Missouri S&T Magazine, April 1979

Page 1

Alumnus University of Missouri - Rolla

April 1979

Computer Art Hits UMR Campus


MSM·UMR Alumni Association T elephone (314) 34 1-4 17 1; (314) 34 1-4172

OFF ICERS Josep h W. Moone y '39 . . .... 7383 WeSlmoreland . Uni ve rsity Cit y. MO 63130


. Robe r! D. Ba y '49 .

President Elcct .

Frank e. Appleyard '37

Vice Pres ldenl

MSM -UMR A lu mni A ssociation Un iversity of Missouri -Rolla Ro lla, Missouri

V ice President .

. . . Ar!hur G. Baebler '55 .

Vice President .

. Alfred J. Buesc her '64 .

Viet: PresioclI! .

... . James B. McG rath '49 .

Term Expires ...... .. 1980

. ..... 222 Magna Ca rla Lane . St. Louis. MO 63 141

... 1980

.808 Solar. Glenview. IL 60025 ... 20 Fox Meadows ....... . . . . . . .. . Sunse t Hills. MO 63 127

· 1980 .. .... 1980

.... . 2640 Quail Lane . NOr!hbrook, IL 60062

· 1980

Fru·Con .

.. . 1980

1706 Oli ve St.. St. Louis, MO 63 103

Volume 53 Number 2 April 1979

Secretary .

Rober! V. Wolf '51


V ernon T . Locsing '4 2 .

. ..... Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclea r Engr . UMR . Rolla. M065401 . Dept. of Civil Engr . . UMR . Rolla, M0 65401

. . 1980 . . . .. ... 1980

DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expi res Allan H. La Pla nte '63 ............... Continental Oil Co .. P.O. Box 2197. HouSlon. TX 77001 . . .... 1980 Belding H. McCurdy '38 . . ... 7400 Sun Island Dr., South. Suite 711. South Pasadena, FL 33707 . . ......... 1981 E. L. " Roy" Perry '40 .. R150 Leesburg Pike. Suite 600: Vienna. VA 22 180 . . 1980 Walter e. Mu lyea '6 5 .. 203 Hillcres t. Marshall. TX 75670 . 1981 Law rence A. Spanier '50 . . ... 5 Pellit Dr .. Dix Hills. NY 11 746 . 1979 John O. Wilms '4 3. . ........ 17700 South Avalon. Space 59. Carson. CA 90745 . 1979 Area lip

On The Cover ... Computer Art Hits UMR Campus

Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Ex pires 00· 14 Ra ymond T. Ruenhec k '50 ...... 7 Monteview. Chelmsford. MA 01 824 .. .. ... 1980 15·21 J. D. Pallerson '6 1. . ........ 1660 A, hlaw n Dr.. PillsQu rgh. PA 15241 . . . 1980 22-33 Bill L. At chle y '57 . 1266 CreSlwood. Morgan town. WV 26505 . .. 1979 35-45 William D. Busch. '42 2000 1 Idlewood Trai l. Clevela nd . OH 44136 . · 1980 46·59 Geo rge Bau mga r! ner '56 . 2120 Syracuse. Dearborn. M 148127 . · 1981 60·61 Allen G. Behring '66 . . 447 S. Euclid . Villa Park . IL 60181 . . .. 1979 62 ·62 ErnSl Weinel ·44 . 1502 WeSl 50. O·Falion . IL 62629 . . .. 1981 63·65 Malleo A. Coco '66 . . . 711 5 Aliceton Ave .. St. Louis. MO 63 123 . · 1981 63·65 Mar!ha Gerig '69 . . .. 80 1 Fairground Road. Rolla. MO 65401 ....... 198 1 63·65 Leonard e. Kirberg '66 . . ... 331 Carmel Wood Dr.. Ellisville. MO 630 II . . 1980 63-65 Rober! W. Klorer '44 . 7500 Natural Bridge Rd .. St. Louis. MO 63123 ............... . . . 1980 .. 1979 63·65 Harold A. Krueger '42 . . . Oza rk Lead Co .. Ru ral Branch. Sweetwater. MO 63680 . .. 1981 63 ·65 J. Rober! Pallmon '54 . .Show ·Me, Ine.: P.O. Box 57J .SikeSlon. M063801 .. 1980 63 65 Geo rge R. Schillinger '63 . . .. 7598 John A ve" Oakville. MO 63 129 . 63·65 Pau l R. Munger '58 . Direc tor. InSlitu te of River St udies. UMR . Rolla. MO 65401 . · 1981 .. 1981 63 ·65 e. M. Wallenba rger '4 1 .. 205 W. First St.. Terrace. Lama r. MO 64759 . .. 1979 63 ·65 Ed win J. Werner '49. . 102 . 12th St., Blue Springs. MO 64015 . 1979 66 -74 Herman Fritsc hen '51 .. 5249 S. 63t h Eas t Place. Tulsa, OK 74145 . . . .............. . .. 1979 75·79 Rex Alford '40 . . 5743 Jason. Houston. TX 77035 80·89 & Vic tor J. Hoffmann '60 . . 3 I057 E. Lake Morton Dr. . SE. Kent. WA 9803 1 . · 1980 96·99 90·95 E. Mu rray Schmidt '49. cia E.F. Fahey. 220 Mar Vista Drive No. 9 1. Aptos. CA 95003 . · 1979 H. W. Flood '4 3. Joel F. Loveridge '39 . Hans E. Schmoldt '44

Richard H. Baller '5 2

Robert M. Brackbill '42 .

Students and computers get together to create some fantastic art. See pages, 7, 8 and 9,

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduatse and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla . En ter ed as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401 , under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Peter F. Mattei '37

CO MM ITTEE CHA IRM EN DIRECTORS . 183 Ma in St.. Aeton . MA 0 1720 739 Countr y Manor La ne. Creve Coe ur. MO 631 41 Schmoldt Engineering Services Co .. In c.. 526 S. Seminole. Bartlesville. OK 74003 EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE Missouri Electroc hem. Inc .. 80 I 3 Dale St. •. RIchmond Heigh tS. MO 63 117 ......... Texas Pacific Oil Co .. , 1700 0ne Main Place. Dallas. TX 75250 9954 Holliston Court . SI. Louis. MO 63124

EX·OF FICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dowling '40 . . 10144 Winding Ridge Rd .. St. Lou is, MO 63124 R.O. Kasten '43 . . .. 90 I West I I4th Terrace, Kansas Cit y. MO 64 114 James J. Murphy '35 . . Murphy Company. 1340 Nort h Price Rd .. St. Lou is, MO 63 132 Melvin E. Nlckel·38 .................. 1060 I South Hamilton Ave .. Chicago. IL 6064 3 F.e. Schneeberger '25 . . One Briar Oak . St. Louis, MO 63121 James W. Stephens '47 . . Missouri Publi c Serv;ce Co .. 10700 E. Highwa y 50 Kansas City . MO 641 38 STAFF . .. Execut ive Vice· President . MSM -UMR Alumni Association and Director. Alumni Activit ies. University of Missouri·Roll a John Theilmann , ' , , , ...... Assistant Direcror. Alumni Activbes University of Missouri·Rolla Barbara Petrovic .Staff Assistant. MSM ·UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary. Al umni Activities. University of Missou ri·Rolla Kris Curtin . . .................... Records Coordinator. MSM·UMR Alumni Associa tion & Computer Termi nal Operator. Alumn i Activities, Uni versi ty of Missouri·Rolia Frank H. Mackaman .

MSM ·UM R Alumn i Associa tion. Harris Hall. UMR . Rolla, MO 6540 1


Term E>.pires · 1984

.. 1982 · 1980

On Satu was held the I09th of


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Founders' Day ...


Wilson Library Dedication On Saturda y, March 3, a luncheon was held in Centennial Hall honoring the I09th anniversary of the founding of UMR, The occasion included a musical introduction by the UMR Brass Choir, brief historical remark s on the relation ship between town and campus presented in her usual delightful manner by Leola Millar, and a look to the future by Chancellor Joe M<j.rchello, Guests at the luncheon included President and Mrs, Olson, members of the Parents

Association executive committee. facu l· ty, and friend s of UMR, The Fou nders' Day luncheon was followed by ceremonies designating the UMR li brary as th e Curtis Laws Wilson Librar y, Remark s co ncerning th e former director and dean of the MSM and th e history of the library were given by Jo William Barr, associate professor of history; Earl 1. Randolph. retired UM R libraria n; Rex Z. Williams, form er

member of the MSM faculty and ad· ministration and now a mem ber of the University of Missouri Board of Curators; and Dan Kennedy , retired head of the U,S, Geological Survey in Rolla, Chancellor Marchello concluded the ceremonies by presenting a framed print to Mrs, Wilson, Following the dedication ceremony a reception was held on the fi rst floor of the library to honor th e Wilson family,

MSM·UMR Alumnus / l

St. Pat Arrives for Annual Visit Shortly before noon Thursday , March 15 , St. Pat arrived in Rolla for his annual visit riding on a Frisco railroad handcar. St. Pat, patron saint of engineers, first visited the campus in 1908 and has returned for the spring celebration ever since. Throughout the week various contests were held , such as shillelagh judging, beard judging, oldest St. Pat's sweat shirt, oldest St. Pat's button, best original song, poem, or jingle about St. Pat, and greenest person. Friday evening, in the Bullman MultiPurpose Building, St. Pat, Gary Underwood, crowned his queen and dubed the honorary knights after they kissed the blarney stone. This year's Queen of Love and Beauty is Laura Tryon , a

junior majoring in economics at UMR. As was often the case in the past , Ms. Tryon is from Rolla. Honorary knights include: 1. C. Alexander, owner and operator of Bishop's Store, Rolla; Philip M. Ba rry , Representative , 10Sth District, St. Louis; Richard H. Bauer, president, Missouri Electrochem, Inc., and past president, MSM-UMR Alumni Association , St. Louis; James E. Halligan , dean of the UMR School of Engineering; Joseph M. Marchello, UMR chancellor; and Faye Tracey, former social adviser for the St. Pat's Board, Manhattan , KS. Early Saturday morning, the traditional green stripe was painted along the parade route. After St. Pat and his court

toured the route, the parade began at II . Honorary Parade Marshal again this year was E. K. "Toots" Schuman '20. The festivities included 14 bands, clowns, motorized units, antique cars and Smokey Bear. The parade theme, Fables and Fairy Tales, was exemplified in the 12 animated floats and the queen's float. The fairy tales illustrated in the parade included: Hansel and Gretel , Three Little Pigs, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Jack and the Beanstalk, Wizard of Oz, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Hare and the Tortoise, Old Woman in a Shoe, King Arthur and the Mighty Dragon, Pinoc¡ chio's Fish Story and Jack and Jill (queen's float).

Honorary Knights


2/ M SM ¡ UMR Alum nus


began at again this uman '20. 4 bands, tique cars de theme, xemplified and the illustrated ansel and 'eter Pan, and the _addin and te and the d the Tor, King Ar"n, Pinoc~ and Jill





Gary Undervvood Gary Underwood, se nior in mining engineering, ha been elected 1979 S!. Pat at the University of Missouri-Rolla . H e will be one of the most experienced St. Pats in th e history of the 71 -year-old traditional celebration. Un like most of th e tud ents who plan and work on the event , U nderwood is erving hi second two-yea r term on the St. Pat's Board. ''I'm very gra teful to have a thorough background in how it all work ," Gary says. " St. Pat 's is very much a cooperative effort between the university and the community. This year the uni versity has a new cha ncellor and it is al 0 the first time the city's new mayor and acting chief of police will be di rec tl y involved in the activities. I really need to know what everyo ne is doing, and why th ey do it , so I can answer all the questi ons." During his freshman year, the Delta Tau Delta fraternity named Gary a its representative to the St. Pat's Board . H is fir t yea r as a " junior rep" wa spent workin g on several committee. The seco nd yea r, as a "senior rep_" he was in charge of the parade fund and served in S!. Pat's court a a ma ter guard . A s a junior, the fraternit y once aga in elected G ary to th e St. Pat's Board , and for his second term a a "j unior rep ", he wa respon ible for keeping track of th e two et of co tume for St. Pat and hi court and for tran porting the group from place to place (on time) in their heavy ched ule of per onal appearance . In hi fina l year, Gary ha been presi dent of th e board and, a St. Pat , he will reign over all th e many function and activiti e of the weekend . S!. Pat' acti vitie haven't taken all hi spa re time until the e la t few week. Gary i also an active member of Theta Tau Omega , a ervi ce fraternity that rai es money for charitable purpo es. H e i a member of the UM R Ru gb~ lub and i active in e eral intramural port . H e belongs to the MR studen t chapter of A IM E (American I n titut c of Minin g, Petroleum and M etallurgical Engineer) and S ( ociety of M Inlllg


MSM -UMR A lumnus



1979 St. Pat 5,

On T Eighth I

Gerald I crowd i Purpose agurated turer/Art Mr. FI such tor Middle E ed questi Thecr

received students of the a[ universit present il This w events 01 outstandi arts, mu: foreign GA RY UNDERWOOD-ST_ PAT 1979 Engineer) and ha been a teaching a i tant in the min ing department's coal laboratory. A a part-ti me job, he i also the Miller representative on ca mpus for G rellner Distribut ors. For th e past four ummer _Gar y ha worked in th e mining indu tr y-two summers a an engineering a i tant in coa l mine in IIlin oi~ fo r on olidat ion Coa l o. and tw o year as an un derground miner in ew M exico and W yom ing for K err-M cGee o. A s a senior. he ha had . everal Inter view with mining companies abou t thc pro pect for a job when he reeei l e hiS degree In M a~. Although hc ha. reCC II ed one job offe r. he won't make a final deei ion until after he ha~ made selcral inten lell tnp to lanous companlC, I hcn the t Pat\ fe tllltlCS arc oler He IS rartlcularl~ Interestcd In findlllg a job that gJ\es him thc oprortunlt~ to wor" In rroductlon cngmccnng rather than proJuctlon surerl I\lon

Gary is the on of Mr. and Mr . orman Underwood in Bloomfield , Stoddard Coun ty eat. in ou thea t Mi ouri . Between ehoo l and ummer job, he doesn 't pend a lot of time at home_ But when he's there. Gary help ou t hi s dad at the family\ nderwood hell Servi ce tation . ''\"d jU t like to put in a good word for the members of thi~ t Pat's Boa rd."' Gar} say " Thc) have bcen the hardest worklllg grour I\e seen Thcy are .,lneen;l) Intere. ted In mak lllg thiS year's t Pat ce leb rati on a success for both th e students and the commu nit y. The ,ame thlllg can be sa id of Gar He ta"e,> hiS rO\ltlon I'er) senousl ." !. Pat' 15 an old tradition on tim ca mpu .'he concludes. " I hope It 's a tradition that II ill he carned on as long as the school is here ..


upporte( Special L donor to mers, di Remmw in metall M.S. in t earned Metallur! aWarded ing (hone Miriam R EdWard \ Events Special G ed by a I Adrian D quin, re Engineeri Minesani represent! Frank ~ alUmni C( dent of It ed the CO


Mrs, Nor leld, Stod ;t Missouri, :r jobs, he home, But Qut his dad lell Service

)(\ word for t's Board," Ihe hardest They are ,this year's ~r both the

d of Gary, iously "51. scampus," Idilion that le school IS


R. Ford Speaks at UMR On Thursday, March 29, ThirtyEighth President of the United States Gerald R, Ford spoke to a capacity crowd in the Gale Bullman MultiPurpose Building, His lecture inagurated the Remmers Special Lecturer/Artist series at UMR , Mr. Ford's wide-ranging talk covered such topics as the economy and the Middle East. After the lecture, he fielded questions from the audience, The crowd of more than 5000 warmly received Mr. Ford's remarks, UMR students and faculty composed the bulk of the audience although friends of the university and local people were also present in large numbers, This was the first of a series of special events on the UMR campus featuring outstanding individuals in the areas of arts, music, humanities, domestic and foreign affairs , science, education, philisophy and theology , The series is supported by income from the Remmers Special Lecturer/Artist Fund, Principal donor to the fund is Walter E, Remmers, distinguished MSM alumnus, Remmers graduated in 1923 with a B.S, in metallurgical engineering, earned a M,S, in the same subject a year later, earned the professional degree of Metallurgical Engineer in 1927 , and was awarded the degree Doctor of Engineering (honoris causa) in 1948, Walter and Miriam Remmers and sons Thomas and Edward were present for the lecture. Events sponsored by the Remmers Special Lecturer/Artist fund are arranged by a campus committee chaired by Adrian Daane, Members are: Jack Bour¡ quin , representing the School of Engineering; Harry Weart , representing Mines and Metallurgy, Catherine Jenks, representing Arts and Sciences; and Frank Mackaman , representing the alumni constituency, Steve Treis, president of the UMR Student Council , aided the committee. -


Walter Remmers, Miriam Remmers, Gerald R. Ford, James Olson

MSM- UMR Alumnus / 5


O'son Supports Refunding

Higher Education at HEW Meeting A t a U .S. Departm ent of H ea lt h, Ed ucat ion and Welfare regional hea ri ng in K ansas City on January 24 on the reauthoriza tion of th e Higher Education A ct of 1965, U ni versity of Missouri President James C. Olson stressed the need for continued or ex panded assistance from the federal govern ment in graduate educati on and research , facilities construction and student f inancial aid. In th e area of resea rch, Olson said that th e section of the higher education act which pertains to research libraries should not only be retained and strengthened but should also have " increased authoriza tion to provide support for major research libraries as a basic nat ional resource. " We ha ve simply not been able, in the face of the tremendous inflationary press ures in cos ts of book s and periodicals, to maintain our strength in this area ," Olson ex plained. " This is a matter of deep concern , because th e failure to maintain the library today has implica ti ons reaching into th e nex t centur y. " Olson applauded the strong support which th e higher ed uca tion act now gives to gradu ate edu ca ti on and research in title I X ; however, he poin ted out th e development of a new problem in thi s area. " Of greater concern fo r the future of grad uate programs is the fact th at we have not been able to hi re as many new and vigorous young facult y members as we did in the past," he said. He at路 tribu ted this situati on, in part , to the higher mandatory retirement age reo qu ired by th e federal governm ent and to declining enrollments. " I would urge that title IX be ex panded to include a prov ision for uni versities to receive funds to maintain graduate and resea rch programs by providin g post路docto r a l ju n i o r f ac u l t y fellowshi ps," he sa id. " Such an approach would keep availab le to us th e finest minds our society can prod uce."

6 / M SM 路 UMR Al u m nu s

On a similar topic, Olson urged that more gran t aid and fe llowships be made ava ilable to graduate and professional students in an effort to " .. .I imit the loan burden which these young people are asked to ca rr y." In the area of student financial aid , Olson praised the basic stu dent aid programs but emphasized th at less than ha lf-ti me students " have acute financial problems" and should be included. H e also stressed the need for continuation of direct student loans under title IY-8 of the higher educat ion act. H e suggested that the program be fu lly support ed " unt il a more dependable source of stu dent loans is avai lable to all who must borrow. " Olson also ou tlin ed the difficulties current ly encountered by colleges and

unive rsit ies in trying to maintain an adequate physical plant. In refe rring to title Y II of the higher educati on act, which aut hori zes matching grants and loans for the reconstru cti on of the facilities, he noted the need for additional support. " We have not been able to obtain capital fun ds sufficient to keep up our present plant , much less make significant stri des toward energy efficiency , state and federa l poll ut ion standards or legislated access for the hand icapped," Olson stated. " Su rely we are better off maki ng an appropriate in vestment now , rath er than lea ving for our chi ldren th e job of rebu ilding our colleges and uni versities," he emphasized.

UMR to OHer New Library Service The Un iversit y of Missou ri路Rolla Library has a new service available to students, facult y and the genera l publ ic. Autom ated In fo rm at ion Ret rieva l is a sea rch technique using computers to loca te references to a par ti cular topic in litera ture from in formation stored in a vari ety of da tabases at li brari es th roughout the cou nt ry. Members of the li brary staff are qualified to form search request plans designed to retrieve informati on for research proj ects for various databases. T here is a charge for the service, and the amo un t depends on the comp lex ity of th e ind ividual project and the amoun t of computer time used. Some funds are avai lable to stu dents and fa cul ty, whose proj ects are not cov ered by fun ded research or departm ent al resea rch accounts. A search may be made in one day with some references ava ilable at th at time through visual display on the computer term inal. H owever. a complete bibliography of perti nent references is

furnished in prin touts and sent by mai l from th e origin of th e database. T o receive further information on the process or to discuss havi ng a search made, con sul t th e U M R L ibra ry reference departm ent.

Spring '79 Enrollment Higher Than Last Year UMR enrollment this spring stands at 4797 , up from 4410 a year ago. Enrollment at the St. Louis G rad uate Center has also increased to 384 , up from 352 a year ago. T he College of A rts and Sciences , and School of M ines and M etallurgy and Engineeri ng all posted gains. T he greatest increase in numbers occured in the School of Engineering which had an increase of nearly 300 students. At a time when many colleges are ex periencing decl ines in enrollment. U MR ex pects an increase again thi s fall.

Decor, Grau's 01 puter Scil of Mi 0 computer character shownba ting his Fraternit: claim stu! can desig the UMR Creatir just one! Grau giv byabout involves paper ani to direct points of to compu computer tions that


"Drawing" Snoopy ...



linan ade. ing to title Ict, which and loans • facilities, ional sup-

to obtain :p up Our ke signifi efficiency, IOdards or licapped,"

naking an ,v, rather the job of il'ersities."

Just One Part Of C.Sc 74 By Garry Grau /'

Decorating the walls of Ms. Kaye Grau 's office in the Mathematics/Computer Science Building at the University of Missouri -Rolla is an assortment of computer art. The popular Snoopy character of Charlie Brown fame is shown battling the Red Baron or collecting his wits up top his dog house. Fraternity coats of arms proudly proclaim students' allegiances. Various beer can designs attest to another loyalty of the UMR student. Creating some kind of computer art is just one of the fifteen assignments that Grau gives in the practical class taken by about 190 Miners a year. The process involves sketching a design of graph paper and programming the computer to direct the plotter to connect key points of the design. Another approach to computer art would be to give the computer a series of mathematical functions that describe the lines needed , for


example the formula for a circle. Either process has resulted in an art form that has been displayed around campus, including the cover of the KUMR Program Guide, the cover and centerfold of the UMR Engineer , in the computer science department career book , and on various bulletin boards around campus.

The purpose of Computer Science 74 or Job Control Language and System Utilities is to give the student a practical knowledge of computer applications. About 75% of the students enrolled are computer science majors, although the class is not a prerequisite for other computer science classes. However, the information is used in other computer science classes and therefore vital to the budding programmer. Enrollment has grown from 110 in the 1974-75 school year to 189 this year because of the wide-spread application of the class to other fields along with an increase in the number of computer science majors . Onl y a fundamental knowledge of math and the beginning FORTRAN course are prerequisites for the class. Since computer work is needed in other engineering majors, a variety of students enroll. Grau observed that the class can be addictive and one or two "computer nuts" get "hooked" on runn-

nt by mail !se. iion on the ; a search : Library

o stands at

;0 Enroll¡

ate Center from352 a Arts and Jines and all posted n numbers :ngineering learly 300 ny colleges ~nrollmcnt.

lin this fall MSM¡ UMR Alumnu s17

ing program after program , sometimes neglecting other courses even in computer science.

., • V\.,I ...

What the C. Sc. 74 student gets is a thorough exposure to the workings of the IBM computer. OS 370 Job Control Language is taught to allow the pupil to learn communica ting instructions to the opera ting system of the computer. Students learn how to use utilit y programs which perform basic tasks like sorting and other system programs such as compilers and loaders. Advanced FORT RAN , the programming language which is the most commonly used by engineers and scientists, is an in tegral part of the course. It is just one reason why students from majors other than computer science enroll in C. Sc. 74. Students also become familiar with special in put/outp ut dev ices like terminals, disks, and the plotter, which is an outp ut dev ice used to draw graphs or pict ures. It is the plotter that enables the programmer to crea te the computer art.

Kaye G rau thinks that the quali ties needed by a student in C. Sc. 74 are twofold: the abili ty to analyze problems and separate the problem into related





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Gh parts, and the natu ral capacity of th ink ing logica ll y. Beca use the class is mos tly concerned with the practical app lica tion of the computer, there is no complete tex tbook, just manuals and information avai lable th ro ugh the Computer Center at UMR .


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The students fi nd that they do not need a specific tex tbook as they write the some fift een programs requi red du ring a semester. What they do need is an orga ni zed and crea ti ve mind . The computer pictures draw n by UMR students offer testimonials to their creati vit y.








'8 / MSM - UMR Alu mnus

The R reserved 1979 Hor If You m, your loe necessary room l MEsSA( alumnus .

y do not

tey write lired duro leed is an fhe com¡ students 'ivity.

'ii ~tTTLt ONE .. it~ -1.1:-:" 7!i

NOTICE The Rolla Holiday Inn has been reserved for returning alumni during 1979 Homecoming, October 12 and 13 If yo u make yo ur reservations through your local Holiday Inn , it will be necessa ry to ask them to req uest yo ur room by ADM INI STRATIVE MESSAGE and indicate that you are an alumnus and give yo ur class year.

