Missouri S&T Magazine, June 1981

Page 1


Commencement Issue

University of Missouri-Rolla

June, 1981

MSM -UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171; (31 4) 34 1-4172


Alumnus MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-RoUa Rolla, Missouri

President .

....... Robert D. Bay, '49 .

Preside nt Elee!.

· Law rence A. Spanier, '50 .

Vice President .

· Frank C. Appleyard. '37 .

. . . Arthur G. Bacb ler, '55 .

Vice President.

Term Expires . ..... Bl ack & Veatch: 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway . . 1982 Kansas Ci ty, M0l\4114 . .. 5 Pcuit Dri ve . Di, Hills, NY 11746

. 808 Solar. Glenview, IL 60025 ...... 20 Fox Meadows .

1982 1982 1982

Sunset Hills, MO 63127 Vice President.

. . . . . Alfred J. Buescher. '64 .

Vice Presidenl .

· James B. McG rath, '49 .

....... 624 Go lfv iew Dr. . Ba ll win. MO 63011 . Fru-Con .

1982 1982

1706 Oli ve St.. St. Louis. MO 63 103

Volume 55 Number 3 June 1981

On The Cover

Members of the C lass of 1931 participating in commencement were: left to right, seated, Herron , Hassler, Hangosky , Gevecker; standing , Williams, Wilhite, Throgmorton , Sper Iing, McCracken , Pace.

Secre tary .

Robert V. Wolf, '51

Treasu rer .

Vernon T. Lc)Csing '42 .

. Dep t. of Metallurgical & Nuclea r Engr. . UM R. Rolla . M0 65401 ...... Dept. of Civil Engr. .

Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla_ Entered as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.


UMR . Rolla. MO 6540 1

James D. Gos tin, '4 4 . Belding H. McCu rdy , '38 . Walter C. Mulyca, '65 . Robert P. Schafer. '52 . John B. Toome y, '49 . Arm in J. Tucker, '40 .

DIR ECTO RS AT LARG E · J G Sales Co. , P.O. Box 3024. Arcadia. CA 9100'; . .7300 Sun Island Dr., S. No. 180 I: S1. Petersburg. FL 33707 . · . Rt. 1. No. 16 Southfield Lane, Marshall, TX 75670 . .4426 Mill Cree k Road. Dall as. TX 75234 . .74 12 Admiral Dr., Alexa ndria, VA 22307 . · .6464 Overlook Drive, Alexa ndria. VA 223 12.

Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIR ECTO RS 00· 14 Raymond T. Ruenheck, '50 . . 7 Monteview, Che lmsford. MA 01824 ............. . 15·21 Robert C. Perry, '49 . 1216 Minnesota Ave., Natro na Hts., PA 15065 . 22·34 Gerald L. Stevenson, '59 . 145 Greenbrier Dr. , Chagrin Falls, OH 4402 2. .20001 Idlewood Trail, Cleveland, OH 44 136 . 35·45 William D. Busch. '42 . 46·59 George Baumgartner, '56 . ........ 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48 127 . 60·61 Allen G. Behring, '66 . . 121 E. Witchwood Lane. Lake Bluff, IL 60044 . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon. IL 626 29 . 62·62 Ern st Weinel. '44. 63·65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 . . . . J. S. Alberici Construction , 2150 Kienlin. SI. Louis, MO 63121 . 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53 . . ..... 480 Country Club Drive. Hann ibal. MO 63401 . 63·65 Martha Gerig, '69 . . . .. 801 Fairground Road. Rolla , MO 6540 I 63·65 Harold A. Krueger, '42 . . Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branch. Sweetwater. MO 63680 . 63·65 Paul R. Munger, '58 . . .. . . Director Institute of River Studies, UM R, Rolla. MO 65401 . 63-65 J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 . 2123 Sunset Drive, Popla r Bl uff. MO 63901 63-65 J. Robert Patterson, '54 . . ... Show·Me. Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sik eston. MO 6380 I . 63-65 Kennet h D. Pohlig, '64 . . .. 2 Vicnne Cou rt. ~ke SI. Louis, MO 63367 . . .435 E. 55 Street. Kansas City, MO 64 11 O. 63·65 Robert E. Vansant , '5 1. 63·65 C. M. Wattenbarger, '4 1. .205 W. Firsl SI. Terrace, Lama r, MO 64759 . 66·74 David D. Kick. '57. . ... 4915 S. Lakewood Dr.. Tulsa, OK 74 135 . 75·79 Re, Alford. '40 . . 5743 Jason, Houston. TX 77096 . 80·89 &96·99 Victor J . Hoffmann. '60 . . 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr., S.E. Kent , WA 98031. 90-95 Robert L. Ra y. '47 . . . ....... 6045 Es tates Dri ve. Oakland. CA 94611 .

Robert W. Klorer, '44 . Joel F. Loveridge, '39 .

EXECUTI VE COMMITTEE . Misso uri EleclTochem Inc., 10958 Lin·Va lle Dr .. St. Louis. M0 63 123 Robert M. Brackbi ll. '42 . ... .. ..... .. . Texas Pacific Oil Co., 800 Glen Lakes Tower, 101 . 9400 N. Central Expr~way , Dallas TX 7523 1 . 7383 Westmore land, Un iversit y Cit y, Mo. 63 130 . Jose ph W. Mooney, '39 . EX·OFFICIO DIR ECTORS Paul T. Dowling, '40 . 10144 Winding Ridge Rd., SI. Louis, MO 63124 R. O. Kas ten, ·43 ........... . . . . . . . 901 Wes t I 14th Terrace, Kansas Cit y, M0641 14 Peter F. Mattei. '37. . .995 4 Holliston Cou rt, SI. Louis, MO 63124 . .... Murph y Compan y, 1340 North Price Rd., Sf. Louis, MO 63132 James J. Murph y, '35 . Melvi n E. Nickel. '38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060 I Sout h Hamilton Avc., Chicago, lL 60643 F. C. Schneeberge r, '25. . . ... One Bria r Oak. SI. Louis, MO 63 132 James W. Stcp hens, '4 7 . . .... Missouri Public Se rvice Co., 10700 E. Highway 50 Kan sas Ci ty , MO 64 138

Fran k H. Macka man . Barbara Petrovic . Kris CUrlin . Sa ll y White .

Term Expires 1982 1981 198 1 1983 1983 IYS 2

Term Expires 1983 1983 1982 1983 198 1 1982 198 1 198 1 1983 198 1 .. 1982 1981 1982 198 t 1983 1983 1981 1982 1982 1983 1982

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTO RS · . 7500 Natura l Bridge Road, SI. Louis, MO 63 123 . 739 Country Manor Lane. Creve Coeu r. MO 63141

Richa rd H. Bauer, '52 .



STAFF · Executive Vice·Presiden t, MSM -UMR Alum ni Association and Director, Office of Alumni/Development, University of Missouri·Rolia · Staff Assistant , MSM·UMR Alumni Association and Senior Secretary. Alumni/Deve lopment, University of Missouri·Rolla · Records Coordinator, MSM·UMR Alumni Association & Computer Terminal Operator, Alumni/Developmen t, University of Missouri-Raila · Editor, MSM ALUMNUS MSM -UM R Alumni Association, Harris Hall. UM R. Rolla. MO 6540 1

Term Expires 1984 1982 1986

One Thurse lheir 0 openin OUlor fOom (I galhcri lranspc Tho! Gcved emefill H a ngo~

Easl L: live in Hassler fel ired Henry relired Williarr Mich.· dUSlrie! Pace al employ Websle (COfpS



Reunion • • • 50 Years Later! 1911



mElpaes 19S~

1911 1981 19,) 19l) IYl_ :fIIlEI.pif~

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1911 1981 198) 1911 19i~

One or two of th e 50-yea r graduates ca me ea rl y--on Thursda y-- to have some tim e to loo k around th e ca mpus on th eir ow n. Most arriv ed on Frida y to be on hand fo r th e opening fes ti vities--dinner at th e C hance llor's Res idence. Out -o f-towne rs stayed at leno's Motel where th e hospit alit y roo m IClub 31) wa s open most of the time for use as a ga th cr ing spot. A "C lass of 193 1" bus was ava ilable for tran spo rt ation. Th ose ga ther ing for th e reu nion were: Vernon A.C. Gcveckcr and wife. M ildred. Rout e 2. Rolla--Ve rn is emeritu s professo r of civil enginee rin g at UMR: Cla rence H angosky. retired chief metallurgist for Whit e Motor Corp .. East Lansing. Mic h .. now proprietor of a restaurant and acti ve in rea l es tate as well as consulting; Milburn "Frilz" Hass ler and w ife, Dorothy , Chattanooga, T enn. --"F ri tz" is a ret ired civil engi neer, Corps of Engi neers and U .S. G .S; Henry R. Herron and w ife, Ruth , Vandal ia, Mo.--Henry is retired afler 44 yea rs with Harbison Walker Refractories; William L. McCracken and wife, Vivian , Farm ington Hills, Mich. -- Bill is a retired direc tor of Detrex C hemical In· dustr ies Inc .. Detro it. and is now a consu ltant: George M. Pace and wife. Luvenia , C incinnati , Ohio,--George is a se lfemployed civil enginee r: Elmer Sperling alld wife, V irgi nia. Web ster G roves. MO .. --E lmer is a retired civi l enginee r ICorps of Engin ee rs and Me tropoli tan St. Lou is Sewer Distri ct) and is now involved in consulting work: G.R.

Th rogomo rt on and wife, Helen, Louisville, Ky.--Ray is ow ner of G.R. Throgmorton Genera l Contract ing; C lyde E. Wi lhi te and w ife , Margaret, Au rora, Co lo--Clyde is a retired constru cti on and sa fety engineer (Corps of Engi neers) ; Rex l. W illiams, Rolla , chairman of th e board of Rolla Sta te Ba nk and Cu rator of the Universit y of Misso uri. Two othe r class members (who started out wi th the Class of 1930 and attended last yea r's festivities , also) j oined the group. Th ey were: Cha rles "C hes" McCaw and wi fe, L ucy , Rolla --Ches is retired from U.S.G_S; and W illiam T. Sharp and w ife. Ne llie. Beaver. Okla.--B ill is retired . After din ne r wi th Loui se and Joe Marchello, the party adjourned to th e Gevecker's home Friday night. The next morn ing bega n with a breakfast prov ided by reunion hosts, Gabe and Ed ith Skitek. Th is was followed by a tour of Rolla in the group's bus, and lu ncheon at the Pubmobile. After vi~w in g the antique ca rs at Rolla's "Autos of Yes teryea rs" museum , Gabe Sk itek conducted a tou r of the ca mpus for those who wan ted to see the changes that had taken place. C lass membe rs were honored at the an nual Golden A lu mni Banquet on Saturday night. They were treated to pictu res and rem iniscences of the past, and contributed their ow n comments about the campus then and now--a nd the 50 yea rs between . Sunday morni ng opened w ith a brunch at leno's then

I'll 1911 1981 191) I)

19S1 11 1981 I9!J 19I~



MSM A lumnu s / l

adjournment to the Bullman Multi-Purpose Building for the Annual Commencement. The 50-yea r class members don ned caps and gowns and had an honored position in the procession. They received specia l recognition at th e ceremonies and were seated on the front row. After grad uation , it was back to Club 31 for a final soc ial gathering before everyone dispersed. The Wilhites were headed for a summer freighter cruise throu gh the Panama Canal. The Herrons ' traveled north to see what th eir pets--

two cats and a dog-¡ had done to th eir home in V anda lia. Ra y Th rogmorton left to resume his golf sc hedule-- he had ca nce lled a tournament in Florida to att end th e reunion -¡ and "Hank" Hangosky went back to Lansin g to renew his efforts to se ll th e res taurant (he bought it for a son who is no longer interested!. A good tim e was had by all and some ha ve eve n mauc their rese rvat ions to return for Homecoming. Oct. 9¡ 10.

Class of 1931

Henry R. Herron

William L. McCracken

2 / MSM Alumnu s

Mi lburn "Fritz" Hass ler

Clarence W . Hangosky

V ernon A.C. G evecker


·he had


new his is

1 who

1 made


Clyde E. Wi lhite

Elmer 1. Sperling

Rex Z. Williams

George M. Pace

G.R. Throgmorton

MSM Alumnus / 3


A/ MSM Alumnu s

MSM Alumnus / 5

Thomas A. Holmes, '50, delivered the commencement address and was awarded the Doctor of Engineering degree (honoris causa). Holmes joined Ingersoll-Rand in 1950 and was elected chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the company in January of this year. He is a graduate of the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program and was awarded a professional degree (engineer of mines) by UMR in 1972. He li ves in Greenw ich , Conn.

108th Annual Commencement

Keith E. Chancellor Marchello, Student Marshals Joy Lynn Maneke and Charles Dennis Croessmann, and Acting Dean of Mines and Metallurgy Ernest Spokes.

Dr. Franklin Pauls, physics, and Gabriel Skitek, electrica l engi neering , are awarded emeritus titles.

Okla .. M


Chancellor Marchello, Student Marshals Bonnie Anne Boland Chancellor Marchello, student Marshals Rebecca Brannon and Steven Dale McHenry, and School of Engineering Dean Reed and Garry Stuart Tobin , and College of Arts & Sciences ,Robert Davis. Dean Marvin Barker.

.6/ MSM Alumnu s

Dennis A KnoXVille

le com¡ : Doctor Holmes elected eofficer He is a



lwarded nes) by =onn.

Joan and Tom Holmes with Acting Dean Spokes.

Professional Degrees


Keith E. Bailey, '64, president. Williams Pipeline Co., Tulsa, John K. Bryan, vice president, Union Electric Co., St. Louis, Okla .. Mechanical Engineer Nuclear Engineer ~itek ,

; titles.

Brannon Sciences

Dennis A. Clark . '63 , vice preside nt, YME-N itro Consult, Inc., Robe rt J. Dacey (Col.) , '64, district engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Lou is, Civil Engineer Knoxville, Tenn. , Engineer of Mi nes.

MSM Alumnus!7

Donald L. Evans, '61 , '64, president and CEO, Layne· Western Paul E. Green. '50. senior vice president. Hughes Tool Co . Ltd .. Co., Shawnee Mission. Ks. Civil Engineer London. England. Petroleum Enl!ineer

Wesley Kenneth Haisty , president. Detroit Tool and Engineer· Jack A. Halpern, '66, principal, Rogers. Golden and Halpern. ing Co., L.ebanon, Mo. , Managemen t Engineer Philadelphia. Pa., Engineer of Mines.

Dale Lloyd Rockwell, manager of operations, C-E Refractories, William M. Shepard, '51, '52, vice president, AMAX Explora· Combustion Engineering Inc., Belleville, III. Ceramic Engineer tion Inc. , Lakewood, Colo. , Geologica l Engineer. 8 / MSM Alumnus

Michael pillar TI

Bill Sle Oklahon

Co. Lid.

Michael F. Simmons. heat trea tment superinte nde nt. Cate r¡ Richard J. Stegemeier, '5 0, senior vice president, Union Oil Co., Fulle rton. Ca lif. , Petroleum Engi neer pil lar Tractor Co .. York. Pa .. Meta llurgica l Engineer


Bill Steve ns. '50. president. Kerr¡McGee Nuc lear Corp .. Gera ld L Steve nson. '59. '63, senior vice president, Davy Oklahoma Cit y. Okla .. Nuc lea r Engi neer McKee Corp .. Chagr in Fa lls, Ohio, Chemical Engineer


Robert A. Strain, '50, vice president , Marathon Electric Thomas A. Theobold. '6 1. '62, vice president. National Zinc Manufacturing Co., Wausau, Wis. , Electrical Engineer Co .. Bartlesville. Okla .. Meta llurgica l Engineer MSM Alumnus / 9

Kissinger at


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Leonard "It lak of peopl( ,cries, an Kay Jenl Planni lix IlIonl

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The en <lnd ROil, Waller R naille to

of fields I Ford. I rool11-onl, An estimated 6,000 persons attended the lecture in the Bullman Multi-Purpose Bui lding ... a full house I 10 / MSM Alumnus

dition. SI

and Penn

I) r I knr y A . K issinger\ appearance at the U ni versity 01 [' vll,,()uri -Rol la for th e Rem mers Special Artist/Lecturer Scrie, thi s spring was a memeorab le occasion for UMR and th e Rolla community. rormer Secretary of State Kissi nger. who spoke in th e (ja le Bu llman Multi -P urpose Bui lding. is th e third interna tional ly prominen t person to appear at UMR through th e ~eries. Former Pres ident Gera ld R. Ford 11979) and piani,t Leonard Pennario (1980) are previou5 participants. "It takes a great deal of planning and preparation hy a lot of peop le to put together some thin g like th e Remm ers ..,e ri es. and the results are certainl y worth the effort ," said Kay Jenks. UMR director of public events. Planning for one of the Remmers lec tures begins abo ut .., ix months in advance of a tentatively scheduled date with a campus committee proposi ng the names of prospective pari icipant5 . The comm it tee and the individual 's office hc!!ill m ordinati ng trave l arra ngements and accommodation , . and work also begins on such things as ti cke ts. programs. decor and ticket dist ribution. fhe enthusia, ti c response of the students and the UMR and Rolla cOlllmun it y is heartwarming for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Remmer, who establ ished the se ri es th at hears their name 10 bring proillinent artists and speake rs from a va ri ety of field s to UM R to en hance th e academ ic program here. rord_ Pennario. and K issinger were greeted by stand in groom -on ly crowds and all rece ived standing ova ti ons. In ad dition. stud ents got to ask questions of Ford and Kissinger. and Pennario played two encores.

Wa lter Remmers, Dr. Ki ssi nger and Student Cou ncil President Dale McHenry ascent the platform to begin th e progralll _ MSM Alumnus II

Bob Banks, '44 Comes Back to Share

and/or II' lional AI CIlelllillr A, \\ ard fr He il i aUlhored Toda~

I'h1111l11' I \\ilo dri\ lo lile fri uUl"ll

Back in 1951, University of M issou ri -Rolla visiting professor Robert Banks, was j ust seven years out of UMR 's classrooms when he made his first major scient ific break through . A research chemist for Ph illi ps Petroleum Co .. Ba nk s and his associate, J.P. Hogan, made a discovery that was to revolutioni ze the infant plastic industry. "Actually , we were studying catalysts, tryin g to conve rt a gas in to liqu id gasoline. We made a modificat ion on the catalyst, and we came LIP with a sol id product ," reca lls Banks, now a Ph illi ps research associate. That discovery--crystalline polypropy lene-- blossomed into an important process for the production of high-density polyethelyene. K nown by Phi llips' trade name, MARLEX,TM" the process discovered by Banks and Hogan produces more than one-third of the world's supply of polyethelyene. "Before that time, plastic had to be made under extremely high pressure. Now we cou ld make a much tougher highdensity plastic at moderate pressures and temperatures," Banks says. He remembers with a smi le, "One of the first big commercial uses of th is new product was the Hu laHoop." He credits his find to " luck" and "maybe, positive thi nking, taking advantage of the si tuat ion as it opens up and the ability to recognize a possibility when you find someth ing new that isn't what you are looking for," he says. For the 12/ MSM Alumnu s

development of th e discovery. he gives credi t to Phillirs Petroleum Co. for its forw ard -looking resea rch and deve lopment management that gave the scienti sts th e go·ahead to see what th ey could do. Banks' second breakt hrough (made on his own thi s tim e) came in 1959 . "St ill trying to make liquid gasol ine out of a gas." he observed that olefins over appropriate catalysts cou ld be disp roporti onated (converted) to ot her olefin s in all efficient manner. This second discovery . meta th esis. has had far reachin g iniplications. It is used for th e com mercia l rroduc ti on for convertin g ab undan t propy lene int o eth ylene and butene (to be used in the production of plas tics and rubber) as well as for the product ion of spec ialty chemicals. One <lr· plicat ion is neohexe ne. th e raw material used by the rer fume indust ry to make musk for perfumes and soaps. Sin ce Banks' discove ry. thi s reaction has bee n studied at resea rch institution s throughout th e world . resu ltin g in more than 2.000 publicat ions. As UMR visiting professor of chem ica l engin eerin g April 19-24. Banks enj oyed his longest stay on ca mpus since he left 37 yea rs ago. He was back in 1976 to rece ivc th e honorary professional degree of chemica l cng incer and at 1980 Homecoming when he was a recipient of a UMR/MSM A lumni Ach ieveme nt Awa rd. But thi s time he had tim e to get reacquainted with his alm a mater . "There have been lots of changes:' he says. "The most obv ious one is the number of student s. especiall y women. There were onl y three wom en stude nts on ca mpus when I was here. And I li ved in a roomin g house about where the new part of the Universit y Center is built." One thi ng that hasn 't cha nged. in his opi nion. is th e quality of the students and UMR's emphasis on qual it y ed ucation. In add ition to teaching seve ral classes and lec· tures. Ba nks conferred with facu lt y and st udents and took part in the an nual A lumni·St udent·Facult y Conference. He and his wife, Mildred , also managed to sq ueeze in a golf ga me or two, th e onl y hobby that he says he has time for. Th is year. Banks has been named a 1981 Chemical Pioneer of the Ame ri ca n Institute of Chemists. The annual award sa lutes chemists who have made contributions that have had a major impact on chemical science and in dust ry



Here's aI self expla and Pub Missouri



Embankr Engineer Inlernati( Fundamt Inlroduct Land Sur Seminar ' 7th Symr Missouri 8th Anm Cold For Fundame Seminar I


Elderhost Industrial Porcelain 43rd Intn Compute 5th IntrO 4th Ad va New Can FUndame Compute Business Women i Computer Applica CAD/CA First Wa COmpute

Times ane



.d develop· ahead to this timel

5." he mid be n efficient ld far al produc· lene and ld rubberl Is. One ap he per· aps. IUdied at ng in

ring April si nce he the . and at is time he

he most women. s when I . vhere the

s the lualit y and lec· and lOok rence. He I a golf time for.

lical he annual ions that I industry

and/or th e chemica l profession. In 1979 he rece ived th e na· tiona l A meri ca n C hemica l Societ y Awa rd in Petro leum Chemistry and is a recipien t of th e Ok lahoma Che mist Award from th e sa me group. H e is in ven tor o r co- in ve ntor of 43 U.s pa tents and has <1L1 tilmcd or co·au th ored more than 20 pub lica ti o ns. Toda y. res ults of Ba nks' resea rch show up in man y of Pil ill ip,' product s-- th e "good thin gs for ea rs and th e people wilo dr i vc th em ." These range from improved mo to r fu els 10 lile fragrance in perfum e and man y durable pl as ti c pro· d Ul'1\ lila l can w ithstand hea t and stress. tilin g, from plas ti c

baby bottles t hat can be sterili zed to four-foot plast ic pipe, boa ts. and industri al eq uipment. T he unassuming Ba nks ad mits that it is a thrill to see w hat has become of this laborator y work , but he's not inten d ing to rest on his lau rels. He's st ill just as excited abou t his work as he was when. as a young chemical engineer, he made his first big disco ver y. ''I'm never bored." he says. "The more I know . t he less I rea lize I know." For th e future. he's look ing forward to th e next big brcak throu gh--a nd the next--and the next.

