Missouri S&T Magazine, February 1978

Page 1

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone- 314-341 -4171; 341 -4172 University of Missouri-Rolla, Harris Hall Rolla, MO 65401 OFFICE RS Preside nt . Preside nt Elect

MSM-uMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Volume 52 Number 1 February 1978

. Joseph W. Mooney '39 .

Vice President

Fran k e. Appleya rd '37

Vice President

Arth ur G. Baebler '55 .

Vice President .

Robert D. Ba y '49 .

Vice President Secretary Treasu rer .

On The Cover. ..

Richard H. Bauer '52 .

. James B. McGrath '49 . .. Robert V. Wolf· 51. . Vernon T. Loesing '42.

Term Expi res Missou ri Electrochem, Inc .................... 1978 80 13 Da le Ave .. St. Louis, MO 631 17 .. 7383 Westmore land ..... . Universi ty Cit y. MO 63 130 . 808 Solar . Glenv iew, IL 600 25

. ..... 1978

. .... 222 Magna Carta La ne . St. Louis, MO 6314 1

. .. 1978

Fru ·Con . ........... . 1706 Olive SI.. St. Lou is. MO 63 103

Sin ce rely, E. A Smith

Alfred J. Beusc her '64 .. H. W. Flood '43. Joe l F. Loveridge '39 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 .

..... Dept. of Metall urgica l & Nuclea r Engr . UM R, Rolla . MO 65401

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. Dept. of Civ il Engr . . .. UMR. Rolla. M065401



Sc hool of Min es and Metallu rgy and the U ni ve rsi ty of Mi sso uri ·Ro ll a. Entered as seco nd cl ass mat ter October 27, 1926. at Post Office at Ro ll a. Mi s!>ou ri 65 401 . under the Act of M arch 3, 1897 .

Fra nk H. Mackaman . James S. Tay lor . Barba ra Petrovic .

· 1979

COMM ITTEE CHA IR MEN DIR ECTO RS 2640 Queil Lane. Northbrook, IL 60062 183 Main SI.. Acton, MA 0 I 720 · 739 Count ry Manor La ne. Creve Coeu r. MO 63 14 1 Sc hmoldt Engineering Services Co .. Inc.. 526 S. Seminole. Bartlesvi lle . OK 74003

EX ·OFF ICIO DIR ECTORS .. 10 I 44 Winding Ridge Rd .. St. Louis. MO 63 I 24 ..... 90 I West I 14th Terrace, Kansas Cit y. MO 64 I 14 · 1060 I South Hami llOn Ave ., Chicago. IL 60643 One Briar Oak. St. Louis. MO 63 I 2 I · Missouri Public Serv ice Co .. 10700 E. Highwa y 50 Ka nsas Ci ty, MO 64138


gradu ates and former students of the Mi ssouri

Term Expires 1980 1980 1979 1980 1978 1979 1978 .. 1978 ...... . 1980 .... 1980 . ... 1978 . ... 1979 1980 . ..... 1978 1978 .. 1978 1979 . .. 1979 · 1979 ...... 1980

. ........ · .. · ......

EXECUT IVE COMM ITTEE Robert M. Brackbill '42 .......... Texas Pacific Oil Co. 1700 One Main Place. Da llas. TX 75250 9954 HollislOn Court . Peter F. Ma llei '37 . St. Louis, MO 63 I 24 · Murphy Company . 1340 North Price Road . James J. Murphy '35 . St. Louis. MO 63 132 Pau l T. Dow ling '40 . R.O. Kasten '43 . Me lvin E. Nickel '38 . F.e. Schneeberger '2 5 . James W. Stephens '47 .


......... 1978

Te rm Expires DIRECTORS AT LARGE Allan H. la Plante '63 .. · 31 Lake Drive. Need ham. MA 02 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1980 Belding H. McCu rdy' 38 · .7400 Sun Island Dr.. Sout h. Suite 71 1. South Pasadena, FL 33707 .... 1978 E.L. (Royl Perry '40 . · . Pres .. Fru·Con, Ltd .. 8989 West heime r, Houston, TX 77063 . . ............ 1980 Waller e. Mulyca '65 . · .203 Hillcrest. Marshall, TX 7567 0 . . ........ 1978 Law rence A. Spanier '50 . 5 Peu it Dr. , Dix Hills, NY 11746 . . 1979 . 1979 John O. Wilms '43. . . . . . . . . 17700 Sout h Avalon. Space 59, Carson, CA 9074 5 .

"Thi s hat was a $50. 00 Stet son which I WOll o n a bet so me 25 or 30 years ago The bet conce rned whe ther a well would be a d r y ho le or a producer·and it did produce . The o i l speck s there rep rese nt varied and wide expe ri ences in o il fi elds in Kan sas, T exas and Ok lahoma over the yea rs: and th e Osage Nation wh ere I d ri ll ed 19 we ll s on the H o lcombe Lease. It rece i ved a good portion of t he oi l spots in developing thi s H o lcombe Lease in 1975, 1976 and 1977."

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.... 1978

.. 20 Fox Meadows ..... . Sunset Hi lls, MO 63 127

Area Zip Code Num bers AREA DIR ECTO RS 00· 14 Raymond T. Ruen heck '50 . .7 Monteview. Chelmsford. MA 0 I824 . 15·21 J. D. Pallmon '6 1.. . . . 1660 Ashlawn Dr.. Pit15burgh, PA 15241 . 22 ·33 Bill L. Atch ley '57 . .. 1266 Crestwood, Morgan,own. WV 26505 . 35-45 Wi lliam D. Busch. '42 . .2000 I Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44 I 36 .. .. 46·59 Eugene e. Fadler '62 . . .. I 16 N. Evangeline, Dearborn Heigh15, MI 48 I 27 . 60·6 I Allen G. Behring '66 . .447 S. Euclid. Villa Park. IL 60 181 . .. . 62·62 e. Stuart Ferrell '64 . 2 I 9 Timothy Lane, Cartervi lle. IL 629 I 8 .. 63·65 Malleo A. Coco '66 . 7 I 15 Alicelon Ave., St. Louis. MO 63123 .. 63 ·65 Leonard e. Kirberg '66 . 33 I Carmel Wood Dr., Ell isv ille, MO 630 1 I . . 63·65 Robert W. Klorer '44 . 7500 Natu ral Bridge Rd. St. Lou is. MO 63123 63·65 William E. H. Knight '2 4 ... 1173 Grand, Ca rthage, MO 64836 ................ . 63·65 Harold A. Krueger '42 . . . Ozark Lead Co .. Ru ral Branch , Sweetwater, MO 63680 . 63·65 George R. Schillinger '63 . .. 75 98 Joh n Ave .. Oakville, MO 63 I 29 ... .. 63·65 Clifford e. Tanquary '57 . 14219 Denve r Ave .. Grandview, MO 64030 . 63 ·65 Bruce E. Ta rantola '5 1 .. 9000 Skycrest Dr.. St. Louis. MO 63 I 26 .... 63·65 George D. Tomazi '58 12723 Stoneridge Dr.. Florissant. MO 63033 63·65 Ed win J. Werner '49 I 1015 East 39 th . Indepe ndence. MO 64052 . 66·74 tlerman Fritschen '51 5249 S. 68t h East Place, Tu lsa, OK 741 45 . 75 ·79 Rex Alford '40 . 5743 Jason, HouslOn, TX 77035 . ... . . . 80·89 & Victor J. Hoffmann '60 . 3 I 057 E. Lake Morton Dr. . SE. Kent, WA 9803 I 9699 90·95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 . 157 Hickey Blvd .. S. San Francisco. CA 94080 .

Iss ued

. ... 1978

STAFF .. Executive Vice·President. MSM ·UMR Alumni ASSOCIation and Director, Alu mni Activ ities. Uni versity of Missou ri·Rolia ... Assista nt Direc tor. Alumni Activities, Universit y of Missouri·Rolia · Staff Assistant. MS M·UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary, Alumni Activities. University of Missouri·Rolia MSM ·UMR Alumni Association. Harris Hal J. UMR , Rolla , MO 65 401

Term Expires · 1982 1980 ..... 1978

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In response to a motion adopted at the Alumni Association Board's annual meeting at Homecoming, University officials authorized Frank Mackaman to conduct a search which lead to the appointment of James S. Taylor, Columbia, Missouri, to the position of Assistant Director of Alumni Activities. He began his duties February 8, 1978. The Board had expressed concern that the alumni activities office be adequately staffed since the position formerly filled by Ike Edwards had been eliminated in a university-wide "costsaving" effort. This concern was shared by Association President Dick Bauer with University President Olson, Interim Chancellor Jim Pogue and Director of External Affairs, Bernard Sarchet. It was largely due to these people and the campus Resource Management and Planning Committee that funding was secured to re-establish the position. Taylor attended the University of

Missouri-Columbia as an undergraduate and later earned his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English from Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, where he taught freshman English and edited the University's literary magazine, Sou'wester. In the past, he has worked as a magazine editor, newspaper reporter, feature writer and public relations director in Missouri, Illinois and New Mexico. Most recently, he was Executive Director of the Magic Valley Rehabilitation Center in Twin Falls, Idaho, where he was in charge of developing a volunteer program and community relations. Jim , as he prefers to be called, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Taylor of Columbia, Mo. His father is the former editor of the Missouri Alumnus and writer for the Office of Public Information at UMC. Taylor will be involved in all facets of

alumni actIvItIes and will have major responsibilities in the editing and publishing of the MSM ALUMNUS, the further development of the Class Coordinator program of the Association and liaison with campus student groups. Jim, when accepting the appointment said: "I am very pleased to join the effort on behalf of the University of Missouri and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. My wife and I are looking forward to raising our family in Rolla and are very happy to be permanently located in Missouri. Through my father, I have long known of the exemplary loyalty and devotion which is traditional among alumni of this school. The international reputation of the Missouri School of Mines and the University of MissouriRolla adds to the attractiveness of this opportunity . I am anxious to meet as many alumni as possible and hope to be able to serve them in an effective manner."

MSM Alumnus / 1







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Professor KIlpatrIck:

A Lifetime of Inventive Genius A. Vern Kilpatrick was born in Houghton, South Dakota on February 21, 1887. He was awarded the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from South Dakota State College in 1925 and the Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State College in 1931. He joined the faculty of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1926 and also served briefly at South Dakota State and Iowa State. He possessed exceptional skill as a mechanical craftsman and a broad knowledge of Mechanical Engineering. His mechanical prowess is legendary on the UMR campus where substantial evidence of his inventive genius abounds. Throughout his lifetime , he regarded perfection as a challenge and exercised his skills in the making of everything from delicate machine {ools to musical instruments. In 1957 at the age of 70 he officially retired as an active faculty member but continued until his death in December, 1977 as a consultant to the University. He continued to teach mechanical design until 1968 and thereafter consulted on special problems devoting nearly full time well into his final year. In addition to his academic service he held important industrial positions with

the Michigan Screw Company, Reo Motor Company, aids Motor Company and the McDonnell Aircraft Company. He received many honors and awards, ainong them a biographical listing in Who's Who in Engineering~

His broad perspective gained from nearly an eventful century in engineering, his gentle nature, and keen wit endeared him to all who passed his way and his close associates by whom he will be sorely missed. Surviving Professor Kilpatrick are his wife, Clara, and two daughters, Eunice Hamilton and Amygene Jackson, both of whom attended MSM. In recognition of Professor Kilpatrick's service to the University of Missouri-Rolla, BE IT RESOLVED: That the faculty of the University of Missouri-Rolla hereby expresses sorrow at his loss and expresses appreciation for his remarkable career covering 51 years of dedicated service; That this resolution be made a part of this faculty meeting on February 7, 1978, and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs. A. Vern Kilpatrick, Mrs. Braith Hamilton, and Mrs. Charles Jackson.

