Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1978

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UMR CHANCELLOR Alumnus Unlversify of Missouri-Rolla

Volume 52 Number 4 Some, perhaps many, of our readers know by now that Joseph M. Marchello ha's been named UMR's new Chancellor. They probably also know that Marchello was the Provost for the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences and Engineering at the University of Maryland. But what does this really say about the man and how the announcement has affected this campus? Perhaps if you were here in Rolla and wandered out ¡ to the General Services building of the UMR campus, you would see our skilled carpenters preparing a fence for the Chancellor's Residence. That sight would remind you .that for the past few weeks you have noticed the Building and Grounds trucks come and go around the Chancellor's Residence with the workers trimming the hedges, adjusting an air conditioner below an upstairs window, applying some paint to the steps, unrolling some hose for the late afternoon watering of the spacious lawn, and ... you suddenly realize that UMR is going to have a Chancellor and his family living and entertaining in the Residence. You are also aware that the vague sense of excitement you have had since the official announcement of his appointment has been growing, quietly and steadily.

August 1978 Marchello's previous position also tells us something about the man and his qualifications. The Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Engineering division, of which he was Provost at the University of Maryland's College Park campus, is similar in size and academic atmosphere to UMR. It has approximately 5,000 students and 600 faculty and staff, includes the College of Engineering, the Institute for Physical Science and Technology, the Transportation Studies Center; the departments of computer science, mathematics, physics and astronomy; and the meterology program. Marchello was Provost of this division for the past five years. He is a 1955 graduate of the University of Illinois and received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1959. He taught at Oklahoma State University from 1959-61 before going to the University of Maryland as an assistant professor. He was made a full. professor in 1966, named chairman of the chemical engineering department in 1967 ,and was promoted to Provost of the division in 1973. So, after 17 years at the University of Maryland, Marchello accepted the Chancellorship at UMR, and at 44, he will be the youngest of the University of Missouri's four campus chancellors . .

But come to think of it, there had been an air of mounting anticipation over the past year concerning the selection of a new It was obvious that University of Missouri chancellor. Dr. Jim Pogue was at the helm as President James C. Olson shared UMR's anInterim Chancellor. His alert and genial ticipation and pleasure at the decision when, leadership alleviated the pressure of time so on the morning of June 7, he traveled to the search committee could give full attention Rolla to hold a special meeting with UMR to sort through, review or interview nearly 200 nominees for the job. And there had been the predictable amount of rumors on and off campus followed by what seemed like long periods of silence on the subject. It was clear the committee had taken its task seriously and was proceeding with determination. It was equally apparent that to be chancellor of this University, in this day and age of global ----energy entanglements, of technological advances and dilemmas, the candidate would have to be a special kind of "engineeradministrator." And so he is. Shortly after the announce'ment, we find Marchello introducing himself and his wife as Joe and Louise at the recent MSM-UMR Alumni gathering in Washington D.C., hosted by John and Kelly Toomey. (See the Alumni Section News for the full story.) We also learn that Marchello continues to view his original training and background with respect: he is a registered professional engineer. And we are all pleased to learn that he has already made appointments to visit UMR faculty and staff in their offices including a stop by the Alumni Office in Harris Hall.


Rolla, Missouri faculty and staff in the civil engineering auditorium, the setting for the announcement. "We are fortunate to find someone of Dr. Marchello's background and administrative ability to lead the Rolla campus," Olson said. "He has received high marks among his colleagues at Maryland as an administrator, teacher and professional engineer." Dr. Jim Pogue was in the audience for the announcement and Olson turned to him, saying, "I want to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to Jim Pogue. He has provided leadership for this campus since January 1977, and I can't think of a quality of service that has been greater since I have been associated with the University," The audience quickly came to their feet with a long round of applause for the Interim Chancellor. President Olson and his staff then circulated a list of Dr. Marchello's credentials to the audience: impressive material, to Say the least. His public and professional services have included being chairman of the Maryland Air Quality Control Advisory Council, a member of the Maryland Advisory Commission on Atomic Energy, chairman of the Maryland Power Plant Siting Committee, and senior operator of the University of Maryland nuclear reactor . . Dr. Marchello's professional and honorary society affiliations and assignments include the Air Pollutiori Control Association, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the American Chemical Society, the New York Academy of Science, the American Society of Engineering Education, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and both the National and Maryland Societies of Professional Engineers. He is a native of East Moline, Illinois, and his wife, Louise, is a native of Wilmington, Delaware. She grew up ih Aiken, South Carolina. They have two daughters, Sara Leigh, 14, and Katherine, 12. In July, the Chancellor met with MSMUMR Alumni Association officers and pastpresidents in St. Louis, where he was introduced by University of Missouri President, James C. Olson. In discussion with the group, he shared some of his aspirations and his remarks clearly reflected his enthusiasm for the tasks ahead. When asked about his pending return to his native midwest, he said, "Although the decision was the result of much thought, Louise probably cast the deciding vote, and the entire family looks forward with pleasure to the personal and professional opportunities at the University of Missouri-Rolla and in the Rolla community." MSM Alumnu s/ l


Curators Honor Pogue The following resolution, offered by University President James C. Olson, was approved by the Board of Curators at the June 30 meeting in St. Louis: WHEREAS, Dr. Jim C. Pogue, who has served as Interim Chancellor of the University of Missouri-Rolla since January 1977, now is returning to his position as Provost and Dean of Faculties, and WHEREAS, during his service as Interim Chancellor, Jim Pogue has provided aggressive and enterprising leadership to UMR in a critical period which has been marked by substantial enrollment growth, and WHEREAS, Jim Pogue's administrative skills, warmth of personality and sincere concern for students, faculty, staff and alumni have contributed greatly to maintaining stability and high morale on the UMR campus during this period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Curators and the system administration take this means to convey special recognition and appreciation to Dr. Jim C. Pogue for his service as Interim Chancellor. Be it further resolved that this resolution become a part of the official minutes of this meeting and that a copy be furnished to Dr: Pogue.



Emeritus Status Conferred Throughout the year of 1978, UMR's faculty who were scheduled to receive the title "emeritus," have been honored with dinners and receptions, and with gratitude and good wishes. On May 14, 1978, at UMR's 105th Commencement exercises, the following faculty members officially received their emeritus status.


Class of J928 Expresses Thanks We want to express our apprecia' tion for the fine 50th Class Reun ion that we all enjoyed so much. We couldn't have been enterta ined more grandl y and honored more highly throughout the entire Commencement weekend.

DANIEL S. EPPELSHEIMER 1947¡1978 Professor Emeritus of Metallurgical and Nuclear Engineering RFD I, Rolla, MO 65401

DICKRAN H. ERKILETIAN 1942-1978 Professor Emeritus of Mathematics 8 Summit Drive, Rolla, MO 65401

JOHN P. GOVIER 1957-1978 Professor Emeritus of Petroleum Engineering 645 Salem Ave. , Rolla, MO 65401

All the affairs were planned and conducted so well that our return to Rolla was a memorable occassion. From out 1928 Class of 64 grads, J6 of us made the reunion and wouldn't have missed it, and many of our comforts and pleasures were assured through the good offices of Dr. Jim Pogue, then Interim Chancellor, the kind attentions of Frank Mackaman and his alumni staff and the ever-guiding hands of Gabe and Edith Skitek. Thanks to the entire University for a grand time. Sincerely, The Class of 1928


HARVEY H. GRICE 1964-1978 Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering 8 Laird Ave., Rolla, MO 6540 I 2/ MSM Alumnu s

RA Y E. MORGAN 1948-1978 Professor Emeritus of Geology and Geological Engineering RR 4, Rolla , MO 6540 I

DU DLEY THO MPSO N 1956- 1978 Vice Chancellor Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering 5 McFarland Drive, Rolla, MO 65401

Issued bi-monthl y in the interest of the graduates and fo rmer stude nts of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Universit y of Missouri¡Rolla. Entered as second cla matter October 27, 1926, at Po t Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897 .

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Honors ¡and DeC#ications-Mart;n ,E. Strauman;s Hall




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The building housing the Graduate Center for Materials Research at the University of Missouri-Rolla was dedicated as Martin E: Straumanis Hall in ceremonies Monday , April 17, in Centennial Hall of the University Center East. A reception and tours of the building followed . Dr. Leonard L. Levenson, director of the Graduate Center for Material Research opened the ceremony . Dr. Bruno Jirgensons, University of Texas System Cancer Center, Houston, Tex., spoke on " Persona l Rememberances of Marti n E. Strauma nis." Dr. William 1. James, senior investigator, . materials research a nd professor of chemistry, delivered remarks on " Martin E. Straumanis-Researcher," and Dr. Harry Weart, chairman of the metallurgical and nuclear engineering departmen t, spoke on "Martin E. StraumanisT eacher." A reception followed t.he conduding remarks by Dr. Levenson with tours of the materials research ' facilities in the building. The new name honors Dr. Martin E . Straumanis who was a member of the UM R faculty from 1948 until his death in 1973. Dr. Straumanis received his education at the University of Latvia in Riga . Wh ile carrying ou t electrochemical research he developed a new approach to the study of meta l corrosion problems. After further stud y in G ermany, in 1927, he returned to the Uni versity of Latvia faculty . In 193 1, he 'studied x-ray diffraction in Berlin, then . established an x-ray laboratory in Riga where he and . one of his graduate students, Alfreds levens, developed and perfected what is now called the "Straumanis Asymmetric Method" for x-ray precisfon determination of lattice parameters of solids. During the lafe 1930's he continued his work and published extensively on both electrochemistry and solid state science. He was co-author with Dr. Bruno Jirgensons of a text on "Colloid

Chemistry" which has been revised and has recently been ' printed in several languages. It is still in general use in the field . For the next few years, Latvia was occupied by both Russians and Germans. Straumanis and his family, leaving behind relatives' and all personal belongings, became associated with the Insfitute for Metal Chemistry at the University of Marb1Jrg in G ermany. When the Allies closed the Institute in 1947, Straumanis a nd his fa mily were unable to return to Riga which was then under Russia n con trol. He accepted an offer from UMR Dea n Curtis L. Wilson to come to Rolla and be a reSearch professor of metallurgy. In 1954, Strauma nis, in collaboration with Prof. W.J. James of UM R's chemistry department, initia ted several research programs which continued u ntil his death. Some of UMR's first federal support for research was obtained from the National Science Foundation and the Atomic Energy Commission for their projects. When the Graduate Center for Materials Research was instituted in 1964, Dr. Straumanis was offered the posi tion of research Professor with dual appointments in the center and the department of metallurgical engineering. Du rin g h is ten u re at UMR, Straumanis published more that 300 arficles in professional journals, coauthored three texts, wrote book reports, chapters for texts and encyclopedia, federal and industrial reports on his research and presented numerous papers and seminars. His international reputation as a scientist was enlarged and he won many honors all over the world. In addition, more than 100 graduate students,. scattered all over the world, studied under his direction. Many today are recognized as outstanding teachers, scie!1tists and engineers.

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Eva Straumanis, widow of the late Martin E. Straumanis, and their son Andrys.

BUTLER-CARLTON CIVIL ENG IN EERI NG HALL T he C ivil Engineering Building at the Un iversity of Missouri-Rolla was recently dedicated as Butler-Carl ton Civil Engineering Hall. T he new name ¡honors two former chairmen of the civil engineering department, Professors Joe 8. Butler and Ernest W . "Skip" Carlton. H ere for the dedica tion were members of the Butler and Carlton families. F rom left they are: Paul W. Carlton of Fairfax, VA; Patty Carlton Kingsbury of Kingwood, TX; Elain Carlton Bachman of St. Louis; M rs. E.W. Carlton of Rolla; Betty Jo Butler Snowden , her husband, Russell Snowden and son, David Snowden, all of Louisville, KY. Professors Butler and Carlton were cofounders of the Missouri Societ y of Professional Engineers.

Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall T he C ivil Engineering Building at the Uni versity of M issouri-R o lla was dedicated as the Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall in ceremonies at 2 p.m., Friday, April 14, in the Civil Engineering Auditorium. A reception . and tours of the building followed. The new name honors two former department chairmen, Professor Joe Beaty Butler, w.ho was department chairman from 1931 until his death in 1955, and Professor Ernest Wilson Carlton, chairman from 1955 until his retirement in 1965. Professor Carlton died in 1966. The dedication was part of the activities of the annual meeting of the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers, an organization of outstanding civil engineering alumni which serves as an advisory group to the civil engineering department. The two department chairmen for whom the building is named made many contributions to the profession of engineering . and to their community . . They wq;e .eo:-fOUHQers of the Missouri Society 'ot' ,frot'essional Engineers and . both servt:d as sQlte president. Professor Butler joined the UMR faculty in 1920. A native of Oklahoma, he received B.S. degrees in civil engineeering and education from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,' and the M .S. in civil engineering and professional degree of Civil Engineer at UMR. During his tenure as department chairman, he updated the curriculum to reflect changes taking place in civil engineering and guided the department through the depression; World War II and the upsurge in enrollment after the war.

He was supervisor of the South Missouri County and Highway Planning and Mapping Studies and helped set up the Engineer-Architect Registration Law in M issouri. He was a lso active in national professional organizations, honor societies and civic groups in Rolla. Professor Carlton, affectionately known as "Skipper," was a. native of Colorado. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engin~ring from Colorado State University , Fort Collins. He joined the UMR faculty in 1923 and earned the B.S. in civil engineering and the professional degree of Civil Engineer at UMR. After he became chairman, the UMR civil engineering department became the country's largest . in undergraduate enrollment. Professor Carlton worked to obtain the Civil Engineering Building, which was dedicated in 1960, and to get the Ph.D. degree program in civil engineering. Other contributions to the engineering profession include officer or director in f'Our regional ,a nd nC!tional organizations and membership in many professional and honor societies and associations. He was also active in civic organizations in Rolla and was chairman of Rolla's Planning and Zoning Committee from . the time it was established until his death.

Homecoming 1978 October 6-7 Reunion Years: 1928 and before, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973

MSM Alumnus / 3

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Honors and Dedicafions--

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Aaron Jefferson Miles Memorial Auditorium



UMR Physics Department Opens Harold Q Fuller Reading Rooms A reception was held at the opening of the Harold Q Fuller Reading Rooms Wednesday, May 10, in Room 208 of the Physics Building at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Dr. Harold Q Fuller is dean emeritus of UMR's College of Arts and Sciences and professor emeritus of physics. Funds donated for the purpose last

year by faculty, alumni and friends, at the occasion of Dr.. Fuller's retirement, were used to refurbish two rooms in the Physics Building. One room will be used as a library and reading room and the other as a conference room. The library will make readily available to both students and faculty the most recent publications in the field of physics.

University of Missouri-Rolla faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of the late Dr. Aaron J. Miles attended ceremonies Saturday, May 13, in the auditorium of the Mechanical Engineering Building designating that racility as the "Aaron Jefferson Miles Memorial Auditorium." Dr. Miles, who died in 1977, was chairman of the mechanical engineering department for 23 years and was first dean of UMR's School of Engineering. Principal address at the occasion was delivered by The Reverend Kenneth W. . Davidson, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Rolla. Dr. T. R. Faucett, chairman of the mechanical engineering department, announced details of. the establishment of the Aaron J. Miles Memorial Scholarship Fund. Originally constructed in 1968 as part of the Mechanical Engineering Building addition, the auditorium is the largest lecture hall on campus, seating more than 300 people. Its central location on campus insure's its use by almost every department and organization at UMR for important speakers and special events. The auditorium has recently been refurbished with the addition of new carpeting, acoustical tiles on the wans, and a new, more adequate public address system. Dr. Miles was a native of Caruthersville. He received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 1930 and his M.S. degree in mathematics in 1931 from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (now UMR). He became a member of the faculty here and served as an instructor in, mathematics from 1930 to 1933.


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featurinl Jim C. AARON J. MILES After completing his Doctor of Science degree in engineering mechanics in 1935 at the University of Michigan, he served as professor of physics and mathematics at Shurtleff College and instructor of mathematics at Albion College. He returned to the faculty at MSM (in mechanical engineering) in 1937. In 1942 he \vas named chairman of the department and in 1965 was named dean of the School of Engineering. In 1967 he was awarded the title dean emeritus. Following that and prior to his retirement as professor emeritus in 1972, he was in the development office at UMR. He continued teaching extension classes until he was stricken with a heart a ttack while conducting a course at Fort Leonard Wood. Following a year of illness, he died on Feb. II, 1977 .

Phi Kappa Phi Initiation


Emeritus Professor Honored William 1. Jensen, professor emeritus of physics at UMR, was honored April 19 as a distinguished member of the Phi .Kappa Phi honor society: Only three persons nation-wide are receiving the distinguished member award this year, said Dr. Lon Pearson, secretary-treasurer of UMR's chapter of the Phi Kappa Phi honor society, established to recognize excellence in all areas of academics. Jensen, 8 I, was professor of physics at UMR from 1924 to 1967. He graduated cum laude from Carlton College, Northfield, Minnesota in 1920 and spent four years at the University of lIIinois, where he was a graduate teaching assistant before coming to UMR. At UMR he served as Phi Kappa Phi's permanent campus secretary and was elected secretary for the southcentral province in 1952. He received several teaching grants during World 4/ MSM Alumnus

War II and was coordinator of the campus multi-section physics courses, and also taught courses in electronics, scientific photography and atomic physics. Jensen was honored at Phi Kappa Phi's spring initiation and banquet in Centennial Hall, where candidates for doctorates and masters degrees, seniors and second semester juniors, were inducted into the society. Paul J. Nauert, an electrical engineering major, was named outstanding junior, and Randal L. Jasper was named outstanding freshman. Both have 4.0 grade averages. Dr. James Halligan, dean of engineering at UMR, was named honorary in. itiate of the society and was the main speaker for the evening. He urged those being honored to use their special talent, their superior intellect, for the benefit of all in the face of growing problems in the nation and in the world.

A total of 34 University of MissouriRolla junior, senior and graduate students have been initiated into membership in Phi Kappa Phi, national honor society. Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897. UMR's Phi Kappa Phi chapter, established in 1920, was the organization's 19th chapter. There are now 202 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the country with approximately 100,000 active members. This was the first honor society to recognize superior scholarship i.n all fields of study. Members are selected on the basis of scholarship and character. Only the top 10 per cent of each class is eligible for membership. Honorary initiates this spring are Dr. James E. Halligan, dean of UMR's



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School of Engineering, and Dr. Leonard L. ·Levenson, professor of physics and director of UMR's Graduate Center for Materials Research. The chapter's "O'utstanding Freshman" award was presented to Randal Lee Jasper, son of Mr. and Mrs leRoy Jasper, 7 I3 Hutchins Drive, Crestwood, who is majoring in civil engineering. "Outstanding Junior" honors were awarded Paul J. ' Nauert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nauert, 3944 Oregon, St. Louis, an electrical engjneering major. A special award from the national Phi Kappa Phi organization (one of three nationwide) was presented to William J. Jensen, professor emeritus of physics, Rolla, who was designated "Distinguished Member" of the organization.

HOMECOMING 1978 OCTOBER 6·7 Reunion Years: 1928 and before, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973


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Ellred Memorial Tapestry University of Missouri-Rolla faculty, staff, students, alumni and interested persons attended ceremonies held at the unveiling and dedication of a new tapestry, created as a memorial to the late F_ Stillman Elfred, Class of1917.

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The program began at 9:30 a_m_ Friday, May 12, in the Mark Twain Room of the University Center, where the tapestry will hang permanently. A reception followed the short ceremony featuring remarks by Interim Chancellor Jim C. Pogue, Stillman E_ St Clair · (Elfred's . grandson), Muriel Nezhnie Helfman (artist who created the tapestry) .and Mike Foster, 1977-78 president of the Student Union Board. . The tapestry illustrates major elements in Elfred's life as they· pertain to his career and to this University. Elfred was graduated from the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (now UMR) in 1917 with a B.S. degree in metallurgical engineering. He began his career as an engineer with the Golden Rod Mining and Smelting Corp. of Baxter Springs, KS_ In suc-

Tapestry depicting the stages in the career of F. Stillman Elfi·ed.

ceding' years he worked for Ore Reclamation Co., Evans-Wallower Zinc Co. (elected president in 1933), Western Cartridge Co. and Olin Industries, Inc. He was executive vice president and a director of Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corp. for several years, but retired as an officer of the company in 1958 to become board chairman for Peabody Coal Co. He remained on Olin's board of directors until 1961. Elfred received every honor that his University could bestow upon him. He was ' awarded the professional degree, metallurgical engineer, in 1920, the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa) in 1955, the al umni service award in 1970 and was presented with the silver medallion struck to celebrate the centennial of MSM/UMR. For six years he

was a member of the University Center· development committee and was chairman of the group from 1969 to the·time of his death. He was made an honorary member of the Student Union Board at the time of the building's dedication in 1973. The memorial tapestry was commissioned and made. possible by donations from Karl F. Hasselmann, William M. Akin, Mrs. V.H. McNutt, C.J. Potter, Spencer T. Olin, John M. Olin, c.L. Whittemore, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. St Clair. UMR's coordinating committee for the project includes Dr. Sam Burton, Howard Eloe, Berna Harvey, Jack Koenig and Jess Zink. The artist, Muriel Nezhnie Helfman, received her education at Cooper Union in New York City and studied the craft

of tapestry weaving in the Werkkunstschule at Offenbach am Main in Germany _ At her ' studios in St. Louis she creates tapestries for the interiors of many synagogues and churches throughout the United States as well as public libraries, courts of law, banks, and university buildings. She exhibits her work throughout the midwest and as far afield as Portland, Ore. She also lectures, demonstrates her craft and teaches. Most recently, she has received a National Endowment for the. Arts, Master Craftsman Apprentice grant, which allows her to pass on her skills and knowledge to those who wish to learn and become proficient in the craft In addi.tion to the tapestry, Elfred has been honored by the establishment of the F. Stillman Elfred Memorial Scholarship Fund at UMR.

UMR Annual Gifts Top Million ~ Again . For the second consecutive year, gifts to the University of Missouri-Rolla exceeded a million dollars, reports Howard W. Eloe, director of development. Total for the 1977-78 academic year is $1,113,327, although final accounting may alter the figures slightly.

