Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1977

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Alulnnus University of Missouri.RolI~

October 1977

~ ~

MSM· UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 364-4171; (314) 341-4172 University of Missouri-RoUa, Harris Hall, UMR, RoUa, MO 65401 OFFICERS

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Frank e. Appleyard '37 .

Vice President.

........ . .. 808 Solar . Glenview, IL 60025

... 1978

. .. Arthur G. Baebler '55 . . .. . . . ... .. . .... 20 Fox Meadows .. . . . . .. .. . _. _. _.. .. . _. Sunset Hills, MO 63127 ... Robert D. Bay '49 ............ . . . .

Vice President . . Vice President . .

. .. 7383 Westmoreland ... . . ... .... ... .. .... _. .. 1978 University City, MO 63130

.... Joseph W. Mooney '39 .

President Elect .

Vice President .

Volume 51 Number 5 October 1977

Tenn Expires .. Missouri Electrochem , Inc ...... . ...... . ...... 1978 8013 Dale Ave., St. Louis, MO 63117

. Richard H. Bauer '52 .

President . .... .. . . . . .

. . . . . . James B. McGrath ·49 ...... .... . . Robert V. Wolf'5 I ... _. _. __ . _. .

Secretary .


.... Vernon T. Loesing '42 .

. 222 Magna Carta Lane . St. Louis, MO 63 141


... Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr . UMR , Rolla, M0 65401

li!i a.Yl(

. . .... 1978

. . Fruin-Calnan Corp . 1706 Olive St. , St. Louis, MO 63103

Ra.! Ve.( O£J.


. .. . .. . 1978 .. 1978

..... Depl. of Civil Engr . . ..... . . .. .. . . . . . ... .. . 1978 UMR , Rolla, MO 65401

DIRECTORS AT LARGE Tenn Expires Allan H. laPlante '63 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31 Lake Drive, Needham, MA 02192 ..... . .......... . . .. . . .. . . . . 1977 Belding H. McCurd y '38 . . . . . . . . . . . 7400 Sun Island Dr. , South, Suite 7 11 , South Pasadena , FL 33707 ... . . 1978 E. L. (Roy) Perry '40. . .. Pres. , Fruin-Calnan IntI. , Ltd., 8989 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77042 . . . . 1977 203 Hillcrest, Marshall, TX 75670 . Walter e. Mulyca '65 . . . 1978 Lawrence A. Spanier '50. . . . 5 Pettit Dr., Oix Hills, NY 11746 . . ... .. ...... . . . . . . . 1 ~9 John O. Wilms '43 . . . _.... _. __.... 17700 South Avalon, Space 59 Carson CA 90745 . . . . . . . . . _ _. . .. .. 1979

On The Cover .. . The story of Harmon Peak appears on Page 2

Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Tenn Expires 00-14 H_W . Flood '43. . .... . 183 Main SI., Acton, MA 01720 . . .. 1977 15-21 J. D. Patterson '6 1. 1660 Ashlawn Dr. , Pittsburg, PA 15241 . .. ... ... . _. _ .. . . 1977 22-33 Bill L. Atchley '57 . . .. . .. 1266 Crestwood, Morgantown, WV 26505 . . _. _.. . . . _. . _. . . . . 1979 35-45 Harold Kosten '60. . . . 11195 Marlette Drive, Cincinnati , OH 45242 ... . ... . .. . _. _. _.... . . . . . . . .. 1977 46-59 Eugene e. Fadler '62 . 116 N. Evangeline, Dearborn Heights, MI481 27 . . . . . .......... . .. _. . . ... 1978 60-62 Allen G. Behring '66 . 447 S. Euclid, Villa Park , IL 60181 . . . . . ....... . . . . ____ ___ . . . . . .. . ... 1979 62-62 e. Stuart Ferrell'64 . . .... . 219 Timothy Lane, Carterville, IL 629 18 ...... ... . . ___ . . 1978 63-65 Matteo A. Coco '66 . 71 15 Aliceton Ave., SI. Louis, MO 63 123 . ............. . I~8 63-63 Robert W. Klorer '44 ... .... . . 7500 Natural Bridge Rd., SI. Louis, MO 63 121 ..... . 1977 63-65 Harold A. Krueger '42 . . ...... Ozark Lead Ca. , Rural Branch , Sweetwater. MO 63680 . . . 1979 63-65 J. R. Patterson '54. . P.O. Box 573 , Sikeston, MO 63801 . . . . . . 1977 63-65 George R. Schillinger '63 .... .. 7598 John Ave. , Oakville, MO 63 129 . . .... 1977 63-65 Clifford e. Tanquary '57 . .. . .. 14219 Denver Ave., Grandview, MO 64030 . . . .. 1978 63-65 Bruce E. Tarantola '51 . . . 9000 Skycrest Dr., SI. Louis, MO 63126 . ... .......... . . 1978 63-65 George D. Tomazi '58 . 12723 Stoneridge Dr., Florissant, MO 63033 . . .... 1978 63-65 William E. H. Knight '24 . ... .. 11 73 Grand, Carthage, MO 648 36 . . ... 1978 63-65 Edwin J. Werner '49 . . 1101 5 East 39th, Independence, MO 64052 . .. _. _. _. ..... . . . .. . . _. . .. 1979 66-74 Hennan Fritschen '51 ........ 5249 S. 68 th East Place, Tulsa, OK 7414 5 . . _. _. _. _. _... __. _. _.. _ . . 1979 75 -79 Rex Alford '40 .. . .. . .... . 5743 Jason , Houston, TX 77035 ... . . . 1979 80-90 Thor Gjelsteen '53 & 96-99 . . .. 3065 South Ingalls Way, Denver, CO 80227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1977 90-95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 . . ..... 157 Hickey Blvd., S. San Francisco, CA 94080 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 1979

Alfred J. Beuscher '64 . Joel F. Loveridge '39 . Hans E. Schmoldt ·44 .

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . . Texas Pacific Oil Co .. 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, TX 75250 Peter F. Mattei '37 .... . ..... , . .... 9954 Holliston Court . SI. Louis, MO 63124 James J. Murphy '35 . . ... . President , Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Road . SI. Louis, MO 63132

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401 , under the Act of March 3,

1897 .

Paul T. Dowling '40 . R.O. Kasten '43 . . Melvin E. Nickel '38 . F.e. Schneeberger '25 . James W. Stephens '47 .

Frank H. Mackaman . Barbara Petrovic .... .. . .. . .






COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTORS · . . 28 Regent Lane, Lincolnshire, IL 600 I 5 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 . Schmoldt Engineering Services, Inc., 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesv ille. OK 74003


nom on Tenn Expires 1982

Robert M. Brackbill '42 .


a IT!

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. ...... ....... . 1980


. .. . .. . 1978


EX -OFFICIO DIR ECTORS · .. Nooter Corp., 1400 S. Third SI.. SI. Louis, MO 63 131 . ... . .. 90 1 West I 14th Terrace, Kansas Cit y. M064 114 · .... 1050 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago. IL 60643 · .... One Briar Oak. St. Louis. MO 63121 · .. Missouri Public Service Co., 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City, MO 641 38 STAFF · .... Executive Vice·President , MSM· UMR Alumni Association , and Director, Alumni Activities, Uni versit y of Missouri-Rolla . Staff Assistant, MSM -UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary, Alumni Activities, Universit y of Missouri-Rolla

RepoJU: :to AWJnnA-


. 1918

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1981 1980

MaYl.Y 06 yo u have. iYl.qlUJ1.e.d aYl.d i l l 06 yo u eute. c.e.JU:a.inly iYl.:teJLeJ.J:te.d iYl. :the. .6:tatLL6 06 :the. The. MSM-UMR AlumnA- A.6.6o~oYl. Exe.c.u.:tive. Committe.e. ha..6 .6uggeJ.J:te.d :thi.6 ~e.poJU: :to you. .6~c.h 60~ a UMR ChaYl.c.e.tfo~.

RaymoYl.d C. ~pfiYl.gh066, Yl.a.me.d UMR ChaYl.c.e.tfo~ Oyl. Oc.:tobeJL 1, 1974, ~e..oigYl.e.d e.66e.c.:tive. De.c.e.mbeJL 31, 1976. Oyl. De.c.e.mbeJL 17, 1976, UnA-veJL.6dy 06 Mi.6.60Mi P~eJ.Jide.nt JameJ.J C. Of/.)Oyl. Yl.a.me.d P~OVO.6:t aYl.d DeaYl. 06 Fac.u.f:tieJ.J Jim C. Pogue.:to :the. adddiona.f PO.6i:tiOYl. 06 InteJLim Cha.Yl.c.e.tfo~. Oyl. :that .6ame. date. P~eJ.Jide.nt Of/.)Oyl. appointe.d a ChaYl.c.e.tfo~ Se.eutc.h aYl.d S~e.e.nA-Yl.g Committe.e. with UMR P~06eJ.J.60~ 06 Ele.~c.a.f EYl.giYl.e.~Yl.g JameJ.J H. T~ac.e.y a..6 Ch~aYl.. I Wa..6 Yl.ame.d a me.mbeJL 06 :that c.ommitte.e. • T~ough maYl.Y ave.Yl.ueJ.J, :the. c.ommitte.e. .6ought Yl.omiYl.atioYl..6 aYl.d appfic.atioYl..6 aYl.d Wa..6 ~e.weutde.d with yl.e.CUtfy 200 ~e..oumeJ.J :to be. e.xamiYl.e.d. Thi.6 fuc.heutge.d :the. .6e.CUtc.h poJU:iOyl. 06 :the. c.ommitte.e.'.6 ~e..opoYl..6ib~y. The. .6~e.e.nA-Yl.g pMc.eJ.J/S Wa..6 m0.6:t ~go~OLL6 aYl.d ~eJ.Ju.Ue.d iYl. about a doze.Yl. iYl.vdatioYl..6 :to C-a.Yl.MdateJ.J 60~ inteJLvie.w.6 he.fd iYl. S:t. Lou.i.6. IYl.60~atioYl. gaiYl.e.d iYl. :the..oe. iYl.:teJLvie.w.6 iYl. Meutc.h aYl.d Ap~ ~eJ.Ju.Ue.d iYl. 6u.f!):heJL .6 ~e.e.nA-Yl.g . I yl. May Yl.a.meJ.J aYl.d dOMieJL.6 WeJLe. 60~eutde.d :to P~eJ.Jide.nt Of/.) 0Yl.. The..o e. c.aYl.MdateJ.J c.~e.d :the. mdoM e.me.Yl.:t aYl.d the. ~e.c.omme.Yl.datioYl. 06 :the. c.ommitte.e. a..6 :to :th~ .6u.da.b~y 60~ appoiYl.:tme.nt a..6 ChaYl.c.e.tfo~ .

TheJ.J e. iYl.MVidu.a.f.6 WeJLe. iYl.vde.d :to vi.6d :the. Roila c.ampLL6 aYl.d :to me.e.:t with ~e.p~e..o e.Yl.:ta.tive. me.mbeJL.6 06 :the. UnA-veJL.6dy 6a.mily The.y :the.Yl. WeJLe. eJ.Jc.oJU:e.d :to Columbia. 60~ .6e..o.6ioYl..6 with :the. P~eJ.Jide.Yl.:t aYl.d :the. UnA-veJL.6dy Ce.~a.f AdmiYl.i.6~oYl. .6:ta.66. A .6e.c.oYl.d .6e.:t 06 dO.6.6ieJL.6 Wa..6 60~de.d iYl. July. Fo~ V~OLL6 ~e.a..60Yl..6 :tho.6e. ~e.c.omme.Yl.de.d by :the. c.ommitte.e. e.dheJL wdh~e.w a..6 c.aYl.MdateJ.J o~ Md Yl.o:t ac.c.e.p:t appointme.nt a..6 Cha.Yl.c.e.tfo~. The. C.OYl..6 e.Yl..6LL6 Wa..6 :that :the. low le.ve.f 06 6UYl.MYl.g 06 :the. UnA-veJL.6dy 06 Mi.6.60Mi aYl.d :the. Rolla. c.cLmpLL6 Wa..6 a .6ignA-6ic.aYl.:t 6ac.:to~ iYl. :the. c.aYl.MdateJ.J' de.wioYl..6. The. c.ommitte.e. Wa..6 e.~e.me.fy fuappoiYl.:te.d iYl. :thi.6 ~eJ.Ju.U, .6iYl.c.e. we. had p~oc.e.e.de.d iYl. a mO.6:t o~d~y maYl.Yl.eJL UYl.deJL :the. c.apable. leadeJL.6hip 06 o~ c.h~maYl., v~. T~c.e.y. We. CUte. :thaYl.R.6ul, howe.veJL, :that Jim Pogue. ha..6 doYl.e. aYl.d c.oYl.tiYl.ue..o :to do aYl. Ou.:t.6:ta.Yl.MYl.g job iYl. :the. Mf1Mc.u.U ~ole. 06 Int~m Cha.Yl.c.e.tfo~ . P~eJ.Jide.nt Of/.)Oyl. ha..6 ~e.c.oYl..6:tdute.d :the. S~c.h aYl.d S~e.e.nA-Yl.g Committe.e.. Although my .6eJLvic.e. Oyl. :the. c.ommitte.e. Wa..6 CUtduOLL6, I have. ag~e.e.d :to .6eJLve. agaiYl.. Now, I a..6R. e.ac.h 06 you :to he.fp by p~OViMYl.g Yl.omin.atiOYl..6 06 peJL.60Yl..6 iYl. :the. ac.ade.mic. o~ :the. iYl.dLL6~a.f c.ommuMUeJ.J who have. :the. qu.a.fi6ic.a.:tioYl..6 06 a UMR ChaYl.c.e.tfo~. Ple.a..oe. ad~eJ.J.6 yo~ Yl.omiYl.atiOYl..6 :to RobeJL:t L. Davi.6, Ch~maYl., Se.CUtc.h aYl.d S~e.e.nA-Yl.g Committe.e., UnA-veJL.6dy 06 Mi.6.6oMi-Roila, Roila, Mi.6.6oMi 65401.

I hope. :thi.6 ~e.poJU: may aYl..6WeJL yo~ maYl.Y que..otiOYl..6 Oyl. :thi.6 ma.tieJL. Be. a..6.6~e.d :that UMR i.6 yl.OW beiYl.g ably le.d, aYl.d :that a peJLmaYl.e.nt ChaYl.c.e.tfo~ ~ be. Yl.ame.d dMiYl.g :the. c.omiYl.g ac.ade.mic. ye.CUt .

