Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1971

Page 1





Peter F. Mattei,



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MSM- UMR Alum ni Association Tele p h o ne (31 4) 3 4 1-4 17 1; (314 ) 341-4 172

I'e t


President . ___ .

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Te rm Expire s

...... _................ Peter F. Mattei ' 37 ...... ..... .... Executive Director Metropolitan Sewer District 2000 Hampto n, St. Louis, Mo. 63139


Vice President Areas 4, 5, 6 ..... Joseph W. Mooney '39


. .7383 Westmorelond ... University City, Missouri 63130

1974 1974

Port of Tacoma Author ity

Tacoma , Washington 98401

Secretary ......... .

. Departm ent of Me tallurgical

......... ... . Robert V. Wolf ' 51

............. 1974

and Nuclear Engineering, UMR

DECEMBER 1971 Number 6

................. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 .

Department of Geology and ............. ... 1974 Geophysics, UMR Rolla, Missouri 65401

Executive Secretary .................. Francis C. Edwards Editor, "MSM ALUMNUS"

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Grzyb Building - 9th & Rolla Streets Rolla, Missouri 65401

Director, Alumni Activities ......... Fronk H. Mackomon .

MSM-UMR Alumni Associa tion Grzyb Building - 9th & Rolla Streets Rolla, Missouri 65401

ON THE FRONT COVER Ha ns E. Schmoldt '44

. Rolla State Bank , Rolla , Missouri 65401 ....................... ... 1974

____ . ________ .3305 Woodland Road, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003 ______ 1974 .. 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hills, Missouri 63127

Arthur G. Baebler '55


AREA DIRECTORS States and Provinces Embraced ____ . New England, N. Y., N. J., East Po., . Dist. of Columbia, Md., Vo., Delaware, Province of Quebec .

Area No. Director 1.. .......... John B. Toomey '39 . 2550 Huntington Avenue Alexandrio , Virginia 22304

...... 5. Ark., N. c., S. Ala., Ga., Fla.

2 __________ Dr. Larry E. Farmer ' 61 Box 453 Social Circle, Georgia 30279 3 __ ......... 0. W . Kamper '35 5 Woodland Drive Pittsburgh, Penns y lvania 4

7 __

Issued bi -monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Mis souri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Un ive rsity of Missourl - Rollo . Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Missouri 6540 1, under the Act of March 3, 1897 .



Jose Vice I was n York J

The elected and 9.

__ So III. , E.

... He rman Frit schen '51 ................ . 5249 S. 68th East Place Tulsa , Oklahoma 74145 Rex Alford '40 5743 Jason Ho uston, Texas 77035

____ ......... 1972

. ... N. III., Chicago Industrial Area in Indiana, Wise., Mich., Minn ., Province of Ontario

.Frank C. Appleyard ' 37 ...... . 808 Solar Glenview, Illin ois 60025

Mo., N. Ark.

__ ........ ..... .... 1973

. Iowa, W. Mo., Nebr., Kan ., Okla .

. ............. 1974

. 1973

. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico .

8 __________ F. W. Heiser '39 . 16 Viking Drive Englewood, Colorado 80110

Pet er F. Mattei '37, newly elect ed president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.

c., Lo. , Miss., .. __ .......... ............ 1972

Law Vice P reelect, Associ:


5 ........... James B. McGrath '49 .. Fruin-Colnon Company 1706 Olive Street SI. Louis, Missouri 6310 3 6

Term Expires 1973

____ ... ____ .. __ W. Pa. , W . Va., Ohio, Ky., Tenn., Ind. (Except Chicago Indu strial Area )

dent, One forme Eig were I

DIRECTORS AT LA RG E Rex Z. Wi lliam s '31 __________ ________ ........

the ~ Louis, the a vice p ~lr

Rolla, Mi ssouri 6540 1 Treasurer .


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Vice President Areas 7, 8, 9 ..... .E. L. Perry ' 40 ..................... .. General Manager ...... .

Volume 45

Robe Te~a!

Presid ent Elect ... .......... ..... ... ..... Robert M. Brackbill '42 .......... Senior Vice President .. ......................... 1974 Texas Pacific Oil Company 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, Texas 65 250

Vice President Areas 1, 2, 3 ____ . la wrence A. Spanier ' 50 _____ 55 Westwood Drive ___ .. __ .... ........ Westbury, New York 11590

~[i ss(

9 ........... E. Murray Schmidt '49 .. . 1705 Shore lin e Dr., ApI. 202, Alameda, California 94501

______ ........ Ida., Montana, N. D., S. D., ..... . Wyo., Colo., Nev., Utah , Provinces of Manitoba, Sask ., Alberta ...Alaska, Washington , Oregon, ....... California, Ha waii



EX-OFFICtO DI RECT O RS H. H. Ha rtz e ll '06 1301 Cleveland Baxter Springs, Kansas 66713

Harry S. Pense '23 17 Cambridge Court Glendale, Missouri 63122

James W. Stephens '47 Missouri Public Service Co. 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City. Missouri 64138

F. C. Schneeberger ' 25 No.1 Briar Oak Ladue, Missouri 63132

Melvin E. Nickel '38 10601 South Hamilton Avenue Chicago, Illinoi s 60643

R. O. Kasten '43 901 West 114th Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64114

Dr. Karl F. Ha sse lmann '25 3100 W. Alabama, Suite 207 Houdo~ Texa s 77006

Paul T. Dowling '40 Nooter Corporation 1400 S. 3rd Stree t SI. Louis, Missouri 63166

James J. Murphy '35 Murphy Company 1340 North Price Road Sf. louis, Missouri 63132

De ce mb e r 1971

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New Alumni Association Officers Installed

Qpires " 19)~



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.. 19)1

" 19)4



.. 19)4

Mr. i\[attei is Executive Director of the l\l etro politan Sewer District of St. Louis , 2000 Hampton Avenue , and was the association 's immedia te executive vice president. Mr. Brackbill is Senior Vice President , Texas Pacific Oil Company , 1700 On e Ma in Place Dallas and was the form er Director of Area 7. Eight other officers and directors were installed at the .annual meeting:

.. 19)4

.. 1974

.. 1974

Expires . 19)3

. 1972

. 1972



Rex Z. Williams '31 and Hans E. Schmoldt '44, both incumbents, were reelected Directors-at-Large. Arthur G. Baebler '55 , was elected the third Director-at-Large. Rex is President of the Rolla State Bank and has been a member of the Board of Directors for 18 years . Hans Schmoldt is owner of Schmoldt Engineering Service Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Art is one of the two newest members of the Board. He is Manager of Area Development, Union Electric Co. , St . Louis, Mo.

Peter F. Mattei '37 , of SL Loui s, i\[issouri , was install ed as president, and Robert i\l. Brackbill '42 , of Dallas , Texas, as president-elect of the MSMUi\fR Alumni Association at the association 's annual meeting during homecoming. October 16 .

Lawrence A. Spanier ' 50, incumbent Vice President of Areas 1, 2, and 3, was reelected. Larry is President, Comtronic Associates, Mineola , New York . Joseph W. Mooney '39 , incumbent Vice President of Areas 4, 5, and 6, was reelected. Joe is with the New York Life Insurance Company . The late George l Decker '39 , was elected Vice President of Areas 7, 8, and 9.

Herman Fritschen , the other new member of the Board , is Director of Area 6. He is Chief Engineer, Cities Service Oil Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma .

Robert V. Wol f ' 51 , was elected to the new position of Secretary of the Association. Bob is a Professor in the Department of Metall urgical and N uclear Engineering at UMR.

Robert Brackbill, on being installed as President-Elect, relinquished his office as Director of Area 7, and President Mattei appointed Rex Alford '40, Director Planning & Special Projects Production Department, Con ti nen ta I Oil Company , Houston , Texas, to serve the unexpired term.

Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 , was elected Treasurer of the Association. He formerly was Secretary-Treasurer. Tom was Chairman of the Department of Geology and Geophysics at UMR , but will be on sabbatical leave for eight months beginning the second semester.

The late George l Decker, resigned his office as Director of Area 8 , after being elected to Vice President of Areas 7, 8, and 9. President Mattei appointed F. W. Heiser '39, Vice President, Colorado Oil Company, Denver, to serve until 1972 .

Robert M. Brackbill

Alumni Association Vice President Dies George l Decker '39, age 54 died Sunday, November 28, 1971 . at the Lutheran .Hospital , Denver , Colorado , after a one-month illness .

George was very proud of his alma mater and took an ardent interest in the affairs of the the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . He assisted with the local chapters in New Orleans and Denver and served as Vice President of Areas 7, 8 and 9 and Director of Area 8 in the national organization. It was his request that any memorial gifts be sent to the Centennial Fund , University Center , University of Missouri - Rolla .



Mr. Decker was assis tant western Regional manager for Schlumberger Oil Well Services.



He was born in Sioux C ity , Iowa, attended Morningside College before entering UMR in 1937 . An employee of Schlumberger for 31 years, he was a veteran of World War II. P as t cha irman of the New Orleans chapter of the American Institute of Mining and Mettallurgical Engineers , a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and a vestryma n at the Church of Transfiguration in Evergreen , Colorado. MSM Alumnus


George and Edith Bryan were married in 1946 in Midland , Texas . He is survived by his widow; a son , Michael , of Evergreen ; a daughter . Mrs. J eanette Fulton , Boulder, Colorado : his mother , M rs. Carolina Deptris , Sioux City , Iowa; and a sister , Mrs. Geneva Adair , Belleaire, Texas.

George I . Deck er

Mrs. D ecker resides on Star Route 2, Box 340 , EvergreerT, Colorado 8043 9 .


UMR Alumni Ass'n Honorees Receiving Awards

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Dr. of thl inspin Dr. Aaron l . Miles

Richard H. Bauer

Dr. William A. Andrews

Dr. Anton des Brasunas


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Profess devotio Dr. Robert N. Sawyer

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Dr. Wilfred W. Westerfield

Gen. Edward S. Fris

Four present devotio awards

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Mi OU Star SI Dr. Thomas l . O'Keefe 4

Elmer Gamm eter

F. W. H eiser

lames O. Ferrell December 1971

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professional societies and leadership . The Alumni Merit Award may also be presented to any individual, not necesBrigadi er General E dwa rd S. Fris '43 , sarily an alumnus or faculty member, Commanding General , r, rarine Corps who has rendered outstanding service Air Sta tion , El Toro (Santa Ana ) Cali forni a , for distingui shed service to hi s country.

Twelve Receive Alumni Awards The Annu al Alumni Awa rds Banquet was held Saturd ay ni ght, during Homecoming weekend , a t the Ca rn ey Manor Crystal Ballroom . Th e honorees were present ed plaques for th eir ach ievemen ts and we re selected by the Alumni Association's Awards Committee. Receiving the Alumni Merit Awards were five members of the UM R fac ulty and ad mini stration. The recipients and their area of distinction were: Dr. Aaron]. l\lil es '30, deari emeritus of the School of Engi neer ing, for hi s inspira ti onal loyalty and service.


