Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1969

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JAN? 9 :Q70

December 1969




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1969 Homecoming a Gala Event

MSM Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla , Missouri 65401

Volume 43


Homecoming 1969 was a grand occasion on the UMR campus. Each year this gathering of alurrmi becomes larger and each year we wonder if we will have the necessary facilities to accommodate the increasing number who return. The first event was the dedication of the MUlti-Purpose Building at 2:00 p.m., Friday, October 24. At 6:00 p.m. the Homecoming Parade followed a route up Pine Street to the intramural athletic field where the traditional pep rally and bonfire attracted a large crowd.

At 2:00 p.m. , spectators-8,000 strongwere present at the New Jackling Field to witness the HomeCOming football game, the Miners vs. the Cape Indians. During the half-time activities, Miss Betsey Thompson , a teacher in the Berkley (Mo.) High School, was crowned Homeconling Queen by James J. Murphy, president of the Alumni Association. The 17-to-7 half-time score changing to a 32-to-24 final tally in favor of the Indians, did not wane the spirit of th e homecoming alumni for long.

Issued bi¡monthly in the int eres t of the graduates and former s tudent s of the Mis souri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Uni vers ity of Missouri - Rollo . Sub scription price, $1 .50, included in Alumni Dues . Entered as second closs matter Octob er 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rollo , Mis souri 65401, under the Act of March 3 , 1897 .

Page 2

The awards and their rec ipi ent s are listed elsewhere in this issu e. Brief remarks were made by Chancellor Mer! Baker ; Dr : F. Stillman Elfred ' 17. Chairman of the Centennial Priorit y

The alumni assembled agai n, with their guests and fri ends , at 6:30 p.m, at the Carney Manor Ballroom , for the Awards Banquet. Jim Murphy was the master of ceremonies and presented the awards. Harry S. Pence '23, past president of the Alumni Association , spoke recalling the route of the Association has taken and alumni personali ties through the years. The Alumni Association Awards were con ferred upon ten individ ual s for their

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This was followed by the Early Arrivals and Welcoming Banquet at the Carney Manor Ballroom where alunmi, guests and friends of the school had a most enjoyable evening. Among the honored guests were Dr. John C. Weaver , President of the University of Missouri and Mrs. Weaver; and the Hon orable Richard H. Ichord, Member of Congress, 8th Missouri District. Saturda y noon, alumni in the classes of '24, '29, '34, '39, '44, '49, '54, '59 and '64 met for Reunion Luncheons. The class of '44 had the largest attendance.

All-American Frank Winfield (No. 71) charges the line.

contributions to the school, the Alumni Association and their professions.

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l the ( Jim Murphy , J'v!SM Alumni President, crowns HOlilecoming Queen, Miss Betsey Thompson.

Campaign , Dr. Bill L. Atchley '57, Director of Ce ntennial Even ts, and Dr. Aaron J. Miles '30, Coordinator of the Centennial Campaign. The annual mee ting of the Alumni Associati on was held afte r the banqu et. The names of the new directors of the Association were announced and those who were present were introduced. The Associa tion 's accom plishmen ts in 1969 and the objectives for 1970 were omj t ted in a statement by the president. After adjournment many remained to visit old acquaint enances and to meet others they had only known by name. The 1970 Homeco ming will be Octobe r 23 and 24. 1970 will be a busy year at UM R and there will be man y activities durin g th e celebration of our 100th Anniversary . Plan now to return for Homeco mjn g or other Centennial Events . MSM Alumnu s


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by Chan. n Elfrtd ~ Prioritl

T en Honored at 1969 Homecoming Awards Banquet The Alumni Association honored 10 men at the Annual Awards Banquet held during homecoming at the Carney Manor Ballroom. Honorees were selected by an anonymous committee of alumni and were presented plaques for their achievements. Roscoe B. Goslin, assistant professor of economics at UMR, was presented the alumni merit award for outstanding services in teaching.

Congressman !chord receiving Plaque from Presiden t Jim Murphy

Dr. James J . Scott '50 , chairman of the UMR department of mining and petroleum engineering, received the outstanding service award for research. Honored for exemplary devotion to students was Professor C. James Grimm '30, of the UMR department of electrical engineering. UMR Chancellor Merl Baker was given the outstanding service merit award.

Chancellor Baker


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David Flesh '23, an independent geological consultant from Jefferson, Tex., was honored for inspirational devotion to his school. Raymond O. Kasten '43, manager of application engineering for Armco Steel Corp., Kansas City , was given an award for distinguished devotion to his school.


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Dr. Leonard Nelson '49 , president of the West Virginia Institute of Technology received the award for outstanding academic accomplishments.

Dr. Goslin

United States Congressman Richard Ichord was honored for outstanding public service. Pro fe ssor Charles Remington '49 , of the UMR department of mechanical engineering, was honored for ou tstanding service in professional societies . Francis C. (I ke) Edwards, executive secretary of the alumni association , was given an honorary li fe membership in the alumni association. Decembe r 196 9

Dr. Scott

Ike Edwards

Charles Remington Page 3

First 100 Years at UMR Depicted by Artist

St. Louis Graduate Cent er The 853 evening students at the St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center this semester represent 108 St. Louis area companies , according to Dr. Anton deS Brasunas, director of the center. The cen¡ ter is administe red thro ugh the University of Missouri¡ Rolla Extension Division. Students are working towa rd Master's degrees in computer science , engineeri ng administra tion , engi neering I mechanics and aerospace, civil , electrical, mechanical and metallurgical engineering in the evenings , while being emplo yed full time in St. Louis area industries by day. Most of the studen ts represen t the McDonnell-Douglas Corporation . A total of 306 are employed at the corporation ; 86 students are emplo yed at the Monsanto Company , 48 wo rk a t Emerson Electric, 41 with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and 27 with Union Electric Company .

By hed Conway

eating clubs, the marquee of the Uptown Theater, a doorway of the New Chem The reprod uction above is one of a building, an upper window of Parker paintin g by the promin ent St. Louis arHall, a winner of the ann ual Homecomtist, Fred Conway, who designed the ing pajama race, a freshman bearing a mural-type pictu re as the cover for the shillelagh, and dominating the whole 1970 Rollamo. It depicts through buildthing, t he spirit of St. Patrick. ings, events , and personalities the historical development of UMR. Students fro m various eras are illustrat-

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1 pleased with the painting, they decided to have re productions made, particularly for alumni. These reproduc tions are 20 x 12 inches with a three-inc h border , and were designed for fra ming. They are available fo r $2.5 0 and will be mailed to you in protective tube. All receipts for these repro ductions will be contributed to the new University Center fu nd . Please use t he order form below , and make checks payable to the Rollamo Fund.

Reading chronologically from left to ed , including a gi rl cheer-leader , indicatright ma y be seen the Rolla Buildin g with ing the advent of the coed in greater numthe date 1871 , the upper ivy-covered bers in recent years . facade of Old Chern, a buggy parked by Because the Rollamo staff was so t he smoke stack atop Norwood Hall (Hall oween prank of the pre-automobile age) , a corner of the old Pavilion (transferred to the campus from the 1906 The R ollamo Wo rld 's Fair in St. Louis), a proud memUniversity of Missouri -- Rolla ber of the 19 14 football team, a profesRolla, Missouri 65401 sor ha ngi ng in effi gy, the statue of Parker, the sun-dial (from the fro nt of No rwood) , t he old Tau Beta Pi sign (which Enclosed is my check for $ .. ... ... ... ...... ........... Please send me .. ...... copies bore the old name of the school, Misof the reproductio n of "UMR -- The First 100 Years" at $2 .50 per copy. so uri School of Mines and Metallurgy) , Jacklin g gym (now gone), and the smoke(Please make check payable to The Rollamo Fund.) stacks of the power plant. On the right side of t he picture is the fa cade of the new library , the burning of the ou t-house in fro nt of the Cha ncellor's ho use (a Hall oween prank which is now a past tradition), the symbol of the fraternity system bearing the new name o f the school , symbols of independent


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MSM Al u mnus



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Multi-Purpose Building Dedicated October 24 Ed Macauley, KTVI sports director in St. Louis , and Dr. Harry Kessler '24, world renowned boxing referee and president of the Meehanite Metal Corp. , St. Louis, gave the keynote addresses at the dedication ceremonies of UMR's new Multi-Purpose Building, October 24.

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Macauley, who is a former pro basketball player for the Boston Celtics and St. Louis Hawks, past coach of the Hawks and former All-American in basketball at St. Louis University , spoke on the values of in tercollegiate athletics.

esem Ihe n. A total rporation. the ~Ion· Emerson ml Corps In Electn-

Kessler , who also spoke on sports, is a UMR graduate in metallurgical engineering and holds an honorary doctor of engineering degree from UMR. In addition to being a leader in his profession, particularly in the areas of cast iron metallurgy and foundry design , he has refereed more than 3,500 fights, 120 of which were on national television.


The $2.4 million Multi-Purpose Building, first opened for use this sununer, features an indoor swimming pool, varsity and intramural basketball courts with a bleacher sea ting capacity of 5,000. For cultural events the seating capacity is even greater.

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Dr. and Mrs.

Hany H. Kessler '24 celebrated Homecoming and their twenty-six th Wedding Anniversmy in Rolla October 24

Dr. George Mueller Joins General Dynamics Dr. George E. Mueller '39, former associate administrator for manned space flight , National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has been appointed a vice president of General Dynamics, One Rockefeller Plaza, New York , N.Y.

Beach, California , where he was vice president for research and development.

gram. These functions includ e management aut horit y over the Geo rge C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Manned Spacecraft Center and John F. Kennedy Space Center.

Dr. Mu ell er is a fellow of the In stitute of Electronics and Elec trical Engineers, and Ius memberships include the Air Force Association, American Associa tion for the Advancement of Scie nce , the American Physical Society, a nd the American Geophysical Un ion.

A native of St. Louis, Mi ssouri , he received his B.S. degree in elect rical engineering, from Rolla , in 1939, his M.S. degree from Purdue U., in 1940 . Followin g Dr. Mueller, whose resignation from graduation from Purdu e, he join ed Bell The dedication ceremonies were held NASA is effective December 10, will as- Telephone Laboratories where he conin conjunction with Homecomi1lg fessume his new position immediately. He ducted television and microwave measuretivities, October 24-25. will have responsibility for systems pro- ing experimen ts. He pioneered there in grams and development . the measurement of radio energy from "We are delighted that Dr. Mueller's the sun, in microwave propagation and unique scientific and engineering talents in the design of low-fi eld ma gnetrons. will continue to serve the nation 's technological progress," was the statement of In 1951 , he received a doctorate in Roger Lewis , President of General Dy- physics from Ohio State U. , where he namics. was professor of electrical engin eering Dr. Mueller ass u m e d direction of from 195 2 until 1958 when he joined Space Technol ogy Laboratories. UMR NASA's manned space flight program on conferred an Honorary Doctor of Engi September 1, 1963. In this capacity he upon Dr. Muell er, in 1964, neerin g degree has been responsible for the planning, in recognition of his profe ssional acdirection , execution and evaluation of co m plishmen ts. NASA's overall manned space flight pro-

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Harry S. Pence Decembe r 1969

Dr. Mueller joined NASA in 1963 Space Technology Laboratories, Redondo

Page 5

UMR's Artist Designs Medallion for Centennial Anniversary

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A medallion has been designed and cast as a memorabile for the 100th anniversary of our school. The obverse side of the medallion is shown at the left and the reverse side at the right. It is three inches in cliameter and cast in bronze .


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The design is the creation of the school's artist, H. Ramon_Sparling, and is most attractive.

Shrine Honors Students For Part in Charities

souri Boa rd of Curators; the Unive rsity's president, Dr. Jo1m C. Weaver; Chancell or Mer! Baker; Dr. A.G. Unklesbay, the Uni versity's Vice Presiden t fo r Administra tion ; Curtis Logan, mayor of Roll a ; Herman Morris, potentate , an d Russell Wilcox, recorder, of the Abou Ben Adhem Temple , Springfield; and William Sowers, president of the Rolla Chamb er of Commerce. Walter Werner, president of the Shrine Club , coorclinated the banquet.




MOl \\ yl Alumni Dinner During the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers

Convention in Denver, Colorado Monday, February 16 6:00 P. M. Petroleum Gub Con tac t Dr. Dea n KJeinkopf 1022 S. Beech Drive For Reserva tions

Alumni Dinner San Francisco, California 1970 ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND REPORT Sept. I, 1969 Donors 1,834

Dec. 31 , 1969 Dollars $23,23 0.37

Sept. I , 1968 Donors 1,692

Dec . 31, 1968 Dollars $20,021.00

1970 Fund Goal

Donors 4,000


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The AlullU1i Association has purchased a supply of these medallions fo r resale and they may be obtained for a fee of $6.5 0 and by mail $7.50.

