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R. H. BAUER, President R. M. BRACKBILL, Past-President MSM-UMR Alumni Association
MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS President ..... .... ... . Richard H. Bauer '52 . .. ... .. Missouri Electrochem. Inc . ... . . 8013 Dale Ave., St. Louis. MO 63117 President-Elect ..
MSM-UMR A lumni Ass oc ia ti on Un ive r sity of M iss o ur i - Rolla Ro lla , M iss ouri 65 4 0 1
.. JosephW.Moaney'39 ..... . . 7383Westmareland . . . .. ..... . .... . .. . . . . . . . 1978 University City, MO 63130
Decem ber 1976 Number 6
On Ihe Ftoni Covet
Richard H. Bauer, President of Missouri Electrochem, Inc. , was elected President of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association in October. He has served the Board of Directors since 1963 and is a former president of t he St . Louis Section. Mr . Bauer is co m pleting a term as Chairman of the A lliance of Alumni Associations of t he University of Mis souri. He further serves his community as Past -Chairman and member of the St. LoUIS Coun ty Planning Commzssion. Issued bi-month ly in the interest of the graduates a nd fo rmer stude nts of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallu rg y and the Uni versity of Misso ur i - Rollo . Entered as second closs maHer October 27, 1926 , at Post Office at Rollo, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897 .
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Vice President .. . . . . . . James B. McGrath '49 ...... . Fruin-Calnan Carp. . . . . . ..... . . .. . ... . . .. .. . 1978 1706 Olive St., St. Louis , MO 63103
Brock'S Associ l their c( to othe individ efforts past ef voluntE perfect
Secretary . ... . . . . . .... Robert V. Wolf '51 . . . . . . .... Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclea r Engr . ...... . ... 1978 UMR, Rolla , MO 6540 1
501 (cl I frorn l'
Vice President ........ Frank C. Appleyard '37 . . .... 808 Solar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenview,IL 60025 Vice President .. .. . ... Arthur G. Baebler '55 .. . .... 20 Fox Meadows . . . . Sunset Hills , MO 63127 Vice President .
Volume 50
Term Expires . ..... 1978
Robert D. Bay ' 49 . . . . . . . . .
. . .. . . . . .... ... ... 1978 . . ... .. .. . ..... . .. . 1978
222 Magna Carta Lane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1978 St. Louis, MO 63141
Bob to Treasurer .
Vernon T. Loesing '42 . . .. . . Dept. of Civil Engr .. . .... . .. ... ..... . . . . •. . .. 1978 UMR, Rolla , MO 65401
DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires ...... 1977 Allan H. LaPlan te '6 3 . .... .. . . . 12702 Rocky Hill Dr. , Houston , TX 77066 ......... Belding H. McCurdy ' 38 ........ 7400 Sun Island Dr., South , Suite 711, Sout h Pasadena , FL 33707 .. ... 1978 E. L. (Roy ) Perry '4 0 . . . . . .. Pres. , Fruin-Calnan Int i. , Ltd ., 8989 Westheime r, Houston, TX 77042 .. 1977 Walter C. Mulyca ' 65 . . ... . . . . . 203 Hillcrest, Marshall , TX 75670 . . .. .... . ...... 1978 La w rence A. Spanier ' 50 ....... 5 Pettit Dr., Dix Hills , NY 11746 ... . ... .. . . .... . ...... . . .. . . 1979 John O. Wilms '43 ..... ... . . .. .7505 Variel , Canoga Park , CA 91303 . .. .. ... .. . 1979 Area Zip Code Num bers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00·1 4 H.W. Flood'43 . . . .. . .... . . ... 183 Main St., Acton , MA 01720 .... . ... ... .... .. . . . . . ... 1977 15·21 J. D. Pa tterson ' 6 1 .. .. . . .. . . . . . 1660 Ashlawn Dr., Pittsburgh , PA 15241 .......... . .. . . .... 1977 22·33 Bill L. Atch le y '57 .. . .... .. . .... 1266 Crestwood, Morgantown , WV 26505 . . . . .. . . . . .. .. ... . 1979 3 5-4 5 Ha rold Kosten '60 .. .. .. . . . . .. . 11197 Marlette Drive, Cincinnati, OH 452 42 .... . . .. .. ...... 1977 46 -59 Eugen e C. Fadler '6 2 .... .. ..... 19716 Coachwood , Rive rview, MI 48192 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 197e 60-6 1 Allen G . Behring '66. . . . . 447 S. Eucl id , Villa Park, IL 60181 . .. . ... ... . . .. . . .. ... . 1979 62 -62 C. Stuart Ferrell '6 4 ....... . . . . . 219 Timoth y Lane, Carterville, IL 62918 .. ........ .. .. . . .... 1978 63-6 5 Ma tteo A. Coco '66 . . .... . . ... . 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis , MO 6312 3.. . ... . .. . ..... 1978 6 3-6 5 Ro bertW . Klore r'44 ..... .. . .. . 7500 Na t ural Bridge Rd ., St. Louis , MO 6312 1. . ... 1977 6 3-65 Harold A. Kru e ge r '42 ......... O.ark Lead Co ., Rural Branch , Sweetw ater, MO 6368 0 .... .. . 1979 63-65 J. R. Patte rson ' 54 . ............ P.O . Box 573, Sikeston , MO 63801 . ... ... . . ........... 1977 6 3-6 5 G e o rge R. Schillin ger '63 .... . .. 7598 John Ave., Oakville, MO 63129 ..... . ...... . ... . . .. .. 1977 6 3-65 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 ........ 14 2 19 Denver Ave., G randview , MO 64 030 .... .. . . .. . .. ... 1978 63-6 5 Bruce E. Tarantola '5 1 . . . . . . 9000 Sk ycrest Dr. , St. Louis , MO 63126 . . . .... . . ... . . . .. . 1978 63-65 G eo rge D. Toma.i '58 . . .. .. ... . 12723 Staneridge Dr., Florissant, MO 6303 3 . .......... . .... 1978 63-65 R. Michael Salmon '6 3..... . . 2310 Texa s, Joplin , MO 64801 .. . . ....... . . . . . .. 1978 63-65 Edw in J. Werner '49 . . . . . . . . . 11015 East 39t h, Independence , MO 64 05 2...... . .. 1979 66-7 4 He rman Fritschen '5 1. . .. . .... 5249 S. 68th East Place, Tul s a , OK 74 14 5 . . . . . . . . ..... 1979 75-7 9 Re x Alford '40 ....... . ... . .. . 57 4 3 Jason , Houst on , TX 77035 .. . . . .. 1979 80-90 Thor Gjel steen ' 5 3. . . . .. . 3065 South Ingalls Way , Denver, CO 80227 .. . .... 1977 and 96-99 1979 · . 157 Hickey Blvd ., S. San Franci sco , CA 94080 . . .. . . 90·95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 ...
EXECUTIVE COMMITTE E Te rm Expi re s 1982 · . Texas Pacific Oil Co .. . .... . ... . .. . . . . 1700 One Main Place, Dallas , TX 75250 Pe t e r F. Mattei '3 7 ..... .... ..... . . ... 9954 Holliston Court, 1980 St . Louis, MO 6312 4 ........... .. . James J. Murphy ' 35 ....... . . .. . .. . .. . Presiden t, Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Road , 1978 St . Louis , MO 63132 . . .......... . . . Robe rt M. Brac k bill' 42 ..
EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dow ling '40 ..... . .. ... . .. . . ... Nooter Corp .. 1400 S. Third St .. St. Lou is , MO 63131 R. O. Kaste n '43 . ... . . . . . . . . . 901 West 11 4th Terrace, Kansas City , MO 6411 4 ............ 10601 South Hamilt on Ave. , Chicago , IL 60643 Melvin E. Nickel '38 . F. C. Schnee berger '25. . . . . . .. . ..... # 1 Briar Oak , St. Louis , MO 63132 J am e s W. Ste phens '47 .. .. . . . . ... . . . Missouri Public Service Co ., 10700 E. Highway 50 , Kansas City , MO 64138 STAFF · . Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Associat ion , and Director , Alumni Activities, Univers ity of Missouri - Rolla . St aff Assistant, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Secretary, Barba ro Pe trov ic . ............. . Alumni Act ivitie s, University of Missouri - Rolla Un iversity of Missouri· Rolla , Harris Hall , UMR , Rolla , MO 6540 1 Fran k H. Mac kaman . .
Past-President R. M. Brackbill Honored ... or", EXPir" 路路路路,, 1978
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Some said it couldn't be done, to be President of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and live in Dallas, Texas, and work around the world . But it could be done and done well. And the tenure of Bob Brackbill proves it. Brack is a goal oriented individual and over the years , he has shared some of those goals with me. Tonight I would recognize three accomplished goals, which I estimate will have a long term major impact on the future of the Association . One of Brack's goals was the preparation of a manual of information concerning objectives in the organization of the Association , a handy reference work, so to speak . The manual has been written, published , and the directors received their copies at the meeting yesterday . It will be circulated to all Class Agents and Section Officers and will be available to others upon request . The second goal was to extend the effectiveness of the Association through the involvement of individual alumni in what is commonly known as the Class Agent System . Tonight I can report that through Brack's efforts representatives of each class have been recruited and a total of 175 have agreed to help. I might say here that past efforts of Tony Homyk encouraged Brack to proceed with this project, and Tony has suggested that the titles of the volunteers be changed from Class Agent to Class Coordinator. The third major goal recently accomplished was the perfection of an application for exemption with the Internal Revenue Service , which allowed the Association to gain 501 (c)(3) status . I am not aware of all the effort that went into this project , but I know that it had intermittent attention from 1964 on. Your gifts to the Alumni Association are now tax deductible as provided by law. It is a privilege to call Bob to the podium to receive the plaque, which in a small measure attests to his service as president.
A bo ve remarks were made by Richard Bauer, H omecoming Awards Banquet.
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R . H . Bau er
R . M. Brackbill
Brack and Marge Edwards . MSMAlumnus
Alumni Awards ... President Richard Bauer made t he follo win g rema rk s, while presenting the Awards at Homeco ming. These Awards Banquets were in a ugurated t en yea rs ago to give special recognition to A lumn i Ass ociation Awardees . The awards program has been a source o f pride to the Associa t ion and it is a plea san t tas k t o announce and present awards to individual s se lected f or this honor by the Alumni Awards Commi tt e e a nd unanimously approved by the Board of Directors .
AL UMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARDEES The Alumni Achievement Award is presented for outs t anding ser v ice in areas of business or academic accomplishments and for civic affairs achievement or recognition .
DONNELL W . DUTTON Atlanta, Georgia Professor, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Dutton has the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy i n 1935, and holds the d egree Mechanical Engineer from the same school in 1959 . He also holds the Master's in aerospace eng i neering from the Georgia School of Technology . His primary career since 1938 has been with Georgia Tech although hi s career has been interspersed with industrial and governmental consultancies and experiences . His plaque reads , "Extraordinary Academic Accomplishments." DUTTON
SIDNEY GREEN Salt Lake City, Utah President, TerraTek Mr. Green has the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1959 and the Master's in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1960 and the further degree "Engineer" from Stanford in the Department of Engineering Mechanics . From his graduation until 1971 , Mr. Green worked for Westing hou se and General Motors and in 1971 formed his own firm , Terra Tek , of which he is president . Prolific author , active in professional societies , and an adjunct professor , Mr. G r een was named Outstanding Professional Engineer in the State of Utah in 1975. His plaque reads , "Exemplary Professional Accomplishments ."
GREEN December 1976
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Houston , Texas President, Reading & Bates Drilli ng Company Mr. Kent earned the Bachelor's degree in Minin l Engineering from the University of Mis!;ouri School Mines and Metallurgy in 1943. He has the further degreto: Petroleum Engineer from the University of MissouriRolla in 1974. Mr. Kent is one of that famous group, which transferred to Missouri from the University of Wisconsin at Platteville . The firm of which he is president , Reading & Bates Drilling Company , is active world wide, but Mr. Kent takes time to be active in professional societies and to serve as a trustee of Lamar University's Oil and Gas Drilling School. His plaque reads , "Exemplary Professional Accomplishments ."
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St. Louis, Missouri President, HBE Corporation Mr. Kummer earned the degree Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering in 1955. Fred admits to spending a good deal of time on the campus prior to that date and he has spent probably as much time since, for he has been the bid winning contractor on the Mechanical Engineering Addition, Materials Research , Multi-Purpose, and library Buildings. The HBE in the title of his firm stands for Hospital Building and Equipment, which represents one of his current design-construct specialities. His plaque reads, "Exemplary Professional Accomplishments."
ALUMNI MERIT A W ARDEES The Alumni Merit Award is presented for outstanding service to UMR or the Alumni Association, or for recognition of some outstanding achievement in academic or business pursuits.
St. Louis, Missouri Executive Vice President, Bodine Aluminum,lnc.
Mr. Bodine holds the degree Metallurgical Engineer granted by the University of Missouri - Rolla in 1968. His two degrees, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Master of Business Administration , are f r om Washington University in St. Louis. Mr. Bodine has had a continuous direct relationship with the Metallurgical Engineering Department at UMR and a further important ind irect relationship through his membership in the American Foundryman's Society and as a trustee o f the Foundry Educational Foundation. His plaque reads, "For Exemplary Competence."
ROY A. LINDGREN Oak Lawn, Illinois Retired General Manager, Steel Division, International Harvester Roy Lindgren earned the Bachelor's Degree in Metallurgical Engineering in the vintage year 1923 from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. He was further awarded the degree Metallurgical Engineer in 1965. Roy served as president of the Wisconsin Steel Company and through many years was responsible for hiring and training alumni of this school. His plaque reads, "Exemplary Devotion to the Association and the University."
JAMES H. TRACEY Rolla, Missouri Professor, Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri. Rolla Professor Tracey holds the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate from Iowa State University, all in his field of electrical engineering . Active in professional associations, he has also held leadership positions within the University of Missouri-Rolla faculty, of which he has been a member since 1968. Dr. Tracey has this fall returned from a year as visiting professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. His plaque reads , "Leadership and Outstanding Service ."
VERNON W. RIEKE New Kensington, Pennsylvania Chief Environmental Engineer, Aluminum Company of America Mr. Rieke earned his Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Un iversity of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1940. His professional career has been with the Aluminum Company of America since g r aduation and he has proceeded through positions of increasing responsibility . He is now chief environmental engineer. Mr. Rieke is also active in professional societies . His plaque reads, "Exemplary Competence ."
TRACEY December 1976
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ALUMNI SERVICE AWARDEES The Alumni Service Award is presented to individuals for outstanding contributions to UMR through service to UMR or to the Alumni Association .
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WILLIAM BREWER Cincinnati, Ohio Retired , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Consultant Mr . Brewer earned the Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering in 1932. Long associated with the Corps of Engineers as an officer and as a civilian , after his retirement in 1967 , he was in private consulting business . In his second retirement , he remains active as chairman of his local planning and zoning commission and is engineering advisor to the Cincinnati Nature Center , a fascinating project , which I wish all of you could learn about. Mr. Brewer's plaque reads, " Exemplary Devotion to the University and the Community ."
