Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1971

Page 1





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D MSM Alumni Association Telephone

(314 ) 341 . 4171 ; (314 ) 341 ¡ 4172 OFFICERS


MSM Alumni Association Uni versity of Missouri - Ro lla Rolla , M issouri 6540 1

Term Ex p ires

. J ames J. Murphy '35 ....... ......

Executive Vice-President .....

.. .. Peter F . Mattei '37


~ Iur p h y Company 1971 1340 North Price Rd., 5 1. Louis, Mo. 63 132

.. Exec. Director. ,I etropo litan Sewer D ist. . 197 1 2000 Ha mpton, 51. Louis, Mo . 63139

Vice-President Areas 1, 2,3 .. .... ... Law rence A. Spanier ' 50 ......... 55 Westwood Dri ve . Westbury , New York. 11 590


Vice-President Areas 4 , 5, 6.... .. . Joseph W. Moo ney '39 .......... _73 83 \\' es tmorelan d .. .. ........ .... . 1971 Un iversity City, , li>5our i 63 130

Volume 45


Vice-President Areas 7, 8,9 ...... .. . Wi lliam B. Fletcher '34 ...... _.... 75 15 Yankey St. ......... ................. .. ........ ... 19 71 Downey. California 90 242 .. .... ...... Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '4 2 .. . Department of Geology and Geopbysics, UMR , Rolla , Missouri 6540 1


.. .... ... Fra ncis C. Edwards .. .. . ..... .. .. ~I S ,f Alumni A, sociat io n, Grzyb Buil di ng, Executive Secretary. Editor, " !115M ALUMNUS" ~ th &. Koll a Streets . Rolla , !I!issouri 65401 Field, Representalive

. . .. .... .. .... Frank H. Mackaman ... _........... MSM Alumni Association, Grzyb Building, 9th & Roll a Street s. Rolla . Mi ssouri 6540 1

Number 4


... 3305 Woodla nd Road , Bartlesville , Oklahoma 74003 ...

Hans E. Schmoldt '44 ...


...... ... 372 1 Neptu ne Drive . Orlando , Florida 32804

James A. \ 'i ncent '37 .



.. . Ro lla State Bank , Rolla ,

Rex Z. Willi:tms '31 .

~Ii s souri

197 1 197 1

65401 .. ..


Area N o. I..


Sta tes and I'rovll1ces Embraced

74 12 Admiral Drive Alexa ndria , Vi rginia 22301 2..

.. .. 5. Ark., N. c., S. Ala., Ga., Fla.

.. .. Dr. Larry E. Farmer '61 . Box 453 Social Circle, Georgia 30279

... 1972

19 72


... N. II!. , Chicago Industrial Area in Indiana , \\,isc. . ;\!ich .. !llinn ., Province of Ontario


.. Frank C. Appleyard '37 808 Solar , Glenview , Illinois 60025

7.. .... ._. .. Robert M . Brack.bill '42 Texas Pacific Oil Company 1700 One Main Place Dallas, Texas 75250 8 .... . .... .. George J. Decker '39 ........... ...... . Star Rt. 2, Box 340 Evergreen , Colorado 80439


La ., Miss.,

.... Pennsylvan ia , W . Va ., Ohio, W. Pa., . ................ .. Ky. , Tenn ., I nd . ( Except Chicago Ind ustrial Area )

6 .. ......... J ohn A. Walker ' 50 . .. ........ .... .. .. Armco Steel Corp., 7100 Roberts, Ka nsas City, Missouri 64125

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the M is so uri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Un iver sity of Missouri - Rolla . Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897 .



3 ........... 0. W. Kamper '35 5 Woodland Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylva nia 15228

5......... .. James B. M cGrath '49 ................. . Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co. 1706 Olive Street 51. Louis , Missouri 63103

Dr . C. Brice R atchford, fifteenth president of the Univ ersity of M issouri .

Term Exp ires

..... New England , N. Y., N. J ., East Pa ., . Dist. of Colum bia , Md ., Va., Delaware , Province of Quebec

. .. John B. T oomey '49

9 .... ....... E . Murray Schmidt '49 ...... ...... . 3011 Marina Drive Alameda, Cali fornia 94501

.. .. 1973

"1 him for t can, conli

.. ...........10wa, W . Mo., Neb r., Kan .. Okla .



_. _. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico


.. .... 5. III. , E. Mo ., N. Ark.



.. ........ .. .... Ida., M ontana , N . D ., S. D ., . Wyo., Colo ., Nev ., Utah, Provinces of Manitoba, Sask ., Alberta


.. .. ...... Alaska, Washington , Oregon , California, Hawaii EX-OFFICIO DIRECTO RS

H. H . Hartzell '06 1301 Cleveland, Baxter Springs, Kansas 66713 R . O. Kasten '43 901 West 114th Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64 114 Harry S. Pence ' 23 17 Cambri dge Ct., Glendale , Missouri 63122

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F . C. Schneeberge r '25 No. 1 Briar Oak , Ladue , Missouri 63 132 Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann '25 3 100 W . Alabama , Suite 207 Houston, T exas 77006

~ l e l vJll E . K ickel '3 8 1000 1 South H ami lton Avenue, Chicago. Ill inoi S 60643

Pa ul T. Dowling '40 J3Q Fron tenac F ores t,

St Loui s.

~'1 i;so uri

63 131

J ames \\'. Stephens '4 7 ~ 06 East Th ird . Lee ', S ll m llll t . :,\iJ issoliri 64063

MSM Alumnus

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Dr. C. Brice Ratchford President University of Missouri

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Dr. C. Brice Ratchford Dr. C. Brice Ratchford has been named 15th President of the University of Missouri. His election was announced on June 24th by Pleasant R. Smith , President of the Board of Curators. He had served as interim President for the past eight months. " In electing Dr. Ratchford , we give him full responsibility and authority for the operation of this university . r can assure you that he has the complete confidence and support of the Board of Curators ," Smith said. To the position of President, Dr. Ratchford brings 12 years of administrative experience with the University of Missouri , first , as director of the Missouri Agricultural extension Service, then dean of the extension division and , since 1965 , as vice president for extension . Dr. Ratchford has gained a national and international reputation as an innovator in extension education and organization. Through his leadership the University's extension operations have expanded and become a model for many other states. He has been recognized for developing the program which brings all the University's off-campus courses and non-credit courses under the same direction.

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August 1971

Since January 1970. all Missouri counties have been coordinated into 20 program planning units, greatly improving the extension division 's organizational efficiency and sta ff competency. His pioneering efforts to establish a total extension service ha ve earned him the Distinguished Service Award of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Walton S. Bittner Service Citation from the National University Extension Association . Dr. Ratchford was born on a 200 acre hill farm near Gastonia, No\,th Carolina, in 1920. After graduation from high school he entered North Carolina State College, the land grant school in Raleigh. He worked his way through school , earning the bachelor of science degree in agricultural economics in 1942. He graduated at the top of his class, with all A's, except in topographical drawing where curving roadways and trees were beyond his sketching abilities.

In 1946, Dr. Ratchford return er! to No rth Carolina State, holdin g position s in the farm management fielri while earning the master of science degree in agricultural economics. After a year as a full time doctoral candidate at Duke University , he returned to I\'C State as a Project Leader in Farm Management and l\farketing and also compl eted the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Economics wh ich was awarderi by Duke in 1951 . Among Dr . Rat<' hford 's academic honors are membership in P hi Beta Kappa. Phi Kappa Phi. Alpha Zeta , Gam ma Sigma Delta anri Epsilon Sigma Phi. Whil e Assistant Director of the No rth Caroli na Extension Service at I\'C Sta te. a position Dr. Ratchford held until coming to Missouri, he had the adrierl responsibility as chairman of a nationwide task force which published its findings as " A Gu ide to Ex tension Programs for the Future." Throughout hi s career , he has held importan t committee memberships in profession al organizations and has twice served on Presidential task forces. He has continu ed his service as a citizen, since coming to Missouri , as a member of the Sta te Soil and Water Districts Commission and the Governor 's Watershed Advisory Committee, He was th e first chairman of the New Missouri Rural Development Committee. Anyone of six different "Who 's Who" editions will list his memberships, honors and publications. Dr. Ratchford met his wi fe to be. Betty, while attending a free-for-students Sunday night dinner at the Presbyterian Church in Raleigh. R es idents of Columbia , the Ratchfords are parents of Cha rles, 16 and E loi se, 14. Dr. and Mrs. Ratchford are familiar fi gures in Rolla as they have frequently attended events on our campus , The new president gets around, you may see him in an airport, in the field hunting quail, and if you knew where to go you'd be apt to catch him working in his nea rly acre garden plot.

He entered the army in 1942 , served When you meet him , and we hope 4 years , two in the Far East with the Office of Strategic Service, and rose many of you will have that opportunity , through the ranks from private to cap- you ']] find him a friendly , interesti ng tain. He retired from the rese rves as a man. And you will find hi m in teres ted in you and your ideas. He is receptive. lieutenant colonel. 3

Avis Tucker- President, Judge BradyVice-President, Board of Curators :\lrs. Avis Tucker of Warremburg ha.:; been elected President o f the Board of (uratol's of th e Uni ve rsity of Mi ssouri. the first woman to hold that pos ition in the l'niversity 's 132-year his tor y. She succeed s Pl easa nt R. Smith', of :'II e'( ico, who has sen 'eel as Pres id ent for the la st year. :'III'S. Tucker is publi sher o f the Warrensb urg Dai ly Star-J ournal and

Mrs. Avis T uck er Pres ident of J ohnson Count y Broadcasters. Inc. , which opera tes radio s tati on l"OKO in th a t city . She gradua teel fr om th e Unive rsity o f i\Ii ssouriCo lum b ia in 193 7, receivin g an A. B. oegree. :'III'S. Tu cker ha s been a member of th e Board o f Curators sin ce D ecember , 1966, hav ing originally bee n ap pointecl

to succeed her late hu sba nd , William C. Tucker. She was reappointed on ~Iarch 25 " 1969. for a six-year term by Governor Warren E. He~ rne s . She is the fourth woman in his torv to se rve • on the board.

"These young men," according to Doug Blankenship, Chairman of the Board of Advisory Editors, of Outstanding Young Men of America , "are truly outstanding because they have distinguished themselves in one or more For th e past year :'I'1rs. Tucker has aspects of community ' and professional served as Vice-President of the Board. life .'" Blankenship was U. S. Ja ycee President in 1962-63. Judge Robert G. Brady, of Kirkwood , President Nixon , complimenting the awards volume, has said , "Outstanding Young Men of America" presents a most fitting testimonial, not only to the success of many of our young people , but also to their awareness of the debt which they owe our free society."

Judge Rob ert C. B1'ady has been elected Vice-President of the Board for the coming year.

They are Peter A. Ba lser '65, Sharonvi ll e, Ohio ; Lucian lVl. Bolon , Jr. '59, Overland Park , Kansas; Matteo A. Coco '66 , St. Louis, Mi ssouri ; Jam es Clippard ' 65 , Tul sa, Oklahoma ; M ichael Deelo '6 7, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania; David E. Furnish '6 1, Eatontown, New Jersey ; Dr. Richard T. Johnson '62 , Rolla , Mis ouri; Dr. Terry 4

These men were nominated earlier this year and were chosen for the annual awards volume in recognition of their professional and community leadership .

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Dr. Laird Shearer, Named Chairman Physics Department

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Dr. Harold Q Fuller , dean of the College of Arts and Science, announced the appointment of Dr. Laird Schearer as chairman of the phys:cs department effective July 1.

Dr. Shearer previously served as senior scientist in the Central Research Laboratory for Texas In struments, Inc. He received hi s LL.B. degree from Dr. Robert Bell , who has been serving the University of Missouri - Columbia as department chairman and research in 1948, he was admitted to the bar associate in the Space Scie:1ces Reserach that same year. He is judge of the St. Center, will be taking a ~a bbatical leave Louis Court of Appeals. to perform sol id state resea rch with Dr. Ludwig Genzel of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany.

F. Lehnhoff '61 , Rolla , Missouri : Walter Mulyca '65 , Marshall , Texas : Kenneth IVlurdock '6 2, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Dr. Alan D. Zunkel '64 , Aliquippa , Pennsylvania; Eugene Fadler '62 , Taylor , Michigan and John C. Latzer '6 1, Parsons, Kansas.

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Publication date for the 1971 edition is November.

Judge Brady was appointed to the Board in January , 1967.

Alumni Chosen HOutstanding Young Men of America" Th irteen alumni have been chosen for inclu sion in the 1971 editi on of " Outstanding Young Men of America"

Sponsored by leading men's civic and service organizations, "Ou ts ta n ding Young Men of America" honors men between 21 and 35 whose demonstrated excellence has marked them for future leadership in the nation.

Before joining Texa s Instruments, in 1959, Dr . Shearer served as a faculty member at Lafayette College and at Rice University. He holds a Ph. D . degree from Rice University, an M. S. from Lehigh University and a B. B. degree from Muhlenberg College. Dr. Schearer IS an experimental physicist wi th expertise or specialties in atomic and molecular physics, and optical pumping. He is author of numerous papers which have been published in national ;ll1d international journals.

(Continued on Page 5)

MSM Alumnus


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HDisgruntled Old Grads-- " Not UMR Alumni A recent Wall Street Journal story reports on " disgruntled old grads " from colleges coast to coast who are becoming increasingly unhappy with the social and educational changes taking place at their alma maters. However, the alumni association , at UMR , says that UMR grads are not disgruntled. The article talks about grads who have cut off their alumni loyalty because of radical actions of students and university approval of these actions .

"Renewing. old friendships and observing the progress of my alma mater has been most heartwarming." Edwards feels that much of the alumni approval stems from the students they see on campus. "Our students are serious in their pursuit of degrees," he says , "and , although they are vitally interested in what's going on in the world , they express their interest in constructive ways."

Echoing Edwards' statements is a " At UMR ," Ike Edwards, executive survey made on the UMR college secretary of the alumni association , freshman , which officials feel also says, " students and administrators are reflects the attitudes of the entire UMR conducting themselves in the way that student body . The survey, made by most alumni condone. Consequently, the American Council of Education, the letters we receive from alumni are gives a broad sampling of freshman full of praise for UMR , its students opinions. Among these, it shows that and administration. " 73 per cent of the UMR freshmen feel Indicative of the whole-hearted sup- that colleges are too lax on protestors, port from its alumni are comments and that only 14.8 per cent report a made during the commencement activ- generation gap with their parents. ities held on the campus in May . P. Grant Forman, UMR alumnus In who is an engineering consultant in industrial minerals from 4139 Windsor Road, Youngstown, Ohio , writes this, "I have always been proud to be an alumnus, but now I am more proud , if UMR has made a preliminary entry that be possible. The caliber of students in the Urban Vehicle Design Competiyou are graduating, the 'middle of the tion (U. V. D . C.). This competition is road' philosophy of your faculty and the current sequel to the Clean Air Car the constant growth of the university , Race of 1970. It is under the auspices all speak well for the chancellor, the of a national committee with headquarpresident and the Board of Curators. " ters at M. I. T. The U. V. D . C. national committee is composed of Al Needham, an alumnus and retired students from several schools that comresearch director with the U. S. Bureau peted in the 1970 Clean Air Car Race. of Mines, who lives at 6304 York Ave. The basic objectives of the U .V. D. C. S., Edina, Minnesota, writes that formulated by the natio:lal committee SHEARER . .. are: (Continued From Page 4) 1. "To stimulate a project-oriented He has been an invited lecturer at varapproach in engineering education which ious colleges across the country. will be socially relevant. This will enHe is a fellow in the American Physi- courage students to confront a realcal Society, and member of the Ameri- world situation and will provide a valucan Association for the Advancement of able supplement to academic activities." Science. He became a Texas Instrument Fellow at Rice in 1963 , and received the 2. " To educate and stimulate the Wilson Award for research in 1966. general public with regard to innovative concepts in vehicle technology that Dr. and Mrs. Schearer, and their concern urban-area vehicles." children , Caroline, Philip , Catherine 3. " To contribute to the solution of and Constance , reside on Route 1, an existing problem by focusing upon a Rolla.

UMR Has Entry U.V.D .C. Competition

August 1971

project within the transportation fi eld - specifically, the design and con struction of an urban-area vehicl e ." Objective number three unders tates the basic problem of design and construction of an urban-area vehicle. Actually , this is a full-fled ged engin eering-business venture entailing projec t! management , public relation s, and rai sing operating capital in addition to the design, engineering, and fabrication of a prototype vehicle. The UMR project was s tarted in April of 1971 when the U. V. D. C. was first publicized. Prelimniary design and information gathering was done during the summer session by approximatEly 20 industrious students. During the fall semester 20 to 30 students will be doing detailed analysis and design to prepare a complete proposal for consideration of the U. V. D. C. national committee. If the proposal is reviewed favorably and the operating capital suffici ent , vehicle construction will begin during the spring semester of 1972. The construction of the prototype vehicle will continue through the summer session with completion necessary in late July for participation in the driving competition to be held during Augus t of 1972. The project is ambitious and difficult but quite exciting to both the students and faculty involved. If you would like more details concerning the project and how you can lend your support , pl ease contact: Dr. R. T. Johnson Faculty Advisor UMR-UVDC Project Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla , M issouri 65401


St. Louis Area Employers UMR recentl y compl eted a survey o f St. Lo uis a rea employers which shows tha t th e de ma nd for engin eers is not diminishin g. Repo rting empl oy ers show a need for more tha n J 0,000 new technologists in the St. Lo uis a rea fr om now until J 98 1. A sur vey o f these employers by UM R , in J 96 7, also showed a need for some 10,000 tec hnologis ts for tha t lO-year peri od. Acco rd in g to Cha ncell or Mer! Ba ker, th e 19 71 survey was ca rri ed out to determine the ex tent of scarcity of jobs open to engin eers as reported in recent na ti on- wide publicity . "As the second la rgest p rod ucer of engineers in the na tion ," he says, "UM R feels a special obliga tion to ass ume a leadership role in pl a nning for engin eerin g. T his survey has shown tha t the need for engineers in the St. Lo ui s a rea will not diminish over t he next te n yea rs." W illia m W . Stevens, assistant resea rch coordina tor a t UMR, designed a nd coordin a ted the s urvey. He reports


tha t of the 184 St . Louis employers queried , a total of 9 2 ha ve a nswered to da te. T hese includ e employers in six groups: la rge compa ni es, constru cti on, contrac ting a nd consulting firms; district sales offices of national corporati ons; fin a ncial institutions; agencies of the city , county , sta te a nd federal offi ces , a nd news media . E ach ques ti onnaire went to top executives a nd asked four questions : Do you believe future engineers graduating between July 19 7 J and June 198 1, will have more difficulty in fin ding employment directly related to their technical skills tha n other speci alized groups ? If demands level off for engineers in the traditionally techni cal areas of employment , would your company use increasing numbers of engineers to fill openings in other are.a s such as ma rketing, management a nd sales? What is your estima te of your company 's lO-year needs for technically tra ined personnel? What is your lO-y ear projection of company employees likely to take courses for the mas ter 's degrees during the next 10 years a t the UM R Graduate Engineering Center in St. Louis.

$407,000 Granted for Aid Program The Agency fo r I nternational Developme nt (AID) has gra nted $407 ,000 to the U niversity of l\1 issou ri to s upport the Ro ll a ca mpus program of engin ee ring edu cat ion a t th e P hu T ho E ngineering Coll ege , Sa igo n, Viet nam. T he gra nt ex tend s through Jun e 30. 1972. Acco rd ing to D r. Robe r t E . Ca rlil e, direc tor o f the U MR I nternationa l Ce nter , t he grant will all ow expa nsion o f t he project o f develop ing a qualit y engin eerin g un iversity in Saigon , beg un un der a cont ract signed by UMR a nd t he U nited States Gove rn ment in 1969. Unde r the contract , UMR fac ulty have been in Sa igon for two yea rs, completing a st udy of the P hu T ho Coll ege of Eng in eeri ng located at t he Na t iona l T echnica l Center on t he outsk irts o f Sa igon. A maste r pla n has been developed for the expa ns ion of engineer ing ed uca tion there over a long te rIn . U MR facu lty a re assistin g in t he 6

development of curri cula a nd facult y , p repa ration of course materi als a nd imp rovement of ins tru ction in the four ex isting fi elds of s tudy electrical, chemi cal, civil a nd m echa nical engineering . T he recent gra nt will allow expansion in the nu mber of fac ulty teaching th ere, in short term consulta nts , in specifi c eq ui pment urgentl y needed , a nd in some support faciliti es. Among new additi ons will be tes ting labora tories in chemi cal a nd mecha ni cal engin eerin g . " Our collecti ve eff ort (Vietna mese a nd America n ) ," D r. Carlil e says, "will allow a a rea ter enrollment and deeper competence in engineerin g a t the cente r. T he n um ber of stud ents there has in creased fr om 528 in 1969 -7 0 to 64 5 in 1970- 71 d uring UM R assistance to the p rogra m, a nd the numbe r of stude nts is expected to grow even more this year. "


• • • • In answer to the first question , over 77 percent of those queried, feel that futur e engineers will have no more difficulty obtaining employment in their field than those in other professions including teaching, business, liberal arts , math and physical sciences. Over 50 percent of those answering, indicate that they would use engineers in other ca pacities such as marketing, management a nd sales if the demands leveled off for engineers. Those responding to the questionnaire reported over 5,000 employees who will probably be pursuing master 's degrees during the next 10 y ears in the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in St. L ouis. According to Stevens, as expected , the disciplines of mechanical , electrical, chemical and civil engineering top thi' requirement lis t for technologically trained personnel over the next 10 years. " However," he says, "a shift in emphasis in training indicates an increased demand for environmental engineers (up 450 percent over four years ago) and computer science majors (up 192 percent). "

There are a number of UMR alumni in the area and it is suggested that they visit and become acquainted with the UMR faculty who are at the Phu Tho College of Engineering . Professor Bernard R. Sarchet is chief of party and may be contacted at the National Technical Center, Phu Tho College of Engineering, Saigon , Vietnam . Phone: 5- 1498. His mailing address US AID/ E duca tion/ UMR , APO , San Francisco 96243 .

