August 1974
9 7 4 A
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MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS President .
MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
President Elect
Term Expires
. ..Peter F. Mattei '37 ....... .... .... .. Executive Director, . ..... .... ............. ...... ... .. 1974 Metropolitan Sewer District, 2000 Hampton, St. louis, Mo. 63139 ... ........ 1974 .. ...... Robert M. Brackbill '42 ... ... .... Senior Vice President, Texas Pacific Oil Company, 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, Tex. 75240 ............. ...... Robert V: Wolf '51 . .. .... ..... .. .Department of Metallurgical .. .
Dr. uty di Found been Curate Univer
and Nuclear Engineering, UMR,
Rol :a, Missouri 65401
Volume 48
Treasurer _
... Thomas R. Beveridge '42 ...... ..Department of Geology and ....... ...... , ........ 1974 Geophysics, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401
Frank H. Mackaman
__ __Director/ Alumni Activities ._ ._MSM-UMR Alumni Association
STAFF Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401 Francis C. Edwards .... ... ......... Executive Secretary .. ..... .... .. .. . MSM-UMR Alumni Association Ha r ris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401
August 1974 Number 4
DIRECTORS AT lARGE Term Expires Joseph W. Mooney '39 ...... ...... ... 7383 Westmoreland , University City, Missouri 63130 ... ..... ............. ... . 1974 James B. McGrath '49 ......... ...... Fruin-Colnon Corp ., 1706 Olive St., St. louis, Missouri 63103 . 1975 E. l. Perry '40 ......... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... General Manager, Port of Tacoma, Tacoma , Washington 98401 1974 Hans E. Schmoldt '44. . ........... .3305 Woodland Road, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003 . 1975 lawrence A. Spanier '50 .. ......... 5 Pettit Dr. , Dix Hills, New York 11746 . 1976 John O. Wilms '43 7505 Va riel, Canoga Park, California 91303 ..... 1976 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 H. W. Flood '43 ... 1974 .... 183 Main Street, Acton, Massachusetts 01720 . 15-21 To Be Appointed 1976 1976 22-33 John B. Toomey '49 ............. .. .. 2550 Huntington Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22304 .. 1974 35-45 Harold Kosten '60 . . ...... ..... .11566 Plumhill Drive, Cincinnati , Ohio 45242 . 46-59 Eugene C. Fadler '62 ............... 19716 Coachwood, Riverview, Michigan 48192 1975 60-61 Frank C. Appleyard '37 ... ....... 808 Solar, Glenview, Illinois 60025 ............ .......... . 1976 62-62 C Stua rt Ferrell '64 .................. 219 Timothy lane, Carterville, illinois 62918 . 1975 63-65 Arthur G. Baebler '55 . . .. ... 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hills, Missou ri 63127 . 1976 63-65 Robert D. Bay '49 .... .... .. ..... ......222 Magna Carta Drive, St. louis, Missouri 63141 1974 63-65 Alfred J. Buescher '64 . . .. .. .. 624 Golfview Dr., Ballwin, Missouri 63011 1975 63-65 J. R. Patterson '54... ..... . .. P. O. Box 573, Sikeston, Missouri 63801 1974 63-65 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 . ..... 14219 Denver Avenue, Grandview, Missouri 64030 . 1975 63-65 Bruce E. Taran/ola '51 .. ...... 9000 Skycrest Drive, St. louis, Missouri 63126 ..... ................ . 1975 1975 63-65 George D. Tomazi '58 ............. 12723 Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033 . 1975 63-65 R. Michael Salmon '63 .... .. ...... .2310 Texas, Joplin, Missouri 64801 ... ...... .. ...... ...... . 1974 63 -65 Robert P. Vienhage '53 .......... Rte. # 2 , Box 327B, Springfield , Missouri 65802 63-65 Edwin J. Werner '49 ................ . 11015 East 39th, Independence, Missouri 64052 ........ ......... . 1976 66-74 Herman Fritschen '51 ............... 5249 S. 68th East Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145 . 1976 75-79 Rex Alford '40 .. .......... .. ........... 5743 Jason, Houston, Texas 77035 .. ...... .. .... ... .. ... .. .. .. 1976 1974 80-90 Thor Gjelsteen '53 .. ..... ... .. .. .... . 3065 South Ingalls Way, Denver, Colorado 80227 .. . . and 96-99 90-95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 .......... ... 1705 Shoreline Drive, Apt. 202, Alameda, California 94501 1976 COMMITTEE DIRECTORS Richard H. Bauer '52
Dr. Raym ond L. Bis plinghoff Chancellor Universit y of M issouri - Rolla
J . Murphy '35
R. O. Kasten '43 . James W. Stephens '47 .
Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former s)udents of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri - Rolla . Entered as second ciass matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65 401 , under the Act of March 3, 1897.
5 Sappington Acres Dr., St. louis, Missouri 63126 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE .. ...... .. .... .. President, Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Road, .. . St. louis, Missouri 63132
.. .. .... .. .. .... .. .. ... 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64114 ...
. ........ ...... Missouri Public Service Company, 10700 E. Highway 50 . . . Kansas City, Missouri 64138
Melvin E. Nick e l '38 . F. C. Schn e ebe rger '25
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EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dowling '40 .... .. .... .......... .. ..... .. .. . Presid e nt, Noote r Corporation, 1400 South Third Street, St. louis, Missouri 63166 Karl F. Hasse lmann '25 .
Ann was n Presid( Bisplin Oct. I
.. ... .. .... 10601 South Hamilton Ave nue, Chicago, Illinois 61643 .. ... .... ....... 3100 W. Alabama , Suite 207, Houston , Te xas 77006 .. .. . # 1 Briar O"k, St. louis, Missouri 63132
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Bisplinghoff Named Chancellor Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, deputy director of the National Science Foundation in Washington, ' D .C., has been approved by the Board of Curators as the new chancellor at the University of Missouri-Rolla . Announcement of the appointment was made July 17 , by University President C . Brice Ratchford. Dr. Bisplinghoff, 57, will assume his duties Oct. 1. President Ratchford said Dr. Bisplinghoff will be unable to be in Rolla for the start of the fall semester because of an upcoming assignment in the Middle East. He is a member of the United States delegation headed by Treasury Secretary William Simon. Dr. Bisplinghoff's role in the mission will involve science and technology matters . Dr. Bisplinghoff, who was appointed to his present position by President Nixon in October 1970, has a distinguished record in government and higher education. He holds a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering and a master's degree in physics from the University of Cincinnati and a Sc.D . degree from Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland . Commenting on Dr. Bisplinghoff's appointment , President Ratchford said:
501 .. 1976
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ust 1974
'Dr. Bisplinghoff is eminently quali· fied , both as a scholar and administra· tor, with extraordinary experience in the academic world and in a wide variety of assignments relating to scientific programs at the national and international level. "Academically , he has held appointm ents as instructor at the University of Cincinnati and later as an assistant professor, associa te professor and professor of aeronautical engineering a nd dean of the School of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . MSM Alumnus
• • •
"At the federal level his responsibilities have included important administrative and advisory posts with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , the Federal Aviation Agency and , of course, the National Science Foundation. " Dr. Bisplinghoff was recommended for the chancellorship by an eightmember search committee headed by Dr. Glen Haddock, department chairman and professor of mathematics at UMR. University of Missouri-Rolla and Missouri School of Mines alumni representatives also met with the chancellor candidates during the interview process and advised the President. The alumni group was headed by Pete Mattei of St. Louis , president of the MSM .- UMRAlumni Association . In accepting the chancellor's position , Dr. Bisplinghoff said: 'l'm delighted to be asked to be chancellor of the Rolla campus. This is a very fine opportunity and I am convinced that there will be a resurgence of interest in sCIence and engineering education . ''Most of us are convinced that new approaches are needed in this kind of education and the Rolla campus, already of very high quality , can give a great deal of leadership to the country in developing new approaches . The United States science and engineering institutions are undergoing a very rapid change with increasing interest on domestic problems . The national problems of energy and the environment, including natural resources and productivity, are all important problems which require the kind of talent that is now represented on the Rolla campus, " Dr. Bisplinghoff commented.
As d eputy director of NSF, In addition to performing the wide ranging duties of his office , Dr. Bisplinghoff directed the design and development of the major initiatives
undertaken by the foundation since 1970 . These include the program of Research Applied to National Needs, as well as the newer programs of Rand D (research and development) Assessment and Experimental Rand D Incentives. He also supervised the formation of the Offices of Energy R and D Policy and Science and Technology Policy .
Dr. Bisplinghoff was born in Hamilton, Ohio, and graduated from Hamilton High School in 1934. He received his B.S.A.E. degree in 1940 and his M .S. degree in 1942. He was working toward his Ph.D . in physics when his education was interrupted by World War II. He served three years in the U.S . Navy Bureau of Aeronautics in Washington, D.C. , attaining the rank of lieutenant. He completed his education at Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule , receiving his Sc.D. in 1957. Before assuming his present position with the National Science Foundation, he served from 1968 to 1970 as dean of the School of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Mass. He had been a member of the MIT faculty since 1946 . Dr. Bisplinghoff, while on a leave of absence from MIT , served with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration . He was special assistant to the administrator from 1965-66 . From 1963-65', he was associate administrator for advanced research and technology for NASA. He managed several flight and electronics research centers involving some 12,000 people and a $600 million annual budget , in addition to being responsible for planning, directing, executing and evaluating all NASA research and technological programs . From 1962-63, he was director of the office of Advanced Research and Technology for NASA. (Continued on Page 4)
He returned to MIT in 1966 as head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The department had 200 undergraduate and 200 graduate students, 45 faculty members and nine major laboratories. From 1965-68 Dr. Bisplinghoff served as the chief scientific adviser to the Federal Aviation Agency administrator. He was a National Science Foundation Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow in 1956-57 . His other professional activities have included director, Allied Systems, Ltd., London, England; member, Corporate Advisory Council, Eastern Airlines, Inc. ; member, Scientific Advisory Board, Fairchild Hiller Corp.; director, General Aircraft Corp .; member, Scientific Advisory Board, United Aircraft Corp.; and others.
Concerning Dr. Bisplinghoff's resignation from the National Science Foundation Dr. H . Guyford Stever, NSF Director, said: . ,~'S peaking for myself and the staff of the National Science Foundation, I would like to express profound regret that Ray Bisplinghoff will be leaving. 'ln his 4 years as Deputy Director, Dr. Bisplinghoff has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the Foundation during a period of significant growth in its responsibilities. He has played a key role in guiding NSF into new areas and expanding its contribution in traditional ones and in so doing, he has helped advance the health of science and engineering in this country. His wise judgment and reasoned counsel on science policy and administration will be sorely missed . '1 wish him every s u c c e s s a s Chancellor of the U n i v e r sit y of Missouri-Rolla. He has undertaken a challenging assignment and I am confident that he will bring to this new post the distinction which has characterized his entire career. "
Dr. Bisplinghoff's professional affiliations include being a member of both the National Academy of Engineering Dr. H. E. Carter, Chairman of the and the National Academy of Sci- National Science Board, policymaking ences, American Academy of Arts and body of the NSF, said : Sciences fellow, American Society for "On behalf of the National Science Engineering Education member, Royal ' Board, I would like to acknowledge Aeronautical Society fellow, American publicly the outstanding services renAstronautical Society fellow, American dered by Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff Institute of Aeronautics and Astronau- during his tour of duty as Deputy tics honorary fellow, New York Acade- Director of the National Science my of Sciences member, American Foundation. He has brought to the Association for the Advancement of Foundation a rare ability to foresee Science fellow and numerous others. opportunities on the distant horizon and to blend successfully many diverHe received the NASA Distinguished gent positions. Dr. Bisplinghoff's basic Service Medal, 1967 ; the FAA Extra- understanding of academia, industry ordinary Service Medal, 1969; the and Government has made him particDistinguished Alumnus Award from ularly effective in d eveloping and the University of Cincinnati, 1969, and administering programs within the the Distinguished Service Award of Foundation. NSF, 1973 . 'Dr. Bisplinghoff's wisdom, objectivity and calmness will be greatly missed Dr. Bisplinghoff is the author of by the Board and the staff of the three books and many papers and Foundation. We are grateful for his articles for scientific journals. He is outstanding contributions to science listed in Who's Who in America, and engineering , especia lly during the American Men of Science, Who's Who past four years at the Foundation and i n W 0 rid Aviation, International wish him well in his new post as Who's Who and Engineers of Distinc· Chancellor, University of Missouri· tion. Rolla. " 4
Alumni Endorsement .. Alumni Association President Peter F. Mattei and Past-Presidents James 1Murphy and Paul Dowling recently held a luncheon in Rolla for certain members of the academic and professional staff to report the alumni involvement in the s e I e c t ion of Chancellor Bisplinghoff. Members of the Search and Screening committee were commended for their efforts, which included months of work. A list of several hundred candidates had been processed and several invited for interviews. Dowling, M u r p h Y and Mattei held private interviews with the invitees and were united in their endorsement of the new Chancellor.
Alumnus Named . . . Bob L. Marlow, presently superintendent of maintenance and utilities at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale , has been named superintendent, physical plant at the University of Missouri-Rolla . He succeeds Victor E . Robeson Jr., who resigned to take a similar position with the University of Oklahoma . Marlow is a native of Rolla and attended Rolla 's public schools. He is the son of retired building contractor Coy and Mrs. Marlow , 301 Walnut St. He earned his B .S. degree in mechani· cal engineering from UMR in 1958. He served with the U.S. Air Force from 1950 to 1954 and following receipt of his degree from UMR , went to work for St. Joseph Lead Co., Bonne Terre, where he was promoted to the position of plant engineer. He moved to SIU ·Ca rbondale in 1961. Marlow and his wife Nancy have two children; Kent , 18 and James , 9. His new position was effective Sept. 1. ANNUAL MEETING MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSN. 9:00 P.M., SAT., OCT. 12, 1974 BALLROOM, MANOR INN ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401
August 1974
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St. louis Section May The St. Louis Sec't ion of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association held their 6th Annual Spring Golf Tournament at the Crystal Lake Country Club on Saturday, May 25 , 1974. The rain h eld off long enough for Jim Mais , '62 , to win the trophy for low gross score and Bill Sutton, '63, and Mike Burnham, 74, both from the Corps of Engineers , to win the low net and 2nd low net trophies. Handicaps were figured using the Calloway system. Chuck Toedtman , '65 , was the Golf 'Tournament Chairman. After golf the "duffers" were joined by other alumni and faculty for barbeque , refreshments , and cards at the Garry 'Tonto" Schumacher 's, '63 , estate. A recent graduate , Bill Cunningham , 73, took top honors at the ' card table .
St. lou is Section August
(L eft to right ) Unidentified; George Schillinger '63, President;. !ames Cunningham '65, Vice President; L eonard K irberg '66, Secretary; Mrs. Schtllmger; Mrs . Cunningham; Mrs. Kirberg.
On August 10th the St. Louis Section of the Alumni Association held its annual Dinner Dance at the home of James J. Murphy '35 , 7 Chipper Road , Frontenac. An evening of fine food , music -and drink was enjoyed by 265 alumni and friends. We were pleased to h ave in attendance former curators of the University of Missouri Judge Robert Brady, John Caruthe rs and Col. Theodore McNeal and their ladies and in addition, Acting Chancellor Dudley Thompson and Mrs. Thompson and the national preside nt of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Peter F. Mattei and Mrs. Mattei. The evening was climaxed by the daring moonlight swim of an unknown female in less than normal swimming attire . The new section officers for 1974-75 are: George Schillinger '63, President ; James Cunningham '65 , Vice-President; Leonard Kirberg '66 , Secretary ; Charles Toedtman '65 , Treasurer. ST. LOUIS SECTION NOVEMBER ROLLA NIGHT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 ENGINEER'S CLUB
MSM Alumn us
Paul T. Dowling '40 ( left) trying to instruct Gary " Tonto" Schumack er '63, in the finer points of dancing.
Student Honored Randall Lynn Carver, sophomore at the University of Missouri-Rolla, received an Honorable Mention in a creative design contest sponsored by the Ameri can Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) this summer. Designs were entered by engineering students from all over the country. They were displayed and judged at the ASEE nat ion a I meeting held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, N .Y.
Carver 's award was for a new design of a toothpaste dispenser. It was a projec t created for a class in Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry. Class instructor is Edwin J. Guhse, assistant professor of engineering technology . He is majo~ing in mechanical engineering and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshie C . Carver, Route 4, EI Dorado Springs.
Northwest Section . The Northwest Section of the MSMUMR Alumni Association held its dinner and business meeting- Saturday, June 22 , 1974, at the Tacoma Club in the Washington Building in downtown Tacoma . A social hour at 6: 30 p.m. was followed by dinner at 8:00 p.m. A tremendous meal of marine sa lad, beef burgundy , fluffy rice , tomato clamart, rolls, and a cherry parfait was enjoyed by all. The meeting was called to order by President Vincent Crane '66. The guests, Frank and Nancy Mackaman , Director , Alumni Activities, and officiers present were introduced. Mr. Mackaman showed slides of the UMR campus as it is at present , with added touches of humor. Following the slides, the election of officers was held . Peter Maish '62, was elected President; Victor Hoffman '60, was chosen Vice President; and Stephen Strauss '68, was re-elected Secretary- Treasurer. Mr. Mackaman explained the present enrollment deficiency at UMR and urged effort on the part of the
Northwest Section to recruit students from the area . A committee was formed with Ernest 'Roy" Perry '40 , chairman and Leslie Spanel '50, Peter Maisch '62, and Arthur Krause '50 , as mem bers . This committee will search for means to recruit prospective students from the Pacific Northwest area. Arthur Krause, maintenance superintendent 0 f the Seattle-Tacoma (Seatac) International Airport, volunteered to host the next Section Meeting, with a tentative date of February 15, 1975. To be included in the next meeting will be a behind-thescenes tour of the airport complex. Those in attendance were: Kenneth and Angela Mirly 70; Arthur and Ella Krause '50; Pat and Kay Devall '6 2; Jim and A lta Crawford '26; J. D. 'Jack" Harlan '10 ; E. L. 'Roy" and Kay Perry '40; Dr. Les and Harriet Spanel '59; Vic and Rosey Hoffmann '60; Bill and Gertrude PO?P; Dr. and Min Bosch; Steve and Robin Perry '64; Stephen R. Strauss '68; Frank and Nan c y Mackaman; V inc e and Georgianna Crane '66; Pete Maisch '62; and Alvan Maisch.
Homecoming Plans The 1974 Homecoming is Friday and Saturday, October 11 and 12. One of the feature attractions at Homecoming is Class Reunions. This year special recognition is being given to classes of 50 years or more , C lass of 1929 , Class of 1934 , Class of 1939, C lass of 1944 , Class of 1949, Class of 1954, Class of 1959, Class of 1964 and the Class of 1969. The Class of 1949 is celebrating their Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. To be certain the occasion is properly observed, a committee of class m em bers has several events scheduled such as tennis , golf and a dance at the Oak Meadow Country Club. The '49'ers have been informed and if plans develop , it will
• • •
be the largest class reunion ever held on the campus. There were over 400 in the Class of 1949. The Reunion Luncheons are the big events for the Reunion Classes. They are held Saturday noon, October 12. Smorgasbord is served in the Ballroom of the Manor Inn . It is during the luncheon that the Silver Anniversary Class receives a plaque, the "S ilver Miner ", commemorating their 25th year. It would be most helpful if the alumni who are planning to attend their class luncheo n would advise the alumni office of the number in their party in order that proper arrangements may be made .
Ark-La-Tex Section . . .
The Summer Meeting of the Ark-LaTex Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association was held August 10 at Bob Brackbill 's lake house on Lake 0 ' the Pines near Jefferson , Texas.
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Due to popular demand , the 'Happy Hour " was unofficially extended and everyone relaxed and had a marvelous time; a feast of fried catfish, hush puppies , etc., was served and the group settled back for the meeting. It was decided to arrange all of the 1975 meetings in advance and the scheduling would be discussed at the next meeting which will be held November 9, at the Sheraton Inn in Bossier City , Louisiana .
Frank Mackaman, D ire c tor of Alumni Activities , UMR, showed slides of the UMR campus and its new look. He then supplied the group with some backgrouI19- information about Dr. Bisplinghoff, the new Chancellor at UMR. Frank concluded his talk by inviting eve r yon e to a t ten d Homecoming at UMR October 11 and 12. Expressions of thanks were extended to Bob and Cay Brackbill for the use of their lake house and all the work they did helping to arrange the meeting. A special thanks was given to Marshall Brackbill , Bob and Cay 's son , for his work contributed to make the meeting a success. Those present were: Mrs . and Mrs. J erry Bevel , '67; Mr. and Mrs Bob Brackbill, '42 and son Marshall; Mr. and Mrs. Walter B~ening , '34; Jerry Crafton , 73 and guest Miss Shirley Nettles; Mr. and Mrs. Tom English , '29; Mr. and Mrs . Jim Ferrell, '40; Mr. and Mrs. David Flesh, '23; Mr. and Mrs. Ragan Ford , '23; Dennis Jaggi , 70 ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackaman; Mr . and Mrs. W. R. Mays , '32; Mr. and Mrs. John Moscari , '51; Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mulyca , '65; Denver Patton , '52 and guests Miss Cathy Patton and Mike Livingston; Gary Thompson, 73 a nd guest Miss Johnnie Young ; Mr. a nd Mrs. Rolla Wade , '31; and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Watkins, 73 .
August 1974
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1975 Prospects
Classes began at the University of Missouri-Rolla Monday , Aug. 26 , for 1974-75 . At the start of its 104th academic year , UMR offers programs leading to 22 baccalaureate degrees, 21 master's degrees , 16 Ph.D. degrees and 10 Doctor of Engineering degrees . For the first time this year, UMR is also offering a Professional Development degree (PDD) for advanced work in engineering and science areas. The campus will be familiar to returning students. Since completion of the addition to the Chemistry-Chemical Engineering Building last October , construction work on campus has been limited to three parking lots and a major remodeling job of Fulton Hall . Fulton Hall housed the ceramic and metallurgical engineering departments which have been moved to various other buildings on campus while the work is in progress . Only one major change in faculty and administrative staff is expected for the coming year. On O ct. I, UMR's new chancellor will arrive on campus. He is Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, former deputy director of the National Science Foundation in Washington , D .C . New programs to develop an interest in the fields of engineering by minority and women students have been initiated. At the request of and in cooperation with several M issouri and national industries , UMR now has special training and / or support programs for these groups. Another new program on campus has been added by the Veteran's Administration. They supply a VetR ep and UMR supplies the office. This program is designed to eliminate or reduce red tape and mi x-ups between s tuden~ veterans and the VA . UMR , with its emphasis on engineering and science, has always p laced - a high va lue on research . There are usually a num ber of projects underway in each science and engineering departm ent a nd researc h center. MSM Alumnus
This year , as more money for research on environmental and energy crisis solutions b e co m e s available through fed eral and industrial sources, the faculty expects to have several new research projec ts funded. Through a developing interdisciplinary approach , these solutions will reflect not only the resea rch of the scientists and engineers , but also contributions made by faculty and staff of the humanities and social sciences depa rtments. An increasing number of citizens of Missouri is begi nning to use the services of UM R 's Extension Division . Credit a nd non-credit courses have been offered to e ngineers and scientists for a numbe r of years and this service continues. An expanding program is unde rway to pre pare Missouri citizens for a n expected switch to the metric system . Other programs have been developed offering the humanistic and sociologica l approach to environmental problems. These include in-depth discussions by faculty and citizens of a specific local problem . A great deal is being accomplished in the fi eld of rehabilitation of inmates in Missouri prisons . In a new program just started, a total approach to rural development has begun. This last program draws upon resea rch and faculty capabilities from both the Columbia and Rolla camp uses of the University . The academic ca lendar for 1974-7 5 promises to be active and productive . There will be a few breaks , however. Of interest to both students and parents is the vacation schedule. After classes start , the first break in routine is Labor Da y holiday, Sept. 2. Thanksgiving vacation follows Nov. 27-Dec. 2. Last d ay of classes for the fall semester is Friday, Dec. 13 . Winter commencement is Sunday, Dec. 15 and final examinations for undergraduate students are scheduled Dec. 16 -2 1. Special events on campus this fall include: Missouri Industry Day, Sept. 24 ; Parents ' Day , Sept. 28 ; Homecom ing, Oct. 11-12 and University Day, Nov . 9.
Roberts Honored
Danforth Associates
J. Ke nt Robe rts, assistant dean of enginee ring a nd professor of civi l e ng inee ring a t th e Un iversity of Missouri-Roll a, h as been elected to a seco nd term as vice preside nt of the North Centra l R egion of the 68,000member Nationa l Socie ty of Profession a l E nginee rs.
Un iversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Associate Professo r of Physics Robert G. Fuller '57 a nd Mrs. Fulle r have b een nam ed Danforth Associates. They are among 144 faculty m embe rs , and, if m a rried , their spouses, who will join nea rly 5,000 oth e r Danforth Associates from a ll academ ic fields presently parti cip a ting in the program.
A lead ing spokesman for e ngineering ed u ca tion , Robe rts received a bachelor's d egree in civil e ngineering from th e Un iversity of Oklahoma and a maste r 's d egree from the Missouri School of Mines.
Danforth Associates work directly with st udents on a personal basis in a n effort to improve stude nt-faculty rela tions and to st rengthen the ¡ teachinglea rning process. During its last fiscal yea r , the D a nforth Foundation a llo cated app rox imately $500, 000 in conjunction with the Associate program. T he funds were used to fund special projec ts in keeping with the aims of the program and to sponsor educational co nferen ces. Dr. Fuller was awarded an NU Found ation Distinguished Teaching Award in 197 3. His teaching activities h ave included personalized systems of instruction , film loop instructional courses , and physics for elementary school teachers .
Ro berts is a past preside nt of the Missouri Soci e ty of Professional Engineers a nd has served NSPE as chairman of its Professiona l Engineers in Ed uca tion practice divisio n . He is also past ch airm a n of NSPE 's Annua l Journalism Awa rds pr9gram. A member of several professional associa tions, he is a member of the Nationa l Council of Engineering Ex am iners a nd the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Eng inee rs and Land Surveyors. On August 20, Roberts was presented the Distinguished Service Certifi ca te by the National Counci l of Engineering Examiners . It was in recogn itio n of his contributions to the profession a nd the adva ncem e nt of regis tra tio n . H e is o ne of the first m en in the nation to receive the new NC EE m ed a llion commemora ting the ho nor. 8
In addition to his NU activities , Dr. Full e r h as bee n an active Methodist layma n for several years .
from Apri I Alumnus HPersonals" The postoffice h as notified the alumni office that Wendell Dea n Miller is deceased. Mr. Miller ea rned the M.S. in Physics from UMR , his last known address was Box 19 3, Hartley, Iowa.
from Spouse of Wendell Dean Miller 2102 Kenbridge Austin , Texas 78758 September 5, 1974 Dear Sir , My husband was very surprised to rea d of his death in the April ( 1974) M.S.M. A lu mnus , forwarded to us by a friend. On giving it some thought, he decided yo u we re mistaken. T he actua l si tu a tion is that he lives at the above address, is h appily married (I think) a nd works with great vim and vigor on occasion for Texas Nucl ea r Corp . , Austin . The accompa nying photograph is not proof of his existence of course, but he refused to get into the e nvelope himself. Yours sincerely,
He ta ught physics in the Methodist English High School In Rangoon , Burma for three years before he e nte red unive rsity teac hing.
