Missouri S&T Magazine, October 1981

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University of Missouri-Rolla

October, 1981


MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (3 14) 341-4 171; (3 14) 341-4172

President .

Alumnus MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri

Volume 55 Number 5 October 1981

Preside nt Eleci .

OFFICERS Term Expires . .. .. .. . ... ..... Btac k & Veatch; 1500 Meadow Lake Parkwa y. 1982 Kansas City, M064114

· Lawrence A. Spanier. 'SO .

. ..... 5 Pettit Drive . . ............ .

Vice President .

· Frank C. AppJeya rd. '37 .

... P.O. Box 199t Tubac, AZ 85640


Vice Preside nt.

· Arthu r G. Baeb ler, '55 .

... 20 Fox Meadows. Sunset HiUs, MO 63127


Vice President.

. Alfred J. Buescher, '64 .

V icc Presiden t .

· James B. McGrath, '49 .

.... .. ..... 624 Golfview Dr .. Ballwin, MO 630 II

Robert V. Wolf. '5 1.

Secretary .

. . . . . . . Vernon T. Locsi ng '42.

James D. GOS lin. '44 .

Beldi ng H. McCu rdy. '38 . Walte r C. Mul yca. '65. Rober! P . Scharer, '52. John B. Toomey. '49 . Armin J. Tucker. '40 .


Dept. of Metal lu rgical & Nuclear Engr UM R. Rolla. M0 6540 1


...... Dept. of Civil Engr. . UMR. Rolla. MO 6540 1

DIR ECTO RS AT LARGE · I RO Mt. Olive Dri ve, Bradb ur y, CA 9 10 IO. . 7300 Sun Island Dr., South, Suite 711 , South Pasadena, FL 33707 . ... Rt. I. No. 16 Southrield Lane. Marshall. TX 75670 . . 44 26 Mill Creek Road. Dal las, TX 75234 . .... 74 12 Admiral Dr .. Alexa ndria, VA 22307 . · . 6464 Overlook Dri ve. Alexandria. VA 223 12 .

MSMALUMNUS (USPS·323·500) Issued bi.monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Unil'ersity of Missouri· Rolla. Entered as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

AREA DIR ECTORS 00· 14 Raymond T. Ru enheck, 'SO . . 7 Monte view. Chelmsford . MA 0 t824 . .... 12 16 Minn eso ta Ave., Natrona. HIS.. PA 1506 5. 15·21 Robert C. Pcrry. '49. 22-33 Gerald L. Steve nson. '59 . · . 5 11 N. Main SI.. Chagrin Falls. OH 44022 . 35-45 William D. Busch, '42 . .... 20001 Idlewood Trail. Cleveland, OH 44136 . 46·59 George Baumgartner. '56 . . . . 2120 Syracuse. Dearborn. M I 48127 .. 60·6 1 Allen G. Beh ring, '66 . . .. 121 E. Witchwood Lane, Lake Blurf. IL 60044 . 62·62 Ernst Weinel. '44 . . .......... 1502 West 50. O'Fal lon. IL 62629 . 63-65 Matteo A. Coco. '66 . ..... 7115 AlicelOn Ave .. SI. Louis. MO 63 123 . 63-65 Harold R. Crane, '53. . .... 480 Countr y Cl ub Drive, Han nibal, MO 6340t .. 63·65 Martha Gerig. '69 . . ......... 80 I Fairgrou nd Road. Rol la, MO 6540 I . 63-65 Harold A. Krueger. '42 . . .. Ozark Lead Co .. Rural Branc h, Sweetwater, MO 63680 . 63 ·65 Paul R. Mun ger. '58 . . ... DirectOr. Institute of Ri ver Studies. UM R, Rolla, MO 65401 , 63-65 J. l. "Ja ck" Pai nt er. '50 . . . 2123 Sunset Drivc, Poplar Bl urf. M0 63901 . 63·65 J. Robe rt Patterson. '54 . . .Show·Me Inc" P.O. Box 573. Sikeston, MO 63367 . 63·65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64. . .. 2 Vien ne Cou rt , Lakc SI. Louis. MO 63367 .. 63-65 Robert E. Vansant. '51 . 435 E. 55 Street. Kan sas Ci ty, MO 64 1tO . 63 ·65 C. M. Wattcnbarger. '41 ... 205 W. First SI. Terrace. Lamar. MO 64759. 66-74 David D. Kick. '57 . . .. 4915 S. Lakewood Dr., Tulsa. OK 74t35 . 75-79 Rex Alrord, '40 . . .... 5743 Jason. Houston. TX 77096 . 80·89 & 96·99 Vic tor J. Horrman n. '60 ... 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr .. S.E. Kent. WA 98031 . 90-95 Robe rt l. Ray. '47 . . . 6045 Estates Dri ve, Oak land. CA 94611 . Rubert W . Kl orer, '44 Jocl F. Loveridge, '39

Robert M. Brackbil l. '42. Joseph W. Mooney, '39 . Paul T. Dow ling. '40 . R O. Ka ste n. '43 . Pet er F. Mallci. '37 . Jam cs J. Murph y. '35 .. Mel vin E. Nickel. '3 F. C. Schneebcrger. '25. Jamc<.; W . Stephens, '47 .

.......... Missouri Electrochclll. Inc.. 109 58 Lin·Va lle Dr ..

SI. Louis. MO 63123 · Texas Paciric Oil Co .. 800 Glen Lakes Tower. 101 . 9400 N. Central Expresswa y, Da llas TX 75231 ..... 7383 Westmoretand, University Cit y, Mo. 63130 ........ , _.,. EX ·OFF ICIO DIR ECTORS · 10144 Winding Ridge Rd.. SI. Louis. MO 63124 . 90 I West tl4th Terrace. Kansas City. MO 64 114 .9954 Holliston Co urt . St. Louis. MO 63124 Murph y Company, 1340 North Price Rd .. SI. Louis. MO 63132 1060 I South Hamil ton Avc .. Chi cago, IL 60643 · . One Briar Oak. St. Louis. MO 63132 Misso uri Public Scrvice Co .. 10700 E. Highway 50 Kansas City, M064 138 STAF F

Frank H . Mackaman Barbara PetrovIc _ Sa ll y Whll c


Term Expires

1982 1981 1981 1983 1983 1982 Term Expires

1983 1983 198 2 1983 198 1 1982 1981 t981 1983 198 1 1982 1981 1982 198 1 1983 .... 1983 1981 1982 1982 1983 1982

COMM ITTEE CHAIR MEN DIRECTO RS · . 7500 Na tural Bridge Road, SI. Louis. MO 63123 , 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur. MO 6314 1 EXECUT tVE COMM ITTEE

Ri chard H. Baucr, '52 .


t2425 Balwyck Lane . St. Louis, MO 63t3 1

Area Zip Code Numbers

Rose Emhoff, senior in electrica l enginee rin g from Au rora, cha ts with Jim Irwin, se nior in mechanical engineerin g from Lawson, one of the ot her 6,903 students on ca mpus this fall. Rose is back after a sum mer work peri od as a coop student wi th Catte rpillar. Among many ac ti vit ies during her academic ter ms are serving as president of her sororit y, Zeta Tau A lpha, and ser ving as chai rman of the Student U nion Board's special events committee (she was in charge of the 1980 Homecoming for students). Rose was elected Panhcllenic's "1980-8 1 Outstandi ng Woman of the Yea r" and is a member of the cOllegia tc " Who's Who."


Dix Hills, NY 11 746

Treasurer .

On The Cover

. .. . . Robe rt D. Bay, '49 .

Ex ec uti ve Vice·Presidellt. MSM ·UMR Alumni Associa tion and DireclOr. Office of Alumn i/Dcvclopment. Un ive rsit y of Misso uri·Rolia . Staff Ass i<'; lanl. MSM ·UMR Alumn i Association and Senior Sec reta ry, Alumni/Dcvelopme nt. Universit y of Missouri -Rolli!

I:ditor. MSM ALUMNUS MSM ·UMR Alumni A<sociation. HarriS Hall. UMR. Rolla . MO 65401

Term Expires

1984 1982 t986


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Missouri Gun Makers .. ..,Target for Gorden Lewis Although some people might consider what he's doing a historical longshot , Dr. Gorden Lewis has taken scholarly aim at reconstructing the lives of some of Missouri's early gun makers. "I began what has become my hobby as a collector of black oowder weaoons that had been made in Missou ri ," Lewis, UMR professor of ceramic engineering, says. "Bu t at the same time) also was interested in the history behind the pieces I had obtained." "My focus has gradually shifted , however," he adds, "so that now I've stopped collecting and devote a great deal of my free time to historical research. " He has concentrated that research on Missouri gun makers who lived and worked during the years 1800 to 1860. ''I'm fascinated by the period of history when people did things for themselves," he ex plains. "Back then a rine was a working tool and gun making was an art. The research that Lewis does is a time-consuming and painstaking endeavor. "W hat I've managed to put together in the 12 years I've been doing this may not look like much," he says, pointing to a stack of fold ers fill ed with documents and other papers, "but it represents hours and hours of work. According to Lewis, Missouri was a key state in the development of American weapons. "It rea!ly hasn't received the credit it deserves," he says. "As settlers passed through the state on their way west, they found that the weapons they had brought with them were unsuited for use in the territory where they were headed . "Conditions were very different on the G reat Plains and in the Rockies from those in the eastern forests," he adds, "and it was in Missouri that weapons began to be modified in order to serve new and different needs." While certain features--the way the barrel is attached to the stock and the manner in which the sights were put on--

seem to go along with Missouri rines, there rea lly isn't a consistent enough pattern to aid in identificat ion , Lewis says. ''I'm reluctant to identify a piece as having been made in Missouri .unless the name of the maker is on it." If a name does appear on the rine, Lewis will check it aga inst a list of the names of 350 Missouri gun makers that he has complied. Once a positive identification is made, he sta rts a file and begins research on the indi vidual. As far as the facts are concerned, Lewis is interested in learning such things as when and where the men he is studying were born and grew up; where they served their apprenticeships; when they moved to Missouri; whom they married ; how many ch ildren they had; whet her they trained anyone else in gun mak ing; and when and where they died and were buried. But he's also seek ing an understanding of his subjects that goes beyond the facts. "You reach a point where yo u feel like you know these people," he says, "and you begin to see that they were real people who li ved and died rather than mere historical abstractions. "Consequently, I'm interested in their personal or everyday lives," he adds. ") want to find out abo ut family relationships and how they did things. What I'm seek ing is some understanding of the qual it y of their lives, and thdl'S something I feel we need to learn more about." Lewis is currently focusing his efforts on the lives of three men , John G. Philips of Columbia, Mosias Maupin of Union and A. Duenkel of Boonv ille, and when he feels he knows them about as well as he can , he wants to write the stories of their li ves. But until that day arrives, there's more research to do and new leads to pursue. ") recently got a letter from a woman in Ok lahoma who thought that her grandfather had made rines in Missouri some time ago," he says. ")t's somebody else to start look ing for." MSM Alumnus / J

