Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1979

Page 1

Alumnus University of Missouri-Rolla

October J979


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Artis t' s Conception

Proposed Engineering Management Building



MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (3 14) 34 1-4 17 1; (3 14) 34 1-41 72 OFF ICERS President . . . . .. ... . .. Josep h W. Mooney '39 . . . . . ..... . . .. 7383 Wes tmoreland . Uni versi ty it y, MO 63 130 President Elect .. . .... Robert D. Bay '49 . Vicc Pres ident ........

MSM -UMR A lumn i A s ociat ioll Un ive rsi ty of Misso uri-Roll a Rolla, M issouri

Fra n~

Term Expi res .. ....... 1980

. , ...... . ...... 222 Magna Ca rt a Lane . . . . . . ... . .. . 51. Louis, MO 63141

C. App leya rd ' 37 .

· ..... 808 Solar .. Glenview, IL 60025

Vicc Pres ide nt ........ Arth ur G. Bacbler '55 .

· ..... 20 Fox Meadows . Sunsc t Hi lls. MO 631 27

Vice President. ....... Alfred J. Buescher '64 .

· ..... 2640 Quail Lane . Northbrook , IL 60062

Vice Preside nt ....... . James B. McGrath '49 .

. . .... Fru-Con . .

.. .. 1980

.. , . . .......... 1980

Proposod Engl noorl ng Ma nag o m o nl Building

On The Cover U MR is sec king pr iva te and state fund s to bu ild a new fac ility to housc the cngi nec ring man agcmcn t depa rt men t. T hc in i ti al gift for thi s project, $ 150,000 , has bcen providcd by Edward 1\. Smith , '24, Tulsa.

MSM ALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued bi-mont hl y in the in terest of the grad uates and form er student of the Missouri Sc hoo l o f Mi nes and Metallurgy and the U niversity of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27 , 1926 , at Post Office at Rolla , Missouri 6540 I , under the Act of March 3, 1897 .

.. .. .Robert V. Wolf '51

Secretar y .

Treasurer .

.. ..... 1980 . , 1980

....... Dept. of Metall urgica l & Nuclear Engr . UMR , Rolla, MO 65 401

, .. 1980

....... Ve rnon T. Loesing '42 ................ Depl. of Civil Engr . .......... . .............. 1980 UMR , Rolla, M065 401

DIRECTORS AT LA RGE Term Expires Allan H. La Plante '63 . . ... Continental Oil Co .. P.O. Box 2197 , Houston , TX 7700 I . . .. 1980 Belding H. McCurdy '38 . . . . . . . .. . 7400 Sun Island Dr .. South , Suite 7 11 , Sou th Pasadena. FL 33 707 . .. 1981 E. L. "Roy" Perry '40 . . ... . .... The Port of Los Angeles, P.O. Box 151, San Pedro, CA 90733 . . ......... 1980 Walter C. Mulyc.1 '65. . 203 Hillcrest, Marshall. TX 75670 . . ...................... 1981 Law rence A. Spanier 'SO........... 5 Pettit Dr.. Dix Hills. Y 11 746 . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... . ....... . .... 1979 John O. Wi lms '4 3. . . 17700 Sou'th Ava lon, Space 59. CMson, CA 90745 . . ... 1979 Arca Zip Code Numbe rs AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00·14 Ra ymond T. Ruenheck '50 . . .. 7 Monte view, Chelmsford. MA 0 1824 .......... . . . ..... . .......... . ... 1980 .. 1980 15·21 J. D. Patterson '61. .. . ... . ... 1660 Ashlawn Dr .. Pittsburgh, PA 15241 . 22·33 Bill L. Atchley '57 . President. Clemson Uni v.. P.O. Box 992. Clemson , SC 2963 1............... 1979 2000 1 Idlewood Tra il. Cleveland, OH 44136 .......... . .......... . ...... 1980 35-45 Will ia m D. Busc h, '42 . 46·59 George Baumgartner '56 . ..... 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, M1481 27 . 1981 60·6 1 Allen G. Behring '66 ... .. ... . 121 E. Witchwood L.1ne, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 . . ........ 1979 62·62 Ernst Weind '44 . . . 1502 West 50. O' Fallon , IL 62629 . . ....... 198 1 63·65 Matteo A. Coeo '66 .. . . .. . .. . 7 11 5 Ali ceto n Ave.. 51. Louis, MO 631 23 .... ... .. . , , . .. 198 1 63·65 Martha Gerig '69 . 80 I Fairground Road, Rolla, MO 6540 I . . 1981 63·65 Leonard C. Kirberg '66 ....... 331 Carmel Wood .Dr .. Ellisville, MO 630 II . . ..... 1980 63·65 Robert W. Klorer '44 ......... 7500 Natural Bridge Rd .. 51. Louis, MO 63 123 . . 1980 63·65 Harold A. Krueger '42 .. . . . . .. Oz<"k Lead Co .. Rural Branch, Sweetwater, MO 63680 . 1979 63·65 J. Robert P"terson '54 . . . Show·Me, Inc.; P.O. Box 573 , Sikcston, MO 6380 I . 198 1 .. 1980 63·65 George R. Schillin ge r '63 ...... 7598 John Ave.. Oakville, MO 63 129 . 63·65 Pau l R. Munger '58 ......... Di rector, Institute of River Studies, UMR , Rolla , MO 65 401 198 1 63·65 C. M. Wattenbarger '4 1....... 205 W. First St.. Terrace, Lama r, MO 64759 . 198 1 .. 1979 63·65 Edwin J. Werner '49 ......... 90 1 Ma in. Box 1060, Illue Springs, MO 64015. 66·74 Herman Fritsc hen '51. . 5249 S. 68th East Place, Tulsa, OK 74145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979 75·79 Rex Alford '40 .............. 5743 Jason. Houston. TX 77035 . . . , . .. 1979 .. 1980 80·89 & Victor J. Hoffmann '60 ..... 31057 E. Lake Mort on Dr .. SE. Kent, WA 98031 . 96·99 90·95 E. Murra y Schmidt '49 . . 5570 Mounta in Vk w Dri ve, Reddin g, CA 9600 I . . 1979 Alfred J. BClIsc hcr '64 . H. W. Flood '43 , Joel F. Loveridge '39 . Hans E. Schmoldt '44 .

COMM ITTEE CHAIRM EN DIRECTORS ...... 62 4 Go lf v i ~ w Dri vc, 1}Qll win, MO 630 II 183 Ma in St .. Acton , MA 01 720 . 739 Cou ntry Manor Lane. Crcvc Cocur. M O 63 \41 . . Schmoldt Engin eering Services 0 .. Inc.. 526 S. Seminole. Bart lcsville. OK 74003

EX ECUT IVE COM M ITTEE Missouri Elcctroc hclll , Inc.. 1526 Fenpark . Fenton, MO 63026 Robert M. IJrackbi ll '4 2 .... , .. , .... Texas Pacific Oil Co., 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, TX 75250 Pctcr F, Mallci '37 . , .. 9954 Holliston Co urt , 51. Louis, MO 63 124 Richard H. Baucr '52 ..

Paul T. Dowling '40 R.O. Kasten '43. Jnrncs J. Murph y '35 . . ... Melvin E. Nickcl '38 . F.C, Schneeberge r '2 5 ............. Jamcs W. Stephens '47 .

Frank H. Mackarnnn . John Thcilmann . Barbara Petrovic . Kris Curtin Sally

\Vhl! ~

around f, equips st backgroU the fu nct

. ............. 1980

1706 Olive St .. 51. Louis, MO 63103

Volume 53 Number 5 October 1979

EngiO( Iy new

Term Expires 1984

...... 1982

EX·OFFICIO DIRECTORS 10 144 Windin g Ridge Rd .. 51. Louis, MO 63 124 901 Wcst I1 4thTerra ce. Kan s..1s Cit}', M0 64114 Murphy Compan y. 1340 North Price Rd .. SI. Louis. MO 63132 1060 1 South Hamilton Ave.. hicago. IL60643 One Briar Oak. 51. Louis, MO 63 132 Missouri Pu blic Service Co., 10700 E. Highwa y 50 Kansas City. MO 64 138

STAFF Executive Vice· Pres ident. MSM·UMR Alu mni Associa tion and Director. Office of Alumni/Development . University of Missouri-Rolla Assistant Di rector , Al umn i/ De vc lopmcnt Universit y of Missouri·Rolla . . Staff Assistant , MSM-UMR Alumni Associa tion and Senior Secrewr y, Alumn i/Development . University of Missouri-Rolla Records Coordinator. MSM -UM R Ahnn ni Association &. ComputCf Tcrminal Opera tor. Alumni/Ocvelopment . Unive rsit y of Missouri·Roll:'1 Ed itor. MSM ALU INUS

MSM -U MR A lumni Association , Harris H all, UM R, Rolla, MO 6540 1


The de faculty n 1979,66' bachelor students All of th were aw; half the I earned a ticularly Engineeri

Proposed Engineering Management Building EXPires

1980 1980 .. 1980 1980 1980 1980 19 1980 EI~",

1980 . 1981 1980 1981 1919 1919

Engineering management is a relatively new discipline at UMR-it's been around for 12 years, now. The program equips students with a strong technical background and a broad knowledge of the functional areas of corporations. The department now has 18 full-time faculty members and, through July of 1979,667 students have graduated wi th bachelor of science degrees and 971 students with master of science degrees. All of the bachelor of science degrees were awarded on campus, but about half the master of science degrees were earned at off-campus locations, particularly at the UMR Graduate Engineering Center in SI. Louis.

Since the program began , both bachelors' and masters' graduates have received job offers at good salary levels. The graduates are employed in more than 400 compan ies and 30 governmental agencies. The demand for these graduates is growing and enrollment is increasing. The department is housed on the top two noors of Harris Hall with the production laboratory in a temporary wooden building where no significant equipment ca n be installed. A new building is proposed which will include laboratories, providing experience in production, quality control, safety, ergonomics and computer data base systems. The facility will include a

case st ud y teaching module and associated conference rooms. These may be used not only by engineering management, but also by a number of other departments in both regular and continuing education programs. UMR is seeking private and state funds to build this facility. To begin with, Ed Smith, '24, Tulsa, has set up a $250,000 trust fund for the engineering management department, $150,000 of which may be used to help fund the $1.5 million building. For additional information , contact B. R. Sarchet, chairman, engineering management department, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

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1980 19&0 1979 19&0 19&1 .1919 1981 1981 1981 1980 1980 1979 1981 1980 19&1 1981 1979 1919 1919 1980 1979



Second Floor A teaching module seating approximately 60 students in the configuration of a business school classroom is proposed for the second noor above the production laboratory. The semi-circular, tiered construction allows for an interchange between students appropriate to the many case study classes which the deyartment offers. It will be equipped with suitable audio-visuals. Associated with this unit are five conference rooms. Large group lectures held in the teaching module can be broken down into smaller groups for intensive discussion. This grouping may also be used for continuing education programs and conferences.

198) 1980

MSM Alumnus / 1


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The production laboratory will feature many areas where production and operations management may be studied. For example, the laboratory will produce certain parts of an object by injecting molding plastics and will assemble these into finished products. There will be a packaging line producing material for the packaging of these assembled items. Since more than 70 percent of the department':; graduates enter production or production-related operations, the production laboratory is important. It incorporates a class room and study areas for ergonomics and safety engineering management, also.

Ground Floor & First Floor

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2/ MSM Alumnu s



Enrolln time high pus this r. students, spaces in Faced \ tage, UM and short blem . As a 10 loan reqU Departme Developm residence "Dateline The sh blem Was motels_t1 Motel, R and Plaza eddormit

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Craig Colin , freshman in electrical engineering from Jennings, has added crates for bookcases and other items to make his Manor Inn motel room more functional.

A New Type of Dormitory (Temporary) Enrollment at UMR has hit an alltime high with 5,514 students on campus this fall. More than 2,000 of these students applied for the 1,140 available spaces in UMR's six dormitories. Faced with this type of housing shortage, UMR has made both long-range and short-range plans to solve the problem. As a long-range solution , a $5 million loan request has been made to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for construction of a residence hall-see September issue of "Da teline Rolla ." The short-range solution to the problem was to lease rooms in five Rolla motels-the Manor Inn, Little Piney Motel, Rustic Motel , Interstate Motel, and Plaza Motel-and a privately owned dormitory, Carnahan Hall.

A shuttle bus brings students to and from campus. The leased houses are administered by housing personnel and organi zed for campus activities just like on-campus residence halls. According to Jess Zink , UMR director of auxiliary services, a trend back to living on campus is the major factor in the housing crunch. He says the two main reasons for the trek back to the dorms are the energy crisis and inflation. "In the 60's, students wanted to live off campus-to live in apartments. Now , with gas prices going up, they prefer to live closer in. And , because of inflation , they want a contract with set prices for the year so that their living costs are not subject to the rising prices," he explains. "Students are fin ¡ ding the $3.62 per day charged for meals 'at the UMR cafeterias is so reasonable

that about 250 students who do not live in University housing have taken food contracts with us." "By the time school started in August," Zink says, "about 600 students who requested dormitory space had made other arrangements. Some found they weren't going to be returning to school; some decided to choose private housing in the community; some decided to live at home; and many were taken care of by the fraternities and sororities (they house about 1,200 students). When everything settled down, we found that the almost 250 spaces we leased were going to be enough-and all UMR students are housed for this year l " Most of the 243 students in the temporary housing are taking their untraditional dormitories in stride.

MSM Alumnus/ 3



Not many dormitory room s have a balcony or double beds for students. Charles Pellegrino, freshman in mechanical engineering from Alton , III. , has added a chest, bicycle and a few trophies in his efforts to make his motel room into a dormitory.

The the Un nounce $20,001 family, Acco Directo largest to UMI munity. "It is ed. "WI would outstanl from Iv: dividual country them at The I fund fo Walter Snelson ships. " awarded Incon ed annu,

UMR a " In fact ," says Steve Winters, St. Louis freshman, "given a choice, there's no way I'd trade my room at Manor Inn for any other place on campus." He says that the big, air conditioned rooms with private baths ca n't be matched by any of the on-campus dorm s, and he thinks most of the other students in his dorm fell the same way. Women students who li ve in another annex of the Manor Inn, agree. A nn Bender and Mary Tietjen, room mates from St. Louis, and Candy Thompson from Kansas City , talk about the big, carpeted rooms and the " huge closets" as pluses in living off campus. The two roommates remedied the lack of a second desk by bringing one from home. The maj or problem, as they see it, is the distance from campus (about a mile). That problem is also the one most com monl y mentioned by men studen ts at two other motels even fart her away. The UMR shuttle bus makes six round trips a day- morning, noon and late afternoon-be tween the ca mpus and motels. T his takes care of transporti ng

4/ MSM Alumnu s

most of the students most of the time. "The only trouble is, that if you miss the bus, you have a long wa lk to class," says Donn y Harrison of Springfield. "Some of the students have ca rs, and ca rpool it, and some of us ride bikes, but most of us ride the bus if we can. "

" If they have any compla ints, most of the students aren't say ing much about it," says Fred Ziegler, who drives the shuttle bus. "They are really a nice bunch of kid s, and they all seem to realize that UMR is doing the bes t it can."

