Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1981

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Alumnus University' of Missouri-Rolla

August, 1981 -





Alumnus University 01 Missouri-Rolla August 1981

Vol. 55. No.4

Rolla, MO 65401

Alumni Student Faculty Conference' L .•

Robert D. Bay, '49

Each spring the MSM-UMR Alumni Association sponsors an Alumni-StudentFaculty Conference on campus. This year's event was scheduled for Thursday . and Friday. April 23-24. The conference was developed to provide an opportunify for an open dialogue among alumni. students and faculty: to discuss trends in the professions. in technology. and the impact on the classroom and careers. and for a general sharing of academic and professional information.

J980-8 J Alumni Association Scholarship Winners


Chancellor Marchello

Belding H. McCurdy, '38

At the banquet. the association .invites all students receiving financial support through the association during the past year to attend. They receive certificates of recognition. Alumni president. Bob Bay. '49. presided at this ye~r's banquet. At the. luncheon. alumni participants in the conference are recognized and spokesman (alumni) from each department report on conference activities. ASF Conference Chairman. Belding McCurdy. '38. was master of ceremonies for the luncheon this year.

Transfer Scholarship Winners

On The Cover Armin and Norman Tucker, both '40, at July 12 meeting in .Ft.. Belvoir. Va. (See page 6). Norman. McLean. Va .. is with Fedco Systems Inc. Armin. Alexandda . . Va .. is retired .

MSMALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of Missouri-Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Alumni Association Educational Assistants

Awardees of Roy Perry Scholarships (front row) and Robert E. Dye Scholarships (back row). MSM Alumnus / l

Alumni-Student-Faculty Conf~rence Continued

St. Louis, takes part in '73, manager Larry: Uelk, '73, right, district manager for Ra lston Purina, - A geological' engineering student listens as Peter Conroy , center, '70, sciences departm ent. social the in en, '70, fight. an informal discussion with students and faculty :. of Dames &Moor e, Park- Ridge, 1IJ.; answers a question. A.C VanBeisparticip ates. direCtor, ~boM~le Mining TechniClll~Center, Carbond ale, HI., also I'.••

s- Mathar Henry P. Whaley , '48, left, vice president iron ore operations for Pickand engineering schedules its EE Academy activities at the time of the annual in the time a at students two or one with meets to a report Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, AFS Conference. In this photo members of the academy are listening lab. on ventilati ent's research. Other departm from Tom Van Doren on semi-conductor devices curricul um and also. of the students and faculty are a

to. discusses microemulsions members of Randall J. White, '78 , research chemist with Monsan After meetings with student and faculty during the morning , alumni , UMR professor of Friburg Stig with the conference and liquid crystals for agricultural uses the Engineering Manage ment Academ y join other visiting alumni at chemistry. luncheon on Friday noon.

2/ MSM Alumnus



Ernest Banks, '44, senior research associate-catalysis, Phillips Petroleum Co" Laura Wolf Johnson, '70, second from right, mathematician with Union Carbide in Bartlesville, Okla. , conducts an informal session for students on career opportunities Paducah, Ky., participates in an informal session with mathematics department in the chemical engineering field. students and faculty .

Billy W. Reid, '77, right, licensing engineer for F. Levy Inc., (on assignement to Robert Steinkamp, '62, '64', '67 , manager, high performance plastics, for Exxon in Iowa Electric Light and Power at the Dan Arnold Nuclear Power Plant near Palo, Houston, Texas, shares his expertise with students in a chemistry class. la.) talks to students in a nuclear engineering lab.



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The mechanical and aerospace department started conference' activ ities early with a breakfast meeting at Chubb & Jo's. Dale Pitt , '72, '75, left, aerospace engineer with the U.S. Army Aviation R&D Command, St. Louis, talks with department chairman Walter Eversman, right. Bruce Bales, '79, staff mechanica l engineer with Alcoa, Davenport, la., was also a participant.

Arthur E. Stanze Jr., '71, lead smelting division of St. Joseph's Minerals Corp., Herculaneum, Ernest R. Cole, '66, '70, metallurgist and project leader wit.h U.S. Bureau of Mines Rolla Research Center, and department chairman Harry Weart (all facing camera), conduct a lively discussion with faculty and students on metallurgical engineering curriculum.


MSM Alumnus / 3





I. ~


Academic Organizational Chart During the past few months various departments and sea rch committees have made considerable progress in filling a number of administrative positions in academic areas. At the beginning of the fall se mester, 1981, the organi za tion chart for UMR's three ~cadem ic units--Sc hool of Mines and Metallurgy , School of Engineering a!1d Collge of Arts and Sciences--s hows academic programs directed as follows:

School of Mines and Metallurgy


Dean Don L. Warner




Assistant Dean Robert V. Wolf





Ceramics Engineering Chairman Robert E. Moore

I Metallurgical and Nuclear I Engi neering--Chairman I


Harry W. Weart

Nuclear Engineering Head Nicholas Tsoulfanidis Geology and Geophysics I Chairman



Gerald B. Rupert



Geo logical Engineering Chai rman John D. Rockaway


Mining Engi neering Chairman Richard L. Ash



Petroleum Engineering Chairman A. Herbert Harvey





School of Engineering


Dean Robert L. Davis





Assistant Dean Continuin g Ed uca tion John B. Heagler



T f Assistant).>ean

Gradl,la te Affairs and Resea rch William H. Tranter


UMR Grad Engr Center 1St. Louisl Director Edward C. Bertnoll i




Civil Enginee ring Chairman Joseph H. Senne


Electrical Engineering Chairman J. Derald Morgan


f Engineering Management

Chemical Engineering Chairman James W. Johnson



Chai rman Henry H. Sineath



Engineering Mechanics Chairman Peter G. Hansen


Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering.. Chairman Walter Eversman

Assistant Dean Undergrad Affairs Ronald D. Fannin







Engineering Technology Head Lyman L. Francis


College of Arts 'and Sciences



41MSM Alumnus

Dean Marvin W. Barker





A sociate Dea n Way ne C. Cogell

Associate Dea n Continuing Educat ion Stephen A. Douglas



H H y

Chemistr y Chairman Vince nt Roac h Co mpute r Science Ac ting Chai rm an Arlan DeKoch Humaniti es Chairman Nicholas Knight


Mathematics & Statistics Chairman Louis J. Grimm


Social Sciences Acting Chairman Harr y J. Eise nman


Physics Chairman John T. Park

~ ~



Participants use the terminals In the graphic laboratory 1213 Mining Building in the Bob Simpson , '76, Kast Metals Co., Shreveport. La.: Robert F. Auld , '57, Xerox engineering technology department) to produce drafting and design examples. Corp .. Dallas, Texas: John Yungbluth, White-Rodgers Division of Emerson ElecThese are: left to right. Paul Fellin_ '77, AFPRO/McDonne l1 Douglas, St. Louis: tric, St. Louis: and Terry Bone, UMR chemistry student.

Computer Graphics Course Designed For UMR'Alumni , UMR Alumni, a few industrial managers and one regular student took part in a course in computer graphics held Aug. 11-13 on campus. The course is one of a series developed from credit courses in computer graphics which U M R is now offering its students as part of the regular curriculm . Drafting, mechanical drawing, engineering drawing, engineering graphics--no matter what it has been called over the years, the visual presentation of technical information has always been a basic part of engineering education. Graphics _ courses are required of almost all engineering students. Within the past dozen years, this field has taken a giant leap forward. Now, to aid design and manufacturing technology, almost all graphics can be produced accurately and quickly by means of computers. Interactive computer graphics is one of the major areas in which U.S. industry is beinning to invest its modernization dollars, Within the past two years, UMR has established a long-range program ¡to make intergrated computer-aided design and computer-aided technology a part of the curriculum. More than a million dollars has been spent for the computer graphics system. This effort has been made to place UMR in a leadership role in the field of ¡educational computer graphics and is in keeping with UMR's tradition of providing the mosf modern technical education possible. Also in keeping with tradition, UMR is offering this new educational technology--through a series of continuing educat ion short courses--to alumni and any others who will find the information useful in their work_ The particular course offered this summer was a general introduction to the field. Other courses to be offered throughout the coming months will be designed to cover specifics. Those attending the course were industrial managers and executives with responsibility for selection, acquisition and implementation of computer graphics facilities and programs, and engineers, scientist and other specialists responsible for technical progress in production design and manufacturing. The course provided a definition of computer graphics, a familiarity with a wide variety of computer graphics applications, an opportunity to learn about current graphics hardware and software, and an opportunity to use the computer

graphics terminal to discover its useful applications. Some of the uses include: automa ted drafting design and anal ysis; finit e element. and matrix methods; solutions to operations research problems which arise in production: the display and managemen't of a wide variety of business and research data; presentation of chemical and chemical engineering concepts; animation graphics and simulation; and an introduction to computer-aided manufacturing. Approximately 30 participants were enrolled in this first general short course. The course will be offered again as interest in obtaining this kind of information grows. Meanwhile, UMR will provide a series of 15 short courses (some scheduled for specific industries in St. Louis and other areas) during the next few months to present more advanced information . Alumni participants attending the summer course included: David Alspaugh, '72, U,S. Defense Mapping Agency, St. Louis; Kim Arthur, '79, Missouri Public Service Commission, Jefferson City; Robert F. Auld, '57, Xerox Corp_, Dallas, Texas; Michael Bytnar, '68, Nooter Corp. , St. Louis; Larry Denio, '74, A.P. Green Refractories. Mexico: William Doll, '72, Applied Automation, Bartlesville, Okla: Paul J. Fellin, '77, AFPRO/McDonnell, St. Louis: Eugene Groff, '66 , Caterpillar Tractor Co., Peoria, III. Keith P. Hogan, '75, Southwestern Bell, St. Louis: John Jenkins, '75 , The Gas Service Co., Kansas City: Vernon L. Lenzini , '77, The Lumbermate Co., St. Louis; Danny J. McMurphy, '71 , Fidelity Telephone Coo. Sullivan; Robert L. Monsees, '70, St. Louis Communit,y College at Meramec: Earl Muehlfarth, '80, Nooter Corp. , St. Louis. . Ron E. Nelson, '66, IBM, Rochester, Minn.; Robert C Palmer, '69, Mellon Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.: Patrick V. Rafferty, '75 , EG&G--Idaho, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Donald E. Routon, '58, UNC Mining & Milling Services Inc" Casper, Wy,: Robert D. Simpson. '76, Kast Metals Co. , Shreveport, La .; Blaine T. Stone. '74, Army Troop Support & Aviation Materia ls Readiness Command, St. Louis; John Teefey, '74, The Gas Service Coo, Kansas City: and Michael O. Vahle, '71. Sandia National Laboratories, Alburquerque, N.M. MSM Alumnus / S

Alumni Section News University of Missouri Alliance Meeting The University of Missouri Alumni Alliance sponsored a meeting of alumni from all four campuses on Sunday. July 12. at Fort Belvoir. Va. The meeting was held to emphasize Missouri participation in the "Support Higher Education Day" observances being celebrated nationally on Thursday of the following week . The setting was the Engineer's Mess

6 / MSM Alumnus

of Mackenzie Hall (Officers' Club) and included a magnificent view of the sailboats on the Potomac River. The informal reception provided the usual liquid refreshments and- a large table of elegant and pientiful hors d'oeuvres. Slides of scenes from all four campuses were shown continuously and University of Missouri President James C. Olson made a brief address to the

group emphasizing the importance of Alumni involvement in higher educa¡ tion programs. In his remarks. President Olson graciously commended the Rolla cam pus for its support of the occasion as evidenced hy the numher of alumni in allendance and the effort made hy Chancellor Marchello to he there (he was the only campus chief/executive 01'-

ficer and had interrupted hi, Colorado vacation to come to the meeting) . Some of the MSM -UMR Alumni who were there (those who formally checked inl included Larry and Mary Amos. Boh and Peggy Bay. Alan D. Bowlshy. Irwin L. Cherrick . Richard and Beverly Cole. Jeff and K illy Crum . Ed Fris. Cornelius Hawk . John T. Jackson. Ned O. K raft. Charles and Sal -

UMR To Establish New Service Charges


lni ily ary D.

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Alliance Meeting Continued Iy McGrady. David and Linda Michel. George Perryman. Sam Sands. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. Armin and Norman Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vansant. Frank Woodbury. In addition to the Chancellor and Nancy and Frank

Beginning Aug. I, new students ap· refundable and non-transferable. plying for admission to UMR will pay Also on Aug. I , a charge of $2 per an application service charge of $20 for copy will go into effect on transcripts of Missouri residents or $40 for non- credits and grades requested by alumni residents. and former students. There will be no The charge will be for academic terms charge for transcripts for students Mackaman. those from the Rolla cam· starting in 1982 or later and will not be enrolled at UMR. University officials ·said that these pus were: Prof. Lawrence Christensen. levied on alumni or students currently new charges are necessary to maintain Kay and Dudley Cress. Barbara enrolled. The application service charge is for the currect level of service provided by Petrovic. Lynn Waggoner. and Sally processing applications and is in addi· . the admissions and registrar's offices. White. tion to present required fees. It is non·

Alumni Visit UMR Traveling Exhibit From time to time. UMR's Traveling Engineering Exhibit is sched uled at some of the larger covered shopping malls throughout the state. During the exhibit's two·day stay. local students. their parents and alumni are encouraged to drop by and see the exhibits. ' . Among the alumni visit ing the exhibit during its appearance at the Jamestown Mall in North St. Louis County May 29·30. were: Jane Geisel. '80. Belleville. IlL: John L. Simmons. '67. Hazelwood. Mo.; Norman Hefti. '55, Florissant. Mo.; R.D. Ward. '25. Edwardsville, III.; John Templeton. '64. St. Louis. Mo.; and Greg Baker, '78 , Florissant. . When the exhibit appeared at the Bannister Mall in Kansas City June 12·13. the following alumni registered: Vince Mattione. '79. Richmond . Va .: Mari lyn Kolbet. '81. Kansas City: George P. Dahm. '42. Wanamaker, Ind.: Wendell M. Perkins. '79. Kansas City; Daniel L. Cogan. '79. Kansas City; Chuck Audrain, '72. Raytown; Fred Storck. '75. Belton; Elizabeth Sauer. '81 , Kansas City; J.R. Donovan. '62. Kansas City: R.D. Bay. '49, Kansas Cit y (MSM·UMR Association president); John J. Hunter. '78 , Kansas Cit y; Larry Finley, '75, Grandview: Ronald Raines, '80. Kansas City; Richard E. Fields. '78 , Kingsport , Tenn. Manning the booth to answer questions about engineering and UMR were Bob Wolf. '51, professor of metallurgical engineering and assistant dean of Mines and Metallurgy; DOri Askeland. associate professor of metallurgical engineering; Dick Smith, supervisor technical labs, mechanical and aerospace engineering; Ron Johnston. associate director of admissions (Jamestown Mall) and Bob Lewis. director of admissions (Bannister Mall).

Meeting Data EV ENT/SITE DATE SPE . . October 4·7 San Antonio HOM ECOMING .1981.... . . . .. . . October 9· 10 Rolla MSM ·UMR BOARD MEETIN G. . ... . October 9 Rolla SEG Alumni Breakfast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 14 Los Angles ASCE .... . .. . . .. . . . . . . ... .. . . ............ . ..... . .. . October 27 SI. Louis ROCK y MOUNTAIN LUNCH . . .... First Tuesda y Denver Petroleum Club

MSM Alumnusl7

MINER ·SPORTS Gene Green, Edlfor

Soccer is a Kick ........ . • • • • • •

After posting an impressive 10-5- 1 record in 1980. the University of Missouri-Rolla occer team will usher in the new yea r in style. UM R will ope n th e campaign Sept. 5. play in g Washington Uni versit y on the new Miner Soccer Field . The 1:30 p.m . ope ner will be a very special day , with pre·game field opening ceremonies starting approximately

one hour prior to ga me time. Several univer it y dignitaries are expected to be on hand . as well as new Missouri Intercollegiille Athletic Association Commis· sioner Ken Jones. who will assist with the ceremonies. The day will have plenty for the fans to enjoy. wit h free bumper stickers. popcorn . soda and game programs. A specia l draw ing will be held at halftime

to award seve ral free Miner Soccer T-shirts. Head coach Paul McNaJl y expect this yea r's team to be very competitive. He has enjoyed a fine recruiting· year and many of his key performers will be back from last season. The Miners boast an attractive home schedule. featuring such teams as Washington University. University of

UMR Soccer Schedule Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Oct. 2-3 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 14 Oct. 17 ov. 7

8 MSM Alumnus

Home Wash. U. SW Missouri UM SL Miner Tourney

1:30 7:00 7:30 5:30 & 7:30 Maryv ille 7:00 SE Missouri 3:30 UM R Alu mni 10:00 Westminster 7:00 U.ofTul a 1:00 E Missouri 7:00


Sept. 8 Sept. 15 Sep t. 26 Sept. 27 Oct. 12 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov . 1 ov . 14 Nov . 28

H·Stowe 3:00 Mo. Southern 7:30 Creighton 7:30 Metropolitan 1:30 Mo. Baptist 3:30 UMK C 1:00 Rock hurst 2:00 . 1:00 Illin oisSt. 2:00 Sa ngamo n St. NCAA II Tourney NCAA II Fina l ~

Missouri-St. Louis. Southeast Missouri State. the University of Tulsa and the Miner Soccer Tournament Oct. 2-3 . In addition to the new play ing field and stand . plans call for a soccer scoreboard to be in operation by open· ing ga me . The new Miner Soccer Field is loca ted directly south of U.MR·s New Jackling Field.

Finley is also blessed with a young group of linebackers, led by junior Todd Fizer, who will try to fill in quickly for graduated all-conference leader Morris Hervey. The defensive backs will rally around Randy Hauser, who is the dean of the unit with three varsity starts. "We lost a great group from the secondary last season," Finley said . "Bill Grantham was Kodak All-American , set the league record for career interceptions, and Hal Tharp was also first-team MIAA. Craig Heath and Steve Teter did exce llent jobs a~ did back·ups Steve DelaRoche and Roddy Rogers." Other Miner veterans returning on defense will be guard Bob Pressly, noseguard Cleo Downs and defensive ends Paul Suellentrop and Paul Demzik. On ' offense, the Miners have to replenish the line, as well as fill one backfield spot. But overall, the picture is bright. "We should have a great backfield," Finley said. "We have moved Chris Nisbet to defense, so Don Kasperski and Dennis Pirkle should fight it out for the starting quarterback spot. We have Brian Paris, David Fischer, Oscar Berryman and Randy Shed carrying the ball, and they will do as fine as job as anyone in the league." Parris and Berryman missed a good deal of the Miner season in 1980 due to injuries, although Paris still found enough playing time to lead the Miners in touchdowns by the rush. "The quarterbacks will have targets like Scott Stephens a nd Terry McDonald to throw to, as well as Kurt

Lorenzen--out for the first time this year," Finley noted. Lorenzen, a two 'year member of the UMR basketball team, was a star player in high school, but has never played college football until now. The kicking game will be in the hands of Craig Thomas, with puting duty shared by Scott Teter, Suellentrop and transfer player Bruce Bohfmann, "If we can playas a unit quickly, I think the Miners will be right in the thick of the MIAA race again," Finley concluded. "Even though-we had the great year in 1980, I think we can improve on overall consistency. "We were lucky a couple of times last season, and you can't let up at all. I think there are a lot of teams in the MIAA that can beat you on any given day, and we will have to always be ready."

Football Sepl. Sepl. 12 Sepl. 19

Wm . Penn al Oskaloosa . IA Missouri Valley al UMR Pimburg SI. al Pillsburg.

KS Evangel College al UM R Lincoln at Jeff City NW Missouri at UMR Open Central Mo. at UMR U. of Evansville a l UMR SE Missouri at Ca pe Girardeau Nor. 14 NE Missouri at UM R IMIAA games in boldfacel 7:30 p.m. slar! Homecom ing Pare nl's Day Universil Y Da y Home kick off lime I :30 p.m.

Sepl. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 OCI. 17 Oct, 24 OCI. 31 No,', 7

Brian Paris breaks through the Northeast Missouri line for a gain last year. Paris led the Miners in T.D.'s for the second straight year.


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Football After posting a perfect 10-0 record in 1980, many people have asked UMR Head Coach Charlie Finley what he's going to have his team do for an encore in 1981. 'That will be difficult to top," laughed last year's MlAA Coach-of-the-Year. "We just hope the current 13-game winning streak has built up some momentum that we can keep going." UMR opens the season Sept. 5 playing William Penn College at Oskaloosa, la. Finley starts his 10th season as Miner head coach, boasting a 48-41-8 record. In addition to his MlAA honors, the veteran coach was also named District VI Coach-of-the-Year and was a finalist for National Coach-of-the-Year. The Miners returned 32 lettermen from last year's talented squad, but lose 16 seniors from that team. "That will be one of the biggest items that affects the ~quad." Finlq noted. "We will miss that senior leadership.