UMR is Taking Salt Out of Seawater

Dd It's hundreds of miles to the nearest ocean , but at Rolla , chemical engineers and chem ists are helping turn the tide in the search for an economical method of removing salt from seawa ter. It's part of research being done by Dr. H.K. Yasuda, UMR chemica l engineering professor, on those versat ile man-made materials known as polymers. The project , funded by th e U.S. Department of the Interi or, seeks to develop an ultrathin polymer membrane which will combine effective sa lt removal with durability. Yasuda , w ho heads polymer research at UMR's G raduate Center for Materials Research, has been worki ng on desa lini zat ion for about 15 years . He believes that the process being developed here shows prom ise of making desalinization of water commercially feasib le. He says that the prospect of removing sa lt from water economica ll y is a matter of great importance, not on ly in arid areas such as Israel and Saud i Arab ia which have sa lt water borders but in other areas of the world as wel l. "We are preparing now for the next worldw ide crisis, a shortage of potable-- that is, safe and drinkable--wa ter." Yasuda explains. "W hen that shortage comes, it w ill be more serious than the oil shortage, because you can ' t li ve without water. "The quantity of water is limited. A ll the water we wi ll ever have on earth is already here, and the demand is 2/ MSM Alumnu s

catching up with the supply. In the not-too-distant future, desa lini zation may be a major concern in this country, too ." Yasuda's method of salt removal takes elements of ea rli er desa liniza tion research and puts them together in a new way. At the heart of the process are tiny , hair-like hollow fibers with porous wa lls. Through a special method , a thin polymer layer is deposited on the outside of the fiber. This makes the entire fiber semipermeable and selective, allow ing the water to pass through but not the salt. Seawater under pressure is forced through the walls of the small tube, and the desalted water comes out in droplets from the hollow center of the fiber. "The basic tech nique is reverse osmosis, an es tablished proced ure," Yasuda explains. "The osmosis phenomenon (i n wh ich pure water wou ld naturally now through a mem brane to a salt solu tion) is reversed when pressure is exerted on the sa lt solution. T his has been done for some time using hollow fi bers and polymer membrane in sheet form. "The big prob lem has been durab ility of the membrane, the most expensive part of the desaliniza tion process," Yasuda adds. "The environment has to be ca refully controlled at all times. The membrane's effectiveness can be destroyed by man y things--by chlorine, which must be added to kill microorganisms, and by high temperature and high acid content. Then there are also col loids, subs tan ces

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Dr. H. K . Yasuda in his polymer labortary at the Graduate Center for Materials Research.


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that are suspended in the water and are appa rentl y dissolved but which move slowl y, or not at all , through the membrane and foul it." For about seven years, Yasuda has been working to develop a thin polymer membrane which cou ld stand up to all of these problems--temperatu re, chlorination, acid , mem brane fouling--and sti ll do a good job of removin g sa lt. His solution is to deposit a polymer as a coating on the tin y fibers instead of making the membrane in sheet form . "Our progress has been slow , but steady ," the resea rcher says. "We can now separate out more than 93 percent of the sa lt; our aim is 99 percent. " Two other ach ievements, durabi li ty and reproducibility , are " most satisfactory," according to Yasuda. " On the polymer we have developed here, chlorine, instead of destroy ing effectiveness, sometimes increases the selectivity and act uall y increases the amount of water that comes through," he explains, "and now we can coa t the fibers in a cont inous process and always ha ve them turn out the same, time after time." Membranes are undergoing laboratory tests with seawater to determ ine the opt imum polymer type and membrane thi ckness and see how much and how fast sa lt can be removed. A related project is the development of polymers which

would adsorb colloids when water is pretreated. "As the technology for removing salt from water becomes more advanced , the pre-t reatment of water becomes more importan t," Yasuda expa lins. He and Dr. Stig Friberg, U M R Curators' Professor of chemistry and colloid expert, are tackling the problem of colloid removal in a three-year proj ect funded by the Office of Water Research and Technology, U .S. Department of the Interior. Dr. Yasuda describes th eir progress as "excitin g and promising at this stage." Th ese polymers are sy nthesized throu gh a process know n as plasma or glow discha rge polymeriza tion. In this process, elect ric discharges create a low temperature plasma zone of ioni zed gas, and the fiber or metal to be coated is passed through this zone. The new material deposited on the substrata by th e plasma is ca lled plasma polymer. One of the pioneers in plasma research, Dr. Yasuda has had a career th at spans almost three decades and work on three cont inents-- in Japan, Sweden and the United Sta tes. [n add ition to his desa lini za tion stu dies, he is involved in several studies of materials especiall y suited for use in biomedicine. He is dedicated to the idea that work should have practica l use. "For me," he says, "the best research is fundamental resea rch that is goa l oriented." MSM Alumnus 3

Moss Helps Bring Robots To Their Senses Dr. Randy Moss thinks it's time that robots came in out of the dark, and he's developed a resea rch project that wi ll help them do just that. That project--"Pattern Recognition in CAM (ComputerAided Manufacturing)"--was one of 19 UMR resea rch proposa ls to be funded through the Universit y of Missouri's Weldon Spring Endowment Research Fu nd . "At present, most robots operate, more or less, accord ing to the principle of 'dead reckoning,'" Moss, an assistant professor of electrica l engineeri ng, says. "Because their sensory systems are limited, they receive very little feed back or information about their environment. "As a result ," he continues, "they can't adapt to meet different or changing conditions. They'll continue operating as they were originally programmed, often with cost ly and disastro us results. They're simply not ' intelligent' enough to know any better. According to Moss, one of the major problems that industry faces in this area is the positioni ng of parts on a conveyor belt in such a way that robots will be able to recogn ize them and pick them up. "For a robot to select a part from a moving conveyor, it (the part) must be in a position that the robot has been programmed to recognize," he says. "If it isn't, the robot won't be able to perform its job." What Moss proposes to do is to make robots intelligent enough to recognize a part on a conveyor belt regardless of its position and orientation through the addition of a computer vision system . That vision system, Moss explains, wi ll consist mainly of 4 / MSM A lumnus

a television camera and monitor, a video digitizer and a computer. The digitizer will work in " real time," meaning that it wi ll take 1130 of a second for an image to be digitized, show on the monitor screen and then stored in the digitizer's memory. "The system will be able to extract a number of feat ures fF0m an object," he adds. "These include such things as mass, perimeter, area and the presence and location of holes, as well as which stable surface is down and the object's rota tional orientation. " In addition , Moss wi ll try to determ ine which portions of his project ca n best be accomplished through hardware (design of the machine itself) or software (computer programmi ng). "There's usually some trade-off between the two areas," Moss says, "and there are advantages and disadvantages in both approaches. Where one approach may offer the advantage of speed, the other may offer greater flexibilit y. I want to in vestigate which processes should be implemented in each area." The development of totally integra ted CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) systems, Moss believes, will allow robots to become even more intelligent. "W ith th is type of system, a complete descri ption of the part will be stored in the computer memory," he says. "The robot will be interfaced with that computer and will have access to all of that design information. Because it will know just about every thing there is to know about the part, pattern recognition wi ll be easier and more accurate."

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Dr. Stewart Gillies and mine ventilation lab .

The way the wind blows .... Underground It can be complicated and expensive to safely ventilate mine tunnels that stretch for miles underground. "The basic objective of mine ventilation is to maintain a safe and healthy environment in the parts of a mine where men are required to travel and work," says Dr. A.D. Stewert Gillies, assistant professor of mining engineering at

the University of Missouri-Rolla. "And the most important place to create the safe environment is usually the farthest point from the entrance, where men and machines are cutting material from the mine face. "Control of air currents isn't all that difficult ," says Dr. Gill ies. "And many studies ha ve already been done by the mining companies, the government and other researchers to develop the best possible ventilation procedures. However, changes in contours, work methods and even machinery can deflect a current and alter its effectiveness in a given area. That's where the research we can do in UM R's ventilation laboratory comes into the picture." Through the use of a huge model of an underground mine and sophisticated equipment, mining engineering students and faculty at UMR are now able to stud y improvements of mine ventilation problems. Donated to UMR by Peabody Coal Co. in 1975 , UMR's model is a mock-up of the tunnels of a mine, covered with see-through plastic instead of rock. It covers 1,500 square feet of space. The plastic can be lifted in order to install equipment and structures to simulate actua l mine conditions. Blowers designed to pump air through the model are a part of the total system. Supported by a grant from Peabody , UM R st udents have constructed equipment, placed it in an area of the model that would simulate the typical mine face and added the required ventilation equipment (tubing and brattice curtain). Directed by Dr. Gillies, they introduce gray smoke (for air) and orange smoke (simulating impurities), manipulate the two in a variety of possible configurations with the fans, and study the actions. "We think we have come up wit h an improved understanding of an ventilation system for various situations," Dr. Gill ies says. Dr. Gillies and his colleagues and students have completed an earlier ventilation project on " Passive Air Conditioning: Air Tempering in Flow Through Rock Lined Tunnels." They have been awarded a grant by the University of Missouri to study a proj ect enti tled "Earth-Tubes for Air Flow Condi tioning" and are planning to study the formation of fog that happens, sometimes, in underground mines.

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Dr. Purush TerKonda , right , of the UMR civ il engineering fa cult y demonstrates a lapel sampler used to measu re the amou nt of respirab le particles in the air. Grad uate st udent , Shu -Lia ng Liau, left , w ill assist Dr. TerKonda in the research w hich w il l st ud y the effects of energ y saving meas ures on indoor air po llution.

Air In Your Home May Be Hazardous To Your Health Air pollution inside your home may be worse than the law allows for th e ai r outside. A nd , if, that's not bad enough , th e " improvements" you make to save energy may make it even worse. That's th e con sensus of recent reports of several groups concern ed with indoor air qua li ty. It's also th e problem bein g tackled by researchers at UMR. A yea r-long stud y directed by Dr. Purush TerKonda , associate professor of ci vi l engineerin g, w ill in vest iga te how major indoo r pollutants are affected by energy-sav ing measures. Alth ough technical data on indoo r ai r pollution is not exten sive, en ough is known to ca use co ncern about possible hea lth hazard s, T erKonda says. "Because many people--probably most people--spend most of their time indoors, their health may be affected more by the indoo r pollutants than by those in the outdoor environment," he explains. "Federal standards already have been set for ambient air--that is, outdoor air--qua lity and for the working invironment. Now there is a push for Congress to extend federal standards to cover indoor air qua lity ." The UMR study is an "exposure assessment" w hich will ch eck for th e leve l, distribution , frequ ency and duration of different co ntaminants. Samples w ill be take n in residential , comm ercial and institu tional bu ildings during all fo ur season s to get a before-and-after picture of wha t happens wh en a buildin g is " buttoned up" in co ld weather. Resea rch will be co ncentrated on (but not limited to) seven con6 / M SM A lum nus

taminants found in the average home: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, fo rm aldeh ydes, respirab le pa rti culates, ca rcinogens and rad ioacti ve radon gas. TerKonda says that th ese pollu tants can bring a var iety of hea lth prob lems to th e unsuspec tin g indi vidual exposed to th em . "Most l y we are talking about irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lun gs. In addition , th ere ma y be serio us longterm effects. Radon gas is a cause of lu ng ca ncer, and , acco rdi ng to the National Insitute of Occupationa l Safety and H ea lth , even small co ncentrat ions of carbon monoxide may have an effec t on the hea rt ," he adds. Test w ill focu s especiall y on pollution caused by indoor combustion sys tems. According to TerKonda , these systems, along w ith tobacco smoke, are the worse potent ial po lluters of indoor air. "Most problems co me from gas cooking ranges wit h open names, coa l and wood stoves, and poorl y mainta ined furnaces. Coa l and wood stoves which are being used for heat to save energy are potential sources of such healt h hazards as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and ca rcinogens if th ey are not vented properly. A nd th at mea ns vented outside and not into th e attic," he warns. Contaminants come from man y sources other than combustion. TerKonda says that formaldehydes are in such materials as textiles and particle board , and ironically are also in insulation , especially foam insu lation , a major energy-sa ving measure. Radioactiv e rado n is a " daughter

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product" of a radioactive element in soi l and rocks and emanates as a gas from building materia ls, concrete and foundation soil. All of these contami nants may rise to hazardo us levels when houses are weatherized to cut back on energy loss. "In adding storm windows, weather stripping, insu lation and so forth , we usually don't realize that what we are doing is reducing the ventilation rate in terms of the number of ai r exchanges in the building. An old bui ldi ng will normally have between .8 to 2.0 air changes per hour. Once the bui lding is insulated, the rate will go down to just onefo urt h of that, trapping pollutants indoors," he points out. TerKonda hopes that his resea rch, funded by a grant

from the Weldo n Spring Endowment Fund, will serve as a pilot project to prov ide baseline data for more ex tensive research. "At presen t we can on ly generali ze; we just don't know enough to come to grips with the problem ," he says. "But we must consider the cumulative effect of pollutants on the ind ividua l and how much the concentration of pollutants is increased when a bu ilding is tightened up to prevent heat loss. Proper ventillation is the key to reducing pollution to safe levels, and we need to know more than that. As much as we need to save energy , we can't afford to trade off the long-term comfort , hea lth and safety of the individual when we reduce energy consumpt ion ," he concludes.