A. VERN KILPATRICK Most recently he was given an alumni award in 1976. It was genuinely heartwarming to observe the loving respect accorded him at the awards dinner for his "inspirational loyalty and service."

Addresses: Mrs. A. Vern Kilpatrick, 1701 N. Pine, Rolla, MO 64501 ; Mrs. Braith Hamilton, 170 IN . Pine, Rolla, MO 6540 I; Mrs. Charles Jackson, 973 Charbonair Road , Florissant, MO 63031.

ROTC Aid to Students The following is a report on financial aid to UMR students through the ROTC program as submitted by LTC C. G . Marvin, chairman of the military science program:

a tax-free subsistence allowance of $100 per month for up to 10 months of each academic year. They also include an initial milage allowance from home to college.

"The department of military science provides UMR students with financial aid through Army ROTC Scholarships and subsistence payments to juniors and seniors who are enrolled in the program. Army ROTC Scholarships pay for tuition, textbooks, laboratory fees and other purely educational expenses, plus

"There are currently fourteen Army ROTC Scholarship students in UMR. Of these, eleven have four-year scholarships, two have three¡ year scholarships and one has a two-year scholarship. The scholarship assistance these fourteen students will receive in the 1977-78 academic year totals $26,133.

"All non-scholarship juniors and seniors enrolled in ROTC receive the tax-free subsistence allowance of $100 per month. The nine juniors and five seniors who are non-ROTC Scholarship students will receive the tax-free subsistence allowance of $100 per month. The nine juniors and five seniors who are non-ROTC Scholarship students will receive a total of $1 2,599.99 during the academic year. "The total Military Science student financial assistance to be provided during 1977-78 is $38,733 .

MSM Alumnus / 3

Alive and Well SIGMA PHI EPISLON 801 Park Street

SIGMA NU 1007 Main Street

From the oldest to the newes t, fraternities and sororities are alive and well at UMR . Consistently , for the past ten years, 25 to 30 per ce nt of UM R's undergraduates become members in the 19 fraternities and the two sororities. The turn of the century saw the first of the Greek house at MSM: Sigma Nu , Kappa Alpha and Kappa Sig, were all formed in 1903. In 1967 , Pi Kappa Phi was awarded its charter, and as recen tl y as 1972 and 1973 , the sororities Kappa Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha were organized . Plans are now underway fo r a third sororit y, Sigma Chi Omega, a local group, who have already received approva l of their constitution. Year after year, UM R's fraternities are singled out for national awards and honors for their various service and charitable programs, reflecting a tradition and spirit of service that has always been associated wit h the entire campus of MSMUMR. 4/ MSM Alumnus

SIGMA PHI 206 East 12th Street

DELTA SIGMA PHI 3 Fraternity Drive

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ALPHA PHI ALPHA . -H wy. 63 at Elm Street



ALPHA EPSILON PI 4 Fraternity Drive

MSM Alumnus / 5

TRIANGLE 807 State Street

THETA XI 1605 Pine Street

ZETA TAU ALPHA 203 East 12th Street

KAPPA DELTA 1301 Elm Street

6 / MSM Alumnu s

BETA SIGMA PSI 2 Fraternity Drive

TAU KAPPA EPSILON 1107 State Street


ACACIA 508 West 8th Street

PI KAPPA PHI 1704 Pine Street

MSM Alumnusl7

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The staff of the alumni office has for many years attempted to cooperate in any manner possible with the organized groups on campus. After the alumni records were converted to a computerized form in 1974, it was possible to make a slight modification in the data base to allow keeping alumni records for various campus groups. Fourteen of the social fraternities have furnished the alumni office with records of their alumni membership. Now when a basic alumni record is updated, the fraternity record is automatically updated also. Those fraternities using this service are then able to order lists and address labels for the promotion of their activities at a nominal cost. The staff welcomes this opportunity to serve students and is actively encouraging the five fraternities who are not now using this service to do so.

UPCOMING MEETINGS ALUMNI-STUDENT-FACULTY CONFERENCE .. .. ...... Rolla ...... .... April 13-14 SEMI-ANNUAL BOARD MEETING .. Rolla .. April IS TULSA SECTION .......................... April 29 CLASS OF '28 REUNION .. Luncheon Banquet .. May 13 COMMENCEMENT ......... Rolla ......... May 14 WASHINGTON, D.C. ......... . ............ . June 25 SPE-HOUSTON ... Houston Petroleum Club ... October 3 HOMECOMING .......... Rolla .......... October 6-7

ANNUAL BOARD MEETING .... Rolla ... . October 6 ASSOCIA TION ANNU AL MEETING ........ Rolla .... . .. . October 7 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION Lunch at the Petroleum Club First Tuesday of Each Month BARTLESVILLE SECTION Lunch at the Conference Room of the Cafeteria, Phillips Petroleum Co., Adams Building, Third Friday of Each Month. MSM Alumnus / 9

Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference, April 13- 14 The annual Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference will be held, Thursday and Friday, April 13 and 14, 1978_ The Alumni Association will host a banquet on Thursday night which will be attended by faculty and student conference participants and returning alumni. A recent tradition will be repeated with the presentation of certificates to alumni scholars and educational assistants. A speaker has not been announced at this writing. This annual event was first held in 1973 and features alumni from across the country who have returned to UMR at the invitation of their department chairmen to share alumni expertise with

students, faculty and other alumni. Since the conference is organized on a departmental basis, the format varies but in all cases conferees are given opportunities to exchange ideas, ask and answer questions, and to pursue a view of the department and the campus and

their relationship to the world. Last year the conference attracted 160 participants. Bill Flood is Association chairman for the event and Ted Planje is campus chairman with Paul Munger, Glen Haddock and Frank Mackaman as .campus committee members.

The Dedication Of The MILES M¡EMORIAL AUDITORIUM Will Be Held Saturday, May 13, 1978, at 4:15 P.M. At The Mechanical Engineering Building, University of Missouri-Rolla <t



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SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING: left to right, Dr. James E. Halligan, dean of the school; Thomas J. Kolze, BSEE and Allen J. Erb, BSChE.


COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES: left to right: Larry D. Bullock, BA in philosophy; Dr. Adrian Daane, dean of the school; and Mitchell B. Baker, BSCSc.

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Winter Commencement SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY: left to right, Dr. Theodore J. Planje, dean of the school; John W. Althauser, BSMet; and Jack S. Thrower, BSMet. Marshals are graduating seniors selected by their deans on the basis of their scholarship, leadership and activities.

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founder's Day 1978 "Our past is' but prologue ... " Dudley Thompson, Vice Chancellor

UMR vice chancellor, Dr. Dudley Thompson, was the main speaker for an address and slide presentation during the Founder's Day celebration. About 110 faculty members, administrators, parents and alumni attended the ceremonies held on campus at Centennial Hall. While acknowledging the presence of "the gloomy stock market, sick dollars overseas, jitters over Washington policy and a number of specific problems," Thompson also stated his belief that "our past is but prologue and that the future presents a challenge which, if UMR rises to the occasion, will justify

the past I08 years that have gone into preparing this campus to accept the challenge of meeting the needs of our society." In balance to the sometimes uncertain national picture, Thompson added that, "capital investments are being made, homes insulated, cars purchased, gasoline supplied, health care provided, and 16 to 20 years of education is being made available to young people who believe the prize is worth the race." He said he has been impressed with the quality and attitude of faculty and students at UMR over the years, and he

and his wife plan to stay in Rolla. "We believe that UMR has a heritage of courageous reason and that its alumni have been so endowed. We have faith that this will continue and we want to be close to where the action is." Dr. Thompson has been at UMR since 1955 and will close out his career August 31, 1978. There will be a retirement dinner for Dr. Thompson, May 4. Those who would like to send letters of congratulations are asked to write them on 8 Y2 x II paper, leaving an I Y2 inch margin to allow for binding. Letters should be sent to the Chancellor's office.

UMR Alumnus Named Young Engineer 01 the Year James E. Beavers, '66 , manager of the Structural and Architectural Engineer· ing Department at the Y·12 Plant of Union Carbide, was selected as "Young Engineer of the Year" by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). Beavers received the award at the Society's annual meeting, Jan . 25 in New Orleans. Criteria for selection for the award in· clude scholastic achievements, professional and technical society activities, engineering experience , ac· complishments , and civic and humanitarian activities. Beavers has been with Union Carbide since 1968 . His responsibilities include technical management of four design

groups, responsibility for all structural analysis and design problems within the Y·12 Plant, as well as other programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant. A native of Ce nter. Mo., Beavers received his bachelor's degree from UMR and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil and structural engineering from Vanderbilt University. Prior to joining Union Carbide he was associated with the Kansas State Highway Department. While serving with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. he was awarded the Army Commenda· tion Medal for his resea rch efforts at the Waterways Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Miss.

He has been an active member of NSPE and is president-elect of the Oak Ridge Chapter. He is also a member of the planning committee for NSPE's 1979 annual meeting to be held in Knoxville. Among his many memberships are the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Concrete Institute, Earthquake Engineering Research In· stitute, Siesmological Society of America, American Association for the Advancement of Science, International Association of Shell Structures and the American Society of Engineering Education. Beavers, his wife Beverly, and his two sons live at Route 22, Beaver Ridge Road, Knoxville, TN 37921.

MSM Alumnus / ll

Section News

New O'r leans Larry Boston did it again, arranged an alumni get together for Louisiana in connection with the appearance of the Miner Band at the Mardi Gras parades on January 28 and January 29. Local alumni hosted a kegger for band members when they returned from the Saturday trek of about eight miles. Some were thirsty, all were tired. Adrian and Jean Daane had planned to make the trip but a last minute bad back episode kept them home. Association president Dick Bauer and wife Shirley were willing last minute attendees. The kegger was followed by an alumni dinner, while the band members sampled the night life in the French Quarter. All band members were on tap for the Sunday parade down Canal Street. The following made reservations for the event: Mr. & Mrs. Larry Boston, Mr. & Mrs. G. G. Jurenka, Mr. & Mrs. Stopkey, Mr. & Mrs. William Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Young, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Borgmeyer, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Whetsell, Mr. & Mrs. George D. Stegner, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Larson, Greg Praznik, Mr. & Mrs. David Oakley, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mackaman, Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bauer, Kurt Bleikamp, Marian A. Gray, Michelle Robeson, Bill Williams, Dave Wisch, Mr. & Mrs. Les Elliott, Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Durr¡ wachter, Kenneth Courtney, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mertens, Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Micka, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Watermann, Mr. & Mrs. John Foren.



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More From New Orleans

Spring Enrollment The unofficial enrollment statistics for the 1978 spring semester at UMR shows an overall increase, 4,408 over 4,344, with an increase in female enrollment from 654 to 718, when compared with figures gathered a year ago. It should be remembered that last year's statistics were made at the end of four weeks and those that are now presented were taken at the end of three weeks. In Arts & Science there are 952 students enrolled for spring, under last year's figure of 1,047 . Of the 952, 608 are men and 344 are women. The largest increase in Arts & Science has been in economics. The School of Engineering reveals an increase of 2,722 over 2,552 of last year at this time. Specifically, mechanical engineering enrollment is up with 91 more students. Of the 2,722 enrolled in the School of Engineering, 2,453 are mep and 269 are women.

