Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1970

Page 1

AUGUST 1970 Honor Roll Edition


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Minimal Tuition Increase Slated MSM ' Alumn i A ss ociation Uni ve r sit y o f M issouri - Rolla Ro lla , Mi ss ouri 65 4 01

Volume 44


Because of a need to support the 1970-71 general operating budget of the University of Missouri, the Board of Cura tors has approved an increa~ of $3 0 per semester for the incidental fee of students attending any of the four campuses of the University of Missouri. Non-resident tuition was increased by $60 per semester. However, officials of the University of Missouri Roll a try to make financial aids availabl e a t UMR to help the student in need to attend at a minimal cost. Students can receive financial aid from such sources at UMR as parttime jobs, the cooperative engineering science trainin g procrram , scholarships, schola rship-loans, grants, loan funds, and for graduate students, traineeships and research and teaching assistantships. Students who are of high ability can " quiz out" of several of the ele-

mentary subjects, allowing them to complete their education in less time.

Fil lecte<

A student at UMR, who is a Missouri resident, can expect to get by on about $1,710 for two semesters of study. This expenditure will be for room and board ($940), fees ($535) , textbooks ($100), drawing instruments ($35), laundry and cleaning ($50), and Miscellaneous ($50) . There will be other expenses such as clothing, amusement, traveling and probably organization dues which are not included. For out-of-state students , the cost is the same, plus about another $920 for non-resident tuition.


Dr. John C. Weaver, President of the University of Missouri , at the time of the fee increase called the move to increase fees "a most unfortunate necessity." But, students can still get by on a minimum expense at UMR, and if they need it, they should apply for financial aid.

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More New Buildings for UMR Students returning to the campus this fall will see a lot of construction activity underway.

William E . Juedemann . staff comm ercial artist, designed the cover for this issue of the Alumnus. It features the correct years jor the R eunion Classes and, y es, the Class of 1942 is having a spec.ifll reunion .

Iss ue d bi -mon thly in th e inte rest of th e graduates a nd form e r stud e nt s of th e Missouri School of Min es and Metallurgy and th e Univ e rs ity of Mi ssouri - Rollo. Sub scr iption price , $1 .50, includ e d in Alumni Du es. Ente re d as second clo ss moile r O cto b er 2 7, 1926, at f>os t OfficE! at Rolkl, Mi ssou ri 65 4 01 , und er th e Act of March 3 1897. '


ted on the north edge of the drill field along 16th Street. It will contain the laboratories, shops, offices and other faciliti es which will be devoted entirely to interdisciplinary type of research focused heavilv toward environmental problems. -

New buildings still under construction are the Mathema tics and Computer Science B uilding, Humanities and Social Sciences Building a nd the Engineering Sciences Research Laboratory Building. The Chemistry-Chemical Engineering All three are scheduled for completion Building, which was funded by the last in 1971. T hey were all funded in 1968. session of the legislature, will soon be on the drawing board , after the Board T he Mathematic and Computer Sciof curators, at their July meeting ence Building, located south of the authorized the employment of Mantel Ma terials Research Building, will proand Steele, Architects, Inc. , Kansas vide cia sroom space for abou t 1,000 City, Missouri , to design the structure. stud ents and will house a computer center a nd related facilities. It will also The students returned to the campus contain offices for the mathematics and August 24th to register for the 1970-71 computer sci ences departments . academic year. Under the new schedule, T he Humanities and Social Sciences this date is about two weeks earlier than Building is near completion west of the previous years. The Fall semester will Library and north of the Mining and close December 19th and the Winter Petroleum Engineering Building. It will commencement will be held December house the classrooms, laboratories and 20th. The Spring semester will begin fac ulty offices of the departments of January 18th, with Easter vacation from April 3 to 12th. The Spring semeshumaniti es and social sciences. ter terminates May 22nd, and the T he Engineering Sciences Research Spring commencement will be Sunday. Labora tori es Building is being constrllc- May 23rd.


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Weart Honored UMR Female Graduates Listed as Dr.Dr. H.W. Harry W. Weart, Chairman of Department of Metallurgical and HOutstanding Women of America" the Nuclear Engineering, has been selected Five UMR graduates have been selected to appear in the 1970 edition of " Outstanding Young Women of America." The nominees selected were: Mrs. Ann Perry Wethington, Rolla , Mo.; Dr. Martha C. (Shultz) Fowler, Austin, Texas; Mrs. Laura Lee (Morey) Bosnak , Shawnee Mission, Kansas ; Mrs. Barbara (Edson) Vitoff, Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Gail K. (Davidge) Kettenbrink, Iowa City, Iowa. The five nominated for the honor were among the names submitted by the Alumni Association and were chosen on the basis of their achievements. They are now in competition for their state's Outstanding Young Woman of the Year Award. Mrs.


received a B . S.

as one of 36 new American Council on Education Fellows in the sixth year (1970-71) of the Academic Administration Internship Program. Dr. Weart was nominated {or the honor by UMR. Each ACE Fellow during the nine-month internship, either on his home campus or on a host campus, is assigned to one or more top administrative officers to observe and to participate in policy and decision making activities . Fellows attend fall and spring seminars in Chicago and Washington on the problems of academic administration , undertake assigned readings in academic administraMrs. Ketterbrink has a bachelor's tion and produce an analytical report in degree in geology awarded in 1967 and the field of academic administration. is a teacher in the Clear Creek ComDr. Weart will assume his fellowship munity School District, Oxford, Iowa. in September at the host campus, UniHer husband, Edwin C. Kettenbrink, is versity of California at Berkeley. also a geology graduate from UMR. Professor Robert V. Wolf '5 1, has been appointed Chairman of the Department of Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering. Professor Wolf joined the Metallurgical Engineering Department faculty in Colonel John M. Frassrand ended his 1951 and was awarded the title of pro30-year Army career in retirement cere- fessor in 1967. monies held at Fifth Army Headquarters, Fort Sheridan, Illinois. degree in chemistry in 1957 and is employed with the U. S. Bureau of Mines in Rolla . Dr. Fowler was awarded a B. S . degree in electrical engineering, in 1961 , and received a Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Texas in 1969. She is an assistant professor in E. E . at the University of Texas. Mrs. Bosnak is married to a UMR graduate, John S. Bosnak. She received her B. S. degree in Physics in 1964. Mrs. Vitoff received a B. S. degree in applied mathematics in 1964.

Col. Frassrand Retires-Col. Loesing Assumes New Duties Colonel Vernon T. Loesing '42 , assumed duties as Professor of Military Science at UMR, August 1st. He replaced Colonel John Frassrand who is retiring from the Army after his three-year tour of duty here and will live in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Colonel Loesing, a 1942 graduate of Rolla, holds his bachelor's degree In petroleum engineering. During World War II, Col. Loesing served in the Mediterranean Theatre. In 1954, he attended the Command and General Staff School at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. He attended the Armed Forces Staff College in 1967 and the Army War College in 1965. He holds dual master 's degrees in chemical engineering from Iowa State University and earned his master 's degree in international affairs from George Washington University. Colonel Loesing has served in foreign assignments for 13 years in Hawaii , Alaska , Korea. Europe and Okinawa . The Colonel and his wife, Elizabeth , are parents of four children. All but the youngest daughter are grown and live elsewhere. H e is a native of St. Louis and his wife comes from South Carolina. August 1970

Enrollment Continues Up Trend

Colonel Frassrancl received the First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Legion of A total of 5,174 students were enMerit in recognition of his outstanding rolled at UMR at the close of regula r service as Professor of Military Science registration August 26th. at UMR. This total is an unofficial figure as late registration continued. This total During the course of his more than does not include enrollment at the UMR 30 years of active duty with the Army, Graduate Engineering Ce nter, in St. he has had many widely varying and Louis, which holds registration on Auginertesting assignments including duty ust 29th . The total at the Rolla campus comin Iceland, England, Japan, Korea, I ran and Italy. He commanded the pares with an enrollment of about 5, 162 23rd Armored Engineer Battalion of at the close of regular registration last the 4th Armored Division under then year. Major Gen. Creighton Abrams and Thi s year's total includes 1,442 freshlater the 921st Engineer Group at Ft. men ; 909 sophomo res , 87 1 j un iors and Leonard Wood, Mo. , where he was also 1,226 seniors. There are 526 working assistant Chief of Staf f for the post. toward master's degrees, on the Rolla campus, and 200 are candidates for the The Colonel , hi s wife, Dorothy, and Ph. D. degree. Also not included in the 5,164 figure three daughters are moving to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he will begin are cooperative engineering s cience a new career with the Nuclear Reactor training students ( 11 8) who are in their Mfg. Co ., of Combustion Engineering . working semester and those who are Their new address will be 312 Valley- taking credit courses through the Extension Division out-state. brook Lane, Hi xon, Tennessee.


HE'S 96 and still • gomg strong

he went to work in the copper smelter and mines of the Bully Hill Copper Mining and Smelting Company in California. There he participated in the development of a revolutionary method of processing zinc, one of his major contributions to the field of metallurgical engineering. From 1916 to 1920 he was superintendent of process and plant production for the Electrolytic Zinc and Cadmium Plant, United States Smelting, Refining and Mining Company of California. A little later he served as a consulting engineer in San Francisco and Bakersfield, Calif. He designed the cadmium plant of the Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia in Risdon, Tasmania. As a result of his a~ticle on this plant the Magdeburg Zinc Works of the Georg Von Giesche's Arben Mining Company was built in East Germany.


After joining the UMR faculty in 1923 , Cap continued his consulting work on zinc, lead, electrometallurgy and secondary metals. He conducted numerous investigations for metal companies and authored more than 35 publications in the general field of metallurgy. There are nine patents on metallurgical processes for which he is holder or joint holder. He developed the process of electrogalvanizing steel products in acid solution, developed electrolytic cadmium using rotating aluminum cathodes and assisted in the development of the electrolytic manganese process using lead silver anodes - all to the good of metallurgical engineering.


In 1942 Cap was appointed chairman of the UMR department of metallurgical engineering and in 1946 he officially retired (but it was retirement in name only) . He found time to devote more energy to consulting which enhanced development of an ' already renowned career in international engineering circles.

There is a professor on campus who is only four years younger than the University of Missouri-Rolla and just as modern in his outlook as it is .

campus or in downtown Rolla. He walks a half mile daily, whatever the weather. He is often called upon to do consulting work in metallurgical engineering and carries on correspondence with metallurgists all over the world.

Dr. HerbertR. Hanley better known as "Cap" - is professor emeritus of metallurgical engineering. He will be 96 years old this Sept. 18 and still goes to his office every day in the department of metallurgical and nuclear engineering (Fulton Hall). In the mornings, he makes his rounds of the other offices to make sure all the metal lurgical engineering professors are there. 1n the afternoons he spends his time counseling with faculty and students. In between times, he walks around the

In 1951 , under the Economic CoopCap has always been a dynamo. "I'm not smart enough to have a hobby," he erative Administration, he conducted a jests, "so I've spent just about my group of European lead and zinc metalentire time in the field of metallurgical lurgists on plant inspections in the engineering." His achievements in this United States under the Marshall Plan . lifetime interest, both in education and He was an adviser for Foreign Operations Administration and the Internaindustry, go on and on . tional Cooperative Administration. He received his B. S. degree in minAt the age of 78, a time when most ing engineering from UMR in 1901 (he also holds ¡ the degree of metallurgical people sit on their patios and rock, he engineer and an honorary doctor of made his first world trip to Europe and engineering degree from Rolla). Then the Middle and Far East.



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MSM Alumnus


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In 1953 , at 79 years of age, Cap took on a new challenge - organizing a depa rtment of mining and metallurgical engineering at the Taiwan College of Engineering which later became Cheng Kung Universi ty in Tai nan, Taiwan (Formosa). Working under what he calls " Robinson Crusoe" conditions, he and Chinese craftsmen succeeded in equ ipping a modern department for mining and metallurg:cal education .

superin_ oduction :admium Refining lrnia, A msultin.

His reti rement also gave him time to devote to wri ting. As a recogn ized expert in his field , he contributed material on galvan izing iron and steel to Encyclopedia Britannica. Other publications in recent years include papers on zinc and zinc alloys in Th e Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals (published by John Wiley and Sons, New York) and articles for the Mining and Metallurgical E ngineering Annual and the Borg Warner Co rporation monthly magazine. He was respo nsible for the outlin e and arrangement of a book on Th e Metallurgy of Lead and Zinc, published by the American Institute of Minin g, ~1eta ll urgical and Petroleum Engi neers (A IME ) .


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At the age of 88, Cap made his second world trip whi ch included a study of New Zealand amI the Eastern Half of Australia . I ndicating the high rega rd held for Dr. Hanley by members of his profession was the 1966 M ineral Industry Education Award given to him by AIME. At that time he was cited as " a venerable and respected metallurgical engineer a nd educator whose career has spanned many generations and whose enthusiasm for his profession and AIME has never dimini shed." Cap Hanley is eq ually revered by his students. "I've had students who are the gran dsons of students in my first classes," he says, " and they 're all tops in my book. " Many of them are among the nation 's most distinguished engineers who have fond memories of his classroom teaching a nd his interest shown outside the classroom. Each year, as a professor he iiwited one metallurgy studen t to live in his home rent free - usually a student from a foreign country.

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" 1 don 't try to advise young metallurgical engineers on the basis of my past experience only," he says, " This would give them a narrow perspective on the profession. I advise them to keep an open mind on all new subjects." Professor Hanley, obviously, is very pleased with today's generation. "The only disappointment iTl the yo unger generation w hi ~ h I have," he says, " is the lack of a ttention men give to proverbs these days. McGuffey's Reader, with its words to live by , still holds Aug ust 1970

t rue today." He is a n avid reader of biographies and includes among his favorites the biographies of important men in the field of metals. For example, President Herbert Hoover , a personal frienrl , who presented him with the first book in English on mining anrl metallurgy, D e R e M etallica. Perhaps even greater than his professional and educational interest in metallurgical engineering. has been hi s devotion to his family. Bertha Miles Hanley, his late wife who died in 1961 , was as en thusiastic abo ut his career as he and accompanied him on all his trips. She was an active member of the Women's Auxilia ry of the AIME, among other organizations. Their son, John, is vice president of the Northern Na tural Gas Company in Omaha , N eb. "My son has done better than I ," Dr. Hanley insists with father ly pride. It has been a full near-cen utry , But Cap says he is only a half century old. " I 'm 57 , going on 58 " he says when asked his age. Most people find it easy to believe.

This article is reprinted from the June 1970 issue of the University of MissouriR olla magazine, INTERFACE.

Order Your Centennial Medallion $7.50 Via Mail. $6.50 Cash and Carry 5


Atchley Named Associate Dean

Greetings To the

Alumni Dr. F. Stillman Elfred

DO IT NOW It has been one year since I was prevailed upon to accept the chairmanship for soliciting funds to construct the Student Center which is recognized as a must for Rolla. I reluctantly ciccepted and to date I have no regrets. I am disappointed in the response we have received from the alumni. Sometimes I feel that the alumni are not interested in this worthy cause, but naturally I know this is not true. The Student Center will serve the physical needs of the students. It will be a means of developing social, cultural and intellectual understanding. It will provide worthwhile entertain'ment of concerts and lectures. The Center will train students in social responsibility and leadership in our democratic society. The Center will aid the students to become leaders in their communities. The faculty is competent, consisting of 434 full time educators and 75 part time instructors. The students are contented and are applying their efforts to acquire an engineering education. The new academic buildings are a credit to the school. Many of you have responded to the program . We urge you to review your finances and determine if you can increase your commitment. We also request you to make an effort to contact other alumni and ask their participation. To those of you who have been neglected in our desire to 'c ontact you for funds, we beg your forgiveness and ask you to respond to this announcement as a request for funds. Let's all sacrifice a little something and give our alma mater the support she merits. DO IT NOW F. Stillman Elfred. '17 Chairman of Ch~~cellor's Task Force for the Student Center

Dr . Bill Atchley has been appointed Associate Dean of Engineering. He is also Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Director of Centennial Events Programs. Dr. Atchley has served as Assistant to the Dean of Engineering since June 1968. He has been Professo r of Engineering Mechanics since 1966. In hi s School of Engi neering duties, Dr. Atchley holds primary responsibilities for the budget and speci al assignments. He also serves as coordinator for grad uate studies. Bill joined the UM R staff in 19 57. He received his B. S. and M. S. degrees from UMR and his Ph. D. degree in structural mechanics was awarded at Texas A & M. He is a member of numerous professional societies and the Sigma N u social fraternity. He is listed in Who 's Who in Engineering . He has been chosen as one of the Outsta nding Young Men of America and is author of numerous technical publications in his field. He, and his wife Pat , have three children , Julie, Pamela and David .

Industrial Con terence Sponsored Throughout Missouri The Centennial Events Committee is sponsoring a series of industrial conferences throughout the State of Missouri. These sessions will cen ter on the economic growth of various sections of the state and how UMR can contribute to this growth.

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About 50 industrialists from southwest Missouri and guests are expected to attend the first conference which will be held September 16 , at Ozark , Missouri . R epresentatives from UMR will discuss its programs and how they can benefit the state. A highlight of the session, will be an address by a Federal Reserve Board economist who will discuss the state of Missouri's present economy and make economic growth projections for the coming year.



MSM Alumnus

Ark-la- lex Summer Meeting

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The Ark-La-Tex Section held their Summer meeting at the Officer's Club, Barksdale AFB , Louisiana, on July 18 as guests of Colonel John Livingston '39. After a delicious dinner , Chuck McGaughey '5 0, the Section 's President, presided over a short business meeting. It was announced that Chancellor Mer! Baker's talk before the Shreveport Chapter of the Louisiana Engineering Society, on May 5th, was well received. Chancellor Baker and the Rolla alumni were given a fine tour of the Lone Star Steel Plant by John Moscari '51. Ike Edwards, from the Alumni Office, was present at the meeting and brought us up to date on the current campus events. Gerald Roberts '28, who just returned from Africa where he aided in the construction of a new ammonia plant, gave an inetresting and informative talk about his experience in North Africa and Europe. The Fall meeting of the Section will be held Saturday, October 3rd, in the Petroleum Club, Mid South Tower , 416 Travis, Shreveport, Louisiana. Members present were: Mr. and Mrs. Kevil Crider '28; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mays '32 ; Mr. and Mrs . Ragan Ford '23 ; Mr. and Mrs. William McCartney '16 ; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ferrell '40! Mr. and Mrs. Denver Patton '52; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Roberts '28; Mr. and Mrs. David Flesh '23; Mr. and Mrs. John Livingston '39; Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGaughey , 50; Walter Mulyca '65; Mr. and Mrs , Curtis Leach '57; Mrs. F. H. Conley and Mr. and Mrs . Ike Edwards.

1971 Alumni Fund Make Your Contribution Today August 1970

MSM Alumni Association OffiCERS

Term Expires

President ................... ...................... James J. Murphy '35 ..... ....... ~Iurph y Company. ...... ............. 1971 4376 Olive Stree t, St. Louis, Missouri 63108 .Exec. Director, ~Ietropolitan Sewer Dist.. 1971 2000 Hampton, St. Louis, 1110. 63 139

Executive Vice-President ............. Peter F. Mattei '37

Vice-President Areas 1, 2, 3 .........Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .......... 37 0 Old Country Road ........ ....................... 1971 Garden City, New York 11530 Vice-Presiden t Areas 4,5,6 ........ Joseph W. Mooney '39 ........... 7383 Westmoreland ......................_.. Universi ty City, IIlissouri 63 130


Vice-Presiden t Areas 7,8,9 ......... William B. Fletcher '34 ...._...... 75 15 Yankey St. ...... ............. ... Downey, California 90242

19 71

Secretary-Treasurer .............. .........Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 .... Department of Geological Engineering .. 1971 U ~l R, Rolla, ~Ii sso u ri 65401 Executive Secretary ... ..... ...............Francis C. Edwards ... .. Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS" Field Secretary .

. . ....... ...... Frank H. Mackaman

.. IIISIII Alumni Association , Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets, Ro lla, M issouri 65401 ... .... . MSM Alumni Association, Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets, Rolla, Missouri 6540 1


Ha ns E. Schmold t '44 .


..... ..... .... 3305 Woodland Road, Bartlesvill e, Oklahoma 74003 .

James A. Vin cent '3 7 ......................... .............. 3721 Nept une Drive, Orlando, Florida 32804 ....... ........... ...... . 1971 Rex Z. Williams '3 1 .


