Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1972

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OCTOBER 1972 ·




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MSM- UMR Alumni Association T.lephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172 OfFICERS President .... ... ......... ... .

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla , Missouri 65401

Volume 46

OCTOBER 1972 Number 5

On Ihe FtonI Covet

Members of the Kappa Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha sororities held a joint picnic to initiate the first sorority rush week. In front ( left to right) Barb Ross, Rolla (rus hee); Ginny Shoulders, St. Louis (president of ZT A colony). Back row (left to right) Jan Stock, Quincy, Ill . (rushee ); Becky Stabo, Rolla (member KD). The rushees became members.

T.rm Expi_

.P.ter F. Mattei '37 ...... ..... ... .. Ex.cutiv. Director, ... . Metropolitan Sew.r District, 2000 Hampton, St. louis, Mo. 63139

Presid.nt EI.ct ...... .... . .

.. .Robert M. Brackbill '42.

Secr.. tory

... Robert V. Wolf '5 1

.Senior Vic. President, ... ....... ....... ... ... Texas Pacific Oil Compony, 1700 One Main Place, DaUas, T.x. 75240



.......Deportm.nt of M..tallurgical ..... and Nuclear Engineering, UMR, Rol:a, Missouri 65401


Treasurer __ ............... ... ... .. ..... .. Thomas R. Beveridge '4 2 ....... Department of Geology and .. . . Geophysics, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401




as the "Ike" E the Ass( will coni he relinl sponsibi! lOry retl Frank

1968 1 cc Frank H. Mackaman

Francis C. Edwards

STAFF .. ... Director, Alumni Activities ... .. MSM-U MR Alumni Association Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets Rol.a, Missouri 65401 ....... Executive Secretary .

years of executivf tional AI of Alum Kaney a

...... MSM-UMR Alumni Association Grzyb Building, 9th & Rolla Streets Rol.a, Missouri 65401

DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Joseph W. Mooney '39 .......... .... . 7383 Westmoreland, Univ .. rsity City, Missouri 63130 . 1974 James B. McGrath '49 ..... .Fruin-Colnon Corp ., 1706 Olive St., St. louis, Missouri 63103 1975 E. l. Perry '40 ... ........................ .. General Manag .. r, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington 98401 ........ 1974 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 ...... ..... ... ... 3305 Wood.and Road, Bartlesvil:e, Oklahoma 74003 ... .... .. ... .. ..... 1975 lawrence A. Spani .. r '50 ............ 55 Westwood Drive, Westbury, New York 11590 . . .. ........ . 1973 John o. Wilms '43 ........... .... .. .. ... 825 Ardmore, los Angeles, California 90005 .. .. 1973 Area Zip Code Numbers Term Expires AREA DIRECTORS 00-14 1974 H. W. Flood '43 . ..... ... .... .. 183 Main Street, Acton, Massach usetts 01720 . 1973 15-21 ...... 5 Woodland Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15228 ...... . O. W. Kamper '35 1973 22-33 John B. Toomey '49 ... ........ ...... 2550 Huntington Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 .. 35-45 1974 Harold Kosten '60 .......... ....... .... 11566 Plum hill Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 . 46-59 1975 Eugene C. Fadler '62 . . ......... . 19716 Coachwood, Riverview, Michigan 48192 1973 60-61 Frank C. Appleyard '37 ...... .... 808 Solar, Glenview, Illinois 60025 ... ......... ... .. . 1975 62-62 C. Stuart Ferrell '64 . .... .... ...... 219 Timothy lane, Carterville, Illinois 62918 ...... . 1973 63-65 Arthur G. Baebler '55 ... .. ..... ... . 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hi.ls, Missouri 63127 . 1974 63-65 Robert D. Bay '49 ................... .222 Mogna Carta Drive, St. louis, Missouri 63141 1975 63-65 Alfred J. Buescher '64 .... . 1710 Third Parkwa y, Washington, Missouri 63090 1974 63-65 J . R. Patt.. rson '54 .......... .. ....... P. O. Bax 573, Sikeston , Missouri 63801 ................ .... .... ... 63-65 1975 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 . . .... 14219 Denver Avenue, Grandview, Misso uri 64030 . 1975 63-65 Bruce E. Tarantola '5 1 ... ....... .. 9000 Skycrest Drive, St. louis, Missouri 63126 . 63-65 1975 Georg .. D. Tomazi '511 .. ............ 12723 Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 . 1975 63-65 R. Michael Salmon '63 ....... ~ .... 2310 Texas, J oplin , Misso u ri 64801 1974 63 ¡65 Robert P. Vienhage '53 ... ...... .. Rt... # 2, Bax 327B, Springfield, Missouri 65802 .. . 1974 63-65 Edwin J. Werner '49 ........... ...... 9705 East 39th, Independence, Missouri 64052 .. . 66-74 1973 Herman Fritschen '5 1 ...... 5749 S. 68th East Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145 . 1973 75-79 Rex Alford '40 ... ... ... ... ..... .... .... 5743 Jaso n, Ho uston , Texas 77035 . 1974 80-90 Thor Gjelsteen '53 .......... .... .. ... 3065 South Ingars Way, Denver, Co'orado 80227 . and 96-99 90-95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 .. .. 1705 Shoreline Drive, Apt. 202, Alameda, California 94501 1973 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE James J. Murphy '35 .......... ........ .. .. ........ President, Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Road, . St. louis, Missouri 63132 R. O. Kasten '43 . . ....... ........... ...... 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64114 . James W. Stephens '47 . . ...... Missouri Public Service Company, 10700 E. Highway 50 . Ka nsas City, Missouri 64138

1976 1974

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dowling '40 ....... .. ...... ... .. .......... Pr..sident, Nooter Corporation, 1400 South Third Street, St. louis, Missouri 63166 Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann '25 ... .... ... .......... .3100 W. Alabama, Suite 207, Houston, Texas 77006 F. C. Schne.. berger '25 .. .. ... .................... . # 1 Briar Oak, St. louis, Missouri 63132 H. H. Hartz .. 11 '06 .

Richard H. Bauer '52 .

The P tunate il


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In adl tion cere symposil tion of t and Satl

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Melvin E. Nickel '38 ............ ... .............. 10601 South Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 61643

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former sJudents of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri - Rolla . Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of Morch 3, 1897.

Frank Alumni I administ

. ... ....... .. ..... ... ... ..... 1310 CI .. veland, Baxt .. r Sp rings, Kansas -66713 DIRECTOR, CHAIRMAN lEGISLATIVE COMMiTtEE . ....... ...... 5 Sappington Acres Driv., St. louis, Missouri 63126

October 1972

Other their lo~ fessor 01 Institute Universi Stimulat fessor an at State BUffalo for Com Languag Pedants. COndu

Frank H. Mackaman-Alumni Office Administrator


. . 1974

-- 1974

behalf. He has shown his ability to organi ze programs and to ge t results .The Annual Fund has been his responsibility for the past four years .

Frank H . Mackaman , D i rector, Alumni Activities at UMR has assLimed administrative responsibility for the MSM -UMR Alumni Association as well as the campus alumni office. F. C. "Ike" Edwards, Executive Secretary of the Association for the past 19 years, will continue to hold that title although he relinq uished his administrative responsibilities upon reaching the mandatory retirement age of 65 .

Many alumni have met Frank and Nancy, his personable wife. And yo u will see more of them, for they get around. They have three sons. Frank, Jr. , is in a doctorate program at UMC; John , who spent two years at UMR, is now in the School of Architecture at Kansas State University, Manhattan (M issouri has no school of architecture) and Charley is a senior at Rolla High.

Frank joined the staff at UMR in 1968, coming to the campus after 8 years of service to Drake University as executive secreta ry of the Drake National Alumni Association and Director of Alumni Programs. Both Frank and Kancy are graduates of Drake. 11mExpi... _ 1974 _ 1975 _ 1974 - 1975 __ 1973 1973

I,., Expi...

__ 1974 1973 1973 1974 ._ 1975 1973 1975 1973 • __ 1974 ._ 1975 . _. 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1974 1974 1973 1973 1974



1971 1976 1974

The Association is indeed most fortunate in having Frank working in its

Frank H. Mackaman

The alumni will conti nue to have the benefit of Ike 's expertise as he will continue to serve the Association in a major staff role. He and Marjorie will also meet with alumni and enjoy the friendships they have made with hundreds of alumni families.

Mathematics -Computer Science Building Dedicated The l\Iat hematics-Computer Science Building on the UMR campus was dedica ted October 27. Guests at the dedication were two presidents of national pro fessional associations, a graduate school dean , director of a resea rch center and distinguished industrial-academic mathematician . In addition to attending the dedication ceremonies, these men conducted a symposium commemorating the completion of the facility on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. W. C. Royster, professor of mathematics and dean of the Graduate School at the Un iversity of Kentucky , delivered the dedicatory a ddress, speaking "On Univalent Functions" at the first session of the symposium. Other symposium participants and their topics were: H. O. Hartley, professor of sta tistics and director of the Institute of Statistics at Texas A & M University, "Monte Carlo Methods in Stimulation; " Anthony Ralston , professor and chairman of computer science at State University of New York at Buffalo and president of Association for Computing Machinery, "Computer Language for Teaching - P undits and Pedants. " Conducting the Saturday morning ( C01d;"ued on Page 4 ) MSM Alu m nus

. Rex Be.ck~r, architect (right), presents the key to the Mathematics - Computer Sctence Butldtng to Judge Robert Brady, President oj the Board 0/ Curators who then gave the key to Chancellor M erl Baker (center) . ' 3

Coast Guard Grant to Research Oil Spills A hurricane half an ocean away has some effect on the movement of an oil spill from one point in that oceao to another. Just how much it effects this movement is being studied, far from any ocean, at UMR . Directed by Dr. Ronald Reisbig, associate professor of mechanical engineering at UM R, the project is supported by a gran t of $35 ,397 from the U. S. Coast Guard. Dr. Darryl Alofs, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is co-investigator. This grant enables the research tea m of two professors and three graduate students to study the coupled effects of both waves and wind movements on an oi l spill.

The U. S. Coast Guard has equipment that can salvage the oil in case of a major spill. Using airplanes and seagoin g vessels, the oil is surrounded by a mechanical barrier and can eventually be sucked up off the surface of the water into tanks. This is called "harvesting." Harvesting equipment, however, is never on the scene when oil is spi lled. So authorities have to be able to determine how long it will take to transport the equipment to the general vicinity, how far the oil will have moved and in

what direction. " If local surface wind were the only factor determining the ra te and direction of oil movements," R eisbig explains, " figuring where a spill would be at a certain time would be easy. But different winds , miles from the spill, can have other effects on waves. The wind tunnel we have constructed for our wave-simulation tank can blow air at various ' speeds which travel with, against or at fixed angles to the waves . Now we can study all aspects of oil movements in order to create a compu-

" One of the b<' 3ic reasons we need to be a ble to predict the movement of an oil spill with accuracy," says D r. Reisbig, " is not only to determine where and when the spill will hit a shore line, but also to know where and 'when it can be intercepted "ith equipment designed to recover the oil.

A COl scientifil between of the awarded of Engil

The ~ environr engineer souri Ri

"If the spill remains in the ocean long enough, living organisms within the water eat a nd destroy all of it. It is just as much of a disaster to lose this source of energy as it is to let the spill hit land and pollute beaches and wildli fe. " MATHEMATICS - COMPUTER, SCIENCE BUILDING DEDICATED sessions of the symposium were: Victor Klee, p rofessor of mathematics at the University of Washington and president of the Mathematics Association of America, who spoke on " Unsolved Geometrical P robl e ms in Physics, Chemi stry and Botany," and the topic of J erome Spanier , professor of mathematics at Claremont Graduate School was " The Fractional Calculus."


Event ered wi: wiil the of the ( the U ~ sea¡sick

Misso Direc

" One thing most people forget when they read or hear about a spill is that there is a limited amoun t of oil in the ea rth 's underground reservoirs. It is a valuable natural resource.

The new building, completed earlier this year, houses the UMR department of mathematics, the computer science department and UMR 's Computer Center. Archi tects for the facility were Froese, Maack and Becker of St. Louis, Mo., and it was built by M inner Construction Co., also of St. Louis.

tational tions, " Earlie and oil more th Olen!. 1 ula tion I ready f( the effel the spe< l'I iil be

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on the r tensive termed district City D i Dr. Darryl 1. Alofs (lelt) and Dr. Ronald L. R eisbig (right), study the coupled effects of both wind and waves on the movements of an oil spill. The project is supported by a grant from the U. S. Coast Guard. It will help the Coast Guard to intercept the oil spill with ((harvesting" equipment to recover the oil before it tS either destroyed by the ocean or hits land, polluting the beaches and wildlife. October 1972

Profes partmen is cO-ar that are Biology ", (of proj


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study the

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ber 1972

tational scheme for oil path predictions."

Note From the Chancellor

Earlier research on wave movements and oil spills has been going on for more than a year with limited equipment. The new 12-foot long wave simulation tank with a wind tunnel is now ready for use. By next July studies of the effects of both wind and waves on the speed and direction of an oil spill will be completed.

Enrol-lment vs Academic Requirements

Eventually, all the information gathered will be fed into computers which will then be able to make predictions of the oil spill movements . That is, if the UMR research team doesn't get sea-sick.

Missouri Ri oer 'noentory Directed by UMR A contract for an en.gineerin g and scientifi c study of the M issouri River between Rulo , Nebraska , and the mouth af the river near St. Louis has been awarded to UMR by the U. S. Corps of Engineers; Kansas City District. The study will provide added basic environmental information for use in engin eering projects rela ted to the M issouri Ri ver. The Corps of Engineers is in charge of the Missouri River Navigation and Bank Stabilization Project which means the Corps must maintain a navigation chann el in the river at least nine feet deep and 300 fe et wide from the river's mouth in St. Louis to Sioux City, Iowa. Though the corps has had some data on the river , it has never had "an extensive environmental inventory" as termed by Colonel J ames Peck , deputy district engineer for the Corps' Kansas City District.