Director Named President of Clemson William Lee (Bill) Atchley has been selected to serve as president of Clemson Un iversit y. He takes offi ce Jul y I. A nati ve Missourian , Bill recei ved a B.S. and a M.S . from MSM and a Ph.D. from Texas A&M. He taught at UMR for nine yea rs, and served as associate dean of the School of Engineering from 1969 to 1975. Since 1975 Atchley has been dean of the Co llege of Engineering

at Wes t Virginia University. In addition, he served as chairman of the Governor's Commission on Energy, Economy and Environment , was sc ience and technology adviser to the West Virginia legislature, and is a Director on the Board of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association . Bill , Pat and their three child ren reside at 1266 Crestwood, Mo rga ntown , WV 26505.

MSM¡UMR Alumnus / 9

The family Excuse the pun, but the Andersons of I Crescent Drive, Viburnum , are about as University of Missouri-Rolla minded as a family can be_ Two sons, Mike and John , are students here now in mining engineering_ Their brother, Chuck, is a 1976 UMR mining engineering graduate_ Their father, Charles, graduated from here in civil engineering in 1953_ There are a couple of uncles who went here, but we won't get into that. "Every now and then, Chuck, a mining engineer with the Phillips Coal Co. (Division of Phillips Petroleum Company), Dallas, Tex., comes home, and the four of us talk UMR talk ," says Mike. Charles, the dad, is Viburnum Division superintendent for the St. Joe Lead Co. Among their discussions is a friendly fraternity rivalry. The three sons are members of Phi Kappa Theta fraternit y. Dad belongs to Kappa Sigma, and that makes for a lot of fun. "When he comes back for homecoming," says John , "we usually drag hirp away from his fraterni ty house to visit ours." John, a 1977 graduate of Viburnum High School, says that all three of the brothers lean toward mining engineering because they live in a mining town. Mike, however, a 1975 graduate of Viburnum High , nearly became a coach. He started school at Southwest Missouri State University , but transferred to UMR to add to the' family trend . Mike and John are both athletic. Both were captains of the Viburnum High School varsity basketball team. Both were on the high school track team. Mike played baseball and was active in Student Council and the jazz band. John played golf and was involved in cross country. At UMR , in addition to their fraternity activities, Mike was on the varsity basketball team and is now intramural manager for the frat ernit y and active in the Society of Mining Engineers, and John is secretary of the society and was recently named in tramural athlete of the week for baske tball. John holds St. Joe Minerals and Robert E. Dye Scholarships.

lO/ MSM -UMR Al u mnus




John (left); Mike (right) Anderson

Advice for high school students who want to be engineers, too? "Look at all the engineering fields," John and Mike say. "Your first couple of years at UMR will give you an overview. One course, in particular, Introduction to Engineering, helps you decide." The Andersons could even add another family member to the UMR

ranks. Richard is a freshman at Viburnum High School. But two sisters, Mary (now Mrs. Jerry Poston of Boss, 1'.10) and Dianne, are interested in home economics. Dianne is now at the University of Arkansas, and Mary went there. Mrs. Anderson , the mother, thinks she'll leave well enough alone.

Marjorie Riggins

Almost an Engineer One more semester and Marjorie Riggins wi'll have a bachelor of science degree i.n chemical engineering. For someone who is just 21 , this not only represents determination and hard work , but also opens up a whole new world. Marjorie Riggi ns enjoyed her math and science courses at McCluer High School in SI. Louis. A co unselor at that school suggested that , with these interests, she might find engineering a good career choice. "My mother didn't want me to go to schoo l too far away." Marjorie says. " I visited the Un iversity of Missouri engineering ca mpuses in both Co lumbia and Rolla _and somehow the Rolla campus seemed to be more ed ucation oriented. So. I chose the Unive rsit y of Missouri -Roll a."

She applied ar.d was accepted in UMR's Minority Engineering Program. This program , supported by funds from between 50 and 60 companies, provides total scholarships, a pre-enrollment prep program , and counseling and tutorial services for the student 's freshman year. An average of 30 minorit y students participate each year. Counseling and other support services are available during the student's succeeding years at UMR. "At first 1 thought I would like to be an elect rica l engineer," Marjorie says. "But, there wasn't enough action in that field. It seemed to me it was all pushing buttons and computers. 1 finall y decided chemica l engineeri ng would be better for me. There is more variety and there are all sorts of career opportunities in 'chem engine.'" Continued on page 11


Fourtef accepted I for the RI and Janw These $534.055 tional gri and symp Grants A grant ' from the ~ for a pr Counselin Small Bus is under t professor manageml "EPRI W Training directed I associate r ing, which Electric P, amount 01 The atil Administr: grant of j "Transmis Flows." T Walter mechanica and chaim "18 Great gram supr from the program is structor in The Mis: Humanitie to sUPPOrt History" te The grant Bledsoe, a~ A continu been all' Aeronautic fOr a prOjel ties in the I tlon of Dr. fessor of cl The Ford S41,291 fo gram to ~ t1bility of

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Fourteen grants and contracts were accepted by the University of Missouri for the Rolla campus during December and January. These provide support totaling $534,055 for research projects, educational grants for students, workshops and symposia, and other programs. Grants and contracts are as follows: A grant of $4,750 has been received from the Small Business Admin istration for a project entitled "Management Counseling and Technical Assistance to Small Business Concerns." The program is under the direction of B. R. Sarchet, professor and cha irman of engineering management. "EPR! Workshop on System Operator Training Simu lators" is a program directed by Dr. Max D. Anderson, associate professor of electrica l engineering, which has received a grant from the Electric Power Research Institute in the amount of $3,474. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has made a grant of $26,645 for research entitled "Transmission of Sound in High Speed Flows." This work is directed by Dr. Walter Eversman , professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and chairman of the department. "18 Great Films" is the title of a program supported by a grant of $2,620 from the Missouri Arts Council.. This program is directed by James Bogan, instructor in English . The Missouri Committee for the Humanities has made a grant of $1,250 to support the "Missouri Conference on History" to be held this spring at UMR . The grant is directed by Dr. Wayne Bledsoe, associate professor of history. A continuation grant of $15 ,063 has been awarded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for a project entitled "Transport Properties in the Atmosphere" under the direction of Dr. Louis Biolsi Jr ., associate professor of chemistry. The Ford Motor Co. has awarded $41 ,291 for a project, "Computer Program to Assess Torque Steer Susceptibilit y of Transaxle FWD Vehicles."

Dr. Donald Cronin , professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, is director of the project. "Glow Dischange Polymerization for Blood Compatible Surface Coating" is the title of a research project funded by a $34,780 grant from Research Triangle Institute. Dr. Hirotsuga Yasuda , professor of chemical engineering and senior investigator, Graduate Center for Materials Research , directs the research_ The National Science Foundation has awarded $85 ,179 for continued work on a project entitled "Optimum Design and Assessment of Three-Dimensional Bu ilding Systems for Parametric Multicomponent Earthquake Motion." Dr. F. Y. Cheng, professor of civil engineering, is director. A grant of $3 ,963 has been received from the Office of Education of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare for "College Library Resources Program." Bryan M. Williams, assistant library director, is project director. A "Basic Educational Opportunity

Grant" in the amount of $283 ,656 has been received from the Office of Education , U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The grant will be under the direction of Ray Pendergrass, director of student financial aid. A U.S. Department of Labor Sub-award of $25 ,122 has been received from UMC for a project, "Institutional Competency Building Program in Occupational Safety and Health" under the direction of 1. Byron Nelson, associate professor of engineering management. The "Sixth Biennial Symposium of Turbulence" directed by Dr. Gary Patterson , professor of chemical engineering, has received support in the amount of $4,762 from the U.S. Air Force. The Missouri Arts Council has made a grant of $1 ,500 in support of "Florentine Music Society of Early Renaissance," program for public school children and interested adults in the Rolla area. It is under the director of Joel Kramme, instructor in music.

Marjorie Riggins-Almost an Eng in eer Since her freshman year, Marjorie has had three annual scholarships from Shell Oil Compan y. She has also worked for the company for three summers and has a job with them lined up for next summer. Between her freshman and sophomore years, she worked at Shell's refinery in Wood River, IL. The next summer, the company hired her for a job in the chemistry lab at its thermoplastics plant in Marietta, Ohio. Last summer, Shell sent her back to Marietta. Since, by this time, she had completed her junior year and had some upper di vision courses in chemical engineering, the y introduced her to process engineering-a fi eld she really likes. She will be working in the same area during the summer of 1979. She has definitely decided that process engineeri ng, as opposed to production engineering or research , is the fi eld for her. She likes the idea of taking a product developed in small quantities in a laboratory and fi guring out how to

Continued from page 10

produce it in large quantities in the factory. "It's a real challenge," she smiles. Life at UMR isn 't all engineering for Marjorie. She has her own apartment now , and while she spends a great deal of time studying, she also spends some time with other activities. Racquetball is one of her enthusiasms-she participated in a racquetball tournament last semester. She is a member of UMR's student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and Alpha Chi Sigma, the chemical engineering professional fraternit y. As a member of the last organization, she recently conducted a da y-long session helping a group of boy and girl scouts earn a technica l merit badge. She is also acti ve in the Association for Black Students and is on the committee to pl an activities for Black Culture Week . One of the things she is looking forward to is an interview for a position as a Girl Scout troop leader. She has asked fo r third graders. MSM-UMR Alumnu s / ll

Union Donates Records to University Of Missouri Manuscript Collection One of America 's oldest unions, SI. Louis Typrographical U nion Loca l N o. 8, donated its records dati ng back to 1856 to th e W es tern Hi storical Manuscript Collect ion at the University of Missouri in special ceremonies Monday, March 12 in Columbia. Union president John 1. Ebeling presented the papers on behalf of the 1400 member union to Nancy Prewi tt , associate director of the Columbia branch of the collection, at a reception at the Western Manuscript offices in Ellis librar y. Orga ni zed in 185 2, L ocal No.8 was one of the fourt een charter members of the International Typographica l Union. According to a member of the union executive board , John P. Stewar t, the Civil

War period is a particularly interesting one in the organi zation 's history. A lthough it did not reach fruition , th ere was a movemen( within the local to break off from the national orga ni za tion and form a Confederate group . Also during this period the issue of wom en and equal pay emerged. After a debate about the danger of women leav ing their "proper sp here" if granted equal pa y, the members voted to admit women to the union. In accepting the records, Dr. Richard S. Brownlee, director of the Joint Western Historical Manuscript Collection and State Historical Manuscript s Collection sa id , " we are especiall y pleased with the donation of these records. Thanks to the generosity of the union

members, we have been able t6 add this valuable perspective to our collect ion. " The Typographical Union records are a type of document which is of particular va lue to scholars. Un ion and company records are a useful source for labor and business related areas of stud y. The W es tern Historical Manuscripts Co llection is always grateful for the gift of the papers of a company , labor union , political or religious group, or an individua l. Anyone interested in donating documents to the Collection should contact the W es tern Historical Manuscripts Collection , 23 Ell is Librar y, University of Missouri , Columbia, Columbia, MO 65207 , or the U MR library.

Board of Curators Eliminates Transcript and Diploma Fee Effective Summer, 1979, the one dollar transcript fee will be eliminated. The transcript fee, along with certain other miscellaneous fees (diploma , drop/add , etc.) has been eliminated as part of the fee structure changes becoming effec tive Summer, 1979.

Cooperative Nursing Program

UMR Receives $2,000 Grant From Sunoco Energy Development Co. The University of Misso uri -Rolla has received a $2 ,000 grant from th e Sunoco Energy Development Co. for unres tricted use in mining enginee rin g. According to Dr. Ern est M. Spokes, head of minin g engineerin g, th e fu nds will be used for undergraduate stud ent assistance in the form of miscellaneous

12 / MSM - UMR Alum n u s

scholarships. The check was recentl y prese nted to Dr. Spokes by James W. Francis, professional mining engineer, Surface Mining, SUNEDCO, Dallas, TX , durin g his vi it to th e ca mpus. Francis holds an M .S. degree in mining engineerin g from UMR .

A pre-nursing curriculum directed by the University of Missouri-Columbia's School of Nursing and the UMR's Jife sciences department will begin in August at UMR. Students wishing to pursue a career in nursi ng may take the first two years of the four-year program on the Rolla cam pus, th en tran sfer to UMC to complete th eir studi es. All but one course in the first two yea rs wi ll be courses already taught at UMR by the arts and sciences facult y. A sophomore nursing course w ill be taught by UM C faculty commuting to Rolla . The bachelor of science degree in nursing will be awarded by UMC to those completing the program. For further inform ati on, contact Dr. Roger Brow n, assistant professor of life sciences at UMR.


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MBU Students Scout the UMR Campus It has the shortest term , the lowest tuition , and the most selective admissions policy in the country. It's Merit Badge University (MBU) , which meets on the campus of the University of Missouri-Rolla for one day each year. It is held on the fourth Saturday in February, this year on Feb. 24. Fees are $4, and only scouts (boy or girl) and their leaders need apply. It's a unique program in which a scout , if he or she has done the homework , may earn a merit badge in one of 25 science and engineering fields in just one day. And he has students and faculty from UMR and other experts to guide him . Merit Badge U, which held its first session five years ago, is the brainchild of members of Beta Chi Sigma, a collegiate scouting and guidi ng service fraternity. Scouts in nearby Boy Scou t Councils asked for some kind of program in which they could take advantage of UMR's engineering and science know -how in helping get their technological badges. It didn't take long for Beta Chi Sigma members to decide to be the sponsor and to enlist the aid of other students and professors.

Enrollment in MBU has grown from about 100 in 1975 to more than 800, "and we have to turn applicants away," says Tom Beard, a geology senior from Joliet , IL, vice president of Beta Chi Sigma and a veteran MBU instructor. "We've learned to expect more each yea r and are putting in additional sections for the most popular badges so that we ca n take care of as many as possible. MBU Chairman Greg Wayne, a senior electrical engineering major from St. Charles, says that scouts seem to take a special pride in getting their badges at MBU. Technical badges, or ones needing special equipment or expertise, are those offered, and scouts may take work in the following: atomic energy , aviation, chem istry, computers, electricity , electronics, energy, engineering, environmen tal science, fish and wildlife management , forestry , general science, geology , machinery, metals engineering, ocea nography , photography , public health, radio, soil and water conservation, space exploration , surveying, traffic safety , weather, and wilderness survival. While scouts are busy working on their badges or touring the campus, their parents and leaders may attend special

SCOTT FLANAGIN Merit Badge University

sessions on leadership conducted by UMR psychologists. Scouts work hard , but they have a lot of fun , too. And at the end of the day , they ma y have not on ly their merit badge but also a special Merit Badge U patch to take home. "We have fun , too," say the UMR st udents who work long hours preparing and during the event.

Summer Institute to be Held in Engineering Drawing, Trigonometry Students who will attend the Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla in the fall are eligi ble to take part in a non -credit summer institute in engineeri ng drawing and trigonometry to be held July 23-A ug. 10 on campus. Students are expected to have completed a high school drafting course or to have had industrial experience.

Fees for the inst itute are: $ 169 for both draw ing and trigonometry or $ 119 for drawing on ly. Students who can not commute from home must sta y in ,the Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall at a charge of $ 15 7.5 0. Textbooks costing an estimated $35 are required. For furth er in format ion , contact Pro-

fessors George Swancutt, department of engineering technology (34 1-4606) or August J. Garver , department of mathematics (341-4646). Registration ma y be made by contacting Walter Ries, UMR Ex tension Division. 501 West 11 th , Rolla, MO 65401 (telephone 314/341-4132).

Like to Have the Alumnus Every Other Month? forward your gift to the 1979 Annual Alumni Fund MSM·UMR Alu mnus / 13

UMR fo Offer Families Learning Holiday on Campus A summer learning experience is being offered Sunday through Friday, June 24-29, for engineers and their families at the University of MissouriRolla. This combination academicrecreation program provides elements for all members of the family. Included are: a IS-hour short course entitled "The Engineer as an Engineering Manager" for engineers who have entered or intend to enter managerial positions; a six hour seminar on "Starting Your Own Business"; one three-hour session on "Personal Finance" designed to help plan management of personal finances ; "Astronomy," a look at exciting developments in modern astronomy ; "Ozark Folklore," a look at the Ozarks

and its traditions and how they are being preserved; "Joe Miner Sports Camp," instruction and play for children ages 9-15 , in their choice of sports activities; a family float trip and picnic on the Current River; Onondaga Cave tour and picnic at Maramec Springs Park; and a family' dinner on the last night. Fami lies will live in UMR's Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall with cafeteria, swimming pool, game room , physical fitness room and laundry room. In addition , facilities are available for golf, tennis, biking and other sports activities. The program is offered as an extension activity of UMR's Center for Applied Engineering Management, the humanities department and the

MSM/UMR Alumni Association. Instruction for the academic sessions is provided by members of the UMR faculty. Fees include lodging Sunday through Friday (six nights) , academic instruction, tours, picnics, a reception Sunday night and the family dinner on Friday. Other meals are not included but are available at reasonable rates in University cafeterias. Fees are $150 per person for adults and $45 per child (ages 9-15). There is no charge for chi ldren under nine. For detailed information on the program , contact: Norma Fleming, continuing education coordinator, University of Missouri-Rolla , Rolla , MO 6540 I (telephone: 314/341 -420 I).

Extension News Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314-341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, Missouri 65401. PROGRAM LOCATION DATES Applications of Signal Processing Rolla Apr. 16-18 Introduction to Microprocessor System Design Rolla Apr. 18-20 Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop Rolla Apr. 23 -27 Missouri Conference on History Rolla Apr. 27-29 Machine Foundation Analysis & Design Rolla Apr. 30-May 4 Design and Application of High Frequency Amplifiers Rolla May 7-9 May 7-11 Computer Analysis of Earthquake Dynamics Rolla Geotechnical Field Technology Rolla May 7-11 May 14-18 Quality Geotechnical Lab Testing Rolla Rolla May 16-18 Permanent Magnet Motor Design Hydrology of Dam Design St. Louis May 21-25 May 22-25 Power Apparatus Testing Centralia Rolla June 11-13 53rd Colloid and Surface Science Symposium June II-IS Rolla Digital Computer for High School Students June 18-22 Rolla Second Session June /3-15 Rolla Ultra Thin Coatings by Glow Discharge Polymerization June 24-30 Rolla UMR Summer Learning Experience St. Louis July 16-20 Embarkment Dam Soil Aspects july 16-20 Rolla Cold Formed Steel Short Course July 29-Aug. 3 Rolla Porcelain Artists Workshop St.Louis Aug. 29-31 Microemulsions & Emulsions Rolla Sept. 10-14 Introductory Short Course of Composition of Paint Rolla Quality Controllers & Paint Inspectors Short Course Sept. 17-21 Rolla Sept. 24-28 Single Phase Induction Motor Design Rolla Oct. 8-10 6th Biennial Symposium on Turbulence Oct, 15-19 Rolla Introduction to Paint Formulation Rolla Oct. 16-18 6th Annual UMR-DNR Conference & Exposition on Energy Oct. 22-26 Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop Rolla Nov. 5-9 Refresher for Painting Contractors, Maintenance Engineers & Specifiers Rolla 14 / MSM-UMR A lumn us



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SPORTS UMR Women Cagers Have Most Success Ever A lthough UMR's Women 's basketball tea m had to se ttle for third place in the MAlA W small college tournament held th e end of February , the Miners can be sa ti sfi ed that th ey accompli shed more th an any other team in the brief five- year hi stor y of the women 's athletics at UMR . " H appy? Yes, yo u could say I'm happy-a nd proud. And tired." said UMR head coach Ann ette Ca ruso aft er her tea m had beaten T arki o 54-30 , for third place in th e tournament. "It's the first go ld th e women have had to add to th e troph y case," Ca ru so said. " We've work ed hard all seaso n, and it's a nice feeling to have our work rew arded. The kid s rea ll y deser ve this Win.

The Miners earned a berth in th e tournament by placing second in th eir distri ct with a 4-2 record . They jo ined seven oth er tea ms in th e tourn ament , which was held at Kirk sv ille. " Just getting to state was an honor, an accomplishment ," sa id Ca ru so . In th eir first round ga me. th e Miners kn ock ed off the defending cham pions, Missouri Western , 6 1·53. UMR played North eas t Missouri State in the semi-finals. They split two games with N orth east during th e regular season. N ortheast took adva ntage of its home fa ns and ni pped UMR , 59·56. N orth east went on to take th e tournament titl e, defeating Misso uri Southern. The Miners fini shed with a 15-6 record , an all-tim e high. They were 14-5 last season. Acco rding to Ca ru so, however. thi s season's schedule wa s the most difficult th e Miners have ever had. " I am very sa ti sfi ed with a 15-6 reco rd ," she sa id . " It was very good for us. Our schedule was tw ice as tough as it was last year beca use we played in a large college bracket. I couldn 't have asked for anythin g belter. " We started fi ve yea rs ago with just a base program. We had losi ng records

our first three years, but we kept getting better and better. We had to learn to walk before we could run ." Leading th e wa y for them thi s yea r was senior Dallas Kirk. The 6-2 center paced th e tea m in both scorin g and rebounding, averaging 18 points a game and hauling in 20 boards per contes t. She was placed on the MAlA W alltournament team . M A DE DIFF ERENCE Kirk is a tran sfer stu dent fro m Nor· theast Okalahoma. She came to U MR her junior year. and th e Miners have had their onl y two winnin g seasons with her in the middle. " I ha ve been pleased to be able to coach Dallas," said Ca ruso. " She is one of th e better athlet es U MR has ever had and by far th e best center our team has ever had. I t's going to be very hard trying to fill th e gap she will leave nex t yea r. " I've already started recru itin g try ing to fill th e ga p. I ha ve th ree or four girls in mind to replace Dallas. We'll j ust ha ve to wai t and see if th ey're interested in play ing at U MR ." But th e Miners will have a nucleus coming back next yea r. Kirk is the onl y senior on the tea m. The Miners' two

oth er top scorers are young. Carmen Baker, who averaged 16 points a game thi s season, is a freshman and Karen Peacock , with a 15- points-a-game average, is only a sophomore. Caruso ex pects them to take up th e slack next season. " We have nine freshmen from this season coming back nex t season ," said Ca ru so. " So we're a young team. I thought Ca rm en did an excellent job of coming into our starting lineup and dealing with the pressure. She had to adopt our type of basketball and I'm pleased with the wa y she did . She'll have to take up some of th e scoring slack, as well as Peacock next year beca use of the loss of Kirk . But I'm convinced that she'll be able to do that. " The other two starters for UMR this season wh o will be back next year are j un ior Karen Williamson and freshman Becky Ommen. Ca ruso said she will have to run a new kind of offense next year because of th e loss of Kirk . " This season we ran the offense around the center beca use we were so strong there," she sa id. " N ex t season we'll have to playa different style of ball with out Kirk. "

Wrestling Two seniors prov ided the leadership for th e Miner Wrestlin g team this season . Joe Kin sella, th e Miner's superstrong heavy weight, who doubles as a defen sive tackl e on th e football team , led th e tea m with a record of 15 win s and 4 losses. H e also compiled th e most tea m points (8 4), most takedown s (26), most pins (7), and fastest pin (70 seconds). Joe capped off his remarkabl e season by winning the MI AA Conference Championshi p and pick ing up the troph y for th e mos t pins in th e leas t tim e. This qualified him to represent th e uni versit y at th e NCAA Division II Na ti onal Championships held at Brook-

ings, South Dakota, February 23 & 24. The other pace setter for th e Miners was 150 pounder Larry Wetzel. Larry's overall record was 15 wins, 8 losses, and I tie. H e led the team with the most match points (149), most reversals (13) , mos t esca pes (27), most 2 point near falls (II ), and most consecutive wins (9). He won th e 150 lb. champion ship at the M ac M urray In vitational T ournament in Jackson , IL, and our own Miner Class ic. He finished second in the MI AA Championships and was selected by a unanimous vote of the league coaches to go to the N CAA Tournament.

M SM -UMR Alumnu s/ 15

UMR Baskefball UMR retu rned home on January 27 to face the SMS Bears before a large and vocal Miner crowd. The cagers put on a show of how to play the game, as they defeated the Bears 83-76. During the second half, the Miners led by 19 points and were playing excellent basketball. Ca lvin Horhn led the Miners in scoring with 19 points and Derek Nesbitt pulled down 12 rebounds. On February 1st, UMR traveled to CMSU and played poorly the first half. After a great second half, in which the Miners got within 2 points of the Mules, they finally bowed by a score of 70-65 . Again Calvin Horhn led the attack with 24 points while Jeff Kipp, Derek Nesbitt, and Dan Hilbrich shared reo bound honors with 5 apiece. Coming off a disappoi nting loss to CMSU, the Miners entertained the Cape Indians on February 5. After an exciting first half in wh ich UMR led by as many as 9 points, the cagers couldn't hang on long enough as the Indi ans defeated the Miners 74-69. Derek Nesbitt had one of his most outstanding games with 20 points and 17 rebounds. Shaw College of Detroit, Mich igan, was the next opponent for the Miners. After a hard fought game, UMR was in the victory column again 68-64. As in the last game, Derek Nesbitt led the attack with 17 points and 13 rebounds. Missouri Baptist of St. Louis thought they could handle the Miners on February 10, but they underestimated the talents of the cage sq uad. UMR so undl y defeated Missouri Baptist 83-6 3. Derek Nesbitt put on an outsta nding display of how to play the game by scoring 19 points and grabbi ng 21 rebounds (tied the school record). The Lincoln Blue Tigers were the next opponent for the Miners. UMR shot poorly from the fie ld on Lincoln's home floor and was defeated 85-64. Jeff Kipp had 18 points and Derek Nesbit t picked off II rebounds . With NEMS tied fo r the conference lead and UMR seek ing an upset, the two teams squared off on February 17 in Rolla. The Miners just co uldn 't get 16/ MSM·UMR Al um nus

over the hump as they played the Bu lldogs down to the wire losing 91 -8 1. Kirksvi lle, sensing an upset, had to go to their four corner offense with 8 minutes to go to pull the. game out. Derek Nesbitt had 28 points and 7 rebounds to lead the Miners. UMR e nt e rt a in ed NWMS on February 19; the Bearcats, who had defeated the Mi ners in overtime at Maryvi lle, couldn't handle them this time as the cagers prevailed 74·69. Ca lvin Horhn tossed in 13 points while Jeff Kipp and Rich Fuerman grabbed 10 rebounds apiece. With revenge on their minds, UMR hosted CMSU . It wasn't even a contest as the Miners passed, dribbled, shot and rebounded to a 86-76 victory. Nesbitt led the Miner attack with 23 points and 9 rebo unds.