Universi of Law. selected both ca" The categori( the year second a 20 and Snelsons mUla WI harder al "The I to be inc fam ily's r life and v Mackam; deal of cc COncern f munitya The SI long hist( Snelson's settled in Iron We himself 1\


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Walter W. Snelson

Family Makes Major Gift to UMR The Alumni/Development Office at the University of Missouri-Rolla has announced the acceptance of a gift of $20,000 from the Walter W. Snelson family , Fairview Community, Rolla. According to Alumni/Development Director Frank Mackaman, this is the largest single cash donation ever made to UMR by a member of the local community. "It is a family gift," Snelson explained. "We talked it over and decided we would like to help some of the fine, outstanding young college students from Missouri. This is the type of individual we'd like to see running this country , and we want to help some of them at the beginning of their careers." The gift will be used to establish a fund for what is to be known as the Walter W. Snelson , Venita Bowles Snelson and Shirley 1. Snelson Scholarships. The first scholarship will be awarded in 1980. Income from the fund will be awarded annually as scholarships to seniors at UMR and third-year students at the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law. Scholarship recipients will be selected by academic committees on both campuses. The first-place winner in both categories will receive 70 percent of half the yearly income from the fund , with second and third places being awarded 20 and 10 percent, respectively. The Snelsons hope that this distribution formula will inspire students to study harder and strive for the top award. "The University is, of course, pleased to be included as a part of the Snelson family's remarkable contributions to the life and well-being of their community," Mackaman said. "They deserve a great deal of commendation for their care and concern for the future of the Rolla community and area students." The Snelson family has enjoyed a long history in the area around Rolla. Snelson's great-great-grandfather first settled in the area near the Maramec Iron Works in 1829, and Snelson himself was born in Phelps County in 1894.

to to an was the reason for Mr. & Mrs. Walter Snelson's gift to UMR. Fairview School, where Mrs. Snelson taught for 18 years, can be seen (in the background) from the Snelson home. The family moved to a 140-acre farm near Fairview School 75 years ago, and Snelson operated a dairy farm there for 23 years. When he began his operation, Snelson milked as many as 28 cows by hand. About IO years later, however, mi.lking machines were installed. Snelson later bought some adjacent land and enlarged the farm to 320 acres. He also changed it to .a beef cattle operation, keeping a herd of about 100 Angus cattle. In addition to his farming activities, Snelson was a MFA Insurance agent in Rolla for 20 years. He retired five years ago. Mrs. Snelson was graduated from Northeast High School in Kansas City in 1925 . She ranked 21st in a class of 459 and was a member of the National Honor Society. A pair of two-year William A. Volker Scholarships (Volker was a prominent manufacturer and philanthropist in Kansas City) made it possible for her to finish high school and attend Kansas City Teachers College. She was a teacher for 3l years, spending 18 of those years at Fairview School.

" Excellence is its own reward," Mrs. Snelson said. "However, I learned very early that excellence recognized by people totally unrelated to me made a difference. I have always hoped that some day I could do for some student or students what was done for me so generously and at a time when I needed it. I'm very pleased that our gift to UMR is being used for perpetual scholarships." Snelson's daughter, Shirley, taught home economics at Cabool for four years and also was an instructor at Stephens College in Columbia for four years. In addition, she served as head of the Office of Economic Opportunity for the State of Missouri for two and a half years. She was appointed to the post by then Governor Warren Hearnes. Miss Snelson is currently with Carriage House Realtors in the Washington , D.C., area. The Snelsons are actively retired and enjoying their life on the farm. They do a little gardening and get a great deal of pleasure from their music and their participation in several organizations.

MSM Alumnus/ 5

CiIY. K~

"A NeVtl Season, A NeVtl Look. •• " by Sports Information Director, Gene G reen University of Missouri-Rolla head football Coach Charlie F inley would be the first to adm it that he had some holes to fill on the 1979 edition of the Miners. But the team's showing has given the veteran coach plenty of reason for opti mism. " We lost guys like Terry Ryan, David Hall, Joe Kinsella , Greg Elzie, Craig O'Dear, Mo nty Morse, Danny Vance, Andy Hall a nd others-I 6 lettermen in all ," Fin ley noted prior to the season . However, 31 lettermen returned from last year's ta lented S-3 team. T he wi n total in 1978 was more than any Miner sq uad has posted since the 1914 team. "Of the 16 lettermen lost, five were offensive starters and th ree defensive star ters," Finley said. "Bu t eight starters return on offense and six on defense. We have a good gro up to build around." T he 1979 Miners responded well in the earl y part of the season, racking up two wins and a tie in the ir first three games. In the first 12 quarters of foot ball , UMR outscored the opposition 75-IS .

During these early games, and for the rest of the season, the Miners can look for offensive punch from returning quarterback Jeff Walters (6'2", 204, Jr. , St. Louis, MO). He is joined in the backfield by Jim Lee (5'9", l SI, Jr. , Rolla, MOl, David F ischer (5'9", lSI , Jr. , Mayfield, K Y), Bryan Paris (6' 1", 206 , Soph., Bethalto, IL), and Oscar Berryman (5'9", 190, Soph. , St. Louis, MO). Walters is coming off a lean year in completion average, while the backs try to ease the void left by the graudation of all-conference star Terry Ryan. Lee is the most experienced of the backs and has paced the Mi ners in rushing during the early part of the 1979 season. Paris, playing for the injured F ischer, piled up three touchdowns rushing and one touchdo wn on a pass reception in the M iner's first three games. Berryman, a member of the defensive squad last year, has impressed the Miner coaching staff with his power and balance in the backfield.

CHARLIE FINLEY Walters' favo rite receivers will be Perry Harris (5'7" , 15S, Jr. , Rolla, MO), Walter Johnson (6'3", 2 1S, Jr. , Gove, KS), and Gary Crocker (6', IS2 , Jr. , Florissant, MO) . On the front wall, enemy defenders have found players such as Ralph Weatherspoon (6'3", 227 , Sr. , Kansas

Miner Tri-Captains ... 1979 football Team

Ray toW 210.501 Roller (I be form On df mleni al The Sl Ihe Mi Associal Ihe wa} junior fl by Bill ingfield, Danville Jr.. Roll Sieve T Demzik. Down Decker I has foug and is Ie; posil ion

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Ci ty. KSI. Brian Tepper (5' II ", 2 15, Sr .. Ray town , MOl, Ron Replogle (6'1 ", 2 10, Soph , Marshfield. MOl , and Perrin Roller (6'2". 243 , Sr., St. Clair, MOl to be formidable foes. On defense, there is an abundance of talent at all positions. The secondary is probably the best in the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic A sociation , with Craig Heath leading the wa y. Hea th , a 6 foot. 193-pound junior from Kansas City , MO is joined by Bill Grantham (6', 191 , Jr. , Springfield , MOl , Hal Tharp (6'2", I g I , Jr., Danville, MO) and Ed Bober (5'9", 173 , Jr .. Rolla , MOl . They are backed up by Steve Teter, Kirk Kreiling and Pau l Demzik. Down in the trenches, Jim " Bo" Decker 16'2". 24 3. Sr. , Owensville, MOl has fought his way back from an injury and is leading the charge from his tackle position . Other tackl es are Kell y

Rudolph (6'2", 208 , Jr. Overland Park , KS), Steve Bridgman (6'2", 218 , Jr ., Palm yra , MOl and Matt Stone (6'2" , 210, Jr. , Kirkwood , MOl . Sophomore Doug Keithly (6', 2 10, Soph. , Nevada, MOl has been the early choice at noseguard. while Jeff Wozek (6T', 212 , Sr. , Oak lawn , IL) has started at right end. The linebacking corps is sol id with two-time all-conference stalwart Kevin Wolf (6', 204 , Sr. , Oaklawn, IL) coming back from a knee injury that kept him out of action during 1978. Morris Hervey (6', 192, J r. , St. Louis, MOl mans the other linebacking post, and the coaching staff has been very pleased with how well the two work together. In the kicking department, Paul Suellentrop (6 ' 3", 218 , Soph., Crestwood , MOl handles the extra points, kickoffs and fie ld goals. Miner

fan s already have wa tched the soccerstyle kicker connect on 47 and 43-yard field goa ls. Quarterback Walters handles the punting chores. What does all this talent spell? "We are hoping things will go pret ty well for us," Finley said . " If the defense can sta y tough , I think we'll be all right. " Finley once again is being assisted by A. C. "Bud" Mercier, Joe Keeton and Chuck Broy les. John Belich is the team's trainer. UMR allowed the fewest points in the M IAA last season, and after earl y wins by scores to 43 -0 & 24-10 & an 8-8 tie, the odds of repeating that feat appear favorable. "In many ways, I think we are a stronger football tea m than last year," Finley said . "If we can sta y sharp, and not beat ourselves, this should be a successful team."

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Gove, 2, Jr.,

enders Ralph ~ ansas

Time to Think GREEN I Here's an opportunit y to buy your An y questions or orders can be sent to GREEN' Yes folk s. it's that time again. the Alumn i Sales Chairman at the A time of craziness and wildness that following address: formed some of your best memories of St. Pat's Board dear old Rolla , Mo. Help renew those University Center memories by purchasing your 1980 St. Universit y of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, MO 6540 I Pat's Green. Attn: Alumni Sales So remember, whether you wi ll be If you're stay ing at home this year, wea r your 1980 Green to the local Irish making the long trip back to Rolla or pub, and show ,he patrons how St. Pat's staying at home this St. Pat's, you won 't ought to be celebrated . If you are com - want to miss the GREEN for 1980. . . .... .... .. $6.00 ing down to Rolla, you will want to bu y Sweatshirts . . .75 yo ur Gree n so that you won't be the on- Garters .. . .. 3.50 ly person without a 1980 sweatshirt at Baseball ca ps . Stocking caps . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3.5 the parade. Mugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 This year, the St. Pat's Board will be BUltons . . .. . . . . . .50 selling the usua l sweatshirts, buttons Flying discs. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 and garters. In addition, there are baseball caps, stocking caps. nying discs Orders $6 and under. please include and a reall y sharp-looking green -tinted $ 1.50 for postage. Orders more than $6. please include $2 for postage. glass mug.

M SM A lu m nus 7

Building Gets Energy Saving Windows In a further effort to conserve energy, the Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla is installing 165 aluminum-clad windows in the Chemica l Engineeri ng Bu ilding. According to Joseph D. Wollard , UM R exec utive di recto r of ad ministrati ve services, the windows will reduce energy loss by abo ut 10 percent. And beca use t he windows a re aluminum clad, the frames will never need to be painted, thus reducing mai ntenance costs. The windows, each of which weighs abo ut 300 pounds, are const ructed of two panes of glass wit h a layer of ai r in between, all of which is encased in an aluminum frame. Because there are eight differe nt wi ndow sizes in the chemica l Engineering Bu ilding, the windows had to be prefabricated in part off campus. They were then fu lly assembled on ca mpus before being insta lled. Installation of the windows is "pa rt of our ongoing program in energy conservation," Wollard said. "Byprod ucts of the renova tion," he added , "a re that it makes the bui id ing more at tracti ve and more aesthetically compat ible with its neighbors." Cost of the project is $ 109,925 , with funding comi ng from UMR's Repairs and Replacement Fund. Prost Builde rs of Jefferson City is the contractor. UMR has req uestpd $875,000 in its 1980-8 1 capita l legislative request for the rehab ilitation of the Chemical Engineering Building, but that money will be used for work other than the installation of windows. The Chemical Engineering Building is the third building at UMR to be eq uipped with this type of window in the last three years. Previously, Parker Ha ll and the Bue hler Bui lding were renovated with alumin um-clad windows.

8/ MSM Alumnus


"Most arternoOI free time Strunk, I Rolla. " Micky, , much fm for it beg Dr. Stl ment opt having s chemical Years. Fo has been Hisreasol ed on a Ii his career up on : perhaps d Dr. Str Kansas C degree at Manhatta he \Vorkel


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Time Is Important "Most people take a morning or an afternoon-even an occasional day-of free time fo r granted," says Dr. Ma iland Strunk, of the University of Missouri· Rolla. "But for too long, my wife, Micky, and I haven't had even that much free time. We're going to make up for it begining Friday, Aug. 31. " Dr. Strunk is taking an early retire· ment option (at age 60) from UMR after having served as a member of the chemical engineering faculty for 22 years. For the past 15 of those years, he has been chairman of the department. His reason for retiring at this time is bas· ed on a life of quiet , steady devotion to his career and family and a desire to ease up on a demanding schedule and perhaps do a little traveling." Dr. Strunk was born and grew up in Kansas City, KS, and ea rned his B.S. degree at Kansas State University in Manhattan in 194 1. After graduation , he worked for National Lead Co. in St.