Professor Paul Munger , of the Department of Civil Engineering at Rolla, is co-ordinating the work. The areas that are being studied are: Acquatic Biology; Water Quality ; Engineering (of projects on the river, such as the

MSM Alumnus

The trend today across the nation is for enrollment to drop in institutions with high academic requirements . This decrea.sing trend has affected engineering and science more adversely than ot her fields. This downward trend is unfortunate beca use this country has been built largely upon the productivity of people who have faced and met demanding tasks. E ngin eers and scientists have made profou nd contributions to the adva ncement of our singularity among nations. Any stu dent from high school or from community colleges who is average or above academically should not be afraid to enter UMR in engi neerin g, the liberal arts or science. We point ou t to stud en ts considering engineering that a 4-year engineering or science degree is a good foundation for many types of careers. In reality, a student enteri ng engineeri ng and science will not have to be concerned about hi s career preference until 4 years later. As a springboard for diversified career opportunities, engi neering and science are probably the best programs

Corp 's bank work); Recreational aspects of the river , such as who's fishing and hunting for what a nd where; A fisheries study (of what kind of fish are in the river) ; A terrestial study (of the land along the banks, to identify plant and animal life); and a Remote Study. The latter is being done by satellite that was launched last summer. It takes aerial photographs of the river area to hel p identify the kinds of energy wave length given off by di fferent kinds of trees and soi l. Since each kind of plant a nd earth formation gives off a differen t kind of wavelength , almost like a fin gerprint, scientists can get a large perspective of the river basin area. Students come from three University of M issouri campuses , Rolla, Columbia , and Kansas City ; from Kansas State University, Manhattan and Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville.

for a student to pursue for four years', We all ack nowledge that a 4-year engineering degree or science degree is demanding but the rewards are great. The liberal arts in an environment, such as UMR offers, provides a unique opportunity for the student. There are few in stitutions in the country in which liberal a rts majors have the opportunity for such wide exposure to engineering and science. This is ind eed an opportunity which will enable the liberal arts student not only to gain a rich academ ic program but give them a special insight to help guide the direction of science and engineering in the future , UMR has every opportunity to achi eve a very significant enrollment increase if students wo uld take advantage of the special opportuniti es presented by the campus and also recognize the foundation for diversified careers which degrees from here will provide for the future. We feel that this potential will be reali zed and that our enrollment will soon begin to increase at a comfortabJe rate but not to the extent that we will become a general university,


Who Said the Greek System is Dying? By Mrs. Winona Roberts, Public Information Specialist

In one recent year , three fraternities closed at the University of Michigan ... At Columbia University, fraternities and sororities take in outside roomers and boarders to make ends meet . And at colleges and universities all over the East coast , fraternities are closing, and at some schools, have been abolished altogether .

At the University of Missouri-Rolla , things a re different. Thi s year 's fraternity pl edge class was 33 1, a total of 49 per cent of the new freshman men. In the pas t decade , five frat ernities have been activated , nine new houses have been built (five on New Fraternity Row) , several have built addition s and one more house is in the plannin g stage. And , for the first time, UMR now has two national sororities on campus, and this fall had its fir st sorority rush week. Kappa Delta became a fullfled ged chapter and initiated its first 12 members late in October. It has a pledge class of six. Zeta Tau Alpha colony , with 15 pled aes, will become a chapter sometime next sem ester. Both groups were established as local sororities (growing out of two frat ernity little sister groups ) for about 18 months to two years before their petitions to the na ti ona l sororiti es were accepted. During tha t time the girls met in the Student Union each week , encouraged each other to improve scholarship , got involved in community servi ce and extended their social activities. The girls feel th a t the groups will grow more rapidly as word gets around that there a re now sororities on what is often thought of as a predomina tely male campus. There is good reason to believe that sororiti es will flouri sh. UM R has a long tradition as a strong fraternity campus. " The fraterniti es came early (the first in 1903) and probably because of lack of school housing and social life, quickly became strong. In a very real sense , UMR and the fraternities have grown up together. And it has been a happy partnership ," says 6

Robert V. Wolf, professor of metallurgical engineering. Professor Wolf is the long-time faculty advisor for Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, has served ::OJ his fraternity's national vice president and was several years adviser to the Interfraternity Council. Will the traditional strength of the Greek system on the Rolla campus be enough to carry it through the revolutionary storms that have been fatal to fraternities on other campuses? Or is the Midwest , traditionally slower to make changes, merely lagging behind the rest of the country, with trouble just around the corner? Student leaders and faculty members closest to the fraternities differ somewhat in their viewpoints as to what may happen in the future. But they agree on one point: as a whole the fraternity system here is one of the best.

ternity men -

gives several clues.

If you're a student at Rolla , chances are better than one out of four that you . belong to one of the social fraternities. You may be a member of a group that numbers as low as 15, or as high as 100. You may li~ in a house that is a converted residence, or in one of the new houses whose cost runs into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. As a group your fraternity may stress scholarship, athletic prowess in varsity or intramural sports, a tradition of service, leadership in campus organizations - or all of these - or others. In any case, you're part of a system that seems to be doing extremely well. You're also in a fraternity system that isn't quite like any other. And these differences, in the opinion of many campus observers , largely account for its strength.

life in i dayS an or sever as "pal Miners other ti

Such literally ties frol 750 to till the} exceptio ternity end (es week¡en and da. nights i houses. some d parties Greek 0 and larl forced ! to merr Also s( others ( their w!

More objective sources confirm this belief. Last year the U MR Interfraternity Council (IFC) received the annual Iron Man award as the outstanding IFC in the country in its division. Judging was based on reports of fraternity activities and service projects. There is hardly a chapter on the UMR campus that hasn't won some national honor in recent years. This year , in competition with 184 other chapters and 16 colonies, Lambda Chi Alpha was chosen outstanding chapter of the fraternity. Delta Si gma Phi received the outstanding chapter award for three consecutive years, and Pi Kappa Alpha for two consecutive years. Others have won regional "best chapter" honors and have been close national runn ers-up for best chapter. Other awards have been received for effici ency, chapter publications, public relations, scholarship , campus activities, money management, outstanding individual members - and even outstanding faculty adviser (Dr. Paul Munger for Beta Sigma P si and Professor Wolf for PiKA .)

Many of these differences stem from the fact that the Rolla campus itself is different. It's technological university with a homogeneous student body. It has a long-standing reputation for high academic standards that leave little free time for purely social activities or just plain goofing-off. Fraternities have traditionally put a lot of stress on scholarship. Rolla also has had a largely male student population. (This year's 406 women , of whom more than 100 are married , is a new high .) This lack of coeds effects the fraternities in several obvious ways. It usually comes as a surprise to people from fully coeducational campuses that there are no fraternity housemothers in fraternities here. (Chaperones, usually faculty couples, are brought in for parties or when girls are in the houses for social even ts.) The members themselves take most of the responsibility for running their houses , often including keeping the food budget on an even keel. Usually the only paid employees are the cooks, who frequently double as allaround " moms " to their boys.

This dents h acteristi indepen coopera and Gr Fratern groups social a pus org. idea of politics. here," t "Our typical Paul Po vices. "I been as ( on camI which in! to $110 tories CO they ha; 'conspicu never be social ac things haven't didn't ha OUr frat mUch se

What makes such a system tick? A look at UMR 's 20 fraternities through the eyes of faculty members , alumni, students - both independents and fra-

However, the biggest difference made by the lack of coeds is the way the pattern of social activity has developed . Since most dates are imported, social

The I ternities erate on ROlla a

Octobe r 1972



chances four that al frater. ber of a 1s 15 or li1il! i~ a dence, or cost runs sands of nity may 'owess in tradition us organ. Jr others. a system lely well. Item that ,nd these of many :ount for


tern from JUS itself miversity body. It for high little free !S or just have tra· on schol·

ely male !ar's 406 100 are s lack of n several nes as a coeduca· e no fra· aternities faculty larties or lor social lves take running keeping !el. Vsu· are the ~ as all·

nce made way the eveloped. .,d , social

)er 1971

life in general is prett)£ quiet on weekdays and ordinary week-ends. But six or seven weekends a year are set aside as "party" week-ends, and then the Miners playas hard as they work at other times . Such week-ends are well named. This literally means almost continuous parties from F riday afternoon when some 750 to 800 girls arrive on campus till they leave again on Sunday. With exception of Greek Week-end (for fraternity men) and Independence Weekend (especially for non-Creeks), party week-ends are campus-wide with parties and dances on Friday and Saturday nights in both independent and Greek houses. Rising costs have brought about some changes. Traditionally, fraternity parties at Rolla have been open to all, Greek or independent. Now higher costs and larger fraternity membership have forced some houses to restrict parties to members and invited guests only. Also some fraternities combine with others or with clubs for one or both of their week-end parties. This open attitude toward all students has been a long-standing characteristic of UMR fraternities . Many independents say that there is more cooperation here between independ ents and Greeks than on most campuses. Fraternities and organized indepenrlent groups compete in intramurals, join in social activities , work together in campus organizations. Most pooh-pooh cny idea of a Greek block vote in campus politics. "It just doesn 't work that way here," they say. "Our fraternities have never be'en typical of the national image ," says Paul Ponder , director of student services. "For one thing, they have n ~ve r been as expensive relative to other costs on campus. (Fraternity housebill s, which include everything, run about $90 to $110 per month . University dormitories cost $940 for nine months.) Thus, they have never been institutions of 'conspicuous consumption.' They have never been oriented to a high level of social activities . Consequently, as these things died out in popularity, we haven't been hurt here because we didn 't have them in the first place. And our fraternities have always been very much service-minded." The list of service projects by fra ternities is long and varied . They cooperate on almost every worthy cause in Ea~ter Rolla and Phelps County -

MSM Alu m nus

Seals, Cerebral Palsy , Muscular Dystrophy, Heart Fund, United, Fund . clothing drives - and along with other UMR students keep the Red Cross blood bank going. Several have cleanup projects for the city, in the parks and on campus. In a fall clean-up day this year, IFC members collected almost 900 bags of trash , and handed out litter bags. Most have parties for underprivileged children or help welfare in some way, and one has organized and directed a recreational program for rural school children. The Lambda Chi Alphas have probably the mos! ambitious project serving an annual chicken dinner which nets more than $1000 for the mentally retarded and cerebral palsy schools. And the IFC Greek Week Carnival proceeds go to benefit the Boys Town of Missouri. Fraternity men, through Gamma Alpha Delta (a service fraternity), have lJeen the back-bone of UMR's program in the inner-city of St. Louis . While fraternities on many campuses are going through turmoil in attempting to make changes to keep up with the times, UMR's fraternities have largely been spared this ordeal. Mostly, say campus observers, this is true because UMR fraternities already have most of what other fraternities are seeking. " We have been fortunate," says professor Wolf, " in having university administrators who have given the fraternities maximum self-government with minimum number of rules imposed from the outside. As a result, UMR fraternities already enjoy many of the freedoms that fraternities are now fighting for on other campuses - such as the right to run their own houses and operate as self-regulated societies." Too , Rolla fraternities have gone to new methods of pledging. Instead of the old rush system of one frantic week at the beginning of school, the Interfraternity Council here encourages fraternities to rush a prospective member during the spring and pledge him during the summer . Then rush week in the fall is essentially an orientation period for those already pledged, and an opportunity for others who might wish to pledge to become acquainted . Unlike some campuses, freshmen may live in fraternity houses here. The pledge period has changed , too. Although most houses still have pledge duties , hazing is almost totally abolished

and duties made more relevant than, for example, the old "doorknob polishing" tradition , says Dr. LeRoy Thompson, IFC and Sigma Phi Epsilon adviser . Mark Armstrong, president of IFC, believes that the pledge program should be chiefly educational - a time for the pledge to get to know the fraternity and the fraternity to get to know the pledge. "Actives are taking a more responsible interest in the future members. The pledge policy has become more a joint effort of the ,actives and. pledges to develop tne I1ledges into contributing members to the house as soon as possible." Fraternities here can't afford to sit on their past records if they are to continue to succeed , most agree. But nc one sees an early demise . "There may be a tendency for students to be anti-organization any organization," says Paul Ponder. "All organizations independents, fraternities, eating clubs, campus groups of all kinds - are down this year." Roger Ellis, 1971 UMR graduate, former president of Sigma Pi, editor of the Missouri Miner (student newspaper) and 1971 IFC man-of-the-year , sees several trends that can hurt fraternities , such things as the popularity of apartment living and more sophisticated and independent manner of thinking among students. "Fraternities may have to work a little harder to get the kind of pledges they want," he says. But he 's an enthusiastic booster for the fraternity system. "Whatever I accomplished I owe mostJy: to the fra-. ternity system," he says. "No fraternity man who achieves anything on campus has done it himself. Someone paved his way ." Professor Wolf views the changing world as a challenge to the true meaning of fraternities. He sees fraternity living as a place of learning on the edge of the campus, a microcosm of life in general, where students learn to live together. If fraternities are to survive, and the) will , they will have to build on something positive - on brotherhood and the fraternal spirit. It's no longer enough to have the biggest house or the best parties. Social fraternities will have to become 'social' in the broadest sense - social in their concern for each other and for others ," he says.


groupS. varsity

Charter Members of Kappa Delta

Corn cbaptel mentall nating charitit


on tl U~I1



Sigma Kappa Kappa Pi Kap Lambd; Triangl Sigma Phi Ka Tau K; Sigma . Theta: Beta Si Sigma ' Delta ~ Acacia Alpha . Delta 1 Alpha I Pi Kap Interfra M embers of the Ka ppa D elta Sororit y : Front row ( left to right) Jan Stock, Linda Na.tions, Laura Davenport, B ecky St abo, Pat D unne, and D eAnn Ba ker. Back row ( left to right ) Ruth L egsdin, Amy Strunk, Paula H udson, L orraine T raynor, Karen Schumacher, Sue Ja ggi and Cheri Hardwick. - Photo by B ill McCom b

UMR's First Sorority In stalled It was a totally new experience for UM R wh en Kappa D eltas arrived from far and near to celeb ra te the in sta ll ati on of E psilon Alpila, the first charter of a N ational Panhell eni c Soro rity in the University's 102-year history .

T he occasion att rac ted M rs. John Meisner, na tional presiden t, E nglewood, Colorado; M rs. Ke nn eth Gall agher, national vice president , Sti ll water, Oklahoma; M rs. James P urd y, T a u P rovi nce p resident , Mid west City, Oklahoma ; M iss Minnie Mae P resco tt , executive secretary, Springfi eld, Mo .; M iss Dee Warwi ck, coll egia te advisor, E l Paso, Texas and M rs. E. T. G. H arri son, magazin e fun d chairma n. T a u Province representatives were also present from Drury College, Oklahoma Sta te University, Tulsa University, University of Oklahoma and Arkansas State University. 8

Twelve coeds were in itiated in to the sorority and there were five pledges. M rs. Warren D ea n is president of the local Alumnae Advisory Board and Mrs. Ronald F ull er was the installation chai rman. M rs. Martha Gerig '69, is the faculty adviser. M iss Lorraine T raynor is ity 's first president and Pat vice president. Miss DeAnn be the incoming p resident for semester.

the sororD unn the Baker will the second

T he St. Lou is alum nae assisted in hostessing the tea which terminated a well- fill ed week-end. Best wishes were received from the University and com munity fr iends. T he Kappa Deltas will endeavor to contribute to the academ ic and social li fe of the University a nd be of service to both UMR and Rolla.

UMR's Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity's Outstanding Chapter Shor tly after the beginning of the fa ll semester, members of .the Lambda Chi Alpha Fra ternity a t UM R were on " clo ud nine." In competition with 184 other chapters and 16 colonies , the UM R group had been chosen " outstanding chapter" of the fra ternity. T he award was made at their National Convention held August 27 -30 in Portland , Oregon. Ku rt K illinger , president of the Alpha Del ta chap ter in Rolla , said the honor was based on an a nalysis of each chapter 's ca mp us and community activities over a two-year period.

UJIF came 0

Kappa Zeta Ti

Alur AIM

'James Remmer Board ( Institutt Retroleu Bonar . 1923. I graduat! gaged i careers.

Lambda Chi members at UM R have participated in campus organizations such as student council , interfraternity council, the student yearbook - Rollamo , student chapters of pro fessional orga nizations and spec i a l int e rest

.lim ( books ir Series . num,' c( Tungste Copper. numero\ ning wi and Rei

October 1972


gro ups. They have a lsq been active in varsity a nd intra mural sports. Communi ty p rojects undertaken by chapter members include wo rk with th e menta lly retarded and raising and donating mo re tha n $ 1,000 to local charities.