It is certain that many will want this mmemorative medallion. Make your co The South Central Missouri Shrine check payable to the MSM AlullU1i AsClub was host for a clinner honoring sociation, University of Missouri - Rolla, UMR students for their charitable acfor the amo unt applicable to the method tivities. of delivery. The suppl y is limited and Students representing some 50 cam- they will be sold on a "first come, first pus organizations were present for recog- served" basis. nition for their activities, such as raising more than $8,000 fo r the Phelps County A smaller medallion, one and one-half March of Dimes, the South Central Mis- inches in cliameter, same design , has been souri Shrine Club and Bo ys Town of Mis- cast for sale to students. These are also in so uri during the past year; givin g over 200 bronze. pints of blood for Red Cross ; and doing A limited number of the large medalrepair work on St. Louis inn er city lions has been cast in silver. These are churches, centers and housing areas. serially numbered , registered , and will be Missouri's Attorney General J ohn Dan forth was the guest speaker. Among the use d by the school as special award s to clistinguished inclividuals. These are not special gues ts were Judge William H. Billfor sale . ings, Presi dent of the University of Mis-


Officers Gub Terrace R oom Naval Air Station Alameda, Ca liforn ia 7:00 P. M. January 29 Fo r reserva tions Contact Murray Schmid t 30 II Marina Drive Alameda , Calif. 94501

Dollars $56,200.00 MSM Alumn.us

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Area Oi rectors Installed The four alumni area directors who were elected by mail ballots in August, were installed at Homecoming at the annual meeting of the Alumni Association . Dr. Larr y Farmer '6 1, president of L. E. Farmer, Inc. , Atlanta, Ga., was installed as Director Area No.2, which comprises Southern Arkansas , North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana , Mississippi , Alabama, Georgia and Florida. George J. Decker '39, assistant regional loanager for Schlumberger Well Services, Denver, Colo ., was installed as Director, Area No.8, encompassing Idaho, Montana , No rth Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah , and the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Two incumbent directors were installed. They are O. W. Kamper '35, assistant to the vice president-mining for Harbison Walker Refractories Co. , Pittsburgh, Pa., and h ank C. Appleyard '3 7 , directorminin g and exploration , U.S . Gypsum Co ., Chicago, Ill. Kamper will direct Area No . 3, which includes Pennsylvania, West Virginia , Ohio , Kentucky, and Tennessee. Appleyard will direct Area No.4, which includes No rthern Illinois, the Chicago industrial area in Indiana, and states of Wisconsin , Michigan, Minnesota and province of Ontario.

Administrators view a prize specimen of Missouri galena. L eft to righ t: OWl7cel/or Merl Baker; Dr. A. C. Unklesbay, Vice President fo r Administration, Un iversity of Missouri; Harold Krueger '42; and Dr. John C. Weaver, President of the Uiliversity of Missouri. Dr. Unkles bay is a noted geologist also.

47 Army Officers in UMR

Multi-Crystal to Museum

A total of 47 United States Army officers are attending UMR full time this semester.

The Ozark Lead Compan y gave a multi-crys tal of galen a, the principal Missouri lead ore, to the UMR Minefil l Muse um.

The officers arrived on campus during the sunm1er from assignments all over the world. Nearly all are veterans of at least one tour of duty in the R epublic of Vietnam. The officers represent the Corps of Engineers , Quartermaster Corps, Field Artillery , Chemical Corps and Signal Corps. They are seeking Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in engineering management and administratio n, civil engineering, petroleum enginee ring, aeronautical engineering and electrical engineering. One is stud ying toward a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering.


Pittsburgh Section Alumni Meeting

Saturday, February 7, 1970 Stouffer's in Oakland , Pa. 128 North Craig Stree t

Robert C. Weigel '34 Contact: O. W. Kamper '35 , 5 WoodThe only member of the Oass of land Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa., for R eserva1934 present for the R eunion Luncheon. tions and Information . December 1969

Harold A. Krueger '42, general man ager of the company, which is a subsidiary of the Kennecott Copper Corpora tion , made the presentation durin g UMR's h omecoming celebration. Dr. Tom Beveridge , chairman of the Depart ment of Geological Engineering and Geology, states that the specimen, which came from the compan y's mine in Reynolds County is the largest and most perfectl y developed crystal aggregate he has seen. Krueger said that the galena was given to the sch ool as a memen to to recogni ze the gra duates of UMR who , through diligence and imagination in app lyin g their vario us segmen ts of trainin g, have advanced the min erals industry in Misso uri to make it o ne of the top rankin g mining states in the nation 's leading lead producer. "Stubby" Krueger excell ed in footba ll too, while'>at Rolla. Page 7

Donors to the UMR University Center Fund The following list of donors to the University Center Fund was furnished to the alumni office by the centennial office. Not included on the list are the names of the 106 faculty and staff members who have made donations to the Center. Names of this category of givers are being held confidential due to a "prior to solicitation" agreement of all concerned. Your favorite alumni member of the faculty has undoubtedly given. We encourage your participation in this vital project. . Adams, Jose ph T. Alcoa Foundation Alford , Rex ' Alonge, Nicholas J . American Metal Climax (AMAX) Andrews, J. Lewis Anon ymous Gift Armco Foundation Asher, Vernon L. Assn. for Advancement of MSM&M Astroth, Louis E. Atlanti c Bea rin gs & Drives, Inc. Axmacher, George Baechle, August A. Bagby , Gary A. Bailey Realt y Ballass, J Olu1 T. Ballman , Edward A. Barsachs , Edwin H. Bauer, Richard H. Baumgardner, J. J. Dwane Beatty , Ren Beaver, M. H. Bentrup, Eugene A. Berkbigler, Roge r L. Bersett, Tom Bethlehem Steel Corp Bill's Burger Basket BoiiJ ot, Charles R. Bow Wow Dog Food Co . Bowers, C. G. Bowers, Donald R. Boyer, Tracy R. Brack bill , Robert M. Brenneisen , J. F. Brillos, John W. Brow n, Gu y, Jr. Brown, Robert S. Buchanan , D. W. Buckles, Ri chard E. Burton, Robert E. Ca ble, John W. Ca mpbell , E. Taylor Ca pital Savings & Loa n Ca rn ahan Realtors Cassell , Ralph M. Cerro Corporation Charl es, Roy T. Chen, Willie Y. Cluisti an, Charl es E. Chu , Gordon P.K. Cities Service Co . Fo undati on Chrid ge, Elmond L. Page 8

Clippard, James A. Cogl1ilJ , William V. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Cooke, W. F., Jr. Corn Products Co. Corwin, Robert Cotterill, Carl H. Cou rtney , Robert M. Crawford , Duane A. Cunning\1am, Robert Dabn er, Melvin K. Dampf, Donald P. Darr's Department Store Davis, William F. Dennis , William E. Desloge, Taylor S. Dobson , Richard J . Donaldso n, Geo rge R. Dowling, Paul T. Duncan , Oscar M. Dunn , Ervin E. Dye r, Garvin H. Easo n, Jack L. Edgar, Max E. Elfred, F. Stillman Ellis, J . Craig Elwood, William H. Faenge r, Robert A. Fa rmer, John O. The Fashion Shop Fa ust, Terry Fick, A rmin F. Finagin , Joseph C. Finch Jewelry Firman , Harry W. First Sta te Bank Flyn n, JohJ1 D. Fogarty, Edwin R. Fort, Geo rge Friede ri ch, G. C. " Bud " Fritschen, Herman A. Gabler, George C. Gaines , Geo rge D. Gammeter, El mer Gammon, William 1-1. General Ca ble Fund Gige r, D. Franklin Gittemeier, Joseph F. Gloriod, Paul W. Glucksman, Sheldon Granite City Steel C. Co. Char. Trust Gray, Joe E. Gray bea l, Jose ph W. Greeley, Ri chard G. Gree n, Cha rl es E. Gree nb erg, Aaro n J . Gree r, Rex Euge ne

Gross, Henry E. Guest James O. Guilfoy, Donald C. Gygax , Edward E. Haecker, Chris Hahn , l ames H. Halbach, Ronald E. Halliburton Education Fdn., Inc. Hamilton & Son , Inc. Harbison Walker Refractories Hasselmann , Karl F. Henson, Gerald Lee Heuer, Barry S. Hillcrest Big Star Supermarket Hillcres t Drug, Inc. Hoeman , Arthur J. Hoevel, Kenneth Holman, Oscar Keith Honigfort, Henry F. Howell , Bennett Hoyt, Garlan K. Hudge ns, Lowell L Hudso n, T. Harry Hudwalker, Marvin E. Itsclmer, E. C., Lt Gen Jarboe , Rupert A. Jarrett, Walter T . Jauer, Richard A. , J r. Jenks, Wm . S. & Cat herin e G. l o hJlSon , Charles W. Johmo n, Dennis Judah, Ru sse ll , Jr. Jun g, Bob Kaletta , Gary Ray Ka mp , Ala n A. Kamper, Oliver W. Karb osky, Jose ph T. Kasten, R. O. Kel ly, Mervin J. Kemper, C. L. Kenn edy, Dan iel Kent, Nevada Alpin e Kentn or, Charl es B. , Jr. Kessler, Harr y H. Kettler. Gerald J. Kin g, Frank W. III Kirberg, Leo nard C. Kirkpatrick , R. L. Kl ebba, Kenn eth T. Klein , James E. Kl orer, Rober t Koe ni g, Ga ry R. Ko ll ar, Ra y E.

Kozeny , Donald J . KJainess, Albert M. KJebs, J. J. KJeikemeier, KJaig G. KJoeter, Alvin M. Kummer, Frederick S. Kyburz, Edward P. Lamers, Clarence W. Landers, Lee Paul Lawson, Lynn D. Leber , Walter P. Leonard, Homer Ling-Temco-Vougl1t, Inc. Little Piney Oil Co. Lodes, Tom Logan Electri c Lon g Insurance Age ncy Loveridge, Warren L. Lynton , Edward D. Malsch, Peter H. F. Markley, J olm S. Mattei, Peter F. Ma y Printing Company , Inc. Meehan , Michael E. Mell ow, George E. Metz, Gilbert F. MFA ( Rolla Farmers) Exchange Mikelion is, Law rence J. Millstone Foundation Mo. Lea d Operat ing Co. MOBIL Monroe, Rex Moo ney, Edward W. Moo ney, Jose ph W. Moranville, Jam es C. Morris, Charles T. Murph y, James J. McBride, Roy McDan iel, Hulon D. McGhee, Vern on Thomas McKelvey , James M. Needl es, Enroc h R. Neustaedter, James A. Nooter Co rpora ti on Norman , Amos Nowinski, Sta nl ey W. Ogle, Herber t F. Oldham, Douglas G. Olin Mat hieso n Char Trust Olin Mathieso n Chem. Co rp. Ozark Equipment Co . Oza rk Lea d Co mpan y Palmer, Cla rence C. Pa n horst, AI

Pence, Harr y Perkins, James B. Perry, Ern est L. Pfeifer, Herman J. Phillips Petroleum Corp. Pitlyk, James O. Pohlig, KeEln eth C. Potter, Charles J. Powers, Harold R. Prange, Herbert L. Pran ge, Robert L. Priebe, Franklin D. Prives, Charles M. Radent z, Donald E. A. Ra gains, Wilbur G. Rako, Carl G. Ra y, Rober t L. Redin gton, David L. Re eves, Theodore J. Reid , Jose ph H. Reill y, James J. Rl10des, A. E. Richardso n, James K. Ridley, Robert P. River Cement Company Roberts, James F. Robinso n, Lee B. Roemerman , Ri chard J. Rolla Craft-Hobb y Rolla State Bank Ross, Richard G. Rot h, William F. Rothband, Paul B. Russell 's Town & College Shop Salarno , Stephen P. Sarapuu , Erich Scheineman , John A. Sclm1itt , Karl J. Sclunoldt, Hans E. Schn eider, Edward P. , Jr. Schu chardt , Robert E. Schuett e, Louis H. Schuman, Alma M. Schwarz, Arthur S. Scott , Larry W. Scott 's Drugs, Books & Mu sic Seagram's Disti llin g Co. Sears, Thomas J. Segasture, Robert G. Shaffe r, Al Sheppard , Keith D. Shockley, Gil ber t R. Short , W. Irwin Siess, Robert D. Simpso n's Hill cres t Variety

MSM Al u m n us

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Sloss, James P. Smith's Service Station Soult , John P. Spalding, John V. Spelu· , James L. Statler, Kenn y n D. Stephens, Jam es W. Stevens, Harvey C. Ste wart , Les lie D. , Jr. Stifel, Ca rl G. Stroup, Robert K. Jolm Russell Stubbins Foundation

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Sunray DX Oil Co . Tanguary, Cli fford C. Ta rantola, Bruce E. Tektro nix , in c. Telthorst , Ed gar Jolu1 Thoma s, Geo rge S. To ld, J. Douglas To ma se k, A. J . To thill , Charl es E. B. Tragi tt , E. Rowland Twitty City Und erwri ters Labs, In c.

Uni o n Elec tri c Co . Va cca, He rman L. Valeriu s, Claude N. Vandivo rt, Cly de A. Vark , William J. Vern 's Men's Store Vo lz, Herb ert A. Walke r, J olm A. Walke r, Willi am D. Wall ace, Hoy t R . Walt her , James J. Wampl er, Harold R. Wanenmacher, J ose ph M.

