· Alumnus UnlYrer:silY· of Missouri-Rolla ,,~
[jj][jj] MSM -UMR Alumni Association Uni vers it y of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri
MSM -UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (3 14) 341-4172
President .
OFF ICERS Term Expires ....... Joseph W. Mooney '39 . . ....... 7383 Westmoreland . . ........ . .. . .. . ....... 1980 Uni versit y City, MO 63 130
Presiden t Elect .
. ...... Robert D. Bay '49 .
Vice President
.. ... Frank e. Appleya rd '37 .
Vice President .
. ... Art hur G. Baebler '55 .
Vice President
.... Alfred J. Buescher '64 ..... ... . . .
Vice President .
. ... James 8. McG rath '49 .
Secretar y.
Volume 52 Number 6 December 1978
On The Cover. ..
Treasurer ............... Vernon T. Locsing '42 .. .
.. 1980
. ...... 20 Fox Meadows ............. . .. . . ...... ... 1980 Sunset Hills, MO 63 I27 . 2640 Quail Lane ............... ..... .... ... 1980 Northbrook , IL 60062 ... Fru·Con . 1706 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63 I03
.. 1980 ... 1980
....... Dept. of Civil Engr . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ...... ... .. 1980 UMR , Rolla, MO 65401
DIRECTORS AT LAR GE Term Expires Allan H. LaPlante '63 . . .. Continental Oi l Co .. P.O. Box 2197 , Houston , TX 77001 .. ....... ......... 1980 Belding H. McCurdy '38 . . ..... 7400 Su n Island Dr., South, Su ite 711 , South Pasadena, FL 33707 ........... 198 I . .. 1980 E. L. "Roy" Perry '40 . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 I 50 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600: Vienna, VA 22 I 80 . Walter e. Mul yca '65 ... 203 Hillcrest, Ma rshall. TX 75670 . . ............ .... ........ 1981 Lawrence A. Spanier '50 . . ... 5 Pettit Dr., Dix Hills. NY 11746 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979 John O. Wilms '43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 17700 South Avalon, Space 59 , Carson , CA 90745 . .. 1979 Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIR ECTO RS Term Expires 00· 14 Raymond T. Ruenheck '50 . . ... 7 Mon tev iew, Chelmsford, MA 0 1824 . . . . .. 1980 15·21 J. D. Patterson '61 . . 1660 Ashlawn Dr. , PittsQurgh, PA 15241 . . ... 1980 22-33 Bill L. Atchley '57 . 1266 Crestwood, Morgantown. WV 26505 . . .............. 1979 35-45 William D. Busch. '4 2. 20001 Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44136 ......... . .................. 1980 46 ·59 George Baumgartner '56 ......... 2 I 20 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48 I 27 . .. ..... 198 1 60·61 Allen G. Behring '66 . .. ... 447 S. Euclid, Villa Park , IL 6018 1. .. ........... 1979 62·62 Ernst Weinel'44 ............... 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62629 . ... ................................ 1981 63 -65 Matteo A. Coco'66 . .71 15 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 . . ... 1981 63 -65 Martha Gerig '69 . . 80 I Fairground Road, Rolla, MO 65401 .......... , . . . . .... 1981 63 ·65 Leonard e. Kirberg '66 . . ... 331 Carmel Wood Dr. , Ellisville, MO 630 I I .. 1980 63 -65 Robert W. Klorer '44 . . . . 7500 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Lou is, MO 63 I 23 ..... 1980 63 -65 Ha rold A. Krueger '42 . . ... Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branch, Sweetwater, MO 63680 . .. 1979 63-65 J. Robert Patterson '54 . . ... . Show-Me, lnc.; P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, M0 6380 1. . .. 1981 63-65 George R. Schillinger '63 . . .. 7598 John Ave., Oakville, MO 63129 . . . 1980 63-65 Paul R. Munger '58 . Director, Institute of Ri ver Studies, UM R, Rolla, MO 65401 . _....... ,. .. 198 1 63-65 e. M. Wattenbarger'4 I . . .. 205 W. Fi rst St .. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 . . .... 198 1 63-65 Edwin J. Werner '49 . . . 102 N. I 21h St. , Blue Springs, MO 640 I 5 . . ......... 1979 66-74 Herman Frilschen '51 . . . 5249 S. 681h Easl Place, Tulsa, OK 74 145 . 1979 75·79 Rex Alford '40 . . . ............. 5743 Jaso n, Houston, TX 77035 . . ..... 1979 80-89 & Vic lor J. Hoffmann '60 . . . 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr .. SE. Kent. WA 9803 I 1980 96-99 ........ 1979 90-95 E. Murray Schm idl ·49 ......... . c/o E.F. Fahey, 220 Mar Visla Dri ve No. 91. Aptos. CA 95003
Richard H. Bauer '52 .. Robert M. Brackbi ll '42 . Peler F. Mattei '37 .
Paul T. Dow ling '40 . R.O. Kaslen '43 . James J. Murphy '35 .. Melvin E. Nickel '38 . F.e. Sehneeberger '25 . James W. Stephens '47 .
Iss ued bi·monthly in th e interest of th e gradua tes and former students of the Misso uri School of Mines and Meta llu rgy and the Un iversit y of Misso uri -Roll a. Ente red as second class matt er Oc tober 27, 1926. at Post Offi ce at Roll a, Misso uri 6540 1, under th e Ac t of March 3, 1897 .
. .... 1980
. 808 Solar . . .... .. .... .... . Glenview, IL 60025
. .... Robert V. Wolf '5 1.... . . . .... . ....... Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr . UMR , Rolla, MO 65401
H. W. Flood '43 . Joel F. Loveridge '39 . Hans E. Schmoldl '44
A ve ry alert Dick Bauer receives plaq ue.
. 222 Magna Carta La ne . St. Louis, MO 63141
Frank H. Mackaman . John Theilmann . Barbara PelCovic . Kris Curt in .
CO MM ITTEE CHAIR MEN DIRECTO RS · 183 Main SI., Acton. MA 01720 · . 739 Cou nlr YManor Lane. Creve Coeur. MO 63 141 · . Schmoldl Engineering Services Co .. Inc.. 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesville, OK 74003 EXECUT IVE CO MMITTEE · Missouri Eleclrochem, Inc .. 8013 Dale SI.. . . ... ,. . .. Richmond Heighls, MO 63 117 · Texas Pacific Oil Co. 1700 One Mai n Place, Dallas, TX 75250 ... 9954 Holl islOn COurl ... ..................... ... . . . . St. Louis, MO 63 I 24 EX -OFF ICIO DIRECTO RS . 101 44 Winding Ridge Rd., St. Lou is, MO 63 124 · . 901 Wesl 1141h Terrace, Kansas CiI Y, MO 64114 · . .. Murphy Compan y, 1340 North Price Rd., St. Louis, MO 63132 · . 1060 I Soul h Ham ilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 · ... One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63 I 2 I · ... Missouri Public Service Co., 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City, MO 641 38 STAFF ............. Execuli ve Vice· President, MSM ·UMR Alumni Association and DireclOr, Alumni AClivi lies, Uni versil Yof Missouri·Rolla · . Assistant Director, Alumni AClivilies Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla ...... Slaff Assislam, MSM ·UM R Alumni Association and Senior Secretary, Alumni AClivilies, Universily of Missouri-Rolla · . Records Coordi nalOr, MSM ·UM R Alumni Associat ion & Computer Terminal Operator , Alumni Activities, University of Missouri-Rolla MSM ·UMR Alumni Associalion, Harris Hall. UM R, Rolla , MO 65401
Term Expires . 1984 .. 1982 . 1980
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Report of Election Newly elected officials of the MSMUMR Alumni Association, University of Missouri-Rolla, took office at the Board of Directors' meeting at Homecoming. Officers are: Joseph W. Mooney, '39, University City, MO, who has served as president-elect, was elected president; Robert D. Bay, '49, St. Louis, MO, who had served as vice president, president-elect. Re-elected as vice presidents were Frank C. Appleyard, '37, Glenview, IL; Arthur G. Baebler, '55, Sunset Hills, MO; and James B. McGrath, '49, St. Louis, MO. Alfred J. Buescher, '64, Northbrook, IL, was elected to fill the vacancy left by Bob Bay. Robert V. Wolf, '51 , Rolla, was reelected secretary, and Vernon T. Loesing, '42, Rolla, was re-elected treasurer. Officers of the Association served twoyear terms. Directors-at-Large re-elected are Belding McCurdy, '38, South Pasadena, FL, and Walter Mulyca, '65 , Marshall, TX. Matt A. Coco, '66, St. Louis, was re-elected as an area director. First term directors elected as area directors are George Baumgartner, '56, Dearborn, MI; Martha Gerig, '59, Rolla; Paul Munger, '58, Rolla; and Chris Wattenbarger, '4 1, Lamar, MO. Returning to the Board after a year's absence is area director J. Robert Patterson, '41, Sikeston, MO. The Constitution and ByLaws provide that directors may serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms and will not be eligible for reelection until an interruption in service of at least one year. Retiring directors are: William E. H. Knight, '24, Carthage, MO; Clifford C. Tanquary, '57, Grandview, MO; Bruce E. Tarantola, '51, St. Louis, MO; Georgt;! D. Tomazi, '58 , Florissant, MO; Eugene C. Fadler, '62, Dearborn Heights, MI; C. Stuart Ferrell, '64, Carterville, IL. A complete list of officers and directors is published in the inside cover of the MSM ALUMNUS.
Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors' meeting was called to order by President Bauer at 10 a.m. in the St. Pat's Ballroom of the University Center. Officers and Directors present were: Richard H. Bauer, Richmond Heights, MO; Joseph W. Mooney, University City, MO; Robert D. Bay, St. Louis, MO; James B. McGrath, St. Louis, MO; Robert V. Wolf, Rolla, MO; Vern T. Loesing, Rolla, MO; Belding H. McCurdy, South Pasadena, FL; E. L. Perry, Vienna, VA; Walter Mulyca, Marshall, TX; Larry A. Spanier, Dix Hills, NY; John O. Wilms, Carson, CA 90745 ; Bill L. Atchley, Morgantown, WV; William D. Busch, Cleveland, OH ; Allen G. Behring, Villa Park, IL; Matt A. Coco, St. Louis, MO; Leonard Kirberg, Ellisville, MO; Robert W. Klorer, St. Louis, MO; William E. H. Knight, Carthage, MO; George Tomazi, Florissant, MO; Herman Fritschen, Tulsa, OK; Victor J. Hoffmann, Kent,' WA; E. Murray Schmidt, Aptos, CA; Alfred J. Buescher, Northbrook, IL; H. W. Flood, Acton, MA; Joel Loveridge, Creve Coeur, MO; Hans E. Schmoldt, Bartlesville, OK; Robert M. Brackbill, Dallas, TX; Peter F. Mattei, St. Louis, MO; Melvin E. Nickel , Chicago, IL: James W. Stephens, Lee's Summit, MO;
Ernst Weinel , O'Fallon, IL; Martha Gerig, Rolla, MO; Paul R. Munger, Rolla , MO; J . Robert Patterson , Sikeston, MO; Chris Wattenbarger, Lamar, MO; George R. Schillinger, Oakville, MO. In addition to the routine business necessary to the successful functioning of the Association, the Board authorized additions to the budget to accomplish two new programs. Approved were appropriations to fin<:tnce the industrial relations committee effort, chaired by Jim McGrath, which will be developing pilot projects for the departments of electrical engineering and engineering management. Also added was a budget item to assist the admissions office in developing a program of recruitment involving alumni in areas which cannot be reached with appropriated funds. In other budget action the Board increased expenditures for direct financial support of the campus 23 per cent over the 1977-78 expenditures and adopted for 1979-80 a further increase of 18.2 per cent. Complete copies of the minutes with appended financial statements are available to Association members upon request. MSM Alumnus / l
MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROllA BALANCE SHEET As of August 31, 1978 ASSETS Operating Funds General: Checking Account Temporarily Invested Operating Funds Savings Certificates--Directory Reserve
$11 ,221.80 67,000.00 15,000.00
Total General Operating
$ 93,221.80
R. E. Dye: Checking Account Savings Certificate
$ 1,009.40 3,250.00
Total Dye Operati;g
Laclede Steel Emergency Fund
Total Operating Funds
Investments Memorial Escrow Accounts Alumni Association Endowment R. E. Dye Endowment Burdick Endowment E. L. Perry Scholarships Capital Investment (house 509 W. 11th)
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4,754.68 16,000.00 66,147.87 6,000.00 1,000.00 27,000.00
Total Investments
Total Assets
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Alumni Association Endowment R. E. Dye Laclede Steel Emergency Fund Burdick Endowment E. L. Perry Scholarships Memorial Escrow Accounts Mortgage Payable Members' Equity
$ 16,000.00 70,407.27 304.03 6,000.00 1,000.00 4,754.68 12,000.00 108,221.80
Total Liabilities and Equity
Alumni Endowment Fund 7-3/4% Savinqs Certificate due 11/17 /81
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ASSOCIATION CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Burdi ck Fund 8% Treasury Bonds due 8/15/86
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chair 2/ MSM Alumnu s
President Olson at Annual Meeting
Joe Mooney, '3tl,
Mooney Presides MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University of Missouri-Rolla The Annual Meeting of the Association was called to order at 9:00 p.m. , Saturday, October 7, 1978. Award winners had been recogni zed during the banquet. President Joe Mooney announced that all officers and directors standing election on the ballot had been elected and there being no objection, their election was certified by the Annual Meeting. There being ,no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9: 12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Robert V. Wolf Secretary
President James C. Olson brings greetings.
Alumnus Named Assistant Director, Alumni Activities In accepting the appointment, John said "I consider it a real opportunity to work on behalf of my alma mater through the MSM -UMR Alumni Association. It will be nice to be back in Rolla , and I look forward with pleasure to working with my fellow alumni."
Alumni Association Purchases Properly The Board of Directors at the April meeting authorized a committee of the Board to negotiate for property located adjacent to the campus. The committee, after investigating several properties avail!lble, purchased the quarter block directly across and south of the Chancellor's Residence. The buildings on the lot had been used for the Baptist Student Union. The present buildings will be razed in the near future and the lot landscaped. An ad hoc committee will study possible uses of the land and make recommendations to the Board at the semiannual meeting on April 28 , 1979. Immediate past-president Dick Bauer will chair the committee.
JOHN THEILMANN John Theilmann, Class of 1971 , joined the UMR alumni staff on November 13, 1978, as assistant director, alumni activities. Active in the MSM-UMR Alumni Association since graduation, John will share duties with the director and have major responsibilities for record systems, the Class Coordinator program and the proposed StudentAlumni Board.
After completing his bachelor's in 1971 , John was awarded graduate and teaching assistantships at the University of Georgia, Athens. While there, he earned the master's and doctorate in history and the additional degree, Master of Public Administration. In connection with his last degree, he interned with the director of the treasury at Georgia. John, who is single, is a native of Warrenton, Missouri, where his parents still live. After seven years in Georgia,. he is a bit concerned about how he will accomodate his hobby of running to the Missouri winters. MSM Alumnus / 3
1978 Alumni Awards Banquet Homecoming came to a close Saturday night with the Alumni Awards Banquet. This year 391 people attended the event which was held in the Un iversit y Ce nter. They hea rd from University of Missouri President James C. Olson and UMR Chancelior Joseph M. Marchelio. MSM-UMR Alu mni Association President Joe Mooney, '39, presided . The program included presentation of first semester gifts to the University, and Mooney gave checks totaling $23 ,000 to the appropriate officials. The Banquet closed with the adjournment of the annual meeting of the Association. The major port ion of the Banquet was devoted to the presentation of the Alumni Awards, Honorary Life Member hips, and the President's Plaque. Seventeen individuals were recipients of these awards.
Alumni Achievement Awards R. GILL MONTGOMERY, '35 Eldorado, Illinois Independent Consulting Engineer, Mining and Geology Gill Montgomery earned the bachelor of science in mining engineering in 1935, and the professional degree, Engineer of Mines, in 1953 . He had a long and distinguished career with Minerva Oil , and was executive vice president of the Fluorspar Mining Division. He has earned the highest award of the Society of Mining Engineers, the Hal Williams Hardinge Award in 1975. A leader in his industry, an outstanding citizen of his community, he also can provide unique insight to the task of prospecting for fluorspar. We are pleased to recogni ze his professional accomplishments and service.
ROBERT C. PERRY , '49 Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania Vice President and General Manager, Flat Glass Division , PPG Industries. Bob Perry earned the bachelor of science in mechanical engineering in 1949, and the professional degree, Mechanical Engineer, in 1968. An outstanding athlete while on campus, he also was an active member of many campus orga nizations. Most of his professional career has been with Pittsb urgh Plate Glass, and he has adva nced to his present assignment through positions of increasing responsibility. Always a loya l alumnus of MSM, he does share his talents with Penn State, where he serves as a member of their Advisory Board. We are proud to recognize his professional accomplishments and acknowledge his service to his community.
4/ MSM Alumnu s
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WILLIAM A. RUTLEDGE, '46 St. Louis, Missouri Vice Chairman, Emerson Electric Bill Rutledge also holds two degrees from this Univesity . First, the bachelor of science in electrical engineering in 1946, and the degree, Electrical Engineer, in 1976. Aft~r a distinguished career with General Electric, where he advanced through the ranks, Bill returned to his native St. Louis and joined Emerson Electric. He now serves Emerson as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. We are honored to have Bill with us and to recognize his unique talents as engineer and manager.
Alumni Merit Awards JOHN P. GOVIER Rolla, Missouri Professor Emeritus, Petroleum Engineering University of Missouri¡Rolla After Jack Govier graduated from Penn State in 1934, he accepted a position in industry . He served as district reservoir engineer for Creole Petroleum in Venezuela for the ten years prior to joining our faculty in 1947. In the thirty years of his tenure here, he demonstrated outstanding professional com petence coupled with exemplary dedication to his students. We honor him this evening for his contribution to this campus as teacher and administrator.
MARTHA ANN McCORMICK Joplin, Missouri Professor Emeritus, Missouri Southern State College Martha Ann McCormick is professor emeritus, Missouri Southern State College. She received her undergraduate and gradute degrees from the University of Chicago. In her role as teacher of mathematics and as advisor to her students, she developed a special relationship with this campus. Many of her students came to UMR at her suggestion, and many who are now alumni recognize that the academic successes they achieved were a result of her counsel.
MSM Alumnus / 5
JIM C. POGUE Rolla, Missouri Provost and Dean of Faculties, University of Missouri-Rolla Jim Pogue has degrees from Kansas State College-Emporia, and earned his doctorate at the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1964. For more than a decade, his talents have been devoted to the advancement of UMR. To recognize his recent service as Interim Chancellor, the Curators adopted a resolution which acknowledged "Jim Pogue's administrative skills, warmth of personality and sincere concern for students, faculty , staff, and alumni ... " The Board Resolution expressed sentiments which we share, and we also reoognize Jim's exceptional service to our alma mater.
BERNARD R. SARCHET Rolla, Missouri Chairman, Department of Engineering Management and Executive Director, External Affairs, University of Missouri-Rolla Bernie Sarchet earned degrees in chemical engineering from the Ohio State University and the University of Delaware. After a distinguished career with the Koppers Company, he came to UMR in 1967. Whether as chairman of the Engineering Management Department, as UMR's Chief of Party in Viet Nam, or as Executive Director of External Affairs, Bernie brings a rare combination of talents to his varied endeavors.
Alumni Service Awards WAYNE S. FRAME, '23 Eldon & Rolla, Missouri Retired Hydraulic Engineer, Union Electric Wayne Frame served as business manager of ath letics and became a member of Theta Tau while at MSM . He is a civil engineer and practiced his specialty of hydraulics while on the scene at Bagnell Dam from its constrtiction until his retirement in 1969. He is a life member of all appropriate professional societies and a member of UMR's Academy of Civil Engineers. We wish to recognize his exemplary devotion to MSM-UMR .
6/ MSM A lumnu s
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BERT HOOVER , '23 Tren ton, Missouri Retired Businessman Bert Hoover lettered in football and track as well as becoming a member of Theta Tau while at Missouri School of Mines. He left the campus and Missouri to seek his fortune iri the mines of Arizona. But he never lost nis roots in the fertile soil of nor路 thwest Missouri and his hometown of Trenton. So the mining engineer returned to estab.lish the business which he owned and operated fo r many years. His meritorious devotion to the Association is recognized.
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JOHN B. TOOMEY , '49 Alexandria, Virginia Chairman-President, Value Engineering Company John Toomey holds three degrees from his alma mater, the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1949, the Master of Science in 1951 , and the degree, Mechanical Engineer, conferred in 1977. A former director of your Alumni Association, his years of service were characterized by his spirit of cooperation. His colleagues are well aware of his professional competence. His community knows him as an effective citizen. And his c1assmantes know him for his initial reaction to MSM and Rolla. Believe it or not, John Toomey never saw this campus until he came to register. He asked Kelley, his wife-to-be, to enroll him in a university and she made the choice. John called Kelly, after a quick look around, and said, "What have you done to me? There's nothing here but men and mountains." John, it is a pleasure to have you and Kelly with us.
