the s ummer conducting research at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods H o le, Mass. H e has been a stud ent at O U since September 1965 and served as a special instructor in geology during the 1967 -68 academic year. From June 195 8 until August 1959 West wor ked as a m icropa leonto logist for Shell Oil Company, ew Orleans, La. H e was employed as an invertebrate paleontologist and paleoecologist from June 1962 to August 1965 by Humbl e Oil and R efin ing Company , Oklahoma City. His pro fessional m emberships incl ude the Paleontological Society, the Society of Economic Paleotolog ists and Mineralogists, the Society of Systematic Zoology , Sigma Xi, and three British o r ganizations, the Paleo nto logical Association , the sys tema tic ASSOCiation, and Tax ometr ics. West is married and lives at 18 16 Melrose Drive, Norman .
195 9 K enneth A. Swanson has accepted a posltlOn as engineering s uperviso r wi th Darlington Brick- Gen era l D ynami cs Corporation , Darlington, Pa. His residence is at 249 Braden School Road , Beaver, Fall s . Gerald W. Schaeffer, 4 118 Paule ,
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St. Louis , Mo., received a Master's degree at St. Louis University in Business Administration. David R McClure has been named as Plant Manager of the Alpha Portland Cement Company at Ironton , Ohio. David previously had been Assistant Plant Manager of the Ironton Plant since May of 1968. He began his career in 1959 when he joined Alpha as a
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Mining Engineer at the Ironton Plant. In 1963, he was appointed Mine Superintendent of the Ironton Plant's mine. David and his wife, Villa, and their two sons reside at Ironton , Ohio.
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1 962 James M. Gormley has been transferred from the Internal Audit Department at the corporate office of the Whirlpool Corporation, Benton Harbor, Michigan, to the Clyde Division, in Clyde, Ohio. His new job is systems and procedures analyst. This is his second assignment at Clyde, as he was transferred from there to Michigan 2 V2 years ago. Jim and his wife, Darlene, have two children, Gail and Greg . Their new address is 1927 Burdick Drive , Fremont, Ohio .
lIt .
U.S . Army Co rps of Engineers . Ronald cam e to the D etr o it District fr o m the R ock Island Illinois District of the Corps of Engineer s, wh er e he was an ass ista nt Area Engineer. H e r eceived a B.S. degree fr o m UMR in Civil Engineering. Prior to tran sferring to the Rock Island District , R onald wo rked for the St. Lo uis District.
196 0 Walter C. Gray was awarded a Master of Science degree at St. Louis Univers ity this spring. H e is with Wagner Electric, St. Louis, Mo ., and resides at 120 Smith Drive , Ballwin , Mo .
Captain Myron E. Grizio is participating in a workshop course on the history of the military art, conducted at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. He is among 30 Reserve Officers ' Training Corps instructors from colleges across the country who have · gathered at West Point to provide intensive background study for the teaching of the new curriculum. World Military History, during the current academic year. Captain Grizio, an assistant professor of military science at the University of San Francisco, entered the Army in 1963 and was last stationed in Vietnam. He holds the
196 1 J o hn F. Brady, with the American T elephone and Telegra ph Co mpan y, long lines department, ha s been fr o m coast to coast in his ass ignments. H e recently left all. ass ignment in San Francisco to go to New York to be sales staff s upervisor , EOP System s Design . H is h o me is n ow located at 55 Ch auce r D rive, Ber keley H eights, New Jersey, with offices at 32 Avenue of the Americas, New Yor k , N .Y . R o nald 1. B obbitt has been app ointed as Emergen cy Plan ning and Secur ity Chief fo r the D etr oit D istrict by the
E. L. Burris
Bronze Star Medal and the Army Commendation MedaL His address is 8 65 Las Galinas, San Rafael , Califo rnia. E. L. "Lonnie " Burris has been promoted to Assistant to the Pres ident , Potashnick Construction , Inc. , Cape Girardeau , Missouri. With the pr omotion he was transferred from the company 's DeGray Dam Project to the home office in Cape Girardeau . Lonnie , his wife, Jean, and sons, Scott , age 7, and twins, Kent and Kirk , age 5 , reside at 1842 Westridge.
