Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1974

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MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephon e (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172

MSM-U MR Alumni Associa tion Univers ity of Missou ri - Rollo Rollo, Missou ri 65401

Term Expires OFFICERS . .. 1974 ........... ... ...... . . Director, Executive ..... ........... '37 Mattei F. Peter ............. President ........... ........ Metropoli tan Se wer District, 2000 Hampton, St. Louis, Mo. 63139 Senior Vice President, .. ...... .. ............... .. ..... 1974 President Elect ............... ........ Robert M. Brackbill '42 ... ...... Texas Pacific Oil Company , 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, Tex. 75240 Departme nt of Metallurg ical ... .............. .. ... 1974 Secretary ............... ..... ... ........ . Rabert V. Waif '51 ........... ...... and Nuclear Engineeri ng, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401 Treasurer

Volume 50

FEBRUARY 1974 Number I

On Ihe F,onl Cove,

The ne'/£!, new Chemistry-Che1rlical Enginee ring Building, viewed from the east lawn oj the Chancellor's R esidence. Camera direct ed to the N ol'theast . New C-CE Bldg. shows on the right . B uilding covers the site of Old Chem which burned .

Issued bi-mont hly in the interest of the graduat es and former sJudents of the Missouri School of Mines and Meta llurgy and the Universi ty of Missouri - Rollo. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rollo, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.


Gealagy and ............... ....... 1974 ....... .. ............... Thomas R. Beveridge '42 ....... De partment of Ge ophysics, UMR, Roila , Missouri 65401

STAFF .. MSM-UMR Alumni Associatio n Frank H. Mackama n ____ ___ __ __ __Director, Alumni Activitie s __ _ Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401 .. MSM-UMR Alumni Associatio n Francis C. Edwards ...... ......... Executive Secretary _..... ... .. .. Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401

Term Expires DIRECTORS AT LARGE 1974 Missouri 63130 .. City, rsity Unive land, Westmore 7383 .......... ..... '39 y Jose ph W. Moone Olive St., St. Louis, Missouri 63103 .... ... ...... . 1975 1706 ., Corp on Fruin-Co:n ............. ... '49 McGrath B. James on 98401 ...... . . 1974 . .......... Ge neral Manager, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma , Washingt E. L. Pe rry '40 .......... :e, Oklahom a 74003 ............... ..... ..... . 1975 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 ...... ... ...... .. 3305 Wood.and Road, Bartlesvil . ......... ............. . 1976 , New York 11590 .. Lawrence A. Spanier '50 ............ 55 Westwood Drive, Westbury . ...... ............... .. 1976 . ......... 825 Ardmore, Los Angeles, California 90005 .. John O . Wilms '43 . Areo Zip Term Expires AREA DIRECTORS Code Numbe rs 1974 .. ... 183 Main Street, Acton, Massachu setts 01720 ............... .. H. W . Flood '43 ..... ......... . 00-14 1976 To Be Appointe d 15-21 1976 . ......... ia ; Virginia 22304 Alexandr nue, Ave n Huntingto 2550 ....... ..... ..... '49 John B. Toomey 22-33 i, Ohio 45242 .. .............. ...... .. 1974 Cincinnat Drive, Plumhill 11566 ... ..... ............. '60 Kosten Harold 35-45 , Michigan 48192 .............. ..... . 1975 Eugene C. Fadler '62 ............... 19716 Coachwo od, Riverview 46-59 60025 ......... .. .......... ......... ........ . 1976 Frank C. Appleyar d '37 .... ... ... 808 Solar, Gle nvie w, Illinois 60-61 ........... . 1975 ........ . 219 Timothy Lane, Cartervill e, Iilinois 62918 .. ............ C. Stuart Ferrell '64 62-62 1976 Missouri 63127 . Arthur G. Bae ble r ' 55 ... ...... ..... 20 Fox Meadows , Sunse t Hills, 63-65 ..... . 1974 .......... Missouri 63141 Louis, St. Drive, Carta Magna 222 ....... .............. '49 Bay Rob ert D. 63-65 ....... ................ .. 1975 Missouri 63011 Alfred J . Buescher '64 ............. 624 Golfvie w Dr., Ballwin, 63-65 63801 ........ ....... ..... ........... . 1974 J . R. Patterson '54 ....... ............. P. O . Box 573, Sikeston , Missouri 63-65 w, Missouri 64030 ............. . 1975 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 ......... 14219 De nve r Ave nue, Grandvie 63-65 1975 Missouri 63126 ............... . Bruce E. Tarantola '51 ........... .. 9000 Skye rest Drive, St. Louis, 63-65 , Missouri 63033 ............... . 1975 Ge orge D. Tomazi '58 .. ... ......... 12723 Stone ridge Drive, Florissant 63-65 1975 . ............ 64801 ....... .... ............... R. Michael Salmon '63 .. ........... 2310 Texas, Joplin , Missouri 63-65 Springfiel d, Missouri 65802 ............... .... . 1974 327B, Box 2, # Rte. ........... '53 Vienhage P. Robert 63-65 nce, Missouri 64052 ............... ...... . 1974 Edwin J . Werner '49 ............... .. 9705 East 39th, Inde pende 63-65 Oklahom a 74145 ............... .. . 1976 He rman Fritschen '51 ............... 5249 S. 68th East Place , Tulsa, 66-74 1976 .. .. .. 5743 Jason, Houston, Texas 77035 ....... Rex Alford '40 ...... 75-79 1974 ... .. 3065 South Ingalls Way, Denver, Colorado 80227 .... Thor Gjelsteen '53 80-90 and 96-99 1976 202, Alameda , California 94501 E. Murray Schmidt '49 ......... .. . 1705 Shoreline Drive, Apt. 90-95

James J. Murphy '35 R. O. Kasten '43 ..... James W. Ste phe ns '47 ..... .. .

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .... ..President, Murphy Company , 1340 North Price Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63132 .. ........ 901 We st 114th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64114 50 .... ........ ..Missouri Public Service Company , 10700 E. Highway Kansas City, Missouri 64138

EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS .... .. Preside nt, Noole r Corporation, 1400 South Third SIreel, Paul T. Dowling '40 St. Louis, Missouri 63166 Aven ue, Chicago, Illinois 61643 Melvin E. Nickel '38 . .. ..... ..... _.... ... ....... .. 10601 South Hamilton 207, Houston, Texas 77006 Suite Alabama, W. 3100 ....... ...... .............. 25 Karl F. Hasse lmann ' Louis, Missouri 63132 F. C. Schnee be rg e r '25 .... .. ...... .. ... ..... .. .. . # 1 Briar O"k , St. DIRECTOR, CHAIRMAN LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE s Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63126 Richard H. Bauer '52 __ _______ . __..... ..... __'_ ' .. 5 Sa ppi ngton Acre

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April 24-26, 1974 Energy Conference n Expires ¡¡... 1974

Chem-Chem Engine Dedication By Sally White, P. I. O.

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The supply of energy in the United States is now a key determinate in both immediate and long-term national domestic and foreign policy considerations. In order to provide an exchange of the latest available information on the subject of energy , a Conference on Energy Resources will be held a t th e University of Missouri - Rolla April 24 through 26 . The conference , held in conjunction with the dedication of UM R 's new Chemist ry -Chemical Engin eering Building, is an ex tension activity of the UM R departments of chemistry , chem ical engineeri ng, electrical engin eering, mechani cal engineering, metallurgical and nuclear enginee rin g, mining, petroleum and geological engineering and engin eering management. It is co-sponsored by the Mi ssouri Energy Co un cil (MEC) the American Chem ical Society, The American Institute of Chemi cal Engineers and the America n N ucl ea r Society. On Wednesday and Thursday, April 24 a nd 25, technical sessions will be hel d in va rious fi elds of energy resources for enginee rs, scienti sts and ed ucators. Each session includ es an invited lec ture by one of the foremo st a uthorities in the fi eld of energy, a series of technical papers related to the subject matter and a pan el discussion headed by a group of experts. Sessions will be held on Solar and Wind E nergy , N uclear Energy, Mining and Petroleum Energy , Environmental Impacts of Power Generator Stations, Chemical Energy, Industry Energy Management and Energy Systems.

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Conference chairman is Dr. Bill Atchley , associate dean of the School of Engineering and chairman of the Governor 's Missouri Energy Council. Program chairman is Dr. Joseph T. Zung, professor of chemistry. Session chairmen are members of the UMR faculty. They are: Dr. Jack L. Boone, electrical engineering ; Dr. Daniel K. Ai, mechanical engineering; Dr. Albert E. Bolon , nuclear engineering; Professor

MSM Alumnus

John P. Govier , petrol eum engineering; Dr. James]. Scott, mining engineering; Dr. James L. Gaddy , chemical engineering ; Dr. G. R . Cuthbertson, engineering management; Professor B. R . Sarchet, engineering management; and Dr. ]. Derald Morgan, electrical engineering. Speakers at the final conference session on Friday morning, April 26, include Acting Chancellor of UMR, Dr. Dudley Thompson ; University President , C. Brice Ratchford; Christopher Bond , Governor of Missouri ; and John B. Rigg, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior , United States Department of the Interior. A dedication luncheon will be held Friday noon a t the St. Pat 's Ballroom of the University Center. Luncheon speaker is Dr. Harry Drickamer, department of chemical engineering, Uni versity of Illinois. The dedication ceremon.ies will take place that afternoon followin g the luncheon in the new Chemistry-Chemi cal E ngineering Building. Speaker at the ceremoni es is Dr. Carl Djerassi, chemistry department of Stanford University. The new building is attached to the old Chemical Engineering Building and the entire complex is now called the Chemistry-Chemical Engineerin g Buil ding. The new portion of the building was add ed at a cost of $4.5 million appropriated by th e State General Assembly after fire destroyed the old Chemistry Building in 1969 . Architects were Mantel , Steele and Teter of Kansas City. There are 85, 163 gross square feet in the new section of the building. The chemistry department u ses 26,157 square feet of space and the chemical engineering department uses 24 ,157 square feet . It takes 2,383 square feet to house the mechanical equipment used to heat and air condition the building and the rest of the space is hallways, stairwells, restrooms , and janitorial.

Alumnus is Assistant Director - Mining US. Bureau of Mines By Sally White, P. I. O . The United States Bureau of M ines is a governmental organization devoted to finding new and better methods of developing one of the basic maj cr sources of our country 's wealth - its materials. One of the primary segments of the Department of the Interior, the Bureau of Mines has three divisions. They are mining , metallur g y and energy.

H eading up one of these areas of the Bureau is an MSM-UMR alumnus , Dr. Joseph Yancik. His title is assistant director - mining. Dr. Yancik is the product of a real mining background . He was born and rai sed in Mt. Olive, III. , where his father recently retired after a 55-year career as an underground coal miner. Dr. Yancik received his B. S. degree from the University of Illinois in 195 4 and then came to the University of M issouri School of Mines and Me tallurgy where he earned a mas ters degree in mining in 1956. After a few years experience with St. Joe Minerals in Bonne Terre , he returned to MSM to earn his Ph. D. degree which he received in 1960. When he first came to Rolla, he brought with him hi s bride, Rosemary, whom he met while they were both attending the University of Illinois. The eldest of their two daughters , Geri Anne a nd Ellen, was born in Rolla shortly before Dr. Yancik received his Ph. D. " Rosemary and I have always liked Rolla ," Dr. Yancik said. " As a matter of fact , I've always thought of MSM as more of an alma mater than the University of Illinois . We didn't really get involved in too many of the campus activities, ho wever. I guess graduate students are just too busy. " When I was working on my doctora te, I think I spent more time at Fort Leonard Wood than I did on camp us," he continued . " I always seemed to be coming or going or setting off explosives at our testing site at the Fort. " Dr. Yancik 's graduate work was concerned primarily with blas ting and (C ontinued on Page 4)



