Alumnus University of Missouri - Rolla
June J979
50 Year Reunion
MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telepho ne (3 14) 341-4 171 ; (3 14) 341-4172 OFFICERS · . Joseph W. Mooney '39 ................ 7383 Westm oreland . Universi ty City. MO 63 I 30
President .
President ElecL
.... Robert D. Bay '49 .. . Frank C. Appleyard '37 .
Vice PresIdent .
MSM-UMR Alumni Associat ion University of Missouri-Roll a Rolla , Missouri
Vice President .
· . Arth ur G. Bacblcr '55
Vice President
· . Alfred J. Bu esc her '64 .
Vice President .
· . James B. McGrath '49 .
Term Expires
.. 1980
. . 222 Magna Carta Lane . 51. Louis. MO 63 14 I
..... 1980
. ..... 808 Solar . Glenview. IL 60025
.. . 1980
. . 20 Fox Meadows . Sunset Hi lis. MO 63127
.. 1980
. 2640 Quail Lane .. Northbrook. IL 60062
.. ..... 1980 1980
. .. . Fru ·Con .
1706 Olive St .. 51. Louis. MO 63 103 ... Robert V. Wolf '51 .
Secretar y
Volume 53 Number 3 June 1979
Treasurer .
Allan H. LaPlante '63 . Belding H. McCurdy '38 . E. L. "Roy" Perr y '40 . W all er
Mulyca '65 .
Lawrence A. Spanier 'SO .
On The Cover. ..
Row 1, left to right: Hank Monsch, Tom English, Charles Dresbach, Bill Drake, Jeff Crum , Ben Coil , Art hur Bradford. Row 2, left to right: Carl Salley , Jack Potter, Luther Mu rray , Goose Morris, Frank McCurd y, Emmet Kirn , Charley Johnson , Fred Hoertel, John Hah n, and Van VanSciver.
John O . Wilm s '43 .
H. W. Flood '43 . Joel F. Loveridge '39 . Hans E. Schmoldt '44 .
Ric hard I-I. Bauer '52 . Robe rt M. Brackbill '42 .
... 1980
DIRECTORS AT LA RGE Term Expires . Continental Oil Co .. P.O. Box 2197. Houston. TX 77001 . .. .. 1980 1981 . 7400 Sun Island Dr.. Sou th . Su ite 711. South Pasadena. FL 33707 . ... 8150 Leesburg Pike. Suitc 600: Vienna. VA 22180 . . ............. . .. 1980 . 203 Hillcrest. Marshall. TX 75670 . 1981 .5 Pell it Dr .. Dix Hills. NY 11 746 . .. 1979 · t7700 South A valon. Space 59 . Carson. C A 90745 . 1979
COMM ITTEE CHAIRME N DIRECTORS 183 Main St .. Acton. MA 01720 ........ . 739 Countr y Man or Lane. Creve Cocur. MO 63 141
· Schmoldt Engineering Services Co .. Inc.. 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesv ille, OK 74003
EXECUTI VE CO MMITTE E · .... Missou ri Elec trochcm, Inc .. 1526 Fcnpark . Fcnt on. MO 63026 · Texas Pacific Oil Co .. 1700 One Main Place. Dallas. TX 75250 . 9954 Holliston Court . 51. Louis. MO 63 124
Term Expires . ....... 1984
EX ·OFF ICIO DIRECTORS Pau l T. Dowling '40 . . 10144 lVinding Ridge Rd .. 51. Lou is. MO 63124 R.O. Kaste n '43. . ......... 90 I West tl4 th Terrace. Kansas Ci ty. MO 64 114 James J. Mu rphy ·35 ............ Murphy Company. 1340 North Price Rd .. SI. Louis. M0 63132 Mel vin E. Nickel' 38 . . . .... 10601 Sout h Hamilton Ave .. Chicago. IL 60643 F.e. Schneebe rger '25 . . . One Briar Oak. 51. Louis. MO 63 132 James IV . Stephens '47 . . .... Missou ri Pu blic Service Co .. 10700 E. Highwa y 50 Kansas City. MO 641 38 Fra nk H . Mac kaman .
Iss ued bi -monthl y in the interes t of the gradua tes and former s tudent s of th e Misso uri School of Mines and Me tall u rgy a nd t he Univers it y of Misso uri -Ro lla . Entered a s second cla ss mailer Oc tober 27, 1926_ a t Post Office at Ro lla , Mi sso u ri 65 40 I, u nde r th e Ac t of Ma rc h 3,
Depl. of Civil Engr .. UM R. Rolla. M0 65 401
Area Zip Term Expires Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS 00· 14 Raymond T. Rucnheck 'SO . . 7 MOnlcview. Chelmsford. MA 01824 . · 1980 15-2 1 J. D. Pallerson'6 1 1660 Ashlawn Dr .. Pittsburgh. PA 15241 . .. ........... 1980 1979 22-33 Bill L. Atchley '57 .............. 1266 Crestwood . Morgantown. IVV 26505 . . .. 20001 Idlewood Trail. Cleveland. OH 44 136 .. 1980 3545 William D. Busc h. '4 2. .. 1981 46 ·59 George Bau mgartner '56 ......... 2 120 Syracuse, Dearborn. M148127 . 1979 60·61 Allen G. Behring '66 . . 447 S. Euclid. Villa Park . IL 60181 . 1981 62·62 Ernst Wcinel·44 . 1502 West 50. O·Fallon. IL 62629 . 1981 63-65 Malleo A. COCO '66 . . 7115 Aliceton Ave .. 51. Louis. MO 63 123 . 63·65 Martha Gerig '69. . .. 80 I Fairground Road. Rolla. MO 6540 I . · 1981 1980 63-65 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 .......... 331 Ca rmel Wood Dr .. Ellisville. MO 630 I I . .. 1980 63-65 Robert W. Klorer '44 ............ 7500 Natural Bridge Rd.. 51. Louis. MO 63123 . 63·65 Harold A. Krueger '42 . . . Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branch. Sweetwater. MO 63680 .. · 1979 .. 1981 63-65 J. Robert Pallerson '54 . . ..... Show-Me. Inc.: P.O. Box 573. Sikeston. MO 63801 . · 1980 63-65 George R. Schilli ngcr '63 ......... 7598 John Ave .. Oakville. MO 63 129 . .. 1981 63·65 Paul R. Munger '58 . . Director. Institute of River Studies. UMR . Rolla . MO 65 401. 63-65 C. M. Wattenbarger '4 1 .... 205 IV . First 51. . Terrace. l.ama r. MO 64759 . · 1981 · 1979 63·6 5 Edwin J. Werner '49 . 102 N. 12th St .. Bl ue Springs. MO 6401 5 . 66·74 Herman Fritschen '51 ........... 5249 S. 68th East Place. Tulsa. OK 74145 . · 1979 .. 1979 75·79 Rex Alford '40 . . .... 5743 Jason. Houston. TX 77035 . · 1980 80·89 & Victor J. Hoffma nn '60 . . .... 31 057 E. Lake Morton Dr .. SE . Kent. WA 9803 1. 96·99 .. 1979 90-95 E. Murray Schmid t '49 .. . ... cio E.F. Fahey. 220 Mar Vista Drive 0. 91. Ap tos. CA 95003 ..
Peter F. Mattei '37 . .
Vernon T. Locsing '42 .
.......... Depl. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr .......... 1980 UM R. Rolla. MO 65 40 I
Joh n Thcilmann . Barbara Pet rovic . Kr is Cunin .
STAFF ............. Executive Vice· President. MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Director. Office of Alumni·De velopment. University of Missouri·Rolla · .... Assistant Direc tor. Alumni De velopment Uni ve rsity of Missou ri·Rolla · .... Staff Assistant , MSM ·UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary, Alumni Development, Un ive rsit y of Missouri·Rolla ........... Records Coordinator. MSM ·UMR Alumni Association & Computer Terminal Operator, Alumni Developmen t. Uni versit y of Mi ssouri·Rolla MSM·UMR Al umni Association. Harris Hall . UMR. Rolla. MO 65401
.. 1982 · 1980
Row I. Ie ( John Har 10 right
It was I the Class Missouri were gree prepared ing them was ever; has long s different received ( the fifty graduatic members Florida. t between. Friday e were gree Gabe and to Twidg lovely wi tiful boart the welco The early COuntry r reneWing years. SOl bored COn sPOuses t
TennbPiltl 1980 1980 19,0 19S0 19 19" 19S0 19SO
Tenn Ell'<" 19 19i1 !Q~
In 19",
Row I. left to right: Hank Monsch , Tom English , Charles Dresbach, Bill Drake. Jeff Crum , Ben Coil. A rthur Bradford. Row 2, left to right: Carl Salley . Jack Potter. Luther Murray. Goose Morris. Frank McCurdy. Emmet Kirn , C harl ey Johnson , Fred Hoertel , John Hahn , and Van VanSciver.
Termb".. Iqi: 19!0
"Swine of '29"
I9!iI 19S1
Return After 50 Years
In In IqSI I'il 19i1 liie
I" Iq19 Ilil 19i[ 19i1 Iq II"'
In In llSi!
I t was the fall of 1925 when most of the Class came to the ca mpus of the Missouri School of Mines. There the y were greeted by an inflamatory poster prepared by the lordl y sophs proclaim ¡ ing them as the "Swine of '29". If there was ever any "swin ishness" exh ibit ed. it has long since disappeared. And it was a different sort of welcome th e Class rece ived as they came to reunion and th e fifty -year ann ive rsary of their graduation from MSM . Eighteen members made the trek from Maryland. Florida , Ca lifornia. T exas and points between. Unofficial fes tivities start ed on Frida y eveni ng as returning al umni were greeted by their host and hos tess. Gabe and Edith Skitek. Then it was off to Twidge Thoma s' where he and his lovely wife Lois had prepared a boun tiful board and an ope n bar to co ntra st the welcome of fifty -four years before. The earl y arrivals enjoyed th e gracious country home. a perfect setting for th e renewi ng of friend ships of those bygo ne years. Some of th e distaff side had harbored concerns about thi s retu rn of th eir spou ses to the scene of early triumph s.
Several had never been exposed to a gathering of Min ers amongst the bea uties of th e Missour i countryside. But apprehensions were allayed and it wa s soon evident thi s was going to be a weekend to remember. The Thomas part y was a spec tacular success. although the host and hos tess we re somewhat disma yed that gues ts stayed but all hour or two past th e stated time . Well, th ere may have bee n one exception w ho sucumbed to th eir urging to sta y. Late arriva ls were all in town for th e first official eve nt. whi ch was th e Class of 1929 Reuni on Luncheon held at the Pub Mobil e on Saturday The restau rant is on th e ground floor of the Autos of Y es ter yea r Museum. or for those two need another reference point . the building Just north or the Pennant Hotel. Joinin g th e Class of '29 were officers and directors of th e Alumni Association. Chancellor and Mrs. Marchello, professors emeriti Walt er T. Schrenk and I. H. Lovett, and th e Skiteks, who got everyone to the Pub on tim e. Imagi ne the delight of returning after fifty years to find two of the rnofs
who were th ere when you were_ Wonderful memory, for now all the rou gh places are made smooth. Followin g libations and lunch and a heartily applauded decision to ha ve a non -program. those interested toured th e Auto Museum-of special interest to Bill Drake of Memphis who has a 1927 Franklin of his own-and th en took a walking tour of the ca mpus.
Gabe and Edith Skitek
MSM Alumnus ! !
to party ...
Saturday night was the Golden Alumni Banquet when the Class of 1929 and their guests were joined by the professional degree candidates, the honorary degree candidate, university officials, and other friends . National president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Joe Mooney , presided, and the social hour and banquet were in honor of the Class of 1929. Executive vice president Frank Mackaman introduced the Class members using what is now almost a traditional format. Campus scenes were interspersed between slides of the members, reproduced from the senior pictures in the 1929 Rollamo. Each class member responded. Collectively and individually, the responses provoked admiration for the loyalty and devotion this Class has exhibited for their alma mater. At the close of the evening, the truth stood revea"led-this was a vintage class. Readers are cautioned. Not the whole truth was revealed, for the ALUMNUS still must rely on retaining mailing pri vileges and slander becomes libel when it appears in print.
Dick Ke
Bill Stevens, Mildred and Tom English
!Joe ~hl
to Dave Oakley and Jack Potter "talking tuba".
Walter Keller , Sally Grawe and Vernon A. C. Gevecker
Ron Roebuck , John Hahn, Fred and Julia Hoertel
Carl Salley , Jim and Maril yn Pogue
2/ MSM Alu m nus
hen the profesndidate ident of resided, le Class nan inImost a ;ed betllor picXlnded. 'ovoked has ex· ing, the
Jack Foster and Joe Marchello
Dick Kerr, Phariss and Arthur Bradford
~veal ed,
mailing in print.
W. T . Schrenk, Schweickhardt, '28
holds court
'26 , and
to be honored . • •
Carl Salley
Goose Morris
Jack Potter
MSM Alumnus / 3
Tom and Mildred English
Frank and Virginia McCurdy
Ruth anc
Ben and Margaret Coil
Julia and Fred Hoertel
Charlie and Mary Dresbach
John Har
to Luther and George Rae Murray
4/MSM Alumnus
Bill and Marie Drake
Ruth and Hank Monsch
Kitty and Jeff Crum
Emmet and Theresa Kim
John Hahn
Audrey Roberts; Van and Marian Van Sciver
to reminisce ... and renew old friendships ... MSM Alumnus/5
Joseph W. Mooney , President MSM-UMR Alumni Association
Lu ther U. Murray Columbia, Missouri
Henry D. Monsch Green Valley, Arizona
Ca rl L. Sa lley Rolla, Missouri
Thomas O. English Marshall , Texas
Charles W. Johnson Princeton, Iowa
E. Jefferson Crum Arnold, Maryland
Leroy F. Van Sciver Los Altos, California
6/ MSM A lumnus
Benjam in R. Coil Mesa, Arizona
Russell S. Dittmer Coatsburg, Illinois
Francis A. McCurdy Alamo, Texas
Charles J. Potter Indiana, Pennsylvania
Frederick W. Hoertel Rolla, Missouri
Emmet R. Kim Whiting, Indiana
Arthur L. Bradford Buffalo, New York
William L. Drake Memphis, Tennessee
Charles H. Dresbach Rogers, Arkansas
John H . Hahn Boulder, Colorado
MSM Alumnusl7
menceill l in the Building received science. I philosoP'
Dr. Jo
Orville W. Morris Lake Worth , Flori da
8/ MSM Alumnus
Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello
Dr. John Stuart Foster, Jr.
dent an Systems Beach. I ment ach science ( Studer were: Fr and Pal Mines a Bales an< Engineer Myles JI Arts and The ti on Mail Chemica Zenor, P Specia nlllg mer Profes to thirte( to honor sional a dividual
Commencement Exercises Held UM R held its 106th A nnual Commencement exercises Sund ay, M ay 13, in th e Gale Bullman Mu lti -Pu rpose Bui lding_ Approx imately 570 students received bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, mas ter of science, and doctor of phi losophy degrees. Dr. Joh n Stuart Foster. Jr. , vice president and general manager. Energy Systems Group, TRW , I nc.. Redondo Beach, CA delivered th e comm encement adDress and received th e doctor of science (H onoris Causa) degree. Student marshals for comme ncement were: Francilda An n V ena ble Er ickson and Pau l Pat ri ck Ru ssell. Sc hool of Mines and Metallurgy; Bruce Sul livan Bales and Steven Joseph Treis, School of Engineering; H oward Rogan Cole and My les Josep h M idgley , Jr .. College of Arts and Sciences. The titl e of Emer itus was conferred on Mailand R. Strunk , Professor of Chemica l Engineerin g, and Hu ghes M. Zenor, Professor of Ph ysics. Special recognition was given to returning members of th e Class of 1929. Professiona l degrees were presented to thirteen al umni and friends of UM R to honor them for outstanding professional accomp lishments in their individual field s of expert ise.
T he rec ipients and th eir degrees are: Law rence H. Borgerd in g, chief of MidCont in ent Mappin g Center , U.S. Geologica l Survey , Ro lla. geo logica l engi neer; Roy T. Clayton. assistant di vision ma nager of Halliburton Services, Ok lahoma Cit y, pe tro leum engineer; Richard Cole, vice president and genera l man age~ of the Primary Metals Division of Rey no lds M etals Co., Richmond , V A. metal lurgica l engineer; Dr. Wayne G. C ustead, president of A RCO Medical Products Co., a subsidiary of At lantic Ri chfield, H ave rford, PA, chemica l engi neer; Wi lbur S. Feagan, pres iden t of F & H Food Eq uipmen t Co, Springfie ld, MO, ma nagement engineer. John L. Hodges, vice president and area manufacturi ng manager of the Glass Con tai ner Divi sion , Owen sIllin ois, In c. , Temp era nce, M I , mechanica l engineer; Jerome D. Patterson . manager-prod uct development and plannin g for th e H arb ison-Walk er Refra ctori es Division of Dresser Industries, Inc., Pittsburgh , cera mic engineer: Major General Wesley E. Pee l. com mandi ng genera l of the U. S. Army Trai ning Center Engi neer and Ft. Leon ard Wood , c i vi l eng i neer; Lawrence A. Spa nier, president of Comtronic Associates. Inc .. Di x Hills, NY,
elec tri ca l engineer; Dr. W ilbert F. Stoecker , professor of mechan ica l engineer in g, Univers ity of Illinois, Urbana -C hampaign , mechanical engineer; Carl os Herschel Tiernon, president of the Deister Concentrator Corp. , Fo rt Wayne, I , metallurgical engi neer, M. J. Tu rni pseed , managcr of mines, M id-Continent Resources, Inc., Glenwood Springs, CO, engineer of mines; and John W illiam Waters, regiona l general distribution superint endent.. Energy D istributi on Department (Gas & Elect ri c), Eastern Region , Consu mer Power Co. , G rand Blanc, MI , petroleum engineer.