196 3 Robert D. Kester , research metallurgist , Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio , received a M.S. degree in metallurgical engineering at Ohi o State UniverSity , in June. Charles C. McPheeters was awarded a M .S. degree in Engineering Science of Materials at the UniverSity of New Mexico, in June . Harry B. Morgan will receive a promotion to First Lt. , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, effective September 1 , and w ill be aSSigned to the Quin Nhom, South Vietnam. His address will be in care of QN Supcom, APO, San Francisco, 96238. Mrs. Morgan and their son will live in East Moline, IllinOiS, where she will teach the 5th grade. Harry expects to be discharged in August 1969 and return to work for Ralston Purina Company as a project engineer with the Cincinnati , Ohio , chow and cereal plant. Thomas P. Taylor has been appointed manager of resin manufacturing for Glidden Coatings and Res ins , SCM Corporation in Cleveland , Ohio. For the past year , he has been resin s uperintendent at Glidden 's Central Region plant on the wes t s id e of Cleveland . H e has been with the co mpany since 1965 and also spent a year as plant s uperintendent at th e D allas, Texas , plant. Dallas L. Brown, structures engineer , General D ynamics, Fort Worth Division , has been temporarily transferred back to Fo rt Worth, Texas, to the h o me plant. His new address is 387 0 Tul sa Way, Apt. 1 2, Fort Worth.
August 1968
M 5 MAL U M N I P E R SON A L 5 -----------------------------------------------------------------
Kraig G. Kreikemeier has hi s Ma ster's d egree in B us ines Admi ni stra tion , awarded thi s spr in g from St. Lou i University. Kra ig is with Un ion Electric Company in St. Louis with residence in Creve Coeur, Mo. , 980 Fernway La ne.
196 4 Da le W. Howard has been promoted t seni r textil e engineer in Monsant 's Techinal enter at Decaut ur , Alabama and a sign ed to the phYSical testin g and evaluations secti n of App lications Re earch peration . H ward jo in ed the compa ny in 1963 fo il wing g raduati n. He h a been serving a a textile engineer s ince
Da le W . Howard
Indu strial Administration. H e i workin g for IBM in Harrison, New York , as senior associate analyst in the Informati on Systems Architecture Department in the Data Processing Group Staff.
pre-soa king laundry developed by P & G. A s imilar product has been marketed in Europe for several years with good results. His address is 7401 A Park Towne S., St. Louis, Missouri 63136.
David E. Bergt, field engineer, Schlumberger Overseas, S.A. , c.P. 280, Ca binda , Angola, is d o ing electrical s urvey work on offs h ore oil rig off the coas t of Africa. He is half way through his econd 18-month contract in this work. He s pent his fir st contract working in Turkey and Egypt during the 5-day Suez war of June '67.
]. C. Thomason, J1'. has been appointed pr od ucti o n manager of the Atlanta plant at G lidd en Coatings and Resins, SCM Corporati on, At l a nt a, Georgia. He has had several years of ex perience with G lidd en in manufacturing.
Major Robert E. W eek s graduated from the Armed Forces Staff College at Norfolk, Virginia, on June 28. H e wa one o f 269 graduating students representing all services of the armed forces of the United State, U.S. government agencies and five allied nations . Sir Patrick D ean, British Ambassad or to the United States, delivered the graduation address. Maj or Weeks, whose wife, Janet, was with him in Virginia, entered active duty in June 1954 and was las t station ed i.n Alaska with the U.S. Army Distl¡ict, Alaska,
196 6 Lowell Patterson has b een named t th e post o f City En g inee r at West Pl ains, Mo. He has been employed by the Corps of Engineer, at Memphi s, Tennessee, for the past two yea rs . Lowell is married an d Mrs. Patterson is the former Jud y Bo lton, of West Plains. They have two children . Charl es R. B o rgman r eceived hi M.S. degree in electrical engin eering at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque at th e pring ommencement. Roger M. G r ay also received hi Master's at the U . of New Mexico at the Spring Co mmence ment.
that t i m e. Howard and hi s wife, Martha , make their h o me in Decatur at 602 Ru ell treet, S.W.