1972 Alumni Fund Send Your Contribution Today MSM Alumnus


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By Dr. Robert H. McFarland - Dean


the Graduate School

In being a " Junior " Dean , who is in many other more mature uni versit ies just the third year of his appointment have already attained. on the UMR Campus, it is with some But, there is more to UMR's present temerity that I approach writing an article for the Alumnus. Not only am activities than scrambling for dollars. I "Junior" in terms of years on campus, The real objective is to develop at but I may also have to my credit the UMR a true university whe re the tran sfewest number of alumni who have fer and development of knowledge is an benefited from graduate ed uca tion at exciting venture for receptive min ds. UMR. Further, if present indicators Th is objective encompasses a broadened can be believed, this latter condition is range of activities which extend from likely to prevail for the forseeable an inclusion of all of the established undergraduate functions of MSM days future. to doctoral programs in 11 of the engineering and science departments which Contrary to the desire for expansion- together presented 93 degrees in the ist activities that was popular in all past two years. We are extremely areas of education in the sixties, the proud that we have grown to a point current mood na tionally for the seven - where we were second in the nation ties is one of guarded pessimism. From last year in the presentation of Bachea cry touting the high cost of graduate lor of Science degrees in engineering . education, calculated to open further the \Ve are also proud of the fact that our purse strings of legislatures, adminis- students are accepted to a point where trators have been forced to give a more we have no serious ·or unusual placeaccurate accounting for these higher ment problems for the average or above costs. And from the battle cry, the average students. knowledgeable educator has been forced to acknowledge that utilization of high Although the growth of UMR through quality graduate students is actually the most economical way of providing its short existence may seem explosive a university with at least two of its from your viewpoint, it has not been recognized functions: the discovery and possible to implement or support all needed programs to the desired level. transfer of knowledge. Each new degree program has been In its present guise as a university, planned and reviewed repeatedly within UMR has followed a tortuous path the university system and by outside toward implementing a quality gradu- consultants. Quality and sufficiency of ate program to supplement and comple- faculty, student and social need , cost, ment the statewide, and to an extent, and resources have played prominent nationally recognized undergraduate parts in the determination of whether program developed by MSM . There or not a requested program is impl ehas never been enough money . In the mented. During and before my appointbeginning, Federal dollars for this pur- ment, one such program , having been pose were almost non-existent, because determined as needed and of sufficient contract and grant dollars tend to be quality, still remains dormant at the garnered by those universities which department level after almost six years have nationally reputed graduate fac- of frustration. It is our fervent hope at ulties. The axiom that wealth begets UMR that this program can be implewealth applies both to dollars and to mented during the current academic year. reputational faculties in universities. This condition of deprivation has slowly Another program, which recently improved, and further improvement appears promising as the means for pro- achieved a measure of success in our viding necessary funds to supplement movement forward, is a Doctor of State appropriations increases. UMR Engineering degree program. This rehowever, has not yet reached the pla- cently was approved for a period of teau of sufficiency in this area that five years' duration as an experimental August 1971

approach to developing a new breed of doctoral engineer for technical practice. UMR, recognizing in 1966 the possibility of an overpopulation of research oriented doctorates, put plans on the drawing board to slowly develop a degree relevant to solving difficult, complex, but practical engineering problems . While the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will remain our principal mechanism for producing university faculty members who are skilled in student instruction and in research for developing knowledge, it has long been recognized by people in nonresearch oriented industries tha t the degree has shortcomings for developing engineers for conventional industrial purposes. The new engineering doctoral candidate will be selected for the same academic abilities and will be raised to the same terminal academic level as a candidate for the Ph. D. The principal difference will be that his research will be augmented in terms of " tool " subjects such as law, management. language, science, and companion engineering disciplines , and that he will be required to serve an internship which will involve practical experience with a problem leading to a dissertation. This engineer will recognize a balance sheet. Although we consider thi s degree to be an experiment in innovation. we believe that it is one of the more important variations of the education al theme that has occured in l\lissouri in recent years. J\1issouri , now approaching a five million population fi gure , must continue to develop industry and to supply indus trially oriented doctorates who will help in that development.

Grad System ... Need assistance in locating a new position? It 's yours for the asking , contact the Placement Office, UMR. You are eligible to register in the nationwide computerized placement file known as GRAD. Details and forms available from the Pl acement Office.


Scheduled Alumni Meetings. The followin g alumni meetings have been arranged , thus far, for this fall and next spring. Alumni , their wives , girl-friends, gues ts, faculty anti friend s of the University are invit eti to attend all alumni gatherings.

In San Francisco, California.

October 2nd. Plans are not complete, as we go to press, for an alumni dinner Saturday night , October 2nd. Alumni in the area will be contacted regarding the time and place. E. Murray Schmidt '49, 3011 Marina Drive, Alameda , may be contacted for information and reservations.

In Chicago, Illinois

October 9th. An alumni dinner before the Miner - U . of Wi sconsinMilwaukee football game , Saturday, October 9th , at Henrici's, Mayfair Shopping Center , North Avenue at Highway 100, at 4 :30 p . m. The football game is at 7:30 p. m . at the County Stadium. Contact W . Wayne Siesennop '61 , 1526 East Marion , MilwalJkee.

January 8th. Alumni dinner preceding the Miner-Loyola U . basketball game . Time and place pending. Alumni in the area will be notified. Contact Kenneth W. Schoeneberg '44, 1440 Sherwin , Chicago , for information and reservations.

December 2nd. An alumni dinner is being arranged prior to the MinerMemphis State basketball game. Contact Don Henderson '59 , P. O . Box 17462 , Memphis, or Phone Number 901 683-8201 for information and reservations.

Dr. EI Baz '61 Instructs Apollo 15 Astronauts

Ratchford's Statement on Appropri ation At the June 25th Board of Curators meeting, Dr . C. Brice Ratchford , president of the University of Mi ssouri made the following sta temen t:

" Certainly the University is gratified to have received an increase in appropriations for the coming year. As you Through Farouk 's instructions, all know , the Gen eral Assembly has p rothe crew, particula rly AI Worden , orbit- vided about $90 million for University operations for 1971-72 , which is some ing above the surface, learned how to $9 million more than appropri ated for read the subtle patterns and shadings of the surface tha t may hold clu es to each of the last two fiscal yea rs. In help solve several major problems about light of the fi scal condition of th e State major geological p roc ess e s of th e of Missouri and in relation to appropriations for other state functions , the surface. University feels it has been treated in Dr. E I Baz received hi s undergradu- a fair manner . There is some doubt a te training in Egy pt. He cam e to that the increase received by the UniUM R for his graduate work receivin g versity will help start us on the road his M . S. d egree in geology in 1961 and to recovery from the severe cutbacks in was awarded his Ph . D . degree in programs and services we had to undergeology in 1964. He is supervi sor of go during this past year when no lunar science planning with Bellcomm increase in state appropriations was received. Inc., W ashington , D . C.


Ve 35 Ba 1


January 11th. Alumni dinner during October 19th. An alumni luncheon at the .national meeting of the Society of the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel at noon. Automotive Engineers. Plans are not This luncheon is held during the Metal firm at this time . Announcements will Show and Materials Engineering Con- be mailed at a later date. Robert L. gress October 18-21. Contact Seaman, 1040 Montie, Lincoln Park , Robert L. Seaman, 1040 Montie, Michigan may be contacted for inforLincoln Park , Michigan for reservations mation and reservations. and information. In Memphis, Tennessee.

12 Sh


In Detroit, Michigan.

October 5th. There will be an alumni luncheon at noon , at Kolb's Restaurant. This is durin g the Fall Meeting of the Soci ety of Petroleum Engineers. Contact J ames B. Marble '61 , 3245 Hyman Place , ?\l ew Orleans, for reservations a nd other information.



In Detroit, Miihigan.

In New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr. Farouk EI Baz '61 , was a member of the team of scientists , who gave geological instruction to the astronauts in Apollo IS 's training program. H e taught them how to make observations of the moon from orbit that would maximize the advantages of the eye of the camera.


In Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

In San Francisco, California.

February 1972. Alumni meeting during the Annual National Convention of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Date, time and place will be announced later.

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" However, we also must be realistic and honest in stating that the $90 million still is far short of the financial assistance needed to enable the University to make substantial progress. As will be recalled , the University asked the state for $108 million , which represented the true needs of the institution, and the Governor had recommended $98 million. " We feel an obligation to report to the people of Missouri that the University 's financial position still is extremely serious , in view of increasing educational and public service obligations and continually rising costs. We sincerely hope the public will understand the University 's financial situation and its need for additional support in the future. "


142 Gr<



Da1 for th "Hort His b sentat grown

Thf presen bill '4 '54, }

Mr. 1

The Rolla campus received an increase of about 9.9 percent for general operations compared with the budget a year ago.

and I

MSM Alumnus




Alumni Sections - Location

preced. sketbaU Alumni Contact , 1440

ion and

r dUring ciety of are not ~nts will lbert L,

n ~ark,

Ir mfor·

:ing duro nvention Mining, ngineers, Iilounced

realistic the $90 financial : Univer· ress, As ty asked ch repre· stitution, umended

'eport to , Univer· :xtremely ucational and con· rely ho~ the Unl' and its in the

i an in' r 0ueneral e budget


ARK-LA-TEX SECTION Charles McGaughey '50, 120 Chelse, Shreveport, Louisiana - President BARTLESVILLE, OKLA, SECTION Vernon T . McGhee '42 , 350 Robin Road , Bartlesville, Oklahoma - President CHICAGO SECTION Frank Appleyard '37 , 808 Solar, Glenview, Illinois, Area Director CLEVELAND, OHIO SECTION William D, Busch '42, 20001 Idlewood Trail Strongsville, Ohio - Chairman DAYTON-CINCINNATI SECTION Michael J. Browne '67 , 503 Valewood Court, Englewood , Ohio - President DETROIT, MICHIGAN SECTION Robert L. Seaman '69, 1040 Montie, Lincoln Park , Michigan, President

NATIONAL CAPITAL SECTIO]\'" PITTSBURGH , PA. SECTT01\ O. W, Kamper '35, John Toomey '49 , 5 Woodland Drive, 7412 Admiral Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Alexandria , Virginia - Area Director Area Director NEW YORK SECTION ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTIOf\< Lawrence A, Spanier '50 Dr. Rob ert J. M, Miller '5 0, 370 Old Country Road , 10 Hillside Drive, Garden City, N. Y. , Denver, Colorado - President Area Vice President Monthly noon luncheons, 1st Tuesday of each month. 14th floor. Denver NORTH TEXAS SECTION Petroleum Club Robert M. Brackbill '42, Texas Pacific Oil Co. ST. JOSEPH , MO. SECTIOf\< 1700 Main Place, Rex T. Horn '32 , Dallas, Texas - President 1715 Gene Field Road, St. Joseph , M isso uri - Chairman NORTHWEST SECTION Itsu Arimura '59, ST. LOUIS SECTI01\ 3036 67th Ave. S. E. , Matt Coco '66 , Mercer Island , Washington, 7153 Cireleview Drive, President St. Louis , Missouri - President OKLAHOMA SECTION George E. Fort '40, SAN FRANC ISCO BAY SECTION Fort & Miller , 1st Natl. Bank Bldg, E. Murray Schmidt '49 , Oklahoma Ci ty, Oklahoma, 3011 Marina Drive, President Alameda , California - Area Director

HOUSTON, TEXAS SECTION James R. Paul '43 , 610 N. Hillcrest, Houston , Texas - President

PEORIA SECTION Ted R. Wolfarth '48 , 1329 West Pinecrest Drive, Peoria, Illinois - President

SOUTHERN CALIF. SECTION John O. Wilms '43 , 825 South Ardmore, Los Angeles , California

KANSAS CITY SECTION Clifford Tanquary '57 , 14219 Denver Ave ., Grandview, Missouri - President

PHOENIX, ARIZONA SECTION Charles M. Browning '48 6022 East Calle Rosa, Scottsdale, Arizona - President

TULSA SECTION Herman Fri tschen ' 51 , 5249 South 68th East Place, Tulsa , Oklahoma - President

Ark-La- Tex Spring Meeting

Mays '32, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McBrayer '52 , Mr. and Mrs . Charles McGaughey '50, Mr. and Mrs. L. W . Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. John Moscari '51 and Mrs. Brandenberg, Walter Mulyca '65 and Shirley Howell, Mr. and Mrs . Denver Patton '52, Mr. and Mrs . Gerald Roberts '28, Mr. .and Mrs. Homer Thompson '32 , and Mr. and Mrs. Zoller.

At the business meeting the Section voted to contribute $100.00 to the University Center building under construction on the UMR campus. The group also discussed the 1971 Homecoming at Rolla and plans to attend this occasion on October 15 and 16,

David Flesh presented the program for the evening. His talk was entitled, "Horticulture of Iris and Day Lillies." His talk included a beautiful slide presentation of the flowers which he has grown and developed. The following alumni and guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brackbill '43, Mr . and Mrs. Walter Bruening '54, Mr. and Mrs. Kevil Crider '27, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ferrell '40, Mr, and Mrs. David Flesh '23, Mr. and Mrs. Ragan Ford '23, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Leach '57, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. August 1971

Jim Ferrell '40, announced that he was retiring and would be moving from Jefferson, Texas to Mountain View , The spring meeting of the Ark-La- Missouri. He has been an active memTex section of the alumni association ber of the Section for 15 years. was held April 24, 1971, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Flesh in Robert M. Brackbill '43, Director of Jefferson, Texas. Mrs. David Flesh, Area 7, was a guest at the meeting. Bob who excells in the culinary art, prepared made a short talk complimenting the the wonderful meal that was thoroughly Section on fine meetings and active enjoyed by the guests. participation in the Alumni Association. 9

FOOTBALL TICKET SPECIAL Ord e r RESERVED se at s fo r th e Homecoming game, October 16, with t he Maryvil le Bea rca ts. To :

Ath let ic Departm e nt Uni versity of Missouri Rolla , Mi ssouri 65401

Rolla (Tentative Schedule)

tick e ts at $2.50 eac h for the Homecoming game.

Se nd ... .. .


8:00 a . m. Board of Directors Meeting , MSM Alumn i Association

Send to

11 :00 a . m . Alumni Registration to Student Union & 5:00 p. m . Carney Inn

Address .. .... ...... .. ... .... .. .. ..... ........ .

7:00 p. m. Early Arrivals' Dinner, Carney Inn

City ........ . (Make checks payable to Athletic Department, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401)


Total enc lo sed

9:00 a . m. Alumni Registration to Noon Carney Inn

(Seats will be at a premium. Order yours now.)

12 :00 Noon Cla ss Reunions for 1921 and earlier, 1926, 1931, 1936, 1941, 1946, 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966 classes. 12:00 Noon St. louis Section to Hospitality Room, 1 :30 p. m. Pub Mobile


Kansas State College at Pittsburg, Kans .

7 :30 p. m.

Sept. 25

Mi ssou ri Valley Co ll ege at Rolla

2:00 p. m .



Culver-Stockton College at Rolla

2:00 p. m.



Univ . of Wisconsin - Milwaukee at Milwaukee, Wisc . ..

7:30 p. m.



Northwest Missouri State at Rolla (Homecoming)

2 :00 p. m.

*Oct .


Southwest Missouri State at Springfield

7 :30 p. m .

" Oct.


Central Missouri State at Rolla (Parents' Day)

2:00 p . m.


Eastern New Mexico Univ. at Portales, N. M.

2:00 p. m.

*Nov. 13

Southeast Missouri State at Cape Girardeau

1 :30 p. m .

*Nov. 20

Northeast Missouri State at Rolla .. ... ... ......... .... .. .. ...... .

1 :30 p . m .


*Nov. 25

lincoln University at Jefferson City ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .... .... .. 11 :30 a. m .

2:00 p. m. Football - M.iners vs . Maryville Bearcats 6:30 p. m. Awards Banquet Crystal Room Carney Inn 9:30 p . m . Annual Meeting M.SM Alumni Association


Banquet tickets available at Registration Desks.


Alumni Office will ass ist with room reservations, $12. 86 ad vance payment needed.


*Conference Games 10



MSM Alumnus



Hartztl *OeCE



Centennial Year Honor Roll 1971 Annual Alumni Fund Roster of Contributors Recorded as of August 31, 1971

1970 Fund 3,540 donors of $47,792.72 and 81 Century Club Members 1971 Fund 3.645 donors of $47.923.14 and 103 Century Club Members

Century Club


The following alumni and friends have given $100 or more to the Annual Alumni Fu nd :


B. W. Adams '16 Professor J. Lewis Andrews '24 Dr. J . 8. Arthur '58 Dr. Bill L. Atchley '57 Marion S. Badollet '21 Dr. Merl Baker '63 H. S. Barger '39 Charles R. Barnard, Sr. '20 Robert D. Bay '49 Wayne J . Bennetsen '41 Micha el J. Bertorello '60 Morris Boorky '39 Carlos G. Bowers '24 Robert M. Brackbill '42 Will Brewer '32 James A. Caselton '57 E. Jefferson Crum '29 Pa ul T. Dowling '40 William C. Du rning '19 Francis C. Edwards '69 Thomas O. English '29 Durward E. Fagan '34 J. O . Ferrell '40 Fred W. Finley '41 Paul E. FI' scher '23 George E. Fort '40 Frederick M. Glasscock '57 Frederick J . Gorczyca '61 R. C. Graham '31 Ala.n L. Haag '68 W. V. Hartman '48 Carl J. Hel'm '25 Thomas A. Holmes '50 Bert Hoover '23 Alice McNely Hughes In memory of the late Earl J. McNely '16

llion ~




sfor lier, 936, 951 , 966





Charles Warren Johnson '29 Gordon E. Johnson '59 Philip R. Johnson '59 Oliver W. Kamper '35 Andrew W. Kassay '32 Ray O. Kasten '43 Karl W. Kaveler '30 Russell M. Keller '51 Dr. Charles B. Kentnor '24 Dr. Harry H. Keuler '24 Alonzo R. Kieffe r '59 Terrance M. Knickman '59 John J . Kovach '50 *J. J . Krebs '16 Harold A. Krueger '42 Harvey B. Leaver '48 Walter P. Leber '40 Milan Lipensky '53 Gale T. Lohrding '64 R. Ralph Lusk '27 Fred P. Matlack, Sr. '25 Mrs. Roy N. McBride in memory of the late R N M B'd ' 14 oy . c rI e Jack B. McKee '41 Or. A aron J . M 'II es '30 G eorge L. M·Itc h '40 Henry 0 . Monsc h '29 Edward L. Mooney '50 J osep h W . Mooney '39 Or. G eorge E. M ue II er '39 Kenneth Murdock '62 James J. Murphy '35 Dr. Enoch Needles '14 James A. Neustaedter '43 Marvin E. Nevins '41

E. L. (Roy) Perry '40 Dr. T. J . Planje '40 Dr. C. J. Potter '29 Herbert L. Prange '38 Thomas H. Reese, Jr. '34 Joseph H. Re id , '27 V. W. Rieke '40 W. R. Riggs '3 2 Dave Rob inson '53 Theodore A. Ruppert '53 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 John E. Schork '47 Louis H. Sch uette '29 Leonard L. Schuler, J r. '49 Arthur S. Sc hwarz '3 2 J. Walter Scott '19 Miles Sed ivy '08 E. A. Smith ' 24 Dr. John P. Soult '39 Law rence A. Spanie r '50 Dr. James W. Stephens '47 Neil Stueck '43 Gen . L. J. Sverd ru p '5 2 Ja ck H. Thompson '5 2 Dr. A. J . Tomase k '63 John B. Toomey '49 M. E. Tyr re ll '37 Ch' M . Watten b arge r '4 1 rl S Robert S. Westwa ter '44 I Dr. C. C. Whitte sey '60 Jose p h M. Wilso n '21 Dr. Robe rt L. Wri gh t '5 7 He nry E. Zolle r '23 Victo r H. Zolle r '43

The Century Club Certificat e reads: " An organizatio n of alumni founded on Ma y 27, 1967 to aid and support the University of Mis,souri-Rolla thrOUf.!.h su bstantial gifts to th e Alumni Association Annual Alu /Illli Fu.nd ."



*Hanley, H . R . CLASS OF 1903

I Reg·

Hauenstein , Frederick CLASS OF 1905


; ad·

Williams, Bruce CLASS OF 1906

Hartzell , Henry H.




August 1971


Fellows, Aubrey Perkins, William C. CLASS OF 1908

French, C. L. Sedivy, Miles Wood, Clyde R . CLASS OF 1909

Judy, P. S. Mazany, Mark Stephen McCrae, Ro we F .


Bodman, J ohn W . Bryant, A. D . Harlan, J. D. Minor, H. E. Ri ede, F rederi ck E. Vogt, George C. CLASS OF 1911

Cody, Ben H. D etweiler, M. H . Greene, Eva Hirdler Townsend , F. E.


Coaske, Paul E. Conway, Cli ffo rd L. Ford , H arold P. Grosberg, Al ex Lynton , Edward (Ted) D . Thomas, George S. Willmott, M. E . CLASS OF 1913

Hollister, S. E . Knappenberger, Wm. R . Murphy, John A.

CLASS OF 191 4

Hall, Clyde W. McBride , Mrs. Roy N . in memory of th e late Roy N . McBri de Metz, Gi lbert F . Needles, E nocb R. Rice, Hugh P. Simrall , Riley M. Webster, J ohn Nixon CLASS OF 1915

H atch, Sidney R. Smith, V. X.


19 7 1 ALUMN I FUND CONTR I B UTORS - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CLASS OF 1916

Adams, B. W. Grotts, Fred Hughes, Alice McNely I n memory o f the late Earl J. i\IcNely johnson, Gunnard E. ' Krebs, J. J. Lumaghi , O. L. McCartney, Wm. H . Mi ll er, J. Cha rles Neustaed ter, Ha rold A. Ude, George E. Vogel, H erman H . CLASS OF 1917

Arnold, Emme tt L. Brown, J ohn Stafford E lfred , F. Sti ll man Horner, Howa rd A. ' Kluge, Harry A. Porter , George S. Rei lly, j ohn H enderson Gay Shri ver, R. O. T eas, Howard j . CLASS OF 1918

Chavez A., Rau l Doennecke, H . W. Mellow, George E. ~ I or ris, Ol ive S. Schuerer , Leroy R . Weiser, H. H . Zolle r, Lawrence ]. CLASS OF 1919

D urning, William C. Lottma n, "'alter F. Oyler, ilIrs. " 'm . E. I n memor v of the late Bi ll Ovler' Scott, J.'Walter Wil kinso n, Paul D. CLASS O F 19 2 0

Aid , Kenneth All ison, H . F. Barnard , Charles R ., Sr. Bash, David A. Burnet. George, Sr. Ebmeye r, G. E. Hoppock , H. H . Kolte, Wm. J . Pietsch , Peter H. Rackett , Gera ld F . Slover , Edwin A. Stubbins, John R . Swayze, R. O. T err y, Mark L. Uthof f, Fred W. Zieseni ss, Harry CLASS OF 192 1

Badoll et, Marion S. Colber t, jules Phi lip Hurd, H. W . Needh am , A. B. Ne tzeband , W . F. Roh loff , Joseph H. T aylor, F . Huston Wi ll iams, Anvi l C. Wilson , J ose ph M . CLASS OF 1922

Alcorn, r. w. Case, Wa lker E. Christner, Glen ].