/ s/ W. D . Miller (Mrs.)
His wife, Margaret , is a teac he r of th e deaf with ex perien ce at the C larke Sc hool for the Deaf, Northampton , Mass., and at Sunshi ne Cottage School for Deaf Children, San Antonio , T exas. She presently coo rdinates the open classroom instru c tio n for grades I and II in the First Methodist C hurch in Lincoln .
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New Degree
New Program
A new professiona l development degree (PDD) has been approved by the University of Missouri Board of Curators for the Rolla campus.
A graduate program emphasis designed to provide further professional training for public works managers has been developed and is now being offered at the University of Missouri Rolla .
Designed for working engineers and scientists, the 30-hour degree program is for persons with baccalaureate degrees who wish to improve their professional education . 'There is an information turnover time of six to eight years in engineering. " Dr. Robert McFarland, University acting vice president for academic affairs, said.
'That means professionals may feel ' According to Professor B . R. Sarat various points in their careers that chet, chairman of engineering managetheir competence could be enhanced by further education. The professional ment , 'The only public works managedevelopment degree has the advantage ment education similiar to UMR's is of more flexibility in course options, provided by the University of Pittsresidency requirements and undergrad- burgh . " uate grade point average than the It was developed at the suggestion of rather specific requirements of the master 's degree in science or engineer- UMR alumnus Peter Mattei '37 , ing. It is a continuing education degree executive director , Metropolitian St. program which can be tailored to fit Louis Sewer District and President of the returning student's professional the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. needs. " De tails of this new program have also Each candidate 's program will be been guided by an advisory committee. developed in consultation with a Chairman of the committee is Myron faculty advisor. Requirements may be filled through a combination of short D. Calkins, director of public works , courses, seminars, conferences, work- Kansas City , and past-president of the shops, independent study and resident American Public Works Association. day or evening courses taken either on Other advisory committee members o r off the campus under the sponsor- are: Raymond A . Beck, director of ship of UMR or other acc redited public works, Columbi a; Allan B. colleges and univesities. Dieckgraefe, director of public works , University City; Robert N. Hunter, The new degree program will admit chief engineer, Missouri State Highway its first candidates during the fall of Commission , Jefferson City; and R . M . 1974. Dr. McFarland says the PDD will be extended to the other three Salmon '63 , director of Public Works , Joplin , and a director of the MSM campuses as it proves feasible. UMR Alumni Association. Expected to be entirely self-supporting, the new degree will include only Further information may be obtain courses currently offered at UMR by ed from Professor Sarchet, department the present faculty. A number of of engineering management , Harris Missouri industries and several profes- Hall , University of Missouri -Rolla, sional engineering and scientific organ - Rolla , Mo. 65401. izations have indicated they favor the professional development d egree. Further information is available by request to the Professional Development De gree Program , University of Missouri& Rolla , Rolla , Mo. 65401.
ust 1974
Offered as an option available through UMR's engineering management department, this public works management program results in a Master of Science degree . It requires 33 semester hours of interdisciplinary work in e ngineering, management , and social sciences.
MSM Alumnus
OJ rector Honored Ernest "Roy" Perry, '40, General Manager , Port of Tacoma, has been named ''Maritime Man of the Year" by the Puget Sound Maritime Press Association. The nomination petition said , 'The new terminals , new warehouses, new cranes , new shippers and old shippers , expanded facilities , newly-acquired land for port and industrial expansion - this is the Port of Tacoma in the last ten years , and the man behind what could be termed the "new " port of Tacoma is General Manager Roy Perry.
R oy I'l'rry '40 A native of Missouri , Perry came to the Port after a 21 year Army career. Wh e n he beca me general manager in 1964 , the port was in the doldrums, but with the help of an energetic staff and an aggressive Port Commission , Roy Pe rry has tu rned the Port of Tacoma around to the point where it is now a major fa c tor in the economy of the Puge t So und area. Tacoma has always been a major log-exporting port, but under Perry 's guidan ce, rubber from Malaysia and alumina from Australia regularly cross the docks. A new grain e levator will m ea n in creased grain exports . In fact , things are happening so rapidly at the Port that it is hard to keep up with them. The Port of Tacoma has three things going for it - an excellent deep water site, a tremendous capacity for expansion , and 'Roy Perry. " Roy is a Director-at-Large of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . 9
Freshman Enrollment Up A total of 3,899 students were enrolled at the University of MissouriRolla at the close of regular registration Friday, Aug. 23. This is an unofficia l total since late registration was still underway as classes began Monday, Aug. 26. (Sept. 17 , 4000 even. ) This figure compares to an enrollment of 4 ,017 at the close of regu lar registration last fall, a decline of 118 students . This fall's total includes 1,073 freshmen (compared to 989 in 197 3) ; 619 sophomores (compared to 715); 745 juniors (766) ; 970 seniors ( 1,036) and 492 graduate students (511). There are 1,098 students in the School of Arts and Sciences ( compared to 1,2 10 last fall); 2 ,285 in the School of Engineering (compared to 2 ,294) ; 486 in the School of Mines and Metallurgy (~70) and 30 special or uncl ass ified students ( 43) . Not included in the count are students at the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in St. Louis , those enrolled in out-state credit courses and those students in the cooperative training program who are now in their work semester.
Uniuersity of Missouri Enrollment Projections University of Missouri officials anticipate that student enrollment will have increased b y about 20 per cent between 1972 and 1979. The University director of institutional research , Joe L. Saupe, and his associates calculate a head count increase of 22 per cent and a full- time equivalent increase of 19 .8 per cent. The enrollment projections are part of a cost analysis for the University Academic Plan , which is designed to guide the University for the coming decade. The d egree program recom¡ mendations of the plan are expected to be approved by the UM Board of Curators. 10
The cost analysis report by Saupe and his associates assumes that instructional costs and funding will increase approximately in proportion to enrollment increases, from $53.3 million to $64.5 milli on. The increase is $11.2 million, or 21 per cent, between 1972-73 and 1979-80. Essentially, a c cor din g to UM President C. Brice Ratchford, the academic plan "determines the basis on which new resou rces are requested and assigned, and interna l changes undertaken to release existing funds for reallocation . " Saupe emph asizes that "there is no guarantee that all aspects of the plan, new programs in particular, will be in place by 1979-80 or even 1984-85. " The plan is to be reviewed periodically , probably annuall y President Ratchford has said. New programs authorized by the plan will be introduced when there are detailed cost projections and assurance of funds , according to Saupe. In recent years, UM has submitted new programs to the Missouri Commission on Higher Education for approval. As a result of state government reorganization, a Coordinating Board for Higher Education, recently appointed, will receive proposed new programs. The cost ing report , provided for Board of Curator study in connection with the proposed University Academic Plan, projects enrollment to 1979 in 22 different degree programs or academic disciplines , p Ius "undeclared / nondegree students ." The n costs are ca lculated for the expec ted enrollment in each program, campus by campus. Enrollment projections could change as a result of population shifts, student interests , employment prospects , perceived national needs and support , according to Saupe. Saupe and his associates say "a reasonable rule of thumb might be that eac h figure is subject to a margin of e rror of 10 per cent. "
Enrollment projections for the four UM campuses are:
(Head Count) 1972 1979 % 21 ,8 01 24 ,518 9 ,673 12 ,587 5,140 4 ,33 7 10 ,955 14 ,830 46,766 57 ,075
Inc. 12 .5 30.1 18 .5 35.4 22.0
(Full-time Equivalent) 1972 1979 % UMC 20 ,761 23,410 UMKC 7,5 72 9,914 UMR 4,376 4,896 UMSL 8 ,469 11,113 TOTAL 41 , 178 49 , 333
Inc. 12 .8 30.9 11.9 31.2 19 .8
Presidential Report University President C. Brice Ratchford , in an annual report , said that maintaining and enhancing quality in the face of rampant inflation and other financial problems will be the biggest challenge of the University next year. 'We enter fiscal 1974-75 with an operating budget of some $220 million, an tiCIpating an on-campus student enrollment of close to 50 ,000 and the expectation that about 11,000 students will receive their degrees, " President Ratchford said. 'Despite those indications , of size, higher education clearly is in a new era. Our responsibilities as the major institution of higher education in Missouri - responsibilities in teaching, training, research, extension and public service remain great , but we must recognize that, increasingly, it will be quality not quantity that counts." The major effort being made to maintain quality in the face of rising costs and new ¡ obligations , President Ratchford explained, is the University 'S three-year institutional reappraisal which now is nearing completion. The reappraisal includes a review of all University operation by outside evaluation teams.
REUNION CLASSES: 1924 and all prior; 1929, 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969.
Aug ust 1974
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Demand for Engineers A heavy national demand for engineers triggered an upsurge in college recruiting activity in 1973-74 , according to the College Placement Council. The Council, in its year-end Salary Survey report , noted that the total number of job offers submitted, compared with 1972-73, went up 25 % at the bachelor's , 12 % at the master 's, and 34 % at the doctoral degree levels. The stepped-up recruiting tempo , a long with the general impact of inflation on salaries , had its effect on beginning salary averages. Percentage increases , which had hovered around the 2 % level during the period of depressed recruiting in the early Seventies, increased more substantially this year, particularly in the engineering disciplines. Evidence of the keen competition for engineers is a 31 % increase in the number of offers to bachelor's engineering candidates . All told , engineering offers accounted for 56 % of the total bachelor 's volume. Also at the bachelor 's level, offers in business disciplines increased 12 %, while the natural sciences and the humanities/ social sciences areas increased 41 % and 18 % respectively. However , actual num bers of offers in these last two groups were small. The college Placement Council survey is based on offers , not acceptances, made to students in selected curricula and graduate programs during the normal recruiting period , September to June , as submitted by a representative group of 158 colleges and universities throughout the United States. Three reports are issued each year In January , March and July. For bachelor's candidates the prime source of employment reported in the survey was manufacturing and industry, with 68 % of all the offers coming from employers in this category . Business accounted for 22 %, federal government 5 %, local and state governments 2 % and non-profit and educational organizations (other than teaching positions) 2 % . Data on beginning teaching salaries are not included in the survey.
MSM Alumnus
• • •
Because of the emphasis on engineering candidates and the scarcity of women in these discip lines , male graduates collected 88 % of all the offers reported for bachelor's graduates . Of the offers to men, 62 % were in engineering disciplines , 28 % in business areas , 6 % in natural sciences and 4 % in humanities and social sciences. On the other hand, 12 % of the women's volume was in engineering, 34 % in business , 28 % in humanities a nd social sciences and 26 % in na tural sciences. In dollar value of offers, the largest percentage gains at the bachelor 's level were recorded in the engineering disciplines , with increases over last year ranging from 6 % to 9 % . The average offer to bachelor 's engineering candidates was $997. The accounting average rose 5 % to $925 , wh ile genera l business offers went up almost 7 % to $803. The lowest dollar average reported was to humanities candidates - $691 , an increase of 4 % . The only bachelor's category to experience a decrease was health-medical , which dropped from $736 last year to $733.
degree continued to receIve the top dollar ave rage, $1,235 a month, a gain of 5 % over 1972-73 . Next in dollar averages were MBA's with a non-technical background, $1,181 (up 6\-2 % ) and chemical engineering, $1 , 172 (up 7 % ). Master 's candidates in chemistry also ex perienced a 7 % increase in dollar average to $1,050 . • The accelerated recruiting activity of chemica l and petroleum firms was also reflected at the doctoral level. The number of offers to chemical engineers rose some 70 % while the number to chemists went up about 45 % . Over-all , doctoral engineering candidates received average dollar offers ranging from $1 ,426 for civil engineers (up a lm ost 10 % over last year) to $1 ,551 for electrical engineers (up 3 %). One doctoral program , mathematics , experienced a decrease, dropping 9 % to $1,341. Because the survey is heavi ly weighted toward business and industrial recruiting of co llege graduates , data are not included for non-technical graduate programs other than the MBA.
Courses in conversational English are once again being offered this fall as an By employer groups within business extension activity of the University of and industry, chemicals-drugs made Missouri-Rolla humanities department. the most offers to bachelor 's candidates UMR has approximately 250 interthis year , followed by public account- national students enrolled this fall with ing, aerospace-electronics- instruments, an expected 50 dependents accompanypetroleum and public utilities. In the ing them. The course is designed for most notable changes, chemicals-drugs those who have difficulty with converadvanced from third to first in volume, sational English or no knowledge of petroleum moved up from ninth to English at all. Basic and advanced fourth , aerospace-electronics-instruclasses will be held , if necessary . ments dropped from first to third and The basic course starts on the merchandising-services fell from fourth' assumption that the students know no to eighth . Four business or industrial English. It proceeds with as much groups ended the year with fewer offers individual direction as possible to help to bachelor's candidates than in 1972- each student progress rapidly toward 73: banking-finance-insurance, mer- gaining a practical proficiency of the chandising-services, aerospace-electron- English language. There are some ics-instruments and tire and rubber. reading and writing exercises , but the At the master 's-degree level, engi - emphasis is on conversation. Pattern neering also accounted for the greatest drills are used to help the student increase in volu me with a gain of 27 % understand English grammar and to over a year ago . The bulk of master 's increase vocabulary. While the courses are offered prioffers were in the MBA areas , however. Although their dollar a verages did not marily for UMR students and their increase as much as those for their dependents , they are open to anyone in classmates in engineering programs, the Rolla area who feels the need for MBA's with a technical undergraduate this type of education. 11
Charles A . Anderson Andreas A. Andreae R. J. Armstrong Owen Ayres Mohammed Badruddoza T. J. Barker, Jr . Albert B. Bartlett C. W. Bennett William J. Bennett i· ~cr.ry Berek Anthony J. Berenato Kenneth L. Birk Stephen M. Bliss Francis Bosler Edward Braun Philip V. Brave W. S. Bryant Robert Burtnett Lloyd Byrd David J. Bufalo Rose Carnahan L. W. Carpenter Glenn R . Case Randy Casteel Joe L. Chaney I·Chung Chang T. K . Chen Lauren Choate Walston Chubb Howard T. Clark C a rrell A. Clem Tommi e J. C roddy Charl es F. Cromer Mrs. Archi e W. Culp , Jr. Robe rt L. Cunningham Norman M. Da uderman J a m es G . Da nl ey V . R . Dave Keith Da vidson Donald J. Day R . G. Delay Robert A. Dennis Yad ve ndra V. Desai A. E. Doe rflinger Bill y M . Drewel R aym ond Druss Joe Dryd en Willi a m DuB ois Kenneth J. Du d dridge David J. Ebbesmeye r J ohn A . Ebe ling Pa ul K. Edwa rds Da le H. Emling Rob ert Eoff Mrs . Da vid Erm a n C harl es M. Etwert Ernest Ferguson Ga ry S. Gerguson C . Kipp Ferns J ohn L. Finley J oseph W. Fitzpatri ck Jim Ford 12
Thank You
• • •
Ove r th e past m o nths the foll owing nam ed ind ivi du a ls have se nt UMR th e nam es of pros pec tive stud e nts. Hundreds of o the r nam es we re se nt by people who did not include their ow n nam e o n the sugges ti o n card . To all who res po nd ed , "thank yo u ", yo u have helped UMR beco m e kn own to o ve r a thousand prospec tive sLUde nts. Th e admi ss ions offi ce is alw ays pl eased to res pond to requ ests fo r informati on o n a ll UMR p rograms, pl ease co ntinue to ask th a t info rmation be sent to those yo u believe wo uld like to know m o re a bo ut t he U ni vers it y of Misso uri · Ro ll a.
Jim Fox James Franklin Ray Freund David D . Friend John R. Furby Campbell W. Funk W. L. Gabelmann ' Joseph H. Gaddy G. M . Gandhi Donald W. Garrett James Gend er Jeffrey A. Gibson Bill Gieselman Guy V. Givan John L. Gleich E . S. Gminski Steve n R . Goldammer Frank Gollhofer R. W . Gotsch Charles L. Gottlieb Tad G raves Michael W. H ammond R eve H . Hammons Pao·Yu an Han J oseph L. Ha y Charles L. Heater Doug H eatherly Mike Henwood Step hen J. Hilmes Ken Hilterbrand K. Dan iel Hinkle L. A. H oeckelman Larry A. Holt R oger L. Horton Henry G . Hub ba rd Ea rl E . J ackson J. Jodwick Cra ig B . Johler Da le A . Johnston J am es C. J o nes R . K. J ones Gera ld N. Keller E. Ea rl Kelsey Ga il D. Kette nbrink D. C. Kinder D . T. King A . Klug
C . O. Koch E. R. Koebbe Bill Koederitz Mary Lee Koewing John R. Kuntz Charles Lajeunesse Edwin R. Landis Leslie Leighty Steven K. Lett W. Y. Lin Cla rence D. Little Henry D. Llewellyn R. E. Lough Anthony A. Mack D. Majmundar Pete Maisch Purushottam Manusmare B. W . Marshall William F. McConnell Richard L. McGee W. D. McKee , Jr. Walter McLuckie W. L. McMorris W. E. Mead Glen Medlin Harish Mehta Myles J. Midgley L. J. Mikelionis Richa rd J. Miller Bruce Mitchell J am es L. Mitchell Deway ne Mobry Willi a m R. Mocheli Mike Montague Glen A. Morton Don L. Mu eller Burlin Mungle Roger A . N eidel Leontine a 'Gorman Elm er D. Packheiser Jam es H. Painter Carl B. P elec h R on a ld G. Pettus L. Peresz tegy Kenneth P . Hacke Kan wa l D . Pras ha r J ohn M. Sadowski
S. P . Salarano John G. Saunders N . Hiram Saunders W. E . Saunders Ardell J. Schelich John Schemel Charles L. Schlef J. K. Schmitz Elmer Schragge G. E . Schroeder B. S. Schwalt W. K. Schweickhardt John R . Scoggins Robert J. Scott Robert Setchfield Arvind M. Shah Kuo-Shein Shen Charles S. Shipman John Shucart W. L. Sievers R. Patrick Skow D. C. Smith Ronald Smith Gerald D. Spann Mrs. Charles H. Sparks Bill T. Ray Paul Rice Don V . Rolff John Rother Charles J. Ross Dale Rutherford Thomas G. Ryan David A . Spencer Daniel W . Stehly R . P. Stevens Mark Stratman Myron S. Taich James J. L. Tang P . E. Tanner Bruce E. Tarantola Paul W. Taylor R ex D. Thomas J ac k H. Thompson Ni cholas Tibbs E . Ron Underwood Tran Van C . A. Va nsant A. J. Vogler , Jr. Bernard C . W agner Paul W eit ze l H a rvey W ende, Sr. A . L. Williams John C. WilliaJTls V . F. Wilreker Y. N. Wong Morris Worley Harold Wright F. W . W yatt G . S. Wyman J ac kson Yen Ca rl B. Yoder J ohn C. Young August 1974
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Alumni Directory
Approximate cost per copy is $2.25 and is financed by your gifts .
The master alumni reco rds have been keypunched this summ e r a nd the information entered on the IBM 360 / 50 computer housed in Mathematics -Computer Scie nce building on the UMR ca mpus. The computer printout will ac t as the copy for the alumni direc to ry whi c h will be published this fa ll. The directory will follow the traditional format with three major sections. The first will be an alphabetical listing of all alumni, this listing to carry academic information such as year of degree (or attendance) , the department, any UMR advanced degrees , the home address, the ~)Usin.ess or professional affiliation and Job title and employment add res s, where known . The second section will be a listing by class, or year degrees were granted, with duo listing where more than one degree has been earned .
Ken Kuebler, 70 , 73 the on campus Scientific Programmer Analyst and Randy Pace , gra duate student and programmer/ ana lyst at the computer center have been working most closely with the alumni office and they have Deen assisted by Dave Dearth , Assistant Director and 'Ralph Lee, Director of the Cente r.
The third section will be a geographical listing, alphabetical by state, city and name. The first section will carry the names of all known alumni, living and dead . This will be a variation from previous directories and will give the office (as well as alumni) the only list III existence in this form . Donors to the 1974 and 197 5 Alumni Annual Fund will be mailed copies of the directory as soon as it is available.
There will be almost certainly a period of adjustment to the new systems, and present equipment and records will have to be maintained until the debugging is completed . Exciting possibilities exist, we will have our first automated lists of departmental graduates, and class lists will be constantly updated . The basic mailing technique will remain tied to a zi p code sort , which is the present method of filing . The directory project is proceeding pursuant to action of the Board of Directors of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association at the annual meeting in October of 1973. The advantages of computer record keeping are a positive b y-prod u ct of the most economical and efficient way to create the printers copy for the directory. The present plan is to install on line terminal facilities so that the alumni record up-dates will be controlled from and by the alumni office.
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In the April 1974 issue of the MSM ALUMNUS a list of recipients of Alumni Awards was published. To that list should be added the following names of those who earned awards at the 1973 Homecoming : Dr. Bill L. Atchley' 57 . . ..... ....... !Alumni Merit Award Robert F. Bruzewski • 47 .. ..... ... . . Alumni Merit Award Dr. A. Glen Haddock .... .. ......... Alumni Merit Award Dr. Kenneth G . Mayhan' 65 ... . .... Alumni Merit Award Sylvester J. Pagano' 46 ... .... . .... Alumni Merit Award Thomas J. Welsh . ..... . . . . ..... .. . Alumni Merit Award Dr. Bobby G. Wixon .... ..... . .... .. Alumni Merit Award Elmer W. Belew' 47 .. .. ...... .. ... Alumni Service Award William D. Busch' 42 ........ . .. . .. Alumni Service Award Vernon T. McGhee' 42 ... ... ....... Alumni Service Award Jack H. Thompson' 52 .. ........... Alumni Service Award Russell H. Wiethop • 32 ............. Alumni Service Award Fred W. Finley' 41 ......... . .... . .. Alumni Achievement Award Hilbert F. Michel' 36 ... ..... ... .. .. Alumni Achievement Award Frank E. Townsend' 11 .. .... .. .. ... Alumni Achievement Award Melvin P. Weigel' 23 .. . .. ........ . Alumni Achievement Award Mrs. Frances leach .... .......... . . Honorary life Membership MSM Alumnus
Fulton Hall On March 29, 1974, the Board of Curators approved a contract with Bron Construction Co., Inc . , Kansas City , for the remodeling of Fulton Hall. The amount of the contract is $985 ,869 including the base bid plus four a lternates designed to improve the safety , structural, mechanical, and architectual features of the facility. Fulton Hall was built by the U.S. Burea u of Mines in 1923 and was occupied by that agency until 1950 . At that time the University acquired the building and , over the nex t two years , remodeled it and added a new section. The bid from Bron Construction Co., Inc. was the lowest of three submitted for the remodeling work. Work will begin on September 1 , 1974 , and the Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering department will be relocated in various buildings on campus.
Professor Dies Dr. William Alfred Frad , '54 associate professor of m eta llurgical engineering, UMR, was found dead in his apartment Wednesday, July 10, 1974. He apparently died Sunday night of natural causes. He lived at 1800 Oak Street in a basement apartment in the home of Professor and Mrs . Lawrence Christense n who returned home Wednesday night from a vacation trip and discovered his body . Dr. Frad was born April 4, 1909 , in Faulkton , S. D. He received his B .S. degree at Iowa State University in Ames, his M.S. at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, and his Ph .D. at UMR. Dr. Frad was chairman of the UMR John H e rman Daugherty Library Fund Committee and a member of the traffic safety and the tuition and residence committees. Survivors include a sister, Carkuff, Aberdeen, S. D .
The UMR Homecoming Game Oct. 12 between the Miners and Southeast Missouri State University will be dedicated to the memory of UMR Coach Burr Van Nostrand who died May 16. 'lt is especially fitting that this Homecoming Game be dedicated to Burr, "says Coach Billy Key, director of athletics . ''Burr probably knew more students than any other one person on campus because of his personal contact with students through the intramural program. " Van Nostrand was director of intramural athletics for a number of years and had also served as swimming coach and assistant football coach. It is estimated that an average of 3,000 students each year take part in the intramural program , the largest such program in the Midwest. There are other memorials to Coach Van Nostrand. At Homecoming functions, alumni will have the opportunity I to contribute to the Burr Van Nostrand Memorial Football Scholarship Fund. This fun d , established b y Van Nostrand's widow, Joye, will provide financial aid for a deserving UMR football player. It will be activated in
Game Dedicated ... Date
Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28* Oct. 5 Oct. 12* * Oct. 19
Missour i Valley Mi ssouri Western Henderson State Kansas State College-Pittsburg Not Scheduled Southeast Missouri State Northeast Missouri State
Marshall Sf. Joseph Arkadelphia Rolla
7:00 1 :30 2:00 2:00
Rolla Kirksville
2:00 2:00
Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23
Central Missouri State lincoln University Eastern Illinois Northwest Missouri State Southwest Missouri State
Warrensburg Rolla Charleston Maryville Rolla
2:00 1 :30 1 :00 2:00 1 :30
*Parent's Day * * Homecoming
the fall semester of 1975 . Thus far almost $2 ,000 has been received toward the goal of $5,000. I t is planned that only the interest will be spent in order for the memorial to be lasting. 'ln establishing this memorial to Burr, I hope to help ca rry on his work with students , " Mrs . Van Nostrand said. ''Burr was always grateful to football because it enabled him to get a college education. He encouraged students to better themselves through
educa tion. I would like to think that this scholarship will make a difference to some deserving student who might not otherwise be able to attend UMR." Contributions may be sent to the UMR Athletic Department or Development Office . Also In memory to Coach Van Nostrand , the American flag which covered his casket has been donated to UMR by his family and will be flown at all home games.