Extension Nevvs

H ere's a list of some of the exte nsion continuing ed ucation short courses and conferences sched uled by UMR . Where titles are not se lf explanatory yo u may ca ll for more detail ed info rm ation including costs. Ca ll the office of t he Dean of Continuing Educa tion and Public Serv ice, 314-34 1-4 156. Wr itten req ues ts shou ld be addressed to th e sa me office, 205 Parker Ha ll , Un iversity of Missouri-Rol la. Rolla , Mo. 65 40 I. PROGRAM



St. Louis M inneapolis, Mi nn . LA, Calif. Rolla Rol la Rolla St. Louis Ro lla Ro lla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis Phoen i x, A riz.

Summer july 20-3 1 July 28-3 1 Aug. 3-7 Aug. 11-15 Aug. 13-15 September Sept. 2 1-23 Sept. 22 Nov . 4-7 Nov. 17-20 November December

Ro lla C hicago, IlL Rolla Rolla Rol la Ro lla Ro lla Lake of the Ozarks Ro lla St. Louis St. Louis Detroit , M ich.

July 5- 11 July 20-22 July 26-31 Aug. 10-1 4 Aug. 11 - 13 A ug. 24-28 Aug. 3 1-Sept. 4 Sept. 4-6 Sept. 26 Oct. 1-2 Oct. 19-20 Oct. 25-27

St. Louis St. Louis New York, N.Y. St. Louis

Nov. 5-6 Nov. 16-17 Nov. 17-18 Dec. 3-4

SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Embankment Dam Soi l Aspects Engineerin g Management School In ternational Conference on Ma th Modeling Fundamenta ls of Integrat ed Computer-A ided Des ign SIC Introd uction to Elements of Engineerin g Land Sur veyors Refresher Short Course Seminar for Drillers 7th Symposium of Turbul ence Missouri Industr y Da y 8th Annua l UM RIDNR Energy Conference Co ld Formed Stee l Short Course Fundamentals of Deep Foundations Seminar for Drillers

COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Elderhostel Industrial Market Resea rch for th e C hem ica l Industry Porcelain Art ists Work shop 43rd Introductory Pa int . Computer G rap hics Short Course for MSM/UMR A lumni 5th Introd uctory Formulat ion 4th Advanced Pa int New Concep ts on I nnovat ion in Coa tin gs Fundamentals of Videotape Prod uct ion Computer G rap hics: App lications, C urrent Technology and Implementation Busi ness Graphics: Visua l Communicat ion of Management Information Wom en in Coa tin gs Computer Graphics for College and Universities: App lication to C urriculum and Labora tor y F acilities CAD/CAM Systems: Computer-A ided Design and Drafting Fi rst World Congress (Bridges) Computer Graphics on M icroprocessor/Persona l Computer Systems Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the tim e of the course. MSM Atum nu s/ 13

MINER SPORTS G ene Green, Editor Freshman Golfer Places Well in Nationals F or a f resh man com petin g in his f irs t N CAA Tourn amen t. UM R go lfer K ent Di nsdale surprised more th an a few obse rvers. " H e rea lly showed a grea t dea l of co mposure." sa id coac h A .C. M erc ier after D insda le f inished in 66 th place in the N CAA D i visio n II Na tion als held May 19-22 at the Hop mea dow Coun tr y C lub in Simsbury. Conn T here we re 120 participants, and D insdale at one t ime placed as high as

nin th ovcrall. T wo-limc M I AA m e u a li ~ l Jim C leve nger of Cent ral M issouri Sta te fin ished in I 03rd place. giving a good in· dicat ion of j ust how to ugh th e cou rse was-',lIlu j ust how good a j ob th e M iner freshman d id . " Th is rea lly was one of th e hardest co urses I have eve r see n." Me rcier ~a id . "For Di nsd ale to ho ld his ow n w it h th e he, t playe rs in th e coun t ry. on th is fac ilitv. i ~ a rea l tri but e to his g() l fin ~ talent." D insda le start ed otT th e tO Urllallle n t

w ith a fin e 74 . and followed th at \\'1111 ruunds of 79 _ 79 and 84 fo r a 72 hole to tal of 3 16. Tom Patri of F lori da Southern College wo n t he event w ith a 293. plac ing D im dale o nl y 23 shots off the lea d. " H e rea ll y did a grea t j ob, and I thin k this , hows w hat I have been say ing dur· ing t he regular season," Mercier said . " Ke nt Di nsdale wi ll soon be one of th e he\! gol fers in the MIAA."

Tharp is

Rick Lux Qualifies for NCAA Division II Track Meet R ick L u x has accomplisheu many thin gs durin g his splendid track career at UMR , bu t now he ca n add one more honor to t he list. H e has qua li f ied fo r the NCAA D i vision II Nationa l Meet in both the 400 and 800-meter races. T he nat ionals we re sched uled to begin May 27 in Macomh. I II. at Western I lli nois Universit y. L u x, a senior, has been UMR's top track man for the pas t three yea rs. H e is

t hc defendin g 800-meter o ut door eha m pion in t he M I AA and t he defe ndi ng (, OO -yard in door lead er. " T his is the first outdoor track ill all t ha t I ha ve eve r coached w ho has q ualified for th e nati o nals," said eoaeh Dewey A llgood . " H e is o ne of th e best track men and one of th e most outstanding ind i viduals th at yo u wo uld ever lVa n t to k now." Lu x. a graduate of V lanlle\ High

Sc hoo l. is a chemica l engineeri ng Il laJ ()1 at UM R . D uri ng his tenu re w ith th e M iners th e ta lented se nior has done i t all. "He is a rea l leader. and we have hee n \CI'\ lucky to have him w ith us th e pa ~ t four yea rs." A llgood sa id . " I ca n' t rea ll ) say enough abo ut him ." 1. ux was named team mos t valu ahle I' la\e r at th e A ll-Spor ts Banq uet earl il' l I hi, 'U lllIll Cr.

Oskaloos perfect I Miners II leading"

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UMR Junior Named Miner Baseball MVP A t the rate R ick Fuerman is go ing. his senior baseball season fo r UM R should rea ll y be something! F uerm an, who led the M iners in alm ost every statistica l category th is yea r, ra ised his average to a tea m -high .35 4. As a fres hman, F uerma n h it .225. His sophomore season saw a rise to .264. A nd t hen there was 1981. .. A ll t he slick-fielding first baseman did was lead the Miners in batt in g average. hits, at-bats, games played, doubles, homers , runs-batted- in , sacrifi ces, tota l bases, put -o uts, total 14 / MSM A l umnus

chances and fieldin g ave rage . T he left handed-thrower and ba tt er ga ined ho no rable menti o n M I AA ho nors, and was ro amed th e team's most va luab le player at th e A ll-Sport s Ba nq uet. " R ick is a very co nsistent player w ho h as developed into one of the best hi tters in t he M I AA," coach C huck Broy les said. "A nd around the first base area, you do not find a better f ielder." F uerm an, w ho also played basketba ll for th e M iners, has one yea r of eligibili -

ty le ft in base ball. H e plans to llIak e II hi, he<; t ~caso n ye t. " I fee l I alll imp rov ing m y ove rall ga me. and I'm look ing fo rwaru to th e challenge nex t yea r." F uerm an said. " I th ink we have a good, young team th at w ill improve grea tl y nex t sea son." T he yo ung M iners o f 198 1 f inished w it h a 14-27 overall record, and a J-Y league mark. Ma n y times, how ever. half of th e lineup was co m posed of fres hmen and sophoill ores. "We wi ll illl prove ," Bro y les noted. "Thi, is a good gro up to build on."

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Tharp is honored ... Football is just around the corner as the Miners start things off Sept. 5 playing William Penn College at Oskaloosa, Iowa. The Mi ners enter the game with a 13-game winning streak--Iongest in the nation--after thrilling fams wit h a perfect 10-0 mark in 1980. Above. AII -M IAA Defensive Back Hal Tharp (20) falls on a Lincoln University fumble to help the Miners win last year Tharp was honored ea rlier this summer, when he won the prestigious Ga le Bullman Award, naming him the lead ing "gent leman-a thlete" on the UMR campus.

Softball Season '\!I cr a lale -season rash of injurics ,lllIVCU her team down. UM R softball Coach Sarah Pres ton was able 10 look ~I hcau 10 1982 and still smile. "Wc finished 8¡ 11 this season. and do nOI lose any pla ye rs to graduation." she nOlcu . "This group is learn ing more l'I'C ry ga me. and should start to put things loge ther nex t yea r." The 1981 season was full of high point". as the clu b hit for a .280 averagc . "Io le 46 hases in 19 gam es -anu twice callle close to upsetti ng state champion Southwes t Baptist. Al1ila Tikey. an all -conference playe r two yea rs straight. aga in paced the Miners in a variety of offensive statistics. leadi ng in at-bats. doubles. homers and runs-batted-in. "We had a young team. and I reali ze Ihal we Illade some defensive mistakes that cost us a couple of games." Preston said "But the overall play of the team was very improved and I'm looking forward to having this group back another season."

Fourth Annual Alumni Band to Play 1981 Homecoming There are more than 700 living MSM-UMR band alumni. The present Miner Bands include more than 250 students in eight groups. We'd like for yo u to join the Miner Bands at Homecoming for our 4th Ann ual Alumni Band. You'll play along with the Musical Miners. We'll send specific details if you'll just fill in the following and let us know you're interested. Yes. I'm interested in the 4th Annual Miner Alumni Band at the Homecomin g Foo tball ga me. Saturday, October 10, 198 1. (Please pri nt or type) NAME: MAILING ADD RESS: Street MAJOR:

Zip _ _ _ __ YEAR GRADUATED: _ __ _ __

INSTRUMENT(S) PLAYED: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ NEED AN INSTRUMENT?_Yes_

No COAT SIZE (40L. etc.)_

Please mail by September 15t h to: Dr. Dav id Oak ley, UMR Bands, 105 Harris Hall, Rolla. Mo. 6540 1

MSM Alumnus / 15


Alumni Section News Permian Basin Section, Midland, Texas The Permian Basin sect ion of th e MSM/UMR A lu mni Associat ion met on March 13, to celebrate St. Pat's in a "traditiona l" West Texas man ner by drin k ing Coors beer, and ea tin g Mexica n food. Forty-one people attended and 16 of these won St. Pat's memorabilia , such as sweatsh irts, hats, ga rt ers, etc., as door prizes. Those attending

were: Scott Wehner ('80)' W ade '76 and Jill Reinheimer, John '75 and K athi Unk s. Hugh '74 and Jea n Murray. John ('80) and Karen Upchurch. Ed and Mary Louise Joh nson, W.A. nO) and Nancy Baker, Bil l (9) and Martha Brunkhorst, Gene ('63) and Kath y Grimes, T err y Durham Bill 1'491 and T heresa Deso, A Ian Means ('801 .


George 1'52) and M arga ret Fish. John H ohenberger ('78). Michae l Party 1'78). Gary 1'68) and Lea h Gerhard. Sal n31 and Lesley Paga no, Ed 1'67 & '701 and Ga il ('67) K ett enbr ink . Bob i'501 and Wend y Ne usta ed ter. Jim n7) and D ia ne 1'78) Lincicome. Sea n Price 1'771. Da ve 1'69) and Joy Boes. Susa n A . Leec h ('80). and Greg A. Weeks ('801 Gai l Dav idge Kett enbrink, '6 ',

M ike Pa rt y. '78, won a St. Pat's

Hugh, '74, and Jean Mu rray , Sa l, '73 , and Leslie Pagano.

Kathi and Joh n. '75. U nk s. Jill and Wade, '76. Reinheimer .

The I St. Pat"! at the , Walne The dil free l Fr rrofe c of Mf tended Walter colade sent. n agreat I ding Inc Dean I Terr) P and Jur Kathl I tl Andr Elizabet Mike ar Block. Houstor Hou lOr HouslOr ing. Te. Hou tor BaYlOwr Friend , Hou ton Houston Kathy I HOll ton Ron anc Farle) a siana: T, Ferrill E and Mrs. Mary ( StoUrton Gelz. K, Gilmarti Houston

The a Tulsa So


George Fish, '52, Wendy Neustaedter, Theresa Deso, Ed Ket- Scot t Wehner, '80, A I Means, '80, Mike Part y, '78, Susan tenbrink, '67, and '70, Margaret Fish, and Bob Neustaedter, Leech , '80, John Hohenberger, '78, and Sal Paga no, '73, play '50. " Ind ian." 16/ MSM Alumnu s

tional Ba the pre-I Fritschen and Presi and Adri graduate fromthe ,;ided a I Stint" c demon tr,

'Section News Continued .... Houston, Texas

ish. John

my 1'78\.

. Sal i'73\ . '70\ and 1'50\ and '771 and 'rice I'm. lusan A. ks 1'801

Jrink. '6 l


The Houston Section held its annual St. Pat's Bee r Bust on Friday. March 20, at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. Greg Wayne was in charge of arrangements. The dinner was cate red and the beer free' Frieda and Paul Munger (Paul is professor of civi l engineer and director of UMR's Institute of River Studies) attended as represe ntatives of ca mpus. Walter Casey. '24. received the acco lade for being the oldest alumnus present. There was no formal program and a grea t time was had by all' Those attending included: Dea n Adkins. Houston: Roland and Terr y Albrecht. Baytown. Texas: Rex and June Alfo rd. Houston: Mike and Kath y Allen. Houston: Wayne and Betty Andreas. Crosby. Texas: Dennis and Eli za beth Barclay and friend , Houston: Mike and Kathy Ba yer, Houston: Carl Block. Sugarland. Texas: Jeff Buck, Houston : Walter and Eric Casey. Houston: Vince Castelli and wife. Houston : James and Betty Chaney, Sprin g, Texas: Sherri Clark and friend , Houston : George and Melba Comanich, Baytown: Walter and Gail Conavay, Friendswood. Texas: Michael Crayne. Houston: Ron Da vis and Sall y Parker. Houston: Cy nthia Diedrick. Houston : Kath y Dill. Housto n: Mark Drumm , Houston: Eddie Edwa rds, Houston : Ron 'and Peggy Epps. Houston: Mary Farley and friend . Lake Charles, Louisiana: Tom Fennessey. Austin , Texas: Ferrill E. Ford, Bridge Cit y. Texas: Mr. ano Mrs. Foster, Crosby, Texas: Sal and Mar y Gazioglu , Houston: George Stourton, League Cit y, Texas: Larry Get z. Katy, Texas: Larry and Ca rolyn G ilm arti n, Hous ton: Gary Glenn , Houston: Gerald and Yvonne Godz-

won. Houston: Frank and Marian Gollhofer and guest , Houston: Dan Goodall and friend , Houston : Mark Gredel!. Houston : Alan and Colleen Green. Bay Cit y. Texas: Paul and Jea n Griffin , Lake Jackson , Texas: Kendall Hackman , Lake Jack son, Texas: Ron and Dar lene Hall, Houston: Len and Suzi Hartwig, Stafford. Texas: Stanley and Ellen Heimburge r, Lake Charles, Lo ui s ia na: Mark a nd Sondra Heuckroth, Houston: AI and Margaret Higgins. Houston : Roger and Rhonda Hill, Houston: William Hoff and fri end , Houston: Ken and Kathy Holtgrieve, Katy. Texas: Edwin and Mary Horan and two friends, Crosby, Texas: OF and Sandy Housh . Sugarland, Texas: Ed Isenmann , Kingwood, Texas: Robert and Peggy Jaeckel , Houston: Ronnie Jausen and friend , Houston: David Jones, Lake Jackson, Texas: Curt Killinger, Houston: Ruel L. Kirkpatrick, Houston: Tom Kohler, Houston: Dave and ' Pat (Scholl) Kolkmier, Houston: Wa yne Kotter, Katy, Texas: AI LaPlante and three fri ends, Houston; Mitch Levings, Houston : Hugh and P.A. Logue, Houston: Gary and Janice Loud , League Ci ty, Texas: Rick Lusk , Houston : Daniel Lynch and friend , Houston: Thomas Lyons, Houston : John May and friend, Houston: Ranney McDonough , Hou ston: Ray and Suzanne McFarland, Houston: Jimm y Lee and Deborah Means, Hitchcpck. Texas: Becki Miessner and two friends, Corpus Christi , Texas: Frank and Ka y Millard. Houston: Frank Moore and friend , Houston : James R. Moore. Houston: Dennis and Lisa Naeger, Webster, Texas: Robert and Melanie Naeger, Houston: Allen and Lou Ann

Nichols, Houston; George and Marie Nolde, Houston; Michael O'Da niell , Beaumont, Texas: Pat Owen, Dayton, Texa s; Phillip O\\iens and wife , Houston: Terry and Phy llis Pan horst, Houston: Gary and Ba rb Pariani, Houston ; Ma rybeth Pay in , Houston; 1. Peter, Houston; Mitchell Peterson and friend , Houston: D.H. and Mary Lou Pickering, Houston: John Rey nolds, Houston: Ronald Riess, Houston; Ray and Caroline Roller and two friends, Houston: Jacq ues and Cindy Sachs, Stafford, Texas: James and Norma Jean Saultz, Pasadena, Texas: Mark Schlesinger, Clute, Texas: Terry Scowcroft, Houston; John and Jeanne Sickman, Spring, Texas; Steve and Pennie Simmons, Houston; Carl and Ka thleen Sisk, Houston; Morgan Slusher, Houston; Robert and Joan Smith, Houston; Kay Spaunhorst, Nassa u Bay, Texas; Ray Staebel , Houston; Steve Stearns, Houston; Mike and Ruth Stoval, Houston; Timothy 1. Fusselman, Lake Jackson , Texas; John and Mary Warner, Houston; Greg and Kathy Wayne and fri end, Houston; Bob Webb, Houston; Mike and Debbie Weiss, Houston; Newton and Marilyn Wells, Houston; Ea rl and Carla Worshell , Sugarland , Texas; Robert and Ms. Yochum , Houston; David Haake, Parsippan y, New Jersey; Jim Lee, Houston; Kenton and Jackie Effert, Houston; George and Ellen Donaldson, Houston; A_E. Woerheide Jr. , Silsbee, Texas; Rita Ko mpa , Houston ; Brian Westrich, Houston; Patricia A. Logug, Houston; La rr y and Shelley Mertens, Port Arthur, Texas; Gary Gollhofer, Houston; Joseph A. Tobin , Cha nnel View, Texas.

Tulsa, Oklahoma

78, Susan '73. play

The annual spring meeting of the Tulsa Section was held Saturday, May 9, at the Summit Club in the Fourth National Bank Building. Ed Smith hosted the pre-dinner social hour. Herman Fritschen was in charge of arrangements and President Dave Kick presided. Jea n and Ad rian Daa ne (Adrian is dean of gr'!d uate stud ies at UM R) were guests from the campus, and Dean Daane provided a lively program. His 30-minute "stint" consisted of discussions and demonstrations taken from the follow-

ing to pics: "Don't Let Chemist ry Screw You, or Turn About Is Fair Play," "Some of What Your Kids Will Get in Chemistry I at UMR , or Enough is Enough," "Modern Alchemistry, or What You Should Have Gotten From Chemist ry [ at UMR," and "Ext racts of Chemistry I, or Phun and Phacts From Chemistry." Those attendi ng the meeting included: Ernie and Mollie Achterberg, Bob and Betty Ponder, Joe and Sue Cowen,

Roy and Audrey Wilkens, Hans and Jimmie Schmold t, Ed Smith, Bill and Ann Vark , Herman and Ar lene Fritschen, George and Barbara Leck, Fred and Mary Lou Schraf, Wa lter Ba iley , Keith and Pat Bai ley , Bob and Hera ldine Hinds, Dave and Gayle Kick , Jim and Judy Collins, Vic and Fran Spalding, Ernie and Faye Moran . Carole Sitz, Don and Becky Greenwalt Guests were: Karen Sm ith, Ken Green , Donna Hix , Jan Fritschen, and Pau l and Abbey Lyons. MSM Alumnus / 17

Section News Continued .. .. Northwest Section, Seattle, Washington On Saturday, February 28 , 1981 , Chancellor and Mrs. Marchello and Frank and Nancy Mackaman followed the Pathfinders, Vic and Rosey Hoffmann to Quinn's Fish Market and Bar on the waterfront in Seattle to attend a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Section arranged by Pete and Marilyn Maisch. It was a grand affair. The social hour was followed by an excellent dinner featuring a choice of entrees. Steve Strauss, PR man for the section, was the roving photographer and was busy throughout the evening, leaving only because he had to catch the last to Bremerton. Pete and

introduced Frank Mackaman , who-after a close vote--was able to procede with his slide show. Chancellor Marchello presented his remarks, substanialIy aided by Nancy Mackaman. The formal portion of the evening ended with the Northwest Section's version of democracy in action . An eloquent report from nominating cha irman Art Krause prompted the necessa ry seconding and calls for action from alumn i who have been forwarned. Elected (or selected) were: President, J. Keith Cross; Vice President, Ken MirIy ; Secretary Itsu Arimura. Those at the meeting were: Art and

Ella Krause, Steve Strauss. Vic and Rasey Hoffmann , Ger ry and Kathlee n Hammond , Steve and Susan Wr ight. Ch uck and Sand y Hollenbeck , Les and Harriet Spa nel. John and Elizabeth Ada ms, George and Kay Miller, Wa rren and Diana Gei l, Jim and Lynn Pugh , Frank and Nancy Mackaman, Joe and Louise Marchello. Pete and Marilyn Ma isc h, ' Wout er and Nin Bosc h, Christop her Jarret t, Jim and Alta Crawford , Itsu and Nancy Arimura , Richard and Jan Ed wards, Bob and El izabeth Morrison Jr .. Ken and Angie Mir ly. Bill and Doris Rea, Pat and Kay Duvall.