Extension Nevvs nt of the


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Here's a list of some of the extension cont inu ing educat ion short courses and conferences schedu led by UMR. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detai led information incl udi ng costs. Ca ll the office of the Dean of Con tinuing Ed ucation and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be add ressed to the same office, 205 Parker Hall , University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla , Mo. 6540 I. PROGRAM SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY Applied Ore Microscopy SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Solar Space Heating-Cooling Systems 8th Annual UMRIDNR Energy Conference Heating & Air Conditioning Systems: Sizing and Energy Estimati ng How To Pu rchase a Microcomputer Fundamentals of Deep Foundations 24th Annual Asphalt Conference and Pre-Conference Workshop Cold Formed Steel Short Course Engineering Management Seminar Seminar for Drillers COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES First World Congress Protective Coatings-Bridges Industrial Market Research Computer Graphics for College and Universities: Application to Curriculum and Laboratory Facilities Refresher for Painting Contractors Computer-Aided Graphics System: Design and Drafting Estimating for Painting Contractors Principles of Industrial Coatings Computer Graphics on Microprocessor/Personal Computer Systems Computer Graphics: Applications, Current Technology and Implementation Business Graphics: Visual Communication of Management Information Profitable Painting in a Tough Market




Dec. 7- 11

Rolla Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis Jefferson City St. Louis St. Louis Phoenix , Ariz.

Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec.

New York City New York City

Nov . 3-4 Nov. 4-6

St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis Kansas City St. Louis St. Louis

Nov . 5.6 Nov. 10-1 2 Nov. 16-17 Nov. 17-18 Nov . 3D-Dec. 4 Dec. 3-4

Phoenix, Az.

Jan. 12- 13

Phoenix, Az. Houston , Texas

Jan . 14-15 Jan. 18-22

3 4-7 6 9-13 9-13 12-13 17-20 3D-Dec. 4 14-16

Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time of the course.

MSM Alumnus17

UMR To OHer In-House Programs In Coatings UMR has added in·house training to its Coat ings Continuing Education pro· gram. Companies that wish to train at least 10 of their employees without having to send them to a conference now can ar· range to have any of eight coatings short courses taught at their own facility . In addition , special courses can be designed to meet a company's specific needs. The first of these in·house courses was held from Sept. 14· 17 at Southern Coa tings and Chemica l Company in Sumter, S.c. John A. Gordon J r. , direc· tor of Coa tings Continuing Educat ion and UMR lecturer in chemistry, taught the course (Advanced Paint Formula· tion). Courses which are offered as part of the in·house program are: Introduction to Composition of Coatings, Introduc· tion to Paint Formulation, Advanced paint Formulation, Physical Testing of Paints, Refresher for Painting Contrac· tors, Estimati ng Workshop for Painting Contractors, New Concepts of Innova· tion in Coatings and Industrial Market Research for the Chemical Industry. In addi tion to its new in·house train· ing program , UMR offers about 12 coatings short courses each year on cam· pus and in cities around the country. These courses cover trade sa les, in· dustrial coatings, management and development. Courses also are offered for contractors and maintenance painters. For further information on the in· house training program or any of the other Coatings Continuing Education short courses, contact Norma Fleming, Arts & Sciences Continuing Education , University of Missouri·Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401 , phone: 314·341-4201. 8/ MSM Alumnus

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckles Still Available The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our bi·annual outing. Orders and checks for six dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to Jim Stratton, 125 MiningBldg.·UMR,Rolla,MO 65401. Please ship _ _ _ _ ___ buckles at $6.00 each. Enclosed find a check for $_ _ __ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

UMR Music Honorary Tau Beta Sigma Wins National Award The UMR chapter of Tau Beta Sigma has been awarded the honorary band organization's highest national award for chapter leadership. The award was presented at the group's biennial national convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in August. Tau Beta Sigma is an honorary for women band members. It is made up of 166 chapters from colleges and universities throughout the country and has about 6,000 members. UMR's chapter was honored for its support of the campus band program; the participation of its members in UMR's four music continuing education func· tions each year (occasions such as junior high band clinic and high school music festival); the chapter's assistance in the growth of Tau Beta Sigma (colonization at other colleges); and the promptness and accuracy of necessary paper work. Students Susan Turner, '79-'80, and Kim Denney, '80-'81 , presided over the UMR chapter (about 20 members) during the period for which the award was given. Tom Ruess, lecturer in music and director of the "Marching Miner" Band and the UMR Jazz Ensembles, is faculty adviser for the group.


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north of the Arctic Circle and talking with Vigdis Finn bogadottir, the president of Iceland , when she visited the office where he worked. Daily is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Madison M. Dai ly Sr. , 710 West 11 th St. , Rol la.

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UMR Student Warms Up To Summer in Iceland Mac Daily Jr. wanted to do somet hing a little different on his summer vacation this year, so he spent three months working in Iceland. ''I'd heard a little bit about Iceland's being different ," Daily, a senior in mechanical engineering at the University Missouri-Rolla, says. "It seemed like a nice place to go for a couple of months. "Besides," he adds, ''I'd worked in the New Mexican desert the summer before last and Iceland seemed to be about as far away from that as you can get." Daily who did design work on engine components for fishing trawlers for an engineering firm in Akureyri , arranged for his job through the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. "You can choose to work just about anywhere in the world--Asia , Africa, Europe or Latin America ," he says, "the association wi ll help yo u find a job and then with the paper work that is req uired ," Once in Iceland , Daily found the count ry to be different than he'd imagined it would be. "Because of the Gu lf Stream, the climate is more moderate than you'd think ," he says. "It was between 50 and 60 degrees (fahrenheit) wh ile I was there and I was told that it was the coolest summer they'd had in several years. The winters also are milder than the name Iceland wo uld indicate." The lack of trees in the country also took some getting used to on his part. "It's said that the Vikings cut down most of the trees to build ships and houses," he says, "and what the Vikings didn't get, the sheep and climatic changes took care of. Work , however, is being done to bring the forests back." He also found that he had to get used to a new diet. "I ate quite a bit of whale," he says. "It's similar to roast beef but it has a stronger smell and taste. " But perhaps the two most memorable events during his stay in Iceland were piloting a plane to the Isle of Grimsey

The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are avai lable to alumni as well as students. Each week, many companies request ass istance in locating appl icants for jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. The brief job descriptions shown are examples of job listings received by the office. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need on ly send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The Placement staff will make a search for positions simi lar to that requested on your resume. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton , assistant director-placement , Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 314/341 -4288).

Sample Listings Metals Industry - Indiana Process Metallurgist - B.S. - met. with emphasis and experience in non-ferrous metals processing Food Company - Michigan Multiple List ings Development Application Engineer, ME or ChE with three years experience in process sys tem design , installation and start-up. Railroad - Missouri Testing laboratory, B.S. - met with three to fi ve years experience in steel working, casting industry and experience in failure ana lysis required . ConSU lting firm - Nebraska , London , Paris, Tokyo, Nigeria , Sudan Pipeline Systems Engineer (multiple), B.S. in EE, ME or Instrumental design with several years ex perience on gas or oil cross country pipelines. Involvement in conceptional as well as occupational phase of pipeline.

MSM A lumnu s/ 9

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

Defensel Bob Presley (72) and Doug K eithl y (62) put pressure on Eva ngel quarterback Jamie Wi nes du rin g UMR 's 14-3 win .

Winners Streak Halted ..... Miners Set for MIAA Challenge Defendi ng the title. That wi ll be the challenge that awa its the Universit y of Missou ri -Rolla foot ball team w hen the Missouri Inter'co llegiate Ath letic Associtation season gets underway in October. U M R posted a perfect 6-0 conference record a year ago en route to a perfect 10-0 season mark , but compe titi on wi ll be stiff this season if th ey are to repea t. T he Miners en ter MIAA action with a 2-2 record , after victories of 3 1-13 over William Penn and 14-3 over Eva ngel College, coup led with losses of 3 1-10 against Missouri Valley and 28 -12 against Pittsburg Sta te. 10/ MSM Alumnus

The loss to Missouri Valley broke a 14-ga me Miner winning streak which was longest in th e nation among Divi sion 11 tea ms. " We kn ew it couldn' t go on forever ," UM R head coach Charli e Finley sa id after the ga me. "Now we need to get some people hea lth y and get back on the ri ght tra ck." Gettin g some key peop le hea lth y has been a problem so far in 198 1, as injuries have battered UM R's offensive line. Ed Stucky and Jeff H affner suffered broken toes, while startin g center Jim Lloyd went down in U MR 's third ga me of the season with a knee injury.

It 100 in the C Playil some f What will the Miners ha ve to do to be in th e thick of the MIAA chase?" " When we play with the proper intensit y, we are ca pable of playing with anyone," Finley sa id . " Injuries have hurt us, but we will have to overcome the prob lems and play well as a unit. " Through the first four games of the season, sophomore running back Randy Shed leads al l ru shers wit h a 50.8 yards a game average. The Kirkwood , Mo. native also leads the team in kick-off returns (29.7 per return) and has three touchdown s. Dennis Pirkle aga in is handling th e bulk of th e quarterback duty thi s season, and has connected on 23 of 53 att empts. Three passes have been intercep ted, but the Oak Lawn , 111. nati ve is second in the conference in ya rdage per game, with an 88.0 average. Rand y H auser leads the team in punt ret urns (14.5 per return), is second in interceptions (three) and is one of UMR's best defensive performers. The Co tt age Hill, 111. junior is the dean of th e miner defensive seco ndary thi s season. M arshIfi eld, Mo. nati ve Craig Thomas is seccond on the team is scorin g with two fi eld goa ls and a perfect seven out of seven point-after attempts, and leads th e team in intercept ions with fo ur in four games. In four weeks of act ion , the Miners have ga rn ered tw o Player-of-t he-Week winners in th e MIAA. Shed won for his 94 ya rds rushing aga inst Missouri Vall ey , and N evada , Mo. junior Doug K eithl y cap tured the defensive award after making 16 tack les against Evangel "The conference season is always a rea l challenge, and we hope to get off to a good start ," Finley said. " W e are going to get back to good , old hard-nosed foot ball and see if we ca n't strai ghten some thin gs ou t."