MARK B. LAYNE Higginsville, Missouri Retired Partner, Layne-Riddle Engineers, Inc. Mark Layne graduated from the University of Missouri , School of Mines and Metallurgy with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mining Engineering in 1928. A retired partner in Layne-Riddle Engineers , Inc., he has continued to serve as an engineering consultant . Active in professional and civic affairs , he is an honorary fellow of the Truman Library Institute. Mr. Layne has very recently suffered a severe illness and is not able to be with us this evening. His plaque , which reads , "Exemplary Devotion to the University and the Community ," was presented to him on behalf of the Association by Director Ed Werner . (Mark B. layne died N ovember 7 , 1976. Mrs . layne, Keran , asked that appreci a tion be extended to the Award s Co mmittee and Director E. J. Werner . Mark knew of the Awa rd and the presentation brightened his lost days .)
A. VERN KILPATRICK Rolla, Missouri Emeritus Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Missouri - Rolla A. Vern Kilpatrick earned his Mechanial Engineering degree from South Dakota State College in Brookings and from Iowa State Uni ve rsity at Ames. He joined the faculty at the Missouri School of Mines in 1926 and was granted the title Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering in 1957 . Although retired for 19 years , Kil is on campus almost every working day. A familiar figure who has inspired generations of students , his plaque reads , "Inspirational Loyalty and Service ."
W. ROBERT RIGGS Osage Beach, Missouri Retired Manager, Harvey, Illinois Technical Center, Atlantic Richfield Oil Company Bob Riggs earned the Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering in 1932 and the degree Chemical Eng ineer in 1965 from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. In addition to his professional accomplishments and affiliations , Bob Riggs has been an exemplary citizen, serving 15 years in municipal government in Flossmoor , Illinois , the last 8 years as mayor. For 18 years , he served the Board of Trustees of the Ingalls Memorial Hospital in Harvey, Illinois . Now retired to the Lake of the Ozarks , he maintains his interest in politics and citizenship. His plaque reads , "Exemplary Devotion to the University and the Community."
Also, at the Awards Banquet, President Bauer presented HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIPS to two individuals, using the following language. The Alumni Association reserves to itself certain privileges and considers the highest of those privileges that of conferring Honorary Life Membership in the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. The first presentation is made to a gracious and lovely lady known to thousands of us for her interest and devotion to the Association and her effective involvement in extending the efforts of her husband . It is an honor indeed to call forward Marjorie Edwards to receive the plaque attesting to her Honorary Life Membership .
Associe aid. CI Our next recipient has earned honors beyond listing and I mention tonight his next to the most recent honor, for he has been named by President Gerald Ford to serve on the Policy Making Board of the National Science Foundation and has been confirmed by the United States Senate. I wish now to notify him that he has been nominated by President R. M . Brackbill and confirmed by the Board of Directors for Honorary Life Membership in the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . Will Chancellor Bisplinghoff please come to the podium .
BISPLINGHOFF December 1976
Dame cepts J Associa
Association Checks Presented • • •
Billy Key, Athletic Director, accepts Association check for Athletic Grant-inaid. Grant totals $1, 000. 00.
Chan cellor Bisplinghoff accepts Association checks totaling $11, 625 for a portion of Association support for th e fall semester.
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David Oakley, Band Director, accepts first half payment of $1 , 000 Association grant to the band program.
Ronald Bohley, Director, UMR L ibrary, is presented with check for $500, th e first half of an annual Association grant to support th e library. This is th e first year of this award . 9
Reunion Photo Album
PICTURE COPIES AVAILABLE Order From Alumni Office Allow Six Weeks
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50 Year or Over
'31 10
Row 1, L eft to Right.' E. K. Schuman, M iriam R emmers, Walter E. R emmers '23, Bid Long Pen ce ' 74, Irene Dorris, Mdburn L. Dorris ' 21, Violette V. Lindgren and R oy A. L indgren '23. R ow 2, L eft to R ight.' Mrs. Erwin Gammeter, Mrs . Elm er Gamm et er, Mrs. T ed Ma ch in, MTS . George Gabler, Mrs. W. S. Fram e, Mrs. Ragan (Evelyn) Ford, Mrs. David Flesh, Mrs. W . E. H. Knight and M rs. J oe Wanenmache r . Row 3, L eft to R ight .' Erwin Gamme ter '26 Elm er Gammeter '26, T ed Machin '22 , George Gabler '24, Frank Townsend , J1 , W S Fram e '23, R agan Ford ' 23, Walt er E. Cas ey '2 4, David]. Flesh '23, W E. H. Kn ight '24 and ]. M. Wan enmach er '23.
Row 1, L eft to R ight .' Clarice Smith, R osemary Tiefen brun, Virginia SP erling, Marg e Picco, Dorothy Mitch ell, Mildred Gevecker and Dorot hy Hassler. R ow 2, L eft to Rig ht .' R ex Z. W illiams, A l ]. Tief enbrun, Elm er ]. Sp erling, Pet er]. Picco, A lfred A. M it ch ell, Vern Gevecker and Fritz Hassler. December 1976
Stokes G Wilkey,
Reunion Photo Album I.
PICTURE COPIES AVAILABLE Order From Alumni Office Allow Six Weeks
1I11 ~1
Row 1, Left to Right: Edith Grober, Ella Reed, Bernice Fiss, Iddo Massaro, Kay Houseknecht, jeanne Dennis and Mildred Prange. Row 2, Left to Right: E. A . Roy, Harold Grober, Elliott Reed, Edward C. Fiss, Anthony V. Massaro, jim Menefee, Paul Houseknecht, Bill Dennis and Bob Prange.
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1 Roy A. Mrs. Ted rs. David ./: Erwin
'38 Dorothy
Row 1, Left to Right: Sally Long, joan Ellis, Mary Lonsberg, Rosemary Wilkey, Ruby McCurdy, Virginia Stokes and Mary Lou Nickel. Row 2, Left to Right: jack Long, Craig Ellis, Leonard Lonsberg, Bill Kay, Ralph Wilkey,jim Miller, Belding McCurdy, Homer Stokes and Mel Nickel. MSMAlumnus
Reunion Photo Album
PICTURE COPIES AVAILABLE Order From Alumni Office Allow Six Weeks
Row 1, Left to Right: Charles Clarkson, A lice Clarkson,jim Roux, Audrey Roux, Hazel Hoener, Fred Hoener and Warren Loveridge. Row 2, Left to Right. Bill A lsmeyer; Armin Fick, Gene Boyt, jane Hall johnson, B en H. johnson, Ruth Adams, Wash Adams, Sammy Lane Schoenthaler, Bob Scho enthaler, Dot Pautler, Tony Pautler, jane Bennetsen and Wayn e Bennetsen. Row 3, Left to Right: Margaret Watt enbarger, Ellen Smith, jimmie Finley, Ruth Pingel, Gail Rogers, Bena jaffe, Wilma Nesley, Eileen Hacker, Ruth McKee, Betty Powell. Row 4, Left to Right: Chris Wattenbarger, Floyd Smith, Fred Finley, Marvin Pingel, Frank Rogers, Nathan jaffe, Bill Nesley, Alden Hacker, jack McKee andjim Powell.
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Reunion Photo Album . <
Order From Alumni CHlce Allow Six W_k â&#x20AC;¢
Row 1, Left to Right: Mrs. Richard Ro emerman, Richard Roemerman, Mrs. William Shepard, William M. Shepard, Mrs. john Moscari andjohn Moscari. Row 2, Left to Right: Bill Koederitz, john Roschke, Ruth Roschke, Bruce Tarantola, Anita Tarantola, john Brillos, jacque Brillos, Donnye Theerman, Will Theerman, M. F. Buettner and M. A. Buettner. Row 3, L eft to Right: Lozs Kronmueller, j eanne Senne, Denni Honsbrough, j ean Hubbard, Carolyn Meiners, Genny Schwaig, Rob ert H. Schwaig, Mario R. Trieste, Lucille Trieste and Kathy Dowling. Row 4, Left to Right : R. L. Kronmueller, joe Senne, Frank Hansbrough, jack Hubbard, Don Meiners, Bill Elwood, Flo Elwood, Neal Dowling, Betty Dowling, Elmer Schrader, Wanda Schrad er and Don Dowling.
. Row 4,
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be r 1976
Row 1, L eft to R ight : Gerald B ender, Gloria B ender, Mary Smith, Rob ert ]. Smith, Thomas E. Sm it h and joann Smith. Row 2, L eft to R ight : j ohn E . Smith, Dotty C. Sm it h, Bob Wolf, Dottye Wolf, Bob Schuchardt, Dotti Schuchardt , Otzs A. Burns, Mary Montgom ery, Don Montgom ery, j oseph M . FornaTZ~ Ursula F. Forna TZ~ H elen Hilburn and Harold H ilburn . Ro w 3, L eft to R ight: Ellie Anderhu b, Barbara Zeid, Mary jo Keller, Matt ie Penick, Myra ParTZsh, Ellen Donaldson, L odena Guzzy, Mary W ick, Mary H eagler and Phyllzs W int ers Ro w 4, L eft to R ight: Don V. Roloff, To ny Anderhub, Ma rvin C. Zeid, Gerald M . Keller, Marion S. Penick, David D. Parrish, George R . Donaldson, Frank G. Guzzy, Kez"th E. Wick, j ohn H eagler and j ohn F. W int ers.
Reunion Photo Album
PICTURE COPIES AVAILABLE Order From Alumni Office Allow Six W_k.
Row 1, L eft to Right. Ann Perry Wethington, Gwendolyn Ware and Peggy Mullins . Row 2, L eft to Right: Bob W ethington, jim War e and Mort Mulhns.
L eft to Right: A I Bolon and N eal Grannemann.
'61 14
R and BI Duane
1961 December 1976
Reunion Photo Album
:ingtoll, Left to lins.
PICTURE COPIES AVAILABLE Order From Alumni OHice Allow Si x Week s
Row 1, L eft to Right: Linda Stewart, Mrs. Harold Fiebelman, Kathy Coco, Sandra DeClue, Annette Bader and B etty Jan e Krueger. Row 2, Left to Right: Loy D. Roberts, Les Stewart, Harold E. Fiebelman, Matt Coco, Duan e DeClu e, Frank Bader and Warren Krueger.
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1971 MSM Alumnus
Row 1, L eft to Right: Kerry Wolfington, Dale Gunt er and Ishrat Ansari. Row 2, Left to Right: Steve Hzmmell, John Gayer and Bob Wethington .
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Roy Clayton delivers annual Ha lliburton GIft to Chancellor at Homecoming.
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December 1976
Homecoming Queen and Court • • • Sh aro n W a rren , d a ug hter of Dr. a nd Mrs. David W a rren , 85 11 Delm a r, Pra irie Vill age , Ka n. , was named hom ecoming queen this fall at the Uni ve rsity of Missouri - R oll a. Ms. W a rre n was awa rded the h on or afte r be ing interviewed , a long with 23 ot he r ca nd ida tes , by m embers of U MR 's Stu de nt U nio n Boa rd . She is the first b lac k homecoming qu een to be elec ted by stu de n ts at this predomin a tely scie nce a nd engineering 0 r i e n t e d ca mpus. Now a se n io r a t Stephens Co llege in Columbi a , Sh aro n a ttended hig h sc hool at the Lo re tto Academ y for Yo u ng Wome n in Ka nsas City. She is m ajoring in fas h ion illust ra tion a nd is a m em ber of Pi Phi R ho, professiona l fashion society , and the Alpha Ka ppa A lp ha sorority . Ms . Warre n . is a m ember of the Steph ens m od eling squ ad . In addi tion to d ra wi ng and m odeling . her ex tracurri cul a r in terests incl ude golf. chess. swimm ing a nd traveling . At UM R hom ecoming festivities , she represented Alph a Phi Alpha socia l fraternity , whose m em bers nom inated her fo r t he position . As q u een . Ms. W a rren presided at the a nnu a l hom ecoming d an ce fo llow ing t he coron a ti on cerem onies. She a nd her cou rt we re presented to the stude nt body and a lum ni a t t he footb a ll ga m e a n d she was gues t of honor at the a nnu a l hom ecoming concert which . this yea r , fea tured the Dirt Band .
HOMECOMING Sharon Warren, seated, senior at St ephens Colleg e from Prairie Village, Kan. ,
is the 1976 homecoming queen at th e University of Missouri - Rolla . M emb ers of her court are Leslie Greenley, left, fr eshman in nuclear engineering at UMR from St. Louis, and Ch eri Loyet, right, fr eshman at Washington University from Belleville, Ill. UMR student escorts are, left to right, Devin Denner, freshman in engineering managem ent from St . Louis; T erry Logan, senior in m echanical engineeringfrom Fulton, and Rich Eiler, sophomore in engineering managem ent from Belleville, Ill.