John L. Hodges
Wilbert F. Stoecker
Wa yne G. Custead
Lawrence A. Spanier
MSM Alumnus / 9
The Confere the ba! recipie!
scho lar~
accomr Preside! speaker
Joe Ma
Carlos T iernon
M. 1. Turn ipseed
Wes ley E. Peel
at UM F In h outlined would I year al been ap sophom for Oexi be mad! strucliOi a Irai!' assistant InslruCli ing imp ponents machine graphics lime I assistanc posal is compule compute tion. an design c,
Jerome D. Patterson
Roy T. C layton
IO/ MSM Alumnus
Lawre nce H. Borgerding
Richard Cole
John W. Wate rs
Wilbur S. Feagan
Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference Th e 197 9 Alumn i·Student ·Facult y Conference got off to a good starl with the banquet for alumni , fri ends, and rec ipi ent s of A lumni Assoc iati o n scholarships an d grants on Thursday night. April 22 . Th e A ssoc iati on scholars received pl aq ues honorin g th e acco mp lishment s fr om Ass ociati o n President Joe Mooney. Th e fea tured speaker fo r the banquet was Chancellor Joe Marchello, who spoke on progress at UMR during the academic yea r. in his ta lk, Chancellor M archello outlined severa l new programs that would be implemented in th e com ing yea r at UMR. An honors program has bee n approved that will give fres hmen, sophomores, and juniors an opportunit y for nex ib ilit y in th eir stud y. Efforl s w ill be made to improve th e qualit y of in · stru cti on, including th e deve lopment of a tr ainin g program fo r teac hin g assistant s. A campu s· wid e Services for Instruction and Research acti vit y is be· ing implemented in Ju ly. Initial com · ponent s of SI R will be: a ce ntral machine shop. central elec tro nics shop, graphics and photograph y serv ice. pa rt · tim e t ec hnician an d se c r eta rial assistance. and technica l edit ing. A pro· posa l is being prepared to obtain a new computer for the Computer Center, and computer graphics, intera cti ve opera · tion. and computer·based engin ee ring design capabi lities will be increased.
Provos t Jim C. Pogue Th e C hancellor' also pa inted an op· timi sti c picture of prese nt and future trends for UMR . Enrollment is pro· j ec ted to increase thi s fall . Plans have been submitted to th e U ni versit y central ad ministrati on for repairs, renovations and four new bu ildings at U MR : Min erals E ngin eering, Engin ee rin g M anagement. A uditori um , and A rl S and Sciences. On Fri day, A pril 23, alumni met with slUdents and fa cul ty from te n depart · ments. Th e discussions, semin ars. and
lectures were be neficial to all invo lved. Some alumni eve n crossed discipline lines, as did civil engineer M att Coco, w ho visit ed with th e Social Science depa rtm ent. Departm ental represen· tati ves summari zed th eir acti vities at a luncheon F ri da y. Provos t Jim Pogue gave a short presentation on the academic plan fo r UM R at the lun · cheo n. Th e conference closed Friday af ter· noon with most of th e parti cipants reso lved " to do it aga in nex t year. "
Director Belding McCurdy approves of the A ·S·F Conference concept.
Paul Munger, '58 , Master of Ceremonies
Joe Mooney, '39, President , M SM· UMR Alumni Associati on.
MSM A lumnu s / ll
Roger Clemons Engineering Management
Ken Schoeneberg, Civil Engineering
Al len Rouse Chemical Engineering
Transfer sh, Mih Mowatt.
A-S-F Departmental Meetings Take Various Formats
Electrical Engineering
Associati Elizabeth
Rupp, K
Civil Engineering
Paul Bale Ameiss, I Mechanical Engineering
On Apr
the Natil named its bara Pelr MSMUtv senior sec' Electrical Engineering
12/ MSM Alumnus
Civil Engineering
1979, p.
Alumni Association A \Nardees
Transfer Student Scholars-Row I, left to right: Steve Harsh, Mike Richey, Richard Ya h!. Row 2, left to right: Larr y Mowatt, Thomas Wolf, David Schmi tt.
Association Scholars-Row I, left to right: Russ Little, Elizabeth Lenhart, Lindell Scone, Mary Lou Wirz, Chris Rupp, Kim Denney. Row 2, left to right : Bruce Dawson , Paul Baldetti , Robert Hea, Dale McHenr y, Joe Crider, Mike Ameiss, Robert Weeks, Dale Pippin , Pa ul Janke.
R. E. Dye Scholars- Left to right: Dan Beckerle and Jerry Curless
Alumni Educat ional Assistants-Row I. left to right: Peggy Veit , Jan ice Holley, Becky Brannon, Tom O'Keefe, Jr. , Ken Arnett. Row 2, left to right : Joe Safron , John Forrester, Wa lte r Riggs, II , Chris Edwall , David Copeland .
Staff Assistant Named Secretary of the Year On Ap ril 25 the Rolla area chapter of the Na ti onal Secreta ries Association named its Secretary of the Yea r. Barbara Petrov ic, Staff Assista nt fo r the MSM -UMR Alumni Association and senior secretary received the awa rd for 1979 . A Ce r t ified Profes s io na l Secretary, Ba rba ra is a fam iliar fi gure at
ma ny alumni fuct ions. In conju nction with bei ng named Secretary of the Yea r fo r the Ro lla chap ter, she was one of five secretaries selected to compete fo r the title of Missou ri Division Secreta ry of the Year. Moreover, Barbara has been selected preside nt of the Roll a chapter fo r the comin g yea r.
MSM Alumnus / 13
UMR Acac Four Four Universl ducted Enginee meeting, They
Alumni, Students and faculty Socialize
9119 E
Klahr. I Ill: Dr Rolla: \\ Drive, J( The : UMR c serves as engineeri
Col B
Dr. Barbara Hale Named UMR Adviser of the Year Dr. Barbara Hale, associate professor of physics, has been named " Adv iser of the Year" at the University of MissouriRolla . The award was presented at luncheon ceremonies Tuesday , April 17, in the Mark Twain Room , University Center East. Dr. Hale, a UMR fac ult y member since 1969, was nominated for the honor by members of the Chi Omega sororit y. She was chosen " Advi ser of the Y ear" by an anonymous committee of im partial judges. T he nomination cited Dr. Hale for her " advice and encou ragement that brought us from a small, loca l organization to the strong and rapidl y grow ing, nMional group that we are today." AlSO recognized at the luncheon were four other "Adviser of the Year" fin alists . F irst runn er-up is Dr. Hard y Pottinger, senior systems analys t and
14 / MSM Alumnu s
assistant professor of computer science and adviser fo r the Newman Center. Seco nd runn er-up is Dr. John D. Rockaway, professo r of geologica l engineerin g and adviser for the Assoc iation of Engineerin g Geologists. Dr. Bruce Poling, associa te professor of
chemica l engineering, was recogn ized as th ird runn er-up for his work with the student chapter of the America n Institute of Chemica l Engineers. Fourth runner- up is Dr. Gordon Lewi s, professor of cerami c engineerin g, and adviser for the Wesley Foundation .
Missouri Conference on History On A pril 27-28 UMR hosted the 2 1st A nnu al Mi ssouri Co nference on History. Papers presented at the seventeen sessions included diverse topics such as the phi losophy of science, U.S. military history, Politi cal Parties and Presidential Leadership, and French histor y. K ey note spea ker Fr iday night was Henry Steele Com mager, professor of history at Amherst College, who spoke on " H istory and the Grea t Communit y of Learning." William L.
Hun ga te, f ormer Misso uri Co ngressman, discussed " Missouri's Congressional Delega tion 1965- 1975: A Look from the Inside" on Saturda y. Progra m part icipa nts came from high schools, co lleges and universities in Missouri and eight ot her states and state and nationa l archi ves. A lumni participa ting in the progra m were William J. Murphy, Jr., '7 1, Columbia, MO and Ross J. Ca meron , '7 1, Washington ,
isdistrict Corps of Klahr district el ment of' Dr ~ engineeri of River: faculty si in 1958. Wisch. dent. De: company
Ex1 Here's aIi titles are
Rolla, Rol
PROGRI Digital C Second S Ultra Th UMR Su Embarkrr COld For Porcelain Microem Introduct Quality Single Ph 6th Bienr lntroduct 6th Annu Advancec Refresher
UMR Civil Engineers
Academy Inducts Four
~nized as with the iean In·
vis. pro' and ad· n.
iCon' i's Con' 975: A Jay. Pro'
m high ;ities in Ind state lni par· William MO and hing tOn .
Four civil engineering alumni of the University of Missouri-Ro lla were inducted into the Academy of Civil Engineers at th e group's annual meeting, Friday, April 27. They are Col. Robert G. Bening, 9119 E. 67th Place, Tulsa, Okla. ; Dale Klohr, 16 Fox Creek Road. Belleville. III.: Dr. Pau l R. Munger, Soes[ Road , Rolla; William Wisch, 409 Ri verview Drive, Jefferson City. The academy honors outstanding UMR civil engineering alumni and serves as an advisory group to the civil engineering depart men t. Col. Bening, a 195 5 UMR graduate, is district engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Tulsa. Klohr, a 1958 UMR graduate, is district engineer with the Illinois Department of Transportation. - Dr. Munger , professor of civil engineering and director of the Institute of River Studies, has been on the UM R facult y si nce he recei ved his B.S. degree in 1958. Wisch, a 1950 grad uate, is vice president , Delong's Inc. , a stee l fabricating company.
Left to right-Row I: Paul Munger, Dale Klohr, Bob Benning, William Wisch. Row 2: Harvey Leaver, Joel Loveridge, Otis H. Taylor, Bob Livingston, Pete Mat· tei , Dale Carney, Joe Senne. Row 3: Ken Schoeneberg, Vester B. Unsell, Warren Wieland , Harley Ladd , Coy Brewer, Gene Daily, Vern Gevecker. Row 4: Francis D. Lyons, Bob Kemper, Bob Vansant, Roy Perry, Neil Steuck, Dan Kennedy. Row 5: Ernest Weinel , Bob Bay, Leroy Jackson.
Extension Nevvs Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR faculty and the extension division. Where titles are not self explanatory . you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call "Extension Coordinator," 314-341-4201 or 4202. Written requests should be addressed to Walter Ries, UMR Extension Division, University of MissouriRolla, Rolla, Missouri 6540 I . PROGRAM LOCATION DATES June 11 -15 Rolla Digital Computer for High School Students Rolla June 18·22 Second Session June 13-15 Rolla . Ultra Thin Coatings by Glow Discharge Polymerization Rolla June 24-30 UMR Summer Learning Experience July 16-20 St. Louis Embarkment Dam Soil Aspects Rolla July 16-20 Cold Formed Steel Short Course July 29-Aug. 3 Rolla Porcelain Artists Workshop St.Louis Aug. 29-31 Microemulsions & Emulsions Rolla Sept. 10-14 Introductory Short Course of Composition of Paint Rolla Sept. 17-21 Quality Controllers & Paint Inspectors Short Course Rolla Sept. 24-28 Single Phase Induction Motor Design Rolla Oct. 8-10 6th Biennial Symposium on Turbulence Rolla Oct. 15-19 Introduction to Paint Formulation Oct. 16-18 Rolla 6th Annual UMR-DNR Conference & Exposition on Energy Oct. 22-26 Rolla Advanced Chemical Coatings Workshop Rolla Nov. 5·9 Refresher for Painting Contractors, Maintenance Engineers & Specifiers
MSM Alumnus / 15
Spring Soard Meeting Held.April 28 President Joe Mooney ca lled the spring meeting of the MSM -UM R Alumni Association Board of Directors to order at 10:00 a.m. on April 28 in the Sil ver and Gold Room of the Universit y Center. Twenty board members and staff members Frank Mackaman and John Theilmann were present. President Mooney welcomed Chancellor Marchello to the meeting. The Chancellor's remarks were in the fo rm of a report of the progress tha t had been made during the academ ic year, of cu rrent plans and future challenges. The encouraging report was well received by those present. Hans Schmoldt, Awards Committee Chairman , presented the names of those people nominated for awards. The recommendations fo r the awards, to be presented at Homecoming, were accepted. Bob Klorer presented the slate of nominees fo r the board and they were approved to stand for election.
-Science and Engineering Fair Held at UMR The 23rd annual Sout h Central Missouri Science and Engi neering Fair was held at the Uni versity of MissouriRolla on March 30-3 1. Approxi mately 90 exhibits from 14 area schools were judged fo r awards on the basis of creative ability , scien tific thought , thoroughness, sk ill , clarit y and dramatic va lue. Awards were given in the areas of behaviora l and soc ia l sc ience s, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, ea rth and space scie nces, e ngin eer in g, mathematics and computers, medicine and health, microbiology , physicis and zoology. Robert Menam in , Rolla, was the winner of the first grand prize. His project, submitted in the engineering category, was entitled " Better Identifica tion of Buried Metallic Targets by Evaluation of Capabilities of a Tra nsmitterReceiver Metal Detector in Varying Condit ions." Winner of the second gra nd prize was Sherie L. Snider, Seymour. Her entry , entitled "Experiments with Solar Collectors", was in the physics category.
16/ MSM Alumnus
Matt Coco explained the relative sa vings and benefits that cou ld be deri ved from an increase in the number of tabloid format issues of the ALUM NUS . The board agreed that the ALUMNUS would be issued in tabloid format three times a year (A ugust, December, February) sent to all alumni of record and magazine format three times a year (October, April , June) sent to contributers onl y. The change in for ." mat results in the December issue being a tabloid instead of a magazine. Copies of the complete minutes are avai lable to members upon request.
Presen t for the meet ing were: Joseph W. Mooney , Robert D. Bay, Matteo A. Coco, Robert W. Klorer, Joel F. Loveridge, Peter F. Mattei, all SI. Louis; Arthur G. Baebler, Sunset Hills, MO; Robert V. Wolf, Vernon T. Loesing, Martha Gerig, Paul R. Munger, all Rolla; E. L. "Roy" Perry, Vienna, VA; Walter C. Mulyca , Marshall , TX; Lawrence A. Spanier, Di x Hills, NY ; George Baumgartner, Dearborn , MI ; Ernst Weinel, O'Fallon, IL; J. Robert Patterson, Sikeston , MO; C. M. Wattenbarger, Lamar, MO; Hans E. Schmoldt , Bartlesville, OK.
Meeting Data DATE EVENT/SITE ST. LOUIS NIGHT WITH THE CARDINALS ... ... . . .. .. . June 30, 1979 Cardinals vs. Phillies ST. LOUIS PARENTS PICNIC . .. ... .. . . .J ul y 14, 1979 Pioneer Park KANSAS CITY PARENTS BALLGAME . . . . . .. . . .. . .. .. ... . July 20, 1979 Royals vs. Indians .. July 20-22, 1979 SOUTHERN CAL SECTION . .... . . ...... . . ... . Ensenada, Mexico ..... July29,1979 JOPLIN PARENTS MEETING .. Joplin ARK-LA-TEX ........ . .. . · . . . August 5, 1979 S.P.E .. . . September 24, 1979 Las Vegas CAPE GIRARDEAU .. · .. October 6, 1979 HOMECOMING 1979 . . ... ... .. ... . . . . October 12-13 Rolla . October 12, 1979 SEMI-ANNUAL BOARD MEETING .. ... . . . ..... . Rolla ANNUAL MEETI NG OF THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ..... . .... . . . . . .. ... October 13, 1979 Rolla ROLLA NIGHT AT ENGINEERS CLUB . . .. .. October 18 , 1979 St. Louis PARENTS DAY . . . . . ....... . · . October 27, 1979 Rolla UNIVERSITY DAY .. . . . . . . ..... . . . .. . ... ... .. . .. ... November 10, 1979 Rolla WINTER COMMENCEMENT. .... . December 16, 1979 Rolla . . . . . .... . ... ... First Tuesday ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH. Denver Petroleum Club BARTLESVILLE LUNCH . ... .... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Third Friday Cafeteria Conference Room, Adams Building ATIENTION: Please notify Alumni Office of your meeting arrangements.
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Section News Minutes of Spring '79 MSM-UMR Ark-La- Tex Section Alumni Association Meeting The subject meet ing was held Ma y 5, 1979 at the Hospitalit y room of the Schlitz Longview Brewery. After a brief social hour, th e guest speaker , Pam Max ey, Kil go r e Rangerette in 1974 and 1975 , ga ve a talk on that organization . This was fo llowed by a Question and answer session and was very interesting. The section then feasted on delicious Bar-B-Que before th e meeting was for· mally ca lled to order by President Jud y Grotefendt. Mark Herzog, Section Treasurer/Secretar y, announced his tran sfer to Houston , T exas. The floor was opened for nominat ions and as there were none, John Moscari wa s volunteered as new Treasurer/Secretary. Walter Mulyca then took th e floor and gave a report on the semi-annual Board of Directors meeting. Then Walt con gratulat ed member Tom English for celebrating the 50th Anni versary of his Graduation (1929).
Discussion then turn ed to th e summer meetin g whi ch is sched uled for August 5, 1979. The John Livingston s offered to hold th e meeting at their new house pending its complet ion. With no other business, th e meetin g was adj ourned, and the members were given a tour of the brewery. A ttendees were: Mr. & Mrs. Tom English, '2 9; Mr. & Mrs. David Fles h; '23: Mrs. Jud y Grotefendt , '74 : Rande Grotefendt, '73; Mr. & Mrs. John Livingston. '39; Mr. & Mrs. John Moscari , '51 ; Mr. & Mrs. Walter Mulyca, '65; Mrs. M elanie Naeger, '76; Bob Naeger, '77; Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Rachel s, '75 ; Mr. & Mrs. Gera ld Roberts, '2 8; Mr. & Mrs. H omer Thompson , '32; Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Volk er, '54; Vernon 's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ton y Burdine; Mr. & Mrs. Mike Weiss, '77 ; and guest speaker M rs. Pam Maxey.