For the School of Mines and Metallurgy total enrollment for the semester is down from 734 last year to 687 , but with a specific increase in geological engineering. 607 of these students are men and 80 are women. There is a sharp increase in students involved in Special and Post Baccalaureate work: 47 for the spring

semester, II last year. Of these 24 are men and 23 are women. At the St. Louis Graduate Engineering center enrollment has increased from 67 to 87, with 85 men and 2 women making up this number. The figures for the Center are not part of the original total.

Honor Roll

Additions to the 1977 Honor Roll of the Annual Alumni Fund. Charlotte Bhasin '77 Marvin E. Borgmeyer '74 Elton Combs '68 Frank J. Doering '70 John T. Graham '71 J. E. Hacker '52 Ching-nan Kao '69

Dale Marriott '66 Paul E. Miller '74 Lawrence E. Nolan '71 Linda J. Pleasant '74 Thomas E. Schmidt '70 Don Griffin Smith '76 Terry A. Sudholt '77 Richard H. Walker '48 Daniel R. White '62

MSM Alumnus / 13

The Alliance in Jeff City On January 31 , 1978, the Alliance of Alumni Associations of the University of Missouri sponsored a legislative leadership day in the State Capitol city. Volunteer and University staff members met at I p.m. in the Ramada Inn where they heard a program designed to give them particular insight into the University of Missouri's status as of that date. Attendees were welcomed by Milt Patton (UMSL), chairman of the Alumni Alliance, and President James C. Olson, of the University. A first this year was the presentation Iby Dr. Bruce Robertson, Commissioner of Higher Education, who delineated the University's Role in Higher Education. All present were very favorably impressed by Dr. Robertson's grasp 'Of the unique role of the University. although a relatively recent arrival upon the Missouri scene, he is a convincing advocate of higher education in the State. Following this overview presented by the Commissioner, Mr. James Bucholz, vice president for administrative affairs , presented the budget elements and University budget request for 1978-79 in language which made it possible for the audience to be convincing advocates in their afternoon visits with legislators. Jim Stephens, '47, founding chairman of the Alliance of alumni Associations, past president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, senior vice president of Missouri Public Service Company, and no stranger to the halls of the Capitol, explained the role of the volunteer in presenting the case for the

Alumni Honored The American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., Executive Committee recently elected to the Legion of Honor fifty-year members J. Walter Scott, , 19, of Downers Grove, lllinois and Henry Emmett Gross, '28 of St. Louis. Appropriate presentations will be made in the local sections of which the alumni are members.

14/ MSM Alumnus

University of Missouri to those who ha ve a need to know. The balance of the afternoon was spent visiting with individuallegislators and state officials. Be assured that the presence of 60 or more volunteers was felt. At 5:30 all members of the General Assembly were invited to attend a reception held at the

Ramada Inn. It was the consensus that a different and more sympathetic mood prevailed among the members. In addition to Interim Chancellor Jim Pogue and Frank Mackaman, the UMR campus was represented by Joe Mooney, Ed Werner, Pete Mattei, Jim McGrath, Art Baebler, and Bob Bay.


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ope Elective state officials and University of Missouri alumni conferred during the fourth annual meeting of the Missouri Alumni Alliance in Jefferson City. In the photograph, from left, are Rep. Everett Brown of Maryville, (Democrat, 5th district), Mrs. Jack Cooper of Webster Grove, University of Missouri-Columbia alumna, and President James C. Olson of the University. The Alliance, composed of alumni from the four UM campuses, visited with legislators and state officials and entertained them at a reception at the capital.


UMR Engineer Group Wins National Award


The University of Missouri-Rolla student chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) won second place in that organization's national contest on student professional development. The prize of $500 was given to the UMR chapter for a successful lobbying program to pass legislation that would allow engineering students to take their Engineer-In-Training (Ell) examinations during their senior years in college.

The examination is the fIrst step in registration as a professional engineer. The state attornney general's interpretation of the Missouri Registration law which went into effect in 1977 would have prohibited students from taking the EIT until after graduation. The UMR student chapter of NSPE launched a lobbying effort which got the law revised so that the students could take the exam prior to graduation as they had done before the attorney general's ruling.









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Plans Announced for UMR's Area Science and Engineering Fair Area high school students (grades 9 through 12) are once again challenged to spend some of their long, winter hours developing projects to enter in the 22nd South Central Missouri Engineering and Science Fair. Exhibits detailing the results of special study in any of 11 general areas of science and engineering will be displayed at the fair to be held Friday and Saturday, April 14-15, on the campus of the University of Missouri-Rolla. Fair dates are two weeks later this year because of UMR's spring break. Competition areas include behavioral and social sciences, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, earth and space sciences, engineering, mathematics and computers, medicine and health, microbiology, physics and geology. Projects will be set up and displayed in the UMR University Center-East Centennial Hall. Judging takes place Friday afternoon and exhibits will be open to the public Friday evening and Saturday morning. Grand prize this year is a trophy and trip to the 29th International Science and Engineering Fair at the Anaheim Convention Center, Orange County,


Calif., May 9-14. Other prizes include a trophy for the second grand prize winner, trophies for first place in each division, medals, plaques, certificates, cash prizes, scientific magazine subscriptions, slide rules and handbooks. Entry blanks may be obtained from the director of the fair, Professor Malcomb B. Cole, physics department,

University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo., 65401. In addition to UMR, this year's fair is sponsored by Rolla radio stations KITR-KZZN, the Rolla Daily News, the St. James Leader-Journal, the Gasconade County Republican in Owensville, the Washington Missourian and the Licking News.

Rolla Resident Dies Lois S. Long, wife of Albert E. Long, '22, died January 8, 1978, in Rolla. Mrs. Long, long active in community affairs, was also active in the Long Insurance Agency of Rolla and was an officer of the firm. Her husband survives and he is maintaining the residence at 1108 Joyce, Rolla.






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ALUMNI OFFICE STAFF: (left to right) Kris Curtin, Barbara Petrovic, Jim Taylor, Frank Mackaman (standing).

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GEORGE MYERS, second from left, chief engineer, Alcoa, presents a check to Dr. Jim Pogue, interim chancellor of the University of Missouri-Rolla, in support of UMR's electrical engineering power program. With them are Dr. Robert Pierson, far left, UMR associate professor of electrical engineering, and Dr. Derald Morgan, far right, Emerson Electrical professor of electrical engineering and head of UMR's power program.

DON HAlITE, second from left, president of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, presents a check to Mike Simac, second from right, president of the University of Missouri-Rolla student chapter of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). With them are UMR Professor Jerry Bayless, left, faculty adviser to the student chapter, and Dr. James Halligan, dean of the UMR School of Engineering. The $500 check was second prize in MSPE's national Student Professional Development Contest. Hiatte is from Jefferson City. Simac, a UMR senior in civil engineering, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simac of 4623 Telestar Drive, St. Louis.

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A CHECK FOR 55,000 was presented recently by McGraw-Edison to the University of Missouri-Rolla's electrical engineering power program. From left to right are Jim Fleege, sa!es manager, McGraw-Edison, Kansas City; Dr. J. Derald Morgan, UMR Emerson Electric professor of electrical engineering and head of UMR's power program; Floyd McKenna, vice president, marketing, McGraw-Edison, Canonsburg, Pa.; Dr. Jim C. Pogue, UMR interim chancellor; Dr. James Halligan, dean, UMR School of Engineering; James Shaw, director, industrial relations, McGraw-Edison, Canonsburg, Pa.; Bob Webler, manager, systems engineering department, Power Systems Division , McGraw-Edison, Canonsburg, Pa. The check was the fLrSt contribution on a three-year pledge.

RECEIPT OF A CHECK for $1,000 from the InlandRyerson foundation is a happy occasion at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Those involved in the ceremony are, left to right, Dr. Daniel S. Eppelsheimer, emeritus professor of metallurgical and nuclear engineering at UMR; Timothy E. Moss, supervisor, quality control of sheet and strip products for Inland Steel; Dr. Harry Weart, chairman of the metallurgical and nuclear engineering department at UMR; and Dewey Conces, manager of salaried employment at Inland Steel. In accepting this unrestricted gift, Dr. Weart expressed his gratitude and said the money would enable the department to purchase some specialized instruments and equipment for the department's laboratories.

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UMR Opens Center for Applied Engineering Management The fonnation of the Center for Applied Engineering Management at the University of Missouri-Rolla has been announced by Professor Bernard R. Sarchet, chainnan of the department of engineering management. Dr. John M. Amos, professor of engineering management, is director. The center is funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration and U.S. Economic Development Administration. In addition, University of Missouri Cooperative Extension service will be administered through the center. It is located in the engineering management department in Harris Hall on the UMR campus. Professor Sarchet says that the new center will bring together resources of several UMR departments, University of Missouri business-industry extension specialists and U.S. governmental agencies to provide service to industry, especially small businesses. "Such service may be in matters of finance, marketing, production, personnel or technical areas," he says. "It will provide an organized means of getting technical infonnation to industries and bringing resources from governmental agencies to their aid. "The department of engineering management has, since its founding 10 years ago, devoted significant efforts to serving industries throughout the state. Bringing these efforts together in the center will greatly increase their effectiveness and should enlarge the outreach of the program," he adds. UMR officials expect the center to be especially helpful to industry in the southern part of the state where there are a number of small manufacutring plants. These small industries usually have small staffs and often need assistance in coping with technical problems or making production or product changes. Seven programs are planned for offering through the center, but other specific programs will be developed as needed, Professor Sarchet says.

CONFERRING ON PLANS for the new center for Applied Engineering Management at the University of Missouri-Rolla are, from left, Professor Bernard R. Sarchet, chairman of the department of engineering management; Dr. John Amos, director of the center and professor of engineering management; and Dr. James Halligan, dean, UMR School of Engineering. Announcement of formation of the center was made at at recent UMR conference on the future outlook for small business and industry.

Initial programs include: Technology transfer--getting needed information to small firm s from technical literature and from such governmental agencies as the Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Energy--energy computer analysis for industrial firms , energy auditing and energy management workshops for small industries. Innovati ve Evaluation--compu ter feasibilit y evalua tion of innovative ideas.

Outlook information- -economic outlook information needed by industry for decision-making purposes available on a regular basis. Economic de velopment model-analysis of the degree of market saturation in a trading area for a particular economic activity. Ven ture capital infonnation--analysis of sources of capital for business development. T echni cal assi s tan ce --technical counseling to help finns use information received from the center. This may involve engineering management of other technical help.

MSM A lumnus / 17


Chuck Remington Receives SAE Award Professor Charles "Chuck" R. Remington, '49, '50, was recognized with a plaque at the January 1978 meeting of the S1. Louis Section of the Society of Automotive Engineers for 25 years of dedicated service to SAE. Since joining the society in 1952, Professor Remington has held many offices in the society including vice-chairman for student activities (1954-56), treasurer ('63-64), secretary ('64-'67). He has been active with the UMR student chapter since it was chartered in 1953. Currently, Chuck is the delegate of the S1. Louis Section to the national nominating committee.

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CHUCK REMINGTON, '49, '50, (right), Professor of Mechanical Engineering, UMR, receives a plaque for 25 years of dedicated service to the Society of Automotive Engineers. Dr. H. J. Sauer, Jr., '56, '58, Chairman of the S1. Louis Section of SAE presents the award.