. . 1918

Ric.heutd H. BaueJL, P~eJ.Jide.nt MSM-UMR AlumnA- A.6.6oc.iatioYl.

MSM Alumnus/ 1

An write plete This range lists \ termiJ


The Story of Harmon Peak John P. Hannon, '28, '32, of 1224 West Solano Drive, Phoenix, was prospecting for gold in British Columbia in 1935 when a surveyor stopped at his headquarter cabin. What follows is "A Tale of Hannon Peak," by Elizabeth Harris Hannon (Mrs. John P. Harmon).

"In September 1935 Mr. Monkton, the surveyor, sent me a photograph on the back of which he has written, 'You will recognize this. The sharp peak on the left I have officially named Harmon Peak. It is 7136' high.' Later he wrote that the 'Plan of Triangulation and Travel Survey, Cassiar District B. C. 1935' was available. I sent for it. Harmon Peak and Harmon Creek are shown ... "In 1969, in going over old negatives, we found and printed one of Harmon Peak, taken by Mr. Harmon in 1935 before the mountain was named. It looked facinating and we talked of showing the peak to me. He wrote to the Surveys and Mapping Branch, Department of Lands, Forests, and Water Resources, Victoria, B. C. and described where he had been in 1935. He also told them that Philip M. Monckton had been surveying in the vicinity of the cabin and had later informed him that a prominent landmark had been officially named HARMON PEAK. He requested that they send him a copy of the latest topographic map of the area if 2/ MSM Alumnus

LAT. 57°35'N

ElEV . 7136'

Hannon Peak was shown on it. He was sent a copy of Toodoggone, B. C. (SHEET 94E, first edition. Surveyed, compiled, drawn and printed by the ARMY SURVEY ESTABLISHMENT R.D.E. 1949-52. Aerial Photography by the R.C.A.F. 1949) On it Harmon Peak and the cabin are shown. The Two Brothers Mine is marked 'abandoned'. Details from the map: Lat. 57 35'N. Long. 127 lO'W. Elev. at base 4500' Elev. at top 7136' .... "On our way north in 1970 we stopped in Victoria. At the Surveys and Mapping Branch we were shown Mr. Monckton's card file in which he had recorded Mr. Hannon's name and address, and the fact that he had named a peak for Mr. Hannon ... "Our first plan had been to fly in and camp at the cabin for a week. Caution, prompted by fear of accident to either of us and no means of communication from the wilderness to the outside world, caused us to limit this part of our trip to one day. " ... About 50 miles north of Smithers we emerged from clouds and rain which had been with us for nine days. Suddenly-symmetrical, conical, mountain slopes, tenninating in a sharp point, were visible - Hannon Peak far ahead of us. "We circled and photographed the peak, and saw the cabin from the air. Cloudless sky, smooth water and com-

fortable temperature greeted us as we landed on the lake. Also, a boat from a government party camped on the shore! People from the camp were concerned because they had seen us circling and thought we were lost or in trouble. We were invited to tie up at their dock. The party was 'roughing it' with gas stove, gas refrigerator and twin-engined plane which delivered fresh milk and ice cream several times a week. The party's mission was kept completely secret from us. "We hiked to the cabin, about two and a half miles. Wild flowers, dwarf cornel and monkshood, were blooming. Swanns of mosquitoes, deterred from biting by insect repellent, accompanied us. The cabin walls were still strong, with some of the original moss chinking in place. The door was hanging on its original hinges. But the roof had rotted and fallen in. "We inhaled deep breaths of invigorating air. We listened to the creek breaking the silence of the forest. We quenched our thirst with icy water flowing from snow on the mountain. We feasted our eyes on Hannon Peak. It was magnificent - viewed from the front door of the cabin and from every other location. "Reluctantly we returned to the lake. As we caught our last glimpse of the peak, we relaxed joyously with the thought, 'Today has come up to aU of our expectations."

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Section News _ __ An apology . You will note in the writeups of section meetings that complete lists of attendees are not printed. This is through no lack of the local arrangements chairmen but is because the lists went astray between the computer terminal and the magazine me.

Northwest Section

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On Saturday, September 10, the Northwest area alumni gathered at the beautiful home of Vic and Rosey Hoffmann on the shores of Lake Morton. It is always helpful, especially in the Northwest, to have the weather non-wet and this was the situation. The afternoon included sampling of the choicest products of the local brewers' art or the option to drink "nostalgic", the beer that made Missouri famous. Potluck dishes complimented the fresh-cooked hotdogs done over a roaring fire tended by Hostess Rosey. Entertainment was provided by the Hoffmann's dog and through a choice of outdoor sports, including sailing. Officers of the Northwest Section are: President Chuck Hollenbeck, '61 ; Vice President Pat Duval, '62; and Secretary Gerry Hammond, '50. The date for the winter meeting has not been determined, but it will probably be sometime in February and scheduled for a more easternly location in the greater Seattle area, perhaps Bellevue. Officers would appreciate your comments.

Gerry Hammond, '50, Bob Yerbury, 77, Pete Malsch, '62.

Kay Hammond

Marilyn Maisch

Pete Maisch, '62; Rosey Hoffmann, Chuck Hollenbeck, '61.

Steve Wright, '70; Rosey Hoffmann.

of in¡ .e creek :st. We erflow. in. We 'eak. It le front '-yother he lake. : of the 'ith the :0 all of

MSM Alumnus/ 3

President Gerald Roberts and Leona.

Rolla natives George Fort, Auttie Thompson, Homer Thompson and John Livingston.




Section Party Tom and Mildred English's beautiful home and yard in Marshall, Texas, was the site of the August 6, 1977, meeting of the Ark-La-Tex Section. The meeting was to feature a deep south fish fry and it did, although somewhat delayed. The "caterers" were used to setting their own time schedule and did on this occasion. The waiting guests suffered not a whit, although Tom's cabinet may have. Anne Mulyca, as is her custom, left to have a baby (actually it was a false alarm and she is the mother of a daughter, Kelly Patricia, born September 12). Regular members were surprised and pleased to have George and Maxine Fort of Oklahoma City arrive at the party. George likes back yards. Alumni were pleased to meet Gaylard Williams, a senior at UMR, who was working at Alcoa on their summer employment program. Gaylard has worked on campus on an undergraduate research project which is financed by the Alumni 4/ MSM Alumnu s

Gaylard Williams, Walt Mulyca, Tom English and Ragan Ford, as Ragan hears how it is with Alcoa.

Association Educational Assistant Program. Present for the occasion were: Tom and Mildred English, '29; Walt and Ann Mulyca, '65 ; John and Loretta Moscari, '51; Gerald and Leona Roberts, '28 ; Homer and Auttie Thompson, '32; Walter and Helen Bruening, '34; Geroge and Maxine Fort, '40; Joe and Margaret Mooney, '39; Frank and Nancy Mackaman; Basil and Clydelle Compton, '39; Rande and Judy Grotefendt, '73 ; Ragan and Evelyn Ford, '23; Ed and Nita Farrell, '41 ; Bob and Melanie Naeger, '77, '76; John and Eilyeen Livingston, '39; James and Selma Forgotson, '22, and James Forgotson, Jr. ; and Gaylard Williams.

Ann Mulyca shortly before departure.

friends Biitmo meetin '35, pa fanner Sun Ci cyand theCa Daane. gram fl update and thl enjoyal E.S. W Winter son, I( '29; Jin and Mr Helen I Perkins '50; Mr Don an

From the left: Ollie Kamper, Organizer; Jack Conley, Treasurer; Randy Gault, Secretary; Art Winter, Vice President; Bob Hanna, President


Phoenix, Arizona




On September 9 Arizona Alumni and friends met at Roger's Saddleback in the Biltmore Center in Phoenix. The meeting was organized by Ollie Kamper, '35, past Alumni Association Director formerly of the Pittsburgh area, now of Sun City. Guests from Rolla were Nan¡ cy and Frank Mackaman and Dean of the College of Arts and Science, Adrian Daane. Dean Daane presented the program for the evening, a comprehensive update of the University of Missouri and the Rolla campus. Present on this enjoyable occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Wheeler, '22 & '23; Lynne and Art Winter, '63; 1. D. and Erlinda Stevenson, '70; Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Schuette, '29; Jim and Dianne Scanlan, '67; Mr. and Mrs. John Rudolph, '62; Allen and Helen Reid, '32; Mr. and Mrs. Therold Perkins, '49; Clark and Ann Benson, '50; Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kay, '32; Don and Anne Ascoli, '69; Bob Hanna,

Ollie Kamper, '35, Ethyl Detweiler and Milan Detweiler, '11 . '43; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Grafft, '37; Jim Haffner, '62, and friend; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Huffman, '22; Ruth and Hank Monsch, '29; Mr. and Mrs. Murray J. Paul, '27; Liston and Louise Neely, '57; Milan and Ethel Detweiler, '11; Randolph P. Gault, '73; Jack and Margaret Conley, '31; Frank and Nancy Mackaman, Adrian Daane, and Ollie and Bernie Kamper, '35.

E. S. Wheeler, '22 and Jennie Lenox Wheeler, '22.

The Section was formally organized and the following were elected as officers: Bob Hanna, '43, President; Art Winter, '63, Vice President; Randy Gault, '73, Secretary; and Jack Conley, '31 , Treasurer. The new officers hope to promote extensively the section meetings and the suggestion was made that the location be varied to other major cities in Arizona.

Nancy Mackaman, Adrian Daane, Bernie Kamper. MSM Alumnus / 5

Bartlesville Section Party George Fort, '40; Henry Hachmuth, '67




George Axmacher, '42, advancing on the cash box, as Jim Hastey, 77, prepares name tass.




Ron Martin, 73; Nanci Martin, Bob Wolf, '51, Dottye Wolf, Joe Cowen, '69, John Latzer, '61. l

Jim H Wolf.

Sa Lee Veale, Gene Veale, '42, Laura Ladd, Maxine Fort, and George Fort's Drink.

Eunice Knight, Bill Knight, '24, Shirley Bauer, Frank Townsend, '11, and daughter Frances.

On and Jir skies te Oklaho yard b: famous ture. II aggress; tion,an year thl reserval Bar'b-ql were fe. wives j

dinner I What l OkIahol

Keith Bailey, '64; Bob Wolf, '51; Dottye Wolf, Bob Banks, '44 6/ MSM Alumnus

Dale Muno, '66, Judy Muno, Sharon Lee Gillmore, Gillmore, '68

nCCessaJ ttJoks' p and the of thill

Joe Cowen, '69, Bob Lewis, '67, and Hans E. Schmoldt, '44.

Bruno Rixleben, '23; Levi Ackley, Shirley Bauer

Jim Hastey, 77, Nancy Mackaman, Bob Wolf, '51, Oottye Wolf.

Herman Fritschen, '51; Wilma Smith Arnold, Will Arnold, Colonel Pohl



On Saturday, September 17, Hans and Jimmie Schmoldt arranged for the skies to clear so they could hold the allOklahoma Bartlesville sponsored backyard bar-b-que. Bartlesville alumni are famous for this annual cooperative venture. It featured meticulous planning, aggressive promotion, superb organization, and out-of-this world cooking. This year the group was faced with advanced reservations of 1SO alumni and friends. Bar-b-qued beef, pork backs and chicken were featured as entrees and alumni and wives furnished the fIXins. The predinner festivities belied the reputation of what used to be the dry state of Oklahoma. However, libations were not necessary to the full enjoyment of the cooks' products. The out-of-state visitors and the out-state visitors owe a real vote of thanks to the party committee.

Among those that enjoyed the hospitality were Association President Dick Bauer and his wife, Shirley; Association Secretary Bob Wolf and his wife, Oottye; Association Director Bill Knight and his wife, Eunice; and Frank and Nancy Mackaman. George Fort, who likes back yards, was there from Oklahoma City with his wife, Maxine, and they were with the George Axmachers. John Latzer and his wife were in from Kansas, and a horde up from Tulsa. Walter Bailey and Donna Hix flew in from Seminole, and Ernie and Faye Moran brought friends of theirs up from Miami. Bruno Rixleben of Ada and non-alumnUs friend Levi "Pete" Ackley (who likes Miner meetings so much he joined the Century Club) were there and in fme fettle. It was a fme, fme, party!

Hans E. Schmoldt, '44: Shirley Bauer

MSM Alumnus17

More Bartlesville



B/ MSM Alumnus

Rocky Mountain-SPE Meeting

MSM Alumnus / 9

SPE-Rocky Mountain Meeting Hundreds of alumni and friends gathered in the Petroleum Club in Denver on Tuesday, October 11. The meeting, arranged by Thor Gjelsteen and his crew, was scheduled to coincide with the Society of Petroleum Engineers' meeting in that city. Alumni have normally met for luncheon during the SPE, but the prices in New Orleans last year forced an agonizing reappraisal of this mode of meeting. The cash bar cocktail party appeared to be an excellent compromise. Following pictures were taken during the meeting by E. G. Keen, who has returned to the Rolla campus and is enrolled in graduate school in the petroleum department.

lO/ MSM Alumnus


Rocky Mountain-SPE Meeting

MSM Alumnus / !!


New EnglandHub Section



On Saturday afternoon, August 5, 1977, Miners from the Hub of the Universe (Boston) met at the home of the Floods in Acton, Massachusetts. Miners from three states (New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts) were present to meet and visit with Dick Bauer, President of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, and his wife Shirley. Gari Gatwood, presided over the grill on the hot afternoon while an almost endless stream of corn-on-thecob, cole slaw, casseroles, homemade cookies and ice cream rolled out of Jeanne Flood's kitchen to go with the hot dogs and hamburgers. A supply of cold beer and Cold Duck punch helped allay the effects of an unusually warm New England day. Those attending included: Andy Andrea, '41; Dick Bauer, '52, and Shirley; George Bradshaw, '41, and Kathryn; John Enochs, '41, and Helen; Bill Flood, '43, and Jeanne; Alan Flood, son of the Floods; Gayle Lindquist, daughter of the Floods; Kristin Lindquist, granddaughter of the Floods; Mary Flood, daughter of the Floods; Brian Flood, son of the Floods; Luann Scammond, friend of Bryan; Gari Gatwood, '62; Dave Grimm, '52, and Lucille; Ceci Grimm, daughter of the Grimms; John Hardy, '63, and Doris; Bill Hollis, '50, and Charlotte; George Hughes, '58, and Bettie; Bob Penman, '49, and Jean; Ray Reunheck, '50, and Iris; Carolyn Smith, '73, and Frederick; Chuck Steinmetz, '51, and Georgia; Rick Vogel, '67 and Arlene.

