Missouri S&T Magazine, April 1981

Page 1

Alumnus University of Missouri-Rollo

April 1981


MSM -UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171 ; (314) 341-4172



Pres ident .

. .... Robert D. Ba y, '49 .

Term Expires Black & Vea tch: 1500 Meadow Lake Parkwn y. 1982 Ka nsas City, MO 64114

President Elect ....... . .. Law rence A. Spanier, 'SO .

. 5 Pett it Drive .


Di, Hills. NY 11 746

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Vice Pres ident .


. .. .. ... Frank

Presiden t.

Vice President. Vice President. .

Volume 55 Number 2 April 1981

Secreta r y

. Arth ur G . Bacblcr. '55 .

.808 Sola r . Glenview. IL 60025 .. 20 Fox Meadows . Sunset Hills, M0 63127

.... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 .. ...... ..... .. . 624 Golfview Dr. . Ballwin. M063011 ... James B. McGrath , '49 .

.. Robert V. Wolf. '51 .

Treasurer .

On The Cover

C. App leyard, '37 .

James D. Gostin. '44 . Belding H. McCurdy. '38. Walter C. Mulyca. '65 . Robert P. Sc hafer. '52 .. John B. Toomey, '49 . Armin J. Tucker. '40 .

Vernon T. Locsing '42.

. ... Fru-Con . 1706 Oli ve St., St. Louis. MO 63103 ..... Depl. of Metallu rgical & Nuclear Engr. . UM R. Rolla. MO 65401 .. Dept. of Civil Engr. . UM R. Rolla. MO 65401

DIR ECTORSAT LARGE . J·G Sales Co .. P.O. Bo, 3024. Arcadia. CA 91006 . .7300 Su n Island Dr.. S. No. 180 I: St. Petersbu rg. FL 33707 . · . Rt. I. No. 16 Sou th field Lane. Marshall. TX 75670 . · .4426 Mi ll Creek Road, Dallas, TX 75234 . · . 7412 Admiral Dr .. Alexandria. VA 22307 . . .... 6464 Over look Dri ve. Alexandria. VA 223 I 2.

Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS 00· 14 Raymond 1. Ruenheck. '50 . . .. 7 Monteview. Chelmsford. MA 01824 . 15·21 Robert C. Perry. '49 . . 1216 Minnesota Ave .. Natrona Hts .. PA 15065 . 22·34 Ge rald L. Stevenson, '59 . . ... 145 Greenbrier Dr., Chagrin Falls. OH 44022 . 35.45 Wi ll iam D. Busc h, '42. . .. 2000 1 Idlcwood Tra il. Cleve lan d. OH 441 36 . 46,59 George Baumgartner. '56 . , .. , .... 2120 Syracllse, Dearborn, M 1481 27. 60·61 Allen G. Behring. '66 . . . 121 E. Wi tchwood Lane. Lake Blu ff. IL 60044 .. 62·62 Ernst Weinel. '44 . . 1502 West 50. O·Falion. IL 62629 . 63·65 Matteo A. Coco. '66 . . .. J. S. Alberici Constr uction. 2150 Kic nl in. SI. Louis. MO 63121 . 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . . .480 Country Club Dri ve, Hannibal. MO 6340 I 63-65 Manha Gerig, '69 . . . 80 I Fairground Road. Rolla. MO 65401 . 63·65 Harold A. Kr ueger. '42. . Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branch. Swee twater. MO 63680 . 63·65 Paul R. Munger. '58 . . DirectOr Institute of Ri ver Studies. UM R. Rolla. MO 6540 1 63-65 J.L. "Jack" Pai nter. '50. .2123 Sunset Drive. Poplar Bluff. MO 6390 1.. 63·65 J. Robert Patterson, ·54 .......... Show·Me. Inc .. P.O. Box 573, Si keston. MO 6380 1. 63·65 Kenn eth D. Poh lig, '64 . . 2 Vicnne Courl. La ke SL Louis. MO 63367 . 63·65 Robert E. Vansant. '5 1 .435 E. 55 Street. Kansas Ci ty. MO 64110 . 63·65 C. M. Wattenbarger. '41 .205 W. First S1. Terrace. Lamar, MO 64759 . 66·74 David D. Kick. '57 . . ........ 4915 S. Lakewood Dr .. Tulsa. OK 74135 . 75·79 Rex Alford. '40 . . 5743 Jason. Houston. TX 77096 . 80·89 &96-99 Victor J. Hoffmann. '60 .... 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr .. S.E. Kent . WA 98031 . 90·95 Roben L. Ra y. '47 . .6045 Estatcs Drive, Oakland. CA 94611 .

1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982

Term Expires 1982 1981 .. 1981 1983 1983 I~~ L Term Expires 198 3 1983 1982 1983 1981 1982 1981 1981 1983 1981 1982 1981 1982 198 1 1983 1983 1981 1982 1982 1983 1982

COMMllTEE CHAIRM EN DIR ECTO RS Robe rt W. Klorer. '44 . .. 7500 latural Bridge Road,SI. Louis. M0631 23 Joel F. Loveridge. '39 ................. 739 Coun try Manor Lane, Creve Coeur. MO 63141

MSM -UMR Alumni Association Executi ve Vice President Fra nk Mackaman has a new title. He is now Sir Frank , Honorary Knight of the Order of St. Patri ck. Ot her 1981 Honorary Knights inc lude al umni Joe Mooney, '39, and Harold E. Atwell ,

Richard H. Bauer, '52 .


Josep h W. Mooney. '39 .

MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27, 1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Robert M. Brackbill. '42 .

EXECUT IVE COMM llTEE . Missouri Electrochem Inc.. 10958 Lin· Valle Dr St. Lou is. MO 63 123 .. Texas Pacific Oi l Co .. 800 Glen Lakes Tower. 101 . 9400 N. Centra l Expr~w3y , Dallas TX 75231 ...... 7383 Wes tm ore land. Univers it y City, Mo. 63 130 .

EX·OFF ICIO DIRECTO RS Paul T. Dow ling. '40 ....... .... . .... 101 44 Winding Ridge Rd.. SI. Louis. MO 63 124 .90 1 Wcst J 14th Terrace. Kansas Ci ty, MO 641 14 R. O. Kasten . '43 . . . . . . . . . .. . . Peter F. Mattei. '37 . . ... 995 4 Holliston Co urt , SI. LOllis, MO 63 124 James J. Mu rphy, '35 . ..... Murph y Company, 1340 North Price Rd .. SI. Louis. MO 63 132 Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 F. C. Schneeberger, '25 . . ......... One Briar Oak. St. Louis, MO 63 132 James W. Stephens, '47 . . .. Missouri Public Se rvice Co., 10700 E. Highwa y 50 Kansas City. M064138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman ................. Execut ive Vice· Prcside nt. MSM·UM R Alu mni Association and Director. Office of Al umn i/Ocvelopment. University of Missour i·Rolla .. Staff Assistant. MSM ·UM R Alumn i Association and Senior Secre tary. Barbara Pelrovic . Alumni/Ocvelopme nt , University of Missouri·Rolla .. Records Coord inator. MSM ·UMR Alumn i Associa ti on & Co mputer Kris Curtin . Tc rm ina l Operator, Alumni/Developmcnt. Universit y of Missouri·Rolla Sally White . .... Editor. MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UM R Alumni Associat ion, Harris Hall. UMR , Rolla. MO 65401

Term Expires 1984 1982 1986




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St. Pat's Celebration "The Best Ever" The 198 1 St. Pat's Celebrat ion was a real winner! The wea ther was supurb, especiall y on the day of the parade. Lots of sunshine and temperatures in the 60's and 70's. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, many students participated in the "Follies" preliminary contests. Rich Darrough, right, won the novelt y beard contest. Below left: Ellen Moore, left , was winner of the women's shillelagh competition and Dary l Miesner, right , won the award for best men's shillelagh. Both are freshmen. Below right : The Follies compet itions were held at the hockey puck on the mall each day at 12:30 p.m. and drew crowds of spectators to wa tch the juding. Other winners and photos of other St. Pat's acti vit ies follow on the next eight pages .



MSM Alumnus 1

Desiree Kin g, 1980 Rollamo Queen , was designated "greenest female."

Tom Apel was able to put on 30 stock· ing caps in the space of one minute · and keep them there for ano ther minute. Da nn y Zedelea n had a total of 31 9 but· tons on his SI. p .\! 's ~wea t s hirt to win th e contest for " mos t buttons."

In their members St. Pat took advantage of the time· honored traditi on and kissed a number of pretty girls during the celebration.

St. Pat, Wayn e "Toby" Schmidt , took plenty of tim e to inspec t "greenes t fem ale" ca ndida tes. Jerry F reidle was able to don 27 sweat · shi rts in a peri od of one minute to win th e "most swea tshirts" contes t. 2/ MSM Alumnu s

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Schmidt Is 1981 St. Pat W ay ne Schmidt was thi s year's St. Pat at U M R. A s president of th e St. Pat's Boa rd , Schm idt and th e oth er board member worked for a full year to mak e sure the an· r.ual celebrati on, whi ch began in 1908, wou ld be th e highlight of th e yea r for both UMR tudents and members of th e Rolla area communit y. Schmidt is a senior in civil engineering. H e is th e son of Geraldine and V ern on Schmidt. St. Louis. H e attended SI. Louis U niversit y High School and, although he was ac ti ve in a number of high school acti vitie . didn't begin to exercise his executive talents until coming to U MR. At U MR Schmidt j oined T au Ka ppa Epsilon (TK E) fraternit y and becaome ac tive in th e U M R Rugb y Club . H e started to major in engineerin g management but has since sw itched to civ il engineerin g with an eye toward th e con · stru cti on business. H e is also a member of Theta Tau, honorary engi neerin g frat ernit y. H e was named TKE"s " Freshman of th e Y ea r'" and beca me publicit y chairman for th e Ru gby C lub . When he was elec ted TK E's representati ve to th e St. Pat's Boa rd , he also beca me publ icit y chairman for th at group. Last Apri l, in his second yea r on th e boa rd. he was elected president. Schmidt says of the job of president, " You have an oppor· tunit y to meet a lo t of people and many of these are non· ca mpus contac ts. Y ou lea rn to manage time, tensions. and stress, and it's a rea l opportunit y for per onal matu rit y. One of the maj or advantages is self·satisfac tion for a job well done·w hen ever ythin g turn s out all ri ght."

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f the time· d a number lebration.

In their green and gold costumes, members of SI. Pat's court preside over all SI. Pat's act ivities du ri ng th e final week of the celebrati on . The court con· sists of two mas ter guards, fou r guards, two pages, a hera ld and a trumpeter. Th ey are all sen ior Boa rd Reps and each one has two to three se ts of costum es. MSM A lumnus / 3

The Games

One of the major contests of the celebration is "The Best Cudgel!" The cudgel is an oversize shillelagh and is usually a project undertaken by several students. Win¡ ner this year was TKE fraternity. The decor is usually quite elabora te and one of the rules is that it cannot be bigger than a single student can carry for a specified distance at the annual games. Steve Diffey, above left , carried this year's winner, the skull carving, center above, was done by Kev in McGarten, and the SI. Pat head, above right, was whittled on the tree root by Dave McCuddy. Anot her cudgel, right, sported the carving of a full-length SI. Pat (organization and artist unknown) . Students had a great time participating in other contests at the games¡as usual (below).

Dewey AI Professor coach of I director in

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4/ MSM Alumnus

More St. Pat's Ho~orary Knights

Dewey Allgood Professor of physical education, head coach of cross country and track, and director intramural program, UMR.

John Kelly, Dean, faculty of engineer' ing and architecture, University College, Dublin, Ireland .

Mel Carnahan, Rolla, Missouri State Treasurer Harold E. Atwell, '56. President and owner of BCI Corp., Rolla .

Mary Williams, ow ner, Sunn y Wall Flowers, Rolla Joe Mooney, '39 , New York Life In ¡ surance Executive, Past president of MSM ¡UMR Alumni Associat ion , and mayor of University City. MSM Alumnus / 5

Theme of this year's parade was " The Great Midwesl. " It was the highlight of th e wh ole ce lebration and crowd s this yea r were es tim ated at between 12 and 15 thou sa nd peo pl e. " Midw es t Presidents," far right , won fi rs t pri ze in the fl oa t division of the pa rade. " Delta Queen ," lower ri ght , wa not a winn er, but wa s im pressive for it ize and decor. The Sigma Phi Epsilon Oza rk fl oa t, lower left , fea tu red a revenuer hiding in the bushes, a still, a fi ddler, and grandpa in the outhou e. It was third prize win ¡ nero T om Sawyer, left center, delighted the crowd as he tri ed to ca tch th e fi sh that always got away and his dog wagged his tail in anticipati on. The TK E's won second pri ze fo r T om. A plus in thi s year's pa rade was a fl oa t con¡ stru cted and operated by Rolla's Senior Citize ns, " Rolla's Pot of Gold ," upper left. Other parade acti vities are on the fo llow ing pages.

