Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1980

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Alumnus University 01 Missouri-Rolla

Commencement Issue

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August, 1980


University 01 Missouri·Rolla AUGUST 1980

VOL. 54, NO.4

ROLLA , MO 65401

50 YEAR GRADUATES AT COMMENCEMENT For members of the Class of 1930, May 16-17-18 was a great party weekend! It had all the ingredients necessary. Once the group arrived in Rolla, there were no transportation problems ... the 50 year honorees and their families had their own UMR Bus that took them to and from campus, on a tour of Rolla, and to and from all scheduled events of the weekend . Most of the group stayed at Zeno's Motel where they had their own hospitality room. And, from Friday night to Sunday night there was plenty to do ...plenty of time to renew old ac-

quaintences and to meet many new friends to bring them up to date on campus activities. Planned events included an opening party at the Chancellor's Residence on Friday evening, luncheon at the Pubmobile (with a look at antique cars in the adjacent Carney Auto Museum at Memoryville, U.S.A.) on Saturday noon a1id the Golden Alumni Banquet that night. . The informal banquet program , conducted by Frank Mackaman, executive vice president of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association, consisted of

photos of the honorees and the campus 50 years before and a few bits of information about the individuals which some of them had thought were hidden in the past. Each of the honor graduates was given the opportunity to respond and to supply a few of his or her own reminiscences. Alumni President, Joe Mooney, was emcee of the After a leisurely Sunday morning, the honor class-joined the commencement platform party for lunch. Sunday afternoon, of course, was the big event. All 21 members of the Class of 1930 who were here for the

occasion donned academic robes and occupied places of honor at the 107th Annual Commencement ceremonies. They received special recognition from University officials, the 635 graduates, and the crowd of approximately 6,000 people attending graduation. A final party in the hospitality room at Zenos provided all with an' opportunity to review the activities of the weekend and say goodby to their hosts for the weekend, Gabe and Edith Skitek. . From all reports, it was a memorable reunion.

COVER Jennings R. Lambeth, '41 , addresses some 635 graduates and a crowd of necrrly 6,000 people at the 107th Annual Commencement. See page 6.

MSMALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401 , under the Act of March 3, 1897. . Edwin T. Harvey, left, receives congratulations and his 50 year pin at graduation ceremonies from: UM President James Olson, UMR Chancellor Joseph Marchello and , right, MSM-UMR Alumni President Joe Mooney. 2/ MSM Alumnu s

A lumn u s/ 1


50 Year Honorees••. Class of 1930

., C. JAMES GRIMM Rolla, Mo.





Houston, Texas

St. Louis, Mo.

Kansas City, Mo.

Howell, Mich.






Vandalia, Mo.

Warrenton, Mo.

Pleasant Grove, Utah

Tulsa, Okla.

Chevy Chase, Md.

2/ MSM Alumnus


ALLEN R. MAUNE Fulton, Mo,

ERNEST MORAN (B.S. '27, M.S. '30) Miami, Okla.

WALTER D. KELLER Columbia, Mo.

Col. HARRY F. KIRKPATRICK Springfield, Mo.

.. ,.

S.A. "Stoney" STONE Ft. Wayne, Ind.


WILLIAM T. SHARP Beaver, Okla.




ROY S. MARTIN West Wareham, Mass.

EUGENJ;: H. WOODMAN ViGksburg, Miss.

MSM Alumnus / 3




4/ MSM Alumnus

Professional Degree Recipients'

Chemical Engineer DONALD R. BRINKLEY , '60 Shaker Heights, Ohio Vice president, chemicals and plastics, Standard Oil (Ohio).


Civil Engineer HERMAN A. FRITSCHEN JR ., '5 1 Tulsa, Okla. Manager, environmenta l affairs, Cities Service Co.

Engineer of Mines WILBUR A. HALEY , '43 Peoria, IlL Staff minin g consultant , market development, Ca terpillar Tractor.


. Geological Engineer J. RICHARD HUNT, '50 Carbondale, Colo. President, 1. Richard Hunt & Associates Inc.

Ceram ic Engineer DON V. ROLOFF , '51 Clayton, Mo. President , Engineered Materia ls Inc., and International Carbon and Min erals Corp.

Chemical Engineer ALLEN R. ROUSE, '59 North Olmstead, Ohio Ma nager, supply, distribution and ad· min ist ration for Vistron (Standard Oil Co. subsid iary) .

Metallurgical Engineer ROBERT E. SCHUCHARDT, '51 Jonesboro, Ark. President, Carl Bajohr Foundry.

Geological Engineer FRAIZER M. STEWART, '40 New Smyrna Beach, Fla. Officer in six U.S. and Canadian cor· porations.

Electric! Engineer JERRY D. SWEARINGEN, '54 Gainesville, Fla. President, Biomega and vice president, Physio·Control Corp.

Mechanical Engineer EDGAR J. TELTHORST, '49 Florissant, Mo. Vice president, Union Electric.

Management Engineer RADON TOLMAN Evergreen, Colo. President, Enrecon, Inc.

Electrical Engineer EDW ARD F. TUCK, '53 . West Covina, Ca lif. President, Edward F. Tuck & Co.

Metallurgical Engi neer MICHAEL A. WICKLAND, '65 Doniphan, Mo. President , Missouri Forge Co. Inc.

Engineer of Mines HAROLD R. WRIGHT, '50 Idaho Springs, Colo. Resident manager, Urad and Henderson properties of Cl imax Molybdenum Co. (AMAX subsidiary).

Civil Engineer JOHN C. WRIGHT, '61 Kirkwood, Mo. Vice president, lS. Alberici Construction Co. Inc. MSM Alumnus / 5

Homecoming,1980 Homecoming festi vities this year are Friday and Saturda y, Oct. 17 and 18. A tenta tive schedule for the two-day celebration is on the back cover of this issue' of the MSM Alumnus. All alumni are invited to attend . Below is a list of area motels for your convenience. Plan to come join the fun!

.Jennings R. Lambeth, '41 Delivers Commencement Address "Efficiency, rather than econom y and sheer volume, will be the watchword for today's graduates," Jennings R. Lambeth, senior vice president. commercial, Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa., told the audience at UM R's, 107th Annual Commencement, May 18. Lambeth , who holds the bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering (,4 1) and the professional degree of management engineer (,77) from the University of Missouri-Rolla, del ivered the commencement add ress and was awarded the doctor of engineering degree (honoris causa) by UM R. The world has changed a great dea l since his graduation , Lambeth told the graduates, most of them in engineering and the sciences, and the challenges which confront them will be quite different from the ones his generation faced . "The main problems (we faced) ," he said, "were related to the implementation and management of the explosive economic growth that occurred in the Western World following the end of World War II. "All this activity," he continued, "opened up almost unlimited fields for engineers to conquer. And the fact that they did so-that they did solve those myriad engineering problemsled to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new products and processes and whole new industries and changed our entire way of live." But, he stressed, "this scenario is beginning to change" and "the engineering emphasis has shifted." In the future, "there will be much

more attention paid to conserva tion of resources," he said . "You will be challenged to design machines that can be built with less material and less energy, and the machines will make products that will reflec t those same values." Citing the steel indust ry as an exa mple, Lambeth added that we also must "make more effective use of the production facilities that are presently at hand. We must find ways to dO a better job with what we have." This, he said, ca n be accomplished through better management of our people .. .backed up by a substantial effo rt on the technical side. "We must refine our production processes and improve our eq uipment in ways which will enhance the efforts of 9ur people. And that is where engineers come in. There are literally thousands of situations· in a complex production process like steelmaking where improvements can be made that will lead to higher productivity, or lower costs, or both, and a better, more efficiently produced product. It's all a part of doing a better job with what we have." In conclusion, he told the graduates that "we can continue to enjoy a high level of prosperity.and affluence" and that "our economic structure will continue to ' provide millions of fulfilling career opportunities-including opportunities in engineering:" But, he cautioned, "you may have to work harder, a little harder and be a little smarter to maintain the structure. And that is my challenge to you ."

ROLLA Coach House Inn , Martin Springs Dr.. . . . . . _. ___.. . . .. 341 -3130 Coachlight "Best Western" Inn, Martin Springs Dr ... . .. _. . . ... . . . 341 -2511 Holiday Inn , Martin Springs Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . __ . ... . .. . . 364-5200 Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 1-44 & Bus. 1-44 .. ... . _. ...... . .. 364-7111 Interstate Motel, Martin Springs Dr. . . . .... . .. . ..... _.... .. .. 341 -2158 . . . .. .. .. . _. . . .. . . . . _. . ..... . . 364-1575 Manor)nn , Hwy. 1-44 & 63. Nod-A- Way Motel. Hwy . 63 N.. . .... ... . .. _. . . . . .. 364-7445 Norman Dee Inn Motel, Bus. 1-44 West. . .. .-... .. . . . _.. . . 364-4156 Plaza Motel. Hwy. 63 N. . . . . ........ . .. . ........ 341 -2555 Rolla Rancho Motel, Martin Springs Dr. .. .. .. . . .. . ___.... . .. . . 364-4509 Rustic Motel , Hwy . 63 S. . . . . . . . . ..... .. .. .. . ..... .... .. . 364-6943 · . ......... .... . . . . . . . .. . . .... 341 -3700 Town House, Bus. 1-44 West. Wayfarer Inn , Martin Springs Dr. . . .. . . ... .... . . _. _. .. .... . . 364-3333 leno's Motel, Martin Springs Dr. . . . . . . _. . . . .. .... 364- 130 I

ST. JAMES Finn's Motel , 1-44 & 68 ..... . . . .. . . . . ... . ... . .. ... 265 -7200 .... . . . . .. , ... . _. . . . . .. 265 -3256 Forest City Motor Lodge, 1-44 & 68 .

Sigma Xi Awards Five undergraduate physics students at the University of Missouri-Rolla have rece ived Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Awards for 1980. Prizes were given for the best papers submitted in a contest sponsored by Sigma Xi, national research honor society. Glen Gettemeyer, senior, 2692 Glendrive, Place, St. Louis, and Jerry West, senior, Rt. 2, Ozark, tied for first place_ They received $150 each and will have their names engraved on a plaque to be permanently displayed in UMR's c.L. Wilson Library_ West's paper is entitled T·unneling " Superconducting Phenomena," and Gettemeyer's is on " Magnetic Domains and Bubble Memory Devices." Third place went to Alan Sommerer,

. senior, 804 Deeg St., Jefferson City, for his paper, "Experimental Determination of Electron Transport Parameters in a 8: I: I Mixture of Helium , Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide." He received a $50 award . The fourth place winner was a paper "Millikan Updated: Lasers and Television. " Coauthors are Jon Holdman, senior, Richland; Bret Bishop, junior, 12008 E. 61st Terrace, Raytown; and Jerry West. Holdman and Bishop each receiv.ed checks for $25. Dr. Patricia Plummer, UMR physics professor and Sigma Xi president, says that Sigma Xi has as its objective the encouragement of original research in science and engineering_ The group sponsors a series of luncheon programs on research as well as the undergraduate research awards.

Ted Planie Dies

UM R's two Curators Distinguished Professors were recognized at commencement. They are Dr. Stig Friberg, left , chemistry, and Dr. David Summers, mining, with Chancellor Marchello. 6/ MSM Alumnu s

The Alumni office regrets to report the dea th of Theodore J . M. Planje, '40 , dea n of UMR 's School of Mines and Me.tallurgy, on Jul y 15, in Lexington , Ky. . Dea n Planje had been attending a mee ting of mining institute directors at the Universit y of Kentucky. He is survived by his wife. Miriam. 2 McFa rland Drive . Rolla, and IWO sons, Theodore Jr. , and Curtis. He was 6 1 at the time of his dea th. Further information will be published in the Oc tober i sue of the MSM Alumnus.

Grandmafs Old Letters Are Historical Documents . Did you ever wish you could find a good home for all those old papers taking up space in your attic or basement-things like great grandfather's 1870 business ledgers and lodge records and those pictures and letters grandma saved? These items may have a place at the Rolla office of ~he jOint manuscript.collection cosponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri and the University of Missouri's Western Historical Manuscript Collection. Your 'old papers may be important historical documents, the kind of material 'that makes Lip the collection and adds to the understanding of the history of this area. The Rolla office, recently established in Room G-3 of the University of Missouri-Rolla Library, is one of our four branches-one located on each of the campuses of the University of Missouri. Mark Stauter is in charge of the Rolla office; John F. Bradbury Jr. is manuscript specialist. Stauter says that the office is depe~i:lent 'On 'a rea residents who volunteer ma terial. The Rolla collection will Cover the general area south of the M issouri River, except for the St. Louis and Kansas City area. "Because of UMR's emphasis on technology and its 90-year history as the University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, major concerns for the Rolla collection will be papers relating to mining, technology and engineering activities, but it will also be a repository for anything on the history of the general Ozarks area," Stauter says. "We are looking for such things as personal papers, journals, diaries, old photographs, manuscripts of all kinds and records of early-day businesses, chu( ches, fraternal and special interest organizations. We are especially interested in anything about ~arly -day mining, but we would like to have a chance to see anything pertinent to the history of this area," he adds. Bradbury, who is in charge of processing and cataloging rriaterials, says that


Historians John F . Bradbury Jr., left, and Mark Stauter, right.

the historical manuscripts collection will be responsible for preserving such papers for posterity. "What we can do here is to give professional care, processing and storage to historical documents and have them available for anyone interested," he explains. Papers will be sorted and indexed by subject matter, and the title and a description filed at all four branches of the collection, and each campus will have access to material at all the otl)ers. Stauter came to Missouri from Duke University in Durham, N.C., where he has been assistant university archivist for the past seven years. He holds a B.A. in history from the University of Michigan, his' native state, and M.A. And Ph.D. degrees from Duke University. Bradbury is a 1974 history graduate of UMR. He has done graduate work at the Uri'iversity of Wyoming and recently has worked for the U.S ._Forest Service in the 'Potosi District. He has collected Indian relics for many years and' has contributed to the Central States Archaeological Journal. Both Stauter and Bradbury are available to speak to organizations and are intc::rested in meeting anyone who may have historical papers or know of someone who does. Their address is G-3 , UMR Library, Rolla, MO. 65401 , and the telephone number is 314-341-4874. They hope people with old papers stored away won't think that what they have is not important enough to be considered . " Remember, we ma y be interested in collecting some things that people might think would not be of interest outside their own families," Stauter points out. "But such things as a letter from a Civil War soldier, or a paymaster's records from an old mine often can add much to the picture of life in that era."

UMR Honors Progra.ms Nobody ever worries about the smart kids. They do their homework, make A's in class. They'll do all right. Right? Right. But they'll do a lot better if you challenge them. Honors programs are springing up in a lot of schools to do just that-challenge the student who is especially bi-ight or more interested or more highly motivated. Studies show that University of Missouri-Rolla students are especially bright and interested and highly motivated . And for those who want to go a little farther into their studies than they would in the average class, UMR has set up honors programs. For freshman and sophomores, the general honors program consists of honors sections of certain courses. For juniors and seniors, the divisional honors program allows independent studies in their major fields and allows them to enter graduate level work even before . the bachelor's degree is earned . "I thought I wouldn' t have time for an honors lab," says Kim Denney, chemical engineering sophomore from Florissant. " But I enrolled in a physics general honors lab. We think up our own ways to do stuff. There are fewer kids, so I can ask -questions that pop into my brain . We have a good time, and we're learning, too." "I was in an honors program at McCluer North High School," she says. " Now I'm 'il} one at UMR . Honors' programs require extra effort, but you learn more." "You have to think in my honors lab," says Mike Bowlin, physics sophomore from Eldon. "You walk in, and Dr. Sparlin, my lab professor, says, 'You're going to invent a lab experiment for me.' That's exciting." Sparlin's classes have been honors-oriented for some time. And UMR initiated its formal honors programs in the fall. "Students seem to really enjoy the honors courses," says Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello. "So, we plan to offer them as many as we can." . The general and divisional programs are separate, but students can take part in both. The general honors program requires certain scores on standardized tests or special permission for admission. The divisional honors program is different for

each school and college, but, in general, requires completion 'of at least 60 hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 and acceptance of the student into the program by the department in which he or she is majoring. Why take part? "The divisional honors program is not tailored simply for the straight-A student," says Gerry Dolan, senior in engineering mechanics with a dual enrollment in mechanical engineering, from Arnold . "It's set up for the good student who wants to achieve beyond what he would normally do in school. It's designed to let him or her know what's really going on in the profession . I'm entering the divisional honors program because I wa nt to get into research, and this program will allow me to do it right now." Divisional honors means students can be dually enrolled in their senior courses and in graduate school for two semesters (other seniors can be dually enrolled in graduate school for only one semester.) It means students do independent work with facult y 'involved in research . Their honors papers are permanently placed in the UMR Library . And, they have an honors designation on their diploma, receive a divisional honors certificate and take part in an honors seminar. In the general honors program, students are in small groups and assignments allow them to go off on their own-delve deeply into the subject. Their work is independent, but they can have a lot of extra attention from professors if they want it. "Physics students sometimes don't get to see all the phenomena they might see if they were given fewer directions," says Sparlin. ''They say, ' Why can't I do all the experiments in the book instead of just half of them. Why can't I make up my own rules for doing them?' So, the honors sections let them." Different honors sections are offered in different semesters. Students can check the class schedules at enrollment time or see their departmental advisers. It's a good thing to check out. Students in the program seem to agree that honors courses can be habit forming. MSM Alumnusl7



Floyd and Ellen Smith, '41 Discuss Iranian Experiences Editor's Note: The following are excerpts from an article that appeared in the January 4 issue of Building News, Inc. The article consists of an interview with Floyd and Ellen Smith.

The ability of man to endure is well known but for Whittier, Calif. contractor Floyd Smith and his wife, Ellen, 1979 has been a year to remember-from being an eyewitness to the takeover of the hostages in the U.S. Embassy in Iran to a terrifying last minute detention at the airport that nearly ended with them being held as spies. The March issue of the California Constructor (CC), published for Associated General Contractors of California members, presented a first hand account of Floyd and Ellen's dramatic exit on New Year's Day from the Mehrabad Airport in-Tehran , a city where he had spent the 12 months of 1978 working on a $60 million construction project for Hood Corporation of Whittier. The project was literally shut down by the bloody revolution which later was to see the Ayatollah Khomeini regime execute more than 600 people. Since then, the Iranian crisis has been a page one story. During this dangerous and 'u ncertain period, Floyd made trips to Iran in April and July for eight weeks each. Then he returned in September, taking Ellen. Since then he has been an eyewitness of the U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on Nov . 4 and has had a full time bodyguard 24 hours a day for the past seven months. He almost became a "hostage" himself, a nd he and his wife had another terrifying and dramatic Tehran Airport departure on Nov . II when they left the country. T he following interview was obtained at the AGC Annual Meeting and Holiday Conference in Palm Springs-one month to the day after the Smiths left Tehran: CC: Not, perhaps, since Dec. 7, 1941 , have Americans been so aroused and emotionally unified as they are now in the day-to-day episode of the . 8/ MSM Alumnus

They started throwing furniture out of the buildings. I didn't hear any shots-only the racket of Irania ns throwing all the furniture out. Once inside the compound, the Iranians carried out their work with precision , but without fanfare or chanting. Then, they locked. the gate and set up a loudspeaker. Very soon they had a crowd of cheerleaders outside. CC: How close did you personally come to being prevented from leaving the country? A: On Sunday, Nov. II , in the afternoon, just before Ellen and I were to go to the airport, I had a visit by the representative of employees of our company . He brought a petition signed by the Iranian employees demanding that I and the Hood Corporation personally guarantee all their wages and severance pay in the future. They had been paid up to date. If I didn' t sign. they said , I would be prevented from leaving. I said, no, since none of these things were due them. However. in the future, if they were due, I would give any help to see that they received due wages and severance. It really boiled down to the fact they didn't want to work for the Iranian owners. They preferred Americans. I kept refusing and was finally able to talk them out of it.

CC: What happened at the airport? A: We were detained by six armed revolutionary guards who took our passports and held us for nearly two hours. They wanted to find some reason to accuse us of being spies. Our papers were in order, and we were able to convince the guards they were wrong. I think what they really wanted was to make us angry, and then they would have an excuse to take us to the Embassy. For the first time in my life I felt out of control. We were the only Americans in the airport. They could have taken us hostage and no one would have known. However, just as the plane was about to leave, Ellen and I were let go. CC: California must look good after all that. Where do you go from here, Floyd? Ellen? Floyd: When conditions are back to normal, I intend to return to finish the job and look out for Hood's interests. Ellen: I plan to write a chronicle of the happenings over the last two years. I want our 'grandchildren to read what a brave man their grandfather was¡ during this trying time. I already have a name for the chronicle. It will be "En Shallah", which means "God Willing."

hostages being held in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Were you shocked over the incident? A. No. To Americans living in Iran (and that number dwindled from 44,000 to 300 in a one year period) the Embassy takeover and the holding of hostages was not that much of a surprise. The hostage grabbing business started back in ApriL It happened to some construction firms following the revolution . What happened was that Editor's note: Dr. Harvey Grice, professor emeritus of chemical the workers asked for back pay during engineering, shares with us a letter from Jack May, '7B. Jack the period the firm had shut down. received his B.S. in December and ' was president of AIChE When the company refused , a hostage during his last fall semester. Alumni may remember him as the student who was usually accompanied by his German shepherd would be taken. The compan y then friend - on campus, to classes and laboratories. had to go to the ministry and negotiate. CC: What happened to your project Dear Dr. Grice, following the revolution and upon I'm in an unusual place and thought you might like to hear about it. your return in April? After graduation rwent to work in ARCO's Houston refinery. The work was inA: To give you some background , teresting, my bosses were nice, and the company was perfectly reasonable. I Hood Corporation had formed a couldn't have been more satisfied. Then in November the opportunity came up of private stock company with the Irangoing to Manchuria for a six-month start-up assignment. I would have jumped at ian firm of Norm Engineering. The the chance for that kind of experience if it had been in No Load, New Mexico. The firm is known as Hood-Norm Com adventure of going to China was icing on the cake. pany. Following the revolution , our So he~e I am in Uaoyang, Liaoning province, Peoples Republic of China. The partners became bullish about Iran. Chinese have built a petro-chemicals complex here which, according to Oil and Gas They felt , and we concurred , that Journal, represents 15 percent of their foreign exchange for the five year period because we were majority owner and from 1975 to 1980. The complex is intended to produce polyethylene, an American operation , we would polypropylene, polyester, and nylon. When everything is complete, this site will start with petroleum and end up with shirts. (There are some definite advantages to stand the chance of being seized and centralized planning.) both of us would lose out. So, it was ARCO has a process for para-xylene which involves fractional crystallization to agreed and we signed the tra nsfer of stock over in October, making Norm get 99 .2 plus percent pure para-xylene from a mixture of all three isomers. ARCa Engineering th e majorit y ow ner and licensed this process to the Chinese and agreed to send four engineers for the startHood the minority owner. We took up. ARCO Chemical Co. did the licensing, but then couldn' t find enough people our money in . Iranian Rials but I was willing to go. They asked ARCO Petroleum Products Co. to find two engineers. in the process of transferrin g the funds The refinery manager didn't want to lose anyone really valuable so he chose one back to the United States when the guy with about two-and-a-half years experience and then wanted the other to have less than one year of experience. There were four of us who fit that criterion and [ Embassy takeover took place. Our shouted loudest and earliest, so I was picked. assets are frozen there just like Ca rter The plant was built by a French company, Technip-Speichim . Their represenfro ze Irania n assets in America. tatives have responsibility for the equipment and we have responsibility for the proCC: Floyd , give us your impression of the takeover of the U.S. Embassy. cess. So any decision requires a meeting between all three parties. The Chinese can A: Our office was located across th e talk forever about a nickeL We've got equipment problems that have held up the progress for over a month. No one can tell when things will really be ready to go. street from the Embassy. I watched Until then we're busying ourselves with learning all the pumps, pipes, and vessels. them (the so-called students) come down the street. There were about 200 It's a little boring but when the start-up comes, we'll know the unit. I just hope something happens before my replacement comes. or 300 of them. It was 10:3 0 in the Life here is kind of primitive and the food is bad, but] really like the Chinese. I'm morning. They broke throu gh the emlearning a little bit of the. language and I'm learning to play Chinese chess. It's a bassy gate. I don 't know if th e (Ira n¡ ian) guards at the ga te just let the mob complicated game which only vaguely resembles American chess. I've been teaching break the chain or if they helped them. American songs to the interpreters at work. It's fun and they're enthusiastic. I hope things are going well for you. Maybe [ can come talk to the AIChE when [ Some of them went after the get back . [ should be home by August I. Americans inside. I could see them (Signed) Jack May taking Americans out of buildings.

UMR Places In 'Mini Indy' Just a little more than a week before Johnny Rutherford thrilled the sporting world by winning his third Indianapolis 500 title, several University of MissouriRolla "racers" turned in a fine performance of their own in a mini-motoring showdown. Competing in the eastern division of the 1980 Mini Baja everit for mulitterrain vehicles, UMR's car finished 10th out of 21 entrants during the May 14-15 "Mini Indy" held at the University of Delaware. Syracuse University won the two-day competition , followed by Rochester Institute of Technology and Tennessee Tech . Designing and building the vehicle is a final , semester-long assignment for seniors graduating with degrees in mechanical engineering. Students who made the trip were Mark Scamahorn, senior; Gary Sedlacek, senior; Tom Radcliff, senior; Rick Davis, senior; Dave Thomas, senior; and Greg Pannone, sophomore. Scamahorn, Sedlacek and Radcliff were May graduates. This was the third year that UMR participated in the event, and unlike Rutherford's Indy 500 car, the UMR auto had to climb hills, pull heavy loads, turn on a dime and go over tough terrain and deep water. "I thought the team and the car did a fine job," said mechanical engineering department Lab Supervisor Dick Smith. Smith and team advisor Tom Faucett accompanied the six students on the trip to Newark, Delaware. This year's car was 250 pounds lighter than the 750-pound model of 1979. And it performed very well until the rear axle broke. "Ironically, the broken axle kept us from competing in the endurance run," Smith said. "Last year we had problems with the steering sector and couldn't compete in the same portion of the event." However, the 1980 entry stil¡1 impressed the team and in the process assured itself of another chance in next year's competition. "We will stick with this one," Smith said of the car. "There will be a few changes made, just beefing it up a little and changing the body to a small degree."

Before the axle broke the UMR team had competed well in the land and water maneuverability tests, as well as the pulling contest. "I think we would 'have finished in the top five if the axle hadn't broken," Smith said. Although the site of the 1981 competition is still to be determined, UMR will definitely by there. As Faucett explained prior to this year's event: "This adds the flavor of competition to what otherwise is a real-world experience in engineering design." With a proven vehicle in hand and another year's experience tucked away, the UMR team awaits the next checkered flag.

Miners Take Third In MiningCompetition There were just two prizes given-traveling trophies for the best and the worst teams-and the University of Missouri-Rolla came home with neither from the second annual Intercollegiate Mining Contest held in Tuscon, Ariz-.What they brought home was a respectable third-place rank and plans for capturing the title next year. Teams' competed in four contests: hand steeling-drilling using a sledgehammer and a hand steel with carbide bits; jackleg drilling-drilling with a pneumatic drill supported by a compressed air cylinder; track standing-laying 15 feet of narrow-gauge railroad track; hand mucking-shoveling ore by hand into a one-ton car. The winning team was Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, with 31 of a possible 40 points. The University of Arizona, last year's winner, was second with 23 points. UMR , with 20 points, outranked the Colorado School of Mines (18) , South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (10), the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technlogy with one-and five other teams who scored no points at all. "Although Montana lost just one of the contests, the scores were close enough that UMR went into the last competition-track standing-with a chance to win," says Troy Harris, supervisor of UMR's experimental mine, who accompanied the group. Harris, members of the Society of Mining Engineers, which sponsored UMR's team, and Dr. Norman Smith, their faculty adviser, are already making plans for next year. " Now we know what we have to do to win," Harris says. "Montana didn't win a single point last year and they were embarrassed by it-so they went back and really worked. They were on a rigid physical training program all winter, and were in super condition. The contests take a lot of strength and stamina, and that is what we are going to be working on for next year." Harris is already loooking for volunteer hand steelers, jackleg drillers, track standers and hand muckers for next year's contests which will be held in Butte, Mont. He'll have a totally new team-all of this year's team will graduate before the 1981 competition. MSM Alumnus / 9

INER SPORTS••• Gene Green. Editor I

Dale Martin

Paul McNally

Two New Miner Coaches Martin.•• Basketball Assistant

Gale Bullm'a n Elected to NACDA Hall of Fame



.: \


Former Miner athletic director and competed as a hurdler on the track coach' Gale Bullman was enshrined team. posthumously in the National AssociaAfter graduating, Bullman had stints tion of Collegiate Directors of Athletics in semi-pro baseball and professional (NACDA) Hall of Fame June 16 in Las football, before joining the athletic staff Vegas, Nev. of Washington University . Bullman, who coached for the On Aug. I, 1937, Bullman left the Missouri School of Mines (later to post after nearly a decade and joined the become University of Missouri-Rolla) Missouri School of Mines (now UMR) during four different decades, was as head football coach and director of selected by NACDA's Honors and athletics. A wards Committee this spring_ Aside from service in the armed Bullman became athletic director at forces, Bullman remained at UMR ilntil the University in 1937, working during 1968, when mandatory retirement put the next 31 years to make the inter- a.!1 end to his athletic duties. he · had collegiate and intramural programs resigned as football coach four years among the best in the state. earlier but had stayed on as athletic "We were thrilled with this an- director. nouncement," UMR Athletic Director While Bullman's record as an athletic Billy Key said. "It was another outstand- director was excellent, he supplemented ing award for a person' who dedicated this talent with expertise on the field. In his life to a quality program at MSM 24 seasons, the Miner football teams and UMR." Bullman died in 1977. had a 65-48-6 record and also during this The Hall of Fame enshrinement took period Bullman spent many summers place at a noon luncheon in Caesar's with various professional football teams Palace. Mrs. Gale Bullman, their son , working as a special coach. Tom, and Key represented the UniversiBullman's interest in the University's students was a mutual bond, as those ty at the induction ceremonies. "I am sure I speak for the University , who knew him left the campus with the alumni and the community when I great respect and admiration for him . Out of this respect, the M-Club (the say we thank the honors and awards committee for selecting Gale," Key said . UMR athletic lettermen's association) "He was a great athlete, an outstanding established the Gale Bullman A ward as coach and an excellent athletic direc- the top honor given annually to the tor." outstanding at UMR . An additional honor was extended to Born in Lesterville, W. Va. in 190 I , Bullman attended Marietta (Ohio) High Bullman on Oct. 5, 1977, when the School and West Viginia Wesleyan Col- 'University's multi-purpose building was renamed after hime in tribute to his lege. During this time, he earned 26 many years of service. "The induction of Gale into the Hall athletic letters in football , basketball, of Fame is only fitting," Key concluded baseball and track . In his final year in college, . 1924, "because I know of no one that has Bullman was named to the football All- earned more respect here at the UniverAmerican team as well as captain of the sity ." .baseball and basketball squads. He also lO/ MSM Alumnus

University of Missouri-Rolla assistant basketball coach Jim Dinsdale resigned May 7 to accept the head coaching position at Camdenton High School. Dale Martin, 26, an assistant basketball coach for the past three years at Central Missouri State University, was hired June 20 to replace Dinsdale. "We had many exceptional applicants and narrowed the search down to three individuals," UMR Athletic Director Billy Key said of the selection process. "Dale was our final choice on the basis that he had fine qualifications and was already a successful assistant coach with the MIAA." During Martin's final season at Central Missouri State, the Mules finished with a 26-2 record, winning the MIAA title and holding the top ranking in the nation during much of the 1979-80 season .