The cagers closed the 1978-79 season on a sour note, as they traveled to SMS and lost 85 -70. The Bears were playing excellent basketba ll and the Miners couldn't get untracked. Derek Nesbitt had 22 points and 7 rebounds to lead the Miners. Several players received conference recognition . Derek Nesbitt was a second team MIAA player while Ca lvin Horhn and Dennis DeBondt made honorab le mention MIAA. With onl y two seniors on the Miner squad, UMR will look to improve its record of (9-15) overall, (3-9) MIAA. Both Derek Nesbitt (16.8) and Calvi n Horhn (12.0) will return as well as Jeff Kipp (8 .8), Rich Fuerman (7.4), who started most of the season.

Miners-22nd in Nationals


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Second in Conference The Miners of UM R-MSM finished second in this year's MIAA sw imming and diving championsh ips which were held at Northeast Missou ri State Universit y's new fac ilit y. The fin al score was Southeast Missouri State, 515; Miners, 509, and Southwest Missouri State a distant 3rd at 258. UMR has 5 conference champions in Raytown , Missouri's senior captain Richa rd Erickson in the 100 backstroke; Miami , Florida's junior John Smith in the 100 freestyle; St. James, Missouri's fres hman Paul St ricker in the 1650 frees tyle; Enid , Ok lahoma's freshman Ray Gi ll in the one meter diving; and the 400 medley relay tea m of Erickson, St. Lo ui s se nior Matt Heini cke , Parkridge, lL junior Jon Tice, and Smith. Er ickso n, Stricker and G ill all estab lished new conference records with Erick son and Gill qualifying for na· tional compe tition. Two crucial dis· qualificat ions lost 34 points for the

Miners wh ich ultimately decided the final result of the meet. Nat ional championships were held in Marquette, Michigan, at Northern Michigan University and for the 10th straight yea r the Miners scored to preserve one of the most impressive small college strings in the country . The Miners perfo rmed very well against ex· ce llen t competition with Ray Gill finishing 16th in the 3 meter diving, 22nd in the one meter divi ng and with senior all-American captain Richard Erickson placing 5t h in the 100 backstroke and 10th in the 200 backstroke with times of 53.7 and 158.1, respect ively. Erickson closes out his athletic ca reer hav ing been named 8 times as an NCAA All·American during his 4 years of competition . Looking ahead to next yea r. the Mi ll ers anti cipa te reca pturing the MIAA title and moving up significantly in the national rankings.

L·R: Henr and Fred '

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nference asecond n Horhn )norable

e Miner 'rove its MIAA. I Calvin I as Jeff 4), who

Section News AIME-New Orleans On February 20, 1979 , Missouri Miners met during the annual AIME meeting held in New Orleans_ Arrangements were made for the cash bar cocktail party at the New Orleans Petroleum Club by Harry FitzGibbon, '53, president of the Edgewater Oil Co_ of Lafayette, Louisiana. In fact, Harry was able to arrange to take the "cash" out of the cash bar. Old friendships were renewed, lots of tall tales were exchanged , and even some business done. Present for this party held during the nonMardi Gras and on the evening of a c1oudburst-type-rain were: Harry Weart , Robert C. Mitchell. '61; Robert W. Heins, '49; Frank Woodbury , '66 ; Harvey Martin , '62; Ed and Marilyn Thurmond , '75; Larry Boston, '60; Richard L. Terry , '65 ; Carlos & Joan Tiernon , '54; F. J. Smith, '65 ; Dick

& Joe Ann Runvik , '54; Fra nk C. Appleyard , '37; Bob and Peggy Peppers, '50; Jim Cole, '75 ; Ernest R. Achterberg, '5 3; Ra ymond B. Prater, Jr. , '75: Bruce & Joan Bramfitt, '60; Vic & Rosey Hoffmann, '60; Frank & Nancy Mackaman; Paul Proctor; H. J. FitzGibbon, '53; Phil Leigh ly; Ro n L. Carmichael; Ernest Spokes: Mr. & Mrs. S. A. Stone, '30; Duk -Won Park , '75; Tom O'Keefe, '58; Tow. Simpson, '5 1; Warren J. Carroll , '5 9: Jim & Edna Scott , '50; David R. Jessey. '74; Henry P. Whaley , '48; Thor Gjelsteen , '5 3; Rose M. (Jessey) Ki lpatrick: Fred W. .R. Fass; Tom Theoba ld , '6 1; Mr. & Mrs. Fred Todd, and daughter, '48 ; Mike Mertens, '75; Charles A. Beckman, '51 ; Melvin E. and Ma ry Lou Nickel, '38; Dick and Lou Tankersley. '63 ; Colin Rose, '40, and Ruth & Bev Clark.


ded the

~ held in Jorthern he 10th ored to lpressive [(ry. The ainst exay Gill - diving. md with Richard he 100 he 200 ld 158.1.

L-R: Henry Whaley, Mrs. Whaley, Mrs. Todd . Daughter Todd , and Fred Todd.

Rosey Hoffmann

L-K: Kon Carmichael, Thor Gjelsteen , and JIm :;cott.

L-R: Rich Terry. Maril yn & Ed Thu rmond.

ic career ; as an s 4 years

ear. (he ing the lifica ntlY

MSM-UMR Alumnus / 17

ph More From AIME In New Orleans L-R: Jim Cole, Lou Tankersley, Viv Stone, S. Allan Stone, Dick Tankersley , and Duk -Won Park.

:Y, L-R: Mel Nickel, Harry Weart , and Ma ry Lou Nickel.

L-R : Tom Simpson and Charles Beckman.

St. Pat's In Houston The Texas terrors conti nued in their rebuilding program at the annual St. Pat's party at the Busch brewery in Houston. Th is year they hit on the right weekend. After a slight misunderstanding about the closing hour two yea rs ago and last year's valiant effort to stay on the good side of the security force assigned, this years attendees were described as ladies and gentlemen! Wa lter Casey and Ruel Kirkpatrick shared their observations of St. Pats Past and Jim Paul , Rex Alford and AI LaPlante represented the Association. According to the cards available, here are the participants: Bill & Bess Patterson , '53; Patrick N o la nd , ' 7 5; Geo rge & E ll en Donaldson, '5 1; Jim & Kath y Wa lk, '70; Mr. & Mrs. John Warner, '7 0; Dave Jones, '71 ; Mick Bayer, '78 ; Thomas &

i8 / MSM ¡ UMR Alumnu s

Barbara Schmidt , '70; Mr. & Mrs. 'Mark Giulvezan, '75 ; Warren & Hope Ca rroll , '59; Martin Wayne Teague, '6 1; Mark & Kay Clavenna, '74; David F. Hollrah , '70; Edwin & Bobbie Horan , '70; Marian & Robert Yochum , '49; Tom Rechtien , . '75 ; Mitch Peterson, '75 ; Chuck Heilig, '6 1; Joyce & Ray Catlett , '77; Chuck & Diane Perez, '67 ; Ga rr y & Pam Bryan , '69 ; Harold T. Staves, '56; Charles Gockel, '55 ; Charles R. Ferry, '51 ; Wayne & Kat hie Quay le, '70; Mr. & Mrs. H. E. West, '59; Rona ld R. Tay lor, '74: Vick ie Ky le, '76; Mr. & Mrs. Dan Drum, '59: Bi ll & Edith Schaeffer , '48 ; A:an & Colleen Green, '78: E. S. [senmann , '44; Bob & Wilma Thornton , '59; Dennis & Janet Jaggi , '70; Ga ry Th o m p~on . '73: Terr y Jor:es, '75 : Ga ry & Marga rel Ro binso n_ '74: Mr. & Mrs. Jacque<; Sachs, '73 ; Robert

{!l. Joan Smith, '71 ; Kenneth W. Wood , ;60; Dennis P. Shea, '70; Ferri ll & Debbie Ford , '78; Char les Kiefer, '6 1; Ervin & Linda Pietsch , '65 ; La rry & Carol yn Gilmarti n, '64; Pau l C. Schnoebelen, II! , '77 ; Wayne & Rebecca Kotter, '74; George E. Stourton, '60; Wa lter E. Casey, '24; Richard & Nancy Mudd, '76; A. H. LaPlante, '63; Pau l Griffin, '65 ; Jim Moore, '7 1: Jim Paul , '43 ; Herb Cox, '77 ; Bill Anderson , '77 ; Bob Webb, '70; Bernie Malson , '5 7; Dan & Wanda Lynch , '7 1; Rick Overturf, '71; Marc Sm ith , '76 ; Roy & Freda Dare, '67 ; Ruel L. Kirkpatrick , '31; Joseph & [rene Cole, '54; Da le R. Faerber, '7 1; Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Andreas, '58 ; George & Melba Comanich, '51 ; Howard Yorsten , '5 3; Dick & Kay Spieldoch , '61 ; Kirk Killenger; John Casey, Gale Anderson, & Eric Casey, '46; Julie Miller, '78 ; and Keit h Jantz, '78.

Arizon their gut March I Restaura standing called by heavY WI assisted I and Mrs were Fr: Ollie too Jack C( report- , directly! ran from Monsch ( planning menceme date on c the futuf( period fo


me, Dick

Arizona based Miner alumni and their guests gathered Sa turday night , March 10, 1979, at the Beef Ea ters Res taurant in Phoeni x. Ly nne Winter, standing in fo r husband Art who was called by business to Europe, did the heavy work of the arrangements, abl y assisted by Ollie Ka mper. Chancellor and Mrs. Marchello were present, as were Frank and Nancy Mackaman. Ollie took over the presiding chores. Jack Co nley made the treasurer's report-audited copies are ava ilable directly from him . Classes represented ran from 192 3 to 1972. Hank and Ruth Monsch and Ben and Margaret Coil are planni ng to be at their 50th at Com· mencement. The Chancellor gave an up· date on campus activit ies and a look at the future. A li vely quest ion and answer period followed. On the register fo r the

event were the fo llowing: Louise & Joe Marchello, Na ncy & Frank Macka man, Jack & Margaret Conley , '3 1; Bill & Fra nces Kay, '32; Wa lter & Miriam Remmers, '23; Lynne Winter (Mrs. Art, '63); Jack & Margaret Wright, '49; Wood & Jean ne Rudolph, '6 1; Erwin & Ethel Gammeter, '26; Mary & Charles Kitchen, '26; Margaret & Ben Coil, '29; Jan & Charlie Atkinson, '65; Dorothy & Ed Sievers, '27; Beryl & Bob Wink le, '42; Jim & Dianne Scanlan, '67; Emm & Lloyd Pollish, '49; Mr. & Mrs . C. 1. Hicks; Mr. & Mrs. M. 1. Paul, '27 ; Leland & Alma Grafft, '37; John & Elizabeth Harman, Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Baumgartner, '28; Bernie & Ollie Kamper, '35; Ruth & Hank Monsch, '29; Leroy E. Smith, '39; John Clements, '63, and H. Jeffrey Korklan, '72.

Wood, &Deb I; Ervin :::arolyn :Ien, Ill, er, '74; liter E Mudd, Griffin, 3; Herb ) Webb, Wanda I; Marc 57; Ruel ~ Irene . Mr& ~orge & {ors 1en . ;J: Kirk ,derson , '18: and

MSM·UMR Alumnus / 19


More Scenes From Phoenix


10 a.m LUNC

530 p. 530 p. 7 p.m.

DI NNI 9 p.m.

Sedlon Meetings

Alliance of Alumni Associations, University of Missouri ...

Yet to be Reported

On March 6, 1979, the Alumni Alliance held their rescheduled legislative day for the Missouri General Assembly. There have been more meetings cancelled and rescheduled this winter than at any time in this writer's memory. But the change in date appeared to be no hindrance, as many legislators joined the alumni volunteers

The DETROIT crew, probably trying to recover from the presence of four lovely coeds at their annual meeting, have not yet submitted their dinner meeting report on the affair of February 25 , 1979. We know that twelve students from UMR were there, in a prelude to the annual ASAE meeting in downtown Detroit. Rich Johnson and Chuck Remington were representing the faculty and Ron Schoenbach was "elected" leader for the coming year. The LOS ANGELES meeting, held on Saturday, March 24, will be reported in the next issue. John Wilms is a faithful reporter and his stories always inform. The TULSA meeting, held March 31, missed the printer's deadline for new copy and will be reported in the June ALUMNUS.


for an informal and early evening. Chancellor Marchello was one of the two Chancellors present and the university delegation was led by President James C. Olson. Richard Bauer, Art . Baebler, Bob Bay, Matt Coco, Pete Mattei, Paul Munger, and Jim Stephens were the Rolla volunteers who spent the day in Jeff City.

130 p.n

615 p.l 7p.m.' 9 p.m.

Meeting Data EVENT/SITE DATE ARK-LA-TEX ...................... . . . ........... . .... . .. May 5,1979 Schlitz Brewery Hospitality Room, Longview, TX ST. LOUIS GOLF-STAG . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . ... . ...... May 5,1979 Paradise Valley Country Club REUNION CLASS- CLASS OF 1929 . ..... . . . . . . . . . . ... May 11-12-13, 1979 Rolla COMMENCEMENT . . ........ . . . . ... ... ... . ... . ... . .. . .. May 13, 1979 Rolla ALUMNI ALLIANCE .. . . .. ... .. . .. . .... . ... . .. . . . . .. .... May 19, 1979 Rolla AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS ........ . . . . . . .. .... . . . . . May 22, 1979 St. Louis MAC SUMMER LEARNING EXPERIENCE ... ... . . . . .. . ...... June 24-29,1979 Rolla ST. LOUIS NIGHT WITH THE CARDINALS . ... ... ..... . ... June 30, 1979 Cardinals vs. Philadelphia HOMECOMING 1979 ...... . . . ........ . . ... .. .. . . ... . . ... October 12-13 Rolla ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH . . . . ..... . .... . . . . ... . ...... . First Tuesday Denver Petroleum Club BARTLESVILLE LUNCH . .. ......... . " , ' , . .. ..... . . . '. ' ... Third Friday Cafeteria Conference Room, Adams Building AlTENTION: Please notify Alumni Office of your meeting arrangements.

2O/ MSM·UMR Al umnus

BREAI 18a.m.' II 30 a

Drs. Han H. HOWl Engineen Rolla. dis bOOk. E


Americ, Refrigera



TENTATIVE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 1979 HOMECOMING SCHEDULE Information Number-314-341-4172 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. LUNCH 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. DINNER 9 p.m. -I a.m.


Irl .•.

'ening. of the miver· !Sident r, Art eMat· :phens :nt the

BREAKFAST 8 a.m.-Noo n 11:30 a.m. 1 30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m. -9 p.m. 9 p. m.

FRIDAY , OCTOBER 12 , 1979 Regist ration in Lobb y. Gale Bu ll man Multi-Purpose Bui lding Boa rd of Directors' Meeting. MSM-UMR Alum ni Associa tion. University Center-West On Yo ur Own Sil ver and Gold Cockta il Part y, St. Pat's Church Recreat ion Ha ll Registrat ion resum es at SI. Pat's Chu rch Recreation Hal l M-Club Bonfi re. Intra mura l Fie ld On Your Own' St udent's Homecoming Dan ce. Centenni al Ha ll SATURDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1979 On Your Own Regist ration resumes in Lobby. Ga le Bullman Mu lti-Pur pose Building Fieldhouse Feed for all alu mni and fr iends, featuring reserve sea ti ng for the Re union Classes, Ga le Bullman MUl ti-Purpose Build ing. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN Kickoff--Mi ners vs. Ki rksv il le Bulldogs Mi ner Lounge open fo r pre-banque t festivities (adjacen t to Cen ten nial Ha ll in University Cente r)" Al umni Awards Banque t, University Cent er. Centennia l Hal! Ann ual Meet ing. MSM -UMR Alumni Association 'Check at Registration Desk for specia l events sched uled for Reun ion Classes " Reception on University Property Coo rdination of Alumn i Activities will be ha ndled at the Regis tration Desk ROllA


1979 1979

.1979 1979 1979

,1979 1979

Drs. Ha rr y 1. Sauer. Jr. (left) and Ronald H. Howell. Professors of Mec hanica l Engineering. Uni versity of Missouri Rolla. display the latest editio n of their book , ENVIRONMENTAL CON TROL PRINCIPLES, publ ished by the Amer ican Soc iety of Heating. Refrigerating and Air Cond iti oning Engi neers. Inc __ New York. NY.


Coach House Inn . Martin Springs D r. . . . . ....... .. . Coachlig h t " Bes t Western " Inn , Mart i n Sp ri ngs Dr .. Hol iday Inn , Martin Springs Dr. Ho w ard Johnson Motor Lodge . 1-44 & Bus. 1-44. Interstate Motel , Ma r tin Sp ri ngs Dr. Li ttle Piney Mo t or Lodge , Hwy. 63 N . Manor Inn , Hwy. 1-44 & 63 . Nod-a-Way Mote l , Hwy. 63 N. Norrnan Dee Inn Mote l , Bus. 1-44 West . Plaza Motel , Hwy. 63 N .. . . . . .. . .. . .. Rolla Ranc h o Motel , Mart i n Springs Dr. ... . . . . . . Rustic Motel , Hwy. 63 S . ... . ... .. .. Town House , Bus. 1-44 West . Wayfar e r Inn , Martin Springs Dr. Zeno ' s Mot e l. Martin Springs D r . .

ST. JAMES Finn 's Motel , SW Corner o f 66 & 68





MSM-UMR Alumnus Welcomes Pictures With News Items





34 1-3700 . . 364 -5454 364- 130 1

265-7200 ... .. .. 265-3256

Fo r e st City Motor Lodge . 1-44 & 68 .


. 34 1-3 13 0 . .. 34 1-25 11 364-52 00 364-7 111 34 1-2 158 364-2161 364-1575 . .364-7445 364-4 156 .. . 34 1- 2555 364 -4509 364 -6943




The Rol lo Holiday Inn has been reserved for


returning a lumn i d u r in g 1979 Homecom ing , October

'l:Ie::::wI W

m m

12 and 13 . If you make your reservations through



your loca l Ho liday In n , it w ill be necessa ry to ask


I m

them to request your room by ADMINISTRATIVE





MESSAGE and indicate that you ar'e on alumnus and


g ive your closs year . 'mt

'[;Jr=: -







M SM · UMR A lumnu s ' 21

JOB OPPORTUNITIES 2141 BS/MS/PhDEE/Chem/Phys ics , multi-openings, California . 2142 BS/MSEE , midwest , ex·per. , agency listing. 2143 BSME/CE/ChE/CompSc, Midwest 2144 outdated 2145 BS various disciplines, mUl ti-openings, ceram ic exper. , south. 2146 BSMet, south . 2147 BSCE, midwest. 2 148 BSCSc, south 2 149 BSMet, south . 2150 BSCSc, south. 2151 BSEE, midwest. 2152 BSCerE, agency listing. 2 153 BSME/EE, upper midwest. 2154 outdated. 2155 BSME/EE, Missouri. 2 156 BSMin, mineral processing, south . 2157 BSMet, midwest and Ca liforn ia. 2158 BSChE/Chem, midwest. 2 159 BSME/EMan, New York. 2 160 Multi-openings, various disciplines, upper midwest. 2161 N/A 2162 BSME/Cer/ChE, midwest. 2163 BSPetE/GeoE, southwest. 2164 BSEE/Chem/CSc, east. 2165 BSME/EE, northeast. 2166 Various disciplines, multi-openings west. 2167 BSChE/PhDChem , mUlti -openings east. 2168 Various discip lin es, mu lti openings, south. 2169 BSMet/Che 2170 BSEMan/ME, upper midwest. 2171 BSME, exper. in mining, west. 2172 BSME/E Man , materials handling ex per. 2173 BSME/EMan , midwest. 2174 BSEE/MeE, mUlti-openings, upper midwest. 2 175 BSME /CE/EE/C Sc , multi openings, Missouri. 2176 BSME, agency listing, must be willing to live in Europe. 2177 BSCer/ChE, New York . 2178 BSCE, public sector ex per. , Kansas. 2179 BSCE/ME, exper. , East. 2 180 Various disciplines, multi-openings 1 II i no i s

22 / MSM·UMR Alumnu s

For information concerning posit ions listed below. please contact Mr. Larr y N uss. Di rec tor of Ca reer De ve lopment & Pla cement. U MR. Roll a. Misso uri 65 40 I. gi ving Fi le N um ber of the posi ti on. state your degree. discipline and month and yea r of your grad uati on. During ti mes of high ac ti vit y in the employ· ment market. some posit ions wi ll be filled before they are published . The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that ma y be open if yo u enclose your res um e wit h your inqui ry.

Th, me

to I

2180a BSME/EE, upper midwest. 2 181 BS Cer/C hE/ME/C Sc , multi openings, south. 2182 BSME/EE , agency listing. 2183 BSME/EMan , upper midwest. 2 184 BSME/EMan/Chem/CSc. multi openings, east. 2 185 BSEE, mU lti-openings, Illinois. 2 186 BSM E/EMa n, upper midwest. 2 187 BSChE, mUlti -openings, east. 2 188 BSEE/ME, mUlti-openings, west. 2 189 BSME, southwest. 2 190 BSME, Ca lifornia. 2 191 outdated. 2192 outdated 2 193 outdated. 2194 BSMinE, southwest, market ing. 2195 BSME/EE, sout heast.

2 196 BSME/EE. exper.. so utheast , agency listing. 2 197 Mu lti openings. various discip lines agency listing. 2198 BSCSc/Math. west. 2199 BSGeo/MinE. east. 2200 BSCSc, midwest. 220 I mUlti-openings, verious discipl ines 2202 BSME/EE/EMan. Missouri. 2203 BSGeo, so uthwest. 2204 BS / MSME / EE /CSc multi open in gs. 2205 BSMin E/GeoIC E, mU lti -o penings, fed. govt. . east. 2206 BSEE/CE/ChE/ME, R&D, south. 2207 BSMinE. coa l ex per. , east. 2208 BSM etE/C hE, east. 2209 BSMinE. southwest.


am for list


• i • !





• C , C

• C

• 0



, E

• C



• p

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle Still Available The UMR Sludent Chapler of th e SocielYof Mining Engineers is offering fo r sa le to alumni our belt buckle Proceeds from th e bu ckle sales wi ll enab le SM E to part icipate in a varic ty of activities in cludin g fi eld lrips, honor banquel s, special projecls & our bi -ann ual oUling. We wa nt lO lh ank all of our pa lrons for lhcir generosil Y· Orders and checks for five doll ars made pa ya ble lO the SocielY of Minin g Engineers should be mailed to Rand y Tomi c, 125 Mining Bldg.-UMR , Rolla, MO 65 401 . Please shi p _ _ _ bu ckles at S5 .00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_ __ Nam e _______________________________________________________ Address

fCareer ate jOur employ. Imake'a


MSM-UMR Alumni Association Awardees -

October J978

The Awards Commillee of the Alumni A ssociat ion is always pleased 10 receive suggestions of people who should be considered for the Merit, Service and Achieve· ment Awa rds. The three types of awa rds cover most areas of individual effort which should be recog nized by the A ssociat ion. It is not necessary for the sugges tor to pre·select a type of award 10 be considered, as th e com millee will judge in the appropriate categor y according to the supporting information on hand. Regu la· tion s of the commill ee which are im portant 10 the person making nom inations are these: til Awards are not normally made 10 a person during his reunion year. and No nominations are disca rded: they are ca rried forward from year to yea r. JUSI recenll y, pasl awardees were asked 10 make suggestions and have broughl forwa rd some excellenl names. man y new 10 the f iles of Ihe commillee. We ask Ihal you consider forwarding your suggeslions 10 Ihe A lumni Offi ce. Following is a lisl of Ihose who hove been honored in pasl yea rs. 0 ' Kef'fp , Thomas .l .. Gr e f"Il P , Ev (\ li i r r11 e r ' 11 ' ''>B All en , [)dvil ' 01\ Pa l ano , Sy l v es t e r ,1 . Gri ce , ~ld r V f'y II .. l\ n ctrp ws , ~;i ll i~m A.