NECROLOGY These members have been reported as deceased to the Alumni Office - July 1, 1913 to August 31,1914 Kenneth F . Anderson '42 J. B . Arthur '58 Robert L. Barber '36 Charles W. Buerk '59 Jack H. Camenzid '54 Stephen M . Clancey '41 Clifford L. Conway 12 Clyde L. Cowan '40 Samuel E . Craig '26 Lewis E . Davidson '21 George B. Deuber '48 Theodore E. Dobson '52 F . Stillman Elfred 17 Robert R . Evans '32 Mary Powell Eyberg '32 William A. Frad '54 Andrew T. Frank '35 Kenneth Gille '47 O. W. Greeman '28 Clyde W. Hall 14 Terrance E . Harbaugh '58 Stewart P . Harmer '24 H . H . Hartzell '06 14
Sidney R. Hatch 15 James C. Holtgreve '68 O. J. Horrom '25 Victor H. Hughes '09 D. Pryor Hynes '08 Armin B . Jewell '23 Philip S . Judy '09 Steven L. Klobucher 72 Phillip F. Martyn '25 Rowe F . McCrae '09 Robert C. McKissick '39 Joseph P. Mertins 73 Percy E. Moore '30 Benton F . Murphy 10 Robert J. Nease '48 Harold H. Newcombe '28 George A. Page '30 Robert Roy Parsons '49 Walter I. Phillips '07 William R . Powell '30 Herbert L. Prange '38 Gerald F. Rackett '20 Rolfe M . Rankin '27
Frederick E. Riede 10 David H . Robinson '52 J. D . Roetzel '51 K. S. Sabharwal 70 Charles Albert Schaeffer, Jr. '42 Samuel N. Shanfeld '21 Bettie Blanchard Shroyer '50 Ray O. Shriver 17 Glen A. Smith '55 George Sonewald, Jr. '54 Charles H. Sparks '44 Harvey C . Stevens '41 Baarent Ten Broek 17 Arthur E. Twiehaus '40 George E . Ude 16 Robert A . Vogt '47 Cecil A. Walls '24 Melvin P. Weigel '23 Walter W. Weissbach 16 Terry Gene Wilson 70 Clyde R . Wood '08 Lawrence J. Zoller 18
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Rolla's SST Program
Busi ness Office Changes
Thermal and mate rials science , ene rgy conversion a nd en vironmental engineering sound like pretty he avy subjects for any students to tackle. N evertheless , these were courses of stud y this summer for 12 hig h school juniors who participa ted in a Summer Science Training Prog ra m at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
J oe W o lla rd , business offi ce r a t the U ni ve rsity of Missouri-Rolla, has announced that - as of July 1 - a numb er of functions within the office ha ve been redefined a nd conso lid a ted .
The progra m is design ed to provide a unique edu ca tional ex peri ence for outstanding hig h sc hool juniors who are parti cularl y interested in the fields of science a nd e ngin eer ing. Students parti cipating in the pro gram were given a real taste of college life. Each morning during the week they attended three classes . Labo ratory sessions were scheduled two after noons a week . Each student was expected to complete a certain amo unt of hom ework in eac h class and write formal reports on laborato ry ex perime nts.
ag which
onated to flown at
r. '42
)gu st 1974
All participants li ved In UM R dormitories , ate In the Un ivers ity cafeteria and h ad full use of a ll recreational fa ciliti es .
Finley Firm Expands The Finley Engineering Company, La m a r , Mo., (Fred W. Finley '41 , Chris W a ttenba rge r '4 1 and Carl Finley '4 5) h as an nounced the opening of a no ther branch office in Springfield, III
'We expect to realize considera bl e cost savings by this action , " Wollard sa id . "By reass ig ning perso nne l within the vario us departments a nd conso li dating som e departments , we ca n function m o re efficientl y with less personnel and witho ut an apprec iab le reduction in the leve l of service. In add iti o n , a cost saving will a lso be effected by the closing of an entire bu ilding (T -18). "
Charles A. Watts '58, a n elect ri ca l e ng ineer in th e La mar Office, will m anage the new branch. The new office will bring to six the tota l number of Finley Engineering bra nch offices. The ot hers are located in Eau Claire , Wis. , Bism a rck , N.D. , Aberdeen , S.D., a nd Slayton, Minn. The company has a total of 240 em pl oyees, 100 of whom are based in Lam ar.
Accord ing to Wollard , this ac ti o n was triggered by the impending re tire ment (Sep t . 1) of Carro ll C. Paulsm eye r , account ing and payroll officer. Pa ulsmeye r has se rved the Un ivers ity for a total of 24 years ( 1950 to 1958 at UMC and 1958 to 1974 at UM R ) .
Watts has worked for Finley primari lyon cost sepa rati on studies, cont inu ing property records , tra nsmission problems and ot her specia li zed types of te lephone engineering . H e is also the RP G programming ex pert for the company's comp ut e r.
Wallace C. Craig , former director of niversity Services, has been named manager of fin ance with responsibilities for account ing , grants a nd contracts , pa yroll and stud ents ' a ccounts. Other personnel reassignments have bee n mad e with no change In titl e or fun ction.
Watts had worked for Telep hone Compa ny of 1958 to 1967 . From 1967 wit h Finl ey in 1970, he Trans World Airlines.
the General Illino is from until comi ng worked with
Fred Finley, a partner in the firm, IS a m e mber of the UM R Development Coun cil
The program , whi ch compl eted its eighth year, was supported by UM R 's College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineerin g and School of Mines and Meta llu rgy. Supplementa l financial support was supplied by the following industries: St. J oe Minerals Corp. , ooter Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , Gu lf Oil and Texas Eastern Transm issi on Corp. Instru ctors were members of the faculty from the departments of c ivil engin ee ring , e lectrica l engInee rIng , chemical engineer ing , metallurgical engineering and m echani cal and aero ¡ spa ce e ngineering . C. R . R em ington, professor of mechanical engi nee rIn g , directed the program. On the final day of the program , Jul y 26 , a special comple ti on ceremony was held for the studen ts. Each rece ived a certifica te of ac hi evem e nt as recogn iti on of his successful pa rti cip a tion.
MSM Alumnus
. Dr .. Stephel/ :1. DOllglas, left, ass istant dean of ext eJl sion at th e Uni'oersity of JlIl ssoltri - R otla , ha nds a cert ifica te of cOlllpletion to .Ft. lV ood servicelllan who has just finished a 13-week CoUege Prep Program protridcd by UM R. 15
Coaches Named Two new coac hes , one woman a nd one m an , wi ll join the University of Missouri-Ro ll a athletic department when classes resume this fall. Cha rles L. Broyles, 27. of Stockton is UMR's new head baseba ll coach and assis tant football c 0 a c h. Annette Caruso, 25. of South Hampton , N.Y ., is the new women's coach.
qua lities we believe will make him an o utstand ing coach." Key a dded . H ead Football Coach Charles Finley said Broyles will handle the defensive line. Broyles was head football a nd track coac h at Stockton High School. Prior to that he was a graduate teaching assista nt , working with the football staff, while completing his M .S. degree ( 1973) in physical education at Kansas State College, Pittsburgh . He com p leted his B.S. degree in PoE. at Kansas State College then served two years as a teacher and assistant football a nd wrestling coach at Carroll High School , W ichita. Kan.
Billy Key, UMR director of athletics, said Ms. Caruso will assist with intramurals and wi ll begin development of a wom en 's intercollegia te prol{ram. 'We are quite pleased to As an undergraduate at Pittsburg, have Annette joining our staff, " he Charles lettered fo ur yea rs in football. commented. "Both because she is an He was chosen All-Conference defen excellent addi tion and also because it sive tackle two different yea rs and his marks the beginning of our wom e n 's senior year was A ll -District Ten and program. T he specific activities we earned NAIA Honorable Mention All start in women 's intercollegiate at h - American. He a lso lettered in baseball letics will depend on the interests of the and la ter ( in Wichita) p layed semi-pro baseba ll. yo ung ladies attending UMR. " For the past two years Ms. Caruso Key was a lso high in his praise of has served as an instructor of physical Broyles who rep laces Coach Burr Van education J.nd director of tudent Nostrand who died last May. "Charles activities at Centre College, Danville , is not on ly an outstanding athle te in Ky. Whil e at Centre she ta ught cou rses his own right, but a lso possesses the in badm inton , tennis. gymnastics,
volleyball and archery. H er coach ing experien ce there included women 's basketball, volleyball and field hockey. H er other activities at Danville included assignments on Centre's Counseling Committee, Student Person nel Committe. Student Life Committee and as director of the Social Board Committee. Annette in physical Ithaca , N. degree in Maryiand .
completed her B.S . degree edu cation at Ithaca College, Y.. in 1971 and her M .A. P.E. a t the University of College Park, in 1972 .
Both Broyles and Caruso will carry instructor in physica l education titles at UMR .
Art Gift UM R has recently received a large relief in wood which symbolizes engineering concepts. The work of art was done by Dr. Joseph Falsetti, former UMC professor, now of the University of Tennessee. The work , which took two months to complete, is hung in the Silver and Gold room of the University Center. It is part of the gift of the furnishings made by the Caterpillar Tractor Co., Inc. , of Peoria.
EXTENSION NEWS Here's a list of some of th e extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division . Where tit les are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "ExtenSion Coordinator", 314/ 34 1-4201 or (4202) . Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries , UMR Extens i on Divisioll. University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla , Missouri 65401 .
Fundamentals of Deep Foundations 7th Fundamentals of Shallow Foundations 2nd Retaining Walls, Abutments & Earth Pressures 4th Computer Methods of Optimum Structural Design Inspection of Existing Bridges Bridge Maintenance and Repair Mo. Valley Reg ional Foundrymen 's Conference Midwest Power Symposium 17th Missouri Asphalt Conference E. I. T. Review P. E. Review 4th Rolla Ceramic Materials Conference Single Phase Induction Motor Design 20th Paint Short Course for Contractors & Maint . Enginee r s 29th Fundamental Pain t Short Course 1 st Paint Technology Short Course 24th Advanced Paint Short Course 5th Introduction to Radar
Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla UMSL UMSL Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla
November 74 January 75 Spring 75 January 75 Oct . 1-2,74 Oct. 28-29 , 74 Sept . 25-27 , 74 Oct . 22-23 , 74 Oct . 1 4- 1 5, 74 Sept . 23, Oct . 30, 74 Sept. 23, Oct . 30, 74 June 75 Oct . 21-25,74 Sept. 9-13 , 74 Sept. 16-20, 74 Sept. 23-27 , 74 Sept . 3~ - Oct. 4, 74 Sept. 3~ - Oct . 3, 74
August 1974
oaching ~ornen 's
hockey. includ. Unseling I Corn. ee and Board
1974 HOMECOMING PROGRAM University of Missouri - Rolla
degree ~ollege,
M.A. rsity of .2.
II carry tItles at
10:00 11 :00 11 :00 6:00 6:30
A. M . A. M.
A. M .
P. M. P. M.
Board of Directors Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association Registration, Angus Room , Manor Inn, Highways 63 N. & 1-44 Class of 1949 - Oak Meadow Country Club Registration Recess Until 9:00 A. M . Saturday Early Arrivals' Social, Meet the Chancellor (Cash Bar Available)
7:15 P. M.
a large es engi. an was former nil'er;ity ch took g in the nil'er;itv of the terpillar
9:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M.
9:00 A. M. 9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M.
2 :00 P. M . 6:30 P.M.
Registration Resumes, Angus Room Band Alumni, Practice, New Jackling Field Camp u s Tours, From St. Pat's Ballroom, University Center, until noon. Reunion Class Luncheons, Manor Inn, 50 Year and Before; 1929; 1934; 1939; 1944; 1949; 1954; 1959; 1964 and 1969 St. Louis Section - Open House - Pub Mobile Kickoff, Miners ys. Cape Indians, New Jackling Field Awards Banquet Social, Meet the Chancellor
7: 15 P. M. 9:00 P. M .
Awards Banquet Annual Meeting, MSM - UMR Alumni Association
No on Noon
<tension ;ts. Call !s, UMR
Early Arrivals' Dinner - Ballroom, Manor Inn Post-Dinner Class of 1949 Dance, Oak Meadow Country Club Homecoming Dance, University Center Queen Coronation, University Center - Centennial Room
(Cash Bar Availab le)
Above Eve nin g Acti v itie s, Ballroom, Manor Inn
7:00 P. M.
Concert, Don Mclean, Multi-Purpose Building
BE SURE TO REGISTER, in order that your name will be on the attendance list that will be published Friday and Saturday. You will know who has returned and o thers will kn o w you are on the campus.
), 74 ), 74
FO OTBALL TI C KETS - Alumni purchase the Ticket "Reserved for Alumni" ot the, Registrati o n Desk o r Ticket Wind o w at Jackling Field. BANQUET AND CLASS REUNION LUNCHEON TICKETS - Available at the Regist ration Desk.
74 74
MSM Alumnus
19 74 )
Honor Roll 1974 Annual Alumni Fund Roster of Contributors
Fred H' 19(
Recorded as of August 3 I, 1974
1973 Fund 3,275 Donors of $54,740.60 and 162 Century Club Members 1974 Fund 3,404 Donors of $60,109.38 and 192 Century Club Members
J. W. B!
The following alumni and friends have given $100 or more to Annual Alumni Fund:
*De cease d
Fagan, Durward ' 34 Falkingham, D. H. ' 41 Ferrell , James O. ' 40 Finley , Fred W . ' 41 Fischer, Paul E. ' 23 Flanigan, Dr. Virgil' 60 Flesh , David J. ' 23 Flood , H. W. ' 43 Ford , Ragan , ' 23 Fort, George E. ' 40 Fowler, Thomas R. Jr. ' 54 Gabler , George C. ' 24 Gardner, J. W. II ' 41 Gaw , Tiu Martin' 71 Gerig, Martha M . ' 69 Gjelsteen , Thor '53 Gulick , Gary M. ' 69 Gund, Rus sell ' 40 Hacker, Alden G. ' 41 Hanna, Robert l. ' 43 Hannum , Dr . Richard W. '66 Hasselmann , Dr. Karl F. ' 25 Heilig, E. Warren' 31 Heim , Carl J. '24 Heitmann , Albert l. ' 25 Hepp Joseph T. ' 48 Hick~, Ronald R. ' 67 Hoffman , Glenn W . ' 59 Hoeman, Erwin E. ' 30 Holmes, Thomas A. ' 50 Hoover, B. F. ' 23 Howell , Richard B. ' 48 Jarboe, Rupert A. ' 38 Jenkin s, Robert D. ' 53 Johnson , Gordon E. ' 59 Jones, Sam P. ' 49 Jones, Walter T. '37 Kackley, Roy l. ' 43 Kamper, O . W. ' 35 Kassay, Andrew W. ' 32 Kasten, Raymond O . ' 4 3 Kaveler, Karl W. ' 30 'Kent , Herbe rt E. ' 51 Ke nt , W . D. ' 4 3 Kentnor, Dr. Charles B. ' 24 Ke ss ler , Dr. Harry H. ' 24 Ki effe r, Al on zo R. III ' 59 Klau s, Irving ' 50
Klebba, Kenneth T. ' 60 Kovach, John J. ' 50 Krueger, Harold A. ' 42 Kummer , Fred S. ' 55 LaPlante, A . H. ' 63 Leaver, Harvey B. ' 48 Lehmann, Charles F. ' 51 Upensky, Milan' 53 Loveridge, Joel ' 39 Lusk, R. Ralph ' 27 Mackaman, Frank H. Makin, W . H. Jr. ' 31 Marosek , C. F. ' 61 * Martyn, Phillip' 25 Matlack , Fred P. ' 25 McBride, Mrs . Roy N. in memory of Roy N. McBride ' 14 McCurdy, Belding H. ' 38 McKee, Jack B. ' 41 McKelvey, Ralph' 48 Mendell , Robert H. ' 50 Mitsch. George l. ' 40 Monsch. Henry '29 Mooney , Edward M. ' 50 Mooney, Joseph W . ' 39 Moran , Ernest' 27 Mueller, Dr . George E. ' 39 Mueller, Joseph l. ' 68 Mulyca, Walter C. ' 65 Munger, Dr. Paul R. ' 58 Murdock , Kenneth C. ' 62 Murphy, James J. ' 35 Neri , Lewis' 70 Neustaedter, James A . ' 43 Nevins , M . E. "Bob" , 4 1 Nolte , William J. ' 20 Otto , R. M. ' 49 Painter , James H. ' 60 Page , C. F. ' 31 Palmer , C. C. "Pete" , 40 Patterson , J. R. "Bob" , 54 Perry, E. l. "Roy" , 40 Perry, Norris W . ' 68 Planje, Dr. T. J. ' 40 Potter, Dr. C. J. ' 29 Reese, Thoma s H. Jr . ' 34 Reisbi g , Dr. Ronald l. Riek e , V. W . ' 4 0
Riggs, W. R. "Bob '" 32 Robbins, Irvin D. ' 48 Roberts, J. Kent '50 Robinson , Dave' 53 Rouse , Richard O . ' 62 Schlensker, John A. ' 55 Schmoldt, Hans E. ' 44 Schork, John E. ' 47 Schuette , Louis H. ' 29 Schuler, Leonard l. Jr. ' 49 Schwartz, Arthur S. ' 32 Seaman , Robert l. ' 69 Sedivy, Miles '08 Senne , Dr. Joseph H. Jr. ' 51 Sevick, Joseph G. ' 49 Slocum , Roy W. ' 66 Smith, E. A. ' 24 Smith, Harlan D. ' 48 Smith, Hubert R. ' 48 Smith, James A . ' 47 Sou It, Dr. John P. ' 39 Spanier, Lawrence A. ' 50 * Sparks , Dr. Charles H. ' 44 Sperling, Elmer' 31 Springer, Fred M. ' 49 Stephens , Dr. James W. ' 47 Stueck , Neil' 43 Ten Eyck, Warren E. ' 23 Thomas , George H. ' 43 Thompson , Jack H. ' 52 Toliver, Jack E. ' 57 Tomasek , Dr. A. J. ' 63 Toomey, John B. ' 49 Tucker, Armin J. ' 40 Van Eaton , C. W. ' 48 Wah, R. A. ' 52 Wanenmacher, Dr. J. M. ' 23 Wattenbarger, C. M . ' 4 1 Wei nel, E. A. ' 44 Werner, Edwin J. ' 49 Wiethop, Russell H. ' 32 Wilkerson , A . B. ' 23 Wilson, Joseph M . ' 21 Wissler , Lou is B. ' 43 Wolf, Robert V . ' 51 Wright, Dr. Robert l. ' 57 Zimmerman , M . Jordon ' 55 Zinke , Robert ' 51 Zoller, V ictor H. ' 43
Th e Century Club Certifica te reads: " An organization of alulIIl'li fo unded on Ma y 27,196 7 to aid and support the University of M issouri - R olla through substant ial gi fts to the Alumni Association Annual Alurnni Fund ." 18
Miles Set
19( Edward I 19'
Century Club Adams, B. W. ' 16 Adamick, Henry S. '44 Alford, Rex ' 40 Andrews , J. Lewis ' 24 * Arthur, Dr. J. B. ' 58 Atchley , Dr. Bill l. Badollet, Dr. M . S. ' 21 Balmat, Jack S. ' 48 Barger, H. S. ' 39 Barnard , Charles R. Sr. ' 20 Barsachs , Edwin ' 50 Batubara, Kasmir A . ' 60 Bauer , Richard H. '52 Bay, Robert D. ' 49 Bennetsen , Wayne J. ' 41 Berry , Jerome T. ' 49 Blair, Norman D. ' 41 Bodman, J. W. ' 10 Boorky, Morris ' 39 Bosse, James P. ' 70 Bowers , Carlos G . ' 24 Br ackbill , Robert M . ' 42 Brewer , Will ' 32 Brodhacker, J. W . ' 44 Brown, Philip l. ' 72 Brslik, William ' 70 Burns, R. E. ' 40 Busch , William D. ' 42 Coben , Donald A . ' 51 Comanich , George W . ' 51 Coonce , James M . Jr . ' 57 Couch, G. R. ' 41 Crecelius , Donald G. ' 4 1 Crites, Joseph' 49 Crum , E. Jefferson ' 29 Daly, T. E. ' 49 Dennis, W . E. ' 36 Dittmer, Russell S. ' 29 Dowling , Paul T. ' 40 Drake , William l. ' 29 Durning, William' 19 Ecoff, Ralph A. Jr. '48 Edwa r ds , Fr anci s C. ' 69 .Elli s, J. Craig ' 38 Ell i s, Wi lliam A. ' 47 Eloe, Howard Emery, Jo hn R. ' 57 Eng lish , Dr. Th omas O . ' 29
w.]ÂŤrl 19(
A ugu st 1974
J. O. Ha Frederid 19' Ben H. t [va Hire Frank T
Harold P Alex Cro E. O. Ly M. E. W
19 S. E. H! W. R. R John A.
1~ Clyde 1\
G. F. M
Hugh P Riley M John N.
S. R. H,
l' B. W. A
Fred Cre Gunnarc O. L. LI William J. Charlt Harold I George I H. H. V E. H. IV
I' F. S,illm
H. A. H
George ~
John H. Howard
19' H. W. r
Leroy R Hanley 1 19 W. C. D Walter I J. Wahe
II H. F. Al
Chari" : DavidA Georg, I Anhur ~ William
H. H. H
Pet" H.
Edwin K
E. A. 51, Mark L. Fred IV Harry IV tDeceoS
1974 ALUMNI FUND CONTRIB UTORS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1903 Fred Hauenstein. Sr.
1904 Bruce Williams
1907 Aubrey Fellows Walter I. Phillips'
1908 Miles Sedivy
1921 Irwin W. Alcorn M. S. Badollet J. Philip Colbert Samuel H. Lloyd A. B. Needham Joseph H . R ohloff Frank H. Taylor Anvil C. Willi ams Joseph M. Wilson
1909 ' Edward P. Barrett
J. J. 32
W . Bodman D . Harlan Frederi ck E . Riede'
1911 Ben H . Cody Eva Hirdler Greene Frank Townsend
55 4
Harold P. Ford Alex Grosberg E. D . Lynton M. E . Willmott
r. • 49
S. E. Hollister W . R . Knappenberger John A. Murphy
32 .9
Jr . •51 9
Clyde W. Hall' G. F. Metz Hugh P . Rice Riley M. Simra ll John N. Webster
1915 S. R. Hatch.
9 · . 50 H. • 44
9 W. · 47
· 23 43 52
B. W . Adams Fred Grotts G\!nnard E. Johnson O. L. Lumaghi William H. McCa rtney J. Charles Miller Harold A. Neustaedte r George E . Ude • H. H. Vogel E. H . Wool rych
1917 F. Stillman Elfred' H . A. Horne r George S . Porter John H . G . Reill y Howard J. Teas
M. • 23 · 41
9 32
1919 W. C . Durning Walter F. Lottman J. Walter Scott
1 · 57
ion ' 55
H . W . Doennecke Leroy R . Scheurer Hanley H. Weiser
H. F. Allison Charles R . Barnard David A. Bash George Burnet . Sr. Arthur M. Howald William S. Nolte H . H . Hoppock Peter H . Pietsch Edwin K . Schuman E. A . Slover Mark L. Terry Fred W . Uthoff Harry W . Zieseniss * Deceased
MSM Alumnus
1922 A. L. Ackers Walker E. Case Glen J . Christner Kurt de Co usser H . E. Diers James M. Forgotson Francis R . Halasey Daniel E. Huffman Homer Leonard Albe rt E. Long Edwin G. Machin H . D . Scruby Ernest S. Wheeler F. P. White. Sr. G. S. Wyman
1923 E . Taylor Campbell Henri Chomeau Paul E. Fischer Da vid J. Flesh Ragan Ford W ayne Frame Muir L . Frey W . P. Gatts Dodd ridge G. Gibson James L. Gregg Lynn H ar bison B. F. Hoover Armin B. Jewell' Roy A . Lindgren B. H a milton Moore Raym o nd E. Murphy Edward Pesout Bruno Ri xleben Warren E. Ten Eyck J. M . Wanenmacher Vance Webste r Walte r A. Werner Virgi l L. Whitworth A. B. Wilkerson Dee Zimmennann
Lew is Andrews Philip L. Blake Carlos G . Bowers Walter E. Casey George T. Dierking George C. Gabler James E. Jett C. L. Kemper Charles B. Kentnor Harry H . Kessl er W . E . H . Knight l. H . Lovett Fred P . Matlack Ray McBrian Walter E. Remmers Gu y R . Scott E. A . Smith W . H enry Weimer Wilford S. Wright
1925 M. L. Atkinson Hugh R. Berry Leo L. Burnet G. C. C unningham Thomas E. Eagan K. F. Hasselmann W. F. H a u ck
Albert L. H eitmann Carl J. Heim Orman J . H orrom' Charles C. Irving Adolph Ku echler E . J. Lyo n Phil F. M a rt yn' Fred P. Ma tla ck J a m es L. Pasley F. C. Schneeberger H erb ert O. Schramm Claude N . Valerius Ron a ld D . Ward
1926 Harry C. Birc hard Samuel E. Craig' Elmer Gammeter Erwin Gammeter Ira N. Goff Charles L. Kitchen Ra y E . Kollar J a m es P. Moore J ohn A. R ood, Sr. W . Irwin Short C. Cabanne Smith Guy W. Stapes Morris 1... Tyrrell Jule H. W a lker J oseph M. Wilson
1927 Robe rt W . Abbett A. E. Barna rd Donald J. Bisett Ri chard H . Knox Ned O. Kra ft R . Ralph Lusk Ernest Moran Edward W . Parsons Mu rray J. Paul Edwin R . Sievers James F . Smith P a ul Weber Clarence B. Weiss
1928 R. P. Baumgartner Philip J. Boyer C. D. Cordry Danie l ii . Crumbaugh E . C. Faulkner Charles A . Freeman He nry Gross H oward H . Gross A lbert L. Hill Howard Histed Sam D. Hodgdon H. R . Kilpatrick M a rk B. La yne William B. Mac hi n H . B. Moreland Tom Murphy Gerald A . Roberts William K. Schweickhardt Burl Slates J. W a rren Smith E. Fusz Thatcher J ohn Walther
1929 Ben R . Coil E. A . Crawford Gle n E. Crays E. J efferson C rum Russell S. Dittmer William L. Drake Charles H . Dresbach T . O. English Charles W . Johnson Harlow G. Jones Arthur H . Kemp Emmet R . KiTn Henry D . Monsc h Orville W . Morris
C h a rles J . Potter Louis H . Schuette George W . Ta lley J oe Williamson, Jr.
