Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1972

Page 1




August 1972




R 0


MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172



Expi ...

President ........... ... . ___... ................Pete r F. Mattei '37 ................Executive Director ......................... ......... 1974 Metropol itan Sewer District 2000 Hampton, St. Louis, Mo . 63139

MSM - UMR Alumni A ss ociation Uni versity of Missouri - Rolla Rolla , Missouri 65401

President Elect .... ....................... Robert M. Brackbill '42 ......... Senior Vice President .. .......... .... .. ..... ..... 1974 Texa. Pacific Oil Company 1700 One Main Place, 00110', Texas 75250 Vice Pre.ident Area. I , 2, 3 ...... Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .... .. .55 Westwood Drive .... .......................... 1974 Westbury, New York 11590 Vice President Area. 4, 5, 6 ..... Joseph W. Mooney '39 ......... .7383 Westmoreland ........... _ ................. 1974 Un iversity City, Missouri 63130

Volume 46

Vice Pre.ide nt Areas 7, 8, 9 .....x. l. Pe rry '40 ............. ... .. . .... General Monager ..... ........ ............ ......... 1974 Po rt of Tacoma Authority Tacoma , Wa.hingto n 98401 Secretory .

... .. ... Robert V. Wolf ' 51 ... ... ..... .. .. De partm ent of Metallurgical


Number 4

Rolla , Missouri 65 401 ... ... Thoma. R. Beveridge ' 42 ... .. De partme nt of Geology and Geoph ys ics, UMR Rolla, Missouri 65401

Treas urer

Grzyb Building - 9th & Ro lla Street. Rolla, Missouri 65401

Dire ctor, Alumni Activities .. ___ ___ .Frank H. Mac komon

On Ihe FtonI Covet

....... 1974

Executive Secretory ... .... ...... ..... Froncis C. Edwards ........ . .. .. MSM -UM R Alumn i Association

Editor, " MSM ALUM NUS"

.. ... MSM¡ UMR Alumni Associotion Grzyb Building - 9th & Rolla Streets Rolla, Missouri 65401

DIRECTORS AT LARGE .... Rollo State Bo nk, Ro ll a, Missouri 65401 ..... ... .. .........

Rex Z. W illi ams '31


... 3305 Woodland Road , Bart lesville, Oklah o ma 74003

Hans E. Schmo ldt '44 . Arthur G . Baebler '55 ..


..... ... .... ... .... 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hills, Mi sso uri 63127 .. ..... ......... 1974 AREA DIRECTORS States and Province. Embraced .... ..... ... .. Ne w England , N. Y., N. J ., East Po., Dist. of Columbia, Md ., Va ., Delaware,

Area No. Director 1 ..... .... .. John B. Toomey '49 2550 Huntington A ve nue

Alexa ndr ia, Virginia 22304

3... .

\I . t J,

'~/siG ' 'Jo ~OiL/I.

. .. 0 . W. Ka m per '35 . 5 Woodland Dri ve Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 152 28

4 ... .... .... Frank C. Appleyard ' 37 808 Solar Gle nview, Illinois 600 25

Term Expires ..... .. .. 1973

Province of Quebec .

.... .S. Ark ., N. c., S. Ala., Ga ., Fla .

2 ............ Dr. l a rry E. Farm er ' 61 .. . . Box 453 Sociol Circle, Georgia 30279

c., La .,

Miss ., ....

. ........ ... 1972


.... .... .. .W. Po ., W. Va. , Ohio, Ky., Tenn ., Ind. (Except Chicago Indu strial Are a )

... ... N. III. , Chicago Industrial Areo in .............. ........ 1972 Ind ia n a , Wise., Mich ., Minn. , Province of Ontario

5 ......... James B. McGrath '49 ..


. ...... S. III. , E. Mo. , N. Ark.

Fruin -Co lnon Co mpan y

1706 Olive Street St. Louis, Missouri 6310 3

Charles Finley, H ead Foobtall Coac h, instructs ro okie end, Eric Pott s. This is Finley's first year in his present position and he and his staff hOjJe to finish the season above the fou rth place conference standing in 1971. Th e Min ers ojJen their season September 16, at home against the Pitt sburg Kansas Stat e College Gorillas .

Issued bi-mon thly in the interest of the g raduates and former students of the Mis s ouri School of Mi n es and Metallurgy and the Un ivers ity of Mi sso uri - Rolla . Entered as seco nd class mailer October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla , Mi ssouri 65401, under th e Act o f March 3 , 1897 .


6 ......... .. Herman Fritschen '51 .. . ... .. Iowa, W . Mo., Nebr. , Ko n ., Okla . . 5249 S. 68th East Place Tul sa, Oklahoma 74145 7 ...... .. ... Rex Alford '40 __ .... . ____ ....... ________ __ .... Texas, Arizona, New Mex ico _ 5743 J ason Houston , Texas 77035 8 ...... .... . F. W. Heise r '39 16 Vik i ng Dr ive

Englewood , Colora d o 80 110 9 ... ..... ... E. Murra y Schm idt '49 1705 Shore lin e Dr., Apt. 202 , Alameda , Ca lifornia 945 01

Gover ing at exerci e~ . (alum special ! in ept( mend ar lions te includin recent i}

.... .... .... 1974

and Nuclear Engineering, UMR

August 1972

Leg Ses:

.. .. .. .. 1974


.... ........... .. ... . .Ida ., Montana, N. D., S. D. , . . ........... .. ... ..... .. .. 1972 Wyo., Colo. , Nev ., Utah , Provinces of Manitoba, Sask ., Alberta ... .. . 1973 .. .. __.Alaska , Was h ington , Oregon, Califor nia , Ha w aii

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS James J . Murph y '35 (Voti ng ) Murph y Company 1340 North Price Road St. l ou is, Misso uri 63132

R. O . Ka ste n '43 (Vo ting ) 901 West 114th Te rrace Kans a s City, Missouri 64114

James W. Stephens '47 (Voting)

H. H. Hartzell '06 1301 Cleveland Ba xte r Springs, Ka nsas 66713

F. C. Schneeberger '25 No. 1 Briar Oak Ladue, Missouri 63132

Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann '25 3100 W. Alabama, Suite 207 Houston, Texas 77006

Harry S. Pense '23 17 Cambridge Court G lendal e, Missouri 63122

Melvin E. Nickel ' 38 10601 South Hamilto n Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60643

Paul T. Dowling '40 Naater Corporation 1400 S. 3 rd Street St. Louis, Missouri 63166

Missouri Public Service Co.

10700 E. Highwa y 50 Kansas City, Missouri 64138

August 1972


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Legislature Called for Special Session to Aid University of Mo.

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__ . 1972

Governor \Varren E. Hearnes, speaking at the summ er commencement exerc ises at the Cniversity of Missomi - Columbia , said that he will call a special session of the General Assembly in September at which he will recommend approval of emergency appropriations to the University of Missouri, including $ 1.6 million for rescending the recent increase in student fees. He stated, "I have assurance from the president of the University that if these appropriations are made, the recent increase in student fees will not be collected for the second semester of the coming school year, and those increased fees paid in advance for the first semester will be refunded to students." The University increased fees of Missouri residents by $20 a semester and non-resident students by $40 a semester.

At the June Meeting of the Board of Curators of the University of Missouri action was taken to change the student fees, effective the Fall Semester, for all campuses and divisions of the University. The incidental fee for one semester of 16 weeks has been increased from $230 to $250.


The non-resident tuition fee for one semester of 16 weeks was increased from $460 to $500.


. 1973





The commencement exercises were held in the new Multi-Purpose Building of the UMC campus. Judge Robert Brady, President of the Board of Curators, introduced Governor Hearnes and formerly designated the building as the Warren E. Hearnes Mu lti- Purpose Building in accordance with action taken by the Board of Curators on November 19, 1971.

Credit Student Fees Increased Cards Approved by Curators

_._ 1973


Hearnes said he will recommend appropriation of $1,350,000 for restoration of library acquisitions and special equipment funds; $200,000 to bring the UMKC Dental School facultystudent ratios within acceptable limits; $125,000 to improve biological sciences at UMKC; and $300,000 for expanding the environmental protection analytical program, in addition to the funds necessary to eliminate the increase in student fees.

Also at this same meeting the Board gave authority for the University to enter into agreements to permit the use of Master Charge and Bank Ameri card credit cards by all persons who purchase goods and services from the University. Under the program, students for example, could utilize the charge service for paying fees, buying books or making room and board payments. All persons could use the service for such purposes as purchasing season tickets to athletic events, paying veterinary clinic or agricultural experiment station August 1972

charges, buying goods at the University bookstores, paying for charges at hospital or dental clinics, attending extension conferences or short courses and others.

Fioe Alumni in HOutstanding Young Men of America". The Alumni Association has been notified that five alumni have been chosen for inclusion in the 1972 edition of "Outstanding Young Men of America." The five alumni are: Alfred J. Buescher '64 , partner, Buescher, Frankenberg & Associates, Washington, Missouri; Richard C. Cleve '65, Civil Engineer II, Illinois Division of Highways - Construction , East St. Louis, Illinois; Ronald R . Hicks '67 , Supervisor Product Development, PPG Industries, Kokomo, Indiana; Allan H. La Plante '63 , Administrative Director for Supply and Transportation, Continental Oil Co., Houston , Texas;

George R. Schillinger '63, Assistant Superintendent, Lemay Treatment Plant, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, St. Louis, Mo. and Gary G. Schumacher' 63, Vice President, Strange & Coleman, Inc., Mechanical Contractors, National Stockyards, Illinois. Nominations were made earlier this year and the men were chosen for the annual awards volume in recognition of their professional and community leadership. Sponsored by leading men's civic and service organizations, "Outstanding Yo ung Men of America" honors men between the ages of 21 and 35 whose demonstrated excellence has marked them for future leadership in the nation. The 1972 edition, schedules for publication in November, will include a special introductory message by The Honorable James Hodgson, U. S. Secretary of Labor.

CO-Op Program Popular With Students UMR has for many years maintained an active program of co-operative employment for students who wish to gain practical experience before graduation with participating employers located in all parts of the USA. Students who take advantage of this program can register for interviews with prospective employers in the co-op office during their freshman year. They will normally begin their first work assignment the following summer, and alternate between campus study arid work periods each semester including summer periods during the next three years, spending the fifth year on campus prior to graduation in May. In addition to the possibility of earning all school expenses after the freshman year, co-op students gain the equivalent of a year and a half of full time work experience. This places them in a very attractive employment position when they graduate. Larry Nuss, UMR Director of Placement, states that most graduates who have taken the co-op program are going out at starting salaries from ten to fifteen percent above those of other graduates. (Continued on Page 4) 3

Professor G. " Ed " Vaughn , '49, is Director of the co-op progra m. H e states that approxima tely 100 employers are now providing co-op employment for our students. However, we currently have more students wanting co-op employment than employers to hire them . Alumni , particularly those who received co-op experience while in school , are urged to check possibilities with their companies for participation in the UMR co-op program. This should include not only co-op jobs, but potential UMR students from your community who are interested in the program, and could use your company as a co-op employer. Representatives should contact Professor Vaughan at the campus co-op office for more information, phone 314341-4309.

Chairmen and Directors Named for 1972-73 The following faculty members have been named department chairmen for the 1972-73 academic year : Air ForceAerospace Studies, Col. Madison M. Daily ; Ceramic Engineering, Robert E. Moore ; Chemical Engineering, Mailand R . Strunk ; Chemistry, William H. Webb ; Civil Engineering, Joseph H. Senne ; Computer Science, John W . Hamblen ; Electrical Engineering, J. Robert Betten ; E ngineering Management, G. Ray Cuthbertson (acting); Engineering Mechanics, Peter G. Hansen ; Geology and Geophysics, A. C. Spreng (acting ) ; Humanities, Jim C. Pogue; Mathema tics, A. Glen Haddock ; M echanical and Aerospace Engineering, Thomas R . Faucett ; Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering, Harry W . Weart; Military Science, Robert E . Crowley ; Mining, P etroleum and Geological E ngineering, Nolan B. Au g henbau g h ; Physical E ducation, Billy Key ; Physics, Laird D . Schearer ; and Social Sciences, Marvin Cain . Directors of research faciliti es are: Center for I nternational Studies, Robert E. Carlile; E nvironmental Research Center, So tirios G. Grigoropoulos; Geophysical Observatory, Reinhard Frohlich; Grad uate Cente r f o r C l o u d Physics, James L. Kass ner ; Graduate Center for Materials Research, William James; Low Cost Housing Institute, Oktay Ural; Rock Mechanics and Ex4

plosives Research Center, George B. Clark; Transpo rtation Inst itute, Fran k A. Gerig , Jr. ; Water Reso urces Resea rch Center, Paul D . Proctor ; and Computer Center, Ralph E. Lee.

Th is professo rshi p a nd one in elrctrica l engin eering ( fill ed by Dr. Richard T. Smit h ) are spo nsored by an Aluminum Compa ny of America Founda tion gra nt a nd by Ul\I R .

Stu Ind

New Personnel Officer

D r. Ai is now completing a two-vear assignment as professor of mechani cal and aerospace engineering a nd chai rma n of the E nvironment al EngineerinU' Science Committ ee, School of E nginee;~ ing a nd applied science at Washington University , St. Louis, Mo.

in the cording uate t capacit:

M r. J ohn J. Dills joi ned the Ul\1 R administrative staff as personnel officer. Dills graduated from Dru ry Coll ege , Spring fi eld, Mo ., in 1966, with a B. A. degree in Psycology. Since tha t tim e he has been an ass istant in the general administra tion of the personnel department of the City of Springfi eld. H e is married and has two children.

Zink Named Director Auxiliar!l Enterprizes M . Jess Zink , former Coll ege Union director at Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, joined the UMR administrative staff . Zink will hold the title, director of auxiliary enterprizes and will be in charge of the opera tion and maintenance of the University Center, Men 's and Women's Residence Halls, Rayl Cafeteria and married student apartments . Born in Knob Noster, Mo., Zink, 35, was graduated from the Leeton High School and obtained his B. S. and M. S. degrees in education at Central Missouri State. He has had a year of graduate study at Indiana University. Zink served for three years as head coach and instructor in physical education, industrial arts and driver education for the Raymore-Peculiar School District. He joined the CMSU sta ff , upon receipt of his M . S. d egree, as assistant director of the College Union . He was named director in 1969. H e is married to the form er Nancy Windsor, of Windsor, M o., and with their three children, now reside on Route 1, Rolla.


H e served as president of the Geophysical Technology Corp., Pasadena, Californ ia , from 196 7-70, on the techni cal staf f of TRW Sys tems, Redondo Beach, Cali f., 196 5-67 , was a research fellow, Hy drodynamics Labora tory of the Cali forni a Institute of T echnology, 196 1-65, a nd on the technical sta ff, National E ngineering Science Co., Pasadena , Cali f., 1960-61. D r. Ai was also a research engineer, Engineering Center of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 195960, taught a nd was resea rch assistant, Gradua te School of Aeronautics , Cali fornia Institute of T echnology, Pasadena, Calif. , 1956-59 and was a research assistant at Brown U. , Providence, R . 1. and at the University of Wisconsi n, Madison . He holds a B. S. degree in mechanical engineering from Swarthmore Coll ege, M . S. degree in engin eering mechanics from the U. of Wisconsin , M . S. degree in appli ed mathema tics from Brown U. and a Ph. D . in aeronautics from Cal. T ech. H e is a member of the American Institute of Aeronau tics and Astrona utics, Association for the Advancement of Science, Sigma Xi and Sigma T a u. H e has also done consulting work for N ational E ngineering Science Co., and Space General Corporation .

Ai Alcoa Found ation Pro fessor

D r. Thomas Faucett, chairman of the department of mecha ni cal and aerospace engin eering, sta tes, "The appointment of Dr. Ai will strengthen teaching in the department a nd broaden the scope of subjects which may be offered."

Dr. Daniel K . Ai has been appointed Alcoa Foundation P rofessor of Mechan ical and Aerospace En g inee r ing at UM R . T he appointment is effective August 21.

Dr. Ai's field of specialties incl ude aerodynamics, applied ma thematics, environmental eng i neering, hydrodynamics, oceanography a nd engineeri ng mechanics. A ugust 1972

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Students Research Charcoal Industry. Missouri Leads Nation jVri"souri currently leads the nation in the production of charcoal, and according to findings by two Ul\T R graduate engineering students , has the capacity to further expand its markets .

1\1. S. degrees in engin eerin g management and Mu eller with a B. S. degree in electrical engineering. Mu eller will complete an M. S. degree in engineering management in July.

In a 32-page report entitled " Promising Opportunities in the Industrial Charcoal l\larJ(jet " and publi shed by the University 's Office of Industrial Development Studies, ]. Mi chael In(Tram and Michael l Mueller say that ~ 1971 Missouri produced almost 125 000 tons - or one- fourth - of th e 500:000 tons of charcoal produced nationally.

Dr. Robert Eckles , an associate professor of engineering management at UMR, guided preparation of the report. He explained that Ingram and Mueller first developed interest in studying the charcoal market in Missouri while working on a research project in an advanced management class he taught last fall.

Most of Missouri's charcoal is now litilized in the consume r market whi ch consists mainly of customers wanting charcoal for use as cook ing fu el. However, the authors state that the most promising opportunities for profit are in metallurgical , chemical , pharmaceutical and filter equi pment industries whi ch need sp ecial quality charcoal. The authors say that through a change in prod uction technique Missouri charcoal producers could increase the quality and consistency of their products and thus enter the industrial market. They suggest utilization of a modernized retort method of producing charcoal in place of the current}y l:sed Missouri Kiln method . The MISsouri kiln produces charcoal of vary. ing quality and is primarily suitable only for cooking. The retort method , however , is suitable for uniform , automatic production of various grades of charcoal. The charcoal retort has steel plate construction and is designed for either vertical or horizontal use . Temperature is controlled by an automatic mechanism which allows for production of consistent quality charcoal. The authors further note that although the initial installation cost is high , the selling price per ton of industrial grade charcoal produced by the retort system is nearly twice that of kiln run , with the same raw ma terial requirements and usually less labor costs. Both In gram and Mueller are gra cuates of UMR: Ingram with B. S. and

MSM Alumnus

Copies of the publication are available free of charge from the University's Office of Industrial Development Studies, 403 Clark Hall, Columbia, Mo. 65201.

Fenton Tennessee's ttYoung Engineer of the Year" Dr. David Fenton '63 , is the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers choice for the 1972 Young Engineer of the Year. He was nominated by the Tullahoma Chapter , TSPE , for the s tate award after being 1971 Young Engineer of the Year in the local chapter . He is employed by ARO, Inc. , operating contractor for the Air Force's Arnold Engineering Development Center near Tullahoma. A registered engineer in Tennessee and Missouri , Dr. Fenton has served two terms as State Chairman of the Professional Engineers in Industry for the State of Tennessee. Recently, he was named to the National Society for Professional Engineers Pension Committee . Dr. Fenton worked for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis until he returned to UMR for graduate work receiving his Ph. D . degree in 1967. He was employed by ARO to develop and implement methods of solving complex structural problems using modern computer techniques. Dr. Fenton and other ARO analy-

tical engineers prepared a quick-reference cookbook-style "Structure Analysis and Design - Computer Applications User 's Manual " which was published in 1970. He has written several articles for the Tennessee Professional Engineer magazine and has lectured at Vanderbilt University , University of Missouri - Rolla , and at an international conferene at Cherry Hill, N. ]., in June 1971, in addition to teaching graduate courses at the University of Tennessee Space Institute near AEDC. He was responsible for the Finite Element Short Course at the University of Tennessee Industries Week in Knoxville last September. He holds membership in Chi Epsilon, Society of Sigma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi honorary scholastic fraternities . Not limited to professional activities, he has taken part in a wide range of civil activities , including vice president and community service chairman of the Optimist Club ; Tullahoma Day Care Center Board of Directors, various capacities in the Presbyterian Church and the Tennessee Education Association. He is married to the former Janice Bieller of Dupo, Illinois. They have four children , Scott, Susan and Jennifer and Julie who are twins. They reside on Route 2, Hickory Hill Drive, Tullahoma.

Alcoa Supports Faculty Enrichment Program The Aluminum Company of America Foundation has made an unrestricted gift to UMR in the support of the Faculty Enrichment Program. The purpose of the program is to improve engineering education through a better understanding between academic and industrial communities. To accomplish this objective , UMR places a member of its faculty in industry for one academic year. Dr. Robert C. Peirson '65 , associate professor of electrical engineering, has been selected to participate in the program for 1972-73 year. Dr. Peirson had been assigned to ALCOA's Davenport, Iowa , works . He will be working on various projects with several of the company 's staff engineers.


President ial Judge Brady President, Irvin Inoestiture Fane, Vice Pres., Board of Curators September 15 Judge Brady was appointed a judge Judge Robert G. Brady of Kirkwood has been elected President of the Board of Curators of the University of Mi ssouri for the coming year. He succeeds Mrs. Avis Tucker of Warrensburg, who has served as President for the last year.

in the St. Louis Court of Appeals in 1969. He received his LL. B. degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1948. Irvin Fane, a Kansas City lawyer,

Dr. C. Brice Ratchford will be formally installed as the 15th President of the University of Missouri at 2:00 p. m. Friday, September 15, in Jesse Auditorium on the Columbia campus. The Presidential Investiture Ceremony is being arranged by the Board of Curators. Judge Rotert G. Brady of St. Louis, President of the Board of Curators, will preside at the ceremony. The program will include a nationally-known educator who will give the principal address. Representatives from all four Uniyersity campuses will take part in the program, as well as representatives from state government, the student body, the faculty and the alumni.