These gifts are recorc;led by UMR's development offic:;e and come from various classifications of donors in response to efforts directed by alumni and friends on the UMR DevelQpment Council. The response this year is as follows: Alumni, $110,000; business and

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industry , $654 ,586 ; community , $22,180; estates, $100,874, faculty and staff, $36,456; friends, $42,952; foundations, $85 ,021; organizations (includes MSM/UMR Alumni Association), $57,058, and parents, $4,200. The number one priority for campus fund raising continues to be financial aid for students. Gifts totaling '$429,000 were received for scholarships, loans, awards and fellowships. Included in this amount are the minority eng1neeringand women in engineering programs. Private gifts to UMR continue to grow in importance. The goal for 1978-79 has been projected by the Faculty Advisory Committee for Institutional Advancement. Dean Adrian Daane is chairman of this advisory group. After reviewing campus needs, it has recommended a goal of $1 ,200,000 next year to be used in the following


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priority order: Financial aid for students, ' renewal of laboratory equipment, department and faculty enhancement, and library resource acq uisitions. National chairman of the UMR Development Council is Paul T. Dowling, who also serves as chairman of the Council's Corporate/Foundation Program. Other volunteers directing various segments of the Council's development programs are: C. James G rimm , estate planning; Joseph Rosenauer and Vincent Bene, parents; Professors William Andrews and Ralph Schowalter, faculty and staff; Bob Bay, alumni liaison; Russell Perry and Victor Lomax, community.. Alden Hacker is chairman of the Order of the (jolden Shillelagh, the special gifts club of UMR. Membership in the organization now totals 43 with 27 founding and 16 charter members.

UMR GEe Graduates


DuPont Helps Gifts totaling $24,000 were recently presented to the University of MissouriRolla from the E.1. du Pont de Nemours Company. Those present at the presentation ceremony, were: left to right, L.R. N uss, director of career development and placement for UMR; Dr. Jim C. Pogue, UMR's interim chancellor; Dr. Donald W. Lyon, DuPont college relations program representative, and Dr. T. R. Faucett, chairman of the mechanical engineering department at UMR. UMR plans to use the unrestricted gift from DuPont for development programs in chemical and mechancial engineering and for the Minority Engineering Program .

A total of 26 engineers from the St. Louis area received master of science degrees at the 105th annual commencement exercises of the Univeristy of Missouri-Rolla Sunday, May 14, at . UMR's Gale Bullman MUlti-Purpose Building. The majority of these students are full-time employes working in St. Louis industries and governmental agencies. They completed work toward the degree at the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in SI. Louis.

The Graduate Engineering Center is housed on the UMSL campus and provides late afternoon and evening classes at the graduate level. It .is an extension activity of UMR for engineers in the St. . Louis metropolitan area who want to continue their education. UMR's GEC began operations 14 years ago and since that time approximately 900 students have earned their advanced degrees through the center. MSM Alumnus / 5



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Alumnus Assumes Command Major General Wesley E, Peel, '58, assumed command of U.S. Army Training Center Engineer and Fort Leonard Wood in a welcoming ceremony at Gammon Field Thursday, June 15, 1978. He succeded Major General Richard L. Harris who has been named North Central Division Engineer with headquarters in Chicago, Ill. Prior to his cur-


MAJ. GEN. WESLEY E. PEEL !:ommanding General Fort Leonard Wood, M;O

rent assignment, Maj. Gen, Peel was North Pacific Division Engineer headquartered in Portland, OR . The new commander is no stranger to Fort Leonard Wood and Missiouri , As a captain he served as commander of the 548th Engineer Company ' at Fort Leonard Wood from January to May 1956, From May 1956 to February 1958 he was a student at the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR), then the Missouri School of Mines, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering. He also served ' in Missiouri from Decemb~r 1967 to August 1968 as Deputy District Engineer in St. Louis. I Prior to receiving his degree in civil engineering at UMR, Maj. Gen. Peel . had been graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor's degree in education. He is also a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and Staff College, the Army War College and the Army Engineering School. Maj . Gen. Peel was born in Bonham, Tex., on Dec. 17, 1924, and was married to Earline Sillix on Nov. 16, 1946 in Bryan, Tex. They have a, son, Robert, and one daughter, Linda. His address will be HDQ, No. 40 I, Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 654.73.

Jim Scott: Professor/Inventor Jim Scott, UMR professor in mining, has had more than a theoretical interest in the safety of mine roofs and ways to improve their support. With the invention and patent of his Split-Set friction rock stabilizer, the combination of his academic and direct experience background have resulted in positive, physical improvements for the mining industry. After receiving a B.S. de~ee in rpining from UMR in 1950, Jim . began a varied career that saw him hold positions such as mine foreman for Bethlehem Steel Co., general manager of marble quarries, assistant director of the U .S. Bureau of Mines in Washington D.C., with time out to complete a M.s. degree from UMR and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Since 1963, when not on leave for private consultation, he has been professot of mining at UMR.

JIM 6/ MSM Alumnus


A few years ago, ji~ was recovering from an illness, and with the long hours spent in recupenition his -: thoughts returned to the problems o( the safety of mines: the heavy shafts of metal driven into the walls of rock only to become loose with the passage of time, concerned him. He believed there should be a system of support that would settle into the rock tightly as time went on, instead of working loose. Finally, h!! had an answer: a metal cylinder that would not quite meet at the sides, that would be compacted as it was forced into a shaft, and wO!lld open out to fit tightly against the inside of the , shaft after it was in place. In 1975, the idea was patented and soon Ingersoll-Rand acquired the license to manufacture and distribute the device, resulting in 20 per cent of the roof fixtures in metal and non-metal mines in this country using Scott's friction rock stabilizers. In Missouri some of the lead mines make use of the device and nearly all the uranium mines in the United States are using the Split-Set, as well as the deep mines in Idaho. Along with the added safety, th~ stabilizers have several advantages over older methods. Their performance is equal or better than resin systems; they are less costly; labor and installation time is less; their support can be customized to roof geology; their support will continue after roof movement, and their anchorage increases with time. It also offers the rock mechanics engineer an opportunity to design in ways not possible before. To date, Ingersoll-Rand has 2.2 million of the stabilizers and projects that by the year 1985 there will be about 25 million units used per year. Already the company is beginning to market them in South Africa, Canada, Australia and Europe.


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Eng 1n . (Left-Right) Dr. Farouk El-Baz, '61, and Anwar Sadat


EI-Baz Responsibilities International

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Dr. ,Farouk EI-Baz, '61, will provide advice on scientific matters to Anwar Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

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The Government of Egypt had made the request to the Government of the United States through the American Ambassador in Cairo. III the letter acceding to the request, the Smithsonian Institytion stated that providing such advice on scientific matters "would be entirely consistent with Dr. El-Baz's function at the Smithsonian to foster the 'increase and diffusion of knowledge among men'. Moreover, the Smithsonian would be ~ happy ' to :facilitate this' work of Dr. El-Baz by providing liason with the scientific community, sho!lld it be deemed appropriate."

EI-Baz will be performing this duty in addition to his responsibilities as Research Director of the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the National Air and Space Museum. He expects to be asked to advise President Sadat in matters related to the mapping and exploration of Egypt's deserts. As a geologist, EI-Baz's research has been affiliated with the American space program since 1967. He participated in the selection of landing sites for the Apollo lunar landings and was responsi" ble for the training of the astronauts in geological observations and orbital ' photography. He joined the Smithsonian in January 1973 and'since 'tHen' h~" been conducting research on the Moon and Mars as well as the applications of ' space technology to the study of world deserts.

UMRNCJmes Outsf~ndin9

Teachers Twenty University of Missouri-Rolla faculty members have been selected as outstanding teachers for 1977-78 by vote of students a~d faculty.


Dr. Wayne C. Cogell, associate professor of philosophy, has been appointed assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of MissouriRolla. The appointment is halftime, with ' Dr. Cogell retaining halftime ac¡ tivities in the philosophy section of the humanities department. According'to Dr. Adrian Daane, dean of the college, the assistant deanship is a staff position and deals with monitoring student academic progress in the arts and sciences curricula, the direction of summer session activities in the college and sitting in for and assisting the dean when appropriate.

The outstanding teachers are: Professors Richard L. Ash, mining engineering; Robert L. Davis, engineering mechanics; James E, Halligan, chemical engineering and dean of the School of Engineering; Efton L. Park, chemical engineering; Charles A. Sorrell, ceramic engineering. Associate Professors Jq W. Barr, history; Arlan R. DeKock, computer science; D. Ronald Fannin, electrical engineering; August 1. Garver, '64, mathematics; Leonard F. Koederitz, '68, -petroleum engineering; Bruce E. Poling, chemical engineering; Jack B. Ridley, history; Lance Williams, history. Assistant Professors: C. Brian Harvey, psychology; Norman Smith, '76, mining engineering; David B. Oglesby, engineering mechanics ; William Desvousges, economics. Graduate instructor Melvin G. Schaefer, '75, civil engineering, and graduate teaching assistants William A. Barrow, civil engineering, and Don H. Rountree, mathematics.



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UM Curators Sell Property The University of Missouri system Board of Curators has agreed to sell most of its Weldon Spring property in St. Charles County to the Missouri Department of Conservation. The conservation departement will pay S12,400,OO for 7,230 acres, in two equal installments: the first payment at the time legislation is approved authorizing the sale, the second within a year following the first payment. The University will keep about 700 acres on the east side of the tract, adjoin·

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An engineering management team from the University of Missouri-Rolla is one of two regional winners of the u.s. Small Business Administration's (SBA) "Small Business Institute Team of the Year" competition. The two students making up the Rolla team are Walter L. Barton of St. James and Ken Vaughn of Belleville, Ill. Barton is a 1977 UMR graduate and Vaughn is a 1978 graduate in engineering management at UMR. The' winners were one of several teams in an engineering management class at UMR entitled "Small Business Institute Laboratory." Dr. Ray Cuthbertson, professor of engineering management, is in charge of this laboratory class. Dr. Henry A. Wiebe, associate professor of engineering management, was faculty counselor for the Barton-Vaughn team. Within Dr. Cuthbertson's class each student-faculty team works with a small business in Missouri to solve a particular problem defined by the comapny. A summary of the work done, with recommendations for a solution, is presented to the company in the form of a report. It was a copy of the report by Barton, Vaughn and Wiebe that was submitted in the contest. Announcement of the winners in this contest was made by Conrad E. Lawlor, director of the SBA's Region VII which includes Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. In making the award Lawlor praised the UMR entry, saying "This case was effective not only in its objectives, but sets a potential system that could be used by others in reducing energy use and costs. The case selected is an excellent example of work done.by a student team." The UMR team of Barton, Vaughn and Wiebe worked on a case involving energy cost reductions for Hemco, Inc. in Hermann. Dr. Cuthbertson added that small business in Missouri may contact the engineering management department at UMR or go through the SBA when seeking assistance. "We cover a wide range of business problems," he said, "from marketing to preventive maintenance. The program is really a balance of engineering and business." In a letter to the head of the depart· ment of engineering management, Dr. Bernie Sarchet, F.J. Roussel of the U.S. Small Business Administraton said regarding the awards: "The UMR SBI program has always been the best in the district and we are happy to see this outstanding performance being recognized on a regional basis."

ing Highway 40. The 700 acres are being retained for future uses by the University as a possible location for some educational programs or an addi· tional campus site to serve the rapidly growing St-. Louis metropolitan area. The sale must be approved by the General Assembly and governor under a 1977 law requiring such approval for sales of 2,500 acres or more of University land. The sale also is contingent upon the University being able to resOlve the annexation of 3,000 acres of the tract by the community of Weldon Spring Heights. The annexation was approved by the St. Charles Administrative Court on June 22. There are several areas of give and take on the property being sold-the University may continue for up to five years agronomy experiments on about 40 acres of what would be Conservation Department land. The University would also be able to use Department land for other educational purposes, including archaeological work, with permission from the Conservation Department.

Rex ·Z. Williams, Board of Curators president, expressed pleasure over the agreement. "I believe the compromise reached will benefit all Missourians, since both the University and the Conservation Department would be able to upgrade their programs of service to the public," Williams said. UM President James C. Olson said the sale will allow the University to strengthen its academic programs.


"Investment earnings from the S12.4 million would be of substantial help in permitting the University to improve the quality of its teaching and research, which are so vital to the progress and well-being of Missouri," Olsqn said. Weldon Spring fills a gap between the Conservation Department's 7,000-acre August A. Busch Memorial Wildlife Area and its" recently purchased 2,500·acre Howell Island site that gives Missourians essentially a contiguous 17,000 acres within 35 miles of downtown St. Louis. Highway 94 separates the Busch and Weldon Spring sites and the channel of

the Missouri River separates Weldon Spring and Howell Island. "We're delighted," said Larry Gale, director-designate of the Conservation Department. "The addition of more than 7,000 outdoor use acres that close to a major metropolitan area is almost impossible anywhere in the country and we're fortunate this land was available." Studies have shown that "open space" is one of the St. Louis area's most pressing needs. Much of Weldon Spring can be managed as the Busch Area, which is primarily upland site, but Weldon Spring also has steep bluffs, dense forest and river bottom lands fronting on the Missouri River. "We think that the Weldon Spring acquisition is the most mwortant step so far in our Design for Conservation program," Gale said. "It fits so many of the ideas that we proposed in the Design, everything from an urban forest to a waterfowl area." The Design is being financed by the one-eighth cent sales tax passed by voters in 1976. In the first year of the tax, the Department has bought more than 30,000 acres, located all over Missouri.


Coors Experimental Equipment Gift The University of Missouri System Board of Curators (June 30) accepted a donation by the Adolph Coors Co., Golden, Colo., of experimental equipment valued at S500,000 to expand the wood energy research program at the Rolla campus. The equipment will be moved from its Colorado location and is schedueld to be operational by October. It will be used for research feasibility studies of various systems of converting some of Missouri's 1.8 million pounds of wood residue into low grade oil and gas. UMR engineers say the process is virtually polution free. The project is co-directed by UMR faculty members: Dr. Virgil Flanigan, professor of mechanical engineering; Dr .. Yildirim Omurtag, associate professor of engineering management and Dr. James

E. Halligan, dean of the School of Engineering. Both graduate and undergraduate students will be involved in the studies planned. The St. Louis engineering consultants firm, Sverdrup and Parcel, is providing assistance with the development of research systems. This equipment has a capacity of processing several tons of wood residue a day. It constitutes the largest experimental processing method of its kind in the country, according to Dr. Halligan. "Wood is not going to be the answer to this Country's energy needs, because there just isn't enough of it," Dr. Halligan says. "But this research could show us how to convert something that was not formerly used into energy on an economically sound basis." Coors, producer of Coors beer, has been known for its ecological advocacy.

It has been operating the equipment to conduct tests on the feasibility of using the wood energy conversion method to provide industrial energy needs on a small scale. . Halligan points out that there are 1,200 wood industries in Missouri. Most of them are too small to operate current wood processing methods independentIy. Collectively, however, these businesses form a' major industry which generates vast amounts of wood residues. Annual production of wood residues in the Eastern Ozarks 'Region is valued at more than SI8 million. The University's initial investment in the project will be approximately S70,000. Additional funding for the project is being sought from the U.S. Department of Energy.

SAEHonors UMR Professors Dr. Ronald H. Howell, professor of mechanical engineering, and Dr. Dwight C. Look, Jr., associate professor of mechanical engineering, were recently honored by the Society of Automotive Engineers as recipients of the 1978 Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award Program "in recognition of significant contributions to teaching, research, and student development during 1978."

Dr. Ronald H. Howell (left) and Dr. D.C. Look display awards presented to them as Teetor Award recipients by the National Society of Automotive Engineers. The plaques were awarded at the May meeting of the St. Louis Section.

Ralph R. Teetor, an SAE member for more than 50 years and President of the Society in 1936, established the Educa· tional Fund that bears his name in 1964. Those selected for the award are the guests of SAE for three and a half days during the SAE Automotive Engineering Congress and Exposition in Detroit. MSM Alumnus /7

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Jackling Summer Institute The Fifth Annual Jackling Institute was held from July 9-14 and July 16-21, with 59 high school · students participating. The students, most of whom will be high school seniors this fall, were selected from 120 applicants from the state of Missouri. The purpose of the Institute is to familiarize students with the mineral industries with three days devoted to presentations by faculty and students of the six disciplines. Inters.persed in the studies was a trip to the Brushy Creek Mine and a float trip on the Current River. Charles A. Sorrell, UMR pmfessor of ceramic engineering, said of this year's Institute: "The student participants were generally very interested, in~ quisitive, and appreciative. Their comments indicated that they learned a great deal about the School of Mines and Metallurgy. They were glad to learn of career opportunities in the minerals areas, and they are seriously considering these as career choices."

The Miner Band performed on Canal Street in the Krewe of the CarroIton Parade during Mardi Gras 1978 in New Orleans, LA. At present, there are 240 members in the various UMR Miner Bands.

Homecoming Alumni Band

Ron Meek from Black and Veatch during ETA Kappa N u's 1977 Career Day.

Extra Homecoming Attraction Eta Kappa Nu is planning a career day in conjunction with the 1978 MSMUMR Homecoming celebration . On Friday afternoon, October 6, employment and/or technical representatives with equipment displays will be

set up to talk to ttie 800 electrical engineering students at UMR. Persons interested in participating should contact: John McVay, vicepresident, EKN , Electrical Engineering Department, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Make Your Reservations For Homecoming 1978 ROLLA Area Code 314 Coach House Inn, Martin Springs Dr ..... : ........ __. _.. ... _.. .. . 341-3130 Coachlight " Best Western" Inn, Martin Springs Dr .......... . . . ... . 341·2511 Holiday Inn, Martin Springs Dr............. . ..... . . . ....... .... 364·5200 Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 1·44 & Bus. 1-44 ... . .. . . . ... ...... . . 364·7111 Interstate Motel, Martin Springs Dr.. . ..... ... ......... .. ........ 341-2158 Little Piney Motor Lodge, Hwy. 63 N ................... . ..... : . .. 364-2161 Manor Inn, Hwy. 1-44 & 63 . .... _...... . ... ... . . ...... .... ...... 364-1575 Nod·A·Way Motel, Hwy. 63 N .......... .. ... . . . . . ...... .... .... 364-7445 Norman Dee Inn Motel, Bus. 1-44 West. .. . . . ............... . . . ... 364-4156 Plaza Motel, Hwy. 63 N .... . ....... .... ....................... . 341-2555 RoUa Rancho Motel, Martin Springs Dr.... . ... . .. . ....... .. ...... 364-4509 Rustic Motel, Hwy. 63 S .. . .. .. ......... .... ..... . ..... . ....... 364-6943 Town House, Bus. 1-44 West ..... . .... ... ...... . .... . ...... .. .. 341-3700 Wayfarer Inn, Martin Springs Dr...... .. ............ ... ..... .. . . 364-5454 Zeno's Motel, Martin Springs, Dr....... . . ... ...... . ............. 364-1301 ST. JAMES Finn's Motel, SW Corner of 66 & 68 ........ .. ..... . ...... . .... . . 265-7200 Forest City Motor Lodge, 1-44 & 68 ...... ... ................ .. ... 265-3256 8/ MSM Alumnus

UMR alumni interested in perform· ing in an alumni band at Homecoming (Oct. 6-7, 1978), should send their name, address, instrument, and whether they will need an instrument provided, to David Oakley, Band Director, G-lO Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401. This information should be received no later than September 15. Dave says if enough interest can ' be "drummed" up, the alumni band will perform during ceremonies at the football game, October 6.

Bullman Honoree John Moles, UMR senior and fouryear letterman, received the 12th annual Gale Bullman Athlete of. the Year Award· at the letterman club's all-sport banquet. With Moles is Gale Bullman, wife of the late MSM-UMR coach and ,!!hletic director for 'whom the award is named.

ETA Kappa NuWins National Award The Gamma Theta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu has been selected the national outstanding chapter for 76-77 . The Gamma Theta chapter actively par· ticipated in campus and local activities. Among some of these activities are: selling of EE laboratory insurance; an EE 271 Hot Line; EE 61 & EE 63 Hot Line; EE 271 Study Guide; Parent's Day Tour Guides; University Day Tour Guides; Thought Twisters; Confucius Says; EE T-Shirts; EE Faculty and GT A Picture Directory; EE Department Pic· nic; Campus Roundup; Rolla Junior Miss Pageant Wiring Project; Electrical Wiring for Needy Rolla Family; Wood· cutting for Poor Phelps County families; Candy Donation for Boy's Town; Area of Interest Survey; Outstanding EE Senior Award; Advisor of the Year; Boy Scout Merit Badge Instruction; Science Fair Award; Wizard of Id Award; Gamma Theta Chapter 25th Anniversary Award Celebration; Student Industry Relations Panel Discussion Program, Eta Kappa Nu Industry Show; 25th An· niversary Banquet; Discussion of Past Activities; Chapter BBQ and Winery Tours. This has been a truly active year in the life of Eta Kappa Nu.



Science Fair Winner For an unprecedented third consecutive year, Mark Dixon, senior from Hartville, wins the First Grand Prize at the 22nd annual South Central Missouri Science and Engineering Fair held at the University of Missouri-Rolla, April 14-15 .

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A reception was held from 3 to 4 p.m. Monday, July 24, in the Miner Lounge of the UMR campus in honor of Ken Asher who will retire September I, 1978. For the past ten years, Asher has held the combined positions of assistant to -the UMR chancellor and associate direc· tor of development, the latter an assignment he has had since February, 1977. Since 1968, he has been the liason for and administrator of all official public, professional and social functions for the chancellor's office. Asher has been a Rolla resident since he 'was two years old and is married to the former Erma Jones, a life-long Rolla resident. An avid golf enthusiast, Asher not only plays the game but makes and repairs golf clubs, a pursuit that will keep him busy after retirement.

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Atchley Elected To ASEE Council Dr. Bill Atchley, Dean of the College of Engineering at West Virginia University, has recently been elected chairman of the National Relation with Industry Council, an organization within the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). The purpose of the council is to enhance the coordination and rapport between the academic community and industry. Dr. Atchley has served on the Na· tional Relation with Industry Council for four years prior to his chairmanship for the year 1978·79. As a chairman, Dr. Atchley is also entitled to serve on the board of the ASEE. Dr. Atchley is a past resident of Rolla. At the University of Missouri-Rolla, Dr. Atchley was a professor of engineering mechanics (1966-75) and Associate Dean of the School of Engineering (1970-75). Atchley is a director for the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.


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Weekend Management Course A three-hour graduate course in engineering management will be taught weekends at the University of MissouriRolla this fall. Engineering Management 361 (Pro· ject and Systems Management) will meet on campus for three class sessions on each of five weekends beginning Friday, Sept. 8. Class sessions are scheduled fot 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Fridays, 8:30 to 11 a.m . and 2 to 4 p.m. Saturdays. The three-hour break Saturday allows time for lunch and use of the library. Weekend sessions are Sept. 8-9 and 22-23, Oct. 6-7 and 27·28, and Nov. 17-18. The course will discuss the common threads in managing technical activities, whether in project work of R&D. Topics include project selection, tools for planning . technical activities, organization designs for R ~ 0 and project management, motivation and leading of technical people, and the operation and control of technical ac· tivity.