6/ MSM Alumnu s


! was "The lighlight of rowds this :en 12 and 'Midwest rst prize in Ide. "Delta : a winner. and decor. ,ark float, :r hiding in ld grandpa prize win¡ , delighted :h the fish Jog wagged 'he TKE's A plus in float can¡ lIa's Senior lid," upper are on the


MSM Alumnus 7

More St. Pat's Janet K. Pearce of O'Fa llon, III., was chosen the 1981 Queen of Love and Beau ty for UMR's 73 rd annual St. Pat's celebrati on. A junior in petroleum engineerin g at UMR, Miss Pearce was elected by members of the St. Pat's Boa rd on ca mpus to reign over the two days of festiv ities in honor of the pa tron sa int of engi neeri ng. At UMR, she is secretar y of Zeta Tau Alpha sororit y and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and Tau Kappa Epsi lon Little Sisters. She also is an ad sa lesman for the UMR "M iner." She was nomina ted by Ze ta Ta u Alpha. The four women chosen as members of the Queen's court were: First runner-up, Julie A nn Viessma n, Rolla, freshma n in arts and sciences at UM R, nominated by Sigma Phi Epsilon frate rni ty; Second runner-up, Joan Mazurek , Ferguson, sophomore in geological engi neering at Florissant Valley Com munity College, nominated by Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity ; Third ru nner-up, Roberta Mae Scroggins, St. Lou is, jun ior in geologica l engineering at UMR. nom ina ted by Delta Tau Delta fraternity; Fourth run ner- up, Penny Denise Teeter (Mrs. Gerald A.l, Rolla, assista nt manager, sales. at Rolla's Key Sport Shop, nominated by Lambda Chi A lpha frat ern it y.

8/ MSM A lum nus

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MSM Alumnus / 9



What ( sawdust a That's' of wood I processin! Burning il dump are: The Ce Universit) sawdust f,

Irish Dean, John Kelley, Finds Shamrocks in Rolla On St. Patrick's Day, John 1. Kelly, University of Missouri-Rolla visiting professor from Ireland, celebrated his coun try's national holiday in traditional style by wearing a bunch of genuine shamrocks on his lapel. But the shamrocks didn't come from Ireland; Kelly and his wife found them at Maramec Springs nea r Sl. James He said that fin ding them grow in g in abu ndance in Missouri was a "bit of a shock." He ex plained, " It 's an Irish tradition that shamrocks grow only in Ireland. In fact, we all grew up on legends about how the plants died when people tried to take them elsewhere to grow. Until fairly recently, I honestly belived ito-and probably most Irish people still believe that tale." Kelly, who was dubbed an honorary Knight of St. Patrick Friday even ing and took part in the parade and oth er fes t i v it i e~ . said that he had heard about UMR 's Sl. Pat's traditions but that he was still a little surprised at the intensity of the celebration. "I've never seen a St. Patrick's Day parade conducted with such zest," he said. He gives UMR 's parade high marks in comparison with the New York City parade (in which he and a group of students participated last year) and with parades in Ireland. "St. Patrick's Day in Ireland is a popular holiday. It's our national holiday, and almost everything shuts down . Every town has a parade--Dublin's is the biggest. But the Irish don't take it all that seriously." Dr. Kelly is dean, fac ulty of engineering and architecture, Uni versit y College, Dub lin . His two-week visit to UMR was 10 MSM Alumn u s

sponsored by the UMR Center for International Programs and the Visiting Professor Program. He had a busy schedule. In add ition to pa rticipating in Sl. Pat's festi vities, he gave two lectures and a semin ar in chemica l enginee ring and a slide show and talk for a ge nera l audience. He also held num ero us meetings with engineering deans and department chairmen and faculty , "a kaleidoscope of people," he said. "My overall objective on campus is to try to establish better relationships between University College and UMR which could result in an exchange progra m between the two campuses," he said . Last year five graduates of University College were at UMR for graduate work in chemical engineering. Kelly hopes to have UMR graduates come to his campus in return. University College, the largest of Ireland's state-financed institutions, has 10,000 students with about 1,000 in engineering. He hopes the exchange program can begin next September. Kell y was accompanied by his wife, Nora, and their four children. The Kell ys, who spent 1969-70 at the University of Maryland on a Fulbright fellowship, have close professional and personal ties to this country . And, with the propsed UMR-U niversity College exchange program, they are looking forward to even stronger bonds between the land of St. Patrick and this part of the Ozarks which has adopted the venerable saint as its own .

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UMR Engineers Work on Solutions To Wood Waste Problems What do you do with almost three million cubic yards of sawdust and bark? That's the estimated volume of the ever-growing mounds of wood residue around the state's 600 sawmills and wood processing plants. As waste, the residue creates problems. Burning it would pollute the air; acid water runoff from dump areas would pollute streams. The Center for Applied Engineering Mangement at the University of Missouri-Rolla has some other ideas: use the sawdust for fuel in furnaces and the bark for mulch.


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These recommendations--backed up with specifics--are part of a response to a request from the Missouri Forest Products Association for help in disposing of wood residue and determining its marketability. A study to assess the volume of wood residue in the state and to recommend alternate uses for it was funded by a grant from the Forestry Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation. Working with Department of Conservation foresters and University of Missouri extension specialists, researchers at the Center located and evaluated the unused wood residues. They saw the mounds of sawdust as a marketable resource, but getting the product to the consumer was another problem. "Because sawmills in Missouri are relatively small operations, mostly scattered across a wide area of the southern part of the state, transporting the 'waste' to market would cost more than it is worth," explains John Amos, director of the UMR center. "We began looking for something that would use small units of residue in the locality where the mill is located. We came up with the idea of a sawdust furnace, which could be used in a school or a small industrial plant located near the sawmill." A model experimental furnace was designed and built by the Wood Residue Research Group, a small group of laboratory research technicians in the center. Amos says that sawdust burners are not new, but have not been used much in recent years. The center's furnace is patterned on one designed before World War I. Researchers adapted the plans and made improvements such as adding a

heat exchanger and fan. It is now being tested at the Rolla Area Sheltered Workshop. Although the whole story is not in, results thus far indicate that it is a sucess. "The furnace is wonderful," says workshop manager Ernie Morris. "Once it gets going, it heats three times as fast as the old automatic furnace and uses less that one-fourth the electricity." It uses three wheelbarrows of sawdust a day to heat the 7,000-square-foot workshop building. The other half of the wood residue project, finding a commercial use for bark, is now under way. With an additional grant from the Missouri Conservation Department's Forestry Division, the center is studying marketing Missouri hardwood bark as a garden mulch. "At the present time, the mulch most people use is redwood bark brought in from California. Most of the price they pay is transportation cost," Amos says. "We are now doing a market analysis on Missouri hardwood bark to determine such things as what size bags to use, what the price should be and where to sell it. We will market a test product in the spring and fall and follow up on how well it has been accepted by the public." The request from the Wood Products Association is one of about 400 that came to center during the past fiscal year. Most--251 --were one-time requests: 145 req uired in-depth study. Projects are closely coordinated with businessindustry-labor specialists in the area. Requests have been va ri ed, but reflec t the needs of business and industry of the area. "For example, we are working now on an experimental pecan washer for the Southwest Missouri Pecan Growers Association to provide them with a less expensive way of cleaning pecans,'.' Amos says. These are all part of free counseling services offered by the center, establ ished in 1977 , to coordinate reso urces of UMR departments, University Extension specialists and U.S. Governmental agencies in helping area industries. "The purpose of the Applied Center for Engineering Management is to help find practical solutions to real problems," Amos concludes, "and our servies are available to small businessess and industries in Missouri. MSM Alumnus / ll

IT'S NEW! Computer Graphics the crea

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Pictures Will Tell The Story At UMR When engineering drawing students at the University of Missouri-Rolla are asked to "picture this," they'll soon be turning to a computer terminal instead of a drafting table-thanks to a new computer graphics system. That system, which wiV enable UMR students to do work in computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM), will be introduced in freshman engineering drawing classes this summer. Eventually, the system will be integrated into all of UMR's engineering curricula. "Our use of the system in Engineering Techonolgy 10 (Engineering Drawing and Descriptive Geometry) classes during the summer session will be on an experimental basis," said Wells N. Leitner, UMR associate professor of engineering technology. "It will be a learning experience for us as well as the students. "We want to try some things and we want to see how the system will fit into the structure of the course," he continued. "We're also interested in seeing how quickly students will be able to transfer what they've learned to do by hand to the keyboard of a graphics termainal." l2 / MSM Alumnus

Although students' exposure to the system will be gradual, tney'll have a thorough knowledge of drafing and computer-aided design as an engineering tool by the time they've completed the course. "Students will have to learn the fundamentals of drafting at a table before they ever sit down at a graphics terminal," said George Swancutt, UMR associate professor of engineering technology. "Then when they're ready to start working with the system, we'll begin with the basics again-locating points and drawing lines, arcs and curves--before moving on the more complex drafting problems." Students will find , however, that this rigorous attention to basics will help them in their other engineering classes and In their careers as well. "It's a tremendous tool for visualization and conceptualization," Leitner said, "and one every engineer can make use of. There are so many different things you can do with it." The system is programmed to provide students with numerous drafting and geometric capabilities, including location of points; generation of lines, arcs and curves; and

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the creation of shapes such as circles, squares, cubes and cones. In addition to allowing objects to be rotated and scaled, it also can provide two-and three-dimensional views and information on such things as surface area and center of gravity. "You only need to draw one two-dimensional view of an object," Swancutt said. "The computer is programmed to develop any other two or three dimensional view that you might want or need. All of this information then can be stored in the computer's memory for future reference.

"The system also will provide you with the correct data for your design," he added, "so that you can go back and correct your original drawing. It tells you what it should be." Other advantages that the system has over drafting done in the convential manner are the speed with which drawings can be produced and the ease with which modifications can be made in an existing design. "Drawing an ellipse by hand with a template is a com¡ plicated and time-consuming project," Leitner said. "But the

The system allows students to stud y their design from several different views and in two or three dimensions. Je

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Several other graphic fun ctions permit students to interacti vely produce bar charts, graphs, slides and color plots. MSM Alumnu s / 13


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The system not on ly enables students to computer-a ided design work at a terminal, it also provides them with hard-copy output for future reference.

system can draw one on the terminal screen in a matter of seconds, and all you have to do is supply fo ur pieces of data." Because modifying input is added to the system by means of terminal keyboard and a data tablet, there is no need to puch computer cards and feed them into a reader. And becuase all drawing is done on the terminal screen, computer print-outs are no longer necessary, although hardcopy output is available if needed . "The 'interactive' nature of the system will allow students to see pictorial representations of the modifications they have made in their design almost immediately," Swancutt said. "Further modifications can be carried out with ease until a satisfactory design is achieved. " The " hands-on" experience that UMR students will get with CAD/CAM also will help them when it comes time for them to find jobs. "This is a technology that is going to revolutionize the engineering profession ," Leitner said . "A lot of industries already are making use of it and more are picking up on it every day. It certainly will be to a student's advantage when he or she enters the job market to have had some experience in the field." 14 MSM Alumnus

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UMR Team Places Firsts in National Contest A student team from the University of Missouri-Rolla placed first in the Fifth Annual National Scholastic Programming Contest, held in conjunction with the Association for Comp).lting Machinery (ACM) Computer Science Conference at Stouffer's Riverfront Towers in St. Louis, Feb. 24-26. Twenty-two college and university teams competed in the contest which is sponsored by the committee on student membership and chapters of ACM. The teams invited to compete at the national level were first and second place winners from contests in eleven regions of the United States involving 195 teams. The teams of four students were given six problems to solve by written programs in American National Standard FORTRAN. The programs represented a broad range of computer applications ranging from determining the number and sizes of shaded regions on an encoded map to the

break-even analysis of a manufacturing operation. The UMR team solved all six problems. Team members are Cathy Pyron, sen ior in computer science, Rolla; Jim Simmons, senior in computer science, Florissant; Mike Richey, graduate student in computer science, St. Louis; and Chris Freund, sophomore in computer science, Springfield. Arlan DeKock, associate professor of computer science at UMR, is adviser. DeKock says, "the team members worked hard in both the regional and national competitions and deserve our congratulations. Their work reflects well upon the University." In addition to winning the trophy , UMR received an MDS 225 microprocessor development system donated by INTEL Corp. Rice Universit y finished second in the contest, followed by Washington University, University of Maryland, University of Virginia and the University of Louisville.