Judr,e Rob ert C. Brady Judge Brady has served on the Board since January, 1967 , and for the last year has served as vice president.

New Residence Hall For Co-eds McAnerney Hall , one of the five men 's dormitories at UMR, will become a residence hall for women this fall. UM R business officer, Joe Wollard states, "This change is necessary because of the increase in the number of women on campus. Utili zing McAnerney Hall as a womens' dormitory will mean that we can provide suitable housing for 112 women rather than 46. " Both single and double rooms will be available to women in the new dormitory and there will be an apartment for the house supervisors. The present Womens' Residence Hall will be made into 18 apa rtments for ten one-bedroom married st udents and eight efficiency units. "It is anticipated," concluded Wollard, "that because of the lack of playground facilities , these apartments will be more suitable for students who have no children ," UMR will furnish a stove and refrigerator for each unit. 6

Irvin Fan e has been elected vice president for the coming year. He was appointed to the Board in 1971. Fane graduated from UMC with his B. A. and J. D. degrees in 1928.

Judge Brady previously practiced law in Cape Girardeau and represented that county in the General Assembly. He is a recipient of the award as outstanding young man in Missouri by the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Distinguished Graduate Award by the UMC School of Law. He presently is a member of the executive council of the Judicial Conference of Misso uri.

Central Mall Improoemen ts The $ 136 ,000 contract for improvements on the central mall area d.t Rolla has been awarded to Robert R. Wright, Inc., St. Louis , Mo. Improvements are to include an underground drainage system, new lighting and sidewalks. The new sidewalks will both improve access and provide more landscaping area around the seven buildings on the mall. Work is expected to begin immediately and should be completed in 90 days.

The public is invited to the ceremony at 2 p. m. and the reception at 4: 00 p. m. The reception will be in the Memorial Union. Dr. Ratchford was named Interim -President of the University in October, 1970. He was appointed President in June, 1971. A native of Gaston County, North Carolina, Dr. Ratchford received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in agricultural economics from North Carolina State College. He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in economics from Duke University in 1951. He has been a member of the University's administrative staff for more than 13 years. He is widely recognized for reorganizing and modernizing the University's Extension program, which has become a national model and for his initiation in July, 1971, of institutional reappraisal, the most extensive and intensive self-evaluation in the University's history. The reappraisal project is still in process.

Contribute Now To the 1972 Annual Alumni Fund August 1972

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ARK-LA-TEX SE CTION w. C. l\Iulyca '6 5 - President 2005 Wil son l\Iarshall , Texas 75670

BARTLESVILLE , OKLA. SECTION Howard 1'.1. Kat z, Jr. '40 - President 1724 Cherokee Place Bartlesville , Oklahoma 74003


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CHICAGO SECTION K. W. Schoen eberg '44 1440 Sherwin Chicago, Illinois 60626

NEW YORK SECTIO Lawrence A. Spanier '50 Area Vice President 55 Westwood Drive Westbury, New York 11590

NORTH TEXAS SE CTION Robert M. Brackbill '47 Presiden t E lect T exas Pacific Oil Co. 1700 i[ain Place Dallas , Texas 75250


CLEVELA:\D , OHIO SECTION William D. Busch '42 - President 20001 Idlewood Trail Strongsville Cleveland, Ohio 44136

CIi\CL'\:\"ATI-DAYTO:\" SECTIO N Micha el J. Brown , '67 - Presid en t 503 \'ale\\'Ood Court Englewood Hill s, Ohio 45 322

DETROIT SECTION Lawrence A. Decker '69 - President 9S 1 ;'\ orth Hi ghl a nd Dearborn , :'Iichi ga n 48 198

NORTHWEST SECTION Vincent P. Crane '66 - President 924 Shorewood Drive , Apt. 31 Bremerton, Washington 983 10

OKLAHOMA CITY SECTION George E. Fort '40 - President Fort & Mill er 1st National Bank Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102

PEORIA, ILLI NOIS SECTION Ted R. Wolfarth '48 - President 1329 West P in ecrest Drive Peoria, Illinoi s 61614

HO'CSTO;'\ , TEXA S SECTIOi\' Jam es R . Pa ul '43 - Presid ent 610 Wikrest Houston , Texas 77024

PHO ENIX, ARIZONA SECTION Cha rles M. Bro wning '48-President 6022 Eas t Call e Rosa Scottsdale , Arizona 85251

KANSAS CITY SECTION Clifford T a nquary '57 - Presid ent 1421 9 Denver Avenue Grandview , Missouri 64030

PITTSBURGH , PA. SECTION Larry Murphy '5 6 - President 1000 Surry Woods Road Bethel Park, Pennsylva nia 15102



NATIONAL CAPITAL SECTION Joseph A. Kolasch '55 - President Court Sq uare West, Suite 714 1400 North Uhl e Street Arlington, Virginia 22201


MSM Alumnus



become initiation tal reap' Id inteD' iversity's ct ~ still


Joseph H . Geers '52 - Chairman 5260 W. P lymou th Littleton , Colorado 80 123

ST. JOSEPH, MO. SECTION Rex T , Horn '32 - President 1715 Gene Field Road St. Joseph, Missouri 64506

ST. LOUIS SECTION Bob Sieckhaus '63 - President 10711 Clearwater Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63 123

SAN FRANCISCO BAY SECTIOr E. Murray Schmidt '49 Area Director 1705 Shore Line Drive, Apt. 202 Alameda , California 94501

SOU THERN CALIF. SECTION John O. Wilms '42 - President 825 South Ard more Los Angeles, California 90005

TULSA , OKLAHOMA SECTION Herman F ritschen '51 Area Director 5249 S. 68th East Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145

MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE SECTION Donald H enderson '59 - President 2553 Shillingford Memphis, Tennessee 38117


Football Ticket Special


A section has been reserved on the west side of the stadium for Alumni attending the Homecoming football game. Order your tickets now or if available they may be purchased Friday or Saturday before the game .


1972 (Tentative Schedule)

Send your order to : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20

Athletic Department University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

8:00 a . m. Board of Directors Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association 11 :00 a . m. Alumni Registration tq Student Union & 5.00 p. m . Manor Inn

Send ..... ... ...... ... ....... tickets at $2 .50 each for Homecoming game .

Send to .... ... ... ... ..................... .. ............... ......... ..... ................ .............. .. ...... .

7:00 p. m . Early Arrivals' Dinner, Manor Inn


(Make checks payable to Athletic Department, UMR, Rolla, Mo .)

9:00 a . m . Alumni to Reg istration Noon Manor Inn

Total enclosed ............... ........... ........... ...... ....... .......... . (Seats will be at a premium. Order yours now.) Again this year the Alumn i Association has charge of reservations for lodging at the Manor Inn, formerly Carney Manor Inn. Should you d e sire accommodations at the Manor Inn, contact the Alumni Office, giving accommodations needed and dates . A deposit of $17.51 is required to hold the reservation. Lodging is also at a premium, so make your reservations early . UMR 1972 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE

Sept. 16 Se pt . 23 Se pt . 30 Oct. 7

Oct . 14 Oct . 21 Oct . No v . Nov. No v. Nov . 8

28 4 11

18 23

Kansas State College - Pittsburg a1 Rolla ..... .... ........ ... 2 :00 Sou t h Dakota State at Brookings ...... .. ................... ... .. 2:00 Missouri Southern College at Joplin ........... ..... ..... .... .. . 7:30 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee at Rolla ....... ..... 2:00 (Parents' Day) Northwest Missour i State University at Maryville .... 7:30 Southwest Missouri State Un iversity at Rolla .......... .. .. 2:00 (Homecoming) Central Missouri State University at Warrensburg ... . 2:00 Wa s h ington University at St. Louis .... ... .... ................. . . 1:30 Southeast Missouri State Unive rsity at Rolla ......... .... . 1:30 Northeast Missouri State University at Kirksville ....... . 1:30 Lincoln University at Rolla .... .... .. ........... ...... .............. . 11 :00

p. p. p. p.

m. m. m. m.

p. m. p. m .

p. p. p. p. a.

m. m. m. m. m.

12:00 Noon Class Reunions for 1922 and earlier, 1927, 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967 classes. 12:00 Noon St. Louis Section to Hospitality Room, 1 :30 p. m. Pub Mobile 2 :00 p. m. Football - Miners vs . Springfield Bears 6 :30 p . m. Awards Banquet Crystal Room Manor Inn 9:30 p. m. Annual Meeting MSM-UMR Alumni Association Banquet tickets available at Registration Desks.

August 1972


Honor Roll 1972 Annual Alumni Fund Roster of Contributors Recorded as of AU9ust 31, 1972 1971 Fund 3,645 donors of $47,923.14 and 103 Century Club Members 1972 Fund 3,575 donors of $51,801.70 and 132 Century Club Members

Century Club ors






for ?r,

37, 52,





511 972

The following alumni and friends have given $100 or more to Annual Alumni Fund: B. W. Adams '16 Dr. T. J. Planje '40 Prof. J. Lewis Andrews '24 Thomas A. Holmes '50 Dr. Charles J. Potter '29 Dr. J. B. Arthur '58 Bert Hoover '23 Herbert L. Prange '38 Dr. Bill Atch ley '5 7 Will Houf '51 Michael L. Reed '70 Dr. Merl Ba ker '63 Arthur M. Howald '20 Thomas H. Reese, Jr. '34 H. S. Barger '39 Richard B. Howell '48 Ronald L. Reisbig Charles R. Barnard, Sr. '20 E. W. Hudgens '48 V. W. Rieke '40 Robert D. Ba y '49 Gordon E. Johnson '59 W. R. Riggs '32 Morris Boorky '39 Oliver W. Kamper '35 Richard Rothermich '70 Robert M. Brackbill '42 Andrew W. Kassay '32 Theodore A. Ruppert '53 Will Brewer '32 Raymond O. Kasten '43 George R. Schillinger '63 Robert S. Bruce '69 Russell M. Keller '51 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 Richard C. Cleve '65 Dr. Charles B. Kentnor '24 Louis H. Schuette '29 Donald A. Coben '51 Dr. Harry H. Kessler '24 J. Waller Scott '19 G. R. Couch '41 Jon J. Kessler '67 Loren H. Selleck '47 Donald G. Crecelius '41 Alonzo R. Kieffer III '59 Joseph G. Sevick '49 W. E. Dennis '36 John J. Kovach '50 Roy W. Slocum '66 Russell S. Dittmer '29 Harold A. Krueger '42 E. A. Smith '24 Pau l T. Dowling '40 A. H. LaPlante '63 Harry B. Smith '42 Don D. Duren '69 Harvey B. Leaver '48 Dr. John P. Soult '39 William C. Durning '19 Charles F. Lehmann '50 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 Donnell W. Dutton '35 Allan W. Lindberg '45 Elmer J. Sperling '31 Milan Lipensky '53 Fred M. Springer '49 Ralph A. Ecoff, Jr. '68 Francis C. "Ike" Edwards '69 Robert Ralph Lusk '27 Dr. James W. Stephens '47 Thomas O. English '29 Frank Mackaman John R. Stubbins '20 Durward E. Fagan '34 Fred P. Matlack, Sr. '25 Neil Stueck '43 D. H. Falkingham '41 Richard L. McGee '57 Warren E. Ten Eyck '23 J. O. Ferrell '40 Jack B. McKee '41 George H. Thomas '43 Fred W. Finley '41 Mrs. V. H. McNutt '67 Jack H. Thompson '52 Paul E. Fischer '23 Henry D. Monsch '29 Jack E. Toliver '57 George E. Fort '40 Edward W. Mooney '50 Dr. A. J. Tomasek '63 Thomas R. Fowler, Jr. '54 Joseph W. Mooney '39 John B. Toomey '49 J. W. Gardner, 11'41 George E. Mueller '39 Armin J. Tucker '40 Franklin D. Gastineau '63 Joseph L. Mueller '68 James T. Walters '60 William Godwin '25 W. C. Mulyca '65 R. L. Walz '52 Frederick J. Gorczyca '61 Paul Munger '58 Robert N. Warren '57 Ralph C. Graham '31 Ken Murdock '62 Chris M. Wattenbarger '4 1 Gary M. Gulick '69 James J. Murphy '35 Thomas G. Weir '22 Alden G. Hacker '41 *Dr. Enoch R. Needles '14 Edwin J . Werner '49 William V. Hartman '48 James A. Neustaedter"43 Dr. C. C. Whittelsey '24 Warren Heilig '31 ~er L. .~~" . ,~ Joseph M. Wilson '21 Carl J. Heim '25 , E..... biiphant, \J r. ~52 « Robert V. Wolf '51 Joseph T. Hepp '48 Clarence C. Palmer '40 Henry E. Zoller '23 Donald R. Hicks '67 E. L. (Roy) Perry '40 Victor H. Zoller '43 *Deceased The CentU1·y Clu b Certificate l'eads : "An organization of alumni founded on May 27, 1967 to aid and support the University of Miss ouri - Rolla through su bstantial gifts to th e Alumni Association A nnual Alumni Fund."

MSM Alumnus





Hauenstein , Freder ick CLASS OF 1906

Hartzell , Henry H . \\' illia ms , Bruce CLASS OF 1907

Fellows, Aubrey Perk ins, Will iam C. Philli ps, Walter I. CLASS OF 1908

French, C. L. Hynes. Di brell P. Wood , Clyde R. CLASS OF 1909

Barrett , Edward P. '\! azany, :\Iark Stephen CLASS OF 1910

Bodma n, ]. W. Bryant , A. D. H arlan , ]. D. :' Iinor, H armon E . Riede, Freder ick E. CLASS OF 1911

Cody, Ben H. Detwei ler, :'II. H. Greene , Eva H irdler Townsend, Frank E. CLASS OF 1912

Conway, C. L. Ford , Harold P . Grosberg, Alex I rwin , J oseph Stewart Lynton , Edward (Ted ) D . Thomas, George S. \\'i llmoll , :'1. E . CLASS OF 1913

Holli ster , S. E. K nappenberger, \\"m . R. l\ l urphy, Joh n A. CLASS OF 1914

Hall , Clyde W . Metz, Gilbert F. *]\" eedles, Enoch R. Rice, H ugh Prentice Sim rall , Riley M. Webster, John N. CLASS OF 1915

H a tch , Sidney R. CLASS OF 1916

Adams, B. W. Grotts, Fred Johnson, Gunnard E. Lumaghi , O. L. McCartney , Will iam H. Miller, John Charles eustaedter, Harold A. Ude, George E. Vogel, H erman H. Woolrych , E. H . CLASS OF 1917

Brown , John S. Elfred , F. Stillman *Deceased


Horner, H . A. Kamp, W. H. Porter, George S. Reilly , John H. G. Shri ver, R. O. Teas, Howard ]. CLASS OF 1918

Chavez A. , Raul D oenn ecke , H. W . Morris, Oli ve S. Scheu rer , Leroy R. Weiser, H . H . Zoller , Lawrence J . CLASS OF 1919

Durning, W. C. Lottmann , Walter Scott , J . Walter Wilkinson, Paul D . CLASS OF 1920

Alli son, H . F. Barnard , Charles R ., Sr. Bash , David A. Burnet, George, Sr. Ebmeyer , G. E. H oppoc~ , H. H. Howald, Arthur '\1. ]\"olte, William J . Pietsch , Peter H . Schuman, Edwin K. Slover , E. A. Stubbins, J ohn R . Swayze, Ronald O. Terry , Mark L . Ut hoff, Fred W. Zieseniss , Harry W. CLASSOF 1921

Badoll et, M. S. Colbert , ]. Philip Hurd, H . W. Lloyd , Samuel H . Mi ller , E. L. , J r. Needham , A. B. *Netzeband , W. F. Rohloff, ]. H. Shanfeld, Sam j T aylor, F. H. Williams, Anvil C. Wilson, Joseph M.

Ford, Ragan Frame, Wayne S. Gatts, W . P . Gibson , Doddridge Graham Gordon , Pem Harbison , Lynn Hoover, Bert J ewell , Armin B. Keeling, W . M. Lindgren, R. A. McAlpine, Earl H. Moore , B. Hamilton M urphy, Ray mond E . Pence, Harry S. Pesout , Edward Remmers, Walter E. Riddle, J ohn H. Rixleben, Bruno Rucker , Ambrose C. Tei s, K . R . T en Eyck , Warren E. Tragitt , E. Rowland Wanenmacher, J . M . Webster , Vance Herschel \\'eigel, M. P . \\'erner , Walter A. Whitworth , Vi rgil L. Zoll er , H enry E. CLASS OF 1924

Andrews, ]. Lewis Blake, Phil ip L. Bowers, Carlos G. Cou rtn ey, Robert Dierking, Ceo. T .

Gabler, George C. J ett, J ames E. Kemper , C. L. Kentnor, Cha rl es B. Kessler , Harry Knigh t, W. E. H. Lovett , I. H. McBrian , Ray Scott , Guy R. Smith , E. A. Walker , M rs. A. W. in memory of

A. W. Walker Weimer, W . Henry Whittelsey, C. C. Wright , Wilford S. CLASS OF 1925


Atkinson, M. L . Baker, Donald R . Berry, Hugh R . Browning , Bertie L . Burnet, Leo L. Cunningham , G. C. Eagan, Thomas E. Gaines, George D. Godwin, William H asselmann, Karl F. Hauck , Wm. F. H eim, Carl J . Heitmann , Albert L. Horrom , Orman J . Kuechler , Adolph Lyon , E . J. Martyn, P hil F . Matlack, Fred P. , Sr. Schneeberger, F. C. Schramm, Herbert O. Valeri us, Claude N. Ward , Ronald D.

Brande nburger, O. L. Buser, H enry C. Campbell , E. Tay lor Chomea u, Henri Fischer, Paul E . Flesh, David ].

Birchard, Harry C. Craig, Charl es Dewey Craig, Samuel E. Gammeter, E lmer


Alcorn , Irwin W . Case, Walker E. Christner , Glen ]. D e Cousser , Kurt Di ers , Henry E . Forgotson, Ja mes M. Halasey , Francis R. Hammer , Bernard E. Huffman , Dani el E. Kau ll en, F red A. Leonard , Homer Long, Albert E. Machin , Edwin G. Scruby , H. D . *Weir , Thomas G. Wheeler, Ernest S. Wheeler, Jen nie Wyman, Glen S.


Gammeter, Erwin Goff, rra N. Kennedy, Daniel Ki tchen , Charles L. Kollar , Ray E. Moore, James P. Rood , ]. A. Short, W. Irwin Sm ith , C. Cabanne T yrrell, Morris L . Walker, Jule H. Wilson, J oseph M .


Abbett, Robert W . Barnard , A. E . Hallows, Raymond L. Hardy, James W. Knox , Richard H. Kraft , Ned O. Lusk, Robert Ralph Parsons, Edward W. Paul , l\ lurray ]. Rankin , Rolfe Sievers, Edwin R. Smith , James F. Weber, Paul Weiss, C. B. CLASS OF 1928

Baumgartner, R . P . Boyer , Philip ]. Burg, Louis ]. Cordry, C. D. Crider, Kevil Crumbaugh, Daniel H. Faulkner, E. C. Freeman, Charles A. Gross, Howard H. H erbert, Charles F. Hill , Albert L. Histed , Howard H odgdon , Sam D . Ki lpatrick , H. R. Layne, Mark B. Machin, Willia m B. Moreland , H oward B. Murphy, T om Newcombe, H. H . Roberts, Gerald A. Schweickhardt , William K. Slates, Burl Y. Sm ith , Joseph Warren Thomas, H. D . Walther, John R.


Coil, B. R . Crawford, E. A. Crum , E. Jefferson Dittmer, Russell S. Drake, William L. Dresbach, Charl es H . Engli sh, T. O. Frotscher, Gunther Jones, Harlow G. Kemp, Arthur H . Kim, Emmet R . Letts, Marion K. in memory of J ames Letts Monsch , H enry D. Morris, Orville W . Potter, Charles ]. Schuette, Louis H . Talley, George W. Thompson , Mercer V. Wi lliamso n, Joe, Jr.


Alexander , Verne Beatty, Ren Cirkal, E. F. Davis, Willard E. Dillingham , Marion A. Graybeal , ]. W. Grimm, C. James Harvey, Edwin T. H eath, George F. Hoeman , E rwin C. J ennings, Charles H . Kaveler , Karl W . Keller , W. D. Kirkpatrick, Harry F. Meeka , Edward Moore, Percy E. Teal , K. R. Osterwald , Herbert R. Payne , Richard F. Rollman , W. H. Scheer, H enry 0 , Stone , S. A. Thomas, Myron Woodman , E ugene H . CLASS OF 1931

Baron , A. R. Conley , Jack I Donaldso n, William E. Donlon , Thomas F. Epperson, Ernest R. Followill , Bemis S. Gevecker , V. A. C. Graham , Ralph C. Heilig, Warren Herrell , R. R . Herron , Henry R. Kirkpatrick, Ruel L. Mitchell , Alfred A. Murphey, Maurice F. Ross, Charles E. Sperling, Elmer ]. Stokes, James E. Wade, Rolla T. Walter, Edwin G. Wenger, Frank E . Wilhi te, Clyde E. Williams. Rex Z. CLASS OF 1932

Andres, O. M. Bertranl , R . A. Brewer, Will Bruegging, Harold ]. Davis, Stuart L. Elsea , Carl A. Gallemore, Willard A. Gibbs, H a rold L. Hoeman , Arthur ]. Horn , Re x T. Johnson , Leon K . Karraker, Ed L. Kassay , Andrew W . Kay, W. T. Macklin , Floyd S. Mays, W. R . McClusky, R. W. McCreight , R. L. Meyer, H enry W. Monroe, Rex Offutt, ]. J . Pollak , Joh n A. Reid , Allen J. Rhoades , Robert r. Richardson, ]. K. Riggs , W. R. Ru nder, Ray H . Schwarz, Arthur S, T errell , ]. B. Thom pson, Homer F. Wiethop , Russell H . Zvanut, Frank ].