Dr. Wilfred A. Westerfeld '34 , Professor and Chairma n of the Depa rtm ent of Biochemistry , Coll ege of l\Iedicine . Upstate Medical Center , State University of New York , Syracuse , for extraordinary academic accomplishments.

Dr. Thomas]. O'Keefe '58, Associate Professor of Metallurgical E ngineeri ng and senior investigator (materials) in the Space Science Research Cente r at Rolla , exemplary fa culty competence.

The Awards we re presented by Peter F . Ma ttei, President of the Alumni Association.

Dr. William A. Andrews, P rofessor of c ivii Engineering , outstanding service in teaching.

Awa rds Comm ittee

Dr. Anton deS Brasuna s, Director of the UM R Graduate Engineering Center in St. Louis and Associate D ean of Engineering, outstanding service in professional societies. Dr. Robert N . Sawyer, Associate Professor of Psychology, exemplary devotion to students. Fri!

Leonard L. Schuler, Jr. '49, Pres ident , General E levator E ngin eerin g Company , St. Loui s, M issouri , for exemplary professional accompli s hments.

Four Alumni Service Awards were presented for exemplary and meritorious devotion to UM R . Recipients of these a wards were: Elmer Gammeter '26 , Beaver Fall s. Pennsylvania , retired from Babcock & Wilcox Company. F. W . Heiser '39, Vice President , Colorado Oil Company, Denver , Colorado. Richard H. Bauer '52, President, Missouri Electrochem Company , St. Louis. James O. Ferrell '40, Mountain View , Missouri , retired Chief Engineer, Lone Star Steel Company. Four Alumni Achievement Awards were presented to the following: MSM Alumnus

Jo seph W. Mooney

Requests Nominations Joseph Mooney, Vice President of Area 4, 5 and 6 and chairman of the Awards Committee of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association has announced that names are being accepted for nomination for awards to be presented a t Homecoming, 1972 . Suggestions of alumni should be accompanied by supporting material and sent to the alumni office. The Awards committee will act prior to the May 13 , 1972 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association. All names previously suggested are carried in the active files of the committee. Three categories of awards are made. The Alumni Service Award is made to Alumni for outstanding contributions to the school through service to the school or Alumni Association. The Alumni Achievement Award is made to Alumni for outstanding service in the areas of business or academic accomplishments, civic affairs or recognition . The Alumni Merit Awards are presented to faculty for outstanding service to the school or Association and for outstanding accomplishment in teaching, research , creative works, or service to

or who should be recognized for outstanding achievement. Mr. Mooney chairs a committee of alumni and faculty who recommend names to the Board for action.

1972 ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND September 1 to December 15 1971 Donors ______ __. __ . ______ 2027 1972 Donors .. ___ .. _.. __ ___.. _ 2076 1971 Dollars .... ____ $23,879.23 1972 Dollars __ __ ___ _ $29,097.81 1971 Century Club ____ __ .... __ 50 1972 Century Club _.. __ .. __ .. _ 76 Fund Year Closes on August 31



History Repeats Itself. Never has a bell toll ed with such signifi ca nce as it did on November 23, 19 71 at th e reded ication of the Rolla B uil din g and the re-enac tment marking the form al open ing o f the M isso uri School o f Mines and M etallurgy , now the Un iversity o f Mi ssouri - Rolla, on November 23 , 18 71. Adding to the a uth enticity of the occasion , th ere was new fa ll en snow whi ch was present 100 yea r ago . T he major a ddress was given by Dr. D a ni el R ead th en presid ent of the s tate university (re-enac ted by Dr. Bill L. Atchley, associate dean of engineer ing and direc tor of centennial events). Sa id Rea rl in hi s ad dress, " T hi s chool is to be a chool both o f science and of its appli ca ti ons; its p urpose is to teach first to know , knowl edge a nd a rt and then to do, a nd to do in the best ma nner No thing hort of the de tructi on of civili za tion itself can blot out or effa ce the beginnin gs which we here and now mak e."

• • • •

As to its purpose, R ead proposed, " We must educate for the living moving present , and not for the dead past."

A.P. Green Refractories

Mr. Offutt was firs t elected a Vice President of the Company in 1958, and since 1961 has been Executive Vice P resident with responsibility for the direction of all manufacturing, sales, research and engineering activ ities of the Company. He is a native o f Audrain County (Mo.) , attended Mex ico , Mo. public schools and received hi s bachelor of science degree in ceramic engineering, at Rolla, in 1932 . Although s ta rting with the company in 1928 whil e a student , his firs t empl oyment as a sales engineer came in 1932. He had assignments in minin g, research , sales, sales prom otion , pla n t engineer ing, a nd production scheduling before becoming production superintendent of the Mexico P la nt in 1945 .


The building is unique in that in the beginning it housed the Rolla Public School and MSM as well.

Pred icted Read , " If this challenge is met, thi s university will be the largest Enrollment for the first year listed 28 p rodu cer of engin eers in 100 years, the students. This included eight first year yea r 197 1. " or regular students, three special and 17 in the preparatory department. NineOthers who took part in the cere- teen of those enrolled were listed as mon ial rededication included Professor Rolla residents and the remainder was Cha rles 0. Stua rt Johnson) ; John from the immediate Rolla area . Monteith , Rolla 's Superintendent of The first graduating class , from Schools (Milton Arnold); Mayor MSM , was in June 1874. There were Charles Blake (Mayor Curtis Logan) ; three, John W . Pack , John H. Gill and the Rev. Andrew Luce , Presbyterian Gustavus A. Duncan. Gill and Duncan mini ster (the Rev. Warren Rutledge) ; received degrees in civil engineering and and the honorable Elijah Perry, Rolla Pack a degree in mining engineering. member. MSM Board of Curators, (Anne Koehlinger , UMR Student). At the conclusion of the rededication came the ringing of a restored school bell. The bell , in the past, echoed t.he M iss Koehlinger provided those pressound of victory following MSM athent with a brief his tory of the happenletic events , and at one time summoned ings on tha t century old occasion. children from play.

Offutt Elected President ]. James Offutt '32 , has been elected President o f the A. P. Green R efr actories Co. He is the fourt.h presid ent of the Green Compa ny sin ce its foundin g in 19lO.

She pointed out that at the opening of the school there were two professors and one director and reminded that the Rolla Building was the only school building for 14 years.

In 1945 , Mr. Offutt was transferred to Toronto, Ontario, and appointed General Manager of the Company's Canadian operation . He returned to Mexico, in 1954 , as Manager of the company's domestic subsidia ri es and was elected Vice President and Director o f Sales in 1958. In 1960, he became General Manager, responsibl e for the functions of sales, research and operations. E lected a director of the company in 1961 , he became Executive Vice President a few months later. He is a member of the Ameri can Cerami c Society, American Ma nacrement As ocia ti on, Cha mber of Commerce, Associated Ind ustri es of M issou ri , the America n Institute o f M ining a nd Metallurgical E ngin eers a nd the Newcomen Society in Nort h America , and the Bap.~i s t Church. He was granted a professional degree o f Cera mi c E ngin eer by his alma mater in 1967.

Severe laryngi tis prevented Chancellor Mer! Baker from taking an active part in the ceremony.

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Engineer Associated With Time, Inc. Gera rdo Jaffee '48 , has sold Haverhill's Inc. , a San Francisco based direct market ing firm , which he founded six yea rs ago, to Time, Inc. Haverhill 's markets a wid e range of merchandise, with emphasis on leisure, home accessories and gift items. Mr. Jaffee was president and sale stockholder of the firm. Time acquired the company in exchange for 18,000 of Time, I nc. stock. Joffee will continue as president of the subsidiary. Mr. Joffee, in his announcement said: " Our association with Time, Inc., our exposure to its quality media, and our access to its subscribers, book , record and merchandise c u sto m e rs will s trengthen our marketing position and greatl y accelerate our growth. We eXI ect to make a valuable contribution to Time , Inc. in the years to come." December 1971

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Chancellor's Report to T ask Force On October 16, there was a meeting of the Chancellor 's Task Force and Chancellor Mer! Baker made the following report to the group: It is gratifying to have so many of you here today and especially do we appreciate the help which you have given in raising funds toward the new University Center.

You have many reasons to be proud of the campus and certainly we are fully aware of the value of outstanding leaders working to enhance the image of the campus. This provides a good foundation on which to build further. The University Center is now started and we thimk you for this important step. Stage I , will do much to meet the needs of our students and faculty and , hopefully, it will be an important tool in attracting more students into engineering. We believe that the start of Stage I wiII be an added incentive to gain funds for Stage II. You wiII be proud of our students ' academic standard, I believe, and wiII agree that they deserve the full building at the earliest possible date.

Profile of Students

d Haver¡ ,ed direct mded six [averhill's 'chandise, ne acces¡ and sale acquired 18,000 of continue

lent said: Inc., our and our k record r~ wi il ition and rth. We Itribu tion come. "

ber 1971

Rolla is very fortunate in having not only highly motivated students but also students with excellent capabilities. This is almost uniformly true among all the programs offered and does give the campus the opportunity to have rigorous academic programs with students capable of meeting these standards. This is a very important factor in the high degree of success of our graduates in various aspects of business , industry and government. Few UMR students come from a family with an income above $30,000 per year; and on the other extreme, few come from very poor families . This middle class composition of students motivated toward engineering, the physical sciences and related liberal arts disciplines is quite typical across the nation . This relatively homogeneous background avoids cliques or tendencies for discrimination on campus. Most of MSM Alumnus

the students are Missouri residents but there are enough students from other states and other co untries to give the student body a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The American Council on Education has taken an opinion survey of freshman students ac ross the nation for the last few years. For the UM R freshman, it is noted that 16 % had national meri t recognition as compared to a national average of only 8.3 %. Forty-seven percent said that a major source of financial income during their freshman year would be from their own savings as compared to a national average of 33 %. About 70% of the Rolla freshmen are in engineering , 7% are in the physical sciences, 2 % in mathematics or statistics and over 8 % in other technical fields. Humanities and social sciences, relatively new as degree programs , attract over 4 0/0. Some students are undecided. About 73 % feel that colleges are too lax on protesters. Only about 14 0/0 report a generation gap with their parents . The Rolla freshman also ranks these high: Developing a philosophy of life 72.9 0/0; becoming an authority in his field - 74.40/0; raising a famil y 64 0/0. About 60 0/0 believe the individual can change society. Twenty-nine percent .of the freshmen are sons and daughters of businessmen, while 16 0/0 are sons and daughters of skilled workers. In the 1970 freshman class, 35 0/0 ranked in the top 10 0/0 of their high school class; 56 0/0 ranked in the top 20 0/0 of their high school class. Their Standard Aptitude Test Scores (based on Missouri college-bound high school seniors) 46 0/0 of the 1970 UMR freshman ranked in tbe top 10 0/0 ; 66 0/0 ranked in the top 20 0/0 .