(Continued From Page 3) explosives used in mines. As a masters candidate he was involved in designing a drift round for tunneling in mines and his Ph . D. dissertation was on the properties and performance of ammonium nitrate explosives. After receiving his last degree he went to work for Monsanto in St. Louis. He was Monsanto's research department for two years working primarily wi tll explosives. From research he moved to the development department and then into marketing. At the end of ten years he was getting furth er and further away from the field of mining and felt he really wanted to re-evaluate the direction of his career. At that point the Bureau of Mines was undergoing some reorganization. Dr. Jam es Sco tt, professor of mining, took a leave of absence from U MR for two years to help direct the reorganization . It was Dr. Scott who talked Dr. Yancik into moving to the Bureau at the same time. According to Dr . Yancik, hi s responsibilities lie in the area of directing research and develop ment towa rd improving the safety and productivity in the actual mining processes. The other two divisions of the Bureau deal with research on the materials after they ha ve been extracted and uses of the materials to create energy . " The Bureau of Mines is the agency concerned with providing guidance and technology for use by industry 10 to 15 years from no w," Dr. Ya ncik said . " About half our budget is spent on research done at our own research faciliti es and the other half is spent on contracts or gra nts for research done by other organizations such as univf> rsities . "Our budget this year is $55 million and because of the increased interes t in coal a nd oil d ue to th e energy cr isis, we are asking Congress fo r $ 10 5 million for the 1975 fi scal year. " Dr. Yancik pointed out that program planning and schedulin g for the department are done by the headqua rters sta ff in Washington, D. C. Research for the mining division is carried out at the B ureau 's research centers in P ittsburgh , Pa. , Denver, Colo., Minneapolis, 4

Minn . and Spokane, Wash . (The Burea u's research center in Rolla is part of the metallurgical division.) A certa in percentage of Dr. Yancik's time is spent in working with industry representatives and governmental offi.cials from other countries throughout the world . This fall he participated in a bilateral exchange with Russia in which a U. S. delegation visited the Soviet Union in September and they sent a team to visit the United States in October. H e also cited on-going programs with Poland , England and Canada. " We are always looking for technology we can apply to mining situations in this country, " he said. " For instance I 'm a member of a delegation to explor~ the possibilities of developing a bilateral agreement with Canada. The work they are doing in mining tar sands might be of particular interest to Missourians. "On the whole, mining in this country compares favorably to that taking place in other countries," he continu ed. " We have a higher productivity record and use fewer men in the mines. All countries, however, need improvements in health and safety and need to develop better working conditions." Dr. Yancik listed some examples of research being done under the auspices of the Bureau. H e exhibited some mo dels of new equipment developed ' that were desi gned to not only increase productivity but also to take into consideration safety factors and th e comfort of the person operating the equipment. Several pi eces of equipment are currently in a one year testing stage . H e also pointed out several research projects und erway at the University of Missouri - Rolla that are supported by the Bureau. Wo rk is being done here on min e roofs, roof bolting, studi es of th e effects of surface blasting on underground mines a nd the use of a water jet to cut coal. "Congress and the general public are becoming much more aware of our minerals situation ," Dr. Yancik stated. " I don 't say there is a mineral cri sis at this point. But there is a parallel with the energy crisis. M ineral s we take from the ground are the basis of this strong industrial nation .

" Mining is one of the few things we do to create wealth, " he concluded. "Currently it amounts to about $80 billion a year. I think VIe are beginning to realize that mining policies and methods need careful study before the supply excee ds the demand. "

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Section News ...

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alur Bob Patterson is the MSM-UMR Alumni Association director living the shortest distance from Cape (Sikeston) and it just might be that he and Martha live closer to Memphis also. Anyway, they came to the Memphis meeting in November and decided it would be fun to org~nize something before the Cape game 111 January. So things were set up at the Ramada in Cape for Saturday January 26 , with the bar to open at 5:00 p . m . . As it turned out, the party drew heaVIly from available alumni directors, Dick and Shirley Bauer came down from St. Louis, an added incentive the fact that daughter Gail is attending SEMSU, and Stu and Twyla Ferrell ~ame over from Carbondale . In a way It was a confusing evenin a some alumni came for the cocktail hour only others to the dinner ol1ly , some to th~ ballgame only and some to the game and the post-game watering hole . Those at. the dinner heard from Cape native ~dl Atchley , associate dean of engineerII1g at UMR. At various times durina the evening the following were ob~ served in addition to the Pattersons Bauers and Ferrells: Troy and Lo~ Stevens who live on the same street in Cape with Bill and Iris Likens Theon and Wilma. Grojean , Max and 'Jo Ann Burgett , Bdl and Clemie Stewart Carl and Elizabeth Wil son , Super Fan Casey and Evelyn Wills, Frank and Nancy Mackaman , Bill and Pat Atchley . Harold Hager, Jim and Ann Smyth; Carl Wulfers, Paul Ponder Charlie Finley , Jerry Kirksey , Bill' Flentje, Tom and Kay Fulwi der , last seen at the Murph~ Party, and through the smoke .late .111 the evening, Frank Conci and hIS WIfe, and , was it "Bumper" Bennett and his wife? The Bennetts got several personal invitations to attend the up-coming Class of 1954 party. A fair batch of UMR students and townspeople were also there to root for the Miners. February 1974

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Deuelopment News Why have UMR and other taxassisted universities established development offices on campuses and what goals do the universities hope to accomplish? These questions are often asked and perhaps an answer might be of interest to all UMR alumni. But first , a defini tion : The goal of development is to convey the objectives and aspirations of the institution to alumni , corporations, foundations and fri ends a nd seek their interest and involvement. A " gift" to the institution is the final result of involvement in an area of mutual concern. This gift may be monetary, but not necessarily . Gifts of volunteer time or expertise are quite often as valuable as money to the institution. So, in fact , development at UMR is the cultivation of friends who want to help promote UMR to levels of increased excellence. Money raising at UMR historically has been a personal responsibility of each department and dean. This method worked quite satis factorily for years. The best money raisers are still the ones who have convincing plan s for the use of private fund s. Not too long ago this university had 100 faculty mem. bers and a thousand students. Today it is four times as large with equivalent problems of coordination. Development is concerned with providing this coordinating service. In addition to assisting the faculty and staff in their approach to corporations , foundations and friend s, development also works closely with the Office of Alumni Activities and the Public Information Office. People give of their time and talent to those causes with which they can identify and understand. It is no secret that the institutions which have achieved true greatness have done so with the help and encouragement of private resources and private leadership. So it is at UMR. During the fiscal year 1965-66 gifts to UMR totaled $176 ,000. In 1972-73 the total was $824,000. This year to date , the university has received $537,905 toward its goal of $1,000,000 in private gifts. Each contributor may designate the use of his gift in the area of his choice. This might be ior the completion of the University Center

MSM Alumnus

Dr. Daniel K ennedy, right, retired regional engineer for the Unit ed Stat es Geological Survey and recipient of an honorary degree f:om UMR , '.ecently made Dudley a gift of $2~00 to the University Center Fund. A cceptzng the gxft tS Thompson, acting chancellor. According to pro !hompson, " C:omplettO n of the Univ ersity Center complex with a 900 seat audxtol'tum 'leIxll provxde a much needed facility to improve the quality of student life on c~mpus. It will be used )01' presentations by internationally known lecturers, musxc and theater groups, SClentiJic symposiums and continuing educational conferences."


complex , an unrestricted gift for institutional or departmental use, for stu. dent aid in the form of scholarships , fellowships , loans or awards, faculty enrichment to support salaries, travel and professional involvement, or special equipment and facilities. Each issue of the MSM Alumnus will provide its readers a report of some part of the development program.

National Steel ... A University of Missouri - Rolla graduate student has been named to a National Steel Corporation fellowship . The recipient, Gary Hudiburgh , has been selected by the Univers:ty to conduct research on the removal of alkali from certain iron ores. The $5,000 fellowship will support Hudiburgh's research and general studies, according to Nicholas P. Veeder , board chairman and chief executive office of Gran;te City (Illinois) Steel, a division of National Steel. Veeder said that the fellow8hip, the first to be awar ded under the National Steel Corporation fellowship program to the University of Missouri - Rolla, "has direct practical implications in making the Missouri ores more useful for the Steel Industry by eliminating the undesirable alkali properties."

A first year UMR graduate student in metallurgical engineering and a graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, Hudiburgh is conducting research on use of froth flotation for the removal of feldspar from Missouri iron ores. (Iron ore, a basic ingredient in the production of molten pig iron , is later refined to produce steel.) Veeder explained that the alkali-content feld sp ar presents quality control problems. Gra nite City Steel, which employs 45 University of Missouri-Rolla gra duates , is the larges t steelmak er in th e St. Louis metro politan area. GCS beca me a Na tional Steel Corpora tion subsidiary in August of 1971.

Gifts in Kind ... Elizabeth Cogell , Humanities Department , UMR , Rolla, Mo. 65401 , that 's who has been getting the letters and books from those with collections or connections in the science-fiction field. Thanks to the several of you who have already sent her material or offered to help establish the s-f and fantasy literature collection in the UMR library. And fie on the chem. prof. who shipped over his exam papers saying they were more fiction than science.


Miner Basketball Team Undefeated at Home · · · · . The UMR basketb all Miners wouln give anythin g to b e able to play all of their games in Rolla. Coach Billy Key 's Enginee rs sport a perfect 8-0 record on their home court while they are only 2-10 on the road. Picked to finish last in the MIAA this season, UMR current ly is perched in second place with a chance , at least mathem atically , to win the title. The Miners have a 5-4 confere nce mark and Southw est Mi ssouri is 6-2 . But UMR still must play danguo ;ls Lincoln in Rolla before finishin g the confere nce schedul e on the road aga inst Warren sburg and Southw est Missou ri. Even if they could win all three games, someone else mu st beat the Be3.rs to give the Miners a share of the crown. The U M R season began on an ambitious note when the Miners took on big college power Memph is State in Memphis . Althoug h losing 103-79 , the Miners played the Tigers close until the final six minutes of the game. Senior guard K en Stalling led the UMR attack with 25 points. The following night, the Miners opened at home with a close win over the Univers ity of Wiscon sin - Parksid e, 61-57. Stalling again led UMR with 26 points while senior guard Tommy Noel netted 16 rebound s. Three ni ghts later, Stalling repeate d his 26-poin t perform ance as the Silver and Gold buried Peru State of Nebras ka 96-80 fo r the second stra ight home win of the young season . The Miners began a nine-ga me road trip Decemb er 5 with a three point loss to Kansas State College - Pittsbu rg, 76-73 . They played without their leading scorer Stalling but N oel picked up the slack with 20 points. Freshm an center Bob Stanley gathere d in 18 rebound s in hi s best board effort of the year. A week before the Chri stmas break. the Miners venture d into the bi g col~ lege division ranks again and challen ged Souther n Illinoi s - C arbond ale. The Salukis proved to be rude hosts and des troyed the Miners 102 -64 . Stalling and Noel each had 16 points and Stan~ ley grabbed 13 rebound s. On Decemb er 28 , the Miners partici6

pated in the Sentry Classic tournam ent in Stevens Point, Wisc. and returne d with a second place trophy. They defeate d the host team, Univers ity of Wiscon sin -- Stevens Point, 81-78, in overtim e in the opening round. Noel topped UMR scoring with 21 points and led the rebound ers with nine. The following night, Southw est Texas State downed the Miners 79-73 in the championshi p game. Stanley led the scorrrs wi th 16 poin ts and Noel had 12 rebounds. The team greeted the new year with a fourth place finish in the MIAA tournam ent held in Springf ield Janua ;'y 3-5. Southw est Missou ri won the tourney with Lincoln second and Northe ast Missou ri third. The Miners opened the tournam ent with a 76-67 upset win over Southea st Missou ri . They trailed by 12 points with seven minutes remaining but came on strong in the closing minutes to pull away. Stalling again paced the attack with 17 points and Noel had 10 rebound s. Springf ield buried the Miners the next night , 89-65, as the squad was unable to put things togethe r. Stalling managed only 13 points to lead the Miners and Stanley had 10 rebound s . In the consola tion game , Northw est Missou ri edged UMR 70-67 and , although the Miners played well , were unable to overtak e an early Bearcat lead. Stalling again led the scoring with 24 points and was named to the alltournam ent team. The Miners continu ed their road swing January 12 as they opened conference play in Maryvi lle. The Bearcat s edged UMR again by three points, 71-6 8. Two nights later , the Miners dropped their second confere nce tilt 83 -7 8 to Northe ast Mi ssouri in Kirksville. Stalling establis hed himself as the class of the league with 20 and 24 points in the two games. Finally , the Miners returne d home to the fri endl y fan s of Rolla. They responded with a tremend ous confere nce victory over W arrensb urg 110-82. Most if the Multi-P urpose Buildin g scoring records were shattere d in that game. It was the most points scored in the building a nd Stalling broke the individu al scoring mark with 39 points in a sen-

By Edward C. Murphy, P. I. O. sational offensiv e display . Noel W1S nearly as sensatio nal as he played his finest collegia te game. He scored 32 points and tied the Multi- Purpo se Buildin g rebound ing record with 20. Two days later , the Miners nipped confere nce leader Southw est Missour i , 79-78 in one of the thrilling games of the year. Noel coolly sank two free throws with four seconds remaini ng in the game to notch the victory. Stalling led all scorers with 28 points. On the road again , the Miners were defeate d by Southea st Missou ri , 79-76. Stalling upped his average by scoring 32 points while Noel and freshma n forward Ross Klie each had 16 rebounds . Southea st Missou ri visited Rolla the following week and the Miners got their revenge with an 8 7-79 victory. Stalling had hi s second consecu tive 30-poin t game as he netted 36 and fans began to talk about Most Valuab le Player honors for the 6-2 guard. Anothe r road game and another los~ was the story the next week in Jefferso n City with the Lincoln Tigers ripping the Miners 86-69. The game wasn 't even as close as the score indicate s as the Tigers led by 25 to 30 points most of the time;. UMR 's only consola tion was that Stalling won the scoring dual with Lincoln 's Lamon t Pruitt, 28-1 8. Pruitt is the confere nce's two-tim e MVP and is challen ging Stalling for top scorin g honors this year. The first of a four-ga me homesta Ed saw the Miners race to an easy 94-74 win over Northe ast Missou ri as they outran the larger Bulldog s all night. Stalling pumped in 34 points while Klie added 18, Noel 17 and Stanley 15 fer the most balance d scoring attack of the year. Maryvi lle was the next victim for the Min ers in a battle for second place in the confere nce. Stalling 's 31 points led UMR to an 82-75 victory with Noel adding 25 points. At this point, Stalling was averaging 30.2 points per game in league action. The Miners took a break from conference play Februa ry 14 and handed

(Contin ued on Page 7) Februa ry 1974


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team , 3-2, to reach the finals while the International Students edged Pi Kappa Alpha, 3-2.