JOSEPH M. WILSON, '2 1 Dallas, Texas Independent Engineer, Oil Production Active on campus whi le at Missouri School of Mines, Joseph Wilson worked as a petroleum geologist in Texas for many years. He earned the professional degree of Engineer of Mines from MSM in 1924. Because of his illness, he could not be present at Homecoming to receive his plaque for his loyalty and devotion to MSMUMR . He received his award at Dallas in November during a luncheon hosted for him by past president R. M. Brackbill.
MSM Alumnu sl7
Honorary Life Memberships The Alumni Association reserves to itself certain privileges and considers the highest of those privileges that of conferring Honorary Life Membership in the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. This year three people were awarded Honorary Life Memberships. They are: Mrs. Gale Bullman, Rolla, in appreciation of her loyalty and dedication to MSM¡UMR; James C. Kirkpatrick, Secretary of State of the State of Missouri , in appreciation of his noble participation with students; and A. G. Unklesbay , Vice President for Ad¡ ministration of the University of Missouri , in appreciation of his inspirational leadership. Margaret McCaw Lloyd , Waynesville, was unable to be present to receive her honorary life membership because of a death in the family. There will be a public presentation of her award at the 1979 Golden Alumni Banquet on May 12.
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Richard Bauer Receives President's Plaque The Association awards this plaque to Richard H. Bauer, '52 in appreciation for his services as president. It would be difficult to find an association president of recent years who has made as many personal visitations to our various area meetings as Dick and Shirley have. Their attendance serves as an example of loyalty and devotion to all. Dick's service as the chairman of the Alliance of Alumni Associations of the University of Missouri achieved new levels of cooperation between the four campuses and our central administration. His committee responsibilities have also included serving as our alumni representative on the Chancellor's Search Committee. During his term as president the Alumni Association has had the most substantial increase in financial support in any two years in its history .
8/ MSM Alumnus
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FRANK H. MACKAMAN Rolla, Missouri Executive Vice President UMR-MSM Alumni Association It is my pleasure to depart from our prepared program for a very special award approved by our Board of Directors for a very special person. You will be pleased to know that unanimously and enthusiastically our Board asked me to emphasize to one and all the continuing contributions made to our Alumni Association, our school, and to all of us by Frank Mackaman. Aided in every way by Nancy, he has responded to each challenge and to every task. His cool courage and commitment as executive vice president are precious ingredients in our desire to achieve excellence.
Frank H. Mackaman
John B. Toomey, '49
R. Gill Montgomery. '35
Robert C. Perry, '49
William A. Rutledge, '46
Bert F. Hoover, '23
M SM Alumnu s 9
Alumni Association Awards
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*• II *I *I *I Bernard R. Sarchet
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1O/ MSM Alumnus
:Suggestions Solicited The Awards Committee of the Alumni Association is always pleased to receive suggestions of people who should be considered for the Merit, Service and Achievement Awards. The three types of awards cover most areas of individual effort which should be recognized by the Association. It is not necessary for the suggestor to pre-select a type of award to be considered, as the committee will judge in the appropriate category according the the supporting information on hand. Regulations of the committee which are important to the person making nominations are these: ( I) Awards are not normally made to a person during his reunion year, and (2) No nominations are discarded; they are carried forward from year to year. Just recentl y, past awardees were asked to make suggestions and have brought forward some excellent names, many new to the files of the committee. We ask that you consider forwarding your suggestions to the Alumni Office. Following is a list of those who have been honored in past years.
All ·en, David Andrews, William A. Atchley, Bill L. ' 57 Aughenbaugh, Nolan B. Baker, Merl ' 63 Barnard, Albert E. '27 Baue r, Richard H. '52 Baylpss, Jerry R. '59 Be de ll, 11 il 0 N. ' 23 Belew, Elmer w. '47 Bennetsen, liIayne J. '41 Berry, Jerome T. '49 Betten, J. Robert Beveridge, Thomas R. ' 42 Bisplinghoff, Raymond L. Blair, James T. Jr. '58 Bodine, Jack '50 Bovles, John H. 'OR Boyle, Alfred A. '25 Brasunas, Anton Des Brazill, Matthev P. Jr. '2 0 Brever, John M. Brever, William '32 Br 0 v n , GUy Jr. ' 40 Brovn, John S. '17 Bullman, Gale '64 Bullma n, Mrs Ga l e '78 Burgin, William H. '40 Busch, Wi lli am D. '42 Butler, Joe B. '24 Campbe ll, E. Taylor '23 Carlton, Ernest W. ' 26 Clayton, Charles Y. '13 Cody, Bp nj a min ~ . '11 Co 10' an, C1 yd e L. Jr. ' 40 Dalton, John M. '61 Dowling, Paul T. '40 Dutton, Donne ll W. '35 E~ 5 1 e y, Geo r g eA. ' 09 Edwards, Francis C. ' 69
• • • •
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* *
Edval'ds, Milrjorie Ehrlich, Robe rt L. '43 El-Baz, Farouk E.S. ' 61 El fred, F. S tillman .Tr. '17 Ellis, Elm e r '5 6 Ellis, J. Crilig ' 38 Engelmann, Edward W. '11 English, Thomas O. ' 29 Fa ga n, Durward E. '34 Ferguson, Oliv e r B. 'h8 Ferr e ll, James O. '40 Fick, Armin F. '41 Fiel ds , Lester E. '4 8 Finch, James Jr. '57 Fine, Morris '4 8 Finley, Fred W. '41 Flanigan, Virgil J. ' 60 Fle sh , Da vid J. '23 Fletch e r, wi lli il m B. ' 34 Ford, Raga n '23 Fort, George E. '40 Frame, wayne S. '23 Freeman, Charles A. '2 8 Fris, Edward S. '43 Fritschen, Herrnau A. Jr. ' 51 Gammeter, Elmer '26 Garver, August.J. '64 Goslin , Ros coe B. Go ul d, Davin S. '51 Govier , John P. Green, Allen P. Jr. '32 Green, Sidney J. '59 Green e , Eva Hirrller '11 Grice, Harvey H. Grimm, C. James '3 0 Haddock, A. Glen Hanley, Herbert R. '01 Hansen, Peter G. '53 Hasselmann, Karl F. ' 25 Heiser, Frederick W. '39 Hershkowitz, Leon '41 Holmes, Thomas A. '';0 Homyk, Anthony Jr. '42 Hoover, Bert F. '23 Hubbard, Noel '54 Hunt, Russell W. '21 Ingram, John C. '13 Jackling, Daniel C. '92 James, William J. Johnson, Gunna rd E. '16 Jones, Vernon T. '53 Kamper, Oliver Ii. '35 Kassner, James L. Kasten, Raymon~ o. '43 Kelly, Mervin J. '14 Kelly, III'S Mervin J. '74 Kennedy, Daniel '26 Kenney, John R. '12 Kent, William D. '43 Kessler, Harry H. '24 Kirkpatrick, James C. '78 Kratzer, William Krebs, Joseph J. '66 Kummer, Frederick S. '52 Lad d, Harley Ii. '40 Lamb eth, Jennings R. '41 Layne, Mark B. '28 Leach, Mrs Tom Witt '73 Leber, Wa lter P. '40 Lindgren, Roy A. '2) Lloyd, ~r s Margaret ' 78 Lloyd, Samuel H. '21 Lottman, Walter F. '19 Loverid ge , Joel F. '39 Lovett, Israel H. '24 Lynto n , Edward D. '12 Ly ons, John H. '42 Machin, Enwin G. '22 Mackaman, Frank Mann, frank C. '49 Mayhan, Kenneth G. '6'; Mc Brian, Ray '24 Me Cormick, Martha Me Ghee, Ve rnon T. '4 2
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• • • •
* • • • •
Mc Kel v ey , James M. ' 45 Mc Nutt, 11 [" s V. H. 'f.7 Mc ReynolJs , Allen '49 Met z, Gil be rtF. '1 4 Mich~l, Hilhert f . '3 6 Mi~dlebush, F r ~de ri c k A. '47 Miles, Aaron J. '3 0 Monsch, Henry D. ' 29 Montgomery, R. Gill '35 Mornin, Bob L. '4 8 Muhlbauer, Ka rl he inz C. 'S fi Muilenburg, Ga Lr ctt A. '2 5 Munger, Paul R. '58 Murphy, James J. '35 Needles, !Onoch R. '14 Nelson, Leonard C. '4 9 Neustaenter, James A. '43 , 41 Nevins, MaLvin E. Jr. Nickel, Melvin E. '38 Nuell, Barney '21 0' Keefe, Thomas .J. '5 8 Pagano, Sylvester J. '46 , 40 Palmer, clarence C. Patterson, James F. '68 Paul, James R. '43 Pence, Harry S. '23 Pence, Mrs Haery '74 PerLY, E. L. Roy '40 Perry, Robert C. '49 Planje, Theodor'" .1. M. '40 Pogue, Ji m C. Potter, Charles J. '29 , )8 Prange, Herbert L. Rann olph, Earl J. Rankin,. Rolfe M. '27 Ratchford, C. Brice '7"> Reef, Victor Reid, Joseph H. '27 Remington, Charles R. Jr. '49 Remmers, Walter E. '23 Rieke, Vernon W. '40 Riggs, W. Robert '32 Roberts, J. Kent '50 Rutledge, William A. '46 '22 Salmon, Julius C. Jr. Sarchet, Bernard R. Schaefer, Rodney A. ' 47 Schneeberger, Fred C. '25 Schrenk, Walter T. '58 Schuler, Leonard L. JL. '49 Schuman, John M. '16 Schveickhardt, William K. • 28 Scofieln, Gornon L. '49 scott, James J. '50 Scott, John W. '02 Skitek, Gabriel G. '43 Smith, Edward A. '24 Smith, Tom K. '47 Sorrell, Charles A. Sparks, Charles H. '44 Steinmesch, Jesse H. '06 Stephens, James W. '47 Stifel, Carl G. '16 Stone, S. Allan '30 Summers, David A. , 11 Tedrow, Harvey L. '98 Terrell, Arthur D. Th ompson, Dudley Thompson, Jack H. '52 , 12 Thornberry, Martin H. Toomey, John B. '49 Townsend, Frank E. '11 Tracey, James H. Tucker, Mrs Louise S. Unklesbay, A. G. '78 Valerius, Clande N. '25 ianenllacher, Joseph II. '23 ILA.aYAr _
(" ~
* Deceased
MSM Alumnus / ll
Delightful Tradition Continues After the ballgame and before the Awards Banq uet, Tommy Thomas, '27 , and his wife Lois entertained all return ing Fift y Yea r and more alumni and their guests at their beautiful country home outside Rolla. The Thomases have made it a practice to host a party both at Homecoming and Commencement for this gro up. They provide a bountiful board and liberal libations and th e opportunit y for all out-of-towners to gat her in the rel ax ing and intimate at mosphere. Their guest book shows the following in attendance: Ja y J. Ca rty , Hope, Idaho; Harry & Marguerite Bonewitz, Rolla: Betty &
Vern Loesing, Rolla; Robert E. Meyers, Rolla; Ella Mae Myers, SI. Louis; Jud y Williams, Rolla; Barb & Bill Petrovic, Rolla; Martha & Bob Patterson , Sikeston , MO; Bess & Don Bisett, Rolla; Jack H. & Margaret Conley, Phoenix , AZ; Gabe & Edith Skitek, Rolla; Bertha & George Gabler, Rolla; Jim & Marilyn Pogue, Rolla; Orvalyn & Joe Wanenmacher, Tulsa, OK; Ron Ward, Edwardsville, IL; Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hoover, Trenton, MO; Nancy & Frank Mackaman , Rolla; E. K. (Toots) Schuman, Rolla; H. H. Hoppock , Freeport, IL; David Kennedy, Rolla; Bill & Betty Machin, Rockport, IN ; Ted
& Julia Machin, Nashville, IL; Shannon & Helen Frame, Eldon, MO; Mr. & ÂĽrs. Joseph Marchello, Rolla; Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Gammeter, Beaver, PA; John & Dolly Kadlec, Rolla; Faye & Ernie Moran, Miami , OK; Muir Frey, Birmingham , MI; E.S. Wheeler, Tucson, AZ; Henry E. & Margrete Gross, Webster Groves, MO; Kent Siddens, Rolla; Laura Nissen, Rolla. The Officers of the Alumni Association join the members of the alumni office staff and most especially the Fifty Year alumni in thanking Lois and Tommy for their gracious hospitality which adds so much to the public functions of these weekends.
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Miner Musicians Highlight Homecoming Activities UMR student musicians had several opportunities to display their talents during Homecoming, October 6-7. Frida y evening, beginning at 5:30 p.m. , the "Drifters," a dance unit from UMR's Jazz Band units, provided background music for the special hour, sponsored by the MSM -UMR Alumni Association, at the St. Pat Church Recreation Hall. The sa me group, under the direction of Tom Ruess, visiting inst ructor of music, played for the alumni dance at 9 p.m. in the same locat ion. Also on Friday even ing, the pep unit from the UMR band participated in the annua l M-club bonfire and pep rally on the intramural field. On Saturday, at 1 p.m. , the Marching Miners, 104-members strong, began the pre-ga me festivities on Jackling Field. Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma's 5th annual pie-eating contest was the first order of business. At the conclusion of this "mess" the Interfraternity Coun-
12 / MSM Alumnu s
cil sponsored the annual pajama race. At 1: 15 the Miner Band presented a drill show to four sailing songs. The UMR dance corps was included in this presentation. Just prior to kickoff L. Dean Thompson , pastor of the Church of the Nazarine, Rolla, sang the "Star Spangled Banner." The porn-porn corps commenced the half-time activities with a special routine to the rock special "Sizzler." Band alum ni played along with the Miner Band in an arrangement of four MSM -UMR songs. Members of Jazz Ensembles I, II and III joined the Miner Band in Tom Ruess's special arrangement of "Hey Jude" for the next segment of the halftime ceremony. The final event was the coronation of the queen for which the band played "Over the Rainbow ." The band concluded its homecoming act ivities on Saturday evening when the "Drifters" performed for the alumni in the Miner Lounge before the annual Alumni Awards Banquet.
Chancellor Marchello kisses Queen Barbara Haintl
UMR Senior Chosen Homecoming Queen Barbara Haintl , senior in mechanical engineering at UMR, was chosen 1978 Homecoming Queen in a campus-wide election. Members of the Queen's court were first runner-up, Ann Mills, senior in chemical engineering from Warrensburg, and second runner-up, Lori Robertson, sophmore in engineering management from Ozark . Ms. Haintl is presider1t of her sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. She is a member of several other student organizations including Blue Key and Alpha Phi Omega, honorary service groups, the student chap ter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the intramu ral program. She was nominated for homecoming queen by members of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Edward Haintl, 2005 Riverwood , Jennings.
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Registra tion.
Homecoming 1978 Registration Name/Year William Barbier, 53 Paul Singer, 58 Gordon H. Moline, 48 Jack A. Sontag, 50 Mrs. Harry Pence, 74 Charles & Judith Poe, 54 Lester & Susan Winter, 58 Dale & Judy Strub. 58
City/State S1. Louis, MO Atlanta, GA Indianapolis, IN S1. Louis, MO S1. Louis, MO Wentzville, MO O'Fallon , IL Madison, WI
Belleville.IL S1. Charles, MO Florissa nt. MO SI. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO Ballwin , MO Decatur, IL Ferguson. MO
Edward S. Kunnemann , 76 Michale A. Past. 74 William W. Kronmueller, 53 Bob & Joan Kemper, 49 Alan F. & Carol Karberg, 68 R.N. & Connie Smith , 58 John F. & Judy Rasche, 58 Charles L. Hunze, 33
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Ralph McKelvy, Harold Pohl and Margie McKelvey .
Jim Grimm and Martha Ann McCormick .
Don & Barb Weisenstein, 58 Ron & Laura Rath, 59 Tom & Doris Welsh, 58 Gene & Rose Lang, 53 Floyd & Libby Ellison , 48 Tom & Joanne Mudd , 58 Bob Puyear, 54 Ernie & Mollie Achterberg, 53 Bob Scanlon , 73 Jim & Velma Jensen, 4 I Jim & Jo Ann Roberts, 53 Roger Goodman, 73
J.R. Bowman , 48 John Gayer, 7 I Evelyn Gayer, 73 Israel & Almar Lovette, 24 Jerry & Blanche Donaldson, 28 M.L. Dorris, 23 Jim Miller, 38 Ben K. Miller, 33 Jack Rother, 48 Jack H. & Rose Jones, 62 Jack Hoopes, 49 Larry & Barbara Luebbert, 68
Belleville,IL Indianapolis, IN Anderson , IN Arvada, CO Corpus Christi, TX S1. Louis, MO S1. Louis, MO Tulsa , OK Peoria,IL Rolla, MO Jefferson City, MO Scott City , MO
Chesterfield, MO Ash Grove, MO A h Grove. MO Waynesv ille, MO Rolla, MO Collinsville,IL Studio City, CA Bridgeton , MO San Diego, CA E. Alton, IL Kansas City, MO Kansas City, MO
MSM Alumnu s 13
Doug Christensen , 43 B.J. Gross, 33 W.T. Schrenk, 58 E.G. "Ted" Machin, 22 Chuck Marvin , 69 Daniel R. White, 62 Roy C. & Mary Cornett , 38 Raymond Finch , 43 Margaret Lloyd, 78 Jean Lloyd Arras, 44 Ed W. Heiss, 40 Leonard C. Lonsberg, 38
Blanding, UT Huntsville, TX Rolla, MO Nashville, IL Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Alexandria. VA Kansas City, MO John Knox Village, MO Mexico City, Mexico Srringfield, MO Platteville, WI
Natrona Hts. , Pittsburg, PA Escondido, CA Rolla, MO McAllen, TX Minden, La Rolia,MO Eldon, MO Layfayette, IN Clayton, MO Denver, CO Rolla, MO
Ted Planje, Maxine and Jim Stephens.
Peggy Bay, Pete Mattei and Kathy Coco. W.R . Tankersley, 52 H.H . Harpock, 20 C. James Grimm, 30 George & Bertha Gabler, 24 R. Lary & Sandy Miller, 58 Mr. & Mrs. David J. Flesh, 23
Robert C. Perry, 49 Richard C. Prough , 38 Dixie Finley, 68 Fred Kiburz, 43 Ragan Ford 23 E.K . Schuman , 20 W.S . Frame, 23 Robert & Mary Hanna, 43 Raese & Marie Simpson, 34 Lee D. and Norma Dumm, 33 Fred Kisslinger, 42 W.B. Machin, 28
Rolla, MO Freeport, IL Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Palatine, IL Jefferson, TX
Thorpe Dresser, 33 H.W. & Jeanne Flood, 43 Raymond W. Borchers, 33 Bob Wolf, 51 Herb & Jean McColgin, 43 Carrol A. Quam, 38
Bob Bili
Jack Joe Da v And
Lar r Joe Jam Lau Mar
The Markham, IL Acton, MA Thornfield, MO Rolla, MO Metropolis, IL Stoughton, WI
Lou Rob Davi
Paul Bill I
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Bill and Jamie Anderson and Richard and Jeanette Elgin. Edwardsville, IL Ron Ward, 25 Harold G. Moe, 48 Columbus, OH Aurora,IL Joe & Clarellen Howerton, 38 Frank M. Yates, 73 Independence, MO Mr. & Mrs. Henry Emmett Gross, 28 Webster Groves, MO Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Burkhalter, 33 Jefferson City, MO Clay & Pauline Robbins, 53 Houston, TX Hans & Jimmie Schmoldt, 43 Bartlesville, OK 14 / MSM Alumnus
Jake Gieseke, Ray Borchers, Lucille Gieseke, Virginia Borchers and Raese Simpson. Homer W. Krattly, 33 James F. & Janey McDonald, 33 Fred A. Wonn, 38 Richard H. Walker, 48 W.W. & Vi Coghill, 33 Belding H. McCurdy, 38 F.E. Townsend, II Bob & Marie Klorer, 44
St. Louis, MO Tulsa, OK Sunnyvale, CA Ferguson, MO Tulsa, OK St. Petersburg, FL Bartlesville, OK St. Louis, MO
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Bob & Judy Sieckhaus, 63 Bill Higley, 43 Jack Dowell, 54 Joe Eisman, 43 David Faintich, 68 Andy Cochran, 41 Richard A. Flescher, 76 Larry & Connie Wallace, 68 Joe J. Reiss, 49 James B. Chaney, 48 Laura (Webber) Blaser, 75 Mark Blaser, 75
St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Metairie, LA Mt. Clare, IL St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO St. Louis, MO Sulphur, OK St. Louis, MO Salt Lake City, UT ROlla; MO Rolla, MO
Joe Strawhun , 41 Paul Munger, 58 Raymond Ruenheck, 50 Rod Schaefer, 47 John & Dot Schilling, 43 Richard H. Bauer, 52 Peter F. Mattei, 37 Allen G. Behring, 66 Joe T. Adams, 43 Wm. E. (Bi ll ) Patterson , 53 Robert A. Eck , 43 T.O. Seiberling, 33
Atlanta, GA Rolla, MO Boston, MA Rolla, MO St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO Villa Park, IL Leawood , KS Houston , TX Rolla , MO Farmington . MO
The Grecos, Dom and Hazel, Jackie and Lou
Larry Spanier, Elaine Spanier, Don Spackler
Lou Goldfeder, 67 Robert Lemberger, 59-60 Dave Dearth, 68 Randy Pace, 75 PauiB. Rothband , 43 Bill Kay, 33
Eli zabeth Behring Ralph McKelvey, 48 Margie McKelvey, 48 Madge Lenox Clemmons, 32 Jack & Margaret Conley, 31 Don & Bess Bisett, 27
Marshalltown, IA Vienna, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Port Lavaca, TX Drums, PA
Villa Park, IL Canton , OH Canton,OH Rolla, MO Phoenix, AZ Rolla, MO
Gill Montgomery, E.W. Gieseke, Frances Townsend Miles, and Frank Townsend. R.C. Lange, 37 J .S. (Jess) LeGrand, 38 Peter.G. Hansen, 53 Tom O'Keefe, 58 Ronald G. Smith, 68 Richard A. Klein , 78 E.W . Simpson, Jr. , 38 H.D. Thomas, 27
Rolla, MO Clifton, N.J . Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Chattanooga, TN Rolla, MO Lincoln, NE Rolla, MO
_ 'e __
/r;. "" I Bob and Peggy Bay and Bill Atchley.