Qualifications of Faculty

Yo u also can have reason to be proud of the faculty. Out of a total of 353 professional level faculty members, 293 or 83 0/0 have their Ph. D. They are from different universities and bring a good cross section of experiences. They are interes ted in students , but are also making significant contributions in research and continuing education . Building Program

We have made progress in our building program with State funds , but more is needed to bring the physical plant up to what it should be for our present program - and then launch ahead for future expansion. Included in the 1972- 73 Legislative Capi tal Improvement Request ' for the four-campus University of Missouri , UMR has a request for $20,655 ,000. All of this is needed to upgrade facilities for present programs and is not based on future expansion of enrollments or programs. The list of buildings proposed for 1972-73 Legislative Capital Improvement Request follows ; building repair, rehabilitation and support facilities ; sites for campus development ; boiler, turbo-generator; metallurgical and ceramic engineering building ; engineering complex and physics, nuclear and geology science complex. Because of the needs on all four campuses for capital , it was not possible to include a replacement for the Mining Building which serves M ining, Petroleum and Geological E ngineering. It has not yet been de termin ed whether the present b uilding can be remodeled to meet the needs or if a new one wiII be more economi cal. If enrollments ran be increased significantly in these departments thi s will help rai se the priority . The number of students served is a major influence on priorities. Future

M uch can be said about the progress which you have helped make to date , but there are national trends which make the future fearfu lly chall enging 7

for the campus . I present this as a challenge, as I feel that this campus will not become a victim , as many universities have , to the declining interest in engineering. Our enrollment for the first time since 1962 is down in the freshman engineering class. It is about 25 % below last year. The only compensation factor is that the quality continues to increase. Every effort is being made to correct this enrollment deficiency by the fall of 1972 and your help is also solicited. Dean Johnson and Dean Planje have accepted this challenge to restore this by the fall of 1972 and I believe we will be on target. The Department of Labor predicts that the number of engineers needed by 1980. will be 40% above those produced in 1970 and that engineers are likely to be in short supply. The entire profession , as well as government and employers of engineers should be much more concerned about this national problem than they are at present. Our national leadership quite obviously recognizes the declining relative strength of our Nation in many technological fields on the international

scene, as revealed by a recent article by John Pierson in the WALL STREET JOURNAL (7-6-71).

Europe is going to be 'a continuingly more difficult problem.' "

"Tora! Tora! Tora! Only this time, instead of dive-bombers, Japan is sending us steel , radios , cars and cloth. And instead of Saturday night at the movies, it's Tuesday or Wednesday morning at the White House , and Peter G. Peterson , President Nixon 's new assistant for international economic affairs, is showing slides.

Special Help Is Needed

"Less dramatic than bombs surely , but Mr. Peterson 's graphs and charts, depicting trade trends, are nonetheless starting to awaken some powerful people here to a growing challenge the U. S. faces in international trade. "It's going to be a much more economic world and a more competitive one, " he tells them. " Mr. Nixon , who confers almost daily with Mr. Peterson , hardly misses a chance now to warn that in two more years Japan will pass the U. S. in steel production. To that with Britain in the Common Market, competition from

UMR has now reached the position of being second in the Nation in the production of B. S. level engineers and our graduate program is rapidly growing. Not only are we dedicated to holding the program at this high level , but also it is reasonable to forcast that UMR , in the next decade, will be the institution in this country which will have a greater impact than any other university in engineering and closely related fields . This is important for many reasons, but in order for us to take full advantage of this poten tial , we need your help in the following: ( 1) Funds for completion of the second phase of the University Center. (2) Funds to attract more topnotch students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. (3 ) Funds for faculty enrichment. (4) Initiation of general activities to further enhance the reputation of the campus within Missouri and throughout the Nation.

Dr. Thomas R. Beveridge '42 , UMR professor of geology and geological ~ngineering, became interested in natural phenomena like sinkholes , tunnels and natural bridges when he was state geologist in the 1950's. " People would write me at the Missouri State Geological Survey and ask where they could find these natural wonders and what to call them ," he says. "So, about 13 years ago I began going on field trips to track down , describe and catalog unusual and scenic geologic features of Missouri. " This spring, Dr. Beveridge will go on sabbatical leave for eight months from teaching at UMR to do his first exten8

sive writing on the subject. He has described several sites in magazines like the Missouri Conservationist, but now will they will all be in one volume. The Missouri Geological Survey has been subsidizing the field work for this planned publication to be called " Scenic and Unusual Geologic Features in Missouri." According to Dr. Beveridge, there are over 200 natural phenomena in Missouri which would be of interest to the real nature-loving tourist, if he were aware of them. These include such features as Grand Gulf (a huge collapsed cavern west of Thayer), shut-ins (where a stream has cut a canyon through a mountain) like the ones in Johnson Shut-Ins State Park, the Pinnacles north of Columbia, features of the Devil like Devil's Den east of Springfield (a steep sinkhole) and Devil 's Backbone in Jackson County, the Narrows near Houston (narrow ridge and balanced rock), natural bridges around the Lake of the Ozarks, the loess hills near St. Joseph , Lover's Leap near Hannibal , the sinkholes along Sinks Road near


Am e the pi those f who Ct unusUi wan tee plied t sites v hope t take tf these i northll of Hal Thaye l

Dr. Service acquisi ical Sir

Florissant and of course, the Elephant Rocks in the Elephant Rock State Park .

In h for th( on ho' pitfalls telling in Iron and ro most sc crevass is not ¡ for lea days." "Caves cient ti the roo miles II exampll

"These are only a few of the natural phenomena of our state," Dr. Beveridge says. "Many others exist that would interest the public. My planned publication will tell their names, how to get there and description of them , including their probable origin." Some of these have been described before by others , he says , but this book will be the first "complete" list in one volume.

Dr. ] book IV tourists place S parks people,' natural souri's and geo through

" Among the natural phenomena which I still haven 't described ," he laughs, " are some 50 features attributed to the Devil." Ones which he is currently tracking down are a natural bridge in Bates County, a Devil 's Rockpi le in Douglas County and a Devil 's Punchbo",l in Phelps County.

The for nah

Beveridge to Publish Scientific Guide For Nature Loving Gypsies .. • • Most tourists in Missouri look at natural wonders like the El e phan t Rocks, appreciate them, and go on about their business. But a UMR geologist hunts out Missouri 's natural phenomena, like the Elephant Rocks , writes down their descriptions and catalogs them - eventually to be included in a guide book for nature lovers.


When tracking, he works alone, using a topographic map and a notebook in which he writes legal descriptions, directions and remarks on his opini on how December 1971

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the formation came about. Among Dr. Beveridge's inquIrles in

the past on natural phenomena were those from Leon Drey , St. Louis forester

POsition n in the ,eers and Iy gro\\'. to hold. evel, but :ast that II be the hich "~II ny other I c10selv ·tant for or us to :ntial, we ng : (1) , second er. (2) students ·graduate f enrich·al activo eputation Juri and

Elephant ate Park.

, natural leveridge It would ,d publi· wto get . indudSome of dore by will be volume.

na which laughs, ,d to the :urrently Iridge in kpile in punch·



:b~ok in

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who contacted him for information on unusual natural features which Drey wanted to purchase. Dr. Beveridge supplied the facts, and Drey bought several sites which he has placed in trust in hope that a state or federal agency will take them over for preservation. Among these are Clifty Hollow , a natural arch , northwest of Rolla , the Narrows, west of Houston , and Grand Gulf, west of Thayer. Dr. Beveridge also advised the Forest Service is in negotiations for the acquisition of Slaughter Sink and Conical Sink. In his book , Dr. Beveridge will write for the layman. Along with directions on how to get there, he will tell of pitfalls along the way. For instance, in telling how to get to the Elephant Rocks in Iron County, he gives different routes and route warnings li;;:e, " Route A is most scenic , but involves jumping across crevassas in the granite and therefore is not recommended for senior citizens , for leather-soled shoes or for rainy days." His descriptions run like this. " Caves are like houses - given sufficient time and insufficient maintenance the roof may fall in. Grand Gulf, six miles west of Thayer , is a spectacular example of such a cave . . . " Dr. Beveridge says that he hopes his book will provide a guide for traveling tourists who like to go from place to place seeing nature's wonders. "State parks are becoming jammed with people," he says. "A tourist hunt for natural phenomena would disperse Missouri's tourists and give them a scenic and geologic smorgasbord as they travel through the state." The book will be a scientific guide for nature-loving gypsies] he says.

Board Meets The Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association was held on Friday, October 15. Officers and Directors heard the report from University Vice President Guy H. Entsminger on the status of university wide programs for alumni activities. Two new programs were adopted to MSM Alumnus

Dr. Beveridge takes notes on Clifty Hollow, a natural arch northwest of Rolla. strengthen faculty-alumni relations and student-alumni relations. The audited financial statement Wil S received and a budget of $55 ,000 was adopted for the 1971-72 year. Election results were reported in another section of this magazine.

in the Annual Fund, and more at Homecoming, having more fun. And the M I N ERS won the Homecoming game!

19 72

The Annual Meeting of the Association was held Saturday evening, October 16. President Peter Mattei reported the actions of the Board and announced the results of the election. The new Constitution and By-Laws were adopted on a vote of the membership , the document having been published in the June iss ue of the MSM ALUMNUS.

Alu mni Fund

Once again, Homecoming ended a record setting year, more section meetings, more participation by more alumni, more donors a nd more dollars


Sen d Your Contribution


University Center

AI area Rest befo ketb

Dc ing dinO( prese repas Tt

Mr. and ~ ! rs.

Mrs. Mrs. ~! rs.

L. T. E. N

erd, mitl '69, ,

FIR ST PHASE OF UN I VERS I TY CE IVTER T A KI N G FORM - Brickmasons have nearlv cO'm pleted laying th e thousands of buff brick which make up th e exterior walls of th e Universit y Center's first phase. This portion of th e Center is to be completed by D ecemb er, 1972 . Since this phase was largely underwritt en by students - throuR,h a bonded indebtedness and self-increased student fees - the students are hopeful able and gen erous alumni will provide funds for the completion phase by th e D ecember, 1972 dat e in O1'der to allow th e contiguous const/'uction of the total facility. Rolla alumni who have not yet made a gijt or pledge to the Center and who desire to be a part of this important project are urged to do so now.

