Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1977

Page 1

Alumnus University of Missouri - Rolla

Class of 1927

June 1977

MSM·UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341 -4171 ; (314) 341 -4172

MSM - UMR Alumni Association Uni v ersity of Missouri -Rolla Rolla , Missou ri 65401

Volume 51 June 1977 Number 3

Rlchord H Ba uer 52

Preside nt Elect

Jo seph W Mooney '39

Vic e President

Fronk C Appleyard 37

Back row from left: H. M. Griffith, C. B. Weiss, Paul Weber, Frank Seydler, Murray Paul, Ed Seivers, William E. H. Knight, Ned O. Kraft, Clyde Boismenue, Alfred Smith. Front row from left: D. H. Jim Sm ith, Thomas, Ed Parsons, Ralph lusk, Charles luckfield , Ernest Moran, Harry Bobroff, and AI Barnard.

1 383 Wellmor.lond Uni v.""y Ci ty . MO 63130


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Arthur G Boeb ler 55

10 Fox Meadow, Sun •• , Hill" MO 63 127


Robert 0 80y .9

'222 Magno CoriO lone 51 loul, . M06Jl .. '


Vice President

Jom4U B. McGrath .. 9

FrU in -Calnan Carp 1706 Olive SI. . St.lou il , MO t.3103



Ro bert V Wolf 51

Dept. o f Meta llur g ic al & Nu cl eor Eng r MO ~Ol


Oepl of Civil Engr UMR , Rollo , MO 65-401


Vice PrOSIdent

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Vernon T loaslng ' .. 2

Beld ing H McCurdy '38 El. (Ro y) Per ry "0 Woller C Mulyco 65 lawrence A . Spanier '50 John a Wilms '''3

Area Zip Code Numbers 00· " H W flood '.3 IS-21 J . D. Patterson '61 22· 33 Bol l L Atchley '57 35-45 Harold Kost e n '6() 46-59 Eugene C Fodler '62 6()-62 Allen G . Beh rin g '66 62-62 C. Stuart Ferrell '6,.4 63 -65 Matteo A Coco '66 63 -63 Robert W . Klorer '44 63 -65 Harold A Krueger '42 63 -65 J . R Pott.rson '54 63 -65 George R. Schillinger 63 63 -65 Cli ff ord C. Tonquory '57 63 -65 Br uc e E. Torontolo '51 63 -65 George D Tomo zi '58 63 -65 William E H. Kn ight '24 63 -65 Edwin J Werner ',,9 66-7" Hermon Fritschen '51 75 -79 Re x Alf ord '40 80-90 Thor Glels'een '53 ond 96· 99 90-95 E Murray Schmidt 49

Alfred J Beus ch er 6-4 Joel F l o .... rid ge -39 Hans E Schmoldt ""

Robert M Brackbill "2 P.'er F, Mattei '37 Jom.s J Murphy '35

Paul T Do wling "0 R 0 Kos'en "3 MelVin e Ni ckel '38 F C Schneeber ger '25 James W Stephe", " 7

Issued bi · monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Uni ve r · sitv o f Mi,s auri · Ralla . Entered as second closs m~tter October 27 , 1926 , at Post Office at Rollo , M,ss ouri 65401 under the Act of March 3 , 1897 .

T. rm Expire, 1978

Glenv i ew Il60025

Allon H LaPlante ' 63

Cover Picture

OffiC ER S M,UQVrI EI. ctroc hem In c 8013001. Ave .. 51. lo u" MO 63117


Fronk H Ma ck amo n BOlbaro Petr ovIC


DIRECTORS AT LARGE 31 lake Drive . Needham . MA 0'1192 7 .. 00 Sun Island Dr ., South , SUite 711 , South Posode na . Fl33707 Pres . Frui n -Calnon Int I , ltd ,. 898~ Westhelmer Houston TX 77 ~'1 203 Hillcr est . Mor.holl , TX 75670 5 Pettll Or OIX Hills , NY 11 146 17700 South Avalon . Space 59 Corson CA 907 .. 5

T.rm Expir e, 1977 1978 1977 1978 1979 1979

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AREA DIRECTORS 183 Mom \t. . Acton , MA 01720 l~ Ashlawn Dr " Pitt.burg . PA 152 .. 1 1266 Crestwood , Morgantown . WV 26505 11197 Marle"e ~ri v e . Cincinnati , OH "~2" 2 1'i716 Coachwood , Riverview MI "8 192 4.. 7 S. Eucl id . Villa Pork . Il60181 219 Tim othy lane . CorteN ille , Il62'918 711 5 A li ceton Ave ., St . lou i• . MO 63 123 7500 Noturallridge Rd .. SI. lou is . MO 6312 1 Olork lead Co ., Rura l Branch , Sweetwate r MO 6J.68O PO . 80x 573 , Slke.ton , MO 63801 7598 John Ave ., Oak ville . MO 63129 1"219 Denver Ave ., Grandv iew , MO 6-4030 9000 Skycrelt Dr ., SI. louil . MO 63126 12723 Ston.r idge Dr " Florilionl , MO 6303J 1173 Grand , Carthage . MO 0...836 11015 Eosl 39th , Indepe nd en ce . MO 6-4052 52,,9 S. 68th Ealt Place . Tulia . OK 7"1"5 5143 JO lon , HOUlton , TX 77035 3065 Sou th Ingalls Way , Den ver , CO 80217

Torno 157 Hickey Blvd " S, Son Franc isco . CA 'i"080

CO MMITTEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTORS 28 Rege n ' lone . llncolmhlre . Il 60015 73'i Country Man or lone . Cr e ve Coeur , MO 6.3 1" 1 Schmoldt En g in ee ri ng Servic es In c 526 S Seminole 7.003


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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Texas Pas lh c Oil Co , 1700 On e Main Place , Dallal . TX 75250 9'9s... Hollilto n Court 51 lOUl 1 MO 6.312" Pre' ld e ni Murphy Com pan y 13--40 Norlh Pric e Ro od SI l OUl 1 MO b3IJ2 EX Off iCIO DIRECTO RS Noo ler Corp 1"00 S Third SI SI lOUIS MO 63 131 901 W.stll"ln Te rrace Kon sol City MO b4 11 " 10501 Sou lh Ha ml it on Ave ChlCOQO , Il bOO43 No I Brlor Oak . St lou II MO 63121 Mili ouri Public Se rvic e Co ., 10700 E Highway ~ KonlO ' Ci ty . MO b4 138 ST Aff Execu t iv e Vlc e -Pr ellde nl MSM -UMR Alum ni AIi OClolion a nd Dlr eclo r Alumni A ct lv~tles Unlv ers lly 0 1 Mili oufl -Roll a Sto ft Allislonl M5M UMR A lumni AIi OCl oll on and Secr et ory Alum ni ACll vl l le, Univ e rs ity o f Mlis ourl · Roll a

Universi ty o f MIHounRolio HarrIS Holl UMR Roll o MO b5-0tOI


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Class of J927


.. .50 years later



Ed R. Sievers





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Tommy Thomas, daughter Drucilla Lipsitz and Lois Thomas

Paul Weber


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Murray and Margie Paul MSM Alumnus / l

Clarence and Mae Weiss

Ed and Naomi Parsons

Ernest and Faye Moran 2 / MSM Alumnus

Bill and Eunice Knight

AI an

Charles Luckfield and Betty Stewart


Clyde and Roberta Boismenue


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AI and Sue Barnard

Ralph and Neva Nell Lusk

H . M. and Freddie Griffith

Jim and Verna Smith

Frank and Betty Seydler

Harry and Bernice Bobroff MSM Alumnus / 3

Commencement Celebration May 14 and 15, 1977, were the reunion days for the Class of 1927 and represented the culmination of a year long class effort to assure a fine turnout. Eighteen class members were in Rolla to celebrate fifty years of alumni status . Out-of-to wner s headquartered at Zeno's Motel and the first official function was the Class luncheon held at noon on Saturday. It was a get reaquainted time as the festivities, hosted by the officers of the Association, got underway with a social hour. Interim Chancellor Jim Pogue and Marilyn were also present to greet the guests . Several took advantage of the afternoon hours for a R & R period so as to be in top form for the Saturday night banquet which honored the J<'ifty-Year Alumni. About 175 people attended the dinner and heard the honored guests introduced. J<'rom his own lips they heard why one member of the Class decided to finish his education at another institution. A stellar group , each a contributor to society through the utilization of his own talents, and all generous in giving credit to MSM for the part it played in their lives.

Sunday, the Class was invited to an early morning eye-opener at the Chancellor's Residence followed by brunch at the University Center. At 1 p.m. it was time to meet at the robing room to don academic regalia for the graduation procession. The Class members sat in the front row and were presented FiftyYear Alumnus pins by Joseph W. Mooney, president-elect of the Associa tion. The ceremony was followed by a short picture taking session, and good-byes were exchanged with many an interjection that, "we shouldn't wait fifty years to do this again". Present were: Albert E. Barnard, retired industrial engineer, and his wife, Sue, from Ponta Gorda, F'lorida; Harry A. Bobroff, real estate broker, and his wife, Bernice, from St. Louis; Clyde F. Boismenue, retired from U.S. Steel and private consulting, and his wife, Roberta, from Ripon, Wisconsin; H.M. Griffith, Chairman of the Executive Committee of The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., and his wife, Fredrica, from Toronto, OntariO, Canada; William E.H. Knight, retired plant manager, Stauffer



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Bill Stevens, Ralph Lusk , '27, (in the background C. B. Weiss, '27) Margie Paul, Neva Nell Lusk 4/ MSM Alumnus

Chemicals, and his wife, Eunice, from Carthage, Missouri; Ned O. Kraft , retired from Alcoa as the Washington representative to the Defense Department and Space Program, from Bethesday, Maryland; Charles F'. Luckfield, retired master mechanic and administrative assistant for Service Pipeline, Standard Oil of Indiana, and his guest, Betty Stewart, from Tulsa , Oklahoma; H. Ralph Lusk, retired senior power engineer for Commonwealth Edison, and his wife, Neva Nell, from Richton Park, Illinois; Ernest Moran, retired chief engineer for Eagle-Picher, now a consulting engineer, and his wife, F' aye, from Miami, Oklahoma; Edward W. Parsons. retired researcher who spent 25 years in Mexico, Central and South America, and 18 years with the Bureau of Mines, and his wife, Naomi, from Spokane, Washington; Murray J. Paul, retired dir ~ctor of engineering, Natural Gas Pipeline Co., and his wife, Margie, from Youngtown, Arizona; Frank K. Seydler, retired after 34 years with Union Carbide, now a consultant, and his wife , Betty, from Grosse Pointe, Michigan; Edwin R. Sievers, retired chief, Mineral Branch, U.S. J<'orest Service, Northern Mesa Arizona; Region, from Alfred T. Smith, retired oil and gas wholesaler and retailer, and his wife, Fern, from Rolla; James F. Smith, retired vice-president, Anaconda Aluminum, and his wife , Verna , from Great Falls, Montana; H.D. Thomas, retired from the heavy construction business and mining, and his wife, Lois , from Rolla; Paul Weber, Emeritus Vice-President Planning , Georgia Institute of Technology, from Atlanta, Georgia; and Clarence B. Weiss, retired sales manager for Buckeye Cellulose, Division of Procter & Gamble, and Director, Corporate Relations, Memphis State, and his wife, Mae, from MemphiS, Tennessee.


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MSM Alumnus/ 5

Ernest Moran

Harry Bobroff, Professor Emeritus Jim Grimm, Bernice Bobroff


Ernie Paul Weber

Ned O. Kraft

Charles Luckfield


/ Jim Jensen, '4 1 and Bill Jensen, Professor Emeritus



6 / MSM Alumn us

H. D. Tommy Thomas

H. M. Griffith


Ed Sievers

Harry Bobroff

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Ernie Moran, Margie Paul, Faye Moran, June Spokes


James Smith


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C. D. Weiss

/I Glen Haddock, Murray Paul

(More pictures of the Class of 27 on page 60) MSM Alumnusl7

Roy Perry, '40, Delivers UMR Commencement Address Ernest L. (Roy) Perry, Class of 1940, president of Fruin-Colnon International, Ltd., Houston, Tex. (a p'ru-Con company), delivered the address at the University of Missouri-Rolla 104th Annual Commencement Sunday, May 15, 1977. He was awarded the degree Doctor of Engineering (Honoris Causa) during the ceremonies. Perry was born in Rolla and was graduated from Lebanon High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from UMR in 1940 and, in 1950, received an M.S. degree in industrial engineering from New York University. After graduation from UMR, he worked as an engineer for Russell and Axton Co., St. Louis, until he joined the U.S. Army in 1943. During his Army career he served as company commander and battalion commander in the 90th Infantry Division, then moved to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

following World War II. He was division engineer in the 25th Infantry Division during the Korean conflict and later served as district engineer, U.S. Army, Seattle, Wash. He retired from the Army as a full colonel in 1964. P'ollowing his retirement from the service, Perry became general manager of the Port of Tacoma. Under his leadership, the port grew from "near obscurity" to second place on the West Coast. Only the combined tonnage of Los Angeles and Long Beach ranked ahead of the Port of Tacoma. He resigned as port manager in Tacoma in 1974 to assume his present position with FruinColnon International, Ltd. He and his wife, Kay, now live in Kuwait. Perry's activities include membership in numerous professional and civic organizations. He was named Maritime Man of the Year by the

Ernest L. "Roy" Perry, left, receives a Doctor of Engineering (Honoris Causa) degree from University of Missouri President James C. Olson, center, and congratulations from Jim C. Pogue, right, interim chancellor of the University of Missouri-Rolla. B/ MSM Alumnus

Puget Sound Maritime Press Association. He is the director and past vice president of the MSMUMR Alumni Association and director and past chairman of the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers. Exerpts from Roy's address follow: Roy, early in his remarks to the graduates, stated, "If you feel a slight earth tremor while I am on the platform, please do not be alarmed. Thirty-seven years ago I was probably the most unlikely candidate for a Commencement Day speaker that ever graduated from this great University. The fact that I did graduate is probably the result of the benevolence of two great gentlemen in the civil engineering department - Professor Butler, chairman of the department, and his chief 'Hatchet Man' and aSSistant, Professor Carlton. The earth tremor, and please forgive my irreverent remark, will probably be the result of an upheaval in the local cemetery. I am sure that these two gentlemen had even less reason than I to believe I would be standing before you today. There were, however, two people in my life who never ever doubted and to whom lowe most of any success I may have had - they are my wife, Kay, and my mother, Mrs. Stebbins." He continued, "As you new graduates step out of the auditorium door, you will find yourselves entering into an environment where you are vastly outnumbered by other professional, semi-professional, techniCians, craftsmen and administrative personnel, most of whom are not going to be even slightly awed by your degree or your superior intellect. .. you have had an advantage over my generation of graduates - due to the changing face of UMR. This is a most desirable change: Today I see a large percentage of women, I see minorities, I see students

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from other cultures. I am delighted with the broadening of the curriculum at UMR. It is obvious that the University recognized this need for broadening its role, and especially the need to expose engineers to a wide range of sociological subjects. To find such subjects as 'Psychology,' 'Sociology,' 'Anthropology,' and a department called whole 'Engineering Management' in the UMR catalogue is a change that is all for the good! ! "Now that I have mentioned 'Management,' I would like to tell you a little about the role of engineers as managers. Without being too disloyal to myoId Civil Department, or belittling the efforts of other departments, I would like to suggest that it does not make too much difference what discipline your academic tr~ining is in. There is a place for you as a manager IF you are interested .. .1 am not suggesting that you are going to step from the campus into a managerial position; however, management occurs at all levels, and with the increasing emphasis on youth in the market place, your chance could come much earlier than you think. " ... Here are a few characteristics that a manager must have: - Above all else, he must be goal oriented ... - He must not be afraid of change or challenge, and - The thought of 'job security' has probably never entered his mind, for there is no job security in Management. The manager finds ... that the best job security is to do a good job!! " ... Here's another major point I want to make. It has been my observation that too much emphasis is placed upon trying to get into exactly the right job when you leave the University ... Do not worry about selecting a life-time career in your first job. Now is the time to experiment. Look for challenge. Seek out different experiences. Frequently the least

likely appearing job will turn out to be a better opportunity than you ever dreamed of! "A DESPERATE need exists for competent management at a time when I hear many young and not-so-young say, 'Why strive for the top'! It is too demanding. I'll have a good life without the attendant problems. More free time. Better family life,' and on. I do not deny any of this. With the current trend in tax structures and the public attitude that 'profit' is dirty, it is difficult to find good managers ... "I can't help but wonder where we would all be if everyone took the attitude of 'Let Joe Do It.' Someone has to develop capital, create jobs, meet payrolls, and provide the coffee bars so that 'coffee breaks' can become an inalienable right - broken up by occassional work sessions! "My point is, that in an economy supporting 230 million persons, with the highest standard of living the world has ever seen, more dedicated members of society had better decide that Management is not all that bad, and START MANAGING, or our present living standard is not going to be with us long! " ... The company I am responsible for 'rubs elbows' with every big contractor in the world - British, German, Japanese, Korean, Bulgarian, you name it. .. While we are out there fighting for our lives, and a few bucks, I keep hearing and reading in the American Press phrases like 'Zero Growth' 'Reduce Reliance on Heavy Industry ' 'Close Heavy Industry Because of its Nuisance Problems' - 'Don't Export Agriculture Products' 'Turn the U.S. Into a Technology Exporter' - 'Let Other Countries fo'ight over the Foreign Markets, ' and many others. These approaches are at best 'bubble headed thinking'. Over the past few years the breakdown of items that make up our G.N.P. has taken a decisive swing, and to me an alarming one, to serviceoriented industries and

businesses. I do not believe we developed our Nation, with all its faults and imperfections, still by far the best, and our standard of living , by taking in each other's laundry ! " .. .What I am trying to say is that, to be great, a country such as ours must have a strong, viable, heavy industrial base to develop the technology that will permit U.S. companies to compete for international markets. " ...The time has come for all of us , but especially those in Management, to realize that as an economic fact of life, Newton's first Law applies; that is (with considerable poetic license of poor old Newt) , 'You cannot get economic benefits out of one end of a pipe unless someone is stUffing them in at the other.' And NO ONE , Governments included, can keep stuffing the pipe unless there is a generation of benefits (productivity if you will) commensurate to , or greater than, that which is being syphoned off. " Speaking of pipes and productivity, I believe I know one way the flow may be increased. For the past 18 months my wife and I have spent most of our time in the Middle East...We have established an engineering and contracting company in Kuwait, a small country about the size of Delaware with the second largest proven oil reserves in the Middle East, after Saudi Arabia . We are also in the process of establishing another company. more specialized in nature! in one of the Sheikdoms further down on the Arabian Gulf. "Believe me , when I first went into this area it was with considerable reservation as to what our relationship with our partners would be. I was very familiar with the so-called 'hard-headed. hardnosed ' Yankee approach to business. What I found was so different that I am still in a state of shock. The ability to negotiate with an Arab bank in about 30 minutes a 20 million dollar line of credit and start drawing against it with little more than a handshake (Continued on page 10) MSM Alumnus / 9

Pro' (Continued from page 9)

is astonishing to those of us who deal with banks on a routine basis. "I can cite other examples of business dealings with companies and individuals where personal integrity and trust take precedence over any contractual document. What I was led to. believe were conditions in the Middle East and what I have encountered are so different that I wonder about our source of information in the United States. I'm not trying to tell you that there aren't crooks in the market place ; both large and small. None-the-Iess, it is very refreshing to feel free to walk the streets at any hour of the day or night with no concern about muggers, pick-pockets, and their

like. I also never worry about leaving my car unlocked with the windows down. I'm not suggesting that the Middle East is utopia, far from it. Poor people exist there too. But with free medical service (and it is pretty good), free schooling, and other social programs, I believe, from my general knowledge, that it is rare for anyone to go to bed hungry or die for lack of medical attention. Their social conscience does not permit it. "Now for the business opportunities. The mid-easterners were traders and businessmen when most of our ancestors were either fighting or following Atillathe-Hun. They are extremely intelligent, hard bargainers, and

determined to get value for their dollar. None-the-Iess, you young people could very well carve out an empire for yourselves in the Middle East far beyond your wildest dreams. The stakes are high, the competition much tougher than here in the United States, but for those who have what the Arabs need and are willing to give up their coffee breaks, it could be a tremendous, lucritive adventure. Believe me, the concrete and steel tents some of the Arabs live in would make Beverly Hills blush with envy. ..... There is a faSCinating, frustrating, challenging world out there. Don't be afraid to go find it. God bless you, and may all your best dreams come true."