Watso n, H. W. " Gene" Weber, Arthur J . Whittelsey, Charl es C. Williams, Rex Z . Williams Shoe Sto re Willi ams, W. S. Wilso n, Gl en E. Wilso n, J ose ph M. Woe rh eide, A. E., Jr. Wolfinb arger, Samuel Lee. Wolver to n, Jose ph Harold Wrigh t, Clarence J .

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The T H E MIS projec ts to talin g cial laser sca ttering techniqu e is bein g de$1,228,5 00 have been acce pt ed for the veloped. Roll a campus. The gran ts are from the An initial $428,5 00 co ntract from the Uni ted States Department of Defe nse , Department of the Army is fo r a reOffice of the Direc tor for Resource and sea rch project en ti tied " Jnvestiga tions of Engi nee ri ng. Mechanisms of Rock Res ponse to Variable Energy Loads" un der the direction The g e n era I objective of Project THEMIS is to st rengthen the scientific of Dr. George B. Cla rk, directo r of Rock an d engi neering capabilities of selec ted Mechanics and Explosives Research Ce naca demic in stitut ions by enco ura gin g the ter. deve lo pment of interdisciplinary resea rch The research will see k to learn more teams capable of high quali ty research in abou t the basic science of rock behavio r areas related to pro blems of nati onal and to apply tllis in fo rmation to rock exdefense . cavation to make it chea per , easie r and faster. A grant of $200,000 from the Office of aval Resea rch is the second installment of a $600,000 THEM [S project Cincinnati-Dayton Section sta rted durin g the summer of 1968 under the di rec tion of Dr. James L. Kass ner, diThe Cincinnati-Da yton Sec ti on of the rector of the Gra du ate Ce nter for Cloud Ph ys ics Resea rch of the Space Sciences Alumni Association held their fall mee tResearch Center at Roll a. The research is ing at the Golden Lamb Inn , Lebanon, ent itled "Basic St udies of Aqueo us Aero- Ollio, November 7. sols (As Related to Atmospheric ProThe group was welcomed by their cesses). " chairman, Harold Kosten '60 , and two Several stu dies are inclu ded under this project. The collision and coa lescence of droplets and the aerody namics of droplets and droplet pairs in free fa ll is bein g invest iga ted by mea ns of a sophistica ted ve rtical atmosphe ric win d tu nnel. Ways of characte rizing the mi croscopi c and submicrosco pic atmospheric particles upon wllich clouds form , are being st udied. Th e properties which cau e certain types of particu lates to in duce th e freezing of supercooled water drople ts is bei ng researched . Aspect s of droplet growt h are bell1 g st udied. A means of meas uring tlte sizes of cloud droplets emplo ying a speDe cembe r 196 9


new officers were elec ted. Eld on Kibbey '66 is their new Vi ce Preside n t and Dav id Lee '68, is the in- co l~1i ng Treasurer. Dr. Bill L. Atchley '57, Assista nt to the Dean Enginee ring and Director of Centennial Events, and Ike Edwa rds were prese nt fr om the campus. Afte r brief talks by the campu s visi tors the group was enterta in ed by Perle L. Whitehead, lecturer, raco nte ur and humorist. He rece ntly reti red after 4 1 yea rs in sco u ti ng. Amon g those present we re: Dr. B. L. Atchle y '57 ; Mr. and Mrs. Barry L.

Wrigll t, Wil fo rd S. Yochum , Kenneth H. Yochum , Ro bert J . Yorsto n, Howard J. Zoller, H. E. Zoller, Lawrence J. Zoll er, Vi cto r H.

PLUS 106 Fac ul ty and Staff, Gradu ate St ud ents and schoo l o rganiza ti o ns

A $600,000 con trac t fr0111 t he Air Fo rce Office of Scientifi c Researc h is for resea rch o n " Sur face Elect ron Sta tes and Sur face Str uc tural Stu dies of El ec t ronic Materials" under the dire cti o n of Dr. Willi am J. James, direc tor of th e Gradu ate Ce nter for Mat eri al s Rese arch of the SS RC. Areas of research incl ude: Studies on density of sur face S-sta tes via Mose bauer ex perimen ts, elec tr on sur fac e state s in se mi-condu cto rs, elect ro n states in doped sili co n, electronepi taxia l laye rs of phonon interac ti ons, sur f:1ce structural changes as a conse qu ence of va por depositi on, surface growth mec hanisms and sur face characte ri zat ion and composition phono inte ractio ns. Bard on '66 ; Mr. R. A. Bertram '32. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brewe r '32; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Balse r '65; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Boberschmidt '67: Mr. and Mrs. Mi ke Brown e '67; Mr. and Mr s. T ruitt DeGea re, Jr '67; Mr. and Mrs . Bo b Doe lli ng '48. Ike Edwa rds: Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoe lker '68: Lt. and Mrs. John W. Joh nso n '69 ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Kosten '60 . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ki ck '44: Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Leave r '48: Mr . and Mrs. Steve Leaver '68 (U MC) ; Mr. 3n d Mrs. Dav id W. Lee '68; Lt. H. Lew is '67 and gues t ; Mr. and Mrs. E. Menge l '49 : Mr. and Mrs . J . C. Moore '69: Mr. and Mrs. Robert J . Morr is '5 1: Mr. and Mrs. John Mun sey '67; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Okenfuss '57; Mr. Vija y Rosto gi '62: Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scrivn er '52: Mr. R. Patri ck Skow '6 1: Lt. and Mrs. Albert Spencer '67; Mr. and Mrs. Glen W. Sutt on '49 and Mr Wil liam G. Weber '6 2. Pa ge 9

Basketball Season Gets Under Way Hea d Coach Billy Ke y and his Univer- so se lected to the seco nd all-co nference sity of Missouri - Rolla Miners began dail y team . basketball workouts in mid-Oc tober with Juni o r Chuck Ferry will hold down a 10 returning lettermen and another reforward pOSition along with Erick Grebuildin g pro bl em. Gone from last yea r's dell. Ferry saw a lot of ac tion las t yea r squa d which finish ed 5-1 7 are Wa yne but he was a victim of fou ls. A St. Lewis, 6-5 forward , and Mike Windi sh , Louis-Cleveland gradua te , he possesses a starting guard. the height (6 '6") and th e shoo ting ability the make him an all-conference co nsideraCoach Key , h owever, has recruited tion. a fin e gro up of freshmen an d a transfer who will see plenty of action this year. Gredell , a sophomore from Kansas Rex Medl ock, a Jefferson Juni o r Coll ege City -H oga n , becam e a starter about midprod uct, will take Windish's spot in the season last winter and has sin ce then been starting five. Medl ock has great ball- on the starting five. He is a fin e shoo te r handlin g abilities and should , therefore , as well as a hustler which can be proven lea d the fas t-breaks Key hopes fo r. by the fact that he led Kan sas City Also o n the startin g lin eup thi s yea r is the Miner's onl y senior, Captain Bo b Hurt. Hurt led the tea m in scoring wi th 14 poin ts per gam e las t seaso n and was extremely valuabl e under the boards. The Sprin gfi eld-Parkview product was al-

scorers his senior yea r at Bi shop Hogan. Manning the starting center positi o n fo r the Miners will be sophomore Keith Davidson. He is also a fine shooter but has bee n hampered by stamina problems. Don Morford, a 6 ' 10" junior, will spot

1969-70 UMR Baske tb all Schedule Thursday, Dece mb er 4

Wa shington Uni ve rsity

Rolla, Mo .

Saturday, December 6

Harris Teachers Co llege Kan sas (Pittsb urg) S tate Co llege

Rolla, Mo. Pittsbu.rg, Karl.

Monda y, December 8 Saturday, Decemb er 13

CMS, Warrensburg

Warrensburg, Mo.

Monday , December 15

S WMS, Springfield

Rolla, Mo.

Friday, Dece mb er 19

Southeastern Sta te (Ok la.j

RoUa , Mo.

Sat urday , Decemb er 20

South easte rn State (Okla.j

Rol/a, Mo.

Mon day, Dece mber 29 Tuesday, Decemb er 30

McNeese State Co llege

Monda y, January 5 Thursda y, Janua ry 8 Sat.urday, j anuary 10

Tou.rna ment

Lake Chari.es, La.

University of Texas-A rlingt.on

Rolla , Mo.

University of Wis consin-M ilwaukee

Rolla, Mo.

SEMS, Cape Gira rdeau

RoUa , Mo.

Linco ln Un iversity Sou them JUinois U. (Ed wa rd sviUe)

Ro lla, Mo.

Wednesday, January 28

lIarris Teach ers Co llege

SI.. Lou.is, Mo.

Saturday , January 3 1

Rol/a, Mo.

Monda y, january 12 Satu rday, january 17

Rolla , Mo.

Monda y, February 2

ClVIS, Warrensburg S IJIMS, Springfieifl

Saturday, February 7

NEMS , Kirksville

Kirksv ille, Mo .

Monda y, February 9

N WMS, Mary ville N ENIS, Kirk sviUe

Maryville, Mo.

Saturday, February 14 Monday, February 16

Springfield, Mo.

Ro lla , :110. Rolla, /\1 0.

Saturday, February 2 1

N WMS, JIlary vilie S EMS, Cape Girardeau

Ca pe Girardeau , ili a.

.Honda y, Febnw ry 23

University of Wisconsin -Milwauk ee

,\Ii/wauk ee, /Fis.

(A ll ho m e gam es will start at 7:30 P. M.)

Page 10


the bi g so phomore when the need arises . Among the fin e group of promising freshmen prospects is Rodn ey LeGrand. As an all-state selec tion , he paced his Oran High School team to the sta te final s again st Dixo n last winter. He will see plenty of ac tion o n bo th the junior varsity as well as varsity squ ads. Paul Pederson , St. Louis-Lu theran So uth , and Stewart Scott , DeSo to , are also perfo rming well. Scott avera ged 28 points a game las t yea r and also se t a school reco rd with 44 counters in one ga me.


Resident Hall Rates Up In creases in rates for residence halls and marri ed student housin g have bee n appr ove d by the Board of Curators of the University of Mi ssouri. The in creases were necessary , the Board said , du e mainly to increased costs o f wages and foo d. The new rates appl y to the University's campuses at Rolla , Co lumbia and Kansas Ci ty . The University has no housing on the St. Louis campu s. Effective Septemb er 1, 1970, th e residence hall rate, covering bo th room and boa rd , a t the Roll a and Columbia campuses will be $940 fo r a nine- m onth school term. This is an in crease of $90 over the present rate of $85 0. This rate is fo r a st uden t living in a do uble roo m , whi ch is the arrangem ent affect ing the vast majo rit y of stud ents . The rate includes 20 meals a week.

FrOl from I,


At Rolla , the new rates fo r married studen t h ousin g will be as follows effective Sept. 1: One-bedr oo m apartment , $75 a mo nth , an in crea se fro m the present $70 ; an d two-bedroom apartment , $90 a month, an in crease from th e present $80. On the Rolla and Columbia ca mpu ses the summer session rate fo r residence halls will be $200 , an in crease o f $20 from the present $ 180 rate. This is the rate fo r a doubl e room an d in cludes 20 meals a week. Summ er sessio n rates are effect ive this summer. Rate schedul es fo r University resid ence halls and married student h ousin g last were cha nged in 1967 . MSM Alum n us

Fro, EllgUs!,




Onusing eGrand. Iced his Ie state He will e junior ls. Paul Hh, and lerform· , a game lrd with

Class of 1924 ...

; Up

ce halls ve been rs of the ses were ainly to versity's

I Kansas

Ising on

the resi· lam and lia cam· :. month of S90 ). Tltis I double Iffecting fhe rate

Front row, Left to right: Mrs. Kessler, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Gabler, Alma Schuman, Olive Morris , Professor I. If. Love tt. Back from left: Dr. Harry H. Kessler, Bill Knight, George Gabler, Dr. Charles Kentnor, Jr., 1. Lewis Andrews.

1'0 \\1,

Class of 1929


.vs effec·

lartment, the pres· artment, the pres·

ampuses esiden ce of S20 lis is the ludes 20 rates are

esiden ce sing last ~lu(1lnus

Front Row, Left to right: Mrs. Johnson, klrs. William Drake, William Drake, Mrs. Kim, Emill et R . A.-im, lVII'S. English. T 0. Ellglish, Back Row, from left: Charles W. Johnson, F. W. Haertel, Mrs. Haertel, Albert Millar, l vII'S. Millar, Mrs. ilia I/scl! , Hel/rI' Monsch, Mrs. Williamson, Joe Williamson , Mrs. Potter, C. 1. Potter. Decembe r 1969

Page 1 1

.. CIass of 1939



Seated, Left to right: Mrs. Smith, Leroy Smith, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. Kidd. Standing, Left to right: Lewis Elliott, Muriel Elliott, Ceorge Decker, Rae Crimm Bertch, Charles W. Morris, Harold Kidd, Joseph W. Mooney.