ALUMNI SECTION NEWS Cincinnati-Dayton T he Cincinnati-Dayton Chapter of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association held their annual dinner meeting at the Eaton Manor in Hamilton, Ohio, Friday , November 5. More than SO alumn i and guests attended thi s event for an evening of social activi ty a nd to h ~a r Paul E. Ponder , Director of Stud ent Services at UM R . Chapter President Michael J. Browne '67 presided at the meeting, Peter Balser '65 was elected Vice President and Bob Morris '51, was chosen Treasurer. T he chapter 's project of high school visitations was di scussed and the pro10

'70, Mr. and Mrs . Ronald C. Hampel ' 70, Mr. and Mrs. M ichael Hardy '67 , Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Hud son '66 , Mr. and Mrs . E ldon E. Kibbey '66, Mr. and Mrs. H arold Kosten '60, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lytle '66, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Moore '62, Mr. and Mrs . Joe C. Moore Paul Ponder spoke to the group con- '69 , Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morris ' 51 , cerning enrollment, placement, and the Mr. and Mrs. John E. M unsey '6 7, expansion of UMR. Robert Orr '69 and gues t, Mr. and Mrs . Robert Shields '51 , Mr. and Mrs. Landon C. Viles '49 , Mr. and Mrs. Donald Those in attendance were : Mr. and R . Walter '56, Alvin Wansing '69 , Mrs. Peter Balser '65, Mr. and Mrs . William Weber '62, Thomas Zenge '69 Larry A. Boberschmidt '67 , Mr. and and guest , and Ike Edwards, Alumni Mrs. Michael Browne '67 , Mr. and Office, UMR . Mrs, Elwyn Comerer '49 , Mr. and M rs. Truett DeGeare '6 7, Mr. and Mrs. A current directory is being prepared, Walter Ervin '6 7, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gerhart '61 , David C. Grosse '69 and of the chapter members, and will be guest , Mr . and M rs. P hillip Hammer sent to the membership.

gram will continue this school year. A spring meeting of the group was taken under consideration a nd Larry Boberschmidt '66 , volunteered as chai rman of this project.

December 1971

Thl Dewe Dudlt Infon OffiCI

il/g the of the bOl/ded for the alulIlni rged to

Memph is Section Alumni in the Memphis, Tennessee area gathered at the Knickerbocker Restaurant, December 2, for a dinner before the Miner-Memphis State basketball game in the Coliseum, Don Henderson '59 and Don Dowling '51 , made the arrangemen ts for the dinner and 29 alumni and guests were present to enjoy the conviviality and repast. Those who attended the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Drake '29 , Mr. and Mrs . Don Dowling ' 51 , Mr. and Mrs . N . E. Fuemmeler '62, Mr. and Mrs . Larry D. Gilmartin '64 , Mr. and Mrs . Paul L. Hausmann '52 , Mr. and Mrs. John B. Heil '55 , Mr . and Mrs. L . T. Kickham '55 , Dr. and Mrs . Roger E. Notle, Mr. and Mrs, Paul H . Slinkerd, Jr. '58, Dr. and Mrs. John W , Smith '65 , Mr. and Mrs. John R. Turek '69, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Weiss '27, Those present from the campus were : Dewey Allgood , Athletic Department ; Dudley Cress, Department of Public Information and Ike Edwards , Alumni Office.

There were several other Miners present at the basketball game, The Miner team was competing in University Division basketball and made a good showing although the score was 108-66 MSU ,

San Francisco Meet ing There will be an Alumni Reception and Dinner in San Francisco Monday, February 21 , 1971 , in the Toyon Suite of the San Francisco Hilton Hotel. This is during the Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. All alumni, alumnae, their wives, husbands and guests are welcome at the occasion.

In Detroit On January 11, 1972 there will be an alumni reception and dinner, at 7:00 p. m" at Koth's Colonial Inn, 10780 Sooth Telegraph, Taylor, Michigan. This location is 4 miles sonth of Highway 1-94, on Telegraph. The meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers is meeting in Detroit at this time and many alumni other than those living in the Detroit area will be present. Alumnae, alumni , wives, husbands and guests are welcome. Reservations should be made. Contact Robert Seaman '70, 1040 Montie, Lincoln Park, Michigan 48146.

In Chicago

There will oe an alumni dinner in Chicago, Illinois, January 8, 1972, before the Miner-Loyola basketball The reception begins at 7 :00 p. m. game at the Loyola Fieldhouse, at 7: 30 and dinner at 8:00 p , m. p. m. Alumni, alumnae, wives, husbands and guests will assemble at Grassfield's International, 6666 North Ridge AveReservations may be made by con- nue, Chicago, at 4: 30 p. m. for cocktarting E. Murray E. Schmidt, 1705 tails and dinner at 5: 30 p . m. The fesShore Line Drive, Apt. 202 , Alameda , tivities will end in time to attend the California. Chancellor Baker and sev- basketball game. Chancellor and Mrs. eral faculty and administrators from Mer! Baker are planning to attend this the campus are planning to attend this event. Contact Ken Schoeneberg '44, alumni affair. Make arrangements now 1440 Sherwin, Chicago, Ill. 60626, to attend this dinner. Phone 312/ 465-5044 for reservations.

Reunion luncheons During Homecoming

Hampel trdy '67, '66, Mr. NIr. and md Mrs, , Cbarles :, Moore orris '51, 15ey '67, mdMrs, [r5, Ltn¡ Donald inu '69, en~e o '69, Alumnt

Irepared , will be

L eft to right: H. H, Hoppock '20, John N . W ebster ' 14, M rs , W ebster, Walter Lottmann ' 19, Mrs. Lo ttman, and Edwin K. Schu111.an '20 . MSM Alumnus


Class of 1926

L eft to right: Harr y C. Birchard, Mrs . Birchard, Mrs . Gammeter, Elmer Gammet er, and Daniel K ennedy.

Classes of 1931

Left to rir,ht : ( Front row) George M. Pace, M1'S . Pace, Mrs. Suhre, M1'S . Wilhite, Clyde E. Wilhite, Mrs. Sperling, and Elmer I. Sperling. (Ba ck row ) Maurice Suhre, Gladys Broaddus, widow of the late Wayne Broaddus, Richard Thornton , Charles M cCaw, Mrs . McCaw, Alfred A . Mit chell,Mrs . Gevecker and Vernon Gevecker. 12

December 1971

Mrs. Byro,

Class of 1936

Left to right: (Front row) Mrs. Hunze, W. E. Walker, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Pfeifer, Mrs. Thornton , H. Richard Thornton , Mrs. Menefee, John Rasor, and Mrs. Rasor. (Back row) Charles Hunze , Alan Hoener, Th eodore A. Roes, H erman Pfeifer, Byron Peebles, and James H. Menefee.

Class of 1946


! Thorn¡

)er 197 1

Left to right: Dr. E. L. Bahn, Mrs. Bahn, K. M. Wilhelms , and Mrs. Wilhelms.

MSM Alumnus


Class of 1951

L eft to right: (Front row) Mrs . Anderhub , Mrs. H . Clark, Mrs. Jensen, Mrs . Bullock , Mrs. B ender, Donald Dowling, Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Fritschen, a'n d Herman Frits(hel1. ( Back row) Anthon'Y Anderhub, Howard T. Clark, Victor D . Jensen, Richard L. Bullock, and Gerald Bendel'..

H. Ii

Class of 1956 g '66


Peter his 01 the c( jim 11 Left to right: Richard S. H emdon '56, Mrs. H entdon, Mrs. Walters, and Ronald P. Walt ers '66 . 14

December 1971


Class of 1961

Do-lillg, . Jellsell,

ber 1971

Left to right: Mrs. Wh ets ell, Paul R. Wh ets el/. , Mrs. Bolon, Dr. Albert Bolon, Mrs. Wills , Richard . 1. Wills, and H. Harvey Dewing.

Ja mes J . Murphy '35, immediate past president of the M5M Alumni Association is shown with his wife, Emily , and Peter Mattei '37, in-coming president, as Jim is p,'esented with a plaque attesting to the appreciation of the Association for his outstanding leadership during his term of office, 1968-71. Th e Murphy's are familiar figw¡es at alum ni gatherings across th e country and are noted for th eir gracious hospitality and th e effectiveness of their efforts in behalf of the University . .Tim will continue to serve on the executive committ ee of the Board of Directors and hold chairmanships of two major committees of the Board. H e will also continue to represent the Rolla campus in the Alumni Alliance of th e Univ ersity.

MSM Alumnus


Class of 1941

Left to right: Bennetsen.

Fred Finley, Fred H oener, Wayne Left to right: Bob Nevins, Earl Smoot, Mrs. Rogers.



A few of the forty-two who attended the reunion luncheon.

A fe'W of the wives present including an alumnae and husband.

Left to right: Warren Loveridge, Jack McKee, Fred Finley.

Left to right: Warr en Loveridg e, Mrs. McKee, Jack McKee, Mrs. Loveridge.


Earl Smoot and Ja.mes Jensen. 16

Left to right: Falkingham.

Jo e Straw hun, Frank Rogers, Don

Left December 1971


Board of Directors

~ ogers

L eft to right: Frank Appleyard, Professor Haddock , Dean Planje, Joe Moon ey, Larry Spanier.

L eft to right : A rt Ba ebler, Bob Wolf, Tom B ev eridge .


L eft to right: Paul Dowlin.g, Han s Schmoldt, Karl Hasselmann, H erman F"it schen, Larry Farmer.

L eft to right : Jim M cGrath, M el N ick el, Ray Kasten, Bob Brackbill.

These photographs were tak en during the Board of Directors m eeting held at th e Sugar Tree Club on the Gasconade river in west Phelps County. It was a repeat of the pleasant tradition 0 f several y ears standing, as Jim Murph y hosted th e m eeting 'with breakfast -in th e beautiful clubhouse located on th e property.

ee, Jack

L eft to rir. ht: I k e Edwards, Jim Murph y , Pete Matt ei, Frank Ma ckaman.

ber 1971

MSM Alumnu s


Ike Honored

and beneath them were Warrensburg , Maryville and Springfield .

• • • •

The Miners fared well in selections for the All-MIAA Conference team. Six choices were made .

In rtcolJllition of outstanbing acbitbtments. Itabmd)ip anb btbication in tbt fidb of jllumni ?erViC~"s J:listrict 6tx ot tbt ~merican ~lumni €ouncil anll tbt ~ib·~mtrica mistrict of tbt ~mtrican ColltlIt ,tmblic l\tlations ~ssodation bo bereb!'


bon or anb sinttrtlp congratulatt

franc\? Co £bwarb~

nO*.!T~l, ]7')1 ?outh ?ip~ofSEY,nzJtt~ha " Hi s long, dedicated and efficient service makes him a credit to the profession, but just being ' Ike' is enough. It is always a tonic and a lift to one 's spirits merely to be in this happy man's presence." So stated the citation read as F. C. Edwards was inducted into the Hall of Fame of District IV of the American Alumni Council. His Hall of Fame Award was presented during the annual joint conference of the American Alumni Council and the American Coll ege Public Relations Association


e-t~ g,,~: DISTH.1CT DlRltCTOR ,

AAC - -

held November 21-23 , 1971 in South Souix City, Nebraska. Marjorie was with him at the Hall of Fame Banquet when he received the standing ovation accorded him by his colleague') . Selection to the Hall of Fame is the highest honor which can come to one through those who are his professional peers.

T he Miner gridsters finished their eleven game schedule with a 4-6-1 record and in con ference play it was 2-3- 1. The K irksville B ull dogs took top honors in the conference with Cape Girardeau second , followed by Lincoln U. and the Miners fini shed in the middle, fourth ,


than tion

On the First Team Offense, UMR had three men: Center, Dennis Smith; Offensive Tackle Steve Kutska and for the second consecutive year, Slot Back, Bob Somerville.

eet mun

On the First Team Defense, the Miners placed only one man , Defensive Back, Bruce Stone.