Ken Asher's daughters, left to right, Sue Killian, St. Louis; Jan Calvert, Perryville, MD; Mary Bahr, Rolla; and wife, Erma :

NOTICE Election of directors and officers of the MSM·UMR Alumni Association will be conducted by mail ballot. Donors to the 1978 Annual Alumni Fund are eligible to vote. You may use the gift envelope provided to forward your gift to the Fund.

an extension activity of UMR's engineering management department. This is the second such weekend course conducted af Rolla. The first (Engineering Management 314) was of· fered last spring, also by Dr. Babcock. Most of the 14 students taking the

course were mid-career engineers. They came from a 100;mile radius. The more distant (Jefferson City, Viburnum, West ' Plains) stayed overnight in motel or dormitory rooms. The class unanimously endorsed the weekend format and asked for more such courses. One student reported, "I had strong initial reservations about attending a weekend class, but I won't miss any if they are offered again." Another reported, "Weekend classes are easier to schedule, avoiding many business conflicts." Graduate credit will be granted students accepted in the Engineering Managment M.S. degree program at UMR . Others with baccalaureate degrees will receive post-baccalaureate credit at UMR. Fee for the course is $38 ,50 per credit hour, plus cost of text materials (available on the \first night of class) . Housing is not included. For further information or to register for the course, contact Frank F. Haston, UMR Extension Divison, Rolla, MO 65401 (Phone 314/341-4204).

- Course instructor is Dr. Daniel L. Babcock, professor of , engineering management. Dr. Babcock has taught this course, both on campus and as an evening graduate course, in several Missouri locations. His instruction is based both on theory and on his experience in 17 years of engineering and management practice before he joined the UMR faculty in 1970. The course is

UMRGrad MSPEWinner William E .. Anderson of Rolla, MO was presented with the MSPE's Young Engineer of the Year award during the state society's 42nd Annual Awards Banquet, July 19, at Stouffer's Riverfront Towers in St. Louis. Anderson, a 1967 civil engineering graduate, (M.S. in 1970), is owner of Anderson & Associates, Ozark Environmental Laboratories, in Rolla. Nine of MSPE's twelve chapters had submitted candidates for the award, and all but two were UMR alumni. As a result of this award, Anderson will now be considered in the national competi· tion . In other business, Dr. James Halligan, dean of engineering at UMR, accepted a plaque on behalf of the university from the National Society of Professional Engineers in recognition of UMR graduate, James Beavers, the 1978 NSPE Young Engineer of the Year.

The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to the alumni our belt buckle pictured above. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable the SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects, and our outing each semester. We wan't to thank all .o f our recent patrons for their patience after placing their orders. Our supplier of two years underwent a change of ownership, and a delay of several months was involved in getting a new supply. All back orders have been ma ~ed, and we are ready to handle new orders. ' Orders and checks for five dollars ' made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to Steve Mescher, SME, 125 Mining Bldg.-UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401. Please ship buckles at $5 .00 each to the address below. Enclosed find a check for $, _ __ Name,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __

MSM Alumnus / 9

Section News--------Greater D.C. Has Special Guests Jack O'Neal, '37; Jeff & Kitty Crum, On Sunday, June 25, 1978, alumni '29; Bob & Colette Van Nostrand, '42; and guests of the Greater Washington, Harold S~ott, '68; Ed Gamache, '70; Mr. D.C. area met at the home of John and & Mrs. Carl Cotterill, '40; Jean & Kelly Toomey in Alexandria, Virginia. Wayne Heston, '59; Patricia & Cary Chancellor-designate, Dr. Joseph MarChen, '62; Jack & Joanie Guth, '50; chello and Mrs. Marchello were special Pete & Bobbie Bermel, '48; Steve S<- Linguests. Association president, Dick da Jungers, '66; Harry & Sue Smith, '42; . Bauer and Shirley and executive viceGeorge & Laura Perryman, '47; Richard president Frank Mackaman and Nancy J. Powell, '71 ; Joe Kolasch, '55; Sam also attended. Both St. Louis and Sands, '50; Mike & Mary Bruns, '62; Milwaukee brews were available for the Jim & Karen Van Buern, '62; Louise & thirsty, plus other items of choice. The Joe Marchello, John & Kelly Toomey, hot dogs were grilled by the hostess '49; Dick & Shirley Bauer, '52; Nancy & while buckets of a Kentucky product Frank Mackaman, Wayne Hopkins, '67; plus fixings satisfied the hungry. All preRobert C. Wa,ters, Robert & Dixie sent were delighted to meet the MarChoate, '50; Jim & Lisa Wood, '76; chellos and hear the remarks of . the Hazel & Ed Pohlmann, '39; Charlie & Chancellor. Sal McGrady, '67; Steve & Sandy Some of those in attendance had their Reading, '68; Chuck & Polly Jennings, first experience with the traditional '30; Max L. Mattione, '79; Terry B. Bollform of Miner democracy which inger, '77; Armin J. Tucker, '40; Norresulted in the election of Bill Kreigh; man P. Tucker, '40; Barbara & W. K. '58, as president of the Section. The Kreigh, '58; Jim Godar, '76; Trisch short program was followed by an impromptu swimming party by several en- , Sowinski, Paul & Cathie DeGonia, '63; Sammy & Lucien Bolon, '59: Ken & thusiasts. Classes represented ranged Barbara Arnold, '71; Dick Paul, '66; over fifty years, from 1929 to 1979. Duke & Trudy Maday, '52; Earl E. & On the sign-up sheet were the followOlga Biermann, '43 ; Melvin C. & Laura ing names: Hudson, '5 8. Mary & Dave Hillhouse, '50; Sonia &

(L-R) John Toomey, Kelly Toomey, Nancy Mackaman, Shirley Bauer, Dick Bauer

lO / MSM Alumnus

Sf. Louis

On Saturday, July 15 , 1978 the St. Louis Section of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association hosted a cocktail party in the lobby of the Old Post Office in downtown St. Louis followed by an evening in Busch stadium at the Cardinal-Dodger ballgame_ The even~ was organized by Chuck Toedtman, president and Howard Stine, secretary_ The site for the party was unique, with the bar set up in front of the Money Order window_ The Old Post Office is slated for extensive renovation by private interests and should be a positive addition to downtown St. Louis_ The Cardinals lost. According to the seating chart, to be present were: Walter Sauer; Lydia Sauer; William Eggemeyer; Jean Eg- ' gemeyer; Steve Tattitch; Jennfe Habant; Bob Tattitch; Casy, Richard Roemerman; Mary Ann Roemerman; Bill Dennis; Jean Dennis; Jerry Johnson; Mary Johnson; Fred Schneeberger; Marion Schneeberger; Fred Schneeberger, Jr.; Kathy Schneeberger; Phillip Tafra; Debra Tafra; George Overall; Hellen Overall; Howard Stine; Jeri Herhold; Roy Van Hee; Bobbie Van Hee; Richard Garrett; Judy Garrett; Jack Bertlesmeyer; Caroline Bertlesmeyer; Walter Geil; Mary Geil; Gary Smith;

Judy Smith; Tarry Tolliver; Valerie Tolliver; Dennis Scholl; Charlotte Scholl; Ken Schilling; Phyllis Schilling; Tom Weiner; Mrs. Weiner; Curt Hertel; Andy Hertel; Mike Potter; Jackie Potter; Susan Hadley; Bob Toth; Diana Toth ; Alden Williams ; Norman Williams; Lois; Shirley; Chuck Toedtman; Joanne; Lenny Kirberg; Mary Kirberg; Matt Coco; Kathy Coco; Derald Morgan; Anthony Penico; Eva Penico; Tom Kolze; Linda Kolze; Greg Copeland; Alyis Wade; Ken Lee; Lorraine Lee; Brian Lee; Adrian Daane; Jean Daane; Bernie Sarchet; Le Sarchet; Paul Ponder; Bill Merten; Dave Shelton; Gery Welty; another Welty; Don Steelman; John Smith; David Crain; Frank DeLurgio; Virginia DeLurgio; Chuck DeLurgio; Mike DeLurgio; Richard Bauer; Shirley Bauer; Joe Mooney; Margaret Mooney; Ed Murphy; Joy Murphy; Barbara Petrovic; Bill Petrovic; Marty Petrovic; a doll; Ken Asher; Erma Asher; Jim Halligan; Ann Halligan; Pat Halligan; Chris Halligan; Frank Mackaman; Nancy Mackaman; Rich Kastel; Karen Kastel and others. The writer would admit that some of the above, known to him by sight, were in disguise or not present.


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.i (L-R) Shirley Bauer, Margaret Mooney, Kathy Coco

Derald Morgan & Friends

(L-R) Bill Dennis & Dick Roemerman

(L-R) Jeri Herhold, Howard Stine, Ken Asher

(L-R) Jean Dennis, Barb Petrovic, Joe Mooney and Pretzels

(L-R) Curt Hertel, Rich Kastel, Karen Kastel

(L-R) Joy Murphy, Matt Coco, Ed Murphy MSM Alumnus / ll


Pacific Northwest The Kirkland-Bellevue Elks Club was the scene, February 18 was the date, and the annual dinner reunion was the catalyst for a Pacific Northwest Alumni Section meeting. Graduates spanning sixty-seven years came from throughout western Washington to reminisce about MSM, UMR, Rolla and "the good old days". (Seems to be a relationship between years since graduation, hour of the Bill & Mary Brunjes evening, and tallness of tales about that academic environment!!!) Following a scrumptious Northwest dinner, the annual election of officers was held, complete with the customary denials of eligibility by the nominees. After the last recount still showed only one negative vote for each unopposed candidate, Art Krause was declared president, Gerry Hammond vicepresident, and Pete Maisch secretarytreasurer. Chuck Hollenbeck presided over the meeting and presented a gift of a UMR belt buckle to Jack Harlan in recognition of his continued active support of the AlUmni Association and the Pacific Northwest Section. Dancing and socializing followed well (L-R) Sandy Hollenbeck, Harriet Spanel, Rosey Hoffmann, into the evening at the club with each Chuck Hollenbeck, Pat Duvall one pledging to continue the festivities at the coming summer picnic. Present were: Jack Harlan '10 and daughter and grandson; Jim '26 and Alta Crawford; Gerry '50 and Kathleen Hammond; Art '50 and Ella Krause; Gene '54 and Vera Ellis; Bill '59 and Mary Brunjes; Les ' 59 and Harriet Spanel; Vic '60 and Rosey Hoffmann; Chuck '61 and Sandy Hollenbeck; Pat Duvall '62; Pete '62 and Marilyn Maisch; Steve '68 and Susan Wright; Rick '70 and Sandi Astolfi; Ken '70 and Sandi & Rick Astolfi Angie Mirly and sister; Bob Yerbury '77; Dick and Betty Fallon (guests).

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(L-R) Vic Hoffmann & Jim Crawford







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(L-R) Alta Crawford, Ken Mirly, Rick & Sandy Astolfi

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(L-R) Mary Brunjes, Jack Harlan & Carra McCleary

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See Meeting Schedule on Page 14



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The 1978 spring meeting of the Ark· La-Tex Section of the MSM·UMR Alumni Association was held May 6th at the new Ramada Inn in Marshall, . Texas. President Gerald Roberts called the meeting to order and appointed Messers. John Moscari and Basil Compton to a· nominating committee to propose a new slate of officers at the next meeting. Messers. Compton and Mulyca gave a report on possible sites for future meetings. After hearing tQis report, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Mays immediately of· fered to host the summer meeting at their house. The offer was unanimously accepted, so the August 5th meeting will be held at 207 Horseshoe, Kilgore, Texas 75662. It was suggested that Secretary·Treasurer Basil Compton in·

vite Frank and Nancy Mackaman and Dick and Shirley Bauer to the meeting. Walt Mulyca gave a report on the April National Alumni Board of Direc· tors meeting and showed the two Alcoa films: "We Can't Wait for Tomorrow" and "Challenge of the Imagination".

The following members were present: Mr. and Mrs. T. English; Mr. and Mrs. S. Compton; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mays, Mr. and Mrs. G. Roberts; Mr. and Mrs. W. Mulyca; Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford; Mr. and Mrs. J. Moscari; Mr. and Mrs. D. Flesh; Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson, and Mr. K. Crider.

(L-R) Foreground: Tom English & Basil Compton

Edith Fort Smith Refires No one has worked on the MSM· UMR campus as long as Edith Fort Smith, unless perhaps it would be someone on thdaculty. To be exact, for 40 years Mrs. Smith has called Parker Hall her second home. But that's not counting the time she spent there as a child. "It was always a thrill to walk through these marble halls and cool your bare feet. I never thought I'd _be walking these halls for 40 years with my shoes on," she said. Mrs. Smith was honored for those 40 years with a retirement reception in St. Pat's Ballroom at the UMR University Ce~ter, April 28. . She came to UMR, then the Missouri School of Mines, in 1938, when W.R. Chedsey was director of the school and when the business offire-decided to ex· pand its staff from three employees to four. Now it has. about 35. Mrs. Smith has worked at UMR during perhaps its greatest expansion period. She has seen a director, a dean, two chancellors and two interim chancellors run the campus. She was ad· ministrative secretary to Dean Curtis Wilson and Chancellor Merle Baker. Her husband, Hueston Smith, is an engineer in St. Louis and past President of the Missouri · Association of Con· suiting Engineers. Her brother, George Fort, is a con· suiting engineer in Oklahoma City. Mrs. Smith will not disappear after her retirement. "Oh no, no, I'll always be interested in the campus and the peo· pie here, because, as I said, this is a se· cond home to me." In fact, she might even be pressed into service to help in the business office if necessary, she said.

(L·R) Leona Roberts & Evelyn Ford

Evelyn Ford & Kelly Mulyca (baby) .

Ragan Ford & Tracee Gardner

Loretta & John Mascari

The four Mulyca girls, Tracee, Jessica, Amy and Kelly, helped enter· tain the Fords and Thompsons at breakfast the next morning.

(L-R) Gerald Roberts & Dave Flesh

Foundry Educational

Foundation Awards At a luncheon in March for Universi· ·ty .of Missouri·Rolla metallurgical engineering students, faculty and industrial representatives of the Foundry Educational Foundation, Gregory A. Carroll was presented the Roger Hageboeck Memorial Award designating Carroll as an outstanding student in the metals casting program. _ Carroll is a Spring '78 graduate in metallurgical engineering and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carroll, 2515 Hawthorn, Independence. He will be employed by Kast Metal, Inc ., Shreveport, LA. At the luncheon, announcement was also made of the establishment of the Jack H. Thompson Memorial Scholar· ship at UMR . This $1 ,000 annual scholarship will first be awarded to UMR's most outstanding foundry stu· dent in the 1978·79 academic year. An endowment fund for that purpose has been .established with the Foundry Educational Foundation from contribu· tions of friends of Thompson. Thompson, a 1952 UMR graduate, lost his life in an aircraft accident along with the rest of his family which includ· ed his wife and daughter and son, Mark a freshman at UMR . Thompson was vice president of Bodine Aluminum, Inc. , St. Louis. The Foundry Educational Founda· tion program at UMR provides more than $8,000 in scholarships annually for students interested in the metals casting industry.

(L-R) Elizabeth Mays, Auttie Thompson, Florence Flesh

liThe Univerisfy .of fhe Third Age "The University of the Third Age," a series of courses for older adults are now being offered by the University of Missouri·Rolla in four area com· munities. Courses are scheduled at John Knox Village of the Ozarks, St. Robert; Har· wood Manor, Lebanon; Rolla Towers, Rolla; James House, St. James; the Methodist Church of Salem, and the Dent County Community Center, Salem. Not all courses will be given at all locations. Topics discussed will include geology, weather, anthropology, history , literature , e.conomics, philosophy , foreign language (Spanish), psychology, linguistics, music and architecture. In· structors are UMR faculty members. Courses are incorporated in one· hour sessions and range from a single lecture to a· 12·week foreign language series. The series will continue to Feb. 15, 1979.


Barbara Clayton, UMR lecturer in English, is director of the project which is funded by a federal grant of $15,000 through the Missouri Division of Com· munity Development. The series is an extension activity of the UMR College of Arts and Sciences. Mrs. Clayton says that "University of the Third Age'" is designed to fill a need for cultural and intellectual stimulation for older adults. "The older residents of South Central Missouri are provided fre· Quent opportunities for recreation and handicrafts, but, except for occasional special events, cultural and intellectual opportunities are sorely lacking.", she says. "Thes~ courses are especially tailored to the desires of the older adult who wants to remain in the mainstream of his society and can use the tool of contin ui ng education to do so." The courses are free and open to anyone who wants to attend MSM A lum nus / 13


For information concerning post ions listed below, please contact Mr. Larr y Nu,~. D,rec tor of Ca reer Developmem & Placement. UMR. Rolla. Missouri 65401, giving File Number of the position, Slate your degree, discipline and month and year of your graduation. During times of high activity in the employment market . some posi tion, will be filled l>eforc Ihey are published rh ~ Placement Office will make a search for similar positions lhat may be open if you enclose your resume Wllh your inqUIr y.

Opportunities 1850 BSEE/BSME Midwest. 1851 BS/MSCE Up to 5 yrs, expo Southern state. 1852 BS Begin ning or expo computer/math background. Midwest. 1853 ME Beginning or exp., and industrial/packaging engineers. Midwest. 1854 BSME 3-5 yrs. expo in railroad or associated industry. Midwest. 1855 BSME/BSChemE 4-8 yrs. expoand 3-5 yrs. expo Also, ME, CE, and EE. South. 1856 BS/CE, MET. , Mining. 2 yr. expo South. 1857 BS/EE/M E/lnd . E. Midwest. 1858 BS/MET. E. 2 yrs. expo Midwest. 1859 BSCE. Coal industry . East. 1860 BS Tech. sales for agri/business, forest industry . 1-3 yrs. expo eng. No sales expo Midwest. 186 1 Ph.D.lequiv. Chem.lChemE. Sr. Research Chemist or Eng. Knowledge of chem istry, physics or rubbery compositions. Upper midwest. 1862 BSEE 2-5 yrs. expoelectronic instr. BSEE/ME inst ruments training. BSME/Chem E. 4-5 yrs. expo project eng. BSEE 3-5 yrs. plant expo BSME 2-4 yrs. expo plant/maintenance. Midwest. 1863 BS Min., Met. or Chem E. Application and sales of copper convertors, holding furnaces , cast ing wheels, etc_ Mideast. 1864 Midwest. BS multi-openings. Aircraft mfg. 1865 BSChemE. 2 yrs. expo supervisory, or w/out expo plant proce ss.

BSChemE/BioChem. MS 3 yrs. ex po food processing. Midwest. 1866 BSME 4-7 yrs. expo supervisory, etc. Mideast. 1867 MS meterology or related engineering/physical science. 5 yrs. expousing aircraft instrumentation of atmosphere. EE circuit and systems design . BSEE 4 yrs. expo ana log ci rcuits. Post Doctoral & Student appointments. West. 1868 BSEE 2 yrs. ex po multi-listings. Northeast. 1869 BSChemE/BSEE 3-6 yrs. expo industrial process instrumentation . BS Chem. 3-5 yrs. expo sa les. Food technology. 1870 BS or MSME 3 yrs. expo design, construction, plant, planning, Upper midwest. 1871 South. No exp., and 2 yrs. expo BS. Aviation products. Multi-listing. 1872 BSChem E.lChem. 0-3 yrs. expo paints & plastics. Midwest. 1873 Multi-listings, most disciplines. South. 1874 Ph.D/MS Nuc. Eng.lChem E.I Physics/M E/MS/BS multi -listings. Midwest. 1875 All levels, most disciplines. West. 1876 BSEE Industrial expo or recent grad. Midwest. 1877 BSME/EE Sales application. Fluid power systems. Upper midwest. 1878 Outdated. 1879 BSEE 4-7 yrs. expo industrial countrol systems. BSME/BSChem 5-10 yrs. expo industrial process and piping systems. BS Pet. Eng., 10 yrs. expo drilling production. BA English 2 yrs.


expo in print/broadcast mediums. Western state. 1880 BS/MS Compl. Sci. 0-2 yrs. expo South and so uthwes tern states, utilities. . 1881 BSME 10 yrs. expo heavy construction . BSME 5 yrs. expo in engineering design. Midwest. 1882 BSME/MSME 5- 10 yrs. expo several positions. Eastern state. 1883 BS Chern . 3 yrs. expo industrial coa t.ings/related field . Midwest. 1884 BSChemE. technical services engineer/e n vironment. Se veral locations. 1885 'BSM E Industrial engineer. Material handling, design , . drafting, time study. Midwest. 1886 Outdated. 1887 BSME 1-10 yrs. expoCommunications. Midwest. 1888 BS/Met. 1-7 yrs. exp., 0-3 yrs. exp., 5-7 yrs. expo Southeastern state. 1889 Min.Eng. expo in mine supervision. Western state. 1890 BSChemE. 1-2 yrs. expo process engineer. Midwest. 1891 Midwest. Multi-listings. Most disciplines. 1892 BSME 5 yrs. expo main tenance/tool design. 2 yrs . supervisory. Midwest. 1893 Midwest and Southeast. Min. Eng.lEng. Mgt. 3-6 yrs. exp., 5 positions_ 1894 Southern state. Multi-openings. BS/MS. 1895 BSME_ Sales engineer. Commercial/industrial. Relocate. Tech. degree to sell HV AC. Relocate. Southeast.

Dat~ .

EVENT SITE DA TE ARK-LA-TEX ..... . ........ ..... . .. ..... . .... May's, Kilgore, Texas .. ...... .... ...................... August 5 HOUSTON SECTON ........ . ..... . .. .. ... . ... Houston, Texas ... ..... .... . . ... ... . ............... . August 26 SME-AIME .......... .. ..... : ........... .. ... Shenandoah Room, Contemporary Hotel, Disney World .September 12 PARENT'S DAy .. . ... . . . . . .. .. .... . _.... . ... Rolla .. . ... . . . ......... ... ................ ... ... September 23 SPE-AIME .. .. ....... . . . ... ... ... . . . . ...... .. Houston Petroleum Club ..... ... ..... . ...... .... .... . .. October 3 HOMECOMING 1978 .. ...... ..... . ... . . _. .. .. Rolla ........... ... ........... . ..... .. .... ... . . ... October 6-7 ANNUAL BOARD MEETING ........ . .. .. .... Rolla .. . . . .. ... ...... . .. .. .... . .... .. .. .. .. ..... ... October 6 ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING . . ... . . . ... Rolla ......... . . _....... .. . .. .. ... . .. ...... . . ....... October 7 AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS .. .. . . . . .... Las Vegas . . . ....... .... .... ..... _. _.. . . .. . .. . . .... October 10 ASCE .... .. ... . . . ........ ... .... .. . . . .. .. . .. Chicago-Pick-Congress Hotel .... .... .•.............. October 18 TMS-AIME .......... . ............... . .. . .... Mo Athletic Club- St. Louis ................. . ....... October 17 ROLLA NIG HT. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .... . ........ St. Louis Engineer's Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ October 19 AIME . . . . .. .. .............. ... . . ......... . . New Orleans Petroleum Club ... .. ..... . ........ February 20, 1979 ALUM NI-STUDENT-FACULTY CONFERENCE. Rolla ........... . ........ . . . .... . ... . . . . . . ... April 19-20, 1979 REUN ION- CLASS OF '29 ... ........ ..... . ... Rolla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. October 11 -12- 13, 1979 AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS ... . .. . . . .. .. St. Louis MAC . . .... . ... . .... ...... . ..... .. .. .. . . May 22, 1979 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH .. . . . .. .. . .... . . . Denver Petroleum Club ........ . . ... ...... .. . ....... First Tuesday BARTLESVILLE LUNCH . . ... ..... . ... . ...... Cafeteria Conference Room, Adams Building .. .......... . Third Friday BARTLESVILLE .. .... . .. . . Ken Yochum's, 1244 S.E. Grandview, Bartlesville, OK 74003 .... . . . .... September 16, 3 p.m. ATTENTlON: Please notify Alumni Office of your meeting arrangements.