DOli L

Mrs. ~


.. . Class of 1944

Seated, Left to right: Mrs. Schmoldt, Hans Schmoldt, Ken Schoeneberg, Mrs. Schoeneberg. Second ro w, from left: Mrs. Cos till, Mrs. Helberg, Mrs. Thiele, Mrs. Fuchs, Mrs. Weinel, Mrs. Klorer, Mrs. Mel/is, Verno n Pingel. Third row, frO Il1 left: Jill1 Cos till , Warrell Helberg, JIIIr. Thiele, Pete DuJardin, A lan Fuchs, John Damian , Ernie Weinel, Bob Klorer, Ron Carmichael, Bob Mellis, R obert Setchfield. Page 12

MSM Alumnus



is Elliott,



1949 ...

Back Row-Standing: Mrs. Toomey , John Toomey, Mrs. Nelson, Leonard Nelson, Joe Strubert, Mrs. Stntbert, Martha DeBolt, Don DeBolt, Seated, clockwise from left back row: Karol Skedzeleski, Mrs. Skedzeleski, Bob Isringhaus, Mrs. Isringhaus, Del Cox, Mrs. Koenig, Fred Koenig, Mrs. Line, Myrl Line, Mrs. McGrath, Jim McGrath , Dan Fentzke, Ted Weissmann, Mrs. Wright, Floy d Wright, Mrs. Daniells, Chuck Daniells.

944 .. . Class



Seated, left to right: Tom Fuller, Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Tou tz. Standing-Left to right: Jim Toutz , Joe Gray, Herb Lincoln.

's, Gostill, III Gostill,

'ob Mellis, Alum nus

December 1969

Page 13

¡ Class


1959 n

the n for ~ sched unfor that I ence I seCO n Kirks


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Back of Table, from left : Charles Cassmeyer, Mrs. Cassmeyer, John Ruester, Warren Carroll, Mrs. Croves, Richard Croves, John Pasley, Mrs. Pasley, Mrs. Lawson. Front, from left: Cordon Johnson, Mrs. Johnson, Paul Sisk, Mrs. Adams, John Adams, Jerrv Bay less, Carl R . Schumacher, Mrs. Schumacher, Neal Lawson.




dividl tied. vidua ior s passe: gaine caree also t byG(

01 chore tied game, Bradl lert ' 1949, Wohll 27, a with most



f .

Left to right: R onald R. Henson, Mrs. /lemon, S. Stuart Ferrel!, Nlrs. Mu rry, Milton 1. Mu rry. Page 14

Bob broke 63 pi caree Parke

Th God\\ passin gain Giraf( 21.9 1953 Gr cOOlp

MSM Alum n us




1969 Miners Have Best Football Season in Years The 1969 Miner gridsters completed the most successful season they have had for years. They finished a nine-game scheduled with two losses and these two, unfortunately, were to conference teams that kept them from the MIAA Conference championship. They had to settle for second place , as Cape Girardeau and Kirksville tied fo r top honors. The season began with the Miners' old rival, Washington University; an d the Miners were really up and established the first of many records that were set in the 1969 season. This was the first time Washington University was unable to score in a contest with the Miners since their rivalry began shortly after the turn of the century.

)ves, John

lallls, JerrI'



During the season there were 24 individual and 8 team records broken or tied. Leading the pack with nine individual records was Larry Oliver. This senior split end holds the mark for most passes caught - 100, and most yardage gained from passes caught - 1615 - in a career. His 16 touchdown passes caught also broke the old career record of 13 set by Gene Ricker from 1964 to 1967. Oliver, who has handled the kicking chores for four years, twice this season tied the record for PAT'S in a single game. Oliver booted six against both Bradley and Springfield, tying Bill Wohlert who performed the same feat in 1949. The Miner captain also broke Wohlert's mark of 23 conversions with 27 , and Wohlert's career record of 43 with 45. He also tied Art Verti for the most career field goals, with six. In overall scoring, Oliver along with Bob Berry, son of Jerry T . Berry '49 , broke the single season scoring record of 63 points with 66. Oliver surpassed the career total of 139 points set by Ray Parker, 1956-58 , by amassing 157 points.

against Washington U., he erased the old The Miner offense established a new mark of 68.8 percent held by Bill Wheel- team record by scoring 254 points to er, against Springfield, in 1958. His sea- shatter the 1949 mark of 231. The 36 son completion percentage of 56.7 shat- . touchdowns and 31 points after also set ., tered Wheeler's mark of 54.8 set in 1958. . new reco rds. Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of Fullback Bob Berry, his first season in the backfield , emerged as a higll scoring the entire season to the team and coachball carrier. Besides smashing the season ing staff were the seven triumphs which scoring record, he also tied Bob Nico- gave the Miners their most wins since demus fo r the most points in a game they joined the MIAA in 1935. with 18, and the most touchdowns rushAs head coach Dewey Allgood often ing with three. Berry's ten touchdowns "Statistics are fo r losers ." That may says, rushing and 11 total are both new season be true, usually, but in t his case, the records. He finished as the Miners' second leading rusher with 483 yards and a 4 .1 statistics and the records that go with them are for the winners , the "New Era average. Miners .'" Berry's backfield partner, Les Clark, was the leading rusher with 740 yards in a record 206 carried. Clark's 44 carries against Missouri Valley broke the record of 35 carries set by Gary Couse in 1963.

UMR Gridders Dominate All-Conference Squad

On defense , coach Bud Mercier's secondary completely revised the pass interception records . The defensive backfield, paced by starters Eddie Lane, Fred White, Mike Hearst and Joe Passantino, combined for a team record of 28 interceptions and 582 yards in return yardage. The four thefts run back for touchdowns break the record of three accomplished in 1950, and the six interceptions in the Springfield contest broke the mark of five established the previous week at Maryville. White picked off eight enemy aerials to tie Lane's season mark set in 1966. Ray Parker's record of 26 yards for interception set against Springfield in 1958, was shattered by White's average of 34.5 also against Springfield. Lane stole seven passes this season to give him a career reco rd of 25 and another mark for most yards gained by inte rcepting passes with 387 to beat Roger Schoeppel's record of 248 yards which has stood since 19 51. Lane 's 90-yard return for a TD in the Kirksville class also broke the ol d reco rd of 84 set by Schoeppel in 1950.

The Miner's tandem quarterbacks, Pat Godwin and Jack Grawe, set three new passing records. Godwi n's 24 .2 average gain per pass completion against Cape Girardeau broke the previou s mark of 21.9 established by Dick Hampel in Even freshman Bobby Ajhar got his 1953. name in the record books by tying six Grawe set two accuracy marks. By others with five punt returns in the Kirkscompleting 88.8 percent of his passes ville game. December 1969

The UMR Miners, long the doormat of the MlAA Conference and usually ignored in the all-league team selections, dominated the all-conference squad this year. UMR, along with Cape Girardeau and Kirksville, has six on the first offensive and defensive teams , but the engineers top the list with a total of 14 players including second teams picks and honorable mention. Larry Oliver was one of the two repeaters on the offensive platoon. Oliver made it for the third time. Frank Winfield was named to one of the guard slots on the first team. Senior tackle Al Zaborac was selected to the second team along with fu llback Bob Berry. Steve McVeigh was given an ho norable mention at tight end as were Dennis Smith at center, Bobby Sommerville at wingback and Les Clark at tailback. Re peaters on defense include Eddie Lane and Ed Hanstein . Leonard Stout was the top vote getter at defensive end . Freddie White, who was chosen as the defensive player of the year by his Miner teammates, was elected for the fi rst time to a halfback spot. J oe Stroud and Joe Passantino were selected to the second team. Page 15



UMR Frank Winfield

Larry Oliver

Fred Wh ite

Eddie Lalle


Frank Winfield Named on Kodak All-American Football Team Frank Winfield , an unsung guard on the UMR foot hall team , is among playe rs from 22 different "College Division" schools named to the 1969 Kodak AllAmerica n Team by the Am erican Football Coaches Association. The Kodak squad is amon g the most prestigious beca use the playe rs are chosen by those wh o know best, a national panel of coaches. In becomin g the second Miner playe r to be named to a first All -American team , Winfield has brought high ho nor to the school. Winfi eld has provided a co nsisten t perfOt¡mance for head coach Dewey Allgood from llis strong side gu ard slot. After each ga me, the players are graded from the rums on a 0-4 point basis. A two indicates that the gridder ha s done llis ass igned task and a three means he ha s do ne a superior job. A four is occasionally awarded for an ex tra special block or run. For the nine-ga me 1969 campaign, Winfi eld averaged 2.4, with 96 percen t of his blocks being graded above 2.0. With st untin g defenses and bigger and better defensive line men, such a consistent record is highJ y unusu al. "Frank is probabl y one of the strongest blockers that th e MIAA has ever had ," Coach Burr Van ostrand noted. "He was es peciall y adept at the trap block. Page 16



Even other conference coaches commented on that."


Despite the reputation that Winfi eld ha s earned for llimself around the circui t, he was among th e m ost surpri se d to lea rn of the honor. Win fiel d was quick to give credit to his tea mmates, and coaches. Frank hail s from Kan sas City where he held the tackle positi on for four years at Kansas City Cent ral High, and this 6 foot, 240 pounder was chosen on the all-public league his senior year. Tllis yea r he was m oved to guard where he pla ye d a major role in several of the new marks esta blished by Miner backs tllis year. In many of the record 206 times scatback Les Clark carried the ball , he was running behind Winfield. On the Miners' bread and butter off tackle trap, on wllich Clark totes the ball, Winfield makes the key trap block.


Fo tions Nuss, Relati and ~


hardw syster


Ed Hanstein

PL aUphi siZe c( Refer EI ductio healin large No. 3~

"1 guess that 1 shouldn 't have favorites," Coach All goo d said, "but Frank has always been one of nlin e. I'm at least as ha ppy as he is. Frank's selection will provide a real boost to our whole program too." Win field is a senior and when asked about the possibility of playing professional football , he sa id making AU-American helped llis¡chances but he would have to wait and see what happens in the pro dra ft.



tory. years (


C.E.; I non-ex locatic Leonard Srou t MSM Alumnus

ENI C.E. al


synthetic resins, textile fibers, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, eastern U.S. locations. Refer Files No . 361 to 365 .


40 33 40 14






14 20 45

Washington University Mo. Valley College Bradley University U. of Illinois-Chicago Circle Central Missouri State College S.W. Missouri State College N.E. Missouri State College N.W. Missouri State College S.E. Missouri State College

Total 254

0 14 12 6

0 32 21 7 12 104

ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS WANTED For information concerning the positions listed below, please contact R. L. Nuss, Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401 and give the File Number of the position. SYSTEM ANALYST - Senior. Nonhardware oriented, background in manual systems work, 4 to 5 years experience necessary. Good salary. Northern U. S. Refer File No . 350. PLANT MANAGER - Seven years in all phases of manufacturing for a medium size concern. Small city. 130 employees. Refer File No. 352.

ENGINEERS - Mining and geologists. To fill vacancies in company's Wyoming operation. Refer Files No. 366 to 367.

Ch.E.-CHEM.-MINING - Area managers. West coast, midwest and east. MET. E. - Five years experience in in- Technical sales experience required. Refer dustry. Manufacturers component parts Files No. 406 thru 408. such as aircraft fuel and booster pumps, etc. Refer File No. 368. SALES-M.E.; MET. ; C.E.; - Mining. Heavy equipment marketing. Refer Files ENGINEER - Ass't Chief Industrial. Color T.V. assembly. Missouri location. No. 409 thru 414.

Experience in electronic assembly, supervising time study, etc. Refer File No. 369. M.E. & E.E. - Interested in the commercial and industrial building fields. St. Louis based company. Refer Files 370-37l. ENGINEERS - Ch.E.; Chern.; M.E. ; C.E.; E.E .; Met.; Bus. Adm. Large Oil company and subsidiaries. Midwest locations . Both experienced and non-experienced. Refer Files No. 372 thru 378. ENGINEERS - M.E. and E.E. Airline. Experienced in aircraft design . Knowledge of engineering and maintenance practices. Refer Files No. 379-380. CHEM. - Research in inorganic lab. Should have experience with atomic absorption. St. Louis location. Refer File No. 381. RESEARCH - Group leader-Analytical chemistry and polymer scientist. Midwest. Refer File No. 390. ZINC PLANT - Technical assistant to manager. Met or Ch.E. Eight years experience. Refer File No. 391-392.

ENGINEER - Minerals beneficiation for research and process development. ENGINEERS - Electrical plant, pro- Prefer experience in flotation . West coast. duction supervisor, sales, product and Refer File No. 393. heating, ventilating and air conditioning. ENGINEERS - E.E.; Met.: Ch. E.; Large steel company. Midwest. Refer File M.E.; Adm. Large manufacturer elecNo.353. tronic products and electrical contractors. CERAMIC - Latin America refrac- Openings throughout the coun tr y. Refer tory. Latin American citizen, 5 to 10 Files No. 394 thru 401. years out of school. Refer File No. 354. CERAMIC - Ceramic-Metals Process ENGINEERS - E.E.; M.E.; Chern.; and Materials Engineers. Experienced. C.E.; Ch.E.; Compo Sc. Experienced and Central laboratory division. North Central non-experienced. West coast and midwest U.S. Refer Files No. 402-403. locations. Refer Files No. 355 to 360. METALLURGICAL - Research laborENGINEERS - Ch.E.; E.E.; M.E. ; C.E. and Chem. Manufacturers of plastics, December 1969

M.E. - Manufacturer graphic art s equipment. Product and design engineers also product engineering manager. Experienced. Refer File No. 405.

atory . Also service engineer. Chicago area. Refer File No. 404.