196 5 William 1. Wells has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritoriou service in connect io n with gro und peration aga inst a h stile for ce while servin g as co mpany co mmander o f o. A 55 9th Eng1'. Bn . ( nstr) in Vi etnam during the p riod March 1967 to Febr uary 1968. He i frame ~ r eman with Southwe tern Bell T eleph o ne ., t. Louis. The Well ' address i 8916 Card inal Te r race, Brentwood,Mo. Rona ld R. Hav ner, hi wife and tw o daughter have moved to l 78 Kearing Parkway, Mon ey, New York,after Ro nald rece ived hi s M . . degree in Ind u tri al Administration fr om the arnegie-MelIon Univer ity' raduate chool of 28
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J ohn W. Mohr wa pr o moted aptain, U .. Marine Corp , on Jul y 1st, and i presently an air defen e co ntro l o fficer at Marine Air Con tro l Sq uadron N in e, lVlarine Corp Air tati o n , Beaufort, S. James E. St uart, 4 0 5 2 Ga li ght Walk , Apt. 2, Granite City, lllin o is, with hi s wife, Mary, and s n K ev in , 2 yea rs o ld , have m oved to Granite ity wh ere he will hand le enginee ring and s urvey ing work in th e G ranite ity area for his compa ny - Research Planning and D es ig n Associates.
n ear Fairbanks. He received a B.S. in 1954 from the United States Mili tary Academy at W e t Po int , N. Y., and a M. . in 1965 from UMR. D . Franklin Giger was assigned to B IZ Prod uctio n at Pr ctor and ambl e. T hi s i a new d epartment rece ntly formed . B 1Z is a n ew prod uct for
Rohn D. Abbott has been added t the profe ional taff of hanno n and Wi l o n , Inc., as a o il mechanic and foundation enginee r. He ha been ash ad o ffi ce in ig ned t the firm' cattle, Wa hin gton . He and hi s wife arc pre entl y re idin g at 1426 NW 61st Street in Wa hington. MSM Alumnu s
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J. w. Davis has joined Shell Pipe Line Corporation in Houston as an engineer in the Technical Services De-
J. W. Davis
partment. Jerry and his wife, the former 'Sondra Warner of Muleshoe , Texas , and their daughter, Kristen Leigh , make their home at 6555 Mapleridge , Houston. John T. Solook was promoted to Army captain during ceremonies at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas , May 14. Congratulating him is Colonel Richard E. Eddleman, commander of the Officer Student Detachment at the U .S. Army Medical Field School at Ft. Sam Houston. Capt. Solook, assigned to the
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aviator May 21 upon graduation from the Army Aviation School at Hunter Army Airfield near Savannah, Georgia . During the 16-week course he was taught various fire techniques and tactical maneuve rs for helicopters supporting ground troops in combat. He also received instruction in helicopter maintenance and survival techniques. Before entering the Army, he was em.ployed by the Southwestern Bell Company in St. Louis , Mo.
2nd Lt. Paul E. House
Martin Capages , Jr. was promoted June 7 to Army first lieutenant while assigned to the U.S. Army Ammunition Depot near Akizuki, Japan. Lt. Capages , an operations officer , entered the Army in June 1967 , and was last stationed at Ft. Knox , Ky. He was an engineer with Boeing Airplane Co. , Wichita, before entering the Army. Hi s wife lives on Route 9, Springfield , Mi ssouri. Second Lieutenant Chester A. Henson completed a 16-week helicopter pilot course at the Army Primary H elicopter School , Ft. Wolters , Texas. H e will next undergo advanced fl i g h t training at the Army Aviation School , Ft. Rucker, Alabama.
1 967 William D. Webb, after attending graduate school at Arizona State University, has accepted a pos ition with Dames & Moore, consulting engineers, Atlanta , Georgia, as assistant soils engineer. Their new home is at 4008 Pin Oak Circle, Doraville , Georgia. Truett V. Degeare, Jr. has accepted a position with the U.S . Public Health Service Solid Wastes Program as as sistant sanitary engineer. He received his M.S. degree, in May, from Oklahoma State University in bioenvironmental engineering. His new address is 6347 Beechmont Avenue , Cincinnati , Ohio.
Yavuz M. Guvenir received an M. S. degree in civil engineering from Medical Field Service School, entered , the Carnegie-Mellon University and is the Army in April, 1968. He received returning to his home in Istanbul , Turkey. His address is Validecesmesi, a M.S. degree in 1968 from Oklahoma State University. Dibekci Kamil Sok No. 3/ 4, Bes iktas , Istanbul. Second Lieutenant Paul E. House Ensign Harold E. Hughes , U. S. received the silver wings of an Army August 1968
Coast Guard, Project Engineer-Structures Section, is presently working in Civil Engineering Branch-5th Coas t Guard District with headquarters in Portsmouth, Virginia . H e wo uld enjoy visits with other alumni who might be in the Norfolk area. His address is Lot 29 ,4 168 South Military Highway , Chesapeake.