UMR Alumnus Back As Visiting Professor

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Dr. Charles S. Davis, University of Missouri-Rolla alumnus who was a recent visiting professor of civil engineering at his alma mater, has a formula he likes to share with today's students. It reads: Success equals (Knowledge plus ability) (attitude). "Attitude is really the most important," Davis adds. "Like a mathematical formula , no matter what knowledge and ability add up to, if attitude is bad--a zero--you will end up with a zero--no success. But a good attitude multiplies the knowledge and ability, and will total success," he explains. That was one of the messages he gave to different groups during several busy days on the campus. His visit was coordinated by the civil engineering department and fhe Minority Engineering Program (MEP) as part of MEP's Engineers Week observance. Davis lectured to five civil engineering classes and an engineering management seminar, conferred with St. Louis high school teachers who participated in an MEP-sponsored program and spoke at a banquet for them, and met informally with UMR faculty and students. Davis who received his Ph.D. in civil engineering at UMR in 1972, is president of Charles S. Davis and Associates Inc., Detroit. He has also been an adjunct professor at the University of Detroit and says that he welcomed the chance to get back into the classroom. He found many changes at his alma mater in the years since he left campus. Among them are not only a larger stu-

dent body, but a larger number of women and minority students. He encourages minorities and women to enter engineering, not because it is easy , but because, he says, "It is challenging, exciting--and pays well ." Davis himself got into engineering because of an interest in mechanical drawing in high school. After receiving his B.S. in civil engineering in 1961 from Prairie View A. and M. College, he worked for eight years as a structura l engineer in the aircraft industry, with two years as an officer in the U.S. Army. He recieved his M.S. in civil engineering at the University of Washington. He was taking evening courses in UMR's Graduate Engineering Center in St. Lou is and was employed as a structural engineer with McDonnell Douglas when he decided in 1970 to come to UMR and work full time on his doctorate. Davis was on the product planning and research staff of Ford Motor Co. until 1978 when he formed his own consulting firm , which specializes in automotive design, structural analysis civil engineering, computer science and sanitary engineering. "I had always thought I would like to have my own firm ," he says, "and this seemed to be the right time." His firm , which began in his basement with just two people, now has more than 400 employees; about 30 percent of them are engineers. The firm is headquartered in Detroit, with other offices in Dearborn and Pontiac and a field office in Lansing, all in Michigan. MSM Alumnus / IS

Alumni Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Arizona Section Art and Ly nn Win ter and Ollie and . Be.[ nie Kamper combined their organiza tional sk ills to run a very successful meeting in Casa G rande , Arizona at the Francisco G rande resort. Golfing acti vities on Sat urda y, Feb. 2 1, were fo llowed by a di nner meet ing for all area alumni and guests. University of Missouri president and Mrs. James C. Olson were guests for the affa ir. Art Winter acted as master of ceremonies for the program that included Pr es id e nt O lson and F rank

Mackaman. A spirited Question and answer period followed. The writer was startled to find one couple attending had come in fro m Bagdad. He was reminded of his first Homecoming in Rolla when-of the fi rst two people he met-one was from Mexico and the other Cuba. Bagdad, Arizona was not in my geographic inventory and , at the time, neither were Mex ico and Cuba, Missouri. On the reservation list were the fo ll owi ng: Mr. and Mrs. Roger

Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minnick , Leroy Smith, Mr. and Mr.s. Robert Cummins, Michele Brennan, Lora Binney , Mr. and Mrs. Don Collar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Kamper, Mr. and Mre. Ed Sievers, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coil, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Remmers , Mr. a nd Mrs. Henr y Monsch, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Deter, Mr. and Mrs. Len Schu ler, Ken Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goelkel, Mr. and Mrs. Don Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Art Win ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Krause.

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St. Louis Section - New Officers The St. Louis Section has announced its 1981 slate of officers. The president is Howard H. Stine, Jr. 1967 , 1969. Howard is vice president for Systemaire, Inc. Mechanical Contractors and lives at 113 Shady Valley Drive, Chesterfield, Missouri. Treasurer is Bob Bruce, 1969, 1970. Bob is regional vice president of Intrav. His home address is 15 Carrswold, Clayton, Missouri. Roy Van Hee, Jr. 1969 will serve this year as secretary. Roy is employed by Hopson & Associates, Inc. as a principal

and resides at 607 Willow Wood Court, St. Charles, Missouri . Among the events planned for this year are the traditional party at Homecoming, Admiral Excursion in the fall, the thirteenth annual golf tournament and the section's fourt h annual Summer Cardinal Baseball Game. Any alumni in or near the St. Louis area who have not been receiving notices of the St. Louis section's functions are invited to contact one of the officers in order to be put on the mailing list.

Southern California Section Our fall meeting --ce lebrating homecoming--was held on the S.S. Princess Louise. 46 alumni and wives attended. They were: John and Leona Rasor, Tom and Maralee Harsell, David and Bena Jaffe, Roy and Kay Perry, Welby and Dorothy King, William and Evelyn Schirmer, Kenneth and Helen Mayhan , Lloyd and Rosa Marie Jenkins, Jesse and Maude Dickinson, Dale and Irene Leidy, Col. Gwynn and Joanne Teague, William Bauer, Rolland and Sandy Panzer, Obiajula Iloputaife, Paul and Nancy Snipes, Robert Topolei,

Jim and Theta Gostin . Sultan Malmud . Terry O'Laughlin, Ronald Chatham, Tad and Shirley Graves, John Masterson, Floyd and , Ellen Smith, John and Phyllis Wilms, and Don Huseman. It was such a lively gathering, we plan to have the St. Pat's meeting in the same location with the addition of tours of the Los Angeles Harbor on the official harbor boat, Angelia. The L.A. chapter also plans a sleepover, two-day outing at the Huseman . Ranch in Ensenada, Mexico, in late July or early August. Don't miss this one! Submitted by John Wilms, '43

North Texas Section Old and new friends who live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and share the MSM -U MR experience gathered at the lovely home of Marg and Bob Schafer on Saturday even ing, Feb. 14, for a wine tasting affair. Those present got a look at the fiveyea r ca mpu s improvement plan presented by Frank Mackaman. The sign-up sheet showed the following in attendance: Charles P. Conrad, '7 1 and guest , Laure Lee Ma~well; Don and Mary Lou DeBolt, '49; Rick and Karen Foster, '76; Dennis and Janet Jaggi, '70;

Michael M. Cook, '7 1; Renee and Bob Whaling, '73; Richard Browne, '68; Danny Bryant, '80; Gil and Laura Carafiol , '47; Charles and Marcelle Marlow, '65; Fran and Ron Becker, '50; Ron and Donna Dawes, '74; Donna and Larry' Mayfield, '73; Ann and Ed Koch, '6 3; Tom and Pat Witson, '64; Matt and Debra Bratovich, '73; Jim and Micki Higbee, '66; Mark and Nancy Heaton , '79; Bryon and Mary Ann Keil, '52; Edie and Joe Gray, '54; Pat and Jim Toutz, '54; Edwin and Barbara Barsachs, '50; Michelle and Steve Wilson ,

Summer Meeting in D.C. A joint meet ing of alu mni, parents and fr iends of all fo ur Uni vers ity of Missouri ca mpuse will be held in Wash ington. D.C., Sunday, Jul y II . This meetin g is being planned in con路 junction wit h the national Support Higher Education Day on Jul y 16. The informal recep tion will have a brief pro路 gram directed by UM Pres ident James C. Olson. Details (time and place) of the Universit y of Missouri meeting wi ll be announced as soon as arrangements have been com pleted . Those of yo u in the Washington area are asked to make a note of the event. Others who ma y be planning to be in the area at the time, please let the Alu mni-Development office know, so that you ma y receive a special invitat ion.

Harris Award Marjorie Richards, 8 Hyer Court , who graduated from the Uni versity of Missouri-Rolla in December, has been named recipient of the James G. Harris Memorial Award. Given in memory of Dr. James G. Harris, the award is presented annually to an outstanding social sciences or humanities graduate. It consist of a mounted , framed certificate. Dr. Harris was a professor of history at UMR from 1964 until his death in 1967. He was the first chairman of UMR's department of social sciences. Mrs . Richards is the wife of Earl Richards, associate professor of electrical engineering at UMR. She earned her degree in history. '72; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kettler, '65 ; Craig and Chris Agne, '80; Bob and Marge Schafer, '52; Craig Reed, '7 9; David McClintock, '8 0; Bob Arnold, '79; and Frank and Nancy Mackaman. The writer forgot to notice whether the internationally famous Rosati and St. James wines were available but can testify that another famous Missouri libation was there in abundance. Editors' Note: Photos were taken at the Dallas meeting, but something went wrong with the mechanism and the negati ves were scra tched . MSM Alumnus ! 17

Alumni Activities Continued _ _ _ __

AIME Meeting .... Chicago On Feb. 23 , Miner alumni met in Chicago du ring the annual meeting of the AIME. Frank Appleyard , vicepresident of the MSM-U MR Alumni Association and U.S . Gypsum made the arrangements. The room booked for the party was of the size normall y adequate fo r this annual event. This year we enjoyed an embarassment of riches and the roo m was filled to overflowing. Those attending saw an automatic slide show, although Fred Todd , who has had more exposure than most to this set of slides, was available fo r any necessary comments. Present and signing in were: R. E. Peppers, '50, Herculaneum, Mo.; Tom Weyand, '66, Beaver, Pa.; Wesley C. Patrick, '75 , '78 , Livermore, Calif. ; Robert P. Dieffenbach, '39, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Stone, '30, Ft. Wayne, Ind .; F. C. Appleyard, '37, Glenview, IIi. ; John Vento, '78, Arlington Heights, IIi. ; Rosey and Vic Hoffmann , '60, Kent, Wash. ; E. F. Winter, '50, Port Colborne, Ont., Canada, Gretchen and Fred Brost, '63, Tumacacori, Ariz.; Ram A. Narasago udar , '77 , Hoffmann 18/ MSM Alumnu s

Estates, IIi.; Bart Regelbrugge, '65, Chicago, IIi. ; R. W. Phelps, '68 , Littleton, Colo.; G. J. Roe, '65 , Bethleham, Pa.; L. A. Roe, '39, Downer's Grove, IIi. ; R. A. Fournelle, '64 , Milwaukee, Wisc. ; David A. Weiss, Golden , Colo.; R. Lary Miller, '58 , Palatine, IIi. ; Dianna Tickner, '79, Little Rock , Ark.; Rich Lehman , '68 , '71 , Naperville, III. ; Jim Gerard , '5 4, Ca ry, III. ; Bob Heins. '49 Madison , Wisc.; Fred Todd, '48, Fullerton , Calif. ; Ernest and June Spokes, Rolla; Dennis R. McGee, '69, Bixby, Mo. ; R. Kent Comann, '43, Aurora, Colo.; Fred W. R. Fass, '81 , Rolla; R. L. Bullock, '51 , '55 , '75 , Hawton , Texas; Richard L. Terry , '65 , Daniels, W. Va.; Dave Summers, Rolla; Harold Heavlin , '55 , Geneva, IIi. ; AI Behring, '66, Lake Bluff, 111. ; Rick Stephenson, Rolla ; Matthew Baebler, '79, Bismarck, N.D.; Dick Runvik , '54, Crystal Lake, III. ; Frank Pack heiser, '50, Olympia Fields, IIi. ; Henry Whaley , '48 , Broadview, Ohio; Arthur A. Schweizer, '70, Salem, Mo. ; Roger K. Clifford , Danville, Calif.; Donald N. Frey, '66, Chicago, III. ; Denver Harper, '76 , Bloomington, Ind .;

Ken Woodruff, '58, '64, Bolingbrook , IIi. ; Grant R. Brown, '65, Berwyn, Pa.; Steven R. Marshall, '66, Bethlehem, Pa.; Calvi n Konya , '66, Huntsburg, Ohio; Duk-Won Park , '75 , Mardsville, W. Va. ; Carlos Tiernon, '54, Ft. Wayne, Ind .; John Knoepke, '79, Salt Lake, Utah; Tom O' Keefe, '58, Rolla ; Dale Montgom ery. '7 1, '76, Lagrange, III; Art Morri s, Rolla ; Ed Quick , '68 , Valparaiso, Ind.; Richard L. Ash, Rolla; D. M. S. Bhatra, '76 , Clarksville, Tenn. ; Waiter P. Leber, '40, Chicago, III. ; Peter Conroy, '73, Elmhurst, III. : Jon P. Tice Jr. , '81, Park Ridge, III.; Thoma P. Lyons, '7 9, Houston, Texas; Melvin E. Nickel. '38 , Chicago, 111. ; Gill Mont gomery, '35 , Eldo rado, III. ; Joe Quinn, '49 , Geneva, III. ; Chancellor Joe Marchello; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mackaman; Bill Stevens, Howard Eloe and Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Rolla. There were undoubtedly others who avoided the press of the crowd at the sign-up table. After years of frustration , our event did make the official program and the consensus was t1at this helped set the record attendance.


ngbrook, vyn, Pa.; lem, Pa.; g. Ohio; ,W. Va.; ne, Ind.; e, Utah; Ie Mont· \11; Art k, '68, ;h, Rolla; e, Tenn.;

HI.; Peter n P Tice lomas P. Aelvin E ill Mont Ie Quinn, JCIe Mar ickam an; . Mr. and hers who ,d at the ustratio n, program lis helped



TULSA SECTION . . .. . .. . . . . . ... . ... . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .... . May 9 CLASS OF '31 REUNION.... . . ..... . ... . ....... . .. . May 16 Rolla COMMENCEMENT . . . .. . . . .... . . . . May 17 Rolla ST. LOUIS SECTION GOLF SA TURDA Y ... . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . .. May 30 Lockmoor/Paradise Valley Country Club . Ju ly 12 WASHINGTON, D.C. . . .. . ST. LOUIS SECTION .. .. . .July 19 Sunday with the Cardinals Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SECTION . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. August 14-16 Summer Meeting EI Tigre Ranch- Ensenada SPE . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... ... October 4-7 San Antonio HOMECOMING 1981 . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... . ... . . . .. .. October 9-10 Rolla MSM·UMR BOARD MEETING .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .... ... . .. .. . . . October 9 Rolla ASCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 27 St. Louis ...... ....... F irst Tuesday ROCKY MOUNTAIN LUNCH .... . .... . Denver Petroleum Club MSM Alumn us / 19



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Gene Green, Editor

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Miner Baseball. ... Off To A Rough Start Despite having 14 letterman back from last season's 6-4 conference baseball squad, the University of M issouri-Rolla Miners are experiencing some rough times in the early season action_ UMR battled some tough Division I competition in Florida, and returned from the March 9-14 southern swing with an 0-9 record_ After getting back to home field advantage, the Miners dropped a conference-opening doubleheader to Southwest Missouri 12-2 and 9-0, after losing to MIAA foe Central Missouri 8-3 and 11-0. (The Mules are

not in the same division as the Miners). "Our schedule this season is very challenging and we knew it would be tough," said coach Chuck Broyles. ''The Florida trip allowed us to work on conditioning anG see how our new players compete." This year's team is paced by several returning statistical leaders, including the top two hitter off the 1979 team. Second baseman Ed Wagner (.392) helps power the infield crew, while outfielder Craig Thomas (.360) tries to match his fine freshman season. A new addition to the infield this year

is third baseman Steve Garbs, who moves in from the outfield. Garbs was one of the top hitters on the t~m during the early going, and has led the Miners in RBI's during the first 13 games. Also holding down an infield spot will be first baseman Rich Fuerman, one of the finest fie lders in the MIAA and the top returning RBI man of the club. "We have quite a few players who must step into some key positions if we are to do well," Broyles noted . "We have a very young pitching staff and may be starting three or four freshman in the regular lineup on certain days."