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Extension News

Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for .more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314¡341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of Missouri¡Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401.

PROGRAM Instrumentation of Soil and Rock Underground Electrical Distribution Workshop Power Apparatus Testing Land Surveyors Workshop Writing Environmental Impact Statements Solubility and Solubilization Hydrology of Dam Design Geotechnical Lab Testing Techniques 4th International Speciality Conference on Cold Fonned-Steel Digital Computing for High School Students A Learning Holiday at UMR Geotechnical Field Testing and Inspection Embankment Dams Soil Aspects Porcelain Art Teachers Workshop Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering Microemulsions and Emulsion Short Course Solar Energy Short Course 37th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Paints and Coatings 31st Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop 28th Paint Short Course forMaintenance Engineers Single Phase Induction Motor Design Short Course 5th Annual UMR-DNR conference and Exposition on Energy Deep Foundation Design 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling Design of Dewatering Systems Design of Shallow Foundations

18/ MSM Alumnus

LOCATION S1. Louis Kansas City Centralia Rolla S1. Louis Rolla S1. Louis Rolla St. Louis RoUa RoUa RoUa St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla S1. Louis St. Louis Rolla

DATES April 3-7, 1978 May 5-9, 1978 May, 1978 May 12-13, 1978 May 15-19, 1978 May 22-25, 1978 May, 1978 May, 1978 June 1-2, 1978 June 11-12, 1978 June 19-22, 1978 June, 1978 Summer, 1978 July 17-21, 1978 August, 1978 August 7-11, 1978 August, 1978 Sept. 11-15, 1978 Sept. 18-22, 1978 Sept. 25-29, 1978 Sept. 25-29, 1978 Oct. 10-12, 1978 Nov., 1978 July, 1979 July, 1979 Feb., 1979

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Promotions and Tenure The following members of the faculty were granted tenure and/or received promotions effective Sept. I, 1977. TENURE: Dr. Stig Friberg, professor of chemistry; Dr. Darrow F. Dawson, associate professor of electrical engineering; Dr. William A. Brooks, associate professor of engineering management; Dr. Byron 1. Nelson, associate professor of engineering management.

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PROMOTION: To assistant professor: Robert L. Pease, physical education; Thomas Herrick, electrical engineering. To associate professor: Dr. John R. Metzner, computer science, Dr. Howard Pyron, computer science; Dr. Gerald L. Cohen, humanities; Dr. Jagdish Patel, mathematics; Dr. James W. Joiner, mathematics; Dr. Don Sparlin, physics; Dr. Curtis H. Adams, social sciences; Dr. Donald B. Oster, social sciences; Dr. Lance Williams, social sciences; Dr. Frank Vivelo, social sciences; Dr. Robert A. Mollenkamp, chemical engineering; Dr. Thomas Van Doren, electrical engineering. To professor: Dr. David S. Wulfman, chemistry; Dr. Richard Hagni, geology and geophysics; Dr. Gerald Rupert, geology and geophysics; Dr. Jack H. Emanuel, civil engineering; Dr. Gordon E. Carlson, electrical engineering; Dr. Herbert A. Crosby, electrical engineering; Di. Burns Hegler, engineering management; Dr. Xavier J. Avula, engineering mechanics; Dr. Donald L. Cronin, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Dr. Virgil J. Flanigan, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Lyman Francis, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Dr. Richard T. Johnson, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Dr. Terry F. Lehnhoff, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Dr. David A. Summers, mining engineering; Dr. John D. Rockaway, geological engineering; Dr. Herbert A. Harvey, petroleum engineering.

PROMOTION AND TENURE: To associate professor: Dr. Thomas J. Dolan, nuclear engineering; Dr. David B. Manley, chemical engineering; Dr. Bruce E. Poling, chemical engineering; Dr. Richard W. Stephenson, civil

engineering; Dr. Lon Pearson, humanities; Dr. Barbara Hale, physics; Dr. Patricia Plummer, physics. To professor: Dr. W. Nicholas Knight, humanities.

UMR Chairman Named Director Professor J. Robert Betten, chairman, Department of Electrical Engineering the University of Missouri in RoHa, Missouri has been elected a director of the Electrical Engineering Honor Society, Eta Kappa Nu. Founded in 1904 at the University of Illinois, Eta Kappa Nu today has a membership of 120,000 of the top electrical engineering graduates with student chapters in 142 of the leading universities and colleges in the United States and 4 alumni chapters.


SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN PHIL DUREMAN (left) awards Guy Steensgard (center) and Jeff Jost (right) each a $75 scholarship.

Tau Kappa Epsilon Awards Scholarship Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at the University of Missouri-Rolla awarded a $75 scholarship to Jeff Jost and Guy Steensgard in recognition of their perfect grade point averages for the fall 1977 semester. Tau Kappa Epsilon

awards a $150 scholarship annually to the new member who receives the highest grade point average in his class during his first semester at TKE. The scholarship is funded through alumni donations.

MSM Alumnus/ 19

Director Elected Director

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H. William Flood, 183 Main Street, Action, MA 01720, has been elected a director of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Bill, manager of special assignments for Kennecott Copper's Ledgemont Laboratory, in Lexington, has long been active in the AIChE, most recently as a member of the executive board of the national program committee. He will have a particular interest in improving AIChE's technical programs.


PAUL R. MUNGER, '58, '61


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Vice President Makes Change Vice President of the Association, Robert D. Bay, '49, has joined Black & Veatch after 20 years with Laclede Steel Co. He will have major responsibilities in business development activities regionally and nationally. Bob continues his activities in professional engineering, industry, and military organizations. He is national chairman of the Technical Activities Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers and has servo ed ASCE as a national director and as president of the St. Louis Section. He is president of the St. Louis Chapter of the Missouri Society of Testing and Materials, several steel industry institutes, and is a Brigadier General in the U. S. Army Reserves.

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Professor Paul R. Munger, '58, '61, Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Institure of River Studies, has been appointed by Governor Joseph Teasdale as a member and chairman of the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. His term will expire in 1981.


Bill has served the Alumni Association as an area director and is currently serving as a program director with responsibility for the annual AlumniStudent-Faculty conference.


Former Faculty Member Honored Dr. George B. Clark served as George R. Brown professor of mining engineering at the Colorado School of Mines for the 1976-77 year, his last year before retirement from full academic service. Further, at the 18th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, sponsored by Colorado School of Mines and the U. S. National Committee on Rock Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences

20/ MSM Alumnus

and National Academy of Engineering, held at Keystone, Colorado, June 22-24, Dr. Clark, former UMR professor, chairman and director, received an award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the science and engineering of rock mechanics. The award is the second in this category given during the 13-year history of the committee.

Association Vice President Elected James B. McGrath, '49, a vice president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and a vice president of Fruin-Colnon Corp. has been elected to the executive committee of the National Constructors Association. Jim and Terry live at 12425 Balwyck Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131.

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Job Opportunities For information concerning postions listed below, please contact Mr. Larry Nuss, Director of Career Development & Placement, UMR, Rolla, Missouri 65401, giving File Number of the position, state your degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. During times of high activity in the employment market, some positions will be filled before they are published. The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may be open if you enclose your resume with your inquiry.

1663 BSChE or Chern. 5 yrs. polymers. Mid Atlantic 1644 Chief Metallurgist, large gray iron foundry and melting superintendent. Experienced. 1665 Maintenance foreman and project engr. Missouri location. National company. 1666 GSII for VA hospital. Mid-west. Supervisory general engineer. 1667 MUlti-openings. Florida location. aircraft company. 1668 BS or MS Physics for res. MidAtlantic location. 1669 MS or PhD Cer or Met res. MidAtlantic. 1670 BSME, ChE. Near west location. 1671 Plant metallurgist. BS plus experience. Hydrolic parts mfgr. 1672 Met. specialist. all levels. East coast. 1673 State agency. Mid-west. BS CSC 1674 Multi-openings, EE predominates. All levels. Sun Belt 1675 MUlti-openings, mfgr. EE emphasis plus met. Mid-west. 1676 Agency listings. All levels and disciplines. 1677 Agency listings. All levels and disciplines. 1678 & 1679 Aerospace gvt. contractor. MUlti-openings, EE & ME. Florida 1680 BSMet or ChE. Extractive process design. West Coast. 1681 Agency. Mining Oriented 1682 Mining engr for sales. Mid-west. 1683 Mining engr 3-5 in production. Lime and limestone. East. 1684 Cer for R&D, upper mid-west 1685 MS Mineral econ. Mid-south institute. 1686 BSChem. Polymers. Mid-south. 1687 BSMet. Casting operation. Midwest. 1688 BSChE. Entry level. Mid-west cement plant. 1689 Project engr. 1-3 in plant engr. Mid-west

1690 Design engr. for R&D, ME or EE background. Upper Mid-west. 1691 Process engr. Chern, 1-4 paint. Mid-west. 1692 Eastern ceramics company seeks BSEE, BSME, BSfMS Cer. Immediate openings. 1693 BSMin or CEo Sales. Underground mines. 1694 Outdated 1695 BSME 2 yrs in Mech systems plus Fortran. 1696 Agency listings 1697 Mid-west utility. BSCSc. 1698 Upper mid-west. MUlti-openings. BSfMSEE, ME, ChE, Chern. 1699 Univ. connected res. ctr. Multiopenings. Advanced degrees predominate. 1700 BSEE utility ex per. Asst. dir. Mid-west 170 I BS/MSCE Sanitary. Mid-west consulting firm. 1702 Agency listings 1703 BSEE applications. Computer modeling exper. Upper mid-west. 1704 PhD Met. Industrial exper required 1705 BSEE or Physics 2-4 exper design & R&D. 1706 Design & project engr. Mid-west structures. 1707 BSEE 1-2 exper design handling systems. 1708 East coast conSUlting. Minerals econ. 1709 BSEE, Met, ME & IE. Exper. Mid-west. 1710 MUlti-openings, all levels. Eastern slope 1711 Agency listings. Sales. ME's preferred. 171 2 BSCSc. 2-4 exper. mgt. Mid-west utility. 1713 Agency listings 1714 Placement service for computer types 1715 Agency listings. All disciplines.

1716 Mid-west food processor has mUlti-openings. Entry and Advanced levels 1717 2 Met. engrs. BSfMBA or Eng. Mgt. 3-6 foundry . 1718 BSCE, Min, EE or Cer. 2-3 yrs. Mid-south. 1719 Plant mgr. Florida. BSChem, paint. 1720 Engr. Sales AlC 2-3 exper. 1721 Mid-west refractory. Multiopenings. Cer, ME or ChE. 1722 Agency listings. All fields. Most with exper. 1723 Ceramic tile engr. for mfgr. in mid-south. 1724 Mid-west BSfMSME, EE, CE, Structure, CE Transport and Environment. 1725 Upper mid-west EE or ME. Fluids. 1726 Upper mid-west mfgr. Analysts & BSEE electronics. 1727 Mid-Atlantic mUlti-openings and levels. Most disciplines.


Recording Available A recording of the J .S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach Magnificats is now available from the UMR Music Office. The recording features the University Choir and Orchestra under the direction of Joel Kramme and was recorded live during the December 4, 1977 performance at the First Baptist Church in Rolla. The recording may be purchased for $7.00 (plus $1.00 postage if it is to be mailed) by addressing orders to: Magnificat Recording Music Office, G-9 Harris Hall University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 6540 I Checks or money orders should be made payable to the University of MissouriRolla-Choral Development Fund. MSM Alumnus121

Alumni News--------------------1906



John Vivian Stevens of 8145 Kingsbury, St. Louis, MO 63105, died January 3, 1978, after a long illness. He was 93 .