be r 1976
Homecoming 1976 Registration Name
Washington Adams '41 William C. Alsmeyer '41 Anthony P. Anderhub '51 George M. Anderson '49 Nels A. Anderson '48 Lewis J. Andrews '24 Ishrat U. Ansari '71 Billy l. Atchley '57 George W. Axmacher '42 Frank S. Bader, Jr. '66 Arthur G . Baebler '55 Robert F. Baerveldt '48 Hubert S. Barger '39 Richard H. Bauer '52 Jerry R. Bayless '59 Gerald H. Bender '51 Wayne J. Bennetsen '41 Stephen J. Bergtholdt '73 James J. Bissell '49 Jack Bodine '50 Janet l. Bogue '71 Albert E. Bolon '61 Eugene P: Boyt '41 Robert M. Brackbill '42 William Brewer '32 John W. Brillos '51 Robert W. Buel '50 Alfred J. Buescher '64 Melvin A. Buettner '51 Otis A . Burns '51 William J. Campbell '35 Walter E. Casey '24 Charles F. Clarkson '41 Andrew A. Cochran '41 Matteo A. Coco '66 Donald G. Crecelius '41 Archie W. Culp, Jr. '52 David Cutler '34 Charles P. Daniells '49 Delbert E. Day '58 David W. Dearth '68 Donald G . DeBolt '49 Duane H. DeClue '66 William E. Dennis '36 Peter E. Des Jardins '44 George R. Donaldson '51 Milburn l. Dorris '23 Donald J. Dowling, Jr. '51 Neal B. Dowling '51 Paul T. Dowling '40 Donnell W. Dutton '35 Harry K. Edwards '64 J. Craig Ellis '38 Howard Eloe William H. Elwood '51 Thomas O . English '29 C. Stuart Ferrell '64 James O. Ferrell '40 Armin F. Fick '41 Harald E. Fiebelman '66 Fred Finley '41 Edward C. Fiss '36
Richardson , TX San Francisco , CA St. Louis , MO Fulton , MO Springfield , MO Oxly , MO Toronto , Ontario, CANADA Morgantown , WV Oklahoma City , OK Grandview, MO Sunset Hills, MO Louisville, KY Evansville, IN Richmond Heights, MO Rolla , MO Affton , MO 51. Louis , MO Richmond , CA 51. Louis , MO 51. Louis , MO See Gentry, Janet l. Rolla, MO Chickasha, OK Dallas, TX Cincinnati,OH Ste. Genevieve, MO Chesterfield , MO lincolnshire, IL Mt. Prospect, IL Grants , NM Rolla , MO Houston , TX Kansas City , MO Rolla , MO St. Louis , MO Paducah, KY Rolla, MO Westville, NJ Independence, MO Rolla , MO Rolla , MO Dallas, TX Crystal City , MO Kirkwood , MO Lafayette , LA Houston , TX Collinsville , IL Memphis, TN Grafton , WI 51. Louis , MO Atlanta , GA Flint , MI Muncie, IN Rolla , MO Ballwin , MO Marshall , TX Carterville . IL Mauntainview, MO Summit , NJ Rolla , MO Lamar, MO Chariotte, NC
Virgil J. Flanigan '60 David J. Flesh '23 William H. Flood '43 Ragan Ford '23 Joseph M . Fornari '51 George E. Fort '40 Wayne S. Frame '23 Bernhard D. Fricke '67 Garland C. Friederich '55 John H. Fuqua '49 George C. Gabler '24 Elmer Gammater '26 Erwin Gammeter '26 John W. Garrett '71 Evelyn l. Gayer '73 John G . Gayer '71 Janet l. Gentry '71 Kenneth l. Gentry '73 Charles B. Germer '55 Herbert J. Gillham '69 Thor Gjelsteen '53 H. Neal Grannemann '61 Dominic A. Greco '44 Louis E. Greco '50 Sidney J. G'r een '59 C. James Grimm '30 Morris H. Grober '36 Henry E. Gross '28 James D. Gunter '71 Frank G . Guzzy '51 Alden G. Hacker '41 Jane C. Hall '41 Frank G. Hansbrough '51 Milburn Hassler '31 John B. Heagler, Jr. '51 Carl J. Heim '25 Dale W . Heineck '53 Leon Hershkowitz '41 Harold M. Hilburn '51 David l. Hillhouse '50 Fred H. Hoener '41 Anthony Homyk, Jr. '42 Paul D. Houseknecht '36 Jack l. Hubbard '51 David N. Jaffe '41 John Roger Jenkins '75 James W . Johnson '57 Jane C. Johnson' 41 Howard M . Katz , Jr. '40 William W . Kay '33 Gerald N. Keller '51 William D. Kent '43 Richard H. Kerr '50 Dennis D. Kile '75 Robert W. Klorer '44 William E. H. Knight '24 William A. Koederitz '51 Robert l. Kronmueller '51 Harold A . Krueger '42 Warren E. Krueger '66 Frederick S. Kummer '52 Harley W. Ladd '40
Rolla , MO Jefferson , TX Acton , MA Minden , LA Homer City , PA Oklahoma City , OK Eldon , MO Grandview, MO 51. Louis , MO Sylacauga, AL Rolla, MO Beaver, PA River Forest , IL Princeton , NJ Ash Grove, MO Ash Grove, MO Joplin, MO Joplin , MO 51. Peters , MO Granite City , IL Denver, CO Rolla , MO St . Louis , MO St. Louis , MO Salt Lake City, UT Rolla , MO 51. Louis , MO Webster Groves, MO Rolla, MO Metropolis, IL Warson Woods, MO See Johnson , Jane C. 51. Charles , MO Chattanooga , TN Rolla , MO Jasper, IN 51. Louis, MO Rolla , MO Roy , UT Rockville , MD Prairie Village, KS Rolla , MO Batavia , NY Dallas , TX N. Hollywood , CA Rolla , MO Rolla , MO 51. Louis , MO Bartlesville, OK Drums , PA Lafayette , LA Houston , TX Rolla, MO Kansas City , MO Ferguson , MO Carthage , MO Gretna , LA Ballwin , MO Sweetwater, MO Grandview, MO 51. Louis , MO Tulsa, OK
December 1976
Ron ol lorry Denni
Roy A Verno John f leona Joel F War re Jame! Edwin Frank Antho Peter Beldin Verno Jame! Jack B Micha ArthUi Don VI Jome! Jame! Allrec Donal, Donal, Josepl Moore John! Morto Waite Paul ~ Jome, Willia Josep Melvil Willia Rober Geor< John David Mrs. f Mario E.l. R Jay A. Barba Peter Marvi Theoc Chari. Jame, Rober Elliott David Chari, Waite Verno W. Ro l oy D. Richa, Frank Don V E. Joh Chari. l este, Jame,
Iber 1976
Homecoming 1976 Registration Ronald M. ledbetter '67 lorry T. lee '57 Dennis W. leitterman '76 Roy A. Lindgren '23 Vernon T. loesing '42 John R. long '38 leonard C. lonsberg '38 Joel F. loveridge '39 Warren l. loveridge '41 James R. MacDonald Edwin G . Machin '22 Fronk Mackaman Anthony V . Massaro '36 Peter F. Mattei '37 Belding H. McCurdy '38 Vernon T. McGhee ' 42 James B. McGrath '49 Jack B. McKee '41 Michael S. McKinney '74 Arthur R. Meenen ' 46 Don W . A. Meiners '51 James H. Menefee '36 James G . Miller '38 Alfred A. Mitchell '31 Donald E. Modesitt '58 Donald D. Montgomery '51 Joseph W . Mooney '39 Moore, Robert E. '56 John Moscari '51 Morton l. Mullins '56 Wolter C. Mulyca'6S Paul R. Munger '58 James J. Murphy '35 William l. Nesley '41 Joseph T. Netzer '62 Melvin E. Nickel '38 William F. Oberbeck '39 Robert B. Oetting '55 George M . Pace '41 John l. Pointer '50 David D. Parrish '51 Mrs. Harry Pence '74 Marion S. Penick '51 E. l. Roy Perry' 40 Joy A . Peterson '61 Barbaro Petrovic Peter J. Picco '31 Morvin E. Pingel '41 Theodore J. M. Planje '40 Charles C. Poe , Jr. '54 James K. Powell '41 Robert l. Prange '36 Elliott H. Reed '36 David W . Reinhardt '51 Charles R. Remmington , Jr. '49 Walter E. Remmers '23 Vernon T. Rieke '40 W . Robert Riggs '32 loy D. Roberts '66 Richard J. Roemerman '51 Franklin B. Rogers '41 Don V . Roloff '51 E. John Roschke '51 Charles J. Ross '49 lester C. Roth '69 James R. Roux '41
Mabelvale, AR Raytown , MO Rollo , MO Oak lawn , Il Rollo , MO Sullivan , MO Platteville, WI Creve Coeur , MO Kirkwo od , MO Oxford , MS Nashville, ll Rollo , MO Springfield, Il St. louis, MO S. Pasadena , Fl Bartlesville, OK St . louis, MO Glendale, MO Terrell , TX St. louis, MO Terre Haute, IN lehigh Acres , Fl Sherman Oaks , CA Mexico, MO Rollo , MO Rolling Meadows, Il St. louis, MO Rollo, MO longview, TX Manchester, MO Marshall , TX Rolla , MO St. louis, MO Alexandria , VA Springfield, MO Chicago , ll Kirkwood , MO Rollo , MO Cincinnati , OH Poplar Bluff, MO Granite City , Il Glendale, MO Enon , OH Houston , TX st. Charles, MO Rollo , MO St. louis, MO Dayton , OH Rolla , MO Wentzville, MO Rolla , MO St.louis , MO San Bernardino, CA St. louis , MO Rolla , MO Tucson , AZ New Kensington , PA Osage Beach , MO O'Fallon , MO St . louis, MO St . louis, MO St.louis, MO laCanada, CA Chesterfield , MO Rolla , MO Cincinnati , OH
Edward A. Roy '36 Edward l. Rueff '40 Harry J. Sauer , Jr. ' 56 Rodney A. Schaefer '47 George R. Schillinger '63 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 Robert Schoenthaler '4 1 E. Donald Schroder '51 Wolter T. Schrenk '58 Robert E. Schuchardt '51 Edwin K. Schuman '20 Robert H. Schwaig '51 William K. Schweickhardt '28 Thomas A. Selden '70 Joseph H. Senne '51 William N . Shepard '51 Gabriel G . Skitek '43 Edward A. Smith '24 Floyd P. Smith '4 1 John E. Smith '51 Robert J. Smith '51 Thomas E. Smith '51 Jock A. Sontag '50 Donald E. Spackler '50 Elmer J. Sperling '31 James W . Stephens '47 leslie D. Steward , Jr. '66 Homer B. Stokes '38 S. Allan Stone '30 Joe N. Strubert '49 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 Ronald A. Tappmeyer '47 Bruce E. Taran tol a '51 Wilbert K. Theerman '51 Jack H. Thompson '52 Alfons J. Tiefenbrun '31 George D. Tomazi '58 Fronk E. Townsend 'II Mario R. Trieste '51 Armin J. Tucker '40 Eugene M . Veale '42 Joseph M . Wanenmacher '23 Charles C. Word' 40 James W. Wore '56 Chris M . Wattenbarger '41 William H. Webb '3 9 Wesley E. Weber '47 Edwin J. Werner '49 Ann P. Wethington '57 Robert l. Wethington '71 Ernest S. Wheeler '22 Jennie leno x Wheeler '22 Cary D. White '64 Keith E. Wick '51 Rolph W . Wilkey '38 Rex Z. Williams '31 John F. Winters '51 David J. Wisch '75 Robert V . Wolf '51 leonard C. Wolff '42 William A . Wundrack '49 Marvin C. Zeid '51 Carl E. Zerweck , Jr. '50 Richard E. Zumsteg '51
lorain , OH Kirkwood , MO Rollo, MO Rollo , MO Oakville , MO Bartlesville, OK Oklahoma City , OK St. louis, MO Rollo , MO Jonesboro, AR Rollo , MO St. louis, MO Kirkwood , MO Akron,OH Rollo , MO Littleton , CO Rollo , MO Tulsa , OK Fullerton, CA Rollo, MO Eden , NC Glenview, Il Affton , MO St. louis, MO Webster Groves, MO Kansas City , MO Indianapolis , IN Webster Groves, MO Ft. Wayne , IN St. louis, MO Grandview, MO Sugarland , TX St. louis, MO St. louis, MO St.louis , MO St. louis , MO Florissant , MO Bartlesville, OK Rockville Centre , NY Alexandria , VA Tulsa , OK Tulsa , OK Chesterfield , MO Tulsa , OK lamar, MO Rolla , MO Rolla , MO Independence, MO Rolla , MO Rolla , MO Tucson , AZ Tucson , AZ Springfield, MO Golden , CO Kennett , MO Rollo , MO Aliquippa , PA Rollo , MO Rolla , MO Columbia , MO St.louis , MO Houston, TX Creve Coeur , MO Wilmington, DE
President Participates
Bill Bergfeld '74 Bob Roach '74 Frank Doering '70 Charles Kallal '75 Bob Kostelnik '75 Tony & Chris Wille '75 Mark & Teresa Sicking '72 Mark Evertowski '75 Brian Murphy '74 Greg Kotys '70 Mark Middendorf '74 Mike Kissing '69 Walt Rothermel '58 Terrence leigh '70 Rich Kobylinski '75 Mike Garnell '75 Rick Sauerwein '74 Steve Moss '76 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cropp '74 Dan Waeltermann '71 Brad Cruther Mike Crutcher Don Hoffmann '72 William E. Zorumski '61 Mike Gradle '73 Robin Murphy '76 Thomas P. Stefansky '70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schaffer '75 John Bakula '70 John Scheumbauer '74 Joe Wi lie '74 Dave Tallert '69 George Harris '71 Richard Kapp '75 Bob Bellm '74 Paul Sicking '76
City State Bridgeton , MO Kansas City , MO Bridgeton , MO Griffith , IN Florissant , MO Ferguson , MO Maryland Hgts, MO St . louis, MO 51. louis , MO Florissant, MO Rolla , MO 51. louis, MO St. louis, MO Florissant, MO Rolla , MO Rolla , MO 51. louis, MO Jennings, MO Overland Park , KS Hanley Hills, MO Mehlville, MO St. louis, MO St. louis , MO Newport News, VA Edwardsville,ll Rolla, MO Indianapolis, IN St . louis, MO Elmhurst,ll Rolla , MO St . Ann , MO Benton , AR Urbana , ll Hillsboro, Il Houston, TX 51. Ann , MO
Un: musIC celeb! weeke 22¡23
p.m" Jam es C. Olson, Int erim President, University of Missourz~ welcomes alumni at Homecoming Awards Banquet.
Sigma Tou Gomma registered returning alumni , who visited the hou se. It is interesting to note that none of these names appeor on the master registration list. It confirms our suspicion that there are hundreds of alumni who ore in Rollo for Homecoming and center their activities in their fraternities.
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UM Rolla
Association president recognizes legal counsel.
tional Sored
runni! " ... it really does take more than one person when you are dealing with complicated matters in connection with a Bureau of the Government. This next gentleman, informed of the problem by Joe Mooney, quickly and selflessly voiunteered his professional competence to accomplishing the IRS ruling referred to before. Jim Hespen, Class of 1955, with his Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering and his law degree in 1962 from St. louis University, asked no recognition and expected none, But tho:! Board has asked that I call forward James C. Hespen of St. louis, Chemical Engineer and lawyer, to receive this plaque recognizing his contribution of time and talent."
December 1976
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Summit Club JANUARY 13 AIME
Rolla MAY 15
No, this p icture was no t taken on Pin e Street . This is a scen e on th e main street ofSharjah, Unit ed A rab Emirates. Photo court esyofR. M. Brackbill, ' 42.
Students Help Alumni Celebrate University of Missouri - Rolla student musicians were a vital part of the celebrations during the homecoming weekend Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22-23. Friday evening, beginning at 5 : 30 p .m ., a jazz combo played at the alumni social hour held in the St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall , directly north of the campus. Later the same evening, at 7 p . m., the pep band boosted the spirits of those participating in the observation of the M-Club's bonfire at Jackling Field_ At 9 p. m., the student dance band "Drifters" provided a "big- band sound" at a dance sponsored by the Class of 1951 in the St. Pat 's Church Recreation Hall. Saturday morning, Oct. 23, Jazz Ensemble I (there are also Jazz Ensembles II and III) performed at the dedication ceremonies for UMR 's newly acquired Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall. UMR musicians combined with the Rolla High School Band .during pregame festivities. Following the traditional homecoming pajama race , sponsored by the Interfraternity Council, many UMR musicians were involved in running the third annual pie-eating
Section News received since Homecoming will be published in February ALUMNUS. Deadline for News is February 1.
er 1976
contest , now a homecoming tradition. Sponsors of this contest are members of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, national honorary band fraternity and sorority. The sponsors (mostly members of the UMR band) run the contest and act as judges as representatives from various organizations see who can eat three pies in the least amount of time . Needless to say , this activity has a high "y-y ycht " potential. At halftime , the Marching Miners took the field opening with a slowmarch drill to the Finale of Dvorak 's "New World Symphony." While performing "America the Beautiful " the band completed a series of marching parallelograms. Next , from a St. Pat 's shamrock formation , the band presented "Yankee Doodle " played as a march , a jazz waltz, a chorale , and as a "swing " arrangement. The band 's portion of the ha lftime show concluded with a special rock presentation of " Pack Rat", which featured the Porn Porn Corps. Saturday night at the social hour preceeding the Alumni Awards Banquet a "pickup " quartet made up of members of the Drifters entertained the more than 300 in attendance .