Martin graduated from Central Missouri State in 1976 and received his master's degree from the same' instittl- . tion. He also was a four-year letterman in basketball for the Mules, serving as team co-captain during his senior year. "When I was playing for Central Missouri, UMR was at one time the top team in the conference," Martin said . ''I'm hopeful we can re-establish that type of success and I look forward to working with Coach Key to attain it." Key foresees no problems concerning Martin's transition to the UMR position. "Dale is already familiar with the league structure, personnel and coaching staffs," Key said. "We think he will do an outstanding job and we're real happy he has decided to accept the position."

MCNally-Soccer and Tennis Though McNally has little knowledge Paul McNally, 'soccer coach at Ottawa (Kansas) University for the past of the UMR athletic system, he says he two seasons, was named this spring to a is already impressed with the Universimilar position at the University of sity's committment to the soccer program . . Missouri-Rolla. "I also realize that St. Louis is near McNally, who also will handle the men's and women's tennis teams at . the campus, and that the St. Louis area UMR , will replace Lon Pearson. Pear- produces some of the finest soccer son is scheduled for sabbatical leave this players in the nation. I'm certain much year. of our recruiting thrust will be directed McNally, 29, is a graduate of Quincy to that area." (Illinois) College and received his "Now that the University of master's degree in physical education Missouri-St. Louis has joined the from Central Missouri State University. MIAA, soccer will enable the Miners to He and his wife, Rita, have two play regularly in the St. Louis area," children, Michael, 3Yz, and Kimberly, Atletic Director, Billy Key said. "Since I Yz. UMSL does not have football , but does Prior to serving at Ottawa University, field strong teams in other sports such as McNally coached at Sedalia (Missouri) soccer, we felt it was important that Smith-Cotton High School from UMR build a strong soccer program in 1972-78 . In two seasons of collegiate order to compete equally ." _ coaching, McNally's teams produced The Miners were 7-7 in soccer during their initial season last year. 11-7 and 10-10 records.

SOCCER OPENER Miners vs Washington University' Saturday, Sept. 6-7 p.m. Francis Field-St. Louis


Head Football Coach Charlie Finley at practice.

Football Miners Return 33-Lettermen in 1980 UMR Head Coach Charlie Finley begins his ninth year at the helm with a vision of success for the 1980 football Miners. -. Coming off a 7-3-1 record in 1979, the Miners return 33 lettermen, 20 seniors and five players who gained some type of all-MIAA honors last season . "You can't call this a rebuilding year," Finley noted. "If our defense can keep on playing excellent football and the offense beefs up the attack , 1 think

the Miners will be in fine shape." Finley, a 1960 graduate of Southwest Missouri State University, has a 38-41-8 record as UMR head coach. He joined the Miners as an assistant in 1965, after coaching successful prep teams at Sarcoxie and Lebanon. Defense remains a key for the 1980 Miners, and the squad has some strong tradition to uphold. In 1979, the defense was nationally ranked most of the year and finished the season with the best statistics in the MIAA. "I think we'll be strong again defensively," Finley said. "This group has been together for a long time and really

conditioning is so different from one gets the job done." Gone are all-conference defenders position to the other." "He will really help us out there this Jim " Bo" Decker, Kevin Wolf and Jeff Wozek , but All-MIAA defensive backs season, and still may do most of the Craig Heath and Bill' Grantham return . punting as .well. " In the field goal department, Paul At one of the linebacker spots will be MIAA first-teamer Morris Hervey, Suellentrop, Craig Thomas, David Prueter and Omar Mathis will be on one of UMR's hardest hitters. Offensively , the Miners have backs hand to try and give the Miners some Jim Lee, Brian Paris and Oscar Ber- three-pointers. "That is one area of our offense that I ryman returning, with sophomores Dennis Pirkle and Chris Nesbit fighting it hope will be a lot better this year," Finley said . "Suellentrop was three-forout for quarterback duty. Finley is hopeful the team's passing three during spring practice, so that was game will improve in 1980 and feels a good sign." Although the Miner coaches were such development would aid the running attack. forced to tackle spring practice at half " Pirkle and Nesbit will do a good job staff due to other coaching commit!for us at quarterback, and we are all ments, Finley said the experience was looking forward to having Jeff Walters rewarding. as a receiving post for the entire season.'" " We were able to move personnel Walters, who pos ted a 12 -4-1 record around and see what they can do at as a quarterback during the last few other positions," he said . " You do not seasons, was moved to wide receiver last have time to go into that too much once year when the Miners sought more the fall practice starts." speed at the position. Finley said the coaching staff was "It was hard for Jeff to move in the able to change the offense around a little middle of the season," Finley said "The bit in spring practice and see how

1950 Football Team Homecoming Reunion Members of the 1950 Miner footb all team will gather at Homecoming in October to renew old acquaintances and celebrate their victorious season once again . This was the last UMR football squad to win the MIA A Conference Title outright, and is the footba ll tea m tha t wo n the contest with Illinois Sta te Universit y 7-6, played in Bloomington , Ill . in ice.a nd snow at the Corn Bowl. A special breakfas t is planned for team members, a long wi th a ttenda nce at a pre-game meeting, halftime ceremonies a nd parti cipat ion in a lumni ac ti vi ties during the weekend . Current add'resses are needed for II members of the 1950 team . Anyone knowing the whereabouts of George Bock , Charles Blankman, Rex Jehlen , Richard L. Jones, William Koedding, Leonard Scholl , Frederick Smith , Bob Wilson, James Hook, Walter R. Smith, or Richard A. Thurston is asked to contact special reunion coordinator, Jerry Berry, '49, UMR Athletic Department, UMR, Rolla, Mo. 65401. Jerry is anxious to have as many of the team members as possible on hand ' to participate in this special occassion.

various players reacted under new systems. " We have a talented group of players, and I think we have recruited some of the best prep players in the state," Finley said. "For instance, one of our main concerns is replacing a guy.like Kevin Wolf at linebacker," Finley said. "Todd Fizer has shown a lot of promise in this area, and we also have a talented group of freshmen linebackers who could step into those big shoes of Kevin's." Finley thinks the Miners will be right in the thick of the MIAA race, and sees Southeast Missouri and Southwest Missouri State as the toughest teams to beat in the conference. "Northwest was also a surprise last year and should be tough again," Finley predicted. " But I'll tell you one thing-it is a lot harder to stay on top once you get there." If the Miners can play good defense and the offense puts forth a timely scoring attack, the 1980 edition of UMR Football may find a place atop the MIA A standings.

Third Annual Alumni Band toPlay 1980 Homecoming There are more than 700 living MSM -U MR band alumni . T he present Miner Bands include over 240 students in 8 groups. We'd like for you to join the Ma rchi ng Band at half-time of Homecoming fo r our 3rd Annual Alumni Band . Yo u'll play a long wi th the Musical Miners. We' ll send specific details if you' ll just fill in the fo llowing and let us know you're interested l Yes, I'm interested in the 3rd Annual Mi ner Alumni Band at the Homecoming Foo tball ga me, Saturday, October 18, 1980. (Please print or type) NAME: ________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: Street ___________________ MAJOR : INSTRUMENT(S)

Zip _



YEAR GRADUATED: _ __ PLA YED: _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __


No COAT SIZE (40L, etc.)_

Please mail by September 15th to: Dr. David Oakley, UMR Bands, G-10, Harris Hall, Rolla. Mo. 65401 MSM AiumnuI11 1




,I ,

Alumni Activities St. Louis Section

Golf Tournament On June 14, 83 UMR graduates and friends teed-off on a warm sunny day at ' the annual St. Louis Section Golf Tournament. MSM/UMR Alumni past president, Dick Bauer, and president, Joe Mooney, added their "strokes" to the affair, The winner s were: Low Gross-Tom Schneider, '75 ; First Net-Presson (guest); Second Net-Jerry Schwalbe, '73; Fewest Putts-Roy Van Hee, '69; Closest to the Hole-Andy McKinney (guest); and Longest Drive-Calvin Curdt, '74, Pairings for the event were: Stine, Wholberg, Van Hee, McKinney ; Bertelsmeyer, Hertell, Probst, Potter; Curdt, Blanke, Georges, Schilling; Merlenback, Bertram, Presson, Gilbert; Glynn" Ferguson, Schuette, Elder; Walther, Kozeny, Wagner, Groppe; Boyce, Kesler, Castor, Hohenberger; Bauer, Schneider, Germer, Mooney; Sutton, Martin , Miller, Schwalbe; Savala, Moore, Wallis, Gusigond ; Rush , Reinhardt, Nicks, Fritch; Tuckett, Cucchi, Chyi, McDonald ; Beabout, Beabout, Walter, Bedner; Reynolds, Kuhn , Eleis, Theilemeier; Mittler, Todd , Templeton; Zeigler, Daley, Epperson, McQuade; Arnold, Moss, Keiser, Gibony; Brooks, Hufhau , Rahner, Huther; Poe, Fikes, Bertnolli, Gossett , Leavitt, Leavitt, Lewis, Tokraks; Kasten, Rinne, Marting, Garcia. Also-the picture showing Roy Van Hee (left), tournament director, awarding the low gross trophy to Tom Schneider didn't turn out too good-the president takes the blame!

Bartlesville Section On March 21, 1980, alumni of the Bartlesville section took advantage of the presence of UMR Faculty who were attending an engineering education meeting in their town and organized a luncheon meeting. Hans E. Schmoldt made the arrangements at the TRW building and promptly took off for a walk across the Mojave desert. Vern McGhee, who h<\s better sense, stayed

and presided at the affair. Chancellor former Chancellor Merl Baker. Those attending included: Wally Joe Marchello gave the program, Others from Rolla who attended included the DeShon, '67; Russ and Natalie Edgar, Mackamans, Burns Hegler, John Amos, , '33; Sam Amantia, '79; and guest, Larry Kent and Winona Roberts, and Dave Rein; Bob Pahl ,. '68; Charles Summers, who arrived after a short tour Bodenhamer, '76; R.W. (Hank) Hankinof another TRW facility in downtown son, '60; Joe Karbosky, '42; Bob Banks, Bartlesville. Dave Kick and Ed Smith '44; Earl Boesl, '76; Ted Waldbart , '78; came up from Tulsa to join the group. A Clay and Marsha Evans, '76 and '74; very special guest at the luncheon was R.K. Riley, '70; and V.T. and Betty McGhee, '42.

Howard Stine, President St. Louis Section

Ark-La-lex Section

1980 HOMECOMING OCT. 17-18 12/ MSM Alumnus

The fall meeting was held at the the summer meeting were read and apPetroleum Club in Shreveport, La. on proved, Mr. Moscari introduced the special guests. December I, 1979. Joe and Louise Marchello (Chancellor The meeting was called to order by Secretary-Treasurer John Moscari in the of M.S.M.). Joe told of the progress and absence of President Judy Grotefendt, growth of M,S.M. and the future plans after a fine dinner and a very good hap- for the University and the students at py hour, at which time all members Rolla and the importance of the Alumni were happy to get acquainted with to the U.M.R. Joe and Margaret Mooney (president one another and start on the tall tales. The minutes and Treasurer report of of the MSM/UMR) , Joe discussed the

future plans of the Alumni Assoc. for the coming year. Frank and Nancy Mackaman (Executive Vice President MSM/UMR Alumni Assoc,), Frank gave a short talk on the most recent developments of M,S.M. and answered several questions from members of the group, Secretary-Treasurer John Moscari Jr.

R alk of )os

Tulsa Section On March 29, the Tulsa section of the Association had their annual dinner meeting at the Summit Club. Organized by Dave Kick, area director, the MC chore was handled by that well known raconteur, Fritcshen. What a story teller! Special guests were Professor and Mrs. Paul Munger and Chancellor Marchello. Nancy Mackaman and Frank were also present, after a white knuckle flight from Rolla. (The thrills of flight were even greater on the return.) E.A. Smith, slightly indisposed, was not present-but the preprandials were as usual. Alumni and guests heard remarks from the Chancellor and saw the five year master campus development plan in a slide show presented by Frank Mackaman. Present were: Ernest R. and Mollie Achterberg, Tulsa; Keith and Pat Bailey, Tulsa; Waiter E. Bailey , Fairfi'eld; Harold and June Kosten, Cin- possible exception of Michel's!) , Seminole; Col. Robert G. and Irene Bencinnati; Mike and Billie Browne, nowhere is, when you are drawing from ing, Tulsa; Jim and Donna Dayton; Larry and Joyce Boberschmidt, this southwestern Ohio section. The fact Bertelsmeyer, Tulsa; Mike and Joan Batavia; John and Marge Parks, Cincin- is, the meeting was so well accomodated Castleberry, Tulsa; Jim and Judy Colnati; Charles Rothweiler, Newark; Ray by the Inn that we all may return. A lins, Tulsa; Joe-and Sue Cowan, Carl and Carol Mattingly, Loveland; Bev and 'social hour complete with a delicious Junction, Mo.; Don and Scottie FalkBob Shields, Cincinnati; Barry and choice of hors d' oeuvres was followed ingham, Tulsa; Herman and Arlene DeAnn Basden, Cincinnati; Tony by a fine dinner and an informative slide Fritscnen, Tulsa; Rooert,and Haroldine Hoelker, Englewood; Mike Fischer, Cin- presentation by Frank Mackaman of Hinds, Tulsa; Carl and Debbie Intag, cinnati; Anne Mills, Cincinnati; L.G. the proposed five year plan for improve- Tulsa; Dave and Gayle Kick, Tulsa; Laos II, Maysville, KY; Russ and Laura ment and development of the campus, George W. and Barbara Leek 1lI, Tulsa; Kamper, Dayton; and Frank and Nancy delivered with large doses of humor Vernon and Betty McGhee, Bartlesville; Mackaman, Rolla, MO. which rendered it palatable to all. Ernest and Faye Moran, Miami; Robert King's Island Inn was an , attractive It was evening of great fun and en- and Betty Ponder, Tulsa; Terrance and location and, if not within a stone's thusiasm , and we look forward to seeing Pat Ridenhour, Tulsa; Ed and Susan throw of everyone's driveway (with the several Ohioans here for Homecoming. Schmidt, Tulsa; Jimmy and Nancy Schottel, Bixby; Vic and Fran Spalding, Tulsa; Randall and Denise Staponski, Tulsa; William and Ann Vark, Tulsa; Gene and Lee Veale, Tulsa; Joe Wanenmacher, Tulsa; Earl and Mary Arnett, Bartlesville, and Donna Hix.

Southwestern Ohio Section King's Island Inn, Mason, Ohio Uust north of Cincinnati) was the Scene, April 12, 1980. The cast of characters, coralled by Russ and Laura Kamper, included the following loyal MSM alumni plus a few more whose names did not get on the register: The Jim Johnstons, Gohanna; Jo Ellen and David Cawlfield, Milford; Don and Wanda Lawson, Dayton; H.F. and Edna Michel, Cincinnati; Don and Francine Padgett, Cincinnati; Shiela and AI Wansing, Springfield; Harold Moe and guest, Juanita Hiser, Reynoldsburg, Fred Haushalter, Kenton; Norm and Marian Zachelmeyer,

Northwestern Section We had a great time at our annual banquet and St. Patrick's Day Celebration held at the Carvery Restaurant, Seattle-Tacoma Airport, on Saturday evening, March 15. Rita Stevens is the first woman engineer in our alumni group. She is studying for her doctorate iri chemical engineering at the University of Washington. Officers for the 1980-81 year are: Peter Maisch, president; Keith Cross, vice president; and Bob Yerbury, secretary . . The following persons were in attendance: Glendon .and Rita Stevens, '77 and '78; Bob Yerbury , '77 ; J. Keith Cross, '69; Vic and Rosie Hoffman, '60; Charles and Sal?dy Hollenbeck, '61; John and Elizabeth Adams, '59; Steve and Susan Wright , '68 and '70; Peter and Marilyn Maisch , '62; Jim and Fern Adams, '64; Sam and Carol Bradshaw, '72: and Gerald and Kathleen Hammond, '50. Gerald L. Hammond , president , 1979-80. Editors Note: Photographic evidence (see picture of 1979-80 officers) would indicate that Vincent P. Crane, '66, was also at the meeting.

Northwest Section officers for 1979-80 are, from left: Peter H.F. Maisch , '62, vice president; Gerald L. Hammond, '50, president; and Vincent P. Crane, '66 , secretary-treasurer.

MSM Alumnus / 13

More Alumni Activities Southern California Section The Southern California section held their spring meeting on April 26, 1980 at the Elk's Auditorium in Long Beach. F rank Mackaman presented a brief pro· gram. John and Phyllis Wilms made the arrangements. Among those present were directors Roy Perry and Jim Gostin. It was decided that John would determine whether the Section could

have their annual pilgrimage to Old Mexico this summer. John Wilms. whose mailing address is 17700 South Avalon, No. 59, Carson, CA 90745 would appreciate comments from all alumni who reside in the area regarding future meeting sites, programs preferred, and suggested dates.

Meeting Data EVENT/SITE DATE Rolla SPEOFTHEA IM E ........ . . .... . .. . .. SEPTEMBER 2 1·24.1980 Dallas Convention Center DALLAS AREA AND SPE ALUMN I .. . .. . ....... September 23, 1980 Dallas PARENTS' ASSN. AN UAL MEETING ... .. . . ....... .. . .. October 4, 1980 Rolla BOARD MEETING ... . .. October 17 , 1980 Rolla HOM ECOMING 1980 . .. . . .... . . ........ . .... . ..... October 17·18 Rolla MSM·U MR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING . October 18, 1980 Rolla FLORIDA GOLD COAST SECTION .... . .. . ...... . .... .. October 24, 1980 Miami AIME . ... . .......... . .... . ... October 22-24, 1980 Minneapolis ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH. . .... . .. . . . . . _... .. . . . First Tuesday Denver Petroleum Club ATTENTION: Please notify A lumni Office of your meeting arrangements.

JOBS AVAILABLE Editor's note: In the past, the MSM Alumnus has published individual job listings by file number. Beca use of the publication time lag, this information was frequently out-of-date by the time alumni were able to respond. We hope that by placing more emphasis on procedures to follow to reque t current job listings, alumni will be able to obtain better and more comprehensive informa· tion. The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. Each week , many companies request assistance in locating applicants for jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. The brief job descriptions shown below are examples of job listings received by the office. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need only se nd an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The - Placement staff will make a search for positions similar to that requested on your resume. You will then receive information concerning the job descriptions as well as names and addresses of persons to contact. If you wish to use thi s service, contact : A . Sam Burton, assi tant directorplacement , Ca reer Development and Placement Office, UMR , Rolla , MO 6540 I (phone: 314/341-4288). SAMPLE LISTINGS Industry-Colorado 20 listings for ME, ChE, CSci., E.Mgt., Cer. , EE, CE, Math. Design Engi neer Ill-B.S.M.E. or B.S.ChE. with six year experience in HV AC and process/utility piping system . Design experience must include sizi ng HV AC systems, duct, gas and liquid piping, pumps, compre ors, hea t ex changers, tank s and other facilities/process eq uipment. Experie(1ce with instrumentation , metallurgy ASME, ANSI and UBC codes de irable. Company- Wisconsin I listing for EE Field Service Manager-B.S. Const ructi on experience beneficial, open to extensive travel and reloca tion. To interpret and troub leshoot electrical chematics and direct the in tallation of power transmi sion equ ipment for draglines, electric power hovels and bla t hole drill . To provide overall direction and consu ltation to cont ractor responsible for machine erection. Corporation-Alabama, Tennessee 13 listings for AE, ME, CEo AE/ME. EE. Phy ics, ChE. Electro-Optics-MSEE or Ph ysics. Five to 15 year experience in development of test plan, project management on te t programs and red uction and analy i of test data. Some background in optics and/or fluid mechanics helpful. Effort will in volve working into prime responsibility for te t pla nning. management of test performance. and ana lysi of LDV data for Dugway Program and other imilar programs. Employee will contact cu tamer direct ly and eventually have program re ponsibilities for new efforts which he initiates. 14/ MSM Alumnus


of Electrical Engineers Established Twelve charter members have been elected by the University of MissouriRolla electrical engineering department to form the Academy of Electrical Engineering_ The academy will be composed of outstanding electrical engi'neers and eminent graduates of the UMR electrical engineering department. _ Members of the academy are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the electrical engineering profession and for their interest and support of the UMR electrical engineering students and faculty . The a~ademy will serve as an advisory group to the ' department. On the Board of Directors of the new group are: President, c.J. Grimm, '30, Rolla, UMR professor emeritus of . efectrical engineering; vice president, I.H. Lovett, John Knox Village, Route 2, Waynesville, professor emeritus and former department chairman, UMR electrical engineering department; secretaryltreasurer, Fred Findley, '41, 207 W. First Terrace, Lamar, senior partner and chief adminstrative officer of Finley Engineering, Lamar; and board members: Edwin W. Logan, '35, Route I, Box 8A, Marine, IlI., retired chief engineer, Hunter Engineering Co., Bridgeton; Hueston M. Smith, '38, 711 E_ Monroe Ave_, St. Louis, principal, Hueston M. Smith & Associates, St. Louis; and Joseph W. Rittenhouse, '49, Route I, Hanover Hill, Barrington, III., business consultant, director, Scholl, Inc_, director, Sears Bank and Trust Coo, director Midland Bancorp, Inc., and retired chairman of the board, Joslyn Manufacturing & Supply Co. Other charter members of the academy are: Lawrence A. Spanier, '50,5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills, N.Y. , president, Comtronic Associates, Inc. Melville, N.Y _; Wayne J. Bennetsen, '4 1, 1542 Mason Valley Drive, St. Louis, group vice president, Emerson Electric Co. , St. Louis; James W. Stephens, '47, 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, president, Missouri Public Service Co., Kansas city; William A. Rutledge, '46, 282 Billington Lane, Creve Coeur, vice chairmanoperations, Emerson Electric Co., St. Louis; Robert C. Hansen, '49, 18651 Wells Drive, Tarzana, Calif., consulting engineer, R.C. Hansen, Inc. , Tarzana; and Thomas English, '29, 605 Bergstrom Place, Marshall, Texas, retired vice president-construction, engineering, purchasing and transportation, Aluminum Company ef America.

Twenty-six members of the Academy of Civil Engineers at the University of Missouri-Rolla are pictured at the recent annual meeting. The academy, composed of outstanding graduates who are honored for their contributions to the profession and their interest in UMR, serves as an advisory group to the civil engineering department. From left, are, front row: Joel Loveridge, SI. Louis, president, and 1980 academy inductees Chester Baker, Rolla; Donald L. Dean, Chicago; Stanley Dolecki, St. Louis; Thomas A. Herrmann, St. Louis; Joseph E. Rigg, Springfield. Second row: Coy Breuer, Jefferson City; Robert G_ Bening, Tulsa, Okla.; Francis D. Lyons, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Paul R. Munger, Rolla; Harvey Leaver, SI. Louis; Peter F. Mattei, SI. Louis; Joseph H. Senne, Rolla _Third row: Vester B. Unsell, Springfield; Ernest A_ Weinell, East SI. Louis; Carl J. Weis, SI. Louis; James Glover, Houston, Tex_; Robert G. Livingston, Cedar Hill; Neil Stueck, SI. Louis; Vernon A. Gevecker, Rolla; Otis H. Taylor, Davenport, la.; Daniel Kennedy, Rolla; Warren R. Wieland, SI. Louis. Back row: William L. Wisch, Jefferson City; Eugene Daily, Champaign, III.; Dale Klohr, Fairview Heights. James A. Anderson, Springfield, a 1980 inductee. is not pictured.

Extension NelNs Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service. 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office. 204 Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401. PROGRAM Drilling Seminar Land Surveyor's Refresher Short Course Introduction to Composition of Paints and Coatings Basic Quality Control Introduction of Paint Formulation EIT Review Digital Signal Processing Advanced Paint Formulation PE Review Techniques and Mechanics of Selling Specialty Chem icals Bridge Maintenance Managing for Innovations in Coatings Business Applications Corrosion in Concrete 7th Annual UMR/DNR Energy Conference Power Apparatus Testing Women in Coatings-Meeting the Challenges Remote Sensing Predicting Peak Power Demands Recent Development in Continuum Thermodynamics Refresher for Pai'llting Contractors & Maintenance Engineers Estimating for Painting Contractors Marketing and Managing in the '80s Cold Form Steel

LOCATION St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis Rolla St. Louis Rolla St. Louis Rolla Centralia Atlanta. GA Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis to be announced Rolla

DATES Aug. 13-15 August 14.-16 Aug. 18-22 Aug. 25-29 Sept. 8-12 Sept. I I-Oct. 23 Sept. 15-19 Sept. 15-19 Sept. 18-0ct. 23 Sept. 22-23 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 24-25 Sept.-Oct. Oct. Oct. 14-16 Oct. 21-24 Oct. 26-28 Oct.-Nov. Nov. Nov. 10-12 Nov. 10-14 Nov. 18-20 Nov . 18-19

limes and dates of courses may change nearer the time of the course. MSM Alumnus / 15

FacultyPersonals~~~~~~~~~~ Memorial Resolution RICHARD H. KERR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MA THEMA TICS

Professor Richard H. Kerr was born in Ash Grove, Missouri, January 12, 1907, and attended public schools there. In 1929 . he graduated from Southwest Missouri State Technical College (now known as Sputhwest Missouri State University). His early experiences included radio and refrigeration servicing both in a selfemployed capacity and as manager of a service store. The experience he gained in this work enhanced by his singular capacity of observation, furnished him with a reservoir of tales about characters he had encountered at Ash Grove and elsewhere. The recounting of these tales lent a color to his conversations which enlivened their interest and enhanced one's knowledge of the teller and the environment wbich produced his unique character. Academic Service: Professor Kerr's academic experience began during World War II when he served as an instructor in the United States Army Signal Corps Schools from October, 1942, to September, 1946. This experience served him well as background for his teaching at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy as the University was known at the time of his arrival. Professor Kerr was appointed Instructor of Mathematics at the University in September of 1946 and rose to the rank of Associate Professor. As soon as Professor Kerr arrived on campus he began to pursue graduate study and since there was no advanced degree in mathematics offered here at the time, he elected to study in the field of physics under the direction of Dr. Louis Lund. He completed his Master of Science degree in Physics in 1950. Professor Kerr was an invaluable asset to the Mathematics Department as witness his teaching assignments which progressed from College Algebra through junior-senior level courses during his tenure at the University. This was a period of rapid change in ,the mission of the Uriiversity and necessitated adaptability to many different circumstances often requiring very demanding teaching schedules . Throughout his time Professor Kerr performed his duties.as teacher and advisor to hundreds of students with distinction . He greatly contributed toward establishing and maintaining a standard of excellence in the teaching of undergraduate mathematics here that has received wide acclaim throughout the industries which have employed our graduates. He was justly proud of his r.ole in this important endeavor. 16/ MSM Alumnus

His advisement activities also occupied a significant portion of his time, both as advisor to a fraternity (Sigma Tau Gamma) and to numerous students who were pursuing graduate degrees in the whole spectrum of engineering and science programs offered at the University. He made a valuable contribution to many departments within the University through this latter activitiy. Professional Interests and Activities: Professor Kerr was active in the American Society of Engineering Education, the Mathematical Association of America and in two honor societies, Sigma Pi Sigma, and Sigma Xi. One of the activities which related to his several interests was the District Science and Engineering Fair sponsored by the University which attracted high school students to our campus and through which he became well acquainted with many teachers in the secondary schools in our area. Professor Kerr was a proud, sincere, and dedicated person who took his work seriously at all times and expected his students to perform well. Hundreds of students can be grateful for the experience of having had him as a teacher. During his many years here he made a lasting change in their lives and earned himself a permanent and honored place among the long line of teachers who have acquitted themselves so well in the service of the University. Professor Kerr had the good fortune to finish out his career here and retire at the mandatory age, leaving several years to enjoy the status of Professor Emeritus during which time he kept up an interest in the University. It is with deep regret that we, his colleagues, note his passing from our midst. He will long be remembered for the strength 'of his character, for his devotion to bis duties, and for his cooperative attitude toward all in the performance of these duties. Resolution: Now, therefore, be it resolved: . That the faculty of the University of Missouri-Rolla hereby expresses sorrow at the loss of Professor Richard H. Kerr for his thirty-five years of dedicated service as a teacher, student advisor, and loyal supporter of the Universit y through the Alumni Association ; That this resolution be made part of the minutes of the Academic Council , Thursday , April 17 , 1980; That copies of this resolution be sent to. his nearest living relative, Mr. Mark Frye. Professor Charles A. Johnson Professor D.H. Erkiletian Professor Sylvester J. Pagano

Robert Vansant , '51 , left , receives honor from ROTC's Major Don Thomson , right.