Louis and the Charleston Navy Yard in South Carolina until September of 1942, when he took "Doc" Schrenk's advice and started work on his M.S. degree here at Rolla . "Doc" Schrenk is Walter T. Schrenk, emeritus chairman of chemistry and chemica l engineering. Strunk fin ished all but two weeks of· that semester before he was ca lled for service with the U.S. Army Air Force. The army retrained him in mete.orology and he spent his military career in weather and commun ications until his discharge in 1946. He returned to Rolla at that time and finished his master's degree in 1947. Fo llowing this grad uation , he went to work for Shell Oil in Wood River, III. , and met Mildred Brueggeman of Alton, II I. They were married in 1949. Dr. Strunk was what was then called a technologist in process design for Shell . The couple had no sooner bought a house and started a family when the Air

Force entered their lives again at the time of the Korean conflict. Dr. Strunk was assigned as R&D officer in the power plant laboratory Uet engines) for two years (1951·52) , at Wright· Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. After the second discharge, he returned to Shell at Wood River for two more years unti l deciding that he wanted to obtain a doctorate. "For a while, I tried to go to school and work at the same time," Dr. Strunk explains. "But with small children at home, I just didn't have the time. 'M icky' and I decided the doctorate was important, so I quit my job and-with the help of the G.!. Bill-I received my Doctor of Science degree from Washington University in 1957." Dr. Strunk was hired as an assistant professor of chemical engineering at UMR, and the family moved to the home they still occupy at 1207 Powell. The Strunk's daughters, Nora, Amy and

MSM Alumnus / 9

Time is Important-Continued A lice, have all gone to school in Rolla and were grad uates of Rolla High School (Amy is also a UMR graduate with a degree in history). Fi ve years after coming to Rolla, they brought Dr. Strunk's parents and in va lid brother to live here, too. W hen the Universit y of M issou ri School of M ines and M eta ll urgy became the U niversity of M issouri-Rolla in 1964, Dr. Dudley T hompson moved from the posi tion of cha irman of the department to that of dea n of facult ies and his department was separated into chemistry and chemical engineering. Dr. William Webb (now retired) was appointed cha irm an of chemistr y, and Dr. Strunk took over chemica l engineerin g as chairman. " Dudley (Thompson) had me draw ing up plans for a new build ing not long after I f irst came here," Dr. Strunk reminisces. " A nd I kept on add ing new ideas and changes fro m tim e to time. We really needed new facilities, bu t there didn' t seem to be much of a chance until the old 'Chem' Bui lding burned dow n in 1969. " Some of our colleagues used to kid Bill Webb and me about that fire," he smiles. " But, while we sometim es threatened to get all the seniors out th ere to lean against the old building, we reall y didn't have a th ing to do wit h its demise. " T he new C hemi st r y-C hem ica l Engineerin g Building has been a grea t help for both departm ents," he says . " It's been a major factor in keeping upto-date in bot h fields and makes it possible to attract and accommodate more stu dents. " Bui ld ing plans and adm inistrative duties are not the total sum of Dr. Strun k's professional ca reer. He has made it a poin t to co nti nue teachi ng. Each semester he teaches at least one undergraduate course (for the past few semesters it has been mass transfer) and is even teachi ng a summer sess ion course this yea r. " I enjoy teaching," he says, "a nd an ad ministra tor needs to

IO/ MSM A lum n u s

help to keep in min d what it's all about. Buildings, facult y, resea rch, grants, governm ent fo rms, budgets, and all th at mean not hing without th e st udents. " Mea nwhile, Dr. St run k beca me th e head of two households. His father died in 1966 , and he took over th e ca re of his bedridden bro ther, who even needed hel p to turn over. This meant a great dea l of time- mornin gs, lunch hours, and eve nings- going back and forth between homes. "M icky and I could neve r be a",:ay from home," he explains. " T here were both my mother and my brot her to care for, and th at's just not th e kind of thin g you ca n find someo ne to come in and do. W hen my mother died, we brought my broth er to our home. We didn' t have two houses to worr y about th en, but the physica l ca re was getting too difficult for M icky to handle by herself. That was when I first decided to take an early retircment. "

Dr. Strunk's broth er died rather suddenl y some months ago, but the Strunk s decided to go ahead with th e retirem ent decision. " We don' t ha ve many specific plans," he says. " Part of the tim e will be spent traveling. " For a long tim e, M icky has had this idea th at she would like to travel down th e Mississippi to N ew Orlea ns on th e Delta Queen, and that sounds like fun . We would also like to visit the daughters. Nora has just returned from tw o yea rs teaching ill Germ any and will be teac hing in North K ansas Cit y. Amy is at the Linda H all Library ill th e K ansas Cit y area and our youngest, Ali ce Wools, is working in the Lake of the Ozark s area . " I f th e gas situat ion is such that we ca n' t do much dri ving, we may go on some tours. A nywa y, for a year or two," Dr. Strun k concludes. " M icky and I want to expe ri ence th e lu xury of hav ing some free tim e."

Outstanding Teaching A,,\lc,rds T he achievements of 21 outstandi ng fac ult y members were recognized thi s fall at a banquet held in their honor. T hese outsta nding teachers, who were prese nted fac ult y teaching awards at the annual affair, were chosen by a vo te of stu dents last sprin g. Receiving $1,000 checks at the banquet were T homas J. Dolan, associa te professor of nuclea r engineerin g and Nord L. Gale, associate professor of life sciences. The cash awa rds were sponsored by A moco and the recipients were selected at ra ndom from th e teach ers being honored. K en Robertson, dea n of student s at U MR, addressed the ba nquet, which was held in Ce nt ennial H all. Unive rsit y Center-Eas t. A lso honored at the banquet were: Professors W illi am A . And rews, civil enginee rin g; Kaare J. N ygaard , ph ysics ; Charles A . So rrell. ceram ic engineering; Wi ll iam T ranter, electrica l engineering;

and T homas J. O' K eefe, metallurgica l engineerin g. Associate professors Jo W . Barr, hi sto r y; A rl an DeK ock, comp uter science; D . Ronald Fann in, electri ca l e n g in eerin g ; A u g u st G a r ve r , math emati cs; Leonard F . K oederit z, petr o leum engin ee rin g; Ward R. Ma lisch, civil engineering; M yron G . Parry, engin ee rin g mechanics; and James Stoffer , chemistry. A ss i st an t p rof ess o r s W i lli am Des vousges, economics; Dav id Oglesby, engineerin g mechanics: Norm an S. Smith , mining engi neerin g; and Brian Harvey (w ho has left the UM R faculty\, psychology. G rad uate teaching assistant Wa yne Ba iley , math ematics. A ccept ing the award fo r W illiam R. " Dick " T anke rsley, a lecturer In petroleum engineerin g who died during the summe r, were his widow, Lou ise, and his daughter, Ri chie.

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One of the things that makes the Travis family a bit different from the typ ical young Missouri family beginning to carve out a place in Rolla's business community is that all of them are going to school. In addition to her role as wife, mother, housekeeper and cook , Kris Travis is a full-time student at the University of Missouri-Rolla . Kent Travis, who has been manager of Russell's Town and College Shop for the past five years, is also a student at UMR-but he's taking late afternoon and evening classes on a part-time basis. Sean, who is eight , is in the third grade at Mark Twain . Kris and Kent met in high school at Belle. She was then Crystal Thomas and was a year behind Kent in school. By the time she graduated , Kent had already spent a year at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield. The first few yea rs after they were married in 1970, they were commuters. They lived in Belle and Kris drove to work in Jefferson Cit y every da y-even after Sean was born in 1971. She was working at the State Department of Revenue, data processing department. Kent drove to Rolla-he had transferred to UMR and was working part time at Russell's. He transferred again (this time to Lincoln Universit y in Jefferson City to work on a business administ ration degreel but continued to work at Russell 's. At this point, he was driving from Belle to Jefferson City to Rolla to Belle. In 1974, the famil y finally settled in Rolla. Kris went to work at UMR for engineering extension in the Engineering Research Laboratory , and Kent became full-time manager at Russell's. "Three years ago, we decided I could enroll at UMR ," Kris says. "Psychology and life science were both subj ects that interested me, so I'm combin ing them . I like lab work best , but the chem istry and calculus courses you need for a life science degree are a bit much. "Some areas of psychology lab work and life science fit well together. For in stance, I'm working now on a research

KRIS AND KENT TRAVIS project directed by professors in both areas An honor roll student, Kris hopes to finish her classwork in two more semesters and earn a B.S. degree in psycho logy with a life science minor. She then plans to complete educat ion course requirements at UMC in the summer and do her practice teaching next fal l. Working through UMR's cooperative teacher educat ion program with UMC, she'll have earned a lifetime teaching certificate by December. Kent has all kinds of credit hours from SMS, UMR and Lincoln. "The problem is putting them together to come up with one degree," he says. Also an honor roll student (at Lincoln) , he is working toward a degree in economics with a business perference. "It may take a while longer," he says. "I pick up the

courses I need to finish up-one or two a semester-when they are offered at a time I can fit in with my work." It's a busy life for the Travis family who live , incidentally, at 806 East 5th Street. Kris and Kent enjoy an occasional game of tennis and the whole family heads for camping and backpacking trips in the hills and woods whenever possible. They sti ll travel the road to Belle frequently because that's where the family is. Kris' parents, Mr. & Mrs. James B. Thomas, live at 6th and Alvarado, and Ken's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Travis, live on a farm just outside of town. Kris and Kent may have reached a point where they can see an end to their current ed ucational goals. But, going to school won't end for the Travis family . After all , Sean is just getting started. MSM A lum nus / ll

A Memorial to G. Raymond Cuthbertson D r. G . Raymond Cuthbertson was born in L iberty, M issouri on June 23, 19 10. H e died while acti vely engaged in one of his favo ri te pastimes, play ing gol f, on March 3 1, 1979 . His passing represents an immeasurab le loss to fri ends and fa mi ly alike. D uring his lifetime, Dr . Cuthbert son, or Ray as his friends knew him , made sign ificant contributions in two disti nctly different career fields_H is preparation for a lifetime of activ ity start ed wit h an A.B. in Chemistry fro m William Jewell College of L ibert y, Missouri, and continu ed as he earn ed both an M.A. in 1933 and a Ph.D. in 1935 in Physica l Chemistry from Harvard Universit y. A thir t y- fou r yea r career wi th U niroyal, Inc. start ed immed iately aft er receiving his Ph_D. Duri ng this tim e peri od, Ray held many positions startin g with research chemist and including vice pres ident and general manager for th e Tire Di vision, and vice president of Research and Development. Ray took earl y retirement from U niroya l in 1970 and joined U M R to start his second career as an associate professor, and later professor, in the engineering management department. H e immed iately ea rn ed the respec t of his associates w ith his keen insight and dedication . H e made many va luable contributions to a g r owin ~ depart ment

during its earl y years. Despite the fact th at he lef t industr y in pa rt to seek a well -earned respite fro m th e day- to-day pressures of admi nistrative responsibility, he w illing assumed th e acti ng chai rmanship of the departm ent fro m 197 1 to 1973 w hile the perma nent chairm an was on assignment in V ietn am. Ray was a fa vorite w ith al l stu dents fo rtu nate enough to make his acq uai ntance . Not onl y did he br ing a wealth of know ledge to the courses he ta ught, hut his door was :I! way s open to those in need of counse l and advice_ H e frequentl y did more than just im part words of wisdom: of te n anon ymously di ppi ng in to his ow n pock et to help a needy stu dent with a scholarship. H e was an acti ve member of th e First Baptist Chu rc h, chairma n of th e Fi nance Commi ttee for man y yea rs. and Sun da y Schoo l teac her. H e had a strong faith in God and a belief that every in di vidual arI d every situ at ion has a positi ve side. T he com mem that " every prob lem has a so lut ion " was a frequent reminder to those w ho felt th ey faced an imposs ible ituation. A not her phrase he was hea rd to use 0 11 many occasions was " wh y not wa lk aro und yo ur chair before makin g up your mi nd." Sage counsel to look at all sides of a problem.

Ray was trul y a man of great stature_ His professional achievement won him many honors including listin g in Wh o's Wh o in A meri ca and several other bi ograp hica l references. In addi tion. he received a Citat ion for Ac hievement and an honorary L.L.D. fro m Willi am Jewell. He was Loomis Fo undation Fellow at H arvard from 1933 to 193 5 and later was selec ted as a Member of the Council of th e Har va rd Foundati on for Adva nced Stu dy and Resea rch from 1958 to 1963. Despite these honors. his grea tes t pleasure came from the know ledge of a job we ll done and th e sa tisfac tion tha t he rece ived from helpi ng a fellow human bein g duri ng a time of need. The committee reques ts that copies of thi s memor ia l be incorporated in the offi cial mi nutes of th e General Facul ty M ee tin g of this da te and in the minutes of th e nex t regular meetin g of th e Academic Council. It also req uests th at copies of thi s memori al be forwa rded to his wife, M rs. Lo uise Cut hbert son and to his children_ Mr. George Cuth bert son. Mr. David Cut hbert son and Mrs. Frank Halley Respec tful ly submitted. Me lvin L. Ga rn er. Bern ard R. Sarc het. Henr y A. Wi ebe Comm it tee

J01 For infol

UMR, R graduali( Placem el

2331 BSI 2332 BSI 2333 BSI 2334 BS( 2335 can 2336 BSr multi-c

2337BSE 2338 BS( 2339 BS, CEow{ 2340 BSE 2341BS 2342 BSe 2343 BSe 2344 can 2345 OUI,

All Donors ToThe 1979 Annual Fund Will Receive The 1980 Alumni Directory 12/ MSM Al u mn u s

Meeting Data DAT E EV ENT/S ITE . No vember 10, 1979 UN IVERSITY D A Y _. Rolla . December I , 1979 A RK-LATEX SECTION .. Shreveport Petroleum Cl ub . . . . . . . . . . . .. . December 16, 1979 WI NTE R COMMEN CEMENT . Rolla .. . __.. _. . . . . .. . _.. . _First T uesday ROCKY MOUNTA IN LUN CH . _. Den ver Petroleum Club . _Third Friday BA RTLESV I LLE LUNCH . . . Cafeteri a Confe rence Room, Adams Building ATTENT ION: Please noti fy A lumni Office of your mee ting arrangements_



The UIv to alUmni


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We wan Orders: Engineers 65401. Please sl Name Addre; :


stature. on him 1Who's I other ion. he :vement William

ellowat ld later Council Idvanc· 958 to

greatest Ige of a on that fellow eed. apies of the of· Faculty l1inutes of the sts that Jded to .on and

Job Opportunities For information concerning positions listed below, please contact Mr. Larry Nuss, Director of Career Development & Placement, UMR , Rolla, Missouri 6540 I, giving File Number of the position, state your degree, discipline and month and yea r of yo ur graduation . During times of high activity in the employment market, some positions will be filled before they are published. The Placement Office will make a search for similar positions that may be open if you enclose your res ume with your inquiry.

2331 BSEMan., midwest 2332 BSME, midwest 2333 BSME, midwest 2334 BSChE, midwest 2335 cancelled 2336 BS/MSAE, ME, CSc, PHY , Math , multi-openings 2337 BSEE_ ME, Phys. , CSc, west coast 2338 BSCE, ME, west , state gov!. 2339 BSME, EE, Chem , CerE, MetE CE, west, multi-openings 2340 BSEE, ME, CSc, midwest 2341 BSM E, EE, midwest 2342 BSCSc, Mo. 2343 BSChE, Mo 2344 cancelled 2345 outdated

2346 BSEE, Texas 2347 BS mUlti-openings, multi-disciplines, Texas 2348 BSEE, midwest 2349 BSEE, east 2350 BSChE, Mo. 2351 MS/PhDMetE, midwest 2352 outdated 2353 mUlti-openings, multi-disciplines, south 2354 BSME, New York 2355 BSME,EE, exper. , midwest 2356 BSMin,ME,CE, agency listing, management exper. 2357 BS/MSPh ys. midwest 2358 BSME, management exper. , south 2359 BSChE, process engr. , Mo.