1930 Verne Alexander E. F. Cirkal ' Will a rd E. Davis M arion A . Dillingha m C. J a m es Gri mm Edwin T. Harvey Erwin C . H oem an C h a rles H . Jennings Ka rl W. Kaveler H arry F . Kirkp atrick Edward Meeka A . J. Miles K . R . Neal H erbert R. Osterwald Ri chard F. Payne W . H . R ollman H enry O . Scheer A. C. Shearer S. A. Ston e Myron Thomas
1931 Virgil F. Ancell A. R. Baron J ack N. Conley J ona tha n C. DeFoe W illiam E. Donaldson E. R . Epperson R . R. H e rrell Henry R . Herron Vernon A. C. Gevecker Albert H a rrison W arren He ilig Rue l L . Kirkpatrick W . H. Makin , Jr. C . W. McCaw Maurice F. Murphey C. F. Page R . S. Park C. E. R oss Elmer J. Sperling James E . Stokes R . T. Wade Edwin G. Walter F. E. W enger C lyde E . Wilhite R ex Z. Williams
1932 O. M . Andres R . A. Bertram Will Brewer Stuart L . Davis Ca rl A . Elsea Willard A . Gallemore H a rold L. Gi bbs Arthur J . H oeman Leon K. Johnson And rew W. Kassay W . T . Kay F. S. Macklin R . L. McCreight Hen ry W . Meyer R ex Monroe J ohn A . Poll ak Allen J. Re id Robert P . Rhoades J. K . Ric ha rdson W . R. Riggs R ay H. Runde r Arthur S. Schwarz H omer Thompson R. J. Vi ctor Russell H . Wieth o p Frank Zvan ut
1933 Vernon L. Asher Colema n H . Beardsley A . W . Beinlich , Jr. C. F. Berthold Raymond W . Borchers Wa lter H . Braun W. W. Coghill Ellen W oodman Doll M. Russell Edgar J ohn O. Farmer B. J. Gross Gene L. H a rris Lowell A. Hibbits William J. Jabsen Theo. B. Kaczmarek William W. Kay William Koopm a nn, Jr . C laren ce W. L ame rs Homer W . Krattl y C harles H . Lambur Wi lliam H. Lenz J. Do uglas Martin, Jr. J a mes F. McDonald Leo H . Merchie George H . Musson Rex E . Pinkley Elmer A. Roemer T. O. Seiberling A. A. W e hrma n Arthur J. Willi a ms
1934 H aro ld R. Absher R ay I. Brasaem le W. H . Bruening R obert L. Cunningham David Cu tler J a m es W. Da rling A. M. Duncan Du rward E. Fa gan W. B. Fletc her Homer T. Ford, J r. Wi lli am E . Hedges Edwin A . H ein R . G . Hudson Leroy H. J ackson LeCompte Joslin G ilbert L. Kratt ler C. W. Kruse Mason B. Larwood Clemens R . Maise J ohn H . McKinley E. L. McR eynolds Lester E. Poese Thomas H . Reese, Jr. R. A. Sackowitz R oy E. Smith W . R . Springer T. J. Stewart Leo J. Sullentrup Robert C. W e igel Wilfred W . Westerfield
1935 R o bert H . Buck W. J. Campbell Howa rd B. Colman Warren B. Da nforth Dona ldJ . Doan Richardson J . Do bson Don ne ll W. Dutton Ma x E. Edgar H . J. Haffner J ohn E. H a rrod Emi l D . H offman L. W. H oltm an R . W. J ohnson O. W . Kamper Rudo lph J . Knoll Howard F. La nge W . H . McDill
Collins H. McDonald Robert G. Montgomery J ames J . Murphy George T. Nolde R . C. So lomon
Carlton W . Barrow Reade M. Beard Robert T. Chapman Willis Clark Eugene J. Dailey W . E. Dennis Robert L. Fisher Edward C. Fiss Arne K. P. Hermann AlanJ. Hoener Paul D. Houseknecht Elmer Kirchoff James H. Menefee Hilbert F. Michel George O . Na tions He rman J. Pfeifer Robert L. Prange John P . Rasor Edward A. Roy W . H . Schwalbert R . W. Simmons L. G. Tennies H oyt G. T hompson W. E. W alker. Jr. A. E. Woerheide. Jr. T. W . Wommack
Frank C. Appleyard A. H . Barclay Charles F. Benner Ted Bommer W alter F. Breuer R. J. Cardetti Ross R. Carrolla Oscar E. Grewis Donald F. Grimm Wa lter L. Holz Walter R. Jarrett Wa lter T . Jones Robert C. Lange Edwin W. Logan Arthur L. McClanaha n Samuel S. Post Wilfred K. Rodman Grant Schaumburg Marshall W . Taylor II M. E. Tyrell Fred K. Vogt
1938 E. A. Ballman J . Russell Bircher Allen D. Bliss Don C. Bowman. J r. C. V.Cameron Forrest L . Carpenter Cha rles L. Clayton Roy C . Cornett J . Craig Ellis Heracio A. Fernandez F. N. Goodrich Euge ne F . Hill J. W . Howerton Rupert A. J a rboe Henry W . Kuhlmann Joh n R . Long Belding H . McCurdy Raymond R . Medley Fred Morrison Fred M. Mueller Melvin E. N icke l 'Norman Peukert
F . H . Pittenger Ri chard G. Proug h Raymond H . Rogers John A. Short Albert B. Spencer. Jr.
Irvin C. Spotte William E. Stephens Homer B. Stokes
1939 Hube rt S. Ba rger Morris Boorky C. E. Bou lson R. G. Brown Ro bert A. Carter E. L. Claridge H . F. Crecelius Robert P. Dieffenbach Stuart Dods Edward E. Elliott Lewis C. Elliott W . R. Ellis Thomas J. Finley Tom Ha rse ll F. W . Heiser Ray E. Hoffman . J r. Mars hall Jamison E. He rbert Johnson Harold S. Kidd R . R . Kenyon Carl W. Lintner Joel Loveridge J ack McCaw Joseph W . Mooney J ack W . Moo re George E. Mueller Walter E. Mussell Edga r F. Pohlm ann A. E. 'Dusty" Rhodes Wilbert A. Roarig Lawrence A . Roe
J . R . Runyan K . A. Siegrist Hu esto n M. Smith Le rov E. Smith J ohn P. Soult J . V. Spalding Thaddeus S. Stojeba William L. Sullivan Albe rt L. Tetley W. C. Vandergriff Wade D. Waters
1940 William C. Alexander Rex Alford J ames M. Barclay W . A. Baumstark Steven S. Braun Guy Brown . Jr. Richa rd W. Burnett Ruble E. Burns Carl H . Cotterill Powe ll A . Dennie B. A . Den nis Paul T. Dowling W. A. Enderson J. O. Ferre ll Richard J . Followill George E. Fort Russell A. Gund Cha rl es E. Ha ll L. E. Henson A. R. Herzog J am es H. J acobs Ra lph E. Kelley . Jr. Albe rt L. Kidwell A. J ames Kiesler J ohn R . Klug H a rle y W . Ladd W . P . Leber J . C . Leslie F. G . Machmer J. S. Markley Edga r S. Mille r George L. Mitsch [van M. Niedling
Eugene L. 0 Ieott John ONei ll Geo rge M. Pace Clarence C. Palmer G . A. Pa rish E. L. ''Roy'' Perry Theodore J. Planje John F. Reed Robert P . Ridley Lynn J. Riege V. W . Rieke Colin Rose Paul F . R oss Edward L. Rueff Everett W . Sharp W. J. Smothers H . D. Sturges Huey Summers Armin J. Tucker Gerald E. Wallace Arthur We ber F. Hugh Wilson James C. Wilson
1941 Wash Adams Willi a m C . Alsm eyer Andreas A. Andreae W . J. Be nnetson Norman D . Blair H erma nn F. Bottcher
Willia m H. Bourne Robert K. Boyd Eugene P. Boyt Edmund R. Butcn Charles F. Cla rkson G. R . Couch Donald G. Crecelius W E. Crockett J erome P. Dreste Floyd R . Elliott D. H . Falkingham Edward C . Farrell Armin F. Fick Fred Finley Merritt M. Francis J. W. Ga rdner II Marvin C. Grisham Ald en G. Ha cker Ke nneth L. Ha rdine. Jr. Fred H. Hoen er David N. Jaffe J ames W. Jensen Carl G. Kind Ch ris Lam bert. Jr. J e nnings R. Lambeth W arren L ove ~idge
J ac k B. McKee Frank H . Mentz Wi lli am I. Morn s M. E. Nevins A. C. Pautler William M. Puetz A. Noel Reagan Richard G. Rhodes Frank B. Rogers J a m es R . Rou x Robert Schoenthaler J ohn Sha nkland Floyd P. Smith J ames J. Springer Harvey C. Stevens· Daniel R . Stewart H . R . Stockton J. O . Strawhun Herb Volz C . M. Wallenbarger D. D. Wyatt
1942 A. G . Ad ler J ohn C. Allen George Axmacher
Thomas Beveridge Robert M. Brackbill W. D. Busch J ohn H . Castleman Hugh M . Clark J a mes A. Crookston R . J. Cunningham Clyde Durphy Robert F. Guilfoy Bailey W . Hagar Charles A . Heuer William E. Hill Charles M. Hillery Thomas A. Hughes Thomas A. J ones Joseph T. Karbosky Welby M. King Fred Kisslinger Paul W. Kloe ris Harold A. Krueger John H. Lyons Leslie J. Maher Kent W . Martin William F. McConnell Vernon T. McGhee Jim L. Mitchell Oscar M. Muskopf Ralph L. Neubert John W. Ne vin Nicholas Nicola Fred W . O lde John 1\. . Olson Herbert Pagel Frederick P . Paul Bion D. Pewitt Robert A. Pohl Ed Rassinier Elmer H . Sand ha us Joseph B. Schmitt £. P. Schneider K. A. Schowalter Austin E. Schuman James W . Shaffer Gilbert R . Shockley A. T. Sindel J ohn Smith. Jr. Alexander L. Stewart Otis H. Taylor C. R . Trotter Robert Van Nostrand Dell C. W ade B. E. W eidle J ac k A. Witt Leon a rd C. Wolff Charles E. Zanzie J. W. Zoller
1943 Joseph T. Ada m s Harold E. A mli William R . Anderson Homer J. Ballinger J oseph P . Barndt. Jr. Willi a m H . Bassett Ma urice O. Bellis Earle Biermann James H . Bottom J a mes V. Carroll Douglas Christensen R . Ke nt Comann D. J. Cooli dge Albert S. DeVa lve Fred E. Dres te Howard W . Durha m R. L. Ehrlich Jack E. Fleischli H. W . Flood Ed Fris William H . Gimson. Jr. James Glover Edwa rd E. Gygax
Robert L. Hanna L. W. Higley J. C. J ohnson Roy L. Kackley Raymond O. Kasten Edward T . Kendall. Jr. W . D . Kent M. J. Kerper Enos L. Key Francis M. Krill Clyde H . Krummel Clarence A. Lambelet Bruce R . Landis Leonard N . Larson Max L. Marlow Gene S. Martin Herbert H . McColgin R . P . McMath Orville L. Meyer James A. Neustaedter James R . Paul Pat Quinn R. K. R asmussen Lloyd C. Schuma nn John L. Shafer Donald H . Short G . G. Sk ,tek D. J. Studebaker Neil Stueck J oseph G. Sueme George H . Thomas Carl J. Weis J ohn O . Wilms L. B. Wiss ler C . J. Wright Victor H . Zoller
1944 H enry S. Adamick Eugene K. Allen Robert L. Banks H . D. Barnhart J. W. Brodh acke r R. L. Carmichael C. Alfred Dick Robert Dietz J ames D. Dowd J ames E. Dueker Edwin C. Goetemann John W. Griffiths J. Richard H anse n Roge r H . Heidenreich W . A. Hubba rd E. S. [senma nn Bob Klorer Do n Kazeni Warren L. Larson Peler Mushovi c Alan P . Ploesser H . J. Rudisai le Lincoln A. Sanders H a ns E. Schmoldt Kenneth W . Schoeneberg P . Gene Smith Charles H. Sparks. M. D.' Glenn Staley Robe rt F. "Summers E. A. Weinel 1945
Edwin W. Blase Roy H. Boyd Vernon Kasten
Makoto Kawaguchi Allan W. Lindberg James M. McKelvey Osborne Milton Robert E. Murray Robert F . Schmidt Otto L. Van Maerssen
August 1974
19 Austin R. P. C RJ. D· Carney Rev. Rc Donald 5. ]. Pa 19 Kennell [Imer i Dale ]. Roben R. F. B Gilbert Paul F. Carl R. Richard H C. r: Roy H. B. J. Ei: William William Jack F. Ralph F E. R. F, Glenn r Gale Fu William Rev. Bil W. H.I Elvin A Philip [ Frank F
Gilbert Dwight J. Edwa H. Man Charles Eberhar
R. K. W Lester F R. K. M George Roben I C. M. P Alben F Roben J
J. A. SC:
Richard John E. Keith D James A James R Richard James \\ R. A. T PaulL. Wilbert James E.
NelIA. I Waher F R. F. Ba J"k5. E Ralph B. Peler F Joseph ~ Emery l Victor L Phil A. J Fred H. James B. A. E. Cc R. A. C, Michael John H k. , D~
. D.'
1946 Austin B. Clayton R. P. Connett R. J . Doisy Carney C. Fesler Rev. Ro bert L. Mann Dona ld 1. Meye r S. J. Paga no 1947 Ke nne th Adrian Elmer W . Belew Dale J. Brown Robert F. Bruns R . F. Bruzewski Gilbert Carafiol Paul F. Carlton Carl R . Christiansen Rich a rd E. Cole H . C. Da meron . J r. Roy H . Dunham B. J. Einspanier William Ellerman William Ash ley Ell is J ac k F. Fase r Ralph Feldha us E. R. Fogarty Glenn H . Fritz Gale Fulghum Wi ll iam J. Goodwin Rev. Bill Harvi lle W . H. Hellewege. Jr. Elvin A. Henke Ph il ip D. J ohnson Frank F. Ke rr Guerdon G. Kopp Gil bert La Pie re Dwig ht E. Lewis J. Edward Little H . Mansfield Charles L. McKinnis Eberh a rd H. Miller R . K. Mitchell Leste r K. Moelle r R . K. Mitchell Geo rge 1. Perryman Robe rt C. Pletz C. M. Pome ry Albert Procton Robe rt L. Ray J . A. Scheineman Richa rd L. Schm itz J ohn E. Schork Keith D. Sheppa rd J ames A. Smith J a mes R . Snowde n Ri cha rd G. Steiner J a mes W . Stephens R . A. Tappmeye r Paul L. Terrasson Wilbert F. W egener James E. W ylie 1948 els A. Ande rson Walter F. Ande rso n R . F. Bae rveldt J ack S. Balmat Ra lph Banks PeLer F. Bermel J oseph H . Billy Emery L. Boeller Victor L. Bradford Phi l A. Browning Fred H . Canning, Jr. J ames B. Ch a ney A. E. Copeland R. A. Crosby Michael F. Delany John H . den Boer 1<. . f . Doelling
Ma urice H . Ellis Willia m A . Ellis Lester E. Fields James R . Fisher L. W . Fuller Lem N. Gager Reinhart C . Gauerke Wi ll ia m Grady. Jr. J ohn Griessen H arry Grigsby El ve n M. Gurnea M arvi n A. H agan
Comer C. Ha ley J ohn W . Hamm a nn Warren F. H an e r Stephen H asko Robe rt E. Held G. E. He nry J osep h T. Hepp Frank D . Heque mbourg James W . Hoelscher Pa ul E. Hoey Ri chard B. Howell T ed R . Howell Gi lbert S. Keeley Robert C. Kreutzer Vernon R . Lawso n
Harvey B. Leaver J. H . Marcha l Dona ld J . Mat hews Ralph McK elvey D. L. McColgin George E. McCorma ck W ll ia m J. Mi lle r Haro ld G. Moe Gordon H . Moline Edward E. Mueller Larry F. O'Neill George H . Ramsey I rvlll D. Robbins W . A. Schaeffer II I Donald G. Schmidt Arthur E. Scholz Davi d G. Smith Ha rlan D. Smith Hubert R. Smith Wi lbert F. Stoecker C. W. Van Eaton J. C . Vogt Robe rt A. Vo lz Richard A. Wa lker J. R . Whanger T . R . Wolfarth
1949 George M. Ande rson E. L. AuBuchon W a lter E. Bai ly Robert D. Bay James E. Bell J e rome T. Berry Erwin Blanke nme ister Alexander A. Boyer R. H . Breitwieser Ch a rles M. Brow ning Cha rl es W . Burnett Da le Carney W . D. Ca n er J ohn C hang V. A . Ch a pm an. Jr. William R . Chew . Sr. J. G . Clifton Elwyn D. Come rer E. E. Comstock W . H . Coolid ge R . 1. Coplen . Jr. Joseph D. Cmes C. F. Crom er David Dalpin i T . E. Daly Charles P. Daniels
Carl J. Danze r Charles C . Davidson Don ald G. DeBolt John W . Ehrler Charles E. Eichelbe rger W . W . Evans A. Da niel Fentzke Ja ck D. Foster John H . Fuqua William H . Gammon C. H . Goue r . Jr. Virgil W . Hogland Oliver W . J ones Sa m P. Jones R . C. Ke la ha n Robe rt J . Ke mpe r Edward J. Kimmick W alter Knecht Elmo G. Knutson Frank K. Komoto Wi ll iam H . Le nox Myrl Line L a urel G. Linn W . H. Magruder Robe rt L. Martin Odis L. McCalliste r. Jr. John E. McDonald E. L . Me ngel Willi a m A. Morgan John Mulligan Amos Norman O. M. Ochs Robert F . Ostmann R. M. Otto J. K. Ozawa Ra lph C . Padfield Robert C. Perry Bett ijeanne Birch Puffett J oseph S. Quinn J ohn J. Ratcliff J ohn G. Reilly, Jr. Norman W . R e ink e~m eye r Jose ph J. Reiss C. R . Remington Daniel P. Rice Robe rt L. Root Charles J. Ross H arvey D. Ross K. G . Rowley Frank Sakonyi Julius L. Sarzi n Murray Schmidt J. C. Schmitt Ralph E. Schowalter Leonard L. Schule r. Jr. Henry P. Schweder Albe rt F. Seelig, Jr. J. G . Sevick John W . Shute Fred M. Springer Frederick W . Sl aght J ack Standelhofer R . H . Starkwea the r Glen W. Sutto n E. J. Telthorst Harold M. Telthorst Ri chard H. Thompson Dona ld H . Timmer Robert F. T indall . Jr. Fred A. Todd J ohn B. Toomey J ac k K. Tro tter Arthur L. Tucker R . C . Twombley Landon C. Viles Edwin J. Werner Charles K. Wissel Haro ld J. W ithrow Robe n J . Yochum Lloyd P. Youngs
1950 Lew is Agnew Daniel R . Atchison J ac k R . Babbitt W . E. Bach Alex H . Ba ldo Edwin H. Barsachs Leland F. Belew Ka rl K. Breit J ack Bodine Kenneth R . Brad ley D. Wall ace Breuer Charles E. Brinkma nn Robe rt N. Brown Billy R. Brownga rd L. R . Brunne nmeyer Edgar L. Bueke r Robert W . Bue! Herman C. Byrd L. W . Cantwell L. H. Carl August V. Castelli Fra nk T. Chambers W ill ie Y. Chen Robe rt L. Choate Charles H. Church Wi ll iam W. Clark Roy Clayton Richard E. Clifford W ill iam W. Collins Curtis L. Craig Aniba l J ose da Si lva J ohn F. Dela ney Donald P. Dampf Edwin A. Davidson Sta nley Dolecki Ave ry A. D rake, Jr. Bernard J. Eck Karl Eissinger J ames O. Ell iott R . D. Erb Carl E. Etz, Jr. J ames L. Evans W . P. Eyberg Ra y W . Fahien l!enry B. Farrey Wi ll iam R . FeltzDominic Ferreo Frank Finch Robert L. Fossi W . L. Gabelmann Ke nneth George J o hn Gilmore C . Tad Graves Ivan L. Gray Aaron Greenberg Scott H. Gregory Donald C. Griffin David Grimm Robert F. Gurnea Ja ck E. Guth Pau l Haas Joseph H allemann Horace B. H am Roll a nd L. H ardy Wi ll iam M. Harris W ay ne D. H a rt William G. Haym es Wi ll iam B. Heisler Enrique Heller A. W . Helwig J. F. Hernan David L. Hillhouse B. D. Hollenbach Willi a m H ollis R . Norman Holme Thomas A. Holmes Bennell D. Howell J. Ri chard Hunt C larence Isbell H . Clay Iten
George W. Jamieson Theod ore 1. J e rman Edward L. J ohnson Ray B. Johnson Warren H . Johnson Oliver A. Jorcke Russell J . Judah Pe ter B. Kell y D. C. Kinde r Do nald T . Kin g Da le L. Kingsley Irving Klaus Carl M. Knowles J ohn J . Ko vach Albe rt M. Krainess Charles O. Kunz Edward P. Kyburz Harry W . Laird Thomas G. La-.ham Kenneth P. Larkin Ed wa rd P. Lasko George R. Lay Don ald N. Lockett L. J . Lukrofka Edward L. Ma bie George W . Mabie Ca rl K. Mann Sergio F. Marinkovic Dona ld W . Ma rshall Richa rd E. Marting Ernie V. Mason Paul A. Matthews Ra ymond F. Mattlage C. E. McGaughey J ohn R . McNichols Joseph S. McVey, Jr. S. Megeff Robert H . Me ndell Willi a m K. Mengel D . F. Midd leton Edward W . Mooney John E. Muehring La wrence J. Nagel Roger A. Neidel John W . Nichols R . J. Niederstadt O li ver S. North Frank Novotnak
J a mes W . O'Connor, Jr. Harry B. Oneil John D . O liphant Robe rt L. Owens Jo hn L. Painter R . C. Parker Robe rt 1. Patte n W . G. Pa u lsell H . 1. Phillips Thomas E. Poliquin Ro bert K. Preiss Linus J. Renne r Earl G. Reynolds J. Kent Roberts Leslie B. Robison Ha rold R . Roenfeldt R . T. Rue nheck John J. Sakonyi Robe rt N. Schmidt Gerald Schnaedelbach J a m es J. Scott L. F. Sereno Roben C. Settgas Vernon S. Severtson Sidney Si lve r Da le Sims Clayton E. Sla ck Robert C. Slushe r Marvin E. Smith
Robert E. Smith Lawrence A. Spanier Everette W . Springer R. E. Starke
ust 1974
MSM Alumnus
1974 !
Dave Steele Billy Stevens Robert A. Strain Ervin J. Strauss J o hn F. Strong J o hn Sydnor Da vid E. Tale R . Milton T erry Harold B. T hi erman E. W . Thrall Harold Tibbs John Trianda Clarence Tunnicliff Cliffo rd B. Underwood V. B. Unsell J ohn R . Van No rt August J. Vogler, Jr. Da le E. Wa lker Walter W . Walker J a mes P . Webster Howard C. Wehling Thomas H . Weidman J ohn W. Weingaertner William Weinstein J ohn C . Williams R . C. Williams Antho ny E. Wilson Glenn E. Wilson Carl E. Wojan Ra lph E. Wolfram Robert C. Wood Harold R . Wright Kenne th H . Yochum Ca rl E. Zerweck, Jr. Al ben J. Zva nut
195 1 Anthony P . Anderhub J ohn M. Arnold A. P . Ballestero , Jr. Roger Banghart Robe rt. B. Barrow Gera ld Be nder Gene R. Blendermann Frank J. Boscia Herbert L. Bowkley Cha rles L. Boyd J ohn Brillos Thomas C. Browne Earl Brunk.horst Otis A . Burns Douglas J . Carthew Don Coben Geo rge W . Comanich George E. Commerford G. L. Crowell R . L. Dickens George R. Donaldson Don J. Dowling J oe Dryden I rving Dulberg E. E. Dunn J. W. Durrenberger William H . Elwood Do nald G. Fahs Ch a rles R . (Ron) Ferry H . Fritschen R. S. Gabrielse Robert J . Ganley J ohn E. Gardner David V. Gillen William A. Givens David E. Glenn Loren H argus William S. H a rper J ohn B. Heagler, J r. D. G. Hestetune J ohn A. Hirner E. F. Hohlfelder Lester W . Holcomb William E. Horst
C lark F. Houghton J ac k L. Hubb a rd Wayne F. Huff David M. Irwin Earl E. J ac kson Phillip E. J effers H . M. J ohannesmeyer Cha rles C. J oh nson Gerald N . Keller Herbert E. Kent Ric hard P. Ketter M. Dea n Kleinkopf Charles R. Kline Geo rge Knight Euge ne F. Kolb Judson M. La ttin Cha rles F. Le hma nn He nry Llewellyn J o hn B. Ma cDonald Edwa rd MacMaster Hulon McDaniel William G. McEvilly Richard L. McGee Dan E. McGovern J a mesJ. P. McHugh R. N. Mellott E. S. Middour Edward J . Milligan Frank J. Myslinski Gordon E. Napp Ted J. Oldenburg Howard Olson Frank W . Owens Elmer D. Packheiser Da vid D. Parrish Pau l S. Pender J. E. Perryma n R . C. Phelps Robert J . Rieder Warren D. Roach Donald L. Rober Don V. Roloff Wiley T. Ruhl Vernon E. P. Schmidt J oseph H. Senne Robert W. Shields S. Dea n Shopher Wallace W . Short Ervin H . Sieck Thomas A. Simpson J ames J. Sk.iles J ohn E. Smith Thomas E. Smith C lifford A. Statler Kenne th Stuckenschneider Bruce E. Tarantola Va nagan Tatosian W . K. T heerma n J ohn C . Theiss J im Thompson William W . Tsai William G. VanBrame r Ro bert E. Va nsa nt J ac k H . Venarde E. R. Wa ll ace H . G. W atson Elmer G . Wheatley Larson E. Wi le Raymond C. Wiley J ohn F. Winters Dona ld E. Wiseman Robe rt V. W olf Roy G . Woodle R. I. Zane Marvin C . Zeid Robert Zinke
1952 Fra nk T . Alva rado Francis Basler Richard H . Bauer
James A. Belew Lee Bi lheimer Ke nne th L . Birk W ill iam H . Bowlin Edward L. Calca terra Peler L. Chorney Homer E. Coonce Ric hard C. Cooper Willard E. Cox Kennet h L. C rame r Kenneth L. Delap Mic hael DeLucca, J r. Floyd M. Drummond Robert A. Dye W . Ferguson Clyde Fink J ohn W. Finklang Harold C. Freiberger Paul L. Hausmann Raymond P . Heilich C harles A . Hewett Melvin C. Hockenbury Leslie F. Holdman Wallace H. Holmes Paul L. Hydinger Wayne D. Jackson Richard F. Justus , Jr. Byro n L. Keil H . Chalmers Kerr G. S. King Ri c.hard H . Knoebel E. F. Kra nst Roy E. Lee Richard L. Light P . J. Lucido George MacZura Dona ld S. Maday Da n W . Martin Donald D . Matson J ack R . McBrayer John Mcintyre, Jr. David Meskan J oseph E. Michelotti Hong S. May T. F. Newkirk John B. Nolan Edgar Oliphant, Jr. Robert J. Owens Earl E. Pa pe John E. Priest Wi ll iam Quatraro Ernest J . Reeves T . W . Ric hards Dave Robinson Don a ld A. Rumsey Robert P. Schafer Donald E. Schmitt J. Roger Scrivner M. W . Steadman Di rc k B. Stickle Wilbur D. Stites W . D. Stopkey Russell R . Strite J. R . Sweeney Jack H . Thompson W alter H . Unger Robert F. Uthoff Lym a n F. Va') Buskirk J ames F. Vance Euge ne T . Vanderhey.den J. Va ra nouskas Roger E. Wakefie ld R . L. W alz Charles A. Weeks Howard W . W esterm an Dean N. Williams N. P . Zachelmeyer J o hn P . Zeda lis
1953 J o hn H . Be nder Charles A . Berry
M. W. Boyd Charles H. Ca llaway Robert E. Carver Charles E. Christian Edward L. Creamer Ha ro ld R . Crane Earl R . Dill Jack L. Eason Gene W. Edwards G. J. Freebersyser T hor Gjelst,(en Peter G. 'Ha nsen Myro n B. H aynes Charles H . Heeger Dale W . Hei neck Ri cha rd O. Holl and Robert D. Jenkins Robe rt D. Jost J. L. Knearem Elwood L. Knobe l Thomas L. Koederitz William W . Kronmueller Ra lph L. Kuster , Jr. Gerald J . LaBouff Eugene A. Lang Walter Lee Milan Lipensky Harry Lischer, Jr. J. D . McBeth William F . Oberschelp Claude J. Osbourne William R . Park William E. Patterson Lloyd Prickett Clay Robbins Theodore A . Ruppert Ben L. Smith E. E. Strohbeck Maurice R . Topel Robert P . Vienhage F. R . Wagne r Harold A. W ei nland
1954 Wayne M. Aceto C. L. Alburtis Robert W . Andersen S. T . Anderson James W . Argo W. M. Ash ley W illiam M. Baldwin Martin W . Barylski Max A . Burgett Frederick B. Burns Fred J. Campen Kenne th D. Cole Fra nk Conci J. R . Custead Jack B . Dowell Thomas R . Fowle r Thomas R . Fuller J a m es A. Gerard Richard W . Gotsch Joe E. Gray Da niel E. Groteke Gene Haertling Robert A. Horine J ames A. Hubeli Judson A . Hughes C. Scott J ohnson James C. J ones Be rna rd R . Juskie Arthur H . Kemp 111 W . C. La A. F . Moeller, Jr. Wiktor K. Nordling R . ''Bob '' Patterson Hubert P . Pillisch Ric ha rd M. Pracht Richard E. Reavis Dona ld O. Sc hneider Anthony J. Selvaggi
William E. Sipe William H. Stewart Carlos T iernon James Toutz Joe Watkins Rayburn L. Williamson Edward H . Young, Jr.