Southern California St. Pats The St. Pats meeting of the Southern Californi a Chapter on March 24, at Co lony Cove Recreation Hall , wa s pleased with the attendance of some new faces and some th at we have missed for some tim e. Floyd and Ellen Smith just recent ly return ed from Iran. A personal account of conditions in Iran was ex trem e· Iy interesti ng. The caterer was a little late which resulted in an extra roun d whi ch further contributed to a mellow evening. The son of John and Ph yllis Wilm s was proudl y in troduced. Within a month , Mike wi ll fl y to New G uinea where he wi ll work as a development miner for Freeport Indonesia, Inc. The Ensenada meetin g held last year at th e 400 acre Huseman Ranch in M ex ico was so success fu l that it will be held again th is yea r. T he semi-firm dates for this outing are Jul y 20, 2 1, 22.
Alth ough not as spry as she used to be, 95 yea r yo ung Eva Hird ler Greene attended th e meeting with her very in· spirational cousin Eris Hirdler. Bra ins seem to ru n in her famil y. Seeing and talk ing to Eva makes one reflect- we wi sh we could al l lead a life as full' Those alumn i, wi ves and fri ends who attended the meet ing are as fol lows: Won C. Park , '62 ; W . B. Fletcher, '34; Edwin & Rose Ka yser, , 16; Floyd & El len Smith, '41; Rene Rasmussen, '43 ; Jack & N atali e Stadelhofer, '49 ; Karl Al lebach, '28; John & Leona Rasor, '36; Don W . Crapnell , '5 9; John & Jacki e Evans, '52: Willi am A . Bell , '75; John & Helen Muehring, '50 ; Wa yne & Bett y Huff, '5 I : Jo hn & Phy llis Wi lms, '43 ; Eva Hirdler Green, , II ; Eri s Hirdler; Jim & Theda Gostin , '44 .
Tulsa Section One of the most pleasant traditions of the Ok lahoma alumni activities sched ule i th e annual din ner meetin g sponsored by the Tulsa Section . This year the event was again held in the Summ it Club at th e top of the Fourth National Bank Bu ilding in downtown Tulsa. A lso traditional was th e hosting of the pre· pra ndial libations by Ed Smith. A lovely setting and an enjoyable evening, It is not recorded in pictures solely due to a malfunction in the camera equipment or the operator. A special alum nus attended, Pearl Michael , Class of 1909, a Seventy -Y ear grad uat e of Civil Engineering. Section president Dave Ki ck and secretary Tom Barrett made th e arrangements, although Tom was unable to attend. Returned by popu lar demand to do the introductions was arca director Herman Fritschen. Presenting the program was UMR Chancellor Joe Marchello. The report on the campus and the view of the future were enthu siastically received. Present for the event on Saturda y, March 31 , 1979, were: Ernest R. & Mollie Achterberg, '53 ; Joseph Epperson, '78 ; Keith & Pat Bailey , '64; Don & Sco ttie Falkingham , '4 1; Walter E. Bai· Iy, '49 ; Herman & A rlene Fritschen , '51 ; Col. Robert G. & Irene Bening, '55; John &: Mary Hamby, '53 ; Kevin Bodenhamer, '78 ; Robert & Haroldine Hinds, '57 ; Jim & Judy Collins, '64; Dave & Gayle Kick , '57 ; Joe & Sue Cowan, '69; George W . & Barbara Leck III, '6 1; John & Lorraine Echols, '72; Ernest & Faye Moran, '27 ; Pearl Michael, '09 ; Vi c & Fran Spalding, '3 9; Robert & Betty Ponder, '50 ; Edward & Brenda T enes, '70; Carl & Betty Reichert, '65; William & Ann Vark , '50; Terrance & Pat Ridenhour, '69 ; Gene & Lee Veale, '42 ; Charles & Eunice Ringenberg, '58 ; James & Gwendolyn Ware, '56 ; H ans & Jimmie Schmoldt , '44; Roy & Audrey Wilkens, '66; Stanley V. Scott , '78; Jimmy & Nancy Schottel, '70; Jack & Bette Shafer, '43; Edward A. Smith , '24; John & Lorraine Evanoff; Karen V eale; Kay A chterberg; Harold Pohl; Carol McGahey; Will & Wi lma Arnold; Don Stout; Frank & Nancy Mackaman ; Joe & Louise Marchello; Donna Hix and Moriah Barton .
MSM Alumnus / 17
Alumn; Personals _ __ 1914
The alumni office ha been notified of the death of John Nixon Webster on April 25 , 1979. His home was 2523 W. Kings Highway , San Antonio, TX 78228.
Thomas Dover is retired from the U.S. Govt. Thomas lives at 4 Amesbury St. , Broomfield, CO 80020.
William H. McDill li ves at 1052 Jea n Dr , San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 I. Bill is retired and has taught classes at the Ca lifornia Polytechnic State Un iversity in Civil Engineering.
1922 Glen S. Wyman of 2123 Softwind Ln ., Encinitas, CA 92024 says that at 79 it's good to wake in the morning.
1923 Oscar Louis Brandenburger of 130 I Scotts R un Road, McLean, VA 22 10 I, died Dec. 22 , 1978 , at his home. He is surv ived by his wife, two daughters, and several grandchildren.
1925 Charles Adelbert Runge of 177 Cornelia Ave., Glendale, MO 63 122, died Dec. 30, 1978.
1926 Robert L. Siddall li ves at 500 E. Anderson Ln ., No. 2140, Austin , TX 78752. Bob is retired.
1927 Edward Parsons is retired. Edward and his wife Naomi live at E. 42-25 Ave., Spokane, WA 99203.
1928 Phil Boyer of 1640 Eolus Ave. , Encinitas, CA 92024 reports that he en¡ joyed his 50th class reunion and hopes to return for his 75th.
1929 Thomas O. English 605 Bergstrom PI. Marshall, TX 75670 Luther Murray founded M & M Hiway Materials Co. in Columbia, MO in 1946, and sold the company and retired in 1967. Luther and George Rae reside at 804 Fairview Rd ., Apt. B-5, Columbia, MO 65201.
18/ MSM Alumnus
1931 Jack and Margaret Con ley have moved to 24 11 East 55th PI. , Apt. 63 , Tulsa , OK 74105. Jack has resigned his position as Director of Geology Section, AZ Oil and Gas in Phoenix and is reentering private sector of petroleum in dustry.
1932 Carl A. and Phoebe Elsea have moved to 46 Limberlost Ln. , Prescott, AZ 8630 I. Carl is reti red .
1933 The alumn i office has been notified of the death of Robert G. Langehenning. No date of death was given. Charles Lambur li ves at 33 Rampasture Road , Hampton Bays, NY 11 946. Char les is semi -reti red and is a mining consultant. His hobby is Chairman of the Operating Council for Judo Nation al Council of YMCA . Bernard Gross is cha irman of the board of Capro Inc., and president of Sofec, In c. His address is Elkins Lake, Box II I, Huntsv ille, TX 77340.
1934 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Durward E. Fagan Box 139 Palos Hts., IL 60463
Rudolph J. and Harriet C. Knoll live at 1610 Ashlawn Dr , Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Rud y is a sa les engi neer for Wean United , Inc . in Pittsburgh. He is look ing forw ard to his class reunion in 1980 plus retirement and relocation to the Sun Belt. The alum ni office has been notified that Herman Maurice Mc{inney died Feb. 16, 1978.
A/un 1938 (
Frank al dress is 8 Upper U retired, F 10 acres estate off he plans Eugene f ESGRoc reside at Hills. CA
Donald I have mo Paradise. Christine plant ma also gave 13 years.
Jack Clanto n has been Prof. of Civi l Engineering with the University of Washington. As of July I, 1979 Jack will be retiring. Jack and his wife Et hel (Patty) live at 4264 NE 74th, Sea ttle, WA 98115 .
Andrew Aylward has retired. And rew and his wife Wilma live at 63' 7 Silver Fox Drive, Flor issa nt, MO 63034.
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J. Clay and Fay C. Turk live at 27 Landmark Ln , Pittsford , NY 14534. Clay retired from Eastman Kodak Co. in Windsor, CO on April I, 1978.
1938 Fred M. Mueller is a sr. engr with the Atomic Power Div. of Westinghouse Electric Corp. Home is 336 V2 W. 18 St., Ida ho Falls, lD 8340 I. The Alumni Office has received word that John R. Bircher passed away on April 7, 1979.
Robert C. Weigel 120 Emerald Dr. Danville, CA 94526
Collins M. Burton is president of National Truckers Service in Ft. Worth. His address i 3937 Thistle Ln ., Ft. Worth , TX 76 109.
William Ellis Hedges of 708 Ihler Rd , Jefferson City, MO 6510 1, died May I, 1979.
Mrs. Stokes of 407 South Park A venue, St. Louis, MO 631 19, has notified us that her husband, Homer Beall Stokes, died Jan. 5, 1979.
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Alumni Personals ______ _ __ _____________ 1938 Cont. Frank and Gerry Goodrich 's new ad · dress is Box 607 , 926 Clover Va lley Rd , Up per Lake, CA 95485. Now that he is retired , Fra nk plans to raise wa lnu ts on 10 acres, play golf, and open a rea l estate office, and if he has an y free time, he plans to go fi shing. Eugene F. Hill is a senior engineer with ESG·Rockwell Int. He and Ph yllis reside at 11 517 Bianca Ave., Granada Hills, CA 91344. Donald R. and May Allen Jaenecke ha ve moved to 5929 York shire Dr. , Paradise, CA 95969. Don retired from Christine Electri c Corp after 32 yea rs as plant manager on Nov . I, 1978. Ma y also gave up her rea l estate practice of 13 yea rs, and they moved to Paradise, just north of Sacramento in the foo thi lls of the Sierras. It is beaut ifu l, and the y love it. They bought a motor home in wh ich to travel and intend to fish and enjo y life.
1939 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coord inators: Hubert S. Barger Barger Engineering P. O. Box 2507 Evansville, IN 47714
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Frederick W. Heiser 16 Viking Dr., Cherry Hill Englewood, CO 80110 Joseph W. Mooney 7383 Westmoreland St. Louis, MO 63130 Carl Lintner is retired. Ca rl and his wife Betty li ve at 684 S. Rosedale, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236.
1940 Paul F. and Bertha C. Ross have moved to 423 In wood Rd. , Wilmington , OH 45 177. Paul works for the US Air Force/ASD Civil Serv ice at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton.
Edward L. and Mabel Rueff live at 10 12 Oakland, Kirkwood, MO 63 122. Ed is an engllleer for Fruin -Colnon in St. Louis. W. A. Enderson reports that after two yea rs of retirement it 's stil l great. Home is III Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. The alumni office has been notified that Howard Martin Katz, Jr., of 1724 Cherokee Place, Bartlesville, OK 7400 3, died March 27, 1979.
1941 Frank B. and Gail W. Rogers live at 11911 Hidden Lake Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63138. Frank is a senior service metal lurgist for Granite City Steel in Granite City, IL.
1943 James Baugher is a VP at Tow n & Co unt ry Homes. James lives at 2905 Sunn yfi eld Dr , Louisv ille, KY 40 220. Roy L. Kackley is adm inistrator/e ngr. of the cit y of Clay ton. He and Adeline reside at 522 Mt. Davidson Ct. , Clay ton , CA 94517 . Homer Jerome Ballinger, Chairman of the Board of Mississippi Lime Co., died March 13 , 1979. He is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Frances C. Ballinger, of 555 Cedar Lane, Ste. Genev ieve, MO 63670.
1944 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Robert W. Klorer Klorer Co. 7500 Natural Bridge St. Louis, MO 63121
Fred F. Burgett's new address is 1442 West Wood Ct. , Decatur, IL 62522.
1942 Fred Olde is a senior engineer, design with McDonnell Aircraft. Fred and his wife Florann li ve at a new address, 1890 N. Downs Dri ve, Florissant, MO 63033 . Sam Kurtz is an associate with Allstate Realtors. Sam and Martha reside at 8597 Pendleton Dr. , Rosev ille, CO 95678. Gilbert Shockley, general manager of operations services, Reynolds Metals Co., has been elected to the Board of Directors of the American National Standards Institute. Home is 207 Nottingham Rd. , Richmond , VA 2322 1. Welby M. and Dorothy King li ve at 2713 N. Wright St. , Santa Ana , CA 9270 I. Welby is a science adv isor for Southwest Inno va tion G ro up in Pasadena . Since 1974 he has been consultant to local government s on technology transfer with an emphasis on Energy Management. We lby and Doroth y form ed DORW EL Associates for Real Estate and Landscape Management work. They have travelled in Hawaii , Guatemala , and Ire land and are scheduled for a cruise this yea r.
Hans E. Schmoldt Schmoldt Engr. Services, Co. 526 S. Seminole Bartlesville, OK 74003 Ernst A. Weinel 1502 W. 50th O'Fallon, IL 62269 Ken and Margaret Schoenberg ha ve mo ved to 7526 N. Ridge Ave., Chicago, IL 60645. Ken continues as managerad ministration with the Associatio n of American Railroads.
1946 Richard C. and Ruth Santorius li ve at 14003 Queensburg Ln., Houston , TX 77079. Dick works for Gulf Oil Chemica ls Co. Austin B. Clayton and his wife Elva are enjoy ing ret ireme nt at 909 E. Hawthorne Ave., Colville, WA 991 14. Their activities include gardening and fi shing.
1947 Gilbert H. LaPiere's new address is 1604 Coventry Pk ., Ok lahoma City, OK 73 120. He is a self-employed financial oi l and gas consu ltant.
MSM A lumnu s / 19
Alumni Pe rsonals ______________-'---_______
1947 Cont.
Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:
John E. Schork's new address is Box 1500, Somerville, NJ 08876. He is Chai rman and CEO of Resea rchCottrell, Inc.
Robert D. Bay 222 Magna Carta Dr. S!. Louis, MO 63141 Richard M. Otto R. M. Otto Co. Inc. 4318 Whittier Indianapolis, IN 46226
1948 Donald O. Reinhart has been appointed . manager , marketing for the RCA Cablevision Systems organization in North Hollywood , CA. Home is 239 10 Via Flamenco, Va lencia , CA 91355. William J. Miller has joined Teledy ne Allvac as the manager of nuclea r process metallurgy. His address is P.O. Box 798, Wingate, NC 28 174. W. A. Schaeffer, III, of 13030 Perthshire, Houston, TX 77079 announces that his daughter Sea n has married Allen Gilley and now resides in Atlanta. Mary Ellen Knoebel of 110 Colonial Village Court, Webster Groves, MO 63119, has notified us that her husband , Ca rl Walter Knoebel, died in August of 1978. Joe and Marjorie Billy have moved to 6156 Claymont Dr , St. Louis, MO 63129. Charles Hudson is president of Hudson Chemical Compan y. Charles and his wife Peggie li ve at 113 Hawthorn Estates, St. Louis, MO 63 131 .
1949 Joseph D. Crites has been promoted to the position of manager of the Tilden Mine of Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. He and Margaret reside at 1400 N. Lake Dr , Ishpeming, MI 498 49. Elmo and Lois Knutson have been enjoyi ng retiremen t since 1975. Their address is 10616 Hutton Dr. , Sun City, AZ 8535 1. Edward J. Kimmick reports that his family is doing well. Home fo r Edward and Ruth is 6747 Char les Rd. , North Olmsted, OH 44070. 20/ MSM Alumnus
Leonard L. Schuler, Jr. 12580 Markaire Dr. S!. Louis, MO 63141 Joe N. Strubert 2300 Divot Dr. S!. Louis, MO 63131 Harold M. and Virginia Telthorst li ve at 68 15 SW Fountaindale Rd. , Topeka, KS 66614. Their daughter Lisa is graduat ing from Kansas State University in May. George M. and Jeane S. Anderson li ve at Rt. I, Lamar Ln. , Fulton "MO 65251. George is manager, Western District Mines for Harbison -Walker Refractories in Fulton . George was appointed to the Missouri Land Reclamation Comm ission by Governor Jose ph Teasdale on March 28 , 1979. John J. Mulligan was presented the University of Alaska, School of Mineral Industry, 1979 Distinguished Service Award in recogniti on of outstanding personal contributions to the mining indu stry , effective adm inistration of Bureau of Mines activities in Alaska , and coopera ti ve support of Un iversi ty mineral research. Presentation was in Fairbanks, AK , at the annual AIM E awards banquet in April. John and Peggy receive their mail at Box 33 5, Douglas, AK 99824. John is chief, Alaska Field Operations Center, U.S . Bureau of Mines.
Richard J. and Marge Stegemeier have returned to the Un ited States after 13 years in Australia , Japan , Singa pore, and Indonesia, where Dick served as Vice President , Southeast Asia of Union Oil of CA. On Jan. I, 1979 Union 's Resea rch Depa rtment was given division status, and Dick was named President of the Science and Technology Divi ion . Dick and Marge li ve at 1731 Dana PI. , Fullerton , CA 9263 1. James E. Miller has a new job as assistant project manager-co nstruction for How ard, Needles, Tamm en, and Bergendoff in New York , NY . Jim and his wife, Lucy , li ve at 66 Cooper Tomlinson Rd . 4, Medford , NJ 08055. W. E. Bach, Jr., and his wife, Joa n, li ve at 1862 Tilton Dr, Pitt burgh, PA 15241. Wilbert is marketing manager, Ingot Prod ucts for Alcoa.