Lunch at the "Y" Every Third Friday of Each Month ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION
Lunch at the Petroleum Club the First Tuesday of Each Month NOMINATIONS SOUGHT The Chairman of the Nomi· nation Committee solicits your suggestions for officers and directors to be elected in the fall of 1977. Terms of the incum· bents are shown on the inside front cover of this magazine. The Chairman is particularly interested in those you know who have been of particular help in section or society affairs. Please send names to the Alumni Office, UMR, Harris Hall, Rolla, MO 65401.
General : Checking Account Savings Certificate-Unrestricted Savings Certificate-Directory Reserve Savings Account
$ 8,044 .82 5,000.00 5,000 .00 1,385.10
Total General Operating
$19 ,429 .92
Frida 1976. were was tI the n front finan' treas t balan the n ment repor
R. E. Dye : Checking Account Certificate of Deposit Certificate of Deposit
was Treas
$ 2,659.40 1,500.00 1,000.00
Total Dye Operating
$5 , 159.40
Laclede Steel Emergency
Total Operating Funds
$25,368 .35
Alumni Association Endowment R. E. Dye Endowment Burdick Endowment
Presid Unive
$16 ,000.00 66 , 147.87 6 ,000 .00
The fI
Total Investments
88,147 .87 $113 ,516 .22
The n annou
Alumni Association Endowment R. E. Dye Endowment Burdick Endowment Laclede Steel Emergency Fund Members Equity
$ 16,000.00 71 ,307.27 6,000 .00 779 .03 19,429.92 $113 ,516.22
Burdick Fund 8 % Treasury Bonds due 8/ 15/ 86
Alumni Endowment Fund 7 % % Savings Certificate due 1 1/ 17 / 81
$ 16,000.00
6,000 .00
The A â&#x20AC;¢ All the investments as noted above were examined by Mr. Mockaman and Mr . Paulsmeyer at the Rolla Bonk .
December 1976
Board Meeting ... The Board of Directors of the MSMUMR Alumni Association met on the Friday of Homecoming, October 22 , 1976. Twenty-six officers and directors were present. The first order of business was the certification of the election and the new officers are listed in the inside front cover of the ALUMNUS. The financial report was made by the treasurer, Vern Loesing. The 1975-76 balance sheet is published elsewhere in the magazine. The significant investment transactions of 1975-76 were reported as: 1. Burdick Fund which totals $6 ,000 was re-invested from ' 7~% U.S . Treasury Notes to 8 % Treasury Bonds.
2. Accumulated savings of $10,000 re-invested from 5 % passbook savings to a $5 ,000 7 % % six year Savings Certificate and a $5 ,000 7 ~ % four year Savings Certificate (Directory Reserve) . 3. $2 ,500 was transferred from Current Operating Fund to the Endowment Fund bringing the total of the Endowment Fund to $16 ,000. 4 . Endowment Fund re¡invested from 4 % face and 6 % actual Certificates of Deposit to 7 % % six year Savings Certificate. The $16 ,000 investment at 7 % % is sufficient to finance the Contigency Fund. Discussion of the 1976-77 operating budget and the 1976-77 and 1977-78
Annual M eeting MSM -UMR A lumni Association Octob er 23, 1976 President Bauer called the meeting to order at 9 : 15 p.m. in Centennial Hall of the Unive rsit y Center. The result of the election of officers and directors was announced. The resu lts of the Special Meeting of the AssociationJune 15 , 1976 were announced.
support budget resulted in approval of items as proposed . The operating bud get was increased $4 ,550 to $60 ,3 50.00 and the support budgets , which had previously been approved were confirmed at $40,950.00 and $51 ,950.00, subject to revenues . Goals were adopted for 1976-77 and 1977-78 of $101 ,300.00 and $117 ,500 .00. Other reports and discussions were of a routine nature with the exception of Paul Dowling 's, which was concerned with his responsibilities with the Development Council. There has not yet been a determination of all relationships between the Association and this Council, but the spirit of cooperation was evident. The Alumni Annual Fund year will be changed to coincide with the calender year. This means the 1977 Fund will have a 16 month year and will require the understanding and cooperation of alumni so that revenues are continued through next fall at the same or higher rate as they have in the past. It was felt that the Fund will benefit from the change to match the average alumni tax year and also that the Fund is now tax deductible. The Chancellor reported to the Board and was available to answer questions . Complete copies of the minutes are available upon request.
A motion was made to change the By- Laws of the Association as follows: Article II , Section 2 . Revise so that written notice of annual meeting should be made 30 da ys prior to the meeting (instead of 60 days) . Articl e V , Section 2. Add: "Every candidate for the Board of Directors and for a position as an officer of the Association shall be a holder of an earned degree from MSM / UMR and shall have been a contributor to the Alumni Association for at least the two years immediately prior to nomination . In addition , every candidate proposed for the position as an officer of the Association shall have been a director for at least two years prior to nomination. "
Motion was seconded and carri ed un a nimously.
The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 9: 35 p.m.
a~);:; Robert V. Wolf Secretary
$43,536.92 1,995 DONORS CENTURY CLUB 186 MEMBERS
MSM Alumnl )s
Chancellor Raymond Bisplinghoff Resigns Dr. Raymond L. Bisplinghoff, chancellor of the U n i v e r sit y of Missouri's Rolla campus since October 1974 , announced Nov. 12 , plans to resign to accept an offer from a private firm. Interim University President James C. Olson has accepted the resignation "with disappointment and regret. " "Dr. Bisplinghoff is one of the nation 's most distinguished authorities in science, " President Olson said. "The University has profited from his experience and wisdom during his two years as chancellor , and obviously I want to express my sincere appreciation to him for the leadership and expertise he has provided not only the Rolla campus , but the total University as well. "
degree from Eidgenossische Hochschule , Zurich, Switzerland . Before he became deputy director of NSF in 1970 , he had been a member of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge since 1946 . He served that institution as head of the department of aeronautics and astronautics and was dean of the School of Engineering there for two years .
Dr. Bisplinghoff's resignation becomes effective Jan. 1, 1977. Details of his business offer will be announced later, the chancellor said, and he indicated his reasons for leaving the University were "due to the attractiveness of the job offer and other personal factors. " Dr. Olson said he will select a person to serve as acting chancellor and also will appoint a search committee to recommend a successor to Dr. Bisplinghoff. Dr. Bisplinghoff, 59 , was named chancellor of the Rolla campus July 17, 1974, and assumed the duties the following Oct. 1. He succeeded Dr. Dudley Thompson, now vice chancellor at UMR, who had filled the position on an acting basis for approximately one year. Before his appointment as chancellor of the Rolla campus, Dr. Bisplinghoff had served as deputy director of the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C. In September of this year, he was appointed to the governing board of that institution for a six-year term by President Gerald Ford. The appointment was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The foundation has a national budget of almost $800 million. Dr. Bisplinghoff was born in Hamilton , Ohio. He received a bachelor 's degree in aeronautical engineering and his master's degree in physics from the University of Cincinnati and a Sc.D .
the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Art sand Sciences fellow , American Society for En_gineerin_g Education member , Royal Ae ronautical Society fellow, American Astronauti cal Society fellow , American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics honorary fellow, New York Academy of Scie nces member , American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow and numerous others. He received the NASA Distinguished Service Medal , 1967 ; the FAA Extraordinary Service Medal , 1969; the Distinguished Alumnus A ward from the University of Cincinnati , 1969 , and the Distinguished Service Award of NSF , 197 3. Dr. Bisplinghoff is the author of three books and many papers and articles for scientific journals. He is listed in Who 's Who in America , American Men of Science, Who 's Who in World Aviation , International Who's Who and Enginee rs of Distinction.
Bisplinghoff Announcement While on leave from MIT, Dr. Bisplinghoff had held several positions with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , including director of the office of advanced research and technology , associate administrator for advanced research and technology and special assistant to the NASA administrator. His other professional activities have included chief scientific adviser to the Federal Aviation Agency administra tor ; director, Allied Systems, Ltd., London , England, member, Corporate Advisory Council, Eastern Airlines, Inc. ; member Scientific Advisory Board , Fairchild Hiller Corp. ; director, Ge neral Aircraft Corp . ; member , Scientific Advisory Board , United Aircraft Corp. ; and others. Dr. Bisplinghoff's professional affiliations include being a member of both
Chancellor Raymond L. Bisplinghoff announced today (Nov . 17) that he is leaving the University of Missouri Rolla to accept the position of vice president for research with Tyco Laboratories, Inc. , Boston. Earlier Dr. Bisplinghoff had announced his resignation effective next Jan . 1. Dr. Bisplinghoff has been active in this corporation for several years and has served as one of its directors. He is also a director and was instrumental in the founding of Mobil-Tyco Solar Energy Corp. , a joint venture between Mobil and Tyco . He will continue as a director of both these organizations. Tyco is involved in highly technical research and development in such areas as solar ene rgy , underseas power and communica tion cables and precision instruments. It has grown rapidly from a small research company to a major corporation. December 1976
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Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Dedication
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Alumni and friends of the University of Missouri - Rolla were invited to special dedication ceremonies and open house in the newly acquired Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall at 10 a.m . Saturday, Oct. 23. Special recognition was given to those who have made contributions to the renovation of the building during this Homecoming weekend event . The residence hall was purchased last April for $ 1, 130 ,000 with $960,000 financed through a 25-year mortgage. Fac ilities for student services, such as reside nces , dining halls, and recrea tional centers have been traditionally funded by other than state appropriations. When purchase of the residence hall was completed last spring, Chancellor Raymond L. Bisplinghoff acknowledged it as a "Major a chievement for our campus. Last fa ll ," he said, "we were severly handicapped by inadequate housing. We know some students did not enroll at UMR as a result. If we had not obtained this dormitory, we feel certain this fall 's enrollment would have been severly curtailed. " UMR previously had dormitory space for onl y 611 students. T.]. has double occupance space for 524 students, plus space for six resident assistants and a housing manager. At the beginning of the semester , a ll spaces were filled . Double occupancy ra te ( including food service) is $ 1,35 0 for the academ ic year. This is $ 100 more than the rate in other campus dormitories . T he higher fee covers the added extras Thomas Jefferson provides such as air conditioning, free parking, elevators , sw imming pool , a nd physical fitn ess a nd game rooms on the lower level. The dormitory was built privately in 1966 and its present replacement value is eva luated at more than $5 million. It was closed to UMR students in December , 1972. Because it had been vacant for three years, some renovation was necessary before students could move in this past August. MSMAlumnus
Paul Dowling '40 , chairman of the UMR Development Council and p as t president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association ini tiated a specia l campaign to raise $26 0,000 from ,among alumni and fri e nds to finance the renova tion so the building could be used by students at the begi nning of the fall semester. H e said , "Everyo ne shou ld recognize the importance of this addition to our campus. And helping finance this dormitory provides a n excellent opportunity for each of us to participate In Rolla 's continu ing growth. " Howard Eloe, UMR development director, ex plained that money for the renova tion was borrowed on a short term note a nd must be paid back soon. On Decembe r 1, the special campaign had raised a total of $184,652.07 , and contributions had been received from more than 167 individuals or industries and further contributions are still being accepted. Any money received in excess of the $250 ,000 will provide needed funds for further improvements and other student services. Gifts of more than $ 1,000 provide the donors the opportunity to make a commemorative designation of various facilities. The schedule for specific commemorative opportunities is as Residence hall n a m e, fo llows: $5 00 ,000; main lounge , dining room , pool a nd patio , $5 0 ,000; anyone of seven floors , $3 0 ,000 ; reception area , $ 15 ,000; a seminar room (there are seven) or floor lounge (there are six) , $ 10 ,000 ; a floor study room (there are six) , $5 ,000 ; a student room (268) , $ 1,000. Donors receiving specia l recognition in the form of commemorative plaques a t Saturday 'S dedication ceremonies were Mrs. V. H . McNutt , the McNutt floor , Dr . K. F . Hasselmann, the Hasselmann floor, Ed. A. , Gertrude, Sherman E. Smith a nd Wilma Smith Arnold, the Smith floor . Harry and Alma Kessler, Fred S. Kummer, Nooter Corporation and Wisconsin Centrifugal , Inc. , were honored with named study rooms. Individual student rooms will have plaques with the following names:
Shirley and Dick Bauer, Jack Bodine, Ro bert M. Brackbill , Eleanor and Paul Dowling , Alden G. H acker , Charles B . Ke ntnor, Jr., Belding H. McCurdy , Jack B. McKee , Joseph W. Mooney, Robert ]. R yan, Edward W. Sowers - Roll a Daily News , Frank Edgar Townsend , Jim a nd Maxine Stephens, Cla ude N. Va lerius, H. E. Zoller, Murphy Company , St . Joe Minerals Corporation, Gran ite City Steel Division of National Stee l Co rpora tion, a nd HarbisonWa lke r R efractories Division of Dresser Industries, Inc.
National Park Exhibit A n ew exhibit of crafts , provided by t he National Park Service , was shown for the first time at the U niversity of Missouri - Rolla in St. Pat 's Ballroom , U niversity Center- West. Entitled "Craftsmen in the Parks ," the display opened Friday , Oct. 22 , and ra n through Sunday , Oct. 31. The showing coincided with Homecoming R egistratio n. A number of artists from the Peter 's Valley Craftsmen group in Layto n , N. ]. were invited to visit national parks. T he resultant sculpture , ceramics, tapestry, were the individua ls ' personal responses to the parks. Viewers saw expressions of the various crafts by artists, who visited the Virgin Islands U nderwater Park , Bryce Canyon Natio n a l Park in Uta h , Olympic National Park in Washington, Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, Cape Cod Nationa l Seashore in Massachusetts, Acadia Nationa l Park in Maine , and t he Florida Everglades Nationa l Park . T his ex hibit was brou ght to UMR throug h the efforts of the UMR Stu dent Union Board and was assemb led by Mrs . Berna Harvey , SUB program director, with assistance from Alex Outlaw , representative of the Ozark Nationa l Scenic Riverways , Van Buren, a division of the National Park Se rvice . "C raftsmen in the Parks " will be exhibited next at the St. Louis Gateway Arch .
Miners Build Character The 1976 football Miners had a season of stark contrasts. They lost their first game of the year , but then reeled off four wins and a tie to bring their record to a surprising 4 -1-1 mark and 2-0 in the MIAA. But from that point on, jt was all down hill. Coach Charlie Finley's gridders dropped their last five games to finish 4 -6-1 and 2-4 in the conference. The offense was the cause of most of Finley 's concern during the season . " Our defense played well enough to keep us in all of our games, .. Finley said . " But we just weren 't able to s~ore in crucial situations ... The Miners will need to replace some key personnel from that defensive unit. Three members of the secondary, Herb H erman, Dennis Jones and Mark Mastroianni will be lost to graduation . Linebacker Jerry Hofman , noseman Kent Lewis and defensive end Terry Owens also played out their careers for the defense. Offensively , the Miners will lose guards Jeff Buck and Gary Roebke , tackle Brad Harriman and center Sam Massy from the line . Starting fullback Mark Franklin , reserve running back
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Jim Waechter and reserve quarterback Jon Graham also are seniors. There were several bright spots in the UMR offense . The most pleasant surprise was halfback Terry Ryan , who broke the Miner season rushing record with 928 yards. The old mark was set in 1974 by Mike Keeler with 884 yards . The sophomore from St. Louis does not have great speed, but has the ability to follow his blockers and find the holes . H e also plays with a typi ca l Miner heart.