Aug ust 1972

Achufi, I Asher, V, Bea rdsle) Beinlich, Berlho ld, Borchers Braun, II Coghill. ' Doll, £11, Edgar, ) ferbrach Gieseke. GroSS, B lIarris, ( lIibbilS, Jlunze, ( Jabsen, I J\aczm ar Krallle)" Lambur, Lenz, \I' llcDonal )Jerchie, llusson, Pinkie)" SeiberiinJ Spolle, I Wehrmar Williams CLASS

Absher, I Bermi, S; Brasaeml Cunnjn~t

CUller, I Dobson, Duncan, Fa~an,


Flelcher, Ford, He Hedges, . Hudson, Jackson, Joslin, L Hein, Ed Kraliler, Kruse, C Maise, C McKinlel McRe>,"( Murph)', Nuernber Power, II Reese, r; Sackewit: Springer, Siewart Sullent(u Swift, Rc Taylor, I Weigel, I Westerfel


BOrgestf( Buck, R( Campbell Colman Danforth Doan, D( DUlion Edgar, '~' Haflner Harrod 'J Hoflm;n HOlman Hoyt, Ha JOhnson Kamper:




Achuff , Cha rles E. Asher, Vernon L. Beardsley , C. H. Beinli ch, Alfred W . Berthold , C. F. Borchers, Raymond W . Braun , Walter H. Coghil l. \\' . W . Doll , Ellen Woodman Edgar, ~L Russell Ferbrache, Charles P . Gieseke. E. W . Gross, B. ]. Harris , Ge ne L . Hibb its, Lowell A. Hunze , C. L. J absen , Wi ll iam J. Kaczmarek , Theo. B. Krallley , H omer W . La mbur , C. Lenz, \\"i ll iam H . ~ !C Do n al d , J ames F . , ferchie, Leo H. , f usson, George H. Pinkley , Rex E. Seiberli ng, T. O. Spolle, 1. C. Wehrma n, Al vi n A. Wi ll iams, Arthur J . CLASS OF 1934

Absher , Ha rold R . Bermi , Sa m A. Brasaem le, Ray 1. Cun ningham, Robert L. Cutler , Da vid Dobson, Richa rd J . D uncan, O. Fagan , Du rward E. Fletcher, W . B. Ford , Homer T . Hedges, W ill iam E. Hudson, Richa rd G. J ackson , LeRoy H. J oslin , LeCompte Hein , Edwin A. K rallle r, Gil bert Lewis K ruse, Cornelius W . ~ f aise , Clemo ns R. ~ !C K i n l ey, John H. McReynolds, E. L. M urphy, Charles J. Nuernberger, O. L. Power , William R. Reese, Thomas H ., J r. Sackewi tz, R. A. Springer, W. R . Stewa rt , T. ]. Sullentru p, Leo J . Swift , Roy E. T aylo r, Richa rd E . Weigel, Robert C. Westerfeld, Wilfred W.



Borgestede, Geo rge J. Buck, Robert H. Campbell , W . ]. Colman , Howard B. Danforth , Wa rren B. Doan , Donald J . D utton, Donnell W. Edgar, Max E. Ha ffn er, H. J . Harrod, J oh n E . Hoffman, E mil D. Holma n, L. W. Hoy t, Harlan K. J ohnson, R. W . Ka mper, O. W .

Kay , Wi ll iam W . Kn oll , Rudolph J . Lange. Howard F . :lfcDiII , W illiam H. ~f c D on a l d , Collins H. ,fontgomery, Robe rt Gi ll :lfurphy , J a mes ]. ~ ic k eJ, E lmer J. Solomon, R . C.

~ [ e d ley, R . R . :lf ueller. F red ~L 1\ickel, :II. E. reukert , ~or m an L. P ittenger, Frank Pra nge, Herbert L. Rogers . Raymond H . Ruemmler , W . P . Short , J ohn A. Smith, Hueston :If. Stephens, Wm. E .



Ba rrow , C. W . Bea rd , Reade Burgoyne, , [argaret Daily , E ugene J . Dennis, \\". E . Fisher, Robert L ee Fiss, E . C. Hillmeyer, Fran k L. Hoener, Ala n J. H of fm an , Richard H . Housek necht. Pa ul D . Kirchoff. E lmer ,f enefee, J ames H. ,f eyer, La wrence W . ' fi chel. H ilbert F . :lfi lli ce: C. T . ~i c ho l son , Ha rvey L. Pfe ifer, He rma n ]. Roy, Edwa rd A. Ruwwe, J ohn \\" . Schwalbert, \\" . H . Simmons. R . \\" . Smith , Elmer L . Thompson , Hoyt G. Walker, W . E., Jr.


Boorky, :I[orr is Boulson, C. E . Bra nd , Glenn E . Brown , R. G. Cam pbell , J ohn 0 ., J r. Carter, Robert A. Cla ridge, E. L. Crecelius, H erbert F. D ie ffenbach, Robert P . Elliott , E dwa rd E. E lliott , Lewis C. E ll is, W . R . Fill mer , Howard H . Finley, T homas ]. Gammeter, Walter, Jr. Gla llhaar, ]. R . Ha rsell , Tom Heiser, Frederick W . Hoffman , Ray E. , Jr. J ohnson, Earl Herbert K idd , Harold S. Lint er, C. W . :lfcCaw, J ack :llcKissick , R . C. ~Ioon ey , J oseph W . :lfoore, J ack W . M ueller, George E . Mussell , W. E. Pohlmann , E dgar F. Post , J ohn R. Roari g, Wilbert A. R hodes, A. E. Runya n, J a mes R. Siegrist , Kermi t A. Smith, Leroy E. Soult, J ohn P. Spalding, ]. V. Stojeba, T haddeus S. Sulli van , W . L. T etley, Albert L. Vandergri ff , W. C. Wa ters, Wade D.


Appleyard , Frank C. Benner, Charles F. Bommer, Theodore J. Breuer, Walter F. Cardelli, R. J. Ca rrolla , Ross R. Donnelly, W. L . Grimm , Donald F. Holz, Walter L. J a rrett , Wal ter R . J ones, Walter T . La nge, R . C. Logan, E. W . Mattei, Peter F . McCla na ha n, Arthur L. M illard , F . S. Post , S. S. Rodma n, W ilfred K . Schaum burg, Gra nt W . Sheppard, J ohn ]. Silver, P. E ., J r. Taylor, M. W ., II T y rrell , M iles E. Vogt, Fred K . Wommack, T . W .


Alexander, William C. Alford , Rex Barclay, J ames Bau msta rk, Walter A. Braun , Steven S. Brown, Guy, Jr. Burn ett, Richard W . Carr, W. J., Jr. Dennie, Powell A. D ennis, B . A. Donahue, J . .B . D owling, Paul T. E nderson, W . A. F errell , ]. O. Fort, George E . ,. Griffeth , T . ].

CLASS O F 1938

Ballma n, E . A. Bircher, J . R ussell Bliss, Allen D. Bowman, D on c., J r. Ca meron , Cha rles V. Car penter, Forrest L. Clay ton, Chas. L. Cornett, Roy C. Ellis, ]. Craig Ferna ndez, Horacio A. Good rich, F . N . Hill , Eugene F . Howerton, J oseph W . J arboe, R upert A. J ones, Robe rt V. Kuhlman n, H enry W . Lewin , Bra m J .

Gund, Russell A. '" ~

Hall, CMlles E . Henson , L eonat'd E. H erzog , Al R . J acobs, J a mes H. Kamper, H . G. Kelley, Ralph E., J r. Ki dwell , Albert L. K iesler, A. James

Ki nd , Carl G. Klug, Robert Ladd , Ha rley W . Leber , Walter P . Lesli e, ]. C. Loveridge, J oel F . Machmer, F . G. l\ [a rkley, J. S. Mart in , Ben H. Miller. E . S. Mitsch, George L .

Springer, James ]. Stevens, Harvey C. Stewart , Daniel R . Stockton , H. R . Stra whun , ]. O. Volz, H. A. Wampler, H. R . \\ 'a ttenba rger, Chris M. Wyatt , D . D .

K iedli ng. h 'an :\1. Olcott : Eugene Palmer, Cla rence C. Parish . G. A. Perry, E . L. ( Roy ) Plan je. T . ]. Reed , J ohn F . Rid ley. Robert P . Riege, Lynn J. Ri eke. Y . \\ '. Rose . Colin G. Ross: Pa ul F . Rueff . Edward L. Schrader, Ralph Sharp E . W . Smot hers. \\'. ]. Sturges. Herbert D. Summers, Huey T ra u twein , E lmer E . Tucker , Armin J . \\"eber, Art hur , J r. \\,ilson, F. Hugh \\,ilson, J ames C. Young, W . P.

Adler, A. G. AUen, J ohn C. Axmacher, George W . Billings, Robert G. Bla nkenship, Gilbert H ., Jr. Brackbill, R . M . Busch , William D . Castlema n, J ohn H . Cla rk, Hugh M. Crookston, ]. A. Cunningham , R. ]. Fuller, Julian A. Guilfoy, Rohert F ., Jr. Hagar, B. W . Hillery, Cha rles H ollander, R ussell W . Hughes, Thomas A. J ones, Thomas A. Ka rbosky , J oseph T . K ing, Welhy ~1. Kisslinger, Fred Kloeris, Pa ul W., Jr. Krueger, Ha rold A. Loesing , V. T . Lyons, John H. Ma her, Leslie ]. lIfartin , Kent W . M cGhee, Vernon T. l\Iitchell , Jim L. Nelson, Paul C. Neubert, Ralph L. Nevin, James R. N evin , J ohn W. Nicola , Nicholas Olde, Fred W . Olsen, J ohn K. Pa ul , Frederick P. Pewitt , Bion D . Pohl, Robert A. Rassinier, Ed Sandhaus, E lmer Schmitt, Joseph B . Schowalter, K . A. Schuma n, Austi n E . Sha ffer, J a mes W . Shockley, Gilbert R . Smith, Harry B. Smith, J ohn , Jr. Stewart , Alex L. Taylor, Otis H. Trotter , Cha rles R . Va n Nostrand , Rohert Wade, Dell C . Weidle, Ben E. Witt, J ack A. Wolff, Leonard C. Zanzie, C. E . Zoller, J. W.

CLASS O F 1941

Ada ms, \\'as hington Andreae, And reas A. Bennetsen, Way ne Blair, !\orma n D . Bottcher, H ermann F . Bourne, William H . Boyd , Robert K . Butch, Edm und R . Clarkson, Charles F . Cochran , Andrew A. Com eau, Clifford A. Couch, G. R . Crecelius, D onald G. Crockett, W . E. Davidson, M rs. R. Fred in memory of R . Fred Davidson Dreste, J erome P . Falkingham , D. H . Farrell , E. C. F ick, Armin F. Finley, F red W . Gardner, ]. W., II Grisham, Marvin C. Hacker, Alden G. Hardine, Kenneth L., J r. H oener, Fred H . J a ffe, D avid N. J ensen, J a mes W. Lambert, Chris, Jr. L ambeth , J ennings R . Loveridge, War ren Mack, J a mes 0 ., Jr. McConnell , W. F . McKee, J ack B. ":: ~ . M,eJltz,. Fra nk, H . ." , yer.;2Robert H . 'Ofr;.s.. Wia;.am 1. l'ace, George M. P autler, A. C. Puetz, William M . Roux, J ames R. Schoenthaler, Robert Shankland, John Smith, Floyd P.



Ada ms, J oseph T. Amli , H a rold E. Ballinger, Homer J. Bellis, Maurice O. Berndt , J oseph P . Biermann , Earl E. Bottom, James H . Carroll, James V. Christensen, Douglas N. Comann , R . Kent Coolidge, D . J .


MSM Alumn u s

gust 1972


1972 ALU MN I FUND CONTRIB UTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DeValve , Albert S. Dreste, Fred E. Durha m, Howard W. Eh rlich , Robert L. Fleischli , Jack E. Flood, H. W. Fris, Ed S. Gimson, William H ., Jr. Glover, J ames Gygax, Edward E. Hadl ey, Theodore R. Ha nna , Rober t L . Johnson, Ja mes C. Kackley, Roy L., ] r. Kasten , Raymond O. Ke ndall , Edward T ., J r. Kerper, 'IIa tthew ]. Key , Enos L. Krill , Francis M . Krummel, c., J r. Lambelet, Clarence A. Landis, Bruce R. Larson, Leonard (l\'a t ) Leming, John G. Marlow, 'IIax L. llIartin , Gene S. McCormi ck , Cha rles S. Meyer. O. L. ~ I or ri s, J ames H . l\'eustaedter, Ja mes A. Paul, ]. R. Pracht , Herman W. Quinn , Pat . Ra smussen, Rene K.

Schmitz , Joseph K. Schumann , L. C. Short, Donald H . Skitek, G. G. Strickler, H alford O. Studebaker , D . J . Stueck , l\'eil Thomas, George H . Weis, Cari J . Werner , Roy Wilson, Wi lli am, Jr. Wissler, Louis B. Wri ght , C. ]. Zoller, Victor H.


Arras, J ean Ll oyd Brodhacker , John W . Carmichael, R. L. Clark , Willis H . Denison, Robert Dick , C. Alfred D ietz, Robert O. Dowd , J ames D. Goetemann , E. C. Griffiths, John W ., II H ensen, J . Ri chard H eid enreich , Roger H. H el berg, Warren Hubbard, William Isenma nn , E. S. Kas ten, Paul R. Klorer, Robert W. Kozeni , Don Larson, Warren L.

Li ley, J ames A. Murphy, Robert E. M ushovic, Peter Ploesser, Ala n P. Sanders, Lincoln A. Schmoldt, Hans E. Schoeneberg, Kenneth W. Simons, San ford Smith , P. Gene Sparks, Cha rl es H. Staley, Glenn Summers, Robe rt F. Westwater, Robert S.



Blase, Edwin W. Boyd , Roy H. Brinkmann , Herman

Eriv, Leon Feldbaum , David

Strunk , M . R. Tappmeyer, R. A. T errasson , P. L. Wagner, George Wegener , Wilbert F . Wyli e, James E.


Kasten, Vernon

Dawaguchi, Makoto J . Lindberg, Allan W. McKelvey , James M. Milton, Osborne Murray , Robert E. Ozawa, J ack Schmidt , Robert F. Shank , Earl M. CLASS OF 1946

Burke, George E. Clayton, Austin B. Connett, R. P. Daniels, T. D. Daisy, R. J. Mann , Robert L. Meyer, Donald I. Wilhelms, Kenneth M. CLASS OF 1947

Adrian, Kenneth Anderso n, Fred L. Bai li e, Cecil C. Ba ili e, Kenneth R. Belew, Elmer W. Bell , Warren H. Bri xius, J ohn L. Brown, Dale Bruns, Robert F. Bruzewski , R. F . Carafiol , Gil Carlton , Paul F. Christiansen, Carl R . Cole, R. E. Counts, Charles R. Dameron , H . c., Jr. D unham , Roy H . E inspanier, Bernard Ellerman, William Ell is, William A. Faser, Jack Foga rty, E . R. Fritz, Gl enn H. Goodwin, Reo E . Goodwin, William ]. Hammann, Eugene E. Harv ille, Bi ll Hellwege, William H. , Jr. H enke, Elvin A. H enry, George E. Johnson , Phi li p D. Kerr, Frank F. LaPi ere, Gilbert H. Lewis , Dwight E.

Little, ]. Edward Marinkovic, Sergio F. Martin , Arliss McCormack , George E. McDonald , Malcolm H. McKinn is, Cha rles L. Miller, E berhard H . Moeller, Lester K. Perry man, George. I. P ierce , Thomas R. PomeroY,Chester M. Ray , Robe rt L. Ru tledge, Wi lliam A. Scheinema n, ]. A. Sc hmitz, Richard L. Sell eck, Loren H . Sheppard , Keith D. Smith, ]. A. Snowden , James Russell Stephens, J ames W.

Volz, Rober t A. Whanger, James R . Wi ckizer, W . F. Wolfarth , T . R.


Ackerman n, K. G. Anderson , Wal ter F. Armstrong, Robert ]. Baerveldt , R. F . Balmat, Jack S. Banks, Ralph Bermel , Peter F. Billard, ]. W. Billy, J oseph H . Boell er, Emery L. Bradford , Victor L. Brassfield , H. C. Brown , Will iam R . Browning, P hil A. Chaney, James B. Crosby, R. A. Delany , Michael J. Doelling, Robert F. Ell is, Maurice H . Ellis, W. A. Fields, Lester E . Fisher, James R. Flynn, Robert H . Full er, Leroy W . Gau erk e, Reinhart C. Glasgow, Lawrence G. Grady, William , Jr . Griessen, John Grigsby, Harry G. Gurnea, Elven M. Haley, Comer C. Hammann , John W. Hartman , W. V. Hartman, Robert F. H asko, Stephen Held , Robert E. Hepp, Joseph T. Hequ embourg, Frank D . Hoelscher, James W . Hoey, Paul E. Howell, Richard B. Howell , Ted Hudgens, E. W. Kasten, Max L. Keeley , Gilbert S. Kreutzer, Robert C. Lawson, Vernon R. Leaver , Harvey B. Marchal, Jacques H. Mathews, Donald ]. McColgin , D ennis L. McGovern , James ]. McKelvey, Ralph McMillan, Willi am C. M ill er, William ]. Molin e, Gordon H . Mueller, Edward E. O'Neill , Lawrence F. P lenge W ., Carlos H . Procton , Albert W. Ramsey, George H . Robbins, Irvin D. Schaeffer, W. A., III Schmi dt, Donald G. Scholz, Arthur E. Smjth , David G. Smith , Harl an D . Smith , Hubert R . Spinzig, E. W. , Jr. Stoecker, Wi lliam F. Thurman , Willi am H . Todd , Fred A. Van Ea ton, C. W.

Anderso n, Douglas And erson, George M . Aubuchon , Edward L. Ba ily, Walter E. Bay , Robert D . Bell , James E . Berry, Jerome T. Birch , Bettij eanne Bishop, H. Sam Blank enmeister, Erwin Boyer, Alexander A. Carney, W. Dale Carter , Willi am D . Chang, J ohn W. Cizek, Fran k J . Clifton , ]. G. Coolidge, William H. Cox, D elbert R. Crites, Joseph Cromer, Charles F. Crossman , Frederick T. Dalpini , David Daly, T. E. Davidson, Charles C. D eBolt, Donald G. Eason, Donald E. Eh rler, J ohn W. E ichelberger, Charles E. Evans, William W. Fentzke, A. D aniel Foster, Jack D. French, Robert G. Gambill,]' W. Gammon , William H. Goller, C. H. , Jr. Grei g, Joseph E. J ones, Oliver W . J ones, Sam P. K ela han, R. C. Kimmick, Edward ]. Knecht , Walter S. Knutson, Elmo G. Komoto , Frank K. LaMas ter , Chesley C. Lenox , W. H. Linn , Laurel G. Magruder, William H. Martin, R. L. McCallister , Od is L. , Jr. McDonald, John E. McGrath , James B. Mengel, E. L. Meyer, Harlan Miller, F. ]. Mull iga n, John Norma n, Amos

Ochs, Calvin M. Ostmann , Robert F. Otto, Richard M. Pad fi eld, Ralph Perry , Robert C. Quinn , J oseph S. Ra tcliff, J ohn ]. Reilly, J ohn G., Jr. Reinkensmeyer, Norman \V.

Reiss, Joseph ]. Rem ington, C. R.

Root, Robert L. Ross, Charles J. Ross, Harvey D. Rowley, Kermit G. Sakonyi , Frank W. Sarzin, Julius L. Schirmer, "V. A. Schmidt, Murray Schmitt , James C.