NOTE ON THE HONOR ROLL The December issue of the ALUMNUS will carry the Honor Roll of donors to the 1977 Annual Alumni Fund. The 1977 Fund began on September 1, 1976, and will continue through December 31, 1977. Henceforth the fund year and calendar year will coincide. Readers of this issue of the ALUMNUS are 1977 Annual Alumni Fund donors. In fact, many of you have given twice to the Fund. Thank You. 12/ MSM Alumnus


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St. Louis Section Summer Murphy Pariy The annual St. Louis Section cocktail, dinner, and dancing party was held Saturday, August 13, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy at 7 Chipper Lane, Frontenac. More than 200 alumni and friends attended the affair and the weather cooperated to make it a beautiful evening. Through some mysterious democratic process which does not involve the exercise of the franchise, the Section was able to announce the election of the following officers: President Chuck Toedtman, '66; Vice President Rich Kastel, '67; and Secretary Howard Stine, '67. The two photographs printed herewith appear to be slightly out of focus, which may be the result of a camera malfunction or the same for the photographer. All St. Louis area alumni appreciate the gracious hospitality extended by the Murphys as they appear to be able to face the annual onslaught with equanimity.

Past President Pete Mattei, President Dick Bauer, Marilyn Pogue, President-elect Joe Mooney.

Lenny Kirberg, Mary Kirberg, Kathy Shannon, Chuck Toedtman.

FIRST CLASS Permit No. I, Sec. 510, P.L ..tR. ROLLA, MO.


BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stamp Necessary if Mailed in the United States -

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---------MSM Alumnus / 13

Extension News

For inl

Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314-341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, Missouri 65401. DATES LOCATION PROGRAM Nov. 17-18,1977 20th Annual Asphalt Conference Rolla Dec., 1977 Applied Ore Microscopy Rolla Jan., 1978 Design of Dewatering System St. Louis Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 1978 Design of Shallow Foundations Rolla 4th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed June 1-2, 1978 St. Louis Steel Structures Spring, 1978 Land Surveyors Workshop Rolla June, 1978 Geotechnical Lab Testing Techniques Rolla June, 1978 Geotechnical Field Testing & Inspection Rolla May, 1978 St. Louis Hydrology of Dam Design Nov. 14-18, 1977 Rolla Deep Foundation Design June, 1978 Rolla Digital Computing for High School Students Kansas City May 5-9, 1978 Underground Electrical Distribution Workshop Feb. 17-18, 1978 Rolla Missouri Philological Society 3rd Annual Meeting

UPCOMING MEETINGS FLORIDA GOLD COAST .................. Coral Gables .................. November 19 NEW ORLEANS ...................................................... January 28-29 ALUMNI-STUDENT-F ACULTY CONFERENCE ............................. April 13-14 SEMI-ANNUAL BOARD MEETING . . ....... . .......... . ..................... April 15 COMMENCEMENT . . . . . .. ... . ............ . ... . ............................ May 14 BARTLESVILLE OKLAHOMA SECTION Lunch at the "Y" Every Third Friday Of Each Month ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION Lunch at the Petroleum Club the First Tuesday of Each Month



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1533 E experiel

1534 B develop require<


R. B. Lewis, Director of Admissions

1536 M

Dear Mr. Lewis :

R&D, recruit€:!

I believe the student{s} listed below might like to consider UMR. the curriculum and campus life to:

Please send the necessary materials describing



1537 ~ and esti Nome

1538 M Addre ss

Addre ss

Zip C o d e

School ond Year of Graduation ( if known )

opening disciplin

Addre s s

Z i p Co de

Sc ho o l and Ye ar o f G raduation ( if known )

Zip Code

Scho o l and Year of Graduation ( if known)

My Nome and Address



1540 M levels. ~ 1541 M~ analysis, 1542BS rnfgr,

14/ MSM Alumnu s

Job Opporlunities


lalor," SSOuri¡

For information concerning postions listed below, please contact Mr. Larry Nuss, Director of Career Development & Placement UMR Rolla Missouri 65401 giving File Number of the position, state your degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. ' " , During times of high activity in the employment market, some positions will be filled before they are published. The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may~ open if you enclose your resume with your inquiry.

1528 Marketing rep. data processing and BSEE. Lower mid-west.

1543 Major mid-west mfgr. Multiopenings. Most disciplines. ME, Met, and EE predominate.

1561 Mid-west food processor. Multiopenings, all levels. Chern. predominates.

1529 Multi-openings from the Golden Companies. ME's & ChE's and Mets plus marketing and sales types and R&D's.

1544 Mid-west foundry needs PhD's in MetlMats. Sci. for R&D.

1562 Mid-west mfgr. 25 openings. All fields.

1545 BS or MSME design and testing continuous mining equip. and controls.

1563 R&D ctr. advanced degrees in EE, CSC, Physics, Nuc, Chern. and ChE.

1530 Major mid-west chern. co. BS in Met and ME or ChE. Entry and advanced level openings.

1546 Research Ctr. Most openings for PhD. Mountain state.

1531 Agency--multi-listings.



14 15 14 Ith Ith

1532 ERDA contractor 25 senior manager geo-scientists. All geo disciplines plus radiation physics, EE and esc. 1533 BSEE with mini-microprocessor experience. 1534 BS mining or geology for market develop. rep. Underground coal exper required. Mid-atlantic. 1535 Out-Dated


1536 MS or PhD, ChE or Met for Head R&D, 15 yrs. exper. Staff also being recruited.


1537 BSCE mid-west, material take-off and estimating position.


own )

1547 PhD ceramics. Some industrial expo with post-doc R&D needed. 1548 Agency--multi-listings 1549 Tool engr. Mid-west mfgr. 0-3 exper.

1566 CE with some exper. for mid-east assign. Construction.

1550 BSME or EE. All automated welding expo useful. Mid-west mfgr.

1567 BS Cer, glass, SE U.S.

1551 See 1529.

1568 Research. BS thru PhD. Most scientific and engineering fields.

1552 EE, ME & IE. Upper mid-west mfgr. All levels.

1569 MS in CE, materials tech. Corporate R&D. South.

1553 Agency--multi-listings.

1570 Tech. degree with sales. Metal casting. Mid-west.

1554 State data processing. Exam required.

1539 Agency--multi-listings

1557 BSEE min. 3 plus in tech salessystems.

1542 BSEE 3 yrs. in design. Instrument mfgr.

1571 Consulting firm, CE's, ME's, EE's, CSC and Math. Mid-west headquarters.

1555 Mid-west city CE's, EE's, ME's. 1556 Mid-west consulting firm needs ME, CE power oriented and geotechs with site development.

1541 MS ME, CE, EE or CSC. Reactor analysis.


1565 Mid-west mining company needs CE, ME or mining engr. with experience.

1538 Mid-south R&D Center multiopenings for BS, MS, PhD's, most disciplines.

1540 Mid-west, BSME entry and 3-5 levels. Machine design.

1564 Mid-west food mfgr. openings for ME, ChE, CEo

1558 Plant engr. BSME with packaging mid-west firm.

1572 Ceramic co needs 7 tech personnel. All levels. Eastern state. 1573 PhD Ceramic, fiber optics. Eastern State. R&D. 1574 Mid-west mfgr. needs mets, ceramic, ME. Entry levels.

1559 See 1546.

1575 BS Engr with MS Engr Mgt or MBA with 3-5 exper middle-mgt. Energy/polution co.

1560 Upper mid-west mfgr. EE's & ME's & hydrolics.

1576 ME or ChE, BS or MS. Thermal research. East. MSM Alumnus/ IS

Job Opportunities (cont.) 1577 Mid-south R&D Ctr. Advanced degrees_ All science and engineering fields.

1595 BSEE. electronic toys. Mid-west. MSEE, software, micro systems design. 1596 BSME. Multi-openings, mid-west mfgr. 1597 BSChE 1-4 paint finishing, metal cleaning and coating. Mid-west.

1617 Agency--multi-listings. 1618 BSME for R&D product development. 1619 Major upper mid-west mfgr. has mUlti-openings. All levels require exper.

1578 Chicago area electrical mfgr. entry level engrs. and programmers.

1598 Agency--multi-listings.

1620 Exper. engr. metal fabrication and assembly. Adjacent state.

1579 Sun-belt avionics develop. 0-5 yrs in related fields.

1599 MSEE's systems planning. Power and stats combination.

1621 BS, MS ChE products plant mgr. West coast.

1580 Design project group and process engrs. ChE, EE, CE, and ME. Eastern state.

1600 BS, MSME major mid-west food processor.

1622 Programmer/analysts--2. University, upper mid-west.

1601 BSMet, quality control, Heat treat important.

1623 Missouri city engr. CE with P.E.

1581 Agency-multi-listings.

1624 Agency--multi-listings. 1582 BSMet. Heat treating, welding and gears. Mid-west. 1583 BS, MS EE for systems design and communications. West coast. 1584 Mid-west mfgr. met, EE's, analysts and material handlers. 1585 BS, MS, PhD, ChE, Met, EE, ME. Mid-west steel co. 1586 BSCE, structures. 4 plus exper. Mid-west steel co. 1587 Outdated. 1588 Engr/accountant-internal auditor. Mining. 1589 Applied R&D, MS & PhD. Advanced process tech. Energy oriented. 1590 BS ChE, CE-Sanitary, ME, Chern plus MS, PhD CE's for polution control co. Upper mid-west. 1591 Exper met engr for quality control. Mid-west. 1592 Met engr for research and test lab. Mid-west.

1602 Missing 1603 BSEE's 5 plus exper distribution design supervisor, Mid-west. 1604 See 1561. 1605 Agency--multi-listings. 1606 BSChE 0-5 plus process engrs. South and southeast. 1607 Eastern state ceramic orientation. All levels. Most fields. 1608 See 1529. 1609 University based R&D ctr. Multiopenings. Advanced degrees predominate. 1610 BSMet for sales and quality control. Mid-west. 1611 BSME's. Know plastics. Mid-west. 1612 BSME, EE entry level. Mid-south. 1613 Agency -- multi-listings . ChE specialties. 1614 BS CE, city engr. dept. Near-west.

1593 5-8 yrs. exper ME or environmental engr. P.E. preferred. 1594 Mold design . 3 yrs. ex per plastic injection Mid-west. 16/ MSM Alumnus

1615 Agency--multi listings. 1616 Mets for production mgt and QC openings. Eastern state.

Creation Record Set Available A stereo two-record set of Franz Joseph Haydn's CREATION oratorio is available from the UMR Music Office. The recording features the University Choir and Orchestra under the direction of Joel Kramme, and was recorded live by KUMR-FM during the Spring, 1977 performance. Guest artists include: Ann Havenor, soprano (Gabriel), Kelly Craft, tenor (Uriel), Mike Phillips, bass (Raphael), Louise Speck, soprano (Eve), Carroll Proctor, baritone (Adam), and Carol Soderblom on harpsichord. The record set may be purchased for $9.00 (Plus $1.00 postage if it is to be mailed). • ·Checks or money orders should be made payable to the University of Missouri-Rolla-Choral Development Fund. • • Orders should be addressed to: Creation Record Set Music Office G-8 Harris Hall University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401

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UMR Summer Research Prog~am for Undergraduates





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Forrest A. Strobel, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at UMR, awaits steady-state conditions during his investigation relating to the energy transfer with surface enhancement of the boiling process for such applications as evaporators for refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. C. R. Remington and H. J. Sauer, Jr., advisors.

Warren W. Stansberry, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, adjusts the carburetion on the single-cylinder spark ignition engine used for determining the power-emissions performance of various fuels. C. R. Remington, professor of mechanical engineering, served as research advisor on the project.


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Yun Chii Wong, a junior in Civil Engineering at Washington University, displays the energy costs of some materials. Mr. Wong's undergraduate research project involved the detennination of methodology for accurately predicting the total energy cost of a building... the energy cost of the materials of construction as well as the operating energy cost. Dr. H. J. Sauer, Jr., professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, served as Yunn's research advisor.

Farhat Lahkavani, a junior in Engineering Management at the University of Missouri-Rolla, reviews the computer print-outs based on her evaluation of energy conservation techniques for residential buildings. The amount and type of glass, amount of air leakage, equipment EER, and thermostat settings were some of the factors considered. Drs. R. H. Howell and H. J. Sauer, Jr., professors of mechanical engineering were faculty research advisors for the project. MSM Alumnus/ 17

UMR Undergraduate Research

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Mee Theodore A. Wilson, a junior in Mechanical Engineering Technology at Purdue University, places a sample of the test fluid in his modified liquid thermal conductivity apparatus. The goal of Ted's project was to arrive ?t complete set of the much needed thermophysical properties of refrigerant-oil mixtures. Dr. B. F. Armaly, professor of mechanical engineering served as research advisor.

James G. Weiner, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Illinois, is pleasantly surprised as his infrared filter developed for use in simulating the sun's rays does the job. Mr. Weiner's project dealt with the thermal develop路 ment and temperature distribution in solar heated water reservoirs such as lakes and ponds. Dr. F . B. Armaly, professor of mechanical engineering, was faculty research advisor for the project.



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.T Timothy B. Cox, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri路Rolla, installs his thermostatic con路 trolled window shading louvers in the low temperature test chamber. The louvers would automatically adjust the amount of sUnlight entering a space based on the temperature sensed. Dr. D. C. Look, associate professor of mechanical engineering, served as Mr. Cox's research ad路 visor. 18/ MSM Alumnus

Richard H. Hellman, a junior in Electrical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, guys up the wind speed and direction sensors which are part of the weather data system of his undergraduate research project. The final result of the project is a microprocessor monitoring system for the energy flow in a residence. Dr. H . J. Sauer, Jr., professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering served as Richard's research advisor.