Second Lieutenant David A. Herold completed a 16-week helicopter pilot course at the Army Helicopter School , Ft. Wolters , Texas, June 21. He will next undergo advanced flight training at the Army Aviation School , Ft. Rucker , Alabama. Army Second Lieutenant Michael D. Hallett ha s been aSSigned to the 8th Psychological Operations Battalio n near Nha Trang , Vietnam. Dale B. Alexander, after w orking one year for Univis Inc. , Ft. lauderdale, Florida as a process development engineer, has enrolled at the U niversity of Oklahoma to work toward a Master's degree in Industrial Engineering. His Norman, Oklah o ma address is Adair Apartments No. 32.
1 9 6 8 B. W. McCarty has joined Shell Oil Company in H o usto n as an explOitation engineer in the Producti on D epartment. Bill makes his h ome at 5900 29
Fiue 1968 Grads Join Babcock
Burgoyne, Apt. 2, H o uston , T exas . Larry C. H o lland has joined Cities Service Oil Company's college training program . Assig nments in divisions
during the training program will familiarize Holland with the overall operations of the fully in'tegrated oil company. Permanent as signment in one of
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B. W. McCarty
If yo ur add re s has changed , complete and tear out thi s sli p and mail it imm ed ia tely to MSM Alumni Association , U niversity of Mi ssouri - Rolla. Rolla . :-1 0. 6540 1. Thank
form daug
Name .............................................................................. ........... ......................... .
vue ,
My new address is .................................................................. . _.. . _....... ............ .
My Company or Business Is ............................................... ........ .................. .
the company's divisio n will climax the training program.
form And My Title Is ........... ................................................................................. ..
Here 's Some News for the MSM
Norman R. Miller has recently been named a Peace Corps Vo lunteer after completing 14 wee k s of training at Los Angeles State Co ll ege and has been assigned to the D om inican Republic. o rman is o ne of 55 vol unteers who wi ll help train Dominican rura l primary sch ool teachers. During training, em phas is was placed o n learning Spani sh as well as the use of modern ed ucation techniqu es and material . The n ew Vo lunteers' arrival in the D omi nican Republic brings the number of Peace Corps Volunteers se rving there to app r oxima tely 1 SO. Lyndell Ray C ummins has joined Cities Service Oil Com pany's coll ege train i ng program
MSM Alumnu 5
ciudi ents, trois
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excet mOrt three
MSM Alumni Association O FFICERS
President ....... .
Norman R. Miller
. ...... ........ ....... ... R . O. Kasten '43
Term Exp ires
1968 ...... Armco Steel Corp. ............................ 7100 R ober ts, Kansas City, Missouri 64125
Executive Vice-President ............... James J. Murphy '35 ............ Murphy Company ................... 1968 4376 Olive Stree t, St. Louis, Missouri 63108 Vice-President Areas 1, 2,3..
Craig Ems '38 .... _
.2204 Woodbridge Muncie, Indiana 47304
Vice-P resident Areas 4, 5, 6 ........ Joseph W. Mooney '39 ........... 7383 Westmoreland Un iversity C ity , ~ Ii sso uri 63 130
Vice-President Areas 7,8,9 ......... William B. Fletcher '34 ........... 75 15 Yankey Sl. ............ ............... D owney, California 90242
Secretary-T reasurer ........................ Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 .Department of Geological Engineering ... 1968 UMR, Roll a, Misso uri 65401 Exec utive Secre ta ry ......F ra ncis C. Edwards .. Editor, " MSM ALUMNUS"
...... ... lVISM Alumni Association , Grzyb Building, 9th & R olla Stree ts, Rolla , Missouri 6540 1
Five alumni have joined the Babcock & Wilcox Company and are in the iaitial phase of a company-wide orientation program. They are participating in a five-week session at Barberton prior to being assigned to the Power Generation Division. William Conner and his. wife, the former Susan M. Ewing, and the i r daughter, Cheryl Sue , reside at Montvue Apts ., Fort Ave., & Moseley Drive, Lynchburg, Virginia. J ames Petry and wife, the former Geraldine Anne Lehmann, reside at 1170 Nestor Ave., Akron, Ohio.