3 t( Ch. File

On the Second Team Offense, the Miners placed two players: Split End, Martin Weekley; and Offensive Guard Bruce Williams. UMR received Honorable Mentions on the Offensive side: Quarterback, Pat Godwin ; Halfback , Les Clark; Tight End, Steve McVeigh; and Offensive Guard, Gary McAlpin. On the Defense, the Miners had two End, Dennis Honorable Mentions: Doerring; and Linebacker , Mike Hearst. In the 1972 schedule, Washington University again is a Miner opponent, in St. Louis, on November 4. The Homecoming game, October 21, is with Southwest Missouri State, Spring,field.

Job Opportunities

The citation includes this description , " ever friendly, generously helpful , ano shockingly modest ... " and the words , " . . . respect, gratitude, and warm afFor information concerning the posifection . . . " - these describe a man thousands of MSM-UMR alumni would tions listed below, please contact Mr. be able to id entify from the words Larry N uss, DireCtor of Placement and alon e, for Ike is all that, and much, I ndusry Relations, UMR , Rolla, Mo. much more as he labors for hi s beloved 65401, giving the File Number of the position , state your degree, discipline Mi ners. a nd month and year of graduation.

1971 Season


with file

ENGINEER - Three to represent company as regional managers. Experience in subcontracting mechanical trades. Responsible for design , sales, installation and servicing. Good salary plus expenses and bonus plan. Extensive travel. Refer File No. 794 . C. E. Established medium size consulting firm needs highway design personnel. FE or EIT with minimum of 2 years experience. North central U. S. Refer File No. 795. December 1971

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, Smith' and fo; It Back,

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lhe posi路 lact Mr nent and !la, Mo. :r of the Jiscipline lion.

represent . Exper路 hanical rn sales, ;d' salary Exten路


ium size ly design minimum h central ber 1971

ENGINEER Coal strip mining with 2 to 5 years experience. Refer file No. 795A. ENGINEER - e. E. or M. E. , more than 5 years experience for construction work . Refer File No. 796. ENGINEER Senior - Product Engineering. Assigned projects in project and process development in Ammunition products and related items. 3 to 5 years experience. M. E. with Ch. E. background. Midwest. Refer File No . 196A.

NUCLEA R , M, E. , e. E. , Ch. E. , mar ri ed June 26 , 1971. Gary is a flight MET. - In accident analysis section of test engineer, McDonnell-Douglas, St. reactor analysis, and sa fety division and Loui s, Mo. The Owens new address is engineering technology divi s ion of 7300 Normandie Court , Apt. P , Hazelwood, Mo. nuclear lab. Refer File No. 8 10. ENGINEERS Sr. E ngineer, 4 years experience, facilities design , plant layout , equipment design and procurement and planning for all operations of the company. Management level openings , in utility and mechanical areas , responsible for supervising and developing crafts people. Refer File No . 811.

ENGIN EERS-Most all disciplines. Large midwest company. Refer File No. 798.

ENGINEE RS-M. E. or Aerospace. 1 to 3 years experience in thermodynamics analysis and test. Sou thern location. Refer File N o. 812.

MANAGER OF ENGINEERINGDivision of leader in dry chemical fire protection. Upper midwest location . Refer File No. 299 .

e. E. ,

AERODYNAMICS ENGINEERSPrefer MSAE with 2 to nine years recent experience in hy dronamics and oceanography , familiar with sea definition, underwater dynamics, air-surface interface and ship's motion . Refer Fil e No. 801. MINE SUPERINTE NDENT CoaL West Coast. Refer Fil e No. 802. MATH. or COM. SC IENCE Business applications project programmer. 2 years experience. Knowledge of bal and cobal languages. Refer' File No. 802. e. E. - Construction Engineer. 3 to 5 years experience in constru ction . Must be registered in Missouri. Refer File No. 803 . M . E. or e. E. - Area manager slag removal operation s. 5 years experi ence in slag or asphalt operations a nd working with construction machinery . Refer File No. 804. M. S. in SOILS ENGINEER specializing in soil structure and analysis. Refer File No. 80S.

e. E.

CER, E. - Glass product engineer. Refer File No. 807 ,

e. E. or M. E. - Interested in process piping work includes estimates with actual construction later. Prefer someone from St. Louis area. Refer File No. 808. CH. E. - Chemical processing in a fertilized complex, trainee. Refer File No, 809. MSM Alumnus

King - Fulenwider

Frank W. King III '64 and Ruth Fulenwider were married June 27 , 1970, in Tulsa , Oklahoma. 1- A. Clippard '65 was best man. M rs. King is a 1968 gradua te of the University of Tulsa. The groom is a systems development a nalyst for the Sun Oil Co., P hiladelphia, Pa. T heir new address is 1704 Coachman East Apartments, Lindenwold , N. 1-

HEW P ublic Health Service. McCauley - Vand enbe rg E. E., Electronic , Environmental Ronald A. McCa uley '64 and Miss Health , Industrial , C h , E. , Public Health , Sanitary, and Computer Sys- E leanora M. Vandenberg were married September II , 1971. Ronald was retems. Refer File No. 813 . leased from active duty as Captain. MINE Manager. Organization Army Corps of Engineers, August 26. and leadership more important than T heir new home is at 57 N. Pepanna technical skills. Refer File N o. 8 14. Ave. , Gibbstown , N .1SALT MINE M ining Engineer and Safety Director. Southern location. Refer File N o. 815. PLANNI NG COMMISSION Executive Director and Economic Planner. Midwest. Refer File No. 816.

Marriages Do"ar - Wold

Jim Dollar '68 and Lynne P. Wold were married August 14 , 1971. Jim is an electronics engineer with the U. S. Navy ( F MSAEG) , Corona , California. He is also working on an M. S. degree in engineering at the University of Redlands. They live in Riversi de, 8772 Garfield.

Kerns - Price

Wayne L . Kerns '69 , and Miss Gloria S. Price were married M ay 15 , 1971. They are living in Kansas City, Mo. , 316 W. 45th Terrace 2E. Wayne is a civil engineer with Black and Veatch. Sunkel - Karafit

Thomas M . Sunkel '65 and Miss Betty Karafit, of Celina, Ohio, were married, July 24 , 1971 , and they are living at 8M San Miguel Dr. , St. Charles, Mo. The groom is a construction engineer with the Missouri State Highway Department. O'Neal - Flanagan

Major William F. O'Neal '60 and Susan B. Flanagan, of San Francisco, Throgmorton - Renauto California, were married September 18, Ronald L. Throgmorton '67 and 1971. The wedding took place at the Nancy Renauto, of Brownsburg, Indi- Presidio of San Francisco Post Chapel, ana , were married September II , 1971. after which they departed on a honeyRon is with the Diamond Chain Co .. moon in Hong Kong, B. e. e. From Indi anapolis, Ind. Their new home is Hong Kong, the Major continued on to at 4520 Billingham Terrace , Apt. 182, South Vietnam where he is in command of the 134th Assault Helicopter ComIndianapolis. pany, APO, San Francisco 96316. Temporarily, they are making their home Owens - Wainwright at 2048 Bent Creek Way, Apt. 302, Gary S. Owens '6 7 and Miss Sally Atlanta, Georgia. Susan is a stewardess Ann Wainwright, of Belleville, IlL , were for Eastern Airlines. 19

Machmeier - Bailey

Paul M. Machmeier '63 and Judith Annette Bailey, of Lampasas, Texas, were married October 16, 1971. The newlyweds reside at 2512 Ridgmar Blvd., Apt. 7, Ft. Worth, Texas. The groom is senior design engineer at General Dynamics, Convair Aerospace , Ft. Worth .

Crane - Shew

Vincent Crane '66 and Miss Georgianna Shew, of Seattle, Washington , were married June 19, 1971. Vince is employed at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and the Crane's address is 924 Shorewood Drive, Apt. 17, Bremerton.

Mills - Rosenthal

James M. Mills '71 and Sally Ann Rosenthal were married October 16, 1971, in the home of Elder and Mrs. C. M . Mills, the groom's paternal grandparents in Charlotte, N . C. The bride has been employed as a pharmacist technician at St. Mary 's Health Center, St. Louis, Mo. The groom is manager of Allied Radio Shack in Wilmington, N. C. Their new Wilmington address is 4942 University Drive.

Bradley - Keeney

Milton Frank Bradley '65 and Miss Joyce Ann Keeney, of Vandalia, Mo. , were married May 22, 1971, at the First Baptist Church, Vandalia. The bride is a graduate of Southwest Baptist College and teaches in the Salem Public Schools and the groom is with Cominco American, Inc., in Salem. Their address is 102 South Henderson, Salem , Mo.

Murdock - Johnsen

Kenneth Murdock '62 and Miss Phyllis Johnsen, of Cincinnati, Ohio, were married November 20, 1971. Their new address is 1 Harvard House, 200 W. Galbraith, Cincinnati. Ken is Division Sales Manager for Avon. 20

Births Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Stewart, Jr. '66, belatedly announce the birth of their second daughter, Susan C1ristine, born December 9, 1970. Her sister, Patti Sue, is five. Leslie is a value engineer with Diamond Chain Co., Indianapolis, Ind. The Stewarts reside at 6020 Wedgewood Way. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson '65 , 4217 North 87th Place, Scottsdale, Arizona, welcomed their second child, Blake Edward, born September 28, 1971. The father is a design engineer with Dibble and Associates. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Myrick '65 , have a daughter, Victoria Lynn , born October 6, 1971. She and her parents live at 16502 38th Ave. E., Tacoma, Washington, where the father is a civil engineer with the Water Division, City of Tacoma. He recently passed his Professional Engineer exam . His hobbies are snow skiing in the mountains and boating on Puget Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Parkinson '64, have a sister, for their son, ' Eric Lee, who is 2 years old . Her name is Theresa Marie. The Parkinsons reside in DePue, Ill. Mailing, address, Box 995 . Larry is superintendent - slab zinc department of The New Jersey Zinc Co. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Martin '63 , have a daughter, Ruth Joy, born February 28, 1971. Richard is a research project leader, Petrolite Corp., Treto Lite Division. Their address is 9402 Fredric Court, Rock Hill, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Baumgartner '62 , advise that they added a daughter, Lucy, to their household on September 29 , 1971. They also added that Earnie and Nina Greek '67 , had a daugh ter on the 19 th . We wen t to the same party. Bill is assistant state road design engineer, Alaska Department of Highways. Their mailing address is P . O. Box 254, Douglas, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. David F . Reed '66, are l1appy parents of Alice Elaine, who arrived March 21 , 1971. David is a research engineer with Borg-Warner Research Center and their address is f 28 West Central Road , Arlington Heights, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Staley '62, have a son born, June 2, 1971. Jacob has two sisters, Julie 11, and Jeanette 6. They live in Centralia, Missouri, 711 Pool St., where Jerry is chief test engineer with A. B: Chance Co.