1955 Arthur G. Bae bler Chester H . Ba ker Campbell C . Ba rnds Richard O. Berg Virgil C. Boyd, Jr. Ralph Boze W. R . Broadus, Jr. Everett J . Collier T. A. Corcoran, Jr. H arry Cowan Richard L. Cruse Ralph T. Davis James M. Fra nklin Donald Gessley Dale D. Gilliam Terry L. Godsey J ohn Grosso Charles A. Hahs W. M. Hallett R . G. Haubold Harold Heavlin Ric ha rd L. Jones Leonard J. Keller L. T. Kickham , Jr. Marlin F. Krieg Fred S. Kummer, Jr. Herbert E. Lincoln Elmer L. Luehring Bill G. Martin Robert J . Martin John M. McCarthy William L. McMorris 111 John B. Miles Charles E. Miller Raben E. Newcom e r Robert B. Oetting John W . Padan Perry L. Pa rker, Jr. Herman A . Ray Joe B. Roberts Paul H . Robens John A. Schlensker J. N. Scott Gera ld D. Spann Wm. Robert Stimson Paul B. Tucker J o hn R . Van Buskirk George C . Walthe r M. Jordan Zimmerman
1956 Charles Altheide George R . Baumgartner Kenneth R . Be ntilla Carl L. DeWitt Bruce R . Doe Neil A. Fiala Wi ll is G. Grinstead Norman E. H art Richard S. He rndon H. Robert Horton Richard A. Hughes G. G. Ju renka Robert H. Kline Warren Liebennan R . Max McClure C. J. McCoy Edward C. Mills Martin M. Mitchum Victor M. Morales A . James M. Murphy Larry L. Murphy H . F. Ogle E. Paul Remmers
August 1974
Donald Ailen H. Harl)'J. Harold I Clay]. 5 William G. L. 5, Kennyn Kenneth Maurice R. H. T LeRoy E jam" A Norman Don E. ' peter N.
William john R. . Louis E. Bill L. A Robert F
Augus' I Donald I Darrell [ Donald ~ Augu" F D"id II' D. R. B, Gene C. jam"M jack L ( Raben I Gary II'. Fred). [ john R. Donald] Edgar F. C. A. Fr Robert ( B.). Gil Roger L Niels B. Richard Ralph C john J.f Richard
Roberti Norman Thomas Kurt A. D,,;d D Donald] Kerrni, I Paul IV. A. H. M D";d ~I Gilbert F Gerald F R. D. M William William Elmer p, Lloyd R; JamesRi D.). Ro Kenneth Roben I A. E. Se William Dj.,nne CliffT"
Jack E. .
Wilford Roben I Raben [ C. A. IV RUSsell ! Leonard
us! 1974
Dona ld E . Reser Alle n H . Rudolph H a r ry J. Sauer , J r. H a rold A. Schmidt Clay J. Schmittou Willia m W . Schramm G . L. Senior Kenn yn D. Sta tler Kenn ~ th F. Steffa n Ma urice E. Suhre, Jr. R . H . T a use r Le Roy E . Thompson J ames A. Unnerstall Norman W a lke r Don E. Williams Peter . Yi annos
1957 Willia m Alexa nde r J ohn R . Ande rson Louis E. Astroth Bi ll L. Atch ley Robert F. Auld August A. Baec h le Dona ld D. Ba ker Da rrell D. Ballard Don a ld S. Ba ll a rd August R. Ba rdelmeier David W. Berg D. R . Bowers Gene C . Clodfelter J a mes M . Coonce, Jr. J a ck L. Conlee Robert W. Cowa n Gary W . D avis Fred J. Dietrich John R . Eme ry Don a ld J. Ferguson Edga r F . Fiedler C . A. Frey Robert G. Fulle r B. J. Giffin Roger L. Guyot Niels B. Haubold Ri cha rd Heagler Ralph C. Hilmes John J. Howard Ri ch a rd L. Humphrey Ra ymond L. Hussey Robe rt A. Jackson No rm a n C. Johnson Thom as E . Kalin Kurt A. Keller David D. Ki ck Dona ld J. Kozeny Kermit R . Kred er Pa ul W. Leming A. H . Ma tz Dav id Mc Kinstry Gilbert F. Metz, Jr. Gera ld F. Mye rs R. D. Mu eller Willi a m R. Needh am Willi a m D. Nelson Elmer Pyle Lloyd Reuss J ames Riggs D. J . Roth Kenn eth D. Schaedler Robert W. Schneider A. E. Segelhorst Willi a m S. Soper DJ ea nne W e lde n Stevens Cliff T a nqu a r y J ac k E. T olive r W ilford G . Vena ble Robert Wa rren
Robert B. W ebb C . A. W ent z Russe ll E. Willi am s Leona rd H . W olfberg
MSM Alumnus
Robert L. Wright
1958 W ay ne T . Andreas E . E . Ansp ac h J. B. Arthur " La r ry C . Atha W . C . Brill J ohn O . Buch a nan J ohn R. Burrows Robe rt O . Ca pps H oward D. Correll L. Fred Cox J oseph E. Crowe B. C. Cummings Ga ry R . Da lly Les C . Da n iels Delbert E. Day Melvin J. Du ll Don a ld L. Ege J. H a rd y Ga rre tt , J r. W . H. Gra nt Dona ld B. Gregory J a m es L. H ackett Eli za beth H a rdebeck H a rry E. H a rdebeck Bobby V. H a rris J ack B. H ayd o n Eldon W . Hea d D. W. Heltibrand Don a ld J. He rforth J . F. Hofstetter All a n F. J ohne r C lintford R . Jones R. J. Konra d Arthur Kru ger B. Neil Lewis J erold K. Little fi eld D e nnis E. Mason
B. J . McConne ll Thomas Me tca lf C. W. Mettenburg R . Lary Mi lle r R . C . Minton Don a ld E . Modesitt Wi lliam R . Montgomery Ri chard A. Morgenstern Pa ul R. Munger W a llace E . No rthup Thomas 0 'Keefe Ri chard H . Okenfuss Will a rd G . Owens H enry A. Pa te, J r. No rris W . Pe rry Ray Phillips J o hn F. Rasc he J ohn J. Sc hiermeier E. R . Schmid t Do novan Sc hoonove r Albert L. Schrenk
Wa lter T. Sc h renk Humbert E. Sfreddo R . Thom as Smith Robert J . Sm uland R . P. Steve ns He nry L. Stri eder Pa ul W . T ay lor Rex D. T hom as Les U nn ersta ll
Ro na ld F. Ve tter Ri chard K. Vitek No n 'a l D. W a ll ace J ohn C. W eems Rona ld E. Wegener D. W a rre n Willi a m s Les te r H . Wint e r
K. R . With row George F. W ri g ht Ra lph O . Yo un g
1959 K. C. Ad a m Robert J. Ahlert
Cha rles E . Asher Willi a m D. Aube rry Frank L. Baum , J r. J erry R . Bay less Robert L. Boxsdorfe r Gera ld Bramon Don a ld E. Brown Willia m S. Brunjes C larence Cain , Jr. Lloyd W. Carpente r W a rren J . Carroll A. E . Caw ns Cl yd e C. Corey Don W . Crapnell VictOr A. Desca mp Don a ld R . Feaste r John Fuller Rex G ilmore, Jr. H erbe rt A. Goldin Sidney J. Green Robert M. H ess Anthon y Hoffm a n Glenn W . Hoffma n Edwa rd E. Hornsey L. L. Hudgens E . C. Itsc hne r Frank E . J a nes Gordon E . Johnson Philip R . Johnson A. R. Kieffer III Willi a m A. Kruger Edwa rd A. Ku c ha rski Caryl M. Kurz Rodger Lashley Ne al Lawson Kenne th Lindsey Floyd C . Long, Jr. Harry K. W. Lum H . John Lutz Ge ra ld T. McH a ffee Ra ymond C. Ma ttingl y G. L. Metca lf J a m es K. Milburn George H. Morga n John F. Mitchell Leander A. Neumeier James Pugh Joseph F. Reichert John Rueste r Carmen E . Ru ggeri J am es E. Sau ltz, Sr. J oel S. Sch a rf C ha rles S. Schneide r Carl R . Schum ac her Bill y L. Schw a lb J a mes L. Shoema ker Lee Shell , Jr. Ch a rles R. Simpson Gay lon G . Smith L. L. Sluza lis, J r. Gera ld L. Steve nson Ke nn e th A . Swa nso n
C ha rles E. T ac kett C ha- Ies F. T ate B. J. Thompson Robe rt C. T hornt on Willi am J. Varga Ro na ld E. Vo lker C harles E. W a ll ace Sta nley W a xm a n J a m es E. Weimholt R. W ieker Hugh W . Wi lson
1960 Hube rt L. Ad a ms C h a rles Akm a kjia n J errold M. Alyes Frederi ck D. Ande rson J ohn C. Anderso n Kerwood W . Ba r ra nd Sylva n Ba rtle tt , M.D.
Kas mir B a tuba ra
Theodore H . Becker, Jr. Robe rt R . Be lew Pa ul W. Be nz Lawrence A . Bosto n Bru ce L. Bra mfitt Thomas D. Burke Ro na ld P. Ca rve r Dav id Che n J . D. Coffm a n Ke nneth D. Corbin Kenneth R . Cox Ka rl J. Da ube l W a lter H . Di ckens Verno n Dunn All a n Dunnava nt
J a m es L. Eckh off Melv in J. Fisher Le li a Thompson Flagg Vi rgil Flanig an Fra nk W . Fulton Wi ll ia m J . Gilbert J e rry Gi lm ore George H . Graves George P. Gustafson Ra lph L. Hawk Russell O . H aw kins V. J. Ho ffm a nn Glenn W . H olman K. E. Howrey Go rdon R . H ya tt Ron a ld J ames, M.D . Robert G. J ones Thomas M, Jordan Paul Kempe r R . C . Kieffer D. R . Killian Kenneth T. Klebba H arold W. Koste n Ri cha rd A. La whon Rona ld C. Law ren ce Ro be rt Lemberge r Be nni e M. Lu cas
Gregor y Lukowitz William Ma n ley Ra lph C. Ma xto n J ohn L. McDa nie ls D. D. Me it Ron a ld Lee Miller Gera ld E. Mo yers Doug las Munse ll Do na ld Ne nninger Ja m es H. Pa int e r Gary Pa tt e rso n . K enn eth I . Pendl eton
Thomas F. Penning Wel don L. Phe lps He nry L . Pa nze r
Dav id E. Pri ce J o hn L. Rat liff Ru ge ne E. Ray Willi a m J. Re illy Louis C . Re ph lo Ma ur ice M . Reynolds
1961 L a rry C . Amsler Do n Annis Ron Avery Charles A. Bla ke Wi lliam R. Bosse S. Mitc he ll Bowe rs Donald W . Burlage Hung- Chi -Chao Wi lli am Curson H. H a rvey Dewing Thom as E. Donahoe, Jr. Fa rouk EI -Baz Donald L. Evans La rry E . Fa rmer C. R . Fea therston Thaddeus F. Flood Martha Shultz Fow le r R ay Do n Ga lliher Robe rt G laser Nea l Gra nne mann
J ohn R. Grindon Robe rt E. Henderson William A. Henning Kenneth W. He nry John L. Hodges Fred V. Huff Fra nk J ac ks J. W. J a mieson A. W ay ne Johne r Harold E. Johnson Kenne th E . King J a m es E . Klipp J a mes A. Koetting J a mes D. Kurtzhals John C . La tze r Willis D. Lawler George W. Leck II I Rene J. Leonard D av id M . Lew is
Ronald J . Litzler Juan L. Ll ao Roben M . Loga n Do nald H . Mannbeck J a mes B. Ma r b le C ha rl es F. Marosek Roger T . M a rtin William E. Ma t hews Willi a m L. May
Cecil E. McGillan Eugene J. Mc La ughlin J esse McNa bb Roben D. Moss T. J ohn Mulkey T . J ac k N icke rson Nelson H . Noell J a mes R . Og le D . A. O stmann
Robe rt C. Pac kett Ba rb ara Patte rson Je ro m e D . Pa u erson Jay A . Pe terso n
C ha rles E. T har p La m ar S. Todd Herma n Vacca
Ron a ld R . Pfeuffe r Ea rl Pie tsc h William H . Pi ke II Ri cha rd H . Redline Ba rtl ey L. Reese Ri ch ard Ro binson Don Rueh Ra mesh C. Shah Neil Ed Smith Edwa rd A. Snajdr G regory T . Spanski Dick Spi eldoc h J a mes A. Stidha m Tony C. Sto ne
Carl Va nsa nt
Geo rge Sw ier
Ge ne C. Ri ze r Lee B . Ro binso n
Be n E. Rose nbe rry Ge ne L. Scofi eld Robe rt E. Siro n
Jimmi e L. Smyt h W a lter D . Ste inmann
Leo F. T ay loe Roy L . T esterma n
J a m es T . W a lters
Roger A. Ta lbert
Burto n D . Winde kn ec ht
L. E. T oepfe r
Kenneth W . W ood J oseph J. Ya ncik
Da niel W . T rue H arvey T. Walke r, J r.
1974 i
1974 ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTO RS John W. Walton Roger C. W e ber Bruce G. Weetman R. H arve Wiethop Morris T. Worley
1962 Andrew T. Aylward. Jr. Larry G. Bauer Robert F. Boschert Frank J. Brady Charles Brauer. Jr. Richard Brockmann Gary J. Buckrod Ray E. Busch Cary Chen Be rnard F. Cleve Patrick D . Culnan William Donald John Dore Bipin N. Doshi Henry Pat Duvall Miller D. Einsel Lindell H . Elfrink E. C. Fadler Robert A . Faenger Arthur H . Farnham J oe Fouraker Douglas A. Gaertner Gene Glaser La rry D . Goe J a mes Gonnley John R. Graham Do nald W. Haas Pete Hainline. Jr. W . L. Ha llerberg Michael W. Hammond W. T. Harris. Jr. David C. Ha tfield Fred W . Haushalter Gary W. Havene r De nnis H. Headington Edward T. Horel Ric hard T. Johnson Rollie K. Johnson Charles B. J ones Robert E. Kallemeier Russell A. Ka mper J ac k Krone Carol E. Kuhn Harold L. Kuhn Milton Leet Peter H. F. MaIsch Ch a rles K. McCaw Da rrall S. McConnock Jimmie H . McLain Gerald D. McMurtrey Michael M. McRae Richard A. Mueller Ken Murdock J a mes A. Obermark Milton A. Odegard Peter Otten Donald N . Overall Jayanti S. Patel F. M. Persson T homas E. Phillips J. F. Plassman R. A. Ploeger Gerald Rencehausen Michael K. Reyburn Rich ard O. Rouse Robert W. Roussin G. W. Rullkoetter Blair A. Row ley Dinesh K. Shah J ames E. Siebels Menard O. Sm ith , Jr . Frank H. Speck hart Jerry A. Staley J erry D. Stearns Paul D. Stigall
James Teske V. E. Theilmann R . L. Tidmore Gerald Uhe Craig A. Valentine Thomas P. VanDoren O. J. Waters Willi am G. Weber Gary E. W elch H enry G. Williford . Jr. Don L. Willyard Carl R. W ilson Robert J. Wilson Donald Wuerz
1963 George D . Alexander W. V. Andoe Robert L. Arms Donald L. Bartling Ronald L. Bassin Edward Benn Michael W . Bowman Da llas L. Brown Dewey F. Brown . Jr. Frank lin E. Brunjes Euge ne Buerke Robert R. Burton De nnis A. Cla rk John L. Clements Maxwell L. Close Edward G . David Duane H. DeClue Jerry A. Denzel Curtis W. Dodd Frank O. Eirten David L. Fenton James Frazer William R. Fritsch James A. Gunn Robert C. Howell Robert E. Huston Bejamin W. H. Jaeger Richard L. Jaquay Dale A. Johnson James R. Knox Edmund O. Koch Robe rt D. Koester John C . Lamb Raymond Lasmanis Allan H. LaPlante Colin MacCrindle Paul M. Mackmeier Robert Markland Wade A. Martin Lane A. McC ullough . Jr. John L. Melzer Ronald Mitchell Harry B. Morgan N . M. Naiknimba lkar Glenn A. Niblock James L. Noble Eric Norman Georgina M. Overall Oscar M. Palma Donald L. Pe terson Rudolph Phillips G. E. Rinkel Douglas A. Robbins Carl J. Roberts R . S. Robertson J. Winfred Rob inson J a m es B. Robison R . V. Rommelman Seth C. Sc haeffer George Sch illinger Norman Schu chman, Jr. D. L. Sc hwa ller Eugene Se hl Lonnie J. Shalton Ra mesh P. Shod han Ca rl G. Si lverberg, Jr.