Schow'alter , Ralph E. Schuler, Leonard L. , Jr. Schweder, H. P . Seelig, Albert F ., Jr. Sevick, Joseph G. Shute, John W. Slaght, Frederick W . Smith , W. E. Springer, Fred M. Stadelhofer, ]. F. Starkweather, Reuben H . Stein , John E. Telthorst, E . ]. Tellhorst, Harold M. T indall , Robert F . Toomey, John B. Trot ter, Jac k K. Timmer, Donald H . Tucker , Art hur L. Twombley, R . C. Van Mae rssen, Otto L. Vi les, La ndon C. Werner, Edwin ]. Winters, F red E . Wissel, Cha rles K . Wood , James E. Wunnenberg, Edward C. Yochum , Robert J. CLASS OF 1950

Agnew, Lewis E. Atchison, Dani el R. Bach , W. E. Ba ldo, Alex H . Barsachs, Edwin H. Belew , Leland F. Bradley, Kenneth R. Breit , Karl K. Breuer, D. W. Brinkmann, Charles E. Browngard , Billy R. Buel , Robert W. Burke, Robert F . By rd , H erman C. Ca ntwell , L. W. Ca rl , Loui s H. Castell i, August V . Chambers, Frank T. Chen , Willi e Y. Choate, Robert L. Church , Charles H . Cli fford , Richard E. Coleman , E. H ., Jr . Colli ns, William W . Craig, Cu rtis L. Crock er , H ilbert W. Dampf, Donald P. Dave, Wilbert L . da Silva, A. J. Davidson, Edwin A. Delaney, J ohn F. Dolecki , Stanley Drake, Avery A., Jr. Eck , Bernard J . Eissinger, Karl

E lliott, ]. O. Erb, R. D. Etz, Carl E., Jr. Evans, James L. Eyberg, W . P. Fahien, Ray mond F. Farrey, Henry B. Feltz, W. R. Ferry , Robert S. Fi nch , Frank Fossi, Robert L. Gabelmann , W. L . "B ill " George, Kenneth Graves, C. Tad Gray, I van L. Green, Pa ul W., J r. Greenbu rg, Aa ron

August 1972


Griffin, I Gurnea, Haas, Pa Hallemar. Hammon HarriS, I Hay, jos Haymes, Heller. E Hel wig, I Hernan, .

Hillhouse Hollenba' Hollis, II Holmes, ' Ho~ell , I Humphre Hunl, j. HUlchisol Hyde, j. Isbell, CI lien, 11. jamieson: jerman, johnson, johnson, johnson, joreke, ( judah, R Kelly, Pe Kerr, R. Kinder, I King, Do Kingsley, Klaus,lr Kovach, : Knowles, Krainess,

Kraus, K; Kunz, Ch Lanham, Laird, Ha Lasko, EC Lockert, I Lukrofka, Mabie, E( l!ann ,Ca \!arshall, Marting, llason, EI llattlage, MeDonak l!eGaugbl

Me~wan lIc'!icho~

l!egeff, S llendell lleng,I,\1


Miller, C. Miller, Ja 'looney, Muebring llurphv Kagel,'La

~eidel , R


Kiehols, J

};lederstac Nolan, Pa North Ol

No\'ot~ak 0'0,11 H

Olipha~t Owens, it Parnter, 1 Park" R Patten: R Pau~ell \ PhilliPS: H Pohquin Preiss, Ro



us t 1972

Grel(ory , Scott H. Griffin , Donald C. Gurnea, Robert F . Haas, Paul A. Hallemann , Joseph E. Hammond , G. L. Harris, William M. Hay, Joseph Haymes, Willi am G. Hell er, Enrique Helwig, A. W. Hernan, J. F. Hillhouse, David L. Hollenbach. B. D. Hollis, William Holm es, Thomas A. Howell , Bennett D. Humphrey, W. D. Hunt , J. R. Hutchison, A. C. Hyde, J . C. Isbell , Clarence A. , Jr. Iten , H. Clay Jamieson, George W. Jerman , Theodore I. Johnson, Edward L. Johnson, Ray B. Johnson , Warren H. Jorcke, Oliver A. Judah, Russell J. Kelly, Peter B. Kerr , R. H. Kinder , David C. King, Donald T. Kingsley , Dale L. Klaus, Irving Kovach, John J. Knowles, Carl M. Krainess, Albert M. Kraus, Karl L. Ku nz, Charles O. Lanham , Thomas G. Laird, Harry W. Lasko, Edward P . Lockett, D. N . Lukrofka, L. J. Mabie, Edward L. Mann ,Carl K. Marshall, Donald W. Marti ng, Richard E . Mason, E rnie V. Mattlage, Raymond F McDonald, James E. McGaughey, C. E. McGowan , John P. McNicho ls, John R. Megeff , S. Mendell , Robert H . ~1engel , WilJiam K. Middl eton, D . F. Mi ll er, C. E. MiIJer , James E. Mooney, Edwa rd W. 11'1uehring, John E. Murphy , William L. Nagel , Lawrence


Neidel , Roger A. Neustaedter, R. H. Nichols, Joh n W. Niederstadt , R. J . Nolan , Paul B. North , Oliver S. Novotnak, Frank O'Dell , Harry B. Oliphant , J. D. Owens, Ro bert L. , Sr. Pain ter, John L. Parker , R. C. Pa tten , Robert I. Paulsell , W. G. Phillips, H . I. , Jr. Poliquin , Thomas E. Preiss, Robert K.

MSM Alumnus

Rausch , M. K. Rees , George A. Reynolds, Earl G. Ries, F. W. Roberts, J. Kent Robison, Leslie Brant Ruenheck , Raymond T. Sakonyi , J . J. Scott, J ames J. Sereno, Leroy F. Settgas, Robert C. Severtson , Vernon S. Shourd , Roy R. Sims, Dale E. Slack, Clayton F. Smith, George R. Smith , Marvin E. Smith , Robert E., Sr. Spanier 1 Lawrence A.

Springer, Everett W. Starke, R. E. Stevens, Billy Strain , Robert A. Strauss, Ervin J. Strong, John F. Sydnor , John J. Szumachowski, Edwin R. Terry , R. Milton Theerman, Harold B. Tibbs, Harold E. Trianda, John Tunnicli ff, Clarence J. Underwood , Cli fford B. Unsell , Vester B. Vance, J. M. VanNort, J. R. Vogler, August}., Jr . Voiles , Cletus F. Wa lker, Dale E. Walker, Walter W. Wargo, Lewis L. Webster, James P. Wehling, Howard C. Weidman , T. H . Weingaertner, John W. Weinstein , W.

White, T. W. , Jr. Williams, John C. Wilson , Glenn E. Win ter , E. F. Wojan, Carl E. Wolfram , Ralph E. Wood , Robert C. Wright, Harold R. Zerweck, Carl E. Zvanut, Albert J.


Anderhub , Anthony P. Bal dwin , William M. BaIJ estero , Antonio P. , Jr. Banghart, R. C. Barrow, Robert B. Bender , Gerald Blendermann , Gene R . Bodine, Jack Boscia , Frank J. Bowkl ey, Herbert L. Boyd , Cha rles L. Brillos, John W. Brown , J. P. Browne, Tom

Brunkhorst, Ea rl Bu IJock , Richard L. Coben , Donald A. Comanich , George W. Commerford , George E. Dasenbrock, Arthur A. Dickens, R. L. Dowling, Don J. Dowling, Neal B.

Dryden , Joe Dulberg, Irv. Dunn, E. E. Durrenberger, J.


Elbaum, Jerome K. Elwood , William H. Fahs, Donald G. Fornari, Joseph M. Fris, Joseph P. Fritschen , Herman A., Jr. Gabrielse, Richard S. Ganley, Robert J . Gardner, John E. Giacoma, Frederick A., Jr. Gillen, David U. Givens , William A. Glenn, David E . Greer , Rex Griffith, John B. Grothaus, J. V. Hargus, Loren , Jr. Harris, H. C. Heagler, John B. Henson, Gerald Herley, David F . Hestetune, D. G. Hirner, John A. Hohlfelder, Eugene F . Holcomh , Lester W. Horst , William E. Houf, WiIJ Houghton, Clark F. Hubbard , Jack L. Huff, Wayne F. Irwin , David McRae Jackson , Earl E. Jeffers , Phillip E. Johannesmeyer , H. M. Johnson , Charles C. KeIJer, Gerald N. KeIJer , Russell M. Kent , Herbert E. Ketter , Richard P. Kinane, Cyril M . Kleinkopf, M. Dean Kline, Charles R. Knight , George Kolb, Eugene F. Kuster, Ralph L. Lattin, Judson M. Lehmann , Charles F. LJeweIJyn, Henry Lynch John F. MacDonald , John B. Ma tthaei, Richard McEvilly, WilJiam G. McGovern, Dan E. Meiners, Donald W. Mellott, R. N . Middour , E. S. Milligan , Edward J. Montgomery, D. D. Moor, Julius H. Murray , Richard W. Myslinski, Frank J. Napp, Gordon E. Oldenburg, Ted J. Owens, Frank W. Packheiser, Elmer D . Pearson , Walter O. Perryman, J. E. Phelps, R. C. Rieder, Robert J. Rober, Donald L. Roherts, J. G. Roetzel, J. D. Roloff, Don V. Sal mas, James Scbmidt , Vernon E . P. Schweizer, Charles T. Shepard, William M. Shields, Robert W. Shopher, S. Dean

Sieck, Ervin H. Silver, Milton Simpson , Thomas A. Skiles, James J. Smith, Robert J. Statler, Clifford A. Tatosian , Vanagan Thompson, Owen E. Tsai, WilJiam W. Tuepker, Ralph A. Van Bramer, William G. Vansant, Robert E. Venarde, Jack H. Wallace, Edwin R. Watson, H. G. Weinel , Robert P. Wile, Larson E. Winters, John F. Wiseman , Donald E. Wolf, Robert V. Woodle, Roy G. Zane, Bob Zeid, Marvin C. Zinke, Robert CLASS OF 1952

Alvarado , Frank T. Bauer, Richard H. Basler, Francis Belew, James A. Bilheimer, Lee Bosse , Richard M. Bowlin , William H. Boyle, James Calcaterra, Edward L. Chorney , Peter L. Coonce, Homer E. Cox, Willard E. Cramer , Kenneth L. Davis, GeDale D. DeLap, Kenneth L. DeLucca, M. Drummond , Floyd M. Dye, Robert A. Ferguson, Wallace Finegar, WiIJiam A. Finklang, J ohn W. Freiberger, Harold C. Hausman, Paul L. Heilich, Raymond P . Hewett, Charles A. Hockenbury, Melvin Hydinger, Paul L. Jackson, Wayne D. Jensen , Gunther T. Justus, Richard F. , Jr., Keil , Byron L. Kerr , H. Chalm ers, Jr. Knoebel, Richard H. Kronst, E. F. Lucido , Peter J. MacZura, George

Maday, Donald S. Martin , Dan W. Matson, Don D. McBrayer, Jack R . McIntyre , John Menke, Gregory V. Meskan, David Michelotti, Joseph E. Moy , Hong S. Newkirk , T. F. Nolan , John B. Oliphant, Edgar , Jr. Ordemann , R. G. Pape, Earl E. Priest, John E. Quatraro, William Reeves, Ernest J. Roster, Edward L. Scrivner, J. Roger Stickle, Dirck B.

Stopkey , W. D. Strite, Russell R. Sweeney, James R . Taber, Daniel Thompson, Jack H. Timbrook , Paul Traversone, Frank J. Unger I Wal ter Uthoff, Robert F. VanBuskirk , Lyman F. Vance, Jam es F. Vanderheyden, Eugene T . Varanouskas, Joseph P. Wakefield , Roger E. Walz, R. L. Weeks, CharJ es A. Westerman , Howard W. Wheelock , Leroy K. Williams, Dean N. Wolfherg, Leonard H . Zachelmeyer , N. P. Zedalis, John P. CLASS OF 1953

Barton, C. D. Bender, John H. Berry, Charles A. Boyd , M. W. Buescher, Romuald L. Callaway, Charles H. Christian , CharJes E. Crane, Harold R. Creamer, Edward L. DiIJ , Earl R. Eason , Jack L. Edwards, Gene W. Englund , John O. Freebersyser, George J. Gegel, Donald L. Gjelsteen , Thor Hansen, Peter G. Haynes, Myron Heeger, Charles H. Heimbaugh, Kenneth G. Heineck, Dale W. Holland , R . O. Jenkins, Robert D. Jones, Vernon T. Jost, Robert D. Katz, Manfred Knearem , James L. Knobel, Elwood L. Koederitz, Thomas L. KronmueIler, WiIJiam W. LaBouff, Gerald J. Lee, Walter Lipensky, Milan McBeth , J. D. Oberschelp, William F. Ordemann, R. G. Patterson, WilJiam E. Robbins, Clay Ruppert, Theodore A. Schlesing, D arwin Smith , Bert L. St rohbeck, E. E. Topel, Maurice R. T uck, E. F. Vienhage , Robert P. Wagner, F. R.

Weinland, Harold A. Young, John C. CLASS OF 1954

Alburtis, C. L. Ashley, W. M . B ~ rge tt , Max A. Cole, Kenneth D. Conci, Frank Custead, J. R. DowelJ , J ack B. Fowler, Thomas R ., Jr.,


1972 ALU M N I FU N D C ONTRIB UTORS - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1972 I

Fuller , T homas R . Gotsch, Ri chard W . Gray , J oe E. Ha mpel. Richard J . Horine, Rober t A. Hu be li, J ames A. H ughes, Judson A. Jo hnson , C. Sco tt J ones, James C. juskie, B. R . Kemp, Arthu r H . Li ncoln. H erber t E. La, \I'ing C. ~ l d lull i n . lames ~l. ~i e meye r , :\"o rm a n "ordli n)!, \ \' ikto r K. Pillisch, H erbert P. Poe, H arry Pracht , Ric hard ~ l. Schejba l, J ohn W. Sch neider. Do nald O. Sipe, W. E. Stewart, \I' ill iam H. Toutz, J a mes O. \I'atki ns, J oe

Dunn. I', Dunnal'a Eckhoff, , Fisher, ). Fulton, F Gilbert, I Gilmore, Gral'es, ( Hawk. R Hoffman< Holman. Hl'att, G jimes, R, jones, Rc jordan, F "e~ick , . "emper . . Rabimi¡1\ Kieffer, I "iIIian,I


Bacbler. Arth ur G. Bak er, Ches ter H . Barnds . Campbell C. Berg. Richard O. Boze, Ralph Corcoran , T. A. , Jr. Cowa n, Harry D . Cru se, Ric ha rd L. Da vis, Ralp h, J r. Fisher, Donald G. Frank lin , J a mes '\1. F ri eder ich, Ga rl an'd Ge rmer, Cha rles B. Gessley , Donald Gi lli am, Dale Gndsey, Terry L. Grosso, ]. Hall ett, William M . Haubold , R. G. Heavlin , Harold Jones, Ri cha rd L. Kaiser , R ichard L. Kell er, Leonard ]. K ickham, L. T. , J r. K ingsbury, R. M. Ku mmer, F red S. La ne, T. E. Lue h ring, E lmer L.

Markos, LaVern J . Martin , Robert J. McCa rthy, J ohn M. '\1cl\forri s, W . L. , III ,\1iles, J ohn B. Mi ller, Charles E. Oetting, Robert B. Pada n, J ohn W . Palmer , J ames H. P lache, K. O. Ray, H erma n A. Rei tsma, Louis J., Jr. Roberts, J oe B. Scott , J. N. Smar t , Sam Smith, Glen A. Stimson, Wi ll iam Robert Tucker, Pau l B. VanBusk irk, J ohn R. Wal ther , George C. Zimmerman, M . Jo rdan CLASS OF 1956

Altheide, Cha rles R. Baumga rtn er, George R.

Bentill a, Kenneth R.


Brawley, ]. Max Dewi tt , Ca rl L. Doe, Bruce R. H ern don, R ichard S. Hughes, Richard A. J ones, B, R, L ieberman, ' Va rren 'M art inez, Evari sto IIfcClu re, R . Max lI!cCoy, Charles ]. M itch um, Marti n IIlorales, Victor M. M urp hy, La rry L. M uh lbauer, Kar l heinz Murphy , J im Ogle, H erbert F . Passley, Paul L. Ra yy is, A wni S. Re mm ers, E. P.

Reser, Do nald E. Sa uer, Harry J ., J r. Sc hmid t , Ha rold A. Schm ittou , Clay J . Sc hra mm , Wi lliam W. Senior , G. L. Statler, Kenny n Don Stef fa n, Ken F. Su hre, Maurice E. , J r. T a user, Raymo nd H . Thompson, LeRoy E. Ln nersta ll , J ames A. \\'alker, ","orman L. \\' eiss, l'\ icholas 1I1. \'; ill ia ms, Don E. Yancik , J oseph Yia nnos, Peter N.


Alexa nde r, Wi lliam Anderson, J ohn R . Astroth, Louis E. Atchley, Bi ll Baechle, AUl(ust A. Baker , Donald D. Ballard , Dar rell Baloga, 1I1ichael Bardelmeier. A. R. Berg, David ' V. Bowers, Donald R. Burton, J ames F . Clod fel ter, Gene C. Cooksey, J oel "N ick", Jr. Cowa n, Robe rt W ., Jr. Davis, Gary W. D ietrich, F. ]. Ellis, Wal ter H . Emery , J ohn R. Ferguson, Donald J.. II F iedler, Edga r Frankli n, Bill Fu ll er, Robert G. Gaddy, Harold O. Gerlach , Pau l Gerwert , Jo hn T . Giffi n, B . J. Guyot, Roger L. Haubold , N iels H eagler, R ichard B. H euma nn , C'Iri H ussey, Ray mond L. Jackson, Robert A. Joh nson, James W. Johnson, Nor man C. Jones, F loyd Carl Ka li n, Thomas E. Kick , D a vid D. K ing, Vernon P. Koze ny , Donald J. Kreder, Kerm it R. K uhne, Jo hn

Lange, R . C. Lem ing, Pa ul W . Louvar , Josep h F. Mason, Robert E , Ma t z, Alexa nder

McGee , R ichard L. McGrad y, Cha rles H . McK instry, David G. Metz, Gi lber t F., J r. Mitchell , J a mes L. Mothershead , J ohn L. , Jr. Needham , Will iam R . Nelson , W illi a m D . Noland, J oseph R . Pyle, E lmer G. Reuss, Lloyd E. Root , Henry A. Ro th, D. J. Rother , J ohn Schaedler , Ke nn eth D . Schn eider , Rober t W . Schrum pf , Da le Sope r, Will ia m Stevens, D'J ean ne Stoll , J oe A. T a nq uary , Cliffo rd C. T oliver, Jack E. Tucker , Richard C. Venable, Wilford G. Vetter, Clare nce J ., J r. Wa rren, R. N, Watwood, J ames E. , Jr. Webb, Robe rt B . We ntz, C. A. Willia ms, Russell E. Z immerma n n, R ich a rd A.


All mo n, Ge rald W. Anspach, E. E. Arthur , J. B, Atha, La rry C. Brill , Walter C. Buchanan, J ohn 0 , Burrows, J ohn R. Capps, Bob Correll , H owa rd D. Cox, L. Fred Crowe , J oseph E. Cullen, M ichael Cummings, B, C. D ally , Ga ry R. D an iels, L. C. Degen hart, Edward R. D ull , Melvin J. Ege, Donald L. E nn is, J erry R. Ga rre tt , J. H. Grebing, Ronald Gregory, Donald B. H ackett, J ames L. H ardebeck , Eli zabeth Ha rdebeck, H arry E. Harris, B. V. H aydo n, J ac k B. H ead , E ldo n W. Heltibrand, D, W , Herforth , D. J . Herr ma nn , P a ul , TTl Ho ffm a n, Cha rles R , Hofstetter, James F. H udson, Melvi n C. Jahner , Alla n F . Jones, Clintfo rd R. Konrad, Richard J. Lewis, B, Neil L ight , Thomas E. Lin, Ching-San Littlefi eld , J erold K , Luebbert, Wi ll ia m J.

M ason, D ennis E. McConnell , B. J . Metcalf, Thomas c., J r. M icka, Donald C. Mi ller, R. Lary M odesi tt, Donald E. Montgomery, Will ia m R . Morgenstern, R ichard A. M unger , Paul R . No rthu p, Wallace R. O'Keefe, T homas Oken fuss, R. H. Opperma n, R . Owens, Willa rd G. Pate, H enry A. J r. P ressly, Harold B . Richey, J ohn O. Schae fer, Orvill e L , Schiermeier, J ohn J. Schm id t, E. Rober t Schrenk, W . T . Sfr eddo, H umbert E. Shea, J a mes M , Smith , R. T homas Stalling, Paul Da niel Sta rkweat her, Gilbert Stevens, Robe rt P. Stormen t , Don Sucher , Rober t W. Taylor, Paul W . U nners tall , Les U rba n, J ames L. Vetter , Ronald F . Vi e, J erry Vitek, R icha rd K. Wa tts, Cha rles A. W eems, J oh n C. Wegener, Ro nald E. Welch , Cha rl es Ron West , B . B. W illiams, D, W, Winter, Lester H . Wright , Geo rge F. Young , Ra lph O. Zieba. Bob Gene


Adam , Kenneth C. Adams, J ohn c., Jr. Ahlert , Robert J . Ar imu ra, Its u

Asher, C. E. Auberry , William D. Baum , F. L. Bayless, J erry R. Bierbaum, Cra ig E. Bitzer, D avid Bolon, Lucien M., J r. Boxdorfer, Robert L. Brad ley, James E. Braman, Gerald Brunjes , Bill Buren, Wi ll iam L. Cai n, Cla rence, Jr. Cavalier , Frank D , Cawns, A. E. Corey, Clyde C. Crapnell , Don W, Ded dens, All en E . DesCamp, Victor A. E dwa rds, Doy le Ra y Feaster, Donald R. Fox, Gerald Way ne Gilmore , Rex Goldin, Herbert A. Green, Sidney J. Heideman n, Joseph E . Hess, Robe rt M, Ho ffman , Ant hony E, Homsey, E dwa rd E.