CH.E. - Small inorganic chemical plant in St. Louis area. Up to 6 years experience. Refer File No. 428. POLLUTION - Abatement. Minimum 5 years industrial or research experience with water. 0 to 5 years air pollution abatement. In the south. Refer File No. 431-432. M.E. - Section Head - Advanced Design. 8 years experience in heavy precision manufacturing. Good salary . Midwest. Refer File No. 433. PROCESS ENGINEER - Rural location . Gypsum plant and mine. Midwest. Refer File No. 434. CERAMIC - World's largest manufacturer of artificial teeth, porcelain and plastic. Product development , production techniques. Refer File No. 435. SALES ENGINEER - Leading manufacturer of molded cones, spiders, whizzers and other loudspeaker components. Chicago area. Refer File No. 440. ASS'T CITY ENGINEER - City in Iowa. Refer File No. 450.

BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Cox '60, now have three children in their family with arrival of Tomas Edward July 23 , 1969. Nancy is 5 yea rs old and Michele is 22 months. Kenneth is a mine foreman fo r New Jersey Zinc Company , Center Valley, Pa . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Fox '66 advised us that Cindy Kay arrived July 29,1969. Page 17

She has a brother. Edwin is with Kenne th Balk & Associates, consulting engineers, 8600 Delmar, St. Louis, Mo. an d their address is 7319 Terri Robyn Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacCrindle '63, are parents of Cameron Anne, b orn July 8 , 1969 . .she has an older brother , James, age 4 and an older sister , R obin , 2 !h.. Colin is assistant plant manager and chief metallurgical engineer for Ame rican Nickeloid Company , Walnutport , Pa. Their residen ce address is 1067 Pine Tree Drive , Slatington , Pa. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Na tions '6 8 , 308 Lo rimier , Apt. 309 , Cape Gira rdeau , Missouri , have a dau g,l lte r, An alee, born Februar y I , 1969. The new fat her is wi th Charmin Paper Products . Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Harper '64 welcomed Cyntlua Sue , on August 1, 1969, and she was t he tlurd to receive gree tings at the Harpers. They live in Overland Park , Kansas, 8705 W. 97th Street. Alan is a structural engineer wi th Bl ack & Veath, consultin g engineers. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Bersett '65 , tallied son number tluee, September 2 , 1969. He was named Steven Matthew. Ge rry is production superintendent at Somers Tlunstrip , a subsi diary of Olin Cor p 0 r a ti 0 n, Waterbury , Con necticu t. Their address is 300 Taylo r Ave., Cheshire. Mr. and Mrs. icholas J. Alonge '65 , also have three cluldren upon the arrival of Anthony Roger, Jun e 1, 1969. Kathy is 4 yea rs old and ick, Jr. is 3. Nick, Sr. is with Chevro let Gea r and Ax le in Detroit , Micl"u ga n, and they reside in Madiso n Heights, 1227 E . Barre tt.

1969. They reside on Route 2 , Columbia , Missouri. Stephen is a graduate student at U. of Mo. - Columbia . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Sidebottom '68 began their fanlliy upon the arrival of Christine Lee , September 15, 1969. Th ey live in Kansas City, Mi ssouri , 79 08 E. 117th St. Terrace, and Gerald is employed as an engineer with Burn s & McDo nnell Engi neering Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thresher, 1928 Robin R oad , North Augusta , South Carolina, increased their fa nuly August 11 , 1969 . Her nam e is Victoria I. Charles is with the Electric Heat Division of Federal Pacific Electric as a design engi neer. Terry Carlson '66 now heads a famil y of fo ur. Kelly arrived Feb ru ary 23 , 1969. She has a bro ther Kevin . Terry is with Booz-Allen Applied Research , Columbu s, Georgia. Their address is 4043 Countryside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H.F . MaIsch '62 , anno unce the arrival of an adopted daughter, Jennifer Lynne, Septemb er 3, 1969. Her father is a proj ect manage r with Weyerhauser Co. , Tacoma , Waslungto n. Her mother is the fo rmer Marilyn James , of Rolla. They live at 30201 27th Avenue, South, Federal Way , Washington. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neagle '67 , 1008 Texas, J o plin , Missouri, are happy to ann o un ce the arrival of John David , October 31 , 1969 . He join s a 3-year-old sister, Cindy . John is an engin eer with Empi re District Electric Compan y. Mr. and Mrs. Jose ph R. R eichert ' 59, have their second daugllter, Sheil a Marie, born October 8, 1969 . Ann Mari e is two years old. Jose ph is Chi ef, Solid Was tes, Refuse Divisio n, Pu bli c Works Department , City of Kansas City, Missouri. Their address is 73 12 Charl o tte.

Mr. and Mrs . Richard A. Oke nfuss '58 have their third son , Daniel Edward , born June 27, 1969. The fa the r, a chemical engi nee r for Proc tor & Gambl e Company , Mr. and Mrs. Do uglas Mu nsel '60, spent the month of Ma y in Ma teo, Spain, more evenly balanced t heir fanlli y when assistin g in sta rting a new pl a nt. His as- Micha el Gerard a rri ved No vember 12, signment is in the In te rn at ional Divi sion 1969. The tota l now is 3 girls and 2 boys. in Cin cinna ti , Ohi o. Do uglas is wit h McDo nn ell-Douglas Co rp. , St. Lo uis, Misso uri , as a se ni or Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen N. Pend er '68 , design engi nee r. Their reside nce is at welco med Ste phanie Dawn , August 21, 22 1 La Motte Lane, Fe rguson, Mo. Page 18


Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gales '64 advise the arrival of their second daughter, Donya Michelle, October 2 , 1969. They are livin g in Ft. Smi th , Arkansas, 1708 Harvard, where Carl is projec t engineer wi th Mickle-Bell Associa tes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge J. Lukowitz '60 , 1639 Cedar Street , Grafton , Wisconsin , have a daugllter, Suzette Rut h, born Jul y 15 , 1969. George is chief metallurgist , Burnside S tee I Fou ndr y Co mpan y, Clucago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pokrefk e, Jr. '68, are proud of Jacquelin Marie , who arrived Se ptember 14, 1969, their first. Pvt. Po krefke, USMC , is statio ned at San Diego , Cali fOJpia . Mr. an d Mrs. Lawrence J . Reinsch, Jr. '66, announ ce the arrival of Chri sty Joe, o n Octo ber 15 , 1969. Her brother, Kevin , is 3 years old . Larry is project man ager for Harris-Angsten Construction Company , Oak Law n , Illin ois. Their residence is at 59 Wa ve rl y Ave., Clarendon Hill s, Ill .


\Viii Elizabl were r neW r Drive, neerat

Ray Martha were n side at 50uri. Scienti Ft. Le.


mer J111 ment c tober : landan vived b of Will gon.

Hall-J ohnson Miss Jane Hall '41 and Benjamin H. Johnso n were married October 11 , 1969. The bride is a staff arclutect with Fru ce & Ass ociates, 1706 Olive Stree t , Sl. Loui s, Mo . The groom recen tl y opened Ius own office of indu stri al design services . Thei r residence is at 6663 1 Clay ton Ave nu e. Wilson-Roch Pa t rick J. Wilso n '69, and Miss Jacqu eli ne M. Roch, of St. Lo ui s, Mo., we re married August 23, 1969 . Pa t rick is a scientific programmer at McDonnell-Douglas Airc raft and the newly-weds are residing at 3 735 Cam bridge, Ap t. 16, S t. Lo uis. Hinchcliff-Klein Sa mmie J oe Hin chcli ff '68 and Tao Ann Klein were mar ried Jun e 28 , 1969 at Texa rkana, Arka nsas . Sa m mie is employe d by du Po nt in Vi cto ri a, Texas a nd t heir address the re is Apt. 12, Bri arcliff West. MSM Alumnus

Dr. 10, 191 of R. Inc., n Dr. Stl structo 1936¡3 turing New y head c State I Office velopm search 1945.4 Ceranti


U., 19 Cerami 59. In dent 0 speciali and T became are his and ad


i4 advise daughter, 69, They las, 1708 en~n eer

~UkOlVitz ton, Wis, te Ruth is cluef Foundry

refke, Jr. lrie, who leir first. :d at San

insch, Jr.

risty Joe, ;r. Krvin, manager In Com· leir resi· :Iarendon

janun H, 1. 1969, th Fruce :eet, SI. , opened :sign ser· Clayton

55 Jacque· 10.. were :k is asci· I·Douglas ~ residing Louis,

and Tao 28, 1969 ie is eill' 'exas and Briar liff



George P. Day ' 51

William Sch anbacher '63 a nd Sharo n Elizab eth McCord , of Cedar Ra pids, Io wa, were married on October 5, 1969 . Their new residence address is 2 12 Crandall Drive, N .E. Willis is a system s design engineer at Collins Radio.

Geo rge P. Day ' 51 . T he alumni office was advised of his death in September 1969. He was residing in Tulsa , Oklahoma at the time of his dea th.

Posch-Bates Ray mo nd J . Posch '69 a nd Miss Martha Bates, of Kansas City, Missouri, we re married November 29 , 1969, and reside at 306 N.E. 64th St. , Gladsto ne, Missouri. Raym ond is operations Research Scientist, Booz Allen A pplied Resea rch , Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas.

DEATHS James H. Underwood James H . Underwoo d, age 91 , a for mer member of the facu lty of the Department of Mechanical Engineerin g, died October 28, 1969 . He was a native of England and came to Rolla in 19 19. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Eva Wrigh t , wife of Wil fred S. Wright ' 24 , Medford, Oregon .

Ro bert J . DeHekker ' 52 R obert J. DeHekker '52 died November 17, 1969, in St. Louis, Missouri. His dea th was cau sed by cancer and he died six weeks afte r the diagnosis. George M. Cauble '68 Geo rge Marshall Cauble '68, age 23, dro wned December 8, 1969 in a hunting accident near Kau fmann , Texas. He was employe d as a mechanical engi neer by Texas Instrument Co mpany. Su rviving are Ius wido w, the former Debbie Do noh o, Ius parents Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cauble, Cape Girardeau , Mo ., two sisters and grandparents, all of Ca pe Girardeau .

Alumni Personals 191 7

Wilson V . Bayha, 5 15 Tiffe n, Ferguso n , Missouri, has reached Ius 80th birt hday. He has been re tired several yea rs.

Robert L. Stone ' 34

192 2

Dr. Robert L. Stone '34 , die d October 10, 1969 . The retired technical director of R. L. Stone Co., Division of T racor , Inc., made his home in Austin , Texas. Dr. Sto ne's varied career included: Instructor, No rth Carolina State College, 1936-39 ; plant m anager , Hale Ma nufacturing Co. , 1939-41 ; Assistant Professor, New Yo rk State College, 1941 ; ac ting head of a department , No rth Carolina Sta te 194 2-45 ; civilian consultant to the Office of Scien tific Research and Developmen t, 1944-46 ; Director of Research, Stupakoff C er a m i c Mfg . Co ., 1945-46 ; technical secretary, American Ceramic Societ y , 1946-47 ; In stru cto r E ngi neering Ex perimen t Statio n, Ohi o S tate U. , 1947-5 1; hea d of Departmen t of Cera mic Engineering, U. of Texas, 195 159. In 1959 , he found ed an d was preside nt of t he Ro bert L. Sto ne Co . wh.i ch speciali zed in the manufacture of DT A and TG A a ppara tus. In 1966 Ius firm beca me a division of Tracor . Surviving are his widow, Add.i e May , a son Arthur, and a da ughter, Barbara.

Daniel E . Huffman , Jr. is owner and manager of Sedona T.V. Sales and Service. He sta rted T .V. work as a h obby before retiring in 1966 and now his business is te n years old. His address is 826 E. Belmo nt Ave. , Phoenix, A ri zo na .

December 1969



Wilfr ed Wright was an alumni office visitor in Octo ber. Mr. Wright is now retired afte r many years as an enginee r with governmental agencies . Hi s address is 2427 Count ry Clu b , Medfo rd , Oregon . 193 1

E. Warr en Heilig is vice p resident of Adam K. Grafe Associates, Inc ., 1630 N. Broa dway , Lexington , Ke ntucky. He is also president of the Eva nsville Baseball Clu b , AAA , Ameri can Associa tio n, Bosse Field , Evansville, Indiana. His mailing ad dress is Box 87 , Hoyleton , Illin ois. 193 4

Geo rge A. Hale is preside nt , Marine Inspectio n Engineers, Inc. , 9933 Lawler

Avenu e, Skokie, llli nois. He writes , " Why do the freshmen look so mu ch yo un ge r liow than they did in 1,930?" 1 9 3 5

James J . Murphy, President of th e Murphy Com pany , Mechanica l Co ntracto rs and Engi neers, has been elec ted to memberslup o n the Boa rd of Directors of Central West End Ba nk, St. Lo ui s, Mo. Jim is President of the MSM Alu mni Association , U. of Mo. - Rolla and is also director of a number of co rp oratio ns and active in professio nal enginee rin g co rporatio ns. His bu siness address is 4 376 Olive Street , St. Louis.