Mr. and M¡rs. Lenard Ross '70, advise that their first child, Benjamin Adam, arrived September 26, 1971. Len has changed jobs and he is now sales engineer for Phil Crowley and Associates, and they reside at 8 Flamingo Drive, Hazelwood, Mo.

beg; !IIir son, step and

Lt. and Mrs. Allen P. Forsythe II, '69, announce the birth of a daughter, Carolyn Heather, April 2, 1971. Allen is a pilot stationed at Altus AFB, Oklahoma. Their address is 392 Jasmine.


toOl Mal




Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Hawk '60, welcomed their fourth child, May 17, 1971 , and was named Patrick Lee. They moved from Baton Rouge, La., to Michigan where Ralph is works manager at BASF Wyandotte Corp. They reside at 3210 Maxwell, Trenton, Michigan.

GI Octo pita! neer Com

Mr. and Mrs. Bill T . Ray '70, are proud parents of a son, Thomas Glen, born October 9, 1971. Bill is wi th the Motor Division, Emerson Electric, Industrial Park, Oxford, Mississippi.

servi the thret and the

Mr. and Mrs. Michael]. Brynac '66, added Mathew Jason to their family, May 15 , 1971. Mike is with the City of St. Louis, Water Department and the Brynac's address is 5565 Lansdowne, St. Louis, Mo.

of th as D

Captain and Mrs. A. ]. Ponnwitz '67, announce the birth of Eric Alan on May 21, 1971. Al is a squadron pilot in the U. S. Marine Corps stationed at MCAS (H) Santa Ana, California. Al and Marsua's address is 16282 Main St., 6F, Tustin, California. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tobin Hafeli '65 , now have a second daughter, Christie Nicole, born March 19, 1971. Toby is sales engineer for New Departure, Hyatt Division of G. M. , St. Louis, Mo. Their address is 340 Portico Drive, Chesterfield, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schmidt '54, welcomed Catherine Louise, June 29, 1971, the first member of their family . Richard is with the Aircraft Engine Group, General Electric Co., Lynn , Mass. Their address is 14 Lakeview Ave., Apt. A-6. December 1971


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Alumni Personals

Monroe Farrar ' 11

192 2

Monroe Farrar '11 , age 88, died October 6, 1971 , at his home in Mattoon , Ill. He was associated with Austin Machine Corporation for many years. He was a civil and mining engineer and began farming in 1940 in the Dorans , Illinois area. Surviving are his wife, a son, Col. John Farrar (Ret.) and two step sons, Francis Clark, of Matoon , and Merl L. Clark, of St. Louis, Mo.

Glen S. Wyman, 157 South Shore Drive, Solana Beach, Ga. , is retired. He was general manager of The Anaconda Co. , Chuquicamata, Chile. He is in good health and enjoying retirement. He reports his golf game is only fair.

Walter C. Fleher '48

Walter C. Fleher '48, died September 14, 1971.

192 3 Henry C. Buser is retired and living at 9 Commodore Drive, Belleville, Ill. His son , Don , is an M. D . and practicing in Belleville. Henry is proud of his eight grandchildren .

192 8

lwk '60 \1ay 17: ee. They to Mich路 .nager at 'Y reside ichigan. '70, are

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Schmidt ise, Ju~e of their Aircraft triC Co., 14 Lake路

Grover R. "Bud" Wicker '48

Grover R. "Bud" Wicker '48 , died October 2, 1971, at the St. Joseph Hospital, St. Charles, Mo . He was an engineer with the Missouri Public Service Commission at the time of his death. He was a veteran of World War II, serving as a B-17 bomber pilot receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross with three oak leaf clusters, a Bronze Star and a Presidential Citation . He was in the reserves until 1958 and discharged as a captain. He has been an employee of the Mo. Highway Commission, served as Dunklin County Surveyor and Highway Engineer, Little River Drainage District, Cape Girardeau. Survivors included his widow, Iris, a son , William , a daughter, Teresa Diane and two sisters. Burial was at Kennett, Mo.

Paul Meng '25

Paul Meng '25, died November 2, 1971. He had suffered from Parkinson's disease for some time. He was a路 native of Greenfield , Mo., and was chief of the land appraisal section for public housing in Washington , D. C. and Philadelphia, Pa. , before his retirement. Survivors are his widow and daughter, Minnie. Burial was III Alexandria, Va.

Mack Ellinor '49

Mack Ellinor '49. The Alumni Office has been informed of his death March 20, 1971. MSM Alumnus

ber 1971

Albert L. Hill , 6000 W. 67th Terrace, Overland Park, Kansas, retired in January 1971 from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

193 0 Ren Beatty, who has been with Union Electric Company since g r a d u a t ion , retired August 1. He started as a student engineer in Transmission and Distribution. In 1942 , he became a relay engineer and in 1962 he was transferred to Engineering and Construction as a staff engineer - electrical development .

193 1 Ralph C. Graham who is consultant to the president, International Tel. & Tel. Co., is resigning as of December 31 , 1971. He retired previously and liked it so he is going to try it again. Ralph's oldest son, David, is going into business in Houston, Tel\as , so Ralph will devote his time in hdping him to get started. His address is 365 5 Wickersham, Houston. James E. Stokes is project manager , U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, South Platte River Projects, Loveland , Colorado. He writes , " My service with the Bureau of Reclamation adds up to 30 wonderful years of very interesting and progressing work. I am proud of my long association with a government agency that continues to pr.ovide such significant public service as this one does."

Ruel L. Kirkpatrick is now retired and resides at 1923 Brun Ave., Houston , Texas. In his note to the Alumni Office, he wrote, " The School seems to be making great progress . I doubt if I would recognize the campus now. " Rex Z. Williams, President of the Rolla State Bank, has been named a member of the Advisory Council for First Union, Inc. , a St. Louis based bank holding company.

193 2 Homer F. Thompson , 410 1 Lochridge, North Little Rock , Ark. , is a civil engineer with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Homer is also P resident of the Ark-La-Tex Chap ter of the MSM UMR Alumni Association. 1 9 3 3

Virgil I. Dodson , of Matoon , Ill. , writes that Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hunt '33 , were in their home for a " Hunt-Dodso n The visi ts a re always Reunion ." enjoyed but they are not as frequ ent as in the past as Ted is now Vice President of Precast Systems Consultants, Inc. , and has moved to 90 Woburn St. , Reading, Mass. William H. Lenz and wife toured much of Mexico in April. Bill spends much of his time in the summer and fall teaching tennis in Los Alamos. The Lenz's are retired and live in Los Alamos , New Mexico , 127 Aztec, White Rock. Ted Hunt left the Portland Cement after serving 18 years as an architectural concrete consultant, to become a partner in Precast Systems Consultants, Inc. , of 489 Main Street , Stoneham , Mass. He has become well known throughout the United States and r:a nada for his pioneer efforts in botr. precast and cast-in-pl ace architectural concrete , and is recognized as an authority on all phases of decorative concrete. The firm 's services includ e engineering, marketing and production . The Hunt's new home address is 90 Woburn St. , Reading, Mass. Assor. i~ tion ,

193 4 William B. F letcher is now President of Industrial Systems , Inc., 5615 Leeds 21

M 5 MAL U M N I P E R 5 a N A L 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------

St., South Gate , Cal. Bill has been most helpful in the Alumni Associati on 's program on the west coast. H e is pas tdirector of Area 9, in the Association 's organization . Richard G. Hud son afte r having retired from Goodyear is now farmin g and rais ing bee f ca ttle and enjoy in g every minute of the time in the hil b of Southeast Ohio. H e is li vin g on Route 1, Kimbolton.

193 8 Henry W . Kuhlmann recentl y retired from Battell e-Columbus Labs, to engage in priva te activities rela ted to use a nd improvement of plastics piping particula rly for gas service appli cations. Hi s add ress is General Delivery , Lake Havasu City , Arizona.

194 0 J ames C. Wilson is now with the Florence Mining Compa ny where he became general manager in July 197 1. He was with Bethlehem Mines Corp. for 24 years. He has management of 4 mines mining 4 million tons of coal a year. They are living at Hermitage Ci rcle, R. D. 3, Ligonier, Pa.

194 1 Armin F. Fick has been promoted to executive vice president of Western E lectric , with offices at company headquarters in New York, N. Y. He also was elected to the Company's Board of Directors. W estern E lectric is the manufacturing and supply unit of the Bell T elephone System. UMR conferred upon him an honorary Doctor of

Armin' F. Fick


Engi neeri ng degree in 196 7. H e joi ned He is currently treasurer of the St. Louis the Bell System in 194 1 and has held County Municipal Attorneys' Ass'n. positions in Chicago , Omaha , Baltimore The Murray famil y, which includes , a nd New York. Prior to hi s recent Mrs. Murray , a daughter and a son , a ppointment, Fi ck was vice presid ent o f lives at 9739 Twincrest Drive . manufacturing, switching eq uipment "Dr. James M. McKelvey, dean of headq uartered in Chi cago. His civic 'Washington University's School of activities inclu de chairma n of the Board Engineering, in St. Louis, is cited in of Trustees, Ca rroll Coll ege, Waukesha , the ovember issue of the SPE JOURWi sconsin. NAL, the official publication of the Society of Plastic Engineers . In the 194 3 publication feature, " SPEcial People ," L. N. Larson is plant manager , Amer- Dr. McKelvey's record of service with ican Standard, New Orl eans, La. Davis, the Society was lauded. He is chairman the Larson 's oldest son, is an 1\11. D. a nd of the International Award Canvassing is currently servin g in the Navy . H e Committee, which submits candidates will s tart an E. N. T . residency nex t for the Society's most prestigious award , summer. Their secon d son, J ohn , is the International Award in Plastics now in his second year at LSU Medical Science and Engineering. He is also a School in New Orleans. H e sta te that member of the Publications Committee , their family is now conside red " nati ves" of the south a fter 23 years in the " Queen City of th e Sou th " an d their address there is 2345 Killdeer St.

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194 5 Robert E. Murray, Crestwood (1\10.) City Attorney , has been admitted to the practice of law before the United States Supreme Court. He was sworn in on a recent visit to Washington , D. c., a nd accepted on a motion of

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Rob ert E. Murra-y

U . S. "Representative W illiam Hungate. A regis tered engineer as well as an a ttorney , Murray was elected to the C restwood Board of Ald ermen in 196 1. J 963 and 19 65. Midway in his third terp1 he was appointed City At torney . H e is a member of the M isso uri Bar Ass 'n, St. Loui s Bar Ass'n a nd the Me tropolitan Ba r Ass 'n of St. Louis.

and of the SPE-British Plastics Institute Com mittee which is arranging a joint conference of the two organizations in Montreal in 1973 . H e is a registered professional engineer, a consultant in plastics extrusion and author of the te xt , " Polymer Processing ." Osborne Milton is a member of the technical sta ff at Sandia Corpora tion , Albuquerque, N. M . His present specialty is surface science of dielectrics. He will have a paper published by the 1. E. E. E. next month on electrostatic fields, radiation effects and dielectrics in several different journals of various technical societies. 1 946 Walter H . Kiburz has been named Manager, Mexico Division , A. P. Green R e fractori es Co . H e will direct all December 19 7 1

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operating function s of the Mexico plant , which with 27 acres und er roof rema ins the largest single fireclay refractori es plant in the world. He joined the company after graduation as project engineer. In 1951 was transferred to industrial engineering, two years later he became process engineering supervisor. In 1961 , was named methods engineering supervisor and appointed manager of process engineering in 1963. Later he bacame superintendent of the tunnel kiln plant and in 1967 he was named works manager .