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Professional Degrees Conferred

Harry B. Smith '42 Baltimore, Maryland Management Engineer

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S. Allan Stone '30 Fort Wayne, Indiana Engineer of Mines lO/ MSM Alumnus


The 104th Annual Commencement was the occasion for the awarding of sixteen professional degrees to individuals recommended by the faculties of . the various engineering disciplines at UMR. The professional degree recognizes outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the engineering profession. Present to receive the honor this year were: Edwin H. Barsachs, chief evaluation engineer, Sun Oil Co., Dallas, Tex., geological engineer; Richard H. Bauer, president of Missouri Electrochem, Inc., St. Louis, chemical engineer; Phillip O. Brown, branch chief, electronics (avionics engineering di vision) , McDonnell Aircraft Co., McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, electrical engineer; Robert N. Brown, president and general manager, United States Metals Refining Co. (subsidiary of AMAX, Inc.), Carteret, N.J., metallurgical engineer. William R. GibbS, partner and civil-sanitary engineer, Black &

Veatch, Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, and vice president, Black & Veatch International, civil engineer; Dale L. Kingsley, vice president of refining, CRA, Inc., Kansas City, chemical engineer; Jennings R. Lambeth, preSident, Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co., Youngstown, Ohio, management engineer; Arnold W. Maddox, corporate manager technical planning, McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, aerospace engineer. Vernon T. McGhee, budget and financial director for Natural Resources Group (worldwide), Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Okla., petroleum engineer; Clarence C. Palmer, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, R.W. Booker and Associates, Inc. (engineers, architects, planners), St. Louis, civil engineer; Stanley E. Rand, director, Coal Mine Planning and Development, Phillips Coal Co., Dallas, Tex., engineer of mines; Harry B. Smith, head of the defense and electronic systems division and general manager of


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Proiess/onal Degrees

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the systems and technology division of Westinghouse Electric Baltimore, Md., Corp., management engineer. R.T. (Tom) Smith, marketing manager, Kaiser Refractories International, Oakland, Calif., ceramic engineer; S.A. Stone, president, Diester Concentrator Co., Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind., engineer of mines; John B. Toomey, chairman of the board, president and operating manager, Engineering Co., Value Alexandria, Va., mechanical engineer; Samuel C. Weaver, president and member of the board of U.S . Nuclear, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tenn., nuclear engineer.

Dale L. Kinglsey '50 Kansas City, Missouri Chemical Engineer

Phillip O. Brown '57 St. Louis, Missouri Electrical Engineer

R.T. (Tom) Smith '58 Oakland, California Ceramic Engineer

Richard H. Bauer '52 St. Louis, Missouri Chemical Engineer

Robert N. Brown '50 Carteret, New Jersey Metallurgical Engineer

Vernon T. McGhee '42 Bartlesville, Oklahoma Petroleum Engineer

Samuel C. Weaver Oak Ridge, Tennessee Nuclear Engineer

Stanley E. Rand '62 Dallas, Texas Engineer of Mines

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Arnold W. Maddox '55 St. Louis, Missouri Aerospace Engineer

Clarence C. Palmer '40 St. Louis, Missouri Civil Engineer

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John B. Toomey '49 Alexandria, Virginia Mechanical Engineer

Student Marshals Leading the College of Arts and Sciences in the University of Missouri-RoUa's 104th annual commencement processional as student marshals were Bruce ÂŁ4'loyd Snow, left, 2124 Valley Road, Springfield, and Roger Andrew Carnahan, right, Route 1, Rolla. With them is Dr. Adrian H. Daane, dean of the college. Marshals are graduating seniors selected by their deans on the basis of their scholarship, leadership and activities. Snow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Snow, received a bachelor of science degree in computer science and Carnahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carnahan, received a bachelor of science degree in economics. 12/ MSM Alumnus

Edwin H. Barsachs '50 Dallas, Texas Geological Engineer

Jennings R. Lambeth '41 Youngstown, Ohio Management Engineer


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Suggestions Solicited Nine Association directors' terms expire this year. See inside front cover for complete listing. The directors residing in zip code areas 00-14, 35-45, and 80-90 and J. R. Patterson in 63-65 are not eligible for reelection for they have served the maximum terms allowed. H. W. Flood, chairman of the nominating committee, 128 Spring Street, Lexington, MA 02173, asks that you send directly to him names of people who might be willing to serve as a director of the Association with special emphasis in those areas where the incumbent must be replaced.

Student Marsha"s Leading the School of Mines and Metallurgy in the University of Missouri-Rolla's 104th annual commencement processional as student marshals were Stuart Trent Parkhill, left, 115 S. Broad St., Norwich, N.Y., and Jeffry Wayne Stevenson, right, 3258 Austin Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo. With them is Dr. T.J. PlaIlje, dean of the school. Marshals are graduating seniors selected by their deans on the basis of their scholarship, leadership and activities. Parkhill, the son of Mr. Edwin Parkhill, received a bachelor of science degree in geological engineering and Stevenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevenson, received a bachelor of science degree in ceramic engineering. Leading the School of Engineering in the University of Missouri-Rolla's 104th annual commencement processional as student marshals were Timothy Joseph Hoog, left, 4725 Lindbergh, St. Louis, and Paul Carroll Schnoebelen III, right, 20 Villa Coublay, Frontenac. With them is Dr. J. Stuart Johnson, dean of the school. Marshals are graduating seniors selected by their deans on the basis of their scholarship, leadership and activities. Hoog is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoog and received a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering. Schnoebelen is the son of Mr . and Mrs. P.C . Schnoebelen Jr. , and received a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering. MSM Alumnus/1 3

Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference


The annual Alumni-Student{4'aculty conference opened with a banquet held Thursday evening, April 13, 1977. One hundred and eighty-four students, faculty, alumni, university officials, and Curators gathered for the affair. President Dick Bauer, assisted by president-elect Joe Mooney, presented certificates to students holding Alumni Association scholarships and to participants in the Educational Assistant program. Over fifty students were eligible for awards. University President Jim Olson brought greetings to the gathering. Departmental activities began on {4'riday and the report luncheon was attended by more than one hundred people. What follows is a letter written by Asssociation Director - A-S-F Conference participant Bill Flood to Erwin Epstein, chairman of the department which hosted Bill.

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.. Dear Erwin: I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to spend the day with you and your staff on Friday, April 14, 1977. I feel that this annual Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference program is an excellent one - I'm always a little disappointed to note that some of the departments at UMR ignore this chance for alumni contact and support. Before discussing my views on the possibilities of a more aggressive integration of economics, sociology, history and psychology (social sciences, if you prefer) into the training of UMR engineers, I'd like to commend you on the extraordinary quality of the teaching professionals on your staff - I think it is a pity that their skills have been so under utilized in the development of engineers. It may have been possible, in my time, to ignore the social and economic impact of an engineer's decisions but I'm afraid that we'll


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never be able to do so again. The examples are too numerous and momentous to need mention but the Kepone adventure, Reserve Mining's tailings disposal problem and the fuelenergy crunch, to mention several that come to mind, are the result of technical and business decisions that did not recognize

the longer term social and economic consequences. "In thinking of the possible approaches to an improved awareness of the social implica tions of technical and business decisions, I applaud, and encourage, you in your attempt to set up a joint project in this area. I expect that this will not be an easy

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thing to sell because it tends to squeeze out the technical courses - which are the first love of the science and engineering faculty as well as of a major segment of your student population. I should like to have your consider two additional options, both of which may offend the traditionalists on campus. "The first is a modification of an approach that my elementary school teacher daughters call 'team teaching'. As I visualize it at UMR, a professor of economics, as an example, would be an adjunct professor to the chemical engineering department. In this role, he would work closely with the chemical engineering faculty, particularly in design and development courses, to integrate the required economics into that course. You will note that I said "integrate" I think the economics content of these courses should be indistinguishable and inseparable from the technical content. If this adjunct professor could help the chemical engineering department develop real world economic evaluations in published papers, books and reports, this would be the single biggest factor, in my opinion, that would add to the creditability of the written output of the university. "This use of an adjunct professor is a two-edged sword. Similarly I'd propose that engineering and science professors, having the required interests and skills, be appointed as adjunct professors to the economics department. , Their function would be to identify real problems to use in the economics classwork and to interject the engineering and technical limitations on the economic system. Hopefully they would be able to provide some balance to avoid the sometimes ridiculous postures taken by such people as Ralph Nader and Barry Commoner.

. 'The second proposal is even more radical. Since the number of credit hours for a bachelor's degree has decreased from 155 (as I recall it) in the 1940's to about 135 or so, I wonder if there are students who could be encouraged to take an additional 20 hours over the 4 years to get two degrees - one a B.S. in Engineering or Science and another in Engineering Economics or the like. Perhaps a minor in economics to the engineering degree would be more workable. I think this would require a very dedicated student but my experience tells me that such people can almost name their employer and their price if they can being a strong economic education to the job along with the engineering degree. "While I have talked primarily of the economics input, I'm sure that you can see the possibility of a similar approach for other areas of the social sciences. Similarly, I have not attempted to

detail the integration of the Engineering Management program - but there are some excellent opportunities for synergism here too. "These ideas are forwarded in the full knowledge that there may be all sorts of unrecognized political, personal and organizational problems that must be worked out. On the other hand, I believe that a cost-benefit analysis would clearly show that the solution of these problems can be justified in the interest of a better prepared engineering graduate UMR's only significant product. I look forward to further discussions and to the further exchange of ideas I'm enthusiastic about the possibilities.' , Sincerely, H.W. Flood Although no claim is made that the above is typical of all alumni partiCipation, it is indicative of what was sought when the Conference was first proposed.

President James C. Olson greets participants.

MSM Alumnus/1 5

Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference


16/ MSM Alumnus

MSM Alumnus / 17


Sept. 3 Sept. )1 Sept.)' Sept. ~ Oct.) Oct. 8 18 / MSM Alumnus


1977 October 14-15 Reunions 1927 and Before, 1932, 1937, 1942, 1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967 & 1972

University of Missouri-Rolla 1977-78 Football Schedule DATE Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8

OPPONENT Missouri VaUey Missouri Western Missouri Southern Kansas State.Pittsburg OPEN Lincoln University

PLACE Rolla Rolla Rolla Pittsburg, KS

TIME 1:30 1:30 1:30 8:00

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Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 19

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MSM Alumnus/ 19

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J.In 1937, Sfu~rf Johnson a young instructor with a brand-new Ph.D. began his teaching career in electrical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, then the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. His name was J. Stuart Johnson and he taught at Rolla until 1944. Now dean of UMR's School of Engineering , Dr. J ohnso"il received the dean emeritus title at this year's commencement exercises. He and his wife, Lucille, were honored at a retirement dinner Saturday evening, May 7, at the University Center. Dr. Johnson has been back at UMR since 1967. But, he says, "There were lots of years and lots of miles between the two stints on the Rolla campus." Johnson left UMR the first time to serve with the U.S. Navy during World War II, serving several months in Japan during the occupation. When he returned to civilian life in 1946, he went to the University of Florida as associate professor of electrical engineering. The next year he became assistant dean of engmeering. He has been in administration ever since. He was head of the School of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University from 1954 to 1957 and then dean of the college of engineering Wayne State University, Detroit, before returning to Rolla. "I came back to a campus far different from the one I had left," Dean Johnson remembers. "Only the old buildings - and the St. Pat's celebration - were left of the old days." The new dean of engineering found a campus on the move. "Enrollment was more than 10 times larger than when I left, and facilities had more than doubled. Many of the buildings on campus have been built in the last 10 years," he says. For him the most important of these new buildings 20/ MSM Alumnus

J. Stuart Johnson would have to be the Engineering Research Laboratory (ERL). "When I came, the building was under consideration," he recalls. "The legislature had appropriated funds and the U.S. Office of Education made an additional appropriation which made the building possible." It was dedicated in 1973. Besides offices, ERL houses research in many different fields, including almost all departments in the School of Engineering. As proud as he is of these research facilities and other improvements on campus, he believes that the continued excellence of the faculty and students at UMR is of most importance. "As a result of this excellence, this campus continues to attract a large number of recruiters for our graduates, even during periods of economic recession. UMR was selected by numerous industries as one of a

limited number of schools at which they recruited. Our students continued to get good jobs," he adds. He is pleased tha t engineering enrollments are climbing again. "A few years back, engineering enrollments dipped all over the country," he says. "For us the decrease was later in coming, and probably less than most in percentage. But, because engineering students make up about 70 per cent of our enrollment, whereas on large universities it may make up only a tenth, the impact was more noticeable. This year enrollment is up, and it will be even higher next year." He is especially pleased with the increased number of women and minorities in engineering. "There were very few minority and women students the first year I was here. There are more than 300 women in engineering here this year, more than twice the total female enrollment on campus in 1967," he reports. Dean Johnson has long been active in a number of professional and honorary societies. He is a fellow in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and has held a number of national offices. In the American Society for Engineering Education, he has served as na tional vice preSident, chairman of the Electrical Engineering Division and the Relations With Industry Division, besides two terms on the national board of directors and in numerous other offices. He has been on 20 accreditation teams for the Engineers Council for Professional Development (accreditation agency for engineering curricula). He has a long list of activites in many other organizations. These include, for example, the National and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers, the Association of State Universities


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and Land Grant Colleges, and American Academy of Transportation. Honor societies include (among about a dozen) Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Xi. He has received many honors. He received an award for Distinguished Service in Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the Lawrence Institute of Technology, Detroit. And last, but far from least, he is an honorary Knight of St. Patrick at UMR. He is a member of Triangle Social fraternity, the Rolla RotafY Club, the Rolla Area

Chamber of Commerce, and the ÂŁ<'irst Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Johnson is also actively involved in the Presbyterian Church , Hospital Auxiliary, and many other civic organizations. The dean hopes that retirement will give him a little more time to spend on some of these activities and on some of his hobbies wood working, photography, playing the organ and such. But he doesn't intend for retirement to mean that he stops his interst and involvement in his profession. "The main thing is that it will change the rigidity of my schedule - the deadline pattern of everyday work," Johnson says. "We'll be able to visit our children

- Russell and his family in New Jersey, Martha and family in Massachusetts, and Sylvia and family in Michigan - when we want to , rather than during vacation months. " Besides family travel, he hopes to be able to tie in some trips with overseas education, preferably in Africa and Asia. Engineering education in developing countries has been a special interest since he became involved in UMR's project to develop and improve engineering education at the National Technical Center in Saigon, Vietnam . "But when we travel, it won't be for very long at a time," he adds. "I'm a native Missourian, and Rolla will remain home.

Harold Q Fuller When Dr. Harold Q Fuller received the title of professor emeritus of physics in May commencement exercises at the University of Missouri-Rolla, it was the second time around for him. Five years ago he became dean emeritus of the College of Arts and Sciences. Both retirements are mandatory by University policy - at age 65 for administrators and age 70 for faculty members. But, according to Fuller, "retirement" depends on each individual's definition. And few of his associates believe his definition fits the ordinary conception of the word. They have good reason for this opinion. He has a well-deserved reputation as one of the hardest working people on campus. As one of his associates puts it, "H. Q" has always had his choice of parking places on the campus. The Fuller pick-up is usually one of the first vehicles to arrive in the morning, and is surrounded by vacant parking places when it leaves in the evening. While

serving as physics department chairman for 23 years and later as

Harold Q Fuller

dean , he still managed to find time for numerous community and church activities and to look after the Fuller acreage on East 10th Street. That has been the pattern of life for Fuller for the last 30 years since he came to what was then the Missouri School of Mines. But it started before that. "I'm a Hoosier country boy," Fuller explains . A native of Montgomery Indiana, Fuller County , graduated from Waynetown High School and from Wabash College in nearby Crawfordsville. He received his Ph. D. in physics at the UniverSity of Illinois in 1932. " I got out when there weren't any jobs, " Fuller remembers. Newly married (to Charlotte Mae Gohl , a high school classmate), he returned to Illinois to the only job he could find, a half-time postdoctoral appOintment that paid $300. "I earned more from tutoring than from the University," he adds. "The next year I got a full-time job, teaching at (Continued on page 22) MSM Alumnus!21


from page 21)

Illinois College for the enormous salary of $1200 for the academic year. The only physics teacher, he taught 17 credit hours - 23 contact hours - in physics and math. During his four years there, a major in physics was established for the first time. He taught another year at the University of Illinois and then went to Albion College (Albion, Mich.) in the fall of 1938. He became department chairman in 1942 and, except for 16 months working on the Manhattan project in Oak Ridge, Tenn., was at Albion until coming to Rolla in the fall of 1947. The next spring, upon retirement of the late Dr. L.E. Woodman, he became department chairman. In his 30 years on the UMR faculty, the retiring physicist says he has been proudest of the growth in stature of the physics department, on campus, and in the state and nation. It is gratifying to see colleagues whom you have hired grow and contribute and carry foward the development of the department," I<'uller says. "When I became department chairman, there were 12 faculty members, only three with doctorates, most of whom had been hired hastily when the enrollment zoomed almost overnight at the end of World War II," Fuller recalls. His first task was to build a permanent faculty. Now there are 22 physics faculty members with full-time responsibilities to the department and another nine who also have responsibilities in research centers or administrative positions. During his ' tenure, approximately 300 B.S. degrees and about 100 M.S. degrees have been granted in Physics. The first Ph. D. in physics was granted here in 1964, and since then 67 have been earned. I<'or 15 years Fuller was director of National Science Foundation Summer Institutes for Secondary Teachers of Science and Mathematics. During those years, nearly 1000 attended and more than 200 received Master of Science for Teachers degrees. 22/ MSM Alumnus

More than $2,000,000 in grants have been directed by Fuller. Most of these were from the National Science Foundation. A number of these were for the summer institutes and in-service insitutes (during the school year) and for undergraduate research and instructional equipment. But the largest single grant was departmental development grant of $550,000, the first given in the country in physics. Other grants were from the Research Corporation for a research project and the National Defense Education Administration for graduate fellowships and support. Another big achievement for the physics department was gE'tting into its own building. The first part of the building was occupied in 1963 and the addition in 1967. . In 1967 Fuller served a year as acting dean of the School of Science and, in 1970, he became the first dean of the College of Arts and Sciences when it was formed by the merger of tpe School of Science and the Division of Liberal Arts. At the time Fuller became dean, the physics department established the Harold Q Fuller undergraudate research award. This is given annually for the outstanding undergraduate research paper in physics. .Since he retired as dean in 1972, he has been a full-time member of the physics faculty, teaching and aSSisting in administration in the department. He has served on UMR and University committees and on the UMR Academic Council. He has also been working on a college physics textbook, "Physics With Human Applications" for non-physics majors, by Fuller, Fuller and I<'uller to be published next year by Harper and Row. (The other two Fullers are his elder sons, Dr. Richard M., professor of physics at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minn., and Dr. Robert G., professor of physics at the University of Nebraska. The youngest F'uller son, Harry, is assistant director of news at KP IX -TV, San Francisco).