W.J . Campbell, 35 Comer C. Haley, 48 Joe Wanenmacher, 23 Art Petersen, 43 Thomas & Sharon Griffeth, Jr. , 68 Joe & Marta Murphy, 38 O.L. Meyer, 43 A.W. Beinlich, Jr. , 33
. Rolla, MO Mercer PA Tulsa, OK Houston, TX Pittsburgh, PA Georgetown, CA Wheaton, IL Sheffield, AL
MSMAlumnus/ 15
Bob & Mabel Niewoehner, 48 Jean & Ira Perkins, 43 Ralph & Lora Lueck , 68 Jay & Ann Peterson , 61 John & Alice Munns, 68 Jack & Janice Haydon, 58 William & Avis Ford, 38 Sid & Joan Duerr, 50 Jun-see Lee, 78 M.R . Strunk , 47 Don & Alwilda Mat hews, 48 Larry & Myrtle Lambelet , 40
Webster Groves, MO Joplin, MO Imperial, MO St. Cha rles, MO Mentor,OH O'Fallon,IL Martinburg, MO Corpus Christi , TX St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Jonesboro, A R Oceanside, CA
Dallas, TX Littleton, CO Creve Coeur, MO Ballwin,MO Pleasanton, CA Florissant, MO Maryland Heights, MO Ballwin, MO Kansas City, MO Mt. Vernon, IL Belleville, IL St. Louis, MO
Independence, KS Rolla, MO Evansville, IN Rolla, MO Rolla, MO St. Louis, MO Pooler, GA
Jim & Carol Noble, 63 Frank H. Conrad James R. Paul, 43 Kenneth A. Ruff, 77 Harold B. Theerman , 50 Dennis W. Leitterman, 76 Charles Ross, 48 \
Darn Hern LaUl: Matt Larr~
Bob I
Willi, Euni, Erni( M.E. Ran( Erne:
arold Theerman and John Brillos, possibly.
Ted Heiser and Joe Mooney . Bob & Eileen Jost, 53 Agnes & Chuck Remington, 49 Hugh & Amalie Barger, 39 Waldemar & Laura Dressel , 43 J.D. Morgan, 65 R.H. Volk, 68
Jim Toutz, 54 N.A . Kent , 53 C.E. Zerweck , Jr. , 50 H.E. Kennedy , 51 Frank Damerval, 56 Paul & Carole Herrmann, 58 Mike & Phyllis Rissell, 73 Jim & Janet Ludewig, 53 Ken & Marlyn Ferber, 53 Ralph & Mary Banks, 48 Bob & Dorothy Hackmann, 48 Art & Jayne Tapperson, 48
. Florissant, MO Rolla, MO Houston, TX St. Louis, MO Kirkwood, MO Sunnyvale, CA Chesterfield, MO
Edwa Tom
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Thor Gear! Craig
\\ Leon Hershkowitz, Geroge Gabler, Bertha Gabler, and Kay Morgan . Tom Koederitz, 53 Burns Hegler Ed E. Gygax , 43 Henry & Imelda Hickman, 33 S.A . Stone, 30 Herb Gillham , 69 Robert P. Vienhage, 53 Joe E. Gra y, 54
16/ MSM Alumnu s
San Angelo, TX Rolla, MO Hllsboro, MO Jefferson City, MO Fort Wayne, IN Granite City , IL Springfield, MO Ft. Worth, TX
Don DeBolt and Mike Delany . Don Crecelius, 41 Cathy Crecelius Bob & Nancy Marlow, 58 John T. Park Elizabeth Hardebeck , 58 Chester H. Baker, 55 Ronald Carmichael, 44 Eila Carmichael
She d Paducah , KY Paducah , KY Rolla, MO Rolla , MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO
Dona Harry
Jack 8 Don8 Jack & Albert Bill &
Dominic A. Greco, 44 Herman A. Fritschen, 51 Louis E. Greco, 50 Matt Coco, 66 Larry Spanier, 50 Bob Bay , 49 William E. H. Knight , 27 Eunice Knight Ernie Weinel, 48 M.E. & Mary Lou Nickel, 38 Rande & Judy Grotefendt, 74 Ernest Moran. 27
:0 10 10
10 10 10 10 IL IL 10
10 10
10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
St. Louis, MO Tulsa, OK St. Louis, MO Affton, MO Dix Hills, N. Y. St. Louis', MO Carthage, MO Carthage, MO O'Fallon, It: Chicago,IL Longview, TX Miami, OK
, /j
W.F. Emerson , 44 Lorraine Traynor Echols, 72 Bill & Jane Hallett, 55 Bob Fleischman , 76 Charles Myers, 58 Mike Delany, 48 Ron Welch, 58 Bob Baerveldt, 48 Murray Schmidt, 49 Maurice Ellis, 48 Pete Des Jardins, 44 Herman Pfeifer, 36
Oklawaha, FL Tulsa, OK Peoria, IL Washington , MO Indianapolis, IN Rockford,IL . Peoria,IL Louisville, K Y Redding, CA Argus, IN Layfayette, LA Hot Springs, AR
Thor Gjelsteen and Bill Flood.
Jerry Gilmore and Bill Atchley.
Edward E. Hornsey, 59 Tom Baird, 53 Vic Hoffmann, 60 Walt & Anne Mulyca, 65 Thor Gjelsteen, 53 George M. Pace, 31 Craig Ellis, 38
Rolla,MO Rolla, MO Seattle, WA Marshall, TX Denver, CO Cincinnati,OH Muncie, IN
Lakewood, CO Port Orchard, WA Great Falls, VA Ardmore, OK Festus, MO Houston, TX Rol MO
Mary Lou and Jim Paul with Chuck background.
She Gale and Jim McGrath. Donald E. Modesitt, 58 Harry Hollmann, 49 Trudy Hollmann, 48 Jack & Jo Painter, 50 Don & Mary Lou DeBolt, 49 Jack & Joanie Guth, 50 Albert Bolon, 61 Bill & Virginia McConnell, 42
James & Gloria Fisher, 48 Stephen R. Strauss, 68 Pete & Bobbie Bermel, 48 George H. & Merril y Ramsey, 48 Ted Reeves, 50 Jack Burst, 44 Jerry L Gilmore, 60
Rolla, MO Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA Poplar Bluff, MO Dallas, TX Herndon, VA Rolla, MO Clinton,IL
Bob Underhill, 43 Neil Stueck, 43 Don DeBolt, 49 John Toomey, 49 Bob & Cay Brackbill, 42 Max & Jean Marlow, 43 John Brillos, 51 E. Gent Johannes, 43
St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO Dallas, TX Alexandria, V A Dallas, TX Herrin,IL St. Genevieve, MO St. Louis, MO
MSM Alumnus / 17
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Dave Flesh and Muir Frey. Lucille Gieseke E.W . "Jake" Gieseke, 33 Gill Montgomery, 35 Luke Augustson , 53 Gerald Rupert , 67 Richard O. Holland , 53 Bud & Jane Mercier V.A.C Gevecker, 31 Mildred Gevecker, 38
Anna Maria, FL Anna Maria, FL Eldorado, IL Tulare, CA Ro lla, MO Houston , TX Rolla , MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO
Red Gross, Ernie Moran and Margrete Gross. Michael R. Simac, 78 Rolla, MO Jim & Terry McGrath , 49 St. Louis, MO Roy Perry, 40 Washington, D.C Geo rge D. Tomazi, 58 St. Lo uis, MO George R. Schillinger, 63' St. Louis, MO Leonard C Kirberg, 66 Ellisville, MO Bill & Catherine Busch, 42 Cleveland, OH Vernon & Betty Loesing, 42 Rolla , MO Bob & Martha Patterson , 54 Sikeston. MO
Joe I Dou
Bert Rob
Joel Loveridge and Louise Marchello. E.L. Boeller, 48 Mrs. E.L. Boeller Joe Senne, 51 Mr. & Mrs. O.R. Plummer Virgil L. Whitworth, 23
Joe Ma rchello, Hans Schmoldt and Jimmie Schmoldt. Jefferson City, MO Jefferson Cit y, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Houston, TX
Leonard & Ida Mae Wolff, 42 AI Buescher, 64 Joel Loveridge, 39 Joseph W. Mooney, 39 Joh n O. Wilms, 43
Columbia, MO Chicago, IL St. Louis, MO University Ci ty, MO Los A CA
Hugl and '
Bud ,
Ches F. W Arm
Dani ~Â
Homer Thompson, evelyn rord, Anne Mulyca, Walter Mulyca, and Ragan Ford . 18/ MSM Alumnus
Ed Simpson, Cecil Robertson, Joel Loveridge, and Manan Simpson.
J. Le
Rolla, MO Alexandria, MN Jefferson City, MO Chicago, IL St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Rolla, MO St. Louis, MO Rolla, MO Tulsa, OK Austin, TX
Darrell L. Prior, 75 Elmer Aschemeyer, 43 Robert V. Gevecker, 48 Harvey Leaver, 48 Joe & Kitty Strubert, 49 Hugh R. Berry, 25 Bill Todd, 49 Bernie & Le Sarchet Bruce E. Tatantola, 51 Elmer A. Roemer, 33 E.A . Smith, 24 Earl Dill, 53
Homer & Auttie Thompson, 32 Irvin & Kathleen Robbins, 48 Jim & Maxine Stephens, 47 Muir L. Frey, 23 E.S. Wheeler, 22 Jennie Lenox Wheeler, 22 Elmer & Carolyn Gammeter, 26 Cecil & Willis Robertson, 38 Ron Anderson, 69 Vernon & Betty McGhee, 42 Lenn & Cheryl Koederitz, 68 Ha & Joan Potti 66
Little Rock , AR Charlotte, N.C. Lee's Summit, MO Birmington , MI Tucso n, AZ Tucson, AZ Beave r, PA Southern Pines, N.C. St. Clair Shores, MI Bartlesville, OK Rolla, MO Rol MO
c. o o o
o o J
Janet Gaddy, Gale Bullman and H.O. Gaddy.
Gerald J. LaBouff, 53 Joe Hepp, 48 Doug Hequembourg, 48 D.L. Elgin, 74 Don Spackler, 50 A. "Stoney" Stone, 30 Bert & Rose Hoover, 23 Robert E. & Delores Spratt, 58
Houston, TX Marinette, WI Jefferson Cit y, MO Richmond , MO St. Louis, MO Fort Wayne, IN Trenton , MO Mt. Vernon , MO
Steve Strauss and Colonel Marvin . Horacio A. Fernandez, 38 Parral , Chihuahua, Mexico Estella C. de Fernandez, 38 Parral , Ch ihuahua, Mexico John H. Livingston , 39 Elm Grove , LA Steve Bergtholdt, 73 Hercules, CA Luke Auguston, 53 Tulare, CA Mr. & Mrs. R. P. Abendroth , 53 Toledo, OH George W. Axmacher, 42 Oklahoma Cit y, OK Mrs. Emmett Mitchell, 23 Rol MO
10 10
:A /
Hugh Berry, Virgil Whitworth, Ed Smith, Harland Hoppock and Toots Schuman.
Bud & Kath leen Clayton, 38 Ches & Luke Kiesler McCaw, 31 F. W. Heiser, 39 Armin 1. Tucker, 40 Daniel Kennedy, 26 1. Lewis Andrews, 24 John W. Wise, 42 R. H. Kerr, 50
Hannibal , MO Rolla, MO Englewood, CO Alexandria, V A Rolla,MO Oxly, MO Borger, TX Rolla, MO
Ed Heiss and Vernon Burkhalter. Leonard (Nat) & Meribeth Larson, 43 Bob Oetting, 55 Kent Allen, 48 Carl J. Heim , 25 Leon Hershkowitz, 48 G.G . Skitek, 49 Louis F. Wise, 71 LeRoy Justice, 53
New Orleans, LA Rolla, MO Jacksonville, FL Jasper, IN Rolla, MO Rolla, MO Arlington , VA Charleston, W.V . MSM Alumnus / 19
Joe Strawhun, Andy Cochran and Don Crecelius.
Joe Hepp and Jerry Berry.
Alumni Registered At Triangle Bill Storoz Gent Johannes Greg Melton Charles Laderoute
Robert Borcherding Roger Goodlet DeWayne Roberts Robert Durbin
Dan Ganey David Bonney Robert Cherry William Nichols
Victor Ratkowski Russel Jones Bill Field
Bugg Muir
Herb Jack Joser Dav( Raes Bruo Cark Rob( Carl Haro Joser Walt
Joe Hepp, Jenna Hequembourg, Frank Hequembourg, Jr., Harold Moe, Johnny Powell, Mary Hepp.
Bess Patterson, Reinhard Abendroth, Molly Abendroth and Bill Patterson.
Alumni Registered At Sigma Nu Mark K. Armstong L.R. Boaz John W. Brillos J.N. Conley Donald Debolt James R. Fisher
Peter Bermel Robert Brackbill James B. Chaney Frank Damerval John S. DeGood Joe E. Gray
Irv Robbins, Kathleen Robbins, Leon Hershkowitz.
20/ MSM Aiumnul
Eric Gredell Jack Greenley Jack E. Guth R.G. Haubold Gene Kennedy Craig Korkoian
Jim Grelle John W. Griffiths Art Handshy H.R. Hollmann N.A. Kent Joel Loveridge
Sharon Griffeth, Tom Griffeth, Joy Smith and Ron Smith.
Te for t these statis ed fr table. Class
1911 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 Total I 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934
Virgil Whitworth and
nes eld hill
Jack L. Painter Herbert McColgin Steve Pitner Jack Phillips Dennis Schlueter Joseph Quinn Joseph Reiss Scott Winfield Mark Ryan Da ve Schepers Sid Duerr Edward Simpson, Jr. Raese Simpson Bill Hallett Don Spackler Bruce Tarantola Duane Marble Harold Theerman Carlos Tiernon James O. Toutz Charles J. Ross Robert Vienhage Otis H. Taylor Bill Zaner Carl Zerweck Jack Dowell Jerry Anderson Harold O. Andrews Lou Goldfeder Sam Barco Joseph Cappa Joe Kracum Robert E. Farris Walt Lovell Joe Martin Larry Molina Edward Lueckenhoff Mark Mahnken
ent jge
Richard Meloy Duane Parrish Jim Montgomery Dan Waldrop Dave Strawhun Keith Wilham Gary Downey Charles Ward Randy Armstrong John Auman Bill Pendleton Nick Barrack Donald Bisett Finley Teasley Robert H. Buck Lou Harting John W. Wish Kirk Hastain Warren Loveridge William F. McConnell Mike Mason Charles McCaw Mrs. Charles Millar
Homecoming Registration figures Ted Machin, '22, a Class Coordinator for the "Over Fifty" group, provided these registration statistics . These statistics are based on the figures provided from the Homecoming registration table.
ths ;hy
Frank Hequembough, Jr., johnny Powell ana Jerry l:Serry.
Number Registered
1911 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 Total Over 50 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934
I 2 0 3 8 I 3 2 4 5 29 I 3 2 2 16 I
1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957
Number Registered
Number Registered
1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963
17 4 2
1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970
25 6 3
I 3
Number Registered
2 4 I I 3
Number Registered
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978
Number Registered
1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951
Attendance by States
I 3
Arizona 3 5 Arkansas California II Colorado 7 4 Florida Georgia 3 Indiana 14 Illinois 29 Iowa I Kansas 4 Kentucky 2 Louisiana 4 Massachusetts 2 Minnesota 2 Missouri 162 North Carolina 2
25 5 5 6
10 39 8
o o 4
35 10 12 6
Bobby Marlow.
7 2 4 4 I
Nebraska I New York I New Jersey I Ohio 6 Oklahoma 13 Pennsylvania 6 Tennessee I Texas 23 Utah 2 Virginia 7 West Virginia I Washington 5 Wisconsin 5 DC I Mexico 2
MSM Alumnus!2 1
Class Reunions- J978
1928 'and Before Row I, L-R: Harland Hoppock, E. K. Schuman. Row 2, L-R: Frank Townsend, Orvalyn Wanenmacher, Evelyn Ford, Hugh Berry, David Flesh, Florence Flesh, Eunice Knight , Bill Knight, Irene Dorris, and Babe Dorris. Row 3, L-R: Rose Hoover, Bert Hoover, Joe Wanenmacher, Ragan Ford , Fay Moran, Ernie Moran, Twidge Thomas. Row 4, L-R: Ron Ward, Helen Frame, W. S. Frame, Julia Machin, Ted Machin, Louis Andrews, Mu ir Frey, Buggs Wheeler, Ca rolyn Gammeter, Elmer Gammeter. Row 5, L-R: Carl Heim, Henry Gross, Margrete Gross, Bett y Machin, Bill Machin, Jerr y Donaldson, Blanche Dona ldson.
1933 Row I, L-R: Emma Jean Dresser, Thorpe Dresser, Alice Kay , Bill Kay , Ed na Burkhalter, Vernon Burkhalter, Lee Elmer (Jake) Gieseke, Luci lle Gieseke, Melda Hickman, Henry Hickman. Row 2, L-R: Cha rles Hunze, Edna Hunze, Ray Borchers, Virginia Borchers, Mildred Beinlich, A. W. Beinlich , Gertrude Roemer. Elmer Roemer, Ben Miller. Row 3, L-R: Lee Dumm, Norma Dumm, Homer W. Krattly , Theodore O. Seiberlin g, W. W. Coghill, Vi Coghill , James McDona ld , Janey McDonald, Ade laide Gross, Bernie Gross. 22 / MSM Alumnus
Ed (
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Row I , L-R: Horacio A. Fernandez, Estella C de Fernandez, Gwenna Quam , Carroll Quam. Row 2, L-R: Leonard Lonsberg, Mary Lonsberg, Roy Cornett , Mary Cornett, Ruby McCurdy, Belding McCurdy, Margaret Murphy and Joe Murphy. Row 3, L-R: Cecil W. Robertson , William A. Ford, Avis Ford, Myrene LeGrand, Jess LeGrand, Clarellen Howerton, Joe Howerton , Mary Lou Nickel and Mel Nickel. Row 4, L-R: Willis Robertson , Jim Miller, Marian Simpson, Ed Simpson, Joan Ellis, Craig Ellis, Dick Prough, Mildred Gevecker. and Fred Wonn.
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Row I, L-R: Jim Paul, Lou Paul, Elsie Adams, Cora Eisman, Joe Eisman , John Wilms. Row 2, L-R: Joe Adams, Ira Perkins, Jean Perkins, Jean Marlow, Paul Rothband, Mary Rothband , Herb McColgin , Jean McColgin. Row 3, L-R: Edith Skitek, Jean Flood, Ed Gygax, Gent Johannes, Fern Heidert, Ray Finch , Dorothy Finch, Wally Dressel, Laura Dressel, Max Marlow, John Schilling, Dot Schilling, Jack Burst, Orville L. Meyer, Marita Stueck. Row 4, L-R: Bill Flood, Gabe Skitek , Bob Hanna, Mary Hanna, Carl We is, Arlene Weis, Ash Aschemeyer, Oly Aschemeyer, Dorothy Petersen, Art Petersen , Bill Higley, Elizabeth Larson, Leonard Larson , Fred Kiburz, Neil Stueck.
MSM Alumnus!23
1948 Row I, L-R: Bob Hackmann , Dorothy Hackmann, Jenna Hequembourg, Frank Hequembourg, Bob Niewoehner. Row 2, L-R: Floyd Ellison, Libby Ellison, Pete Burmel, Bobby Burmel, Jane Tapperson , Art Tapperson, Mary Hepp, Joe Hepp, Gordon Moline. Row 3, L-R: Gloria Fisher, Jim Fisher, Barb Rother de Bartola, Jack Rother, Kathry n Weinel, Ernie Weinel , Marilee Ramsey, George Ramsey, Irv Robbins, Kathleen Robins, Jim Bullman , Mabel Niewoehner, Gloria Cash, Mike Delany. Row 4, L-R: Ma rgie McKelvey, Ralph McKelvey, Kent Allen, Mary Banks, Ralph Banks, Dick Boaz, Adele Boaz, Marjorie Ellis, Ma urie Ellis, Blondie Leaver, Gwen Gevecker, Harold Moe, Betty Janie, Jim Janie. Row 5, L-R : Don Mathews, Alwilda Mat hews, Richard H. Wa lker, Ruth Haley, Comer Haley , Harve y Leaver, Bob Gevecker.