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Two Tennis Teams First-year tennis coach Paul McNally is seeking to revamp the men's tennis program at UMR----and completely start a women's team. Quite a chore for one's first season.

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The men, who return three players from last year's squad, will be trying to get their game into form before the May 1-2 MIAA conference tournament hosted by Northeast Missouri State.

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The top duo for UMR is Dave Bruner and Joe Blandina. Those two veterans are joined by newcomers Mark Dechant, Bill Lee, Zulkifli Mohamad and Tim Barefield.

The women's team, in its first year of play, is paced by freshman Lorna Platte, Sophomore Sheila McDonnell is the number two singles player, with Sheila Courtway, Julie Viessman, Phyllis Roberson and Barb Cummings making up the remainder of the team. The MALA W state tourament will be the ultimate goal. That action will take place May 1-2 in Joplin, Mo. Coach McNall y says, of the women's team, " We have enough ta lent tha t once we gel everyone a li lt le ex peri ence at the college leve l. we cou ld surprise some peop le."

Deanne Lock, left, is the 1981 lead-off hitter for the softba ll tea m, and Leta Judd , right , is the top returnin g pil cher.

UMR Softball. .. Set For Second Season With their first season of competition under their belts. the softba ll Miners are set for another exciting season. UMR was 2-2 in the early going, losing a doubleheader to University of Missouri-St. Louis and sweeping two from Harris-Stowe. UMSL will be UMR's only Division II opponent this season, as the Miners are Division III in softbalL Coach Sarah Preston led the team to a 9-10 record last season, and key members of that squad return for this year's action . The Miners will be led by pitcher Leta Judd, who earned a 3-5 record last season and led the regulars with a .440 average. Catcher Anita Tikey also returns, bringing along a .308 average and 12 RBI's, trying for the club lead with first baseman Maria Ho lmes. HoImes also is back at the corner, taking

with her a .407 average from one season ago. Among the newcomers who have impressed Preston are pitcher Susan Appelbaum and catcher-infielder Judy RedeL ApPelbaum is three-year veteran of prep softball and served as St. Ann, Mo . . High School's team captain last year. Redel was on Vienna, Mo. prep's squad that was a state-runner up in 1979. She was a member of the district champions in 1980. Both players bat and throw the softball righthanded. "We have some good people returning and competition will be strong at all positions," Preston said in pre-season . "We engaged in a very intensive indoor practice session this winter and I look for that to help us when the actual schedule progresses throughout the season."

Miner Golfers Return Four Letterman With four returning lettermen leading the way, and some talented freshemen in the wings, UMR golf coach Bud Mercier is looking for bright things this sprin g. Last season's outstanding golfer, David Mueller, heads the list. Other returning leaders are Rick Bruns, PJ . Moran and Gary PohL Among the new golfers, Rolla prep star Ken Dinsdale heads the group. Mercier makes no effort to hide his praise for the new Miner.

"Kent has all the ability to become one of the best golfers in the MIAA," Mercier said. "He has a greaf attitude, doesn't let things upset him and is a real talented young man ." UMR's first regular-season battle against MIAA competition will be March 27 at Lincoln University, tuning up for an April 3-4 UMR Best Ball Tournament in Rolla. University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Southwest Missouri will also be in the event. Who will be the team to stop in 1981?

Mercier predicts, "Central Missouri has a fine team and will be tough to defeat again this season. It should be a' good year for them." The Miner coach feels UMR's team has excellent balance and should show vast improvement as the gain more confidence. "All of our returnees are capable of shooting 75 to 80, and Dinsdale is just now finding out how good a golfer he can be. We are all looking forward to the season." MSM Alumnu s12 1

JOBS AV A ILABLE Th e se rvices of UM R's Ca reer Development and Placement Center are ava ilable to alumni as well as students. Each week, many compa nies request ass istance in loca ting applica nts for jobs requirin g ex perience in addition to degrees. The brief job descripti ons shown below are exa mples of job listings received by the offi ce. To obtain inform ation about the current job listings, alumni need onl y send an up-to-da te resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The Placeme nt staff will make a search for positions similar to that requested on your re ume. You will then receive informa tion concerning the job descriptions as well as names and add ress of persons to contact. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton, ass istant director placement , Career Development and Placeme nt Office, UMR , Rolla , MO 65 40 I (ph one 31413 41-4 288) . SAMPL E LI ST INGS Consultin g Firm·Illinois Now bidding on project in Asia, will need engineers for: Water Resources, Hydrogeo logy, Geo technica l Enginee ring, Geo logica l Enginee ring and Rock Mechani cs. (6342) Research Institute·Missou ri PhD. or M.S. in Mechanica l, Lubrica· ti on or Cera mic Enginee rin g, or Ph ys ica l, Surface , Po lyme r, o r Macromolecular Chemistry or re lated fi elds. (6341 ) Electronic Equipm ent Market ing.Tex as M.S. Physics, Comput er Science or E.E., Ma rketing positions with 20 to 40 % time traveling. (6320)

221 MSM Alumn us

Five Gr ad ua tes Co mp ete Ho nors Program Five University of Missouri·Rolla engineering students who received bachelor of science degrees at UMR's Winter Commencement had something extra to be proud of. They were the first five participants to complete the UMR School of Engineering's newly established honors program . The students were: John Thomas Miller, Fair Grove; David Brian Thompson, Kansas City; Ming K. Lau, Kansas City; David E. Reed, Black Jack; and William Y. Van, Hong Kong. The honors programs at UMR are voluntary and students participate in them mostly because it is an oppor· tunity to satisfy a personal challenge. It takes a great deal of the students' time. Requirements to enter the divisional honors programs are stiff. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better (out of a possible 4.0). Each honor student is required to work on a special research or design project under the direction of a faculty member. In some departments there are special sections of advanc· ed courses which the honor student may take. Those in the program can take some graduate courses during their final two semesters of undergraduate work (instead of during the last semester only). These options allow the honor students to get a head start on work toward a graduate degree. The head start is a distinct advantage. In fact, four of these first five honor program graduates have decided to work towa rd graduate degrees and are enrolled in graduate school at UMR this semester. John Thomas Miller, who received his B.S. degree in civil engineering, chose to work on a project in the sanitary enginee ring area. His work consisted of synthesizing a chemical for use as a water disinfectant that would not result in trihalomethane production (a problem with some common disinfectants). John is the son of Lowell and Linda Miller, Route 2, Fair Grove. He is continuing his studies at UMR in the Hydraulidhydrology area of civil engineering. David Brian Thompson, the other civil engineering rna· jar, did his research on the development of "A Finite Element Ground Water Model," a process whereby informa· tion can be processed through computers to provide predic· tions about a given ground water ~ituation . David is the son of Jerry and JoAnn Thompson, "927 NE 37th Terrace , Kansas City. He is married and he and his wife, Janet, live on Route I, St. James. He, too, is conti·

nuing hi: hydraulil area. Willial duCled a droplets smaU cia Willial career in in the K; year and semester UMR in Ming l en~neeri


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nuing his work at UMR·-aiming for a master's degree in hydraulic engineering and hydrology in the civil engineering area. William Y. Van, mechanical engineering graduate, conducted an experiment to measure the growth rate of water droplets in a cloud chamber (a mechanica l dev ice in which small clouds are formed as they are in the atmosphere). William is from Hong Kong. But he began his academic career in this country at Penn Valley Community College in the Kansas City area. He transferred to UMR his junior year and entered the honors program during his second semester on campus. He, too, is continuing his work at UMR in graduate school. Ming K. Lau, who received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering, developed a set of experiments for computer automation systems. These experiments are designed for use

in UMR's undergraduate electrical engineering laboratories. Ming is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Yiu Lau, 423 W. 87th St., Kansas City. He is the only one of the five honors program graduates who is not working toward an advanced degree at UMR. He will be continuing to work in research areas, however, because he is now employed at Sandia Laboratories in New Mexico. David E. Reed also received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering. His research project consisted of analysis of components in communications systems such as radar, but designed to reduce the possibility of detection by other electronic means. David is the son of Morris Reed, 5342 Priorybrook, Black Jack (North St. Louis County). He is continuing his work with electronic communications through UMR's graduate school.

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Extension Nevvs Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UM R. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 205 Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 6540 I. PROGRAM SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Mine Rescue Contest SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Short Course Hydrology of Dam Design Embankment Dam Soil Aspects International Conference on Math Modeling Land Surveyors Refresher Short Course Introduction to Elements of Engineering 7th Symposium on Turbulence Missouri Industry Day 8th Annual UMRlDNR Energy Conference Cold Formed Steel Short Course Fundamentals of Deep Foundations Seminar for Drillers COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 15th Rare Earth Research Conference Practical Waste Management for the Coatings Industry Elderhostel Porcelain Artists Workshop Computer Graphics Short Course For Alumni 43rd Introductory Paint 5th Introductory Formulation 4th Advanced Paint Women in Coatings First World Congress (Bridges)



Exp. Mine-Rolla

May 18

Rolla Rolla St. Louis L.A. , Ca lif. Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis Phoenix , Ari z.

May 11 -15 May 18-22 Summer July 28-31 Aug. 13·15 Aug. 17·21 Sept. 21 -23 Sept. 22 Nov. 4-7 Nov. 17-20 November December

Rolla Kansas City Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Rolla Detroit, Mich. New York , N.Y.

June 15-18 May 19-20 July 5-11 July 26-31 Aug. 10-14 Aug. 10-14 Aug. 24-28 Aug. 3 I-Sept. 4 Oct. 25-27 Nov. 17-18

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course. MSM Alumnus/23

Faculty Ac tiv itie s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

AI 1908

Notice h;

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Dr. Bobby Wixson On NAS Committee Dr. Bobby G. Wixson, professor of environmental health at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has accepted a request from the National Research Council to serve a three-year term on the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Military Environmental Research. Established in 1972, the committee serves as adviser to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. Assisted by subcommittees, the committee reviews environmental research projects contemplated by the Army, with respect to appropriateness , feasibility , and protocol. Among areas which have been considered by the committee are: the toxicological investigation of munitions wastes, . pesticide disposal , land renovation for contaminated reservations, water reuse systems for field hospitals, the health aspects of land disposal of wastewater, and occupational health problem s unique to the Arm y. Dr. Wixson is a native of Texas and earned his B.S. and M.A. degrees at Sui Ross State University, and his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University. He has been a member of the UMR faculty since 1967. He teaches courses in environmental-sanitary engineering at UMR, and has considerable research experience in Missouri's lead and coal mining areas. He has served on the National Academy of Science Subcommittee on the Geochemical Environment in Relation to Health and Disease and was chainman of the NAS Panel on Trace Element Geochemistry of Coal ReSource Development Related to Environmental Quality and Health. He is also director of UMR's Center of International Programs and Studies. 24 / MSM Alumnu s


Notice ha GUDDard

The combined chemistry-chemical engineering buildings have been designated Walter T. Schrenk Hall in honor of the late professor emeritu s of chemistr y and chem ical engineering and chairman of the department for man y years. Forma l' ded ication ceremonies will take place sometim e during the fal l of 1982, after renovation has tak en place in bo th buildings. The work to be done includes refurnish ing of labs and classrooms, installati on of air conditioning system to hook-up with the campus system, and remodeling to improve safety and conditions for the handicap ped.

metallurg both vice Chicago Associati( of the nat 1945 and He was a the associ

Dr. Stig Fribe rg Wins National Awa rd Dr. Stig Friberg , Curato rs' Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri-Rolla, has recieved the Society of Cosmetic Chemists (SCC) Literature Award for 1979. The award, which consists of a scroll and an honorarium, was presented at an Awards Luncheon held in conjunction with the SCC's Annual Scientific Meeting in the Empire State Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt New York, New York City. In announcing the award, the SCC Literature Award Committee cited Dr. Friberg's "efforts to elucidate the structure of the interfacial films in emulsions, (his) cogent interpretation of the nature of the interfacial film as a lamellar liquid crystalline phase and (his) important contributions to our understanding of the mechanism of the formation of microemulsions." A native of Sweden , Dr. Friberg earned his B.S., M.S. and advanced degrees equivalent to more than a Ph.D. from the University of Stockholm. He has been a member . of the UMR faculty since 1976 'and was named a Curators'

Professor in June 1979. Dr. Friberg's principa l area of interest is colloidal and surface chemistry and his research is concerned generally with systems of water, oil and amphiphilic substances. With his graduate assistants, he is studying the basic phenomena of emulsions, microemulsions and foams. Dr. Friberg served as the director of the Swedish Institute of Surface Chemistry from 1969-76 , and in 1974 he became the youngest person to be elected to the Royal National Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. In 1978 he received the SCC's Lecture Award, which was sponsored by Shaw Mudge & Company, and became only the third person from the United States to be granted honorary membership in the Japanese Chemical Society, Colloid Division . He currently is editor-in -chief of "The Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology" and is a member of the Victor K. LaMer Award Committee and the advisory board of "The Journal of Colloid Interface Science." He also is the author of more than 200 pUblications and several books.