Craw ford , S. H. DeCousser, Kurt D iers, H. E. Forgotson, J ames M. Halasey , Fra ncis Richa rd Hammer, Bernard E li H uffma n, Daniel E . ' Lapee, Rola nd J. Leonard. Homer lVIachi ll , Edw in G. IITed" Scruby, H . D . Weir, Thomas G. Wyma n, G. S. CLASS OF 1923

*BeDell , M. N. Buser, H enry C. Campbell , E. Taylor Chomea u, Henri Dorr is, M. L. fi scher , Pau l E . Ford , Raga n Frame, Wayne Shannon Ga tts, W. P. Gibson, Doddridge Gra ham Gordon, Pem Gregg, J a mes L. Harbison , Lynn Hoover, Bert J ewell , Armin R. Lindgren , Roy A. McAlpine, Ea rl H. Moore, B. H ami lton M!lrphy , Raymond E. Pence , Harry S. Pesout, Edward Powers, H . R . Remmers, Walter E. Riddle, J ohn H . Rixleben, B. Teis, K. R . T en Eyck , Warren E. Tragitt, E. Rowla nd Wanenmacher, J. M . Webster, Vance H . Weigel, M. P. Werner, Walter A. Whitworth , Virgil L. Zoll er, Henry E. CLASS O F 1924

Andrews, J. Lewis Blake, Phill ip L. Bowers, Carlos Gehert Casey, Walter E. Devereux, A. R . D ierking, Geo. T . Gabler, George C. J ett , Ji m E. Kemper , Claude L. Kentnor , Charles B. Kessler, Harry Lovett, r. H . McBrian , Ray Scot t , Guy R . Smith, E. A. Wa lls, C. A. Weimer, W. Henry Wright , W ilford S.

Hauck, W. F . H eim , Carl ]. H eitma nn , Albert L. Horro m, Orman J. Kuechler, Adolph Matlack , F red P. , Sr. Schn eeberger, F . C. Schra mm, H erbert O. Va leri us, Cla ude N. Wa rd . Rona ld D . CLASS OF 1926

Bircha rd, Harry C. Craig, Samuel E. Gammeter, E lmer Gammeter, Erwin Kennedy, D aniel K itchen , Chas. L. Koll ar, Ray E. Moore, J ames P . Rood , ]. A. Short, W . Irwin Smit h, C. Cabanne Ty rrell , Morris L. Wilson, J oseph M . CLASS OF 1927

Abbett , Rober t W . Barnard, A. E. Bisett, Donald J. Hallows, Raymond L . K night , W. E . H . Knox, R ichard H . Kra ft , Ned O. Lusk, R . Ralph McCaw, Robert F . Parsons, Edward W . Paul, M mray J . Rankin, Rolfe M. Reid, Joseph H. Sievers, E dwin R . Smith , J ames F . Weber, Paul Weiss, Cla rence B. CLASS O F 1928

Ba umgartner, R. P. Boyer, Phili p ]. Burg, Louis ]. Cordry, Cletus D . Crumbaugh, D aniel H . Faulkner, E. C. Freeman , Chas. A. Gross, Henry E . Gross , Howa rd H . Herbert , C. F. H ill , Albert L. His ted, Howard Hodgdon, Sam D . Layne, Ma rk B. Lyon, E. J . Moreland , Howard B. Murphy , T om Newcombe, H . H . Schweick hardt, Wm . K . Slates, Burl Y. Smith, ]. Wa rren T emples, W ill ia m S. Walth er, John R .

Johnson , Charles Warren j ones, Harlow G. Kemp " Ar thur H ., Jr . Kirn , E mmet R . Mi llar, Albert V. Monsch , Henry D . Morris, Orville W . Potter, C. J . Schuette, Louis H . T hompson, Mercer V. Walker, Jule H . Wa tson , W . Edwa rd Wi ll iamson, Joe, Jr. CLASS OF 1930

Alexander , Vern e Bea tty , Ren Davis, Wi llard E. D ill ingha m, Marion A. Gray beal, J. W . Grimm , C. J ames Harvey, Edwin T . Heath , George F. Hoeman, E rwin C. J enn ings, Charles H. Kaveler, Ka rl K irkpa t rick , H a rr y F . Mau ne, A. R . Meeka, Edward Mi les, Aaron J. M iller, Dennis H. Moore, Percy E. Neal, K. R. Payne, Richard F. Rollma n , W. H. Roy, Mrs. J ohn in memory of the late J ohn S. Roy Scheer, Henry O. Shearer , Andrew C. Stone, S. A. T homas , Myron F . CLASS OF 1931

Baron , A. R . Conley, Jack N. Donaldson, W . E. Donlon , Thomas F. Epperson, E rnest R . Fo ll owill , Bemis S. Gevecker, V. A. C. Gra ha m, R . C. Harrison, Albert H errell , R . R . Herron, H . R . J ames, Marvi n R . Kirkpatr ick , R uel L. McCaw , C. W . M itchell , Alfred A. Mu rphey , Ma urice F . Ross, Charles E. Sharp, W ill iam T . Sperl ing, E lmer J . Stokes, J ames E . Suhre , M. E. Wade , Rolla T. Walter , Edwin G. Wenger, F rank E. Wi lhi te, Clyde E. Wi ll iams, Rex Z.

CLA SS O F 1925

Atki nson, M. L. Bake r, Do nald R. Berry, H ugh R. Browni ng, Bertie L. Burnet, Leo L. Cunningham, G. C. Eagan, T . E. Ga ines, Geo rge D. Godwi n, Will iam


CLASS O F 1932

Coil , B. R. Crawford , E. A. Crum , E. J efferson Dittmer, R. S. Drake, Will iam L. Dresbach , Cha rles H. English, Thomas O. Frotscher, Gu nther

Andres, O. M. Be rt ram , R. A. Brewer, Will Bruegging, Harold ]. Cra wford , Edwin O. Davis, Stuart L. E lsea, Carl A. Fried man, I saac W .

Gallemore, W . A. Gibbs, Harold L. Hi ppler, R . F. Hoema n, Arthur J. Horn , Rex T . J ohnson, Leon K . Kassay, Andrew W . Kay , W . T. Mack lin , F loyd S. Mays, 'liV. R. McClusky, Rodney W . McCreight, Ri chard L. Meyer , H enry W . Monroe , Rex Offutt , ]. ]. Pollak , J ohn A. Reid, Allen J. Rh oades , Ropert P . Richardson , J. F . Ri ggs, W . R . (Bob ) Schwa rz, Arthur S. Sturm, John T . Terrell , ]. B. Thompson, Homer F . T omlinson, Elmer M . Whi te, Charles S. W iethop, Russell H . Zva nu t, Fra nk J. CLASS OF 1933

Asher , Vernon L. Beardsley, Colema n H . Berthold, C. F . Borchers, Raymon d W . Bra un , Walter H . Coghill , W . W . Doll , E llen W. Edgar, Russell Ferbrache, C. P. Gieseke, E. W. Gross, B. J. Harris, Gene L . Hibbits, Lowell A. Hun ze, Cha rles L. J absen , Willi am J. Kaczmarek , Theo . B. K ra ttly , Homer W . Lambur, Charl es H . Lamers, Clarence W . Lanz, Fred M . Lenz, William H . Martin , J . Douglas, Jr . Merchie, Leo H . M usson, George H . Pinkley , Rex E . Seiberling, T. O. Spotte, Irvin C. Wehrman, Alvin A. Will iams, Arthu r CLASS OF 1934

Absher, H arold R . Benard , J ohn' Bermi , Sam A. Brasaemle, Ray r. Cunningham , Robert L. Cutler, David D arling, J ames W . Dobson, R ichard J. Duncan , O. M. Fagan , Durward E. Fletcher, W . B . Ford, H omer T. , Jr. Gadd is, Wendell F . Galloway , J ames H. H ein , Edward A. Hu dson, R . G. J ackson , LeRoy H. J osli n, Le Compte K rattler, Gi lbert L . Kr use, Cornelius W .

MSM Alumnus

Maise,. McKin McRey Murph: Nuernb power, Reese,' Springe Stewart sull entl Swift, : Taylor, Weigel, Wester!


Buck, ! Campb Colmar Cooke, Danfor Doan, Dutton Edgar, Haffnel Harrod Hoffm, Holtma Hoyt, I JohnsOi Kampe Lange, ~fcDill

McDon Montg( 'fmph: ~ickel,

~ixon ,

Snyder, Solomo


Adams, Barrow Beard, Burgo)' Chapm. Daily, Dennis. Grimm: Hoener' Housek Kirchol ,fenefe


,fillice, lIichol, Pfeifer, Rasor, Roy, E Ruwwe Schwan Simmor Smith, Tho mp Walker. Woerhe


Apple)" Benner Bomm~ Breuer Brown ' Busch' Cardelt Carrona Donnen Grimm Hausm;

-v. 1.

1971 ALUMNI FUND CONTRIB UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Maise, Clemens R. McKinley, John H. McReynolds, E. L. Murphy, Charles J. Nuernberger, O. L. Power, W. R. Reese, Thomas H ., J r. Springer, W . R . Stewart, T. J. Sullentrup , Leo J . Swift, Roy Erwin Taylor , Richard E. Weigel, Robert C. Wes terfeld , Wilfred W . CLASS OF 1935




Buck , Robert H. Campbell , W. J. Colman , Howard B. Cooke, W. F. , Jr. Danforth , Warren B . Doan , Donald J. Dutton , D onnell W . Edgar, Max E . Haffner, Harold J. Harrod, John E. Hoffman, E mil D. Holtman , L . W. Hoyt , H arlan K . Johnson , R. W. Kam per, Oliver W . Lange, Howard F. McDill , William H . McDonald, Collins H. Montgomery, Robert Gill :II ur phy , J ames J. .'\i ckel, Elmer J. :\fixon, E. \\I. Snyder, C. W. Solomon, R. c., Jr. CLASS OF 1936



o\lurn nus

Adams, Nyle M. Barrow, Ca rl ton W. Beard , Reade M. Burgoyne, Margaret Mann Chapman, R. T. Daily, Eugene J Dennis, \\I. E. Grimm, Donald F . Hoener , Alan J . Houseknecht, Paul D. Kirchoff, Elmer Menefee, J ames H . Michel, Hilbert F . Millice, Carl T . Nicholson, H . L. Pfeifer, Herman J. Rasor, John P. Roy , Edward A. Ru wwe, John W. Schwalbert, William H . Simmons, R. \\I. Smith , Elmer L . Thompson, Hoyt G. Walker, W. E. , Jr. Woerheide, A. E. , Jr. CLASS OF 1937

Appleyard, Frank C. Benner, C. F. Bommer, Theodore J Breuer , Walter F. Brown , Buran W. Busch, William O. Cardetti , R. J Carrolla, Ross R. Donnelly, W. L. Grimm , R. D . Hausmann , Art

August 1971

Holz, W. L . Jarrett , Walter R. Jones, Walter T. La nge, Robert C. Loga n, E. .W. Mattei , Peter F . Millard , Frank S. Post, S. S. Rodman , Wilfred K. Schaumberg, Grant W . Sheppa rd , J ohn J Tyrrell , M. E. Vogt , Fred K. Wommack , T. W.

Mueller, George E. M ussell , Walter E. Pa rker, J. J. Pohlm an, Edgar F . Rhodes, A. E. Roarig, Wilbert A. Roe, Lawrence A. Runyan , J. R. Siegrist. K. A. Sm ith, Leroy E. Sault , John P. Spalding, J. V. Stojeba , Thaddeus S. Tetley, A. L. Vandergriff, Willa rd C.


Ballman , E. A. Bliss, Allen D . Bowman, Don c., Jr. Cameron, C. V. Carpenter , Forrest L. Clayton , Chas. L . Cornett , Roy C. E ll is, J. Cra ig Fernandez, Horacia A. Goodrich, Frank N . Hi ll s, Eugene F. Howerton, Joseph W . Jarboe, Rupert Jones , Rohert V. Koeppel, B. \\I . Lewi n, Bram J. Med ley, R . R . Morrison, Fred Mueller, Fred M. Murphy, Joe N ickel, Melvin E. Peukert , Norman Pittenger , Frank Prange, Herbert L . Prough , Richard G. Rogers, Ra ymond H. Ruemm ler , W. P. Short , J ohn A. Smith , H ues ton Merriam Stephens, \\1m. E. CLASS OF 1939

Barger, H. S. Boorky , Morris Boulson, C. E. Brand , Glen E. Brown, R. G. Burris, D. D. Campbell , John 0 ., Jr. Car ter , Robert A. Clar idge, E lmond L. Crecelius, Herbert F. Decker, George J. Di effenbach, Robert P. Dads, Stuart Ell iott, Edward E. E lliott , Lew is C. E llis, W. R. Fillmer , Howard H. Finley , Thomas J. Gen try , James R. Glatthaar, J. R. Harsell , T om Heiser , Frederick W. Hoffman , Ray E. , Jr. J acobs, James H . J amison , Marshall J effers, M. A. J ohnson , Earl Herbert Kenyon, Robert R. Lintner , C. W . McCaw, J ack McKissick, Robert C. Mooney, Joseph W . Moore, J ack W.


Alexander, William C. Alford , Rex Baumstark , W. A. Braun , Steven S. Brown , Guy , J r. Burnett, Richard W. Burns , R . E. Ca rr, W. ]., J r. Chedsey, George L. Denni e, P. A. Denni s, B. A. Donahue , J. B. Dowling, Paul T. Ferrell , J O. Fort , George E . Griffe th , T. J Gund , Russell A. Ha ll , Charles E. Henson, Leonard E. Kamper , H. G. Kelley , Ralph E. , .Ir. Kidwell , A. L. Kiesler, Allan J ames Klug, Robert J. Ladd , H arley W. Leber, Walter P. Loveridge, Joel F. Machmer, Ferd G. Markley , J S. M iller, Edgar S. Mitsch , George L . N iedling, Ivan M. Olcott , Eugene O'Neill , John J Palmer , Clarence C. Parish, G. A. Perry, E. L. ( Roy ) Planje, T. J. Plenge, C. H . Reed, J ohn F. Ridley, Robert P. Riege, Lynn J. Rieke, V. W. Rose, Coli n G. Ross , Paul F. Rueff, Edward L. Sharp, Everett W . Smothers, W . J Stewart , F . M. Strau b, A. Sturges, H erbert D. Sum mers, Huey T rautwein, Elmer E . Weber, Arthur W ilson, F . H ugh Wilson, James C. Youn/(. W. P.


Adams, Washington Andreae, Andreas A. Bennetsen, Wayne J. Bottcher, H. F.

Bourne, William H . Boyd , Robert K. Boyt, Eugene Butch , Edmund R . Clarkson, Charles F. Cochran, Andrew A. Co meau , Clifford A. Couch, G. R. Crecelius, Donald G. Crockett, W . E . *Davidson, R. F . Dreste , J erome P. Farrell , Ed. C. Fick, Armin F. Finley, Fred W . Gardner, J W . Grisham, Marvin C. Hacker, Alden G. Hardine, Kenneth L. , Jf. Hoener, Fred H . J a ffe, David N. J ensen, James W. Kerr, J ames W. Lam bert , Chris, Jr. Lambeth , J ennings R . Loveridge, Warren Lynch , Daniel S. Mack, J O. Jr. McKee, J ack B. Mentz, Frank H . Meyer, Robert H . Morris, William 1. Nevins, Marvin E. Newman , Clinton V. Pace, George M. Pau tler, Anthony C. Puetz, Willia m M. Rogers, Frank Raux, James R . Schoen thaler, Robert Shankland , J ohn Smi th , Floyd P. Smoot, Earl L. Springer , James J. Stevens , H. C. Stewart , Daniel R. Stockton, Herbert R . T opper, Robert L. Wampler, Harold R. Wattenbarger, Chris M . Wyatt, D . D . CLASS OF 1942

Adler, A. G. Allen , J ohn C. Axmacher, George W . Beveridge, Thos. R. Brackbill, Robert M. Bradshaw, George V. , Jr. Busch, W. D. Castleman, J ohn H. Clark , Hugh M. Crookston, J. A. Cun ningham , R . J. Full er, Julian A. Guilfoy , Robert F. , Jr. Haga r, Bailey W. Hill , W . E ., Jr. Jones , Thomas A. Karbosky , Joseph T. Kind, Daniel L. Kisslinger, Fred Kloeri s, Paul W. , Jr. Kru eger, Harold A. Lyons, J. H. Maher , Leslie J. Martin , Ken McConnell , Wm. F . McGhee, Vernon T . Muskopf, Oscar M. Nelson , Paul C. Neubert , Ralph L.

Nevin , J ames Raymond N icola, Nicholas Olde , F red W . Olsen, J ohn K . Pagel, Herbert E. Pau l, F. P. Pewitt , Bion D . Pohl , Robert A. Rassi nier, Ed Renwick , Ashton P. Sandhaus, Elmer H. Schm itt , Joseph B. Schowalter, K . A. Schuman , Austin E. Shaffer, J ames W. S!,ockley, Gilbert R. Smith , J ohn, Jr. Stewart. Alexander L. Taylor , ¡ Otis H . Trotter , Charl es R . Wade, D ell C. Weidle, B. E . Witt , J ack Wolff, Leonard C. Zanzie. Charles E. Zoll er, J. W . CLASS OF 1943

Adams, Joseph T. Aml i, Harold E. Ballinger, Homer J. Bellis, Maurice O. Berndt , J oseph P. Biermann , Earl E . Bottom, James H. Burst, J ohn F. Ca rroll , J ames V . Christensen , Douglas N . Comann , R . Kent Coolidge, D . J. DeValve, Albert S. Dreste, F. E . Durham , Howard W . Durphy , Clyde A. Durst , Sterling H . Ehrlich , Robert L. Fleischli , J ack E. Flood , H. W. Fris, Ed. S. Gi mson, William H. , J e. Glover , J ames Hadley, T. R. Hanna , Robert L. Johnson , J ames C. Kasten , Ra ymond O. Kerper, Ma tthew J Key, Enos L. Krill , F . M. Krummel , Clyde H. , Jf. Lambelet , Cla rence A. Landis, Bruce R. Larson, Leonard N. Lem ing, J ohn G. Martin , Gene McColgin, Herbert H. McCormi ck, Cha rles S. Meyer, Orville L . Morris, J ames H . Neustaed ter , J ames A. Ozkal, Kemal A. Paul, J ames R. Rasmussen, R. K. Rothband , Paul B . Sanders, Cy nthiarose 1. D. Schumann , L. C. Short, Donald H. Skitek, G. G. Smi th , Donald S. Strickler, H. O. Studebaker, D . J. Stueck , Neil Weis, Carl J .


Werner , Roy \\,ilms, John O . Wissler, Louis B . Wri ght. C. ]. ZoIJ er , Victor H . CLASS OF 1944

AIJen , Eugene K .

Brinkman , Herman Hrodhacker . John W . Carmichael, R. L. Clark , \\,iIJis H . Deni son , Robert Dick . C. Alfred Dietz. Robert O . D owd , J a mes D . Dueker , J ames E . Goetema nn , Edwin C. Griffith s, John \\' . Han se n, J . Richard H eidenreich , Roge r H . H elberg. Warre n Hubbard , WiIJiam A. Tsenmann , E. S. Kas ten, Paul R . Kl orer. Robert \\'. Kozeni , Donald Larso n, Warren L. L ePere, D . G. :llag ilJ , \\'. 1-1. :l fur phy , Robert E . Pingel. V. ]. Ploesser . Alan Rudisai le, H . J . Sanders, Lincoln A. Schmoldt, H ans E. Sc hoeneberg, K. W. Simon s, Sa nford L. Smit h, P. Gene pa rks, Charles 1-1., :lID Staley, Glenn ummers . Robert F . Tucker , Arthur L. \\'ein el, Ernes t A. W estwater. Robe rt S. CLASS OF 1945

Blase, Edwin \\' . Boyd, Roy H . Kasten , \ 'e rnon Kawa g uchi. :\[akoto J. Lindberg, AIJan \\'. l\l cKeh·ey. J ames :II. l\lilt on , Osborne l\l urra), . Robert E . Oza wa , J ack K . Rankin , Robert C. Schmidt , Robert F. Shank, E. !II. W est, Am y G. CLASS OF 1946

Burk e, George E. Clayton , Aus tin B . Connett , R. P. Doi sy, Richard J. Fesler, arney C. Mann , R obert L. l\l eyer, Donald J. P agano, S. ]. Rutledge, \\'iIJiam A. Wil helms, K. :11 . CLASS OF 1947

Adri an , Kenn et h And erson, Fred L. Bailie , ecil C. Belew, Elmer W , BeIJ, Wa rren H . Brixiu , John L.


Brown, Dale ]. Bruns, Robert F . Bruzewski , R. F . Carafiol , Gi lbert Ca rl ton , Paul F. Chr is tian sen, Carl R. Cole , Richard E . Dameron , 1-1. C" J r. Dunham, Roy H . Einspanier , Bernard J . EIJerman , Willi am E. EIJi s, \\' m. Ashley Feldha us, Ra lp h J. Foga rty , E. R . F ritz, Glenn H . Fulghum , Gale Goodwin , Reo E . Goodwin , \\' iIJ iam J.