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1953 Row I, L-R: Pete Hansen , Joan Hansen , Vivian Justice, LeRoy Justice. Row 2, L-R: Joan Buescher, Bill Barbier, Shirley Barbier, Ken Ferber, Marlon Ferber, Janet Ludewig, Jim Ludewig, Luke Auguston, Ellen Kronmueller, Bill Kronmueller, Jeanne Dill, Earl Dill. Row 3, L-R: Rom Buescher, Bob Jost, Ei lee n Jost, Jim Roberts, JoAnn Roberts, Richard Holland, Joan Vienhage, Bob Vienhage, Paula Robbins, Cla y Robbins , Rose Lange, Gene Lange. Row 4, L-R: Ernie Achterberg, Moll y Achterbe rg, (B ill Patterson was practicing with the alumni band), Bess Patterson, Betty Abendroth, Reinhard Abendroth , Marlene LaBouff, Je rry L~Bouff, Beverly Kent, AI Kent, Tom Koederitz, Thor Gjelsteen. 24 / MSM Alumnus
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Row 1, L-R: Tom Mudd, JoAnne Mudd, Tom Welsh, Doris Welsh, Paul Herrmann, Carol Herrmann, Charles Myers, Laura Myers_ Row 2, L-R: Ron Welch, Connie Welch, Jack Haydon, Jan Haydon, Lester Winter, Susan Winter, Dale Strub, Judy Strub, Barbara Weisenstein, Don Weisenstein, Conn ie Smith and Bob Smith . Row 3, L-R : Paul Munger, Frieda Munger, Paul Singer, Tom O'Keefe, Jane O'Keefe, Lary Mi ller, Sandra Mi ller, Na ncy Marlow , Bob Marlow , John Rasche, Judy Rasche, Robert Spratt, Delores Spratt.
Row 1, L-R: Shirley Bauer, Carol Noble, George Schillinger, Nancy Schillinger. Row 2, L-R: Dick Bauer, Jim Noble, Judy Sieckhaus, Bob Sieckhaus.
Row I, L-R: Evelyn Gayer, Phyllis Russell, Mike Rissell , Frank Yates, Judy Grotevendt, Rande Grotefendt. Row 2, L-R: Gohn Gayer, Bob Scanlon, Janet Scanlon, Steve Bergtholdt, Roger Goodman.
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Row I, L-R: Len Koederitz, John Munns, Alice Munns, Jean Volk, Roger Void, Dixie Finley, Joy Smith and Rom Smith. Row 2, L-R: Laura Lueck , Ralph Lueck, Barbara Luebbert, Steve Strauss, Larry Wallace, Connie Wallace, Tom Griffeth, Sharon Griffeth, Carol Karberg, Alan Karberg.
MSM Alumnus!25
More Scenes From Homecoming
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The food was delicious, and there was rl enty .
26/ MSM Alumnu s
Like to Have the Alumnus Every Other Month? Use the form on the back cover to forward your gift to the 1979 Annual Alumni Fund
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Section News Tulsa Section Luncheon The Tulsa group likes to get together for a luncheon each fall and this year they chose November 9 and met at noon in the Summit Club in downtown Tulsa. Bill Stevens, Frank Mackaman and Bill y Key came over from Rolla to join them . Following one of Fritschen's stories, Frank Mackaman introduced Bill y, who 'brought the message. He is athlet ic director and head basketball coach . UMR mounts a com prehensive interco llegiate sports program for bot h women and men and a justl y famo us in tramural activi ty. Various factors have an adverse affect on sports financing and the athlet ic department is s.eek ing gifts from interested people to close the gap. Present for the affa ir were: Trinh Rang, '73; Hans Schmoldt , '44 ; Bruce Galbierz, '75; Charles E. Campbell , '64; Guy Robinson , '70; Richard Stewart , '68; Vic Spalding, '39; Ed Tenes, '7 0; Lynn Calton, '70; George Leck , '6 1; Ed Smith , '24; Bill Va rk , '50; Fred Scharf, '53; Don Falkingham , '41 ; Jack Shafer, '43; Nick Muscovalley , '55; Herman Fritschen, '51; Larry Holland, '6 8; and Bill Beatt y, '57. The annual spring meet ing of the Tulsa Section wi ll be held March 31, 1979, in the Summit Club.
MSM Alumnu s 27
Ark-La- rex Meeting Alumni of the tri - tate area gathered in Boosier City , LA , on November 4, 1978. Basil Compton was in charge of arrangemen ts. Pre ent from Rolla were Noland and Barbara Aughenbaugh, ancy and Frank Mackaman , and special guest , Marjorie Edwards (Mrs. Ike) . The program was presented by Dr. Aughenbaugh , UMR's chairman of mining, petroleum , and geological engineering. Mackaman also spoke. One of the famous Miner democratic election was held and a "first" resulted: our first female section president, Judy Grotefendt , Cias of '74. Mark Herzog, '74 , was elected secretary , and Rose appeared to understand what that would mean to her. Present for the occasion were: John & Eilyeen Livingston , '38, McDade, LA ; Ragan & Evelyn Ford, '23 , Minden, LA ; John & Loretta Moscari , Jr. , '51 , Longview, TX ; Basil & Ciydell Compton , '39, Bossier City, LA ; Mark & Rose Herzog, '74 , Longview, TX; Rande & Judy Grotefendt, '73 & '74, Longview, TX ; Walt & Anne Mulyca, '65 , Marshall, TX; Kevil & Helen Crider, '28, Shreveport, LA ; Gerald & Leona Roberts, '28, EI Dorado, AR; and David & Florence Flesh , '23 , Jefferson, TX. The next meeting of the Ark -La-Tex Section will be at the Petroleum Club in Shreveport in February .
2B/ MSM Alumnus
Ark-La- rex
FIRST CLASS Permit No.1, Sec. 510, P.L..tR ROLLA, MO.
BUSINESS REPLY CARD No Postage Stamp Necessory if Mailed in the United States -
------MSM Alumnus129
SPE¡AIME, Houston Jim Paul, '42 , workhorse of the Houston section , did it again during the fall SPE meeting. Although carrying maj or responsibilities in connection with that organiza tion, he set up a meeting for MSM -UMR alumni at the Petroleum Club on October 13. It was a beautiful setting. The Planjes and Mackamans joined the UMR faculty and students already in Houston for the SPE. We are not overly confident of the accuracy of the list below , for our "headcount" and that of the Club appear to be in variance. It was a grand party and the ideal warmup for the upcoming Homecoming. Among those present were: Ron & Darlene Hall, '73 ; Bob & Peggy Jaeckel, '73; Alexis Swoboda, '75 ; Ted & Miriam Planje, '40; Nancy & Frank Mackaman , David Nelli, '70; Bill & Joy Beatty, '57; Steve & Susie Rector, '72; Rick Dunham , '73 ; M. A. Odegard , '62; Bill & Debbie Meister, '76 & '77; Mark & Lyn Marienfeld , '73 ; H. J. Patel, '64; Vishnu Simlote, '74; Rashid Merchant, '73; Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Schaeffer III, '48; Steve & Pam Wright, '70; R. E. Carlile, Mike & Mary Cullen, '75 & '77 ; Frank King, '64; Alfred R. Powell , '62; Martha L. Gonzalez, '78; Larry Brown, '78; J. Scott Brune, '73 ; W. I. Stevens, '47 ; G. S. King, '52; George & Ellen Donaldson, '51 ; Larry & Lydia Schupbach, '73 ; Mike Boothby. '76; Orner Roberts, '69:
Co '73 ; Rex Alford, '40; Richard (Dick) & Corky Martin, '70; Marion Arnold: Tommie & Pat Wilson, '64; Harry 1. Fitz Gibbon , '52 : Curtis Leach, '57 ; Ralph & Carol Kramer, '65 & '66 ; Archie Taylor, '77 ; Robert Schoonover, '79 : L. B. Taylor, '51 ; Marie Taylor. Jerr y & Karen Hofman , '77 ; Larry Jenkins, '73 : Ned & Bonnie Peet, '58; Salil Banerjee, '72 ; Bruce Galbierz, '75 ; Steve Suellentrop, '74; Andy Simon, '74; Lenn & Cheryl Koederitz, '68; Russell Dessieux, '56; Sylvester Joan, '79; Sean Price, '77 ; Bob & Maril yn Yochum , '49, and Oke Edu, '79.
Ken & Jerry Thompson, '73 ; John F. Burst , '44; Bernie Lucas, '75 ; Jon Graham , '77; Lou Ann & Allen Nichols, '76 : Bob Duenckel, '73; Mark & Rose Herzog, '74; Sal Pagano, '73 ; Ron Featherston, '61 ; Mike Castleberry, '65 ; M. C. Zeid , '51 ; Peter Sanni , '79 ; Jerry Han, '79 ; John Pepper, '72; Jim Waechter, '76; Don Luedke, Bob & Sue Ingram , '59; Jim & Gale Crafton , '65; Steve Ohnimus, '68; Eddie Self, '76 ; Rock Stourton , '60; Tom & Pat Schmidt , '69; John D. Perry, '77 ; Stephen Lee, '65 ; Michael Griffin, '75; Joe Martin, '76 ; Joan & Scott Norrid ,
three campuses. The group heard from university president James C. Olson , who spoke concerning budget requests, capital and other university needs. A major topic for discussion was the legislative recognition day which is scheduled for January 16, 1979, in Jefferson City. The next business meeting will be hosted by Rolla alumni in Rolla on May 19, 1979.
The members of the Alliance of the Alumni Associations of the University of Missouri met in Columbia on September 30, 1978. Made up of eight representatives from the alumni associations of each of the four campuses of the University, the Alliance meets twice each year for a business meeting, once in Columbia and alternating with the other
The MSM-UMR Alumnus Welcomes Pictures With News Items
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30 / MSM Alumnus
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It was reported that there was over a billion dollars worth of mining equipment on display for the AMC show in Las Vegas the week of October 8. Buyers were out looking and the MSMUMR alumni, faculty and students were too. Through the good offices of Tom Holmes, '50, president of Ingersoll· Rand, & his sterling crew , the rough places were made smooth & an excellent breakfast arranged for visiting Miners. The Terrace Room of the Desert Inn was the site. Those present heard from Noland Aughenbaugh, UMR chairman of mining, petroleum and geological engineering, and Frank Mackaman. Ajunct professor Jim Scott was there with Edna . So, on October 10, the following signed the register: Ron Ziegler, '69; Don & Betty Haskell , '49; Terral G. Young, '66 ; Russell C. Adams, '65 ; Tom Banfield , '50; S. A. Stone, '30; R. S. & Cyndi Dewey , '69 ; John Kadlec, Frank Mackaman, Morrie & Sue Worley , '61; Jim & Edna Scott, '50; Ken & Janet Cox, '60; Harold Tibbs, '50; Michael Vallez, '56; Bill Tsai, '51; Tom Holmes, '50; M. A. Buettner, '51 ; R. Kent Comann , '43; R. R. Whitlock , '49; J. N. Stolwyk , '78 ; Jim Cole, '75 ; Niels & Peggy Haubold, '57 ; Jim & Wilma Richardson , '32; Glenn H. Fritz, '47 ; Noland Aughenbaugh, David Barr, Keith Wick, '51 ; Wayne Jackson, '52; and Doug Bowlsby. If it hadn't been for a slot machine in the airport , the writer would have come and gone without indulging in any vices.
MSM A lu m n u s 3 1
Ch Chicago-ASCE Breakfast It probabl y was not a "first", but at leas t th e first in a long time-a MSMUMR alumni meeting in connection wit h th e ASCE. President-Elect Bob Bay , a national officer of ASCE suggested a tic-in , and we were off and run ning with the ab le and willing assistance of K en Schoeneberg. A lumni gathered for a co ntin enta l breakfast on October 18. Those prese nt heard from Bay , Joe Senne. chai rm an of civil engineering at UMR. and Fra nk Mackaman. Chi cago alumni are interes ted In an eve nt whi ch wou ld bring out a crowd from the metropolitan area and would we lcome sugges tions. Several rese rvation s were made for this event by al umni who apparent ly were not able to keep them . in fact, about a doze n. T hat places a burden on the reservat ion chairma n. The "did shows " we re: Na ncy and Frank Mackaman , Ken Schoeneberg, '44; leland Lewis, '49 ; Joe Senne, '51; Jim Greer, '69; John Heagler, '5 1; Steve Sit, '73; Paul Kal icak, '7 1; Don Dean, '49; AI Behring, '66 ; Ca rl E. Delong, '67 ; lou Harting, '53; Phil Johnson , '59 ; Norbert Schmidt , Phil Jeffers, '51 ; Charles Pokross, '70; and Thomas E. Smith , '5 1.
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TMS-AIME in Sf. Louis During the Metallurgy Section of the AIME meeting in St. Louis, the MSM UMR alumni gathered in the Crystal Room of the Missouri Athletic Club for a cash bar-cocktail party between Sand 7 p.m. on October 17. The fine facilities were through the courtesy of Paul Dowling, member of the MAC and past president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association. Rita Young, secretary to Mr. Dowling, in her usual gracious and efficient mann er, handled the arrangements for the Association. Present on this occasion were, among others: Bob Hurst, Jim Spehr, Dick Bauer, Joseph W. Mooney, Bob Fleishman , Nancy and Frank Mackaman , Rich Fleschner, R. J. Niewoehner, Sam Cavators, Charles L. Deal, David Hunt, Otis Cowan , Harry Wear! , Ted Sundlach , H. O. Davis, Robert Volz, Raymond Fournelle, David J. Michel , Cindy Locke, Rhonda Reed , Tom O'Keefe, Tom Theabald, and John Cigan.
Like to Have the Alumnus Every Other Month? Use the form on the back cover to forward your gift to the 1979 Annual Alumni Fund
MSM Alumnu s/ 33
Alumni Meet In Libya
UMR-NRECA Training Program
The Second Sy mposium of the Geo logy of Libya held on 16-2 1 Sept. 1978 brought toge th er seve ral alumni who co mpleted th eir grad uate studies at U.M.R. These we re Mohamed Atliga (M .S. 1971), who ow ns and operates a wate r and oi l well drilling co mpan y in Tripoli : Hassa n A. El-Etr (M.S. 1963, PhD . 1967), Associate Professor, Ain Sham Univ., Egypt: Abdullatif Najjar (MS. 1971 L gradua te stud ent at Penn State Un ivers it y: Mostafa J. Sa lem (MS 1971, PhD 1977), Assistant Prob sor. Af-Fa teh Un ive rsit y: Ta leb EIMu ga tef Ta leb (MS. 197 1). geo logist with Esso Lib ya. Mostafa Salem was a member of the organi zing committee and is General Secretary of Symposium. About 150 papers were presen ted at the mee tin g. Papers were prese nted by Dr. El-Et r and Salem. The proceedings to be published nex t yea r. Dr. A. C. Spreng, Professo r of Geo logy at UMR att ended th e symposium .
The Universit y of Missouri-Rolla and the National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association are jointl y offering a distribution system planning rrogram during the period February 19th ·Ma rch 16th, 1979. , Program Schedule Feb . 18 Arri ve in Houston , Texas Feb. 19 Attend NRECA An nual Meeting and Inspect Ex hibits Feb . 20·22 Three-day course "Management Concept Applied to Utility Ope rations" Feb. 23 One-day sem inar, "Power Plant Personnel Training" by NUS Feb. 25 Fly to Little Rock , Ark ansas Feb. 26-Ma r. 2 Study at Arka nsas Electric Cooperatives in Little Rock Mar. 5 Fly to Fort Leonard Wood, MO (transportation to Rolla provided by UMR) Mar. 5-16 Testing ex perience at industrial tes t facility and visits to distribution equipme nt manufacturing concerns, ending in St. Lou is For tec hnical information contact: Dr. J. Derald Morgan : Program Director; Departme nt Chairman of Electrica l Engineering and Emerson Electric Prof. of EE; 122 EE; University of Missouri -Rolla: Rolla, MO 65401: 314-341 -4506. For regist ration information contact: Ms. Eunice P. French; Ad minist rat ive Assoc iate: Ce nter for International Programs and Studies; 107EE; University of Missouri ·Rolla : Rolla , MO 6540 1; 314-34 1-4208. Registration Fee: $ 11 90 (includes all co urse cos ts and materials; not included are ai r trave l, housing and meals). Registration dead line: February I, 1979.
Meeting Data
Wilson Presentation Josep h M. Wilso n, '2 1, received his Alumni Award plaq ue at a luncheon held in Dallas in November. He was unable to at tend the awards banquet at · Homecoming because of an illness. The lun cheon was hosted by R. M. Brackbill, '42. Also present were Bill Jon es, '56; Keith Shepphard, '47; Donald Debolt , '49; Mark H. Mahnken , '77; Bob Scha fer, '52; Jim Horne, '70; and Den nis Chasten, '70. All prese nt enjoyed the luncheon and were happy to honor Joe Wi lso n.
34 MSM Alumnus
EVENT/SITE DATE CAPE GIRARDEAU. . ......... . ............ . .. . .. January II , 1979 ARK ·LA-TEX. . . . . ..... . . .... .... . . . . . ... . . . , . . ... February 3, 1979 Shreveport ... February 17, 1979 ARIZONA ...... . . Phoe ni x . .. February 20, 1979 AIME .. ,. New Orlea ns Petroleum Club .... March 31, 1979 TULSA. . ...... . Summit Cl ub . April 26·27, 1979 ALUMNI-STUDENT-FACULTY CO NFERENCE. Rolla . Apr il 28, 1979 SEM I·AN NUAL BOARD MEETING. Rolla .. May 11 -12· 13 , 1979 REUNION -CLASS OF '29 ........ . Rolla .. May 22, 1979 · AMERICAN MINING CONG RESS . St. Louis MAC ... October 12· 13 HOMECOM ING 1979 .. Rolla .. First Tuesday ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH. Denver Petroleu m Club . Third Friday BARTLESVILLE LUNCH .. Cafeteria Co nference Room , Adams Building ATTENTION: Please notify Alumni Office of your meet ing arrangements.
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Club, played and su ng by Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians. "Fight Miners" written in 1969 by Harold Cleveland, and commissioned as a fight so ng by the UMR football team as a part of the campus centennial celebration. The eight ad ditions to th e Miner Band were: Bob Cunningh am, '32: Rand e Gro tenfendt, '73: John Mangoff. '76: Michael J. Mochel. '76: Robert B. Pu year. '54: Bill Patterso n, '53 : E. W. Simpson_ '38 : a nd Raese W. Simpson, '34 , the drum major from 1930 to 1934 who conducted "The Silver and the Gold. "
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Alumni Band Performs at Halftime Fans attending the 1978 Homecom ing football game received a special treat during the halftime ceremoliies. Eight band alumni joined the Miner Band in performing the following four histo ric school songs. "The Silver and the Gold" written by H. H. Armsby and M. H.
Cagg in 1930. "School of Mines, Our Alma Mater" written by Clair V. Mann in 1938. "Fight Missouri Miners" composed by Fred Waring and Charles Gaynor in 1942 and featured in a sa lute to the school on a nationwide radio broadcast of the Chesterfield Supper
This was the first Homeco ming performance of the alumni band , but Dr. David Oakley, Band Director hopes to make this an annual event. There are now more than 600 band alumni who date frolll the first formal band found ed on campus in 1926 to those wh o graduated last year.
Twelve UMR Students Listed in Who's Who The 1978-79 edition of WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES will list twelve students from the University of Missouri-Rolla. They were honored at a recognition banquet November 28. These students were selected by campus nominating committees and editors of the annual directory on the basis of their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in ex tracurricular activities, and future potential. Students named this year from UMR are: Ethan A Chamberlain of Chesterfield is a senior in civil engineering. He has served as vice president and president of Pi Kappa Alpha, president of Blue Key , president of the Interfraternity Council , and vice president of the Student Union Board. Andrew W. Cox of Festus is a senior in mining engineering. He has served as secretary of Sigma Phi Epsilon, treasurer and pledge trainer of M-C1ub, president of Theta Tau , and received 1st and 2nd team AII-MIAA football honors as well as Honorable Mention All-American honors. Alvin J. Fisher of Independence is a senior in civil engineering. He has served as recorder of Sigma Nu_ secretary and
president of Circle K, recording secretary of Phi Eta Sigma, and treasurer of Chi Epsilon. Stephen P. Ford of Jackson is a senior in civil engineering. He has served as president of GDI and vice president and president of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Russell L. Goldammer of Jefferson City is a graduate student in civil engineering. He has served as vice president of Beta Sigma Psi & president of the St. Pat's Board. Russell serves as St. Patrick during the 1978 S¡t. Pat's activities. Thomas E. Burbridge of Jennings is a se nior in electrical engineering. He has served as treasurer, vice president, and president of Intercollegiate Knights, secretary and vice president of Delta Sigma Phi, and J.B.e. of the Interfraternity Council. Ca rma J. Stone of Kansas City is a senior in chemical engineering. She has served as director and secretary of the Student Union Board, secretary of Kappa Delta sorority, and secretary of the student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Steven J. Treis of Mehlville is a senior in electrical engineering. He has served as treasurer of Sigma Nu and president of Phi Eta Sigma. Steven is serving as
president of the Student Council during the 1978-79 academic year. James L. Sutton of Palmyra is a senior in mechanical engineering. He has served as treasurer and Ist vice president of Beta Sigma Psi, editor of Blue Key , secretaryltreasurer of the stu dent chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and president of Pi Tau Sigma. David G. Winter of Rolla is a senior in civil engineering. He has se rved as vice president and secretary of Pi Kappa Alpha, vice president of the Midwest Region of Pi Kappa Alpha National , president of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and treasurer of Chi Epsilon. Mark S. Pfitzinger of Shrewsbury is a senior in chemical engineering. He has served as secretary/treasurer and president of Gamma Alpha Delta and secretaryltreasurer and president of the Intramural Managers Association . Mark was named Outstanding Wrestler at UMR in 1977 . Lawrence W. Wetzel of Spanish Lake is a senior in engineering management and mechanical engineering. He has served as president of the Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association, publicity chairman and pledge master of M-Club, and vice president of Blue Key. MSM Alumnus / 35
UMR Names Vernon Jones Development Counctl Chairman
Vernon T. Jones, rresidcnt of Williams Pire Line Co., Tulsa, OK , has been arrointed national chairman of the Universit y of Missouri-Rolla Develorment Council. He succeeds Paul T. Dowling, chairman of the board and chief executive office r of Nooter Corr. , SI. Louis, who se rved in the rosition for two yea rs.