Fraternities and Sororiti es on the Campus UM R fra tern ities a nd the year they came on t he campus: Sigma N u .......................... .. .. K appa Alp ha .............................. .. K appa Sigma ............................. . P i Kappa Alpha ....... ................. .. Lambda C hi Alpha ..................... . T riangle .................................. .... . Sigma P i ............................... ...... .. Phi Kappa T heta ........................ . Tau Kappa Epsilon ...... .............. .. Sigma P hi Epsilon ........ .............. .. T heta Xi .. ..... .............................. .. Beta Sigma P si .............. ........ ...... .. Sigma Tau Ga mma ............ ........ .. Delta Sigma P hi ........................ .. Acacia ...... .. ............ ...... ...... .. . Alpha Epsilon P i (reinstated) Delta Tau Delta ........ ...... ........... .. Alpha P hi Alp ha ................... ...... .. Pi Kappa P hi ............ .................. . Interfraternity Council .............. ..

1903 1903 1903 1905 1917 192 7 1933 1936 194 7 1947 1949 1952 1956 1957 1958 1963 1963 j 965

'1968 1939

-/, Becky Traynor,

UMR Sororities and the year they came on the campus .


Kappa Delta ................ .... ............ 1972 Zeta T.au Alpha (Colony) ............ 19 72


AI u mnit 0 Rece i oe


, of the 'Lambda IR were

Jef chapIR group chapter" Nas made

leld Aug·

:he Alpha .be bonor Ich chapactivities

MR have wiza tioOS fraternity _ Rolla· ofeS5ion~ interest )er 1972

AIME Legion of Honor 'Tames L. Gregg '23 and Walter E. Remmers ' 23 ha~~ been elected bv the Board of Dirpctors of the American I nstitute of Mi ning, Meta llurgi cal and J?etroleum Engineers to the L egion of B onor Fifty-Year Memhers, Class of 1923. Both Gregg and Rommers were graduated in metallurgy and were engaged in metall urgy throughout their careers. Jim Gregg is the author of several books in the Alloys of Iron Monograoh Series - Alloys of Iron and Molybden um ,' co-author of Alloys of Iron and T ungsten, and a book on Argentiferous Copper . H e has written and presented nu merous pa pers on metall urgy beginning with his earlier research when he an d R emmers wo rked under the direc-

MSM Alumnus

tion of the late Dr . Reginald S. Dean '15. G regg con ti nued in metallurgical research a t Battell e Memorial Institute and Bethl ehem Steel to a professorshi p at Corn ell U nivers ity. H is con t ribution s in the field of metallurgy a re ma ny. Wally Remme rs was diverted in to metall urgical management to Union Carbide , Pittsburgh M etall urgical a nd elsewhere. Both taug ht metall urgy R emmers at Washington U niversity , St. Louis , 1"10., after grad uate work at Ro ll a; and Gregg at a later time at Cornel l. Jim has retired from t he faculty of Corn ell a nd is li ving in Ithaca , New York . Wall y , who likewise retired from metallurgy, is cattle ranching in Arizona. W e hope to see both of the new Legion of H onor Members at the reunion of the Class of '23 at Commencement time in May 1973.

Vacca Inoites A" Herman L. Vacca '60, advisis that he is getting married to Miss Carol Jean Tri ska, in EI Campo , Texas, on January 6, 1973. He states that since he has waited so long. there will be many of hi s fe ll ow alumni who will be surprised about the announcement. He wants to spread the word a nd invite a ll his old buddi es to attend if they possibly can . He projects the conjecture t hat it will be one of the biggest weddings in Texas coastlard. The wedding will be real Bohemia n style which is quite common in the area. So there will be lots of food , beer. and dancing. His address is 1732 Briar Lane, Who r ton , Texas

77488 .

Improved Employment • PI ct ure In answer to an ano nymous letter chall enging a recent report on the im proved employment picture , L. E. N uss , Director of P lacement and Indu stry Relations , makes the following report. " Between September 18 and October 18, twenty-two a lumni , many of whom were soon to be d ischarged from service, asked the Placement Office for assistance. During the same period, thirtyseven empl oyers sent in requests for ex perienced engin eers. Several of these employers had more than one position opening. One major company has openings for 35 experienced engineers and stated they would like to hire most of them from UMR."

Non-Acadamic Wage Increase The Un iversity of Missouri Board of C urators approved a $3 68 ,000 expenditure for wage increases for non-academic personnel. This amount was received from a recent special session of the General Assembly in a supplementa ry appro priation to the University's genera l operating budget for the present fi scal year. Non-academic employees of the University at an annual salary of $ 10,400 a year or less will share in the addit ional one percent wage and sa lary fund s which have become available for these employees.

e.E. Trains EngineeringAids During the summer semester 15 residents of Kansas C ity , Missouri , spent eight weeks on the UMR campus learning to become civil engineering aides . The UM R ex tension project was sponsored by the Kansas City Model Cities Agency and the Missouri Department of Community Affairs. It was designed to t rai n inner-city residents to work , under the supervision of a n engineer, in survey parties, on construction projects or as draftsmen. The men whose ages ranged from 19 to 26 , spent eight hours a day on the campus. They lived in a residence hall and were in effect , college st.udents for eight weeks . Jerry Bayless , UMR Associate Professor of Civi l Engineering, was the program director. " They attended basic classes in surveyi ng, construction materials testing and engi neering drawing," Bayless said. "The students a lso have developmental reading and mathematics , an hour of physical education every day and a weekly group counseling session." At the completion of the project all 15 men had either been interviewed or had appli ed to companies or governmental age ncies in the Kansas City area who could use civil engineering a ides. At the end of September a check was mad e a nd Bayless said, " We know that at least seven have either returned to school or are on jobs. But we haven 't had a chance to check the status of the others." 9

H.S. Pence, past President of Alumni Association, Dies ager and its P resident in his senior year. He was Vice President of the senior class , Vice President of the Student Council, Secretary-Student Chapter A. 1. M. E. , and the Pan Hellenic Council.

Harry S. Pence '23, an illustrious alumnus, age 71 , died September 23, 1972 , in St. Luke's Hospital , St. Louis, Mo. He was born in Butte, Montana , wh ere hi s father was in the mechanical department of a copper mine, he later moved to Falls City , Nebraska.

He held membership in the Missouri and National Societies of Professional Engineers, Americagn Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers and the Society of American Military Engineers.

Entering, then the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1919, he received his bachelor 's degree in Mining E ngineering in 1923 , and Engineer of 'l ines in 1935 . Hi s fir st job was as an engineer on th e construction of the Spavinaw Dam. Later , he beca me the Chief Engineer with lVl azapil Copper Company , Aranzazu, Zacatecas, M exico. From 1926 to 193 1, he was a Mining Engineer and Pl a n t Manager for Certain-teed products in three different cities. He also held the same positions with Consolidated Felspar Corporation in Trenton , K ew Jersey, from 1931 to 1933. It was d urin ~ thi s employment that he married E lizabeth Long, of Rolla, in New York , New York in 193 2. He joined the U . S. Co rps of Engin eers, St. Louis, and remained until entering the Armed Forces in 1942 as a Second Lieutenant. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. In

His most dedicated activity was the MSM Alumni Association. He was Director, Vice President , Executive Vice President and President of the National Alumni Association.

Harry S . Pence 1946 he went with Sverdrup & Parcel , Consulting Engineers-Architects In St. L¡ouis . He retired in 1966. Harry was deeply devoted to his alma mater. When on the campus, he was a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity serving at House Man-

Dr. Frizell, Professor of Geology, Succumbs Dr. Donald L. Frizzell , age 66 , Professor of Geology , died October 17 , 197 2 at the Still Memorial Hospital , Jefferson City , Missouri. Professor Frizzell had been iII for a period of time and recently took leave from teaching and was taking radiation treatments . He died from lung cancer. He was born in Bellingham , Washington . He received a B. S degree in Geology, in 193 0, and an M . S. degree in Zoology, in 193 1, both from the University of Washington . In 1936, he recei ved a Ph . D. degree from Stanford U ni versi ty. Before teaching at UMR , he worked as a paleontologist with Shell Oil Company and as a geologist-paleontologist with International P etroleum Corporation in Peru and Ecuador. H e worked as a consulting paleontologist in Washington , D. C. 10

Dr. Frizzell taught at the University of Texas for three years before coming to UMR in 1948 . Professor Frizzell published 66 papers and was working on another at the time of his death . Some of his more recent papers are: Otoliths of Some Early Cenozoic Fishes of the Gulf Coast, and " Holothurians. " His research interests included micropaleontology and otoliths (earstones ) of fossil and recent fishes.

Shamrock Club Closes One of Rolla 's old est cooperative eating clubs, Shamrock Club ; has closed its doors. Fi na ncial eli f fi culties wi th creditors and finance companies proved to be too much. Shamrock Club bega n serving independents of the then School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1938 , two years

It was during his tenure as president that the organization employed a staff member and established an alumni office on the Rolla campus in 1953. It was with great pride that he worked for its development and structured the nucleus which resulted in the present strong MSM -UMR Alumni Association.

Survivors are his widow, Elizabeth, 17 Cambridge Court, Glendale, Missouri; brother-in-law Albert E. Long, Rolla , and nieces and a nephew. Burial was in the Rolla Cemetery, Rolla, Mo .

after the opening of the Engineers" Club. Durin g the summer school the new business manager inherited the past difficulties of other managers. Owning their own building, Shamrock had both upkeep of the building expenses and finance company payments to meet. Also the level of membership could not support these costs and those related to operating the club. The final decision came before opening of the fall semester by the 'managing body of the club . The three remaining cooperative eatCampus , Engineers and ing clubs Tech - now are serving independents of UMR. Both Campus Club and Engi neers Cl ub are serving about 170 to 180 members, while the Tech Club is handling about 120. All three clubs are straining their facilities to serve this number of members. October 1972

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The I Alumni \Iule f October of the 0 noted f fifty ~ attende hopeful



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Missouri ,fessional of Min. ; and the


ALUMNI SECTION NEWS Southern California Section The Southern Californi a Chap ter of the Alum ni Associati on held th eir H omecomi ng meeting October 7, 1972 , at th e Lon g Beach Yac ht C lub . A tota l of thirt y-nine a lum n i and wives took par t in t he celeb ra ti on .

ive Vice National

The mee tin g was held ea rl y thi s yea r to avoid compet ing with th e importa nt early ga mes of th e foo tball sea son , a nd to avoid th e firs t rain o f th e season, whi ch us ua ll y a rri vges with th e Homecoming in late October.

presi· )loyed a n alumni 1953. It worked ured tbe . present ;ociatioD.

Th e meet in g was a success an d many new faces were present. Don and Flo Hu seman were v isiting from t heir home in :\lex ico. Dean Curti s \\' il son aga in proved to be the crow ning ente r ta inm ent of th e dinner , and :\lrs . Eva H. Greene ' 11 , impresses an a ud ience whenever she speaks . Th ey danced 'til 1 a. m . E ve ryo ne went home tired a nd happy .

was the was Di-


.lizabeth, Ie, Mis·



.v. emetery,

ngineers' the new :he past Owning lad both ISes and :0 meet. ould not : related .re open· lanaging tive eat·

~ers and

)endents odEn¢· 110 to Club is -Iubs are 'rve this

er 1972

Those in atte ndance were: Mr. a nd Mr s. Karl All ebach ' 28 ; Mr. and Mr s . J ohn E. Evans '52: Mr. and l'.fr s . "-illi a m F letcher '3 4; l\1r. a nd Mr s. J ames Gost in '44: :\1 r. and Mrs . Tad Graves ' SO : :\lrs. Eva H. Greene ' 11 : M r. a nd :\Irs. R onald H enson '64; l\1r. a nd :\Irs . D on Huseman '43; l\lr. and l\Irs . Bill J acobs '64: M r. and Mrs . Laurel G. Linn '49: Mr. and 1\1rs . A. ]. Ponnwitz '67: l\1r. an d Mrs. Don ald l\1. P iel er ' 55 : l\ lr. and Mrs . V:. A. Sch irmer '49 ; Mr. and Mr s. Floyd Smith '4 1 ; i-lr. and Mr s. Geo rge \\--. Sulli va n '5 1 ; Mr. and Mrs , Fred A. Todd '48: Mr. and :\Irs . J oh n Wilms '43; Dr. a nd Mrs. C urt is L. W ilso n and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Youn g. Aga in , we tha nk John Wilms for his p romo tion and arranging o f another gala affair for the MSM-UMR alumni a nd their wives in the So uthern California a,rea .

Kansas City Section The Kansas City Area Section of th e Alumni Association held a p re-M inerMule football ga me banquet Friday , October 27 , in K a nsas C ity . Th e site of the occas ion was the vVi shbone Inn , noted for their fried chicken . About fifty M iners, their wives a nd gues ts attended the dinn er , and they we re ho peful that it wo ul d lend some en -

MSM Alumnus

couragement for a Mi ner vic tory the foll owi ng day a t Warrensburg. J ou rn eying to Kan sas C ity for the gat her in g were : Mr. a nd M rs . F ra nk Nlacka ma n , Director o f Alumni Activities; , Mr. and Mrs. Ike Edwards; Cha'rl es Finl ey, H ead Football Coach and Assista nt Football Coaches Bud Mercier a nd J oe K eeton. C liff T anq ua ry ' 57 , promoted a nd staged thi s event and was M. C. Frank Mackaman was t he pr in cipa l speaker with others lending comm ents and observa ti on s . After the socia l hour a ll en joyed the famou s Wishbone Fried C hi cken. Those who attend ed we re:

M r. a nd

1973. During April , the Date is not firm at this time , the Section is having its Annual Dinn er Party. Watch for this date and remind your wife she is invited too.

Comin9 Alumni Meetin9s There are seve ra l alumni meetings sched ul ed durin g th e com in g months. In addition to those of the Tul sa Secti on , a s li sted in the a rticle above, they a re :

Mr s. Lucia n Bolon ' 59; M r. and Mrs . Steven M. Burke ' 70 ; M r. and M rs . William D. Childs '69 ; Patrick Davidson ' 70 a nd guest Caro lin e Clay ma nn ; l\1r. a nd Mrs . Richard Dooley '64; l\1r. and Mrs . Roge r Feaster ' 57; J ohn T . Gra ham ' 71 ; M r. and Mrs . Tom Gresham '62 ; M r. a nd Mrs. Ri chard H erndon ' 56; M r. a nd Mrs . Albert L. Hill '28 ; l\ lr. a nd Mrs . Alan Kamp '64; Mr. a nd Mrs. R . O. Kasten '43 ; 1'.1 1'. a nd Mrs. ]. O . Mack '4 1 ; Mr. and M rs . F. S. Macklin '3 2 ; Mr. a nd Mrs. Kenneth Mar tin ' 71 ; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. R ein eke ' 72: M r. an d l\Irs . Lawrence Ros ine ' 53; John Smi th , Jr. '42 ; 1'.11'. and Mrs . Clifford Tanquary ' 57; a nd Mr. and Mrs . E. ]. Werner '49.