That was a big reason the UMR squad was undefeated a year ago." Gone are talented performers like Jim Lee, Paul Janke, Bob Sonntag, Bill Grantham, Hal Tharp, Craig Heath, Steve Teter, Steve DelaRoche, Roddy Rogers, Morris Hervey, Kelly Rudolph, Buck Durham, Matt Stone, Steve Bridgman, Jeff Walters and Don Holman. There is, however, plenty of talent in the wings. "I feel we should have a good nucleus on defense again this season," Fin ley said. The 1980 Miners led the NCAA Division II in rushing defense at 34.6 yards per game, while finishing third overall in total defense at 201.4 yards per game. They finished 10th in the nation in the final NCAA rankings. "I guess if we had anyone weakness on defense it would be depth ," Finley stressed. "We can put together a pretty good front line and backfield, but we wouldn't be able to take many injuries. "

New Coach ...

Catherine Schulte Catherine Schulte. former women's tended the institution, playing varsity basketball coach at Benedictine College. basketball. tennis. softball and gymhas been named to a similar position at nas tics. She earned her master's degree from Kansas University. the University of Missouri·Rolla. Schulte. who also coached volleyball at the Atchison . Kan .. college. takes Schulte said she is look ing forward to over the coaching reins from Miner worki ng with the basektball program at coac h Annette Caruso. Ca ruso will be UMR. noting 'There are already some on sabbatica l nex t year. good rec ruits on the way and I'm anxDuring fi ve seasons at Benedictine. ious to see how much potential this Sc hulte took her club to the state tour· talented. young team has." Schu lte sa id she will run a very nament once and won a state title in volleyball in two othe r seasons. In addi- orga ni zed prog ram . st ress in g team tion to coaching at Benedictine. she at· defense. MSM Alumnu s/ 9

Jobs Available SAMPLE LISTINGS Laboratory-- Pennsylvania (and Texas. Ca lif.. La .. overseas) Multiple listings. Chern .. Chern Engr. BS. MS. PhD Research Scientist/Product Safety, Health & Regulatory Affairs, PhD plus regulatory expe rience Engineer/Oil Field Chemical!>, BS Chern Engr or Chern and 1-3 yea rs ex perience. Pennsy lvania to start then reloca tion to Ca lifornia. (6 564) Utility--New Jersey I listing Associate Engineer, BS in Engr or Econ. experience in fuel related areas. (6574) Community College··Kansas I listing Coordinator and Instructor, Computer Science, BS (MS preferred) in Com· puter Science. (6586) Discount Stores··Florida I listing Plant Manager, BS Chern Engr (MBA a plus) three to five yea rs experience. (6591)

The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. Each week. many companies reo quest assistance in locating applicants for jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. The brief job descriptions shown are examples of job listings received by the office. To obtain information about the current job listings. alumni need only send an up·to·date resume to the Career Development and Placement Of· fice . The Placement staff will make a search for positions similar to that reo . quested on your resume. You will then receive information concerning the job descriptions as well as nC:l mes and addresses of persons to contact. If you wish to' use this service. contact: A. Sam Burton. assistant director· placement. Career Development and Placement Office. UMR. Rolla. MO 6540 I (phone: 314/341-4288).

Extension Nevvs Here's a list of some of the extension continuing ed uca tion short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles arc not self explanatory you may ca ll for more detailed information including costs. Ca ll the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service. 314-34 1-4 156 . Written req uest should be addressed to the same office. 205 Parker Hall . University of Missouri·Rolla. Rolla. Mo. 6540 I. PROGRAM SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Applied Ore Microscopy SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 7TH Symposium on Turbulence Missouri Industry Day ' Single Phase Induction Motor Design Fundamentals of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering II th Power Apparatus Testing Techniques Short Course Fiber Optics Short Course ' . Machine Foundat ion Design and Analysis Solar Space Heating·Cooling Systems 8th Annual UMRIDNR Engery Conference Heating & Air Conditioning Systems: Sizing and Energy Estimating 24 th Annual Asphalt Conference and Pre·Con ference Workshop Cold Formed Steel Short Course Fundamentals of Deep Foundations Seminar for Drillers COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES New Concepts on Innovation in Coatings Ph ysical Testing of Paints Fundamentals of Videotape Production Computer Graphics: Application. Current Technology and Implementation Business Graphics: Visual Communication of Management Information Women in Coa tings . Industrial Market Resea rch Compu ter Graphics for College and Universities: Application to Curriculum and Laboratory Facilities Refresher for Painting Contractors Comput er·Aided Graphics System: Design and Drafting First World Congress (Bridges) Es timating for Painting Contractors Principles of Industrial Marketing Compu ter Graphics on Microprocessor/Personal Computer S~stcm~ Times and dates of courses may change nea rer to the time of the course.

lO / MSM Alumnus




Dec. 7-11

Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis Centralia Rolla St. Louis Rolla Rolla Rolla Jefferson City St. Louis St. Louis Phoe nix . Ariz.

Sept. 21-12 Sept. 22 Sept 28-0ct. 2 Oct. 5-9 Oct. 13-16 Oct. 13-16 Oct. 19-23. Nov . 3 Nov . 4-7 Nov . 6 Nov. 12-13 Nov. 17-20 Nov . 9-13 Dec. 14-16

Lake of the Ol.arks Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis Detroit. Mich. New York City

Sept. 4-6 Sept. 21 -25 Sept. 26 Oct. 1-2 Oct. 19-20 Oct. 25-27 Nov . 4-6

St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis New York City Kansas Cily St. Louis St. Loui~

Nov. 5.6 Nov . 10-12 Nov . 16-17 Nov . 17 · 18 Nov. 17· 18 Nov . 30·Dec. 4 Dec. 3-4

Mines & Metallurgy Departments . Ranked Top Ten Nationally Five of the departments in the University of Missouri·Rolla·s School of Mines and Metallurgy have been ranked in the top 10 nationally in the third edition of the "Gourman Report." . That report. which is prepared by Dr. Jack Gourman. rates undergraduate pro· ' grams in American and international universities, The report surveyed 98 academic programs in 1.744 colleges and universities. The UMR disciplines which were ranked in the top 10 are: geological engineering. second: metallurgical engineering. third: mining engineering. fourth : ceramic engineering. fifth : and petroleum engineering. sixth. The report evaluates an institution's academic programs and non·departmental

areas on the basis of data submitted by the institution itself in the form of a questionnaire together with supplemental reports and private investigation. Among the factors taken into consideration are: organization of the institu· tion: total educational programs offered and degrees conferred: age of the institu· tion and the individual program being considered. admission requirements: number of students enrolled:: teaching staff and teaching loads: physical facilities: curricular content: and research. All of these UMR programs are scheduled to be housed in UMR's proposed new Minerals Engineering Building.

Alton Packaging Scholarship Program Alton Packaging Corp. has established the Smurfit·Alton Packaging Fellowship. an exchange between UMR and the University College Dublin, Ireland. The corporation is a member of the Jefferson Smurfit Group. Ltd .. head· quartered in Dublin. The fellowship will allow at least two students and one facult y member to be selected each year to study in Rolla or in Dublin. The program will start in the fall. Michael Smurfit. president and chief executi ve officer. Jefferson Smurfit Group and Alton Packaging Corp .. and James B. Malloy. senior vice president and chief operating officer. Alton Packaging. announced the program at a recen t mee ting in SI. Louis. Representing the academic institu tions were James C. Olson. president of the University of Missouri: Joseph M. Marchello. chancellor James Browning of Butler. sophomore in nuclea r enginee ring at the Uni versi ty of the University of Missouri·Rolla: and John 1. Kelly. dean of enginee ring and of Missouri·Rolla. has been awarded a $ 1.500 scholarshi p through the Institute arch itect ure. University College Dublin. of Nuclear Power Operations. Student fellowships wi ll be for one year. wh ile those for fac ulty wi'lI run one The scholarship is awarded to students in nuclear power·related fields. who month . meet criteria based on grades and activities and who submit an essay on ca reer "While not limited to engineering. the fellowships are being established at these plans and how the nuclear power field can become more efficient and safer. two universities because of their technological reputations." Smurfit said. "This Browning is the first UMR student in nuclear engineering to receive this exchange will enhance the academic offerings and cultural experiences available scholarship which is funded through the nuclear electric utility industry. on the campuses." The Rolla campus offers a range of engineering. science and liberal arts pro: grams. and the Dublin college provides engineering and architecture. science. arts. philosophy and sociology. Celtic studies. law. commerce. medicine. general agriculture and veterinary medicine studies. Jefferson Smurfit Group. Ltd. currently owns 80 percent of the outstanding common stock of the Alton Packaging Corp. Nine students have received National Science Foundation recognition for their academic achievements in NSF's 1980·8 1 nationwide competition for graduate fellowships. UMR's list of winners include one fellowship recipient and eight honorable mention citations. Patrick Thompson. Lee's Summit. has received an NSF Fellowship that will pay a stipend and all fees for gradua te st ud y through the Ph.D. degree. He recieved his M.S. degree in chemica l engineering at UMR at May commence· ment. and will continue his work towa rd his doctorate at UM R. . Those receiving honorable mention citations and their graduate stud y fields a're: Charles D. Croessmann. Ziegler. III.. nuclea r engineering. John A. Behr. De· fiance, mechanical engineering. Gerard J. Dolan, Arnold, engineering mechanics. David E. Reed, Black Jack. electrical engineering. Joseph A. Crider, West Plains, mathematics and computer science. Cat herine N. Pyron. Rolla, computer science. Michael B. Richey. SI. Louis. computer science. Brian D. Owenson. Camdenton. chemistry. Dr. Adrian Daane. dean of gradua te study at UMR. says. "Although the students receiving honorable mention recognition do not rece ive financial awards. they are in a very select group of superior students who are avidly recruited by the most outstanding universities in the country. They are likely ca ndidates for grad uate fellows hi ps at UMR and elsew here. and present indica· (From left to rightl Joserh M. Marchello. cha ncellor. Un iversit y of Missouri· tions are that most will cont inue at UMR for grad uate work." Rolla: Michae l Smurfit. president and chief executive office r. Jefferson Smurfit Daane says. "The total number of stude nts receiving NSF recognition at Group Ltd. and Alton Packaging Corp. : James C. Olson. rresident. Uni ve rsit y of UMR is the largest among the institutions in the Mid American State University . Missouri: James B. Malloy. senior vice president and chief operating officer. Alton Association (MASUA) as well as with in the state of Missouri. " Packaging: and John 1. Kell y. dean of engineering and architecture. University Co l· "UM R students represent 29 percent of the tota l of 31 students cited in the lege Dublin. MASUA instit utions. and 47 percent of the 19 in Missouri." he added.

Browning Wins


UMR Students Win NSF Honors

r '

MSM Alumnus / II

Faculty-StaH Activities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Research Grants Awarded •••

. Schearer Wins Top Prize

Dr. Laird Schearer. a Rolla campus physics professor whose lifetime work has centered on understand ing the properties of electrical discha rges in gaseous media. has received the Uni versity of Missouri's second annua l $10.000 Presiden· tial Resea rch Award to support his con tinu ing research. UM President James C. Olson made the award May 20 after a rev iew com mit· tee. composed of facu lt y from the four UM ca mpuses. unanimously recommended Dr. Schearer for the award. The president also anno unced that an add itional $96 1.992 will be used to fund research projects throughout the fou r-campus system. These projects and the presidential award are supported by in vestment income on proceeds from the 1979 sa le of the University's Weldon Spring property. In· vestment income is being used to support scholarly. artistic and creative instruction·related activities of UM faculty . This year the Columbia campus will receive $253.578. UM-Kansas City $202,24 1, UM-Rolla $188,671 and UM-St. Louis $204.952 . Five other multi-campus research proposals also were funded. Dr. Schearer joined the UMR faculty in 1971 after a distinguished career as an industrial scientist with Texas Instruments, Inc. He joined the corporation's research laboratories in 1959, when Texas Instruments was just beginning to emerge as a world leader in solid state physics. At Texas Instruments, Schearer started work that he continues today--a detailed study of the quantum mechanical properties of helium atoms and their in- . teractions with other atomic and molecular systems. His early work in Texas led DR. LAIRD SCHEARER to the development of the helium magnetometer. a device capable of measuring extremely small variations in the earth's magnetic field . geological engineering. "Using Stable Earth Temperatures for Air Tempering"; The U.S. Navy currently uses the helium magnetometer to detect submarines. Jagdish G . Patel. mathematics. "Development of Statistical Models for AtOther applications include overland oil exploration and detection of magnetic mospheric Dispersion." . Ronda Hageman. social sciences (economics), "On Lancaster's Theory of Constorms. In more exotic realms, the device has been used to search pyramids iii sumer Utility"; Thomas Wicks. engineering mechanics. "A Non-Classical Finite Egypt for hidden rooms. Schearer also is credited with developing the world's first polarized gas target Element Method for Impact Problems"; Franklin Cheng. civil engineering. visit for nuclear scattering experiments in the field of nuclear physics. to the Harbin Civil Engineering Institute; Oliver Manuel. chemistry. "The Hughes Research Labora!ories in California currently is using Schearer's - Isotopic Composition of Xenon"; Richard Johnson. mechanical engineering. research to develop a "super gyroscope" that will have a much higher sensitivity "Development of Computer-Based Data Acquisi'tion and ControJ"; Alan Cummthan any similar instrument now available and will lead to more accurate naviga- ings. mechanical engineering. " Experimental and Theoretical hwestigations of tional instrumentS". Acoustic Power Losses"; Purush TerKonda. civil engineering, "Impact of Energy At Rolla, Schearer re-established his laboratory with funding assistance from Conservation Measures on Indoor Air Pollutants"; David Dillard. engineering several federal agencies, including. the National Science Foundation. the Office of mechanics. "Uniaxial Tension Tests on Orthotropic Materials"; Larry vonalt. visit to John Berryman Special Collection at the University ·of Minnesota at MinNaval Research and the Office of Scientific Research . Much of Schearer's work at Rolla is long-range. ex ploratory research involVing neapolis; Nancy Marlin. social sciences. (psychology). "Fundamental Learning the interaction of atoms 'with optical radiation and with other atoms in a gaseous Processes Using Infrahuman Subjects": Alfred Crosbie. mechanical engineering. electrical discharge. Such plasma processes have taken on a new importance as a "Thermal Modeling of Solar Ponds"; and Linda Hughes. humanities IFnglish!. result of the current intense interest in laser fusion. high-current. low-inductance "Tennyson's Dramatic Monologues." switches, powerful gas lasers and efficient high-pressure lighting systems. In an intercampus award. two UMC orthopedic surgeons. William Allen and The UMR research projects, which will receive allocation through the Weldon Marion Harper. and two UMR engineers. J. Robert Betten (electrical) and Spring Endowment Research Fund, and faculty involved are: Rand y Moss. elec- Thomas Faucett (mechanical and aerospace). received $17,000 to support an effort to develop improved laboratory techniques for testing various surgical trical engineering, "Pattern Recognition as Applied to CAM (compu ter-a ided manufacturing)"; Robert Bell, physics, "Far Infrared Transmission in Transparent methods of repairing spinal and hip fractures. The Columbia surgeons and ' Rolla's Electronics Research Center already have the project underway. but the Soft Polyethylene"; Rodney Lentz, civil engineering. " Beha vior of Compacted grant helps formalize the arrangement. UMC medical students and UMR Soil"; John Sheffield, mechanical and aerospace engineering. "Solidification of a engineering students are part of the research and development team effort. Allen. Low Temperature Phase Change Material (PCM)"; Oliver Sitton. chemical director of the project. says one of its strengths is uniting students from the two engineering, "Experimental Investigation of Extractive Fermentation Using an Immobilized-Cell Reactor"; Argyle Gillies, mining engineering. and Dale Elifrits. disciplines. in meaningful problem-solving activities. 12/ MSM Alumnu s


Research Grants Continued Three chemists. Fred Ross of the UM Research Reactor. Elmer Schlemper of UMC. and Gary Long of UMR. received $10.000 in another intercampus award for a basic rese.arch project attempting a new method of obtaining and analyzing quantitative information about the relationship of electron density distribution in a chemical bond to the molecular structure. physical properties and chemical reactivity of a material. The new method uses a combination of x·ray. neutron and gamma·ray diffraction data obtained by the three chemists. The grant sup· ports a direct research interaction between the three in applying a new approach to the modeling of the bonding in transition metal complexes. an interaction that will extend their respective research programs.

UMR's Warner Co-authors Book "Subsurface Wastewater Injection."a reference work written by Dr. Don L. Warner of the University of Missouri·Rolla and Jay Lehr, was published recently be Premier Press of Berkeley. Calif. The 344 page book originally was prepared as a contract report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from the National Well Water Association. It is intended to serve as a guide. standard and reference for industries and regulatory agencies concerned with wastewater systems. The book describes the design. construction. operation and abandonment of subsurface wastewater injection systems. Local geologic and hydrologic characteristics of the injection and confining intervals are considered along with the physical. chemical and biological compatibility of the receiving zone with the ~

wastewater to be injected.

Design and construction aspects of injection wells are presented along with recommended preinjection testing, operating procedures and emergency precau· tions. Monitoring requirements, records maintenance and proper well abandon· ment procedures also are discussed. Warner is the dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy at UMR. Lehr is executive director of the National Well Water Association.

Karen Lane, Reactor Secretary, Earns NRC License


When Karen Lane decided a few years ago that she wanted to be a nuclear reactor operator, she knew she was accepting a challenge. She recently earned her license from the Nuciear Regulatory Commission (NRc)' Lane. UMR Nuclear Reactor secretary. knew attaining her goal would not be easy. "I wanted to be a reactor operator. but with no formal training in the area, I knew it was a real challenge," she said. Lane says her main motivator was UMR reactor manager Alva Elliott. who started her in the training and stood by her through the past three and one· half years of classes. sessions and preparations. "Alva approached me and asked if I wanted to give it a shot." Lane reca lls. "He never side·stepped the prospects, saying it would be one of the most difficult things I ever tackled." But Elliott said he was willing to teach if Lane were willing to learn, and the process was set into motion .

The next few years consisted of carrying a course load at UMR, attending class training sessions and studying constantly on her own. This was in addition to being a wife and mother at home and handling her normal secretarial duties at the Nuclear Reactor. After surviving the work load. Lane felt she was ready early this year to take the Nuclear Regulatory Commission test. Members of the commission recently came to campus from Washington, D.C.. and put her through a six-hour written exam and a three and one-half hour oral exam. "It included a complete walk-through of the facility. with questions every step of the way to make certain I knew every small detail of the reactor." she said. Lane passed and received her license. "If you want anything badly enough, it is there if you are willing to work for it." Lane said in retrospect. 'Tm still taking courses. so in many ways I've only just begun." "What I now know is unbelievable," she concluded. "Like I told my husband. it was as if I had advanced from kindergarten to the 12th grade--in three years." MSM Alumnus , 13



1929 William Lee Drake has moved and is living at 4822 Country Clu b Blvd .. Little Rock , AR 72270. His phone number is 5011666' 8917.

1980 Rollamo


1931 and Before Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Thomas O. English '29 605 Bergstrom Place Marshall, TX 75670

Hans Schmoldt, '44, se nds us news of U M R geologica l engi neering senior. Susan Gaebe. Hans and Jimmie were in Grand Junction, Colo .. this summ'er vi iting Hans K., '72, '78, and famil y. They ran into Susan on the top of Grand Mesa working for the summer with a Phillips Co. core drilling explora¡ tion crew. The crew camps on the mesa for 10 days, then has four days off. "I was very impressed by Su an's capab ilit y," Hans says. "W ish UM R had a ca thod ic engineer like her." Susa n is the daughter of Kirkwood attorney John R. Gaebe. ln the photo below, Susa n, right , and crew take a break for fresh watermelon supplied by the Schmoldts. Note the oil shale core on the tab le. Hans K.. incidentall y, is in Grand Junction to open a new offi ce for Phillips in connection with PP Co. shale oir development.