Daniel l)eFosset, a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, checks the positioning mechanism on his concentrating solar collector. The collec. tor was developed and tested for potential application in the distillation of water. Dan's faculty research advisor for the project was Dr. D. C. Look, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering.

Mark A. Strange, a junior in Aerospace Engineering at UMR, examines portions of his wind energy system developed around the GA W-I airfoil. The two-bladed version is being installed on a tower by the UMR General Services Building, Dr. R. B. Oetting, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, served as Mark's research advisor.






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First Doctorate in Computer Science Sister Joseph, holder of UMR's first Ph. D. Degree in computer science, displays the equipment used by students who will use the technique she developed as a part of her work toward the degree. It is a computer assisted instruction drill and practice system 'used in conjunction with video-tapes, to teach the FORTRAN computer language.

NOTE ON THE HONOR ROLL The December issue of the ALUM~US will carry the Honor Roll of donors to the 1977 Annual Alumni Fund. The 1977 Fund began on September 1, 1976, and will continue through December 31, 1977. Henceforth the fund year and calendar year will coincide. Readers of this issue of the ALUMNUS are 1977 Annual Alumni Fund donors. In fact, many of you have given twice to the Fund. Thank You.



MSM Alumnus / 19

freshman-Sophomore Class fight a glimpse Into the past

Class Fight- 1924 vs 1925

Was this Prophecy?


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1916-Fairgrounds Campout night before class fight.

Rocky Mountain-SPE Meeting



11 0 20/ MSM Alumnus


Ye scum of the Universe, ye simple minded, mamma loving Plowjockeys, ye pimplefaced vile smelling hillibillies.

HARKEN THE SOPHOMORES to the orders of your Noble and Mighty Masters

I . Be not guilty of the unpardonable offence of encircling your waist with a belt of any description, at any time. 2. Be damn sure that your lace-bordered panties are held up at all times with suspenders, lest your belly be mutilated and your diapers confiscated. 3. Be damn certain not to be seen with your hairy shanks encased in khaki lest the Sophomores; in cordoroy, lest the Juniors; in Moleskin, lest the Seniors take ye in charge and expose your knock kneed, spindle legs to the atmosphere. 4. Don't play hide and seek, marbles, leap frog, red light jacks, or other freshmen games on Pine Street. 5. Always keep shaved lest the unmature hog bristles be scraped from your map, unceremoniously. 6. Skunks and FRESHMEN must not tread upon the velvet of the campus, lest their slimy abdomen be irritated with emery cloth. 7. DOGS OF FRESHMEN caught with their pinheads covered with a green cap mutilated in any way, shall be considered bareheaded, and shall be given a "LePage" shampoo, accordingly. 8. You are hereby ordered to evacuate the back houses, barns, highways, by-ways, alleys, boulevards and limits of the Metropole and subways of

ROLLA by 8 P.M. Sunday, September 21, 1924 for your Humilation, Extermination, Mastecation, Annihilation, pulverization and obliteration by your LORDS AND MASTERS.


9. Be civil, ye cess-pool rats at all times, and fear, honor, and obey your Superiors, the Upper Classmen and your masters.

NOTICE MEN AND WOMEN over three months of age are cordially invited to witness the humbling of the trash and the 110 ring circus given by them for your amuseme.n t immediately after the fight.

MSM Alumnus121

It has been traditional for the University of Missouri-Rolla to honor the Fifty-Year Alumni at the spring Commencement. As might be expected, when old friends and classmates gather the talle turns to "the olden days". Ted Herman, who started with the class that graduated in 1927, had in his files a report on the sophomore-freshman battle which toole place in the fall of 1923. Reprinted below are letters Ted wrote home, and they speale for themselves. The written record coincides with the discussions overheard at the May Commencement. They are reprinted with the hope that you, too, willioole to your memories of those days gone by.

About 2 miles south of Rolla August 24, 1923 4:30



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Dear Mother: The sophomores are keeping us out of town. You remember Karl telling about the class fight. Well, this is initiation week for the Freshies and they the sophomores are keeping us out of town. Monday night we slept out here in a barn, also Tuesday nite, but Wednesday night all the Freshmen got together marched into town, put our posters up, some of which I will send home. We marched out to the campus and sang the Miners song and gave a few yells and challenged the sophomores. Then we marched up town and passed out posters and read one in front of a huge crowd. Then after a while we heard the sophomores coming. We marched to the campus, waited about 15 minutes for them and then they came. Mamma, I wish you could have seen us. The crowd broke in one place and the sophomores tore through. We held our ground until they reached us and almost with a savage inspiration to get to them we met and the crowd of Freshmen and Sophomores melted in a pile. For once I was glad I had grown some muscle during the summer and I realized my strength. We tied the sophomores in about 35 minutes-a rare feat done by the Freshmen, Karl said it was the first time since his class did. Well that nite I slept with another Freshman by the name of Bradford while Cook and Beatty came out to the barn. Karl took them out. Then Thursday nite (and to-nite I guess) we slept in the barn. We probably will sleep here tomorrow nite also, but Sunday nite we all sleep in the Fair Grounds and Monday morning at 9 the regular class fight is held in which the Freshmen are destined to lose if it takes every class and all the professors. Karl sure has treated us fine out here. We board with his mother $27 a month, our room cost each of us about $6.66 a month. But school expenses are terrible. We paid $61 for total fees of which we probably get $20 back. I figure expenses will run over $500 and the studies gee, High school was a snap. I sure will have to work if I get by with everything. I'll tell you what the sophomores do if they catch a freshman. They took 2 fellows that were sleeping on the roof of their fraternity house and threw them in a pond. Two other fellows had molasses poured in their hair and eggs mixed and broken in their hair. Other fellows had their face painted with shoe-blackening. I'm doing my best to keep out of everything. Also every Freshman that gets caught gets paddled. They made one fellow auction off a sock, sell the post-office, and bark at the moon-just any foolish thing. It makes you love the school. I think I have $70 left in the bank so don't be surprised if I have to sell my bonds soon. I received the letter and package today, was sure glad to get the mail. Write often. Your son Ted

19( H. Mu Mn Cra>



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P.S. Am writing this on a wagon seat. Tell the neighbors "Hello" Hello-Aunt May


19~ Rolla, Mo. August 27, 1923

Dear Mother: An addition to a late letter. The class fight was today. Saturday afternoon the soph's came to get us in our room. Beatty and I escaped by climbing out the bathroom window and jumping from the roof. Karl got Cook out. There were 4 soph's. We came back to town (in the afternoon we beat it out to our barn) Sat. nite bound and gagged a soph. in his room, This was 2:00. We kept him all day Sunday. Had quite a time keeping away from soph's Sunday nite. Took Harrison our prisoner to the Fair Grounds about 2:30. They hailed us big and we turned our prisoner over to them. They let him go before morning. The class fite was at 9:30. The Freshmen had disappeared. 30 had been tied. 30 were left to fight. This is approximate. They tied us in the fight in a little while. They painted our left leg green and our faces green. Beatty and I were in a bunch of 8 that broke and egg over each others head while the soph's poured on molasses and lamp black powder. We were jet black and sticky, our clothes were awful. I will send them home soon. It took us I Y2 hours to get clean. So I have a namesake. Well I guess there is someone in Raymond now that will remind the older people of me. I thought I would soon be forgotten. With Love, Ted 22/ MSM Alumnus


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Alumni News _ __ 1907

home at 10408 Praire Hills Circle, Sun City, AZ 85351. A chemical engineer, Joe spent most of his career with Shell Oil Co. In addition to his wife Eva, he is survived by two sons.

Aubrey Fellows, 103 W. 6th, Salisbury, MO 6528·1, hasn't had much news from the 1907 Class lately. He relies on his memories.

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1909 H. G. S. Anderson has moved from Muskogee, OK to Port Lavaca, TX. Mrs. Anderson is the former Mary McCrae of Rolla. Their new address is 109 Bonham St., Port Lavaca, TX 77979.




1912 We have the following note from Alex and Reta Grosberg of 665 Skinker Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63105, "At 88 and 85 respectively, we are still navigating although at a slower pace."

1922 Walker and Anna Case were booked for a trip to Tahiti, Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia, to return on Oct. 13, 1977. They are also planning to make it back to Rolla Homecoming for their 55th Class Reunion. December will see them celebrating their 55th Wedding Anniversary. When not playing the role of world travelers, the Cases may be found at home at 3915 Woodcrest Dr., Florissant, MO 63033.


~ U,,' Mr. & Mrs. DaYid J. flesh

B. Hamilton Moore is retired and he and his wife, Sue, live at 422 S. Washington Dr., Sarasota, FL 33577. We have the following note from Ham, "Was glad to read in the MSM ALUMNUS that Jim Gregg was now a neighbor of mine. That makes 3 of us that were freshmen together, George Dierking, Jim and me, in Sarasota."

1924 Israel H. and Alma Lovett have moved to John Knox Village, Route 2, Box 120, Waynesville, MO 65583.




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The Historic Excelsior House in Jefferson, TX, was the setting for a reception Sunday, June 26, 1977, honoring Mr. and Mrs. David J. Flesh on their 50th wedding anniversary. Their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rosenfield of Houston, TX, were hosts for the event. The honorees were married on Sunday, June 26, 1927, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Kurtz, in Wharton, TX. The Fleshes were residents of Shreveport for 18 years, but now live at 406 Delta Street in Jefferson where Mr. Flesh is a semi-retired geologist and oil operator. Joining them for this occasion were their three grandsons, David, Robert and Mark.

1929 Charles H. Dresbach retired from Gulf Oil and is a petroleum consultant. He said he "still follows MSM events with great interest. After contacts with many other schools including my own graduate degree, I feel MSM was an ideal choice." Mr. Dresbach and his wife, Mary, live at 5 Puckett Road, Rogers, AR 72756.

1930 Henry and Helen Scheer of 2005 Dial Court, Springfield, IL 62704, write, "Nothing new, just living from day to day." Henry is making excellent recovery from a heart condition.

1931 Elmer J. Sperling has opened a con· suiting engineering office in his home at 212 Papin Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119. His area of expertise includes civil, drainage, hydraulics, water distribution, grid systems, hydrology rates and rate schedules. He is a registered engineer in Missouri and Tennessee and a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Henry and Isabelle Herron have moved to Route I, Vandalia, MO 63382. Henry is retired. Clyde E. Wilhite retired from the U. S. Gov't. a second time since 1971, and he and Gladys moved from Hawaii to Denver. Playing pool and traveling are the biggest events in their lives these days. Home is 700 S. Alton Way, 10-C, Denver, CO 80231.

1932 Joseph M. Wilson, '26

Joseph M. Wilson died July 27,1977 in Phoenix. Joe and his wife made their

Arthur and Elizabeth Hoeman of 800 Keeler Ave., Berkeley, CA 94708, are enjoying retirement and world travel very much. Mr. Hoeman's title is Lt. CoL, USA, Retired, P.E. MSM Alumnus123

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________ 1933 Vernon L. Asher of 1350 Craig Dr., Kirkwood, MO 63122, is current president of Greater St. Louis Retired Officers Association Chapter and regional vice chairman NSPE-PEI (North Central Region). Charles Lambur, 33 Rampasture Rd., Hampton Bays, NY 11946, is chairman and coach of the U.S. Maccabian Judo Team which recently won the Gold Award for World Team Championship and 3 Gold, 2 Silver and I Bronze in individual competition at the World Games in Israel. After leaving Israel, Charlie plans to visit France, London, and Gennany on business before returning home. Charlie, who is an associate of Earth Resources Group, consultants in mining, recently assisted Corporacion De Desarollo de la Region Zuliana of the Venezuelan Government in coal mining development. Headquarters were in Maracaibo and the sponsor was the International Executive Service Corp. William W. Kay is an associate of Earth Resources Group-consultants in mining. He is also a mining consultant to Franklin Institute Research Laboratories and a 1933 Class Coordinator. He and Alice live at The Highlands, Drums, PA 18222.

board design and manufacture. His of,ficial title is senior electrical engineer for Systronics Marketing, Inc_ John's home address is D30 Abbington Dr., Hightstown, NJ 08520.

1935 Max E. Edgar was recently elected chairperson, West Glacier-Lake Five Area Planning Unit. "Big title-small job," says Max. He and Carol are staying "healthy and happy in retirement." Their address is Box 416, West Glacier, MT 59936.


Frank S. Millard has been actively engaged in the fonnation evaluation consulting business for the past year. His is also teaching in the geological department at the University of Houston and is enjoying his new career. Frank and Katherine live at 10211 Holly Springs, Houston, TX 77042.

Elmer Kirschotl, '36

Margaret Burgoyne, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. e. V. Mann died in October of this year. She had been a resident of Winnetka, IL, and taught music both privately and in the public schools. Edward A. Roy is retired and had been a widower since January, 1974. On April 23, 1977, he married Mary Louise, his first wife's sister. The bride and groom are making their home at 2033 E. Erie Ave., Lorain, OH 44052.

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Lewis J. Graber retired last year from his position as program manager for Sperry Rand. He and his wife, Socorro, live at 1200 Peppertree Lane, Sarasota, FL 33581.


24 / MSM Alumnus

Edwin W. Logan recently retired as chief engineer of Hunter Engr. Co. He and Ruth are living at R.R. 1, Box 8A, Marine, IL 62061.

Wilbert A. Roarig has retired from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. He and Frieda live at 1261 Seiler Lane, laCrosse, WI 54501.

Elmer Kirchoff, 2015 Morton Av., St. Joseph, MI 49085, died October 10, 1977, after a long illness. Elmer was an outstanding athlete at MSM, and was captain of both the football and basketball teams. He then coached at MSM. His wife Helen Howard Kirchoff was a teacher in the Rolla Public Schools.

John Benard retired from American Cyanamid in 1976 and is trying a new field as sales rep for computer peripherals, magnetic media, software/firmware development for P.e.



Ellen Woodman Doll of 814 Beech Ave., Charleston WV 25302, writes, "I retired June '76 from my position as junior high guidance counselor and find I'm busier than ever with church and community work, family and travel. Our seventh grandchild arrived March 24, 1977" William N. Coffman, Newburg, MO died October 8, 1977. He was a ceramic engineer and had been active as a consulting engineer in the bonded abrasive products field.

George and Miriam Nations of 14695 Tiger Tail Rd. (P.O. Box 28), Apple Valley, CA 92307, send "Greetings to all from Apple Valley."