F'or 30 years, H. Q has been involved in more community and church activities than he can recall offhand. He served on the Rolla School Board for nine years, three as chairman. He has been on the South Central Missouri Fair Board for many years. An active member of the First United Methodist ChurCh, he has served as chairman of the administrative board, chairman of the Wesley I<'oundation Board for many years, and on the Board of Trustees. He is a member of the Rolla Rotary Club. And, just recently, he was elected chairman of the Rolla Housing Authority. Charlotte Fuller'S activities have kept pace with her husband's. She has held offices in UMR's Coterie, in the League of Women Voters, the Phelps County Hospital Auxiliary, Planned Parenthood, and numerous other church and civic organizations. And the F'uller home has been a home away from home to hundreds of students and faculty members and their wives. Thursday, April 21, on his 70th birthday, friends and colleagues honored Dr. and Mrs. Fuller at a retirement reception. That evening, the physics department honored them at a dinner. He was presented a grandfather's clock by the physics department and a book of letters. It was announced that, in his honor, the Harold Q l<'uller reading and seminar room will be established on the second floor of the physics building. This was made possible by contributions from the campus and from colleagues and alumni of the physics department. It was an affectionate expression of gratitude and good wishes to one of UMR's and Holla's most respected couples. In spite of Fuller's expressed intentions of spending more time on his hobbies - woodworking, attending sales and collecting antiques - friends expect, that as usual, he'll devote much of his time helping wherever he is needed in his beloved physics department and in the community .

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William H. Webb When Bill Webb of Noxapater, Miss., arrived in Rolla in 1937 to do graduate work at the School of Mines and Metallurgy, he di?n't expect to spend any more tm~e here than it would take to get hIS degree. Now after almost 40 years, Dr. Willia~ H. Webb, professor and former department chairman of chemistry, retire~ frot?- the University of MISSOufl-Rolla faculty March 1. He and Mrs. Webb were honored a t a reception in the M~ners' Lounge from 3 to 5 p.m. Fflday, Feb. 11. Reminiscing about his early days on campus, Webb recalls that when he first came, he thought there was 'no way' he'd ever stay in Rolla. "The school waS'small, and there just di~ ' t seem to be that much opportum~y here, " he says. "Besides that, m those days there were almost no women students on campus, a fact I noticed very quckly since 1 was single and unattached. " It turned out to be a happier situation than the young g~adu,,:,te student's first impressIOn mdicated. Webb, who receiv~d. hi~ B.S. in chemistry at MiSSISSIPPI State University, had come to Rolla for graduate work becB:use of the friendship of his adVIsor there with Dr. Walter Sch~enk, then head of the chemistrychemical engineering depar.tment. Webb liked what he found m the department, especially the department chair.man. "Dr. Schrenk is one of three outstancting men who have had the me most influence on professionally ," Webb says. (Others are Dr. William F. Hand of Mississippi State and Dr: V. W'. Meloche of the UniversIty of Wisconsin, where Webb received his Ph.D .). Webb was a graduate assis~ant for one year, then becam~ a ful.ltime instructor. He receIved hIS M.S. degree in 1939.

And although there weren't many' women students regularly enrolled, a large number came to summer school, then run by UMC's School of Education. One of them was Ruby Fogleman, a pretty school teacher from ~ldon. They were married in 1942, Just a month before he was called to active duty with the army. Webb served four years as a commissioned officer ~th ~n anti-aircraft artillery unIt, WIth duty in England, France , Belgium, Holland and German~. He returned to the States. m November 1945. Almost Immediately he found himself back in the classroom . With the returning veterans, the sc~ool's enrollment doubled ove~mg~t. "They were desperate for mstructors, " Webb remembers. '.'1 was separated from the army m December but 1 had so much accumulat~d leave 1 was still officially in the army until the following March. But 1 began teaching again Jan. 1, 1946." . Except for time out to g~t hIS. Ph.D. degree at the UniverSIty of Wisconsin (949), Dr. Webb has been on the Rolla campus e'Yer since. His special field of teachlI~g and research has been In analytical chemistry ~nd radiochemistry. He worked flve summers during the fifties as research chemist and physicist at Oak Ridge National Labor.atory. He also did contract work wI~h ~he U.S. Atomic Energy CommISSIon on separation of fission products. He is the author of numerous publications in technical journals and holds two patents on separation of fission elements by electrodialysis. He is a member of several professional and honor societie~ , and is listed in "Who's Who I~ Engineering, " "Leaders of American Science, " and "Who's Who in Atoms," Great Britain. As fascinating as his r~sear~~ has been, Dr. Webb says hIS chIef joy has been working with the students.

"The student is the most important person on campus and 1 hope no faculty member ever forgets it," Webb says. "It is onlX because of him that we are h~re. Webb is proud of the chemIstry departm ent and its record, especially i~ undergrad~at e teaching. BeSIdes the chemlstry majors, at one time or another, nearly all of UMR's stl:ldents take chemistry courses. Smce Webb became chairman of the department in 1964 (when chemistry and chemical engineering became separate departments) more th~n 300 degrees have been granted m chemistry. This includes 185 B.S. degrees , 93 M.S. degrees and 32 Ph.D. degrees. . The Webbs left early ~n March for their new ~ome. m Louisville, Miss., about mne mIles from the farm where Webb ~rew up. What he will ~iss most WIll be his aSSOCiation WIth students and fellow faculty membe~s . "~hen 1 became chairman, I mhe.flted a top-notch staff, and 1 recrUIted the same type of person. They are dedicated and capable - hard workers, both as teachers a~d researchers" he says. He IS especially pleased with the last staff member recruited by the (Continued on page 24) MSM Alumnus/23


John M. Brewer "Other than my marriage, the best move I ever made was to come to the school here in Rolla," says John M. Brewer, professor of English at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Brewer retired at the end of last semester after 30 years on the faculty. "I couldn't have been happier," he reflects. Professor Brewer and his wife, Fern, are natives of Marion, Illinois. They grew up six miles apart and have shared a busy, active life. He received his B. Ed. degree from Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale in 1935 and an M.A. degree from the University of Illinois in 1942. Professor Brewer taught in high school and junior high school before World War II,

William H. Webb (Continued from page 23)

department, Dr. Stig Friberg, who took over as department chairman in September. What he won't miss is the regimentation of meeting an 8:30 a.m. class every day. "I'm going to enjoy dOing just as I please for awhile," he says. He intends to do some consulting, some traveling, and devote more time to his hobbies of gardening and landscaping. The Webbs have been active in community and church activities in Rolla, and they don't expect that to be much different in their new home. The Webbs have four children and four grandchildren, all of whom hoped to be home for the re.tirement activities. They are: BIll Foster, of Kansas City; Ann, (Mrs. Glenn Rae) of Mobile, Ala.; Mary Helen (Mrs. David Van Black of Denver, Colo., and Linda, a sophomore at Grinnell College, Iowa. "It has been a short 40 years," Webb says. "And I could only wish all of the staff and students at UMR as rewarding a career as I have had." 24 / MSM Alumnus

spent some time on active duty in the Pacific while serving in the Navy and was principal of Crab Orchard High School in Marion, Ill., for three years before coming to UMR in 1947. Speech is his specialty in the English field. "The first ten years I was here, I think I spoke at every women's group, civic organization, fraternity and any other group that met," Brewer says. "Much of it was extemporaneous. It seems as if everyone thinks a speech teacher can come up with a full-fledged speech on five minutes notice. And, in those days, I guess I did." Another activity that kept the professor busy during the late 40's and all through the 50's was the MSM Glee Club . "Dean Wilson decided we ought to have some music for Parent's Day one year, so we got some of the boys together and put on a program," he explains. For 12 years he was sponsor and director of the group that averaged about 30 students. "Once a year we could give a concert a t one of the other schools in Missouri," he remembers. "We would take the boys to Cotty College in Nevada, Stephens College in Columbia, etc. For five years we presented a joint concert in St. Charles with the girls at Lindenwood. For some reason, the boys preferred to perform at girl's schools. "We also put on a spring concert in Rolla each year and would augment the Glee Club with local voices until we had a group of about 60 for that event. Along about 1960, the school could afford to start a formal music program, so I turned the group over to Dr. Oakley. " Al though Professor Brewer found it necessary to cut down on some of his extracurricular activities after a serious illness 10 years ago, he is still adviser for the UMR Forensics Society and directs the debating program. He has also served, for the past 19

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John M. Brewer years, as director of the annual District Speech }<'estival sponsored by the Missouri High School Activities Association and held each spring on the Rolla campus. In addition to his speech courses, he offers other English courses each semester including technical writing. He is also in demand as a judge for debates on both the high school and college level. He is a member of the First Baptist Church and has served for many years as a Sunday School teacher. At one time, he directed the church's music program for two years. He was an active member of the Rolla Kiwanis Club for 15 years. Professor and Mrs. Brewer plan an active retirement. They began last summer by painting their house. "Of course, in that kind of thing, I just do what my wife tells me to do," he explains. "Last summer, I mostly held the ladder." This summer they want to redecorate the inside of the house and Professor Brewer wants to concentrate on the yard work. He plans more flowers than vegetables in his garden this year. An increase in short fishing trips - with their camping trailer (Continued on page 25)

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Aaron Jefferson Miles, Dean Emertitus and Professor Emeritus, died F'ebruary 11, 1977. The following memorial resolution was adopted at the general faculty meeting on April 26. 1977. "Aaron Jefferson Miles was born on December 28, 1901 at Caruthersville, Missouri. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1930 and his Master of Science degree in Mathematics in 1931 from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, and served as an Instructor of Mathematics from 1930 to 1933. After completing his Doctor of Science degree in Engineering Mechanics in 1935, at the University of Michigan, he served as Professor of P.hysics and Mathematics at Shurtleff College and Instructor of Mathematics at Albion College. He returned to the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1937 and served on the faculty as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. In 1942 Dr. Miles became the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and served in this capacity until 1965 when he was named the first Dean of the School of Engineering at the newly

deSignated University of Missouri at Rolla . In 1967 he was named Dean Emeritus of the School of Engineering. F'ollowing this and prior to his retirement as Professor Emeritus in 1972, he served in the Development Office of the University. After retiring he continued teaching extension classes until he was stricken with a heart attack while conducting a course at F'ort Leonard Wood. After a year of illness he died on F'ebruary 11, 1977. "Dr. Miles is survived by his wife, Anna Belle Miles, and three children: Mary Ann, John, and Ruth . John is a graduate of this campus now serving on the faculty of the University of Missouri at Columbia. 'Doc' Miles, as he was fondly referred to by all who knew him, was characterized by a kindly manner, a jovial wit, and a keen analytical mind. Integrity and sincere concern for others endeared him to countless students who now as alumni strive to emUlate his many fine traits. "Dr. Miles played an important role in the eminence which the University of Mi.ssouri-Rolla has achieved. His devotion to the institution and to the highest academic prinCiples continue to serve as an inspiration to his many friends and colleages. "

John M. Brewer

times a week, whenever he has the time. "My drives aren't too long," he says , "but, at least they are straight, now. All I had to do was change my grip by moving my thumb one inch to the left. Makes all the difference in the world!" he beams.

Continued from page 24)

- to Missouri lakes and streams is on the retirement agenda as well as one longer trip each year. Sometime during the next year they plan to tour New England, the only states they haven't yet visited. Although he doesn't say much about it, an increase in time spent on UMR's golf course is probably one of the benefits of retirement. The Brewers live only a block or so from the course and he is an avid golfer - playing two or three

He is the proud possesser of a new collapsible golf cart and lifetime supply (depending on how well he plays) of golf balls. These gifts were presented to Professor Brewer at a retirement reception held by his colleagues'.

Aaron J. Miles As the resolution states, "Doc " was teaching when stricken with the attack that was to prove fatal. "Doc" could have gone happily not only from the classroom, but from the bank of a stream, a pew in the church he served so faithfull y, or from the air , if there had been no danger for others. A man of many loves , he was much loved and will be missed. Additional time to spend with children and grandchildren will also be a bonus . Son Edgar and his family, including granddaughter Alic~a, 5, live here in Rolla. The Brewer 's daugher, Gloria Jane Gleason, and her husband (with Airlines ) live in United Barrington, Ill. They have two children Terri, 13, and John , 8. "1'11 miss the regular contact with students and faculty," Professor Brewer concludes. "But it's time to change the emphasis of our activities . I don 't think retirement will be less busy - just different. " MSM Alumnus125


St. Pat's 1977 Honorees Honorary St. Pat in a surprise ceremony Friday, March 18, 1977, Missouri Secretary of State James C. Kirkpatrick was named Honorary St. Pat at the University of MissouriRolla annual St. Pat celebration. Kirkpatrick, who was dubbed an Honorary Knight of the Order of St. Patrick in 1972, has attended the celebration each year since that time. He was notified of his elevation to Honorary St. Pat F'riday night at the dinner given for honorary knights and St. Pat's Queen of Love and Beauty. Only three other indivi<1:u~ls have previously held the poSItIon of Honorary St. Pat. They were U.S. Senators Stuart Symington and Thomas F. Eagleton and former Missouri Governor Christopher " Kit" Bond.

J977 St. Pat

James C. Kirkpatrick


Jim Grelle, a senior in engineering management from St. Louis, was named 1977 St. Pat. Since 1908, St. Pat has reigned over yearly festivites on the UMR campus held . in honor of the . patron saint of engineers. Each year one of the UMR students usually the one most responsible for the elaborate preparations is elected by his peers to represent St. Patrick. Grelle is the son of Mrs. Therese Grelle, 807 Neighbor Lane, St. Louis. She is a widow and works as a secretary receptionist for Music Sales. Grelle was graduated from De Andreis High School. And, since he has a certain facility in mathematics and SCience, he decided to continue his education at UMR because of its widespread recognition as an engineering school. He is looking for a career that pays well and has opportunities for advance~ent. . engmeermg He chose management as his particular field because of its combination of engineering education (his area of interest is mining engineering) and business courses. He received his B.S" degree in May.

Honorary Knights

Royalty reigned over the annual St. Pat celebrations at UMR Friday and Saturday, March 18-19. They are: Back row , left to right, Queen of Love and Beauty, Mary Lapinski; St. Pat, James E. Grelle; 2nd runner-up, Kathy Rosenhauer. Front row , left to right, 1st runner up, Anita Benschop; 3rd runner-up, Lynn Ratchford; 4th runner-up, Corinne Kay Fiehler. 26/ MSM Alumnus

At formal ceremonies Friday, March 18, 1977, seven faculty, alumni and friends of UMR were dubbed Honorary Knights of the Order of St. Patrick. Recipients of this honor were Mrs. V.H. McNutt of Helotes, Tex.; David L. Oakley, associate professor of music at UMR; the Reverend Joseph Carlo of the Christ Church Episcopal; Russ Perry, owner of Russell's Town and College clothing, Rolla; Jim Pogue, interim UMR chancellor; Paul T. Dowling, chairman of the Nooter Corp., St. Louis; and Ed A. Smith, chairman of the Service Drilling Co. , Tulsa, Okla.


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Anyway you look at it, 1977 is a good year for engineering and science graduates of the University of Missouri-Rolla, says L.R. Nuss , director of career development and placement. Although all graduating seniors have not yet reported, employer demand for UMR graduates has shown a marked increase over 1975-76, Nuss says. "The percentage of offers per graduate is running about twice what it was last year . "Many of the May graduates had job interviews during the fall semester and accepted jobs early in the year," he adds . "But during the past month, I have had frantic calls from 43 employers faced with last-minute demands for spring engineering graduates." ~

Alumni Publish Textbook Drs. Ed Hornsey, '59, and Karl Muhlbauer, '56, both professors of engineering m~chanics_ at the University of Missouri-Rolla, are co-authors of a new textbook, "Mechanics of Materials - An Individualized Approach, " published by Houghton Mifflin Publishing Co. This text is in two volumes. The study guide explains to students, in an informal and tutorial way, how to study mechanics of materials. The second volume, a reference guide, gives students the theoretical founljations of mechanics of materials and makes them work at learning how to solve problems. According to the authors, this system is designed to force students to stop and think about what they are reading. It pertains to a course for second semester sophomores or first semester juniors. Other co-authors are Drs. David Mc~'arland and Bert Smith of Wichita State University in Kansas.

Along with the increased demand for graduates, starting salaries are higher. "I estimate that the average starting salary will be about eight per cent higher than last year, " Nuss reports . Nationally, in terms of dollar averages , petroleum engineering was well above all other fields at the B.S . degree level, with an average starting salary of $1,508 a month . Other bachelor's engineering averages ranged from $1,182 for civil engineering chemical to $1,380 for engineering. In SCience, average

salaries ranged from $851 for biological sciences to $1 ,085 for computer science. Humanities graduates averaged $762. At UMH, as usual, salaries will be above the national average, Nuss says. "This year the average monthly starting salary for engineers in all fields will be more than $1300. Petroleum , mining , chemical and metallurigical engineers continue to draw top salaries , averaging somewhat above the average for all fields. "

Sophomores Win Memorial Scholarships Two women engineering students at the University of Missouri-Rolla have been awarded Kenneth A. Phillips Memorial Scholarships by the College Club of St.Louis. Miss Dayna Justus of 6505 N. Montgall , Kansas City, received a $1000 scholarship and Martha L. Dixon of 5 Fernwood Drive, Merrimack, N.H., received a $400 scholarship. Both will be sophomores next year. Awards were made on the basis of high

academic average , intelligent leadership , initiative and personality. The two scholarships were given as a memorial to Kenneth A. Phillips, St. Louis engineer who was killed in an accident in Turkey last year. His widow is president of the College Club, a St. Louis organization of collegeeducated women. The club promotes education of women through its programs and scholarships.

Jess Zink Named to Regional Position Jess Zink, director of auxiliary enterprises at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has been named to a three-year appointment as regional representative for the Association of College Unions International. The regional representative is the top staff executive committee position in Region XI which includes Missouri, Oklahoma , Nebraska and Kansas.

Association of College UnionsInternational began in 1914. Its mission is to provide professional guidance and development for Student Union administrators and the students who work with them in matters relating to facilities , services and programs. Auxiliary enterprises at the University of Missouri-Rolla covers all services provided students which are not supported by state appropriations .

MSM Alumnus /27

Students, faculty Win Awards Teaching A total of 22 have been named outstanding teachers at the University of Missouri-Rolla for 1976-77. The group was selected for faculty teaching awards by vote of students and faculty . Recipients will be honored at a dinner next fall when awards will be presented. Outstanding teachers for this academic year include: Professor Richard L. Ash, mining engineering ; Peter G.

Hansen, engineering mechanics; Gabriel G. Skitek and William H. Tranter, electrical engineering. Associate Professor Herbert R. Alcorn and Arlan R. DeKock, computer science; Jo W. Barr, Lawrence O. Christensen and Jack B. Ridley, history; D. Ronald Fannin, electrical engineering; Nord L. Gale, life sciences; August J. Garver, mathematics; Leonard F. Koederitz, petroleum engineering; Ward R. Malisch, civil engineering.

Assistant Professors James P. Bosscher, engineering mechanics; Samuel P. Clemence, civil engineering; C. Brian Harvey, psychology; Bruce E. Poling, chemical engineering; Seldon Y. Trimble, mathematics. J .C. Hankins, instructor in mathematics; Melvin G. Schaefer, graduate instructor in civil engineering, Earl J. Coleman, graduate teaching assistant in mathematics.

scholarships each academic year. Cole owns the top award of $2,500 and Patrick the fourth award of $1,000 for the 1976-77 academic year. Graduate students in the fields of mining, petroleum or metallurgical engineering from all over the country are eligible to apply for the awards. Cole is the son of Mr. and Mrs. l"red Cole Jr., Route 2 Sparta, Ill.,

and his senior project -was the design and marketing of the Miner belt buckle. His graduate research project is in the area of coal liquifaction. Patrick is the son of Mrs. Claire Patrick, 2938 North Branch Rd., North Branch, Mich., and his current research is in the area of mine roof stabil~ty.

nominated for the honor by student members of the Gamma Theta chapter of Eta Kappa Nu Association, national electrical engineering honorary fraternity. He was chosen "Advisor of -the Year" by an anonymous committee of impartial .iudges. He was cited by the chapter for his enthusiastic support of and participation in all chapter activities,

his leadership training pOlicies and outstanding attendance record at all chapter functions. Dr. Cunningham received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees at Oklahoma State University and his MS. degree at the University of Idaho . He has been a member of the UMR faculty since 1969 and an advisor for Eta Kappa Nu for the past two years.