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It looks like soccer has found a home in the Ozarks. Playing in a new facility and boasting some fine talent, the University of Missouri-Rolla soccer team is becoming a hot item around town. After · opening the season Sept. 5 before an overflow home crowd, the Miners rewarded the throng with a 2- 1 victory over highly-rated Washington University. "It was an amazing way to start the season," coach Paul McNally said afterwards. "The crowd really helped us out." UMR kept the winning ways in line during the next two games, recording a win over Harris-Stowe and a 4-1 win over Southwest Missouri. The Miners' first loss of the season came Sept. IS, when they fell 3-1 at Missouri Southern. They took their fine 3-1 record into the game of the year, hosting University of Missouri-St. Louis Sept. 19. The Rivermen , always a national power, were ranked second in the United States at the time. UMR fell to the Rivermen 2-1, despite out-shooting them 9-3 on goal. The highly-touted squad had no shots on goal during the second half. "We really out-played them during the second half," McNally said. "That game showed me that we can stay with anyone when we are playing up to our capabilities." Following this clash, the Miners split a pair of games in Omaha, Nebraska, falling 2-1 to Creighton and defeating Metropolitan State 3-2. After seven games, the top scorer for UMR is senior forward Pat Becker. The Florrisant, Mo. native has seven goals and has been one of the team leaders. "This is our first real year of recruiting, and I think we are still about a year away from being an excellent soccer team ," McNally said. "We are very happy with some of the players we recruited a year ago, and they are really adding a lot to the program."

Junior Tom Kinney battles for the ball during action against Wasington Universit y. Kinney is a midfielder from Florrisant, Mo. MSM A tumnu s / ll

Faculty Activities _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Textbook Authors "A n Introd uct ion to Elec trica l Machines and Transformers," a tex tbook wri tten by George McPherson Jr., professor of electrica l engineering, was published recent ly by John Wiley & Sons Inc. of New York, N. Y. The 557-page book prov ides a brief but comprehensive introd uction to how electr ica l machines and transformers work. In so doing, it develops circuit models for each of the basic dev ices which will perm it the performance of each to be calculated. The development of each model is as rigorous and as accurate as possib le, and sufficient mechanical details are prov ided to meet the needs of those who must understand the funct ion and struct ure of each pa rt. Dr. David Azbel, professor of chemica l engineering, has written "Two-P hase F lows in C hemica l Engineering," published recently by Ca mbridge Un iversity Press. Dr. Azbel has been on the UM R facu lty since March , 1980. He is a nat ive of Russia, and ta ught at Moscow's Polytechnic Institute, the University of Minnesota and the State Uni versity of New York, Stony Brook, before coming to UMR. "Soi l Dynamics," a textbook by Dr. Shamsher Prakash, pi"Ofessor of civi l engineering, has been published by McGraw-Hili , New York , N.Y. It is intended for use in grad uate- level courses on soi l dynamics, machine fo undat ions and foundation engineeri ng. It presents answers to problems of est imat ing ability of soi ls to withstand externa l loading and judging transitory and permanent movements of soil-supported foundation s. The second edition of "Superv isory Management," a textbook by Bernard R. Sarchet and Ronald L. Carmichael of UMR and Robert W. Eck les of the University of Wyoming was pub lished recentl y by John Wiley & Sons Inc. , 12/ MSM Alumnu s

New York , N.Y. The 524-page book presents a concise and practica l coverage of all the face ts of supervisory management's functi ons, practices and theories. Sa rchet is professor of engineering management at UMR, while Carmichael is a professor of mining engineeri ng. Eck les is an associate professor in the M.B.A . program at Wyoming. Books by three UMR electrical enginee rin g professo rs have bee n tra nslated and published in foreig n languages. "P rin ciples of Co mmuni cat ions Systems Mod ulation and Noise," by Drs. William Tranter and Rodger Ziemer has been published in Spanish. The origina l publisher was Houghton Miffl in. An authorized tra nslat ion of "High Freq uency Am plifiers" by Dr. Ralph Carson has been published in Russian under the name of P. Kapco h, the Russion version of Carson's name. The book was originall y pub lished by Wiley Interscience.

Marchello Elected COPHE President Dr. Joseph M. Marchello, UMR chancellor, has been elected president of Missouri's Counci l on Public Higher Educat ion (COPHE) for the 198 1-82 fi sca l year. COPHE is co mposed of t he presidents and chancellors of Missouri's state un iversities and colleges. The group meets six times a year to discuss com mon concerns and issues in higher educat ion. Institu tions participating in COPHE are: the University of Missouri (central adm inistration and the Rolla, Columbia, Kansas City and St. Louis campuses), Centra l Missouri State Un iversity, Harris-Stowe State College, Lincoln Universi ty, Missouri Sou thern State College, Missouri Western State College, Northeast Missouri State Universi-

ty , North west Missouri Sta te Un iversity, Sou theast Missouri State Uni versi ty and South west Missouri Sta te Uni versity.

Geology Award Dr. Allen W. Hatheway, professor of geologica l engineering, has been named the 198 1 recipient of the E.B. Burwell Jr. Memorial Awa rd for Outstanding Contribu tions to Engineering Geology. The awa rd, which was established by The Geological Societ y of America in 1969, recognizes Hatheway's ex tensive in volvement and accomplishments in the applica tion of geology to the siting of nuclear power plants. It will be presented at the society's annual meeting in Cincinnat i, Ohio, this November and will consist of an honorarium and a certificate. Hatheway received an A. B. in geology from the University of Ca lifornia at Los Angeles in 196 1, an M.S. in geological engineering from the Uni versit y of Arizona in 1966 and a Ph.D. in geological engineering with a civil engineering minor from Uni versity of Arizona in 197 1. He has served on the fac ul ties of the Universit y of Southern Ca lifornia , where he taught soil mechanics from 197 1-74, and Boston University , where he specialized in engineering geology , fro m 1979-81 . From 1976 un til joining the UM R fac ulty he served as vice president and chief geologist of Haley & Aldrich Inc., a consulting geotechn ica l engineering firm in Ca mbridge, Mass. In add ition he has conducted fi eld explorations in 22 sta tes, Puerto Rico, the West Indies, Ecuador, Si ngapore and Bavaria.

Sorrell ACS Fellow Dr. Charles A. Sorrell , professor of ceramic engineering, has been named a fellow of the American Ceramic Society. At UM R since 1968 , he is one of onl y 20 in the country to receive the honor this yea r.

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In China

There's a new title these days for Franklin Y. Cheng, UMR professor of civil engineering. He's an official honorary professor of Harbin Civil Engineering institute in the People's Republic of China. Cheng received his second professorship in a special ceremony at the end of a five-week stint at the Chinese institute where he lectured on optimum design in earthquake structural engineering and was a major participant in a national conference. " I felt especially honored because there are only six or eight professors at that university with a faculty of 560," he reports. The Chinese government invited Cheng to lecture and visit research facilities as part of a cooperative program for joint research development between the U .S.A. and C hina. The trip was funded by the National Science Foundation (which has supported much of Dr. C heng's research in earththquake engineering) , the C hinese government, and a grant from the Un iversity of Missouri 's Weldon Spring Endownment Research Fund. During his eight·week tour, Dr. Cheng lectured at several educational institutions. The three·day lecture at Peking had nearly 400 participants from every province of China. His major lecture series was at Harbin, where about 100 leading researchers, were sent from various universities and institutes to attend the session. Immediately following that was a week-long national conference on structural optimization which had been organized to coincide with this visit. "They asked me to direct them and discuss their research results," Cheng reports. "But I found I learned a lot from them , too."

In general he found thei r ea r thquake engineering resea rch " impressive" and the facilities and manpower "ver y good" at the large nationa l centers he visited. Although Cheng has not been back to his homeland for more than 30 years, when the Chinese asked him to lectu re in C hinese, he found he had li ttle difficulty with the language . " When I got into trouble with technical terms, there were professors there who had been educated in th is country who cou ld help me," he says. Cheng was accompained by his wife, their son, Gerorge, 15 , and da ughter, Deborah , 10, who had a special program arra nged for them . "They sawa ll sorts of museums and had lessons in Chinese painting and musica l inst ruments," Cheng says. " But best of all so far as the young people were concerned, they were given pingpong lessons by the coach who refereed the national fina l compet ition." It wasn't "all work and no play" for the professor. H is tour allowed time for sightseeing, and he also visited relatives he hadn' t seen since his fami ly left ma inland Chi na during the revolution. The UMR professor came back with respect fo r the work of the Chinese researchers and ideas fo r cooperat ion. "They have some very ambitious projects," Cheng says, citing an elaborate 12-story model built for testing. " Where they have asked me to help is in the areas of theoretical studies and computation work. " He belives that a start has been made on developing cooperation between the two countries on eart hquake engineering research. MSM A lumnus / 13

Alumni Personals _ _ __ _ __


Please Send Photographs with Items for Personals

1923 Ragan and Evelyn Ford li ve at 407 Germanton Road, Minden, LA 7 1055 . Ragan writes about his Century Club contribution: "Please spend this wisely . We saved, skimped , ate old scraps, wore old shoes and clothes, to get this money. I was getting 16% interest on it."

1928 Charles and Betty Freeman live at 5 Via De lizia , Hillsborough , CA 940 I O. Charles is retired.

1934 Ellsworth Fort died July 29. He was a farmer at Devil's Elbow , Mo.

1980 Rollamo



A note from his wife reports the death of John Francis Campbell on June 24. Mrs. Campbell lives at 7063 Basswood Road, Frederick, MD 21701.

Robert P. Alger sends us this note: "Received Gold Medal Award for technical contributions in well log interpretations at International Symposium of Society of Professional Well Log Ana lysts, meeting at Mexico City in June of this year. Retired from Schlumberger Well Serv ices in Ju ly, 1976, and since have been consu ltant in well log evaluations. Bob and his wife, the former Mary Louise Tucker of Rolla, have 4 chi ldren , 3 grandchildren , and live in a newly remodeled lake front home 65 miles NW of Austin , TX." Bob and Mary Louise's add ress is P.O. Box 3, Buchanan, TX 78609.

William H. Schwalbert sends the following, "We're still traveling and have spent three weeks in China this summer. We have now been in every country in the world except the Balkan countries." Bill and Nell's address is 7718 Ironwood Circle, Beacon Woods, New Port Richey , FL 33553. Bill is retired.

1980 Ro



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1942 1940 John A. Kirwan has moved to 400 I Gu lf Sharp Blvd. , N., Naples, FL 3394 1.

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1980 Rollamo 14/ MSM Alumnus

Wash Adams writes "Retired from Rockwell International after 30 years in engineering design there. Have done a few months consulting for R. 1. but enjoy the retirement time better." Wash and Ruth live at 7 13 Park view, Richardson , TX 75080.

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Alumni Persona's ___________________________________________ 1941 Carl R. and Jean Christiansen now live at 356 1 S. Broadway,_Spri ngfield , MO 65807 . Paul is a self employed mining consultant. G. E. Henry has recently retired from his position as engineer of structures with Burlington Northern Railroad Co. He and his wife, Mary, li ve at 2561 Ferguson , Springfield, MO 65807.