Walter E. Mussell, 2409 laFortune Dr., Dacatur, GA 30032 has been appointed Director of Real Estate for the Corps of Engineers. He will have direct responsibility for managing 11 Y4 million acres in connection with civil works projects and a comparable area of land at U.S. military installations.

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Alumni News ____________________________________________________________ 1939 cont.


Leroy E. Smith writes, "Returned from Brazil after working two years for MKIInternacional Engenharia in Rio de Janerio. Now looking for a good place to live." The current address for Leroy and his wife, Ruby Alice, is 4229 Templar Rd., Toledo, OH 43613. He is retired.

Harry F. Robertson, who made his home at 128 Ramblewood, Bartlesville, OK 74003, died April 21 , 1977. He was retired from service with the U.S. Bureau of Mines.

Robert P. Dieffenbach retired from Alcoa but has been doing some consulting work in metallurgy and aluminum ingot casting. Bob and June live at Route 2, Box 295, Fairfield Bay, AR 72088. John G. Beach, 4661 Ralston, Columbus, OH 43214 died in open heart surgery, April 4, 1977. The news came from his wife Helen of that address.

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The alumni office has received word that Edwin H. Borgman died in March of 1977. His address was listed at 1500 Madison Blvd., Bartlesville, OK 74003.

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Vernon E. Unger has been made regional sales manager-East & Central for Davis Tool, a div. of Giddings & Lewis. He and Margaret live at 293 E. McWilliams, Fond du Lac, WI 54935.


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The alumni office has the report that Arthur P. Leisher is deceased. No details are available as this is written.

Thomas J. Griffeth retired from Universal Atlas Cement in July, 1976, and he and Ellen moved to 3320 Westerly Lane, Sarasota, FL 33579. George and Maxine Fort made a 15-day pleasure trip to the British Isles in May, an alumni meeting in Marshall, TX, in August, an alumni meeting in Bartlesville, OK, in September, and are planning on Homecoming in Rolla in October. George is senior partner in Fort & Miller. He and Maxine live at 3939 NW 34th, Oklahoma City, OK 73112.

1943 c.c. "Pete" Palmer, '40 C.C. "Pete" Palmer died August 30, 1977 after an extended illness. He was chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Booker Associates, Inc. A past MSM section officer and board member, he received the Alumni Achievement Award, was a charter member of the Academy of Civil Engineers and was awarded the degree Civil Engineer at the May Commencement. Pete is survived by his wife, Sammie, of the home, 1572 Renderer Dr. , Warson Woods, MO 63122, a daughter, Mrs. John Mihalevich, and son , Stephen. A scholarship in Pete's honor has been established in the civil engineering department and contributions may be sent to the university development office. On November 1, 1977, Armin J. Tucker retired from Pan American World Airways after 32 years as an ' airline pilot. On March 30, 1977, Big Tuck and Jeanne became the proud grandparents of a beautiful girl, Kimberly Diane Zimmer, the second daughter of their daughter Debra and son-in-law Bruce. Bruce started medical school in August. Tuck and Jeanne live at 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA. 22312.

1941 Guy Brown, Jr. is now vice president and general manager of Drilling Tools, Inc. He and Mary Lucille, Mrs. Brown, live at 10822 Roaring Brook Lane, Houston, TX 77024.

Daniel R. Stewart of Route 1, Box 158, Webb City, MO 64870, is now working as consulting geologist for Gold Fields Mining Corp. (formerly Azcon Corp.) in Joplin.

Jim Johnson has been named manager Center Street assembly, shipping and stores for Fisher Controls Company. Jim lives at 1411 Brentwood Terrace, Marshalltown, IA 50158. He has been with Monsanto since graduation, minus two years to the Navy during WW II. D. H. Short had a bad stroke a year ago but has improved very much. He is moving to the Golden Age Nursing Home in Stover, MO 65078 , November I, 1977.

i Ken Joynt, '43

Ken Joynt, 11906 Churchill Ct. , Houston, TX 77009, has retired from Mobil and has joined Pogo Producing Co., Houston, as senior vice presidentoperations.

1944 Roger H. Heidenreich is an aerospace engineer with TSARCOM . He and Beatrice live at 9953 Lewis & Clark, No. 604, St. Louis, MO 63136. MSM Alumnus/ 25

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________


Gilbert S. Keeley has been promoted to project manager for Consumers Power Company's Midland Nuclear Plant. Gil and Mary Jane live at 6108 Crest Rd., Jackson, MI 49203.

moted to district network design manager for the West Carolina Telephone Co. The mailing address for Bob and Shirley is P.O. Box 236, Webster, NC 28788.



Don V. Roloff has been elected president and member of the Board of Directors of the International Carbon and Minerals Corp. (ICM). He and his wife, Florence, live at 7669 Carswold Dr., Clayton, MO 63105.

1946 Eberhard H. Miller has been made chairman of the Department of Architecture and Drafting Technology at Del Mar College. He and Myra make their home at 4129 Bray Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78413. Oscar and Janet Olsen have a new home at 606 Solano Circle, Placentia, CA 92670. Oscar is vice president, Refining, UCO Oil Co.

1947 Willis H. "Bill" and Alice Harville have a partnership involving Riviera Sunset Apts., 1502 Monza Ave., Coral Gables, FL 33141. Alice leases the apartments and runs the office and Bill manages the maintenance problems. R. A. Tappmeyer, senior vice president of Reading & Bates Drilling Co., and his wife, Mary, have a new home at 2226 Country Club Dr., Sugarland, TX 77478. James E. Wylie has been made engineering manager-equipment & buildings for Southwestern Bell. He and Barbara live at 2712 Meridian Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73127.

1948 William V. Hartman, 4 Westfield Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131 , has been named senior vice president, Corporate Development, by his employer, the Peabody Coal Co. Bill holds the Engineer of Mines degree awarded in 1971. Worth Irwin, 365 S. Porter, Tucson, AZ 85710 has been elected vice-president of M. M. Sundt Construction Co. He has been field operations manager for the Mining and Industrial Division. Frank D. Hequembourg, Jr. is back to work in the engineering division of the Missouri Public Service Commission after one year's leave of absence due to illness. He and Virginia live at 710 Geneva Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101. 26/ MSM Alumnus

Arthur and Patricia Weber returned to Houston 4 years ago (10402 Bob White, Houston, TX 77096) and enjoy it as much as ever. Art is manager of projects and technical services for Bella Co. Erwin Blankenmeister and his wife, Carolyn, of 3310 Princess Lane, Dallas, TX 75229, recently became grandparents. Their daughter, Debbie Phillips of Riverside, CA, is the mother. Their second son works on a newspaper in Austin, and their youngest is a student at Texas Tech. Erwin is a sales executive at Burdick Corp. Robert C. Perry, 1216 Minnesota Ave., Natrona Heights, PA 15065, has been named vice president Flat Glass Div. with PPG Industries, Inc. In this position Bob will be heading one of the two operating divisions. Gordon and Dorothy Raymer have moved to 249 Mero Lane, LaCanada, CA 91011.

1950 Sergio F. Marinkovic passed away November 13, 1976, due to natural causes. His residence address was II Fleetwood Dr., Hazlet, NJ 07730. Avery A. Drake of 1551 44th St., NW, Washington DC 20007, is a research geologist with the U. S. Geological Survey . He recently completed a lithologic-tectonic map of the Central Appalachians and is currently doing a deformation effects map for the same region. AU this is for the International Geological Correlations Program's Caladonides-Appalachian project.

1951 Robert Slankard just returned from a 3-month trip to Cairo, Egypt, for study and for aid program on the Egyptian Telephone System. He has been pro-

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Dan E. McGovern of 280 I Ridgeview Dr., Bel Nor, MO 63121, has just started two new businesses, Johnson Electric Co. and McGovern-Barnes Co., Mfg. Rep.

1952 Leonard and Donna Wolfberg have moved to 11900 Edgewater Dr., Apt. 1301, Lakewood, OH 44107. Leonard has changed jobs and is now president of Colyarn Sales, Inc and vice president of Yam Inc., both in Cleveland. Norman and Marian Zachelmeyer have moved to 5510 Crystal Dr., Fairfield, OH 45014. Norman is plant manager for Continental Group, Inc. in Springdale, OH. Leslie and Carol Holdman live at 3616 N. Harvey Parkway, Oklahoma City, OK 73118. Les is a division staff engineer for Schlumberger Well Services and recruits at UMR in the fall and spring.

1953 Harriett and Bob Ordemann, 3426 Racquet Club Dr., Grand Prairie, TX 75051 have purchased a business serving the Greater Dallas-Ft. Worth metro area and hope that they will soon be joined by their three sons to make it a real family affair. Charles H. Heeger is no longer with West Contracting Co. He is selfemployed. His address is 604 W. Main St., Union, MO. 63084. James E. Thompson has moved to 7612 S. Rosemary Circle, Englewood, CO. 80110.


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1953 cont. Andrew E. Leponis of 5052 W. Drummond Place, Chi9tgo, IL 60639, has accepted a position with Dcasma Chicago, Branch I, as a quality assurance representative. Maurice R. Topel has been made district planning engineer for the Illinois Department of Transportation. He and his wife, Charlene, live at 202 W. Hawthorne Dr., Effingham, IL 62401.

1954 Carlos Tiernon of 810 W. Oakdale Dr., Ft. Wayne, IN 46807, has been made executive vice president of Deister. Donald O. Schneider has accepted a position with Performance Products. He and Norma live at 7032 Greenhaven Dr., Flordell Hills, MO 63136 C. Scott Johnson of 4444 W. Point Lorna Blvd. No. 66, San Diego, CA 92107, is a staff scientist with the Naval Ocean Systems Center.

1955 Campbell C. Barnds has been made president of Arehart-Barnds Sales. He and Doris live at 9848 Briar Dr., Overland Park, KS 66207. J. N. Scott has been promoted to administrative coordinator, Management Services Div., Black & Veatch. He and Rosemary live at 10626 Bridlespur Dr., Kansas City, MO 64114. James M. Franklin of 6100 North Shawnee Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73112, recently became president of Lancer Energy Corp. in Oklahoma City.

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James and JoAnn Mitchell live at 1211 White Oak Dr., Meridian, MS 39301, where Jim is vice president and general manager of Midland Mfg. Jim has several current farm machinery patents and has been very instrumental in the development of the Midland line of farm equipment.

David W. Berg is Regional Service Manager for Honeywell, Inc. in Edina. He and Mary live at 9851 Edgerwood Road, Bloomington, MN 55438.


John C. Anderson is now city engineer and public works director for the city of O'Fallon. He and Beverly have moved to II Westbrook Dr., O'Fallon, MO 63366.

1958 F. L. Mosby and his wife, JoAnn, have moved to 806 Forrest Heights, Hunt· sville, Al 35803, where Mr. Mosby has accepted a position as nuclear steam services manager at Wyle Labs. Dennis E. Mason of 4020 Central Avenue, Western Springs, IL 60558, has a new position with Rockwell Interna· tional, Graphic System Div. He is Director, Business Planning. Les C. Daniels has been made vice presi· dent, supply and transportation for Mobil Oil Canada. He and Carolyn live at 520 Lake Placid Dr., SE, Calgary, Alberta T2J 4B3, Canada.

1959 G. L. Metcalf has moved to 3132 Shire Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. He is plant manager for MPM Div., Pfizer, Inc., in Emeryville, CA. Herbert A. Goldin and his wife, Susan Nancie, of 5518 Ferndale St. , Springfield, VA 22151, have a son, Joseph Samuel, born July 25, 1977, weighing 5 Ibs., 8Y2 oz. Herb is a structural engineer with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command in Alexandria. Joseph F. Reichert has assumed the position of superintendent of streets in the Public Works Department of the Ci· ty of Kansas City, MO, as part of a mid· die management training program. Joe and his wife, Mary, live at 7312 Charlotte, Kansas City, MO 64131. Charles F . Tate has accepted a position as field engineer with Owl Companies. He and Sharon live at 1901 Twain Place, Placentia, CA 92670.

Herman and Carol Vacca are the proud parents of Jonathan Joseph, born February 26, 1977, at 9:51 p.m., weight 9Ibs., 14~ oz., 20Y2 in. long. The family lives at 4642 Stonegate Way, Corpus Christie, TX 78411. Mr. Vacca is a sales engineer with Schlumberger.

1961 Jon D. Steinbach, 87 Verna Dr., Russell, KY 41169 has been named vice president of operations for Ashland Pipe Line Co. He formerly was manager of operations. Donald L. Evans has been made president of Layne-Western Company, Inc. He and Donna live at 6211 West 64th Terrace, Mission, KS 66202. Samuel Mitchell Bowers is working as a design engineer for Centrifugal & Mechanical Industries Inc., manufac· turers of coal-drying centrifuges. Mr. Bowers and his wife, Agnes Camilla, have five children. Their home address is 6828 W. Park Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139.

1962 Won C. Park has resigned from Ledgemont Labs and now may be reached in care of the Occidental Research Cor· poration, 1855 Carrion Rd. , La Verne, CA 91750. Gary J. Buckrod has been promoted to senior engineer with Union Electric. He and Patricia live at 315 Chevy Chase Dr., Belleville, IL 62223 .


O. B. and Barbara Funsch have moved to 111 Lake St., Rockmart, GA 30153. Mr. Funsch is manager, Tech Services & Development, Goodyear Tire Textile Mills.

Kenneth W. Wood of 10847 Britoak, Houston, TX 77024, has been promoted to manager of the Licensing Business Center for Shell Chemical Co.

F. H. Speckard and his wife, Lynda, have moved to 5703 Macon Rd. , Mem· phis, TN 38134 MSM Alumnus/27

AlumnI News ________________________________________________________-


1962 cont.

John W. Mohr is a Major with the U.S. Marine Corps and has enrolled as a student in the Air Command & Staff College. He and Wilma have moved to 5619 Carriage Hills Dr., Montgomery, AL 36116.

Michael S. Herzog was married to Mary Olive Domezio on September 24, 1977, at the United Methodist Church in Napa. Mary is a native of Merced, CA, graduate of Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, and heads Napa County Crippled Children Services. Mike is senior process engineer for Pfizer, Inc., MPM Div. Their mailing address is Box 795, Franklin Station, Napa, CA 94558. Richard T. Johnson was recently promoted to the rank of Professor of Mechanical Engineering. He currently supervises ME lab instruction and directs research in alternate fuels for internal combustion engines at UMR. He and Carol live at 2 Frost Drive, Rolla, MO 6540l. Richard L. Buck has accepted a position as plant manager for Airwick Industries. He and JoeHa live at 9004 Meadowbrook Lane, Overland, MO 63114.

