Missouri S&T Magazine, December 1972

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MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS Pre.ident ........................... ... Peter F. Mattei '37 .. .

MSM -UMR Alumni As sociotion Uni versi ty of Mi ss our i - Rolla Rolla , Missouri 65401

Pre.ident Elect

Secretary ..


Volume 46

December 1972 Number 6

On Ihe FtonI Covet

Term Expires

.Executive Director, ............... __ .. . . .... ... 1974 Metropolitan Sewer District, 2000 Hampton, St. Loui., Mo . 63139

......... Robert M. Brackbill '42 ......... Senior Vice President, ........ .... .... .. ... ........ ... 1974 Texas Pacific Oil Company, 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, Tex. 75240 . .... . Robert V. Wolf '51 ................. Department of Metallurgical ........ and Nuclear Engineering , UMR, Rol:a, Millouri 65401


........ Thoma. R. Beveridge '42 ....... Department of Geology and ....... ... ............ 1974 Geophysics, UMR , Rolla , Missouri 65401

STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ............. Dire ctor, Alumni Acti v ities ..... MSM-UMR Alumni Association Harris Hall Rolla , Missouri 65401



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Francis C. Edwards .......... ..... Exe cutive Secretary ............... MSM-UMR Alumni Association Harris Hall Rolla , Missouri 65401 Te rm Expires DIRECTORS AT LARGE 1974 Jose ph W. Mooney '39 7383 We stmoreland, University City, Missouri 63130 1975 James B. McGrath '49 ............... Fruin-Colnon Corp., 1706 Olive St., St. Louis, Missouri 63103 ..... . E. L. Perry '40 . ..... General Manager, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma , Washington 98401 .... __ 1974 1975 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 . .. 3305 Wood.and Road , Bartlesvil :e, Oklahoma 74003 ..... ... ..... ... .... . Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .......... _. 55 Westwood Drive, Westbury, New York 11590 . . . __ ... _... ..... _.. _... __.. . 1973 John o. Wilms '43 .... 825 Ardmore, Los Angeles, California 90005 ..... . ............ ...... ........ . 1973

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matur and i, which era." to rno Il"int€ t\ usb, planni pany. 17.

Jam es J . Murphy '35

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Presid e nt, Murphy Company , 1340 North Price Road , St. louis , Missouri 63132


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R. O . Kasten '43

901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City , Missouri 64114


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Jam es W . Stephens '47

Missouri Public Se rvic e Company, 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City , Missouri 64138


Paul T. Dowling '40

Issu ed bi -monthly in the interest of the graduates and former s)udents of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Mis so uri - Rollo. Entered as second closs matt er Octobe r 27 , 1926, at Post Office at Rollo, Mi sso uri 65401 , under the Act of March 3 , 1897.

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Are a Zip Code Numbe rs Te rm Expires AREA DIRECTORS 00-14 1974 H. W . Flood '43 . 183 Main Street, Aclon , Massachusetts 01720 ..... 15 -21 O . W. Kamper ' 35 ...... 5 Woodland Drive, Pitts burgh , Pennsylvania 15228 ............... . 1973 22 -33 John B. Toomey '49 ..... 2550 Huntingt"n Ave nue , Alexandria , Virginia 22304 ........ . 1973 35-45 1974 Harold Koste n ' 60 ......... 11566 Plumhill Drive, Cincinnati , Ohio 45242 ... . 46-59 Eug e ne C. Fadler '62 .............. 19716 Coach wood, Riverview , Michigan 48192 ........... ........ . 1975 60-61 Frank C. Apple yard '37 .......... 808 Solar, Gle nview, Illinois 60025 ..... . ....... .. ... .... . 1973 62-62 C. Stuart Fe rre ll '64 . 219 Timothy Lane, Carterville, Illinois 62918 .... .... ................ . 1975 63-65 1973 Arthur G . Bae bler '55 ............ 20 Fox Me adows, Sun set Hi. ls, Missouri 63127 .. . 63-65 ..... 222 Magna Carta Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 ... .. ......... . 1974 Rob e rt D. Bay '49 63-65 Alfred J . Buescher '64 ....... 171 0 Third Parkway, Washington, Missouri 63090 .. .. ...... ..... . 1975 63 -65 J . R. Patte rson '54 ... . ..... P. O . Box 573 , Sike ston , Missouri 63801 .... ... .. .. ..... ..... .... ..... . 1974 1975 63-65 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 14219 Den ver Av e nue , Grandview , Missouri 64030 ....... . 63 -65 1975 Bruce E. Tarantola '51 ........... 9000 Skycre st Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63126 ...... . 63-65 Ge org e D. Tomazi '58 . . ........ 12723 Ston e ridg e Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 .. ..... _..... . 1975 63-65 R. Michae l Salmon '63 ............ 2310 Texas, Joplin , Missouri 64801 ................................ . 1975 1974 63 -65 Rob e rt P. Vi e nhag e '53 . Rte . # 2, Box 327B , Springfield , Missouri 65802 ............ . 1974 63 -65 Edw in J . We rn er '49 9705 East 39th , Ind e pend e nce, Missouri 64052 . 66-74 1973 Herman Fritsch en '51 ............ 5749 S. 68th East Place, Tulsa , Oklahoma 74145 ._._ 1973 75-79 Rex Alford '40 ... . 5743 Jason , Houston , Texas 77035 1974 80-90 Thor Gj elstee n '53 3065 South Ingal's Way , De nver, Co~orado 80227 and 96-99 90-95 1973 E. Murray Schmidt '49 1705 Shore line Drive , Apt . 202, Alam e da, California 94501

Harris Hall , on the UMR campus, the new home oj the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Th e headquarters is locat ed on the first jloor.

Af Alunl

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Presi d e nt, Noate r Corporation , 1400 South Third Street, 5 •. louis, Missouri 63166

Me lvin E. Nicke l '38

10601 South Hamilton Ave nue , Chicago, Illinois 61643

Dr. Karl F. Hasselmann ' 25

3100 W. Alabama , Suite 207, Houston, Texas 77006

F. C. Schnee b e rger '25

# 1 Briar Oak , St. Louis, Missouri 63132

H. H. Harnell '06

1310 Cleve land , Baxte r Springs , Kansas 66713

Richa rd H. Baue r '52


Aft type tOday felt I man's "~'i.

DIRECTOR , CHAIRMAN LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE 5 Sappington Acres Drive, St. louis, Missouri 63126

Decemb e r 1972

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Alumni Office in New Quarters


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After an absence of seven years the Alumni Office is back on the campus. In 1965 , the Alumni Office became crowded In its quarters in the Old Metallurgy Building and there was no space for expansion on the campus. The University leased the second floor of the Gryzb Building, at 9th and Rolla Streets, to house the Alumni Office and Centennial Development Office. It was excellent office space but there was very little contact with students , faculty and alumni visiting the campus. \\¡ith the completion of the Mathematics-Computer Sci e nce Building , those departments have mo ved fmm Harri s Hall to the new facility. \,Vith our ey e on this vacancy , the University

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Alumni will remember Harris Hall , construction completed in 1940, as the Hydraulics Laboratory , department headquarters for the Civil Engineering Department, later the Mathematics Department , and Computer - Science Department and Computer Center. Kow we invite alumni, students , faculty , administrative officers and all that are interested in the Alumni Association to visit its new office , on the campus, in Harris Hall. To refresh your memory , Harris Hall is pictured on the cover of this MSM ALUMNUS .

Winter Commencement Speaker W. C. Nusbaum " The 'Cnited States is leaving our maturing state of mass industrialization and is on the eve of a transition period which will take us into a post industrial era. " This was the assumption posed to more than 460 graduates at UMR 's Winter Commencement by William C. Kusbaum , Vice President for advanced planning for Emerson Electric Company , St. Louis, Mo ., Sunday , December 17.

pressures to meet the customer 's needs , the profit incentive, and many other factors force the continuous reappraisal of how to manage better , to improve the economic p erformance of the firm , how to most effectively utilize capital to convert manpower and natural resources into product and/ or service for man 's use. It is the competitive profit incentive which continually hones our management techniques.

" This dramatic era will be the outgrowth of what will happen in the next 30 to 50 years," Ku sbaum said , " A transition period I would like to designate as a period of 'Enlightened Unfoldment. ' The term ' Enlightened Unfoldment ' is used because during this period man will face and predominantly solve the largest array of challenging, complex , intertwined problems of any period in the history of mankind.

"Business and industry will become increasingly more involved as they gain , or as they are provided , additional incentives to do so ," N usbaum continued .

After citing several examples of the type of problems facing the world today , Nusbaum told the students ¡he felt the solutions would depend on man's ability to manage. " Management techniques and capabilities are best exemplified in the private sector ," he continued , " where the march of advancing technology, changing and new markets, the competitive

MSM-UMR Alumn us

,ber 1972

was kind enough to refurbish the first floor of Harris Hall for the Alumni Office and Development Office.

"Each of you within your corporation will have an opportunity to participate in this involvement and in findin g the technological answers . I have cordidence that we can and will solve the technological aspects of our problems, including the effects they may have on our natural environment and the psyche of man."

Homecoming Huge Success The 1972 Homecoming was held October 20 and 21 , on the UMR campus. Everyone but the weatherman

cooperated and he got a about the whole thing. activities were very well fact , the two banquets existing facilities.

little nasty But inside attended, in bulged the

Ten class-reunion luncheons were scheduled and eight of the ten gathered for a luncheon Saturday noon. The Class of 1942 assembled 30 of their member! and wives for this event which won the attendance prize should there have been one. The TwentyFive Year Class was second with 29 present. Playing on rain-drenched J ackling Field , the Miners were unable to tally a vi ctory for a sparsely fill ed stadium o f Min er fans. In the final minutes of the fourth quarter the Springfi eld Bears were abl e to score from the field with a field goal and return to their campus with the coveted Powder K eg and a 3-0 victory. The Homecoming Queen was Mi ss Pa ulette Thompson , 306 South Kingshighway, St. Louis. Missouri. Mi ss Thompson who was the candidate of the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity , is a student at Jewish Hospital and works at Firmin Desloge Hospital in St. Loui s . The Awards Banquet held Saturday evening at the Manor Inn had the largest attendance in the University 's Homecoming history. Fourteen individuals were recipients 0 f A I u m n i Awards presented by Peter F. Mattei , President of the Alumni Association who was the M. C. for the occasion. The Awardees were from throughout the United States and travel ed a great distance to personally r e c e i v e t h e Award . The 1973 Homecoming will be October 26 and 27 . The Classes that will be honored and will hold reunions are: The 50 year and over , and Classes of 192 8, 1933 , 193 8, 1943 , 1948, 1953, 195 8, 1963 and 1968. The Miners opponent in the homecoming football game will be Central Mi ssouri State University, Warrensburg . It would be well to make plans early to attend. Motel accommodations in Rolla are at a premium during Homecoming weel~ end. St. Patrick 's celebration on the campus is March 16 and 17 . Perhaps you will want to mark this date on your calendar. But don 't for get 1973 HOMECOMING - OCTOBER 26 and 27 .



Dr. lohn S. Brown' 17

Guy Brown, Jr. '40

Dr. Peter G. Hansen '55

William Kratz er

nl• AlIMa cI

August 1. Garver '64

Ray McBrian '24

Four of AIUJ Annual evening Romee,

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William B. Fletcher '34 4

George E . Fort '40

H erbert L. Prange '38 December 1972

Tho, Award' '17, Tc geologi: profess (Dr. Elepha· of Mi Roust~



S. Allan Stone '30

Dr. Farouk Et Baz '61

Dr. Armin F. Fick '41


by the Alumni Vernon T. Jones '53 Fourteen individuals were recipients of Alumni Association Awards at the Annual Awards Banquet held Saturday evening, October 21, during the 1972 Homecoming. The honorees were presented plaques. They were selected for the awards by the Awards Committee of the Association.


,ber 1972

Those who received the Alumni Merit Award were: Dr. John Stafford Brown '17, Towson, Maryland , retired mining geologist and author, in recognition of professional and CIVIC contributiorfs. (Dr. Brown donated the land for Elephant Rocks State Park to the State of Missouri) ; Guy Brown, Jr. '40, Houston, Texas, Vice President · and

MSM-UMR Alumnus

Associ ation Chief Engineer, Drilling Tools, Inc., in recognition of service to UMR; August Garver '64, Rolla, Mo., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, UMR, in recognition of exemplary competence in teaching and counseling; Dr. Peter G. Hansen '53, Rolla, Mo., Professor and Chairman of the Engineering Mechancs Department, UMR, in recognition of teaching and research ; William Kratzer, Rolla, Mo., Assistant Director and Business Manager of UMR Auxiliary Enterprises, in recognition of exemplary devotion to students; and Ray McBrian '24, Denver Colorado, retired Director of Research, Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Co., in recognition of professional and scientific accomplishments.