Fellow Dr. James Kassner, professor of physics and director of the University of Missouri-Rolla Graduate Center for Cloud Physics, was recently elected to Fellowship in the American Physical Society. 28/ MSM Alumnus

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Advising Dr. David R. Cunningham, associate professor of electrical engineering, has been named "Advisor of the Year" at the University of Missouri-Rolla. UMR Interim Chancellor Jim C. Pogue presented the award at luncheon ceremonies Wednesday, April 27. Dr . Cunningham was

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Scholarships Jimmy Cole and Wes Patrick, both graduate students in mining engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, are recipients of Henry Dewitt Smith Scholarships awarded by the DeWitt Smith Company, Inc. , of Salt Lake City, Utah. The Henry DeWitt Smith Trust Committee awards only four


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Ra' The American Physical SOCiety is an organization of approximately 30,000 individuals who have been trained in physics and are actively working in the field in research or education. Of the total membership, a relatively

small number are elected to l"ellowship in the society. They are individuals who have contributed in a special way to the advancement of physics by independent, original research.

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Fellowship Dr. Laird D. Schearer, professor of physics and chairman of the physics department at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has been awarded a 12-month visiting fellowship at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics in Boulder, Colo. The institute is a center for advanced research and teaching

in the area of atomic physics and astrophysics. It is operated jointly by the University of Colorado and the National Bureau of Standards. The visiting fellowship provides a year in residence at JILA and is usually awarded to established scientists. The work of the institute includes atomic and molecular

Dr. Schearer expects to begin the program next September.

University of Iowa , recieving his Ph.D. in 1942. He joined the UMC faculty in 1947 as an instructor in geology and was department chairman in 1966 when he became executive assistant to then President John C. Weaver. The following year he was named vice president for administration. In conferring the degree

Marietta College characterized Unkles bay as .. ... a professor who was highly successful as a teacher of undergraduates as well as a director of the work of graduate students (and) is known and respected for the understanding and strength he has brought to the management of the complex internal operations of that large university.' ,

States for outstanding academic and athletic ability. KJie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross R. Klie of 155 Barnette Drive, Edwardsville, Ill., broke into the Miners ' starting lineup midway through his freshman season. He helped UMR win its first ever Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic

Association championship in 1976 and played in two consecutive NCAA playoffs in 1975 and 76. Klie is the seventh leading scorer in Miner basketball history with more than 1100 points. He received honorable mention allMIAA in 1976 and was named to the first team this year.

Financial Aid Personnel. Presentation was made at the spring meeting of the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel held at Columbia in mid-April.

The award recognizes Pendergrass for "dedicated service to students and to the financial aid profession. " The Missouri organization has 240 individual members representing 110 institutions in the state.

interactions, spectroscopy and line broadening, chemical physics , optical resonance phenomena, and accurate measurements of collision cross sections rate coefficients and other atomic parameters.

Honorary Degree Dr. A.G. Unklesbay, University of Missouri system vice president "for administration, received an honorary doctor of science degree May 15 from his alma mater. Marietta College in Ohio, during commencement. A native of Byesville, Ohio, Dr. Unklesbay graduated cum laude from Marietta in 1938. He did graduate work in geology at the

NCAA Winner Ross Klie, senior in chemical engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has received a $1500 graduate scholarship from the National Collegiate Athletic Associa tion. The scholarship is one of 15 awarded by the NCAA to basketball players in the United

Missouri Award Raymond L. Pendergrass, director of student financial aid at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is the recipient of the "Missouri Award" presented by the Missouri Association of Student

h, MSM Alumnus/ 29

Association Board Meets The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors was held on April 16 with nineteen officers and directors present. W.E.H. Knight was appointed to serve as area director to replace Mike Salmon who has moved out of area 63-65. Joel Loveridge was elected to the Board to serve as chairman of the athletic study committee. Hans Schmoldt was elected as director to serve as chairmen of the awards committee. Award recipients were presented, approved, and invitations have been issued. Various committee chairmen reported on the acitivities in their sphere of responsibility and the increasing momentum in all alumni functions was noted. The following calendar was approved: 1977 Homecoming October 14- 15 1978 A-S-F' Conference April 13- 14 1978 Homecoming October 6-7 The Board will attempt to schedule a meeting with the deans and department chairmen on the Thursday prior to Homecoming to discuss items of mutual interest and concern. Copies of the minutes of the meeting are available upon request. 30/ MSM Alumnus


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MSMAI umnus/ 31

Academy of Civil Engineers and to discuss ways of contributing to the progress of the civil engineering department. These discussions include the C.E. curriculum, recruitment of students, promotion of research and the funding of various items useful to the department. Officers elected for the 1977-78 fiscal year were Robert Vansant '51, president; Neil Stueck '43, vice-president; Joe Senne '51,

The Academy of Civil Engineers held its sixth annual meeting during the AlumniStudent-Faculty conference at UMR, April 14, 1977. The Academy was established in 1972 by the civil engineering department to recognize its alumni who have been outstanding practitioners and civic leaders. Each year the group meets to initiate new members

secretary-treasurer. In addition, Raymond Kasten '43 is immediate past president, and Harley Ladd ' 40 and Kenneth Schoeneberg '48 are members of the board of directors. The new members initiated in April were Coy L. Breuer '49, Wayne S. Frame '23, and LeRoy H. Jackson '34, which brings the total active membership to 50.

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First row left to right: Loveridge, '39, Breuer, '49, Frame, '23, Hershkowitz, '41. Second row: Livingston, '39, Vansant, '51 , Kasten, '43, Weis, '43 , Stueck, '43. Third row: Unsell, '50, Carney, '49, McGrath, '49, Senne, '51. Fourth row: Palmer, '40, Lyons, '50, Gevecker, '31, and Daily, '31.

University Vice President Appointed The appointment of James R. Buchholz, 41, as vice president for administrative affairs for the four-campus University of Missouri system was announced 32 / MSM Alumnus

March 18 by UM President James C. Olson. Buchholz, a 1957 graduate of Drury College in Springfield, Mo., ~as vice president for business and finance at Rochester

Institute of Technology in New York. "We are delighted that we have been able to attract a person with the experience and background of Mr . Buchholz," Dr. Olson said.

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The Order of the Golden Shillelagh is a philantropic organization of the University open to all individual alumni and friends. When the Order was established at Homecoming 1976, the announcement included these comments: "Without taking the analogy to extremes, the Patron Saint of Engineers must have had a trusty shillelagh to help accomplish that which he set out to do. The UMR Order of the Golden Shillelagh is designed to provide this same important help for the University. To meet today's educational needs, the ordinary is not good enough. Only the highest level of richness and quality, as made possible by private support, will

suffice. Leadership gifts to the University of Missouri-Rolla serve as a source of financial encouragement for many worthwhile needs as period cally identified by the Chancellor and faculty. " The national chairman of the Order is Alden G. Hacker '41 of St. Louis . He invited the twentyseven founding members to attend the organizational meeting on campus in February, 1977, and at that time the group decided to encourage charter memberships during 1977. Interim Chancellor Jim C. Pogue recently completed the appointments to the Executive Committee of the Order. Accepting this responsibility are

Paul T. Dowling '40, St. Louis; Fred Finley '42, Lamar, MO; E. Jefferson Crum '29, Arnold, MD; Rodman A. St. Clair, Alton, IL; Floyd S. Macklin '32, Kansas City, MO; and Ralph McKelvey '48, Canton, OH. A meeting of this group has been planned for later this summer at which time they will plan the year's schedule and conduct other business of the Order. Alden Hacker, 1617 Beaucaire, Warson Woods , MO 63122, will welcome any inquiries concerning membership to the Order of the Golden Shillelagh. He or one of the Executive Committee will see that all letters are personally answered.

Curator Appointments Confirmed A rancher, two lawyers, and a former teacher have been appOinted to the Board of Curators by Gov. Joseph P. Teasdale. William Doak, rancher, UMCAgr '51, of Vandalia has four children enrolled on the Columbia Campus. Daniel L. Brenner, UMC-AB '25, a Kansas City lawyer, also was appointed. He is the senior partner in the Firm of Brenner, Lockwood and O'Neal. He has served on the Board of Regents of

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Rockhurst College in Kansas City since 1960. Sikeston attorney Robert A. Dempstp-r, UMC-LLB '34, is a partnel' in a Sikeston law firm and chairmen of the board of the Security National Bank in Sikeston. Dempster recently completed eight years on the Columbia Campus' Development Fund Board and is a trustee of the Jefferson ClUb, a University philanthropic organization. Mrs. Marian Oldham, the first black woman to be appointed to

the Board, received a masters in education at the University of Michigan and has continued her postgraduate education at Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis University, and the University of Mexico in Mexico City, In 1967 she retired from the st. Louis public school system after 15 years as a teacher and counselor, All appointees have confirmed by the Senate.


Urban Answer Dick Smith, senior lab mechanic in mechanical engineering, loads UMR ' s experimental urban vehicle on a trailer prior to taking the "Traveling Engineering Exhibit" on the road. The car was designed and manufactured by students and has been a big attraction in the show which explains to the public the various fields of engineering. MSM Alumnus / 33

Section News _ __ Soofheel Plus Cape is a fun place to go when you win. Director Bob Patterson, always the optomist, organized another of the annual basketball. pre-game meetings. Association President Dick Bauer and Shirley came down for the affair and it was a fun night, for the Miners did beat the Cape Indians. Coach Key again made his fearless predictions, this time correctly. All present thought there should be another picnic type meeting in the fall before the football game. The date of that game will be November 12. Present (or with reservations) were: Tom & Kay f<'ulwider, '67; Bill & Clemence Stewart, '54; Stu & Twyla Anne f<'errell, '64; Jack & Joelene Painter, '50; Mark & Nancy Congiardo, '75; Lynn Ayres, '70; Bill Hawn & Guest, '76; C.P. & Jan Bennett, '69; Bob & Martha Patterson, '54; Frank & Nancy Mackaman ; Dick & Shirley Bauer, '52,: Bill & Naomi Key, Fr ank '& Margaret Conci, ,54; Jim & Ann Smyth, '60; Mr. & Mrs. Leo Heinman; Ed & Joy Murphy; Gerald Meyr '76 & Guest; Kerry Welker '75 & Guest; Steve Seematter, '70; Roger Wagner, '65; Gerald Hitt, '69; Gene Penzel, '55; Roger & Ann Wagner, '65.






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Northwest The Northwest Section met on l<'ebruary 26 , 1977, at the Sea-Tac International Airport. Approximately 30 persons enjoyed a fine dinner at the Carvery Restaurant. The highlight of the evening was when Art, '50, and Ella Krause gave a walking .tour of the HVAC system , train system to the satelite terminals and baggage handling areas. Ella is a good understudy ; she appeared to know where all the gadgets were as well as Art. The attendance was from far and near ; the far 's were : Raymond Lasmanis, '63, Vancouver, B.C.; Less, '59, and Harriet Spanel , Bellingham , WA; and Paul Bernard, '52, Albany Oregon. We also had the ones that keep the organization going: Chris Veesaert, '57; James Crawford, '26 ; and Jack Harlan, '10, accompanied by his daughter and grandda ugh ter.

Tulsa-All Oklahoma Meeting The Summit Club in Tulsa is the popular site of the annual Tulsa Section sponsored all Oklahoma alumni meeting. This year the meeting was held on May 7, and the 32nd floor was a spectacular vantage point for viewing a summer storm. All kinds of weather were seen, including a heavy fog. Dave Kick, presider, kept the program moving. Frank Mackaman made brief remarks and Jim Pogue, Interim Chancellor, discussed the importance of teaching to the mission of the university . Jim, Provost and Dean of !,'aculties, was formerly head of humanities and teacher of English. KA . Smith continued his happy tradition of providing the pre-prandial libations (this does not relate to the fog that followed) and the Summit Buffet was delicious. Vic Spaulding is the member responsible for extending the courtesies of the Club.

Present were: Keith & Pat Bailey, '64; Walter K Baily, '49, and Donna Hix; Tom & Karan Barrett, '69; Jim & Mary Jane Carpenter, '60; Jim & Judy Collins, '64; Herman & Arlene Fritschen , '51; Robert & Haroldine Hinds, '57; Vernon & Maralee Jones, '53; Howard & Kay Katz, '40; Dave & Gayle Kick, '57; Kenneth & Betty Klebba , '60; Col. Harley & Laura Ladd, '40; Terrance & Patricia Ridenhour, '69; Vernon & Betty McGhee, '42 ; Dave & Diane Mintner, '69; Ernest & Faye Moran, '27; Bruno Rixleben, '23; Levi Ackley; Hans&JimmieSchmoldt, '44; E. A. Smith. '24; J. V. (Vic) & Fran Spalding , '39 ; Bill & Ann Vark, '50; Gene & Lee Veale, '42; Joe & Orva Wanenmacker, '23; Jim & Gwendalyn Ware , '56; Roy & Audrey Wilkens , '66 ; Frank & Nancy Mackaman; Jim & Marilyn Pogue; Adrian & Jean Daane ; Don Stout.

The new officers for the coming year are: President Charles Hollenbeck , '61 Vice-President Pat Duvall, '62 Secretary Gerald Hammond, '50 The annual picniC at Vic and Rosey Hoffman 's will be held this year on September 10, 1977, with everyone looking forward to seeing the Mackamans.

MSM Alumnus / 35

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Detroit-SME Repeating the successful format of last winter, the Detroit Section held their meeting on the Sunday evening proceeding the SME. Weather caused some "no shows" but there was a good group present. Six students from the campus attended as well as three of four students who were doing their industry portion of the coop program in the Detroit area. Rich Johnson and Chuck Remington were carrying the colors for the ME department. ~'rank Mackaman, Bruce Tarantola and Gene Fadler represented the National Alumni association. Tom Huber presided and all present got the usual clear and concise rundown on the summer ball game. The program . featured Rich Johnson, Chuck Remington, Frank Mackaman, and that annual exercise in the

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Present President, Past President, Future Presidents of the Detroit Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, from left, Bob Seaman, '69, Ray Schaffart, '63, Jim Murphy, '68, Gene Fadler, '62, Tom Huber, '68, George Baumgartner, '56.

democratic process called the Section Election. Winners were President, Ray Schaffart, and Vice President, Ron Schoenbach. Sue Winscher may, by reading this, discover for the first time that she is Secretary, a real honor. Here's the reservation list: Mr. & Mrs. George Baumgartner, '56; Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bodell, '67; Richard Brown, '63; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cox, '70; Mike Criste, Kevin Edgly, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene ~'adler, '62; Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Frakes, '57; Mr. & Mrs. Eli ~'rankel, '70; Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Gegesky, '68; Thomas Greene, '71; Mr. & Mrs. Horst Herrmann, '72; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Huber, '68; Williams Hygh, '56; Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lower, '65; Mr. & Mrs. Larry McKinnis, '66; Tom Million, '54; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas

Mitchell, '70; Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy, '68; Diana Maims; Lawrence Rehagen, '75; Richard Rousos, '76; Steve Sallwasser, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seaman, '69; Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Schaffart, '63; Mr. & Mrs. Venon Severtson, '50; Mr. &Mrs. John Schejbal, '54; Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sherman '68; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith, '50; Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Schlueter, '70; R' h d S . ld h ' k IC ar pIe oc, 61; Bec y Stearms; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoenback, '70; Thomas Wykoff, '76; Don Stout. The Detroit Section will conform to the standard practice across the country and next year ask for pre-payment with reservations. The Section had to pay for the guaranteed number of dinners, a financial burden to those present.

Dalton Welsh '65 and Gayle. Those present enjoyed the social hour , dinner, and an evening of fellowship. Each alumni gave the highlights of their profeSSional careers, travels, and family since graduation. There were many varied and ample stories related by the group, especially those told by the senior alumni Dick Atkinson '25 and Orville Morris '29. LeRoy Thompson presented slides taken recently by Rene

Leonard of the Rolla and St. Louis areas. The meeting was arranged by Dalton Welsh. Dalton and Gayle served as host and hostess. They did an excellent job and their efforts are sincerely appreCiated. The next meeting of the Section will be in November at the Coral Gables Country Club with the expected guest beIng Frank Mackaman, Executive VicePresident and Director of Alumni Activities.

Gold Coast The ~'lorida Gold Coast Section held a meeting on April 23, 1977 at the Ramada Inn, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Those present were: M.L. "Dick" Atkinson '25 and Virginia, Lester A. Brockmann '55 and Annemarie, Dan L. Carnahan '68 and Ruth, Dell Hollenbach '58 and Madge, Rene J. Leonard '61 and Martha, Gilbert F. Metz, Jr. '57, Orville W. Morris '29, LeRoy E. Thompson '56 and Joanne, Keith R. Troutman '69 and Carole, R. 36/ MSM Alumnus

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The largest Houston Section meeting ever held occurred ~'riday, March 18, 1977. There were 180 alums and alums with spouses present. Alums from Houston, Corpus Christi, Austin, Beaumont, Lake Jackson, and surrounding area gathered at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. All the free beer that we wanted was served, courtesy of two full-time bartenders working overtime . The leperchauns lost score! Winners of Senior Alum Present: Virgil Whitworth, Houston, Class of 1923 Runner Up: Walter Casey , Houston, Class of 1924 (Walter's son, Eric, '46, was also present, as was his grandson, John, from an unnamed college.) Third Senior Alum: Ruel Kirkpatrick, Houston, Class of 1931 The 1973 class had the most members in attendance, and Texas Eastern Transmission Company had the largest number of employees present. We may have stretched our welcome during this party. There were a few "hangers-on" who insisted on staying later than the official closing time, and we may have to wait until the chief bartender retires before we can go back.

Those in attendance were: Kenneth W. Wood, '60; Steve Wilson, '72; John Warner, '70; Derrel Triplett, '74 ; Gary Thompson, '73; Robert E. Smith, '72 ; A. Wayne & Helen M. Smith, '69; John Sickman, '75; Thomas Rechtien , '75 ; Mr. & Mrs . Richard Peters, '73; Dr. David N. Peacock, '64, '66, '70 ; William G. Odle, '66 ; Jimmy Lee Means, '73; Rodney D. Kellison, '74; Jim Honefenger, '72; Charles E. Gockel, '55; Ricky L. Foster, '76; Ronald C. Epps, '67; Shirish & Arvind Desai, '64, '66; George W. Comanich, '51; August "Vince" Castelli, '50; Lonnie Burris, '62; Bill & Paula Brune, '73; E.E. Blanke, '73; Jim Bertelsmeyer, '66; Richard Barnes, '64; Roland Albrecht, '70; Rex Alford, '40; Harry E. West, '59; Virgil L. Whitworth, '23; D.B. Wright, '62; H. Vacca, '60; Dennis C. Visos, '74; Edward R Tegland, '61; Jacques B. Sachs, '73 ; M.S. Sandella, '71; James E . Saultz, '59; Gregory P. Smith, '71; John & Cathy Stellern, '75 & '76; George E. Stourton, '60 ; John Sickman, '75; Martin K. Reynolds, '75; RF. Robb , '70 ; Guy M. Robinson, '70; Mr. & Mrs. Tom Robinson; Ron Rembold, '76; Jim & Lou Paul,

'43; Mitchell F. Peterson, '75; Vincent E. Pirano, '74 ; Wayne Quayle, '70; Dudley Pt1aum, '74; W.E. Patterson, '53 ; William G. Niemeyer, '58; J.D. Nicholson, '42; Jim Martin, '73; Michael L. McKee , '76; Ken Metz, '70 ; Charles Murray, '70 ; Brian G. Marstellar, '73 ; Mike McKinney, '74; Frank McLaughlin , '75; Wayne A. Kotter, '74 ; Rick Katterhenry , '75; Ed Isenmann, '44 ; Bob Jaeckel , '73; Dennis Jaggi, '70; David R Jones, '71 ; John Hudelson, '64; Ronald E. Hall, '73; Mark W. Heuckroth, '74; Albert Higgins, '50 ; David F . Hollrah, '70 ; Tom B. Holt, '66; John Griessen, '48; G.W. (Jerry ) Fox, '59; Ron & Alana Featherston, '61; David Durand, '75 ; David J. Ebbesmeyer, '73 ; G.R Donaldson, '51; Paul & Linda Calvin, '74 ; Walter E. Casey, '24 ; Dale Chapman, '56; A.H. Baldo, '50; M.H. & Jean Beaver, '51; RH. "Hank" Birk, '75; Terry Booth, '70; Gary Bryan, '69 ; David Dalpini, '49 ; Dave & DeAnn Lewis. The Houston Section plans to establish a scholarship on the Rolla campus, but the details have not been determined at this writing.