Elmer Gammeter, Windermere Estates, Beaver, PA 15009, who did the beautiful illumination of the Board Resolution honoring Ike Edwards, writes, "I took the opportunity of being snow bound to make an elaborate illumination of my family tree. Since this goes back to Switzerland in 1570 I'm having a field day on the insignia, ;tc. It is a nice hobby and I really get wrapped up in it."

Erwin and Shirley Hoeman are enjoying happy retirement in "Happy Valley" (Utah Valley), 1300 East 650 South, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062, and are "looking forward to meeting classmates and friends at the 50th Anniversary of the Class of 1930 when 1980 rolls along."

1911 Benjamin Horace Cody of7550 N. 16th St., Apt. 215-2, Phoenix, AZ 85020, died January 2, 1978. Mr Cody was a retired official of Phelps Dodge. Survivors include his wife Margaret, and two sons, John P. and Ben L.



EDW ARD D. LYNTON Edward D. "Ted" Lynton died December 20, 1977. Ted had been in ill health for the past several years. He had a long and illustrious career and was an active and loyal member of the MSMUMR Alumni Association. He and his wife Gertrude were frequent visitors at Homecoming. He earned the Engineer of Mines in 1915. He also was an alumnus of Harrow. Mrs. Lynton is also in ill health. Their son, Dennis, lives at 9534 Windy Knoll Dr. , Dallas, TX 75231 .

1921 Marion S. Badollet has moved to 110 Residence, Moravian Manor, 300 W. Lemon St. , Lititz, PA 1743.

22/ MSM Alum n us

Clarence B. Weiss, retired director of corporate relations at Memphis State University, has been named a Fellow of the AIChE. He was nominated and elected by his fellow members in particular recognition of his work with Buckeye in developing basic processes and equipment used in the pulp and paper industry. Clarence and Mae live at 156 St. Albans Fairway, Memphis, TN 38111.

Edward "Darby" Hale, P.O. Box 64, Wadsworth, OH 44281, writes, 'Looking forward to each new day and doing the things that need doing. Wife, Leora, is a serious victim of arthritis which makes 'home' bodies of us. No complaints, thOUgh. We've had and are having a good life." Darby retired from Babcock & Wilcox in 1973.

T.O. Seiberling writes, "I anticipate a busy winter practicing with my new 'Pancake' putter and making new lures for next season's golf and bass fishing tournaments. I fish the Mid-America and Bass Caster Tournaments." He and Juanita make their home at 714 Carter St., Farmington, MO 63640. Walter Braun writes, "I have passed retirement age but am still working full time. However, I am thinking of retiring and doing part-time consulting work. I'll go another year of my job." Walt is chief metallurgy and quality assurance manager at Bishop Tube Co. He and Katharine live at Main Line-Berwyn Apts. (B-I09), Berwyn, PA 19312.

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1929 Russell Herman Pa rker of 1632 Moreno Dr. , Glendale , C A 91207 , died November 11 , 1977. He is survived by his wife Hendrika, a son, Col. Russell Parker, and a daughter, Carol Hollis.






Clarence William Lamers of 543 Olive Court, Webster Groves, MO 63119, died December 14, 1977. He is survived by his wife Virginia, son William, and daughters Barbara Ann Gold and Debi Klug.


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Robert K. and Oakley Watts Boyd have moved to 226 E. Randolph Place, Long Beach, CA 90807. Mr. Boyd is senior vice president of the Guy F. Atkinson Co.

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Robert L. Topper has been made president and chairman of the board of RELMM Corp. He and Lucette live at 11015 Wickwood Drive, Houston, TX 77024.

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E. N. (Newt) Everett, 4813 Harlan Ave. , Fort Worth, TX 76132, has retired from the Soil Conservation Service. He was a charter employee of the Service, and when he retired, was one of the last four employees in SCS who entered duty April 27, 1935. Before moving to Fort Worth, Newt worked as a construction engineer with the Engineering and Watershed Planning Unit.

A. E. (Dusty) Rhoades retired as President of Western Coal Co., Albuquerque, New Mexico. The major portion of Dusty's career has been spent in the energy industry and for 20 years he has held management positions for Western Coal Co. and it's parent, Public Sevice Company of New Mexico. Dusty and his wife Marjorie plan to continue living in Albuquerque (1505 Dartmouth, NE) and Dusty has accepted a position as a consultant to Bovay Engineers in the field of power generation and mining. He will also continue to do some consulting work for Public Service Company of New Mexico. He would welcome a call from any fellow alumni who happens to be in the Albuquerque area.

1937 R. J. Cardetti was recently made superintendent, bar and plate productsQuality Assurance, U.S. Steel's Gary, IN, plant. He and Helen live at 1045 Greenbriar Court, Crown Point, IN 46307 .

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Grant W. Schaumburg will retire from U.S. Steel on March 31, after almost 41 years of service. He is chief industrial engineer at the Geneva Works. Grant and his wife Mary Ann live at 2244 Temple View Circle, Provo, UT 8460 I.

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February I, 1978, was the date John R. Long set for retirement from Meramec Mining Company. He and Marcella live at Route 2, Box 178X, Bonne Terre, MO 63628.

1941 Edward C. Farrell retired March I, 1977, from manager, Magnet Cove Barite Operations, Baroid Div., NL Industries, Malvern, AR . He and Nita live at 112 West Vista Drive, Hot Springs, AR 71901. D. H. Falkingham, 7135 S. Evanston, Tulsa, OK 74136, is managing director of Oceanside Construction Limited, an offshore construction firm and a subsidiary of Amoco. Don's permanent home is in Tulsa, but his overseas address in Templer House, Don Road, St. Helier, Isle of Jersey .

Floyd P. Smith, and his wife, Ellen, have moved from Fullerton, California to Tehran, Iran, where they expect to live for sometime. Floyd, vice president of Hood Corp., will be Managing Director of a joint venture with a Persian company. Their address will be clo Hood-Norm Co., 365 Takhte Jamshid Ave., Tehran 15, Iran.

1942 Welby M. King writes, "1977 has been quite a year--35th Wedding Anniversary celebrated with a three-week trip to Ireland; 1st grandchild arrived via "747" stork; two degrees--a BS & PhD awarded to two of our children." He and Dorothy live at 2713 N. Wright St., Santa Ana, CA 9270 I. Mr. King is science advisor for California Innovation Group.

1943 Charles and Grace McCormick of 17 Club Grounds North Dr., Florissant, MO 63033 , are proud grandparents of a grandson, Matthew Craig, born May 28, 1977, at Ann Arbor, MI, to Tara and Craig McCormick, '68, of 42696 Hanford Rd. , Plymouth, MI 48170. Craig works for Burroughs in the Detroit area. Grandpa McCormick is unit chief-flight test data systems at McDonnell Douglas. Joseph and Virginia Berndt, Jr. have moved to Ave Perc Hiliare 3A, 1150 Brussels, Belgium. Mr. Berndt is area director, Africa, for Monsanto Europe SA.

MSM Alumnus / 23

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________



On June I, 1977, Keith D. Sheppard was employed as senior vice president by AA Development Corp. , a subsidiary of American Airlines engaged in the oil and gas business. Keith and Jean live at 4341 Willow Lane, Dallas, TX 75239.

Arthur L. and Barbara Tucker have moved to 6441 Tippin Ave., Pensacola, FL 32504.


Clyde Wich 19, I Sybil.

Harry R. and Trudy Hollmann's new home address is 141 Locust Court, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Harry has been made general manager , product metallurgy at U.S. Steel Corp.'s headquarters. Their son John became a mining engineer in 1977.

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1950 William and Melba Heisler have moved to 1432 Lemhurst Drive, Warrington, FL 32507. Mr. Heisler is principal engineer at Monsanto Textile's Pensacola plant.

RALPH E. McKELVEY Ralph E. McKelvey, vice president of engineering and research, The Timken Co., has been elected to the board of directors of the American National Standards Institute. He is a member of ANSI's Company Member Council and of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the American Defense Preparedness Association, the Industrial Research Institute, the Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute, and the UMR Development Council.

Eugene J. Peetz has been made section chief-Design, McDonnell Douglas Corp. He and Anita live at 15612 Heathercroft Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. C. G. (DON) EAST

c. G. (Don) East recently joined the

Comer and Martha Haley have moved to RD No.7, Box 7684, Mercer, PA 16137. Comer is senior design engineer at Westinghouse.

Barry-Wehmiller Company as director of customer services throughout the western hemisphere. He has had more than twenty-five years experience in customer service for the brewing and beverage industries. Mr. East's address of record in 6946 Wythe Hill Cr., Prospect, KY 40059. He plans to relocate his family in the St. Louis area this spring.

Jorge JacksOn has been made manager, Projects Administration, Cia Marauen, Refinena Cardon, Punto Fijo, Falcon, Venezuela.

Carl and Betty Knowles have a new home at 5702 Wanakah, Houston, TX 77069. Carl also has a new position as construction manager for Bechtel, Inc.

Walter and Frances Anderson live at 219 Harmony Ave., East Peoria, IL 61611. Walt is a project engineer for Caterpillar Tractor. And their son is a straight A student.

24 / MSM Alumnus

VERNON BERKEY Vernon Berkey will become assistant vice president-resource operations for the Material Resources Division of Armco Steel Corporation effective April I, 1978. Vernon joined Armco in 1950 at Baltimore Works and was associated with the metallurgy function until he was appointed area superintendentmelting and rolling in 1969. since 1971, he has served as manager-Baltimore Operations. His address is, 1703 Westminister Way, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Robert K. Preiss is supervisor, Quality Control Lab, Ford Motor Company's Sheffield Plant. He and Shirley live at Route 2, Box 125J, Sheffield, AL 35660.

1951 George L. Knight has been made foundry superintendent for J. C. Steele. He and June live at 1303 Forest Park Drive, Statesville, NC 28677 . Donald S. and Edith Zimmerman have moved to 1824 S. Fairview, Park Ridge, IL 60068. Don is president and owner of Rogers Metal Processing.

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Alumni News _____________________________________________________________



Clyde H. Fink of 4804 Lindale Drive, Wichita Falls, TX 76310, died October 19, 1977. He is survived by his wife, Sybil.

Richard C. Kolb has been promoted to senior results engineer for the Public Service Co. of Oklahoma. He and Erma Lee live at 5312 S. 71 E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145.

Donald and Gertrude Maday live at 1601 S. 26th St., No.5, Arlington, VA 22206. Don was recently promoted to program manager by the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans Administration.

C. L. Alburtis of 722 Karen Dr., Decatur, IL 62526, has been promoted to supervisor of technology assessment for lIlinois Power Co.

On December I, 1977, a new company, Vance Products, Inc., was formed to manufacture and market disposable medical products for surgeons. President is James F. Vance. He and Sally live at 329 W. Washington St., Sullivan, IN 47882.

T. F. Lane has accepted a position as senior engineer at Owens-Corning Fiberglas. He and Evelyn live at 887 Bexley Dr., Perrysburg, OH 43551.

John W. Finklang has been promoted to chief, Geosciences Division, Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center. He and Jane live at 10239 Green Valley Drive, St. Louis, MO 63136.