Quarterback Kenny Vaughn will return and will have three outstanding receivers back with him . Vaughn averaged nearly 20 yards per pass in completing 64 of 149 with eight touchdowns . Wide receivers Andy Cox , Monty Morse and Roger Vessell combined for more than 40 receptions and six touchdowns.
Gal 's Volleyball Improves at UMR The UMR Women's varsity volleyball team ended its 1976 season by hosting the state volleyball tournament. The Miners ran into rugged competition in the seven-team tourney and finished last. Missouri Western won the event and advanced to the regional playoffs.
While the coaching staff and players were bitterly disappointed in the way their season ended, they still were able to improve on last year's 1-8-2 record . And with a solid corps of veterans returning next year, they are hoping to bring a winning season back to Miner fans.
30 7 17 7 34 29 0 14 20 12 0
1976 Results Missouri Valley Missouri Western Wayne State Kansas-Pittsburg Lincoln Central Missouri Southwest Missouri Northwest Missouri Washington U. Southeast Missouri Northeast Missouri
42 6 0 7 15 15 10 28 21 20 24
While the Miners were disappointing in the state tournament, they compiled an outstanding 14-5 season record and were 8-4 in district competition. Coach Annette Caruso installed an advanced 6-2 offense , which gave the women added firepower in only their third year of varsity play. With only two graduating seniors , the Miners hope to become state champions next season.
Swimm ers Compete With Big Boys Coach Bob Pease's defending MIAA champion swimmers opened their sea son in Springfield with a 61-52 win over arch-rival Southwest Missouri . Senior all -America Bill Orr paced the Miners with victories in the 100 - and 200 -yard freestyle sprints. Freshman Alan Frederick matched Orr 's performance with double wins in the 500 - and I ,OOO -yard freestyle events .
T erry Ryan, sophomore running back, broke th e UMR rushing record with 928 yards in 1976. 30
T he following night, UMR hosted the Miner Rel ays, one of the biggest swimming m eets in the midwest this season . Southern Illinois-Carbondale won the meet with the Razorbacks of Arkansas placing second. Missouri Columbia was third and Western Kentucky fourth. Small college powers Drury College and Eastern Illinois finished fifth and sixth. UMR placed seventh , an excellen t showing considering the level of competition. Other teams competing were Western Illinois, December 1976
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Min er Cagers Hit With Injuries Basketball moves into the sports spotlight as the Miners opened their season against Arkansas College and Harris Teachers College over the Thanksgiving weekend . Head coach Billy Key is already singing the blues. Ross Klie , 6-4 senior wingman , and Bob Stanley, 6-5 senior forward, were injured in practice and will miss the opening weeks of play . Klie broke his left wrist and will be out at least six weeks . Stanley suffered a knee injury and will miss about three weeks. "These injuries really hurt us ," Key said. "We were building our team around these two players . Now , at least for these first weeks , we are going to have to go out and just play the best we can . We certainly have our work cut out for us . " Klie scored 12 .6 points per game and averaged 6.9 rebounds . Stanley also averaged more than 12 points a game and was the leading rebounder with 11.4 , second best in the conference. Stanley needs only 163 more rebounds to become the all-time leading Miner rebounder. With these two out of the lineup , much of the burden falls on Ron Scroggins, 6-6 junior center , the other returning starter from last year 's defending MIAA champions. He averaged 12.2 points and 6.4 rebounds per game . Terry Buzbee, 6-4 senior wingman , was the sixth man last year and will be a starter this season. He will have to pick up some of the scoring slack left b y the loss through graduation of starters Mark Franklin and Royce Vessell. They averaged 26 points between them and were excellent defensive players . As if Klie and Stanley's injuries were not enough, Chris Schroeder is also among the walking wounded . Schroeder showed promise as a 6-7 freshman center last year, but has not recovered from knee surgery last spring and his playing status is questionable. Several returning lettermen and some new faces are competing for a starting role, with Buzbee and Scroggins. But Miner fans are hoping Klie and Stanley will heal quickly and be ready for league competition inJanuary. MSMAlumnus
L eft to righ t: A lb ert E. B olon, Associat e Prof essor, N u clear and M etallu rgical Engineering; ]. Derald Mo rgan, Prof essor, E lectrical Engineering and Director In t ernat ional Programs & Stu dies; W illiam D es Vousges, Instructor, Economics; and Harry]. Sau er, Prof essor, M echanical and Aerospace Engineering.
October 11, 12 and 13, 1977 Call for Papers Conducted by the University of Missouri - Rolla in cooperation with the Missouri Energy Council within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
Conference Director: Dr. J . Derald Mo r gan Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering
Theme Energy Cr isis : Where do we go from here?
Proposed Session Topics Chemical Energy Economics of Energy Energy and the Environment Energy and Power Systems Energy Management Energy Resources - Exploration and Extraction
Nuclear Energy and Power Political and Social Implications of Energy Wind and Solar Energy Energy and Transportation Regulatory Impact on Energy Consumption
The session topics are not exclusive, however and interesting papers related to the many facets of technical , economic, political and social developments in energy will be incorporated into app r opriate sess ions of the conference. The theme " Energy Crisis : Where do we go from here?" has been adopted to allow for a broad spectrum of responses and recommendations for solutions t o the nation 's energy problems . The conference i s organized for social scientists , scientists and engineers to communicate their most recent developments, research and studies on energy problems and offer solu t ions to local governments , business , industry and the general public on energy related problems.
Abstract Submission Deadline
Extended Abstract Deadline
April 15, 1977
September 1. 1977
Send to Dr. J. Derald Morgan , Conf. Dir . 108 Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
An Extended Abstracts volume will be available at the conference.
Final Paper Deadline October 1 1, 1977
Millsap '77,' 'Miner Mystery Story In 1876 , when Thomas H. Millsaps built a model bridge to illustrate his senior thesis at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy , he probably never dreamed it wou ld stil l be around 100 yea rs la ter. Still intact and showing few signs of age , the bridge is on display in the civil engineering department of Millsaps' a lm a mater , now the University of Missouri Rolla. As a centennial observance , a history of the bridge and its builder is being written and will be placed in the UMR library. The brown-stained bridge , a latticegirder type, is 30 inches long and built to 1/1 6th scale . It is signed in gilt "Thomas H. Millsaps , '77 , Nov. 1, 1876. " " M.illsaps ' senior thesis was on 'The Maramec Bridge of the St. Louis , Sa lem and Little Rock Railroad , '" says Dr. joseph H. Senne , department chairman. "This was a branch line of the Frisco, wh ich crossed the Maramec at Stee lville and at Cook Station. It is likely that young Millsaps , who had lived at Steelville , Salem and St. james, would have been familiar with both. So we don 't really know which bridge this represents. Neither is now standing. " For 100 years , the bridge has been part of the c ivil engineering department's memorabilia . It has been exhib ited from time to time , used as a mode l in bridge construction classes, or simply relegated to storage. A few months before its centennia l anniversa ry , it ended upon the d esk of J. Kent Roberts , professor of civil engineering and assistant dean of engineering . He became curious about the bridge and its bui lder and began looking for information. "School records didn 't tell us much ," Professor Roberts reports . " We learned that his guardian was Wi lli am H. Ferguson of Steelville , that he attended grammar school in Salem and ca me to Rolla in 1872 , (just a year after classes started in MSM ) as a prepa ratory student. He then enrolled in civil engineering . We know from his academic record that he was a good student and an officer in the cadet corps. He finished degree requirements in February , 1877 , and graduated , along with two others , the following.lune . "
Most of the information in UMR's history on M ilisa ps came through the effo rts of Ri c ha rd S. Mills , UMR senior history student from St. james, who did the work as a project in one of his socia l studies courses. Mills' major sources of info rmation were files of the Sa lem News a nd Stan ley Scott of Steelville, a grandson of Tom Millsaps ' sister. Scott is Millsaps closest living relative . "What unfoldedfS a s tory of the founding fathers of two area towns , Salem and Stee lvi lle, and the turmoil of the Civil War , when residents of South Central Missouri were bitterly divided. Its tragic ending is sti ll a mystery ," Roberts says. The bridge builder , Thomas H. (for Higginbotham) Millsaps was born in Salem in 1856, the son of joseph W. and Amanda Ann Vaughn Millsaps. The elder Millsaps was a pioneer surveyor , businessman and farmer. Known as the "father of Salem , " he laid out the town and was influ entia l In getting it incorporated. During the Civi l War , joseph Millsaps was a southern sympathizer involved in guerilla activities. After Union soldiers occupied Rolla and his two brothers and some fr iends were arrested , he went to Oregon County and continued his bushwhacking. He was hunted as an outlaw and fled to Mexico , where he was killed in 1865. The young widow and her three ch ildren moved to St. j ames. She later married William H. Ferguson of Steelville .
''The parallels between the father and stepfather of young Millsaps are striking, " sa ys Mills. "Ferguson was a lso a surveyor , one of the found ers of Steelville. He had been a ca ptain in the Un ion Army. H e was a lso a farmer and a businessman , one of the original stock- ho lders of the bank . In later years , he held country offices - surveyor , sheriff and collector, assessor and notary public. " Afte r graduation from MSM , Mill¡ saps set up a surveying office, "Tom H. Mil lsaps , Civil Engineer and Surveyor," in Steelville. But after a short time , he went to St. Louis with a friend from co ll ege days to study medicine. On Oct. 28 , 1878 , he withdrew a large amount of money from a St. Louis bank. He was never seen nor heard from again. There was an extensive investigation by the St. Louis police . Newspapers advertised his description and police contacted other cities , but there was no trace. The police concluded that he had withdrawn the money intending to return to Steelville , but was robbed and murdered and his body disposed of. The case is still listed in St. Louis police records as an unsolved murder. " It is ironic that the tangible record of this outstanding yo ung man , who represented two of the first families of the a rea is a model bridge ," says Professor R oberts. " But the bridge itse lf, built so carefully that it will proba bl y last another 100 years , is perhaps symbolic of the promise of his bri ef a nd tragic life "
Professo rs j oseph H. Senne and). Kent R oberts of th e University of M issouriR olla civil engin eerz'ng department dust off a bridge model built 100 years ago by Th omas H . Mzllsa ps, of St eelville, wh en he was a senior civz'l engineering stud ent . In th e background Z5 th e Rolla Buzlclz'ng, th e Frst budding at UMR , where Tom attended classes. December 1976
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On November 1, 1976 , Professor Samuel H. Lloyd died at his home at the John Knox Village in St. Robert. Faculty colleagues have prepared a memorial to be presented at the next general faculty meeting. Memorial: Samuel Horace Lloyd Samuel Horace Lloyd was born on December 4, 1896 , at Vincennes, Indiana. He received the Bachelor of Arts degree at DePauw University , Greencastle, in 1918 , and came to the School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1920 as a graduate assistant in English and General Science. He received the degree Master of Science and was appointed I nstructor in English in 1921. He was married in 1922 to Margaret McCaw of Rolla ; their children , Sam Jr. , and Jean , are distinguished graduates of our campus. In subsequent years and in several topical areas , he was advanced to Assistant and Associate Professor , and in 1946 , to Professor. That year, by action of the Board of Curators , the faculties in English , Economics , Psychology and History were consolidated into the Department of Humanities and Social Studies with Professor Lloyd as Chairman. He continued in that post until the 1964 division of the department into the current components. He was appointed Professor Emeritus in 1967 and continued teaching selected classes until 1970. Professor Lloyd 's teaching career on this campus thus spanned nearly 50 years , apparently the longest tenure of service in the institution 's history. His first decade was one of substantial growth ; the second was an interval of near disaster. At the worst of the Great. Depression, the enrollment shrank to less than 350 students and this division of the University of Missouri was nearly abandoned. In the post-war years as department chairman and a member of the Policy Committee , Professor Lloyd shared in the recovery that led at last to the emergence of the School of Mines as the second largest undergraduate engineering center in the nation. He also served for many years as faculty advisor to the Student Council's General Lectures committee. His adroit business negotiations in that capacity permitted this campus to enjoy presentations by some of the nation 's most eminent
Front , ]Tom left , C. W. Arras, S. H . Llo)ld, M argaret Lloyd, Karen Arras, Annz'e M argaret Arras, Ch ristie Arras L arned and R . E. Arras, Jr . B ack, from left, S. H Lloyd, Delores Lloyd, R . E. A rras, J ean Lloyd Arras and W A. L amed. pub.lic figures , classical musicians , and popular soloists and orchestras . Sam Lloyd was distinguished by rare skill in the classroom and on the public platform . An articulate , witty, urbane and polished speaker , he was an institution in both the professional functions of the School and the folklore of the community. His sheer joy in the business of living was contagious ... the Rolla Building often rocked with laughter in response to master's recitation of anecdotes. Accurate or apocryphal , Sam 's stories inevitably brought down the house.
As chairman , Professor Lloyd displayed an acute sense of proportion. He abhored the elevation of trivia to undue stature . He had no patience for empires or their builde rs. He was quick and decisive in discerning duplicity. Staff decisions were made in direct collaboration with the Dean , the chief administrator of the campus , and Professor Lloyd alwa ys accepted full personal responsibilit y for those decisions. The morning the blue sheets were distributed , he was at his desk , as usual. Perhaps the finest tribute to Sam Lloyd is the evidence of the imperisha ble lega cy he left to the young people of his classrooms , for it is they who, when they return to this campus as career professionals , so often ask , "Where may I find Sam Lloyd? "
Margaret and Sam Lloyd sold their home in Rolla this summer and bought a n ap a rtment in the John Knox Village in St. Robert , a full care retirement center. Sam had suffered some of the infirmities of age and the Lloyds had decided that they no longer wanted the responsibility of house and lawn care . Although Rolla would not be the same without the Lloyds as residents , their fri ends understood their desires. They were frequent visitors and Margaret not only maintains her many organization memberships , but is a weekly participant" in a radio program originating from the campus FM station. Margaret and Sam Lloyd hold an unique place in the m emories of thousands of alumni. Fo r the almost fifty years that Sam was on the facult y, Margaret was his partner. They were popular as chaperons at functions on the campus and they frequentl y opened their home to students and returning alumni . As the Mem orial suggests , Sam was an important figure in bringing entertainment a nd culture to the som etim es bl eak scene on the campus . The fri ends of Sam and Margaret Lloyd know of the success of thi s effort. Death came swiftl y to Sam in his home . Margaret will continue to reside there a nd her address is John Knox Village , 1·44 , St. Robert , MO 65583. She h as asked that memorial expressions be made to the MSM -UMR Alumni Association.