1 947 Wi lli am J. Goodwin is it metallurgical engineer with the Hooker Chemical Corporation and resides at 3464 Wallace , Grand Island , N. Y. The Goodwins' three children have attended college in Troy, N . Y . and all are in the medical field. Glenn H . Fritz , of the Glenn Fritz Company, Spokane, Washington , writes that during the Northwest M ining Association Convention , in Spokane, the following members of the C l a~s of 1947 attended; Kor Uketake, Walter E. Lewis, Philip Johnson, Austin Clayto n and himself. Bill Harville is maintenance supervisor , South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., A. M. Williams Station , Goose Creek , S. C. His wife, Alice , is a kindergarten teacher and daughter , Susan Elaine, is a junior at Behaven College, Jackson , M ississippi , and on the president's honor list. Dr. James W. Stephens, vice president - community services, M issouri Public Service Company , among the many other honors that have been conferred upon him , has been awarded the Scottish Rite 33 degree in ceremonies at the Scottish Rite Temple , in St. Louis, December 18, 1971 . His ut ility's headq uarters is located at 10700 E . 50 Highway , Kansas City , 1\10.

194 8

named P. Green ired all

Harvey B. Leaver formerl y Armco Steel Corporation sales executi ve , of Middletown , Ohio, has been named president of Environmental Str uctures, Inc. , a newly formed company which will bu ild huge film-covere d inflatable structures. It has been granted excl u-

Jer 1971

MSM Alumnus


sive rights to market the giant enclos- advertising, public relations, product ures by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber and market surveys, and market analyCompany, whose research division de- sis. H e has been with A. P. Green since veloped the technology that will be graduation , first working as a specialty used in erecting the structures . W hile engineer and sales engineering in MexEnvironmental Structures will concen- ico , Mo. In 1950 he became constructrate on the greenhouse market at first , tion supervisor. In 195 3 he was Leaver said, the firm also will explore promoted to chief engineer for A. P . recreation , education warehousing and Green of Texas. In 1955 , he became other applications where air-inflated chief engin eer for A. P. Green of Ohio. structures are feasible. Leaver is also it In 1959 , he was promoted to chief sales member of the Board of Directors of engineer and named sales manager in 1962. In 1966 , he assumed his most this Cleveland based company. recent position. He will move to the Company's headquarters in Mexico, Mo.

194 9

H arvey B. L eaver

Ted R. Howell has been named Manager of Market Development of the A. P. Green Refractories Co. For six years he has been Vice President and General M anager of A. P. Green Refractories Co. of Ohio , located in Columbus. He will be in charge of formulating marketing plans and responsible for. the activities of the 15member Marketing Department which includes sales training and development ,

T ed R. Howell

trank V. Breeze, who has been general manager of window glass production , has been appointed business manager for primary glass products in the new flat glass group in Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries' Glass Divi sion . Breeze joined PPG in 1949 and served in various engineering positions at the firm 's Crystal City, Mo., plate and float glass plant. In 1959, he was appointed assistant plant manager at Crystal City, and the following year became plant manager. He was named general manager of window glass production in 1969.

Frank V. Breeze

Robert L. Root, exploration geologist , J. M. Huber Corp., Huber, Georgia, is now on a project in Australia and has been there for the past year.

195 0 Robert E. Smith, Sr. , has been in the Detroit area for 2 years. He is with the Ford Motor Co., and resides at 4462 Dudley St., Dearborn Heights,





Michigan. His classmate Gene Bartel and family visited the Smiths last summer. Albert Krainess and his wife, Sarah, visited the campus in October. Their son, Frank, is a junior at UMR. The Krainess' live in Canoga Park, California , 7017 Hebrides Circle and Frank is a metallurgical engineer at the Hughes Aircraft Company. They were impressed with the growth of the school and the many new buildings on tht campus . Clarence A. Isbell, Supervisor, Product Engineer, Olin Corp., East Alton , Ill., is working toward an M. S. degree in engineering management at UMR's St. Louis Graduate Engineering Center . He lives in Florissant, Mo. , 14435 Avocado Lane. Donald C. Griffin is vice president, engineering manager, Electronic Products, Inc., Graf Road, Newburyport, Mass. His company moved into a new building at the above address last February.

foreman of machanical operations. In 1963, the new superi ntendent became general maintenance foreman - elec trical and later was named general foreman of electrical operations. In 1967 , he was transferred to the plant's engin eer ing department as general supervisor of electrical engineering. H e has been in his most recent position as general supervisor of design engineering and coordination si nce 1970. H e and his wife, Dorothy, live at 14506 So uth Eggleston Ave. , Chicago. They have three children : daughters, Terry and Corrine, and a son, Scott. El mer D . Packheiser has been appointed to the position of Supervisory Engineer , Configurati on Control of Westinghouse Research, Division, Annapolis, Maryland. P rior to JOInIng OR & EC in April 197 1, M r. Packheiser spent 19 years in engineering and supervisory engineering positions at the General Electric Company . His most recent posi tion at G. E . was as Supervisory Engineer responsible for Configuration Management of the Manned Orbiting Laboratory project.

1 9 5 1

Harold J. Gifford has been named superintendent of fuel utilization and technical services for the power prod uction division of U. S. Steel's South Works. A veteran , he served with the U . S. Navy during World War II. H e joined the South Works power production division in 1951 as an operating trainee and the following year was promoted to electrical foreman. H e subsequently became supervisor of technical coordination and then was general

Dr. M. D ean Kleinkopf

Kitty, a nd son David. The Kleinkopfs with their four children , reside in Kensington, Maryland , 3920 Wexford Drive. Marvin C. Zeid has been promoted to Vice President - E ngineering, Ada Oil Company and its subsidiary Ada EXCO. H e was formerly chief engineer and production superintend ent. His Houston , T exas address is 636 Val Lena. 1 9 5 3 John H. Bender is production manager , Kaiser Refractories , Ltd ., Unanderra, New South Wales, Australi a . John has his family with him except their you nger daughter who stayed in the states and will visit them at Christmas time. The two children that are in Australi a , one is in school and the other is working in the steel mill. Their address is 171 Cabbage Tree Lane, Mt. Pleasant, New South Wales. 195 4 James A. Hubeli is wire metallurgist for the Laclede Steel Co. , Alton , III. In October Jim presented a paper on " The Properties and Applications of Steel Wire " at the 41 st Annual Convention of the Wire Association, in Cleveland , O. The Hubelis live at 1355 Elkhart Drive, Florissant, Mo. 195 5 Herman A. R ay , Assistant Di strict Chief, U. S. Geological Survey, Water Reso urces Division , Boise, Ida., states there is nothing exciting and it 's just great living in Idaho. 1 9 5 7

Harold 1 . Giffo rd


Dr. M. Dean Kleinkopf is now employed in Washington, D. c., with the U. S. Geological Survey, as Deputy Assistant Chief Geologist for Geophysics. He recently was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Geophysics Division of the Geological Society of America. In August, he headed a delegation of American exploration geologists who toured the U. S. S. R. as guests of the Ministry of Geology. Following the tour, he spent two weeks vacationing in Portugal with his wife

fa C

J ames A. Caselton has been promoted from chief engineer to director of engineering of the Ottawa Silica Company, Ottawa , Ill. Mr. Caselton has been associated with American Zinc Co. , and Stearns-Rogers Company. And prior to joining Ottawa Sili ca Co. , in 1968 , he was project engineer for Process Research , Inc . He is a Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois and a member of the Ameri can Instit ute of Mining Engineers. He is active in many civic organi zations and is a member of the Ottawa YMCA Board of Directors. December 1971

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1965 as an Assistant Professor in Metallurgy with his major fields of interest involving extractive processes, metallurgical thermochemistry , and heat and mass transfer in metallurgical systems. Dr. Bager and his wife , Mary , reside at 2054 Crestvue Circle in Golden with their five children. Jam es A. easel/on

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Roger L. Guyot is now Assistant Manager of the International Division , Wagner Electric Company, St. Louis , Mo. 195 8 John 0_ Richey has been appointed by the Missouri Public Service Commission to Chief Engineer succeeding Richard A. Kieselbach who retired after 35 years' of service. Richey was assistant chief engineer prior to his present appointment. He joined the commission in 1958 and became assistant chief engineer in 1966. He is a Registered Professional Engineer and is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the 1'1'1 i ssou r i Emergency Resources Management Administration. His office is in Jefferson City.

,er 1971

1 962

Aaron M . Reuck has accepted the position of City Engineer at Liberty , Missouri , and began work November 1.

Andrew T. Aylward is a Staff Engineer for IBM in Oswego, N. Y. Andy is married and he and his wife, Joann, have two children, Andrew 3, and Lynda 1. Their address is 3003 Yale St., Endwell, N. Y. Richard Brockmann has moved to a farm and will raise white-face hereford beef cattle as a hobby and sideline to teaching at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Conn. His address is 25 Three Trees Lane, Truman, Conn.

1 963 Walter Mueller, Jr. was recently promoted to Manager of Mines of Kaiser Steel's Sunnyside mining complex. After graduation, Mr . Mueller worked for Bethlehem Mines in their Cambria Division in Pennsylvania. In 1964, he entered the U. S. Army and served with the Special Forces in the Combat Engineers. He is a Vietnam veteran. He joined Kaiser in 1966, and served in various positions from mine engineer to Assistant Superintendent in northern Alberta as Mine Superintendent for their Smoky River project. Upon his return to Kaiser in July 1971, he was named to this present position. He and his wife and three children reside in Sunnyside, Utah. Address is Box 515.

Gary Hav ener

195 9


romoted of en¢)mpany, as been Co., and prior to 1968, he :ess Real Engia memi Mining ny civic r of the ;lor5.

Douglas A. Dallmer has been promoted to the position of Managing Associate by Lester B. Knight & Associates, Inc. , management consultants and consulting engineers. Dallmer joined the firm in May 1966 as a Senior Consultant. He recently returned from a two year assignment in Argentina, where he participated in the development of a computer based manufacturing reporting and control system for a major integrated steel firm. The Knight organization is headquartered in Chicago. His address is 393 Indian Hill Road , Buffalo Grove, Ill.

5, Heidi 3, and Holly 6 months reside in the Western Hills addition.

Robert L. Boxdorfer, Superintendent of Fire Alarm, City of St. Louis. has completed 7 years at the Fire Alarm Headquarters , and 12 0 years as a city employee. He is in charge of maintenance and construction of municipal fire alarm systems as well as the dispatching of fire equipment. Bob and his wife, Rita, have seven children , ages 7 to 17 . Their address is 3546 Halliday St. Louis, Mo. ' 1 960

Dr. John P. Hager has been promoted from Associate Professor to Professor and Head , Department of Metalluraical Engineering at the Colorado Scho~ of Mines. He joined the CSM faculty in MSM Alumnus

Walter Mueller, Jr.