WiliiaIT mated with IB cle, En!
Ted Qi, 31 yea 13704 80401.
R. L. I Dallas.
David i Nimitz med m, Arlingt!
Orland moved t CitY,CI voir en! in San I
Harve Meier, president of MeierTempleton Associa tes, Inc. , is mov ing to 43 JamestOw n Farms Dr. , Florissa nt , MO 63034, in jul y.
Herber! 7 Watt Herbert
Avery A. Drake, Jr., spent late August and ea rl y Sep t. in Dublin and Counties South , Down and Donega l attending a sy mposium and field trips devoted to "The Caledo nides of the British Isles Rev iewed ". He is heavil y in volved in the International Geologic Correlations Program Ca ledonide-Appalachian Project, lead in g th e U.S. ba eme nt basement/cover group, and serving as compiler for the Central Appalachians in the deformation group. A very is regional geologist, Eastern Region, U.S. Geologica l Survey. He and Co lette li ve at 155 1 44th St. NW , Washington, DC 20007.
Raymol have m Kensin[ dent en
William E. and Margaret Coolbaugh have moved to 1305 S. Lake Wilm er Dr., 212A Sand usky, OH 44870. Bill is manager plant design for Vulcan Materials Co. in Sa ndusky.
Clifford Statler ha a new pOSItion with Sperr y Vicker , Omaha , as an operations manager Clifford and his wife Helen li ve at 9805 Madison Plaza 0.2, Omaha, NE 68 127 .
O. T. " live at
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Alumni Personals _______________________ 1951 Cont.
William G. Van Bramer has been pro· moted to project engineer-manager wit h IBM. Home is 2807 Uni versit y Ci rcle, Endwell , NY 13760.
J . L. and Betty Mason have moved to 550 Roosevelt , Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. J uni or is plant manager for Monsanto, Co. in Sarn ia.
Dale Gilliam has been promoted to production manager·onshore for the New Orleans region of Amoco Production Co. Home is 3749 Red Oak Ct. , New Orleans, LA 70 11 4.
Ted Oldenburg reti red in January after 31 years of fede ral serv ice. Home is 13704 W. 21 st Ave., Golden, CO 8040 1.
Louis Schaefer works for a new com· pa ny, Lasco, and li ves at a new address, 280 I Briar Bluff La ne, Clearwater, FL 335 19.
William R. Chastain is vice president of Cont inental Chem ical Co. He and Laura reside at 2031 Picasso Ave., Davis, CA 99616.
) as ass is· ction for ~n, and Jim and Cooper J 08055.
R. L. Dickens, of 10433 Remington , Dallas, TX 75229, annonces that his son David is in the Nav y on board the USS Nimi tz wh ile daughter Ca ro l is a pre· med major at the Uni versit y of Texas, Arlington .
Samuel A. Culmo is president of S.A. Culmo & Associates, Inc. Home is 8307 Braesda le, Houston , TX 77 071.
Joan, live rgh, PA manager,
Orland B. and Virginia Dommers have moved to 1187 Beach Park Blvd. , Foster Cit y, CA 94404. Orland is a senior reservoir engineer for Na tomas International in San Francisco.
Meier· lovingto lorissant,
Herbert and Ruth Ke nt have moved to 7 Wa ter Way , Rumson , NJ 07760. Herbert is president of Elkem , Inc.
e August Counties ending a vmed to tish Isles 'olved in irelations lian Pro· lsement· :rving as alachians II, very is ion, U.S Ilette live lIOn, DC
lion with
In opera· his wife za No.2,
Gerald J. LaBouef has been associated with Hydrocarbon Trading & Transport Co. , Inc. for two yea rs, the last year as president. The company trades and transports all kinds of refined petroleum products. Home is 10618 Brentway, Houston , TX 77070.
1954 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Frank B. Conci P. O. Box M Ga\conda, IL 62938
1952 Raymond P. and Jacqueline Heilich have moved to RD 2, 7t h St. Rd. , New Kensington , PA 15068. Ray is a resi· dent engineer-ceramic for Alcoa.
J . Robert Patterson Show-Me, Inc. P. O. Box 573 Sikeston, MO 63801
O. T. Yager, Jr., and his wife, Marion , li ve at 168 E. Market St. , Rhinebeck , NY 12572. Tim is manufacturing manager for Co lum bia Corp. in Chat ham. Columbia Corp. has two mi lls manufacturing paperboa rd, a conver· ting division for lining, pasting for the industry , and manufactures a fine grade of art ist board and mat board.
D. E. Groteke recently formed a new company: Metcast Associates , Inc. whi ch produces non fe rrous alloys, alum inum powders , and specialt y melting services. Home is 1228 Ridge Cl iff Rd. , Cinci nnat i, OH 45215.
H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr. is now an opera· tions research anal yst with the Na val Ocean Systems Center in San Diego. Home is 2909 Fi rst Ave., Apt. 3A , Sa n Diego, CA 92 103.
Philip Cornel has a new position with the Tretolite Division Petrolite Corp. as a regional manager. Ph ili p a;ld his wife Helen li ve at a new add ress at 6536 E. North view Drive, Anaheim Hills, CA 92807.
Clarence M. Tarr has been promoted to supervising metallurgist, rolling and hot rolled products, Western Stee l Di v. , Armco, Inc. in Kansas City. Home is 10621 E. 65th , Raytown , MO 64133.
Lawrence T. Kickham, Jr., and his wife Vi rginia live at 1789 Linden Ave ., Memphis, TN 38 104. Larry is plant energy coord in ator for Buckeye Cellu lose Corp. in Memph is.
1958 L. Fred Cox is now general sales manager for Me nardi-Sout hern Corp. in Augusta, GA. Fred li ves at 1209 Monte Sano, No. 13, Augusta , GA 30904.
John and Gruz Ford have moved to 13139 Avenida La Valencia, Poway , CA 92064. John is a design engineer for Ryan Aircraft in San Diego. Gervase J. Lager died Nov. 10, 1978 , from injuries received in an automobile accident. Irving Spencer, III, has a new position with a new compa ny as a manager, mao jor projects wi th Venmac Limited. Irving and his wife Dorothy live at RR2 , Orton , Ontario LON I NO. Gerald Armstrong holds the position of project manager with Manager,lent Training Systems. Gerald and his wife Katherine li ve at a new address, 5104 NW Ridgewood Dr. , Kansas City , MO 64 151. Jimmy E. Almond is regional manag~ r with QEI, Inc. in Hous·ton. He and Polly live at 1710 Eastvale, Spring, TX 77373. . Herbert and Helen Burlbaw reside at 9046 Summer G len Ln. , Dal las, TX 75243. Herbert is a staff engineer with Texas Oi l and Gas Corp. D. Warren Williams has been promoted to regional account manager with Dowell Div. of Dow Chemical. Home for Warren and Mary is 510 Forest Hills Dr. , Greenburg, PA 15601. MSM Al umnus12 1
Alumni Personals _ __________________ __ _ 1959 Re union At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Jerry R. Bayless UMR 108 Civi l Engr. Rolla, MO 65401 Lucien M. Bolon, J r. 5648 Kirkham Ct. Springfield, VA 2215 1 Edward E. Hornsey UM R 103 Old Met Rolla, MO 65401 Ronald A. Kibler 1006 Shellbark Muncie, IN 47304 Gerald L. Stevenson 515 Rob Roy Lakeland, FL 33803
Franklin Shad well is chief sys tems engr. with Trip le/S Dyna mics. The company prod uces machiner y fo r the reclamation of municipal solid waste installations. Franklin 's address is Rt. I, Box 304 F, Desoto, TX 75 115. Ronald E. Volker has been promoted to secti on chi ef tec hn ology -s truc tural dynamics with McDonnell Douglas. Home is 54 Jamaica Dr., St. Peters, MO 63376 .
1960 Wayne R. Davis is an industrial relations rep. with Rey nolds Metals Co. Home is 141 1 Olde Coa lmine Rd ., Mid lothian, VA 23 11 3. Bill M. Dalton is now vice preside nt of LD .E.C. , Inc. Home is 130 Bellwood Dr. , Lima, OH 45305.
J oseph F. and Mary Reic hert have a new son, Steven Joseph , born Feb. 27 , 1979. They now have five chi ldren, two girls and three boys, ages 11 ,9, 6, 5 and 3 mos. Joe, Mary, and their children li ve at 73 12 Charlotte, Kansas City, MO 641 31. Joe is superintendent of streets at the Pu blic Works Department/Cit y of Kansas Ci ty, MO. Roger S. Seigel li ves at 8424 State Line, Leawood , KS 66206. He is area manager for Comtel/Pivan Engineering in Mission. The Alumn i Office has received word . that Donu lus J . Padberg passed awa y on August 24, 1977. Samuel and Betty Woods have moved to 28255 187 Ave. , SE, Kent, W A 98031. Sam is works manager with U.S. Gypsum in Tacoma. John and Pamela Lutz have moved to 6006 E. Geddes Circle, Englewood, CO 80 112 .
22/ MSM A lu m nu s
Frederick Ly nch has a new position with a new compa ny as a staff engineer with Sperr y Flight Systems. Frederick and his wife live at 332 1 W. Ki ngs Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85023.
Jerry rv Rosehill Donand 445 Knc
LTC Gene C. Ri zer is depu ty brigade commander of the 18th Engi neer Brigade in Karlsruhe, Germany. He rece ives mail at HH C, 18th Engr. Brigade, A PO ew York 09 164. Bru ce L. Bramti tt has been promoted to supervisor of th e Sheet Steel Metallurgy gro up in the resea rch dept. of Beth lehem St eel. Home for Bruce and Joa n is 16 Pleasan t Dr. , Bethlehem , PA 1801 5. Donald C. Stih is the ma nager, process qualit y control with Georgetow n Steel Co rp. He and Vicky reside at 2006 Cherr y St. , Georgetow n, SC 29440. Charles E. Tharp has fo rmed a compan y spec iali zing in wa ter a nd wastewa ter trea tment systems and eq ui pment , alterna ti ve systems, home treatments systems up thro ugh MG D capacit y. Charles and hi s wife. Ma rgaret live at 9 Champagne Dr., Lake St. Lo uis, MO 63367. Eugene E. Ray of 26 W. 166 Durfee Rd., Whea ton. IL 60 189 has returned to Telsmith Div. of Ba rber Greene Co. as general marketi ng manager after spending two years at Porter In tI. Operations.
1961 JOHN W. WOODWARD Jo hn W. Wood ward h a~ been promoted to de velop ment engi neer with IBM in Ma nassas, VA. Hollie is 4346 Mt. Ca rriage Ln , Fairfax, VA 22030 .
Vytau tas J usionis li ves at 5302 Clark Cir.. Westm inster, CA 92 68 3. Vytautas is vice preside nt of engineeri ng at AstroArc Co.
Walter and Betty Dickens' add ress is Haydo n RI. , Box 38, Dixon, MO 65457 . They wo uld like to hea r from former classmates.
He nry Peterson hilS a new position with a new dept. as a senior member of techn ica l staff with Texas Instru ments. Henr y and his wi fe Marga ret live at 604 Sharon Dri ve, Johnson Cit y, TN 3760 1.
Ke nneth W. Wood is now ma nager, Chemica l Products Plann ing with Shell Oi l. Home is 10847 Britoak , Houston , TX 77 079.
William H. Pike, II , lives at Rt. 2, Box 58 0 , Warrent on , VA 22 186. Bill is techn ica l directo r for GSSD U.S. Arm y Signals Warfa re Lab in Warrenton.
Jon D. presiden Line for was mgr Sharon 411 69.
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Alumni Personals ___________ ___________ 1961 Cont. Jerry Mastapha has moved to 11 682 Rosehill Rd , Overland Park , KS 662 10. Don and Cindy Ostmann have moved to 445 Knaust Rd. , St. Peters, MO 63376 . Jon D. Steinbach has been vice president-operations for Ashland Pipe Line for 2!1! years. Prior to Ihat time he was mgr. -operations. Home for Jon and Sharon is 87 Verna Dr. , Russell , KY 41169. Nelson J. Ozenberger is a staff engineer with Ford Bacon & Dav is Construction Co. Home is 2403 30th St.. Monroe, LA 7120 I.
1962 George R. Grate's new add ress is P.O. Box 3026, APO NY 09615.
a com·
:r and
1S and '. home I MG D largarel ake St.
Heros Dergregorian is a sr. process engr. with Crown Central Pet. Corp. He and Nydia live at 5904 Burning Tree, Houston , TX 77036.
Durfee lrned 10 : Co. as ~ r spen° Opera
2 Clark lyta Ulas .1 Astro·
James B. Robison has been promoted from senior mining engineer to chief engineer for NERCO, the coa l mining subsidiary of Pacific Power and Light Co. Jim and his wife, Sandra li ve at 19355 SE Kay , Milwaukie, OR 97222. Louis R. and Mary Fuka have moved to 2073 North Road , Los Alamos, NM 87544. Louis is visiting associate professo r Universit y of Hawaii /s taff member at the Los Alamos Science LabUniversity of California in Los Alamos.
Earle M. Hughes lives at 126 TorringtOn Ln. , Wil lingboro, NJ 08046. Earle is genera l forema n for Lindenwold High Speed Transit System in Lindenwold. Kraig G. Kreikemeier li ves at 80 Webster Woods, St. Louis, MO 63 11 9. Kraig is assistant vice president for Spire/Sverdrup Corporation in St. Louis. Kenneth Poush has moved to 316 Rabbit Trail , Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Ken is a research specialist for Dow Chemical Co. in Freepo rt. Thomas F. Stark is now a division engineer-glass with the Johns-Manvi lle Co. in Den ver. Home is 6905 S. Wadswort h Ct. , Littleton , CO 80 123 . John W. Hardy, III, is an engineer of communications with Boston & Maine Railroad. Home is 163 Cypress Ln. , Nashua , NH 03060. Richard A. Kahl is a resident engineer fo r the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He was married to Chris Nuytts, a Belgian , ')n Feb. 16, 1979. Dick and Chris li ve at Dormigstraat 15, 6371 VX Schaesberg, Holland. Their mailing address is USAENGD IVENR , Teveren Res. Off. , APO, NY 09011. Wade A. Martin was recently promoted to project engineer in Engine Division Engineering at Caterpillar. His respo nsibilities include work on design and development of large diesel engines. Wade and Maril yn have two sons, Mike, 10, and Jonathon , 4. Their home is 473 E. Forestwood , Morton , IL 6 1550.
Ion with llber of uments. eat 604
returning alumni during 1979 Homecoming, October
your local Holiday Inn, it will be necessary to ask
The Rolla Holiday Inn has been reserved for 12 and 13. If you make your reservations through them to request your room by ADMINISTRATIVE
. 2. BoX Bill is ;. Army IOn.
MESSAGE and indicate that you are an alumnus and give your class year .
James R. Smith is an assoc. scientist wit h W. Alton Jones Cell Science Cen ter in Lake Placid. Home is 12 Old Mi li tar y Rd. , Saranac Lake, NY 12983. Geary Leger has a new position with a new company as a systems application engineer with Western Digital Corporation . Geary li ves at 11 75 Crafton, Mentone, CA 92359. Dennis A. Clark is a mining engr. with the Office of Surface Mining in Knoxvi lle. He and Ardina reside at 40 I Gallaher View Rd. , Apt. 176 , Knoxville, TN 379 19.
1964 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Alfred J. Buescher 2640 Quail Ln. Northbrook, IL 60062 Harry K. Edwards 1453 Huntley Dr. Flint, MI 48507 C. Stuart Ferrell 219 Timothy Lane .Carterville, IL 62918
Frank W. King, III 2017 Baffin Bay Plano, TX 75075 David J. Michel 4421 Rolling Brooke Ct. Alexandria, VA 22306 Larry L. Parkinson 2127 Post Rd. Clarksville, TN 37040 Charles J. and Carol Reinheimer live at 322 Oakleigh Woods Dr. , Ballwin, MO 630 I I. Charles is unit ch ief for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. Donald N. Dean resides at 1213 Velma, Deer Park , TX 77536. Don is a project manager for Diamond Shamrock Corp. in Pasadena. MSM Alumnus/ 23
Alumni Personals _____________________ 1964 Cont. J erry Chervitz has been promoted to bra nch manager of the St. Louis branch of Tymshare Inc. He and Zeta reside at 1524 Shoemaker, St. Louis, MO 63141 . Joseph J. Knerevich is a senior engineerfacilities with Martin Marietta in New Orleans. Home is 310 Steele Rd. , Slidell , LA 70458 . James Terry has been promoted to lead engineer, electronics with McDonnell Douglas. Home is 764 Montauban Dr., St. Lou is, MO 63141. Humberto A. and Sonia Arzabe have moved to 11035 Crimson Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63141. Humberto is a senior process engineer for Monsanto Envirochem in St. Louis. C. Dean and Paulla Martin have moved
to Rt. 1. L-I, Lake Lotawana, MO 64063. Dean is president of Griner and Schmitz, Inc. in Kansas City Earle R. Neubauer, Jr., has moved to 73 17 Quail Run , West Chester, OH 15069. Ea rle is manager of the Ingersoll Rand offi ce in Cincinnati. Ke nneth R. Masters of 905 W. 9th St., Coffeeville, KS 673 37, has been named residen t chief engineer of CRA , Inc.'s Coffeeville refinery . CRA is a subsidiary of Farmland Industries. Jack D. P atterson li ves at 175 Curtner Ave. , No. 754, San Jose, CA 95125 . Jack has a new job as director of research for Back Yard Atomics in Campbell .
LTC Mark S. Sowell, Jr., is deputy engineer, U.S. Corps of Engineers in Mobile. Home for Mark and Patricia is 118 Windsor Square, Mobile, AL 36526. Clyde S. Gudermuth, Jr., is director of manufacturing with Plastics Resea rch & Development Corp. Home is 10614 Meandering Way, Ft. Smith, AR 72903.