Job Opportunities For information concerning positions listed below, please contact Mr . Larry Nuss, Director of Career Development & Placement , UMR, Rolla , Missouri 65401 , giving File Number of the position , state your degree , discipline and month and year of your graduation . During times of high activity in the employment market , some positions will be filled before they are published . The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may be open if you enclose your resume with your inquiry. 1207 1208 1209
Recent or experienced mets & mech, sales oriented . St. Louis. Mets for sales and development. Energy affiliate. Texas . refractory. MultiMid-west openings. Research , sales and corporate engr . 10 -15 yrs . exper. in medium to heavy plant engr. St. Louis Metro East. Mgr . engr. and maintenance . BSME. Must have English , French & Spanish. Mid-west with 5 % foreign travel. BSME for KC area. Interest in steam .
1213 1214
1215 1216 1217
1218 1219
Senior buyer, 2 yrs. exper. Midwest location. BS , MS , ME & EE exper. heavy duty mobil and design develop ment on mechanical or electrical systems. Mid-west. Agency entry and exper. mining openings. BSCE + 2 yrs. exper. Registered. Missouri State Agency. Eastern slope Golden Company has multi-openings agam this month. BS Petrol exper. Eastern finan cial institution. Mid-south aerospace company. Multi-openings . All 1 eve I s through Ph .D. Mid-west food processor. Multiopenings . Most require chemistry .
12 30
Agency. Multi-openings. Electrical-electronic specialties. Also computer science , mechanical and power plant engr. , chern and ChE and technical sales.
Advanced degrees, chemical engrs . Polymer specialties. Major manufacturer, upper mid-west.
Energy related company has multi-openings , including computer types, petrol and mech engr, and geologists.
MS with soils concentration. Mid-south utility.
BS , ChE or ME for project engr. MO location.
BS Ceramic with 1-5 in structural clay. Mid-south .
MS with 2 yrs. lab exper. for test work. Must know elastic and plastic deformation , brittle fracture and stress analysis .
Process/ systems engr. with Fortran IV . Mid-south metals processor.
Agency. Looking for works manager for brass foundry . Midwest.
12 33
National and inti. construction co. Numerous openings, all fi elds.
BSCE, structures, registered . 4-5 yrs . in design . Management ¡oriented. Mid-south.
Agency. Multi-openings. Mostly mid-west.
Agency . Multi-openings . Multi disciplines.
BS Mining, Met, Chern , or ME with 5 -1 0 yrs . in process plant design. Should know pellet plants.
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Extension News
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Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory, you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314/ 364-4201 or (4202) . Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401.
Rolla Arnel unive nati.
PROGRAM NAME 2nd Ground Water Analysis & Dewatering 25th Short Course for Painting Contractors 34th Intro. Paint Short Course 6th Paint Inspectors Short Course 9th Fundamentals of Shallow Foundation Design 28th Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop 2nd Intro. Short Course on Tinting & Shading of Color Paints Junior Hi Band Clinic Foreign Language Fair Certified SCUBA Diving Power Apparatus Testing Surface Properties of Materials Conference Mathematical Modeling Conference 4th Annual UMR-MEC Conference on Energy Land Surveyors Workshop on Celestial Observations 34
St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO
January 10-14, 1977 January 17-21, 1977 January ~4-28 , 1977 January 31-February 4, 1977 January 31-February 5, 1977 February 7-11, 1977
Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Centralia, MO Rolla, MO St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO
February 14-18, 1977 February 25, 1977 March 4, 1977 April 9-30, 1977 April 26-29, 1977 August 1-5, 197'1 August 29-September 1, 1977 October 11-13, 1977 April 9, 1977 December 1976
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Alumnus Honored Alumni Personals H a rry H. Kess ler '24 , cha irm a n of the 1 9 1 1 board and chi ef execut ive officer of the Meehanite Metal Corp. , was awarded the Guardian of the Menorah award for community service b y B 'nai B 'rith. "Throughout his distinguished ca· reer , Mr. Kessler has been a guiding force in a host of civic and phi lanthro · pic causes ," sa id David M. Blumb e rg, international president of B 'nai B 'rith , a service organiza ti on with more than 500 ,000 members. A dinner to help support B 'nai B 'rith you th services was he ld in Kessler 's honor Sunda y, October 17 , a t the St. Louis Marriott Hot el. The o rga ni zat io n Frank Townsend, Bart Les has a $10 mi lli on annual budge t a nd viLLe OK, gave the invoca supports a wide range of cultura l, tion at the H omecoming religious , counse ling, civil a nd broth erAwards Banquet. hood activities for young people around the country. 1 9 1 7 Kessler is a consulting m etallurgi ca l H owa rd J. Teas and his wife, H azel, engineer in more th a n 35 0 found ries in of 2926 Pinecrest St. , Saraso ta , FL the United States and 30 foreign cou nt ries. He is a member of num erous 33580 , re po rt th a t their son , William C. professiona l societies and was rec ipi ent Teas , '49 , was recentl y a ppointed of the John H. Whiting Gold Meda l of deputy co mmissio ner fo r engi nee ring the American Foundrymen 's Socie ty for fo r t he T own of H empstea d , H emp stea d , N Y. his contributions to technol ogy in t he iron castings in dustry. 192 1 He serves on the board 01 direc tors of J. Philip Colbert , 3227 Sheridan the Desert Hospital in Pa lm Sprin gs , Blvd. , Lincoln , NE 68502, died NovemCalif. , and ha s provided fo r sc ho la r - ber 10 , 1976 . Retired dean of student ships , tuition loans and edu ca ti o nal affairs at the Univ. of Neb. , Mr. Colbert bui ldings at the Universit y of Missouri - was a member and elder of the Rolla , Jewish Theo logical Semin a ry of Westminister Presbyterian Church , SigAmerica , St. Theresa School , a nd th e ma Tau Frate rnity, the Zodi ac Club , universities of Tennessee a nd C incin - Candlelight Club , Fa culty Club , and nati. Phi Kapp a Alpha . He is survived by his wife, Tru e , two dau g hte rs , two brothers a nd fo ur g ra nd children .
1 924 Wa lter E. Casey, of 10920 Bex ley Drive , H ousto n , TX 77099 , repo rts th a t his wife , Mary R uth Casey , d ied O ctob er I , 1976 , and was bu ried Il1 Fores t P ark Cem etery in H ouston.
1 928 Ma rk L ay ne d ied Nove mbe r 7, 1976. See story of his Alumni Awa rd in t his issu e of t he MSM A LUM NUS. His widow , Kero n , resides at t he J ohn Kno x Village Ea st , Higg insville , MO 640 37. Irvin St. J ean Sturgis , of 607 N. 28th St. , Lafa ye tte , IN 47904, passed away September 3, 1976 .
H enr y a nd H ele n Schee r, 200 5 Di a l Cou rt , Sp ringfield , IL 627 04, write to say , " No thing new - just ta kin g life easy . ". 1 9 3 2 Ro bert F. Hippl er , of P .O. Box 11 32, Be nd , OR 97701 , is a co nsulting mining eng ineer . H e rem a ins a cti ve in d evelo p m ent of pl ace r o pe rati ons using hydrau li c or b ucke l line d red ges. Mr. Hi p pl er writes , "So fa r fee l too yo ung to go into ret irem e nt. " Th a t 's g rea t, Mr. Hippl er. H ope yo u a nd Mrs. Hipple r ( Me rl e) ca n m a ke it to H om ecoming 1977 .
1 933 T. O. Se ibe rling , of 7 14 Ca rter St. , Fa rm ingto n , MO 63640 , has a new title , " P la in & Fancy Fish ing Engi neer. " H e has p laced in two ou t of fo u r bass to urn ame nts en tered In 1976 a nd placed In two ou t of five go lf tou rn ame n ts en tered this yea r. Sou n ds li ke he is usi ng the rig h t ba it , ma ybe he needs a new caddy. Vernon L. As her , of 1350 Craig Drive, Kirkwood , MO 63 122, is now vice cha irman , P.E. I. of NS P .E . for t he No rth Centra l Region . 1935 PERSONALS RECEIVED AFTER NOVEMBER 15 WILL BE IN THE FEBRUARY ALUMNUS
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1 935
1 939
1 949
Max E. Edgar of Box 4 16, West Gla c ie r , MT 59936, former ly retired , prese ntl y Bird W a tc he r , writ es the fo llow in g: "Th e o ld e r I get , th e m o re I rea li ze m y mod es t materia l and professio na l ga ins a re a d e bt owed to MSM UM R . T o d isc harge a part of that debt I he reby j o in the Century C lu b. " Thank yo u , Mr . Edgar .
Elmond L. C laridge , 5439 Paisley , Hou sto n , TX 77035 was in the a lumni office thi s fa ll. He has recently been a ppointed to the Advisory Board of the Pe trol e um R esea rch Fund , American Chemical Society, for a three yea r term . Th e C laridge 'S were visiting Ruth 's parents , Rev. and Mrs. McDowell. Elmond is a senio r staff research e ngm eer with th e Shell Development Co. John G . and H e le n Beach , of 4661 R a lston St. , Columbus , OH 4 32 14 , report that their younger daughte r was married in Ju ly. John is sem i-ret ired who lesale lea th er goods - and is doing as muc h travelling as possib le. They saw the Canarie Is lands in Jan. , Colo rado and Utah inJune , and Europe in Sept.
Daniel N. M iller , CPGS , State Geologist and Director of the Geologica l Survey of Wyoming, was named W yo m ing 's " Minera ls Industry Man of the Year " b y the Casper area Chamber of Commerce . Dr. Miller recei ved the award " in re cognition of outstanding ac hi evem e nt in the mineral industry a nd distinguished and meritorious se rvi ce to the state and community." Miller lives a t 1017 Sheridan , Laramie , WY 82070.
The A lumni Office has been not ifi ed that H owa r d Fred L a nge , 10 H e bn er Dr ., A lt o n , I L 62002 , di ed Nove mb er 3 , 1976. 1 936 Ri c h a rd H. ( Bud) Hoffman a nd his wife , Melba (Univ. of TX graduate) of 10 7 R a mon a Dr. , San Luis Obispo , CA 9340 1 w rot e to say, " R e tirem e nt is great. H ave 2 grandsons - 1 in escrow th at is du e in Dec. " H erman a nd Helen Pfeifer are living at 23 Quai du Mont Blanc , Ge neva , Switzerland. Mr . Pfeifer is on a one year assignment as manager , Vanadium Sa les, with Union Carbide 's Europe Meta ls D iv. He is travell ing a ll over Euro pe, including Easte rn Europe , but expec ts to be back in the U.S. and retire by-the end of Ju ly 1977 .
1938 Frederick W . Thompson , 2150 Rosa R oad , Schenectady, Y 123 09 , died October 28 , 1976 , after a short ill ness. H e was proj ect engineer with the Apparatus Operation D ept. of Genera l Elec tri c at t he time of his death. He h ad bee n with GE for 21 years. Mr. Thompson is survived by his wife , Mimi Keste r Thompson , 2 sons , Roger G. and Album A ., a daughte r , Mrs . James Burt , and a brother, Homer Thompso n '3 2. Mrs. Eli za bethJ e nkin s h as notified us th a t he r hu sba nd , Claude M . J e nkins , passed away Septembe r 19, 1976. The ho m e add ress is RD #2 , Cove rt Road , NewCast le, PA 16 101.
1 940 J. O . Fe rrell and his wife, Helen, of Route 3 , Box 333, Mountain View , MO 65548 , " made it another year. " Congratu lations. So did we . Thomas ]. Griffeth retired July 31, 1976, as genera l manager-operatingwest of Universal Atlas Cement Div., U.<;. Steel Corp. He had been with Universal Atlas 3 1 years. Griffeth and h is wife , E llen , who currently reside at 1001 Glen Oak Dr. , Bethel Park , PA 15102 , a re the parents of four children and they have fiv e grandsons. Griffeth 's p lans for retirement are to travel and p la y more go lf. 1 942 Jim L. M itc he ll retired from McDon ne ll Douglas on May 1, 1976. He is now self-employed and he and h is wife , Phoebe , are rece iving ma il at Box 86 , Wa ynesville , MO 65583 . 1
II~ 1 950 Dona ld T. K ing of 2059 Menold Dri ve , Allison Park , PA 15 10 1, joined Mellon ¡Stuart Co. as vice president Ba d ger Construction Division on April 1, 1976. B a dger Construction is their coa l industr y operations subsidiary. Mr. King had previously bee n with the U.S. Steel Corp . 's coa l division for 26 yea rs. Do ris Mae L yo ns has not ified us t h at he r husband , Roger Brec h t Lyons , 97 1 Woodb ind Dr . , Crestwood , MO 63126, passed awa y August 7 , 1976.
Somn positi na!iOl head( and child! Nonr
I 9!
952 J o hn E. Priest of 250 Linden Ave. , Wi lm e tte, I L 60091 , was promoted to Commander in the Civil Engineering Corps R ese rve of the Navy. Reserve Un it is DCNO( OP-06) 113, whi ch does m id a nd long range p lans for the Ch ief of Nava l Operations . Mr. Priest is a lso H ead , Environmental Sciences & Hydrology Div. , Harza Engr. Co . in Chicago.
Louis B . Wissle r , 641 Savoy St. , San Diego , CA 92106 , is facility engineer for G enera l Atomic Co . H e has responsibi lity for a ll m ec h a ni ca l engineering d esign and / or operating concepts for the ph ys ica l p lant at the Torrey Pines faci li ty.
Ric motel Keli!{ son C the IT
953 Bert L. Sm it h of 701 1 Foster Lane , W ichita , KS 67206 , is now Professor of Engineering at Wic h ita State Un iv. He must be better t h an average at h is job , beca use he is re cipi ent of ( 1) American Soc ie ty for Engineering EducationMidwest Sec t ion Award for Excellence in Instru ction in 1974 , (2) SAE Ra lph R . T eetor Award for Significant Contributi o ns to Teaching 197 5, and (3) Wi chita State Univ. College of Engineering "Teac her of the Year" Award 1975. December 1976
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A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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1 9 5 .4
9 5 8 (Cont.)
1 956 Frederick E. Jackson, 41 , of 106 Phyllis Ave ., Columbia, MO 65201, died September 5, 1976, at Boone County Hospital. He is survived by his widow, Maribeth Buescher Jackson , two daughters , Karla and Marla of the home, and his parents and a brother. 1
R. W. Gotsch ' 54. Richard W. Gotsch has ' been promoted to general sales manager, AlliedKelite Products Division of the Richardson Co. Gotsch is a 20-year veteran of the metal finishing industry and came to Allied-Kelite with the purchase of Sommers Brothers in 1966 . In his new position he is responsible for sales at the national level and is based at their headquarters in Des Plaines, IL. Rich and his wife, Mary, and their two children live at 2810 Canterbury Dr., Northbrook , IL 60062 .
Don R . Bowers, Route 1, Box 615 , Chesterfield, MO 63017, has recently been promoted to project management director , Corporate Engineering Dept., Monsanto , St. Louis.
The Association uses its bulk mailing permit whenever possible. in the interests of economy. That has resulted in some unbelieveable delays in delivery. especially the ballot. Sorry. but it is two cents versus thirteen cents. We are not even certain if it would help any for you to move closer to Rolla.