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Robp ct s ,

.. KP r.n ey , Joh n R.. '1 2 Ken t-, ',ii lli am O. ' 4] Kc -=>s l c l- , :-la r ry !i . ' 24 ' 78 Ki rk p a t r i c K, .J a mf 'S C .. Kr a t z. p r, 'lI' i ll i a m .. Kr E! hs , Jo:=.pp h.J .. ' -"6 Ku mme r , fr 0dc r i c k S oo L"'l or1, r:l r l f'y Woo ' uo , 4 1 L~ lI'bC! t h , .Jf'n n i ngs P. .. i. avne , l"I d r}: IL ' 20 l. e ..' ("h , '1 r::; To m \I.' i t t ' 7J Leb0 r , \rJ,,,\ Itf'r P .. ' 40 Li n d lr cn , Roy A. ' 2) Llo y 1 , "' [ 5 Mu e g l r f't ' 78 • Ll u y i , Sam u e l 11 _ ' 21 Lo tt man , Wa ltpr F .. '1 '1 Lo v er i dyp , ,1 oe l F. ' 31 Lo v e tt , I srae l H. 1 24 .. L Y I: t on , E i'tl a r n D.. t 12 L y o n s , John H.. ' 42 '1 n ch i n , E,1will :; .. ' 22 'lac k amall , F ran k * ~ a n n , frdTlk C . ' 4f) '1 a yhrln , Kf'nnE' th G. ' 6 "> ,. '1 e 3rian , nay ' 24 :1 c Corru i ck , iii'lor thJ ~ c Ghpe , Ve rn on T .. ' ~ 2 Mc Kn l v 0Y , .l a mps r: . , ~~ Nu t t ,


' 00

Jam t' S F ..

Pa t tf'r so n ,


Ke ll y , Ke lly ,


, 28


En wa r d S .. ' f r i tschen , Hf>rmau Gamm et c r , El me r ' Ga.rv e r , AUJ u st T.. Gosl i n , Hoscoe 0 .. '; o u 1<1 , Da v i ri S OO ' Go v ip.e , J o h n P oo .. G r ~f>n , Al l en P. ,1r Gr ee n , S i ,l ney J oo

R iY U1o n ~

:1 e r ~ in ,T . '14 ~~r s r. f" l'v i n ,1 .. Ke n n @u}" Du l1i e l ' 26

* Pal me r , C l a r e n ce C..


J ..

t U t: Ru t l ea<Je , wi ll i um A. Sa l mon , Ju li us C . ,1l- oo ' ?~ Sar c h e t , Jc rn anl H.. SC!l d efp r , Rodnpy A.. ' 47 Sch n eebe c qe l' , Fred C .. ' 2S S chr pnk , . a lt e r T. ' ' >D Sci lul E' L,. L eo n u r d L .. .1 r . ' 49 Sc!, um~ l., .l ohn M.. ' 16 I :>J S C ~l w e i c:khd [ jt ,. Will iam K..

Sco Ei f' l fl , Sco t t ,.

Go r r-on

.13 mps J ..


' 49

' SO ' 02

Sco tt , JO~ 1l w.. S ki telr , GJ rr i el r. .. ' 43 S mi t !l , Ed wa r d A. ' 7. 4 Sm i th , T orn K . ' 47 Sor r e ll , Ch , rl f's A. S p .1 r !<.. oS , C ha l ' 1 e 5 H. I 4 4


S t @in mesch ,

• ~

' 49

J @SSf'~ .

' O~

S t ephe n s , ,l amE'S W.. I u7 • S t i fe l , Ca rl G. '1 6 S t one , S . Al l an 13 0 Su mme r s , Da v i d A. ... T 0 ir o l<l, ~a r v py L .. '1 1 .. Te [" r e ll , Ar thur D. Th ompso n ,

Dud l E'Y

,. Thompso n , J ~ck Il .. ' 52 ,,2 • Tho r nuc rr y , Mar t i n II .. Toomey , J o lt n B. ' 49 To wn send , F r a n k E.. t 11 Tr a ce y , J .:tmes II .. Tu c k e r , Mr s L o ui ~e S .. U n klest ~y , ~ . G. ' 78 V ' l e r i u ~ , C l a u de N. ' 25 Wrt.nenm a e h er , J osp.p h M. ' 23 Wed v e r ,

John C.

' 67

Webb , Wil li am II . '1 9 Weiyel , ~ p l vi n P.. ' 23 Weste L' f e l j , Wilfr ed w. ' 30 wi et h op , Russp ll H. ' 32 Wi l l i r1 ms , !?e x: z ... t J 1 Wi l son , Cu ["t is t .. ' 46 wi lsun , .J osppll ~ . ' 21 Wi x so r! , Bobl!y G.. ' 56 Ya ne i " JoscphJ . Zol l p r , He nr y E. ' 23


MSM· UMR Alumnu s123

Alumni Personals _ __ 1910



Karl Kenneth Kershner of 302 West 10th, Rolla , MO 6540 1, died November 5. 1978. Professor Ke rshner was a pro· fessor in the chemistr y depa rtment at MSM before joining the U. S. Bureau of Mines. He was secretary of the MSM Al umni Association from 1925 to 1941.

Dee Zimmermann, of P.O. Box 135, Jellico, TN 37762, an nounces that he is the grandfather of a baby gi rl , Ginn y An n Watkins.

1921 F. Huston Taylor of 1023 Orlea ns, Keokuk , IA 52632, died January 30, 1979. He is sur vived by his wife, Helen. one so n, one daughter, and fi ve grand· children .

1924 Prof. J. Lewis Andrews writes, " We art spend ing the win ter as usual here at St. Pete, FL overlook ing Tampa Bay and expect to be home at Oxly, MO in late Ap ril. Ar e looking fo rw ard to Homecoming at M.S.M." The mailing add ress for Prof. Andrews and Mary is P.O. Box 96. Oxly, MO 63955 .

A/un 1929

At ~

George 276, Ha 19, 197~ vived b)

1930 Jim E. J ett writes that he is "strictl y in· acti ve and unable to attend the func· tions put on loca ll y. Do appreciate the news from ca mpus. Rolla was my home. " Jim and Wilda li ve at 408 Sue, Houston, TX 77009.

JACK HARLAND AND HIS DAUGHTER, CARRA McCLEARY JOHN DEE HARLAN A distinguished mining engineer, John Dee Harlan , died February I , 1979. Known as Jack to his many friends, he was active in the Pacific Northwest Sec· tion of the Alumni Association , as well as the national association . His profes· sional career wit h U.S. Smelting and Refining Co. took him to many loca· tions, and he spent several years in Alaska managing the Hammond Con· solidated Gold Fields. He retired from the company as Vice President and Manager of Mi nes in 1944. He was a scholar of his profession and a prolific author of technical papers. A visit with Jack was apt to prod uce pictures of his garden . He was active until his fa tal ill· ness. He will be missed, but not forgot· ten.

1913 William Ralph Knappenberger of 14699 E. Hampton, Denver, CO 80232, died January 15, 1979 .

1917 Ramsey C. Henschel of 15 E. 67t h Street, Kansas City , MO 64 11 3, died Nov . 9, 1977. Col. Luzerne M . Tidd (Army·ReL) and his wife Vallie, are making their home at 5509 N. Lottie Ave. , Oklahoma Ci ty, OK 73111.

24 / MSM · UMR Alumnu s


HOMER LEONARD Former Speaker of the Texas House of Represen tatives and 1922 gradua te 'Homer Leonard, 80, died Feb ruary 14, 1979 , at his home in Austin , Texas. Mr. Leonard, a nati ve of Texas Co un · ty, Missouri , graduated from the School of Mi nes and Metallu rgy of the Uni ver· sit y of Missouri in 1922 with a degree in Mining Engineering. In co llege. he was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha and Theta Tau , was ed itor of the " Missouri Miner" and director of the M.S.M. Players, let· tered twO years in track , was National President of the Association of Col· legiate Engineers , and was a member of the Mi ners " M" Cl ub , Pipe and Bow l, Sat yr. Miners Co tillion Cl ub, Press Club, and Square and Compass. He was known to his classmates as "S hucks". Survivors are his wife . Nona. 3222 Gilbert , Au stin , TX 78703; tw o daughters. Mrs. Barbara Smith and Marcia Fae Leona rd , both of Austin ; two brothers, two ister<; and three grandso ns.

Leo L. Burnet writes that he is, "82 and going strong- took on a new bride a yea r ago." Leo and Cleo are honey· mooning at 307 Seville Bldg., Orchid Springs, Winter Haven , FL 33880.

1926 John H. Rood's new address is P.O. Box 334. Fredericktow n, MO 63645 . John i ret ired. Harry an d Luella Birchard report that they are enjoy ing retirement and the Florida weather. Their add ress is 38 11 Roya l Palm Dr. , Bradenton, FL 33505.

1927 Joh n Zoller, 6046 E. 57 th Place, T ulsa, OK 74 13 5, and his wife, Alice, are not pla nning on a quie t retirement, beca use John just ca n't seem to retire. John is circu lat ion director fo r Newspaper Prin· ting Corp. and was schedu led to retire las t mon th , after 55 yea rs in the business. But with loose ends to tie up and the paper carriers being computeriz· ed, well , they're going to need a ci rcula· tion consultant two or three days a week anyway .

Henry0 at 2005 62704. just livir older eat

Erwin C. 1300 E. 84062. E have ju~ Caribbea the 50th

Ren and 7106 Ro Ren is a worked Anne ce Annivers

Walter I February Hal Wil Keller 1\ member address is of Misso 65201.


The addr new brid( dalia, Me

Elmer S Webster that Geo M.S.M.fl on Febru


Alumni Personals ______________________ Thomas O. English 605 Bergstrom PI. Marshall, TX 75670

x 135. at he is Jinny

We art eat St. ay and in late rd to mailing ~ a r y is



50-YEAR REUNION At Commencement May 11, 12, 13 George Willard Talley of Route 5, Box 276, Hayward , W[ 54843 , died January 19, 1979, after a short illness, He is sur, vived by his wife, Elda,


ctly in , func, ate the as my )8 Sue,

Henry O. Scheer and his wife Helen li ve at 2005 Dial Court , Springfield, [L 62704, Henry writes, " Nothing new , just living from day to da y and getting older each da y,"

'82 and bride a honey, Orchid

Erwin C. and Shirley B. Hoeman li ve at 1300 E, 690 S , Pleasant Grove, UT 84062, Erwin is retired, He and Shirley have just returned from a delightful Ca ribbean Cruise and are planning for the 50th M,S,M, reunion in 1980,


0, Box John is

)rt that tnd the is 3811 33505.

:, Tulsa, are not because John is ler Prin :0 retire in the o tie up Iputeriz, circula'

,a week

Ren and Anne Lucille Beatty li ve at 7106 Roland, Nort hwoods, MO 63121, Ren is a retired electrical engineer. He worked for Union Electric, Ren and Anne celebrated their 52nd Wedding Anniversary on December 25 , 1978 ,

Andrew W. Kassay reports that he and Julia Mae are contin uing to enjoy retirement. Home is 1559 Eastgale Rd" Toledo, OH 436 14,

1933 James F. McDonald writes that he is; "Recovering nicely from one hell of a heart attack Nov, 15 , 1978," Jim and Janey live at 7085 E, 52nd Place, Tulsa, OK 74 145, Vernon L. Asher, of 1350 Craig Dr. , Kirkwood, MO 63 122 , reports that he was unable to attend his 45t h class reu' nion because of being the protocol chairman of the national convention of the Ret ired Officers Association on the same date, Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Durward E. Fagan Box 139 Palos Hts., IL 60463

R. C. SOLOMON R. C. Solomon retired Dec, 31, 1978, as vice president of Quality Control , Granite City Steel after a 43-year career in the steel industry , He received the Professional Meta llurgical Engineer Degree from UMR in 1974, the the Distinguished Service Award from Southern [Ilinois Un ive rs ityEdwards ville in 1978, and was named Galvanizer of the Year in 1974 by Zink Inst itute, Inc, He is a member of many professional organizations and is very active in civic affairs in southwestern Illinois, Russ and his wife Edna li ve at 409 Sunset Dr. , Edwards vi lle, [L 62026, They have six children. Robert W. Johnson has been enjoying golf and gardening since his retirement in 1972 as a construction engineer. He and G ladys, also a golfer, reside at 220 E. Court, Paris, [L 61944,

1936 Robert C. Weigel 120 Emerald Dr. Danville, CA 94526


Elmer Sperling of 2 12 Papin Ave " Webster Groves, MO 63 11 9, reports that George H. Fletcher, a student at M,S,M, from 1930 to 1934, passed away on February 22 , 1979,

( .:{

Robert F. Hippler is operating a consulting business in alluvial mineral prospect ing and mining, He and Merle reside at 6 1060 Kings La ne, Sp, 123 , Bend , OR 977 01.

Walter D. Keller was honored at the February meeting of the A[ME with the Hal Williams Hardinge Award, Dr. Keller was cited as "an outstanding member of the mineral industr y," His address is 305 Geology Bldg" University of Missouri,Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201.

The address of Henry R. Herron and his new bride, Ruth , is Rt. I, Box 208 , Vandalia, MO 63382,


Robert P. "Dusty" Rhoades of 169 Eastwood Dr. , Sa n Francisco, CA 94 11 2, will be moving to 1421 Siskiyou Dr. , Carson Cit y, NV 8970 I, on May 1. Dusty said, "Have enjoyed San Francisco for 33 years, but now think a more rural comm unit y will be better for me,"

1935 August P. Koopmann reports that he and his wife, Dorothy , have traveled extensively since his reti rement , including several trips to visit his son Bruce ('65) in Cali fornia , Aug ust hopes to attend the 45t h reunion of the Class of '35 in 1980,

R. W. Simmons retired from the active pract ice of dentistry in January, but continues to serve as a consultant to the State Dept. His address is 10412 Farnham Dr., Bethesda, MD 20014,

1937 Warren L. and Maxine Donnelly have moved to 2040 Mittenwald Dr. , No, 405 , Colorado Springs, CO 80907, Warren is retired,

MSM,UMR Alumnus125

Alumni Personals ______________________ r937 Continued T he A lumni Office has been no tifi ed that Thomas Winston Wom mack of V irginia Beach, V A , died in Febr uary of 1975. Frank S. M illard at tended AOPEC ex · ploration conference in Ku wa it in Dec. and presented a paper on formation eva luation. He lectured during th e fall semes ter at th e U ni v. of Houston 's department of geology and is very busy doing consu lting work in the U.S.A. and overseas. Frank said , " I enj oy m y can· su iting work immensely." He and Kay li ve at 102 11 Holly Springs, Houston , TX 77246.

J. Crai g Ellis w rit es, "was reall y good to see old classmates at our 40 th re union. Hope to see some in A ri z. or Ca lif. thi s w inter or spring. " C raig and Joan li ve at 450 1 N. Wheeling. Bldg 6A Un it 201. Muncie. I N 47304 .

John P. Soult 37 Frontenac Estates St. Louis, MO 63131

26 / MSM · UMR Al umn u s

1940 I

J. E. R: manager Pauli re: KS6721

Guy Bf( dent of [ Petrolan reside al Houston

John R. and Marcella Long li ve at Rt. 3, Box 442 . Bo nne T erre. MO 636 2S. John has retired from Meramec M ining Compan y and moved to T erre Du Lac near Bonne Terre .


John C. thony, f from the mand il engineer America


BElDING H. McCURDY When Belding H . McCurdy retired from engineering management in the automotive business in the Detroit area , he " just cou ld not do nothing" H e mov · ed to the St. Pet ersburg area and bought into the Insurance Center Inc. and found his engineer in g training in · va luab le in dealing w ith mathemati ca l problems of in surance ri sks and rating. A few years ago his son , Wade , joined th e firm , and when a senior pa rtn er retired, th ey purc hased 65% of th e com· pan y and cha nged th e nam e to In· surance Corner. The y also installed an in · house comp uter in order to bet ter serve their clients. Belding is act ive on th e Board .of ~i r ectors o f th e MSM · UMR Alumni A ssoc iat ion. He and his wife Rub y li ve at 7400 Sun Island Dr .. S, N o. 711 South Pasedena, FL 337 07 .


MELVIN E. NICKEL Melvin E. Nickel, a past pres ident of th e MSM ·UM R A lumni A ssociati on. has been elec ted an Honorar y M ember of th e AIME . M el rece ived th is high awa rd at th e annual banquet of th e A IM E in New Orleans on Februar y 2 1. 1979. He is presen tl y manager·fa cilit y planni ng with Environd yne I ndustri es- Wi scon· sin Steel. H e and M ary Lou ise res ide at 1060 I S. H ailliit on A ve .. Chi cago. I L 60643.

1939 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: H ubert S. Barger Barger Engineerin g P. O. Box 2507 Evansville, I N 47714

JOHN P. SaULT John P. Sou lt has heen honored by th e Beavers w ith Ihe grant of a $~. OO() sc holarshi p to UMR in his naille. John is president and chairill an of th e board of F ruCon. a Illeillber of U M R's Acad emy of C ivil Engineers. & a past presiden t of th e Bea vers. He recei ved th e Honorar y Doctor of Engineering Degree fro lll UM R in 1970.

1940 Raymond P. and V irginia L. Helling ha ve mo ved to 303 Colon y Dr. N. Ellenton. FL 33532. Ray retired Ma y 30. 1978 . Eugene and Margaret Olcott , R t. I . Bo x 16. Shepherdstown. WV 25 443. ha ve cO Ill[Jleted des ign and co nstru cti on of th eir new hO llle on a hil l ove rlooking Sheph erd stow n. Th eir hOlll e has solar water and air hea t and their herd of black angus ca n be Illonit ored frolll th e win dows.

Andy C, with th( Center, r qUlfles C( address I 65401.


at Gatell burgh, PI president Laughlin burgh


Russell ' forecast Bell Tele Telecom I SA. in forecastir quiremen Wichita,

Frederick W. He iser 16 Viking Dr., C herr\ Hi ll Englewood, CO 110 I 10

Herbert D. Sturg es has bee n promo ted 10 presici en l of S. PS Tec hn ologies. Ae rospace ~lJld I nd ust ri aI Prod ucts Di vi· ,ion . w ilh [Jlant s in Jenkintown , PA: Sa nt a A na. CA : and C leve land. O H . Herb and M ar'ie li ve at 23 0 East Road. Doy les town . PA I S90 1

Joseph W . Moon c ~ 7383 W estmoreland Sf. L ouis, MO 63130

han M. N iedling is enjoy ing reti rement al 100S 3rd St.. Sleve ns Point. WI 544 SI .

K. A, at 126 1 Ca

15146. K

tant in tI Steel Cor

John and

RUSSia in 109 in OCI SE, SI. P,


Alumn; Personals ______________________ J940 Continued

Ronald L. Carmichael has changed his departmental affiliation from engineering management to mining at UMR .


J . E. Rakaskas is now the operations manager of Theodore Gore. He and Pauli reside at 333 S. Oliver. Wichita. KS67218.

1945 William Clark Powell, Jr., died on September 15, 1978. Bill graduated from the Naval Academy in 1947. He was an engineer for Boeing in Seattle. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ann , three sons, two brothers, Walbridge Powell and Julian Powell, and a sister Patricia Yost. He was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha at UMR.

Guy Brow~. has been elected presi· dent of Drilling Tools, Inc .. a division of Petrolane. Inc. Guy and Mary Lucille reside at 10822 Roaring Brook Lane. Houston. TX 77024.

1941 John C. (Clack) Wagner of 670 I S. Anthony , Ft. Wayne, IN 46816, retired from the Army Aviation Systems Command in St. Louis as a materials engineer. He is a member of the American Society of Metals.

I bl the S2.000 e. John e board UMR's . a past 'eceil'ed lOeering

Helling Dr. N. ed Mal

. Rt I. ~5lL1.

otruction rloo~ing

las solar ~ir herd 'ed from

romo ted nologies. ,etS Dili· .I'n. PA: nd OH. ,t Road.

:tirement lint WI

Andy Cochran, a research supervisor with the Rolla Metallurgy Resea rch Center, reports that he has had 150 inquiries concerning his physics thesis. His address is Rt. 4, Box 99, Rolla ,. MO 6540 I. Jennings R. and Josephine Lambeth live at Gateway Towers, Apt. II -C, Pittsburgh , PA 15222. Jennings is senior vice president, commercia l; fo r Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation in Pittsburgh.

1942 Russell W. Hollander, retired general fo recast manager with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. , is in Brazil adv ising Telecomunicacoes do Rio de Janeiro S.A. in establishing lo ng term forecasting equipment distribution requirements. Home is 1112 N. Westfield , Wichita, KS 67212. K. A. and Betty Schowalter reside at 1261 Catali na Dr. , Monroeville, PA 15146. Ken is a senior research consultant in the research laboratory of U.S. Steel Corp. in Monroeville. John and Barbara Olsen plan to visit Russia in June and Rolla for Homecoming in October. Home is 4494 Trout Dr. , SE, SI. Petersb urg, FL 33705.

1946 LOUIS B. WISSLER Louis B. Wissler really does work and the above picture is by way of proof. He is facility engineer at General Atomic Co. Lou and Elise live at 641 Savoy St.. San Diego, CA 92 106. Edward T. Kendall is enjoyi ng retirement since he has time to rebuild an antique Ford and fly a J-3 Piper Cub. He and Frances reside at 4829 Currituck Dr., Charlotte, NC 28210.

1944 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Robert W. Klorer Klorer Co. 7500 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121 Hans E. Schmoldt Schmoldt Engr. Services, Co. 526 S. Seminole Bartlesville, OK 74003 Ernst A. Weinel 1502 W. 50th O'Fallon, IL 62269 Thomas J. and Mildred Mazzone have moved to 44071 Kings Gate Dr., No.2, Sterling Heights, MI 48078. Tom is a dev. product engineer for Ford MOlor Co. in Sterling Heights.

The Rev. Robert L. Mann has been appointed to serve a shared ministry for the United Methodist-Presbyterian Churches in Willow Springs. His and Shirley's address is P.O. Box 157 , Willow Springs, MO 65793.

1947 Ron H. and Mary Tappmeyer live at 2226 Country Club Dr. , Sugarland, TX 77478. Ron is executive vice president of Reading and Bates Drilling Co. in Houston. James Wylie has been promoted to the position of division supervisor-sw itching engi nee r with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. He and Barbara reside at 27 12 Meridan Place, Oklahoma, City, OK 73127. Elroy Cueto has been named vice president of Quality Control at Granite City Steel, succeed ing R. C. Solomon, '35. He has been with GCS since 1949. Cueto & his wife Louise live at No. 43 Twin Lakes Dr. , Troy , IL 62294. They have five chi ldren and three grandchildren.

1948 James R. Bowman lives at 14520 Tramore Dr. , Chesterfield, MO 63017 . Jim is chief engineer for· the Terminal Rai lroad Association of St. Louis. R. Allen Crosby has retired. He and Betty have moved to 1655 Henrietta St. , Redlands, CA 92373.

MSM -UMR Alumnus 127

Alumni Personals _____________________ Phil Browning and his famil y transferred to Brazil on October I, 1978 , and are plann in g a vacation at home in Logansport , LA , in Ju ly. Phil is operations manager for Shell Oil at their offshore dri ll ing site nea r Rio De Janerio.

Donald G. Debolt 9122 Raeford Dr. Dallas, TX 75243 William H. Ga mm on 158 Deerin g Ct. Russell, KY 411 69 Nick Holloway, J r. 149 Pipers Hill Rd. Wilton, CT 06897

Alutr 1950 ,

Robert Mimosa. that thei '73. is pi 63rd 51.. working; Santa Fe Mr Schn Frisco R; Jo hn J. ~

BERNARD J. SEXAUER Bernard J. Sexauer has been appointed sa les manager of Bron ze Products for NL Bea ringslNL Industries, Inc. He will have com plete responsibilit y for directing the sale of " Bunting" sleeve bearings, bar and special machined parts, cast bronze and powder (P /M) metal parts. Mr. Sexauer and his wife reside at 3729 Rose Glenn , Toledo, OH 43615. Michael C. and Margaret Zwirble's new address is c/o Loop, Inc .. P.O. Box 11 58 , Harvey , LA 70059. Mike is an environmental manager.

Arthur L. Tucker has been transferred from Pensaco la. FL. and placed in charge of the Consoer Tow nsend & Associates' Puert o Rico office. He and Babs are li ving at Coral Beac h Towers No.2. Apt. 1002. Isla Verde. Sa n Jua n. PR 0041 3.

Gust K. building; wood. IL Home is City IL I


H. E. and 969 M a n ~ MO630 1 services II'

LESTER E. FIELDS After his retirement from Kennametals. Lester E. Fields and his wife Anne moved to 552 Muirfield Dr. , Atlantis. FL 33462, and Les beca me self-employed as president of Ra y's Equi pment Co.

Dal'id . plant engi S GYPIU Lake Alat

Lester "V Wilbert F. Stoecker is recipient of the first Halliburton Educa tion Leadership Award . estab lished by the Halliburton Edu ca ti o n F ound a ti o n, In c. , to recognize a UIUC engineering fac ult y member who has demonstrated leadershi p in engineering educa tion. Stoecker is professor of mechanica l engineering at the Uni versit y of Illinois-Urbana. He and Pa tricia li ve at 1506 S. Maple, Urbana, IL 6 180 I. Arthur Tapperson, Jr., of 4425 But ler Hill Rd , St. Louis, MO 631 28 , has been named manager of Union Electric's power plaQts. Mrs. Bonnie J. Wibbling has notified the Alu mni Office of the death of her husband William Wibblin g on May 23. 1978 . 28 / MSM -UMR A lu mnu s

of the Cor Lab and

1949 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Robert D. Bay 222 Magna Carta Dr. St. Louis, MO 63141 Richard M. Otto R. M. Otto Co. Inc. 4318 Whittier I ndianapolis, IN 46226 Lt'on ard L. Schuler, J r. I 25!W Markairc Dr. S .. 1.ouis, MO 631 4 1 Jot' N. Strllhert 2300 Dirol Dr. S .. LOlli~ . MO 6,,1 ,, 1

J AM ES B. McG RATH James B. McGrath of 12425 B::li wyck Lane. St Louis. MO 63131. has bee n elected chairm an of the Nati ona l Co nstructors Assoc iation. Jim is vice president of Fru -Con Corp and also serves the MS M-UM R Alu mni Association as \ icc pres ident. He is a member of Chi Epsiloll and a chaner member of the UM R Academv of Civil Enginee rs. He recl'ntly co mpleted :1 three-yea r term as gove rn ~ r oJ' th e Missouri At hleti c Cl ub in St. l.ouis. Jim and his wife Terr y have t h rcc ,uns.

principal and fOUIl{ struction Joan\ add

dale. IL 6.