Muir L. assistant I tractor I Manufact Fellow ir

Engineers 39,000 m, this year



Personals _ _ _ _ __


he developed a unique method for positive size control in the heat treatment of large gears and splines for shafts and axles. During World War II, he made significant contributions to the conservation of critical materials through performance and durability studies permitting wider use of low alloy steels. He was also a major contributor to the materials standards work of SAE and ASTM Committees.

Notice has been received of the death of Miles Sedivy.


lesignaled lislry and i. Formal' ~r renova¡ nishing of Ilhe cam¡ jicapped

Notice has been received of the death of Gunnard Edmund Johnson. A retired metallurgical engineer, he had served as both vice president and president of the Chicago section of the MSM Alumni Association in the 1930's, vice president of the national association from 1941 to 1945 and was an area director in 1950. He was awarded a Citation of Merit by the association in 1953.


1f interest istry and rally with lphiphilic lSSistants, )mena of 1foams. irector of Surface in 1974 on to be Swedish

Muir L. Frey, consultant, and former assistant to the general works manager, tractor engineering, Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. , has been elected a Fellow in the Society of Automotive Engineers. He is one of 20 persons in the 39,000 membership of SAE so honored this year. Frey's son, Stuart, who is with

1930 and Before Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: MUIR L. FREY

Thomas O. English '29 605 Bergstrom Place Marshall, TX 75670

Ford Motors, received the same honor. According to SAE, it is the first time a father and son have been named Fellows the same year. Muir was honored for his development and implementation of modern concepts of materials engineering, metallurgical processing and quality control in the design and manufacture of farm and industrial tractors and earthmoving equipment. Early in his more than 40-year career,

Wayne S. Frame '23 Route No.3 Eldon, Missouri 65026 Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 940 I 0 Elmer Gammeter '26 118 Duncan Cir-Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 William E. H. Knigh t '24 1173 Grand Carthage, MO 64836

:nces. In Lecture by Shaw Ime onlY ed States ership in , Colloid

Edwin G. Machin '22 P.O. Box 175 Nashville, IL 62263 William K. Schweickhardt '28 417 North Woodlawn Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122

f of "The nee and :r of the 1mmittee , Jounn al

C. James Grimm '30 P.O. Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401

Ie also is

S. Allen Stone '30 1405 Three Rivers East Fort Wayne, IN 46802

publica' 1980 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus!25

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1941

1936 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: James H. Menefee 205 Fireside Court LeH igh Acres, FL 33936 William E. Dennis 412 Oakshire Kirkwood, MO 63122 Herman J. Pfeifer 5 S Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71901 Eugene J. Daily 816 Dennison Drive Champaign, IL 61820 1980 Rollamo

1931 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Vernon A. C. Gevecker Route No.2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 Rolla T. Wade 5202 Woodway Houston, TX 77056


1939 George E. Mueller has been named a senior vice president of Burroughs Corp. The new position is in add ition to his post as chairman and chief excutive of System Development Corp., a Santa Monica, California-based, subsidiary of Burroughs. George's address is P .O. Box 3356, Santa Monica, CA 90403.

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Wayne J. Bennetsen 1542 Mason Valley Drive St. Louis, MO 63131

Andrew A. Cochran Route No.4, Box 99 Rolla, MO 65401

Fred W. Finley 207 W . 1st Terrace Lamar, MO 64759

Marvin E. Nevins, Jr. 18960 W. Greenfield Waukesha, WI 63186

~ 1941


Waiter ; Donald H . Falkillgham 7135 S. Evanston Tulsa, OK 74136


Walter MaUincl

Marvin Warren L. Loveridge 16 Devondale St. Louis, MO 63131

5316 Pc

Marvin engineer

Mrs. R. G . Holmes, 604 W. F ir, Piedmont, MO 63957 , has sent notificaion to the alumni office of the death of her husband , Richard G. Holmes, in March of last year.


Mrs. Ruth E. Makin, Route I, Box 440, Springville, TN 38256, sends a note to tell of the death of her husband, William H. Makin, Jr., a few months ago.

Oscar a

to 231 60505.

Notice has been received of the death of James Fitzgerald Orr on Nov. I.


Wilmer H. W oelfer died of a heart attack on Jan. 4, according to a letter from his wife, Thelma, 1306 South Fourth St. , Effingham, IL 62401. Woelfer had been with the Illinois Division of Highways since his graduation. He retired in 1979.


Richard the Un

HOSPit St. loe

He ~s 1980 Rollamo

26/ MSM A lu mnu s

MO 65


Alumni Personals ______________________ chairman in 1977. He also has been chairman of the Membership Committee. He and Maxine live at 406 E. Third, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.




1980 Rollamo

1941 Cont.


Walter and Jean Dean are living at 457 Elizabeth Ave., St. Louis, MO 63135. Walter is laboratory manager for Mallinckrodt Inc.

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Kenneth M. Wilhelms 8 Grantwood Lane St. Louis, MO 63123

Marvin and Ruth Pingel have moved to 5316 Polen Circle, Dayton, OH 45440. Marvin has retired as a consulting engineer.

Arthur R. Meenen 800 N. 12th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 Walter H. Kiburz 510 Hazel Place Mexico, MO 65265

1942 Oscar and Ruth Muskopf have moved to 2316 Lakeside Drive, Aurora, IL 60505. He is a staff engineer with Faville-LeVally Corp. in Aurora. Notice has been recieved of the death of Richard L. Schumacher on Feb. 12, at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston . He had been with St. Joe Lead Corp. before his retirement. He is survived by his wife, Cook Station, MO 65449, and three daughters.

1947 James W. Stephens, senior vice president of Missouri Pub lice Service Company, was recently elected chairman of the board of Associated Industries of Missouri (AIM) . More than 1,000 Missouri businesses are members of AIM, an organization that represents business and industry before the state legislature and regulatory agencies. Jim has been a member of AIM's board of directors since 1973. He was elected 2nd vice chairman in 1974 and I st vice

Frank V. Breeze has been elected senior vice president of PPG Industries .. He joined PPG in 1949 at the Crystal City glass manufacturing plant and held various posts there including plant manager. In 1969, he moved to PPG's Pittsburgh, Pa., headquarters and has served as general manager of window glass production, business manager for primary glass products and director of glass planning, vice president and assistant general manager of glass operations, vice president and general manager and--prior to his most recent appointment--group vice president-glass. He will continue to oversee glass operations but will be increasingly involved in the overall direction and management of PPG. His home address is 3 Dorchester, No. PI, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Daniel and Stella ("Skip") Fentzke are living at 128 Dowd St. , Newington, CT 06111. Dan is manager--refactories, Emhart Refractories--Emhart Industries Inc., Windsor, Ct. Donald and Imogene Griesedieck are living at 320 S. Main, Wake Forest, NC 27587. Don is a plant engineer for Mallinckrodt in Raleigh, N.C.

James S. Hopkins is now manager of manufacturing of Sandy Hill Corp., Hudson Falls, N.Y. Jim and Lois live at 18 Anyhow Lane, Gansevoort, NY 12831.

Leonard and Marjories Schuler have moved to 10102 W. Roma Ave. , Phoenix, AZ 85039. He is retired. MSM Alumnus !27

Alum ni Pers onal s _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1950 Thomas A. Herrmann, vice president and manager of the civil and evironmental division of Zurheide-Herrmann Inc., Consulting Engineers, St. Lousl, has been named Engineer of the Year by the St. Louis chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Enginee rs. Tom is past president of the St. Louis MSPE chapter, past president of MSPE and is currently a director of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He is also assistant chief of staff/comptroller of the 416th Engineer Command of the U.S. Army Ready Reserve in Chicago , Ill. For further details see a feature article about Tom in the Feb. 20 issue of St. Louis Co"nstruction News and Review. His home address is 707 Dutch Mill Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011 .

Oliver Sherman North, retired government mineral specialist who compiled technical works on mining and food patents, died Saturday, Feb. 28, at the National Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Hospital in Arlington, Va. following a stroke. He had worked for the Bureau of Mines and the Internatiuonal Trade Commission since 1951. He is survived by his wife, Alice Hallie North, 812 S. Ode St., Arlington, VA 22204.

1951 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: William Tsai 14317 Miranda Way Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 George W. Comanic h 5104 Tamarach Dr. Baytown, TX 77521 Bruce E. Tarantola 9000 Skycrest Dr. St. Louis, MO 63126 Herman A. Fritschen, Jr. 5249 S. 68th F. Place Tulsa, OK 74145

Richard L Bullock has been named vice president, engineering technolo gy and research, for Exxon Minera ls Co. Inc. Richard and Ruth live at 5627 Court of Lions, Houston, TX 77069.

Former chancell or Merl Baker sends us notice that William D. Burch has been appointed director of a new ly form ed fuel recycle division at the Oak Ridge Nationa l Laboratory. The new division will carry out design and prototype hardware activities of the existing Consolidated Fuel Reprocessing Program , for which ORNL has been designated as the technical management center by the Department of Energy. The program manages all fuel reprocessing development activities for DOE, including those associated with the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor and High Temperature Gas-coo led Reactor programs. In addition to director of the new division , Burch will continue his present responsibility as director of the Consolidated Fuel Reprocessing Program Technical Management Center. The CFRP center is responsible for coordinating the total U.S. effort in the development of advanced fuel processing technology applicable to current power reactors and to advanced systems now under development. Bill and Betty live at 958 West Outer Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

Charles I division I engineer. he has IT ing and moved ÂŤ senior p Purina C

Road, M Howard en~neer

reports " I large siz( Howard Drive, H

Richard J . Stegemeier has been elected sen ior vice president of corporate development and a member of the Union Oil Company of Californai's board of director s and the board's executive committee. Prior ¡to the new position he was a corporate vice president and president of the Union Science and Technology Division . He has been with the company since 1951 holding a variety of position s including production manager for Union's Australia oil and gas operations and vice president and general manager fo r the compan y's exploration and production activities in Indonesia. He and his wife, Marjorie , and fou r children live at 1731 Dana Place, Fullerton, CA 92631. 28/ MSM A lu m n us


Richard moved t OK 735{



1980 Rollamo

Thomas J Lee and Suite 33 nounces The new and it COl tual pre coPYright licenSing

-rsends us has been Y formed lak Ridge v division

Alumni Personals ______________________


1953 John and Nadyne Bender have moved to 656 West--IOO North, Valparaiso, IN 46383. John is production superintendent for Kaisef Refractories in Merrillville, Ind.

prototype ting Con. Program



ter by the program develop. ling those :etal Fast aperature In addi· division,



ISOlidated fechnical tP center the total nt of ad·

)Iogy ap. )rs and to develop. 158 West 17830.


Floyd T. Smith is a p.roject field manager for Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers of Kansas City, Mo. His home addre~s is 14216 Midland Drive, Shawnee, KS 66216.

CHARLES E. DUNN Charles E. Dunn has joined the Tretolite division of Petrolite Corp. as its division engineer. A registered P.E. in Missouri, he has more than 25 years of engineering and management experience. He moved to his new position from that of senior project engineer with Ralston Purina Co. His address is 1379 Big Bend Road, Manchester, MO 6301 I.

Edwin R. Peck Jr., was recently recognized by the ~issouri Highway and Transportation Department for having completed 25 years with the department. He joined the department as an inspector in District 3, was transferred to District 6 as an engineer trainee. He has held the positions of engineer inspector II and III, resident engineer, and resident engineer I within the district. He is currently a maintenance superintendent. Ed's address is 1315 Breeze Ridge Drive, St. Louis, MO 63131.