{ been r a&er ng at 3 been .ublic. 3 who .I pri路 train路 rning odem 5. The J01ini路
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John A. Munns is married to the former Alice F. Mou ld er of Blue Springs, Missouri. The other two graduates who have joined the company are Stephen M. Dew and Paul S. WeitzeL Babcock & Wilcox is a major diver sified supplier of capital goods, including nuclear systems and comp onents, steam generators, meters and controls, systems for process automated production machinery, steel and tubular products, and refractories. It has 30,660 employees and 34 facilities- in 30 cities in the United States and abroad. In 1967, the company's sales exceeded $624 million and totaled more than $158 !nillion for the first three months of 1968.
August 1968
Allan]. Kiesler '40...
. ..... ............................ 2068 Coolidge Place, Schenectady, Ne w York 12309
J ames A. Vince nt '3 7 ...................................... 3721 Neptune Drive, Orlando, F lorida 3 2804 .
Rex Z. Wi lliams '3 1 ....................................... Rolla State Bank, Rolla , M issouri 6540 I
Area No.
Direc tor
States and Provinces Embraced
Term Expires
......Lawrence A. Spanier 'SO ........_..... _.. ___ ....... __ ...... ___ 1 ew England , N . Y. , N. J" East Pa. 1551 Franklin Avenue Dist. of Columbia, Md. , Va., D elaware, Mineola , Long I sland , New York 11 501 Province of Quebec ... S. Ark ., N. c., S. Ala. , Ga. , F la.
O. Ferrell '40 . 1605 North 10th St. Longview, Texas 7560 1
3 ..
.... 0. V.I. Kamper '35 608 Vallevista, Pittsb urg, Pennsylvania 15234
c., La .,
Miss. , .
.... Pennsylvania, Vl. Va., Ohio, ' V. Pa ., Ky., Tenn., Ind. (Except Chica go Industria l Area)
4 .......... . Frank C. App leyard '37 .................................... N. III., Chicago Indus trial Area 1209 l\IIilw3ukee Ave ., Glenview, Ill. 60025 in Indiana, ' Visc ., Mich., :Minn., Pr0villce of Ontario ........... Richard H. Bauer '52 .......................................... S. III. , E. ,,10.. '<. Ark . ............................... . 5 Sappington Acres Drive St. Louis 26, Misso uri 63 126
6 ........... Bennett D. Howell '50 ....................................... I owa, W. Mo. , Nebr., Kan ., Okla ......................... .. 1968 551 8 South 66th East Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74 14 5 ........... Robert M . Brackbill '42 ....................................... T exas, Arizona , New :M exico .............................. .. T exas Pacific Oil Company Box 747 , Dallas, T exas 7522 1 8 ........... F. W. Heiser '39 ........................ . 16 Vikin g Drive Englewood , Colorado 80 11 0
...l da. , 1\l ontana, N. D. , S. D., . 'Vyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Provinces of Man itoba , Sask., Alberta
.. ......... E . IVIurray Schmidt '49 .................................... .. . Alas ka , \ Vashin gton. Oregon , .. . 14 20 Creekside Dri ve, Apt. 16 Cal ifornia. H awa ii Waln ut Creek , Ca lifornia 94596
H. H. H artze ll '06 130 1 Cleveland, Baxter Springs, Ka nsas 667 13
F. C. Schneeberge r '25 No. I Briar Oak , Ladue, ~Ii sso uri 63 132
Melvin E. Kickel '38 10601 South Hamilton A" enue, Chica go, lllinois 60643
Dr. E. ,V. Engelmann ' 11 1048 E. 1700 S. Sa lt Lake Ci ty, Uta h 84108
Dr . Karl F. H asseimanl1 ' 25 1203 Esperson Bu ildi ng, HOllston , T exas 77002
Paul '1'. Dowl ing '40 13 9 Frontenac Forest, St . Lou is . ~ Ii ss ouri 63 13 1
C. G. Stifel ' 16 820 1 M ary land Avenue, St. Louis, "Ii sso mi 63 105
Dr. " l ervin ]. Kelly ' 14 2 \Vindemer Terrace, Short Hills. Kew J ersey 07078
Jam es W. Stephens '47 406 East Third, Lee's Summitt. ~ Ii ssouri 64063
Ha rry S. Pence '23 17 Ca mbrid ge C l. , Glendale. "I issouri 63 122
MSM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401