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1980 RoUamo

1941 Continued Andrew A. Cochran is now retired . Andrew and Toni's address is Route 4, Box 99, Rolla, MO 65401. John and Mary Janice Dunn have moved to 26605 Trevino Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85224. John is retired. Marvin E. (Bob) Nevins is now a consultant to Anaconda, Atlantic-Richfield. Bob and Hanna li ve at 18960 West Greenfield Ave., Waukasha, WI 53 186.

1946 Reverend Robert L. Mann says: "Yep, we've mov~d again . We're way down in the Missouri Boot-heel. As some would say, 'South of Arkansas!' It's flat country down here and we miss the 'rolling hills' country. Howdy to ya all!" Bob and Shirley's new address is P.O. Box 6, Hornersvi lle, MO 63855. Bob is the pastor for two churches--the United Methodist Churches of Hornersville and Ca rdwell , Mo .

E. W. (Bud) Hudgens, current ly Dowell Divis ion , Dow Chemical U.S.A.'s manager of business research, has been named the division 's manager of business and market research. Bud lives at 18111 Oakhampton, Houston, TX 77084.

George E. McCormack tells us, " I've reti red from E. I. DuPont Co. after 31 years of service. I'm now an explosives consultant." George and Isabel live at 6 Montcrest Drive, Birmingham, AL 35213.


4001 33941.

Fred P. Paul is assista nt vice president and senior engi neer at Natk in and Company. Fred li ves at 100 I Memorial Drive, Apt. 9 11 , Houston , TX 77024.

1945 from

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Allan Walter Lindberg died in a fire at his shop 011 June 4. He was a selfemployed consulting engineer whose business was in Kirkwood. Among the survivors is his son, Alex Lindberg, '77, 310 Nebraska, Loredo, TX 78014.

1980 RoUamo MSM A lu mnus / 15

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1948 Continued H. R. and Mary Smith now live at 10926 Chimineas Ave., Northridge, CA 91326 . Mary writes " H. R. is ret iring after 30 years with Anheuser-Busch Brewery in Los Angeles. To all his friends he extends a welcome to visit him in Ca liforn ia (Eureka) or Montana (summer only)." Richard A . Walker has recently accepted a position as product manager with N . D. A . Membrane in EI Monte, Calif. Richard and Lila live at 17966 Sencillo Lane, San Diego, CA 92128. M . C. Zwirbla retired on Sept. I. H e had been manager of environmental affairs for Louisiana Off Shore Oil Port (Shell Oil) in H arvey, La. M. C. and Margaret live at 83 Yellowstone Drive, New Orleans, LA 70 114.


1951 Kenneth E. Burkhead Sr., writes that "on Jul y 3 1, he completed 30 years of service with the Ci ty of Kansas City, Mo. Ken and Dorothy live at 5231 N. Lydia Ave. , Kan sas City , MO 64118. H e is the chief of engineering ervices, water and pollution co ntrol department." Ervin E. and D ickie Dunn are now li ving at 75 Weybridge Court , Oakland , CA 94611. Ervin is vice president of H. K . Ferguson Co. in San Francisco.

William A. Givens is now region production manager for Citie Service Co .. in Oklahoma City, Okla. Bill and Shirley live at 1390 I We tcreek Road, Piedmont, OK 73078. William and Johnie Plummer have moved to 6204 Old Brompton Road, Boulder, CO 8030 I . Bill is a program manager for IBM Corp. in Boulder. Robert J. Rieder has recently been appointed manager of atellite interfaces for The Aerospace Corp., in EI Segundo, Calif. Robert and his wife, orma, are now living at 864 Earlham Street, Orange, CA 92669.

position as :nanufacturing engineerin g manager with Co rrint ec/USA in Houston. Ron and Nora li ve at 11310 Pecan Creek Drive, Houston, TX


George and Anne Warner's new address is P.O. Box 322 (358 Fern Hill Drivel, Granville, OH 43023. George is a district manager for Lapp Divi ionInterpace Corp. in Columbu , Ohio. Larson E. Wile write to tell us that he is retired from Lynchburg Foundry Co., and has formed his own foundry consulting firm: Alto Mont Enterprise Inc. Larson and Arlene li ve at 2220 Indian Hill Road , Lynchburg, V A 245 03 . This is also his bu iness add res .

1952 J ulius L. Sarzin is now site managerelectronics engineering for Sperry Systems Management, Tacoma , Wash. Julius has moved to 123-B South 339th Ci rcle, Federal Way, WA 98003.

Frank and Colette Packheiser live at 20612 Marathon Court, Olympia Fields, IL 6046 1. Frank is a speciali t in marine transportation for Amoco Chemical Corp., in Chicago. 16 MSM Alumnus

Robert . direc[Qr ve tmen chairma address field, MI

1955 Thomas

Donald G. DeBolt now owns D . G. BeBolt Co. , Dallas. Donald and Mary Lou live at 9122 Raeford Drive, Dallas, TX 75243.

John J. Kovach lives at 10113 Jepson Drive, St. Louis, MO 63137. He is a se nior district engi n ee r with We tinghouse Electronic Corp .

Andrew engineer drew ar Drumm!

C. Ron Ferry (BSEE) has accepted a




Paul and Shirley Hausner have moved to 1850 Evan Lane, SP3 2, San Jose, CA 95125. Paul is a methods engineer for FMC Corp.

ANDREW M. TA YLOR Andrew M. Taylor has been named manager of quality assurance of the specifications center of the electronics divi ion of Monsanto Co., St. Louis. He will be responsible for the specifications center at the division's St. Peters, Mo., manufacturing facility and for distribution centers in the U.S., Japan and Europe. Andy's address i P.O. Box 8, St. Peter, MO 63376.

Richard L. Light sends us thi note: " I am now retired from government ervice and working with JAARS (Jungle A viation and Radio Service I nc.) which is a part of W ycliffe Bible Translators." Hi newaddre is R. L. Light, JAARS, P.O. Box 248, Waxh aw, NC 28173. John P. Zedalis writes to let u know that he has "recentl y been appointed director of engineering, Agency for International Dev e l opmen t in Washington , D. C." John and his wife, Bernice, live at 8723 Gateshead Road , Alexandria, V A 22309.

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Alumni Personals ___________________________________________ 1953


Walter J, Rothermel is a ph ys ica l scientist for the Defense Mapping Agency. Walter and Marilyn li ve at 4740 Langtree, St. Louis, MO 63 128.


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Andrew E. Leponis is now a general engineer for DCASMA , Chicago. Andrew and Marilyn live at 5052 W. Drummond Place, Chicago, IL 66639.

R. Thomas Smith has accepted a position as business manager, industrial aluminas for Kaiser Chemicals in Oak land , Ca lif. Thomas and Ca role live at 12 Corte La Rado, Moraga , CA 94556.






Robert P. Vienhage has been elected a director of Founders of American Investment Corp. Bob is president and chairman of Acme Structural Inc. His ,address is Route 2, Box 327B, Spring field , MO 65802.



James E. and Judith Bradley ha ve moved to 2865 Fa ir Green Dri ve, Clearwater, FL 335! 9. Jim is now the president of Bentley Const ruction Development and Engineering Inc. , in Largo. Fla.

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1955 Thomas and Virginia Bruns have moved to 3089 Nottingham , Shreveport, LA 71115. Tom is now group vice-president for Emerson Electric Co. Frank L. Carroll:55, '75, has been named distr ict engineer of the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department's district office at Willow Springs. He was promoted from the position of design engineer in the Survey and Plans Division at the state headquarters in Jefferson Cit y. He will be responsible for highway department construction and maintenance activities in Carter, Dent, Douglas , Howell, Oregon , Ozark , Reynolds, Shannon, Texas and Wright counties. Except for two years in the U.S. Arm y, Frank has been with the highway department since graduation. Richard L. and Jane Jones have moved to 4633 Bonnell Ave. , Ft. Worth , TX 76 107. Richard is an engineering specialist for General Dynamics.

RICHARD HUGHES Richard Hughes has been promoted to vice president, general factories , of Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Co., and is responsible for managing the company's six manufacturing faci lities. He joined Thatcher after 22 years with Owens-Illinois. Richard and Alice and three daughters li ve on Route 3, Box 252, Elmira , NY 14905.

1957 Robert B. Webb has been named manager of production for Armco Inc., in Kansas Cit y, Mo. Bob and his wife, Ann , live at 1460 I Berkshire Drive, Independence, MO 64055. C. A. Wentz's new address is 2303 S. Vaughn Way , Aurora, CO 80014. He is a development manager for Phillips Petroleum Co., in Englewood, Colo.



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John B. Miles is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. John and Beverly live at 102 Westridge Drive, Columbia, MO 65201.

Bradford C. and Doris Cummings have moved to 7745 S. Harrison Circle, Littleton , CO 80122. Brad is now engineering supervisor, mining, for Phillips Petroleum Co. in Englewood , Colo.

Morrell C. and Ola Mae Diebold li ve at 1118 Patricia, Cape G irardeau, MO 6370 I. Morrel l is the director of agencies for Consumer Benefit Services Inc. Bobby J. Ingram is now superin tendant with Phillips Co. Bobby and Sue li ve Eastlake Drive, Oklahoma 73132 .

a district Petroleum at 1040 I Ci ty, OK

Charles S. Schneider has been named KC-135 ch ief engineer for Boeing Mil itary Airplane Co., in Wichita, Kan. Charles lives at 837 Sunrise Street, Derby , KS 67037. Franklin W, Shadwell sends the follow ing news: "We formed a new compa ny in November of 1980, Mechanica l and Pneumatic Systems Co. We provide the design and insta llat ion of material handling and industrial ex haust systems for process plants, etc. We also design and manufacture specialized processing machinery. " Frank and Carolyn's address is Rt. I , Box 304¡F, DeSoto, TX 75115. Charles Washburn has moved to 356 1 David Way, Sacramento, CA 95820. He is a professor with the department of mechanical engineering, California State University , Sacramento. MSM Alumnus / l7

Alumni Personals ______________________


1959 Continued

1961 C

Gerald L. Stevenson has been named senior vice president and general manager of Davy McKee Co rp. Petroleum and Chemicals Technica l Center in Cl~ve l and , Ohio. He was promoted from the position of sen ior vice president and genera l sa les manager for the ce nter. Prior to his Cleveland assignment (1979) he held sa les, marketing and engineering management positions in the company's Lakeland , Fla. , office. He has been wi th the company for II yea rs. Gera ld and Jeannie li ve at 5 11 N. Main St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. Joel Loveridge, '39, tells us that George E. Uding gave the welcomi ng address at the Institute of Electrical and Electron ic Engineers' International Cement Conference in Lancaster, Penn., th is spring. George is the president and chief executive of Coplay Cement Co. , in Na za reth , Penn. George lives at 34 N. Miller St., Nazareth , PA 18064.

1960 Kerwood W. Barrand is now direcor, maintenance and engineering, at Providence Hospital in Washington D.C. Kerwood and Natal ie Dean live at 97 18 Counsellor Drive, Vienna, VA 22 180.

Sylvan and Barbara Bartlett send us the fo llow ing item: "We have a new addition, No.5 , Hea ther Kelley- Marie, born on March 27, 1980." Sy lva n is an M.D. (plast ic surgeon). He and Barbara live at 6222 Linwood, Odessa, TX 79763.