1965 Bill Knussmann has a new position with the Anheuser-Busch, Inc. as senior resident construction engineer. Bill and his wife Lois live at a new address at 581 7 Cinnamon Tree Lane, Meaville, MO 63129.
D. F. and Norma Giger live at 222 E. Monroe, Mexico, MO 6526 5. Frank is a service engineer and the owner of Giger Appliance and Refrigeration in Mexico. Frank and Norma have two daughters, Juli~, 5 years, and Susan , 17 months. They are expecting another child in ear· Iy Ma y. Louis M. and Jane Maggs ha ve moved to 2424 Fox Run Rd ., Dayton , OH 45459. Louis is plant manager for Philips Industry in Dayton. Leo H. Palmer lives at 640 Navajo Rd. , Los Alamos, NM 87544. Leo is a staff member at Los Alamos Scientific Lab. Wen·Li and Su Wang live at 7607 Claridge, Houston , TX 7707 1. Wen-Li is a senior engineer for Exxon Co. USA in Baytown.
Ralph M. Cassell has been appointed general superintendent-primary mills for Laclede Steel Co. in Alton, IL. Home is 5423 Dantonaire Place, St. Louis, MO 63 128 .
Robert W. Sundermeyer's new address is 3511 4th Ave., Port Arthur, TX 77640.
William H. Kuhlman is an estimator with Triangle Sales, Inc. Home is 77 07 E. 90 St. , Kansas Ci ty, MO 64 138 .
Ronald R. Havener is manager of fin an· cial" analysis with IBM in Rochester, MN. Home is 2 115 Haverhill Rd. NE, Rochester. MN 5590 I.
24/ MSM Alumn us
James P. Canner is a research engr. with Erie Technological Products. His address is P.O. Box 223, Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868.
Alurr 1965 ( Onur Eg( Avenue)
07208 H R. Dalton Welsh is vice president , salescentral Florida for Conley and Assoc. Home is 1218 Cheetah Trail, Maitland, FL 3275 1. Col. Roy Brown, after completing the NATO Defense Coli . in Rome in Feb., was assigned as Chief, In frastructure Branch, AFCENT in the Netherlands. He receives mail at Box 175 USAE, AFCENT, APO New York 090 11. Philip Chen is a staff engineer at Xerox Corporation . Philip lives at 27 934 Beechgate Dri ve. Palos Verdes, CA 90274. Jyue·Sheng Wang is a seni or process engineer with Selas Corp. of America. Home is 1561 Blair Ln ., Maple Glen , PA 19002. David Magurk's compan y, Magurk and Odone, P. c. furnished all the control surveys fo r the 1980 Winter Olympic Games at Lak e Placid. Home for David and Doris is Old Military Road, Lake Placid, NY 12946. Daniel K. Goodman has advanced to the rank of associate professor, electrical enginee ring, at Purdue University Ca lumet. This summer he will be at Ed· wards Air Force Base working on development of the YF-12 Supersonic Cruise Aircraft and has been awarded a Summer Facu lty Fellowship by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration and the American Society for Engineering Education to further his research on that ' project. Dan and Naomi li ve at 9235 Hawthorne Ave .. Munster, IN 4632 1. Alfred and Dorothy Thiede of 35 Belvoir Dr., Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060. have just returned from an enjoyable three weeks in Europe. Col. Thiede is U. S. Arm y Engi neer Inspector General at Ft. Belvoir.
represent; lids/FMC
William ancy. h NW, Cal duct ion ~ and Wilc
Jesse D. cipal prol Roseville bara. live Brighton,
Tsang·Ch to 4747 64112.
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Jack A. a to 2540 60062. la
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Alumni Personals __________________ ____ 1965 Cont.
Onur Egemen has moved to 136 5 North Avenue-Apartment II E, Elizabeth, NJ 07208. He is an international marketing representati ve for the Marine Co llids/FMC Corporation.
ting the in Feb., tructure erlands.
William M. Farrell, Jr., and his wife. Nancy, have moved to 6 15 8 G ranite St. NW , Ca nton , OH 44718. Bill is a pro路 duction services manager for Babcock and Wilcox Co. in Ca nton.
It, sales. I Assoc.
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Jesse D. Evans has a new job as prin cipal programmer for Sperry Univac in Ro sev ill~ , MN . Jesse and his wife, Barbara. live at 1727 Ro xanna Ln. , New Brighton , MN 55 11 2.
Lloyd Bingham, Jr., former ly with Gulfstream America n Av iation Corp . in Savannah, GA , is now employed by King Rad io Corp. in Olathe, KS. As an engineering test pilot , Lloyd wil l be work ing with development and certification of automatic flight control systems. Lloyd and his wife, Shirley, will reside at 802 Parkway Dr. , Olathe, KS 66061. Robert W. and Sandi Meyer live at 24347 Hampton Hill , Novi, MI 48050. Bob is manager of technology development for Holcroft in Livonia.
Patrick B. and Anne Marie Bennett have a new da ughter. Their first chil d. Jennifer Anne was born Nov. 20 , 1978 in Wiesbaden, Germany. She weighed 9 Ibs. 7 oz. Pat works for the US Army Engineer Division, Europe. His mailing address is EUDED-MO (A mm o) APO. NY 09757.
James and Nikki Schoeffel have moved to 26 Judson SL Apt. 4A , Edison , NJ 08817. Jim is now a surface analysis product specialist with Varian/lEG.
Dan Bennett of 1101 Pi necrest Dr., Rock Hi ll , SC 29730, has been appointed techn ical manager at Celanese Fibers Co. 's Ce lri ver Plant at Rock Hill. Samuel and Peggy Scheer have moved to 1517 Figueroa NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112. Sam is a senior engineer with West inghouse.
Tsang路Chi and Amy Huang have moved to 4747 Terrace, Kansas Cit y, MO 64112. Pete Cassimatis is chief engr. with ClaVal Co. Home is 25342 De Salle. Laguna Hills, CA 92653. J. Derald Morgan, Chairman of the EE Dept. and Emerson Electric Professor of EE at UMR , recently received the St. Louis IEEE Section Award of Honor at the Section's Annual Recognition Dinner held in April. He received the Award for his leadership and dedication of electrical engineering education , his contributions to international enginee ring ed ucation through the Center for In ternat ional Programs and Studies. and for immensely improving the power engi neering program at UMR. Dr. Morgan has also been responsible for organizing numerous short courses and energy conferences at UMR.
1966 Jack A. and Joan Halpern have moved to 2540 Brian Dr. , Northbrook, I L 60062. Jack is Director-M idwest Utility Operations for Dames and Moore in Parkridge. Sir路 Hoi Chen has moved to 162 Westervelt Ave. , Tenafly, NJ 07670.
Charles R. Boillot li ves at 2798 N. Jongkind Park Rd ., La Porte, IN 46350. Charles is a div ision supervisor, Power Applications, for Northern Ind iana Public Service in Michigan City.
Ronald Umphrey's daughter Lorna, age 4, became a U.S. citizen in December, 197 8. Son Clin t, age 6, is in first grade and on his way to becoming a civil engineer. The Umph reys' address is Rt. 4, Box 576B, Fairmont, WV 26554. Bill and Francie Blumfelder announce the birth of da ughter Kat hy Ann . The Blumfelder's address is 4304 Metarus, Florissant , MO 63033. BRUCE V. WORK Bruce V. Work has been appointed administrati ve vice president for Industrial Fuels Corp., a subsidiary of Peoples Gas Co. Bruce and Janet live at 204 36 Doria Lane, Olympia Fields, IL 60461. Will Griggs, Jr., has a new position as owner-president of Mobile Radio. Inc. Will li ves at P.O. Box 806, Rosenberg, TX 7747 1. Ralph H. Kramer has been promoted to second vice president of Continent al III. Nat ional Bank's Oil & Gas Division in Chicago. Ralph and Carol and their three children. Lisa, 8Yz ; Mark . 5Yz : and Paul , 3Yz . live at 247 Wh ite Faw n Trail , Downers Grove. IL 605 15.
Roy A. Wilkens has been named vice president of operations by Williams Pipeline Co. His address is Rt. I, Box 344, Sa nd Springs, OK 74063. Roy Slocum is a programmer with AT&T, Bell Labs. Home is 154 B. Beverwyck , Lake Hiawat ha, NJ 07034. Robert and Cathy Hogue have moved to 410 Hackberr y Dr. , Deca tur, IL 62521. Bob is city engineer for Deca tur. Billy W. Book's new add ress is 747 Bramblewood. Loveland, OH 45140. He is a plant engineer wit h Ford Motor Co.
MSM A lumnus125
Alumni Personals ______________________
1967 Cont.
1968 (
Russell C. L ind enlaub is managcr o f Toll Swi tchi ng Engin ecrin g w ith AT&T. His new address is Rd . 6, Box 82, Nor· thri dge Rd. , F lemin gto n, J 08822 .
R. Bruce Van Dover li ves at 80 Retiro W ay, No. ! , San F rancisco, C A 94 123. Bru ce is self·employed and wo rk s in pro· pert y management.
W. S. W ill iams and his new bride, Sara Lee, re ide at 2 170 G uar li an, Grct na, LA 70053.
Robert C. and Judith J. Du ncan ha ve move to 4702 88 th St. , Lu bbock, TX 79424. Bob is a sa les represe ntati ve for Dav id G. H alley and Co. in Lubbock.
Glenn A . Lyt le has bee n pro moted to chi ef engineer, analog instrum ents, Trip lett Co rp. H ome is 160 Hillcres t Dr, Bluffton. O H 458 17.
San·C heng Lai li ves at 3 148 W . Black H ills C t. , W es tlak e Villa ge, C A 9 136 1. Sa n·C heng is president of Un iversal Sen· sors and Devices. Inc. in C hatswor th .
1967 Thomas McMi llen holds th e positio n of senior project engineer wit h a new co m· pa ny, th e M c lo lland Engineers, Inc. T ho mas and hi w ife Ma rilyn li ve at a ncw address 278 Oak leigh W oods Dri ve, Ball w in , MO 630 I I . John W . Peery is a se ni or manufac tur· ing consultant wi th Spcrry U ni vac. H ome is 1425 Rampart L n., Lansda le. PA 19440 .
\\ \
WILLIAM J . G RAHAM William J. G rah am has becn named a senio r enginee r by Dames & Moore, engineerin g and environmental con· sultants. H o me is 3008 50 Av e. SW , Sea ttl e, W A 98 1 16. Barry and Julia Bryant have moved to 975 Barb izon Dr , Ba ll w in , M O 63 0 11 . Barry is now an associa te co nsultant w ith M cDonnell Do uglas Automat io n.
26/ MSM Alumnu s
Ru ssell Rymer , Jr., work s for Ameri ca n Ca n Company's most modern facilit y mak ing over one bi llion ca ns a yea r for Budwe iser . R ussell and his w ife Joa nne live at a new add ress, Turke y Bend Dri ve, G lencoe, MO 63038. Rob ert Alan and Mary Ellen Wenom li vea t RD I . Box 149 , Y o un gsville, PA 1637 1. Bob work s for U nited Refinin g Co. in W arren. Bob is att endi ng schoo l in C hicago at the U OP Offices, wo rkin g closely wit h th e governm ent on new units to be built at Un ited. Th ey have a country home with 40 acres, 2 horses and 3 chi ldren. David W. Morrison's famil y return ed to th e U.S. in M arch 1979 after li vi ng I Vz yea rs in G erm any, wh ere Dav id did consulting work on a Sa tellit e/ Lun ar Laser Ranging System. Th e child ren at· tended a G erm an schoo l and ca n speak bett er Ger man t han Dave and M ary Lo u l D ave and M ar y Lou li ve at 3 135 David C t. , Palo A lto, C A 94303. Dave is a comput er programm ing consult ant for Drews Systems, Inc. in Su nn yva le. David L1oyd·Jones is a d ivisional engineer with th e Dair y F oods Di vision of th e Kroger Co. H ome for Dav id and Vi cki is 11 22 Wh it epine Ct., C incinn ati, O H 45230. Gar y Lee Kincaid of 1833 Ca nyon V iew Court . C hes terfi elG. MO 63 0 17, died Apr il 25. 1979. H e was a tc t pilot fo r M cDonnell DOllglas.
John M. Evan s has a new j ob as d irec tor·systems plannin g fo r Kan as C i· ty Power and Li ght in K ansas C it y, MO. ' John and hi wife. Linda , li ve at 9 11 9 Sl ater, O verl and Park , KS 662 12.
Walter J anewcal manager ' wife Patr W.89th,
1968 Lawrence H. Luebbert, Jr. is now a senior sys tems engineer w ith H allmark Ca rd s. H ome is 6204 E. I l OS t.. K ansas C it y, MO 64 134 . Jerome V. and Mary F. Bergfeld have moved to 460 Fore tw ood Ln. , M aitland, FL 3275 1. Jerome is a tec hnica l staff enginee r fo r Stromberg· Ca rlson in Lo ngwood.
Gar) L. diltrict Southwe 708 Bole
John and Lola Jackson have moved to 108 18 Braes Fores t, H o usto n. T X 77 07 1. John is now a projec t engineer w ith Dow C hem ica l Co. David and Jeanine Kassing ha ve moved 103683 N.E. 3rd Stree t, G resham. O R 97030 . Dav id is a metallurgist at th e Rey nolds M etal s Com pan y in T rout · dale. James J . Spence, MD and his wife, Peggy, recentl y moved to 5 107 Budding Ln ., Farm ington, NM 8740 I. Jim has just se t up a med ica l prac tice, speciali z· ing in I ntern al M ed icine. Stu art Storrs, a civil engineer in Black & V ea l ch's Int erna ti onal Projec t Di vi· sio n, has been ap po in ted head of th e Di vision's civil/stru ctura l engineerin g scc ti o n. H o me is 59 14 W . 100 T err .. Ovcr land Par k. KS 66207. Will iam T rejbal ho lds th e positi on o f sa les repre cntati ve w ith th e Betz Laboratori es Inc. Willi am and his w ife M ary li ve il t G len Oak s 10 Sumter Co urt , L aurel Spri ngs. NJ 0802 1. Clarence Nelson has a new position wi th a new compan y as a secti on chief with M cDonnell Douglas. Cla rence lives at 63 0 Ocea n Drive No. 209, Juno Beach. FL 33405.
Gregory I coise hal Drive. W works for analyst.
Carl Brin engineer Park. T Greenridg
Jame F, manager. Co. Homl ington He
David and
MillbrOOk Brevard, sup. with
John R. SuperviSor linois Pal wife Patl reside at
v job as :ansas Ci-
Alumni Personals. ______________________ 1968 Cont.
Lawrence Easter 'holds the position ot env. prot. engineer with St. of IL EPA . Lawrence and his wife Karen li ve at 206 Chapel, Co ll insvi lle, IL 62234.
~ity. MO.
~ at 9119 ,12.
now a Hallmark
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his wife. Budding Jim has specializ路
in Black ~ctS Divi路 d of the gineering JO Terr ..
Isition of he BelZ his wife I Sumler
posilio n lion chief ence lives D9, Juno
Walter Jansen has a new position wi th a new company as a qualit y engineering manage r with Ca re Labs. Wa lter and his wife Patricia li ve at a new address, 9537 W. 89t h, Westminister, CO 80020.
Terry Ross holds the posit ion of electrical engineer with a new company, the Associated Elect ric Cooperat ive, In c. Terry and his wife Sharon li ve at a ne w address, 926 Ca rdinal Dr ive, Macon , MO 63552.
Gary L. Mann has been promoted to d is tri c t sa les mana ge r with South western Bell in St. Louis. Home is 708 Bo ley n Place, Ma nchester, MO 630 II.
1969 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Don M. Ascoli 1404 E. Dunbar Tempe, AZ 85282 Robert S. Bruce 15 Carrswold St. Louis, MO 63105 Gregory K. Haseltine and his wife Francoise have moved to 125 Westgate Drive, Wilmington , DE 19808. Greg wo rks fo r Dupont as a senior financial analyst. Carl Brinker engineer for Park , TX. Greenridge, 77 057 .
has a new job as a project Das hiell Corp. in Deer Car l resides <lot 3030 No. 17, Houston , TX
James F. Conduff, Jr. is operations manager , Badger Pipeline, Ci ties Service Co. Home is 3400 S. Badger Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005. David and Betty M in gs' new add ress io Millbrook Estate, Rt. 4, Box 70E, Brevard, NC 287 12. Da ve is a mech sup. with E.1. DuPont. John R. Pulley has been promoted to supervisor, Gas Co nstruction for the illinois Power Co. in Decatu r. John , his wife Patty , and their daughter Alicia reside at 2765 Essex PI. , Deca tur, I L 62521.
BRADLEY H. HORNBURG Bradley H. Hornburg has been named vice president of the Building and Industrial Division of Fruin -Colnon Corp. Home is 934 Baintree Ln. , Ma nchester, MO 630 11. Donald L. and Lynd a Jean Hornback have mo ved to 1634 Hazel, Ca rthage, MO 64836. Don is a civil engineer for the City of Jop lin , MO. Thomas E. and Jean Breese li ve at 86 15 Ches tnut Forest, Houston , TX 77088. Tom was made a senior geologist with Amerada Hess Corp. on Jan. I , 1979. Bryon and Terry Vermillion li ve at 7700 Westwind , Ft. Worth , TX 76 179. Bryo n is a se nior operations analys t for General Dynam ics. Terry gave birth to a girl , Gi na Christene, on March 13. Mother and baby are doing fin e. Bryo n and Terry also ha ve anot her daug hter who is 4 years old. Ronald S. Ziegler is a sr. engr. with At lantic Richfield Coal Co. in Denver. He and Pa mela reside at 606 1 E. Geddes Cir. , Englewood , CO 80 11 2. Fred Bondurant has a new position as fli ght officer with Eastern Airl ines. F red li ves at a new address at 106 Wa lton Ave. , Uni onville. NY 11 553. Gerald M. Hohman has been promoted to ~ect i o n mgr., performance ana lysis with In ga lls Sh ipbu ilding. Home is 2425 Southern Dr , Gau tier, MS 39553.