Honarary Professor of Military Science Robert E. Vansant, partner, project manager and senior staff attorney with Black & Veatch Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, has been named an Honorary Professor of Military Science at the University of Missouri-Rolla. Vansant is also a colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, assigned to the 416th Engineer Command, Chicago, Ill., as chief of staff to Maj. Gen. Robert Bay. Presentation of the honor was made at the annual ROTC awards ceremony held recently on the UMR campus. Col. Vansant was the principal speaker at the event. As an undergniduate at UMR, Col. Vansant was a member of UMR's ROTC program. he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army in

1951 at the same time he received his B.S. degree in civil engineering. He served on active duty the following two years in the United States and the Republic of Korea. In 1953 he returned to civilian life joining Black & Veatch but remained active in ·the U.S. Army Reserve. Vansant lectures widely on specification, contract administration and contract law. He has served as a visiting lecturer on engineering law and contracts, specifications and professional responsibility at UMR for the past 10 years. He also has been active in his support of the UMR ROTC program. His son, Thomas Vansant, is currently a junior in civil engineering at UMR and is an ROTC cadet captain.

BILL ATCHLEY, '57, PRESIDENT CLEMSON UNIVERSITY CLEMSON, SOUTH CAROLINA Bill Atchley walked into Littlejohn Coliseum wearing a diuk business suit. Two hours later he walked out, looking perhaps a bit sheepish, but proud to be wearing the resplendent bright gold cap and gown, the presidential ring and chain of office signifying his formal investiture April 18 as Clemson University's ninth president. As a local newspaper said it the next morning, this "former minor league baseball pitcher from Missouri who baled hay and milked cows in the sum· mers as a boy," had ju'St completed an impressive rise through the academic ranks at Missouri-Rolla and West Virginia to become at age 48 the chief executive officer of an important land-grant university. It was a colorful, historic occasion, full of pageantry and symbolic links to the past and future of higher education. Most of the investiture i.tself was based on early 15th century ceremonies painstakingly researched by a history professor on the inauguration committee which put the whole show together. Energy, the theme of a two-day pre· inaugural symposium, was emphasized in Atchley's address and throughout the two-hour ceremony, which was participated in by an impressive roster of regional and national leaders: Sen. Strom Thurmond, representing the U.S. Senate; U.S. Rep. Butler Derrick, representing the House of Representatives; Gov. Dick Riley, representing the State of South Carolina; mid Henry C. Hollingsworth, representing the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. UMR Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello was there to represent Atchley's alma mater.

The Story is History for Jo Barr As

Teaching history was not one of Jo Barr's boyhood ambition¡s. a sjlfdent in Soldan High School, St. Louis, young Jo thought he might be an architect. . '. But this spring, after more than three decades in the .c1assroom, history Pro- . fessor Jo W. Barr retired from the University of Missouri-Rolla with no regrets as to the direction taken by his career. After teaching more than 10,000 students, he still says, "Being in the classroom is just plain fun." The professor who enjoys teaching so much entered the field as a simple matter of earning a living. "I started college in 1932 in the middle of the depression," he recalls. "There was no way a person could make a living as an architect at that time." He majored in history at Washington University, taking a minor in education. He received his B.A. and M.S. degrees there, and was working onhis doctorate at the University of Chicago when be was drafted. He served in the U.S. Army from Oct. 3, 1941 to March 6, 1946. Along the way, he went up through the ranks as a noncommissioned officer to become a first sergeant in the Signal Corps, married Miss Mary Jo Bastian of Neosho, attended 'officer candidate school, and served almost a year in the Philippines, ending the war as a captain and adjutant of the Far Bast Air Force Signal Battalion. In the Army, he also got his first real experience in teaching. He liked it. For two years after his return to civilian life, he taught history at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. In 1948, he joined the UMR faculty. The rest is UMR history. Through the years, he has almost always taught American Civilization and American Government courses. He likes teaching them because .they encompass the constitutional era. He has enjoyed teaching another course, Recent American History. "It's easy to teach," he says with a smile. "It takes in the period since 1920-it's the history of my life." . In 1955, the history professor became chairman of the UMR Faculty Committee on Catalog and By-Laws. This launched him into another part-time career. For 15 years, as director of publications, he was responsible for publishing not only the catalog, but all other UMR informational publications, such as - brochures, bulletins, and reports. In 1969, he returned to full-time teaching, still "my favorite activity of academic life," he says. UMR students find Barr's teaching a favorite, too. For six consecutive years, he has been voted an outstanding teacher by students and colleagues. He also received the Amoco Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching. The professor is equally enthusiastic about his students. "UMR students are better than most," he says. . His regard and concern for his students reflect attitudes he learned early in life from his father, a professor of mathematics at Washington University and those of another mentor, the late Curtis L. Wilson who 'headed the UMR campus from 1941 to 1963. "My dad used to say, 'Never lose the student's point of view,' and Dean Wilson often referred to our students as 'our customers,'" Barr recalls. "I've always tried to keep those ideas in mind." Barr has not confined his teaching to the UMR classroom. For more than 13 years he was a Sunday school teacher at the First United Methodist Church. For many years he was on the Board of the Wesley Foundation, serving as chairman and as faculty adviser to the group. He has also taken part in amateur theatricals (he played the male lead in "Sabrina Fair" produced by the Coterie Little Theater Group), led discussion groups, (including the Great Books series at the Rolla Public Library) and he has sung in church choirs for more than 25 years. In his spare time he is an avid gardener, a camera buff (he especially enjoys photographing great works of art), and likes to play popular music on the piano. This fall, Barr will have more time for these activities-and for travel, another favorite activity. This will always include extended trips West to visit the Barr's daughter, K. T. Roes, Cody, Wyo.

Louis Lund Retires This Year "After 32 years of spending mest of my time on study, teaching and research in physics at the University of Missouri-Rolla," says Dr. Louis Lund, professor of physics, "I decided this would be a good time to begin exploring some of my other interests a little more extensively. That's why I decided to take an early retiremen t." When Professor Lund came to UMR in 1948, he was the first theoretical physicist the campus had ever employed (most of the department faculty are classified as experimental physicists). His first graduate student (working under his direction) was the late Richard Kerr, associate professor emeritus of mathematis at UMR, who earned his master's degree in physics in 1950. Another of Dr. Lund's "firsts" is directing the work of the first Ph.D. candidate to earn his degree in theoretical physics at UMR. "That was Russ Cochran (,59, '65) who later became chairman of the physics department at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa," Dr. Lund says. "Many theoretical physicists enter the field of education," he continues, "and I've had some outstanding ones. James Phillips ('66) is chairman of the physics department at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and Ralph Tross (,59, '66, '68) holds the same position at the University of Ottawa in Canada. Altogether, I've directed the work of more than 20 graduate students in the past 32 years." Another of his graduate students-who didn't go into the teaching field-was John Glaese (,64, '66, '69) who is now with NASA in Huntsville, Ala. Glliese was one of the scientists who helped direct Skylab's re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. Lund's interest in physics isn't confined to teaching-although he says he thinks he has taught almost all the graduate and undergraduate lecture courses listed in the catalog at one time or another. His research interests lie in the areas of liquids, X-ray and slow neutron scattering. In addition to directing research of graduate students, he has been principal investigator for several projects in his fields of interest and has collaborated on research programs in UMR's Graduate Center for Cloud Physics Research. In 1969 he was a co-winner of UMR's Outstanding Research Award. He is author or co-author of some 25 published technical articles, is a member of the American Physical Society, Sigma Xi, Research Society of North America, and is included in American Men of -Science. ._ -Dr. Lund is a native of Jefferson City. He earned his B.A. in physics at Kansas Wesleyan in Salina, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in physics at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Between degrees, he was working for the State Board'of Health in Jefferson City when he met and married his wife, Marian, a native of Rutherford, N.J., and graduate of Gaucher College in Baltimore, Md. She was working as a medical technician at the Board of Health. They have two sons-Dr. Carl Lund, a theoretical physicist working at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories in California, and Dr. Michael Lund, who teaches English literature at longwoOd College in Farmville, Va. "When I started college, I was torn between the study of physics and literature," Professor Lund says. "It's been interesting to watch each of my sons follow th9se separate paths." __ _ _ Other interests he plans to expand include tennis and table tennis ("I can still give Carl and Mike a good game," he says), theater (several years ago he enjoyed directing a local performance of "Come Back Little Sheba"), and certain types of music ("I enjoy the 'big band' sound," he says, "and you know, I think its comingback"). Travel to both coasts to visit his sons is another retirement possibility, as well as a trip to Sweden to see the land of his ancestors. The Lunds, who live at 36 McFarland Drive, also expect more J requent visits from the grandchildren, Meridith, 7Y2, and John, 3Y2 . "There are many interesting subjects to explore outside the world of physics," Dr. Lund says. ''I'm looking forward to trying a few ." MSM Alumnusl1 7


Personals ____________________~



Elmer Gammeter reports that he is The following has been received from "starting my II th year of retirement and Walker E. Case: "Anna and I had a enjoying it very much. Mrs. G and I most' wonderful trip to Africa, Cape to have been quite well." The Gammeters Cairo, with a 10 day stop in Kenya for live at 118 Duncan Circle-Windermere, animal camera shots. We missed Beaver, PA 15009. 1907 homecoming the past few years due to Notice has been received of the death of travels, but hope to make it in 1980. Our Raymond G. Kern was honored in April Albert Babbitt Bartlett, 406 lith St., . grandson, Richard W. Isbell, expects to as a 50 year member of ASM. Ray is Wheatland, WY 82201 . He was active receive a C.E. degree at UMR in '80." retired from Union Electric where he in the mining profession as a co~sultant, The Case's address is 3915 Woodcrest, served the company in various and in locating and thl! acquisition of Florissant, Mo. 63033. metallurgical capacities. Ray's home address is 517 Beauford Dr., St. Louis, MO mining properties. He served as state geologist for Wyoming from 1923 to Phil Boyer, '28, sends a clipping about 63122. 1927 . He was ' also owner of the the death of Glen S. Wyman on April Horseshoe Poultry Ranch for nearly 30 29. Glen had been a mining engineer Word has been received of the death, on years. with Anaconda Copper Mining Co. for Jan. 20, of Morris E. McLean, 32 40 years. He is survived by his wife, North 98th St., Belleville, Ill. Morris Aubrey Fellows, age 94, has been living Ellen, 1026 Le Tierra Drive, Lake San enrolled at MSM in the fall of 1922 and in Chariton Manor Nursing Home in Marcos, CA 92069, four sons (including attended the school for two years. He Salisbury, Mo., since May, 1979. His G.R. Wyman, '59, Tuscon, Ariz.) and a . was president of the East St. Louis son Millard is also living with him. daughter. Phil says he played golf with Stone Co. Aubrey is feeling better after being in the hospital for a month in January. He Glen a few years ago but hadn't seen him since. C. Cabanne Smith has moved to 290 I is still interested in Rolla. Bammel Lane, No. 21, Houston, TX 1923 77098. He is retired. 1910 A.B. "Squeak" or "Gus" Wilkerson is John W. Bodman, 548 Yawl Lane, a retired foundry owner and manufac路 1927 Longboat Key, FL 33548, died April 19 turer of the Harris Self路 propelled Com H.O. "Tommy" Thomas, Route 4, in Sarasota. He was 91. John had been a bine Harvester. He is starting his 14th Rolla, MO 65401, reports "Doc Fiend research engineer with Lever Brothers year as secretary of the Rotary Club of and I will fish Eagle Lake, Ontario, in Co. in Massachusetts, retiring from that Fresno (385 members) where he has June. We expect to catch many nice company in 1953. He held 32 process passed the 22,000 hour mark of walleye and some huge muskie." and product patents:He won his last golf volunteer work. Gus and Corrine live at trophy in 1978 at age 89 and had made 560 E. Lansing Way, Fresno, CA 1929 a hole路in-one at 82. Although he earned 93704. his B.S. in mining engineering, he receiv路 ed a chemical engineering professional 1924 A note from Charles H. Dresbach comdegree in 1917. He is survived by his The Alumni Office has received news of ments: "still look back with pleasure to wife, Emily, three sons and four the death of Henry D. Kline who passed 50th reunion, seeing old friends of those away April 26, in Cortez, Colo. days and meeting new ones." Charles is daughters. retired from Gulf Oil Corp. and is a part1925 1916 time petroleum consultant. He and We have received news of the death of News has been received of the death of Mary live at 5 Puckett Road, Rogers, Edmund H. W oolrych, 90, who died Leo Landrith Burnet of Winter Haven, AR 72756. March 26. Edmund, who was retired, Florida. Charles & Maude Johnson have moved lived at 97 E. Leanna, Chula Vista, CA. 1926 to 3215 E. Locust St., Apt. No. 71 , Car1919 A note from Harry C. and Luella. Bir- riage Club, Davenport, IA 52803. The Alumni Office has been informed of chard says: "We are feeling fine and I the death of Walter F. Lottman, who am enjoying retirement. Want to get died April 2. Walter was retired from back to another reunion soon. I made 1930 and Before Monsanto Chemical Co. in St. Louis, my 50th." The Birchards live at 3811 Mo. He received an Alumni Service Royal Palm Drive, Bradenton, FL Reunion At Homecoming 33505. Award in 1974. Oass Coordinators: Fred Hauenstein celebrated his 100th birthday on February 17. Fred lives at 1842 21st St., Kingsburg, CA 93631.

Thomas O. English '29 605 Bergstrom Place Marshall, TX 75670 .j. Frame ' 23 R.R.3 Eldon, MO 65026

W 3"-

Charles A. Freeman '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 94010 Elmer Gammeter '26 118 Duncan Cir-Windermere Beaver, PA 15009

18/ MSM Alumnus

1979 Rollamo

William E. H. Knight ' 24 1173 Grand Carthage, MO 64836

EdWin G. Machin '22 P. O. Box 175 Nashville, IL 62263 William K. Schweickhardt '28 417 North Woodlawn Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122 Class Coordinators: C. James Grimm Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401 S. Allan Stone 1405 Three Rivers East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802

A note from Henry O. Scheer says: "Nothing new. Just glad we are still alive and able to move around." Henry and .Helen live at 2005 Dial Court, Sprin-gfield, IL 62704.

1931 Clyde E. and Margaret Wilhite have moved to 12028 E. Canal Drive, Aurora, CO 80011. Clyde is retired. George M. Pace, a self employed civil engineer, is a delegate to the National Convention of American Association of Retired Persons, being held June 9-11 in Phoenix, Ariz. George & Luvenia live at 7083 Paddison Road, Cincinnati, OR 45230.

1932 Harold J. Bruegging, who retired as general manager-operations, Missouri Power & Ligh.t, has been named Missouri's candidate for NSPE 1980 Distinguished Service Award. Harold lives at 801 Houchin, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Stuart L. Davis attended the 1980 Space Congress in Cocoa Beach .and met the astronauts who will man the space shuttle. Stuart states that "transportation has certainly improved since my days at MSM." Stuart and Lorraine live at 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931. Edward "Darbey" Hale says "Target date remains at May '82." He and .Leora are looking forward to attending the 50th reunion of the class of '32 at that time. They live at 856 Reimer Road, Wadsworth, OH 44281. Darbey retired in 1973. -

William T. Kay says "Still breathing enough to keep active in community affairs and playa little golf. Would enjoy hearing from '32 classmates." Bill and Francis live at 228 Leisure World, Mesa, AZ 85206. Arthur S. Schwarz reports that he is a consultant with Nooter Corp., St. Louis. He and Helene (Muetze) live at 340 Gill Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.

Alumn; Personals ______________________ 1932 Continued Andrew W. Kassay has retired as a senior chemical engineer from Allied Chemical ¡Corp. He and Julia Mae live at 1559 Eastgate Road, Toledo, QH 43614. A note says "We continue to enjoy retirement and are looking forward to the 50th class reunion in 1982.".

1933 Vernon L. Asher is a member of NSPEEP A committee and also a project leader for NSPE-PEL He will be attending NSPE meetings in Las Vegas, Washington D.C., and Detroit. Vernon is retired from Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. and is now a part-time property manager for the Kirkwood United Methodist Church in Kirkwood, Mo. The Asher's address is 1350 Craig Drive, Kirkwood, MO 631 22.



Bernard S. Lee has retired from his The following is from Walter H. Bruen- Carlton W. Barrow has retired from faculty position as a research associate ing: "I have been retired for approx- Alcoa. He and Esther live at 3480 of Rutgers Medical School but is still ac- . imately three years. Helen and I have Myrna Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. tive as an optics consultant for T.V. excellent health. We own a camp on Equipment. Bernard and Minna live at Lake Bistineau and we spend a lot of 151 Woodland Manor, Tinton Falls, NJ time there. Have not yet learned how to 1937 apply mechanical engineering to WiUiam C. Busch retired in February 07724. fishing." The Brllening's address is 613 from the job of operating manager, Rock River Division, C'ommonwealth Charles H. Lambur, corporation chair- Erie, Shreveport, LA 71106. man for Schneider of Paris, N.Y., Edison, Co. Bill and Viola's address is reports that he is a mining consultant News has been received 'of the death of 4563 Georgian Trail, Rockford, IL for International Executive Service Cor- David J. Peery on Nov.-9, 1979. David, 61103. ps, NYC; the United Nations (New who was with Lockheed Missiles, & York); and ARZE International. He and Space Co. in Sunnyvale, Calif, lived at . After spending nine years in San Carlos, Ute live at 33 Rampasture Road, Hamp- 6457 Camelia Dr., San Jose, CA 95120. Sonora, Mexico, Walter and Iris' Jones have "sold the house and yacht" and ton Bays, NY 11946. 1935 returned to their home in Albuquerque, 1934 New Mexico. Walter is the retired Reunion At Homecoming general manager and president of Rio Class Coordinators: Grande Steel Products Co. Their address now is I J79 Wagon train Drive SE, Oliver W. Kamper Albuquerque, NM 87123. 16417 H1tb Ave. Sun City, AZ 85351 August P. Koopmann 9101 Flores Drive St. Louis, M 0 63123

Alfred W . Beinlich reports the death of his wife, Mildred Line Beinlich on Dec. 19. "She was born and reared in Rolla-the da ughter of Cliff Line who was part owner of the old Lines Garage." AI, who is retired, lives at 3404 Nineteenth Ave. , Sheffield, AL 35660.

William A. Brown reports that he has opened a new business, Careers Unlimited, and is self-employed as a career consultant. Bill's address is P.O. Box 1249, 818 CSt., Marysville, CA 95901.

Homer W. Krattly a registered Professional Civil Engineer with the U.S. Army Engineer District in St. Louis wishes to express his appreciation for the late Professors Butler and Carlton and the late State Senator (St. Louis) McKinney's early efforts in bringing about the registration law for engineers and architects in the state of Missouri. Homer lives at 5617 Reher Place, St. Louis, MO 63139.


James J. Murpby Murphy Company 1340 North Price Road St. Louis, MO 63132


Herman and Dorothy Brisch report that they are enjoying retirement- which became effective in 1974. Their address is P.O. Box 66, Carmi, IL 62821.

Thomas Henry Reese Jr., Belleville, IlL , died Sunday, March 2. He was president of Reese Construction Co., Cahokia, Warren B. Danforth and his wife plan 111., past president and member of the to attend the alumni meeting this fall in Board of Directors of the Associated Rolla. The Danforth's address is 816 7th General Contractors of Illinois, past St., Oakmont, PA 15139. Warren is president and member of the Board of retired. the Southern nIinois Builders' Association, past president and board member Max E. Edgar was recently elected to of Southern Illinois Contractors' . the Board of Directors of the Nort,h Association, a member of the Illinois Valley Hospital in Whitefish, Mont. Transportation Study Commission and Max and Carol live at 10 Edgar Lane, of the Board of Directors of the Illinois Box 416, West Glacier. MT 59936. Asphalt Paving Association. He was a member of Triangle fraternity, the illinois Society of Professional Engineers Rudolph J. Knoll, Sales engineer for and the Missouri Bar Association. A Wean United Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa., says: licensed glider pilot, he was a me_mber of "Really will wrap it up at the end of the the St. Louis Soaring Association. year. Harriet and I looking forward to October class reunion and lots more travel afterwards." The Knolls live at 1610 Ashlawn Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 1524 I. August P. Koopmann, who is now retired, says he is looking forward to seeing the 1935 graduates at homecoming, and that he hopes there will be a big turnout for the big program which is planned. August & Dorothy live at 9l{}1 Flores Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123. R.C. Solomon has joined Southern illinois University as an adjunct professor-engineering. He and Edna live at 409 Sunset Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

1936 1979 Rollamo

F.W. and Helen Arnold have moved to 9 Keosauqua Drive, Hardy, AR 72542. He has retired.

MELVIN E. NICKEL Melvin E. Nickel has retired from Wisconsin Steel Company and has established the consulting firm of Melvin E. Nickel and Associates. Address of the new firm is 10601 S. Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643, (Phone ~ 312/238-3515). Mel offers consulting"services to the iron and steel industry on coal and ' coke operations, blast furnaces, basic oxygen steelmaking and continuous coating. J. Craig 'EIUs reports that he "visited with Walt Goelkel, '39, in Paradise Valley, Ariz. , in January-he looks and feels great. Talked to Bob Seibel, '38, in. Sedona, Ariz., in March . All is well-spending extra time in Mexico this year." Craig is manager of export sales for Maxon Corp. and he and Joan live at . 4501 N. Wheeling, Bldg. 6A , Muncie, IN 47304. John A. (Jack) Long reports that his wife, Sally, passed away on March 11 : Jack lives at 317 St. Joachim TDL, Bonne Terre, MO 63628. Jesse S. LeGrand is now/ a ~nical consultant with ITT Avionics in Nutley, N.J. Jesse and Myrene live at 107 Hadden field Road, Clifton, NJ 07013 . MSM Alumnus / 19


Alumni Personals ____________------~----------------------------------------Thomas J. and Agnes. Finley enjoyed the 40th reunion and seeing many aid friends. Tom is general manager in sales far Washington Steel Corp. The Finley's make their home at 1150 Bouer Hill Road, No. 906-B, Pittsburgh, PA 15243. Leroy E. Smith sends the following note: "I came out of retirement again and started working for International Engineering Co. in San Francisco., Calif., on a shale oil development project in Colorado. as project electrical engineer." Leroy's address is 12534 Limewood Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375. I

Fred N. Taylor has retired from Fluor Corp. He and Elizabeth live at 2851 Rolling Hills Drive, Fu llerton, CA 92635 .

1940 1979 Rollamo

1938 Continued

i /

Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators:

Rex Alford 5743 Jason John A. Short, '38 and '44, 1644 E. 14th St., Tulsa, 74104, died Feb. 24. He Houston, TX 77096 worked far the Carps af Engineers, the U.S. Geolagical Survey, and was George E. Fort engineer in charge af the water section Fort & Miller af Missauri Division of Resaurces and 2007 First Nat'l Center Development at Jefferson City. In 1950 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 John served as consultant to. the Pa'ul T. Dowling President's Water Pal icy Camm ission. 10144 Winding Ridge Road In that same year he maved to Tulsa to St. Louis, MO 63124 serve as River Basin Representative af the U.S. Department af Agriculture. On Dec. I ~, 1958, he was appainted by E.L. "Roy" Perry The Port of Los Angeles President Eisenhower to the U.S. Study P.O. Box 151 Comm ission, Sautheast River Basins, as a representative of the Department af San Pedro, CA 90733 Agriculture and served in this capacity until 1961 . He retired early from the William C. Alexander sends the follawUSDA in 1964 because of heart trouble. ing nate: "Daughte r, Lynett, is John's wife, Mamie, daughters Jo Anne graduating from the University of lawa, Motz and Janet Shorten, six grand- class af 1980, majoring in chemistry children and twa great-grandchildren wit h a minor in English and a practical live in Tulsa. His son, William lives in tool bax experience in computers. Anyone need a cub technical writer? Caulfiend, Mo.. (Her No.. 1 chaice for a vocation}." Bill and Darothy may be reached at 1140 I 1939 Elmond L. Claridge, '39 and '4 1, is 127th St. Court W. , Illinois City, IL associate professor of chemical engineer- 61259. Bill is retired. ing and director af the graduate program in petraleum engineering at the After 19 years with Drilling Tools, Inc., University af Haustan central campus. Guy Brown Jr. has accepted a position He and Ruth live at 5439 Paisley Lane, as vice president, U.S. Operations, with Weatherford/Lamb U.S. Inc. Guy and Houston, TX 77096. Mary Lucille live at 10822 Roaring Lawrence A. Roe reparts that he is "ac- Brook Lane, Hauston , TX 77024. tive" in AIM E this year. "I presented a paper an 'Flatation of Liq uids and Fine Ralph D. Hall reminds all that this is the Particles from Liq uids' at the Interna- 40th anniversary far the class of '40. tianal Sympasium an Fine Particles Pro- Ralph is retired and ' he and June live at cessing at Las Vegas Feb. 24, and I will 2311 Oriole Lane, Sauth Daytana, FL present a paper titled 'A Comparison af 32019. Ca lcium Carbonate and Talc Fi lters' at the SME-AIME meeting in Minneapalis A. James Kiesler has retired from the in Oct." He is also serving as co- G .E. Research Center and has accepted -cha irman of ane af the sessions at the a full time pasitjan as director af the meeting. Larry is seniar consulting new G.E. Advanced Technalagy Center engineer with Brown & Raot, Lombard, in San Paulo, Brazil. James and Ru th's II\. He and Kay li ve at 1080 39th St., new address is 1039 Padre Joaa Manuel , San Paulo, Brazil. Downer's Grove, IL 60515. 20/ MSM Alumnu s

A note from Fraizer "Mac" Stewart, Joseph O. Strawhun sends the following 1414 N. Peninsula Ave., New Smyrna note: "Pearl and I plan to retire at the Beach, FL 32069, contains the follow - end of -1981 and will stay in Georgia. ing items of interest: "On Dec. 31, 1979, 'No' we did not vote for Carter." Joe is we completed a new gas well near Bay division transmission superintendent City, Texas, for 11 .3 million cubic feet with Transco Co. of Houston. They live per day with 35 bbls. per million af con- at 4336 Abingdon Drive, Stone Moundensate. Expectations are to have the tain , GA 30083. well producing at the rate of 1.5 million cu. ft. per day . The well is 10,560 feet 1942 deep and we have two locations to drill. John C. Allen writes that he has jained Our privately owned group has a 20 per- Overseas T~chnical Associates, Ltd. as cent interest. I am a directar of Nor- managing directar "to. provide services Quest Resources, Ltd. (on the Van- in cannectian with large aquaculture couver Stock Exchange), which brought prajects. Fish farming is well established into production last year a high-grade in Sautheast Asia, where we cancensilver mine near Stewart, British Colum- trate aur activities. Also. very active in bia, on the Alaska border. I am also a Hawaii." Jahn and Chili live at 2333 directar of Abitibi Asbestos Mining Kapialani Blvd., No.. 3314, Hanalulu, Company Ltd., which to date has spent HI 96826. some $15 million an exploration and engineer in g af a 100-million -ton William E. Hill Jr. has been elected asbestas or'e bady abaut 400 miles nar- chai rman af the baard far Hill Fastener thwest of Montreal. We hope to. an- Carp. He and Dickie live an East Hill nounce plans far development and pra- Drive, Raute 3, Rack Falls, lL 61071. duction later this year, with a total cast Paul W. Kloeris Jr. has jained Racket· af approximately $400 million to take it dyne Divisian af Rockwellinternatianal into praduction." . as a metallurgical engineer in Canaga James and Lucille Donahue's new ad- Park, Calif. Paul and Marcia live at dress is P.O. Box 5586, Sun City Center, 8131 Sunny Brae Ave. , Canaga Park, CA 91306. FL 33570. James is retired . Elmer H. and Alleene Sandhaus have Lynn J. Riege reports that he has now maved to. Raute 4, Bax 14, Raila, MO retired and he and Grace have a perma- 6540\' Elmer retired fram U.S.G .S. nent residence in Florida. Their new ad- Water Resaurces in 1973. dress is 3135 U.S. 19 N. , No. 304, Clear- Joseph B. Schmitt is naw a vice president with Arca Far East Ltd. His adwater, FL 33515. dress is Azabu Heights 50 I, Rapangi Herbert D. Sturges is naw vice presi- 1-5-10, Minata-ku, 106 Takya, Japan. dent of SOS Technologies, Jenkintown , Pa. Herb and Marie live at 230 East The March issue of Geaphysics (page 503) cantains an article annauncing the Road, Doylestown, PA 1890 I. award af hanarary membership is SEG A note fram Margaret J. Weber, 14300 (Saciety af Explaratian Geaphysists) to. E. Marina Dr., Apt. 211 , Aurora, CO Robert Van Nostrand. Bab is vice presi· 80014, says: "This is to notify yau af my dent af Teledyne Geatech , respansible husband's death (Arthur Weber Jr.) on far the gavernment systems divisian in April 27, in Aurara. He died of a heart Garland, Texas, and the Alexandria attack quite suddenly here where we Labarataries divisian. His address is had lived after his retirement as general 1424 Kingstan Ave. , Alexandria, VA manager of field aperations, Bethlehem 22303 . Steel Ca., in 1974. He had been with the campany for 34 years."