. .......... Rolla State Bank , Rolla, 1I1issouri 65401 . AREA DI RECTO RS

Area No. Director 1. ....... .john B. Toomey '49 . 74 12 Admi ral Drive Alexand ria, Virginia 22301

Term Expires

States and Provinces Embraced .... ... ......... 1\ew England, N. Y. , 1\:. ]., East Pa. Dist. of Colu mbia, IIld ., Va., Delaware, Province of Quebec


........... Dr. Larry E. Farmer '6 1 ......... ...... .. ............... ...... S. Ark., N . c., S. C" La.,( Miss., .. . 6520 Roswell Rd. , Apt. 69 Ala. , Ga., Fla. Atlanta, Georgia 30328


........... 0. W. Kamper '35 ....................... ........... ............. Pennsylva nia , W. Va., Ohio, W. Pa ., . 5 Woodland Drive Ky. , Tenn., Ind. (Except Chicago I ndustrial Area) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152 28 4.

.. Fra nk C. Appleyard '3 7 . ~OR ~o lar. Glenyiew, Ill inois 6002.1

. ...... 1972

..... ...N . IlL , Chicago Industr ial Area. in Indiana , \Vise. , r.li ch. , 'i\ linn. ,

19 72

Provi nce of Ontario

......... .. Richard H. Bauer '5 2 ...... .... ....... .... ... ................. S. IlL, E. Mo ., 5 Sappington Acres Drive St. Louis , Missouri 63126

]\i .

Ark .

.................. . ...... .... .. Iowa, W, Mo .. "ebr. , Kan .. Okla. 6... . ... .John A. Walker '50 . Armco Steel Corp. , 7100 Roberts, Kansas City, Missouri 64125


. ......... ...... 1971

.......... Robert M. Brackbill '42 ...................... .......... ..... .Texas, Arizona , "ew IIlexico . Texas Pacific Oi l Company 1700 One Mai n Place D allas, Texas 75250

19 70

.. ........ .George J. Decker '39 ................................... .. ..... .Ida., Montana, N . D., S. D., ............................. ..... 19 72 Star Rt. 2, Box 340 Wyo., Colo., Nev., Utah, Evergreen, Colorado 80439 Provinces of Man itoba, Sask., Alberta ...... ... .. E. M urray Schmidt '49 ... 30 11 l' Iarina Drive Alameda. Cali fo rni a 9450 1

. ....... ........ .............. Alaska, Washington. Oregon, .... .. ..... ............ Ca lifornia , Hawaii



H. H . Hartzell '06 130 1 Cleveland, Baxter Springs, Kan sas 66713

R . O. Kasten '43 901 Wes t 114th Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64114 Harry S. Pence '23 17 Cambridge Ct. , Glendale, Misso uri 63122

F. C. Schneeberger '25 No. 1 Bria r Oak, Ladue, ~ I issouri 63132 Dr. Karl F. Hass.elmann '25 3100 W. Alabama, Su ite 207 Houston, Texas 77006 Dr. Mervin ]. Kelly '14 2 Windemer Terrace, Short Hills, New J ersey 07078

~Iel vi n

E. l\iickel '38 10601 South Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60643 Paul T. Dowling '40 139 Frontenac Forest,

St. Louis, JIIi>so uri 63 131 James W. Stephens '47 406 East Third, Lee 's Sum mit. Missouri 64063



FOOTBALL TICKET SPECIAL Order RESERVED seats for the Washington University game, September 19 and the Homecoming game, October 24, with the Spr ingfield Bears . Both games at Rolla .

(Tentative Schedule) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23

8:00 a. m . Board of Directors To:

Athletic Department University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Meeting, MSM Alumni Association

9:00 a. m. Alumni Registration to

Send ... ... .. ....... tickets at $2 .50 each for the Washington University game .

Student Union &

5:00' p . m. Carney Inn 4:00 p. m. Alumni Hospitality to

Send ............. ... tickets at $2.50 each for the Homecoming game.

Room, Lower level , 6:00 p . m . Carney Inn

7:00 p. m . Early Arrivals' Dinner, Carney Inn

Send to ....................... ... ......... ......... ........ .. ................. ............... ....... .. Address

... .... .. .. ....... .... .. .. ............ . ........ .. ... .. ... ...... ... .. ........ ................. .


9:00 a. m . Alumni Registration to Noon

City (Make checks payable to Athletic Department, UMR, Rolla , Mo . 65401)

Student Union & Carney Inn

10:30 a . m. University Center Groundbreaking, Student Union

Total enclosed $ ........ .. ... ......... ........ . ..

12 :00 Noon Class Reunions for 1920 & earlier, 1925, 1930, 1935, 1940, 1942, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965

(Seats will be· at a premium. Order yours now.)


Charll 120 C La, BAR' John 1420 Okla.

CHIC Franl 808 :


CLEI Willi: 3781 Ohio DAY' Harol ll566 Ohio

DET] Euger 2492C Mich.



610 } Tex,

classes .


12 :00 Noon St. Louis Section HosSat.

Sept. 19

Washington University .. .... .............. Rolla - 2:00 P. M.

Sat .

Sept. 26

Missouri Valley College ... ......... Marshall - 7:30 P. M.




Bradley University ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. Peoria, III. -

2:00 P. M.

*Sat .



U. of Illinois - Chicago Circle ........ Rolla -

2:00 P. M .


Oct .


N. W . Missouri State College .... Maryville - 7:30 P. M.

** Sat.

Oct .


S. W. Missouri State College .... .. .. .. .. Rolla - 2:00 P. M .


Oct .


Central Mo . State College .. Warrensburg - 2:00 P. M.


Nov .


Nov . 14

S. E. Missouri State College ...... .. .... Rolla -


Nov . 21

N. E. Missouri State College ...... Kirksville - 2:00 P. M.

Thurs .

Nov. 26

Lincoln University ....... ................ . Rolla -


to pitality Room , Carney 1 :30 p . m. Inn

2:00 p. m. Football - Miners vs . Springfield Bears

6:30 p , m . Awards Banquet Crystal Room Carney Inn

9:30 p . m . Annual Meeting MSM Alumni Association


1 :30 P. M.

11 :00 P. M.




River This Stadi pre'g rnonil betw! the R

Banquet tickets available at Registration Desks .

In R

Alumni Office will assist wi th room reservations. $12.36 advance payment needed .

Se Univ Sored

The Homecom ing Parade will b e on Friday and t he Donce and Qu ee n Corona tion on Saturday.

* Po rents' Day


** Homecoming MSM Alumnus

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Friday and Salurday.

Alu rnnus

Alumni Sections - Location - And KANSAS CITY SECTION Gifford Tanquary '57, 14219 Denver Ave. , Grandview, Mo. - President

ARK-LA-TEX SECTION Charles McGaughey , SO, 120 Chelse, Sheveport, La. - President BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. SECTION John Miles '61, 1420 South Delaware, Bartlesville, Okla. - President

PHOENIX, ARIZONA SECTION Charles M. Browning '48, 6022 East Calle Rosa, Scottsdale, Ariz - President PITTSBURGH, PA. SECTION O. W. Kamper '35, 5 Woodland Drive, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Area Director

NATIONAL CAPITAL SECTION John Toomey '49, 7412 Admiral Drive, Alexandria, Va. - Area Director

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION George J. Decker '39 St. Rte. 2, Evergreen, Col. - Area Director

NEW YORK SECTION Lawrence A. Spanier 'SO 370 Old Country Road, Garden City, N. y. - Area Vice President

ST. JOSEPH, MO. SECTION Rex T. Horn '32, 1715 Gene Field Road , St. Joseph, Mo. - Cha irman

NORTH TEXAS SECTION John A. Schlensker '55, 1120 Parkhaven, Richardson, Tex. - President

ST. LOUIS SECTION Alfred J. Buescher '64, 1143 Raritan Drive, St. Louis, Mo. - President

DAYTON-CINCINNATI SECTION Harold W. Kosten '60, 11566 Plumhill Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio - President

NORTHWEST SECTION Henry P. "Pat" Duval '62, 8426 6th Avenue, S. W., Seattle, Wash. - President

SAN FRANCISCO BAY SECTION E. Murray Schmidt '49, 3011 Marina Drive, Alameda , Calif. - Area Director

DETROIT, MICHIGAN SECTION Eugene "Gene" C. Fadler '62, 24920 Chernick Road, Taylor, Mich. - President

OKLAHOMA CITY SECTION George E. Fort '40, Fort & Miller, 1st National Bank Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. - President

SOUTHERN CALIF. SECTION John O. Wilms '43, 825 South Ardmore, Los Angeles Calif. -

HOUSTON, TEXAS SECTION James R . Paul '43, 610 N. HiIcrest, Houston , Tex. - President

PEORIA SECTION Ted R. Wolfarth '48, 1329 West Pinecrest Drive, Peoria , Ill. - President

TULSA SECTION Herman Fri tschen ' 51, 5249 South 68th East Place, Tulsa, Okla. - President

CHICAGO SECTION Frank Appleyard '37, 808 Solar, Glenview, Ill. Area Director CLEVELAND, OHIO SECTION William D. Busch '4'2, 3781 Francis Drive, Rocky River, Ohio - Chairman

Scheduled Alumni Meetings Alumni, their wives, girl-friends, guests, faculty and friends of the university are invited to attend all alumni gatherings. October 7th. In Shreveport, Louisiana: In St. Louis. Missouri: The place is The Voyager Inn, in In Cleveland, Ohio: September 12. A Social Hour in the October 20. There will be an alumni downtown Peoria. Time 6:30 p. m. Lewis and Clark Room, Stauffer's Contact Ted R. Wolfarth '48, 1329 luncheon Tuesday noon, in the Mohawk Riverfront Inn,S: 45 p. m. to 6: 45 p. m. West Pinecrest Drive, Peoria, for res- Room, Cleveland Sheraton Hotel. This This is prior to UMR Day at Busch is during the 1970 Metal Show sponStadium. UMR will be honored with ervations. by the American Society for sored pre-game and halftime special cere- In St. Joseph, Missouri: Metals. Alumni from throughout the The St. Joseph Section October 16. monies of the 7: 00 p. m. football game United States as well as the Cleveland between the St. Louis Cardinals and is having a dinner before the Maryville area will be there. Representatives Bearcat Miner football game. It will the Kansas City Chiefs. be held Friday even ing at the Ramada from the campus will also be in attendInn, St. Joseph, on Highway 6, just ance. Contact William D. Busch '42, Tn Rolla : 3781 Francis Drive, Rocky River, Ohio September 19, after the Washington west of 1-95, at 6:45 p. m. Contact Rex 44116 , for reservations. T. Horn '32, 171 5 Gene Field Road, University - Miner football game. SponOctober 3. The Ark-La-Tex Section In Kansas City, Missouri: sored by the St. Louis Section. is having a fall meeting at the Petroleum October 30. The Kansas City SecClub, Mid South Tower , 416 Travis tion is having a dinner on Friday eveIn Peoria, Illinois: October 2. The Peoria Section is Street. Contact Ken Varaday '66, 14 ning before the Warrensburg - Mule having a dinner on Friday night before K,ingspark Drive, Little Rock, Arkansas game. It is at Wishbone Restaurant, 4455 Main Street, at 6:45 p. m. Conthe Bradley University - Miner football '72 207 for reservations. Ph. 279-6982 for reservations , before tact C. C. Tanquary ' 57. game. August 1970


In Houston, Texas: October 7. During the fall meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of the A. I. M. E. there will be an alumni luncheon, Wednesday noon , in the Persjan Room of the Rice Hotel. All alumni, wives, guests and friends of UMR are invited whether members of the Society or not. Tickets may be purchased at the appropriate booth at the meeting or contact Robert P. Ridley '40, at Butler, Miller and Lents, 2138 Bank of the Southwest Building. Houston.

Alumni Among Appointments Among the new appointments to the UMR faculty for the 1970-'71 academic year are ten alumni. They art; Dr. John C. Kieffer '67, assistant professor of mathematics; Dr. Paul D . Stigall '62, assistant professor of electrical engineering ; Dr. Robert Crane '68, assistant professor of mechanical engineering: Dr. Edward L. Tharp '65 , assistant professor of civil engineering ; Robert C. Gullic '69 and Charles W. Foster '69, instructors in civil engineering ; Scott P . Stager ' 70, scientific programmer/ analyst and instructor in computer science ; Colonel Vernon T. Loesing '42, professor of mili ta ry science: Lieutenant Colonel John B. Kincaid '61 , associate professor of military science and Captain Thomas E. Bryson '64 , assistant professor of mili tary science. Three new depa rtment chairmen were named. Two were alumni. Colonel Vernon Loesing '42 , Chairman of the Department of Military Science and' Professor Robert V. Wolf '51, Chairman of the Department of Metallurgy and N uclear Engineering. The other new appointment was Dr. N olan B . Augenbaugh, Chairman of Mining, Petrol eum and Geological Engineering.

PI acement Seruice

Aids Alumni UMR Placement Service can help you .

Placement Office may be able to help PROJECT ENGINEER-Construcyeu. tion management. Consulting engineers. Planning, supervision, spec. preparation, The UMR Placement Office has join- etc. Midwest. Refer F ile No. 567. ed with other placement offices in MINE ENGINEER - SaH mine. universities across the country in the GRAD System. This nationwide place- Mapping, surveying, exploration, develment service is financed by the more opment, rock mechanics studies and than 300 companies that belong (there new equipment projects. Refer File is no charge to you) . University grad- No. 568. uates can write their placement offices FIELD GEOLOGISTS - Western for the GRAD System questionaire. U. S. also South America. Some SpanThe completed GRAD form is mailed ish helpful. Refer File No. 569. to the headquarters in Pennsylvania. E. E. - Utility company consolidatThe information is fed into computers and retained for six months. The com- ing need E. E.'s. Midwest. Refer File panies making inquiries during this No. 570. period will receive computer print outs ENGINEERS - Industrial Offers of graduates who fit their requirements. exposure in methods analysis, equipThe list is subject to a lock out that ment replacement and cost systems. prevents companies from getting the Refer File No. 57l. names of their own employees who may be registered in the GRAD System. ENGINEERING - Postgraduate in metallurgy. Indian graduate for comThe UMR Placement Office is will- pany's affiliate in India. 10 years exing and eager to help alumni locate perience. Knowledge of steel specificacareer opportunities. The service is tions, welding processes. Refer File No. available at no charge to you and is as 572. close as the telephone or the mail box. C. E. - City engineering and water department. Illinois city. Refer File No. 573.

OJ searc deg n Systl Tern 582.

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MINING ENGINEER - Raw materials division. Overseas assignment for several years at a time. Refer File No. 575.

For information concerning the positions listed below, please contact L. R. Nuss, Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR, Rolla, Missouri , and give the File Number of the position.

Gas transmission. Ch. E., C. E. Systems engineering and design and construction departments. Refer File No. 574.

E. E. or M. E. - Maintenance engineer. Electro Chemicals Division of plant on east coast. New facility approx. six years old. Salary open. Refer File No. 563. EAST COAST - M . E. design and develop future line of medical x-ray equipment. Also Programmers to program Philips P-350 desk computer. Refer File No. 564 . CH. E. & M : E. -Louisiana plant. Sr. Mechanical and Chemical Engineer. Prefer experience. Large aluminum & chemical company. Refer File No. 565.

Ch. E. - Experienced for project and process development in chemicals. Some halogenation experience. Good salary. Refer File No. 576. M. E . Plant project engineer. Building design, construction, plant and machinery layout, machinery alterations and process projects, etc. 2-5 experience. Soybean processing. Refer File No . 577.

ENGINEERS - Mechanical design for power division consulting engineering firm . Refer File No . 579.

M. E. - Equipment design . 2-3 years Ii you are a UMR alumnus and experience product and quality control have been caught in the "cut-back M. E., MET. E., C. E. - Experience engineering. Electrical company, conexpenditures" situation or, if you are preferred. Company's Pennsylvania sumer products, high volume lamp mfg. looking for a better job, the UMR plants. Refer File No. 566. Midwest. Refer File No. 580.


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C. E. - Field and office work on construction projects. St. Louis based general contractor. Primarily heavy, highway and building construction. Refer File No. 58l. OIL COMPANY - Operations researcher with MBA or Mgmt Science degree. Programmer, Programming Systems Specialist, System Analyst, Terminal Supervisor. Refer File No . 582. IND. ENGR. Steel company. Midwest. Refer File No . 584. RESEARCH - Applied and basis. Ceramist Ph. D. 2-3 years experience in processing materials. Metallurgist, Ph . D . Experience in electron-microscopy essentiaL Analytical Chemist, Ph. D. Chemistry. Same as an Electrochemist. Good salaries. West Coast. Refer File No. 585 . COMPUTER System programmers. System analysts . Application programmers (360 Cobal). Procedures and Communications Analysts . Railroad. Salaries and benefits liberal. Refer File No. 587.

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MARRIAGES Sd",eitM r - ffi Ipe rt

Robert W. Schreiner ' 70 and Miss Carolly Hilpert were married June 7, 1970 in Christ Lutheran Church, Gordonville , Mo .


The Doshis reside at 11 Druid Hill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D . Pridgeon '67 , Road , Springfield, Mass. Bipin, born are parents of Troy Matthew, their in Kera Kutch, India, became an Amer- second child , born June 28, 1970. Jay ican citizen, and is now in an Executive is 2 years old. They live in FarmingDevelopment Training Program with ton , New Mexico, where Joseph is a Uniroyal , Inc., and is working in the petroleum engineer with Pan Am PetrolTire Division at the Chicopee Falls, eum Corp. Their address is 3713 Mass. plant. Coronado . Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Purcell '63 , announce the arrival of Anthony Shane on June 29, 1970. The Purcells live in Salem, Illinois, 225 W. Olive Street. Gerald is owner of the Purcell Construction Company. Their other two children are Geffrey 6, and Melanie, age 5. Lt. j. g. and Mrs. John M . Evans '67, now have Jeffrey Michael , born October 19, 1969. Lt. Evans is in the Navy's nuclear power program and assigned at the New London Naval Submarine Base, Groton , Conn. Their address is 17 Osprey .


Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Fisher '60, welcomed twins , Scott David and Jenna Lee , on F ebruary 26, 1969 . Their other children are Dennis, age 9, Ritch , 70, and Laura , 6 years. The Fishers recently moved to Houston , T exas, 1310 Berrywood Lane, where Gerald accepted a position as project engin eer-structural with Brown & Root, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John Rother '57 , are proud parents of David Michael, born April 27 . John is product development engineer at Orchard Corporation of America, St. Louis, Mo. The Rothers I Mr. and Mrs . Donald A. Manson reside at 6 Canterbury Court, St. . '68, are pa rents of Scott Allen , born Charles, Mo . November 22 , 1969 . Donald is project Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Elias, Jr. manager for Hayden Construction Co., '61 , have their second daughter upon E .St. Louis, IlL They live at 18 Birch the birth of Maria Therese, March 4, Drive, Belleville, Ill . 1970. Her sister is Rebec<A., 4 years Mr. and Mrs. David W . Magurk '65, and her brother is Andrew John , 2 I and Michael Scott, live a t N . 12 821 years. They live in Streator, Illinois, Mill Road , Spokane, Washington. Mich114 Washington Street. The father is ael .rriv~ May 21 , 19 70. The fa ther with Northern Illinois Gas Co., Pontiac. ks his own firm Magurk Land Surveying. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Henry '61 adopted a second son , Joseph William . Their M r. and Mrs . R. L. Kastel '67, report first son , Henry was born December 17 , E ric Werner joined them a t 3 15 South 1969. Ken is a member of the technical Avenue Ap t. 1, Tallmadge, Ohio , staff of the Sandia Corporation. Their Octobe; 24 , 1969. The fa ther is with address is 830 Mohawk. Livermore , Goodyear as a methods engineer in thei r California. Akron pl ant .

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mildenstein '69, welcomed their second daughter , Jennifer Lynn, June 10, 1970. Kimberly Ann is 20 months old, The Mildensteins Mr. and M rs. Kenneth W . Brooking reside at 1515 Reale, Spanish Lake, '64 , 5709 West 97th St., Overland Park, Mo ., and Bob is with Proctor & Gamble, Kansas, have a brother fo r their dauSt. Louis. ghter. Lance Edward was born May 22, 1970, at Lakewood , Colo. Ken is Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Welch '62 , a resident engineer of Black & Veatch 917 Bank Street, Beaver, Pa., now have Consulting Engineers. a son, Brian Douglas, born June 16 , 1970. Their daughter, Lisa Diane, is M r. and Mrs. Charles L. Reynolds 3 years old. Gary is with St. Joseph '64 announce the arrival of Matthew Minerals, at Monaco. The mother is the Ed~ard borIl May 2, 19 70. They live former Gwen Schlottach, of Rolla . on Route 2, ' Box 242, Rolla, Mo. , a nd Mr. and Mrs. Bipin Doshi '62 , are the fath er is a civil engineer with the parents of a son, Robert Bipin, born U. S. Forest Service. Clark N ational June 12, 1970. This is their first child. Forest. August 1970

Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Krueger '66, began their family with Majorie Louise who arrived May 20, 1970, in Walter Reed Army H ospitaL Warren is an Army Specialist (Statistican) Office Secretary of Defense Systems Analysis , the Pentagon , Washington , D. C. Their residence is at 2730 Pl easant Dale, Vienna , Va .. Apt. 20l.