Sam L. Smith Russell C. Soloman III Glenn R. T aylor L a rry D. Thompson Lowell E. Thurman Anton J. Tomasek D ennis Trautman
Albert R . Wildt Rona ld R . Williams Richard C. Zink
1964 Charles Alexander Donald S. Bartel Sheldon L. Bierman Wi lliam J. Bono Kenneth W . Broeking Frazier Bronson A . J. Buescher Gale Bullman Charles E. Campbell Robert C. Carey Ten·Hse Chen Jerrold Chervicz Thomas G. Chronister Gordon P. K. Chu T . W. Cook Robert F. Corwin Thomas A . Craig Jame s Cutts Robert E. Downey Harry K. Edwards Daniel Eppelsheimer. Jr. C . Stuart Ferrell David A. Floyd . Sr. Raymond A. Fournelle John R . Glaese Glen M. Greer Jon W. Gum Charles R . Harrison Glenn M. Harrison James M. Henry Ronald P. Henson James L. Hill E. C. Hoepker Michael H. Holkenbrink Robert G. Holly Gerald P. Hoppe John R . Hudelson Dave Jones Don W . Jones T. M. Kelty Albert L. Kerr Frank King Ed Kopaskie Ronald W . Kraus W. L. Kruse Willia m H . Kuh lm a n Willia m Malone David A. Martin Rich a rd A . Martin Ronald A. McCa uley David J. Michel Karl D. Miller William R. Mochel Mark W . Morris Alan B. Mroch Benne tt L. M u ns James M. Pa ppas Larry L. Parkinson Ri chard A. Parr Donald G. Peters Ken Poush C harles E. Price Ric hard F. Ra ber Dona ld Radentz Paul B. Raidt Edw a rd M. Raney C ha rl es J. Reinheimer Don Reuling Ri chard L. Reybu rn Daniel E. Sagra moso
Richard Schmidt W a·y ne L. Schoeffel Don Schoonover Ken W . Shepard John P. Shewchuk Lewis C. Sowell . Jr. William E: Steinkamp J ac k F . Suetterlin Richard Y. Tallon Frank Tao George H . Taylor David J. Treffinger G. L. Voorhis MiltonJ. W edeking John H . Wolf Chang·Yu Wu Harold E. Zimnick A. D. Zunkel
1965 Nicholas J. Alonge Kirby R. Anderson Richard I. Arnold C. H . Atkinson L. J. Aubrecht . Jr. Ralph S. Barr Paul Bass Gary D. Beckel Robe rt E. Be hnke Gary A. Bennett David Bergt J erry Bersett H. Bicknell Joseph Don Bicunas James L. Bitting William H. Branum Pe ter A. Brune Gary Brunner Donald A . Bugg Stephe n F. Bugg James L. Butle r George H. Carr Chen· Ping Chang Danny L. Chilton Edward A. Co le William R. Cope John D. Corrigan Richard Crockford Kim Dabner Denzil D. David . Jr. W. Curt Deega n Louis Deken Ronald K. Dillion W arwick W. Doll Roger A. Dorf Willie L. Franklin Thomas K. Gaylord Marti n P. Goldstein Daniel K. Good m a n Paul D. Griffin Manfred E. Gross William O. Haag, I' . Helmut W. H a benich . Dwight T. Hafeli Ronald E. H albac h J ames F. H ami ltOn Rona ld Hansen David E. Henard Barry S. Heuer Gary A. Hintz David Hoffman J oe A. Ho hm an Doug las Ho len Thomas A. Hrast ich James Hudd leston Philip A. Huff H. J agt iani Mike J ersa Philip J ozw ia k Greg Junge J ay S. Ka llor Allen C. Kempe
Gerald J. Kettler ...Bill Kirchoff Willard T. Knussmann Anita L. Kornfield Dale M. Kornfield Sam LaPresta Owen Lasker Richard Lassley Stephen K. Lee Carlton T. Lewis Wan-C heng Liu Larry M. Lower David W . Magurk Charles F. Marlow Charles R . Martin Terence Martin W. E. McCracken Nonn R . Meyer David A. Mille, Thom as F. Miller W. C. Mulyca Charles R . Myreck Arthur L. Nickless Alton J. Nute Robert Otto J. V . Pa tel P . C. Peirson L ajos B. Peresztegy Melvin L. Picker William J. Pri ce E. E. Province . Jr. Charles W. Riney Kenneth A. Robb Gerald J. Roe Owen D. Rude J ack E. Russell R. J. Ryan Ka rl J. Schmitt Wilbe rt F. Schroer Harold W . Seifert Nancy J ea n Shaw Pau l L. Silvers, h . J o hn W. Smith Michael D. Smith Robert S. Smith Pa ul L. Spivy Roger H . Stick ler Robert W. Sundermeyer Thomas M. Sunkel Anant Suthipasnarupon Ri cha rd L. Terry Alfred J. Thiede Cha rles H . Toedtman Terence G . Towers Dennis Turner
M. W . Vance D. K. Vekaria Roger C. W agner Lawrence K·P. W a ng Wen · Li Wang William L. Wells Travice Whitten Clyde W . Wilson Patrick J. Wilson Ch ing·Chyoun Yang
1966 Rohn D. Abbott Dwight J . Anneaux David A. Bac hm an Edward A. Ballman, Jr. Thomas Baumann William Beger All en J. Behring J ames E. Bertelsmeye r Ra ymo nd R . BelZ J e rrol L. Boe hme r Dale E. Brady Roy L. Brunson Mi chael J. Brynac Frank A. Bu chme ier David J. Bufalo
A ug us t 1974
Glenn Ch HomerS. Mat,e<> A Roger L. williaml Duane H. A. E. Do< HarryE. David A. Don Ellis< Glen FoSS Edwin K. Donald E George GI Arthu r F. Richard \ Edward D Charles L Robert L. John H. ~ Ron Hoeh Robert H, [homas B lohn D. H llichael L Leonard ( Alfred E. Ralph H. Larry W. C. G. LuI Carl M. L GlenC. L Thomas]. Robert W John N. N John W. ~ Richard A M. D. Mo C,rald P. DaleA. M Robert A. Rithard R James B. I John Perk, William L Leslie A.I David F. I Lawrence LarryM. i LoyD. Ro Gutherie I
Franklin I James B. ~ AndrewL Kenneth F Stephen SI Alan D. S Ashol C.: Roy Slocw John T. S, Jarnes D. ~ L. D. St<, lV. T. S'o Dennis W. Thomas H Man'n A Stanley D'. ROben Tr Ralph W. ~o)'d H. l Ronald W Dmell IV, James E. i Thomas E lawson C· ROYA. Charles R MaUrice ;'
W,S. Wili Paul IVink
1974 ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTORS Glenn Chaffin Homer S. Chang Matteo A. Coco Roger L. Copenhauer William F . Davis Duane H. DeClue A. E. Doerflinger Harry E. Dunn David A. Elliott Don Ellison Glen Foss Edwin K. Fox Donald E. Gobble George Gress Arthur F. Grimm Richard W. Hannum Edward D. Hayes Charles L. Heater Robert L. Heider John H. Henry Ron Hoelting Robert Hogue T homas B. Holt J ohn D. Howell Michael L. Hughlett Leonard C . Kirberg Alfred E. Klug, Jr. Ralph H . Kramer Larry W . Littlefield C . G. Luke Carl M. Lund Glen C. Lytle Thomas J. May Robert W. Meyer John N. Miller John W. Mohr Richard A. Molkenbur M. D . Moran Gerald P. Morris Dale A. Munn Robert A. Parks Richard R. Paul James B. Perkins John Petkas, Jr. William L. Phelps, Jr. Leslie A. Pollack David F. Reed Lawrence J. Reinsch , Jr. Larry M. Rich Loy D. Ro berts Gutherie L. Scaggs Franklin D. Schowengerdt James B. Schroer Andrew L. Scott Kenneth R. Scott Stephen Seitz Alan D. Shaffer Ashok C. Shah Roy Slocum John T. Solook James D. Steele L. D. Stewart, Jr. W . T. Stockhausen Dennis W. Stover Thomas H. Strickland Martin A. Thieme Stanley D. Thompson Robert Trippel Ralph W. Tucker Floyd H. U the Rona ld Walters Darrell Wesley James E. West Thomas E. Weyand Lawson C. Wideman Roy A. Wilkins Charles R. Williams Maurice A. Williams W. S. Williams Paul Winkel
MSM Alumnus sl
Shu ·C hien Yung
1967 James A. Allmon Barbara Altman Ronald Altman William C. Bauer James J. Beeson Jerry E. Bevel Kenneth C. Bollinger Steven L. Brady Michael J. Browne David W. Busch Ralph D. Calfee Gary J. Capone Peter N. Cassimatis Stan Chamberlain Narendre Choudary Milton Cissell David L. Cook Robert W. Cummins James W . Cumper Ron D. Davis Michael Deelo Eugene A. Degenhardt William E. DeLashmit Carl E. DeLong Donald C. Denham D. A. Dobberpuhl Garvin H. Dyer Frank L. Ellis Walter M. Ervin John M. Evans Michael E. Ferretti Kevin C. Foster Richard M. Franke Bernard Fricke Tom Fritzinger John W. Gass Joseph Gittemeier W. J. Graham Michael D. Hallett Michael E. Hardy Gerald Hefferly David A. Herold Harley Hickenbotham Ronald R. Hicks Roland M. Hill Philip F. Hodges Wayne J. Hopkins Ming H. Hung Paul L. Inman Anthony E. Ivers Craig B. Johler H. N. Kalia J. H. Kamman Donald G. Kasten Robert F. Kehrman Edwin C. Kettenbrink, Jr. Gail Davidge Kettenbrink Patrick C. Key John Kieffer Mike Kistner Wilbur D. Krogstad John F. Lauletta Jerome M. Lebo Thomas J. Leslie David Lloyd Jones Donald W. McCaw Robert J. McCoy, Jr. Charles H. McGrady T. Michael McMillen James M . Medlin Lawrence J. Mikelionis James L. Mitchell David W. Mornson John E. Munsey Gerald E. Olney Gary S. Owens Charles Perez, Jr. Michael A. Perkins
W. C. Perkins Allen F. Pfeuffer A. J. Ponnwitz August J. Ponstingl Doyle W. Powell Nick Prater Donald G. Rathbun Bob Ronzo Brunn W. Roysden John M. Sadowski James W. Scanlan Alan Schloman Gerald M. Schoep Thomas J. Sears Tsen· Tsau Shih Ed Shimamoto Gary F. Sievert John L. Simmons Robert T. Smith Ben Stewart Howard Stine William L. Szabo C. W. Tsimpris Kent Ulrich R. Bruce VanDover Richard C. Vedder Richard Wagner William D. Webb Earl K. Weber J. P. Weinel David W . Weinrich Robert A. Wenom Donald E. Whitlock Paul Wlos John D. Wolf L. M. Young Arthur E. Zackrison Gerald Zmudzinski
1968 Ivan D. Abernathy John D. Abram John Ackerman Gene Albrecht Roy M. Armstrong Richard F . Astrack Robert S. Ayars G. W. Bell Les Bennington John Berger James D. Blackwood T. L. Bono W. T. Bousman, Jr. John R. Brand Lynn D. Brandhorst Stephen J . Brendle Joe R. Brown Richard H. Browne William Brubaker Sung Seng Chao K. Ronald Chapman Sun· Chill Chen Ta·Ming Chen Larry Choate Michael S. Clayton Lincoln Cochran James C. Cowles, Jr. Roy G. Davis David W. Dearth David R. Despain Raymond J. DeThorne E. W. Dorrell, Jr. Don K. Durand Ralph A. Ecoff, Jr. Stephen H. Eggers Rodger Elliott David M. Faintich Robert J. Feugate, Jr. Richard W. Fowler David L. Furst Joe G. Goedde
Robert C. Hale Leroy Halterman Jim Hamilton I Donald J. Harris Alan D. Haynes John E. Heitzmann T . J. Houghton James C. Huang Arthur R. Hummel John T. Jackson Stephen S. Johnson Leonard F. Koederitz Frank R. Koegel Michael C. Korb James L. Kreilich Leland Lewis Joseph J. Long L. H. Luebbert, Jr. Ralph H. Lueck Dewayne Mabry Gary Mann Donald A. Manson C. Craig McCormick Robert F. McCrae G . M. McDaniel, Jr. WilliamJ. McFadden James S. McIlnay William K. Meeker Norman R. Miller James L. Miltenberger Ronald A. Mosher Joseph L. Mueller Paul D. Mullenix John A . Munns John Oelger Steve W. Ohnimus Richard G. Olsen Charles D. Owens Jerome A. Pais Stephen N . Pender Norris W. Perry Loris L. Piepho Jerry G. Pogue Thomas J. Pokrefke, Jr. Clayton C. Porter Ed Quick David E. Rosenbaum Richard E. Rueter Martin R. Ryengert Martin P. Schaefer Neal T. Schaeffer Joseph M. Schardl, Jr. Larry Scheibel J. David Schneider Carl A. Schopfer Harold H. Scott Rona ld E. Sidlowski Ronald G. Smith Gary Snyder Richard Spors Ed. Stevens Stuart M. Storrs Stephen R. Strauss Stephen Tebo Richard H. Tice R. G. Towne Richard P. Virtue Daniel K. Ward Roger L. Williams David B. Wristen Ronald L. Wycoff Kenneth D. Yost James A. Youngman Ronald F. Zauner Karl F. Ziegler Lynn Zoellner
1969 Robert Andreae William K. Andrew William J. Arbogast
Robe rt D. Arnold Don M. Ascoli Thomas H. Bell Richard T. Berning John J. Berry David Bishop Frederick N. Bondurant William Boring Donald W. Bourne Clark Brinker Robert Bruckner James R . Bruzewski Randall K. Burns Eugene H. Burrows Donald R. Bush John W. Cable James E. Cahalan Daniel E. Carl James Chang Chen H. Chi Robert Y. C. Chow Chaw·Fong Chuang Cheng Y. Chuang Alan R. Cobb Larry M. Cooper Stephen Coulter Joseph Cowen Paul F. Cretin Norman M. Danderman Abbas Ali Daneshy William Davidson Jake Deem Roger Dewey Walter Dietrich
Don D. Duren S. Eason Lawrence W. Eastep John A. Ebeling F. C . Edwards John D. Emerson Bill Farrar J. R. Featherly James E. Fischer H. R . Fitzgerald Richard Franke David Freeman Shiu Yin Fung F . C. Gentzler David R. George Martha M. Gerig
Warren D. Graham
Barry J. Graul Gary M. Gulick Robert C. Gullic J. L. Harmon Douglas Haseltine G. K. Haseltine Rodney B. Hawkins Eugene S. Henry David Hobelmann Denny R. Hoffman Theodore W. Holland Donald Hornback James W. Huck Jerry D. Hunt Timothy J. Hurley Jerrold L. Johnson Stephen J. Kaiser Glenn M. Kmecz Wm. R. Knauf Gary R. Koenig Richard W. Koester Timothy F. Kozack J. R . Labit John W. Lieber, Jr. G. Wesley Lloyd Gary L. Lomax John R. Long William S. Lowe Daniel R. McMurtrey Alan V. Meinershagen
Michael L. Mertens Robert J. Millman David C. Mintner J oseph H . Munoz W ende ll D . Neumeyer Rob ert L. Niehaus Dougl as G . Oldham J ames A . O'Ne ill Conrad G. Otto C himan Patel Rodney O. Randoll Cha rles J. Rhea J ames B. Rosenkoetter Carl Rowold Noel R ytte r H a rry Salomon , Jr. Lonni e D . Schmidt La rry J. Schnurbusch Robe rt L. Se aman Ra ymo nd Shae fer Asaad S. Shini Alan W ay " e Smith Bri a n W . Smith Gary L. Smith Joseph W. Stahl Rob en l. Steele Cheryl Ann Steffan Robe n W . Steve ns Gera ld W . Vaughan J erome J. Voss Thomas R . Voss Mic hae l R . Walke r Alvin D . Wansing Ri c ha rd A . Watts E. Victor Webb Da vid W . W ebster J o hn C. Wiesen meye r Douglas R . Willi a ms Fred O. Wissel Gary K. Woodwa rd T. L. Zenge 197 0
Robert B. Adler Mic ha e l R . Aimerito W ayne A lexa nde r Willi am D. Alexander Darre ll R . Aim Vicki Andreae J. Fred Archer N. T. Ashar C . H . Ba ude r Ri cha rd A. Bausell Dona ld Beach David D . Bea rdsley J ack Beebe J ohn Beirne R o bert F. Bischoff Richard R . Blevins II J oseph T. Bohanon J a m es P . Bosse Steven P. Brixey Willis L. Brown Keith H . Browne Willi am A. Brslik Stephen J. Brunkhurst David A. Brya nt Da le Bryson Earl Buck Terry W. Buck James R . Butler Karen S. Calfee Lyn n B. Calton Willi a m C. Cannon Mark K . Carron Joseph J awskin Chang Richard G. C hapm an Michael R. Cheek Paul C hen Yeou ¡Sa n Ch en J ames H. Chiang
Philip L. Chiu R. C. Christanell Terry A. Clinkingbeard Timothy P . Corbett Daniel Couture Ronald Crawford Derek Crossley Jimm y L. Davis A. F. Dejohn Russell Delay K. L. De nney Robert Den nis Frank Doe ring Edward Dola ta Rob e rt Dorroh J ames C. Downey B. James Duresky Thomas E . Eaton Richard W . Eimer, Jr. Daryl Enke William J. Ernst , Jr. Ma x M . Ethridge J oe Feager Charles W . Feltes Jerrey D. Finnega n Kent T. Florence Ron a ld M. Fluegge James A. Ford James L. Fox Michael M . Friese Edwin E . Frye, Jr. James L. Fullbright J ames L. Furry Steven M. Gardner Dee Ann Garrett Jack T . Garrett, Jr. Gary W . Gerlitz Kenneth Gielow Michael L. Gill Michae l G. Glynn Ron Griffin R ona ld L. Habegger Joseph K. Hahn P. Gary Hamner David R . H an kins Bob Hard wick G . D. H ardy Michael D. Harris Dale E. H asselfeld Berna rd J . Hei ne Robert G. H erbison Donald A. Hess Leslie Hoeckelman James A. Holliday Terrance J. H om yk Terry Huang Miles Huskey P. E. I1a via Dennis F. J aggi R. Gene J ensen David B. J o nes Mark Joseph Mark S. Ka pl a n Stephen J. Kathm a nn Billy F. Kee ling Gary W. Ke ller David P . Kell y Russell W . Kemp W ayne R . Kemp Ross D . Kil gore Gary L. Klin e Rob e rt P . Klump Franklin W . Kon e Michael V. Ko rth Harold Kossman J ohn L. Kramer W . C. Kru ckemeyer, Jr. Carey F. Krumi ck Kenne th L. Ku eb ler J a mes M . Ku enz J oe Ku ss
J a m es Kwiatkowski Edward W. Landreth Rhodora K. La ndreth Roger A. La Bou be Thomas W. Lehman Frank Lewelle n Chin¡ T sai Lin Shih Chang Lin Kenneth W. Litteken Kathryn S. Little Gerald W. Loesch Donald E. Luedde cke Simon A. Mahanna J ose ph N. Ma nlandt Lawrence S. Mangan Thomas W. Manning Anthony F. Marchi a ndo David H . Mawcs ian Nathan iel D. McC lure Carl H. McCormick Gene A . McFarla nd J a mes B. M cKelvey William L. McNa bb Lyle W. McWi lliam Michae l E. Mechlin James R. Merwin Ke nneth L. Metz , J r. Leo W. Midden J erome W. Middleton , Jr. Clark D. Mikkelsen Roger A. Mille r Kenneth A . Mirl y J ohn W. Mitchell Ben L. Moore Mark D. Morgan J a mes A. Morris Kenneth E. Moss Gerald Mouser Charles L. Murray Greg M. Murray Danny W. Myers Lewis Neri Gary L. Newcomb Ri chard Niesen Larry J. Oliver Larry Onstott Morry Oppenhe im Joseph L. Ostermann Edmund Owens R . B. P ate l Jimmie R . Peterson J a mes R. Pierce Pa ul Pietrzak J ames Polcyn Greg E. Praznik Gary R auls Bill T. Ray C harles T. R ay Earl Ray J a mes A . R ay James J. Rechner Mi cha el L. Reed J oe Re ynolds Marion P. Ri cono J a m es R. Rode bush Ed wa rd Roesch R onald J. R om a n David W . Rommelma nn Arthur Rosenkoetter Ri cha rd A . R ot hermic h James M. Rowan Allen J . Rush ing Bernard W. Sandner Mi chael J. Schaeffer Leon H. Sc hellm a n La rry L. Schiffner Ken L. Schilling R a ndolph W. Schme lzel Michael G . Schmidt R o bert L. Sc hmidt Alvin E. Schnake
Carl O. Schwanke Arthur Schweizer Dan Scott Maurice Scott III Thomas A. Selden William C. Shen Charles Shepherd Loren Shepherd William K. Shinn Robert J. Siegel Lamar T . Sizemore , Jr. Beverl y Smith Thomas Ste fansky Mich ael W . Stephenson J a net A. Steury Tom Steury William P. Strong Randyl L. Stuckemeye r David W. Swinny Don R. Swye rs Edward B. Tenes James P . Thomas Ea rl A. Thompson Dal e A. Tiemann Willi a m L. Tolle Thomas W . Turner Charles E. Umphenour , J r. Steve n Vaughan Timothy M. Vincente Ri ch ard F. Ward T e rrence R. Ward Stephen M. Weatherl y Eugene F. Wellinghoff J ohn D. Welsh Ri cha rd K . Williams Michael W. Windish Thomas E. Winkler Thomas F. Wolff Yuan N . Wong Steve Ya ng Forrest A. Yo unker Michae l R. Yount Alan Zaborac Rob ert A . Zagar Rona ld G. Zylich 1971 Eugene Abernathy J o hn E. Allen, Jr. Ishratulla h Ansan Danny C. Baldwin Jay Balestreri Willi a m M. Barnes Willi a m H . Ba rt ley , J r. Kenneth J. Becker J a m es J. Belgeri, J r. H enry E. Berek D a nie l Be rtsc hm ann Willi am J. Blankenship Gayle L. Boevingloh J. J. Boevingloh J a m es O. Bondi Willi a m W . Bowen Ge rry J. Boyle J ohn H . Braaf David O. Brya n Vincent J. Budd David M. Ca lla n an J ames L. Cambier Larry W. Campbell J ohn Can non Don Ca rlson J osep h S. C hi a ng Mich ael L. Chouarain Ron a ld G. C houra Mich ae l B. C la pper Bru ce B. C lark Robe n E. C lark Danny Rae Conner Charles J . Coo pe r J o hn R . Counsil Ted W . C raig
Pa trick W. Dettmer Leonard DeWald James L. Die penbrock Jack D. Di ppold Dennis W . Ditch Terry W . Donze Gregory G. Dostal George J. Dougherty Kenneth B. Downing Carl D. Dufner Thomas Durham Joseph O . Elliott J ohn A. Ektermanis Gordon Erickson Charles M . Etwert J ohn S. Farrell Michael S. Fisher Donald E . Frankforther J ames C. Fuhrmann Archibald M . Gallup Martin T . Caw John Gayer John T . Graham Ronald Graham Mich ael C. Graves T erry A . Gucciardo J ames Gunter Brett Gutzler Euge ne H . H a berl R . C. Haiducek Steven C . Hanger Cheri H a rdwi ck Gerald Hart Thomas M. Hayden J. W ende ll H eady Michae l T. Hermesmeyer Willi am M . H e rron Dennis J . H ervey Bruce Herzog Ken Hilterbra nd H . F. Houser Ri chard Huber Eugene H . H a berl Cheryl Iba rra J ohn Israel Robert W . J acks David R . J ones J ames H . J ones Mi chael C. Keeling Michael A. Kelly Robe n J. Kerc her Thom as E. Kern a n Suzie Kerscher T om Kerscher J a mes A. Klot z Norman V. Kraus Chuck Laj eunesse Murve l M. Little , Jr. Da le R. Lutz David G. Lyn ch P. Manusma re Kenneth E . Martin , J r. J ohn T. Mason III Ri chard W . McCullum Danny J. McMurphy R ex L. Med lock James C. Meng Willi am D. Meyer Wilda E. Mitchell Dale Montgom ery Ronald T . Moore Roben R . Morrison, Jr. R . T . Moss Lawre nce E. Nolan Patri ck Osseck H . Overa l R oger D . Pa rkes P au l Pearce, Jr. Cha rles Pfitzner La rry P. Pittman Victor J . Poli ch , Jr.
A ug ust 1974
John B James F Stephen John A. David ~ Ronald *hael David 5 Paul K. Herberl Allen IV Charles Robert
David ~
David 5 Gregory Gregory R. 5rini Dennis ~ Frank 0 Denis 51 Roberl , John R. Keilh T Charles John ,I. John Tr
Walter t
JamesG Leland Nichola: Philip \' Raben I
Charles Jerald L GaryII' Sterell' Rayman Ste\'en E Louis F. C. Stepl Alfred ] jackson lIihon William
19i Darid A KimS. , jorge AI Charles William David E R. Dean William Richard Emesl ( Raben I james R Roben ' Elmer \1 William Alan L. Richard Dal'id L Stephen john E. Randall Raben I Phillip I Michael james D George I George ( Dwighl l Ralph C AlanW Da~'11 \; JOhn F I hong'Sh HUgh E.
gust 1974
J ohn B. Price , Jr. J ames F. Rai th el Stephen L. Redington John A. Reynolds
J ames J. Commerfo rcl Glenn J. Conge r J ohn M. Co rley F. Oscar Cunh
D avid Ri chardson
La ura C. D avenport
Ronald L. Roush Michael S. Sande ll a Da vid Schaefer
Murry J. Dodds Bill Doll. J r. Gary J. Duffey
Pau l K. Scherrer
S tcve Dunkm ann Wya tt M. Dunn
H erbe rt Sc hn yder Allen W . Seabaugh C ha rl es Shanes Roben Sherwood
David M. Simon David S. Sieboda Gregory D. Smith Gregor y P. Sm ith R. Srini vasan Dennis Stanfield Frank D. Statkus Deni s SLOtier
Raben 1. Struck hoff. J r. J ohn R. Stu cker Keith Ta lben Charles H . Tayloe J oh n M. The ilm a nn J ohn Treadwel l Walter C. Trnka J ames G. Ulri ch Lela nd E. Vandergriff Nicholas J . Varrone , J r. Philip Wade Raben D. Wal ls Laurence A. W eld
Charles A. White III J erald L. Whitford Gary W. Widne r Steve vVi echens
Ra ymond Williams Steven E. Willi a ms Lo u is F. Wise
C. Stephen Wulff Al fred J . Wussle r J ackso n K. Yen Milton T. Zia ti c William D. Zogg 1972
David A. Ac kmann Kim S. Allen J orge Amaya R . Charles E. Audrain William E. Aye n Da vid E. Bac hm a nn R. Dea n Bafford William P. Balaz Ri chard E. Banlett Ernest C. Banoli Ro bert Be hre ns
J ames R . Benton Raben T. Berry Elmer W. Binder William M. Black Alan L. Bodeman Richard T. Booth Dav id L. Boston Stephen J . Boyd J ohn E. Branch Randa ll Brannan Raben L. Brose Ph ill ip L. Brown Mic hael A. Brue mmer
J ames D. Butts George W. Cadwa ll ade r George Ca in Dwight E. Ca rmic hael Ra lph Carroll . J r. Alan W . Carson Daryll W . Che noweth John F. Chien J yong¡Shi Cho Hugh E. Cole
MSM Alumnus
J oh n W. Edwards, J r. vVilii a m C. Ernst
Tho mas Eyermann Gary E. Ferguson De nnis D . Fiebc lm an James A. Fin azzo J ames L. Fitzpatrick
Gary D. Forsee J erry L. Frank Da n iel E. Frisbee Mike L. Fureigh J ohn A. Gaal Lloyd W. Garrett Michael L. Gi les Cha rl es Girard Pa ul M. H adfield J effery L. H a lben Michael C. H a le Kun L . H ambacker Barry H arms George L. H arr is
J ohn H awkins De nnis Henry Ca lvin R. Heseman
Terre nce M. Hill Roge r L. Hitch ings C. R . Hobbs Raben H olliday Michael H olt Da Ie L. H ou deshell Carl W. Hunding Eugene C. Hu nziker Sant iago Ibarra. J r. J erry R . Ja ckson Hugh A. J esse Gary E. J o hney Sherril R. J ohnson Charles M . J ones Cha rles Kal ter Ala rd Kap lan Louis S. Karab ly Kenneth L. Keefe Gary L. Kepley Steve Kl obu cher Frederick L. Kocher
Amp ika Krairit Gary R . Kramer Paul C. Kri egsh auser J. P. Kuspa Clinton R . Lambe Richard T. La Pl a nte J ohn A. Lauth Jan e t Lau tner Richard Lautner
Dallas R . Leavitt Fredd ie H . Lester
Ronald L. Me ldi C hris C. Merlenbach Peler M. Merten S te phen H. M iesner Frank Minden
Robert A. Moody Ke Ill W. Mueller )3.oy E. Mueller J ohn W. Mugan J a m es A. Mu lliga n Charles T. Myers III An n a M. Naeger Steven F. Nelson Fred Nierman n
Mi chael No rth Daniel L. Oli ve r
J o hn M. O liver Norman Ostermann
J osep h Pad berg Paul N. Pantelis
Dean A. Park C lyde T. Parsons , Jr. Robert L. Peatross Rona ld E. Peterson Mi ch ael A. Perry Gary V. Phillips J o hn O. Phipps G. S. Pincince Da le Pitt Loren '/ll. Pitts J ames E. Poli tte Ri chard W. Powell , J r. David Prige l
Mr. and Mrs C. L. Creager
Mrs. Ro y N. McBride
in memory
of Lawrence
in mem o ry of
Zoller '18
Mrs. R. F. Dav idson H oward Eloe Mrs . Ruth Gam bill
Roy N. McBride 14 Rona ld Reisbig
in memory of
J ames W. Gamb ill '49
Mary E . Tragi tt in m emory of E. Row land Tragitt '23
Frank H. Mackaman
Stephen Rodick C h a rles Rogge Glen n R. Ross Ranjit K. Roy Willi a m L. Rut z J erry R. Salmon Fores t Sch ankman
Karl Schoenefeld George K. Schwartz J effrey A. Schweer Michael E. Sims Marvin V. Sindel, J r. Mike Sta llion Dan iel W. Stehly Orame l D . Stevens II Alfred L. Summers Willi am R. Sweet De nnis C. Sylvester
Ken neth J. T acchi Dolores Tallon Mi chael E. Taylor Phi lip G. T aylor Roger K. T aylor Stephe n T hies Wa yne F. Thompson Russell L. T itus Robert C. Toth Mic hael L. T rancynge r
J osep h R . Ward Dennis J. Welker
Alfred W . Matthes Howard F. McCormack , J r. J ames R. McCoy Roscoe McWilliams
David A. Sierawsk i B. Suryana rayanan
Da ve Teske
Dav id R. Pueu mann
Ralph A. Lewis Melvin T. Lig ht III
Kurt K. M a rshaus Danief Maschmann
Willi am P. Cunn ing ham
John J . Dow ling J ames H . He llri ch J ac k R . Higgins Ro ll and H . Kluge
Don Rice Dennis Richard son
Ja m es A. Lew is
Larry R . Maddux Gary C. Magruder J ames D. Marek C harles F. Marshall
C ha rles C. McGinty J oseph R. Moore Ri chard Peters
H erbert C. Pyles, Jr.
Lorraine Traynor J. M a rvi n Underwood
Pa ul B . Loiseau Lawrence H . L uzynsk i
V ictor W. Lom ax
Step hen J . Bergtholdt Fred W. Camp bell J. D. Case, J r.
Charles Penrose Williams
Director. 1871 -1Sn
MSM - UMR Historical Leaders Deans, Directors, Chancellor $15.00 per set Reproductions of Original Sketches By J. W, Koenig Order From : University Center Information Desk University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla , Missouri 65401
Rex Widmer
J ohn Wi ese han J a m es H . Will iams Douglas Wood Roy B. Woods David E. Woosley Larry J. Zerw ig 1973
J oh n W . Ba ker W. J. Bauman Mi ch ae l R. Behr
Job Opportun ities For information concerning positions listed below , please contact Mr. Larry Nuss , Director of Placement and Industry Relations, UMR, Rolla, Mo . 65401 , giving the File Number of the position , state your degree , discipline and month and year of your graduation. Regarding the listings that follow. During times of high activity in the employment market , some positions will b e filled before they are published . The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may be open if you enclose your resume with your mqUlry . ENGINEERS - C .E structural. years experience . File #389.
ENGINEERS - Aide for field work. Engineer inspectors. Electrical. File #3 90. ENGINEERS Mechanical and electrical. 1 year experience. Southeast U.S. File #392 . ENGINEERS - Sales, Mechanical, electrical or management. 5 years experience. File #3 91 . ENGINEER - Project. 2-5 years experien ce . E.E. background. File #3 93. M.E. - Nuclear Dep 't, Mechanical Design and Betterment engineering. Midwest. File #3 94 . COMP.SCI. - 20 hours. computer scien ce or electronic data processing. Also writers of cobol and assembler language programs. File #396 . ENGINEERS - Management for buyers. Managem en t with I.E . option. File #39 7.