Announcement of the death of John C. William Elam Hall Knight, '27, CarMiller on May 27 , has been received thage, Mo. , died May 4. Bill was a from his wife, Agnes C. Miller, 312 S. former director of the MSM-UMR Wetherly Drive, No. 302, Los Angeles, Alumni Association and was currently CA 90048. John , who earned his Ph .D. serving as agent for the Class of 1924. from George Washington Univer it y in He was a retired chemical engineer. He 193 3, had had a long career with is survived by his wife, Eunice, 1173 U.s.G.s. before hi retir ment in the Grand, Carthage, MO 64836. late 1950' . The alumni office has received notice through the po. t office 'of the dcat h. on May I, of Newton Marshall Rountree, 1917 Crane, Mo. John Henderson Gay Reilly died on June 15 in Lake San Marcos, Calif. He was a retired mining engineer who had 1926 worked in Mexico, Peru, Utah and New Mexico. He was a member of the 13th A notice from the post office informs us of the death of Wilbur Dixon East, U.S. Cavalary during World War I. Boonville, Mo.


i1 ..-


j,. I,


A.B. Wilkerson, a retired manufactu rer, 1927 has just completed 28,000 hours of volunteer work as secretary for a 415 Donald J. Bisett and his wife, Elizabeth, member Rotary Club. He is the reci- sends us their new add res --100 Ea t pient of a Meritorious Service Award 18th, Apt. B, Rolla , MO 6540 I. Donald from the Rotary Foundation of Rotary is retired . International. He and Corinne are living at 560 E. La nsing Way, Fresno, CA 93704. Murray (Jack) and Margie Paul's new address is 11121 Jersey Ave ., Henry (Hank) Eugene Zoller, died May Youngtow n, AZ 85363. Jack is retired. 13. He was a retired independent oil producer and contractor. Hank was a loyal alumnus, serving for many years on the William Elam Hall Knight, Carthage, MSM-UMR Alumni Board of Directors Mo. , died May 4. Bill was a former and the UMR Developm:!nt Council. director of the MSM-UMR Alumni He was awarded an Alumni Certificate Association and was currently serv ing of Merit in 1968 and the degree, as agent for the class of 1924. He was a petroleum engineer, in 1970_He is sur- retired chemical engineer. He is survived vived by his wife, Paula, P_O. Box 6448, by his wife, Eunice, 117 3 Grand, CarSan Antonio, TX 78209. thage, MO 64836. l~ / MSM Alumnus

Dr. Nolan Aughenbaugh, left. gives Virgil Whitworth, '23, right, consuitilll! photogeologist of Houston, Texas. a tour of the Mining Building. Whitworth was on campus April 15-18, to present a special seminar for upperclassmen. grad students, faculty and interested members of the general public on "Air Photo Interpretation for Petroleum Ex ploration." While on campus, Whitworth was also available to talk with small groups or individual students in mining, petroleum and geological engineering, and geology and geophysics.

A'umn/ ·Persona's---.;._____________________________ Notice has been received of the death of Thomas Verne Galbraith, Dallas, Tx.



Jim and Emily Murphy have moved to 15038 C1aymoor Court, Chesterfield, Clyde E. Wilhite sends us a note saying MO 63017. Jim is chairman and chief he'll try and be back for Homecoming, executive officer of Murphy Company October 9, 1981. He and his wife, Mechanical Contractors and Engineers, Margaret, attended the 30th graduation St. Louis. this past May. They live at 12028 E. Canal Drive. Aurora, CO 80011.

1936 1932

1980 Rollamo

Wayne S. Frame '23 Route 3, Box 180 Eldon, Missouri 65026

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:

Stuart L. Davis tells us that E.O. Crawford, E.D. Hale, and himself correspond via cassette tape. They are all planning to attend the 50th graduation ceremony in May. 1982. Stuart says. "We hope to see many more of our classmates in attendance, so, class of '32, start making plans for May. 1982." Stuart is a realtor-assoicate with American Realty and lives with Lorraine at 332 Kent Drive, Cocoa Beach. FL 32931.

James H. Menefee 205 Fireside Court LeHigh Acres, FL 33936 William E. Dennis 472 Oakshire Kirkwood, MO 63122 Herman J. Pfeifer 5 S Pego Way Hot Springs, AR 71901

Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via De.lizia Hillsborough, CA 94010


Elmer Gammeter '26 118 Duncan Cir-Windermere Beaver, PA 15009 Edwin C. Machin '22 P.O. Box 175 Nashville, IL 62263 William K. Schweickhardt '28 417 North Woodlawn Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122

Eugene J. Daily 816 Dennison Drive Champaign, IL 61820

1933 Charles H. Lambur, corporate president with Schneider of Paris Inc., New York City, lives at 33 Rampasture Road. Hampton Bays. NY 11946. Charles' hobby is being chairman of the operating council for National Council YMCA USA. He is a member of the US Olympic committee -Board of Governers.

Robert L. Prange 12714 Bellefontiane Road St. Louis, MO 63138

Don Grimm writes to tell us that he is working part-time as the city engineer for the City of Ferguson. He retired in October, 1980. He and Norma live at 862 Cernicek. Ferguson, MO 63135.

S. AlIen Stone '30 1405 Three Rivers East Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Vl'rnon A. C. Gevecker '31 Route No.2, Bux 39 Rulla, MO 65401 Rolla T. Wade '3 1 5202 Woodway Houston, TX 77056

Harold and Michelle Kidd's new~ address is Via Panoramica-Coal, 37018 Malcesine (VR), Italy. He is retired. Lawrence A. Roe reP9rts forminE a new minerals engineering firm, ROECO, Inc. "It provides consulting services for minerals processing and industrial waste floatation problems. ROECO gives good returns of 'Return on Equity'!" The firm's address--as well as the home address for Lawrence and Kathryn--is 1080 39th St., Downer's Grove, IL 60515.

1940 Powell A. Dennie sends us word that he retired from Shell Oil Co. in December, and is enjoying playing lots of golf. He and Pat just returned from a month trip around England. They live at 14215 Bonney Brier. Houston, TX 77069. W.A. Enderson sends a message saying: "After four years. one month, and 39 days--retirement is still super!" He and Katy live at III Via Mesa Grande, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 .

1938 Jessee S. LeGrand retired from ITT Avionics May I. after 39 years. He and his wife, Myrene. have moved to 2845 Malibu Ct., Titusville.FL 32780.

Herbert D. Sturges has been promoted to vice president of SPS Technologies. Jenkintown, Pa. He and J\:1arie live at 230 East Road, Doylestown, PA 1890 I.

1934 Walter H. Bruening and his wife. Helen. are living at 613 Erie, Shreveport. LA 71106. Walter says that they are "enjoying the good life in a camp on a lake 30 miles from their home. They spend three to four days a week there. He is active in ARK-LATEX Alumni Association." Walter is retired.

Frederick W. Heiser is now a petroleum engineer consultant working for himself. He and Pauline live at 16 Viking Drive. Englewood, CO 80 II O.

Eugene and Margaret Olcott write to tell us that they are still enjoying the good life on the farm at Route I, Box 44, Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Eugene is a self-employed farmer.

C. James Grimm '30

. P.O. Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401

John and Alberta Berwick Jr. are now living at 547 Cricklewood Drive, State College, PA 1680 I. He is a metallurgical engineer with · Cerrometal . Products, Bellefonte, Pa.

Richard G. Hudson tells us: "Enjoying retirement to the fullest extent. Work on farm every day. We had a wonderful Bemis Smith Followill, Columbus, Ga. , trip to Germany last September to the died May 31 , following surgery. He is Passion Play in Oberammergau." He survived by his wife, Dorothy, two sons, and Ellen live at 72635 8th Street Road, Kimbolton . OH 43749. and four grandchildren. Raynard E. McCormiCk, Santa Monica, Calif., died in his sleep on May 24, according to a notice from his soq, Raynard E. McCormick Jr., 6200 Edinger, No_ 528, Huntington Beach, CA 92647.

John H. McKinley makes the following report on his retirement activities: "Golf--four times a week; fish-- three times a week: rest--seven times a week." John and Mary live at 4612 Rose of Jericho Court, Orlando, FL 32808.

i980 RoUamo MSM Alumnus / 15 · r I


Alumn/Personals ___________________________________________________________ 1943



Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:

Wayne J. Bennetsen 1542 Mason Valley Drive St. Louis, MO 63131

Kenneth M. Wilhelms 8 Grantwood Lane St. Louis, MO 63123

Andrew A. Cochran Route No.4, Box 99 Rolla, MO 65401

Robert P. Connett Route I Salt\'ille. VA 24370

Fred W. Finley 207 W. 1st Terrace Lamar, MO 64759

Robert L. and Shirley Mann, have a new address--P.O. Box 6, Hornersville. MO 63855. Robert is pastor for the Hornersville -Ca rdwell United Methodist Church.

Marvin E. Nevins, Jr. 18960 W. Greenfield Waukesha, WI 53186


Donald H. Falkingham 7135 S. Evanston Tulsa, OK 74136


Warren L. Loveridge 16 Devondale St. Louis, M 0 63131

H. W. (Bill) Flood has been promoted to the newly created post of manager, business planning and development, for Resource Engineering Inc., Waltham, Mass. Resource Engineering is an expanding conSUlting firm with strengths William L. Nesley died of cancer on in the management of natural resources, May 31, at his home in Alexandria, Va. particularly coal, oil shale, solid fuels Bill retired from the U.S. Air Force in and non-fuel minerals. A chemical 1967 as a colonel. During his 25 years of engineer, Bill was also recently military service he had served primarily nominated for the office of vice presias a meteorologist in the Pacific, Europe dent (president-elect) of the American and the United States. From 1973 until Institute of Chemical Engineers. He is a January, 1981, he was executive vice Fellow in AICHE. Bill lives at 183 Main president of Coakley and Williams Inc., St. , Acton, MA 01720. a Washington-area commercial building and development firm. He is survived by his wife, Wilma Glen, 4032 Moss Place, Donald J. Coolidge sends a note saying, Alexandria, V A 22304, a daughter and "I'm looking forward to our 40th rea son. Notice of the death was sent to union in 1983." He is retired and now a the alumni office by way of George Ax- se lf-employed architect. Don and macher, '42. Helen's address is Box 1720, Wasilla, AK 99687 . John C. Wagner is presently chairman, student affairs, Ft. Wayne chapter, American Society for Metals. He is Edward T. Kendall Jr. says, "Enjoying retired and lives at 6701 South An- retirement and have had time to restore a thony, Ft. Wayne, IN 46816. 1923 Ford "T' m<>gel and fly a restored Piper Cub, J-3. Traveling in these antique machines is a lot of fun. Y'all come and see us." He and Frances live at 4829 Currituck Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210.

Eberhard H. Miller '47, '48, has been appointed associate professor and department chairman at Delmar College. He lives at 4129 Bray, Corpus Christi, TX 78413.

1948 James B. Chaney is division president with NL McCullough, NL Industries, Inc. , Houston, Texas. Jim and Betty are li vi ng at 162 18 Chipstead Drive. Spring. TX 77373.

Mel Hagan is now a member of the technical staff with Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. His work involves materials processing in space and photovoltaic energy systems. Mel and Dolores live at I Sycamore Lane, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274. Their son, Kent, graduated "Summa Cum Laude" in management with a 4.0 average.

Walter C. and Willie Harbison's new address is P.O. Box 412 Teton Village. WY 83025. Walter is retired and self employed as a property and investment management consultant. Irvin D. Robbins. who retired from lA . Jones Construction Co., September. 1978. was recently honored with the awa rd of life member in the American Society of Civ il Engineers. The award was presented at a joint meeting of the North Carolina Southern Branch of A.S.C.E. and the student chapter of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte at the Cone Center, U.N.C.C. campu in April 1981. He and Kathleen live at 2708 Chilton Place, Charlotte, NC 28207. Henry P. Whaley is now group vice president of Pickands-Mather & Co., Cleveland. He reports: "I was promoted in 1980 and put in charge of the company's iron ore. coal and limestone mines in U.S.A., Canada and Australia-pius engineering and construction and mineral development. The mines include seven modern coal mines. Our youngest son is enrolled in electrical engineering at UMR." Henry and Pat live at 5722 Millwood, Broadview Heights, OH 44147.

1949 George and Jeane Anderson proudly announce the birth of their first grandchild, Benjamin Michael Anderson, on Feb. 20, in Madison, Wis. His parents are Michael B. and Diane Anderson. Mike graduated from UMR in 1973 and is a rate engineer for Wisconsin Power and Light. George is the manager of Western & Central District Mines with Harbison-Walker Refractories U.S .. Fulton. Mo. Their address is Box 311, Route I, Lamar Lane, Fulton, MO 65251 .

1942 Fritiof M. Bloomberg retired June I. He and Dorothy have a new address--Route 2, Box 164B, Tonganoxie, KS 66086. Thomas A. Jones writes: "Evelyn and I continue to live at 517 Mistletoe Lane, Kirkwood, Mo., where we will soon celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary and my 30th year of employment with Monsanto Co." Tom is senior attorney, state and local taxes, for Monsanto. 16/ MSM Alumnus

1944 Peter E. Desjardins is now president of Hawthorne Oil and Gas Corp., in Lafaye tte. La. Peter and Doroth ) are living at 308 Bacque Crescent , Lafayette, LA 70403 .

1980 Rollamo


---Alum ni Per$onals ____-----------------------------------1949 Continued Jesse and Velma Bowen have moved to Route I, Dent, MN 56528. Jesse is now retired. William H. Gammon sends a note saying he is retired as senior vice-president of Ashland Oil Inc., and is now a consultant to the company. Bill and Dorothy live at 3235 Gulf of Mexico Drive. Apt. A-206. Longboat Key. FL 33548, but maintain a home in Lexington, Ky.

Edward L. Johnson , formerly with the U.S. Geological Survey in Tulsa, retired in November and has become a consultant in oil, gas and mineral exploration. He and Lois are living at 5816 East 57th St.. Tulsa, OK 74135.

Richard E. Marting is a senior engineer at Union Electric Co. , SI. Louis. He and Betty are living at 4237 Forest De Ville Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

Dan N. Miller is now assistant secretary of interior, energy and minerals, with the Departm ent of the Interior in Washington, D.C. Dan and -Esther live at 1301 20th Street., NW, Washington, DC 20036. Joseph G. Sevick has been named senior vice president for St. Joe Lead Co., Clayton, Mo. he and Harriet have moved to 12923 Topping Estates South, St. Louis, MO 63131.

F. Max Serafini tells us he is president of MSM Consult ants Inc., Denver. He and Doris Ann are living at 24062 E. 160th Ave., Brighton, CO 8060 I . John and Marjory Van Nort have a change of address--12164 Vivacite Walk, Apt. C, St. Louis, MO 63141. John has been appointed vice president of Fluor Pipe & Piling, Chesterfield, Mo.

Robert C. Wood announc es his marriage to Barbara Ann Howbro ok, West Molessey , Middlesex, England on December 22, 1980. Robert says, "It must have been iny lucky monthpromoted to manager of geophysics on Jan I." He is with the Oasis Oil Co. of 1950 Libya Inc. The Wood's address is clo Oasis Oil Co. of Libya Inc., P.O. Box Herbert F. Byrns has moved to 8920 N. 395, Tripoli, Libya. 56th Ave., Glendale, AZ 85302. Herbert is retired.


Scott H. Gregory is now a senior production engineer speci~list with Tenneco Oil Compan y. Scott and Ruby live at 732 Alonda Drive, Lafayette, LA 70503. Gerald and Kathleen Hammo nd ha ve moved to 14722 260th Ave. S.E., Issaquah, W A 98027. Gerald is a chief enginee r for Hallang er Enginee rs, Belleville, Wash. Enrique Heller, '50, '59, writes telling us that he completed a two year assignment for the U.N. in Afghanistan last December. He is an industrial management consulting engineer working for himself and is now on a short term private consult ing assignm ent , for Maybelline in Little Rock, Ark. His address is clo 66-So Booth St. Rego Park , Queens, New York, NY 11374.

Edward P. Kyburz reports he has been " transfer red to the mining and metallurgical division of the Ralph M. Parsons Co., Pasadena, Ga. , as project manager. Before transfer , was vice presi· dent , mining, for Cerro-Parsons Corp .. located in New York City." Ed and Georgina now live at 5337 ·Godbey Drive. La Canada, G A 910 II.

Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordin ators: WilHam Tsai 14317 Mirand a Way Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 George W. Comanich 5104 Tamara ch Drive Baytown, TX 77521 Bruce E. Taranto la 9000 Skycrest Drive St. Louis, MO 63126 Herman A. Fritschen, Jr. 5249 S 68th E. Place Tulsa. OK 74145

1980 Rollamo

John W. Brilles was promoted on Jan. I . to chief engineer of Mississippi Lime Co. John and Jacque live at 518 Scott, Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670.

Herbert and Ruth Kent are living at 7 Water Way, Rumson, NJ 07760. He is president of ELKEM Inc .. Aberdeen. N.J.

Gerald N. Keller sends us a n'o te saying that he and Mary Jo will move to 10314 Pine Pass, Houston , TX 77070, on Aug. I. He will be senior staff geophysicist with Natoma s North America Inc.


E.J. Krokros kia has been promoted to vice presiden t-mining ' for St. Joe Minerals Corp. Krokroskia's address is Box 32, Viburnu m, MO 65566. Donald W. Marshal l, retired U.S. Public Health Services professional engineering officer, reports: "Really, no change. Both Lou and myself enjoying retirement here at the Lake of the Ozarks." The Marshall's address is Route2 , Box 319, Sunrise Beach, MO 65079.

Frank T. Alvarado writes: "I am proud to say that my eldest son is now an engineering management student at Rolla." Frank is a division engineer with the U.S. Federal Highway Administration in Panama City, Panama . His and Stella's address is PSC Box 2059, APO Miami 34002. Charles A. Hewett sends us a note say-' ing that he and Gloria are living at 5366 Russell Road, Marion, NY 14505, and he is professor of physics at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester,


Douglas F. Middleton is now manager of operations for Donald C. Slawson-Oil Producer. He and Grace live at 4434 Twinkle Court, Houston , TX 77072.

T.H. Lentz is now president of Alkaril Chemicals Inc., Winder, Ga. He and Joy hav.e moved to Route 8, Box 341K, Cummin g GA 30130.

Robert E. Peppers has been named vice president-smelting for St. Joe Minerals Corp., Herculaneum. Bob's address is P.O. Box 177, Herculaneum, MO 63048.

John McInty re is now an Indonesian project executive for Exxon Chemical. John and Helen can be reached clo Exxon Chemical, <) Old Kings Highway , South, Darien, CT 06820.

supervls mg Thomas A. Simpson is an associate pro- Clarenc e Tarr Jr., a' Kansas CiInc. Armco with fessor of mineral engineering at the metallurgist at 10621 live Gay, wife, his and Mo., ty, osa. Tuscalo Robert B. Barrow reports that he has a University of Alabama in 64133. MO n, Raytow St., 65th East ek three-we a for ing "Depart new wife, Barbara, and they are living He reports: is a 1980, Gerald, son, underground Their on Dublin Hill Road. Higganum. CT trip to Eire. Will visit four Pa. Butler, in Armco with gist metallur metal) 06441. He is a supervisor, laboratory mines (two coal--two base Butler, d, a RO' t Belmon 602 at lives He have I Survey. cal Geologi processing, for Pratt and Whitney Air- courtesy Irish been granted a one-semester sabbatical PA 16001. craft Group, East Hartford , Conn. and from January to June, 1982, will Melbourne, Gene R. Blendermann is now · in the work with CSIRO ' in control. Charles A. Weeks, buyer specialist, roof mine coal on a, Australi Exx manager planning departm ent with accompany Lummas Co., Bloomfield, N.J., lives at on Corp. He may be reached at Exxon Mrs. Simpson (Susie) will Vestavia No. I Kingsbridge Dr., Burlington, NJ 72 at lives Corp., 1251 A venue of the Americas, me." The couple 08016. Hills, Northpo rt, AL 35476. New York, NY 10021 . MSM Alumnus / 17


Alumn/Personals ________________ 1953 Ernest R. Achterberg is now district mining supervisor with the U.S. Geological Survey. He and Mollie live at 10641 E. 33rd. St., Tulsa, OK 74145.



Maurice R. Topel is now district engineer with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Maurice and Charlene are living at 202 W. Hawthorne Drive, Effingham, IL 6240 I.

195f Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: George R. Baumgartner 2120 Syracuse Dearborn, MI 48124

1954 Thor Gjelsteen is now president of Ferret Exploration Co., and has been elected chairman of the board of directors of First Exploration Co. in Denver. Both companies are engaged in mining and oil exploration. He and Marianne live at 7300 W. Statson Place, Unit 41, Littleton, CO 80123.