Section News .

Don Henderson made the arrangements in Memphis for the Friday, November 30 get-together at Grisanti's. MSM-UMR alumni from the greater Memphis area met for drinks and dinner prior to the M iner-Memphis State game. After a short program , it was off to the fairgrounds and the beautiful arena where the host school plays home games. The Miners are not used to playing for 10,000 fans but the players The UMR swimming team is beginVolleyball is in full swing with 32 ning to look forward to the champion- . men 's and seven women's teams partic- kept their poise although out manned ship portion of the season after having ipating. MRHA, with 14 houses in- on the court. Some of the hindsighters solid performances behind them in volved, is playing a round robin schect- a re now claiming they saw the potential early-season competition. ule so the Multi-Purpose Building is ' that night that makes UMR second in the MIAA at this writing. Among those buzzing with activity. present (and this is not all, for time The Miners have won seven dual ran out before the sign-up sheet was meets an-.J lost two. They also won The handball courts are also busy passed) were the Hendersons, Gilmarboth the SEMO Classics and the SEMO with a men 's faculty singles tournament tins , Frank forthers , Weisses, Dowlings, Relays. The varsity has won twice over and 30 Intramural singles and do ubles Drake 's, Pattersons, Mackamans and Washington University (80-32 and 76- teams playing. Delta Sigma has domiErnie Gutierrez as well as Coach and 35), The University of Missouri - St. nated handball recently and looks Athletic Director, Billy Key. Louis (93-19), Southeast Missouri (76- tough again this year. 37) , Cen tral Missouri (68-45), Hanover The wrestling tournament has been And there are two aspects of southern College ( 6 7-40) and Centre College set for March 4- 7. More than 250 are hospitality which deserve special men(80-33). The losses have been to expected to register. Fifteen workouts tion , first, our host at Howard J ohnWestern Kentucky (71-42) and small are required by each individual before son's in midtown Memphis who met our college power Drury College (67-46). he can wrestle so participants are workplane, escorted us to dinner, and deing to get rid of the extra pounds and livered us back to the plane and secondTop performers for the Miners have the winter's inactivity. ly and most especially, Don Henderson's been senior .Steve Peppers and junior secretary who was most gracious as she Tim Blood. Peppers has qualified for carried out various assignments of her the NCAA Championships with his mostly absent boss (Don's in Oklahoma diving performances. Blood is ranked most of the time on im ARMCO projin the top 20 in the nation in the 50NOTICE ect) and the alumni office. and 100-yard freestyle events. Freshman BiH Orr is consistently ranked in The Alumni Association through the top 10 in the distance freestyre the Awards Program recognizes events while another freshman, Mike individuals with honors approNorberg is rated in the top five in the priate to achievement, service butterfly events. Norberg already has and merit. The Awards Commitqualified for the Nationals in the 400A Dallas meeting has been held , and yard individual medley . tee solicits suggestions of alumni another will be held on Monday, FebWestminster College a 101-69 valentine Kappa Sigma won its third straight for their eighth win of the year at basketball championship with a 41-37 home. The game was never in doubt win over Tech Club. It was the "green in an obvious mismatch and Coach Key machine's" 25th consecutive Intramural was able to use all his players early. victory. MRHA defeated Beta Sig, Stalling tallied 28 points and only 45-40 , for third place. In women 's basplayed about half the game. ketball action, WRHA also won its third straight title with a 47-15 thumpSwimmers Have High Hopes ing of GDL

Section News . . .

The Miners are looking toward the MIAA Championships to be held in Rolla this year. Coach Bob Pease fe~ls the Miners have a good chance of upending four-time conference champion Southwest Missouri State. TKE Wins Intramural Soccer

Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated the In· ternational Students, 4-1 , to win the Intramural soccer title. The tournament included 13 campus organizations although it did not count toward the over all point total. The UMR Soccer Club furnished the officials for the tourney. TKE defeated a strong Kappa Sigma

MSM Alumnus

and faculty and friends of the university who should be considered for such honors. Please send names with supporting information to the alumni office. All names previously suggested are maintained in the active file. An Award, presented at Homecoming, is not normally made to any member of a Reunion Class and honorees who are, in that category are carried forward to a non-reunion year.

ruary 25th in connection with the AIME Annual Meeting. The Shreveport meeting of the Ark-La -Tex Section will be reported in the next issue as will the Detroit meeting of February 28, held at the time of the SAE meeting. The Southern California clan will meet on Ma rch 9 at the Long Beach Yacht Club with Dean J. Stuart Johnson as speaker. Tulsa alumns will meet at noon March 14 and hear from Bob Lewis how they can help build enrollment at UMR. The Baker Appreciation Dinner is Thursday night, February 21 a t the Sc Louis Club. All Oklahoma resident alumns will be invited to the annual gala in Tulsa on Friday, May 17. 7

Chancellor's Fellowship Recipients .. ¡

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T wenty graduate students at th e University of Missouri - Rolla are recipients oj $ 1000 Chanc ellor's F ellowships, awarded for th e fir st tim e last spring. Shown he/'e are, first row (from left): Robert Laramore of St. Louis, electrical enginee/'ing; D ean T ibbitts of R eedsburg, Wisc., nuclear engineering ; Martha Wofford of Rutherford, T enn., mathematics; Wanda Garner of Independence, Kans., mathematics; Gem'ge L. Bair, Jr. ,. oj Springfield, electrical engineering ; Thomas Linsenbardt oj Lohman, Mo., m echanical engineering . Second row : James Wyckoff of Independence, Kans. , m athematics; St ephen W. R ector oj L ebanon, petroleum engineering; David A. L ewis of Fulton , civil engineering ; Richard A . Smith oj Macomb, Ill., electrical engineering; R ichard G. Scha fermeyer of North St, Louis County, chemical engineering ; David E. Prudic of Pueblo, Colo. , geology. Back row: Dr. Dudley Tho m pson, acting chancellor, UMR; L eonard Laskowski of Washington, Mo. , elect1'ical engineering ; Russell B eckm ey er of Centralia, IiI, m echanical engineering ; Gary F ennewald of M exico, chem ical engineering; Jam es Koewin g of St. L(Yuis, m echanical engineering ; Rob ert Allen of Independence, Mo., m echanical engineering ; Dr. Rob ert M cFarland, dean' of Graduate School, UMR. R ecipients not in th e picture are Tom Akers of Eminence, mathematics; and Robert Stewart of Lexington, civil engineering.

Graduate School By Winona Roberts, P. I. O.

U MR Graduate D ea n Robert H. McFarland has a goal: Tha t U MR 's graduate program s have at least th e same reputation for quality that its undergraduate program s enjoy. The und er graduate program s havt; a few years head start in gaining their intern a tional reputation. The University of Missouri School of Mines ane! Metallurgy g ra nted its first B. S. degrees in 18 74. Around the turn of the century the M. S. was introduce d and by 19 20 just ei ght M. S. degrees had


been granted (in general science only ) . Other master 's programs were a dder! and in the mid 1920's, doctor of philosophy programs were introduced. However , candidates for the degree had to register with the gradu a te school of the Univers ity of Mi ssouri (Columb ia ) . E xaminations were administered by a committee ap pointed by the chairm a n of the gradua te committee at Ro ll a and th e dean of the Grad uate School a t Columbia. The degree was granted by the University of Mi ssouri , not the School of Mines and Metallurgy . It was also 40 years befor e Rolla won the right to grant Ph. D. degrees on its own . The graduate School here was form f: d at the tim e of the establi shm en t of the four-cam pus U niversity of Missouri wh en MSM became U MR. Now the Ph. D. is offered in 16 fi eld s, the doctf) r

of engineering in nine, a nd the M . S. in 22. Dean McFarland took over the reins of the Gra d uate Scho ~ l here in 1969 upon retirement of Dr. Wouter Bosch, who had se rved as the school's first dean. " A self-study in preparation for an evaluation by the N orth Central Association NCA in 197 2 showed many good points," Dr. M cFarland reports. " We have a good , young faculty and good quality programs. The commonality of the type of p!'ograms (science and engineerin g ) is a 'l advantage in that the quality in each helps the other." In 1972 , UMR received NCA accred(Continued on Page 9)

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February 1974


(Continued From Page 8) itation for five years, Dr. McFarland says that the most severe criticism NCA had of UMR 's graduate education was the quality of the graduate student (as determined by undergraduate grade point average). Accordin g to NCA standards," Dr. McFarland says, " there should be no more than 2 5 percent of the graduate students with below a B (or 3-point) average for his under grad ua te years." This year UMR's B-or-better group totals ' about 50 per cent, " and we increased our graduate enrollment at the same time we raised our standards ," the dean points our.

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ory 1974

In the above 3-point group , the largest increase is in the ranks of those with above 3.5 average, from 74 to 117. Dr. McFarland believes that much of this increase can be directly credited to the Chancellor 's Fellowship program initiated last year. "These fellowships are awards of $1,000 to beginning graduate students of exceptional ability," Dr. McFarland explains. Last year, 22 were awarded, all to students with undergraduate grade point averages . of 3.7 or better. This year, 25 feIIowshlps are being offered. " These feIIowships are for one year only - for the first year of doctoral work . They are independent of other forms of graduate student appointments and may be awarded in addition to other fellowships or assistantships," he adds . UMR 's pilot venture was so successful that other branches of the University are also offering similar fellowships for next year, according to Dr. McFarland. The UMR dean feels that it is important that these feIIowships be continued . " They have been supported from ins titutional non-appropriated funds (federal and industrial) which are now dryin g up," he says. " We are now looking for other means of support so that this worthwhile help can continue ." Most graduate students do have aid of some sort or work, he says. Of this year 's 566 graduate students , 19 have industrial feIIowships, 15 have government funded feIIowships, 107 are research assistants and 168 are teaching assistants. Many others work at jobs on or off campus. MSM Alumnus

Dr. M cFarland believes that at the present time our student graduate grade point average is about the same as other University of Missouri campuses and other Big Ei ght Universities, p erhaps not so high as in the Big Ten and some private universities. While the undergraduate grade point average is the major criteria for admission to graduate school , other factors are considered. Applicants must take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) , which indicates aptitude for graduate work. The graduate office uses these mainly for counseling. " We look for the unusual ," Dr. McFarland says. "If a student has a relatively low grade point average and a high GRE score, it may show that he has simply been an underachiever at the undergraduate level. On the other hand , if he has a high grade po int, but a low GRE grade, it may indicate a problem ahead ." Dr. McFarl and points out that the emphasis on higher grad e points is directed chiefly at the gradua te student who plans to get a doctorate degree. " vVe wiII also continue to have a terminal M . S. program and will have a professional development degree. Thi s wiII be i post-baccala urea te but not a traditional graduate degree. It would be a continuing educa tion program for professionals." " No two graduate schools are alike , just as no two uni versit ies are alike," Dr. McFarland conclud es. "U MR 's Gradua te School wiII have its own special mission within the framework of the U nive rsity of Mi ssouri 's mission of education, research and service." If D ean McFarland has his way, UMR 's Graduate School will have excellence as its top priority.