Paul Brewer holds the position of a materials engineering specialist with the Monsanto Co. Pau l li ves at 4562 Jefroyal , St. Louis, MO 63128 . Aft er comp leting his three yea r contract with Qatar, Asaad Shini has accepted a posit ion with Brown & Root , Inc. in Ho uston. Home is 165 10 Squ yres Ln. , Spring, TX 77373. James and Margaret Chang li ve at 4317 Vistapark Drive, Sa n Jose, CA 95 136. Jim is a staff engineer at the Nat ional Sem iconductor Corporation in Santa Clara. William A. Suszko and his wife Teodora have moved to 112 1 Windsong Tra il, Richardson , T X 75 081. Wi lliam has a new job as proj ect manager in the plann ing department at Frito-La y, Inc. in Da llas. Robert Duston wo rks for Western Electric. Robe rt and his wife Evelyn li ve at a new address, 2 170 Willow Ridge La ne, Chesterfield , MO 63017. Patrick J. Wilson has been promoted to superv isor-programm ing services by McDonnell Douglas Automat ion Co. Home is 4345 Ho neydew Lane, St. Louis, MO 63128.
1970 Michael H. Shea has been promoted to senior engi neer with Cummins Eng. Co. Home is 5220 Norway Ct., Columbus, IN 4720 1. MSM A lu mnus / 27
Alumn; Personals ____________ __ ________ 1970 Cont. T he new add ress fo r Gerald D. Degen, Jr., is 37 0 I Leat hert op Dr. , Plano, TX 75075. John and Marilyn Donnelly have moved to 18 12 Reservoi r, No. 175 , Little Rock, A R 72207 . John , a project man ager with Reyno lds Meta ls, Co. , is temporari · Iy in Brazil. Steve and Kathy Masters of 909 S. 35 th Lincoln , NE 685 10 report the birth of their first child , Matthew John , on Januar y 26, 1979. H e already o.w ns a St. Pat's T ·s hirt. Li·King and Helen Chen have moved to 18 103 H eaton Dr., H ouston , TX 77084 . Elizabeth Branstetter now resides at 325 Rebecca Dr. , St. Charles, MO 633 01 . Tung Ting and Jennifer L. Lam have moved to 13003 V enice Ln. , Strafford , TX 77477 . Tung is a design engineer fo r Bro w n and Roo t, In c. in H ouston. Donald L , and Joyce U lrich have moved to 1030 Rosewoods, Jenison, MI 49428. Don is a fie ld engin eer for Square D Company in G rand Rapids. D. Jay Frank enfield has a new job as tissue operati on s manager for Procter and Ga mble in A lbany , GA . Jay lives at 23 04 W. Gordon Ave., No. 208 , A lban y, GA 3 1707. Charles A, and Janet R, Smith 's new ad· dress is Rt. I , Box 16505 , Bates C it y, MO 640 II. C harles is a civil engineer for Burns and McDonnell in Kan sas Ci· ty.
John E, Branham of 332 S. Ri pley , Neosho, MO 6485 0 wa s recentl y selec ted Y o u ng Engi nee r of th e Y car· 1979 by the so uthwest chapter of th e MSPE. John is vice president of Branh am Bros. Const. Co. , In c., and presiden t of Bra nco En terpri ses. Thomas, Don na and Jonathan Lehman have moved to 26 10 T w in Oaks, V er· non, TX 7638 4. Tom is a process engineer w ith Celanese Co rp.
Gene A. McFarland li vcs at 47 M cFarl and Dr ., Roll a. MO 65-\0 I . Gene is a realtor for Ro lla Rea l E, tate.
Terr y Tekotte is a systems analys t with NCR Corp. H e and Mari lyn li ve at 3465 Co ttage Point W ay, W. Carrollton, O H 45449.
David W. and Jud y Swinn y have moved to Route I , Eddyvi lle, K Y 42038. Dave is a senior engin eer for B.F. Good ri ch Chemica l Co. in Ca lver t C it y.
Hugh J. McCluskey, Jr" and his wife, Patricia, li ve at 243 W oodcrest Rd., Oakhurst , NJ 077 55. Hugh is a T own ship Engineer for th e Tow nshi p of Ocea n in Oak hurst. Bruce K. and Barbara S. Wi lber have mo ved to 406 Marie Ct.. H ern don , V A 22070. Bruce is project manager (cons tru cti on) for Jack Ba ys, Inc. in M cLea n . Kenneth P. and Susa n I. Goodboy have moved to 11 35 O'Block Rd .. Pittsburgh. PA 15239. K en is group leader, A lumin a and Chemica ls Di vision at th e Alu minum Company of America in A lcoa Cen ter, PA . Farid J. and Nadia Tawill have moved to 3932 I Vuecres t Ln. , St. Loui s, MO 63 125. Farid is proj ect engineer fo r the Illi nois D epa rtmen t of Tran sporta ti on in Fa irview H eights.
Richard F. Jord an is a co·founder and vice prcs ident of Paric Corp ., a ge nera l contrac ting compa ny. Home is 40 57 Demenico C t. , Bridgcton, MO 63 044 .
On October I , 1978 Randolph W. Sc hmelzel transfe rred to his present position as plant projec t engineer fo r Celanese Pol ymer Specia lti es Compa ny in Lo uisv ille, KY . Randy and his wife, Dian e, have moved to 6 10 Armad ale PI. , Lo uisv ille. K Y ·W24 3.
Richard and Donna Riley have moved to 6600 S. E. Bay lo r, Ba rtlesv il le, OK 7400 3. Richard is a research engineer with Phill ips Petroleum Co.
Vance T hornsberry is an ex plorati on geo logist. Va nce and his spou se Steve Ann li ve at N. Audubo h 3509, Spoka ne, W A 99205
28/ MSM Alumnus
James J. Rechn er took a j ob as an elec· trical engineer wi t h Central Illinois Public Serv ice Compan y in Springfield in September 1978 . H e and his wife, Suza nne, had th eir second da ughter, Ju lia Marie, in June 1978 . Jim and Su zan ne li ve at 700 Wood land, Spr· in gfie ld, IL 62704.
M. Paul and Jeanine Schmierbach ha ve moved to 11 6 C rosslin Ln ., Florence, A L 35630. Paul is super visor , Air Quali · ty Compliance fo r th e Tennessee Valley Au th ority in Sheffield , AL. Capt. Garry R. Trexler has been named Manpower Management Officer of the Y ear in his unit at M cClell an AFB, C A. His address is 79 5 1 Copperwood , C itrus Hts , CA 956 10.
Alur 1970 I Danny J to 5211
98467 Airwest
Roy En! Dr, Lit senior r( Petroleu
Anita L Lime Rd is senior Corp.
Karen ~ Country Karen is dent an of Paran Englewo
Philip I Larpente 55117. f engineer ministrat
Matth e~
Capt. M ichael Buck has a new position with th e United States A ir Force as a B-52 Air Launch C rui se Miss le Eva lua· tion Pilot. Michael and his wife live at a new address at 6752 C hamberlin A ve., Edwards, C A 93523. Louis Clark, Jr., work s w ith Monsanto Chemica l Company. Loui s lives at 1407 Ti mberwood , St. Louis, MO 63 14 1. Donald E. and Mary Lou L ueddecke have moved to 20 Dutchman Ln. , St. Charles, MO 633 0 I. Don is a plannin g engin ee r for W estern Elect ri c in Ballw in. Gerald F. Mouser has joined M ountain Fue l Suppl y Co. as a gas engineer in th eir W yo. opera tion s engineeri ng dept. G erald and his w ife Patty have three children: Br yan, Paula and Pamela. They w ill mak e th eir home at 502 Lew is Sl.. Rock Springs, WY 8290 I .
moved te AZ 8501 and cl Laboratc
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Illinois engineer. 295 Am
Suresh ( wi tha ne
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Alumni Personals ----------------------------------------1970 Cont. Danny D. and Judy Huey have moved to 52 11 87th Ave. Ct. W. , Tacoma , WA 98467. Dan is a pilot for Hughes Airwest Ai rline in San Fran cisco, CA.
Steven Malcolm has a new position with the Cities Service Co. as a operations services manager. Steven and his wife Gwen live at a new address, 2935 E. 7th Street, Tulsa , OK 74 136.
Roy Engineer lives at 6 177 S. Madison Dr ., Littleton , CO 80121. Roy is a senior reservoir engineer fo r Champlin Petroleum Co. in Englewood.
Guy M. Robinson is division managersurface transportation with Conti nental Oil Co. He and Martha now reside at 1097 5 E. Crestl ine Place, Englewood, C0801 11.
Anita L. Williams has moved to 16865 Lime Rd. , Prior Lake, MN 55372. Anita is sen ior geologist for Phillips Uranium Corp.
Russell W. Kemp is now a staff analyst with Southern Be ll in Atianta. Home is 709 Scott Blvd. , Decatur, GA 30030.
Karen S. Calfee has moved to 1672 Cou ntryside Dr.. Dayton, OH 45432. Karen is execut ive secretar y to the presi· dent and assistant to the president of Paramount Internationa l Coin Co. III Englewood. Philip L. S. Chiu lives at 319 E. Larpenteur, Apt. 114, St. Paul. MN 551 17. Phil is assista nt division bridge engineer for the Federal Highwa y Ad· minist ration in St. Paul. Matthew W. and Christine R'Jpp have moved to 3803 W. Crocus Dr. , Pheonix , AZ 85023. Matt is manager, marketing and c li ent serv ices for DSET Laboratories, Inc. in Phoenix. John Beirne has a new position with the Illinois Terminal Railroad as a chief engineer. John and his wife Ann live at 295 Amberjack Drive, Ballwin , MO 630 II. Suresh Chaudhary has a new pos ition with a new company as a reactor inspec· tor with the US·Nuciear Regulatory Commission. Suresh and his wife Kavita , live at a new address, 23·8 Meadowlake Drive, Downingtown, PA 19335. Richard Morie has a new position with a new company as a fire protection specialist with the Insurance Co. of North America. Richard lives at a new address, 2734 Ashfield Drive, Mehlville, MO 63 129.
David Raby's address is 6931 E. Costilla PI. , Englewood , CO 8011 2. He is a proJec t engin ee r wi th CH2M/Hili. Kriengkrai Ketsavasdivong is a design e ngr. with United Engine e rs Constructor. Home is 220 Hinton Way Somerdale, NJ 08083 . ' Lawrence W. Shorter, Jr. is general manager of Structural Wood Systems of Mo. , Inc. His addesss is Rt. 3, EI Dorado Springs, MO 64744.
L. A. Hoeckelman has been promoted to supervisor of rr,fg. eng. with McDonnell Douglas. He and Bonnie live at 509 Duchesne, O'Fallon, MO 63366.
Theron Baker, Jr., has a new position as a distribution engineer with the Central Illinois Public Service Co. Theron lives at 3709 Stonegate, Quincy, IL 6230 I .
Tony and Diane Marchiando announce the birth of their first child, Amanda , in January 1979. The Marchiandos live at 12930 W. Watson, Sunset Hills, MO 63127.
Richard F. and Becky Powell have moved to 141 7 N. Roosevelt , Liberal , KS 679.0 1. Dick is a sales and design engilleer for B. J. Alberts Co. in Liberal.
Michael Cripps is an electrical engineer with a new company, the Peabody Coal Company. Micheal and his wife, Nancy, ha ve a new address at 1215 South Berry Road , St. Louis, MO 63122. Glen W. Jones has joined Poe & Associates of Oklahoma City, Inc. as a project manager. He and Kay reside at 23 1 Orr Dr. , Norman , OK 7307 1. Ronald P. Maty is with AIResearch Mfg. Co. of Arizona as a sr. design engr. He and Nancy reside at 1242 W. Madero, Mesa, AZ 85202.
Carl Intag has been promoted to branch sales manager of Carrier Corp. in Tulsa. He obtained professional engineer licenses in Texas and Oklahoma. Carl, and his wife, Debbie, ha ve moved to 8718 S. 68 th E. Ave., Tulsa , OK 74133. Thomas M. and Brenda J. Hayden have moved to 350 I Swa llow Ct. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Tom is a project manager for Shive-Hattery in Cedar Rapids Brenda Kennedy li ves at 1855 McKelv ey Hill s Dr. , Apt. 208 , Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Brenda is district staff supervisor-Peg Counts at Southwestern Bell in St. Louis.
Bruce W. MacDonald is a mechanical engineer-ene rgy tech. transfer with the Air Force Engineering & Services Ctr. at Tyndall AFB. He and Brenda reside at 70 I Baywood Dr. , Lynn Haven , FL 32444.
Robert Morrison, Jr., has a new position with the Abbott Laboratories as an office manager, LlA distribution cen ter. Robert lives at 17542 Pine Cir., Yorba Linda, CA 92686.
Bob and Shirley Bischoff announce the birth of a son , Adam Thomas in December. Their address is 12533 'Springtrail Dr., Florissant, MO 63033.
Dennis W. and Kathryn Ditch live at 2008 E. 59th St. , Kansas City, MO 64130. Dennis is director of corporate computer services for R and D Chemical Co. in Kansas City.
MSM Alumnus129
Alumni Personals _ _____________________ 1971 Cont. Robe rt Ward has a new positi on as city engineer of the Cit y of O'Fa llon , MO . Robert and his wife Karen li ve at a new address, No . 2 Oak Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. William Bobo has a new position with the Monsa nto Company as a project manager. William and his wife Carol li ve at a new address, 965 Wyn haren La ne, St. Louis, MO 6301 1. Woo Hyung Kim is a metallurgistapplied research with the Med ium Steam Dept. of General Electric. Home is 40 Apple Rd. , No. 12, Beverly, MA 01915. James J. Belgeri, Jr.'s, new add ress is 324 Lakecrest Dr., Kingsport, TN 37663.
Lee and Marjorie Gladish announce the birth of their fi rst child , Jennifer Lynn . Home for the G ladishs is 2725 Queensway, Spri ngfield , lL 62703. Arthur J . Goldmann has joined Booker Associates, Inc. as a project engr. in the Mec ha n icallE lectrica I E ngi nee ri ng Dep t. Arthur and Dianne reside at 1049 Appalachian Trail, Chesterfield , MO 630 17. Les Clark has recently been promoted to director-decision support systems for Marion Laboratories, Inc. in Kansas City . Home is 802 Murrary Rd. , Lee's Summit, MO 64063.
Jan M. Pottinger has been made a project director with Reynolds Metals Co. He and Linda li ve at 505 E. Lakeside Dr., Florence, AL 35630.
Adel N. Saad is a senior project engr. with Sundstrand Corp. Home is 5547 Haddon Place, Rockford , IL 6 111 I.
Michael Taylor has a new position with a new company as an engi neer-nuclear operat ions with the Union Electric Co. Michael li ves at 501 Enchanted Pkwy. No.6 , Manchester, MO 630 11 .
Wayne and Margaret Smith have moved to 2705 N. 56 St. , Omaha, NE 68104.
Elaine M. Zambon is presentl y a cartographer wit h the U.s.G.s. , Oil & Gas Div. Her address is 211 E. 6th St. , Apt. 107, Casper, WY 8260 1.
Addis Mayfield has a new position as senior engineer, systems test wit h Boeing Astronautics Company. Addis li ves at 821 Reiten Road, Kent, W A 9803 1.
Bruce B. Clark is now dep ut y facilities engineer at Fort Drum. He and Janice now res ide at 151 Clinton St. , Gouverneur, NY 13642.
Edward Hanstein has joined the Bi nkley Co. as a product engr. His add ress is 1601 Lakenan , Mexico, MO 65265 .
James A. and Carol J. ('70) Butler have moved to 47 West Pacific Ave., Webster Gro ves, MO 63 119. Jim is assistant director of technical operations for Doubleday Broadcasting-St. Louis.
Stephen L. Turner is a staff asst. in the generati:lg station maintenance dept. of Commonwealth Edison Co. in Chicago. His address is 100 Lincoln Pkwy. , Crystal Lake, IL 6001 4. Gerard J. Hart has been transferred to Indonesia as manager of administrat ion logistics for Black & Veatch International. He receives mail 'at Black & Veatch Internati o na l, Box 165 , Semarang, Indonesia. David and Judy Bondurant have moved to a new home at 9285 Garrison Way, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. David has been promoted to principal electro nic engr. , ¡ signal processor development group, Sperry-Univac.
30/ MSM Alumnus
Charles D. Laderoute has joined the consulting firm of Cha . T. Main , Inc. as a rate and fina ncial consultan t. His new home address is 4903 Stea rns Hill Road , Windsor Village, Waltham, MA 02 154. He in vites summer vaca tioners to the area to stop by for di rections or a guided to ur of the Boston area , which includes severa l historical sites, a number of nice ea tin g establishments, and a multitude of high quality wa tering holes.
Victor W. Bender has a new job as staff engineer for Lockheed Ca li fornia Co. in Burbank . Vic and his wife, Dorothy, live at 441 27 N. Halcom, Lancaster, CA 93534. Henry W. and Irene Sandhaus's new address is Box 6302 , Si lver Sp ri ng, MD 20906. Henr y is a civi l engineer for the U.S. Burea u of Reclamati on in Washington , D.C. Michael Georges has a new position with a new company as an industrial engin ee r with Ca rter Ca rburetor. Michael lives at 34 Smoke Tree, Fenton, MO 63026.