Hhbertld Mrs.


DATE I. 1919

I. 1979 i. 1919

uesdaY Friday

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle Still Available The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Enginee rs is offering for sa le to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the bu ckle sales wil l enable SM E to participa te in a variety of acti vities including fi eld trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi -annual outing. We want to thank all of our pa trons for their generosit y. Orders and checks for five dollars made pa ya ble to the Society of Mining Enginee rs should be mailed to John Anderson, 125 Mining Bldg.-UMR , Rolla,M O 65 40 I. Please ship _ __ buckles a t $5.00 cachoEnclosed find a check for $_ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address ____________ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

23 60 Mult i-openings, mUl ti-disciplines, upper midwest 236 1 outdated 236 3 BSPetE, ME, CE, EE, ChE, Texas 2364 multi-openings, mul ti-disciplines 2365 outda ted 2366 BSCE, state gov!. 2367 BS Min , ChE, CE, ME, multiopenings, south 2368 BS/MSMetE, sout hwest, nonfer rous metals 2369 BSEE, Mo. 2370 outdated 237 1 BSME, EE, ME, MetE, midwest 2372 BSCSc, east 2373 MS/PhDMetE, midwest 237 4 BSEE, sout heast 2375 MS/Ph DChE, Chem, Phys. midwest 2376 BSEE, EMa n, Ka nsas 2377 MSNE, ME, ChE, west 2378 BSEMa n, midwest 23 79 mUl ti-openings. multi-d isciplines, upper midwest 2380 BSME, EE, CE, GE, ChE 238 1 BSM E, marketing, S!. Louis 2382 BSChem, CerE, east 7.38 3 outdated 238 4 BS/MS/ PhDCSc, co mmunity co llege, south 2385 BS/MSMetE, midwest 2386 BSCSc, Phys, Ma th , midwest 2387 BSCE, ME, CerE, MetE, east 2388 BSM inE, south, salt mining 23 89 BS EMan , ME, ChE, Chem, midwest 2390 BSEMan , MetE, ME, ChE, wes t coast 239 1 BSEMan, Ill inois 2392 BS/MS/PhDM inE, PetE, sou th 2393 BSME, cit y gov!. , midwest 2394 BSCE, ME, EMan, southeast 2395 mUl ti-open ings, mu lt i-disciplines, agency listi ng 2396 BSCE, constr uction 2397 BSEMa n, agency listi ng 2398 BSME, CE. MinE, Chem, CSc, EMa n, east 2399 outdated 2400 BSM inE. sa les southeast 240 I not applicable

MSM Alum n u s 13


Alumni Personals_ W. R. (Dick) Tankersley, Class of 1952, and lect urer in petroleum engineering at UMR, died suddenly at his home on Tuesday , Aug. 7. Tankersley received hi s bachelor of science degree in mining engineering (petroleum option) . He was with Chevron USA, Inc. , from 1952 until 1977 , serving as petroleum engineer, area production engineer, production coordinator and sen ior production engineer in Barataria and New Orleans, LA. He returned to Rolla and joined the petrol e um engineering faculty last year. He won an outstanding teacher award in May. He is survived by his wife, Louise; a daughter, Richie, of Kansas City; brothers Donn of Rolla; and Ted of Joplin ; a sister, Nadine McGregor, of Rolla; and his mother, Dereatha Tankersley, of Rolla.

1926 I



Frank Edgar Townsend, 93, died Aug. 5, in Bartlesville, OK. Townsend retired some years ago as chief chemist for National Zinc Co. , Inc. He received the MSM/UMR Alumni Achievement Award in 1973. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Frances Mi les, of the home-I 105 S. Delaware, Bartlesv ille, OK 74003-and Mrs. Robert (Marian) McCormick, Mercer Island , WA, and one son, Richard Warren Townsend , Scottsdale, AZ.

c. B. Kentnor, Jr., reports that he plans


w. P. Gatts is a sa les engineer for Tilley Manufacturing Co., Redwood City, CA. He and his wife, Naomi, li ve at 250-C West 36th Ave. , San Mateo, CA 94403. Edward Pesout, 300 Navajo Court, Boulder City, NV 89005, reports he had a nice visit in July with 1. E. Stevens at Washington, UT.

to move to Sun City West, AZ, the middle of September for about nine months_ The rest of the year, he plans to spend at his home in Southbury, CT. A retired board chairman of W. S. Rockwell Co., he can be reached through the company at 200 Elliot St., Fairfield, CT 06430.

The de; Frederic reponed

1925 Herbert E. Barnard, a former student at the Missouri School of Mines and brother of Charles Barnard, '20, and AI Barnard, '27 , died August 7, 1979 in St. Louis. He had been a practicing attorney for more than 50 yea rs.

1926 Bammel Lane, No. 21 , Houston, TX 77098.

Here's a list of some of the extension short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR facu lty and continuing education. Where titles are not self explanatory yo u may call fo r more detailed information including costs. Call "Ex tension Coordinator," 314-341-4200 or 420 I. Written requests shou ld be addressed to UMR Continuing Education, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Missouri 6540 I.

14 / MSM A lu mnu s


Erwin ( engaged at "Eche I'egelablt bridge [0 Shirley Ii sant Gro

c. Cabanne Smith now lives at 290 I

Extension Nevvs PROGRAM Introductory Short Course on Composition of Paints Basic Quality Control Short Course Introduction to Paint Formu lation Refresher for Maintenance Engineers, Contractors and Painting Inspectors Job Estimating Workshop for Painting Contractors Advanced Chem ical Coatings Workshop North American Manufacturing Research Conference VIII Deep Foundation Design 22nd Asphalt Conference Ground Water Analysis & Dewatering Shallow Foundation Design Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Fundamentals of Grouti ng Instrumentation of Soil & Rock Machine Foundation Design

In recog as a mel the An Melali Ul has cer member Lindena Thundel AZ85

LOCATION Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla St. Lou is St. Louis Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis

DATES March 3-7 March 10-14 March 21 -April 4 Feb. 25-29 Nov . 12-14, 1979 April7-11 May 18-21 , 1980 Nov. 12-15, 1979 Nov. 15-16, 1979 Jan. 7-11 , 1980 Feb. 4-8, 1980 Feb. 11 -15, 1980 March 10-14, 1980 April 7-11 , 1980 July 21-25 , 1980


WarrenI the U. S. dent of Consuhir and Dalla reached b 62803.


Harold , 1975as[ of 1i o~ aWa rded Engineer: vice Awa Professiol Bruegginl president' as chain Retired E a fO nner tional Soc He and Houchin,

he plans the mid. months. spend at retired vell Co., ompany )6430.


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Alumni Personals ____________________ __ J926 Continued In recognition of his fifty years serv ice as a member, the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Mining, Metal lurgical and Petroleum Engineers has certified E. M. Lindenau as a member of the Legion of Honor . Lindenau and his wife, Mary, li ve at Thunderbird Ranch, Route 5, Tucson , AZ 857 18. The death of John Atwood Rood, Fredericktown, MO, on July 7, has been reported by his son , 1. A. Rood , Jr.

1930 Erwin C. Hoeman reports that he is engaged in the usual seasonal activities at "Echo Manor": harvesting fruit and vegetables and attending duplicate bridge tournaments in the West. He and Shirley li ve at 1300 E. 650 South, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062.

at 2901 on, TX

Where dinator: la, Rolla


14 ,pril4

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1980 '. 1979 . 1979 1980 980 1980 i~. 1980 1980 1980

1931 Warren Heilig has retired as a colonel in the U. S. Arm y and has retired as president of A. K. Grafe and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Lex ington , KY and Dallas, TX . He and Annetta may be reached by mail at Box 87, Hoyleton, IL 62803.

1932 Harold J. Bruegging, who retired in 1975 as genera l manager for operations of Missouri Power and Light Co., was awa rd ed the 1979 Pr ofess ional Engineers in Industry Distinguished Service Award by the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) in June. Bruegging is a charter member and past president of MSPE and currently serves as chairman of that organization's Retired Engineers Committee. He is also a former national director of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He and his wife, Eva, live at 80 I Houchin , Jefferson City, MO 65 10 I.

Samuel E. Taylor, Jr., li ves at 15 North Hercules Ave ., Clearwater, FL 33515.

1934 Richard G. and Ellen M. Hudson have moved to 7075 0 Angus Road, Kimbol ton, OH 43749. Robert L. Cummins has retired as manager. facilities with General Electric. Bob and Clara ha ve moved to 3327 N. 17 Ave., Phoenix, AZ 850 15.

1936 Robert W. Simmons, D.D.S., reports that he and Jane can now be reached at Box 172 , Wittman , MD 21676. Simmons is ret ired and serves as a part-time consultant to the State Department. He goes on to say that they have as a guest D. O. Watson, Class of '35 , Pontiac, MO , who -is recovering from heart bypass surgery.

The death of Richard Crowl Brandt, Newton , IA on Sept. 17 , has been reported by H. H. Barger, '39.

1940 The office has been notified that James Orin Ferrell, Mountain View, MO died September 9. Edward W. and Lillian Heiss live at 2531 East Cherokee, Springfield, MO 65804. Ed is retired from Frisco Ra il way. Their son, Dr. W. C. Heiss, has opened a dental office in Mountai n G rove, MO. Ivan M. Niedling reports that he is semiret ired. After 23 years, he retired from the U. S. Navy as a Lt. Commander, then retired from Del Monte Corp., after 15 years. He now serves as a parttime management consultant with the Tri-Cities Shoppers Herald in Stevens Po int. WI. He and Hope li ve at 1008 3rd St., Stevens Point, WI 54481.



Frank S. Millard, 1021 I Holly Springs, Houston, TX 77042, is very busy wit h his consulting business. He has recently returned from consulting trips to Brazil and England.

Thomas A. Jones is now senior ta x attorney-state taxes with Monsanto Co. Home is 517 Mistletoe Ln. , Kirkwood , MO 63 122.

1939 Elmond L. Claridge received his Ph. D. degree in chemica l engineering in August after nine years of part-time stud y and research. He is retiring from Shell Development Co. , after more than 38 years of service and will become a full-time associate professor of chem ical engineering with the University of Houston . He will be in charge of the uni ve rsit y'S grad uate prog ram in petroleum engineering. Dr. Claridge and his wife, Ruth , li ve at 5439 Pais ley Lane, Houston, TX 77096. After 35 yea rs service with the Arm y and Air Force Motion Picture Service, Washington , D.C., Carl F. von Wehrden reti red as executive engineer in 1975. He and his wife, Hope, li ve at 8712 Cromwell Drive, Springfield, VA 22 15 1.

1943 As of Sept. I, the Rev. Clarence A. Lambelet became Rector of the Church of St. Pau l and the Redeemer, in Chicago. He and Isabel now live at 5217 G. University Ave., Ch icago, IL 606 15 . Frederick and Evelyn Wrobbel have moved to 9694 Poudre Ca nyon, Bellvue, CO 80512.

1944 Glenn L. Staley, Jr., has a new job as Instructor-Counselor at Southern illinois University in Carbondale. He and his wife , June C, live at 1508 E. Wa lnu t, Ca rbonda le, IL 62901. John W. Brodhacker has accepted a position as director, process engineering with Exide Corp. His and Mary's new address will be 24331 Oak hill Dr. , Euclid, OH 44 11 7.

MSM Alumnus / IS

Alumni Personals ________________________


J944 Continued

1950 (

Charles P. and Lucille Daniels reside at 12902 E, 40th St., Independence, MO 64055 . Charles is Genera l Superintendent-Construction for Great Midwest Corp. in Kansas City.

William J. Thomas reports that follow · ing open heart surgery in April of last year, he took an early retirement (J uly I, 1979) from Rockwell International, Energy Systems Group, Canoga Park, CA. He and Edith Mae are now in the process of enjoying his retirement at 1-+60 Panorama Ridge, Oceanside, CA 92054.

President-elect of the Jefferson Cit y Chapter of the MSPE is Cal Ochs, Rio Vista Heights, Jefferson City, MO 6510 1.

Jacob D. Jenkins reports his retirement from AMOCO Oil Co. He and Ann are li ving at Bel Voir Acres, Golden, MO 65658.


1946 Oscar M. and Janet Olsen have moved to 22 Starview Dr. , Oakland, CA 94618 . Oscar is Senior Vice President for UCO Oil Co. in Whittier.

1947 Elmer W. Belew is director of commu nity development for the Cit y of Creve Coeur. Home is 11614 Norgate Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63138.

HAROLD R. HOLLMANN Harold R. Hollmann has been ap· pointed general manager-sheet and strip products for U. S. Steel. He and Trudy li ve at 141 Locust Court, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. He has been with U. S. Steel since recei v ing his degree in metallurgical engineering in 1949. William E. Turner, with Union Elect ric at Eldon , MO, dil!d March 31.

1948 Maurice H. Ellis has been promoted to project manager-national accounts, for Varco-Pruden, Memphis, TN. He and his wife , Marjorie, live at 8075 Farmingdale Road , Germantown, TN 38138. John F. McCarthy has been insta lled as third vice president of the Engineers' Club in St. Louis. Home is 11756 Long Leaf Circle, St. Louis, MO 63141 .


16/ MSM Alumn us

Robert M. Ponder has been manager· refining and transportation , Mid Co ntin ent A rea for Champli n Petroleum Co. since August , 1978 . The job in volves crude gathering and pipeline system in Oklahoma; a 54,000 BID Refinery in Enid , OK ; five product storage and distribution terminals and a products pipeline connecting refinery to the terminals located at Oklahoma. Ci· ty. OK; Hutchinson , KA ; Superior and Columbus, NE ; and Rock Rapids. IA . He and Bett y Jean and the family li ve at 7709 E. 66th SI.. Tulsa, OK 74133. Joseph E. Hallemann, 295 W. St. Anthon y Lane, Florissant, MO 63031 . has been promoted to engineering and operat ions manager-modular power subsyst em for multi -mission spacecraft, McDonnel l Douglas Astronautics, St. Louis.

Harold G. Moe's new address is 1819 Rose Hill Rd. , Apt. II , Reyno ldsburg, OH 43068.

Conrad Montalto, 2022 Fir, Glenview , IL, recent ly celebrated his 30th anniversary with Northrop Corp. Defense Systems Di vision. He is a unit manager with the Rol li ng Meadows, IL, firm and supervises the design and development of computer and digital hardware for the compan y's product line of airborne electronic co untermeasures systems.