Eugene D. Brenning is now chief of the eva luation & data analysis section for the Di vision of Traffic Safety, Illinois Department of Tran sport a tion in Springfield. His add ress is P.O. Box 277, Divernon , IL 6253 0. In the US Army Joe F. Brock is now president of Sierra Reserves Eugene was recentl y promoted Screw Machine Products in Upland , Calif. Joe and Loretta reside at 896 Car- . to Colonel and , effecti ve June 26 , was assigned to RCPAC in St. Louis, Mo. son St. , Upland , CA 91786. Ralph L. Hawk is now vice president, production & engineering, with the Cardox Corp. , in Countryside, III. Ralph and Barbara live at 12223 Oak Park A ve., Pa los Heights, IL 60463. 'C harle s Hunte r is now vic epresident/general manager for Sunbelt Min ing Co. Inc. Charles and Margaret live at 133 19 Sunset Ca nyon Drive N.E ., Albuquerque, NM 87 111. Donald and lola Jasper ha ve moved to 904 N.W . 27 th St., Minot , ND 58701. Don is a construction engineering manager for Daniel Construction Co. Douglas and Margaret Munsell tell us "We've returned from Maryland to our former home. Doug is now working on the adva nced F- 18 design project." Doug works for McDonnell-Douglas. Their address is 10410 Bellefontaine, Bellefontai ne Neighbors, MO 63137 .

James G. Harvey, '61, '62, brought his son to visit the campus on Jul y 29. Kenneth will be a freshman the fall of 1982. Jim is assistant staff engineer for the Packard Electric Division of General Motors Corp. The family lives at 5298 Calla Ave., N.W., Warren, OH 44483 .

18/ MSM Alumnus

Ronald R dress is 2 372, Rorr tion ma Rome Oi


Gerald E. and Angie Lee Henderson live at 8300 E. Hinsdale Ave. , Englewood, CO 801 12. Gerald is the president of Henderson & Co. Inc., in Denver. Roger G. Kleinpeter is director of academic computers at Plymouth State College. Roger and Penny's new address is Rt. 2, box 324B, Plymouth , NH 03264. James Homer Martin died Aug. 12. He was retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers where he had been a director of military construction. At the time of his death he was a Ph.D. candidate at UMR and, as a teaching assistant , had taught for two years in the civil engineering department. He is survived by his wife, Shirley (Whites) 904 Murry Lane, Rolla , MO 65401. C. E. McGillan is now manager, construction technonogy and services for Leonard Construction Co. in St. Louis. He and Betty reside at 670 Rustic Valley Drive, Ballwin, MO 630 11.

1980 RoUamo

Nelsonal 1010 "8" 94087. M software Force Sal nyvale.

Terry L. Mills is now vice presidentresident manager at Kidder Peabody Inc. Terry and Catherine now reside at 2825 East 81st Place, Tulsa, OK 74136.


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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1961 Continued Nelson and Donna Noell have moved to 1010 "B" Bryant Way , Sunnyvale, CA 94087. Major Nelson is now chief of the software engineering branch at the Air Force Satellite Control Facility in Sunnyvale. Ronald R. and Arlene Pfeuffer's new address is 22 Hilson Drive, Route 3, Box 372, Rome NY 13440. Ron is a production manager for Revere CopperRome Division.


David and Sharon Anyan 's new address is 4843 Forestglade Cou rt , Stone Mountain , GA 30087. David is a plant enginee-ring manager with Ford Motor Co. in Hapev ille, Ga. Robert Brockhaus has completed a study on entrepreneurs which has received internationa l attention with notices in scholarly journals as well as such publications as Psychology Today and Inc. magazine. Bob is now in a doctoral program at Washington University. Besides teaching he heads St. Louis University'S Small Business Institute which advises businesses free of charge. He also operates his own consulting firm , Progressive Management Enterprises. He lives at 10000 Hilltop Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128.

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Douglas A. Gaertner has moved to 1912 Phillips Drive, Sanford, NC 27330. Doug is a senior engineer with Carter-Weber Inc.

tor of 1 State lddress 1, NH

Roy and Susan Gentry live at 2511 Doverhill Court, Woodbridge, V A 22192. Roy is an attorney for Shank, Irwin, Con nant, Williamson, and Greville in Washington , D.C.

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eside at 74136.

1963 DA VID B. BARTHOLIC David B. Bartholic has been named director of refining technology, a newly created position for Engelhard Corp., Minerals & Chemicals Division. He will be responsible for the commercialization of the company's new Asphalt Residual Treating (ART) process, which through selective vaporization removes contaminants from crude feedstock enabling refiners to increase gasoline yield to a level of 75 percent or more per barrel. Dave is the inventor of the ART process. He is the named inventor on several patents and author of papers concerning ART and fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) technology . Dave and his family live at 75 Wetumpka Lane, Plainfield, NJ 07060.

Col. (Ret) John M. Adsit and his wife, Nancy, have a new address Jusmagthai, Box 3103 , APO S.F. 96346. John is now a project manager for Metcalf & Eddy in Bangkok 4, Thailand. Benjamin W. H. Jaeger has accepted a 'posit ion as assistant electrical engineer region , "rith Burlington Northern Inc., in Springfield, Mo. Benjamin and his wife, Leah, live at 734 North Oak Grove, Springfield, MO 65802. James D. Libiez is now district manager for Louisiana Land and Exploration Co., Oklahoma City. Jim and Rhoda live at 1905 Blue Jay Court, Edmond, OK 73034.

JOHN W. CLEMENTS John W. Clements, chief programmer for GTE--Automatic Electric Laboratories, has been elected a senior member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.). Approximately 12 percent of the 2 13,000 members of IEEE hold the senior grade. John and Flora live at 3935 E. Yucca, Phoenix, AZ 85208.

Robert M. and Anne Smith's new address is 655 Solano Drive, Basque Farms, NM 87068. Bob is principal scientist with the BDM Corp. , in Alburquerque, NM. He has been with BDM for 6 Y2 years.

1964 James and Mary Allison now live at 2305 Ben Ali Court , Owensboro, KY 42301. Jim is a staff metallurgist with Texas Gas Transmission Corp. Sheldon I. Bierman and R. Caide Huberman report "We've started a service company for small hydro project developers." Sheldon is the president of the company, Hydro Watts Inc. Their address is Box 5, Washington Grove, MD 20880. MSM Alumnus / 19

Alumni Personals ______ ______ __ ________


1964 Continued

1966 Co

Paul D. and Jean H. Griffin li ve at 155 Oak Drive, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Pa ul is head chemist at G ul f Chemica l & Metall urgica l Co. , in Freeport , Texas . Pa ul asks "A nybody in Colorado ll1 terested in an inorgan ic R& D chemist?"

David J . Blume wri tes to let us know that he has been "transfe red to Hartford , Conn ., office of Arthur Andersen & Co., as pa rtner in the ma nagement infor mation consulting division." David and Mary live at II Musket T rail , Simsbury , CT 06070. James A. Co lombo li ves at 3924 Juniata, St. Louis, MO 63 116. He is a self employed EDP consultant. Francis J . Hogan is now an engineering supervisor with Owens-Illi nois Inc., in Mil ford, Conn . Francis and Rebecca now live at 6 Oakwood Dri ve, Mad ison, CT 06443. Donald G. Peters writes that he "was reassigned to Texas in Ju ly to work with the US Arm y Reserves as their advisor." He is senior army adv isor with the 47 0th Engin eer Bri gad e (USA R) Donald and Sue's new address is 905 Stanfield Circle, Bryan , TX 7780 I. William L. Stine is now employed by the Electronics Systems Division/XRC at the Air Force Systems Com mand in Bedford, Mass. He li ves at 26 Newcastle Drive, No.6 , Nashua, NH 03060. Clarence R. and Mary Lee Warni ng now live at 1933 Ta nglewood Dri ve, Lafayette, IN 47905. Clarence is a staff engineer fo r Caterpi llar Tractor Co. , in Peoria, III. A. D. Z unkel is now manager of business environment & comodit y analysis for Ex xon Minerals Co., in New York. He lives at 55 Red Hi ll Road , Warre n, NJ 07060.

1965 Alexander P. Aderer li ves at 44 Hickok Road, New Ca naa n, CT 06840.

NANCY SHAW Nancy Shaw writes: "J ust fi nished M.S. in ceram ics at Case Western Reserve Uni versit y. NASA is sending me to the Un iversit y of Leeds, England, to work on Ph.D. in ceramics. I'm taking sons Brian, 10, and Keith, II ." Nancy is a materials engineer with NASA's Lewis Resea rch Center in Cleveland, Ohio. She may be reached clo Department of Ceramics, Hou rdswort h School of Applied Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, L5 2 9JT, Uni ted Kingdom. Garry A. Bennett, '65, '69, tells us that he ha been "promoted to supervisor of qua lit y assura nce wi th the Arco C hemi ca l Co . pl a nt th a t ma kes chemica ls for the oil field and refineries in Sand Spri ngs, Ok la. " Ga rr y and Norma Jeanne's address is P.O. Box 7, Oologa h, OK 7405 3. Will Franklin has recent ly accepted a position as sa les engineer with pau l DeMay & Associates in Mary land Heights, Mo. Will and his wife, Diane, li ve at 733 Count ry Heights Court , Manchester, MO 630 II . Philip B. and Elizabeth Kaiser ha ve moved to 2 140 Sierra Drive, Liberal, KS 6790 I. Philip has been named district prod uction uperintendent fo r Mobil Oil Corp.

Grover D. ('65, '68) and Jaclyn Mo rgan Jr., send us this message " Dave recentl y returned from attending a two- week workshop in Vienna, where he served as a nuclear systems expert fo r the U.S. delega tion worki ng on the International Tokomak Fusion Reactor design. He is present ly working in the fu sion energy progra m at McDonnell-Douglas in St. Louis where he has concentrated on des ign of first wa ll and tritium breeding blanket reactor components." Grover, Jaclyn and their three yo ung daug hters li ve at 734 Muirview Drive, Ba ll win , MO 630 11. John and Marsha Schuette's new address is Rt. 3, Box 449 , Seviervi lle, TN 37862. John is self-employed. Alfred J . Thiede, '65 , '72, writes, "Continu ing to enjoy Hawa ii . Traveling extensively - fl ag territories, tr ust territo ries, Japan & Korea regularl y. Visited the Peoples R epub lic of China las t fall as pa rt of tudy tea m - Super l " Alfred is a Honolul u district engineer wi th the US Army Engineer Div ision, Pacific Ocea n at Ft. Shaft er, Hawa ii . Alfred and Doroth y live at 94-108 1-13 Anania Circle, Mililani , HI 96789. Clyde Wayne Wilson is now electri<.;a l department manager for Bu rns & McDon nell Engineering Co., in Kansas Cit y, Mo. Clyde and Max ine live at 11 713 W. 54th St. , Shawnee, KS 66203.

1966 T he alu mni office received notice of the dea th , on Aug. 8, of Roy James Brun· son.

David J. BI constructio recovery c andconcen Mont." Da' Copper Co address is i tieton, CO

Gary and ( to 7774 S. 80123. Ga manager f Denver, Co

Larry W. a on Rural I 62966. L, engineer . in Carbond.

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Ronald J. employed Associates. address is Henderson,

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1966 Continued


David J. Bufalo reports "I am a project construction manager for molybdenum recovery circuit, lime slaking facility , and concentrate drying facility in Butte, Mont." David is employed by Anaconda Copper Co. in Denver, Colo. His new address is 7551 S. Madison Circle, Littleton , CO 80122.