Mr. and M rs. J ohn C. Wiesenmeyer '69, have a son born J uly 16, 197 0. T hey live in Cha tham, Illinois, 303 Wagon WheeL John is resident engineer State of llIinois. D ivision of Highways. Mr. a nd M rs. Robert Boschert '62, announce the arri va l of their thi rd son, Bradley Michael, Apri l 13, 197 0. His olde r brothers are Je ff , age 7, and Greg,S . Bob is senior project engineer with Annco Steel Corporation. T heir home address is 45 21 Creekview Drive, M iddletown , Ohio. 11

DEATHS Julius C. Salmon '22

Julius C. Salmon '22, age 71, died July 4, 19 70, in M ind en, Louisiana . H e received his B. S. degree in Mining E ngineering and later earn ed a M . S. degree from U. o f Missouri - Columbia. H e was principal of N orth Little Rock , Arkansas High School a nd later was associated with the Arkansas Highway D epartm ent. H e served as engineer on the lake a nd dam constr uction of Caney Lakes , north of Minden, a nd became opera tor of the Ca ney Lakes R ecreation Area until his retirement in 1968. H e served as presid ent of the Minden Chamb er of Comm erce , the Beautification Club , Ameri can Legion, and Civitan Clubs. H e assisted in th e organization of the Ark-La-T ex Section of the Alumni Associa ti on , and served as president and he was also a n Area Director of the nation al organiza tion of th e alumni associa tion . He was ¡ presented with a Certifi cate of M erit, in 1963, by the alumni associa tion in recognition of his faithful services. Surviving are a sister. M rs. Hugh Stodghill , of Rayville. La .: da ughter , Mrs. W. E . Brockinton , of Cha rleston , S. c., a nd a son , Clifton o f Chicago. T11inoi s. Dr. Reginald John Jones '49

D r. R eginald J ohn Jones '49, died Ap ril 22 , 1969, foll owing a heart attack. H e was Associate P rofessor of Minerals E ngineering, Wi sconsin State Universi ty. Plattevill e. Donald N . Griffin '26

member of the American Institute of 1 927 Mining and Metallurgical Engineers for 34 years, he was al so a member of the R . F. " Bob" McCaw is retiring from Illinois Mining In stitute, the West Vir- Technical Publishing Company on Sepginia Coal Mining Institute and an tember 1. He has been with POWER active participant in the American Min- ENGINEERING magazine for 13 ing Congress . He was a most diligent years , has been Chief Editor since 1960. worker in his chosen field of ore dress- In the future , he will be engaged in ing and coal preparation. Surviving is consulting engineering and activities with his company 's Training Systems. his wife, Mary E. Bob received his B . S. degree in electrical engineering and his professional Burke Holbrook Miller '69 degree Electrical Engineer in 1~53. He Burke Holbrook Miller '69 was killed is a member of Si gma Nu and Theta in action in Vietnam, July 18, 1970, Tau fraternities. After graduation, Bob while his unit was under heavy mortar spent a number of years in the electric attack . He was serving with the 101st utility field , reaching the position of Airborne Division. Pfc. Miller received Division Engineer before he resigned a B. S. degree in Physics in 1969 and to enter another type of work. In the entered the Army soon after gra duation. ensuing years he was Project Manager He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John on several large Defense Plant proje:cts. W. Mill er , 15 33 E ast D elmar , Springfi eld , Mo. Servi ces we re held in Springfield , July 27. The family has established The Burke H. Miller M emorial Schol a rship, a t UM R. Contributions may be sent to Dr. Harold Fuller , Physics D epartm ent . UMR. Robert Edward Fields '41


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Robert E dward F ields '41 , died in R. F. "Bob" J a nuary 19 70. H e was employed by McOzw f. tlantic Richfi eld in Dallas, T exas. Surviving is his wife who resides at 10517 Countess Dri ve. D allas. Frank R. Loveridge '09

Frank R. Loveridge '09 , died August 13, 1970, age 86 , in St. Loui s, Missouri . H e was a member of the Board of Directors Lemay Bank & Trust Company, Treasurer of the City of Sunset Hills and Lodge No. 218 A. F . & A. M . Surviving are hi s widow, Mathilda Detjen Loveridge, two sons, Joel F. '40 and Warren L. '41 ; a daughter , Audrey L. Roux , wife of James R. Rou x '41. Memorials may be made to the St. Louis Shriner 's Hospi tal for Crippled Children .

Donald N. Griffin '26 , former P resident of the De ister Concen tra tor Compa ny , I nc ., Fort Wayne, Indiana, di ed a t his home in D unedin, Florida , on July 23 , 1970, a t the age of 66 yea rs. M r. Griffin was born in Carthage , M issour i, a nd received hi s B. S. degree in M ining E ngin eering. Upon gradu ation he wo rked with a number o f mining Alumni Personals and mining machi nery ma nu fac turers in the M issouri -K ansas-Oklahoma minin g 192 5 districts un til joining D eister in M a rch Charles C. Irving has purchased a 193 1. H e p rogressed fr om engin eer to chi ef engineer, to vice presid ent and small citru s grove in M ercedes, T exas. becam e pr esid en t o f the Compa ny in T hey spend the winters there and th e May 1966 a t whi ch post he served until summers in Min ocqua , \Viscon sin , Box hi s retirement in April 19 70. H e wa s a 110, R . R . 2.



organ Iron Just prior to his en trance in to the publi shing business, he was with R. C. A. and N. B. C. in the capacity of Director of Facilities. As a IS-year civilian consultant to the D epartment of Defense, he visited military bases in many parts of the world. Hi s affiliations include membership in lEE , ASME, AIPE , World E nergy Conference, Building Research Institute , American Power Conference, CIGRE (International HighVoltage Conferen ce ) , American Society of Business Press Editors, National Press Club , New York Athletic Club and the In terna tional Con ference on Large Dams .

192 8 Harold R . Kil patrick retired from the position of Vice-President-Sales at Laclede Steel Company on July 31 , MSM Alumnus


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1970. Mr. Kilpatrick, whose Laclede 1 9 3 2 career covered nearly 42 years, has Arthur S, Schwarz has been named been Vice-President of Sales and a Chairman of the Board of Directors of company Director since February 1965. He continues to serve as a Director of St. Louis Metallizing Company, St. the company. He joined Laclede, as a Louis, Mo., one of the largest contract sales correspondent, in their St. Louis metallizing shops in the United States. Office in August 1928. His career in Schwarz will retain his 'position as Vice sales at Laclede included assignments as Chairman of the Board of Nooter Corsalesman-construction pro(iucts, sales- poration, the parent organization of St. man-industrial products, St. Louis Dis- Louis Metallizing. He is on the Board trict Sales Manager and Sales Manager- of Directors of the Chamber of Commanufacturer's products. From 1952 merce of Metropolitan St. Louis and is until his election to sales Vice-President a past-president of the Steel Plate Fabin 1965, he was General Sales Man- ricators Association. ager for the company. He is a member O. M. Andres is owner of Tr-State of several professional and industrial Engineering Company, Benton, Illinois. His son, Terry, is joining him in his construction firm as a partner. The senior partner is hoping that the junior partner cari take the business over in the next several years permitting the senior partner to take it easy. His address is 22 Lake Forest Drive, Belleville, Illinois. Harold R. Kilpatrick 1 940

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organizations including the American Iron and Steel Institute, the American Society for Testing and Material. the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute the Wire Reinforcement Institute, th~ Engineers Club of St. Louis and the Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

Clarence C. "Pete" Palmer has been elected president of the Consulting Engineers Council- Missouri. Palmer, president and board chairman of R. W. Booker & Associates, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., has served as director, treasurer and vice president of the council pre· viously. 194 1

194 7 Glenn H. Fritz is owner of Glenn H. Fritz Company, 1116 East 43rd Avenue Spokane, Washington. The compan; sells specialized products to the minerals and construction industries. Accounts include Trelleberg Rubber Company , Hughes Tool Company, Drillo, Acker Drill Company, Truco and Hendrick Mfg. Co. 194 9

J. S. Downs, superintendent of signals, has been named by the Frisco Railway as general superintendent communications and Signals. He joined the Frisco in 1949 as gro undman . Later serving as lineman , equipment installer, assistant communications engineer, corn-munications engineer, assistant to general superintendent communications and signals and in 1966, superintendent of signals. John A. Mittino has been appointed manager of systems requirements , Conductron-Missouri, Division of Conductron Corporation, St. Charles, Missouri. Mittino who recently retired from the Army, with the rank of Lt. Col., will be responsible for analyzing requirements for electronic warfare and intelligence systems under production. L. P. Youngs has completed 30 years service with General Motors Corporation, he worked for them prior to attending Rolla . He is now at their plant at Van Nuys, California, as a layout engineer. His address is 10362 Petit Avenue, Granada Hills.

Andrew A. Cochran is supervisory research chemist, Rolla Metallurgy ReKermit G. Rowley was recently prosearch Center, U. S. Bureau of Mines. moted from d!strict production engiHe is speaking at the Washington Conneer, offshore In Lafaye tte, Louisiana . ference of the Center for Integrative 1 929 Education in August. He was invited to senior research engineer in Houston; Orville W. "Goose" Morris retired by Dr. Henry Margenau , of Yale Uni- Texas. His mailing address is P. O. from Armco Steel Corporation, Ashland versity, to speak on his thesis work Box 2511 , Houston . Works, Ashland, Kentucky, June 30, submitted in 1963 when he received his 1970. At the time of his retirement he M. S. in Physics at UMR. 195 0 was on Special Assignment to Management. His tenure of service. was 41 Clarence C. Houk is superintendent years, 28 of which he served as Super1 943 Missouri Barite Operations, Baroid intendent of Combustion. Orville and Division, National Lead Co mp a ny , Edward T. Kendall, Jr. is area manhis wife, Ney Kilgore, are moving to Potosi, Missouri. Clarence is servi nO' Florida and their address will be Murry ager for General Services Administrain his fifth year as a member of th: tion with offices in Charlotte, North Hills Garden Apartments, 2880 Lake Osborne Drive, Apt. 103, Lake Worth Carolina. His area comprises North Missouri State Water Pollution Board Florida. Their son, George, is a patent and South Carolina for public building representing the mining industry . Robert L. Owens has been named attorney - chemical engineer, with PPG service of the G. S. A. His address is 4829 Currituck Drive, Charlotte. General Superintenden t-Primary Metals Industries, Pittsburgh. August 1970





for Laclede Steel Company. He will be E. D. Packheiser who was formerly responsible for the operations of Lac- with General Electric Space Business at lede's electric mel t shop, continuous Valley Forge, Pa., is now with Westingcasting, blooming mill and billet yard house Ocean Research Business at Annat Alton, Ill. He served as Superintend- apolis, Maryland, as a project engineer. ent of the Rolling Mills and Warehouse The Packheiser 's add ress rs 307 South at Alton prior to this assignment. He Cherry Grove Avenue, Annapolis. is a native of Alton, served in the U. S. Donald C. McCormack has been apNavy. He joined Laclede in 1950 as a plant metallurgist, then assistant chief pointed manager of Shell Oil Company 's metallurgist until 1960, and then as- manufacturing technological department signed to the Rolling Mills as Assistant in the firm's general office in Houston , to the Superintendent. He became Su- Texas , effective September 1. He is perintendent in 1961. He is a member presently manager of th e petroleum proof many professional societies. Owens, cessing departmen t at Shell Develophis wife, Patricia and their five children ment Company 's Emeryville, California research center. He joined Shell after live at 2249 Norside Drive, AIton. graduation at the Wood River Illinois Refinery. He held assignments there in New York and in Europe befor~ going to Martinez, California, refinery as chief technologist in 1968. He has been at Emeryville for the past year.

1 9 5 3

Robert L.

Earl R. Dill, who has been in St. Louis, Mo. with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., has been transferred to Lubbock, Texas, and has a new position as division plant engineer. His address is 3005 59th Street.


Raymond F. Mattlage has been ap" pointed executive vice president and general manager of Loughman Cabinet Company, a subsidiary of Bank Building Corporation . He will have complete respo nsibility for all aspects of LouCTh, b . 0 man s usmess and will assume his new position immediately. H e joined Bank Building in 1953 and since 1968 has served as manager of purchasing. 195 1

William Z. Wenneborg has been named senior mining engineer, Inorganic Chemicals Division , of FMC Corporation, Pocatello, Idaho. He will be responsible for new mine planning and development, for the mineral development department of the division. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Wenneborg was mine superintend ent at Modesto California , for FMC. ' 14

James F. Roberts has been named director of planning of the Missouri State Highway Commission. Mr. Roberts has been District Engineer, District 6, Kirkwood, Mo. Jim has been with the highway department since 1953. 1 9 5 5

O. H. Summers, general superintendent communications and signals for the Frisco Railway, has been appointed assistant chief mechanical officer. He began his railroad career in 1942. Following graduation from Rolla , he was appointed assistant electrical engineer at Springfield. In 1958 , he was named assistan t master mechanic and successfully served as assistant superintendent of equipment, assistant superintendent of motive power, superintendent car department, assistant general superintendent communications and signals, and to his former position in 1966. Jerry D. Swearingen has been appointed General Manager , Sperry Electronic Tube Division, Sperry Rand

Corporation, Gainesville, Florida. Swearingen joined the Sperry Gyroscope Division in 1955 and was transferred to Gainesville as part of the R&D group in September of that year. He worked on the design and development of small , medium and high power klystrons and directed the development of the gridded klystron - T ACAN series of amplifiers. H e was appointed Director of Engineering in February 1969. Prior to joining Sperry, Swearingen was associated with RCA, Harrison (Receiving Tube Div.) and Electron Physics Group at G. E. Research Lab ., the Knolls, N. Y. He is a member of many professional and honor societies and is listed as a biographee in " Who 's Who of the South and Southwest." and the "Directory of International ' BioCT¡ " L on don. He and hi s wife. t"> rap h les, Annette, reside at 927 N. W. 40th Drive, Gainesville. Joseph A. Kolasch was an alumni office visitor in August. Joe is a patent attorney practicing in Washington, D. C. He and his wife, Arla and children were visiting in St. Louis. Their address is 3416 Beverly Drive, Annadale, Virginia. Arthur V. Fitzwater has been appointed to the position of Director of Marketing for Reed Rolled Thred Die Co ., a Division of Litton Industries, Holden , Massachusetts. Fitzwater most recently held a position of Sales Manager for the Gear Systems Diyision of USM Corporation located in Wakefield, Mass. He also served in various other capacities including Product Manager, Senior Marketing Engineer and Senior Development Engineer. He, previously held E ngineering responsibilities for Astrionics Division of Aerojet General Corporation , Missile Development Div. of North American Aviation, and Cooper Development, a Division of Marquart Corporation, all California based companies active in the U. S. space program. He served as an Engineer Officer with the U. S, Army Corps of Engineers. Recently, he completed the Modern Business Program of the Alexander Hamilton Institute of New York City. Fitzwater is married and resides with his wife and two children in North Reading, Mass., and expects to relocate in the Holden area in the near future.

MSM Alumnus

Bn montl NASI logica geo ch' lunar is in is 24(

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.sian of keiield, 5 other anager, Senior !viously ies for General nt Div, 1 and iion of Ilifornia e U,S, o Engi· y Corps

1 9 5 6 Bruce R . Doe entered into a 15month tour of duty , last October, with NASA on a loan from the U. S. Geological Survey, to be a staff scientist geochemist in administration of the lunar sample program. His assignment is in Washington, D , C. His address is 240 M St. S. W.

Dr. Peter N. Yiannos has been named Thomas K. Gaylord received a Ph . D. an adjunct professor in the School of degree in Electrical E ngineering from Engineering at PMC Colleges, Chester, Rice University in May 1970. He has Pal He is also manager of paper re- accepted a Post Doctoral Fellowship search for the Scott Paper Company, to do research in the area of semiconPhiladelphia, and has been teaching at ductor materials and solid state dePMC since 1966. He is now a United vices and to develop a microelectronic States citizen , he was born in Olympia, laboratory at Rice University in HouGreece . His B. S. degree in chemical ston. He and his wife, Jan, are living engineering was received here and his at 2315 Shakespeare, Apt. 3, Houston. M. S. and Ph. D. degrees were conferred by Lawrence University Institute 1 9 5 7 of Paper Chemistry . He joined Scott in 1960. In 196 1, Yiannos received the Donald F. Kennedy, his wife Ann , E . J. Albert Award from the Technical and six children, Cathy, Ginger, Chris, Association of Pulp and Paper Indus- Nancy, Barbara and Dave reside at tries , Delaware Valley Section. He is 282 Crowe, Superior, Arizona . .Donald also named in " Leaders in American has been Precipitation Plant Project EnScience" in 1962. He is a member of O'ineer for Kennecott Copper and has • • the American Chemical Society; Amer- <>accepted a position as productIOn engiican Association for Advancement of neer with Magna Copper effective AugScience ; and T APPI's Physic Com- ust 1. mittee, Chemical Engineering CommitDonn G. Ziebell has been promoted tee, and Chairman of the Delaware to Chief Applications Engineer, to head Valley Section. a group responsibility for manufacturJames A. Shildmyer has been named iNg fib er metal products for new product a sales engineer at The Babcock & applications, for Huyck Metals Con:Wilcox Company 's power generation pany, Milford , Conn. Currently he IS division sales office in Kansa s City, doing graduate studies at New Haven Missouri. He joined B & W as a sales College toward an MBA degree. His engineer in 1956. Served as a service residence address is 638 Brentwood engineer from 1957 to 1964, when he Road, Orange. Connecticut .

195 8

James A. Shildmyer


of the of New ied and children


Willard G. Owens has established the Willard Owens Associates, 1516 Xavier, Denver, Colorado. It is the only company in the Rocky Mountain Region to act as consultant specifically in ground water geology and surface water development.

as project development engineer. In 1960, he was with the U. S. Army Corps o f E ngineers. He joined Emerson Electric, in St. Louis , Mo., as sta ndards engineer and in 1963 was manufacturing engineer for McDonnell Aircraft, St. Louis. In 1966 , he returned to Olin as industrial engineer for the Old Pyrotechnic Operation. He, his wife and daughter li ve at 160 Manor Court , Morgan Hill.

James R . Nolan

Donald E . Modesitt received his Ph. D . deg ree in civil engineering (bioenvironmental) from Oklahoma State University in July . H e returned from his leave of abse nce to the civil engineering depa rtment staff at UM R. 195 9 Lt. Col. K ent C. Kelley graduated recently from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces at Ft. Lesley J. McNair , Washington, D. C. There were 180 military officers and civilian executives from the Federal Government who completed the college's lO-mon th resident course. The Industrial College operates under the J oint Chiefs of Staff at the highest level of the military educa tion ystem, preparing its students for high-level command, staff and management positions. Col. Kelley and his wife, Lorene, reside at 43 21 Neptune Drive, Alexandria. Va.

James R . Nolan has been named manager of the Morgan Hill Works, Energy 1 960 Systems Division , Signal Products Operation, Olin Corporation , Morgan Hill , R. Gene Hanquist , formerly manager California. Nolan , most recently chief of the Mexico, Mo. , plant of Kaiser industrial engineer , joined Olin in 1958 , Refractories, has been t ransferred as

expects in the

lurn nus

became a performance engineer at B & W's power generation division headqua rters at Barbarton, Ohio. In 1967 , he was named a proposition engineer and has been a proposal manager for utility boilers since 1969. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. His wife is the former Julia Ann Spickelmier of Washington , Mo. They have three children .

August 1970


UMR's Growing Campus ... 2













1-10 1-11 H-16

A-II G-I G-16 F-15



1'-2 H-14

. C-Il 0-1 G- 12 H- 12

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E 0-10 1-13 · . 1-14 G-13


. H-Il · . 1-14 . . H-13

. H-IS . G-IO · . H-7 . . H- 11 G-13


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G- IO C-1I G-Il

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H- 14


MSM Alumnus


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Be BI ildings Under Construction Not Shown . ..