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1941 Norman D. Blair has been named director-network switching engineering far AT&T in Basking Ridge, N.J . Narman 'and Darathy live at 42 Essex Drive, Mendham , NJ 07945. Nathan David Jaffe reparts that "In additian to. my ather duties (he's vice presiden·t-ape ratian s far Williams Waterpraafing in Alhambra). I am naw praperties manager far Gibca Film Praductians. -Warking far my san, great experience!" He and Bena live at 128 14 Callins St. , Narth Hallywaad, CA 91607. James R. Roux is awner af Raux Engi neering Sales Ca. in Cincinnati. They have added the representatian af Mi llcraft products af Washingtan , Pa. to. their present representatian af Pe[1n Machine Ca. af Jahnstawn , Pa. Jim and Audrey live at 1560 Cabasset Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45230.







1979 Rollamo

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Alumn; Personals __________________________________________________________-1943 Joseph T. Adams has recently incorporated [tis management consulting business as Power Machinery Management Services Inc., in Shawnee Mission, Kan. The firm specializes in sales and market development of power and energy related machinery. He and Elsie live at 9846 Sagamore Road, Leawood, KS 66206.

John F. Burst has been appointed direc¡ tor of planning for Harbison-Walker Refractories Division, Dresser Industries, Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Preceeding this appointment, he served as technical director of the Dresser Minerals Division in Houston, Texas.

Joseph P. and Virginia Berndt Jr., who live at 61 Clermont Lane, St. Louis, MO 63124, have a son, Jim , who is a freshman at UMR this year. Joe is with Monsanto International in St. Louis as manager, planning and development. E. Gent Johannes has joined KSH Inc. in St. Louis as a project engineer. Gent lives at 4538 Bellewood Drive, St. Louis, MO 63125. Warren and Ingrid Wagert have moved to Star Route 8, Box 39F, Mena, AR 71953. Warren is retired.

1944 Lincoln A. Sanders reports: "I have just retired from the City of Los Angeles, April 23 after 32 years. His and Ruth's address is 5880 W. 76th St. , Los Angeles, CA 90045. James E. Dueker is now principal technical specialist with McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. -in St. Louis. He a nd Audrey live at 3720 Greengrass Drive, Florissant , MO 63033.


E. A. Henke, after 33 years, is retiring from Shell Oil in Anacortes, Wash. where he is a technical superintendent. He and Ardell will continue to live at 3517 H Ave., Anacortes, W A 98221. J. Edward Little is now a consultant design liaison engineer with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Ed and Helen live at 1601 Rosewood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Joel H. Teel has joined Mountain States Research & Development in Tucson as senior process engineer. Joel and Eleanor's address is 7122 N.' Perugia Way, Tucson, AZ 85704.

1948 Ralph Banks has been named manager of regulatory affairs for Inland Steel Coal Company of Sesser, IlL Ralph's address is 1807 Briarwood, Mt. Vernon , IL 62864 . He has been with the company more than 26 years. Elmer R. Brown has recently retired. He and Selma have moved to No. I, 12527 Chardin Place, St. Louis, MO 63128. Morris M. Fine retired as research director, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Rolla Research Center, on June 30, 1979. Morris and June live at 1405 Liberty Drive, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Kenneth W. Schoene berg completed r yea rs of railroad service on March I, and on April I, completed 16 years with the Association of American Railroads where he is manager-administration. He . John and Barbara Griessen's son, John reports he is 'still "going strong" . Ken III, graduated from the University of and Margaret live at 7526 North Ridge Texas with a B.S. in electrical engineerBlvd. , Chicago, IL 60645. ing. He is now training as a field engineer for Welex Division of Haliburton Co. in Alice, Texas. John (father) 'is sales manager for Hildebrandt Engineer 1945 Co. in Houston. John a nd Barbara's address is 3415 Graustark, Houston , TX 77006. Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinator:

Raymond O. Kasten was promoted to national manager of sales, Union Wire Rope- Western Steel Division of Armco Inc., on May I. Ray started with Union Wire Rope in 1944. He was namVernon L. Kasten ed to his previous position, manager 1145 Shady Lane ' ales, wire rope and strand products, in Jackson, MO 63755 1977. He earned his B.S. degree in civil engineering at MSM and his masters degree in applied math from Washington University. He has been active in the prestressed Concrete Institute (director 58-60 and 77-79) and has been a member of the AISI Wire Rope Pro- . 1946 ducers Committee, The Associated Wire We have received the news of the death Ro.pe Fabricators and other industry of Emil Lawrence Bahn, who died in groups. Ray's address is 901 W. 114th March. Emil was a professor of .Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114. chemistry at Southeast Missouri State . University in Cape Girardeau.

Jim Paul writes: "Home on business and to see my daughter No. 4 (Cindy) graduate magna cum laude from (sorry to say) Texas A&M.-Also to give her away in marriage May 17. (Sigh) She would have made a good engineer- " Jim is now a tech manager for Dow Chemical Co. out of Horgen , Switzerland. He and Lou may be reached at Latemstraat 151 , 9830 St. Martens, Latem Belgium.

. Robert L. Mann is now pastor of the United Shared Ministry (United Methodist-United Presbyterian Churches) in Willow Springs. "So far , all is well." Robert and Shirley's address is P.O. Box 157, Willow Springs, MO 65793.

1947 Paul F. Carlton retired in January from the U. S. Department of the Army. Paul and Bobette live at 4800 Prestwick Drive, Fairfax , V A 22030 .

Walter C. Harbison is now an engineering supervisor with Amoco International Oil Co. in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Walter and Willie's address is P.O. Box 38530, c/o Expatriate Services, Houston, TX 77088.

Dwight C. Jacoby has joined Western Nuclear Inc. in Lakewood, Colo., as director of solution mining. Dwight and Sara live at 5230 Tabor St. , Arvada, CO 80002. The alumni office has received word of the death of Horace Tharp Mann on March 29. His address was 4317 Via Fransaci, Rancho Palos Verde, CA 90274 . Robert P. Rauch has been named branch chief design for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. in St. Louis. Bob and Marianne's address is 2932 Concordia Lane, St. Charles, MO 63301. John C. Wilks is now an advisory engineer with IBM Corp., in White Plains, N.Y. John and Bettye June live at 361 Vassar Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603.


Ed and Julie Aubuchon have moved to 24 Pine Grove Drive, Pittsfield, MA 0120 I. Ed is now a castings engineer with GE. He says he is "still having lots of fun ." John W. Chang has moved to 535 Anchor Circle, Redwood City, CA 94064. John is a consulting engineer for Pyromet Industry in San Carlos, Calif. . Joseph K Greig reports the death of his wife, Helen Campbell Greig (a Rolla girl) on May 25. Gene, who is a retired U.S. Navy Commander, says "I am remaining in Californ ia for the forseeable future, as the five children are in this area." Gene's address. is 14422 Gaslight Court, Poway, CA 92064 . News has been received of the death of Ray G. Kelly. Ray; who was retired from the M issouri State Highway Department, died Feb . 10. He lived at 10609 East 80th, Raytown, MO 64138.

JAMES B. CHANEY James B. Chaney was appointed president of N .L. McCullough, a di vision of N.L. Industries on Feb. II. He was transferred to Houston, Texas, from Sa lt La ke City, U ta h, where he had been ge nera l ma nager of N .L. Magnesiu m. He has been with N.L. Industries since 1949. Jim and Betty's new address is 16218 Chipstead Drive, Spring, TX 77373.

William & Carrie Redd have moved to 2214 Poplar Lane, Peoria Heights, IL 61 6 14. Bill is a superv ising field engineer for Caterpillar Tractor Co. Harold M. Tclthorst has joined Hamm Aspha lt Inc. as a civil engineer. T he Telthorst's also became grandparents for the first time, when their daugh ter Amy Weisser gave birt h to a da ughter March I. Ha ro ld and Virginia's address is 68 15 Southwest Fountaindale Road, Topeka, MSM Alumnu s12 1 KS 666 14.



Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1949 Continued Landon C. Viles retired as a civil engineer from Wright Patterso.n Air Fo.rce Base, effective Jan. 18 . Lando.n is no.w devo.ting his time to. o.perating his Super Value Sto.re in Eoo.n. He and his wife, Virginia, visited J. R, Judy and Jason Ramsey in Co.pperhill, Tenn. in March. The Viles' make their ho.me at 360 East Main Street, Eno.n, OH 45323.

1950 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Edwin H. Barsachs 3755 Northliew Lane Dallas, TX 75229 Stanley Dolecki 9113 Hatton Drive St. Louis, MO 63126 Aaron J. Greenberg 3285 Gustine St. Louis, MO 63116 William and Lois Bucha have mo.ved to. 68 1 Pleasant St. , Glenn Ellyn , lL 60137. Bill is president o.f Edwin Hanco.ck Engineering Co.., Fo.rest Park , III. Enrique Heller is a productio.n management co.nsultant fo.r the United Natio.ns (ILO) , in Geneva, Switzerland . Currently Enrique is assigned in Kabul, Afghanistan, and his assignment has . been extended fo.r ano.ther year. His mailing address is 66-50 Booth St., Rego. Park Queens, New Yo.rk City, N.Y. 11374.

Richard H. Kerr passed away o.n March 18, 1980. He was associate pro.fesso.r emeritus·math department o.f UMR. Allin C. King reports he is no.w general supervisor-engineering fo.r Granite City Steel in Granite City, Ill. He and Verna live at 1362 Franklin, Edwardsville, IL 62025.


Paul E. Green has jo.ined Hughes Tool Co.mpany Ltd., as senio.r vice president. He and Do.rothy no.w live at 42 Herefo.rd Ho.use·No.rth Ro.w, Lo.ndo.n, ENGLAND WIR IDE. Scott H. Gregory is no.w a productio.n engineer specialist fo.r Tenneco. Oil Co.. in Lafayette, La . Scott and Ruby live at 732 Alo.nda Drive, Lafayette, LA 7050 3. Paul A. and Betty Haass' so.n , Ro.bert , is currently attend ing UMR and majoring in chemical engineering. Pau l is with the Oak Ridge National Labo.rato.ries in Tennessee. Paul and Betty's mailing address is 8000 Bennington Dri ve, Knox· ville, TN 379 19. William B. and Melba Heisler have a new address-665 S. Skinker Blvd. , Apt. 17·G, St. Lo.uis, MO 63105. Bill is prin' cipal engineer with Mo.nsanto. in Pen· saco.la, Fla. Marvin E. Smith has been named vice president and technical directo.r fo.r Sub· surface Disposal Corp., Bellaire, Texas. He and Jeanne live at 5035 Dumfries, Ho.usto.n, TX 77096. G~rald C. Shelton has moved to. 2466 Virginia St., No.. 104, Berkeley, CA 94709. Gerald is a student at the Starr King School fo.r Religio.us Leadership (Unitarian/Universalist) in Berkeley.

James C. and Clissy Hyde Jr. have mo.ved to. 2809 Calla Vista Way, Sacramento., CA 95821. Jim is a branch manager fo.r Granite Co.nstructio.n Co.. in Sacramento..

Robert A. and Alvera Strain have mo.ved to. 4706 N. 19th St., Wausau, WI 5440 I ~ Ro.bert is vice president engineering fo.r Marathon Electronics, Wausau.

1979 Rollamo

Richard and Sandra Dickens report that so.n David is on the U.S.S. Nimitz in the Arabian Sea area and daughter, Caro.l, plans to go. to. medical school in the fall. Richard is a fello.w district engineer fo.r Westingho.use Electric Co.rp., and the family lives at 10433 Remingto.n Lane, Dallas, TX 75229. William A. Givens is regio.n engineering. manager o.f Cities Service Co.mpany. He and Shirley live at 4625 NW 60th Street, Oklaho.ma City, OK 73122. Bill says, "We've completed 10 years in Oklaho.ma City-a record fo.r staying in o.ne place. So.n, Art, graduated with. a 8.S. in electrical engineering fro.m U o.f Tulsa in December. Daughter, Stephanie, is freshman in chern engr. at U o.f Texas-No Miners!"

Richard J. and Ruth Fraotschi's new address is Rt. I Box 93, Harlingen, TX 78550. Richard has been retired since December I, 1975.

David L. Hillhouse recently co.·autho.red a prize-winning IEEE paper which was published in the PAS Transactio.ns o.f the IEEE Power Engineering Society. Co-autho.rs were O. Peterso.ns and W. C. Sze. David, who. is an electrical engineer fo.r the National Bureau o.f Standards, and Mary live at 14102 Flint Rock Terrace, Rockville, MD 20853.

22/ MSM Alumnus

Ralph G. & Peggy Wolfram have mo.ved to. 1405 Starling Drive, Crestwo.od, MO 63126. Ralph is directo.r o.f engineering fo.r Bank Building Co.rp. in St. Lo.uis.

JAC.K L. HUBBARD Notification has been received of the death o.f Jack L. Hubbard, 12634 Harriet Circle, Dallas, TX 75234, this spring. Jack had been an engineer with Mo.bile Oil Co.rp. wo.rking on resea rch, develo.pment and design of o.ffshore installatio.ns. He is survived by his wife, Jean and two so.ns. John T. Ballass, '51 and '52, is president o.f M & W Techno.logies Internatio.nal in No.rwich, Co.nn. Jo.hn received his Ph.D in metallurgical engineering in 1955 from Lehigh University. He has held managerial positio.ns with OlD Co.rpo.ratio.n, Ho.rbart Bro.thers Co.mpany, Co.nmetco., United Nuclear Co.rporatio.n. Jo.hn is also. a fello.w in the American Institute o.f Chemists. Jo.hn and Elizabeth live at 25 Cherry Hill Ro.ad, No.rwich, CT 06360. Tom Browne sends the fo.llo.wing report: "My wife, Peg, two. so.ns and I drove to. Co.lo.rado. and Califo.rnia to. visit o.ur three daughters this past summer and deto.ured do.wn to. Ro.lla. It was late o.n a Saturday afternoon so. the scho.o.l was so.rt o.f in a dormant stage. It was my first visit to the campus since 1954 and o.h, what changes. It is inspiring to. see the changes, yet there is so.mething stately abo.ut the old. Befo.re leaving to. head westward , we made a sho.rt visit to Mrs. Karl Kershner, wido.w o.f my freshman chemistry professo.r. Had a great visit with her." The Browne's address is 30 I Do.ndee Place, Devo.n, P A 193 33. To.m is lab manager fo.r Resco Pro.ducts Inc., Harristo.wn, Pa. George W. Comanich reports that he has recently been promo.ted fro.m manager of the Baytown area fo.r Texas Eastern Gas Pipe Line Co. to director o.f technical o.peratio.ns in the co.mpany's Ho.usto.n o.ffice. George and Melba live at 5104 Tamarach, Bayto.wn, TX 77521.

News has been received o.f the death of Henry Clinton Harris o.n March 28, 1980. Henry was the general engineering superintendent at the FMC Co.rp· oration in Green River. He is survived by his wife, Helen , 245 Evans St., Green Ri ver, WY 82935, and a so.n and da ugh ter- bOth students at the Un iversity of Wyoming. Charles F. Lehmann has retired fro.m Exxon and is no.w enjoying life o.n Cape Co.d. Charles and Jane's address is 17 Cranberry Lane, RR-2, Brewster, MA 02631 . Howard A. Olson is superintendent o.f Lithia Springs ' Quarry fo.r Vulcan Materials Co.mpany. He and Arline live at 4384 Parkview Drive, Lithia Springs, GA 30057. Donald L. Rober is no.w president o.f United Distributo.rs Inc. in Burlingto.n, Mass. Don and Edna live at 7 Birch Hill Ro.ad, Belmont, MA 02178. Erich Sarapuu is president o.f Electrofac Co.rp. He and Erna have mo.ved to. 308 W. 99 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114. The company also. has a new address-3100 Broadway, Kansas City, M064111 . William B. Vose reports that he has been made senio.r analyst, market research , fo.r U.S. Steel, Pittsburg, Pa. Bill and Roma live at 1272 Delfield Drive, Bethel Park, P A 15102. Harry W. Smith is no.w retired fro.m General Electric Co.. He and Flo.rence live at 3687-61 st St. No.rth , St. Petersburg, FL 33710. Effective April I, Clifford A. Statler has been named plant manager o.f Sperry Co.rp's Sperry· Vickers Plan t in Searcy, Ark . Cliff and Helen live at 303 W. Pleasure, No.. 44, Searcy, AR 72143. John F. Winters has jo.ined the U.S. Bureau o.f Mines Avo.ndale, Md. , as a metallurgist. He and Phyllis live at 107 Westfield Square, Aliquippa, PA 15001.


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Alumni Personols _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1952

A feature article on Gene Penzel, cur· rent president of the Associated General Contractors of Missouri appears on page 6 of 'the March issue of Construction Advisor. Gene is vice president of Penzel Construction Co. Inc., Jackson, Mo. His address is 1110 Jackson Trail, Jackson, MO 63755.

Frank and Stella Avarado's new address is P.S.C. Box 2059, APO Miami, FL 34002. Frank is a division engineer with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in Panama City, Panama. Wallace H. Holmes is now district public transportation engineer for the Division of Public Transportation Operations in Bartow, Fla. He and Rosemary live at 314 Tennyson Road, SE Winter Haven, FL 33880. .

Herman A. and Margaret Ray are plan· ning to attend this years homecoming. Being natives of Phelps County, and not having been "home'" in several years, they are looking forward to coming. Herman is a sur-.:...:visor hydrolics for USGS water resource division. The Ray's five at 511 Lawrence, Boise, ill 83709.

WaIter H. Unger is now an air quality engineering consultant for Anaconda Copper Co. He and Mary Ruth live at 2997 S. Upham, Denver, CO 80227. Lyman F. Van Buskirk has retired from civil service after 27 years with the Naval Weapons Center at China Lake, Calif. He now does part-time consulting work. He received the Dr. Wi11iam B. McLean award from the center in May, 1979, for oustanding creativity contributing to naval weaponry. Lyman and Vursa (Stogsdill) live at 1267 N. Wayne, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Don E. Jones has been named manager of maintenance for Inland Steel Coal Company of Sesser, Ill. Don's home address is 804 S. 34th, Mt. Vernon, It 62864. He joined the company in 1956. Rolla S. and Luceil Lush have moved to 3139 Woodridge Blvd., Grand Island, NE 6880 I. Rolla is a staff engineer for Grand Island Public Schools. John E. Priest is now manager-business development for Harza Engineering Co. in Chicago. John and Pamela's address is 250 Linden Ave., Wilmette, lL 60091. Dirck B. and Margaret Stickle may be reached clo Esso Prospeccho, Chixa Posthl 16153, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22221. Dirck is an operations superintendent. .



William F. Oberschelp has been named vice president-marketing of McGraw Edison Power Systems Group in Pittsburgh, Pa. Bill and Virginia have moved to 103 Lintel Drive, McMurray, PA 15317. He has been with the company since 1953.

Wayne M. Aceto has been named general sales manager of Melley Energy Systems, Pompano Beach, Fla. He will be responsible fdr the sale of Melley equipment (engine-driven generating systems for prime and standby power applications) in both domestic and international markets. Wayne's address is 3001 Palm Aire S., No. 207, Pompano Beach, FL 33060.

Walker L. Flood is now supervisor, turboshaft engine test, with Detroit Diesel Allison, IndianapOlis, Ind. He and Oma live at 8811 Ash Court, Clermont, IN 46234. Thor (ijelsteen has moved to 7300 W. Stetson Place, No. 41, Denver, CO 80123. He is executive vice president of Ferret Exploration Co.

Robert D. and Betty Jenkins have moved to 2609 W. 70th, Shawnee Mission, KS 66208. Bob is president of Jenkins & Blaine Construction Co. Inc., in Kansas City. Robert D. Jost is now plant manager for Universal Atlas Cement in Independence, Kan. Robert and Eileen live at 801 Crescent Drive, Independence, KS 67301.


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Harold R. Crane will lead the major gifts division of Hannibal's Partners in Progress Campaign for · HannibalLaGrange College. Harold is owner and general manager of Crane and Fleming, engineers-architects-surveyors, and president of Hannibal Testing Labs, Inc. a subsidiary of Crane and Fleming. Harold, his wife and two daughters make their home at 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401. Edward L. Creamer, who was senior staff research metallurgist for Shell Developent Co. in Houston, transferred to the Shell Oil Co. head office in Houston as senior staff engineer, effective April!. Ed and Alice live at 10811 Creektree Drive, Houston, TX 77070. He was on campus April 3 to make a presentation to the American Society for Metals·student chapter.


R. J. Skubic is section chief-technology of McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, Mo. He and Diana live at 1435 Tina Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Benjamin K. Smith is now senior vice· president with Williams Exploration Co. in Tillsa, Okla. Ben & Helda have lived in Tulsa for about two years at 7702 S. Harvard Place, Tulsa, OK 74136. '

Joe and Edith Gray have moved to 1956 9216 Amundson Drive, Ft. Worth, TX Charles R. Altheide was appointed plant 76180. Joe is now manager, medium manager for Universal Atlas Cement helicopter marketing, for Bell Helicopter . Co., in August, 1-979. Son, Richard, Textron in Ft. Worth. enrolled as a freshman at UMR in '79. The family lives at 6 Fair Oaks, Hannibal, MO 6340 I.


Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Arthur G. Baebler 20 Fox Meadows Sunset Hills, MO 63127 James F. Hespen92 Flamingo Drive St Louis, MO 63123 Gerald W.Haslett, Jr. is now president of Boyd Tank Trailers, Inc. in Boyd, Texas. Gerald and Paulina live at 5724 Diamond Oaks Drive N., Ft. Worth, TX 76117.

Victor H. Morales Aguilar has joined Massey-Ferguson de Mexico, S.A., as director generaL Victor and Carolyn (Rankin) live at Olivos No.4, Jardines San Mateo, Naucalpan, EDO -Mexico, Mexico. Ronald F. Gillham is currently serving as a city commissioner (elected position) for the City of Huntington . Woods, Mich. He is also a staff project engineer for Engineering Staff-GMC in Warren, Mich. Ron and Shirley's address is 12782 Vernon, Huntington Woods, MI 48070.

Kenneth D. and Verna Cole have two sons at the University of Maryland, College Park, ' Md., enrolled in civil engineering. Kenneth is chief-supervisor and inspection branch,. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Baltimore. The Cole's address is 9725 Owen Brown Road, Columbia, MD 21045 . Jack B. & Rosina Dowell have moved. Their new address is Box 7130, Metairie, LA 70010. Jack is vice president of John H. Carter Co. in Metairie. James A. Gerard has been promoted to product manager for Union Special Corp., Rolling Meadows, III. He and Nancy live at 248 Wulff St., Cary, IL 60013.

1979 RoUamo

MSM Alumnus / 23

Alumni Persono/s, _____________________________________________________________ 1956continued John Max Brawley has been promoted to business development ma nager for International Bechtel Inc. , in Kuwait. He and Abida may be reached by writing to Box 8803, Salmiya, Kuwait.


Waymon L. J ohnston has recently been named assista nt depa rtment head of the ind ustria l engineering department at Texas A&M University . Waymon, Donna, and children, John , 18. Jeff, 17, and Joni, 12, have moved into their new home at 2429 Briargate, Bryan, TX 7780 I.

Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators Virgil J. Flanigan 201 Mech. Engineering ME Dept., UMR Rolla, M 0 65401

Guy and Evelyn Ellis have moved to 1885 St. Ives Circle, Uniontown , OH CA. Wentz has recently been named 44685. Guy is now manager, distribu- manager of oil shale and oil sands for tion and planning, for Goodyear Tire Phillips Petroleum Company in and Rubber Co. in Akron . Bartlesville. The Wentz's live at Rt. 3 Box 370, Bartlesville, OK 74003. Richard A. Hugoi's has been named general factory manager for Thatcher Glass Manu facturing in Big Flats, N.Y . Richard and Alice's address is Box 252, R.D. 3, Elmira, NY 14901.

Jerry L. Gilmore Missouri Engineering Corp. 211 S. Hwy. 63 Rolla, MO_65401 Kenneth T. Klebba 3418 Mile High Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84117 JACK B. HAYDON The Board of Directors of Reese Con:' struction Company of Cahokia, Ill. , announces the election of Jack B. Haydon as its president and chief executive officer. Mr. Haydon has served the compan y as vice-president since 1970. His address is 816 W. Lakeshore Dri ve, O'Fallon , IL 62269.

Michael ' G. Mahoney has joined the Missouri State Highway and Transportation Department as a field liaison engineer. Mike and June's new address is Apt. B-19, 505 Ellis Blvd., Jefferson City, MO 6510 I.

1957 Louis E. Astroth is now manager of quality assurance for Holley Carburetor Division of Colt Industries Inc. in Warren , Mich. Louis and Marilyn ha ve moved to 31155 Milton , Madison Heights, MI 48071 . Thomas J. Collins Jr. has joined the Pennsylvania Department of Tra nsportation in Dunmore as district engineer. Tom's new address is 500 Grandview, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 . B. W. (Bill) Franklin has been named manager-construction-maintenance de partment for the St. Louis County Water Co. Bill and Elva's address is 909 Kammerly Terrace, Manchester, MO 630 I I.

1959 DONALQ S. BALLARD Donald S. Ballard has been promoted to manager, independent distributors and standard pipe sales, for the Armco Seamless Tubular organization. He will work with independent distributors of Armco's oil country seamless tubular products and will be responsible for all commercial and industrial tubular products sales including coordination with the Eastern and Western Steel Divisions of Armco. He joined Armco in"1964 in Kansas City. Don lives at 326 Cinnamon CYak, Houston, TX 77079.

1958 Wayne T. Andreas reports: "Have accepted a new 18-month assignment with Exxon Chemicals, Baytown, Texas. Home address for Wayne and Betty remains 1802 White Feather, Crosby, TX 77532."

24/ MSM Alumnu s

1979 Rollamo

John C. Adams, Jr. has joined Merrill Lynch , Pierce, Fenner & Smith in Tacoma as an account executiv¡e. John and Elizabeth's address is 1774 McKinley St. , Enumclaw, WA 98022. Robert L. Boxdorfer sends the.following note: "Rita and I have a new granddaughter, born June, 1979. Grandson is two. We now ha ve two boys at home- Craig is a senior in high school and Brian a sophomore. The three oldest, Karen , Bob Jr. , and Brenda are all married . I completed 20 years with the City of St. Louis last June (1979) and 15 years with the Fire Department (communications)." Bob and Rita live at 3547 Halliday, St. Louis, Mo. 63118. William F. Dennison is now program manager, fuel decladding, for Energy Systems Group, Rockwell International. Bill and Rhoda live at 7223 Bernadine Ave., Canoga Park , CA 9 1307 .

Frank E. Janes has been named manager of labor relations fo r The Gas Edward C. Peet reports he has been pro- Service Co. in Kansas City. Frank lives moted to vice president, production, for at 8042 Mohaw k, Prairie Village, KS Roy M. Huffington Inc., Houston . Ed 66208. and Bonnie live at 2110 Spruce Grove Drive, Kingwood, TX 77 339. Ronald A. Kibler has joined Dames & William D. Walker is now execu tive Moore, engineering and environmental vice president of Tektronix, Inc., consul tants, as an associate. He wi ll be Beaverton, Ore. Bill and Lula Faye based in the firm 's Cincinnati office (DeBoard) live at 13695 SW Hargis where he will devote his time to project management and marketing, especia lly Road, Beaverton, OR 97005 . in the envi ronmental sciences. K.R. Withrow has established the firm K. R. With row Engineering Inc. in Harry E. West has been n ~ med presiDa llas, and is president of that organiza- dent of Westco Intern at ional in tion . He and Sharon live at 7708 La Houston. He and Mary li ve at 14702 Mystic Bend Drive, Cypress, TX 77429. Bolsa, Dallas, TX 75248 .

Joe F. Brock is now president of Sierra Screw Machine Products in Upland . Calif.)oe and Loretta are li ving at 896 Ca rson , Upland , CA 91786. Ralph "L. Hawk has been named vice president, production and engineering, with Cardex Corp., Countryside, Ill. Ralph and Barbara have moved to 122 23 Oak Park Ave., Palos Heights. IL 60463 . Kenneth T. Klebba (,60, '66) is now manager of civil design with Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Co. , Salt Lake City. Utah. Ken & Bett y reside at 3418 Mile High Drive, Salt Lake Cit y, UT 84117 . Herb A. and Daisy Loebs <}re the proud parents of a son, Eric Donald . Herb is a product design engineer for T&S Brass. The Loebs' home address is 206 Del/rose Circle, Taylors, SC 29687 . John H. (Jack) Loos has joined Delco Air Conditioner Division , GM C, in Dayton as a senior sales engineer. Jack' new address is 3025 Benchwood Road, Dayton, OH 45414. James P. Stewart's new business and personal address is LeChatea u, Sui te 311 , Frontenac, MO 6313 I. Frank and Janet Watson have moved to 1730 Hampton Course, St. Charles, IL 60174. Frank is president of Shong Construction Co., Glen Ellyn, Ill . Eugene H. Williams has joined Bell Helicopter Textron in Fort Worth as assistant group engineer, metallurgical laboratory. Eugene and Ann have moved to 2105 Fran klin Dri ve, Arlington, TX '760 II. John L. Ratliff has moved to 4138 Pinelake Lane, Tampa, FL 33624. John is an associate professor at the University of South Florida College of Engineering. In January, 1979, Raymond A. Whelan, Col. , U.S.A. (Ret), was elected vice president of SURVCON Inc., surveying and mapping compan y affilia ted with Turner, Collie and Braden Inc. , a consulting engineer firm. Ray and Pearl live . at 14719 Perthshire, Houston , TX 77079.