Thomas A. Herrmann, 707 Dutch Mill Drive, Ballwin, MO 630 II , has been named vice president -civil and environmenta l engineering for ZurheideHerrmann. Inc., consulting engineers, St. Louis. Herrmann is also president of the Missouri Society of Professional Engi neers.

ROBERT D. BA Y Robert D. Bay, pres ident elect of the MSM ·U MR Alumni Association, has been installed as second vice-president of the Engineers' Club in St. Louis. Bob is also ser ving as sta te director of the MSP E for the St. Loui s Chapter. Home is 222 Magna Ca rta Ln ., St. Louis, MO 63 141.

Jack E. Gurth retired as president of Coast Survey, Ltd. in April to become Chairman of the Board. Coast Survey has offices in New Jersey, Virginia, and a subsidiary in Florida . He reports that hi s youngest son , Joel. entered U M R this fall as an engineering freshman and pledged his old fraternity , Sigma Nu . Jack and Joanie li ve at 630 Oak St. , Herndon , VA 220 70.

Robert !changed exciting operatio" linois. an' engineen "loving i dent and dow Co.. Jean Anr Moline, I

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Alumni Personals ______________________

n City hs, Rio I, MO

Robert H. Erskine reports that he has changed jobs after 29 years-with an exciting challenge to manage a base operation and five branches in Iowa , II· linois, and Wisconsin, He is doing more engineeri ng/sales work as a res ult and "loving it", He is executi ve vice presi, dent and sa les manager for Pella Win· dow Co" Inc.. Rock Island, IL He and Jean Ann have moved to 2615 31st St. , Moline, IL 61265,

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1950 Continued

J. B. Plater has moved to 603 N. Jefferson, Robinson , IL 6225 4. William M. Baldwin has bee n awarded the designation of the prestigious honor of Fellow Member by the Florida Engin eer ing Society, Bill and Beverly res id e at 33 23 Robinhood Rd" Tallahassee, FL 3231 2, Ralph G. Stuve is now a mil l engineer with Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp. He and Li llian's address is Box 399 , Grants, NM 87020.

R. Norman Holme has bee n named ch ief metallurgist for American Cyanamid Co" Knoxville, TN, He and Gloria live a t 1140 Venice Road , Knoxvi lle, TN 379 19,

David R. Whitmer is now assistant to the president of NW Alaskan Pipe line, He and Lucret ia reside at 8663 S, Alta Ca nyo n, Sandy, UT 84070.

Howard Houska, Consulting Engineer, 1501 St. Mary's Lane, Festus, MO 63028, died in April, 1979,

Donald E. Wiseman is the new ow ner of Big Red "Q" Quickprint, in Hobbs, NM . He and his wife, Velma , live at 813 W. Taos, Hobbs, NM 88240,

Clay Hen has been named director of process engineeri ng by Bendy Engineer, ing Co. Home is 3730 Hambeltonian , Florissan t, MO 63033 . Donald W. Marshall says he is sti ll enjoying retirement (from U, S. Public Health Service) at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missou ri, Mrs, M, (Minnie Lou) is also still enjoy ing being the store manager for JCPe nney at the Fulton, MO store, The y extend an invitation to all MSM friends to drop in at their lake home when in the area. The add ress is Route 2, Box 319, Sunrise Beach, MO 65079.

1951 William E. Horst has moved to 48 S, Holman Way , Golden , CO 80401. Bill is associate director of Mineral Processing for AM AX Extracti ve R&D, Inc, in Golden, Wade C. Wurtz retired last year from U, S, Army Armament Command , Rock Island Arsena l, Rock Island , IL He and his wife, Alice L have mo ved to 130 I SI. Wi lliam Ave" Round Rock, TX 78664, Round Rock is near Austin. Wade is looking forward to the milder winters.

1953 John H. Bender has been transferred from the Kaiser Refractories plant in Oakv ille, Canada to the plant in Mexico, MO where he is now production manager. John , Nadyne, and Carol live at 1100 Dogwood Dr. , Mexico, MO 65265 , George F. McCormick is manager, inform ation systems, USBI Div , of United Technologies, He and Sh irley reside at 207 Westchester Ave, SW , Huntsville, AL 3580 1.

1954 Charles C. Poe, Jr., has been promoted to chief laboratory engineer for McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis, He and Judith ma y still be reached by mail at Route 3, Box 433 , Wentzville, MO 63385 ,


1952 H. Chalmers Kerr, Jr., operat ions research ana lyst at the Naval Ocea ns Systems Center, San Diego, CA , was married April 21 , to the former Janet Cox. The couple li ves at 2909 First Ave , Apt. 3A , San Diego, CA 920 13. Robert A. Dye is a project coordina tor with the Daniel Construction Co. His and Georgia's address is R I. 6, Box 135 , Laurinburg, NC 28352 Leslie F. and Marianne Heldman may now be reached by mail at P,O. Box 18421. Oklahoma Cit y, OK 73154, Leslie is di vision staff engineer for Schlumberge r We ll Se rvices In Oklahoma Cit y John B. Nolan, in ve nt ory, rating and in vest igation engineer for the Illinois Department of Transportation, repo rts that he is currentl y se rving as a panel member and AAS HO Monitor on the National Coo pe rat ive Hi g hwa y Research Program on a project for structural strength eva luation of existing rein forced co ncrete bridges, John and Ma xine live at 66 Circle Dri ve. Springfield. IL 62703.

JOHN W. PADAN & ROBERT S. BECHERER The following report was received from John W. Padan, 9720 Digging Road , Ga ithersburg, MD 20760. "Robert S. (Bob) Becherer dropped in on my wife and me recently for a ' mini' reunion. We each started at MSM in January, 1951. Here we are smiling about the old da ys at one of those crazy TEK E parties l We hope our friends wil l give us a call when passing through, I'm in the Washington, D. C area (301 -926-6844) , Bob is in the Ft. Lauderda le area (305 -791 -8644), 3676 E. Valley Green Dri ve, Dav ie, FL 33328."

MSM Alu mn us ! J 7

Alumni Personals: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Honor Classes for Homecoming 1980 (October 17-18) 50 years and before 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 Make plans now!


Raymond H. Tauser has a new job with Can Tex Industries in Mineral Wells, TX, as a sa les representati ve. Ray and his wife, Mar y, reside at 23 11 Blue Hill Rd. , Chesterfield , MO 630 17. Kenneth and Maybelle Bentilla have moved to 601 W. 8th St. , Quanah, TX 79252. Ken is now a senior engr. with Georgia Pacific Corp.

1958 Murray Siroka reports that, after 21 years with Sylvania, he started with Northrup Co., Norwood, Mass. as program manager in June. He also reports a two-year old grandson, Joel. Murray and Shirley live at 10 Hatters Hill Road, Medfield, MA 02052.

Philip J. Taetz is a student and lecturer at Texas A&M. Home is 2908 Normaud Dr., College Station, TX 77840.

1957 John J. (Jack) Howard is now an industrial consultant with Williams and Works, Grand Rapids, MI. He and Pat live at 2580 Rockhill Drive, Grand Rapids, MI 49 505.

It Has Been Called To

l S/ MSM A lum nus

JOHN W. MOORE John W. Moore, who has been with the company since 1957, has been promoted to manager of the planning and eva luation department of Exxon Pipeline Co., Houston , TX. He had been engi neering serv ices manager in the company's technical services department. John and Ruth and sons John Jr. and Stephen, li ve at 5507 Spanish Oak Dri ve, Houston, TX 77066.

1959 E. Ken n at 296 63011. I Conrac I

Richard 2701 N Richard McKee i

Robert. received tWO year years al i before e, Louis UI training General and was ty of Ca Francisci Iy accep radiologi Memoria He mayI Spencerv RALPH O. YOUNG Ralph O. Young has been promoted to vice president of the Seaman Buildings Systems Division in Sarasota after serving as plant manager and chief engineer. He will retain his engineering duties and will be in charge of overa ll operations for the facilit y. He and Joan live at 3268 Duncan Ave., Sarasota, FL 33579.

HARRY J. SAUER, JR. Harry J. Sauer, Jr., professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at UMR , is the recipient of the 1979 Hermann F. Spoehrer Memorial Award of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers. He received the award for his meaningful contributions to ASH RA E, the St. Louis chapter, and to his community . Home is Rt. 4, Box 108, Rolla, MO 6540 1.


Our Attention That The MSM-UMR Alumnus Carries Freq uent Invitations to Membership in the Century Club Without Any Instructions As To How You Join. IT'S SIMPLE! Just Make Gifts to the Annual Fund Totaling $100 Between January 1 and December 31 in any Given Year.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1959 E. Kenneth and Nancy J. Siroky reside at 296 Oak Pass Ct. , Ballwin , Mo 630 I I. Ken is a regiona l manager for Conrac Corp. in Ballwin.

Gerald R. Wyman is now pres ident of Anamax Mining Co. in Sa huarita, AZ. He and Mary li ve at 205 Greenock Dr., Tucson. AZ 857 04.

1960 Richard L. and Carol Thompson li ve at 2701 Northcrest , Plano, TX 75075. Richard works for Camp, Dresser, and McKee in Dallas. Robert J. Baker reports that aft er he received his degree at UM R, he spent two years in Germa ny (ROTC) and two years at McDonnell Aircraft in St. Louis before ea rning a Ph.D. in physics at St. Louis Uni versity in 1969. He then had training programs at Massach use tts General Hospital and Boston University and was a staff physicist at the Uni versi· ty of Cal ifornia Medical Center in San Fra ncisco for fou r yea rs. He has recent· Iy accep ted a position as therapeutic radio logical physicist at Park view Memorial Hospital in Fort Wa yne, Ind. He may be reached at Route 2. Box 355, Spencerville, IN 467 88. A note from David C. Law, 351 Cor· onado Trail. Enon , OH 45323 , says, " Passed through Rolla in mid·Jul y with my Explorer Post. Campus has changed in the 15 years since I'd seen it. Looks good. Brought back man y good memories. The Explorers were impress· ed by our 'quick y' tour. " Law is a gove rnmen t operations analyst at Wright Patterson AFB. Ohio. Stuart M. Jones Jr., 3313 Stone Ridge Road, York , PA 17402, has been pro· moted to director. In terna tiona l Opera· tions of the Minera l Processi ng Systems Division. Koppers Eng inee red Products. He has been with the compan y more than 20 years and was promoted from the posit ion of man ager, mark eting and sales. James and Pauline Mar ler have moved to 250 I Horsetra il , Edmond, OK 73034. Leander A. Neumeier is now acting resea rch director of the U. S. Bureau of Mines facilit y in Rolla. His add ress is Rt. 4, Box 74. Rolla. MO 6540 1.

Robert J. Urban's new address is 408 N. Fielder, No . 234 , Arl ington , TX 760 12. Alvin H. Woods is now construction mgr. with Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. in Houston. Home is 5722 Pebble Springs Dr. , Houston , TX 77 066.

Martha S. Fowler is now a staff engr. with Garland Div. of E·System s in Da llas. Martha and Brooks reside at 342 1 Rockcrest Dr., Garland , TX 75042. Wayne C. and Joan Horton's address is 92 16 Ca ndlewood Drive, Oklahoma Ci· ty, OK 73 132. Wayne is exploration manager for Woods Pe troleum , Ok lahoma Ci ty . Jim Kliethermes is the secretary· treasurer of the Jefferson Cit y Chapter of the MSPE. Home is 230 Brookdale, Jefferson City, MO 65 10 1. Harvey J. Walker Jr., is a staff engr.iadvisor with 78 Div. (tng), Ki lmer USAR Center in Ed ison, NJ. Harvey and Karen Ann reside at 996 Port Au Prince, Toms River, NJ 08 75 3.

1962 Douglas A. Gaertner has been pro· moted to senior engineer-manufactur· ing by Ca rter Carburetor Di v., ACF In· dustries, Inc. Home is 442 E. Essex Ave. , Kirkwood , MO 63122. JAMES D. COFFMAN James D. Coffman has been promoted from assistant vice president·residence marketin g to assis tant vice president-corporate policy seminar, for Southwestern Bell Te lephone Co. in St. Louis. He has been wit h the company sin ce 1960. Coffman and his wife, Na n· cy. have one daughter. The fami ly lives at 569 Hickory View Drive, Ball win, MO 63011. John A. Anderson is now director of market deve lop ment . Deere & Co. He and Nata lie li ve at 527 N. College, Geneseo. IL 6 125 4.

1961 Robert J . and Dorothy Patterson have moved to 700 Buckeye Ct.. Noblesv ille. IN 46060. Bob is a Fu nctions Engineer fo r GTE Service Corp. in Indianapolis.

Gerald Uhe. Route 3, Edwardsville, IL, visited the campus with his family in August. Uhe is a chemistry teacher a: Roxana High School in Illinois and is an enthusiast ic U M R booster. Seven of his students plan to enroll as freshmen at UMR this fa ll . Clifford and Marsha Larsen ha ve mov· ed to 155 Primrose, Hershey, PA 17033. Clifford is now vice president, sales and marketing, San Giorgio Div. of Hershey Foods.

1963 Robert E. Markland's book, Topics in Management Science, has been publish· ed by John Wi ley & Sons, Inc. Bob is professor and program director of Ma nagement Science at the University of South Ca rolina. Home is 100 Ketter· ing Dr. . Columbia, SC 29210.

MSM Alumnus / 19

Alumni Personals ______________________


J963 Continued

1966 I

Don Bu gg is now superintendent, herbicide in termediates fo r the Dow Chemica l plant in Midland , Ml. He and Jea nine have three girls, ages 10,6 and 2.

Michael R. Bailey has been named pastor of Eva ngelica l Free Church in Storm Lake. He and Linda re ide at 502 Terrenee, Storm Lake, IA 50588.

Wan¡Cheng Liu, of 9805 N. Pond Cir. , Roswell , GA 30076, led a grou p of 8 engineers to Boston to work on a nuclear project fo r Stone & Webster. The project was shut down by NRC order beca use of newly imposed seismic criteria.

Arvind M. and Malti A. Shah live at 970 S. Harva rd, Addison, IL 60 I 0 I. Arvind is a project engineer for Pay Line Group, Internat ional Harvester Co. in Melrose Park. William M. Schanbacher is a systems designer engr. with Collins Radio Di v. of Rockwell In ternationa l. Home is 1805 Eldora Ct., Richard on, TX 75081.