Howard W. and LaDonna Thoele report a new address: Yo yogi Terrace, Apt. 32-27, Tomigaya 2-Chome, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. John and Wanoma Weber are livin~ at 906 S. Washington, in Pratt, KS 67124. John is mine/quarry superintendent for Nat ional Gypsum Co. of Sun Cit y Kans.

1956 Howard T. Clark, structural research engineer with McDonnell Aircraft, reports "Currently the study leader for a large size windmill called a 'Giromill.'" Howard and Frances live at I 07 Sunset Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Richard and Dorthy Gray Huber have moved to '4511 NE Euclid, Lawton , OK 73501. He is director of facilities engineering for the U.S. Army at Fort Sill. Thomas E. Smith, partner in the firm of Lee and Smith, lOS. Riverside Plaza, Suite 330, Chicago, IL 60606, announces a change -in the name of firm. The new name is Lee, Smith and Jager, and it continues to specialize in intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets) and related licensing and antitrust law.

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: HARRY J. SAUER JR. George R. Baumgartner 2120 Syracuse Dearborn, M I 48124 Jerry B. Overton West 428 37th St. Spokane, W A 99203 Joseph J. Yancik 1703 J ames Payne Circle McLean, VA 22101 Leroy E. Thompson 5860 SW 89th Place Miami, FL 33173 Peter N. Yiannos 2304 Empire Dr. Wilmington, DE 19810

Harry J. Sauer Jr., '56, '58, has been listed in the recent ly issued 5th edition of "Who's Who in the World." A member of the UMR faculty since 1957, he is professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. He is also a . Fellow in the American Society of Heating,' Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers, a member of the International Center for Heat and Mass Transfer, a member of the governing board for the International Thermal Conductivity Conferences, and is the author of two books and more than 60 publications_ Hank and his family live on Route 4, Box 108 College Hills, Rolla, MO 6540 I. MSM Alumnus!29

Alum ni Pers onal s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1957


Richard and Janice Hammond have moved to Route I, Box 9E, New Tripoli, PA 18066. Richard is plant manager for the Atlas Powder Co.

Ronald L. Mueller is now a graduate student and research assistant at Washington State University. His address is No. 3 Graduate Center, Pullman , WA 99163.

1960 Edwin and Evelyn Ballantyne have moved to 9347 E. Highway 86, Franktown, CO 80116. He is chief geophysicist for Amoco Minerals Co., Englewood, Colo. Russell and Grace Bausch have moved to 4290 Carlysle Ave. , Titusville, FL 3278Q. He is a test engineer with Boeing Aerospace Co. at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


1962 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Albert E. Bolon Rt. No.3 Box 213A Rolla, MO 65401 Farouk E. S. EI-Baz 2786 N. Wakefield St. Arlington, VA 22207 H. Neal Grannemann 100 West 10th Rolla, MO 65401 Jerome D. Patterson 1660 Ashlawn Dr. Pittsburg, PA 15241 Larry F. Farmer Rt. No.2, Box 445 Ash Grove, MO 65604

JOHN W. MOOR E John W. Moore has been named engineering manager for Exxon Pipeline Co. He joined Exxon in 1957. His responsibilities with the company have included: manager , Sunset District in Lafayette, La,; manager, Louisiana Coastal Division , Raceland, La. ; operations coordinator for Trans Alaska Pipeline activities in the Joint Interest Depart ment ; engin eerin g services manager , Houston; and planning manager, Houston . John , Ruth, sons-John Jr. , and Stephen -olive at 5507 Spanish Oak Drive, Houston, TX 77066.

1958 Robert Rutledge Beck died suddenl y of a heart attack on Nov. 8, according to a note from his wife, Audrey, 408 Everett Drive, Danville , CA 945 26. He leaves four sons. 30/ MSM Alum n u s

Rene J. Leonard 4214 San Amaro Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146 Michael C. Kearney 107 Trail East Dr. Hendersonville, TN 37075

William E. Mathews is now a sales enginee r with Midwes t Equipment and Removal Corp. , Ballwin , Mo. He and Judith Ann live at 102 Sheffield Court, Ballwin , MO 630 II. V. RICHARD GRONER V. Richard Groner has been named manager, metallurgical engineering, for Olin Corp.'s Brass Group. He has been with Olin's Brass Group since 1962, in various engineering and supervisory capaciti es of increasin g responsiblit y. Prior to this new appointment, he was supervisor, metallurgical laboratory and quality control. His address is 5203 Dover Drive, Godfrey, IL 62035 .


Carl P. and Dolores A. Rodolph have moved to 7808 Hendrix Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Carl has retired as a Colonel in the U.S. Army. Roger and Kay Stammer have moved to 4532 Vallartl Drive, Mehlville, MO 63128 . He is now vice president of Guarantee Electric Co. of Granite City, Ill.

Alan and to New I Phoenix, engineen. Rand¡Spt

Afif and 1517 W PA 151 ' geophysi( Technolo

Fred Stei the po ~ engineeril sian of t City. ilLI since 19 manager , engineeril served th of both blast fura Route 4, 62025.


Alumni Personals ______________________ 1962


Alan and Judith McDonald have moved to New River Stage Route, Box 4906 , Phoenix, AZ 85029. Alan is now engineering section head for Sperry Rand-Sperry Flight Systems.

Afif and Linda Saad are now living at 1517 Woodstream Drive, Glenshaw, PA 15116. He is a senior research geophysicist for Gulf Science and Technology Co. in Pittsburgh, Pa.


Fred Steinkuehler has been promoted to the position of vice president engineering, for Granite City Steel Division of National Steel Corp. , Granite City. III. He has been with th e company since 1966. His previous title was manager of planning and control in the engineering department. Earlier he had served the company as superintendent of both steelworks maintenance and blast furance maintenace. His address is Route 4, Box 266D, Edwardsville, IL 62025.

1963 Harold W. Crader has been named sen ior project manager for Mallinckrodt Inc. He and Janet live at 4685 Karamar Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128.

Rudy Chittenden, electronic development manager in recognition and encoding systems, has been promoted to senior engineer at IBM in Charlotte, N.C. His address is 7016 Pleasant Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211.

Paul R. Metzler, '73, sends us notice of the death of Yernie Joe Totty in March, 1979.

Bernard and Sandra Ebert have moved to 2701 Com<:nche, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273. He is technical superintendent for Shell Oil in Anacortes, Wash.

Shirley M. Schmidt lives at 736 Yale Ave. , Webster Groves, MO 63119. Shirley is a senior development chemist for Mallinckrodt Inc.

Don and Marilee Jones have mo ved to 3512 Peregrine Falcon, Austin , TX 78746. He is an advisory engineer with IBM Corp.

Lonnie Shalton is an attorney with Polsinelli, White & Schulte in Kansas City. His address is 1401 W. 50th St. , Kansas City, MO 64112.

J. Ronald and Janice Miller have moved to 2030 Woodland Hills Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Ron has recently been promoted to plant manager for Proctor and Gamble in Cape. Lindsey and Marylin Kay Scott are now living at 1448 Scarborough, Plano, TX 75075. Lindsey is a senior attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co. in Plano.

1964 Manoharlal and Indira Bajaj have move,d to 8808 Havendale Lane, Chattenooga, TN 37421. He is a senior development engineer with Olin Chemical in Charleston, Tenn.

Thomas and Harriet Smith are liv ing at 909 East II th .. Edmond. OK 73034. Tom is a senior sales engineer for Hewlett Packard in Oklahoma City.


a salf>s lent and He and

Ed Cole tells us he has "a new job, new title and a new addition to the family ." The new job is with Ari /o n3 Public Service Utility's Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. The new title is superintendent of the water plant, and the new addition is Andrew Arthur Cole--born Aug. 2, 1980. The family lives at 5804 S. Bonarden Lane, Tempe, AZ 85283.

I Court,

)b have

ld NE, arl has ArmY¡

James and Gale Crafton are living at 30033 Troutdale, P.O. Box 606, Evergreen, CO 80439. Jim is a consultant with CBW Engineering Inc., Arvada, Colo.

oved to e, MO lent of te City, 1980 Rollamo

MSM Alumnus / 3 1

Alum ni Pers onal s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1965 Cont. Kenneth and Peggy Eimer are living on Route I, Dallas City, IL 62330. Ken is area supervisor for Chevron Chemical Co., Ft. Madison, Iowa. Mike Wicklund, president of Missouri Forge Inc., Donipha n, Mo., announc es the installation of a new No. 23 die forger. It is the largest programmable die forger ever built by the Chambe rsburg Engineering Co. Missouri Forge has three smaller die forgers in current use. Major industries served by the compan y include farm equipme nt, construc tion equipment, mining, oil field , railroad and automo tive companies. Mike's home address is 90 IN . Grand, Donipah n, MO 63935.

William Wu¡Mo Chern is now a plan check engineer building and safety division for the City of Downey , Calif. He and Cathy are living at 16704 Monte Cristo Ave., Cerritos. CA 90701.

Kenneth and Geraldine Lennox have moved to 3605 B Fairway Drive, Hays, KS 61601. Ken is operations manager for Sunflower Electric Coop in Hays.


1968 (

James al have roo HuntsviI en~neer

Robert and Mary Fogler have moved to 7046 Sprucew ood, Cincinn ati, OH 4524 I. Bob has been named planning and distribution manager--bar soap and household cleaning products for Procter & Gamble.

Jose and Teresa Rodriguez have moved to 15300 SW 87th Ave., Miami, FL 33157. He has retired as a Lt. Col. from the U.S. Army.

at Redstt

Frank L.

sion bric


Highway II\, Frar Haviland

Robert ill


ed to R FaUs, W en~neer


Robert a to 222H 77450. I Michael Texas.

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Allen G. Behring 121 E. Witchw ood Lane Lake Bluff, I L 60044 James E. Bertelsmeyer 3303 East 100th Place S. Tulsa, OK 74136 Vincent P. Crane 8140 Spur Court, NW Bremerton, W A 98310 Samuel A. Scheer 12109 Glen Canyon NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 Matteo A. Coco 7115 Alicton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63123 Leonard C. Kirberg 331 Carmel Woods Dr. Ellisville, MO 63011 Alan D. Shaffer 4870 Ken newick Dr. Florrissant, MO 63033 32/ MSM Alumnus


GAIL DAVID GE KETTE NBRIN K Gail Davidge Kettenbrink has been appointed staff geologist for Earle M. Craig Jr. Corp., Midland TX. Her primar y respon sibiliti es include generating and evaluating exploration prospects in West Texas, New Mexico and Oklahom a. Gail's address is 3605 Sinclair Ave. , Midland , TX 79703 .

Ronald Brethold lives on Route 2, Box 82 I, Aronold , MO 63010. He is selfemployed.

Robert J. Mueller has been named director , quality asSurance, for Olin Corp.'s Winchester Group Ammun ition Operat ions. He had been serving as manager, product and process engineering for ammunitions operations. Bob has held various engineering and managerial positions in the Winchester Group since joining the company in 1968. He and his family reside at 63 Depot Drive, in Edwardsville, IL 62025.

Terry and Alexis Nagel have moved to 848 St. Lucia Court, San Jose, CA 95 I 27. Terry is now a systems engineering supervisor for Moore Systems Inc.

Charles \ Hahn,1a Evansvill 6588 Co 47630.


IDOX have ive, Hays, s manager In Hays.

IVe moved

iiami, FL

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1968 Cont.


James and Janet Dinges and son, Jeff, have moved to 2060 Edinburgh Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803. Jim is a project engineer with teh U.S. Army, MICOM, at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala.

Norman and Christine Dauderman have moved to Route 2, Reding Road, Box 207 A, Alhambra, IL 62001. Norman is senior engineer with McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis.

Col. from Frank L. Grabski has been named divi· sion bridge engineer for the Federal Highway Administration in Springfield, III. Frank and Linda li ve at 3304 Haviland, Springfield, IL 62704.

Robert and Collette Halford have mov· ed to Route 8, Box 30R, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729. Bob is senior design engineer with Cray Research Inc.

Robert and Guyla Harbin have moved to 22218 Hockaday Drive, Katy, TX 77450. He is a senior engineer with Michael Baker Jr. Inc., in Houston, Texas.


/ )

Charles W. Thresher is now president of Hahn, Jackson, Thresher, Henning Inc., Evansville, Ind. He and Darlene live at 6588 Concord Drive, Newburgh, IN 47630.

Gary and Janice Duggins are living on Davis Creek Route, Box 2C, West Plains, MO 65775. Gary is production engineer for Southwest Truck Body in West Plains.

Robert and Barbara McFarland are now living at 801 Grant St., No. 303, Denver, CO 80203. He is a principal with E.G.C. & Associates, Littleton, Colo.

Keith H. Wilham Jr. has been named professional products representative for Sherwood Medical, St. Louis. He lives at 3834 175th Ave., NE, NO 28 , Red· mond, W A 98052.

1970 Douglas M. Haseltine has been named development associate, Organic Chemicals Division of Tennessee Eastman Co. At the time of his new ap· pointment, Doug was serving as a senior chemical engineer and group leader for engineering on the central staff, In· termediates Department. His address is 1224 Watauga St., Kingsport, TN 37660.