The UMR Development Council is made ur of volunteers rerresenting alumni, faculty and friends of the institution. Its purpose is threefold-to serve as a sounding board for the chancellor and in an advisory capacity to him, to provide leadership in promoting UMR among seven groups of constituents, and to assist in identifying sources of support for UMR . During the past year, the Council assisted the UMR development office in reaching its goal of more than one million dollars in tangible gifts to UMR and the fostering of immeasurable intangible suprort of the campus. Jones is a native of Lee's Summit, and received his B.S. degree in civil engineering from UMR in 1953. He was award ed the professional degree of civil engineer by UMR in 1974 and was inducted into UMR's Academy of Civil Engineers in 1975. Following graduation he served for two yea rs in the U.S. Army, then joined Cities Service Co., starting as an engineer. He moved through the positions of district engineer, assistant to the
vice president-supply and transportation , and coordinator of supply and transportation. In 1969 he was elected president of Explorer Pipe Line Co. and in 1975 beca me president of Williams Pipeline Co. , the largest independently owned products pipeline system in the country. Williams Pipe Line Co. is a subsidiary of the Williams Companies, which include Williams Exploration Co ., Agrico Chemical Co. , and Edgcomb Metals Co.
New Curator Appointed To UM Soard
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'l Dr. James E. Halligan , left, dean of the UMR School of Engineering, is pleased to see the transfer of a check for $30,000 from General Motors Corporation being given by Lloyd E. Reuss, '57 , second from left , Director of Chevrolet Engineering, to UMR Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello. Richard W. Bachelor, right, senior staff assistant for GM's Buick Division watches. (UMR Photo)
36 / MSM Alumnu s
Gov. Joseph Teasdale has appointed David W. Lewis, a SI. Joseph banker, to the UM system Board of Curators. Mr. Lewis, 46, will fill out the remainder of Van Williams' term, which ex pires Dec. 31. Mr. Williams resigned from his position as curator June I . The governor will make a decision on whether or not to reappoint Mr. Lewis for a full term on the board in January. A 1954 graduate of UMC, Mr. Lewis has been president of the United Missouri Bank in St. Joseph for the past 12 yea rs. The other curators on the niriemember board include Barbara Berkmeyer, Chesterfield ; Daniel L. Brenner, Kansas Cit y; Robert A. Dempster, Sikeston; William T. Doak , Vandalia; C. R. Johnston, Springfield; Marian Oldham, St. Louis; Wallace R. Stacey, Independence, and Rex Z. Williams, Rolla .
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Energy Experts Attend Fifth UMR-DNR Conference The 5th Annual Conference on Energy, jointly sponsored by UMR and Missouri's Department of Natural Resources was held in Rolla on October 10-12. Theme of this year's conference was "Energy Involvement: What Can We Do?" Twenty-one aspects of the energy problem were treated in more than 100 technical papers. Topics include solar energy, nuclear energy, political and social implications of energy, energy regulation, fuel economy in transportation, waste heat utilization, and energy resources exploration and extraction. The three-day conference was attended by 623 people. The conferees also heard four speakers address different sides of the energy question. Keynote speaker at the opening session Tuesday morning was UMR's chancellor, Dr. Joseph M. Marchello. He spoke on "New Energy Concepts-Engineering Development Challenges." Alberta C. Slavin, commissioner of the Missouri Public Service
UMR Receives Kodak Grant UMR has received a Kodak Employee/Alumni Grant of $1 ,500 dated November 16. Kodak awards these grants of $150 for each undergraduate or graduate year com· pleted by those employees who graduated and joined Kodak within five years of their graduation. These grants are awarded during the graduate's fifth year of employment. The grant dollars are distributed to departments indicated by the individual's degree. This year three UMR graduates in Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering were recognized by Kodak.
Commission, addressed the question of "Can Government ' Be Creative?" "Future Energy Needs: Myth vs. Reality" was discussed by Dr. Margaret Maxey, associate professor of bio-ethics at the University of Detroit. Peter S. VanNort, senior vice president of Wisconsin Power and Light Co., spoke at the banquet Wednesday evening. He summed up the conference theme in "Energy-What Must Be Done." in conjunction with the conference, an exhibition dealing with various facets of energy conservation and the solving of energy problems was held in the Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. interested people were able to pick up information on residential and industrial solar systems, inspect wood-burning stoves and furnace systems, examine the latest insulation material and, in general, see what is new in the energy field . The 6th Annual Conference on Energy will be held October 16, 17, and 18, 1979 at UMR.
Friberg Receives Chemists' Award The Society of Cosmetic Chemists Award sponsored by Shaw Mudge and Company will be awarded to Dr. Stig Friberg, Chairman of the UMR Chemistry Department for the best paper presented at the SCC Annual Seminar held in May, 1978, in Chicago. The paper is titled "Emulsions with Li· quid Crystals. " Phyllis J. Carter, 1978 SCC President, made the formal presen. tat ion of the scroll and $1 ,000 . honorarium during the Society'S Award Luncheon on Friday, December I , 1978 , at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York.
Two new department chairmen have been appointed at UMR. They are Dr. J. Derald Morgan , PE, who will head Electrical Engineering, and Dr. Walter Eversman , who will head Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Morgan has been the Emerson Electric Professor of Electrical Engineering and Chief of the Power Group in the EE Department. Before joining UMR in 1968, he was an instructor at Arizona State University. He received the B.S .E.E. degree for LA Tech University in 1962, the M.S.E.E. degree from UMR in 1965, and the Ph .D. degree from Arizona State University in 1968. Eversman received his B.S . degree in aerospace engineerng from Purdue University in 1959. His M.S. and Ph .D. degrees were earned in 1961 and 1964 at Stanford University. He has been pro· fessor of mechanical engineering at the University of Canterbury , Christchurch, New Zealand since 1975 .
Management Textbook
Translated Into Spanish A textbook entitled "Supervisory Management" by Dr. Robert W. Eckles, professor of engineering management at the University of Evansville, Evansville, indo (formerly at the University of Missouri-Rolla) ; Dr. Ronald L. Car· michael, professor of mining engineering at UMR ; and B.R. Sarchet , professor and chairman of the engineering management department at UMR, has been translated into Spanish and published in Mexico. First published in 1974, the engineering management textbook was then put into a self-study workbook form and has been widely adopted by several major corporations. The subject matter deals with material aimed at first-line supervisory management. The tex't was adapted for individual study under the director of Dr. Steve C. Wheelwright, Harvard Business School. MSM Alumnus / 37
fall Sports Roundup Cross Country Team Concludes Successful Year
Football Miners Finish With 8-3 Mark Defending MIAA Co-Champions 3,400 in his career as a Miner. Ryan Missouri Miners had another very sucbroke almost all existing rushing cessful year finishing at 8-3 overall and a records, in route to being named to the 4-2 Conference mark , good for third all-Conference team. Along with Ryan , five other Miners were named to the allplace. Head Coach Charlie Finley was pleased with the season overall. Conference team. They were: Offensive When asked for his views of the Tackle senior Steve Curran, Wide Receiver senior Dave Hall, Defensive season, Finley pointed to the outstanEnd senior Greg Elzie, Defensive Back ding play of the Miner defense which sophomore Bill Grantham , and Defenforced 57 turnovers, and allowed only 13 points per game. The defense was led sive Back sophomore Craig Heath . by Sr. Tackle Joe Kinsella, and Sr. As for next year? First, the staff feels Defensive End Greg Elzie. The consisthe defense will be just as strong next tent play of the defensive line resulted in year, and secondly, the Miners have had many game breaking mistakes by optwo excellent recruiting years, and the ponents. hope of the team is for an even greater The defensive backfield is one of naseason next year and beyond. tional prominence. Led by sophomore Bill Grantham and Craig Heath, the MIAA Overall Miners led the nation in all divisions in Record Record interceptions with 35. Individually, Southwest Missouri Grantham led the NCAA Division II 6-0-0 8-3-0 schools in interceptions with 11 , and Northeast Missouri Heath was a close second with 7. 5-1 -1 6-4-1 With the departure of Ken Vaughn , . Univ. of Mo.-Rolla the all-MIAA quarterback, to gradua4-2-0 8-3-0 tion there became a large gap to fill. This Southeast Missouri gap was filled by sophomroe Jeff 2-4-0 6-5-0 Walters who Finley feels can be one of Ce ntral Missouri the outstanding MIAA quarterbacks. 2-4-0 2-8-0 The story of the Miner offense this year Lincoln was Sr. Trailback Terry Ryan. Ryan, 2-4-0 2-8-1 who rushed for 1,314 yards in 1977 , Northwest Missouri came back with 1,117 this year for over 0-6-0 0-11-0 38 / MSM Alumnus
The UMR cross country team had a 10-1 dual record and an individual team victory at Central Methodist. Other meets include a strong finish at the AllMissouri Meet which pushed the top teams in the MIAA District Qualifying Meet into the nationals. The cross country team was led by sophomore Brent Haefner who set course records at UMR, Central Methodist , and an all time UMR record at St. Louis University . Only one senior was on the Miners team this year and with some outstanding prospects who have indicated that they will enroll at UMR next fall the cross country team seems definitely on the upward trend.
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Water Polo is 18-3 This Year The 1978 Water Polo team had an outstanding season finishing 18 -3. Coach Bob Pease indicated that balanced scoring was the rule for the year. The team's only losses came during the Midwest regionals, where the Miners dropped three st raight but to some of the best teams in the nation. The Miner seniors who saw a lot of action and will be missed are Wing Matt Heinicke, Guard Leonard Wolf, and Goalie Paul Conant. Pease stated that the Miners have man y outstanding underclassmen , and this will ensure many more outstanding seasons. Among the many victories this year was the Mississippi Valley title, of which Pease is very proud. During the regionals, UMR played its best game ever in the eyes of the players and coach. The contest was against Loyola of Chicago, the 6th ranked team in the nation, a game which saw a 19-11 loss, but one in which Coach Pease felt brought everything out that his team had in it to win.
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Alumnus Circulation The ALUMNUS is published six times per year, February , Arril , June, August, October, and December. The February and August issues are in tabloid format, the other issues are magazines. The February ALUMNUS carries a report of the Alumni Annual Fund and the Honor Roll of Donors. The December issue has stories of Homecoming activities, Association reports, and results of elections. The other issues carry general news of alumni and the University
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The publication of the ALUMNUS is financed by gifts to the ANNUAL ALUMNI FUND. University funds do not pay for the ALUMNUS. The Board of Directors of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association sets the circulation policy and these are its guidelines: *Each issue is mailed to all members of the most recent graduating class. *Each issue is distributed to all faculty and staff members. *Each issue is mailed to all University of Missouri Curators and certain University administrators. *The February, August , and December issues are mailed to all alumni of record . *The other issues are mailed to donors to the Annual Alumni Fund, so that they receive six issues after the date of their gift.
Intramurals For the first time in intramural history at UMR the team sports have been divided into two divisions. This has been very well received by all organizations and the competition in both divisions has been a lot closer for the fall semester. Individual winner in football in Divi· sion I was Sigma Phi Epsilon, and the runner up was Kappa Alpha. In Division II the champion was Sigma Pi and the runner up was Pi Kappa Alpha. With both volleyball and soccer going into the final week , the teams in the playoffs in soccer are: Division 1-TKE, Sig Nu, Sig Phi Epsilon , Lambda Chi Alpha. In Division II- TJHA, Beta Sig Pi, Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha and Triangle. [n volleyball Beta Sig will be trying for its 4th straight championship. Other teams in Division [ are: Tau Kap- · pa Epsilon , Sig Phi Epsilon, and Lambda Chi. [n Divison II is Theta Xi , Kappa Sig, African Students Association, and Kappa Alpha. Going into the final week the team leaders are: Sig Ep, Tech Engine, Sig Nu, TKE, and Kappa Sig. Presently, there are 32 teams in the men's intramural program and 10 teams in the women's program. Leading the women after going into the volleyball finals are: GDI, AWS, Sig Chi Omega. AWS won the women's swimming championship and Kappa Delta was runner up. In men's swimming, Sig Nu successfully defended their championship for the second straight year.
UMR's Coach Pease Teaches in Brazil As a result of a two·week "working" visit to Brazil this fall , University of Missouri-Rolla's swimming coach, Bob Pease, has a broader outlook of the field of coaching in general. Pease took part in an annual sports education exchange program sponsored by Partners of the Americas, funded by the State Department and South American countries, with arrangements made by UMR's Center for International Programs and Studies. He spent two weeks in September in Belem, capitol of Para, Brazil, Missouri's sister state in South America . His students were 22 men and women graduates in the field of coaching. Swimmers used for demonstration purposes were members of four of the local swim clubs.
This variation in mailing lists results in some problems. We get news items in a variety of ways and do not make it a practice to check to see if the news item refers to a donor to the Fund-that is not a part of the decision of whether to publish. Consequently, we do publish items which refer to alumni who are not regular readers of the ALUMNUS. They never know. Frequently , we get a news item without any identification as to the alumnus involved . If you have sent us an item and your believe we have ignored it, there are several tests you can make: First, are you a current donor (you are not current if you get Fund mailings), and second, was the item identified so that your name and relationship to UMR was clear. Let us know if we are guilty of missing a newsworthy item-that is not our intention. MSM Alumnus/ 39
Waggoner is Appointed Assistant OPI Director Lynn H. Waggoner has been appointed assistant director of the University of Missouri-Rolla Office of Public Information, according to Dudley Cress, office director. She replaces Ed Murphy who resigned to take a position in Public and Employee Communications at EG&G Idaho, Inc. , Idaho Falls, Idaho. Waggoner has been with the campus OPI since January, 1966, in the positions of information specialist in the news bureau and publications editor. She holds a bachelor of journalism degree for the University of MissouriColumbia and is completing work on a master's degree in education from UMC. She is a member of Theta Sigma Phi (Women in Communications) journalism honorary .
Nominating Committee Solicits Suggestions Bob Klorer, '44, requests suggestions of nominees be forwarded to the alumni office. A list of current officers and directors is carried on the inside front cover. Positions with a 1979 expiration date will require action. You are reminded that area directors must live in the area they represent and that officers must have served as directors for at least two years prior to nomination . All candidates for officer or director must have been contributors to the Alumni Association for at least two years immediately prior to nomination and must have earned a degree from MSM/UMR. Mailing address is: MSM-UMR Alumni Association 109 Harris Hall Universit y of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 65401
Ex't ension News
Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR facult y and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extensio n Coordinator," 314-341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Di vision , University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, Missouri 6540 l. PROGRAM Groundwater & Design of Dewatering Systems Shallow Foundation Design Junior High School Band Clinic Refresher for Painting Contractors & Maintenance Engineers
LOCATION St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla
Sanitary Chemistry and Microbiology Introductory Short Course on Composition of Paint Ore Microscopy Instrumentation of Soil & Rock Quality Control and Paint Inspectors Short Course Electric Power Metering Practices Introductory Short Course on Tinting, Shading, & Matching Paints & Coat ings Grouting Applications of Signal Processing Introduction to Microprocessor System Design Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop Missouri Conference on History Micellar Solutions, Microemulsions and Liquid Crysta ls-A Systematic Approach Design and Application of High Frequency Amplifiers Computer Analysis of Earthquake Dynamics Quality Geotech Lab Testing 53rd Colloid and Surface Science Symposium Digital Computer for High School Students Second Session Ultra Thin Coatings by G low Discharge Polymerization UMR Summer Learning Experience Embarkment Dam Soil Aspects Porcelain Artists Workshop
St. Louis Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla
40/ MSM Al umnu s
DATES Jan. 8-12, 1979 Feb . 5-9, 1979 Feb . 22-23 , 1979 Feb . 26-Mar. 2, 1979 March 5-8 , 1979 March 5-9, 1979 March 5-9, 1979 March 12-16, 1979 March 26-30, 1979 March, 1979 April 2-6, 1979 April 9-13, 1979 Apri l 16-18, 1979 April 18-20, 1979 April 23-27 , 1979 Apri l 27-29, 1979 May 1979 May 7-9, 1979 May 7-11 , 1979 May 14-18 , 1979 June 11 -13, 1979 June II -IS , 1979 June 18-22 , 1979 June 13- 15 , 1979 June 24-30, 1979 Jul y 16-20, 1979 Jul y 29-Aug. 3, 1979
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UM System Enrollment Down Slightly The University of Missouri system experienced a slight drop in enrollment, as anticipated, this fall on three of its campuses-Columbia, Kansas City and St. Louis-but had an increase at Rolla. President James C. Olson told the UM system Board of Curators today (Oct. 13) that the total head count is 50,733 , which includes students enrolled in off-campus credit courses. The oncampus head count is 49,128, a decline of 1,155 from the same period last year. Effective this fall, the Coordinating Board for Higher Education is using the number of students enrolled in credit courses-whether conducted on or off campus-for official enrollment purposes among state colleges and universities. " The Rolla campus, which has had steady enrollment increases for the past five years, has a campus head count this fail of 5,214, an increase of 333. The 1978 fall figure at Columbia is 23,064, a drop of 410; the Kansas City campus has 9,962, a decrease of 592; and the St. Louis campus has 10,888, down 486. President Olson pointed out that enrollment shifts have occured with greater enrollments in more expensive academic areas this fall. For instance, he said, UMC has a 9 percent increase in the number of students enrolled in doctoral programs and a 6 percent increas e In undergraduate engineering enrollment. He said UMR also experienced a 10 percent increase in engineering enrollment but had a 3 percent decrease in the number of studeA{s enrolled in arts and sciences areas. At Kansas City, enrollment in the medical school increased by 5 percent, pharmacy enrollment was up 2 percent and dental school enrollment held steady. Principal decreased at UMKC were in art and sciences, education and
The deaths of Dean Curtis Wilson and Professor T.R. Beveridge were reported in the October issue of the MSM ALUMNUS. That issue had limited circulation but is available upon request.
the Conservatory of Music. Graduate enrollment also increased slightly at UMSL. Undergraduate enrollment In UMSL's School of
Business was up 3 percent, which decreases were experienced in arts and sciences, education and the Evening College.
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The grand total counts include, in addition to the regular on campu s students, those enrolled in extension and continuing educati o n and other off- c a mpus c r edi t courses.
Attention Alumni Buy your GREEN! Yes folks , it's that time again. A time of craziness and wildness that formed some of your best memories of dear old Rolla, MO. Help renew these memories by purchasing your 1979 St. Pat's Green. If you're staying at home this year, wear your 1979 Green to the local Irish . pub, and show the patrom how St. Pat's ought to be celebrated. If you are coming down to Rolla, you will want to buy your Green so that you won't be the only person without a 1979 sweatshirt at the Parade and at the Knighting Ceremony. This year, we will be selling the usual sweatshirts , buttons , garters and bumper stickers. In addition, we have added St. Pat's baseball caps, green derbies, and a 32 oz. metal mug with a special design on it. A price list is shown below. Any questions or orders can be sent to the Historian at the following address:
St. Pat's Board University of Missouri-Rolla c/o Student Center Rolla, MO 65401 Attn. Historian.
Remember, whether you will be making the long trip back to Rolla or even staying at home this St. Pat's, you won't want to miss the Green for 1979. As you know , it is "THE IN THING THIS SPRING!"
Sweatshirts ......... $5.50 Garters ...............75 Baseball Caps ........ 3.50 Bumper Stickers ........25 Mugs .............. 3.50 Buttons ..... .. . . ......50 Derbies .......... .,... 4.00 MSM Aiumnus / 41
Job Opportunities For in for mati on conce rning [lOsitions li sted be low. contac t Mr . Lar ry Nuss. Direc tor of Ca ree r Developme nt & Placement . UMR , Roll a. Missouri 65401 . giving Fil e Number of th e position, state your deg ree. di sc ipli ne and month and yea r of yo ur grad uati on. D urin g times of hi gh acti vit y in the employment market. some positions wi ll be filled before they are published. The Placement Office will make a sea rch for si milar positions that may be ope n if yo u enclose your resume with your inqui r y.