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Clay J. Schmittou has accepted a position as associate engineer with Cincinnati Gas & Electric. He and Mary live at 11637 Lawnview Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45246.

R. L. Walz has moved to No. 11-1721 12th St., SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2T 3N I. He has been promoted to Division Production Manager for Apexco, Inc. J. E. Hacker of 872 Bettina, No. 358, Houston, TX 77024, has been promoted to senior staff engineer by Shell OiL


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Raymond E. Miller has been promoted to vice president and general manager for lIT Grinnell Corporation's Supply Sales Division, in Providence, Rhode Island. Miller joined Grinnell in 1962 as Plant Manager in Augusta, Arkansas. He had headed the company's Welding Products Division since its formation.


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1953 Earl and Jeanne Dill have a new home at 7510 Crossdraw, Austin, TX 78731. The also have two children at MSMUMR. Tom, a senior in ME is a KA. Kathy, a junior in CSC is a KD. Earl was recently promoted to division managerFacilities, Southwestern Bell. John O. Englund has been made mine manager of Kaiser Steel's Eagle Mountain Mine. He and Nelly live at Box 558, Eagle Mountain, CA 92241.

Robert Fuller, a 1957 graduate from UMR, now professor of physics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been elected vice president of the American Association of Physics Teachers at the association's winter meeting in San Francisco. Fuller is also one of a select group of professors from throughout the United States cited in a national report on effective teachers and their teaching approaches in Change Magazine. .The article in the January issue cites Fuller's involvement in the development of the Keller Plan, or Personalized System of Instruction (PSO in physics.

The PSI, which has been sold to 790 institutions from universities to high schools, is a self-paced teaching method in which the student shares the responsibility for his own learning. Joe A. Stoll has been made Coordinator, Federal Government Relations for Exxon, USA. He and Geraldine live at 17023 Hillview Lane, Spring, TX 77379.

1958 Howard Correll has recently transferred from the maintenance branch of the Construction and Maintenance division of the Federal Highway Administration in Washington, D.C. to the Regional Office of FHA in Baltimore, MD, where he is now regional planning and research engineer. Howard and Evelyn have one daughter, Deborah, who is a senior in high school this year. Home is 902 Joppa Farm Road, Joppa, MD 21085. R. H. Okenfuss of 9132 Millcliff Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45231, writes, "have been extremely busy past 2 years with our new Japanese venture. The raw fish and beer are great." Dick is a development engineer with Procter & Gamble. J. F . Hofstetter has been made assistant chief engineering-product design for Peterbilt Motors Co. He and Renita make their home at 7873 Chestnut Way , Pleasanton, CA 94566. Frank William Straub of 206 E. 1 10th, Kansas City, MO 64114, died November 8, 1977. Dale Klohr has been appointed to the position of engineer for District 8 of the Illinois Department of Transportation. Klohr lives at 16 Fox Creek Rd., Belleville, IL 62223. Marion C. Skouby, 308 Orchard, Webster Groves, MO 63119, is now Chief Engineer for the Dewatering Service Company, 2500 Drilling Service Drive, St. Louis, MO 63043 .

MSM Alumnus / 25

Alumni News ___________________________________________________________




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Lowell Hudgens of 7431 Hazelcrest Dr., Hazelwood, MO 63042, has accepted a position as engineering specialist with Emerson Electric. Gerald L. Stephenson has been elected to the Board of Directors of Davy Powergas, Inc. He and Jeannie live at 515 Rob Roy, Lakeland, FL 33803. Philip T. Olson of 40 Rockinghorse Rd., Palos Verdes, CA 90274, has been named manager of environmental relations for the Torrance refinery of Mobil Oil. Prior to his present position, Olson was supervisor of maintenance planning at the refinery. He is a member of Mobil's nationwide special speaker's panel and has spoken on energy and other subjects before many South Bay organizations. Kenneth Swanson of 372 2nd St., Manister, MI 49660, is currently supervisor of Martin Marietta's Manister Periclase Plant. The facility is considered the most modern periclase producing facility in the world.


DOUGLAS A. DALLMER Douglas A. Dallmer has rejoined Lester B. Knight and Associates as a vice president in their Cast Metals Division. His address of record in 13410 S. 125th E. Ave. , Broken Arrow, OK 74012.

26/ MSM Alumnus

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W. P. (Bill) Renner of 9886 E. 159th Ave., Brighton, CO 8060 I, has been promoted to division engineer of the Denver Division of Halliburton Services, a division of Halliburton Co.

M. Ronald Avery has been promoted to vice president-gas supply for Alabama Gas Corp. He will continue to be responsible for general supervision of gas allocation and dispatching activities, and for future planning related to development of additional gas supply and storage. Ron lives at 2530 Redstart Lane, Hoover, AL 35236.

1961 Frank and Genevieve Deppong of 10664 Baxter Ave., Los Altos, CA 94022, have one son, Jason, 5 years old. Four years ago Frank started his own firm, Serra Associates, and is now a manufacturers rep. specializing In electro-mechanical components. Chuck and Shirley Marosek and their three children, Chuck, Jr., Scott and Sandra, now live at 100 Longfellow Ave., Worthington, OH 43085. After 5 Y2 years as area sales manager with Dresser in Johannesburg, South Africa, Chuck has been promoted to a new division of Dresser Industries. He is now product manager of Dresser Raise Drills and Boyles Diamond Core Drills with Jeffrey Mining Machinery Div. in Columbus. The whole family finds it great to be back in the U.S. after spending II out of the last 13 years overseas. Frank and Myrna Jacks have moved to 9205 Cedar Forest Dr. , Austin, TX 78750. Frank is a staff engineer with IBM .

1962 Robert and Julia Wilson have moved to R.R. 1, Box 70A, Oswego, IL 60543. Michael K. Reyburn has moved to 38 Hampton Key , Williamsburg, VA 23185.

1963 Joseph J. Consolleti of 107 Stuart Dr., Williamsport, MD 21795, has been promoted to manager, Machine Systems, Pangborn Div ., Carborundum Co., Hagerstown. Robert E. Huston has moved to 600 Marathon Dr., No. 129, Campbell, CA 95006. He is director of systems applications for Fairchild Systems. Robert E. Markland has been named associate dean and director of graduate studies for the School of Business Administration at UMSL. He and Mylla live at 8 Vancrest Lane, Florissant, MO 63033.


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Alumni News _________________________________________________________

1963 Cont. Sam L. Smith was recently promoted to Chief Field Service Engineer at National-Southwire Aluminum Company (NSA), an aluminum reduction plant. He has been with NSA since 1970. Smith and his wife Glatha and their three children reside at 1502 Forrest Lane in Owensboro, KY 42301.

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Dale M. Baumbach resigned as chief engineer/manufacturing managerAssociated Equipment in St. Louis to accept a position as project engineerP~oduct Design with Weed Eater, Inc., Dlv. of Emerson Electric. Sue, Mandy (9), and Marty (4) are pleased to finally be in their new house at 10526 Quail Ridge lane, Sugarland, TX 77478. Tami (19) is in college in Kansas City, MO.

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James and Donna Crisman have moved to Route 9, Box 135, Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I. Jim is owner/operator of Sunrise Enterprises.

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David L. Fenton has been promoted to vice president, Business Development at Sverdrup & Parcel. He and Janice live at 290 Ridge Trail Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017 .




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L. Hill of 1402 Hickory Hill, MeXICO, MO 65265 , has been promoted to associate director of research for A. P. Green Refractories.

Ted C. Raffel has been promoted to director, Xerox Product Marketing, by Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. He and Marge live at 7507 N. 21 st St., Phoenix, AZ 85020. Dr. Gordon P. K. Chu was invited to give a lecture on new dental porcelain at Los Angeles in February and at a dental seminar sponsored by USC & NIH. He spent two weeks in July at Stoke-onTrent, England, the ceramic center of England. Dr. Chu is a senior engineer specialist for GTE-Sylvania. He and Rose live at 24 Ledgewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923.

Clarence A. Ellebracht, Jr. has been made staff manager-Equipment Section, Southwestern Bell. He and Sharon live at 2477 Waterman, Granite City, IL 62040.

1966 Patrick B. Bennett gives his new address as U.S. Army Engineering Division, Europe, EUDED-A (Ammo), APO 09757, N.Y., N.Y.

1965 Ken Mayhan has been appointed lab supervisor, fireproofing and research groups for the Carboline Co. in St. Louis. Mayhan was a professor of chemical engineering while at UMR, and as industry consultant, he has counseled some of the larger laboratories and chemical firms in the nation. He lives at 2332 Camberwell, St. Louis, MO 63131 . Jay and Diane Kallor live at 2422 Poplar St., Erie, PA 16502. Jay was recently promoted to manager, process engineering-Machine Shop, at General Electric's Erie Plant. Thomas W. Cook of 106 Windsor Way, Statesboro, GA 30458, has been promoted to vice president and general manager of the Fittings Division of lIT Grinnell Corp. Robert E. Mitchell (technically '66) has been made secretary-treasurer of Wilcox International, Inc. He and Karen live at 169 Maple, Elmhurst, IL 60126. John Cline recently took a three-month leave of absence to travel through Europe with a friend. They traveled through 15 countries by train. London was their starting point and they went as far south as Napoli, Italy; as far north as Oslo, Norway, and east as far as Berlin Germany. John is a senior enginee; (missle test-Minute Man Div.) Boeing. Roger A. Dorf has been promoted to Manager of Distribution for IBM. He and Sandy live at 735 29th St., NW, Rochester, MN 55901. Peter and Alice Cassimatis have moved to 25342 DeSalle, Laguna Hills, CA 92653, and Pete has accepted a position as chief engineer for Moody Sprinkler Co.

Michael P. Keefe has ' been named manager of manufacturing engineering for the Agrobioculture Division of Ralston Purina. His business address is Agrobioculture Division, Ralsto~ Purina Company, Checkerboard Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63188, and his home address is, 718 Fairwa y, Bethalto, IL 62010. Robert W. Moran has been promoted to senior construction engineer by Gulf Oil. He and Karen have moved to 2770 S. Kitchen, Port Neches, TX 77651 . Harry and Janice Dunn of 3228 Boomerang Lane, Knoxville, TN 37921, announce the arrival of their adopted daughter, six-month old Joi Janette. She came to the Dunn home from Seoul Korea, on Nov. I. Mr. Dunn is easter~ exploration manager for U.S. Borax & Chemical. Dale Marriott was recently promoted to manager of the Data Processing Division after four years of employment with the City of Aurora. He and his wife Margaret and their four children: Jonathan, 9; Christopher, 7; Paul, 5; and Cheree, 2, have moved into a new home at 11527 E. Florida Ave., Aurora, CO 80012. Jim Huddleston, R. R. 1, Oronco, MN 55960, has been promoted to development programer manager, for IBM Corp., General Systems Div. in Rochester MN. In his new assignment he will ~ responsible for IBM S/3 system control programming development and support. Jim and Judy have two children, Connie (9) and Jamie (6). John Gass has accepted a position with Portadrill in Denver. He and his family reside at 6538 South Allison Court Littleton, CO 80123. ' MSM Alumnus/27

Alumni News _______________________________________________________________

1966 Cont. Lawrence J. Reinsch, Jr. has accepted a position as senior management engineer at Argonne National Lab. He and Betty live at 14 Tuttle Ave., Clarendon Hills, IL 60514.