Dr. Charles H. Sparks '44 Alumni receiving the Alumni Service Award in recognition of outstanding service to UMR and the Alumni Association were: William B. Fletcher '34, President of Industrial Systems, Inc.; George E. Fort '40, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, partner in the firm , Fort & M.iller, petroleum consultants; HerberJ L. Prange '38, Caruthersville, Mo., former civil engineer who is now teaching high school students and holding remedial sessions in science and mathematics ; and S. Allan Stone '30, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, President of Deister Concentrator Co. Alumni Achievement Awards were presented to : Dr. Farouk El Baz '61, Arlington, Virginia, supervisor , lunar


Blal Nor

Outstanding Alumni

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Thn Fifteen outstanding alumni civil engineers from throughout the United States were honored recently by UMR as charter members of the Academy of Civil Engineers . The A cademy wilt serve as an advisory group to the UMR civil engineering department. Front row (left to right) Neil Stueck '43, Assistant Vice President of Stuff Brothers Bridge and Iron Co ., St . Louis, Mo.; Robert Abbett '27, of Tippetts -Abbett-MsCarthy-Stratton, Engineers and Architects, New York, N . Y .; Peter F. Mattei '37, Executive Director, St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District; Harvey Leaver '48, President, En vironmental Structures, Inc ., Cleveland, Ohio; Robert D. Bay '49, Director of Technical Services, Laclede Steel Co., St. Louis, Mo. Second row (left to right) James B. McGrath, Vice President, Fruin-Calnan Corporation, St. Louis, Mo.; Robert K. Boyd '41, Vice President, Guy F. Atkinson Co., Los Angeles, California; Paul F. CarltOn '47, Chief, Research and Development Branch, R esources Devolopment Division, Directorate of Military Engineering and Topography of the Department of the Army, Washington, D. c.; Ernest L. " Roy" Perry '40 , General Manager, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma, Washington. Third row (left to right) Eugene Daily '36, President, Daily and Associates, Engineers, Champaign, Ill.; Ja'J!l.es J. Murphy '35, President, Murphy Company, Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, St. Louis, Mo; John P . Soult '39, President and Chairman of the Board, Fruin-Calnan, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.; Clarence C. Palmer '40, President, R. W. Booker and Associates, St . Louis, Mo .; William Alsmeyer '41, Vice President, ' Leo A. Daly Co., San Francisco, California; and Daniel Kennedy '26, retired Regional Engineer, TopograPhic Branch, U. S. Geological Survey. ALUMNI AWARDS Continued

exploratiqn, Bell Laboratories and supervisor of geologic training for the Apollo Lunar Exploration crews, in recognition of outstanding professional and scientific accomplishments; Dr. Armin F. Fick '41, New York, N. Y., Executive Vice President, Western Electric, in recognition of outstanding professional accomplishments ; Vernon T .


Jones '53 , Tulsa, Oklahoma, President and Chief Executive Officer, Explorer Pipeline Co., in recognition of outstand ing professional accomplishments; and Charles H . Sparks, M. D. '44, Portland, Oregon, thoracic , cardiac and vascular surgeon, in recognition of outstanding professional and research accomplishment.


1973 CENTURY CLUB December 1972

Blake Mineral Collection on Display in Norwood Hall The Philip L. Blake mineral collection , now on exhibit outside the museum in Norwood Hall , was donated by Mr. Blake of Richmond , California.

E. J efferson Crum '29, has been presented the John Mordica Award for 1972 , in recognition of his contributions to The Wire Association and to the Advancement of the Wire Industry 1972.

The outstanding feature of the collection involves the well crystallized specimens from the Tri-State District of Missouri. Large Cubes and octahedrons of galena , cockscomb marcasite, and reddish-brown sphalerite are exhibited, along with crystals of dolomite , calcite and chalcopyrite .

The plaque for the John Mordica Award for 1972 represents an interes ting example of the "Full Circle. " " Jeff " Crum's first boss at Bethlehem Steel's Sparrow Point plant was none other than the distinguished J ohn Mordica. And it was under Mordica that J eff began to demonstrate his gi fts for innovation in the handling and processing of steel wire. J eff helped bring " Bethanized " wire into frution .

i\'I any other minerals were donated, including rose quartz, melanterite, garnet , and various ore minerals , including wurtsite, the rare hexagonal polymorph of zi nc sulphide. Mr. Blake, a graduate of then MSM, class of 1924 , received this B. S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering. For man y years he was associated with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He held the position of engineer in charge of space. Later , he was appointed engineer in charge of plant and operations at the Western Regional Laboratory of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in Alban, California, later retIrIng to his lovely home in nearby Richmond . Throughout his active years , he and

Crum Presented Mordica Award

Philip L. Blake hi s family were avid mineral collectors. Many of his collections were shown at west coast mineral fairs and awarded first prize for their beauty and uniqueness. Minerals from his collection are in the geology department cases in No rwood Hall and are on display for student and public viewing . The balance of his collection has been donated to the Contra Costa College in California.

UMR as I1R civil idge and ,Ill York, )resident, ! Co., St. is, Mo.; Research Iy 0/ the Tacoma,

E. Jefferson Crum Crum was placed in charge of Sparrow Poin t wire mill during Wo rld War II and pushed production to a record that still stands . The Crum Calculater, now in its fourth editi on, is another of his creations. It is a n aid to wiremen in the simplication of wire consumption .

1.; ja l!lts ,ou1t '39, 7. Booker

'/lW; and

The method called "Loopro ," for handling rod and wire in open coils, was devised and developed by Crum.


Specimen of galena, and smaller crystals of marcasite and sphalerite on chert (w hite) . Specimen from the Tri-State District on display in the Geology Museum.

MSM-UMR Alumnus ber 1972

The principles and methods Jeff Crum has inven ted and brought to useful application have been really felt as outgrowths of Loopro handling in open (Continued on Page 8) 7

Offutt Retires After 40 Years With A.P. Green Refractories J. J. Offutt '3 2, retired recently as the fourth President in the 62-year hi story of the A. P. Green Refrectories Company. Beginning with a part-time job during school , he became the Company 's only President to work hi s way up through the ranks. holding a total of 21 positions with the Green Company. H e served in virtually every functional area during his 40-yea r career.

22 plants in the U . S. and Canada . Durin g the las t 14 years, Mr. Offutt was " particularly instrumental " in the growth of the Company . In this period , the Compan y tri pled in size with seven plant acquisitions and construction of five new plants. Chairman of the Board William S. Lowe sai d , " During his industrial lifetime, Jim Offutt has spent time in every area of the Company's activities, including operations, sales , engineering , and management of subsidiary companies. Hi s contribution to the success and growth of the Green Company has been tremendous." After graduation from UMR , in 1932 , he joined the Green Company's Laboratory Department. He then served eight years as a sales engineer, introducing a line of super duty and insulating firebrick to the market.

f . f . Offutt ¡In 1972 , as President, he led an organization of 5,000 employees with

CRUM ( Continued From Page 7) coi ls. Acceptance has been wo rld wide. Loopro Heat Treatment, a paper whic h Mr. Crum was co-author of, was given by him as overseas gues t speaker , befo re the Ann ual Technical Conference of the Institute of Iron a nd Steel Wire Man ufac turers (United Kin gdom) in H arrogate, Yorkshire, E n g l a nd , Ma rch 16- 17, 1972. Jeff was Cha irma n of the W ire Association 's Annual Conference in Washington in 1968 and is a familiar fi gure at most Wire Association functions. He is a' special sales representa ti ve for H. H. Mill er & Co., Homer , N. Y. His res id ence address is Brookside Lane, Rid erwood, Maryland .


In 1941 , he was named Production Superintendent of the Mexico Missouri plant. Four years later , he' was appointed General Manager of the Company 's Canadian subsidiary headquarters in Toronto . He returned to the Company 's home office in 1954 as Manager of Domestic and Subsidiary Companies. In 1958, he was elected Vice President and Director of Sales. In 1960, Mr. Offutt was appointed General Manager, responsible for sales, research and operations. The following year he was elected to the Company's Board of Directors and then was named Executive Vice President. In 1971 , he was elected President. In 19 68, he received a Professional Degree from UM R . Earlier, he also had attend ed the Advancement Management Progra m at the Harvard Univ, rs ty School of Business. M r. Offutt is a member of the American Ceramic Society, American Management Association , Chamber of Commerce , Associated Industries of Missouri , American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers , The R efractories Institute and the Newcomen Society of North America. Also, he is a director of the Peruvian Development Foundation.

Dumm Receioes Interior Citation Lee D. Dumm '3 3, received a citation from the Secretary of the Interior in recognition of a notable government career in the science and engineering techniques of agricultural drainage. The citation for Meritorious Service related his 37 yea rs of service including military duty and assignments with the Coas t and Geodetic Survey and Soil Conserva tion Service in addition to 19 yea rs with the Burea u of R eclamation. He played a key role in the development of many new scientific and mathematical concepts which contributed significa ntl y to worldwide recognition of the Bureau as a leader in methods for determining gro undwater control requirements for irrigated lands . Using hi s techniques, a hi ghly reliabl e app raisal an d estima te of drainage requirements can be made during both the investi gation and construction phases. His pioneering work opened new a reas of resea rch and had an important role in changing land drainage from an art to a science. The SllCcess of the drainage systems on the complex and extensive Columbi a Basin Project is evidence of the so undness a nd reliability of the methods he developed. Forei gn governmen ts, other federal agencies, and private engineerin g firm s seek his advice and guidance and utilize his techniqu es. Universit ies teach his methods and th eori es in their curriculum . Hi s effectiveness as a n instructor in the for eign train ee program is substantiated by the wide appli cation of the material in the hom e countries of the trainees . Mr. Dumm , now retired , is living at 220 So uth Meade Street, Denver, Colorado. His son, Cha rles, is a senior at UM R.

1973 Alumni Fund Send Your Contribution Today December 1972

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University Planning Report Progress on Institutional Reappraisal University of Missouri President C. Brice Ratchford has released plans for the long-range academic development of the four campuses at Columbia , Kansas City, Rolla and St. Louis and the Uni versity -wide units. President Ra tchford will present the document , which is a major step in the Uni versity's institutional reappraisal begun almost two years ago, to the Board of Curators for th eir consideration at the January 1973 meeting in St. Louis . The faculty members ha ve already been mailed th e document so they will ha ve time to re view it befor e the January Board meeting. In explaining why t he U ni versity has undertaken institution al reapprai sal an extensive self-evaluati on of the total Cni ve rsity and its opera tion - PresiGent Ratchford said: " Hi gher edu cation during the last two decades has been faced with unpreced ented dema nds resulting from soaring enrollments and tremendous growth in kno wledge and technology. J\'lore recentl y, th ese problems have been compound ed by financial pressures. These a re so me of the factors which necessitated a long, careful consideration of the futur e of the U niversity of Missouri. " Other factors include, he explained , the University's unique statewide obligations. In addition to the teaching function which all colleges and universities have , he pointed out that the Uni versity of M issouri also is charged by federal and state statutes with extension and research a ss i g nments . Further , he said , the Uni versity is the public institution in Missouri responsible for doctoral education , the most expensive on a per stud ent basis , and ways mu st be found for cooperation among the campuses with doctoral programs. With concepts for developing and operating multi-campus universities still emerging, Ratchford said the University must find ways to build the highest possible quality in its educational programs while at the same time obtain

MSM-UMR Alumnus

max imum efficiency in the use of available resources. " I believe the document which now has been prepared is a major step toward those goals," President Ratchford said. Entitled " The Uni versity of Missouri : Its Future ," the document contains ne w sections on (1) the operation of doctoral programs, (2 ) role and scope, which describes generally the educational mi ss ion of each of the campuses and assigns academic programs areas to each campus, along with a description of th e degree level to which the campu s "shall " or "may" participate, and (3 ) instructions to the campuses for preparing detained campus academic pla ns by N ove mber 1, 19 73, so they ca n be integrated into a total University academic plan by January 15 , 1974.

vides the oppor t unity fo r building greater quality an d coop era tion in the programs . The docume nt calls for crea ti on of a Uni ve rsity Doctoral Faculty consis ting o f the four Cam pus Doctoral F ac ulties. If q uali fied , a fac ulty m ember may become a me mber o r'the Ca mpus Doctoral Fac ulty rega rdless of whether that person 's ca mpus pa rti cip a tes in a parti cul ar doctoral program. P residen t Ratchford said t he goals in the orga niza ti on a nd admi nist ra tion of the docto ra l p rogra ms are to provide ma ximum opportuni ty fo r students and facult y a nd the hi ghest possible progra m quality . T he Uni versity mu st, he said , create a nd ma in tain a n academi c environmen t cond ucive to at tracti ng a nd reta ining outsta nding scholars to its faculty .