Robert Va City. I Illade a pc of Black engincerlll nlenlher 0 Engineers. \a~

palt prel

Otlo L. Van Maerssen contin ues as :.I n engin eerin g specialist with Vought Co rp. His add res, is 4207 Will iam , burg Rd .. Da lla, . TX 7522 0.

SpcciflcalJ lecturer fc the Crout Thomas 1\ Illg at U 1


Alumni Personals _______________________ J950 Continued Robert and Pat Schmidt of 2009 M im osa. Springfie ld. MO 65804. w ril e Ihal Iheir so n, Robert Mark Schmidt, '73. is presentl y residing al 142 14 W. 63rd S1.. Shawnee. KS 662 16 . and is wo rkin g as an induslrial engineer t'or th e Santa Fe Railroad in Kan as Ci ty. KS. Mr. Schmidt is manager of safety fo r th e Frisco Railroad in Spri ngfie ld.

lsferred Iced in send & He and Towers nJuan.

John J. Sakonyi, an elec trica l supt. w it h Gust K . Newber'g Co nstru ction Co .. is building a nuclear powe r plant at Braid ¡ wood. I L for Commonweal th Ed ison. Home is o ~4 Exchange Ave .. Cal umet City. IL 60409.

1951 H. E. and An n Kennedy have moved to 969 Mansionhill Dr .. No. 177. Ball win. MO 630 II . H e is manager-cngineerin g services with Pfi zer G enetics. In c. David U. G illen has been promoted to plant engineering superint ende nt by U. S. Gyp'>um. H e and Pall li ve al 108 Lak e Al abas ler. Tawa~ Ci ty. M I 48763.


las been 1al Con ce pres l ' a serres ialion al r of Chi r of Ihe eers. He ' lerm al

:l1C Club rr) hiM

leI a\


Voug hl amlburg

Lester "Woody" Holcomb is th e ow ner of the con sulting firm of Holco mb Test Lah and Foundat ion Enginee rin g. It s prin cipal fie ld of engineeri ng is solids and foundalions and all types of co nstru ction malerial s testin g. W oody and J oan'~ address is R.F .D. NO.7 . Ca rbon dale. I L 6290 I. Robert Vansant of 435 E. 55 th SI.. K anCilY. MO 641 10 ha '> rece nlly been mad e a pan ner in Ih c engin ea ing fir'm of Bl ack and V ea lch. Bob. a civil engineer in g grad uale at' M .S. M . ami a memher of Ih e Uivl f{ Acadcm y (If Ci\ il En gin ee r'> . also ha'> a J. I) . degrcc. A pa '> l rre'-.ide ll l of Ihe Co nslr'uclion Speeifical ion'> In'> liluI C_ he ha'> hee n a leclUrer for Ihe U Mf{ Dewa lerin g anJ thc ( iroulin g Sh m l Cour,c,. Bob\ ,on Th oma, i'-. a frc'-.h man in civ il e n ~r n ~cr ing al UMR .


Rob ert D. and Ruth M. Heetfield have moved to 5863 San Reno Dr., Sy lvania, OH 43560. Bob is super visor of a meta llurgica l labora tory for Jeep Corporalion in Toledo.


1952 Joseph G . Wargo has es tab lished a geo logic co nsulting office specializing in mineral explora ti on and management of mineral properti es. In addition to opera tin g his ow n firm. Dr. Wargo is cofounder . and wi ll be affili ated with San Francisco Min ing Associa tes. a newl y form ed co nsulting group offering worldwide services in the area of mineral resou rce development. Dr. Wargo. his wife Edilh and daughter Leah reside at 21 Birchwood Place. Moraga. CA 94556. Anot her daughter. Kim. is a se nior in geo logy al Ihe Un iv. of Ca li f. Waldemar D. and Lorraine B. Stopkey li ve al 1405 Moss Ln., Ri ve r Ridge . LA 70123 . W aldemar is ge neral manager of engineering support ser vices fo r Walk . Ha ydel. and Associates. Inc. in New Orleans. John B. Nolan is work ing with the 11 ' Ii nois Depl. of Tran spanat ion as In ventor y, Ralin g and In ves ti ga ti on Engr. and is se rvin g as a member of th e Na ti ona l Cooperati ve Highway Resea rch Program Board for th e project " Inspeclion and Sl re ngth Eva luati on of Co ncrete Brid ges." He and Maxine live at 66 Ci rcle Dri ve. Springfield. I L 62703. Quentin J . and Peggy Schiene have moved 10 8019 Pine Green. Humb le, TX 77338. Quentin is regional sa les' manager for George P. Reintj es Co. Inc. in Hum ble . James R. Boyle is the U.S. Bureau of Mines' Liai'>on Officer-A laba ma . In ad dilio n 10 his regu lar work , he is prese nt ly lcachin g one course in mining at th e Linivcr, il Y of A labama . H e said il is '¡Inll'rc\ling. hUI lilcse engineering , luJcnl ' will keep you 011 yo ur toes." .1 1m and I. uc ille live al <) Foresl M anor, I ol'lilporl. I\L )) 476.

CLA Y ROBBINS Clay Robbins, 343 Fawnlake. Houston, TX 77079, has been named general man ager -sw i tched service s for Southwestern Bell in Houston as a result of their maj or restructuring plan to reali gn th e company along market lines. Rob bins and his wife Pauline have three daughters and two sons. John R. McDonald has been promoted to senior superv isory geologist with Exxon. He and Joyce reside at 3505 Seaboard , Mid land. TX 79703. Donald G. Bardon has been promoted lead engin ee r-electronics w ith McDonnell Douglas. Home is 1450 Ascot Terrace, F lori ssa nt , MO 63033 . 10

Bob L. and Jo Paulsell have moved to 25507 N. Radbrook PL. Va lencia. CA 9 1355. Bob is ass istant general superintendent for Texaco Inc. in Los A ngeles. Ralph L. Kuster, J r. and his wife, Joa nne. li ve at 5474 Honey leaf Way, Daylon, OH 45424. Ralph is a colonel in the USAF and Ch ief, A ir Force Slructures Div . at Wri ght Patterso n A ir Force Base. Frederick R. Wagner has moved to 40 15 C. Britt any Circle , Bridgeton, MO 63044 . Fred is principal specialist for McDonnell Douglas Automation in St. Loui s.

MSM -UMR Alumnus 129

Alumni Personals ________________ ______ J949 Continued

Mrs. Josephine Breitwieser has notified the Alumni Office of the deat h of her husband Robert of 420 V2 W. Jefferson, Pittsburg, KS 66762 , on May 30, 1978. Robert was the vice president in charge of research and dev~lopment for the W. S. Dickey Clay Co. at the time of his death. R. William Helm of 11431 Swa llow St. , Coo n Rapid s, MN 55433 , di ed September 22, 1978. He had been employed by the Cornelius Compan y in Anoka, MN , and was . director of engineering at the time of his death. Bill is survived by his wife Elizabeth.

Roland and Jan Niederstadt ha ve mov ed to 1325 Howell , Beaumont, TX 77706, and Roland has accepted a position with Mobil Oil as general manager of their refinery in Beaumont. Warren and Betty Hagan have moved to No. 40 Hickory Point Court, Decatur, IL 62526. Warren is president of Warren E. Hagan Co nstructing Engineers, Inc.


1953 C

Mrs. Ha notified t her husb

BellYL. I office th: Greaves,


1950 ROBERT D. BAY The U.S. Senate has confirmed the nomination by President Carter of Robert D. Bay as Major Genera l of the United States Arm y Reserve. General Bay is a prominent civil engineer with Black & Veatch and commander of the 416th Engineer Command in Chicago . He is president-elect of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association , vice president of the E~gineers' Club of St. Louis, a past national director of the American Society of Civil Engineers, state director of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers, and a member of the Missouri Athlet ic Club and the Rotary Club of St. Louis. Bob and his wife Peggy live at 222 Magna Ca rta Dr., Creve Couer, MO 63 141 .

Marvin E. Smith is presently technica l director with Subsurface Disposal Corp. Home for Marvin and Jeanne is 5035 Dumfries, Houston , TX 77096. The Alumni Office has been notified that John Thomas Hilgenbri nk died suddenly in May of 1977. Robert and Betty Jean Ponder have moved to 7709 E. 66 St. , Tulsa, OK 74133 . Bob is manager of Refining & Transportation -Mid Continent at Champlin Petro leum Co.

E. J. Telthorst of 1415 Tina Dr. , Florissant , MO 63033, has been appointed director of Union Electric's Power Operations function with responsibi lity for all generating plants.

Carl J. and Rena Danzer have moved to Apt. 6-1 4646 Na le nsville Rd , Nashville, TN 37211. Carl is a supervisory engineer for the Corps of Engineers in Nashvi lle. Joseph N. Strubert is work ing as a project manager with 1. S. Alberici . He and Kathleen li ve at 23 00 Divot Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63131,

30/ MSM -UMR A lu mnu s

DENNIS L. EIDSON Dennis L. Eidson, 357 1 Atdoann Dr. , Hoover, AL 35226, vice presidentengineering and manufacturing, Quartrol Corp. , had a fata l heart attack on Feb. 3, wh ile in Johannesburg, South Africa , on a business trip. He joined the Quartrol Corp . in 1977. Mr. Eidson is survived by his wife, Ann Dougherty Eidson, five sons, a daughter and two grandch ildren. David and Lucille Grimm have moved to 336 Round Hill Road , Fairfield , CT 06430. David has a new position as vice president of Richard Dudgeon Inc.

WILLIAM J. VARK William J. Vark of 5840 S Kingston Ave., Tu lsa, OK 74 135 , has been appointed assistant vice president of Beth lehem Stee l Co rporation's sup ply division , headqu<lrtered in Tu lsa. He was form erl y manager of sa le, for the nort hern district of th e supp ly divis ion.

Enrique Heller of 66-5 0 Booth St. Rego Park Queens, New York NY 11374, is off to Kabul , Afghanistan, for one year on a U.N. technical mission. Donald N. and La Von Lockett live at 2024 S Florida Ave., Joplin , MO 6480 I. Don is vice preside n t, Commercial Product s with Eagle Picher In dustr ies in Joplin .

Joe E, I manager. for the Helicopte their horr Worth. T Dan and lins had I,

Frank Cfj dent of hi COllnties. Galconda.


Charles \ wilh Ihe Corps of 68 St.. 01'

Bob Slims 23Y1 years He now pi farn] The Oneela, is mgs. MO I

Philip p, ( regional Sa division's I duslrial Sa Los Angel TrClolile i~


Ie mov. nt, TX Ia posi. nanager

moved Court. resident trueting

Dr., resident· ~, Quar tack on ;, South ined the :idson is lugherty !Od tWO


: moved ield, CT n as vice Inc.

St. Rego

11374, is one year

tt live at lin, MO :ommef ' chef In·

Alumni Personals _______________________ J953 Continued Mrs. Harry John Schiermeyer, Jr., has notified the alumni office of the death of her husband on 111617 7. Bett y L. Greaves has advised the alum ni office that her husband. Bruce Anton Greaves, died September 18. 19 76.

1954 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Frank B. Conci P. O. Box M Galconda, IL 62938 J . Robert Patterson Show-Me, Inc. P. O. Box 573 Sikeston, MO 63801 Joe E. Gray has bee n promoted to manage r, medi um helicopter marketing fo r the U.S and Ca nada wirh Bell Helicopter. Joe and Ed ith were visited at their home at 3728 Billie Fa ye Dr .. Ft. Wonh. TX 76 11 8. in late December by Dan and Shirley Martin '5 2. The Martins had left Iran and co uldn't retu rn . Frank Conci is the count y superinten dent of highways for Hard in and Pope co unties. His address is PO. Box M. Ga lconda. IL 62938.

1955 Charles W. Schuman is an es timator with the Ka nsas Cit y district of the Corps of Engineers. Home is 6 100 W. 68 St, Overland Park. KS 66204. Bob Stimson retired Apr il I , 1979 after 23 V2 years with the Mo. Highway Dept He now pla ns to raise feeder pigs on his farm. The add ress for Bob and his wife. Onee ta, is PO. Box 312. Will ow Springs. MO 65793. Philip P. Corneli has been promo ted to regional sales manager for the Treto lit e division's Pacific Coas t refinery and in dustria l sales region. and h a~ mo ved to Los Angeles to assume hi" new du tie,. Tretol ite is a division of Pctrol it c COql.

ARTHUR G. BAEBLER Arthur G. Baebler of 20 Fox Meadows, Sunset Hills, MO 63 127 , has been named executive viee preside nt of Regional Commerce and Growth Associat ion (RCGA) in St Louis. He will cont inue to head the RCGA economic developmenr div ision. An is a vice president of the MSM -UMR Alum ni Association , a board member of the Missouri Chamber of Co mmerce Execu tives. secretary of the Misso uri Adv isory Council on Vocational Education , and secretar y of the Missouri Finance Corp. He and his wife I va have two sons, bot h engineer ing student s.

BERNIE MALSON Bernie Malson has been elected vice president-Economics and Planning, of Transocean Oil, Inc. His home address is 11010 Wainfleet Lane, Houston , TX 77 096. Bu rt H. Robbins is a computer specialist wit h Union Carbide. Home is 10748 Mercury Dr. , Concord, TN 37720.

1958 Charles and H. Y. Lin have a new mailing address: P.O. Box 113 , Hazelwood, MO 63 042. Charles is with McDonnell Douglas.

1956 Harrod A. Oldham, Jr. is the ow ner of Alyea's Specia lty Painting. Home fo r Harrod and Susan is 835 S. Cava lier. Spri ngfield. MO 65802. J. A. Unnerstall has bee n promoted to general manager of IS&MS Dept. at Sta ndard Oi l Compan y (Ind iana). He and Theresa li ve at 20900 Spa rta Lane, Olympia Fields. I L 6046 1.

1957 Joel "Nick" Cooksey of 4 1 G reenridge Dr .. Carlin ville, IL 626 26 , died Dec. 31, 1978. of a heart attack. He is sur,vived by his wife Sandra and their childre n: John. assistan t director of Labor Relati ons. Wes tmoreland Coal Co .. Beck ley, WV : Ja na, se nior at Western Illinois Univ .: Gregory , junior at Black burn College: and Chuck . fres hm an at Illinois State Un iversit y. Nick W3S employed by Mont cl"ey Coa l Co.

William D. Walker, 13695 SW Hargis Rd .. Beaverton, OR 97005 , has been named executive vice president and chief operati ng office r of Tektronix Inc. Wallace E. Northup, 709 Fifth St., Mosinee, WI 54455 , has announced his ca ndidacy for mayor of that city. He is a territorial sa les represe ntative for Medusa Cement Corp. , Cleveland, OH , and has li ved in the Mosinee area for the past four years. James E. Twyman has been promoted by American Hoist & Derrick Co. to director-Quali ty Assurance. He and Ma rgare t live at 6828 Ridgeview Dr. , Edi na, MN 55435. Don L. Mueller has accepted a position as area engineer, Atlanta, with the Corps of Engineers, and moved to 140 I Ca melot Dr. , College Park , GA 30349.

MSM· UMR Alumnus / 3 1

Alumni Personals ----------------------------------------------------J958 Continued Wayne T. Andreas has completed his assignment with Syncrude Canada Ltd. , and has started a new assignment as startup electrical engineer for the experimental coal liqufaction plant being built by the Carter Oil Co. in Baytown, TX. Wayne's new home address is 1802 Whitefeather Trail, Crosby, TX 77532 .

1959 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Jerry R. Bayless UMR 108 Civil Engr. Rolla, MO 65401 Lucien M. Bolon, Jr. 5648 Kirkham Ct. Springfield, VA 22151 Edward E. Hornsey UMR 103 Old Met Rolla, MO 65401 Ronald A. Kibler 1006 Shellbark Muncie, IN 47304

Francis R. Brew has opened his own consulting office as F. R. Brew Consultants, Engineers and Su rveyors. His and Leah's address is Box 124A, RD I, Hudson , NY 12534. Kenneth A. and Patricia Ann Swanson live at 372 2nd St. , Manistee, MI 49660. Ken was recently promoted to plant product superintendent of the MartinMarietta Chemicals Refractories plant in Manistee. A. W. and Bonnie J. Puntney live at 29 Cherry Hill , Mt. Carmel, IL 62863. Al is president of Puntney Engineering, Inc. in Mt. Carmel.

John L. McDaniels is an assistant professor of mathematics at Lew is & Clark Commun ity College. John and Betty reside at 3208 Greenwood Lane, Godfrey , IL 62035. Vincent J. Dudenhoeffer was transferred from Kent land , IN to Centerville, IA and promoted to plant manager by Union Carbide. His address is Rt. 2 East, Terra Vista, Centerville, IA 52544.

Victor DesCamp is now a construction project engineer with Westinghouse Corp. He and Shirley reside at 1860 Alder Ave., Richland, W A 9933 2. Arthur and Lynn Ryter have moved to 19308 Lamarsh St. , Northridge, CA 91324 . Arthur is a senior market support rep. with IBM.

32! MSM -UMR Alumnu s

Herman and Carol Jean Vacca have moved to No. 7 Partridge Place, Robstown , TX 78380. John H. and Barbara Gustafson have moved to 3413 Timber Way SW, Decatur, AL 35603. John is manager, process and equipment tech. for Monsanto Textiles Co. in Decatur. Billy C. and Lee Ann Wade live at 32 Cottonwood, Chatham , IL 62629. Billy is a civi l engineer for the Illinois Dept. of Transportation in Springfield.


Gerald L. Stevenson 515 Rob Roy Lakeland, FL 33803

Don W. Crap nell has been promoted to district construction manager, Western District, American Bridge Div. , U. S. Steel Corp. He is responsible for all construction activities in eleven western states. Don and Loretta live at 8452 Compton Dr. , Huntington Beach , CA 92646.

Jerry and Dorothy Gilmore's new address is Rt. 4, Box 137 , Rolla , MO 65401. Jerry is president of Missouri Engineering Corp.

ROB ERT E. HODGE Robert E. Hodge of 503 Edgebrook . Joliet , IL 6043 5, has been named project coordinator fo r the Natural Gas Pipelin e Co mp a ny of Ameri ca's Trailblazer pipeline project in the Rocky Mountains. He will work out of Natural's Chicago hea dq u ~ r te r s .

Edwin J. Ballantyne, Jr., has accepted a position with Amoco Minerals Co. as chief geophysicist. He and Evelyn have moved to 2578 Alta Ct. , Lisle, IL 60532.


1961 (

George I to 2409 63301. ( for AlveI

George ( to 3222 George i~ AIKYLS

Wendell Swan DI been ap administr and Man dustries. I

Earl R. ( tion of Mountail a new ac OH 457 1

Edward Y. Yakushiji has moved to P.O. Box 130, Dodgeville, WI 53533 . Harry L. Ponzer sends the follow ing update on his activi ties. After graduat ion he worked as a project engineer with Missouri Water Company. He received his Missouri P.E. Registration in 1964 and was awarded You ng Engineer of the Month by the Western Cha pter of MSPE. He joined Riddle Engineering in 1965 and two of the projects he worked on received design excellence awards by the Missouri Consulting Engineer's Council. In 1971. Harry received his Kansas P.E. Registration , and in 1973 he became a partner in Ponzer-SearsYoungquist (pSY). concerned with work in the water and wastewater field. Henry and Mary live at 11219 Worna ll , Kansas City , MO 64 114.

1961 Richard J. Maguire of 1203 Ca llahan Dr. , Alt on, IL 62002, has been promoted by Laclede Steel Company to superintendent of the 8", 22" and Rod Mill De pa rtment at the A lton steelworks.

John L. I Temperan pOinted a Container Inc. He I rnanufacil Atlanla Orleans: L and theCo Toano , VI

Dennis 0 O'Neill & Highway:


lew ad. la, MO I\issouri

:a have Place,

In have Iy SW, lanager, Jr Mon路

Ie at 32 19, Billy Dept of

:epted a Co. as yn have .60532.

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1961 Continued George H. and Rita Jordan have moved to 2409 Westmin ister, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. George is a mechanical engineer for Alvey, Inc. in St. Louis. George C. and Fay Heilig have moved to 3222 Charles, Bay Cliff, TX 775 18 . George is manager of projects for Texas AIKYLS in Deer Park.

Wayne L. Sievers is the head, nondestructive testing section with Mason & Hamer-Silas Mason Co. , Inc. His address is R.R. 3, Box 187M, Amarillo, TX 79107.

Wendell C. Putman of 4872 W. Black Swan Dr. , Shawnee, KS 66216, has been appointed executive directoradministration, Petroleum Production and Manufacturing, for Farmland Industries, Inc.

Lt. Col. David Maune is a battalion commander this year. He and Mary Ellen reside at 1203-0 Hase Dr., Honolulu, HI 96819.

Earl R. Gardner has accepted the position of quality control manager at Mountain State Steel Foundries and has a new address: Route I, Box 6, Belpre, OH45714.

I to P.O.

.ving up路 Iduation :er with received in 1964 ineer of apter of ~ering in worked vards by 19ineer's ived his in 1973 er-Sears路 d with ter field. \Vornal!.

Callahan een pro,panY to and Rod Aiton

Harry O. Schneider is vice president of Continental Piston Ring Co. He and Pamela reside at 390 Dixie Hills Dr., Hernando, MS 38632.

James B. and Mary Marble have moved to 1012 Ida, Morgan City, LA 70380. Jim is district manager for Schlumberger Offshore Services in Morgan City.

Narayan M. Sedalia is a ceramic engineer with Hobart Corp. Home is 1210 Maplecrest Dr., Troy , OH 45373. Craig A. Valentine is now the chief, Civil Engineering Unit with 21 CESIDEEEC at Elmendorf AFB . He and Caroline reside at 3838 Westminister Way , Anchorage, AK 99504.

Dennis O'Neill is doing business as O'Neill & Associates, Star Route (478 Highway 82), Granite, CO 81228.


Wayne and Carole Johner have moved to 14048 Cross Trails Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017. Wayne is a supt.lengineering with GMAD.


JOHN L. HODGES John L. Hodges of 3999 School Rd ., Temperance, MI 48182 , has been appointed a vice president of the Glass Container Division of Owens-illinois, Inc. He has the responsibility for all manufacturing operations at plants in Atlanta, GA, Lakeland, FL, New Orleans, LA , and Winston-Salem , N.C. , and the construction and start-up of the Toano, YA plant.

Tom Coyle has left his job with the Photo Products Dept. at DuPont and has accepted a position with Solar Energy Research Inst. as a task leader in their Ceramics & Glass Div. He and his wife Judith and their daughter Elizabeth live at 1606 S. ,Hoyt St. , Denver, CO 80226,

Aylmer P. Cheng has moved to 15715 T. C. Jester, Houston, TX 77068. He is a senior petroleum engineer with Amoco.

ALLAN H. LaPLANTE Allan H. LaPlante, a director of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, has been promoted to general managerHouston facilities for Continental Oi l Co. His home address is 13102 Holston Hills Dr. , Houston , TX 770(,9 Harry B. and Karen V. Morgan reside at 23 Dewalt Dr. , Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, Harry is a project designer in the envi ronmen tal division for BuchartHorn Engineers, Inc. in York, Carl and Kathryn Roberts' new address is P,O. Box 72 1, Fallon, NY 89406.

Gerald R. and Janet L. Helgeson live at 9923 Forest Glen Dr., Montgomery, OH 45242. Gera ld is a facilities/project engineer for Continental Can Co. in Cincinnati.

R. H. and Judith Sieckhaus live at 10700 Clearwater Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123. Bob is vice president of Strange and Coleman in E. St. Louis, IL.

Lindell H. Elfrink has accepted a position with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as a field engineer. He and Roberta have moved to 4000 Cherry Tree Blvd. , Lake Havasu Cit y, AZ 86403.

B. Brent Gregory has accepted a position in the Aircraft Engine Group of General Electric as engineer/systems analysis. He and Barbara have moved to Nine Livermore Rd. , Boxford, MA 019 21.

MSM路UMR A lu mnus / 33

Alumni Personals _____________________ 1963 Continued Lonnie J. Shalton of 4816 Westwood Road, Kansas City, MO 641 12, has joined the Plaza law firm , Polsinelli, White & Schulte. He intends to con· tinue work as bond counsel to the Jackson County Redevelopment Authority and to retain his one-third in· terest in The Brewery, a Brookside area tavern. Shalton is expected to specialize in real estate and business law. William and Sharon Schanbacher have moved to 1805 Eldora Ct., Richardson , TX 75081.

Raymond A. Fournelle, 1129 N. Jackson St., Apt. 1207-C, Milwaukee, WI 53202 , has been promoted to associate professor with tenure in the mechanical engineering department at Marquette University. Jerry G. Johnson is a computer specialist with McDonnell-Douglas. He and Mary reside at 11664 Arroyo Dr. , Florissant, MO 63033. Hansraj J. and Kashmira Patel li ve at 621 Casti le, EI Paso, TX 799 13. Hansraj is president of Patel/Walter/Church Assoc., Inc. in EI Paso.