Alumni Personals ______________________________ 1961 Ron Ayery is now senior vice president for Coronado Transmission, Birmingham, Ala. Ron and Nora live at 2530 Redstart Lane, Hoover, AL .35226.

Robert A. Garvey has been named vice president and general manager of North Star Steel, St. Paul. Minn. Bob and Jane live at 2 Otter Lane, North Oaks, MN 55110. Gerald E. Henderson is president of Henderson & Company Inc. in Denver, Colo. Gerald and Angie live at 8300 E. Hirisdale Ave., Englewood, CO 80112 . Michael J. Hillmeyer has joined General Motors Assembly, Doraville, Ga., as production manager. Michael and Mary Ann have moved to 3689 Hermitage Drive, Duluth, GA 30136. James A. Markway has joined Bendix Corp. in Kansas CiiX as senior engineer. Jim and Barbara have moved to 10308 West 77th St., Shawnee, KS 66214.

Burlin Mungle has joined the Ministry of Agriculture & Water in Riyadh. Saudi Arabia. Burlin and Shirley's mailing address is US REP/JECOR, Box III, APO New York 09038. Martin W. and Brenda Teague have moved to 5900 Bissonnet No. 518. Houston, TX 77081. Martin has recently accepted a position with Boray Engineers Inc. in Houston , as a department manager in the public works project department.

Craig A. Valentine is now chief of maintenance. Alaskan Air Command for the U.S. Air Force. Craig's address is 3838 Westminster Way. Anchorage. AK 99504.

Charles H. and Geraldine White have Dinesh Shah recently became assistant moved to 5371 Pride Court. Barberton. . vice president of ThikoUDynachem Corp. in Tustin, Calif. Dinesh and OH '44203. Sumitra's daughters, Natasha, 8, and John Wayne Walton is deputy director Tania, 5, will be going to the University of the Tennessee division of Air Poilu· of California at Irvine's special farm tion Control in Nashville. He and school in the fall of 1980. The Shah's adElizabeth Ann have moved to 8116 dress is 4021 North Park Circle, Irvin, Millview Drive, Brentwood. TN 37027 . CA 98714.

1962 ' Henry P. (Pat) Duvall has been named manager, airline cargo sales development for Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash. Pat says he is still active in the army reserve (LTC), and received a meritorius service medal from the Department of the Ar· my in March. Pat and Kay live at 8426 Sixth Ave. SW, Seattle, WA 98106. Jerry B.Griffin has been named a project engineer with National Engineers and Associates, National Steel Corp.'s newly formed engineering unit headquartered in St. Louis. Jerry's address is 12341 Gist Road, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Clifford K. Larsen has joined San Giorgio Macaroni Inc. in Lebanon, Pa. as vice president of sales and marketing. Clifford and Marsha's new address is 155 Primrose, Hershey, PA 17033. Harold C. & Doris Mantz have moved to 1609 Colonade, Knoxville, TN 37922. Harold is a senior engineer with McDonnell Douglas in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

F. Wayne and Brenda Thielsen and their two daughters Jacqueline Marie, 3, and Angela Suzanne, 6 months, have John F. Plassman has been named moved to 326 Old Plum Grove Road, market support representative for IBM Paltine, IL 60067. Wayne is a manufac- In San Francisco. John and Carolyn turers representative for the Drager Sue's new address is 4487 Clear Creek Company in Arlington Heights. Ill. Court, Concord, CA 94521.




Jerry C. Swank has moved to 607 Dougherty Terrace Drive, Manchester, MO 630 II. Jerry is a senior project engineer for Laclede Gas Company in St. Louis. Henry G. Williford Jr., a retired Army Lt. Colonel, has joined Cauaan Equipment Company in Dothan, Ala. as a salesman-engineer. Henry and Carylon live at 30 I E. Sequoyah Drive, Dothan, AL 36303.

D. Eugene Morgan, '62 vice president of Phillips Swager Assoc., Architects, Peoria, IlL, sends a photo of the new Illinois State Correctional Center's Hillsboro Campus, which is one of two 750 bed prisons nearing completion and designed by his firm. "This (facilities in both HiIlsborQ and Centralia) is the largest single project ever awarded by ttie State of Illinois," he says. He and Carol live at 332 S. Missouri, Morton, IL 61550.

1919 RoUamo

William and Barbara . Maione have moved to 1193 Astronaut Circle, Pittsburgh, PA 1524 I. Bill is assistant director, technical resources for Copperweld Corp.


Gary W. Sander is president of Modern Farm Systems in Webster City, Iowa. Gary's address is 1811 West 2nd St., Webster City, IA 50595.

Scott H. Carriere has joined Komatsu America Corp. in Atlanta as district sales manager. Scott and Margaret have moved to 430 River Shore Court NW , Atlanta, GA 30328 .

Lonnie J. Shalton has moved to 1401 West 50th St., Kansas City, MO 64112. He is a lawyer with Polsinelli, White & Schulte.

Ja-ck L. and Helen Crawford have moved to 6960 N_ Solaz Primero, Tucson, AZ 85718. Jack is with IBM in Tucson where he is an advisory engineer. Robert E. Huston has joined GenradiSemi-conductor Test Inc. in Santa Clara, CA as director of applica. tions engineering for new large scale integnited circuit automatic test equipment. Bob and Nancy Lou live at 5819 Vargas Court, San Jose, CA 95120.

Edmund O. Koch is now a district manager-aggregate pots equipment for Rexnord-Nordberg Groups in Dallas. Ed and Doris have moved to 1716 Lake Hill Lane, Plano, TX 75023.



William N. Stout has been named president of Lundy Electronics and Systems Inc. He and Carol have moved to Route 3, Fidd lers Green Drive, Lloyd Harbor, NY 11743.

Richard L. Jaquay's new address is P.O. Box 5338, Tucson, AZ 85703. Richard is a project resident representative for Black & Veatch.


n' e

Richard A. and Debbie Ploeger have moved to 6512 Ciscayne Place, Charlotte, NC 28211. Richard is district sa les manager for Dow Chemical USA , in Charlotte.

Robert L. Lane recently retired as colonel from the Army Corps of Engineers. He is now design unit chief for Little Rock City Engineering Division. Robert and Joann have moved to 11414 East Stoney Point Court, Little Rock, AK 72211.

Daniel and Edith Wilson have beome owners of the K Bar Ranch Recreational Park in Lander, Wyo. The Wilson's address is K Bar Ranch, Box 25 Rawlins Route, Lander, WY 82520.

1964 Charles E. ' .Campbell was promoted· from general manager ·.to vice presidentof Gra-Iron Foundry in Tulsa in March. He and Alecia live at 12727 East 137th St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012. William 'R. Gray recently accepted the position of chief engineer with Telsmith Division of Barber-Greene. In his new position he is responsible for all of the division's engineering efforts at the Milwaukee and Mequon plants. It includes production engineering and the I research and development group. A native of southwest Missouri, Bill lives with his wife Shirley and their two children at 14960 · W. Glenora, New Berlin, WI 53151. Barber-Greene manufactures heavy equipment for mines, quarries and other mineral processing industries. Its corporate headquarters are in Aurora, III. MSM Alumnus125


Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ 1964

Charles "Sherm" Mills, Jr. reports that he changed his army uniform for a civilian suit in February, 1979. He is now working as a senior project engineer for a high temperature, corrosion resistant metal coating company, Sermetel Inc., Limerick , Pa. Sherm and Caroline live at 70.20. Spaniel Road, Springfield, VA 22 153. Bud Northcutt is now vice president of Soil Systems Inc. He and Wally live at 4379 Cove Way, Marietta, G A 30.0.67.

CLANCY ELLEBRACHT Clancy Ellebracht recen tly transferred to the ma rketing department of Southwestern Bell in St. Louis as staff manager, business product management. He is responsible for determination of new products to be offe red by the compan y. He has been with the company for the past 15 years. Clancy and Sparron live at 2477 Waterman , Granite City, IL 620.40.. Gerald P. "Jerry" Hoppe has been appointed chief gas engineer of the lIIinois Commerce Commission. Jerry has been in the gas section since graduation with time out for military duty. He, his wife, Marilyn and four children reside at 80. Laconwood, Springfield, IL 6270.3 . Iqbal A. Jilani has joined Daniel International in .Greenville, S.c. as a design supervisor. Iqbal lives at 104 Lynchester Road, Greenville, SC 29615 . Raghunath R. Khetan has joined Stearns-Roger Engineering Corp. in Denver as senior process engineer. Raghunath and Elke have moved to 7198 South Dahlia Court, Littleton, CO 80.122. Karl D. Miller has joined Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Corp. in Kokomo, Ind. , as plant manager. Ka rl and Therese have moved to 220.5 Eastbrook Drive, Kokomo, IN 4690. I.

Donald G. Peters was promoted to Lie u tenant Co lo ne l, U.S. A rm y Engineer Center Brigade, Feb. 2. On Feb. 8 he took comma nd of th 2nd Battalion. "New job is grea t!" he says. " I have command and control of 80.0. officers and enlisted personnel assigned to U.S. Army Engineer School a nd Center." Don a nd Sue live at 462 Jadwin Loop, F. Belvoir, V A 220.60. . George H . Taylor has been named executi ve vice president of Wellsville F ire Bric~ Co., Wellsville, Mo. George and Judith Ann live on Route I, Martinsburg, MO 65264 .

1965 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: James R. Cunningham 1489 Royal Spring St. Louis, MO 63122 Daniel K. Goodman 9235 Hawthorne Munster, IN 46321 Walter C. Mulyca 203 Hillcrest Terrace Marshall, TX 75670 Robert L. Otto 4018 Briar Hollow San Antonio, TX 78247 Charles H. Toedtman 4107 Gardenview Drive, No.4 St. Ann, MO 63074

James K. and Louise E. Boaz were transferred from Saudi Arabia to Houston May 5. Jim is a senior project engineer with Armco Services Co. They ma y be reached at 6101 Edsall Road, No. 110.6, Alexandria, VA 2230.4.

Donald O. Thomas Jr. has joined Kobe Inc.-Oiline in Oak lahoma City as chief product engineer. Don and Doris have moved to 920. Southwest 16th St., Moore, OK 73160..

Allen and Linda Driemeier' s new address is Route 4, Warrensburg, MO 640.93. Allen is GS-II civil engineer at Whiteman AFB, Mo.

Clyde A. Vandivort has joined Ralston Purina in Circleville, Ohio as director of operation s. Clyde . and Beverly (Wohldmann) live at 50.7 Sycamore Drive, Circleville, OH '43113 .


D.F. Giger, Norma, and their three bea utifl:ll daughters, ·.Julie, Susan and Jana (born May 16, 1979) live at 222 E. Monroe, Mexico, MO 65265. Fra nk is ow ner of G iger Applia nce located in Mex ico a nd Norma is director of the Mexico School of Licensed Practical Nursing. Charles and Susan Hanna have moved to 27 Bay Colony Dri ve, Pittsford, NY 14534. He is now ma nager of planning- plastics divi sio n with Mobil Chemical Co., Macedon, NY . J oe A. and J oAnna H ohman have moved to 26 Westridge Drive, Brandon, MS 390.42. Joe is a project manager for Allen & O'Hara, Inc. in Memphis, Tenn. Tsang and Amy Ming Hsu Huang are now living at 380.2 NASA Road No. I, Apt. 10.7, Seabrook, TX 77 586. He is an engineer with Ford Aerospace and Communications in Houston. Otto A. Krueger III has joined Midwest Mechanical Contractors Inc., as a project manager in Kansas City. He and Maclyn have a new address: RRI , Box 108K, Napoleon, MO 640.74. M. Owen Lasker has joined Solar Gas Turbines L., San Diego, as a Middle·east regional marketing specialist. Owen and Sharon's address is P.O. Box 120.23, Dubai, U.A.E. Wan.Cheng Liu is supervlsmg design engineer with Halliburton-Ebasco Service. Wan-Cheng and Wy reside at 980.5 North Pond Circle, Roswell, GA 30.0.76. Charles R. Martin has recently been made a project director for Dravo Corp. He is being tra nsferred to Monterrey, Mex ico, and will be director of a ll Dra vo De Mexico projects. Charles a nd Mary can be reached c/o Dravo Corp., One Oliver Plaza, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. W.E. McCracken is a n environmental engineer fo r the Michigan Depar tment of Na tural Resources in La nsing. The McCracken's add ress is 429 Centerlawn, East Lansing, MI 48823.

26/ MSM Alumnu s

1979 Rollamo


DR. JAMES E. BEAVERS Dr. James E. Beavers was selected to participate as a member of Rotary International District 678 team to visit Northern India on a group study exchange project earlier this year. The group spent six weeks in India then took two weeks to continue the journey around the world to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Japan and Hawaii. He is assistant to the depu· ty manager of expansion programs for Union Carbide Corp.-Nuclear Division , Oak Ridge, Tenn . Jim , his wife, Beverly, and two sons live in the Karns Community of Knoxville, Tenn. Harold and Toshiko Fukubayashi have a new 'address effective Ma y 10., Iris 50.8-43 Sembayama, Semba·C ho, Mito, Ibaraki·Ken, Japan 3 1o.. Ha rold is a technica l service manager for Eutectic of Japan in Kawasa ki. J ack A. Halpern tells us " I joined Rogers and Golden, consultants in environment, energy a nd land use. The firm has been rena med Rogers, Golden and Hal pern . Jack and Joan's. new ad· dress is 2 1 Wiltshire Road, Wynnewood, PA.

In July , Col. Alfred J. Thiede will begin James M. Higbee reports he was proa new job as deputy division e'llgineer in moted to area president and C.E.O. of the Pacific Ocean Division of the U.S. Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Dallas, last Arm y Corps of Engineers loca ted in . December. "Arthur 1. Gallagher & Co. Honolulu, Hawaii. Alfred, who just is the 9th largest commercial insurance returned from 3 interesting weeks in broker in America specializing in com· Saudi Arabia , and Dorothy are current· mercial and industrial risk coverage." Iy living at 35 Belvoir Drive, Ft. Belvoir, Jim and Michele live at 710.5 Dye Drive, Dallas, TX 75248 . VA 220.60..

Alumni Persona/s ______________________________________________________________ Don Fuller is a partner in the consulting engineering firm of Ladt·MarcumFuller, with offices located in Pad uca h and Lexington , Ky. He is also president of Systems Control Corp. in Paducah. Don, Jenn y and daughter Kim reside at 100 Brentwood, Rt. 13, Box 249, Paducah. KY 42001. Edward D. Hayes is president of E.H. Engineeri.ng in Lincoln, Neb. Ed li ves at 3645 North 52 Street, Lincoln , NE 68504. Jim fluddleston has been named ad· visory programmer for IBM Corp. in Rochester, Minn. Jim and Judy's address, is Rt. 2 Box 37, Oronoco, MN 55960. Michael L. Hughlett has been named engineering specialist for Vought Corp. in Dallas. Mike and Sharon live at 2914 Mark, Arlington, TX 76013 .

James C. and Barbara Deberry's new address is Box 5, Harewood , Morgan· town, WV 26505 . Jim is a senior pro· duct engineer for Conoco · Inc. in Houston , Texas. M ichael L. Deelo is now director-technical services, for St. Joe Zinc Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. He and Judith live at 249 Fourth St., Beaver, PA 15009. Eugene A. and Korlyn Degenhardt are the proud parents of a baby girl, Kathy Korlyn , born Jan. 13. Son, Karl, 8, thinks she's "super! " Eugene is a civil engineer planner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis. The family lives at 2279 Aileswick Drive, St. Louis, MO. 63129. Thomas J. Dougherty has been named district manager for Picker Corporation in Harahan, La. Tom and Donna's new address is 60 Doescher Drive, Harahan , LA 70123 .

Joseph J. McMahan Jr. has joined A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. in Decatur, III. Joe and Sharon live at 505 Buckingham Drive, Decatur, IL 62526.

Carl E. Delong, is currently secretarytreasurer of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers and is slated to James M. Rauer has joined RCA Ser- become president of the Central Illinois vice Co. as a civil engineer. James & Section of ASCE in October. He is a Mia's address is Box 565 , Autec Andros Civil engineer with Construction Engineering Research Lab in ChamRanges, FPO Miami 34058. - paign, Ill. and may be reached at Box Thomas H. Strickland recently started a 574, Champaign, IL 61820. . consulting engineering firm , Strickland Engineering. Prior to this (1966-\977) , Larry G. Harmon is now a grad'uate stuhe was an engineering consultant with dent at UMR. His address is Route I, Delta Engineering Consultants in Cape Box 129, Viennll, MO 65582. Girardeau, Mo. He and Judy receive mail at Rt. I, Box 40, Jackson , MO Craig Johler has been named senior environmental engineer for Mallinckrodt 63755 . Inc. in St. Louis. Craig and Karen live at 14646 Hidden Cove, Florissant, MO Richard A. Woodfield has been promoted to corporate vice president of 63034. market planning and development for the Yarway Corp. which manufactures products for the power and process in· John William Gass has become project dustry. Richard & Karen live at Ash engineer for J.1. Case in Burlington, Road, Rd . No.4, Blue Bell, P A 19422, Iowa. John and Sandra's address is W34 and have two children, Erin and Willow Ave., Burlington, IA 5260 I. Courtney. Gerald E. Hefferly is now assistant chief . engineer at Disneyland in Anaheim, 1967 Calif. He and Beverly live at 850 James A. Allmon is now general Elkridge, Brea, CA 92621. manager for Pacific States Steel, Union City, Calif. Jim and Peg live at 174 Paul L. Inman has moved to 11150 Midland Way, Danville, CA 94526. Forest Haven, Festus, MO 63028.


Lt. Cmdr. Earl R. Batteen Jr. is an officer·on the guided missile cruiser, U.S.S. Worden, operating from Yokosuka, Japan with the U.S. 7th Fleet. A June news release from the Navy reports that he participated in the rescue of 44' Vietnamese refugees at sea. "His ship was dispatched to investigate a boat sighted by a Navy aircraft. Upon arriving atthe scene, the Worden'.s commanding officer decided to embark the refugees aboard due to the condition of their boat and the lack of food and water. The 28 men, four women and 12 children brought the total number of refugees rescued by the Worden to 12J in the past IO months."

David and Vicki Lloyd-Jones and their children , Jennifer, 8, and David, 5, 'have moved to 11 22 Whitepine Court, Cin· cinnat i, OH 45230. David has accepted a position with the Kroger Co. as assis· tant division engineer, dairy foods division. Edward S. Muehl says "I have been practicing law in Orange, Calif. for the past five years. My practice consist of general civi l law." Ed lives at 504 V2 E. Oceanfront, Balboa, CA 92661. He is a member of the Scott, Persinger & Muehl law firm . Dennis A. Rigas is manager, process systems for Forney Engineering Company in Addison, Texas. He and Joann live at 2816 Carriage Lane, Carrollton, TX 75006. Robert J. Ronzo has been promoted to a new staff engineer position with GTE Service Corp.-Northern Region located in India napolis, Ind. Bob & Catherine reside at 540 Tamarack Lane , Noblesville, IN 46060 . If you're going to be in Indianapolis they would like to see you. You can contact them at this number 317-298-6355 . Raj B. Seth engineer with Canton, Ohio. 6661 Hythe 44708.

is now an application the Timken Company in Raj and Asha's address is St. NW , Canton, OH

Robert T. Smith has been named senior research specialist for_ 3M Central Research in St. Paul. Bob and Phyllis live at 7081 Windgate Road, Woodbury, MN 55119. Blair C. Stringfellow is now a senior research scientist in the physics department at Purdue University. His address is 103-B Volks Court, North Aurora, IL 60542. Ronald Uhey is now a senior engineer with Westinghouse in Hunt Valley, Md. He and Lesley live at J Briarwood Road , Shrewsbury, P A J ~ 361.

WILLIAM D. WEBB William D. Webb is one of 12 individuals elected to partnership in the firm of Dames .& Moore, Consultants in the Environment and Applied Earth Sciences, for 1980. There are 102 partners in 36 offices worldwide. A geotechnical engineer, he joined Dames and Moore in 1968 and has worked in the Hawaiian Islands, southeast Asia and, since 1975, has been a principle in the firm's Phoenix, Ariz. office. He specializes in the design of earth-rock dams and railings disposal projects, and has directed the design of several floor reten tion dams and uranium and copper railings facilities in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado. More recently, he directed design work for a large copper tailings dam in the People's Republic of China. Bill, Pat and son, Scott, 16, live at 2201 E. Sahuaro Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85028.

Richard V. Wagner was married to Elizabeth Dornemann on Jan. 26. They honeymooned in Hawaii. Rich is senior project engineer with Underwriters Laboratories in Melville, N.Y. The couple lives at 767 S. Broadway, Lindenhurst, NY 11757 . . Ronald J. Winkler has been named a supervising designer for E.!. DuPont de Nemours, Inc. in Wilmington, Del. Ron and Joan live at No. 4 Lyells CourtArundel, Wilmington, DE 19808.


Dr. Edwin C. Kettenbrink Jr., (,67·']0) is a consu.lting geologist now associated with Dr. James H. Butler, an independent oilman. Edwin's business address is suite 444, One Marienfeld Place, Midland, TX 7970 I. Gail Davidge Ket· tenbrink, '67, is a geologist for N.R.M. Petroleum in Midland, Texas. Gail and Edwin make their home at 3605 Sinclair, Midland, TX 79703.

Milton R. Lane has sta rted his own firm , Lane Engineering, in Fulton , MO. The business currently provides electrical design services for Centra l Missouri . Milt and Carol are living at 40 I Douglas St. , Fulton , MO 65251.

1979 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / 27

Alumni Personals ______________________________ 1968 Richard W. Fowler is now a specialist-network circuit provisioning-for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. He and Shirley live at 2749 Irondale Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Frank A. and Gail Gerig's new address is P.O. Box 386, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819. An attorney, Frank is a partner in the firm of Duitch, Duitch and Gerig, Colorado Springs. William J. Green is manager of Soil Consultants Inc., St. Peters, Mo. Bill and Belinda live at 229 Copperwood Trail, St. Charles, MO 6330 I.

Phillip M. House has joined the U.S. Department of Energy, FERC in Washington D.C as a general engineer. Philli p and Joyce have moved to 8308 Winder St., Vienna, VA 22180. William M. and Mary Jo Larson and family (Kristin. 4. and Eric. 2) have relocated to Route I. Box 39. Murfreesboro. TN 37130. Bill has joined Butler Manufacturing. ra il ca r di vision. as a product engineer. Joe Long has joined Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis as district staff manager-material management. Joe and Libby's address is 5644 Greenton Way, St. Louis, Mo 63128.

Edgar A..- Quick has been named Ralph and Lora Lueck announce the regional manager for Riverside Refrac- birth of a daughter, Gail A. , on Dec. II . tories in Calumet City, Ill. He and Linda She weighed 6 lb. 6 oz. The Luecks live live at 457 Scarborough Road , at 3975 Thomas Drive, Imperial , MO .63052 . Ralph is a senior highway Valparaiso, IN 46383. designer with the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Kenneth G. Baer is now owner of Baer Land Surveying & Engineering in Per- Donald A. Manson has been elected ryville, Mo. Ken and Judy have moved president and chief executive officer of to 100 Krieger Lane, Perryville, MO Haydon Construction Co. Inc. , located 63775 . in Cahokia, Ill. Don has served as the company's vice president since 1972. Francis D. Canastar has joined Mon- His address is 5 Joshua, O'Fallon, IL santo in St. Louis as a senior sales 62269. engineer. Francis and Grenda live at Jerry G. and Mary Pogue have a new 418 Tulsa, Manchester, MO 630 II.. business venture in Hot Springs, Ark. Michael and Linda Clayton are station- They are now owners of "Arnolds's ed in Heidelberg, Germany. He is a ma- R.V. & Mobile Home Park" on jor with the U.S. Army. Their address is beautiful lake Hamilton. The Pogue's ODCSOPS, USAREUR, Box 628, APO address is 690 I .Central Ave. , Highway 7 South, P.O. Box 394, Lake Hamilton , NY 09403. AR 71951. Jerry invites all to "come Ralph J. (John) Davis sends the follow- and camp with us". ing information: "John, Pat, Joy, Mark and Sarah say goodbye to the U.S. Ar- John E. Heitzmann has moved to 4708 my at the end of May . John will join Ray Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63116. John is Westinghouse's Naval Reactors facility a mechanical engineer for the U:S. Air in Idaho. The family's last address was Force, stationed at Scott AFB, 111. 2047 A Greenhouse, Kirtland AFB, NM Don R. Hinton will be moving to Hilton 87118. Head, S.C, to build a new $10 million Marriot Inn on the Atlantic Coast for Tuttle-White Construction, a subsidiary of Nord-F rance (Paris). Don is a proj ect manager fo r Arnold L. Beck & Son. In October Dan and Chris will be expecting their fourth child. Currently, their family consists of Jeff, II , Matt, 8, and James, 4. The Hinton's address is 14 Joywood, Cincinnati, OH 45218. Salvatore Ribando has been named qualit y control supervisor for Ford Motor Co. in Hazelwood, Mo. He reports that he and Joy Ann have four sons-A nthony , Joe, Ron and Dan. The famil y address is Route I, Box 379A. Chesterfield, MO 630 17. Joseph M. Schardle Jr. is now general supervisor of qual ity assu rance and process engineering fo r U.S. Steel in Ironton , Ohio. Joe and Joa n live at CB 18- 15, 652 Jo-Ell Lane, Wheelersburg, OH 45694.

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Stuart M. and Mary Storrs have moved to 960 I Beverly, Overland Park, KS 66207 . Stuart is with Black & Veatch.

Richard J . Vehige, is now assistant vice pres ident -s uppo rt se rvices with Southwestern Bell and moved back to St. Louis from San Antonio. Texas, in July. 1979. He and Carolyn and their six children live at 404 Briarwyck, Ballwin , MO 63011. Don B. VanFossen has been promoted to technical advisor, applied mechanics section, at the Babcock & Wilcox Company's Alliance Research Center. He has been with the company since 1969. Don and Jo live at 10945 Hazel Ave. , Alliance, OH 4460 I. James E. Wegrzyn is now principal investigator in the department of energy and environment at Brookhaven Lab, Upton, NY. Jim and Coren a have moved to 173 Carlton Drive East, Shirley, NY 11967. Ronald F. Zauner has joined General Abrasive Division of Dresser Industries Inc. , as a project engineer in Niagra Falls. Ron and Judith live ' at 4259 Wilson Burt Road, Wilson. NY 14172 where Ron is also a "gentleman" farmer. Ralph A. Ecoff Jr., reports that his son , Douglas E. , '75 , is working on his research for a master's thesis at San Diego State University. Doug expects to receive an M.S. in bio-chemistry and has been a teaching assistant at San Diego for three years. Ralph is vice presidentengineering and a half-time consultant with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis. He lives at 721 N. Forest Ave., Webster Groves. MO 63119.

1969 William K. Andrew has joined Con Sorcio Torimlquire in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, as a project engineer. William and Edith's address is c/o Guy F. Atkinson. P.O. Box 593 , South San Francisco, CA 94080. William F. and Ann C. Boehm have moved to 25423 Pepper Ridge, Spring, T X 77 373. Bill is now vice president of Walter P. Moore & Assoc. in Houston . David H. Boes has joined Aztec Gas, Inc. in Midland . Texas. as engineering and sales manager. Dave and Joy li ve at 3526 Hyde Park, Midland, TX 79703. Robert Bruckner is now chief, bridge ection with Booker Associates, Inc. in St. Louis. Bob and Sherry live at 793 3Kingwood. St. Louis. MO 631 23. Capt. Alan R. Cobb, U.S.A.F. is a mapping charting instructor with the Defense Mapping School at Ft. Belvoir. Alan and Sharon have moved to 101 Pewter Lane, Stafford, VA 225 54. J. Keith Cross has joined Shan non & Wilson Inc. in Seattle. Wash. as an associate engineer. Keith lives at 6020 II I th Place NE. Ki rkland. WA 98033. Walter D. & Barbara Dietrich's new address is PSC Box 951 , APO Sa n Francisco 96328 . Walter is a pilot with the U.S. Air Force.

1979 Rollamo

Charles M. Craig has been named network service supervisor for Southwestern Bell in Kansas City. He and Sandi live at 1412 S. 13th St., Blue Springs, MO 64015. Larry and Karen Estep have moved to 2905 Clifton, Springfield, IL 62704. Larry is manager of the industrial unit permit section of the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Charles W_ Foster is with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is a depu ty resident engineer. He is currently stationed in Korea. In July the Foster's will be moving to Golden, Colo. where Charles will teach military science with the R.O.T.C at the Colorado School of Mines. Charles and Linda's current address is 2216 Pendleton Road , Oak Grove, K Y 42262. Dennis W. Hartman is project manager for Dennis E. Roby & Associates Inc. in Deca tur. Dennis and Bonnie's add ress is 42 Reeder Drive, Deca tur, IL 62 52 1. Jerrold L and Florence Johnson's new address (after June 15) is R t. I. Box 103E, New Market, TN 37820. Jerrold is a senior engineer with Magnavox .

Mike Knenlein has been promoted to area manager for Nalco Chemical in Paulsboro, N.J . Mike and Betty will be moving to Paulsboro in April.