Chi Epsilon ... The initi at ion of 27 und ergrad ua te st ude nts has been a nn ounced by Chi E psil on, nat ional civil en ,g in ee rincz honor fr a ternity a t th e U ni ve rsity of ;\Ii sso uri - Rolla. Membe rs a re selected on the basis of schola rship, cha rac ter. p rac ti ca li ty and sociability , E rvin R. B reiha n o f 12945 Sta r HilI , St. Loui s, was initi ated as ho nor member a nd Dr. J ac k E ma nu el, C ~IR associa te pro fessor o f civil eng in ee rin g, was initi a ted as a fac ul ty member. Breihan is presid ent o f H orn er & Shifrin. Inc " Co ns ultin g E ngilleers, '" R obert Milne of R r. 1, R oll a , was na med outsta nding civil engineering senior. H e was selec ted by vo te of un de raraduale memb ers of C hi E psil on. H e is"preside nt o f th e stud ent chap ter of th e Ame ri ca n Soc iety o f Civil E nginee rs and o f C it izens Unit ed to Resto re the E nvironm ent , an orga ni zation of students a nd Rolla citize ns, Dal e Wibbenm eyer o f Rt. 3, P erryv ill e, rece ived the awa rd for outsta nding scholarship.

ANNUAL FUND as of January 31: 1973 2269 Donors $38,479.31 Century Club 119 Members

NOTICE Please send your suggestions of individuals who should be considered for nomination to the Board of Directors of the MSMUMR Alumni Association. Area directors must live in the zip code area from which they are elected. There may be someone active in your local section who is unknown to the ' committee, please forward the name and credentia:s to the alumni office.

1974 2278 Donors $41,125.07 Century Club 131 Members


Spring Count A total of 3,6 28 students were enrolled a t the U niversity of M issouri R olla shortly after the beginning of the spring semester in January.


St. Pat's Parade and ..oots"

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"Some students were delayed by bad weather a nd road conditions," com mented Bob L ewis , UM R director of admissions and registrar. " Registration took longer this year."

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T he 3,628 figure compares to an enrollment of 3 ,820 at the close of reg ular registration last spring.

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Classes th is sp ring are as follows: 21 freshmen, 585 sophomores, 681 juniors, 1039 seniors, 352 mas ter 's degree candidates and 150 P h. D. candida tes. N ot included in the count , however, are students at the UMR Graduate E ngineering Center in St. Louis, those enrolled in outstate credit co urses or those students in the cooperative train ing program who are now in their work semester .

a n,


Spring Break

Here's divisic "Exten sian D

Spring R ecess begins at 7:30 a . 111 ., Thursday , March 14 and end s a t 7:30 a . m. Monday, Ma rch 18. M in ers will note that th is provides p repa ratio n and recoupera ti on time for the St. Pat's weekend. Easter vacation begins at 7: 30 a . m. Sat urday , April 6 a nd ends at 7:30 a. m. , Tuesday , Ap r il 16 ; although it would be a good idea fo avoid trying to locate any st ud ents on campus Friday , April S.


4th Ar 1974

Third D

Winter Honors Special honors were awarded 50 students from a mong the more than 430 receiving degrees at the University of M issouri - Rolla 's Winter Commencement. These st udents were recognized at gradua tion ceremonies held Sunday, Dec. 16, at 2 p . m . in the UMR M ultiP urpose Building. The designation Summa Cu m Laude was given four stude nts whose grade average was betwe e n 3.8 a nd 4 .0. Magna C um Laude was the designation for 17 s tudents whose grade ave rage was between 3.5 and 3.8. A grade ave rage between 3.2 and 3 .5 earn ed 29 students the designation C um Laude . 10



Portfo R oger Van Deven, president of the Univ ersity of Missouri - Rolla's St. Pat's Board, presents a St . Pat's jacket to E. K. " Toots" Schuman (foreground). Schuman, a UMR alum nus, was named St . Pat 55 y ears ago in 1919. A native of Rolla, he was a spectator at the first St . Pat's cel'emonies in 1907 and h.as participated, in some way, in most of the St . Pat's ceremonies since then. He has acted as St. Pat's parade marshal for the past six years.

Remember the Jim Grimm Retirement Lunch on Saturday, March 16, 1974, Ike's Birthday CELANESE, CELANESE,





Fe brua ry 1974



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You May Suggest

Physics Professor Dies

FAIR, APRIL 4-5 Alumni Student Faculty Conference

NOTICE The Alumni Association through the Awards program recognizes individuals with honors appropriate to achievement, .service and merit. The Awards Committee solicits suggestions of alumni and faculty and friends of the university who should be considered for such honors. Please send names with supporting information to the alum.ni office. All names previously suggested are maintained in the active fi~e. An Award, presented at Homecoming, is not normally made to any member of a Reunion Class and honorees who are in that category are carried forward to a non-reunion. year.

ANNOUNCEMENT The University Center is now handling John Roberts Class Rings. They are avaLable in regular UMR style, in a Joe Miner motif, an experimental all University design. Special MSM rings may be special ordered. For personal a ttention direct req uests to J ess Zink, Director, Auxiliary Enterprises, UMR University Cente r West, Rolla, Mo. 6540 1.

Wayne E. Tefft, Associate Professor of Physics died December 14, 1973 , at the age of 44. Dr. Tefft came to UMR in 1968. A native of Kansas, he entered coll ege after serving three years in the Navy. He had an outstanding record as an undergrad uate at the Un iversity of Kansas where he earned the AB in P hysics. H e earned the Masters a nd Ph . D. from the Uni ve rsity of Illinois a nd his scholarl y achi evements were recogni zed with p rominent national awards. Dr. Tefft ta ught sophomore physics a nd also achi eved outsta nding success with adva nced P hysics ma jors and grad uate stu den ts. He was a member of the Academic Council, active in com mi ttee work and an officer o f the AAUP. H e is survived by hi s wife and two children .


Extension News

• • •

Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division . Where titles are not self explanatory you may ca ll for more detailed informat ion including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314/ 341-4201 or (4202) . Writte n requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of Missouri - Rolla , Rolla, Missouri 65401 . PROGRAM NAME

St. Pat's :groll lld ).

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Mid-America Metric Conference

Stouffer's Riverfront Inn St. Louis

March 17-19,1974

4th Annual Power Apparatus Testing Techniques

Centralia, Mo.

April 30 - May 3, 1974

1974 Underground Electrical Distribution Conf.

Columbia, Mo. Ramada Inn

May 7-8-9, 1974

Third Compl.'ter Methods of Optimum Structural Design

Rolla, Mo.

May 13- 17, 1974

22nd Missouri Concrete Conference

Columbia, Mo. Ramada Inn

March 1, 1974

Modern Techniques in Process Design

UMR - Rolla

May 20-24, 1974

Portfolio Selection & Market Timing

Stouffer's Riverfront Inn St. Louis

May 16-17, 1974

Surface Properties of Materials Short Course

UMR - Rolla

June 17-21, 1974

Surface Properties of Materials Conference

UMR - Rolla

June 24-27, 1974

1st Conference on Energy Reseources

UMR- Rolla

April 24-26, 1974

Productivity in the Mining Industry

UMR - Rolla

May 13-15, 1974

3rd Low Cost Housing Conference

Montreal, Canada

May 24-26, 1974

Applied Ore Microscopy

UMR - Rolla

April 1-4, 1974

Retaining Walls, Abutments & Earth Pressure

UMR - Rolla

April 22-27, 1974

MSM Alumnus


Great Ice Storm of 1924 - Rolla Campus

Thl times Aug u~ Augu~

of the Roil' Home


Tony H omyk '42 furnished above from his file. Camera still operates.

Rolla Brother Act ...

Engineer's Club Rolla Night St. Louis a rea high school a nd college students , their teachers and parents were invited to hear abou t engineering a nd the U ni vers ity of M issouri - Rolla at " Rolla N ight" at 8 : 15 p. m. Thursday , November 8, at the Engineers' Club of St. Louis , 4359 Lindell Blvd. The program was on " What Will Tomorrow's E ngineers Need to Know? " There was a short film feature, ''C reating a Better World Through Engineering," and a panel di scussion by four UM R engineering stu dents. They gave their vi ews on what an engineering graduate needs to know a nd what considera tions enter into the decision of selecting an engineering field. Students who appeared on the panel were John Haley of 70 19A Southwest, St. Louis , a senior in metallurgical engineering; Delores James of 105 N. 5th, Clinton, a junior in petroleum engineering; Mark Weidinger of Vienna, a senior in civil engin eering, and Paul Marting of 7802 Cassia Co urt, Affton, a fr eshma n engin eering student. The panel was moderated by Dr. Tommie Wilson, assistant professor of petroleum engineering. Dr. Bill Atchley, associate dean of engineering, presided at the meeting.

Ender and Onder K efo glu of Ankara , Turkey (s hown here i'n a communications laboratory) both received B . S. degrees in electrical engin eering from th e Univ ersity of Missouri - Rolla on Sunda y, D ec. 16. Sons of a Turkish contractor, the young men came to this country for th eir edu cation because of th e lack of elect1'ical engi1Jeering disci plines in Turk ey . Th ey both int end to earn graduat e degrees - possibly at UMR - then establish a consulting fil: m in Ankara whe.n they return home . As identical tW'ins are apt to do, they split up some of th etr I activities. Onder is a member of th e student chapt er of Institut e of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and Ender belongs t o Kappa Mu Epsilon, honorary mathematics fraternity . Th ey wouldn't comment on the policy as it applies to classes. T hey both enjo y playing bridge and both were m emb ers of UMR 's rifle team before upper division courses required additional study time. 12

There was a question and answer session . After the meeting guests visited informally with UMR alumni, faculty and administrators on such things as admission, costs, scholarships and loans, housing, athletics and cooperative education. " Rolla Night" is held annually at the E ngineers' Club to help acquaint St. Louis area students with UMR. As you know , degrees are offered on the Rolla campus in engineering, science, the humanities a nd social sciences. February 1974

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The ALUMNUS is published six times per year, February, April , June, August, October and December. The August ALUMNUS will carry a report of the Alumni Annual Fund, the Honor Roll of Donors and announcements of Homecoming events. The December ALUMNUS will carry stories of Homecoming activities, Association reports and results of elections. The other issues will carry general news of alumni and the University. The publication of the ALUMNUS is financed by gifts to the ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND. University funds are not used to pay for the magazine. The Board of Directors of the MSMUMR Alumni Association sets the circulation policy and at this writing these are the guidelines: Each issue is mailed to all members of the most recent graduating class. Each issue is distributed to all faculty and staff members. Each issue is mailed to all life members of the Association. Each issue is mailed to all state legislators, University of Missouri Curators and University administrators. The August and December issues are mailed to all alumni of record. The other issues are mailed to the donors to the Alumni Annual Fund, from the date of the gift to the close of the fiscal year, which is August 3l. This variation in mailing lists results in some problems. We get news items in a variety of ways and have not made' it a practice to check if the news item refers to a donor to the Fund, that has . not been a part of the decision of whether to publish it or . not. Consequently, we do publish items which refer to alumni w,ho are not regular readers of the ALUl\:INUS. They never know. Another thing which happens frequently , we get a news item without any identification as to the alumnus involved . So, if you have sent us an item and you beli eve we have ignored it, there are several tests you can make : first , are you a current donor so that you are on the mailin~ li st for all iss ues of the ALUl\H,l)S ('you are not current if you get Fund mailings ) and. second. was the item identified so th at your name and . relationship to Ul\IR was clear. Let us know if we are guilty of mlSS!llg a newsworthy item , that is not our intention. MSM Alumnus

lry 1974

Budget Time in Missouri ... University of · Missouri President C. Brice Ratchford on December 5 appealed to Governor Christopher S. Bond to increase the amount of operating fund s being recommended for the 197475 fi scal year so the University can "avoid a fourth consecutive year of severe reductions in programs." President Ratchford , testifying at the Governor 's budget hearings, explained that if the Governor's present recommendations stand the University will have to reduce its present programs by more than $4.6 million in order to partially meet inflation and provide salary and wage increases proposed by the Governor. Governor Bond has recommended the University receive about $110.4 million for fiscal 1974- 75, an increase of some $5 .6 million over the $104.8 million appropriated for the current fiscal year. President Ratchford said the increase proposed by the Governor, which is $9.8 million less than requested by the University, would be insufficient to meet higher costs and would again force cutbacks in University programs. Actually , the University will need an additional $10.7 million in state appropriations, plus $717 ,900 in funds from other sources, next fiscal year in order 1'0 maintain its services, President Ratchford said . This includes $1.9 million for inflation in expense and equipment; $7.3 million for salary and wage adjustments; about $700,000 for handling projected enrollment increases ; and $1.5 million ·in fixed cost increases such as operating new buildings , accepting the fourth year class at the School of Medicine in Kansas City, expanding the School of Nursing in Columbia and some other items. "For three years in a row, we have been forced to cut back programs and quality because the state appropriation simply did not cover mandatory costs such as modest salary and wage increases, inflation and new programs we were directed to start, the major one being the new Medical School in Kansas City," President Ratchford explained. "The program curtailment for the current year was $4.8 million. The

budget you have suggested would result in a similar or larger red uction in program size and quality in fiscal 1974-75." President Ratchford pointed out that the University is seeki ng only a minimal amount of fund s for new programs next year, but that they co ul d not be funded under the recommendation mad e by the Governor. The request for new programs totals $4 million , with the largest single item being $1.5 million for programs in the health sciences. P resident Ratchford also pointed out that the University has been asked by Governor Bond to consider assuming responsibility for operating the Independence Residence Center at the end of this academic year. "If we do find it to be in the best interest of the state for the University to operate the Center, we will be back to you with a supplemental request," President Ratchford said. " In order that there be no doubt in anyone 's mind, we hope all appropriations for the Independence operation will be separate line items for fiscal year 1974-75."