The party was organized by John H. Miller, '60, secretarytreasurer of the section. Other officers include Thor Gjelsteen, '53, of Marathon Oil, area alumni director; Jim Snider, '47, of Hamilton Brothers Petroleum, chairman, and Fred Smith, '65, of Marathon Oil, vice chairman.

The Section has a luncheon meeting at the Petroleum Club in downtown Denver the first Tuesday of each month. A cocktail party will be held this October 11th for the MSM-UMR alumni at the Petroleum Club during the meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers.

were Tom Schneider, '75, and Pete Legsdin, '70, respectively. The Calloway System was used for handicapping and this resulted in a tie for second low net between Coach Billy Key, Ken Asher, Charlie Weniger, '69, Jim Cunningham , '65, and Bob Miller. The

toss of the coin gave Bob Miller the trophy. After golf, the "duffers" were joined by other alumni and faculty for barbecue, refreshments , and cards at Gary "Tonto" Schumacher ' s es tate. Howard Stine, '67, was the 1977 Tournament Chairman.

Rocky Mountain More than 40 MSM-UMR alumni and their spouses and friends attended the annual St. Pat's cocktail party of the Rocky Mountain Section. The party was held in the Ranch House of the Johns-Manville's 10,000 acre Ken Caryl Ranch located at the base of the mountains in southwest Denver.

St. Louis Stag The St. Louis Section held their 9th Annual Spring Golf Tournament at Crystal Lake Country Club on Saturday, April 30, 1977. The seventy-eight (78) golfers who teed off were a record number and all enjoyed the day . The outright winners of the low gross trophy and low net trophy

MSM Alumnus / 37

Florida Joint Meeting On Saturday, March 26, 1977, alumni and guests of the greater Tampa area gathered at the home of John ('42) & Barbara Olsen located on Tampa Bay in St. Petersburg. A BYOL bar was available followed by a delicious indoor picnic buffet. Association President Dick Bauer and Shirley were present. Frank Mackaman made brief remarks as did Belding McCurdy, Association director. All present enjoyed the Olsen hospitality and the pleasure of being in their home. Attending or having reservations were: Belding & Ruby McCurdy, '39; Ken & Erma Asher; Harris & Lillian Lund, '39; Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stevenson, '59; B.H. & Sue Moore, '23; Bill & Wemba Ellis, '50; Charles & Dorothy Benner, '37; G.T. & Myrtle Dierking, '24; Jim & Margaret Meneffee, '36; Lee & Barbara Ousley, '63; Lew Graber, '39; Dave & Lynne Lester, '72; John & Barbara~ Olsen, '42; Dick & Shirley Bauer,~ '52 ; Frank & Nancy Mackaman; ~ E. Fusz Thatcher, '28 ; George S., Kwong, '73; Mr. & Mrs. Jake; Gieseke, '33 ; Lynn & Licha Nicholson, '74.

Barbara Olsen, Shirley Bauer, Ruby McCurdy, Dick Bauer, Belding McCurdy, John Olson" Friend.



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Lynne Lester, David Lester George Kwong 38/ MSM Alumnus

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Southern California The St. Pat's celebration of the Southern California Chapter was held at the beautiful Elk's Auditorium in Long Beach on March 12th, and was a great success. Many in the audience were dismayed to see slides of themselves taken at meetings up to 15 years ago. How time does fly. Eva Hirdler Greene celebrated her 93rd birthday a few weeks after the meeting. She impresses everyone--and with a middle name like "Endurance" she will always be a winner. Fifty-five alumni, spouses and friends attended the meeting; however,

seven additional sent reservations and did not show up. To all alumni everywhere--reserva tions are necessary ; notice of cancellations at least one day before the meeting are a must. Unfilled dinner quotas are expensive. The following were in attendance: Floyd and Ellen Smith, '41, Don and Mae Jaenecke, '38; Jim and Theda Gostin, '44; V. R. Finley; Jim Webster, '50; Jane Bennett, '68; Tom and Pat Mack, '66; Mr. & Mrs. Ron Reis, '71; Mr. & Mrs. Roy G. Woodle, '51; Mr. & Mrs. Doyle W. Powell, '67; Mr. & Mrs. John Muehring, '50; Mr. &

Mrs. John Parmeter, '73; Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Boyer, '28; Mr. & Mrs. Art Liang, '70; Mr. & Mrs. John Masterson, '48; Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Huff, '51 ; Mr. & Mrs. Welby King, '42; Mr. & Mrs. James A. Latty, '68; Tad and Shirley Graves, '50; Mr. & Mrs. Bijl Schirmer, '49; Mr. & Mrs. Rene Rasmussen, '43; Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kayser, '15; Mr. & Mrs. Nate Jaffee, '42; Bill and Marne Fletcher, '34; Mr. & Mrs. William Power, '34; Stan & Sandy Ward; John and Phyllis Wilms, '43; and Eva "Endurance" Hirdler Greene, '11.

Upcoming Meetings Ark-La-Tex ' August 6

Homecoming October 14-15

Northwest Section September 10

Annual Board Meeting October 14

Bartlesville September 17

Annual Meeting of the Association October 15

Alumni Alliance September 24 AIME (SPE) Denver October 11

Ark-La-Tex November Cape November 12

Florida Gold Coast Miami November 19 Band in New Orleans January 28-29,1978 Bartlesville Oklahoma Section Lunch at the "Y" Every Third Friday of Each Month Rocky Mountain Section Lunch at the Petroleum Club the F'irst Tuesday of Each Month MSM Alumnus/ 39

AIME Meeting You can teach an old dog new tricks. The MSM alumni have been holding mettings in connection with the AIME since 1881. They have been dinner meetings, well attended and generally satisfactory . And always expensive. In 1976, at Las Vegas, a new high was aChieved, $18.50 per plate and $2.50 per libation. Drastic measures seemed to be called for. So this year an entirely new format was developed at the primary suggestion of Tom O'Keefe. The Association booked a suite at one of the downtown Atlanta hotels (the Marriott) and advertised a pay-your-own-way hospitality room asking for a donation rather than charging for drinks. No one knew how it would work out. It was great! So many people came between four and seven that we were unable to keep up our sign-in sheet, having decided that keeping up with the bar orders had a higher priority. All age groups participated. Local Atlanta alumni joined those from across the country who were in town for the AIME. The list following is of those we stopped long enough to get signed up . We used 108 glasses, although we know that Frank Appleyard used two. Harry Weart ; Bruce & Joan Branntt, '60 ; Adrian & Jean Daane; Larry Reed, '70; Ted Planje, '40 ; Frank Woodbury , '66 ; Frank & Nancy Mackaman; Melvin A. Sharp , '55 ; Phil Leighley ; Bert A. Arzabe , '65 ; Jim Cooper, '51 ; Bob Piekarz, '61 ; Hay ChiCO, '59 ; Bill Tsai, '51 ; Jack F . F aser , '47 ; Dick & Ruth Bullock , '51 ; George E . McCormack , '48 ; Harry Bauman, '49 ; Henry P. Whaley , '48 ; Vic and Rosie Hoffmann, '60 ; Raymond !<'ournelle , '64; D.J. Michel , '64; 40/ MSM Alumnus

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Curt Sphar, '48; Tom O'Keefe, '58 ; Larry L. Murphy, '56; Michael McNeil, '66; Mr . & Mrs . S.A. Stone, '30; Ruth & Don Dutton, '35; Raymond Prater, Jr., '75; Krishma Parameswaran, '71; James R. Ogle, '61 ; Richard Lance, '73 ; Bruce R. Doe, '57; Steve Wampler, '71; A. James Kiesler, '40; John Stucker, '71; Melvin & Mary Lou Nickel, '38; Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Tiernon, '54 ; f'red A. Todd, '48; Thor Gjelsteen, '53; Duk-Won Park, '75; Steve Losie, '74; Joseph J. Yancik, '55; Kevin Kenny; Fred J. Smith, '65 ; Gordon Johnson, '59; Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Root, '49; Terry Hebble; Jim & Ruth Shaffer, '42; G.V. Sessen, '64.

Thanks to Dean Planje and Dean Adrian Daane who helped host the affair and to Jean Daane and Nancy Mackaman who helped to make people welcome. Oh, yes! How did the donations come out? The affair was completely self-supporting and we don't think anyone spent over $10 for one fine Miner get-together.

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Miner Major and Minor Sports J976-77 The University of Missouri-Rolla intercollegiate athletic program ended the 1976-77 season in May with some outstanding individual and team performances. The Miner swimming team produced the only MIAA championship for UMR but other teams had successful seasons also . Coach Billy Key 's basketball Miners tied their record for most wins in a year finishing 18-8 although they suffered a 7-5 conference record. The UMR baseball team came back from a disastrous season last year to post an 18-14 record. It played 7-10 in the MIAA , good enough for fifth place. The Miner golfers played excellent golf in all of their early tournaments but went into a late-season slump and placed fourth in the conference tournament. The track team placed seventh in both the MIAA indoor and outdoor championships but several individual efforts produced some new UMR records. The Miner football team rebounded from a 1-8-2 record to finish 4-6-1 this season. It sprin!ed out to a 4-1-1 record in its first six games but then lost its last five . The wrestling team had one of its best seasons in recent years with a 5-6-1 record . But the highlight of the season was climbing out of the conference basement to place fifth ahead of Lincoln and Southwest Missouri. In women's intercollegiate athletics , the Miners competed in two sports for the third year. The volleyball team compiled a 14-5 season record and was 8-4 in district competition. The basketball team finished below .500 but established three UMR records in scoring , rebounding and steals while graduating only one senior. Ross Klie, a senior from Edwardsville, III., received the Gale Bullman Athlete of the Year award at the annual spring MClub banquet. K1ie played basketball and track four years at UMR and is the sixth leading career rebounder and seventh leading scorer . He also holds the Miner high jump record . K1ie was honored by the NCAA when he received a $1,500 graduate scholarship. It is one of only 15 given to basketball players throughout the nation. Two sophomores were named the outstanding football players . Terry Ryan was the most valuable offensive player and Kevin Wolf the top defensive man. Both earned all-conference berths . Ryan set a season rushing record with 929 yards. Senior Bob Stanley was picked as the most valuable basketball player. He led the MIAA in rebounding last season and was named to the all-conference first team along with K1ie . Stanley is the career rebounding leader at UMR and is second in career scoring. 42/MSM Alumnus

David Craycroft was named the outstanding cross country runner. Danny Roper was the top wrestler and allAmerican Bill Orr was named the most valuable swimmer. Joy Ewens was named the most valuable athlete in both women's volleyball and basketball while Carol Russell was the top intramural athlete. Joe Keeton, assistant football and head wrestling coach, was named as the letterman club's coach of the year. The most outstanding individual and team performance was by the Miner swimming team. Coach Bob Pease and his swimmers won their fourth consecutive MIAA title and buried their opponents in the process. Twelve swimmers competed in the national championships and the Miners placed eighth . They improved upon their 13th place finish a year ago. Nine UMR swimmers earned all-America honors by placing in nine events and established 12 records. Those named all-Americans are Orr, Alan J:<'rederick, Richard Erickson, Mark Ewers, Dana Witt, Mike Norberg, Randy Luebbert, John Smith and Matt Heinicke. Orr and Norberg are the only seniors and Witt transferred so Coach Pease will have an outstanding nucleus returning to try to win an unprecedented fifth straight MIAA title next year. The Miner basketball team was unable to defend successfully its MIAA crown and finished third behind Lincoln and Warrensburg. But the Miners still had a winning season despite pre-season predictions of mediocrity . Three starters will be missed and head coach Billy Key and his assistant, Jerry Kirksey have been beating the bushes for talented replacements. Stanley and K1ie had four outstanding years for the Miners and Terry Buzebee, a top reserve for two years until breaking into the starting lineup , provided good leadership. Coach Key believes he had a good recruiting year and can plug some of the gaps . The newcomers, together with a solid group of veterans, should again be a contender for the conference championships . f'ive Miner baseball players were named to the all-conference team selected by league coaches. Pitcher Rusty Litchfield was selected on the first team. The senior righthander had a 4-3 record and a 2.15 ERA, fifth best in the conference. UMR centerfielder Tom Hernandez and first baseman Jeff Hannah were named to the second team. Hernandez led the Miners in hitting with a .353 average andstoJe 17 bases. Hannah drove in26 runs while batting .322. Both are juniors. Senior outfielder Greg Derbak and freshman third baseman Mike Bennett

received honorable mentions. Derbak batted .343 and Bennett .298. Final StandIngs Conference Overall W L W L

SEMS 14 4 23 11 NWMS 10 3 20 16 SMS 9 5 23 11 NEMS 7 8 7 9 UMR 7 10 18 14 CMS 6 9 13 14 LU 2 16 10 21 The UMR golf team had some impressive outings in tournament play early in the season but was unal?le to maintain the momentum. The Miners placed sixth in the Gulfstream Intercollegiate Classic in Texas early in the year. They had the best score in the UMR best ball tournament in Rolla but a disqualification placed them second. They won a triangular with UMSL and St. Louis U. and were second in the Heart of America tournament. They placed third in the 29-team Crossroads of America tourney before going into their slump. The Miners finished fourth in the Columbia College Tournament and a distant second in the Southwest Missouri State contest. Coach Bud Mercier began to worry about the Miners' chances in the MIAA tournament at this point because the team was not playing well. His worries proved justified as the Miners finished fourth behind Warrensburg, Kirksville and Springfield. Head football coach Charlie Finley would like to divide this year 's season into two halves. He would be happy with the first and throwaway the second. The Miners lost their opener to Missouri Valley 42-30 but it was a game the coaches and players felt they should have won. They did win their next two, 7-6 over Missouri Western and 17-{) over Wayne State before being tied at 7-7 by Kansas State-Pittsburg in another game many felt should have been won. The Miners also won their first two conference games, 34-15 over Lincoln and 2915 over Central Missouri. But then the bottom fell out. The Miners lost their next five games, including a 21-20 grudge match to archrival Washington University. Coach f'inley felt that the defense played outstanding all year and kept the Miners in most of their games. But the offense seemed unable to score pOints when they were needed. Spring drills gave coaches a look at the returning players and about 30 new recruits will be on campus in the fall. They will be used to give the Miners added depth and also to plus some holes left by graduation. Miner fans hope the squad can get off to another fast start this fall , and, with luck, determination and pride, can put together a great year.

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Dr. Jacques Zakin , center , professor of chemical engineering , receives a check for $3 ,000 from Lloyd E. Reuss, right , a 1957 graduate in mechanical engineering at UMR , chief engineer of Buick Motor Division, General Motors Corp. while Dick Bachelor , left , senior staff assistant, administrative services of Buick , looks on. The check is the company 's contribution to the University of Missouri-Rolla Minority Engineering Program . This type of support from industries enables UMH. to provide special assistance to a group of minority students during their first year of engineering education. Most of the companies also provide summer jobs and career counseling for these students after the freshman year until they earn their degrees . Dr. Zakin is director of the UMH. program , Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coo rdinator, .. 314-341-4201 or (4202). Written requ ests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UM R Extension Division , Uni versit y of Missouri · Rolla , Rolla, Missouri 654u I.



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Program Name 4th Rolla Conference on Surface Properties of Material Catalysis, Surface Dynamics, Plasma Pol ymeri zed Thin Films Soil Aspects of Dam Design I st International Conference on Mathematicai Modeling Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering 4th Annual Patents Conference Micro Emulsions and Emulsions 35th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Paints and Coatings 7th Paint Inspectors and Quality Controllers Short Course 3rd Introductory Short Course on Tinting, Shading & Matching of Paint 5th Bienniel Symposium on Turbulence Single Phase Induction Motor Design Short Course 29th Advanced Chemical Coa tings Workshop 26th Paint Short Course for Maintenance Engi nee rs 20th Annual Asphalt Conference Applied Ore Microscopy Design of Dewatering Sys tems Design of Shallow Foundations 4th International Specialty Conference on Cold·Formed Steel Structures

Location Rolla

Dates Aug. 1-4.1977

Rolla St. Louis Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla

Aug. 15·20, 1977 Aug. 29·Sept. I , 1977 Fall 1977 Sept. 1977 Sept. 7·9, 1977 Sept. 12·16, 1977

Rolla Rolla

Sept. 18·23 , 1977 Sept. 26·30. 1977

Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla St. Louis

Oct. 1977 Oct. 1977 Oct. 3·7. 1977 Oct. 10· 14. 1977 Nov . 1977 Dec. 1977 Jan. 1978 Jan. 1977 June 1978

r. MSM Alumnus / 43

Job Opportunities For informati on conce rning positions listed below. please contact Mr. Larr y Nuss. Direc tor or Ca ree r Development & Pla cement. UM R. Rolla. Misso uri 6540 I . giving File N umber or the posit ion. stat e your degree. di sc ipline and month and yea r or yo ur grad uation . During times or high activit y in the employment market. some pos iti ons will be rilled berore the y are publi shed. The Pla ce ment Orri ce will make a sea rch ror similar pos iti ons th at ma y be ope n ir you encl ose your resum e with your inquir y.

1391 Industrial and academic CHE openings . All specialities.

1409 BSME 8-10 as chief ME agri. mfg.

1428 Exper in coal use for met applications for tech service.

1392 Agency -

1410 Agency. multi-listings. Many require advanced degrees.

1429 ME or Chern for tech service and coal using industrial plants .

multi-openings .

1393 Agency -


1394 Upper mid-west manufacturer needs product, process chemical engrs. and senior scientists. 1395 Ceramic for refractory sales. Northeast location.

141i PhDEE for advance development of electric motors.

1430 State govt. specialists 1&2.

1412 EDP mgr. State govt.

1431 Agency listings. All levels.

1413 CE. ME , Eng. Mgt. Salessteel bldgs.

1432 Same as above.

1396 HSCE+2 Highway const. adjoining state.

1414 H.es . Ctr. computer, math, physics, chern types needed . Near-west.

1397 R&E Ctr. Missiles and space. Mid-sou th . M ulti-openfngs. Advanced degrees required.

1415 Metallurgist. New York State. Supervisor .

1398 Agency - mets, mining, mech . Experience necessary. 1399 Major manufacturer, Chicago area. Mech and EE. Multi-openings. 1400 Mi d-west consulting firm needs CE in water resources , mechanicals and environmentals . 1401 EE ' s for power and lightning

1416 BSEE , ME, engr. sales and mfg . 1417 BS or MS Chern-coatings . Tech service rep . 1418 BSME plan and direct tests. Exper required. 1419 Field rep . State labor standards.

design . St. Louis .

l420 BSCE -PE Senior engr, water resource field. Wash. area.

1402 Mfg. engr. met or mech 0-10 exper . Florida after 1-78.

1421 The golden company has multi-openings.

1403 Agency . All disciplines . Multi-listings.

1422 Energy transmission Junior geologists.

1404 CE with PE in multi-states . Engr. mgr . 1405 BSCE engr. mgt. or ME . 3+ exper. Tech sales, mid-west.


1423 Major food processor , BSPhD ' s needed. Chemically oriented. 1424 Agency locations.

all kinds, all

1406 PhD in Colloid Chern. 1425 As above. 1407 HSME equip. design . 2-5 exper. 1408 Asst. plant mgr . with 3+ estimita ting and production exper. 44 / MSM Alumnus

1426 HSEE, Hi freq . engr., 2-5. Also inst. engr. 1427 Adv . degree, chern. field for coatings. H.es lab, eastern state.

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1433 BSMet St. Louis foundry.

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1434 Mid-south mfgr. Materials mgrs. chief industrial engr. and quality control openings.


1435 BS or MSEE or ME, mfgr. mid-west. 1436 BSME and EE for asst. industrial engr. H.R. 1437 Electrical-computer types for systems , software, logic and power design. Eastern state. Defense oriented co. 1438 Auto Co , defense div. needs quality control, industrial, mech. structural and electrical engrs.


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death. 1439 MS Ceramic. Eastern state. No exper. necessary.