1963 N. M. Naiknimbalker was elected chairman of the Central New Mexico Section of AIME for 1977-78. He visited India last December and brought his brother, Pravin, an accountant, to the states in April. Mr. Niaknimbalker and his wife, Magdalena, live at 804 Mt. Taylor Ave. (P.O. Box 631), Grants, NM 87020. He is chief geologist with Ranchers Exploration Dev. Corp. Donald L. Bartling has moved to 14-L Beehive Place, Cockeysville, MD 21030. Don is a senior engineer with Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Hunt Valley. Dewey F. Brown, Jr. is a senior civil engineer, Environmental Division, Sverdrup & Parcel. He and Sandy have moved to 2349 Pheasant Run Dr., Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

1964 Raymond A. Fournelle has a new apartment at 1129 N. Jackson St., Apt. 1207-C, Milwaukee, WI 63202. Ray is an assistant professor at Marquette University. 28/ MSM Alumnus

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7,80: Duane H. DeClue has been made environmental officer for St. Joe Lead Co. He and Sandra make their home at 405 Taylor, Crystal City, MO 63019. William S. Williams has moved to 940 Ave. F., Apt. 15, Marrero, LA 70072.

Ralph M. Cassell, '64

Ralph M. Cassell, 4174 Miletus Dr., Florissant, MO 63033 has been promoted to Director of ¡ Metallurgical Research for Laclede Steel. He has been Wire Mill Superintendant. Ronald and Eleanora McCauley have a new son, Matthew Brian, born July 3, 1977, a new home at 45 White Oak Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054, and Ron has a new job as assistant professor of ceramic engineering at Rutgers.

1965 William and Connie Wells have a new home at 3824 Greenfield Rd., Quincy, IL 6230l. Mr. Wells is a project engineer with W. H. Klinger & Assoc. Charles and Sachiko Yang have moved to 2557 Via Sanches, Palos Verdes Estate, CA 90274. Mr. Yang is a staff engineer with Hughes Aircraft. D. Franklin Giger has opened a service company for major appliances and refrigeration in the Mexico area. Home is 222 E. Monroe, Mexico, MO 65265, a new address. Norma is expecting an addition to the family in late October. David Bergt has been named district manager for Schlumberger Well Service's Duncan, OK, district. He and his wife, Joyce, have just moved to Duncan from New Orleans and now receive their mail c/o Schlumberger, P.O. BOx 1063, Duncan, OK 73533.

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Stephen L. Greer is finishing the startup of Bar, Rod and Billet Mill for China Steel. He expects to return to Missouri in the summer of '78. Early '78 will probably find him working in Jugoslavia. His wife, Mildred, and their three daughters are enjoying Taiwan. Their mailing address is 15 Wun Chung, 1st Lane; Ta Hwa Village, Niao Song, Kaohsiung, Hsien, Taiwan, Republic of China.

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Robert L. Heider passed the P.E. exam for the State of Missouri and was transferred from Monsanto's W. G. Krummrich Plant in Sauget, IL to Monsanto's Central Engineering Department's electric installation and utilities department. Bob and Marijo live at 1032 Nancy Carol Lane in Glendale, MO 63122.

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Glenn Lytle is now in charge of meter and V.O.M. engineering at Triplett Corp. He and Carol and their two children, Jenny and Stephanie, have recently moved to their new home at 160 Hillcrest Dr., Bluffton, OH 45816. Stephie was born November 29, 1976.



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Robert W. Meyer was recently appointed manager of new technology at Holcroft, a manufacturer of industrial heat processing equipment. He is responsible for the implementation and commercialization of new products generated by research and development. He and Sandra live at 24347 Hampton Hill, Novi, MI 48050.


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Alumni News ___________________________________________________________ !u,S, a stu, rCol, ed to mery, Ie en. dCo, .t 405

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1966 cont.

Robert W, Cummins has accepted a position as senior standards engineer with Deere & Co. in their Technical Center. He and Barbara have a new horne at 2648 E, 39th St., Davenport, IA 52907,

Ashok C. Shah has accepted a position as project engineer with Parker Han· nefin Corp, He and Ranjan live at 2922 Aduana Dr" Arcadia, CA 91006, Edward and Diane Moss live at Route 7, Box 123H, Morgantown, WV 26505, Ed has opened his own business, Moun· tain State Safety Services, Ralph and Carol Kramer have moved to 215 Mulberry Dr" Lafayette, LA 70506. Ralph works as a petroleum engineer for Tenneco Oil, Glenn and Fran Chaffin have a new ad· dress, Route 1, Box 464, Calthlamet, W A 98612, Glenn is cast house superintendent for Reynolds Metals Co. -Electrical. Harold E, Fiebelman of 1321 Woodlawn Dr., Rolla, MO 65401, has been made chief, technical information team, U,S, Geological Survey, Topo, Div, On May 1, 1976, Ed Fox went into partnership with Mel Cole to form Fox & Cole Engineering & Surveying, Their address is 4679 Chestnut Park Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63192, Ed and Donna live at 7319 Terri Robyn Dr" St. Louis, MO 63129. Lt. Col. John T. Mason II recently returned from NATO School in Oberammergau, Germany, after three years service there and is now involved in training military doctors in radiobiological effects of nuclear weapons, His title is assistant to the director, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Col. Mason and his wife, Linda, live at 7025 Wick Lane, Rockville, MD 20855 , Allen G , Behring has two new jobs, Not only was he recently elected to the Board of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, but he has accepted a position as mechanical engineer with Harza Engineering Co, in Chicago, AI and his wife, Liz, live at 447 S. Euclid, Villa Park, IL 60181.




Albert Spencer has been promoted to assistant chief engineer for Paul Mueller Co" manufacturers of stainless steel tanks and processing equipment for food, chemical, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies, He and Karol live at 1124 W, Swan, Springfield, MO 65807.

R. Joe Kasten, 5227 Ashmere, Spring, TX 77373, has been appointed to the Technical Service staff of the Western Division Sales organization of Armco Steel. He was senior Engineer-Direct Reduction with the same company.

Gary and Nancy Sievert have been transferred by Dow to California, Gary is moving from Industrial Service to Petroleum Service Group and will be responsible for managing the new facility being build in Bakersfield, The new horne address for Gary and Nancy is 6407 Brooklawn Way, Bakersfield, CA 93309,

Richard A, Molkenbur has been made assistant forest engineer with the U,S, Forest Service in Puerto Rico, His new mailing address is Box AQ, Rio Piedras, PR 00928,

James M, Medlin has been made Geoscience manager for Gulf Energy & Minerals, U,S,A, He and Carolyn live at 3501 Mimosa Court, New ~Ieans, LA 70114,

R. Joe Kasten, '66

1967 Donald L. Eades who resides at 645 Saddle Dr., Florissant, M063033 died August 3, 1977, He is survived by his wife and two children, The family requests memorials be made to the Cancer Society, Wayne J, Hopkins of 9348 Cherry Hill Rd" Apt. 108, College Park, MD 20740, has accepted a position as threat assessment analyst on the High Angle Threat Program at the Naval Surface Weapons Center in White Oak, MD, Larry W, Scott is a resident engineer with Bums & McDonnell, He and Nancy Jane have a new horne at 1017 E. 3rd St., Lee's Summit, MO 64063, Russell and Joanne Rymer have a new horne at 32 Standish Rd" New Milford, CT 06776, Russ is a mechanical engineer with American Can.

Larry Fritschel has been made market development specialist for Firestone Tire & Rubber. He and Karon live at 3956 Redwing Circle, Stow, OH 44224, D, A. Dobberpuhl has moved to Star Route I, Box 129, Inyokern, CA 93527. He is a physicist at the Naval Weapons Center.

1968 Gerald R, Thiessen of 1448 N, Clay St., Springfield, MO 65802, has been assigned by the Army Corps of Engineers to Tehran, Iran, to advise Iranian Army on construction at military installations in Iran, He will be accompanied by his wife, Christine, and their children on the assignment. Richard and Karen Olsen have moved to 119 W. Gadsden St., Pensacola, FL 32501. Mr. Olsen is a research bioengineer with the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab, MSM

Alumnu~ / 29

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________


1968 cont.


Richard H. Browne of 2516 New Orleans, No. 136, Dallas, TX 75235, is an assistant professor at the U. T. Health Science Center. This year he is serving as director of the graduate program in mathematical sciences. Mr. Brown said, "We are sponsoring a boys soccer team that plays like the 1968 Miner football team." Paul H. Dillion is now working as a project engineer/estimator for G. L. Tarlton Contracting Co. in St. Louis. He and his wife, Sue, live at 4522 Ferrer St., Meblville, MO 63129.

1969 Brian W. Smith, 6417 Fenestra Ct., Burke, VA 22015, is one of the 15 Corps of Engineers employees chosen to attend the Corps' Planning Associates Program at Ft. Belvoir. The new address for James R. Bruzewski is 2001 N. Perkins Rd., Apt. M136, Stillwater, OK 74074. George and Nancy Hughes now receive their mail at SRA 71 H, Anchorage, AK 99507. George is a senior radio engineer with RCA Alascom. Joseph H. Munoz was married to Helen L. Toalson of Gladstone, MO, on July 30 1977. Their home address is 3141 NE 59th Terr., No. I, Kansas City, MO 64119 . Joe is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In May, Frederick N. Bondurant was named chief pilot of the 61st Tactical Airlift Squadron. He has been a C-130 instructor pilot for two years. His home address is Ridgecrest Manor, D-24, N. Little Rock, AR 72116. Jerrold L. Johnson is now a senior engineer with Magnavox. He and his wife, Florence, live at 70 II Blake Drive, Ft. Wayne, IN 46804. Robert Joseph Millman of 4635 Main St., Apt. GNW, Skokie, IL 60076, has been named a project engineer with Roy F. Weston, Inc. 30/ MSM Alumnus

Ted W. Holland has a new position with the Bureau of Land Management in Denver; he is a geothermal specialist. He and his wife, Jean, now live at 20228 Fireweed St., Evergreen, Co 80439. Randal K. Burns and Denise E. Beaupre were married on August 26, 1977, in Lowell, MA. They are living at 5 Sheraton Drive, Hudson, NH 03051. Randy is foreign military sales equipment manager for Electronic Systems Division at Hanscom Air Force Base, a new job for him. Doug Oldham has been promoted to process control engineer for OwensIllinois Lily Div. His home address is 1903A S. Grant, Springfield, MO 65807.

1970 Billy F . Keeling is a P.E. and has accepted a position as associate engineer with Shell Engineering & Associates. The company specializes in environmental and energy consulting. Billy has had seven years experience in air and pollution control with the state of Missouri. He and Jane live at 219 Halifax Rd., Holts Summit, MO 65043. On February 28, 1977, Walter S. and Jacquilline Schamel added Charles William to their family. On March 15, 1977, Walt departed Fla. DOT for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District. He is employed as a civil engineer in the regulatory functions branch. Mail address for the Schamels is P.O. Box 1181, Pooler, GA 31322. James R. Pierce was promoted to power plant engineer in April 1977 at the Alton Box Board Co. paperboard mill in Alton, IL. He and his wife, Barbara, and their daughter, Erika, reside at 3395 Rockingham Dr., Florissant, MO 63033. Joseph T. Bohanon and Peggie Coletti were married October 21. Their home address IS 1111 N. Glenstone, Springfield, MO 65802. Joe is an associate professor of chemistry at Evangel College.

Robert Larry Reed has accepted a position as senior account representative for CompuServe Inc. He and Vicki make their home at 4811-B Valleydale Dr., Lilburn, GA 30247. Guy M. Robinson has accepted a position as assistant district manager of Continental Pipeline Co.'s Tulsa Office and he and Martha have moved to 5715 East 98th St., Tulsa, OK 74136. Paul Pietrzak and Maryalice Duarte were married April 16, 1977. The co~­ pie lives at 7013 W. 43 St., Stickney, n 60402. Paul is a general engineer with Commonwealth Edison. Leon (Max) and Mary Jean Schellman have a new home at 2628 Ebony Way, Modesto, CA 95355. Max is employee relations manager for Procter & Gamble.

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Gan Lynn B. Calton is working as engineering supervisor for Furlow-Philbeck Assoc. in Tulsa. He and his wife, Coleen, live at 1004 W. Washington Place, Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Ron and Robbi Zylich and Bob and RoxAnne Dockey enjoyed thier brief reunion reminiscing on their days in Rolla. They sent a "Hi" to their OLD Rolla friends. Rob and Robbie live at 94 Acton Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824. Ron is a division planning engineer with Massachusetts Electric Co. William D. Alexander, 4510 NE 50th, Kansas City, MO 64119, received his MA in Science Education from UMKC on July 29, 1977. This is his second year as head of the science dept. at North Kansas City High School. He teaches chemistry, too. Steve and Linda Seematter and their two children, Christy, 4, and Craig, 2. are moving to 3122 20th Street, Columbus, NE 6860 I, from Cape Girardeau, MO. Steve has accepted a position with Nebraska Public Power Dist. He will be working in the Technical Support Section of the Transmission and Distribution Engineering Division.





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AlurnnINevvs _____________________________________________________________ 1970 cont. Ray and Patsy Kalbac of 9400 Eucalyptus Dr., Affton, MQ 63123, are the proud parents of a girl, Emily Kathryn, born July 22, 1977. Ray is employed with G. L. Tarlton Contracting Company of St. Louis. James B. McKelvey has been made task force manager for Fruin-Colnon Corp. He and Linda make their home at RD. I, Point O'Woods, Tunkannock, PA 18657. Roger and Karen LaBoube have moved to 5100 Todd Drive, Ames, IA 500010. Roger is an assistant professor at Iowa State University. Steve and Ellen Kathmann have moved to No. 10 Stone Haven, Quincy, IL 6230 I. Steve is a design engineer with Gardner-Denver.


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1971 Terry W. Donze, 2535 Field St., Lakewood, CO 80215, is now a geophysicist with Tenneco Oil Co., Rocky Mountain Div., Denver. He was formerly with Amoco stationed in New Orleans.