Tu Isa Section The Tul sa Sec tion of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association held th eir monthly , meetin g, September 28, at the Summit Clu b . Rob er t B. Lewis, Director of Admi ssion s and Registrar a t UMR , was present to ta lk to the group concerning the Un ive rsity , its enrollm ent , the enginee rin g and science job outlook and the recent development around the campus . Those presen t we re: Larry Boston '60 , Ma rk Conrad '70 , Herman Fritschen ' 51 , Ge rry Hen son ' 51 , Ve rn on Jones ' 5 2, Dave Kick ' 57 , Harley L a dd '40 , George L eck '61 , Jim McDonald '3 3, Tom Moell er ' 70, H a ns Schmoldt '44 , Ed Smith ' 24 , Bruno Rixleben ' 23 , Mark Terry '20 and Gene Veale '42 . Future dates for the noon luncheons a t th e Summit Club a re : November 9 , 1972 ; Janua ry 11 , 1973; and March 8,

D ETROIT , M I CHIGA N - During the Society of Au tomoti ve Engineers' International Co ngress and Expositio n a t Cobo H a ll , J anuary 8-1 2, 1973 . Time and place will be an nounced later. The President of the Detroit Section of the l\I SM -UMR Alumni Association may be co ntac ted , Lawrence A. Decker '69 , 951 Nort h Highland, Dearborn , Michiga n 48 198. D uring CHICAGO, ILUKOTS the annual mee t in g o f t he Am eri ca n Ins tituti on o f Mining. Me tallurg ical a nd P etro leum Engin ee rs. February 25 to March 1, 19 73. Ko rmally the a lumni d inn er is held durin g the first part of the week. D e fin ite date , tim e and place will be forth coming. Con tact F rank C. Appleyard '3 7, 808 Solar , Glenview , Illin oi s 600 25. Office P hone 3 12 / 3 21-4000.

Information and Pictures of the 1972 Homecoming Will Be in the December Issue of the MSM Alumnus 11

Alumni Heads American Ceramic Society

The of the was hE

Und stituti( ber of increa! better the ter decrea' the Di or thr Directl twenty each I and sh the M

Incoming president Ted Planje, Class '40, holds the gav el just presented him by Bill Smothers, out-going president and, also, memb er of Class '40, during th e Banquet ceremony of the Society's 74th Annual M eeting and Exposition held at th e Sh eraton-Park Hotel in Washington , D. C. from Ma y 6 through 11. Dr. Smothers, who serves as the Director of R efractori es R esearch, Homer Research Laboratories of B ethlehem St eel Corporation, presided over one of the Society's largest meetings at which 3400 persons registered, representin g twenty countries, and 520 technical papers were presented. At th e close oj the M eeting th e Societ y 's Board of Trust ees appointed Dr. Smothers as Editor of Publications. Dr. Planje, UM R D ean of th e School of Mines and M etallurgy, will pre rcide over the affairs of the Society to the close oj its 75th An nual M eeting in Cincinnati on Ma y 3 of next y ear. In add ition to being classmates Bill and T ed have the same birth 1ate; March 17 of an undisclosed year.

University Enrollment, UMR Drops 8.5 Percent The enrollments this fall on the University of Missouri 's four campuses increased by 1,032 students over last year. Thi s year's total enrollment of 47 ,472 also exceeded the projected enrollment maDe by the University by 164 students. On-ca mpus enrollments as compared to a year ago are: Columbia: 12

22 ,101, an increase of

159 or 0.8 per cent. Kansas City: 9,819, a gain of 309 or 3.3 per cent. Rolla:

4,352, a decrease of 403 or

8.5 per cent.

St. Louis: 11,155 , an increase of 967 or 9.5 per cent. In noting the Rolla campus decrease,

Dr. Brice Ratchford , President, University of Mi ssouri , said , it was not unex-

pee ted and cited several other factors which may have contributed. He said recent nationwide publicity showing manpower surplusses in the science and engineering fields may have discouraged students from entering these areas. The President said the decrease in graduation requirements at Rolla from 142 to 132 semester hours also is being felt as less time is needed for the students to complete their course work. October 1972

Results of Election - Officers and Directors of the Association The election of Officers and Directors The result of the election is as follows of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association with the expiration date of their term was held by mail ballot in September. of office Under the provisions of the new constitution Hdopted a year ago , the number of directors in the Associati on was increased to give geographical areas a better representation on the board . Also the terms of office of the Officers were decreased from three to two years and the Directors were elected to one, two or three year . terms . The number of Directors was increased from nine to twenty-one . The areas embraced by each Director is by Postal Zip Code and shown on the map in this issue of the MSM ALUMNUS.

President Peter F . Mattei '37, Executive Director, Metropolitan Sewer District 2000 Hampton, St. Louis, Missouri 63139. (1974)

Treasurer - Thomas R . Beveridge '42 , Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, UMR, Rolla , Missouri 65401. (1974) Director at Large - James B. McGrath '49 , Vice President, Fruin-Colnon Corporation, 1706 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63 103 . (1975)

President Elect - Robert M. Brackbill '42 , Senior Vice President, T exas Pacific Oil Company, 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, Texas 75250. (1974)

Joseph W. Director at Large Mo.oney '39, C. L. U. New York Life Insurance Company , 7383 Westmoreland , University Ci ty, Missouri 63130 (1974 )

Secretary - Robert V. Wolf '51 , Professor , Department of Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering, U M R, Roll a, Missouri 65401 (1974)

Director at Large - E. L. "Roy " Perry '40, General Manager, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington 98401. (1974)

Map Showin9 Diuision of the United States Into Alumni Areas

presidel/t m held at irector oj Society's prese/lted. Jr. Plal/je, ( its 75th lme birth


ler factors


publicity es in the may have entering said the

~ements al

~ster hours , is needed heir course

,ber 1972

MSM Al um nu s


Director a t La rge-Hans E. Schmoldt '44. 3305 \\'ood land Road. OwnerSc hm old t E ngin eering , Bartlesvill e, Okla homa 74003. (1975) D irector a t Large Lawrence A. Spanier '50, Pa rtn er , Comtron ic Associa tes, 55 \\' es twood Drive, \Ves tbur y, :\'ewYork 11590. (1973) D irector at Large - John O. Wilm s '43, Busin ess Ana lys t , Ko rth Ameri :::a n Aviation , 625 Ard more, Los Angeles , Cali forn ia 90005 . ( 197 3) Area D irector - Zip Code 00-14 H. \\'. " Bi ll " F lood '43, Manager. Process Engin eer ing a nd Eco nomic Evalua ti on . K ennecott Copper Corpo ra ti on . 183 :\Iain St reet , Acton , l'II assac husetts 0 172 0 . ( 19 74) Area D irec tor - Zip Code 15-21 O. \\' . K a m per '35 , :\Ianager-:\Iining, Har bison-\\'a lk er Refractor i es Co m pa ny , 5 \\'oodland Drive , Pittsburg, Penn sylva nia 1522 8 . (1973 ) Area D irector - Zip Code 22-33 J oh n B. Toomey '49, Preside nt , Valu e E ngineering, 2550 Huntington Ave, Alexand ri a, Virgini a 22 304. (1973) Area Director - Zip Code 35 -45 Harold Kosten '60 , IHanufacturer 's Representative , 11 566 P lum hill D ri ve , C in cinn ati , Ohio (1974). Area Director - Zip Code 46-59 Eu gene Fad ler '62 , P rincipal Design En gin eer , Ford Motor Company , 18 716 Coac hwood , Rive r v i ew, M ichigan 48 19 2. ( 1975 )

Area Director - Zip Code 63-65 Alfred J. Buescher '64 , Bu escher & Frankenberg Associates, 1'710 T hird Parkway, Washi ngton , M issouri 63090. ( 1975) Area Director - Zip Code 63-65 R. " Bob " Patterson '5 4, President, Centra l Co ns tructors, P. O. Box 573 , Sik es ton , l\i isso uri 6380 1. (1974)


Area Direc tor - Zip Co de 63-65 Clifford C. Ta nqu ary '57, Assis tant l\'lanager , Major Projects, The Marl ey Compa ny, 14219 Denver Aven ue , Gra ndv iew, M issouri 64030. (1975) Area Director - Zip Code 63-65 Br uce Tarantola '5 1, So uth a mpton Haulin g Company , 9000 Skycres t D ri ve , St. Lou is, M issouri 63126. ( 1975) Area Director - Zip Code 63 -65 George Tomazi '58, Executive Vice Pres ide nt , St. Lo uis R esearch Council , 127 23 Stoneb rid ge Drive, F lori ssant. l\ Ii ssouri 63033. (1975) Area D irector - Zip Code 63-65 R. l\ Ii chael Salmon '63 , Public Works and B uil di ngs Administrato r, City of J opl in , 23 10 Texas, Joplin , M issouri 6480 1 ( 1975) Area Director - Zip Code 63 -65 Robert P. Vien hage ' 53 , President, Acme Structural Inc. , Rte. # 2, Box 327 B , Springfie ld , M issouri 65802. Area Directo r - Zip Code 63065 Edwin J. W erner '49 , Owner , E . J. Werne r & Associates, 9705 East 39 th , Independ ence , M issouri 64053 . ( 18 74)

Area Director - Zip Code 60-6 1 Frank C. Appleyard '37 , Director , Mining &. E xploration , U . S. Gypsum Company , 808 Solar , Glen view, Illinoi s 60025. ( 1973)

Area Director - Zip Code 66 -74 H erman Fri tschen '5 1, Chief E ngineer , Citi es Service Oi l Compa ny , 5749 S. 68 th East P lace , Tulsa , Oklahoma 74 145 . (1973)

Area Director - Zip Code 62-62 Assista nt Professor , School of Eng in eering & Technology , So uthern Illin ois U ni ve rsity , Carbondale, 219 Timothy Lan e, Ca rterville , Illinois 62 9 18 . ( 1975)

Area Director - Zip Code 75-79 Rex Alford '40, Director of Planning & Speci al Pro jects, Continental Oil Compan y, 5743 J aso n , Houston , Texas 77035. (1 973)

Area Di rector - Zip Code 63-65 Arthur G. Baebler '55, Manager, Area Development , Un ion E lectric Company , 20 Fox Meadows , Sun set Hill s, Missouri 63 127. ( 19 73)

Area Director - Zip Code 80-90 & 96-9 9 - Thor Gjelsteen ' 53 , President, Frontier Resources, In c., 306 5 South Ingall s \\fay, Denver, Colorado 8022 7. (1974)

Area Director - Zip Code 63-65 Robert D. Bay '49 , Director , T echnical Se rvices, Laclede Steel Company, 22 2 Magna Carta , St. Loui s, Missouri 63141 (1 97 4 )

Area Director - Zip Code 90-95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 , Wes te rn Regional Sales Manager , Ac me Highway Corporation , 1705 Shoreline Drive, Apt. 202 , Alameda , California 945 0 1. (1973)


Army ROTC Cadets Receive Awards An Army ROTC awa rds present ation ce remon y was conducted in th e vestibu le of Pa rker Hall . Th e purpose of the ceremony was to recogn ize the rec ipients of the 1972 ROT C Summer Ca mp Curator 's Awards. Di stingu ished Mi lita ry Students a nd the UM R s tudents who have received ROTC scholarships. Th e awa rd s we re p resen ted by Dean Daa ne who was ac ting for the Chancellor. Selection of cadets for the Di sting uished Mi litary Stud ent Award is mad e on de mons trated leadership qualiti es, mora l cha racter, a nd certain sc hol as ti c req uirements both in milita ry science a nd in university studies. These s tudents we re nominated by th e Professo r of M il ita ry Science and their milita ry class in structors a fter completion of their junior yea r and were fin all y selected after careful review of their summer camp record s. Army ROTC scholarships are awa rded to those persons who are s trongly motiva ted toward a career in the Army . Selection is based on academics, leadership potentia l, and participation in ex tracurricu lar ac tivities. Th e professor of Military Science announced the following awa rds: Cacet Co lon el D ale E. Wi lli ams (Outs tanding Su mm er Ca mp Award) , Cadet Captain Ri chard C. Slovensky (Outstanding Su mm er Ca mp Marksmanship ) . The D :\IS Award was received by: Cadet Colonel D ale E. Vlilliams, Cadet Capta in Ri cha rd C. Slovensky , Ca det Li eutena nt Colonel Marvin E. Adam , Cadet Li eutenant Colonel Danny A. Brankensick , Cade t Major Ronald J. Fadler , Cadet Li eutenant Colonel Rober t L. Holliday, Cadet Major John M. Keating, Cadet Li eutenant Co lon e l James G. McAlpi n, Cadet Major Willi a m E . Mi sche , Cadet Li eu tenant ColMel Charles F . Pffeifer , Cadet Major David C. Stanze , Cadet Captain J ohn R . Verkamp , and Cadet Captain Gary R. Weidler.

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Send Your Contribution Today


1973 Alumni Fund Octo ber 1972


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Urban Automobile Won Special Award An au tomobile, to b e d ri ven onl y in an urba n env ironment and designed and built by more than 100 Ul\lR s tud ents, won a specia l award recently in the Urban Vehicle D esign Competition. The re we re a num ber o f awa rds made at the na ti onal contest h eld a t th e Gen eral :'I10to rs Proving gro unds near Detroit awards for eng ines , em ission control , sa fety , sty ling, noise , parkab ilit y , ene rgy efficienty , cost , s tudent inno va tion , barrier impact , dri vab ility and performance. But th ere was o nl y one G ra nd Award whi ch took all of th e above factors into acco unt. The U nive rsity of British Columbia took top honors. However , a fter the tes ts had been run , the judges decided th ere were two other cars th a t scored well in many of th e fi elds and shou ld be g iven special recognition. The Un ive rsity of ~li ss ouri - R oll a entry won o ne of these and the oth er was won by Clarkso n Coll ege, Potsdam, K Y.

1972 UVD Entry

Alumni Awards

In addition to winning the special Th e A\\':ncl s Committ ee neeel s cancliaward , th e U :\IR car , along with six rlates for t he 197 3 Alumn i Awa rds. others out of the field of 63 , was exhibi Th ere a re fou r diff ere nt types of ted for two days at the C hicago award s : Alum ni M erit Awa rd , Alumni Mu se um of Science and Indus try. There Se rvice Award , Alu mni Achievement is also a s uitable plaque to be displayed A\\'ard and H o nora ry Membership in in the depa rtment of m echanical and the l\I S:\I -lJ:\lR Alumni Association. aerospace e ngineering. The Comm it t ee selects the recipi ents Features on the UMR ca r cited by for presenta tion to th e Board of Directhe judges as being wort hy of specia l to rs, for the ir a pprova l, at their Sp rin g recogn iti on included: Original des ign a nd cons truction of bod y , original crash pro tectio n frame , original desig n s uspension , swing up doors and 5-mph crash tes t bumpe r.

Meeting, May 12 , 197 3 . T he deadline date t o s ubmit the names of the candida tes is Apri l 16 , 1973. Please list the na m es in th e space provid ed below . A res um e of the ca ndidate mus t accompany y o ur select io n. Send the li st and the res umes to th e Alum ni Awards Committee , MSM -UM R Alumni Associat ion , U ni ve rsity of M isso uri - Rolla, Rolla. l\Ii ssour i 65401 .

According to Dr. Richard T. John son '62 , and Richard K . Riley , faculty ad visers to the design an d cons tru ction team , UM R s tud ents a re continuing wo rk on the car this fall. They p lan furth er refin ements of both th e engi ne and some of the safety factors of the car.