UrnnU S

August 1970





electrical facilities for total plant area Laclede. His address is Jeanette Drive, of 400,000 sq. ft. Don and Marilyn , Apt. 25-C, Fairway Estates, R. R. 1, with their daughters Karen, 6 years, Granite City, Illinois. and Kathy, 7 months, reside at 3537 1 964 W. Mescal Street, Phoenix . Colonel Raymond A. Whelan, who Major Phillip R. Cowles recently was has been brigade commander at Fort Lt. Col. Gerald M. Boyd is now as- graduated from the U. S. Army ComLeonard, Wood, Mo., has been assigned signed as Deputy District Engineer, mand and General Staff College at Ft. as Director of Operations, U. S. Topo- U. S. Army Engineer District Baltimore, Leavenworth, Kansas . General William graphic Command, Washington, D . C. Maryland. His address is Box 1715 , C. Westmoreland was the guest speaker. Baltimore. His reassignment is scheduled to be at Gene L. Scofield is a design engineer Ohio State University where he will do at the Chevrolet E ngineering Center, 1 963 graduate work. Warren, Michigan. We were saddened to learn of the death of their son JefLt. Col. John R. C. Roop recently Alan E. Stricker who is employed as frey, age 10, in an auto accident in graduated from the U. S. Army Com- a quality systems analyst for General August 1969. Gene and Dixie have mand and General Staff College at Ft. Refractories Co., Philadelphia, Pa., was three other children . Larry, Greg and Leavenworth, Kansas. He is scheduled awarded a M. S. degree in applied staCozette. Their Warren, Michigan ad- for assignment at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. tistics. He and his wife and son reside dress is 24759 Cunningham. John W. Brown has accepted a posi- at 422 Ellerslie Ave., Ambler, Pa. Paul R. Zacheis has been promoted tion as mining engineer with the U. S. to Development Engineer/Manager of Bureau of Mines, Mineral Resources & 196 5 -BiPolar Integrated Circuit Components Environmental Development Mining, Jack E. Russell, senior technical asat International Business Machines Denver Mining Research Center, Resistant, PPG Industries, has been transElectronics Systems Cen ter , Owego, search Group, ' Denver, Colorado. His New York. He joined IBM in 1960 as new residence address is 2545 S. Sheri- ferred to their new plant in Ponce, Puerto Rico . His address is D-26 Valle a junior engineer, and was promoted to dan Blvd., Lakewood. Verde. associate engineer in 1962. N. M. Naiknimbalkar is an exploraRalph J. Farber has returned to the Roy F. Larson was transferred from tion geologist with United NuclearCrystal City, Missouri, Plant of PPG Chevrolet's Warren Plant to Team Homestake. The Naiknimbalkars spent Study of Manufacturing Staff, General their vacation in Mexico City and Industries as project engineer in the Motors Corporation . His wife, Rolande Guanaquato, Mexico in January 1970. engineering department. He has been and daughter, Odile, spent the summer The Naiknimbalkars have two daugh- production engineer in PPG's facilities in France with grandparents. The ters Aska and Angeli. Their mailing at Creighton, Pa., since January 1968. Larson's residence is at 49567 Iris, address is P. O. Box 631, Grants, N. M. He joined PPG, at Crystal City, after graduation. The Farbers have two chilUtica, Michigan. D. R. Jaenecke, 3435 W. 84th Place, dren , a daughter JiJI , and a son, Keith . Donald C. Knobeloch has been pro- Inglewood , California, is with Christie moted to Group Leader, Special Devel- Electric. Their daughter , Sandra, is a opments in the Polymer Service Labor- dental hygienist graduate from the atories, U. S. Industrial Chemicals Co., University of Southern California. Their Luscola, Illinois. He joined USI in son, Allen, is in the Navy assigned to 1960. He, his wife, Mary and children the USS Enterprise. Jeffrey and Sandra. live in Arthur, Richard A. Kahl has returned from Illinois. a six-months temporary duty assignment James D. for the U. S. Army in Frankfort, GerCompton many, with the Engineer Command. 1 962 He is Deputy Office Engineer, U. S. Lt. Col. Arthur Daoulas graduated Army Corps of E ngineers; Stockton, from the U. S. Army Command and Missouri. General Staff College at Fort LeavenRussell C. Solomon III has been apworth , Kansas , and he is scheduled for assignment as post engineer at Ft. pointed Superintendent, RoIling Mills and Warehouse at the Alton plant of Leavenworth. Laclede Steel Company. He joined Donald Steury is senior facilities Laclede in 1968. He was serving as electrical engineer with Sperry Flight Assistant Superintendent of the Rolling Systems Division , Sperry Rand Corpor- Mills and Warehouse prior to his proJames D. Compton has completed his ation Phoenix, Arizona. He was em- motion . He spent five years with Re- initial training at Delta Air Lines' trail).ploy~d by Sperry in 1966. He is re- public Steel Corporatoin, South Chicago ing school at the Atlanta Airport and is sponsible for design and reliability of Works, before his employment with now assigned to the airline's Atlanta manager of the company's basic refractories plant at Moss Landing, California . He has been manager at Maxico since January 1966.


MSM Alumnus


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gradu; mand Leave C. W! for tb Clifto in Vie

Jarr from I partm


assign, Office PPG Terre transf, ageme engine Pittsb work where produ<

Jim gree ir Comm since I Plant, He, hi Beth; green.

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pilot base as a second officer. Prior to joining Delta he served five years in the U. S. Navy.

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I to the of PPG in the as been facilities 'Y 1968. .y, after wo chil· I, Keith.

Major Jack H. Clifton was a recent graduate from the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas . General William C. Westmoreland was the guest speaker for the class of 1,341 students. Major Clifton is scheduled for reassignment in Vietnam. James B. Perkins has been transferred from project engineer, Engineering Department, PPG Ind~stries, ~rystal City, Mo., to sales engineer, aircraft sales, assigned to the company's G~n.eral Offices Pittsburgh, Pa. He jomed PPG i~ 1966 as project engineer at Terre Haute, Indiana. In 1968, he was transferred to Crystal City as a management trainee and named. proj~t engineer in June 1968. He WIll be m Pittsburgh for a short time and will work out of the Huntsville, Ala., area where the company has aircraft parts production facilities. Jim Ward was awarded a Ph. D. ?egree in chemistry at UMR at the Spnng Commencement. He has been employed since last October at the Texas Eastman Plant, of Eastman Kodak, Longview. He his wife Karen, and two daughters , B~th and Donna reside at 1309 Evergreen. Longview. Dr. David P. Wehmeyer received a Ph. D. degree in mechanical engineeri!1g from Georgia Tech. in June 1970. Dr. Wehmeyer is senior engineer-propulsion, McDonnell Aircraft Company, St. Louis. His 'reside!1ce address is 805 Norwich Drive. St. Charles, Mo. Arjan S. Jatiani is a structural designer with the Treadwell Cor,?oration. He was awarded a M. S. degree m structural engineering, in March, from New York University. His address is 60-11 Broadway, Woodside, New York.

'ted his ;, traiJl' . and is Atlanta urnnUS

Captain James E. Stangel is working toward a M. S. degree in electrical engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. His address is 5423 Cobb Drive, Dayton . Glenn N. Foss served in the U. S. August 1970

Navy since 1966, stationed on a submarine with a mobile harbor defense unit. He was released in May, as a Lt. j. g. He married Matsuko Cochlin of Garden Grove, California, and is now geologist in the development of gas storage and coal reserves for Northern Illinois Gas Company. Their address is 2110 East Empire, Bloomington, Ill. William W. Nodleet has recently joined The Trane Company as a sales engineer in their Oklahoma City office. After completing three years in the U. S. Coast Guard in Washington, D. C. and New Orleans, Louisiana, he ob· tained a Master's degree in Business Administration from Loyola University of New Orleans in January 1970. Bill and his wife, Suzanne, reside at 603 Whispering Oak Road, Oklahoma City. 1 9 6 -7

1st. Lt. Donald Wayne Hutcheson is assianed to the Munitions Test Directorate of the Armament Development and Test Center at Eglin AFB, Florida. His address is 150 Bayou Drive, Ft. Walton , Florida.

electronic engineer at L. G. Hanscom Field, Mass. He is serving with a unit of the Air Force Systems Command which manages research and development for USAF aerospace systems. Jerry Pogue has accepted a position as City Engineer, City of Farmington, Missouri. He formerly was with Continental Oil Company. Robert S. Hawkins II, received a Master's degree in Business Administration from Northwestern U. , Evanston, Illinois. Harold Romero received his Ph. D. in physics at UMR this year and has joined the staff of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico to work wiht the Physics Division under the auspices of the postdoctorial program. His address is 3790 Gold , Apt. 11 , Los Alamos, N. M. 196 9

Lt. Randall K. Burns will graduate from the Electronic System Officer Course at Keesler AFB, Mississippi, on September 1st, amI then will be transferred to Germany.

David W. Morrison is systems programmer, Stanford Research Institute, Pfc. William A. Stroessner is serving Menlo Park, California. The Morri- with the U. S. Army in Vietnam. He sons have two children, Drew, age 21 expects to return to state-side in Janmonths, and Christine, age 3 months. uary 1971. Their address is 939 Celia Drive. Palo Gary W. Shawgo has been commisAlto. sioned a second lieutenant U. S. Air William R. Reynolds, Jr. is a project Force upon graduation from OTS. Lackengineer with Mallinkrodt Chemical land AFB, Texas. Works, St. Louis, Mo. He joined this company in June this year. Since gr~d­ uation he worked for two years wIth LTV, Dallas, Texas, and in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with DuPont for one year. Their address is 2190 Grants Parkway, Florissant, Mo. Jimmie L. Fisher is presently involved in special training for the Air Forces Defense Support Program. His job specifically is training personnel to maintain the IBM 360/ 75 computer system. He is a sergeant instructor in the USAF at Keesler AFB, Mississippi. His address is 451 0 Querens Ave. , Biloxi.

2nd Lt. Gary W. Shawgo

196 8

2nd Lt. Allen P. Forsyth has been 1st Lt. Ronald L. Sipes was recently awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot promoted to his present rank and is an (Continued on Page 31) 19


Centennial Year Honor Roll 1970 Annual Alumni Fund Roster of Contributors Recorded as of August 31, 1970 1969 Fund 3,083 donors of $39,014.40 and 51 Century Club Members 1970 Fund 3,540 donors of $47,792.72 and 81 Century Club Members


Adams, Grotts, JohnSOn Krebs, . Lumagb llcCart Xeustaf Ude, GI Vogel, I CLAS


Wred, Horner, Kamp, Kluge, I Porter, bipley, briver,

Century Club The following alumni and friends have given $100 or more to the Annual Alumni Fund: J. Lewis Andrews '24 Dr. Bill L. Atchley '57 Lucien M. Bolen, Jr. '59 Hugh S. Barger '39 Morris Boorky '39 Ivan Bounds '50 C. G. Bowers '24 Robert M. Brackbill '42 Wi" Brewer '32 Dr. Robert Carlile Raul Chavez A B. R. Coil '29 Paul T. Dowling '40 F. C. "Ike" Edwards '69 Durward E. Fagan '34 James O. Ferre" '40 Fred W . Finley '41 Paul E. Fischer '23 George E. Fort '40 Dr. Donald E. Frey '68 Frederick J . Gorczyca '61 George A. Hale '34 William A. Hartman, Jr. '48 Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann '25 E. Warren Heilig '31 Thomas A. Holmes '50 Frederic H. Holt '3.5

B. F. Hoover '23 William J. Nolte '20 O. W. Kamper '35 Jerry B. Overton '56 Gordon E. Johnson '59 Dr. T. J. Planje '40 Russe" M. Ke"er '51 Dr. Charles J . Potter '29 Dr. Mervin J. Ke"y '14 Herbert L. Prange '38 Dr. Charles B. Kentnor '24 Thomas H. Reese, Jr. '34 Dr. Harry H. Kessler '24 J . H. Reid '27 Daniel A. Kind '42 V. W. Rieke '40 Robert W. Klorer '44 W. R. Riggs '32 Joseph J. Krebs '16 Hans Schmoldt '44 Paul J. Koehler '66 John E. Schork '47 Frederic L. Kurz '62 Louis Schuette '29 Maj. Gen . Walter P. Leber '40 J. Walter Scott '19 S. H. Lloyd '47 Miles Sedivy '08 Dr. G. Edwin Lorey Milton L. Simmons '40 Robert B. Lusk '27 E. A. Smith '24 Donald R. Mason '63 H. B. Smith '42 Fred P. Matlack '25 Dr. John B. Soult '39 J. B. McKee '41 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 Dr. Aaron J. Miles '30 James W. Ste ph e ns '47 Edward C. Miller '28 General Leif J . Sverdrup " 52 Henry D. Monsch '29 Jack R. Tenni" '54 Edward L. Mooney '50 Jack H. Thompson '52 Joseph W. Mooney '39 Dr. A. J. Tomase k '63 Kenneth C. Murdock '62 Dr. Robert Van Nostrand '42 James J. Murphy '35 John A. Walker '50 Dr. Enoch R. Needles '14 C. M. Wattenbarger '41 James A. Neustaeder '43 Henry E. Zoller '23 Th e Century Club Certificat e l eads: " An organization of alumni foun ded on Ma y 27, 196 7 to aid and su pport the Univ ersity of M issouri -R olla through sub stantial gifts to the Alumni Association Annual Alulilni Fund ." o

Teas, H CLAS

Chavez Doeone< !Iellow, Scheurel Weiser, Zoller, I eLAS

Lottman Scott, J. WilkinS(


Allison, Ashlock Bash, D Barnard Brazill, . Burnet, Ebmeyet Heimber Hopprd ~olte, \1 Pietsch, lover, I Stubbins Swayze,

~err)', ~


Weigel, Zieseniss


H anley , H. R. CLASS OF 1903

Hauenstein , F red CLASS OF 1905

Williams, Bruce


F rench, C. L. Hynes, D ibrell P. Sedi vy, Mil es Wood, Clyde R. CLASS OF 1>

Harlan, J. D . Riede, Frederick Thompson, R. C. Vogt, George C. CLASS OF 1911


Barrett , Edward P . Loveridge, Frank R. McCrae, Rowe F.



Fellows, Aubrey Perkins, William C.

Blake, Frank O. Bodman, John W.

Cody , Ben H. D etweiler, Mil an H. Greene, E va H . Towers, Terence G. Townsend , Frank E . CLASS OF 1912

Coaske, Paul E. Conway, Clifford L .

Coover, Louis L. Ford, Harold P . Grosberg, Alex Irwin, J oseph S. Lynton, Edward D . Thomas, George S. Willmott, M . E.


Finagin, Joseph c. Hall, Clyde W. Kelly, Mervin J. Metz, Gilbert F. Needles, Enoch R. Rice, Hugh P. Simrall, Ril ey M. Webster, John N .

Badollel. Colbert Hurd, H


Nelzebal RohlOff

Shanfeld Taylor lI'iIIia~ Wilson,


Ehlers, William Jr. Hollisfer , S. E. Knappenberger, William R. Murphy, John A.


Hatch , S. R. Morris, Olive Scott Smith, V. X .


Alcorn C ' C \V




MSM A lumnu s




Adams, B. W. Grotts, Fred Johnson , Gunnard E. Krebs, J. J. . Lumaghi, O. L. McCartney, William H. Neustaedter, H. A. Ude, George E. Vogel , H . H. CLASS OF 1917

Bayha , Wilson V. Elfred , F. Stillman Horner, Howard A. Kamp, W. H. Kluge, Harry A. Porter, George S. Sh ipley, John J. Shriver, Ray O. Teas, Howard CLASS OF 1918

Chavez A, Raul Doennecke, H. W. Mellow, George E . Scheu rer, Leroy R. Weiser, Hanley H . Zoller , Lawrence J. CLASS OF 1919

Lottman , Walter F. Scott, J. Walter Wilkinson, Paul D. CLASS OF 1920







Allison , H. F. Ashlock, E. E. Bash , David A. Barnard , Charles R ., Sr . Brazill , M. P . Burnet, George, Sr. Ebmeyer, G. E . Heimberger, K. W. Hoppock , H. H. Nolte, William J. Pietsch, Peter H. Slover, Edwin A. Stubbins, J obn R . Swayze, R. O. Terry, Mark L. Utbo ff , Frederick W. Weigel, W. W. Zieseniss. Harry W.





M N.


Badollet, M. S. Colbert, J. P. Hurd , H. W. Needham, A. B. Netzeband , W. F. Rohloff, J. H . Shanfeld, Sam N . Taylor, Huston Williams , Anvil Clark Wilson , Joseph M.

De Cousser , Kurt H. Diers, Henry E . Dorris, M :' L. Huffman, Daniel E., Jr. Kohlbry, F. Paul Lapee, Roland J. Leonard , Homer Machin , Edwin G. *Salmon , J. c. Scruby, H. D . Weir , Thomas G. Wyman , G. S. CLASS OF 1923

BeDell, M . N. Brandenberger" O. L. Buser , H enry C. Campell , E. Taylor Chomeau , Henri Darby, Wilbur J. Dierking, George T. Fischer , Paul E . F lesh, David J. Ford , Ragan Gatts, W . P. Gordon, J. Pemberton Gregg, J ames L . Hoover , Bert Jewell , A. B. Lindgren , Roy A. McAlpin e, Earl H. Moore, Barbour Hamilton Murphy, Raymond E. Pence, Harry S. Pesout, Edward Powers , H. R. Remmers, Walter E. Riddle, John H. Rixleben , B. Teis, K . R. Ten Eyck, Warren E. Tragitt, E. Rowland Wanenmacher, Joe M. Webster , Vance H . Weigel , M. P . Werner, Walter A. Whitworth , Virgi l L. Zoll er, Henry E. CLASS OF 1924

Andrews, J. L. Blake, Philip L. Bowers, C. G. Courtney, R. M. Devereux, Andrew R. Gabler , George C . Jett, James E. Kentnor , Charl es B., Jr. Kessler, Harry H. Knight , W. E . H . Lovett, 1. H . McBrian, Ray Scott, Guy R. Smith, E. A. Walker , Mrs. A. W . memorial to A. W . Walker Walls, C. A. Weimer , W . Henry Wright, Wilford S. CLASS OF 1925



Alcorn , 1. W. Case, Walker E. Ch!;isLner, Glen J.


August ·1 970

Atkinson , M . L. Baker, Donald R . Berry, Hugh R. . Browning, B. L.

Eagan , Thomas E. Gaines, George D. Godwin , William Hasselmann , K. F . Hauk , W . F. Heitmann , A. L. H erder, Howard A. Horrom , O.J. Irving, Charl es C. Kuechler, Adolph H . Lyon , E. J. Matl ack, Fred P . Pasley , James L. Schn eeberger, F . C. Schramm , Herbert O . Valerius, Claude N . Ward , Ronald D. CLASS OF 1926

Behnke, James D. Birchard, Harry C. Butts, R. H. Craig, Charles D . Craig, Samuel E. Gammeter, Elmer Gammeter , Erwin Goff, Ira N. Griffin, Donald N . Griswold , E. H . Howald, Arthur M . Kitchen, Charles L. Kollar, Ray E. Moore, James P. Rood , J. A. Short, Irwin W . Smith , C. Cabanne Tyrrell, Morris L . Wilson , Joseph M. CLASS OF 1927

Abbett, Robert W. Barnard, A. E. Bisett, Donald J. Hallows , Raymond L. Hardy , James W . Kraft, Ned O. Lusk, R . Ralph McCaw, R. F. Parsons, Edward W . Rankin , R. M. Reid , J. H. Sievers, Edwin R. Smith, James F. Weber , Paul Weiss, Clarence B. CLASS OF 1928

Baumgartner, R. P. Boyer, P . J . Burg, Louis J. Crumbaugh , Daniel H. Cordry, Cletus D. Faulkner, E . C. Freeman, Charles A. Gross, Howard H . Herbert, Charles F . Hill , Albert L. Histed, Howard Hodgen , Sam D. K ilpatrick, H. R . Layne, Mark B. Miller , Edward C. Moreland , Howard B. Murphy, Tom Newcombe, H. H .

I Schweickhardt, W. K. Smith , J. Warren Thomas, H. D. Walther , John R. CLASS OF 1929

*Bolon , Harry C. Coi l, B. R. Crum , E . J efferson Dittmer, Russell S. Drake, Wi lliam L. Dresbach , Cha rles H . English, T. O. Frotscher, Gunther Green , T . Howard Johnson, Charles W. Jones, Harlow G. Kemp , Arthur H. .Kirn , Emmet R. Millar , Albert V. Monsch , H enry D. Morris, Orville W. Potter, Charles J. Schuette, Loui s H. Talley, George W. Thompson, Mercer V. Walker, Jule H. Williamson , Joe CLASS OF 1930

Cirkal , Eitner F. Davis, Will ard E. Dillingham , M. A. Graybeal, J. W. Grimm , C. J. Harvey, Edwin T. Hoeman , Erwi n C. J ennings, Charles H . Juhre, C. C . Kirkpatrick Harry F. Lacy, Lloyd R. Maune , A. R. Meeka , Edward Miles, Aaron J. Moore, Percy E. Neal, K. R . Osterwald , Herbert Payne, Richard ¥. Powell, Eulalie L. Rollman , W . H. Roy , John G. Scheer, Henry O. Shearer, Andrew C. Stone, S. A. Thomas, Myron F. CLASS OF 1931

Baron, A. R. Conley , Jack N. Donlon , Thomas F . Donaldson , William E . Epperson , E . R. Gevecker, Vernon A. C. Followill , Bemis S. Graham, R . C. Harri son, Albert Heilig, E . Warren Herrell , R . R . Herron , H. R . Kirkpatrick, Ruel L. Mitchell , Alfred A. Murphey , Ma uri ce F. Ross, C. E . Sperling, Elm er J. Stokes, J a mes E .