1 955
Ave., oted to
ve Unit les mid :hief of is also & Hy¡ ~o.
. Lane, essor of liv. He lis job, oerican cation¡ ellence Ralph lifica nt 5, and ege of year"
Sam Barco of 209 Kinnaird Lane , Louisville, KY 40243, sends us the following: "Samuel U. Barco, BSChE 1955, member American Chemical Society, A.LCh .E., Alpha Chi Sigma. Married 20 yrs., Nov. 10, 1976. One son, Greg Barco, 18, freshman ministerial student at Kentucky Wesleyan College. Active in United Methodist Church, B.S.A. Troop 331 , and the Republican Party." He is a project engineer with Brown & Williamson Tobacco. Donald Fisher received a promotion in being selected as Coal Specialist on the Energy & Minerals Staff, Denver Service Center, U .S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). He will have the lead in developing systems and procedures for use by BLM 's field offices in the management of Federal coal resources. He will also serve in a consulting capacity to BLM state offices throughout the West on technical problems involving coal resources. Don has had several positions in both industry and government. He is a member of the Society of Mining Engineers, AIME . Don and his family now live in Lakewood, CO.
1 958 George F . Wright, Jr., member of the Technical Staff, Aerothermodynamics Division 1333 , Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, was recently elected chairman of Committee E-21 on Space Simulation and Applications of Space Technology of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). Wright and his wife , Beverly , reside at 3005 Vermont, N.E. , Albuquerque, NM 87110.
G. F Wright' 58.
Joseph A. Mickes has been promoted to Missouri State Highway Dept. 's District 7 Engineer. He will have overall responsibility for the counties of Barry, Barton, Bates, Cedar, Dade, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald , Newton, St. Clair, and Vernon. Mickes, his wife , Darlene , and their three children, Michael , Beth and Nicole, live at 77 Briarwood , Joplin, MO 64801. Wayne T. Andreas is on long term loan to Syncrude, Canada _ Limited as senior electrical engineer on construction of their 2 billion dollar synthetic crude oil plant. His employer is Exxon Research & Engr. Co. Wayne and Bertha's new home address is 108 Robin Crescent , Ft. McMurray , Alberta, T9H 2W3 Canada.
1 960 Ron Carver, Associate Professor , UMKC , teaches in the Educational Psychology Div. of the School of Education and conducts research in reading. His research involves the use of a Plato computer terminal to help high school students learn to read better. He has published over 60 articles III professional journals. He received his BSCE at UMR and the Ph.D. III Psychology at Washington Univ. in 1965. Dr. Carver and his wife, Mary Lou and their two children live at 10 W. Bridlespur Dr. , Kansas City, MO 64114 . Wh.{le updating their r e cor d s, William H. Wescoat III and his, wife , Bette, of 3822 Duchess Trail, Dallas , TX 75229 , tell us their family has grown to three boys: David , 10 ; Steven , 7; and Scott , 18 mos. "Now closed to all future a dditions 'we hope '," was the final comment of the Wescoats. Mr Wescoat is area manager for JT. Thorpe Co. in Dallas. Kenneth T. Kleb ba reports t ha t he and his family (w ife-Betty, son-D aniel , and two daughters , Peggy and Shari) were recently transferred from Houston , TX to T ulsa , OK, where they live at 7709 E. 66th St. Kenneth is wit h Williams Brothers Engineering Co. as a soils and foundation consultant. Until Kenneth and his wife were married , they each grew -up in t he respective home where they were born. Since 1959 , they have moved 16 times , lived in seven states and have been overseas.
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1 9 6 0 (Cont.) Fra nk W. Fulton has bee n named Ma nage r of Enginee ring Services fo r Funk Seeds Int1 . His appointment is part of a reo rgani za tion of the e nginee ring fun ct ion within Funk's Ope rati o ns Div. Fulto n will be responsi bl e for the d esign, co ntra c ting and co nstru ct ion of a ll new fac iliti es for Funk a nd will assist loca l plant m a n age rs in co ndu cting m ode rni zat ion a nd m a inte nance programs . He and his family a re curre ntly re locating to the Bloo mington , III. a rea.
961 David M. Lewis h as b een transferred a nd pro m o ted from chi ef m ec ha ni ca l e ng inee r-Co noco Chem ica ls in Aberdeen , Mi ss . to sen ior enginee r-Mec hani ca l Design Section of Centra l Enginee ring fo r Co noco in Po nca City. His new hom e address is #1 De nne r Pl ace , Ponca City, OK 74601.
9 6 1 (Cont.) C. E. McG illan , 670 Rusti c Valley Drive , Ba ll win , MO 63011, is now se nior est imating specia li st for Mon sa nto E nviro-C hem. H e has been prom oted from, "one who wa lks on wa te r (project manager) to o ne who proph esizes the wate r ( es timator) 111 o ne h alcyo n step." M a ri o n Ron a ld Ave ry , of 2530 R edstart Lane, Hoove r , AL 35236, has jo in ed th e Al a b a ma Gas Corporat ion in Birmingh a m. H e is Manager -E nergy Supp ly. N e lso n H . Noe ll (Major USAF) a tte nded DOD Defe nse System s Man agement Schoo l at Ft. Belvoir from Jan . toJune, 1976. H e has subsequen tl y been reass ign ed from the Space and Missile Systems Orga nization in Los Ange les to th e F -15 Program .Office in the Ae ronauti ca l Systems D i vis i on at Wright -Patterso n AFB. Major and Mrs. Noe ll reside at 4114 Quail Bush Dr. , Dayton , OH 45424 . Willi a m Arthur Carr , 9024 Kathleen , St. Lo ui s, MO 63123 , died sudde nly of a hea rt attac k o n O ctober 10 , 1976. He was emp loyed by Ge ne ra l Motors .
narn! Oil i explc is re5 and geop of C ex pic rnal, and
7707' R. M . PhIllips ' 63. Rudy M. Phillips has joined Pet Incorporated as manager of internal consu lting - engineering. Phillips joined Pet from Procter & Gamble, where he had been a project engineer, group leader-p rocess development , technical . brand manager , and most recently, section manager-prod uct development. H e received his BSChE from UMR , an MSChE from Purdue, and a ].D . from Chase College of Law. His home address is 15750 Old Clarkson, Chesterfield , M06 3017.
196 2
1 964
Milton L. Leet , 969 E. Main St. , New Holl a nd , PA 17557, assumed the positi on of Pl a nt Industrial Engineer for Be thl e he m Mines Corp. , on July 1, 1976. His responsibiliti es include ince n tive program s at Bethle hem 's Iron Mines, Stone Quarries, a nd Slag Plant.
Ken Swift , 32 13 W. Acoma Dr., Phoe nix , AZ 85039 has been promoted to enginee ring section head by Flight Systems. H e will be in charge of the TERN 100 production, a RNA V system. Swift has been involved with TERN 100 sin ce the design stage. It is one of Spe rry 's most advanced electronic systems, combining a fast and powerful digital computer with a large capacity , self contained memory disc for data storage ..
1 963 R . A. Carvey '61. R o be rt A. Ga rvey, 1108 Robe rt Dr., Godfrey, IL 62 035, has bee n a ppo inted Supe rinte nd e nt of the Electri c Me lt Sho p at Lacled e Stee l Co. 's Stee l Works in A lto n , I L. In his new position , Ga rvey will be res po nsibl e fo r La cl ede's primary stee l m a king unit , whi ch inclu des the compa ny 's elec tri c arc furn ace a nd co ntinuous casting opera ¡ tions. Mr. Garvey jo ined Lacl ede Steel as a co -o p stud e nt in 1956. His assignments have included a number of m e tallurgi ca l and operating responsibil iti es including Ch ief Metallurgist. Mr. Garvey rece ived the Professional Degree Me tallurgi ca l Engineer from UMR in 1973.
1 9 6 3 (Cont.)
Donald]. R e iss of7750 SW 11 4th St., Miami , FL 33 156, is currentl y working on a sola r e nergy proj ect. Members of the 31st Civi l Engineering Squadron of Hom estea d Air Force Base, FL, are working to install solar water hea ters on 20 military family housing units . This is a pilot projec t a imed at incorporating the use of solar energy as a suppleme nt to the existing water heating system. Mr. Reiss is the engineer head ing the projec t and said , "T he unit itself is small , simple and in most cases will not be visible from the ground when mounted on base housing roofs, and is expected to achieve an 80 per cent reduction in energy consumption for water heati ng. "
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1 9 6 .4 (Cont.) Dr. David N. Peacock has been named senior geophysicist with Chevron Oil in Houston. He is supervisor of exploration processing and analysis and is responsible for computer processing and analysis of various forms of geophysical and geological data in aid of Chevron 's worldwide program of exploration for hydrocarbon , geothermal and mineral resources. Dr. Peacock and his wife Donna live at 14119 Woodthorpe Lane , Houston, TX 77079.
led Pet internal )5 joined ,here he , group echnical 'ecently, apment. MR, an D. from : address aerfield,
Charles Riggs , 2413 Cruz Dr. , Rapid City , SD 57701 , has been appointed assistant professor , civil engineering at South Dakota Tech.
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1 9 6 .4 (Cont.)
F. L. Scott '64
F. Lindsey Scott has been promoted to senior patent attorney for Conoco Coal Development Co. , headquartered in Library, PA. Scott has been a patent attorney for Conoco since 1970 . He earned the BSChE at UMR. A native of Quincy, Mo. , Scott received his doctoral degree in law from UMKC in 1968 and joined Conoco two years later. He is married to the former Kay Burtin of Kansas City, MO , and they are the parents of two sons, Brad , 7 , and Brandon, 3. The Scott family live at 110 Canterbury Lane , McMurray, PA 15317.
L eon Krezsler '64 . Leon Kreisler, whose business address is P.O. Box 908 , Joliet, IL 60434 , has been named area superintendent of storage at Natural Gas Pipeline Com pany of America , subsidiary of Peoples Gas Co. , Chicago. Kreisler will coordinate the activities of the company 's underground gas storage operations at seven locations in four states. Choon Kooi Quan has been assigned to the Division of Non-metallic Minerals , U.S. Bureau of Mines , Wash., DC , as a physical scientist. His responsibilit y will be in the area of nonmetallic mineral commodities. His new address is Oakwood Apartments , 251 S. Reynolds St. # M207 , Alexandria , VA 22304. Major Harold M. Beardslee IS presently assigned as an exchange officer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stationed at the Australian School of Military Engineering. He and his wife , Sharon , will be in the Sydney area until August 78. Their mailing address is School of Military Engineering, APO San Francisco , CA 96209. 1 965
Sam J. LaPresta has been named general sa les manager , foundry products , Ferro¡alloys Div. of the Foote Mineral Co. , Exton, PA. LaPresta , his wife, Gail , and their two children , Erik , 8 , and Gary , 5, currently reside at 946 Canterbury Dr. , Crystal Lake , IL 60014. Edward A. Cole , 801 1 Street, Rupert , ID 83350 , has accepted the position as technical assistant to the superintendent with Ama lgamated Sugar Co . as of May , 1977.
1 9 6 5 (Cont.) Stephe n K. Lee , 2614 Whisper Lea ves, Sa n Antonio , TX 78230 , has been named manager of drilling a nd p rod u ctio n for Suburban Propane G as Cor pora tion 's Exploration and Produ c¡ tion D iv. He will be responsible for all m atters dea ling with drilling and p rod uc tion of the corp . 's exploration a nd deve lopment wells. Edw a rd Nick Henery , 1287 Pa ppani Dr. , Gilroy , CA 95020 , was registe red as a Professional Engineer in the State of Colora do on June 13, 1976. He was tra nsferred from Colorado to Gilroy , C A , as a contract supervisor with the Burea u of R eclamation inJuly 1976. Ri ch a rd L. T erry , 27 35 2 Sturbridge La ne , W estl a ke, OH 4414 5, has joined Republi c Steel Corp . as senio r mine ra ls be neficiation engineer. Mr. T e rr y com es to R epublic from the Energy Sources De pt. of the Kaiser Engineers in Oakland , CA.
R . L. T erry '65. 1 9 6 6 No la nd R. Durnell , PE , with the U.S . Forest Se rvice , has been promoted to Supervisory Civil Engineer. His new responsibi lities include a ll road survey , design , construction , and maintenance on Bighorn Nationa l Forest and a ll fleet equipment on Bighorn & Shoshone Nationa l Forest. Mr. Durnell and his wife, Darlene , have 2 daughters , Terry , 15 yrs , and Jenell , 13 yrs . The family lives at 784 Huntington , Sheririan , WY 82801. The Alumni Office has been notified that Dale I. Garton died October 1, 1975 .
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1 9 6 6 (Cont.) M. Owen Lasker and his wife , Sharon , can now be reac hed c/ o GOSCO , P.O. Box 2222 , Dub a i, U.A.E. Mr. L as ker is Middle East Representative for Coope r E nergy Services and has opened a new sales office in Dubai in order to more fully p artic ip ate in the business potential of th e Middle East. Dennis H aubein , R oute 4 , Ce ntra li a , MO 65240 , has been promoted to Supervising Product Engi neer in the U nd ergro und Switchgear Dept. of the A. B. C h a nce Co. H a ube in has been with th e C han ce e ng ineering staff since 1967. H e's a registered PE in Missouri. Mr. H aube in and hi s wife , Patti, have one son , Mark. Do na ld W. Volkerding h as bee n appointed p etro le um additives sa les m anager for the southwes t district of Amoco C hemi ca ls Corp. He jo ined Amoco as a sa les enginee r in 1966 and has se rved in their Ch icago and Tulsa offices. Mr. Vo lk erding and his wife , Do nn a Kay , have three d a ughte rs. Their new hom e address is 6222 Cra igwa y, Houston , TX 77373.
1 967 David M . R o use, 1045 McNaughte n Rd ., Columbus, OH 4321 3, was rece ntl y named co- inventor and awarded a U.S. Pate nt fo r design of an electro ni c circuit that increases the efficiency of computers In ce rtain a pp li ca tions in the Be ll System 's electro ni c te lecommunications switching netwo rk . Mr. R o use is a m embe r of Technical Staff in the Toll Crossbar Systems De pt. of Bell Labs. H e and his wife , J ean ne , ha ve two c hildren , J o hn a nd Seth.
The Annual Meeting of the MSM¡UMR Alumni Association will be held at 9:00 p.m., Saturday, October 15, 1977 in the Centennial Ballroom of the University Center on the Rolla campus of the University of Missouri (UMR).