193 6 Robert T . Chapman is now seni o r geologist with Duval Corporation in T ucson , Arizo na, where they are develo pin g their Sierrita o pen pit copper n1.ine. His ad dress is 1961 Shalima r Way . He form erl y was in Denver , Colorado .

194 0 Clarence " Pete" C. Palmer, president of R .W. Booker & Associates, Inc., has been comnu ssioned a Ken tucky Colon el by the Honorable Louis B. Nunn , Gov· ernor of Kentucky . Colon el Palmer was honored fo r "outstan ding se rvice as a consulting engi neer and plann er who has enrich ed the communit y li fe o f the cit izens of Hazard and other Kentuc ky cities." R .W. Booker an d Associates, I nc., is a St. Louis base d firm. Jolm F . Reed has bee n named P res ide nt , Canrad Precision Industr ies , Inc., 63 0 Fi ft h Avenue, New Yo rk, New Yo rk . Mr. Reed , who m ost recen tl y was Pres iden t of Hercules Galion Pro ducts, Inc., had du ring the prio r 23 years been associated successively with Man nin g, Maxwe ll & Moo re, Inc. , and wit h the Hu pp Co rpora tion, ul timately risin g to Preside nt of both o rga ni za tio ns. He is 5 1 years o ld . In mak.in g the ann o un ce ment of Jus successor , Dr. Bo ris Pregel sa id , " Havi ng advised our shareho lders at the rece nt Annual Mee ti ng of my intent io n to ste p down as President , I am deligh te d to have fo un d such an enun entl y q ualifi ed ex ecutive as Mr. Reed. Un der his guida nce, the company can ach.ieve a com mercial a nd marketi ng success matc hi ng t hat Page 19



which it has already attain ed in the development of signifi ca nt new produ cts."

Telcom, Inc. He has been with Te1com three years and has had more than 30 years experience in the telecommun.ication field . His address is 3901 Pro sperit y Avenu e, Fairfax, Virginia. Don J. Coolidge, Kaloa Building, 1675 "C" Stree t, Anchorage, Alaska . who has his own consultin g busin ess, writes : "Empl oy ment opportunity: Locati on, Alaska . Snow, ice, sub-ze ro temperatures, igloos, dog-sleds and terribl y lugh cos t-of-livin g. En gi neers who love wilderness and outof-doo rs living; wh o will tlunk in te rms of the to tal environment and not subdu e ALL of nature fo r man 's benefi t. "

John F. R eed

194 1

Dr. William C. Alsmeyer , Vice President, Leo A. Dal y Co mpany , San Francisco, Cali fornia, return ed to the campus in December and was initiated as an hono r member by Chi Epsil o n, nati o nal civil engi nee ring hon or fraternity. The Alsmeyers live at 8 14 Delaware, No. 503 , San Mateo. James R. Ro ux, 96 0 Burney Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio, has represe nted Tool Steel Gear and Pini on Co mpany fo r 22 years . He moved to Cincinnati la st yea r as the field sales manager and is now assistant vice president in charge of sales.

194 2

William L. Pollock was honored recentl y and received a 25-Year Service Awa rd from th e Mi ssouri State Highway Department. Hi s first assignment was as Plan s Draftsman at the Sikes ton Office. In 1946, he went to the field as an inspector with the Division of Co nstru cti on. Then became resident engin ee r and in 1956 he return ed to Si kes to n as Distri ct Co nstru ction Engin eer. In 1964 , he was tra nsfe rred to Kansas City, Di strict 4 , in the same ca pacity . A year later he was moved to Jeffe rso n City as Field Liaiso n Engi neer , Stru ctures, in the Division of Co nstruction an d in Jun e this yea r he beca me Engineer of Co ntract Co ntrols in the sa me divisio n. 1 9 4 3

Franklin L. McC utchen has been appoint ed Director of Pl ant Engi neering, Page 20



Jack E. Fleischli , former Vice President-Sales and co-founder of Bay City Bearing Co., sold his in terest in the firm and became President of Capi tal Oil & Grease Co., Inc. His new firm manufactures industrial lubricants and markets their products to most of the major industries in the west. Plan s are curren tly bein g made to extend the mar keting of these products in aU maj or ci ties in the United States . The Fleischlis have three children. Two are attending the University of California, Santa Barbara and Gin ge r is in the third grade. Their ad-I dress is 2210 Waterfron t Drive, Coro na del Mar, Califonua. Lewi s E. Rosser has bee n appointed Manager, Non-ferrous Sales, Hanna Minin g Co mpan y . Hanna , a large iron o re l1unin g company , is the on ly United States produ cer of nickel. R osser was with the Republic Steel Company durin g World War II , then served two yea rs in the U.S. Army. In 1948, he joined Keokuk Electro-Metals Co mpany and was plant manager when he became superintendent of Hanna's nickel smelter at Riddle, Oregon, in 195 4 . In 1961 he was tran sfe rred to the Cleveland headquarters as nickel sales represe n ta tive. The Rosse rs have two cluld ren and reside at 211 22 Kenwood Avenue, Rocky River, 011.10. Claude E. Davis has bee n prom oted from marketing manager, sheet rubber and special accounts to manager, gove rnment accounts ind ustr ial produc ts sales, Goo dyea r Tire and Rubber Co. Hi s Ak-

ron, Ohi o address is 195 N. Persh.i ng Ave nue. Colonel Roy L. Kackley , J r. is one of 224 senio r officers and civilians currently atte ndi ng the U. S. Arm y War Co ll ege at Carlisle Barrack , Pa. The 10-month course, wh.ich will end in Ju ne 19 70 , is

Col. Roy L. Ka ckley, Jr.

years a of Turi the Pre of the both t factuw' 1957 il ment p 5ition com par way, Sa

Rob Kakma, He fin' the int institut address

APO, ~

designed to in crease the studen t 's analytical ability and knowl edge and to provide the United States with prepared nuli tary lea ders to help solve the future co mplex proh lems of peace and war. Colo nel Kackl ey entered the Arm y in 1943 and was last assigned to th e U.S. Arm y Engi neer division , Hu ntsvill e, Al aba ma. He holds three awards of the Arm y Co mmendati on Medal, Legio n of Merit, Bro nze Star Medal for heros im and the Ai r Medal. He and Iu s wi fe. Ade li ne are residin g in Ca rl isle, Pa. 1 9 4 4

O. Morris Si evert has bee n appointed Executive Vice President of th e Solar

Willi of the. A1umJ1L Lemay, la he j( and his tlVO ye Army, neering, ments . manage appoint motors Wayne, City, Ii in Ft. there is

Cilbe consulti His offil The fi r and elec

0. Morris Sievert

Division of Intern ati o nal Harvestor Co mpany, an Di ego, Ca li fo rnia_ He ass u:nes tlus new post after three an d one-half MSM Alumnu s

Dick article 1 Review, organ 0 relates ReYnolC for an LDngvie became



i. Perslting

r. is One of ns current. \' ar COllege IQ·iltonth Ie 1970, is




years as the IH Division's Vice President of Turbomachinery Sales. He will assist the President in the overall management of the Division and be responsible for both the product management and manufacturing functions. He joined Solar in 1957 in a turbomachinery sales management post from a sales management position with the Elliott Company. His company's address is 2200 Pacific Highway, San Diego , California.

plant. Then his career took him to installations at LesterhiJl, Massena, Bermuda , India , Messena again, Jones Mills , back to Lesterhill and finally to Ius present position as Reduction Division Manager in Richmond, Virginia. His mother and early farm li fe he credits for his educational drive and ultimate success with Reynolds. The postdepression farm economy and Ius mother, an ex-school teacher impressed upon him the value of an education. Beginning at South Dakota School of Mines , moving to Califonua, working for an aircraft company, serving a hitch in the Navy, meeting his wife-to-be, he entered the Missouri School of Mines , and earned his B.S . degree in 1947.

Robert O. Dietz is Director , of Von Kakman Institute in Genessee , Belgium. He finds the directing and teaching in the international research and training institute is interesting and enjoyable. His address is in care of the U.S . Embassy, APO, New York , N.Y. 09667.

1 9 4 6

Ident's an· and to pro· I prepared tltE future and war. , Army in o tlte C.S. tsville. Ala· :ds of Ihe Le~on of or herosim I Ius wife.

, Pa.

appointed the Solar

William A. Rutledge was the recipient of the 1969 Hancock Place Distinguished Alumnus Award, Hancock High School, Lemay, Missouri. After graduation at Rolla he joined General Electric Company and his career has been interrupted only two years when he was with the U.S. Army , 1948-50. He held various engineering, planning and marketing assignments until 1962 whe n he was named manager of engineering. In 1967 he was appointed general manager of specialty motors which includes plan ts in Ft. Wayne, Ind. , Jonesboro , Ark., and Tell City, Ind. He is active in civic affairs in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Their address there is 2528 Silverleaf Drive.

1 947 Gilbert J. Carafiol has opened his own consult ing firm in St. Louis, Missouri. His office address is 706 Chestnut Street. The firm is specializing in mechanical and electrical projects.

Id one·half

Dick Cole was the subject of a feature article that appeared in t he "Reynolds Review ," Jul y-August issue , the house organ of Reynolds Metals Compan y . It relates how Dick became affiliated with Reynolds because he wouldn 't take "no" for an answer. His first job was at the Longview plant as a metallurgist. He became ge neral foreman at the finished

\ Alumnus

December 1969

estor Corn'

-Ie assumes


He was married, worked a few years and then continued his formal education at M.LT. ending with a M.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. He has run the gamut of jobs with Reynolds and he feels fortunate to work at Reynolds , "We have good people wherever we go," he says. "The reduction Division has sort of grown up together. When I joined , we had four plants. We 've added three more and beefed up the capacity at existing plants. Plant communications are better and the overall system of information distribution has improved tremendously. And" he concludes , "there are better years ahead ." Chester M. Pomeroy reports he and Ius wife, Mitzi , celebrated their 25 th wedding anniversary all year during 1969. Chester is with Du Pont Company in market research. He is also Assistant Rabban , Nar Temple A.A.O.N .M.S. , Wilmington, Delawa re. Their residence address is 15 N. Cliffe Drive. 1


Donald J. Mathews , 29 17 Portugal Drive , Lemay, Missouri , heads Sales Development, Alton Packaging Co mpany, Highland , Illinois. Ja mes W. Bill ard has been named vicepresident of production by Union Carbide Petroleum. He was formerly manager of production for t he American International Oil Co . He also has been associated with Iran Pan American Oil Co., and Texas Petroleum Co. His headquarters

address is 270 Park Avenue, New York , N.Y. , and he resides at 18 Burning Tree Road , Greenwich, Conn. Harold G. Moe , P.O. Box 502, Decca , East Pakistan , writes , " We have had a riotous time in Decca the past year without any outhouse burning. At homecoming the Decca chapter met at my house and drank a beer. " Harold is a proj ect engineer for Camp , Dresser & McKee in Pakistan. His wife and three cluldren are with lum.

194 9 Nick Holloway, J r. has been made Presiden t of Gene ral Man age r of the Vick Manufacturing Division of Richardson -M errell , Inc. He has been with the diversified drug firm since 1955. Pri or to

Nick Holloway, Jr.

his recent promotion , Mr. Holloway was vice president and assistant ge neral manager of the division wluch manufactures t he Vicks colds products , Lavoris mouthwash, Clearasil ointment and the ClarkCleveland denture products. The division has its headquarters in Hatboro , Pa. Mr. Holloway is a che n1.ical engineer. He is a native of Arkansas and he and Jus wife and two cluldren live in Meadowbrook , Pa. 1 950 W.E. Bach, J r. , is general sales man age r, Alcoa of Australia , Ltd ., 155 Quee n Street, Melbourne, Australia. Robert C. Wood , geophysicist with Oasis Oil Co. , of Libya, Inc. , states that he expects to ret urn to the Uni ted States Page 21




on vacation thi s summer and visit old friends in the nti dwest. His ad dress is P.O . Box 395, Tripoli , Libya. Donald Hockett has been named manufactur in g engin eering manager for the elec troni cs and space division of Emerson Electric Compa ny. He has bee n with Emerson since 1951. His address is 3011 Winte rgreen Drive, Florissa nt, Mo. R. Lee Aston advises that Aston Engineering Service is so utheaste rn sales and service representative for jet f1 ame drills and channeller for Brow nin g Enginee rin g Cor poration . R. Lee Aston , presid ent of Aston Qu arri es, has opened a new granite dimension stone quarr y at Elb erton , Geo rgia , Aston & Dunn Qu arr y. He is president of this co rporation as well as Buena Black Gran ite Corporation. His mailin g ad dress is Box 34 , Elberton. Dr. Robert F. Burke , retired as Coionel, USAF , Dece mber 1969. He is staff scien tist , Da ta Corpo ration , Da yton, Ohio. His address is 7125 Mandrake Drive .

to the newly-created post of Manager of the AC Adjustable Speed Drives Operation , a divi sion of Gene ral Electric Company. He has been serving as Manage r of the I nstrumen ta tion and Con trol Service Business Section of the Service Shops De-

Robert L. Hirsch

pattment in Schenectady since 1967 . He joined G.E. in 1954 as a member of its Test Engineering Program wi th several assignments. In 19 55 , he was transferred to the marketing section in Bloomington's General Pur pose Control Department.