Th in issl onl sio the tin ani 191


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. Vic and j Kathleen In Wrighl. k. Les and Elizabeth er, Warren ynn Pugh. . n, Joe and d Marilyn in Bosch. and Alta Arimura. Bob and and Angie It and Kay

CORRECTION The list of Century Club members in the February "Honor Roll" issue of the Alumnus ommitted one name . We regret the om missia n but are pleased to announce that Robert F. Burns, '47, continued a tradition of several yea rs and was, indeed, a member of the 1980 Cen tury Cl ub.

Music Groups Make Top 10 Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Be ta Sigma. honorary band service fraternity and sorority, respectively, at UMR ha ve been selected among the top 10 chapters in the nation for the 1979-8 1 hiennium. The selection process was based upon the amount of service each chapter provided to its uni versit y's band program. Both UM R chapters are now eligible to be se lect ed as the "O ut standin g Chapter" in the nat ion for that two-yea r period . "We've had one or the other of our chapters in the top 10 for the past 17 years." said Dr. David Oak ley . professor-in-charge of UM R music. "but this is the first time that we've had both of them make it at the same time _" " Included among the man y things that these two organizations do on campus are managing the various junior and senior high school district band festivals and clinics that are held at UMR, setting up displays at orientation and Parents' Day and helping to stage the Campus Performing Arts Series." Oakley sa id . "They also conduct va rious fund-ra ising projects to help buy eq uipment and cover travel expenses." The UMR chapter (Delta Gamma) of Kappa Kappa Psi was establ ished in 1958 and the UMR chapter (Delta Xi) of Tau Beta Sigma was founded in 1969. There are 197 chapters of Kappa Kappa Psi nationwide and 17 5 of Tau Beta Sigma .

EVENTlSlTEMeeting Data

DATE WASH IN(jTON. D.c.. ... . ... . . . . . ....... . ... . ... . .. . July 12 h . Belvo ir. Va . ST. I OlJ IS SECTION .. .. . . July 19 Sunday II ith the Cardina ls Cardinal, v.., . Pitt sb urgh SO UT HLR N CALIFORN IA SECT ION .... .... . . . ... . .. . . ... August 14-16 Suml11er Mc:e ting EI Ti!!rL' Ranc h-Ensenada SPF . . . ... . .. . . . . . . October 4-7 Sa n Allto nio HOMITOMIN(j 198 1. . . Octobe r 9- 10 Rolla MSr-.l Ur-.lR HOARD MEETING . . . . October 9 Rolla . .... .. . ..... . .. October 27 "'SCI:. SI. 1. 0l11~ ROCKY MOUNTA IN LUNCH . . . First Tuesday Dcn\'l'l' Pc: troleulll Clu b

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buck:es Still Available The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sa les will enable SME to participate in a variety of act ivities includi ng fie ld trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi¡annual outing. Orders and checks fo r six dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers shou ld be mailed to Jim Stratton, 125 Min ingB ldg.-UMR , Rolla,MO 6540 I. Please sh ip _ __ ____ buckles at $6.00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_ _ _ _ Name _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ ___ Address _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _

MSM Alumnus / 19

Faculty Activities _ __ _ _ _ __ __ Rob! for the the sce

1980¡1981 Outstanding Teachers F ifteen members of the fac ult y have been selected as recipients of O utstanding Teaching A w ards thi s yearReceiv ing th e awards on th e basis of a vo te by students and facult y are: D r- Way ne Bledsoe, associate professor of histor y; D r- Roger Brow n, assistant professor of life sciences; Dr- T homas 1. Do lan, associate professor of nuclea r engineering; D r. D. Ronald Fannin , assoc iate professor of electri cal engineering; Dr . Frank A . Gerig Jr ., professor of civil engineerin g; D r- Dee H aemmerli e M ontgomer y, assistant professor of psychology ; Dr . Leonard F . Koederit z, professor o f pe t ro leum engineering; Dr . Da vid B. Oglesby, assistant professor of engineeri ng mechani cs. Dr- My ron C Parr y, associate professor of engineerin g mecnanics; L inda Penas, graduate teaching assista nt in mat hematics; Dr . Jack B. Ri dley , associate professor of history; Dr- O li ver C Sitton, assistant professor of chemical engi neering; D r- Charles A . Sorrell. professor of ceramic engineerin g; D r . W illiam H . T ranter, professor of elec tri cal engineerin g; and Dr- Bobb y G . Wi xson, professo r of environm ental health.

Engineering Management Text " Ma nagement fo r Engineers." a tex tbook wri tten by John M. Amos and Bern ard R. Sa rchet of th e U ni versity of M issouri -Rolla enginee rin g manage mnt facult y. wa s released recent ly by Prent ice-Ha ll. T he 384 page book is an analysis of all as p cc t ~ of engin ee rin g management fro m th e pe rspecti ve of th e manager's ow n experie nce as an engineer. Th e tex t focuses o n the personnel problems encoun te red w hen an engineer becomes a ma nager and stresses th e relati onshi p hetwee n th e responsibili t ies of th e engineer and t he enginceri ng ma nager . [t is appropria te for se nior and grad uate level courses in engi neeri ng and engineerin g manage illent. Amos is professor of enginee rin g Illanagement and d irector of th e Center for A pplied Engineerin g Man age ment. Sarachet is pro fessor of engineeri ng management and chairman of t he departm ent.

Death Claims John P. Audrain Joh n P. A udrain died of cancer A pril 2 in Fa irland, Ok la_, fo llow ing a long illness. He was 79 . A udrain was an assista nt professor of English at UM R from 1947 to 1968 , when he ret ired. He taught courses in rh etoric and composit ion and World li terature and some courses in French.

20/ MSM A tu m nu s


leme t( Roboti, little re "1sp lions tt subject ressor ( robots; read ab 01ra nt<

And U M R's acadeillic deans recentl y toured th e l ltI C, ~ e r v i cc Technology Center in T ulsa. Hosts were: standing left. Jailles W _ Collins, '64, manager, environmenta l affairs. energy conserva ti on and safety, energy resources group. and seated right. M yron K . H orn . d irector ex pl orat ion and prod ucti on rese arch. engergy resources group . fo r C ities Ser vice. Par ticipatin g deans we re: seated lef t. Dr- Robert L D av i ~ . dean . engineerin g; standing ce nter, D r. Ma r vin W . Ba rk er. dea n. arts and sciences: and seated center. D r . Ern est M . S pok e~ . actin g dea n. mi nes and metall urgy .

be prog and ha; hours a dous pr dustry '. while Ie In ad


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Porth Lecturer Robert Berdi ne. proj ec t Ill anage r. M anufac tu ring Enginee ri ng Sys teills. Caterpillar Trac to r Co .. d i ~ cu s~c d "CAD/CAM [n [ ndustry " at 3 p. lll . Frid ay. M av R. in th e U ni versit y of M issouri -Rolla's M iles Aud it oriulll . Berd ine's d iscussio n out lined w hat COlll puter A ided Design/Coill puter A ided M anufacturi ng is and the reason fo r its applica tion at th is tillle. [n addit io n_ he d isc ussed th e use of CAD/C AM in th e heav y eq ui pment in dustr y and it, illlpact o n th e work enviro nment. [n his posit ion as proj ect Illanage r. Berd ine super vises a staff of da ta process ing and manufacturin g engineers in vo lv ed in deve loping sys teills for process planni ng. too l design. nUllleri ca l contro l progra lllilli ng and a va ri ety of o ther Illanufac turi ng engineerin g systems. Berdine's lecture wa s the six th in th e H arr y W ill iam Lee Port h D ist ingu ished Lectu res Ser ies established by Miss V irginia Lee Porth in honor of her fath er. a U M R alulll nus. Porth received his B.S. degree in Ill ini ng enginee'ring in 19 11 and earned the professio nal degree of mec hanical engi neer in 1924. He worked fo r th e N evada Hills M ini ng Co .. and work ed for Sw ift and Company in C hi ca go. H e was in charge of t he Railwa y Car Departill ent at the timc of his death in 1925.

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Robotic Systems ... New Course at UMR Robot s may have forsaken th e world of science f iction for th e classrooms of the University of Missour i-Rolla, but th e <;cena rio is a far cry from " Star Wars." For these robots, which are the subject of a spring <;e mes ter class (Computer Science 30 I A "Introduction to Robotic Systems") at UMR , are for industrial use and bear little resemblance to the stereot yped notion of a robot. " I spe nt the first class period clearing up any misconception s th e st udents might have had about th e nature of the <;ubj ec t Illatter." said Dr. Peter Ho, UMR associate pro/"esso r of computer science and course instructor. "These robot s are not at all like what you'd see in 'Star Wars' or read about in a science fi ct ion novel. That's all in the realm or fantasy. We're dealing with reality. " A nd the rea lit y is that these robots are machines that can be programmed to perform task s such as pa in ting, welding and ha za rdous waste disposal. They can do these jobs 24 hours a day in the most hostile environments with tremendous precision and accuracy. This, in turn , will allow industry to increase production and im prove product quality while lowering its costs. I n addition to introducting students to the world of rohotics. the course also has helped place UMR in a leader<;hip role in the field. " Thi s is the first time that this course has been offered at UM R." Ho sa id, "a nd to my knowledge it's one of the first ,uch courses to be taught in the Midwest. " The course features a genera l discussion of the need for robot s. the economics invol ved and the current state of the art. In addition , students in the course will learn about robotic motion and how to cont rol it th rough computer programs. According to Ho, student s response to the course has been excel lent. " When I initially proposed the cou rse," he sa id , "I thought I'd probably attract four or five students. So I was quite surprised by the response it received. "

Forty-four students enrolled in the course. and . although a majority of them are computer science majors. 10 electrical engineering, five mechanical engineerin&:-and one engineering mechanics student also signed up. ' Eight other students from various disciplines also have indicated a desire to do research in the field. "Th is is truly an interdisciplinary course, " Ho said. So many majors--computer science, engineering management , engineerin g mechanics and electrica l, mechanical and aerospace engineering--can benefit from it. "The response has been very grat ifying to me on a personal level," he added , "and it also shows that our students are aware of the importance of this new and dynamic field and that they feel they need to know something about it." Recent industrial developments in America and throughout the world underscore the students' feelings on the subject. " Industry already is making some use of robots," Ho sa id, "but the situation is nothing like it will be in 10 yea rs. In that time we will have undergone a ' robot revolution ' that may be more far-reaching in its consequences than the Industrial revolution of a century ago." "The world's robot population is expected to grow by about 35 percent a year over the next decade." he added , "and we'll also see the development of robots with greater intelligence and sensory capabilities. All thi s will have a major impact on the types of jobs that wi ll be avai lab le." To ensure that its students will be prepared for those jobs, UMR currently is investigating several possibi li ties for obtaining a robot. Plans call for that robot to be integrated into UMR's new computer graphics system so that students will have the opportunity to do "hands-on" work in computer-aided manufacturing as well as computer-aided design. "We'll be able to complement our classroom offerings with practical applications in the laboratory." Ho said.

NOTE OF APPRECIATION I wou ld lik e to ex press my apprec iation to Edward F. Tuck (EE, 1953). Sidne y 1. Green (ME. 1959). Dr. Charles S. Davis (CE, 1972), and Fred S Kumm er ICE. 19551. for part icipating in the engineering management departIllcnt \ T ech nical Entrepreneu rship Lecture Series this spring semeste r. With Ihe I'cr v busv <;c hedule th ese aluilln i have. it was pleasing to me--as both an alumnu s and a member of th e facully -- to see how willing th ey were to support Ihis effort. Thei r enthusiasm for UMR and entrep reneurship was transmitt ed to th c stud cnts. The many stude nts that attended the lecture series now have a Illuch bett er perspect ive on how to start a technical busin ess and th e associat ed sa ti sfaction s/ fru stration s invo lved. Don M yers. '61. '64 Assis tant Professo r. Engineerin g Management ~

MSM Alumnus 12 1

Gabe Skitek, Retires After 38 Years at UMR

In January 194 3, a brand-new graduate of th e University of Missouri-Rolla took a one-semester appointment to teach electrica l engi neering. T hat semes ter set a pattern of life for Gabri el G. Skitek. professor of electrica l engineering, who will retire next fall after one of the longest periods of service on record at UMR . "Actually, it all came about because I had an appen dectomy shortly before I was to graduate," Sk itek remembers. "Like everyone else at UMR in those days, I wa s in ROTC and scheduled to enter the ser vice right afte r gradua ti o n. Because of t he appendectomy , service was postpo ned for six months and Prof. F rame, head of the department at that time, asked me to teach electrical engineering courses to the military trainees. Before then, I hadn't rea ll y thought about teaching, but I found I liked it and I knew that I wa nted to make teaching my ca reer. " After three years in the service spent as an elect ri ca l engineer in the propeller laboratory at Wright F ield , Dayton , Ohio, Skitek returned to UMR and recei ved his M.S. in electrical engineering here in 195 1. " Gabe," as he is affectionately ca lled by friends and co lleagues, has been an integral part of UMR's electrical engineering department for almost four decades. He has taught literally thousands of electrical engineering students, includ ing some who are sons and daughters of former students. The professor who likes teaching so much has found that others li ke his teaching, too. Six times he has been se lected for outstanding teaching awards by vote of UMR stu dents and faculty. He has received the MSM/UMR Alumni Association's Meri t A ward for "exemplary devot ion to ' students" and he is t he 1981 recip ient of the education award from the St. Lou is section of the Institute of Electrical and E lectronics Engineers. Dr. Robert Betten , electrical engineering professor, direc22 / MSM A lumnu s

tor of th e Elec tronics Researc h Center alld former depart ment cha irman , says. " Ga be is rea ll y ail e nf th e great teacher,. The co urses he teaches .. elec tri ca l fields and radio waves-路arc very abstract. but he is ab le to make th e material clea r to his st udents. He rea ll y CCl res ahout his students-hoth in side and outside th e classroom -- anci I know man y have turned to him for perso nal as we ll as academic ad vice ." H e wa s an inllova tor in o tn er ways. W it h John Brewer. pro fessor cmcr itus of English. he experimented with instruc tional TV on campu s in the ca rly 路60s. He was also one of th e found er,. and for many years was chairm an. of th e So uth Central Mi sso uri Science and Eng ineerin g Fa ir wh ich ohser ved its 25 th an ni versary thi s sp ri ng. Skitek is a we ll-known representa ti ve of UM R in high schools aroun d the state. and hCls visit ed litera ll y hundreds of hi gh schools fo r ca reer days or to speak to math and science classes. The ve teran professor may we ll hold t he record for U M R co mmence ments atten ded. For Illore yea rs th at he ca n remembe r. he was chairman of the cOlllmenceme nt committt'e and later th e publ ic occas io ns comillittee. This year he att ended in ano th er capac it y. He wa s honored by the co n路 fer rin g o f the title of professor eme ritu s (effective Sept. I) . When he put s up his chalk and grade book . th e retired professor w ill still find plent y to keep him busy . H e's looking fo rw ard to th e publication thi s fal l of a tex tbook, "Electromagnetic Co ncep ts and App lica ti ons." whieh he wrote with Dr. Stanley Marshall. associa te professor of electri ca l engineeri ng. He' ll have more tim e for his hobb ies of antiques, ga rdening, stamp co llec ting and woodworking, and for visit ing w ith his fa mil y. The Sk iteks are parents of two children, Jud y (M rs. Ga ry K ell. w ho li ves in Springfield) , and David (an electri ca l engineer who teaches at UMKC), and are th e grandparents of four grandc hildren.

Almost a S.5. de! I\OOO路ei Franklin

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leaching I time he fi "There 1954." DI PhYlicI 2. programs. physics su engineerir


6.000 stue

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Dr. Pau Mennoni t

In 1936 Kans.. ean and recciv and Ipent phYlic\ D teacher fO field, Ohio Speciali7ed tUCk) He

his PhD,

"When shared the the electric


Dr. Franklin Pauls The Engineer's Physicist


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Almost ever y UMR engineeri ng st udent w ho has rece ived a B.S. degree during the past 27 ye ars-- appro ximately 15.000 --e ither knows or has had so me co ntact with Dr. Franklin B. Pauls. profesor of ph ys ics. Dr . Pauls. w ho wi ll retire thi s September. has bee n teac hin g th e required classes in engi nee rin g physics from the tim e he first came to UMR in 1954. " Th ere were only abo ut 1.400 student s at UMR in 19 54." Dr . Pauls says. "A t that time I was teachin g bot h Ph y~ i cs 23 and Physics 24 and later I directed both program s." (These are recitation courses dea ling with ph ys ics subjec t matter needed by students enrolled in engin ee rin g.1 "Now." he cont inues. "W ith an enrollment of more than 6.000 stud en ts. I'm in charge of onl y the Phys ics 23 pro· gram (the stud y of mechanics. hea t and soundl. It in vo lves ahout 500 stud ent s in 17 sectio ns, and is taught by seve n facult y members each se mes ter. " O th er professo rs now direct th e Physics 24 classes and th e laboratories for hot h courses. Dr. Pauls was born in Lehigh. Kan s__ and grew up in th e M ennonite communities in th e cen tral part of the state

)mmit· 3r he

con· ,1.1). tired look·

"Elee 'rote :trical an , and

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In 1936 he enrolled at Bethel Col lege in North NeWlO n. Kan, __ earni ng his degree in phys i c~ in 1939. H e applied fo r and received an ass istant sh ip at the Universit y of Kentucky and , pent th e nex t two yea rs work in g towa rd his M.A . in ph ys ics. During W orld W ar II. Dr . Pauls was a civilian teacher for th e Army Air Corps 54th D eta chment Springfie ld, Ohio, and se rv ed as an instructor for th e Army Spec iali zed Trainin g Program at th e University of Ken tu ck y. H e stayed at K entucky after the war and received his Ph .D . in ph ysics in 1951. " When we first came to Rolla , the physics department shared th e basement and first fl oor of Norwood Hal l with th e electrica l engi neerin g department." Dr . Pauls says. "A

lot of changes ha ve taken place since th at tim e. In 1958 I began working with the National Science Foundation Sum mer Institute for High School Teachers held here at UMR. Except for the summer of 1960, when I received training on nuclear reactors at Pennsylvania State University , I worked wi th that program each summer until it ended in 1973 . Fro m 1961 through 1963, I served as the first director of UMR's Nuclear Reactor. It was a part-time posit ion at that time. Enrollment was increasing rapidl y then , and I was glad to hand that job over to Dr. Edwa rds' when he joined the faculty in a fulltime nuclear engineering position . "Oth er major changes included movi ng to a brand new ph ys ics huilding in 1963 then expanding into the physics building add ition in 1968. Oh yes, I became a fu ll professor in 1970." Another of Dr. Pauls' enthusiasms is photographic slides. He has record ed most of the family vacat ions, including the Europea n trip, and also has several photographic series on K en tu cky horse farm s, tobacco plantations. and Kansas whea t ranches. But , the most unusual series of all. is a record of th e funeral of th e great Kentucky race horse, Man '0 War. "The horse died while I was at school in Kentucky." he explains. "Beca use the funeral was postponed due to rain. I was ab le to attend on one of my few free aft ernoons. I don't suppose man y peop le ha ve pho tographic records of the funeral of a horse. I've been asked to show th e se ri es to groups a few times. It was an unusual event-but in good taste." O ther retirement plans include opportunities to ex plore th e arts and crafts areas. He would like to try his hand at painting but think s he'll start out with pencil draw ings. Dr. Pau ls is also interested in developing some volunteer work in teaching. "I've taught all levels--from one room rural schools to Sunday School (the Pauls are members of the C hurch of Ch ri st) to college--and I sti ll enjoy it ," he says. " \ don't think I'll have any trouble finding something to keep me bus y." MSM Alumnus123

Alumni Personals ___- - - - 1929



A note from H.J. Teas Jr.. tells us that his father, Howard J. Teas, Miami. Fla .. is deceased.

Harry C. Birchard sends us a note say· ing, "Thanks so much for sending me the news. I am fine. I play golf. go fi sh ing. and am in rea l good hea lth . Tell all hello for me. " Harr y and his wi fe Luellan li ve at 38 11 Royal Palm Dri ve. Bradenton. FL 33507. Harry is retired .

1922 The alumni office has been notified that William Harry Dunlop died in March. He had been li ving in St. Petersburg, Fla.

1923 Glen Angus Dooley (B.S. '23 , E.M. '35) died Nov. 22, 1980. He had been employed by TV A since 1935--first as ch ief personnel officer and later as assistant chief construction engineer. He is survi ved by his wife, Em il y, two daughters, six grandchi ldren and two great-grandchildren . Mrs . Dooley was Emily Harris, daughter of the late Elmo Golightly Harris, 4th director of MSM and long· time chairman of civil engineering.

William P. Gatts says: " I decided I had worked long enough , so I retired last fal!." Bill lives at 250 C West 36th Ave .. Sam Mateo, CA 94403.

1924 A note from Walter and Mary Ruth (Appley) Casey reports, " Not hing new . Living in a senior citizens home in Houston and do not wish to make a change." The Casey's address is 2501 Wasterland Drive, Apt. B 303 , Houston, TX 77063

Israel and Alma Lovett have moved to John Knox Vi llage, Route 2A , Box 60, Waynesville, MO 65583 . Dr. Lovett is Professor Emeritus of Electrica l Engineering at UMR and form er chairman of the E. E. Department. 24 / MSM Alumnu s


Elmer and Carolyn Gammeter send us a note saying, "We have been well and busy pursuing hobbies. We expect to get to Homecoming in October." Elmer and Carolyn live at 118 Duncan Circle. Windermere Estates. Beaver. PA 15009. Elmer is retired. He was a chemistmetallurgy , for Babcock & Wilcox Co.