President Ratchford said that the University of Missouri is an efficiently run institution. He noted that general administration takes only about 1.5 percent of the total University operating budget. " When the size of the job done by the University is compared with other similar institutions and their budgets, the University of Missouri is efficient. The state gets a good buy for its money," he said. Expanding on this point, President Ratchford declared: "This last year the University granted more than one-third of all degrees in the state and 56 percent of all doctorates. We are the sole or major producer of trained manpower in several professions. "Through the research , extension and service programs, the University benefits directly hundreds of thousands of citizens who are not regularly enrolled students. The University of Missouri is a very gooj and productive institution." 13

The Miner Band and The Miner Band will do the pre-,ga me show at Busch Stadium , April 20, 1974. The Ca rdinals will face Montreal tha t date , T here wi ll be 70 musicia ns in the 10 minute show, It wi ll feature a solo twirler, fl ag twi rl ers and J ack Lyma n, UM R stu de nt who was lead trum pet with H arry J a mes and oth er major orches tras and jazz groups .

The Band has , in recent years, p erformed a t the Memphi s Co tton Ca rni val four times, th e New York World ' Fair , the Washington Cherry Fes tival a nd the H oli day in D ix ie Festival in Shreveport. In additi on, the Band has appea red on nati onal telev ision four tim es. All alumni are urged to a ttend the performa nce.

All That Jazz

"Jazz," he says, "is important as an art fo rm because it 's the only music born in the Uni ted Sta tes . Everything el se, incl uding rock , is borrowed from somewhere else. T he real jazz musicia n is a n a rti t. Hi s music, his improvisation is an expression of himself."

Ly ma n, who started play ing professionally at th e age of 16, thinks that jazz today is fa r more dif ficu lt a nd in trica te tha n it used to b e. " It developed in the 1920 's - what we now ca ll Di xiela nd , but wa then ju t ca ll ed ' jazz.' Th at evolved in to the win g era , whi ch led into bebo p. a sort of fad. Th a t ga ve way to the 'cool school'. pure in tell ect wit hout emotion a for erunn er of what is ca ll ed mo de rn jazz. :\ ow jazz ha s ta ken on so me of th e element s of rock , whi ch T would ca ll p ure emoti on wi thou ti n tell ect."


named elec tri( of iis of twO ALCO

Dr. In


Institu (j~!R

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grams, H e especiall y likes \I'ork ing wi th tlldents. But he fin d. one differell ce between tea chin g at C:\I R an d other school where he ha ta w~ ht: Rolla has no music major. :'.I05 t of hi , tll ,le nt are fu ture engin ee rs or cienti L, al th ough there are ome hum a niti es or social science ma jor .

Ja zz trump eter Jack L yman , who has played with such w elt-kn own orchestras as Harry Jam es' and Dick Jurgens', directs Un iversity of M issouri - Rolla students in th e intricacies of m odern jazz.

Th e be t jazz today is being played in th e colleges a nd univ e r s iti e ~ around the co untry . That i the opini on of J ack Lyman , profe sional jazz trum peter who is develop ing th e jazz J1 rogra m at th e Un iver i ty. of M issouri - Roll a . Ly ma n is a man who shoul d kn ow . He has played with such na ti onally know n orchestra s a H a rry J a mes' a nd Di ck Jurge ns' , Durin g seven year in Las Vegas, he accompa ni ed alma t every ma jor star in th e mu sic busin e s. H e later had his own orches tra ami ta ught jazz and brass at Go nzaga Uni versity and Olymp ic Coll ege , 14

Lyman feel s tha t commercia lism ha s . kill ed jazz <is an art form , and tha t coll eges and universiti es a re where pure jazz survives . No w a p ychol ogy ma jor a t Ul\1R , he's developin g th e jazz progra m a t UMR a a stud ent ass i ta nt und er a grant-in-ai d fr om the alumni a sociat ion. H e hopes th a t U:'.IR 's jazz program will reach th e excell ence th a t gives coll egia te jazz " best" ra ting in hi s opini on. Th ere are 30 stud ents enroll ed in his jazz cl ass. Of co urse, a smaller group is used for performances, Although he hopes hi s stu de nts have fun play ing jazz , he can id ers jazz erious music and trea ts it as such.

H e thin ks play in g jazz - or a ny music - has a definite an d im porta nt place for st!ldents, no ma tt er wha t th eir ma jor. " T he more you lea rn a bout a ny subj ec t, th e more yo u apprecia te it ," Lyman ays . " H ere a stu de nt lea rn s wha t jazz rea lly is - wh a t good mu sic is. Wh en he lea rn tha t , hi s taste improves, a nd he reall y enjoys music, both as a perfo rmer a nd a listener. "

Dr. D avid L. Oa kl ey, direc tor of Ul\IR ba nds since 1960, has the _ame philo op hy . " Alth ough lj:\IR ha no formal ma jor in music, we have nine dif fe rent instr umental group a nd five choral group . \\' e do bo th opera a nd stage prod ucti ons. 0 , a t :\IR, a student with an interes t a nd talent in mu ic has plenty of th e opportuniti es to paricipa te, even though he does n't plan to make mu sic hi s life wo rk ." F or the musical " :\Iin ers." jazz trum peter J ack Lyma n a nd " all tha t jazz" help roun d out th e progra m. February 1974

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Derald Morgan Named. Dr. J. Derald Morgan has been named ALCOA Foundation professor of electrical engineering at the University of Missouri - Rolla. The position is one of two professorships supported by the ALCOA Foundation at UMR. Dr. Morgan received his B. S. degree in 1962 from Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, his M. S. degree in 1965 from UMR and his Ph. D. in 1968 from Arizona State University. He became a member of the electrical engineering faculty at UMR in 1968.

. Area high school students interested in science and engineering are invited to display thei r ideas and ingenuity by entering projects in the 18th annual South Central Missouri Science and E ngine'ering Fair. The fair will be Friday and Sat urday , April 5-6, on the campus of the University of Missouri Rolla.

Those wishing to participate in this year's Science and Engineering Fair ' (grades 9 through 12) should obtain an entry blank by writing Professor Cole, department of physics, University of M issouri - Rolla, Rolla , Mo. 65401. Grand prize this year is a trophy and trip to the 25th In tern a tional Science and Engineering Fair which will be held May 5-11 at Notre Dame University, South Bend , I nd. Other prizes include a t rophy for the second grand prize winner, trophies for first place in each division , medals, plaques, certificates, cash prizes, scientific magazine subscriptions, slide rules and handbooks.

1. Derald Morgan '65


hat J.azz"

Engineering and Science Fair

"With all the emphasis on the energy Dr. Morgan is head of the power. area crisis this year, we expect a number of of the electrical engineering department students will have projects relating to and also serves as assistant director of energy conservation ," says Malcolm B . UMR's Center for International Pro- Cole, professor of physics and director of the fa ir fo r many years. "Who knows, grams. some of our st udents may come up with He is currently chairman of the Insti- projects p roviding valuable contributute of Electrical and Electronic Engi- tions to the solution of some of these neers (IEEE) Power Engineering So- problems." ciety International Practices SubcomStudents are invited to submit projmittee of Power Systems Engineering ects in any of 11 different areas. These and Chairman of the Educational Re- are: behavioral a nd soc ial sciences, sources Subcommittee. He is also a biochemistry, botany, chemistry, earth member of advisory and planning com- and space sciences; engineering, mathemittees of the American Power Confer- matics and comp uters, medicine and ence and the Midwest Power Sym- health , microbiology, physics and zoolposium. ogy. The exhibits will be set up and displayed in the UM R University Center. They will be open to the public on Friday evening and Saturday morning.


Fair - April 5-6


The fair is being sponsored by UMR, the Rolla Daily News, Rolla radio stations KTTR-KZNN, the Washington Missourian, Hermann Advertiser-Courier, the Gasconade County Republican in Owensville and the Houston Herald and Republican newspapers.

Association Director Makes Change. Mr. J. Hunt Benoist, President of Hercules Construction Co. , announced today that George D . Tomazi, formerly on the executive staff of the St. Louis Regional Commerce and Growth Association, has joined Hercules as Vice P resident. Mr. Tomazi will be responsible for marketing and client relations as well as participate in the general managment of the company. Tomazi had most recently been Director of Economic Development for the Regional Commerce and Growth Association (RCGA) a nd had been E xecutive Vice Presiden t of the St. Louis Research Council prior to its merger into the RCGA. Previously he had been Manager of Corporate Planning for General Steel Industries and Project Engineer at Union Electric where he had considerable experience in design and management of construction-type projects.

C.D. Tomazi '58

Tomazi had a B. S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Missouri - Rolla in 1958 and a Masters Degree in Engineering and Business Administration from St. Louis University. He received the degree Electrical Engineer from UMR in 1970. He is a registered P rofessional Engineer in Mi ssouri and Illinois. He is a member of the National Society of P rofessional Engineers, the Missouri Society of Professional E ngineers and the Engineers Club of St. Louis. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Kidney Foundation of Eastern Missouri and Metro East, the American Defense Prepared ness Association and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Hercules Construction Company is currently celebrating its 50th a nniversary of service to the St. Louis region and other parts of the midwest. 15

H. H. Hartzell Past President of The Alumni Association Henry H. Hartzell , a past president of the Alumni Association , (1930-31) died September 10, 19 73 after a long illness. H e resid ed in Baxter Springs, Kansas where he had been active for ma ny yea rs in the mining industry. He was preceeded in death by his wife, Dorothy . Hartzell , who was known as " Topsy" by his M SM class mates, was a found er of the Kappa Sigma chapter on the Rolla campus. Long recogni zed for his devotion to hi s school and his fraternity , H a rtzell provid ed in his Will $ 12,000 for Kappa Sigma an d $12 ,000 for the University Alumni Loan F und. A na tive o f Cape Girardeau, he was buried in Poplar Bluff. He was 92 at the time of his death .