John R. Seipel, with Mobile Oil Indonesia Inc., sends the following: "Mary and I have recently celebrated our fifth anniversary of living in Sumatra and are looking forward to several more. We're both enthusiastic tennis and golf fans and squeeze in some bowling. Mary has been active both on and back stage in the Medan Little Theater and the Women's International Club. I was construction manager for two years (1979 and 1980) and after four and one-half years in the Arun Field am now producing advisor in the Medan office. Mary and I are collecting quite a set of third generation Seipels (Sturgis1. Two of our sons have a total of four children with the fifth due in September. Mary leaves for Irvine, Calif., next week to be with our daughter Susan for the arrival of her first child. All of the children are in the 'Oil Patch'; Susan is married to another Mobile engineer, Rob S. Sturgis. Our eldest, Steve is manager of Atlas-Edco, a storage equipment firm in New Orleans; while David, our second son, runs the warehouse and erection crews for Atlas Edco. Greg, our third, after four years with Petro-Marine Engineering, has recently joined a new consulting firm, Barnett and Casbarian Inc., as senior construction engineer. Mary and I plan to attend Homecoming in 1983 for my 30th reunion. Our 1978 plans were cancelled as we were busy cleaning up the Arun Field after our first blowout. The second occured in April, 1980. Certainly hope we don't experience another." John and Mary may be reached by writing Newton P.O. Box 25, Singapore, 9122, Singapore.

Bert L. Smith writes: "Recently named chairman of the aeronautical engineering department at Wichita State University and elected chairman of Zone III of the American Society of Engineering Education (1981-83)" Bert is professor and chairman of aeronautical engineer路 ing at WSU. He and Joyce live at 7011 Foster Lane, Wichita, KS 67206. 18/ MSM Alumnus

Jerry B. Overton West 428 37th St. Spokane, W A 99203

Charles W. Fowlkes is owner of Fowlkes Engineering. Bozeman. Mont. He reports: "We are working on solar energy research . We operate a 30路station network measuring solar radiation. We also design microprocessor data sys tems and use them to monitor the performace of solar heated building.!? I live in a passive solar house which needs only one cord of pine lX!r year for auxiliary heat." His and Marjorie's address is 31 Gardner Park Drive, Bozeman, MT 59715.

Joseph J. Yancik 1703 James Payne Circle McLean, VA 22101 Leroy E. Thompson 5860 SW 89th Place Miami, FL 33173 Peter N. Yiannos 2304 Empire Drive W,i1mington, DE 19810

1958 David and Peggy Friend have moved to 2327 Ventoso, Wichita, KS 67204. Dave is head of his own company, 路 Friend Consulting, same address. William R. Gruenwald has been named director, . marketing, for Northern Telecom. He and Diane live at 737 Paddock Path, Moorestown, NJ 08057.



Richard W. Gotsch has been promoted to general manager of the Allied-Kelite Products Division of The Richardson Co., Des Plaines, Ill. Richard and his wife, Mary, live at 2810 Canterbury Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062.

1959 Lucien M. (Lu) Bolon Jr. writes: "We must be getting older, our youngest son, Greg, will be entering UMR this fall as a freshman in chemical engineering. He will also be one of the varsity football managers. Our eldest son, Brad, will be a sophomore at UMC in pre-vet this fall. Will surley keep us on the run! " Lu is director, ' office of construction & . maintenance for the Federal Highway Administration in Kansas City. He and Sammy Louise 'Iive at 902 S. Murry Road, Lee's Summit, MO 64063.

1955 Dale D. Gilliam is working as a division production manager for Amoco Production Co., New Orleans. "I am active in supervising Amoco's operations in the Louisiana Tuscallosia Trend, drilling and producing 16-20,000 wells,(average well cost--$6.11 mm)." Dale and Joni are living at 3749 Red Oak Court, New Orleans, LA 70114. Scott T. Porter is now president, component division, of Telonic Berkeley, Irvine, Calif. Scott began his career with Sperry Gyroscope Co., moved to EimacIVarian, Addington Laboratories, and finally to Telonic Berkeley in 1977. He was named to his present position in 1978. Scott and Barbara live at 22037 Arrowhead Lane, EI Toro, CA 92630.


Emerson and Eleanor Itschner are now living at 2309 SW First Ave., Apt. 542, Portland, OR 9720 I. He is retired.

Donald S. Ballard has been promoted to general manager of sales and marketing for Armco Tubular Division, National Supply Co. He lives at 326 Cinnamon Oak, Houston , TX 77079.

Gary B. Sellers, 345 Meadow Ct., Brea, CA 92621 , has been promoted to manager路instrument engineering, for Robert Shaw Controls, Anaheim, Calif.

Howard and LaDonna Thoele have a new address. They may be reached clo Panian-800 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63166. He is director marketing--Asia Pacific, Monsanto Japan LTD, Tokyo, Japan.

Don and Becky Greenwalt's new address is 8817 S 69 EAve., Tulsa, OK 74133. He has been promoted to manager of engineering for Getty Oil Co., Tulsa.

George E. and Marge Uding, are living at 34 North Miller St., Nazareth, PA 18064. He is president and chief executive officer with Coplay Cement Co.

Alumni Personals __--.__________________________________________________________ r of

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1960 Richard C. Bassinger is now section leader in the math/stat. division, Lawrence Livermore National Lab. He li ves at 27 12 Superior Drive, Livermore, CA94550. Donald R. Brinkley, vice president of transportation . of The Standard Oil Company, Cleveland, Ohio, has been elected a national director of Junior Achievement Inc. Junior Achievement is the nation's oldest non ·profit organization in the field of economics education for young people. Don's ad· dress is 2925 Torrington Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44122. Lewis Cappellari, who lives at 8431 Kit· tyhawk St., Los Angeles, CA 90045 , is now a member of the technical staff in physics at Hughes Aircraft Co.



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Thomas B. Cassady has been named vice presiden't, construction manage· ment for Con·Sul , Inc., Fairview Heights, Ill. He and Phyllis live at 104 Primrose Lane, Fairview Heights, IL 62208 . Lee and Janean Sue Etnyre's address is Route 3, Box 361 A, Con ifer, CO 80433. Lee is a well log analyst for Cities Ser· vice Co. in Denver.

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Frank W. Fulton has been promoted to general manager of American Feedmill· ing Systems Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Frank and Jeanne live at 4 Farmington Court, Ramsey, NJ 07446. Kenneth D. Jobe, '60, '66 sends a note saying he is now deputy manager, Rock y Mountain division, for Cooper & Clar\<.e. Ken and Doris live at 813 Wagon Trail, Gillette, WY 82716. Gene C. , Rizer writes: "Have recently been transferred from Europe to the of· fice of the chief of engineers, U.S. Ar· my. Will work as an engineer staff of· ficer with the Civil Works Directorate in Washington, D.C" Gene and Edna now live 'at 7324 Bath St., Springfield, VA 22150.


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B.R. and Carma Lee Smith, Route 5, Kirksville, MO 6350 I. announce the marriage of their son, Christopher . B. Smith, '78, to Nancy J. Small on May 2. Chris earned a BS in physics from NMSU a nd his BS in electr ical engineering from UMR. He is with General Telephone and Electronics. Kenneth W. Wood is now manger-Saudi Arabia coordination for Shell OiL He and Ramona live at 10847 Britoak, Houston, TX 77079.

James T. Walters is now vice·president of operations wi th Wesx Petroleum Inc., Denver. It is a new company wilh dri lling and production operations in the Rock\ MOllntain ~lat C\. Jamc, alld Carol live at III Cherokee Way , Boulder, CO 80303 .

David F. Maune tells uS--"presentl y at· tending the Navy War College in beautiful Newport, R.1. I lea ve in July to return to the Washington , D.C area." Don and Nancy Myers have moved to 1106 Sycamore, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Don is an assistant professor of engineering managerment at UMR.

1961 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:' Albert E. Bolon Rt. No.3. Box 213A Rolla, M 0 65401 Farouk E. S. EI-Baz 2786 N. Wakefield St. Arlington, VA 22207 H. Neal Grannemann 1000 West 10th Rolla, MO 65401 Jerome D. Patterson P.O. Box 525 Boyle, MS 38730 Larry F. Farmer Rt. No.2, Box 445 Ash Grove, MO 65604 Rene J. Leonard 4214 San Amaro Drive Coral Gables, FL 33146 Michael C. Kearney 107 Trail East Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075

Farouk EI-Baz has been elected a Fellow of tlie American Association for the Advancement of Science, "for research in remote sensing, desert gemorphology, a nd for contributing to the public understanding of science." He is resea rch direr\or with the Smi thson· ian Institution. His mailing add ress is National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C 20560.

Julius F. Kruger has been named sales manager for Therm-O-Disc Inc. He and Marilyn have moved to 4863 Huckleberry Drive, Aiken. S.c. 2980 I.

A. Dale Mears has transferred from General Electric-Philippines to General Electric de Mexico where he is vicepresident and general manager of the lighting products operation. His and Mary's address is Ave. Universidad No. 1627 Nte., A.P. Postal 961 , Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Jackie D. Thomson has been named program manager for Sistron Donner, Concord, Calif. He and Merrillyn live at 4405 Winterberry Court, Concord, CA 94521. Morris T. Worley is now the manager, lake development, with Kerr McGee Chemical Corp. Trona, Calif. Morris received a professional development degree in engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in December 1980. He and Sue live at 11625 Willow Way, Oklahoma City, OK 73132 .

1962 Donald E. Burton has been appointed leader, Geomechanics Code Development, at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Don a nd Cho ng Su live at 2802 Waverly Way, Livermore, CA 94550 ..

SAM C. OWENS Sam C. Owens has been appointed senior grinding systems representative for Armco's Midwestern Steel Division. He will be responsible for grinding systems sales in the southwest region, based in Tempe, Ariz. He joined Armco in 1966 and, since 1975, has been a senior district sales representative working in Armco's Denver office. Armco's grinding systems business includes forged grinding balls and rods, high chrome ca st grinding balls and Armco Autometrics particle size monitors. Grinding systems are used in a wide variety of mining operations and in ceo ment and rock crushing. Sam's address is now 1824 E. Yale Drive, Tempe, AZ 85283 .

Henry and Catherine Duvall send the following announcement: "After 15 years of marriage and two adopted kids-we've finally had a baby of our own . She's a little girl, Kristin Renee, born on March 22." Henry is manager Jerry W. Huffman reports that he has of airline cargo sales training develop- retired from the National Science Foun· ment for Boeing' Co. in Seattle. The dation and has founded Autoventure, family lives at 11100 30th Place SW, dealing in synthetic lubricants and Seattle, WA 98146. automotive products in the northern Virginia area. His new address is 3806 Jorge A. Espana visited the USA to at- Towanda Road, Alexandria, V A 22303. tend the National L.P. Gas Association Convention in New Orleans during the Chimanlal and Geeta Patel's new adfirst week of May. He is a member of dress is 10409 Twin Oaks Drive, Camthe board of directors at A. L. GAS, S. bridge, OH 43725 . Chlmanlal is project A., Buenos Aires. Jorge and Ivonne live engineer with NCR-Corp., E and at Dorrego 757, Rosario, Argentina, M-Cambridge. 2000. Dinesh Shah sends the following note: Larry and Pat Hatfield are living at "We live from six years in Irvine with 1922 Shadowood Ct, Chesterfield, MO our daughters Tania and Natasha. We 63017 . Larry has been promoted to vice welcome visit from friends. Please call president of Siegel-Robert Plating Co., us when in Southern California." St. Louis, Mo. Dinesh is an a5;Sistant vice president with ThiokollDynachem Corp. in Michael S. Herzog has been promoted Tustin, Calif. He and Sumitra live at to manager, process engineering, Pfizer 4021 North Park Circle, Irvine, CA Inc., MPM Division, Emeryville, Calif. 92714. Mike and Mary live at 2490 Emerson St., Napa, CA 94558 . Thomas and Dolores Taylor have moved to 32 Dana Point Ave., Ventura, CA Barry W. House and his wife, Louise, 93004. Tom is a project engineer with . have moved to 58 Baskin Road, Lex- the Ventura County Flood Control ington, MA 02173. District MSM Alumnus / 19

Alumni Personab _____________________________________________________________ 1963


Robert E. Kram,er is now sales engineer Robert F. Corwin is "now an associate for Sample Brothers Inc., St. Louis. He geophysicist with Harding-Lawson and Sheryl live at 3518 Berkeley, Alton, Associates, Novato, Calif." He and Janice live at 406 Seaview Drive, EI CerIL 62002. rito, CA 94530. Raymond Lasmanis has "recently been appointed exploration manager of Cana- Clarence (Clancy) A. Ellebracht is living dian Superior Exploration LTD, with at 2477 Waterman, Granite City, IL offices in Canada, NW United States, 62040 with his wife, Sharron. He is staff Spain, Portugal and Australia." Ray and manager for Southwestern Bell, St. Josephine live at 3129 Mariner Way, Louis. Port Coquitlam, B.c., Canada V3C345.

Michael F. Simmons is now heat treatment superintendent for Caterpillar Traetor Co. in York, Pa. He and Donna live at 3240 Round Hill Road, York, PA ' 17402.

James M. Lysaght, '65 and '67, has moved to One Madonia Court, P.O. Box 690, Plandome, NY 11030. He has been promoted to proposal manager at General Electric Corp., New York City.

Donald Sobczak is now an inspector foreman for Burnside Steel Foundry in Chicago. He lives at 1499 Wentworth Ave., Calumet City, IL 60409.

C. Dale Marshall is president of Precast Corp., Erie, Colo. Dale and Mary Jane arc livin g at 1705 Riverview Drive . Ber¡ thoud, CO 80513.

John and Rose Templeton are residing at 1503 Lakeside Lane, St. Louis, MO 63138. John is a senior electrical Anthony L. Jatcko has been named ad- engineer for Olin Corp., East Alton, 1\1. Glenn A. Niblock "joined Management ministrative assistant for IBM in AtlanAnalysis Co. as a consulting associate, ta, Ga. He and Margaret have moved to from Carbo Medics Inc., where he had 785 Fairbrook Lane, Rockwell, GA been assistant to the president and direc- 30075. tor of corporate planning. Judy was formerly art director at E.F. Hutton Frank W. King III is now chief reser- 1965 Life Ins. Co., and has recently formed voir engineer for Eason Oil Co., her own graphic arts company." The Oklahoma City. He and Ruth have Peter N. Cassimatis has been promoted Niblocks live at 13036 Old West Ave. , moved to 3505 Lytal Lane, Edmond, to manager-production engineering, Claval Co., Newport Beach, Calif. Peter OK 73034. San Diego, CA 92129. and Alice are living at 25342 De Salle, John and Louise Million have moved to Laguna Hills, CA 92653 . 176 N. Hayden Parkway , Hudson, OH PECIAL NOTICE Friends of former Chancellor. 44236. John has been promoted to Merl Baker (Life Member '63), manager of ales operations for Ferro John D. (Jack) Corrigan has been namand family will be interested in the ed senior staff engineer in avionics Corp.--Coatings Division, Cleveland . announcement of the marriage of engineering division of MCAIR . He is daughter, Marilyn to Dr. Steven J .. teaching control system theory at Mand elblatt on Jun e 13 in Bennett L. Muns tell us of his promo- Washington University part time. John Philadelphia, Pa. Maril yn ea rned tion to project manager with Howard , and his wife Carolyn , along with their her Bachelor's degree from North'Needle, Tamm en & Berge ndoff, fOllr dall !!hl cr'o :llltl ()Il C h C:I /-! k . li n' at wes tern Universit y and a Ma. ter's, Milwaukee, Wis. He and Mina Jewell 440 I Claremont Court, Bridgeton, MO degree from Bo ton Univer it y. are living at 680 Surrey Lane, Hartland, 63044. he has bee n a peech clinician in WI 53029. Louis and Carol Deken have moved to the Philadelphia area for everal 10 2 He rita ge Dri v.e, Rout e 5, ,yea r . The groom also att endeel David N. Peacock, (,64, '66, '70), ha recently resigned from hi posit,ion of Tullahoma, TN 37388. Loui is a struc. Northwestern anel rece ived his M.D. from Hahnemann Medica l manager of the Denver office of tural e ngin ee r with Sv e rdrup ollege in Philadelphia thi spring. hevron Geosciences Co. and accepted Technology, Ine., Arnold Air Force StaThe couple will live in Portland , a position a staff geophysicist-special tion, Tenn. Ore ., where Dr. Manelelblatt projects with Sohio Petroleum Co., San begins his re idency at the UniverFraneisco. Dave and Laurie E. Bennett Jimmie and Reta Eidson have moved to sit y of Oregon. Merl and Emil y were married on May 23, and reside at Route 3 Box 690, Joplin, MO 64801. live at 110 Cumberland View, Oak 35 I 5 Brunell Drive, Oakland, CA Jim is the data processing manager at Ridge, T N 37830. First State Bank of Joplin, Joplin, Mo. 94602." Robert J. Kadwell is now principal engineer--hydrogeologist --with Soil Testing Services of Minnesota Inc., 2405 Annapolis Lane, Minneapolis, MN 55441.

1980 Rollamo 20 / MSM Alurnnu s

Robert S. Smith sends the following note: "I've recentiy been promoted to project manager by Litwin Engineers. My first assignment is a 23,000 BPD Hydrocracker for Petrosur Ltd. of Sarnia, Ont. I'll be located in St. Catharines, Ont. for two years. The job is a joint venture involving Litwin's parent company, Dominion Bridge. We invite alumni to tour Niagra Falls with us." Bob's address is 178 Scott St., Suite No. 10, St. Catharines, Ont., L2N 645, Canada. Donald O. Thomas Jr. has been transferred from Oklahoma City back to California. He has been promoted to product ' manager of Row-Jet Pumps, with Kobe, Inc. He and Doris Mae live at 3413 Heather Road, Long Beach, CA 90808 .

1966 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators: Allen G. Behring 121 E. Witchwood Lane Lake Bluff, I L 60044 James E. Bertelsmeyer 3303 East 100th Place S. Tulsa, OK 74136 Vincent P. Crane 8140 Spur Court, NW Bremerton, W A 98310 Samuel A. Scheer 3528 Crest Drive Murrysville, PA 15668 Matteo A. Coco 7115 Alicton Ave. St. Louis, MO 63123

Jay S. Kallor has been promoted to manager-wage measurement-locomotive operations, General Electric Co. Jay and Diane are living at 516 Monaca Drive, Erie, PA 16505.

Leonard C. Kirberg 331 Carmel Woods Drh'e Ellisville, MO 63011

Allen C. Kempe, an advi ory systems engineer with Hurcana, Inc. is living at 204 Whipporwill Drive, Louisville, KY 40222 .

A note from his brother informs us of the death, in 1980, of Najdat I. AIFarisi, Baghdad, Iraq.

Alan D. Shaffer 4870 Kennewick Drive Florrissant, MO 63033


Alumn/Personals ______________~------------------~~------~--------~--1966 Continued



David A. Bachman has moved to 11124 Mara Lynn, Little Rock. AR 72211 . David has been promoted to power superintendent for Reynolds Metals Co., Bauxite, Ark .


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Richard A. Woodfield is corporate vice president of marketing at Yarway Corp., Blue Bell, Pa . Richard and Karen's new address is P.O. Box 154, , Holicong, PA 18928.

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1967 Frank M. Kieffer is · now exploration manager for Texas Oil & Gas Corp. He and Aurelia have moved to 6208 Sequoia, Midland, TX 79703. R. J. Kruep and his wife, Nancy, have moved to 11222 Robert Carter Road, Fairfax Station, V A 22039. He is manager of planning & projects for Mobil Oil Corp. Harold and Catherine Logsden report that they are living at 8933 Sante Fe Springs Road , Whittier, CA 90606. Harold is a senior civil engineer for the Los Angeles County Road Department. Dale D. Marriott has been promoted to assistant director-National Data Processing Center, Federal Land Bank, Omaha. He and Margaret live at 1306 Hickory Circle, Papillion, NE 68133. Ranney W. McDonough has moved to 5629 Schumacher, Houston, TX 77057. He is president of his own company, McDonough and Associates Inc., same address. Samuel Scheer has moved to 3528 Crest Drive, Murrysville, PA 15668. He is' program control manager fOT Westinghouse-Synthetic Fuels Division, Madison, Pa. Ronald and Carol Umphrey report: "The Umphreys have returned to Conoco's R&D headquarters at Ponca City after four years in the West Virginia mountains and coal fields_ Ron is now director of project development, Conoco Mining Research. The family now lives at 1100 E. Grand, Ponca City, OK 74601. Clinton and Lorna are finishing third and first grades, respectively." FrankHn B. W. Woodbury is staff engineer to director of mineral resources technology for the U.S. Burau of Mines in Washington, D.C. He reports: "Since October, 1980, I have been participating in the Department of the Interior's Executive and Managerial Development Program. It consists of rotational assignments with various federal agencies. Latest assignment has been in the executive office of the President, office of management and budget, division of intergovernmental affairs. Will move to staff assignment with senate committee in JUly." His home address is 2801 Park Center Drive, A-1603, Alexandria, VA 22303. .