In the area of doctoral programs , the document spell s out that " the University of M issouri will offer U niversity degrees, through the Uni versity Doctoral Faculty, the Doctor of Philosophy , the Doctor of Education , the Doctor of M usical Arts, the Doctor of Engineering."

The document provides for establishm ent of machin ery so tha t every Unive rsity docto ral progra m will be reviewed formally by Nove mber 1, 1975 , with recommendatio ns on continu ing, revising, phasing out or enriching the programs being made to the P reside nt of the Uni versity by Decembe r 3 1, 1975.

The document designates each of the campuses as participants in some doctoral programs and foll ows the longstanding policy that " The U niversity of Missouri is a single institution with four campuses, each of which is a component of the whole ," and that " the University will be comprehensive , but no single campus will be. "

In draf ting the ro le a nd scope portion of the doc ument , Preside nt Ratchford said ca reful co nside ration was given to suggestions from numerous so urces. H e originally had relea sed a tenta ti ve , wo rking version of role a nd scope a yea r ago which caused m uch discussion throughout the Uni versity and the State .

The docum ent does not assign doctoral programs to a specific camp us. Rather, it specifi es tha t a campus "shall " pa rticipate or " may" participate in a particular doctoral program.

"S ince the release of th a t tenta tive , dra ft version of the role a nd scope document , I beli eve enormous inp ut from hund reds of fac ul ty a nd fr om all corners of the Uni versity co mmunity and p eople fr om th ro ughout M isso uri a nd other sta tes ," he said in a message accompany ing the doc umen t to fac ulty. "Committees , councils, departm ents, in dividual members, studen ts, alumni a nd other Uni ve rsity fri ends will have provided me with a wealth o f material.

The mechanics of impl ementing and operating the doctoral progra ms will be the responsibility of va rious fac ulty and administrative grou ps . President Ratc hford points out tha t this is an innova ti ve fea ture which allows maximum fac ulty participa tion in the direction a nd developm ent of doctoral progra ms. And he sai d it pro-

" While it has not been possible or even ad visable for me to try a nd respond in every insta nce, I wa nt you


to be certa in that these suggestions have been generally helpful ," he said . Pres ident R a tchford noted that , under the new role and scope section , prog ram assignment s to the individual campu ses ran ge from optional to manda tory at various levels. Thi s provides the ca mpu ses, he said , with latitude in develop ing their acad emi c plans and determining pri oriti es o f their progra ms. It will also all ow the campu ses ma ny op tiDns in develop ing program interrela ti onshi ps whi ch they hope to es tabli sh. Pres id ent Ratchford said the development of campu s acad emic plan s by the individual campuses , whi ch must be compl eted d urin g th e next year , wi ll be cr ucial to th e Gni ve rsity's edu cati ona l futur e. Each cam p us will in d icate rhe extent the ca mpus proposes to be ac ti ve in ea ch acade mi c d isc ir lin e, the tim e spa n for accomp li shing acade mic developm ent or enri chm ent a nd th e importance of ea ch progra m by pri o ri ty li s ting .

Gu{delines for the individual campus plans provide for flexibility , with many prog ra m options being available according to what the campuses require and believe are important to their educational efforts . In hi s message to th e faculty which accompanied the document distributed to them , he said : " The success or failure of the plan depends largely upon the enthusiasm a nd determina tion of those at the University who mu st carry out its intent. The implementation of the plan speci fically and delib erately is depend ent upon faculty involvement at eve ry level. Certainly , the administration is read y to cooperate in any ma nn er that it ca n. I am , therefore , calling on each and everyone of you to a pproach this matter with an attitude that together we can improve the quality of education at the Univers ity of Missouri. "

Homecoming Queen

Chancellor Mer! Baker, of UMR , has expressed his complete support of the new Role and Scope statement released by University President C. Brice Ratchford above. "I am confident that the Rolla campus can now move ahead in its cont inu ing pursuit of excellence within the academic planning guidelines which have been established ," the Chancellor said. " Obviously, every effort has been made in the proposal to provide th e maximum in campus flexibility, while still moving toward the one university, four campus concept. "I 'm sure each member of the faculty , staff and administration at UMR recog nizes that the ultimate goal of Role and Scope is to enhance quality at all level s - teaching, public service and research . Katurall y, thi s mu st be a ccomplished within the recognized restraints of philosophic realities and the use of existing fund s to their maximum efficiency. "

Sta; Harlall . Mrs. Br



YOU MIGHT Peter F. M attei, President oj th e MSM- UM R Alumni Association announced the winner oj the UM R H omecoming Queen Contest, Miss Paulette Tho m pson, 306 S. K ingshighway, St . L ouis, M issouri, on a wet soggy Satw'da y ajternoon (Oct . 21) at UMR 's fa ckling Field. Mis s Thompson, who was representing Sigma T au Gamma jraternity, is a student at f ewish Ho spital and works at Firmin Desloge Ho spital. Matt ei is Executive Director of the M etropolitan Sewer District oj St . Louis. 10


Seal Erllest k December 1972


JPort oi aterneot jent C

Those Who Attend Class Reunion Luncheons 50 Years and Over

,Ia earn. its Con. thin the which ancellor lrl has provide xibility, me uni. facultv


goal of quality service nust be :ognized ies and ~ir max.

Standing (left to right) Dr. John S. Brown '17, Frank E. Townsend '1 1, Walker E. Case '22, Dr. F . Stillman Elfred '17, Harlan H . Hoppock '20, Jules P. Colbert '21, Walter F. Lottmann '19, Bernard E. Hammer '22. Seated (left to right) Mrs. Brown, Mrs . Case, Mrs. Hammer, Mrs. Colbert, Mrs. Lottmann.

Class of 1927


B er


Seated (left to rig ht) Mrs. Weiss, Mrs. Lusk, Mrs. Moran. Ernest Moran.

MSM-UMR Alumnus

Standing (left to right) Clarence Weiss, Robert Lusk, 11

Class of 1932

Standing (left to right) W. R . Riggs, R ex T. Horn, Hom er Thom pson, Auttie Thompson, Andrew W. Kassey, W . R . Mays, Mrs. Mays, Floyd S. Macklin, John A. Pollak, Arthur S. Schwal'z, Robert P. Rhoades, Russ Wiethop. Elmer M. Tomlin son, Edwin O. Crawford. Seated (left to right) Elizabeth Riggs, Toni Horn, Julia Mae Kassey, Sallie Gallemore, Floy Mac klin, Dorothy Pollak, H elene Schwarz, Peg Wiet hop, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ruth Crawford.

Ba Loesing R.M. Loesing Dawso!

Class of 1937

Seat ed (left to right) Mrs . Vogt, Mrs. Holz, Mrs. Bomm er, Mrs . Harris , Mrs . Grewis, Mrs . Jarrett. Standing ( left to right) Fred Vogt, Walter Holz, Theodore Bommer, H erbert Harris, Oscar Grewis, Robert Jarrett .

Sea Hellweg! Butzer E. HO:Vl Pletz, R



December 1972

Class of 1942


W. R.

:tiller M.


Back row (left to right) I. H. Fox, L. C. Wolf, G. W. Axmacher, I. Karbosky, E . H. Sandhaus, A. Homyk, V. T . Loesing, A. E. Schuman, V. T. McGee, P . E. Decker, W. D. Busch, F. Kisslinger, E. P. Schneider, Jr., R . C. Van Nostrand, R . M. Brackbill, L. C. Dawson, T . R. Beveridge. Seated (left to right) Mrs. McGee, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Axmacher, Mrs. Loesing, Mrs . Homyk, Mrs. Schuman, Mrs. Decker, Mrs. Busch, Mrs. Schneider, Mrs. Kisslinger, Mrs. Sandhaus, Mrs . Dawson, Mrs. Beveridge .

CI ass of 1947

, (left to

Seated (left to right) Vivian Liddell, Betty Jo Snowden, Nancy Smith, James J. Stephens, Maxine Stephens, Lois Hellwege, Mrs . Lahmeyer, Natalie Kallmeyer, Helen Schaefer, Gloria Belew. Standing (left to right) Harold Butzer, Mrs . Butzer, Walter Liddell, Robert Ray, J . R. Snowden, Mrs. Strunk, Mailand Strunk, J. Edward Little, Jim Smith, William E. Howard, Mrs. Howard, W. H. H ellwege, Jr., Ray Lahmeyer, Robert F. Bruns, Mrs. Bruns, Mel Kallmeyer, Robert C. Pletz, Rodney A. Schaefer, Elmer W. Belew. MSM-UMR Alumnus


Class of 1957

A I urnn' - Student - Faculty Conference The Second Annual Alumni-StudentFaculty Conference, co-sponsored by the Alumni Association and the academic departments of the University, will be held on campus April 5 and 6. The objective of the Conferences is to sustain the dialogue initiated last year between the three major segments of the University community relative to their role in enhancing the quality of the academic programs and reputation of the University , which all participants in last year 's conference felt was useful and worthy of continuation.

Followin g the format established last year , a social hour-banquet meeting Dr. James W . Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. will be held on the evening of April 5th . The banqu et program will cover campus-wide planning and opportunities under th e evolving University Role and Scope guidelines to provide appropriate JOIN THE background for the departmental meetings to be conducted throughout the followin g day. Except for a summary report of last year's deliberations, the departmental meetings on Friday , April CENTURY CLUB 6 will be informal discussions of curriculum , graduate , continuing educa-


tion, and extension programs, facilities, professional opportunities, etc. The luncheon meeting this year will be held in the new University Center, which will offer the al umni participants the first opportunity to use the facility and to appreciate its impact upon student life on campus. All alumni are invited to attend all or part of the Conference, as commitments will permit. Reservations may be made by writing the Alumni Office, University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, Missouri 65401. To facilitate planning, reservations should be mailed before March 31.

Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference

UMR April 5 and 6 1973

Class 'of 1962


to look on the Misso u

Repc ing 1[ showed place r leges al neering degrees

Many evaluati, of all de part of , the "Ro I'ersity. a result


UMR Division field, Ft and oth, to condt and sb, appointe nesses , entire s faculty sion fiel

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A fur sion act and Sci develope Missouri

In ad classes I brought they cou tion.

Seated (left to right) Mrs . Frauenhoffer, Georgina M . Overall '63 Mrs. Crabtree, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Bast, Mrs. Rowley, Mrs. Green, Mrs . M cLain, Mrs. Kamper. Standing (left to right) John M. Frau enhoffer, Jr., Don N. Overall, Gary E. Crabtree, D. Eugene Morgan, George L. Bast, Dr. Blair A. Rowley, Lawrence D. Green, Jim N. McLain, Russell A . Kamper. 14

December 1972

. A pro, In Jeffer to be rei ing out, ~nd apti In findin for jobs help thl a.ttitudes Situation



acilities c. Th; I be held hich will he first and to dent life

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1972 At UMR By Sally White -

Toward the end of the year is a time to look back and evaluate achievements on the campus of the University of Missouri - Rolla. Reports received from the Engineering Manpower Commission in 1972 showed that UMR retained its second place rank among all the nation 's colleges and universities which teach engineering in the number of bachelor 's degrees granted in engineering. Many hours-were spent in a detailed evaluation of policies and curriculum of all departments on campus. This was part of a four-campus effort to improve the " Role and Scope" of the total university. Implementation of the goals as a result of the evaluation will be an on-going on all campuses. UMR faculty, through the Extension Division , traveled to St. Louis , Springfield, Ft. Wood , Waynesville, Viburnum and other cities and towns in Missouri to conduct classes. Technical assistance and short courses for elected and appointed officials and for small businesses and ind ustries throughou t the entire state were provided by UMR faculty in cooperation with the extension field staff. Educators and representatives of industry and government from other states and foreign countries came to the campus to attend more than 30 short courses and conferences. A further example of UMR's extension activity, with the College of Arts and Sciences, is three new programs developed in 1972 to help inmates in Missouri prisons. In addition to holding college level classes within prisons, 14 inmates were brought to the UMR campus where they could continue their college education.

as! !JrJ.