James W. Bayless III and his wife, Janis, have moved to 333 Forest Grove, Dallas, TX 75080. Jim has accepted a position as chief engineer, inst rumen tation & control, with Gibbs & Hill Inc.

Gary and Carole Hallock have moved to 7774 S. Marsha ll St. , Littleton, CO 80123. Gary is now an explorat ion manager for Brooks Exploration in Denver, Colo. Larry W. and Ruth Ann Houchin reside on Rural Route 3, Murph ysboro, IL 62966. Larry is a physical tests engineer - materials for l11inois D. O. T. in Carbondale, IlL Abdolkarim and Christine (Marx) Morshedi li ve at 1011 0 Westview , No. 612, Houston , TX 77043. Abdolkarim is with the research division of Shell OiL Ronald J. Payne, '66 , '72 , is now employed by 1.H. Kleinfelder and Associates, Las Vegas, Nev. Ron's new address is 715 Strawberry Place, Henderson , NV 89105.

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Adrian M and Yvonne Bosch's new address is Ro ute 6, Box 357 , Paducah , KY 4200 I. Ad rian has accepted a position as materials laboratory superv isor with Union Carbide-Nuclear Division. E. C. and Gail (Davidge) Kettinbrink

live at 3605 Sinclair Ave., Mid land , TX 79703. E. C is a geologist with Berry Petroleum Corp. , and Gail is a geologist with Earle M. Craig Jr. Corp. Michael R. and Donna Kistner now live at 7301 Bluestem Road, Dallas, TX 75249. Mike has been named plant engi neer - mechanical, for Chaparral Steel Co., in Midloth ian , Texas.

Gary M. Woodward's new address is P.O. Drawer II , Ft. Polk, LA 7 1459. He is now a Ft. Polk resident engineer at the US Army Corps of Engineers in Ft. Worth, Texas.

T. Michael McMillen has accepted a posit ion as geotechnical engi neer at John Mat hes & Associates inc., in Columbia , IlL Mike and Maril yn live at 278 Oak leigh Woods Drive, Ballwin , MO 630 II.

1968 Roy Michael Armstrong has moved to 1803 Sadler Drive, Champaign , IL 61820 . Richard F. Astrack reports: "I and my wife and 2 girls, Ka tie (3 12 ) and Susan (112 ) are moving to Frankfurt, W. Germany for 3 years with the Army Corps of Engineers to work on military construct ion in Europe." The fami ly's new address will be US Arm y Engineer Div ision, Europe, APO New York 09757. Richard will work as a civil engineer. Ron and Barbara Chapman announce the birth of their second child , Elisa Anne, on April 6. Ron has been promoted to vice president of the Schnabel Foundation Co., in Tucker, Ga. The family li ves at 1006 Crestwood Court , Stone Mountain , GA 30087.

Robert Richner has been named district engineer for Missouri Public Serv ice Co. in Warrensburg. Bob, his wife Ann , and their four children now live at 328 E. Market, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Bob has been with the company since 1966 and served in a sim ilar position in Nevada from 1971 to 1981. Stephen Seitz has been named plant engineering manager for General Foods in Lafayette, Ind. Stephen and Mary's address is Route I, 5 Tenskwatawa, Battle Ground, IN 47920. H. Porter Taylor is now a general sa les manager for Kirby Forest Industries, Inc. , Houston , Texas. He and Sandra live at 1923 Lakeville Drive, Kingwood , TX 77339.

.... '.{.,

1980 RoUamo

MSM A lumnu s/2 1

Alumni Personals _______________________ 1968 Continued Steven E. and Betty A. Coats' new address is 210 Walden Drive, Eureka , MO 63025. Steve is a supervisory project engi neer for Whites- Rodgers Division Emerson Electric in St. Lou is. Stephen A. and Debra Cothran's new address is 8647 Poplar Ridge Court, Florence, KY 41042. Steve has accepted a position as process control specialist with Instrumen tation Services. Alan D. Haynes now lives at 750 Kostka, Florissant, MO 6303 1. He is senior engineer - equ ipment and processing with McDonnell DouglasMCAIR in St. Louis. Michael S. and Laura C. Huett's new address is Route 4, Box 357 , Mountain Home, AR 72653. Mike owns Mike Huett & Associates Inc. Terry R. Jespersen is now a sen ior engineer with the Bendix Corp. He lives at 3300 E. 107 Terrace, Kansas City, M064137 .

Dennis R. Parker has been named executive assista nt to the cha irman and chief executive officer of Conoco, Inc., in Stamford, Co nn. He joined the compan y in 1967 and was formerly process superintendent at the compa ny's Billings, Mont., refinery. He now lives at 45 Webster Road , Ridgefield , CT 06877 .

Joel K. Michel's address is P.O. Box 1250, Pryor, OK 74361. Joel is a principal engineer with Kennecott Corp.

Martin R. Ruengert tells us he has been "transferred back home from the Electronics Command in N.J. to the Avaiation Research and Development Command in St. Louis." Martin and Marilyn now live at 9 Lone Eagle Trail, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Martin is an electronic engineer. 22 / MSM Alumnus

Mandria Simental is a technician at Plaskon Products Inc. , Los Angeles, Calif. Mandria and Refugio li ve at 286 18 Conejo View Drive, Angoura, CA 91301.

1969 (

Claude N Timberlin l Claude is for the m 51. Louis.

John and 16641 Sel 92708. Jo for Ertec '

1969 John A. Ebeling is now manager-quality department with Varco Oil and Tools, Orange, Calif. John and Marilyn live at 2 1362 Calle Sendero, EI Toro, CA 92630. Vincent R. Jozwiak is now Department of the Army system coordinator at the Pentagon, Washington , D.C. Vincent and Carolyn live at 8354 Magic Leaf Road , Springfield, VA 22153. Glenn M. and Pam Kmecz wish to announce the arrival of their daughter, Kristen Renee who was born July 28. Glenn is area maintena nce supervisor with DuPont in Richmond , Va. Glenn and Pamela live at 10304 Gention Place, Chesterfield , VA 23832 . Alan V. and Christina Meinershagen live at 6014 W. 102nd St., Overland Park, KS 66207. Alan is a project engineer - mechanical systems, at Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo. Ralph Ozorkiewicz writes, "My wife, Marie, and I are expecting our second child in December. I was recently appointed vice president , corporate marketing, after joining Kierulff Electronics last year as vice-president, southwestern group. " Ralph and Marie li ve at 27 132 Pima rio, Mission Viejo, CA 92672. Kierulff Electronics is located in Commerce, Ca lif. John C. and Norma L. Preston have moved to 4607 Mission Drive, Cresthaven Park, Decatur, IL 62526. John has been named maintenance specialist for Illinois Power Co.


PING FONG JR. Ping Fong Jr., has been appointed di rector of program management , instrument divis ion , for Travenol Laboratories Inc., Deerfield, III. He comes to the post from the position of operations manager, R & D Corporate Services for Air Products & Chemicals Inc. He had prev iously been with Travenol's Fenwa l Division for six years. Ping and his wife and son, 3302 Highland St., Allentown , PA 18104, wi ll be moving to Libertyv ille,

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Donald C. and Kathleen Green have moved to 2632 Beecher, Find lay, OH 45840. Don is now a production engineer with Dow Chemica l Co.

Wayne an! at 1808 ( M063017 Customer Southwest, Louis.

Walter and Eva Reed have moved to 2823 North Blue Meadow Ci rcle, Sugar Land , TX 77478. Walter is now a staff mechanical engineer with Amoco Production Co. in Alvin , Texas. Noel J. Rytter, '69, '7 4, has been promoted to senior research engineer at Caterpi llar Tractor Co., in Peoria, II I. Noel and Jane li ve at 2007 W. Westbrook , Peoria, IL 616 14. George W. Sevall J r. and his wife Rita, now live at 27284 Stuart Road , Rockbridge, OH 43149. George has accepted a position as quality manager with General Elect ric Logan Glass Plant in Logan , Ohio.

Timothy p a mechanil Communi( Air Force 79 Fortunl

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Alumni Personals ______________________ 1969 Continued Claude N. Strauser now lives at 127 1 Timberline Drive, Sullivan, MO 63080 . Claude is a research hyd raulic engineer for the US Arm y Corps of Engineers in St. Louis. John and Julie Ann Trapp now live at 16641 Sequoia, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. John is now a senior geologist' for Ertec Western in Long Beach, Calif. Jim Woessner sends us this note, "Mar· ried just one year and enjoying the new changes in my li fe. For the past two and one half years I have been an inspection team leader (GS· 15) in the Performance Appraisal Branch of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission . Principal responsibilities include evaluating the management control systems of nuclear power plants throughout the country. So far, the effect of this new program has been extremely positive. The staff numbers only 20, and the challenge has been super." Jim and Jennifer live at 643 Abrigo Court, San Ramon , CA 94583.

1970 Wayne and Barbara Alexander now live at 1808 Cay men Court, Chesterfield, MO 630 17. Wayne is a district manager, custome r se rvices personnel , for Southwestern Bell Telephone in St. Louis. Timothy P. Corbett has been assigned as a mechanical engineer to HQ, Air Force Communications Command at Scott Air Force Base, Ill. Tim and Sally live at 79 Fortune St., St. Louis, MO 63122. Richard R. Kunkel writes to tell us he has a new address and a new job. Richard and Karen now reside at 4611 Misty Trails, St. Louis, MO 63128. He is now with Anheuser·Busch. Anthony A. Mack's new address is Box 17, Pleasantview Road , Transfer, P A 16154. Tony is a plant manager for Air Products & Chemicals Inc. , in Green· ville, Pa.

James B. and Linda McKelvey's new address is 1338 Yves, Manchester, MO 630 II. Jim is a project manager with the Cabot Corp., in St. Louis. Richard E. Niesen has moved to 38 1 Springside Lane, Buffalo G roves, IL 60090. He is senior manufacturing engineer with Bell & Howell Co., in Ch icago, IlL Olusegun and Olusanya Olusanya's new address is P.O. Box 249, Bukuru Viajos, Plateaus State, Nigeria. Olusegun is now head of the civil and building engineer· ing department of Plateau State Polytechnic. Larry D. and Gennell E. Peterson's new address is 2702 Sack Drive, West, Jacksonville, FL 322 16. Larry has ac· cepted a position as mechanical engineer with the Naval Air Rework Facility. Dennis and Sandy Prenger's new ad· dress is Rt. 5, Kenwood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Dennis is now employed by Westinghouse Inc. He is an electrical engineer. Edward H. and Penny Shannon an· nounce the birth of their first child, Ch risty Louise, on Nov. 21 , 1980. Ed· ward and Penny's new address is Route 5, Box 160A, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901. Edward is now an env ironmental engineer with the Department of Natural Resources . . LaMar T. and Victoria Sue Sizemore Jr. send the following message: "Tom was named assistant resident manager· facilities and navigation for St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. on August 9. Our address remains 79 Highland Ave., Massena , NY 13662." Thomas F. Wolff sends us a note saying, am presently attend ing Purdue University. I am beginning work on a Ph.D. in geotechnical engineering spon· sored by the U.S. Corps of Engineers' civil works specialist program." Tom, Kathleen , David, 2, and Tim, 4, live at 3326 Peppermille Drive , West Lafayette, IN 47906. "I

PAUL E. VAUGHN Paul E. Vaughn has been promoted to manager of planning and computeriza· tion fo r Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. at Charleston, W.Va. He has been with the company since 1978. Paul, Diane, Lee Michael and Eric live at 419 Sun Valley Drive, St. Albans, WV 25 177.