William R. Knauf is now operations manager for Montgomery Wards in Manassas, Va. He and Sandra live at 8630 Newton Place, Manassas, V A 22110. JAMES A FORD

n named for Olin ununition erving as engineer· ODS. Bob ing and 'inchester npany in ide at 63

James A Ford has been named business develoment manager for Procon Inc., the domestic subsidiary of Procon Inter· national Inc. In his new position, Jim is responsible for assigned business development activities for Procon's engineering, procurement and construc' tion services in the Midwest. He is based in Procon's Des Plaines, lll. head· quarters. He lives at 214 Wimbolton Drive, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056.

IL 62025.

Steven M. Gardner has moved to 2528 Westglen Farms Drive, Ellisville, MO 63011. He is a vice president with Mart Twain State Bank in Bridgeton.

moved to QSe,



:rnS Inc.

1980 Rollamo MSM Alumnus / 33

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Alu r

1970 Cont.


Maj . Richard L. Freeman has a new assignment as chief, engineer branch assistance team with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Readiness Group Stewart, USMA Annex , Newburgh , NY. He and Barbara live at 4 149 Lancaster Ave. , Newburgh , NY 12550.

L. Wa) equipmf Electric & equip Louisvil Sundow

Michael F. Lehnhoff has joined Booker Associate s Inc., St. Louis-based engineers, architects and planners, as sa les manager. Booker is a multidisciplinary firm which provides professional services in planning, architecture, landscape architecture and civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering. It is involved in many St. Louis area projects including runwa y extensions at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, replacement of the 14th Street viaduct in downtown St. Louis, and completion of the Innerbelt Highway between 1-70 and 1-270. Mike's home address is 3920 Opal Drive, Harvester, MO 63303.

Brett L. Clevelar is now ; Corp.

1980 Rot!amo

1971 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Donald E. Frankforther 1374 Rolling Oaks East Memphis, TN 38 11 7 Robert J. Campbell 2640 Bluff Ridge Dr. Sf. Louis, MO 63129

Frederick J. Rocchio has been promoted to superintendent of Plant 3 Coke Plant for Inland Steel. He joined the company in 1970 as a technical assistant at No. 4 Basic Oxygen Furnaces. He has held several steel-making posts and was assistant superintendent of No. II Coke Battery, and assistant superintendent of Plant 3 Cork Plant before his most recent promotion. His address is 9813 Arthur Court, Crow n Point, IN 46307.

William M. Thompson has been named "Young Engineer of the Year" by the Southwest chapter of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. For the past five years he has been an electrical engineer with Allgeir, Martin and Associates, in Joplin. Bill, Kathy and their three children li ve at 2125 New Jersey Ave. , Joplin , MO 6480 I. 34 MSM Alumnus

Roger Clemons 190 I S. Compton St. Louis, MO 63104 James O. Bondi 10231 Echo Ridge Court Dallas, TX 75243

Dennis Campbell has joined Russell & Axon, Engineers-Planners-Architects Inc., as an environmental engineer. He will manage lhe firlll's waler lrea lment department and serve as a project manager in the newly created industrial wastewater treatment department. He will also be responsible for marketing and designing industrial wastewater surveys, and develop industrial pretreatment programs. Dennis was forme rl y an env ironmental engin ee r with En-

virodyne Engineers, Inc. His address is 2534 Harriet Walk , St. Louis, MO 63114. Stephen and Katherine Herbst have moved to 7504 Sadra St., Citrus Heights, CA 956 10. Steve is a civil engineer with the U.S . Department of the Interior , Water and Power Resources Service in Sacramento, Ca lif. Ronald D. Markham has moved to 302 Stamford Drive, Newark, DE 19711. He is now production manager for Crown Zellerbach in Newcastle, Del.

1972 Stephen and Karen Epps have moved to 4522 E. 11 8th Place, Denver, CO 80233 . Steve is now a project engineer with General Cable Co rp ., Westminister, Colo. Terre nce G. Frake ha moved 10 18 14 Rockdale Ave. , Lansing, MI 489 17. He is a route location engineer with the Michigan Department of Transportation. William and Dinah Nash have moved to Route 13, Boberg Road , Evansville, IN 47712.

David J with Ca. Colo. HI Harlan,

William to 1001 Creek, ( engineel Power (

Keith I manufa< Packard Esther i

56, Ft. (


Alumni Personals ______________________ 1973

1972 Cont.

Mike and Debbie Behr send the fo llow路 ing news: "New daughters (Karen Lynn and Beth Ann) were born Oct. 29, 1980. Now have two sons and two daughters-and not much spare time since they are all under age three!" Mike is operational test director, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 5, U.S. Navy . The family lives at 116 Coral Sea, China Lake, CA 93555 .

L. Wayne Garrett is now manager, equipment engineering, for General Electric Co.'s manufacturing technology & equipment development operation in Louisville, Ky. His address is 5002-G, Sundown Court, Louisville, KY 40222.

Brett L. Hanke is now living at 2145 Cleveland, Granite City, IL 62040. He is now a facilities engineer with RCA Corp.

'80 Rollamo

David J. Langston is now a geologist with Canyon Resources Corp., Golden, Colo. He and Ellen have moved to 3920 Harlan, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.


John and Kathleen Brinton have moved to 860 N. Woodlawn, Kirkwood, MO 63031. John is now a sales engineer for French Gerleman Electronics, Maryland Heights, Mo.

address is lUis, MO

bst have ., Citrus .s a civil "tment of Power Ito, Calif.

~ to 302 ~ 19711.

William and Karen Sweet have moved to 100 Kinroos Drive, No. 34, Walnut Creek, CA 94598. Bill is now a senior engineer- mech. , P.E.- with Bechtel Power Corp. in San Francisco, Calif. Keith R. Walden has been named manufacturing engineer for Hewlett Packard Co. in Loveland, Colo. He and Esther are living at 5320 E. Co. Road 56, Ft. Collins, CO 80524.

Barry E. Pace has been named product manager-light truck tires, for the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company's North American Tire Group in Akron, Ohio. Barry joined the company in 1973. He has held a number of positions in inventory management, the most recent post being section manager in production planning. His address is 1140 Madrid, Akron, OH 44313.

lager for e, Del.

Patrick and Nora Byrne have moved to 1742 Mews Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131. Pat is a construction engineer, claims, for Massman Construction Co.

Jeffrey A. Gibson writes: "I have recent路 Iy been promoted to supervisor of the overhead electrical transmission depart路 ment with Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division. My wife, Teresa, and I and two children are now residing at 1409 Merrywood Drive, Jonesboro, AR 72401."

James and Sue Hess have moved to I Van Sant Road , Newark, DE 19711. He is a statistician for DuPont in Wilmington, Del.

moved to ver, CO en~neer

Corp. ,

John L. Key has been named mine superintendent for Cominco American Inc., Magmont Mine, Bixby, Mo. John and Ann live at 1203 S. Mac Arthur, Salem, MO 65560.

1814 8917. He with the ansporta路

j to

David and Janice Kroeter have moved to 2006 Meadowood Cove, Jonesboro, AR 72401. David is president of Southern Cast Products Inc.

moved to sviUe, IN 1980 Rollamo

MSM A lumnus / 35

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1972 Cont.

1974 Bruce S. Bonczyk. is living at 1707 W. Freeman St., Carbondale, IL 6290 I. He is a project manager for R.B. Stephens Construction Co. of Carbondale.

Daniel and Polly Cartwright have moved to 69910 The Meadows, St. Clairsville, OH 43950. Dan is a mining manager for Shell Oil Co. of Houston, Texas.

Ronald F. Dawes has been named vice president for Structured Software Solutions in Plano, Texas. Ron and Donna live at. 2211 Green Valley Carrollton, TX 75006.

1973 Cont. Larry and Donna (Gallagher) Mayfield are living at 2600 Oak Grove Drive, Plano, TX 75074. Larry is a computer con ultant for Structured Softwa re Solutions.

Russell Dmonie Jr. has been named engineer-in-charge for the Federal Communications Commission in St. Louis. He and Dianna live at 4172 Providence Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301.

Robert and Patricia Hermann have moved to No. 7 Ash Lane, Newtown, P A 18940. He is now a project manager for A.E. Staley Co. in Morrisville, Pa.

1974 ( Mark and Rose Herzog "announce the birt h of our son, Joseph Bruce Herzog on Feb 3. To welcome him were his brothers John, 3 Y1, and Jimmy 2 Y1. Mark was recently promoted to area engi nee r for Gett y Oil Co. The famil y lives at 512 Richfield, Longview, TX 75601. Louis B. Jearls Jr. has been named manager, materials testing laboratory, for the City of St. Louis. He and Pamela Rose live at 6420 Odell, St. Louis, MO 63139. Wayne and Betty Jordan have moved to 2529 Burnett, Topeka, KS 66614. Wayne is systems supervisor for the Santa Fe Railroad .

Richard and Charmaine Ann Kent have moved to 3516 McWilliams Road, Mu rrysville, PA 15668. Richard is a senior project engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pa.

John and Diana Legate are living at 23 Limewood Place, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. John is a computer resource manager for Pacific Telephone in Concord, Calif.

Wallace and Virginia Peterson have moved to 8147 Effingham, Germantown, TN 38138. Wallace is now zone fleet manager for GMC Truck and Coach in Memphis, Tenn. Larry and Rebecca Schrnick.le have moved to 311 N. 12th St. , Independence, KS 6730 I. Larry is a credit representative (SSn for the Social Security Administration in Independence. Steven and Lyneve Wunning have moved to No. 3 Peach Tree Lane, Orchard Knolls, Germantown Hills, lL 61548 . Steve is now earthmoving development supervisor for Caterpillar Tractor Co., in Peoria, Ill. Donald J. Zweifel has moved to 2933 Crossview, Apt. H-8 , Houston, TX 77063. 1980 Rollamo 36 MSM Alumnus


Danny L section SI Plant En: project e ment,) f' Mich. H. Terrace,

William! moved tl 60202. specialist

Randall ( project el Co. He al 183 D, B

Suzanne transfern associate and Eric Road, Dl


Alumni Personals _ _ ____________________

Ounce the e Herzog, were his

1974 Cont.

:uny 2 ~ .

Danny L. Lata! has been promoted to section supervisor, mechanical, Central Plant Engineering (from the position of project engineer in the same department,) for Dow Coming, Midland, Mich. His address is 3701 Sweetbrier Terrace, Midland, MI 48640.

to area he family view, TX j

n named boratory, d Pamela ouis, MO

'e moved S 66614. for the

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ing at 23 1ill, CA resource : in Con·


Leroy and Elizabeth Nadler have mov· ed to 2367 Sarthe Court, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Leroy is a senior project engineer with Mallinckrodt Inc. James W. Ott reports: "We have a son, Jacob William Ott, born Sept. 19, 1980, and we are still living at 1818 Lake Heights, St. Louis, MO 63138." Jim is now an advisory product support specialist, for Cincom Systems Inc., in Earth City, Mo.

William and Patricia McGranahan have moved to 1614 Seward, Evanston, U 60202. He is an instrumentation specialist at Northwestern University.

RandaD G. Thompson is now a process project engineer with Phillips Petroleum Co. He and Sharon live on Route 2, Box 183 D, Bartlesville, OK 74003.

Suzanne M. (Dirkers) Ziercher has been transferred to Endicott, N. Y. as a senior associate programmer with IBM. She and Eric have moved to 155 Harford Road, Drvcten, NY 13053.

ROBERT S. MCDANIEL Robert S. McDaniel has accepted a posi· tion as research manager of the A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co.'s new products laboratory. He will be responisble for developing new products for the company ' s chemicals-fromcarbon hydrates program. Staley continues to place research emphasis on the development of starch-based products to replace petro-chemicals. Bob was formerly with Armak Co. in McCook, Ill. His current address is 968 Mont· gomery Court , Decat ur, IL 62526.

1975 Ralph and Brenda Horton's new ad· dress is Box 1556, 709 S. Cornell, Fritch, TX 79036. Ralph is a project engineer with J.M. Huber Corp. in Borger, Texas.

Roger and Marlene Johnsen are living at 4820 Chalfont, Florissant, MO 63033 . Roger is a utilities supervisor with Mallinckrodt Inc. Robert S. MaxweD has moved to 425 Olympic, Apt. 63, Kenniwick, W A 99336. He is a project manager for Guy Atkinson Co.

Na-vy Lt. j.g. James V. Schaefer is combat information center officer on the destroyer U .S.S. Elliot. The ship (home port in San Diego,) is an operating unit of the U.S. 7th Fleet currently deployed to the Western Pacific. Port visists are scheduled in various Far Eastern countries.

1976 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: William K, Meihe P.O. Box 2596 Robins AFB, GA 31098

Dal'id W. Braun Wyandot Lane, 45042. He is now tion engineer for Cincinnati.

has moved to 7441 Middletown, OH a data and specificaGeneral Electric in

Scott D. Charpentier has been appointed district engineer for the Old Ocean District of Amoco Production Co., the domestic exploration and production subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. (Indiana). Scott, Mary Ann, and their daughter, live at 3515 E. Plum, Pearland, TX 77581.