Suhre, M. E. Wade, Rolla T. Wenger , F. E . Wilhite, Clyde E. Williams, Rex Z. CLASS OF 1932

Andres, O. M . Bertram , Richard A. Brewer, Will Brown , R . G. Brllegging, H a rold J . Davis, Stuart L. Eyberg, Mary Friedman, Isaac W. Gallemore, W . A. Gibbs, Harold L. Hippler, R. F. Hoeman , Arthur J. Horn , R ex T . J ohnson. Leon K. Kassay , Andrew "'. Kay, W. T. McC lu sky, Rodney W. McCreight , Richard L. Mackl in, Floyd S. Mays. W. R . Meyer, Henry ~T . Monroe , Rex Offutt, J. J. Pollak , John A. Reid , All en J. Rhoades, Robert P. Richardson, J ames K. Riggs, W. Robert Schwarz, Arthur S. Sturm, John T . Terrell , J. B. Thompson. Homer F. Tomlinson , E lm er M. White, Charles S. Wiethop, Russell H . CLASS OF 1933

Achuff, Cha rl es E . Asher , Vernon L. Beardsley , Coleman H. Berthold , C. F . Borchers, Raymond W. Coghill , W. W. Doll , E ll en Woodman Edgar , Russell Ferbrache , C. P . Gieseke, E. W. Gaddis. Wendell F. Gross. B. J. Harri s, Gene L . Hibbits, Lowell A. HlInze. Charles L. J a bsen, William J. Kaczmarek , T. B. Kay, William W. Krallly , Homer W. Lambllr, Charles H . Lam ers, Clarence W. Lanz, Fred M. Lenz, Willi am H . Martin , J. Douglas, Jr. McDonald , James F. Merchie , Leo H . Mu sson , George H. Philli ps , Mabel E . Pinkl ey , Rex E . Seiberling, T. O. Spolle, Irvin C. Wehrma n, Alvin A. Williamsun . Arthur ,. Jr.


19 7 0 A L U M N I FUN D C O NTR 18 U T O RS _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


Absher, H arold R. Benard , John Brasaemle, R. L. Bruen ing, W. H . Cunningha m, Robert L. Cutler , D avid Darlin g, James W . Dobson , Richard J. Duncan , Merrell Fagan , Durward E. Fletcher, W. B . Ford , H omor T. Jr. Gilli s, Gordon H . H ale, George A. H edges, William E . H ein , Edward A. Hudson, R . G. Jackson , LeRoy H . Joslin , LeCompte Kruse, Cornelius Maise , Clemens R . McKin ley , J. H. :\1cReynolds, E. L. N uernberger, O. L. Poese, L ester E. Power , W . R . Reese , Thomas H ., Jr. Springe r, W. R . Stewart, T. J. Sullentrup, Leo J. Taylor, R . E. Weigel , Robert C.


Bargstede, George J. Buck, Robert H . Campbell , W. J. Coddington, William H . Colman , Howard B . Cooke, W. F. , J r. Danforth , Warren B. Doan , Donald J. D utton , Donnell W . Edgar, Max E. Frank , Andrew T. Gibbons , H . T . Haffn er, H a rold J . Harrod , J ohn E . Hoffm an , E mil D. Holt , F red H . Holtman , L. W . Hoy t , Harlan K. Johnson , R. W. Kamper, O. W. Knoll , Rudolph J . Lange, Howard F. McD ill , William H . McDonald , Collin s H. Montgomery, Gill Murphy , J ames J. N ickel, E lmer J. Nixon , E. W. Nolde , George T. Peters , W . A. Ribotto, J oe W. Snyder , C. W. Solomon , R. C.


Adams, Ky le M. Barrow , Ca rlton W. fl eard. Reade M .


Chapma n, Robert T. Dennis, W. E. Fisher, Robert L. Fi ss, Edward C. , Grimm , Donald F. Hanson, K. O. Hoener, Alan J. Kirchoff, Elmer Menefee, J ames H . Michel , Hilbert F . Millice, Carl T. Na tion s, George O. Nicholson, Harvey L . Pfeifer , Herman J. Rasor, John P . Roy, Edward A. R uwwe, John W . Schwalbert , W . H . Si mmons, R . W . T en nies, L. G. Thompson , Hoyt G. Walker , W. Ernie


Appleyard , Frank C. Benner, C. F. Bommer, Theodore J. Breuer, W alter F. Busch, W . C. Brown, Buran W. Cardetti, R. J. Carrolla, Ross R . Donnelly , W . L. H offman , Richard H. H olz, Walter L. J arrett, W alter R. J ones, Walter T. Lange, Robert C. Loga n, Edwin W. Maloney, William G. Mattei , Peter F. McClanahan , Arthur Millard , Frank S. Post, S. S. Schaumburg, Grant W. T yrrell , Miles E. Vogt , Fred K.


Ballman, E. A. Bliss, Allen D. Bircher, J. Russell Bowman, Don C ., Jr. Cameron, C. V., Jr. Ca rpenter, Forrest L. Clayton, Charles L. Cornett, Roy C. Decker , William W. Ellis , J . Craig Fernandez, H oracio A. Goodrich, F. N. Hill , Eugene F. H owerton , J . W . J aenecke, D . R. Jarboe, R. A. J ones, Robert V. Levin, Bram J. Long, J ohn R. Medley , Raymond R. Morrison, Frederick M ueller , Fred N. Nickel, Melvin E. Peukert , Norman L.

Prange, H erbert L. Pittenger, Frank H . Rogers, Raymond H Ruemmler, W. P. Short, John A. Stokes, Homer B. Wolf, H erbert C .


Barger, Hubert S. Beach, J ohn Boorky, Morris Boulson, Charles E. Brand , Glenn E. Burris, Donald D . Carter, Robert A. Cla ridge, Elmond L. Creceliu s, H . F. D ecker, George J. Di effenbach, R . P. Elliott, Edward E . E ll iott , Lewis C . Ellis, W. R . F illmer , Howard H. Finley, Thomas J. Harsell , Tom H eiser, F . W. H offman , Roy E., Jr. Jacobs, Jam es H . J amison, Marshall Jeffers, Marshall A. Johnson , E a rl H erbert Kenyon , Robert P. Kidd , H arold S. Livingston, John McCaw, Jack McKissick , R. C, Mooney, J oseph W. Moore, J ack W . Mueller, George E. M ussell , W . E. Parker , J. James Pohlman , Edgar F. Post , John R . Rhodes, A. E. Roaring, Wilbert A. Runyan , J. R . Siegrist, K . A. Sm ith , Leroy E. Soult, John P. Spalding, J . V. Stojeba, Thaddeus S. Sullivan , William L. T etley, A. L. Vandergriff, W. C. Waters, Wa de D .

CLASS O F 1940

Adams, Wash Alexander, William C. Alfred, Rex Barclay, J ames Baumstark, Walter A. Brown, Guy, Jr . Burns, R. E. Carr, W. J. Jr . Chedsey, George L. Cotterill , Carl H . Dennie, P. A. Dennis, B. A., Jr. D onahue, J . B. Dowling, Paul T. Ferrell, J. O. Fort, George E.

Griffeth , T .T Gund , Russell A. Hall , Cha rles E. Henso n, Leonard E. Herzog, A. R. Kamper , H . G. Kell ey, R alph E. Kidwell , Albert L. Kiesler, A. J ames Klug, Robert J. Ladd, H arley N. Leber , Walter P. Loveridge, J oel F. Machmer, Fred G. Markley, J. S. Ma rtin , Ben H . Mitsch, George L. N ied ling, Ivan M. Olcott, Eugene Palmer , Clarence C. Parish, G. A. Perry, Ernest L. Pla nje, Theodore J. Plenge-W., Carl os H . Reed, John F. Ridl ey, Robert P. Ri ege, Lynn J. Ri eke, V. W . Rose, Colin Ross, Pa ul F . Rueff , E dward L. Rushing, James F. Schrader, Ralph Sharp, Everett W . Smothers, W. J. St ra ub , Alvin E. St urges, H . D . Summers, Hu ey Tucker , Armin J . Wallace Gerald E. Weber , Arthur Welch , John F ., Jr. Wilson , F. Hugh Wil son , James C. Young, W. P.


Andreae , A. A. Bennetsen, W ay ne J. Bottcher, H erman F . Bourne, Wi ll iam H. Boyd , Robert K . Boyt, Eugene Butch, Edm und R. Cla rkson , Cha rles F . Cochran , Andrew A. Corneau , C. A. Co uch , G. R. Crecelius, D. G. Crockett , William E. Davidson , R. Fred Domjanovich, M. S. Dreste, Jerome P. Enochs , John R. Farrell. Edwa rd C. Fick, Armin F. Fields, R . E. Finley, Fred W . Ga rdner , J. W. II Gebhard t , Adolph Grisham , Marvin C. H acker, Alden G. H ardine, Kenneth L., Jr. H oener , Fred H . J affe, Natha n D .

Jensen, J. W . Kerr , J ames W. Lambeth, J en nings R . Love ridge, Warren Lynch, Dani el S. M cKee, J. B. Mack , J ames 0 .. Jr. l\'Ietz, Frank H . Meyer, R. H. Pace, George M . Paulter, Anthony Puetz , Willia m M. Rogers, Frank B. Roux , J a mes R. Schoen thaler, Robe rt Sshwab, Ca rl F . Sexton , Robert M. Shankland , J ohn Springe r, James J. Stevens, H arvey C. Stewart , D ani el R. Stockton , H erbert R . Strawhun , J. O. Topper, Robert L. Volz, H . A. Wampler, H a rold E . Wattenbarger, C. M . W ya tt , De Marquis

CLASS OF 194 2

Adler, Arthur S. Allen, John C. Axmacher , G. W . Ballinger , Homer J. Blankenship, Gilbert H ., Jr . Bradshaw, George V., Jr. Brackbi ll , Robert M . Brill , N iles K . Busch, W . D. Castleman , J . H . Clark , Hu gh M. Crookston, J . A. Cunningham, R . J. Durphy , Clyde E.isman , W ill iam J. Fuller , Julian A. Graver, George D. Hager, Bailey W . Heuer, Charl es A. Hubbart , Curtis Q. Jacoby , Charles H. Jones, T om A. Karbosky , J oseph T . King, Welby M. Kisslinger, Fred Kloeris. Paul W ., Jr . Kru eger , Harold A. Lawler, W. J. Loesing, Vernon T . Lyons, John H. :\<lartin , Kent W . McConnell , William F. McGhee , Vernon T. Mitchell , Jim L. Muskopf, O. M. Nelson, Paul C. Neubert , Ralph L. Nevi n, Ja mes R . N icola , licholas Olde, Fred W . Olsen, J ohn K. Pagel, H erber t E. Pewitt , Bion D. Pierce, Thomas R. Rassinier , Ed.

MSM Alumnus

Sandh Shock Schow Schun Schmi Shaffe Sindel Smith Smith Ste"a Taylo Trotti ran \ rogel! Irade, Irashl Witt, Wolff, 11'00<1' Zoller,

CLA .~dams

Amli, I Ballin, Bassett Bellis, Berndt Bierma Botton Carroll Christe Coman Coolid! Davis,


Dressel Dreste, Driscol Durhar Eck, R Ehrlich Fleisch Flood, Fris, ÂŁ" Gimson Glover, Gyoax Hadley Hanna HoUma Johann Johnso ~alish

Kasten Kendal Key, E Kerper KriU ]



Landis Larson

Leming ~Iarlo Martin 1IcCor McMa lleyer


'ieUst Ozkal PaUl, ' PraCht

1970 ALU M N I F UND CO NTR I B U T O R S _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __




E. \1.

¡t H., )1.

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,/u mnUS

Sandhaus, Elmer H . Shock ley , Gilbert R, Schowalter , K. A. Schuman , Austin E . Schm itt , J oseph B. Sha ffer , Jam es W . SindeL A. T . Smith , H , B. Smith , J ohn , Jr. Stewart , Alex L T aylor, Otis H , Trotte r, Cha rles R. Van N ostra nd , Robert Vogelesang, E dwin Wade, D ell C. Washburn , Earl L Witt , J ack Wolff , Leo nard C. Woodwo rth , Lee R. Zoller, l W .

CLASS OF 194 3

Adams, J oseph T Amli , Harold E . Ball inger , H omer l Bassett , Willi am H . Bellis, l\'laurice O. Berndt, J oseph P ., Jr. Biermann , Earl E. Bottom, J ames H . Carroll J ames V. Christensen, D ouglas N . Comann , R, Kent Cool idge, D, l Davis, Claude E , Doerres, Jack H. Dressel , William L D reste, F red E . Driscoll , J ohn V. Durham , Howard W. Eck, Robert A. E hrlich , Robert L Fl eischli, Jack E. Flood, H. W. Fris, Edwa rd S. Gimson , Willia m H ., Jr. Glover , James Gygax, Edward E . H adley , T. R. Hanna , Robert L Hoffmann , William G. J ohannes, E. Gent J ohnson , J ames C. Kalish, H erbert S. Kasten , Raymond O. Kendall , Edward T , Jr . Key, Enos L Kerper, Ma tthew l Krill , Francis M . Krummel , Clyde H. , Jr. , Lambelet , C. A. Landis, Bruce R . Larson , Leonard N. Leming, John G. Marlow, Max L Mar tin , Gene S. McCormick , Charles S. McMath , Rob ert P. Meyer, Orvill e L. Morris, J ames H . Neustaedter, J ames A. Ozkal, Kemal Paul, J ames R. Pracht, H . W.

August 1970

D oisy , R. l Fra me, R. E. Ma nn , Robert L Meyer, D onald L M iller , Eberhard H. Olsen, O. M. Pagano, S. l Rust, H enry R. Rutledge, Will iam A. "Vestwater , Robert D . Wi lhelms, Kenn eth M.

Rasmussen , R . K . Schu mann , Lloyd G. Short, Donald H . Sk itek , G. G. Smi th , Donald S. Stri ckler , H. O. Studebaker, D . l Stueck , Neil Weis, Carl J., J r. Wr ight, C. l Zoller , Vi ctor H .



All en, E ugene K . Barnha rt, H erbert D. Brinkma n, H erma n Brodhaker, l W . Cla rk , Willis H . D ampf, P hilip M . Di ck, C. Alfred Di etz, Robe rt O. D owd , J ames D . Goetemann , E. C. Griffiths, John W. H a nsen, l R icha rd H eidenreich , R oger H. H elberg, Wa rren H ubbard, Will iam A. Isenma nn , Edwa rd S. Kasten, Pa ul R. Klorer , Robert Kozeni, D on Larson , \Va rren L Lil ey, Ja mes A. , Jr. Magill , W . H . P in gel, Vern on l Ploesser , Alan P. Ronat , l L . Ru disa ile, H. l Schmold t, Ha ns E. Schoeneberg, K. W. Simons, Sanford L Smith , P. Gen e Sanders, Li ncoln Sparks, Charl es H. Staley, Glenn L , Jr. Summers , Robert F. T atoian , George Weinel, E. A. Werner , Roy

Ad ri an , Kenneth G. Ba ilie, Cecil C. Brixius, J ohn L Bruns, Robert F . Bruzewski, R. F. Ca rafiol, Gilbert Ca rlton. Paul F . Ch ri s t i~n sen , Ca rl R . Cole, Ri chard E. Coll ier, J oseph W. Counts, Charles R. Da meron , H . C. D evine, Robert F . E inspanier, B. l Ell erman, W illi am E. Faser, Jack F . Feldha us, Ralph l F erry , Cha rles R. F ogarty , E. R. Fritz, Glenn H . Goo dwin , Reo E. Goodwin, William J. Haak , Vincent A. Ha rville, Wi ll is H . H ayes, William C. H enke , E . A. Henry, G. E. Johnson , Phi lip D . K err , F ra nk F. Lavat, E ugene "V. LaPiere, Gilbert H. Lewis, M arjori e Lewis, Walter E. Lewis, Dwight E. Little, l Edward Lloyd , S. H. Ma rtin , Arliss McDonald , Malcolm H. Schork , John E.

CLASS OF 194 5

Boyd, Roy H . Bl ase, Edwin W . E riv, Leon Kasten , Ve rnon Kawaguchi , Makota Lindberg, Allan W . Milton, Osborne M urray , Robert E. OzaV/a , l K . Schmidt , Robert F. Sha nk , E. M.


Burke, George E. Clayton, Austin B . Connet t, R . P. D ani els, Thomas D .



Ackermann, K. G. An derson , Walter F. Armstrong, Robert J. Aubushon, P. M . Baerveldt , Robert F. Balmat, J ack S. Banks, Ralph Bermel, Pe ter F . Bill ard, J. W . Billy, J oseph H . Bradford, Victor L Brown , W illia m R. Browning, Charles M . Browning, P. A. Bye, Stanl ey E., Jr. Chaney , J ames B. Colla r, Donald H .

Co peland , A. Eugene Crosby, Robert A. D ela ney , M ichael l D oell ing, Robert Ell is, Ma uri ce H. Ellis, W illiam F. F ields, Lester E. Fi sher, J ames R . F it zpa trick, Joseph W. Fly nn, Robert H. Full er, Lee W. Gauerke, Reinha rt C. Glasgow , L G. Grady , Will iam, Jr. Griessen , J ohn Gr ibsby , Harry G. Gu rn ea u , E . M ., Jr. H agan, Melvin A. Haley, Comer C. Hammann , John W . Ha rter, Warren F. H artman , W . V. Ha rtsma n, Robert F . Hasko, Stephen Held, Robert E. H epp, Joseph T Heq uembourg, F . D. , J r. H oelscher, J ames W . H oey, Paul E. Howell , R icha rd R. Howell , T ed R. H ud gens, E. W . H udson, C. N . Jackson , J orge J ohn son , C. C. K eeley, Gilbert S. K reutzer, Robert C. Kyle, Kenn eth La wson , Vernon R. Lea ver , H . B. Marchal , Jacquis H . Ma thews, Donald J. McColgin , Den nis L M cCormack , George E. McGovern , J ames l M cK elvey, Ralph M efford , Nace M ill er , W illiam J. Moe , Harold G. O'Neill , Lawrence F. Pagezy , M . J. Procton, Albert W. Ramsey , George H . Robbin s, I rvin D. Rola ff, E rich Schaeffer , W . A. I II Schmdit , D onald G. Scholz, Arth ur E. Smi th , D avid G. Smith , H arlan D . Smi th , H ubert R . Spin zig, E . W ., Jr. Stoecker, Wi lbert F . T errassen, P. L T hurman, William H . Ti ttma n, David W. Todd, F red A. Van Ea ton , C. W . Wa rren, G. Windsor Weddle, Wilbern L Whanger, J. R . Wolfa rt h , T. R . CLASS OF 1949

Anderson , D ouglas Anderson , George M .

Aubuchon, Edward L Bai ly, Wa lter E. Ba rkley, l E. Bell , J ames E. Berry, J erome T Birch , Mrs. Frank Bishop , H. Sam Blan kenm eister , Erwi n Boyer, Alexander A. Breitwi eser, R. H . Breuer, C. L Carm ichael, Ronald L Carney, W . Dale Ca rter, Wi lli am D. Chang, John W . Chapman, Vernon , J r. Cizek , Frank l Clifton , J ames G. Comstock, Elbert E. Coolidge, Will iam H. Coplen, Roy Corey, Clyde C. Cox , D elbert R . Crites, J oseph D . Cromer, Charles F. Cullom , J ohn T Dalpini, David Daly , T. E. Davidson , Charl es C. Davidson, George DeBolt, D onald G. Edwards, Pa ul K. E hrl er , ] ohn W . E iche lberger , Charles E. E vans, W . W. Fliehma n , Mauri ce H. Foster , J ack D . French , Robert G. Fuqua , J ohn H. Gambill , James W. Gammon , William H. Georger , Lester J. Goll er , C. H. , Jr. Greenman , David W. Greig, Joseph E. Gr iesedi eck , D on L H ansen , Robert C. H udson, Clarence H . Jones, Sam P. Kelahan , R . C. Kimmick , E dwa rd ] . Knecht , Walter S. Knopp, Roger Komoto, Frank K. Knutson , Elmo G. Lenox, William H . Lin n, La urel G. Lin e, Myrl L Magruder , William H. Martin , Robert L McCa llister , O. L , Jr. McGrath , J ames B. Mengel, E. L M iller, F red J. Mull igan , J ohn L . N orma n, Amos Ostmann, Robert F. Otto , R. M . Padfield , Ralph C. Perry , Robert C. Qu inn , Joseph S. Ratcli ff, John l R aymer, Gordon E. Reilly , John G. Reinkenmeyer, N. W. Reiss , Joseph J. Remington, C. R .