9 6 7 (Cont. ) William Ande rson, Jr. , 404 Sheron Dr . , Ro ll a , MO 6540 1 has opened a co nsulting enginee ring firm at 1306 Bishop , R o ll a. Ro b ert Weber, 18022 25th St. C h a rl es St. , R a pid City , SO 57701 , has been named assistant professor of mechanical engin eering at Sou t h D a kota Tech. ( Say " Hi " to yo ur brother for m e J e rri. BP)
1 968
C harles and Barbara Myles h ave a son , Christop her , born Sept. 8 , 1976 , in Lausanne . They have bee n in Switzer land for 1 year and will stay o ne more. Mr. My les is a research physicist and is doing resea rch and teaching at the Federal I nstitute of Technology. Mr . a nd Mrs. Myles wrote , "We like to get m a il from the U.S.! " Their mailing address is 38 C hemin du Grey , Lausanne CH -I01 8 Switzerland. Dave Mintner has joined William Bro the rs Process Se rvi ces in Tulsa as senior process engineer. He , his wife , Di a ne, a nd chi ldren , Cressy , 4 a nd Dav id , 17 mos. live a t 7516 S. Elm Southpark , South, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. David C. Grosse and Moniqu e I. Vervoot were married on A ug. 7, In Antwerp , Belgium. Mr. Grosse was on assignment at the Procter and Gamble European Techn ica l Center as The rmal Energy Systems Group Hea d in Brusse ls. The co upl e has returned to the U.S. a nd are making their home at 3460 Dunbury L a ne , C in cinnati , OH 45239, and Mr. Grosse is co ntinuing his employm e nt with Procter and Gamb le.
1 970
R . 0 Nat zons '68. Regin a ld at ions, 1936 Meadow brook , Westlake V ill age , CA 9 136 1, h as bee n a ppointed Distri ct Sa les Manage r for C he mplast In c. , in the Los Angeles area. H e will be responsible for the sale of C hemplast's full line of high -pe rfo r m ance industrial P I a s ti c s in Los Angeles / San Fernando Valley and su rrou nd ing Northern areas.
1 969
D. M . R ouse '67.
1 9 6 9 (Cont. )
Robert a nd Lind a Steele h ave m oved to the count ry, RR 2 , W e nt worth , MO 64 873, with two daughters , Kat rin a Ni co le a nd H eat her Michelle. Bob has a ccepted a positi o n as pl a nt engi nee r with Empire Dist ri ct Elec tri c. Hi s res po nsibilities includ e coo rdinat ion of co nstru c tion of a $7 million air po ilu ti o n a nd fuel conversio n project.
Mr. & Mrs . Chuck She pherd are the proud p a re nts of a baby girl , Ka ri L ynn , bo rn Ma y 28 , 1976 . She was welcomed hom e by Kevin , 5, a nd Ke ll ee , 3 . Chuck was recently pro moted to pl a nt supe rinte nden t for She ll Oil Co. in Seatt le , Wa . Their new ad dress is 1565 1 SE 42nd Court , Bell evue, WA 98006. Leona rd A. Huneke joined the staff of South Dakota Tech this fa ll as ass ista nt professo r of physics. Leonard h ad been an asst. prof. a t Northwest Missouri State for the past two yea rs . The new home address for Leo na rd and Lavo n and the ir two sons and two daughte rs is 1501 W es t Blvd. , Rapid C ity, SO 57701. J ames A . and J ea ne tte Ford , 12 39 Ve nid o Dr. , Conco rd , T 3772 0 ( new add ress) have a new daughter, Erin Bri a n a , born April 14 , 1976 . Mr. Fo rd a lso h as a new job. H e left the St. Louis Di stri c t Corps of Engrs . in O ct. to ass um e the pos itio n of projec t e ngin ee r fo r U ni o n Carbide in the ucl ea r Div . of the ir Oak Ridge Pl a nt. December 1976
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A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 9 7 0 (Cont.) Sharon Pfister is on the move again , Her new address is 4563 Southland Ave. , Alexandria , VA 22312. Sharon works as a computer programmer for the IRS . James S. Hinshaw, 3773 Shirlwood, Memphis , TN 38122 , was recently promoted to Manager , Memphis SubOffice , Trane Consumer Products Div . He will be calling on accounts in Tenn ., Ark. , and Miss. Mr. Hinshaw and his wife , May , became parents for the first time on September 25 , when they welcomed 7 lb. 4 oz . Jonathan Summers Hinshaw into their lives. Roger D . and Charlotte Wiley announce a new arrival at 2429 Shady Lane , Anderson , IN 46012 - Rachel Louise , born Feb . 9, 1976. Mr. Wiley is a production engineer for Delco-Remy. Captain Michael B. Mallory has received the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal at Norton AFB , Calif. Capt. Mallory was cited for meritorious service as commander of Detachment 3 of the 1931st Communications Group at Murphy Dome Air Force Station, Alaska . Now assigned at Norton , the captain serves with a unit of the Air Force Communications Service and lives at 1821 Fremontia Dr. , San Bernadino CA 92404. G. D. Degen , Jr. was named manager of all drilling operations in the Netherlands and currently is supervising four offshore drilling rigs. The mailing address for Mr. Degen is c/ o Placid Intl Oil Ltd. , P.O. Box 120 , Den Helder, Netherlands. William C. Shen , 9716 Mendoza Rd., Randallstown , MD 21133 , is president of HSC Engineering Corp. HSC is a consolidation of Eastern Environmental Endeavor, Inc. & Funk, Fletcher and Thompson , Inc . They provide professional services in the areas of architec ture , engineering, planning, construc tion , and land development. Four of the partners are UMR graduates. Greg Praznik writes to tell us , " I have been promoted from a general field engineer in Larose , LA , to a cased hole sales engineer in New Orleans, LA. Both of us now live in N .O . , LA. " Mr. Praznik is with Schlumberger Well Services . He and his wife , Lyn , live at 4869 Ken Court, New Orleans, LA 70114 . MSMAlumnus
1 9 7 0 (Cont.)
R . K. W illiams ' 70. Richard K . Williams, 710 Hummingbird Court , Lafayette , IN 47905 , has been promoted to corn milling superintendent at A .E . Staley Mfg. Co. 's new corn wet milling plant currently under construction. The plant is scheduled for completion nex t summer. Williams joined the compa ny in 1970 as a staff chemical eng;n eer and was named chemical engineer in 1971. Prior to his promotion , he was production superintendent , industrial products, at Staley 'S Decatur , Ill. , plant.
197 1
William J. Blankenship has been transferred from the Owens Corning Fiberglas office in Toledo to a plant in Kansas City , where he is an electrical power engineer. He and Dianna now live in the North Kansas City area at 6826 Crossroads , Parkville , MO 64152 . Elaine Marie Zambon is back in geophysical processing of seismic data for the Geodigit Div. of the Compagnie Generale de Geophysique in Denver. Her home address is 5340 W. 10th Ave. , Apt. 8 , Denver, CO 80214 . Larry Wayne Campbell and his new bride , Connie , have moved to 7249-B Cannonbury Dr. , New Orleans , LA 70126. Mr. Campbell is a senior engineer with Martin Marietta Aerospace Co . Martin and Lily Gaw of 2627 Tomas Earnshaw St., Manila , Philippines, have a new member in the family , a baby boy , Jonathan, born on July 2, 1976. Mr. Gaw is assistant vice president -production for United Textile Mills , Inc .
972 Alan Wayne Jones , Route 4, Imperial Estates Lot #3, Lucasville, OH 45648 , h as been made staff electrical engineer at Goodyear Atomic Corp . 's uranium enrichme nt plant in Pikeston, OH . J a m es E. Politte of 6544 McCorkle , Apt. 10 , Charleston, WV 25304, started as assistant superintendent with Union Carbide Corp. Coal Group at Mine 7-7A on 9 / 27/76 . Phillip and May Brown are still in Bad Kreuznach, Germany , enjoying their overseas tour with many opportunities to see Europe and Scandinavia . Phil is deputy facilities engineer for plans and contracts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . He says , " the work is very challenging and rewarding tool " Mailing address for the Browns is Facilities Engineer Division, APO NY 09252 . Alard Kaplan is using the home address of 2932 S Santa Fe , Indepen dence , MO although he has been promoted to Asst. Sr. Engr. with Mobil R&D Corp. , and is in Northern Sumatra until early 1979 . He can be reached c/ o Mob i I Oil Indonesia (Medan) , Newton P.O . Box 25, Singapore 11, Republic of Singapore. Dean A. Park and wife Vicki are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, Keri Linn , born July 23 , 1976. This was the stork 's first visit to the Park home , 2440 Country Run Court , Maryland Heights , MO 63043 . Mr. Park is a senior electrical engineer with Drazen Assoc . in St. Louis.
973 Larry S. Livingston of R.D. #1 , Box 94 , Cente r Valley , PA 18034 , has recently been promoted to superintendent of milling operations of New Jersey Zinc Co 's Friendsville Mine .
A L U M N I P E R SON A L 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 974
Jonathan T . Motherwell is staff geotechnical engineer for D 'A ppolonia Consulting Engineers and receives his mail at Avenue Du Jonc 2, 1180 Brussels , BELGIUM. " I am enJoYIng my work in Europe , " reports Mr. Motherwell. " I have travelled to Norway, Denmark , France, Spain , and Ita ly , all in regard to geotechnical aspects at some of our sites. " On 30 Aug, 76 , Lt. Randolph A. Latall was transferred from the 317th Engr. BN APO 09757 (Frankfurt) to the 567th ENGR CO (ADM) (HANAU) FRG , APO New York , NY 09165. The new position reflects grea ter responsibility a nd chance for service. Mrs. Helen Stapleton, P.O. Box 372, Sullivan , MO 63080 , b ega n her college career in 1971 , after raising nine children . She received her BA in English (minored in Spanish) from UMR and began work as a teacher . She is currently employed by the Sullivan Public Schools. Anthony M. Guerich has joined the Cuba , MO , school system as a teacher of mathematics and physics. His address of record is Route 3, Box 874A , Arnold, MO 630 10. Roger B. Holestine and Jane A. Morton were married on Augus t 13 in Brentwood. Mr. Holestine is a design enginee r with Monsanto in St. Louis. James Martin Keen and Mary Jean Laraway were married onJuly 31, 1976. They reside at 1167 -B N. Woodsmill Rd. , Chesterfield , MO 63017. Mrs. Keene is employed as a nurse at Barnes H ospital and Mr. Keen is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. in St. Louis .
Air Force Second Lieutenant Ricky A. Menking is participating in BRAVE SHIELD XV, a U.S . Readiness Com mand joint-forces trammg exercise being held in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Lt. Menking is a communica tions exercise plans officer at Shaw AFB , S.C. with Detachment 9 of the Tactical Communications Area. He and his wife Linda live at 2101 Buteman Blvd. , Camden, SC 29020. Michael F. Kavanaugh has been named Assistant Dean of the Ohio College of Applied Science and its Ohio Mechanics Institute Evening College , Univ. of Cincinnati (UC). At OCASOMIEC , UC's downtown technical college , Dr. Kavanaugh will be in charge of such academic affairs as program development , faculty relations , and coordination with industry . He, his wife , Nancy, and their four children live in Pleasant Run Farms of the Forest Park area of North Cincinnati , OH 45240.
March 18 and 19. Plan to attend, make your reservations early.
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Dixy L ee Ray ' 76.
The St. Pat's Celebration, 1977 will be
An a lumna who received her degree from UMR in Ma y, 1976 , was elected gove rnor of the State of Washington . Sh e has promised to dance her way to the gove rnor 's chair a nd her Inaugural Ball will be progressi ve , m oving from city to city in the state. Of course we are wr itin g abo ut Dix y Lee Ra y. Dr. Ray , who formerly was chairman of th e Atom ic Energy Commission, was awarded the honorary Doctor of Science degree a t Commencement, May 9, 1976. She has had a distinguished career m science and was long assoc iated with the University of Washington.
Joseph A. and Linda Buchek of 7659 Winklewood Lane, Houston, TX 77086 , are happy to announce the birth of their first child , a daughter, Carrie Melissa , born April 8, 1976 . Joe is busy at Exxon , where he was just promoted to senior systems analyst. Linda is busy at home tending to Carrie 's needs. Brian G. Millburn, U .S. Air Force Second Lieute nant , has graduated from the Strategic Air Command's missile combat crew operational readiness training course at Vandenberg AFB , Calif. H e is now stationed at Whiteman AFB , Mo . for training and duty as a missile combat crew member. He lives at S. Holden , White Plaza # 12 , Warrensburg, MO 64093.
1 976
Kenneth L. Woods and Donna L. J enkins were married on July 24, 1976. They live at 1228 Center St., Apt. D , Hannibal , MO 63401. Mr. Woods is employed as a project engineer with Crane & Fleming. Jeffrey Roger VanPraag and Lois Dianne Putnam were married on August 14 , 1976. The couple are making their home at 84 1 N . York , Apt. 207 , Elmhurst , IL 60126. Mr. VanPraag is a software engineer with GTE -Automatic Electric. Rob ert C. Born of Church View Apts. #l -N , Rt. 4 , Jefferson City, MO 65101, was married Sept. 11 to Lisa Gay Ferris of Trenton, MO. Bob is a computer programmer with the Missouri State Highwa y Patrol. Tom Gordy, Rt. 4 , Huffman Trailer C rt. , C linton , IL 61727 is employed by Baldwin , Associates, Clinton. December 1976
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Alumnus Cireu lation The A LUMNUS is published six times per year, February , April, June , August , October, and December. The August A LUMNUS carries a report of the Alumni Annual Fund , the Honor Roll of Donors, and announcements of Homecoming events. The December A LUMNUS carries stories of Homecom ing act ivities, Association reports, and results of elections. The other issues carry general new of alumni a nd the Un iversity. The publication of the ALUMNUS is financed by gifts to the ALUMNI ANNUAL FUND. Universi ty funds do not pay for the magazine. The Board of Directors of the MSM-UMR Alu mni
Association se ts the circulation policy and these are their guidelines: Each issu e is mailed to all members of the most recent graduating class. Each issue is distributed to a ll faculty and staff members. Each issu e is mailed to a ll life members of the Association . Each issue is mailed to all Uni versit y of Missouri Curators , and University administrators. The August and Decem ber issues are mailed to a ll a lum ni of record. T he other issues are mailed to donors to the Alum ni Ann u al Fund, so that the y rece ive six issues after the date of their gift. T his variation in mai ling lists results in some problems. We get news items in a va rie ty of ways and do not make it a
practice to chec k to see if the news item refers to a d onor to the Fund; that is not a part of the decision of whether to publish it or not. Conseq uentl y, we do publish items whi ch refer to a lumni who are not regular readers of the ALUM¡ NUS. T hey never kn ow . Frequently we get a news item without a ny identifi ca ¡ tion as to the a lumnus involved. So , if yo u have sent us an item a nd you believe we ha ve ignored it , there a re severa l tests you can make: First , a re you a current donor so that you are on the mai ling list for all issues of the A LUMNUS (you are not current if you ge t Fund ma ilings) and , second , was the item identified so that your name and relationship to U MR was clear. Let us know if we are guilty of missing a newswo rth y item - that is not our intention .
BUSI N ESS REPLY ENVELOPE First Class Permit No. 18 , Sec. 349, P.L. & R., Rolla , Mo.
MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
MSM-UMA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Unlverllty of Miliourl- Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401
C FR OM L NAM E: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CLASS _ __ __ I SPOU SE'S NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PLEASE SEND _ _ MINER DECALS
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THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SUpportl: Commencement Alumnl-Student-Faculty Conference Libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Clau Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Projects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants-In-Aid Alumni Records Educational Aul.tant. Student Award. (Gift. Are Tax Deductible)
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