1967 Peter P. Sea base of 8180 Deepwood, No. 14-9, Mentor, OH 44060, was recently appointed sales engineer responsible for international marketing and technical liaison for Euclid Inc. He had spent 8 yea rs as project engineer responsible for hyd raulics, steering, brakes and suspension. He is a registered Professional Engineer and was a speaker at the September SAE convention in Milwaukee. Ben Stewart has been made project start-up engineer for Stearns Roger. He and Susan have a new home at 485 Washington, Apt. 12, Craig, CO 81625.

Wallace E. Deshon was Electronic Design's "Ideas for Design" winner for 1976-- prize was a plaque and $\000. The award-winning idea--his first design project after joining Applied Automation--stemmed from a project that required him to design the hardware and write the operating software for an M6800 micro-processor system for controlling propane-distillation columns at Phillips' Borger refinery. Deshon is a computer products engineer for Applied Automation, a subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum. He and his wife Joyce and their three sons, Clark, Gary and Ryan , live at 136 Harned, Bartlesv ille, OK 74003.



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Gary W. Wigginton was recently appointed Agrichemicals Sales Representative by DuPont in Houston. He and Bonita live at 1914 Seakale Lane, Houston , TX 77062.

28/ MSM Alumnus


The new mailing address for Frank and Gail Gerig is General Delivery, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819.

David Lloyd-Jones has been made maintenance supervisor at WarnerLambert. He and Vicki live at 4864 Cardamon Lane, Rockford , IL 61111.

David and Sandra Rosenbaum have moved to 7928 Cloverbrook Lane, Germantown, TN 38138. David is a Navy Lieutenant with the Civil Engineering Corps at the Naval Air Station in Millington, TN .

JAMES K. MEISENHEIMER James K. Meise nheimer of 4132 Kenzie, Jackson, M I 4920 I, has been appointed Geotechnical Services Supervisor for Gilbert/Commonwealth. He has had more that 10 years professional experience in geotechnical engineering for power generatio n projects, transmission lines, dams, roads, and railroads and will ass ume responsibility for Gilbert/Commonwealth's Jackson office staff of geologists and geotechnical engineers, which provides geotechnical serv ices on many major utility and industrial design assign ments.

William M. Larson has been promoted to senior project engineer at Eaton Corp. He and Mary Jo reside at 2012 Sycamore Dr. , Forest City, AR 72335 .


Marc M. Solman has been made acting director of the Computing Center at Oberlin College. He and Janet Grace live at 112 Pyle Amherst Road , Oberlin , OH 44074. Jerry and Mary Pogue have moved to 2003 Diane Drive, Sulphur, LA 70663, and Jerry has been promoted to project construction engineer for Continental Oil. He writes, "Completed work several months ago on a new 40MM pound per yea r alumina plant for CONOCO's Lake Charles Chemical Plant. 1 am currently assigned as project co nstru ction engineer of a new 30MM BPSD Fluid Catalytic Crack ing Unit. "

DAVID L. GRAY David L. Gray left the Air Force as a captain in August '76 , but is still in the U.S.A.F Reserves. He is now in the U.S. Army High Energy Laser Systems Project Office as an electronic engineer responsible for systems engineering for fire control, beam control, and target acquisition . Dave and Linda live at 2508 Galahad Dr. , SE, Huntsville, AL 35803. John Jay (Jack) and Sherry Zimmer of 1902 Princess St. , Wilmington, NC 28405 , will be moving to Livermore, Calif. , this February to work on mixed oxide development for GE Co. "Come see us or write us," they ask.

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Robert William and Carol Ann Stevens live at 15300 E. 33 rd " Independence, MO 64055 . Bob is a civil engineer with the Corps of Engrs. and writes, "I now work in the Regulatory Functions Branch, Operations Division of the Corps, K.C. , MO. This branch deals with the nat ion's waterways and the authorizing of permits for work in these waterways."


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Alumni News _______________________________________________________________


1969 Cont.

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Victor Webb has been made a project structural engineer by Black and Veat· ch. He and Linda live at 1438 Lindenwood Drive, Olathe, KS 66061. Mike and Betty Ken lein have moved to 522 Roxbury Lane, Noblesville, IN 46060. Mike is a district rep. for Nalco Chemical.

1970 Jack Loene has been transferred from Bonn, West Germany to Cincinnati. His new address is Personnel Services Manager, International Divisions, Procter & Gamble, Box 599, Cincinnati, OH 45201.

James B. Zieger of 9273 Fairway Dr. , No. 105, Des Plaines, IL 60016, has accepted a position as product manager for G. B. Fermentation Industries. Jerry and Barbara Finnegan have moved to 322 SE Garfield, Mundelein, IL 60060, and Jerry has accepted a position as project engineer with Abbott Laboratories in North Chicago. Kenneth W. Litteken has been promoted to production department manager for Procter & Gamble. He and Patricia live at RR3 , Box 430, Belleville, Ontario, Canada K8N 4Z3. Michael E. Bray has accepted a position as manager-service sales for General Electric in Philadelphia. He and Barbara have moved to 746 Grant Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054.

1971 James and Sylvia Klotz of 214 Grand, Bridgeport, WV 263 30, announce the birth of their second child, Julie Marie, born Dec. 12, 1977, 9 Ibs. 15 oz. Big brother, Jimmy Lee, 3 Yz, is very proud of his baby sister. Pappa Klotz is assistant head of the Quality Control Lab at Union Carbide. Allan R. Kroupa has been named manager, manufacturing services, at Ralston Purina's Agrobioculture and Floriculture Divisions. Kroupa's mailing address is, Floriculture Division, Ralston Purina Company, Checkerboard Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63188 . His home address is, 1751 Canyon View Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Anthony Marchiando recently accepted a position as sales engineer with Stevens Engineered Equip. Co. in Earth City (St. Louis). He and Diane live at 12930 W. Watson, Sunset Hills, MO 63127.

asa Cheng Sun Liao has accepted a position as sanitary engineer with the U.S. EPA Region IV. He and Ho-mei live at 2301 McCoy Road, Carrollton, TX 75006.


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LARRY F. THOMPSON Larry F. Thompson is one of three Bell Telephone Laboratories developers in Murray Hill, NJ, to be awarded the I-R 100 Award for developing the type COP and PSB electron resists to permit integrated masks to be manufactured economically by electron beam lithography. The annual I-R 100 Awards Program is sponsored by Industrial Research Magazine and the 100 awardees are selected from new products developed during the past year on the basis of their importance, uniqueness and usefulness from a technical standpoint. Dr. Thompson is married to Joan Bondurant Thompson and they have two sons, Anthony, 10 and Allen, 8. Their home address is 712 Long Hill Rd ., Gillette, NJ 07933.

F rank and Barbara Ann Doering of 11761 Parish Dr. , Bridgeton, MO 63044, became the proud parents of a second daughter, Michelle Marie, on Nov. 19, 1977. Since finishing his PhD ChE work at UMR in July '76, Frank has been doing experimental research in the catalyst technology section of the Acid Plants and Catalyst Dept. of Monsanto Enviro-Chem. Shing-Shong and Hwei-Zone Lan have moved to 1434 Encina Dr., Naperville, IL 60540. Mr. Lan is a nuclear analyst with Sargent & Lundy. Thomas E. Schmidt has accepted a position as field development-geological engineer with Houston Oil & Minerals. He and Barbara have a new home at 54 Vicksburg Lane, Conroe, TX 77301.

HARVEY P. NIXON Harvey P. Nixon has been promoted to the position of Manager, Sales Promotion, Automotive Division, with The Timken Company of Canton, Ohio. Nixon and his family will be moving to Canton, Ohio, in the near future. Lieutenant John P. Roderick has been named Outstanding Junior Division Communications Electronic Meteorological maintenance Manager of the Year for the Tactical Air Command. Lt. Roderick , a communications maintenance supervisor at Shaw AFB, was selected for exemplary leadership, devotion to duty and professional performance. He and his wife Linda live at 5621 Persimmon, Shaw AFB, SC 29152.

MSM Alumnus129

Alumni News _____________________________________________________________


Albert E. Shelton has accepted a position as process design engineer in the Fluid Systems Division of UOP, Inc., 2980 North Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101.


1971 Cont. Lawrence E. Nolan of 7808 Cornell, St. Louis, MO 63130, was recently promoted to programming supervisor at McDonnel Douglas. James O. Bondi has accepted a position as project engineer with Burroughs Corp. He and Judi live at 27 E. Central Ave., Apt. K-8, Paoli, PA 19301.

1972 First Lieutenant Jon C. Breeden and his wife, Darcy, have left Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, for temporary duty at Mildenhall RAF Station, England. Lt. Breeden is a VC-137 aircraft instructor/navigator with the 314th Tactical Airlift Command.

Gary and Donna Vandiver of 1080 Wilson, St. Louis, MO 63130, are proud to announce the birth of their first child-a girl--Laura Renee, born November 22, I 977--8) bs. I Y2 oz. Gary works at Monsanto's world headquarters as a process design engineer in the corporate engineering department. Philip G. Taylor has been made filling foreman by Sterling Drug. He and Lorena make their home at 300 S. Mapel, McPherson, KS 67460. Glenn R. Ross has been promoted to senior engineer at Monsanto. He and Jane live at 1310 Flamingo, Florissant, MO 63031. Jim Mulligan of 906 Rivercrest Blvd., Allen, TX 75002, recently accepted a position with GAO in Dallas. He would like to hear from the WCTB's et al concerning St. Pat's '78, etc. Ann and George Harris, P.O. Box 30 I, Desoto, IL 62924, are proud parents of a daughter, Sara Coverly, born last August. George is a project engineer with Clark, Dietz & Associates' Carbondale Office. He received registration as a Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois earlier this year.

KENNETH J. TACCHI Kenneth J. Tacchi, 929 Newport Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63119, has been promoted to Group Leader/Industrial Water Treatment D&TS, a management position within the industrial water treating research section of Tretolite Division of Petrolite Corp. Tacchi joined the Tretolite Division in 1972 as a research chemist. John and Carrie Edwards of 1414 Mews, Kansas City, MO 64131 , announce the birth of their first child, Allison Elizabeth, 7 Ibs. I oz., on September 22, 1977. John is a sanitary engineer at Black & Veatch.

30/ M5M Alumnu s

Alan W. Jones has accepted a position as plant project engineer for Celanese Corp. He and Kathryn receive their mail at P.O. Box 1982, Vernon, TX 76384. Richard and Rebecca (Stabo '72) Taylor ha ve been transferred to 105-2 Rock Ridge Ctr., Minot AFB, ND 58704. Richard is a Captain in the USAF. Don and Mira lilian have moved to 73 5 2nd Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066. Don is a structural engineer with the Western Division of th e Naval Facilities Engineering Command .

1973 James E. Thompson has accepted a position as district fi eld engineer for GTE Sylvania, Inc. and moved to 95 Ellen Drive, Berea, OH 440 17.

The new mailing address for Phillip S. Fetterman is P.O. Box 249, Carlinville, IL 62626. He is a project engineer with Monterey Coal. Barry Bergman has moved to 37 Lori Circle, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 . Barry is a highway designer with the Missouri State Highway Dept. Rande and Judy Grotefendt ('74) announce the addition of Jill Laura, born October 26, 1977, to their fam ily. They have recently moved to their new home at 108 Tiffany, Longview, TX 75601. Rande is employed as a chemical engineer at Texas Eastman Co. Judy is enjoying motherhood . Richard M. and Marianne Scheerer have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 1242, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Mr. Scheerer has accepted a position as loss prevention specialist for Factory Mutual Engineering. Dennis M. Hayden has been appoi nted vice president of construction for the Hayden Compan y, Builder/Developer, Inc. He was formerly wit h McCarthy Brothers as a project manager. Hayden's business address is 430 Norman Gate Drive, Ballwin, Mo. 630 II.