Donald R. Lutes has joined Smith & Edwa rds Construct ion Co. in Mansfield , Mo. as preside nt. Don and Debbie now reside at 303 Harker Dri ve. Mountain G rove. MO 657 11.. On Ma rch I, Dennis J. Masterson took over the chief engineering position with C J.N. Products Inc .. a Mid-Central Missouri concrete pre-caster. Dennis and Susan's mailing address is Route I, Box 316A, Warrenton . MO 63383.


Alumni Personals _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _.....;.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1969 continued David L. and Betty Mings announce the birth of their first child , Christopher David, born December 4. David is in' supervision with DuPont in Brevard, North Carolina. The Ming's mailing ad dress is Rt. 4, Box 70E, Brevard , NC 28712. We have received the news of the death of Kenneth R. Moon. Ken died Januar y II, in an automobile accident in Baton Rouge, La. He is survived by his wife Pat, and children Jeff, 9, and Tori, 7. Pat and the children reside at 16002 N. Firewood Dr. , Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Ken had recently made a job change to Borden Chemical Company in Geismar as a production engineer.


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Robert L. Niehaus is now a technical specialist with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Bob and Marlo live at 13220 Amiot, St. Louis, MO 63141. John H. Roam is now senior district pro· duction supervisor for ARCO Oil and Gas Co. , in Andrews, Texas. His address is 1408 NW Ninth St. , Andrews, TX 797 14. Francis M. Rose has joined Burns & McDo nnell as a professional engineer. He a nd Linda have moved to 16032 E. 37 Terrace, Independe nce, MO 64055.

Lloyd W. Schempp has joined Arka nsas Power and Light in Russell ville as manager of nuclea r qua lity control. Lloyd and Beth have moved to Rou te I , Box 115C, London , AR 72847.

Michael W. Slater has been named assistant vice president·operations for Mesa Petroleum in Amarillo, Texas. Mike an.d Sandy live at 6603 Roxton , Amarillo, TX 79109.

Lester C. Roth, '69· ' 7~ , was recently promoted to the rank of major in the U.S. Army . He now teaches electricity, field water supply, plumbing, sewerage and pipelines to Engineer Officer Ad· vance Course. Lester and Karen's ad· dress is 8482 Summer Breeze Lane, Spr· ingfield, VA 22153. Ted Spalding, -petroleum engineer for Arco Gas and Oil Co. , Tulsa, Okla ., presented a program entitled "The Need for Energy Alternatives and Conserva· tion" to the Missouri Building Industries Association meeting in Jefferson C ity in March. Ted's address is 2710 Crestview Dr. , Claremore , OK 74017':"

1970 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Dennis F. J aggi 11906 Rocky Lake Drive Houston, TX 77070 Roger A. La Boube 2127E. ISIst Terrace Olathe, KS 66061 Ranjit K. Roy 22S3 Columbia Troy, MI 48084

Robert and Linda Steele announce the birth of their daughter, Am:mada Jean, on May 12 . . They have two other daughters, Katrina 8, and Heather 4. Bob, who is plant superintendent, Em· pire Energy Center, Empire District Electric in Joplin, has been selected as one of the 10 outstanding presidents for the Missouri Jaycees for '1979-80. He has been appointed regional director for 1980·81 for the Missouri Jaycees. The Steele's home address is RR I , Went· worth , MO 64873.





John C. Baur has moved to 880 3B W. Moorhead Circle, Boulder, CO 80303 . He is now a senior engineer with Atkinson-Noland Associates.



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Michael Finkelste in has beco me manager·eq uipmen t and faci li ty plan· ning for GE's International Lighting Division. In A ugust Mike, Joyce and fa mily will be transferred to GE's Monterrey , Mex ico fac ility to coor· dina te a major ex pansion. T he F inkelstein's current address is 409 3 Ellison Road, South Euclid, OH 441 2 1.

David D. and Eileen Beardsley report "Ma rga ret Ma rie (Maggie) Beards ley was born Feb . 19, weighing 7 lb., II oz. She is ou r third child, and things are rea ll y jumpi ng around here. Matt hew is fo ur yea rs olp, C hristopher is two. The ho use is a wreck , a nd we can' t buy laun· dry deterge nt fast enough." Dave is a bridge structures engineer for Sverdrup & Pa rcel & Associates Inc., in St. Louis. T he famil y li ves at 11009 Modesto Drive, St. Ann, MO 63074.

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Joyce Day has joined Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in St. Louis as a training specialist network. Joyce has moved to 10 F Fairways Circle, St. Charles, MO 63301.

Kenneth Downing is now general foreman for Inland Steel in East Chicago, Ind . Ken and Ma rie are living at 2 137 44th St. , H ighland, IN 46322.

PETER J. CONROY Peter J. Conroy has been elected to partnershi p in the firm Dames & Moore, engineering and environmental con· James F. Watkins Jr. is now district sultants. He is one of 12 new partners staff ·ma nage r·residence repair for. admitted in 1980 to bring the total to Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. James 102 partners in 36 worldwide offices. a nd Debora h live at 15973 Wetherburn Peter ha~ 20 years experience as a Road, C hesterfield, MO 6301 7. geologist and, since joining Dames & Moore in 1973, has been responsible for T om, J ud y, Tomm y (4 yrs.) and directing a vqriety of studies throughout Meredith (I yr.) Zenge have extended the country in geological engineering for their stay in Iowa C ity for an indefinite mineral exploration and development. period. Tom is now the plant engineer at He is currently directing various miningProctor & Gamble's Iowa C ity toilet related studies for the U.S. Bureau of goods plant. The Zenge's address is 1117 Mines and the Department of Energy. Denbigh Drive, Iowa City , IA 52240. Peter, Jeanine, and their thr'ee children, Peter, 21 , Mary, 20, and Anne, 16, li ve at 448 Eim Park,Elmhurst, IL 601 26.

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Steven J. Constance has been promoted to customer services supervisor , residence I & R, for Southwestern Bell Telephone in Arkansas City, Kan. Steve and Cynthia live at 910 N. 11th St. , Arkansas City, KS 67005 .

G. D. Degen Jr. reports that "on Jan . 23 , Ellen gave birth to twin girls, Suzanne Marie, 4 lb. 8 oz. , and Elizabeth Anne, 4 Ibs. 6Yz oz. Both were 18" long. They were totally unexpected. Mother and daughters are all do· ing well." The family lives at 3701 Leathertop Drive, Plano, TX 75075. G.D. is a drilling engineer with Placid Oil Co. in Dallas.

Russell Todd is now resident construc· tion manager for the G eneral Services Administ rat ion in St. Lo uis. His address is 1768 Prima Ve ra Terrace, St. Louis, MO 63 138.


H ar old E. and Katherine Chenoweth have moved to 15539 Baybrook Drive, Houston, TX 77062. Harold is a process engineer with American Hoechst Corp.

James T. Lovelace, '60, left, Claude N . Strauser, '69, center, and Michael E. Dace Ill, '69, right, recently received citations from UMR in recognition of their par· ticipation in CE 337, UMR's Ri ver.and Harbor Engineering class. All three alumni are with the St. Louis District Corps of Engineers. Lovelace is chief, hydrologic and hydraulics branch, engineering division ; Strauser is a research hydraulic engineer in the same branch; and Dace is a project coordinator in the project planning branch .

Douglas G. Birk is a USAF industrial engineer, qualit y ass ura nce, with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. He lives at 377 N . Tay lor, St. Louis, MO 63108 .

Steve Gardner, left, who has served six years as a representative in the Missouri General Assembly, is running on the Democratic ticket for representative from M issouri's 8th Congressional District. H e is shown here on campus with John Vaughn, right, UMR director of administrative plann ing. Steve's address is 609 T wigwood Drive, Ballwin, MO 6301 1. MSM Alumnu s129

Alumni Personals ______________________________ 1970 Continued Edwin J. Garrison is a geologist for Ranchers Exploration and Development Co. in Reno, Nev. He has moved to 1942 Richards Place, No. 42 , Sparks, NV 89431.

Kit M. Oglesby ha joined Ergon Systems, Inc. in Jackson , Miss. as a project engineer. Kit's new add ress is Rt. 8, Box 498, Lot 100, Jackson, MS 392 13.

Charles L. Gottlieb has moved to 12499 Lyric, Apt. 107, St. Louis, MO 63 14l. He is executive associate with Aaron M. Kram & Associates Inc., Maryland Heights, Mo.

Olusegun O. Olusanya is currently head of the departmenl of civi l and building e ngin ee ring at Plat eau Stat e Pol y technic , Bukuru , Ni ge ri a . Olusegun 's wife , Mopelola , is confidential secretary to the rector (president) of the institution . The Olusa nya's address is 7 Sharka ho Close, Bukuru , Plateau State, Nigeria.

George M. Johns has joined SmeethHarwood Corp. in Chicago as assista nt manager. George and Barbara have moved to 191 2 Lawson Road, Schaumburg, IL 60194.

James R. Pierce has joined National Engineers & Associates in Clayton , Mo. as a project engineer. Jim and Barbara live at 3395 Rock ingham Drive, Florissa nt, MO 63033.

William E. Keohane is now president of Steeltech Building Products in Bloomfield , Conn. Bill and Anne live at 149 Quarry Brook Drive, South Windsor, CT 06074. Roger A. LaBoube, '70-'73 '77 , has joined Butler Manufacturing Compa ny in Kansas City (is a product engineer. Roger and Karen's address is 2 127 East 151 st Terrace, Olathe, KA 6606 2.

Gary J. Potter has joined Fiesta Corporation in Colby, Wisc. as an engineering manager. Gary and Cassandra live at 206 Sou th 6th St. , Rt. No.2, Box 8 11 C, Colby, WI 5442 1. Ralph and Celeste Prinz Jr. have moved to 2220 West 31st Street, Davenport, IA 52804. Ralph is a sales engineer for Emerson Motor Divi ion of Emerson Elect ric in St. Louis.

Edward W. and Kathleen Landreth are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Elliot Tucker, on April 22. Ed and Kathleen live at 3513 Thornton . Drive, Amarillo, TX 79109.

Terry C. Purslev has joined Fegles Power Service Corp. in Minneapolis as a project engineer. Terry and Jane li ve at 122 15 51st Ave. North , Plymouth , MN 55442 .

Gene A. and Linda McFarland's new address is P.O. Box 1577 , Rolla, MO 6540 I. Gene is a realtor for Rolla Rea l Estate.

Gary Rauls has been named general foreman -mechanical maintenance for Noranda Aluminum , Inc. in New Madrid . His new address is Box 264, New Madrid, MO 63569.

James L. and Annette Morris announce the birth of their first child, Benj amin James, on Dec. 30, 1979. Jim is a field superintendent for G. H. Sternberg & Co. in Granite Cit y, III. The Morris's live at 625 South 59 th St., Belleville, IL 62223.

James A. and Charlotte Ray have moved to 3705 Red Hawk Court, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Jim is an engi neer for U.S . Army AURADCOM in St. Louis.

John C. Niederschmidt has joined Gould Inc. as manager of Engineering and QA . John and Judy's new add res is 124 River Bend Estates, Watertown , NY 13601. Harold W. Ruhlman ha joined Warner Gea r-Div ision of Borg-Warner a an engineering manager-automotive production . He and Toni Marie have moved to 240 1 Iva nhoe, Muncie, IN 47304.

Louis F. Toth, Jr. has moved to 92 Stratford Circ le. Edison . J 08817 . James E. Vincent has joined Bechtel Power Corporation in San Francisco a a se nior electrica l engineer. Jim and Jacque' address is P.O. Box 126. Beulah. D 58523. -

Terrence R. Ward has joined Garney Compan ies Inc. in Kan a Cit y a vice Walter S. and Jacquilline Schamel an - president. Terry and Linda '(Doolin) li ve nounce the birth of their son, Josep h D. at 4413 Briarcliff Lane. Kansas Cit y_ Schamel. on Nov . 12, 1979. Walter is a M064116 . civil engi neer with the Federal Av iation Adm inist rat ion loca ted in Atlanta. Ga . David A. Weiss is a senior mi ning The Schamel's address is P.O. Bo x 11 81_ enginee r for Tosco Corp. in Denver. Dave and Beverly li ve at 11 8 De France Pooler, GA 31322. Way. Golde n. CO 8040 I. Charles .L. Schlef has joined Hallmark Ca rds Inc. as se nior project engineer in John R. Warner reports that " I have advanced technical research. He's the recently been elected chairman of the only ceramic engineer employed by 6,000 member Gulf Coast section of the Hallmark. Chuck and Joyce (Marshall), Society of Petroleum Engineers of '76, have recentl y taken up residence at AlME." John is vice president of Ryder 50 12 NW Wood ridge Drive, Kansas Scott Co., Petroleum Engineers, and he and Mary live at 7707 Las Brisas, Cit y, MO .64 15 1. Houston , TX 77083. Randolph W. Schmelzel was promoted to maintenance super intendent for Celanese Plastics & Specialties Co .. Louisville, Ky .. on April I. He and Diane live at 6 10 Armada le Place. Louisville, KY 40243. James J . Schneider has joined BI A in Ga llup N.M. as a materials engineer. Jim's add ress is P.O. Box 2353 Ga llup. NM 87301. Robert J. Siegel is presently a 10 s preve ntion specialist with Factory Mutual Engineering in St. Louis, MO. Bob and Faye who li ve at 12746 Saddlemaker Co urt . Maryland Heights. MO 63043 , are new parents of a baby gi rl . Lara Michelle, born on March 8.

In November Thomas P. Stefansky accepted a position wit h Consolidation James J. Rechner and Su zy have recent- Coa l ompa ny as a specia l project ly moved to 1924 S. Glenwood, Spr-' engineer in the central exploration Gerald Mouser is now operations ingfield , IL 62704. Jim has accepted a department. He and Bonnie have moved engineer with Mountain Fuel Supply posit ion as genera l superintendent of to 5949 Pudding Stone Lane. Bethel Co. in Rock Springs, Wyo. Gerald and electric transmission and distribution for Park. PA 15 102. Patricia live at 502 Lewis St., Rock Spr- Cit y Water, Light & Power, SprDan and Don R. Swyers have moved to ingfield's Municipal Uti lity. ings, WY 8290 I. 9022 Sycamore. Kansa City. MO 64 138. Dan is an a sociate engineer for Larkin & Associate and Don is a civil en gineer with Black & Veatch onsuitin g Enginee rs.

Stanley H. Webb is now a sen ior systems analyst for RCA . Stan and Carol have moved to 210 Rhode Island Ave., Cherry Hill, N.J . 08022 . Darrel E. Wortman is now technical sales representative with Doerfer Consulting Engineers, Cedar Falls, Iowa. His new home address is 2711 Violet Drive, Waterloo: IA 5070 I. Ching-Lun Wu has joined Rockwell In ternational in Ca noga Park . Ca li f.. a a member of the technical staff. ChingLun and Mei Ye have moved to 109 16 Ke y We t Ave .. Northridge. CA 9 1326. Steven A. Zollmann i a manufacturing Superintendent for Mon anto in India n Orchard. Mass. Steve and Judith live at 700 Frank Smith Road. Longmeadow . MA 0 1106.

1971 The alumni office has received news of the death of Eugene C. Abernathy on Feb. 29. Eugene, who was a maintenance area supervisor for BoFden in Geismar, La ., lived at 484 f Tartan, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 ..

Danny C. Baldwin has joined Philips James P. and Linda Thomas announce Roxane in St. Joseph , Mo. , as assistant the birth of Jame P. Thomas Jr . on plant engineer. Danny and Linda have Dec. 28 , 1979 . Jame Sr. i ~ ops officer moved to 5413 Cypress Ave., St. and ph ysica l scientist with the entral Joseph , MO 64503 . Intellige nce Agency in Wa hin gton. D.C. , and Linda is an attorney with a law firm in McLean. Va . Th e famil y William J. & Pamela Bauman may be li ve at 7430 Wil hire Hunt Court . Spr- reached at do Alpart, 818 Howard, Suite No. 20 I, New Orleans, LA 70113 . ingfield. VA 221 53. • • •f t I I - - -

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William M. Thomasson ha joined the Austin Company in Kansas Ci ty as the electrical engineering section head . Bill and Sarah have moved to 5138 Nail. Shawnee Mission. KS 66202 .

David W. Bondurant reports the birth of a son , Matthew David, Jan . 21 . The family lives at 9285 Garrison Way, Eden Prairie. MN 55344. David works for Sperry Univac.

Alumni Personals __________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ 1971 continued Capt. John R. Buckwalter, '71 and '79, is a special assistant for the military at the U.S. Arm y Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign, Ill. He and Am y now live at 2007 Clover Lane, Champaign, IL 618 20. Tak-Ming Chen has joined Gibbs & Hill Inc. in New York as a structural engineer. Tak-Ming and Taining live at 44-30 Ketcham St. , Apt. 3B, Elmhurst, NY 11373 . John & Kathleen Counsil have moved to 5 Laird, Rolla, MO 6540 I. John is an assistan t professor of petroleum engineering at UMR.

Steven Hanger is a systems director fo r Re xcom Corp. Steve and Dana live at 872 3 Beau Monde, Houston, TX 77099 .

Lawrence Nolan is now a section manager in the CAD/CAM Division of McDonnell Douglas Automation Co. Larry lives at 7808 Cornell, St. Louis, MO 631 30.

Kenton D. Kelly is the supervising C.O.E. engineer for United Telephone of Minnesota. Kenton and Julie live at 409 Highland Drive, Chanhassen, MN 55317 .

Thomas A. Rothermich is now an electrical engineer-manager II for the City of St. Louis-Water Division. Tom and Lois's add ress is 5233 Loughborough, St. Louis, MO 63109.

M ichel G. Kelly has joined Mallinckrodt Inc. as a... regional representati ve. Mike and Linda li ve at 11662 Sharon woods Circle, Cincinnati, OH 45241 .

Henry¡and Irene Sandhaus have moved to 11248 W. Colorado Place, Lakewood CO 80226. Henry is a civil engineer fo r Water & Power Resources Service in Denver.

Brenda S. Kennedy has moved to 11716 Russet Meadow Drive, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 . Brenda is a district staff s upervi sor-opera tion services for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis.

Frank E. Dollison has been moved to the position of supervisory general engineer (GS-13) for the D.C. General Hospital located in Washington, D.C. "Gerry and Aurora Hart and daughter, He presently supervises the mechanical, . Jaime, are currently residing in Inarchitectural and electrical professional donesia. They are expecting a new addiengineering staff. Frank and Hazel live tion to the family in August. Gerry is at 5602 Broadmoor St., Alexandria, VA serving as manager, administration and 22310. logistics, with Black & Veatch International, for the construction of the 200 Sam Dortch, senior chemical engineer at MW Serna rang Steam Power Plant Unit Arkansas Eastman, Batesville, Ark. , will 3 for Perusahaan Umum Listrik serve on temporary assignment to Negara." The family may be reached c/o Kodak Ltd., Kirby, ENGLAND, to Black & Veatch Int'l. , P.O. Box 165, help that company set up a new com- Semarang, Indonesia. puter controlled manufacturing technology system. The Dortch family, 'Jerry and Shirley Keen have moved to who live at 415 Melton St. , Batesville, 12012 Sylvester, Oklahoma City, OK AR 7250 I, left in early March for ttie 73132. Jerry is now regional engineer England.assign men t. for Texas Pacific Oil Co. , Inc. Ronald E. Eilers has joined Amway Corp. in Ada, Mich. as plant manager. Ron and Jackie have moved to 6696 Gleneagles S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506.

Michael P. and Becky (Gentry) Mulvaney have moved to 1104 Coe St. , Camarillo, CA 93010. Mike is an operations manager at the Procter and Gamble paper products plant in Oxnard.

Michael D. Glascock has moved to 35 Vickie Drive, Columbia, MO 65201. Mike is a senior research scientist for the University of Missouri Research Reactor.

Michael .' J. Lesko has recently been named project engineer for Continental Forest Industries in Lombard, Ill. Mike and Jill 'have moved to 160 Camelot Way, Bolingbrook, IL 60439.


LTC George J. Dougherty and family are statiQned in Frankfurt, Germany, where Goerge is serving as assistant division engineer contracting offier with the USA Engineer Division-Europe, US Arm y Corps of Engineers. George and Brenda's address is USA Engineer Division-Europe, APO NY 09757. James and Patricia (Hughes) Durr have moved to 3542 Sabaka Trail, Verona, WI 53593. Jim is the new director of marketing and sales for Carnes Co. , Verona. Dale Gunter has announced his engagement to Ms. Ramona Bolin. The wedding date is set for April 26. Dale is a project engineer for Blaylock, Threet, & Associates, Inc. , in Little Rock, Ark. Ms. Bolin is a project coordinator for Kinco, Inc., General Contractor, also located in Little Rock. Dale's mailing address is Rt. 3 Box 78B, Lot 7, Jacksonville, AR 72076.

William L. and Margaret O. Luth have moved to 1823 Firethorn Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131. Bill is vice president of Fred M. Luth & Sons.

Charles H. Tayloe has moved to 1622 Barkwood D ri ve, F lorissant , MO 63031. Charles is a structural design review engineer for St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic in Clayton. L. Darrell Thompson has been presented the Young Engineer of the Year Award by the Southwest Chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. Darrell, Brenda and their two children reside at -1926 E. 24th Street, Joplin, MO 64801. He is district 7 highway design engineer for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Terry N. Toula is now a lubricatiQn engineer with Texaco, Inc. in Lansing, Mich. He and Lynn live at' 1213 Lucerne Drive, Dewitt, MI 48820. Victor F. Wilreker was recently promoted to section mahager of research projects in the advanced systems technology division at Westinghouse Electric in Pittsburgh. Vic and Elaine's address is R.D. 3, Box 285H, Greensburg, P A 1560 I.

1972 David A. Ackmann has joined Monsanto in sL Louis as an interactive computing consultant. David and Kathleen live at 1465 Burnside Court, Florissant, MO 63031.

Robert T. Berry is pround to announce his graduation- with honors- from the University of Ka nsas in May. Bob received a Doctor of Engineering in environmental health engineering after more than seven years of taking evening courses. Bob is a project manager for Bums & McDonnell Engineering Co. in Kansas City. His address is 8205 Harris St., Raytown, MO 6413 8. Samuel C. Bradshaw has been working fo r the United States Public Health Service in Seattle fo r 8 years as a senior field engineer-Indian Health . He and Carol have two daughters, ages 3 and I liz . The Bradshaw's address is 7333 127 Ave. S.E., Renton, WA 98055 . Martin A. Brose, '72, '73, reports that "after seven years with the Missouri State Highway Department, I have taken a new position as assistant public works director of Jefferson City." He is presently serving as secretary-treasurer of Mid-Mo section of ASCE and is a director of the Engineers Club of Jefferson City. He is also commuting to UMR for classes and is working toward his M.S. in mechanical engineering. Martin ¡ and Peggy wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Julia Elizabeth, on Aug. 23 , 1979. The family lives at 257 Eastwood, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Robert G. Brown has joined Science Applications, Inc., in Palo Alto, Calif., as a project manager. Bob and Cindy have moved to 10223 Randy Lane, Cypertino, CA 95014. ADan and Nancy Capps have moved to 11805 Three Oaks Trail, Austin, TX 78759. Allan is a staff programmer with IBM. Hugh E. Cole. has been named 'plant manager for Union Carbide-Linde Division, in Memphis, Tenn. Hugh and Linda's address is 8599 Edney Ridge Drive, Cordova, TN 38018. James R. Collings ('72 and '74) has joined Grace Petroleum Corp. in Oklahoma . City as district reservoir engineer. Jim and Diana have relocated at 12005 Victori~ Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73120.

Richard S. M cCoy has joined Mostek Corp. in Carrollton, Texas, as a specification anal yst. His new address is P.O. Box 34061 6, Dallas, TX 75 234. Tim Montgomery has established his own firm , Montgomery & Associates, Architectural Design, in his home at 46 N. Allen , Bonne Terre, MO 63628 . The M.E. graduate, who is working on a degree in architecture at Washington University , specializes in energyefficient solar designs and earthsheltered homes. Robert P. Mohalley is now engineering manager-lightguide for Western Electric in Norcross, Ga. He and Edie live at 5464 Stapleton Drive, Dunwoody, GA 30338.

1979 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus/ 31

Alumn; Personals______~---~-----~------------1972 Continued Dennis E. Cotter has joined SEMCO Manufacturing in Columbia, Mo. as manager-air handling division . Dennis and Judy's new address is Lakeland Acres, Rt. 6, Columbia, MO 65201.


Thomas Eyermann has moved to 210 I Hayes Road, No. 1016, Houston, TX 77077. He is a senior geologist with PBKBB Inc.

Lyndell R. Brown has accepted an offer with Hughes Aircraft Co.-space sensors division, Culver City, Calif. , as a project engineer. He and Darla have a new son, Michael William, born Nov . 17 . The family will be moving from Florida to California.

Paul D. Kossman has -been named petroleum engineer senior grade for' Amoco Petroleum, Paul and Mindy's new address is 4629 Constitution, Odessa, TX 79761.

Gary and Ann Ferguson, with sons Michael, 9, and Scott, 4, are now making their home in College Station, Texas. Gary, who is a superintendent with Paul ('72 and ' 74) and Jane the J. A. Jones Construction Co., Kriegshauser have a son, Paul ChrisCharlotte, N.C., has been transferred to . tian, born Dec. 13 , 1979. Paul isa Texas to begin construction on several design engineer for Burr-Brown power units for Texas Municipal Power. Research Corp. in Tuscon. The Completion of the units is slated for Kriegshauser's address is 7402 East 1982. Their address is 1603 Todd Trail, Random Ridge, Tucson, AZ 85710. College Station, TX 77840. . Scott George is now a section manager for Boeing Computer Services in Richland, Wash. Scott and Charlotte are living at 448 South Buchanan St., . Kennewick, WA 99336.

Kenneth L. Kuehler is now a computer specialist with the University of Missouri-Columbia Extension Division. He and Donna have moved to 1716 Rose Drive, Columbia, MO 65201.

Paula E. Brune is now a CPA and has her own office located in Houston. Paula's home address is 5976 Woodway Place Court, Houston, TX 77057 .


Houshang Golafshar is an engineer for Poly Acryl Iran COW. in Isfahan, Iran. Houshang arid Lyn'da's address is 1428 Orleans Ave., Keokuk, IA 52632.

C.R. Lambe is now a programmeranalyst for ACLT Government Securities Inc. He and Nancy live at 2626 N. Lakeview, No. 3212, Chicago, IL 60614.

Joseph D. Rupp has been named casting plant production manager of Olin Corporation's Brass Group in East Alton, Ill. Joe transferred to East Alton from New Haven, Conn., where he had served as plant manager of the Brass Group's facility since November 1978 . Joe and his family reside at 4065 Marietta -!?rive, Florissant, MO 63033.

Air Force Captain David G. Groves and I'st Lt. William K. Miehe '76 were the navigator/radar navigators on the same Sac B-52 crew this past year at Castle AFB, CA. David's address is: 328 Bomb Sq (Sac), Castle AFB, CA 95342.

Russell E. Leslie is now operations research senior analyst of the Detroit Diesel Allison division of General Motors. He and ~ally Ann have moved to 8176 Old Farm Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46224.

Michael D. Schilling has joined Mountain Bell Telephone of Den.ver, Colo. as a data systems analyst. He and Susan have moved to 7333 Braun Street, Arvada, CO 80005.

George L. Harris is now vice president of Southern Engineering Corp. , Jonesboro, Ill. George and Ann's address is P.O. Box. 301 , DeSoto, IL 62924.

Larry and Ellie Luzynski and family (Steven, 6, and Amy, 3) have moved to 3604 S. Tenth Street Court, Blue Springs, MO 64015 . Larry has a new job with SAB Harmon Industries Inc., as manager-advanced systems engineering. SAB H9Ilnon is a major supplier of railway signal and communications equipment.

Robert J. Hilton has been named chief, primary sect jon for U.S. EP A in Chicago. Robert has moved to 3221 West Lake, No. 3B, Glenview, IL 60025. Don Lee lilian wants to be informed of any UMR alumni activities in the San Francisco Bay area. He is a structural engineer with Western Division, U.S. Navy, in San Bruno, Calif. He and Mira live at 725 Second Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066.

Joe Padberg is a plant engineer at Rolscreen Co. in Pella, Iowa, where his responsiblities include communications and environmental concerns. Joe, Dale and their two daughters live at 1210 West 2nd, Pella, IA 50219. Dean A. and Vicki Park announce the birth . of their second daughter, Stacy Marie, on Oct. 12, 1979. Their other daughter, Keri, will be 4 on July 23. Dean is chief electrical engineer and energy management ' consultant for Drazen Associates in Clayton , Mo. The Parks' live at 2440 Country Run Court, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Norman C. & Paula (Graves) Radder have moved to 314 28th St., San Francisco, CA 94131. Charles Rogge has joined Marty'S Distributing in Logan, Utah as general manager. Charles lives at 340 E. 4th North, No. 49, L~gan, UT 84321.

32/ MSM Alumnus

1979 Rollamo

William R. and Joyce Stinnett have moved to 11 567 Patty Ann Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141. Bill is a cost engineer with Monsanto Enviro-Chem in St. Louis.

Alfred L. (Larry) Summers Jr. has joined AT&T Long Lines in Cottage Grove, Minn. as a market administrator. Larry and Linda's address is 8695 Ivywood Ave., Cottage Grove, MN 55016.

Michael E. Taylor has been named C1.ssistant superintendent of operations for Union Electric's Callaway Plan! in Fulton. He and Mary live at 2215 King Arthur Dr., Jefferson City, MO 6510,1.