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John and Cheryl Farrell have moved to 4319 N. Bellaire, Kansas City, MO 64117. John is a project engineer with the Marley Cooling Tower Co.

Jim and Clare Commerford are thrilled with the birth of their son, James Patrick, born May 16, 1977. Home is 1001 Mistletoe Rd., Ft. Worth, TX, 76126, but Air Force Captain Commer· ford is on a temporary duty assignment in Guam. Johnny and Debbie Webb have moved to 2384 Barbaro Dr., Bartlett, TN 38134, where Johnny has been promoted to branch systems manager for Burroughs Corp. Johnny and Debbie are expecting their first child at Christmas. Ronald C. Pagan has been made field bridge inspector for the State of Missouri Highway Department. He and Joanne live at 829 Airview Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Dale Montgomery has just been promoted to land planning and strategy section manager, Division of Land Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, to ensure the implementation of the Federal Resource Conversion and Recovery Act of 1976. He previously headed the Field Operation Section which ensures all solid waste disposal sites are in compliance with I.E.P. Act. He became a professional engineer in January, 1976. Home is 66 Dawn Drive, Springfield, IL 62702.

Richard W. Eimer, Jr. is an electrical engineer with Illinois Power Co. He and his wife, Catherine, have moved to 4272 Maynor St., Decatur, IL 62521.

Kenneth 1. Becker has accepted a position as research engineer with Chemetron Corp. He and Colleen live at 22937 Lake Shore Dr., Richton Park, IL 60471.

Alfred J. Wussler, formerly design engineer specialist with Natural Gas Pipeline in Chicago, has joined EI Paso Natural Gas Co. as a senior process engineer in the company's Gas Conditioning Group. AI and his wife, Jerry, are now living in EI Paso, Texas, at 10913 Dave Marr Court, 79935.

Ken Hilterbrand has been transferred with Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. from the Oxnard, CA plant to Cape Girardeau, MO. He is a relay operations dept. mgr. Ken, his wife, Melinda, and 2 year old daughter, Leanne, reside at 1556 Lexington Dr., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.

James Robert Merwin is material manager for Rockbestos Co. in New Haven. He and June Rae live at 19 Kenilworth Dr., Clinton, CT 06498.

Michael M. Cook of 2313 Benbrook St., Carrollton, TX 75006, has been made sales engineer for Johnson Controls, Inc.

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David and Pat Bryan have a new baby girl, born June 2, 1977, weighed 8 Ibs., 1 oz., and named Deborah Rose. They also have a 3 year old named Joyce Ann. David has been assigned to Union Carbide's Y·12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN for a two· year assignment under Black & Veatch. The new address for the Bryan family is Route 5, Sweet Lane, Clinton, TN 37716. David Simon was recently made head of the department of engineering and process control for Union Carbide Home and Auto Div. He and Jo-Dine live at 2515 E. 1704th Road, RR 4, Ottawa, IL 61350. John E. Allen, Jr. recently accepted a position as project engineer for Sargent & Lundy. He and his wife, Debrah, live at 540 Emerson Circle, Bolingbrook, IL 60439. Larry W. Campbell, P.E., and his wife, Connie, have purchased a home at 1154 St. Joseph Dr., Slidell, LA 70458. Larry would like to know if any of their friends are coming down for Mardi Gras (Feb. 7). He is working as a senior engineer with Martin Marietta Aerospace.

Elaine Marie Zambon has changed jobs from a geophysicist with the Geodigit Div. of the Champagne de Geophysique to Cartographer with Amax Mining Exploration. Her home address is 5340 W. 10th Ave., Apt. 8, Denver, CO 80214. August 25, 1977, Eugene and Jackie Haberl of 934 W. Hillcrest, Columbia, IL 62236, became parents of their first child, a son who weighed in at 8 Ibs., 3 oz. "All are doing well," said Mr. Haberl. He is a project engineer for Anheuser-Busch. James L. Stock has a new position as engineer for the Oldsmobile Div. of GM. He and Sharon, his wife, have a new home at 3429 Ginger Snap Lane, Lansing, MI 48910. Gregory P. Smith and his wife, Cynthia, have notified us that their new address is 2318 Evergreen, Carrollton, TX 75006. MSM Alumnus / 31

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________ 1971 cont.

Mike and Beth Walz live at 13811 S. 11th, Grandview, MO 64030. Mike is a project engineer with Black & Veatch and will be working with the control systems being designed for the power agency of Indonesia. Beth and Mike are expecting in January.

Paul E. Pearce, Jr. and his wife, Debra, have moved to 177 Fisher Blvd., Padukah, KY 42001. Paul is now a technical service engineer for B. F. Goodrich Co.'s Chemical Division in Calvert City, KY.

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Stephen and Cheri Drawe have moved to 506 S. Zinser in Kennewick, W A 99336. Steve is a structures engineer with Guy F. Atkinson Co. and has recently begun work at the Hanford Nuclear Works in Richland, W A.

On September 21, 1977, Jerry and Marilyn Minoff of 917 Queensbridge, Manchester, MO 63011, become parents of their first child, a daughter. Jerry is a project engineer with Hospital Building and Equipment Co.


Richard F. Powell received his private pilot's license last July. He is a sales engineer with B. J. Alberts Co., Inc. Rick and Becky live at 230 W. Hickory, Liberal, KS 67901.

Gary Frossard of 925 Blye Bonnett, St. Louis, MO 63122, is now project manager for McCarthy Brothers Co.


R. Clayton Siovensky has accepted a position as highway engineer with the Federal Highway Administration. His new home address is 904R E. High, Apt. I, Jefferson City, MO 65101.


J. Wendell and Kathleen Heady of Route 2, Box 3, Russellville, MO 65074, announce the addition of Mary Cleta, born July 28, 1976, to their family of Calvin, 18, Mike, 16, Jim, 14, and Shelly, II. Wendell is an engineer with the Missouri Power & Light Co., Transmission & Right-Of-Way Div.

1972 Linda and Steve Davis are now residing at 4411 Foothill Dr., Boise, ID 83703. Steve is a regional sales engineer with the Boise Division of Hewlett-Packard. They invite their friends to write them. Roger K. Taylor has accepted a position with Alaska Constructors, Inc. as field engineer. His new mailing address is P.O. Box 4-3049, Anchorage, AK 99509. Richard B. Schuessler received his PhD from Clemson Univ. in May. He and his wife, Dawn, have moved to 1411 Ridgewood Dr., Augusta, GA 30909, where he has accepted a joint position as a post-doctoral fellow with the Medical College of Georgia and bioengineer with the V A Hospital. James S. Lyon has notified us that his new address is P.O. Box 1684, Rolla, MO 65401. 32/ MSM Alumnus

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Richard C. Dickinson, 2516 Ridgmar Blvd., No. 8, Ft. Worth, TX 76116 has been appointed Senior Analytical Chemist on the staff of R S R Corp., Dallas. Dr. Dickinson does part-time consulting and has been a Fellow of The Robert A. Welch Foundation at UTArlington. Gary D. Forsee has been made district plant manager for Southwestern Bell. He and Sherry live at 2905 Illinois, Joplin, MO 64801.

Curt Wegner accepted a position as parts/service representative for N.E. Div. of Caterpillar Tractor. He and Joan and their two yeat old son, Dan, have moved to 101 Penn Lear Dr., Monroeville, PA 15146.


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Sch( Richard T. laPlante has accepted a position as sales engineer with Benchcraft, Inc. He and Cindy live at 14 Gandy, Creve Coeur, MO 63141.


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Jerry Matthews has been promoted to assistant engineer, Western Division, Amax Coal. He and Emily live at 59 American Lane, Gillette, WY 82716.

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Patricia T . Poertner and David A Deschler were married July 23, 1977. Their home address is 11415 Fox Hall Lane, Florissant, MO 63033. Pat is a waste water chemist with Olin.




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1973 Michael B. Anderson, 2507 Granada Way, No 4, Madison, WI 53713 was married August 13, 1977 to the former Diane 1. Meier. The wedding was at the Holy Mother of Consolation Church in Oregon, WI. Mrs. Anderson is teaching third grade.

Major General Dean Van Lydegraf, commanding general, U.S. Army Quartermaster Center and Ft. Lee, congratulates Lieutenant Colonel Roger S. Fleming upon receiving the Quartermaster Officer of the Year Award for 1977.



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Alumni News __________________________________________________________ 1973 cont. Robert and Jean Lindsey have moved to 4793 Lake ~alley, Apt. 2D, Lisle, IL 66532. Bob is an engineer with Com· monwealth Edison. Adrian C. Kuzdas has accepted a position as product eng. mgr. mos roms/proms for Mostek Corp. He and Maureen have a new home at 1717 Chesterfield St., Carrollton, TX 75006.


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Mark S. Whitner has accepted a position as geologist with Phillips PetroleumEnergy Minerals Division. His new home address is 323 N. McKinley, Casper, WY 82601. Ronald D. Willoughby of 11 Lorrie Drive, RD No.6, Irwin, PA 16542, has successfully completed requirements for MSEE (Power Option) from CarnegieMellon Univ. in Pittsburgh, PA. He is employed by Westinghouse as a systems analysis engineer in the Advanced Systems Technology Group. He expects to receive his P.E. license for Pennsylvania next year.





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Lyndell R. Brown graduated as flight test engineer from USAF Test Pilot School (a 10 month course) and was transferred to McClellan AFB for about 1 year. He is then scheduled for Elgin AFB, FL. Mr. Brown was promoted to captain last May. He and Darla live at 1506 Response Rd. No. 393, Sacramento, CA 95815. Frank M. Yates left the Peace Corps in Ghana in October, 1976, and traveled through Senegal, Brazil and Mexico before getting home in December, 1976. He is living at 1823 D Swope Drive, Independence, MO 64057, and works as a civil engineer at the Jackson County Department of Public Works. Gary R. Weidler recently returned from Germany after spending three years there with the Army. He resigned his commission and accepted a job with Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. as a production manager. His home address is 612 Sycamore Circle, Apt. No. I, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701.

Steven K. Lett recently accepted a position with Snyder Brothers Co. as a construction engineer. He and Beverly live at 4236 E. 24th, Joplin, MO 6480 I. Gary Lederle was married to Sharon Fleming on April 30, 1977. The couple lives at 12574 Marine Ave., Apt. 23, St. Louis, MO 63141. Gary works for Sverdrup & Parcel. Mike and Carolyn Hanneken have moved to RR 2, Box 193, Villa Ridge, MO 63087. Mike is project engineer with Buescher Frankenberg Assoc. in Washington, MO. Joseph P. Warren began work as a project engineer for the R&D Division of Chamberlain Mfg. Corp. in Waterloo, lA, last December. He and his wife, Claire, have purchased a home and now live at 606 3rd Ave., SW, Waverly, lA 50677. Claire is a student at Wartburg College in Waverly.

1974 Ron Birkhead has been promoted by Anaconda to chief process engineer at the Harrisonville plant. He was recently married to Stephanie Byers of Shannon, IL. Alan S. Kornacki has been released from active duty after 3 years of service as a tactical signal officer in the U.S. Army. He had tours with the 4th Missile Command in the Republic of Korea and the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Ft. Devens, MA. He has begun graduate school at Harvard University and plan s to earn a PhD in geochemistry . Alan is working with Dr. John Wood, a meteorite researcher at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observa tory , a Harvard affiliate. His address is: Harvard University, Department of Geological Sciences, 24 Oxford St. , Cambridge, MA 02138 . John and Kristie Gibson have a new home at 825 SE Belmont Rd., Bartlesville, OK 74003, where John has accepted a position as construction liaison specialist with Phillips Petroleum.

Moe and Elaine VandenBergh of 210 Sanlin Dr., No. 33, Coraopolis, PA 15108, are parents of twin daughters, Jackie and Katie, born last February. Moe has been transferred from Pittsburgh to Birmingham, AI, where he works as a marketing analyst for Harbison-Walker, a division of Dresser Industries. Larry J. Hoeflinger has accepted a position with McDonnell Douglas as assistant engineer. He and Marian have a new home at 1226 Avery Court, Kirkwood, MO 63122. James and Mary Kay Brendel have moved to 1582 Marbella, Apt. No. II, St. Louis, MO 63138. Jim is an engineer with Gunther-Nash Mining Construction Co. Richard H. McKee has been promoted to Mill Foreman, United States Steel. He and Beth have moved to 22627 Clarendon Ave., Richton Park, IL 60471. Richard Raymond Larkins has accepted a position as engineer of traffic safety programs with the Indiana State Highway Commission. His new address is 1232-D Sunnybrook Court, Indianapolis, IN 46229. D. M. Young has accepted a position as senior engineer with Emerson Electric. His new home address is 8364 Latty Ave., Hazelwood, MO 63042 . Charles W. Koch, Jr., has moved to 1785 Flint Creek Way, San Jose, CA 95122. Donald and Wanda Lawson live at Star Route 2, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Don is a systems analyst supervisor for the Department of Revenue. James H . Van Houten of R.R. 3, Rocky Point, NY 11778, wrote to say, "Surprise! Engaged to Patricia Marie Syler of Shoreham, NY. She is employed by Stone & Webster at Shoreham Nuclear Power Station where I am reactor area engineer for Dravo Corp. An October 22 wedding is planned." MSM Alumnus / 33


Gerry and Karen Howser live at No. 43 Wildwood Apts., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Gerry has a new job as computer programmer/analyst in the Missouri Supreme Court Building. Jerry D. Peterson of 615 S. 2nd St., Apt. 315, Springfield, IL 62704, has been made data processing systems analyst for the State Department of Mental Health & DD. Vincent and Kathy Saporita have moved to 552 11 th, Apt. 6, Lincoln, IL 62656. Vince is a sales engineer with Bussmann Mfg. Charles Rusterholtz will be at 6401 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608, temporarily. He is attending a nine-month program in Church Ministry at Berkeley and will return to Louisville, KY, in June 1978 to care for a Catholic Parish in that area. Hugh Douglas and Beverly Jean Murray have a new home at 5004 Bonham Ave., Odessa, TX 79762. Hugh also has a new position as senior field engineer with Dresser Atlas. Thomas P. Roth and Paula L. Wilson were recently married and honeymooned at Puerto Vallerta, Mexico. They are at home at 1421 Dakota Ave., S., No.7, St. Louis Park, MN 55416. Tom is a junior geologist with E. K. Lehmann & Associates. Nicholaus Neumann has recently been appointed environmental engineer-Ohio Operations with Consolidation Coal. He and his wife, Nancy, are residing at 152 Grandview Dr., Wintersville, OH 43952.