Hradsky, J oseph W . Hudgens, L. L . Itschner , E. C. J a nes, Fra nk E. J ohnson , Go rdon E. Johnson , P hili p R. Ki bler , Ronald A, K ieffer, Alonzo R., III Kruger, Will iam A. K ucharski , Edward Kurz, Caryl M. Lashley, Rodger L. L aw, D avid C. Lawson, Neal Lemberger , Robe rt L indsey, Ken neth R. L inn , J ames E ., J r. Long, Floyd c., J r. Lum , H a rry K. W, Lutz, H . J ohn M a ttingly, R. C. M cHa ffi e, Gerald T, Meisenheimer, Harold D. M etcalf , G. L. Mi lburn , Jim M itchell , J ohn F . Morga n, George H. Neu meier , Lea nde r

P un t ney , Albert W. Reichert, Joseph F. Roberts, Paul H. Ruester , J ohn T. Ruggeri, C. E. R uppert , F rancis L, Saultz, J ames E. , Sr. Scha rf, J oel S. Schneide r, Cha rles S. Schumac her, Carl R. Schwenk ,. Walter Shell , L ee, J r. Shoemaker , J a mes L. Simpson , Cha rles Robe rt Smi th , Gaylon G. Stevenson , Gerald L. Stuckenschneider , Ken neth L. T ho mpson, B. ]. Volker , Ro nald E. Wallace, Cha rles E. Waxman , Stanley Weimholt , J ames E. Weinr ich, Albert Wei ker, Ric hard Willig, Karl D. Wi lson, Don Wilso n, H ugh W ,

Kin~, GIf

Klebba, I Kosten, r Lawhon, Loebs. HI 1005, jac Lukowitz, llaisak,1 llanley, 1 lla,ton, llrDaniel lkKenzil ll"tl. El lliller, R, lloit, Da, llok, jun 'Ioym, ( llunsell, Senninger O'\eal, II Patterson, Patterson, Pendleton PeDning, ' Phelps, II Price, Da' PriElmeye Ray, Rug Reilly, IV, Rephlo, L Reynolds, Rizer, Gel Ro;eberrv

Savage, \\

Scolield, ( SilOn, Rol Steinmann Tayl~,


Testerman Tharp, CI Todd, Lar


~uran , M

Adams, H ubert L. Alyea , J errold M. Ande rson, Frederick D, Ba rra nd, Kerwood W . Ba rtlett, Sylva n Ba usch , R ussell L . Belew, Robe rt R. Benz, Paul W. Bertorello, M. J , Boston, Lawrence Bramfitt , Bruce L. Brock, J oe F. Burke , T homas D. Carver, Ronald P. Chen , David Claypool, John W. Coff man , Ja mes D . Corbi n, Kenneth D . Cox, Kenneth R. Daubel , Karl J. Dickens, Waltre H.

Aug ust 197 2

Iaeea, He

Vaillant ( I\'agenh;i, Walters, ) Watson F

]rood, Ke


Amsler La AverY,'Ro B'nner R Beslem; ) Blake, Ch, Bolon, Alt Brenning BriDkma; Brunhart,'



b L.

Dunn. Ver non D. Dunnavant. All an A. Eckhoff, J ames L. Fisher, ~I el v in J . Fulton . Frank W. Gilbe rt , " 'illi am ]. Gilmore. J erry L. Graves. George H. Hawk. Ralph L. Hoffmann. Victor J . Holman. Glen n W. Hyatt , Gordon R. James, Rona ld Jones, Robert G. Jorda n, Paul R. , Jr. " elsick, Robert W. " emper. J . Paul Rahimi-" eshar i. Hossei n "ieffer , Robert C. "illi an, Donald R. Kin /(, Glenn W. Klebba, Kenneth T . Kosten, Harold W. Lawhon. Richard A. Loebs. Herbert A. Loos, Jack H . Lukowitz. Gregory]. ~I ai sa k , Albert L. ~I a nl ey , Will iam, Jr. ~I ax t o n , Ralph C. ~lcD a ni el s, John L. ~l cKenzie , James B. ~Ie r tl , Eugene E. ~Iiller , Ronald Lee ~I oit , Dan ~I ok, Jung K. ~l oye r s, Gerald E. ~Iun sell , Douglas :\'enninger, Donald A. O':\'eal, W. F . Patterson , G. K. Pa tterson, Robert W. Pendleton , Ken Penning, Tom Phelps, Weldon L. Price, David E. Priesmeyer, William, Jr. Ray , Rugene E. Reilly, William ]. Rephlo, Louis C. Rey nolds, Maurice M. Ri zer, Gene C. Roseberry, Ben E. Savage, W. A. Scofield , Gene L. Siron, Robert E. Steinmann , W. D. Tayloe, Leo F. T esterma n, Roy L. Tharp, Charles E. Todd, Lamar S. Turan, M. Hayati Vacca , Herman L. Vansant, Carl A. Wagenheim, Neal T. Walters, James T . Watson , Frank Wood , Kenneth W.


Amsler, Larry C. Avery, Ronald Benner , R. L. Besleme, James H . (T ex) Blake, Charles A. Bolon , Albert E. Bren ning] Eugene D . Brinkman, Glen A. Brunhart, Gerald

MSM Alumnus

Brunkhorst, Lloyd E. Burlage, Donald W. Cassa tt , Gary G. Chao, Hung-chi Chol ert on, Edward M. Crain , Charl es Curson, W. Curti n, ]. F. Dewing, H . Ha rvey EI -Baz , Farouk Evans, Donald L. Farmer , Larry E. Featherston , C. R. Flood , Thaddeus F . Fowler, Martha Shultz Friedmeyer, Arthur N. Gall iher , Kay D . Gerhart , B. L. Glaser, Robert H. Gorczyca , Frederick J. Gran nemann , H . Neal Grindon , J . R. Henderson, Robe rt E. Henning, Wm. A. Henry , Ken Hollenbeck , Charles Huff, Fred V. Ingram , Melvin A. Jacks, Frank E. J amieson, J eremiah W . Johner, Wayne Jorda n, George H . Kearney, Michael C. Ki ng, Kennet h E. Kli ethermes, James L. Kli pp, Jam es Kutzhals, J ames D . La tzer, J ohn C. Lawler, Wi llis D . Leona rd , Rene ]. Leu, Juan Lewis , David M. L1ao, Juan L. Logan , Robert M. Lortz, F. E. Marble, James B. Marosek , Charles F. Mathews, William E. May, William L. l\l cLaughlin , E. ]. Mcl\abb , J essee H . Moore , Ken neth D . Mungle, Burlin Noell , Nelson H. Nollo, L. ]. Odom, James T. Ogle, James R. Ostmann, Donald A. Peterson, Henry N. Peterson, Jay A. Pfeuffer, Ronald R. Pickett , Robert C. Pietsch, Earl G. Pike, William H ., II Rey, Carlos ]. Roberson, Charles M. Robinson, Richard Rueh, Donald L. Shah , Ramesh C. Siesennop, W. W . Sievers, Wayne L. Smith, R . B. Snajdr, Edward A. Spanski, Gregory T . Spieldoch, R. B. Stevenson, Curtis W. Stidham, James A. Stone, Tony C. Swier, George Talbert, Roger A. Theerman , W. K. Toepfer, Louis E. True, Daniel W.

Walker, Harvey J ., Jr. Walton, J ohn W . Weber , Roger C. Wee tman, Bruce G. White, Charles H. White, Charles M., J r. Wiethop, R . Harve Wills, Richard A. Wolfinbarger, Sam Worley, M. T .


Affolter, Allen L. Aylward , Andrew T . Baumgartner , William L. Bearce, Denny N. Boschert, Robert F. Bowers, S. Mitchell Brady , F rancis ]. Brockmann , Richard Buckrod, Gary]. Burtin, James D . Cheng, Aylmer P . Cline, Larry D . Culnan, P. D . Dawson, Richard H . Diel, Robert M . Dischner, Edward Donald , William Dore, John A. Doshi , Bipi n N . Dunn , S. Thomas Duvall , Henry P. Einsel, M. D. Elfrink, Lindell H. Fadler, E . C. Funsch, O. B. Gaertner, Douglas A. Goe, Larry D . Gormley, James Graham, J ohn R . Greeley, Michael N. Green, Robert E . Gresham, Thomas G. Haas, Donald W. Hake, Leroy W. Hallerberg, W. L. Hammond , Micbael W. Harris, William T ., Jr. Harvey, L. E. Haushalter, Fred Havener , Gary W. Herzog, M. S. Horel , Edward T. Huff, B. M. Jacobs, David J ohnson, Richard T . Kallemeier, Robert E . Kamper , Russell A. Knaust , Wayne Korn , Robert A. Krone, ]. B. Kuhn , Carol Henderson Kuhn , Harold L. Lazaras, Paul V. Leet, Milton L. Mais, Raymond A. Maksymicz, Michael J . Maisch, Peter H. F. Marsinkavage, D. McCaw, Charl es K. McCormack, Darroll S. McLain, Jim H . McMurtrey, Gerald D. Morton, Donald E. Murdock, Ken Nowinski , Stanley W. Obermark, James Overall , Donald

Ownby, P. Darrell Patel, Jayanti S. Perry, Michael M . Phi llips, T homas E. Ploeger, R. A. Prior, Larry D. Rencehausen, Gerald Reuck , Aaron M. Reyburn , Michael K . Rouse, Richard Roussin , Robert W. Rowley, Blair A. Rullkoetter, G. W . Schaefer, Ruston R. Shah , Dinesh K . Siebels, James E . Smith, Memphord L. Smith , Menard 0. , Jr. Sousa-Poza, A. Speckbart , Frank H . Staley, J erry A. Stearns, Jerry D. Stigall , Paul D. Swaw, Bryan F . Teske, James E. Theilmann , V. E. Tidmore, Robert L. Tolman, Carl Tooke, Robert C. Twedell , Richard N. Uhe, Gerald C. Valentine , Craig A. VanDoren , Thomas Waters, O. ]. Weber, William G. Welch, Gary E. Willyard, Don L . Wright, David B. Wuerz, Donald E.


Alexander, George D. Arms, Robert L. Baker, Merl Baremore, J ames J . Bartling, Donald L. Baumgardner, J . Dwane Benn , Edward Bowman, Michael W . Boyer, Tracy R. Brown , Dallas L. Brown, Dewey F ., Jr. Brown, John W. Brunjes, Franklin E . Buck, Richard L. Burton , Robert R. Church, J erry W . Clark, Dennis A. Clemen ts, J ohn L. Clippard, Fred B., J r. David , Edward G. Denzel , J erry A. Dodd, Curtis W . Dressel, Ted , Jr. Eirten, Frank O. Farmer, J ohn 0., III Frazer, J . R. Fritsch, Wm. R. Gastineau , F. D. Gu nn , James A. Herbst, J effrey Holt, ]. L. Huston , Robert E. Jabas, Stephen D . Jaeger, Benjamin W. H. Jarman , R. Dean Jauer, R. A. Johnston, Dale A.

Kah l, Richard A. Kessler, Arthur R. Knox , ]. R. Koch , Edmund O. Koester, R. D . Lago, Carlos M. LaPlante, A. H . Lasmanis, Raymond Ligon , William R. MacCrindle , Colin Cree Machmeier, Paul M. Markland , Robert E. Martin , Richard L. McCrary, Charles McCullough, Lane A. , Jr. McKee , Pau l E. Melzer, J ohn L. Mitchell , Ronald D. Montgomery, Randall R . Morgan , Ha rry B. Mueller, Gary Mueller , Walter, Jr. Naiknimbalkar, N. M. Noble, J ames L. Norman , Eric ]. O'Brien , Michael G. Overall, Georgina Pack wood , Donald L. Palma, Oscar M. Peterson , Donald L. Phillips, Rudy Popp, Raymond H . Robbins, Douglas Roberts, Carl J. Robinson , ]. Winfred Robison, James B. Schaefer, Seth C. Schanbacher, William Schillinger, George R. Schuchman , Norman Schuermeyer, William F . Schwaller, D . L. Schwenker, Robert Sehl , Eugene Seymour, David ]. Silverberg, Carl G., Jr. Smith, Sam L. Solomon , Russell, J r. Staley, Joseph E. Stark, Thomas F. Stemler, Orrin A. T aylor, Glen n R. Thurman , Lowell E. Tomasek, A. J. Van Buren , J ames K. Vaninger, Jon Wiegand, T erry D. Williams, Donald L. Williams , Ronald R. Zi nk, Richard C.


Abrams, Hard in Adams, Stanley B. Alexander, Charles F. Alonge, N icholas ]. Banks, J ohn P. Bartel , Donald S. Basler, T homas ]. Bierman, Sheldo n Bono, William ]. Bridegroom, William E . Broeking 1 Kenneth W.

Buescher, Gene Campbell , Charles E. Chen, Ten-Hsi Chervitz, Jerrold Chronister, Thomas G.


1972 ALUMN I FUND CONTR IBUTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Cook, T. W . C ra ig, Thomas A. Cu tts, J a mes Dea n, Donald N. D owney, Robert E. D y house, Gary R . Edwards, H arry K. Eppelsheim er, D . S., Jr. Fehsenfeld , Gary D . Ferrell , C. Stuart Fink, W. Michael Fischer, H enry E. Floyd , David A. Fournelle, Ray mond A. Glaese, J ohn R . Greeley, R . G. Greer, Glen M . Gudermuth , C. S. H a rper, Alan S. H arrison, C ha rles R . H enry, J ames M. H enson, Ronald P. Hill , James L . H oepker, E lmer C. Holla nd , Gary H olley, Robert G. H ornbeak , Fred A. Hude lson, ]. R . J ones, Dave J ones, D . W . Kamp, Alan A. King , Fra nk W., II I Kirchoff, Bill J;:irkpat rick, Robert Kraus, Ronald \\'. Kuh lman, Will iam H . Lam mers , J ames Leh ma n, Frederick D ., III Lindhorst, Alan J. Loeschner, Arthur H . ~1a c ki e, Roscoe L. ~l arti n , C. Dean ~1artin , David A. '\-lartin, Ri chard A. ~1cCauley, Ronald A. ~ree h a n , ~li chael E. Michael, David ]. ~lill s, C harles S., Jr. , ~Io c hel , William Ri chard ~ro rrison, Donald Joe "hoch , Al a n !'Iuns, Bennett L. :lIurray, J ames O . "furry, ?.ti lton ]. Ombalski , Stephen Pappas, J a mes "'1. Pa rkinson , Larry L. Parr, Richa rd A. Perry, C. Stephen Quan , C. K . Ra idt , Paul B. Ra ney, Edward M. Rei nheimer, Charles J. Reuling, Dona ld Sag ra moso , Daniel E. Schae ffer , D av id M. Schmid t , Ric ha rd L. Shewchuk , J ohn Smith , Harvey S. (Syd ) Snyder , Thomas E. Sowell , Lewis C., Jr. Steinka mp, Wi lli am E. Stuar t , Robert L. Suetterlin , Jack F . Tai , P hilip T . Tallon, Richard ]. Tao, F rank Fu-Ku n Taylor, Geo rge H. Terry , J a mes Tre ffin ger , Dav id ]. Tuzzeo, J ames ]. Voorhis, G. L. Wedeking, Mi lton J . Wu, Cha ng Y u


Zimnick , H a rold E. , Jr. Zunkel , A. D.

CLASS O F 1965

Arnold , Richard I van Atkinson, Charles Aubrecht , Ladimur ]. Austin , T om Barr, Ralph S. Bass, Paul J . Behnke, R . E. Bergt, David E. Bersett , Ge ra ld W . Bicknell , H . B. Bicunas, J oseph D . Bitting, J a mes Boaz, J ames K . Bradley, 111 ilton F . Branson, Eugene Branum , William H . Brune, Peter A. Brunner , Gary Bugg, Donald A. Bugg, Stephen F . Butler , James L . Carr , George H . Carter , Donald L . Cassima tis, Peter /';. Chiang, Chien-Ping Chin , Phill ip C. Cleve, Richard C. Clifton , \\'illiam A. Cline, J ohn Cope, W. Robert Corrigan , J ohn D . Dabner, Kim David , Denzil D ., Jr. D eegan, W. C. D eken , Louis R. Dillon , Rona ld K . Doll , W a rw ick W. Dorf, Roger A. E lliott, David A. Faenger1 Eugene H. Farrar, Bill F. Fox, Edwi n K. Frank lin , W . L. , Jr. Gaylord , T homas K. Giger, D. Franklin Goldstein , Martin P. Good ma n, Dani el K. Goos, Gerald D. Go rdon, Clark G. Gross, Manfred E . Haag, Will iam H abeni cht, Helmut W. Hafeli, D. Tobin Halbach , Ronald E. H enard, David E. Henery , E . N ick H o ffman , David H ohman , J oe Holen , D. E. Horner , K ent G. Hras tich, Thomas A. Huellewi g, ]. S. Hurst, Donald W . J ersa, Mi chael J . Junge, Gregory Ka ll or, J ay S. K empe, All en C. Kettler, Gerald ]. K irk pa trick , Clifford Knussmann, Bill Koebbe, E ugene Kornfe ld , Anita L. Kornfeld , Dale M . Kovel, Steven M. Lambert , Donald B.

LaPresta , Samuel ]. Lasker , Owen Lassley, Richard H. Lee, Stephen K . Lewis, Carlton T . Li , Hulbert C. Liu, W a n-cheng Lower, La rry M . Magurk , David W. Marlow , C harl es F. Marshall , Cyril Dale M a rshall , Ro nald C. M ar tin , Charles R. Martin, Terence N. McCracken, William E. McKell , Joel H . Meyer , Norman R. Moore, Jim H . Morgan, Grove r D ., Jr. Mulyca, Wa lt C. Myrick, Charles R. /,; ickless, Arthur L. Nu te, Alton ]. Osick , Glenn Palmer , L ee T. Parikh, N . S. Picker, Melvin L. Pi erson , Robert C . Price , William Province, E. E. Rin ey, Charles W . Robb , Kenn eth A. Robertson , Alvin " Ted ", Jr. Roe, Gerald ]. Rude, Owen D. Rusch , Ronald A. Russell , Jack E. Schmitt , Karl ]. Schroer , Wilbert F. Seifert , Harold W . Silve rs, Paul L. , Jr. Smith , Frederick J . Smith , John W . Smith , M ichael D . Smith , Robert S. Spivy, Paul Stickler, Roger H. Sundermeyer, Robert W . Sunkel, Thomas M . Suthi pasnaru pon , Anant T erry, Richard L. Tharp, Edward L. Thiede , Alfred ]. Thomason , June C., Jr. Towers, Terence G. Turall, Truman W. Wagner, Roger C. Wang, L awrence Kon g-Pu Wang, W. L. Wells, William L. Whitten , Travice W ., Jr. Wilson , Clyde W . Yang, H sun-kuang


Anneaus, Dwight J. Bachman , D avid Bader , Frank S., Jr. Baumann, Thomas Beger, William K. Betz, Raymond R. Bland , Wi ll iam F. Blumfelder, William O . Boehmer, J errol L. Brady, Dale E. Brown , Dennis R. Brown , William R. Brynac, M ichael ].

Buchmeier, F rank, Jr. Buckley, S. P. Bufalo, David ]. Buschke, Thomas H . Chaffin , Glen Chang, H omer Coble, J erry Cochran, Gene A. Coco, Matteo A. Copenhaver, Roger L . Cra ne, Vincent Davis, William F . DeClue, Duane H . Dunn, Harry E. Duree, David M . Eberle, Bruce W . Ellison, Donald R. Fiebelman , Harold E . Fogler, Bob Ford , Lloyd L. Foss, Glen Fuller, D on Galbraith , J ames V. Goewert, J oseph c. Greer, Rona ld E. Gress, George H. Grimm , Arthur F. Gronlund , Frederick Hartman , D ona ld H . H ayes, E. D. Hea ter, C ha rles L. Heider, Robert Heisler, Eugene Higbee, James M. Higgi ns, Larry Hoelting, Ronald W . Hogue, Rober t W. Holt, T. B., II H orn , John W. Howell , J ohn D. Hughlett, M. L. Iraola , Gustavo L. J ennings, Donithan R. Johnson, D ennis C. J ozwiak, Philip A. Karwoski , William J. Kirberg, L eona rd C. Klug, Alfred E., Jr. Koeler, Paul ]. Kramer, Ralph H . Lane, Mary Winston Lund , Carl M. Lynch, John R. Ly tle, Glenn A. Marriott , Dale D . Marshall , Steven R. Mason, J ohn T ., III May, T. ]. McKinnis, Larry N. McMahan , J esse T. McMahan , Joseph L ., Jr. Meye r, Robe rt W. Michael, Larry A. Miller , Cha rles C. Miller , J ohn Mohr. J ohn W . Molkenbur , R ichard A. Moran , Michael D . Munn , Dale A. Panhorst , Al Pa ul, R ichard R. Petkas, J ohn , Jr. P helps, W. L., Jr. Pollack , L esli e A. Rau er, James M. Reed , D av id F. Rei nsch , Larry Ric h, Larry M. Roberts, Loy D. Scaggs, Gutherie cheer, Samuel A. Schierl oh , Fred Schroer, James B.

Schuch; J oseph G. Scott, Aldrew Lee Scott , Kenneth R . Seitz, Stephen Shaffer, Alan D . Shah , Ashok C. Simmons, Fred Arthur Slocum, Roy Smith, Gerald W . Smith , Rolla A. Smith , Vernelle T. Solook, John T . Steele, James D. Stewart, Leslie D., Jr. Stockhausen , W. T. Stover, Dennis W. Strickland , Thomas H. Stuart, Jimmy E. Sudduth , Willard T. Thi eme, Martin A. Thompson, Stanley D. Tucker , Ralph W. Umphrey, Ronald W. Uthe, F loyd H. Walters, Ronald Wehmeyer, D av id P. W esley, Darrell W eyand , Thomas E. Wideman , Lawson G. Williams, Charles R . Williams, Maurice A. Williams, W. S. Wood field , Richa rd A. Yuh , E ugene Y .