Miners J978 Football Schedule The Conference Champion Football Miners of UMR are ready and raring to begin their season. It promises to be a schedule full of excitement with a particularly charged meeting at Homecoming, Oct. 7. Here's a complete schedule for 1978. See you at the game! Sept. 2 . .... .. .. William Penn . . ... . . .. _.. ...... . .... . ...... Home Game Sept. 9 .. ... . .. . Missouri Valley .... ............... . .. Night Game, Away Sept. 23 . ...... . Pittsburg State . ... . _.... . . ... . ... .. ...... . . Home Game Sept. 30 . ... . . . . Evangel . _. .................. - .. . .... . . . . Home Game ocr. 7 ... ... _. SOUTHEAST MO............. . ...... HOMECOMING Oct. 14 . . . ... .. . Northeast Mo ... . . ... . . . ....... . . . . . Night Game, Away Oct. 21 . ... . . . . . Southwest Mo ..... . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ...... .. .. Home Game Oct. 28 . ... . ... Northwest Mo ....... . ........ . _. . .... . . ...... . .. Away Nov. 4 . ..... .. . Central Methodist. ... .. .... .. ..... . ...... ·· ···· · Away Nov _ II ........ Lincoln Univ . . ...... _. . .. . . . ....... . . ... . . Home Game Nov. 18 ........ Central Mo .. ...... . . . ....... . . . . .. .. . ....... .. . Away 14/ MSM Alumnu s

1896 BSCE Interest in sanitary engineering. 4-5 yrs. ex po Also MSCE. Midwest. 1897 BSEE 2-5 yrs. expocontrol circuits. Eastern state. 1898 BSME/Eng. Mgt. VP position. Industrial expo Midwest. 1899 Southwest state. Chem.lGeology . 1900 BSCE recent or 2 yrs. expo structural engineer. Southern state. MSCE, 2 yrs. expo structural. MSCE 1-2 yrs. design, structural. MSME/ CE civil/structural. MSEE 1-3 yrs. expo computer background . MSCEfEngr. Mech. structural w/4-6 yrs. tech. expo BSCE/M E 1-2 yrs. expo structural, design . southern state. 190 I BSCer. E.lMS/Chem E.lM E Develop ceramic programs, technology . Southwest state_ 1902 BS/MS Chem.lChem E. 3-6 yrs. expo paper industry. BS Chem. food technology. 3-5 yrs. expo sales. BS/ChemE. 3-6 yrs. expo industrial process instrumentation , design , layo ut. BSChemE. or MS 3 yrs. expo food processing. Midwest. 1903 BS Min .E.lGeo.lCE 2 yrs. exp., 5 yrs. expo in mining. Midwest. 1904 Ph.D/MSChem.lMet. Coa tings technology. Midwest. 1905 BSEE 3 yrs. expo BSME two positions. Senior marketing position. Upper midwest. 1906 BSCer.E/BSChemE.lME 2-3 yrs. expo Midwest. 1907 Multi-openings, most disciplines. Upper midwest. 1908 Ph.D. Cer. Eng. glass mfg. Midwest. 1909 BS/MS Cer.E. research engineer, steel mfg. Midwest. 1910 BSME/EE 1-2 yrs. expo in marketing/sales. Midwest. 1911 BECer. E. multi-openings, alliocations. 1912 BSChem. w/computer applications 3 yrs. expo toxicology . BS/MS Geo. 3 yrs. expo optical analysis of minerals. Nationwide locations. 1913 BSChemE. 2 yrs. expo materials process. Midwest. 1914 Multi-openings. Western state. 1915 BSME 3 yrs. expomechan. project engineer. Midwest. 1916 BSME sales, BSME project engineer. Foreign travel. Agriculture_ Southern state. 1917 BSME 2 yrs. expo industry. Project engineer. Southeast state. 1918 BS/MSM E research and development. BS/MSEE research and development. Western state. 1919 BSME multi-openings, HV AC, communications, electronics . Midwest.


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147 Attend UMR Steel Conference In St. Louis A total of 147 participants attended the University of Missouri-Rolla's Fourth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel StructureS in St. Louis June 1-2. The group included 43 researchers and educators from 26 universities, 66 participants from steel and manufacturing companies and 38 from consulting engineering firms, governmental agencies and other industries. Participants were from 29 states and the District of Columbia in the U.S.A. and six foreign countries.

The conference was co-sponsored by the American Iron and Steel Institute in cooperation with the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute, the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, the Rack Manufacturer's Institute" the Steel Deck Institute, the Structural Stability Research Council and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. It is an extension activity of the UMR department of civil engineering. conference directors were Dr. Wei-Wen Yu, professor of civil engineerfng, and Dr. Joseph H. Senne, chairman and professor of civil engineering.




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sanitary J. Also

NOTICE Mail returned because of incorrect addresses now costs the Alumni Association 25' per piece. Please notify the Alumni Office, Harris Hall, University of Missouri·Rolla, Rolla, MO. 6540 I as soon as you have an address change. All changes are made on the day of receipt. The computerized record system allows the alumni office to maintain alumni lists for various campus organi z.alions, so a change in your basic . record will probably accomplish the change for your fraternity, honorary or special interest organization. Thank You


ition. ln.

leOlogy. p. struc· I state I. MSCE


1·3 Yrs. round U w/4.6 1·2 yrs. to state. E.lME techno-


1923 ·

Edgar Carl Moritz "Burk'" Burkhart died April 20, 1978. After graduating from MSM as a civil engineer, Burk taught here for a year. In the 1920's he was city superintendent for Macon, MO and later set up an engineering practice in the same town where he resided until , his death.

Hank Zoller has announced: ,"Paula and I became great grandparents on Palm Sunday, 4/1917 8, when our eldest grand daughter, Cor McEwen Wilsham, gave birth to Brianna, an 8 pound girl. A ll are in excellent health and condition including the grandparents. Hank and Paula can be reached at P.O. Box 6448, San Antonio, TX 78209. .

ANNOUNCEMENT · .Annual M eeting of the MSMUMR Alumni Association will be held in Centennial Ballroom at the University Center im.mediately following the Awards Banquet, Saturday Evening, October 7.



Aubrey FeUows writes: "There could be some mistake in our records: I graduated ip 1907 but remember the first St. Pat's day and parade which the Alumnus says was started in 1908, .one year after my graduation and removal from Rolla. I would love to know who is mixed up -St. Pat or myself." After some checking into sources, Aubrey is probably right: there was St. Pat activity on the MSM campus prior to 1908. 1908, however, was the first highly organized year.



3-6 yrs.

. fOOd . sales. Idustrial design, rs. expo exp., 5

on. Up-


1924 Philip L. Blake retired in 1962 as plant engineer for the Western Regional Research Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and as a consulting engineer for Research Laboratories in Athens, G A. He just became a greatgrandfather of a girl born in Germany. He and his wife, Dorothy, reside at 1711 Elm Ave., Richmond, CA 94508 .

1926 Hollis (Buddy) E. McBride has retired as heavy construction project manager for the Department of Highway and Dams in Arkansas. He and Ruth reside at 355-23 rd St.. Batesville, AR 72501 , or in the winter at Blvd. I , Lot 8., Regen. cy Cove, 4851 Gandy, Tampa, FL 33611. . .







FRANK E. TOWNSEND Frank Edgar Townsend is greatly improved after an illness that hospitalized him five times since early October, 1977. His new address is at his daughter's new home, Frances Miles, 1105 S. Delaware, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Frank became a 50-year resident of Bartlesville in 1978 . .

Daniel E. Huffman, J r., passed away on June 16, 1978. He was 81. A metallurgist, Huffman worked in California and throughout the southwest, as well as in Africa, Alaska and Central America. He is surviveg by his wife, Lydia L. Huffman, 7550 N. 16th St., No. 216-7, Phoenix, AZ 85020. A.E. (Albert) Long died May 25 , 1978, at Phelps County Hospital in Rolla. He was 78. He was founder and president of Long Insurance Agency, Inc. and was also president of the First National Bank of Rolla.

R. Ralph Lusk was given an award by . the lUiminating Engineering Society in recognition of sustained and meritorious service to the Chicago Se«tion. Ralph was unable to accept the award in person while he wason the mend from a recent operation. His address is 2041 Lioncrest drive, Richton Park, IL 60471. Edward W. Parsons spent this past winter in Yuma, Arizona, says he Saw Ralph Hilpert, '27 and spent a few hours with Jack Paul in Youngtown, AZ. Ed and his wife, Naomi, spent the rest of the year at E. 42-25 Ave., Spokane, WA 99203. Murray J . Paul and his wife, Margie, have a new address at 11121 Jersey Ave., Youngtown, AZ 85363. Jack retired in 1964.

Extension News

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Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314-341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, Missouri 6540 I. PROGRAM DATES LOCATION Aug. 7-11 , 1978 Embankment Dams Soil Aspects St. Louis Aug. 9-11,1978 ' Microemulsions and Emulsions Short Course Rolla Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering Aug. 14-18, 1978 Rolla 31st Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop Sept. 11-15, 1978 St. Louis 37th Introductory Short Course on Composition of Paints and Coatings Sept. 18-22, 1978 Rolla Sept. 25-29, 1978 8th Quality Control & Painting Inspector's Short Course Rolla Sept. 25-29, 1978 Single Phase Induction Motor Design Short Course Rolla Energy Management Workshop Oct. 9, 1978 Rolla Short Course on Solar Energy . Oct. 8-10, 1978 Rolla 5th Annual UMR-DNR Conference and Exposition on Energy Oct. 10-\2, 1978 Rolla 28th Paint Short Course for Maintenance Engrs. Oct. 16-20, 1978 Rolla Deep Foundation Design Nov., 1978 Rolla 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling July 11-13, 1979 St. Louis Design of Dewatering Systems July, 1979 St. Louis Design of Shallow Foundations Rolla Feb. , 1979

P AUL .WEBER Paul Weber, professor emeritus of chemical engineering and vice-president emeritus for planning. at Georgia Institute of Technology, has been honored by the Georgia Engineering Foundation who have offered a new scholarship in his name, The Paul Weber Scholarship F und.

1928 Howard Halcomb Gross died March 16, 1978. He has a long career. as a chemical engineer with refining companies and the Texaco Development Corporation. He was scheduled to be nonored this May as part of the 50-year alumni at UMR's 105th Commencement.

1929 Orville Morris is retired and active in the Episcopal Church as a layreader. His address is 2880 .Lake Osborne Dr., Lake Worth, FL 33461.

1930 Ren Beatty retired from Union Electric seven years ago. He is a consultant for LEMCO Engineers on occasion. He and his wife, Anna, live at 7106 Roland, St. Louis, MO 63121.

1931 . Charles E. Ross, as of Oct. II , 1977, became a resident of Huntington, WV for 42 years. He and Pauline are both active in state and family history and contributed to publications of several books authored with others. They give their address as 1530 Washington Blvd., Huntington, WV 25701. George M. Pace has been elected president of Mt. Washington Chapter, American Association of Retired Per-sons, Cincinnati, OH. George is a selfemployed civil engineer and he and Luvenia reside at 7083 Paddison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45230. Clyde E.Wilhite has a new address at 300 S. Clinton, Denver, CO 80231. Clyde is now retired.

1932 We have been informed that Oliver Parks Hunt died several years ago. James B. Terrell died May 22,1978 , the day after his 70th birthday. MSM Alumnus / IS

Alumni Personals __________________________________________________________________________________

1933 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: John O. Farmer 120 N. Elm Russell, KS 67665 William W. Kay The Highlands, Box 98 Drums, PA 18222 Charles Lam bur is president of Schneider of Paris, Inc., 303 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 1001 6. As his hobb y he is chairman of the Operating Council for Judo, National Council YMCA and coach, USA Judo Team, world chainpions at the World Maccabiah Games, Israel 1977. Vernon L. Asher writes that he will be completing a two year term as Regional Vice Chairman, National Society of Professional Engineers, (North Central Region), at the July meeting in St. Louis, 1978, He will complete a year as president of the Greater St. Louis Chapter of the Retired Officers Association at the same time. Vernon and Mary live at 1350 Craig Drive, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Raymond W. Borchers retired from Federal Civil Service 5 years ago and is now active on a 200 acre farm near Thornfield, MO . . He attended Homecoming in 1973 and plans to be in Rolla and on campus for the 1978 Homecoming, Oct. 6-7. He says he is hoping to see many of his classmates then. Meanwhile, Ray and Virginia reside at Happy Hill Farm, Hwy. D, Thornfield, MO 65762.

1934 Richard J . Dobson joined Gruy Federal in February as vice president-special programs. GTliy Federal is engaged in a number of contracts with the Department of Energy--particularly geothermal energy investigation arid testing of geo-pressure aquifiers of the LA-TX Gulf Coast for methane and thermal energy. Mr. Dobson and his wife Mary Eileen live at 11680 Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77024.

1935 Collins and Rosalie McDonald have moved to 3418 SE 2nd Place, Cape Coral, FL 33904. Mr. McDonald is president of Capitol Clay Products in Washington, DC. Robert H. Buck has retired. He and his wife, Mary, reside at 925 Glenway Drive, Glendale, MO 63122. George A. Penzel, was approved for life membership at the MSPE Winter meeting in Joplin, MO, February 17-18, 1978. Max E. Edgar is keeping busy irr retirement acting as a free consultant to local small contractors a nd helping a neighbor build his home. Max and Carol reside at Box 416, West Glacier, MT 59936. 16/ MSM A lum nus



Ross R. Carrolla has a new address at 10838 Glen Arbor Rd., Kansas City, MO 64114.

William E. Hill, Jr., says: "Enjoyed our homecomi ng so much last fa ll. Hope to attend lo ts mo re. Very busy ma rketing res ults of oLi r new patent-H illock Screws and Nuts-a self-locking fastener. Seems to be going very well." Bill and Alice live on E. Hill Drive, Rock Falls, IL 6 1071.

1938 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Belding H. McCurdy 7400 Sun Island Dr., SO, 711 . S. Pasadena, FL 33707 J. Craig Ellis 3112 W. T wickingham Dr. Muncie, IL 47304

Leonard C. Wolff is a graduate teaching assistan t at UMC. He and Ida Mae reside at 1104 Pheasa nt Run. Columbia. MO 65201. Melvin C. Flint and his wi fe. Audrey, have a new address at 59 So. Sea Pines Drive. Hilton Head lsI. , SC 29928 . Melvin is no'w retired.

1943 Horacio A. Fernandez writes, ' saying: " After 40 years from the school grounds, expect to attend Homecoming in October with my wife, Estela. We are eagerly looking forward to that date.and its significance." The Fernandez' address is Calle Lic. Verdad No.4, Parral, Chih., Mexico. Don. C. Bowman, Jr., and his wife, Nadeene, have a new address at P.O. Box 233, Vienna, MO 65582, where Don is now retired.


Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Raymond O. Kasten 901 West 114th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64114 Robert L. Ehrlich 374 Wyckoff Wyckoff, NJ 07481

1940 Paul F. Ross and his wife, Bertha, have a new address at 423 Inwood Rd., Wilmington, OH 45177. Paul is a systems engineer manager with the U.S. Air Force-Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH . Edgar S. Miller has retired and has been living on Jekyll Island with his wife Peg for the past year. He says they are loving every minute of it; too. They can be reached at 6 Glynn Ave., Jekyll Island, GA 31520. '

1941 William H. Bourne has accepted the '.posltlOn of department head/construction contracts and member of the board with Post, Shuh & Jernigan in Miami, FL. He and his wife, Bernadette, li ve at 510 Vittorio Ave .. Coral Gables, FL 33146.

We have been in formed that Richard C. Brackett died oi a heart attack on October 10. 197 1. His widow is Betty Brackett. 108 Marie Place. Portland. TX 78374,

Orville L. Meyer has been director of enviro nmen tal hea lth fo r the Du Page Co u n t y Hea lt h De pa r t me n t in Wheaton, IL since 1953, except for four years spent in consul ting engineerin g.

1944 Jean Lloyd Arras and her husband. Robert , have a new address at Calle Jarmin No.8. Tetelpan. Mex ico. 20. DF. Mex ico,

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Kenneth W. Schoeneberg' has been made manager-administrator for the Associatiort of American Railroads. He and Margaret live at 1440 W. Sherwin Ave .. Chicago, lL 60626

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H. William Flood 183 Main Street Acton, MA 01720 James R. Paul 610 N. Wilcrest Houston, TX 77079

Leroy E. Smith announces: "We have moved to Phoenix, Arizona and are preparing for a leisurely life in the valley of the sun. However, for a year or two, I will be working as a consultant for Commonwealth Associates , Jackson, Michigan, who in turn is acting as a consultant for the Ministry of Electric Power, Saudi Arabia." Leroy and Ruby reside at 6533 North 7th Ave., No. 17, Phoenix, AZ85013. Stuart and Edna Dods have moved to 8 Lone Pine Dr., Cleveland, MO 64734. Mr. Dods is retired.

Robert L. Hanna and his wife. Mary. have a new address at 2300 Ellen Drive. Lafaye tte. IN 47905. Bob is preside nt of Hanmar Corp.

1946 Dr. Richard J. Doisy died 'April 22, 1978, after a sudden illness. He was professor of biochemistry at the Upstate Medical Center. University of New York, in Syracuse. Al Malone. '48. wrote in : " Dick was a friend and fellow church member here in Syracuse. I'll miss him and our sallies into the woods and fields for deer and ruffed grouse." Austin B. Clayton, since his retirement, has been traveling in Arizona, Colorado and Utah, visiting friends involved in mining. Austin and Elva are back at home at 909 E. Hawthorne Ave., Colville, WA 99114.

\ JAMES R. PAUL James R. Paul, Dow Chemical U.S.A., has been named regional director for the 28.000 member Society of Petroleum Engineers. He was named by the SPE Board in February, 1978, to complete the unexpired term of Jack E. Little. who resigned because of a transfer. Jim and his wife. Lou, reside at 610 N. Wilcrest. Houston , TX 77079. Don Coolidge writes: "I am semi-retired from work since 1948 in structural engineering and architecture ... the last 12 years in private practice." He is also finishing a new residence for himself and his wife, Helen, about 40 miles from Anchorage in Matanuska Valley. His address for the time being is Box 1720, Wasilla, Alaska 99687 . John W. Ehrlich died a year ago in Phoenix. AZ. This info rmation comes to us from Robert L. Ehrlich. John's br o th e r . who is vice -pres ide nt ma nufacturing , Colgate- Palmoli ve Company, 300 Park Ave., New York , NY 10022.


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1947 Philip D. Johnson is Stevens County road engineer in the state of Washington. His address is Rural Rt., Rice, WA 99162.


RICHARD G. STEINER Richard G. Steiner has been promoted to the position of director, Power Systems Department, by the Electrical Power Research Institute of Palo Alto, California. Dick and Mina live at 160 Carlisle Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94087.


Alumn} Personals

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Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: .

W. G. Pause II has opened a consulting practice ' in petroleum engineering. His address is 323 Mobil Ave., Suite 10, Camarillo, CA 93010.

Joseph T. Hepp 2325 Riverside Ave. Marinette, WI 54143

Albert and Sarah Krainess have a new home at 27452 Via Olmo. Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Al is staff metallurgist with Smith Tool.

Robert V. Gevecker 315 Boonville Rd. Jefferson City, MO 65101 Harold G. Moe 5650 Saranac Dr. Columbus, OH 43227 Harvey P. Leaver 315 Deerfield Way <,;eneva, IL 60134 Michael J. Delany 1979 Harlem Blvd. Rockford., IL 61103 John Griessen III writes, "Son John completed junior year at1Jniv, of Texas, Steven, freshman year at TX A&M, Majors EE and Arch, respectively, Barbara and I are moving to the 'inner city' in the Montrose section of Houston and developing a country place near Round , Top, TX," Their mailing address is 3415 Graustark St.. Houston. TX 77006. John is sales manager for Hildebrandt Engr._ Wilbert E. "Bill" Schamburg died April 28. 1978. in Peoria, IL. He was to have received a master's degree in engineering administration from Bradley U fliversity. Peoria. this . May. He was recently honored with a 30-year award from Qeneral Telephone Company of Illinois, and we have just learned that his ·Master·s degree was awarded posthumously to his widow, Jeanette.

LA WRENCE F. O'NEILL Lawrence F. O'Neill has been named administrator of physical facilities at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, He will continue at the University as an engineer for long-range planning, A member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, O'Neill ' was recently elected secretary of the St. Louis chapter of that organization, His address is 448 Wildwood Parkway, Ballwin, MO 63011. Richard B. Ho'well's office as resident manager with Bethlehem Steel Corpora· tion has been moved from downtown Kansas City to 21 Corporate Woods, P.O. Box 12917, Overland Park, KS 66212, among the trees. William A. Ellis has been made staff engineer for Central Illinois Light' Co. He and Marjorie (Sue) make their home at 4626 N. California Ave., Peoria, IL 61614.

HARVEY B: LEAVER Harvey B. Leaver has been named president, North Division of the Bank Building Corporation, 8550 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, C~icago, IL 60631,

1949 Edgar J. Telthorst was appointed to general manager of Power Plants at Union Electric Co" St. Louis. He and Marian live at 1415 Tina Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.


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Donald G. Zimmerman is owner and president, of Rogers Metal Processing and Custom Met. , Inc. , in Skokie, II· linois. However, Don writes: "I am semi· retiring to a forty-foot shrimp boat in Galveston Bay, Texas. I have set up a Texas corporation and plan on really getting into the shrimp business." In the meantime, Don and Edith live at 7330 N. Monticello Ave" Skokie, IL 60076.

Dale Sims has been named general manager for the Grand River Dam Authority, Vinita, OK. Dale had been art electrical engineer with the city utilities of Springfield , MO s'ince his graduation. Sims will be the first engineer to serve as GRDA manager in 15 years. Dale and Martha's new ad dress will be: P.O. Box 517 , Vinita, OK 7430 I.

Robert C. Wood, on May 22 , 1978, finished 16 years in Tripoli, Libya . He has taken a new position , however, as Coordinator of Geophysical Projects with the Oasis Oil Co. of Libya, Inc. , in Tripoli. Bob and Maria give their ad· dress, clo Oasis Oil Co. of Libya, Inc. , P.O. Box 395 , Tripoli, Libya .