John A. and Bernadette Lauth have moved to 500 1 Parker Ave., St. Louis, MO 63 139. John is an engineer for Consoer, Townsend, and Associates in St. Louis.
Alur, 1972
Leslie ar 820 Can Beach, C field a ~ Douglas'
Hugh CI Union C sion as and his dress at dova, n
Domnic ; the birt! JOleph, ( reside al Louis, M
William engineer and Kart Sioomsb'
Richard moved te 39180. I Bechtel i
Frederick McGary has a new position as a traffic engi neer with the City of Siou x City. Frederick and his wife Ca rolyn live at 28 00 Martha, Sioux Cit y, IA 5 1106.
Bruce A. SF GOI 5301 Oil OH453i
William Stephens holds the position of man ager-electrical engineer-industrial division with the Sverdru p and Parcel & Associates. William lives at 13002 Hunter Creek Road , St. Louis, MO 63 131.
Earl and the birth Christian senior s< with BF
Russell J . Pepper, III, is a sr. petroleum engr. with Sovereign Engineering International. His address is 200 Collegeview Ave., Bryan , TX 7780 1.
Kenneth to 42 F 60538. K with Cat
Hal and Karen (1973) Carter reside at 11 2 Arrow Dr. , Signal Mountain , TN 37377 . Hal is a mine maintenance supt. wi th East Tennessee CQal Co.
Dana W Ave., w~ accepted Harveste
David J. Langston i now an exploration geologist with Power Resources Co. He and Ellen live at 151 S. Grant, Casper, WY 8260 1.
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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1972 Cont. Leslie and Nancy Pingel have moved to 820 Camino Real, Apt. 20 I, Redondo Beach , CA 90277. Leslie is on a special field assignment wit h McDo nnel l Douglas' F-18 program in Ca liforn ia. Hugh Cole has a new position with the Union Carbide Corporation-Linde Division as a plant superintendent. Hugh and his wife, Linda, live at a new address at 8599 Edney Ridge Drive, Cordova, TN 38018. Domnic and Rosemary Grana announce the birth of their third child , David Joseph, on March 16, 1979. The Granas reside at 53 03 S. Kingshighwa y, St. Louis, MO 63 109 . William Sweet has become a field engineer with Bechtel Power Corp. He and Karen have moved to 401 Eas t St. , Bloomsburg, P A 178 15. Richard E. and Jeana Bartlett have moved to 404 Elmwood , Vicksburg, MS 39180. Dick is a start up enginee r for Bechtel in Port Gibson. Bruce A. Lamping is a metallurgist with B.F. Goodrich. He and Judith li ve at 530 I Old Springfield Rd, Tipp Cit y, OH 45371.
Shui·Chy Fang is a senior associate engineer with IBM . Home is 69 Lainey Ln., Kingston, NY 1240 1. L. Wayne Garrett has been promoted to
plant engineering manager at Chrysler Corp.'s Toledo Machine Plant. Home is 1924 Sout h Byrne, To ledo, OH 43614. Gary A. Elliott is a research engr . with Barry-Wehmil ler Co. in St. Louis. His address is 1263 Christmas Valley Rd. , Chesterfield , MO 630 17. John F. and Alice Chien li ve at 1621 Wood land Dr , Pittsburg, CA 94565 . John is an engi neer for Brown and Caldwell in Wa lnut Creek. Parviz Danes has a new position with the Wyle Laboratories as a staff engineer Parvi z and his wife Leticia live at a new address, 22421 Ravenway, Grand Terrace, CA 92324.
1973 Jim L. Hillhouse is branch manager of Atec Associates in Dallas. Home is 2125 Sheraton, Ca rrollton , TX 75006. Paul L. Jarboe, Jr. has a new job as Computer Systems Programmer at the Uni versity of Eva nsv ille. He lives at 808 Washingto n Ave ., Evansv ill e, IN 47713.
Isition of ndustrial Parcel & 13002 uis, MO
Earl and Linda Buhrmester announce the birth of their first child , Michael Christian, September 12, 1978 . Earl is a senior software systems programmer with B.F. Goodrich Co.
etrol eum ng Inter· legevie w
Kenneth and Elaine Myers have moved to 42 Pembrooke Rd. , Aurora, IL 60538 . Ken is a senior design engi neer with Caterpillar Tractor.
reside at lain, TN nce supt.
Dana W. Breckinridge of 650 Oakland Ave. , Webster Groves, MO 631 19, has accepted a position with Interna ti onal Harvester in Chicago.
John J. Dowling is an engr. wit h Shell Oil Co. in Houston. Home is 2167 Li ttle Cedar Dr" Kingwood , TX 77359.
exploraJfce5 Co. . Grant,
Gary J. Duffey of 4 Grayburn Dr" Marlton , NJ 08053 , has accepted a position with CY /RO Industries as market development rep.
John L. Sams, Jr., is a field sa les engr with Whee labrator-F rye Inc. Home is 11 77 Forest Brook Ct., Ma rielta, GA 30067.
John Killinger has a new position with a new compa ny as a sys tems analyst with Getty Oil Co. Joh n li ves at 904 Westcott St. , Apt. 175 , Houston , TX 77007. Richard L. Dunham is now a division petroleum engr. with MAPCO in Tu lsa. Home is 84 16 S. 73 E. Ave. , Tulsa, OK 74133.
Alan R. Loeffelman has moved to 11 63 Trails Dr, Fenton , MO 63026. Joseph P. Warren has accepted a position as project engineer with the Bantam Division of the Koeh ring Company in Waverly, IA. His wife, Clai re. is currently studying at Wartburg College in Waverly. Joe and Claire make their home at 606 3rd Ave. SW, Waverly , IA 50677. James D. and Nadine R. Scheller li ve at 209 W. 1st N. , Mt. Olive, IL 62069. Jim is a consultant for McDonnell Douglas Automation in St. Lou is, MO. James M. Eck has moved to 1717 Paris, Apt. r. , Aurora, CO 80010. Jim is eq uip· ment engineer for Stearns-Roger in Den ~r. Wallace T. and Virginia A. Peterson have mo ved to 298 Antoi nette, Rochester, MI 48063. Clydene B. Morgan's address is P.O. Box 93 , Sadorus, IL 61872. Clydene is assistant ed itor for the Universit y of illinois Department of Sociology in Ur· bana. Steven D. and Wanda L. Bryant li ve at 720 Nimbus Ct., Fenton, MO 63026. Steve is supervisor, carburetor research and development for Carter Ca rburetor Division of ACF Industries in Olivette. David Ebbesmeyer holds the position as an area engineer wi th E. I. DuPont. Dav id and his wife Debbie moved to a new address, 403 Stonewall, League City, TX 77573. Mary Danner has a new pOSition as a program anay lst with Shell Oil Com· pan y. Mary and her husband Tom live at 7303 Hil lcroft No. 34, Houston, TX 77081 . Jack Gonzebach has a new position with the SAB Harmon Ind. Factory as an account representative. Jack and his wife Patricia li ve at a new address. 61 Harper Be nd Court , Lake St. Lo uis. MO 63367.
MSM A lumnu s / 31
Alumni Personals _____________________ 1973 Cont. Dr. Ronald Bude IS with the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. His address is 220 N. Ingalls, Ann Arbor, MI48104. Steven G. Bennett has a new position as a mfg. engr. with Pitman Mfg. Co. His address is Rt. 2, Box 597, Harrisonville, MO 64701. Andrew C. Tebelak is an engineer with Air Research. He and Ruby reside at 18413 Manhattan Place, Torrance, CA 90504. Leonard Scott Veden is a programmer/analyst with Venture Stores, Inc. Home is 124 11 Glenmeade Ct. , Apt. H, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. William W. Obley is supervisory civil engineer, Corps of Engineers-Portland District. Home is 623 NE 19th Ave., Camas, WA 98607. Thomas E. Burchfield is a research chemist with Bartlesville Energy Technology Center. Home is Apt. 18, 1700 Barlow Dr. , Bartlesville, OK 74003 . John E. North has moved to 806 Brookridge Dr. , Webster Groves, MO 63119. Philip Downs has been promoted to general supervisor in the coil products division of ALCOA in Davenport, IA. Phil's responsibility is the production of heat treated aluminum sheet for the aerospace and automotive industries. Phil and his wife Debby li ve at 2529 Hawthorne Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722. Martin C. Ingemanson is now a production manager with Ralston Purina Co. Home is 2910 Bristol, St. Joseph , MO 64507. James A. Pautler, 13321 Amiot Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141 , is now a lead engr.electronics with McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics.
32/ MSM Alumnus
Donald J. Zweifel has moved to 10615 Beechnut, No. 715 , Houston, TX 77072. He is supervisor, metallurgica l services, Reed Tubular. Jack M. Palmer, Jr.'s, new address is 1106 Welcome Cir., Golden Valley, MN 55422 . Jimmie Lee Means is a process design engineer with Ford Bacon & Davis. Home is 826 Marlin Dr. , Hitchcock, TX 77563. George and Sandra Gulley have moved to 722 Evergreen Dr., Mt. Vernon , IN 47620. George is a field engineer with Crawford & Russell, Inc. Steven and Beverly Lett announce the birth of a daughter, Gabrielle Nichole. Their address is 4235 E. 24 St., Joplin, MO 64801 . Vincent S. Noonan is chief, engineering branch, div . of operating reactors, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Home is 8125 Seneca View Dr. , Gaithersburg, MD 20760. Mark F. O'Hara is presently a project engineer with Guaranty Electric in St. Louis. His address is RR I, Box 99A, Red Bud, IL 62278. Richard F. Palmer is a research chemist with Phillips Petroleum. Home is 3312 Wood land Rd. , Bartlesville, OK 74003. Stephen P. Busch is a chemical engr. with the EPA in Kansas City. His address is RR 2, Smithville, MO 6408 9. James and Brenda Elmore have moved to 31 16 N. Park, Sapulpa, OK 74066. Peter E. Pederson is a division traffic studies engineer with the Missouri State Highway Dept. He and Julie li ve at 1322 Hoffman, Jefferson City, MO 65 101. Frank C. and Linda A. Degel have moved to 2649 Daunet Ave., Simi Valley , CA 93065. Frank is a member of the technical staff at Hughes Aircraft Co. in Canoga Park.
1974 keunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Mark A. Herzog 2908 Red Gum Gap Longview, TX 75605 Karen L. Aldridge 2824 Lucena Way Antioch, CA 94509 Ruth L. Anderson 170 Elaine Dr. Roswell, GA 30075 Marvin E. Borgmeyer 1010 Rossmore Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Michael O. Chase 803 Lilac Ave. St. Louis, MO 63119 Tien Hua of 1655 Heatherington Rd. No. I, Ottawa, Ontario, KIV 8V8 Canada, is an electronic engineer with INAX Instruments Ltd . M. E. and Elaine A. VandenBergh live at 4953 Falmar Dr., Birmingham, AL 35210. Maurice is a field sa les engineer for Carborundum Co. in Birmingham. James S. Jones has left computers and has gotten into personnel work as a recruiter for the CIA. His address is 4020 Nevar Dr., Chantilly, VA 22021. W. Jeffrey and Sharron L. Holcomb have moved to 25 05 Woodcreek , Pearland , TX 7758 1. Jeff is district engi neer for Amoco Production Company in Alvin. Terry and Mary Morgan have moved to 5730 Bearcreek Dr., Lansing, MI 48917. Terry is a design engr. with Oldsmobile. Janet Miller has been promoted to lieutenant USN. She receives mail at COMOCEANSYSLANT, Norfolk, VA 235 11. Peggy L. Kitchen's new address is Rt. 2, Box 220, Marceline, MO 64658. She is a project & testing engr. with the Moore Co. there.
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Alumni Personals _____________________ _ 1974 Cont. Joseph K. Harylski is a computer operator with St. Louis Ship-Pott Ind. Home is 7148 Lillian, St. Louis, MO 63121. Roger L. Van Deven is currently working in the F-4/F-14 Weapons Systems Branch of Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Supply. His address is 13831 Via Rimini , San Diego, CA 92129. S. Craig George is a district engr. with Amoco Production Co. Home for Craig and Maggie is 620 Elmridge, Tyler, TX 75703. Bruce and Beverly Enloe have moved to 7000 Sable Ln., Wylie, TX 75090. Bruce is a facilities engineer with Texas Instruments.
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Patricia Bestgen has a new job as associate systems engineer for Armco, Inc. in Kansas City, MO. Pat lives at 1804 Cherokee Strip, Blue Springs, MO 64015 . Monica Lapp has moved to 7415 Hardscrapple, Apt. A, St. Louis, MO 63123. Monica's new position is personnel analyst for St. Louis Community College District in St. Louis.
Joseph S. Ferrante is now a design engr. with Sverdrup & Parcel & Associates. He has moved to 1808 Elkins Dr., St. Louis, MO 63136. Joe plans to marry Debbie Tappmeyer in September. R. D. Kellison has moved to 212 Wayne Dr., Cl ute, TX 77 531. He is a research engineer with Dow Chemical Co. Gobind and Rekha Batheja have moved to 5243 Driftwood, Kalamazoo, MI 49009. Gobind is a project engineer with Dayco Cort]. Robert V. Tiehes has moved to 1415 Satinwood Ct., Riverside, CA 92501.
Craig S. and Christine Korkoian live at 1706 Novo Dr. , Schererville, IN 46375_ Craig is general foreman for Inland Steel in East Chicago, IN. Lawrence J. and Delia A. Larkins have moved to 1840 Albany, Decatur, IL 62521. Larry is an electronic signal specialist for Norfolk and Western Railway in Decatur. Ron R. Roberts has recently joined the Bendix Company as a quality control engineer. He and his wife, Denese (Green) , are presently living at 870 I Buckingham Lane, Apt. 22, Kansas City, MO 64138. (Rolla NSA says, "Hi, Denese.")
Gregory Schmittgens holds the pOSition of senior engineer with the Boeing . , Mark S., and Brenda K. Lore'l~'7'~,y~ Wichita Company. Gregory and his moved to 1926 Canterbury Ct., No_ 5, wife Sondra live at 2111 W. Douglas, Washington, IL 61571. Mark is a serWichita, KS 67213 . vice representative trainee for Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Peoria.
1975 Tadashi and Yoko Tsukamoto have moved to Japan after spending six years in the United States and Canada. Their new address is 3-48-47-305, Horinouchi, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Tadashi is director of INTERTEC Corp., a patent service company dealing with patent searches and translation services.
Rolland Ponzer lives at 322 Larkspur Plaza Rd. , Larkspur, CA 94939. Rolland is a sales representative for Rockwell International. He has been in California one year and is planning marriage to Sandra Sue Laird from Rolla, MO this June. Rolland is moving to Orange County later this year.
Michael W. and Margery Barnicle have moved to 415 Bush Dr., Ballwin, MO 63011.
Michael MiUer has recently been promoted to captain and selected for a regular appointment with the USAF. Michael and his wife Deborah live at 10 Centennial Court, W.F., TX 76305.
Michael R. Warfel a hydrogeologist with Geraghty & Miller, Inc., has been transferred to their office on Long Island. He now receives mail at 26 Sterling Ct., Huntington, NY 11743.
Jonathan T. Motherwell has been transferred back to the U.S. from Brussels, Belgium by D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers. He and his new bride, Cathy, reside at 9449 Briar Forest, No. 3532, Houston, TX 77063.
Phillip M. Henry has moved to 1704 W. 24th, No. 105, Lawrence, KS 66044. Phil is a graduate student working on his PhD and a research assistant in the Physics Department at Kansas State University in Lawrence.
Wesley C. and Paula M. Patrick live at 711 Debra Ln., Livermore, CA 94550. Wes is senior mining engineer for Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
Lt. James H. Martin is an aeronautical engineering officer with the U.S. Navy in Hawaii_ He and Linda reside at 358 Hornet Ave., Ewa Beach, HI 96706_ Dana Peckworth has been assigned as manager, environmental services dept. of Environdyne Engrs. Chicago offiC( and project manager of their design work for the Metro. Sanitary District of Chicago. Home for Dana and Helen is 515 S. Edward St., Mt. Prospect, 11 60056. Harry J. Zerwig has joined the Gleaner Combine Div. of Allis Chalmers Corp. as a product development engineer. His new address is Rt. I , Box 279, Lot 109, Blue Springs, MO 6401,5. Steven A. Honse is presently an engineer with Warren & Von Praag. His address is RR I, Box 3535, Bettendorf, IA 52722. Ronald and Janice Marie Durbin have moved to 220 W. Perimeter Rd., San Antonio, TX 78227. Ron is an instructor in the Air Force officer training school at Lackland AFB. MSM Alumnus/33
I I' <11 '1
Alumni Personals ______________________ 1975 Cont. Stephen L. Absher has joined Reed Rock Bit Co. as a sr. technical service engr. The new address for Steve and Karen is 203 Bellevue Plantation Rd., Lafayette, LA 70506.
Donald Gessley has a new job as district staff supervisor-project management for Southwestern Bell in Kansas City, MO. Don and his wife, Elizabeth, live at 11608 W. 99th PI. , Overland Park, KS 66214.
Dennis J. Albers is assistant division engineer with Amax Coal Co. in Har¡ risburg, IL. His address is Rt. 4, Box 468 , Marion, IL 62959 .
Brent L. Thompson is a sale engr. with Marley Heat Transfer Co. His address is 14714 Brentwood Dr., Lenexa ~ KS 66215.
Jeffrey G. Herndon is a fuels engr. with System Fuels, Inc. Home is 5224 Quincy , No.2 , Metairie, LA 70002.
Ronald C. Durbin has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from officer training school at Lackland AFB, TX. His address is 220 W. Perimeter, San Antonio, TX 78227.