Job Opportunities For information concerning positions li sted below , please contact Mr. Larry Nuss , Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR , Rolla, Missouri 65401 , giving the Fi le Number of the position , state yo ur degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. R egarding the listings that follow. During times of high activity in the employ ment market, some positions will be fill ed before they a re published. The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may be open if you enclose your resume with your inquiry. DESIGNERS , E GINEERS, PROJECT ENGI EERS - Expansion and career growth opportun ities, excell ent starting sala ri es and frin ges. Chicago suburbs . File 258. GEOLOGIST - Grad uate, three or more yea rs mining, geothermal-exploration or petro industry experience. West Coast. F ile 259. ENGINEERS All kinds, Oklahoma based company, UMR graduates have done well with them. Experienced applicants. File 260. 16

J. B. Arthur, Doctor John B urwell Arthur , University of M issouri - Rolla , Doctor of Engineering 1958, di ed on October 3 1 of this past year. Dr. Arthur wa born in Butler Co unty , Missouri on J anuary 29, 1889. Du ring hi s profess ional ca reer he was associa ted with the Sandoval Zinc Company o f E. St. Lo ui s, the Cyp ress Lum.ber Company of Apalachicola , Florida, the Leach Lumber Co mpany of Poplar Bluff , and the A. P. Green Fire Brick Company of Mexico , Mi sso uri before organizing the Mexico R e fractories Company, also in Mexico , M issouri . Thro ugh his leadership as its P resident M exico R efractories Compa ny became one of the larges t man ufacturers of refractories and refractory specialties in the country with many interests abroad. Dr. Arthur became Chairman of the Board of the Company in 195 7, which position he held un til a s ubseq uent merger of Mex ico Re fractori es Company with Kai ser R efractories Divi sion of Kaiser Indu stri es , wh ich orga niza tion he con tinu ed to serve until hi s retiremen t. H e was also a member of the Board of D irectors of the R e fractor ies E ngin eering a nd Supply, Ltd. of Hamilton , Ontario ; th e R e fra ctori es In stitute of Pittsburg, P enn sylvania ; the First NaENGINEERS, PLANT -30-35 years old, Chem. or Mech. Engrs. Plant of 180 employees, recreational. Michigan area . File 261. ENGINEERS Ph. D. or MS, accoustical type, some experience. Chicago area . File 262. ENGINEER - M ining, who wa nts to Go West, a you ng man , BS, new or a year's experience. F ile 263. ENGINEER M ining, ten years experience, underground coal , engineering and evaluation. San Francisco. File 264. ALL KINDS, SCIENTIFIC and ENGINEERS - NSF sponsored University Corporation , permanent and temporaries, atmospheric. F ile 265. GEOPHYSICISTS, OFFSHORE DRILLING ENGINEERS - 3-5 years experi ence, assignments worldwide, cons ulta nt review to assure confidentiality. File 266 .

of Engineering, 1958 tional Bank of Mex ico, M isso uri ; the Gulf , Mobi le a nd Oh io Railroad; and vice cha irm a n o f the M exico R ecreati on Co mmission. H e was a member and generous contributor to th e M exico Cou ntry Club a nd Arthur Hills Golf Club o f Mexico , M issouri a nd the Marion Golf Club of ArcImore and l'he Duquesne Club of Pil L burgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Arthur gave un selfi shl y of hi s time a nd mon ey to th e Community of Mexico , M issou ri , includin g the donation of property for local recrea tional , hospital a nd church faciliti es . In the in terest of establishin g a pattern for strengthening cera mi c engineering edu catio n in th is cou ntry, Dr. Arthur and his fami ly established a self sustaining scholarship-loa n fu nd at the University of 1 issouri School of Mines and M etallurgy in 1955 and mad e furth er co ntribution to the an nu al in come to insure that a maximum number o f grants could be made each year. Su rvi vors includ e hi s widow , Cathy Arthur , two daughters; Mrs. Ka rl Bachmann of San Francisco , California and Mrs. C. L. Black of Mexico, Missouri , and several grand children. Bu ri al was in the Arthur family plot, Memorial Cemetery, Mexico, Missouri. PE, Florida - Local government, 5 years water management or hydrologic, bridges, dams and canals. File 267.

EE, ME and EN GMT - Big company, several openings, 4-5 years experience. File 268. GEOLOGIST, MINING ENGINEER or GEOLOGIST - Some experience and a little age, Missouri, a company with UM R alumni. File 269. ENGINEER - ME, ChE, EE, 3-7 years project, ChE, 0-5. File 270. ENGINEER , AIRPORT-Neighboring state, CE with airport design. File 271. COMPUTER SCIENCE Must know Cobalt , P I -Flash I and PO-I with OS, whatever that means. Missouri. File 272. CIVILS new and almost new, Missouri, construction, control and estimations. File 273.

( Continued on Page 17) February 1974

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, EE,3·7


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_ Must JO-1 with ·Missouri.

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ary 1974


(Continued From Page 16) MECHANICALS - One-three years, water pumps. Missouri. File 274. MATERIAL SCIENCES - MS or PhD, design and testing communicate. Minnesota. File 275. ENGINEERS - All kind~ , Illinois mostly, some Texas. File 276. ENGINEER - Mining, who's been underground, 2-6 years. BS. File 277 . ENGINEERS - Mining, ChE, Met, Chern. Geology . All needed by a lab . NE location. File 278. ENGINEERS - St. Louis, BS/ MS, ME, ChE, Civil, new or. File 279. ENGINEER - 4-8 years experience, noise levels, must communicate. File 280. ENGINEERS -- Large company, ME, CE and EE. File 28 1.

UMR Again Ranks High The Univers; ty of Mi ssouri - Rolla ranked fifth in the country in the number of B. S. engineering gradua tes during the academic year ending June, 1973 , eighth in total numb er of engineering graduates at all degree levels and tenth in M . S. degrees awarded. These statistics are compiled annually by the Engineering :M anpower Commi ssion in cooperation with the American Society for Engineering Education. The survey showed that for the 197273 academic year , 28 5 U. S. engineering schools produced 43,429 bachelor 's, 16.718 master's , 434 engineer and 3,587 doctor's degree graduates. This is a decrease from the previous year for the first time since 1966, reflecting the decline in entering freshman enrollments in recent years. UMR has for many years b 2en among the 10 largest engineering education institutions in the country , and for two years ranked second nationally in the number of B. S. engineerin e; degrees granted. Most of UMR's 13 engineering departments are among the nation's largest with civil engineering holding the top spot annually in recent years.

MSM Alumnus

Alumni Personals 1 9 0 6

H enry H. Hartzell died September 10, 1973, see story el sewhere in the ALUM N US . 1 9 1 2

Joseph S. Irwin , 2106 7th St. SW., Calgary, Alberta, Canada , has announced his retirement from his business as a self-empl oyed con sulting geologist. 191 7

Howard Andrew Horner of 20 M yrtl e Ave. , Waynesboro, P ennsylvania is SO years old. Mr. Horner's health is now failing and he sp ends all his time at home . 192 2 Glen S. and Ellen Wyman of 140 N . Shore ·Dr. , Solana Beach , California are planning to move from their present home in April ' 74. We ho pe they remember to send us their new address.

Prof. Grimm Reservations for Jim's Retirement Luncheon at 12:30 p. m., Sat., March 16, University Center, Should be made as soon as possible with Dan Goodman, EE Dept., UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401. $5 .00 per place. 193 2


192 9

Ch\l.rles H. Dresbach has retired from the Gulf Oil Corp. and is now workin g as a part-time foreign petroleum consultant. He has built a home at the edge of Beaver Lake (Rou te 6, 5 Puckett Road) in Rogers, Arkansas, and is enjoying the good life. 193 0

Erwin C. and Shirley Hoeman of 1300 East 650, South, Pleasant Grove, Utah , are happy in their retirement home. Percy E. Moore died January 20, 1974. He lived at 733 Colebrook Dr., Webster Groves, Mo. He had retired in 1970 after 40 years of service with the Corps of Engineers. His survivors include his wife Zona Gale and two daughters. Moore was a member of the first Army engineering company that worked on the Alcan Highway. After 30 years service with U. S. Geological Survey, W . E. " Shorty" and Helen Davis have retired to 1380(, lllth Ave . in Sun City, Arizona.

Stuart L. Davis , 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach , Florida, rates the missil e coast as the best place to retire. He is now working for American Realty in Cape Canaveral and is planning to form a development corporation as a subsidiary of American Realty to provide custom built homes, condominiums and motels. Andrew W . Kassay has announced his retirement from Allied Chemical Corp. as of July 1, 19 73 after 37 years. Andrew and Julia are living at 1559 Eastgate Road in Toledo , Ohio. W. T. Kay , 10 Maple Lane, Mercer Island, Washington , has retired from his position as Vice Pres. and General Manager of the E. l Bartell s Co .. ,~ subsidiary of A. P. Green. H e serve"! . the company and the parent company for 46 years . John A. Pollak , 1104 Whitec1iff Dr., Kirkwood , M issouri , is a Facility Pmject Engineer w;th Rockwell International Sci ence Center and is engaged in siteing, acquisition and construction of 25 air monitoring stations in the St. Louis Metro area in connection with implementation of regional air monitoring system for the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (RAMS Program) . 17

A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _____________________________________________________________________

193 3 T. O. Seiberl ing of Ro ute 2, Bonn e Terre, Missou ri , is looking for a new type .of mo tor or fu el. H is c urrent problem is t ry ing to determin e how to a ttend Golf a nd Bass Tourna ment s next season without using gasoline. Henry S. H ickma n , 1511 Rosewood Dr., J efferson City, M isso uri , has retired as d ivision eng ineer for the Federa l Highway Ad min is tra ti on in M ;s· souri . D ivision engin eer since 1960, Hickman has supervised at the federa l level much of the in terstate cons tr ucti on in M isso uri. REUNION AT HOMECOMING

193 4 Edwin a nd Ma rjorie Hein are now enjoying retireme nt in t heir home at 208 No r th Sta r Road in Newark , Deleware, designed a nd bui lt ten years ago with retirement · in min d. The Hein 's have two mar ri ed da ugh te rs wit h fOll!" gran dchildren , one married son a nd on e unmarri ed daughter who wi ll grad uate from coll ege next May . Edwin reti red from DuPont after th irty-two years.

yea rs of service. He is survived by his loving wife, three children a nd th ree grandchildren. Home address is 2134 L inden wood D r. , F t. Way ne, India na . 1 940


C. "Pete" Palm er has b een elected .to t he board of di recto rs o f the St. Lo ui s Ambassado rs, I nc., a civic p ro moti ona l organ ization . W illi a m C. Alexa nd er. RR 1 Illin ois City , Illinois; has a ne~ pos' tion wit h the U. S. Arm y Arm a ment Co mma n d in Rock I sla nd . E ugene L. Olco t t, 6504 Lak eview Dr. , Falls Church , Vi rginia is now self employed as a ma teria ls consul ta nt on aerospace ma terials. H erber t G. Ka mper, has retired from the Laclede Steel Company wher'e he had served as Ma nager of Me tallurgy. H erb is a brother of Olli e K a mper who has a lso re tired.

R . G. Hudson, Rt. I , Kim bolton , Ohio , repor ts he is retired from Good year T ire and Rubber after 3 7 yea r ~, and is now fa rming and raising Herefords , and en joyi ng every minute of it.

H.C. Kamper



194 2 Leona rd C. W olff has retired fr um the Navy and is enjoy; ng a secol)d career as the D irector o f Specia l Progra ms & I ns t ructor o f Techni cal Subjects at Mobe rl y Area Juni or Coll egE . T ha t 's wha t helps keep him yo ung. L eona rd a n d I da Mae a re livin g a t 11 ::14 P heasant Run in Columbia , M issouri.

Virg in Ka manag for thl public

the BI Public

J ohn C. All en is presiden t of E nCTineering Management Cons ul tants, Pte. ~ td. ~ n Feb r ua ry 1, 19 74 the company IS mov1l1g to J a ka rta , In donesia perma nentl y and cha nging its na me to EMC. L td. J ohn a n d H elen wi ll be living at 3 J a la n Suba ng in J aka rta .


W . Zoll er of 6 169 S. Ehab "tn Way! L ittleton, Colora do, was electe r] PreSident of the Ta tural R e~ ourc e3 Corpora tion in Sep te mbe r o f 1973.

HOMECOMING '74 October 11 & 12

power Utilitil

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Drive, ing wit in \\'a5 Engr.

REUNION CLASSES: 1924 and all prior; 1929, 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969.

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193 5

J oseph T. Hepp, 3 711 N. Pa rma R d. , Parma , Mich igan , is now Vice P resident a nd Gene ra l Manage r of Blu-Surf, ] nc. of P a rm a . J oe was on campus a t H omecoming.