Hamm ann , Eugene E. H arviIJ e, WiIJi s (B ill ) H . Hayes, WiIJia m . HeIJwege, Will iam H .. Jr . Henke, E lvin A. H enry , George E . J ohnson , Phi lip D . Kerr F ran k F LaPi ~re, Gilbe;·t 1-1 . Lewis, Dwight Little, ]. Edward ;llans fie ld , H. l\l cDonald , :ll a1colm H . l\lcKinnis, harles L . :llilJer, Eberhard H . Perryma n, George 1. Pl etz, Robert C. Pomeroy, Ches ter \ 1. Purdy, George E. Ray R obert L. Scheineman , J oh n A. Schmitz, Richard L. Schork , J ohn E. Sheppard, Keith D . Smith , J a mes A. Sn ider , ]. \\'. Snowden , J . R usseIJ Steiner, Richa rd G. S teph ens. J a mes \\' . Strunk. :\1. R . T appmeyer, Ronald A. T appmeyer, W. P . T eel , J oel H. Wegene r, \\' ilbert F . W yli e. J ames E. CLASS OF 1948

And erso n. \I'a lter F . Appelbaum. Robert H . Armstrong, Robe rt ]. Aubuchon , Pi erre :\1. Baerveld t , Robert F . Balmat , Jack S. Banks , Ralph Bermel , Pe ter F . BiIJ y, J oseph H . BoelJ er, Emery L. Bradford, Victor L . Brass fi eld , 1-1. C. Brown , \l'ilJi am R . Browning. Phil A. Bye, S ta nl ey E .. J r. Canning , Fred 1-1. Chan ey, Jame B . ColJ ar , D nald 1-1. C rosby, Robert AIJen Dela ny, Mi chael ]. D oelJin g, R . F . E IJi s , M a uri ce 1-1 . E IJis, WiIJia m A. Fields, L es ter E . Fisher, J a mes R . Fitzpatrick, J oseph W . Fly nn , R. H .

FuIJer , Leroy W. Gaue rk e, R einhart C. Glasgow, Lawrence C . Grady, WiIJiam , Jr. Griessen , J ohn Grigsby, Harry G. Gurnea , E lven M . H agan, l\I. A. Haley , Comer C. Hammann , J ohn W . Harter , Warren F . H a rtman , W. \' . Hasko , Stephen H eld , Robert E. H epp, Joseph T . Hoey, Paul E. H owelJ , Richa rd B. H owelJ , Ted R . Hudgens, E. W . H ud son, C. N. J aenecke , Donald R . J ohnson , Charl es C. Kas ten, Max L . Keeley , Gi lbert S, Kreutzer, Robert C.

Lawson , Vernon R. Leaver , H arvey B . ;l13rchal, ]. H. i\l athe ws ; Dona ld ]. :lIcColgin , Dennis L. :\[ cCormack , G. E. M c Kelvey, Ralph :l lefford, Nace :l lilJ er. WiIJi am ]. Moe , Harold G. i\IueIJer , Edward E . Niewoehner, R . ]. 0 '1\ eill , L awrence F. Procton , Albert W . Ramsey , George H. Robb ins, D. Rock, Robert M. Rolaff , Erich Schaef fer , W. A. IT Schm idt , Donald G. Scholz, Art Shwar tz, Alvin Smith , David G. Smith , Harlan D . Smith , H ubert R . Spi nzig, E. W .. Jr. S toecker, W. F. Terrasso n , P. L. Thurman , William H , T odd, F red A. VanEaton , C. W . \I'eddle, Wilbern L. Whanger, Jam es R . Wi cker, Grover R . Wolfarth. T . R .



Anderso n, Doug las Anderson , George !II. Aubuchon , E . L. Baily, W a lt er E. Bark ley, J . E . Bay, Robert D . Bell , J ames E . Bennett , Charles W . Berry, Jerry Blankenmeis ter, Erwin Boyer, Alexander A. Breitwiese r, R . H . Ca rn ey, W . Dale Car ter, William D . Chang, J o hn W . Chapma n, Vernon A., Jr. lifton , J ames G. Comerer , Elwyn D . Coolidge, William H . Coplen , Roy

Cromer , Charles F . Crossman , Frederick T . uIJom , J oh n T . Da lpini , David Daly , T . E, Dani ells, Charles P. Davidso n, Charles C. Davidson , George DeBolt , Donal d G. Eason , Donald E . Edwards, Paul K . Ehrler, J ohn W. E ichelberger, Char les E . Fentzke , A. Dani el Fliehman , Maurice 1-1. Foste r, Jack D. Fuqua , J ohn H . GambiIJ , J ames W . Gammon , WiIJiam H . Georger , L ester J . Gloriod , Paul GolJer, C. 1-1. , Jr. Greig, J oseph E . Hill , E. C. HolJmann , Harry Hubbard , WiIJiam F. J o nes , Oliver W . Jones, Sam P. Ke la han , R. C. KeIJy, Donald V. Kimmick , E. ]. Knecht , Wa lter S. Knopp, Roger Knutson, E lmo G. Komoto, Frank K . Linn , Laurel G. Magru der , Wm. 1-1. :M artin , Robert L . i\IcCa IJ ister, O. L. .Jr . M cDonald , J ohn F.. Mengel, E. L. M eyer, Harlan Miller , Fred J. Mulliga n, John J.

Norman, Amos Os tmann , Robert F . Otto , R . M. Padfield, Ralph C. Penman , Robert R . Perry, Robert C. Quinn , J. S. R a tcliff , John J. Rei ll y, J ohn G" .J r. Reinkensmeyer , No"ma n W . Rei ss, Joseph J. Reming ton , C. R . Rice, Paul Ritten house, Joseph W . Root , Robert L . Ross, C. ]. Ross, H a rvey D. Rowley, Kermit G. Sakony i. Frank W . , arzin , J ulius L. chirmer, William A. Schmitt , James C, Schowalter , Ralph E. Schuler, Leon a rd L. , Jr . Seeli a , Albert , Jr. Sevick , J oseph G. Shute, J ohn W . Slaght, Frederick \1' . Sm ith , IV. E, Sprin ger, Fred III. Stad elhofer , J ack tark wea ther , Reu ben H . Stra ub, H a rold S utton , Glen W . Telthorst, E. ]. Teithorst; H arold M . Thompson , Richard 1-1. Timmer, Donald H .

Tindall , Robert F., Jr. Toomey, John B. Trotter, J ack K . Tucker , Arthur L . Twombley, R. C. VanKirk , Jam es D . Van Maerssen, Otto L. Viles, Landon C. Weissmann , Theodore S. Werner, Edwin J . Wi ssel , Cha rles K. Wunnenberg , E. C . Yochum , Robe rt J . CLASS OF 1950

Agnew, Lewi s E. 'Amsler, J ohn O. Atchison , Daniel R . Bach, W . E . Bage, Earl A. Bailey , All en " Ben" Baldo, Alex H. Barsachs, Edwin H. Belew, Leland F , Benson , Clark H . Berkey, Vernon Betz , Irvi ng G. Bradley, Ken neth R . Breit, Karl K . Breuer, D. W. Brinkmann, Charles E . Brown , Carleton A. Brown , Robert N. Brown, Stuart S, Browngard , Billy Rex Brunson, Vernon T . Buel, Robert W . Burke , Robert F . Byrd , Herman C. Campbell , Nancy in memory of the late E, Don Ca mpbell Cantwell, L. W . C2 r1 , Louis 1-1. Chambers, Frank T. Chen, Willie Y. Church , Charles H . Clay ton , Roy T , Clifford , Richard E. Coleman , E. H ., Jr . Collins , William W . Craig, Curtis L. Vampf, D . P. Dare , IV . L , Da ilva , A. J. D avidson, Edwin A. Delaney, John F . DelPort e, Karl 1-1. D eppe, Eugene Dier inger , Donald Drake, Avery A. , Jr . Eck, Bern ard J . Eissinger , Karl Elliott , J ames Erb , R . D. Etz, Ca rl E., Jr. Evans, J ames L . Eyberg, W. P . Fahien , Ra y Faith , R . V. Farrey , Henry B . Feltz, W. R . F errero , Dominic Ferry , Robert S. Fin ch , Frank rossi, Robert L. Freiert , IVIilton A. Friske , Elmer W , Gabelmann , Bill Gallimore, Hal G. Geiger, Gerald A, George, Kenneth

MSM Alumnus


,lum nU5

The Bold Challenge: Phase II Completion Campaign Announced

The first phase of the UMR University Center was under construction Monday, June 14th, on the block south of Norwood Hall and east of the Chemistry building and including portions of Main Street and 12th Street which the city had vacated in order to allow connection of the new construction with the existing Student Union Building . At a bid cost of $2,185,000, the 40,000 square foot structure is to be completed in 550 working days by general contractor Robert R. Wright, Inc., mechanical contractor The Murphy Company, and electrical contractor Evans Electrical Construction Company. Phase I of the Center will contain a large eating facility, lounge, game rooms, television room, exhibits room, student activities room, library and music room, several meeting rooms and a large multi-use room. The structure is so designed for expansion into the second phase of construction with the end product being an integrally designed structure . Result to Date

Construction of Phase I of the University Center comes at the end of four years of efforts by the students, alumni, faculty and staff, and some businessmen of Rolla to generate the required cash through bonds and gifts . Students provided $1,500,000 through bonded indebtedness after taking voluntary action to raise their own fees for this purpose. In addition to the above, the UMR Development Office has $549,098.86 recorded in pledged gifts toward the completion of Phase II of the structure . Alumni Prominent in Leadership

From the outset of planning 16


1965, and later when

a campaign for University Center funds was launched in the fall of 1967, MSM / UMR alumni have been prominent in guiding the Center project. The MSM Alumni Association of the University of Missouri - Rolla has not assumed responsibility for the University Center as an Association project, but it has encouraged able alumni to support it with capital gifts and pledges and has publicized the campaign in THE ALUMNUS . Those listed on The Centennial Committee in an announcement brochure published in 1965 were: Dr . Walter E. Remmers of Arizona; William E. Donaldson, William B. Fletcher, the late Barney Nuell, Murray Schmidt, R. O. Swayze, S. Dean Shopher, and Dr . Carl Tolman of California; Gilbert F. Metz of Florida; Donnell W. Dutton of Georgia; Frank C. Appleyard, the late Alfred A. Boyle, Alfred N. Hurst, Melvin E. Nickel, and Harlan K. Hoyt of Illinois; George D. Decker, the late J . J. Krebs, and Dr. Charles C. Whittelsey of Louisiana; Dr . William M. Akin, Dr. John B. Arthur, Richard H. Bauer, Robert D. Bay, Wayne J. Bennetsen, Jerome T. Berry, Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge, Harold J . Bruegging, E. Taylor Campbell , Carl H. Cotterill, Paul T. Dowling, Dr. F. Stillman Elfred, the late Dr. Herbert R. Hanley, Anthony Homyk, Jr., R. O. Kasten, Harry H. Kessler, F. K. Kyle, Joel F. Loveridge, Peter F. Mattei, Joseph W. Mooney, James J . Murphy, Harry S. Pence, F. C. Schneebdrger, William K. Schweickhardt, John P. Sou It, Donald E. Spackler, Frank C. Steimke, James W. Stephens, the late Carl G. Stifel, Gen. Leif J. Sverdrup, John K. Walsh, Rex Z. Williams, the late Dr . Howard I. Young, and Kennyn D. Statler, all of Missouri; J. Craig Ellis and Dr. Enoch Needles of New Jersey; Robert W. Abbett, Dr. Francis Cameron, Dr . Russel B. Caples, A. J. Kiesler, and Lawrence A. Spanier of New York; Bennett B. Howell, Frank D. Lyons, Dr. Joseph M. Wanenmacher, of Oklahoma; Gen. Charles Itschner of Oregon; Elmer Gammeter, Hugo l. Harrod and O. W. Kamper of Pennsylvania ; J. O. Ferrell, Mrs . V. H. McNutt, MSM Alumnus

nched in rom inent Associoassumed ,sociation upport it :i zed the

on Dr. naldson, Mu rray Dr. Carl Donnell the late ke l, and the late )uisiana; i. Bauer, In

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:. Taylor Stillman Homyk, , Joel F. James J. illiam K. !r, Frank 3. Stifel, Williams, atler, all : of New )r. Russel r of New )seph M. chner of

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Rolla T. Wade and Henry E. Zoller of Texas ; Paul F. Carlton of Virginia; and Dr. Georg e E. Mueller and Dr . De Marquis D. W yatt of Washington, D. C. Many others have b een most active in stimulating the res ul ts that have made the University Center possible. Among them are Dr . Karl F. Hasselmann , Robert M. Brackbill and Guy Brown of Texas, Hans Schmoldt and Herman Frit schen of Oklahoma , Ra y Kollar of Oregon (no w of California ), Charles A. Freeman of California, Armin Fick and Louis Schuette of Illinois , Jo se ph B. Schmitt and T. O . English of Penns y lvania , Gilbert Shockley of Virgina, Collin s McDonald of Washington , D. c., and Dr . Charl e s B. Kentnor of Connecticut.

Why have a Center at all? The University Center is the " living room " of the campus, the one place useful to all students for purposes of social intermingling, refreshment, campus civic and service work, entertainment, informal discussions with faculty and staff - it is , in short, the vitality center of campus life and very essential to the quality of Rolla education . Perhaps the most dramatic evidence of the Center's need is found in the students' willingness to voluntarily raise their own fees to aid in construction . To date the State of Missouri has provided structures for instruction, research and service , cons istent with its charter. Completion Campaign Announced

Center Is Hallmark for Campus The University Center, when completed, wi ll be the first major structure to be built on the Rolla campus substantially with private gifts and heralds a period when private involvement in the future of the University will be evidenced by physical facilities. For man y years, corporations have generously supported the Rolla campus with student aid and other forms of gifts and g ra nts . Chancellor Merl Baker has noted that the concern of alumni for their alma mater will " make the future difference" in assuring continuing high quality of UMR educa tion. He urges continuing support of the alumni associa tion as well as special projects such as the University Center. "T he Rolla campus receives only slightly over half of its operational support fram the state," Baker pointed ou t. "T he balance must come from student fees , auxiliary enterprises, and the gifts of those concerned with UMR 's current and future role as an outstanding institution." Center's Need Clear The need for t he University Center on the Rolla campus is clearly demonstrated by the fact that the 5,300 students are making do wit h a Student Union designed for less than 1,5 00 . 18

Dr. F. Stillman Elfred ' 17 of St. Louis, national chairman of the University Center campaign, has announced The University Center Completion Campaign with a target date for gifts and pledges totaling $2,000,000 to be received no later than May, 1973, for Phase II. "With the dedicated support of our loyal alumni, we can achieve this need before that date," Dr. Elfred declared. "The reason for the two-year deadline is that we would hope to make construction of the second phase of the Center tie in with the completion of the first phase of construction." Preliminary plans for Phase II of the Center call for construction of a 900-seat theater auditorium with a large stage, workshop and dressing rooms, plus the expansion of Phase I kitchen and dining facilities and sev eral more meeting rooms. A lounge, larger music room and library, and other student facilities are planned. Dramatic Southern Entrance to Campus When completed, the University Center will be the pivotal building on the Rolla campus. It will be connected to¡ the existing Student Union by a walkway cover, and a dramatic, block-long mall along its west side will prov ide an impressive entrance to the main academic quadrangle from its southern boundary. MSM Alumnus

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Rollo T. Wade and Henry E. Zoller of Texas; Pau l F. Car lton of Virginia ; and Dr. George E. Mue ll er a nd Dr. De Marqui s D. Wyatt of Washington , D. C. Man y others have been most active in stim u lating the res ults that have made the University Ce nter possib le. Among th e m are Dr. Kar l F. Hasse lma nn , Robert M. Brac k bill and Guy Brow n of Texas, Hans Schmo ldt a nd Herman Frit schen of O klahoma, Ra y Ko ll ar o f O rego n (no w of Californ ia), Char les A . Freeman of Ca li forni a , A rmin Fick and Louis Schu e tte of Ill in oi s, Joseph B. Schmitt and T. O . English o f Pe nn sy lvania, Gi lbert Shock ley of Virgina , Collins Mc Dona ld of Washingto n, D. c. , and Dr. Charles B. Kentnor of Conne cticut.

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ComplE Center Is Hallmark for Campus The University Center, when com pl eted , w ill be the first major str ucture to be bui lt o n the Ro ll a campus substantially with private gifts an d he ralds a peri od when private inv ol vement in the fu ture of the University will be eviden ced by p h ysi ca l fa cilities . Fo r ma ny ye a rs , corporations have ge nero usly suppo rte d t he Ro ll a campus with student aid and ot her for m s of g ifts and gra nts. Chance llo r Mer l Baker has noted that the co ncern o f a lumni for their alma mater will " make the fut u re difference" in assu ring conti n u ing high qu ali ty of UMR educati o n. He urges co ntin uing suppo rt o f the a lu mni association as well as specia I proj ects such as the University Center. "The Rolla campus receives on ly s lig htly o ver half of its operational suppo rt fr o m the state," Baker pointe d ou t. "The balance must com e fr o m student fees, auxiliary ente r p rises, and the g ifts of th o se co ncerned with UMR's curren t and futu re role as an outstanding instituti o n ." Center's Need Clear The ne e d for the Univers ity Center on the Rolla camp us is cle a r ly d e monstrated b y the fact that the 5,300 st ud e nts a re making do w ith a Student Union des igned for les s than 1,500 . 18


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Dr man o' The Un date f;-o-rg""if~ts-a-n-d"-p"le-d"g-e-s--:-to-t-a-;-l:-" i n~ g ' $ 2,000,000 to be re ceive d no la ter t ha n May, 19 7 3 , fo r Pho se II. "With t he dedicate d sup port of our loyal a lumni, we can ach ieve t hi s need b e fo re t ha t da te," Dr. Elfred de, clared . "The re a son fo r the two -yea r deadline is that we wou ld ho pe to m a ke con st ruction of the second phose of t he Center ti e in wit h the completi o n o f the f irst phose of co nstructi on ." Pre li mi nary p la ns fo r Pho se" o f t he Cen ter call fo r constructi o n of a 90 0 -se a t thea ter a udi torium w it h a large stage, w o rks ho p a nd d ressi ng rooms, p lus the expa nsio n of Pho se I kitchen and d ining fa ci lit ies and severa l mo re meetin g roo ms . A lou nge, la rger mu sic room and library, a nd o t her st ud e n t f ac ili t ies are planned . Dramatic Southern Entrance to Campus When completed, the Un ive rs ity Ce n te r wi ll be t he pivo ta l bui lding on the Ro lla cam pu s. It w ill be connected to' the existing Student Uni o n by a w al kw ay cove r, and a dramati c, bl o ck -l ong ma ll a lo ng its w e st sid e w ill p ro vide an impressive entrance to the m a in acad em ic quad rangle from its so uthern bo un9ary. MSM A lu m nu s

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Dr. F. Stillman Elfred '17

HAn Important Message From Stilly"



Congratulations! It must give all of you satisfaction and pride to know that the first phase of the University Center is under construction . This would not have been accomplished without the support of the alumni. However, the first phase of the University Center was funded in a substantial part by students, with an assist from alumni, corporations, faculty and staff, and Rolla businessmen . The Completion of the Center must be totally funded from gifts! - we must now face the challenge of raising $2,000,000 within the next two years! Previous editions of the ALUMNUS have given every alumnus an opportunity to support this special capital project. In addition, many hundreds of alumni throughout the country have been personally asked to participate through regional campaigns staffed by volunteer alumni solicitors. I'll let you judge the record for yourself . I intend in no way to be recriminating or to complain that we alumni, as a group, are not coming up to the records of other outstanding schools in supporting capital projects . I know some of the reasons you have not given. Many of our MSM/ UMR alumni tell me that the "state paid for my education" and therefore "I don't owe anything for it." Well, that just is n't true. Even today, the state provides just slightly over half of the operational cost at Rolla . The rest co mes fro m student fees, grants, auxiliary e nterprises and gifts . 20

On a national average, students at state universities pay only about 22.57 per cent of the actual cost of their education!

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Many of my fellow alumni tell me that they had to work hard for their education, thus they "earned" it. I would point out that without the millions and milions of dollars invested by those concerned with your opportunity to learn - regardless of how hard you worked - you still would not have been educated. Another reason I hear is that the economy is tight and inflation rampant, so "there just isn't any money for Rolla." Here, I think we have to deal with our personal priorities. A dollar (or a thousand dollars) stretches just so far. Each of us uses his resources to buy those things he believes to be important. This is a question no man can decide for another. But I do urge you to consider your loyalty and responsibility to the school which gave you an opportunity to earn at your level when you think of the priorities of how you are going to spend your available funds. As was provided for us, we do have some responsibility to provide for today's Rolla students and the generations to come.


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A Word About Pledging Many of you provide for your church, your com munity, your medical services and others through gifts. Will you consider the needs of your school as well? MSM Alumnus



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A convenient, practical way to express your interest in the University Center project, is to pledge your intent to make three to five annual gifts toward construction of Phase " of the Center. This practice is widely accepted by the American public and I recommend it to you. This way, you can schedule your gifts along with your other priorities. Remember that this is a special need that is non-recurring, and a special project required by your school. We are not asking for a year-in and year-out commitment, but rather your maximum commitment for this special need. As you can see from participation to this date, not every alumnus will respond to this need . Therefore, it is important that you make your pledge as generous as possible consistent with your ability to give.

A Special Personal Offer To encourage you to respond thoughtfully now, I want to send postpaid to each of you who pledges $500 or more over the next three to five years a three-inch bronze medallion commemorating MSM/ UMR's centennial year - as long as the supply lasts. This is a beautiful, limited edition medallion, especially designed to commemorate your school's 100 years of service, and you will be proud to have it on your desk or in your home as evidence that you were concerned and participated in fulfilling your school's need. August 1971

Also, we have a limited number of 1 Y2 inch medallions of the same design, which I will want to send to our loyal alumni who will pledge $300 or more during a like period . Send the accompanying pledge form to me in care of the University, 900A Rolla Street, Rolla, Mo. 65401, and I will see that the medallion is shipped to you immediately. A Final Note I am now in the latter part of my seventh decade, and I have had and am now enjoying a wonderful life - much due to my association with Rolla . One of the things which has most pleased me in this work fo r Rolla is the interest and participation by younger a lumni. It makes me proud that young men wit h family responsibilities still find a portion of their income to provide opportunities for others similar to those they had. This is a sterling trait, the kind of character and responsible action that has come to be expected of Rolla men . Your gift to the University Center will be a source of pleasure and satisfaction to you. Truly, Rolla is your school not only because you attended there but because you invested in its well-being a s well'. Won't you let us hear from you today?