19 72 P

Berbold . BickenbO ! Hicks. R( Hill, Rola Bodges, r Bopkins. Hornbuck Hung. )Ii Il'e rS, Ant Johler, C< Kahrs. Je K'o, Chit Kaslen. [ Kehrman, Kessler, J Kizer, Th, ' raske. L Lebo, JeT< Leslie, Th Llol'd路Jon' IlaSsey, L llcCaw, [ ilc, ull, ~ lle<llin. J IlikeJionis )Iingo) Ri llunsel'. J ilrers.路Ho ,ea!le. Jo ,elson, D ~euma nn ,

DIneI'. Ge Owens. G~ Oms, Pa Perkins, ) Perkins, T Pfeuffer. ! Ponm'~l z.


Allmon , J a mes A. Altman , Ba rbara Altman , Ronald Batteen , E. R. Bauer , William C. Bevel, J erry E . Boberschmidt, Lawrence A. Brady , Steven L. Browne, Michael ]. Carl , J a mes W. Carmack , Larry G. C hambe rlain , Stan Chen , J ong-T song Cook , David L. C ummins, Robert W. DaSa ro, D. E. Davis, Ron D. D eelo, Michael L. D egenhardt, Eugene A. DeLashmit , Willia m E . DeLon a , Carl E . D inkel, Ted R . Dobberpuhl , D . A. Doerr, Jerry W . Dyer, Garvin H. Eades, Donald L. E ll is, F rank L . Evan s, J ohn M. Eva ns, Ronald E. Ferretti , Michael E. Field, Cy rus W ., Jr. Franke, Richard M. Frick e, Berna rd D . Frit schel , Larry E. Fulwider , Thomas Gass, Jo hn Gittemeier, Joseph F. Gorrell , ]. W. Graham , Wi lli am ]. Hali ett , M ichael D . H a rd y , Michael E . Hefferl y, Gera ld E. H eimel, Mike

Aug ust 1972

Po'路ell. D. Prater. ,ic Ralhbun, I Revnolds. ' Rhoades. E Riley. Johr Rodriguez. ROl'sden. B Ru路eh. K. I' Rlmer. Ru. Salowski. xanlan, ]a Scarpero.' [ Schilling. D hloman. ! Scharp. Get XOII. Lam Sears. Tho'; Shrauner. [ Siel'erl. Gat Smith, R. 1 So(os. Allil, Spencer, Jo Sline, HOlI'a Su, Yu )Iin SUllivan, Ec Sullivan R Szabo, (ViII Tale, Georg Turner, Ro libey, Roni ~rich, Ken< lan Dover \;e(ider, Rie


~agner , Ri \~ebb, Will \\,eber, Ear \\einel Jam II'einri;h D lVinn, B;b :~~os, Paul II u, Chrisl o yrU,lien.Y Oung) L.



1972 ALUMN I FUND CONTRtBUTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Herbold . August Hickenbotham, H arley D . Hi cks. Ronald R. Hi ll , Roland r-I. Hodges, Phi lli p F. Hopkins. " 'ayne J. Hornbuckle. Jack C. Hung. :\Iing Huang I\'ers, Ant hony E. J ohler, Craig B. Kahrs. J effrey W . Kao , Chih Y. Kaste n. Donald G. Kehrman. Robert F. Kessler , J on J . Ki zer , Thomas Lee Kraske. Leroy E. Lebo, J erome M. Leslie, Thomas J . LI oyd·Jones, David ).J assey ) La rry

:\ l cCaw, Donald W., Jr. ~Ic:\utt , :\Irs. V. H . :\I edlin. J ames :II. ~Iikelioni s , Lawrence J. ~Ii ngo,


Robin R.

:\Iunsey. John E. ~"-ers . Howard Wm. :\ ~agl e. John W. :\elson. David A. :\ eumann, C. ]., J r. Ol nev. Gerald E. Owe~s , Gary S. O\\'ens, Paul T. Perki ns, :\Iichael A. Perkins, Terry Pfeuffer. Allen F. Ponnwitz. A. J . Powell . D. \\' . Pra ter, :\ ickey L. Rathbun , Donald G. Reynolds. \\,illiam R., Jr. Rhoades. Blaine J . Ril ey. J ohn D . Rodriguez. J ose G. Roysden , Brunn \\' ., Jr. Rueh . K . \\' . R \·mer. Russell Sadowski. J ohn :\1. Scan lan. J ames ,,'. Scarpero. Don Schi ll ing. Donald G. Schloman. Alan Schoep. Gerald :\1. Scott. Lar,,' W . Sears, Thomas ]. Shrau ner. Da\'id E. Sievert , Gary F. Smith , R. T. Soros, Allila F. Spencer , J oh n D. Sti ne, Howard Su, Yu )fing

Sullivan , Edward ]. Sullivan , Ralph W . Szabo, William L. Tate, George J. Turner, Robert E. Uhey, Ronald Ul rich, Kent L. VanDover, R. Bruce Vedder , Ri chard C. Vogelpoh l, Richard P. Wagner, Richard V. Webb, Wi lli am D. Weber , Ea rl K. Weinel , James P. Weinrich, David W. Winn, Bob \lfios, Paul Wu , Christopher K . Wu, Tien-Yu Young, L. M.

gust 1972

MSM Alumn.us

Zackrison, Arth ur E. Zmudzinski , Gerald Zwiener, J ames M .


Albrecht , Gene H. Andjelich, David N. Armstrong, Roy Michael Astrack, Richard F. Ayars, Robert S. Bell , G. W. Berendzen, Tom Berger, John Blackwood, J ames D . Benning ton, Les Brand, John R . Brooks , Ronnie E. Brouwer, J erry Brown , Joe R. Brubaker, Wi ll iam Burgard, Kenneth C. Burke, Charles E. Cadwell , T ommy L. Canastar, Francis D . Carnahan , Dan Chadw ich, J ack L. Chapman, K. Ronald Chen, Sun-Chill Choate, Larry Clayton , r-Iichael S. Cochran, Lincoln Collins, Walter K. Creek, Lawrence N., Jr. Da vis, Ralph ]. Davis, Roy G. Delaney, Robert L. , Jr . DeSpain , David R. D eThorne, Raymond J . Doerflinger, A. E. Dollar, Jim Dorrell , Edward W. , Jr., Downs, Mel Durand. Don Ecofl, Ralph A. , Jr. Eggers, Stephen H. Elliott , Rodger Fai nti ch, David M. Feugate, R . ]., Jr. Finl ey , Di xie L. Fleming, D o nald

Fowler, Richard W. Frazier, Dav id E. Gerig. Fra nk A. Hale, Robert C. Halterma n, Leroy Ham ilton, J ames L. Harri s, Donald J . Haynes, Alan D. Heitzmann , J ohn H enehan, Willi am M. Isaak . Gary]. J ackson , J ohn T. J acobs, J oseph W. J espersen, Terry J ohnson, Stephen S. Karberg, Alan F. Koegel, F. R. Korb, M. C. Kuc henig, F red W. Lee, David W . Lehman , A. R. , Jr. Lewis, Lela nd Long, J oseph J. Ludwig, Lonny Luebbert , L. H ., Jr. Lueck , Ralph H. Lyons, Gerald J. Mabry, D ewayne Mann , Gary L. Manson , Donald A. Maurer , Norbert W.

McCalla, Carl McClurg, RalDh W. McCormick, C. Craig McCrae, Robe rt F . McDaniel , George M ., Jr. M iltenbe'l(er, James L. Mitchell , J ohn B. M ueller , J oseph L . Mueller, Robert J. Mullenix , PaulO. M unns , J ohn A. Nuss, Norman O'Bradovits, Frank O'Hanlon , Thomas A. Ollinger, Frank L. Owens, Charles D. Pais, J erome A. Perry, N. W. Pfeiffer, D ouglas L . Pogue, J erry G. Pokrefke, T om, Jr. Reatherford , Jim D . Robl , E ugene A. Romero , Harold Rosenbaum , David E . Ruengert , Martin R. Ruete r, Richard E . Sartore, Edward L . Schaefer , Marti n P. Schaeffer, Neal T. Schardl, Joseph M., Jr. Scheibel, Larry L. Schneider, J. David Schopfer, C. A. Schowengerdt, Robert Schwartz, David Scott, Harold Sidebottom, Gerald L. Sidlowski , Ron Smith , Neil S. Snyder, Gary A. Solomon , Marc M . Sommer, Donald L. Spars, Richard Stevens, Ed Strauss, Stephen R. Talley , J esse Howard Throckmorton , J ohn H . Towne, Robert G. Tricamo , Stephen S. Un ternaehrer, W illiam E . Virtue , Richard P . Ward , Daniel K . Williams , Roger L. Woife, By ron L. Wristen , David B. Yost, Kenneth D . Youngman , James A. Zauner , Ronald F . Ziegler, Karl F. Zoellner , Lynn E.


Anderson , Michael E. Andreae, Robert A. Andrew, William K. Ascoli , Don M. Behrens, Raymond A. Berry, John J. Bishop, David K. Bondurant, F red N. Boring, William Brandhorst, Lynn D. Breese, Thomas E. Brendle, Stephen ]. Brice, Bradley W . Bri nker, Clark Bruce, Robe rt S. Brune, Gary L. Brune, Robe rt

Bruzewski, J ames R . Bundstein, J ohn L. Burns, Randall K . Burrows, Eugene H. Cable, John W . Cahalan, J ames E . Castle, J oseph L . Castie, William C. Chang, J ames ]. S. Chen , Chao Sheng Chow, Yung Chung Chuang, Chaw-Fang Cobb, Alan R. Conde, W ill iam R ., Jr . Cooper, Larry M. Coulter, Stephen J. Cowen, Joseph Craig, Charles M . Daneshy, A. A. Dauderman, Nor man M . Davit , Gerald C. D ecker, Lawrence A. Delaney, Michael D enham, D onald C. Dietrich , Walter D. Dill, Dian L. Duren , Don D. Eastep, Lawrence W. Eberling, John A. Edwards, Francis C. " Ike" Eydmann, Phillip S. Fielding, Donald H . Fitzgerald, H. R. Franke, Richard E. Fung, Shiu Y. Gentzler, E. C. Gerig, Martha Gluntz, David A. Graham, Warren Dean Gulick, Gary M . Gullic , Robert C. Hall , Leon M., Jr. Hammon, Lyndon R. Harmon, James L. H aseltine, Douglas M. Hawkins, Rodney B. H aynes, Wilson Lynn H obelmann , D. W. Hoffman , D enny R. Hohman , Gerald M. H olland, Theodore W . H ollowell, William M. Hopkins, David L. Hua ng, Adolph C. C. Huck, James W. Hughes, George W. H ughlett, Joseph R. Hu ng, Samuel Shuen Johnson, Jerrold L., Sr. Kerns, Wayne L. Kellss, Daniel A. Kmecz, Glenn M . Kna uf, William R. Koester, Richard W. Krueger, John E . Kruvand, Daniel H. Labit, ]. R. Lankford, J ohn c., J r. Lin , Chin-Tsai Lin , Wen Y . Lloyd G. Wesley Lowe, William S. Matthews, J erry L. McMurtrey, Daniel R. Mertens, Michael L. M ill er, William A. Mi ntner, David C. Nagy, David C. Neumeyer, Wendell Niehaus, Robert L. Nigus, Steven G. Noggle, Michael O. Oko, Uriel Michael

Oldham, Douglas G. O'Neill , J ames A. Olto, Conrad G. Patel, Chima nbhai M. Petersmeyer, Michael Ray, Billy G. Reed, Walter G., Jr. Rhea, Charles J. Roam, J ohn H . Rosenkoetter, James B. Ross, Terry Kyle Rowold, Carl A. Rylter, Noel Saller, J ohn D. Salomon , Harry Schlutow, Carl R. Schmidt , Lonn ie D . Schnurbusch, Larry]. Schrieber , Wally Seaman, Robert L. Shaefer , Raymond T. Sh ini , Asaad S. Smith, Alan W. Smith , Gary L. Sm ith , Randall L. Stahl, J oseph W. Steed, F . Clifton , Jr. Steele, Robert I. Steffan, Cheryl Ann Stevens, Robe rt W. Strauser , Claude N. Sulli va n, J ames L., Jr. Sweeney, Thomas E. Thalhammer , E. Don Thorsell , Carl W ., J r. Vance, J oe N. Vaughan , Gerald W. Voss, J erome ]. Voss, Thomas R. Wan sing, Alvin D. Ward , Donald L. Watts, Richard A. Webb, E. Victor Webster, David W. Wiesenmeye r, J ohn C. Wi lliams, Douglas R. W ilson, Patrick J. Zenge, T. L. Zoll, Bobby G.


Abernathie, William Addington , Larry Ad ler, Robert B. Aimerito, M ichael Alexander, Wayne S. Allison, Melvin R. Anderson, Ro nald R . Andreae, Vicki M. Arnold , Rocky R. Arteaga-Lucas, Douglas

Ashar, N. T. Atteberry, Max E . Bailey, Edward W. Baird , J ames L . Baker, Walter A., II Balaban, Theodore S. Ba rk er, Ronald E. Bauder, C. H. Beach, Donald J. Beardsley, David D. Belding, Richard B. Birk , Douglas G. Bischoff, Robe rt F. Blevins, Richard R., II Bockman , Gary ]. Bobanon, J oseph T . Bohnemeyer, Steven Boschert, Terry Bosse, James P.


1 9 7 2 ALU MN I FUND C O NTRIB UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Boyer, John Bracher, Donald D . Bra ndt , Barry]. Brixey, Steven Brown, Robe rt G. Brslik , Will iam A. Brunner, R. G. Bryant , David Bryant , Richard O. Bryson, Da le !I f. But ler, J ames R. But ler, Carol Schoenefeld Calton , Lynn B. Carl , Daniel E. Carron , :'> lark K. Case, Ja mes D. , Jr. Cheek , :'>li chael R . Chen, Kath y S. Chen, Yeou-San Chenoweth , H arold E . Cherng, Shyh Horng Chiang. Hsiao-Hsin James Chiu, Phil ip L. Christanell , R. C. Chuang, Y. C. Close, Stephen R. Cook, Fran k S., Jr . Cor bell , Timothy P. Couture, Daniel Dalton , Robert H . Davidson , Pa tr ick Dean , Larry J . Degen, G. D . (Jay ), Jr. Dejohn, T ony Delay, Russell G. Denney, Kenneth L. Doering, Frank ]. Dolata , Edward Dorroh , Robert F ., III Down ey, James C. Eaton , Thomas E . Enke, Da ryl D. Estabroqks, Burt Ethridge, Max M. Evan s, James J. Evans, J ohn W., J r. Favigna no, Manuel, J r. Feager , Joe Fields, Edwi n H. Fink elstein , M ichael Ala n Finnega n, Jerrey D. Fisher , Thomas B. Floras. Constantinos P. Ford , James A. Fox , James L. Fox , Raymond , L. Freeman , R ichard L. Friese, Michael 1\'1 . F urry , J ames L . Gaston , C. B. Geers, J ames R . Gerl itz, Gary Way ne Gibbins, D onald E . Gi ll , l\Ii chael L. Glynn , Michael G. Goodboy , Kenneth P . Garske, Diane D . Green , Ern ie E. Habegger, Ronald L . H ager , H arold W. Hamne r, Philip G. Hankins, D av id R . Hardwick, Joh n Robert Hardy, Gerald D. Harri s, John M . H arri s, M ichael D . Hartwig, Leonard E. Hasselfeld, Dale E. Havens, Phillip G. Heien , Richard E . Heine, Bernard J . Herbison, Robert G. Herma n, Bill Hilmes, Stephen J .


H in terma ier, R . W.

Hohenberger , F red J. Holl iday , J ames A. Homyk , Terrence J. Horn, La rry

Houser, H enry F . Howa rd , La rry Howell , Willi am C. H sieh, Show Y. H uey , Danny D. H uskey, M iles Ray H utcherson, Dane C. IIavia, P. E. Ja n, Der-Wang J ensen , R. Gene K ali a, H. N.

J ohnson , Kennet h W. Jones, AI W . Jorda n, Richard F . Julian, Gregory L. Kammerer , Joseph J ., Jr. Kathmann , Stephen J. Keeling, Bi lly F. Keller, Gary W . K elly, David P . Kem p, R ussell W . Kemp, Linda L. Kemp, Way ne R. Killgore, Ross D . Kl ine, Gary L. Ko , K . C. Kane, F. W. Korth , Michael V. Kossman, Harold Kramer, John L. Kreime r , Dav id P. Kr uckemeyer, William c., J r Kruep , Dennis M. Krum ick, Ca rey Kuebler , Ken neth L. Kuenz , James M. Kuhlmann, Gary Kurtz, T ed Kuss, Joe Kwiecinski , Timot hy J. LaBou be, Roger Land reth, E . W. Landret h, R . Kat hleen Lally , Cha rl es c., Jr. Lee, Chin-Ming Leon e, John G. " Jack " Lewell en , Frank Lilleken, Kenneth W. Litzinger, William K., J r. Lueddecke, Donald Mack, Anthony A. , J r. Mahanna , Simon A. Mahlandt , J oseph N. Manning, T homas Marchiando , Anthony F. Massey, J ames L . Masters, Robert S. Matoe,ian, D avid H. McCorm ick, Ca rl H . ~lcFa ri a nd , Gene McKelvey , J ames B . McNabb, William L . M echlin , Michael E. Meyer, J ames W. Midden, Leo Middl eton, Jerome W., J r. Mikk elsen. Clark D . Miller , Roge r A. Mi ller, Ron Mi rl y , Kenneth A. Moffat , Robert A. , III Moo re, Ben L . Morgan, Mark D. Morris , J ames R . Moss, Kenneth E . Mouser , Gerald F . !lIuir, Steven J. Naeger, Kenneth Tebel, Tom

Neri , Lew Newcomb, Gary L. Nierengarten, J ohn A., J r. Niesen, Richard Noedel, Gary L. Olusanya, Olusegun O. Onstoll , Larry Layne Oppenheim, Marry Orcu tt , Ronald L. Ostermann , J oseph L. Oti ,E nrique A., II Owens, E. W . Pan , James C. Panchal, Vija)' J. Parikh , U. J . P ierce, J ames R . Pierson, O. E . Pokross, Charles Poppleston, J erry D . P raznik, Greg E. Probst, Steven G. P ugh , James E. P urcell , Richard O. P ursley, Terry C. Quayle, Wayne L . Rauls, Gary Ray , Cha rles T. Ray , Earl Dee Ray, J. A. Ray, Steven L. Rec hner , James Reed, Gale A. Reed, M ichael L. Reed , Robert Larry Reineke, H arry Rey nolds, J oseph Charles Ricono, Marion P. Robb, Richard Frank Rober tson , Donald T. Robinson, Guy M. Roche, J ohn A. Roesch, Ed Rohner , Bob Ross, Lenard H. Rothermich, Richard Ro ubi doux, Earl J. Rushing, All en J. Savorelli , Sam J. Schaeffer, Michael J. Schell man, Leon H. Schi ffner , Larry L. Schill ing, K. L. Schlef, Charles L. Schmelze , Ra ndolph W. Schmidt, M ichael G. Schmidt , Robert L. Schneider, Danny A. Schoeneberg, Carl M . Schwager, John L . Scott, Danny E ugene Scott , Maur ice II I Selden , Thomas A. Shaefer , Will iam E ., J r. Shah , Rohit C. Shedden , Leo Shen, William C. Shepherd , Loren G. Shinn, Will iam K . Simone, Angelo Simoneaux, Joseph A. Sipp, Michael Sizemore, LaMar T ., Jr. Soong, Philip J. Ste fansky, Thomas P. Stephenson , Mi chael W. Steury, Janet Steury , Tom Sterett, William K ent Stro ng, William P . Swinny, David W. Tafra , P hilip J. Tang, Vee-Ping Thomas, James P. Thompson, Earl A.


Wi ndish , M ichael W. Winkler, TJ:iomas E . Wolf, Donald R. Wolff, Thomas F . Woods, Warren Chip Wortman, D arrel E. Younker, Forrest A. Yowell , Robert H., J r. Zaborac, Alan Zagar, Robert A. Zelms, J. L. Zylich , Ronald G.

Threlkeld, H. Ray Tiemann , Dale A. Toll e, William L. Tsay, Yeong-Jin T ung, Chu ng-Yuan P. T urner, T homas William Tyler, J . Joseph Umphenour, Charles F. Vaughan, Steven Wang, Chu Yih Wank, Fu-Yuan Wang, J im-Ming Wang, Paa-T san F rancis Ward, Terrence R. Weatherly, Stephen M. Webb , Robert J. Wellinghoff, Eugene F. W hi tney, Nolan D. Wiegele, George L. Will iams, Ani ta Williams, Henry W. Williams, Richard K.

For lions I Larry I Indus lr 65401, positiol and me



digital comput avionic

Can non, J ohn David Chen , Hong-Wen Redi ngton, Stephen L. Sanders, Dee Ann Simon , David Smith, Gregory P.



perieno ters II Home I No. 94 Neumeier, Mrs. & Mrs. L . '59 in memory of Charles S. McDaniel N ueJl, EsteJle Reisbig, Ronald L. Smith , Mrs. V. X . Walker , Mrs. A. W. in memory of A. W. Walker '24

Brewer, John M. Davi dson , M rs. R. F red in memory of R . Fred Davidson '41 Letts, Marion K. in memory of J ames Letts '29 Mackaman, F rank Netzeband, Christi ne B.