1927 Ha(old and Tommie · Beardmore's address is Box 434. McA llen. TX 7850 I . Harold is now secreta ry·treasurer for Valley Vacuum Trucks Inc.

1928 Philip J. Boyer reports " I had open heart surgery and four-way by-pass on Jan. 6. I have fully recove red and an back to ya rd work . go lf. and sa iling." Philip and Eli zabeth live at 1640 Eolus Ave .. Encinitas, CA 92024. Phi lip is retired. Howard and Marjorie Moreland report. "Howard is recovering from a fractured hip and congestive hea rt fai lure." The Morelands li ve at 1203 Jasmine. Denver. CO 80220. Howard is ret ired .




Orville W. Morris (retired), 2880 Lake Osborne Drive Apt. 103, Lake Worth , FL 3346 1 reports: "Warren F. Fruit, for illerl y from Wi lwaukee, Wisc. is now a full time Floridian. His new address is 137 NW 10th Court, Boynton Beach. FL 3:1435"

1930 Marion Dillingham sends a note saying, "After witnessing the pleasure with which my contemporaries were enjoying retirement I decided to try it starting Jan. I . Howeve r, I still serve occasiona lly as a specia l consultant, but I am beginning to regard this as an infringement. " Marion and Esther live at 2239 Go ldsmith Road. Houston , TX 77030.

Wil 41

Henry and Helen Scheer send us a note saying. "We are still alive and able to get around for which we are thankful." Henry and Helen 's address is 2005 Dial Court. Springfield. I L 62704. Henry is retired . S.A . and Vivian Stone live at 1405 Thrce Ri vers E. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 . "S tone y" is now a consultant to Deister Concentrator Co.

1931 and Before Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Thomas O. English '29 605 Bergstrom Place Marshall, TX 75670 Wayne S. Frame '23 Route No.3 Eldon, Missouri 65026


Adolph ' ding to ( Ted had sion of I retiremer served a~ sanitary Sout"

member organila Bessie. R Bluff. M

George assistant wife LU Road . C ciVil eng


Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Charles A, Freeman, '28 5 Via Delizia Hillsborough, CA 940 10

.Ionalhan C. DeFoe died Marcil J U. ~I l' L't)rdillf! III a note from his wife. Mariall. 32 -111 Coolidge Ave.. Wi chit a. KS () 7 2()-I .

:80 Lake ! Worth. F. Fruil, c. is nOlI .ddress il 1 Beach.

Elmer Gammeter '26 118 Duncan Cir·Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 William E, H. Knight '24 1173 Grand Carthage, M 0 64836 Edwin G. Machin '22 P.O. Box 175 Nashvill~, IL 62263

e saying, re with e enjoy· : starting casional·

JI I am

infri nge al 2239 77030.

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005 Dial Henry is

al 1405 46802. ) Deisler

William K. Schweickhardt '28 417 North Woodlawn Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122 C. James Grimm '30 P.O. Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401

S. Allen Stone '30 1405 Three Rivers East Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Ve rnon A. C. Gl'Yl'cker '31 Route No.2, Box 39 Rolla, MO 65401 Rolla T. Wade '31 5202 Woodway Iiouston, TX 77056

r ile death of Peter J. Picco, St. Louis. ila , hee n reported by Elmer Sper ling. Rohl'rt B. Sherrill Jr. died Aug. 13. 1980. Mr<;. Sherrill 's add res, is 403 N()rth Wat erview Dr ive. Richardson . TX 75 080. Elmer and Virginia Sperling live at 2 12 Papin Ave. , Webster Groves, MO 63119. Elmer is a semi·ret ired , self· employed consulting engineer. Elmer tells us he has been a member of the American Soc iety of Civi l Engineers for 50 yea rs, now.

1932 Edward "Darbey" Hale se nds us a note sa) ing "Ma y '82 is still our target dat e fo r ge tling back to Rolla. " Stu" Da\'is '32 and I have tentati ve plans for a reu· nion. Hope we ca n rope in , ome ot hers of '3 2." Darbey and Leora li ve at 856 Reimer Road, Wadsworth. OH 44281. Edward retired in 1973.

Andrew and Julia Mae Kassay send a note say in g. "Both of us are enjoy in g retirement. Our combined hobb ies-gardening, knitting, photography , travel , and astronomy-· keep us very busy." Andrew and Julia live at 1559 Eastgate Road , Toledo, OH 43614. John and Dorothy Lee Pollak li ve at 1104 Whiteeliff Drive, Kirkwood, MO 63 122 . John is reti red.

1933 Bernard Sidney Lee reports " I am retired from my last position after 15 yea rs as a faculty member of Rutge rs Medical School. Pursue perfect ion of a large sc ree n television and co nsu lt about sa me." Bernard li ves at 15 1 Wood land Manor. Tinton Fa lls. NJ 077 24. He is reti red.

1935 August and Dorothy Koopmann se nd a note saying, "After a very enj oyab le 45th re union, we are now looking forward to our 50th ." August and Doroth y li ve at 9101 Flores Drive. St. Louis. MO 63 123. August is retired ,





Adolph "Ted" Baron died May 2, accor· ding to a note from Jack Painter, '50. Ted had worked for the Missouri Di vi sian of Hea lth for 38 yea rs before hi, retirement. During World War II he se rved as malarial control engineer and sa nit ary engineer for the army in the Sout h Pacific thea ter. He was a memb er of several professional organ iza tions. Ted is su rvied by his wife. Bess ie. Route 2, P.O. Box 935 . Poplar Bluff. MO 6390 I. George M. Pace reports " I am AARP assistant state director." George and his wife Lu venia live at 7083 Paddison Road. Cincinnati . OH 45230. He is a civil engineer partl y retired.

1980 Rollamo MSM Alum n us 25

A/ulnni Personals ____________________________________________





J. Craig and Joan Ellis send the following: "We are busy getting settled in Arizona . We really enjoyed the Arizona get-toget her. We live very close to the Goelkels ('39) and have had several good discussions re our mutual friends." The Ellis family new address is 7949 Via Azul , Scottsdale, AZ 85258.


Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: James H. Menefee 205 Fireside Court LeHigh Acres, FL 33936

William E. Dennis 412 Oakshire Kirkwood, MO 63122 Herman J. Pfeifer 5 S Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71901 Eugene J . Daily 816 Dennison Drive Champaign, I L 61820 Honert I.. Prangl' 127 14 Belldolltiarll' Roan St. Louis. MO 6~ 1 \k

Robert and Edna Mae Chapman send a note sa ying, "We hope to be in Rolla for Homecomming. Maybe get to play golf with Pfeifer, Dennis, Daily, etc. Golf 7. Ed na Mae struggl ing handicap aga inst A Izheimer's disease." Robert and Edna Mae live at 265 West Rosa , Green Valley , AZ 856 14. Robert is a mining engineer consultant.


R.W. Simmons send~ the following: "For those who may remember. In 1931 Lieutenant John Hardin was stat ioned in Rolla and in charge of the ROTC Unit. He is retired as a General and lives in the St. Michaels, Md. area here on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake BayJames Michener's Chesapeake area." R.W . and Jane's address is P.O. Box 172, Cumm ings Road, Wittman, MD 2 1676. He is ret ired.

1937 Walter and Iris Jones tell us: "We return ed to Alburqerque after 10 years at San Car lo, Sonora, Mexico. We sold our hou se and yacht. We' ll miss cruising the Sea of Co rt e7 and the beautiful country ." Walt er and Iris now live at 1379 Wagontrain Drive SE, Alburqerque, NM 87 123. Walter is ret ired.

The following has been received from Mrs. Kenneth V. Sibert (the former Catherine Erickson of Rolla): "Kenneth V. Sibert passed away on July 12, 1980, as a result of the bite or sting of a poisonous spider. His passing was unexpected and a complete shock to his family." Mrs. Sibert's add ress is 1685 S. Miami , No. 203 , Marshall , MO 65340.

1939 Sam S. Post sends us a note say ing "In January I was elected to the Board of Directors of the Kansas City Unit of the Amaricon Contract Bridge League." Sam and his wife Althea live at 502 Appaloose, Raymore, MO 64083. Sam i retired.

C.E. Boulson reports " I am chairma n of the Marshfield Community Betterment Program 1980-81." The address for C.E. and Inex is P.O. Box 3, Marshfield , MO 65706. C.E. is retired. Stuart Dods reports "On St. Pat's Day I had an emergency operation and about V. of my left lung was removed. The doctor thinks he removed any pieces of cancer that may have been there. I am taking radiation therapy and am slowly gaining back strength and weight." Stuart and Edna Marie live at 8 Lone Pine Drive, Cleveland, MO 64734. Stuart is retired. Leroy E. Smith lives at 12534 Limewood Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375 . Leroy is now retired. Thaddeus (Ted) S. Stojeba died March 26, according to a note from his wife, Evelyn M. Stojeba, 1028 Oakwood Road , Haddonfield , NJ 08033.

1980 Rollamo L6 MSM Alumnu s

Wade D. Waters' address is 319 Newdale Drive, Bryan, OH 43506. Wade is now retired .


10822 Ro TX 7702' Weatherfc

Vernon N Place. LOL the owner Inc.

B.A. Den

retired on with theel Co. I am r the west Mildred h, Crampton. 33903.

Albert L. I am now, Co. but al Albert an, 14403 Car Albert is a Exxon Mil

Harley an< and I plan condominil traveling. ( Village. 4\ .'791 , San ISa retired




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{ennelh 2, 1980, 19 of a IS unex· lisfami· 685 S. 65340.

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A/utnni Persona/s ____________________________________________ 1940

Ma rvi n E. Nevins, Jr. 18960 W. Greenfield Waukesha, WI 63186

Guy and Mary Lucille Brown li ve at 10822 Roaring Brook Lane, Houston. TX 77024. Guy is now president of WeatherforclfLamb U.S. Inc. Vernon N. Cox has moved to 400 Bau Place, Louisville, KY 40218 . Vernon is the owner of Cox & Son Engineering Inc. B.A. Dennis sends a note say ing. " I retired on December 31 . after 34 yea rs with the explosives department, DuPont Co. I am really enjoying retirement and the west coast of Florida ." He and Mildred have moved to Six Lakes·305 Crampton, North Fort Myers. FL 33903. Albert L. Kidwell se nds a note saying " I am now working fo r Exxon Minerals Co. but at the same place as before." Albert and his wife Marion li ve at 14403 Carolcrest, Houston, TX 77079. Albert is a senior research associate for Exxon Minerals. Harley and Laura Ladd report "La ura and I plan to move to our retirement condominium and do a great deal of traveling. Our new address is Air Force Village . 4917 Ra venswood Drive No. 1791 , San Antonio, TX 78227." Harley is a retired army colonel.

194 1 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Wayne J. Bennetsen 1542 Mason Valley Drive St. Louis, MO 63131

12534 est, AZ I March

lis wife, akwood is 319 43506.

Andrew A. Cochran Route No.4, Box 99 Rolla, MO 65401

Fred W. Finley 207 W. 1st Terrace Lamar, MO 64759

Donald H. Falkingham 7135 S. Evanston Tulsa, OK 74136

Warren L. Lm'eridge 16 Devondale St. Lou is, MO 63131

Andreas and Jean Andreae li ve at P.O. Box 423. Portsmouth. NH 03801. An· dreas is now ret ired. William and Bernadette Bourne li ve at 510 Vittorio Ave .. Coral Ga bles. FL 33 146 . Bill is director and department head for Post Buck ley . Shuh & Jernigan in Miami Robert and Lena Brookshire have moved to Route I , Box 24 1 A, Omaha, AR 72662. Robert is a retired engineer. Jo and Pearl Strawhun sends us a not l' saying, "We will retire Jan. I, 1982 ." Jo and Pearl live at 4336 Abingdon Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. Jo is divi sion transmission sup!. for Transco Co. in Houston.

1942 Roy and Evolee Ferris li ve at Route 5. Box 316. Natchit oches, LA 71457. Roy is now retired .

1943 Earl and Olga Biermann li ve on Route I . Box 764. Kirlg George. V A 2248 5 Ea rl is now self·employed and acts as a consultant to FMC Corp. Edmund C. Burke reports " After receiv ing my Ph.D. (metallurgy) from Yale Uni versit y 195 1. I worked at the Dow Chem ica l Co. until 1956. I have been with Lock heed Research Lab sin ce 1958." Edmund and his wife Peggy li ve a t 241 Ferne Ave .. Palo Alto, CA 94306. Edmund is director.. material<; ,C len ces research lab. for Lockheed Missi les anci Space Co.. Sunn yvale. Ca lif. Robert L. Hanna is now a consu ltant on energy sav ing to Ind iana restauran ts. 130b and Mary li ve at 2300 Ellen Drive. Lafayette. IN 47905.

1944 Eugene and Grace Allen li ve at 8 18 Weymouth Terrace. Hampton. VA 23666 . Eugene is now retired.

Special personal George Mason, former ma nage r of the Ca mpus Bookstore in Rol la. died April 23 . Mason had been with the Campus Bookstore for about 30 years before his retirement in 1979. He had bee n acti ve in the Ro lla Area Chamber of Commerce and the Rolla United Fund , and served two terms on the Rolla City Council. He is sur· vived by his wife. Margaret. 1707 North Oak St. . Rolla. MO 6540 I. two daughters . three grand ch ildren. and his mother.

Lincoln A. Sanders, 5880 West 76 th St. , Los Angeles, CA 90045 , is deceased , ac· cording to a note to the al umni office.

1946 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Kenneth M. Wilhelms 8 Grantwood Lane SI. Louis, MO 63123 MSM Alumnu s 27

Alutnni Personals ____________________________________________ Robe rt P. Connett Ro utt' I Sa lt ville. VA 24370 . Syh l'~ tt' r .J . Pagano 27 Irl' ne La ne

Rolla. MO 65401 Austin and Elva Clayton report: "Our daughter Audrey (Webb) born in 1946, while we were in Rolla, has three daughters. Phillip D. J ohnson, (of Rice, Wash .) Stevens County director of public works, is recovering from a heart attack." Austin and Elva live at 909 East Hawthorne Ave., Colville, WA 99 I 14. Austin is retired. He was former¡ Iy with Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Oscar M. Olsen sends a note saying "I have a new book to be published in June '8 I, entitled "The Arab Crisis... Why and How" by Va ntage Press, New York , Library of Congress card number 80-53657 . ISBN 533-04859-1." Oscar and his wife, Janet, li ve at 22 Starview Dri ve . Oakland , CA 946 I 8. He is vice pres ide nt. corporate development , for Wick land Oil Co. in Sacramento.

Francis V. Breeze lives at 3 Dorchester Dr ive . Apt. P-\. Pitt sbu rgh. PA 1524 1. He is a senior vice preside nt for PPG In dustries In c. William W. Evans li ves at 8772 Brower Lake Dri ve. Rock ford. M14934 1. Bill is now vice president of management & developemen t for Wood land Estates.

Herman and Dorothy Byrd have moved to 295 5 Wald ron Road. Kankakee. IL 6090 I . Herman is now manager-div ision manu fac tu ri ng enginee r for A.a. Smith Corp., Consu mer Prod ucts Division . Donald and Mille Dampe live at 5686 Bayou Glen, Houston, TX 77 056. Don is preside nt of G uardian Oil Company.

Myrl and Virginia Line li ve at Rou te I . Box 97. Brighton . IL 620 12. Myrl has Join ed Rockwell Intern ational.

Stanley Dolecki says: " I joined Black & Veatch in March at their St. Lou is of¡ fice. I am responsible for new business deve lopmen t and management of civil and environmental projects." Stanley and Nancy live at 91 13 Hatton Dri ve, Crestwood, MO 63 I 26 . Stan's offica l title is civil-environmental engineer for Black & Veatch Consulting Engineers in Chesterfield. Mo .

Wilbu r E. Niem iste died of a hea rt attack Oct. 25, while hunting. He had been with U.S. Stee l, Mt. Iron. Minn .. fo r 30 years and was a supervisor in the Qualit y Control Laboratory. He is survived by his wife, 10 Telegraph Drive, Virginia, MN 57792, three children and three grandchildren.

William and Charlotte Hollis report : "We kee p active. We have traveled and are now happy to stay home and enjoy our grandchildren and garde ning acti vities." Bill and Charlotte li ve at 20 Ca nnon Hill Ave. , Grove land , MA 01 834. Bill is retired from General Electric.

Jo hn and Anna Ratcliff have moved to 478 Mary St. , St. Pa ul. MN 55 11 9. John is now assistant vice president labor relat ions fo r the Burlington Northern Rai lroad Co.

R. Norm an Ho lme, chief Illetallurgist for America n Cyanimid , reports: " Bei ng transferred to our our Western Regional Headq uarters and Technica l Service Labs to better service our national market. " After June I, Norman and Gloria Mae's address will be 5442 N. Fort Yuma Trail , Tucson, AZ 857 15.

Elmo and Lois Kn utso n send a note sa ying "We have been reti red in Sun Cit y, Ariz. since J uly. 1975 and are still enjoying it very much." Elmo and Lois li ve at 106 16 Hu tt on Dr:ve. Sun Cit y. AZ 8535 1.

1948 James and Gloria Fisher live at 1339 1 West Da kota Ave.. Lakewood, CO 80228. Jim is now deputy state conservation ist for the U.S. Soil Conserva tion Service in Denver.

Bill and Ruth Roark have moved to 211 7 East 34t h St. . Joplin , MO 648 0 I. Bi ll is reti red.

1949 George and Jeane Anderson send a note say ing, "Our son Michael and his wife Diane are the proud parents of Benjamin Michael Anderson born Feb. 20, in Mad ison, Wisc. Mike is a rate engineer wit h the Wisconsin Power and Light Co. (F irst grandchild for old George and Jeane)." The Anderson's address is Box 31 I, Ro ute I, Lamar La ne, Fu lton, MO 6525 1. George is managerwestern & central district mi nes for Harbison-Walker Refractories U.S . 28 / MSM Alumnu 5

Edgar and Marian Telthorst li ve at 14 15 Tina Dri ve. Florissa nt , MO 63033. Edga r is now vice president , power operat ions, of Union Electric Co. in St. Louis.

1950 John and Elsie Absalom have moved to 185 Roscommon Drive, McM urray , PA 153 17. John is qual ity control manager for Bucy rus Erie Co. in Glassport, P A.


1950 (

Arthur a to 14 ( 63367. J process Assembl

Robert a is cia Oa Box 395 manager of Libya


George W. Jamieson li ves at 3700 Wakefo rest No.8 , Houston, TX 77 098. George is now a research associate fo r Exxon Production Research Co. Donald and Mary Peterson li ve at 16 1I Wendover La ne, Des Peres, MO 63 131. Don is a patent counsel fo r Monsanto. While visiting with the staff at Central Illinois Public Service Co. in Springfield , 1Il. , Dr. J. Derald Morga n learned of the dea th of James D. Ross in 1980. Dr. Morga n is cna irman of elect rica l engineeri ng at UM R.



Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Il'e moved Ikakee, IL

Herman A. Fritschen, .J r. 5249 S. 68th F. Place Tulsa, OK 74145


.0. Smith il'i ion.

Da\"id K. Anderson tells 1I ~ thai he and Pal "are moving to our ranch and our new address will be Angel Creek Ranch. Clover Valley. Well. NV 89835." Dave is a superintendent for Chevron USA ill Coalinga. Calif.

e at 5686 '056. Don


d Black & Louis ofy business 11 of cil'il .. Stanley on Drive, ,officaltisineer for Igineers in

Dudley Blancke ha<; been ap pointed public and governme ntal affairs coordinator for the metals division mineral products department. Union Carbide Corp. Dudley. his wife Martha . and two children now live at 624 Agan a. Grand Jun ction. CO 8150 I . C

1980 Rollamo

lis report: Ileled and and enjoy ening aclil'e at 20 1nd, MA leral Elec-

etallurgist -ts: "Being I Regional i1 Service national :man and 5442 N. ~


at 3700 iX 7098. ;ociate for

:0. veat 1611 10 63131. 10nsa nto. at Central pringfield , ned of the 1980. Dr. electrical

1950 Continued Arthur and Joyce Schmidt have moved to 14 Collette. Lake SI. Louis. MO 63367. Arthur is now a senior tool and process engineer for General Motor Asse mbl y Di vision in Went zv ille. Mo . Robert and Barbara Ann Wood's a ddre~, is clo Oasis Oil Co. of Libya. Inc .. P.O. Box 395 , Tripoli , Libya. Robert is now manager of geophysics for Oasis Oil Co. of Libya Inc.

Neal and Betty Jane Dowling tell us. "We are planning 0 11 being in Rolla for Homecomi ng and for the 30 th c l a~~ reunion . We are visiting Ireland in June for our 30th wedding ann iversa ry. " Neal and Betty Jane live at 121 W-Highland Dri ve. Grafton. WI 53024 . Neal is now ce ntral regional sa les manager for Centralab In c. In Milwaukee. Donald and Betty Horton live at 4169 Providence Drive, SI. Char les. MO 63301 . Don is pres id ent of the Automatic Hea ting Equipment Co. in SI. Loui .

1951 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinalors:

William Tsai 14317 Miranda Way Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

(;l'or/.!l' W. Comanirh :" 104 Tamarach Drill' Havlo" n. TX 77:"21 Brucl' F. Taranlola Sk~Crl'SI Drill' St. l.ouis. MO 63126


The death of William R. (Dick) Jones on Feb. 10. of a heart attack . is reported by his wife. Elizabeth Jea n Jones, 28 Bluff Park Road . Belleville. IL 62223. She says. "He really enjoyed last yea r's reunion' I'm so glad we made that trip." Don and Florence Roloff li ve at 7669 Carswold Drive, Clay ton, MO 63105. Don is now president of Engineered Materials Inc .. Industrial Supply House of Greenup, Inc. Martin and Frances Rust live at 5006 Twilight Lane, Fort Wa yne, IN 46815_ Martin is senior rei engineer for ITT Aerospace/Optical Division.