Join the 1973 Century Club

.d ' r 1971

MSM Alumnus








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University of Missouri COLUMBIA· KANSAS C IT Y· ROLLA· ST . L OUIS



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March 20, 1972









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Mr. Pete Mattei, President MSM Alumni As sociation Metropolitan Sewer District 2000 Hampton Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63 1 39


Inst i Dear Pete,


~I etal

On behalf of the Board of Curators and the University of Missouri, please con v ey my si ncere thanks to the Rolla Alumni Association for their 1 971 gifts.

been ( of ~I e

As President of the Board of Curators, I am especially aware of how much private g iving means to the University. I c an assure you that the continued support of the Rolla Alumni Association has been extremely important to the many pro grams which are v ital in our efforts to maintain high quality education. The University can o n l y be as stron g as its human elements and their support is an increasingly important source of strength not avai l ab le from any other s ource. It reveals their personal concern and knowledge of the critical importance of maintaining quality higher educat ion. Please thank them for helping us build an ever-stronger University of Missouri.



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Thi. in thl fellow:

~~ Mrs. William C. Tucker President

OctDber 1972

with turers


lieves l11uniti waste lection

Dr. James Scott Returns to UMR IMITTEE l.,,,,,,,, (, ST. lQls


I~ST . lCUs



Dr , Jam es ]. Sco tt ' 50 , s pecial assit a nt to th e dir ec to r a nd fo rm e r a ss is ta nt dir ec tor , minin g , o f th e U nit ed Sta tes Burea u o f Min es, res ig ned fr o m th e b ur ea u October 1s t , to re turn to L\IR . Dr. Sco tt was in char ge o f minin g resea rch a t th e bureau fr om A ug us t ince J uly 24 , 1970 to July 24, 19 72. he ha s bee n spec ial a s is tan t o n m inin g ac tl\¡ltl es . H e was o n leave o f abse nce fr o lll l'\IR a nd returll s to t ht' ca m p us as professo r o f minin g e ng in ee rin g. Dr. J oseph]. V anc ik '56 . chi ef o f th e d ivis io n o f min ing res earc h , re sources, has b ee n a ppo int ed act in g ass is ta nt di rec to r , mi ni ng, Dr , V a nc ik join ed mining resea rch in th e b ur ea u in Sept em be r 1970 H e wa s fo rm e rly empl oy ed by \I onsa nt o Co rpo ra ti o n 111 St. L o ui s . \1 0.

lei9hly Named Fellow, Institution of Metallur9ists Dr. H . r . L eig hl y , Jr .. Pro fesso r o f \I e ta llurgica l E ng in ee rin g a t Ci\IR, has bee n elec ted a fe ll O\\' o f th e In s tituti o n o f \I eta llurg is ts . This is th e hi ghes t profess io na l level in the orga nizati o n , w hi ch has 114 5 fell ows in a m em be rship of a lmos t 10.000 (pr imaril y in th e u nit ed Kin gd om ) . Dr. L eig hl y is on e of 33 fellows in th e l.:nited S tates . The leve15 of profess io na l members hip are det ermined by ed uca ti on , exp eri ence and res pon sibilit v a ncl o r exa min a ti o n . 5


1 g

Glass Industry Pushing Glassphalt The id ea o f g lasp halt was, inter es tingly , co nce ived in a cera mi c eng in ee rin g cla ss at U \IR . wh e re s tu de nts we re asked to d evise a new use fo r was te glass bottl es . R esearch on glasphalt was accompli s hed under a g ra nt from the the Solid Was te M a nage ment , U. S. Public H ealth Service, in cooperation with th e Glass C ontain e r Manufactur ers In s titute, Tne. The glass manufacturing industry believes " glasphalt " will offer some communities another mean s of utilizing was te glass from municipal refuse collections . As a number of these CQmMSM A lu mnus

munltl es have their own asphalt paving mate rial plants, by us ing recycled was te glass th ey ca n s uppl y th ese a s phal t plants with crus hed glass that becom es the principl e ing redi ent of this new paving material. Two eco nomic be ne fit s co uld b ecome avail a bl e. The muni cipality achieves a savin g , s in ce it no lon ger is necessary to purchase as mu c h crushed s ton e and it converts th e glass content of solid was te into a s u b ta nce o f eco nomi cal valu e on whi ch it rece ived a return . ins tead of havin g to pay for its d isposal. The fact th a t na tura l aggrega te s uppliers are dimini s hin g in urban ar ea s, furth er

e nhances this concept, s ince a gg rega te cos ts a re in creas ing with longer haul di s ta nces. Al so g lasphalt would appear to offer an unlimited marke t for cullet, since in many cities the amount of a ggregate used for annual s treet maintena nce exceeds the estimated a mount of waste glass produced. The E mhart C orporation , a major manufac tur er of glass container formin g equi p ment and glass m elting refractories, has ins talled a glasphalt tes t s trip whi ch is the 21 s t ins tallation in the U nited States. Thi s is the fir s t in th e s ta te o f Co nn ec ticut and the fir st indus try s ponsored in New E ngland.

Miner Victory over Washington U. T he \Iin ers fo rgo t abo ut th eir seaso n 's reco rd af te r vic to ry ove r th eir a rch-ri va l , s in ce 1898 , \\' a s hin g to n l' ni \' ers ity , 14 to 7. It was o n th e Bear 's ow n fi e ld , but th a t is n 't unus ua l. fo r o nl y o nce has it bee n o th erwise . It was o n th e R o ll a grid iro n. W e can 't reca ll th e sco re. Sin ce '98 th e record ha s been \\'a s h , t: . 36 vic to ri es a nd th e \Iin ers 11 with on e ti e . T he \I iners seethin g fr o m their 0- 7 seaso n en tered th e Bea r 's ga nw with a " mu s t win " att itud e. The de fense in th e firs t ha lf kep t th e \Iin ers in th e gam e whe n th e ir offense failed and it e nded 0-7 in the Bear 's favor. The Bea rs open ed th e second half wit h a n o ns ide ki ck. Th e Min e rs fell on t he ba ll a nd takin g t his s trategy a s a n ins ult , dro ve ac ross th e goal lin e to

eve n th e sco re. A fte r a e ri es of do wns, th e Bea rs co ul d m a ke no head way a nd th e \Ii ners too k ove r o n th e ir o wn 26-ya rd lin e, s tay ing a lm os t com plet ely o n th e g ro und a nd sco red a ft er a 17p lay dri ve . Qua r te rback L a F oll e tt e made th e firs t T. D . a nd M cGuire, a n a ll-s ta te hi g h sc hool play er from F a rmin g ton , l\I o ., plunged from th e three-y ard lin e fo r th e second. Hu p p , th e outs tandin g b ac k , enj oyed hi s third s tra ig ht 100 y d . plus game . H e pi c ked up 13 7 y a rd s :.t t Fra nci s Fi eld . Th e "0" on 1he :;tats now has b ee n erased a nd thi> Silver a nd gold continue with 1- 7 and three m o re contes ts rem a in . Ca p e and Lincolll a t R olla and Kirk svill e in the north co untry,

Round 'Ballers Optomistic 'About Coming Season The Miners are back on the maple court this fall attempting to top the MIAA at the close o f the basketball season. Coach Billy Key in commenting on their prosp ects , states, " \V e hope we'll have a be tter team . It should be an interes tin g conference race . I don 't think Lincoln U . can go throu gh it like they did las t y ear , I've been wrong before , though " There is an air of optimism surr0unding Key , whose Miners were 12-11 overall and 7-5 in the MIAA last season. There are nine lettermen returnin g . Seven s tarted at one time or another in the 1971-72 season . Two were all-Con-

ference selections. The returning all-leag ue picks are seniors Rich Peters , 6 ' 8" center , and John \Villiams, 6 ' 5" forward . The 200pound Williams is coming off spring knee surgery . He missed nearly four complete games because of the injury. Williams hit 50.2 per cent from the field and 66.9 from the free throw line. P e ters, a Washin g ton , Mo . Hi gh Schoo l prod uct, a veraged 17.5 points and 11.1 rebounds to back Williams . He hit 56,6 from the fi eld and 77.1 at the charity s tripe. " H e's shown improvement in gettin g open for shots," commented Key , " He 's b ecome more aggressive as a rebounder. 17

Peters who should become the Miners' all-time lead ing scorer thi s campaign, averaged 18. 5 po ints as a sophomore. He was second tea m all -loop after earning honorable mention hi s freshman year. T om Noel, a 6-5 left-ha nded junior from Madison, Ill. , is anot her sta rter availa ble . H e ave raged 11 points as a freshm an , hit a 10.5 clip in 19 71-72 . Rod ney LaGrand is returning but suffered a b roke n foot in football thi s yea r. Thi s injury co uld put the burd en on B ill Newman (6-0 junior) , R anda ll Irvin (6-0 juni or ) and Bob Ki ssack ( 5- 11 sophomore). The rema in ing lettermen are 6-5 ju nior forward Don McKenzie fr om Baltimore, Maryla nd and 6-5 senior forward , J ohn Ladner , of Pen sacola , F lorida. R eturning squad members are 6-1 sophomore, D on i\I a rlen , of Dupo , Ill. , and 6-3 junior, Da n Williams, fr om Littl e R ock , Arkansas . Three freshmen on th e Miners' p reseason shee t a re from so uthwes t M isso uri M orri svill e's Marc us Green, (6-3); Chown ing , 6-2 from Mounta in View ; and Roge rsvill e's Dan Luttrell (6-4 ) . Oth er freshm en are 6-3 Randy Graves, Tu sc umbia ; 6-0 Mike LaGra nd of Oran ; 6-3 H a rold H arde r, Creve Coeur, a nd 5-11 Royce Vessel from Farmin gton. The LaGrand's are broth-

ers. Vessell 's brother, Randy, was a Miner standout at guard a few seasons ago.

ALUMINUM COM PANY - M. E. and E. E. Reduction plant in midwest. Refer Fil e 0. 956.

Kansas Citi an Jim Fricke, a 6-7 pivot who didn 't playas a freshman because of a broken foot , rounds out the squad .

MAl TENANCE ENGR. - Desi gn improvement , techni ca l ass is tance a nd maintenan ce problem solvin g in midwest chemical plant. R efer File No. 958 .

Key's assis tant is J erry Kirksey who is in hi s third season . Kirksey , a form er All-MIAA performer a t SMS , p layrd hi gh school basketball at Buffalo.

E. E. - B. Sand M. S. Circuit design, circu it analys is, logic design, electro-optical guidan ce , components, etc . West Coas t. Refer F il e No. 959.


COMP U TER PROGRAMMER , C. E. , E. E. M. S. Knowledge of Fortran and Cobol. Consulting engineer firm in midwes t. R efer F il e No . 960.

Opportunities For inform ation concerni ng the positi ons lis ted below, please contact 1\1r. L arry N uss, Di rec tor o f P lacement and Indu s try R ela ti ons, UM R , Rolla , Mo. 6540 1, giving th e File N umber of the positi on, sta te yo ur degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. MET. - Quality Assistance E ngineer on nuclea r power plant projects. M inimum 6 to 10 years experi ence in manufact uring a nd / or cons truction welding. Uti li ty company . Refer File No. 95 2. l\IIKIKG ENG. 6 to 10 years exper ience in mining engin eeri ng part safety admin istration. Zinc company in east. Refer Fi le No . 955. MET. - Foundry/ castings technology, tec hniqu es and processin g. H eavy traveli ng 60 '/0 . Direc t sales in volved . R efe r File No. 953 .


Nov . Dec . Dec. Dec . Dec. Dec . Jan . Jan . Jan . Jan. Jan . Jan . Jan . Jan . Feb. Fe b . Feb . Feb . Feb . Feb . Feb. Feb. Feb. 18

29 ......... ........ Westminster College ... ..... ... ..... ... ... ........... .. ......... Rolla 1 .......... .... ........... University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee .......... Milwaukee 2 ...... ................... University of Wisconsin-Parkside ........ ............ Kenosha 7 ... .... ................ .. lincoln University ...... ...... .......... ...................... .... Rolla 9 ......................... Kansas State College - Pittsburg ..... ........ ........... Rolla 29, 30 .................. Appalachian Classic (Tourn .) ..... . Montgomery, W. Va . 4, 5, 6 ................. MIAA Tournament ........ ........ .................... Springfield 11 .. .... ......... .. .. .. .... University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee .................. Rolla 13 ......................... Northwe st Missouri State University ........ ..... ....... Rolla 15 .......... ...... ......... Northeast Missouri State University .. .. ........... .. ... Rolla 20 .... .. ................... Cent ral Missouri State University ............ Warrensburg 22 ............. .... ........ Southwest Missouri State University .......... Springfield 27 ......................... Southwest Missouri State University .... ....... ...... . Rolla 29 ......................... Eastern Illinois University .................. .... ...... ... .. ... Rolla 3 .. ........ ...... ......... Southeast Missou ri State Uni ve rsity .. Cape Girardeau 5 ......................... Culver Stockton College .. .......................... .. ........ Rolla 7 ....... ........ .......... Westminster College .......................................... Fulton 10 ................... ...... Northeast Mi ssouri State University .. ......... .. . Kirksville 12 ...... ................... Nort h west Missouri State Un iversity ............ Maryville 17 ......................... Lincoln Universit y ........... ...... ................. Jefferson City 21 ........ ......... ...... .. Southern Illinois U. -Edwardsville ... Edwardsv ille, III . 24 ......................... Ce ntral Missouri State Unive rsity .............. .... ...... Rolla 26 .......... ...... ......... Sou thwest Missouri State University .. .. ............ .. Rolla

SANITARY ENG I l EER - Design muni cipal water s upply and was te trea tment facil ities. 3 to 4 years experience. So uth St. Loui s co nsulting engin eers. Refer Fi le o. 96 1. ENGINEERS , E . E. - M . S. With a nd wi thout experience. R efer File No. 962. ENGI NEE R S M. E . for equipment develop ment, a nalytical, accoustical, staff tooling . Ch. E . for research, process, mi scell aneou s. C. E ., Met. and E. E . At company 's research and rngineering center: Refer fil e No . 989. Ch. E. and Met. E. - R ecovery from industrial sludges, grind ings, flue dusts, etc. Experience in p la nt design, operati on a nd p rocess devgelopment. Refer F il e No. 900. Development , iron E l GINEE R ore ben efi ca tion with 3 yea rs experience. Refer File No. 99 3. AIR C R AFT COMPANY _. Florida Resea rch Center openin gs for M. E. A. E. and Appli ed Mechanics . Refer Fi le No. 99 4. E GINEERS - Environ m enta l, process a nd tooling, crystal chemist, ana lytica l research chemist , product development, technica l service , appli cations, pi lot plant film liaison. R efer fil e No . 995.

C. E. - F ield p romotion and techni cal con sultation in the constructi on a nd indust ria l mark ets . Refer File No. 963.

~J. : 5 yea indus t Ole nt Refer

CH chemi~

technil nology ~W

open I engine intend,


laser [ ~m

velopm ping , Refer . Wigood. E.

Techni, of assi! ME~

year Refer t



neering group. market

DES ment a


comple: trical, I


HIG bridge 98 1.