1964 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Alfred J. Buescher 2640 Quail Ln. Northbrook, IL 60062 Harry K. Edwards 1453 Huntley Dr. Flint, MI 48507 C. Stuart Ferrell 219 Timothy Lane Carterville, IL 62918

Frank W. King, III 2017 Baffin Bay Plano, TX 75075 David J. Michel 4421 Rolling Brooke Ct. Alexandria, VA 22306 Larry L. Parkinson 2127 Post Rd. Clarksville, TN 37040 Richard and Connie Rosenkoetter are living at 16 Mintert Manor Dr., Ferguson , MO 63 13 5. Mr. Rosenkoetter is president of Cordes Appliance & Furnace Co., Inc. James C. O'Neal li ves at 819 N. Harbor Dr. , No. 35 , Redondo Beach, CA 90277. Jim is a GPS Softwa re Manager fo r Aerospace Corp. in Los Angeles. :J4 / MSM - UMR Alumnus

William and Julie Crede li ve in Koeltztown , MO 65048. Bill is owner of Fab Building Center in Jeff City Alan E. Stricker was promoted to materials manager for General Refactories Co. In this position he is responsible for the purchasing and manufacturing control departments. Mr. Stricker has been with Genera l Refractories since graduat ion. He and his wife Joyce and their son reside at Box 364, RFD I, Eighty Four, PA 15330. Robert and Tatchie Ann Vogelpohl have moved to 730 Third St. , Norco, CA 91760. Bob is a sen ior design engineer with Genera l Automation , Inc. Robert D. and Di xie Lee Range have moved to 2436 20th St. , Lake Charles, LA 7060 I . Bob is a. field service manager for Schlumberger Off Shore in Lake Charles.


William H. and Judith Daniels live at 3918 Byers Rd. , Delaware, OH 43015. Bill is a program engineer-advanced applications for General Electric Co.· Specialt y Materials Dept. in Wor· thington. William Howell Branum has a new position as president of Trinity Testing Laboratories, Inc. He and Jud y have moved to 3211 Old Blue Ridge. San Antonio, TX 78230. Charles and Ann Rothwell, Jr., have moved to 2504 Cunningham , Pearland, TX 77581. Charles has a new position with Beaumont Well Works as QA/QC Manager. Alvis T. Robertson, Jr., and his wife Sally, have moved to 6983 Old Troy Pike, Dayton , OH 45424. AI is a capta in in the U.S . Air Force, stationed at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Fai rborn. Robert H. and Kathi Schlutow were married on November 24, 1978. They li ve at 25 20 Grand Ave ., Apt . 414, Kan· sas City , MO 64108. Bob is a division staff supervisor for Southwestern Bell in Kansas Cit y. James R. Cunningham of 1489 Royal Spring Dr. , St. Lou is, MO 63 126, has been appointed vice president of produc· tion for Blank and Wesselink & Associates, engineers and consultants. James and Peggy Hamilton have moved to 180 Sa lt Creek Dr. , Mannford , OK 74044 Jim has accepted a position with Oklahoma Steel Castings as a technical director.

Ladimir J. Aubrecht, Jr., is a man ager, Brass Ex pansion with the Brass G roup of Oli n Co rp . He and June res ide at 4450 Friarwood , Alton. IL 62 00 2.

David A. Elliott has accepted a position with E. H. International as senior design enginee r. H is new mailing address is P. O. Box 6035 4. Sunn yva le. CA 9408 8.

Stephen K. Lee has been elected vice president of the explorati on and produc· tion div ision of Sub ur ba n Propa ne Gas Corp. Home is 26 14 Whisper Leaves, Sa n Antonio. TX 78230.

Gc of and Dee Goldbogen announce the birth of Jeremy Authur . Geo f is now asst. prof. of Comput er Science and Electri ca l Engineerin g at Uni on College in Sch3neclady .


1965 j

Dennis engineer States C reside at 77379.

Guy R.I the Shri' is 273 1I UT 841 i

Bertis J. dent of His addr CO8121

Kim and to 3033 MO 6331


Li·Chi C

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James B. Lumber ( SR 287,

Claude E ed to 13:

WA 982'

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9656 Tur 92708 Or senior de: nifin Cor]

Gary L. a 254 Grl> 99352. G staff of B in Richlal

Denn~ an to 836 0 63 131. D COSt accol Douglas!


live at ! 43015. need ap. -ic Co.' Wor.


lew posi· Testing dy have San An-

Jr., have Pearland. position ;QAIQC

.wife Sal· roy Pike. aptain in d at the Base in


Alumni Personals ______________________ 1965 Continued Dennis Worley is an operations & engineering coordinator with Coastal States Gas Corp. He and Sandra now reside at 8210 Forest Ridge, Spring, TX 77379. Guy R, Mace is the general manager of the Shriver Div. of Environtech. Home is 2731 E. Juniper Way , Salt Lake City, UT 84117. Bertis J, Vander Schaff III is the president of Earth Science Materials, Inc. His address is P.O. Box ISS , Florence, CO 81226. Kim and Suzanne Dabner have moved to 3033 Rockwood Trail , St. Charles, MO 63301.

1966 Li·Chi Chow is presently a senior civil engineer with Brown and Root , Inc. He and Grace reside at 10215 Huntington Dale, Houston , TX 77099.


8. They

·14. Kan· division rn Bell in

19 Royal 126. has f prOOuc, elink & ultants.

ie moved ford. OK tion with technical 1 position

ior design Ire is P. . 9408 8. )unce the )f is noll' 'nee and ~ College

James B. Perkins is a partner in Perkins Lumber Co. His and Martha's address is SR 287, Box 2, Steelville, MO 65565. Claude E. and Joan Thomes have moved to 1350 I 51st Ave. NE, Marysville, WA 98270. Claude is manager of product planning for OPCON in Everett. Ashok C. and Ranjan A. Shah moved to 9656 Turtledove, Fountain Valley , CA 92708 on Jan. 28 , 1979. Ashok is a senior design engineer for Parker Han· nifin Corp.

Leonard C. Kirberg has been named an associate of Horner and Shifrin. Len, a director of the MSM -UMR Alumni Association , was named Young Engineer of the yea r by the St. Louis Chapter, MSPE in 1976. He and his wife Mary live at 331 Carmel Woods, Dr , Ellisville, MO 630 II . Charles D. Grace has moved to 103 Marblle Dr , Bridgeville, PA ISO 17. He is mgr. ·pe rso nnel programs with Westinghouse Electric Corp.

1967 Dale R. and Jackie Merrell have moved to 4703 NE 134th St., Vancouver, WA 98666. Dale is a general manager for Clark Co. Public Uti lity District No. I in Vancouver Robert W. and Barbara Cummins Ilve at 2648 E. 39th St., Davenport, IA 52807. Bob is a senior standards engineer for Deere and Co. in Moline, IL.

Edward and Jo Ann Desantis have moved to 24 Mason Dr, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060. Ed is a Lieutenant Colonel and Bat. Commander at Ft. Belvoir.

Ronald E. and Jeanne Evans have mov· ed to OS 545 Madison St. , Winfield , IL 60190. Ron is a senior designer for American Bridge Division of U. S. Steel in Chicago.

Kenneth W. Bowles of 3909 Swiss Ave. , Dallas, TX 75204, plans to graduate in May 1979 with a Th.M. from the Dallas Theological Seminary.

Surendra V. Desai has been promoted to principal project engineer with Mallinckrodt in St. Louis. He and Anjali have moved to 901 Julianna, Fox Creek Estates, Manchester, MO 6301 1.

Charles S. Jungers is vice president, Westinghouse International , Westinghouse Electric Corp. He and Linda receive their mail at P.O. Box 451 , Baltimore, MD 2 1203.

Garry and Anne Brown have moved to 3709 Camino De La Sierra NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111. Garry is a supervisor at Sandia Labs.

Allen G. and Elizabeth (Liz) Behring of 447 South Euclid , Villa Park, IL 60181 , have changed their li fe-sty le slightly lately . They are parents of a new daughter, Jennifer Suzanne. AI is a senior mechanical engineer at Harza Engr Co. and a member of the MSM -UMR Alumni Association Board of Directors.

Gary L. and Winifred B. McVay live at 254 Greenview Dr., Richland , WA 99352 . Gary is on the senior research staff of Batelle-Pacific Northwest Labs in Richland .

Charles A. Gross of 418 Scott St., Auburn , AL 36830, is author of POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS, a text to introduce engineering students to the basic electrical problems associated with the design and operation of electrica l power delivery systems. Dr. Gross is associate professor of elect rical engineering at Auburn University.

Dennis and Joann Johnson have moved to 836 Orpington Ct. , Des Peres, MO 63131. Dennis is now an engineering cost account manager with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics.

James E. West has been appointed as the IBM representative to the American Nat'l. Studies Institute, Committee X4A IS. Home is 33 10 Endicott , Boulder, CO 80303.

Ed and Susan Schmidt and their daughter Sara recently moved to 7743 South 72 East Place, Tulsa, OK 74133. Ed accepted a managerial positon with McGill Inc. , Hydrotech. Howard H. Stine, Jr. has moved to 113 Shady Valley Dr, Chesterfield , MO 63017 . Howard is vice president of Systemaire, Inc. Billy and Linda Sakovich have moved to Rt. 2, Box 219A , California , MD 20619. Bill is lead engineer-design at McDonnell Aircraft. John M. Gentner has been elected vice president-operations for AMF Wyott, Inc. John's address is 1309 Crest Cir, Benton, AR 72015. John M. Sadowski, P.O. Box 242, Beckley, WV 2580 I , has started his own business, Dow Building Products, Inc. They sell and erect a national manufac· turer's pre-engineered metal buildings as well as other construction projects. MSM -UMR Alum nus/ 35

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1967 Continued Gary and Della Woodard have moved to 6903 Scottswood, San Antonio, TX 78239. Gary is an engineer with the U.S. Government. Richard and Nancy Hydzik have moved to 60 Old Oregon, Star Route, Soda Spr· ings, ID 83276. Richard has been pro· moted to Maintenance Engineering Supervisor by Monsanto. William W. Dufresne has been pro· moted to manager, production engineer· ing with Rockwell International. He and Barbara ha ve moved to 2 172 S. 75th East Ave., Tulsa, OK 74129. James W. Carl has been promoted to lieutenant commander and is with the Pacific Div. of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command at Pearl Harbor. Jim and Charlene reside at 863·0 Coral Ave. , Pearl City , HI 96782. Roland M. and Pamela Hill have moved to 300 Woodhill Ct., Warren , OH 44484. Roland is a staff project engi neer for Packard Electric Division in Warren.

1968 Ron and Barbara Chapman have a new baby , Aaron David. Home for the Chapmans is 1006 Crestwood Ct.. Stone Mountain , GA 30087. Clemens P. Drag, Jr., of 12455 Rocket. Florissant, MO 63033, earned his MBA from Saint Louis University in January. He works for Procter & Gamble in their product management department. Edwin C. and Shirley Y. Wang have moved to 9711 Clearwater Dr., Knox vi lle , TN 379 19. Ed works for the Ten nessee Valley Authority in Knoxville. Jane and Refugio Simental have moved to 3200 Encina l Canyon Rd ., Malibu, CA 90265 . Jane has accepted a position with Allied Chem ical Corp. a a B. A. T. Technician. Karl and Lorie Ziegler have moved to 206 Kings Dr. , Florissant, MO 63034.

William Joel Green ha been named manager of Solid Consultant. Inc., a geotechnica l engineering con ulting firm. Bill and hi wife Belinda live at 336 Novara. Ballwin, 1'.10 630 II . Ken Yost and hi wife. Cathy, announce the arrival of their fir t on David John on February 22. The Yost live at 667 Green Hedge Dr., Fenton. MO 63026.

John E. Heitzmann is a mechanical engineer with the U.S.A.F . His add re is 105 B. Vuecre t Ln .. Apt. 1. t. Loui . M0 63125.

Neal D. and Tammy Kolchinsky of 14631 W. 89th St. , Lenexa , KS 66215, are parents of a baby girl born Jan. 16, 1979; wI. 7 lb. 5 oz.; ht. 2 1"; named Leah Michelle. Brother Joey , 2 yrs. old , is a real gentleman , as he has already learned to kiss his sister's hand. Neal is a cost engineer at Marion Labs. Carl DeLong is presently eC. -treas. of the Central Illinois Section , American Society of Civil Engineers. In May , he will become sec.-treas. of the III inoi Society of Professional Engineer. Hi address is P.O. Box 574, Champaign. IL 61820.

RONALD A. SIMMONS Ronald A. Simmons, an intelligence research speciali t with the Foreign Tec hnology Di vi ion at Wright Patter on AFB, wa recen tl y presented a Special Act/Service Award for which he received S400. Home is 4411 Strathaven. Dayton, OH 45424.

Kenneth and Geraldine Lennox have moved to 1105 Country Club Dr. , Ha ys, KS 6760 l. Ken is chief engineer with the Sunflower Electric Coop.

Dennis W. Peal'ler i the general ale manager with Air Product Canada. Hi addre i 2234 Thorn Lodge Dr.. Mi Ont. LSk I K2 . anada .

1969 1

Dennis I director He and Dr.. HOI Richard moved t OH 443 B. F G( Dick ant 2749 Ir 63129. Southwe


Clyde M. Douglass, Jr. is pre ently the a ociate director, Plant Faci litie for the Iowa Methodi t Medical Center. Hi address i P.O. Box 5274, Des Moines, IA 50306. Neal and Marilyn Schaeffer have mov· ed to 9311 Portal, Houston , TX 77031 . Neal is a general engineer with Monsa nto.

Vicki M. Andreae is now a mathematician with the U.S . Air Force. She and Bob (Robert A., '69) live at 14221 N. 23 rd St. , Arlington , VA 22207 .

36/ MSM -UMR A lumnus

Roger M. White received hi Ph.D. in Ph ysics at Ohio Univ. in 1977 and accepted a ~wo - year postdoctoral appoint ment in nuclear phy ic at Ohio Univ. He accepted a po ition as nuclear phy ici st at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in Jan . 1977. and i now residing at 855 Debra St.. Livermore. CA 94550. with his wife Linda.


John R. Brand is a doctoral ca ndidate in electrical engineering at the niver ity of Minne ota . He. Karen and their two daughter. Jessica and Sarah . re ide at 803 ewell Dr .. Apple Valley. M 55124. John L. Roth i a project engi neer with Sund trand Corp. Home i 707 29 th St. , Rockford , IL 6 1108. Ro y Michael Armstrong ha been promoted to as i tant chief foundat ion engineer with Raymond International Build e r. In c. Home i 1300 Woodhollow. o. 5706, Hou ton, TX 77057 .

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Alumni Personals ______________________ '969 Continued Dennis R. Parker has been promoted to director of Adm .-Services with Conoco. He and Sue reside at 5926 Spanish Oak Dr., Houston , TX 77 066. Richard and Rebecca Edwards have moved to 110 I Partridge Lane, Ak ron , OH 44313. Richard is a manager with 8. F. Goodrich. Dick and Shirley Fowler have moved to 2749 Irondale Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63 129 . Dick is an engineer with Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

1969 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:

John J. Berry has been promoted to senior buyer at Westinghouse Electric. He and Cynthia live at 4160 N. Crider Dr. . Bloomington , IN 4740 I. Lynn J. Degenhardt is the pri ncipal engineer of the national heavy ion research faci li ty under construction at Oak Ridge Nationa l Lab. Home is 9103-C Gray land Dr. , Knoxville, TN 379 19. Cheryl Ann Dodson Steffan is a programmer-analyst III with REJIS. She and Michael reside at 4 Brower, Florissant , MO 6303 1. J. S. Eason is an assistant to the vice president-engineering with Anheuser Busch. He and Barbara now reside at 13130 Diamond Ridge Ct. , St. Louis, MO 63 131.

Don M. Ascoli 1404 E. Dunbar Tempe, AZ 85282

Robert S. Bruce 15 Carrswold St. Louis, MO 63105 Austin L. and Loretta B. Ferguson ha ve moved to 15914 Amapola, Houston , TX 77083 . Austi n is a se nior geoph ysicist for Texaco, Inc. in Bellaire. Jerry and Glenda Brown and their two chi ldren , Vadynea Marie and Lesley Allen , have moved to 3112 Allegheny Dr. N.E. , Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Jim my and Becky Massey announce that they have a son, Joshua , born in March, 1978. Their address is Rt. 2, Brenna Ln ., Paducah, K Y 4200 I.

Michael C. and Catherine Sturgeon live at 758 S. Sugarland Run Dr. , Sterling, VA 22170. Mike is a field service engineer for Ford Motor Co.-Climate Control Division in Dearborn, MI. Robert C. and Patricia Farrill live at 55 13 Verlin Dr. , Kansas Cit y, MO 64152. Bob is general manager for Richard G reene Company in Overland Park, KS. George A. and Dorcas Colgrove have moved to 2625 Baronne, Springfield , IL 62704. George is a sen ior relay engineer for Central Illinois Public Service Co. in Springfield.

:er with 9thSt.

David M. Kummer has moved to 45 Susan, O'Fa llon, MO 63366. Dave is a general engineer fo r Monsanto in St. Louis.

Robert l. Steele is present ly the plant supt. wit h Empire District Electric. He is also serving as the vice president of the Wentworth Ja ycees and was recently elected to the Pierce City school board. His address is R.R. I , Wentworth , MO 64373.

:en pro' ndation lational 1300 on, TX

James W. and Carol Ann Huck li ve at 1506 Seifert Dr. , Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I. Jim is an environmental engineer III for the MO 'Department of Natural Resou rces in Poplar Bluff.

Gerry and Penny Davit announce the birth of their first child , Jennifer Eli zabeth . on 10/3 0/78, their seventh wedding anni versary. Home is 190 12 Hempstone Ct. , Poolesville, MD 20837 .

Joseph E. Cowen writes, "This is our third year with G ulf at the Jayhawk Plant. Everything going along very well since the snow melted. See all you '69'ers at Homecoming." Joe and Sue and Clint and Christi li ve at 702 Briarbrook Dr. , Ca rl Junction , MO 64834. Richard A. Watts is now a lead software engineer with E-Systems in Dallas. his address is P. O. Box 2024, Plano, TX 75074. Joseph W. Stahl, of Apt. 206, 1848 Woodhollow Dr. , Maryland Heights, MO 63043 is now ' a project systems analyst with McDonnell Douglas. Joe has completed a MBA at Washington University. William E. Collins has moved to 512 N. 300 W, Vernal, UT 84078. He is now employed by the Bureau of Reclamation as supervisory geologist in charge of Tyzack and Whiterocks Dams, central Utah projects. C. Raymond Schlutow passed away on October 17, 1978. Ray graduated from UMR with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in August of 1969.

Frederick W. and Sally Bulla have moved to 1355 Lariat, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Fred works for Phillips Petroleum Co. in Bartlesville.

1970 Terry C. and Jane Pursley have moved to 327 Schooner Way, Pittsburg, CA 94565. Terry is a construction coordinator for Bechtel Power Corporation in San Francisco. Roger D. Norris of 1144 Pin Run Dri ve, Manchester, MO 630 II , received his MBA from Saint Louis University in January. He is a senior cost engineer with Monsanto. Fred J. Hohenberger of 3700 Druso, St. Louis, MO 63125 , received his MBA from Saint Louis University in January. Fred is metallurgical engineer with Granite City Steel. MSM -UMR Alumnus / 37

Alumni Personals ______________________ '-

1970 Continued Jimmie D. and Sharon Kistner reside at Rt. 2, Box 246 , Fair Gro ve, Mo 65648. Jim is an engineer IV for Ci ty Utilities of Springfield, MO.

Bruce and Patricia Winsor have moved to 3450 La Canada Dr. , Shingle Springs, CA 95682. Bruce has accepted a position a s senior engineer with Culp/Wesner/Culp . William and Janet Alexander report the birth of a son , David Miles, in July 1978. Home for the Alexanders is 4510 NE 50th, Kansas City, MO 64119 . Michael F. Svoboda is the vice president of Vallour Printing & Service Co. He and Linda reside at 1170 Greenmar Dr. , Fenton, MO 63026. Gerald L. Campbell has been promoted to chief of the electrical section in the Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Dept. of Booker Associates, Inc. Home is I Treehill Ct. , Manchester, MO 630 II.

RA YMOND L. KALBAC Raymond L. and Patricia Kalbac live at 9400 Eucalyptus Dr., Affton, MO 63123. Ray has been promoted to chief estimator for Tarlton Corporation in St. Louis. John W. Evans, Jr. and his wife, Annegret Ouvrier, reside at 1435 Miracle Way, No. 41 , EI Paso, TX 7992 5. John is a captain in the U.S. Arm y, stationed in Korea. When he returns, he will move his famil y to ChampaigneUrbana , IL, where he will be teaching ROTC for 3 Y2 yea rs. Matthew W. Rupp has employment with DS ET marketing manager. He and have moved to 3803 W. Phoenix, AZ 85023.

William W. Kimball has moved to 1005 Coatbridge Ct. , Ballwin , MO 63011. Bill is a senior industrial engineer for Lever Bros. Co. in St. Louis.

Robert and Paula Sherrell ha ve moved to 137 Addison Dr., Highland Village, TX 75067 . Bob is a pilot wi th Braniff.

Sam J. Duckworth, Jr. and his wife, Linda Dunehew, have moved to 207 E. 7th, Caruthersville, MO 63830. Sam is an English teacher for North Demiscot in Wardell. Joseph K. Kuss has moved to 314 Clara, No. 22N, St. Louis, MO 63112. Donna F. and Virgil Alan Deshazer have moved to Route 2, Box 85 , Chouteau, OK 74337 . James C. Wattenbarger has moved to 1406 N. 38th, C-5 , Kansas City, MO 66102. Jim is a sanitary engineer for City of Kansas City, KS , Water Pollution Control Dept. William L. McNabb's new address is Box 354, Lexington Park, MD 20653. Bill is an electronics engineer for Naval Air Test Center in Patu xent River.

James J. Ranieri has accepted a position with Nalco Chemical as their district rep. He and Kathryn receive their mail at P.O. Box 3129, Allentown , PA 18106. Steven and Jo Muir live at 643 Celestial Lane, Foster City, CA 94404. Steve is regional sales manager for Motorola. Gary and Mary Ann Rehagen live at 1920 Sussex, Carrollton, TX 75007. Gary is chief engineer at Eischbach & Moore, Inc.

accepted Labs as Christine Crocus,

Theodore S. Balaban has moved to 788 Edgewater Blvd. , No. 309 , Foster Cit y, CA 94404, and has accepted a position with Computer Vision as senior programmer.

38! MSM-UMR Al u mnu s

Marvin J. and Karen Brinker live at 14 ' Ramblewood Dr. , Rochester, IL 62563. Marvin is a quality engineer sr. I for Fiat-Allis CMI in Springfield.

Charles and Sharon Heuermann have moved to 1810 Greystone Court, Marietta, GA 30067. Charles is a systems engineer with IBM.

Gerald L. and Paula Young have moved to 12885 Rolling Ridge, HSR 155 , Victorville, CA 92392. Gerald is a mill superintendent for Riverside Cement Co. in Ore Grande. Enrique A. Oti, II, and his wife Dina have moved to 1316 S. Doran. Mesa , AZ 85 204. Enrique is a U.S.A.F. instructor pilot stat ioned at Williams AFB.

Curtis E. and Georgia L. Nolte live at 2143 Topaz, Troy , M148098. Curt is a product line engineer for GMC Truck and Coach Division in Pontiac.


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Alumni Personals _______________________ J970 Continued Gregory O. K. and Hilarie R. Thomas have moved to 269 S. Brunswick, Marshall, MO 65340. Greg is income maintenance supervisor for the Division of Family Services in Marsha ll. A. Michael Tinkey of 738 Riderwood, Hazelwood, MO 63042, has been named vice president-operation services of SI. Louis County Water Co. Joseph K. and Jo Ann Hahn live at 7453 S. Wellington , Littleton, CO 80122. Joe is a staff petroleum engineer for Amoco Production Co. in Denver. Carl M. Schoeneberg of 2025 Schoettler Valley, Chesterfield, MO 63017 , has been elected vice pres ident of Automatic Devices Inc. Larry W. Chatham of Route 5, Caldwell, OH 43724, is a mining engineer with Central Ohio Coal Co. V. Ralph and Nancy Pruitt have moved to 135 Cedarmill Dr. , St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Ralph has been promoted to unit chief, technology , at McDonnell Douglas. Marion P. and Patty Ricono live at 1201 NE 82nd, Kansas City, MO 64118. Marion is a roll service supervisor for Armco, Inc. in Kansas City. David A. and Terri Wand reside at 715 Magic Oaks Dr., Spring, TX 77373. Dave is manager of the data processing department for Houston Belt and Terminal Railroad for MO Pacific Railroad in Houston. Gary L. and Marilyn Rauls live at Rt. 6, Box 236, Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I. Gary is a mechanical maintenance general foreman for Noranda Aluminum Inc. in New Madrid. Robert G. and Barbara Herbison reside at 1907 New Orleans A ve .. Lee's Sum · mit , MO 64063. Bob is a supervisorhostiTSO Software for Farmland Industries in Kansas Cit y.