WILBERT F. STOECKER Wilbert F. Stoecker. professor of mechanical engineering at the University'Of Illinois. Urbana. has been granted the F. Paul Anderson Award by 'American Society of Heating , Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers. This award . the highest technical hOl)or of the 32.000 member society, was presented to Stoecker at the annual meeting of the society in January 1978. Wilbert lives at 1506 S. Maple St.. Urbana. IL 6180 I.

Edward P. Kyburz has accepted a posi· tion as vice president·mining~ with Cerro·Parsons Corp. He and Georgina live at 3 Lorraine Place, Scarsdale, NY 10583.

J.R. Bodine, executive vice president, Bodine Aluminum, Inc., St. Louis, MO, has been elected vice-president of the American Foundrymen's Society to serve a term of one year..

Donald J. Mathews has been transfer. red to the Jonesboro, AR plant of the Alton Box Board Co, as sales qlanager. Don and Alwilda's address is 2917 Portugal Drive, Lemay, MO 63125 ,

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tion as manager of engineering with Con Vest Energy Corporation. Doug and Grace reside at 4434 Twinkle Court, Houston. TX 77027.

Murray and Helen Schmidt have a new mailing address: clo E.F. Fahey, 220 Mar Vista Drive, No. 91, Aptos, CA 95003. Dr. Paul E. Damon received an honorary degree from Bucknell Uni'.'ersity during Commencement exercises . there this year. He is professor of geosciences at the University of Arizona and is a Bucknell graduate in addition to receiving an M.S. degree in physics from MSM-UMR. His address is 2321 E. Hawthorne, Tucson, AZ 85719,

John F. Strong, vice president of the May Design and Construction Co. , has been appointed corporate vice presidentimprovement management, and will assume a substantial portion of the duties of Peter Sterling, who is taking early retirement. John's home address is 14555 Ladue Rd. , Chesterfield, MO 63017. Ralph E. Wolfram and his wife Jeanette, have a new rocation at 10415 Briarbend, Apt. 5. St. Louis, MO 63141. Ralph has been made director of engineering with the Bank Building Corporation in St. Louis. Paul Haas is a seni~r development staff member for Oa k Rid ge Na tional Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is one of Union Carbide's pa rallel ladder positions for scientific staff members. Paul and Betty live at 8000 Bennington Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919. Donald E. Nelson died June 24, 1978, His address was 423 11th, St. Cairo, IL 62914.

DENNIS L. EIDSON Dennis L. Eidson has been named vice president-engineering and manufacturing, it was announced by Quartrol Corporation , a CONDEC (AM EX) sub· sidiary within Condec's Con val Group, Dennis and his wife, Ann, and their famfly of five live at 3572 Atdoann Drive, Hoover, AL 35226. R.T. Ruenheck has a new position as missile · project engineer with the Raytheon Co. in W. Andover, MA. He and Iris reside at 7 Montview Rd. , Chelmsford, MA 01824. William L. Wisch, vice-president of DeLong'S Inc. , received the 1978 MSPE/PEI Distinguished Service Award at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society, July 19,' at Stoffer's Riverfront Towers, St. Louis. He also was the winner of the Jefferson City Chapter/MSPE award ' this year for "Outstanding Achievement as a Professional Engineer in Industry." Bill's address is 409 Riverview Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65101. John F. Strong has been promoted to chairman of May Design and Construction Co., a subsidiary of the May Department Stores Co. John's home address is 14555 Ladue Rd., Chesterfield, . MO 63017. Jacob P. Fiebelman has been given recognition for completion of 30·year service with the U,S. Geological Survey. His career has been in _the branch of photogrammetry. He lives at 1101 Lynwood Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Thomas A. Herrmann, 707 Dutch Mill Dr. , Ballwin, MO 63011, was recommended as president-elect by the MSPE nominating committee at their winter meeting held in Joplin, MO in February, He is manager-environmental services, Zurheide-Herrmann, Inc. J. Kent Roberts, professor of civil engineering and assistant dean of engineering at UMR, presented a Preliminary Report on the Educational Foundation Task Force at the MSPE Educational' Foundation Board Meeting. Roberts is a member of that board apd gave the report during the winter meeting of the MSPE held in Joplin, MO in February 1978. .Bernard C. Wagner is employed by the Missouri State Highway Department. He is also active with the Boy Scouts. Bernie's address is 20 Black Oak Drive ' Sunset Hills, MO 63127. MSM Alumnus/ I?


Personals __________________________________________________________________________________

1951 William M. Baldwin recently received an award for "Outstanding Service to the Engineering Profession." He was . honored by the Big Bend Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society at its an· nual dinner. He and his wife, Beverly. live at 3323 Robinhood Rd .. Tallahassee. FL 32393.

Gil Crowell writes: "My wife, Marie. and I enjoyed 3 weeks in the Holy Land in May 1978, walking where Jesus walked and Paul taught: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Egypt, Ephesus, Capernaum, Rome, Mars Hill (Greece)." Gil and Marie give their address as 411 Palm Bark St., Vista, CA 92083.

Jack L. Hubbard and his wife, Jean, reside at 12634 Harriet Circle, Dallas, TX 75234. Jack has a new position as engineering consultant with Mobil Research and Development Corporation.

We now have an address for Robert J. Morris and his wife, Cyn thia : 5161 Pondoray PI., Dayton, OH 45440.

Donald Richard Brown has retired and is traveling in Europe and the U.S. His permanent address is P.O. Box 6498 , Oxnard, CA 93031.

R.C. Phelps is plant manager for Rex Plastics in Thomasville, NC. He and his wife, Ellen, live at 1711 Windsor Dr. , High Point, NC 27260.

Thomas A. Simpson has been assigned acti ng head of the newly formed Department of Mineral Engineering at the University of Alabama. He and his wife, Susie, live at 72 Yestivia Hills, Northport, AL 35476 . .

Gordon "Sam" Napp has a new position as manager of operations-Pinto Valley Operations, Cities Service Co. He and Joyce can be reached at Box 100, Miami , AZ 85539.

Dr. Joseph Senne, professor and chairman of civil engineering at UMR, is author of a manual , "Determinat ion of North from Polaris Observations." published by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Land Survey.

C. Ronald Ferry has re-married, to Nora E. (Champion) . He is now self-employed with the Ferron Company in Houston. The couple live at 11310 Pecan Creek Drive. Houston. TX 77043. 18/ MSM Alumnus



O.T. Yager, Jr. is manufacturing manager for three mills ow ned by Col. umbia Corp .. a paperboard man ufacturing company. He and his wife Marion live at 168 East Market St.. Rhinebeck. NY 12572.

Wallace H. Holmes has been a mass transit engineer with the state of Florida for the past seven years. He and Rosemary reside at 314 Tennyson Rd .. S.E. Winter Haven. FL 33880.

Charles A. Weeks, as of Feb. 1978, joined C-E Lummus Co.. Bloomingfield, NJ, as a senior expeditor. His address is One Kingsbridge Drive, Burlington. NJ 08016.

Paul L. Hydinger has enjoyed the first year of retirement after spending 25 yea rs working for General Electric Ordinance Systems in Pittsfield . Mass. Paul and Juanita give their address as RR 3. Lebanon. MO 65536.

John and Pamela Priest have a new address at 250 Linden Ave. , Wilmette, IL 60091 . John is chief planning adv isor. WAPDA. with Harza Eng. Co. InternationaL . Dirck B. Stickle has been appointed operations superintendent, Esso Exploration. and he and Margaret give their new add ress as Esso Prospeccao Limitado. Caixa Postal 970-ZC-00. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Frank T. Alvarado has this to say: "I am still working on the realization of the Darien Gap Highway to connect the North and South American continents by road. Nevertheless, I have been transfe rred laterally from the Bogata, Colombia division Office to the Panama division office where there is a great deal of more work going on." Frank and Stella give their new add ress as, P.O. Box 121. Balboa Heights, Ca nal Zone.

RECOMMEND UMR TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Harold C. Freiberger is now employed as an engineer with McDonnell Douglas Corp. He and his wife, Phyllis, live at 143 BeUechasse Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Greg Menke has joined Granite City Steel as superintendent-blast furnace and sinter plant. Menke had been with the Wisconsin Steel Company in Chicago for nearly 26 years. His address is 9122 Prairie Ave., Highland, IN 46322.

1956 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Thor Gjelsteen · 3065 S. Ingalls Way Denver, CO 80227 Peter G. Hansen UMR 107 Old. Met. Bldg. Rolla, MO 65401 Milan Lipensky 1750 Fieldcrest Dr. Lebanon, P A 17042

Luther B. Auguston has been appointed public works director for Tulare County (California). He and Joy have their residence at 871 E. Pleasant Ave,. Tulare, CA 93674. Ernest R. Achterberg has been transferred from Mining Enforcement & Safety Administration to the U.S. Geological Survey Conservation Division-Mining Branch. effective Feb. 13. 1978. He and Mollie have a new address at 10641 East 33rd Street. Tulsa, OK 74145 .

1954 Wiktor K. Nordling has a new locat ion at 4362 Maryland, Apt. IN. St. Louis. M063108. Donald Schneider and his wife. Norma. live at 7032 Greenhaven Drive, Flordell Hills. MO 63 136. Don has been forced to retire due to a diSability, at least for the time being. Rayburn L. Williamson (Colonel) says: "Since May 1977, have been stationed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as district engineer responsible for major portion of Corps of Engineers multi-billion dollar design construction program for Saudi Arabia. A number of other MSM (UMR) alumni also in the program." His address is APO New York, District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Gilbert and Shirlev Jurenka have a new home at 38 G~a nd Canyon. New Orleans. LA 70 I 14. Gil is manager of operations for Mobil. a new position for him . John Max Brawley joined Bechtel as an executive engineer and will be responsi· ble for business development in the Mid· die East and North Africa. His mailing address is Box 8803. Salmiya. Kuwait. Willis G. Grinstead has become a new member of the MSPE. His address is 1004 Baltimore, Kansas City, MO 64105.

NOTICE Election of directors and officers of the MSM·UMR Alumni Association will be conducted by mail baUot. Donors to the 1978 Annual Alumn.i Fund are eligible to vote. You may use the gift envelope provided to forward your gift to the Fund.

1957 Charles Allen Long died sudden ly at his home in Webster Groves. MO. June 8. 1978. After grad uating from UMR with a degree in civi l engineering. he was a professor here from 1957 to 196 1. At the time of his dea th he was a professor . of engineering at Parks College in St. Louis. MO.

We have been informed that George A. Mitchell has died. His address was Star Route Box 13A, Hatfield, AR 71945 .

1955 Col. Robert G. Bening has been named Tulsa District Army Engineer. effective Jul y 31. We will tr y to have an updated address for Bob in the October issue. Sam Barco and his wife. Joan. live at 209 Kinnaird Lane. Louisville. KY 40243. Sam is a project engineer with Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corpora· tion. The son of the Barco's is a mini sterial stud en·t a t Kentucky Wesleyan College in Owensboro. KY .

Arthur C. Fink, Jr., has been made plant manager for the R.F. Spagetti Co. His address is Rt. I, Box 233, Conedell, MO 63060. John M. McCarthy and his wife, Janis, have a new address at 57 River Bend Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. John is engineering superintendent with Mon· santo Co. in St. Louis, MO.

C.A. WENTZ C.A. Wentz and his wife. Sandra, live at Route 3. Box 370. Bartlesville. OK 74003. CA. has a new position as general manager of Drilling Specialties Company, a subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum Co. Waymon and Donna Johnston announce: "After 9 years in Texarkana. have transferred to the main campus of Texas A & M. We now also own 4 infant specialt y shops across Texas and call them 'Cute -n Cuddly.'" Their new add ress is 2708 Apple Creek . Bryan. TX 7780 I. Waymon is associate professor of industrial engineering - at Texas A&M, College Station, Texas. Roger L. Feaster is the manager of R.B. Jones Insurance, 428 E. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO 65101.








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Alumni Personals________________________________________________________________ 1958

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Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Billy B. West 613 S. Gibson St. Gibonsbury, OH 43431 Thomas J. O'Keefe UMR Mat. Res. Ctr. Rolla, MO 65401 Paul R. Munger UMR 302 Engr. Res. Lab Rolla, MO 65401 Delbert E. Day UMR 112 Mat. Res. Ctr. Rolla, M065401 George D. Tomazi 12723 Stoneridge Dr. Florissant, MO 63033 Richard H. Okenfuss 9132 Millcliff Dr. CinCinnati, OH 45231

Ron and Connie Welch have moved to 6804 N. Terra Vista. Peoria. IL 61614. Ron has also recently become vice president. corporate chief engineer for COl Corp. Ralph O. Young has been made plant manager for Seaman Building Systems. He and his wife Joan liVe at 3268 Duncan Ave .. Sarasota. FL 33579. Jerold K. Littlefield and his wife, Kay. -have a new address at 1548 36th Ave. , San Francisco. CA 94122: He is a pro· ject engineer with Bechtel, Inc. Jim Hofstetter has been appointed vice president of engineermg for Timpte, Inc. Jim was formerly with Peterbilt Motors, Newark, CA. Jim, Renita, and their two children, Eric and Kathryn, live at 7873 Chestnut Way, Pleasanton, CA 94566 Fred and JoAnn Mosby live at 806 For. rest Heights, Huntsville, AL 35802. Fred is manager steam services with Wyle Laboratories and says' that "Wyle is unique. If you want it tested, we'll do it for you. Heavy emphasis today is in the nuclear power field. Steam value quality, seismic & NEQ."


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Richard G. and Sarah Ross have moved to 8423 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, MO 63119. Mr. Ross is president of R. G. Ross Construction Co., Inc. Paul Munger addressed the March 16 dinner meeting of the Southwest Chapter of the MSPE. He spoke on "The Engineering Profession ' and Its Future." .Paul is professor of civil engineering and director of the Institute of River Studies at UMR. Wayne T. Andreas is on loan assignment with Syncrude Canada Limited from Exxon Research and Engineering. He says he will probably return to the U.S. next year. His address is 108 Robin Crescent, Ft. McMurray, Alberta, Canada T9H2Wl Melvin C. Hudson is the new president of . the Society for the Restoration of Port Tobacco. The Society is dedicated to the history and preservation and eventual restoration of the village located on the banks of the once· teeming river port of Port Tobacco, 30 miles south of Washington D.C. Otherwise. Melvin is a physicist with the Savety Engineering Department at the Naval Ordinance Station. Indian Head. MD.

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R. Lary Miller has been made sales manager for Roberts & Schaefer Resource Service, Inc. He and his wife, Sandra, reside at 1180 B. Nichols Drive, Palatine, IL 60067. B. 'Neil Lewis has been appointed chairman of the engineering division of the Missouri Board for Architects. Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. Lewis is a partner in the firm of Redman & Lewis. 115 College_S\. , Kennet. MO 63857. Marion C. Skouby has been named vice president-engineer.ing, with the Dewatering Service Co. in St. Louis, MO.

The Empire Electric Company of Joplin. MO has announced that John Weitzel has been promoted to general superintendent of production. John lives at 301 Hillcrest, Carl Junction, MO 64834. Warren J. Carroll and his wife, Hope, have a new address at 5114 Foresthaven, Houston, TX 77066. Warren has accepted a new position as branch manager with Ingersoll-Rand in Houston. Karl D. Willig and his wife, Rose Marie, send along some news: "We have 4 sons, David. 21 years. married and in the Navy; Mike, 19 years and going to Longview Community College in K.C.. MO. Jon will be a high school senior in the 78-79 class. Joel, 13, will be in the 8th grade." Karl is chief of foundations & material branch with the U.S. Army Corps' of Engineers. Rose Marie is a registered nurse. They live at Rt. I, Box 170 C. Cleveland, Mb 64734 .

1960 James D. Coffman, p.o. Box 23 , Augusta, MO 63332. has been promoted by Southwestern Bell to assistant vice president-marketing. Herbert A. Loebs has a new position as plant manager with Eastern Fiberglass Corp. His address is 2207 Wade HamptonlHampton Forest A-113, Greenville, SC 29615. Vincent J. Dudenhoeffer and his wife, Patsy, have a new address at 926 S. Main St., Centerville. IA 52544. He is plant manager with Union Carbide in Centerville.

Gene L. Scofield is assistant staff engineer and has recently assumed responsibility for the "plastics" section of the Chevrolet Material Design Group. This group develops materials and specifications for all car and truck applications. Gene and Dixie give their address as 24759 Cunningham, Warren. MI 48091. Michael J. Bertorello and his wife. Mary . have had a new address since January of 1977 . at , PCA Almir Belfort Vieira 12-90 I Leblon, R.J. Brazil. Michael is technical manager for South American Region with Dowell Schlumberger. Henry .and Mary Ponzer have moved to 416 E. 80th St.. Kansas City, MO 64131. Henry is a partner in Ponzer, Sears. Youngquist, Eng., of Olathe, Kansas. Ralph C. Maxton has a new position as engineering supervisor with Schuld Mfg. Co., Inc. He and his wife, Martha, and sons, Daniel 13 and David II, have moved to 1560 Lexington Ave., Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. James T. WaIters has moved from Houston, TX and has joined Foy Boyd Associates, Inc., as the division manager for the Rocky Mountain area. Foy Boyd is a petroleum consulting firm with headquarters in Midland, TX. Jim and Carol reside at . 111 Cherokee Way, Boulder, CO 80303. Burton D. Winderknecht recently joined Glidden after 17 years with Celanese. He is currently involved in the development and manufacturing of powder coatings. Burt and Mary Lee li ve at 260 I Shelburne Place, Charlotte, ' NC 282\2.

1961 William N. Curson has been made president of Curson Construction Co., Inc. Bill and Carol reside at 911 Latigos Trail, St. Louis. Mo. 63131. Farouk EI-Baz, research director of the National Air and Space Museum's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, of the Smithsonian Institution, was invited to membership of the Explorers Club in recognition of a "distinguished scientific career, and in particular contributions to man's understanding of the challenges of space." His home address is 2786 N. Wakefield St., Arlington, VA 22207. Rene and Martha Leonard have a new home at 4214 San Amaro Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146. Rene is chairman of the M.E. department at Florida Interna. tional University. James H. Martin has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel at ceremonies held -in the Office of Chief Engineers, Washington, D.C. Martin is executive officer of the Directorate of Military Construction. He and his wife, Shirley, reside at 7202 Galgate Drive, Springfield, VA 22153. James R. Ogle gives his new address as . Rt. 5, Box 634, Russell ville, AR 7280 I. "James has been made president of the Arkansas Billet Corp. in Russell ville.



F. Wayne Thielsen and his wife. Brenda. announce the birth of their daughter, born June 1977, Jacqueline Marie. Wayne is manufacturer's representative for The Drager Company, Chicago. The Thielsen's address is 326 Old Plum Grove Rd. , Palatine; lL 60067. Ronald P. Prothero was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in elementary educa· tion, May 6, 1978, by Memphis State University. In addition to the civil engineering degree f.rom UMR , he holds a chemistry degree from CarnegieMellon University. Ron retired from the ' military in 1976 and is married to Sara Jane. They make their home at 1074 Woodbury Street, Memphis, TN 38111. Arnaldo Salazar was named operations manager for Lagoven's Western Divi· sion Jan . I, 1978. Lagoven is Venezuela's largest .oil producing company. averaging 900,000 barrels per day. Arnaldo and Aida live at Apartado 172. Maracaibo, Venezuela. Their son, Arnaldo, is a sophomore in chemical . engineering at UMR. Larry E. Farmer has left for London for an assignment of at least three years for Brown and Root, Inc.'s offshore structures department. In the meantime, his address will be Route 2, Box 445, Ash Grove. MO 6540 I

1962 Stanley and Elaine Nowinski live at 26 Richard Dr., Mt. Arlington, NJ 07856. Sta n is vice president of sales and engineering with Hoffman International in their new offices at 300 S. Randolph ville Rd. in Pucataway, NJ. Gary E. Welch has a new address at 313 Wild Forest Court, Ballwin, MO 63011. Gary continues with St. Joe Minerals at their new location in Clayton, MO. Charl~s

J. Bednar has a new position as regional manager-sales with Tapeo In· ternational. He and Linda reside at 471 Loudon Road, Riverside, IL 60546.

Donald E. Wuerz is city engineer and building official for the city of Green· wood Village (Denver suburb). He and Christa have a son, Dick , who is in Mali, Northwest Africa with the Peace Corps; another son, Richard, is a Lt. in the Ar· my Infantry (paratrooper) in the DMZ in Korea, who survived a helicopter crash and fire in April. Don and Christa give their address as 1050 Kingston St reet. Aurora, CO 8001 0. O. Jerry Waters and his wife, Janice, give their address as Box. I78A , Route I. Horicon , WI 5J03 2. Jerry has a new position as manager, materials engineer· ing. with John Deere Horicon Works. Dr. Richard D. Hagni, UMR professor of geology, will present a paper entitled, "Ore Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Geothermometry of Ore and Gangue Minerals in the Southeast Missouri Lead District." The paper will be presented at the International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits to be held outside Salt Lake City, Utah, August 13-20. MSM Alumnus / 19





Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Allan H. LaPlante Continental Oil Co. P.O. Box 2197 Houston, TX 77001 George R. Schillinger 7598 John Ave. Oakville, MO 63129 Robert H. Sieckhaus 10700 Clearwater Dr. St. Louis, MO 63123 Ronald R. Williams has accepted a position with Sverdrup & Parcel as group leader in their St. Louis office. He and Janet live at 1520 Sugargrove Ct., Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Charles R. Baugher, space scientist with NASA in Huntsville, AL, recently received from W.R. Lucas, director of the Huntsville center, commendation for "exceptional work in planning, development and analysis of the highly sophisticated Red Shift Experiment." Baugher joined NASA in 1963 where he has been active in numerous projects of the space program. He lives at 2004 McDowling Dr., S.E., Huntsville, AL 35802. David L. Cox has a new posItIon as deputy area engineer with the Corps of Engineers, APO New York, 09154. Robert O. Schwenker has been promoted to senior engineer at international Business Machines Corporation's East Fishkill facility . Bob is manager of exploratory bipolar technology with IBM . His address is given as R 6, Pleasant Hill Rd., Hopewell Junction, NY 12533.

Sam L. Smith has a new posltton as chief field services engineer with National Southwire Aluminum. Sam and his wife, Glatha, live at 1502 Forrest Lane, Owensboro, KY 42301.

A.H. LaPlante writes that he "just graduated from MIT with a Master's degree. I was an Alfred P. Sloan fellow and enjoyed . a year of advanced management training with managers from 16 different countries. We also had a tour around the world." Allan may be reached at Continental Oil Company, P.O. Box 2197, Houston, TX 77001.

DONALD O. REULING Stephen D. Jabas has a new address at 9080 Wilcrest Drive, Houston, TX 77099. He writes: "I have recently taken up domestic assignment after 14 years in the Middle East and North Africa." Steve is now operations manager with Geosource, Inc.