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1440 MS or PhD Rock Mechs. Equip. mfgr. 1441 BS Chern, Met, or ME. Senior project mgr. Int'!. possibilities . 1442 Major food processor needs structural , process and electrical design engrs plus equipment & compute types.


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1443 BSME 1-3 adjoing state mfgr . 1444 BS Mining or Geol + 4 yrs exper. Federal Govt. Should read fil e to believe.


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Alumni News _ __

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1903 The alumni office has been notified of the death of L. L. Krickhaus of Springfield, MO.

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1922 Glen S. Wyman, 1352 Camino Teresa; Solana Beach, CA 92075, is a retired mining engineer. He spent 38 years with Anaconda Co. in Chuquicamata, Chile, and holds fifty-year membership in the College of Engineers (1922-72), Chile, S.A.

1923 Lynn Harbison, R.R. No.9, Springfield, MO 65804, died of a stroke on March 2, 1977. Mr. Harbison held both a BS and a Professional Degree in Chemical Engineering from MSM. After his graduation from MSM in 1923, he worked as a chemist for Phelps Dodge in Morenci, Ariz. From there he went to work in tire rubber laboratories in Akron, Ohio. In 1947 he joined the Phillips Petroleum Co. in Akron as manager of their carbon black lab. He retired to Springfield in 1958, where he lived until his death. He is survived by his wife, ÂŁ1'aye, of the home, and a daughter, Mrs. Lynda Woldridge and two grandchildren of Akron.


;enior Iities.

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1928 Phil Boyer, 1640 Eolus Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024, retired from Kennecott Copper in 1960. He keeps himself fit and occupies his time by playing 18 holes of golf 3 times a week, walking the course, and occasionally sails a boat. He also works hard in his little acre of avocados, citrus and flowers. Phil is planning to be in Rolla for his 50th anniversary and hopes to see several of his "old" acquaintenances then. Thomas D. Murphy is this year 's recipient of the Hal Williams Hardinge Award. His citation reads , "Prominent geologist, engineer and author. For his praise-worthy accomplishments in the development of silica sand and dolomite resources, as well as his dedication and contributions to the Industrial Minerals Division of the Society of Mining EnginL:ers, AIME." Mr. Murphy is a mining geology consultant and his home address is 19 Courtney Place, Palm Coast, FL 32037.

1932 ÂŁ1'loyd S. Macklin and Irene Wilhelmina Schulz were married April 30, 1977. Their home address is 912 Charlotte St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Floyd is retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

1925 Mrs. Thompson Staab and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Carl Schneeberger III announce the marriage of Cathryn Ann Thompson and Frederick Carl Schneeberger IV on January 28, 1977.

Edward L. Karraker, 645 Valley View Dr., Zionsville, IN 46077, retired from Shell Pipe Line Co. on Sept. 1, 1975. He and his wife, Helen , do a little gardening in the summer, shovel snow in the winter, and travel a little in both.


Florence M. Victor, 3025 Lawnview; Corpus Christi, TX 78404, has notified the alumni office of the death of her husband, Robert J. Victor, on December 4,1976. He

mfgr. 4Y rs read

Harold S. Thomas has changed his address to: 362 N. Silver bell Rd., Tucson, Ariz. 85705. He asked that the class of '26 please write .

had suffered kidney failure two years before his death. He was retired from the American Smelting and Refining Co. , Zinc Division.

1933 Charles H. Lambur is a coal mining consultant for the Government of Venezuela. He is an international executive for Service Corps . and a member of Earth Hesources Group of Mineral Consultants . He also is national chairman and judo USCSFI and USA coach , World Maclabiah Games . He is pre,sident of Acapulco Council, U.S. Navy League.

1934 Hobert C. Weigel , Kaiser Refractories ' product manager , clay-alumina brick, has retired after a 42-year career with Kaiser Hefractories and the Mexico Refractories Co. He and his wife, Margo, will remain in their present home at 120 Emerald Drive ; Danville, CA 94526. They have three children, Robert Jr ., of Moberly , Mrs. Linda Joy Sciarra of San Mateo, Calif. , and William F. of Columbia .

1935 Mrs . Margaret Magyar, Courtland Avenue , Titusville, NJ 08560, has notified the alumni office that husband, John E. Magyar , died March 28, 1977.

1937 Walter T. Jones of 1471 Wagontrain Lane S.E., Albuquerque , N .M. 87123, says that he and Iris sold the Rio Grande Steel Co in 1963 and spend most of the year living in Mexico. Anyone visiting them in San Carlos, Sonora , will be treated to fishing on the Sea of Cortez on the yacht " Pisces." MSM Alumnus l 45

Alumni News _______________________________________________________________


Buran W. "Red" Brown of 18240 Jackson Ave., Lemoore, Calif. 93245 , and Sandy, have three grandchildren a nd were expecting a child of their own in late May . He says, " Not bad for a forty-year grad! "

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1940 William A. Enderson, 111 Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277, retired from Shell Oil Company June 1, 1977, after 37 years of service. The alumni office has been notified that William V. Kuster, 5101 Abercrombie Dr., Edina , MN 55424, died January 20, 1974.

Clifford A. Corneau, 4408 Oarklawn Dr., Des Moines, IA 50321, died February 8, 1977. He was terminal manager for Western Transporation Co. Joe and Pearl Strawhun of 4336 Abingdon Dr., Stone Mt., Ga. 30083 , tell us that they put a Georgia boy in the White House without their help. Joe is a transmission superintendent for the Trancontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. Hermann and Margaret Bottcher have been transferred to Ireland. Hermann is director of manufacturing engineering for Gulf & Western Engineering Co.Ireland and will be starting a new plant. It will take two to four years to build, equip and have the plant operating at satisfactory levels. The alumni office has been notified that Brendon Patrick Carmody , 519 Bahia Dr., St. Louis , MO 63119, died March 19, 1977.

John Smith , Sr., 209 Teakwood, Lee 's Summit, MO 64063, died January 25, 1977, at the Menorah Medical Center. He was director of engineering and works services and ass istant administrative officer of the Western Electric Company manufacturing division. He leaves his wife, Mrs. R. Kay Smith of the home; and two daughters , Mrs. JoAnn Skala, Muskegon, MI, and Mrs. Karen Dibos, Midway Park, NC.



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Harry B. Smith has been named head of Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center in Baltimore, MD. He was formerly executi ve vice president and general manager of the firm 's systems and technology divisions. In his new capacity, Mr. Smith will be responsible for the firm's defense operations in the Baltimore area as well as plants at Lima , Ohio, and Sunnyvale, Calif. He and his wife, Sue, and their four children reside at 1617 Park Grove Ave., Catonsville, MD



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1942 Dr. Arthur Brune


Dr . Arthur W. Brune is one of nine members of the Lehigh University faculty honored at the annual ÂŁ<'aculty Dinner for completion of a quarter-century of service to the University. Dr . Brune joined the Lehigh facl:1lty . ~s an ~ssist~mt professor of mmmg engmeermg in 1952, became a member 9f the civil engineering department in 1963 , and was promoted to associate professor in 1971 . His major fields of speCialization are hydraulic engineering, hydrology , and mine engineering. He is listed in " Who 's Who in Engineering. " The Alumni Office has been notified of the death of Charles A. Wischoff . 46/ MSM Alu mnu s

Nicholas and Maggie Nicola of 2410 Garland Lane, Wayzata, Minn . 55391, attended the December, 1976 commencement at UMR when their son, Patrick graduated in engineering management. They visited with Mrs. Gale Bullman and family members and enjoyed seeing some old faces. They particularly enjoyed P aul Dowling's address to the grads and parents. Vernon T. Loesing, Asst. Prof. of Civil Engineering at UMR and Treasurer of the AlUmni Association, was elected to the International Council on Collaboration of the American P ublic Works Association. Loesing provided input to the United States delegation to the United Nations Water Conference held at Mar del Plata , Argentina, during 14-25 March.


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Clyde Durphy, 923 Woodleigh Court, Kirkwood, MO 53122, has. been elected President of the Mechanical Contractors Association of St. Louis, Missouri Inc. He is President of PetersEichler Company.



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Julian A. Fuller, mining operations manager for Primary Metals Division of Reynolds Metals Company, has been promoted to general m~mager of mining and exploratIOn. Mr. {<'uller, who completed 30 years with the company earlier this year, has managed Reynolds mining operations in Arkansas, Guyana, and Jamaica. His current home address is 212 Santa Clara Dr.; Richmond, VA 23229.

Harvey B. Leaver has been named General Manager for the Northern {<'inancial Facilities Division of Bank Building Corp. Mr. Leaver joined Bank Building in January, 1977. He previously held general management positions with Armco Steel Corp., Environmental Structures, Inc., and H.epublic BUildings Corp.

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Edward T. Kendall, Jr. of 4829 Currituck Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 28210, plans to retire before the end of the year. He is the area manager for North and South Carolina General Services Administration. He expressed sorrow over the death of Dr. Aaron Miles, "the champion of many engineers and pilots especially mine."

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Robert C. Rankin of 950 Chula Vista No.1, Burlingame, CA 94010 died May 2, 1977, after a short'illness. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Jackie Rankin of Buriingham; one son, David Robert of Burlingame; and three daughters, Mrs. Jimmie Ann Creswell, Mrs. Peggy Jeton and Mrs. Roberta Miller, all of Houston. Mr. Rankin was an architect with Southern Pacific Transportation Co.

Robert E . Hackmann , 7'2 Gatewood Court, Belleville, IL 62223, has been promoted to general manager of the customer service department of Union Electric.

1949 William and Thelma Mason of 1630 Oak Ave., Fullterton, Calif. 92633, were presented with their fourth grandchild in February. Bill is with Rockwell International in EI Segundo.

1946 Austin B. Clayton of 909 E. Hawthorne, Colville, Wash. 99114, is retired but does some consulting work. He reports that Phil Johnson '46 is Stevens County Road Engineer with an office at the court house in Colville.

1947 Donald S. Smith

Donald S. Smith was awarded the distinction of Fellow at a recent meeting of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Selection is based on outstanding professional achievement and participation at the local, regional, and national levels of ASHRAE. Smith lives at 12331 Rip Van Winkle, Houston, TX 77024, and is a senior department manager of Brown & Root, Inc.

John A. Scheineman, 711 Richwood; Houston, TX 77087, was killed December 11, 1976, in the crash of a Single engine Cessna making an instrument approach to one of Houston's airports. Harold G. Butzer, president of Harold G. Butzer Inc., has been awarded the Professional Engineers in Industry Distinguished Engineer Award by the Jefferson City Engineers ' Club. Butzer and his wife , Catherine, have four daughters and live at 411 Schell ridge Rd., Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Gordon L. SCOfield, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering-En gin e e ring Mechanics and professor of mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological Univ., has been elected president of the Society ' of Automotive Engineers (SAE). He is listed in several national directories including "Who's Who in Engineering," "Who ' s Who in American Education ," and " American Men of Science ." His home address is 402 Vivian ; Houghton , MI 49931. MSM Alumnus/ 47

Alumni News ______________________________________________________________ 1949 (cont.) W. R (Bob)

Donald C. Sewall, Rt. 3, Hillboro, Tex. 76645, is a resident engineer on a dam project at Mt. Pleasant, Tex. He will be transferred to Victoria, Tex., this summer to help build another dam.

Hughes of 7433 Springfield, Prairie Village, Kan. 66208, has formed Mid-Continent Scientific to act as a manufacturer's representative for several lines of analytical measurement systems and industrial process control systems. For his and Paula 's old friends who have lost track of them, they have three children, 5, 14 and 16.

1950 Martin G. Hobelman, P.O. Box 622, Mexico, MO 65265, has announced the formation of a new firm, M. G. Hobelman and Associates. Hobie had been associa ted with Missouri Appraisal Services of Citizens Savings Assn. He has extensive experience in appraising residences, farms, commercial, industrial and office buildings, special purposes property and institutional buildings. Henry Melvin Johnston, Jr., 3425 36th St., Rock Island, IL 61201, died March 21, 1977. He was supervisor of general engineering at the Rock Island Arsenal. He is survived by his wife, LaRayne, sons, Robert M. and James R, and grandchild, Derek. Mrs. Cletus F. Voiles, 1-0 Fountain Manor Drive, Greensboro, NC 27405, has notified the alumni office that her husband, Cletus l"enton Voiles, died in May 1976, in Lumberton, NC. Charles E. Brinkmann, 2101 Cedar Hill Rd., Jefferson City, MO 65101, was recently named vice-president of operations, Missouri Power & Light Co. John A. Walker, 6601 Woodson Drive; Shawnee Mission, KS 66202, has been promoted to works manager of the Armco Steel Corporation in Kansas City. He has been with the firm since 1950 and was general superintendent before his most recent promotion. 48/ MSM Alumnus

Ralph Mottln

Ralph Mottin has been appointed director of manufacturing for Gelman Instrument Co. He will be in charge of manufacturing activities and plant engineering. In the course of his professional career, Mr. Mottin has been granted a number of U.S. and foreign patents and has authored many technical articles. A registered engineer, he has held office in various technical societies . Mr. Mottin, his wife Caroline, and their four children live at 580 Demberton, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48236.


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Jack R. Babbitt, 6602 Sandstone Rd., Houston, Tex. 77074, is vice president of Systems Fabrication Corp. The company has just been acquired by Kendavis Industries International, Inc. of Ft. Worth. The new offices are with Midcontinent Pipeline Equipment Co. in their headquarters building in Houston.

1951 Lawrence H. Borgerding, Route 4, Box 195-B, Rolla, MO 65401, has been made chief, Mid-Continent Mapping Center, U.S.G.S.

William Roy DeShon II of Macon, MO, died unexpectedly April 27, 1977, at a hospital in Moberly. He is survived by his wife, Eva; two sons, Joseph and Mark; and a Lawrence H. Bogerding daughter , Kathryn, all of the home; and another son, Roy, of Joseph M. Fornari, 324 Yellow Macon . Mr. DeShon was a "Creek St., Homer City, Pa. 15748, modular homes production visited the campus in March to worker at Wick's. interview graduates for Rochester and Pgh. Coal Co. He Roy R. Shourd, 200 Chimney Rock watched M.E. Prof. Lyle Rhea Road, Houston, TX 77024, was demonstrate cutting of coal with promoted from vice-president, high pressure water jets. opera tions, to presIdent of Schulumberger Well Services. Jack and Jean Hubbard of 12634 Harriet Circle, Dallas, Tex. 75234 , . Bennett D. Howell, 5518 S. 66th E. enjoyed his 25th graduation anAve., Tulsa, Okla. 74145, says he niversary by attending the 1976 has started a company called Homecoming. They were surWellhead Compression, Inc. They prised to see so many that they lease compressors and maintain could remember after so many them on oil and gas wells. years.


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Alumni News _____________________________________________________________



Clarence and Gay Tarr, 10621 E. 65th, Raytown, Mo. 64133, report that son Gerald is a freshman at UMR majoring in metallurgical engineering.

John R. Seipel, Jr., has been employed by Mobil Corp. since July 1969, and is presently assigned to Mobil Oil IndoneSia, Inc. as an engineering advisor. He and his wife, Mary, live in Medan, Sumatra . Their four children, John, David, James and Susan, all attend LSU-Baton Rouge, as does their daughter-in-law , Pat. They are "doting grandparents" of a five-year-old granddaughter and three-month-old grandson. The mail address for John and Mary is c-o Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc.; Newton P.O. Box 25; Singapore 11, Republic of Singapore. They are looking forward to Homecoming in 1978.

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Edgar OUphant Jr.

Edgar Oliphant, Jr., 7403 Overbrook Rd., Leawood, KS 66206, has been appOinted President and Chief Executive Officer of J. F. Pritchard and Company, engineering subsidiary of Houston-based International Systems & Controls Corp. Oliphant joined Pritchard in 1962 and held several managerial positions before being appOinted Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in 1973.

Roe B. Kinnan, 1409 Winchester Ave., Ashland, KY 41101, has been named manager of office and building services for Ashland Oil, Inc. He will be responsible for the operation of all office and building service groups throughout the corporation. William E. Patterson of 10031 Briar Rose, Houston, TX 77042, is a ~cnior staff engineer with Shell OIl. Bill writes, "It may be a little early, but Bess and I are already planning to attend Homecoming in '78. We hope to see a large turnout of the Class of '53." (Homecoming '78 dates are Oct. 67,)







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Norbert F. Neumann has been appOinted vice-president-sales, of Kennecott Sales Corp., a whollyowned subsidiary of Kennecott Copper Corp. He has been with Kennecott since 1965 and is a member of several professional organizations. Mr. Neumann and his wife, Mary Jeanne, have three children; Laura, Regina and Karl. Their home is on Mistletoe Lane in Rye, NY 10580.

Edward L. Creamer, 10811 Creektree Dr. Houston, TX 77070, is a staff research metallurgist in Shell Development Company's Westhollow research center in Houston. His work involves the solving of metallurgical problems for oil refineries and chemical plants. He has authored and coauthored three articles which have appeared in technical journals. His most recent publication is "Parallels Between Medicine and Metallurgy" for Ecolibrium, a Shell Oil publication. Donald L. Hayes, 1073 Woodbine Circle, Galesburg, IL 61401, died suddenly January 5, 1977, of a heart attack. He is survived by his wife, Jane, and three children.


Wayne M. Aceto , 12404 North Gate Court, Roscoe, Ill. 61073, is travelling as a national accounts manager for Beloit Power Systems, Inc. His and Peggy's three kids have produced three grandkids. They moved to theIr new address in March.

Jack B. Dowell, 5117 Haring Ct., Metairie, La. 70002, was promoted in October, 1975, to vice president of John H. Carter Co., Inc. The company is a manufacturer's rep. for !,'isher Controls Co., and other engineered product lines in Louisiana and Mississippi.







The alumni office has been notified of the death of Ahmad Ali.

Norbert F. Neumann

Charles W. Schuman, U.S. Army Corps of Engrs., has been granted two cash awards for adopted suggestions submitted as Value Engineering Proposals. Charles and his wife, Evelyn, live at 6106 W. 68th St., Overland Park, KS 66204. MSM Alumnus /"9

Alumni News ______________________________________________________________ 1955 (cont.)

. The alumni office has been notified that Joseph A. Landolt, 4420 S. Spring Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116, died February 20, 1977.

1956 Mehdi R. F'ard is a shareholder and general manager of Vinika Mfg. Co. which makes PVC Pipe and fittings. He has two children in high school, a son and a daughter. They plan to come to the U.S. for further studies. Their home is P . O. Box 572, Mashhad, Iran.

Dale Schrumpf, 1013 Sumac Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94086, was elected president of Living Word Books, Inc. They distribute religious books to the supermarkets in northern California. Robert G. Fuller, 3443, W. Pershing Rd. , Lincoln, NE 68502, is co-author of an article which appeared in the February issue of Physics Today entitled, "Can Physics Develop Reasoning?". Co-authors are Robert Karplus and Anton E. Lason. Bob is a visiting professor in the Physics Department of the University of California-Berkeley this year and is also a staff member of the Lawrence Hall of Science.

1958 Lester H. Winter, 314 Agnes Drive, O'Fallon, Ill. 62269 is the principle engineer for a consulting, firm, Thompson, Winter & ASSOCiates, p.e. They currently have eight employees.

Jack E. EngIkk

1957 Jack E . Englick, formerly director of sales for Chemico Air Pollution Control , a division of Envirotech Corp. , has been named vice-president, sales. He has the responsibility for all products, systems , and services sold to the steel, utility, and other related fields in which the company does business. His home address is 75 Acorn Drive, Summit, NJ 07901. Don Ziebell, 638 Brentwood, Orange , Conn. 06477, was promoted to plant manager of Brunswick Corp., Technetics. Div. last October. His two plants make sintered fiber metal materials and products. End uses are abradable aircraft seals, filters , aeroacoustics, gaskets and insulation. 50/ MSM Alumnus

Donald E. Modesitt, Assoc. Prof. of Civil Engineering at UMR, presented a paper entitled "Sequential Waste-Water Treatment with Naturally Selected Microbial Populations" at the annual meeting of the Missouri Water Pollution Control I<'ederation. The paper was coauthored by George Weigele, a former graduate student, presently with Metcalf and Eddy, Inc., a consulting firm in Boston. Dr. Modesitt was also selected to serve on the program committee for the 1978 annual MWPCF meeting.