1952 Raymond and Barbara Hallows li ve al 351 Cold Soil Road. Princeton. NJ 08540. Ray is a project engi neer for EMR Photoelec tric. Melvin C Hockenbury sends a note say· in g "I retired from ARRADCOM in June. 1980. after 36 years of federal employement. I am enjoying my retirement and hoping to write a book about my experiences." Melvin and Mabel live at 5 Ferncliff Road. Morris Plains. NJ 07950. J. Roger Scrivner is now market ma nage r, industrial and militar , markets, for the Licon Division. 1I1inois Tool Works In c.. Chicago. He and Jane live at 3607 Brook meade Dri ve. Rolling Meado ws. IL 60008. W.O. and Lorraine Stopkey live at 1405 Moss Lane_ Ri ver Ridge. LA 70123. W.D. is general manager-construction man age me nt for Walk · Hade l & Associates In c. in New Orleans.

1953 Marvin W. Boyd se nds a note: " I was promot ed fr om production superi nt e nd ent ·cos ta l di visio n. to manager natural gas -eastern ope rations (head office starn ." Marvin and his wife Sue live at 363 1 Rue Nichole. New Orleans. LA 70 114. Bernard and Mary Ellen Howe have moved to 41 South Bay Drive. Emerald Bay, Bullard. TX 75757. Bernard is vice president of Power Ex ploration Co. in Tyler. Texas.

John and Mary Seipel's new' address is Newton Post Office. Box 25 , Singapore, 9122 , Republic of Singapore. John is now a producing advisor for Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc. MSM Alumnu s 29

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


1953 Continued


Robert D. Sost lives at 80 I Crescent Dri ve, Independe nce, KS 673 0 I. Bob is a plant manager fo r Lehigh Portlan d Ceo ment Co.

1954 Frank B. Conci sends a note say ing. "My da ughter Ja n is fo llowi ng father dnd son, Frank A., as a student at MSM·UM R." Frank's address is P.O. Box M, Golconda. IL 62938. Fran k is county superi ntende nt of highways for Ha rdin and Pope Co unti es In Elizabethtown. III. Theodore Nagy li ves at 164 Bened ict Hill Road, New Canaall. CT 068 40. Ted is preside nt·technica l division fo r Sum· ma rt ran Corp. in Bet hel, Conn . Norman and Alice Niemeyer have mov· ed to 400 SW 43rd Place, Ocala, FL 3267 1. No rman's business is N i ~ m eye r Const ruction Corp.


William and Elizabeth Hygh have moved to 78 09 Nightin ga le Co urt. In · dianapo lis, IN 46256. Bill is ge neral supe rint ende nt produ ction for th e Chev rolet Di vision·General Motors. Paul and Ida Re mmers Iive at 654 Westches ter, G rosse Point Park , MI 48230. Paul is now staff resea rch enginee r for GM Research Labs in War· ren, Mich.

Jerry B. Overton West 428 37t h St. Spokane, W A 99203 Josep h J. Yancik 1703 J ames Payne Circle McLean, VA 22101 Leroy E. Thompson 5860 SW 89th Place Miami, FL 33 173 Peter N. Yiannos 2304 Empi re Dri ve Wilmington, DE 19810 30/ MSM A lumnu s


Paul H


Kenneth and Erika Riley li ve at 3390 Monterey Road, San Ma rino, CA 9 1108. Kenneth is now vice president of Arco Petroleum Products Co. in Los Angeles. J ames A. Unnerstall has been named vice president--operations plann ing and transportation for Amoco Oil Co. Jim has been with Amoco since 1956. After a number of promotions within the com· rany's refining system, he was named manage r of the Casper, Wyo., refinery in 1974. In 1976 he became general ma nager·purchasing for Standard Oil (In di an a) th en ge nera l ma nage r-information services, for Standard Oil in 1978 . Jim , Theresa , and their two children live at 20900 Spa rta Land, Olympia Fields, IL 6046 1.

Re union At Homeco ming Class Coordi nators: George R. Baum gartner 2120 Syracuse Dearborn, MI 48124

Wallac ed to . Coeur, dent 01

1957 Lorenz K. Duerr is now chief electrical engineer fo r W.T. La Rose & Associates Inc., in Troy , N.Y. Lorenz li ves at 8 Oak Tree Lane, Schenectady, NY 12309. Norma n C. Jo hnson has moved to 250 I Bright Wood Dri ve, Dunn Loring, VA 22027. Nor ma n is a mec ha ni ca l engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, DC. Thomas E. Kalin has been appointed a pa rtner in the in ternational consulti ng engineering firm of Black & Veatch in Ka nsas Ci ty. Tom, his wife Elea nor, and three chi ldren li ve at 10605 West 6 1 SI., Shawnee, KS 66203.

be atte

who w:

BILL L. ATCHLEY Bill L. Atchley, president of Clemson Universit y, Clemson, S.c., has been ap· pointed to a two·year term on the Fossil Energy Advisory Comm ittee for the U.S. Department of Energy. The ap· pointmen t was made by U.S . Energy Secretary Ja mes B. Edwards. The com· mittee counsels the secretary of energy on foss il fuels research and develop· ment, and eva luates DOE fossil fue ls resea rch programs, proposals and con· tracts. Bill wi ll be the only university head on the commi ttee. Bill and Pat li ve at the President's Residence, Clemson Un iversity, Clemson, SC 29631. Richard and Naomi McGee have moved to 1499 Pacland Place, Chesterfield, MO 630 17. Richard is now project manager·foreign sales·for McDonnell Douglas Corp. in SI. Louis. James Watwood reports: "In 1980 Wa t· wood & Heavener added arch itecture to its ex isting full complement of engineer· ing services. The firm has 30 full time employees includ in g a branch office in Jerseyv ille, III. with a staff of eigh t people." Jim and his wife Dee have mov· ed to Ro ute I, Box 258A, Centralia, IL 6280 I. Jim is presiden t of Wa twood and Heavener Inc.

will be will be father, live at sant, tv 25 to b receivel Alumn Kathyi ty. Pa enginee tric Co.



CA 92

enginee Calif.


Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1957 Continued Wallace and Joann Saunders have mov· ed to 312 Prince Towne Drive, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Wallace is vice president of Dy-Tronix Inc. , St. Louis.



f Clemson been ap· I the Fossil :e for the '. The ap· .S. Energy . The com· . of energy d develop· fossil fuels s and con· university .nd Pat live :, Clemson ;31.


Paul Hermann III reports: "Supporting MSM through th ree children who wil l be attending UMR this fa ll: Paul IV-who will be a senior in EE, Kathy-·who will be a junior in ME, and Jim-·who will be an entering freshman in EE. Like father, like son. " Paul and Carole, who live at 2960 North Waterford , Florissant, MO 63033 , were on campus April 25 to be present when daughter Kathy received a scholarsh ip from Rolla's Alumni Panhellenic organi zation . Kathy is a member of Chi Omega sorori · ty. Paul, incidentally, is a sen ior engineering specialist for Emerson Elec· tric Co. in St. Louis.

Clintford and Alba Jones live at 20262 Ravenwood Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 . Clintford is now sen ior . engineer for c.F. Braud in Alhambra, Calif.

Dr. Larry C. Atha reports: " I have been selected by Massachusetts Inst itute of Technology as an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. Starting in June I will follow a 12-month course of stud y leading to a master of science degree in management at MIT's Alfred P. Sloa n School of Management. " Larry and his wife Patty's new add ress will be 32 Colby Road . Wellesley , MA 02181. Larry is a project manager for Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Tec hn ology Cent er in Huntsv ille, Ala. Freddy and JoAnn Mosby live at 809 Forrest Heights, Huntsv ille, AL 35802. Freddy is manager, stea m services test for Wyle Laboratory. Louis W. Smith has been named assis· tant general manager for operat ions of the Bendix Corp., Kansas Cit y Division . Bendi x employs nearly 7,000 people in Kansas City. Lou is lives at 11905 Cherokee Lane, Leawood, KS 66209. He joined Bendix in 1966 as an associate engineer. Colonel Paul W. Taylor reports "I am back from building an air base in Israel. I assume duty as distruct engineer, U. S. Army engineer, district of Los Angeles on August 15." The address fo r Paul and Liz is P.O. Box 27 11. Los Angeles, CA 90053 .

lave moved hesterfield, )w project McDonnell

11980 Wat· hitecture to )f engineer' 10 full time ;h office in rr of eight ~ have mo v. :entralia, lL atwood and 1980 Rollamo

1959 Robert and Rita Boxdorfer li ve at 3547 Hallida y. Sl. Lou is, MO 63 11 8. Robert is now fire alarm manager for the City of Sl. Louis. Fire & Police Telegraph . Jerry .J . Clubb h a~ rcce ived one of the NASA si lver "S noopy" awards. The award is prese nted to those who have made a significa nt contribution to the Space Shutt le Program . Jerry is an engineer . In th e Daia Sys te ms Laboratory at Marshall Space Flight Ce nter in Huntsville. Ala . Jerr y, his wife Pauline. and their two child re n Tim oth y and Teresa li ve at 194 Western Hill , Madison , AL 35758. George H. Morgan reports " I have retired from Ausco Brak es. and we are moving to a new career in Eva nsv ille, ope rating the Evansville branch of Taylor-Newcomb. While I was at Alisco. I obtained 8 [latent, on jack> & Ausco fail·safe brakes." George and Janis live at 1217 Diamond Ave .. South Bend. IN 46628. George is now a sa les engineer for Taylor -Newco mb Engineers in Indianapolis. James and Jean Patterson li ve at 2911 Ga llalee Road , Huntsvi lle, AL 3580 1. Jim is all electron ics engineer for the Army Missile Com mand . Jan H. Paynton has been appo inted director of public work s, for St. Louis Count y. His add ress is Stanton , MO 63079. Max and Virginia Smith have moved to 924 North Scott St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Kenneth A. Swanson, '59, '6 1, sends the following news: "Woodv ille (Lime & Chemical) has just completed a multi· million dollar plant designed to produce high purity magnesium oxine for the chemir.al, drug, and steel industries, us· ing a new patented process. I am the director of chemical operat ions in this plant." Ken and Patricia li ve at 520 E. John, M:;\Umee, OH 43537 . Donald and Esther Wyatt's new address is Box 1672, Sedalia, MO 6530 I. Donald is retired. MSM Alumnus 31

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Alu r



Ronald P. Cane r, Ph .D.. professor. School of Educat ion. Un iversity of Missouri at Kansas Cit y IBSCE. 1960) has had a book published: " Read ing Comprehension and Rauding Theory." ( 'harles C. Thomas. pub li sher. 198 1. Ralph and Mart ha Maxton live at 1560 Lex ington A ve .. Cape Girardeau . MO (1370 I Ralph is now director of c? nginec rin g for Lynn Engineering Corp.

Jerome D. Patterson 1660 A~ hl a\\ n Drill' Pittsburg, PA 15241 Larr y F. Fa rmer Rt. No.2, Box 445 Ash Gro\'e, MO 65604 Rene J. Leonard 4214 Sa n Amaro Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146 Michael C. Kearney 107 Trail East Drill' Hendersonville, TN 37075

1961 Reunion At Homecom in g C1a~s Cl)ordinato rs: Alb ert L Bolon Rt. No.3 Box 213A Rolla, MO 65401 Farouk E. S. EI·B az 2786 . Wakefi eld SI. Arlin gton, Y A 22207 H. Nea l Granne mann 100 West 10th Rolla, MO 65401

A note from Joan C. Dennis tells us that her husba nd . John H. Dennis, died Nov. 3. 1980. Mrs. Dennis can be reached at 3690 S. Ham pton . Bettendorf. IA 52722 .

Farouk EI·Baz has been presented the Arab Republic of Egypt "Order of Merit·First Class." by President Anwar Sadat. He was ci ted for contributions 10 space geology. The presenta tion was made at the First Science Celebration Da y held in Cai ro. Egypt on April 14. EI·Baz, who provides adv ice to Sadat on sc ien tific matters, also attended the first meeting of the President 's Advi ory Cou ncil. His address is 2786 Wakefield SI.. Arlin gton. VA 22207.

Joseph and hidl Sullivan live at 10377 NW 15t h St. , Coral Springs, FL 33065. Joe is now director, public sw itching, for Siemens Corp. in Boca Raton , Fla.


Richard and Judith Kapfer li ve at 2540 Briarcliffe Ave .. Cincinnati. OH 452 12. Richard is now department manager· electronic design. for Cincinnat i Elec· tronics Corp.

Douglas and Jean Gaertner li ve at 442 East Essex Ave. , Kirkwood , MO 63122 . Doug is now a sen ior engineer for Carter· Weber Inc. in SI. Louis.

Jerome and Lynn Patterson's address is PO. Box 525. Boyle, MS 38730. Jerome is now general manager fo r Color Tile, Cleve land , Miss.

Thomas and Carol yn Hertel's address is Box 135 , Bourbon, MO 65441 . Thomas is a consulting engi neer with his ow n compa ny. James Route Jim is Corp.,

and Jeanette Kallmeyer li ve on I , Box 67 , Glenarm , IL 62536. design engineer for Dickey·John Auburn , III.

Ronald and Shirley Kelley li ve at 19817 Superior St. , Chatsworth, CA 91311 . Ron is a vendor QC engi neer for GTE Products Corp., Needham, MA. Harold and Doris Mantz live at 1136 Monaco Lane, SI. Charles, MO 6330 I . Harold is with McDonnell Douglas in SI. Louis.

1980 Rollamo

32 MSM Alum nus

Piyush and Suvarna Parikh live on Route I, Ridgev iew Terrace, Goshen NY 10924. Piyush is now director of engineering fo r Intercept Corp. in Cli f· ton , N.J .

Wayne: Tyrolial Wayne Americc

Ronald Good H Ron is for NEe York.

Robert : ed to 12 TX 774 metallur Iron We

Carlos r have ao of finan Industril work on Carolina Oakland

Thomas attack01 received

Dennis : ing: "I IV of sales Weare t ing." De at 3651 82601.


John an 2104 F 36203. facility, Talladeg

Earle an ed 10 SUgarlan enginee Housto


,en ted the Order of nt An war butions to Ilion was elebration April 14. )Sadat on :d the first Advisory

2 86 N. ~n07.

at 103 7

133065. ching, for


,e at 442 063122

Alumni Personals _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1963 Wayne and Doretta Balsman live at 541 Tyrolia n Dri ve . G reen Bay . WI 543,02. Wa yne is manager, process cont ro l fo r American Can Co.

r live on L 62536. key路John

Robert and Patricia Koester have moved to 12807 Clove rwood Dri ve, Cy prus, TX 77429. Robe rt is manager-oi l tool meta llu rgical engineering for Cameron Iron Wo rks Inc., Houston. Carlos M. Lago se nds a note say ing "I have accepted the position of manager of fin ancial analysis for Phelps Dodge Industries in New York Cit y. I started work on April 20." Ca rlos and his wife, Carolina, li ve at 155 Manito Ave., Oak land , NJ 07436 . Thomas Karl Oberhaus died of a hea rt attack on March 7, accord ing to a noti ce received by the alumni office. Dennis R. Trantman sends the foll owing: "I was recen tl y promoted to director of sa les for Wyoming Machinery Co. We are the Caterpi llar dealer for Wyo ming." Dennis and his wife, Brenda, live at 365 1 Valley Road , Casper, WY 82601 .

at 19817

\ 91311. for GTE ~.

, at 1136

063301. ou~as in

live on Goshen Irecto r of J. in Clif路

Oa il'd Hoffma n '65 , '67. sends a notc: " Duri ng the [last yea r I was promoted ~ o a IleW p()~i t lon as the chief engineer fo r till' LlJIl1 J llU reservo ir safety program With in th e 'V1issouri Depart ment of Natu ral R e~o urces ' division of geology and laml , url-ey . Organi zation of this new Sta tC program , wh ich wi ll regu late and permit about 700 dams, is under路 way. I sti ll live in Ro lla at 1008 Iowa."

Ronald and Joyce Bassin live at 23 Good Hart Dr. , Livingston . NJ 07039. Ron is New York district sa les manage r for NEC Information Systems, in New York.

ineer for

address is . Thomas his own

Toby and Karen Hafey live at 49 1 Sunstone. Ballwi n. MO 630 I I . Toby is now .,a les manager for the Ind ustrial Proces, Equ ipment Co. in SI. Loui, .

1964 John and Jeanie Martin have moved to 2104 Friar T uck Lane, Oxford, AL 36203 . John is now manager, field test facility, for AMF Harley-Dav idson in Talladega, Ala. Earle and Sharon Neubauer have moved to 2467 Hodges Bond Circle, Sugarland, TX 77478. Earle is sa les engineer for Ingersoll-Rand Co. in Houston.

HOW AR D JACK MCLAIN Howard Jack McLain has been appoi nted corporate vice pres ident/production for Ai rwick In dustries Inc. , Ca rlstadt, N.J. He joined Airwick eight years ago from a plant superin tende nt position wit h Monsanto. Since th at time he has been plant manager for Airwick 's SI. Peters. Mo . fac ilit y. and prior [0 his p romo t ion . was d ivisio na l vice president/man ufac turin g and engineering. He and his wife. Berna": -路'.e. and thei r daughter, Jul ie An n, live at I Sa ndpiper, Panther Va lley. Hackettstow n. NJ 07840.

Charles N. Rallo, 11 4 Lea Meadows, Ba ll win. recent ly celebra ted a fo ur decades birthday . Part s of the part y were recorded on film and were forwarded fo r inclusion in the ALUM NUS . The picture could not be reprod uced but a copy is avai lab le thro ugh Pete Mattei. '36.

Peter A. Smith has moved to 45 Unity Sq uare Drive, Greensburg, PA 1560 I. Peter is an applica tion engineer for the Elliot Co. in Jeannette. Pa .

Robert and Ed wina Newsom have mov ed to 322 9 Flemi ngton Court , Pleasanto n. CA 94 566. Robert is a civil engineer fo r the Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. in Fremont, Ca lif.

1965 Maurice and Ann Brubaker live at 23 Crown Ma nor, Chesterfield, MO 63 01 7. Maurice is vice president of DrazenBru baker & Associates in St. Louis.

1980 Rollamo MS M A lumnu s 33

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1966 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordi nators: Allen G. Behrin g 121 E. Witchwood lane lake Bluff. I L 60044 James L Btrtelsmeyer 1,303 East 100th Place S. Tulsa, OK 74136 Vince nt P. Crane 8140 Spur Court, NW Bremerton, W A 98310 Samut'l A. Scheer 12109 Glen Canyon NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 Matteo A. Coco 7115 Alicton Al'e. St. louis, MO 63123 leonard C. Kirbe rg 331 Carmel Wood., Drill' Ellbville, MO 63011 Alan D. Shaffer 4870 Kenm'wick Dril'l' Florrissant, MO 63033

James and Sharon Carter live at 33 12 Wilks Place SW Huntsvi lle. AL 35805. J im is now visit in g sc ientist at NASA/MSEC. He works for the Universities' Space Research Associa· tion in Co lu mbia. MJ.

John and Linda Henry have moved to 6071 East Mineral Drive, Englewood CO 80112 . John is project engineer for Turner Construct ion. Denve r.

James and Judith Huddleston li ve on Route 2. Box 37 . Oronoco. MN 55960. .I illl is now deve lopme nt programmer. manager. for IBM Corp .. IS Divsion. in Roc hester . Harold and Catheri ne logsden li ve at 8933 San ta Fe Springs Road. Whittier. CA 90606. Harold is a senior civ il enginee r for the Co unt y Road Depart· me nt in Los Ange les. Jo hn W. Mohr reports " I have been se lected for promotion to lieute nant col· onel and will soon as ume command of Ma ri ne Air Control Squadron Seven at MCAS. Yuma. Ariz." John and his wife Wilma now li ve at Quarters 4507·A. MCDEC. Quantico. VA 22134. Harvey and lorna Simpson ha ve moved to 3525 Stanton St.. Lee's Summit. MO 64063. Harvey is now genera l manager for Missouri Va lley Packaging in Kan· sas Cit y.

34 MSM A lumnus

Carl E. Delong reports " I am currentl y president of the ce ntral Illinois ect ion of the American Society of Civ il Engi neers." Ca rl's add ress is P.O. Box 574. Cha mpaign. IL 6 1820. He is a civi l engineer for the U.S. Arm y Construc· tion Engineering Research Lab. Charles and Judith Dummeier have moved to Route I , Box 534, Brookport, IL 629 10. Charles is now auxiliary systems engineer for the Union Carbide Corp. Nuclear Division in Paducah, KY .

James and Janis Bayless have moved to 333 Foresi Grove, Richardson , TX 75090. James is now ch ief engineer· instrumentation and control for Gibbs & Hill Inc. in Dallas.

1967 (

Lyndel a Route I Bethalto. electrical

Group, E

Harle)' have ml Blvd .. p( now a ge to Co. in

John and to 12305 75243. J for the S

Porter and Sandra Taylor have moved to 192 3 Lakevi lle Dri ve, Kingwood , TX 77339 . Porter is now general sa les manager for Kirby Forest Industries in Houston.

1967 Robert and Cathy Hogue live at 410 Hackberry Drive, Decatur, IL 62521. Robert is a city engineer for the Ci ty of Decatur.

Barbara Altman sends us a note say ing, " I have just begun my new job as CAD process engineer helping hardware engi neers use computer aided design tools." Barbara lives at 29 Bennett St.. Hudson . MA 01749.

James D. Steele se nds us a note say ing "Promoted Oct. 1980. to a new position with in the market ing division of Burns & McDon nell. " Jim li ves at 600 A. West va le Circle, Lee's Summ it , MO 64063 . He is now coordi nator, interna· tional services·project development, for Burn s & McDonnell in Kansas Cit y.

William and Marie Van Alstine have moved to 1217 Evans road , Aiken, SC 2980 I. Bill is now assistant professor· math at Aiken Technical College.



David an Singingw 63129. D

for Gouk

Kenneth C. Bollinger has been named sa les manager for industria l rubber pro· ducts for the rubber chemicals division of Monsanto Co. Ken joined Monsanto in 1967 and has been involved wit h the sa les and marketing functions of the rubber chemicals division for the past six years. He was most recently area field sales manager for Latin American and Canada. His address is 92 S. Franklin , Chagrin Falls, OH 44022.