M .S or Ph .D. - Must be fimiliar with diagnostic programs Aerospace or Mechanical. File #401. MECHANICAL B.S. or M.S. Prefers 3 years experience in slurry piping. File #402 . MANUFACTURING - Technologist powdered metallurgy. Methods and Equipment Development Engineer. Production Test Equipment Engineer. Designer. Methods & Equipment Development Planner. Operation & Plant Layout Analyst. East coast. File #403 . MANAGER M .S Construction Management or M.S.C.E. with Construction Mg 't option . File #404. MET. ENG. - 6 to 10 years experience to work in engineering dep 't. Assist production people in solving problems. File #405. M.E . ; C .E. ;Ch.E. - Piping Specialist. 10 years experience in design, specification field , with history of initating and analyzing new ideas and innovations. Pressure Vessel Specialist, internal consultant , same qualifications . File #406. MINING ENG. - Several wanted, engineering and supervisory personnel. 3 or 4 years underground experience. File #408. E .E. ; M .E.; PH Y SIC S, MATH COMP.SCI. - Pre-sales system consultation and post installation support. Training extensively in resolution of customer problems through large-scale systems application as well as continuous formal training that will update and keep your skills current. A Fortune 500 Corporation. File #408. ENGINEERS - Senior and Staff. Pharmaceutical company. E.E . background preferable and 2 to 4 years industrial experience. File #409 .
ENGINEERS -:- E.E. for transformer d es ign . I.E. minimal route/ rate desk type work. Production control analyst. File #3 99.
ENGINEERS '- Staffing a small research center specializing in AeroMechanics , Fluid Mechanics, Laser Systems a nd Thermodynamics and Structures. File #410 . ENGINEERS - Government agency. High level GS-15 positions. File #4 11 . PLANT MGR . - Medium to heavy equipment manufacturing. File #4 12 .
ENGINEERS - B.S .C. E . for construction management. M .S. Soils m echanics. File #400.
ENGINEERS Corn processing company. Excellent company benefit program. File #4 13 .
ENGINEERS - Most all disciplines. Experienced. Midwest. File #398 .
CH .E. : CHEM. - Project, process or production engineer in chemical plant. File #414 . APPLIED STATISTICIAN - With advanced degree in engineering statistics . 2 or 3 years industrial experience. File #4 15. A .E . ;M.E.;E.E.;C.E. - Industrial Eng . Mfg. Eng Training Program . Aerospace Eng. File #416. C .E. - Surveying, Mapping, corrosion control, supervisor of pipe line personnel. Some traveling involved. File #4 17 . C.E .; M .E .; ENG. MGT. - Sales engineers. Positions in N . Y. or Alaska with construction and mining division . File #418. COMP .SCI. ;MATH. ; E .E. ;M.E. Experience or interest in time sharing. Position in St. Louis , prefer someone from area. File #419. CH .E .; CHEM_ - Product specialists. Positions marketing oriented. St. Louis area . File #420. ENGINEERS - Most all disciplines. Salary good . File #421. M.E. ; CH .E. - Press Foreman (Line Supervisor) Midwest . Advance opportunity good . File #421. MET.E. - Jr. Met. E. for uranium processing mill 3,000 tons per day. File #423. ENGINEERS - Division construction and mine . Oklahoma location. Some travel to N . M . and Wyoming. File #426 . SCIENTISTS & ENGINEERS - Most disciplines. Oil company. Ohio location. File #427. , M .E . - Construction and . tool. Supervise construction of all buildings and improvemen~ of existing facilities . Tool engineer design all tooling and coordinate selection of all machinery and equipment. File #42 8. E.E . - One with 1 to 3 years experience the other with 5 to 10 years experience. File #429 . ENGINEER - Application. Utility company. Midwest. Prefer E.E. File # 432. ENGINEERS - Quarry mgr. Production mgrs. Georgia and Alabama locations . File # 434 . (Continued on Page 29)
August 1974
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MET.E. - Western location. File # 435 . M.E. ; ENG .MGT . - New or experi· enced in engineering management for position involving work measurements & standards. File # 436.
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ENGINEERS - Metallurgy, geolog· ical , mining. Colorado plateau area. Experience not necessary. File # 437. ENGINEERS - Chem.; Mining ; Metallurgical. Western U.S. Both entry level and positions requiring experi· ence. File # 438. C.E. - With experience in estimat· ing for positions as job supervisors. File # 439 . CER.ENG .; IND .E.; Mainte· nance & Plant Mgr. Alabama , Penn . & Mo. Responsibility quality control , burning operations , raw mateJ ial. File # 440 . IND . ENG. Prepa re feasibliit y studies, economic justifications and / or estimate mfg. cost for new products and concepts. Exp. 3 to 5 years. File # 441. CHEMIST - Oil company. Mid· west. Some expo necessary in quality control lab. File # 442 .
Students Sweep Stu den t s at the University of Missouri·Rolla won first, second a nd third prizes for technical papers in undergraduate competition in the field of physical sciences at a recent meeting of the Missouri Academy of Sciences. First place was won by Paul R. Dalluge of Blue Mound , Ill. , for his paper entitled "Air Temperature Meas· urement b y Interferometric Systems." He is a mechanical engineering stu· dent. Hugh Murray Douglas of 116 Nagogami Terrace. Rolla , a physics student was second place winner with a paper on "A Sensitive Magnetometer for Observing Micropulsations in the Earth 's Magnetic Field. " Third place was shared by Eric Brian Adams of Route 1, Seligman, and Theodore P . Heoltje of 2017 Overbrook, Peoria , Ill. , both physics students. Their paper is "Computation of Magnetron Cutoff in a Grd· 7 Diode. "
MSM Alumnus
Pre-Engineering Summer Session
Special events included picnics , skating, and swimming parties . The students were housed in the UMR dormitories.
A specia l six week summer session for 43 pre· engineering students was held at the University of Missouri·Rolla . It was part of an industry and University spons(;!ed program to encourage mi · nority students to enter the engineering profession.
Dr. Jacques L. Zakin, professor of chemical engineering, served as director of the Minority Engineering Program and Dr. Robert Barefield , direc tor of the ' UMR Counseling Center, was associate director.
The students, six of whom were girls , were all 1974 high school graduates and have been admitted to UMR for the fall term . They were selected for the Minority Engineering Program on the basis of aptitude for ,nd interest in engineering.
Sixteen companies sponsored the Minority Engineering Program. Each sponsoring company plans to offer summer jobs or co-op opportunttles to one or m ore of the students after completion of the freshm a n year.
The summer session consisted of courses in mathematics , English , devel· opmental reading and a scientific logic laboratory. There was also a series of seminars by representatives from indus· tryon opportunities in engineering.
Stroh Appointed Chairman Col. Stroh received his B.S. degree in economics in 1956 from Colorado State University , Fort Collins, Colo ., and an M.B.A. degree in 197 1 from Auburn University , Montgomery, Ala. H e received his commission as a result of participation in Color ado State 's ROTC program . Col. Stroh b egan his Air Force career as a rescue helicopter pilot a nd later trained the first Air Force rescue helicopter pilots to go to Vietnam. He a lso served in Vietnam . In addition , he spent two tours of duty in Iran working with Iranian helicopter pilots. H e is the recipient of the Distinguish ed Flying C ross, Air Medal and Air Force Commenda tion Medal. A n ative of Fort Collins, he comes to UMR from Scott Air Force Base, Ill ., Lt. Col. Jerry D. Stroh has been where he served as MAJOM Ops appointed chairm an of UMR's Air Training Officer. Force aerospace Studies program. He Col. Stroh and his wife, Phyllis, have replaces Col. Madison M. Daily who was reassigned to Andrews Air Force two children, La urie, 13, and David , 9 . Base, Washington , D.C . T h ey li ve at 111 4 Sycamore St, Ro ll a.
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Alumni Personals 1 909
Victor H . Hughes 1211 So. Elgin, Tulsa , Oklahoma , died June 7, 1974. Mr. Hughes was a consulting geologist and was the last surviving member of the firm Valerius , McNutt and Hughes which composed one of the first consulting geological firms in Oklahoma . Mr. Hughes was 88 years old. Rowe F. McCrae age 89 , died July 28 , 1974 in Washington , D . C. He had been retired for a number of years. His professional record was as follows : Ass't Sup 't of Concentrating Mills for Utah Copper Co . , Garfield, Utah; N evada Conc. Copper Co. , McGill , Nevada ; Ray Cons . Copper Co., Hayden , Ariz .; Chino Copper Co., Hurley , N.M. ; Sup't of Concentrators for Mauricio Hochchilds , Potosie , Bolivia and the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Gainsville , Ga . and Washington, D .C . Surviving are his widow, Lydia, five children and a sister, Mary McCrae Anderson , Muskogee , Okla., wife of H .S.G. Anderson '09 . 1 9 1 5 Sidney R . Hatch 15 , age 89 , died January 4, 1974. Mr. Hatch graduated from the Missouri School of Mines in 1915 recelvmg a degree in civil engineering. He was a Level and Transit man for the U .S. Geological Survey and the U.S . Land Office from 1906 to 1908 and from 1908 to 1915 he attended college. From 1911 to 1917 he was Chief Engineer for the Duquesne Mining & R. C . He was Mine Foreman , Arizona Copper Co. 1917 to 1919 and Mine Superintendent, Carnegie Lead & Zinc Co . 1919 to 1923. Mr. Hatch was with Anaconda Copper Co. 1923 to 1925. He left the mining profession in 1925 after he narrowly escaped death three times, and he became Chief Engineer for the Green Cattle Co . in Mexico . It was in 1930 that he left the Green interests and began his own private practice. Green retained him as a consultant until their dissolution in 1950. He was Engineer of the Construction Division of large hacendas in Mexico embracing eleven million acres. His consulting work was in the areas of flood and erosion control , dam construction , infiltration galleries , and water conservation. He was living at
914 Seventh Street, Douglas, Arizona , at the time of his death and is survived by his son , Page , of San Diego. 191 6
The Alumni Office has been informed of the death of Walter William Wiessbach .
923 Armin B . Jewell died April 11 , 1974 .
924 The Alumni Office has been informed of the death of Stewart P . Harmer.
192 5 Phillip Francis Martyn died January 20, 1974, in Houston, Tex. He suffered a heart attack. He had a heart condition for some time but was able to travel and the day before his death he was planning another long trip. Phil was a consulting geologist. His wife , Grace, resides at 2200 Willowick Drive, Houston. 1 930
M . A. Dillingham, 2239 Goldsmith Rd., Houston , Tex; began his third professional career Nov. 1970 . His first career was with Corps of Engineers ( 21 years) . He resigned as Chief, Engineering Div. in 1951 to go with Ambursen Engrs Corp. Resigned as President of AEC in Nov . 1970 , after 19 years and associated with Turner, Collie & Braden , Inc., consulting engineers in Houston . He recently received Life Membership in ASCE . Mr. Dillingham has no immediate plans to retire, but says he "will do so when I find 's lippage' in mental or physical capacity . "
193 3 B. J. Gross, president of SOFEC, Inc. , is now installing a super-tanker mooring system in 300 feet of water off the coast of East Malaysia. Mr. Gross makes his home at 5050 Woodway, Houston, Tex .
J. Douglas Martin, Jr., 5429 S. 72 East Ave., Tulsa , Oklahoma , says, "My job with Amerada Petroleum didn 't turn out to be permanent - 34 years and 10 months . So now I 'm building 'smart pigs ' for T . D . Williamson, Inc. in Tulsa. " Mr. Martin , what does a smart pig do?
1 937 Charles F . Benner is retiring from his position with Continental Can Company as of June 30 , 1974. He and Dorothy will be residing at 1348 Williams¡ Drive ,_ Clearwater, Fla .
193 8 Edward A . Ballman,- manager of the Wood River Refinery, Shell Oil Co., has been named general managerchemical plants and refineries at Shell's head offices in Houston, Tex . He is a native of St. Louis and joined Shell at Wood River after graduation in chemical engineering. After holding various positions with Shell Manufacturing, including a period with Shell Canada, Ltd. , Ballman was named refinery manager at Wood River in June 1966.
193 9 John E . Kiser , Mining Engineer, retired June 1 after 33 years and five months service with St. Joe Minerals . He began his career at the Bonne Terre Mine as a surveyor of under¡ ground and surface facilities . In 1941 , a Geology Department was established and he was made a Geologist under Dr. John S. Brown (MSM 17) . In 1959 , he was appointed Division Superintendent of the Indian Creek Mine and Mill and served 13 ~ years. H e was transferred to the Federal Division in 197 3 as Division Superintendent and remained there until retirement .
J ohn E.
K iser '39
Joel and Pauline Loveridge , of 739 Country Manor Lane in St. Louis, Mo . , will be unable to attend homecoming this October. They will be on safari in Africa . Stuart Dodds , P .O . Box 177 , Peculiar , Mo ., has retired from the GSA Public Building Service. He and Edna are building a home in Cleveland, Mo. August 1974
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A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1939 (Continued)
from his Campa. Dorothy ns·Drive,.
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Dr. Marshall Jamison of 2141 Hilltop ?lace in Falls Church , Va. , is a consultant for Educational Technologies and Systems. He has just completed two studies for the President 's office of Telecommunicating Policy: '·Satellite Educational System Cost for Three Model Developing Countries" and "KEY R & E for Educational Systems. " Robert G. Livingston received a certificate of appreciation ' for more than 30 years of government service as Chief of the Liaison Office for the U.S . Engineer Topographic Laboratory, Ft. Belvoir, Va. Robert Cornelius McKissick . Widow advised us of his death January 2, 1974, from cancer.
940 Paul T. Dowling, president and chief executive officer of Nooter Corp., St. Louis, was elected president of the Steel Plate Fabricators Association at the organization's 41st annual meeting recently at Key Biscayne . He is a past-president 0 f the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.
194 1 Harvey C . "Bud " Stevens, age 55, died in Houston, Tex. He had lived i'n Houston for 25 years where he was an engmeer for Shell Pipeline Corp. Among his survivors are his widow , Valerie; of 10050 Overbrook, his mother and a sister. Jennings R. Lambeth, President of Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co ., a subsidiary of Lykes Youngstown Corp., was made a senior vice president of Youngstown Lykes and named to head the parent company's basic-steel operation .
194 2 ~, of 739
Louis, Id home· ,iII be on
7, pecul· the GSA nd Edna
~nd, Mo us t 1974
Charles A. Schaeffer, Jr., of 6034 Hummingbird, Houston, Tex., died April 10, 1974, in Houston. He suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage .
943 Jack H. Boetjer. The Alumni Office was informed of his death May 21, 1973. MSM Alumnus
1 945 Carl B. Yoder has been appointed Assistant Vice President of the Product Certification Division of United States Testing Co., Hoboken , N. J. He will continue to manage the Product Certification Division and is responsible for administration and technical direction of the Company 's industrial and consumer product certification and labeling division . 1 947
Robert A. Vogt died at his home, 7807 McCarthy Lane , Louisville, Ky ., of an apparent heart attack October 10, 1973. Born in St. Louis , he was in business there until becoming a regional sales manager of the American Air Filter Co. in Louisville . He was national president of Triangle from 1956 to 1959 and presided over the 50th Anniversary Convention when the Building Loan Fund was authorized . A nomination for the fraternity'S outstanding Alumnus Award was in process when Bob died, and the certificate was presented posthumously at the UMR Chapter 's celebration at Founder's Day, April 20 , 1974 . Bill Harville of Route 3, Box 350, Savannah, GA , left South Carolina Electric and Gas Co . , after three years as maintenance supervisor to go back into the ministry . As of .June of this year Rev. Harville has been Pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church of Montgomery , N.P.C.
194 8 Ralph E. McKelvey, Vice President: Engineering and Research , for the Timken Company was elected to the Board of Directors. He received his B.S. in mechanical engineering from UMR , his M.S . from Case Western Reserve U. and completed the Harvard Graduate School of Business Program for Mana8'ement Development. He served in the Naval Air Corps from 1943 to 1948. With Timken since 1948 , he was promoted successively to Assistant Chief Engineer-Physical Laboratories, Assistant Director-Engineering, Director-Engineering, and DirectorEngineering and Research. In 1972 he was promoted to V. P. McKelvey is a member of the UMR Development Council.
1948 (Continued
Irvin D. Robbins, of 7438 Buckskin Trail S., Jacksonville , Fla ., has a new assignment as Construction ' Mariager for the J. A. Jones Construction Co . of Charlotte , N .C., on the construction' of facilities for Offshore Power Systems, a Westinghouse- Tenneco Corp. , that will build floating Nuclear Power Plants near Jacksonville , Fla . Lem N. Gager, of 49 Patten St. , Sale, Victoria, Australia, is senior construction eng i nee r for ESSO Australia Limited. He is involved with fabrication and installation of off-shore production platforms and facilities for increasing crude oil/gas production .
1 949 Robert R. Parsons age 49, died July 23 , 1974 after a long illness. He was chief of the operations division of the St. Louis district, Army Corps of Engineers. He headed the operations division since 1971 and had been with the district for 25 years . During his career he was project manage.- for the St. Louis Flood Protection Project and served with the engineers in Saudi Arabia. Surviving are his widow , four daughters, a grandson, his father and a sister . Bettijeanne Birch Puffett and husband Willard Puffett have moved to 1026 S. Cole Dr. in Lakewood, Colo., where Mr. Puffett is employed by the U. S. Geological Survey. Bettijeanne had worked in Spokane as a teacher' aide in Jr. High Science classes . Roy R . Cramer, 704 Bell Dr., Excelsior Springs , Mo ., District Manager of that district of the Missouri .Power and Light Co ., celebrated 25 years with the Company on June 6. He has been with MPL since graduation and was promoted to his present position in 1970. He is a member of the State Board of Registration for Architects and Professional Engineers and has been active in civic affairs. William R . Chew of 3233 Gulfstream , Pleasanton , Calif., is the new owner and president of Centaur Mfg. Inc . in Melpitas. Calif. They manufacture ABS·DWV pipe for the building industry . 31
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
195 0 Bettie Lu Blanchard Shroyer died June 21, 1974 , in Livermore , Calif. She was one of two women in her class and graduated as a Ceramic Engineer. Her employers had b een the Admiral Corp., the University of California in Los Alamos and she was employed as a chemist with Lawrence Livermore Laboratory at the time of her death . Mrs. Shroyer was preceeded in death by twin daughters and her mother. Surviving are her husband, Robert B. '49 , two daughters, her father , and a sister. She was active in many community and civic organizations. A memorial scholarship has been established and donations may be sent to the Wells Fargo Bank, 235 South 'K" St., Livermore , Calif. 94550. B . E. Buterbaugh of 1578 S. St. Charles St., Springfield , Mo ., has been appointed Assistant Chief EngineerConstruction and Design for the Frisco. He has been with the Frisco since graduation. He started as a roadman and later held the positions of instrument man , assistant engineer, assistant superi ntendent of construction, construction engineer, special engineer and was named principal engineer in 1966 . William Hollis of 20 Cannon Hill Ave. , Groveland, Mass., is planning to retire from his position with General Electric in a coupl e of years. He expects to spend much time skiing in Vermont.
Thomas E . Poliquin '50
Thomas E . Poliquin has been appointed Vice President, Group manager Construction, United Engineers & Constructors, Inc., Philadelphia. He has been with UEC since 1950. Poliquin is a registered professional engineer in Missouri and a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers. UEC is one of the Country's largest engineering and construction firms.
1951 (Continued)
Robert E. Dieckgrafe has been named manager of Refineria Texaco de Honduras, S.A . at Puerto Cortes . He joined Texaco in 1952 as an assistant chemical engineer at the West Tulsa refinery. Later he held engineering positions at Port Arthur and Houston, Tex. and Lockport and Lawrenceville, Ill. In 1960 he was named supervisor (operations) at Lawrenceville . In 1970 he was appointed assistant manager of Refineria Texaco de Honduras, S.A.
Thoma s A. Holmes '50 Thomas A . Holmes '50, was elected President of Ingersoll-Rand by the company 's Board of Directors. Before his election as president he was Executive Vice President and Director of the international machinery and equipment manufacturing concern. Holmes joined Ingersoll-Rand in 1950 and has spent his entire business career with the Company. He rose through the ranks of the Construction and Mining Group to become Vice President in 1968 . H e was elected Executive Vice President in 1969 and Director in 1972. Holmes graduated from UMR in 1950 with a degree in mining engineering . He also is a graduate of the Harvard Business School A .M . P . program . He is married and the Holmes have four children and reside In Bedminster, N.J. 1 9 5 1 George W. Comanich, 2307 Ashdown Dr. , Bossier City , La . , has been promoted to Manager , Texas Eastern Transmission Corp., Baytown, Tex. Since 1972 he has been assistant superintendent of pipe lines . George , with Texas Eastern since 1951 , has held positions in Indiana , Ark a n s a s, Louisiana and Texas. Billy J. Bishop has been a ppointed Chief of the Operations Division , Tulsa Dist rict Corps of Engineers . A civil engineer who has held supervisory positions in both district and field offices, he has served as acting chief SInce March. H e was with the Frisco tor seven years before joining the Corps . Billy and his wife Aileen have five children. Their home is Route 1, Box 280, Sand Springs, Okla.
195 2 Edgar Oliphant, Jr. of 9703 Overbrook Rd ., Leawood, Kan. , has been promoted to chief operating officer with the title, "executive vice-president , ". for J. F. Pritchard & Co. 1 953
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H ugh Blevins, Jr., recently purchased Engineering Dmfting School, 846 Elati, D enver.
195 6 Larry Fussell has accepted a new position as Economic Coordinator with British Petroleum Co. at their new San Francisco office. He formerly was with the company in their London and Montreal offices. He has a M .S. d egree from Columbia University . 1 9 5 7
John J. Howard , R .R. #2, Pleasant Pl a ins , Ill. , has been promoted to assistant to the director for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in Springfield, Ill. His primary role is as technical advisor.
August 1974
Sidn, Terra Utah, I firm w during fiscal} year. ~ compal period membe Geolog tee, Na ial Pan Chairn: Society and V CO mmi UCls C nUmer( several
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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Jack L.
Yost '58
Jack L. Yost, 12128 Lake Meade Drive, Creve Couer , Mo ., has been appointed director, engineering servo ices in the Corporate Engineering Department of Monsanto Co ., St. Louis . He was formerly engineering manager for nylon products in the Monsanto Textiles Company engineer. ing function . In his new capacity , he will direct the functions of engineering procurement , accounting , business sys· tems , costs, financial and operating analysis and project pl a nning and scheduling. Gary R. Dally, his wife Ruth , and four chi ldren now li ve at 6388 Buttonwood Drive , Nobl esville , Ind. , where he works as a self-employed manufacturers re presentative .
1 959
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gust 197 4
Sidney J. Green '59, is president of Terra Tek Inc., a Salt Lake City, Utah , based research and development firm which has nearly doubled its sales during the first three quarters of this fiscal year over the same period last year. Sales were just under $900,000 compared to $500,000 for the same period last year. Mr. Green is a member of the Department of Defense Geologic Materials Properties committee , National Science Foundation Special Panel on Thermal Rock Fracturing, Chairman , Great Salt Lake Section, Society for Expansion Stress Analysis and Vice Chairman of the Papers Committee and Director, Central Products Corp . , Rolla. He is author of numerous papers and has presented several at seminars.
MSM Alumnus
1959 (Continued) Gerald L. Stevenson of 515 Rob Roy, Lakeland , Fla ., has been promoted to Yice·President of Davy Powergas, Inc. He was formerly manager of Business Development. The company is engi neering contractor for petrochemical, pollution control , metallurgical, chemical , and fertilizer areas.
196 1 A third daughter has been born to Robert and Alice Glaser of .693 Henry Ave., Ballwin, Mo. Kari Lyn was born January 29, 1974 . Jack Nickerson, Box 31, Colvin Station, Syracuse, N . Y. , has been accepted for graduate study in Business Administration at Syracuse University. Since graduation he has served about 15 years as a civil industrial engineer in the U.S. Army and in the comptrollers office in Japan. Other overseas duty included service in France and Germany. He also served in Washington , D.C. 196 2
R. David Plank, '59, 1328 N. Benton, Springfield, was installed as president of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers during the 35th Annual Meeting in Kansas City, June 7th. Plank is Manager of the Water Department, Springfield City Utilities. Robert A. raenger, of 623 WoodHe is a past president of the Ozark stock Lane , Bourbonnais, Ill., has MSPE and has served as vice president accepted a position with Roper Corp. , and treasurer of MSPE. Jerry R. which he describes as "very interestingl" Bayless '5 9 , Associate Professor of Civil His job entails testing of outdoor power Engineering, UMR , was elected Treasproducts such as lawn tractors, chain urer of MSPE. saws and O .E .M. engines. Jam es N . Click of 4254 Cadiz, Ft . Worth , TX, has been named Manager of Transportation and Terminaling for Champlin Petroleum Co. Formerly manager of economic analysis, Click is responsible for Champlin's transportation operations which includes pipeR . David lines, ' terminals , trucking, rail and Plank maritime shipping. '59 Blair A. Kowley , of 3410 37 St. , Lubbock , Tex., has been appointed chairman of both the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Department of Computer Medicine/ Biomathematics at Texas Tech University School of Medicine . Richard Snelson, P .O. Box 58, 1960 Summit Drive, Holt 's Summit, Mo ., James H. Pa inter , of Route I , Box has been selected for the 1974 edition 22 , Winfield , Mo. , is program manag- of Who's Who in Missouri . He operates er of two USAF contracts in ARC Air the Summit TV Sales Office in Holt's Heater R&D for McDonnell-Douglas. Summit and has .been recognized by H e rece ntly achieved a new state of art RCA Headquarters as the largest RCA d ea ler in Mid-Missouri . He was emin high pressure ARC H ea ters for ployed at McDonnell-Douglas in St. re·e ntry simulation. Louis for seven years prior to moving to Holt 's Summit. Dick and his wife Perry H enry L. Ponzer has formed the firm have two children, Kathy 20 and Rick of consu lting e nginee rs, Ponze r, Sea rs , 19. Youngquist. They specialize in Engi· Willi a m T. Harris , Jr. , of 2730 Fyke neering Reports , Design , Construction Road #13 3, Dallas , Tex . , has been Services, Complete Water Supply Sys· promoted to senior manufacturing tems, Wastewater and Storm water engineer for Xerox and transferred to Collection and Treatment Sys tems , Da ll as. H e a nd his family are enjoying Lakes , Parks and Pl aygro unds. Their the area and welcome all alumni to address is P.O. Box 704 , O lathe, Ka n. visit with them.