Ronald L. and Janis L. Orcutt live at 13061 E. 27th St. , Tulsa, OK 74134. Ron IS assistant plant manager for ACME Brick Co. in Tulsa. Gerald D. Hardy lives at 1009 Sunset Dr. , E. Peoria, IL 61611. Gerald is a senior test engineer for Caterpi llar Tractor Co. in Peoria. Frank J. and Barbara Ann Doering have moved to 4149 Avery Ln., Bridgeton , MO 63044. Frank is a research engineering specialist for MOllsanto Envviro-Chem in St. Louis. Dennis R. and Diane G. Starke have moved to 1200 Hill St., Hannibal, MO 6340 I. Dennis is manager, manufacturing engineering for American Safety Equipment Corp. in Palmyra.

1971 Charles A. White III lives at 5020 Rexton Ln. , Dallas, TX 75214. Charles is district staff manager-data and station equipment for Southwestern Bell in-St. Louis. Wayne J. Galler lives at 605-B Sturbrook Dr., Richmond, VA 23235. Wayne is an environmental engineer for Philip Morris, U.S.A. in Richmond. He would like to hear from all of his fraternity brothers in AE Pi from 1967-1972. Tony 2954 Tony Tulsa

M. and Gail A. Graham reside at W. 66th St. , Tulsa, OK 74132 . is a special district judge for the Count y District Court in Tulsa .

Charles A. and Connie Lajeunesse have moved to Rt. 10, Box 244, Salisbury, NC 28144. Charles is a psychology in· tern at the V. A. Hospital in Salisbury. Raymond Curby of 12165 Royal Valley , St. Louis. MO 63 141 , received his MBA from Saint Louis University in January. Michael T. Hermesmeyer is a process engin eer with Parkson Corp. He and Donn ;) reside at 332 1 NW 66t h St.. Ft. Lauderdale. FL 33309.

Michael P. and Becky Mulvaney have moved to 11924 Deerhorn , Cincinnati, OH 45240. Mike is a department manager for Procter and Gamble. He and Becky have two children, Bethany, 4, and Benjamin, 3. Milton T. Ziatic has made Life Master in the American Contract Bridge League. He is a senior engineer at McDonnell Douglas and lives at 9605 Carrimae, Crestwood, MO 63126. Allan R. Kroupa has moved to 100 Forest Park Ct. , Longwood, FL 32750. Allan is director, engineering and tecbnical service for Ralston Purina Co. in Apopka. Danny J. McMurphy is now network design supervisor with Fidelity Telephone. He and Linda Susan live at 585 Sappington Bridge Road (P.O. Box 50 I) , Sullivan, MO 63080. William S. and Vicki Arant have moved to 2419 Lynnwood Dr. , Cape Girardeau , MO 6370 I . Bill is a project engineer for the Corps of Engineers in Cairo, IL. Richard J . Powell accepted a position as staff chemical engineer with JRB Assoc. and moved to 1725 Gosnell Rd. , Vienna , VA 22180. Tak Ming Chen is a structural engineer with WCW Assoc., Inc. He and Taining live at 44-30 Ketcham St. , Apt. 3B, Elmhurst , NY 11373. Robert and Karen Ward ha ve moved to Two Oak, St. Peters, MO 63376. Bob is cit y engineer for the City of O'Fallon, MO. Keith Talbert's new address is 1216 Post Oak Rd ., No. 16, Sulphur, LA 70663. Keith is an instrument engineer with Cities Service Co. James G. Ulrich has accepted a position as senior engineer in the AT Div. of Computer Services Corp. , and has moved to 4820 Key Biscayne Dr., Titusville, FL 32780.

MSM· UMR A lumnu s/ 39

Alumni Personals ______________________ J97J Continued Ron Gaus announces that the plans for the 1979 Memoria l Day House C Reunion are fina li zed. Anyone who li ved in the House from 1968 to 1972 who wants to attend should con tact Ron at 222 E. Argonne, Kirkwood , MO 631 22 (phone: 314/822-222 1). James A. "Andy" Butler and Carol (Schoenefeld) Butler, '70, would like to introduce Benj amin Ka rl Butler, born May 17 , 1978. And y is now employed as assistant chief engineer for KWK, Doubleday Broadcast ing. The Butlers have moved to 47 W. Pacific, Webster G ro ves, MO 63 119. Gerard J. Hart has been tra nsferred from Black and Veatch in Ka nsas City to Black and Veatch Internat ional ConsUlting Engineers. He is manager of administ ra ti on and log isti cs a t the Semarang, Indonesian office. Mr. and Mrs. Hart (Aurora Lavery) and fourmonth-old da ughter, Ja mie Ly nn , have been liv ing in Semarang since Feb. 12. Their address is: clo Black and Veatch International, Box 165 , Sema rang, Indonesia. Robert Sherwood of 222 N. Sa lem, Apt. C-8, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, has a new position as staff engineer with Continenta l Group, Inc. Michael and Mary Clapper are expecting a second child in Apri l to join Sonya Ma rie. Home is 293 1 Atlantic Park Ave ., Florissa nt , MO 6303 1. Ronald D. Rains is now a part ner III Rains Electric Co. in Poplar Bluff. The address for Ro n, Margie. and their two daughters is R t. 2, Box 28 , Pop lar Bluff, MO 6370 1. Thomas E. Kernan was recent ly promoted to general fo rema n of the energy management and uti li ties de pt. of Gra nite City Steel. He and Kat hy now reside at 1587 Donnybrook Ln., Im peria l, MO 63052.

Kenneth Downing is now operations foreman with Inland Steel. Home is 2137 44 St. , Highland , IN 46322. Peter J. Dawson has accepted a position with Procter and Ga mble as a wa ter treatment specialist. He and Diane ha ve moved to 1053 Dav is Road. Hamilton, OH 45 01 3. Bill and Dorothy Bartley announce the birth of their son Michael, on 1212 1178. The Bartley's address is 18 55 Stanley St. , New Britain, CT 06053.

Wuu and Emily Hao reside at 3305 Sherwood Rd ., Easton , PA 18042. Wuu is a sales engineer for Fuller Compan y in Catasauqua . Robert J . Hilton is an environmental engineer with the EPA . His address is 68 78 Riverdale Rd ., Apt. 724., Lanham , MD 20801. Sherril R. and Connie Johnson live at 87 Buckley Meadows, Lemay, MO 631 25 . Sherril is an assistant staff manager-data syst e ms for So uthwe s te rn Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. Michael L. Fureigh has moved to 1855 N. New Florissant Rd. , Apt. 8, Florissant, MO 6303 3. Mike is an engineer for McDonnell·Douglas Corporation in St. Louis. Michael and Lind a Dunn have moved to 48 27 Highland, Downers G rove, IL 6051 5, and Mike has acce pted a positon with Engineers International as a min · ing engineer. Orrin J . Dieckmeyer, J r. has moved to 10433 Briarbend Dr.. Creve Coeu r, MO 63 14 1. Orrin is an electrica llinstrument engineer fo r Monsa nto Co. in Sa uge t, IL.

1972 (

Daniel E. Frisbee, of 95 0 Broo kva le Terrace, Manchester, MO 63 0 II , has been named project manager with Traction Corpora tion.

Mrs. Joe office th~ was kille 1979

Ted L. J ones, J r. li ves at 5422 Clin ton Blvd. , Jackson, MS 39209. Ted is a stu· dent at the Reformed Theological ' Seminary in Jackson.

Stephen moved t( 1023. eel a senior nischfeye

Richard and Ci ndy LaPlante of 14 Ga n· dy Dr., Creve Coeur, MO 63 141 , are expecting their first baby in August. Mr. LaPlante is a sales representati ve for Benchcraft , Inc.

1972 Michael A. North of 130 Pompano Lane, Florissant, MO 63031 , recen tly passed the P. E. Examination. Mike is a city engineer with the City of Florissant.


Calvin R. and Monica Heseman li ve at 600 Faw n Ct. , Mt. Zion , IL 62549. Ca l is a gas compliance engineer fo r Illinois Power Compa ny in Decatur. Cal and Monica have a new daughter, Natal ie Noelle, born No v. 22, 1978 . They also have two sons, Eric, 5, and Dirk , 2. Phillip L. Brown has a new assignment with the U.S. Arm y. He is a facilities engineer, and he and May receive their mail at USMCA- BK, APO New York , NY 09252. Michael R. and JoAnn C. Sample have moved to 436 Hill , Rochester, MI 48063. Mike is a staff systems analyst for General Motors Corp. in Detroit. George L. and Ann L. Harris' address is P. O. Box 30 I, DeSoto, IL 62924. George is a project manager fo r Clark Dietz- Engineers, Inc. in Carbonda le. George and An n have a new son, Aaron Scott , born January 18. 1979. James E. Politte has moved to 73 Geronimo, St. Alba ns, WV 25 177.

Michael Holt's address is P. O. Box 114, Ma hwa h, NJ 07430. Mike is a research me tallurgist for ABEX Resea rch Center in Ma hwa h. Alard Kaplan's new address is Sta r Ro ute A, Box 16, Patterson, LA 70392. Alard is a Civ il Engineer IV fo r Mobil Oi l Corp. in Morgan Cit y.

40/ MSM · UMR A lumnus

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Alumni Personals ______________________ J972 Continued Mrs. Joe Dicus has advised the alumni office that her son , Joseph Allan Dicus, was killed in an accident on Feb. 9, 1979 .

John W. and Carrie E. Edwards have moved to 9534 Grandview , Shawnee Mission , KS 66212 . John is an environmental engineer for Black and Veatch in Kansas Ci ty, MO.

Stephen R. and Karen J. Epps have moved to 411 Burdette St. SW, Apt. 1023, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. Steve is a senior design engineer for Harnischfeyer Corp. in Cedar Rapids.

Michael E. Taylor recently left the Navy and is now e'mployed in the nuclear operations dept. of Union Electric. His address is 50 I Enchanted Pkwy. No.6 , Manchester, MO 63011.

Mitchel and Jenese Krysa have a new son, Jonathan Mitchel , at 1122 Oak tree Dr. , Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Mitchel has been promoted to eastern district engineer with Missouri Public Service Co.

David E. Bachmann has been promoted to senior engineer with Atlantic Richfield . He and Gail reside at 141 7 Willow Rd ., Homewood, IL 60430.


Alan W. Jones has been promoted to divisional headquarters central engineering staff at Celanese. As senior project engineer he will direct and manage large capital projects for plants at various loca tions around the U.S. Alan and Kathryn live at Route 4, Box 122V, Lucasv ille, OH 45648.

Richard J. and Margaret Lance and their two children have moved to 483-P Lakeshore Apts., Chattanooga, TN 37415. Rick is a geologist for the Tennessee Valley Authority in the Project Siting Section.

Robert T. Berry announces that he will receive a M.S. in env. health engineering in May and a Doctor of Engineering degree in August from the University of Kansas. Robert's address is 8205 Harris St., Ray town , KS 64138.

Joe A. and Evelyn Pickens' address is USA Eng. Div. EUR Stuttgart Resident Engr. , APO NY 09154. Joe is a chief project engineer BR. for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Division in Stuttgart, Germany.

Jon E. Meyer has been appointee' manager of administration , car maintenance, and plants for the Shippers Car Line Di v. of ACF Industries, Inc. Home is 9720 Birch Manor Ct., St. Louis, MO 63 137.

Dusty W. and Gail Obermeyer ha ve moved to 525 Cedar Ln., Festus, MO 63028. Dusty is an engineer for 1. S. Alberici Construction Co. in SI. Louis.

Willard D. and Diane Coates have moved to 406 S. 29th, Layfayette, IN 47904. Willard has accepted the position of Management Systems Coordinator in the Department of Schedules and Space of Purdue Un iversit y in West Lafayette. Michael P. Allen has been promoted to senior laboratory engineer with McDonnell Douglas. He is currentl y responsible fo r development of all simulated ai rcraft wing loadi ng for the F 18. He and Donna reside at 6533 Tholozan, St. Louis. MO 63 109. MSM - UMR Alumnus / 41

Karen A. Schnelle has been promoted to assistant manager, computer support at Southwestern Bell, and has moved to 8720 Lock moor Circle, Wichita, KS 67207. Joseph and Pamelia Bain live at Box 9 1, Leadville, Co 80461. Joe is senior planning engineer with Climax Molybdenum Corp. John P. Oliver has accepted employment with EG&G Idaho as senior systems engi neer and has moved to 1897 G randv iew No. 3, Idaho Falls, ID 83401 .

Carol and John Davies li ve at 85 11 Pierce Rd. , Freeland , MI 48623. Carol is a research chem ist for Dow Chemical Co. in Mid land. John J. Baz-Dresch has accepted a position with Standard Mineral Co. as assistant manager. He and Cheri receive their mail at P. O. Box 224, Southern Pines, NC 28387. William P. Cunningham is proud to announce his recent marriage to the former Ka rla Kaye Langston of Winfield , MO. Bill and Ka rla now reside at 10215 Cedarh urst, SI. Louis, MO 63 136. Bi ll is utilities engineer for the Missouri Pacific Rai lroad at their headquarters in St. Louis. Kent D. Gastreich has been promoted to se ni o r e n vi ronmental eng in ee renvironmental studies with Peabody Coa l Co. His office remains in downtown St. Louis until the new building is completed in Fairview Heights. Home is 3122 Osceola, SI. Lou is. MO 63 111. John T. Mahoney is a sales engineer with Atwood & Morri ll. Home is 41 Wash ington Square North , Salem , MA 01970. Nickie and Annette Smith are living at I Jane Dr. , St. Peters, MO 63376. Nickie is an engineer wi th Con tinenta l Telephone Co. Terrence and Linda Shofner announce the birth of their second child, Adam David . Terrence is now a P.E. in MO with Factory Mutual Engineering. Home is 4208 Weskan Ct., Bridgeton, MO 63044. Richard M. Vaeth has moved to 13309 Overhill , Grandview, MO 64030. Dick works for Black and Veatch , Consulting Engineers in Kansas City. Charles L. Flaminio has moved to 507 Sherman Ave., Apt. liSE, Evanston, IL 60202. Charles is a sales engineer for York Di vision -Borg Warner in Chicago.

Alumni Personals ______________________ J973 Continued D. L. Pendergrass' new address is Rt. 5, Box 219, Countryside Estates, Columbia , MO 6520 I. Michael and Mary Bunch have moved. Their address is Box 30, RD 2, Swaggertown Rd. , Scotia, NY 1230 I. Mike is an engineer with GE-Knolls Atomic Power Lab. James and Yvonne Dollar have moved to 5841 Jeffrey Lane, Country Club Estates, Sylvania, OH 43560. Jim is a development representative with 'Oupont's Plastic Products Div.

Karen L. Aldridge 2824 Lucena Way Antioch, CA 94509

Robert L. and Lori L. Hildebrandt's new address is R.R. 3, Box 16, Kahoka , MO 63445. Bob is a process engineer for Keokuk Steel Casti ng in Keokuk , IA.

Ruth L. Anderson 170 Elaine Dr. Roswell, GA 30075 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 1010 Rossmore Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Edward P. Hutson, Jr. is a structural engineer with Burns & McDonnell Consulting Engineers. His address is 8336B Hillcrest Rd. , Kansas City, MO 64138.

Michael O. Chase 803 Lilac Ave. St. Louis, MO 63119

Gary L. and Lark Blankenship li ve at 13735 Birkhall, Bellnower, CA 90706. Gary is an acoustical engineer for DyTec Engineering, Inc. in Long Beach .

Kindall W. Moore is a sq uadron pilot with the U. S. Air Force. He and Barbara are living at 4247 A. Falcon Courts North , McGuire AFB, NJ 08641.

Steven D. and Colleen Roemerman have moved to 1218 N. Erwin , Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Steve is a project engineer-T & E systems engineer for Missile and Ordnance Division , Texas Instruments in Ridgecrest.

Mark B. Pickell is now a senior project engineer with T. D. Williamson, Inc. His address is 5230 S. Marion , Tulsa, OK 74 135.

Omur F. and Vehbi Tasar have moved to 7187 Pebblecreek, W. Bloomfield, MI 48033. Omur is a senior engineer for Bendix Research Laboratories in Southfield.

Jerome A. and Vicky J. Maurseth have moved to 17170 SW Heritage Ct. , No. 6B, Aloha, OR 97005. Jerome is a structural engineer for Hydropower Division/U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Portland.

B. Ballard Simmons, Jr. and his wife, Marilyn , have moved to 2861 Heritage Dr. , Apt. E, Port Huron, MI 48060. Ballard is a start up engineer for Bechtel Power Corp. in San Francisco, CA.

Joseph T. Carney has accepted a position with YTN , Inc._ as project manager. He and Debe have moved to III Hayes Ave ., Charleston , WV 25314.

Scott S. Boyd of Pear Orchard Estates, No. 307 , Elizabethtown, KY 42701 , is a metallurgi s t with Co lt-Crucible Magnetics.

Mark Schankman is pleased to announce that he received his Professional Engineer Registrat ion in Missouri. He is a design engineer for McDonnell Douglas. Mark and his wife Marsha are residing at 12163 McKelvey , Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

Subhash and Preeti Kelkar have moved to 420 I 0 Baintree Circle, Northville, MI 48167. Subhash is now a senior design engineer with Ford Motor Co. Frederick P. and Janelle Schaefer live at 188 N. Holmes, Memphis, TN 38111. Fred is a process supervisor for HuntWesson Foods, Inc. in Memphis. Mr. & Mrs. David Thompson announce the birth of their first child, Rebecca Nichole, on Feb. 12, 1979. Mrs. Thompson is the former Janet McMinn. Mr. Thompson is currently a student at UMR . Their mailing address is P.O. Box 1725 , Rolla, MO 6540 I. Ken Thompson is a senior reservoir staff engineer with AR CO Oil and Gas. His address is Rt. 7, Box 225C, Lucas, TX.

1974 Reunion At Homecomi ng Class Coordinators: Mark A. Herzog 2908 Red Gum Gap Longview, TX 75605

James R. Patrick is a field service engineer for Westinghouse PGSD. He and Delilah live at Route 2, Box 226, Festus, MO 63028. Ed Mushill received the Ph.D. In Human Factors Psychology from the University of South Dakota on Dec. 22, 1978. He has accepted a lead human factors/systems safety engineer position at Harris Corp ., and has moved to 3000 N. Highway AlA No. 14-203 , Indialantic, FL 32903. Tony and Renee Messina have to 2406 Briar Oaks, Bryan, TX Tony is an assistant professor chemical engineering dept. at A&M .

moved 77801. in the Texas

Donald G. Montgomery received his MBA from Saint Lou is Universit y in January . He is employed by Monsanto in St. Louis.

John D. Bowlin's new address is 2517 Dalbo St. , Duarte, CA 910 IO. He is a sa les engineer with Allen-Bradley Co. John R. Bouzoun has res igned from the Army and is attending grad uate school at the University of New Hampshire while working at the Arm y's cold regions research and engineering lab in Hanover. Carlos Quintana is a graduate studen t at the University of Arkansas. He and Crisp ina reside at 1256 Ellis St. , Fayettev ille, AR 7270 1.

42 / MSM - UMR Alumnus


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Alumni Personals, ____________________ __ 1974 Continued Jerry L. Rich has moved to 1100 S'tarview Dr. , West Columbia, SC 29 169 , and has accepted a position with Carolina Eastman as an electrical engineer. Steven and Brenda Munzert have moved to 1637 S. Poplar St. , Broken Arrow , OK 740 12. Steve is with Information Industries, Inc. Susan Hadley Rothschild an nounces her marriage to Sandy Rothschild on 2/24/79. Susan is wit h Sou thwestern Bell , temporaril y with the Personnel Assessment Center in St. Lou is. George D. Stegner is now a senior mechanical engineer wit h Placid Refining Co. He and Joy li ve at 10233 Tanwood Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Roger G. Haynie and his family' wife Karen and children , Chad and Erick , made a New Year's Resolution: To come back to the midwest where people are "at their best". Both Roger and Karen have fam il y in the K.C. area , so they say, "It's nice to be home and hope to see old UM R friends. " They have moved to 108 Brazos, Godda rd , KS 67052. Roger is with Boeing in Wichita. Ernest C. and Barbara Bartoli of 2823 -20 Shadbrow Lane, West Colum bia, SC 29 169 , are parents of a son, Joseph, born Sept. 3, 1978. Ernest is a geological engineer with Law Engineering Testing Co. Ronald E. Sherard, Jr., has been honored by the Kansas Asphalt Pavers' Assn. for his engi neering contribution on two projects which combined for a total of 38 miles of asphalt overlay on 1-70 in western Kansas. Both projects consisted of a I y. " base course with a y." surface. Sherard is a resident engi neer with the Kansas Dept. of Transportation and a member of the ASCE. He and his wife Teresa and their two children , Susan, 3, and Ronnie, 10 months, live at 1305 Holmes Road , Hays, KS 6760 I.

John Peters has been promoted to senior system analyst in charge of all manufacturing and in ventory systems with Beaumont Well Works. He and Robin reside at 10700 Fondren, No. 305 , Houston , TX 77096 . Willard Coates has accepted the position of management systems coordinator in the dept. of schedules and space at Purdue Uni v. He and Diane reside at 406 S. 29 th , Layfayette, IN 47904. Joel E. Porter has moved to 2 15 Douglass Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60439 . Joe1 is a senior plant engineer for Amoco Production Co. in Chicago. Lindell R. Hurst, Jr., has moved to 12473 Lyric Ct., Apt. 102, St. Louis, MO 63141. He is an engineer with Petrolite Corp. John M. and Paula W. Costello have moved to 56 1 Vosshill Dr. , Ballwin, MO 630 II. John is a sales engineer for Don H. Munger, Inc. in Brentwood. Michael and Jan Terry are expecting their first child in April. Home is 675 Cedar Run Dr. , Ballwin, MO 63 0 II.

1975 Doug and Pam Henry and their son Matt have moved to 418 S. 6th, Independence, KS 6730 I . Doug is assistant line supervisor at KG E. Robert and Marilyn Kostelnik have moved to 73 1 Peachtree Trail , Collinsv ille, IL 62234. Bob is an engineer wit h Shell Oil in Wood River. Mary Lee and Chuck Trnka bought their first home last May and are reall y enjoying it. The add ress is 7905 E. 99 th Terr. , Kansas Cit y. MO 64 134. Mary Lee is working for the Social Securi ty Adm inistrat ion, Mid-America Program Service Center , and Chuck is stud ying electronics at the Missouri Institute of Tech nology.

Robert W. Parsons of 15718 Wind ing Moss, Houston , TX 77068 , has joined United Energy Resources, Inc. , as a manager in the Corporate Development Department. He ha s a broad background in coa l mine eva luat ion and developm e nt act iviti es following previous associations with Shell Oil and NUS Corp. Tzy-Cheng Wang has accepted a position with McDonnel l Douglas as an electrical engineer. He and Ye-Lian Liu have moved to 3390 Andy St. , No.2 , Long Beach, CA 90805. Steve W. and Christine Kay Hill have moved to Rt. 3, Keeler Mill Rd. , Greenville, SC 29609. Steve is an assistant golf professional at Green Va lley Country Club in Greenville. Chris Brennenstuhl of 2254 South Glendale, Wichita , KS 672 18, has accepted a position as a design engineer with Professional Engineering. Charles P. Daniells, Jr., has moved to 6146 Holmes, Kansas City, MO 64 110. He is an engineer with Burns & McDonnell . Garry Aronberg has moved to 8671 Barby Lane, Uni versity City, MO 63124. Garry is an engineer wi th Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc. Barbara J. Clayton is coordinator for UMR's program for older adul ts, The Un iversit y of The Third Age, and coordinator of Ft. Leonard Wood credit course program. Her official title at UMR is continuing education coordinator. She and Ken live at Route 2, Box 150, Newburg, MO 65550. Jonathan V. and Arlaine D. Brinkmann have moved to 64 11 Raymond Rd. , Mad ison, WI 53711. Jon is a project engineer-product reliability for Ra y-OVac Div. , ESB Inc. in Madison. David E. Cobb is an engineer II with the City Utilities of Springfield. His address is 1438 S. Gelven, Springfield, MO 65804. MSM -UMR A lumnus / 43

Alumni Personals _____________________ J975 Continued Rose and William F. (1972) Oberbeck, Jr., are located at 30 Prescott Ct. , Somerset, NJ 08893. Rose is a staff supervisor with AT&T Long Lines, and Bill is a research engineer with Cer· tainteed Corporation. Paul S. and Ellen Marie Veit Monti live at 505 Cypress Point Dr., Apt. 273, Mountain View, CA 94043. Paul is an engineer, research and development , for Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp. in Palo Alto.

Raymond B. Prater, Jr. is a metallurgist with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Home is Edgar Star Rt. , Box 125 , Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Ricky H. Cottrell lives at 3805 Harvard, Independence, MO 64052. Rick is a process engineer for Bendix Corp.-K.C. Div. in Kansas City.

Bernie D. and Darlene Conway have moved to 12975 Norfolk Ln. , HSR 231 , Victorville, CA 92392.

Harshed V. Kothari has moved to 603 Olive St., Apt. 4, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Harshed is a graduate teaching assistant in Mechanical Engineering at UMR.


Fay S. and Stephen G. Eckert has moved to 6200 Dublin Rd. , Rt. 3, Midland, MI 48640. Fay is a production engineer for Dow Chemical Co. in Midland.

John and Terri Ed ney receive their mail at P.O. Box 69, Potosi, MO 63664. John is a project engineer with IMCO Services.

Tom Ellis has moved to 909 R. Southwest Blvd., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Tom is an environmental engineer for the MO Department of Natural Resources in Jefferson City.