Daniel T. Hughes has been appOinted national manager of product sales by Honeywell's Process Control Division. He was previously eastern regional sales manager in Philadelphia. He started with Honeywell in 1964. Hughes, his wife, Phyllis, and their four children live at 540 Woodland Dr., Radnor, PA 79087.

1960 Arthur R Troell, Jr., Route 1, Box 127-1; Katy, TX 77450, is co-author of a paper, "Combination Entrapment in the Smackover Formation of Chalybeat Springs Columbia County, I<'ield, Arkansas" which won him an A. I. Levorsen Award from the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. He is employed as a project geologist with AMOCO in Houston. Rugene E. Ray, 26W166 Durfee Rd., Wheaton, Ill. 60187, joined Portel, Inc. as a sales and marketing manager in international operations Sept. 1, 1976. The company deals in railway related products and construction eqUipment. He reports that wife Millie, Myrna, 16, and Ron, 11, are healthy and happy.


George and Mary Graves moved in May, 1976, from 3905 Lee St., Anderson, Ind. to RR 3, Box 225, Alexandria, Ind. 46001. Last July, George became superintendent, manufacturing, for Guide Div. G.M.C. He was formerly superintendent, process engineering. George and Mary have two children, George, Jr., 14, and Laura, 13.

James P. Nauert, 5011 S. Broadway; St. Louis, MO 63111, was recently elected president of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. He is a project engineer in the building services section of Sverdrup Corp.

LTC Glenn W. Holman received his latest promotion Dec. 1, 1976. He has been transportation officer at Walter Reed Army Medical Center since September, 1975. Glenn and Mabel make their home at 2922 Graham Road, Falls Church, Va. 22042.

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Harlan F'. Ellis, Tavern Route Box 35, Dixon, MO 65459, was recently an official visitor of Europe and the Far East. Mr, Ellis is the Acting Area Engineer for the Corps of Engineers at Fort Leonard Wood and was given a teaching assignment in Drahran, Saudi Arabia and Frankfort, Germany. He also had the opportunity to visit Athens, Greece, where he studied the Parthenon and several temples, from an engineering standpoint, of course. James F. Kauffman, 7006 Valley Lake Dr., Raleigh, NC 27609, has been elected to North Carolina State University's Academy of Outstanding Teaching. In addition to the teaching duties in electrical engineering for which he was honored, Prof. Kauffman is also engaged in research and extension. James W. Poarch was recently appointed Manager of Process Plant Services at Tenneco Chemicals in Burlington, NJ. Jim and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Penns Park (Bucks County), PA 18943 (P.O. Box44), with their two children, Bill and Daniel. Jim is a member of the Township Planning CommiSSion, President of the Civic ASSOCiation, and Republican Committeeman. Liz is the fund representative of The New.York F'resh Air Fund and ASSIstant Village Librarian. 1961 Robert J. Patterson was recently named network facilities engineer-radio and multiplex with the General Telephone Corp. of Stamford, Conn. He was formerly general transmission and protection engineer for General Telephone of Wisc. Patter~on and his wife, Dorothy, and theIr sons, Dan and Doug, live at 1708 Broadway Drive in Sun Prairie, WI 53590.



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David F. Maune, Geodetic Scientist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, recently received the

Talbert Abrams Grand Award for his article on the "Photogrammetric Self-Calibration of Scanning Electron Microscopes". The award is given each year to the person believed to have made the greatest contribution to science, using protogrammetry. Major Maune and his wife, Mary Ellen, have two daughters; Cherie, 14, and Kriste, 12.

commissioning engineer to site manager of the Hydro-Quebec power plant in Cadallac, Que. In mid-summer, he will transfer to a power plant in Kuwait City, Kuwait. 1962 Richard O. Rouse, Rt. 1, Box 50, Carbondale, Ill. 62901 resigned as vice president of Consolidation Coal Co. to become vice president for underground operations for Freeman-United Coal Mining Co. His oldest son is now in mining at UMR.

F'red W. Ha ushalter, 365 N. Detroit, Kenton, Ohio 43326, started a new business in F'ebruary. HPSE, Inc. provides engineering , manufactures tooling and welding for die repairs, Richard D. Hagni and his wife, Richael, 27 Johnson-Laird, Rolla , MO 65401, received the Wildlife A. Dale Mean Award at the annual meeting of the Dent County Soil and Water A. Dale Mears, 1918 Kamias St., Conservation District. The award Dasmarinas Village, Makati, is in recognition of the conRizai, Philippines, was recently servation efforts they have made promoted to vice president and on their 100 acre tract in Dent general IDc.nager of the Philippine , County. Dr . Hagni is assistant Electrical Mfg. Co. (PEMCO)' professor of geology at UMR. Dale and Mary have lived in the Philippines with their four sons Jayant S. Kadakia, 41 Marian Ln., and daughter for two years. Springfield, Ill. 62704, is an environmental protection engine'e r for the Illinois Public Water Supply Div. Jay and Elaine have two daughters, Tania, .9, and Maya, 2. They spent a month in India during the winter of 1976,

Jerry W. Jamieson

Jerry W. Jamieson, General Delivery, MalartiC, Quebec, recently was promoted from

Army Major Edgar E. Perrey, Jr., has completed the command and general staff officer course at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Ft. Leavenworth, Kan . The course is designed to prepare selected officers for high positions at division and command levels. Maj. Perrey is regularly assigned with the Fort Worth Corps of Engineers at Ft. Bliss. He and his wife, Beverle, live at 6020 Ponder Dr. , EI Paso, TX 79906, MSM Alumnus / 51

Alumni News, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


1962 (cont.)

Alan E. Stephenson, 4776 Mountain Valley, Las Vegas, Nev. 89121, is working for Sandia Laboratories. He mes to work in northern Nevada daily. Alan has been launching utility poles, pipes and rods in full scale at concrete walls to determine the thickness of concrete required to stop .tornado-borne debris from causing damage to nuclear facilities.


Electric Laboratories, a part of General Telephone and Electronics.

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Stephen D. Jabas is enroute to start a new operation in Saudi Arabia for Geosource, Inc. He completed an assignment in Egypt and spent six months in Algeria before heading for his new task.


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1964 James L. Hill has been appointed associate director of research at the A.P. Green Refractories Co. He will direct a staff of some 60 research engineers and technicians who handle nearly all research and development projects for the company. Mr. Hill and his wife, Jean, reside at 1402 Hickory Hill, Mexico, Mo., with their two children, Deborah 3, and Stephen 1. William L. Hallerberg

William L. Hallerberg, 2128 Christine, Pampa, TX 79065, has been named director of metallurgy, Machinery Div., Cabot Corporation. He will be responsible for quality control and metallurgical engineering. Dr. Hallergerg transferred from Cabot's Stellite Div. where he served in a number of research and development functions, specializing in high performance alloys. 1963 Wayne L. Vandergriff, 828 N. 12th; Blue Springs, MO 64015 , has been appointed Service ManagerGas Turbines in General Electric 's Kansas City Mechanical and Nuclear Office. He has been with GE since 1963. John L. Clements , 30 W. 173 Argyll Lane, Naperville, Ill. 60540, is a group leader on the GTD-4600, a pulse code modulation private branch exchange for Automatic 52/ MSM Alumnus

John Hudelson, 18106 Widcombe Dr., Houston, Tex. 77084, has joined Hemisphere Corp. as chief electrical engineer. He is returning from Saudi Arabia where he was with ARAMCO. Edward H. George III, 336 N. Division, Walla Walla, WA 99362, has been elected executive director of the United Way of Walla Walla County. George had been deputy district engineer of the Walla Walla District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. since July 1974. He retired from the Army after 20 years of service May 31 and assumed his duties with the United Way June 6. He and his wife, Jacqueline, have two children ; Elizabeth, 15, and John, 8.

Donald E. A. Radentz, 8006 Colleen, Affton, MO 63123, has been named vice-president and officer manager for Russell & Axon.

Don C. Abel

Don C. Abel has been promoted to Chief Power Engineer of Texaco's Lawrenceville Plant. Don began his career with Texaco in 1964 as an Assistant Engineer (Power) at Lawrenceville. He and his wife, Barbara, are active in various civic organizations and activities and reside on Rural Route 2, Lawrenceville, IL 62439, with their Children, Tamara and Patrick. Kraig G. Kreikemeier, 80 Webster Wood, St. Louis, MO 63119, has joined the staff of Linclay Corp. Co. as manager-marketing. He was formerly engineer in the area development division of Union Electric Co. John D. Million, 2312 Redlands Dr., Newport Beach, Calif. 92660, is district sales manager for l"erro Corp. He reports he was divorced in 1976.


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Alumni News _______________________________________________________________ 1965 James K. Boaz is working as a project engineer for Arabian American Oil Co , in Saudi Arabia, His mailing address is 6101 Edsall Rd., No . 1106, Alexandria , Va. 22304. Tsang-Chi (Terry) Huang is now senior systems analyst with Sperry Univac in Kansas City. He and wife Amy Ming live in Apt. F, 4239 Walnut St. , Kansas City, Mo. 64111.

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Noland Durnell, wife Darlene and kids, Terry, 16, and Jenell, 14, have been transferred from Sheridan, Wyo ., to Columbia , S.C. Nolan is in charge of all construction activities in the South Carolina National Forests. The Durnells reside at 518 Doncastor Dr., Irmo, S .C . 29063.

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Jack Goodman reports he recently joined Science Applications, Inc., of Palo Alto in charge of thermal-hydralic and two-phase How programs. He also performs nuclear safety analyses and consequence estimations. He lives at 505 Cypress Pt. Drive, Mountain View, Calif. 94043. Dale K. Nicks has been appointed a research manager for A. P. Green Refractories Co. He will be in charge of all research and development work for three major product lines, fireclay , high alumina , and special refractories. He will also direct a group of eight research engineers and technicians who are involved with product improvements and cost reductions on over 150 Green products manufactured throughout the U.S . His home address is 529 Orchard St.; Centralia , MO 65240, Thomas K. Gaylord, associate , professor of electrical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology , received the 1977

Young Engmeer of the Year Award from the Georgia Society of Professional Engineers during Professional Engineers Week ceremonies. This year's award cites his authorship of more than 40 technical papers, his civic work, his participation in IEEE and other technical and professional societies, and his teaching and research. HIS home address is 92-26th St., NW; Atlanta, GA 30309.

Harry E. Dunn , 3228 Boomerang Lane , Knoxville , Tenn. 37921, was promoted in February to eastern exploration manager for U,S, Borax and Chemical Corp, He now oversees all mineral and fuel exploration east of the Rockies and in eastern Canada,

Harvey E. Welch, Jr" of No. 2 Springlake Court, Ballwin, MO 63011 , has been named marketing manager of Day-Brite, the commercial, institutional and industrial lighting division of Emerson Electric .

1966 Louis W. Smith, 10025 Bluejacket ; Overland Park, KS 66214, has been apPOinted manager, Tool and Test EqUipment Engineering for Bendix Corporation's Kansas City Division. In his new capacity Smith directs the activites of test eqUipment design and manufacture, tool room and tool design, telemetry engineering and fabric:.ltion, and coordinates these activites with other manufacturing operations . He and his wife, Donna, have two children, Dwayne and Patricia.

Louis W. Smith

James E. Bertelsmeyer

James E. Bertlesmeyer was recently promoted to Manager of Continental Oil Company's Gas Products Division, In that capacity he will have responsibility for the supply, distribution and marketing of Conoeo's LPG 's, JIm joined Co no co in 1969 in the Pipe Line Department after receiving a MBA from Memphis State Univ. After various field aSSignments he lS transferred to Houston a _ Manager of Engineering in 1974. He transferred to the Gas Products Division in April 1976, He and his wife Donna and two children live at 2119 Lakeville Dr ., Humble, TX 77339 . Rohn D , Abbott has been promoted to vice-president of Shannon & Wilson , Inc. He had been manager of the firm's Fairbanks office since 1974 and heads Ar ctic Alaska Testing Laboratories and Fairbanks Drilling Co, He is a registered professional engineer in Alaska and Washington, Mr . Abbott's mailing address is p, O. Box 843, Fairbanks , AK 99707. MSM Alumnus / 53

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________ 1966 (cont.)

James M. Rauer , 2069 Mullins, Alamosa , CO 81101, is now doing business at his own consulting civil and construction engineering firm, J . M. Rauer & Associates.

Jack A. Halpern

Jack A. Halpern, an associate in Dames & Moore 's Cranford, New Jersey , office, has been admitted to the firm 's partnership. Halpern has 10 years of professional experience and has directed a number of geotechnical and environmental studies for the power and mining industries throughout the world. He and his wife, Joan, and their childi'en, Bryan, 6; Micah, 3; and Rachel, 1, live at 20 Manitou Way , Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. Michael J. Brynac was recently promoted to Division Engineer, Design and Construction Section, St. Louis Water Division, City of St. Louis Department of Public Utilities . The work will include capital improvement planning, supervision of design, and construction contracts for the water works system. Mr. Brynac lives at 5565 Lansdowne, St. Louis, MO 63109. Ruben R. Turjillo B. of Avda Los Totumos (EI Cemeterio) No. 78, Caracas , Venezuela , would like to hear from his-friends of 1200 Pine St. , Steve, Tony, Marshall, etc. He is married and has two boys and a 54 / MSM Alumnus

baby girl. Mr . Trujillo is department head of Distribution Studies for CADAFE, a Venezuelan government owned electric utility.

1967 Donald W. Hutcheson has received an Air Force Systems Command Certificate of Merit. The Captain was honored for his work as an armament systems engineer with the Aeronautical Systems Div . (ASD) at WrightPatterson AFB. ASD is the Air I<'orce Systems Command division responsible for the development and acquisition of all manned aircraft systems and related equipment in the Air Force. Captain Hutcheson is currently an engineering student at the University of Colorado studying under the Air Force Institute of Technology Program. He and his wife, Gail are living at 860 Morgan Dr., Boulder, CO 80303.

Lynn E. Meinershagen

Lynn E . Meinershagen has recently been promoted to plant manager , Distribution Equipment Div ., Westinghouse . He comes to this position from General Control Div. in Buffalo, NY . He and his wife , Karen , and their three sons are presently residing at 3615 LaVida Ave., Visalia , CA 93277.

Edward J . Sullivan is manager of services to international construction operations for L. E. Myers Const. Co. He and Sandra recently added baby girl Traci to the family of Ryan, 4, and Kelly, 2. They reside at 19453 Edinburgh Dr., South Bend, Ind. 46614.



Neal and Tamara Ann Kolchinsky of 10515 W. 70th Terr., No. 205, Shawnee, KS 66203, announce the birth of their first child, a baby boy, born 1-30-77, weighing in at 5 lb. 141f2 oz. and named Sorin Kolchinsky . "How about that, Chuck'~" Neal is a staff engineer with Black & Veatch. William E. DeLashmit and wife Mary have just built a new home in Plymouth, N.H. Bill expects to be teaching in the state school system this fall. His address is RI<'D No . 2, Box 349B, Plymouth, N.H. 03264.




1968 David L. I<'urst, 6901 N. Lagoon Dr. , Unit No.9, Panama City, Fat. 32407, was married to Angelyn Sue in August, 1976. He is senior stress engineer for Bell Aerospace Textron.

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Robert McCrae and his wife, Sally, of 3060 Piney Bluff Road, Library, PA 15129, are parents of two sons; Darren William, born Nov . 16, 1976, and David, six years old. Mr. McCrae is manager, technical marketing-international sales, for McGraw-Edison Power Systems.


Stephen S. Johnson is vicepresident of Consolidated Construction Systems, Inc., a new general contracting business. The firm will design, install and construct commercial and residential buildings and will be engaged in all phases of professional engineering as related to waste and waste-water systems and pollution control systems. Mr. Johnson has 12 years experience in heavy civil


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Alumni News ____________________________________________________________

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engineering with the Army Corps of Engrs. and construction firms. His home address is 1827 E. Edgewood, Springfield, MO 65804.




Thomas S. Schmidt, 6400 Gaslight Ln., Mobile, Ala. 36609, has moved back from a two-year stay in Saudi Arabia with Aramco. He is the manager for reservoir engineering for Marion Corporation. Tom and Patricia report they are enjoying the sunny Gulf Coast and hoping for a little boy in August. Either way, the baby will be the first for them.

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Another daughter, Erin Elizabeth, was born to U.S. Air !<'orce Captain Alan R. Cobb and his wife, Sharon, on 8 Jan. 1977. Their home address is 2849 Calaveras Dr., Fairfield, CA 94533. Capt. Cobb is a navigator on C-5A Aircraft at Travis AFB.

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Don Lambert

Donald B. Lambert was named Fisher Controls Company's sales manager for the Middle East. He will be working with their sales representatives to coordinate the sales efforts of all Fisher products in the Middle East in general and in particular in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iran. Don had previously been assistant sales manager for valve products in the power industry. In his new assignment, Don will operate out of the offices of Fisher Process Equipment Limited; Brenchley House, Week Street; Maidstone, Kent ME14 IRF, England. Thomas M. Wilcox has retired from the Army and accepted the position of operations manager for Missouri Valley Harvestore, Inc. He will be responsible for feedlot and feedroom design and construction and the coordination of the construction, automation, and service departments '; Wilcox is also a commercial pilot/and will be responsible for the company flying. He and his wife, Jo Ann, and their two children receive their mail at P. O. Box 183, Cameron, MO 64429.

Alan Wansing and Sheila purchased a new home and moved into it in December. Their new address is 1646 Winding Trail, Springfield, Ohio 45503. Alan is the Water Director for the City of Springfield. Ted. J. Spalding, 206 Allen Dr., Ardmore, Okla. 73401, has been promoted to senior operations engineer at ARCO's Oklahoma office. He is in charge of the engineering group for S. Oklahoma oil and gas production. Ted, wife Rita and daughter Heather now live in Ardmore.


Byron Vermillion is separating from the Air Force and has accepted a Position with General Dynamics a~ an operational analyst-senior in the Life Cycle Cost Section. He recently received his Master's in Business Administration from Louisiana Tech. 1970 Captain Thomas M. Leirer has been assigned to the 963rd Airborn Warning and Control Squadron as a sensor Systems Management Officer a board the E-3A Aircraft. Mailing address for Tom and Jodi is 963 AWCS (TAC) Tinker AFB, OK 73145.