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 963 Bob Sieckhaus of 10700 C learwater Drive in St. Louis has joined Strange & Strong Mechanical Contractors, Na tiona l Stock Yards, IlL H e was form e rly with the Noote r Corp. Jam es R. Knox, of 159 H a nks Hill Rd; Storrs, Conn . , has just bee n awarded $143,000 by the N at io nal Institute of H ea lth for a n X -ray diffraction study of pe nicillinase e n zyme O'l e r the nex t three years. Professo r Knox is an Ass ista nt Professo r of Bi oc hemistry a nd Biophysics at the University of Connecticut. LTC Ve rnon E. Fra nk has retired fro m the Air Force at Nellis AFB , Nevada, after more than 20 yea rs milita ry se rvi ce . Co lo nel Frank se rved as c hi ef of operat ions and training for the 474th Tactical Fighter Wing at Nellis pri o r to ret ire m ent. Comm issioned in 1955 throug h th e a vi a ti o n ca d et training progra m , he is aeronautica lly ra ted as a comm a nd pi lot and has comple ted 100 mi ss io ns in Southeast Asia . N. M. Naiknimbalke r, P.O. Box 631, Gra nts N. M. , has joined R a nc he rs Explorat io n a nd Develo p m e nt Corp. as c hief geo logist for the Johnny M Mine, Ran che rs is a n Albuqu e rque b ased mining company.
Walt er Muelle-r, Jr_ '63
W a lte r Muelle r , Jr ., director-mining e ngin ee ring a nd planning for Co nsoli d a ted Coa l Co., h as been transfe rred and promoted to vi ce preside nt-opera tions , Ohio Valley Division. H e joined Consolidated in 1972 as chief e ngineer o f the Ohio V a ll ey Division and was promoted to director-mine pl a nning in April 1973 . T he Mu elle rs h a ve three children, Tracy, 10 ; Lynn , 5; a nd W alter, Jr. 4. T heir ho me is 430 East M cM urra y Rd . , McMurray, P a.
964 Charles E. Campbe ll has been n a m ed manage r of manufa cturing e ng inee ring and quality co ntrol for Southern States, In c. , Hampton , Ga., a subsidiary of Gu lton Industries , Inc . , Metu chen , N. J. H e is responsible for qu a lity co ntrol, industrial e nginee ring, m a inte nance , and tool d esign in m a nufac turing of Southern State's line of hig h voltage equipme nt. H e is c ha irm a n of the 250 m embe r Piedmont C ha pte r of the Ame rican Foundry Society . H e and his wife Alecia, and daughter Erica , reside at 1523 Kennedy Dr. , Griffin, Ga.
Charles E. Campbell '64
The H ensons welcome a new addi tion to their family. Daron Douglas a rrived at 8:04 a .m. , April 23, 1974 , weighing in at 8lbs. 14\t2 oz . and m easuring 22 in . in le ngth _ Ron a ld P. ( nee Daddy) is senior sa les rep resentative for Honeywell in Los Angeles. The fa mily home is 10 38 S. Craig Dr. , West Cov in a, Ca lif. J o hn P. Ruppe rt has been nam ed distri ct plant m a nage r for Southweste rn Bell Te le pho ne Co. in Ft. Worth, Texas. J o hn joined Southweste rn Bell in 1967, in Spring field, Mo. , and has wo rked as c hief switchman , insta ll a tion foreman a nd chi ef deskman before tra nsfe rring to J oplin as supervising se rvi ce fore man . Late r positions were in Ka nsas C ity, Mo. a nd Hays, K a nsas. W e ha ve his ad dress as 2904 Coral, H ays, Ka nsas. Gordo n P. K. Chu, 24 Ledgewood Dr . , Danvers, Mass. , is going to a tte nd th e 10th I nte rn at iona l Congress on G lass at Kyoto, J a pan. His tec hni ca l paper o n ''Some Aspects of G lass -Ceram ICs to Metal Seal ing " wi ll be prese n ted . He will a lso chair a session o n "G lass-Meta l Inte rfaces" during the congress .
1 965
Owe n Lasker, of Everview Drive in Mt. Ve rnon , Ohio , is manager of produ ct profitabilily analysis for Cooper Bessemer for the second time . Since receiving his MBA in finance, Mr . Laske r has crossed functional lines within the company to combine financial ex pe rie nce with his previous sales and e ngineering ba ckground. D ennis Turner has accepted the position as Vice -President of Polumbus Engineering Co. and has relocated his fa mily . Their new address is 7343 S. 74 E. Ave . , Tu lsa, Okla. Willi am J. Pri ce of 6029 Country C lub Drive, Vi cto ria , T ex, re turned las t year fr om an eight month start-up ass ig nm e nt at Union Carbide Corporation 's Ponce, Pu erto Rico, Plant. H e was recently promoted to senior produ ct ion eng inee r a nd tra nsferred to the hig h d e nsity polyethyl ene unit at UCC's Sea Drift , Tex., plant. Thomas D. Graham , of 3538 Carol Drive , Springfield, Mo ., is a planning e ngin ee r in the Switching Equipme nt Information and Product Evaluation Engineering Dept. at the Hawthorne Works of Western Elec tric. He joined W.E. in 1965. In 1970 , following two years of active duty with the U .S. Army , he returned to Hawthorne as Lead Equ ipment Enginee r for the line status verifie r in the Systems Equipm e nt Developme nt Engineering Dept. Prior to receiving his prese nt assign m e nt in 197 3 he was a m embe r of the Specia l Studies Task Force .
tions f Centre been newly of 0: Conso: Colora all op' ment Divisic operat Alfn honors Engine vacauc Fla., l July v Germa He wa Army gram. BDE,
19 6 Larr
D a vid W. Magurk , of 5 Wilmington Road, Lake Pla cid , N . Y. , h as opened his own co nsulting e ngineering office. H e a lso opera tes the Northway Motel in Lake Pl acid .
Palmet Fla., r City E Beach, rxpecti R. annou a son, June 2 1, Ba Parks, engine BUriin Dr. Delco l repres nation lands. profes! the 01 facilit} the U.
Augu st 1974
LTC Robe rt E . W eeks , USA Engr. Dist , K a nsas City, 700 Fed eral Build ing, 601 E . 12th, has been named De puty Distri ct Engineer of the Kansas City Distri ct. H e com es to the District from the Offi ce of the Chief of Engineers, W ashington , D.C. , where he se rved for the past two years as Engineer Inspector GeneraL
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1965 (Continued)
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ilmington IS opened 19 office. I Motel In ust 197 4
Larry C. Fuller
Larry C. Fuller, manager of operations for Consolidated Coal Company's Central Division, Cadiz, Ohio, has been transferred and promoted to a newly created position, Vice President of Operations and Engineering at Consol's Western Division, Englewood, Colorado. Fuller will be responsible for all operating mines and the development of new mines in the Western Division , including Consol 's Canadian operations. Alfred ]. Thiede graduated with honors from the Army 's Facilities Engineering Management course. After vacationing along the east coast and Fla. , LTC Thiede left the states in late July with his family for duty in Germany as the Berlin area engineer. He was also recently selected for the Army War College Non-resident Program. His address is HQ, BERLIN BDE , ATTN: E&I DIV ., APO , NY 09742 1 966 Larry W. Littlefield of 2110 S. Palmetto , Apt. 41, South Daytona , Fla. , recently accepted the position as City Engineer of the City of Ormond Beach , Fla. He and his wife Donna \are ex pecting their first child in December. R. Anthony and Rebecca Parks announce the birth of their first child, a son , Robert Anthony Parks , Jr. , on June 29, 1974. Their address is Route 1, Balls Road , Shelburne, Vt. Mr. Parks , Sr. , is an advanced design engineer with General Electric m Burlingto n , Vt. Dr. Donald A . McClure , 2871 Delcourt Dr. , Decatur , Ga., will represent Georgia Tec h at two internation a l conferen ces in the Netherlands. Dr. McClure is a n assistant professor of physics and also operates the only the rmal neutron gamma-ray fa cility at an educational institution in the U.S.
MSM Alumnus
1966 (Continued)
Gary K . Barber has joined Oscar Mayer & Co . in their Madison , Wisconsin plant. He is in the company 's operations on the research staff as a research associate II. The Barbers' address is 1512 Simpson St., Madison. LTC John T. Mason III, of Nelson Street , Oberammergau , Germany, will be teaching in Nuclear Biological & Chemical Divisions of the NATO Weapons Systems School at Oberammergau for the next three years. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, of 29367 Westbrook, Warren , Mich ., announce the birth of their second daughter, Susan Elaine, born April 7 , 1974. Their first , Pamela Lynne , is three years old. Mr. Thompson is an engineering systems analyst for Teledyne Continental Motors in Warren. Matteo A. and Kathleen Coco announce the birth of their fourth son , Nicholas Paul born May 26 , 1974. Ma tt is a project manager with]. S. Alberici Construction Co. in St. Louis. Their home is 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Barnes of Route 1, Lebanon , Mo. , has been named assistant chief engineer , planning and economics, for Cities Service Gas Co . He has been with Cities Service since graduation. Leslie D. Steward , Jr. of 6020 Wedgewood, Indianapolis , Ind., is a research metallurgist with FMC Corporation , Chain Division in Indianapolis. He received his MBA degree from Butler Univ. in Indianapolis on June 2 , 1974 .
196 7 Michael A. Perkins was married on Jul y 13 , 1974 , to Margery L. Hamilton. They will make their home at 211 Christin St. , Clinton , Tenn. Mike has accepted a position effective 811 174 as development engineer at Union Carbide Corp. , Oak Ridge Tenn. T. Michae l McMillen of 9213 W. 82nd St. , Overland Park Kan. , is a geotechnical engineer with Howard, Needles, Tammen & Berge ndoff. He and his wife, Marilyn , have two c hildren, a daughter , Melissa , 4 years old and a son, Michael, who was born May 23, 1973.
1967 (Continued)
Edwin a nd Gail Kettenbrink have made their hOIJle in Odessa , Tex., at 380 5 Englewood Circle. Edwin is an Assistant Professor of Geology at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. Gail has recently been employed by Gulf Oil Company in Midland, T ex., as_ an exploration geologist.
1 9 6 8 John A. Munns has recently graduated from Harvard Business School and has accepted a position with Babock & Wilcox Corp. as Assistant to the President of Control Components. John asks that any alumni in L. A. feel free to ca ll on him at his home , 17801 Santa Fe Circle , Fountain Valley , Ca lif. David M. Faintich, of 9604 Mansfield Dr., Olivette , Mo., joined the Regional Court Information System as systems manager for the 21st Judicial District (St. Louis County). This is an entirely new proj ect linking the circuits of St. Louis County and St: LOllis City. James and Mary Kreilich, of 422 LaBore Road , St. Paul, Minn., had a son , Matthew James, in August, 1973. Jim is with Control Data Corp. since March, 1974. He IS involved m development of CPU di agnostics for the STAR-I00 . Dr. Richard E. Moore who has bee n employed by PPG Industries has been accepted by the U. of Mo. Sc hool of Medicine and will enter this fall. Stuart M. Storrs and wife Mary have a daughter, Allison Louise, age 8 months and doing fine . Stuart is a resident engineer with Black and Veath. T he ir home is 825 22nd Street, Vero Beach , Fla. J oe Schardl a nd his fa mily we re transferred from Hauerhill , Ohio to Pittsburgh, Pa. Joe is now working as a m a rk et Analyst in plastics and petroche mi ca ls for USS Chemicals. Joe completed re quirements for his Ph .D. in Ch.E. at UMR May 74. Joe , his wife Joan and daughters Jody (7) and Jennifer (4) will be residing at 454 Diablo Dr. in Pittsburgh after October 1, 1974 .
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 969
1969 (Continued)
1970 (Continued)
1970 I
Frederick N. Bondurant IS an Aircraft Commander in the U .S. Air Force. He is stationed in Jacksonville , Ark ., at the Little Rock AFB. Com· mander Bondurant recently received his commercial glider rating.
Guy V. Givan has been appointed District Governor for the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity's District 17 which encompasses the State of Missouri . The Appointment was made by the National Board of Directors. Under the new District concept the District Governor is responsible for the Fraternity's operation on all levels in his District. Givan lives in Belleville, Ill., where he is research engineer for the Aluminum Co. of America . His address is P.O . Box 164 , Belleville.
Mark L. Hockett received a promotion to construction engineer f~r Gulf Oil Company 's Port Arthur refinery . Mark joined Gulf in 1970. His address is 615 S. 5th St., Nederland , Tex .
Cha l promol Shell ( San Bf Jean, ~ 1. res l ' Calif. ~
Gary R. Koenig has accepted a job with Hyster Company in Danville, Ill., as manager of systems and program· ming services. He and his wife and two sons are expecting the arrival of anothe!" child in early December. Their new address is 1625 North Franklin, Danville, Ill . Douglas Haseltine of the Engineering Division of the Tennessee Eastman Co., Kingsport, Tenn., received his Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the U. of Tennessee. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers , Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Chi Sigma and is a Registered Professional Engineer in Tennessee. He and his wife, Lydia , live at 2300 Oglewood Rd. , Kingsport. John R. and Phyllis Long are now living at 215 Garfield St., Georgetown, III. John is maintenance supervisor for General Motors Central Foundry Division in Danville, Ill. Raymond and Rita Shaefer, of 1612 College St. Northeast, Olympia, Washington, announce the birth of their son Ethan, born in May, 1973. Mr. Shaefer is an associate bridge engineer with Washington State Highway Dept. Dr. Carl Ryan has been honored by his employer for a patent, his third, granted in his name and assigned to the company. Carl, is a member of the technical staff for the Motorola Government Electronics Division (GED). GED grants cash awards to employees who file for and / or receive patents. They also become members of the firms prestigious Scientific and Technological Society upon filing their first patent application. Carl's patent is for a method of reducing the start-up time of space-to-ground communication links. 36
John C . Wiesenmeyer, of 303 Wagon Wheel , Chatham , III., has accepted the posItion of Project Manager with Calhoun County Contracting Corp. He . is involved in paving and bridge work. Don M . Ascoli of 12025 N. 28 Place, Phoenix, Ariz., recently was promoted to Product Manager of the General Purpose Product Group within the small signal silicone plastic operations group of Motorola Semiconductor Products Division in Phoenix . 1 970 Donald D . Amos was recently promoted to the position of manager of track test by the General Tire & Rubber Company. He ·w as formerly test engineer of that facility. The test track is located at Uvalde, Texas . Don and his wife, Naomi, make their home at III Ruth Street, Uvalde, Tex.
Donald D. Amos
Terry Gene Wilson of St. Charles, Mo. , formerly of St. Louis, was killed July 4, 1974, when his car ran off the road and struck a tree . He was an electrical engineer with Union Electric. Terry is survived by his widow Linda and his parents Mr. and Mrs . Cleatus Wilson . Miles R . Huskey of 10501 E. 42nd , Apt. C , Kansas City, Mo ., recently began work for Hallmark Cards, Inc., as a programmer/ analyst.
Tra< ma~st
Mark L. Hock ett
Michael R. Mruzik has been promoted to Captain in the Army Signal Corp . , Inactive Reserve . His home address is #5 9, 395 Okeefe, Palo Alto, Calif. Charles J. Murray and Miss LaJuana Russell of Houston , Tex., were married April 6, 1974. They honeymooned in Mexico City. LaJuana is a graduate of the University of Houston and teaches French and English. Charlie is working for the Biochemicals Department of DuPont. Their home is 1015 Richey, #331 , Pasadena, Tex. Steven and Wanda Vaughan , of 51A Maplewood Dr. , Maple Shade, N. J. , announce the birth of their first child, a son , born Feb ruary 9 , 1974. He is Steven Michael Vaughan II. B. James Duresky, of 409 West Road , Berea , Ohio, has accepted a new position as service representative for Caterpillar Overseas. His territory covers North Africa. William C . Kruckemeyer, Jr. of 8515 Haviland, S.W . , Tacoma , Wash., is in the United States Army. He was promoted to Captain on July 21, 1974 . Thomas A . and Mary Selden of 538 LaJoy Drive, Akron, Ohio ; announce the b i r t h of their sec 0 n d son Kristopher John , born Jan. 21, 1973. Tom is a division staff engineer with Firestone Steel Products in Akron.
August 1974
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promo. for Gulf refinery. s address rex.
1970 (Continued)
Tracy L. Storie has been appointed magistrate judge of Pulaski County, Mo. Tracy and his wife Mary live in Waynesville, Mo .
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Charles A. Shepherd was recently promoted from field engineer with Shell Oil Co . , to District Engineer in San Bernardino, Calif. Chuck, his wife Jean , and children Kevin , 3 and Kellee , 1, reside at 3635 E . 28th, Highland, Calif. 92346 .
1st Lt. James E. Shephard recently returned from temporary duty in Norway where he took part in a special training exercise with the Royal Norwegian Air Force. He is a F-4 Phantom aircraft commander at Seymour Johnson AFB, N. C . Aircrew and support personnel of the wing deployed to Bodo AB , Norway, for intensive training with Norwegian forces in the Northern European area .
Dan Scott , of 10915 Sageburrow, Houston, Tex . , has two announcements: l. He and wife Roberta have a daughter Leanne Marie, born 8 / 27/73 2. He was promoted to product metallurgy dept. of Hughes Tool Co ., and is responsible for R&D of sintered carbides for oil field application . Lt. Gene C. Dawson recently participated in a NATO training exercise in Germany. He is a pilot at Holloman AFB , N . M . , with a unit of the 49th Tactical Fighter Wing that deployed to the European continent for maneuvers . His home is 1304 Greenwood Lane , Alamogordo , N . M . Kent T. Florence , of 7717 Delmar Blvd., University City, Mo ., entered the USAF in OctOber, 1970 . He spent one year in Thailand and two years at MacDill AFB , Fla . He was a maintenance analyst. He received his discharge in February, 1974 and is now in the Active Air Guard at Lambert Field. He started at MSU in March , 1974. He and JoAnn (married in April , 1972) have one daughter, Bethany, who is one year old .
MSM Alumnus
1970 (Continued)
Ken L. Schilling of 12217 B Encanto Lane, Maryland Heights , Mo ., is a sales engineer with Geo. J . Meyer Mfg . He was rece ntly transferred to St. Louis from Mountain View , Calif. He is responsible for sales in Missouri, Kansas , Iowa , Nebraska and Southern Illinois .
971 LTJG Robert Stovall visited Manila August 7-13 as a crew member of the guided missile frigate USS Jouett. He win tour the Philippines ' largest city and act as host to the people of greater Manila who visit the ship . The Jouett is currently deployed as a unit of the U .S. ·Seventh Fleet ,'Western Pacific. Purushottam Manusmare of 1900 N. Cedar St., Apt. 4, Rolla , Mo., is a graduate student in the Dept . of Metallurgical Engr . at UMR who doesn 't have much to say.
Donald A. R ueter '71
Donald A . Rueter, a production engineer in the production department of Arkansas Light & Power Co., has been promoted to licensing supervisor in the same department. He joined AL&P after graduation as an assistant engineer and was promoted to production enginer ir_ 1973. Don is a member of the American Nuclear Society and is a registered engineer-in-trammg in Missouri. His home is 2524 North Grant , Little Rock, Ark. Vincent J. and Christina Budd have a daughter, Rebecca Lynn, born Dec . 23, 1973 . Their address is 208 Wisner Ave., Middletown , N. Y. Mr. Budd is system operator for Orange & Rockland Util. Inc . in Spring Valley, N. Y .
1971 (Continued)
Steve Wulff a nnounces his marri age the fonner Nellie Smith of Kansas City , Mo . Shortly after their marriage Steve was promoted to Packaging Manager with the Clorox Company at their Chicago Facility. The Wulffs live at 7912 Chelsea Court , Woodridge , Ill. to
Roy E. Muelle r, Apartado 194 , El Tigre , Anzoaltegui , Venezuela , will be doing quality control work on field data for Teledyne Exploration Co . in central Venezuela . He also plans to tour other surrounding Latin American countries while there . 1 9 7 2 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M . Marshaus announce the birth of their first child , March 5, 1974 . He has been named Christopher Kurt. His home is on Route #1, Box 129-19 , Eldon, Mo . His father is construction supervisor for the Mo. State Highway Department. jack R . Beebe, of 1308¥.! E . Michigan, Urbana , Ill . , has recently been promoted to Mental Health Specialist II at Adler Regional Center in Champaign, Ill. Adler is a residential treatment facility for emotionally or behaviorally disturbed children . Mr. Beebe has been with Adler for two years. George W. Cadwallander, of 12361 Maverick , St. Louis Mo . , announced his plans to wed Bonnie Briggs on June 22, 1974 . Bonnie attended UMR and is now teaching at Hazelwood ,High School in St. Louis . George received his B.S. in Ch .E . at UMR and an M .S. in Ch.E . from the University of Illinois , and is now working at Monsanto . Harry F. Gegg, Jr. and Miss Susan Marie Haese were married March 1, 1974. Harry is engineer-vice president of H . F. Gegg Material Co. , Inc . and affiliated with H. F. Gegg Construction Co . They are residing at 725 Donze St. , Ste. Genevieve , Mo .
1 973 Joseph P . Mertins, age 23 , an employee of H a rms and Associates of Eldon , Mo ., died July 18 , 1974 , of injuries r.eceived m a motorcycle a ccident. 37
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1973 (Continued)
1974 (Continued)
197 4
Mark Stratman, 5794 Julann, Apt. 3, Memphis , Tenn., has accepted a programming and systems analysis position with the executive offices of Holiday Inns of America, Inc . Marlin G. Wells of 5125 Green Leaf Drive, Apt. S-5; Nashville, Tenn. , is currently employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority in the Office of Power and the Division of Power Construction within the Central Area of the Division of Power Construction. J 0 s e p h K. S n e a d, of 15320 Patronella, Garden City, Calif., has been stationed in Los Angeles with United States Air Force Space Systems Division. Lyndell R. Brown, 2nd Lt., USAF, is working as an instrumentation engineer for flight testing at Edwards AFB (in the sunny Mojave Desert) California. He is residing at Bldg. 28, Apt. 8, Desert Villa, Edwards AFB, Calif. Steven K. Lett, of 4235 E. 24th St., Joplin, Mo., has accepted new employment with Allgeier Martin and Associates in Joplin. He and wife Beverly have relocated from Charlottesville, Va. 2nd Lt. Steven R . Goldhammer gradua.ted from the U.S. Air Force electronic systems officer course at Keesler AFB, Miss. Now trained to supervise maintenance of ground radar equipment, he is being assigned to McClellan AFB, California, for duty with the Air Force Communication Service. William Beck and Lea Ann Portell were married May 19, 1974, in St. Louis , Mo . They will make their home at 614 N . Pope , DuQuoin, Ill. The groom is with Consolidated Coal Co . Michael R. Behr, BOQ Bldg. 3252, Room 121B, NAS Pensacola , Fla., completed basic Jet trammg wIth tne Navy on 18 July 1974 . He successfully completed two touch-and-go landings and four arrested landings on the USS Lexington (CVT-16), flying the North American T-2C "Buckeye" jet trainer. He is now in advanced jet training m the McDonnell-Douglas TA-4.
Charles f. Kronick
Charles J. Kronick has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric 's Installation & Service Engineering ( I&SE) Operations. Kronick will receive technical training at I&SE's Field Engineering Development Center in Schenectady, N.Y. and on-the-job assignments with I&SE and GE products departments as a member of the company's Field Engineering Program .
Rick O. Jones , and Margaret E. Spiry 73, were married on April 6, 1974. Their home is 3300 Bridger Trail, Apt. #201, Boulder, Colo. Rick is working for IBM. Daniel C . Osbourne has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric 's Installation and Service Engineering (I&SE) Operations. Osbourne will receive technical training at I&SE Development Center in Schenectady, N .Y. and on-the-job assignments with I&SE and GE product departments as a member of the company 's Field Engineering Program. Fifth Ge,neration Grad
Among the UMR graduates who received degrees at the Spring Commencement exercises was Carl Joseph Eyberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walbridge Powell Eyberg of Rolla .
Two Generations at Once
William Heuckroth and his son Mark, received degrees at UMR's 101st commencement. The elder Heuckroth, project engineering manager at the Ralston Purina Co. , St. Louis, received his M .S. degree in engineering management. The son received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering. Mark began work this summer as a graduate student and teaching assistant in the Ch .E. department at UMR. Frank R. 0 Brien has joined the Babcock & Wilcox Company's Refractories Division and will be working in Technical Sales. Frank and Jean have one daughter, Jessica Ann and reside at 3190 Skinner Mill Road, Augusta, Georgia.
Frank R. O'Brien
Carl IS a member of the fifth generation of family members who have UMR as their alma mater. His father , Walbridge Powell Eyberg, received his degree in 1950. Carl Eyberg 's grandmother, Mary Powell Eyberg, graduated in 1932. H e r father, the late Walbridge H. Powell , the great-grandfather of Carl, graduated from MSM in 1901. His great-great grandfather, W. J. Powell, attended MSM shortly after it was founded . Carl 's mother , the former Betty Bowles, also attended UMR and received her degree from Wichita U. Be tty 's father was th~ la te Joseph Bowles , MSM '08. Carl is married to the former Elizabeth Andrews , who is presently a junior at UMR.
August 1974
19 7
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MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, lVIissouri 65401
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Hub Actiuit!l . .
1 972 Ensign Steven L. Kl obuche r was killed, August 22, 1974, when his parac hute malfunctioned after being forced to ejec t from his aircraft. I n a letter from his wid ow she stated , "Steve often spoke of his h appy college years and fine experien ces he h ad wh il e attending your inst itutio n, I know th at the knowledge he gai ned during his five years with yo u aided his motivation and career as a United States Naval Aviator. " Her address is 36 13 N _ High Ridge , Peo ria , Illinois.
MSM Alu mnus
The Hub Section he ld an informal m ee ting with Fran k Macka man, Director , Alumni A ct ivit ies on J u ly 17 , 1974_ T he no-host affa ir was arra nged by Bi ll Flood, director for th e a rea. Those present discussed UMR affa irs and gave particu lar atte nti o n to the possib il ity of recruiting students in the northeast. The Section hopes to hos t C hance ll or Bisplinghoff at an ea rl y date_ Alumni in t he "greater " Boston area may rea ch H,W, Bill Flood a t 617 / 862 -8268 , Ext. 578 or 617 / 263-25 5 1.
ALUMNI BAND AT HOMECOMING Fo rm er band members are invited to join the Miner Band in the finale of th e band show at Homecoming . Instruments will be provid ed and there will be a rehearsal the morning before the game. Those interested should write th e Band Office at UMR and state name, address and instrument. Please indicate if you need an instrument furn ished.
NAME _________________________________ CLASS _____ STREET ___________________________________________ CITY _________________________ STATE _ _- ZIP -
EMPLOYMENT ________________________________________
TITLE ____________________________________________ ADD R ES S _________________________________ ZI P _ __
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Scholarships Fac ulty Awards Homeco ming Alumn i Directory Area Meetings Cl ass Reunions MSM Alumnus Specia l Projects Alumni Awards News letters Grants-In -Aid Alumni Re co rds
MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401 TO
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All Donors
Will Receive 1974-5 ALUMNI DIRECTORY August 1974
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