Roger L. Van Deven is a material control officer with the Navy. He has been transferred to Fighter Squadron 213, FPO San Francisco, CA 96601. Mike and Deb Miller have been transferred to 10 Centennial Court, Wichita Falls, TX 76305. Mike is an instructor pilot with the USAF stationed at Sheppards AFB, TX.

Stephen P. Vancil, USAF Lt., is presently in pilot training at Reese AFB near Lubbock, TX. He is currently flying the T-38 and should complete training in December. Lt. Vancil's address is PSC Box 8279, Reese AFB, TX 79489. Stephen Kambol is a graduate student at Purdue and is living at 1020 Graduate House West, West Lafayette, IN 47906.

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1. Calvin Curdt of 2743 Irondale Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129, has been made director of data processing for Federal Land Bank in St. Louis. John R. Melton, 705 Sibley, Apt. 1, Calumet City, IL 60409, has been promoted from electrical engineer to electrical foreman No.4BOF,. Inland Steel Co. Dawn Gant Schuessler is a legal secretary with Wilkinson, Wallace & Wilson. She and her husband, Richard B., '72, live at 1411 Ridgewood Dr., Augusta, GA 30909 Steve Souders has been promoted to senior staff engineer and will head up Amco's Levelland Area office in position of area engineer. He and Laura live at 105 Wood Circle, Levelland, TX 79336.

1975 Crain T. Luttes, 21661 Brookhurst St., No. 129, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 has accepted employment as a contract specialist with the Federal Service and will be headquartered in Santa Ana, CA. Randy Strunk, 3277 Riverside Dr., No. 259 is an engineer with Atlantic Richfield and is in the company Engineering Development Program.

Ronald F. Daws of 2211 Greenvalley, Carrollton, TX 75006, has a new position as software engineer for Danray, Inc. Captain Richard E. Bayse has recently been assigned to the Baltimore District of the U.s. Army Corps of Engineers to serve as the assistant area engineer of the Upper Potomac Office. He will be the military liaison for the Bloomington Lake dam project. Captain Bayse and his wife, Sherry, are now making their home at 325 McGill Dr., Bel Air, Cumberland, MD 21502. Clarence and Sarah Stein III have a new home at 593 W. Glendale, Webster Groves, MO 63119. Clarence also has a new job as environmental engineer II with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.


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Dennis M. Simon and Kimberly Morrill were married last January and are living at 1028-D Starshine, St. Louis, MO 63138. Dennis is a civil engineer for the Missouri Pacific RR and Kim. is a management science trainee with National Steel in Granite City.



Joel E. Porter has moved to 2200 S. Gessner, Apt. 700, Houston, TX 77063. He works as a petroleum engineer, S.G., for Amoco Production.

James W. Abbott is a Commo. PIt. Ldr. for the U.S. Army. His mailing address is P.O. Box 524, Ft. Polk, LA 71459.

Gregory and Katherine Cieciwa are settled in their new home at 2396 Obetz Dr., Xenia, OH 45385. Greg said, "This Thanksgiving will be especially blessed for we are expecting our first child 24 Nov." He is a system manager and has a Captain's rank in the U.S. Air Force.

Joseph and Susan Cesare have moved to 6011 Narrows Lane, Redding, CA 96001 . Joe is a geotechnical engineer with CaM-Hill.

Michael and Pamela Griffin have moved to 3415 W. Storey, Midland, TX 79703. Mike is an operations analytical engineer with Atlantic Richfield.

Terry A. Smith of 10 Executive, Apt. J, Norwalk, OH 44857, has been promoted to manufacture engineer with G .E.'s Bellevue Lamp Plant.

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Alumni News ____________________________________________________________ 1976 cont. James S. Dunlop, Jr. has accepted a position with,- Litton's Advanced Circuitry Division as a quality control engineer. Stu and Vicki have a new home at 1455 E. Crestview, Springfield, MO 65804. Dale E. Bradley has a new home at 150 I Bitner Place, Pittsburg, KS 66762. He works as field cost control supervisor for McNally Pittsburg Mfg. Corp.


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Marvin B. Shimp has accepted a position as petroleum engineer with Gulf Oil. He and Anne have moved to a new home at 403 Douglas, Odessa, TX 79762. Richard W. Mudd is a design engineer with Brown and Root. He and Nancy have moved to a new home at 904 Westcott, No. 354, Houston, TX 77007. Kent Field has been promoted to associate piping engineer with Fluor. He and Debbie have moved to 4045 Linkwood, No. 827, Houston, TX 77025. Paul J. Telthorst is an ensign in the U.S. Navy and his temporary address is 845 W. Elva, No.3, Idaho Falls, ID 83401. His home address is 1415 Tina, Florissant, MO 63033. Sally S. Schwager has moved to 3805 Houma, Apt. C-231, Metairie, LA 70002. Sally is an associate engineer with Exxon. Daniel Skillman has accepted a position as civil engineer with the City of St. Louis, Park Dept. He and Carol have moved to a new home at 5229 Arthur, St. Louis, MO 63139. Steve Brothers has accepted a position as assistant results engineer with Illinois Power. His new home address is 1071 Mollerus, Apt. C, St. Louis, MO 63138 . Dan Underwood has moved to 4647 Covert Ave., Evansville, IN 47715. Dan is a field eagineer for General Electric.

Johnny and Lisa Torres have moved to 47 Cottingham Lane, The Plains, OH 45780. Johnny is a mining engineer with Southern Ohio Coal Co. Reid and Holly Walker have moved to 608 West 74th, Apt. 4, Anchorage, AK 99502. Reid is a petroleum engineer with U.S. Geological Survey, Conservation Division, a new job for him. Jon J. Trusik, a December '76 graduate in electrical engineering, is currently employed as an elect. maint. engr. by Jim Walter Resources, Mining Div. He makes his home at 808 Timberline West, Bessemer, AL 35020. Michael and Debbie (White) Mullen recently bought a new home at 1512 N. Penasco, Hobbs, NM 88240. Mike is a field engineer with Schlumberger Wells Services. Mark A. Schulte and his wife, Beth, now have a 7 month old son, Matthew. Their home address is Route 6, Box 55, Pittsburgh, TX 75686. Mark has been transferred out of Brown & Root's home office in Houston to a 750 m.w. lignite burning power plant (Montecello) in Northeast Texas. He will be moving again after the first of the year-location unknown. William K. Miehe has been selected "Jaycee of the Month" by the Jaycees at Warner Robins, GA. This award was presented in recognition of outstanding service as a Jaycee member for the month of July. Bill's mailing address is PSC Box 2596, Robins AFB, GA 31098. Steven R. Gilbert has been made a project engineer with Exxon. His home address is 704 W . Corral, No. 102, Kingsville, TX 78363. J . A. and Vicky Maurseth live at 123 W. Pine, Eureka, MO 63025. Jerome took a job as structural engineer with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in March and is working with computer graphics assisted design of pile foundations . Vicky is at home with the latest addition, Kristin Janeice, born 12/24176.

Paul Austin Abney and Vicky Lynn Fielden are engaged to be married and have set the date at November 19. Vicky is a native of Dallas, a 1976 graduate of Baylor and works for Sun Oil. Paul is a design engineer for Texas Instruments. His current address is 13512 Montford, No. 2052, Dallas, TX 75240 . Melaine G. Naegen has accepted a position as junior chemist at Core Labs, Inc. She and Bob live at 205 Chimney Rock, No. 513, Tyler, TX 75703 . Victoria K. Headrick has accepted a position as R&D engineer with Hewlett Packard and has a new apartment at 715 16th St., SW, Apt. 2, Loveland, CO 80537 . John R. Lees, Jr. has been made software editor for Creative Computing Magazine. His mailing address is P.O. Box 22-M, Morristown, NJ 07960. Robert J. Bert has a new position as Mechanical Engineer III with Wisconsin Power & Light and a new address at 2130 University Ave., Apt. 52 , Madison, WI 53705 . Donald J. Chronister has accepted a position as lab metallurgist with Nooter Corp. He and Nancy live at 515 W. Woodbine Ave. , Kirkwood, MO 63122. Joyce E. Agnew has a new job as computer specialist with the Department of the Navy. She and Allen have moved to 11843 Shire Court, Apt. 21 A, Reston , VA 22091. Duane L. Parrish, Box 670, Rolla, MO 6540 I, has a new position with Rawlings Sporting Goods Co. in Licking. He is a manufacturing engineer. Patrick G . Nicola has accepted a position as production administrative assistant with Cargill , Inc. and has moved to Route 2, Box 35A, Ozark, AR 72949 Roger l. Veil has opened his own business, V & S Construction Enterprise. He and Leah live and work at 8 Oakcrest, Imperial, MO 63052 . MSM Alumnus / 35

Alumni News _ _ _ _ __ 1976 cont.

Two Alumni Association Vice Presidents Promoted


Cathy and John Stellern spent a week in Los Angeles and San Francisco this spr-

ing and are now busy with their new home at 7006 Pine Vista, Houston, TX 77092. Cathy is a sales engineer with Gulf Oil Co.

1977 DeWayne Roberts, Kelly McGrath and Gary Bowlin have accepted field engineering positions with General Electric's Installation and Service Engineering division. Alan Benson is now working for Tenneco in Oklahoma City Production Division as a geological engineer. His home address is 5402 Willow Cliff, Apt. 439, Oklahoma City, OK 73122. Bruce L. Edwards, Jr., and his wife, Joan, have moved to C-7, 1534 College Ave., Manhattan, KS 66052, to begin work on an M.A. in linguistics at KSU. Bruce said, "The liberal arts at UMR should not be underestimated or overlooked. It is a very fine program. Especially the English department." Theodore M. Cummins and Ramona Ogle were married June 1, 1976. They have recently purchased their first house at 1002 Dover, Huntsville, AL 35803. Ramona works at Marshall Space Flight Center NASA, and Ted is a test design engineer at GTE Automatic Electric.



Frank Appleyard Frank C. Appleyard, '37, of 808 Solar Lane, Glenview, IL 60025, was promoted in August to vice president, technical services, U. S. Gypsum Co. He formerly was manager of mining.

James B. McGrath James B. McGrath, '49, 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131, has been promoted by his employer, Fruin-Colnon, and is now vice president for all Fru-Co national work.

Pen and ink portrait of Eugene Warren by Phil Smith. Warren, assistant professor of English at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is author of a new book entitled "Christographia."

NOTE ON THE HONOR ROLL The December issue of the ALUMNUS will carry the Honor Roll of donors to the 1977 Annual Alumni Fund. The 1977 Fund began on September 1, 1976, and will continue through December 31, 1977. Henceforth the fund year and calendar year will coincide. Readers of this issue of the ALUMNUS are 1977 Annual Alumni Fund donors. In fact, many of you have given twice to the Fund. Thank You. 36/ MSM Alumnus

MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION COMMITTEES ALUMNI RELATIONS CHAIRMEN: Class Coordinators ...... .......... .. , .... ... .. .. Bob Bay Homecoming ....... . . ... . .. .. .... .. . ... Bruce Tarantola Awards ...... . . . ... . . .......... . .... .. . . .Hans Schmoldt Commencement ........ ........ . . . ....... . .. .. ........ . . Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference ....... . .. Ed Werner (Campus: Ted Planje, Chairman, Paul Munger, Glen Haddock) Departmental Advisory Groups . . . ... ..... ... Bill Atchley ANNUAL FUND-MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMEN: Century Club .... .. . . . . .. . . ...... . . .. .. Belding McCurdy Sections . . .............. ... .............. . Bob Patterson Major Employers .... . ... . ...... . .. ... . . . George Tomazi Recipient Research . . . . ....... . .. . .... George Schillinger NOMINATIONS ... . ... ........ ........... Bill Flood, Chairman Jerry Berry, Al LaPlante, Bob Patterson, Rex Alford DEVELOPMENT ...... ...... . . . . . . . . Jim McGrath, Chairman Art Baebler, Bob Bay, Frank Appleyard

FINANCIAL AIDS . . .. . . . ...... . . . ...... .. Bob Wolf, Chairman Stu Ferrell, Ray Pendergrass, L. Brant Robison, Hardy Pottinger, Jerry Bayless, Tony Homyk, Peter G. Hanson, Frank Mackaman JACKLING FUND .......... . .... . . .... AI Buescher, Chairman Bob Klorer , Bob Wolf, Frank Mackaman FINANCES .... .. . . ..... . . . . . ...... ... Vern Loesing , Chairman Roy Perry , Matt Coco, John Toomey ATHLETICS STUDIES . ............. Joel Loveridge, Chairman Rod Schaefer, Jerry Berry, Harley Ladd, Jim McGrath, Jim Stephens ALLIANCE LIAISON .. . .. . .... Art Baebler, Chairman Dick Bauer, Ray Kasten , Pete Mattei, Jim Murphy, Frank Mackaman , Bob Bay, Jim McGrath , Joe Mooney

12425 53 131, 11oyer, :sident

BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE First Class Permit No . 18, Sec . 349 , P.l. & R. , Rolla, Mo .



MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401





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HOMECOMING-OCTOBER 14·15 Reunion Years: 1927 and before, 1932, 1937, 1942,1947, 1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972 1977 ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTION








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FROM NAME : ________________________________ CLASS ____________ SPOUSE'S NAME__________________ PLEASE SEND __---'MINER DECALS STREET _____________________________________________ 0 NEW ZIP _________ CITY _____________________ ST A TE ______________ ______________________________________________ 0 NEW TITlE EMPLOYMENT________________________________________ 0 NEW STREET_____________________________________________ 0 NEW ZIP _________ CITY _____________________ ST A TE ______________ ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE CHECKS PAYABLE TO MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION




1$100.00 1 1

\ $250.00\

I \ $500.001





1 $15 .00

I I \ $20.00 I



I $25.00 I I

1 $50.00 1


THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI A SSOCIATION SU PPORTS: Commencement Alumni·Student·Faculty Conference libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Class Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Projects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants·in·Aid Alumni Records Educational Assistants Student Awards (Gifts Are Tax Deductible)

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