Thomas D. Akers is principal of Eminence (MOl R-I High School. James P. Owens is assistant principal of St. George Elementary School in Baton Rouge. Home is 8951 Jefferson Hwy., No. 812, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. John J. Marting is a production engineer with Chevron, USA. Home is 1540 Chickesaw, No. 308. Metairie, LA 70005 . James R. and Patricia Ann Hanson have moved to Rt. 3, Box 722-B, Shelton, WA 98584. Jim is a research chemist for ITT-Rayonier, Inc. in Shelton. Guy K. and Lynn Freese live at Country Village, No.6 , Carbondale, IL 6290l. Guy is branch manager for A and H Engineering Corp. in Carbondale. Richard and Jean ('75) Mullin have recently moved from Cedar Rapids, lA, where Dick was employed by Collins Radio, to 6225 Mullen Rd. , Shawnee, KS 66216. He will be working as a design engineer for Wilcox Electric in¡ Kansas City, MO and says the Place- ' ment Office was very helpful. Thomas G. Borowiak has a new job as a design electrical engineer for Citizens Electric Corp. in Ste. Genevieve, MO. lives at 107 S. 10th St., Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670.
34/ MSM Alumnus
Marvin engr. wil Tulsa f: Tulsa, 0
Stephen Kinder holds the position as a civil engineer with the Daniel International. Stephen lives at 638 Summer Street, Weston , MO 64098 .
L. K. Rol correspO Electric i Hadley. 66202
John Lomax has a new position as a paramedic/deputy sheriff with the Marion County Sheriffs Dept. Joh n lives at P.O. Box 247 , Palmyra, MO 63461.
Douglas E. Peterson is an engineer with Bendix. He and Sandra reside at 7407 E. 132 Terr., Grandview, MO 64030. Lance A. Qyermeyer is a geologist with Esso Exploration of Exxon Corp. He and Lori reside at Spitchwick, Castle Rd. , Horsell , Woking, Surrey, England.
Terry L. Bone resides at 146 Stoke On Trent, Jefferson Town , KY 04299. Terry works for Celanese Polymer Specialties in Louisville.
Hubert Maddox has been promoted to senior construction inspector with the MO State Highway Dept. He has moved to 22 Elm St., Bowling Green, MO 63334.
John Torres has a new position with a new company as a section foreman with Monterey Coal Co. John and his wife Lisa live at a new address, RR I Box 25 , Okawville, IL 62271.
Akira Ito is a student at the University of Californ ia-Davis. Akira and his wife Linda live at a new address, 113 Wakefield Dr. , Vacaville, CA 95688.
James L. McDonald has a new job as assistant project welding engineer for Daniel's International in Fulton, MO. Jim has moved to Rt. 3, Box I , Gateway South, Columbia, MO 6520 I. Donald P. and Barbara A. Repp have moved to 1943 Eastbrook Cir., Moberly, MO 65270. Don is a project engineer for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in Moberly. Danny J. Krebs has moved back to Rolla to 607 W. 7th.
1976 (
Ensign Dayid Thompson has a new position with the U.S. Navy (Naval Aviation). David and his wife Joy live at 10117 Ocean Dri ve, Corpus Christi, TX 78419.
Michael L. and Dianne Jerome live at 3908 Bordeaux, Shreveport, LA 71108. Mike is a project engineer for Potashnick Construction , Inc. in Shreveport.
Stephen D. and Shirley E. Adams have moved to 6704 Gouthier Rd., Falls Church, V A 22042. Steve is a Petroleum Engineer fo r the U.S. Geological Survey in Washington , D.C.
Susan K. Wilkerson was promoted to sr. highway designer in March by the MO Highway Dept. Her address is 3921 Willow, Apt. 102 , Kansas City, MO 64133 . Michael and Carol Burns have moved to 1334 E. 73 St., Kansas City, MO 64 131. Mike is a deputy juvenile officer with the Jackson County Juvenile Court. Dale E. Bradley's new address is P.O. Box 177 , Wright , WY 82732. Dale is fi eld engineer for McNally Pittsburg Manufacturing Corp. in Pittsburg, KS.
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Alumni Personals ________________ _ _ ____ 1976 Cont. Marvin B. Shimp is now a production engr. with Williams Exploration Co. in Tul a. His address is 89 12 E. 59 St. . Tulsa , OK 74145 . L. K. Robin Adams is a customer service correspondent with GTE·Automatic Electric in Kansas Cit y. Home is 5229 Had ley. Apt. I, Overland Park. KS 66202. Daniel and Carol Skillman have moved to 4725 Terrace Ave. , St. Louis. MO 63116.
e moved :ity, MO Ie officer Juvenile
is pO. .. Dale is Pittsburg urg, KS.
Kenneth M. Gianino has moved to 8430 Craighill Dr.. Affton, MO 63123. Ken is an engineer for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis. Douglas Moellering holds the position of a senior engineer at Emerson Electric. Douglas li ves at a new add ress, 2026 Vallette, St. Louis, MO 63136.
Earl J. Boesl is a technical systems development programmer with Phillips Petroleum Co. Home is 409 Cornman· che, Apt. C, Bartlesv ille, OK 7400 3.
Paul C. Schnoebelen, III, has been transferred and promoted to district engineer, Texas·Louisiana Dist. . Can· tinental Pipe Line. His new add ress is 4245 5th Ave .. No. AA, Lake Cha rles, LA 70605 .
Monte Earl and Zoe Deckerd ha ve moved to 23310 Cranberry Trail. Spr· ing, TX 77373. Monte is a petroleum engineer for Amoco Production Com· pany in Houston.
Warren D. Cadwell resides at 3805 Sun· crest, Midland, TX 79703. Warren is a petroleum engineer for Texas Pacific Oil Co. , Inc. in Midland.
Frederick H. K. and Marilyn Rambow live at 5526 Darnell St. , Houston. TX 77096. Fred is a resea rch physicist for Shell Development Co. in Houston. Fred and Marilyn's first child, George Frederick, was born August 23, 1978. Don Griffin Smith is a project engineer with Tamko Asphalt Prod ucts, Inc. He. Mary Alice and daughter Daphne Lyn reside at 374 Morse Dr.. Phillipsburg. KS 67661 .
1977 ,ted to sr. the MO is 3921 ity, MO
Kent Springer has moved to 334 Cypress, Bakersfield, CA 93304. He is a drilling representative at Chevron USA.
Jeffrey Claus has moved to 3709 Hirondelle Ln ., Florissant, MO 63034. Philip J. Boegner's new address is 3709 Hirondelle Ln. , Florissant, MO 63034. He is a project engr. with Amoco Oil Co. Max W. Lee is employed by Lockheed· California. Home is 25842 Rana Dr., Valencia, CA 91335 . Dennis R. Keats is an Engineer I with Microdata Corp. Home is 5052 Dutcher Ave. , Irvine, CA 92714.
Samuel Kim lives at 109 Williams Rd ., No. 22, Pine Bluff, AR 71602. Sam is a safety engineer and OSHA coordi nator for Pine Bluff Arsenal (Government). Ricky Ackerson has a new posit ion as systems engineer with the St. Louis County Water Company . Ricky and his wife Suzanne live at Star Route. St. Clair, MO 63071. Mike Quagliata is a traffic engineer with the city of St. Louis. Home is 3244 January , Apt. 5, St. Louis, MO 63139. James Eckelkamp has a new position as a ships engineer with Sporlan Valve Company . James lives at 15938 Leclaire Ave. No. B210, Oak Forest, IL 60452 .
Robert L. Bass is a geotechnica l engr. with Lincoln ·Devore Labs. His aJdress is Box 1860, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. Kay E. Leonard is a programmer analyst with Data General at the Research Triangle in North Carolina . She and William res ide at 6 Kellom Ct. , Durham, NC 277 13.
Twyla Morgan is a co nstruction engi neer with Procter & Gamble Co. Home is 540 Spinnaker Lane, Green Bay, WI 54302. Rick Dorste is an application and sales engineer with R. A. Behrmann & Assoc. , Inc. Home is 1116 Rainbow Dr., St. Louis. MO 63125. James E. and Loretta A. Collier have moved to 383 E. Vine, Mexico, MO 65265. Jim is a shift supervisor for A. P. Green Refractories in Mexico. Stephen P. Garber has moved to 1835 General Pershing, No. 2, New Orleans, LA 70 11 5. Steve is a geophysicist for Shell Oil Co. in New Orleans. Louis G. Greco lives at 4720 Prague Ave., St. Louis, MO 63 109. He works for U. P. Sewing Machine Service and Suppl y, Inc. in St. Louis. Lou became engaged to Peggy Psaris in March. Their wedding date is Nov . 16, 1979 in St. Louis. Joy M. E. Thompson is job hunting. She and David (1976) reside at 10117 Ocean Dr., NAS Corpus Christi , TX 78419.
Joseph and Nancy Schroder have mov· ed to 621 W. Springfield, Union , MO 63084. Joe is a design engr. with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis.
Robert Dippold has been promoted to man agement center foreman by Southwestern Bell. He has moved to 3609 Gene Field , Rd ., Apt. B·5, St. Joseph, MO 64506.
Michael F. Lackner is a project engr. with Sperry Flight Systems. Home is 9652 N. 31 Ave ., A15, Phoen ix, AZ 85021.
Peter D. Holden is now an associate programmer with IBM. His address is 936 NW 41 St. , No. 312. Rochester, MN 5590 1.
MSM Alumnu. / 35
AIL Alumni Personals ---------------------------------------------1978 Thomas E. Hepler has moved to 380 Gray Street , Lukewood , Colorado 80226. He is a civi l engineer in the Burea u of Reclamat ion in Denver. Kelly McGinnis has moved to 58 41 An ¡ chor Way , Apt. D, Great Bend , KS 67530. Kell y is a field engineer for Dresser Atlas in Great Bend.
Gregory Crews holds the position of aggrega te inspector wit h the Missour i State Highway Dep t. G rego ry li ves at 327 Chipley Cir. Ball win . MO 630 I I. Ann Werries has a new pos ition as a wa rd secretary with the Phelps Co unt y Memorial Hospital. Ann and her husband Wil liam li ve at 609 A West 9th. Rol la, MO 65 40 I.
Dennis Jo nes has a new posit ion with a new compa ny as a field engineer wit h Schlumberger Well Service. Dennis li ves at 91 1 S. Independence, Enid , OK 73701.
Mark R. Post has moved to 31270 Wildwood, Apt. 2 11 2. Wi xom. M I 48096. Mark is a programmer fo r General Motors Prov ing G round in Mi lford.
William Everett has a new position with a new compa ny as a consul ting engi neer with the Butler Associates, Inc. Wi ll iam and his wife Nancy live at a new ad dress, 6443 S. Newport NO.4 Riverside, Delta Apts. , Tulsa, OK 74 136.
Ramona and Robert Nowak have mov ed to 5 130 Hardy. Overland Park . KS 66202. Ramona is a civi l engr. wit h the Corps of Engi neers in Kansas City.
James Cawvey holds the position of reservo ir eng in ee r wit h A tla n tic Richfield. James lives at a new address, 2439 Whitm ire Apt. 43-G , Midla nd. TX 7970 2. Albert L. Charles li ves at 146 1 N. Placentia No. 35 , Ful lerton , CA 92634. AI is a member of the technica l staff of Hughes Aircraft Co. in Fu llert on. Michael Ke usch is with Leed Sell ing Tools Corp . His address is RR I. Jasper. IN 47546. Robert W. Beauchamp lives at 16 Shadowbrook . No. 5B, Mi lford. MA 0 1757. Bob IS a comput er design engineer for Dat a General Corp. in Westboro . Tho mas W. Fen nessey's new address is P.O. Box 42 1, Ga lliano, LA 7035 4. Tom is a geotech nica l engineer for McClelland Engineers in St. Louis, MO .
IMSM-UMR Alumnus Welcomes Pictures With News Items 36 / MSM Alumnus
Michael G. Bayer's new add ress is 1261 Pybu rn . Angleton. TX 77515. Mike works fo r Dow Chemica l as an instru ment engr. Ronn y J. Sadri is an associate min ing engineer with Fluor Corp. Home is F305 . 312 19 Casa de Campo. San Ma teo, CA 94403. The Alum ni office has received word that Dr. Henry Aaron Hill passed away on Ma rch 17, 1979. Dr. Hill received an hono rary doctorate from UMR in 1978. and was a past president of the America n Chemica l Soc iety. Norman C. Haas of 6466 Welch Cour t. Arvada, CO 80004. is a mini ng engineer wi th the coal opera tions departmen t of Rock y Mo untain Energy Co. in Denve r. Donald R. Walker is an agent with Prudential Insurance. He and Rebecca reside at 103 Hickory. Apt. 3. Cuba . MO 65 453 . Steve Rinne is a loss pre vent ion consu ltant with Factory Mutual Engineeri ng. Home is 12373 C. Maverick Dr .. Mary land Heights, MO 63043.
Roge r J. Johnson is an as ociat e engr. wit h Getty Oil Co. His address is 1604-S Oak ridge Terr . Drum right. OK 740 30.
1978 Corrin clerk ~Jl1Cf1(
3. ~ I al David M. Oa\'is is a genera l engin ee r with the Directorate of Engineering & Housing at Ft. Leaven worth. His ad dress is 922 Broo kside. Leaven wort h. KS 66048. William B. Thomas, J r., an associate engi neer with Martin Marelta Corp .. resides at 10555 W. Jewell Ave .. Apt. 4-10 I. Lakewood . CO 80226. Lawrence E. Maxwell is a production manager wi th Monsanto Co. His ad dress is 769 Redsto ne Dr ., St. Lou is. MO 63125.
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UMR 109 'v 65-\01.
Brian , Arizon
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Lo uis T. Ward III is a design engr . with John Dee re . Home is 2023 Keyway. Apt. 4. Dubuque. IA 5200 I. Harry T. Laswell, II . is a M.B.A. lu dent at the University of Chicago. Home is 2126 Whitefield Rd .. Springfield. IL 62704. Daniel C. Schenk is a bridge analyst with Sa nta Fe Railway. Home is 532 Wesley Ave .. Evanston . IL 60202. Edu ard o and Veufemia Lee ha ve moved to 195 Syca more Dr .. A-8 Beechwood. Athens. GA 30606 . Eduardo is an associate engin eer for Westi nghouse Elec tric Corp. in Athens. Sherri H. and Paul Richardson live at Rt. 3. Box 28 4. Rolla. MO 65 40 I. Sherr i is plan ner I for the Meramec Regiona l Planning Comm ission in Rol la. Ferrill and Debbie Ford have moved to 697032 St. . Groves. TX 77619. Ferrill is a maintenan ce engineer fo r Gulf Oil Port Arthur Refinery. Steph en A. Olson has accepted a job with Hewlett -Packa rd as a staff engin ee r. training to become a sa les engi neer with in the Computer System Group of HP Midwest Sales Region St. Louis Office. Steve lives at 6 Fill y Ct.. Florissant. MO 63033.
~te engr is 1604S : 4030.
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Alumni Personals 1978 Cont. Corrine K. Grimm is an accoll nting clerk with D irect Mail C orp of A mcri ca. H ome is 732 3 Lohmeyc r. A pt. 3. M aplewood, MO 63 143. Ensign Thomas L. Tanner is a teachcr in th e nuclear power schoo l. Na va l Train · ing Center. Orl ando. FL 32 8 13.
Craig L. Agne is a grad uat c stud ent at
ociate ~ Corp.. .e .. Apt.
:xiuction His ad t. Louis.
U MR . H e and Ma ry Christi ne rp.side at 109 V entu ra Pl aza C t. . Rolla. M O 65 40 I.
Brian A. Rock is a grad uate stud ent at Ari zona St ate Uni vc rsit y. His address is 1025 W. 12th Place . T empe. A Z 8528 1.
MSM-UMR Alumni Association Committees A lum ni A lliance. ... A rt Baebler A lumni ·Student -Facult y Confe rence. .... Bill F lood Ann ual Fund . . .............. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. Bob Bay At hleti c Stud ies. . .... Joe l Love ri dge Aw ard s. . . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . ......... . ..... . ..... . . Hans Schmoldt Constit ution and By- Laws. . . . . . . . . . ...... ...... ...... . Pete M at tei ........ . . ... W alt Mul yca Facul ty and Program Planning. . Fi nance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V ern Loesi ng F inancial Aids. . . . . . . . . . . ............. . .... .. Bob W olf Jacklin g Fu nd. ......... ........ . . A I Buescher Nomi nat io ns. ......... . ...... . .... Bob K lorer
19r. with
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BUSINESS REPLY ENVELOPE First Class Permit No. 18 . Se c. 349 . P.L. & R. . Ra ila . Mo .
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MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 65401
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MSM - UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Un ive r sit y of Missouri -Ro l la ROLLA , MI SSOURI 65401
2111 ~ J OHN W KOHI IG UM .I<
204 ROL LA ReLLA MC- 65401
FROM NAME : _____________________________________________ CLASS _____________ SPOUSE 'S NAME : _____________________________ PLEASE SEN8 ____ MINER DECALS
CITY _________________________________ ST A TE ___________ ZI P _________ TITLE _______________________________________________________
0 0
CITY STA TE ZIP __________ Annual Alumni Fund contributions are tax deductible . Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association , Harris Hall , UMR , Rallo , MO 65401.
$500 .00
$250 .00
1$100 .00
I o
I $25 .00
$20 .00
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University of Missouri - Rolla Supports: Commencement
Alumni-Student-Foculty Conf erence libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Cia .. Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Projects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants-in-Aid Alumni Recards Educatianal A .. stonts Student Awards Gilt. Are Tax Deductible
-- Park er Hal l , UMR