M.E Produc lence p crusher

SAL! power compan

M I N I NG Some experi ence in und ergrou nd coal mining n ecessa ry . Midsouth. Refer File No. 964.

OIL patent enginee speciali fer Fil~

M. E. - Three open ings for those interes ted in manufacturin g. R efer File o. 965.

ship bu all field

October 1972




- Design lnce and lllidwest



ircuit de. ;ign, elee. ents. etc.



vledge 01 ~ engineer

M. S. - Sanitary engineering. 2 to 5 years experience. Pulp and paper industry. Research wastewater treatment and ai r pollution abatement. Refer File No. 968. CHEMISTRY - Interest in organic chemistry, electronics, color, analytical techniques, and organic coatings technology. Refer File No. 969. MINING 3-5 years experience open pit mining. One position, mining engineer, the other, maintenance superintendent. Refer File No. 970.

ENGINEERS - Aircraft company. Most all disciplines. With and without experience. Refer File No. 986. M. E. - Sales manager. 3 to 5 years experience mechanical products. Promotion to division manager. Refer File No . 987.

Marriages Sheer - Weingarten


PHYSICS Ph. D. Optical and laser physicists. Refer File No. 971.

- Design Iste treat. xperience. engineers.

MINING ENG. - Mine design, development , planning, surveying, mapping and ventilation. In Tennessee. Refer File No. 972.

Samuel A. Sheer '66 and Miss Peggy Weingarten, of Groton, Connecticut, were married February 27 , 1972. Sam is a nuclear refueling superviso r at the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics Corporation. Their address IS 39 Broad Street Extension , Groton.

MINING ENG. - Salt mine. Salary good. Refer File No. 976.

Schmidt - Overmeyer

· S. With · File No.

lr equip· aceousti· research, 11et. and :lnd en~ ·

· 989.

lery from iue dusts, :n, opera· It. Refer ent, iron 'perience. . Florida )r

~1. E.

s. Refer lmental, chemist, oduct de· applica· n. Reier IOd tech· 1st ruction

File No. :ience in ces sary. for those

~efer File

E. E. Interes t in production. Techniques and mechanics will be part of assignment. Refer File N o. 978

MET. or M. E. - Project engineer. 5 years experience in powder metal. Refer to File No. 977. MET. E ., M. E. - Marketing engineering technician s in company 's brass group. 1-3 years experience in technical marketing or sales. Refer File No. 979. DESIGNERS Product development and product development control systems. 8 years experi ence desi gning complex mechanical devices and electrical , electronic and hydraulic control systems. Refer File No. 980. HIGHWAY Northern state in bridge design section. Refer File No. 98l. M. E.; C. E.; MET. ; MINING Product design engineer. 2 years experience preferable, excavator, pumps and crusher 'products. , Refer File No. 982. SALES ' -ENGINEER - ' Ou tside power equipment -sale'S- divisjon: power company. Refer File No. 983 .OIL COMPANY Openings for patent attorney, programmer, systems engineer , design engineer, senior chemist specialist analytical. M. S./Ph. D. Refer File No. 980. ENGINEERS Many openings, ship building company. Covering most all fields . Refer File No. 985. MSM Alumnus

Michael G. Schmidt '70 and Miss Susan Overmeyer, of Perrysburg, Ohio, were married July 8, 1972 . The bride is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and teaches in the Toledo School System. Mike is employed by Libby-Owens Ford Co., of Toledo. Their new address is 3355 Airport Highway, Apt. 29E, Toledo. Wade - Noland

Robert L. Wade '7 1 and Miss Margaret Louise Noland were married July 8, 1972 . Robert is an assistant mine shaft foreman, Morenci Open Pit Mine, Morenci Branch, Phelps Dodge Corp. Their mailing address is Box 751 , Morenci, Arizona. Sterett - Schuyt

Kent Sterett '70 and Miss Diana E. Schuyt of Gronigen , Netherlands, were married in December 1971. Their honeymoon was spent touring Europe from Madrid to Oslo for a month . Kent is with Florida Power and Light Company. In April he was promoted from plant supervisor at the Lauderdale plant to management systems analyst in the general office in Miam i. Their address is 6130 S. W . 16th St., Miami .

Church , Rolla, on August 19, 1972 . The groom is employed with Fruin-Colnon Co., St. Louis, Mo. The bride attended UMR three years majoring in psychology. Goe - Allen

Larry Dale Goe '62 and Miss Mary Louise Allen, were married July 30, 1972, in Columbia, Missouri. The bride is a graduate of Missouri Baptist Hospital School of Nursing. Larry is a senior research engineer with Lockheed Aircraft in San Francisco, California. Their new address is 120E Romington , Apt. 411, Sunnyvale, Calif. Bush - Raterman

Miss Ruth Arlene Bush '72 and David Charles Raterman were married Jdy 29, 1972 , in Dixon, Mo. The newly-weds will make their home in Rolla. The groom is a student at UMR. Hart - Lavery

Gerard]. Hart ' 71 and Miss Aurora Lavery, of Rolla, Mo., were married recently. Gerard is with the U. S. Air Force at Whiteman AFB, Mo. Fitzgerald - Alsleben

Harold Fitzgerald '69 , and Miss Phillis Marie Alsleben, of St. Louis, Mo., were married July 15 , 1972 . Their new home is at 14797 Parkview, Riverview , Michigan . Harold is shop foreman for Westinghouse Electric Corporation at Trenton, Michigan. Onstott - Houston

Larry Onstott ' 70 and Miss Kathryn Houston, of Lamar, Mo., were married June 10, 1972. Larry is a Project Engineer with Finley Engineering Company. Their address is 101 E. 12th Street. Bryan - McClain

David O. Bryan '71 and Miss Patricia Ann McClain were married on June 17 , 1971 . They live in Kansas City, Kansas, 1037 Forest, and David is an electrical engineer with Black and Veatch consulting engineers.

Biederman - Wollard

Danderman - Droege

Steven Alan Biederman ' 72 and M iss Linda Wollard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Wollard , Rolla, were married in the Christ Church Episcopal

Norman Danderman '69 and Miss Christine Droege were married August 19 , 1972. Norm is a reliability engineer for McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics, 19

East St. Louis, Ill. The bride is a graduate of Mayville College with a B. S. degree in mathematics. Their address is 8713 Nyflot, Hazelwood, Mo. Wansing - Smith

Alvin D. Wansing '69 and Miss Sheila Smith, of Dayton, Ohio, were married September 16, 1972. Alvin is a resident engineer with Black and Veatch. Their new home is at 308 Ludlow Avenue, Springfield, Ohio. Eggers

Steve Eggers '68 was married April 8, 1972. He is a product engineer with Sunnen Products Co., St. Louis, Mo. DeSpain - Gainer

David R. DeSpain '68 and Miss Martha Rippley Gainer, of Alton, Ill., on May 12, 1972. They reside in Alton, 60S State Street, and David works as an engineer for the Colllmbia Broadcasting Co. in St. Louis.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Kaiser '55, welcomed David Lee, June 4, 1972. The Kaisers live at 5706 Park Lane, Dallas, Texas. Richard is a department head at Collins Radio Co. He had the misfortune to loose his ring finger on his writing hand through an accidental shot gun wound when working on the automatic feature of a 20 gauge gun. Mr. and Mrs. William Manley, Jr. '60, have a daughter , Mary Ann, born February 19, 1972. Her brother Michael is 3 years old. William is chief engineer at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Albany, N. Y. Their address is 3 Stevens Court, Saugerties, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Zylich '70, announce the arrival of a son, Michael James, on October 12, 1972. Ron is an associate engineer with Massachusetts Electric Company, and they reside at 94 Acton Road, Chelmsford, Mass. The mother, Robbi, is a former secretary for Dr. H. Q Fuller at UMR. Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Scott '67, are now three . . Janie gave birth to Sherrie Jeannine, :\lay 28, 1972. Larry is with Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company as an assistant engineer and their address is 11701 East 61st St., Kansas City, Mo. 20

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Nickless '65, are proud parents of their second daughter, Marissa Diane. Her sister, Donica is now 5 years old. Arthur is a mathematician at the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment R&D Center Systems Engineering & Computation Support Office, Ft. Belvoir, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Bugg '65, have their second child, a daughter , Melanie Ann, born September 13 , 1972 . Don is superintendent of bromine products , The Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan. Their address is 814 Coolidge. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sehl '63, belatedly announce the birth of Eugene Christopher, born November 7, 1971. They live at 12926 Weatherstone, Florissant, Mo. Gene is with Olin Brass, East Alton, Ill., as Customer Service Manager Fabricated Prodects. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Luebbert, Jr. '68, announce the birth of their second son, Kenneth, born June 13, 1972. Stephen was born April 13, 1971. The father is a process engineer at the Bendix Corporation, Kansas City Division. Their address is 9405 Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Feugate, Jr. '68, have their second daughter, Anita Ann, born June 26, 1972. Jo Ellen was born July to, 1971. Bob is working on his Ph. D . at the University of Arizona. Their Tucson address is 3401 N. Columbus No. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Ray '70, welcomed the arrival of their first child, Teresa Diane, born July 15, 1972. Earl is employed by the St. Louis County Department of Highway and Traffic. They reside at 9907 Green Park Road, Affton, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Jones '71, announce the arrival of their first child, Jennifer Leigh, born January 24, 1972, her parents second anniversary. The Jones' address is 3to Poupon, Apt. 63, Freeport, Texas. Dave is employed by Dow Chemical Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brunjes '59, are the very happy parents of John, who was born July 8, 1972, who is their first child. Bill is a senior design engineer with Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff, consulting engineers, in Seattle, Washington . Their address is 2100 N. 128th, Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Winn, Jr.

'67, have a sister for their son Jason Patrick. Gloria was born July 11, 1972. The Winn's live at 1304 Mapleglade Crescent, S. E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada . Bob is chief engineer with Dames & Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwenker '63, now have their third child ,Alison Beth born July 13, 1972. Robert is an advisory physicist for International Business Machines, East Fishkill, N. Y. They reside at 5 Sabra Lane, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. Warwick W. Doll '65, have a new son, Warwick Michael, born June 30, 1972. The father left his job as a development engineer at Fiber Industries, Inc., in Charlotte, N. C., and has accepted a position as a project Leader in the color dispersions group at the Center Research Laboratories of Inmont Corporation in Clifton, N. J. Their new address is 42 Deer Path, Flanders, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Beyer '70, are parents of Michelle, born July 8, 1972. They I.ve in Sterling Heights, Michigan, 8132 Constitution, Apt. 3. The father is with GMC Truck and Coach, in Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kehrman '67, announce the birth of their third child, Mary Helene, May 17, 1972. Bob is a geophysicist at the Westinghouse Electric Corporation's Georesearch Laboratory, in Boulder, Colorado. They reside in Longmont, 8 James Circle. Mr. and Mrs. Marion R. Ricano '70, welcomed Anna Marie, on June 23, 1972. They live at 6729 N. Bales, Gladstone, Mo. The father is a civil engineer with Armco Steel. Lt. and Mrs. Thomas R. Voss '69 354 Eddy Street, Newark, Ohio, have a son, Bryan Thomas, born April 14, 1972. Tom is at the SNP/ Newark Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center. Tom expects two silver bars next February. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen '71, are parents upon the arrival of Marlys Ann . July 16, 1972. The father is senior construction electrical engineer with Burn and Poe and they reside on Rte. 1, Rockport, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Clements '63, have their first daughter, Cynthia Ann, born July 5, 1972. Their son, Andy, is 2 years old. The father is a: staff engiOctober 1972

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neer with Automatic Electric Laboratories, Northlake, Ill. , and they live in Naperville, 30 W. 173 Argyll. Major and Mrs. Harvey H. Walker, Jr. '61, became parents September 3, 1972, when Daniel Joseph arrived. Major Walker is a staff officer in the Office, Chief of Engineers, Washington , D.C. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cable '69, now have their second child, Ellen Marie, born July 1, 1972. Their first, Martin Warren, was born June 20, 1970. John is an engineer with Bendix, Kansas City Division. Their address is 6300 East 96, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andreae '69, are now three. Kristin Marlene arrived May 19, 1972. Her mother Vicki also is a UMR graduate in 1970. The father is a computer operator, U. S. Air Force, Air Force Data Service Center, Pentagon, Washington, D. C. Their mailing address is P . O. 1121, Portsmouth, N. H . This event also makes Andreas A. Andreae '41, a grandfather.



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Raymond L. Hallows '27 Raymond L. Hallows '27, died of cancer, September 20, 1972 , in a Florida hospital. His entire industrial career with the Eagle Picher Company of Cincinnati , Ohio. The last 11 years with E. P. he was Assistant to the President. He was a life member of the American Chemical Society and a member of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. He was listed in Who 's Who in Metallurgical Engineering. He was a 32 degree Mason and a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies and the Shrine of Belleville, Illinois. He was a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha social fraternity .and Tau Beta Phi honorary engineering fraternity. Surviving are his widow, Nell, of Winter Park, Florida; a daughter ; a son Raymond Jr., '52, a UMR alumnus; a sister and six grandchildren. Burial was in Glen Haven Memorial Park, Winter Park, Florida.

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ber 1972

Louis J. Burg '28 Louis]. Burg '28 , age 67, died April MSJoA Alumnus

18, 1972, after a brief illness. He was a retired Illinois Division of Highways district engineer, District 5, E. St. Louis. He was born in E. St. Louis and resided in Collinsville since 1945 . After graduation from Rolla, he worked for the State of Illinois as a professional engineer until World War II . He served in the Air Force and was discharged, in 1946, with the rank of Captrun. He retired in 1970 from the Illinois Division of Highways. Mr. Burg was a member of the American Legion, Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Illinois Association of Highway Engineers, Quo Vadis, Theta Tau , and the National Society of Professional Engineers . A former member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Credit Union and also president of the Engineer Retirees Club. Survivors are his widow; a son; a daughter; a sister and six grandchildren .

William L. Mattingly '61 William L. Mattingly '61, was killed in a motorcycle-automobile accident, October 23, 1972 , near Bourbon, Mo. He was a graduate student at UMR and completing his studies for a masters degree. He had just accepted a position with the American Zinc Company in Bourbon. Survivors include his widow, Anna, a stepson, his parents, a brother and an aunt. Richard Wesley Mellow '20 Richard Wesley Mellow '20, age 79, board chairman and former president of Liberty Foundry Co ., St. Louis, Mo., died October 26, 1972 of cancer, in Barnes Hospital. In World War I he served in France as a Lieutenant in the heavy artillery. He was active in church affairs, serving as Clerk of Session of Ladue Chapel and as a delegate to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church U. S. A. He was a trustee of Lindenwood College from 1940 to 1968, a member of the St. Louis Crime Commission and a director of the St. Louis Altenheim. He was a 32nd degree Mason and recipient of the 50year citation of the Tuscan Lodge. He was the son of the late Thomas Mellow, from whom the Mellow Memorial Methodist Church in St. Louis was named. He is survived by his wife, Helen Kuhn Mellow; a son, R . W ., Jr.; a daughter

Mrs. Nell Jane Trentl; a brother George

E. Mellow ' 18 ; two sisters and four grandchildren. William S. Temples '28 William S. Temples '28, died after suffering a massive heart attack, July 30, 1972 . Mr. Temples was retired and he and his wife, Hestor, resided at 4409 Springbranch Drive, Fort Worth, Texas. Burial was at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thomas Frisbee '70 2nd Lt. Thomas Frisbee '70, age 24, was killed in the crash of an Air Force jet on a gunnery range at Avon Park, Florida. The Air Force said the crash occurred shortly after the jet completed a ground radar attack. The pilot was also killed . Frisbee enlisted in the Air Force and completed Officers Candidate School and navigator training. Frisbee was a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity and past president. Survivors in addition to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Frisbee, 6112 Wells Road, St. Louis, Mo ., are a sister, five brothers and two grandmothers. His brother Daniel, is a student at UMR. Burial was in the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. Ty Douglas Maintz '44 Ty Douglas Maintz '44, died July 25, 1972 . He was employed with Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Mo . Henry Clarence Buser '23 Henry Clarence Buser '23, died August 18 , 1972. Mr. Buser was retired after many years with the Illinois Division of Highways, and resided at 9 Commodore Drive, Belleville, Illinois, at the time of his death . Surviving are his widow, Bertha, a son, Dr. David Buser ; a daughter, Mr. Richard Slocomb, two sisters and a brother. He was a member of the Illinois Engineering Society and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Signal Hill Lutheran Church. He was a veteran of World War 1.