Three yea rs later, he joined the Indu st rial Sales Divisi on in Cincinnati, as a 195 1 fie ld Sales Engineer. In 1964, he became Donald W. Ca nady is patent counsel Manage r of Measuremen ts and Control for The Si gnal Co mpani es, In c. , Los Sys tems for the Servi ce Shops Depar tAngeles, Californi a. Aft er he fin ished ment. In 19 66, he became Manage r of law school at George Was hin gton Univer- Retrofit Syste ms for SSD. He and his sit y he was empl oye d fo r Ii liz years by wife, Phylli s, and five children live at Atlanti c Richfi eld Company, in An aheim , 100 5 Semi nol e Road , Scotia , N.Y. Californi a, and was tran sferred to Pl1il aEa rl E. Pape was transferr ed by the delp hi a, Pa., in 1969 . Afte r six months Illino is Power Company back to their in Phil ad el phi a, he acce pted the posi- headqua rters in Decatur as su pervisor tion of pat ent cou nse l at Signal and re- of gas con struction. turn ed to Los An geles . He is now reLee Bilheimer is now assistant to the sidi ng in Anaheim , 12 13 W. Park Avenu e, vic e presid ent, minin g, Brameda Rewtth hi s wife, Pat, and fi ve children. so urces Limit ed, 1177 West Hastin g St. . 195 2 Vanco uver, British Co lumbia. He fo rmerJ. R. Swee ney is Manage r- Project Engi - ly was with Pl acer Develo pmen t Limited. nee rin g, Inmont Cor porati on, Hawthorne, 1 9 5 4 N.J . He joined Inmont (for merl y InterLt. Col. Ra yburn L. Willi amso n fo ll owchemi ca l Corp.) in May 1966 as proj ec t in g compl eti on of a tour of Vietnam has engineer with the Press tit e Division becomin g co rporate se ni or pr oject engi- assumed com mand of th e 16th Armou red nee r in Jun e 1968 upon es tabli sh men t Engi nee r Bat ta li on, I st Armored Division, of Co rporate Enginee rin g Departme nt. Ft. Hood , Texas. Hi s address is 6730 He was prom oted to his prese nt position Rose Street. in Jun e 1969. His address is 693 Vance Ave nu e, Wyco ff, N.J. 195 6 Philip F. Teodori was recentl y assigne Robert L. Hirsch has bee n appointed Page 22

to Bache & Compan y's Camden , New Jersey office, as a stock broke r and co mmodities specialist. Hi s address is 32 Charters Oak, Marlton , N.J. Roger BerkbigJer is Manager of Enginee ring-Re tainin g Rings, Ramsey Co rporation . In this ca pacity Roger handle s all phases of applicat ion and product engi nee rin g for retainin g rin gs. He join ed Ramsey as a Development Engine er-Teflon Seals, in February 1964 . In September 1964 , he was moved to retainin g r i n g engin ee rin g, and in Janua ry 1968, he became Project Engin eer. He is a registe red engin eer in the State of II tissouri . He has a Master's degree in au tomotive engi neering fro m Chr ysler En ginee ri ng In stitut e, Detroit. He is a member of Pi Tau Sigma and Tau Beta Pi and is active in the Socie ty of Au tomot ive Engineers and presen tl y Vice Chairman Student Activities, St. Louis Sec ti on. He and his wife Betty, an d their six children reside at 5 Tree Crest, Fenton , Mo. 195 7 James R. Graham has bee n nam ed division traffic superint endent for the Sprin gfield division of Southweste rn Bell Telephone Co. He was formerly traffic supervisor in St. Louis, Mo .


moted to prc office, He fo visor i been' wife, . 24111 Ro\ at the Missou Cartha

Gee Corpol commi Housir their t mond.

Gar to dis souri ~ ton, ~ constn motior ment i

R.F Pittsbu Puerto

195 8 James H. Garrett is begi nning his seve nth yea r in Lib ya with Esso Standard Lib ya, In c. He is Head , Production Engin eerin g Section . He wa s elected presi dent of Lib ya n Assoc iation of Petrol eum Technologists (AIME) fo r the yea r 1969. The Gan'etts have three children. Their mailing add ress is in ca re of Esso. Box 38 5, Tripoli, Libya . Harvey D. Shell ha s bee n appoi nted Acti ng Execut ive Sec retary of the Mi sso uri Air Conserva ti on Co mmi ssion. He will co n tinu e to se rve in his for mer positi on as the age ncy's chief of techni cal se rvices . His hea dqu arters will be in Jefferson City . Colone l Niels H. Lun d is now se rvin g in Germany as The Direc tor of Enginee rin g and Co nst ru ction fo r Head qu arte rs, U.S. Air Force , Europe. I-i q, USAFE (DE E). APO New York 09633. MSM Alumnu s

under in 195( Christi: llluisia several tempor Penn! 1968 a man 0



den. Nell' · and com. .S 3~ Char.

r of Engi. :\' Corp;r. handles aU duct engi. :-Ie .ioin~d


In Sep. to retain. January teer. He is re of ~I is. ~ in auto. sler En~. a member I Pi and is

Hive E n~ .

rman Stu· In. He and · children '10.

named di· for the :stern Bell rly trame



195 9

Russell A. Herring was recently pro: moted by the Shell Chemical Company to project engineer with the firm's main office, engineering, in Houston , Texas. He formerly was an engineering supervisor in the firm's Houston Plant. He has been with Shell since 1960. He and his wife, Yvonne, and two children live at 2411 Huckleberry, Pasadena, Texas. Robert R. Wright is department head at the Water and Waste School, Neosho, Missouri. They live at 914 South Main, Carthage, Missouri. George H. Morgan is with the Excel Corporation in value analysis. He is a commissioner on the South Bend Public Housing Authority. The Morgans with t~ir three children reside at 1217 Diamond-Avenue. Gary B. Chullino has been promoted to district construction engineer, Missouri State Highway Department, Sikeston, Missouri. He was assistant district construction engineer prior to his promotion. He joined the highway department in 1960.

OW serving

· Engineer· Idquart ers . I,



he held prior to his present assignment. Mrs. Hughes is the former Margaret Parker of Ironton, Missouri. They are parents of one daughter.

960 John L. Ratliff received his Ph.D. degree in Metallurgical Engineering at Ohio State University, and is now assistant professor in the Department of Structures, Materials and Fluids, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa. His address is 10314 Carrollwood Court, Tampa. R. Neil Henkel has been promoted to Manager, Applications Services at the U.S. Industrial Chemical Co., Polymer Service Laboratories, Tuscola, IlL The

R. F. Hughes

under construction. Hughes joined PPG in 1959 as a chemical engineer at Corpus Christi . He transferred to Lake Charles, Louisiana, in 1967, and after spending several months at the plant received a temporary assignment on PPG's Asahi Penn project in Japan. He returned in 1968 and was assigned as ge neral fo reman of VC-EC-HCI units, the position December 1969

in the Army Chemical Corps and recently was discharged a Captain in the Army Reserve , Mrs. Graves is the former Mary McClellan , of Rolla, and they have two children, George, J r., and Laura Anna. George is a member of Alpha Chi Sigma, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and is a registered professional engineer in Indiana. Their address is 3905 Lee Street, Anderson , Indiana. Lawrence A. Boston has joined Cities Service Oil Company as senior technical Advisor in the general engineering division. Boston, who was with Chevron Oil Company , New Orleans, La., until joining

Lawrence A . Boston

R. Neil Henkel

R.F. Hughes has been transferred by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries to their Puerto Rican project which is presently

inning his sso Stand· lroduction cted presi· Petroleum lear 1969. reno Their Esso. Box

appointed f the ~ I is· ission. He 'oriller po· f technical be in Jeff·


laboratories are responsible for product and process development, customer services, applications development, and quality control monitorirtg for poly olefin products. He joined USI in 1960 as a customer service engineer. He was named coa tings group leader in 1966 and section leader in the applications services area earlier this year. He and his wife, Marilyn and two children live at 417 Cedar Lane, Arthur , Ill. John P. Hager is now associate professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines , Golden. George H. Graves has been in process engineering and manufacturing development at Guide Lamp Division of General Motors since 1960. He started as a college graduate-in-training. He was promoted to senior process engineer tllis year. He is a native of Rolla, Mo ., served as a 2nd Lt.

CITGO has had extensive experience in the design, fabrication and installation of offshore producing platforms. He also has done both structural and foundation analyses of platforms with emphasis on the development of computerized techniques for conducting tests. He is in the Tulsa, Oklahoma office. Mike Bertorello has been transferred , with his wife, Mary, and four children, Mathew , Michele, Melissa and Maria , from Libya to Venezuela. In Libya he was regional engineer for Dowell Schlumberger and now he is manager, Eastern Venezuela, for his company. His address is in care of Dowell Schlumberger (Western) SA , Apartado 436, EI Tigre-Edo, Anzoategui. James Painter will complete 10 years with McDonnell-Douglas in Feb r u a r y 1970. He recently developed a 2 10 ATM electric arc air heater for simulation of high performance missile reen try. He is a research scientist. His address is Route 1, Box 12, Winfield, Missouri. Page 23




Chester W. Sturgeon has been promoted to senior engineer/manager of Intermediate Computer Engineering at International Business Machines' Electronics Systems Center in Owego, New York. He joined IBM in 1960 as a junior engineer. In 1961, he became associate engineer. In 1962, he was promoted to senior associate engineer, staff engineer in 1963, project engineer in 1965, development engineer/manager of Maintainability and Diagnostic Engineering in 1966 and manager of CP Computer Engineering in 1968. He is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi honorary engineering fraternities. The Sturgeons live at 150 Frederick Drive, Apalachin.

Clippards' address is 508 E. Park Avenue Altoona , Pa . '

William D. Neel is now sales engineer for Marco Sales Inc., the Carrier Air Conditioning Distributor and his territory is Southern Illinois, Southeast and Central Missouri. His address is 11875 Sheffield, Florissant, Mo.

1 9 6 4

His aC

Charles Ernest Price is a recent addition to the staff of the Technology Department in the Laboratory Division , Union Carbide, Paducah, Kentucky. He received his M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, in 1969. Charles, and his wife Judy, are parents of eight children. The latest additions were twins, Jennifer Jean and Clinton Ernest.


Lindell H. Elfrink, civil engineer, Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Huron, South Dakota, is now a Registered Professional Engineer in South Dakota.

196 3

maril) they ment

IVil Ma n

Ike H. Williams has been named Product Engineering Manager for the Paragould, Arkansas operations of the Monroe Auto Equipment Company. Since

Buddy J. Austin will be moving to Dr. James J. Baremore is presently doLafayette, Indiana, where he will be establishing an industrial research labora- ing a tour of duty in Vietnam. He is scheduled to be released from active tory in the Purdue Industrial Park. duty next August. He holds the rank of Captain and his address is 487-44-7585 , 1 9 6 1 IkeH STRATCOM, Reg. Comm. Gr. (V), P & 0 Dr. Echol E. Cook completed his re- Div. Networks Br. APO San Francisco, Williams quirements for a Ph.D. degree at Okla- Ca. 96243. He would appreciate hearing homa State University, in August 1969, from any of his friends. and he is an assistant professor in Civil Engineering at OSU. J.A. Denzel is now plant supervisor for Monsanto's Catox prototype plant in Captain Nelson H. Noell is attending Portland, Pa. T his, is a demonstration the Air University's Squadron Officer School at Maxwell AFB, Alabama. This plant for the removal of particulate mat- 14-week course is in communicative skills, ter and S02 from power plant flue gas. graduation he has been employed by leadership, international relations, and re- He is a senior design engineer at Mon- Emerson Electrics in Paragould. His adsponsibilities that prepare junior officers santo Environchem Systems, Inc., St. dress is Route 2. Louis, Mo. His residence address is 9431 for command-staff duties. 965 Mary Glen. Jack Goodman is a graduate student 1 962 N.M. Naiknimbalkar, his wife, Mage- working toward a Ph.D. degree in Aerolena and children, Asha and Angeli visited space Engineering at State University of Richard O. Rouse has been transferred India for a month this year. He is an ex- New York at Buffalo. He lives in Williamsand promoted from engineer for special ploration geologist for United Nuclear- ville, N.Y., 72A Williamsburg Square. projects for Truax-Traer Division of ConHomestake Partners, Grants, New Mexisolidation Coal Company to general suco. His mailing address is P.O. Box 631. Wayne Huckabee was released from acperintendent of the Shoemaker Mine of tive duty with the U.S. Army September the Ohio Valley Division of Conso!. He 20th, as an E-5. He served at the U-S. D. Clippard, J r. was awarded a Fred has been superintendent of the comArmy Cold Region Research in their engiDoctor of Philosophy degree at Michigan pany's mine at Coffeen, Illinois. He is experienced in mine rescue team and first State University, December 13th. He is an neering laboratory at Hanover , New aid work and has worked in accident pre- Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Penn _ Hampshire as a civil engineer assistant. Wayne and Miss Janet Calsin, of Lorvention with the examiner's school for State Unjversity . Dr. Clippard is a memraine, Ohio, were married June 14,1969. ber of the American Chemical Society, the State of Illinois and the U.S. Bureau The groom is a student in industrial adAmerican Physical Society, the American of Mines. Association for the Advancement of Sci- ministration at Purdue University. Major Lee A. Waltrip, recently pro- ence, Tau Beta Pi , Phi Kappa Phi and moted to his present rank, is on the Society of Sigma Xi. Mrs. Clippard, Dr. Joe A. Hohman completed his M.S. deROTC faculty at Iowa State University, Patty Hall Clippard, is the daughter of gree at Georgia Tech., and is now project Ames. Professor Keith Hall, of Ann Arbor. The manager with Allen & O'Hara, Inc., MemPage 24


James Zychinski has been promoted to district engineer by the Union Electric Company, St. Louis, Mo.