1964 Kenneth D. Pohlig has joined General Meta l Products Co. in St. Louis as director of marketing/sales. Home is 2 Vienne Ct. , Lake St. Louis, MO 63367. Alan L. Lasley is now pl ant manager for Masonite Corp. , Roofing Divis ion, in Little Rock, AR. He and Jea n li ve at 2917 Charter Oak Road, Little Rock, AR 72207. Ke nneth R. Nelson is now an assistant project engineer with C. F. Braun & Co. , Alhambra , Cali f. He and Maria have moved to Apt. No. 27, 33 14 Saw telle Bl vd. , Los Angeles, CA 90066. Colonel Robert J. Dacey was appointed St. Louis Dist rict Engineer in August. As district engineer, he is responsible for the Corps of Engineers' wa ter resources deve lop men t activities in eastern Missouri and west central and southern Ill inois. Prior to his current assignment, Col. Dacey was chief of management division at the Offi ce of the Chief of Staff, U. S. Arm y, Europe and the 7th Army. He was stationed in West Germany. His fa mily li ves at 426 Glan Tai Drive, Manchester, MO 630 II . Michael D. Meehan's new address is 12355 Sparrow wood Dr. , Creve Coe ur, MO 63 14 1. He is director of marketing fo r the Binkley Co.

20/ MSM Al u mnus

Charles Marlow's new address is 7473 Meadow Court, Ft. Worth , TX 76 11 8.

DR. DAVID N. PEACOCK Dr. David N. Peacock ('64, '66, '70) and wife, Don na, announce the bi rth of their first child, Karen Ly nne, on April 28 . Dr. Peacock was recently promoted to staff geoph ysicist wit h Chev ron U.S.A, Inc. in the Denver Centra l Regional office. He and another Miner, Terrance W. Donze, '71, teamed up as arrangements cha irma n and housing c ha irman of the 32nd a nnual Midwestern Explorat ion meeting of the Society of Explora tion Geophysicists. The convention, held in March in Denver, set a new attenda nce record with more that 950 delegates. Peacock is also arrangements chai rman fo r the current month ly meeting session of the Denver Geophysica l Society. In his spare time, he has become quite active in the winter sport, curling. He is comple ting a term as president of the Colorado Curl ing Association. The fa mily li ves at 7095 East Euclid Drive, Englewood , CO 80 I I I. James W. and Teresa Terry have moved to 114 Satinwood Court, St. Charles, MO 6330 I . He is a lead engineerelectronics with McDonnell Douglas Corp.

1965 New address for Glenn E. Mi lkert is 8303 N.W . Miami, Wea therb y Lak e, MO 64 152.

Richard L. Terry is now vice president of Envirotech Coal Services Corp., Beck ley, WV. He and wi fe , Margaret, li ve at 45 Dogwood Court, Glade Springs, Daniels, WV 258 32.


LEONARD C. KIRBERG Leonard C. Kirberg, a di rector of the MSM -UMR Alumni Association , is serving as chapter secretary for the St. Lou is Chapter of the MSPE. Home is 33 1 Ca rmel Woods Dr., Ell isville, MO 630 II. Mary W. Lane is a teacher with the Midd lesboro Independent School. She and Richard live at 504 Worchester Ave. , Midd lesboro, KY 40965.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1966 Continued Duane H. and Sandra DeClue live at 108 Virginia, Crysta l City, MO 63019. He is an environmental officer with St. Joe Lead Co. , Herculaneum. Anastassios B. Fakonas, engineer specialist with Emerson Electric, visited the campus with his twin sons in August. The family lives at 926 Queensbridge, Manchester, MO 63011. Harold H. Fukubayashi is now technical manager for Eutectic of Japan, Ltd., 1224 Ogura, Saiwai-Ku, Kawasaki : 211, Japan. Larry Rushing, 1809 Tower Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65101, is the state director for the Jefferson City Chapter of the MSPE.

1967 Steven L. Brady has been installed as president-elect of the Ozark Chapter of the MSPE. Home is 3055 Avalon, Springfield, MO 65804.

Charles "Chuck" Perez is now senior mechanical engineer with Ea rl and Wright Consulting Engineers, Houston, TX. The firm designs offshore production platforms, marine terminals and marine facilities for the international oil and gas industry. Chuck supervises mechanical engineers in the specification. inquiry, cost and technical evaluation , purchasing and data handling for major equipment. His mailing add ress is P.O. Box 37471 , Houston, TX 77036 . Gary L. Gaines, of 5 Leota St. , Dexter, MO 63841, is the new president of the Southeast Chapter of the MSPE. Charles J. Neumann has been promoted to manager-software engineering, by Autocontrol, Inc., St. Louis. Mrs. Neumann (Gail) has her Ph.D. and has been practicing as a clinical psychologist since January, 1976. The couple has two children, Ste ven, 5, and Jennifer, 2. They live at 3627 Collinswood Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Michael A. Nawrocki is now manager, Rocky Mountain regional office for Hittman Associates, Inc. He and Sharon Jive at 8563 E. Jamison Ave., Englewood , CO 80 I 12. Daniel D. Peer IS a commun ications engineer with ISA in Atlanta. Home is 5661 Williams Rd ., Norcross, GA 30093.

1968 Richard R. Janis, 4225 Oregon, St. Louis, has been named vice president of the newly created energy systems division at William Tao & Associates, consulting engineers, St. Louis.


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MARTIN CAPAGES JR. Martin Capages Jr., has been named district engineering manager, Midland District, Mid-continent Production Division, Exxon Co., USA. He and his wife, Francene, now live at 320 I Wedgewood, Midland, TX 79702. They have two children, Chris and Corbin.

Michael W. Riley, assistant professor of industrial engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln , received the 1979 Nebraska Legislative Award for distinguished teaching in the UNL College of Engineering and Technology. He lives at 3701 Briarwood Ave. , Lincoln , NB 68516. W. C. Coonce has moved to 7060 Leebrad St., Springfield, VA 22 I 51 .

Douglas R. Williams is a project engineer with Oldsmobile in Lansing, Mich. He and Jeannie li ve at 367 Michigan Road , Ea ton , Rapids, MI 48827. Richard J. Vehige is now assistant vice president , support services for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., St. Louis. He and Carol have moved to 404 Briarwyck, Ballwin, MO 630 I I. Raymond J. DeThorne reports that he is now maintenance manager for Borg Warner Chem icals, Ottawa, IL. He and Jackie have moved to 7 Gridley Place, Ottawa, IL 61350. David M. Faintich, senior systems analyst with General Cable Co., St. Louis. reports that wife, Carol, received her M.A. in teaching from Webster College in May , and is now teaching remedial reading in Ritenour School District. Son Joel, 10, is in the 5th grade, and daughter Robyn, 6, entered 1st grade this fall. The family lives at 9604 Mansfield Dr., Olivette, MO 63 I 32. Timothy H. Neet has been named district operations manager of the Long Lines Department, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Albany, NY . His address is 1341 Hawthorne Road , Schenectady, NY 12309. John Doyle is the new vice president of the Jefferson City Chapter of the MSPE. His address is Rt. 2, Jefferson City, MO 65101. William J. and Belinda Green are the parents of a son, Matthew. Green is manager of Soil Consultants, Inc., consulting geotechnical engineers, St. Peters, MO . The family lives at 229 Copperwood Trail, St. Charles, MO 63001. Phillip M. House has a new job as a General Engineer for the U. S. Department of Energy in Sacramento, CA. Phil and his wife, Joyce 8., reside at 4435 Park Green Ct. , Sacramento, CA 9582 I.

MSM Alumnu s12 1

Alumni Personals _______________ ________


J errey Finnegan, his wife, Barbara, and son, Patrick , have mo ved to 9 G reenvale Road, Vernon Hills, IL 6006 1. Jerrey is a chemical process engineer working on va ri ous internationa l project for Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago.

Thomas engineer, and Lind, OK 7411

1969 William Boring has been promoted to program manager-E W Systems by McDonnell Douglas Electron ics Co. He and Patsy reside at 980 Sadd le Dr. , Florissant , MO 63 03 3.

Barbara M. Grimm now lives at 509 E. 5th, Rolla , MO 65401.

Charles H. Weniger is general manager, fabrication division , Reeves Wiedeman, Lenexa , KS . He and Patricia now li ve at 1641 3 Riggs Road , St il well, KS 66085. Richard A. Winch is now engineering supervisor for Houston Lighting and Power, Thompsons , Texas. He and Mary have moved to 445 Nort h Amherst, Wes t Co lumbia, TX 77486. David and Monique Grosse's new address is 8748 Tibu ron, Cincinnat i. OH 452-+ 2. James R. Bruzewski is a rehabilitation counselor fo r the state of Arizona. He receives mail at 1030 S. Dobson Rd. , No. 143. Mesa, AZ 85303. Ted Holland and his wife, Jean , and children, Bruce, 6, and Beth. 3, moved from Evergreen, CO to Boise 10. He is emp loyed by the U. S. Bu reau of Land Management as field coordinator fo r the federal Geothermal Leasing Program (BLM is the agency responsib le for leasing all federa l mineral ri ghts) . He has been in the same job for the past two and a half years. He reports that the famil y is fin e, and they have just returned from a two week camping trip in and around Yell owstone-"busma n's holiday, ca n't get away from the geothermal. Our hobbies are ca mping, fi shing, hunting, an d I bui ld mu zzleloadi ng rifles." T he famil y lives a t 3007 Ridgeway Drive, Boise. 10 83702. Claud N orman Strauser , research hydrau lic engineer with the U. S. Arm y Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, recentl y received a letter of commendation from Preside nt Jimm y Ca rter. The Preside nt thanked Stra user fo r a suggestion which, when put into operation, resul ted in a first year savin gs of $ 158 ,750. Strauser's add ress is Route I, Sull ivan , MO 63 080.

22 MSM A lu mnu s

HARRY SALOMON Harry Salomon recentl y joined H & L Electric Co. in SI. Louis, as vice president of operations. He was formerly district sales engineer wit h Bussmann Ma nu fac turing Co. He and Joan li ve at 83 13 Horst, SI. Louis, MO 63123. Cheryl Ann (Dodson) Steffan, 4 Brower, Florissant, has been promoted to senior programmer-analyst for the Regional Just ice Information Serv ice, St. Louis.

1970 J ud y and Tony Dejoh n are the proud parent s of a baby boy born Aug. 18. His name is Anthon y Joseph , and he is their second chi ld (daughter, Jennifer, is 8). The DeJohns moved to 1957 Ridgelake Dri ve. Chesterfi eld . MO 6301 7, in April. Ton y is manager-operati ons, Wisconsin Barge Line, Inc. John J. and Marilyn Lewis Donnelly ha ve moved to 3300 Rocky Court , Lit tle Rock, AR 722 07. Terry E. Durham has joined Gett y Oil Co., Mid land . Texas. as a geoph ys icist. The new home address is 3001 Mid land Dri ve. Apt. P-7, Midland , TX 797 02. Frank Lewellen is now a civil engineer with the Cit y of Pensacola. He and his wife. Sa ndra, li ve at 4545 Shadesview Dr ive, Pen acola. FL 32504.

)970 C

Charles J engr. wit Co. Hom

TX 7750:

Joseph W. Miller is assistant vice president. pr odu cti on of Blank a nd Wesselink and Assoc., St. Louis. He and Ca th y live at 16 Timberleigh, St. Lou is, MO 63011.

William~ maintenal supervisOi Diane ha' wood Dri

Dan and Jo Ann to 174 11 Seven 77379. Dan engr.-forecasts

Pellegrino have moved Pines Dr. , Spring, TX is a sen ior cos t with Bechtel Corp.

Terry Tel Consolida Marilyn Langswor

Larry and Judith Schiffner have moved to 3705 Tom Watson Dr. , St. Louis, NM 88 101.

Dale A. mechanic: nell. Hon Moberly,

Art hur A. Schweizer is a metallurgical engr. with Cominco America n in Bixby, MO. Home is 806 Virginia Dr., Sa lem, MO 65560. Edward B. Tenes, loss control consultant wit h Kemper Insurance Co .. Garland , Texas, and his wife, Brenda Jean, have moved to Route 2, Box 399, Catoosa, OK 74015 . Robert J. Webb, 7500 Bissennet , No. 50. Houston , TX 77074, reports he has joined Sharp town Toastmasters Club No . 2243 (largest in International) and is enjoying it immensely' He is senior electrica l engineer with S & B Engineers in Houston. Miles and Margaret Huskey have moved to 1590 70th St. N._ St. Petersburg, FL 337 10. Miles is chief of sys tems and programming for the Cit y of St. Petersbu rg. Vick i M. Andreae is now a mathematician with the Air Force Data Service Center at the Pent agon . She and Robert ('69) live at 422 1 N. 23rd St., Arlington , VA 22207.

Ronald al dress is BI 62069.

James ar moved to KS 66102

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J970 Continued

Allan R. Kroupa has been named senior project manager for Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis. His home address is 3760 Neosho St., St. Louis, MO 63 116.

William K. Shinn has been promoted to maintenance planning and control supervisor for Alcoa Aluminum. He and Diane have moved to 5222 E. Timberwood Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630.

Lindell G. Rutherford (Lieutenant, U.S. Navy) is legal officer of Fighter Squadron Ill , based in San Diego. His squadron is currently embarked aboard the aircraft carrier USS Kitt y Hawk , operating as a unit of the U.S. 7th Fleet. He recently visited Hong Kong and during the remainder of the cruise, the Kitty Hawk will be combining regular training operations with an extensive search of the Gulf of Tha iland and the South China Sea looking for Southeast Asian refugees in distress. He can be reached by mail at 13108 Trail Dust Ave., San Diego, CA 92129.

Terry Tekotte is a systems analyst with Consolidated Aluminum Corp. He and Marilyn have moved to 5484 Langsworth Dr., St. Louis, MO 63129.

Raymond R. Williams is now area sales manager for Polysius Corp. , Atlanta, GA. He and Norma live at 2423K Dyke Circle, Marietta, GA 30067.

Thomas J. Mueller is now chief engineer, Air-X-Changers, Tulsa. He and Linda live at 2906 S. Detroit, Tulsa, OK 74114. Charles J. Murray is now a chemical engr. with U. S. Industrial Chemica ls Co. Home is 2604 Florence, Pasadena, TX 77502.

Dale A. Tiemann is a resident mechanical engr. for Burns & McDonnell. Home is 1712 Eastbrook Circle, Moberly, MO 65270.

Lawrence L. Bauer received the Doctor of Medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in May, 1979. He will now serve a residency in diagnostic radiology at Washington University Affiliated Hospitals in St. Louis. Home is 13358 Bragstadt, Creve Coeur, MO 63141.