Patrick M. Byrne is now a prOject engineer for Massman Construction Co. in Mountain Home, Ark. Pat and Linda reside at II South Park Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401.

Arthur R. and Susan Brown have moved to 440 Country Ridge Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301 . He has been named market supervisor for Monsanto in St. Louis. Fred and Janet Campbell have a baby girl, Jessica Ann, born Oct. 8, 1979. JessiGa Ann has an older brother, Matthew Wayne, who is five. Fred is an engineer with Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City. The family lives at 218 Brentwood, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.

James S. Edele is now a senior programmer with Ampex Corp., EI Segundo, Calif. His new home address is 1233 Sixth St., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Ronald J. Hoffman has a new position as air traffic control specialist with the Federal Aviation Administration. He has moved to 5400 Salt Valley View, Apt. II , Lincoln, NE 68512. Lawrence L. Lewis has been named manager of quality control for Reigler Coal Co., Johnston City, Ill. Larry and Betsy live at 318 Gateway Road, Route I, Marion, IL 62959.

Deborah Lower Veerhusen has just received a post-doctoral. research ' fellowship in gerontology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The program is directed by the department of community and family medicine. Deborah is Mike and Elaine Montague, 212 High an assistant professor of sociology at the . Street, Platte City, MO 64079, report University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. She that classmate Steve Busch and his wife, and Dale live at 127 East Fillmore, Eau Anne, have just purchased a rototiller and have taken up farming. The MonClaire, WI 5470 I. tagues neglected to report the location Thomas L. Webber has joined Boeing and acreage of the "farm". Military Airplane Company as a senior engineer. He and Kay have moved to 606 5th Street SE, Auburn; W A 98002. Timothy G. Chumley is a design engineer for Black & Veatch ConSUlting James C. Webber is a captain in the Engineers in Kansas City. Timothy and U.S. Air Force. Jim's address is 8456 Patricia live at 600 West 60th Terrace, 15th North , Mountain Home, ID Kansas City, MO 64113. 83647. Juanita Ortmeyer Clark is now a senior Roy B. Woods III is a project manager field engineer with Stone & Webster for Bean Dredging Corp., in New Engineering Corp. in St. Francisville, Orleans, La. Roy and Margaret live at La. Juanita and John make their home 7457 Branchwood Drive, Mobile, AL at 4505 Raleigh Dr. , Baton Rouge, LA 70814 . . 36609.

Alumni Personals ______________________________________________________________ 1973 Continued William H. Coalson is now a senior engineer for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics in St. Louis. Bill and Rebecca Sue live at 11827 Cynthia Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Robert W. Cope is now an analyst/programmer for National Life Insurance Company. Robert has relocated at 281 Elysian Fields Road; Nashville, TN 37211. David J. Ebbesmeyer who is with DuPont in LaPorte, Texas has just been transferred to the PPD department and promoted to Maintenance Area Supervisor. Dave & Debbie who live at 403 Stonewall, League City, TX 77573 are expecting their second child in June. Kenneth H. Freiberger Jr. has joined McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis as a specialist electrical engineer. Ken's ad¡ dress is 220 I Woodson Road, K, Overland, MO 63114. Roger K. and Diana Goodman, 11407 Winston Place, Apt. 10, Newport News, V A 2360 I, expect their first child in May. Roger is a quality assurance engineer with Newport News Shipbuilding. He says, "Happy to read about all in Alumnus paper." Rande and Judy Grotefendt announce the birth of their second daughter, Katherine Ellen, on July II, 1979. Judy is extremely busy taking care of their two girls, who are 20 months apart, and "Rande keeps busy as a chemical engineer for Tex Eastman in Longview, Texas. The Grotefendt's make their home at 108 Tiffany, Longview, TX 75601. George H. Gulley, who is with Crawford & Russell, Inc., has been promoted to chief field engineer and is being transferred to Albany, N.Y. The Gulleys are expecting their second child in Oct~ber. Their son Matt will be 5 right before the baby is due. They are looking forward to Albany as they have lived there previously and have lots of friendshi'ps to renew . They may be reached at George's business address-Crawford & Russell, Inc., P.O. Box 413, Delmar, NY 12054. Dan Hinkle, ('73) was recently promoted to division manager of the legal department for Marathon Oil's Western Division. Delores ('75) recently accepted an operations engineering position in the exploration/evaluation group of the Alaska District-Arco Oil and Gas. The . Hinkle's home address is P.O. Box 10-847, Anchorage, AK 99511. Tom and Tricia Kahle announce the birth of a daughter, Christine Marie, on March 24. Tom is a project estimator and engineer for Schaeffer Electric. The family lives at 337 Phoenix Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Subhash and Preetz Kelkar announce that they are expecting their first baby in early July. He is senior design engineer with Ford Motor Co. The family lives at 420 I 0 Baintree Circle, Northville, MI 48167 . David Knoll has a new position as a civil engineer with Shell Oil Co. in New Orleans. His address is 756 Bellemeade Blvd., Gretna, LA 70053. Gary and Sharon Lederle announce the birth of their first child, a boy, on Aug. 31, 1979. His name is Kenneth Joseph. Gary is an engineer with Sverdrup & Parcel and Assoc. The family lives at 5667 Chalet Forest Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Steven K. and Beverly Lett announce the addition of their third child, Rachele Suzanne, born January 26. Their other children are Gabe, 5, and Gabrielle, I Y2. Steve is an engineer for Snyder Brothers Co. in Joplin, Mo. The Lett's make their home at 4235 East 24th St., Joplin, MO 64801. John A. Lindstrom, who is president of Creative Computers Inc. , and Pamela wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Erin Marie, born April 2. The family's address is Rt. Box 146, Sedalia, MO 65301. Philip E. Luce has joined Tribble & Richardson in Macon, Ga. as a project manager. Philip and Cynthia's new address is 935 Roundtable Lane, Box 64, LWW, Macon, GA 31210. Kindall W. Moore has been certified as aircraft commander in the C-141 starlifter for the U.S. Air Force. Kindall and Barbara live at 114 Oak Pines Blvd., Pemberton, NJ 08068. Ernie W. Petermann is now employed as construction inspector, soils technician at Satsop Nuclear Power Plant site in Olympia, Wash. for Pittsburgh Testin'g Laboratory . Ernie and Charlotte live at 431 Trailblazer Loop Southeast, Olympia, W A 98503. Richard and Sylvia Peters announce the birth of their first child, Keith Richard, on Feb. 9. Richard is a structural engineer for Brown & Root in Houston. The Peters' make their. home at 2847 Cotton Stock, Sugarland, TX 77478.

Bradley M. Rayfield ~ is a resident engineer for Black & Veatch of Kansas City. Bradley's address is 38 North 30th, Battlecreek, MI 49015. William Ruzicka is a cost analyst for Certain-Teed Corp., in Kansas City. Bill and Sandra reside at 7407 NW 75th, Kansas City, MO 64152.

John and Linda Schilling and two sons moved to St. Louis in late April. John will be with Black and Veatch's St. ~ouis regional office. The family has lived in the Kansas City area for the past seven years. Their new address is 303 Morewood, Manchester, MO 63011. Carole Sitz reports that she is now teaching environmental and chemical laboratory technology at the Tulsa County Area Vocational Technical School. Carole and Hugh's address is 1627 Lindley Lane, Pryor, OK 74361. Michael Eric and Paulette Alana Niehoff have moved to 3698 S. Cathay Circle, Aurora, CO 80013. He is a senior engineer with the Public Service Co. in Denver. A note from James D. Scheller says: "Jim has joined Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. as manager of piping stress analysis. Jim, Nadine, Christopher and Phillip now live at 9702 Springmont, Houston, TX 77082. Ken and -Jennifer Thompson's new address is Route 7, Box 226, McKinney, TX 75069. Ken is a -reservoir engineer for ARCO Oil .and Glls in Dallas. Joseph P. Warren . is now a project engineer with the Bantam Division of Koehring Corp. He and Claire live at .606 Third Ave. SW , Waverly, IA 50677 . Leonard Veden has a new position as computer specialist with Washington University in St. Louis. His address is 12411 Glenmeade Court, Apt. 4, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Gerald A. Wappelhorst has been named plant representative for Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Joliet, III. ¡Gerald and Alexandra live at 1106 Moorland, Shorewood, IL 60435.

i979 Rollamo

Willard and Diane Coates are the proud parents of a 10 lb. 4 oz. baby boy, born March 13. All are well and living at 406 S. 29th St., Lafayette, IN 47904. Willard is a management systems coordinator at Purdue University . Gary and Paula Dittmar have moved to 2205 E. Colechester Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. Gary is now district reservoir engineer with Grace Petroleum Corp. , Oklahoma City.

Neal and Joan Lewis and son, David, have been transferred with Folger's Coffee ..co. to "greater metropolitan Sherman, Texas.' Their new address is 1605 Andy Drive, Sherman, TX 75090.

Robert W. Griscom has been appointed project manager for National Steel Corporation's newly formed engineering consulting unit, National Engineers and Associates, headquartered in St. Louis. Bob's address is P.O. Box 576, Festus, MO 63028. Bruce L. Johnson has moved to 1900 Lydia Drive, Lafayette, CO 80026. He is a project engineer for Boulder County Public Works. Wayne and Rebecca Lynn Kotter have moved to 21130 Park York, Katy, TX 77450. Wayne is a design engineer with Brown & Root in Houston.

Mark B. Pickell has been named a senior project engineer with T.D. Williamson Inc. Mark's address is 5230 S. Marion, Tulsa, OK 74135.

James A. Zell has joined Kansas Gas & Electric in Burlington, Kas. as operations supervisor. Jim and Katherine's address is P.O. Box 716, New Strawn, KS 66839.


Edward and Linda Scarff have moved to 7713 White NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122. Ed is now a district representative-mining chemicals, for Nallo Chemical Co., Oak Brook, III.

Earl J. Poe III has joined Crescent Planing Mill Co. as vice president. Earl was previously project manager of J.S. Alberici Construction Co. Earl and Caryn also announce the birth of a second child, Andrew Joseph. The Poe's live at 371 Napoli Court, Manchester, MO 6~011.

Mark D. Clavenna has joined the engineering and evaluation section of Lingen Exploration , Inc. , Houston, as a production engineer. He previously worked in Corpus Christi and Houston for Amoco Production Co. Mark's address is 6506 Rippling Hollow, Spring, TX 77373.

Effective December, 1979, Mark D. White was appointed district systems manager at Tandem Computers' St. Louis District Office. Mark and Kathryn live at 433 Fairview Court, St. Louis, MO 63011. MSM Alumnus / 33

Alumni Personab _______________________________ John M. Kelley has joined McKay Con· tractors in Chicago as an estimator. John resides at 2746 W. 84th Place, Chicago, IL 60652.

John R. Weekley is assistant sales manager for Fisher Controls in Coraopolis, Pa. John and Doreen live at 168 Walden Way, Imperial, PA 15126.

Edward J. Pagliassotti is now a Lt. Col· onel with the United States Air Force at Hill AFB, Utah. Where he is chief of engineering operations. Ed & Jo Ellen's address is 109 South Talbot, Layton, UT 84041 .

Barry K. Wood recieved notice that he passed the Missouri P.E. exam and is now a registered professional engineer. He is a plant manager with Nooter Corp. in St. Louis. Barry and Joan are expecting their seCond child sometime in November and son, Jason, celebrated his third birthday in March: Wood's address is 1438 Bradington, Fenton, MO 63026.

Patricia A. Peets has joined North Kansas City School District as an instructional assistant. Patricia and Roy live at 6011 NW Martin, Kansas City, MO 64151.

1979 Rollamo

. 197.4 Continued

Stephen N. Barris has joined Lithonia Lighting in Conyers, Ga. as marketing manager. Stephen and Marlene have moved to 2674 Smolcetree Way, Atlanta, GA 30345. Karen J. Bieser is now a personnel assistant-technical interviewer, wid] the Washington University School of Medicine. She lives at 311 Avant Drive, Apt. P, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Jim Briggs has been appointed acting city engineer of Washington, Mo. Jim has been assistant city engineer for the past three years. He was notified recently that he is now a certified professional engineer in Missouri. Jim and Kathy live at 510 Plaster Ave., Washington, MO 63090. J. Calvin and Michelle Curdt announce the birth of their first child, Nicholas Christopher, born January 15. Calvin is director of data processing for the Federal Land Bank in St.Louis. He and Michelle reside at 2743 Irondale Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Randall B. and Ann Dunford have moved to 7600 West 90th St., Overland Park, KS 66212. Randall is a senior pro· grammer analyst for Hallmark Cards in Kansas City. James M. Entwistle Jr. is now an associate reservoir engineer for Phillips Petroleum Company Norway . Jim's address is do Phillips Petroleum Company Norway, P.O. Box 69, 4001 Stavanger, Norway. Allen and Martha Fails have just. purchased a new home in North St. Louis County. The address is 663 Mediterranean, St. Louis, MO 63031. Allen is a project engineer for the GM Assembly Division in St. Louis. He says that he is "sweating out the automobile depression"and encourages everyone to go out and buy a new Chevy. He also offers "Congrat's to the swim team!" 34·/ MSM Alumnus

John W. Hamilton has been named shift production foreman for Kerr McGee in Gillette, Wyo. John and Maxine live at 210 South Summit, New Castle, WY 82701. Lindell R. (Bob) Hurst, Jr. has joined Monsanto Co. in St. Louis as a senior engineer in the corporate engineering department. His address is 12473 Lyric Court, Apt. 102, St. Louis, MO 63141. James S. Jones announces his marriage to Patricia K. MagIe on May 24, in Chicago. Pat is an M.D. in family practice and will work in Oak Park at the Wholistic Health Center. Jim works as Midwest personnel representative for the government (CIA). The couple's address is 219 B South Maple Ave., Oak Park, IL 60302.

Michael J. and Sharon Kinsella have moved to 9843 Hawthorne Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Mike is now chief of operations for Odom Offshores Surveys, Inc.

Charles P. Kirk has joined Crown Zellerbach in St. Francisville, La. as a senior engineer. Chuck, Phyllis and their four children, Charlie, 8, Edith, 7, Heather, 3, and Laura, I, have moved to 2148 Oak Knoll Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 . Chuck states that "job is exciting and life is great in the sun belt."

Ray Kothe was installed as president of the Home Builders and Apartment Association of Baton Rouge, La., this spring. Ray is vice president of the Cen· tury III Corp. and also operates the E.R.A. Shadow brook Realty. His address is 19144 Hickory Bay Ave. , Baton Rouge, LA 70816. David Alan and .Virginia Mittler an· nounce the birth of their daughter, Emily Donna, on January II . David is in the sales department with LaBarge InC.-Tubular Division, located in St. Louis. The Mittler's home address is 1842 Christo Court, St. Louis, MO 63138.


Jesse L. Yow, Jr. has joined Lawrence Livermore Lab in Liyermore, Calif., as a Jerry D. Peterson, '74, '75, joined the Il- physicist. Jesse and Dorcas Ann have linois Department of Transportation as moved to 761 Pine Street, Livermore, a data processing systems analyst. Jerry . CA 94550 . lives at Candlelight Drive, Apt. I, Springfield, IL 62704. Vincent and Caryn Pirano report they are still living in Guayaquil, Ecuador and expect to be there until the first quarter of 1981 . Vince is office engineer with the Corpor-acion Raymond and may be reaGhed in care of that organization; Casilla 9272, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America. David Polakowski started this year by accepting . a position as mechanical engineering specialist with the Hach Chemical Company in Loveland, Colo. He designs analytical Chemical Instruments. Dave's address is 614 Hilltop St., Longmont, CO 80501. Roger L. and Deborah Reagan have moved to 17019 Burchfield Road, Allison Park, PA 15101 . Vincent and Kathleen Saporita announce the birth of their son Anthony John on July 28, 1979. Vince is district manager for Bussmann Manufacturing division McGraw Edison in Lincoln, Ill. The Saporita's address is 218 18th St., Lincoln, IL 62656. Leon Schlemper has moved to · 384 Robertsvme Road, Oak Ridge, IN 37830. He is a computer analyst for Union Carbide in Oak Ridge. Max W. and Tina Thompson have moved to 13015 Carvel, Houston, TX 770.72. Max is a process engineer with Phillips Petroleum, Bartlesville, Okla. Diana L. Toth reports that she has started a new job working on the design of a waste water treatment plant for Sanget, lll. She is a project engineer with Russell and Axon in St. Louis. She and Robert live at 3095 Postport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 1>3043. James H. VanHouten has been named project engineer for the Dravo Corp. in Pittsburgh. He is in charge of construction for rehabilitation of Lock No. 3 on the Monongahela River. Jim and Patricia live at 11 Boyka Drive, Finleyville, PA 15332.

1975 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Garry R. Aronberg 8671 Barby . Lane St. Louis, MO 63124 Arthur H . Bell 794 Picket Way Cincinnati, OH 45245

Nicholas and Jane Barrack have moved to 10 Stephendale, Rolla, MO 6540l. He is president of Central Security and Electric in Rolla.

Mark R. Congiardo has joined Associated Electric Cooperative in Spr· ingfield, Mo. as mine engineer. He and Nancy receive mail at Rt. 3, Box 156C, Strafford, MO 65757 . . Douglas E. Streamview CA 92105 . Diego State

Ecoff has moved to 5909 Drive, No.3 , San Diego, Doug is a student at San University.

James L. and Ann Rene Foil send the following note: "We added a baby girl to our family . We named her Shannon Lea. She was born Nov. 30. Shannon is our first child." The Foils live at 104 S. Crescent, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. Jim is sanitary engineer with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


Mark S. and Nancy Giulvezan announce the third addition to their family, a girl, Jenny born April 29, 1979. Mark is still employed as a sales engineer for The Southwest Construction and Mining Division of Ingersoll-Rand Co., Houston. The Giulvezan's reside at 25315 Fairbrook, Spring, TX 77373. Michael and Pamela Griffin have moved to 1321 Doncaster, Irving, TX 75062. Mike is a reservoir engineer for ARCO Oil & Gas Company in Dallas.

Alumni Pe rson als ________________________________________________________________


1975 Continued



Pat Gower is now manager of engineer' ing and Maintenance at Amoco's Savannah refinery. Pat, Kathy and son Tom· my . (born 8/27178) have moved to 205 Overlook Road, Savannah, GA 31410.




David E. Hamilton has joined the City of Columbia as a sanitary engineer. David and Janet have moved to 3602 Wayside Drive, Columbia, MO 65201.


John Hartmann has joined St. Louis Postal Data Center as a program· mer/analyst. John and Nancy reside at 959 Imperial Point, Manchester, MO 63011.


a e e,

Da~ Hinkle, '73, was recently promoted to division manager of the legal department for Marathon Oil's Western Division. Delores ('75) recently accepted an operations engineering position in the exploration/evaluation group of the Alaska District-Arco Oil and Gas. The Hinkle's home address is P.O. Box 10-847, Anchorage, AK 99511.

Robert S. Hitt has joined the City of Kirksville as a city engineer. Bob and Andrea's new address is 707 Fairview Drive, Kirksville, MO 6350 I.

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.d d



Douglas C. Iden (honorary professional degree) has retired as a plant manager but is a volunteer executive for IE&E to assist developing nations. He will be making three tours to Venezuela to advise in manufacturing problems. Doug and Marcella's home address is 210 Storter Ave., P.O. Box 81, Everglades City, FL 33029.

Charles G. Kallal, Sigma Tau Gamma, BSME 1975, was transferred by Amoco Oil Company from their Whiting, Ind. refinery to their Yorktown, Va. refinery effective 10-1-79. At Whiting, be ~as assistant project engineer, maintenance engineer in the heavy oils division and the catalytic cracking and .ultraforming division. Duties at Yorktown and initially in the oil movements division. On June 30 (1979) Caroline Olivia was born. Charles, Charlotte and Caroline now live at 331 Curtis Tignor Road, Newport News, V A 23602. James W. Knoch is a general engineer for the U.S. Army Aviation Research & Development Command in St. Louis. Jim and Joyce reside at 1287 Walnut Trail Court, Fenton, MO 63026. David and Kathy Koehler are proud parents of their first child, Bradley David, born February 24. Dave is vice president of Casting Impregnators, Skokie,)II. The Koehler's live at 9418 N. Oketo, Morton Grove, IL 60053. Michael L. Lampe has joined AircoCarbon in St. Marys, Pa. as a development engineer. Mike and Christine's address is 186 Margaret Road, St. Marys, PA 15857.

Pamela A. (Thebeau) Leitterman joined the data terminals division of Hewlett· Packard in Cupertino, Calif., in July 1979. She is involved in the support of HP data terminals as a marketing engineer. Pam and Dennis live at 990 Ponderosa Ave., Apt. D, Sunnyvale, CA 94086.

James R. Fleming has moved to 7262 Tottenham , Indianapolis, IN 46250. He is now a supervisor, MTS, for Bell Laboratories. Wayne and Jan Hoffman report they are "still living in Nashville and loving it. Wayne is still with Aladin Industries and Jan is still with the Nashville Urban Observatory , a research group. Wayne is busy jogging and working on his M.B.A. at Tennessee State and Jan is just busy!" The Hoffman's address is 417 Clearwater Drive, Nashville, TN 37217. Stanley and Judy Linsenbardt have moved to 70 I Leonard, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Stan is now a desig!,! engineer with Westinghouse. John and Jill (McCartney, '76) Westermayer announce the birth of a daughter, Madalyn Rene, on April 24. She weighed in at 7 lb. 12 oz. The family lives at 2322 Pierwood, St. Louis, MO 63129. John is an engineer-turbine maintenance, for Union Electric.

David R. Lewis has joined Marathon Marine Engineering in Houston, Texas, as a structural engineer. Dave & DeAnn live at 6926 Northleaf, Houston, TX 77086. David L. Loesch has been named control engineer 2 for Black & Veatch Consulting engineers in Kansas City. David and Lusti's new address is 217 Craigmont, Lee's Summit, MO 64063. William P. Lorenz recently accepted the position of oxide plant superintendent for Anamax Mining Co. "The operation produces 100 ton/day copper cathode and 500 Ib/day by-product uranium as yellow cake." He and Karen may be reached at the following address-S.T.R., Box 484-C, Sahuarita, AZ 85629.

Roy A. Peets has joined Owens/Corning Fiberglas in Kansas City as a project electrical engineer. Roy and Patricia live at 6011 NW Martin, Kansas City, MO 64151. Robert W. Parsons II has joined Rocky Mountain Energy in Denver as a senior mine engineer. Bob and Lynda have moved to 7403 Queen Circle, Denver, CO 80005. / Allen Paschke is now a senior analyst/programmer with Ralston Purina in St. Louis. He lives at 10560 Hackberry Drive, Apt. I, St. Louis, MO 63128. Stev.en and Karen Ray have recently moved to 319 Ash Drive, Marshfield, MO 65706. Steve is a design engineer for Sho·Me Power Corp. in Marshfield. Roger L. Retzinger recently became a registered professional engineer in Minnesota. He is general foreman-pit & shop maintenance of National Steel Pellet Company in Keewatin, Minn. Roger, Doris and children are enjoy ing life in " tropical" Minnesota at 1216 E. 11th Street, Hibbing, MN 55746. Bryan C. Robb is a project manager for Sverdrup & Parcel in St. Louis. Bryan and Leslie live at 1002 Parkfield Ter-' race, Manchester, MO 630 II. Kevin C. Skibiski ('75, '76) became a partner in February of the new business, Williams and Skibiski Inc., Engineers and Land Surveyors, located in Mayfield, Ky. Kevin and Jeanie also annOUllce the birth of their first child, Jennifer Brooke Skibiski, on April 7. The Skibiski's reside at Rt. 6, Possum Trot, Benton, KY 42025. P. Dean Stucker has joined Gulf Minerals Resource Co. in Grants, N .M. Dean and Reva's new address is 10 I Green Ash Court, P.O. Box 7292, Grants, NM 87020. Mark W. Tesar is now staff engineer for Monsanto Co. He lives at 8805 Cornish Drive, St. Louis, MO 63126.

W illiam I. Wilkerson reports that "My wife, Lisa, the two dogs and cat are doing well in this small Mississippi River town in southern Illinois. I am the project manager for the contractor (Hoeffken Bros., Inc.) doing the concrete-foundations and earthwork for a coal handling facility on the Mississippi River. Among my collegues at the job site, I still carry the 'M.D.' designation." The family lives at 14 Garfield Ave., Chester, IL 62233 .

Greg Willis reports that: "After graduating with a B.S. in geology, I started working with Cities Service 011 Co. in Tulsa. Following a 12-month exploration training school, I moved to Jackson , Miss., where I was assigned to exploratory work in upper gulf coast geology in the North Louisiana-South Arkansas area. I am presently the senior exploration geologist in that area." Greg's address is Box 12026, Jackson, MS 39211.

Ray Winkelmann is now a process engineer with ARCO Chemical, Sand Springs, Okla. His address is 2942 W. 64th St. , Tulsa, OK 74132.

1976 Stephen A. Brothers has moved to 2528 Jamar Trail, Decatur, IL 62521. He is a mechanical engineer with Illinois Power. Peggy Cahill, '76, was married to Duane Montana (Dec. '75) on May 24. Their current address is 9501 Beechnut, Apt. 50~, Houston, TX 77036. Peggy is an engineer with Shell Oil Company, and Duane is with Brown & Root in Houston. Don and Nancy Chronister are the proud parents of a baby boy,. Daniel Scott, born April 10 and weighing 9 Ibs., 2 oz. Don is an engineer-materials & processes for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. The Chronister family lives at 1022 Briarton Drive, Crestwood, MO 63126.

Michael J. McCarthy III has joined the Atchison, Topeka and SantaFe Railway Co., as a metallurgist. He lives at 3716 West 29th Ave., No. 721, Topeka, KS 66614. Jack A. Myers II has joined Petroleum, Inc. in Great Bend, Kan. as Kansas district engineer. Jack's home address is 1106 Murphy-Apt. No.3, Great Bend, KS 67530. Pamela Oliver is with the U.S. Postal Service in San Bruno, Calif. Pam lives at 383 Mandarin Drive, No. 3, Daly City, CA 94015.

1979 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / 35

Alumni Personoh____ 1976 continued Ramona (Ogle) and Ted Cummings are expecting their first child in j uly. The Cummings live at 1205 Siniard Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803. Mark D. Dolen has joined AMF Harley Davidson in Milwaukee as a fuel systems engineer. Mark and Diana have moved to 7722 North 80th, Milwaukee, WI 53223. Gary L. Dolle is now a specialist-Inv . Mgt. (PICS) Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. and Patricia live at 5107 Susan Court, St. Louis, MO 631 28.

staff with Gary Oaks

James S. Dunlop Jr. received an M.A. degree in business administration from Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield in May. Jim's address is 1455 Ea t Crestview, Springfield, MO 65804. Michael A. & Marilyn Elliott have mov· ed to 169 Jones St., Middletown, RI 02840. Mike is in the U.s. Army but is a student at the Naval War College in Newport, R.l. Michael W. Fugate is now ·a reserveir ana lyst fo r Nicor Explorat ion in Golden, Colo. His new address is 343 VanGordon , Apt. No . 15·2 86 , Lakewood, CO 80228. Barry G. Garvin i now a staff engineer fo r Cont inenta l Pipeline Co. in Houston. Barry and Gail live at 104 18 Autumn Harvest Drive, Houston, TX 77064. Paul A. Abney has accepted a position as proj ect engineer with Micro Dynamics in Dallas. Paul and Vicky live at 3542 Jubilee Trail, Dallas, TX 75229. Charles L. Deloach has accepted a posi· tion with Western Electric in North Miami Beach, Fla. He and Eleanor (Christie) live at 1910 NE 28th St., Lighthouse Point, FL 33064. R. Geoffrey and Brooke Harris have moved to 297 Birchwood Lane, Bloom· ingdale, IL 60108. He is now a design engineer with Maremont Corp., in research and engineering, Carol Stream, Ill.

J oseph R. Hopkins J r. is now a soft· ware engineer with Boeing Commerical Airplane Co. in Seattle. His new add ress is 2060 Kent·Des Moines Road, Des Moines, WA 98188. Paul and Katherine Leaver have moved to 3433 Sheffield Drive, Birmingham, AL 35223. Paul is now a construction estimator fo r Harbert Construction Corp. John R. Lees, Jr. has joined the com· puting center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor as a systems research programmer. John and Anita have moved to 2405 Lancashire, Apt. TB, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 . 36/ MSM A lumnu s



William L. Hammers has joined Federal-Mogul Corp. in Malden, Mo. as an engineering manager. Bill and Elizabeth have moved to Rt. 3, Dexter, MO 63841 . Dennis W. Leitterman, '76 and '77, has been elected chairman (,80·'81) of the Santa Clara Valley chapter of the IEEE Computer Society and vice president ('80-'81 ) of the SCV chapter of the Ca li fo rn ia Society of Professional Engineers. Dennis is a product support engineer with Hewlett Packard Data Systems Division and is involved in the development and support of minicom· puter distributed systems. Pamela, '75, is a marketing engineer wi th Hew lett Packard DT Division. b ennis and Pam li ve at 990 Ponderosa Ave., Apt. D, Sun nyva le, CA 94086.

Edward A. Rush has joined Ernst & Whinney in Kansas City as a management consultant. Ed and Deborah live at 9615 West 86th St., Overland Park, KS 61 212. Marshall B. Schackelford has joined Loveland Ski Areas in Georgetown, Colo., as a purchasing agent. Marshall lives at 606 Second St., P.O. Box 384, Georgetown, CO 80444.

Mark and Nancy Bengard have moved to 6205 Bixby, Affton, MO 63123. Mark is a design engineer with Climate Engineering in Webster Groves. Gary Allen Campbell received his M.S. degree in economics from Iowa State University on February 23. His thesis was "The effect of EPA regulations on domestic lead and zinc ore supplies". Gary's home address is 341 6 Woodland , Ames, IA 500 IO.