197.4 Dave and Pam Warfield are enj oying six month's marriage in their new house at 911 Napoli Dr. , Manchester, MO 630 II . Dave is an electrical and instrument engi neer with Monsan to, and Pam was recentl y promoted to executive secretary at the CMC Corp. Dick Elgin has accepted a position as Office Manager for McCanless-Riddle Engineers. He and Jeanette have not yet relocated and are receiving their mail at Box 387, Richmond, MO 64085 .

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Alumni News _____________________________________________________________

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David A. and Lynn C. Rice of 11630 Corona Lane, Houston, TX 77072, became parents of a daughter, Andrea Gail, last April and are looking forward to her first birthday. Dave is a petroleum engineer (senior grade) with Amoco. William G. Bachman, Jr., was recently made vice president of Bachman Machine Co. He and Deborah Jean have a new home at 1579 Ross, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Stan Paczkowski began employment with Crane & Fleming as a project engineer last August. His previous employer was the City of St. Louis Board of Public Services. His present assignment is planning and design of wastewater treatment facilities and highway projects. Stan and his wife Rosemary and their son Brian live at 1304 Paris Ave. , Hannibal, MO 6340 I. David J. Sheahen has moved to 333 Timmons Lane, Apt. 145, Houston , TX 77027 . He is an associate engineer with Brown & Root.

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Linda J. (Tevlin) and Carl Pleasant have moved to 22127 Wood rose, Katy , TX 77450. Linda is a Geophysicist with Continental Oil.

Rodney and Sharon leGrand live at 2025 F . Lake Point Dr., Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Rod recently accepted a position with Allendale Insurance as an account representative.

Consolidation Coal Co. has promoted Paul E. Miller of Route 2, Box 14A, N. 12th St., Middlesboro, KY 40965 , to mine foreman. Marvin E. Borgmeyer has been made a plant engineer for Exxon Chemical Co., USA. He and Susan live at 10 I 0 Rossmore, Baton Rouge, LA 70810. John and Phyllis Melton have a new home at 1813 N . Rensselaer, Griffith, IN 46319. John is an electrical foreman with Inland Steel. John Rosenfeld, 7533 Parkdale , Clayton, MO 63105, has been accepted as a medical student at Columbia, MO. Richard and Janice Hovey have moved to 6734 Cherry Tree Ave., Woodridge, IL 60515. Rich is a mechanical engineer at Stephens-Adamson.

STEPHEN P. VANCIL Second Lieutenant Stephen P. Vancil is now wearing U.S. Air Force silver wings following graduation from pilot training at Reese AFB, Texas. Lt. Vancil is being assigned to Altus AFB, Oklahoma, for flying duty on the KC-135 Stratotanker.

1976 Ronald E. Sherard, Jr., and Teresa Peterson were married in July 1977. Ron was promoted to resident engineer by the Kansas Dept. of Transportation in November and transferred to Hays in December. He and Teresa are expecting a baby this February. Their new home address is 1712 Donald, Hays, KS 67601. John W. Critchfield has completed his MS in Geotechnical Engineering at Univ. of Illinois and accepted a position as assistant project engineer with Haley & Aldrich, Inc. in Cambridge, MA. He and Janet have a new home at 676 Marrott Road, Lexington, MA 02173.


Randy L. Stranghoener of 6646 Old Canton Rd. , Apt. 92, Jackson , MS 39211, has been promoted to senior geophysicist for Cities Service Oil Co.

John and Jill Westermayer have a new home at 2322 Pierwood, Oakville, MO 63 129. John is an assistan t engmeer with Union Electric.

Second Lieutenant Loren O. Ginter, 10460 EI Mercado No. 54, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, has been awarded silver wings upon graduation from U.S. Air Force navigator training at Mather AFB, California. Lt. Ginter is remaining at Mather for advanced training.

Robert G. Hempler is a reservoir engineer with Michigan-Wisconsin Pipeline Co. He and Sharon live at 6317 Tarna Land , Houston, TX 77974.

Kevin C. Skibiski and Jeanie Gatton were married January 7, 1978 . Their address is Route 6, Possum Trot, Benton, KY 42025 . Kevin is employed as a civil engineer for Union Carbide in Paducah.

Lana J. Bray has moved to 322 Howell manor, Mexico, MO 65265. Lana is supervisor, process control, Kaiser Refractories.


MSM Alumnus / 31

M Alumni News _____________________________________________________________ 1976 Cont. Mark T. Hicks has moved to 7976 E. 59th Place, Tulsa, OK 74145 and has been promoted to technical professional candidate by the Dowell Division of Dow Chemical. Michael J. Mochel, U.S. Air Force Second Lieutenant, has completed the Strategic Air Command's missile combat crew operational readiness training course at Vandenberg AFB, and has been stationed at Whiteman AFB for training and duty as a missile combat crew member. He and his wife Rebecca live at 206 N. Carswell Circle, Whiteman AFB, MO 65305 . L. F. Bares has accepted a position as senior environmental engineer-noise with Peabody Coal. He and Kay live at 4336 Grundy Dr. , Bridgeton, MO 63044. Gale L. Sappington of 915 Brownell, Glendale, MO 63122, has been made associate design engineer by Bussmann Mfg., a McGraw Edison Div.



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Mike and Sara Brown have a new home at Route 2, Box 42, Springfield, MO 65802. Mike is an engineer in training with Show-Me Power Corp. Bill R. Ahal has been transferred temporarily by River Cement Co. to Louisiana as a project I!ngineer for construction of a new cement unloading and storage facility to be built on the Mississippi River near Burnside, Louisiana. He and Sharon are currently living at 11888 Longridge Dr., Apt. 3115, Bldg. 23 , Baton Rouge, LA 70816. They will return to Missouri at the completion of the project, around late summer 1978.

1977 Patrick and Vivian J. Cody have moved to 112 S. 4 \12 St., Nederland, TX 77627 . Pat is a ME in the Inspection Engineering Dept. of Gulf Oil.

Roy Mattes, Jr. , of 13374 Talleywood Dr. , Florissant, MO 63033, has accepted a position as assistant engineer at Zurheid¡Herrmann Inc.

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Richard H. Johnson of 225 Avenue B, San Manuel, AZ 85631, has completed a year in Magma Copper Company's training program and accepted an engineering position in the Mill Division. He is now head of metallurgical testing in that division.

Christopher and Ba;bara Jarrett have moved to 4013-4 Spruce Street, Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703. Chris is a project engineer with the Corps of Engineers.

WILLIAM P. OONOV AN William P. Donovan has been named works manager at the American Steel Foundries plant in Granite City, IL. He has a BSME from Cornell, a MBA from Wash U, and a MSMetE from UMR . Mr. Donovan and his wife Laurie and their four sons, Peter, Thomas, David and William, live at 7 Ipswich Ct., Florissant, MO 63033 .


Charlotte and Kul Bhasin live at 1410 Valley Lake, Apt. 303, Schaumburg, IL 60195 . Charlotte is an activity therapist at Brookwood Healthcare Center. Kul ('76) is a senior scientist at Gould. Charlotte and Kul recently had dinner with several friends and co-workers and it turned into a mini-alumni meeting with six of the group MSM-UMR alumni .




DEI AZAR ASHRAFZADEH Azar Ashrafzadeh has joined the Structural Engineering Department with Booker Associates, Inc. , in St. Louis, MO. He will be with the bridge section as a design engineer. Ashrafzadeh's address is, 4612 Towne South Rd., St. Louis, MO 63128. Beeramali and Pouran Shajary have moved to 28th St. , KAJ Ave. , Tehran, Iran. Beeramali is a mining engineer with Magcobar Iran.

Westinghouse Grant Awarded to UMR The electrical engineering power program and the minorit y engineering program at the University of MissouriRolla will benefit equally from a $30,000 grant announced recently by the Westinghouse Educational Foundation. Each program will receive $5,000 annually for three years, starting in 1978. Dr. 1. Derald Morgan, UMR Emerson Electric professor of electrical engineering, says that the power group will use the grant for program development and for the purchase of equipment for the power system laboratory. Dr. Morgan is head of UMR's power group. The grant will help pay the cost of the seven-week summer program for beginning minority students and of freshman scholarships for students in the minority engineering program , according to Floyd Harris, coordinator of UMR's minority engineering program.



MSM-UMR Alumni Association Committees ALUMNI RELATIONS CHAIRMEN: Class Coordinators .. . .. ... .... . . ..... . .... . Bob Bay Homecoming .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . Bruce Tarantola Awards . .. . . . . . . .. . . ...... . . . . . . . ... Hans Schmoldt Alumni-Student·Faculty Conference . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ... ... .. . .. . Bill Flood (Campus: Ted Planje, Chairman , Paul Munger, Glen Haddock) ANNUAL FUND-MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMEN: . .. Ed Werner Century Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sections ..... .... . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . Belding McCurdy Major Employers ..... . . . . . . .. . . . ..... George Tomazi Recipient Research ... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. George Schillinger NOM INA nONS. . . . . . . .... . Bob Klorer, Chairman Rex Alford , Matt Coco, Walt Mulyca, Peter Hansen DEVELOPMENT . . . . .. . .... . . . Jim McGrath , Chairman Art Baebler, Bob Bay, Frank Appleyard

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FINANCIAL AIDS . .. . ... . ....... . Bob Wolf, Chairman Stu Ferrell , Ray Pendergrass, L. Brant Robison, Hardy Pottinger, Je rry Bayless, Tony Homyk , Peter Hansen, Frank Mackaman JACKLING FUND .. . . . ...... . .. AI Buescher, Chairman Bob Klorer , Bob Wolf, Frank Mackaman FINANCES .. .... . . . . . .. . . .... Vern Loesing, Chairman Roy Perry, Matt Coco, John Toomey ATHLETIC STUDIES .. . .. . .. . . Joel Loveridge, Chairman Rod Schaefer, Jerry Berry , Harley Ladd, Jim McGrath , Jim Stephens ALLIANCE LIAISON ... .. .. . .... Art Baebler, Chairman Dick Bauer, Ray Kasten , Pete Mattei, Jim Murph y, Frank Mackaman , Bob Bay, Jim McGrath, Joe Mooney

BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE Fi rst Cla ss Permit N o . 18 , Sec. 349, P.L. & R., Roll a , M o .

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401



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MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Rolla ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401


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ZC4 RC ll A RCLLA MO 6540 1

Homecoming 1978-0ctober 6-7 Reunion Years: 1928 and before, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973 1978 ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND CONTRIBUTION FROM NAME : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SPOUSE 'S NAME : _ __

_ _ __ _ __ __ __

_ _ _ __

_ _ _ __


CLASS _ __



CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STATE _ _



_ _ _ ZIP _ _



_ __

_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _






TITLE _ _ _ _ _ _ __




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ZIP-:-:-_ __

Annual Alumni Fund contributions are tax deductible. Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association , Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla , MO 65401.

1$100.00 I

I $250.00 I

I $500.00 I r-I-,----- -









'$25 .00 "

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THE MSM·UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SUPPORTS : Commencement Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Class Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Projects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants-in-Aid Alumni Records Educational Assistants Student Awards (Gifts Are Tax Deductible)

- Parker Hall , UMR


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