1964 Jerry and Mary Johnson have a new home at 11664 Arroyo in Florissant, MO 63033. Jerry is a computer specialist with McDonnell Douglas. David A. Martin of 1550 E. 2nd St., P85, Pass Christian, MS 39571 , has accepted a position as resident project engineer for the Space Shuttle Main Engine, NSTL, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center. A son, Matthew Brian, was born to Ronald and Eleanora McCauley on July 3, 1977 . Dr. McCauley changed jobs from PPG Industries to assistant professor in the ceramics department of the College of Engineering at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He and his family have moved to R.R. 2, Box 524, Hillcrest Dr., Neshanic Station, NJ 08853 .

Charles R. Bost has been promoted to advertising account supervisor in the Advertising & Creative Services group of Armco Steel Corporation. Charles' home address is 385 . Todhunter Road, Monroe, OH 45050. Bansi M. Shah and his wife, Pravina, have a new address at 13042 Chateau Ct. , New Orleans, LA 70129. Bansi is a structures engineer with the Martin Marietta Aerospace Co. , New Orleans, LA. Wayne L. and Carole Vandergriff have a new home at R.R. 3, Box 16, Belton, MO 64012. Wayne is a service manager for General Electric in Overland Park, KS. 20/ MSM Alumnus

Donald E. Radentz has been made vice president and office manager for Russell and Axon Consult. Engineers Don and Nancy make their home at 8006 Colleen, St. Louis, MO 63123. Yun Wang has a new address at P.O. Box 668 , Gary, IN 46401. Samuel H. Smith, president of the Southeast Chapter of the MSPE, presided over their bi-monthly meeting held March 9 in Poplar Bluff, MO. Sam is self employed and lives at 1018 N. Main St. , Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I. T. Herrell La Rose, Jr., has a new address at Tanglewood, Rt. I, Wheelersburg, OH 45694. He is resident engineer for Black & Veatch -Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, MO.

Dennis Worley has been promoted to general manager of Cody Gas Company in Cody, Wyoming. He and his wife, Sandy, and four children, reside at 45 Drivers Club, Cody, WY 82414.


Walt Mulyca finally got his MBA (Master's of Business Administration) on May 12 from East Texas State University at Texarkana. Walt, also a director of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, lives at 203 Hillcrest Terrace, Marshall, TX 75670.

Lonnie J. Shalton has a new address at 4816 Westwood Road, Kansas City, MO 64112. Lonnie is director, Popham, Conway, Sweeny, Freemont & Bundschu, in Kansas City, MO.

David and Penny Merrell have moved to 12518 Champion Dr., SW, Olympia, W A 98502. David is owner of a small consulting firm , Merrell Associates, Design Servjce.


Nicholas A. Spitzer has a new address at 1952 Solera Drive, Columbus, OH 43224 . Nick is an engineer with the Dytrooics Co., Inc.

Donald O. Reuling has been elected a vice president by the board of directors of Murphy Company, Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, Inc., St. Louis, MO. His home address is 46 Raintree Court, Fenton, MO 63026. Charles F. Alexander has been appointed manager, New Business Venture and Development with Control Data Corporation. His address is 36 S. Deep Lake Rd. , North Oaks, MN 55110. C. Dean Martin and his wife, Paulla, have a new address at Rt. I, Lot L-I, Lake Lotawana, MO 64063. Dean is president of Griner & Schmitz, Inc., Kansas City, MO.

1965 Darrell and Joan Nielsen have a new address at RR I , Prole, IA 50229. Darrell has begun work as a project engineer with Butts Engineering Company in Des Moines. Donald A. and Jeanine Bugg of 5205 Perrine, Midland, MI 48640, are proud parents of a third daughter, Valerie Karen, born July 4,1977. Don had a recent job change from superintendent to safety representative of the Agricultural Chemicals Reproduction Dept. of Dow Chemical, which consists of 16 plants and some 600 employees.

Ching.Chyoun Yang and his wife Sachiko, have a new address at 255'7 Via Sanchez, P.alos Verdes Estates, CA 90274. He is a staff engineer with Hughes Aircraft Co. in Culver City CA. '

Alva H. King has been named senior project engineer for environmental engineering at The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company in Akron, OH. His address is 3385 Brent Lane, Norton, OH 44203.

William A. "Bill" Clifton II is now superintendent for U-Brand Corporation, a manufacturer of pipe fittings. He and Sandra live at 1255 Steel Ave., Ashland, OH 44805.

Thomas K. Gaylord aQd his wife, Janice, are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby daughter, Grace May. Grace was born June 14, 1978, and weighed 8Y2 Ibs. Dr. Gaylord, associate professor of electrical engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, has recently received the 1978 "Sustained Research Award" from Sigma Xi for his work in solid state holography. Their address is 92 Twenty Sixth Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30309.

Michael Castleberry has been appointed to manager of production training at Amoco Production Company's newly created Production Training Center in Tulsa, OK. Mike and Joan live at 9902 S. Norwood, Tulsa, OK 74136.

Milton Owen Lasker and his wife Sharon are adapting well to life in the Middle East. They claim, "it's not much different from Rolla!" Mr. Lasker is Middle East Rep for Cooper Energy Services. Their mailing address is P.O. Box 4656, Dubai, UAE. Noland R. Durnell of 201 W. 2nd St., Willow Springs, MO 65793 writes, "I resigned as Construction Engineer of the South Carolina National Forest after \O!h years with the U.S. Forest Service to purchase the ChryslerPlymouth-Dodge Motor Co. in my home town of Willow Springs, MO. After 20 years of seeing the world, my wife Darlene and I, along with our daughters Terry and Jenell, have returned to make our home in Willow. Would appreciate all old acquaintances dropping us a line and letting us know of their ' whereabouts.

J. DERALD MORGAN J. Derald Morgan, UMR and Emerson Electric Professor of Electical Engineering, recently accepted an invitation to serve as a member of the United States National Committee-Technical Committee of the World Energy Conference.

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Personals ____________________________________________________________________________

1966 DarreU Wesley has been made project engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corporation_ Darrell and Margaret live at 966 Ivywood Drive, Athens, GA 30606.

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Phil Jozwiak has joined G.L. Tarlton Contracting Co. as project engineer. He was formerly with Reitz & Jens, Inc., in St. Louis. His address is in care of G.L. Tarlton Co.: is 5500 West Park Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.

Harold E. Fiebelman and his wife, Joyce have a new address at 713 Avondale Drive, Sterling, VA 22170. Harold is a cartographer with the U.S. Geological Survey, Topo Division, in Reston, WA.

William O. Blumfelder has accepted a new position as senior engineering specialist with Emerson Electric in St. Louis, MO. His home address is 4304 Metarus, F1orissant,MO 63033 .

Thomas O. Meier has been promoted to process support supervisor-utilities in the Plant Engineering Department of Monsanto's Decatur Plant. Tom and his wife, Bobbie, and their two children reside at 1222 Castleman Avenue S.W., Decatur, AL 35601.

Jesse T. McMahan is leaving for Air Command & ,Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, after five years with HQ USAF, deputy chief of staff, research and development. Captain McMahan and his wife, Priscilla, reside at 4201 Gustus Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22193.

Edward Albert BaUman, Jr., passed away April 12, 1978, after an extended illness. He had been employed by Pittsburgh Paint and Glass Industries in Pittsburgh, P A.



Robert and Sandra Meyer live at 24347 Hampton Hill, Novi, MI 48050 .. Bob has a new position as manager of research with Holocroft in Livonia, Michigan.


Robert W. Fogler has a new position as ' plant industrialfchemical engineer with Procter & Gamble Paper Products, Cape Girardeau, MO. Bob and Mary reside at 1118 Patricia, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 .


Mike Moran just finished his M.S. in engineering administration this spring by transferring course credit back from the University of Detroit to the UMR Extension Division in St. Louis. Mike is a manufacturer's representative for the Schabel Products Corp. He lives at 147 Carriage Way, Ypsilanti, MI 48197.

David Skitek transferred to UMKC as assistant professor of electrical engineering last August. He is married to the former Mary Mitchum. They have two children, Emily Beth, age 5, and Abigale Lynn, age 2. Their address is 12306 E. 58th, Kansas City, MO 64133 . Dave is. the son of UMR EE professor, Gabe Skitek, and his wife, Edith.

Gerald Zmudzinski and his wife, Diane have announced the birth of their fourth child, a daughter, Jessica Helen, born Jan. 26, 1978. Gerald is now safety director of Inland Steel Coal Company in Sesser, IL. The Zmudzinski's live at R.R. 2, Tamaroa, IL 62888.

James W. Cumper, Jr., has transferred to Saudi Arabia to be the project engineer at Kharnis Mushait. 'Janet, his wife, will accompany him on the tour.

Kenneth W. Rueh and his wife, Carolyn, reside at 812 Richard Lane, Gretna, LA 70053 . Ken has a new position as area equipment engineer with Gulf Oil Corp. in New Orleans, LA.

-Donithan R. Jennings and his wife, Peggy, reside at 1420 Colquitt, Magnolia, AR 71753. Don is a senior structural engineer with Koppers Company, Inc., in Magnolia.

Edwin K. Fox writes that the partnership of Fox & Cole Engineering and Surveying is entering its third year of business and doing fine. Ed and Donna live at 7319 Terri Robyn Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Donald Rathbun has accepted a position as senior designer with Delco Electronics in Goleta, CA. Don and his wife, Roberta, live at 5604 Berkeley Rd., Goleta, CA 93017 .

,Larry G. Harmon joined McClelland,Suhaimi, Ltd., as manager, Materials Division, in July 1977. Vicki and their two sons joined him in Saudi Arabia in November 1977. McClelland Suhaimi is a limited partnership between McClelland Engineers, Inc. of Houston, . and A.R. and M.A. Suhaimi of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. His mailing address is P.O. Box 2165, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

Michael J. Browne and his wife, Billie, moved in late June to 7150 Keeneland Drive, Dayton, OH45414. ~ike is sales representative for the Inland Manufacturing Company, division of General Motors, in Dayton.

Glenn A. Lytle has a new position as chief engineer-analog instruments, with Triplett Corporation in Bluffton, OH. Glenn and Carol give their address as 160 Hillcrest Drive, Bluffton, OH 45817.

VanAlstine is a math-physics teacher at Glendo High School, Wyoming. He and his wife, Toni, and their five children all enjoy their new location. They may be reached at P.O. Box '27, Glendo, WY 82213.

William D. Webb of 220 I E. Sahuard Dr., Phoenix', AZ 85028, is an associate of Dames & Moore in their new offices. His new office is Suite IlIA, 234 N. Central Ave., in Phoenix.

KENNETH C. BOLLINGER Kenneth C. Bollinger has been named Area Sales Manager, Latin America/Canada, for the Rubber Chemicals Division of Monsanto Industrial Chemicals Co. He and his wife, Frances, reside at 92 S. Franklin, Chagrin Falls, OH 44044. Capt. Thomas J. Fritzinger has a new position as T-38 Branch Chief, StanlEval Division, USAF. He and Diane give their address as 126 Tulane Dr., Columbus, AFB, MS 39701. Neal and Tammy Kolchinsky wish to announce the birth of a son, Joseph Sorin Kolchinsky on Jan. 30, 1977. They also have a new home at 14631 W. 89th St., Lenexa, KS 66215 . Neal has a new position as cost engineering manager with Marion Laboratories, Inc., in Kansas City, MO.

John Michael Evans and his wife, Lin! da live at 9119 Slater, Overland Park, KS 66212. John is a manager of nuclear projects with the Kansas City Power & Light. Michael L. Deelo has been transferred to the chemical sales group as market manager for St. Joe Zinc Company to market zinc dust, a new product for the Company. Michael and Judith have a new address at 24'9 Fourth Street, Beaver, PA 15009. J.D. Wolf and his wife Carol have taken up a new residence at 12 Nicolet Ct., Manchester, MO 630 II. John is section chief-electronics, McDonnell Douglas, in St. Louis, MO.

Donald G. Kasten has a new position as assistant professor-electrical engineering at Ohio State University, Columbus. He and Margaret live at 1326 Cambrian Ct., Columbus, OH 43220.

Gail Davidge Kettenbrink has been elected secretary of the West Texas Geological Society, a professional organization of 1,589 geologists and ' geophysicists in Midland, TX. She is employed as a geologist with PeppardSouders and Associates, Petroleum Consultants, Midland. Her address is 3605 Sinclair Ave., Midland, TX 79701 . Tom Fulwider is the owner of Reaco Battery Service Corporation. His address is Rt. 3, Box 141, Marion, IL 62951. James W. Bayless has become a member of the MSPE. His address is 4403 W. 77th Terr., Prairie Village, KS 66208 .

1968 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Rodger L. Elliot 2212 Hill Dr. Bartlesville, OK 74003 Dixie L.B. Finley Rt, 3, Box 52 Rolla, MO 65401

Kenneth B. Krueger has a new address at 3416 HuntcliffCir. , Birmingham, AL 35226. Ken has taken a new position as account manager with Chromium Mining and Smelting Corp., Birmingham, AL. David and CoUeen Sokol have it new address,at R. 2, Auburn, IL 62615 . Dave has a new position as manager-product engineering with Dickey-John Corp. in Auburn. .


FRED W. ERDMANN Fred W. Erdmann has been named senior geologist in the firm of Dames & Moore, engineering and environmental consultants, in their Cincinnati, OH office. Fred, his wife, Nancy, and their two sons, reside at 4542 Champdale, Cincinnati, OH 45238.

Gene Doerflinger started this year with a new position at Hallmark Cards as a senior project engineer in their research department. Much of this summer's time will be spent as a baseball manager at the Longview YMCA, Gene says. He and his wife, Marlys, live at 7411 E. 118 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64134. Donald and Karen Manson have moved to 5 Joshua Dr., O'Fallon, IL 62269'. Don is now vice president of Haydon Construction Co. MSM Alumnus!21


Personals:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1968 Cont. Robert and Julie Feugate are currently living in Tehran, Iran, where Bob is operations officer at the U.S. Army Communications Command Installation and Julie is teaching mathematics at an international high school. Their children, Jo Ellen 7, Anita 6, and Bobby 4, are learning to ride camels. Their mailing address is USACC·IRAN Box 1500, APO New York, NY 09205.

Terry McLellan opened a business in March 1978 as McLellan & Associates. ma nagement consultants providing a wide range of management counseling and assistance services for small to medium sized firms. He and Kay make their home at 500 Ridgedale Dr .. Richardson. TX 75080.

William K. Andrew V. has been made project engineer with Atkinson Interna· tional. He and Edith live at Apartado Postal 1431. Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.

Lawrence H. Luebbert, Jr., and his wife, Barbara, have a new address at 6204 E. IlOth St., Kansas City, MO 64134. He is senior equipment engineer with Hallmark Cards, Inc. in K.C.

Elmer Hill has been appointed manager of manufacturing at Joy's Buffalo New York Plant. Elmer's new address is 140 McNair. Williamsburg. NY 14221.

Josepb M. Scbardl, Jr., and his wife, Joan, have a new address at CBI8·15, 652 ' Jo-Ell Lane, Wheelersburg, OH 45694. Joe is supervisor, quality assurance service, U .S.S. Chemicals, in Ironton, OH.

Steve G. Nigus has been ~Iected as the 1978 Engineer of the Year for Rockwell [nternational's Collins Communications Switching Systems Division. Steve and his 'wife, Annabelle, reside at 5200 C. Ave. NE. Cedar Rapids. [A 52402.

Ricbard E. Sbarp and his wife, Earlene, have been living in Houston, TX since 1971. They have two daughters, Cheryl (8), and Susan, (5). Dick is manager· transportation and exchange with Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company. They live at 12810 Amado Drive, Houston, TX 77065.

C. Craig McCormick and Tara have


new address at 42696 Hanford Rd. , Canton, Ml 48187. Craig is production control manager with Burroughs Cor· poration. Neal and Marilyn Schaeffer have a new address at 9311 Portal, Houston, TX 77031. Neal is general manager with Monsanto. Larry and Kathy Choate are the proud parents of their first child, Patrick Lawrence, born 7116177 . Larry is con· struction manager for Gu y F. Atkinson Co., San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, in California. The Choate fami· Iy resides at 248 Newport Ave., Long Beac h, CA 90803 .

1969 Bor.lng Hwang, a Texas licensed rea l estate agent, is ' selling residential and commercial. (7 13) 498-47 10, or, (713) 495·3812. Bor·lng gives his address as 133 35 Trompilla, Houston, TX 77083. When not selling real estate, he is an engineer for the Truckline Gas Co. in Houston.

David R. DeSpain has a new position as manage r·video duplica tion with Maritz La boratories in Fento n, MO. He and Mart ha reside at 7 16 Union, Alton, IL 62002 .

Donald E. and Patricia Thies have mov· ed to 6710 Canterbury Ct. , Utica, MI 48087. Don has been made a senior research engineer in the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors. 22 / MSM Alu mn us

D.E. and Bonnie Besterfe[dt just moved from Tehran, [ran , to the Birmingham area. with their two children. Laura and Scottie. Both children were born in [ran. Their new home address is 3304 Castle Crest Dr., Vestavia. AL 35215. Dan is a department chief with Western Electric. -Larry Decker has been promoted at the Ford Motor Company to principal stan· dards engineer. engineering research , staff. Larry ana his wife, Marilyn, live at 951 N. Highland, Dearborn, MI 48128 . Thomas M. Wilcox has been hired as ci· ty engineer for Fulton, MO. The an· nouncement was made by the Fulton . City Council. Tom assumed his duties Ma y I and he and his wife, Jo Ann and their two children, reside at 211 State St.. Fulton. MO 65251.

Lynn J. Degenhardt has a new address at 108 Paris Ln .. Oak Ridge, TN 378 30. Lynn is an electrical engineer·design with Union Carbide- Nuclear Division.

Gregory K. Haseltine is senior liaison engineer with Du Pont de Nemours France. (S.A.) . His address is 44 rue A. Schweitze r. 68 170 Rixheim . France. James D. Payne, and his wife Mary Ann, and son Jared, 3, are getting settl· ed at 137 South Dri ve. RR 3, Mt. Carmel. [L 62863 . after another move. T hey announ ce that fo rmer classmates a re we lcome. Jim is producti o n superintendent/engineer with Ram Oil C-ompany in Browns, IL. J ames R. Bruzewski gives his new ad · dress at 3602 N. Washington. Ap t. A-3. Still wa ter, OK 74074.

William R. Knauf and his wife, Sandra inform us that they have a new little sister, Lauren, for their son, Jason. They give their address as 8630 Newton PL, Manassas, VA 22110.

Stephen J. Coulter is the owner of Coulter Express in Columbus, IN . He and Joan live at R R I. Box 306, Colum· bus. [N 4720 I. Wendell and Leeanna Neumeyer have a new address at Rt. 2, Box 289. Sher· wood . OR 97140. Wendell is a design engineer II with Textronix in Beaver· ton, OR. ,Paul F; Cretin has be'en appointed [no dustrial Specialist with the University of Missouri Extension Service at Rolla. 301 Harris Hall, UMR. Donald W. Shaw was named Young Engineer of the Year at the February chapter meeting of the Jefferson City Engineers Club. Shaw is with the Cen· tral Electric Power Co-op in Jefferson City.

Bill T. Ray has a new address at 8602 A Indianhead Drive, No. Little Rock, AR 72116. Bill is equipment engineer for Remington Arms Co. Cecil R. Taylor has a new address at 60 I West Alton" Independence, MO 64055 . cecil is an industrial engineer with the U.S. Army, Lake City AAP in In· dependence. Derek Crossley and his wife, June, give their address as 4030 Shady Springs, Seabrook, TX 77586. Derek is project manager with Black, Sivalls, & Bryson, Houston, TX. Aravind S. Muzumdar and his wife, Anjali, have a new address at 9533 Northcote Ave., Munster, IN 46321.


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Fred J. Hobenberger and his wife Lin· Gary L. Lomax is a chemical engineer with the U.S. Army Industrial Base Engineering Activity, Rock Island Arsenal. He and his wife, Linda, reside at 3512 West -29th St., Davenport, IA 52804. Charles W. Foster is currently working with Fort Campbell. K Y area office of Mobile District Corps of Engineers. He and Londa give their address as 2216 Pendleton Rd,. Oak Grove, K Y 42262.

da, have a new address at 3700 Druso, St. Louis, MO 63125 . Fred is a metallurgical engineer with Granite City Steet Bill Shinn has been promoted to division electrical engineer at Alcoa Warrick Operations, Newburgh, IN. Bill and Diane have a new address at RR 4, Box 488, Newburgh, IN 47630.

James E. Fischer has accepted the posi· tion of manager of package development with Boise Cascade Corp. Can Div .. in SI. Louis, MO. He and Anne live at No. 2 Foxcliff Ct.; St. Louis, MO 630 II. Vincent R. Jozwiak and his wife, Judith, have a new address at 14006 Maebeth Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803. Vincent is a captain in the U.S. Army at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville.

Gerald D. Hardy has a new position as test engineer with Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria. Geral<i lives at 1009 Sunset Drive, E. Peoria, IL 61611.

A.A. Daneshy and his wife, Ronshan, live at 22 11 Western Drive, Duncan, OK 73533 . He is a section supervisor with Halliburton Services.

Rick C. Tseng and his wife, Nelly live at 1805 King Arthur Ct., Orange, TX 77630, where Rick is employed as a process engineer at Allied Chemical Cor· poration.


David and Eileen Beardsley announce: "Our second child, Christopher David, arrived May 5, 1978, weighting 8 lb., I oz. He has a built-in beer gut and is a potential Rolla man. I occasionally work on the Missouri Bridge Engineering Assistance Program, developing load ratings and repair recommendations for old bridges." The Beardsley's reside at 11009 Modesto Drive, St. Ann, MO 63074.

Angelo Simone has moved to 5623 Surf Way, Sacramento, CA 95822 . He is a programmer/analyst with the State of California. Lynn B. Calton is the owner of Calton Engineering. His address is 1004 W. Washington Place, Broken Arrow, OK 7401 2. Richard F. Jordan of 4057· Demenico Ct. , Bridgeton, MO 63044, has been promoted to manager of marketing for G .L. Tarlton Contracting Co. Michael L. and Chanda M . Reed have a new home at 30 W. 291 Heather Court, Warrenville, IL 60555. Mike is a project engineer with Liquid Carbonic Corp.

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Forrest A. Yonker was · promoted to superintendent of Eagle No. 2 mine, Peabody Coal Co., in Shawneetown, IL. This particular mine employs 630 workers and produces 1.5 million tons of coal a year. Forrest and his . wife, Marianne, live at RR 2, Harrisburg, IL 62946, and welcome any correspondence from friends.

Steve Carey has begun duties as director of transportation for Franklin County, Missouri. Carey had been -senior design engineer for the State Highway Depart· ment for six years prior to accepting the county position.