1970 ALUMN I FUND CONTRI B UTORS - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- --

Rice, Daniel P. Rittenhouse, Joseph Root, Robert L. Ross, Harvey D. Rowley, Kerm it G. Russell , Ray H. Sakonyi, Frank W. Sarzi n, J. L. Schirmer , W. A. Schmidt, Murray Schowalter, Ralph E. Schuler, Leonard, Jr. Seeling, Albert F., Jr. Sevick, J. G. Sha w, Will iam H . Shute, John W. Sieckman, E ugene H. Simmons, Milton L. Slaght, F rederick W. Smith , William E. Springer, Fred M. Stadelhofer, J ack F. Starkweather , Ru eben H . Stein, John E. Sutton , Glen W. Telthorst, Edgar J. Telthorst, Harold M. Timemr, Donald H . Todd, J. W. Toomey, J. B. Tothill, C. E. B. Trotter , Jack K. Tucker, Arthur L. Twombley, Robert C. VanMaerssen, Otto L. Viles, Landon C. Werner, E. J. Wissel, Charles K . Withrow , H a rold J . Wunnenberg , E. C. Yochum , Robert J. Youngs, L. P.


Agnew, Lewis, E. , Jr. Amsler, John O. Atchison, Daniel Babbitt, Jack R. Bach, W. E., Jr. Bachman , William C. Barnes, A. Eugene Ba rsachs, Edwi n H . Belew, Leland F. Benson , Cla rk H . Betz, Irving G. Bloome, Robert Bodine, Jack Boecker, Fred , Jr . Bounds, I van Bowling, Charles P . Bradley , Kenneth R. Breit, Karl K . Breuer, D . 'vV. Brinkman n, Charles E. Brown, Stuart S. Browngard, Billy R . Bueker, Ed Buel, Robert W. Burk e, Robert F. Byrd, Herman C. Campbell , Earl D. Cantwell , L. W .


Carl, Louis H. Chambers, Frank T. Chen , Willie V. Choate, Robert L. Church, Charl es H. Clay ton, Roy T. Cli fford , Richard E. Coleman, E . H ., Jr. Collins, William W. Cox, William H. Dampf, Donald P . Dare, Wilbert L. Dav idson, Edwi n A. Davidson , Phil Delaney, John F. DelPorte, Karl H. Deutman, G. M. Dierin ger , Donald D rake, Avery A., Jr. Eck, Bernard J. Eissin ger, Karl Elliott, J. O. Erb, Robert Ersk ine , Rohert H. Etz, Ca rl E. , Jr. Evans, James L. Eyberg, W. P. Fahi en, Ray Faith , R. V. Farrey, Henry B. Feltz, W. R. Ferry, Robert S. Fi nch, Frank F ossi, Robert L. Friske, Elmer W. Gabelmann, W. L. Gallimore, Hal G. Geiger , Gerald A. George , Kenneth Gi lmore , J ohn W. Graves , C. E. , Jr. Gray, Ivan L . Greenherg, Aaron Gregory, Scott H. Gri ffin , Donald C. Grimm, D. C. Haas, Paul A. Ham , Horace B. H ardy , R. L. Harris, W illiam M. Harri son, Richard N . Hauser, Max Haymes, William G. Hei sler , William B. Hell er, Enrique Helwig; Arthur W. Hillhouse, David L. Hobelman, M. G. H ollenbach, B. D. Hollis, William Holme, R. Norman H olmes, Thomas A. Houk, Clarence C. Howell , Bennet D . Huber, Paul A. Hunt , J. Richard Hutchiso n, Alden C. Hyde, James C., Jr. Hymes, Cha rles R. Irani, Keki K . Iten, H. Clay Jami eson, George W. Jerman , Theodore I. J ohnson, Edward L. Johnson , Ray B. Johnson, Warren H . Jorcke, Oliver A.

Judah , Russell J. Kelly, Peter B. Kerr, R . H. Ke tter, Richard P. Kinder, Dave King, Donald T. K ingsley , Dale L. Klaus, Irving K nowles, Carl M. Kovach , John J. Krainess , Albert M. Kraus, Karl L. Ku nz, Charles O. Kyburz, E. P . Lai rd , Harry W. Lanham, Thomas G. Lasko, Edward P. Lay , George R. Lee-Aston, R Lockett, Donald N. Longolius, Walter C. Lowe , Gerald E. Lukrofka , L. J . Mabie , Edward L. Mann , Carl K. Marinkovic, Sergio F. :'-farshall , Donald W . Marting, Richard E. Mason, Ernie V. Mattlage, Raymond F. Matthews , Paul A. McGaughey, C. E. McGowan, John P. McNichols, John R. Megeff, Seymour Middleton, Douglas F. Miller, Chester E. Miller, J . E. Mooney , Edward W. Morgan, William A. Muehring, John E. Murphy, William L. Nagel, Lawrence J. Neidel, Roger A. Neustaedter, R . H . Nichols, John W. Niederstadt , R . J. Nolan, Paul B. Nor th , Oliver S. Novotnak, Frank Oliphant, John D. Parker, R . C. Patten, Robert I. Paulsell , W. G. Pennington, Robert J. Peppers, Robert E. Preiss, Robert K . Ries, Fra nk W. Roach, Kenneth C. Reynolds, Earl G. Roberts, J. Kent Robison, Leslie B. Romano, Frank J. Rowe, Robert D. Ruenheck, Raymond T. Sakony i, John J. Schmidt , Robert N. Schneider, N. F. Sco tt, James J. Sereno , LeRoy F. Se ttgas, Robert C. Severtson, Vernon S. Sims, Dale E. Skinner, Milton R . Slack, Clayton F. Sliger, A. G. Smith , Marvin E .

- - - - -- - - - --

Smith, Robert E ., Sr. Spanier, Lawrence A. Spindle, Mrs. Harvey Springer, Everett W. Starke, R. E. Stevens, R. E. Strain , Robert A. Stra us, E. J. Strong, John F. Szumachowski , E. R. Tate, David E. Tennikait, H . G. Tennill , Jack R . Terry , Milton Tibbs , Harold E. Tindall , Robert F ., Jr. Toth , Vincent V. Trianda, John Tunnicliff, Clarence Ummel , Otis R. Underwood, Clifford B. Unsell, Vester B . VanNort , John K. Vogler, August J ., Jr. Walker, John A. Walker , Walter W . Wargo, Lewis L. Webster, James P. Wehling , Howard C. Weidman, Thomas H . Weingaertner, J ohn W . Weinstein , W . White, T. W ., Jr. Whitney , R . D . Williams, John C. Wilson, Anthony E. Winkler, J. D. Winter , E. F. Wojan, Carl E. Wolfram, Ralph E. Wood, Robert C. Wright, Harold R. Wunnenburg, Donald A. Young, Charles, J r. Zerweck, Carl E ., Jr. Ziebell, W. R . Zvan ut . Albert J.


Anderhub , Anthony P. Arnold, John M. Baldwin, William M. Ballass, John T . Ballestero, Antonio P., Jr. Barrow, Robert B. Beaver, M . H . Bender, Gerald H. Blendennann , Gene R. Bopp, H . Milton Boscia, Frank J . Bowkley, H erbert L. Boyd, Cha rl es L. Browne, Thomas C. Brunkhorst, Earl R. Bullock , Richard L . Bu rch , W. D . Canady, D onald W. Clark, Howard T. Comanich , George W. Com merford , George E. Dickens, Richard L. Dieckgrafe , Robert E. Dowli ng, Donald J., J r.

- --


Dovtling, N. B. Dreste, Harry F. Dryden, Joe Dulberg, Irving D unn , E . E. Durrenberger, Joseph W. Elba um, J . K. Elliott, Edwi n G. Elwood, Wi lliam H. F ahs, D onald G. Ferrero, Dominic F ris, Joseph P. Fritsy, Herman A., Jr. Gabrielse, R. S. Ganley, Robert J. Gardner, John E . Gehrig, D ee R. Gillen, David U. Glenn, David E. Greer, Rex Griffith, John B. Gro thaus, J . V. Hargus, Loren, Jr. Harris, H enry C. Hawker, Gene John H awkins, W. Heetfield , Robert D. H enson, G. L. Herley , David F. Hes tetune, D. G. Hirner, J oh n A. Hockett, D. D. Hohlfelder, Eugene F. H olcomb, Lester W . H orst, William E. Hubbard , Jack L. Huff, Wayne F. Hughes, Chester K. H ouf, Will Irwin , David M . Jackson, Earl E. Jerome, Gerhart D. Joha nnesmeyer, H . M. Kaplan, Newton H. Keller, Gerald N. Keller, Russell M . Kent, H erbert E. Kinane, Cy ril M. 'Kleinkopf, M. D ean Kline, Charles R. Kline, Raymond M . Knight, George Kolb, Eugene F. Latten, Judson M. Lehmann , Charles F. Llewellyn, Henry Lynch, J ohn F. MacDonald, John B. MacMaster, Edward Maurer, J. E. Martin , Robert D . McEvilly, William G. McGovern, Dan E. Meiners, Don Mellott, R. N. Mendell, Robert H . M iddour, E. S. Mi lligan, Edward J. Moscari, John Murray, Richard Myslinski, Frank J. Napp, G. E . Olson, H oward Owens, Frank W. Oldenhurg, Ted Packheiser, E. D. Payne, G. C.



Pearse Phelp~

Rober Riedel Raetz( Ruhl, Salma! Sarap' Schmi< Schwei Shield! Shoph, Shulal' Sieck, Simpse Smith, Smith, Smith, Spindl< Tatosi. Taylor Trieste Tsai, \ Tuepk< Van B Vansan Venard Vase, \ \\'allao Wallar Wehmr Wennel Wheatl Whillo Wile, L Wilson,


Wolf, I Zane, I Zeid. ~


Alvarad Basler, Bauer, Belew, . Bilheim Birch, I Bosse, Bowlin, Caleate Charnel Coonce, Cox, W Cramer Davis, I DeLucc Drumm< Dye, Re Faulkne Ferguso Finklan Fish, G Flore, R Freiberg Hacker Hausm~ HaUsne Heilicb Hewett' l!lI(ke~ liolmes Hubba;







F. B. d G

r¡ J.

19 7 0 AL U MN I FU ND CONTRIB UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Pearson, Walter O. Phelps, R . C. Robert , Donald L. Rieder, R . J . Roetzel , J. D . Ruhl , Wiley T . Sal mas, James Sarapuu , Erich Schmidt, Vernon Schweizer, Charles T . Shields, Robert W. Shopher, S. D ean Shu law, Walter A. Sieck, Ervin H. Simpson, Thomas A. Sm ith , D. R. Sm ith , J ohn E. Smith , R . J. Spindle, H arvey Tatosia n, Vanagan Taylor, D onald J. Tri este, Mario R . Tsai, William W. Tuepker, Ralph A. Van Bramer, William G. Vansant , Robert E . Venarde, J ack H. Vose , William Wallace, Edwin R. Watson, H . G. Wehmeier , Lee M. Wenneborg, William Z. Wheatley, Elmer Whitso n, Harold E. Wile, Larson E. Wilson, Gerald M . Wiseman, Donald E . Wolf, Robert V. Zane, Bob Zeid. Marvin C.


Alvarado , Frank T Basler, Francis Bauer , Richard H . Belew, James A. Bilheimer, Lee Birch , Frank Bosse, Richard M. Bowlin, William H . Calcaterra, Edward 1. Chorney, Peter L. Coonce, H omer E. Cox, Willard E. Cramer, Kenneth 1. Davis , G. D. DeLucca , Michael Drummond, Floyd M. Dye, Robert A. Faulkner, J. Robert Ferguson, Wallace Finklang, J . W . Fish, George E. Flore, Robert E . Freiberger, Ha rold C. H acker, J ean E. Hausmann, Paul 1. Hausner, Paul Heilich , Raymond P. Hewett, Charles A. Hockenbury, Melvin C. Holmes, Wallace H . Hubbard , J ames R .

August 1970


Hydinger, Paul L. Jackson, Wayne D. J ensen, Gunther T. Justus, Richard F. , Jr. K eil, Byron L. Kerr, H . C. , Jr. King, Gerald S. Knock , D. Clyde, Jr. Knoebel , Richard H. Kronst, Edwin F. Lee, Roy E . Lucido, P. J . Maday, D onald S. Martin , Dan W . Matthaei , Richard Matson, Don D. McB rayer, Jack R . McCammon , Donald McIntyre , John Meskon , David Miller , Herbert E. Morefield , George S. Moy, Hong S. Newkirk , Thomas F. Nolan , John B. Pape, Earl E. Patton , Denver S., Jr. Potter , Vernon C. Priest , J. E. Ramsey, Glendon J. Reeves, E. J. Richards, T. W. Roster , E. 1. Rumsey, Donald A. Schmidt , Donald E . Scri vner, Roger Stephey, W. D. Strite, Russell R. Sweeney, J. R. Taber , Daniel T a nkersley, J. H . Thompson , J ack H . Unger , Walter Uthoff, R. F. Van Buskirk, Lyman F. Vance, James F . Vanderheyden , Eugene T Wakefield , Roger E. Waltz, R . 1. Weeks, Charles A. Westerman, Howard W. Westmoreland , D. S., Jr. Wheelock , L . K . Williams , D. N . Wolfberg, Leonard H. Zachelmeyer, N. P . Zedalis, John P. CLASS OF 1953

Abendroth, R. P. Almeter, Frank M . Auguston, 1. B. Barton , C. D. Bay, Robert E . Bender, John H. Berry, Charles A. Bloess, J uergen J. Boyd, M . W. Buescher, Romuald 1. Carver , Robert E. Crane, Harold R . Creamer, Edward L. Dill, Earl R. Eason, Jack L . Edwards, Gene W . Freebersyser , George J. Gegel, Donald 1.

Gjelsteen , Thor Hansen , Peter G. Haynes, Myron B. Heeger, Charles H . Heimbaugh , Kenneth Heineck, Dale W. Holland , Richard O. Jenkins, Robert D . Jones, Vernon T. Jost, Robert D. Katz, Manfred ¡Kuster, Ralph 1., Jr . Knearem, James L. Koederitz, Thomas Grommull er, W. W . LaBouff, Gerald J. Lee, Walter Lipensky, Mi lan Lo ,Wing C. McBeth , J. D. Meek , William F . Oberschelp, William F. Poschel, Eugene J. Quatraro, William Patterson', William E. Regan , Robert Robinson , Paul D. Ruppert, Theodore A. Smith , Bert L. Strohbeck , E. E. Thompson , James E. Topel, Maurice R. Tuck, E. F . Vitek, R. K. Wak ner, Fredrick R. Weber, William J. Weinland , Harold A. Willis, H enry R. CLASS OF 1954

Albu rtis, C. L. Anderson, Robert W. Anderson, Searles T. Burgett, Max A. Cole, Joseph B. Cole, Kenneth D. Conci, Frank Custead, J. R. Dowell , Jack B. Ellis, E ugene W. Gerard, James A. Gotsch , Richard W. Gray, Joe E. Groteke, D. E. Haertling , Gene Hampel, Richard J. Horine, Robert A. Hubeli , James A. Johnson, C. Scott J uskie, Bernard R. Leong, Judson Lincoln , Herbert E . McMullen, James M. Phillips, William R., Sr. Pillisch , Herbert P . Pracht, Richard M. Puyear , Robert B. Ramsey, Paul E. Reavis, Richard Schneider, Donald O. Selvaggi, Anthony J . Sipe, William E. Stewart, William H. Toutz, James O. Tucker, Ted Volker , Vernon D . Watkins , Joe Williamson , Rayburn L .


Baebler, Arthur G. Baker , Chester H . Barnds, Campbell C. Berg, Richard O. Boze, Ralph Broaddus, Wayne, Jr. Corcoran, T . A., Jr. Cowan, Harry D. Cruse, Richard L. Davis, Ralph T, Jr. Fisher , Donald G. Fitzwater, Arthur V. Franklin, J a mes M. Friederich, G. Gessley, Donald Gilliam , Dale D. Godsey, T. L. Grosso, John Hallett , William M. Harbert, Donald B. Ha ubold, R . G. Hughes , Judson A. Jones, R. L. Kaiser, R. 1. Keller, Leonard J. Kickham , L . T , Jr . Kummer, Fred S. Lane, T . F. Langston , Russell 1. Luehring, Elmer L . Martin , Robert J. McCarthy , J ohn M. McMorris, W. L. II I Miles, John B. M iller , Charles E . O'Neill , William J. Padan , John W. Palmer, J ames H . Penzel, C . G. Plache, Kurt O. Ray, Herman A. Reitsma, Louis J. , Jr. Roberts, J oe B. Roesler, Ralph R. Scott, J. N . Smart, Sam Smith, Glen A. Spratt, Robert E. Stimson, William R . Tucker, Paul B. VanBuskirk , John R. Walther, George C. Zimmerman, M . Jordon CLASS OF 1956

Baumgartner, George Bentilla, Kenneth R. Berkbigler, Roger 1. Borgerding, James H . Brawley, J. M. Capek, Frank J. Custer, C. Robert Doe , Bruce R. H erndon, Richard S. Hughes, R . A. Jones, Billy R. Jones, Ralph H . Kebel , Harlan L . Layman, James W. Lieberman, Wa rren Martinez, Evaristo McClure , Randall McCoy, Charles J. Mills, Edward L . Mitchum, Martin M.

Morales , Victor M. Murphy, J ames M. Overton , Jerry B. Rasey, Watson G. Reetz, Arthur Jr. Remmers, E . Paul Reser, Donald E. Rickey, Robert B. Sa uer, Harry J. Schmidt, Harold A. Schmi ttou, Clay J. Schramm, William W. Schuller, Francis W. Sen ior, G. 1. Statler, Kennyn Steffan, K. F. Suhre, Maurice E., Jr. Tauser , Raymond H . Thompson , LeRoy E. Unnersta ll , James A. Vallez, Michael H. Walker , Norman L. Williams, Don E. Yancik , Joseph J. Yiannos, Peter N. CLASS OF 1957

Anderson, John R. Arnesen, Kjell Astroth , Louis E. Atchley , Bill Baechle, August A. Baker, Charles R. Baker, Donald D. Ballard , Darrell Bardelmeier, August R . Beckemeyer, Edward J. Bowers, Donald R. Brillos, J ohn W. Campen, Edward B. Clodfelter, Gene C. Collins, T. J. , Jr. Cooksey, Joel Nick , Jr. Couch , Patrick S. Cowan, Robert W. , Jr. Davis, Gary W. Demzik, W. G., Sr. Dietrich, Fred J. Ellis, Wa lter H. Emery, John R. Feaster, Roger L. Ferguson , Donald J. Fiedler, Edgar Fuller , Robert G. Gaddy, Harold O. Gerlach , Paul D. Giffin , B. J. Gerwert , John T Gratz, George O . Guyot, Robert L. Harris, B. V. Haubold, N . B. HeagleI', Richard B. Henninger, F. H. , Jr. Hilmes, Ralph C . Humphrey , Richard 1. Hussey, Raymond L. Jackson , Robert A. John son, James Johnson , Norman C. J ones, Floyd Carl Kalin , Thomas E . Kenn edy , Donald F. Kos field , Wayne H. Kozeny, Donald J. Kreder, Kermit R. Lange , R. C.


1970 ALU MN I FUN D CONTR I B UTORS _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

]\Jason, Robert E. ~l a tz, Alexa nder H . l'letz, Gilbert , Jr . :--fcKi ns try, Dav id G. ~ri tc h e ll , James L. ~l o th e rs h ead, John L. . J r. :\elson, Will ia m D. :\utter, Robert G. Pyle, Elm er Rayyis, Awni S. Reuss. Lloyd Reeves , \ 'ern Roth. D . J. Rot her. John Schaedler. Kenneth D . Schneider. Robert D . Schrumpf, Dale Segelhorst. A. E. Slates, Elmer Frank Smith, James G. Soper, \\" illiam Stevens, D 'Jeanne Tanquary. Cli ff Venable. Wilford G. \\" arren, R. :\ . \\"atwood. James '.' ¡ebb, Jerry J. \\"ebb. Robert B. \\" ill iams, H . Bob \\"en tz. C. A. \\" ill iams, Russell E. \\'r ight. Rober t L. Ziehell. Donn G. CLASS OF 1958

Allmon. Ge rald W . Al mo nd, Jim Andreas, \\"ayne T . Anspach, Ea rl E. Armstrong, Ge rald C. At ha, Larry C. Bauer, Ray mond Brill , \\'alt er C. Buchanan, John O. Burk , Arch L. Capps, Bob Cobb, Robert H . Correll , Howa rd D . Cox, L. Fred Crof ts, D ua ne E. Crowe, Joseph E. Cu llen, Mike Cum mings, Brad ford C. Dani els, L. C. Day. Delbe rt E. Ennis, Jerry R. Frank. George E . Garrett, James H. Grant , W . H . Gregory, Donald B. Hardebeck, El izabe th Hardebeck , Harry E. Haydo n, Jack B. Head, Eld on W. Heltibrand, D . W. Herforth. Donald J. Heumann, Ca rl Hoffma n, Charles R. Hum phrey , Donald D . Jones, Clintford Konrad, Richard J . Lager, Gervase B. Lewis, B. :\eil Lin , Ching Sun Luebbert , \\"illi am J . ~ lason , Dennis E. ~ l cGovern, Dona ld R.