CHARLES D. LADEROUTE Charles D. Laderoute, 4903 Stearns Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02154, is now Consultant and Project Manager with Charles T. Main, Inc., Boston, In addition to his consulting with electric and gas utilities in the areas of load research, cost of service and rate design, he is manager for all consulting relating to implementation of the mandates of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. He writes, "I've only had this job for five months and am enjoying it quite a bit. So far, my work has taken me to Missouri , Iowa, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, and Georgia. I've learned how to pack, what to do when you miss a plane, what to do when your flight gets cancelled, what to do when you are in Kansas City and your bags are in Portland and you both are supposed to be in Denver, etc." His business address is Rates and Financial Services Department, Charles T. Main , Inc. , Prudential Center, Southeast Tower, Boston, MA 02199.

Marty Bowin has been assigned as supervisor of computer services and project manager of a process computer project for Chevron Oil USA. He and Penny and their four children reside at 4108 Bluefish, Pascagoula, MS 39567.

Bob Broyles is now district sales manager for electronic components for Hew lett Packard, Farmington Hills, Mich. He and Martha have moved to 5476 Mystic Lake Drive, Brighton, MI 48116.

Ronald and Carol Viehweg's new address is Box 84_ RR I, Mount Olive, IL 62069. James and Judy Wattenbarger have moved to 1301 N. 25th, Kansas City, KS 66102. Alan Zaborac, project engineer for Peabody Coal Co., and his wife, Deborah, have moved to 611 Cypress Lane, Sparta, IL 62286.


Kenneth and Marie Downing announce the arrival of their second son , Andrew Robert Michael, born August 27 , 1979. The fam ily resides at 2137 44th St. , Highland , IN 46322. Ken is a foreman for Inland Steel in East Chicago, IN. The new address for Joe Dale Montgomery, Jr., is 3257 Victor Circle, Annandale, VA 22003. He is a professional environmental engineer with Wersar, Inc. Matt Russo reports that he now works in the plant engineering department as an electrical design engineer for the University of Ca lifornia Lawrence Livermore Laboratory , Livermore, Ca lif. He and his wife, Phyllis, and son, Greg, live at 2738 Hogan Place, Livermore, CA 94550. He is a registered professio nal engineer in the State of California. James R. Teague is a principal engr. with International Laser Systems. He and Dianne reside at 260 I Jennifer Hope Blvd., Maitland , FL 32751. Cheryl Gibbons Ibarra received her Ph.D. in April, 1979 from the University of Pittsburgh. She and Jim ('72) reside at 3466 Burnett Dr., Murrysville, PA 15668.

MSM Alumnus/23

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1971 Continued David G. Sizemore reports that he has recently been promoted to chief biomed ical engineer for Indian Health Service at the headquarters office in Albuquerque, N.M . He will be responsible for implementing and developing IHS biomedical engineering programs nationw ide. David and Kim now live at 407 Camino de la Sierra N.E. , Albuquerque, NM 87 123.

L. Darrell Thompson is president-elect of the Southwest Chapter of the MSPE. Darrell's address is 4542 E. 26th, Joplin, MO 64801.

Hugh and Linda Cole announce the birth of a son, Douglas Hugh, on 5110179. The Coles live at 8599 Edney Ridge Dr., Cordova, TN 38018. Major William E. Ayen is currently a Ph.D. student at Ohio State, sponsored by the U.S.A.F. He receives mail at 6493 Red Fox Rd., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Daryll Chenoweth has moved to 1205 E. Michigan Ave. , Urbana, IL 61801.

John A. Cribb, Route 2, Box 274A, Lafayette, LA 70507, is a sales engineer with Seco Industries, Inc., Lafayette.

Robert W. Curry and his wife, Brenda, with son Richard, 3, and daughter, Jennifer, 20-months, have moved to 101 5 Robin Road, Muscatine, IA 52761. Bob has just returned from Nitro, West Virginia, on assignment with Stanley Consultants.

Jesse M. Haverstick is now an industrial engineer with Westinghouse Electric Corp., St. Louis. He and Sandy ha ve moved to EI J er Dri ve, Box 41 , Cedar Hill, MO 63016.

William E. Dunham is supervisor of Industrial Engineering with Wang Products Division of AMP, Inc. Home is 916 Cocklin Street, Mechanicsburg, P A 17055.

Dennis G. Sylvester has accepted a position as project engineer with AnheuserBusch in Fairfield, Calif. He and his fami ly will be living at 1100 Hartford Place, Fairfield, CA 94533.

Joel Bond Foster died Aug. I, at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, after an illness of five years, He is survived by his wife, Diane, one son, Steven, his parents and a sister. Foster, 29, was an engineer with Anheuser-Busch, Inc.


Paul M. Hadfield has been promoted to serv ice supervisor for MCC Powers, Overland Park , Kan . He and Patricia live at 8950 Summit, Lenexa, KS 662 15. Roger Hitchings' new address is 1705 Robin Walk , Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 . He is an engineering group leader for the systems div. of Motorola, Inc. Roger has announced his engagement to Deborah Taubman, and they plan a wedding on March 29, 1980.

Raymond A. and Cecilia Freeman's new address is P.O. Box 1181 , Rolla, MO 65401.

C. T. Parsons Jr., is now a program-

ming team manager for United Services Automobile Association in San Antonio, TX . He resides at 1236 Abbotsbury, Uni versa l City, TX 78 148.

Dr. Susan E. Litteken, D.D.S. now li ves at 3800 Raider Rd ., Apt. 8 B, Jonesboro, AR 7240 1.

Gary D. Forsee is district staff ma nag e r-job eva lu at io n for Southwestern Bell. Home is 2091 Parasol, Chesterfield , MO 63017.

Dennis R. Nethington, 136 Orchard St., Su lli van, MO 63080, is now supervising senior auditor for Interco, Inc., St. Lou is.

Alan W. McSpadden is the new secretary¡treasurer of the Southeast Chapter of the MSPE. Home is 801 Sutton , Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I.

24 / MSM Alumnus

Francis J. Minden has returned to UMR as a graduate student. His address is 509 E. 14 St., Rolla . Raymond P. Reinhardt has accepted a position with Hooker Chemical Corp. His new address is 7108 Tonawanda Ck. Rd. , Lockport, NY 14094. Michael K. Riess now lives at 353 S. 1100 East, Apt. 7, Salt Lake City, UT 84102. He is a geology student at the University of Utah. Alfred L. Summers, Jr., is now market administrator for AT&T Long Lines, St. Paul, Minn. He and Linda live at 8695 Ivywood Ave. S. , Cottage Grove, MN 47130. Michael and Mary Taylor have moved to 22 15 King Arthur Dr., Jefferson City, MO 65101.

1973 Larry G. Bergner, P.E., '73-'76, is now project engineer for "The World's Greatest Family of Beers," AnheuserBusch, Inc., St. Louis. Larry and Mary Anne live at 334 Windsor Spring Drive, St. Louis, MO 63122, and their first child is due to arrive in early October. Dennis C. Berry, Pastor of Emanuel Lutheran Church in Mi lbank, S.D. , and his wife, Cynthia , are living at 1205 S. 5th, Apt. No. 12, Milbank , SD 57252. Wayne and Janet Bremer, 400 E. Newkirk, Tuscola, IL 6195 3, announce the arrival of Matthew Wayne on March 23 . Wayne is a technical service engineer for polyethylene with U.S. Industrial Chemica ls Co. He is also serving as president of the local section of the Society of Plastics Engineers. Cecilia M. Freeman recei ves mail at P.O. Box 1181 , Rolla, MO 65401. John R. and Shauna Y. Qualls live at 11619-A 133rd Lane, Cedar Lake, IN 46303. John is assistant plant managerengineerin g for Harbison -Walker Refractories in Hammond.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1973 Continued Willis and Nancy Wilson have moved .to 8737 Bannister Terr., Kansas Ci ty, MO 64134. Carolyn M. (Whiting) Smith and her husband, Frederick L. Smith, 20 Whip· pie Ave. , Stoneham, MA 02180, report the birth of their first child, a daughter, Ruth Carol Smith. Carolyn plans to return to school part-time this fall. Harold Black is a design engr. with Ground Water Associates. Home is 1902-0 Fillmore Ave., Norman , OK 73067. Earl and Mary Helen Brown have moved to 8 Heritage Ln. , Apt. 29, New Orleans, LA 70114. Hal D. Davis was promoted to chief metallurgist, for Sivyer Steel Corp., Bettendorf, Iowa, in April. He and Sandra live at 920 College Ave., Davenport, [A 52803. David and Marie Dudzik have moved to 7315 Garland St., Arvada, CO 80005. David has accepted a position as a reservoir engr. with Dome Petroleum Corp. in Denver. Charles J. L. Fillinger is now an industrial engineer with Armco Steel in Kansas City. Charles and Mary Lou's new address is Route 2, Box 247 ·C, Kearney , MO 64060. William J. Fitzpatrick is a member of the technical staff of Logicon. He and Cathy live at 3020 E. 5th St.. Long Beach, CA 90314. Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Gastineau are proud parents of a baby girl , Crystal Michelle , born Aug ust 5. Th e Gastineaus reside at 3 12 N. Fir PI. , Broken Arrow , OK 740 12. Tom Mills has been promoted to senior development engineer by Monsanto Resea rch Corp. He and Janice reside at 252 Tulip Dr., West Ca rrollton, OH 45449.

David W. and J anice L. Kroeter, 1708 Colonial Road, Jonesboro, AR 7240 I , annou nce the birth of their first child , Benjamin , on August 23. David is president of Southern Cast Products in lonesboro. Lynne E. Puetz has accepted a new position with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis as a claims coordinator in the construction division . Husband , William c., '7 6, is an aduster with Fac tory Mutual Engineering Associates in Mary land Heights. Their address is 606 Jasmin , Kirkwood, MO 63 122. Steve Tattitch has ass umed the position of project manager with Brooks Erection and Construction Co. , St. Louis, and has moved to South St. Louis, 4247 L. Barce los, St. Lou is, MO 63 129 . He haS just returned fro m Kansas City, Kan., where Brooks completed an extensive Refin ery Turnaround fo r Phillips Petroleum. Donald J. Zweifel's new add ress is 6928 Willow Wood, St. Louis, MO 63 121.

1974 Steven J. Dupont has been promoted to senior systems analyst with Bu rroughs Corp. His address is 16 11 Meadowv iew Lane, Mont Cla re, PA 19453. Ellen B. Cherry is now a staff manager for Sout hwestern Be ll in St. Louis. She lives at 1641 Countr y Hill Lane, St. Loui s. MO 630 I I. Charles L. Raab is now a professional engineer I with the Cit y of Kansas Cit y. He and Annet te li ve at 73 11 Wyoming, Kansas Cit y. MO 64 11 4. Steven M. Tillman ('7 4. '78), with the Corps of Engineers in Kansas Cit y. MO, has moved from the local pro tection (levee) section of the Found ation Branch to projec t fo rmulation sec tion of the Basi n Planning. Bra nch. His add ress is 539 NW 55 th Terrace. Apt. 7, Kansas Ci ty. MO 64 118.

David A. Sager, 15 Mary Ann Court , Florissa nt , MO 63 031 , has been named assistant works engineer for America n Steel Foundries, Granite Cit y, IL. Robert C. and Pia R. Speck ha ve mo ved to II -E Oliver Ct. , Pittsburgh , PA 15 239. Bob is a staff engineer for GA[ Consultants, Inc. in Pittsb urgh. Robert L. Queathem has moved to 2224 Spencer Ave ., Overland , MO 63 11 4. Bob is a structural design engineer for Siebold, Sydow, and Elfanba um in Crestwood. Rolland and Sandra Sue Ponzer's new address is 1719 A N. Wi llow Woods Drive. Anaheim , CA 92807. Rolland is a sa les representat ive fo r Rockwell [nternational Flow Control Div ision. Steven Cortopassi has been elected president of Overland Lead & Sales Co., in St. Louis. Home is 37 Nolan Dr. , St. Louis, MO 63122. John W. and Kristie Capps Gibson are both wi th Phillips Petroluem Co., Bart lesv ille, OK. and both have recently been promoted . John is now buying coord inator. corporate purchasing, and Kristie is a process des ign engineer. They li ve at 825 S. E. Belmont Road. Bartlesv ille. OK 74003. William C. Hawthorne IS now a com· puter ope rator wit h the National Com· munications Ce nter. Kansas Cit y. His add ress is 11 03 W. 35 th St. , Indepe nde nce, MO 64005. Randolph A. Latall, Commander, B. Co. 4th Engr. Bn (CBT), U. S. Ar my, was registered as a profess ional engineer in Vi rgi nia in Jul y. He is stationed at Fort Carson. Co lo. He and Patricia li ve at 2328 Montere y Road. Colorado Springs. CO 80910. Jerry D. Peterson is a data processing analyst III with the Illinois State Dept. of Tr:msport atioll. Home is 6 15 S. 2nd St. . Apt. 315, Sprin gfi eld . IL 627 04.

MSM Alumnus 25

Alumni Personals ----------------------------------------------------1974 Continued Michael E. Whitson reports that he has rceived his professional engineer certification_ He and Amy have a son, Criag, I , and are expecting their second child next March. Whitson is a mechanica l engineer with Armco, Inc., Butler Works, Butler, PA. The famil y lives at 104 W. McQuistion Road , Butler, PA 1600 1.

1975 Richard E. Basye (Captain, U.S. Army) and Sherry are now li ving at II Chowning Drive, Hampton , VA 23669. Jack S. Friedman is now a project engr. with the USAF HQ Air Force Systems Command at Andrews AFB. He and Sharon reside at 66 14 Halford Ln., Springfield , VA 22 152 . Patrick and Kat hy Gower have moved to 9 13 Riggs, Apt. B, Overland Park, KS 662 12. Mitchell F. Peterson has moved to 540 I Rampart , No. 548, Houston, TX 77 08 1. Den nis and Susan Stuart now reside at 5319 Springton, Spring, TX 77373. Dennis was promoted to sr. staff engr. earlier this yea r and transferred to Houston , where he works for Continental Pipe Line Co. Since becoming Battalion Commd. Officer of the 3170th Armored Battalion, James W. Abbott has participated in a two-month long desert training exercise at Ft. Irwin , CA . Jim receives mail at P.O. Box 524, Ft. Polk , LA 7 1459 . Patrice M. (Harman) and Warren E. Fisher li ve at 12324 Wensley Rd. , Black Jack , MO 63 033. Pat is a Business Program me r/A na lyst fo r McDo nn ell Douglas Automat ion in St. Louis. Warren works for Emerson Electric. Frank McLaughlin Jr., and his wife, Kathy, have moved to 1512 ShadowWood Dr. , St. Charles, MO 633 01. Frank is a Sr. Process Engineer fo r Monsanto in St. Louis.