Gary an Roseview 63138. G test for M

Ronald a ROUte I 17349. R Westingh


Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Steve Eggers rl'[1ort ~ "M y job assign· Illenl at Sun nen changed in January with the formu lati on of the new abra<;ive division . In the same month Mary 311d I were blessed with a second child Katherin e." The family li ves at 92 18 Law ndale Drive. Crestwood, MO 63 122 . Steve is now supervisor abrasive qualit y for Sunnen Products Co. in Maplewood.

te saying, oas CAD hardware ~ de ign nnett St.,

currently section of Civil P.O. Box e IS a civil Construe·


James L. Miltenberger lives at 17910 Wil d Willow. Houston. TX 77084. Jim is 110W civil/struct ural engi neer for Bec ht el Petroleum Inc.


~ier have :rookport, auxiliary nCarbide Paducah,

t980 Rollamo

1967 Continued Lyndel and Barbara Helmkamp live on Route I. Box 360F, Lakeside Drive, Bethalto. IL 62010. Lyndel is a senior electrical engineer for Olin Corp. Brass Group, East Alton. III. Harley and Maxine Hickenbotham have moved to 9737 Quail Hollow Blvd .. Pensacola. FL 32504. Harley is now a genera l engineer for the Monsan · to Co. in Pensacola.


~E R

n named bber pro; division Aonsa nto with the IS of the the past ntly area American is 92 S.

1402 2.

John and Charlotte Kennell have moved to 12305 Cross Creek Drive. Dallas, TX 75243. John is now director, planning, for the Sun Gas Co. David and Janet Nelson live at 6970 Singingwood Lane , St. Louis. MO 63129. Dav id is now a market specialist fo r Gould Inc. Electric Motor Division .

Gary and Sally Owens live at 1842 Rosev iew Lane, Spanish Lake, MO 63138. Gary is now lead engineer·night test for McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis.

Ronald and Lesley Uhey have moved to Route I, Box 22· IA, New Freedom , PA 17349. Ron is now a senior engineer for Westinghouse, Hunt Valley, Md.

John Chang Wei sends us a note say in g " I just finished my Ph .D. degree in Jan uary and currentl y alll working as a senior resea rch Illetta llurgist for Tilllken Resea rch. The Tilllken Co .. Ca nt on. Ohio." John . Christi na. and their two ch ildren Ming and Paul. now li ve at 2 163 Mohler Dri ve NW. North Can ton. OH 44720.

1968 Tommy and Nancy <Goodrich) Cadwell have Illoved to 2 11 Dunbarton Dri ve. Spartanburg, SC 29302. Tommy is now genera l superintendent . Ill anufacturing. fur Monsanto.

Chris Groves has been promoted from associate engi neer to sen ior associate engineer for St. Louis branch of a Seatt le· based geotec hnical consultan t firill . Shannon & Wilson Inc. Chris lives at 11 500 Olive Blvd. No. 276, St. Louis. MO 63 141. Danie[ M. Hayes has been elected corporate officer and vice president , engineering, for the Chester Cable Corp., Chester, N.Y. Dan and his wife, Jane, live at Route I Ridgev iew Estates, Goshen, NY 10924.

Paul D. Mullenix li ves at 1525 Ca li for · nia Drive, Green River, WY 82935. Paul is an elect rical engineer for All ied Chemica l. Nral and Marilyn Schaeffer li veal 15566 Clover Ridge. Chesterfield . MU 630 17 Neal is now senior engineering s[1ec ialist for Monsanto in SI. Peter,. Mo. David and Michele Schwartz have IllOV' ed to 1725 0 Lakeview. Morgan Hi ll. C A 95037 . David is a staff programmer for [BM in San Jose. Ca lif. Ronald L. Sipes has moved to 1705 Stearns Hi ll Road. Waltham, MA 021 54 . Ron is now Illanager. project development. for RCA Automa ted Systelll <; in Burlington. Mass. Scott and Bernadette Palmer have moved to 3532 Count ry Side Lane, Camp Hill . PA 170 I I. Scott is now systelll engi nee r for Electronic Data Systems. David and Joyce Price have moved to 1248 9 Meadow Green Place, Creve Coeur. MO 63 14 I. David is now product manager, extruded products, for Monsa nto Plast ics & Resins Co. in St. Louis. Michael and Judith Tulloch have moved to 1500 Song Sparrow Court , Marietta , GA 30062. Mike is a project manager for the Inst itute of Nuclear Power Operations, in Alanta. MSM Alumnu s 35

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


1968 Continued


John and Cynthia Berry li ve at 18 10 V alley View Dri ve, Ellellsvill e. [N 47429. Joh n is now qualit y control manager fo r Wes tin ghouse Electric. Bloomington. Ind . Robert and Janet Brinkopf li ve at RR South, Box 92 . Effin gham, [L 6240 I . Robert is now a civil enginee r [V . bridge and hyd rauli cs engineeri ng. for th e illinois Depa rtment of Transpo rt ati on. Edward J. Burbank li ves at 951 East Whitefea ther, Pi nconning. M[ 48 650 . Ed is now senior dist ribu tion facilities engineer for th e Continent al Telephone Co . of Michiga n.

MICHAEL P. O ' MALLEY M ichael P. O'Malley has been promoted to pla nt ma nager for The Trane Compa ny's turbin e operati on in BurlIngton, Iowa. M ike and his fa mil y li ve at 2400 South 30th St., La Crosse, WI , but will be relocat ing to the Burlington area in the nea r futu re. He has been with Trane since 1973.

Stanley K. Wagher will become president of the South Carolina Society of Professional Engineers in Jul y. H e is currentl y ser ving as president elect. He has also been nomin iated as one of the le n national pub lic works leaders of the year . an honor to be awarded by A PW A. Stan is ma nager of the A iken Cou nt y Public Service Aut hority. H e lives at II Holly Circle, North Agusta, SC 2984 1.

1969 William and Edith Andrew's new address is clo Guy F. Atki nson Co. , P.O. Box 593, San Francisco, CA 94080. Bill is a project engineer fo r Consorcio Turimiquire in Pue r to La C r uz, V enezue la. 36 MSM Alumnus

Richard and Charlon Franke live at 15585 Stockton Drive, Mt. Clemens, MI 48044. Richard is a proj ect engineer for th e U ..S. A rm y Tank-A utomotive CMD in Warren, Mich .

Glenn and Pam Kmecz have moved to 10304 Gention Place, Chesterfield , V A 23832. " Glenn is now an area maintenance supervisor with the DuPont Co. in Richmond . Glenn was just recentl y certified as a professional engineer by the state of Virginia ."

Stephel Route

Stephel Edwin moved

Charles R. Lapresta has moved to 51 18 Havenwoods Drive, Houston , TX 77 066 . Charles is now a regional acco unl i ng superv isor fo r Philli ps Petroleum in Latin Ameri ca. Douglas E. Lauck died suddenl y Dec. 8. 1980, of a cerebra l hemorrhage. He is survived by his wife, Joan, 6 Country Road , O'Fallon, MO 63366 , and two children. Mind y, 6, and Steven, 4. .\


Joseph and Gaye Moore have moved to 3754 Cameron Ave. , Bloomington , IN 47401. Joe is now plant manager for BF Goodrich. Thomas and Cathy Sauer li ve at 546 Six C rown s, Collierville, [N 38017 . T om is a division engineer for DuPont in M emphis.


Randy South E now a I Project

Joseph 425 W, MO 6: enginee tional B

James Ledgest 48076 .. for Sm Detroit.

Harry and Joan Salomon send a note sa ying " We have moved to 99 19 Gerald Drive, St. Louis, MO 631 28, along with our 2V2 year old daughter, Christy. Harry is vice-president of operations for Am etec Electrical Contractors."

FO RREST J. MARSHA LL Forrest J . Marshall has been named to the new ly crea ted post of staff passenger tire engi neer for manufac turi ng engineeri ng for the General T ire and Ru bber Co. , Ak ron , Ohio. Forrest joined the company in 1969. He wi ll be responsible for coordi nation between manufactur ing and ot her related departments in the area of passenger tires. His address is 3800 Swa mp Road N.E., H artvi lle, OH 44632 .

Robert and Diana Unterreiner live at 5692 Dantonaire Place, 5t. Louis, M O 631 28. Robert is an electrica l engineer for the H ervey Co .


1970 William Theodore S. Balaban has moved to 958 Palm Av e. , Apt. No. 2 14, W . Holl ywood, CA 90069. Theodore is a member of the technical staff, administration , for Hughes Aircraft Corp. in EI Segundo, Calif.


[n addit


assistant Universi Bill and Kansas (


lOved to eld, VA n area the Du. was JUSt essional

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1970 Continued

Huo- Yuan and Sophie Lee live at 6828 Lenozyk Dri ve, Jackson ville. FI 322 11 . Huo-Yuan is now a struct ural engineer for Hood Associa tes Inc. Richard and Mary Purcell live at 1420 West 50th Te rrac~. Kansas Cit y. MO 641 12. Richard is senior sys tem planning engineer for Burns & McDon nell Engineers,

Stephen and Denise Bohnemeyer li ve on Route 14, Columbia, MO 6520 I. Stephen is a process engineer for 3M Co.


to 5118 'n, TX )nal ac· Phi llips

•Dec, 8, e. He i :ountry md two 4.

noved to ~ton, IN !r for BF

t 546 Six

Edwin and Bernadette Christman have moved to 4 Old Farm Road , Bedford, NH 03102. Edwin is vice president of AM/EC RM , Bedford, Mass.

Joseph and JoAnn Hahn have moved to 425 Webster Forest Drive. St. Louis. MO 631 19. Joe is now a petroleu m engineering loan officer for the First National Bank in St. Louis. James R. He yl lives at 20145 Ledgestone Drive, Southfield, MI 48076, Jim is now an electrical engineer for Smith, Hinchman & Grylls in Detroit.

Tomisa in Mem·

live at uis. MO engineer

Steven A. Roberts has been named ac· count supervisor fo r th e rubber chemicals division of Monsanto Co. Steve joined the company in 1973 and has served most recently as market manager for ant idegradants for the division . His address is 22 13 Woodpark Drive, Akron. OH 44313.

Frank and Sandra Lewellen li ve at 454 5 Shadesview Drive, Pensaco la , FL 32504, Frank is now engineering division head for the Cit y of Pensacola. WILLIAM ALEXANDER

jore is a taff, ad· ~ft Corp.


Timothy and Christine Kwiecinski send a note saying: "We have much to announce, First, the arriva l of our son, Peter, on 10118/80. He joins his two sisters Jennifer, 10, and Amy, 5. Also. accepted a position with Teledyne Continental Motors as lab chief and moved to the west coast of Michiga n this past March." The fam il y's new add ress is 44 31 Cherrywood Court , Muskegon , MI49441.

d a note 9Gerald ong with Christy. .lions for

d to 958 14, W

Robert and Jane Reuter live at 4398 South Wright Way , Morrison, CO 80465. Robert is now proj ect sys tems supervisor for Stearns- Roger Engineering, in Denver.

Randy and Jan Dietrich li ve at 3918 South Elm , Tempe, AZ 85282, Randy is now a lead engineer for The Sa lt River Project in Phoenix .

William and Janet Alexander report , "Rebecca Lynn was born Sept. 8, 1980. In addition to my regular duties at NKC, I have been appointed an adjunct assistant professor of chemistry by the Uni versity of Missouri-Kansas City. " Bill and Janet live at 4510 NE 50th, Kansas City, MO 64119,

Clark and Claire Mikkelsen live at 8908 Hogan Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802. Clark is now an aerospace engineer for ThiokollHuntsv ille. Glennon and Patricia Phillips live at 22 Lee Court , St. Charles, MO 6330 I . Glen non is now operat ions supervisor for Monsanto-Electronics Division , St. Peters, Mo,

Paul and Jeanine Schmierbach have moved to 7 19 Pine Va lley Road. Knoxville. TN 37923. Paul is now assistant director of natural resources for Te nnessee Valley Authority.

ROGER W. SPILLER Roger W. Spiller has been appointed to the new position of director. worldw ide planning and administ ration for the rubber chemicals division of Monsa nt o Co. Roger joined Monsa nto in 1964 and has served in the areas of engineering and manufacturing at the compan y's production facility in Sauget, 111. , in commercial development and marketing functions for the rubber chemicals division in Akron. Ohio, and was promoted from the position of manager, planning and analysis for the division at compa ny headquarters in St. Louis. His address is 1583 Mason Knoll , St. Louis, MO 63 131. MSM Alumnu s 37

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1970 Continued

Willi am and Ann Boe hm ha e m o~cd to I II tlt: Hessie Ave .. Park Cit). UT R4(](,ll . Bill I, now di rector of orera tl nn, ft lf J J. J ohn~o n & A"ociate,

Ho nwr and Lo i~ Fa nnin have mo\'ed to Sou th Jacob. Vi aiita. C 93277. Homc r " a ~f1ec i a it s l. Illaintainabil lt . for Mc Donnell Douglas. Lemore. Calif.

David and Patricia B r ~a n have nlO\cd 8546 Melro'ie. O~crland Park . KS 662 14. Da \ Id i, now a rrofes,io nal enginee r fo r Bu rn, & McDonnell in Kansas Cit y.

Michael A. Foster se n d~ the fo llOWing me,sage: "Bum, unite . WCTS rcunlOIl cOllll ng (lon. Cn nt ac t IllC or Mikl' Hr rmrsmeyer. H i\ addres\ 1\ 2 Hen· drick, 1,1e. FI. Lauderda le. FL." Mi~c Fo,tcr Ii e\ at 1215 Ciarden SI. . FI. Wayne. IN 46804 . He is a research director for FI. Wa~ nc Area COlw)r· tiUill . Lee and Marjie Glad ish end the fo llow· ing no te: "We have a new daugh ter born Jan. 19 . Her naille i EliLabe th Ann." Lee. Marjie. and Eli zabe th li ve at 2725 Qu ee nsway Road . Spri ng fi eld. IL 62703. Lee is now superintende nt of elec tric ope rations for Sprin gfield Ci ty Wa ter Li ght & Power.


Walter and J acQui li inc S c h a m l' I ' ~ ad · dress i~ P.O. Box 1\ 1004. I-a irhan ~ ~. AK 99706. W,li ler is n()~ an a\latlon ,afe t) insrecto r for FAA ·Flig.ht Standard,.


Will iam M. Th ompso n v. as named "Young Engineer of the 'I ca r" h) the Southwes t Charter (If the Mi"ouri SOCle' t) of PlofeSSIOnJI Engi neer, Ilill is an electrical cilgineer for Allgeier. Mar· tin and A,soc iates III Jorlin . He and hi, wife Kathy . and thetr three daug ht e r~ li ve at 2125 New Jersey. Jorli n. MO 64801. Mich ael and Kathy Yount li ve at 702 Woodlawn , Mexico. MO 65265. Mike i ~ a '>enior electrical engineer for K a i ~e r RefraclO ries.

1971 Reuni on At Homeco ming Class Coord inators:

Jo hn R. Buck" ail er, '7 1. '79. se nds the fo llowin g no te' "We had a bab) boy. 8 Ih . 12 01 .. John Andrew. on Marc h 7." Joh n. Amy. and John And rew li vc at 2007 Clover Lane. Chamraign. IL 6 182 () . John i, a Cartain and is specta l (",i~ t a lll for milit ary enginee rs fo r the Constructi on En gin ee r Resea rch Lab . Ronald and Eli za beth Dace's address is I' 0 Box 162 1. Sprin g.fi eld. IL 62705 . Rona ld is a l l!ill! ~ enginee r for Ill inois Com merce CO lllmissio n. Sam uel and Martha Ann Dortc h's new add ress is P.O. Box 2644. Batesv ille. AR 7~50 I. Sam i ~ ~c ni or cheillica l engineer for_ Eas tillan Kodak.

Dona ld E. Frankfort her 1374 Rolli ng Oaks East Memphis, T 381 17

I.<l rr\ \\ . B l' r~hi !! kr X53 Orion \\ a.1 I. il l'rI110re. CA 94550 Rand all L. Dl'a l er 4X4H Fa irl a\ln Circll' Bo ul de r. CO H030 ! 38 MSM Alumnus

Madan and Rit a J ahag irda r's new ad· dress is P.O. Box 73 1. arl bad . M 8822 1. Mada n i now a Illetallurgist fo r Na tio nal Potash. Michael and Linda Kelly live a t 11 662 Sharon woods Co urt . Cincinn ati. OH 4524 1. Mik e i now regiona l repre entati ve fo r Ma ll inckrod t Inc.

Michael and Beth Maup in have moved to 1209 Ridgewood. pper SI. lair. PA 1524 1. Mike i now a en ior re earch engineer fo r ationa l Steel Re earch in Wei rton. WV .

Roge r Clemons 1901 S. Compton St. Louis, M 0 63104 J ames O. Bondi 1023 1 Echo Rid ge Court Dallas, TX 75243


Brenda S. Kennedy i. li vi ng at I 17 16 Ru set Meadow. Creve Coeu r, MO 63 141. Brenda i now di trict taff ma nager -ope ra t o r erv ices . for Southwestern Bell in SI. Loui .

Robert J . Ca mpbell 2640 Bluff Ridge Drive St. Lo uis, M 0 63129

ROB ERT G. BUTCHKO Robe rt G. Butc hko ha been appoi nted manager, civil engineering. in the de ign derartllleill of May Centers. Inc., developer a nd ma nager of 23 hopping ceiller natio nwide. He move to May Ce nter fro m a po it ion as project manager wi th Fox & Cole Can ul ting Engi nee rs. Bob' address is 226 1 Cowbridge Court , SI. Loui , MO 63129.


Wi lliam and Jacqueline Miller have moved 10 205 B, North We twind. Lee' Summit. MO 64063 . Bill i now a field engineer fo r the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer in Kan a it y. Bob and Edie Mohalley have moved to I 134 Sil verwood Trai l, orlh Little Rock, AR 72 11 6. Bob is now a plant manager for Teletype Corp.

1971 (

Ray A, Moorlanl 53713. R Dairy Ec

Andrew Straight 63011. A Murphy

Richard I Elsmere, Richard i vices rep tric.

Stephen Iy my

Heidelbe with the Europe u be reach dress: H( ew Yo

Troy and West Lee is pastor ChUrch.

Ronald a to Route 10980. R Technolo


A lumni Personals ______________________

noved to \ 93277. inahi[ity. reo Calif

Paul and Melody Burke live at [1 9 [2 Moun tain La ure [ Road. Richmo nd. VA 23235. Pa ul i, a divis ion engineer for E. I. DuPont de NemOlm .

'ollolVing reunion Jr Mikr

Denn is M. Despain has mo ved to 12274 Chesarea ke Driv e. Florissa nt. MO 63033. De nn is is nnv, a senior organ iza· ti o n deve lopment s pec ia li st for An heuser·Busch Companies in Sl. Lou is.

28 Hen _... Mike St.. Ft. research Consor·

.efollow· lIer born

h Ann." at 2725 eld. IL ndent of ield City

new ad·

1980 Rollamo

1971 Continued Ray A. Mueller has moved to 1030 Moor[and Road. No. I, Mad ison, WI 53713. Ray is now product ma nager for Dairy Eq ui pment Co.

lad, NM

Jrgist for

1[662 ati, OH represen·


It 11716

ur, MO ict staff :s, for

'e moved ]air,PA research search in

ler have nd, Lee's .wa field Corps of

moved to th Little 1 a plant

Andrew and Nancy Nolfo li ve at 238 Straight Oak Court, Ball win, MO 630 II. Andrew is a project manager for Murph y Co. in St. Lou is. Richard D. Overturf lives at 1434 West Elsmere, San Anton io, TX 7820 I. Richard is now network dist ri but ion ser· vices representative for Western Elec· tric. Stephen L. Redington reports "Present· Iy my fami ly and I are li ving in Heidelberg, West Germany. I took a job with the Headquarters of U.S. Arm y· Euro pe unti l 1983." Steve and Ja n can be reached through the fo llow ing ad· dress: HQ·USAREUR , Box 442 , APO New Yorl(, NY 09403. Troy and Carol Rhoden live at 1727 West Lee, Springfield, MO 65803. Troy is pastor of the Northwest Baptist Church. Ronald and Elaine Roush have moved to Route I, Box 430, Stony Point , NY 10980. Ron is now vice preside nt of Fox Technology Corp., Westwood, NJ.

David S. Sieboda has moved to I 176 Ma ry Circle, La Verne. CA 91 750. He is now a project engineer for An heuser· Busc h Compan ies of St. Lo uis. John and Susan Stucker li ve at 1208 Sum mit Dri ve, Charleston, WV 253 02. John is with Carbon Fuel in contract mi ning. Tim othy T. Wilmarth has moved to 1411 0 Sa ndfie[d, Houston, TX 77 0n Tim oth y is chief project engi neer for Fox boro. Milton T. Ziatic li ves at 9605 Ca rrimae, Crestwood, MO 63 126. M i[ to n is now a lead engi neer for McDonnell Doug[as in St. Louis.

1972 Paul L. Bible Jr. li ves at 4 14 At herton Drive. Garland , TX 75043. Pau l is reg iona l co n tro l manager for GTE/Sy lvania in Da llas. Earl and Linda Buhrmester send a note say ing "Our second child, Dav id Earl, was born on Feb. I. " Earl and Linda's address is 739 West Rex tu r Dri ve. Ak ron, OH 443 19. Ea rl is now a lead softwa re systems programmer for the B. F. Goodrich Co.