Met ten burg, C. W. ~I eye r , Larry B. ~Ii cka, D . C. ~lill er, George T . ~IiJl er, R. La ry ~l odesitt , Donald E. ~[ o nt go m e r y , William R. Morgenstern , Richard A. ~l os by, Freddy L. ~lun ge r , Paul R. :\olan, James R. :\orth ru p, Wall ace E. O'Kee fe. Thomas Ok enfuss, Ri chard H. Opper man , Ray Owens, Willard G. Pa te, Henry A., J r. Pee t , Ed wa rd C. Pressly, Harold B. Rasche, John F . Rathgeb, L. J. akony i, Alex S. chae ffer , Orville L. Schi erm eier, John J. Schmidt, E. Robert , Jr. Sc hrenk . \\"alt er T . elby , Robert W . Sfr eddo, Hu bert E . Smith , R. Thomas Soma, J. L. Starkweather, Gilbert Stevens, Robert P . Stor ment. Don Sucher , R. W . Suddath , James :\. Sulli van , Charles H. Taylor, Paul \\" . Unne rsta ll. Leste r A. Wall ace . 1\orval D . \\"eems, John C. \\" egener, Ronald E . \\"eiss, :\icholas ~'1 . \\" elch, Charl es Ron Werde r, Edward R. West , B. B. Wilki son, Kermi t L. Willi ams, D. \\"arren \\"in ter, Lester H . Wi throw, K. R. Wright , George F . Young, Ralph O. CLASS OF 1959

Adam , Kenne th C. Adams, John C., Jr . Ah ler!. Robert J. Asher, Charl es E. Auberry , \\"illiam A. Ba ra, An drew Bayless, J erry R . Bellchamber, Donald K . Bi tze r, David B. Bolon , Lucien l\1.. Jr. Borma n, John G. Bramon , Gera ld A., Jr. Brown, Dona ld E. Brunes, Will ia m S. Buren , Will iam L. Burke, Will iam G. ain , Clarence, J r. Cawns, Albert E. Chico, R. J. Courson, Lee R ., Jr. Crapnell , Don W. Deddens, Allen E . DesCamp, Victor A. Edwards, Doy le R. Feaster, Donald R .

Fritchey , Meril B. Fuller, John E . Goldin , Herbert A. Gilmore, Rex Green, Sidney Haseltin e, H. W. Hend erson, Don E. Hess , Robert M. Hoffman , Anthony E. Hord , William E. Hork ey, William F . Horn sey , Edward E . Hradsky, Joe Hudgens, L. L. Husemann , Ronald B. Ito, aomichi Janes, Frank E . John son, Gordon E . Johnson , Phillip R . Jones, Rex L. Keiffer, A. R., III Ki bler, Ronald A. Kni ckm an, Terran ce M. Kruger, William A. Kucharski , Edward A. Langsta ff , Jon T . Lashley, Rodger L. Lawson, Neal L. Lind sey, Kenneth R. Linn , James E., Jr . Long, Fl oyd c., J r. Lum, Harry K. W. Lutz. H . John Marchbanks, Martin F. Mattingly, R. C. McHaffie, Gerald T . Meinsenheimer, Harold D. Milburn , James Kendall Mitchell , John F. Morgan , George H. Muell er, Ronald L. eumeier, Leander A. Powell , K. E. Pugh , James E. Puntney, Albert W . Randels, Dale K. Rector , Adrian Reichert, Joseph F. Roberts, Paul H . Saultz, James E. Scharf , Joel S. Schn eider, Charles Schoonover, D. K. Schumaker, Carl R. Selle, Gerald O. Shell, Lee, Jr. Shoemaker, James L. Simpson , Charles R. Smith , Gaylon G. Spanel, L. E. Stevenson, G. Stalling, Paul D . Sta tler , William 0., Jr . Swanson , Kenneth A. Thompson, B. J . Uding, George E . Volker, Ronald E . Vitali , Joseph D . Wallace, Charles E. Wax man, Stanley Weimholt, James E. West, H . E., J r. Wi eker, Ri chard Weinrich, Albert W. Wh itehair , Louis H . Wilson, D onald P. Wilson, H ugh W.


Adams, Hubert Austin, Buddy J . Barrand , Kerwood N. Basinger, Richard Bausch, Russell L. Belew, Robert R. Benz, Pau l W. Borsenberger, Paul M. Boston , Lawrence Brock, Joe F. Bramfitt, Bruce L. Burke, Thomas D. Carver, Ronald P. Chen , David Claypool, John W. Coffman , Jim Cooper, Lloyd E. Corbin, Kenneth D . Cox, Kenneth R. Daubell , Karl J . Di ckens, Walter H . Dunn , Vernon Dunnavant , All an A. Fisher, Gerald L . Fisher, l\Ielvin J. Fulton, Frank W. Graves, George H . Gustafson, G. R. Hager, John P . Harris, Oli ver E . Hawk , Ralph L. Hawkin s, Ru ssell O. Hays, Stanley E. H ermann , Gilbert L. Hoffm ann , V. J. Hollenberg, Robert L. Huffman, John M. Hyatt, Gord on R. James, Ronald J ones, Robert G. Jordan, Thomas M. Kell erinan, Janice 1. Kellerman , Rogene A. Kelsick, Robert Kemper, Paul Kieffer , Robert C. K illian , Donald R. King, Gl enn W. Kl ebba, Kenneth T . Kosten, Harold W. Kuntz, John Ri chard Larson , Roy F . Lawhon , Richard A. Lewis, J osep h c. Loebs, Herbert A. Loos, John H . Lovel ace , J . Thomas Lukowitz, Grego ry J . Maisa k, Al bert L. Manl ey, William H . Max ton, Ralph C. McDani els, John L. Med ley, Paul B. II Mertl , E . E . ~ eska n , All en l\ l eyer, H . John III Mill er, Ronald L. Moellenbeck, Al bert J. ;\loit, Dan Moyers, Gerald E . ;\I unsell, D oualas Nenni nger, D onald O'Neal , VV. F . Painter, James Patterson, Robert W. Penn ing, T. F .

Phelps, Weldon Pohlman, David Poppitz, John Price, David E . Pri esmeyer. William F ., Jr. Raga in s, Wilbur G. Rahimi-K eshari , Hossein Ray, Rugene E . Reilly, Willi am J. Rephlo , Louis C. Rey nolds, Mauri ce M . Rizer, Gene C. Robinson , Lee Roseberry, Ben E . Schmidt , Kenn eth Scofi eld , Gene L. Siron, Robert E. mith, Buddie R. nowden, James C. Steinmann , Walter D. Stone, J. L. Stourton, Geo rge E . Sturgeon, Ches ter Tayloe, Leo F . T es term an, Roy L. Tharp , Charles E. Thompson, Lelia i\Iae Todd , Lamar S. Turan, l\l. Hayati Vacca, Herman L. Villegas, James C. Wagenh eim, 1\eal T . Walk er, Paul l\I. Waiters, James T . Waiton, Edward E . Watson, Frank Wehmeyer, David P . Whelan, Ray mond A. Wind elknecht , Burton D. Wood , Kenn eth W . CLASS OF 1961

Amsler, Larry Annis, Donald J. Avery, Ron Benner, Robert L. Blake, Charl es A. Boland er, Richard Bolon, Albert E. Bowers, amu el M . Brinkman, Gl en A. Brunkhart, Gerald Burlage, Donald W. Cassett , Gary G. Chang, Andre C. Chao, Hung hi Cur on, William N . Chol erton, E . M . D ea r, Glen F . D eppong, Fra nk A. D ewing, H . Harvey EI-Baz , Farouk Ediso n, Jerry D . Eli as, Andrew P., Jr . Evan , D onald L. Farmer, Larry E. Fea th erson. C. R. Fl ood, Thadd eus F . Fowl er, Martha F ried meyer, Arthur N . Ga lliher. Kay D. Gard ner, Ea rl Rodger Gay, Joseph ('. Glase r, Gene . Gorczyca, Frederick J. Grannema nn , Harry , Grechu s, Garl and K.

MSM Alumnus

Grind( Heilig, Henry Hen nil Hodge Hollen Ingran jacks, jacob, JohnS( Kiefer Kindel King, Klieth Klipp, Kurtzl Latzer Lawlel Leu, J Leonal Lewis. Lewis, Liao, ; Lon~,

Lortz, Logan, Lucas, Lynch, )Iarblt )Iaros' )Iathe )Iay, , )IcLal )lc\ al )Imit )Iiles, )Ioble, ) 1055,

)Iungl, )Iyers, ~oell,


Ogle, J Pickett PeterS( PfeuHr Pietsch Pike, \ Pril"es Redlidl Reese, Rueh, Siesenn Siel"ers najdr Smith, Spansk Spencel


tidhan wier,

Tal~r t

Thielse Toepfe lI'alker lI'alton lI'e~r

Weet~, White Wieth~1 Warley


AylWard Baker Baumga Bearce,


-F., Jr.






A. on D.

N. !ef

d¡ V":i ,.



Grindon , John R. He il ig, G. C. Henry, Ken Henning, William A. Hodges, John L. Holl enbeck , Charles F . Ingram , Melvin A. Jacks , Frank E. Jacob , Anthony J. Johnson , Harold E. Kiefer , Charl es A. Kinder , John B. King, Kenneth E . Kli ethermes , Jam es L. Klipp, James Kurtzha ls, James D. Latzer , John C. Lawler , Willis D. Leu, Juan , Jr. Leonard , Rene J. Lewis. David M. Lewis, Robert L. L1ao , Juan 1. Long, Jack R. Lortz, Francis E. Loga n, Robert M. Lucas, Wayne 1. Lynch , James F. Marble, James Marosek , Charles F. Mathews, William E. May , William 1. McLaughlin , Eugene J. McKabb , J esse E. :\'1erritt , John Miles, John M. Mobley , Gene H . :\loss, Robert D. Mungle, Burlin D. Myers , Donald D. Noell , Nelson H . Nolfo, 1. James Ogle, James R. Pickett , Robert C. Peterson , Jay A. Pfeuffer, Ronald R. Pietsch, Earl Pike , William H. Prives, Charles M. Redline , R. H . Reese , Bartley 1. Rueh , Don Siesennop, W. Wayne Sievers, Wayne 1. Snajdr, Edward A. Smith, R. B. Spanski, Gregory T. Spencer, Kenneth E. Spieldoch , R. B. Stidham , James A. Swier, George A. Talbert , Roger Thielsen, F. W . Toepfer , L . E. Walker, Harvey ]., Jr. Walton , John W. '..veber, Roger C. WeetITjan, Bruce G. White, Charles M., Jr . Wiethop , R. Harve Wo rl ey , Morris T. CLASS O F 1962

Aylward , Andred Baker, James 1. Baumgartner, William 1. Bearce, Denny N.

Augu st 1970

Boschert, Robert Boyd, Gerald M. Brady, Francis J. Brockmann , Richard K. Buckrod , Gary J . Burford , Milton K. Campbell , Richard A. Chan , S. -H. Cheng, Aylmer P. Culnan , Patrick Dean , Jr. Cl ine, Larry D. Dawson , Richard H. Diel, Robert M. Dischner, Edward E. Donald, William Dore, John A. Doshi , Bipin N. Dunn , S. Thomas Duvall , H . P. Einsel, M . D . Elfrink , Lindell H. Fadler, E. C. Farnham, Arthur H. Funsch , Owen B. Gaertner , Douglas Goe, Larry D. Gormley, James Graham , John R. Grate. George R. Green. Lawrence D. Guest , J ames O. Haas , Don W. Haas, Gerald N. Hake, Leroy W. Hallerberg, W. 1. Harvey, 1. E . Harrill , W. D. Hatfield ; David C. Herzog, Michael S. Hoffmeister, Jack 1. Hopper , Richard A. Horel , Edward T . Huff. Billy M. Jacobs, David C. Johnson , Richard T. Jones, Charles B. Kadakia , Jayant S. Kallemeier, Robert E. Kamper, Russell A. Kelley , Ronald R. Kinsworthy, Burton H ., Jr . Kerr, K. D . Korn, Robert A. Krone, J. B. Kurz, Frederic 1. Kuhn, Carol E. Kuhn, H. 1. Lamber, C. Kurt Lazaras, Paul V. Maksymicz, Michael J . MaIsch , Peter H . F. Marsinkavage, Donald M. McCaw, Charles K . McCullah, Donald W. McLain, Jimmie H. McMurtrey , Gerald D. Michelotti , Joseph E. Morton , Donald E. Murdock, Ken Murray , Milton J . Neel, William D . Nowinski , Stanley W. Overall , Donald N. Ownby , P. Darrell Park, Won C. Patel, Jayantibhai S. Perry , Mike M.

Persson , F. Michael Phillips, Thomas E . Plavnick, Paul D . P loeger, Richard A. Proano, Richard E. Quinn, Matthew J., Jr. Renceha usen, Gerald Roberts , John H. Roussin, Robert W. Rowley, Blair Reuck , Aaron M. Rullkoetter, Gerald W . Schaefer, Robert L. Schaefer, Ruston R. Siebels, James E. Smith, Memphord L. Smith , Menard 0. , Jr . Sousa-Poza, A. Speckhart, Frank Stairs, Curtis , Jr. Staley , J erry A. Stearns, Jerry D . Steffens, Eugene W . Steury, Donald Stigall , Paul D. Stokely, W . S. ,Swaw, Bryan F . Teske, James E. Thielmann , V. E . Tidmore, Robert 1. Twedell , Richard N. Uhe, Gerald Valentine , Craig A. Van Doren , Tong Wasson , William S. Waters, 0. Jerry Webb , Larry D. Weber , William G. Willyard, Don L. Wright, David B. Wuerz, Donald E. CLASS OF 1963

Achenbach , Gary D . Alexander, George D. Arms, Robert 1. Bahula, Gerald F . Baker, Merl Baremore, James J. Bartling, Donald 1. Bowman , Michael W. Boyer, T. R . Brock, Van W. Brown , Dallas 1. Brown, Dewey F., Jr. Brown , John W. Brunjes, Franklin E. Bruns, Martin S. Buaprasert, Boonchuay Bur ton, Robert R . Clark , Dennis A. Clem ents, John L. Clippard , Fred B., Jr. Church , Jerry W . Close, Maxwell 1. Da uemheim , Woody David, Edward G. Denzel , J. A. Dodd , Curtis W. Dressell , Ted Ei rten, Frank O. Farmer, John 0 II Fehsenfeld, Gary D. Fenton, David L . Frazer, James R . Frierdich, Donald Fuka.J Louis R.

Goodman, Michael S. Gregory, B. Brent Gunn , James A. Haffner , J ames D . H aushalt er, Fred Herbst, J effrey R. Herron, G. F. Holt, J ames L. Howell, Robert C. Hughes, Douglas J. Hu ston , Robert E . Jabas, Stephen D . Jaquay, Richard L. Jaeger, B. W. H. J amian, R. Dean J ett , Cl ifton R. Johnston, Dale A. Jolly, R. D. Kahl , Richard A. Kim , Cha ng D. Kinney , J. Philip Knox, J. R. Koch , Edmund O . Koester , Robert D. Kohnen, James 1. Lago, Carlos M. Lan e, Robert 1. Lasmanis, Raymond L 'Hommendieu , Ron Ligon, William R . MacC rin dle , Colin C. Machmeier, Paul M. Malon e, William Markland , Robert E. Martin , Richard 1. l\II a son , Donald R . Mayer, Clarence McCrary, Charles E. Melzer , John 1. Miller , Thomas F. Mitchell , Ronald D. Montgomery , Randall R. Morgan, Harry B. Naiknimbalkar, 1 . M. Naiyer , Shafique Noble, James 1. Oberhaus, Thomas K. O'Brien , Michael G. Overall, Georgina Palma, Oscar M. Peterson, Donald L. Ray, Paul A. Riggs, Kenneth R. Ringhausen , Roger J. Rinkel, Glenn E. Robbins, Douglas Roberts, Carl J. Robertson , Ronald S. Robison, James B. Rohmaller, PaulL. Rydlund, Paul H. Schaeffer, Seth C. Schanbacher, William Schuchman , Norman Schwaller, D. L . Schwarze, L. E . Schwenker, Robert D. Schuermeyer, William F. Sehl , Eugene, Jr. Seymour, David J. Shalton , Lonnie Sieckhaus, Robert H. Silverberg, C. G., Jr . Skamenca, D. G. Smith, Sam 1. Stemler, Orrin A. Staley, Joseph E.

Sutton , William R. Taylor , G. R. Thurman , Lowell E . Tomasek, A .J. Trautman , Dennis R . Van Buren , James K. Vandergriff, Wayne L. Vaninger, J. Watke , Walter W. , Jr. Williams, Ron ald R. Zink , Richard C . CLASS OF 1964

Adams, James E . Adams, Stanley B. Alexander, Charles F. Bartel , Donald S. Basler, Thomas Bierman, Sheldon L. Bridegroom , William E. Broeking, Kenneth W. Bronso n, Frazier L . Buescher, Alfred J ., Jr. Buescher , Gene E. Bassell , Ralph M. Chen , Ten-Hsi Chervitz , J erold Chopin , 1. ]., J r. Chronister , Thomas G. Chu, Gordon P. K. Coates, Keith H. Corwin , Robert F. Craig, Thomas A. Cu tts, James F. Daniels, William H. Dean , Donald N . Downey, Robert E. Dudenhoeffer, Paul A. Dave, B. T. Dyhouse, Gary R. Eppelshimer, Daniel S .. Jr. Ferrell, Stuart Fink, W. Michael Fischer, Henry E. Folk, James Glaese, John R . Greer, Glen M. Gudermuth, C. S. Hallman , Felix E. Harper, Ala n S. Henry, James M. Hill , James 1. Holla nd , Gary Halley , Robert G. Hoepkerm , Elmer C. Hornbeak, Fred A. Hudelson , J. R. Jones, D ave Jones, Don W . Kamp , Alan A. Kerr , Albert L. King, Frank A. III Kirkpatrick, Robert Kopaski e, Ed Kraus, Ronald W. Lahde, Frank U. Lammers, James Land, Donald W. LaRose, Treva H., Jr. Lehman , Fredrick D. III Lindhorst, Alan J. Loeschner , Art Mackie , Roscoe L. Martin , C. Dean Martin , Richard A. McBride, Curtis W. McCauley , Ronald A.


McNally, Ronald L. Michel, David ]. Meehan , M. Dennis Meehan, Michael E. Mochel , William R . Mroch , Alan Muns, Bennett L. Need les, Warren R. Korman, E ric J . Omba lski , Stephen *Overleas, Gary L. Parikh , N arendra S. Pa rkin son, Larry Parr , Richard A. Patel, Gha nshyam C. Patterson , Jerome D. Perl, Rodger Phi lpott, James D. Pi ckens, Stephen W. Poush , Kenneth Pri ce, Charles E. Raffel, Ted C. Ra idt , Paul B. Ra ney, Edward M. Reinheimer , Charles ]. Reulin g, Donald Reynolds, Charles L . Sagra moso, Daniel E. Schattyn , Lloyd S. Schmidt , Richard Schoeff el, Wayne L. Shewchuk , John P. Schumacher, Ray Simmons , Michael Siapak, Michael J. Stei nkamp , William E . Stin e, William L. St ricker, Alan E. St uart , Robert L. Su therland , Graham G. III Tao, Frank Hallon , RiChard ]. Taylor, George H. Terry, James W. Treffi nger, David ]. Tuttl e, Joey K. Voorhi s, G. L. Walthall , Phillip D. Wang, Yun Wedeking, Milton Wheeler, Irving B. Wilson , Clyde W. Zimnick , Harold E. Zunkel , Alan D . CLASS OF 1965

Alonge, Nicholas ]. Anderson , Jerry M. Arnold, Richard L Atkinson , Charles H. Aubrecht, Ladimir J . Balser , Peter A. Barr, Ralph S. Bass, Pual ]. Belz, Richard Bicunas, Joseph D . Behnke, Robert E. Bergt, David E. Bersett, Gerald Bi ckel, Gary D. Bi tting, J ames L. Branum , William H. Brune, Peter A. Brunn er, Gary Bugg, Donald A. Butler, James L. Byington, Marvin L.