F. St illman Elfred ' 17 Na tional Chairman 21

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Heisi Helle Helw Hern: Hethl Hillh Hobe Holle Holli! Holm Holm Houk Ho\n How{ Huml Hunt Hrde Hvnll Iten. jami( jerm, Todwi loh., 'Johns ¡Joh., lorck judar I\apel I\err, I\ind( King. Kings

I\laus I\.now I\oral I\rain Kraus I\unz. I\rbUi Laird. Lanha Larkir Lasko Lar. (


Locke Longo llabie llann llarin llarsb llartil llaso, )faith llattI' llcGa llcGo lle);il llegel lleier. llend( )Ienge l'liddl( llill" lloon; lluehr llurph 'iagel, ~eidel

1971 ALUMN I FUN D CONTRIBUTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

Graves, C. "Tad " Gra y, I van L. Greenberl(. Aa ron J. Grel(o ry , cott H . Griffin , Dona ld C. Grimm , D . C. Guth , Jack E . Haas, Paul Ha llemann , Joseph E. Ham , Horace B. Hardy, R . 1. Ha rris, \\'illiam ~1. Haymes. \\'illi am G . H eisler. \I'illiam B. H ell er . Enrique H elwi!!. A. \I' . H er na n. J ohn F . H et herin gton , ]. L . Hillhouse, Davin L. Ho belma n . ~ r. G . H ollenbach , B . D . Holli s. William Holme. R . " orma n Holm es. Thomas A. H ou k . Clarence C. H oward. Hil don D ean Howell , Bennett D . Humphrey. W. D . Hunt , ]. Richard Hyde . J a mes C. , Jr. Hvmes. Char les R. Hen . H. Clay J amieson , George \I' . Jerman . Theodore T. lod wick , J ohn E. Johnson, Edward L. lohnso n. Ra y B. ·Tohnson . \I'arren H . [orcke, Oliver A. Judah. Russell J. Kape rnaros, E. Lou is Kerr , R . H . Kind er . Da vid C. Kin g, D onald T . Kin gsley, Dale 1.

Klaus, Irving Knowles. C.


Ko\·ach. J ohn J. Kra iness, .-\ Ibert Kraus. Karl 1. Kunz. Charles O . K\·burz. Edward P . Laird . H a rry \I' . Lanham. Thomas G . La rkin , Ken neth P . Lasko , Edward P. Lay. George Lee-Aston , R . Lockett , Donald K . Longoliu s. \I'alter C. ~I abie. Edward 1. ~[ a nn . Carl K . ~I ar ink ovac, Sergio F. ~[ arshall , D onald W . ~Jartin l(, Richard E . i\Jason . Ernie V. Matthews, Paul A. :\Jatt lage, Ra y mond F . 1lcGaughey. C. E . ~lcGowan , J ohn P. ~lcKichol s, J ohn R . ~lege ff. S. ~ J e ier, H oward E . ~Iend ell , R . H . ;\Jenl(e!. William K . ~liddl eton, D . F . Miller, Chester E . ~J ooney. Edward W . ~Iuehrin g , J ohn E. Murph y, William 1. , Jr. Kagel, Lawrence J. ' eidel, Roger A.

August 1971

. -eustaed ter. R . H . l\icho ls, J ohn W . N ied erstad t. R . J. Kolan , Paul B . North , Oli ver S. Oliphant, John D . Owens. Robert 1. Packh eiser, Frank Pa inter , John L . Par ker , R .. C. Pallen . Robert 1. Paulsell , W . G . Pennington. Robert J. Poliquin . Thomas E : Preiss. Robe rt K . Rausch. M . K . Rees. Georl(e Renn er, 1.. .J. Re\· nolds. Earl C. Ri ~s. F . W . Robe rt s. I. Kent Rob iso n. 'Lesli e B . Ru enheck. Ravmond T . Sa konv i. l ohn' J. Salvaggio :Iohn . .~c hm idl. Robert ~ . Schmitz. R . P . Schnaedelbach , Gerald Scott , J ames J . ereno, L eroy F . Se ttgas, Robert C. Severtson, \ 'ernon S. Shaffe r, Robert B . Shelton , Gerald C. Shourd , R oy R . ims, Da le E . Slack , Clayto n F. Slu sher , Robert C. Smith , Geo. R . Smith, ~J arvi n E. Smith. Robert E., Sr. Spanier, Lawrence A. Spind le, Shi rley Sprin ge r. Everett \I' . Starke, R. E. Steele, Eu crene \I' . tevens, Bill Strain , Robert A. Strauss. Ervin J. Strong, John F . Syd nor. J ohn ]. Szumachowski , Edwin R . Terry, R . III ilton Theerman , H arold B . T ibbs, H arold E. Tria nda , John TunnicJi ff, C larence Underwood , Clifford B . l:n sell. Vester B. Van " ort , John R . Vogler, Au"ust J., J r. W a lker, \I'a lter W. Webs ter . J a mes P . W eidman , T . H . Weinga'ertner, John W . W einsfein. W . White , T. W. Wi eland , W arren R. Willia ms, J oh n C. Wil son , Anthon y E. Winter, Eugene F . Wojan , Carl E. W olfra m , Ra lp h E. W ood, R obert C. Wright , Harold R. Wunnenberg. Donald A. Zvanut , Al bert J. CLASS OF 1951

Anderhub , A. P. Arnold , .John Babcock , Cla rence O .

Ba llestero, A. P ., Jr. Banghart , R oger C. Barrow, Robe rt B . Bender, Gerald Blend ermann, Gene R . Bodine, J ack Boscia , Frank J . Bowk ley , H erbert L . Boyd, Cha rl es 1. Brillos, J oh n IV . Browne, Thomas C. Brunkhorst , Earl Bullock , Richard 1. Burstein , Murray Burtnett , Robert Cla rk , Howard T. Comanich , George W . Commerford , George E . Cooptr, J a mes D . C row , Ross F. Dasenbrock , Arthur A. Daugherty, Bob E. Di ckens, R. 1. Dieckgrafe, Robert E . D owling , D onald J. , Jr. Dryden , J oe Du lberg, Irving Dunn , E. E . Durrenberger, J . W . Elbaum , J. K. E lli ott , Edwin G. Fahs, D ona ld G. Freu ler, Paul A. Frit schen , H. A. , Jr. Ganley , Robert J. Gardne r , J ohn E. Gia coma , Fred A. Gillen , David U. Glenn , David E. Greer, R ex Griffith , J ohn B . Grothaus, J. Y. Harper, \I' illiam S. H arrawood , Paul H arris . H enry C. H eet field , Robert D . Henson , Gerald 1. Herley , David F. H estetune , D. G . Hirner, John A. Hirschfeld , Dale E. H ohlfelde r , Eugene F. Holcomb , L ester W . H orst, \Vill iam E. Houghton, C lar k F. Hubbard , J ack 1. Irwin , D avid M c Rae J ac kson, Earl E. J ef fers, Phillip Jekel , C harles A. J erome, Gerhhart D. Johannesmeyer, H . 111. Joh nson , Gerald A. Kaplan , Tewton H. Keller, Gerald T. Keller, Russell 111 . Kent , H erbert E. Kette r, Richard P. Kinane, Cyr il M. K leinkop f, Dean K line, C . R . Kni ght , George 1. Koederit z, W . A. Kolb, E ugene F . Koontz, R . H. Kritzer , H. E. Latt in , Judso n lIf. Lehmann , Charles F . Llewellyn , Henry Ly nch , J ohn F. MacDonald , J. B. M acMas ter, Edward

IIIans fi eld , Ri chard E. M artin , R obert D . i\JcEvi ll y , Willi am G. M cGove rn , Dan E. Mein ers , Don W . III eliott , R . K. Jl li ddou r , E. Milliga n, Edward J. :\Joscari , J ohn, Jr. i\[urray , Ri c ha rd \I' . ~l ylins ki , Frank J. " app, G. E. Old en burl(. Ted Oldham , W . R . Olson , Howard A. Owens, Fra nk \\'. Pay ne, G. C. Pea rson , Wa lLer O. Pender , Pau l S. Perryman , J oseph E . Phelps, R . C. Plumm er, \I'i llia m B . Ri eder , C harles ~ r. Ried er , Robert ]. Rober , Don ald 1. Ro berts, J. G . Roetze!. J. D . Ruh l, \I' iley T . Sa lmas. Jam es Sarapuu , Erich Schm idt , \'er non E. P. Schweizer, Charles T . Shi elds . Robert \I'. Shopher , S. Dea n Sieck E Sil ve:, i\'lilton Simpson , Thoma s A. Skil es, James ]. Sk inner, Yr. R. Slankard . Robert C. Smith , D. R . Sm ith , J ohn E . Sobie. :\Jilton A. Spind le, H a r vey Tatosian , \lanaga n Thompso n. Owen E. Trieste, ~Iario R . T sa i, \I'illi am \I'. Van Bramer, Willi a m G. Vansa nt , Robert E. Venard e, Ja ck H. Vose, William B . Wa ll ace , Edw in R . \OVatson , H. G. W ees, Francis E . Wehmeier , L ee ~Jr .. Sr. \I'ei nel , R obert P. Wheat ley, Elmer G. Wile , L arso n E . Wi sema n, D ona ld E. IVolf. R obert V. Wood le, Roy G . Wurtz. Wad e C. Zane, R. r. Zeid. l\la rvin C. CLASS OF 1952

Alvarado, Frank T . Basler, Francis Bauer, R. H . Belew, James A. Bilheimer, Lee Birch , Frank Bosse, Richa rd 1\1. Bowlin, William H. Calca terra, Edward L . Chorn ey , Peter L . Coonce, Homer E. Cox, Willard E . C ra mer, Kenn eth L. Davis, GeDale D . DeLap, Kenneth L .

DeLucca , l\J ichael D ye, Robert A. Ferg uson, W allace Ferns, Kipp Finegar , IVm . A. Finklang, J ohn \I'. Freiberger , Harold (' . Geers, J oseph H . Gross, A. F. H acker , J . E. H aus mann, Paul L . H ei lich , Ra y mond P . H ewetl. Cha rles A. H ockenbu ry, ~[ el vin C. H yd inge r. Pau l L. J ac kson, \rayne D . J ensen , Gunther T . Justus, Ri chard F .. Jr . Keil , By ron L . Kerr. H. Chalm ers. Jr . Kin g, J erry Knock , D . C. , Jr . Knoebel, Richa rd H . Kronst , E. F . Light , R ichard 1. Lucid o. P . ]. Lynch , Bob l\lacZ ura . George ~l aday , D onald S. ~Ia rtin. D a n W . ~J a t so n . D on D . Mattha ei, Richarn M cBrayer, J ac k R . Jl JcInt y re. J ohn !If eskan , David Mi chelotti , J oseph E . Mill er , Her bert E . ~ J oy. H ong S. "e\\'kirk. Thomas F . '\olan, J ohn B . Oliphant , Edgar Pape, Earl E . Pa tlOn , D enver S. Priest. J oh n E . Reeves, E . ]. Roster , E dward L . Rumsev. Donald A. Schmit·1. Dona ld E . Scrivner. Roger Stead man. ?I I. \I' . Stick le, Dirch B . Stopke)'. W . D . Stri te, Ru ssell R. Sverdrup, 1. J . Sweeney, ]. R . T aber, Daniel Thompson , J ack H. Timbrook , Paul Unger , Walter Uthoff , R . F . V an Buskirk , L y man F . Vance, James F . Vande rheyden, Eugene T . Varanouskas , J oseph P . W a kefield , Ro ger E . Wa lz, R . 1. Weeks, Charles A. Westerman , H oward I\' . Westmorelan d, D. S., Jr . Wheelock , 1. K . William s, D ean K. Wolfberg, Leo nard H . Zachelmeyer, N. P . Zedalis. J ohn P . CLA SS OF 1953

Abendroth , R . P. Achterberg, Ernest R . Ande rso n, Charles A. Augustson, L . B . Bay, Robert E . Bender, J ohn H.


1971 ALU MN I FUN D CONTRI B 1I TO R 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

197 Berry, Charles A. Boyd, M. W. Buescher, Romuald L. Callaway, Charles H. Crane, Harold R. Creamer, Edward L. Dill, Earl R. Eason, Jack L. Edwards, Gene W . Ferber, Kenneth E. Freebersyser, G. J. Gegel, Donald L. Gillham, Virgil Gjelsteen, Thor Greiten, J. P . (Jack) Hansen, Peter G. Haynes , Myron B. Heeger, Charles H. Heineck, D . W. Holland , Richard O. Jenkins, Robert D. .los t, Robert D . Katz, Manfred Knearem , J ames L. Knobel , Elwood L . Koederitz, Thomas L. Kronmueller , W. W. Kuster, Ralpb L., Jr. LaBouff, Gerald J. Lee , Walter Li pensky, Milan Lischer , Ha rry, Jr. ~lcBeth , J. D. :'leek, William F. Oberschelp, William F. Patterson, William E. Paulsell, B. L. Poschel, Eugene J . Quatraro, William Robbins, Clay Robinson, Dave Ruppert , Theodore A. Smith , Bert L. St roh beck , E. E. Topel, Maurice R. Tuck , E . F . Vienhage, Robert P. "¡agner . F . R. CLASS OF 1954

Alburtis, C. L. Anderson , R. W. Anderson , Searles T. Burgett, Max Cole, Joseph B. Cole, Kenneth D . Conci , Frank B . Custead. J. R. Dowell , Jack B. Gerard , Jim Gotsc h, Richard W. Gray, J oe E. Groteke, Daniel E. Haertling, Gene Hammons, Reve H . Horine, Robt . A. Hubeli , James A. Hughes, Judson A. Johnson , C. Scott Jones, James C. J uskie, Bernard R . Lincoln , Herbert E. La, Wing C. Niemeyer, Norman Pillisch , Herbert P. Poe, Harry Pracht , R. M. Schejbal , John W., Jr. Schneider , Donald O. Sipe, William E. Stewart , William H . Toutz, James O.


Volker, Vernon D. Watkins, Joe Wick, C. E. Williamson , Rayburn CLASS OF 1955

Baebler, A. G. Baker, Chester H . Barco , Sam Barnds, Campbell Berg, Richard O. Bieling, C. R . Boze, Ralph Corcoran , T. A. , Jr. Cowan , Harry D. Cruse , Richard L. Davis, Ralph T. , Jr . Fitzwater, Arthur V. Franklin , Jam es M. Fried erich , Ga rland C. Gessley, Donald Gi lliam, Dale D. Godsey , T erry L. Hallett , William M. Jones, R . L . Kaiser, Richard L. Kickham, L. T., Jr. Kingsbury, Ronald M. Kummer, Donald L. Kummer, Fred S. Lane , T . F. Langston , Russell L. Luehring, Elmer L. Markos, Lavern J. Martin, Robert J. :'1cCarthy, John M. McMorris, W. L. Miles, John B. :.1iller, Charles E. Oetting, Robert B. Padan , John W. Palmer, James H. PI ache, Kurt O. Ray , H erman A. Reitsma, Louis]., Jr. Roberts, J oe B. Scott, Julius Norman Smart, Sam Smay, Byron K. Smith , Glen A. Spann, Gerald D. St imson, Wm . Robert Tucker , Paul B. VanBuskirk, John R . Weitzel , Charles A. Zimmerman, ?vL Jordan CLASS OF 1956

Altheide , Charles R. Baumgartner, George Bentilla, Kenneth R. Doe, B. R. Edmonds, David G. Fussell , L. N. Gartland , Wm. A. Herndon , Richard S. Hughes , Richard A. Jones, B. R . Jones, Ralph Jurenka, G. G. Layman, James W. Lieberman , Warren Martinez, Evaristo McClure , R. Max McCoy, Charles J. Miller, Ray E. Mitchum , Martin M. Morales , Victor M. M uhlbauer, K . C. Murpby, Larry L. Ogle, Herbert F.

Rayyis , Awni S. Remmers, E. Paul Reser, Donald E. Resnick, Rudolf Rickey , R. B. Sauer, Harry J ., Jr. Schmidt , Harold A. Schmittou , Clay J. Schramm , William W. Senior , G. L. Shildmyer, James A. Statler, Kenneth Don Steffan, Kenneth F. Suhre, Maurice E., Jr. Tauser, Raymond H . Thompson, LeRoy E. Un nerstall , J ames A. Vallez , Michael H . Walker, Norman Weiss, N icholas M. Wi ll iams, Don E. Yiannos , Peter N.

Schaedler, Kennetb D. Schneider, Robert W. Schrumpf, Dale Segelhorst, Alfred E. Smith, James G. Soper, Wi lliam Stevens, D 'Jeanne Welden Stoll , Joe A. Sumpter, David F ., Jr. Tanquary, Cliff Troutner, John R . Venable, Wilford G. Warren , Robert N. Webb, Jerry J. Webb , Robert B. Weldy, C. R . Wentz, C. A. Williams, Russell E . Wright, Robert L. Zimmermann, Richard A.


Allmon, Gerald W. Andreas, W. T. Arthur , J. B. Atha, Larry C. Bauer, Raymond Brennecke, Bill Brill , Walter C. Buchanan , John O. Burk , Arch L. Burlbaw, H . Gary Capps , Bob Cobb , Robert H. Correll, Howard D. Cox, L. Fred Crowe, Joseph E. Cullen, Mike Cummings, Bradford C. Dally, Gary R. Daniels, L . C. Day, D elbert E. Dendler , Richard C. Duddridge, Kenneth J. Ege, Donald L. Ennis, Jerry R. Garrett, James H ., Jr. Grant, William H. Gregory, Donald B . Hardebeck , Elizabeth M. Hardeback, Harry E. Harris, B. V. Head , Eldon W . Heltibrand , D. W . H erforth , Donald J. Herrmann , PaulO. III H eumann , Carl H offman , Charles R. Hudson , Melvin C. Johner , Allan F. Jones, Clintford Kirse, John F. , Jr . Konrad , Richard J. Lewis, B. Neil Lin , Ching-San Littlefield, Jerold K. Luebbert, William J. Mason , Dennis E. Metcalf, Thomas C. Mettenburg, C. W. Miller, R . Lary Modesitt, Ronald E. Montgomery, William R. Morgens tern , Ri chard A. Mosby , Freddy L. Munger, Paul R. Niedermeyer, O. David, Jr. Nolan , J ames R. O' Keefe, Thomas Okenfuss, R. H. Opperman, R. Owens, Willard G.

Alexander, William Anderson , J ohn R. Arnesen , Kjell Astroth , Louis E. Atchley, Bill Baechle, August A. Baker , Charles R. Baker, Donald D. Ballard, Darrell D. Bardelmeier, August R. Berg, David W. Bowers, Donald R. Caselton, James A. Clodfelter, Gene C. Coleman , Fred J. Cooksey, Joel " N ick" Cowan, Robert W. , Jr. Davis , Gary W. Dietrich, F. J. Feaster, Roger L. Ferguson, Donald J. Fiedler, Edgar F . Frakes, R. G. Franklin , B . W. Gaddy, H arold O. Gerlach, Paul D. Gerwert, J ohn T. Giffin, B. J. Glasscock, M. Guyot , Roger L. Haubold , Neils B . H enninger, F. H .

Hilmes, Ralph C. Hussey, Ray mond J ackson , Robert Johnson , Norman C. Jones, Floyd Ca rl Kalin, Thomas E. Kennedy , Donald F. Kick , David D. Kozeny, Donald J. Kreder, Kermit R. Lange" R. C. Leming, Paul W. Louvar, Joseph F . Mason , Robert E. Matz, Alexander H. McKinstry, David G. Metz, Gilbert F ., Jr. Mitchell , J ames L. Moore, John W. Mothershead , J. L., Jr. Nelson, William D . Noland, Joseph R. Pyle, Elmer G. Reuss, Lloyd E. Root, Henry A. Roth , Donald J.


Rasche, John F. Roper, Phillip Schaeffer, Orville L. Schiermeie,r J obn J. Schmidt , E. Robert Schrenk, W. T. Sfreddo, H. E. Smith, R . Thomas Snyder , John H. Starkweather, Gilbert Stevens, Robert P. Sucher , Robert W. Suddath, James N. Taylor, Paul W. Unnerstall, Les Vetter , Ronald F . Vie, Jerry D. Vitek , Richard K. Wallace, Norval D. Watts, Charles A. ~Tee m s , John C. Wegener , Ronald E. Welch , Charles " Ron " Wensel , John D . West, B. B. Whitehouse, Gerald D. Winter , Lester H. Withrow, K. R. Young, Ralph O. Zieba , Bob Gene CLA SS OF 1959

Adam , Kenneth C. Adams , J ohn C., Jr. Ahlert , Robert J. Arimura , Itsu Asher , Charles E. Auberry, William D. Basden , J ohn Gary Bayless, J erry R. Bel1chamber, Donald K. Bitzer, David B. Boxdorfer , Robert L. Bradley, James Bramson , Gerald Brunjes, Bill Buren , William Cawns, Albert E . Chico , R. J. Corey, C. C. Courson, Lee R., Jr. Crapnell, Don W. DesCamp , Victor A. Edwards, Doyle Ray Feaster, Donald R. Gilmore, Rex Goldin, Herbert A. Green, Sidney Hadler, Palmer H . Henderson, Don E. Hess, Robert M. Hoffman , Anthony E. Hard, William E. Horky, William F. Hornsey , Edward E. Hradsky, Joe Hudgens, Lowell L. Husema nn , Ronald B. Janes, Frank E. Jenkins, G. Willard Johnson, Gordon E. Johnson, Philip R. Jon es, Rex L. Ki effer, Alonzo R. Kincaid, Arthur E. Knickman , Terrance 1\1. Kruger, William A. Ku charski , Edwin A. Kurz, Cary l M . Law, David C. Lawson , Neal L. Lemberger, Robert

MSM Alum nus

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Marc Matt





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1971 ALUMN I FUND CONTRIBUTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Lindsey , Kenneth Linn , James E. Long, Floyd C., J r. Lutz, H . John lIl archbanks, Martin F . 1attingly , R . C. McHaffie , Gerald T . lIletcalf, Gerald L. lilburn , Jim Mitchell , John F. Morgan , George H. Neumeier, Leander A. Pate, Henry A., Jr. Pfisterer, Robert T . Pugh , James E. Puntney, Albert W . Randals, Dave K . Roberts, Paul H . Ruggeri , C. E. Sau ltz , James E . Scharf, Joel S. chneider, Charles S. choonover, Donova n K. Schumacher , Carl R. hell , Lee, Jr. hoemaker , James L. Simpson, Cha rles Robert lu zalis , L. L. Smith, Gaylon G. Stalling, Paul Daniel tevenson, Gerald L. tuckenschneider, K. L. Tackett , Charles E . Thompson , B. J. Volker, Ronald E. Wallace, Cha rles E . Waxman, Stanley Weimholt , James E. \\'hitehair, Louis H . \rieker, Richard \\'ilson , Don Wilson. Hugh W . CLASS OF 1960

Adams , Hubert Ahnert , Ernesto L. Barrand, Kerwood W . Bausch , Russell L. Belew, Robert R. Benz , Paul W. Bertorello, lIIichael J. Boss, Ronald Boston , Lawrence Bramfitt, Bruce L. Burke, Thomas D. Carver, Ronald P . Chen, David K. Claypool , John \r . Coffman, Jim Cooper , Lloyd E. Corbin , Kenneth D . Cox, Kenneth Daubel , Karl J. Dean , Richard O. Dickens, Walter H . Douglas, Henry 1. Dunnavant , Allan A. Eckhoff, James L. Fisher, Melvin J . Fu lton , Frank W . Gilbert , William J. Gilmore, Jerry Graves, George H . Gusta fson, G. R. Hankinson , Risdon W . Hawk , Ralph L. Hawkins, Russell 0 .. Jr. Hays, Stanley E. Hoffmann , Victor J . Holman, Glenn W. Huffman, John M . Hyatt, Gordon R .