Randy Freeman recei ved a Doc tor of Philosop hy degree in chemical engineer ing at the Decembe r com mencement ex ercises at UMR. Ra ndy is an engineer in g spec ialist fo r Monsa nto Chemical Co. Dallas and Kathy Leavitt report: "We had a ba b) boy on Nov. 25. [980. His na me is Da [las Keith. He's grow ing [ik f a weed and is health y. His arr iva l ha<; enriched our [ive,." The fam ily lives 31 [803 McC utc hen, Ro lla. MO 6540 I. Da llas is a ca rtographer for USCi S Dan iel and Susan Mullen live at 12023 Debonnaire. Cleve Coeur, MO 6314 1. Da n is now sys tems ana lyst·rad iology oncology. for the Washi ngton Un iversi· ty Med ica l Sc hool in Sl. Loui s. John and Deidra Noland have moved to 2 Overlook Dr ive. Route 4. Coa tesv ille. PA 19320. Joh n is now an environmcn ta l consu lting enginee r with Roy F. Weston, West Chester, Pa. William F. Ramek says. "Nancy. '73. and I moved to Da llas in Ju ne. 1979. when I took my present job as site development engineer. I was tra nsferred fro m the corporate headq uarters of Burge r Ki ng in Miami, Fla. Na ncy took a job at that time with CSWS as en· viro nmental project coordi nator. She was recentl y promoted to manager of enviro nment al assessments." Bi ll and Nancy li ve at 132 14 Carthage Lane, Da llas, TX 75243. Charles and Georgina Smith have mov· ed to 11 6 18 South , 1700 E, Sandy, UT 84092. Charles is now a sen ior project engineer for The Deseret Co. MSM Alumnus 39

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1972 Continued Paul and Carol J ran Schlr tt have mov· ed to n South Hi llside A "e .. Succasun · na. NJ 07940. Paul is no\\ a ,enim engineer for the Ex xon Research & Engin eeri ng Co. in Florham Park. N.J . Eugene and Terrill Ann Schuler have mov ed to 2 13 Ironwood Circl e. Nob lesvil le, IN 46060. Eugene is now a staff enginee r-network sw itching for GTE Service Corp.·N. Region In West field , Ind.

Ralph and Linda Tate live at 26 19 ~ o rth Clayton, Springfield, MO 65803. Ralph IS now an associate registered enginee r for Ande rson Engineeri ng Inc. Archibald M. Gallup tells us, "( will be assig,ned as the executi ve officer of the .' th engineer batallion at Ft. Leonard Wood this summer. I have just com· pleted the command and ge neral staff college at FI. Leave nworth . Kans. this past yea r." Arc h and Na ncy live at 85 3rd Infantry Road. FI. Leave nworth . KS 66027. He i, a major in the U.S. Ar· my.

.James and Lind a Hatlan li ve at 661 1 Semin ole . Wes t Che\ tc r. OH 45069 . Jim is department mana ge r for Procter & Ga mhl e. il l Ci ncin nati. Marcus and Ka ren Knotts live at 272 4 28th SI. ('o url. In dependence. MO fAO S5 . Marcus is re ve nue systems represent at ive for Western Electri c in NOI'th Kan sas Cit y.

1973 Michael and Coleen Bohmer live at 6 15 St. Jov it e St. . St. Charles. MO 6330 I. Mike is product manager·gas products for Whit e Rodgers· Division of Emerson Elect ric in St. Louis. Steven and Wanda Bryant li ve at 720 Nim bus ('ourt. Fent on. MO 63026. Steven is now superl'isor. new produc t resea rch and developm ent. for Cart er Carb uretor iJi vision. ACF In dustries in St. Louis. Patrick and Nora Byrne ha ve moved to 174 2 Mews Dri ve. Kansas Cit y. MO 64 1~ I. Pat is a project enginee r for Mass ma n Cnnst ruct ion Co. A note from his wife tells us that Richard B. Coombe Jr. died Jan. 9. Her address is 4738 Towne Ce ntre Dri ve. St. Louis. MO 63 128 . Loretta Dauwe has moved to 6 17 Talma St. . Au rora . IL 605 05. Lorett a is now a research associate for the Uni versit y of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Ind . Ja mes S. Edell' se nds us his new ad· dress. He now li ves at 49 17 Wes t I I8th Place. No.8 . Hawthorne. CA 9025 0. Jim is a programmer for Ampex Corp . in EI Segundo. Ca lif. Richard and Virginia Emanuel live at 6457 Telegraph. St. Lou is. MO 63 129. Richard is now a dentist in St. Lou is.

1980 Rollamo 40 MSM Alumnu s

Roger and Joyce Hort on have moved to 10075 West Arbor Place, Littleton. CO 80 123. Roger is now a senior research manager for Smith Energy Services in Go lden, Colo.

Ga ry R. Henderson report s " I am cur· rentl y work in g on M.S. degree in civi l enginee ring at UM R." Ga ry li ves at 1213 West 8th St.. Rolla. MO 6540 I. He is a lieut enant in the civil enginee r' ing co rp. of th e U.S. Navy . Pau la E. Hudson lives at 5976 Wood· way Place Court. Houston. TX n057. Paula is now a tax manager for Cumm · in gs Bertsch & Schaefer. Robert and Deborah Kleinman live at 189 North Oak St.. London. OH 43 140. Robert is now employed by the Fu llen Co .. Manheim . Pa . Lawrence and Betsy Lewis send the following note: "We wou ld like to an· no unce the arri va l of our fi rst child. Criag Jonathan. born Jan. 14. Larr y is manage r of coal preparation for Zeigler Coal. He and his famil y li ve at 318 Ga teway Road. Ma rion. IL 62959." Jimmy and Joyce Ann Martin live at 9041 East 67t h St. , Tul a, OK 74 133 Jimm y is now a district engineer for the Mapco Production Co. J immy and Deborah Means have mov· ed to 11 34 Sai lfish. Hitchcock . TX 77 563 . Jimm y is now a project enginee r for Cox . Eller and A socia tes Inc.. Pasedena . Texas. Jose Agustin Moscoso is a raw materia ls engineer for Cemento Panama S·2. He and Patricia have a new ad· dress- P.O. Box 6·2363. EI Dorado. Panama. Panama. Sal and Les ley Ann Pagano li ve at 4305 Boul de r. Midland . TX 7970 3. Sal is now an engineering manager for Bison Ex ploration Co. Michael and Stephanie Steffens have moved to 32 North Poi nt Rd, Eureka, MO 63025. Mike is construction manager for J. H. Berra Construct ion Co. Inc .. in St. Louis. Mark X. Stratman has moved to 2025 Southridge Drive. Jefferson Cit y, MO 65 10 I. Mark is now a manager for Price Waterhouse & Co. in St. Louis.

1973 Cc

Terrell F.I have recer purchasin departmen Becky and Creek,Du,

Donald D. West 15th, IS now a s Kansas Po

Wesley ar moved to4 74133. W engineer fo

Gary and ~ ed to 517 I 40503. Gar engineer ManufactU


Samuel J. ned on Ap Fae Edna Waseca, engineer fo



I am

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

CU r.

Monica (Lapp) Lauer reports " I have been promoted to personnel services manager with SI. Loui s Communit y College. Jack and I li ve at 5 10 G ree n Forest. Fenton. MO 63 026 ."

:e in civil

lives at 065401. engineer·

6 Wood

X 77057. lrCumm·

In live at H 431 40. he Fullen

send the ke to an· rst child. . Larry is Dr Zeigler e at 318 1959."

in live at K 74131 :er for the

lave mov· :ock. TX t engineer ates Inc..

; a raw

19110 Rollamo

1973 Continued Terrell F. Potts sends us a note saying " I have recently accepted the position of purchasing manager , engineering department , for Frito-Lay Inc. My wife Becky and I now live at 327 Cardinal Creek , Duncanville, TX 75137. Donald D. Taylor has moved to 1614 West 15th, Topeka , KS 66604. Donald is now a system planning engineer for Kansas Power and Light Co.

o Panama new ad· I D orado.

Wesley and Patricia Watkins have moved to 4423 East 75th St. , Tulsa , OK 74133. Wesley is now senior staff engineer for Williams Pipeline Co.

Ie at 4305 )3. Sal is for Bison

Gary and Margaret Weidler have moved to 517 Ashley Way, Lexington , KY 40503 . Gary is now automatic controls engineer for Procter and Gamble Manufacturing Co.


[ens have

., Eureka. lstructio n nstructio n

d to 2025 City, MO r for Price

1974 Samuel J. DeHaven reports "I got married on April 4." Samuel and his wife, Fae Edna, live at 802 4th St. SW, Waseca, MN 56093 . Sam is an electrical engineer for the E. F. Johnson Co.

William and Glenda Sue Cage's address is Box 99. LaCenter, KY 42056. Bill is now an electrical design engineer for Union Carbide Corp., Paducah , KY. James and Donna Dorroh have moved to 13731 Wilderness Point, San An · tonio, TX 78231. Jim is now a senior sales engineer for Dresser Atlas. Nicholas and Diane Duane have moved to 7345 East 59th Place, Tulsa , OK 74145. Nicholas is now a senior research engineer for Amoco Production Co. Donald and Debbie Hall tell us, "We are happy to announce the birth of our second daughter, Christina Lynn, on Nov . 3, 1980." Don and Debbie live at 3712 Hendricks Court, Ft. Smith, AR 72903. Don is manager, systems/analysis & programming, for Data Tronics. James and Patricia Jones report "The latest news from Pat and I, as we approach our first anniversary, is that we are expecting our first child in early November. Pat is working as a physician (M.D.) at the Wholistic Health Center of Oak Park ." Jim and Pat live at 219 B South Maple Ave. , Oak Park , IL 60302. Jim is midwest personnel representative for the Central In telligence Agency in Chicago.

Michael and Deborah Sue Miller se nd us the followin g "We have bee n ass ign· ed to Australia. Roya l Austra lian Air Force. in Perth . My job is to be an in · structor pilot in the RAAF ac ting as an exchange office r in the interes t of good will and harmony betwee n our coun· tries. " Mike and Debbie's address is American Consulate· Perth . APO San Francisco, 96 209. Daniel L. Million sends a note sayin g " 1 would like to announce that I am now a professional engineer registered with the state of T e nne~see . " Dan lives at 4210 Abercorn Road . Knoxville. TN 37 921 . He is employed by Unioon Car bide Nuclear Di vision. Oak Ridge. Tenn. Roger D. Phillips and alumnus John W. Reneer, '77 . ha ve opened a ci vil engineering and sur vey ing firm with offices in Marshfield and Springfield. The company will primarily be engaged in municipal. sa nit ary. and subdi vision engineering and all types of land and construction sur veying. Phillips will manage the Springfield office . Roger's address is 3 11 A. East Dow ning. Spring· fi eld. MO 65807 . Michael E. Ragan has moved to 505 NW 55th Terrace, Apt. No. II. Kansas City , MO 6411 8. Mike is now a sales engineer for General Heating & Cool· ing. T.G. and Barbara Rehkop's address is 45 102, Dallas, TX 75245. T. G. is now a lead programmer anal ys t for the University Computing Co. William and Lisa Robertson li ve at 5248 South Atlanta Ave. Tulsa, OK 74105. Bill is now assistant vice president for the First National Bank & Trust Co. Thomas and Linda Schroeder have moved to 81 20 West Fremont Ave. , Lit· tleton , CO 80123. Tom is now a staff petroleum engineer for the Petro Lewis Corp. in Denver.

lis. MS M Alumnu s / 41

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________


197.4 Continued

1975 Cl

Ronald E. Sherard J r. has moved to 406 East 2 1 St., H ays. KS 6760 I . Ronald is an area engi nee r for th e Kan sas Depa rt · ment of Transportation . Mark and Kathryn White send us th e followi ng note: " In the true Rolla tradi · ti on, K evin Dougla White was born on St. Patrick's Da y, M arch 17. 1981. K evin weighed in at 6 Ib . 3 oz. and wa 19" long." M ark . K athr yn. and K evin live at 433 Fairview Court. Winch e ter. MO 63 0 II . M ark is distri ct sys tems manager for Tandem Computer In M aryla nd H eights.

1975 Scott and Mar y Bechtold send us a note saying: " We have a new baby gir l born in March. named Ruth . She has a brother named John." Scott . Mary, and fami ly live at 308 orth Prairie, o. 6, Sikeston . MO 6380 I . Scott is a project engineer for Potashnick Construction Inc. in Cape G irardeau. Myron D. Ca lkins has been named Man of the Year by his fraternity. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon . through th e group' K an as City Alumni A soc iat ion. Myron is director of public work for Kansas City. M yron 's add ress is 5003 NW 67th St.. K ansas Ci t y. MO 64151.

Loren and Christa Coope r have moved to 101 Re tin Road . Greenwood. I N 46142 . Loren is now a sen ior planning enginee r for AMAX Coal Compan} in I ndianapolis.

Richard and Terri Laughlin ha ve moved to 2537 We tern Farm Drive . Ballwin. MO 630 II . Ri cha rd is now a project engineer for Layne· Western Com pan Inc .. in Fenton .

Joseph and Barbara C upp have moved to Rout e 5 Box 8. Quincy. IL 62301. Joe is an elect ri ca l engi nee r for Moor· man's Manufacturing.

Louis and Dianna McCa uley have mo cd to 879 Bettina ourt. o. 660. H ouston. TX 77024. Loui i now a mining engineer for Shell Oil Co.

Tom Ellis report " I just received my M issou ri profess iona I engineeri ng license thi spring. I in vite myoid friends to come visit me at my house on the lake." Tom has moved to Rl. 6. Jef· ferson C it y, MO 65101. H e is an en· vironmental engi neer for the M i souri Department of Natural Resources.

James and Mary Ann Ott Lake H eigh t Lane. St. 63138. Jim is an advisory port specialist for Cincom in Ea rth City. Mo.

David and Raintree [ Dave is ar


Mark S. Giul vezan repo rts "I have been promoted to sa les manager of the St. Louis di tri ct for the construc ti on and mining group of In gerso ll· Rand Co. M ark and hi wife ancy have moved to 14311 Aitkin Hill Court. Ches ter· field. MO 63017. M ichae l and Rosa Jean Kavanaugh live at 350 Cameron Road. Cincinnati. OH 45246 . Mike i a component engineer (sp . tec h. group) for General lectric. in Evenda le. Ohio.

live at 1818 Loui . MO product up· ystem Inc.

Brent and ed to 391:

77040. Sf( Engineers

Roberta (\ following I

nounce thl Paul lame: William liv

James and Jane Pace live at 716 Ran· choak Drive. Yukon. OK 73099 . Jim i now di tri ct manager of The Powell Di i ion of Dow Chemical Co. in EI Reno. Okla .

bard, IL 6(

A llen Paschke live at 1056 0 H ackberry Drive, St. Loui . MO 63128. Allen i now enior operations re earch anayl t for Ral ton Purina.

Ho pital S

Thomas N San Pasqu 91 106. Tor

Los Angek

1976 Dana Peck worth ha moved to 6420 27612. Chapman Court . Raleigh Dana i a enior environmental engineer for Midwest Research In titute.





Dennis P. Carlton ha moved to 154 South Za ng Way . B4· 103. Lakewood, CO 80228 . Dennis is engineer in charge for the Federal Communicat ion Com· mi sion, in Denver.



2355 W

P Dale R. Declu e sends the following: " I have accepted a consulting engineering po ition with Barttelbort Rhuta el and effective 4/28/81 in A oc iate Freeburg, Ill." Dale and Linda live at 1020 orth 4th St. , Springfield . I L 62702 . T homas O. Miesner lives at 302 Morn· ing ide Ave., Madi on. WI 53716 . Tom is district engineer for Continental Pipe Line. .. 2 MSM Alu mnus

2606 Pie


146 Ch

Paul and 1980 RoUamo

JUbilee Tra emplOYed


Ive moved ~. Ballwin. a project Company

lave mol'. 10. 660. is now a Co.

eat 1818 luis. MO xluct sup¡ items Inc.

16 Ran¡

199. Jim is Ie Powell Co. in EI

iackberry . Allen is :h anaylst

I to 6420 C 276 12 II en~neer teo

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1975 Continued David and Deborah Schuler live at 22 Raintree Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. Dave is an electrical engineer for Monsanto. Brent and Sheila Thompson have moved to 3915 Tami Renee, Houston, TX 77040. Brent is now sa les manager for Engineers and Fabricators Co. Roberta (Wilhelm) Treasurer sends the following news: "We are happy to announce the birth of our second child, Paul James, on March 5." Roberta and William live at 20 I North Martha, Lombard, IL 60148.

Thomas N. Underhill has moved to 975 San Pasqual, Apt. 310, Pasadena, CA 91106. Tom is a project engineer for the Hospital Building & Equipment Co. in Los Angeles .

1976 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: William K. Meihe P.O. Box 2596 Robins AFB, GA 31098 Charles L. Deloach 1910 N.E. 28th St. No.2 Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 Mark S. Dolecki 2355 W. Michigan Ave., No. A-1 8 Pensacola, FL 32506 Lindsey E. Lomax 2606 Piedmont Road, N.E., No. H9 Atlanta, GA 30324 Paul H. Leaver 14640 Los Padres Court Chesterfield, M0 63017 Paul and Vicky Abney live at 3542 Jubilee Trail, Dallas, TX 75229. Paul is employed at Microdynamics Inc.

Kul Bhasin is now manager of technological services, foil division, Gould Inc. , Cleveland , Ohio. Ku l's address is 8020 Deepwood Blvd., No. J5, Mentor, OH 44060. William and Patty Boyles have moved to 5 11 West 3rd, Coffeyville, KS 67337. Bill is now superv isor, systems development, for Funk Manufacturing. Stephen A. Brothers has moved to 28 Carroll Drive, Decatur, IL 62521. Stephen is a mechanical engineer for the Illinois Power Co.

Mark D. Bruenger li ves at Apt. No. 107, Shepherd Hills Manor, Jefferson City, MO 65 101. Mark is now a design engineer II for the State of Missouri's Division of Design & Construction. Ted and Ramo na Cummings live at 1205 Siniand Drive, Huntsv ille, AL 35803 . Ted is now senior design engineer for Case Med ical Products. Robert and Margaret Kelahan have mov ed to 2227 Parkdale Dr ive, Houston , TX 77339. Robert is now sen ior applications engineer for Exxon Chem ical Co., Baytown , Texas. Joseph J. Kracum's new address is Box 1417 , Rangely , CO 81648. Joe is now a mine planning engineer for Western Fuels Association Inc. in Lakewood , Colo. William and Connie McAllister have moved to 207 Huntsman , Raymore, MO 64083. Bill is an assistant engineer for Burns & McDonnell in Kansas Cit y. Kevin Oberdick has moved to 2600 North Loop 250, Apt. 602, Midland , TX 7970 I. Kevin is a district engineer for ARCO Pipe Line Co. Duane L. Parrish is now an industrial engineer with Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. He and Susan live at 420 Lambeth Lane, St. Louis, MO 63 125.

Laurie and Lloyd Ratliffe ha ve moved to P.O. Box 33, Blue Mounds, WI 53517 . Laurie is not employed at the present time. Ron and Deborah Reed live at 10 I I0 Royal Acres, Tampa, FL 33615. Ron is a project engineer with the Sante Fe Construction Service. Ronald J. Rembold lives at 2173 Palestra, Apt. No.3 , St. Louis, MO 63 14. Ron is now an engineer for Affho lder Inc. Sally S. Schwager has moved to 2719 Mt. Laurel, New Orleans, LA 70053. Sa ll y is now a senior engineer fo r Exxon Co. USA Mark and Wendie Trent live at 10008 East 77th Terrace, Raytown, MO 64138. Mark is a processing engineer for Bendix in Kansas Cit y. Garry and Kathie Trexler's new address is PSC, Box 3945 , APO, NY 09132 . Garr y is now a major in the United States Air Force. Kenneth L. Woods has been cert ified as a registered professional engineer in the state of Missouri. Kenneth is a project engineer for Crane and Fleming. Kenneth, his wife Donna, and their two daughters live at 1706 Georgia St., Louisiana, MO 63353.

1977 John Bown sends us a note say ing "I work with the federal coa l program. We will have a lease sa le in 1983." John li ves at 927 3rd Ave. East, No.3 , Dicki nso n, N D 5060 I. John is a geologist for BLM. Daniel and Susan Defosset have moved to No. 2 Wedgewood Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63 141. Dan is now a mechanical engineer for Sverdrup & Pa rcel in St. Louis. MSM Alumnus / 43

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ Michal'!, '77. and C~ nt h ia (Locke>, 'R I. LarknC'r ha n ' Ill lll'Cd to 80 4 South W c"tcrn. MOlco. MO 65~6:; . M ike i, Il ll I\ ~l projcct e n ~ i necr and Ci ndy a rl',earl' h cn~ ln ccr I'm A .P. Circell RcI'ra l' l(lri e, . Robert and Melanie (M ill er ' 76) Naegt'r li ve at I 1 6~() Old T elegraph Road. Houston. TX 77 067 . Bob is now a ,cn im plant c'ng lncl'r ror Amoco Prod UCl ion Cll.

1980 Rollamo

1977 Continued leslie and Loretta Hamilton ha ve mo ved to 10 302 Conser-Apl. 2H2, O verl and Park . KS 662 12. Les lie is now a minin g enginee r (wo rkin g w ith plan ning and enviornm ent al analys is) for Bu rn s & McDonnell in K ansas C ity. Mo. James and Patricia Hummert ha ve moved to 107 18 K ennerly, Sl. Louis, MO 63 128. Jim is a staff enginee r fo r Woodw ard -Clyde Co nsultants. Dennis R. Keats is now a design engineer for Techno logy Mark eti ng I nc. H is address is 5052 Dutcher Ave., Irving. CA 927 14. Richard G. Post has moved to 4234 Leeshore Drive, Sl. Lou is, MO 63 125. Richard is an electr ica l engineer for Union Elec tri c Co . Billy and Glenda Reid have moved to 1739 App lewood Cou rt N E, Ceda r Rapids, IA 52 402. Bi ll y is now con ultin g engineer for S. Levy Inc., Ca mpbell , Ca lif. 44 / MSM Alumnus

T('rry Panhorst, '77, '79 and Phyllis lanza, '79, "finall y ti ed the knot on OCI. 18. af ter fivc yea rs of arm路twisti ng on Ph yllis' part and runni ng awa y on Te rr路v路s. Si nce th en t he happ y coup le has hee n husy fixin g up their new house on ~3 1 0 H al! Creek Dri ve. Ho uston. TX 77 084. T err y is sti ll a geo log ist for Shell O il twhe n Ph yllis lets hi m out of the bac k ya rd\. and Ph ylli s is wo rki ng for Western Geophysica l as a geophys ica l tec hn ician."