James A. Allmon writes that he "recently joined Judson Steel Corp. as superintendent, steel production, with responsibility for the electric furnace melt shop and continuous billet casting (IJlL'l"<llio lh .

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fabricates steel reinforcing bars for the construction industry in northern California." He and Margaret live at 174 Midland Way, Danville, CA 94526. Al Barhorst has , been promoted to senior application consultant in engine marketing for Caterpillar Tractor Co. effective June I. He and Bettsey and family, Jeff, 10, and Jill, 8, will be living in Geneva, Switzerland. They may be reached at 4 Chemin de Vigneraie, 1246 Corsier, Geneva, Switzerland.

1980 Rollamo

Ron Ledbetter has been promoted to vice president--sa les, for Bodine Aluminum Inc., St. Louis. His address is 15842 Willow Point Court, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Norman and Mary Jane Ostermann report a new address-17998 E. Oxford Dr., Aurora, CO 80013. Norman is a project engineer for central engineering, Lowell and Elaine Frerking have moved . Consolidation Coal Co., Englewood, to W324S4020 Bartell Court, Colo. Waukesha, WI 53186. Lowell is a power . delivery system field engineer for RTE- Michael A. Perkins is an engineering ASEA Corp. specialist at Monsanto Research Corp., Miamisburg, Ohio. He and Margery Announcement of the death of John E. now live at 8459 Ora Lane, Mid-· Garrison on March 29, has been receiv- dletown, OH 45042. ed from his sister, Joyce M. Hinds, Route I, Springfield, IL 62707. John's John and Peggy Sue Riley are proud degree was in mechanical engineering. parents of their second child, Trent David, born June ·7. The family lives at Henry K. , Hachmuth is a licensing 1604 Wane Court: Ft. Wayne, IN specialist for Phillips Petroleum Co. He 46808. John is an engineer with Spearslives on RR 3, Box 350, Bartlesville, OK Dehner. 74003. John M. Sadowski is the project Stanley S. Hansen reports: "I received manager with Envirotech Coal Services, my Ph.D in astrophysics from the Beckley, W. Va. His address is P.O. Box University of Massachusetts in 1980. I 742 , Beckley, WV 25806. am continuing to work at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Billy G. Sakovich has been named unit Charlottesville, Va." Stan's address is chief, design engineering, for McDon1800 Jefferson Park, No. 912, Charlot- nell Douglas Corp. Billy and Linda have tesville, V A 22903. moved to 18 Rodelle Woods, St. Charles, MO 63301. Paul L. Inman's new address is 714 Huber St. , Festus, MO 63028. Paul is a Ralph and Gina Sullivan are now living process engineer with PPG Industries, at 910 W. Deerbrook Drive, Peoria, IL Crystal City, Mo. .61615. Ralph is a metallurgy & process quality division manager with CaterGene and Susan Kalhorn are living at pillar Tractor Co. 488 Runnymede Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 . He is the director of marketing & Arthur and Mary Verdi are living at sales manager for Watlow Electric 2710 Sleepy Hollow Dr. , Lafayette, IN Manufacturing Co. 47904. He is a supervising engineer at Caterpillar Tractor Co. Hemendra N. Kalia is currently a chief mining engineer with SCience Applica- Lawrence M. Young has been named tions Inc. Hemendra and his wife Asha division drilling engineer for Shell Oil are living at 10 10 Youngfield St. , Co. Lawrence and Lea are living at 3661 Golden, CO 80401. Rue Mignon, New Orleans, LA 70114.

SPECIAL REQUEST Ronald P. Martin, '73, who is with G ulf OiL is being transferred to Ph iladelphia, Pa ., sometime during the summer. He is interested in the possibility of working toward an MBA at Pennsy lvan ia's Wharton School of Finance, but has a number of Quest ions abo ut the program. Wi ll any alumnus familiar with the Wharton program please contact Ron at 5830 Candlestick Court. Toledo, Ohio, 4361 S? Your comments will be app reciated.

1968 Engene Aufdembrink is now a service ana lyst at Seizmograph Service Corp .. Tu lsa. Okla. He and Connie are living at 2625 W. Ft. Worth Place. Broken Arrow. OK 74012. James D. Blackwood's new address is 310 South Monroe, West Frankfort, IL 62896. James is an estimating engineer with the l11inois Department of Transportation.

Larry Brewer now resides at 806 E. Sunnybrook Drive, Edmond, OK 73034. Larry is a senior research engineer with Texas International Petroleum Corp., in Oklahoma City. Jack L. Chadwick is an engineering specialist with Vought Corp., Dallas, Texas. His address is P.O. Box 1796, Grand Prairie, TX 75051. MSM Alumnus121

AlumnIPer$onal$ ________----------------------------------------__________~ 1968 Continued

Roger H. Volk received his MBA on May 16, from St. Louis University. He graduated from UMR in 1968 with a BS Paul and Sue Dillon have moved to in electrical engineering. Roger lives at 5501 Fireleaf Drive, St. Louis, MO 4773 Oakbrier Drive. St. Louis. MO 63129. Paul is an engineer-estimator for 63128. Woermann Construction Co. Don Durand reports that he's working for McDonnell Aircraft Co., St. Louis as' 1969 a senior engineer. He and Pat are living at 2059 Parasol Drive, Chesterfield, MO Paul D. Clegg, product manager fqr Du63017 .. pont Co., has a change of address--1800 Dennis P. Hetzel is now working for Breen Lane; Wilmington, DE 19810. H.H. Robertson Co., St. Louis as a sales engineer. He and Martha Ann live at Charles W. Foster says he is "teaching 4105 Providence Drive, St. Charles, MO military science to over 500 freshmen (map reading, soils, & concrete)." His 63301. wife, Londa Kay, and their two Jim Keppel is vice president of Airdyne, daughters love the Rockies. Charles is Houston, Texas. He and Barbara live at an assistant professor of military science 260 Atlanta Park, Conroe, TX 77302 . at the Colorado School of Mines. He is a member of the U.S. Army Corps of Fred W. Kuchenig has recently been Engineers, Golden, Colo. They live at promoted to manager , electrical 13570 W. Dakota Place, Lakewood, CO engineering, Sohio Construction Co., 80228. San Francisco, Calif. Fred and Carole live at 1077 Jamaica St., Foster City, E.C. Gentzler, technical writer for CA 94404. Tacoma Boatbuilding Co., writes: "Love the Pacific Northwest--though it took a Larry Luebbert has been promoted to career change to get here! Just finished equipment development manager for writing an ' Equipment Removal Hallmark Cards Inc. He was formerly Manual' for a patrol chasing gunboat senior systems engineer in operations being built for the Saudi Arabian navy . ' analysis and eontrol. He and Barbara Quite a change from geology in Wyomare living at 6204 E. I 10th St., Kansas ing!" His address is 8301 Zircon Drive S.W., No.3 , Tacoma, WA 98498. City, MO 64134. Michael and Janice O'Malley have recently moved to 2613 Evergreen Drive, Burlington, IA 52601. Mik~ is now plant manager for Trane-Murray. "Joe and Joan Schardl, along with daughters Jody and Jennifer have just relocated to 15634 Thornbrook Drive, Houston, TX 77084. Joe has been promoted from his previous position with USS Chemical Division of U.S. Steel to manager-field technical services and R&D liaison with TEXIUSS Polyolefins Co. which is a 50/50 partnership of Texaco, Inc. and U.S. Steel Corp."

James and Jennifer Hardy'S new address is P.O. Box 22745, Knoxville, TN 37922. Jim is with TEC Corp. Donald L. Hornback is now a process engineer with Allied Corp. He and Lynda have moved to 823 Beaver Lake, Route I, Plattsmouth,NE 68048 . John W. Marsh has accepted a position as senior field engineer at Martin Marietta, Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. John and Crystal have moved to 1623 N. Dejoy Court. Santa Maria. CA 93454.

1980 RoUamo 22 / MSM Alumnus

James D. Payne sends us a note saying he has moved to 310 E. 3rd, Mt. Carmel, IL 62963. James is a consulting petroleum engineer working for himself. Gerald W. Rister is a project engineer with Dover Corp., Elevator Division, Memphis, Tenn. His and Pat's address is P.O. Box 431, Horn Lake, MS 38637. Douglas B. Rogers' new address is 348 A. Robalo, Ridgecrest, CA 93555. Doug is a physicist DP-2 at the U.S. Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, Calif.


John W. Corwine is now director, Twin Cities Research Center, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, Minn. John and Ann live at 1280 E. Balsam Trail, Eagan, MN 55123. Hugh A. Duguid has been promoted to full professor by the University of Kentucky's statewide community college system. He is ari instructor in physics and mathematics at the Hopkinsville Community College. Hugh is currently completing his second three-year term as chairman of the college's science and mathematics division and he has served as president of the Kentucky Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges. 1978-80. Hugh and Sandra Kay's address is Route 6, Hopkinsville, KY 42240.

Bruce W. Bauman, '70~ '72 is now assigned as deputy engineer for NATO'S Central Army Group il,l Heidelberg, Germany, serving on a multinational slliff. He can be reached at Central Army Group (NATO), Heidelberg, GE, Engr. Div. H.Q. Centag (NATO) 'APO New York, NY 09099.

Robert and Sherry Eoff have moved to 530 E. Marlin, McPherson, KS 67460. Robert is a senior process control engineer at Johns-Manville.

Robert and Shirley Bischoff have moved to 12773 OrJey Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Bob is head development engineer with Emerson Electric, St. Louis.

Michael A. Finkelstein has been newly appointed as mana'ger-engineering support at G.E., East Cleveland, Ohio. Michael and Joyce live at 4093 Ellison road . South Euclid. OH 44121.

J . Daryl Breeden tells us he is now plant engineer with Memorex Corp. He and Barri live at 225 Brailsford R.oad, Summerville, SC 29483. Linda and Mike Brady are the proud parents of a new son, Paul, born June 12. Linda is on leave of absence from the management services department of Karour\' Armstrong & Co .. and Mike is district gcologist with Rancher, Exploration Co. They reside at 3220 Heights Drive, Reno, NV 89503. Richard G. Chapman reports: "I receivoed an M.S. in civil enginnering from UMC in December, 1980." 'Richard is a project engineer, chemical systems, for Black & Veatch in Kansas City. He and Susa n live at 15785 Switzer, Stanley, KS 6622 1.

Michael W. ¡Ewing is now marketing manager with Harris Semiconductor. His address is P.O. Box 567, Palm Bay. FL 32905.

Robert A. Fletcher, 6 Bell Bluff Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20760, tells us he's working at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., as a physicist. Michael G. Glynn received his professional engineer certification from the state of Missouri, in February, 1979. He is a planning engineer with Wester Electric Co. Inc., Ballwin. Mike, Nancy, and their three children, Molly Anne, (born . Oct. 14, 1980), Patrick, 5, and Janet, 3, live at 637 Kirkshire, Kirkwood, MO 63122. Paul E. Haley, assistant brew master with Anheuser-Busch, Inc. , Newark, has moved--with Linda--to 44 Roxey Ave., Edison, NJ 088 20. Dennis F. Jaggi sends this news: " I have recently left myoid job at Gray Pipeline Engineering to accept the position of district engineer for Delhi Gas Pipeline Corp. (a subsidiary of Texas Oil and.Gas Corp.). I did not leave Dallas-- I love it ! So does Janet. " The Jaggis live at 1933 Glen Hill, Carrollton , TX 75007 .

G .D. "Jay" and Ell t' n Dt'g~'n tell u<,: "Oil Jan . 15. 1980. twill girl;, Iw hic h were unexpected) were born and doubled the Degen fa mily. Their names are Suzanne Marie and Elizabeth Anne. They weighed in at 4 Ibs.-8 oz. and 4 Ibs.-6 oz. They are both blond with blue eyes." Jay is a James and Patricia Johnson are now senior staff engineer with Placid Oil Co., li ving at 2417 Top Side Drive. Auhurn. Dallas. The family lives at 370 I Leather- CA 95603. Jim is a retired lieutenant top Drive, Plano, TX 75075 . colonel.


Alumni Per$onal$ ______________________________________________ lio of d ii,

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1970 Continued , David A. Lucio 'is now the international maintenance manager with UpJohn Co., Kalamazoo. He and his wife, Judy, live at 7774 Norcross, Kalamazoo, MI 49009. James B. McKelvey sends us a message saying, "I have recently joined Cabot Corp. in St touis as a project manager in· their central engineering division. My wife, Linda, and children Jeffrey, 7, and Leslie 3, are looking forward to the move this summer." They presently live at 2'409 Balmoral Court. Camarillo. CA 93010.

William H ..Bartley has been named program' manager at Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection ' & Insurance, ' -Hartford, Conn. Bill and Dorothy live at 72 Tremont, Newington, CT 06111.

Dennis P.·Shea has been promoted to an engineering specialist in energy and utili- . ty technology group for water treatment systems, with Monsanto Chocolate Bayou Plant, Alvin, Texas. Dennis and Susan live at 4422 Leowetti, Dickinson, TX 77559. Robert and Alice Smiths' new address is 3902 Rampart, Boise, ID 83704. He is now staff mechanical engineer with Morrison-Knudsen, Inc.

Gary L. Miller is vice president (steel erector) for Ozark Steel Erection Inc. He and Joyce live at' 1947 E. Woodland, Springfield, MO 65804.

Bradford M. Strauser's address is P.O. Box 202, Sullivan, MO .63080. He is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis.


Kenneth B. and Barbara L. Arnold had their first child, Scott Justin, on April 18. Ken is a program manager with System Planning Corp. in Rosslyn, Va. The family lives at 250 South Reynolds, No. 904, Alexandria, V A 22304.

Walter S. Schamer, with the Federal A viation Administration, "t~ansferred from airway facilities (civil engineering) to .aviation safety inspector with Flight Standards in Fairbanks, Alaska. Completed U.S. Air Force Artic Survival School at -45"F. All I could think about was palm t'rees 'and hot 'sand." Walter and Jackie can be reached at P.O. Box 61004, Fairbanks, AK 99706.

Kenneth L. Metz Jr., '70, '75, is a project metallurgical engineer with Dresser Industries, Security Engineering Division in Dallas. Kenneth is now living at 324 Woodbrook, DeSoto, TX 75115.


Henry E. Berek Jr·., field sales representative with Hewlett-Packard, Middleburg Heights, Ohio, is living with Bonnie at 21515 Raymond, Maple Heights, OH 44137 .


David W. Bondurant has joined the Honeywell Solid State Electronics Division, Plymouth, Minn., as a principal design engineer. He is responsible for development of bipolar VLSI circuits. Dave and Judy live at 9285 Garrison Way, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

Richard K. Williams has been promoted to food protein production manager for the A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co. He joined Staley in 1968 as a staff chemical engineer. Prior to his promotion he. was milling superintendent at the company's John D. Booth recently was featured Lafayette, Ind., corn refining plant. In speaker at a St. Louis section ASCE his new capacity, he will be located at meeting. He is responsible for managing the company's food protein manufactur- operations of Bi-State's resource recovery program, Parks, Airport, the ing complex at Decatur, III. Gateway Arch tram system: economic Jeffery L. Zelms has been appointed development projects and the Port of assistant division manager, lead mining Metropolitian St. Louis coordination acfor St. Joe Minerals Corp., Virburnum. tivities. John has been with Bi-State for His current address is 78 Hughes Ford five years, where he has also served as Road, Sullivan, MO 63080. director of engineering and facilities management. John's current address is 901 Woodway Circle, Fenton, MO 63026.

Tom Nebel completed his MBA in May. Byron H. Taylor is now superintendent, He hegan graduate studies at University producing maintenance offshore, with of Southern California and completed Arabian American Oil Co. He and _Kay them at Lindenwood College. He is may be reached clo Aramco, Box 1054, employed by Hewlett-Packard as a sales Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia. representative. Tom and Sue, with their three children, Matt, Livi, and Beth, live at 5 DuSable Court, St. Charles, MO Charles F. Umphenour and his wife 63301. Claudia are living at ·2726 Holiday Lane, St. Charles, MO 63301. Charles is Greg Praznik reports a new address-- now manager of customer service with Route II, Box 827, Lake Charles, LA A.C.F. Industries. 7060 I. He is a district manager for Schlumberger Well Service .. James E. Vincent is now a consultant engineer with Matrix Technical Service 1971 James W. Pretz has been named chief Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Jim and his wife, electrical engineer with Fosdick & Jacque, are living Of) Route I, Box Reunion At Homecoming Hilmer, Inc. James and his wife, Linda, 304B, East Haddam, CT 06423. Class Coordinators: are living at 3527 Forestoak Court, Cincinnati, OH 45208. Donald E. Frankforther 1374 Rolling Oaks East John Warner reports: "Served as lecDavid E. Ripley has recently been pro- turer for Curt Killinger's ('73) marriage. Memphis, TN 38117 moted to design engineer with Hallibur- Thirty alumni of Lambda Chi Alpha of ton in Duncan, Okla. He lives on Route UMR were at the wedding. All made Robert J. Campbell 2, Box 85 BI, Marlow, OK 73055. 2640 Bluff Ridge Drive the reception. Almost all made the post St. Louis, MO 63129 party." John is vice president of Ryder Scott Petroleum Engineers. He and Roger Clemons Guy M. Robinson has been appointed Mary live at 7707 Las Brisas, Houston, 1901 S. Compton ' manager, operations engineering, with TX 77083. St. Louis, MO 63104 natural gas products department, Conoco Inc., Houston, Texas. Guy and Martha are now living at 160 I 0 Algrave James O. Bondi Lane, Spring, TX 77373. . Eugene Wellinghoff has recently been 10231 Echo Ridge Court appointed national sales manager for Dallas, TX 75243 High Technology Wholesale Inc., Thomas E. Schmidt, Home Petroleum Florissant. Gene lives at 14 Gold Run Larry W. Berkbigler 853 Orion Way Corp., Ho~ston, Texas, was promoted Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376. Livermore, CA 94550 to manager, engineering and development in January. He is responsible for exploitation and development of com- Bruce and Patricia Winsor have moved pany oil and gas reserves. Tom and Bar- to 1545 Monaco ' Street Parkway, Randall L. Deaver bara live at 54 Vicksl;mrg Lane, Conroe, Denver, CO 80226. He is presently a 4848 Fairlawn Circle Boulder, CO 80301 TX 77302. senior engineer with Culp-Wesner-Culp.

Albert Charles just received his M.S. from Caltech and is continuing to work toward his PhD. He is presently with Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton. Al lives at 1195 E. Cordova, No.1, Pasadena, CA 91106.

Gordon L. Erickson (Capt.) "assumed command of combat support company 4-64 Armor Battalion at Aschaffenburg, West Germany on April 20. Gordon and Mary's address is esc, 4-64 Armor, APO, NY 09162.