. overall, ;/, Rflssdl

ber 1972

A program was begun at Renz Farm in Jefferson City, whereby inmates due to be released can spend six weeks finding out what are their special job skills and aptitudes. Assistance is given them in finding a job or in obtaining training for jobs. Group therapy sessions also help these prisoners to develop new attitudes about themselves and their situation.

MSM-UMR Alumnus

Public Information Specialist

UMR , in cooperation with Moberly Junior College, started a program this fall at the Moberly Training Center for Men . A regular schedule of college level classes at that institution leads to an Associate of Arts degree for inmate students. ¡This is the same degree that is given in Missouri's junior colleges. Dedication of the new MathematicsComputer Science Building (opened in January) took place this fall. A group of di s tin g uished educators from throughout the nation conducted a seminar on campus in honor of the event. Further building activity saw the opening of the new University Center this December. Funds contributed by alumni , industries, friends of the University and by the students themselves were used for the building. Construction on the new chemistry facility , built to replace one that was destroyed by fire , was continued. It is expected to be completed by the fall of 1973 . UMR students continued to receive honors and awards. For instance, three students were graduated at the annual commencement in May with a perfect 4.0 grade average. Student groups of three national professional organizations won " excellence" awards for their activities. The students, as usual, contributed much of their time and effort to charitable causes and community betterment. They collected money which was nonated to various local organizations to be used for health care for underpriviledged children. They also spent their time with various groups helping to entertain and teach them games or sports. As part of their academic work and training, faculty and students are working with industry and government on all sorts of research projects. Many of these projects deal with ecology. An inter-campus interdisciplinary project making extensive studies of water , air, soil , plant and animal life in Missouri 's New Lead Belt and has been given an additional $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to continue the research. Some of the mining companies are already beginning

to make changes in their operations to control environmental problems. One project begun this fall is an inventory of the Missouri River. Working with other universities and two other campuses, UMR will direct a study of seven different phases of the Missouri River from Rulo, Neb. , to the mouth of the river near St. Louis. Studies will be made of the engmeering features in existence in and adjacent to the ri ver, the quality of the water, the aquatic biology, the fish in the river , the terrestrial biology , the recreational aspects of the river and adjacent land and of the use of remote sensing information about the river . Students this year completed work on the design and construction of a car for use in an urban environment. The car is small, has numerous safety fatcors , is economical and - it is hoped - will provide a partial answer to mass transit systems on an individual basis. UMR 's car won a special prize at the national Urban Vehicle Design competition held this August . New materials are being developed to be used inside the human body. Materials that will withstand the human chemical processes, that will not be rejected by the body and that will last a lifetime are products of UMR's Materials Research Laboratory. One such development is a plastic to be used in an artificial heart valve. Within UMR's Environmental R esearch Center methods are being developed to remove nutrients, such as phospha te (used in detergents ) , from waste water. Another project is to study" the feasibility of an advanced waste wa ter treatment scheme employing only physico-chemi cal processes. Other programs study new ways of treating organic sludge left after mun; _Ipal and industrial waste has been treated . the ways These are only a few the University of Missouri olla serves its students and the citizen s of Missouri . But the work goes on. Improvements in the academic programs continue to be made . Research is constantly finding new ways to help man and his environment. 19 73 will bring even more progress. 15

Earns B.S. Degree in Two Years Michael E. Diesel is a young man in a hurry! He entered UMR as a freshman in the spring of 197 1 and received hi s B. S. degree in Computer Science on December 17 , 1972. "Earn ing a four-year degree in two years is hard work ," Mike admits . "B ut once I got started I wanted to get it all done as soon as I could. "

this way . He not on ly tested out of some computer science courses but also some freshman E nglish . A non-stop sched ule of classes , including summer sessions, did the rest. Mike also cajoled his instructors and administrators into allowing him to take more than the normal number of hours each semester .

Com mi ogy m about '

A job with Bell Laboratories in Chi-

Carn fe ion;

l\Iike graduated from Jefferson City Senior High School where he had had some training in computer science. The year following hi s graduation he worked as a computer programmer for the l\lissou ri Divi sion Employment Security . A 33-month tour o f duty in the Army was hi s next ca reer step. receiving basic tr:lining at Fort La. , he continued hi s work with pu ters at Fort Monmouth , N. J.


To help support his famil y M ike played guitar and organ at area nightclubs. To top off all his activities, he was graduated Magna Cum Laude. He had earned and accumulated grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.S out of a possible 4.0.

On \fs. ~I form i: cadets.


Force . a cade' the sar course. ments Force,'

U. S. After Polk , com-

" "hile in the serv ice, Mike married :\I ary Schult e. daughter of Mr. and :\lrs. August H. Schulte , of Arygle, a small tow n so uth of J efferson City. They met earlier at a so ftball ga me. \,"h en hi s army service was completed , he knew he wa nted to continue working with computers, but he felt he needed a college ed ucation to really get somewhere. lVIik e says, " I decided to come to UM R for seve ral reasons. J was a Missouri resident and wouldn 't have to pay ou t-of-state tui tion . There was a good compute r science department here. Besides, it was close to home. :\Iik e and Mary were on their own financ iall y. :\Iike's mother, Mrs. Mary Lee Diesel, and hi s three younger brothers a nd sisters li ve in Rock Hill a suburb o f St. Louis. Hi s fath er, George E. Diesel, li ves in D etroit , Michigan. Th eir I S-month old son, J ohn Michael Die el, was also on the way when Mike s tarted to coll ege.

Dr . Adrain H. Daane, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, left, congratulates Michael E. Diesel who completed his Bachelor's degree in two years .

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Adrian H. Daane, first met Mike when he came to his office to One of the major reasons Mike could ge t permission to carry 29 hours his speed up hi s coll ege career , was all the fillal semester. He says, " Mike is a experience he had had with computers. rare individual who has the ambition , H e would brush up on some of this motivation and academic versatility to knowledge during semes ter breaks and , handl e an accelerated program like this. whenever he could , he would take tests . . Also, at an institution the size of UMR By pass ing the tests, Mike wou ld get we feel it is easier to break dow n barcred it for courses without having to ri ers and adm inistrative red tape to let a ttend classes. He earned 17 hours students p rogres;s at their own pace." 16

cago is his next stop. " I had five job offers," he says. " Four of them , including Bell , were th rough the UMR P lacement Office. One of the reasons I chose Bell, was their confidence in me. I qualifi ed for a Bell program that will send me to Northwestern University for a Masters degree on their time and at their expense, while maintaining a position as a full-time member of the Bell technical sta ff. " December 1972

those Ie able to

The always "I wan when I she say father" cause h

She h uation that ":0 gram. Was in weeks had lea


Coed Cadet in A.F. ROTC

Y Mike

a night.

ities, he lde. He I grade and 3.8

in Chi.

Four days each week , Carmen McCommis, a junior English and Psychology major, at UMR , is just one of about 400 coeds on the Rolla Campus. On Tuesdays Ms. McCommis form is one of cadets. But she

it is different. Then in her trim blue uni100 Air Force ROTC is the only woman.

Carmen started on the two-year professional officer course this fall. Colonel Madison Daily, chairman of the Air Force ROTC department , says that as a cadet her duties and instruction are the same as any other student in the course. " Various positions and assignments are open to women in the Air Force," Col. Daily points out. " Only

She is enthusiastic about her experiences with the Air Force so far. "At first I think they didn't know what to do with me - as the only woman cadet group ," she says. " But they have treated me as an equal with the male cadets." She has served this semester as cadet group information officer, and Colonel Daily reports that her performance as a cadet has been excellent. One thing she has become accustomed to , both as a student at Rolla and as an Air Force cadet, is being in a predominantly male situation. (Men outnumber women on the Rolla campus 10 to 1) . She is a graduate of Nerinx Hall High School, St. Louis, and a transfer student




MICHIGAN AVE. & 8TH ST. (South of the Conrad Hilton Hotel)



;, left, n twO

'ive job indud路 ~ Place路 I chose me. I )at will sity for and at a posi路 he Bell

those leading to combat are not avalIable to women." The young lady cadet officer has always wanted a career in the Air Force. " I wanted to go into the Air Force when I graduated from high' school," she says. "B ut I was underage and my father wouldn 't sign the papers because he wanted me to go to college." She had planned to enlist after graduation , but last summer she learned that women could enter the ROTC program . " Within two or three weeks I was in summer camp, learning in six weeks what four-year ROTC students had learned in two years! " she replied . MSM-UMR Alumnus

from Maryville College (both private girl 's schools). A native of Havana, Cuba , Carmen has called St. Louis home for many years. Her parents are Dr. and Mrs. Garcia-Otero, 310 Chestnut Avenue, Webster Groves, Mo . During 路 the Thanksgiving holidays, Miss Garcia-Otero married a June UMR graduate, Wesley McCommis , of St. Louis, now an enlisted man in the Air Force at Ent Air Force Base at Colorado Springs, Colorado. But she doesn 't expect the change in her marital status to change her long-range goal of becoming an Air Force officer. Her husband plans to go ahead for his commission - and so does she.



T appmeyer Receives Award

Un iversi ty Center Opened The new University Center opened December 11 for service to the student body. The cafeteria and candy couflt~r are in opera tion along with various lounges on both floors . A tour of the building shows a lot of floor space tha t should be filled by the beginning of the next semester including a billard room where eventually sixteen billard tables and two snooker tables will be available. The hours of the new facilities are 7:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. Monday through Thursday and until midni ght ()n Friday and Sa turday nights.

Dr. Wilbur P. Tappm eyer '47 (right) receives the Life Servia Award from the Sout hwest Baptist College, Bolivar, Missouri . Th e award is given each year only to alumni of the college who have exhibited, since gradua-tion, exemplary service to God and man . In all cases the recipients are outstanding in their pro Jessions and ha ve given lib erally of their time and talents for the go-od of mankind. Presenting the award to Tappm eyer is Bruce A. B etts '63, President of the SW BC Alumni Association .

Many students expressed that the University Center as a different atmosphere than the "old Union." Co ffee drinkers probably found their coffee cups bigger but their view hindered by shades and room dividers . The lounges on the second floor with their assorted easy chairs and couches found many Miners already taking advantage of the restful surroundings. Most activities will be held in the new University Center. The Student Union Board movies on Sunday nights will be held in the second floor a uditorium. The offices of the Student Un ion Board and the Student Coun cil will move to the new building. Also many student organizations will now have their offices in the Student Activiti es Room.

Excellence Award To Pi KA The Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at UMR has been presented the fraternity's international award for publications excellence.

The much needed "New University Center" has been turned over to the school. ( Dave Hardin Photo) 18


Banqu Athleti in the


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Elizab, Englisl

bers of

The Pauly Award , presented for profici ency in publications each year, was given to Alpha Kappa Chapter during the fraternity 's 1972 International Convention held in Miami , F lorida last August. The honor disting ui shed Alpha Kappa from over 160 Pi K. A. undergraduate organiza tions throu g hout orth America. T he chapter was represented by several members arr. ng nearl y 700 students and alumni who attended the biennial affair.

pointm a seme Americ man ( writing omores A n; k~ta, I WItb t, Nevad,

December 1972



opened student

flt~r are , lounges

a lot filled by ester inlentually snooker


ities are Monday midnight

that the It atmosCoffee J coffee dered by

oar with couches king adjngs.

I in the Student y nights or audiStudent Council Ig. Also viii now It Activ-

:nity at . fraterpublicafor pro· ear, was r during Jal Can' ida last !d Alpha under· :'Ug hout was rep' aIf.Jng nni whO

(Left to right) Peter F. Mattei, President, Alumni Association; Mrs. Bullman and Gale Bullman. During the Awards Banquet at Homecoming a painting of Gale Bullman, who is now retired and was formerly the Football Coach and Athletic Director at MSM and UMR, was presented to him by alumni and his many, many friends . It will be displayed in the Multi-Purpose Building. Gale joined the University faculty in 1938 and retired in 1970.