2027 BS/MS/PhDEE/Physics. Midwest. MUlti-open ings. 2028 Southwest petroleum. Various disciplines. Exper. 2029 BSMetE. Midwest. Agency listing. 2030 BSCE/ME/EE/CSc . Ex per. Midwest. 203 1 MS/PhDChemE. Research. Upper midwes t. 203 2 Outdated 2033 BSMinE/CE Exper. Mining. West. 2034 BS/MSME/IE Midwest. R&D. 2035 BSMetE/EE. Southwest. 2036 BSMinE Ex per. Mineral processing. Sou theast. 2037 BSMetE/C hemE MUlti-opening. Agency listing. 2038 BS/MSM E Northeas t. Development. 2039 BSChemE/C E/ME Midwest. Environmental control. 2040 BSMetE Exper. Materials science. Southwest. 204 1 West. MUlti-openings. Various disciplines. 2042 BSEE Midwest. Power & machine controls. 2043 BSEMan Midwest. Data processing & accounti ng. 2044 BS / MS C hem /C he mE /E E Midwest. MUlti-openings. 2045 BSEE/ME Midwest. Multi openings in production. 2046 Sales-steel. Southeast. 2047 BSCE/ME/M inE/EE Two openings. Midwest. 2048 BSMinE/CE Upper Midwest. Coal mmmg. 2049 BSEE Midwest. Manufacturin g. 2050 BSMinE/MetE/CE Upper Midwest. MUlti-ope nings in mining. 205 1 BSEE Midwest. Product design . 2052 Southwest. Va rious disciplines. Multi-openings in mining. 2053 BSCSc West. General programming. 2054 BSCSc/Math Midwest. Research in higher ed. 2055 Outdated 2056 BSChem/ME Ex per. Southwest. 2057 BSCSC/Chem. Upper Midwest. Prod uction .
42 / MSM Alumnu s
2058 BSMetE Northeast. Production. 2059 BSEE/ME Public utilit y regulat ion. Midwest. 2060 BSEMan. Midwest. 206 1 BSCE Midwest. Natural gas construction. 2062 BSEE/ME/M in E. Multi-openings. Wes t. 2063 BSMinE/Chem. Two openings. Midwest. 2064 BS CE/EE/ ME /Geo l. Multiopenings in Midwest. 2065 Eastern consulting firm. Coal mining. 2066 BSCSc programmer, interpersonal skills. 2067 BSCE Cit y engineer. Midwest. 2068 BSMet E Northeast. Quality co ntrol. 2069 BSME Maintenance. Southwest. 2070 BSCE Envi ronmental engineering. Southwest. 207 1 BSME Midwest. 2072 BSChem Southwest. CSc ex per. 2073 BSCE Midwest. Building code enforcement. 2074 BSEMan job analyst. Southeast. 2075 BSCE Construction. West.
2076 BSMetE Northeast. Sales for manufacturer of welding products. 2077 BS/MSChemE/EE/ME Upper midwest. Process control systems design. 2078 BSGeollMinE Upper Midwest. Limestone quarry and underground exper. 2079 BSMetE powder met. exper. Upper midwest. 2080 BSME/EE/CE/C hemE Multiopenings in southwest. Exper. 2081 BSEE/ME East. Manufacturing & design. 2082 West. MUlti-openings at various levels. 2083 Multi-openings, various levels. Upper midwest. 2084 Building engineer. MO. 2085 BSME/EE Upper midwest. Tool & lock design exper. 2086 MUlti-openings at various levels. 2087 BSChemE/Chem Upper midwe:;t. MUlti-openings. 2088 N/A 2089 West. MUlti-openings. Various levels. 2090 BS/MSCE Structural design. Midwest.
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J9 J J Alumnus Establishes Fund
Frank Townsend, who receives his mail at 1105 South Delaware, Bartlesville, OK 74003 , recently made a major gift to the University of Missouri-Rolla to establish the Frank Edgar Townsend Loan Fund. Frank, retired chief chemist of the National Zinc Company, Inc. , took his action to help under-graduate students on the Rolla campus who need loans to complete their education . Long a familiar figure at Alumni Asociation events, Frank again this year offered the invocation at the Alumni Awards Banquet. He was accompanied to Homecoming by his daughter, Frances Townsend Miles.
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Alumni Personals _ _-
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Thomas O. English 605 Bergstrom PI. Marshall, TX 75670
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Wayne S. Frame Eldon, MO 65026 Elmer Gammeter 118 Duncan Cir- Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 William E. H. Knight 1173 Grand Carthage, M 0 64836
The Class of 1929 Will Have Their 50-YEAR REUNION At Commencement May 11, 12, 13
Edwin G. Machin P. O. Box 175 Nashville, IL 62263
1916 Harold A. Neustaedter died October 29, 1978, at the age of 86. He has been a mining engineer for National Lead for 20 years before he retired in 1957, and was a member of the AIME for 50 years. He is survived by his wife Virgie, 10302 West 76th, Apt. 104, Shawnee Mission , KS 66214, and three sons, all MSM-UMR alumni.
1932 Mr. William L. Bertram has notified us of the death of his father, Richard A. Bertram, on October II, 1978.
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1928 Harold R. Kilpatrick, 72, died November 8, 1978, after an extended illness after a stroke he suffered several . months ago. He was retired vice president of sales for Laclede Steel Co. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Bonnie B. Kilpatrick, two sons and a daughter.
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:
Durward E. Fagan Box 139 Palos Hts., IL 60463
Hubert S. Barger Barger Engineering P. O. Box 2507 Evansville, IN 47714
Robert C. Weigel 120 Emerald Dr. Danville, CA 94526
1926 Dr. Ira Nathan Goff of Waterboro Rd., Alfred, Maine died October 20, 1978. He was a former faculty member of Purdue and Illinois Tech and was a private consultant in metallurgy for many years. Word was sent by his wife, Fern.
Melvin E. Nickel of 1060 I S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643, the manager, capital and facilities planning, Wisconsin Steel, has been honored as a Distinguished Member by AIME. Mel is a past president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.
William T. Hoey, a former student, died October 2, 1978. His address was 903 W . 17th, Austin, TX. Word was received from his wife Louise. He was a member of Sigma Nu.
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Roy S. and Edith L. Martin have moved to 167 Pineview Terr. , W. Wareham , MA 02576. Roy is retired.
William E. and Georgia L. Hedges live at 708 Ihler Rd., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Bill is retired .
1937 Walter L. Holz reports that he sold his business in June of this year and is now retired. He and Helen still reside at 607 Newport Lane, Carmi, IL 62821. John W. and Helen E. Frame have moved to 733 Vista Hermosa Dr., Green Valley , AZ 85614. John is retired.
Frederick W. Heiser 16 Viking Dr., Cherry Hill Englewood, CO 80110 Joseph W. Mooney 7383 Westmoreland St. Louis, MO 63130 John P. Soult 37 Frontenac Estates St. Louis, MO 63131 Lawrence A. Roe has moved to 1080 39th St., Downer's Grove, IL 60515. Lawrence is senior consulting engineer for Brown and Root, Inc. in Oak Brook, IL.
MSM Alumnus / 43
Alu" 1946
Comer and Martha Haley of RD 7, Box 7684, Mercer, PA 16137, attended Homecoming 1978. It was Comer's first time on campus in thirty years. We enjoyed meeting you Comer. Don't wait so long next time. Comer is a senior design engineer with Westinghouse.
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:
Joseph and Kathryn Wink have a new home at 900 Greenridge Road, Worthington, OH 43085. Wink has been promoted to sales manager-distributors by Abex's Denison Div.
1942 Roy M. and Evolee Ferris have moved to 4100 Greenbriar, Apt. 343, Houston, TX 77098. Roy works for Mobil Chemical Co. in Houston.
Robert D. Bay 222 Magna Carta Dr. St. Louis, MO 63141 FRED H. BUNGE Fred H. Bunge of 29928 Ednil Dr., Bay Village, OH died October 12, 1978. He was manager of research for the Hanna Mining Company. A widely-recognized authority on the metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous minerals, he had been with Hanna 25 years.
Donald G. Debolt 9122 Raeford Dr. Dallas, TX 75243 William H. Gammon 158 Deering Ct. Russell, KY 41169
1943 Edward T. Kendall, Jr., and wife Frances are enjoying retirement very much. Home is 4829 Currituck Dr. , Charlotte, NC 28210 .
1944 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Robert W. Klorer Klorer Co. 7500 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121 Hans E. Schmoldt Schmoldt Engr. Services, Co. 526 S. Seminole Bartlesville, OK 74003 Ernst A. Weinel 1502 W. 50th O'Fallon, IL 62269 Joe Sheppard died on October 25 , 1975. A graduate in chemical engineering and a Sigma Nu, his last address was 2241 S. Clay, Springfield, MO 65804. Word was received from his wife, Mary.
44 / MSM Alumnu s
1947 Samuel H. Lloyd, III, died October 7, 1978. He was president of Atlantic Pacific Marine at the time of his death. He is survived by his mother, Margaret Lloyd, his wife, Delores, of 6158 San Felipe, Houston, TX, one son and two step-daughters and his sister Jean Lloyd Arras. Robert L. Ray, plant engineer for Plains Elec. Gen. & Trans. Coop, P.O. Box 747 , Algondones, NM 87001 has been installed as a Fellow of the American Society of Metals.
1948 Irvin D. and Kathleen E. Robbins live at 2708 Chilton PL., Charlotte, NC 28207. Irvin retired from 1. A. Jones Construction Co. on Sept. 30, 1978. Robert H. and Jane R. Appelbaum's address is P.O. Box 51327 , Lafayette, LA 70505 . Bob is Lafayette Area Production Geologist for Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Co.
Joseph I live at 2~ sant, Me operatiO r [)ou~as
1951 Milton ~ to384 MAOl7 lonies, [I
1949 1941
Nick Holloway, Jr. 149 Pipers Hill Rd. Wilton, CT 06897
Charles 1 Seven0,
Charles i Fliends\\ Houston.
Ray D. 29211 S Estates, engineer Systems i
Harry rv. Olney, ~ chief, 81 Dept. of
Richard M. Otto R. M. Otto Co. Inc.
4318 Whittier Indianapolis, IN 46226 Leonard L. Schuler, Jr. 12580 Markaire Dr. St. Louis, MO 63141 Joe N. Strubert 2300 Divot Dr. St. Louis, MO 63131 Robert E. and Jean S. Milburn live at 2218 Lisa Dr., Marietta, GA 30067. Bob is Associate Pastor for the First Church of the Nazarene in Marietta.
Robert and Justine Reichelt have moved to 17 W. 720 Butterfield Rd. , Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181. Bob is a sales engineer for General Electric Co. in Oakbrook.
Professor Civil En John W. LasCrus! 1978.
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F. and Betty L. Honigfort have to 1653 Little Meadow Rd" Pitts· PA 15 241. Henry is a sen ior engineer for McGraw Edison Systems Di vison in Ca nonsburg.
Richard A. and Alice A. Hughes have moved. Their new address is Box 252, R,D. 3, Elmira, NY 1490 I. Dick is Manager·Finished Products Operations for Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Company in Elmira,
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:
1954 1951 Milton M. and Mae Silver have moved to 384 Old Beaverbrook, Nagog Woods, MA 01718 . Milt is technical director for lonics, Inc. in Watertown.
Frank B. Conci P. O. Box M Galconda, IL 62938
Charles L. and Helen Boyd live at 1907 Seven Oaks Dr. , Kingwood, TX 77339 . Charles is construction coordinator for Friendswood Development Co. in Houston. Ray D. and Lucile Beachler li ve at 29211 Stonecrest Rd., Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274. Ray is a staff engineer for TRW Defense and Space Systems in Redondo Beach.
William Soper's address is Box 165 1, Silverdale, WA 98383. Bill is an engineering specialist for Electric Boat Division of Groton. CT.
J. Robert Patterson Show· Me, Inc. P. O. Box 573 Sikeston, MO 63801 Hollis C. Matteson has moved to 4812 Davis Rd. , Lake Worth, FL 33461 , Hollis is president of Uecco and general manager of Crouse Southern in Lake Worth.
1955 Harry Moy of 18005 Layfayette Dr. , Olney, MD 208:32 has been named chief, Bridge Design Division, D.C. Dept. of Transportation. Professor R. B. Jacquez of the UMR Civil Engineering Dept. reports that John W. Clark, Jr., of Rt. I , Box 2168 , Las Cruses, NM 8800 I died October 21 , 1978. William E. Craig is the new senior mm· ing engineer with S.A. Scott & Co., Inc. in Lakewood, CO. He and Betty live at 44 Morningside Dr. , Lakewood, CO 80228.
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1952 Norbert F. Neumann, vice president of Kennecott Sales Corp. is gaining local fame as a sculptor of wire trees, Norbert has been fashioning miniature trees, largely from silver·plated copper wire, for about five years. He tries to make his sculptures as botanically accurate as possible. Home is Mistletoe Lane, Rye, NY 10580.
Richard L. Cruse has moved to 11310 S. 91 East Ave" Bixby, OK 74008. Dick is Vice President·Marketing for Centrilift, Inc. , a subsidiary of Borg-Warner Corp in Tulsa, Charlie F. and Mary Vaughn live at 4401 St. Andrews Cir., Las Vagas, NV 89107. Charlie is manager, Generation Engineering and Co nstruction for Nevada Power Co, in Las Vegas, A. W. Maddox has been named director, Corporate Engineering at MeDon· nell Douglas, He and Ca rolyn live at 13346 Amiot Dr. , Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Dr. John B. Miles, professor of mechanical & aerospace engineering at UMC, has been honored by the University of Missouri-Columbia at its annual Faculty/ Alumni Awards Banquet.
1956 Paul F. and Robin Gramlich have moved to 909 Rosedale, Fulton, MO 65251. Paul is director of engineering for Central Electric Company in Fulton.
LLOYD E. REUSS Lloyd E. Reuss of 691 S. Hill, Bloom· field Hills, M I 48013 has been named a trustee at Lawrence Instit ute of Technology in Southfield, ML He has recently been named director of engineering of the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corporation, moving to this position from that of chief engineer for the Buick Division,
1958 E. R. Schmidt lives at 18606 Walkers Choice, Gaithersberg, MD 20760. He is manager, Reliability and Risk Assess· ment for NVS Corp, in Rockville. Roger Edward Schuttenhelm has moved to 14571 Saw leaf Ave. , Truine, CA 92714. James and Blanca Stallard have moved to 600 Biltmore Way, No. 602, Coral Gables, FL 33134. Jim is general manager for Future Homes De Venezuela in Puerto La Cruz, Anzoategue, Venezuela.
MSM Alumnus / 45
Alumni Personals ______________________ 1959 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Jerry R. Bayless UMR 108 Civil Engr. Rolla, MO 65401 Lucien M. Bolon, Jr. 5648 Kirkham Ct. Springfield, V A 22151
1960 George H. and Mary Graves live at R.R . 3, Box 225, Alexandria, IN 4600 I. George was named manager, process engineering on October I, 1978 . He works for Guide Division, G.M.C. in Anderson, IN. Eugene E~ and Joan Mertl have moved to 1308 S. 134th St., Omaha, NE 68144 . Dan and Patricia Moit live at 16540 S. Redrock Dr., Strongsville, OH 44136. Dan is district chemical coatings sales manager for Sherwin-Williams in Cleveland. 46/ MSM Alumnu s
1961 JAMES R. DeSPAIN James R. DeSpain has been named president of the Vibrating Equipment Division of Rexnord Inc. He was previously vice president-marketing and engineering for Rexnord's Material Handling Division . He and his wife Jerry live at 2028 Old Lexington Rd ., Danville, KY 40422.
Gerald L. Stevenson 515 Rob Roy Lakeland, FL 33803
Emerson C. and Eleanor Itschner have moved to 312 King Tower, 90 I S. W. King Ave. , Portland , OR 97205 . General Itschner is retired.
Stan Ie; have I Riehm manag ing, In
Donald A. Wisdom has moved to 10635A SW 113th PI. , Miami, FL 33176. Don is executive vice president land planning for GAC in Miami.
Ronald A. Kib ler 1006 Shellbark Muncie, IN 47304
Gerald L. and Lucy Metcalf have moved to 53 Chestnut Ridge Rd ., RFD No. 2, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549. Gerry is Director of Pigment Operations for MPM Division of Pfizer, Inc. in New York.
Kenneth T. and Betty Klebba have moved to 3418 Mile High Dr. , Salt Lake City , UT 84 11 7. Ken is supervisorgeotechnical group for Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Co. in Salt Lake City.
Edward E. Hornsey UMR 103 Old Met Rolla, MO 65401
DALE W. LEIDY Dale W. and Irene Leidy have moved to 10499 Placer River Cir., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 . Dale is plant manager for Owens-Illinois, Inc. in Vernon, CA.
Lowell Roberts has joined Wagner Castings Company as manager of technical administration. He previously served as quality control supervisor for NIBCO in Blytheville, Arkansas. His new address is 3970 Camelot Cir. No. 104_ Decatur, IL 62526.
Charles A. and Mavis Lowe Kiefer live at 11601 Katy Frwy, Houston, TX 77079. Charles is branch manager for Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory in Houston.
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Edward A. and Sallee Snajdr live at 104 Concord Ave. , Exton, PA 19341. Ed is manager, Profit Center Resea rch and Development for Combustion Engineering, Inc. in Valley Forge. William and Dini Maleskis have moved to 81 Leverich Dr., E. Hartford, CT 06108. Bill is sales manager for Hartford Refractories Division, Emhart Corp. in Bloomfield.
Many! senior San F live at 94523 JOHN L. HODGES John L. Hodges has been appointed area manufacturing manager for the Glass Container Division of OwensIllinois, Inc. John and his wife, Ellen, reside at 5260 W. Bank Dr., Marietta, GA 30062.
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Alumni Personals _____________________ 1962
Donald and Linda Reuling live at 46 Raintree Ct., Fenton , MO 63026. Don is vice president of Murphy Co.路 Mechanical Contractors and Engineers in St. Louis.
Stanley W. and Elaine M. Nowinski have moved to 603 Holly Grove Ln., Richmond, VA 23235 . Stan is contract manager for Williams, Crane, and Rigging, Inc. in Richmond.
Sylvester and Martha Ogden live at Rt. I, Spaceview Ridge, St. Clairsville, OH 43950. Syl is president of Youghiogheny and Ohio Coal Co. in St. Clairsville.
1963 Robert L. and Karan Arms live at 4616 Brandingshire Pl., Fort Worth, TX 76133. Bob is assistant director of engineering at the Fort Worth Water Department. Robert O. and Jane L. Schwenker have moved to 6359 Gondola Way, San Jose, CA 95120. Bob is a research staff member for International . Business Machines Corporation in San Jose. John L. and Flora Clements have moved to 3935 E. Yucca, Phoenix, AZ 85028. John is a member of the technical staff at GTE Automatic Electric Labs in Phoenix. Hugh B. Gardner has moved to 6200 Surrey Sq. Ln., Apt. T3, Forestville, MD 20028. He is retired from the Navy. Scott H. and Margaret Carriere have moved to 1135 Wilderness Trail, Richardson, TX 75080. Scott is director, parts and service for Conley, Lott, and Nichols Machinery in Dallas, TX. Manyu K. Mehta has a new position as senior engineer with Bechtel Corp. in San Francisco. He and his wife Gisela live at 580 Little Rd., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Robert A. Taylor, Jr., and wife Wendy have moved to 2037 Northgate Dr. N.E., Cedar Rapids, IA 52406. Robert is now program manager-advanced development with Collins General Aviation Div. of Rockwell Ind. in Cedar Rapids.
GARRY SANDER Garry Sander of 1711 Dundee Way, Louisville, KY 40205 has been named general manager of the material handling division of Rexnord Inc. , Chico, CA. He joined Rexnord in 1965. Michael Deen lives at 28 Highland Shore, Danville, IL 61832. Mike is chief metallurgist for General Motors-Central Foundry Div. in Danville.
1964 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Alfred J. Buescher 2640 Quail Ln. Northbrook, IL 60062 Harry K. Edwards 1453 Huntley Dr. Flint, MI 48507 C. Stuart Ferrell 219 Timothy Lane Carterville, IL 62918
Frank W. King, III 2017 Baffin Bay Plano, TX 75075
Choon K. Quan lives .at 251 S. Reynolds, No. M207 , Alexandria, VA 22304. Choon is a staff engineer for U.S. Bureau of Mines in Washington, D.C. William and Diane Maleskis have mov路 ed to 81 Leverich Dr., E. Hartford, CT 06108. Bill is sales manager, refractories for Hartford Refractories Division Emhart Corporation in Hartford. Bharat R. and Nina Shah Ii ve at 2-14路 21 Higashiyama, Meguro-Ku , Tokyo, Japan. Bharat works for Dresser In路 dustries in Tokyo. Gary R. Dyhouse and wife Diane are the parents of a second son , Mark Christopher. Gary has a new position as hydraulic engineer with the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the Corps of Engineers in Davis, CA. Home is 3122 Beacon Bay, Davis, CA 95616. Dr. Glendon T. Stevens, associate professor of civil engineering at UMR is in the People's Republic of China taking part in a seminar on Inland Waterways. Stevens will report the results of research funded through UMR's Institute of River Studies. James R. and Janice Miller live at 3410 Woodstone Pl., Augusta, GA 30909. Jim is personnel manager for Procter and Gamble in Augusta.