MSM Alumnus

Cornin plant. Engine partm(

1st promo cal enl Air F, AFB,

2nc awardl

Upon AFB, crew t




ent addi. logy De. Division Jcky. H~ echanical and his children. , Jennifer



phis, Tennessee. The company is primarily general building contractors but they also do development and management for hotels and college dormitories. His address is 2980 Barron Ave., No. 18, i Memphis .

196 6 William S. Williams has been appointed Man age r of Production at Pittsburgh

med Pro. the Para. the Mon. 11'. Since

William S. Williams

Cornings' Port Alleghany, Pennsylvania plant. Mr. Williams had been a project Engineer in the Process Development Department. 1

loyed by I. His ad·

e student

: in Aero·

will be assigned to Fairchild AFB, Washington, for flying duty on the KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft. He will serve with the 43rd Air Refueling Squadron, a unit of the Strategic Air Command, America's long-range nuclear bomber and missile force.


1st Lt. Wayne H. Stolte was recently promoted to that rank. He is an electrical engineer and assigned to a unit of the Air Force Logistics Command at Kelly AFB, Texas.

Ensign Michael R. Eastburn graduated from the Officers Candidate School, Newport, R.I. He reported for duty at the Naval Air Facility, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Island, West Indies. Captain David A. Herold is an aviator in the Corps of Engineers. He expects to return to the U.S. in December and to be assigned to Fort .Carson, Colorado, and to fly for the 5th Mech. Division until he is separated from the service in September 1970. Jimmie L. Fisher is scheduled to go to New York for five months of school on the IBM 360 computer system in January 1970. This will qualify him as an instructor of this system. He is now in the U.S. Air Force at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. His address is 453 Querens Ave., Biloxi. 1st Lt. Jack Hornbuckle has been a helicopter pilot in Vietnam since February 1969. He is with the H & HC, 11 th Avn. Bn. (CBT).

Airman Steven A. Mezines received his first U.S. Air Force duty assignment after

A irman Steven A. Mezines

completing basic trammg at Lackland AFB, Texas. He is with a unit of the Strategic Air Command at Francis E. Warren AFB, Wyoming for training and duty in the civil engineering structural and pavements field. Airman Edward G. McGregor has completed U.S. Air Force basic training at

Airman Edward G. McGregor 2ndLt NixonA. Pendergrass

2nd Lt Thomas!. Fritzinger

d from ac·

leptember t the U.S. their en~' ~r , Ne IV assistant. of Lor· '14, 1969. ustrial ad·




2nd Lt. Neil S. Smith is beginning instruction at the Special Warfare School, at Ft. Bragg, to be followed by a ·Viet· namese Language Course at Ft. Bliss, Texas. Thence to Vietnam June 2, 1970. His permanent address is 807 W. Crowder , Trenton, Mo .

2nd Lt. Nixon A. Pendergrass has been 2nd Lt. Thomas J. Fritzinger has been assigned to L.G . Hanscom Field for duty awarded U.S. Air Force silver pilot wings

versityof ,Williams· uare.

is M.S. de' )w project nC., Mem'

196 8

upon graduation with honors at Webb AFB , Texas. Following specialized aircrew training at Castle AFB, California , December 1969

with a unit of the Air Force Systems Command after receiving his commission at Lackland AFB, Texas.

Lackland AFB, Texas, and is assigned to Port Hueneme, California , for training in the civil engineering structural and pavements field. 2nd Lt. William A. Wolf was commissioned at Lackland AFB, Texas, and Page 25



for IrO I


MSM Alumn i Association



2nd Lt William A . Wolf

Preside nt ....

Te rm Ex p ire s

. ~ I u rphy Compan y ................ ...................... 1971 4376 Olive S treet, SI. Louis, M issouri 63108

... _J ames J. M urpby '35 ..

Executi ve Vice-Presiden t .............. Peter F. Mattei '3 7 ..... ... ... ....... Exec. Director, ~[e tropo l itan Sewer Dist. .. 1971 2000 Hampton , SI. Louis, Mo. 63139 Vice-Presiden t Areas 1,2,3 ......... Law rence A. Spanier '50 ....... .. 370 Old Country Road ...... ............. 197 1 Garden City, New Yo rk 11530 Vice-President Areas 4,5 , 6 ........ J osepb W . Moo ney '39 ........... 7383 Wes tmoreland . l: niversit y Cit y, ~1i sso uri 63130

has been assigned to Mather AFB, Califo rnia, for naviga tor trai ning. 2nd Lt. Donald E. Jo hnstone, USAF, has been assigned to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, for duty in a uni t of the Air Force Logistics Command. 2nd Lt. Gilbert A. Engel, Jr. was commissioned upon graduation fro m Officer


Vice-President Areas 7,8,9 ....... ... William B . F letcher '34 ... _ ...... 7515 Yankey SI. . 197 1 Downey , California 90242 Sec reta ry-T reasu rer .. ........... Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 ... D epa rtment of Geolog ical Engineering .... 1971 U ~J R, Rolla, ~ I isso uri 65 401 Exec uti ve Secreta ry ..... . Editor, "MSM ALUM US"

.... Francis C. Edwards ...... .. ......... . ~I S ~[ Alumni Association , Grzyb Building, 'l th & Rolla S treets, Rolla , ~Ii sso uri 65401

Field Secretary ........................... .. Frank H. M acka man

........ !I! S ~ I Alumni Association , Grzyb Build ing, 9th & Rolla St ree ts, Roll a, ~Ii ssou ri 65401



Hans E. Schmo ldt '44 ............................. ....... 3305 Woodlan d Road , Ba rtl es ville, Okl ahoma 74003 .

..... 1971

J ames A. Vincent '37 .. .................................... 372 1 ,-"eptun e Drive, Orlando, Florida 32804. Rex Z. Williams '31 ..

............. ........

liar He pilo

197 1

. Rolla Sta te Bank , Roll a, :\lisso uri 65401 .

...... . 1971


Area No.

D irecto r

States and Provinces Embraced

...... ..... J ohn B. Toomey '49 . 74 12 Admiral Drive Alexandria , Virgi nia 22301

2nd Lt Gilbert A. Engel, Jr.

........... S ew England, )i . Y. , I\ . J. . East Pa . Dist. of Colum bia , IU d ., Ya., Delaware, Province of Quebec . ..... S. Ark., N. c., S. Ala ., Ga., Fla.

... Dr. Larry E. Farmer '61 6520 Roswell Rd., Apt. 69 Atlanta , Georgia 30328

... 0. W. K amper '35 ........ ........... . 5 Woodland Drive Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15228 Frank C. Ap pleyard '3 7 ... ~OS ~o lar . Glell\"iew. Illinois 6002.1

2nd Lt. Steven R. Musterman was co mmissioned at Lackland AF B, Texas

La. ,( Miss., .

.. ... 197 2

.......... .. Pennsylvania , W . Va ., Ohio, W . Pa., ..................... 1972 K y., Ten n., Ind. (Except C hicago Indu st rial Area )

..... 1\ . 111., C hi cago Industrial Area . in Indiana. \\'isc., ~l ic h .. ~iinn ..


Province of On tario

.... Training School, Lackla nd AFB , Texas, andassigned to Tyndall AF B, Florida for traini ng as a wea pons con troller.


Term E:-.-pires 1970

........... Ri chard H. Ba uer '52 .... ...... ...... .... . 5 Sa ppington Acres Drive SI. Louis, Misso uri 63 126 6.

......... S. III ., E . 1II 0., 1\ . Ark .

19 70

.. ... J ohn A. I\'alk er ' 50 ........ .. ....................... Io\\'a , II', ~I o .. :'\ebr .. Kan .. Okla . Arm co Steel Corp., 7100 Rob erts, K ansas City, ?\li ssouri 64125

7........... Rober t M. Brackbill '42 ................ .. Texas Paci fie Oil Co mpany 1700 One lIIain Place D a llas, Texas 75250

assi! pilol


...... .......... Texas, Ar izo na. :\ew Mex ico


19 70

8 ........... George J. D ec ker '39 .......................................... I da., M ontana, 1\. D ., S. D ., .. .... ............................. 19 72 Star R t. 2, Box 340 Wyo., Colo. , Nev., Utah, Evergreen . Colorad o 80439 Provinces of Manitoba, Sask ., Alberta 9 ..

2nd Lt Steven R . Musterman

.E. ~Iurray Schmidt '49 30 11 :ll arina Dri ve ..\I ameda. Ca li fornia 9450 1

.... Alas ka , \\'ashin~ton . Oregon, . California. H awaii



Ii. H . Hartze ll '06


130 1 Cleveland, Baxter Sprin ~s, Kan sas 66713

F. C. Schn eebe rger ' 25 '-"0. 1 Briar Oak , Ladue, :ll issou ri 6313 2

:ll elvin E. '-"ickel '3 10601 Sou th Hamilton Avenue, Ch icago, Illinois 60643

R. O. Ka sten '43 901 West 114th Terrace Kansas Ci ty, ~Ii sso uri 64114

Dr. Ka rl F . H asselmann '25 3 100 \Y . Alabama, Sui te 207 Hous to n. Texas 77000

Paul T. Dowling '40 139 Fro nt enac Forest, St Lou is. :l1i"ouri 63 13 1

H arry S. Pence '23 17 Cambridge Ct. , Glendale, ~Ii sso uri 6312 2

Dr. ~Iervin ]. K elly ' 14 2 W indemer Terrace, ho rt Hill s, I'ew Je rsey 0 70 7.

James 11'. S tephens '47 406 Ea.<l 1'1"'0 . Lee'~ ~lImmit. .\fissou ri


and assigned to Keesler AFB , Mississippi Page 26

MSM Alum n us



2 sign( recei AF8 Dec

for tramillg as a communications-electronics officer. Roger L. Cannady has been commissioned a second lieutenant after gradua-

Term Expires

····:·····.. 1911 Un 63108

Dis1. .. 1911 139 ······ ... 1911

2nd Lt R oger L. Cannady


~o .

18 , Sec. 34.9, P . L. & R. , Rolla, Mo.

·····.... 1911

···_···· ... 1911

ring .... 1911





., 65401

··· ..... 1971

tion from OTS at LackJand AFB, Texas. He is assigned to Craig AFB , Alabama fo r pilot training .

MSM Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

2nd Lt. Michael E. Ferretti , commissioned at LackJand AF B, Texas, has been


·· ........ 19il

·.......... 1971

'ermExpires .......... 1970

2nd Lt Michael E. Ferretti

........... 1971

........... 1972


assigned to Vance AFB, California for pilot training.


1 969

.. 1911

- --

- - :.LU OltI

Wayne A. Adams who was commissioned a second lieu tenan t at LackJand

... 1910

... 1912


2nd Lt Way ne A. Adams

Become a Member

of the ,j

AFB, Texas has been assigned to Webb AFB, Texas , for training as a pilot. 2nd Lt. Randall Burns has been assigned to Keesler AFB , Mississippi after receiving his commission at LackJand AFB , Texas . December 1969

Century Club Page 27



1970 Annual Alumni Fund


NAME .... .... .......



... .... CLASS ..



o R



CITy .. ... .. ........ .. ... .. ..... . DATE ....... .. ... .. ..

15 .00

..... __ .. ..... ........ STATE __ ...... .. ..... ......... .

........ .. .. . ............. . ZIP




CODE ...... ...... .. .... ..

50.00 100 .00


My contrib ution to tbe MSM Alumni Association is indicated and $ ......





Annual Alumni Fund

.. .. . is enclosed .

500 .00

Matching gift fo rm attached. (


) Above is new address. Please mail this card and contribution to MSM Alumni Association . (Complete Oth<r Side )



o U

R 1 9 7


PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALUMNI RECORDS : Employ ment (!\a me of Company, Own Company, Self Employed , Retired )


( ) Same

Employment (Title or Position )


Employment Address




......... .... ... THE


. ......... ..

Zip Code

. . ........ ... .

:vIS1\1 ALUM NG's




IP I A I S I D I CI S1 (Complete Other Side) T L G Rep


Please Staple or Tape Check to Form --- Thank You





University of Missouri - Rol!a ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401




Page 28

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