August 1971

James, Ronald C. J asper, Don Jones, Robert G. J ordan, Paul R., Jr. Jordan , Thomas M . Kelley , Robert Lee Kelsick , Robert Kemper, J . Paul Kieffer , Robert C. Kill ian, Donald R . King, Glen W. Klebba , Ken neth T. Kosten , Harold W . Kuntz, John Richard Lawhorn , Richard A. Lawrence , Ronald C. Loebs, Herbert A. Loos, Jack H . Lovelace , James T . Lukowitz, Gregory J . Maisak , Albert L. Man ley , William H. Maxton, Ralph C. lIlertl , Eugene E. lIleyer, H. John III lIJiller , Ronald Lee MOit, Daniel D. Mosier, Donald L. :\Ioyers, Gerald E. Munsell , Douglas Nennin ge r, Donald Pa tterson , Gary Patterson , Rohert W. Pendleton , Kenneth I. Penning, Thomas Phelps, Weldon L. Pohlman, David S. Price, David E . Prismeyer, William F., Jr . Rahimi-Keshari , H . Ray, Rugene E. Reilly , William J. Reph lo, Louis C. Reynolds , ?II. M. Rizer, Gene C. Roseberry, Ben E. Scofield, Gene L. Shadwell , Franklin W . Si ron , Robert E. Snowden, J. C. Steinmann, Walter D. Stone, Jerry L. Sturgeon, C. W. Taylor, Leo F. Testerman , Roy L. Tharp, Charles E. Todd , Lamar S. Turan , 1. Hayati Vacca , Herman L. Villegas, James C. Wagenheim , Neal T . Walker, Paul M. Walters , James T. Walton, Edward E. \\'atson , Frank Whittelsey, C. C. Windeknecht, Burton D . Wood , Kenneth W. CLASS OF 1961

Amsler, Larry C. Annis, Donald J . Avery, Ron Barnes, Richard C. Benner , R .L. Besleme, James H . Blake , Charles A. Bolon , Albert E . Bosse, William R. Bowers, Samuel M. Brenning, Eugene Brinkman , Glen A.

Brunkhart, Gerald E. Burlage, Donald W . Chao , H ung-Chi Chopra, Kuldip S. Crain , Cha rles C. Cu nha , Fred R . Curson, William Deppong, F. A. Dewing , H . Harvey EI-Baz, Farouk Evans, Donald L. Farmer , Larry E . Featherston , C. R . Flood , Thaddeus F. Fowler, Martha Shultz Galliher, Kay D. Gardner, E. R. Gerhart, B. L. Glaser, Gene Godt, Paul "' . Gorczyca, Frederick J. Grechus, Garland K. Grindon, John R . H eglin, Russell S. Henderson , Robert E. Henning, Willi am A. Henry, Kenneth W. Hillmeyer, !llichael J . Hollenbeck, Cha rles F. Huff, Fred V. Ingram, Melvin A. Jacks, Frank E. Jacob, Anthony J. Jamieson , Jerry W. Jatem V. , Julian S. Johnson , Harold E. Kamicar , James R. Kearney, Michael C. Kiefer , Charles A. Kincaid , John B. King, Kenneth E. Kliethermes, James L. Kline, Douglas R . Kurtzhals, James D. Latzer , John C. Laurenson, Robert M . Lawler, Willis D. Leonard, Rene J. Leu, Juan Lewis , David M. Lewis, Robert L. Llao, Juan L. Logan , Robert M. Lortz, Francis E. Lucas , Wayne L. Mannbeck, Donald H. Marble, James B. Marler, Donald S. Marosek, Charles F . Mathews, William E. May , William L. McDaniels, John L. McGillan , Cecil E. 1cLaughlin, E. ]. McNabb, J esse Merritt, John Mills, Terry Lee Moore, Kenneth D. Mungle, Burlin Doyle Noell, elson H. 'olfo , L. ]. Odom , James Thomas Ogle, J ames R. Ostmann , Donald A. Patterson , Barbara Pa tterson , Jerome D . Peterson , J ay A. Pettibon, Robert B. Pfeuffer, Ronald R . Pickett, Robert C. Pietsch , Earl Pike , William H. II

Putman , Wendell C. Redline , R. H. Reese, Bartley L. Rey , Carlos J. Ricketts, John William Roberson, Charles M . Robi nson , Leland Robinson, Richard W . Rueh , Don L. Shah, Ramesh Siesennop, W. Wayne Smith , R. B. Snajdr, Edward A. Spanski, Gregory T. Spieldoch, Richard B. Stidham , J ames A. Swier , George Talbert , Roger Toepfer, Louis E. Walker, Harvey J ., Jr. Walton , J ohn W . Weber, Roger C. Wee tman , Bruce G. White, Charles H . White, Charles M. , Jr. Wiethop, R. Harve Will ey, Robert B. Wolfinbarger , Sam Worley , 10rris T. Zerwekh , Robert P. CLASS OF 1962

Aylward , Andrew T. Baumgartner, William L. Boschert, Robert F. Brady, Francis J. Breakey, W. S. Brockmann, Richard K. Buckrod , Gary]. Cago B. , Oscar G. Campbell , Russell E. Cli ne, Larry D. Dawson, Richard H . Diel, Robert M. Dunn , S. Thomas Duvall, H enry P. Einsel, Miller D . Elfrink , Lindell H. Erdmann , Robert H. Fadler, E. C. "Gene" Faenger, Robert A. Farnham, Arthur H . Funsch, O. B. Gaertner , Douglas A. Goe, Larry D. Gorm ley, James Graham, John Greeley , Michael N. Grizio, Myron E. Guest , James O. Haas, Donald Walter Hake, Leroy W. Hallerberg, William L. Hammond , Michael W. Harvey, L. E. Haushalter, Frederick Hecht , Robert W. Herzog, M. S. Hoffmeister , J ack L. Hopper, Richard A. Horel , Edward T . Huff, Billy M . Jacobs, David Johnson , Richard T. Korn , Robert A. Krone, ]. B . Kuhn , Carol H enderson Kuhn , Harold L. Lawrence , Warren G. Lawson, ':':homas E. Luecke , ]. E . lIJais, Ray mond A.

!llaksym icz, Mi chael J . Ma isch, Peter H . F. :llarsinkavage, Donald M . Mar tin , Larry D. !lIcCaw, Charles K. Mclain , Jim H. Mc:\l urtrey, Gerald D . 1II0rton , Donald E . :\1055, Robert D . :\Iurdock, Ken Nowinski , Stanley \\' . Obermark , Jam es Otten, Peter E. Overall , Donald N. Patel, J ayanti S. Perry, i\J ike Phillips, T . E. Plassman , J . Frederick Ploeger, Richard A. Powers, Robert R. Quinn , Mathew J. Rand , Stanley E. Rencehausen , Gerald Richard , Russ R . Robert s, J ames B. Roberts, John H . Rouse , Richard Roussin , Robert W . Rowley, Blair A. Rullkoetter , G. W. Saxer, Meredith H . Schaefer, Ruston R. Siebels, James E. Smith , Memphord L . Smith, Menard 0., Jr. Speckhart, Frank H. Stairs, Curtis, Jr. Staley, Jerry A. Stearns, Jerry D. Steffens, Eugene W. Steury, Donald Stigall, Paul D. Stokely, W . S. Teske, James E. Theilmann , V. E. Tolman , Carl Tri ppensee. Gary Uhe, Gerald Valentine. Craig A. VanDoren, Tom Wagner, Charles E. Waters, O. Jerry Weber , William G. \-\felch, Gary E. Willyard, Don L. Wilson, Carl R. Wuerz, Donald E . Yildirim , Gun gor CLASS OF 1963

Arms, Robert L. Baker , Merl Baremore, James J. Bartling, Donald L. Baumgardner, J . Dwane Benn , Erward Bowman , M. W . Boyer, T. R. Brooks, Howard B . Brost, Fred B. Brown , Dallas L. Brown , Dewey F ., Jr. Brown , John W . Brunjes, Franklin E . Bruns, Martin T. Buck , Richard L . Burton, Robert R . Church , Jerry W . Cla rk . D e~ni s A. Clements, John L. Clippa rd , Fred B., Jr. Close. !II. L.


1971 ALU MN 1 F U N D C O NTR I B UTO RS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __

David. Edward G. Deznel , Jerry A. Dodd, Curtis W . Doshi , Bipin N. Dressel, Ted [irten, Frank O. Farmer , John O. III Fehsenfeld , Gary D. Fenton , David L. Frazer , James R. Frierdich, Donald Fritsch , William R. Gregory B. Brent Gunn , James A. Ha ffn er , Jim Ha shmal1. Harry Herbst, Jeffrey R. H erron , G. F . Holt, J ames Lee Howell , Robert C. Huston , Robert E. ,Ta bas , Stephen D. Jaeger, Benjamin W . H. ,Tarm an, R . Dean John ston , Dale A. Kessler , Arthur R. Klier , Jerome M. Knox , ,Tames Koch , Edmund O. Koester , Robert D . Kohn en , J ames L. Lago, Carlos 1\1 . Lam b, J ohn C. Lasmani s, Raymond

Leach , Jalon R. L 'Hommedieu , Ron Ligon, William R. MacCrindle , Coli n Cree Machmeier , Paul M. \[arkland , Robert E. ,larlin, Richard L. ,lcCrary, Charles )[elzer, John L . ' litchell, Ronald D. ,[ontgomery, Randall 'lorgan, Harry B. ,[ueller, Gary D. :\aiknimbalkar, N. M. :\aiyer, Shafique :\iblock, Glenn A. :\fable, James L. Norman, Eric ]. l\'"orthcutt, M. L. O'Brien , G. Michael Overa ll , Georgina M. Ownby, P. Darrell Palma , Oscar M. I'atel , Mahesh S. Peterson , Donald L. Phillips , Rudy Poush , Kenneth Purmort , A. Robert Rinkel , Glenn E. Roberts, Ca rl ]. Robertson , Ronald S. Robison, James B . Rohmaller , P. L. Schaefer , Seth C. Schanbacher, William Schuchman , Norman Sch uermeyer, William F. Schulke . Richard H . Schwall er, David L. Sehl , Eugene, Jr. Seymour , Dave Shalton , Lonnie ]. Sieckhaus , R . H. Silverberg, Carl G. , Jr. Smith , Sam L. Solomon , Russell, Jr . Staley, Joseph E . Stemler, Orrin A. T aylor, Glenn R.


Thurman, Lowel1 E. Tomasek, A. ]. Trautman , Dennis R. Vandergriff, Wayne L. Van inger, Jor Watke , Walter W ., J r . Wiegand, Terry D. Wi ll iams, Don L. W ill iams , Ronald R. Zink , Richard C. CLASS OF 1964

Adams, J ames E. .\Iexander, Charles F. Bartel , Donald S. Basler , Thomas ]. Beardslee, Harold M. Bierman , Sheldon Bridegroom , Wil1iam E. Bruegge, David Buescher, Gene E. Campbell , Charles E. Cassell , Ralph M. Chen , Ten-Hsi Chervitz, Jerrold Chronister, Thomas G. Chu , Gordon P. K. Coates, Keith H . Corwin , Robert F . Craig, Thomas A. Cutts , James F. Dean , Donald N. DeMay , Pa ul P. Devaney, Michael ]. Dudenho effer, Paul Edwards, Harry K. Eppelsheimer, Dan iel S. , Jr. Farrell , C. Stuart Fink , W. Michael Freese, Don R. Gebhards , John H. Glaese , John R . Gudermuth , Clyde S. , Jr. Harper , Alan S. Hecht , Ralph ]. Henry , ]. M. Henson , Ronald P. Hill , James L. Hoepker, Elmer C. Hollan d, Gary R . Holley, Robert G. Hornbeak, Fred A. Hudelson , ]. R . Johnson, Thomas P. Jones , Dave Jones, Don W. Kamp, Alan A. Kerr, Albert Kirchoff, Bill Kopaskie, B. Edward Kraus, Ronald 'N. Kruse , William L. Kuhlman , William H. Lammers, James H. Lindhorst , A. ]. Loeschner , Art hur H . Lohrding, Gale T . Lyons, Charles G. Mackie, R. L. Malone , William M . Martin , C. Dean IVlartin , R ichard A. McBride, Curtis W. McCauley , Ronald A. Meehan , Michael E. Michel, David ]. M iller, Ka rl D. Mi llion, John D. lVlills, Charles S., Jr. IVlochel , W illiam R . Morrison , Donald Joe Mroch , Alan

Muns, Bennett, L. M ur ray, James O. Murry, Milton ]. Olson , Robert C. Ombalski, Stephen D. Pappas, James M. Parkinson , Larry L. Parr , Richard A. Patel, Ghanshyam C. Pa tel, IVlanubhai M. Perry, Carl Stephen Price , Charles E. Putz, Robert C. Quan , C. K. Raidt, Pau l B. Raney , Edward M. Range, Robert D. Reinheimer, Charles ]. Reliling, Donald O. Sagramoso, Daniel E. Schmidt , Richard L. Sedeora , Tejinder Sheets , Leslie D. Shewchuk, J ohn Smith , Harvey S. Snyder. Thomas E. Sowel1 , Lewis c., Jr. Steinkamp , William E. Stricker, Alan E. Struebing, Rolland Tai , Philip T. Tallon, Richard ]. Tao, Frank Taylor. George H. Terry , James W. Treffinger, David ]. Vermaut , Norbert A. Voorhi s, Gary L. ';'\Tang, Yun

Wedeking, lvlilton Wolf , John H. Wood , Joseph S., Jr. Wu , Chang-Yu Yoakum , Randell L. Zimnick, H. E. Zunkel , A. D. CLASS OF 1965

Alonge , N icholas ]. Arnold , Richard 1. Atkinson, Charles Aubrecht , Ladimir J.. Jr. Au stin , T. E. Balser, Peter A. Barr , Ralph S. Bass , Paul ]. Behnke , Rober t E. Bergt, David E. Bersett, Gerald W. Bicunas, Joseph D. Bitting, James Branum , Wi lliam H . Brune, Peter A. Brunner, Gary Buck , Daniel K. Bugg, Donald A. Bugg, Ste phen F. Butler, James L. Canner, James P. Carr , George H. Carter, Donald L.

Chen, Philip L. Chiang, Chi en-Ping Cleve, Richard C. Clifton, Will iam A. II Cline, John Cline, Larry G. Compton, James D. Cope, William Robert Creech , Harry L. Cunningham , James R. David, Denzil D. , Jr.

Davis, Leslie E. Deegan, W. Curt Deken, Louis R . Dillion , Ronald Doll , Warwick W. Fahrni , Richard C. Farber , Ralph ]. Franklin, Will ie L. Gaylord , T. K. Giger, D. Frankl in Goldstein, Martin P. Goos , Gerald D. Griffin, Paul D . Haag, W. O. Habenicht, Helmut Hafeli, D. Tobin Hamtil, Ray Hanna, Charles K. Hansen , Ronald A. H en ard , David E . Henery, E. Nick H enry , Daniel T. H inz, Gary A. Hoffman , David Hohman , Joe A. Holen, D. E . Horner, Kent G. Huckabee , Wayne Hurst , Donald W. Jersa, Michael ]. Junge, Greg Kallor, Jay S. Kapadia , M. A. Kempe, Al1en C. Kettelkamp, Robert Kettelkamp , Stephanie Kettler , Gerald ]. Kiefer , Dale F. Knussmann , Willard Kornfeld , Anita Loui se Kornfeld , Dale M. Kovel , Steven M. Lasker, Owen Lassley, Richard H. Lee, Stephen K. Lewis, Carlton T. Li , Hul bert Chao-Tai Liu , Wan-Cheng Lower , Larry M. Magurk , David W. Marlow, Charles F . Marshall , Ronald C. Martin , Cha rles R. Martin , T erence N. McCracken , \-Villia m E. McKel1, Joel H . Mehta, Kashyap R. Miller, Da vid A. Moore , Jim H. Moreland , William C. Morgan, G. D. , Jr. Mu lyca , W. C. Myrick , Charles R. Nickless , Arthur L. N ute, Alton J . Otto, Rober t L. Palmer, Lee T . Parikh , Na rendra Peirson , Robert C. Perestegy, Sam Picker , Melvin L. Porter, John Price, William ]. Province, Elevan E. , Jr. Riney, Charles W. Robb , Kenneth Rude, Owen D. Russell , Jack E. Schmitt, Karl ]. Schroer , Wi lbert F. Shaw, Nancy Hoffman Silvers, Paul L,. Jr.

Smith , Frederick J. Smith , Michael D. Smith, Robert S. Spivy, Paul Steimley, John F. Stepp, Edward E. Stickler, R . H. Sundermeyer, Robert W . Sunkel, Thomas M. Suthipasnarupon , Anant Terry, Richard L. Thiede, Alfred J. Thomas, Donald 0., Jr. Thomason , June c., Jr. Towers, Terrence G. Tura ll , Truman W. Vekaria , Dinesh K. Wahler, Vincent C. Wang, Lawrence Kong-Pu Wang, Wen-Li Wells, William L. Whitten , Travice W. , Jr. Wilson , Clyde W . Woerner, David R . Yang, H. K. Yen , Shane S. CLASS OF 196 6

Adam s, Frank S. Allen, Jerry D. Anneaux, Dwight ]. Bachman , David A. Baumann , Thomas L. Betz , Raymond R. Bland , William F . Blumfelder, William O. Boehmer, J errol Brady, Dale E. Bry nac, Michael J. Buchmeier, Frank A. , Jr. Buckley, Stephen Philip Bufalo, Da vid ]. Bu schke, Thomas H. Chaffin , Gl en N. Chow, Li- Chi Chu , Richard S. Coco, Matteo A. Copenha ver, Roger L. Davis , Jerry W. Davis, William F. DeClue , Duane H . Diel, Willard W. Dumoulin, David Dunn , Harry E. Duree, David Eb erle, Bruce W. Ellison, Don Fiebelman , Harolel E. Ford , Lloyd L. Foss , Glen N. Fox, Edwin K. Fu ller, D on Galbraith , James V. Gergeni , Rodger J. Gobble, Don Goewert , Joseph c. Gordon , AI"in W. Gress, George H. Grimm, Arthur Gronlund , Frederick Hallock , Gary B. Halpern , Jack A. Hamby, Denzil Hayes, E. David Hea ter, Charles L. Heider , Robert L. Heisler, E. V. Higbee, James 1\>1. Hogue, Robert W. Howard , Richard L. Howell , John D . Hughlett , M. L.

MSM Alumn us

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1971 ALU MN I FUND CONTR I B UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Hung, Tzu-Tien Jagti ani , Arjan S. J ennings , Donithan R . ./ohnson, Dennis C. I.;:a moski , William I.;: as ten . Richard ]. I.;:ibbey, Eldon E. Kirberg, Leonard C. Klug, Alfred E ., Jr. Kramer, Ralph H. Krueger , \VarTen Lane, ~l a ry Winston Lund , Carl Meredith Lytl e. Glen n A. Marshall , Steven R. ~l aso n. J ohn T. III May . T . J. ~l cGinnis , Michael ]. ~l c I.;:inni s. Larry N. ~lc~lah a n . J esse T. ~ldl a han. Joseph L. , Jr . ~ler ri tt . Richard W . ~l ic h ael. Larry A. ~lill e r , Charl es C. ~lill e r , J ohn 1\ . ~l o hr , Tohn W . ~l oore" Jim H . ~l ora n. ~Ii c hael D . ,lora n. Robert W. ~luch vic hit. P. P. ~l un n , D ale A. Pan horst. AI Payne. Rona ld ]. Perkins. James B. Perr , Clarence D. Poll ac k, Leslie A. Presley, J . R. Price , Charles J . Ragsdell. K . M. Rauer. J ames M . Reed. David F, Reinke, Ronald E. Rein sch . Law rence ]. Rich , Larry 111. Robert s, Loy D . Rosemann. :llichael E. Saranita. T om Scaggs, Gutherie Scheer, Samuel A. Schuch , J oseph G. Scott , Aldrew L ., J r. Sco tt , Kenneth R . Sagastare, Rogert G. Sei tz. Stephen Shaffer , Alan D. Sherrick , Bobby ]. Simmons, F . Arthur Smed ley. Larry i'l1. Smit h. "emell e T . Stangel, James E . Steele, J ames D. Stewa rt , L . D ., Jr. Stockh ause n, W. T . St uart . Jimmy E . Suddut h. Willard T . Taylor , H . Porter Thieme, Martin A. Thompso n, Stanley n. Uthe. Floyd H. Walters , Ronald Watke, Donald E. " -ehm eyer, David P . Wesley. Darrell West , J ames E. Weyand , Thomas E . Whitl ey, Donwell D. , Jr. Wideman , L . G. Williams, Cha rles R . Williams, 1au rice A. Williams, William S. Woodfield , R. A. Wood ward , Cha rles " Dave"

A ug ust 1971

Woolery, Billy J oe Yoest. David A. Yuh , Eugene Yeou-Jong Yung, Shu-Chien CLASS OF 1967

Allmon . James A. Altman . Barbara H. Altma n, Rona ld L. Batteen, E. R ., Jr. Bauer, William C. Bevel, J erry E. Bobersch midt , Law re nce A. Bodell , Timothy Brave , Phili p Browne, Michael J. Burkhalt er, R. L . Calhoun , William Lee Capone, Gary J. Carl , J ames W. Carmack. Larry G. Carter, Ronald W . Carter , Rubin L . Ca rter , William L. Cassimat is, Pete Chan g, George Cho-Chein Choudary, 1\arendra Cook, David L. Cu mmi ns, Robert W . D avis, Ron D . Deelo, ~ l ichael L. Degenhardt , Eugene A. D eLashmit , Willi am E. D eLong, Ca rl E. DeLurgio , Stephen A. Dinkel , T ed R. Dobberpu h!. D elmar A. Dyer, Ga rvin H . Eades, Dona ld L. Eckstein , Vernon C. Evans, J ohn i'l1. Evans , Ronal d E. Ferretti. :l1i chael E . Fisher, jimmie L. Fou ts , Gary L. Fricke, Bernard D . Fritsche!. Larry E. Fri tzinger, Thomas ]. Gala. V. B. Gass , J ohn \\"iIl iam Git temeier, J oseph F. H elmk amp, Lyndel L. Herold , David A. Hickenbot ham, Harley H icks. Ronald R . Hill , Roland M . Hodges, Phillip F . Hopk ins, Wayne J . Hornbuckle , J ack C. Homsey, J a mes M . Hsu, An-H siung H ung, M ing Huang Ivers, Anthony Johler, Craig B. J ones, J ames P. Kalia , H . N. Kao , C. Y. I.;:asten , Don ald G. Kehrman , Robert F . Kessler , Steve Kingston , J oseph Vic ton Kistner, Michael R . K nepler , John R. Kraske, Leroy E . Kroeter , Alvin M. Lauletta, John F . Lebo, J erome M. Leslie, Thomas J . Lloyd-Jones , David Matthes, H arald McCaw, D. W ., Jr. McGrady, Charles H .