One of Nine "I think the UMR students are acting more like university students than they did when I first came here. There seems to be more of a diversification of interest in areas outside their major. " These are some of the thoughts of Elizabeth (Liz) Cogell, instructor of English and one of nine women memo bers of the fr.culty of UMR . Liz, who has a H -time faculty appointment, usually teaches three courses a semester. They are Survey of either American or English Literature, Freshman Composition and Exposition (a writing course for second semester sophomores or first semester juniors). A native of VermiIlion, South Dakota, Liz started her college education with two years at Cottey College in Nevada, Missouri. She then transferred MSM-UMR Alumnus

• •

Look at UMR

to the University of South Dakota where she earned an A. B. degree, graduating Summa Cum Laude. With a Fulbright Scholarship in hand, Liz and her husband, Wayne, spent the first year of their .married life at the University of Bristol in England. While they were there she studied the influence of science on the 17th cen tury English Ii terature. "A university in England is certainly different from our idea of higher education," she says. "So few students go on with their education after reaching what might be compared to our high school level. An.d, when they do, they 'read' only one subject. We loved it in England but there really is such a thing as experiencing cultural shock." Back at the University of South

Dakota, Liz based her master 's thesis on a study of Mark Twain's reading in science and 'how it influenced his writing. The Cogells moved to Columbia in 1962 where Wayne began work on his Ph. D. in philosophy and Liz became an English instructor at UMC - teaching about the same courses she handles at UMR. "I remember very well the first day I taught," she recalls. " I felt very young and insecure that day 11 years ago . But when .none of the students challenged the fact that I was the teacher of that class, I was encouraged. I stiIl agreed, however, with my father's assertion that a teacher 's definition of eternity is his very first class hour!" In 1967 both Cogells became . mem(Continued on Page 22) 19

Peters Joins 1000 Point Club During the course of the exciting basketball game with Lincoln University, action was stopped in the first half to make a special announcement. Rich Peters became the fifth player in Miner basketball history to score over 1,000 points in his career. At the announcement, Rich was given a well-deserved standing ovation.

AII-MIAA Conference team. "Colter is as hard-working man as we 've ever had play says A. C. "Bud" Mercier, football coach and assistant director.

a young for us," assistant athletic

A member of the "M" Club and the student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, he is the

son of Mr. and' Mrs. William G. Colter, Crestwood, Mo . He graduated from Lindbergh High School in St. Louis. This is the second NCAA post graduate scholarship awarded to a UMR student within the past five years. Bob Nicodemus '69, a graduate in mechanical engineering, received a post graduate scholarship in 1968.

Enjoying Homecoming

Still ahead of Rich , at this point, are Randy Vessell '69, with 1063; Ralph Farber '6 5, with 1140 ; Jim Good '66, with 1175 and up there at the top is John Sturm '6 1, with 1181. If Rich keeps up his near-seventeen point average, he will become the alltime leading scorer in the January 15th home contest against Northeast Missouri State U.

NCAA Scholarship to Colter



Appi iors an ing fie the Orl I'ersity

Kim Colter, outstanding football player and senior in chemical engineering, has been awarded a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA ) post grad uate scholarship. The $1000 grant is one of the 33 NCAA scholarships awarded nationwide to outstanding grad uating f 00 t b a 1\ players. Going into this season Colter carried a perfect 4.0 accumulated grade point average. A four-letter man on the Miner team, Colter was team captain in 1972 . He also received honorable mention on the 20

In tt steel ri of the and hE along v creed t respon, sional societ;, (Left ta, right) Barbara Reisbig, wife of Dr. Ronald Reisbig, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; Exie Thompsin, wife of Dean Dudley Thompson; MMJha Patterson, wife of 1. R . " Bob" Paterson '54; Pat Atchley, wife oj Associate Dean of Engineering, Bill L. Atchley '57; Dixie Lee Finley '68, wife of Head Football Coach, Charles Finley. . December 1972

"ThE says ir

enginee dedicat it servi

:. Colter ed fro~ ,(luis.

Confer at Homecoming

t gradu-



rs. Bob


t gradu-

(Left to right) Frank H . Mackaman, Director of Alumni Activities; Dr. C. Brice Ratchford, President, University of Missouri; Dr. Merl Baker, Chancellor UMR; Peter F. Mattei, President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association.

ttOrder of the Engineer" Established Approximately 100 graduating seniors and faculty members in engineering fields were inducted recently into the Order of the Engineer at the Uni versity of Missouri - Rolla. In the induction ceremony, a stainless steel ring is placed on the small finge r of the working hand of the inductee and he repeats a creed of obligation along with his fellow engineers. In thi ~ creed the engineer commits himself to responsibility to himself as a professional, to his fellow engineers and to society.

lie proTholllPwife of wifeof .er 1972

" The ring symbolizes continuity and says in effect that the wearer is an engineer who has publicly avowed his dedication to his profession and those it serves ," explains Dean Stuart John-

MSM-UMR Alumnus

son of the UMR School of Engineering. The engineering order is modeled on the Canadian " Ritual of the Calling of an Engineer," which has been heIr! there for many years at the time of the engineering student's graduation. It wa s established in this country in 1970. The UMR group is the first in Missouri. Future seniors in engineering will have the opportunity to become members of the order at the time of their graduation, he says.

HAward of Excellence" To Student Chapter For the third consecutive year, the student chapter of the American Insti-

tute of Chemical Engineers at UMR has been selected to receive the annual " Award of E xcellence" for the 1971-72 academic year. The UMR student chapter of A. 1. Ch. E. is one of 120 such chapters establi shed at universities throughout the United States. It has won the award each year since it was established during the 1969-70 academic year. A. Way ne Cagel , Raytown , Mo . anr! Cra ig Fadem, St. Louis, Mo. , were presidents of the local chapter during the 1971-72 academic year. Cagel and Richard Schafermeyer, of St. Louis, Mo. , current president , attended the annual A. 1. Ch. K convention in New York , N . Y ., November 26-2 9. They participated in a workshop and discussions on student chapter activi ties. Dr. Harvey Grice, professor of chemical engineering, is the student chapter cownselor on the UMR campus.


ONE OF NINE . . . .

(Continued From Page i9) bers of the UMR faculty. L iz 1s an instructor in Engli sh and Wayne is now a n assistant professor of philosophy. With two boys, Michael, 11 , and Daniel, 8, Liz leads a busy life . Both boys have been interested in cub sco uts and Michael has now moved up to a regular boy scout troop. Liz is in her third year as a den mother. A co upl e of s umm ers ago, Wayne direc ted a program for elementa ry children ponsored by the PTA Council. " W e tri ed to set up some s ummer clas es that would give k ids a chance to have ' mental fun ' d uring the summer " L iz expla ins. "We had classes in ~rt, pani sh and typi ng: I taught t he typing cl ass a nd before It was over, the chil dre n had not only p icked up the tec hni ca l ski lls, but were composing I oe try on the typewriter. M ichael wrote orn e fin e poems whi ch, of course, I still keep. Boys a nd girl s of tha t age are more creative than you th ink . Th e arn e thing applies to Dan ny 's group o f cub co uts." F in e a rt is a n im portant part of the Cogell house hold. W ay ne has a fin e voice a nd has taken part in a number o f vocal a nd dram a tic productions in Roll a. Toge th er, L iz a nd Way ne have developed qu ite a n ex tensive collection o f pa in tings a nd other art objects . " We buy on ly wha t we li ke," Liz says. " omehow or other we nearl y always seem to get acq ua inted with a rti sts wh erever we go." L iz like to ta lk abo ut teaching and is q ui te willin g to express her thoughts on th e subj ec t. She thinks the most cha ll engin g stud ent is the " B" stud ent. She expla ins, " Many times I do not feel 1 have reall y ta ught th e 'A' student much - he co ul d have learned most of the arn e ma teri al by read ing on hi s ow n. But the 'B ' student can be ta ught a great d al. He is t s uall y more fr ank and mo re skep ti cal in his questions not in order to cau e trouble, but in rder to ge t a n answer that means something to him . I usually learn a great deal from these students. It's very excitin g at the end o f the semester to give th is stud ent a grade which he ha really earn ed. I n my <;o urses, 1 stress th e method of a rgum entatio n, tha t is, be in g able. to see the relation hip betwee n I remi ses a nd conclusions. In fact, my husband a nd 1 have been work ing on a ma nuscript for ome tim e, combinin g comDecem b e r 1972

Elizab eth Cogell position and logic to teach students how to argue more effectively ." Asked if she had a ny ideas to express abo ut chan ges in ed ucation for Women, she refu sed to discuss the subject as such. "1 think there should be no distinction between ed ucation for men or women - there is only ed ucation for people. Any in dividual should plan education based on wha t he or she wants out o f life. "1 wi sh more people knew about and understood our li beral arts program here at UMR ," she continued . "We have a n excitin g program for the liberal arts major. Classes a re small and the students enjoy the advantage of having members of the faculty ( usually young fa culty , too) teaching all their classes. In many larger schools the freshman a nd sophomore classes are handled by graduate assistants." L iz, is qu ite in terested in the "Role a nd Scope" program being developed a nd im plemented on all four campuses of the University o f M isso uri . ("Role and Scope" defin es the emphasis and the exten t o f development o f every department on every campus. ) "1 was enco uraered to see there is a possibi li ty o f offer~g the M. A. degree in E nglish in UMR's h umanities department," she says. "B ut 1 di sagree with ~Ro l e and SCOI e's' lack o f emph asis on our foreign la nguages. 1 was pleased to see the pla n's encouragement of more cultural opportuniti es and some fin e arts courses on the Roll a camp us." L iz also expressed her pleasure in the fac t tha t the MSM -U MR A lumni Assoc ia tion was, fo r the first time,

o fferi ng scholarshi ps in huma nities with women applicants receiving first consideration . "We need more women at UMR," she says . "1 can see a definite change in a ttitude toward women by both the students and faculty. There is more respect. 1 think this is a sign of a more mature and well ed ucated individual." "One of the reasons my classes here are so chall enging," Liz concludes, "is because o f the diversity of students. I don't mean just the growing number of girls in the classes, but the fact. that we have liberal arts students, englll eerinerb stud en ts and science students. . The . engin eering students are ap t to lll SISt that a literary work leads to some practical end , whereas the liberal arts students are just as apt to insist that its very existence is its value. The t ruth p robably lies somewhere in be.twee~. In any event, it makes teachlllg lllteresting."

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7 0 7 7 21 0 24 14 0 28 0

Pittsburg (Kansas State) South Dakota State Mo . Southern College U. of Wisc.-Milwaukee N. W. Mo. State Univ . S. W. Mo. State Univ. Cent. Mo. State Univ. Washington Univ. S. E. Mo. State Univ. N. E. Mo. State Univ. lincoln Univ . Won 2 lost 9

21 49 39 20 46 3 35 7 31 21 40


For il tions li~ Larry ~ lndu tn 65401, . position and mor



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Homecoming October

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Nov. Dec . Dec. Dec. Dec . Dec . Jan. Jan. Jan . Jan. Jan . Jan . Jan. Jan . Feb. Feb . Feb. Feb . Feb . Feb . Feb. Feb. Feb.