Robert W. Schroff J r. received his Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from Wake Forest Un iversity in May. Study for the degree was done at Wake Forest's Bowman Gray School of Medicine. The title of Bob's dissertation was "Modu latio n of A ll e rgic Granulomatous Responses and Delayed Hypersensitivity in Rabbits." Bob's current home address is 51 6 Gales Ave. , Winston·Salem, NC 27103 .

Aaron L. Cook has joined Armco Steel in Ka nsas Ci ty as an associate systems engineer. Aaron and Brenda's new address is 470 West 104th St., Apt. E, Kansas City, MO 641 14.

Irvin R. and Kathy Stack have moved to Rt. I, Box 145 I, St. James, MO 65559. Irvin is a project manager for the Missouri Engineering Corp. in Rolla.

Reed A. Curtis is now a senior sales engineer with Westinghouse Electric Corp. He lives at 2920 Pheasan t Run Drive, No. L, Jackson, MI 49202.

Bruce A. Lowe is an engineer for Marathon Pipe Line Co., in Houston. Bruce and Julie live at 2934 Mission Valley Drive, Missouri City, TX 77459.

Lt. (JG) Paul J . Telthorst is stationed on board the U.S.S. Hammerhead, SSN 663. He is a main propulsion assistant. He is engaged to be married to Janet L. Harr of Sydney, Nebr. on June 21. They will live in Virginia Beach, Va. His address is 470 I Windshore Drive, Apt. 202, Virginia Beach, VA 23455.

Robert F. Gaebler is currently working on a Ph.D. in computer science and is also a graduate teaching assistant at UM R. Sally has a full time job at the computer center here at UMR which "helps greatly". Bob & Sally live at 18 Rolla Gardens, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Clifford A. Mahin has moved to 924 Diehnwell Drive, St. Louis, MO 631 19. Cliff is an environmental engineer for the Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis. He was present at St. Pat's fes ti vities in March and stated tha t everyone had a fun time.

Charles W. Wiese, '76 and '77, has transferred, with Olin Corp.-technical systems operation, from East Alton , Ill. to Marion, Ill. He has also been promoted to senior engineer. His new address is 305 Blossom St., Carterville, IL 62918.

James V. Leonard has been elected chairman of the St. Louis Section·IEEE for the year 1980·81. Jim is a uni t chief for McDonnell Douglas. He and Rita live at 255 Patterson Lane, Florissant, MO 63031 . Craig A. Liebel is now a senior develop· ment engi neer with Motorola Inc. His new address is 2600 NE Loop 410, No. 2020, San Antonio, TX 782 17.

Air Force 1st Lt. William K. Miehe and Captain David G. Groves '72 were the 1977 navigator/radar navigators on the same Ronald and Sherrill Barnes have moved Sac B·52 crew this .past year at Castle to 16754 E. Tufts Ave., Aurora, CO AFB, CA. Bill's new address is Box 8001 5. Ron is an engineer with MartinMarrietta. 2596 Robins AFB, CA 31 098 . Mike Mullen ISstill "alive and well" at 224 West Alto, Hobbs, NM 88240. Mike is an engineer for Schlumberger Well Services. David and Maria Noelken are now living at 37C Beverly Mai Tomlinson ' Road, Singapore, 1024. They are expecting their first child in April. David is a special representative'engines for Caterpi llar Far East Ltd. Paul Porter has joined the City of Fu lton as a project engineer. In the new job, he will be working on the Preston McCa ll Bridge over Stinson Creek, construction of the city swi mm ing pool and construction of the city's proposed wastewater treatment facil ity as well as street and highway construction. Paul's address is Route 1, Box 44, Tebbetts, MO 65 080. Steve Purvines has joined Borg-Warner Corp. M-SIT Division in Decatur, Ill. Steve and Leslie have moved to 43 Imboden Drive, Decatur, IL 62521.

Philip J. and Deborah Beck have moved to 2170 Calle Vista, Florissant, MO 63031 . Philip is a design engineer with McDonnell Douglas.

JoEllen B. Cawlfield is self-employed with the Tax Corporation of America, Montrose, Calif. She and David live at 1241 Deblin Drive, Milford, OH 45150.

John B. & Molly Gallagher have moved to 5700 Thousand Oaks Circle, No. 128, Houston, TX 77092. John is with Data· Log Inc. in Houston . Kenneth M. Gianino has moved to 2802 Windford Drive, Oakville, MO 63129. Ken is a network services supervisor for Southwestern Bell. Lawrence C. Jackson is project engineer with Vistron Corp. in SOHIO. His new address is 1216 Knollwood Drive, Lima, OH 45801 . Veronica Jansen is now a blending supervisor with Atlantic Richfield in Houston. Veronica's new address is 10601 South Drive, No. 98, Houston, TX 77099.

1979 Rollamo

Alumni Per$onal$ ______________________



. Broadley J. Wyatt is an evaluation, engineer with Texas Eastman Company, He arid Pam have moved to their new home at 1809 Northwood Court East, Longvfew , TX 75605, Robert H. Yerbury, Jr., who lives at 232-5 209th Place N.E., Redmohd, WA 98052, has recently become a loan officer.

1978 Michael Bell is an engineer for Deere & Company in Moline, IlL Mike's new address is 3627 43rd St., Apt. No, 214, Moline, IL 61265, 1979 Rollamo

1977 Continued


William A. Pepper is now a power systems engineer for General Electric Marcus and Celeste Ann Bunz have Co. in St. Louis. Bill and Deborah live at moved to 1707 Willow, Ocean, NJ 2160 Summerhouse, Apt. 13, St. Louis, 07712. He is with Bell Telephone Labs, . MO 63141. . Holmdel, NJ. . James E. and Jody Rabadeax's twoMaria G. Di Quarto Gharakhani is an year old, Robin, now has a new baby assistant engineer with .Babcock and sister, Jamie, born Decenber 10. Jim is a Wilcox in Lynchburg, Va. She and sales representative for United States Albert have moved to 307 Forestdale Gypsum Co. in Chicago . The Rabaduex's have recently moved to 173 Drive, Forest, VA 24551. Fairwood Dr., Bolingbrook, IL 60439. Alex and Anne Lindberg have moved to 280 I Iris, McAllen, TX 7850 I. Alex is a DaJ:lny L. Roper has been named staff senior field engineer with Schlumberger specialist-comptrollers operations for Southwestern Bell in Little Rock. Dan's Well Services-Cased Hole. new address is 608 Ashbury, Little Mark D. Mills has moved to 8263 E. Rock, AR 72211 _ Cypress, Scottsdale, AZ 85257. He is an associate engineer with Motorola, Gerald and Cathy Smith have moved to Government Electronics Division. 16918 E. Eldorado Circle, Aurora, CO 80013. Gerald is now an evaluation Randall L. Mosby reports that he is sti ll engineer with- Anadarko Production with Sverdrup & Parcel but has been Co., Denver, Colo. transferred to the Vero Beach, Fla., office. Randy's new mailing address is Terry and Diann Sudholt are now living P.O. Box 998, Wabasso, FL 32970. at .1205 Woody, Moberly, MO 65270. Terry is a resident civil representative Bob A. Riggs, "77';2" , has accepted a (field engineer) with Burns and McDonposition as design engineer with Solar nell at the Thomas Hill Power Plant Turbines International His new address· construction site north of Moberly . is 1245 Pennsylvania Ave., San Diego, CA 92103. ' ' David L. Thorn reports that "the new Thomas A. Roth's new address is Route job is great. Southwest Missouri is a I, Box 70, Glenarm, IL 62536. He is an good place to live. Number I son is exassociate test engineer for Fiat-Allis pected Aug. 26- a future UMR basketCMI in Springfield, Ill. ball star." David is an industrial engineer with Eagle Picher Precision Products in Louis G. Loos II is a construction Jopli n. He and his wife, Dallas (Kirk) engineer for Stanley Consultants, '79, live at 3902 College View Drive, Muscatine, Iowa. You may get in touch Joplin, MO 64801. with Louis at 515 West 2nd Street, Maysville, KY 41056. Ricky R. Vogel has joined Burns & Randall Lee Moore has recently joined McDonnell in Kansas City. Ricky Charles S. Lewis & Co. Inc., in St. resides at 1404 Cardiff Drive" Blue SprLouis, as a sales market engineer. Randy ings, MO 64015. and Patricia live at 104 Chatwood Terrace; Crestwood, MO 63126. John and Rhonda Walker (both '77) have a new address: Route 11, Box 318, Minh Huong Nguyen is currently a Brazil, IN 47834. John is an electrical graduate student in chemical engineer- engineer for Public Service Indiana, and ing at University of Missouri-Columbia. ,Rhonda is a computer programmer for His new address is 608 College Ave., Rueben H. Donnelley Corp. They would enjoy hearing from classmates, Columbia, MO 65201.

Thomas D, -and Jeanne Kelley have moved to 3'513 Hickory Drive, Louisiana, MO 63353. Tom is with Dundee Cement Co., Clarksville, Mo. Mark D. Malone has joined MFA Mutual Insurance in Cabool as an insurance agent. Mark and Mary's address is P,O, Box 518, Cabool, MO 65689, • Jack Pippenger and his wife, Elsie, have moved to 3614 W, Regent Ave., Bismark, N,D, 58501, where he has taken the position of mine planning engineer with North American Coal Co, Daniel C. Schenk has joined Nelson Ostrom Baskin Berman as a structural design engineer in Chicago, IlL Dan's home address is 320 Dempster, Evanston, IL 60602.

Harold L. Deckerd has joined the USDA Soil Conservation Service in . Gary J . Seiter has joined Motorola as a Fulton, Mo. as a civil engineer. Harold research engineer. Gary's new address is and Sheri have moved and their new ad· P.O. Box 4015, Mesa, AZ 85201. dress is Rt. 6, Hwy. NN, No. 6, Fulton, . Henry Ward Silver has joined .radio sta, MO 65261. tion WTAQ.FM \05 in Murphysboro, Efrain · Gamboa repOrts a · new ad- TIl., as chief engineer. Ward's address is dress-Senda Guatemala, No, 33, S-3; Route 5, Box 218, Murphysboro, IL Villa Alianza-Puerto, Ord.-Bolivar, 62966. Venezuela. Richard H. Hellman has moved to 4729 East Beau Bien, Lisle, IL 60532. Richard is with Bell Telephone Laboratories in Naperville, IlL , as a member of their technical staff.

Monteza Rowghani is now an assistant civil engineer with the Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles. The home address is Los Feliz Blvd" No, 7, Los Angeles, CA 90027.

David C. Hitchcock is now a graduate student at the University of CaliforniaBerkeley. His home addressis 1833 Harmon, Berkeley, CA 94703,

David and Mary Webers have moved to 6071 E, Mendocino Drive, Dallas, TX 75248. Dave is now an Engineer II, microwave systems, for Rockwell International-Collins, in Richardson, Texas,

Lee A. (Richardson) Cox is now an engineer with Bethlehem Steel, BethElkhorn Division, in Jenkins, Ky, She and Andy, '79, live at Route I, Box 205A, Jenkins, KY 41537, ' Dan Goodall is now a data processing analyst for Shell Oil Co" Houston. His new address is 1800 El Paseo, Apt. 2216, Houston , TX 77054. Kenneth R. and Kathy Holtgrieve have moved to 23910 Nomini Hall, Katy, TX 77449, Ken is an engineer_with Shell Oil CO"Houston. Lana M. Kimberlin reports that she is now a teacher at Immaculate Conception School in Jefferson City, Mo, She and Mickey live at 5215 Bagnall Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. James and Pat Lattner have moved to 2408 Yorktown, No, 168 , Houston, TX 77056, A note from Gary R. Maxwell says: "I began work in September, 1979, and officially received my M,S. from Washington University (St. Louis) in December, 1979," Gary's home address is 510 Hillcrest, New Johnsonville, TN 37134, He is an engineer with DuPont.


David W. Allen is an associate engineet for Brown and Root Inc" Houston. David's address is 10202 Club Creek Drive, No, 1923, Houston, TX 77036, Raymond M. Andes has joined Deere & Company as product engineer in Moline, IlL He and Jeanne have moved to 3405 Winston Drive, Apt. 2, Bettendorf, IA 52722, Richard E. Arthur is associated with Show-Me Electronics in Springfield, Mo. , as a salesman, He and Kathy have moved to 2522 Regina, Springfield, MO 65802, Bruce S. Bales has moved to 2707 Oak St., Bettendorf, IA 52722, He is an associate mechanical engineer with ALCOA , Davenport, Ia. Daniel M. Beckerle Jr. has joined Empire District Electric Company as a fuels supervisor. His new address is 715 N, Sergeant, Apt. No, 4, Joplin, MO 64801. MSM Alumnus / 37

Alumni Person als ________________________________ 1979 Continued Gregory J. Eads has moved to 2366 Halperns Way, Middleburg, FL 32068. G reg is an engineer with DuPont in Starke, Fla. David J. Greco has been promoted to t he position of project engineer for AR· cb Oil and Gas Co. in Dallas. Dave and his family have moved to 1722 Guildford St. , Garland, TX 75040. Johanna Marie Yuhas Kinchen is working as an electrical engineer at General Motors' Proving G round Vehicle Emission Laboratory in Milford, Mich. She and Dennis, '78 and '79, (who also works for GM) have recently purchased a house. Their address is 10836 Currier Court, Brighton, MI 48 116. J effrey L. Miller is a petroleum engineer with Texaco. His new address is 4611 Taft Road, No. 225, Wichita Falls, TX 76308. M ichael D. and Donita Virtue's new address is Route 2, Box 36, Robards, KY 42452. Mike is a logging engineer with Birdwell Division of Siesmograph , Henderson , Ky.

Alfred W. Yem has been na med highway and airport engineer fo r Howard, Needles, Tamman, Burgerd in Ove rland Park , Kan. He lives at 3800 Bell St. , Ka nsas City, MO 64 111. Don Birchler has joined Kemper Insurance Co. in Overland Park, Kan. as a technical representa tive. Don's new address is 6500 Reeder, No. 205 , Shawnee, KS 66203 . Mark K. Bortfeld is a programmer with John Deere Engine Works. He and Robyn Lynne have moved to 1225 Langley, Apt. 9, Waterloo, IA 50702.

Kenneth M. Burg is structural engineer with Sverdrup & Parcel of St. Louis, Mo. He and Veronica (Gioimo) have moved to 15625 91 st Ave., F lorissant, MO 63034. Ralph A. and Charlotte Butler have moved to 1535 Melody Lane, Wichita Falls, TX 76302. Richard is a junior engineer fo r Howmet T urbine Components Corp. in Wichita Falls. Robert J. Crull is now an associate engineer with Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. He lives at 1235 Wildwood Ave. , No. 152, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Keith Donaldson has accepted a posit ion with Delco Electron ics Division of Oeneral Motors as customer contact ,engineer. He represents Delco Electronics in assembly plants whenever problems occur with Delco radios, air controls, and engi ne controls. H is address is 1345 South Waugh, Kokomo, IN 4690 I. 38/ MSM Alumnu s

R. Michael Drew has joined the Moberly DuPont Plant as a process engineer in the engineering department. Mike has alternated working at DuPont wi th attending UMR since his freshman year. His address is 703 West Rollins, Moberly, MO 65270. Terry R. Eddy has been named application development engineer for Eutectic Corp. in Flushing, N .Y. Terry's new address is 7466 Grant Village Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123 . Brian D. Emling is an engineer, MOD, with Magma Copper Company. He and Lorinda have moved to 2 13 4th Street, San Manuel, AZ 85631 . Linn A. Field is an engineer in training at the Kansas Department of Transportation. Linn's address is 415 East II th, No.3, Emporia, KS 6680 I . Robert W. Fleming will be returning to UMR this summer to get a B.S. in engineering management. His address is !OI W. 16th Street, Rolla, MO 65401. His is engaged to Winifred M. Gunn. M ary A. Fox has joined Westinghouse Electric Corp., Ardmore Blvd. and Brinton Road, Pit_tsburgh, PA 15221.

James Galaske is now a metallurgist with National Steel-Granite City di vision in G ranite City, Ill. His new address is 12214 .Chesapeake Drive, F lorissant, MO 63033 .

Donald J. Gardner is currently assigned to the F -15 Rada r Program for the radar systems group of the Hughes Aircraft Co. in EI Segundo, Calif. Don is living at 635 S. Prospect, No. 105, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.

Marshall A. Grayson is now an operations analyst for General Dynamics in Ft. Worth , Texas. Marshall and Marilyn live at 1021 Paint Pony Trail, F t. Worth, TX 76 108. Clifton D. Griffith is now an engi neer with Sperry Flight Systems. He and Donna have moved to 202 East G riswold, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Kai-Yuan G. Han is a petroleum engineer with Fagin Associates- International, of Dallas, Texas. He and YehF in Wan have moved to 6813 Larmanda, No. 2 18, Dallas, TX 75 231. Robert E. H odgson has been named plant electrical engineer for JohnsManville, in Marrero, La. Bob's new address is 1000 Scottsdale Dr. , Apt. A-307, Harvey , LA 70058. Edward C. Jantosik Jr. has joined Emerson Electric in St. Louis as a product assurance engineer. Ed lives at 12214 Chesapeake Drive, F lorissan t, MO 63033 .

Joseph M. Kelly has moved to 12 15 N. Main St., Apt. 4, Benton, IL 62812. Joe is resident mining engineer at Mine No. 25 for Old Ben Coal Co.

Murray L. and Deborah Rose have moved to 1817 Belmont Court, Rolla, MO 6540 1. Murray is an electrical engineer for U.S.G .S. here in Rolla.

Richard J. Knopik has joined Monsanto in Sauget, Ill. as an electrical engineer. Richard has moved to 221 Lola, Belleville, IL 62221.

Thomas now live son, IL engineer

Walter and Loria Komos have moved to 5102 Sunnyside, Midland, TX 79703. Walt is an engineer for Texas Pacific Oil Co. in Midland. Michael J. Koyack has joined Peabody Coal Company as a management trainee. His new address is 1045 Brookshire Court, Apt. 7, Belleville, IL 62221 . Shrirang A. Kulkarni has joined Kast Metals Corporation in Shreveport, La., as a process engineer. Shrirang lives at 7000 Fern Ave., No. 184, Shreveport, LA 71105 . Thomas P. Lyons has joined Shell Oil Company as a mining engineer. His new address is 1103 Winrock, No. 7805 , Houston, TX 77057. Max L. Mattione has been named automatic controls engineer for Proct~r & Gamble Co. in Alban y, Ga. Max's new·address is 2415 Dawson Road, Apt. H-3, Albany, GA 31707. Vincent G. Mattione recently joined the Moberly DuPont Plant as . project engineer. His address is 703 West Rollins, Moberly, MO 65270. Don B. Meyer has joined ARCO Oil and Gas in Perryton, Texas, as an associate observer. Don's address is P.O. Box 790, Perryton, TX 7-9070. Robert D. Minor is a design engineer for Burns & McDonald Engineering Co. in Kansas City. Bob's address is 3200 Northeast 54th, Kansas City, MO 64119 . Robert A. and Rebecca Riess have moved to 8500 Nairn, Apt. 10 I, Houston, TX 77074. Bob is an engineer 12 for Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. in Houston.

J. and Tamara Rothermich at 104 W. Ash, Apt. 5, Robin62454. Tom is an associate with Getty Oil Co.

James R. Snyder has joined Boeing Military Airplane Co. in Wichita as a senior engineer. Jim and Suzanne live at 1447 Snyder Drive, Mulvane, KS 67110 . Geoffrey J. Steinhart has joined Monsanto in St. Louis as a cost engineer. He lives at 7479-D Hardscrapple, St. Louis, MO 63123. Michael J. and Pamela Sue Stringer have moved to 10256 West 96th Terrace, Overland Park, KA 6621 2. Mike is a structural engineer for Black & Veatch. Phillip L. Stout has moved to 940 ParkCrest, No. II , St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Phil is an assistant manager of A vco Financial Services, in St. Charles. Steve J. Treis is a student at Harvard Business School. His address is Gallatin A4l1Harvard, Boston, MA 02 163. Jeffery R. Walker has joined Pittsburgh & Midway C?al Company of Denver, Colo., as a mining engineer. Jeff and Ann have moved to 6648 S. Bridger Court, Littleton, CO 80 ) 2) . Michael L. West has joined Union Electric in Fulton , Mo. as an assistant engineer. Michael and Susan's new address is 1000 Bradley Lane, Fulton, MO 65251.

1980 Richard D. Etem has joined Black & Veatch in Kansas City as a · civil engineer. Richard's address is P.O. Box 9826, Kansas City, MO 64134.





MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341 -4171; (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS President ... . . . . . . ...... Joseph W. Mooney, '39 ... . . . . ... .. . . . 7383 Westmoreland .. University City, MO 63130 President Elect. .... . .. · .. Robert D. Bay, '49 .... .. . . . . .



Term Expires . .. . . .. . . 1980


... 222 Magna 'Carta Lane. St. Louis, MO 63141


Vice President . . .. . .. . . . . Frank C. Appleyard, '37 .... _ . .. . . . ' . . 808 Solar . . Glenview, IL 60025 Vice President. ......... . Arthur G. Baebler, '55 . . .. . .... . . ... . . 20 Fox Meadows .. .. . . Sunset Hills, MO 63127 Vice President. .. . .. . .. . . Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . ... . .. .

.. . ... . .. . . . . 1980

. 624 Golfview Dr. . ... . .. . Ballwin, MO 630 II


Vice President . ... . ... . . . James B. McGrath, '49 . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... Fni-Con ........ ..... . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . .. . 1980 1706 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63103 Secretary .. . ... . . . .. . . .. Robert V. Wolf, '51 . .. ... . . .. . . . . . . .. Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr .. . ... . . . . . 1980 UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 I Treasurer ........... . . . . Vernon T. L<>esing '42 . . .

. '.... Dept. of Civil Engr. . ... . . . . . ...... . . ... . . ... 1980 UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 DIRECTORS AT LARGE Term Expires Alan H. laPlante, '63 . .... . ... . . . .... Tomlinson Petroleum, Inc., Suite 415, 1200 Milam, Houston, TX 77002 . . . 1980 Belding H. McCurdy, '38 .. . . . . . . . .. ... 7400 Sun Island Dr., South, Suite 711 , South Pasadena, FL 33707 . . . .. . . . ... 1981 E. L. "Roy" Perry, '40 ... . .. . . .. . . . . .. The Port of Los Angeles, P.O. Box.l51 , San Pedro, CA 90733 . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. 1980 Walter C. Mulyca, '65 .. . . . . . . . ... . ... 203 Hillcrest, Marshall, TX 75670. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1981 Armin J. Tucker, '40 .. . . . . . . ..... . . . . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, V A 223 i 2 . . . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1982 James D. Gostin, '44 . .. . . . . .... . . . ... J-G Sales Co., P.O. Box 3024, Arcadia, CA 91006 . . ..... .. .... . . . .. . ..... 1982 Area Zip AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires Code Numbers 00-14 Raymond T. Ruenheck, '50 . . . . ... 7 Monteview, Chelmsford, MA 01824 . . . ... . ... . ..... . ... . ..... . . . . ... 1980 15-21 J. D. Patterson, '61 .. . ...... . . . .. 1660 Ashlawrt Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15241 ... . . . ... . . ... . . .. . ... . .. .. .... 1980 22-34 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 .. . . . .. . . 145 Greenbrier Dr. , Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 . . . . . _. . . . . . . ......... .. .. . . 1982 35-45 William D. Busch, '42 . ...... . .... 20001 Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44136 ... . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1980 46-59 George Baumgartner, '56 .... . . .. . 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48127 _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.. . . .. .. . . .... 1981 60-61 Allen G. Behring, '66 . .. '. .. . . . . . . 121 E. Witchwood Lane, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 ... . ... .. .... . . . . .. . .. . . . .. 1982 62-62 Ernst Weinel, '44 . . . ...... . .. . .. 1502 West 50, O'Fallon, IL 62629 . . . . .. . . . . .... . .. . .. . .... ... _. . .. . _ . . 1981 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 .. . .. . ..... .. J. S. Alberici ConstructJOO, 2150 Klenlin , St. Louis, MO 63121 ... .. . . . . ..... 1981 63-65 Martha Gerig, '69 . ... ... ... . .... 801 Fairground· Road, Rolla, MO 65401 ........ . . . ....... ... . . . . . . ... . . 1981 63-65 Leonard C. Kirberg, '66 ... . . . . ... 331 Carmel Wood Dr., Ellisville, MO 630 II ............ .. .... . . . . . . . . _. . 1980 63-65 Robert W. Klorer, '44 .. . . ..... . .. 7500 Natural Bridge Rd. , St. Louis, MO 63123 .. ..... ... .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . . 1980 63-65 Harold A. Krueger, '42 .. . . . . ... .. Ozark Lead Co., Rural Branch, Sweetwater, MO 63680 ... ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . _ 1982 63-651. Robert Patterson, '54 . ... . . . .. . Show-Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 63801 .......... . ...... . .. . . . 1981 63-65 George R. Schillinger, '63 . . .. . : . . . 7598 John Ave., Oakville, MQ 63129 . ... . ..... . . . ..... . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . 1980 63-65 P~lUl R_ Munger,"58 . . .. . . . . . . . .. Director, Institute of River Studies, UMR , Rolla , MO 6540 I . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . 1981 63-65 C. M. Wattenbarger, '41 .. . . . . . . _.205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar, MO 64759 .... .. . . ... . ..... ... ........ . 1981 63-65 J. L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . . .. . .. . . . 2123 Sunset Drive, Poplar Bluff, MO 6390 I .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . .. . . 1982 66-74 David D. Kick, '57 . ..... . . .. .... 4915 S. Lakewood Dr. , Tulsa, OK 74135 . . . . . . .. ... .. . . < • • •••••• • •• • • • • 1982 75-79 Rex Alford, '40 . .. .... . . . . . .... . 5743 Jason , Houston, TX 77096 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 1982 80:89 &96-99 Victor J. Hoffmann, '60 . . .. 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr., S.E. Kent, WA 98031 .. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1980 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 .... .. . . . . .... 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland, CA 94611 . . .. ... . . .. . .... . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . 1982 COMMIITEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTORS H . W. F lood, '43 . ..... .. . . ........... 183 Main St., Acton, MA 01720 Joel F . Loveridge, '39 . ... . ... .. . . . .... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Hans E. Schmoldt, '44 . . ... , . . . . . . . ... Schmoldt Engineering Services Co. Inc., 526 S. Seminole, Bartlesville, OK 74003 Lawrence A. Spanier, '50 . .. . . . ........ 5 Pettit Drive, Dix Hills; NY 11746 EXECUTIVE COMMIITEE Term Expires Richard H. Bauer, '52 . ..... . .. . . ...... Missouri Electrochem Inc., 10958 Lin-Valle Dr .... . .. . . .. . . .... . ... . . ... . 1984 St. Louis, MO 63123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42 .. ... . ... . . .. . . Texas Pacific Oil Co.... ... ... . ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. ...... . .. 1982 1700 One Main Place, Dallas, TX 75250 Peter F . Mattei, '37 . ..... . . . . . . . . .... 9954 Holliston Court. . .... . . . .. .. . . . . ..... . . .. . . . . . .... . .. . ... . . _ . . 1980 St. Louis, MO 63124 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS Paul T. Dowling, '40 .. . ... .. ....... . . 10144 Winding Ridge Rd., St. Louis, MO 63124 R. O. Kasten, '43 . . .... . . . ... .... . ... 901 West 114th Terrace, Kansas City, M064114 James J. Murphy; '35 .. . .... . . . . '. . . .. . Murphy Company, 1340 North Price Rd., St. Louis, MO 63132 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 ... . . . ... . ..... . . 1060 I South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F. C. Schneeberger, '25 . . . . . . ..... .. . . One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 James W. Stephens, '47 ..... . . . . .. .. . . Missouri Public Service Co., 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City, MO 64138 STAFF . Executive Vice-President, MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Director, Office of AlumniJDevelopment, Universit y of Missouri-Rolla Barbara Petrovic ... .. . . .. . . . . . ... .. . Staff Assistant, MSM -UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary , AlumniJDevelopment, University of Missouri-Rolla Kris Curtin .. . .... . .. . . .. .. .... . .. .. Records Coordinator, MSM-UMR Alumni Association & Computer Terminal Operator, AlumniJDevelopment, University of Missouri-Rolla Sally White .. . ... . ... .. . ........ . . . . Ed itor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM -UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 Frank H . Mackaman. . . . . . . . . .



9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Registration in' Miner Lounge University Center -East Board of Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East On Your Own . Silver and Gold Cocktail Party, St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall Registration resumes at St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field On Your Own'" Student's Homecoming Dance, Centennial Hall

10 a.m.-2 p.m. LUNCH 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. DINN ER 9 p.m.-I a.m .


BREAKFAST 8 a.m.-Noon


On Your Own Registration resumes in Miner Lounge , University Center-East Fieldhouse Feed for all alumni and friends , featuring reserve seating for the Reunion Classes, Gale Bullman MUlti-Purpose Building. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN. Kickoff-Miners vs. Springfield Bears Miner Lounge open for pre-banquet fest ivities

11:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m.

7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Alumni Awards Banquet, University Center Centennial Hall Annual Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association

9 p.m.

.. heck at Registration De k for special events cheduled for Reunion Classes

I Coordination of Alumni Activitie

will be handled at the Registration Desk.

MSM-UM R ALUMNI ASSOCI A nON Univers ity of Mi ss ouri -Rollo Rollo . Missour i 65401

2nd Closs Postage Paid at Rollo . Mo. 65401





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