McM ill en, T. Michael McNutt , Mrs. V. H . Medlin , James M . Mehta, N. C. Menke , Sanford H . M ikelionis , Lawrence J . Mill er, Richard J. Miller, Thomas F . Moranville, James II'l ork , Dean A. Munsey , John E. )Vl yers, H oward Wm. 1\eagle, J ohn W. 1\elson, David A. 1\eumann, Cha rles]., Jr . Oliver, Ke vin Olney, Gerald E . Owens, Gary S. Perez, Chuck, J r. Perk ins, 1I1ichael A. Pfeuffer , Allen F . Ponsti ngl, August J. Powell , Doyle Wayne Prater , 1\ick L. Rao, Babu Y. Rathbun , Donald G. Riley, John D . Roysden, Brunn W .. Jr. Ru eh, K . W. Rymer, Russell S. , Jr. Sadowski. John :II. Sartore , Edward L. Scarpero , D on Schilling, Don ald G. Schloman , Alan Schoep , Gerald lII. Scott. Larry \\" . Sears. Thomas J. Shih, T sen-T sau Sievert, Gary F . Simmons, John L . Sm ith , George A., Jr. Sm ith, Robert T. Soras, Attila F. Stanton , Wa rren R. Stewart , Ben Stin e, H oward H ., Jr. Stout , Douglas Eugene Suo Yu l'vling Sulli van , Edward Sullivan , R. W. II Tamakuwala , 111 . R. T a te, Geo rge ]. Thom, Richard D . Uhey , Ro nald Ul rich. Ken t L . Van Dover, R . Bruce Vedder , Richard Vehige, L. A. Vigelpoh l, Richard P . ,,'agne r, Richard V. Webb , William D . Weber , Earl K. Weinel , J. P. Weinrich , D avid W . Weiss fl ug, Van A. Wenom , Robert A. Wi nfrey, J ames L. Witmer, J ames Wittenauer, Gerald R . Wlos, Paul Wu , Ti en Yu You, Jiunn-Jian Zmudzi nski , Gerald Zw iener, Jam es M. CLASS OF 1968

Albrecht , Gene H. And jelich, David N. Astrack , Richard F. Bell , G. W. Bennett, William R .

Bennington, Les Berendzen , Thomas A. Berger , J ohn Brand , John R. Brewer , Larry Brooks, Ronnie E . Brown , J oe R . Bruba ker, William R . Brui,e, James A. Burke , Charles E. Burns, Harry A. Cadwell , Tom L . Chadwick , J ack L. Chao. H. T. Chapman , K. Ronald Chen, Sun Chill Choa te. La rry Clayton, Michael S. Cochra n, Lincoln C reek , Law rence N .. Jr. Davis, Ralph ]. Davis, Roy G. D ea rth , David W. Debner , D avid E. Denningmann , Elroy D eThorne, Raymond J. Doerflinger , A. E. Dollar , Jim A. D or rell , Edward W. Jr. Dugan. William T. Durand. Don K . Ecoff, Ralph A.. Jr. Edwards. Richard A. Eggers. Stephen H. El liot t. Roger Faes, J oh n G. Fain tich. David 111. Flem ing. D onald N. Fowler, Ri chard W . Frank , J ames A. Frantz. Eric H. F razier , David E . Gerig, Frank A. Guelbert. Wavne C. Haag, Alan L ~ Ha le, Robert C. Hami lton. James L. H arris. Donald ]. H aynes. Alan D . H ei tzmann , John H enehan . William H . Hi ckam, Michael ]. Hinton. Don R. H ou se. Philli p M . Huang, Audrey H yde. :\oel c. . .Ir. ,Jackson, John T. .I acobs . Joseph \v . J esperse n, T erry R. Tohn son , Stephen S. Kl os terman , Michael ]. Koederi tz, Leonard F . K oegel, F rank R. Korb , Michael C. Lauck , Vincent M. Lee, David W. Lehman , A. R ., J r. Lentz, Lou is F. Lewis, Leland Long, J oseph J. Lu dwig, Lonny L. Luebbert , Lawrence H . Lueck, Ralph H . Lyo ns, Gerald ]. Mabry, Dewayne Ma nn , Gary L. Manson, Don ald A. Martin , Mark A. Maurer , 1\orbert McCa lla, Ca rl McCormick , C. Cra ig McCrae, Robert F. McDaniel , George M. , .Ir.

Meeker , William K. Miltenberger, J ames L . Mitchell, F loyd L. Mu eller, J oseph L. IVlueller, Robert J. Munns, J ohn A. Murray, Bi ll M. Murray , Theodore C. Murrey, J. Melvin Musterma n, Steven R . Na tions, R. O . N uss, Norman Obradovits, F rank Oelger, J ohn D . O'H anlon. Thomas A. Orr, Robert ]. IV Otto, D avid L. Owens, Cha rles D. Pais, J erome A. Peipho , Lor is L. Pender. Stephen N . Perry , Norris Pfei ffer, Douglas L. Pogue, J erry G. Port er, J oseph B. Qui ck , Edgar A. Rezonya , Thomas C. Robl , Eugene Anthony Romero, H arold V. Rosenbau m, D avid E. Rueter, Richard E. Schaefer , lIIartin P . Schaeffer, Neal T. Schardl, J oseph i'll., Jr. Scheibel, La rry L. Schneider, ]. David Schneid er , Richa rd L. Schopfer, Carl A. Schowengerdt , Robert Schwartz , D avid R . Scott , Harold H . Sidebottom , Gerald Lee Sidlowski, Ronald Simms , Willi am R. Sm it h, 1\eil S. Snyder, Gary A. Sommer. D onald L. Stan ton, George D . Stevens, Edwin E. Stoltz, Willi am A. Storrs, St uart M. Strauss, Stephen R. Sundermeyer, T om Talley, J esse H . Throckmorton , John H . Trejba l, William ]. Vachalek , J. R . Virt ue, Richard P. Wa lker, lIIichael W. \\"ang, Edwin C. C. Ward , Daniel K . \\"iJliams, Roger L. \\" risten. Da vid Bradley Yost, Kenneth D. Youngman , J ames Allen Zau ner, Rona ld Frank Ziegler , Karl F . Zoelner , Lynn


Adams, J erry B. Anderso n, Michael E. An derson, Rona ld W. Andreae, Robert A. And rew, William K. Ascoli , Don M. Averweg, James Becker, Theodore, H ., Jr. Berry, J ohn J.


1971 ALUMN I FUN 0 CONTRI B UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Besterfeldt, D. E. Beyer , H a rry F ., Jr. Bla key, John K. Boes , D avid Boring, W illiam Bourne, D onald W. Bra ndhorst, Ly nn D. Brendl e, Stephen J. Brewer, Da vid W. Bri ce , Bradl ey W . Brinker, Clark Brown , J erry K. Brun e, Ga ry L. Brune, Robert Bru zewski , J a mes R . Bulm er , Bruce M . Bu nch, J a mes D . Bundstein , J. L. B urns, Ra nda ll K. Cable, J ohn W . Ca halan , J ames E. Caldwell , Rober t E. Cas tl e, J oseph L . Castl e, W illia m Carl Cha ng, Li Chiang Chapma n, D ennis D. Ch en, Chao-Sheng Chen , Richa rd K . Chow , Robert Y . C . Chuang , Ch eng Yeh Cobb , Ala n R. Conde, Willia m R ., Jr. Cooper, L a rry M. Coulter, Stephen J. Cowen , J oseph C ra ig, Cha rles M. Cre tin , Paul F . Cross, J. Ke ith Da ce, Michael E. D a neshy, Ab bas Ali Dauderma n, N orman M. D ecker, L awre nce D elan ey, M ichael D enham , D ona ld C. D eSpain, D avid R . D ietrich, Walter D . Dill , Dian L.

Dillon, Stanley E . Eastep, Lawrence W . Ebeling, John H. Edwa rds, F ra ncis C. E y dma nn , P hillip S. Farrar, Billy Fran klin , Jr. F a uth , Ed F ea therly , J ohn R. Fi scher, J a mes E . F itzgerald , H a rold R. F ranke, R ichard E. F razee, R ichard W a rren Freemen, D avid Frid ley, M ichael Fung , Shill Yin Gentzler , Ed ward C. III George, D avid R. Gerig , Martha M. Gill , J a mes M. Gluntz, David A. Gra ha m , ' <Varren Dean G remminger, Gregory W. Grosse , D avid C. Gull ic , R obert C. H all aday , H arold H a rmon , J a mes L. H aseltine, D ouglas M . Hawkins, R od ney B . H obelma nn , D avid W. H oenerhoff, R icha rd B. H oenig, L awrence D, H of fma n, D enny R. H ohman , Ge rald M . H olla nd , Theodore W H ollowell , Wi llia m H opk ins, David L. H orn bach , Donald L. H ouf. Gordo n B. H u, L ih-Da Huang, Adolp h C. C . Hua ng, W ei-Jiun H uck, J a mes W . Hughes, George W . H ughl ett, J oseph R . Hu ng, Samu el Shuen Hu rley , T . J. I ve rson, Jon R . J oh nson, J errold L .

J ones , Fred R. J ones, K . Richard .i ozwia k, Vincent R. K alas kie, Frank E . Kan , William C. K. K ela han , Michael Kerns , W ayne L . Kim , Joo Young Kinser , Steve n E. Kmecz, Glenn M. Knauf, William R. K oenig, Gary R. K oester, Richa rd W . K ra usch , David L. Kuhlma nn , R obert E. L a bit, J a mes K. L acavich , Richard J. La mbert , James E ., Jr. Lee, J . M . Liaw , Gin C. L icklider, Phillip L. Lin , Wen Y. Livengood , Rogert J. Lloy d , Glenn Wesley L owe , William S. Ly nch, John B. M artin , D ennis C . M a xwell , Ira C ., J r'. M cMurtrey, D ale R. Mertens , M ichael L. M idden, H. E dward III M ill er, Willia m A. M illma n, Robert J. M intner, D avid C. Mira nda , Esteban E. Moore, J oe M orrisey, John C. I V M orrison, William J. Myles, Charles W. Ne umeyer, Wendell D. N ieha us , Ro bert Lawrence N oggle, M ichael O . N udd , Ba rry Oko U riel " Mike" O ld l;am , Douglas G. O 'Neill , James A. O tto , Conrad G. Ozorki ewicz , Ral ph L .

Patel , Subhash C. Ra ndoll , Rodney O. Ra y, Billy G. R eed , Walter G. , Jr. Rena ud , N orman F. Rhea, Charles J. Roam , John H. Roberts, S. K ent Rogers, D ouglas B . R osenkoetter , J a mes B. Ross , T erry K. Rud a , Robert R . Ry tter, Noel Salomon , H a rry A., Jr . Sa nder , R onald E . Sanii , Manuchehr Schade , Glenn W. Schaefer , Marcus J. Schat z, Gregory Mi chael Schmi d t , Lonnie D . Schmi d t , Thomas S. SChn urb usch, La rry Schultz, John T. Sea ma n, Robert L. Sevall , Geo rge, J r. Shae fer. R ay mo nd T. Shini , Asaad S. Siegel, Alan E. Sla ter , M. W. Smith , A. Way ne Smith , Ga ry L. Smith , Randall Spencer, David A. Stahl , J oseph W. Steckel, FI Merle S teele, Robert J. Steffan , Cheryl An n Dod son Steve ns, Robert W. Strauser, Claude N. Stu dy vin , W illiam Sulliva n, James L ., Jr. Sweeney, Thomas E . T aylor, R. W. Teter, Robert D. Thalhammer , E. D on Thomas, Wa rren H . T horsell , Carl W ., J r.


Trump, Paul V. Vance, Joe N. Vaughan , Gerald W . Voss, J erome J. Voss, Tbomas R. Walker , Darwyn E. Wa nsing, Al vin D . Ward , Donald L. Wa tkins, James F. , Jr. Wa tts, Richard A. Wiesenmey er , John C. Wille, Tom Willia ms, Douglas Robert Willi a ms , Ernest G. Wilson , Patrick J. W oodwa rd , Gary K. Zenge, Thomas L . Zim me r, John Jay Zoll , Gobby G. CLASS OF 1970

Brslik, William A. Calto n, Ly nn B. D ecker, Elmer R. , Jr. D enney , Kenne th L. Hutcherson, Da ne C. Klosek , R a ymond R. McFarla nd , Gene McWillia ms, L yle W . Mo user , Gerald F . Mu ir , Steven J. Owens, Edmund W ., Jr. Rein eke, H a rry F. Sa nd ner, Bernard W. Simo ne, Angelo Ward , Richa rd F . CLASS OF 1971

Redington , Stephen L. NON-ALUMNI DONORS

Carlil e, Robert E. M ul ready, William Orthwerth , Larry H . T aylor, D avid N. Va nNos trand , Burr

Thank You, Alumni To:

All Alumni of MSM-UMR

From :

James J . Murphy, '35 President, MSM Alumni Association Univers ity of Missouri - Rolla


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It is plea sing to be able to report record results for the 1971 Annual Alumni Fund. We ha ve been able to increase our service to the university because of your support. Also, we know that alumni support the university in many other ways and we thank you for that support also. It is our hope that the 1972 Annual Alumni Fund will also set a record . James J. Murphy, President


MSM Alumnus






Doctor of Engineering Degree Approued


The Board of Curators has approved the offering of the doctor of engineering degree on the UMR campus effective the fall semester 1971.

For information concerning the positions listed below, please contact Mr. Larry Nuss, Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401, giving the File Number of the position.

The degree is in addition to the doctor of philosophy, master of science, bachelor of science and bachelor of art degrees already offere::! on the campus. The doctor of engineering degree, which is being offered for the first time at UMR, will be available in all engineering areas which currently offer the doctor of philosophy degree. Students qualified for the doctoral program at UMR and those already enrolled in the Ph. D. program here are eligible for the doctor of engineering degree study. According to Dr. Dudley Thompson , UMR dean of faculties, the doctor of engineering degree program will be offerer! at no additional cost to UMR. "Existing faculty , sta ff and resources will be employed in the doctor of engineering degree program ," he says. Dr. T. ]. Planje, dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy. says that the degree is being initiatecl at UMR in recognition of the need in industry and government for doctoral level personnel with training oriented toward engineering design and systems operation, management and development.

ENGINEERS Environmental. Experienced. Managing and Protection. State agency. Midwest. Refer File No. 703. M. E. - 6 to 8 years experience heat transfer, pressure vessels, piping, pumps, compressors, corrosion , etc. Oil company. Annual salary 111 mid-teens. Refer File No. 704. PROJECT MANAGER - Sanitary engineering. Minimum 5 years experience, design municipal, construction. Refer File No. 706. ENGINEERS - All curricula. Experienced and unexperienced. Large company, openings throughout the U. S. Refer File No. 707. MINERAL DRESSER - Manufacturer of flotations reagents seeks experienced individual who has reached usual or early retirement age for half or full time employment to develop technical sales in U. S. and Canada. Located in mid-west , but relocation not required. Refer File No. 709-A.

Min. E. - M. E. - Project engineer working in underground coal mine facilities. Design wood and concrete structures. Plant Superintendent with experience in quarry or cement plant. Midwest. Refer File No. 716. C. E. Sanitary/ Environmental Staff Consu ltant. Must have knowledge of water/ wastewater treatment. Hydraulic engineer with interest and ability in industrial control treatment industry. Refer File No. 717.

MET. E. - Metal Treatment Supervisor. Midwest location. Age 24 to 40. Refer File No. 718. CONSULTANTS - Needs E. E. and Sanitary Engineer. Midwest location. Refer File No. 719. TRAINEE - Production supervisor. Steel company. Prefer experience in business or military. Must have degree. Refer File No. 920. M. E . - Plant engineer. 4-4 years experience in fabrication, maintenance, and / or purchase of production machinery. Preferably in food processing industry or related field. Midwest. Refer File No . 722. E. E. - Sell line of electronic test and measuring instruments to industry. Location suburban New York. Refer File No. 724 . Project engiSR. ENGINEER neering department. Supervise the design and construction of all assigned projects, induding work of outside contractors. Refer File No. 725.

"The ,emphasis: in the doctor of engiRAILROAD - Needs E. E .'s, C. E.'s MET. E. - Plus mining . 2 years neering degree ," he says, "is more rele- and grads with data processing back- experience in application of ferrous and vant to the areas of analysis, synthesis , ground. Refer File No. 709-B. non-ferrous metals. St. Louis area. design and management than to basic Refer File No. 727. PLANT ENGINEER Gypsum research characteristic of the doctor of company. Midwest. 2 to 5 years experENGINEER Water treatment. philosophy degree." ience in manufacturing desirable. Will C. E. sanitary option plus minimum 4 Doctor of engineering degree candi- consider new grad with summer exper- years experience. Refer File No. 728. dates will be required to complete an ience. Refer File No. 710 . C. E. II - Plus 1 or 2 years experinternship , generally in industry and PROJECT ENGINEER - Openings ience in public works or sanitary engiprimarily in the areas of design , system analysis and managemen t of engineer- for two on surface mining projects. neering. Midwest city. Refer File No . Civil or mining degrees. Western U . S. 729. ing activities. Refer File No. 710A. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMER PROGRAMMER-ANALYST - 1 to B. S. in math or computer science with 4 years experience. With oil company minimum of 2 years experi ence in cobal CONTRIBUTE NOW! in Ohio. Refer File No. 713 . language scientific programming. Refer 1972 File No. 730. Ch. E. - Cer. E . - Design and proANN'UAL ALUMNI FUND duction process engineering on houseC. E. - With experience in building hold laundry eq uipment. Midwest lo- construction involving structural steel. cation. Refer File No. 715. West Coast. Refer File No. 32. August 1971





Sc hoeffel - Cla ncy

Wayne L. Schoeifel '64 and M iss Dian e 1\I. Clancy , of Braintree, Mass ., we re married April 23 , 197 1 a nd resi de on Fl intlocke Dr ive, Plymouth , Mass. Wayn e is a se nior analyist with Systems Architects, Tnc. Rosemann - Bernard

M ichael E. Rosemann '66 a nd l\I iss Susa n A. Be rnard, of Asb ury Park, N. ]. , were married June 12, 1971. Michael has been relieved from active duty with the Army after 3 yea rs of service and is now with Roto-Die Co ., Inc., Kirkwood, Mo. The newlyweds are resid ing at 1346 Windsor Spring Court, Kirkwood. Wilms - Ranney

John O. Wilms '43 and Phyllis Ranney were married in Las Vegas, !\'evada, July 10 , 1971. John is president of the Southern California Section of the Alumni Association. John in a note transmitted with his contribution to the Annual Alumni Fund stated, "I just got married you should establish a fund for me. " The newlyweds' residence is at 825 South Ardmore, Los Angeles , California. Winfrey - Brooks

James L. Winfrey '67 and Miss Judy Brooks, of Washington, iIio., were married recently and their new home is located at 212 Flora Lea Place, Sunset Hills , l\Io. The groom is senior development engineer with ITT Blackburn Co. Dawson - 'Cleveland

Lt. Gene C. Dawson '7 0 and Miss Jain l\Iitchell Cleveland, of Rolla, Mo. , were married July 3, 1971 at Laughlin AFB , Del Rio, Texas. Gene is in pilot training with the USAF at Laughlin AFB. Kibbey - Beck

Captain Eldon E. Kibbey '66 and Miss Sandra Kay Beck, of Eton, Ohio, were married April 3, 1971 and they are living at 702 8 Old Troy Pike, Dayton, Ohio. The groom is a materials research engineer at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. 30

Mr. a nd M rs. T homas P . Jo hnson '64 , welcomed Marcia N ichole, on November 18, 1970. Mary Ruth , who is 3 years old , was happy to have a sister. They live in Kansas City, Mo ., 914 North Cypress Co u r t, where Thomas is assistant district materials engineer with the Missouri State Highway Department. Mr. a nd Mrs. John L. Simmons '67 advise that their son , Jeffrey has a sister, Julia Rene, born September 27, 1970. John is an engineer with Texas Tnstruments, Austin, Texas. T he Simmons reside at 7511 St. Louis Street, Austin. Mr. and Mrs . Alan A. Kamp '64 adoptecl a 4-week old baby boy , Kraig Alan Malone Kamp, who was born April 26, 1971. They reside in Kansas City, Mo ., 34 E. 107th St., where the father is senior structural engineer for J. F. Pritchard & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. "Pat" Duvall '62, are proud parents of a six-month old adopted boy . Pat is with the Boeing Company, in Seattle, and their address is 8426 6th Ave. S. W ., Seattle, Washington.

fa ther is with Union Camp Corporation's chemical division. Dr. a nd M rs. James P . Canner '65 are proud parents of Amara Ly nn , thei r first child, born April 19, 197 1. Th is da te was also her father 's birth da te. T hey are living in Franklinville, N. Y. where J ames is a research scientist with Aerovox Corpora tion . Their address is 47 Pine Street. Mr. and Mrs . Stephen N. Pender '68, have a son, Sean Michael, born June 12 , 1971. His sister, Stephanie Dawn is 22 months old. The father is an engineer with Guy F. Atkinson Company and they reside at 1322 9th Street, Clarkton, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. Scofield '60, welcomed their fourth child , James Wesley, born May 1, 1971. The other children are Larry, Gregory and Cozette . Gene is a design engineer with Chevrolet Engine erin g, G. M. c., Warren , Michigan. Their add ress is 34759 Cunningham .