29 ..... __ .. .......... _ .. Westminster College _.................. .. ...... .. .. .. .... _...... Rolla 1 ......... .. .... __ .. __ .... University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee ... ....... Milwaukee 2 ............ __ .. __ .. _____ University of Wisconsin-Parkside .. ...... .. ... __ ..... Kenosha 7 ____ .... __ ........ .. _____ lincoln University ...... .... ..... __ .......... __ ................. .. Rolla 9 .. ____ .. __ ...... ______ .. _Kansas State College - Pittsburg ____ ....... __ ...... __ ... Rolla 29, 30 _____ ..... ... _ ... Appalachian Classic (Tourn.) ...... Montgomery, W . Va. 4, 5, 6 ____ .... __ .. __ .. MIAA Tournament · ...... __ .. ____ ...... __ ...... ........ Springfield 11 __ ..... __ .... .. __ .. ______ University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee ............. __ .. . Rolla 13 ........ _....... __ .. __ __ _Northwest Missouri State University ........ __ . __ .. .... _ Rolla 15 .. ___ ____ .. __ __ .... __ .. __ Northeast Missouri State University __ .. __ .. ______ .. __ .. Rolla 20 .. .. _______ .. .. ________ __ Central Missouri State University __ ........ __ Warrensburg 22 ____ .. ..... __ .... __ __ .. __ Southwest Missouri State University .......... Springfield 27 __ .... __ .. ___ .... __ .... __ Southwest Missouri State University .. __ ..... __ .. ..... Rolla 29 ........ __ ..... ____ .. ____ Eastern Illinois Univers ity ____ .. .... ........ .... .. .. .. .. ...... Rolla 3 .......... __ ............. Southeast Missouri State University .. Cape Girardeau 5 __ ..... __ .. ____ . __ ...... _Culver Stockton College ............ .................. ....... _ Rolla 7 __ ........ __ .. __ .... __ ___ Westminster College ... __ . __ ........................ ...... __ .. Fulton 10 .... ____ .. ____ ..... __ .. __ No rtheast Missouri State University .. ..... __ .... _ Kirksville 12 .... __ ........ __ __ .... ___ Northwest Missouri State Uni versity ____ ........ Maryville 17 ........... __ .......... __ lincol n University .. . __ .................... __ .... ___ Jefferson City 21 .............. __ .. ____ .. _Southern Illinois U.- Edwa rdsville ... Edwardsville, II I. 24 .. ...... __ . __ .. ____ .... __ Central Missouri State University .. ..... __ .... .. .... .. .. _ Rolla 26 __ .. __ ........ __ ........ _Southwest Missouri State Univers ity .. __ .. __ . __ .. __ ... Rolla

M.E.; C.E.; Ch.E. - Sr. Environmental Engineer, Mechanical E ngineer, Utilities Engineer. With experience. Midwest location . Good salaries. R efer F il e No . 1011. SUPE RVISOR T echnical information. Assist preparation of company publications. Collect, evalua te, organize a nd present related information . Write press releases. Talk to groups. Supply techn ical in for ma tion. Refer F il e No . 1012 . M. E. Pre ferably sanita ry engineeri ng backgro und to assist in design a nd ma rketing of product. Refer File No. 10 16. ENGINEER Cen tral midwest city. Strong background in structures. Refe r File No. 1017 .



Jte) 21




:ee 20



Job Opportun ities


35 7 31 21 40

For information concerning the positions listed below, please contact 1\1r. Larry N uss , D irector of Placement and Industry Rela tions, UM R , Roll a, Mo. 6540 1, giving th e File Number of the position, state your degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. ENGINEER - Material hand ling. M. E. or Mgt. with M. E. minor. 2 to 5 yea rs experience. Develop equ ipment container specifications and transportation-cargo plans. Analyze operating methods, space requirements and area utilization. Refer File No. 1000.

MANAGE R - For 2 departments. First, chem ical engineer wi th pla ting and pining experience for electrical control system plant. Secon d, with managerial ab ili ty. 900 man plant in Kentucky. All expenses paid to reloca te. Refe r F il e No. 1006. ENGINEERS - Two openings, mid west, interested in manufacturing engineering. Training consists of develop ment of standard data for time study and administration of wage incentive p rogram . Promotion Sr . P lant I. E. 2 to 4 years. Refer File No. 1007 .

ENGINEERS - F ield sales. E. E. backgro und. Strong technical electronics, to understand and stay in close to uch with design developments at home plant, and sales abi lity to explain new concepts to key customer influences at ENGINEER - Any discipline with' 5 years experience with chemical, metal- all levels. Refer File No. 1008. lurgical, li me, cement, gypsum or materials type company. And in engineering POSITIONS M innesota based design, process engineering or plant feed man ufacturin g plant. B. S. any supervision. Refer File No. 1003. discipline for production management in feed business. Prefer 2 or 3 years ENGINEERS - Facili ties, Quality Control, I ndustrial Ecologis t, P roduct experience not necessarily feed business. Should be mechanically inclined. Refer and Manu fac turing Engineers. Mi dwest F ile No. 1009. location. Refe r F ile No. 1004.



CE RAMIC or CH_ E. - Management training leading to first line supervisory position for cement plant. St. Louis area location. Refer F ile No. 1005.


MSM-UMR Alumnus

C. E. - Design engineer for power engineering division. Minimum 5 years experience reinforced concrete and structural steel heavy industry. Refer File No. 1010.

Birch - Puffett

Bettijeanne Birch '49 and Willard P. P uffett were married in J une. Mr. P uffett is with the U. S. Geological Survey in the Spokane, Washington office. T heir current address is W. 512 Brita, Spokane. Betti jeanne is a Teacher's Aid in the Science Departmen t , Shaw Jr. High School.

Schae ffer - Botkin

Michael J. Schaeffer ' 70 and Brenda Botkin were married December 29 , 1972. They will live in Kirkwood, Missouri. M ike is manager, repair service bureau , Southwestern Bell Telephone Company.


Anthony Marchiando '70 was married July 28 , 1972. Anthony is with Southwestern Bell , in St. Louis, Mo. The newlyweds home is located at 455 S. Gore, St. Louis.

Schwe izer - Shaw

Arthur A. Schweizer '70 and Miss Denise Shaw, of Yonkers, New York, were married April 22, 1972, and they


reside at Arizona ..





Weyhreder - Trefflich

Alfred F . Weyhreder '62 and Miss Carol V. Trefflich were married June 30, 1972. AI is a project engineer with Gruman Aerospace, Bethpage, N. Y. Their new home is at 61 Morris Drive, East Meadow, N. Y.

Griffin - Hale

Paul D. Griffin '65 and Miss Jean Anne Hale, of Albany , New York were married April 22 , 1972 a nd reside on RD 3, Overlook Road , Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

Pierce - Henry

James R. Pierce ' 70 and Miss Barbara Joan H enry of Edwardsville , T1Iinois, were married March 18, 1972 , in St. Louis , Ylo. Jim is currently assi stant quali ty control manager at AIco Cpntrols Co rporation , St. Louis. Their address is 747-B Wiggers Ferry Drive, Creve Coeur, Mo. .

Pfeifer - Gammon

James W. Pfeifer ' 71 and Patricia Gammon, of Olney, Illinoi s, were married March 25 , 1972 , at the First Baptist Church , Salem , III. J ames has been with Prairie Farms Dairy, General Offices, Spri ngfield , III. , sin ce graduation. He was assistant quality control supervi sor and in November he was placed in a new capacity of assistan t in pollution abatement a nd quality control. His new title is as s is tant in product control. Their address is #3 Hillard Mobile Home Park , Pana , III.

Births Mr. and Mrs. Dinesh K . Shah '63, have their first daughter , Natasha , born April 29 , 1972. The father is laboratory supervisor, American Decal Co. , Chicago, III. Their residence address is 5302 South Cornell , Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kurtzhale '6 1 on September 16 , 1972 , had a second addition to their family , Lisa Marie. Her brother , Aaron James , is 19 months old. The father is plant engineer at The Celotex Corporation , Largo , Indiana , and their home is on Rte. 4, N. Manchester, Ind.


Alumni Personals 1 9 1 4

Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Hardy '6 7, are parents of Catherine Jane , born April 4, 1972. She is their first child. Mike is with Procter and Gamble, coffee division, in Cincinnati. He is in technical processing, having recently been transferred from products research . He is also a 1st Lt. in the Ohio Air National Guard. Their address is 1501 Hollywood Avenue . Mr. and Mrs. John A. Munns '68, announce the arrival of David Arthur. John 's active duty with the Navy ended July 17, 1972. During the last eight months he was at the Charleston Naval Shipyard and was involved in a twoman project to increase productivity in conjunction with overhauls of Surface Ships. In September, he entered Harvard Business School for the MBA program. All alumni in the Boston area can reach him at 16 Carlton Terrace, Watertown , Mass. Probably the most important event in the Munn 's family was the arrival of David Arthur, on June 8, 1972 , in the Charleston Naval Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Morris '6 6, are parents of a second daughter, Dorothy Lynn , born June 7, 1972. ' Her sister , Ca rrie Ann , is 3 years old. The father is with Owens Illinois, Inc., Glass Container Division. They live at 603 Eli zabeth St. , Streator, III.

Wuss!er - Kovacich

Alfred , Wussler ' 71 a nd J erry Kovacich were married November 18, 1972, in Alamogo rdo , N. M. AI is a process engin eer for Nat ural Gas P ipelin e Company of America , assigned to Chi cago, Illinois. T heir new home is at 6825 N . Sherigan Road , Apt. 206, Ch icago.

fo~nia . He was born in Chicago , IllinOIS, December 17 , 1889 and was employed by Inspiration Co n so l i da ted Cop~er Company for 27 years , most of the tIme at the leaching and acid plants. Mr. Thomas was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Surviving is his wife Edna S., who resides at 2280 E. Valle~ Parkway , Escondido.

Deaths George S. Thomas '12

George S. Thomas ' 12 , age 82, died November 5, 1972, at the Palomar Memorial Hospital in Escondi di , Cali-

John N. Webster , 2523 N . King's Highway, San Antonio , T exas; ~rites, " I had no id ea when I sailed with my Company of Engineer Replacement troops, in August 19 18, that I would live thi s long. I'm sure enjoying thi s extra stay!" 1 9 1 7

Dr. John S. Brown has published a book , " Back to Thirteen States." It surveys the a rchitecture of the 48 states and concludes it needs radical reorga nization in geographic principles. It sugges ts relocating the nations capitol in the midwest - possibly Missouri. Dr. Brown has received the Alumni Merit Award which was presented to him during the 1972 Hom ecoming. His address is 942 Dulaney Valley Road , Towson, Maryland.

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193 0

Karl W . Kaveler has retired from the Olin Corporation after 35 years with Olin and predecessor companies. He and his wife , H elen, a re residing a t 914 McPherson, Alton , Illinoi s. 193 3

B. J. (Ben) Gross, formerly Vice President of Marketin a with ACF Incorporated in New York , and its W-K-M Valve Division tn H ouston, Texas, has taken an early retiremen t to become President of a new company, SOFEC, Inc ., with headq uarters in Houston. The firm will engineer , manufacture and install proven advance design, single bouy mooring systems principally for loading and unload ing oil tankers. The SOFEC design is labeled SALM , for Single An chor Leg December 1972

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Vice ACF Inand its Houston, etire ment company, lrters in eer, man¡ advance systemS unloading jesign IS chor Leg

A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mooring and will be built and installed anywhere in the world by SOFEC. Van Houten Associates , New York based consulting engineers, will support the technological and engineering needs, Salm installations have been made in the Middle East and Far East. Development of other offshore facilities are planned, Gross was president of the Key Company in 1955 , when it merged with W-K-M . In 1967 , he was promoted to Vice President of Marketing by the parent ACF Industries and transferred to New York, His entire background has been in furnishin g engineered products to the petroleum and chemical industries , SOFEC is presently located at One Greenway Plaza East, Houston , Texas. Gene L. Harris has retired assistant principal engineer with the St. LouisSan Francisco Railway. In his 3 7 years he served the Railway in various capacities. The Harris ' live at 17 32 West Latoka, Springfield, Mo .

Lt. Col. Andrew T. Aylward, who retired October 14, after 34 years on the St. Louis police force , will continue in the department as a civilian administrative aide to Chief Eugene J. Camp. He is the first commissioned officer of the department to serve as an aide to the chief. On joining the department in 1939, he was known as " Young Andy ," because he was the son of the la te Andrew Aylward , assistant chief of police. He became Lt. Colonel in 1966 and was named chief of detectives in 1968. Two years later he was reassigned as commander of the Bureau of Services. He worked on bringing many innovations into the department, including the installation of data processing that later led to computerization. He also started the canine corps and the mounted patrol.

193 7 Walter T. Jones, retired President, Rio Grande Steel Products, Inc. , spends about one half of a year at San Carlos, Senora, Mexico , at hi s home there, fi shing on the Sea of Cortez. His domestic address and residence is at 6303 Indian School Road , N. E., Albuquerque, New Mexico .

193 8

B. f . Gross

Charl es L. " Bud " Clayton and his wife , Kathleen, are proud grandparents of a granddaughter, Katherine Hamilton Stine, born July 17 , 1972, in San Antonio , Texas. The parents are Captain and Mrs. Alan C. Stine, Randolph AFB , Texas. The mother is the former Carol Lee Clayton. 1 9 3 5 John E. Harrod , last May , was transferred to U, S. Steel International as Director of Mission for U. S, Steel to Spain , A new company is being form ed to build a new steel plant in Spain at Balencia, The company - Alto Hornos Del Mediterraneo - is to be Spanish operated and U. S. Steel will have an interest , advise on engineering and assist in operations. The plant will be complete producing 6 million tons per year. The company's address is Serra no 3, Madrid , Spain and residence is Calle de Pedro Valdivia 6, Madrid , 6, Spain . John was formerly General Superintendent Youngstown - U. S. Steel.