Jeffrey J. Green is now president of Jeff Green, Inc., Westminster. He and Ann live at 27 Tidewater, Irvine, CA 92714. Thomas and Brenda Hayden have recently moved to 5121 Amesbury Drive, Davenport, IA 52804. He is the chief civil engineer with Shive-Hattery & Associates. Tom and Brenda are expecting their second child in August. MSM Alumnus123

AlumnIPer$onal$ ______________________________________________________ 1971 Contin ued

David N. Torgeson wishes to announce John and Charlotte George have moved his marriage to Linda, and a new ad- to 7214 S. Dennis Ave., Broken Arrow, William D. Higdon has been named dress-309 College St. , Apt. 3, Burl- OK 7401 2. He is a lead systems analyst senior physicist for Delco Electronics, ington, VT 0540 I. He is now the branch at Cotton Petroleum Corp., Tulsa. Kokomo, Ind . Bill and Annette are liv- manager-Burlington, for DuBois & ing at 7056 E. on County Road 50N , King, Inc. Michael E. Hamm reports that he and Suell yn are li ving at 715 S. Vine, Greentown, IN 46936. Da\'id F. Warner is now a technical O'Fallon, IL 62269. He is a civi l director at Atlantic Richfield Co., West engi neer, design, with the U.S. Army J ames A. Janssen is an environmenta l Chester, Pa. David and Billie live at 29 Corps of Engineers, St. Louis. protection engineer with the State of Il- Long Lane, Malvern, P A 19355 . linois Environmental Protection Agen-, Charles and Mary Marshall are now li v· cy in Springfield, III. He and Karen live Barry ('71) and Sue ('72) Winscher are ing at 6874 South Lewis Court , Lit at 216 S. Vallintina, Taylorville, IL pleased to announce the birth of their se- tleton. CO 80 127. He is a se nior staff 62568. cond son, Eric Francis, on April 9, 1980. engineer for Martin Ma rietta. Barry is a design development engineer James H. Jones is now chief, general in- for Ford Motor' Co. Their address is Michael A. North is a design engineer dustry section, engineering control 15078 Gage, Tay lor, MI 48180. with Brown & Root Inc. He and Jill live technology branch, with the Na tional at 2502 Westerland, PP 51 8, Houston, Institute for Occupational Safety and "AI and Jerry Wussler are delighted to TX 77063. Health, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He and announce the birth of their first child, Marilyn live at 3703 Franz Lane, Catherine Jeanette, on April 27. Father, Dale Marvin Pitt, '72, '75 , report s: " I mother and baby are all doing well. AI is received my doc tora te degree in Amelia, OH 45 102. currently employed as a senior process December, 1980. from Washi ngton Tom Kerschen (LTC) reports: "Left Hq engineer with EI Paso Natural Gas Co." University in mechanica l and aerospace TRADOC, Ft. Monroe, Va ., in August, The Wusslers live at 10913 Dave Marr enginee ring, while also work ing full ti me at the Army Av iation Research and 1980, to be the director of facilities Court, EI Paso, TX 799 35 . engineering at F itzsimons Army Developmen t Command in St. Louis." Da le li ves at II Montague Court. St. Medical Center, a 500-bed Army Louis. MO 63 123. regional hospital, in Aurora, Colo." Tom and Suzie's address is 1045 S. Ricky and Karen Rule have moved to Ouray St., Aurora, CO 80012. 1972 100 Susan Lane, Carterville, IL 62918. Ricky is a plant engineer with Koppers William C. Malone IV, 2485 Tahoe Circle, Winter Park, FL 32792 is an at- Austin and Terry Boyd's new address is Co. in Carbondale, Ill. torney with Dean, Ri ngers, Morgan & 470 1 Green Ri ver Court, Fort Worth, TX 761 03. Austin has been promoted to Lawton PA, Orlando, Fla. assistant vice president, petroleum Robert 1. Ray has been named power engineering at First of Fort Wort h. plant superintendent for Plains Electric Genera-ting and Transm ission. He and Anita have moved to 5612 Carruthers Carl and Dena Marie Campo have informed us that they live at 12929 Nor· N.E., Albuquerque, N.M. 87 111. thland Court, Rockton, IL 61072. Carl is production project manager at Beloit Frederick A. Seely is now manager, Corp., Beloit, Wis. materials, for Norand Corp. He and Judy have moved to 150 Meadowlark Lane N.W ., Cedar Rapids, IA 52405. Hugh E. Cole has been promoted to se nior engineer with Union Carbide Corp. , Linde Division, Springfi eld, N.J . Tak Ming Shen is a civ il engineer with Hugh and Li nda reside at I I I Sur rey Bechtel Power Corp. He and Tai-Ning La ne, Westfield, NJ 07090. are living at 358 N. Summit Ave., No. 202, G'aithersburg, MD 20760. Dwight 1. Deardeuff is now assistant chief resident at Allen Park V.A. David M. Simon is now project manager Hospital, Allen Park, Mich. Dwight and for Union Carbide, Home & Auto Divi- Linda live at 9792 Kat herine, Taylor, GARY W. VA NDIVER sion, Southampton, Pa. He and Jo-Dine M148180. are living at 228 Farleigh Court, Stephen Allen Doerr, received his Doc- Gary W. Vandiver has been promoted Langhorne, PA 18047. tor of Education degree from St. Louis to plant night superintendent for MonUniversity in May. Steve graduated santo in Pensacola, Fla. The faci lity is Daniel B. Smith has moved to 500 West Midd le Field, No. 177, Mt. View, CA fro m UMR in 1972 wi th a BS in tlte largest wholly unified ny lon plant in Physics. He lives at 406 10th St., Box the world, and employs 5,000., Gary 94043. joined Monsanto in 1974 in St. Louis, 752, Edgemont, SD 57735 . and transferred to Pensacola in 1978 . Charles H. Tayloe is a structura l review engineer fo r St. Louis County Depart- Robert and Jane Finley's new add ress is He has held positions there in project men t of Highways & Traffic, Clayton, Route I, Box 358, Lamar, MO 64759. engineering and manufac turing. His adMo. He lives at 1622 Barkwood Dri ve, He is an engineer with Finley Engineer- dress is 3052 Andover Road, Pensacola, FL 32504. ing Co. Florissant, MO 63031 . 24 / MSM A lumnu s



. Jeffrey L. Susanj has recen tl y been promoted to senior engineer with McDonnell Aircraft Co., St. Louis. He and Con nie ('75) , have added a little girl , Theresa Elaine, to their fa mily , born Jan. I I. Th ey live at 5 Fremont Court. Flor is· sant o MO 6303 3. Philip G. visor fo r and lives Flahders,

Taylor is now a group superParke-Davis, Morris Plains, with Lorena at 27 Main St., NJ 07836.

Roger K. Taylor is now a facility engineer for ARCO Oil & Gas Co., Anchorage, Alaska. He may be reached at P.O. Box 31166, Aurora, CO 8004 1. .J ohn Tenfelder, li ving at 11 642 Vikin g Ave .. Northridge , CA 9 1326. tells us he is a drillin g super int endent wi th Southern Ca J-iforn ia Gas Co.. Los . Angeles. Robert and Lois Volkmar have moved to 6608 Los Altos Drive, EI Paso, TX 799 12. He is a contractor logistics support manager for the Boeing Co. Frederick W. Wiese J r. is now a process engineer with Texas Instruments. He and Miriam have moved to 6 102 Nashville, Lubbock, TX 794 13. David and Sand~' Wooslc.\' are proud to announce the birt h of Amanda Jo on April 12. David is a city traffic engineer for the City of Davenport. They are living at 1229 West 57th St., Davenport, IA 52806. CONGRATULATIONS! Robe rt T. Berry has been nailled Missour i Young Engineer of the Yea r by the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers. Bob is with Armco-Burns & McDon nell in Ka nsas Cit y. His add ress is 8205 Ha rris St. . Ray tow n. 'MO 64 138 . He is the son of Jerry Berry, '49, Rolla.

1973 Michael and Diane Anderson "would like to announce the birth of our first child, Benjamin Michael Anderson, on Feb. 20." Mike is a rate engineer with Wisconsin Power and Light Co. The family lives at 271 9 King James Wa) Madison, WI 5371 9. Angelo and ~usan Uellassai are' now living at 117 W. Rochester Road, Ottumwa, IA 5250 I. He is an electrical control engineer for Black & Veatch Consult ing Engineers, Kansas City, Mo. Harold Black has reported tha t he is now project engineer with Ok lahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma City , Ok la. He lives at 1902-0 Fillmore, Norman, OK 73069.

A'umnIPersona's _________________________________________________________ 1973 Continued Robert and Linda Buechel now live at 2965 Annunciation, St. Louis, MO 63125. He is a . project engineer with Ralston Purina Co. Robert W. Cope's new address is 672 Whispering Oaks Place, Nashville, TN 37211. He is a programmer analyst working with National Life Insurance Co. Frank C. Degel is now a technical supervisor for Hughes Aircraft Co., Canoga Park, Calif. He and Linda live at 2649 Daunet Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93065.


Craig and Kathleen Fadem's new address is 15 Glyntree Garth, Reisterstown, MD 21136. Craig is general manager of Chem-Clear, Inc., Baltimore. Daniel G. Ganey's address is Route I, Box 90, G-2, Conifer, CO 80433. He is a mining engineer for Mobil Oil Corp., Denver. Mario H. Gibson is a station manager for Schlumberger Surenco, a South American subsidiary of Schlumberger Ltd. He says, "Since graduation, I have been working for Schlumberger in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and now Brazil again. My wife, Dora, is Brazilian and my son was born in Ecuador. There's nothing like being paid to see the world. P.S. we work in 75 countries." Mario's address is Caixa Postal 628, Belem, Para-Brazil 66000.

Ronald E. Hall is manager, business systems, for Brown & Root, Inc. Ron and Darlene live at 5402 Poinciana, Houston, TX 77092.

Gregory J. Heseman annou·nces his appointment as mold engineering manager at Bakan Plastics, Lee's Summit, Mo. He and Linda live at 1204 S. 19th St., Blue Springs, MO 64015.

Ronald Charles Huster received a master's degree in engineering administration from · Bradley University in May. His address is 107 Country Club Drive, Pekin, IL 61554. John Curtis (Curt) Killinger reports: "Curt was married May 23 to Mary ElizabethPayin who is employed by Goldking Production Co. Curt was promoted in March to the position of operations research analyst IV with Getty Oil Co.'s Southern E & P Division." Curt and Marybeth live at 8222 Kingsbrook, No. 507, Houston, TX 77024.

Richard D. Kuntz announces his marriage, on May 23, to Pauline F. Robinson. Richard is an environmental engineer, and Pauline is an executive I, with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Larry L. Scott, '73, served as best man at the wedding. The couple lives at 2410 Alison Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65\O\. Pamela C. LaFoone has been named a programmer analyst II, for Southwest Bankshares Inc. She has moved to 9303 Woodfair, Apt. 208, Houston, TX 77036. J. Martin has accepted the position of district engineer for MAPCO Production Co. He and his wife, Joyce, live at 9041 E. 67th St., Tulsa, OK 74133. J. Gary and Sophia McAlpin's new address is 5 Runnymede Road, Griffin, GA 30223. He is a resident engineer for Procter & Gamble Co., Barnesville, Ga. Dennis C. Pease is a graduate teaching assistant in the physics department at the University of Texas in Austin. His address is 3108 Glenview, Austin , TX 78703. Terrel F. Potts and his wife Becky have moved to 327 Cardinal Creek, Duncanville, TX 75137. Terrell is purchasing manager for Frito-Lay in Dallas.

1980 Rollarno

Ken Thompson is now unit directorreservoir engineer group, ARCO Oil and Gas Co., Dallas. Ken and Jennifer live on Route 7, Box 226, McKinney, TX 75069. John Warner, '70 reports: "Served as lecturer for Curt Killinger's marriage. Thirty ·alumni of Lambda Chi Alpha of UMR were at the wedding. All made the reception. Almost all made the post party."

James D, Scheller, '73. '74. has been ap· 1974 pointed manager, computer aided design drafting, for Foster Wheeler Energy Corp. He and Nadine live at 9702 Spr- John E. Adams reports: "I have accepted a position as assistant professor ingmont, Houston, TX 77080. of chemistry at the University of Max and Lee EIIen Siders have moved Missouri-Columbia, beginning in the (0 67 1 Carolyn Lane. Ga llatin, TN fall, 1981, semester." John's new address 37066. Max is now programming super- is \021 Ashland Gravel Road, Apt. 30 I, visor with Genesco in Nashville. The Columbia, MO 6520 I. Siders are parents of a new son, Roy Robert D. Adkins has been named corMaxwell, born Sept. 7, 1980. porate planning engineer at Kansas City Stephen and Pennie Simmons have Power & Light. He and Carolyn, '74. moved to 10800 Fondren, No. 1603, live at 624 E. 74th SI.. Kansas Cit y. MO Houston, TX 77096. He is now an 64131. engineer at Fluor Engineering & Construction. John and Sharon Campbell are now livMark X. Stratman has been named ing at 1841 Bushnell, South Pasadena, manager-management advisory services CA 9\030. He is a design engineer for for Price Waterhouse & Co., St. Louis. Conoco, Ponca City, Okla. He lives at 2025 Southridge Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65\01. John W. Critchfield has been promoted Fred Thies sends this note: "Presently to senior engineer at Haley & Aldrich, resideing in Marshall, Mo., with wife Inc. John and Janet live at 32 CedarSusan and daughters Sara and Naomi. wood Road, Rochester, N.Y. 14617. Employed in the newly formed local land surveying and engineering firm of Robinson & Thies Inc., and am serving Robert Alving Engberg, '74 (M.S.M.E.) as vice president within the and '80 (M.S.C.E.) is a senior engineer, corporation." The company address is test labs, with McDonnell Douglas P.O. Box 759, 368 W. Arrow, Marshall, Corp. St. Louis. He and Edna have movMO 65340. The family lives at 530 E. ed to 5339 Independence Road, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Gordon, Marshall, MO 65340.

The following is a message from James Matthew Entwistle: "Repa triation has been smooth. Survived the shocks of increased prices. Imported a Norwegian jewel named Siv Brit Saetre and married her Feb. 27. Future plans and possibilities appear dynamic, pleasant, and rewarding. Come see us at 2545 NW 26th, Oklahoma City, OK 73107." He is an assoicate reservoir engineer with Phillips Petroleum Co. George M. Hale is a senior en~~n~i' l~':+h p ~u. . .... ·~· nlll

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lives at 6731 E. I I 9th, No. 149, Grandview, MO 64030. Norman A. Harris Jr., a senior manufacturing engineer with Bastian Bros. , Rochester, N .Y. , reports his new address is 1349 Ayrault Road, No. 30, Fairport, NY 14450. David C. Harsell is now production superintendent for An-Son Corp. He and Cathy Gayle have moved to 7425 NW 105th, Oklahoma City, OK 73132.

Larry and Marian Hoetlinger send us a note announcing the birth of their daughter, Andrea Marie in April. Larry is now a plant engineer with McDonnell Douglas, St. Louis. They now live at 24 Taylor Woods Dr., Kirkwood, MO 63122. Michael D. Hurst is now project manager with TGK McCarthy, Phoenix, Ariz. Mike and Barbara live at 6411 E. Camino Santo, Scottsdale, AZ 85254. "Alan S. Kornacki has been awarded a travel grant by the meteoritical society to present a paper at the society's 44th annual meeting in Bern, Switzerland in August. Alan is a graduate student in the department of geological sciences, Harvard University." He lives at 24 Oxford St., Cambridge, MA 02138. MSM Alumnus125


Alumn;Personals_·____________~------------------------------------------~ 1974 Continued "Jerry and Vicky Maurseth joyfully.announce the birth of their fourth daughter, Andrina Patrice. She arrived on April 5, at II :59 p.m., weighing 7 Ibs. 7 oz: All are well and enjoying the new baby. 'Children are 'a .gift from the . Lord!' (Psalms 127:3)" Jerry is a structural engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland. The family lives at 13080 SW . Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 97005. Jonathan T. Motherwell and his wife, Catherine (Hall) have a new address--12800 Briar Forest, No. 176, Houston, TX 77077. Jonathan is senior project engineer with D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers. Randolph Natali has been named process engineer, PWB engineering, Texas DANIEL A. SANDHAUS Instruments-Austin, AUstin, Texas .and lives with Patricia at 2303 Orleans lliive, Cedar Park, TX 78613. Daniel A. Sandhaus is one of 36 inRolland Ponzer is now the engineered dividuals-out of a total sales force of product sales manager with Mark Con- 700-to be honored by membership in trols Corp., Long Beach, Calif. Rolland the United States Gypsum Company's and his wife, Sandra, live at 1719 AN. President's Club. Dan is a sales represenWillow Woods Drive, Anaheim, CA tative in the Central Construction Pro92807. He reports: "Have ch,anged ducts Division and has been with the employers. Will remain in southern company for two years. His address is California working with Orange.County 5812 S.73rd E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145. Accounts.' Kevin Purdy is now manager tech. serv. William and Rosemary Quinn are now li\jIlg_at 725 Peachtree, Collinsville, IL t~~~ill.iDg_ che _with.~ Americ;a - CYANAMID Co. He lives at 8731 Sad- 62234. He is a project engineer with Shell Oil Co., Wood River, Ill. dleback Drive Tucson, AZ 85715.


1981 •IS


9 • 10 Don't Miss It! David A. Rice reports: "I have accepted the position of manager of engineering and production for Sunrise Exploration Inc., of Tulsa, Okla. Sunrise is an independent oil and gas producer that operates wells in western Oklahoma. At the same time, Lynn, '74, Andrea, 4, Nathan, I, and I moved to our new home at 8019 S. Joplin, Tulsa, OK 74136." 26/ MSM Alumnus

Stan and Cheryl Sorrells "have recently moved to a new home. Stan has worked for Amoco Oil for seven years and was promoted to superintendent of crude and vapor recovery operations at their Whiting, Indiana refinery." The Sorrels' new address is 2500 Capri, Schererville, IN 46375 .

Steve W. Souders writes: "The recent promotion to engineering manager for the Denver Region of Amoco Production Co. is providing a full spectrum of professional challenges, plus an opportunity to work in a growing and dynamic city. A good bachelor's life!" Steve's address is 8352 E. Phillips Place, Englewood, CO 80112.

Randall Staponski, '74, '81 , and his wife, Denise IBeckemeyerl. ha ve bought a house at 3003 S. Joplin Place, Tulsa, OK 74114. Randy is a system analyst with the Public Service Co. of Oklahoma. He reports: "In the season opener on May 23 , I ran the Pierce City, Mo. mini marathon (3 miles) at 6:53/mi. pace followed by a 7:37/mile pace in the 5 mile Tulsa River Run. The winning time in both events was about 5 minutes/mile. "

David J. Sheahen is now a senior engineer with C-E Crest. His address ' is 13119 Lima, Houston, TX 77099. James and Patricia Van Hoaten are expecting their first child in August. James is a civil Q.c. engineer with Dravo Utility Constructors Inc., Waterflow, N.M. He is now working on a coal-fired generating plant. They live at 2217 E. 18th St., Farmington, NM 8740 I.

Richard W. Erder,405 Lexington Lane, Richardson, TX 75080, tetls us he is now a product engineer-magnetic bubble memory, with Texas InStruments, Dallas.

John R. Weese is now project engineer for Smally Wellford & Nalven, Inc., and living with his wife, Judy, at 4322 Pine Meadow Lane, Sarasota, FL 33583 ,

Richard W. Graumann reports: "Extended my assignment as resident engineer with U.S. Army Engineer Division Europe, until summer, 1982. Constructing two new storage depots in northern Germany." Richard and Linde can be reached by writing Moenchengladbach Project Office, APO, NY 09103.


Charles A. Hillhouse is a research chemical engineer for Tennessee Eastman Co. Charles and Jane are living at 249 Delee Drive, Kingsport, TN 37663.

William E. Acree Jr., '75, '77, '81, has moved to Naismith Hall; 1800 Naismith Dr., Lawrence, KS 66044, He is an instructor at the University of Kansas, department of chemistry.

David Blauvelt is living on Route I. Box 92. Harwood . MO 64750. and working for (rane-Plumbing Division. Nevada. Mo.

Jerome C. Brendel has been promoted to the position of senior engineer with PRC Consoer Townsend, Inc. He and JoAnn live at 2992 Keokuk, St. Louis, MO 63118.

Vincent J. Kunderman has joined Booker Associates Inc., engineers, architects and nlanners. SI. Louis. He was formerly an engineer with Union Electric. Vincent lives at 1040 A. Art Hill Place, St. Louis, MO 63139.

Edward J. Lohman is now a methods engineer with Fruin-Colnon Contracting Co., St. Louis, He and Linda have moved to 1433 Bradington, Fenton, MO 63026. Hubert R. Maddox, senior construction inspector with the Missouri State Highway Department, is living at 22 Elm St., Bowling Green, MO 63334.

Ha Duong Cu has been named assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va. He and Ha Larry and Linda Madill have moved to Thi Nhan have moved to 1503-D 5320 Midway Drive N.W. , Cedar Autumn Honey Court, Richmond, V A Rapids, IA 62405. Larry is senior design engineer with Harnischfeger in Cedar 23229. Rapids. David E. Cobb is now project engineer for Associated Electric Cooperative. He John J. Marting has "a new job" as lives at 1438 S. Gelven, Springfield, MO petroleum engineering consultant with Lee Keeling & Assoicates, ,Tulsa. He 65804. lives at 5209 S, Vandalia, No. 5-H, Dale R. DeClue has informed us of his Tulsa, OK 74135. new job at Barttelbort Rhytasec and Assoc. , Freeburg, III. He and Linda are Brian Millburn writes: "Served five living at 405 Taylor Ave., Crystal City, years at Whiteman AFB, Mo., as a missle launch officer, then flight comMO 62019. mander, then plans and intelligence instructor. I picked up a wife, two stepAI G. Dimakis is now a structural. daughters and a son along the way. I engineer with Badger America. He has also was awarded an MBA degree moved to 4216 S. Manhattan, Apt. 206, through UMC in December, 1979. I am Tampa, FL 33611 , now attending the Air Force's Institute of Technology as a student in the initial class of the graduate nrogram in snace Carol A. (Russell) Eighmey has been operations. After 18 months I will pick promoted to section chief, solid waste, at 'up an M.S. degree and begin working in the Missol.)ri Department of Natural the new space operations field." Brian Resources, Jefferson City, Mo. She and and Judy live with their family at 426 Rex live on Route. 3, Box 445-A, Holts Weitzel Way, Wright-Patterson AFB, Summitt, MO 65043. OH 45433.



Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________



1975 Continued

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Ronald R. Potts has moved to 2810 Wayne Drive, Apt. 16., Lake City, FL 32055: Robert N. Smith has been transferred from Florida to Motorola in Fort Worth as an electrical engineer. He and Carolvn havc movcd to .N37 Spoon· wood ' Lane, Ft. Worth, IX 76137 .

Mark S. Dolecki 2300 Country Place Circle Cantonment, FL 32533 Lindsay E. Lomax 783 San Antonio Drive, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30306

John R. Lees Jr. reports: "I have formed a partnership named L-Four Cybernetics, along the lines of an elecPaul II. I.l'all'r tronic cottage industry to do systems 1.t6411 1.1I!'1 Padn'!'I Cuurt ( hl",tl'rlil'ld. MO 6.'0 J7 consulting and custom programming." Address of the company is P.O. Box Jamshid and Firouzeh Amidi have mov-. 7343, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. John and ed to Darrous, Ehteshamieh I, No. 4, Anita (Fallis) live at 1505 E. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Tehran, Iran. Jamshid is an engineer.

Dale L. and Lucille M. Walling send a note that they are expecting their first child in October. Dale is a control engineer for Comanche Peak Nuclear Stephen E. Bell has earned his Ph.D. in Plant. Glenrose, Texas. Their address is economics from the University of 1805 Prince Dri ve. Bcnhrook. TX Arkansas at Fayetteville. Steve is an assistant professor of economics in the 761 ~O . Breech School of Business at Drury ColSam and Patricia Wehn live at 628 lege in Springfield. He and Debbie live Brentwood Drive, Vineland, NJ 08360. at 918 S, Paula, Springfield, MO 65804. Sam is a senior construction engineer with Bechtel Power Corp., Hancock's Earl '76, '78, and Judy Boesl live at 1316 N. Choctaw, Dewey, Ok 74029. Bridge, N.J. Earl is a systems analyst at Phillips Paul L. Wells tells us he is now city Petroleum, Bartlesville, Okla. engineer for the City of Whitefish. He and Carolyn live at 1255 Lion Moun- Lana Bray and Virgil Scott were married June 5, 1981. They reside at 509 N. tain Drive, Whitefish, MT 59937. Jefferson, Mexico, MO 65765. The new Dan Kenneth Wenk graduated from St. Mrs. Scott is a senior process control Louis University, May 16, with his supervisor with Kaiser. MBA. Dan received his BS in mechanical engineering from UMR in John and Sherry Duggan have moved 1975. 'He presently lives at 1763 to 7700 S. Garland St., Littleton, CO Hawkins Road, Fenton, MO 63026. 80123. John is now a senior engineer with Martin Marietta Corp., Denver. Gerry Wessel is a civil engineer with Kroger Stores, SI. Louis. Gerry and Jeff T. Fenton "finished his graduate Lisbeth live at 2335 Stoney End, Florri- work and has now received his Ph.D. in sant, MO 63029. chemistry in December. He is currently working as a research chemist in the exJohn C. Westermayer is a turbine ploratory research section of Conoco, maintenance engineer with Union Elec- Inc." Jeffs address is 301 W. Hartford, tric Co. and has recently passed the Apt. 712, Ponca City, OK 74601. Missouri P.E. examination. John and ' Jill live at 2322 Pierwood, SI. Louis, Barry G. Garvin is now senior staff MO 63129. engineer with Continental Pipeline Co. Barry and Gail live at 10418 Autumn Thomas and Gale Zgraggen have mov- Harvest Drive, Houston, TX 77064. ed to 2345 Derhake Road, Florissant, MO 63033. Tom is a chief structural Akira Ito and his wife, Linda Jean, are engineer at Hydro-Air Engineer, Inc. , li vin!! at 781 Brow Court. Palm Bay . FL S1. Louis. 32905. He is a lead engineer for Harris Semiconductor.

1976 Reunion At Homecoming Class Coordinators:

Leroy and Donna Larson announce the promotion of Leroy as manager of Hardee's in Wichita. They live at 2307 N. Bluff, Wichita, KS 67220.

Michael L. Jerome has been named area engineer for Fru in-Colnon Corp. , St. Louis. Michael and his wife, Dianne, are living at 329 Palermo, Ballwin, MO 630 II.

William ' K. Miehe P.O. Box 2596 Rohins AFB, GA 31098

Richard H. Johnson is now a process metallurgist with Freeport Gold Co. Richard ans his wife, Karen, have moved to 162 Barite, Elko, NV 8980 I.

( 'harles L Deloach l!j In N.r. 28th Sf. No.2 l.ighthouse Point, FL 33064

Patrick T. Karney is plant superintendent for Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District. He and Mary live at 55 Queens Drive, Route 2, Florissant, MO 63034.

Patrick A. Maddox is now a member of the tech staff at GT.E.-Automatic Electric, Phoenix, Ariz. He and Barbara are living at 1018 W. Gravers Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85023. 1980 RoUamo Clifford A. Mahin, '76, '77 has a new addrcss .. 9207 Big Be nd Bl vd.. Webster Groves, MO 63119--and is presently Kenneth L. Woods has been certified as working as an environmental engineer a registered professional engineer with with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Crane and Fleming firm in Han. nibal, MO. Kenneth and his wife Donna St. Louis. reside at 1706 Georgia ' St., Louisiana, William and Deborah Meister live at 34 MO 63353 with their two daughters, Longview, RR 7, Springfield, IL 62707. Laoura and Heather. Bill is a geological engineer for Turris Coal Co., Elkart, III.

David A. Noelken is regional manager for Caterpillar Far East Ltd. He writes: "Assumed regional manager' position June I. Covering truck, material handling and petroleum engine OEM accounts in Far East region. Our son, Michael, is now 14 months old." David and Marie's address is 37C Beverly Mai Tomlinson Road, Singapore 1024. Timothy M. Sadler is now a project mining engineer for American Mine Services. Tim lives at 4705 Paris St., Denver, CO 80239.

1977 Alan Benson is now a geological engineer for Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. He lives at 2211 E. 66 Place, No. 811, Tulsa, OK 74136. Phillip and Eva Boegner are living at 3709 Hirondelle, Florissant, MO 63034. Phillip is now an economics engineer with Amoco Chemical Co., Wood River, III. Timothy G. Brickner has moved to 11226 Ensbrook, Houston, TX 77099. He. is a senior geophysicist for Gulf Oil Corp. in Houston.

Mark W. Schmale is now plant engineer for Union Carbide-Linde Division. He and Julia have moved to 2685 Laredo Road, Brownsville, TX 78520. Richard and Diane BUfr announce their first child, Jennifer Lynn, born March Marvin and Chris Shimp ha ve moved to II , weighing in at 6 Ibs. , 12 oz. Richard 8604 Wilshire, Amarillo, TX 79110. He is an engineer with Public Service Inis a project engineer with Colorado In- diana, Plainfield, and lives at 8627 terstate Gas Co. Stonewall Dr., Indianapolis, IN. 46231 .

Paul and Janel Telthorst have a new Jeffrey Claus has joined Dravo Utility daughter, Angela Marie, born May 5. Constructors, Inc., New York, as a test They live at 4740 Birdsong Lang, No. engineer. He is currently working at the 102, Virginia Beach, VA 23455. Paul is Ghazlan Power Plant in Saudi Arabia. a lieutenant in the Navy, stationed on Jeffs home address is 7803 Southview the USS Hammerhead out of Norfolk, . Drive, Grandview, MO 64030. He Va. previously worked for the Illinois Power Michael N. Watkins reports that he's .Co., Wood River Station. back working for Corn husker Council , Boy Scouts of America, Lincoln, Neb. , Aaron L. Cook has been named as a district executive. He and Tonya management science analyst for li ve at 717 N. 2nd, Seward, NE 68434. Champlin Petroleum Co. He and BrenHe says, "Very nice in Nebraska but da have moved to 4024 Carolyn, Fort Worth, TX 76109. wind never seems to stop blowing." MSM Alumnus 127

AlumnIPersonals_·__________________________________________________________ Louis G. Loos II is working with the Department of Natural Resources and says, "If you're in Jeff City, stop by the house for a drink at 1708 South West Blvd .. Jefferson Cit\'. MO 1i 5 1() I ." Roy' J. Mattes J r. is now a process engineer at the e. W. Nofsinger Co., Kansas City. His new address is 1300 Candletree Drive, Apt. 537, Blue Springs, MO 64015. Glenn R. Miller li ve, at 1907 Hcrrin!!ton Dri ve . Casper. W Y 8260 I. He is the engineer·in·charge with Birdwell Division of SSe.

1980 Rollamo

Randall L. Monrr '77. '81 . is a sales/marketing engineer with Chas. S. Lewis & Co., Crestwood, and lives with Patty Lynn ' at 1530 Southlin, Kirkwood, MO 63122.

1977 Continued

Randy L. Mosby reports that he is a Keith 'and Cherie Cowan's address is structural engineer with Sverdrup & . 3627 White Bark, Mehlville, MO Parcel and Assoc., Vero Beach, Fla. 63129. Keith is an inspection/main- Randy and Debbie's address is P.O. Box tainance engineer at Amoco Oil Co., 998, Walusso, FL 32970. Wood River, III.

Bruce L. Edwards Jr. is now assistant Robert Naeger is now senior plant professor of 'English at Bowling Green engineer for Amoco Production Co., State University. He and Joan Christine Chicago. He and Melanie live at 934 (Lungstnim) have moved to 1710 College, Matteson, IL 60443. Clough St., No. 118, Bowling Green, OH 43402. . John M. Naes is now a senior engineer with Monsanto in St. Louis. He lives at Michael J. Filla, '77, '81, has a new 2130 Windswept Estate Drive, Imperial, wife, Laurie Jean. The couple lives at MO 63052. 1448 Dover Road, Apt. A, Carriage House, Spartanburg, S.C. Mike is a pro- Arnold Scott Newby has been promoted ject engineer with McBro Planning & to plant engineer for Tamko Asph!jlt Development, St. Louis. Products, Inc. Scott plans to be married Mary E. Foehse informs us that she is working as a facilities engineer with Emerson Electric,St. Louis, and lives at 6659 Blossom Wood Drive. Florissant. MO 63033.

on Aug. I to Amy Joyce. He lives at 4133 Abercorn Road, Knoxville, TN 37921.

William V. Orr III, a mine engineer for Maglobar Minerals Division of Dresser Kenneth M. Gianino and JoAnn M. Ind .. Inc.. has a new address .. clo Pesich, 1980, were married on June 29. Maglobar Minerals, Box 375, Battle The couple is living at 2802 Windford Mountain, NV 89820. Drive, Mehlville, MO 63129. Kenneth is network services supervisor for Stephen H. Partney reports: "Hired May, 1981, by U.S. Steel Agri-chemicals Southwestern Bell Telephone Co, as chief engineer-mine projects, Would ' Edmun'd 'Kobylinski "was recently pro- like to hear from classmates." Steve and moted to the rank of captain in the U.S. Bernice live at 459 Beech Ave., Army. He also became the father of a Lakeland, FL 3380 I. son, Kevin Conrad, in May." Ed is a sanitary engineer at Fort Detrick, Md. Gary A. Ruhling is now a highway He and Rae Ann live at 1830 B King designer for the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, Kirkwood, Place, Frederick, MD 21701. Mo, He and Judy live at 6309 Juniata, John and Sue Ladag~, Jr. want to an- St. Louis, MO 63139. nounce the birth of their first child, Jennlfer ' Sue, on May 10 (Mother's Day). George J. Schubert is now in customer She weighed 7 Ibs. 3 oz., and was 21 Vz" services, staff supervision, with long, John is a group leader for Car- Southwestern Bell Telephoneboline Co., St. Louis, and the family Residence TCI ARSD, in St. Louis. His lives at 8521 Eulalie, Brentwood, MO address is 544 Cherry, Sullivan, MO 63080. 63144, 28 / MSM Alumnus

Anil K. Singh has been promoted to CAl) de,i~ncr.llllelllher of tech-staff). at Rockwell International Corp. Anil and Ranjana live at 1730 North Temple S( Apt. 208, Anaheim , CA 92806.

Carey Bottom has been promoted to sCientist with the Drackett Company in Cincinnati. Ohio. He he!!an work with this company in 1978. His first task was to develop data haridling techniques for en / ~- fl1e aSS;IV'. He ha, ,ince developed John V. Stutsman tells us that he was new methodology in the analysis of recently appointed to ECAR's (East _ ethoxylated aneonic surfactants and has Central Area Coordination Agreement) suggested and implemented novel Generation Reserve Panel (GRP) to reagents to be used in routint;: deterrepresent his employer, Northern In- minations. Carey now resides at 4803 diana Public Service Co. He arid his -. Williamsburg Rd., NW, Cincinnati: OH wife, Kathy, have moved to ·8713 45215. Monroe Ave., Munster, IN 46321. Elaine Christian is a voltmeter service Nichole ' L. M. Talbot, an associate engineer with Newlett Packard. She is en!!ineer with IBM. has fl10ved to 1)70 presently living at 221 W. 57th St., No. B Dix ,Drive, Lexington, KY 40502, A-62, Loveland, CO 80537. Elaine says that she will be getting married to Bob Stanley Walker has moved to 12834 A Balliew this September. Bob is also an Town & Four Drive, Creve Cbeur, MO electrical engineer and works as a design 63141, Stanley is a health physics tech I engineer at N.P. at Washington University Medical Mike Coldiron "is now working for School, St. Louis. Schlumberger Well Services as a field Donald J. Weidinger is a project engineer, and living at 511 N. Dudney, manager for McBro Planning & Magnolia, AR 71753." Development, St. Louis, and iives at 1569 Char Court, Naperville, IL 60565. A. David Crowley is presently a project electrical engineer with Control Data Daryl and Barbara Weinkein have mov- Corp., Roseville, Minn. He reports: "I ed to 1306 Kingston Drive, Blue Spr- am returning to the scholastic life this ings, MO 64015. Daryl is a maintenance fall for'graduate study at the University superintendent trainee with the Of Minnesota." He lives at 1149 Palace, Missouri Highway & Transportation St. Paul, MN 55105. DelJartment, Kansas City, Mo. Thomas R. Gredel, '78, '80, and Carla have moved to 1320 Grandview Drive; Jefferson City, MO 65101. Tom is an environmental engineer for the Missouri 1978 Department of Natural Resources and Ronald E. Baker "announces his Carla is working at St. Mary's Health engagement to Monica Maze of Utica, Center. Mich. They are to be married on Nov. 14 in Warren, Mich. Ron is presently a Michael and Jill Heitzman live at 843 logistics support analyst engineer I for Reavis Barracks Road, Lemay, MO Chrysler DefenseInc" which has recent- 63125. Mike is a highway engineer for ly moved its operations from Centerline the Federal Highway Administration. to Warren. He presently handles the logistics engineering support for the M I David C. Hitchcock has moved to 2315 Tank MOD programs at APG, Fort Dwight Way, Room 315, Berkeley, CA Hood and Fort Knox." Ron's address is 94704. He is a graduate research assis1045 E. Woodward Heights, Apt. 202, tant in the department of material science at the University of CaliforniaHazel Park, MI 48030. ... • ,J Berkeley. . . James E. Beseda is now a project engineer at Reynolds Manufacturing. James and his wife, Patricia, are livin-g at Charles and Patricia Holcomb- have 1400 N. 16th St., Apt. 206, McAllen, moved to 2882 Foxwood, Maryland Hts., MO 63043. Charles is .a facility TX 78501. engineer for Kroger Co., Bridgeton, Mo. Alfredo Bonillo III is now- work con· tract manager for Mercury Engineering-NASA. He and Doris live at 1500 Sparkman Drive, 42B, Huntsville, AL 35805.

James M. Ivy II's new address is 1312 Monterey, Hermosa Beach, CA 90234. He is a liaison engineer for Brown & Root, Inc., Houston, Texas.

Paul F. Braddock is now a sales application enginer with Furnas Electric, Batavia, III. Paul and Doris now live at 62 Roosevelt St., St. Charles, IL 60174.

Bruce A. Kincy is an electrical engineer for ADR-Ultrasound, Tempe, Ariz. He has moved to 4033 E. Yawepe St., Phoenix, AZ 85044.


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AlumnIPersonals __________________ 1978 Continued


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Abraham Nativ is a product engineer with National Industries for the Blind, Bloomfield, N.J. He is now living at 82 Watchung Ave., Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043. Joe Neyer, 5182 Goethe, St. Louis, MO 63109, has completed his masters in enginering management and will be working in the SPEDO section of the corporate engineering department at Monsanto. James and Alaina Niemeyer proudly announce the birth_of their daughter, Sandra Alaina, on Feb. 3, 1980. The family's address is 1545 Winnetka, Decatur, IL 62526. Jim is a results engineer on the technical staff of I1Iinois Power Co.



O. Smith was married to William and Susan (Rice) Dale, '79, '80, Nancy J. Small, May 2. Chris received have moved to 1553 Tryon Drive, St. ~~~~~ii ~. Lacy has moved to 714 N W his BS in physics from NMSU and his Louis, MO 63141. Bill is a production Brentwood, Bartlesville. OK 74003. He BS from UMR in electrical engineering. supervisor for Procter & Gamble is a process engineer with Phillips He is presently with General Telephone Manufacturing Co. and Electronics. The couple lives at Petroleum Co_ 12228 Spencer, Apt. 2 South, Alsip. IL Stephen M. Diebold, '79, '81, is an assisHarry T. Laswell II reports to the alum- 60658. Chris is the son of B. R. Smith, tant engineer for Burns & McDonnell. He lives at 8110 E. 80th, Apt. 5, Kansas ni office that he is major account '60, Kirksville. MO 64138. City, manager for Intel Corp .• Chandler, Ariz. Harry has moved to 1636 West Pampa. John Nicholas Stolwyk was married to Susan Lynn Steck June 13, in St. Mar- Ed (Wm.) and Donna Englehart "are the Mesa. AZ 85202. tins, Mo. John is a mining engineer with proud parents of Katheryn Jean, born Alan G. Lord, an engineer with Union Morrison-Knudsen Co. and Susan, a May 7. Ed has been promoted to Flcctric -Callawav Plant : ,end, hi, and graduate of St. Louis University , is a hydraulic engineer with the St. Louis Neena's new address-Route I, Box nurse. The couple lives at 4803 District-Corps of Engineers." The family lives at 4407 Delor, St. Louis, MO 188F, Fulton, MO 65251. Kootenai, No. 48 , Boise, ID 83706. 63116. Mike and Karen ('79) Ludwig "have Ernest and Rosella (Toni) Ward Jr. are returned to St. Louis after an eight· living at 1420 Mautenne, Manchester, Michael B. Faust writes: "Working with month assignment at Edwards AFB, MO 630 II . Ernest is a network services high temperature recuperators for waste Calif. Mike has since been promoted to supervisor for Southwestern Bell. heat recovery, and the beach is great!" senior flight test engineer and Karen to Mike is a development engineer with engineer-advanced design. Both work James H. Wills Jr. is now terminal AiResearch Manufacturing Co., Torfor McDonnell Douglas on the F ·15. supervisor for Phillips Pipe Line, Barger, rance, Calif. and he lives at 628 · S. Their new address is 32 Heather Valley Texas. His address is Box 2087, Fritch, Catalina, No. 14, Redondo Beach, CA Circle. St. Peters, MO 63376." 90277. TX 79036. Patrick M. McCole is now living at 16641 Tunstall, Apt. 4, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. He is a project engineer with John Carollo Engineers, Fountain Valley.

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Mark ~oenfeldt reports: "I have recently bought a house in the city of Denver. My new address is 1428 South Washington St., Denver, CO 80210." David and Linda Ruprecht live at 2705 LaSierra Drive, ST. Charles, MO 6330 I. Dave is a research engineer II with Monsanto-Eleclronics Division. Kenneth J. and Diana S. St. Onge pro· udly announce the birth of a new son, on Oct. 13, 1980, which was happily welcomed by his sister, Sherry. Ken is now an engineer with Halliburton Services·E.R.D. They live at 1508 Overland Dr., Apt. D·3, Duncan, OK 73533.


1979 Brian J. Beyer lives at 8412 Rockspring Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123, and is a construction supertendent for Ralph Korte Construction of Missouri, St. Charles, Mo.