VICES district able as in Wis(


Class With 5 Refer I


Alumn i Meetings October 10 - San Antoni o, Texa s. Dur ing the a n n ual con ve ntio n of the Socie ty of Petro leum Engi neers

of the AIME . Noo n lunc heo n, a t th e "Sto ckman's, 1I

October 12 - " Rolla Nig ht," En g inee rs' Club of St. loui s, Alu m ni Dinn er at 5:30 p. m . October 18 - Cl eve land , Ohi o. Du r ing the Nati o na l Metal Show. We dn esda y noo n, Navaio Room , Sherato n-Cl eve land Ho te l. Co ntact Wi ll iam D. Bus ch , 20001 Idl ewood Trail, Strong vi ll e, Cleveland , O h io. Odober 27 - Kan sas City , Mi sso u ri. A lu mni D in ner, Frida y eve ning p rior to t he Min e r-Wa rre n sburg

footba ll g a me, Sa turda y, O ctober 28, in Wa rrensb urg . The tim e and pl a ce has not been set as we go to pr ess.

A nnoun ce m en ts will be sent.

Co ntac t Cli ffo rd Tan q ua ry '57, 14219 Denver A ve nue, Gra ndv iew, Mo .

Nove mbe r 4 -

St. Loui s, Mo. Par ty afte r the Wash-

in g ton Universi ty - Mi ner foo tball game.


a nd p lace to be an nou nced . Contact Bob Siek hau s '63 , 10711 Cle arwater Drive, St. Lou is, Mo.

F9~ ~~3



Illinois. A lumn i d-.ner du-+'9 the ",";onal conve ntion of the

A merica n Ins titut e of Minin g, Meta llu rgica l a nd Pe trol e um Engin ee rs. Mo re info rmation loter.

Contacts may b e made wi th K. W . Sch oeneberg '44, 1440 Sherwin, Chicago.

August 1972

Senior neer -I Rep. ing Ser Sr. Enl Product -Minin 944.


product B.S. C Enginee systems Enginee Ch. E. process Ceramic train f( plant. I


E.E.; ( Met. E Ship bu File No


preferab 5 to !(



Job Opportunities For information concerning the positions listed below , please contact Mr. Larry Nuss, Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401, giving the File Number of the position, state your degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. ELECTRONICS ENGINEER - In digital techniques, UHF transmitters computer aided designs and advanced avionic concepts. Midwest. Refer File No. 94l. M. E. - I. E. - 3 years related experience. Visit company's Service Centers throughout U. S. 50 0/0 travel. Home office St. Louis area. Refer File No. 941A.

;. L. '59


DIRECTOR OF BUILDING SERVICES - C. E. , E. E. , or M. E. School district. North Central U. S. Certifiable as registered professional enaineer in Wisconsin . Refer File No. 94t FURNACE ENGINEER - B. S. in Techn~logy or Ceramic Eng. With 5 years In glass melting operation. Refer File No. 943.

plant power distribution systems and or process control instrumentation. Refer File No. 947. GENERAL SUP'T. - B. S. Ch. or Met. E. Good mecha nical orientation. 8-10 years experience in inorganic chemical process. Adm. and tech. competence in directing and appraisin a a continous process operation utilizi~a electrolytic extraction method. Att~active salary and benefit program . Refer File No. 948. CER. E. or CH. E. - Research labora tory. Has some graduate work. Chicago area. Vitreous corporation . Refer File No. 949 .

Marriages Woirhays - Cole

Russell L. Woirhays ' 71 and Vicki Cole of Kansas City; Mo ., were married June 10, 1972 . Russell is working for Westinghouse Power Generation Service out of Kansas City and Vicki is an elementary school teacher. Their new residence is at 1705 N. E. Clubhouse Drive, 101 , North Kansas City, Mo.


lUal eers





D. eve·





I as sent, nver

lash Time




Ihe and



---= J9 1972 ust

HEAVY EQUIPMENT MFG. Senior Systems Analyst·, Desirn Enaib b neer - Diesel Engines; Field Service Rep. - Diesel Engines; Mgr. Marketing Services - Diesel Engines ; R&D Sr. Engineer - Special Machinery; Sr. Pro?u.ct Design~r ; Field Services Engr. - MmIng Machmery. Refer File No.

944. ENGINEERS - Plastics, pilot new products. Several years experience. B. S: Cer. Eng. Pr.oduct Development Engmeer. Development of ceramics systems. B. S. Cer. Eng. Sr. Project Engineer. Ceramic, metallurgical or Ch. E. 25 % product development, 75 0/0 process development new MgO facility. Ceramic Engineer work in production train for mgmt. at clay refractorie~ plant. Refer File No. 945. ENGINEERS - Ind. E.; Mech. E.; E. E.; C. E.; Quality Assurance Eng.; M~t. E:; . Mfg. Engr.; Nuclear Eng. ShIp bUIldIng facility east coast. Refer File No. 946. E . E. - Electrical control engineer preferably trained in power option. 5 to 10 years experience in internal MSM Alumnus

Kuhne - Deininger

John Kuhne ' 57 and Miss Grace Dein!nger, of Wausau, Wisconsin , were mamed July 29, 1972 and their new home is at 340 Chapel Ridge Drive, Hazelwood , Mo. John is a consultant with McDonnell Douglas Automation Co., St. Louis. Herron· Cleveland

William Michael Herron '7 1 and Miss Patricia Cleveland '7 1 of Rolla Mo., were married January' 29 1972 ' at the First Presbyterian Ch~rch i~ Rolla. The groom is employed at Wisconsin Power and Light Co ., Madison. Their address is Apt. 407, 651 Shill er St., Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Schuber • Pinkerton

Stephen P. Schuber '7 1 and Miss Catherine Pinkerton, a former UMR studen t, were married June 10 1972 in Loose Park, Kansas City , M~. The newlyweds are li ving in the state of Oregon. Popp - Kendall

Raymond H. Popp '63 and Miss

Cindy Kend all were married September 17 , 197 1. Ray is a sen ior engin eer for Westinghouse and is pres id ent of the Friend ship Toastmasters' CI ub of Westinghouse . The I'opp 's residence address is 800 Crosby Road Baltimore Maryland. " Wrinkle - Lenhart

Larry D. Wrinkle ' 71 and M iss Wilda married Augu st 5, 1972 , In the First Baptist Church Aurora Mo. The newlyweds spent th~ir hon ey~ moon in H awaii and now reside on Ro~te 1, Nixa , Mo. Larry is corporate engmeer for Mid-America Dairymen Inc. , Springfield , Mo. ' ~enhart ~ere

Mulyca - Gardner

Walt C. M ul yca '6 5 and Mi ss Ann e Reed Gardner, of Ca rthage, Texas, were married July 1, 1972 . They spen t their honeymoo n at Grand Tetons and Yellows t o n ~ Park , and Colorado Springs . They will be at home at 2005 Wil son St., Marshall , Texas, where \Valt is production supervisor, Alcoa Conductor Products Company. Walt is also vicepresident of the Ark-La-Tex Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Perry - Key

James D. Perry ' 70 a nd M iss Susa n Louise Key, of Rolla, Mo. , were married May 20, 1972 , at the Immanuel Lutheran Church , Rolla. James is a grad uate student at UM R and the bride attended UM R two years. Their address is 503 East 6th St., Rolla . Balestreri • King

Joseph (Jay) Balestreri ' 71 and Miss Mary Jane King were married in St. Louis , Mo., July I S, 1972 and are living at 11 00 Co unty Line Road , Bldg. 13, Apt. 9, Kansas City, Mo . Jay is a con tract sales engineer for Powers Regulator Co.

Si rths Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Sch um acher '63, are very , very proud parents of twin girls, Coleen and Carrie , born Ju ly 28, 1972. Their brothers Mike age 6, and Matt , age 4, are proud too: Gary is Vice President of Strange & 19

Colema n, In c., 1echa ni cal Contrac tors, Jat ional Stock Ya rds, 11l. Th e Schu ll1 <lchers li ve a t 123 H ill , Ma nchester, Mo. M r. a nd M rs. J a mes L. Butl er '65 now have th eir second son, J effrey M ichael, born 1\1a rch 17 , 1972 (St. Pa t 's D ay). J ames rece ived a n M . S. degree in E. E. from W ashington Uni versity, in June 197 1, and recentl y received a promoti on to Group Manager, Systems Development , Fi sher Controls Co. Th ey li ve in Iarshall tow n, Iowa, 20 1 Olson Way. 1\ Tr . and 1\ 1rs. Cha rles H . l\fcG ra ri y '57, have Sa ra J oseph ine in their household. She a rrived J uly 10, 19 72. She is their first daughter. T he fat her is a fi eld engin ee r fo r Bechtel Corporati on. T hey reside a t 3 147 I\ egaun ee Tra il , Port Hu ron , M ichigan . D r. a nd M rs. r. D a rrell Ownby '62, welcomed their fou rth da ughter, Sha nno n, born Jul y 20, 1972 . H er sisters a re 1\l eli ssa , 6 yea rs ; Heath er, 40 yea rs a nd Kri sten, 1 year. D arrell is associa te professor, cerami c engineering, a t UM R. 1\1r. a nd M rs. H. Ray Threlkeld , Jr. ' 70 , became three, Jul y 12, 1972 , when T homas Justin a rri ved. T he Threlkelds li ve a t 7632 Berkshire Blvd ., Powell , Tennessee, and Ray is a civil design engin ee r with T enn essee Valley Authori ty , Knoxv ille. Cap t. a nd Mrs. Byron L. Wolfe '68, 117 Palo Alto D rive, Del Ri o, Texas , a nno unce the bi rth of their second chil d , a da ughter, Andrea L ea, born May 30, 1972. H er brother, T od d Ala n is 20 years old . Th e father recently return ed from a tour in So utheast Asia where he fl ew the No rth Ameri can OV- lOA . H e is now sta tioned a t La ughlin AFB , as a n in stru ctor pilot in the No rthrop T-38 Talon Adva nced T ra iner. T he Wolfes will be in D el Rio for approxim ately fo ur yea rs. Mr. and Mrs . Fra nk A. Bu chmeier, Jr. '66, have a da ughter, Ma rie, born on St. Patri ck's Day, March 17. T he B uchm eiers live a t 5050 K enn elwood D rive, St. Louis, Mo. T he fa ther is an engineer wi th Union Elec tri c Company. Dr. a nd M rs. Ronald W. Umphrey '66, have a son , Clinton Howa rd , born J une 11 , 1972 . T he father rece ived his P h. D . degree from Georgia T ec h, in 20

March, a nd is a research scienti st in the R&D D epa rtment , Continental Oil Co. , Ponca City , Oklahoma. Ron , Carol a nd the new son live at 2009 Mea dowbrook, Ponca City . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W . Bell '68, had their second addition to their family , April 20, 19 72 , when J ennifer La uren a rrived. H er brother, Christopher , is 20 years old . H er fath er is pl a nning engineer with Western Electric in Sy rac use, N . Y. , and their home is a t 32 17 Garnock Cour t, Liverpool , N.Y. Mr. a nd Mrs. La rry Ga rmock '67 , became three, Jun e 6, 19 72 . H is name is J eff rey Lawrence. T hey live in Dubuq ue, I owa , 201 3 K ey Way, where La rry is found ry met3.ll urgist at the J ohn Deere D ub uq ue T ractor Works. Mr. a nd M rs. Howard W . Myers '67, proudly a nnounce the bir th of their first child , Howard Arvin Ol e Myers, on M arch 3 1, 19 72. T he fath er was recently promoted to ¡ the position of Control Systems Coordinator in the research department at Brown and Sharpe Manufacturing Co., North Kingstown, R . 1. , where he has been employed for the last one and one-half years. Captain and Mrs. Ralph]. D avis '68, now have their second son, M ark Ryan , born Janua ry 10, 19 72 . Their fir st , Jason Ralph is 3 years old . Their J oliet, Ill. , address is 2307 Black Road . Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. W eber '67 , 640 E . P rairi e, Lombard , Ill. , have their second da ughter , J ennifer, born June 16, 1972. Earl is a research metallurgist with Amsted Research , Bensonville, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. D ewayne M ab ry '68, a nd daughters J ea nin e and Anne, welcomed th e a rri val o f Bra nson D ewayne, born Jul y 7, 1972. They reside a t 12 H armon, Lebanon, Ill. , where the fa ther is a civil engin eer with the Illinois D epartment of T ranspo rta tion. Captain and Mrs. Ralph McClurg '68, a re the parents of Lori Gayle, born Ap ril 26 , 1972 , a t the Army H ospital, Ft. Sill , Oklahoma. Captain McClurg is a construction engineer aii gbed to' the Directorate o f Facili'ti es t;: n<rineering a t Ft. Sill. Their residence ad dress is 80 7 S. W . 50 th , Lawton, Okl a . Mr. and Mrs . Matteo A. Coco '66 , a nnoun ce the birth of their third child ,

Louis James, born May 7, 1972. His two brothers are Anthony Jude and Edward James. They all are living in their new home at 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis. Matt is an engineer with ]. S. Alberici Construction Co., and also president of the St. Louis Section of the Alumni Association . Mr. and Mrs. Alusegun Alusanya '70 are proud parents of the first child, a girl , Olufolakemi Olusheun, born June 15 , 1972. The father is with the Turner Construction Co., as an assistant engineer. Their address is D on F isher Manor , Apt. 3 14A, 13444 E ucl id A ~e. , East Cleveland, Ohio. M r. and ' M rs. J erry D avis announce the a rrival of Matthew Glenn August, on May 20, 1972. M rs. D avis, Lendi Ann , is a 19 71 gradua te of UMR and is a hi gh school mathema tics teacher at J asper P ublic School. Their address is R. R. 1, Iantha, Mo. Jerry, a ' 70 grad of UMC , major in animal husbandry , is currently a farm manager. Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Johler '67, began their family with the arrival of Ted Matthew, on July 28, 1971. Craig is employed at Union Carbide in Texas City, Texas. Their address is 515 Nasa Road, No . 516, Webster, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick]. Wilson '69 , 4345 Honeydew Lane, St. Louis, Mo. , have their first child, Angelia Marie, born June 16, 1972 . Pat is a senior programmer for McDonnell-Douglas Automation Company.

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Deaths Harold R. "Jack" Powers '23

Harold R. " Jack " Powers '23, former secretary of the International Petroleum Exposition and retired assistant general sales manager for Bethlehem Steel Co., died in T ulsa, Okl ahoma, June 11 , 1972. H e was 72. H e served the IPE from 1938 un til 1952. H e joined Bethlehem as assistan t general sales manager in 1938 and retired in 1'962. Later , he was vice president of the Mylon C. Jacobs Supply Co. A na ti ve of Oshkosh, Wise., he went to T ul sa in 193 5 to become manager of the oil and industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. In 1964, he was appointed a special representaAugust 1972

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tive to the local industry department of the C. of C. He was a member of the Tulsa Engineers Club, America n Petroleum Institute , Trinity Episcopal Church and Elks Club. Survivors include his widow, Edith ; a dau ght er, Mrs. Donald Washington , of Henryetta, Okla.; a son , the R ev. John C. Powers, Edmond , Okla, and five grandchildren. Fred A. Giacoma, Jr. '51

Fred A. Giacoma, J r. '51 , of Crestwood , Mo. , a Monsanto Co. research engineer , was struck by lightning and killed , June 24 , 1972 , as he stood on the beach at Pensacola , Florida. He was with his wife and five children at the time of the tragedy . They were vacationing in Florida and planned to start driving home that day . He had been with Monsanto Co. for five years . Besides his wife and children , surviving are his parents, a brother James , and a sister , Mrs. Mary Lorine Schwarz , all of St. Louis, Mo . Henry A. Root '57

Henry A . Root '57 . The alumni office has been advised of the death of Henry A. Root, age 41 , chief marketing engineer, Brass Division, Olin Company, New Haven, Conn. Elbert C. Fields 'SO

Elbert C. Fields ' 50, was killed Jul y 19 , 1972 , in a collision between his car and a train at a crossing in Morris, III. He left work at Northern Petrol Chemical Co. and was driving home when the accident occured. A native of St. Louis, Mo., Mr. Fields was employed at Monsanto from 1956 to 1968 when he joined Morris Chemical as a maintenance superintendent. He was a member of the American Inst itute of Mechanical Engineers. Survivors include his wife, Mrs . Olive G. Stoff Fields, a daughter, Deborah, of Sappington , Mo. and a son , Ross, stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base, Chicago .

South P a dre Island , T exas, and it is a wonderful climate .

1 924 Professor ]. Lewi s Andrews, reti red as Manager of Engineering, Gen era l E lectric Company and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Mi ss is sippi University, spends the winters in Fl orida and Ca li forni a and the summ ers at hi s home in Only, Missouri. Hi s health is improved and he hopes to see more members of the Class of ' 23 and '24 at Homecoming.

1 9 3 2 (Reunion Class 40th)

Colonel Stuart L. Davis, USAF (Ret.) will retire from his second career as supervisory civil engineer and master instructor, U . S. Army Engineer School , Ft. Belvoir , Va. , on August 31, 1972. The Davis ' retirement home is presently under construction on a water front lot on the Banana River. Stu and his wife , Lorraine , will reside at 33 2 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, Florida, after September 1. Hi s future plans .are fi shing, golfin g and play ing an electric organ. Floyd S. Macklin retired June 30, as Chi ef of Construction Division for the Kansas City District , U. S. Army

P. D . Wilkinson, R . R . 24 , Box 273 , Terre Haute , Indiana, advises that he and his wife spend their winters in

MSM Alumnus

193 3

R ay L. Braeutigam formerly chi ef log analyst for Sincl a ir Oi l Compani es is now res iding in Tucson , Arizona, 250 N . M ag uire No. 3 18. He is in hopes that the climate and medicati on in Tucson will help him with his health probl em . He has a son in Stanford U . and the other is attending Tul sa U. Virgil I. Dod son , of Dodson E ngineering and Surveying, Matoon , II!. , presented a paper entitl ed "Controll ed Flow on the Changing W a tershed," a t a symposium of the Ameri can Water Resources Association at Ft. Collins, Colora do . Dodson 's proposa ls would aid in building up ground water supplies, lower peak fl ood heights and save soils.

1 934 Floyd S.


Alumni Personals 191 9

when he was inducted into th e Arm ed Forces. H e served with a N aval constru ction battalion on Gua m a nd Saipan and was di scharged in 1945. H e became Assis ta nt Chi e f o f Constru ction Division in 19 55 a nd in 19 70 was named C hi ef of Co nst ruction , a positi on he held until hi s retirement. As C hief , he had responsibility for the cons tructi on work program in the Kan sas City Di strict 's 110,000 square mil e, five-sta te a rea. H e is a registered profess iona l engineer , a member of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, th e Soci ety of Am erican ]\'Iilitary Engineers, and the E ngineers Club of K a nsas City. Macklin a nd hi s wife, Floy, live at 912 C ha rlo tte, Kan sas City , Mo.

Corps of Engineers, after 43 years of Federal service. He joined the Kansas City District in Aug ust 192 8. In 1941 , he became principal draftsman and then Assistant Civil Engineer until 1942

Sam A. Bermi who has the Sam A. Insurance Agency, in St. Louis, Mo ., plans to visit Israel in October to see his daughter and son-in-law Perry and Barbara Krywat. Sam 's address is 845 Warder Ave., University City, Mo . Fred erick W . Hurd , professor of civil engineering and director of the Bureau of Highway Traffic at the Pennsylvania State University, retired from the University August l. An internationally known traffic engineer , Professor Hurd came to Penn State in 1968 , when the Bureau of Highway Traffic at Yale University was relocated at Penn State and integrated 21

A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _____________________________________________________________________

into the research and education programs of the Coll ege of Engineering.

santo Ca nada, Ltd.; president, Canadian Chemical Company; and vice president, International Celanese. Glatt-

been appointed General Manager of Power Systems Management Business Department in Philadelphia, Pa.

194 8

Frederick W. Hurd

194 9

He was awarded a civil engineering certificate in 1938 by Yale University. A registered professional engineer in Michigan, he is a former traffic engineer with the Michigan State Highway Department and a former assistant to the director of the Michigan Safety Commission. He also has served as an engineer with the Wayne County, Michigan , Road Commission , and as a highway design and traffic engineer with the Missouri State Highway Department. He has served as a member of the accident prevention study section of the National Institutes of Health, as well as a member of various panels and National Cooperative Highway Research Project teams. A former president of the Institute of Traffic Engineers, he served for three years as chairman of the Connecticut Safety Commission. 193 6 Elmer L. Smith has accepted a position as lube consultant at Mobil's Refinery in Durbin, Union of South Africa. He came out of retirement to accept this job. 9 3 9

Jack R . Glatthaar, formerly manager International marketing , has been named Amoco Chemicals' vice president, marketing - polymers and additives and oil prod uction chemicals. Amoco Chemicals is a subsidiary of Standard Oil Company (Indiana). During his -3 1 years in the chemical industry, he has been president , Mon-


haar, who is active in the American Chemical Society and the Society of the Chemical Industry, and his wife Mildred, reside in Chicago, Illinois, 219 East Lake Shore D'rive. 1 9 4 2 (Reunion Class 30th)

Thomas A. Hughes was recently married and visited Lt. and Mrs. Lynn Zoellner '68 , and Kristen , Tom's beautiful , red-haired, blue-eyed granddaughter. Tom lives in McLean, Va., 1425 Fern Oak Court, and he is a civil engineer with the U. S. Geological Survey. 1 943

Reverend Clarence A. Lambelet will become Rector of St. Stephen 's Episcopal Church, Armonk, N. Y., effective July 1, 1972 . His address is 30 Bedford Road, Armonk, and the church is located at 50 Bedford Road .