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Greg Praznik has been promoted from sales engineer to field service manager for Schlumberger Offshores Services having moved from New Orleans to Morgan City, LA. Greg lives at 3225 Susan Dr., Morgan City, LA 70380. Randolpb W. Schmelzel and his wife, Diane, announce the birt h of their fourth child, Paul Randolph, born February 17, 1978. Their other three children are: Jeffrey Alan 10, Kimberly Ann 6, and Rebecca Lynn 5. T he fa mil y lives at 114 Chesterfield Rd., G reenville, SC 29605. Rand y is a production engineer with Fiber Industries, Inc.

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Alumni Personah:_________________________________________

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Larry Joe and Carole Aim Oliver have a new address at 1536 Pheasant Ridge, Ellisville, Mo. 630 II. Larry Joe is an environmental engineer III with Sverdrup & Parcel and Associ!ltes, Inc., St. Louis, MO..

Leonard DeWald and his wife, Susan, have a new address at 2713 Bee Tree Lane, St. Louis, Mo. 63129. Leonard is constructiOi1 site superintendent for Monsanto in St. Louis.

Charles A. Shepherd and his wife, Jean, have a new address at 22 Lilac, Edwardsville, IL 62025. He is process managercompounding with Shell o.il Co. in Wood River, IL. Walter S. Schamel has a new position as a .civil engineer with the Federal A via-, tion Administration. Walter and Jacquilline give their address as P.o.. Box 1181, Pooler, GA 31322.


Allen W. Seabaugh received his professional engineer license in March, 1978, and in July, 1978, accepted a promotion and transfer to TVA's power production central engineering offices in Chattanooga, TN. The new position involves responsibility for performance testing and reliability improvement of equipment . .throughout TV A's fossil and nuclear power plants. He ·and Donna give 'their new home address as 1916 Colonial Way Circle, Hixson, TN 37343.

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Step he.. Weatherly ' has been made Quality Assurance Manager with Clark Equipment Co. in Jackson, MI. His address is 4765 Bavarian Drive, Jackson, MI49201.


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Gerald L. Campbell hils joined the mechanical/electrical enginee.ring department of Booker Associates, Inc., as an electrical project engineer. Gerald lives at I Treehill Ct., Manchester, MO 63011. Kenneth J. Rademan has been named director of utilities division of the' Missouri Public Service Commission. His address is Star Rt., Argyle, MO.. 65001. . Captain Michael L. Buck is a member of an organiZation that has earned the U.S. Air Force o.utstanding Unit Award. Captain Buck is a B-52 Stratpfortress pilot at Blytheville AFB, Arkansas; with the 97th Bomb Wing which was cited for meritorious service from July I, 1975 to June 30, 1977. James P. Bosse has a new address at 4320 Connecticut, St. Louis, Mo. 63116. He also has a new title as EDP audit analyst, with General American Life Insurance Co.

Terry L. Grieve has been appointed electrical sales engineer, Detroit Sales Office of Gould Inc., Electrical Systems Group, Sales Division. He and Cathy reside at 2337 Abbey Ct., Canton, MI 48188. Larry Pittman and his wife, Mary, have a new address at 523 Greenville Rd., NW, Bristolville, OH 44402. Larry is project engineer with Packard Electric Division 'of General Motors. Sben Kuang Yeb' has a new position as senior engineer with Northrop Corporation in Haw.thorne, California. He and Teresa Yeh give their address ' as 5032 Juniper Circle, La Palma, cA 90623. . Dennis L. Ditcb and his wife, Kathryn, have a new address at 2008 E. 59th St., Kansas City, Mo. 64130. Dennis has a new title as systems manager/analyst with R&D Chemical.' Bob Johnson and Kathy Winkler were married 01) Feb. 24, .1978, in Liberal, KS. They say they are "still loving in Liberal and mailing address is P.o.. Box 1311, Liberal, KS 6790 I." Bob is an engineer for the Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co.

Wayne R. Kemp has a new address at P.o.. Box 8885, Reno, NV 89507.

Veo Peoples, Jr. has joined the legal department of Anheuser-Busch, Inc., as associate general counsel for patents, trademarks and copyrights. His address is 5235 Maffitt, St. Louis, Mo. 63113.

Mark H. Price has a new position as assistant general manager with Price Metal Co. His address .is 10851 State Line Rd., Apt. 2, Kansas City, Mo. 64114.

Stephen Walter Berghaus received a Master of Arts degree this year from Presbyterian School of Christian Education. His address is 306 Potosi St., Farmington, Mo. 63640.

Ronald W. Burke"!per is working at Monsanto's central engineering department as process design engineer. He will complete his MBA from the University of Missouri-St. Louis during the summer of 1979. He and Marcella reside at 411 Sunnyslope Drive, Ballwin, Mo. 630 Ii .

Danny Ray Conner has been made vice president of Clark Industries, Inc. He and Charlotte live at 424 W. Cale, Monett, Mo. 65708 .


, 1978 OCTOBER 6-7 Reunion Years: 1928 and' before, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1968, 1973

Cbarles and Eva Cooper have a new address at 7009 W. l66th Terrace, Stillwell, KS 66085 . . Victor W. Bender and Dorothy live at - 44127 N. Halcom, Lancaster, CA 93534. Vic has a new position as staff engineer with Lockheed-California Company in Burbank. Steve Hanger and his new wife, Dana, have moved into a new home. Steve is systems director for Technical Systems Associates. Dana is a graphics artist for Shell o.il Co. Their new address is 8723 Beau Monde, Houston, TX 77099. Greg Strother, and his wife, Paula, and son, Jacob, are now residing at 750 Reel, Salem, IL 62881 . Greg says they are inviting friendly correspondence while he continues as night manager at the world's largest sleeping bag factory, Sportline, Division of Homemake Industries, Division of Beatrice Foods. Paul K. Scherrer has a new address at 720 Teasel Drive, Apt. A3-8, Kingsport, TN 32660. Paul is a research mechanical engineer with the Tennessee Eastman Company.

Robert W. Erlbacher II is owner of Missouri Dry Dock and Repair Company in Cape Girardeau. His address is 640 Sylvan Lane, Cape Girardeau, Mo. 63701. Lenard H. Ross has accepted a two year assignment with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Jidda, Saudi Arabia. He will be working with the project management section of the construction division. He will be joined by his wife, Fran and sons, Benjamin and Matthew, when they make the move this month. Their address will be' U.S. Army Engr. Dist. Jidda, APo. New York 09697.

Michael B. Clapper and his wife, Mary, have a new location at 2931 Atlantic Park Ave., Florissant, Mo. 63031. Mike is an investigator for the Food and Drug Administration.

Edwin M. Gross, Jr., and his wife, Carol, have a new address at 431 Vine, o.'Fallon, Mo. 63366. Ed has a new position at Emerson Electric Motor Division as applications engineer. VIC WILREKER Vic and Elaine Wilreker are happy to announce that Vic has been awarded the Westinghouse B.O. Lamme Graduate Scholarship. The one-year scholarship established in 1927 is the corporation's highest order of recognition for engineers and scientists. Vic will take his family to Germany where he will continue graduate studies in electrical engineering. Pre~ent address is: R. 3, Box 285A, Greensburg, PA 15601.

Phil Colombatto works for AnheuserBusch as a management research analyst. His address is 5825 Southwest Ave., N. 4, St. Louis, Mo. 63139. Clifford Crane has become a new member of the MSPE. His address is R.R. I, Foristell, Mo. 63348 . Carl Intag and his wife, Debbie, have a new address at 3600 Bonniebrook, Plano, TX 75075 . Carl is sales engineer for the Carrier Corporation in Dallas.

Linas A. Roe is an instructor of physics with the U.S. Army. He and his wife, Jodine, may be reached at Qtrs. 4500 C, • USAF Acaqemy, Co. 80M,O" 1978 has been a year of change for Fred and Karen VonKaenel. Their daughter, Jami Mae, was born April 27, 1978. They moved to Route 1,316 Gateway, Marion, IL 62959, and Fred accepted a position as assistant superintendent with Amax Coal. Barry and Sue (Jaggi, '72) Winscber are pleased to announce the birth of their son Jeremy on Jan. 27, 1978 (right in the middle of the "Blizzard of '78'l Barry is a Design Engineer for Ford Motor Company and Sue has retired to "Domestic Coordinator" in their home at 15078 Gage, Taylor, MI 48180.

1972 Louis Karably hils joined Law Engineering Testing Company as a geologiC{l1 engineer, after five and a half years with is 3160 Andover the USAF. His taddress . ,( • Drive, Marietta, GA 30066. Jorge Amayo and' his wife Birmania Luna since 6/22177 have received in their home a beautiful baby named Nadiuslca Tahiluma, who was baptized the 7th of January, 1978, in the city of Lima, Peru. The Amayo family resides at Virrey Amat I 32-Urb. La ColonialCallao, Lima, Peru. Dallas R. and Kathy Leavitt have a new home at 11013 A~ton Dr., St. Louis, Mo. 63123. Dallas is a cartographer with the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center. Major Charles E. Olson and his wife Shirley, are moving to Saudi Arabia where he will be an operations officer in an advisory function for the Corps of Engrs. Shirley and the kids are looking forward to the new situation. They will be in Riyadh for two years. Mail will reach them through o.PM SANG, APo. . New York, NY 09038. Stephen and Carolyn Boyd became the proud ' parents of 8 lb., 6 oz., Stepl!..en Wesley Boyd, on April 20, 1978. The Boyd's reside at 805 Lime Ave., Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Wayne McSpadden has been named Young .Engineer of the Year for 1978 by the Southeast Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. Wayne is a partner in the firm of S. H. Smith and Co., Consulting Engineers. Wayne and his wife, Mary Ann, live at 80 I Sutton, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 63901. MSM Alumnus!23

Alumni Persona/s ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1972 Cont. Dennis D. Fiebelman has infonned us: "I was married to Donna Wade of Bix· by, MO on July 30,1 977. I recently ac· cepted a job with Ozark Lead Co. near Bunker, MO as a mechanical engineer." The couple's address is Salem Rt., Box 20A, Boss, MO 65440.

Russel L. Titus was presented with the "Young Engineer of the Month" award in March by the Western Chapter Missouri Society of Professional Engineers at their March meeting. He and his wife, Irene, and son, Raymond, live at 18600 E. 27th Terrace, Independence, MO 64057. Hugh E. Cole and his wife Linda, have a new address at 233 Flowerwood Ct. , Luling, LA 70070. Hugh also has a new position with Union Carbide-Linde Division, as assistant superintendent. Robert F. Peatross infonns us: "My wife and I had our first baby on Nov. 30, 1977. He is a healthy boy who we named Robby. He weighed 6 Ibs., 13 oz.. and was 20 inches long. We are very happy about our new additon." Bob, Jane and Robby live at 4136 Medoc Drive, Kenner, LA 70062, where Bob is log analyst for Welex-a Halliburton Co. in nearby New Orleans.

1973 FRANK J. MINDEN Frank J. Minden has been appointed to the dual position of plant metallurgist and sales engineer, it was announced by United Heat Treating Company, Fort Worth, TX, a division of Energy Resources Corp., Dallas, TX. Frank will manage . product and process development, as well as handling materials consulting for his industrial accounts. His new address is 445 Precinct Line Rd .. Hurst, TX 76053. Ralph M. Partridge, Rt. I, Aonam, IL 62906, has a new position as superintendent of highways for Alexander County, Cairo, IL. David A. Ackmann has a new positi(;m as consultant with McDonnell Douglas Automation, St. Louis, Missouri. He and Kathleen live at 1465 Burnside Ct. , FIOI:issant, MO 63031.

Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Wesley S. Watkins P.O. Box 1916 Houston, TX 77001 Stephen J. Bergtholdt 1934 Redwood Rd. Hercules, CA 94547 Robert J. Scanlon 146 Brookview Rd. E. Peoria, IL 61611

Ken and Jennifer Thompson have mov· ed to Rt. 2, Box 271B, Conifer, CO 80433. Ken is an analytical engineer . wiih Atlantic Richfield. Stephen and Sandra Shepard have a new home at 6128 Walraven Circle, Ft. Worth. TX 76133. Stephen is a Major in the Army.

Calvin R. Heseman and his wife, Monica, live at 600 Fawn Ct., Mt. Zion, IL 62549. Cal has a new position with the Illinois Power Company as com- . . James A. Acree is an Accountable Ofpliance engineer. ficer with the U.S . Department of the Army . His mailing address is USMCA Chuck Rogge is a tennis professional Mannheim Fac Eng, APO New York. employed by Sweetwater Park, Garden NY 09086. City, UT 84028. John and Kathleen Brinton have moved Ceaser J. Santucci writes, "Hello from to 35 Eldorado Dr .. Florissant. MO the hot sands of Saudi Arabia. I thought 63031 . John is a field engineer with your readers would be interested to Square D. know that there are many Rolla engineers here helping to build a new June 14, 1978, was moving day for country." Ceaser can be reached at Box Gary and Sharon Lederle. Their new 3254 USA Engr. Dist., APO New York, home address is 5667 Charlet Forest NY 09038. Drive, St. Louis, MO 63l29. Mitchel S. Krysa has recently been promoted to district engineer for Missouri Public Service at Warrensburg, MO. Mitch and Jenese have a new address at 95 Spring Ridge Road, Warrensburg, MO 64092, and are expecting their first child this month (August) . Dale L. Houdeshell has accepted a new position as city .enginee(/director of public works wtt.h the City ' of Crestwood. Dale and Judith live at ,719 Fieldcrest, Crestwood, MO 63126. 24 / MSM Alumnus

Earl J . Brown has accepted a position as systems engineer with Standard Oil of Ca li for nia. He and Mary Helen have a new home at 1663 Beach Street. San Francisco, CA 94123. Leonard S. Veden has written us to tell us that he is now working as a program· mer analyst for Landmark Data Ser· vices. Inc.. in St. Louis. Leonard li ves at 12411 Glenmeade Ct.. Apt. H. Maryland Heights. MO 63043.

Charles C. McGinty, D.D.S. and his wife. Jennifer. have a new address at 2426 Oza rk . Joplin. MO 6480 I. Charles is self·employed as a family dentist in Joplin .

Mary B. Danner has accepted a position as programmer anal yst with Shell Oil. She and her husband Tom. live at 7303 Hillcroft No. 34. Houston . TX 77081.



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Daniel L. Wilhelm and his wife. JUdith. have a new address at 904 Cannon Rd .. Sil ver Spring. MD 20904. In July. Dan joined Satellite Business Systems as a marketing representative.


Richard G. Schafermeyer was married this past June to Nancy Melvin who is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati in business administration. Richard is a chemcial engineer with Procter & Gamble and the couple liye at 9344 Roundtop Rd .. Apt. F. Cincinnati. OH 45239. Willis J. Wilson has passed the profes, sional engineer's exam for Missouri. He and his wife. Nancy, live at RR I. Box 19. Garden City. MO 64747. Willis is employed by Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co., in Kansas City. Missouri . S.K. Tolani and Shalini were married in 1973. They have a baby girl not yet I year old. Dr. Tolani joined a consulting organiza tion in mechanical engineering in Cinci nnati in· 1973 and worked in several capacities. i'ncluding manager of computerized design analysis dept. He is current ly setting up a wholly owned subsid iary in 'Paris and wou ld welcome correspondence with Miners in Europe. He is manager, Analyt ical Services & Technical Adviser for Structural Dynamics Research Corp. Home is Apt. No. 12. Rue de la Liberte. 78400 Chatou. France. Jack E. Gonzenbach has a new posi tion as sales representative for SAB Harmon, Inc., in Grain Valley, MO . .He and Patricia reside at 11920 Sheffield Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

John Melles has been named associate professor of physics and engineering science at Aurora College. Aur9ra. IL. John 's home address is 708 S. Spencer SI.. Aurora. IL 60505.

David A. Lewis is a co-author with Dr. Norbert O. Schmidt of a presentation on Dispersive Clay, given October 1977 at the Tri Sectional Fall Meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The paper was awarded the Best Technical Paper by the Texas Section of the ASCE.

ROBERT K. HUTCHINGS Robert K. Hutchings has been pro. moted to captain in the U.S. Air Force. Captain Hutchings. a weapon systems ' officer. is assigned at Bergstron AFB. TX. with a unit of the Tactical Air Com· mand. He and his wife, Brenda. make their home at 206· Sk y Loop Drive. . Austin . TX 787f45 .


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19 Mike and Beth Walz are proud to announce the birth of a son on Jan 4. Mike recently transferred to the mechanical engineering department at Black & Veatch after spending four years in the control engineering department. Their home address is 13811 S. II th St., Grandview, MO 64030. Victor W. Lomax has joined the faculty 'of Drury College's Breech School of Business Administration and Economics for the 1978-79 academic year. Drury is located in Springfield. MO. Pamela C. LaFoone is working for the First National Bank of Florida in Tam· pa. She'd like to hear from old friends at her new address: 10602 Walk Way. Apt. 2089. Tampa. FL 336 12. John M. and Nancy Keating have a new mailing add ress: P.O. Box 1086. Bartow. FL 33830. John also has a new job as plant metallurgist wi th International Minerals & Chem icals.

George H. Gulley is currently a field engineer for Crawford & Russell, Inc. and is now back in the U.S. after a 13-month assignment in Sasslburg, South Africa, on a job for African Explosives. George and his wife Sandy now reside at 1109 Interlacken Dr., Springfield, IL 62704 , along with son Matt (now 2Vz). George is helping to bui ld an addition for Borden Chemical in Illiopolis. The Gulleys had some fan tastic experience while in South Africa and' did a lot of traveling and picturetaking, but are glad to be back in the "good 01' USA." They anticipate being in Springfield until around October. Janice E. Breidert has been promoted to captain in the U.S. Air Force. She is deputy chief of data automation and is assigned at Andersen AFB, Guam 96910, with a unit of the Strategic Air Command.


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Alumni Personals


1974 Craig N. Ortwerth has a new position as Regional Representative, Midwest, for Nuclear Energy Services, Inc. He and his wife, Mary Beth, have a new address at 6475 Devonshire Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109.

Joseph and Susan Cesare had their first child on September 2, 1977, a boy, Anthony Joseph Cesare. They live at 60 II Narrows Lane, Redding, CA 9600 I. Joe is a geotechnical engineer with CH2M/Hill in Redding. First Lt. Randolph A. Latall and his wife, Patricia, are expecting their first child around the 18th of October and are very anxious about the arrival. Randy will be returning to Ft. Belvoir in the fall to attend the engineer officers advanced course. In the meantime, they give their address as the 567th Engr. Co., APO New York, NY 09165. Thomas J. Rossi has a new address at 5000 Harbor Lake Dr., Apt. B6, Goose Creek, SC 29445.




Dr. James R. Kauten graduated from the University of Health Sciences of the Chicago Medical School on June 15, 1978. He is presently a first year surgical . resident at Southern Illinois University's School of Medicine in Springfield, IL. He and his wife, Deanna, are living at 724 N. Bruns, Apt. D, Springfield, IL 62702.

NOTICE Mail returned because of incorrect addresses now costs the Alumni Association.2S' per piece. Please notify the Alumni Office, Harris Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO. 65401 as soon as you have an address change. All changes are made on the day of receipt. The computerized record system allows the alumni office to maintain alumni lists for various campus organizations, so a change in your basic record will probably accomplish the change for your fraternity, honorary or special interest organization. . Thank You


John and Lynn Struckhoff have moved to 114 White Pine Dr., Springfield, IL 62703. John has a new position as analyst with the Central Illinois Public Service Co. Jonath.an T. Motherwell is an assistant project engineer with D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers in Brussels, Belgium. First Lieutenant Michael J. Miller has been selected Outstanding Instructor Piiot of the Month at Sheppard AFB, TX. Miller was honored for effective teaclJing techniques and exemplary devotion to duty. He and his wife, Deborah, live at 10 Centennial Ct., Wichita Falls, TX 76305 .

Joseph K. Russell and his wife, Mary, have a new address at 1524 N. Clark, Cape Girardeau, MO 6370 I. Joe has accepted the position of engineer with the City of Cape Girardeau. Kristie Capps Gibson has taken a new position with Phillips Petroleum Co. as a process engineer. She and John, '74, reside at 825 S.E. Belmont Rd., Bartlesville, OK 74003. John also has a new position with Phillips, as a material control specialist. Joseph E. Connell II has been designated a Naval Flight Officer (NFO). He received his "wings of gold" upon completion of the six-week Advanced Jet Navigation Course at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL. Joe is married to Nancy and gives his parents address as, 4 Jack Ray Park, Wentzville, MO 63385. Thomas W. Schroeder has a new address at 509 Garratt, Taft, CA 93268. Tom has a new position as maintenance foreman with Shell Oil Co. in Fellows, CA. Robert J. Tapella is currently working as a loss prevention specialist for the DatIas district office of .Factory Mutal Engineering Association: He resides at 14716 Dallas Parkway, Apt. 211, Dallas, TX 75240. He says, if you get down that way, give him a holler.


Timothy J. Carroll has bought a house and moved to 1703 North St., Susanville, CA 96130. He is district geologist with the Bureau of Land Management.

Bruce 0_ Lutz of 539 14th St. , Box 1539, Rawlings, WY 82301 , has been promoted to Field Engineer II by Cities Service Gas Co.

Colleen Collins Fitzgerald has accepted a position with Westinghouse as a sales engineer. She and her husband Michael, have a new home at 65 Hathaway Lane, Downers Grove, IL 60515.

William and Patricia Miller have moved to 406 East 'M' Street, Russellville, AR 7280 I. Mr. Miller is an assistant engineer with the Arkansas Power & Light Co.


Gilbert w. Fuller has been promoted to superintendent of environmental engineering by the Empire District Electric Co. of Joplin, MO. He lives at 3007 Silver Creek, Joplin, MO 64801. Mark and Rose Herzog have a new son their second, James Daniel, born April 12, 1978, and they have a.new address at 2908 Red Gum Gap, Longview, TX 75605.

Dr. James W. Whitfield received his medical degree in May 1978 from the University of Missouri School of Medicine in Columbia, graduating ' Magna Cum Laude. He is now doing his residency in internal medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. His address is, I-J Duke Manor Apartments, 311 South laSalle Street, Durham, NC 27705.

William Franklin Cage_ has joined the staff of the Maintenance department at Westvaco's Wickliffe, KY pulp and pape.rmaking operation as maintenance electrical engineer. He gives his address as P.O. Box 331 , Wickliffe, KY 42087.

Vincent and Caryn Pirano have been living in Ecuador for. I 0 months and en· joy it very much. They expect · to be there for an additional 24 months. Their mail address is Casill 9272, Guayaquil, Ecuador, SA. Vince is an office engineer with Raymond International Inc.

Ed and Linda '75 (Timpe) Scarff are the proud parents of a baby boy named Allen Joseph. He was born in Rolla, MO, March 22, 1978, and joins sister Miney, age 3V2. Ed is now employed by Nalco Chemical Co. with the family residing at 6 Southview Drive, Apt. K, Hibbing, MN 55746.