William C. McAllister, III, is a sanitary engineer with Burns & McDonnell Consulting Engineers. Bill and Connie reside at 3333 Bridge Manor Dr., Kansas City, MO 64137 .

Patrick Bier is now a scientific program mer/analyst with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Home is 5528 Fireleaf Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129.

Cyrus E. and Mary Crowder have moved to Rt. 3, Box 261 , Rolla, MO 6540 I. Cyrus is a teaching assistant/graduate student at UMR.

Patricia A. Cooke has moved to 6107 Nicollet Ave., S.; Minneapolis, MN 55419, and is busily planning her wedding to Jerry Bohn. The wedding is scheduled for June 30, 1979. Congratulations, Pat, and best of luck to you both.

Michael J. Muller has been promoted to general field engineer by Schlumberger Well Services. He and Debbra live at 1512 N. Penasco, Hobbs, NM 88240.

Mark and Nancy Giulvezan of 25315 Fairbrook, Spring, TX 77373, are expecting their third child in May. Stacia is now 3 \12 and Matthew is I. Mark will be starting an M.B.A. program at night school in September. They plan to stay in Houston for about another year. He is a sales engineer with Ingersoll·Rand.

Navy Ensign David F. Thompson of 1441 42 St. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, has reported for duty at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi , TX. He joined the Navy in September 1978. Denver Harper is a coal geologist with the Indiana Geological Survey. Home is 611 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 4740 I.

Duane L. and Susan Marie Parrish have moved to 1279 Mehlview Ct. , Mehlville, MO 63125. Duane is an industrial engineer for Mallinckrodt, Inc. in St. Louis. Syed K. Ihtheshamuddin has moved to 3725 E. Denton Ave. , St. Francis, WI 53207. Syed is a civil engineer for Howard , Needles , Tammen , and Bergendoff, Consulting Engineers in Milwaukee. Val Bates is a lead engineer with CH2M-Hill and is working on a waste treatment project for the city of Milwaukee. Home is 3725 Denton, Apt. 137 , St. Francis, WI 53207. Michael D. and Carol A. Burns have moved to 1334 E. 73rd, Kansas City , MO 64131. Mike is a deputy juvenile officer for the Jackson County Juvenile Court in Kansas City. Sally S. Schwager has moved to 4301 Creighton Rd. , Apt. 32, Pensacola, FL 32504. Sally is a senior project engineer for Exxon Co. USA in Pensacola.

George Paul Lewis has accepted a position with Union Electric as an assistant engineer. He and Leann have moved to Route 2, Box 32C, Bonne Terre, MO 63628.

Roy Allen Welshon, Jr., of R.R. 6, Box 188, Stonehouse, DeSoto, MO 63020, has joined Metropolitian Engineering Co. as a staff engineer. His professional memberships include the ASCE and the NSPE .

Gary A. Chappell of 140 I 0 Captains Row , No. 127 , Marina Del Rey, CA 90281 is a computer graphics specialist with TRW.

Michael L. Davis is the supervisor for the construction of a sewer system for Chatham , IL. He, Joy and daughter, Trisha Grace are residin g at 23 Merrygrove, Jacksonville, IL 62650.

Denise Coursen is a mem ber of the administrative group for Bell Telephone Labs. She and Samuel reside at 8 Heather Hill Wa y, Bridgewa ter, NJ 08807.

Kraig L. and Joyce Gordon have moved to 8647 Lindenwood Ln. , Cincinnati , OH 45230. Kraig is a project engineer for Gilbane Building Company in Cleveland.

44 ! MSM·UMR Alumn u s


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Alumni Personals ______________________ Carey S. and Terry Meyer have moved to 6154 Morganford , St. Louis, MO 63116. Carey is a civil engineer II for the City of St. Louis.

Steven and Melinda Miller have moved to 1944 S. Plaza, Springfield , MO 65804. Steve has accepted a position with Standard Electric Steel Castings Co. as production supervisor.

Terry L. Bone is a chemist with Celanese Polymer Specialties. Home is 146 Stoke on Trent , Louisville, KY 40299.

Terry Sudholt and his new bride, Diana, reside at 812 W. Rollins, Moberly, MO 65270. Terry is a field construction in· spector with Burns & McDonnell.

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Michael and Sharon Miller have bought a house at 1036 Kaplan Dr. , Waterloo, IA 50702. Mike is an engineer for Deere & Co. in their Product Engineering Center.

1977 Joy Ewens recently received her one year pin from Kerr McGee Nuclear Cor· poration. Joy is a geologist in the Wyoming Uranium Operations Divi· sion. Her address is 449 C. Y. Ave., Casper, WY 8260 I.

Ellen M. and Paul S. Monti live at 305 Cypress Point Dr., Apt. 273, Mountain View , CA 94043. Ellen is a program· mer, E & S for Ford Aerospace and Communication in Palo Alto. Gregory S. Derbak lives at 14208 N. 38th St., Phoenix, AZ 85032. Greg is a member of the Technical Staff at GTE Automatic Electric in Phoenix. Terry B. Bollinger has moved to 1800 N. Pine, Rolla , MO 6540 I. Terry is a graduate student, working on his MS in computer science and a teaching assis· tant for CompoSci. 73 at UMR.

=aptains :ey, CA ,peeialist

Mark and Stacey Kimler ha ve moved to 1455 Glenpeak , Mary land Heights, MO 63043. Mark is a senior engineer with Consoer Townsend & Assoc.

e moved lcinnati. ;ngineer ,anY in

John B. Gallagher has accepted employ· ment as systems programmer & design engineer with Data·Log Inc. He and Molly live at 218 E. Gatehouse Dr., Apt. C, Metairie, LA 7000 I.

David and JoEllen Cawlfield of 1241 Deblin Dr. , Milford , OH 45150, are parents of a 7 lb. 7 oz. son , Jonathan Daniel, born Oct. 22, 1978. Dave is a staff engineer with Procter & Gamble. Donald R. Otto of 4227 Wyoming, St. Louis, MO 63116, is an electrical engineer with the City of St. Louis Air Pollution Control.

Robert Brandt has been promoted to senior field engineer with Schlumberger Offshore Services. His address is 109 Great Plains, Layfayette, LA 70506.

Kevin C. Miller is a project engineer with Consolidation Coal Co. His address is Box 4, Glenwood Trailer Park, Princeton, WV 24740.

James N. Highfill continues as a graduate student at UMR. His address is 1409 Spencer, Rolla , MO 6540 I.

RICHARD G. HAMPEL Richard G. Hampel has been commis· sioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. He .now goes to Hanscom AFB, Mass. for dut y as a computer systems officer. Forest Haines, 428 N. Broad, Adrian , MI 49221 , has been appointed chairman of the newly crea ted earth science department at Adrian College. The new departments resulted from a recent reorganization of the college's academic structure. David Duane Meek is a senior engineer with McDonnell Douglas. He and Fran reside at 3 15 5 Donn yca ve Ln. , Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Thomas C. Ryan has moved to 75 3 Car· rollwood Village Dr .. Apt. 202, Gretna , LA 70053. Tom is a project engineer for Exxon Co., US A in New Orleans. Kenneth C. Lueckenhoff has moved to 5950 Callowa y Dr. North , Ft. Worth , TX 76114. Ken is a locomotive foreman for MO Pacific Railroad in Ft. Worth . Ralph A. and Alma J . Kelley li ve at 207 S. Jackson , Salem, MO 655 60. Ralph works for Purolator Courier Corp.

Steve and Brenda ('78) Liescheidt have just bought their first home at 10921 Thornview Dr. , Cincinnati, OH 45241. Steve is a mechanical designer for KZF Environmental Consultants, and Bren· da is a building design engineer at Proc· ter and Gamble. William J. and Cheryl S. Schlittier have moved to R.R. I. Glenarm , IL 62536. Bill and Cheryl are associate engineers for Fiat·Allis in Springfield. William A. and Debbie Lynn Pepper have moved to 207 1 Oberlin, Apt. 22, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Bill is a service engineer for General Electric Co. in St. Louis. John and Linda Wenzlick have moved to Route 3, Box 41 B, Nixa, MO 65714. John is employed as a construction in· spector for the Missouri State Highway Dept. in Branson. Bradley J. Wyatt and Pamela 1. Voss were married on Oct. 21 , 1978. They now live at 1500 W. Fairmont, No. 410, Longview, TX 75604. Brad is a chemical engineer at Texas Eastman Co. John R. Walker of 1206 E. 52 St., Austin , TX 7872 3, is an assistant in· structor in the economics dept. of the University of Texas. MSM·UMR A lumnus / 45

Alumni Pe rsonals ______________________ J977 Continued Patrick J. and Vivian Cody have moved to Rt. 2, Box 244 , Silex, MO 63317. Pat is a ME·Assistant for Union Electric in Fulton. Terrapon and Pornjan T. Udomkanjananan have moved to 634 SW 15th No . I, Corallis, OR 97330. Terrapon i; a student at Oregon State University in Corallis. Kevin P. Darb y has moved to 7654 Ravensridge Dr. , Shrewsbury, MO 63119. Kevin is a software programmer for Ralston Purina Co. in St. Louis.

Gregory J. Rustige is an associate engineer, technical services, with International Paper Co. His address is 30 I W. 33rd St. , Apt. 114-0, Pine Bluff, AR 71603.

Ethan I 6095yc MO 63 and Gar

Vicki L. Moore 'resides at 822 S. Oneida, Apt. F-311 , Denver, CO 80224. She is an engineer with Amoco Produc· tion Co.

Dennis L. Dutton is now an engineer with Barr Engineering Compan y. Home is 7360 Gallagher, Apt. 327 , Edina, MN 55435.

Robert i chester M0 631 Liberty

John M. and Helendale Andrle live at 2128 Rountree, St. Louis, MO 63136. John is an application engineer for Emerson Electric in St. Louis.

Wanda E. and Joe L. Tull live Nicholson Dr. , Potosi, MO Wanda is a teacher-language ment at John A. Evans Middle in Potosi.

Roger H. Ricketts lives at 10 Kent Ln. , Rolla, MO 6540 I.

James L. Donahoe III is employed by the U.S.G.S. in Menlo Park, CA. He and Rona ('78) reside at Barnes 7-B, Escondido Village, Stanford, CA 94305.

J immie L. and Pat Kauffman have moved to 21 6 Lexie St. , Big Stone Gap, VA 242 19. Jim is an EDP Auditor for Westmoreland Coal Co. in Big Stone Gap. Robert M. Smith, J r., has accepted a position with the Guide Division of General Motors as a manufacturing engineer. His new address is 2913 State Road 109N, Lot C- II , Anderson , IN 4601 2.


Robert J. Tenholder li ves at 9506 Erie Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123 . Bob is a highway designer for the State Highway Department in Kirkwood. John E. Weber has moved to 607 -B Westbrook St. , Benton , AR 72015. John is an equi pment engineer for Rey nolds Metals Co. in Bauxite. Gary J . and Jo Anne R. Taggart have moved to 2262 Campus, St. Charles, MO 63301. Gary is a communications engineer for Mo . Pacific Railroad Co. in St. Louis.

MSM-UMR Alumnus Welcomes Pictu res With News Items 46/ MSM · UM R A lumnu s


John M. May's new address is 4645 Wild Indigo, No. 367 , Houston , TX 77027. John is an assistant process engineer with Atlantic Richfield 's Houston Refinery .

at 608 63664. enrichSchool

Gerard ' Jane, 51. associate craft Co W. Russ

Michael and Kim Winnett have moved to 450 Dickens, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Mike is a project engineer with Anheuser- Busch.

29 1, Rw start·up Engineer

Haur D. Shaw has accepted a position as a design engineer with Master Specialties Co. He and Sandra reside at 1700 N. Temple, Apt. 82, Anaheim , CA 92006.

Richard and Laura Laurentius's new address is 5 E. Zarley Blvd., Joliet, IL 60433. Richard is a project engineer with Mobil Oil Corp.

Hirondel is a te McDonn

John R. Mahanna has accepted an engineering position with IBM and has moved to 1504 Valley High Dr. NW , Apt. 5, Rochester, MN 5590 I.

Steven R. Chapman has moved to 280 I Bill Owens Pkwy., No. 191 , Longview , TX 75605. Steve is an associate engineer for Sun Production Co. in Longview.

Christopher B. Smith of Apt. 109 East George, Bensenville, IL 60 I 06 , is an engineer with GTE Automatic Electric.

Theodore B. and Alice C. Waldbart have moved to 1220 Garden Dr. , Bartlesville, OK 74003 . Ted is a programmer for Phillips 66 in Bartlesville.

to 1502 WY 820( for COl Cheyennl

Erma L. and Robert Durbin reside at 10522 Chevy Chase, St. Louis, MO 63114.

Stephen have mo Floor, BI geologica (asst. engr Beaver.

Mary A. (Epperson) and John G. Lynn have a new mailing address: P. O. Box 144, Rolla , MO 6540 I. John P. Melcher of 511 W. First St., Dixon, IL 61021 , is a civil engineer with the Illinois Highway Dept. Randall J. Lubbert has accepted a posi· tion with Black Butte Coal Co. as a min · ing engineer and has moved to 369 H St. , Rock Springs, WY 8290 I. Wan-Chuan and Lea-Hwa Yil) ha ve moved to 79-11 41 Ave., Apt. B402 , Elmhurst, New York , NY 11373. Wan · Chuan "Robert" is a mining engineer with Mueser , Rutledge, Johnston & Desimone.

James I

TerryR, 702S M Terry is Roo!. lnl James T.

Ken and Jackie Rice have moved to 2247 St. Nick , New Orleans, LA 70114. Daniel C. Conde has accepted a position as design engineer with the telecommunications and data division of Standard Oil of Calif. , and has moved to 2522 Octavia St. , Apt. I, San Francisco, CA 941 23. John McVay has accepted a graduate teaching assistant position at Texas A&M and has moved to 160 I Holleman NO.3 N, College Station, TX 77840.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1978 Continued Ethan A. Chamberlain has moved to 609 Sycamore, Apt. 3, Cape Girardea u, MO 6370 I. Ethan works fo r Procter and Gamble in Cape Girardeau. Robert R. Champan, Jr. of 7566 Man· chester Blvd., No. 203, Maplewood, MO 63 143 , is a loss prevention rep . with Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.

. at 608 63664. enrich· •School

Gerard T. Bast has moved to 4258 A Jane, St. An n, MO 63074. Gerr y is an associate engi neer fo r McDonnell Ai rcraft Co. in St. Louis.

: moved I 63122. r with

W. Russell Brian's address is P. O. Box 291 , Russellville, AR 7280 I. Russ is a start-up engineer for Combust ion Engineering in Russellville.

new ad· Jliet, IL ;ngineer

James K. Weinhold lives at 3929 Hirondelle, Florissant, MO 63034. Jim is a tech. programmer assoc. for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis.

to 280 I mgview, engineer gview.

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Terry R. and Sandra J. Scheihing li ve at 702 S. Moody, Wynnewood , OK 73098 . Terry is a craft clerk for Brown and Root, Inc. in Houston , TX. James T. and Kathleen Rau have moved to 1502 Trent Ct. , No. 12, Cheyenne, Wy 8200 I. Jim is an associate engi neer for Contine nta l Pipeline Co. In Cheyenne. Stephen H. and Nancy M. Shoemaker have moved to 302 River Rd. , 2nd Floor, Beaver, PA 15009. Steve is a geological engineer and hydrologist (asst. engr.) for Michael Baker J r. , Inc. in Beaver. David and Holly Ann Statler have mov· ed to 1084 Sunset , Alliance, OH 4460 I , and David has accepted a position as special engineer with American Steel Foun dries. James O. Hawley has moved to Land· mark Apartment No. 606, 1518 Ga rner Field Rd , Uvalde, TX 7800 I, and has accepted a position wit h General Tire & Rubber as staff engineer.

Gary L. Donner has moved to 2630 Shoreline Dr., Apt. B-II, Akron , OH 44314, and has accepted a position with PPG as operations engineer.

Jack B. Painter II has become an agent for American Amicable Life. He and Sharon live at 608 Sunset Dr. , Waynesville, MO 65583.

Carol A. Wimmer has moved to 1911 Fountain View , Apt. 48 , Houston , TX 77057, and has accepted a position with Amoco as exploration geophysicist.

Russell and Susan Pearson ha ve moved to 5 Adams Dr., Hannibal , MO 63401. Russ has accepted a position with Crane & Fleming as project engineer.

Michael and Nancy Amelunke li ve at 2735 Black Forest Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63 129. Mike is an assistant engineer with Union Electric.

Lawrence E. Maxwell of 769 Redstone Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63125 , has accepted a position with Monsanto as process engineer.

Robert S. Meiners of 100 S. Clay, Ferguson, MO 63 135 , is an assistant engineer with Union Electric. Captain Donald E. Murphy and his wife Patricia have moved to 6542 Spruce Dr. , Rickenbacker AFB, OH 43217. Captain Murphy is Chief, Resources & Requirements at Rickenbacker AFB. Steven and Linda Lewis have moved to 5671 -B Ed-Lou Lane, St. Louis, MO 63 128. Steve is a UMW A Employee (management trainee) with Peabody Coa l. James and Sandra Smith live at 11 753 Chandellay, Creve Coeur, MO 63 141. Jim is an engineer II with Monsanto. Thang Vinh and Mong-Diep Le have moved to 633 Chestnut, Windsor, CO 80550. Thang is an engineer with Hewlett-Packard. Marion A. Myers has accepted a position with the Missouri Public Service Comm ission as assistant district engineer and has moved to 123 Clark, Apt. 4, Richmond , MO 64085. Richard and Carolee Jo Fields have moved to 1000 Un iversity Blvd. , Apt. C-8 , Ki ngsport , TN 37660. Richard is employed by Ten nessee Eastman as a machinist. Steven R. Chapman has accepted a position with Sun Oi l Co. as a production engineer and moved to 280 I Bill Owen's Prk. No. 191, Longview, TX 75605.

Johnnie C. Roberts is in grad school at UM R. Send his mail c/o Delta Sigma Phi, Rt. 3, Box 252, Rolla , MO 65401. Sally S. Schwager has moved to 430 I Creighton, Apt. 32, Pensacola, FL 32504, and has accepted a position with Exxon as a sen ior project engineer. Inwoo Yoon has moved to 3410 NASA Rd . I, No. 216, Seabrook, TX 77586, and has accepted a position with Rockwell International as MTS I. James and Kathleen (Hood) Rau have moved to 1502 Trent Court No.2 , Cheyenne, Wy 82001. Jim has a new job as associate engineer with Conoco. Julia A. Miller has accepted a position with Amoco Prod. Co. as 'a geophysicist and moved to 6102 Winsome Lane, Apt. 5, Houston , TX 77057. Michael H. Deming has accepted a position with Amoco Production as a petroleum geologist and has moved to 9001 Town Park No. 26, Versailles, Houston, TX 77036. Veronica S. Durling of 9997C Sioanes Square, St. Louis, MO 63134, is a field engineer with Square 0 Company. Jess Sherwood, Jr. is an engineer with Meredith Corp. Home is 7809 Carter, Apt. H, Overland Park , KS 66204. Julius A. Ihonre is a graduate student in the mining dept. at Virginia Tech. , Blacksburg, VA 24061 . MSM · UMR Alumnu s / 47

Alumni Personals _ ______ _______________ r978


Rick J . Lauer of 4410 Cay uga Dr., St. Louis, MO 63 123 , has acce pted a position wit h Monsanto as a process engi neer. Mark S. Craig has accepted a positi on as petroleu m engineer with Exxon and has moved to 61 1 E. Ai lsie, ApL B6, Kingsv ille, TX 78 363. Stephen and Janet Smid ha ve moved to 460 Highwa y 332, Apt. 197 . La ke Jackson, TX 77566, where Steve is worki ng as a process engineer wi th Dow Chemical. Steven and Cheryl Ann Tidwell have moved to 2202 Grace Ellen Dr., Colum· bia, MO 6520 I. Steven G. Serniak is an engineer with Western Elect ric Co. Home is 63 19 Weber Rd ., St. Lou is, MO 63 122. Hung Manh Tran is a tes t engineer with McDonnell Douglas. His add ress is 40 I Weight Rd., No . C, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Jack Posey is a recipient of an Offi ce of Ed ucat ion Fellowship in the Dept. of In dustrial Engi neering at Pu rdue. His address is Box 602 G rad House East, La fayette, IN 477 06. Edward C. Aselman, Jr. is an electrica l engi neer with Deere & Co. He and Trudy reside at 427 II St. , Si lvis, IL 61 282.

Patrick Owen of 907 Locust, Tex ark ana, AR 755 07 is alive and well . Albert C. Charles has moved to 146 1 N. Placentia, Fullerton, CA 9263 1. Albert is a member of the techn ica l staff of Hughes Aircraft in Fullerton. Richard J . Toth has moved to 2368 -D Su Casa Dr., Florissa nt , MO 63 031. Richard is an engi neer fo r McDonnell Aircra ft Co. in SL Louis. Stan ley D. Lewis lives at 110 Esplanade, No. 222 , Pacific, CA 94044. Stan works for Utah International, Inc. in San Fran CISCO .

James M. Ivy II has moved to 710 Log· gi ns, No . II , West Columbia, TX 77486 . Jim is a Journeyman, Pet ro Chern Di v. fo r Halliburto n-Braw n-Root in Houston. Steven D. and J oy Lautenschlaeger have moved to 1044 Ga lena Dr., Coeur d'Alene, ID 838 14. Steve is a min ing engi nee r fo r Hecla Mining Compa ny in Wa ll ace. Mark R. White's address is Box 233 2, Dillon, CO 80435 . Ma rk is a junior shi ft engineer for Climax Molybdenum Co. in Cl imax. Michael L. Coldiron is with John Deere Prod uct Engr. Center as a transmission engineer. His add ress is 220 I Thunder Ridge, Apt. 6B, Cedar Fa lls, IA 506 13.

David G. Wi nter, a grad uate student at UMR , reports that he plans to enter grad uate school at the University of Texas in September. His add ress is 9th and Bishop. Rolla, MO 65 40 I. Richard D. Dale has moved to 160 W. Schiller, Ch icago, IL 606 10. Dick is a nuc lea r engin ee r/fu el ma nage ment engineer for Comm onwealth Ediso n in Chicago. Capt. Donald E. and Patricia Murph y have moved to 65 42 Spruce Dr. . Rickenbacker AFB , OH 43 2 17. Don is chief, resources and requ irements, for Rickenbacker AFB. Civil Engineeri ng Squadron in OH. Veronica S. Durlin g lives at 9997C Sioanes Square, SL Louis, MO 63134. Vero nica is a field sales engineer for Square D Compa ny in St. Lo uis. Michael J . Finnega n has moved to 206 Brook ridge, Apt. 9. Waterloo, IA 50702. Mike is a process engineer fo r John Deere Engine Work s in Waterloo. David John Ste leer is an associate test engineer with McDonnell Douglas Electronics Corp. He reports that he is look· ing to a bright futu re. Home is 3092 Belleri ve Dr.. Beln or. MO 63 121. Paul F. Bradd ock has moved to Ho llan dale Apt. 2 1J , Cl ift on Park, NY 12065 . Pa ul works for General Electric in Schenectad y.

Sandra J . Michel plans to start graduate school in the fall at Washington Univer· sity. Home i 2 165 A. Keeven Lane. Florissant , MO 63 03 1.

Terry D. McCallister has moved to 2433 Whitmi re Bl vd ., Apt. 55B. Midl and. TX 797 02. He is an opera· tion/analytica l engineer with Atlant ic Richfi eld.

Tak·Yun Pong is an assistant lectu rer at Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute.

Joseph L. Murph y is a software design engineer with Fisher Co ntro ls. His ad · dress is 17025 S 7th Ave. , Apt. 22, Marshalltown , IA 50 158.

Terri N. Noelker is now Mrs. Brad White and is li vin g at RL I, Box 152. Hardin . MO 640 35. Terri is a prod uc· ti on clerk at Banquet Foods Corp.

David H. Sees is now employed as a petroleum engi neer with Texaco. He and his wife, Pame la, are making their home at 903 West Center St. , Fairfield, IL 62837 .

Gary A. Corb in is an associa te engineer wit h Delco Elec tronics Di vision of General Mot ors. His address is 4 19 W. Linco ln . Ap t. J-2 . Kokomo. IN 4690 I.

Jack F. Backs ha moved to 3920C Vuecre t Lane, St. Lo u i ~. MO 63125 . He i ~ a chemical engineer with Monsa n-

Dennis L. McCormack is a hybrid design engineer with Na ti onal Semiconductor. His address is 347 Penn Way, Los Gatos, CA 95 030.

48 / MSM · UM R A lum n u s

to .



MSM·UMR Alumni Association Committees

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Alumni Alliance . . . ...... . ..... Art Baebler Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference. ... . . ... .. Bill Flood Annual Fund . . . .. Bob Bay Athletic Studies .... . ..... . . ............ . . . . . . . . . .. . Joel Loveridge Awards . . . ...... . ... . .. .. ... Hans Schmoldt . .... ... .... .. . .. ... ... ..... . Pete Mattei Constitution and By-Laws. Faculty and Program Planning . .................... . . Walt Mulyca Finance. . ........ . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .... ... . .... Vern Loesing Financial Aids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bob Wolf Jackling Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . AI Buescher Nominations. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . ... Bob Klorer

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First Class Permit No. 18 , Sec . 349 , P.L. & R. , Rolla , Mo.

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MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401



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