MSM-UMR Alumnus ler 1972

193 6

194 1 Dr. DeMarquis D. Wyatt, Nation al Aeronautics a nd Space Administration Assistant Admini strator for Policy and University Affairs has been awarded the NASA Exceptional Service Medal. The citation was for leadership and personal contributions to N ASA planning and to fostering a better general understanding and support of the United States aeronautics and space program, Dr. Wyatt directs evaluation of the space agency's policy implicatio ns of proposed managemen t actions awl activities with universities , He joined

the predecessor of NASA, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ' Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory , Cleveland, in 1944. He specialized in supersonic propulsion research and transferred to Washington , D . C. in 1958. Since the space agency was established in October 1958, Wyatt's positions have'included those of Assistant Director for Planning in the Office at Space Flight Programs , NASA Assistant Administrator for Programming and Assistant Administrator for Program Plans and Analysis . He holds memberships in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Phi Kappa Theta an d Kappa Alpha Order. The Wyatts reside in Bethesda, Maryland. Jennings R, Lambeth , senior vice presid ent , marketing, of Youngstown Street & Tube , has been named president of the company , which is the nation 's eighth largest steel concern, His address is Youngstown Steel & Tube Company, Youngstown , Ohio.

194 2 Austin E. Schuman and his wife, Rozema, attended the 1972 Homecoming. Austin is with NASA - John F. Kennedy Space Center , Florida, as AST Technical Management Systems. Their residence is at 2320 South Dunbar Ave., Melbourne . Julian A, Fuller is Vice President and General Manager, Reynolds Jamaica Mines, LTD , Lynford P,O., St. Ann , Jamaica, W . 1. He formerl y was with Reynolds in Arkansas , Ed A, Rassinier , Director of Resources Planning for Trunkline Gas Company, Houston , Texas , has been named national chairman of the Potential Gas Committee for 1972-73 at the organization's annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. He has been a member of PGC since its inception in 1963. For the past four years he has served as chairman of the editorial com mittee and pipeline reflresentative for the southern Louisiana area. Ed has also been chosen by the Federal Power Commission to serve on the supplytechnical advisory task force to assist in the recentl y ordered F PC National Gas Survey.


A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------..

1 9 4 5

195 2

Osborne Milton presented a paper in Poznan, Poland at the IV International Conference, another at the National Academy of Sciences, and a third at the Nationa l Research Co uncil Con ference , Buck Hill Falls, Pa ., on "Transient E lectr ical Discharges from Cold Cathode High Voltage Vacuum Diode." The last was his 40th paper. Osborne is a member of the technical staff , Sandia Corporation , A lbuqu erque , N.M.

Emil C. Hrbacek, in the St. Louis, Mo., office of Alexander & Alexander, has been elected as assistant vice president of the international insurance brokerage firm. He joined A & A in 1968 as an engineer in the Loss Control Department. Before that time he was an engineer for Factory Mutual Engineering Division and for the Missouri Inspection Bureau. He is a member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and the Society of Safety Engineers. He is a co-author for the Society of Fire Protection Engineers publication "Ceramic Industry." The Hrbaceks and their five children live in St. Louis, Mo.

LTC Robert F. Tindall

1 947 George I. Perryman has been named administrator of the General Services Administration 's Region 3. In his new position, Perryman is responsible for GSA activities in Washington, D. c., Virginia, Ma ryland , West Virginia and Pennsylvania. This includes all of GSA's duties as the Federal government 's business manager, such as buildings operation , supply , communications, data processing , real and personal property management and record keeping. He is a registered professional in¡ four states. He served in the Army Corps of Engineers in World War II. Before entering public service in 1969 he worked as an engineer with a subsidiary of Standard Oil of New Jersey and later with building contractors and engineering firms. In 1970, he was named Regional Director of Public Building Services in Region 6 (the midwest) and then Regional Director of PBS in Region 3 in July 1971.

194 8 Will iam J. Mi ller , 1812 Dogwood, Pampa, Texas , advises that their son Terry , is a welding engineer at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, N. Y., and that he, William , will soon become a grandfather.

194 9 Lt. Col. Robert F. Tindall grad uated from the U. S. Army War College NonResident Instruction Course at Carlisle Barrack, Pa. Col. Tindall is commandant of the 5047th U. S. Army Reserve School, Topeka, Kansas.


195 0 John W. Weingaertner has been promoted to Assistant Plant Engineer at American Steel Foundries Division, Amsted Industries , Granite City, III. He joined American Steel in October 1970 as a project engineer. Robert A. Strain has been elected Vice President and Director of Research & Development at the ITT Blackburn Co. He will direct the R&D staff for both the new technologies and the new products for ITT Blackburn Co. and J. A. Weaver Co., a subsidiary. Strain joined Blackburn in 1967 , as manager of development engineering and was named Director of R&D in 1971. 1 9 5 1

Robert Zinke was a campus visitor in November. Bob has his own business in Denver, Colorado which involves petroleum producing and drilling and oil and gas exploration . His office location is 612 Denver Cl ub Building. Roy G. Woddle has been transferred from Minneapolis, Minnesota , to St. Petersburg, Florida, by Honeywell, Inc., Aerospace Division. His interest is International Aerospace and Advanced Development of space control systems. His address is 1351 49th Ave., N. E. Earl E. Jackson who is with the Mining Division, Bethlehem Steel Corp., has returned to the States after 20 years in Brazil after building the first manganese pellitizing plant in that country. He is returning in December, this time to Venezuela, to construct a washing and screening plant.

in tbe returnel nical Sf tion be ment. 1 mere D


195 4 Kenneth D. Cole is with the Baltimore District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is area engineer in charge of construction of a new $ 100,000,000 hospital for the Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington , D. C. His address is 9725 Owen Brown Road, Columbus, Maryland.

195 6 Henry R. Atkinson, chief of Systems Engineering Division at the U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Ft. Belvoir, Va., has received a Department of the Army Citation for outstanding performance. He has been employed at the Center since 1958 , and is responsible for R&D and engineering for round-the-clock mobility in some 15 fields of military engineering ranging from bridges to detection devices. He, his wife and children , Perry Ray and Jay Michel, reside at 8417 Tenley St., Alexandria, Va.

195 7 James F. Stuesse has been appointed product manager, modified products , of the B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company. He was first employed by Goodrich in 1957 as an associate engineer in latex process development at the company's development center in Avon Lake, Ohio. In 1962 he was appointed product engineer, Hycar rubber and latex marketing in the Cleveland office. He entered field sales in St. Louis in 1964 and became senior sales representative December 1972


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in the New York office in 1968. He returned to Cleveland in 1971 as technical service manager, latex, the position he held until his current assignment. The Stuesses live at 17121 Woodmere Drive, Chagrin Falls, Ohio.


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,ber 1972

James F . Stuesse

New York. Metcalf has been with Pfizer since 1963 and was sales representative in Boston. He has also served as divisional sales service manager in New York and as a sales representative in Detroit where he was responsible for market development of specialty color dispersions . He was a former U. S. Air Force pilot. He is a member of the National Paint, Varnish and Laquer Association and of the American Chemical Society. The Metcalfs now live in Glen Ellyn , Illinois.

in 1961 and holds the Bronze Star Medal, the Air Medal and two awards of the Meritorious Service Medal.

Major Robert W. Whitehead

1 9 6 0

Dr. John Preston Dever, assistant professor at Averett College, Danville, Kentucky, has been chosen for the 1972 edition of "Outstanding Educators of America." He joined the Averett faculty in 1969. Previously, he was a professor's assistant and a field work assistant at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky ., and a pastor of the First Baptist Church of Anderson, Aabama. He holds the doctor of theology degree and bachelor of divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

195 9 Gerald L. Metcalf has been appointed Central Regional Sales Manager of the Minerals, Pigments and Metals Division of Pfizer, Inc. He was formerly product manager, color oxides, for Pfizer in

Maj or Gl enn W . Holman recently cOinpleted the final phase of the command a nd general staff officer course at the U: S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth , Kansas. The Major has a Pentagon assignment and he and his wife, Mabel, live at 2922 Graham Road , Falls Church , Va. 1 9 6 1

Captain Nelson H. Noell was transferred from the 6555th Aerospace Test Group , Patrick AFB , Florida, in July 1972 , to Directorate of Test Development of the Space Defense Systems Program Office at the Space and Missiles Systems Organization, Los Angeles Air Force Station , California. His residence address is 1331 Oakheath Drive, Harbor City , California. Charles A. Blake was recently transferred to Hercules' Hattiesburg, Mississippi operation . This is his sixth location to work for Hercules, Inc., since joining them in 1961. He is Operating Area Supervisor. His residence is at 107 Saratoga Circle. Leroy Alt, head of the science and mathematics department, East Central Junior College, has been chosen for listing in "Outstanding Educators of America for 1972 ." His address is 139 Janey Lane, Pacific, Missouri.

Gerald L. Metcalf

MSM-UMR Alumnus

Major Robert W. Whitehead graduated . from the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk , Va. Operated under the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it prepares U. S. and allied officers from all the services for future assignments with joint and combined commands where more than one service or nation is involved. Whitehead entered the Army

196 2

David B. Wright, 2901 Helena , N ederland , Texas , an Operations Foreman in the Petrochemical Department at Gulf Oil Company , U. S., Port Arthur Refinery , has been given a special assignment in Atlanta, Georgia. He joined Gulf in 1962 , at the Port

David B . Wright

Arthur Refinery as a chervical engineer in the Process Engineering Department. He has subsequently served as an Operations Specialist and most recently as Operations Foreman in the Petrochemical Department. His avocation is Barber Shop Quartet singing and Three River Four Quartet, a local group of singers. He is married to the former Betty Cheadle, of Houston. They have two children, Joyce 9, and Michael 5.


A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5--------_____________________________________________________________


thl puerto is in c< Apt. 2'


1 963

Society of America, the American Society for Quality Control and the American Institute of Industrial Engineers. The Edwards reside in Grand Blanc, a suburb of Flint,

R ichard A. Kahl has been assigned as resident engineer fo r the construction of U. S. Post Office Bulk Mai l Facility at Des Moines, I a. His previMajor Charl es S. Mills, J r. began ous assignment was the H arry S. studies at the Armed Forces Staff ColTruman Dam Proj ect loca ted on the lege, Norfolk , Virginia. The college Osage River near Warsaw, Mo. The operates under the supervision of the Kahl s plan to make thei r home in Des J oint Chiefs of Staff, prepares U. S. and Moines a t the end of the school year. Allied officers from all the services for Hi s wife, Mary Ruth , is an instructor future assignments with joint and comat \\Tarsaw Hi gh School. bin ed commands where more than one or nation is involved. service Donald M. Harris has been promote 'l to Army Lieutenant Colonel while a st ude nt at the Armed Forces Staff College in Nor folk , Va. He en tered the Arm y in 1958. He holds three awards of the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal and two awards of the Army Commendation Medal. 1 964

Major Charles S. Mill, Jr.

D r. Ha rry K . Edwards has been named Professor of Industrial Engineering at General Motors Institute in Flint , M ichi ga n. P rior to joining the faculty of GM Institute in 1970, Dr. Edwards had a variety of teaching experiences including two years in high school and fi ve years as a college Dr. Don Rogier has been chosen one teacher at both the und ergraduate and grad uate level. His industrial experi- of the ten outstanding professors, out ence includes two years as a mathema- of 750, at the University of South tician and sta ti sti cian a t the Detroit Florida, Tampa . The Rogier family , Diesel Allison Division of GM . He has Dr. Don , his wife Jackie, and children , authored a number of publications and Candy , Charles and Chrystal reside at serves as a reviewer for Computing 123lO N. 27th St., Tampa. Reviews. He is also an active member of the American Society for Engineering Education, the Operations Research

Dr. Don

Rogier Dr. Harry K. Edwards

LTC Daniel E . Sagramoso has received the Meritorious Service Medal.