Charlie Daniells Jr. has moved to 5736 Harrison, Kansas City, MO 64110. He is a civil engineer with Burns & McDonnell. Hubert J:{. Maddox of Rt. 2, Fulton, MO 65251, has been promoted to senior constructior. inspector with the Missouri State Highway Dept. U.S. Army Major Richard W. Graumann was recently made Garlstedt Resident Engineer. He receives his mail through APO New York, NY 09069.

Karl M. Heisserer and his wife, Barbara, have announced the birth of their second son, Curtis Lee, born March 30 1978. Karl is employed by The Tran~ Company and will be transferred to the company's Indianapolis sales office as a sales engineer sometime in August or September. Michael J. Meyer and his wife, Mary have a new address at 4944 Theiss Meadows, St. Louis, MO 63128. He has a new position as project engineer with Anheuser Busch, Inc. in St. Louis.

Michael and Margery Barnicle have moved to 1243D Orchard Village Lane, Manchester, MO 63011. Dean C. Willoughby has been promoted to 1st Lt. in the U.S. Air Force. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan K. Willoughby, 995 Pomona Road, Corona, CA 91720. First Lt. (Pilot) Mike Quinn says: "I'll be stationed at Ellsworth AFB (Rapid City, S.D.) after completion of B-52 H training at Castle AFB. I will also fly the T-38 in the 'Ace' program. All part of keeping our skies clear of commies." Mike's address is PSC Box 1351, Castle AFB, CA 95342. Michael Joseph McCarthy III has a new address at 1552 Chesley Dr., Dellwood, MO 63136. Dave and Vickie Thatcher announce that they have moved into their first house. Dave says, "My wife and I will have the priviledge of directing a week long church camp for 80 junior high students this summer. Should be a lot of fun." He and Vickie give their new address as 118 Fernbarry, Pontiac, MI 49054. Dave is project engineer with General Motors Proving Ground. Stephen L. Burton received the master of religious education degree May 20, 1978, from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO. Burton attended UMR where he received a B.S. in metallurgical engineering. He lives at 2511 St. Joseph Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64505. Mark S. Giulvezan was transferred Nov. 1977 to Houston, Texas, with Ingersoll-Rand, the construction and · mining division. Mark and Nancy's second child was born Feb. 7, 1978, a boy, Matthew. Their daughter, Stacy, 3 years old, now has a playmate. Their new address is 25315 Fairbrook, Spring, TX 77373. Jeff Bertram has a new address at 9967 B Heritage, Afton, MO 63123. Jeff is an engineering specialist with Emerson Electric in St. Louis, Missouri. Chris Veesaert and his wife, Carol, have a new address at 4372 S. Beech Way, Morrison, CO 80465. Chris has a new position as a civil engineer with the U.S Bureau of Reclamation in Lakewood CO. He w~ formerly with the U.S: Forest Service, Enumclaw, WA. Thomas B. Ellis informs us that this past October he received a promotion to Engineer III in the Division of Land Pollution Control of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. His address is 1121 N. Walnut, Springfield, IL 62702. William M. Sallas is a teaching assistant in the statistics department at Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. Ray Winkelmann has a new address at 112 E. 31st Place, Apt. B, Tulsa, OK 74105. Ray is production c~rdinator for ARCO Chemical in Sand Springs, Oklahoma. ARCO is a division of Atlantic Richfield. MSM Alumnus125

- - - - - - - - - - ---Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________________________

1975 Cont ..


Thomas and Rachels Schneider are happy to announce the birth of their third son, Marc Patrick. Tom has recently accepted a position as engineer with Shirley Engineering Associates in St. Louis. The Schneiders live at 265 Gerald, Florissant, MO 63031 .

Larry Schwab and his wife Phyllis have a new address at 85 IsabeUa Drive, Decatur, IL 62521. Larry is associate development engineer for A.E. Staley.

James W. Ott announced " I was recent· Iy married to Mary Ann Mueller, class of 1977, and we are planning to move into our new home this summer. Mary Ann works at Sigma Chemical here in St. Louis." Jim is employed at McDonnell Douglas Automation as a systems programmer.

Loyd G. Perrymore received his M.S. degree in physics from Washington University on May 19, 1978. His address is Rt. 3, Box 153, Rolla, MO 6540 I. . Pauletta Rae France has a new position as senior staff engineer wit Ii Woodward· Clyde Consultants. Her address is RR I Bates City, MO 64011. '

Donald R. Speck has a new address at 2927 Lemay Ferry Rd. , Apt. E, St. Louis, MO 63125. Don is an associate engineer with Ralston Purina Co. Brian G. Millburn was promoted to First Lt. in December of 1977. He is a missile launch officer, USAF, and is cur· rently working on his MBA through UMC, part-time, and stationed at Whiteman AFB. His address is 1105 South Holden St. , Warrensburg, MO 64093 . Kerry L. Welker, a graduate in engineering management, is employed at Procter & Gamble Paper Products in ' Cape Girardeau, MO. Kerry's new address is 906 N.W. End Blvd ., Cape Girardeau, MO. 6370 I. Captain Thomas S. Boon has been named Strategic Air Command Civil Engineer of the Year for 1977 . He and his wife, Cynthia, live at 1007 MM Kountz ME Drive, Bellevue, NE 68005. Myron D. Calkins has been recom· mended as Secretary by the MSPE nominating committee at their winter meeting in Joplin, MO in February 1978. His home address is 3918 N .E. In· dianola Dr., Kansas City, MO 64116. Myron is Director of Public Works in Kansas City. THANK YOU It has been called to our at· tention' that the MSM ALUMNUS carrie. frequent invitations to , membership in the Century Club without any Instructions as to how you loin. It i. simple. lust make gifts to the Annual Fund totaling $100 between January 1 and December 31 in any given fund year. 26/ MSM Alumnus

Mark D. Dalen has accepted a pOsition as project engineer with EG & G Automotive Research in San Antonio, TX . He and Diana give their address as 9501 Quicksilver, San Antonio, TX 78245. William D. Snodgrass has accepted a position as engineer-electronics with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. His new address is 1380 Carmona, Floris· sant, MO 63033. Dennis W. Leitterman and p'amela A. Thebeau, '75, were married April IS , 1978 in Crystal City, MO. Following a honeymoon in the Southwest, the couple is at home at 990 Ponderosa Ave., Apt. D, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Dennis is employed by the Data Systems Division of Hewlett-Packard in Cupertino, CA. He is involved in the development of minicomputer systems as a product support engineer.

Barbara J. Clayton has joined UMR as a lecturer in English working through Extension at Truman Ed ucation Center, Fort Leonard Wood, MO. She is project director of MCH "Victorian" and Title I "The University of the Third Age," in addition to lecturer responsibilities. USAF Second Lt. Stephen P. Vancil has graduated from the Strategic Air Command's combat crew training course at Castle AFB, CA. Stephen's parents address is 511 Carleton, Caruthersville, MO 63830.

John R. Lees, Jr. of 2210 Robert T. Longway, Apt. 302, Flint, MI 48503, is now a lecturer in the computer science department of the University of Michigan-Flint.


Second Lt. Loren O. Ginter has graduated from the U.S. Air Force electronic warfare officer course at Mather AFB, California. He studied the airborne operation of specialized electronic warfare eq uipment and is being assigned to Offut AFB, Nebraska, for duty with a unit of the Strategic Air Command.

Dale E. Bradley has a new position as field materials supervisor with McNally Pittsburg Mfg. Corp. Dale gives his address at 1501 Bitner PI., Pittsburg, KS 66762. Larry Robinson of 2301 St. Clair Ave., Brentwood, MO 63144, has completed graduate requirements for an M.B.A . from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth. Larry will be joining IBM in Boston as a systems engineer in July. His responsibilities will include planning medium to large-scale computer systems, overseeing their installation and pro· gramming, and training the client's employees in their use. Lawrence and Linda Guevel have mov· ed to 6710 Brink Dr., Parkville, MO 64152. Larry has accepted the position of associate systems engin~r with Armco.

DeRaid and Nancy Chronister have moved to 1022 Oriarton Dr. , Crestwood, MO 63126. Don is a metallurgical engineer with Nooter Corp. William Rash of P.O. Box 245, Waynesville, MO 65583, currently works for Bell Labs in the Chicago area and is involved in No. 5 ESS development.

Robert Bert has a new location at 4537 Jenewein Rd., Madison, WI 53711. Bob is an engineer III with the Wisconsin Power and Light Co. David W. Niemann has become a new member of the MSPE. His address is 10200 Wheeling Ave., Kansas City, MO 64134, Gerald Swinarsky has a new position as maintenance supervisor, a rank of rna· jor, with the U.S. Air Force. He and Patsy have a new address at 5043 W. Frier Drive, Glendale, AZ 85301.

1977 Ross D. Livengood and Kim C. Coleman ('76) were married May 20, 1978. Ross is pursuing a master's degree in electrical-biomedical engineering at Washington Univ ., and Kim is employed as a programmer at McDonnell Douglas. They reside at 2821 Laclede Station Rd ., Apt. B-4 , Maplewood, MO 63143 . Mike Weiss is living at 2027 Woodhaven Dr., Tyler, TX 75701. Mike is employed by Amoco Production Company in Tyler. Jon Graham has a recent location at 1523 Milam, Tyler, TX 75703. He is employed by Amoco Production Company, Tyler. Bob Naeger of 205 Chimney Rock Rd., Tyler, TX 75703, and AlleR ('76) Nidiois of 2027 Woodhaven Dr., Tyler TX 75701, both are employed by Amoco Production Company in Tyler. Bob has joined MSPE. Pblm, J. Boegner has a new address at 11911 E.Sabado Dr., St. Louis, MO. He is a project engineer with Amoco Oil Co. in Wood River, IL 62095 . James A. Nicks, Jr. has a new position as process design engineer I with Monsanto Company. His address is 8031 Braddock , University City, MO 63130.

John Vance Stutsman has a new address at 9506 Hampton Drive No. 20, Highland, IN 46322. John is an electrical engineer with Northern Indiana Public Service Co, in Hammond, Indiana.

Terry A. Sud holt has a new address at 6705 Larsen, Shawnee, KS 66203. David L. Thorn is employed as a technical assistant for Inland Steel, East Chicago, IN , and lives at 1931 N. Arbogast, Apt. IC, Griffith , IN 46319.

William Arnold Pepper has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric's Installation & Service Engineering Division, and will receive technical tra ining at I & SE's Field Engineering Development Center in Schenectady, New York.

Chris R. Bron has accepted a field engineering position with General Electric's Installation and Service Engineering Division, with technical training to follow in Schenectady, New York. Steve Rois of 908 Arcadia Dr., Apt. G, Bloomington, IL 6170 I, has accepted a position as service supervisor of the St. Louis branch of Carrier Air Conditioning. Ted J. Kelly joined Black & Veatch upon graduation. He has erved as a staff assistant on utility studies in~olv­ ing costs of service, rates, and property appraisal. His address is 11103 College, Kansas City, MO 64137. Donald L. VanHouten and Norma Jean Phelps were married March 4, 1978. Don is employed by McCarthy Brothers Company based in St. Louis, as project engineer. The couple make their home at 1801 Brookfield, Apt. 3, Lapeer, MI 48446.


Daniel D. Bloch has become a member of the MSPE. His address is R.R. I, box 417 , St. Charles, MO 63301. Anthony P. Walker and Judith C. Bert were married December 17, 1977. Anthony is now employed by HewlettPackark in Loveland, CO. Home is 350 I S. Stover, Apt. 6-128, Ft. Collins, CO 80521. Daniel Salisbury has become a new member of the MSPE. His address is Wildwood Apts., Apt. 71 , Jefferson City, MO 65101. Leais G. Loos II hili a new address at 372J Edward Way, Apt. A, Lafayette, IN 47905. He has recently been promoted to resident engineer by Stanley Consultants of Muscatine, IA.

1978 Stephen Botkin was married to Kathy Albright, May 20, !.o Centralia, MO. Stephen is employed by American Standard in New Orleans, LA, where the couple will be making their home.

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Alumni Services Expanded Have you lost track of Charlie? Ever wonder what happened to Bert? The MSM-UMR Alumni Office is now offering a "directory service" to alumni for their personal use. We can print you a list of all the graduates for the year of your choice, the area codes you specify, or the social fraternity you pledged and have it back to you in about two weeks. The alumni office uses a Cathode Ray Terminal (CRT), for maintainil)g records (the same kind often used by hospitals). It is connected by phone line to the centralized computer network in Columbia. Our records are stored there on disk and the computing is done on the University's IBM 370/168. Printing is done on the Rolla campus and turnaround is usually within a couple of days. In the olden days, before going computer, our records were updated by hand in three separate files at a rate of 40 per day (43 if you were very good). Today, records are updated at the CRT keyboard and that one correction takes care of all three alumni files plus any other organization's address record that we maintain (we have the ability to keep track of addresses for 89 separate organizations), and the new speed record is 48 updates an hour. Information available to you from the "directory service" will include year of graduation, first degree granted, zip code areas, lists for the 19 social fraternities and 24 campus organizations currently on file, and codes for alumni living in foreign countries. In order to request a list for YOUR PERSONAL USE ONLY, write the Alumni Office, 109 Harris Hall, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, MO 65401 , and ask for any of these selections: -Complete zip code area list for the Class of-Complete alphabetical list for the Class of-Complete list of fraternity brothers, Class of-

Fees To Change A University of Missouri committee has recommended a fee structure model for 1979-80 which, if approved, would raise some fees and lower others. The recommendation of the 13-member Fee Structure Task Force was sent to UM President James C. Olson on July 14 for his review . Changes in the fee structure must also be approved by the Board of Curators.

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The UM system committee, chaired by vice president for Administrative Affairs, James R. Buchholz and comprised of students, faculty and staff, was asked to develop a structure to generate revenue sufficient to offset the amount anticipated from all student fees from 1978-79 plus a reasonable adjustment for inflation; take into consideration the special situation of the part-time student; deal with supplemental fees and extension and address the question of access.

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341 -4172 OFFICERS Term Expires President ........ ... _... Richard H. Bauer '52 ... .. ............ Missouri Electrochem, Inc .... .. .. ... ... ...... 1978 8013 Dale Ave., St. Louis, MO 63117 President Elect. .. ..... .. Joseph W. Mooney '39 . .... .. . .. . ... .. 7383 WeStmoreland ............. _. . . ... _.... 1978 University City, MO 63130 . Vice President . ... ....... Frank C. Appleyard '37 ..... .. ... .... . 808 Solar .. .. ... .... ....... _.. . ... .. .. .... 1978 Glenview, IL 60025 Vice President. .. .. _. .... Arthur G . Baebler '55 .. . .... ..... . . . .. 20 Fox Meadows . ... .. . ..... _............ .. 1978 . Sunset Hills, MO 63127 Vice President ... .. ..... . Robert D. Bay '49 ..... . . .. ....... . ... 222 Magna Carta Lane. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . _. . . . 1978 St. Louis, MO 63141 Vice President . ... ..... .. James B. McGrath '49 ... . .. . ..... .... Fru-Con .... .. . ... .. . . .................... 1978 1706 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63103 Secretary .. ........... .. Robert V. Wolf '51. ............... . .. Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr ... . ...... 1978 UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I Treasurer .... ... . .. .. ... Vernon T. Loesing '42 ... .. . . .. .. . .... Dept. of Civil Engr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... 1978 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 -DIRECfORS AT LARGE Term Expires Allan H. laPlante '63 .... . .. .. . .. ... . Continental Oil Co., P.O. Box 2197, Houston, TX 7700 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1980 Belding H. McCurdy '38 .... ........ .. 7400 Sun Island Dr., South, Suite 711 , South Pasadena, FL 33707 .. ... .. . ' ... 1978 E. 1. "Roy" Perry '40 ..... ... .. .... .. . 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600; Vienna, VA 22180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1980 Walter C. Mulyca '65 ........ ..... .... 203 Hillcrest, Marshall, TX 75670 ... ..... .. ............. . ... . . .. .. . .. 1978 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 .... . ......... 5 Pettit Dr., Dix Hills, NY 11746 .. ... ...... . ............ .. . .. . . .... . . 1979 John O. Wilms '43 .... ....... ........ 17700 South Avalon, Space 59, Carson, CA 90745 ... . _.... .... .. .. ...... 1979 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 Raymond T. Ruenheck '50 ....... 7 Monteview, Chelmsford, MA 01824. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 1980 15-21 J. D. Patterson '61 .............. 1660 Ashlawn Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15241 ........ .. . .... ..... .. ....... . 1980 22-33 Bill 1. Atchley '57 .............. 1266 Crestwood, Morgantown,WV 26505 ............... . ........ ..... 1979 35-45 William D. Busch, '42 ........... 20001 Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44136 ... . ... .. .... ... .. ..... . . ... 1980 46-59 Eugene C. Fadler '62 ..... .... ... 116 N_Evangeline, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 ........ .... .. . .. . _. . _. . . 1978 60-61 Allen G . Behring '66 .. ..... . . .. .447 S. Euclid, Villa Park, IL 60181. .. ... . .............. .. ... . ... . . " .. 1979 62-62 C. Stuart Ferrell '64 .. .. . ...... .. 219 Timothy Lane, Carterville, IL 62918 ....... . ............ ........ ... 1978 63-65 Matteo A. Coco '66 .. . .. ..... ... 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 ....... ....... ............. ... 1978 63-65 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 .......... 331 Carmel Wood Dr., Ellisville, MO 630 II. .. . .. . . .... .. . _. . . . . . . . . .. .. 1980 63-65 Robert W. Klorer '44 . .. .. ... .... 7500 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63123 ............... . .. _.. . .. .. 1980 63-65 William E. H. Knight '24 . ..... .. . 1173 Grand, Carthage, MO 64836 .................... . .. . _. ... ... . ... 1978 63-6'5 Harold A. Krueger '42 ......... .. Ozark Lead Co., Rural Branch, Sweetwater, MO 63680 ... .. ..... . ..... . .. 1979 63-65 George R. Schillinger '63 ... . .... 7598 John Ave., Oakville, MO 63129 ...................... .. ....... ... 1980 63-65 Clifford C. Tanquary '57 ...... ... 14219 Denver Ave., Grandview, MO 64030 ...... . ... .. . .. .... . . . .. " .. 1978 63-65 Bruce E. Tarantola '51 ..... ...... 9000 Skycrest Dr., St. Louis, MO 63126 . .. ....... .. ........ ... _. .. . . _ .. 1978 63-65 George D. Tomazi '58 ....... .... 12723 Stoneridge Dr. , Florissant, MO 63033 .. .... . . .. .. . . .............. 1978 63-65 Edwin 1. Werner '49 ............ 11015 East 39th, Independence, MO 64052 ............ .. . ... ........... 1979 66-74 Herman Fritschen '5 1 ........... 5249 S. 68th East Place, Tulsa, OK 74145 . ... ....... . .. .... ... .. .. ..... 1979 75-79 Rex Alford '40 ......... . .. .. ... 5743 Jason, Houston, TX 77035 .............. . ... . ....... . .. . .. . .... . 1979 80-89 & Victor J. Hoffmann '60 ...... . . 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr., SE. Kent, WA 98031 ........ . ..... ... ... .... 1980 96-99 90-95 E. Murray Schmidt '49 ... . . . .... clo E.F. Fahey, 220 Mar Vista Drive No. 91 , Aptos, CA 95003 ........... ' .. 1979 COMMITIEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTORS Alfred J. Beuscher '64 .... . .... . .... . . 2640 Quail Lane, Northbrook, IL 60062 H. W. Flood '43 ...... ... . ..... . ..... 183 MainSt.,Acton, MA 01720 Joel F. Loveridge '39 . .......... . ... .. 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Hans E. Schmoldt '44 . .. ... .. . ... . . . .. Schmoldt Engineering Services Co., Inc., 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesville, OK. 74003 . EXECUTIVE COMMITIEE Term Expires Robert M. Brackbill '42 ............... Texas Pacific Oil Co . ...... ... ...... .. ................. .. .... ... .... 1982 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, TX 75250 Peter F. Mattei '37 .. . ................ 9954 Holliston Court ..... . ............... . . . ........... ... . . ....... 1980 St. Louis, MO 63124 James J. Murphy '35 ...... .. ... .. ... . Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Road .. . . . ... ... ...... .. : ... . . . ... 1978 St. Louis, MO 63132 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dowling '40 .................. 10144 Winding Ridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten '43 .................... . 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 Melvin E. Nickel '38 .... .. ... : .. . . .... 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F.C. Schneeberger '25 .. . ....... .. .. . . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63121 James W. Stephens '47 . .. . .... . ....... Missouri Public Service Co., 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City, M064138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ........ . . .... ... Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Director, Alumni Activities, University of Missouri-Rolla Barbara Petrovic ...... .... . . ... .. ... Staff Assistant, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary, Alumni Activities, University of Missouri-Rolla Kris Curtin . ... . .... . . . . ' . . .. . ....... Records Coordinator, MSM-UMR Alumni Association & Computer Terminal Operator, Alumni Activities, Univ . of MO.-Rolla MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401

FINANCIAL UPDATE SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH JULY 25 1976-77 Annual Fund Income .. . . . .. .. .. $128,840.31* 1976-77 Matching Gift Income ... . ......... $7,773.50 1976-77 Investment Income . .. . ......... .. $2,844.53 *Includes a $43,980.00 Gift

1977-78 Annual Fund Income ........... $109,185.88 1977-78 Matching Gift Income ... . .. .. .... $14,968.49 1977-78 Investment Income ..... ... .. . ... . $6,010.62 From An Alumn us! MSM Alum nus / 27

1978 Homecoming



Registration in Lobby-Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building

10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Board of Directors Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center


On Your Own

5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.

Silver and Gold Cocktail Party-St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall

5:30 p.m.

Registration resumes at St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall

7 p.m.

M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field


On Your Own

9 p.m.-l a.m.

Class of '53 sponsored dance for returning Alumni, St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall

University of Missouri - Rolla


On Your Own

8 a.m.-Noon

Registration resumes in Lobby-Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building

11:30 a.m.

Field House Feed for all Alumni and Friends featuring reserve seating for the Reunion Classes. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN.

1:30 p.m.

Kickoff-Miners vs. Cape Girardeau Indians.

6:i5 p.m.-6:55 p.m.

Miner Lounge open for pre· banquet festivities (adjacent to Centennial Hall in University Center)

7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Alumni Awards Banquet, University Center Centennial Hall*

9 p.m.

Annual Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association *DINNER SERVED ON STATE PROPERTY

BE SURE TO REGISTER in order that you name will be on the attendance list that will be published Friday and Saturday. You ,will know who has returned and others will know you are on the campus. FOOTBALL TICKETS-Alumni purchase the Ticket "Reserved for Alumni" at the Registration Desk or Ticket Window' at Jackling F ield BANQUET AND CLASS REUNION LUNCHEON TICKETS-Available at the Registration Desk. Ticket for meal events must be purchased in advance. MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri-Rollo





August 1978

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