Gary Havener has been appointed Executive Vice President of A. P. C. Industries , and General Manager fo All Products Division and Manufacturing Operations in Mineral Wells . The diversified firm employs 200 at its Mineral Wells and Austin facilities. Gary joined A. P. C. five years ago as an engineer at the Mineral Wells plant. He was transferred to the Austin site 20 years ago as Vice President of Marketing and Operations for the Antenna Products Division. Gary , his wife , Carol , and three children , Mark

Donald L. Packwood received hi~ Ph. D. degree from U. of Mo. - Columbia , in August, and is employed at McDonnell-Douglas Corporation in St. Louis , Mo.





Martin P . Goldstein , inves tm ent counselor for General De vel 0 pm e n t Corp. , Oklahoma City, Okla. , recently was appointed to the position of assistant manager for the State of Oklahoma. His address is is 2729 N. W. 112th.

D ean Jarman

H. B. Bicknell left milita ry service in April 197 1. After 12 years wi th the Corps of Engineers, the Bicknells are now living in Watertown , N. Y .. H. B. is now employed by the D epartment of the Army at Camp Drum . Their address is 623 Holcomb St. 196 6

Dean J a rman has joined the Waste Treatm ent Division of Clow Corporation as regional sales manager for the mid-central state area and is now based at the divisional Melrose Pa rk , Ill. facility. He was formerly with Roy F. Weston , Inc. , as region al Program Development Manager and held a prior position with Dow Chemi cal as Marketing Manager. The Jarmans live a t 1019 Liberty Bell Lane, Libertyvill e, Ill. Robert L. Arms is a civil engin eer with the City of Fort Worth Water Department. Currently he is assigned as resident engineer for th e constrnction of a new 80 MGD water treatment plant for the city. Co nstruction costs of his proj ect is app ro x im ate l y $8,600,000 and will be completed about March 1973. The Arms have two children , Stacey 6, a nd Thad 3. Their add ress is 6801 Wagonet Road. 1 965

Jim H. Moore is engin eering manager, Blaise, Inc. , Mecha nical Co ntractor, Centralia, Ill. He advises that Brett Gutzler '7 1 joined their sta ff and is now on the constru ction site of the huma nities building, Southern Illinois U ni versity, Carbondale. Samuel J. LaPresta is with Climax Molybdenum Co., Arlington H eights, III., as sales engineer. H e received hi s M. S. degree in E ngineering Ma nagement last July a t UMR. The LaP res tas have two boys, Erik , 3; and Gary, 3 Their Crystal Lake Ill. , months. add ress is 963 Yorkshore .


Cap ta in Richard P. Pa ul received hi s M. S. ciegree in elec trical engineerin g from Air Force Institute of Technology, ' '''right-Patterson AFB, Ohio, in Jun e. H e is a trajectory engineer, USAF 544th Aerospace Teconn . Te c hni ca l Wing, Offutt AFB , Neb raska . Major Vern elle T. Sm ith is attending the U. S. Army Command & General Staff Coll ege, Ft. Leavenworth. Kan as. Captain James D. Steele completed a tour of duty at DaNang, Vi etnam , November 3, a nd was assigned as ass istant chi ef, 0 & M Branch , Cannon AFB , New Mexico.

Donald R. Ellison is a petrol eum Ralph H. Kramer has been transengineer with L. A. ¡ Nordan Esta te, ferred from operation s engineering to San Antonio, Texas. Don will be work- reservoir engin eering by the Shell Oil ing the National Society of Petroleum Company , New Orl eans, La. Hi s adEngineers Convention of the AIME to dress is III North Dabney Drive, be held in San Antonio in October 1972 . Slidell, La. His address is 302 Weizmann . Dr. John W. Smith was promoted to Associate Professor in Civil Engineering , at Memphis State University. John joined the MSU staff in September 1970, after two years at Esso Research and Engineering Co., Florham Park , N. J. During the summer months, he worked for the City of Memphis Public Works Department. His work included optimizing the city 's solid waste disposal.. John is also a member of the Board of Directors of Rychman , Edgerley, Tomlinson and Associates of St. Louis and Memphis . The Smiths have two children , Kara Lynne, age 2, ami David, who was born June 30, 1971. The Smiths now live at 2585 Hanover Drive, Memphis. Roy Rice, who is with the Cities Service Company, has been promoted to assistant purchasing agent. Major Thomas H . Buschke after two years as the Executive Officer, 249th Engr. Bn. (Const.) has been assigned as the Facili ties Engineer Karlsruh e, Germany. H e is responsible for ma intenance a nd repair of our U. S. Army Barracks and several isolated sites. His address is APO New York 09164. Alfred E. Klug, J r. '6 6, has accepted a position with Pearl Brewing Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. , as plant engineer. T heir new residence is at 3026 Jennifer Lane.

Alan D. Shaffer

Alan D. Sha ffer has been appointeci sales manage r of Camden Alloy FabricatOl's, Camden , New J ersey. H e was formerl y sales engineer with the Noote r Corpora tion , St. Loui s, Mo. The 70year-old Camde n firm specializes in the manufacture of chemi cal process eq uipment. Alan , his wife, Susan Jane, and daughters, Ca roline 3, a nd Rebecca I , reside at 108 Saddle Hill Drive, Cherry Hill , N. J. J ohn R. Ly nch has moved from Fishkill , N. Y. to Manassas , Virginia labo ratory of Intern at ional Busin ess Machin es. H e received an Invention Achi evemen t Award for eight in ventions in the emiconduction fi eld . Their add ress is 9650 S. Gra nt Ave. December 1971





196 7

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Steven L. Brady received hi s 1\1. S. ci egree in civi l engin ee rin g from the University of Florida in Augu st and joined the staff of "Vr ight & Assoc iates, Inc ., Springfield , Mo. , in September. His add ress is 709 N. Burton.

member of the Air Force Systems Comma nd . He prev iously served at Eglin AFB , Florida.

R . Bruce Van Dover completed his military duty with the Army in Korea and is now working for Toups Engineering Inc. , Consultants, Dublin , Cali fornia. His address is 575 Boyde Road , Pleasant Hill , Cali fo rnia .

Roland M. Hill

Roland M . Hill has been promoted to senior engineer , advanced wiring systems , Packard Electric Division of Ge neral Motors in Warren, Ohio. He will be responsible for advanced engi neering projects in the Prod uct E ngineering Department. He began his career at the Division in 1967 as product engin eer , the position he held pr ior to his promotion. He and his wife, Pamela Klare, and son David, 2, reside at 791 8 Brockwood Drive. Bob Wi nn , chief engineer with Dames & Moore, recently opened an office for his firm at 1410 IBM Build ing, Calgary , Alberta , Canada.

Air Force Captain Donald W. Hutcheson has been assigned for duty at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He is an armament systems engineer and is a

Larry Massey completed 4 years of service as a Naval Officer, in October , and is now project engineer with the Fibreboard Corporation , Stockton, California. His residence address is 242 E. Essex.


196 8

BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit No. 18, Sec. 34.9, P. L. & R , Rolla , Mo.

IVISM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 )pointed { FabriHe was ~ Nooter The 70~s in the s equipIDe, and beeea 1, , Cherry

Here's Some N ews for the MSM

Jerry G. Pog ue is supervising construction projects for Continental Oil Company in Ponca City , Oklahoma . Hi~ address is 2301 Turner Road . Gene Doerflinger and his family have moved to the Kansas City area where he is a project engineer for Brooks Research and Manufacturing, producers of test equi pmen t under the brand name of DIT-MCO. Their home address is 11 8 11 Smalley, Kansas City , Mo. 1 969

Lt. James R. Bruzewski is recuperating at Fitzsimmons General Hospital , Denver, Colorado 802 40 . He would app reciate mail to ward off boredom . E ugene H. Burrows recently accepted a posi tion with Tamko Asphalt Products, Inc. , Joplin, Mo ., as plant engineer. He will direct all engineering functions for the company. He formerly was with Union Carbide Corp ., in Parma, Ohio. They reside in Webb City, Mo., Rt. 1, Box 17l-T.

)m Fish路

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Edward L. Sartore is programmer with Marathon Oil Co. , Findlay, Ohio. H e and hi s wife , Jan , celebrated their son 's birthday on September 26. Lee was one year old . T heir address is 2801 S. Main.


nvention ventions . Their MSM Alumnus





Dani el H. K ru vand received a Master of E ngineering degree in Ind ustrial E ngin eering from Texas A & M in May . The degree was the completi on of a two-yea r training program in Main tainability E ngin eering sponso red by the D epartment of the Army . He is now ass:gned a t the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Com mand , St. Louis, Mo., and resides at 111 4 Mona. Richard A. Watts recently completed navigator training at M a ther AFB. California , a nd has been assigned to Pla ttsb urgh AFB , N . Y. as a crew member of a n AKC Stratoliner of the Strategic Air Command. His add ress is 985 E lm , Atwater , Cali fornia.

received the Army Co mm e nd a tion Medal a nd the Bronze Star Medal. He is now an engin ee r with the Bendix Corp. T he Cables have one son, Marti n. They live on Route 1, St. Ca therine. Mo .

gram a t th e Naval Weapons Cent er , China Lake , California . 1 970

Michael E . Anderson , wife Mary, and son, Tim , are abo ut to complete a 5 month stay near Philadelphia , Pa ., where Mike is a sys tems engineer with Control Data Corpora tion , on a new Naval Air Development Center. T heir home is in Sunnyvale, California. 645 Old San Francisco Road , No . 3.

J ay E. Waggoner , Jr. , has been employed by the Bootheel Regional Plan ning Commission as a Solid Waste E ngineer . The region comp rises a sixcounty area in southeas t M issouri . H e will provide assistance in developing a composed study in coll ection, storage, disposal and recycl ing of solid waste matter. He will make his home in Malden , Missouri.

David W . Webster is completing req uirements for a M. A. in P hysics in the on campus phase of the University of Southern California Expansion Pro-

Stephen J. Hilmes was released from the Army on D ecember 10 and is returning to UMR to secure an M . S. degree.


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Spouse's Name


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Occup . TITLE


Bus. Add . STREET

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Pvt. 1st Class Rodnev O. Randoll was named "Soldier of the Month" for July a t W hite Sand s M issil e Range, New Mexico. H e is a member o f Hq . & Hq . Co., U. S. Army Garrison WSMR Troop Comma nd a nd is assigned as a physical assistant with the optics branch of Instrumentation Development D ivision, Instr umentation Directorate. H e is honored for exceptional quali ties of leadershi p, outstandin g performance of duties, milita ry bearing , dedication , coopera tion a nd knowledge o f Arm y regulati ons and current events. H e received a $2 5 Savings Bond , engraved plaque, his name wa s posted on sign boards a t two ma in entrances to the post, and he will be a luncheon guest at the meetings of the Las Cruces, N. M. a nd E I Paso, T exas Chambers of Commerce. In October , he was ca ndida te for Soldi er of the Quarter honors.











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MSM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401 TO

J ohn W . Cab le completed a tour III Vietnam as a First Lieutena nt. He 28

December 1971

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