The award was earned during his last assignment as Assistant Professor of Military Science, Sixth U. S. Army Senior ROTC Instructor Group. He is presently a student with the Sixth U. S. Army Student Detachment at the Arizona State University, Tempe. He holds the Bronze Star Medal and two awards of the Army Commendation Medal. Ronald Harlan has been promoted to Senior Project Engineer at Westvaco Corporation 's fine papers mill at Wickliffe, Kentucky. He has been associa ted with the firm since 1970. He previously was employed for seven years by' the Beloit Corporation , starting as staff engineer in the paper machine division. Later , as a fi eld erector for Beloit participating in the startup of the No. 5 paper machine of Mead Corporation's mill at Kingsport, T enn ., and No. 3 newsprint machine at SCA in Sweden. H e and his wife L 'Wana , reside at 131 Autumn St. , Sikeston , Mo. , with their two sons , Craig and Christopher. Richard Schmidt received the William Badger Memorial Award for 1972 , which is given annually by General Electric Company, Aircraft Engine Group, for outstanding contribution to ma terials and manufacturing technology .. Richard is with the Lynn , Massachusetts plant and resides at 17 Kent Road. 1 965

Milton F. Bradley has been named senior mine engineer of Cominco American 's Magmont Mine near Bixby, Missouri. He joined the Magmont Operation in September 1968, as a geologist. In his new capacity, Milt will be responsible for coordinating and supervising all mine engineering activities of the operation. Milt's wife, Joy-~e, teaches in the Salem School District. Dale F . Kiefer is Director of Facilities Engineering, Ft. Stewart, Ga. He has a GS-l1 rating in his civil service employment. Dale and Miss Brenda Faye .Ellis , were married June 17, 1972 . Their new residence is at 516 Fraser Drive, Hinesville , Ga. C. R. Martin was assigned by Dravo Corporation , Pittsburgh, Pa. , as project engineer for an iron ore handling and screening facility being built by Dravo December 1972

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tor the Orinoco Mining Company in Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela. His address is in care of Constructora Dravo C. A., Apt. 249 , Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela.

1 966 Don Ellison is vice-president Balconies Section , Society of Professional Engineers. His address is 302 Weizmann , San Antonio, Texas. Charles L. Heater purchased half interest in Benton Roofing Co., Inc., on June 1, 1972 and assumed duties as vice president on the same date. The company is located at 305 E. Main Street , Benton, Illinois. LTC W. T. Stockhausen received an M. S. degree in Geodetic Science from Ohio State U. , in June , and assumed command of the 29th Engr Bn (BT) in July 197 2. His address is Hq 652d Engineer Bn (Topographic) Army, APO SF 96558 . Dr. Donald A. McClure, associate professor of physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has received a $ 17 ,500 grant from the Research Corporation to finance a program in which he is attempting to understand the force which holds the nucleus of an atom together. He held a postdoctoral fellowship at Georgia Tech from 1969 until his appointment to the faculty this year. Kenneth R. Scott has been appointed General Manager , Norfolk Port and Industrial Authority , Norfolk, Va. He joined the Port Authority , in November 1970, as Project Engineer (Construction ) for the Norfolk Regional Airport.

K enneth R . Scott

, Ga. H .e

vii serVlce >s Brenda

17, 1972 16 Fraser

by Dravo as project dling and by Dravo



In October 1971, he assumed the additional position and duties of Assistant Airport Manager. He joined NPIA from assignment with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Asmara, Ethiopia. During his tenure with the Port Authority he has been primarily responsible for the construction of the new $26.5 million Airport Expansion Program. Dr. Don Gaitros has accepted a position of assistant professor of computer science at Kearney State College, Kearney , N ebraska. Harol d E . F iebel man is presently working on " Opera ti on Deep F reeze," U. S. Geological Sur vey research projec t in the Anta rc tic. H e has been on ice since October 18th and expec ts to return to the Sta tes March 1, 1972.

Donald R. Dressler has been transferred from the St. Louis District to the Structures Section, T echnical Engi neering Branch , E ngineering Division, of the M ississippi Ri ver Commi ssion/ Lower Mississippi Valley D i v is i on , Corps of E ngineers, Vicksburg, M ississippi. P rior to his employment with the St . Louis D istric t, D ressler wo rked for Shell Oi l Company in thei r Wood R iver, IlL, office. D ressler is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and is a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of M issouri. T he Dresslers, Don, Wife Carol yn, a.nd

1 967

Edward L. Sartore was recently promoted to Advanced Soft ware Analyst, Marathon Oi l Co. and t ransferred to the company 's research center where he will be working on telecommunication programs. Hi s new address is 1061 E. Easter Place, Littleton , Colorado. D onald R . Dressler

George 1 . Tate

daughter Tricia , age 6, live in their new home in Openwood Plantation , Vicksburg, Mississippi.

George J . Tate has been named product manager of the Flame Sa feguard market, Honeywell , Inc. Tate joined Honeywell after grad ua ti on and began his career as a q uality engineer and for the past three years has been sales engineer in the Flame Safegua rd market. Hi s address is 4809 Ru tledge Ave., E dina , Minnesota. Larry E. J ones has joined the general office of Ca roli na Power & Light Co. , in Ral eigh, as a quality surveillance specialisL

MSM-UMR Alumnus

Robert J . Lewis has passed the Missouri Bar examination a nd has accepted a position with the law firm of Fishburn , Gold & Litten in Kansas City, Missouri.

J ohn W. Gass has accepted a position as project engineer with Badger D ivision of Warney & Swasey, and resided at 567 Sunset D rive, Winona, Minnesota , with his wife, Sand ra. and son , Brandon.

196 8 J ames H . R ussell , has rejoined the T ire T echni cal Department of the B. F. Good rich T ire Company, Woodburn, I ndiana . R ussell , formerly , on an ed ucational leave-of-absence, received an M . S. in E ngineeri ng Managemen t at UMR in August. He is a member of T a u Beta Pi, and Pi T au Sigma, both honor fraternities and the M SM -UM R




Alumni Association. He and his wife, Bernadette , are residing at 128 E. Foster Parkway, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Jerry G. Pogue and family have moved back to Oklahoma in August 197 1 a nd reside at their original address 2301 Turner Road, Ponca City. Jerry is a const ruction engineer of Continental Oil Company and has been supervising the construction of various types of process plants. Jerry , and his wife Mary 's children are Bradley, 8 ; Brian , 5 ; and Stephenie, 3. Theodore R. Warren , 1728 Vincil, Kansas City , Missouri , has been awarded a Sidney J. Weinberg/ Goldman Sachs Fellowship at the Harvard Business School. He is in the first year of the two-year program that leads to the Master of Business Administration degree. The Weinberg Fellowships were establi shed by Goldman , Sachs & Co., the investment banking firm in New York , in honor of their late senior partner. He served in the U. S. Army before entering Harvard Business School last September.

missioned upon graduation from OTS Lackland AFB, Texas . He is assigned to Mather AFB, California for training as a navigator. 2nd Lt. James E. Shepard was awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Reese AFB, Texas. Following specialized training at other bases, he will be assigned to MacDi!l AFB, Florida, where he will fly the F-4 with a unit of the Tactical Air Command which provides combat units for air support of U. S. ground forces.

2nd Lt. James E. Shepard


2nd Lt. Herman R. Himer

Robert Hardwick and his wife Cheri are now residing in Effingham , Illinois , Ooton Trailer Court. Bob is with the State of Illinois Highway Department as a civil engineer. Cheri is working for World Color Press, Effingham Branch, as a system analyst. ~ 71,

Robert F. Bischoff and his wife Shirley , invite all their friends to come and visit them in their newly completed home, 18 Cinnamon Drive, North Little Rock, Arkansas. Bob is inspection foreman for Franklin Electric Co., Jacksonville, Ark.



2nd L.

2nd Lt. Larry L . Shiffner was com- ,

2nd Lt. Larry L. Shiffner

2nd Lt. Herman R. Hirner has been awarded U. S. Air Force silver pilot wings upon graduation at Reese AFB , Texas. Following specialized aircrew training at other bases, he will be assigned to Griffith AFB, N . Y. He will be a pilot with a unit of the Strategic Air Command, America's nuclear deterrent force of long range bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles.


Francis T. Nixon received his com mission as an ensign after graduation from the Naval Officer Candidate School , Newport, R . 1. 1 969 Joseph W . Sta¡hl is an engineer, operations analysis, McDonnell Douglas Corporation, St. Louis, Mo. Joseph is in the M. S. program in Computer Science at UMR 's Graduate Center, St. Louis. His Maryland Heights' address is 1848 Wood hollow Drive, Apt. 206. 1 970

Major Thomas E. Kerscher will receive the assignment of Chief, Master ¡ Planning for DFAE, Ft. Polk, La. He will be responsible for master planning for all of Ft. Polk's future construction. His address is 74 Woodlawn St., De Ridder, La.

Miles R. Huskey, Sgt. USAF, has been transferred to the Air Force Military Personnel Center, Randolph AFB, T exas and is assigned to the Training Pipeline Management Division as Management Analysis Specialist. His address is Bldg 2067 , Apt. 180, Randolph AFB, Texas.

Lew Neri presented a technical paper titled " Reliability Growth - Application of Reliability, Planning and Management," at the American Ordnance Association's meeting in St. Louis, Mo. , November 16-17. Another of his papers has been accepted for the 1973 annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium Committee for presentation in Philadelphia, Pa. , January 23-25 , 1973. Lew is Chief of the Reliability and Maintainability Division at the U . S. Army Aviation Systems Command in St. Louis, Mo. Thomas A. Selden after 20 years on the Plant Engineering Staff of Firestone Steel Products Division, Wyandotte, Michigan, has accepted a position of staff engineer at Division Administrative Headquarters in Akron , Ohio. His new address is 2516 Twin Lakes Drive, Uniontown , Ohio. December 1972

cently Operat the E,

2nd L


Ihoted 82d





will teo ~f, Master . , La. Be ~r planning lOstruction. In St., De

!r has been lilver pilot ~eese AFB ed aircre\~ will be as. Y. Be will Ie Strategic clear deter. 1mbers and liles.

BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit t-:o. 18, Sec . 34.9, P. L. & R , Rolla, Mo.

Thomas A . Selden

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401 197 1


2nd Lt . Ronald E. Kell ey was re-

2nd Lt. Ronald E. Kelley

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :W01::l

Jical paper - Applica· and Man· Ordnance ,ouis, Mo., his papers m annual ility Sym· !ntation in ;.25, 1973. bility and the U. S. mmand in

cently assigned to the 7th Psychological Operations Group in Okinawa. He is the Executive Officer of the Group.

2nd Lt. Richard E. Carver

N. C. He is assistant personnel officer in Hq . Co., 3d Bn . of the Division's 32Sth Infantry.


Michael H. Georges was recently promoted to 1st Lt. while serving with the 82d Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg,

Ri chard E. Carver has been commissioned a 2nd Lt. upon graduation from the Artillery Officer Candidate School a t Ft. Sill , Okla. The 23 -week course is designed to prepare men for officer duties in Artillery units. He also received training in Artillery survey and transport, communications, map and aerial-photo reading, electronics, counterinsurgency and leadership .

lber 1972

MSM-UMR Alumnus

20 years If of Fire· )n, Wyan° od a poSl' vision Adin Akro~, ~ 516


197 2

Airman Randa!l M. Necessary has been assigned to Kessler AFB , M ississippi, after completing Air Force basic training. H e has been assigned to the Technical Training Cen ter at Kessler for specialized triJ.ining in communications-electronics systems. Army Private Jason J. Hill recently completed eight weeks of basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.


Class .. ......

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State .... .... ... ..



Date . .

P vt. Jason J . Hill

1973 Annual Alumni Fund



1\ly contribu ti on to th e l\1SM -UMR Alumni Associat ion

o R

is indicated and $.


is enclosed




1\ l a tching gift form at tached .




Above is ne w ad clress .



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AL U:\1 ~I


E mp loy ment ( r\ am e o f Compa ny , Own Compan y, Self Emp loyed , Re tirecl)



U R 1 9

$500 .00

Captai n Joe N. Ballard recently received a regular Army commission at Ft. Belvoir, Va . Prior to receiving the commission, he was a reserve officer on active d uty . He is a Test and Evaluation P roject Officer with the U. S. Army Combat Developmen t Command , Engineer Agency a t Ft. Belvoir.


Employ ment (Ti t le or Position ) E mpl oy ment Address ... ...... .... ...... .. Zip C o d e . .

.. ..

. r\ ews for the M SM Al umnus

Capt. Joe N. Ballard


3 G I F


Robert A. Vu nesky has een commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Air Force. H e is being assigned to M ather AFB , California, fo r naviga tor t raining.

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Mi ssouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401 TO

2nd Lt. Robert A. Vunesky .



" _.



December 1972

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