John W . Renner and alumnus Roger D . Phillips, '74. have ope ned a civil enginee ring and survey ing firm wi th ofri ces in Marshfield and Sp ri ngfield. Th e company wi ll primari ly be engaged in municipal. sa nitar y. and subd ivision enginee ring and all types of land and constru ction sur vey ing. Renner wi ll ma nage th e M arshfield office. John's address is 205 W . Was hington, Marshfi eld, MO.

Bruce J. Schaller has moved to 2229 Enterprise, Springfield, IL 62702. Bruce is now a project engineer for Central illinois Pub lic Serv ice.

Beeramali and Omolbanin Shaj ar i have moved to 605 Ela ine Court (TDl), Bonne Terre, MO 63628. Beeramali is now mine superintendent fo r D resser Industries, Potosi , MO.

Joey E. Sillyman repo rt s .. l sI. Ll. SillYlllan wa s promoted to Cpl. April 17. O n Nov. 16. 198 1. we report in at Fo rt Bell'o ir. V a.. for the adva nce co urse for c n ~ ine c r s." Joey and his wife Ca rol li ve at 4303-4 Wofford Dri ve. Fort Ri ley. KS 6644D' Joe), is a compa ny com路 ma nder. Grr ald and Cat hy Smith have moved to 2049 Wind sor . Libera l. KS 67901. Ge rald is now a division product ion engin ee r fo r Anada rko Prod uction Co. Larry and Norma Jean Van Houte n say: " W e've mo ved aga in. thi s tim e wit h a new add ition. Jenni fe r Ma rie born March 14 . 1980." La rr y and family now li ve at 2308 Plume D ri ve , Ty ler, TX 75703. Larry is a project engineer for M cBro-D ivisio n of McCarthy Bros. Donald J . Weid inger has moved to 1569 C hat Court, Nape rville. I L 60565. Don is project manager for McBro Planni ng & Deve lopment in Sl. Lo uis. David and Cynt hia W ills ha ve moved to 403 1 NW I I 5th Terrance. Sunr ise, FL 33322. Dav id is a developmen t engineer for A naconda A lumi num in Miam i.

1978 Jerry and Deb bie Arthur have moved to 1422 Pine Oak Place, Edmond, OK 7303 4. Jerr y is now operations engi neer fo r Grace Pet r oleum Corp. in Oa k lahoma C it y. Fred and A nita Durrenber ger li ve at 2058 South Corona, Denver, CO 802 10. F red is now a research engineer for Johns-Ma nville. Jacquelyn (DeThorne) and Joe Falcon have moved to 52 1 Aq ueduct St. , Akron, OH 44303. Jacquelyn is a proposa l engineer for Tl T-Babcock.


1978 C

Thomas V Reinli. A Tomisag sity of Te William I moted fl engineer I his wife Castlemar employed Olivette.

Glenn D. I CVine St now the OSP ass Bell Telep

James M Monterey Jim is nov &Root h

Stm Jan married 01 engineer f Emma Iivi Park. KS

Richard a to Route mond. L manager (


"l sI LI April 17 in al Fon course for Carollile :on Rile~. lan~ com.

Alumni Persona/s ______________________ 1978 Continued


. mOled 10 :S 67901. produclion lClion Co.

Houten ilime wilh 1ane born 'amily now


Tyler. TX

19ineer for I Bros. moved to IL 60565. cBro Plan路


~ moved


unrise. FL

11 engineer Miami.

Thomas W. Fennesy has moved 10 I 100 Reinli. Apt. 231. Austin . TX 78721 Tom is a graduate student al Ihe Universil y of Texas at Austin. William E. Hoehn repons " I wa promoted from associale engi neer (() engineer in February of 198 1." Bill and his wife Ma rgarel li ve al 4463 Castleman. St. Louis. MO 63110 . He i, employed by Ca rter Carbure lor in Olivelte. Glenn D. Hogenmiller has moved to 825 C Vine St.. Festus. MO 63028. Glenn is now Ihe network se rvice supervisor路 OSP assignment. for Soulhweslern Bell Telephone. James M. Ivy II has moved to 1312 Montere y, Hermosa Beach. CA 90254. Jim is now a liaison engineer for Brown & Root Inc. , HouslOn . Texas. Steve Janke and Emma Saunders were married on March 14. Steve is a proj ect eng ineer fo r the Marle y Co rp . Sieve and Emma live at 7802 Eby Lane. Overland Park. KS 66215. Richard and Theresa Klein have moved to Route I. Box 25X , Apt. 10, Ham mond . LA 70401. Richard is no w manager of General Finance Co.

John B. Lyle h a~ moved 10 527 Easl Edgewood Blvd .. No 908 . La nsing. MI 489 10. John is operations enginee r III for Mob ile OiL Mason. Mich. Dennis L. McCormack has moved 10 1248 Shawsheen St.. Tewk sbu ry. MA 018 76. Dennis i, now lesl engineer ICLjuipmC1l1 dC' l),!1l

)!r<l Upl

for <I nalo),!

del' ices. WilminglOn. Mass. Gary and Phyllis Misak live al 7 18 Soutth luk a. Pratt. KS 67124 . Ga ry is 8 storage reservoir enginee r for NO lhern Natural Gas in Cunningham. Kan. Abraham Nativ has moved 10 82 Wal ' chung. MOnl clair . NJ 07043 . Abraham is now a project engineer for National Industries for Ihe Blin d in Bloom fi eld. NJ. Joseph R. O' Brien li ves al 6602 Tanglcwood Court. Art. 3路e. Hammond. IN 46323. Joe is now maint e n a nce e ngin eer-No. 4 ultraformer. for Amoco Oil Co. in Whiting. Ind. Dan Reed reports " I am currently work ing on my Ph.D. in computer science." Dan li ves at 1314 G raduate House West. West Lafayette. IN 47906 . Dan is a research assistant for Pu rdue University computer science depanlllent.


Steven P. Rinne ha.s moved to 160 1 N. Shackleford Road. Art. 303. Liltle Rock. AR 72211 . Steve n is now the resident engin ee r for Factory Mutual Engi neer in g. Maryland Heights. Mo . Kenneth and Diana St. Onge ha ve mo ved to 1508 Over land Drive. Apt. D-3. Duncan. OK 73533 . Kenneth is now an e n g ineer with Halliburton Se rvices-E. R.D. Stacy and Linda Sa ller have moved to 3614 Sou th Wes twood. Srrin gfie ld . MO 65807 . Stacy is now a fi eld enginee r for Burlington Nonhern In c. Michael E. Schaef('r has moved to 33 14 Ot ronto. Corpus Christi. TX 78418 Mike is now a Lietenant and Officer in Charge. C BU 407. in the US f\:a vy H. Ward Silver has moved to 700 Ru ggles. St. Lou is. MO 63 135 . He is now in 路 strumen t r ngineer for Environmerllal Measurements in the Uni ve rsit y Cit! .

Gary and JoAnne Taggart have moved to 8 19 West Daugherty. P.O. Box 545. Webb City, MO 64870. Ga ry is an electronics design enginee r for Ca rdinal Scale Manufacturing Co.

'e moved to Olond. OK ns engineer Corp. in

l.9-hn and Pat Vidacak have moved 10 15 Ca nterbu ry. SI. Peters. MO 63376. Jo hn is a planning/deve lop ment engineer for Western Electric, Ba ll win . Mo .

ger live at CO 80210.

19ineer for

Joe Falcon

leduct St.,

iD is a pro;ock.

Stephen J. Rethmeyer repo rt s " I am married now I Augu sl 2. 1980). Karell and I bought <J house in Dece mber . Our new address 702 East 97 SI.. Ka n sa~ Cit y. MO 6413 I ." Stephen i ~ an elee tronics enginee r for the Federa l Av iation Administration.

1980 Rollamo

James H. Willis Jr.'s new add res~ is Box 2087 , 407 Mustang, Fritch, TX 79036. Jim is now a terminal supervisor for Phillips Pipe Line in Borger, Texas. MSM Alumnus / 45

Alumni Personals ________ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Margaret (Peggy) Eck and George A. Clark were married Oct. 4. Peggy reports, "George received his master of science in mechanical engineering from Purdue University in 1980. We have moved to our new home at 4935 Wallbank , Downers Grove, IL 60515. I am an assistant manager in circuit facilities at Illinois Bell Telephone and Geo rge is a test and development engineer for International Harvester." Michael and Karen Ehret live at 940 Belle Valley Drive, Belleville, IL 62221. Mike is an estimator-engineer for Ehret Plumbing & Heating Co. Inc.

1980 Rollamo

1978 Continued David G. Winter has moved to 62 1 West Galer, No. 307 , Seattle, WA 98 11 9. Dav id has com pleted his master's degree in civil engineering at the Universi ty of Texas and is now working for Ha r t-C r owser Assoc ia t es, Inc. , geotechnical engineering firm in Seattle. Glen and Li nda (Stein hoft) Z iolko have moved to 34 16 Archway Co urt, Arlington, TX 760 16. G len is Cadd/s tru ctura l engineer fo r Vo ught Corp., Dallas.

E. Clay Buchanan III lives at 123 9 Harrison A ve. , Apt. No.3 , Santa Clara, C A 95050 . Clay is now a systems programmer for Compression Labs Inc., San Jose, Calif. Fred L. Bueler Jr. says: " Along with my current position with Rose Remodeling, we have formed a new corporation called Rose, Bueler & Bergheger Cabinet & Accessories Inc. This corporation was formed in April, 1980 with my position being I st vice president. Jeff Lewis where are you located now?" F red and his wife Ann live at 1144 M issouri Ave., Kirkwood , MO 63122.

1979 Behzad Afzali has moved to 1070 South Dahlia , No. F-19, Den ve r, CO 802 22.

Paul Conant has moved to 28 10 Indiana, St. Louis, MO 63118 . Paul is a project engineer for Anheuser-Busch.

Patricia and Paul Baker have moved to 3437 East 20th St. , H ighland, CA 92346. Patricia is employed by Aerial Infor matio n Systems, Inc. in C restline, Calif.

Kathleen (Miles) and Gerald Daniel have moved to 6101 North Jefferson , Apt. 6, Kansas C it y, MO 64 118. Kathleen is now a software programmer for TWA.

Michael and Donna Basler have moved to Route 2, Box 305 A, H ighland , IL 62249. Mike is now an electrical designer engineer fo r the Basler Electric Co.

Stephen M. Diebold has moved to 8110 East 80th, Apt. 5, Kansas C it y, MO 64138 . Stephen is an assistant engineer for Burns & McDonnell.

46 / MSM A l umnu s

Jeffrey S. Freeland has moved to 1716 North Firewood , Tulsa , OK 74133. Jeff is now a project engineer for McGill Inc. Anne Fulton is living at 1399 Greentree Valley , No. 9, Memphis, TN 38119. Anne is now a project engineer for Buckeye Cellulose Corporation. James W. Galaske has moved to 729 Peachtree Terrace, Collinsville, IL 62234. Jim is a caster quality meta llurgist for Granite C it y Steel , G ranite City , Ill. Louis T. Greer sends us a note saying "I have been working as a mining engineer For Morrison-Knudsen Co. at the Kemmerer Coa l Mine in Kemmerer, Big Wonderful Wyoming." Louis's current address is P.O. Box 285 , Kemmerer, Wy 83101. "P.S. Can you believe smiling Tim is going to get married?"

Janice and Donald Heiskell have moved to 10136 No. 3 Alpine Drive, Cupertino, CA 95126. Janice is a junior engineer for PRC Consoer Townsend Inc.

M argaret (Fraser) and Stel'en Hibbeler have moved to 823 Rue De Arc-Enciel, Kokomo, IN 46901. Margaret is now product engineer-radio engineering for Delco Electronics.

Alu n 1979 (

Carl L Meadow is an as sultants Dal'na ~

Cif'c1e, K is an a~ McDonr

Ronald working on a n Meirolpi married of Kirkl 2091 Tr MO 631

Edward SE Mad 74003. E Petroleu

JefferyE ting mar of Portia I will be Jeff is nc for Fede

Tung¡Hs live at Pineville piping er

Stel'ena 405 Blac Falls, pp tant eng Michael

Terry P Lanza Oct. 18 on Phy'l Terry's. been bus 23 10 Ha 77084. T Oil IWhe back ya Western technicia


George A. 4. Peggy s master of ~ering from . We have ~ at 4935 IL60515.1 in circuit :phone and evelopment arvester." live at 940 :, IL 62221. :r for Ehret c.

'ed to 1716 74133. Jeff McGililnc.

l Greentree

fN 38119. 19ineer for on.

ved to 729 lsvilie, IL 'r quality :::ity Steel,

te saying "I

19 engineer

It the Kem· merer, Big is's current Kemmerer, elieve smil· ied?"

lave moved ive, Cuper' ; a junior Townsend

:n Hibbel er Arc' Enciel, Iret is noW neering for

Alumni Persona/s ____________________________________________ 1979 Continued Carl L. Jacob lives a t 102 10 Meadowood. St. Louis, MO 631 14. Car l is an assistant manager for Soi l Con· su ltants Inc. in St. Peters, Mo. Dayna Kay Justus lives at 8368 Drury Circle, Ka nsas City, MO 64132. Dayna is an assistant engineer for Burns & McDonnelL Ronald S. Krusie reports, "I am sti ll worki ng fo r Black & Veatc h in St. Lo uis on a master faci lities plan for the Met rolpolitan Sewer District. I will be married on Ma y 23 to Cindy Manning of Kirkwood, Mo . My new address is 209 1 Travel Co urt Apt. A, St. Louis, M063 14 1. Edward G. Latimer has moved to 1100 SE Madison , No. 905, Bartlesv ille, OK 74003. Ed is an engineer for the Phi ll ips Pet roleum Company. Jeffery S. Lewis tells us, HI will be get· ting married on May 30 to Susan Pohs of Portland, Ore. Also, at the same time, I wi ll be moving to Carson City, Nev." Jeff is now a highway engineer (t rainee) fo r Federal Highway in Portland. Tung-Hsi and Chun-Chi Liu (Both '79) live at 11804 Carmel Lakes Drive, Pi nev ille, NC 28 134. Tu ng·Hsi is now a piping engineer for Catalytic, Inc. Steven and Jeanette Lockington live at 405 Blackhawk Road, Apt. I I, Beaver Falls, PA 15010. Steve is now an assis· tant engineer II , water resources, for Michael Baker Jr. Inc. Terry Pan horst, '77, '79, and Phyllis Lanza. '79, "finally tied the knot on Oct. 18, after five years of arm-twisting on Phyllis' part and running away on Terry's. Since then the happy couple has been busy fixing up their new house at 2310 Hazy Creek Drive, Houston , TX 77084. Terry is still a geologist for Shell Oil (when Ph yllis lets him out of the back yard) , and Phy llis is working for Western Geophysica l as a geophysical technician."

Mark W _ Macke has moved to 2082 Travel Court. Ap t. C, St. Lo uis, MO 63 14 1. Mark is an applica tions analyst for McDonnell Douglas Aut omat ion Co.

Unda (Steinhoft) and Glen Ziolko ha ve moved to 34 16 Archway Court , Ar· li ngton. TX 760 16. Linda is now an in· dust rial engineer/systems analysis for Vought Corpora tion in Da llas.

Randy and Ju lia Denise Meyr li ve at II I Ceda rwood Place Road , No. I, Clarks Summ itt. PA 184 11. Ra ndy is a team manager for Procter & Gamb le in Mehoopany, Pa.


Charlotte Pavelka sends us a note sa y· ing: HI am now teaching math in a new ly bu ilt school here in Membak ut on the island of Borneo. Teaching students matrices is difficult when many of your students still live in bamboo sti lt houses and their parents are ill iterate." Charlotte's address is SMK Membakul. P.O. Box 51 , Membakut, Sabah, Malaysia . Robert and Kimberly Lynne Rapp have moved to 413 Walnut, Farm ington, MO 63640. Bob is now a hydraulic enginee r for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers in St. Louis District.

Michael and Lynd a Armstrong have moved to 487 A Va llejo Dri ve, G rand J unct ion, CO 81503. Mike is now a fi eld engineer for Dowell Division. Dow Chem ica l U.S.A. Margaret M. Becher has moved to 2200 High St. , Apt. 859, Cuya hoga Fa lls, OH 4422 1. Margaret is now a tire engineering associate for BF Good rich in Ak ron. Walter and Patricia Biega have moved to 10 I 07 Copeland Dri ve, Ma nassas, VA 22 110. Wa lter is now cost engineer for IBM.

Emil and Mary Lynn Saroch li ve at 1506 East 7 1st. St. , Tulsa , OK 74036. Emi l is manager of Hardee's Food Systems Inc. in Sand Springs, Ok la. James E. Starling J r. has moved to 30 I Crest line Ave., Apt. 150 I, Clarksdale, MS 386 14. Jim is now plant engineer for ADM, Decatur, Ill. Jeff Steinhart has moved to 41 O·B, May Va lley Drive, Fneton, MO 63026. Jeff is now a cost engineer for Monsan to in St. Louis. Phillip Stout has moved to 13A Pauli na, Hannibal , MO 6340 I. Phi ll ip is manager of the Avco Financia l Services office. Ralph and Cynthia Vemmer have mov· ed to 1500 South Albert Pike No. 27, Ft. Smith, AR 72903. Ralph is a loss prevention consu ltant for Factory Mutual Enginee(ing in Mary land Heights, MO.

WILLIAM C. PAONE William C. Paone has joined the Kansas City Division of The Bendix Corpora· tion as a microelectronics engineer. Bill and his wife Robin live at 8728 Old Santa Fe Road, Ka nsas City, MO 64 138. MSM A lumnus / 47

Alulnni Personals ____________________________________________ 1980 Continued Ramona <Hooker) and Walter Bilgram have moved to 1351 West 57 th . Davenport , IA 52806. Ra mona is now a mechanica l engineer with Alum in um Co. of America. Rob in (Patrick) and Robe rt Deister li ve at 1005 West Th ird St , Sa lem. MO 65560. Robin is a graduate student at UMR. James and Donna Doctorman have moved to 12369 Span ish Trace Drive, Ma ryland Heights. MO 63043. Jim is now a loss prevention engineer for Factory Mutual Engineeri ng. Ann Hagni is liv ing at 7600 Burgoy ne, No. 241. Houston. TX 77063. Ann is a geoph ys icist for Superior Oil Co. Raymond and Patricia Hain have moved to 1059 Sou th 316 . Federal Way, WA 98003. Ra y is now senior engineer for Boeing Aerospace Co. in Sea ttle. John and Margaret Hesse have moved to 19 10 Chippenda le, Houston , TX 77018. John is now project engineer for Bechtel Inc., Refin ery & Chemica ls Di vision.

Stephan and Jan Howard have moved to 1328-16th Ave. , San Francisco. CA 94 122. Stephan is now a design engineer for Standa rd Oil Co. of Ca li fo rnia.

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Ro bert A. Jackson li ves at 692 1 South Trenton, Tuisa. OK 74 136. He is a project engineer for Williams Pipe Line Co.

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Name Addre


James an d Lisa Lattemann have moved to 23 19-C G ray Fox Terrace, Jefferson Cit y. MO 65 101. Jim is a systems analyst II fo r the Missouri Pub lic Service Commission.

Gene and Margaret Scheiter's add ress is P.O. Box 79 1, Camde nton, MO 65 020. Ge ne is now a business specialist fo r the Uni ve rsity of Missouri Ex tension.

Thomas N. Pile Jr. lives at 2933 NW 89t h Terrace No.2 . Coral Springs, FL 33065. Tom is now senior soft ware in.structor for Mod ular Computer Systems in Ft Lauderda le.

John Arthur Schneider is now an area engineer in meta l serv ices for Noranda Aluminum in New Madrid.


ROBERT G. STEINHOFF Robert G. Steinhoff Jr. has joined the Ka nsas City Division for The Bend ix Corporat ion as a process engineer.

Michael and Cynthia Smetana have moved to 3449 Syringa Drive, Lewiston, lD 8350 I. Mike is now a staff engineer for Pot latch Corp. Pulp & Paperboard Div ision.

Todd Vierheller has moved to 244 NE Beryl Ave., Port land , OR 97220. Todd is now a technica l writer I. part-time (and student) for Tektronix Del. sta 92 -55 1 in Beaverton . Ore. ' .. "",.,J .. _.'



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48 / MSM Al u mnus

John Wankum has moved to No. 2- I06 10555 West Jewell Ave. , Lakewood , CO 80226 . John is now structural dynamics engineer for Martin Marietta Aerospace in Denver. Jud y Watermann has moved to 835 40th St. NW, Apt. 20 I, Rochester, MN 5590 I. Judy is now a ceramic engineer for IBM. Tim Williams has moved to 8324 Acorn, St. Louis, MO 63123 . Tim is now a project engineer fo r McBro.


COMPUTER GRAPHICS SHORT COURSE designed especiall y for

MSM-UMR ALUMNI The Week of August 11-13, 1981 UMR Campus This short course is designed to provide you with a rapid and thorough update in the state of computer technology ahd the tools to imporve your organization's productivity. Lectu res, demonstrations and hands-on-experience will be complemented by informal ta lks and recrea tional activities. For further detai ls about registration and cost , call Martha Fort (314) 341-4304 or detach and mail the coupon below to: Martha K. Fort, coordinator of special programs, 105a Humanities and Social Sciences Bldg., University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Name _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______________________ Zip _______________________ Year ____________________ Organization Class Addr~s



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MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401

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MSM- UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Uni ve rsity of Mi sso uri - Rolla ROLLA, MISSOURI 65401

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CI TY _______________________ ST A TE _____________ ZI P _____________ TITLE ___________________________________________________ 0







CITY _______________________ ST A TE _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ZIP _ _ _ _ _ __ Annu al Alumni Fund co ntributions are tax dedu ctible. Ch ec ks payable to the MSM -UMR Alumn i A ssocia tion , Harris Hall, UMR , Rolla , MO 65401, (314) 341 -4172.






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