R icha rd J. Dobson, 2700 Memoria l Dr. , Houston, Texas, has rejoined Aust ra l Oil Co., I nc. as VP a ft er spending 1972 as a consulta nt. W. ]. Campbell a nd his wife, M ari e. a re now living in Pe nsacola, F lori da. B ill is J. A. J on es Construct!on Compa ny 's pro ject ma nager on a 45 m ill ion doll a r p la nt add it ion for the St. R e~!s Paper Company i n Co n to nm e n t . F lori da. Olive r W illia m Kamper has retired from Harb ison Walke r Re fr ac tories ('l. a fter 24 years o f serv ice. Ollie a nd Berni e have moved fr om t hei r home in Pit tsburgh a nd establi shed reside nce at 164 17 l1lth Ave. , Sun City , Arizo na. And rew T homas F ra nk d ieel D ecem· ber 24, 1973 of a hea rt a ttack. He was 61 years old. He had p la nn ed to retire fro m Genera l E lectri c in Aug ust of t his year when he wo ul d have complete:! 38 18

tudy c

194 1 TMA R GAAATAI membe r F lovd P . Smith of 75 1 E l M irador D r;ve , Full erton , California an d hi s wi fe , the form er E ll en N ull , vis ited the C3 mJ1U S in November. T hey were enro ute to W ichita to gree t th eir first granr1c hil d. F loyd is VI' o f the H ooh Corp. , engaged in worl d-w ide p ipelin e (o nstr uction proj ec ts, a nd has r ece nt ~y been in B razil and Indonesia. K enn eth L. Ha rding, J r., 1232 D ayton Dr. , Galesburg, Illinois, is now an o ffi ce engin eer with G unther Constructio n Co .. a fter 25 years in the fi eln . K en a nd Margaret a re first time grandpa rents December 5.

and 10 Allison

Wa lter F . Ande rson . 219 H a rmon\' Ave., East P eori a , I llino is, repor ts th ,;" as a res ult o f a n a uto wreck in Oc tober 1972 he is d isablen a mi not a t hi s regul a r job as Superv isi ng E ngi neer with Caterpill a r. T he Ande rsons have two ma rried da ughters, a nd one at home, a nd a son , 9. J ohn a nd Barba ra Gr ie sen have relocated a nd their new a dd ress is 10 189 Beekma n P lace Drive in Houston, Texas. John is now wo rkin g for Hil debra ndt E ngineerin g Co. , as their Sales Ma nager. He is responsibl e for na tional sales of H ECO l\1fgd. te mpe rat ure and pressure measurement devi ces a nd local territory sales for resale AMD Mfg. items. Febr ua ry 1974

C. D Station re-elect Electric India o rector

A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _____________________________________________________________________


red froOl a second cial Pro. leal Sub. Colle~f.

YOuno ~ at 11 :)4 issouri.


of En'i. nts, Pt~. company a perma. to EMr living ~;


) electe') :e'ourCe3 73.

'74 2

1934, 1959,

rna Rd.,


194 9 Virgil W . Hogland of 7112 Georgict in Kansas City, Kansas, is th e new manager of production and distribution for the Kansas City, Kansas Board of Public Utilities. Mr. Hogland is also on the Board of Directors for American Public Power Assn .. for the Southwest Power Pool and fo~ Kansas Municipal Utilities Assn. Harold M. Telhorst, 6815 SW Fountaindale Rd ., Topeka, Kansas, informs us that his daughter Amy has graduated from college and is living and working in Chicago. Harold is VP of the Victory Sand and Concrete, Inc., in Topeka. Oliver W. Jones, 6006 Belleview Drive, Falls Church, Virginia, is working with the Internal Revenue Service in Washington , D. C. as a Petroleum Engr.

195 2

D. T. King '50

The alumni office has been notified of the death of Theodore Emanuel Dobson formerly of Houston, Texas. He had been employed by Halbounty of that city.

Milan Lipensky, 1270 Marion Dr., Lebanon , Pennsylvania, is leaving Bethlehem Steel and will be owner-operator of Lebanon Building Supply and will act as a Consultant in underground mining and quarrying operations.

Donald T. King, Director of Coal Preparation and Distribution with the U. S. Steel Corp., recently served on the National Petroleum Council Energ~l Study on Coal Task Force Group. Don and Joyce live at 2059 Menold Dr., Allison Park, Pennsylvania.


Gandhi '50

Donald T. King, 2059 Menold Dr., Allison Park, Pennsylvania, is assigned to headquarters, U. S. Steel and adminIsters 29 million tons of metallurgic2.1 coal annually. Don is active in AIME and AMC. Harry B. O'Dell of 1028 Kickapoo St. in Jacksonville, Texas, reported having a good visit with Bill Weinstein, '50, at Bill's home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada this past summer. Ervin]. Strauss, P. O. Box 422, Pacific, Missouri, has been named Chief Engineer, A. C. Generators, Gould Inc. , Century ' Electric Co. , St. Louis. He was transferred in August from the Hermetic Motor Plant to the General Office.

195 1


f OllS ton ,

ry 197 4

David D. Parrish, 2544 Waterman, Granite City, Illinois, is Vice President of G. H. Sternberg & Co. in Granite City and has a son, Duane. who is a third year Civil Engineering student at UMR.

Lloyd Phillips, Rte. 1, Ironton , Mi::;souri has recently retired, to the 40 acres that he and his wife bought in 1956 in the Arcadia Valley.

1ave reo

r Hilde· :ir Sales national lire and nd local D Mfg,

Charles C. Johnson of 12112 Old Colony Drive, New Upper Marlboro, Maryland , received his Master's Degree in December of 1972. Charles is a civil engineer with the Department of Transportation Federal Bureau of Roads , Specification Branch.

195 3

: Home·


James W. O'Connor , Jr. , 455 Roosevelt Ave., Springfield, Mass. is employed as Engineering Supervisor, Pla!1t Engineering Department, Mon sa n to Co., Springfield. He recently earned the Juris Doctor and has been admitted to practice before the Massachusetts Bar.

Wallace W. Short, 421 Covington Place, Goleta, California. has a new position as Technical Director, PSITRAN Corp. , in El Sequndo, California.

1 950

Jrf, Inc.

:armon), rts thai October his re,~­ :er with lve two thome,

manufacturers of power and di stribution transformers . He'd like to hear from his fellow EE grads.

C. D. Gandhi, 106 (N) Koliwada, Station Rd. , Sion, Bombay-22, has been re-elected President of the Indian Electrical Manufacturers' Assn. , an all India organiation. He is Managing Director of EMCO Transformers Ltd., MSM Alumnus

Lester W. Holcomb, RFD 7, Carbondale, Illinois,. was appointed County Superintendent of Highways for Randolph County, Illinois on January 3, 1974. Elmer D. Packheiser of 307 S. Cherry Grove Ave., Annapolis, Maryland, has a new position with Westinghouse Oceanic Division. He is in charge of configuration and Data Management.


195 4 956 Larry L. Murphy, 1000 Surrey Woods Rd., Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, is President of the Kaylar Development Corp. of Pittsburgh.

Mail News for Alumni Personals to Alumni Office Harris Hall University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Mo. 65401 Remember to include your name. 19

A\.. U



1 9 5 7

1 960

Lloyd Reuss was promoted to Divi sional Manager of Product Planning for Chevrolet in April , 1973 . He is responsible ¡ for all passenger car, truck and manufacturing future planning. He was formerly chief engineer for the Vega. Lloyd and Maurcine are living at 2719 Courville , Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Sylvan Bartlett is a LCDR-M. D. in the Navy, a Board Certified Otolaryngologist and is completing the final six months of military obligation at U. S. Naval Hospital , Beaufort, North CaroliQa. He is married with four children.

Donald J. Ferguson of 511 WeIIshirâ‚Ź: Ct. in Ballwin, M issouri, has been promoted to Department Chi ef, Engineering (Cost Reduction) for the Southwestern Region Service Division of the Western Electric Compa ny. Don has a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from UMR.

195 8 John O. Buchanan, 126 Clover, Lake Jackson , Texas, sends the following report: "Last summer, Dow Chemical had a major explosion at their plant near P usan, Korea, causing over $2,000,000 in damages. I was flown over there as engineer in charge of reconstruction. Employing about 2,000 Korean workmen I had the plant back in operation in 2 months time and it is now running even more efficien tly than it did before." John sent a picture which we were unable to reprod uce. Ed Degenhart , 2 Boxwood Lane , Kirkwood, M issouri , has rejoin ed Ralston Purina as a Project E ngineer in the Corporate Engineeri ng Dept. Robert J. Smuland , 70 Brittany Lan e, F airfi eld , Ohio, is Ma nager CF6 Engineerin g for GE . The CF6 engines power the DCI0-W , D C-1O-30, A300b and 747 -300 aircraft. J ames Burwell Arthur died October 31,1973 , see report elsewhere in ALUMNUS . Wallace E. Nor thup and wife Joan are living at 790 Oak Canyon Drive, Loveland , Ohio. Mr. Northup is the , Vice-President a nd General Manager of Richter Concrete Co. in Ci ncinnati. H e has been with Richter since March , 1973. REUNION AT HOMECOMING

195 9 20

R. O. Rouse

Harlie M. Love who resides at 915 East Rosedale, East Alton, Illinois , has been promoted to manager of environmental technology at Granite City Steel. He has been with Granite City since 1966 and holds the Bachelors and Masters from UMR. Herman Vacca a nd his wife, Carol , are living at 4642 Stonegate Way in Corpus Christi , Texas . Herman is in the Corpus Christi Sales Office of Slumberger.

196 1 Ben W. Hartsfield , Rt. 3, Morrison, Tennessee has received his certificate of registration as a professional engineer in Tennessee. Ben is a propulsion engineer for ARO, Inc. , at the Arnold Engineering D evelopment Center near Tullahoma. ARO is a subsidiary of Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc. In November 1973 Robert E . Henderson received the 1973 Air Force Systems Command Science and Engineering Award. In December he was promoted to Supervisory Aerospace Engineer in the Combustion Technology Group for the Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Bob and Pat live at 4140 Leafback Place in Dayton. 1 962

Ben Rozell will open the Taney County Abstract and Title Compa ny in Branson, Missouri. The company office will be located with th e Rozell E ngineering Co. office at 122 3 West Pacific, Richard Brockmann of 25 Three Trees Lane, Trumbull, Connecticlltt, reports the arrivial on May 9, 1972 of Kenneth Charles who has two sisters, Karen and Diane. Richard is an Asst . Prof. at the University of Bridgeport. Michael M. McRae, 1312 Runnymead Ave. , SW, Decatur, Alabama , has been named Manager of Manlliacturing E ngineering at Prestolite E I e c t rica I Prod ucts Division in Decatur. H e earned the M . S. Q. S. at the University of Dallas in 1971.



JaIT Alton, of M Prome will I metall Laclee

Richard O. Rouse whose mai ling address is P. O. Box 222, Moundsville, West Virgi nia , has been named president of Consolidated Coal Company 's Central Division. Rouse was formerly vice president and general manager of the Ohio River Division. Harold L. Kuhn and hi s wife, Carol E. H enderson Kuhn are living at 412 Summit Drive, Port Washington , Wisconsin. Harold is now ma nager of Plant E ngineering for A. O. Smith Powder Metallurgy Division in Milwaukee. 1 963

Dennis Trautman, Box 2335, Casper, Wyoming, is now a Sales Representative with Wyoming Machinery Co. of Casper. Robert R. Burton is General Manager of the North American Products Corp .'s Midwest Region in Jasper, Indiana. He and Mary are living at 1161 Terrace Ave. in Jasper, but plan to move south in June . His corporation is relocating its executive offices to Atlanta, Georgia. Ron S. Robertson, 35 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, Missouri, has been named Presi dent of Hamilton and Son, Inc. of Rolla and also as a Director of the First State Bank. G. E. Rinkel, 1801 E. Crestwood , Peoria, Illinois, has a new address and a new job. He has been promoted to P lant Metallurgist at the Industrial E ngine division pla nt of the Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Mossville, Illinois.

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John C. Lamb , 772 3 Gannon, St. Louis , is now Director of the Computer Center at Park College of St. Louis University.

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February 1974



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196 4 James L. Hubbard, 2342 Briar Cliff. Alton, II1inois, has been named Manager of Metallurgy for Laclede Steel Co. Promoted from Chief Metallurgist, h( will now have responsibility for all metallurgical and chemical services at Laclede.

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Dr. Ronald A. McCauley , Senior Development Engineer with PPG Industries , has transferred from N ew Kensington , Penn sylvania, to 108 Wiltshire Circle in Monroeville, Pennsylvania . Larry L. Parkin son and hi s wife, Claudette, are living at 405 Delaware Ave. in Palmerton , Pennsylvania . Larry works for New Jersey Zinc and was recently promoted to Slab Zinc Dept. Superintendent.

William L. Phelps, Jr., and his wife, Jane, live at # 50 Nassau in Kenner, Louisiana. Bill works for Shell Oil Co. and was recently promoted' to Manager of the Engineering Services Department at the Shell Oi l Norco Refinery. James E. West was promoted to Project Engineer, a First Line Manager, for IBM Office Products Division in Lexington , Kentucky. James and Susan live at 2141 Oleander Drive in Lexington. Connie (5) and Jamie (2) have informed us that their father , James Huddleston , a member of the IBM staff at Ro'c hester , Minnesota, has been promoted to Project Programmer and Manager of SPOOL and Library Maintenance for IBM S/ 3 Models 6, l() and 15 . The Huddl estons live at 635 NW 28th Street, Rochester, Minnesota.