Dr. William S. Hogan has joined Carolina Power & Light Co., in Raleigh, as principal engineer in the technical services unit of the special services department. He was previously employed by Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, and Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo. He will be responsible for the following functions of the technical services unit: radio chemistry, computer engineering, and civil, mechanical, nuclear and chemical engineering. Hogan served as flight officer in the U. S. Air Force, and he is a member of the American Nuclear Society. The Hogan's address is 621 Compton Road, Raleigh, N. C. 1 950 James A. Brown has been named manager of industrial plastics and bearings sales for the Kansas City service center of Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc., the nation 's largest distributor and processor of metals and plastics.

194 6 Rev. Robert L. Mann has recently been assigned to serve as pastor of the Palmyra (Mo.) United Methodist Church and the Mt. Vernon Methodist Church west of Palmyra. He formerly was Pastor at Alton , Mo.

James A. Brown

1 9 4 7 (Reunion Class 25th)

James A. Smith, who has been manager of the Electric Utility Engineering Operation in General Electric's Power Generation Sales Division, has

and B h~ wif live in


Arthur E. Scholz has been transferred from Midwest Regional Manager to Eastern Regional Manager by Swepco Tube Company. His new address is C-102 Amsterdam Drive, Mt. Holly, N. ].

Jack R. Glatthaar

Des M 1951 : operat!

He will also represent the Ryerson product line in the company's Denver plant territory and throughout Nebraska and western Iowa, including August 1972


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Ryerson Denver hout ~e­ including


Des Moines. Brown joined Ryerson in 1951 and served in various sales and operating capacities at the St. Louis and Houston service centers. Brown, his wife Thelma, and their two children live in Overland Park, Kansas. Lewis L. Wargo joined Black and Decker Mfg. Co., in March , as a plastics engineer, in Tarboro , N. C. They are integrating a 24-press captive injection molding department. His address is 1009 S. Howard Circle, Tarboro. Milton R. Boehme has been named head of engineering services for Rheingold Corporation, a New York based management company with extensive interests in carbonated beverage production and distribution. Mr. Boehme will continue as director of engineering of the Rheingold Breweries, Inc ., subsidiary, a post he has held since 1966 when he joined the organization. In his new corporate assignment, he will be responsible for engineering services at all Rheingold Breweries, Inc. installations ; at Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Puerto Rico, another subsidiary; and has been named project manager in charge of construction of the world's newest and most innovative soft drink plant, to be erected in Orlando, Florida by National Beverages, Inc., the company's Florida soft drink subsidiary which holds Pepsi-Cola, Dr. Pepper , Seven-Up, Flavette, Yoo-Hoo and Frostie Root Beer franchises in a 15county central Florida area. 1 9 5 1 George W. Comanich has been promoted to assistant superintendent of pipelines for the Eastern gas system of Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation and transferred to the gas operating division 's office in Shreveport, Louisiana. He will assist the pipeline's superintendent in supervising operations and maintenance of the system's 8,700 miles of natural gas pipelines. He joined Texas Eastern in 1951 and was progressively promoted to a number of engineering positions. He has been serving as assistant manager in the Little Rock office. He served with a U. S. Navy submarine repair unit during World War II. The Comanichs' have three children. They will live in Shreveport.

MSM Alumnus

gust 1972

L5-----------------------------------------------------------------------Frank J. Myslinski recently received recognition for 20-years of Federal Service. It was presented June 20, at the Letterkenny Army Depot. Chambersburg, Pa. His address is R . R. 5, Rinehart Drive, Waynesboro, Pa. 1 9 5 2 (Class Reunion 20th) Peter J. Lucido, technical advisor, Kaiser Refractories , Division Kaiser Aluminum, has been transferred to Europe. His new address is 99 Rue de La Faisanderie, Paris, France.

195 7 Philip S. Roush, Engineer, Industrial Development Sales, Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo., has been elected to the board of directors 'of the Heart Association of St. Louis. David D. Kick has been named manager of engineering for Williams Brothers P rocess Services, Inc., a subsidiary of the Tulsa-based Resource Sciences Corporation. Kick joined Williams in 1969. H e previously was the company's chief structural engineer in charge of pressure vessel ane! structural design section. I n his new position he will be responsible for all design engineering functions and project assignments. He began his career as an engineer for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at Ft. Belvoir, Va. Later he taught mechanics and civil engineering at UMR. Prior to joining Williams he was a design engineer for two years with Nooter Corporation and a senior engineer for four years with the Monsanto Company, both of St. Louis , Mo. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, a registered professional engineer in Missouri and Oklahoma and is Secretary of the Tulsa Section of the MSMUMR Alumni Association. The Kick 's residential address is 4915 South Lakewood, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Robert L. N auert has been named manager of a new unit of Ogden Metals , Inc., for the purpose of nonferrous metals recycling. The new plant will be located at Brook Park , Ohio , and will recover and process scrap aluminum , copper , stainless steel and zinc metals which will then be recycled into specification alloy ingot for casting by the smel ting industry. The plant is

scheduled to be in operation early in 1973 . Nauert will be headquartered at Luria Brothers & Co., Inc. , Brook Park, Ohio.

958 Donald C. M icka, sta ff engineer, Mobil Oil Co . of Venezuela, moved to Maracaibo in Aug ust 197 1 a nd is currently working in offshore opera tions. Hi s add ress is Apartado 86, in care of Mobil Oil Co. of Venezuela, Ma racaibo , Venezuela .

195 9 Clyde C. Corey is a sen ior engin eer with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. , Huntington Beach, California. He is head of a small group handling equipment for elements of Skylab , Titan and Thor-Delta space launch vehicles. The Coreys plan to visit Rolla during their summer vacation. Their residence address is 11044 Coral Aloe Ave., Fountain Valley, California. Dennie L. Dowell has been appointed manager, safety administration at B. F . Goodrich Chemical Co., Cleveland, Ohio. He joined BFG Chemical in 1959 as associate engineer at the Avon Lake general chemical plant. In 1960, he transferred to the Long Beach, California plant where he served as associate engineer, 1960-62; engineer , 1962-65; and supervisor, personnel and safety during 1966. In 1967 , he was


L. Dowell

named division safety supervisor In Cleveland, the position he held immediately prior to his current appointment. He is a member of the Safety and Fire P rotection Committee of the Manufacturing Chemists Association ; National Safety Council Executive Committee, Chemical Section ; American Society of Safety Engin eers; Cleve-




land Safety Council and served as Chemical Section Chairman, 1971-72 of the Ohio Safety Congress. The Dowell's residence is at 6280 Stafford Drive, North Olmsted, Ohio. 1


Major Gene C. Rizer recently received his second award of the Bronze Star Medal while a student at the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. It was presented for distinguishing himself through meritorious service in connection with military operations against hostile forces in Vietnam and was earned during his last assignment as a senior design advisor, Engineer Advisory Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics, Hqs., U. S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Lt. Colonel Luke L. Callaway was graduated recently from the U. S. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. The to-month curriculum of the Army's senior school prepares officers of all the services, as well as civilian officials of the federal government, for top level command and staff positions with the Armed Forces throughout the world. Lt. Col. Callaway holds the Legion of Merit, The Army Commendation Medal , The Meritorious Service Medal and The Bronze Star Medal. He was last assigned with the U. S. Army Safeguard System Office in Roslyn, Va. His wife, Nancy, lives at 5507 Ashfield Road, Alexandria, Va.

Lt . Col. Luke L. Callaway

Terry K. Smith, former staff operations engineer for Shell Oil Company 's West Coast Exploration and Production Division, has been named Division 24

Production Superintendent, Coalinga. He joined Shell in 1960, in Centralia, III. He became exploration engineer, Oklahmoa City, in February 1962 and in June 1964, he assumed this post in New Orleans. He next served as senior petrophysical engineer and later senior exploration engineer in New Orleans. In 1969, he was assigned to Shell Development Co., Houston, Texas, as staff operations engineer. He assumed the position as staff operations engineer, Shell's West Coast Exploration and Production Division, Los Angeles in 1970. The Smith's reside at 25456 Via Escovar, Valencia, California. They have two children, Shawn 8, and Mark, 2.

196 3

Staff ( sas. H Medal \~ee M Medal

George D. Alexander received his Ph. D. degree in mathematics from New Mexico State University in May. Presently he is teaching in a Bureau of Indian Affairs sponsored program at NMST in Las Cruces. His address is 423 McArthur.

Willi room facility that 4( the flO! the sta i Horseh

964 196 1 Mahmoud Moh. Ali EI-Harras is an underground mining engineer with Societe N ationale de Recherches et D'exploitations Mineres, owned by the Algerian government. The mine AinBarbor produces a complex ore of copper, lead and zinc at the rate of 160 tons per day. Four veins of ore are actually exploited by cut and fill and shrinkage mining methods. Ventilation is natural. The level of mechanization is rather low. The ore is concentrated by flotation before being sold. His address is La Mine D'AinBarbor, B. P. 45, Annaba, Algeria. 9 6 2 (Class Reunion 10th)

A. N. "Pete" Hainline, an engineer with Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Michigan, is his company's sponsor on the UMR campus in their revised program of intensive recruiting at fewer schools. LTC Donald E. Wuerz, who has been Facilities Engineer at Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado, is now Deputy District Engineer, Corps of Engineers , Baden-Wurtenburg District, Germany. Succeeding him at Fitzsimmons is Major Jerry Cornell '62. The District Engineer at his new assignment is Colonel Maurice Northcutt '63. The Wuerz' oldest sons will remain in the states. One is a sophomore at Colorado State U. and the other a freshman at Miami-Dade Junior College. Mrs. Wuerz, Christa, and the two younger sons will move to Germany.

Majl coDlple

Arthur R. Kessler, vice president, Electro Devices, has received a copy of his fourth patent. His business address is 11805 Westline Industrial Drive, Creve Couer, Mo. The Kesslers have three children. Andrea Kay is the latest who arrived just recently.

Gary Holland has been moved to Drummondville, Quebec, Canada, to take over North American marketing activities for Skiroule Ltd., a division of The Coleman Company. Gary and his wife, Gretchen are living at 1775 Fradet, Drummondville, and both ' are taking French lessons since they live in a French speaking city. LTC Frederick D. Kehman II just returned from Vietnam to a new assignment as advisor to the 265th Engr. Group (Cbt) Georgia National Guard and has moved to 4572 Amberly Court, South, Atlanta, Ga.


Tom nieal s is cum ington, Warnin a radar h~ wife age 3Y: ~ 1850 ington.

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1 965 Floyd A. Gonzales was awarded the Juris Doctor degree from the University of Tulsa College of Law, May 28. He was admitted to the Oklahoma Bar and he also received the Moot Court Board and Law Journal Certificates. He is employed by the Public Service Company of Oklahoma and is presently chairman of the corporate model task force for that company. He has authored publications in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and presented a paper to the Missouri Valley Electrical Association in April. Floyd, his wife, Nancy, and two-yearold son, Glenn reside in Tulsa. Gerald W. Bersett has been promoted to Superintendent of the Brass Division of Olin Corporation, East Alton, III. Gerald and Donna and their three sons live at 11895 Hidden Lake Drive, St. Louis, Mo. August 1972

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A L U M NIP E R SON A L 5 _____________________________________________________________________

Major John H. Kenworthy recently completed the regular course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth , Kansas, His citations are the Bronze Star Medal for Valor, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal and the Purple Heart. William A. Clifton who is cleaning room foreman at General Electric's facility in Elmira, New York, advises that 40'% of his men were effected by the flood that occurred in that part of the state. They live at 40'1 Scott Lane, Horseheads, N, Y. Tom Austin is a member of the technical staff, Hughes Aircraft Co" and is currently stationed in Seattle, Washington, and is working at the Airborne Warning and Control Station radar as a radar flight test engineer. Tom and his wife, Kitty, have two children, p, T. , age 30, and Mark, 2. Their address is 1850'S N . E. 2O'th, Redmond, Washington.

196 6 Hardy J. Pottinger is a graduate assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering at UMR and working on his Ph. D. degree. His address is 417 East 11th, Rolla. Bob Hensley , who has been Field Engineer at Wichita/ Haysville Com pressor Station, Cities Service Gas Company has been promoted and is now Compressor Superintendent at West Ulysess. Captain Richard J. Olson has been awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Laughlin AFB, Texas . Following specialized training at Little Rock AFB, Ark., he will be assigned to Chin Chuan Kang AB , Tiawan, serving with a unit of the Pacific Air Forces, headquarters for air operations in Southwest Asia, the Far East and the Pacific area. Major Edward de San tis recently completed the regular course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. He was on the commandant 's list, which represents the upper 20' percent of the class in academic standing. The Major entered the Army in 1960' and was last

MSM Alumnus

stationed at Ft. Hamilton, N. y, He has served in Vietnam, and holds the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal and the the Joint Service Commendation Medal . Major Vernelle T. Smith recently completed the regular course at the U, S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. H e entered the Army in 1959. He holds the Air Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, five awards of the Bronze Star and the Meritorious Service Medal.

1 969 Charles H. Painter II , has been pn;>moted to sales engineer on the Buick account at Packard Electric, a division of General Motors Corp ., Warren, Ohio, He joined Packard Electric as a junior engineer in Product Engineering. In 1970', he was named product engineer for Pontiac and , in 1971 , he became product engineer for non-allied trucks. Painter is married and they have one child. They reside a t 1675 Roberts Lane, Warren, Ohio.

1 967 Jimmie L. Fisher has accepted a position as a computer diagnostic engineer with Texas' Instruments in Austin, Texas. He formerly was with Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids , Ia. 2nd Lt. Duane E. Walker has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from the U. S, Air Force navigator training school at Mather AFB, California. He is being assigned to mon Royal Thai AFB , Thai land , where he will fly the AC 130' Hercules. He will be in a unit of the Tactical Air Command which provides combat units for air support of the U. S. ground forces.

Charles H . Painter II

1 970

Airman First Class Larry G. Leuschke has been named Outstanding Maintenance Man in his unit at Mather AFB, California. He is an aircraft mechanic and was selected for his exemplarly conduct and duty performance. He is assigned to a unit of the Air Training Command which provides flying, technical and basic military training for U. S. Air Force personnel.

2nd Lt. Duane E. Walker

1 968

Captain Ronald L. Sipes has entered the Air Force Institute of Technology to study toward a master 's degree in electrical engineering. Located at Wright-Patterson AFB , Ohio, AFTT provides resident ed ucation in scientific, engineering and other fields for selected officers of the U. S. Armed Forces and Key government employees.

Olusegun 0, Olusanya, who was formerly with Peter Kiewit & Sons, is now with the Turner Construction Company in Cleveland, Ohio, and his address is 190'2 Brightwood Street, E. Cleveland. Jerrey D. Kinnegan is a chemical engineer with Liquid Carbon ic Corporation on their corporate staff in the Engineering & Technical Services Department. He is involved with corporationwide pollution control and quality control programs. His address is 314 West Division Street, Apt. 3, Villa Park, III.


A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 ______________________________________________________________________ A

Linda Lee Kemp is a computer programm er with Kafoury, Armstrong, Bernard and Bergstrom , Reno , Nevada. She advises that her husband , Wayne, received hi s M. S. degree in geology, at the University of Nevada - Reno and has been accepted as a Ph. D. candidate on that campus . Their address is 72 2 Gordon Ave. Ensign Gerald F. Mouser, CEC, USNR , is currently assigned as Assistant Resident Officer in Charge of Co nstruction for the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. His duties include the administration of construction contracts at Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi , Mississippi. He, a nd his wife, Patti , reside in Long Beach, Miss., 101 Pimlico Square, Apt. 40.

2nd Lt. Enrique A. Ot i III , has been awarded hi s silver wings at Williams AFB , Arizona , upon graduation from U. S. Air Force pilot training. He is being ass igned to Langley AFB, Va. , where he will fly the C-130 Hercules with a unit of the Tactical Air Comma nd which provides combat units for air support of U. S. ground forces. He was commissioned in 1971 upon graduation from Officer Training School at Lackland AFB , Texas. Ray Ford , instructor - computer science, Department of Mathematics, Augustana Coll ege , Rock Island , Ill. , has started a computer science program at that college. His address is 615 W. Locust, Davenport , Iowa.

Lt. (jg) Larry J. Oliver will conduct the National Ocean Survey's six-month field inspection of the navigational facilities and conditions in Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgi n Islands. They departed in April from their headquarters at Rockville, Maryland. He will consult with local, federal and state agencies, port authorities, pilots and other marine interests in the areas. The findings will be incorporated in a new addition of U. S. Coast Pilot 5 for the Atlantic Coast , Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands , scheduled for publication in 1973 .

1st Lt. Lowell D. Stevenson

Army Specialist Four David D. Lupberger has been assigned to the V Corps in Germany. He is a clerk with the Corps Headquarters Company. He entered the Army in May 1971, completed his basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood , Mo . and was last stationed at Ft. Sill , Oklahoma .

1st Lt. Lowell D. Stevenson has been awarded his silver wings at Williams AFB, Ariz. He is remaining at Williams where he will fly the T-37. He will be in a unit of the Air Training Command which provides flying , technical and basic training for U . S. Air Force personnel.

2nd Lt . Enrique

2nd Lt. Jack G. Benoist also has been awarded his silver wings at Williams AFB , Ariz., and he is being assigned to Scott AFB , Ill. , where he will fly the C-9A with a unit of the Military Airlift Comma nd which p rovides global airlift for U. S. Military Forces.

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Ensign Gary Day has been in the Vi etnam W ar Zone since December '71 . He is assigned to the U SS W addell a guided missile destroyer . 2nd Lt. Duncan B . Baldwin was awa rded silver wings upon graduation fro m the U. S. Air F orce navigator


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2nd Lt. Duncan B. Baldwin



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school at Mather AFB , Calif. He will remain at Mather for specialized aircrew training before reporting to his first permanent unit for flying duty. 2nd Lt. David G. Groves has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from USAF navigator training at Mather AFB, California. He will remain at Mather for navigator-bombardier training. He was commissioned at Lackland AFB , Texas, upon completion of OTS.



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2nd Lt. L0uis F. Toth , Jr. completed a nine-week ordinance officer basic course at the U. S. Army Ordinance Center and School, Aberdeen Proving Ground , Maryland .

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John W. Evans, Jr., has been transferred from Platoon Leader D Battery, to Executive Officer C Battery. The unit qualified as most distinguished unit in the U. S. Army EUROPE in the annual missile shoot on Crete, Greece. C Btry is in the 3rd Bn, 61st Artillery.

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Michael L. Reed has accepted a position with the Liquid Carbonic Corporation as a project engineer in their headquarters office at 135 S. La Salle St. , Chicago, Illinois and is living at 3710 Pine Grove Ave. , Chicago.

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Larry W. Campbell has accepted employment with McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics ¡ Co. , St. Louis, Mo ., as an associate engineer in the Materials & Processes Department. His duties include materials compatibility, corrosion August 1972



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prevention and . . precision cleaning (white rooms) as applied to the " Skylab" project and the space shuttle. His address is 220 E. J ennings Ave ., Wood River , Ill. Pvt. Ronald M . Reis recently completed a basic Army administration course at Ft. Ord, California. It trains students as general clerks, clerk typists, and personnel specialists. p.vt. Reis entered the Army last January . Pvt Nicola Giannitti completed eight weeks of basic training at fhe U. S. Army Training Center, Infantry, Ft. Polk, La.

. He will Ii zed air· 19 to his ing duty.

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BUSINESS REPLY CARD Fir·st Class Permit r\'o . 18, Sec. 34 .9, P. L. & R ., Rolla, Mo.

MSM-Ul\1R Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Pvt . Thomas E. Kernan completed his lO-weeks of basic training also at Ft. Polk , La .


Pvt. 1st Class Herbert J. Schnyder, Jr. , recently completed with honors a 7-week unit and organization supply specialist course at the U. S. Army Quartermaster School, Ft. Lee, Va. Major Dennis F . Butler recently completed the regular course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. Major Butler entered the Army in 1963 and holds three awards of the Bronze Star Medal, two awards of the Army Commendation Medal; the Air Medal and the Vietnamese Gallantry Cross with Silver Star. Gary L. Flotron is pursuing a MBA degree at Washington University , St. Louis , Mo. His address is 11128 Larimore Road , St. Louis , Mo .

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2nd Lt. Lee F. Turpin has completed a 12-week Field Attillery Officer Basic Course at the Field Artillery School, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Charles M . Sease has accepted a posi tion as instructor of civil engineering technology in the Tri-County Technical School, Eldon, Missouri. Keith E . Talbert recently graduated from Naval OCS in Newport, R . 1. After four months adva.nced schooling he wi ll go aboard the USS Schenectady (LST 11 85) whose home port is San Diego, California. Pvt. Robert J. Schneider completed a lO-week military journalist course at The Defense Information School, Ft. Benjamin Harrison , Ind .

MSM Alumnus

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