Can ner, James P. Carr, George Cashman, William J ., Jr. Chen, Phil ip L. Chiang, Chien-Ping Clifton , William A. II Cline, John Cole , Edward A. Cope, William Robert Creech, Harry L. Crockford , Richard David, Denzil D., Jr . Deegan, W. Curt Dillion , Ronald K. Doll , Warwick W. Dorf, Roger A, Driemeier, Allen Dunker , W. Douglas Dutta, Mrityunjoy' Egemen , Onur Ellison , Donald R, Evans, Jesse D. Fahrni, Richard C. F ea r, Robert Franklin, W illie L. , Jr. Gaylord , T om Giger, D. Franklin Goldstein , Martin P . Goodman, Daniel K. Goos, Gerald D. Gordon, Clark G. Graham , Thomas D . Griffin , Paul D. Haag, William 0., Jr. Habenicht, Helmut Hafeli , D. T. Halbach, Ronald E. Hanna, C. K. Hansen, Ronald A. Heeger, Dennis Henard, David E. Henery, E. Nick Henry, Daniel T. Ho , Vie-Der Hoffman , David Hohman , Joe A. Holen, D. E. Holt, H . Edward Horner, Kent G. Hrastich, Thomas A. Huell ewig, J ames S. Jaiyesimi , Olatunde J ersa, Michael ]. John , David F. Junge, Greg Kallor , Jay Kampe, Allen C. Kettler, Gerald ]. Kirk la nd , Kenneth C., Jr. Kirkpatrick, C. F ., Jr . Knussmann , Bill Kornfeld, Dale M. Kornfeld, Mrs. D ale M. Kovel , Steven M . Lassley , Richard H. Lewis, Carlton T. Li, Hulbert C. Lillie, E. T . Liu , Wan Cheng Lower, La rry Lu , Jame sW. B. Magurk, David W . Ma rks, Z. Clark Marlow, Charles F. Marshall , Ronald C. Mart in , Charles R. Marti n, Terence N.

Maylath , Robert A. McKell, Joel H. Miller , David A. Moore, Jim H. Moreland , William C . Morgan , Grover D. , Jr. M ul yca, Walter C. Myrick , Charles R. Nease, Roger G. N ickless, Arthur L, Nielson, Darrell M. N ute , Alton John O'Neill, Gregory A" Jr. Otto, Robert L. Palmer, Lee T . Parker , Wi lli am F. Peirson, Robert C. P icker, Melvin L. Pr ice , William ]. Province, E. E., Jr . Reichert, Carl T. Riney, Charles W. Robb , K. A, Robertson , Alvis T. , Jr. Roe, Gerald ]. Rude, Owen D . Russell , Jack E. Ryan , Robert J. Schlutow, Robert H . Schmidt , David L. Schmitt , Karl J. Schroer, Wilbert F . Seger, Charles F. III Shaw, Nancy Jean Hoffman Silvers, Paul L. J r. Skeer Smith , Frederich J. Smith, John W. Smith , Michael Spivy, Paul L. Steimley, John F. Stepp, Edward E. Sunda, Laxma:1 S. Sundermeyer, Robert W. Sunkel , Thomas M . Suthipasnarupon, Anant Th iede , Alfred ]. Thomason , June C. Thrash, Robert F. Thomas, Donald 0. , Jr. Turall , Truman W . Wahler , Vincent C . Wang, Wen-Li Weaver, Earl L. III Wells, William L. Wes t, Kenneth W. Whitten , Travice W. Jr. Yang, Haun-Kuang CLASS OF 1966

Adams, Bert B, Adams, Frank S. Allen , Jerry D. Anneaux, Dwight J . Bachman, David A. Bader, Frank S, ' Jr . Bailey, Edwin C. Ballman, E, A., Jr. Behring, Allen G. Bertelsmeyer, J a mes E . Blumfelder, William O. Boehmer, J errol Brady, Dale E. Bray, Robert W ., Jr. Brynac, Michael ]. Buchmeier, Frank A.

Bufalo, David ]. Campbell , Cha rles E. Chaffin , Glen N. Chambers , David L. Chang, Homer Chen , Mark Ma-Ko Cochra n, Gene Arthur Coco, Ma tteo A, Copenhaver, Roger L. Davi s, William F . De Clue , Duane H. Doy le, Perry Dunn, Harry E . Duree, David Dycus, James P. Ellett, L. H. Fogler, Robert W. Ford , Lloyd L. Ford, Will iam C. Foss, Glen N , Fox , Edwin K . Fox, James Fuller, Don Ga lbraith , J a mes V. Gardner , Donald W. Gergeni , Rodger ]. Goewert, J oseph C. Gray, ]. c. Greer, Ronald E . Grimm , Arthur F, Hallock, Gary B. Han , Pao Y. Hayes, Edward D. H eater, Charles L. Heider , Robert L . Heisler, Eugene V. Higgi ns, Laurence ]. Hogue, Robert W ., Je. Howard , Richard L. Howell, John D. Jagtiani , Arjan S. J ennings, Donithan R. Johnson, Dennis C. Jozwiak , Phi l Kibbey , Eldon E. Klug, Alfr ed Ernst, Je. Koehler, Paul ]. Kramer , Ralph H. Krueger, Warren E. Lund, Carl M . Lytle, Glenn A. Margulis, Malcolm H. Marriott, Dale D. Marshall , S, R. Mason , John III May, T. J . McGinnis , Michael ]. McKissick, Larry N . McMahan , Joseph L., Jr. Michael, Larry A. Miller, Charles C. Mi ll e~, John N . Mohr, John W. Molkenbur , R ichard A. Moran , M , D. Mun n, Dale A. orfleet, \"'illiam W. Panhors t, Albert C., Jr. Paul, Randall H. Papl R. Payne, Ronald ]. P resley , John Robert Price, Cha rles ]. Rauer, James M, Reed, David F. Reinsch , Lawrence]. , Jr. Rich ,Larry M.

Richardson , Richard A, Roberts, Loy D. Romano, Anthony M. Rosenberger, Frank E. Ross, Anthony O. Ruser , John R., Jr. Saranita, Tom Scheer , Sam ual A. Schoe ffel, James A. Schuch, ]. Scott, Aldrew L., Jr. Scott, Kenneth R. Segasture, Robert G. Seitz, Stephen Sherrick, Bobby]. Siao, Anselm Y. Simmon s, Fred Arthur Slocum , Roy Smith, Vernelle T. Solook, John T. Stangel, James E . Steele, James D, Stewart , Leslie D. , J r. Stockhausen, William T. Stuart, Jimmy E. Sudduth, Willard T. Thompson, Stanley D. Uba udi , John R. Umphrey, Ronald W. Uthe, Floyd H , Walters, Ronald Watke, Donald E. Wehmeyer, ,David P. Wesley , Darrell West, James E. Wideman , Lawson G. Williams, Charles R. Williams , Maurice A. Williams, W. S. Woolery, Billy]. Yuh , Eugene Y. ]. Yung, Shu-Chien CLASS OF 1967

Alexander, William Allmon, J ames A. Altman, Mrs, Ronald Altman , Ronald Barhorst, Alan H, Batteen , Earl R., Jr . Bauer, Joseph W ., Jr. Bauer, Wi]]jam C. Bevel, Jerry E. Borwoi tz, J erre Browne, Michael J. Calhoun, William Lee Capages, Martin Ca rl, James W. Carter, Robert E . Carter, Rubin L. Ca rter , Ronald W. Chamberlin, Stanley C, Cissell , Milton C. Cook, David L. Crader, Paul M. Cummins, Robert W . Davis , Ron D. Deelo, Michael L. D egenhardt, Eugene A. DeLllShmit, William E. DeLong, Carl E. Dinkel, Ted R. Dobberpuhl , D, A. Dyer, Garvin H. Eades, Donald L. Eckstein, Vernon E ll is, Frank L .

MSM Alumnus

Evans, Field, Fisher, Fouts, Fricke, Fritzin,

Gass, J

Gilslral Gittem Greek, Hallett Harmo Helmk; Herold Hicken Hill, R Hollenl Hopkin HornbL Inman, Ivers, P Jenning ~ao, C




Kehrmi Kellen! Kellen! Lebo, J


Laulell; Lane, ~ Leslie, L1oyd¡J


)Iallhe: )Iay, JI llcCaw )lcCoy, )lcGrac )lc)lilh )lc:\ulI )Iedlin, llehla, )Ienke, )Iikelio: )Iork, I )Iorriso )Iunsey )Iyers, 'ieagle, '1elson, 'iell'l11al Oliver, Olney, 1 Owens Palel, '1 Paek, Y Perez, ( Perkins Perkins' Pleulfe; ponn\\,1 Praler Pridoe~; Ralhbur Reynold Riggs, J Rhoades Rie.;s ~ Riley: J Rueb, K Rymer Sadow;k Sarlore



M. E.



1mT. D.

w. P.

G. R. A.


Jr. Jr.


y C.


Evans, John M. F ield , Cyrus W . Fisher, Jimmie L. Fouts, Gary L. Fricke, Bernha rd Fri tzinger , Thomas Gass, John William Gilstrap , J ames W. Gittemeier, J oseph F . Greek, Earnest R. Hall ett, M ichael D . Harmon , Larry G. H elmkamp, Lyndel L . H erold , David A. Hi ckenbotham , H arl ey H ill , Roland M . Hollenbeck , R obert L. Hop kins, Wayne J . Hornbuckle, J ack C. In ma n , Paul L. Tvers, Anthony J ennings, F . W . II Kao , Chih-Yua n Kamman, James H . Kasten , Donald G. Kistn er, M ichael R . Kehrman, R obe rt F. Kettenb rink, Gail D avidge Kettenbrink , E dwin C. Lebo , J erome M. Koenig, Walter R . Lauletta , John F. Lane, Mary Winston Leslie, Thomas J. Lloyd-Jones, David Massey, D onald K . Matthes, H arold D . May , Joe McCaw, Donald W ., Jr . McCoy, Rober t J ., Jr. McGrady , Charl es H. McM illen, Thomas M . McN utt, Amy Medlin , J ames Mehta, N . C. Menke, Sanfo rd H . Mikelionis, Lawrence ]. Mork , D ean A. Morrison , D avid "" . M unsey, J ohn E. Myers, H owa rd Neagle, John W . Nelson , D avid A. Newmann , Charles ]., Jr. Oli ver, Kevi n F . Olney , Gerald E . Owens, Gary S. Patel, Kiri t Paek , Yong K. Perez, Cha rles E. , Jr. Perkins, M ichael A. Perkins, T erry A. P feuffer, All en F. ,Ponnwitz, A. ]. Pra ter, N ickey L. Pridgeo n, Joseph D . Ra thbun , D onald Rey nolds, David W. Riggs, James E. Rhoades, Bl<i-1ne J . Riess, M k hael Riley, J ohn D . Rueh, K . W. Rymer, R ussell ]., Jr. Sadowski , J ohn M. Sartore, E . L . Schill ing , D onald G.

August 1970


Schloman , Alan Schoep, Gerald M . Schmidt, Charles E. Sco tt , Larry W. Sea rs, Thomas ]. Shepa rd , Thomas M . Shima moto , Ed Siever t, Gary F . Smith , Robert T . Soros, Atti la F. Spencer , J ohn D ennis Stewa rt , Ben Su , Y. M. T a makuwala , M. R . Tate, G. ]. Turn er, Robert E . Uhey, R onald Van dover, R . Bruce Vedd er , Richard Vogelpohl, Ri chard P . Wagner, Ri cha rd V. Weber , Earl K . Wei, J ohn Chang Weinel, ]. P . We inrich , D avid W. Weise, Theodore L. Whelove , Robert W ., Jr . Wi nfrey, J ames L. Winn , R. H. Witmer, James W. Wlos , Pa ul M. Wu , T ien-Yu Wrinkler , R onald ]. Zwiener , J ames M . CLASS OF 1968

Albrech t , Gene H. Amos, Larry L. Andjeli ch, D avid N. Andoe, Will iam V. Astrack , Ri chard F . Ayars. Rober t S. Bell , Gordon W. Bennett , Wil liam R. Bennington , Les Berendzen , Thomas A. Berger, John lVl errill Bl ackwood , J ames D . Brand, J ohn R. Bra un , Randal Brevill e, Da vid Brewer, Larry Brooks , Ron nie E. Brouwer, J erry Brown, J oe Ross Brubaker, Will ia m R. Burgard, Kenneth C. Burke. Charles E . B urns, Harry A. Cadwell , T ommv L. Canasta I' , F rancis D . Chadwi ck , Jack L. Chao, H. T. Chen, Sun Chill Chen, Ta-Min g Cheng, Thomas Ch oate, Larry Clayton , Michael S. Cochran , Lin coln Colem an , ]. D. , J r . Comstock, Glen David Cowles , James Cozad , J ohn 1\1. Creek , La wren ce N. , J r . Cum mings, Eugene V. , J r. D anley , J ames G. Davis , Ralph J ohn

D avis, Roy G. D earth , David W . Dethorn e, Raymond ]. Delaney , Robert L. Doerflinger, Arthur E. Doering, Marvin R. Dollar , J im A. Dorrell , Edward W. Dura nd , Don Ecoff, Ralph A., Jr. Eggers, Stephen H. E lliott , Roger Ettlema n , Fred A. Fa intich , David M . Farr is, Kenneth E . Ferretti , Mi chael E. F leming, D onald N . Frazier , David E . F rey , Donald N . Fowler, R icha rd W. Fu rst , D avid L. Gerig, F rank A. Giachino, E rvin R ichard Gi us ti , Leonard A. Gosse t t, Charl es B . II Grady, Rober t L. H aag, Alan L. Hale, Robert C. H a mi lton , J a mes L . Hatcher. Paul T. H ay nes, Allen D avid H enehan , Willi am M . H ennecke, Edward W . Hi ckam, M ichael House, Phill ip M . H oward , J ohn J . Hrastich , Allan C. H su , Yung C. Huang, Aud rey H yde, N oel C. Jr. Isaak, Gary J ackson, J ohn T. Jespersen, Terry R. J ohn son , Ph ilip R. Johnson, Stephen S. Kaiser , Ken \V. Ka rb urg, Alan F . Ka mper, Wayne W. Klosterma n, Mi chael ]. Koegel. Frank R . Korb, Mi chael C. K rei lich , J ames L. La uck , Vincen t M. Lee, David W . Lehm an , Ar thur R . Leigh , H. D . Len tz , Louis F . Lewis, Leland Loh , Cha ng-N iew Long, Joseph ]. L udwig, Lonny L. L uebbert, Law rence H. , Jr. Lyons, Gera ld ]. ManIc J a mes F . Ma nn , Gary L. Ma nson, D onald A. Martin , Mark A. McClurg, 'Ralph W. M cCormick, C. Cra ig McCrae, R . F. McD ani el, George M. , Jr. McNern ey , J on M . M ilten berger, J ames L. Mi tchell , J effrey c. Mueller , Robert J. M un ns, Joh n A. M urrav , Bill M.

Nagel, Terry L. Nation s, R. O. Neet, Timothy H. Obradovits, F rank Orr , Robert J ackson, IV Otto , David L. Owens, Cha rles D. Pa is, J erome A. Parks, J ames L. Pender , Stephen N. Perry, N orri s Petry, Ji m C. P feiffer , Douglas L. Pi epho, Loris Pogue, Jerry G. Pokre fk e, Thom as ]. , J r. Porter , Clay ton G. Por ter, J oseph B . Qu ick, E dga r, Alan Rob l, E ugene A. Roos, Robert W ., J r. Rose nbaum , D avid E . R ueter , R ichard E. Russell , J am es H . Schaeffer , Neal T . Scha ifer, Martin P . Schneid er, R icha rd L. Schopfer, Ca rl A. Schowengardt , Robert Schuker, Gerald D. Scott, Harold H. Sha rp. R . E . Sidebottom, Gerald L. Sidlowski, Ronald E. Simms, William R . Smith , N eil S. Smith , Ron ald G. Sny der , Gary A.

So mm er, D onald L. Sotta , Anthony E. Spence, K arl Stoltz , Wayne A. Sto rrs, Stu art M. Stevens . Edwin E. Stra uss, Steph en R. Strebler, Micha el X . Th resher, Cha rles Th rockmorton, J ohn Ti en , T song-Yung T rolley, Jesse H owa rd T ow ne, Rober t Vir tue, Richa rd P. Ward , D a niel K. Wagner, H arold W. , J r. Willia ms, Roger L. Wolfe. By ron L ., J r. Wood, Glenn C. Wristen , Da vid B. Yos t, K enneth Yo ungman, James A. 7:auner . Ronald Frank CLASS OF 1969

Brice, Bradley W . D avidson, Will iam Duggins, Gary Koester, R . W . La i, S. C. Lia w, Gin C. Oko. Uriel M ichael CLASS OF 1970

K wiec inski. J oseph

Read The directory of alumn i sections in this issue. The scheduled alumni section meetings.

You Can Become affiliated with the alumni group in your area. Perhaps aid in 'st arting an alumni g roup in your area if there is none at present.











OCTOBER 5, 6, 7, 1970

IEEE CONFERENCE - A special communications conference in honor of Dr. Mervin J. Kelly, an alumnus and past president of Bell Telephone Laboratories.

OCTOBER 8, 9, 1970

SYMPOSIUM OF LOW COST HOUSING RELATED TO URBAN RENEWAL AND DEVELOPMENT - To provide the architect, engineer, financier, sociologist, contractor, scientist, administrator and private citizens with the opportunity to understand the real and complex many-faced problems of Low Cost Housing in Urban Renewal and Development. Coordinators: Dr. Joseph H. Senne, Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering and Dr. Oktay Ural, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.

OCTOBER 22, 23, 1970

ALASKA - ITS MINERAL POTENTIAL - ITS CLIMATIC CHALLENGES - A four session group of topics of some twenty papers which examine the developmental, environmental and humanistic facets of the area; with noted oil and mineral industrial leaders. Coordinated by Dr. Robert Carlile and Dean Paul Proctor.

OCTOBER 23, 24, 1970


NOVEMBER 16, 17, 18, 1970

ROCK MECHANICS CONFERENCE - A Special Conference on the campus coordinated by Dr. George Clark.

DECEMBER 20, 1970


FEBRUARY 8, 9, 1971

TECHNOLOGY OF THE FUTURE - A seminar directed to an indepth exploration of a growth industry of the future. Leading voices in administration to define federal goals and legislation that may effed the growth and parameter of these industries. UMR staff to lead panel discussions. Under direction of Norman Hoeft, Impac Industries, Inc., President, and Centennial Events Committee.

MARCH 11, 12, 1971

RISE OF WESTERN MAN - A symposium with topics related to the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, sociology, technology, religion and ,aesthetics. Under the direction of Dr. Frank Gehrig and Professor John Heagler, Department of Civil Engineering.

MARCH 19,20, 1971

SPECIAL ST. PAT'S CELEBRATION - Theme of the parade - "Second 100 Years." Under the director of advisor Dr. Virgil Flanagan and the St. Pat's Board.



INTERNATIONAL MINING ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE - A three-day conference with international participation. Under the direction of Dr. Carl Christiansen.

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SYMPOSIUM - Topic related to the next 100 years concerning space, earth, environment and crime. The speakers are selected from presidenci es of National Academy of Science, engineering, humanities and major research institutes.

MAY 23, 1971






MSM Alumnus


2nd Lt. Allen P. Forsythe

con¡ y to

four !Iop. and Paul



!fine hese man


nder It of

First Class Permit

~o .

18, Sec. 34 .9, P. L. & R. , Rolla, Mo.

MSM Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401


Ising hair. date


wings upon graduation at Craig AFB , Texas .


Douglas L. Nevill e has joined Bache & Co ., Inc ., as a Bache representative. Bache & Co. is a member of all leading stock and commodity exchanges . His address is 630 Chain of Rocks. St. Louis. Mo. Ensign William ]. Mor rison is with the Mobile Construction Battalion in Vietnam. His address is NMCB-62 . Apo San Francisco, Ca .. 966 27. 2nd Lt. Wayne Adams received his pilot wings upon grad uation at Webb AFB , Texas. He is being assigned to Robins AFB , Georgia , for flying duty as a C- 141 Starli fter cargo troop carrier pilot, with a unit of the M ilitary Airlift Com mand whi ch provides global airlift.

- - - --:W01.':l




2nd Lt. Wayne Adams

Become a Member

of the





Century Club August 1970





1971 Annual Alumni Fund







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CITY .... ....... ....... ..... .............. ....... .... .......... STATE ....... ..... .. .... ..

15 .00

DATE .................... ...... .. .... .................. ......... ZIP CODE .

25 .00

My contribution to the MSM Alumni Association is indicated

50.00 100 .00

and $ ....... .

200 .00

.... .. .... is enclosed.






500 .00

Matching gift form attached.


Annual Alumni Fund

) Above is new address. Please mail this card and contribution to MSM Alumni Association . (Complrl< Other Sid<)




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University of Missouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401



Mr. Tom Richter Di re ct or Of In f ormati on Se rvice Univ e rs i ty Of Mis s 0uri 223 J e sse Ha ll . Co lu.m bi a . Mo. 65 20 1



MSM Alumnu s

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