Stephen P. Ford has recently finished a large water supply project for Broken Arrow, Okla, and will soon begin work in Eureka Springs, Ark. , for Carney Companies, Inc., Kansas City. Steve is engaged to Vicki E. Bradham, '81, (chemical engineering). He lives at 15400 E. 33rd St., Independence, MO 64055.

Louis M. Greer has moved to 3040 Summerset Way, Boise, ID 83709. He is David K. Bruce has moved to 9631 mining engineer for MorrisonVincennes, Apt. 5, St. Louis, MO Knudsen Co. 63136. He is a structural designer with Jack D. Gillum & Associates. John E. Hummel is now a field engineer for Oklahoma Natural Gas. He and CinJoseph A. Buehler has joined Booker da now live at 705 N.W. 48th, Associates Inc. , St. Louis, as a design Oklahoma City, OK 73118. engineer in the mechanicaUelectrical engineering department. His address is James M. Jensen has recently been 4132 Walsh St., St. Louis, MO 63116. named assistant professor/Zoo Animal Medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee. Fred L. Bueler Jr. is now first vice presi- James and Cynthia live at 1444 Buxton dent with Rose, Bueler & Berghger, Drive, Knoxville, TN 39722. Cabinets & Accessories, Inc., St. Louis. He and Ann live at 1144 Missouri Ave., Kirkwood, MO 63122.



Robert and Joyce Johns have moved to Route 2, Box 309 K, Salem, MO 65560. Robert is a laborer· mill, mine/mill division, AMAX Led Co., Boss, Mo. Richard A. Koch is now the project engineer for McCarthy Bros. Construction Co., St. Louis. He and his wife, Margaret (Gohn), '80, live at 2720 Sherwood Drive, Florissant, MO 63031. Steve L. Lidisky has moved to 2929 Hayes Road, No. 150 I, Houston, TX 77082. He is a petroleum engineer for Amoco Production.

Max L. Mattione is now an instrument engineer with the A.E. Staley Co. His address is 2495 Wakefield Drive, Apt. 2, Decatur, IL 62521. Sharon K. McGuire is an engineer II in the technology department, Monsanto CO.-Electronics Division. Her new add~ is 16F San Miguel, St. Charles, MO 63301. Kathleen Miles announces her marriage to Jerry Daniel (UMSL, 77, BS Math) in June, 1980. They have moved to 6101 N. Jefferson, Apt. 6, Kansas City, MO 64118. Kathleen is a systems analyst, software development with TWA. Susan Potthast sends us a note with her new address-8336 Vasel Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123. She is presently a project engineer with Ralston Purina. Mark R. Rudy is an associate engineer with ACF-Amcar Division. Mark and Molly live at No.8 Fordyce Manor, St. Charles, MO 63301. Harry John Sauer III and his wife, Sara E. (Dewell), have moved to 5365 J. Knollwood Parkway Court , Hazelwood, MO 63042. John is a margin account bookkeeper with Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Clayton, Mo.

Ralph A. Butler is now a systems engineer for Union Electric's Callaway Plant near Fulton. He and Charlotte have moved to Route 2, Box 315A, 'Holts Summit, MO 65043. Rodrigo S. Chamorro sends his new address--Casilla 1392 Endesa, Santiago, Chile,--where he lives with his wife, Maria Ines. He is employed with Jefe Seccion Sistemas Electricos .at Eiupresa Nacional de Electricidad, S.A.

1980 RoUamo MSM Alumnu s129


Personals __________________________~------------------------------------------------

1979 Continued

Joseph A. Crider ha s a new add ress--1450 W. Sixth St., West Plains, John I. Schroeder report s: "A ftcr "ix MO 65775 . years of dating, I finally married Marlene Doering on our anniversary , Kristy K. Daily has recently moved to July 4. We will remain at our current 903 Li nwood, No. 408, Victoria, TX Kirkwood location till interest rates 7790 I. She i an opera tion engineer drop." John is a re earch engineer with with Mobil Producing-Texas & New Western Litho Plate & Supply in St. Mexico, Vanderbilt, Texas. Louis. The couple's addre s is 605 McKinley, Kirkwood , MO 63 122. Thomas A. Dittmaier's new add res is 17005 Hart Ave. , Ifjdependence, MO William J. and Catherine Y. Stein have 64055 . He is "working as a project moved to 521 A ' Beluga Ave., Ft. engineer with Burns & McDonnell in Richardson, AK 99505 . William is a the env ironmentaUcivil division. Just First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army , 23 rd finished moving into a new house in InEngr. CBT HVY, Ft. Richardson, dependence .., Ala ka. James and Donna Doctorman have W. Stephen Todd has been promoted to moved to 12399 Spanish Trac.e Drive, project engineer with PGA Engineers, Maryland Heights. MO 63043. James is a St. Louis. He and Sheri (Thomas), '80 loss prevention engineer for Factory live at 4836 Turley Mill Road , Apt. 6, Mutual. Mehlville, MO 63129. William F. Frank reports that he is Ronald J. Trickey is an engineer with presently a drilling representative at Boeing o. He live at I J 57 S. Webb Chev ron USA, Inc. , Denver. He lives at Road , No. 908, Wichita, KS 67207. 2754 S. Kenton Court, Aurora , CO 80014. Stanley L. Wadsworth is a 2nd LUPlatoon Commander- Rifle Platoon, with David L. Haake has a new addre s--P.O. the U.S. Marine orp ., "C" Company , Box 3237, Steamboat Springs. CO amp Pendleton, Ca lif. 80477. David is sa les engineer at Ingersoll-Rand 0. , Denver, Colo. Rurton K. Walker III wa recently married to Janice M. Zenge, a 1979 Paul and Linda Heilman have moved to graduate of ulver-Stock ton ollege, 19 12 Waverly , Duncan, OK 73533. anton , Mo. Burton i a proces Paul i' a mechanica l engineer with <.:ngi llcer for llell kcl Corp. The couplc h il~ Halliburton Services Inc. moved to 27 15 Plank Road, Keokuk , Daniel D. Heimsoth ha moved to 190 I IA 52632. E. Anderson , Apt. 208 , Austin , TX Jeffrey R. Walker and 'his wife, Ann , 7875 2. have moved to 405 atalina, Frontenac, KS 66762. He is a mining engineer with Sandra M. Hoelscher ha moved to P & M oal Mining Co., Asbury , Mo. 1364 Kin Jsford Drive. Florissa nt. MO . 63031 . She is a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Lou is.


Cat herine M. Hornsey, 118 5 E. Jamun-' da Walk, St. Louis, MO 63 129. is a re ea rch & lIarlan Ashton is now an engineer-- c he mi t -e nz yme technology for McDonnell Douglas developmen t--for Sigma hemica l 0., Corp. 11<.: lives at 1024 1 Richview St. Louis. Drive.-Sl. Louis, MO 63 127 . Ken Ilosp has been promoted to proDaniel Ciardllllo has been promoted to duct ion team manager with Proctor & associate engineer with McDonnell Gamble Paper Prod uct . He lives at 6 11 Douglas. St. Louis. He and Teresa arc Pearl l.. Apt. 3. Ca pe Girardea u. MO living on Route 2. Box 182, Vil la Ridge, 6370 I. MO 63089. tcvcn F. K:llie ha ' been named a Christopher C. Cook is a petroleum sy ¡tem engineer for G rumman engineer for Phillip' Petroleum Co., Aerospace Corp .• Bethpage. N.Y. Steve Norway . His add re s i' P.O. Box 220, and Barbara have moved to 139 S. Penataquit Ave., Bay Shore, NY 11706. 4056 Tananger, Norwa y. William L. Coppoc is now living at 50 13 Bob Key is now a petroleum engineer S. 94th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74145 with with Amoco Production o. He and his wife, Beth. He is an engineer with Susan live at 907 E. Story, No. 229, Brownfield, TX 79316. Areo Oil & Gas Co. 30/ MSM Alumnus

Paul W. Kramer is a i;;:~~ate student at UMR . He lives at 506 Main St., ~C~~~, MO 65401 . Sultan Mahmood is now a principal engineer with Sperry Flight Systems. He and Tahera live at 360 I W. Beverly Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85023 . Robert and Jodi McCarthy have recently moved to 109 Pennsylvania Ave., Apt. 8, Rockford , IL 61111 . Robert is a mechanical engineer for Woodward Governor Co., Loves Park, 111. Wayne L. Moss and his wife Debra (Diedrich) reside at 1925 U.S. 98 S, No. 101 , Lakeland, FL 38801. Wayne is now a district representative with Nalco Chemical Co. 1980 RoUamo

William H. Murray is a diagnostic engineer for Honeywell Large Information Systems. Bill is living at 12443 North 28th Drive. Apt. 6-24. Phoeni x. AZ 85029.

Cheryl M. Seeger, 121 l'odds Road, No. 135, Lexington, KY 40509, is .now a geologist with Phillips' Petroleum Co.

Patricia A. (Klllg) Sh('l,ts i ~ now a project David J. Naeger has been named a pro- .engineer for Bechtel, Inc. Pat and her ject engineer at McBro. He and his wife, husband, Jeffrey, live at 9900 RichTeena. li ve at 3 17 Beaco n Crest I.alll.:. mond Ave., Apt. 519, Houston , TX ApI. No. I, Brimingham , AL 35209. 77042. John and Marianne Nichols have moved to 706 W. Brown, Apt. A, Tempe. Ronald L. Smith is now a production AZ 85281 . John is presently a product engineer for Gulf Oil Exploration and engineer with Motorola, Phoenix, Ariz. Production, Oklahoma City. He has moved to 800 N. Nelson. Apt. 81 2B, Pampa. TX 79065 . Jo Ann M. Pesich and Kenneth M. Gianino, 1977. were married Oil Junc Bren.t G. Sparks and his wife, Loi Ann 29. The couple is living at 2802 Wind- (Cotton), '80, are now living at 140 I ford Drive, Mehlville, MO 93129. Ken- Clarke Ponca City, OK 74601. He is a neth is network services supervisor for process engineer and she is a cost engineer with Conoco, Inc. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Janet M. Rimmey has moved to 5305-B Forest Creek, Hazelwood, MO 63042. She i a Cad/Cam assoc. applications programmer for McDonnell Douglas Automation, St. Louis.

Gerald Tarr is now a metallurgist with Armco Inc., in Butler, Pa., according to a report from his father, Clarence Tarr Jr., 'SO. Gerald's address i 602 Belmont Roael. Butler, PA 1600 I.

Bl','('rly G. ROllchl'lto i, 11 0W a produ ct chemist with E. I. DuPont de. Nemour in Roche ter, N.Y. Her new addre is 286 Colebrook Drive, Rochester. NY 14617.

Fredric W. Volker, 3 Wheaton Center, Apt. 2 10, Wheaton. IL 60 187, is now a tructural de ign engineer with Sargent and Lundy Engineer. Chicago, III.

James L. Wessel, 220 E. 16th. Horton. Joseph D. Rouse has moved to 236 1 KS 66439, i working for the Kansas Beckwith St. Honolulu , HI 968 22. He i Department of Tran PQrtation a a civil . a graduate student in civil engineering. engineer I. Mark S. Schencwerk ha moved to 7 II Tim Williams i now a project engineer W. Elm. Urbana , IL 6 1801. He is a for Mc art hy Brother Construction teaching a si tant at the University of II- Co .. and lives at 8324 Acorn. St. Louis. MO 63 123. linoi , "ASTR". Stephen J. Schubert is now an electrical control engineer for Alvey Inc., St. Louis. He lives at 3427 Sabourin Drive, Apt. S, St. Ann, MO 63074.

Jimmy L. Wilson is now a mine engineer with P & M Coal Co., Asbury, Mo. He and Deanna may be reached at P.O. Box 5348, Franklin, KS 66735 .

.:f I'

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MSM·UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171: (314) 341-4172 OFFICERS President ..... _. . ... ... Robert D. Bay. '49 .. .. . . . . Lawrence A. Spar]ier. '50.

President Elect. . . Vice President .

. . Frank C. Appleya rd. '37.

Vice President .

. . Arthur G. Baebler, '55 .

. 5 Pettit Dri ve .. . .... .. ........... .. .... . Di x Hills, NY 11746 .. 808 Solar . . Glenv'iew, IL 60025 ....... 20 Fox Meadows . Sunset Hills, MO 63127

... Alfred J. Buescher, '64 ...... . . . . ..... . 624 Golfview Dr. . . . .. .. ....... . .. . Ballwin, MO 630 II

Vice President.

. . . . . James B. McGrath, '49.

Vice President. Secretary.

Term Expi res ... Black & Veatch; 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway. . 1982 Kansas City. MO 64 11 4

.. ....... Robert V. Wolf. '5 1 .

Treasurer .

.. . 12425 Balwyck Lane . St. Louis, MO 63 131

1982 1982 1982 1982 1982

........ .. . .... Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclea r Engr .. .. .. .. . . 1982 UMR, Rolla, MO 6540 1

... Vernon T. Loesing '42 ... .. . ..... .. ... Dept. of Civil Engr. ...... , ... . . .. . . . UMR, Rolla, M065401


DIRECTORS AT LA R'G E ferm Expires James D. Goslin, '44 .... . .. . ....... : I·RO Mf.. OllNe Drive, Bradbury, eA' 9101'0 .. . .... .. '. ....... .. .... ... '. . . 1987 . Belding·ft. Mc(:urc!y, '38 . . . . ... 7390 Sun Islan~ Dr., South> Suite 711, South Pasadena, FL 33707 . 198 1 . Walter C, Mulyca. '/!i5. ..' .. Rt. I. No. 16 Southfield Lane, Ma[shall, TX 75670. . . . . . . . . . . 1981 R obed P . Schafe r, '52 ..... ........ 4426 MillCreek Road , Dallas, TX 75234 .. :'.. . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 1983 <John B. Toomey, '49. . 7412 Admiral Dr., Alexandria, V A 22307 ........... . _..... . . . . . , . . . . .. 1983 Armin J. Tucker. '40. . . .... 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria. V A 22312 . ... .... , . ...... . . . ... . .. .. ' 1982





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Area Zip Te rm Ex pires Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS 1983 00· 14 Raymond T. Ruenheck. '50 .. . ... 7 Montev iew. Chelmsfo rd. MA 0 1824 . .. .. . ... . .. 1983 . ....... 1216 Minnesota Ave .. Natrona , Hts.. PA 15065 .. 15·2 1 Robert C. Perry , '49. 1982 22·33 Gerald L. Stevenson. '59. . .. 511 N. Main St.. Chagrin Fa lls. OH 44022 ....... . . . 1983 35-45 William D. Busch. '42 . . . . . 2000 I Idlewood Trail. Cleve land. OH 44136 . . . ........... .. . 46·59 George Baumgart ner. '56. . . . . 2 120 Syracllse. Dea rborn, M I 481'27 . . .. . . .. . . . . ... .... .. .. . ... . . 198 1 60·6 1 Allen G. Behring. '66. . 121 E. Witchwood Lane. Lake Bluff. IL 60044 . 1982 1981 62·62 Ernst Weinel, '44 ... ... . . ... .. . . 1502 West 50. O·Fallon. IL 62629. 63·65 Matteo A. Coco. '66. . . ... 7 11 5 Aliceton Ave .. St. Louis. MO 63 123 198 1 1983 63·65 Harold R. Crane, '53. . . . .. . 480 Country Club Drive, Hannibal, MO 63401. 63-65 Martha Gerig. '69 . .80 I Fai rground Road. Rolla. MO 6540 I . 198 1 63·65 Ha rold A. Krueger. '42. . Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branch, Sweetwater, MO 63680. . . . ............ . 1982 6.3-65 PaulK Munger. '58 ..... . . ...... Direc tor. Institute of River Studies. UM R. Rolla. MO 6540 I . 1981 . 2 123 Sunset Dri ve. Poplar Bluff. MO 6390 I . 63·65 J. L. "Jack" Painter. '50. 1982 198 1 63·65 J. Robert Patterson. '5 4 .......... Show-Me Inc.. P.O. Box 573. Sikes ton , MO 63367 . 63·65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64 .. .. ....... 2 Vienne Court , Lake St. Louis. MO 63367 ...... .. . . . . . 1983 63-65 Robert E. Vansant . '5 1. . .435 E. 55 Street. Kansas Cit y, MO 641 10 .. '. .. . . . . . . .. . . 1983 63·65 C.M. Wattenbarger, '41 . . . ... 205 W. First St. Terrace, Lamar. MO 64759 .. . . .. . ... ... . 1981 66·74 Dav id D. Kick, '57 .............. 4915 S. Lakewood Dr. , Tulsa. OK 74135 . . ......... .. ..... .. . 1982 75· 79 Rex Alford. '40. . 5743 Jason, Houston . TX 77096. 1982 80·89 & 96·99 Victor J. Hoffmann . '60 ... 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr., S.E. Kent . WA 98031 . 1983 90·95 Robe rt L. Ra y. :47 . . ... ......... 604 5 Estates Drive. Oakland, CA 94611 . . ..... ................... . 1982 COM MITT EE CHAIRM EN DIRECTORS Robert W. Klorer. '44 .......... . ...... 7500 Natural Bridge Road. St. Lou is. MO 63123 Joe l F. Loveridge. '39 . . .. ...... . ...... 739 Cou ntr y Manor Lane. Creve Coeur. MO 63 141 EXECUTIVE COMM ITT EE Mi ssour i Elect rochem. Inc.. 10958 Lin·Valle Dr. . St. Louis. MO 63 123 Robert M. Brackbi ll. '42 . ... . ... . .. . . .. Texas Pacifi c Oi l Co .. 800 Glen Lakes Tower. 101 . . . . ... . . . 9400 N. Ce ntral Expressway. Dallas TX 7523 1 ... 7383 Westmoreland, University City, Mo. 63130 .... . . ..... ... . . . Joseph W. Mooney , '39. Richard H. Bauer. '52.

Term Expires 1984 1982 1986

EX·OFF ICIO DIR ECTORS . .. 10144 Winding Ridge Rd.. St. LOllis. MO 63124 Paul T. Dow ling, '40. R. O. Kasten. '43 . . . 90 1 Wes t 11 4th Terrace. Ka nsas Cit y. M064 11 4 . .. ... . .. . .. 9954 Holl iston Court. St. Louis. MO 63 124 Peter F. Mattei. '37 . James J. Mu rphy. '35 . . ... .... . .. . . Murph y Company. 1340 North Price Rd .. St. Louis. MO 63 132 Melvin E. Nicke l. '38 . . . . .......... . . . 1060 I South Hamilton Ave .. Chicago. IL 6064 3 . . .. . . One Briar Oak. St. Louis. MO 63132 F. C. Schneeberge r. '25. James W. Stephens. '47 . ... .. . . . . . . ... Missouri Publ ic Serv ice Co.. 10700 I;:. Highway 50 Kansas Ci ty. MO 64138 STAFF ' . . . ....... Executive Vice·Presider\! . MSM·UMR Alumni Assoc iation and Director. Office of Alumn i/Development. Universit y of Misso uri·Rolla Barbara Petrovic . ... Staff Assistant . MSM ·UMR Alumni Associa tion an d Senior Secretary. Alumni/Development, University of Missouri·Rolla Kris Rhinehart .... . .. . . . .. . . .. . Records Coordinator. MSM·UMR Alumni Association & Computer Terminal Operator. AlumniJDevelopment, University of Missoun·Rolla Sally White . . . ........ . . Editor. MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UMR Alumni Association, Harris Hall. UMR . Rolla. MO 65401

. Frank H. Mackaman .


Alumnus/ 31


9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. LUNC H 2:30 p.m.-3 :30 p.m. 5: 30 p.m.-8 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. DINNER 9 p.rn.-l a.m. BREAKFAST 8 a.m .-Noon 11 :30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m . 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

9 p.m.


FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 9 Registration in Miner Lounge University Center-East Board of Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East On your own "The Deans Discuss" (Pane\) Miles Audito rium, Mechanical Engineering Silver & Gold Cocktail Party, St. Pat's Ch urch Recreation Hall Registration resumes at St. Pat's Church Recreation Hall M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field On your own* Student's Homecoming Dance, Centennial Hall


On your own Registration resumes in Miner Lounge, University Center-East Fieldhouse Feed for all alumni and friends, featuring reserve seating for the reunion classes, Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose Building. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN Kicko ff-Min ers vs. Warrensburg Mu les Miner Lounge open for pre-banquet festivities Alumni Awards Banquet, University Centennial Hall Annual Meeting, MSM -UMR Alumni Association

*Check at registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes Coordination of alumni activities will be handled at the registr. ation desk MSM-UMR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

2nd Class Postag e Paid at Rolla , Mo. 65401

Univer sity of Missou ri-Roll a Rolla, Missou ri 65401

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