John Stone Hoffman '16 John Stone Hoffman '16, died September lO, 1972 , in the Veteran's Ad21

ministration Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa. He resided at Leon, Iowa, at the time of his death.

Charles S. Weber '4l

Charles S. Weber '41. The Alumni Office has been informed of his death. He was living in St. Louis, Mo., 4 Topping Lane, and employed with Charles A. Weber & Co.

souri, September 28 , 1972. He was an engineer in the Hydraulic Engineering Division, McDonnell-Douglas. He has been in their employ for ten years. Prior to his present position he was with Shell Oil Company in East Texas. Survivors are his widow, three children, his mother and a sister.

192 2 Glen S. Wyman is a volunteer executive with International Executive Service Corps. He completed first stages of the study of two small copper projects in Peru. He may return next year to aid in an equipment study. He is living in Solana Beach, California, 140 North Shore Drive.

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Charles Frederick Herbert '28

Alumni Personals

Walker E. Case writes, "Enjoying good health, traveling, church work and miscellaneous home projects keeps me very busy ." Walker lives in Florissant, Mo., 3915 Woodcrest Drive.

Charles Frederick Herbert '28, died August 24, 1972, in Lansing, Michigan. He has been retired for a number of years. Surviving is his widow, Helen, residing at 2920 Woodruff, Apt. 12, Lansing.

190 3

1 923

Fred Hauenstein writes, "Being past 92, I only work 7 to 8 hours a day that is, some days." He says for the past 16 years he has been "Jack of All Trades," and at present is doing clerical-sales synopsis work at Fred's Truck Fuels, Kingsburg, California. His residence address is 1842 21st Avenue. We believe that Fred is the oldest living graduate.

Earl H. McAlpine is County Surveyor, Carbon County, Utah. He had a nice visit with Willard C. Lay '23, and wife last August. They were returning to their home in Texas after visiting Alaska. Earl's address is 625 Washington Avenue, Price, Utah.

Charles Philip Ferbrache '33

Charles Philip Ferbrache '33, a retired U. S. Corps of Engineers employee who was aiding in the Fort Worth, Texas, building code evaluation, died September 8, 1972, after suffering an apparent heart attack at his home 4140 Whitfield Avenue. A native of Springfield, Missouri, he served in the Corps of Engineers civil design section for 36 years prior to his retirement. He was in six different engi neering districts as well as in the Panama Canal Zone. Since his retirement, he had helped find jobs for unemployed engineers and also was a member of a committee evaluating city building codes. He was a member of the Triangle Fraternity, the Texas Professional Engineers, The American Military Engineers, The American Society of Professional Engineers, The American Society of Civil Engineers, The Wranglers Toastmasters ' Club, the Petroleum Club of Ft. Worth , Texas, and both the American and Texas Rifle Associations. Surviving are his widow, Mildred; a daughter; two sisters and three grandchi ldren. Burial was in Springfield , Mo. The family requests expressions of sympathy be in the form of donations to The Lena Pope Home, 4701 Rosendale, Ft. Worth , Texas, a home for children .

Kenneth W. Bunte '54

Kenneth W. Bunte '54, died suddenly at his home in Florissant, Mis22

191 0 ]. D. Harlan, 13315 Greenwood Ave. N, No. 316, Seattle, Washington , planned to return to the campus for the 1972 Homecoming but a temporory physical disability prevented it. He hopes that there will be another year with better luck.

193 0 Erwin C. Hoeman is plans officer, U. S. Army Desert Test Center, Ft. Douglas, Utah. The last of the Hoeman 's four children is a senior at the University of Washington, Seattle. He will graduate in 1973 and "Dad" plans to retire the same date. The Hoeman 's address is P. O. Box 377, Tooele, Utah.

193 1 912 Alex Grosberg and his wife returned from a very interesting trip to the South Pacific. It included Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Fiji, etc. Alex is retired and they reside at 665 South Skinker, St. Louis, Mo. 1 9 1 4

Gilbert Metz and his wife were in a tour of 38 people from July 12 to 27. They went by train from Toronto, Canada to Jasper National Park where they remained three days . Then by bus to Banff where they spent 2 days , then to Chateau Lake Louise for 2 days. They continued to Vancouver, via Kamloops , and visited the famous Buchart Gardens near Victoria. They flew to San Francisco and visited ten days with their daughter and family and returned to their home at 816 Cypress Road , Vera Beach, Florida, arriving August 7.

Alfred A. Mitchell will complete 32 years wi th the A. P. Green Refractories on December 1. He is Chi ef Classification Engineering at present and his address is 802 E. Monroe, Mexico, Mo.


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193 2 Albert C. Jenczewski is a chemical engineer with Oneida Limited, Oneida, N. Y., and he has been with this company since graduation. We were saddened to learn of the death of his wife, Mae , on May 3, 1972. They were married 33 years and there were three children, one boy and two girls, and they gave Albert and Mae five grandchildren. His address is 153 Willow Place, Sherrill, N. Y. John A. Pollak, while vacationing in the east during July, visited C. H. Lambur '33 at Hampton Bay, Long Island, N. Y. They had a most pleasOctober 1972

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ant visit recalling old times . The Pollaks live at 877 Gardenway Drive, Manchester , Mo. John is design construction administrator, Department of Public Works, St. Louis County.

193 3

Enjoying work and keeps me n Floris. hive.

nty Sur. Re had Lay '23, :e return· -r visiting lVashing.

T . O. Seiberling retired from St. Joe Minerals Corporation October 1. He states he plans to start on an estimated 40 year vacation to catch up on hunting, fishing and golf. We presume that his address will continue to be Rt. 2, Bonne Terre, Mo. William H. Lenz is now retired. He is active in music, gardening and still plays competitive tennis. He was head of the the MSM tennis team in '32 and '33, and now teaches tennis in his spare time. Their address is 127 Aztec Ave., Los Alamos, N. M.

sion, boasts that he now has two grandsons.

194 2 CDR. Leonard C. Wolff, USN (Ret.) , who last year earned the degree of Master of Education, U. of Mo .Columbia, was recently initiated into Phi Delta Kappa, a professional fraternity for men in the field of education. His address is 1104 Pheasant Run , Columbia. Anthony Homyk has been installed as President of the Mid-Missouri Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Homyk is District Chief, Water Resources Division, U. S. Geological Survey with headquarters at Rolla, Missouri.

193 5

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Max E. Edgar is rubbing paint on their new retirement home, plus getting in some good trout fishing. This is being done in West Glacier, Montana , where his address is Box 416.

Major General E. S. Fris was recently promoted to his present rank and transferred from MCAS, EI Toro, California to HQMC , Washington , D . c., and is Deputy Chief of Staff (Air) .

Anthony Homyk

1 940

James c. Wilson, formerly general manager of Florence Mining Company, is now vice president of Harlan Pathfak Coal Company, and is residing in Middleboro, Kentucky.

Raymond O. Kasten has been appointed Manager, Sales, Wire and Wire Rope Products, Armco Steel Corporation , Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Kasten joined Union Wire Rope Corporatjon as engineer in 1945. The following year, he was named Assistant Technical Director of Research for Union Wire Rope, a position which he held until 1948, when he was named Director of Research . In the period of time from 1948 to 1961, he acted as Assistant Chief Engineer and Manager of Quality Control. In 1961 , he was named Assistant Manager - Engineering for Union Wire Rope. In 1963 , Union Wire Rope was absorbed into the Sheffield Division when, at ' such time, Mr. Kasten was appointed Manager - Wire and Wire Rope Products. He remained in that capacity through 1965, when he was named Manager - Application Engineering - Kansas City. The Kasten's reside at 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.

194 3

1 944

Jack E. Fleischli is President of Jack Kenneth W. Schoeneberg was a camE. Fleischli, Capitol Oil and Grease ~ , pus visitor in August. Mrs. Schoeneberg Co., Inc. Their son and daughter are is a Rolla girl , nee Margaret Linville. graduates of the University of Cali- They have two girls. Debbie, the fornia - Santa Barbara. The son is now youngest, is a student at the American in law school. Jack advises that recently Academy of Arts and their oldest is he had dinner with Major General Ed married and resides in Dekalb , Ill. And Fris, also of the Class of '43. Jack's she has the grandaughter who is the 194 1 address is 1935 Port Bishop Circle, pride of the grandparents. Ken is Executive Research Engineer, AssociaAndreas A. Andreae is general man- Newport Beach, California. tion of American Railroads, Chicago; ager and vice president of Portsmouth Ill. Their address is 1440 Sherwin, Motor Mart, Inc. , Portsmouth , N. H . Chicago. He states he is working hard selling Cadillacs and Pontiacs .

Lynn 1- Riege is a manufacturers representative in the sale of material handling conveyor systems and industrial cleaning equipment. His mailing address is P . O. Box 2826, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Charles F . Clarkson, president of of Clarkson Power Flow, Inc., has moved his company to a larger building with a parking lot. His new business address is 2525 Belleview, Kansas City, Mo .

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Robert H. Meyer, 1687 Garnet Lane, Concord, California, R&D engineer with Dow Chemical Co. , Western Divi-

ber 1972

MSM Alumnus

R. O. Kasten



Jose A. Machado is Manager of South African Operations of Fenix and Susson International, Inc. Since 1966 they have had underground storage of crude oil in coal mines. His mailing address is P . O. Box 15609, Tulsa, Oklahoma. 23



194 8 L. F. O'Neill and wife have attained the pOSitIOn of grandparents. The granddaughter has been named Jaishri. The O'Neills live at 448 Wildwood Parkway, Ballwin , Mo. Larry is Coordinator of Physical Facilities for The .T unior S::ollege District .of St. Louis.

194 9 Kermit G. Rowley is Operations Manager, Southeast Asia, for Tesoro Petroleum Corporation. His address is P. O. Box 4072 , Bukit Timah Post Office, Singapore 21 . William H . Gammon, Administrative Vice President, Ashland Oil Co., has been elected Chairman of the Board, Spindle Top Research , Inc., Lexington, Ky. This is a non-profit research organization doing socio-economic studies . Bill lives at 1718 The Oaks Drive, Ashland , Ky. Erwin Blankenmeister is Branch Manager, Burdick Corporation, Dallas, Texas. Their daughter was married in January and is going to Purdue V. and their son is a student at the Vniversity of Texas. Roy E. Copeland opened a consulting firm, Copeland Engineering in Concord, California. They specialize in the design of equipment for the construction industry. His address is 4351 Wilson Lane, Concord. Charles A. Bottermueller has been named operations engineer of the Missouri State Highway Department's District 6, in Kirkwood. He has been programming engineer in the department's division of planning in Jefferson City since 1965 . He joined the engineering staff in 1949 after grad uation .

Not much let-up in sight - BVT still believe we can afford to support our Alumni Association." Jim's address is Ret. Box 1110, Bois D'Arc, Missouri. Edward P. Lasko is senior metallurgist, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, Flroida. He is doing¡ the cost scheduling, planning and budgeting for the Materials Development Lab and the Materials Control Lab on the F -100 and F -401 engines for the F 1-4 and F-15 planes. He lives at 14203 Leeward Way, Lake Park. Claude O. Pering, Jr. established his own consulting firm in 1967 , named COPEC, after returning from Saudi Arabia. He does drilling consulting for Foreign oil companies and governments. Two of the Pering's five children are married, each with one child. Claude's address is Rte. 3, Box 83H, Galena, Mo.

James O. Elliott is Manager Automotive Equipment, Frisco Railway , Springfield, Missouri. We quote a bit of his philosophy, " Getting older family costs higher - kids (1) married, ( 1) in college, and (2) in high school -


195 2 Paul H. Hausner has a new position as senior engineer with Bell Aerospace Co., New Orleans, La . His address there is 13428 N. Lemons.

195 1 John A Hirner received a MBA degree in Accounting at DePaul V., Chicago, III. He is senior engineer, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., long lines department. Address 1539 Central Ave. , Wilmette, III. Thomas A. Simpson was short course leader for SME Annual Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, Oct. 16-17, on Mining Economics. He was elected as advisory board member, 1973 , for AIPG, and elected to the House of Delegates, for a two year term, of the AAPG . Tom is assistant state geologist and lecturer in geology at the V. of Alabama. He resides at 72 Vestavia Hills, Northport, Ala.

1 9 5 0 Roy R. Shrourd, who has been Vice President, Operations for Schulmberger Overseas headquarters in Paris, France, will move to Houston , Texas, as Vice President, Operations, for S ch I u mberger Well Services in their headquarters there.

Cyril M. Kinane has organized an engineering consulting firm known as Kinane Engineering, Inc., with temporary headquarters at 1145 N. Russell, Aurora, Illinois. Mr. Kinane had had twenty-one years experience in engineering . Most recently, he was with Barber-Green Co. for fifteen years as an engineering manager for the bulk material handling systems division. Earlier Mr. Kinane was with Pichands Mather & Co., Hanna Mining Co. , and Western Knapp Engineering, all on the Mesabi Iron range. Mr. Kinane will continue to serve this industry specializing in bulk material handling systems, mining methods, conveyor systems and dust and water pollution control.

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1 953

Edward L. Creamer has been transferred from Shell's Emeryville, California , Research Center to Shell Development Company, Bellaire Research Center, Houston , Texas. William C. Blackwell has accepted a new position and is with Collins Radio Co. as systems engineer and has moved his family to Germany , the location of his new employment. His address is 6451 Rodenbach 1, Alzenauer 'Strasse 18, Federal Repubi1c of Germany. Dale W. Heineck is now Vice President Northeastern Region , Alpha Portland Industries and resides in Saugeaties, Jew York, 12 Lamb Avenue.


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195 5

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W. L. McMorris III , has accepted a position as Director of Personnel for Roberts & Schaefer Co., Chicago, III. Bill and his wife , Bonnie, are residing at 1405 E. Central Road , Apt. 309-B, Arlington Heights.

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954 Paul E. Ramsey is now Chief Reservoir Engineer, Murphy Oil Corporation, Murphy Building, EI Dorado, Arkansas.