196 7 Kenneth C. Boll inger , 47 3 1 Dalebr idge Rd. , # B-1 6. Wa rren sville H eights, Ohio , was na med M as ter Salesman for Monsa nto Industri al Chemi cals Co. This is the hi ghest awa rd Mon santo has for sales personnel.

K.C. BollinKer '67

Willi am E. D elashmit , 93 09 Ca roline Ave., Silve r Springs, M a ryla nd. reports a chan oe in status. Bill is a military depend; nt du e to hi s ma rri age on Octob er 8 to the former l\fa ry M. Fisher, a Li eutenant in the U. S. Navy .





D.C. Brown


William R . Gray has been named Chief Engineer of the Aggregate Equipment Division of Rexnord, Inc. , of Joplin ; Missouri , The Grays are in the process of relocating to the Joplin area, and Bill is a native. 1 965

Edward A. Cole has recently moved to 5415 S. Hazelton Lane in Tempe, Arizona. Mr. Cole is the facilities engineer for Motorola Corp. He will be working in waste treatment of the plant's chemical operation. Wang-Cheng Liu of 3459 Hoover Lane S'o uth, Jacksonville, Florida, i~ working on a floating nuclear plant for the Atlantic Generating Station. This is part of a $1,150,000,000 project for Public Service Electric and Gas Co. in Jacksonville, Florida. MSM Alumnus


Roy Slocum of 46 N. Fostertown Drive , Newburgh, New York, has challenged , " MINERS , for school and country, lets see if some MINERS can come up with some help to the energy crisis."

ABOVE IS A COpy OF THE COVER OF THE NEW UMR ENGINEER Subscriptions at $4.00 per year can begin with current issue, due in midMarch or Vol. 1, No. 1. Advertisers inquiries are invited. UMR ENGINEER Building T-l University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Dal e C. Brown , RR 2, Box 129, Brighton , II1inois, has been named Chief M etallurgist for Laclede Steel Co. He formerly served as Rolling M ills M etallurgist. Dewayne E. Rex was married recently to Karen Glass of Kansas City. The couple are living at 5404 East 97th , Kansas City , Missouri , and the groom is a mechanical engineer with Bendix and the bride is a teacher at Symington Elementary SchooL 21



196 8 K. Ronald Chapman, Manager of Sales and Design with the Schnabel Foundation Co. in Washington, D. c., was recently elected to the Geotechnical Engineering Comm ittee of the National Capitol Section of the ASCE. Hi s home address is 1512 30th NW Washington, D. C. " Ed Quick , 3427 Kildare Dr., Birmingham , Alabama , is now area Sales Manager for the Loctite Corp ., and the husband of the former Linda Harrison. Neal and Marilyn Schaeffer are now living at 132 High Path in Windsor, Connecticut. Neal is with Monsanto and has been transferred to their new packaging plant in South Windsor. Les Bennington was released from the U. S. Air Force in June 1973. He is now with Pacific Power & Light in Glenrock, Wyoming . His address is P. O. Box 1517. G. M. McDaniel, Jr. , Box 134. Laurens, South Carolina, announces his marriage to Nancy Gibson of Miami Florida on December 16, 1973 . ' David E. Rosenbaum is with the U . S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps. He was recently selected for the Naval Post Graduate School Program and is now working for MSCE in Transportation Planning at Georgia Institute of Technology. His address is 150 S. Atlanta Street, # 27H , Roswell , Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Norris W . Perry of 303 Bond Ave. , Rei sterstown, Maryland , anno unce the birth of Laura Elizabeth , September 26,1973 , to form a trio with Travis and Dana. . Robert F. McCrae , 3060 Piney Bluff, Library, Penn sylvania, has located in his new house and his job with McGraw-Edi son will take him to South America several times this year. Larry Choate announces hi s marriage on December 15 , 1973 to Kathy M'( Cormick. The couple lives at 31 Roswell, Long Beach, California. Larry is a project engineer with Guy F. Atkinson Co. on a 14 million dollar Rapid Transit contract in Los Angeles.



1 969 Calvin Duerr, 102 No. Third Louisiana, Missouri, has joined Hercules Company in Louisiana. vin was recently released from Navy.

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Thomas Stefansky and Bonnie Crouch Stefansky celebrated their first wedding anniversary on December 15 , 197 ,1. Tom has accepted a new position with the Southern Ohio Coal Co. He is now Section Foreman , underground coal mine. Tom and Bonnie are livin a in Albany , Ohio , Route 2. b

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Bush, 903 N. Wayne St., # B-5, Arlington Virginia, announce the birth of their s~conrl son, Jon, born September 8, 1973. Jon 's brother is Nels, 3. Mrs . Bush is the former Nancy Vossbrink.

Michael D. Harris, U. S. Navy LTJG , achieved his present rank on November 5, 1973 , after two yea rs with NMCB 133 , H e is scheduled to deploy to Japan as Officer in Charge of a 60 man unit in January 1974.

Michael R. Walker of 1002 Cherokee Ave :, Aiken, South Carolina, has been transferred from DuPont's Desian Di• . b VISIOn to the Construction Division of the Engineer Department. He has been assigned to work at the Atomic Energy Commission 's Savannah River Plant in South Carolina.

J ames c. Wattenbarger, 9001 Kempwood # 106 , Houston , Texas, is now with Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. , in their Hou ston office. Jam es expects to be trans ferred to Alaska this spring to work on the construction phase of the Alaskan pipeline.

1 970 Brian W. Smith '69, and Beverly D. Smith are now living at 7907 Patriot Dr., Annandale, Virginia, and Beverly reports that Brian is employed as 3. Civil Engineer with the Federal Power Commission in Washington and is Commander of a Reserve Engineer Detachment. Beverly was formerly a Civil Engineer with the FPC but decided to stay home to take care of home and family. The Smiths are parents of a daughter , Beverly Charlotte , born in April, 1973. David B. Jones , 207 Circle Dr. , Morton, Illinois, is in the management training program of the Caterpillar Co. Steven A. Roberts, 1208 Schaub, Ralei gh, North Carolina, is now Senior Safety E ngineer at the Chemstrand Research Cen ter , Inc. , (Subsidiary of Monsanto) and recently received the M. S. 1. E. from the University of Michigan. Mark Joseph of 4250 N. Marine in Chicago, Illinois, has been sales manager of UPPCO, Inc. since October 1973. UPPCO produces fractional H. E, shoded pole motors up to 1/ 12 H. P.

William D . Alexander , 604 E. 29th Ave., North Kansas City , Mi ssouri, accepted a position as a chemistry and science teacher at the high school there. starting in Aug ust. Danny William l\Iyers 2300 Winaale Vi llage, # 26 , Midland ,' Michi aa n b has fini shed a hitch in the Navy ab~ard the USS Sterett and has returned to Dow.. Corning in the Manufacturin ,.,a Enai . b neenng department of the Midland plant. Richard L. Astolfi PSC 3514 Fairchild AFB , Washington , has bee'n promoted to Staff Sergeant in the U. S. Air Force. He is a missile systems analyst and serves with a unit of the Strategic Ai r Command at Spokane. Glen W. Jones has accepted a position with John E. Mahaffey & Assoc. in Fayetteville, Arkansas after three years with the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their two sons, J e ff , age 3, and Jayme, age 1, are living at 2360 Hollv in Fayetteville. •

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197 1

Gregory P. Smith, 1212 Hampshire Lane # 112 Richardson , Texas, has com~leted his'MS work ~t. Rolla and is new employed by Sun 011 ID the Dallas area . His initial training will be in data processing of ~ei~mic data . which wi!1 lead into geologic IDterpretatlOn at Sun s exploration offices. Dennis R. Lammers, P. O. Box 8 , North Newton, Kansas, has join.ed Hesston in Newton, Kansas as a senIOr plant engineer. He will provide plannina and designs for all Hesston manufac~lring facilities and coordinate installa tions . John and Linda Braaf are the proud parents of a baby girl , Rachel Colene, born December 27, 1973. The family lives at 344 Atwood St. , NW , Warren , Ohio. Mr. Braaf is a production engineer with Packard Electric. Steve Wiechens is now living in St. Charles, Missouri , where he is working for Monsanto. However, Steve is being transferred to Baltimore soon to assum ~ the responsibility for planning ann scheduling activities on si te of new plant construction. Steve expects to be in Baltimore for approximately two years . William Jay Blankenship of Chillicothe, Ohio, has announced his engagement to Dianna Mae Piatt of Portsmouth , Ohio. They plan to be married on February 16, 19 74. Bill is working for Goodyear Atomic Corporation in Piketon. Allen W. Seabaugh of 2030 Montgomery Parkway , Clarksvill e, Tennessee, and his wife, ponna, proudly announce the birth of their first child. Chad Allen , born June 29, 1973 . Allen is a mechanical engineer at the Cumberland Steam Plant of the Tennessee Valley Authority in C umberlan d City, Tennessee.

197 2

Coast Guard Ensign Loren 1. Burns has reported for duty at the Coast Guard Station in Cleveland , the alumni office has no mailing address for him there.

Dwi ght Carmichael , 20 Danz Trailer Ct., Union, Missouri , has been nam ed " Teacher of the W eek " at Unio n. Dwi ght teaches Physics, C hemi stry anrl Advanced Chemi stry. He has the B . S. in Phys ics from U1\IR.

David 1. Lester, 4302 Barnsdale Dr., Melbourne, Florida , ea rned th e M . S. in Environmental Engineering from Florida Ins titute of Technology ann will join the Environmental Protection Agency as an Environmental Engineer.

Alan Bo cleman wa s married November 3 to E ll en Hurl ey of Arnold , Missouri. The couple a re a t home at 1225 Quantock , -# 8, St. Louis. Th e groom is with C red it Systems, Inc.

James D . Butts reports that Larry D. Morris is servin g in the U. S. Army as a 2nd Lt. assigned to the Ames R esearch Center in San Jose. CLIP AND MAIL, UPDATE YOUR ALUMNI

Michael L. Gil es a nnounces h is marriage to 1\1a ry E. Sc hul er of Sulli va n, Missouri. 1\[r. and :\[rs. Gil es a re li ving a t 305 Greenbri er Dr., Vi cksb ur!.';, Mississ ipp i. 1\11'. Gi les is a resea rch engin ee r with th e Corps o f Engin ee rs and is wo rkin g 011 th e Wa terways Experiment Station in Vicksburg .


BUSINESS REPLY CARD First Class Permit No. 18, Sec. 34 .9, P . 1. & R ., Rolla, Mo.

MSM -UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401

Here's Some News for the MSM ALUMNUS:


HOMECOMING '74 October 11 & 12 REUNION CLASSES: 1924 and afl prior; 1929, 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969.


Jry 1974

MSM Alumnus


A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5---- ------ -----______ ______ ______ ______ ______

1 973

Marin e Second Li eutenan t Terry C. Dougla s recentl y made hi s fir st solo fli ght in a Navy a ircra ft. Thi s is a major step towa rd beco ming a Naval Aviator . The alum ni office does not have a servi ce mailing address for Terry. lVIicha el R. Behr , BOQ Bldg. 3246, Rm . 333 B , NAS , P ensacola , Florida was commi ssion ed as an E nsian USN R ' on Aug ust 17, 1973 a nd is ~ urrentl; un de rgo ing fli ght trainin g. H e was accepte d for Navy ":Ma sters" program a nd is working towa rd the M . S. in Aero System s at th e U niversit y o f West F lorida . Jam es H. H ellri ch, 7224 W. Berwyn , Chicago , I llinois, ca rries the classifi catio n E nginee r B with the GTE Automatic E lec tric in Melrose Park.

On Friday , Novem ber 23 , 1973 , Dave Viox ma rri ed Kath y Schweiss in Ste. Genevie ve. The couple are now living in Hous ton , Texas at 85 5 Queen Anne 's # 66 and the groom is employ ed by Diamon d-Sham rock in that city.




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MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Univers ity of Missou ri - Rolla ~OLLA,



... Guy Horton

uirec tor of Unive rsity . nfo . Ser vice 400 Lewis 65201 Colum bia ~ o.



______ ______ ______ ______


Please send your sugge6 tions of individ uals who should be conside red for nomina tion to the Board of Directo rs of the MS~ U-MR Alumni Associa tion. Area directo rs must ~ive in the zip code area from which they are elected . There may be someon e active in your local section who is unknow n to the commit tee, please forwar d the name and creden tials to the alumni office.

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