Phillip and Connie Havens are new parents of Matthew Phillip, born Dec. 23, 1976. Phillip is a civil engineer for the USGS and lives at 401 Adrian , Rolla, Mo. 65401. David H. Hankins completed his Master 's in EE last December at the University of South Carolina. He and Peggy had a son in March and named him Tradd Michael. They reside at 408 Beechwood Dr., Columbia, S.C. 29210. Dave is employed at Southern Bell as an eqUipment engineer in electrolic switching and minicomputer systems . He formerly worked for Western Electric and Bell Labs in North Carolina and New Jersey on data processor hardware design for the Safeguard ABM System . LTC James G. Johnson has completed a tour of duty as the director of !<'acilities Engineering for the Army in Japan and will assume duties with the district engineer in Sacramento, Calif. William P. Strong, system analyst for National Lock Hardware was married June 12, 1976. He lives at 917 Glen !<'orest Dr., Rockford, Ill. 61111. Jafar Rezvani , No. 23 Farrokh St.; Pirasteh St., Tajrish, Iran, sends the following note: "I would like very much to receive letters from my American friends. I also will be glad to assist alumni who may have any business in Iran." Mr. Rezvani is senior process engineer with the National Iranian Gas Company. Michael and Sherry Harris have transferred with the Tennessee Valley Authority from Chattanooga, TN , to Murray, KY . Michael was working at the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and has transferred to Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area. They are now residing at 701 Goodman, Murray , KY 42071. Any of Michael 's friends are welcome to stop in. MSM Alumnus / 55

Alumni News _________________________________________________________ 1970 (cont.) Terry E. Durham reports that his wife , Kwi, died March 22, 1977, from injuries suffered in a twocar collision. Terry and son, Chris, live at 4206 S. 102 E . Ave., Tulsa , OK 74145. Terry is Party Chief for Seismograph Service Cor p. in Tulsa. Richard J . Fitzerald passed his bar exam and was admitted to the Missouri Bar on May 1,1977. He is presently employed as Executive Assistant to the Director of the Division of Design and Constr uction, State of Missouri. Rich and his wife, P at, are the proud parents of a son, Jeffrey Benjamin, born May 26, 1976. The family lives at 2120 Southwood Drive, Columbia, MO 65201. John W. Corwine, a mining engineer on the headquarters staff of the Bureau of Mines for the past five years, has been named Research Director of the Burea u 's Spokane (Wash .) Mining Research Center. In his new position he manages and research on coordinates upg r a ding mine health and safety, and developing equipment and systems that will improve mine productivity. J ohn P. Harmon is a communications operations officer with the 1946th Communications Squadron assigned at Tempelhof Central Airport, Germany. His unit has earned the U.S. Air Force Outstanding Unit Award. His mailing address is U.S. Air Force Comm unica tions Service; Tem pelhof Airport; Berlin, Germany. Gregory L. Boettcher has become a registered professional engineer in Missouri. He is employed by Ceco Corp., a division of Mitchell Engineering, as a manufacturing engineer. The plant produces metal buildings. Greg and his wife, Jean, and their daughter, Katrina, live at 14 Baker St., Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641. 56/ MSM A lu mn us

E arl D. Burke, 672 W. Riverside, Springfield , MO 65804, has become a registered professional engineer in the State of Missouri. He is employed by Daco Corp. as an application and development engineer . 1971

Walter C. Trnka is a technical sa les engineer for Industrial £<'i lter and P ump Mfg. Co. He and Susa nn have two children, Monica , 20 months , and Bridgid, 4 months. They live at 179 Lawton Rd. , Riverside, Ill. 60546. Sal and Mary Gazioglv had a baby boy, Adrian P aul , born June 22, 1976. Sal became a U.S. citizen Dec. 17, 1976. He is assistant project engineer for D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers and lives at 687 Presque Isle Dr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15239. Cpt. and Mrs. Eric Johnson had a baby boy F eb. 7, 1977. Eric has three year s left in his surgical residency program at TripIer in Honolulu. The Johnsons reside at 369-A Reno Rd. , TAMC Honolulu, Hi . APO 96438. James L. Cambier received his Ph .D. in EE in May and was appOinted assistant pr ofessor of pathology and electrical engineering at the University of Rochester. He is employed in the AnalytiC Cytology Division, Dept. of Pathology in the Medical Center and is engaged in research in automated gynecologic cytopathology. Jim and Peg live at 105 Genesee Pk . Blvd. , Rochester, N.Y. 14611. Charles A. Wildt , 236 Fair St. , Washin g ton, MO 63090, has successfully completed the profession al engineering examination. He is employed by the St. Louis County Environmental Health Division as an industrial hygienist and noise control enforcement agent.

Scott H. Hoelscher has been promoted to technical assistant to the manager for Global Marine's newest ship, the Glomar Pacific. He was transferred to Orange, Tex., to help coordinate final outfitting. He and Margaret are living at 5333 Ridgemont, Apt 208, Orange, Tex. 77630. Don Carlson, 39806 Edmunton Dr., Canton, Mich. 48187, is the district sales engineer for Cincinnati, Inc. He and Charlene have two children, Chuck, 3, and Donna, 1.

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£<'red A. White has graduated from U.S. Air Force pilot training at Williams AFB , Ariz., and has been awarded silver wings. Capt. White is remaining at Williams for flying duty on the Cessna 1'-37 and will serve with a unit of the Air Training Command. He and his wife, JoAnn, live at 545 E. Brown Rd.; Mesa , AZ 85203. Cheryl and Robert ('70) Hardwick, 701 Ealy St., Effingham , IL 62401 , recently celebrated the first birthday of their daughter, Mary Colene, born May 6, 1976. Cheryl is employed as a systems analyst for World Color Press , and Robert is a civil engineer with the Illinois Division of Highways. Vipin Kuckreja has been appointed Adsorption Systems SpeCialist at Calgon Corporation's headquarters in Pittsburgh. He provide consultation will assistance on carbon products and wastewater treatment services to industrial customers. His home address is 820 Kris Drive, No . 159 ; Coraopolis, PA 15108. Stephen and Jan Redington, Route 1, Box 110 ; Pacific, MO 63069, are the proud parents of a son, born Feb. 5, 1977. They also have a daughter 18 months old. Steve is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engrs . in St. Louis .

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Alumni News ___________________________________________________________

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1972 Mitchel S. Krysa, 800 S. Third St., Clinton, MO 64735, has been notified by the Missouri Board of Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors, that he is now a registered engineer of the State of Missouri. Krysa is employed by Missouri Public Service in Clinton as their district engineer. Alan W. Carson, P.O. Box 83, St. Joseph, Mo. 64505, is division engineer for The Gas Service Company. He was married to Nancy K. Stiegemeier Feb. 12 and enjoyed a skiing honeymoon at Vail. Larry Keith Bullock died April 18, 1977. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bullock, 1301 North 13th, St. Joseph, MO. Michael P. Allen received his P.E. in March. He resigned as manager of Q.C. at Chemetron Medical Products to return to McDonnell Aircraft as a laboratory engineer. He and Donna are living at 6533 Tholozan Ave., St. Louis , Mo. 63109. Albert Zinselmeier, Rt. 1, Red Bud, Ill. 62278, is an industrial engineer for Singer Co. Wife Shirley gave birth to a 7 lb. 2 oz. boy named Jeffrey , March 17, 1977 in keeping with the St. Pat's tradition.


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James W. Nelden, 720 Lara Rd., Normal, Ill. 61761, is equipment engineer for General Telephone Co. He became a registered P.E . in Illinois in March and married Betty Jean Kaufman June 18.

Wyatt M. Dunn, 7161 Crisp, Raytown, Mo. 64133, was promoted to supervisor of property accounting of Kansas City Power & Light Co. Wife Sherry is expecting a young engineer (male or female) about July 1.

Dominic J. Grana, 5303 S. Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. 63109, recently left RETAEnviroclyne and is now an environmental engineer at General Motors in St. Louis. Hi, Rosie. Jorge Amayo was married Birmania Luna Sept. 4, 1976 Venezuela. He is now working SIDOR, a national steel mill Lima, Peru.

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Barry and Betty Harms and their two daughters have relocated to the warm south. Barry is now working as a project engineer for Enwright Assoc. in Greenville, SC. The new address for all ~orthern snowbirds to rest on their way to Florida is 1004 Havelock Dr., Taylors, SC 29609.

1973 Mark G. F'ehlig sends greetings to MSM-UMR Alumni from sunny Santa Barbara , where he recently obtained registration as a Professional Electrical Engineer. Mark continues broadcasting, a habit started at KMSM and KUMR at UJ\,lR. He is employed as an applications and sales engineer by Moseley Associates, Inc. Mark and his wife, Patti, who is on the Social Services staff of Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, live at 47 Dearborn Place No. 26, Goleta, CA 93017. John Keating and his wife, Nancy, and their daughter , Amanda Michelle, have moved to Sullivan (P.O. Box 349) , MO 63080, where John has taken the position of metallurgical engineer with Meramec Mining Co. David Lawrence Begley and Donna Lois McClure were married Dec. 18, 1976, at the Main Post Chapel at Ft. Leonard Wood. The couple live at Route 4, Box 401, Rolla. David is working on his Ph.D. in EE at UMR and Mrs. Begley is teaching in the Learning Disabilities Program ill the Waynesville Public Schools .

Larry Jenkins is the North District Analytical Engineer for ARCO, Inc. and spends his time looking after downhole well effects and hydraulics from a reservoir engineering standpoint. He and his wife, Maureen, are both working on advanced degrees at the Univ. of AK and are planning a two-week vacation in Hong Kong this winter. Home is 8490 Pioneer Dr ., Anchorage, AK 99504 . Steven B. Dierker, Route 2, Gerald, MO 63037 , is now owner and operator of Mill Rock .Canoe Floats, featuring float trips, fishing, and camping on the Bourbeuse River . Mike and Pam (LaFoone ) Davis have left Boeing Computer Services, Inc. in Wichita, KS. They are now living at 4008 Audubon Dr., Largo , FL 33541. Mike is working for Paradyne, Inc. and Pam is enjoying the Florida sunshine. They 've lost track of their old friends and would like to hear from them. James Edward Bestgen, Route 2, Oak Grove, MO 64075, died April 7, 1977. He was aCCidentally asphYXIated while inspecting a boiler filled with nitrogen gas at the Missouri Public Service Co. in Raytown where he was station superintendent. The boiler had been shut down for the winter and had not been sufficiently drained . Mr. Bestgen is survived by his wife, Mrs. Patricia Bestgen. Lt. Kindall W. Moore, squadron check pilot at Laughlin AFB, takes pride in announcing his marriage to Barbara Ann Bodley May 28. Lt. Moore and his bride live at 9 Yucca Tr1. Village, Del Rio, Tex. 78840. Larry Hendren has left Zapata Fuels, Inc. as chief project engineer to join Barnes & Tucker Co. as chief mining engineer. He and Polly still live at 2753 Melloney Ln. , Indiana, Pa. 15701. MSM Alumnus/ 57

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________

1974 (cc

1973 (cont.)

William (Bill) J. Beck and Lee Ann announce the birth of their first child, Carolynne Mae, 6 lb. 6 oz. on Jan. 22, 1977. Bill is belt maintenance foreman for Consolidation Coal Co.-Hillsboro Mine. They live at 517 W. College Ave., Greenville, Ill. 62246. John Keating , P.O. Box 349, Sullivan, Mo. 63080, has become a metallurgical engineer for the Meramec Mining Co. in Sullivan. Garret D. Bland is an operations engineer for power systems for Union Electric. He and Cindi live at 2216 Aileswood Court, St. Louis, Mo 63129.

Louis H. Luth was transferred as a metallurgist to the Omaha Lead Hefinery by ASARCO, Inc. from the Amarillo Copper Refinery last September. He currently . is working in energy conservation. He and Catherine have two daughters , Christing, 18 mo., and Laura, 3 mo. They live at 9123 Sprague, Omaha, Neb. 68134. Roger Haynie became senior test engineer for Raytheon November 1. He and Karen live at 590 Cypress Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif. 94081.

James A. Franklin and Paula (Polette) Franklin ('74) have moved into a new home at 1335 Northfield Drive, Mineral Ridge, Ohio 44440. Jim is an electrical engineer for Packard Electric and Paula is a systems programmer for Youngstown Sheet & Tube. 1974 Robert S. McDaniel, Jr., reports a . change of address for himself and wife Katie. They now live at 16 W 450 Honeysuckle Rose , Apt. 102, Hinsdale , Ill. 60521. Bob is senior research chemist for Armak Co.

Charles Rusterholtz , 2000 Norris Place , Louisville , Ky. 40205, resigned from teaching in .May because of poor health. He WIll be serving a Catholic church in the Louisville area. John R. Schmuke, 3045 Futura Dr. Apt. B, Portage. Ind. 46368. was promoted to bur: n forema!1charing and heatmg steel tor United States Steel. He says he 's still single but looking. Steven L. Maddy and Rebecca Lynn Johnson were married April 2, 1977. Their home addr~ss is R. R. 1, East Broadway, Qumcy, IL 62301. The bride and groom are both employed by Quintron Corp. 58/ MSM Alumnus


construction providing a full range of services from financing to equipment purchases. Oduardo R. Rojas-Carrillo is working as a soil engineer and surface geologist in geotectonics jobs like dams, water pipeline, subsurface exploration, commercial buildings and family housing. He has two partners in his firm, Ingenieria Geologica Plaza C.A.; a geophysicist and a geological engineer, both graduates of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. His residence address is Apartado de Correos, 61870, Chacao, Caracas, Venezuela. Stephen Campbell Babbit, 7 James River Road, Kimberling City, MO 64686, has joined the staff of Stone County Abstract and Title Co. He will handle all phases of the abstract and title business with special concentration in its new Escrow Department. Steve will also continue to operate and manage Rocklawn Nursery, a landscaping and lawn care service.

Michael J. Miller

Second Lieutenant Michael J. Miller has graduated from U.S. Air Force pilot training at Craig Al"B Ala., and has been awarded silve~ wings. Lt. Miller received the Academic Achjevement Award for obtaining the highest grade in the academic portion .of the course which included aIrmanship, aerospace physiology, principles of flight, navigation and meterology. He will remain at Craig as an instructor pilot. ~e and his wife , Deb, and theIr children live at 934-B Lowry, Craig Al"B , Selma AL 36701. Robert L . Queathem , 12019 Weshill Ct. , Hazelwood, MO 63043, is now employed by HBE Corp. in Creve Coeur. The company specialized in hospital design and

Timothy J. Carroll was tranferred to the Susanville District, Bureau of Land Management, and promoted to District Geologist (GS-ll) , all in the month of August '76. His home address is 312 C Richmond Rd., Susanville, CA 96130. J. Calvine Curdt has been promoted from EDP Coordinator to Director of Data Procession by the Federal Land Bank of St. Louis. He and his wife, Michele, live at 2743 Irondale, Mehlville, MO 63129. David M. Crawford has been promoted to first lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force and assigned at Offutt Al"B, NE , as chief of Systems and Engineering Training Branch with a unit of the Strategic Air Command. He was commissioned through the Air l"orce ROTC program at UMR.


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1974 (cont.)

Martin R. (Marty) Mattlage of 8710 Glenwood, Crestwood, MO 63126, received his MS in structural engineering from Purdue last Dec.

1975 Stephen E. Starke has moved to a new office after returning to 7% month Houston from a assignment in Switzerland and Germany involving systems analysis of computer software for the European Space Agency. Steve is a scientific programmeranalyst with Analytical and Computational Mathematics Inc. His home address is 7400 Plum Creek No. 203; Houston, TX 77012. David L. Matthews and his wife, Pat, are both working for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company as construction inspectors. David's official title is listed as geotechnical engineer. Their mailing address is Box 4, Hope, AK 99716. Dan H. Neuhart, 4700 Clair Del Ave. No. 631 ; Long Beach, CA 90807, has accepted a position as Engineer Scientist in Aerodynamics with Douglas Aircraft in Long Beach. Navy F'ireman David S. Blauvelt has completed recruit training at the Naval Training Center, San Diego. His home address is Route 1, Harwood, MO 64750. Thomas B. Ellis. 1121 N. Walnut. Springfield, Ill. 62702, has been employed in the Division of Water Pollution Control as an environmental protection engineer for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for about a year. Wife Carrie is attending a local junior college. Karl M. Heisserer and Barbara, 3120 S. 27th, LaCrosse, Wis. 546, had a son, Robert Konrad Aug . 12, 1976. Karl was assigned to Trane Corporate Headquarters as product sales engineer. He also completed 3 months reserve officer training last summer.

Matthew J . Wille , R. R. 1, MO 65270, has joined Southwestern Bell 's management development program. He will be assigned. to outside engineering proJects tor Moberly, Mexico and KIrksville . Jan Hoffman, 2999 Smith Springs, Rd., No. H163, Nashville, TN 37217 , was recently informed that she will be listed in the 1977-78 edition of "Who 's Who in American Women." She was listed for her work at WPLN radio in Nashville and also in the field of Highway Safety.


Don A. Nicholson

Second Lieutenant Don A. Nicholson has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from U.S. Air Force navigator training at Mather AFB, Calif. Lt. Nicholson now goes to Homestead AF'B, F'L for flying duty with a unit of the Tactical Air Command. David E. Koehler and Kathleen Marie Gegg were married on December 11 , 1976. Their home address is 922 E. Old Willow Rd. , No. 105 ; Wheeling, IL 60090. Mr. Koehler is vice-president, Casting Impregnators, Inc. in Skokie . Ch.;rles A. Hillhouse and Jane Lucille Luehrman were married April 3, 1977. Plans included completing the MS in ChE and then to Kingsport, TN, where Mr. Hillhouse is employed by Tennessee Eastman Kodak Co. Their address of record is 1301 High St., Apt. G, Rolla .

John Patrick Duggan has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. He graduated with honors from Officer Training School at Lackland AF'B, TX. Lt. Duggan and his wife, Sherry, are now stationed at Keesler AFB, MS 39534, where he is serving as a communications maintenance officer. Karl A. Woelfer, P . O. Box 252, 1verness, CA 94937, has accepted a posltlOn as electrical engineer WIth the Sacramento Air Logistics Center at McClellan AFB.

Army Second Lieutenant Timothy L. Dace recently completed a nine-week engineer officer basic course at the U.S. Army Engineer School , Fort BelVOir, VA . Lt. Dace was commissioned through the ROTC program at UMR.

1976 Melanie (Miller ) Naeger 205 Chimney Rock Rd. Apt.' 513, Tyler, Tex. 75703, was married March 5, 1977 to Robert Naeger. He graduated in May and is employed by Amoco Production Co. in Tyler.

Kenneth Wayne Blankenship

Kenneth Wayne Blankenship of 2238 West Ave. , LaCrosse, WI 54601, has joined the staff at The Trane Company's Commercial Air Conditioning Division in Sacramento. We do not have his new home address. MSM Alumnus / 59

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J927 Class Luncheon









, Bid Pence, Margaret McCaw Lloyd , Albert and Lois Long and Curator Rex William joined the class for the luncheon. 60 MSM Alumnus


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MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COMMITTEES ALUMNI RELATIONS CHAIRMEN: Class Coordinators. . . . . . . . ....... . .... . ... . . Bob Bay Homecoming ..... . ......... . .... . . .. ... Bruce Tarantola Awards . .... ............. . . . . .. . ....... .. Hans Schmoldt Commencement . . ........... . . . . . . .... . ..... .. .... . ... . Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference .. . Ed Werner (Campus: Ted Planje, Chairman, Paul Munger, Glen Haddock) Departmental Advisory Groups ... . .. . ....... Bill Atchley ANNUAL FUND-MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMEN: Century Club .... . .. . .... . ...... .... ... Belding McCurdy Sections . ........... .. .. . .... . . . .. .. . . .... Bob Pa tterson Major Employers . . ....... . . .. ... . . ...... George Tomazi Recipient Research ... .. . . .. . . ... . .... George Schillinger NOMINATIONS ........ . . . .. . .. .... . . .... Bill Flood, Chairman Jerry Berry, Al LaPlante , Bob Patterson, Rex Alford DEVELOPMENT ........ . ........ . .. Jim McGrath ,-Chairman Art Baebler, Bob Bay, Frank Appleyard

FINANCIAL AIDS . . .. . Bob Wolf, Chairman Stu Ferrell, Ray Pendergrass, L. Brant Robison, Hardy Pottinger, Jerry Bayless, Tony Homyk, Peter G. Hanson, Frank Mackaman JACKLING FUND . .. . .... . .AI Buescher , Chairman Bob Klorer, Bob Wolf, Frank Mackaman FINANCES. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... Vern Loesing , Chairman Roy Perry, Matt Coco, John Toomey ATHLETICS STUDIES . . . . Joel Loveridge, Chairman Rod Schaefer, Jerry Berry, Harley Ladd , Jim McGrath , Jim Stephens ALLIANCE LIAISON . ... . ..... . Art Baebler , Chairman Dick Bauer, Ra y Kasten , Pete Mattei, Jim MW'phy, Frank Mackaman , Bob Bay, Jim McGrath , Joe Mooney

BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE First Class Permit No. 18, Sec. 349, P.L. & R., Rolla, Mo.

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401


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HOMECOMING-OCTOBER 14·15 Reunion Vears: 1927 and before, 1932, 1937, 1942,1947, 1952, 1957, 1962,1967,1972 1977 ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTION




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THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SUPPO RTS : Commencement Alumni·Student -Faculty Conference libraries Scholarship s Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Class Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Prolects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants -in -Aid Alumni Records Educotlonal Assistants Student Awards (Gilts Are Tax Dedu ctible ,

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