DEATHS F. Paul Kohlbry '22

F. Paul Kohlbry ' 22 , age 70, founder and chairman of the board of the Airtherm Manu factur ing Company, St. Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Sauer, Jr. '56, Louis , Mo ., died July 19, 1971 , after welcomed the arrival of Joseph Gerard , sufferi ng a heart attack. He lived at born May 26, 1971. Their residence is 463 Lee Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. He in College Hills, Rt. 4, Rolla, M o. was founde r of the Machinery and Harry is professor of mechanical and Welder Corp., and was chairman of the aerospace engineering at UMR. board of Lafayette Savings and Loan Association. He was a director of the Mr. and Mrs. Gerald S. King ' 52 , Manchester Bank. Surviving are his are proud parents of Paul Stanford, widow, F rances; two sons, Stephen T. born March 16 , 1971. Jerry is project of Ladue and Martin R ., of California; engineer for Fluor Ocean Services, Inc., a brother Robert L., of Chicago, Ill. , Houston, Texas, with residence at and four grandchildren . 13907 St. Mary's Lane.


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and Mrs. Richard A. Martin '64, an nounce the birth of their first daugh ter , Cyn thia, June 29, 1971. She has two brothers Scott and Curt. They reside in balmy Hawaii , 91-1006 Pailani St., Honolulu. Richard is with Maurseth , Howe , Lockwood & Associates. Mr. and Mrs . M ichael E. Meehan '64, now have their second daughter, born June 19, 19 71 and named Beth Evely n. They live in Jacksonvill e, Florida, 2910 Bogata Drive, where the

Roland J. Lapee '22

nois' mayo Ian tic move! the 0

Roland J. Lapere '22, of Great Falls, Montana, and formerly a metallurgist for the Anaconda Company, suffered a fatal heart attack during a bridge game on June 21, 1971. He had been wi th The Anaconda Company since 1922 when he retired in 1966. He was a native of Sull iva.n, Missouri and served with the U . S. forces in France during World War 1. Survivors are his widow, Helen , four sisters, and two brothers.

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MSM Al umnu s


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Pender .el, born ,tephanie father is on Com. .h Street,

Howard Roy Cunningham '68

Howard Roy Cunningham '68, was killed in an automobile accident, July 23, 1971, when returning home from work. He was employed by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn , Michigan. He is survived by his widow, Marion ; two sons , Charles and Richard ; hi s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Cline Cunningham, Keokuk, Iowa ; a grandmother and seven uncles and eight aunts. Burial was in Keokuk, Iowa . A memorial fund has been established at the Trinity Methodist Church, Keokuk.

of the Ingalls Memorial Hospital , in Harvey, IlL , since 1953 and was vice chairman of the board for eight years , and from 1961 to 1969 as mayor of Flossmoor. Edi tori ally , the Flossmoor STAR, commented " During Mayor Riggs' tenure the top village office, Flossmoor in effect shifted into the modern era of municipal services . . . . Mayor Riggs has a ri ght to look with pride on the progress the community has made during his administration. " He hopes to become active in political and community work in his new location . The Riggs' add ress is Lake Road 54-40, Box 263-1 , Osage Beach, Mo .

Harley W. Ladd

Alumni Persona Is

'ield '60 , Jame~ he other and Co. eer with . M. C., Idress is

founder the Air¡ my, St.


71 , after

lived at Mo. He ery and ill of the nd Loan lr of the are his :phen T.

193 1

194 1

Clyde E. Wilhite has retired, the second time, after 32 years of government service. In 1966, he retired after 30 years of service. He at that time was Chief of the Safety Office, Southwestern Division, Corps of Engineers , Dallas, Texas. He returned to live in Hawaii, .after a South Pacific cruise, in June 1969 , and he again assumed the position of Chief of the Safety Office but with the Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division. He retired from this position recently . Wilhite joined government service with the U. S. Forest Service in 1934. He has been employed with the Soil Conservation Service, the Army Constructing Quartermaster and the Headquarters Air Defense Command. For retirement he has chosen Denver , Colorado, and he and his wife, Gladys, reside in Windsor Gardens, 700 South Alton Way, 10-C, Denver.

Frank " B uck" Rogers, 11911 Hidden Lake Drive, St. Louis, Mo., Chief Metallurgist, Granite Ci ty Steel Co., Granite City, Illinoi s, is 1970-71 Chairman of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society for Metals.


194 9

1 9 4 0

193 2

Vernon W. Rieke is now chief environmental engineer, Aluminum Co. of America, Pittsburgh, Pa. He has been with Alcoa since 19 SO. He had engineering assignments a t New Kensington , Pa. and Chillicothe, Ohio, before moving to Pittsburgh in 1961. He has been assistant chief environmental engineer since February. The Rieke's residence is at 461 Longvue Road , New Kensington, Pa.

W. R. Riggs one of Flossmoor, Illinois' leading residents , and former mayor , retired June 30, from the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company and moved to a new home on the Lake of the Ozarks near Osage Beach , Missouri. He was manager of employee relations at AR 's Harvey Technical Center, serving 39 years with the company. Bob and his wife have lived in Flossmoor since 1940 and they are parents of twin sons, Robert and Richard . He was active in civic affairs, served from 1954 to 1961 as a Flossmoor trustee, a trustee

Colonel Harley W. Ladd , USA (Ret.) has been named Executive Director of the City of Tulsa - Rogers Co unty Port Authority. Ladd has been Executive Vice President of the Arkansas Basin Development Association for the past 20 years. A registered professional engineer in Misso uri and Oklahoma , Ladd served in the U. S. Army from 1941 to 1968. Included in his d uti es with the Corps of Engineers which took him over the wo rld , was duty as Acting District Engineer in Tulsa in 1967-68.

llifornia ; ago, Ill"

:at Falls, :tallurgist uffered a dge game ,fen with lee 1922 'e was a ~d served :e during is widow, )rothers.

W. R. R iggs

August 1971

Robert R. Parsons has been appointed chief of the Operations Division, St. Louis District Corps of E ngineers . P rior to this appointment he was assistant chi ef of the construct ion division. He has been with the St. Louis District since graduation. He , his wife and three children reside at 35 South 87 th St. , Belleville, Ill . Joseph G. Sevick formerly assistan t vice president St. J oe Minerals Corp. , 250 Park Ave., New York , N. Y. , was elected vice president at the corporation 's recent board of di rectors meeting. 1 9 5 2 Edga r Oliphant has been promoted to Vice President - General Ma nage r of the]. F. Pritchard & Co. , 46 15 S. W. Freeway, Houston , Texas. He was formerly Manager of Sales, North America . Leroy K . Wheelock was elec ted vice president St. Joe M inerals Corp. at a recent meeting of the Board of Di rectors. He was assistant vice president prior to hi s promotion. 195 3

. Dave Robinson is President of Redco, hiS own company. Specializing in re31




habilitation development, he is operat- Coast Office. In 1967, he was appointed ing throughout the Far East primarily to the same position in the Atlanta , in oil production and exploration in Georgia office. In 1969, he was transIndon es ia and Sabah. Al so they are ferred to Chicago where he served as developing copper deposits in Sabah. Staff Engineer until his appointment His address is No. 1 Ewart Park , as Staff Assistant in December 1969. Singapore. Jim has a MBA degree from Northwestern U. He served with the Army B. L. Paulsell was recently promoted Corps of Engineers and was later from Chief Petroleum Engineer, Texas involved for several years with products Petroleum Company , Bogota , Columbia . and services requiring technical and South America, to Gen eral Superin- engineering knowledge. The Gerards tendent in charge of drilling and pro- reside at 248 Wulf St. , Cary, Ill. ducing operations. His address is in care of Texpet Apartac10 Aereo 3622. 195 5 Bogota, Columbia.

electronic engineer in research and development at the Sandia Corp., Albuquerque, N. M . Married and father of three children , he is a member of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics Association of America and American Mathematics Society .


1 9 5 8

Divi Ky.

W. L. McMorris has been appointed General Superintendent - Preparation Plants for Kaiser Resources, Ltd. , Sparwood, British Columbia. Mr. McMorris and his wife, Bonnie, reside in Fernie, B. C. Their mailing address is P. O. Box 310.

Major John J. Schiermeier recently graduated from the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. The lO-month course prepares officers for duty as command and general staff officers in the field in time of war. He holds the Army Commendation Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal and the Bronze Star Medal.

Robert E. Ca rver has been promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Athens. Robert has a book he edited , " Procedures in Sedimentary Petrology ," publi shed by John Wil ey & Sons last spring. His Athens address is 196 Fortson Circle.


195 6

Jerry B . Overton was an alumni James A. Gerard has been appointed office visitor in July. Jerry, his wife Assistant to the Executive Vice Pres- Grace, and two children are visiting ident of the Union Special Machine relatives in the midwest. He has the Company the leadin g manufacturer of Rockwood Products Company , P. O. industrial sewing machines . Jim joined Box 1553 , Bellevue, Washington. They Uni on Special in I\'larch 1963, entering are representatives for electronic prodtheir training program where he be- ucts for industry and marine equipcame familiar with the var ious activiti es ment and vessels. of the manu facturing, engin eering and August C. Weisler, Jr. is an aerosales divisions. Later he was assigned to the Product Application department space engineer at NASA's George C. where he did field work in garment Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsanalysis and machine application. In ville , Alabama. The center developed September 1964 he was named Assist- the lunar rover vehicle for Apollo 15. ant District Manager of the Pacific The small electric car is programmed to transport Astronauts David Scott and James Irwin to and from their landing site and Hadley Rille on the cheduled three " moon walks ."

195 7 Janus A.



Dr. William J. Barlow has been appoi nted assistant professo r of ma thematics at the Purdue Univer s ity Calumet Ca mpus, Hammond, Indiana . Dr. Barlow's specialized areas of instruction are in statistics and probability. He recently received his Ph . D. degree in mathematics from the Un iversity of Illinois , where he has taught undergraduate mathematics the past six years. Also , he has an M . S. degree from the U. of Ill. in mathematics. From 1957 to 1963 , he was employed as an

W. T. Andreas is senior project engineer , Esso Research , Florham Park , N. J. The Andreas' daughter, Jan Ellen is entering Douglas College, in New Jersey, this September. Their address is 8 Freeman Ave., Denville, N. J.

1 9 5 9 William R. Harper appointed Superintendent of the South Louisiana Division of the Texas Gas Transmiss ion Corporation with headquarters in Lafayette, Louisiana. This is a newly created position in the Operating Department of Texas Gas. Carl R . Schumacher was promoted on May, 1971, to the position of D.ivision Engineer of the Supply and PUrIfying Section, City of St. Louis Wat~r Division. The Schumachers address IS 3963 Bowen , ~t. Louis .

196 1 Cecil E. McGillan is resident engineer on the construction of a $60 million Joseph Schlitz brewery by the Arthur G. McKee Food and Pharmaceutical Division, Chicago, Illinois. The b~ewery is in Memphis , Tennessee and 1TI the fin al stages of construction . His address is 8250 Dogwood Road , Germantown , Tennessee. LTC Charles A. Kiefer is commanding officer of the 93 rd Engineer Battali on (Construction) loca ted in the delta reaion of the Republic of Vietnam . The battalion is building roads. His address is APO S. F . 96215.

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Clarence L. Jackson has been appointed to a newly created division superintendent position in the Operating Department of the Texas Gas Transmission Corporation. He will be superintendent of the West Kentucky Division with offices in Madisonville , Ky . Richard C. Barnes and famil y recently moved to Houston , Texas, where Richard is the production manager at The Celanese Coating Company's plant. They are also parents of an adopted baby girl , J ennifer Lucile, who they took into their home June 18 . Their adopted son , Jeoffrey was two years old July 18. Their address is 83 18 Gulf Spring. 196 2

Valley Division. Richard and hi s wife, Arlene, and three children live in Moundsville , W. Va .

R ichwd O.


Robert W . Hecht recently accepted Gungor Yildirim is transmission line the position of Plant Maintenance engineer for Commonwealth Associates , Superintendent, Chromium Mining and Jackson, Michigan . He married an Smelting Corp. , Memphis, Tennessee. electrical engineer, a graduate of Robert Robert is married and he and his wife, College, Istanbul , Turkey , on June 27 , Charlotte, have three children, Michell e 1969. She is working for the Con- 6, Michael 5, and Gregory 2. Their sumers Power Co. of Michigan. They address is P. O. Box 873 , Munford , are expecting a family increase in Tenn. September. Their address is 308 Van Dr. Donald E . Burton is research Buren, 175-D , Jackson , Mich. and development coordinator, U. S. Meredith H. Saxer is with Mixing Army Engineer Nuclear Cratering Equipment Co. , Inc. , Des Plaines, Ill. Group , Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, He is doing graduate work toward a Livermore, California. He was proMBA degree at Loyola University, moted to Captain , U . S. Army EngiChicago. His address is 212 North neers, October 31, 1969, and received Ave ., St. Charles, Ill . his Ph. D. degree January 23, 1970 at James B. Roberts is general manager, Kansas Sta te U. Dr. Burton and Miss Northern Trading Associates, Inc ., 2600 Vim Chang Su were married October Seward Highway, Anchorage, Alaska. 11, 1970, in Seoul, Korea. Their resi They are exclusive Alaskan dealer for dence address is 675 Lido Drive, Wild-Heerbrugg Surveying instruments Livermore. and Dietzgen desk top computers. Also Major Myron E. Grizio has been representatives of a complete line of assigned as executive officer, 335th engineering and surveying equipment, Maintenance Battalion, Seoul, Korea. importers of Swedish and Finnish tim- His wife, Margaret, and son, Karl will ber equipment such as chain saws and return to Austria to live for a year while sawmill machinery . the Major is in Korea. Richard O. Rouse has been transHenry P. "Pat" Duvall is still emferred from general superintendent of ployed by the Boeing Company ' and he the Shoemaker Mine of the Consoli- sent a photo of an Irish I nternational dated Coal Co., to general superintend- Airways 747 prior to it's delivery to ent of the Ireland Mine of the same Ireland in April 1971. This was the company. He has been superintendent 108 th 747 airplane built by the Boeing of the Hillsboro , Ill. mine, operated by Company. The significant factor abo ut Consolidated's Truax-Traer Division, this 747 was that it was christened in and engineer for special projects for honor of the great Patron Saint of Truax-Traer before joining the Ohio Engineers "St. Patrick. " August 1971

1 9 6 3 Dr. James L. Kohnen , 43 Avenue de Bude , Geneva , Switzerland, is with the World Intellectual Property Organization. He is employed in the field of international law and specializes in treaties regulating the internatio nal exchange of technology . He partici pa ted in the drafting of and the Diplomatic Conference on the Pa tent Cooperation Treaty which was hosted by the Department of State in Washington, D . C. and was signed by the major countries of the world, 35 in all, including the United States and the Soviet Union . Currently his major activity takes him to Luxembourg for negotiations on a treaty for a European Patent System which originally grew out of the Com mon Market but presently involves 19 European countries. He predicts that in the near future , both American ind ustries and individual inventors will benefit by being able to secure patent protection on their inventions for marketing in foreign countries und er the systems established by these treati es. 1 964

Paul D. DeMay recently accepted a position of sales engineer with R. A. Mueller & Associates, Louisvill e, Ky. The DeMays have resided in Louisville for 4 Y;; years and their address is 2811 Englewood Ave. They have two boys , David, age 8, and Ma rk 5. George W. Christensen is Vice President - Education, Advance Schools, Inc., Chicago, Ill. He received an M. S. degree in Electrical Engineering from St. Louis University in 1969. His add ress is 672 Madelyn Dr., Chicago.





John Shewchuk was recently moved fr om Phoenix , Arizona, where he managed a chemical shop to General E lectric's corporate education operation in Ossinging, r Y. His responsibilities as project manager include training of all fir t time managers and courses in problem solving and decision making. Their new home is at 2402 Ridge St .. Yorktown Heights , . Y.

196 5 Gary Brunner has been transferred by the Goodyear Aerospace Corporation from Akron , Ohio to its Arizona Division. H e is now a Development Engineer in the Research and Development D epartment of the Division. H e and hi s wi fe reside at 1313 La J olla , Apt. 27 , Goodyear. Arizon a R5338. Owen Lakker is a sal es engineer with Cooper-Bessemer Co., H ouston, Texas . Owen is working on an ?llBA degree at the University of Houston . He has obtained a private pilot li cense and has been promoted to the rank of Captain in the Army Reserve . He, his wife Sharon , and son Shawn , age 2. live at 5617 Pine St. , Houston. Leroy E. Thompson was awarded his Ph . D. degree at Rice University at their spring commencement. Dr . Thompson is on the faculty in the Department of Civi l Engineering at UMR. Robert L. Otto , vice president construction , Kent Long, Inc. , Rolla , Mo .. became a licensed professional engineer in May . Terence G. Towers and his wife Janice , have moved to Rapid City , South Dakota, where he is employed by Stearns-Rogers Corporation building a coal gasification plant. The Towers have a daughter , Karen , age 4. Their address is 21 12-W St. Anne . Richard L. Terry has been appointed Chief Engineer of The D eister Concentrator Company, Inc.. Fort Wayne , Indiana . He formerly was Assi tant Chief Engineer. Terry has been with Deister since 1965 and will direct all engineering functions for the company and its subsidiaries, Dei-Con Eastern and Dei-Con Western orporations. S. Allen Stone '30, is Presid ent of Deister. 34

1 966 Lawson G. Wideman was awarded a Ph. D. degree at the Un iversity of Akron at their Spring Commencement. The Wideman 's address is 1448 Osage Avenue, Akron , O. David Duree graduated from the St. Louis University Law School in June. All the degree work was completed in classes in the Evening Division. He is a salesman with Honeywell , Inc. His residence is at 113 A Triple Lakes Road, Apt. 18, Dupo, Ill.

Louis W. Smith

Louis W. Smith has been promoted to supervising engineer at the Kansas City Division of The Bendix Corporation. He joined Bendix in 1966 as junior engineer and subsequently promoted to engineer, senior engineer and project engineer before being advanced to supervising engineer. In his new capacity , he is responsible for one section of the division's components engineering department. His section handles hybrid microcircuits, thermal batteries, connectors and learn-lead devices. The Smiths have two children , Dwayne 6, and Patricia 3, and reside at 6219 Bellefontaine, Kansas City , Missouri. Michael Brynac and his wife, Carol , have designed and are having a new home built for them and their son , 'lathew . After September 15th their address will be 5565 Lansdowne , St. Louis, Mo. Michael is construction project engineer for the City of St. Louis Water Division , and he is in charge of two projects totalling 80 miles of 72 " diameter water transmission conduct. Captain James E. Strangel is presently attaining a Master 's Degree in

electrical engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. The Strangel live at 5423 Cobb Drive, Dayton . Charles J. Price, field service engineer, McDonnell Douglas Corporat ion. is now in his third year at Ubon, Thailand supporting sophisticated navigation weapons release equipment for the Air Force. His address is Box lOll , A. P . O . San Francisco 96304. 1 967

Daniel N. Leininger received a Master of Divinity degree, in December , 1970, at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. He is associate pastor , Maplewood Baptist Church , Cahokia, Ill .


196 8


Captain William J. Tresbal is now in command of the student officer company at Ft. Gordon, Georgia . He expects to be at Ft. Gordon for at least a year. He is married and the Tresbal's have two children. Their address is 320 Indian Train Court , Augusta, Ga .



1 969


~I \







AI Stephen J. Bednar was recently promoted to Army First Lieutenant. He is a radio officer in the 2nd Signal Group near Long Binh, Vietnam. Daniel E. Besterfeldt, Jr . has been accepted for the Western Electric Company 's master's degree program and he will be living in Princeton, ew Jersey for the next two years. He will receive a degree in industrial engineering with operation research option from Lehigh University. His address is Princeton Arms South , Apt. 139 , Cranbury, N. J. 1 970

Cheng-Yi Lai is an instructor at Purdue University while working toward a Ph. D. degree in Industrial Administration. His address is 321 Vine Street, Lafayette, Indiana.



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Michael B. Mallory has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U . . Air Force upon graduation from OTS , Lackland AFB, Texas, and has been assigned to Moody AFB , Ga. MSM Alumnus

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MSM Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

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Enrique A. Oti II has been commission ed a second lieutenant on completion of OTS , Lackland AFB , Texas. and ass igned to Wi ll iams AFB , Ariz., for pilot train ing,

--...... ----

Lt. Denni s Stack is in the Planning Branch Office as a Special Assistant on the C uya hoga River Restorat ion Study and the Waste \Vater Ma nagement Program in the B uffa lo, N. Y. D istrict Corps of E ngineers. H e and his wife, Judy, li ve at 52B Steele Circle , Niagara Falls , N, Y Steven IV1. Va ughan is an electrical engineer with the Radio Corporation of America, Camden, N . J. He and his wife , Wanda, reside at the Kin gs Highway Towers, Lenola Road and Kings Highway, ·M aple Shade, N. J. Sgt. Ronal d M, Ca non has been assigned to the 506th Infantry of the WIst Air borne Division (Airmobile ) in So uth Vietnam. H e entered the service in June 1970. After basic training at Ft. Leonard \Vood , Mo . and infantry training at F t. Ord , California , he entered the l'\ oncommissioned Officers Candidate School at Ft. Benning, Ga ., where he grad uated with honors. Upon com pletion of his on-the-job training as an NCO in a n infan try unit at Ft. Knox , Ky. , he was assigned to duty in Vietnam, Ca non plans to return to UMR to complete his M. S. degree in Chemical E ngin eering in June 1972. Bernard W. Sandner recently accepted a posi tion of area fini shing engineer with Northern P etrochemical Co .. Morris, Ill. \Vhen complete l'\ orthern wi ll be the single la rgest polye th ylene plant in the Uni ted States . H e form erly was with Sinclair-Koppers in Port Arth ur , Texas, His new address is 1250 Li sbon. Apt. 6, Morris, III. Augu st 1971


Become a Member

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MSM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401


Cha nce l or J a~2 S C. Ols en Univ e r s ity of ~ i s s u r i - ~an s l s City 303 AD Ka ns a s City , o . 6 41 10



MS M Alum n u s

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