David J. Michel 4421 Rolling Brooke Ct. Alexandria, VA 22306
Larry 1. Parkinson 2127 Post Rd. Clarksville, TN 37040
MSM Alumnus/ 47
Alumni Personals ___________________ 1965 Joel A. Conwicke has moved to 250 Dolphin Ct. , Del Mar, CA 92014. Joel is marketing manager for Illinois Tool Works/Emcon Division in San Diego. Robert H. Schlutow has moved to Grand Ave. , Apt. 414, Kansas MO 64108. Bob is a Division Supervisor for Southwestern Telephone Co. in Kansas City.
2520 City, Staff Bell
James L. and Diane Butler live at 406 New Salem Rd., Marshalltown, IA 50158. Jim is manager, Digital Design Engineering for Fisher Controls Co., Marshalltown, IA. Evan Reynold Thomas, Jr. has moved to 3535 Morton, Brookfield, IJ.- )i0513. Dr. Wick Doll and his wife, Carole, live at 4452 Grissom Rd ., Spartanburg, SC 2930 I. In October of 1977, Wick was promoted to group leader of a staple fiber technical group. He is in charge of a 150 million pound/year state-of-the-art unit at Hoechst Fibers in Spartanburg. Karl and Marie Miller have moved to 8 Norchester Dr. , Princeton Jet., NJ 08550. Karl has been promoted to Operations Manager, Plastic Fixtures, at American Standard Inc. Don Bicunas of 8520 Joseph, Brentwood, MO 63144, was named vice president-operations management, for G.F. Marsh Engr. Co. He was formerly their chief engineer. John H. and Mary Kenworthy have moved to 2 Gramecy Ct., Clifton Park, NY 12065. John is a civil engineer for c.T. Male Associates in Schenectady. Dale Nicks, research manager for A.P. Green, died unexpectedly in June of 1978. He was a ceramic engineer. Col. Gwynn A. Teague has moved to 23300 Marigold Ave., No. 203 , Torrance, CA 90502. Gwynn is district engineer for Los Angeles District, Army Corps of Engineers in Los Angeles. 48 / MSM Alumnu s
Joseph W. Rizzie of Rt. 22, Beaver Ridge, Knoxville, TN 37921 has a new position with Technology for Energy Corp. in Knoxville. Samuel J. LaPresta, Gail, Erik, Gary and Stacey have moved into a new house at 7457 Foxfire, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.
1966 Robert H. Graham and wife Janice have moved to 3303 Roxbury Dr., Troy, MI 48084. David A. and Sharon Wayne live at 670 I E. Dreyfus Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254. Dave is an engineering research specialist, RF Devices for Mot~rla, Inc., Semiconductor Group in Phoenix. Edward David Hayes lives at 3645 N. 52nd St., Lincoln, NE 68504. Ed is president of E. H. Engineering Ltd. He tells us that E. H. Engineering Ltd., formed in 1975 , has expanded to a staff of five with offices in Lincoln, NE, Ridgefield, CT, and Phoenix, AZ. He says if customer electronic (industrial & power) or mechanical design (machine) services are required to contact them at 402-466-6720. R. W. Hannum lives at 175 Linden St., New Haven, CT 06511. Dick is a computer program development engineer for Insurance Crime Prevention Institute in Westport.
HOMECOMING 1979 OCTOBER 12-13 REUNION CLASSES: 1928 and Before, 1934, 1939, 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974.
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Thomas E. Weyand lives at 1158 3rd St. , Beaver, PA 15009. Tom is assistant manager of product research and development for St. Joe Minerals Corporation in Monaca. Nicholas Tibbs has joined the staff of the Department of Earth Science at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. Nick, his wife, Susan, and children, John and Heather, are all happy to be back home in MO. Their address is Rt. 1, Box 95, Jackson, MO 63755. Gerald P. and Jane A. Morris live at 3944 Maxwell Rd., Toledo, OH 43613, where Gerry is a professional engineer for Owens-Illinois, Inc. Gerry and Jane have a new son, Jacob Patrick, born Feburary 11, 1978. He weighed 7 Ibs. 10 oz. and was 20 in. tall. Jacob has two sisters, Carrie, age 9, and Dorothy, age 6. Paul H. and Leah L. Ruehle have moved to 6819 N. Baltimore, Gladstone, MO 64118. P,\ul is an associate chemist for Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, MO.
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EDWIN C. KETTENBRINK Edwin C. Kettenbrink is now associated with Aikman Oil Corp. in Midland, TX as a consulting geologist. The Kettenbrinks' address is 3605 Sinclair Ave., Midland, TX 79703.
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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1967 Cont. James J. and Mary Edinger live at U.S.A.E.D. Saudi Arabia , JuBail , A.P.O. NY 09616. Jim is a supervisory engineer/resident for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Saudi Arabia. Lyndell R. and Donna G. Tarrant have moved to 2364 Mailand Ct., Maplewood, MN 55119 . Lyndell is a melt shop superintendent for North Star Steel in St. Paul. James E. and Suzie Ledbetter have moved to 1509 E. Wayland, Springfield, MO 65804. Jim is a professional engineer and co-owner of Ledbetter, Toth, and Associates, Inc. in Springfield.
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James D. and Cleta Bailey have moved to 17 Pinehurst Ct., Fairfield, OH 45014. Jim is a group leader for Procter and Gamble in Cincinnati.
1968 George D. and Cheryl Lynne Learning have moved to 201 Country Club Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28540. George is an executive officer, Marine Air Base Squadron 26, in Jacksonville. Melvin L. and Cassandra Sundermeyer live at 610 Hunters Creek Dr., Lebanon, MO 65536. Mel is a resident engineer for the Missouri State Highway Department in Lebanon. Harry A. and Mary M. Burns have moved to 812 W. Church, Marshalltown, IA 50158. Harry is a senior systems engineer for Fisher Controls Co. in Marshalltown. Ali A. Mohtashemi lives at 2532 C , Alpaca Pass, Dallas, TX 75211. He is chief geotechnical engineer for Texas Testing Laboratories in Dallas.
The Class of 1929 will celebrate their Fifty-Year Reunion May 11-12-13.
James R. and Barbara Ann Keppel live at 260 Atlanta Park, Conroe, TX 7730 I. Jim is vice president for Airdyne, Inc. in Houston. Gary and Leah Gerhard have moved to 2707 N. "L" St. , Midland, TX 79703. Gary is senior drilling engineer for Bass Enterprises Production Company in Midland. Daniel Carnahan of 6845 Broadmoor, North Lauderdale, FL 33068 took up private practice as a consulting engineer and land surveyor in September, 1977. Robert K. Storck of 6742 Marquette, St. Louis, MO 63139 has been employed as a field engineer for the Locks and Dam No. 26 testing program by Booker Associates, Inc. Gerald Thiesson writes that he and Chris visited Spain, Greece and the U.S.A. from home base in Tehran, Iran, where he is a construction officer with the Army. The highlight of the trip was having a Big Mac in Rolla!
John T. Jackson lives at 4803 W. Braddock Rd., No. 40, Alexandria, VA 22311. John is Sr. Mechanical Engineer for Amtrak in Washington, D.C.
1969 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Don M. Ascoli 1404 E. Dunbar Tempe, AZ 85282
Harry and Joan Salomon live at 8313 Horst, St. Louis, MO 63123. Harry is a district sales engineer for Bussmann Manufacturing in St. Louis. Harry and Joan are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Christina Marie, born October 16, 1978. Terry K. and Sharon M. Ross have moved to 926 Cardinal Dr. , Macon, MO 63552 . Terry is an electrical engineer for Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. in Springfield . George T. and Nancy Rohm have moved to 407 Mossbrook , Richardson, TX 75081. George is senior scheduling engineer for Ford, Bacon, and Davis in Dallas. Donald W. Bourne has been promoted to project manager with McBro Planning and Development. Home is 551 Windsor Mill Dr., Ballwin, MO 630 II. James E. Burke or RR 4, East Hills, Princeton, IN 47670, is resident surface mine engineer with Old Ben Coal in Oakland City. John A. Ebeling and wife Marilyn and son Matthew are exchanging the sunshine of Alabama for snow and old friends at 21999 Bedford Dr. , Northville, MI 48167. John is a supplier quality assurance representat ive with the Transmission and Chassis Div. of Ford Motor Co. Glenn C. and Sally Wood live at 3055 Spencer.Ln ., Sarasota, FL 33579. Glenn is manager-design services for Sangamo Weston-Schlumberger in Sarasota.
Robert S. Bruce 15 Carrswold S1. Louis, MO 63105
James and April Splettstosser live at 915 Wheatridge Dr. , Troy , IL 62294. Jim is assistant division primary metallurgist for Granite City Steel.
Jerome and Jeanette Voss live at Rd . No.3 , II Green Hills, Shelburne, VT 05482 . Jerome is manager-tool control for General Electric in Burlington.
Michael W . Slater of 60 I Jefferson No. 1700, Houston , TX 77002 is a drilling engineer at Mesa Petroleum's Gulf Coast Division Office.
MSM Alumnus / 49
Alumni Personols _____________________ 1970 Ronald L. and Sharon Lane live at 9394 Lafayette Ave. , Manassas, VA 22110. Ron is a systems analyst for the U.S. Army in Washington, D.C. Clyde F. and Sally Wakefield have moved to 613 Sussex Ln ., Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Jim is city engineer for the city of Crystal Lake. He had been city engineer for the city of Muscatine, IA for the past five years. Ronald G. and Carol H. Viehweg have moved to 703 Cortland Dr. , Monroeville, PA 15146. Ron is a supervisory civil engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis, MO. Stephen M. and Cathy Nimmo have a new address. It is P.O. Box 1757, Edmond, OK 73034. Steve is a salesman for Star Engraving Co. in Ada. Thomas E. Kuhn lives at 1046 Tavistock Cir. , St. Louis, MO 63129. Tom is a pollution control engineer for Missouri Pacific Railroad Company in St. Louis. John W. McAnany, Jr. and his wife, Barbara Ann, have moved to 104 Riverbend Blvd., Longwood, FL 32750. John in an engineering supervisor for Stromberg-Carlson in Longwood. James R. and Toni Morris have moved to 3125 Lime, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Jim is assistant superintendent for Freeman Coal Corp. in Waltonville. Larry L. and Judith A. Schiffner have moved to 1761-C Normandy Lp., Cannon Air Force Base, NM 8810 I. Larry is a weapon systems operator F-III 0 in the U.S. Air Force.
NOTICE The deaths of Dean Curtis Wilson and Professor T. R. Beveridge were reported in the October issue of the MSM ALUMNUS. That issue had limited circulation but is available upon request.
50 / MSM Alumnus
M. Lee and Sonja M. Dilthey live at 15 Bay Colony Dr. , Ashland, MA 01721. Lee is an engineer for Peter Kiewit Sons Co. in Boston. Ronald M. Canon, along with three other Oak Ridge Laboratory employees, was honored by Industrial ResearchlDevelopment magazine with its "IR-IOO" award for the development of a pressurized continuous annual chromatograph . Ron and his wife, Mary Alice, live at 1801 EI Rancho Tr., Knoxville, TN 37922. David, Peggy and Tradd Hankins have moved to 4509 Doncaster Dr. , Greensboro, NC 27406. David has taken a position as project manager with the government systems division of Western Electric. Dennis L. Filger and wife Ruth have moved to 727 Seafoam Rd. , Houston, TX 77062. Dennis is a research chemist with DuPont in Laporte, TX.
1971 William D. Meyer and wife Susan have moved to 10512A Topaz Court, Little Rock, AR 72209 . Bill is a resident engineer with Environdyne Engineers in SI. Louis. Larry V. Erickson and wife ]..;anette Jean are the parents of a daughter, Shelley Elizabeth, born January 5, 1978. They live at 612 E. 72 Terr., Kansas City, MO 64131. James O. Bondi has taken a position with the technical staff of Texas Instruments. Jim, Judy and son Robert have moved to 10231 Echo Ridge Ct., Dallas, TX 75243. Terry E. Miller is the area superintendent with Rust Engineering Co., Pasco, WA. Terry and wife Nancy live at 2403 S. Whitworth, Richland, WA 99352.
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James R. Morris has been named assistant superintendent, Orient No.3 Mine for Freeman United CClal Mining Co. in Waltonville, IL. He and his family reside at 3125 Lime Ave., Mt. Vernon, IL 62864. Robert W. and Lynne Weigand have moved to 9 Bay Hill Rd. , Leonardo, NJ 07737 . Bob is deputy district engineer for Military Construction NY for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in New York.
Kenneth A. and Mary L. Heath live at 190 Brightfield Dr. , Manchester, MO 630 II. Ken is a project engineer for Amcar Division of ACF Industries in St. Charles.
Edward B. and Brenda Jean Tenes recently moved from Atlanta, GA to 12745 E. 22nd St. , Tulsa, OK 74129. Ed has accepted a position with Kemper Insurance Companies in Dallas, TX as a loss control consultant. He performs safety consultant work for Kemper Insurance and National Loss Control Service Corporation clients in Eastern Oklahoma and Northwestern Arkansas.
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David L. and Annetta Meier have moved to 4 Otter Close, Bar Hill, Cambridge, England. Dave, who received his M.S. in 1973, continued at the University of Texas in Austin to receive his M.A. and Ph.D. in Astronomy. For the past year he has been performing research in Theoretical Astrophysics at Cal Tech in Pasadena, CA . Dave is now on leave to spend a year at the University of Cambridge, England as a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow.
John C. Baur of 1343 N. Franklin, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 is a structural engineer with H. C. Dutzi & Assoc. in Colorado Springs.
Robert M. and Ruth Stovall have mov¡ ed to 6615 Escondido Dr., Houston, TX 77083 . Bob is a geophysicist for Shell Oil Co. in Houston . Captain Fred A. White of 270 I Norton, Kansas City, MO 64128 is attending the Air University's Squadron Officer School at Maxwell, AFB, Alabama.
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Donald L. and Nancy Kroeter have moved to 110 W. 8th St., Muscatine, IA 52761. Don is work study coordinator for Muscatine Community Schools,
Raymond H. and Rita I. Wildhaber have moved to 1608 Dawnbreak Ct., St. Charles, MO 6330 I, Ray is a communications engineer for Norfolk and Western Railway in St. Louis.
Frederick W. and Karen A. VonKaenel have moved to 1128 E, 9th, Gillette, WY 82716. Fred is assistant mine superintendent-Eagle Butte Mine for the AM AX Coal Co. in Gillette. R. P. and Edie Mohalley have moved to 703 Ragsdale Rd., Jamestown, NC 27282, Bob is manager-microwave project for Western Electric International in Greensboro . Ramon F. and Diana Bradham have moved to 3056 Tamarak Dr. , Manhattan, KS 66502. Ramon is financial manager/G4 for the U.S. Army-I st Infantry Division in Fort Riley, KS. Robert E. and Melita Clark live at 4420 Glenwood Hills Dr. N.E. , Albuquerque, NM 87111. Bob is field service branch manager for Digital Equipment Corporation in Albuquerque.
Michael A. North has moved to 130 Pompano Ln. , Florissant, MO 63031. Mike is city engineer for the City of Florissant. James W. Francis lives at 808 Lindale, Richardson, TX 75080. Jim is a professional mining engineer for Sun Energy Development Corporation in Dallas. Charles R. Wickizer has moved to 1716 Stone Hill Dr. , Columbia, MO 6520 I. Charles is a computer specialist for Veterans Administration Hospital in Columbia, Steven J. and Nancy J. Keuss have moved to 3400 Custer Rd., No. 1047, Plano, TX 75023 . Steve is a manufacturing engineer for Fisher Controls in McKinney. H. Jeffrey Korklan has moved to 2255 E. Aviation Hwy. Tuscon, AZ 85713. Jeff is financial manager for Aviation Air, Inc. in Tucson.
It Has Been Called To Our Attention That the MSM Alumnus Carries Frequent Invitations to Membership in the Century Club Without Any Instructions As To How You Join. It is simple. Just Make Gifts to the Annual Fund Totaling $100 Between January 1 and December 31 in any Given Year
Paul and Jane Kriegshauser have moved to 7402 E. Random Ridge, Tuscon, AZ 85710. Paul is a design engineer for Burr-Brown Research Corporation in Tucson. Herbert C. Pyles, Jr. and his wife, Maureen, have moved to Laquey Star Rt. , Box 17 A, Richland, MO 65556, Herb is general manager for the Pulaski County Democrat in Waynesville. Hugh W. and Lane Harvey have moved to 243 Buffalo St. , Beaver, PA 15009 Hugh is a sales engineer for IngersollRand in Pittsburgh. Kurt Marshaus is now a project engineer with Huffman Engineering, Inc, He and Gail live at 520 Poplar St. , Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I.
Daryll W. and Nancy D. Chenoweth have moved to 115 W, Pennsylvania Ave" Urbana, IL 6180 I, Daryll is an engineer for Clark, Dietz, and Assoc. in Urbana. Roland R. Groover, Jr. and his wife, Glenda L. have moved to 511 S, Douglas, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Roland is an agent for MFA Insurance Companies in Lee's Summit. W. F. and Maria Thompson have moved to 5723 Briar Dr. , Orlando, FL 32805 , where Mr. Thompson has accepted a position with Martin Marietta as a senior engineer. Major Jack R. Stephens is attending the U.S , Air Force Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, He and wife Eunice reside at 2240 E. Aberdeen Dr., Montgomery, AL 36116. Richard L. Hoffmann has accepted a position as assistant engineer with Dames & Moore in Park Ridge, IL. His new address is 1511 Windsor Dr. No. 305 , Arlington Heights, IL 60004. Hau-Tak Wong is a supervisory civil engineer with the U.S. Corps of Engineers in Detroit. He and wife Mei live at 22476 Armstrong, Wyandotte, MI48192. Robert A. Neel has accepted a position as data base administrator with Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, He and his wife Jacquelyn have moved to 5460 Crestside Lane, St. Louis, MO 63128. Charles William Smith and wife Georgina have moved to 654 Little Wekiva Rd. , Altamonte Springs, FL 3270 I, Smith has accepted a position as process development engineer with Sherwood Medical, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel Richard H. Buehrig was awarded the U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal at Sunnyvale AF Station, CA for meritorious service, He and his wife, Florence, reside at 12313 Miller Ave., Saratoga, CA 95070,
la, MSM Alumnus / 51
Alumni Personals ______________________ 1973 Michael J. Barger has moved to 20820 Anza Ave., Apt. 319, Torrance, CA 90503. Mike is a member of the technical staff of Hughes Aircraft Co.!Electronic Dynamics Division in Torrance. Katherine V. Dillon lives at Route I, Box 209 , Archie, MO 64725. Kathy is Clerk II at the University of MissouriKansas City. She began graduate school at UMKC and tutored with Transitional Year UMKC last summer. James M. Eck lives at 1717 Paris, Apt. 6, Aurora, CO 800 I O. Jim is equipment engineer I for Stearns-Roger in Denver. Kindall W. and Barbara Moore live at Rt. I, Box 193A, Steelville, MO 65565. Kindall is a captain/pilot in the United States Air Force. He is due for a transfer . in Feb. , 1979. Donald M. and Bette W. Higgs live at 618 Harold Ln. , Baytown, TX 77521. Don is a metallurgist for Armco Steel in Houston . James F. Gegg has moved to 8629 N. Servite, No. 208 , Milwaukee, WI 53223. Jim is a product manager for Allen-Bradley Co. in Milwaukee. Steven M. Skasick lives at IIII Dawn Dr. , Belleville, IL 62221. Steve is a project engineer for Barttelbort, RhutaseL and Associates, Inc. in Freeburg. David L. and Donna McClure Begley have moved . Their new address is 4063 Suburban, Waterloo, IA 50702. Dave is a product engineer for John Deere in Waterloo. Richard G. and Barbara S. Schafale have moved. Their new address is 35 Florence St. , Littleton, MA 01460. Dick is senior engineer-software for Raytheon Corporation in Sudbury. Merwin D. and Edith M. Swift have moved to 30 Green Apple Rd. , Sparta, NJ 07871. Merwin is plant manager for U.S. Mineral Products in Stanhope. 52 / MSM Alumnu s
David J. and Debbie Ebbesmeyer live at 2017 Victoria Ct. , League City, TX 77573. Dave is area mechanical engineer for E.!. DuPont in La Porte. Craig M. and Janine Evans now live at 1015 Aoloa PI. No. 417 , Kailua, HI 96734. Craig is a project superintendent for Hospital Building and Equipment Co. in St. Louis, MO. Elaine A. Menke and Kim D. Colter live at Rt. I, 33 B Prairie Meadows, Columbia, MO 6520 I. Elaine is a graduate student/teaching assistant at the University of MO-Columbia. Kim is a resident physicia n-family medicine at the University of MO Medical Center in Columbia. John A. Lindstrom is the president of Creative Computers Inc. in Sedalia, MO. He and wife Pamela Ann live at Route I, Box 146, Sedalia, MO 65301. Kim West has a new position as programmer analyst (consultant) with Ciber, Inc. in Torrance, CA. His address is 1706 Esplanade No. A, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. James D. Scheller and wife Nadine's second son Phillip was born on May 13, 1978 . Jim is still a consultant with McDonnell Douglas. Steve Busch and his wife Anne are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Kathleen , weighing in at 8 Ibs. 10 oz. on June 4, 1978 . Steve is working for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Home is 6115 N. W. Highway 9, Parkville, MO 64152. Janice E. Breidert is chief, Data Automation Division, at Anderson AFB in Guam . Her mailing address is PSC Box 1357, APO San Francisco, CA 96334. James H. and Joyce E. Hellrich have moved to 2720 Michigan, Granite City, IL 62040. Jim is a systems programmer for Gran ite City Steel Co. Janet K. and David B. Thompson's new address is P.O. Box 1725, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Janet is a secretary at the Materials Research Center at UMR.