26/ MSM Alumnu s

Thomas O. Miesner, project engineer fo r Continenta l Pipe Line, li ves at 32 16 EI Ca mino, Ponca City , OK 7460 I. Tom and Rachel Schneider and their chi ldren , Jacob, Zachary, and Marc, li ve at 265 Gerald , Florissa nt , MO 63031 , where Tom was recently elected to the Cit y Council. Tom works for AI Buhl Assoc. Rep. Spra ying as a sales engineer. Edward N. and Marilyn Thurmond have moved to 80 1 Fra nklin , No. 1433 , Oakland, CA 94612. Ed is a senior development engineer for Utah International, Inc. in San Francisco. William I. and Lisa Wilkerson are living at 14 Garfield Ave., Chester, IL 62233. Bill is working as a project engineer for Hoeffken Bros., Inc., concrete found ation and ea rthwork subcontractors in the construction of a coal transfer terminal nex t to the Mississippi River, abou t ten miles south of Chester. Billy K. and Kathryn Winters have mo ved to 125 19th Ave. N. , Hopkins, MN 55343. Bill y is now employed by Cargill Research as a paint chemist in their resea rch and development head quarters in Minneapolis.

1976 Michael A. Ellicott was recent ly promoted to Maj or in the U. S. Arm y and is currently a student of the college of Nava l Command and Staff, Naval War College, Newport, Rl. He and Marilyn are living at 169 Jones St. , Middletown , RI 02840. Paul Sapp is now employed by King Radio Corp . His new address is 87 12 Chestnut Circle, Apt. 4, Kansas City, MO 64 131. Steven R. Gi lbert and Patti Sue Dail y, of Premont, Texas, were married July 28. The coup le lives at 6 12 E. Kenedy, Kingsv ille, TX 78363 . Gi lbert is senior project engineer with Exxon Co., USA, in Kingsville.

Daniel Boersner is a trainee-act. manager (World Corporate Group) , Citibank N.A. He receives mail at Qta Los Bambues, Calle Los Curhdores, Alto Matillo, Caracas, Venzuela. Joyce E. Agnew is a senior associate with the Hendrickson Corp., Bethesda, MD. She li ves at 2004 Colts Neck Road, Reston, VA 22091. Richard A. Fleschner lives at 1041 C. Vantage Court, St. Louis, MO 63125. He is a mechanical design engineer with Monsanto. Julian P. and Patricia N. Marion's new address is Route 7, Box 117C, Mountain Home, AR 72653. Julian is a Project Engineer for Baxter Travenol Labs in Mountain Home. Walter J. Rothe's new address is P.O. Box 15482, Austin, TX 78761. Walt is an Electrical Design Engineer for Texas Instruments, Inc. in Aust in. Bill and Sharon Ahal li ve at No.3 Pittsfield Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Bill is a project engineer with Christian Contracting Co. , Inc. , Mary land Heights. Richard E. Murray has been named a project engi neer with Motorola in Ft. Worth , Texas. He and Catherine have moved to 8713 1rongate, Nort h Richland Hills, TX 76 11 8. Charles L. Sidebottom has been promoted to director, EDP department, Missouri Public Service Commission in Jefferson City. His address is 1415 A West Main , Jefferson City, MO 65 101. 1st Lt. James D. Wood is currently assigned as a sanitary engineer to the air pollution engineering division of the U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD . Lisa is attending Harford Community College and expects to complete her A.A. in nursing in December, 1979. Jim and Lisa reside at 126 Waldon Rd. , Apt. I, Abingdon , MD 21009.

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Alumni Personals ______________________ J976 Continued David E. Stinson is a civil engineer with the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Technical Services. He and Connie are living at 810 Ca mbridge Blvd., No . 158 , Clarksville, IN 47130. Da~eJhompson is in flight training with the .S. Navy and wife, Joy Ewens Thompson, '77 , is a geologist with Fugro, Inc. , a consulting firm. They live at 10117 Ocean Drive, NAS, Corpus Christi, TX 78419.

1977 Andy and Elizabeth Barrow have moved to 300 Lincoln Cir. , B-116, Larkspur, CA 94939.

s is P.O. . Walt is or Texas

Jim and Mary Clifford have a son , Eric, born in April, 1979. The Cliffords have moved to 4320 Cherrywood Dr. , Cedar Falls, IA 50613.

).3 Pitt路 ) 63017. =hristian aryland

Daniel and Cheri Bloch have moved to 28 Robert Dri ve, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Daniel is an applications engineer with Ferguson Machine Co., St. Louis.

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;en proartment, ission in 141 5 A ) 65101. :urrently o the air of the Hygiene Jro und , d Com路 omplete r, 1979. on Rd..

Bruce Lee Edwards Jr., and famil y ha ve moved to 1600 Royal Crest Dr., No . 167 , Austin , Texas, where he will pursue his Ph.D. candidacy in English. He holds a position as assistant instructor of English at UT, and hopes to finish within two years and begin his search for a permanent position.

Rick and Suzanne Ackerson have moved to 1085 C Green Mountain Court, Fenton, MO 63026. Rick works as a systems engineer for the St. Louis County Water Co. , University City, and Suzanne is a teacher at the Autumn Hill State School for the Severely Handicapped in Union.

Alex Lindberg was married on May 19, to An ne Josep h of Dallas, Texas. Their address is 30 I E. Upas, Apt. 4, McAllen , TX 7850 L Alex is senior field engineer for Sch lumberger Well Services and Anne (BSN from Baylor School of Nursing) is working as a nurse at McA llen Genera l Hospital.

Jeanne M. (Achelpohl) Banovic and her husband , Edward , live at 19 Barbara Ln. , Auburn, IL 62615. Jea nne is a Meta ll urgist for Fiat Allis in Springfield.

Deshetty and Hemavathi Prbhu's new address is RR 5, Hwy. 11 75 , Box 106, Morganfield, KY 42437.

Raymond and Cheryl Ehrhard ha ve moved to 6 W. Grand Ct., Speld, IL 627'04. Ray is a project manager for the IL E.PA Thomas J. Kolze has joined TRW in Redondo Beach as a member of the technical staff. He and Linda reside at 2929 W. 190 St. , Apt. 207 , Redondo Beach, CA 90278. Sean E. Price, a reservoir engineer for Marathon Oil Co., has moved to 4516 Anetta Drive, Midland , TX 79703. Richard B. Siebenman Jr., has moved [0 3225 Kabel Dr. , New Orleans, LA 70 114. He is an Engineer for Conoeo, Inc. in New Orleans. Harvey E. Goodman has moved to Oakwood West, Apt. 19, 605N.W. 15th St. , Andrews, TX 77714. He is production engineer for AMOCO Production Co. , And rews.

Keith I. Hoemann is a development engineer with Emerson Electric, St. Louis. He and Maril yn live at 7536 Folk , Maplewood , MO 63 143.

Jon A. Graham is an operations engr. with Terra Resources. Home for Jon and Connie is 13617 Pin Oak, Edmond , OK 73034.

Donald B. Dixon is now an electrica l engr. with McDonnell Douglas. He and Kitty reside at 5629 Ed-Lou Ln. , Apt. A, St. Louis, MO 63128 .

Lt. Christopher M. Jarrett is a vertica l construct ion platoon leader. He receives mail at Box 28 , 230 I Engr. Co .. (CBT HVY) , Ft. Richardson , AK 995 05.

Sam Enns is a research programmer with Washington Universi ty'S computer systems lab . He receives mai l at P.O. Box 9227, St. Louis, MO 631 17.

Peter W. Kinman is now an engineer wit h the Jet Propu lsion Laboratory in Pasaden a. His new address is 677 S Lake Ave. , No. C Pasadena , CA 9 11 06.

Major James H. Simms recei ves mail at USAISAE (AEUES-RM-B), APO, NY 09008. Danny and Jeannie Summers have moved to 3325 No.2 Cross Keys Dr. , Florissa nt, MO 63033. Danny is a facility engr. with the Kroger Co. Ronald J. Williams is a city engineer in the engineering dept. of the City of Kansas Cit y, Kansas. Home is 3035 Puckett Rd , Apt. 18, Kansas City, KS 66103 .

1978 Joseph M. Fuqua is now chief metallurgist for the Florida Machine & Power Co. Home is 5000 San Jose Blvd. , Apt. 284, Jackson , FL 32047. Robert J. Johnson has moved to 1100 Spruce St. , Apt. 5, Drumri ght , OK 74030. James A. and Ann Lamkins have moved to 2530 Woodsage, St. Louis, MO 63033. Jim is a civil engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis. Kevin and Marilyn Merrill have moved to 28 19 Quenley St. , St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Kevin is a senior engineer for Emerson Elect ronic and Space Division in SI. Louis. Stevan R. Ranney has moved to 145 5 N. Sandburg Terr., Apt. 2605 , Chicago, IL 606 10. Steve is a programmer/a nalyst for America n Management Systems in Chicago.

MSM A lu mnus !27

1979 (

Alumni Personals ______________________ J978 Continued: : . - - - - - - .

Rosa L. Herman lives at 5268 Riva Ridge Lane, Norcross, GA 30093 . She is an engineer with E. I. DuPont de Nemours. Robert W. Mason has been named a senior engineer with Arizona Pub lic Service, Phoenix, Ariz. He and Dianne live at 2939 W. Ju lie Dr. , Phoenix, AZ 85067. Joseph R. O'Brien, Jr., is a maintenance engineer-oil movements, with Amoco Oil Co. , Whiting, Ind. He lives at 6602 Tanglewood Court, Apt. 3-C, Hammond , IN 46323.

DAVID G. WINTER David G. Winter has been selected as one of six (nationwide) Powers Award winners by Pi Kappa Alpha. The selection was based on academ ic accomplishments as well as fraternity and campus in volvement and leadership as an undergraduate . Since he received his degree in December, Da vid has been a graduate student at UMR and is now attending the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin. His address is 1516 Burton Drive, Austin, TX 78741.

James R. Coldwell's new address is 807 Bennett Ave., Glenwood Springs, CO 8160 I. He is a laborer with Snowmass Coal Co.,

Albert L. Charles, a member of the tecnical staff at Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, Calif. , reports he will be attending Caltech this nex t year on a Hughes Masters Fellowship. His address is 1461 N. Placentia, No. 35 , Fu llerton , CA 92631. Jairo Escobar reports his new address as Calle Bogota Manzana 40 No.9 Villa Co lomb ia, Puerto Orda z, Bo livar , Venezuela. 28 / MSM Alumnus

Thomas W. Rogers is presently a facilities engr. with Texas Instruments, Inc. His address is 14041 Los Sancho, No. 214, Dallas, TX 75240.

David A. 51 Loui engineer. wilh Boo

Timothy V. Sommer has been named an applications and systems programmer fo r Data-Log, Inc., Laplace, LA. He and his wife, Brend Kay, live at 215 W. Gatehouse Drive, No. 0 , Metairie, LA 7000 1.

Ronald ~ an inspec project f( His addrr AR7280

Michael David and Kim Winnett were blessed with the birth of a son , Daniel Michael, on March 8. Mike is a project engineer with Anheuser-Busch, Inc. , and is currently working on their Los Angeles expansion. They expect to move to Los Angeles next January. The Winnetts are currently living in their new home at 1113 Holgate, Manchester, MO 63011.

1979 Michele A. Brennan is now an industria l engr. with Hughes Aircraft Co. She and Roger live at 219-0 S. Kolb Rd., Tucson , AZ 85710.

James L. Sutton now lives at 302 W. Jefferson , Palmyra, MO 6346 1. He is a development engr. with Ga rdnerDenver Co., Qu incy , 111. Roger Zimmermann has moved to 194 Second St. , Pittsfield, MA 01201.

Danny A. Reed has just been named a Purdue University graduate fellow for the 1979-80 academic year. His address is 1314 Graduate House West, West Lafayette, IN 47906 .

Alfred 0 den1 al I and Lee: ApI E. Class of al Ihe Cenler.

Eugene L. and Linda K. Vrenick live at 632 Newl in Rd. , Springfield, PA 19064. He is with E. I. DuPont de Nemours in Winnewood , PA. MARTIN D. HOFFMAN Martin D. Hoffman has been accepted at St. Louis University Medical School for the fall '79 semester. His new address is 3315 Russell Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63 104. Steven and Joy Lautenschlaeger have moved to 3214 N. 19th, Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814. Steve is a mining engr. with Hecla Mining Co. Michael L. Pratt is a systems ana lyst with Stark Bros. Nursery. His address is RFD 2, Box 256, Louisiana , MO 63353 .

Pat Centner is a college-graduate-intraining at General Motors Central Found ry Division, Saginaw, Mich. Cen tner lives at 6181 Fox Glen Drive, Apt. 233 , Saginaw, MI 48603. Stephen P. Ford is work ing as a project manager for Garney Companies, Inc., Kansas City. His address is 15400 E. 33rd St. , Independence, MO 64055. Craig S. O'Dear has moved to 420 Summit Ridge Pl. , Nashville, TN 37215. Cra ig is a student in Law at Vanderbi lt Universit y.



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J979 Continued A lfred D. H arding, J r., is a medica l stu· dent at U M C Co llege of M edicine. H e and Leesa li ve at 101 6 Co llege Ave., ApI. E. Columbia. MO 6520 I. Leesa, Class of 1977 . is a programmer analyst at th e U M C Campus Computing Center. D avid A . Ke mper , 6 19 Belleri ve Estate. S!. Louis. MO 63 14 1. is a design engineer, civil engineerin g departm ent, with Book er A ssociates, Inc. , SI. Louis. Ronald Kru sie is currentl y working as an inspec tor on th e sewer im provement proj ect for the C it y of Ru ssell ville, A rk. His address is 63 1 West K, Ru ssell ville. A R 72801.

MSM-UMR Alum ni Association Comm ittees A lumni A ll iance A lumn i·Student · Fac ult y Co nference A nnual Fund . A th lel ic Stu dies . Awa rd s. Co nstit uti on and By· Laws . Fac ult y and Prog ram Pl annin g F inance . Fi nancial A ids . Jac klin g F und . No minati ons

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MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Uni versity of Missouri -Rollo ROLLA , MISSOURI 65401


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CITY _______________________________ STA TE ___________ ZIP _________ TITLE ______________________________________________________ 0 NEW

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CITY STATE ZIP _________ Annual Alumni Fund contributions are tax deductible. Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall , UMR , Rolla, MO 6540l.

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THE MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION University of Missouri - Rolla Supports: Commencement Alumni-Student-Faculty Conference libraries Scholarships Faculty Awards Homecoming Alumni Directory Area Meetings Class Reunions MSM ALUMNUS Special Pralects Alumni Awards Newsletters Grants-in-Aid Alumni Records Educational Assistants Student Awards Gilts Are Tax Deductible


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