1980 Rollamo MSM A!umnus / 37

Alum ni Pers onal s,__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Donald and Nancy Chronis ter have moved to 6917 Eastpoint Court, Centerville, OH 45459 . Don is a senior engineer with Duriron , Inc. , in Dayton, Ohio.

Kenneth E. Luetkemeyer lives at 664A Senate Court Apts., Jefferson City, MO 65101 . He is equal employment opportunity coordinator for the Missouri Highway and Transpo rtation Department.

Larry D. Bullock is now a part of the shelter staff of the People's Emergency Center in Philadelphia, Pa. His address is 2041 Chestnu t St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.

James M. Eye is a project engineer with McGill Inc. in Tulsa, Okla. He lives at 1319 E. 6lst, Apt. 9G, Tulsa, OK 74136 .

Mark A. Mariko s has moved to II Rolla Gardens, Rolla, MO 65401. He is a geologist with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Land Survey in Rolla.

James and Pamela Grant have moved to 7043 Waterm an, University City, MO 63130. Jim is now project manager at Mallinckrodt Inc.

Robert F. Fleischman has joined Miller and Compan y as a salesman through the Houston office, covering accounts in Missouri and surrounding areas. Bob was previously with Ramsey Corp. as a manufac turin g engineer . His address is 259 A Hickory Hedge, Manche ster, MO 630 II.

Timothy G. O'Neill has moved to 644 S. Clarkson, Denver, CO 80209. He is now a geologist with Milchem, Inc., Littleton, Colo.

Gerry and Diana Hamilton have moved to 45 Bartley Lane , Fu lton , MO 65251. He is now assistant quality control engineer for Union Electric's Callaway Nuclear Power Plant.

Carol Foster is now living at 2201 Whipp Road, Kettering, . OH 45440 . Carol is a production engineer with Delco Moraine Division of General Motors, Dayton , Ohio.

Douglas ami Pamela Freeman are living at 7103 Delrose Drive, Dallas, TX 75214. Doug is with Arthur Andersen & Co. in Dallas.

Donald J. Rogge has moved to 1313 Fenton Hills Road, Fenton, MO 63026. He is now manager /United Automatic Services for United Van Lines Inc. Ronald T. Rogge is now in the scheduling department with l.S. Alberici Construction Co. Inc., St. Louis. Ron and Lorrie live at 1978 Centuri on Drive, Fenton, MO 63026.

Robert W. Jackson has moved to 125 Interstate ION, No. 445, Beaumont, TX 77707. He is now maintenance supervisor for E. 1. DuPont in Orange, Texas. Mark and Roxann Ryann have moved to 827 S. Washington , Liberal, KS 6790 l. Mark is now operations specialist with Panhand le Eastern Pipe Line, Kansas City, Mo.


Alum 1977 C< David and Vassar, In is a struC'

McDonne Mo. Jerry [,

Wedgewo 99701. Je with the l Resources


Marc aot No.2 Jen 63376. M with Hell

David M 509 E. I! He is a I


John aod to342W( 46350. J(

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Word has been received that Loren O. Ginter has been killed in a plane crash. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force. Jan Johanin gmeyer is now a senior pricing analyst for Gulf Oil Corp. His new address is 1590 Anderson Ave., Apt. SF, Ft. Lee, NJ 07024. Gerald Lee has been named City Utilities of Springfield's new superintendent of construction for the city's natural gas and water systems. Before joining CU as an engineer four years ago, Gerald was a design engineer for McDonnell-Douglas, St. Louis. Prior to this most recent appoint ment, he was superin tendent of gas and water measurement. His address is 1336 W. Highland, Springfield, MO 65807. 38/ MSM A lumnu s

MiChigan Charles Alsberg has been named vice president of North American Hydro Inc., Wautom a, Wise. His address is P .O. Box 23, Neshkoro, WI 54960.

Bruce Edward s Jr., sends the following news: "I graduated in 1977 with a B.A. in English, and this May will complete my Ph.D. in English here at the University of Texas. I have accepted an assistant professorship in English at Bowling Green State Unviersity in Ohio and will be moving there at the end of the summer. My wife Joan and I have three children now, Matthew , Mary and Justin." The Edwards family lives at 1109 B. Brackenridge Apartm ents, Austin, TX 78703. 1980 Rollamo


'art of the ~mergency

lis address :Iphia, PA

ve moved sity City, t manager

ve moved 10 65251.

Alumni Personals______________________ 1977 Cont. David and Janet Seeley now live at 3837 Vassar, Independenct, MO 64052 . Dave is a structural engineer with Burns & McDonnell Engineering in Kansas City, Mo. Jerry E. Vail Jr. has moved to 312 Wedgewood Drive, 8D, Fairbanks, AK 99701 . Jerry is a hydrologist/engineer with the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, in Fairbanks.

control Callaway


Eduard A. Dailide is now public works officer for the U.S. Navy. The address for Eduard and Ramune is NA VCOMMU Cutler, East Machias, ME 04630. Nancy E. Harrington has been moted to First Lieutenant in the Army. The address for Nancy Richard is HHC, 649th Engr. (TO PO), APO, NY 09081.

proU.S. and Bn.

Randall J. Lubbert has moved to 1614 57th Ave. E., Tuscaloosa, AL 35404. He is mining engineer with Jim Walter Resources, mining division, in Brookwood, Ala.


ed to 125 mont, TX Ice super¡ 5e, Texas.

Marc and Michelle Arand are living at No.2 Jenny Lind Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. Marc's title is customer engineer with Hewlett Packard.

Terry D. McCallister has been named operations engineer for Arco Oil and Gas Co., Hobbs, N.M. He has moved to 3000 N. Montgomery, Hobbs, NM 88240.

moved to :S6790I.

David M. Birenbaum is now living at 509 E. 10th Street, Rolla, MO 65401. He is a graduate student at UMR in engineering management.

Rory M. McCarthy is a district engineer for Dowell. He and Amy live at 428 Sixth St., Paintsville, KY 41240.

John and Deborah Busee have moved to 342 West Johnson Road, LaPorte, IN 46350. John is now a senior development engineer with Weil-McLain in Michigan City, Ind.

David F. Obermann, '78, '80, has moved to 360 I Ambleside Drive, Austin, TX 73759. He is an assoicate programmer for IBM .

alist with Kansas



Peter C. Horn reports: "I have recently joined Computer Techniques Inc. , a commercial business system supplier located in Minneapolis. I'll be heading up national marketing of systems and software licenses designed for a number of major computer systems including data general, H.P., and I.B.M. Software products include general accounting and special purpose systems for printing, mail order premium fulfillment, distribution, beverage , property management/construction , and manufacturing, including job costing. Our product line is called the Ultradata Concept, and is on-line, interactive state-of-the-art COBOL system. It is designed specifically for use without a data processing staff. I'm really excited, needless to say! P.S.---The " buy a blanket for Bob fund" (Robert Chapman, '78---Dec. issue of the Alumnus), although not tax deductible, will probably be non-profit! I understand that select volunteer single female applicants will be taken for a limited time on an as available basis. Right, Bob? Snicker, Snicker!" Peter and Carla, '76, live at 9641 Portal Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

Michael Loyde Pratt has been promoted to senior business analyst for McDonnell Douglas Automation-HSD. He and Deborah Anna are expecting their first child on May 1. The couple lives at 3012 Mayer Drive, St. Charles, MO 63301.

Bruce Q. Roney has moved to 290 I Tepee Ave. , Independence, MO 64057. He is a sales representative for Canfield & Joseph.

Carl A. Trauth has moved to 14500 Dallas Parkway, No. 1116, Dallas, TX 75240.

Christopher S. Wood has moved to 4536 Brunson Place, Traverse City, MI 49684. 1980 Rollamo MSM Alumnus / 39

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1979

The materi~

tions te St. Pat

James and Kathy Bosch are living at 8210 General Sheridan Lane, St. Louis. Jim is a sales engineer with Nooter Corp.


shillela; news~

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Samuel C. Blackburn has moved to 907 E. Felt, Brownfield, TX 79316 . He is an engineer with Amoco Production. Brian and Lori Edwards are now living at 8932 Kidde , St. Louis, MO 63 123. Brian is a design engineer for McDonnell Douglas Aircraft. David and Giuseppa ('80) Heineck have moved to 230 Ken's Lake Estates, Winfield, WV 25213. Dave is an advanced chemist with Union Carbide Corp. In South Charleston, W. Va. Stephen A. Lang, '79, '80, has moved to 2821 Townbluff, Apt. 1013, Plano, TX 75075 . He is a mining engineer with North American Consultants Inc. in Dallas. Kent and Karen Lueders have moved to 803 Pard Meadow, Katy , TX 77450. He is a petroleum engineer with Amoco Production Co. in Houston. Steyen W. Martin has moved to 2009 Port Royal, Building B, Apt. B-7, Crystal City, MO 63019. He is now an assistant engineer for Union Electric in St. Louis. Mark and Ronda Mayhan are living at 10054 Berkshire, Apt. 304, Meadville, PA 16335. Mark is a production engineer with PPG. Dennis and Lisa Naeger have moved to 15923 Eastcape Drive, Webster, TX 77598 . Dennis is a process engineer, refinery tech., for Atlantic Richfield Co. in Houston, Texas. Robert S. Thrutchley is living at 403 NW Third St., Rochester, MN 55901. He is an electrical engineer with IBM. 40/ MSM Alumnus

1980 Rollamo

Stuart W. Obermann has a new wife, Marcia. The couple lives at 307 Oakley Lane, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Stuart is a structural dynamicist for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in St. Louis. Gary L. Ordelheide has moved to 5324 Wickfield , Apt. A, New Orleans, LA 70 122. Ga ry is now an engineer with Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. III Chalmette, La. Eugene D. Schubel is an assistant engineer, costs and design, for Burlington Northern Rail way. He and Rita live at 2016 E. Lark, Springfield, MO 65804. Nayy Ensign Robert M. Thurmond has completed a 13-week radar intercept officer course at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. Since earning his gold wings, he has been designated a naval flight officer.

Leslie L. Mcintyre's new address is Route I, Box 752, Highway C, Glencoe, MO 63038. Leslie is a test engineer with American Air Filter of St. Louis.

John Julius Olson died Feb. 7 of cane He received his B.S. degree in ci engineering in May and was working h. Lopinot and Stevens, a consulting engineering firm in St. Louis. He was a life member of the Reserve Officers Association and the Society of American Military Engineers. John was an active member of the 471st Engineering Company of the U.S. Army Reserve in Rolla . He has just completed (donating his services) field surveys and computations for work to be done by the 47 1st. Company as a training project. The project is development of the VFW Youth Camp and Recreation Area just south of Rolla. His burial was in Rolla. He is survived by his parents and a younger brother (missionaries in Brazil) and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Abbott, Branson, Mo.

1980 Notice has been recieved of the death of Eugene Donald Austin on Dec. 24. He had received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering at the Winter Commencement on Dec. 21.

Mark S. SteUner is now living at 2125 Gallery, Apt. II, St. Louis, MO 63141. He is a project engineer with Moog Automotive Inc_



The St. Pat's Board is looking for material from past St. Pat's Celebrations to be incorporated into a UMRSt. Pat's Museum Exhibit. Buttons, hats, garters , shirts, shillelaghs, pictures or snapshots, newspaper articles , trophies-anything having to do with St. Pat's Celebrations while you were in school-would be welcome as a donation or loan. The Board plans to put together the memorabilia for use as an exhibit

during the annual festivities andior as a permanent display if a suitable location can be found. So, if your wife has hinted from time to time that you should get rid of some of that "junk," but you just can't bear to see it thrown out-there is a place for it now. Send donations to St. Pat's Board, University Center, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401 , Attention: Museum Committee.

Please be sure to include your name, class year, and any information necessary to identify the material as to time and use. For instance, photographs should include names of the people shown (if you can remember them) , the year it was taken, and a short description or any comments about the activity. Any help you can give the committee will be appreciated.


80 Rollamo

Iddress is Glencoe, neer with Jis.




Jf cane in ci Jrking fL onsulting He was a Officers ;iety of John was Engineer· I Reserve (donating computa· he 471st. The proN Youth t south of He is sur· younger iO and a son, Mo.

MSM-UMR Alumni Association U niversity of Missouri - Rolla Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401

, at 2125 063141. th Moog \





MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Uni ve r sity of Mis souri -Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401

A021 55 1 WAY"lE r~ RL EOS 0 E UI"1R 11 9 HU M- SOC SC I


65401- 0000




FROM NAME: __________________________________________ CLASS _________ SPOUSE ' S NAME :


~ NEW STREET CITY _______________________ ST A TE _____________ ZI P ___________

TITLE ___________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT _____________________________________________ STREET _________________________________________________






CITY _______________________ STATE _____________ ZI P ____________ Annu al Alumni Fund contributions are tax deductible. Checks payable to the MSM -UMR Alumni Association , Harris Hall , UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 , (3 14) 341 -4172.



I I I $2~.00 I I


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I I $~OO I I I o


I 1I I 1I I II I I I I I I


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