1974 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Karen L. Aldridge 2824 Lucena Way Antioch, CA 94509 Ruth L. Anders(ln 170 Elaine Dr. Roswell, GA 30075 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 1010 Rossmore Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Michael O. Chase 803 Lilac Ave. St. Louis, MO 63119 Mark A. Herzog 2908 Red Gum Gap Longview, TX 75605
Stephen H. and Laurel E. Howell spent the last ' three years in Houston, TX , where Steve was employed by Westinghouse. Upon Steve's acceptance of a Kansas City Power & Light job offer , they moved to the Kansas City Area. Steve is now a plant engineer (G.A. and N.E. Stations) for K.C. Power and Light. Steve and Laurel live at 15902 W. 152nd Cir. , Olathe, KS 66061. Wayne R. Fischer has moved to 5553 Scenic Ridge, St. Louis, MO 63 128. Wayne is a senior engineer for Monsanto in St. Louis. Michael A. Brueckmann has moved to 1254 Whispering Winds, Arnold, MO 630 I O. Mike is a plant engineer for St. Louis Ship.
Matthew L. and Susan Mengel have moved to 2928 College Rd., Shelby , NC 28150, where Matt is a project engineer for Fiber Industries.
AhJl 1974
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Name Addres
Alumni Personals _____________________ 1974 Cont. Donald G. Lawson and wife Wanda have moved to 6766 Summerdale Dr. , Dayton, OH 45424. Donald has a new position as a systems analyst with NCR Corp. Gary N. Birk has moved to 670 I De So to Ave. , No. 137, Canoga Park, CA 91303. Gary is a systems test engineer for Litton Guidance and Control Systems in Woodland Hills. Ricky D. and Claudia Smith have moved to 5260 42nd St. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33711. Ricky is a field supervisor for T. L. James and Co. , Inc. in Kenner, LA. Joe and Phyllis Thomas have moved to Rt. I , Brashear, MO 63533. Joe is assistant professor of business admisistration at Northeast MO State University in Kirksville.
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David J. and Mary Kay Suiter have moved to 2030 Siesta, Spanish Lake, MO 63138. Dave is a design engineer for McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics Co. in St. Louis.
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Charles W. and Belinda Yocom have moved to 1688-B Hudson Rd. , Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060. Charles is a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
Ronald R. Taylor lives at 1015 Country Place Dr. , Houston, TX 77079. Ron is senior programmer analyst for First City Services Company in Houston. Joel E. Porter has moved to 215 Douglass Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60439. He is senior engineer for Amoco Production Co. in Chicago. John M. and Linda M. Dickey have moved to 922 N. State, Abbeville, LA 70510. John is a mud logger for Petro Data in Lafayette. Gerry and Karen Howser and their son Jeffrey, born Nov . 2, 1977, live at 424 Union, Jefferson City , MO 65101. Gerry is a computer program mer/analyst at the Supreme Court Building in Jefferson City. Kevin Steele has moved to 13226 Vanderwood Dr. , Florissant , MO 63033. Kevin is an engineer in charge of scheduling and projects for Amoco Oil Company in Wood River, Illinois.
Richard F. and Jan Williamson have moved to 5505 W. 20th Ave. , Pine Bluff, AR 71603. Dick is a design engineer for Varco-Pruden Metal Building Systems in Pine Bluff.
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SME Selling Miner Belt Buckles The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi-annual outing. We want to thank all of our patrons for their generosity. Orders and checks for five dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to Steve Mescher, 125 Mining Bldg.-UMR, Rolla MO 65401. Please ship _ _ _ buckles at $5.00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_ __ Name _____________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________
GWENDOLYN S. FROESCHNER Gwendolyn S. froeschner has been employed as an associate attorn ey in the legal department of the Federal Land Bank of SI. Louis. As an associate at torney , she will examine abstracts of title on land offered as security for Federal Land Bank Loans and will prepa re written opinions which will serve as a basis for the closing of the loa ns. F roeschner graduated magna cum laude in 1975 with a B.A . in history from UMR. She received her J.D. degree in 1978 from Washington University, and was admitted to the Missouri Bar in September. Michael W. Joshua has moved to 737 S. Oxford Ave. , No.8 , Los Angeles, CA 90005. Mike is a project engineer for Dresser-Pacific Pumps Division in Huntington Park. John B. and M. Sharon Creveling have moved to 15700 SW 88th Ave., Tigurd, OR 97223. John is a staff engineer for L. R. Squier Associates in Lake Oswego. Mark A. Miller has accepted a job as geologist at Cominco American in Burkesville, KY. He was formerly employed with the New Jersey Zinc Compan y as mine geologist in Austinvi lle, VA. Mark and his wife, Penny L., live at Rt. 2, Box 319, Burkesville, KY 42717.
MSM Alumnus / 53
Alumni Personals~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ 1975 Cont. Thomas K. and Maureen Garlich live at 609 W. State St. , Marsha lltown , IA 50158 . Tom has been employed by Fisher Controls for 3 Y2 years. His present position is senior sales engineer. He is responsible for Nitrogen (Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea) Plant and Natural Gas Distribution , Computer Control Sales. Tom and Maureen have 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys, ages 3 to 14. Joe Lynn and Wanda Tull live at 608 Nicholson Dr., Potosi, MO 63664. Joe is a math teacher at the Potosi R-3 Middle School. Christine M. Brennenstuhllives at 2254 S. Glendale, Wichita , KS 67218. Chris is a civil engineer for Professional Engineering Consultants in Wichita. Stephen P. Vancil's new address is BOQ 551 , Box 73 , Grissom , AFB, IN 46971.
Donald D. and Wanda J. Steele live at 6707 Kenwood, Kansas City, MO 64131. Don is a civi l engineer for the City of Kansas City, MO. Harry L. and Marie E. Schwab ha ve moved to 1710 Lorena Ln. , Orlando, FL 32806. Harry is staff engineer for Martin Marietta in Orlando.
Chi-Sheng and Chung-Huey Wei are the proud parents of their first son, She-She, born 6/5/77 . Chi is now associate investigator for Mining Research and Service Organization in Taiwan , and is also a part-time lecturer .in the Marine Science Department of the College of Ch inese Cu lture. Ch i and Chung li ve at 14-1, Alley I , Ln . 770 , Min-Sheng E. Rd. , Taipei , Taiwan .
54 / MSM Alumn us
Michael H. Sheridan has taken a position as project engineer with Champion Internationa~ Corp. in Pasadena , TX . He and Susie live at 113 22 Jagevale, Houston, TX 77089. Craig G. and Angela K. Thompson have moved to 27 Elk Creek Mobile Home Park , Madisonvil le, KY 42431. Craig is a field engineer for Dravo Corp. , Civil , Mining, and Marine Division in Pittsburgh, PA . Steve A. Meyer has moved to 2330 S. 9th , Springfield , IL 62703 . Steve is a civil engineer II for the Illinois Depart ment of Transportation in Springfield . John M. Kaufman has a new position with Rocky Mountain Energy Company in Denver as an environmental specialist. He and his wife, Nancy, live at 3052 S. Fairplay St. , Aurora, CO 80014.
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Duane D. and Vanessa Bequette li ve at Camelot I , No. 117, Brownwood , TX 7680 I , where Duane is an industrial engineer for Keller Company.
Oliver C. Sitton, Jr. and his wife, Mari lyn Sue, have moved to General Delivery, Lake Springs, MO 65532. Oliver is a grad uate student at UMR.
Mail returned because of incorrect addresses now costs the Alumni Association 25' per piece. Please notify the Alumni Office, Harris Hall , University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 6540 I as soon as you have an address change. All changes are made on the day of receipt. The computerized record system allows the alumn i office to maintain alumni lisl5 for various campus organizations, so a change in your basic record will probably accomplish the change for your fraternity , honorary or special interest organization . Thank You
Hao ( 29 14D HaD is Engine After completing a one year tour in the Republic of Korea, Lt. J. C. Griese attended the Airborne Course at Fort Benning and is now assigned to the XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery at Fort Bragg, NC. Jim 's address is 5440 Wichita Dr. , Apt. F-3, Fayetteville, NC 28303 . Steve and Leslie Purvines live at 228 Adams St. , Centralia, MO 65240 . Steve is a design engineer for McG raw -Edison . Co. in Columbia. Richard A. Fleschner has moved to 1041 C Vantage Dr. , St. Louis, MO 631 25. Dick is a mechanical design engineer for Monsa nto Chemcial Co. in Sauget , IL.
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David A. Dillard has moved to 100B Edgewood, Blacksburg, VA 24060. Dave is a gradu ate student at the Virginia Polytec hni c In stitute in Blacksburg. James M. Eye has moved to 709 Bismark Cir. , N. Augusta, SC 29841. Jim is an Engineer fo r DuPont. Arnold G. and Helen Von Soosten have moved to 33 5 Kathlee n PI. , Fort Walton Beach, FL 32 548. Arnold is a lead engineer for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, MO. Robert W. Vlcek li ves at 9 10 W. Governor St. , Springfield, IL 62704. Bob is an electrical engineer fo r City Water, Light and Power in Spri ngfield. He is engaged to Valeri e R. Falzone of Sprin gfi eld, IL. They are planning a September 15, 1979 wedding.
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Alumni Personals. ______________________
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1976 Cont.
Michael and Debbra Mullen live at 1512 N. Penasco, Hobbs, NM 88240. Mike is a senior field engineer for Schlumberger Well Services in Hobbs.
John I. Rosenberger lives at 1911 Firethorn Dr. , Des Peres, MO 63131. John is assistant to the cashier at the Commerce Bank in Fenton.
Douglas E. Smith has moved to 1100 Virginia Ln ., Apt. 18, Olathe, KS 66061. Doug is a project engineer for King Radio in Olathe.
James J. Diederich is assistant director, office of planning, research and development at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
Hao Quy and Tanya Nguyen live at 29140 Norfolk, Houston, TX 77098. Hao is a design engineer for Manning Engineering Co. in LaPorte.
Edward E. Burford lives at 7030 Nottingham, St. Louis, MO 63119. Ed is in airport engineer for the City of St. Louis at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.
Thomas E. and JoAnn Meyer have moved to 5748 Chatport, St. Louis, MO 63129. Tom is a construction engineer fqr Monsanto in St. Louis.
Linda K. Riley lives at 4077 Esseldale, St. Ann, MO 63074. She is a project engineer for Cerro Copper Products in E. St. Louis, IL. Mark T. Hicks has moved to 3300 Deerfield Rd. , Apt. 333G, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858, where he is district sales engineer for Dowell Division of Dow Chemical.
Harry L. Windecker's address is 605 Parfet St., Lakewood, CO 80215. Harry is an engineering geologist for Dames and Moore in Lakewood. Thomas C. Ryan lives at 753 Carrollwood Village Dr. , Gretna, LA 70053. Tom is associate engineer for Exxon Company USA in New Orleans . .
Robin A. Murphy has moved to 20110 M 78 Hwy., Independence MO 64057. Robin is an engineer for Western Electric in Lee's Summit.
Anchalee Chavanich of 831 Petburee Rd., Bangkok, Thailand has a new job. Anchalee works for the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand in Bangkok.
James E. Rabaduex, Jr. and his wife, Jody, have moved to 336 S. 185th E. Ave., Tulsa. OK 74108. Jim is a sales representative for United States Gypsum Co. in Chicago, IL.
PAUL G. KOSSINA Second Lieutenant Paul G. Kossina has been awarded silver wings uf10n graduation from U.S. Air Fo,~c navigator training at Mather AFB, CA. He is rem;> ining at Mather for advanced training and his address is PSC Box 55731 , Mather AFB, CA 95655. Paul E. and Janet Wonderly have moved to 1610 Orleans Cir. , Apt. 26, N. Kansas City, MO 64116. Paul is a scheduling engineer for Amoco Oil Co. in Sugar Creek .
Richard R. and Rose Marie Fitzmaurice have moved to 750 Tabor No. 45 , Golden, CO 8040 I. Dick is an engineer for Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver. William G. Sample has moved to 80 I S. Harrison, Apt. 511 , Olathe, KS 66061. Bill is an avionics systems engineer for King Radio Corporation in Olathe. Keith A. Schuette has moved to 475 E. Lockwood , Webster Groves , MO 63119 . Keith is a student at Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves.
Gregory D. and Joyce L. Colman have moved to 2200 S. Rock Rd., No. 602, Wichita, KS 67207. Greg is a design engineer for Cessna Aircraft-Pawnee Division in Wichita.
Paul M. Allen is now engineering and maintenance superintendent with Kast Metals in Keokuk, IA. He and wife Ginger now live at 410 S. 13th St. , Hamilton, IL 62341.
Paul W. Sapp lives at 7932 Hedges, Raytown, MO 64138 . Paul is a design engineer for King Radio Corp. in Olathe, KS.
Raymond A. and Cheryl L. Ehrhard live at 800 Durkin Dr., Apt. 400, Springfield, IL 62704. Ray is a civil engineer for Illinois EPA in Springfield.
Robert Allen Riggs has moved to 939 Magnolia, Apt. J, Lake Park, FL 33413. Bob is a design engineer for Pratt and Whitney Aircraft in W. Palm Beach.
Michael and Dianne Jerome have moved to 3908 Bordeau, Shreveport, CA 71108, and Mike and been promoted to project engineer by Potash nick.
Tonia R. Stubblefield has moved to 432 E. James Blvd., St. James, MO 65559. Tonia is education director for Planned Parenthood in Rolla.
Paul J. and Teresa A. Fellin has moved to 875 Somerton Ridge, St. Louis, MO 63141. Paul is assistant plant manager for Mesker Ind. , Inc. in Hazelwood.
Bruce C. and Theresa Barrett Kates have a new address. It is Box 18, R.R. 2, Rolla, MO 65401.
MSM Alumnus / !?5
AI Thomas K. and Nancy A. Ryan have a new add ress. They are living at 143 5 C S. 38th St. , St. Joseph , MO 64507. Tom is a construction inspector for the MO State Highway Department in St. Joseph. John V. and Kitty Jo Grice live at 523 Washington, Ray more, MO 64083 . John is a enior statistician for BendexK.C. in Kan as City, MO. Jerry F. Kounovsky lives at 568 Locust Ct. , Webster Groves, MO 63119. Jerry is a sales engineer for Killebrew Engineering Corp. in Maryland Heights, MO.
William Joseph Cissell II of Rural Route I, Box 236, Potosi, MO 63664 ha accepted a field enginee rin g position with the In tallation & Service Division of General Elec tric.
Ernest P. Ward, Jr. and his wife, Rosella Kay , have moved to 514 E. Bennett, Springfield, MO 65807 . Ernie is a facilities engineer for Southwestern Bell Telephone in Springfield. Mark F. and Christina L. Sauer live al 4386 Bonfils Dr. , Bridgeton , MO 63044. Mark is an enginee ring specialist for Emerson Electric in St. Louis.
Ed uard A. and Ramune T. Dailide have moved to 799 Ivers Ln ., Warminister, PA I8974. Ed is residen t officer in charge of construction for the Naval Air Development Center in Warminister.
Resa L. Harbison has moved to 845 Marina Dr. , Apt. D, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Resa is an associate engineer for McDonnell Douglas Electronics Co. in St. Charles.
Robert and Mary Holt have moved to 141 3 Barbara, Tyler, TX 75701. Holt is a'n engi neer with Amoco. Mario R. Perales C. is assistant superi ntendent with Ferrominera del Ori noco in Piar, Bolivar, Venezuela. He and his wife Ninostka also reside in Piar.
Stephen L. Allen has moved to 900 Elm , Apt. 206, Graham , TX 76046 . Steve is a fi eld engineer for Schlumberger Well Service in Graham.
Thomas E. Hepler has accepted a position with the U.S. Bureau of Recla mation in Denver as a civil engineer. Home is 8989 W. 14th Ave. Apt. 312, Lakewood, CO 80215.
Tony Sikavi has moved to 184-25 Grand entral Parkway, Jamaica, NY 11432.
Eve rett L. Midkiff III has a new address. It is 200 I Pacific Coast Highway, Apt. 35, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. Everett is on the systems engineering staff of Hughes Aircraft Co. in Lo Ange les.
Francisco J. Gonzalez and wife Raquel li ve at 6-M Grad uate Circle, University Park , PA 16802 . Francisco is a graduate st udent at Penn. Sta te and holds a graduate fellowship.
Sergio N. and Mireya G. Rivero have move to Mercurio 90-150, Triga l Norte, Va lencia, Carabobo, Vef1ezuela. Sergio is a chemica l manager for Resimon C. A. in Valencia . Gordon M. and Karen S. Matheson li ve at 3 14 E. Miner Creek Rd ., P.O. Box 279 , Frisco, CO 80443 . Gordon i a ociate geologica l engineer for Climax Mo lybdenum Co. in limax . Long Buu Lam ha a new add res . It is 16 Fore t Rd ., Wes t Haven, CT 065 16.
56 MSM Alumnu s
M. Gene and Victoria Bailey li ve at 205 Oak mont Ln. , Signal Mountain. TN 37377 . Gene i assistant professor of Computer Science at the Universit y of Tennessee in Chattanooga . Jeff and Susan Williams have moved to 375 -D Chapel Ridge, Hazelwood , MO 63042. Jeff is a prod uct engineer for Alco Controls Division, Emerson Electric in Maryland Heights, MO. Paul A. Sanusi i a graduate tudent at At lanta Univer it y, 223 Ches tnut St. , At lanta, GA 303 14.
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Brian E. Smith of 306 Cra btree Lane, Glenview, IL 60025 has accepted a field engi neering position with General Electrics Installation & Service Engineering Division .
James L. Cawvey has moved to 7200 E. Eva ns, Apt. 4 12, Denver, CO 80224. Jim i an enginee r for Atlantic Richfi eld Co. in Denver.
Arthur T. and Rebecca L. Wilkins li ve at 196 Rolling Meadows, O' Fa llon, MO 63366. Arthur is a computer program proce a sociate for McDon nell Douglas Automatio n in St. Lou is.
197 John
Michael A. and Colleen M. Brugnara have moved to 3920 Lona Rd ., Apt. 1-268 , Knoxv ille, TN 379 19. Mike is a civil engineer I for the Tenne see Valley Au thori ty in Knoxville. Richard A. have moved MO 6540 I. pector for Department
and Vickie Ann Muldoon to 47 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, Dick i a construction inthe MO State Highway in Rolla.
Clinton G. Satterly has moved to 42 11 Turtle Creek Dr. , Apt. 56, Port Arthur, TX 77640. Clint is an engineer for Gulf Sta tes Utilities in Beaumont.
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Alumni Personals _ 1978 Cont. M . Donovan li ves at 5439 Adelaide Pl. , E. St. Louis, IL 62204. John is an elect ron ic engineer for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis, MO. John
Jose Martin and Genaro Millan li ve at
for in
Urb Cumanagoto III Vda No. 10, Cumana, Suerc, Venezuela. Jose is a do c tor for Di vis ion Indu s tri a l Autohotriz in Barcelona, Anzoa tegui, Venezuela. John L. and Diana J. Lesire have mov-
ed to 30 1 K Avant Dr. , Hazelwood, MO 63042 . John in an associate engineer fo r
McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis.
MSM·UMR Alumni Association Committees Alumni Alliance . ... . ... . ..... .. .... . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . Art Baebler Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference .... .. . . . . . . ... . . .. . ..... . .. . Bill Flood Annual Fund .. . .. .. . ....... . ... . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... Bob Bay Athletic Studies .. .. . ... . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . . . ... ... .. . .. . ... . Joel Loveridge Awa rds . . .. ... . .. . .. . ... .. .. . . . . ..... .. . . .. . . .... . . . . .. Hans Schmo ldt Constitution and By·La ws . . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. Pete Ma ttei . Wa lt Mul yca Faculty and Program Planning . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . . Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vern Loesing . .. Bob Wo lf Financial Aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackling Fund .. . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. ... AI Buescher Nominations .... . . . . ... ... . . . .. .. ... .. . . .. . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . Bob Klorer
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Annual Alumni Fund contributions are tax deductible. Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR .. Rolla. MO 65401.
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University of Missouri· Rolla Supports: Commencement Alumni-Student-Faculty Canference Libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Class Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Projects Alumni Awards NewsleHers Grants-in-Aid Alumni Records Educational Assistants Student Awards (Gifts Are Tax Deductible)
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