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A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

195 7

196 1

C. A. Wentz recently was named financial representative Phillips Petroleum Company, to discuss the company's activities with securities analysts. He formerly was in domestic plastic sales , international project development and chemical research. His headquarters address is 80 Broadway, New York, N. Y. and he resides in Millington, N.]., 131 Highland Avenue.

John W. Walton is now Assistant Director, Tennessee Department of Public Health, Division of Air Polution control. He and his wife, Elizabeth, and two sons, Richard and Eric reside on Rte. 4, Millview Drive, Brentwood , Tennessee.

195 8

Willard G. Owens has Willard Owens Associates , in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. His company covers the Rocky Mountain Region and has one project in Costa Rica. They do consulting in fields of engineering geology and ground water hydrology. The company's address is 7391 West 38th Ave. R. H. Okenfuss met Don Agers '59, in Lima, Peru , in June. First time they had seen each other since graduation. Miners really get around. 1 960

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Major Glenn W. Holman completed the final phase of the Command and General Staff Course at the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. The 10phase course is given over a five-year period either by correspondence or through the U. S. Army Reserve School System. The final two-week phase is conducted at Ft. Leavenworth. It is designed to prepare selected officers for responsible positions at the division and support command levels with an und erstanding of the duties of corps and field army general staff officers and of Army participation in joint and combined operations. Paul W. Benz recently left FruinColnon Corporation after 10 years to enter into business in the field of mechanical contracting, R. ]. Garriel , Inc ., 629 Amboy Ave. , Edison , N.]. Paul is General Manager of the company that specializes in process piping installations in the state of New Jersey. Herbert A. Loebs has started a new company called Diversified Design , Inc. He is president of this company which specializes in design , development and manufacturing. His address is Route 1, Greenville, South Carolina.

MSM 'Alumnus

ber 1972

Ronald R. Pfeuffer received a MBA degree from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, in June. He was elected to Sigma Iota Epsilon honorary management fraternity. He is an assistant industrial engineer at Revere Copper & Brass, 'Michigan Division. His address is 23845 Indianwood Drive, Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

196 2 Donald N. Overall and Georgina M. Overall '63, are living in Springfield, Pennsylvania. Don is R&D Group Supervisor at The Franklin Mint. Georgina was accepted in the graduate school at Villa Nova University and awarded an assistantship. She will study and teach organic chemistry. Larry D. Goe received an M. S. degree in electrical engineering from UMC, in August. He also completed his registration as a Professional Engineer in Missouri and he is now in the Advanced Programs , Engineering Division, as a senior research engineer with Lockheed Missile and Space Company. He wiII be working on the synthesis and analysis of guidance and control systems for advanced tactical missiles. His hobby is flying his Cessna 140 around the U. S. His address is Senior Resea rch Engineer, Lockheed Missile & Space Co., 1111 Lockheed Way , D / 8144 B/ 539 , Sunnyvale, California. Eugene C. Fadler, principal design engineer, Ford Motor Co., has just moved into a new home in Riverview, Michigan, 19716 Coachwood. Gene is also one of the new Directors of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . Bipin N. Doshi transferred to the International Division of Uniroyal Chemicals , a year ago, and now resides with his wife Linda and son Robert at 108 The Holloway Droitwich, Worchestershire, United Kingdom. Jerry L. Goff has been named Dis-

trict Scout Executive for the Southeast District of Kaw Council, Boy Scouts of America, Kansas City, Kansas . Goff joined Scouting professionally in 1970 and served in Grand Junction, Colorado, until his promotion recently to Kansas City. He services about 4,800 Cub Scout and Boy Scout families. He and his wife, Joyce, and their three children live at 4220 West 70th Terrace, Prairie Village, Kansas.

963 Dewey F. Brown , Jr. has been elected President of the Bloomington Area Chapter of Illinois Society of Professional Engineers for the 1972-73 fiscal year. Dewey is Assistant City Engineer of the City of Bloomington. The Browns have two daughters Becky, 4, and Cathy , 11 months . Jerry A. Denzel has a new position as Director of Air Pollution Control with Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota. His address is 1342 E. Lake Street, Hopkins, Minnesota. His closing observation was "Sure gets cold up here!"

1 9 6 4

Charles F . Alexander completed MBA requirements in the evening program of the University of Minnesota and received the degree in March 1972. He is Manager , System Engineering and Analysis at Control Data Corporation 's Terminal Development Division . His Minneapolis address is 3728 Foss Road

N.E. Elmer C. Hoepker, Assistant Bridge Engineer , California Division of Highways, Bridge Department has attained Senior Patrolman status with the National Ski Patrol System, Mother Lode Region , in February. He became a registered Professional Civil Engineer, in California, in June . His address is 255 Channel St., San Francisco. Jerry Allen Gillette is resident engineer with Stone and Webster Engineering Corp. He received his Professional Engineer license, in January . The Gillettes have two sons, Jerry Daniel and Joseph Allen. They reside on the Hartland Hall Plantation, Locust Dale, Va .



L 5 ______________________________________________________________________

Dr. Raymond A. Fournelle, formerly a Post Doctoral Research Associate at Northwestern University, recently accepted an appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Marquette U., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His present address is 808 North 24th St., Apt. 206, Milwaukee. Don W. Jones recently was promoted to staff engineer with IBM-FSD in the instrumentation communications and environmental test operations group. His address is 815 Esslinger Road, Huntsville, Alabama.

1 965

Ralph S. Barr received his Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri - Columbia, in August 1972, and he is now planning engineer for Central Illinois Public Service in Springfield. Ralph, his wife, Karen and daughter, Melanie, reside at 1305 B. Dennison Drive, Springfield. Joseph D. Bicunas has been named Chief Engineer of E. F. Marsh Engineering Co., 416 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Thomas K. Gaylord has joined the faculty of the School of Electrical Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology. He is continuing his research in the areas of laser applications, semiconductors, and microelectronics which he was previously pursuing at Rice University. He and his wife, Jan, reside at 92 26th Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia. Alfred J . Thiede received two Masters degrees from UMR, civil engineering (environmental), in May and Engineering Management in July '72. Currently he is the ADP project officer for the Army's Integrated Facilities Management Information System at Ft. Belvoir, Va. The Thiedes are living at 2507 Dover Court, Woodbridge, Va. Denzil D. David, Jr. is president of his own company, Bay Harbor Trane Air Copditioning Co., Virginia Beach, Va. He formerly was Director of Training for the Rance Co., La Crosse, Wisconsin. His Virginia Beach address is 608 Sandy Springs Court.


1 966 S. P. Buckley and wife, Kim, moved to Kansas City, Mo., in September 1971. Phil is a senior equipment engineer with Hallmark Card Company. The Buckley's daughter, Christy, is 4 years old and they advise the stork is appearing on the horiwn. Their address is 3329 E. 113th, Kansas City, Mo. Larry M. Rich is with Standard Oil of California in their Professional Employment Division. The position includes interviewing prospective employees in San Francisco and conducting recruiting interviews at various college campuses. He resides at 360 Quietwood Drive, San Rafael. Robert W. Hogue, 6539 Cornwall Commons, Sylvania, Ohio, is a design engineer with Mannik, Schneider & Associates, surveyors and civil engineers. Robert received his M. S. degree in Engineering Management, in 1971, from the University of Tulsa and his registration as a professional engineer in Oklahoma and Ohio in February 1972. Lloyd L. Ford is now General Foreman Experimental Equipment, DelcoRemy Division of General Motors in Anderson, Indiana. Lloyd and his wife, Joan, and boys Robert Lee and Eric Dean woold like for alumni to stop by 1124 North Drive, Anderson, if they are in the area. Kenneth M. Ragsdell received his Ph. D. from the University of Texas last summer before joining the Purdue University faculty . Ken, his wife, Janet, and two sons, Keith and Thomas are now comfortably settled at 605 Waldron, West Lafayette, Ind. Lt. John T. Solook completed a Masters degree in public health at the University of Minnesota and is presently Chief of Environmental Health Engineering Services for the entire First U. S. Army area. His home address is 529 Michelle Road , Odenton, Maryland. 1 967

2nd Lt. Constantine W. Tsimpris completed with highest honors a nineweek Air Defense Artillery Officer Basic Course at the U. S. Army Air Defense

School, Ft. Bliss, Texas. Lt. Tsimpris received his Ph. D. degree in Chemicill Engineering from UMR last spring. Larry Fritschel accepted a position in June as processing engineer in the New Product Development Group at Firestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron , Ohio. They live at 2275 Winter Parkway, 131, Cuyahoga Falls. Billy E. Farrar, Jr. advises that his newest hobby is flying and he is now working toward a commercial flying license. He is presently a petroleum e"gineer with Texas Pacific Oil Company and lives at 1010 Washington Blvd., Abilene, Texas. M. Uran Ozsoy is a development engineer for Turkish Glassworks , Ins., Istanbul, Turkey. He rejoined the firm after serving in the Turkish Armed Forces for two years as a 2nd Lt. The Ozsoys have two daughters, Zeynep, age 2, and Aylin, six months. Their address is 11 Ortaklar Sokak, Mecidiyekou, Istanbul, Turney. Doyle W. Powell, project enginee~ with Guy F. Atkinson, has moved to San Carlos , California, 136 Winding Way. Lawrence]. Mikelionis has been promoted from process engineer, adhesives , coatings and sealers division to quality control supervisor of the same division of the 3M Company at . the Bristol Plant, Bristol, Pa . William D. Webb, with }James & Moore, was recently named manager of the firms operations in Indonesia. Bill was in Honolulu, Hawaii representing the firm for the past four years. His new address is in care of Dames & Moore, 6th Floor, Oil Center Building, Djalan M. H. Thamrin 56, Djakarta, Indonesia.

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John M. Berger received an M. S. degree from Purdue U., Indianapolis, Ind. His major area of study was industrial operations. The Bergers are also proud of their second child, Amy Christine. John is a project engineer at Maxon Corp., Muncie, Ind. Their address is R. R. 2, Yorktown, Ind. October



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John R . Brand and his wife Karen , have moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota, from the Territory of Guam. John is enrolled in graduate school of the U. of Minnesota , in a program leading to the M. S. degree in biomedical en gineering. Their address is 2500 Blaisdell Ave. South, Apt. 210.

BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit r\o 18, Sec. 34.9 , P. L. & R., Rolla, Mo.

196 9 Stephen J. Brendle resigned fro m Pratt & Whitn ey Aircraft , Florida Research and Development Center, West Palm Beach following 30 years in experimental engineering. Followi ng a month 's tour of the east coast , inclu ding visits with several old UMR frien ds, he accepted a position with Moto rola Communications and Electronics , Inc., as an industrial communications sales representative in the South Florida a rea. His new address is 17255 S. W . 95th Ave. , Miami.

!\1SM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401



Glenn M. Kmecz , upon completion of his M. S. degree in Mechanical E ngineering in August at UMR, has accepted a position with DuPont in R ichmond , Va. , as a ny lon manufac turing supervisor. His address is 1524 Clarkston, Apt. D ., Richmon d . Lonnie D. Schmidt , 5201 Florence Ave ., Downers Grove, II!. , for the past four years has been with the Bell Telephone Labs ., located in N aperville, II!. He is in the advanced programmin g technology tepartment , working on the sta te-of-the-art digital fault simulators to aid in the development of new electronic swi tching systems fo r telephon e.


E. Don Thalhammer is a planning engineer for Western E lectri c Co . H e IS now in Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada.

1 970 Eugene F. Wellinghoff is a Computer Systems Engineer with the U . S. Army Security Agency . H e has eight months remaining to complete his tour of duty. He plans to be married December 30 and is looking forward to returnin g to St. Louis, Mo ., and employment with McDonnell-Douglas Corporation . Dane C. Hutcherson and his family recently moved into their new home at 1215 W. Gordon, Wichita, Kan sas. Their dau ghter, Kristin , was one year

MSM-UMR Alumnus

ol d and their son, Randy , is 8 yea rs , and David is 3 years. Dane is system operator with the Kansas Gas and E lectric Company. Randolph W. Schmelzel is equipment engineer , maintenance, with General Telephone Co. of Illinoi s in Bloomington. He is on special assignment to the Performance Improvement Program from September to J a nuary 1973 and represented his company and spoke at UMR 's Career Opportunity Program.

James A. Holliday, Lt. in the U. S. Army, arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina , June 1972 , and assigned as aid -decamp to Brigadi er General John G. Waggener, Commander, U. S. Mi litary Group. Ja mes' wife, Karen , accompanied him on ¡this duty which he expects to continue until June 1975. His address is Department of State, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Washington,

D .C.


.. .. Class ............ .




$250.00 Zip .....

Sta te

City ... .. ........ .. ...


$500 .00


Date . 1973 Annual Alu m n i Fund


$ 50 .00

My contribution to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association



is ind icated and $.



is enclosed


( )


Match ing gift form attached.



$ 15 .00



( ) Above is new address. PLEASE COM PLETE FOR ALUMNI RECORD S:


Employment (Name of Company, Own Company , Self Employed . . . Retired)

~I u

Step hen Close expects to receive his 1\1. S. deg ree in clinical psychology from Oklahoma State U., next spring . With thi s accompli shed , he plans to work for a doctorate. Cla rk M ikk elsen has tran s ferred to the University of Illi noiS to begin work towa rd a Ph . D. deg ree in mechan ical engineerin g. Hi s add ress is P. O . Box 127, Sidn ey, III. C harles W . Foster is platoon leader , Ea rthmoving P latoon of Co nstru ction Engineers. H e is loca ted in Ge rmany where hi s unit has constructed a $350,000 a mmuniti on site and P. O. L. separator. He is with Company C , 249 E ngin eer Batta li on , APO New Yo rk 09360.

1 9 7 1

( ) New Employment (Title or Position )


Employment Address ............ ...... ... .... . Zip Code

1 9 7 3

News for t he MSM Alumnus

( ) Same

Dona ld L. Kroeter is atte nding graduate sc hool at Southern III. U. - Edwa rdsv ill e, work in g on an M. S. degree in Spec ial Ed ucat ion and wo rking part tim e at Sch l1ll ck Markets , St. Louis. H e is engaged to Bonnie J ea n Bi shop . Wedding date not definite. Hi s address is 5960 Min ika, St. Loui s, Mo. J ack Dippold is with Winchester , Western Divi sion of Olin Corporatio n , and has been assigned to Shot Shell Ballistics Department of quality control at Eas t Alton , III. He lives in Edwa rdsvill e, IlL , 306 Elm St.



Milton T. Ziat ic is an elec tronics engi neer at McDonn ell- Do uglas, St. Louis, Mo. Hi s add ress is 9605 Carrimae , Crestwood , Mo .

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Univers ity of Misso uri - Rolla ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401


David M . Simon, 14 55 Ca therine St. , Ottawa , IlL , has been promoted from prod uction s upe rvi sor to process engin eer with Un ion Ca rbi de Co rp. , Cons um ers P rod ucts Division. Stephen L. Redingto n recently finished the U . S. Army Corps of E ngineers one year rota ti onal training program for engi neers . H e has received a permane nt assignment to River Stabili zation Bra nch o f the Co rps. H e li ves at 940 Sa rala Rd., Des Peres, Mo. Captain Terry L. Wagner after months convalescent leave due to broken ankle, has been assigned Seou l, Korea for a 13-month tour duty.


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