1971 Charles H. and Eileen R. Alkemeyer have moved to 804 Grand Teton Drive, Plano, TX 75023 . Charles has been named associate project engineer for Phillips Coal Co. in Richardson , Texas. William and Pamela Bauman send the following: "The past few months have been busy for the Bauman fami ly. Around June I they returned to the U.S. after spending three yea rs in Jamaica where Bill was assigned to Alu mina Partners of Jamaica. They have now moved into their permanent residence at 1811 Live Oak in Portland, TX 78374, after spending two months in Little Rock on a temporary assign· ment. During that stay , their second ch ild , Matthew Justine, was born. Bill is a senior plant process engineering con· sultant at Reynolds Metals' Sherwin Alumina Plant near Corpus Christ i. " MSM Alumnus/23

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1971 Continued John H. Atkinson III is now deputy district engineer fo r the St. Pau l district. John and Ma ry Lou li ve at 3487 Ro ll ing View Court, White Bear Lake, MN 55 11 0. Pirooz Binesh is now an engi neer with Genera l Electric Co. in Sa n Jose, Ca lif. Pi rooz's address is 229 1 Via Maderos Road , Los Altos, CA 94022 . Gary and Janet Creason's new address is 8008 West I I 5th St., Overland Park, KS 662 10. Gary is an assista nt project ma nager for Burns & McDonnell Consul ting Engineers in Ka nsas City , Mo. M. G. and Rita Jahagirdar live at 1516 Oak , Carlsbad , NM 88220. M. G. is now with National Potash. He is a meta llu rgist. Jack A. and Kristen A. Jolly have moved to 2208 W. Knoxvi lle, Broken Arrow, OK 740 12. Jack has accepted a position as assistant field engineer at Bechtel Petroleum Inc., in Tu lsa , Okla. Jon D. Katin has been named deputy dist rict engineer for the US Army Corps of Engineers in Al Batin, Saud i Arabia. Jon and Nancy' new address is P.O. Box 3347 , APO New York 096 15. Jerry G. Keen is now vice president of Jan Oil Co. Jerry and Sh irley live at 120 12 Sy lvester Drive, Oklahoma City , OK 73 132 . James A. Klotz and his wife, Sylvia, have moved to 4829 Meyer Road , Pendleton, NY 14120. James states that: "As of June I, I was transferred fro m Union Ca rbide Corp. - Clarksburg, W. Va. to Union Ca rbide Corp. - Nilgra Fa lls, N.Y." He is now superin tellJent of the quality cont rol laboratory. David L. and Annetta L. Meier now live at 226 1 Sinaloa Ave., Altadena, CA 9100 I. Dav id is now a member of the tech nical staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. 24 / MSM A l umnu s

Notice has been received fro m the U.S. Post Office of the death of John Ke nneth Dare. J. Dale Montgomery Jr., '71, '76 , has written in to say, "Dale Montgomery and Associates is now one year old and a success! All MSM-UMR Alumni get preferred service with their environmenta l regulatory assistance needsnat ionwide." The address is 240 S. Catherine, Lagrange, IL 60525. Phone (312) 579-5379. Clinton L. Mosley's new address is P.O. Box 158 , Cabot, AR 72023. Clinton is now a design/development engineer for Lomanco Inc. , in Jacksonvi lle, Ark. Duk-Won Park is now an associate professor, department of mineral engineering, at the University of Alabama. Duk Won and Sun-Ja now live at 531 B Dogwood Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405. Gordon D. Robinson writes, "Cathy and I are happy to announce the birth of our daughter, Amanda Caye, on Oct. 30, 1980." The family lives at 614 1 Colu mbia Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139. Gordon is the director of informat ion and control for Chas. S. Lewis Inc. Robert A. Sorter now lives at 8239 Wayne, Kansas City, MO 6413 1. He is a senior programmer analyst with The Lee Co. , in Merriam, Kan. Capt. Gary W. Widner has been promoted to facility management officer for the Illinoi s Nat ional Gua rd headquartered in Springfield, III. In his new assignment, he is responsible for repairing and maintaining 49 National Guard Armor ies and var ious other maintenance, av iation and training faci lities thoughout Illi nois. Prior to 1978, when he accepted a fu ll time appointment to the Nat iona l Guard , Gary was with the Illinois Department of Transportation. Gary and Gey tha and their four daughters , Tanya , 10, Karessa, 8, Jenna, 2, and Leah, I , live at 30 Oakbend Co urt , Springfield, IL 62704.

Linas and Jodine Roe have moved to 5282 Princeton Ave., Westminster, CA 92683. Linas is now a special projects officer fo r the United States Air Force Space Division in Los Angelos, Calif. Robert K. and Mary Schwabe have moved to 627 Westborough Place, Webster Groves, MO 63119. Bob is with Southwestern Bell.

1972 On June I Carey Bottom, '72, '75, '7 9, was promoted to scientist at the Analyt ical Services Laboratory of the Drackett Co., Cincinnat i, Oh io. He has been with the company since 1978. So fa r he has developed data hand ling tech ni ques for enzyme assays, developed new methodology in the analys is of ethoxylated anionic surfactants and has suggested and im plemented novel reagents to be used in routine determinations. He has completed a major research project on the synthetic gum blends -- "a feat that was sa id to be impossible by gum supp liers and technologists." Carey and Christ ine now live at 7663 Duke Drive, West Chester, OH 45069. Nathaniel F. Colby is now a senior engineer, engineering procedures and standards, with G.P.U. Nuclear, Parsippany , New Jersey. Nat and Mary live at 12 Baker Ave., Dover, NJ 0780 I.

A/urr 1972


John ani anno uno daughter civil engi sas City, Grandvie

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David E. Wildwoo quah, W engineer

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Russell al to 3836 65807. R with Lily.

Gary L. Declue is a sen ior chem ica l engi neer with Digital Equipment of Bedford , Mass. Gary and Beverly's add ress is Rt. 2, Box 620, Atkinson, N H 038 11. Gary Dieckmann has moved to 500 Greens Road , Apt. 2208, Houston, TX 77060. Gary is now employed by Mapco, Inc. He is a geologist. Thomas Eyermann has accepted a position as leach/fi ll manager with Dravo Utility Constructors Inc. , in Hackberry, La. His address is 5020 Pecan Acres, Apt. 12H , Lake Charles, LA 70605.

Hans K., breath-tak PetrOleum JUnction,


moved to nster, CA I projects ~ir Force ;, Calif.

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a senior lures and ar, Parsip' ary live at 801.

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1972 Continued John and Carrie Edwards are happy to announce the birth of their second daughter, Laura, on April 10. John is a civil engineer at Black & Veatch in Kansas City, Mo. The family lives at 9534 Grandview , Overland Park, KS 66212. Gary D. and Sherry Forsee have moved to 718 Marlborough Common, Somerville, NJ 08876. Gary is now district staff manager - business services, for AT&T in Basking Ridge, N.J. David E. Hanson has Wi ldwood Blvd. , SW. , quah , WA 98027. He engineer for the Boeing

moved to 660 Apt. C3, Issais now a test Co., in Seattle.

Frank and Barbara Ann Headington have moved to 2591 Lansdowne Drive, Decatur, IL 62521. Frank is now a production supervisor-melting for Wagner Castings Co _ J. Douglas Marek has moved to 203 Grand Prairie, Lafayette, LA 70506. Doug is district gas engineer for Sun Gas Co. Russell and Sherril Martin have moved to 3836 S. Lindell, Springfield, MO 65807 . Russell is now a plant engineer with Li ly, a division of Owens-Ill inois.

Michael A. North sends us this note, "I accepted the position of design engineer with Brown and Root Inc., in April. Ji ll and I now live at 15219 Lorna Paseo, Houston, TX 77083." Sreemanth and Susan Pagadala ha ve moved to 283 1 Nort h Pine Grove St., Chicago, IL 60657. Sreemanth has been named president/consulting engineer for P & P Industries in Chicago. Michael A. Perry has moved to 7506 Jim's Place, Crystal River, FL 32629. David R. Puettmann, senior sales representative for Beckman Instruments Inc., brought his sister to visit the campus on July 30. Lisa Puettman is a high school senior and will be a college freshman in the fall of 1982. David lives at 5523 Wieland Drive, St. Louis, MO 63128. A. Lawrence Summers has been named operations manager for AT&T Long Lines in Minneapolis, Minn. Lawrence and Linda reside at 8695 Ivywood Ave., Cottage Grove, MN 55016. Weldon W. Watson Jr. is now director of production for Zimmer Motorcar Corp. , in Pompano Beach, Fla. Weldon and Nancy Ann live at 1076 NW 84th Dri ve, Coral Springs, FL 33065.


I'S address

m038 11.

d to 500 usto n, rX

;an Acres, 70605

William W. George has moved to 397 John Casey Road , Bourbonnais, IL 60914. He has been named assistant superintendent of storage for Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America in Herscher, IlL William R. Heincker writes "My wife, Kathy, and our two sons and I arrived this summer at the USAF Academy for our new assignment. ['II be teaching in the engineeri ng mechanics department. Would like to hear from G[enn and Andrea Anderson, wherever they are." Bill and Kathy's new address is Quarters 4401H, USAF Academy , CO 80840. Mr. Carl A. (Chuck) Jurgens was promoted to western regional sa les manager for ITT Transmission Division in Raleigh , N.C Chuck , his wife Megan, and children, Bob, Chris and Elizabeth, now li ve at 4708 Wildwood, Raleigh , NC 27612 .

Adrian C. Kuzdas has been named engineering manager for Mostek in Carrollton, Texas. Adrian and Maureen live at 1717 Chesterfield Drive, Carrollton , TX 75007.

dby M ap-

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John Keating was elected secreta ry · treasurer of the Florida Chapter of the American Institute of Mining , Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. John is currently the plant metallurgist of International Minerals and Chemical Corp.'s Clear Springs Mine. John and his family now live at 6203 Ivanhoe, Lakeland, FL 33803.

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Steve Weis is a project leader for Cater· pillar Tractor Co. He li ves at 3903 North Rochelle Lane, Peoria, IL 61615.

Hans K. and Cassi Schmoldt are building their fourth home up against a mesa in a breath-taking location. Hans K. is now a senior minerals geologist for Phillips Petroleum Co. The Schmoldt's new address is 239 W. Fallen Rock Road, G rand Junction , CO 81503.

Gary D. Lueschke is now a plant manager with Memphis Can Co. Gary lives at 695 Normandy , Apt. 38, Houston, TX 77015. MSM A lu mnus!25

Alutnnl Personals ___________________________________________ 1973 Continued Stanley E. McKinney has moved to 5402 Abercreek, Friendswood , TX 77546. He has been promoted to sen ior engineer with Monsanto Co. , in Texas City.

. I'

Sam McWilliam has been promoted to director of man ufact uring at the Sauget, III. plant of the Edw in Cooper Division ' of Et hyl Corp: He was former ly operations manager and act ing site manager. Sam's home address is 5056 Lampglow Court, St. Louis, MO 63 129. Elaine A. Menke sends us the following update for her and her husband: "Kim D. Colter, M.D. and Elaine A. Menke have moved to Route I, 622H Woodland Road , Washington , MO 63090. Kim fini shed his residency in family practice at the University of Missouri Med ical Center in Columbia in June. He and two of his associates are opening Family Health Care, a group practice in family medicine with offices in Washington and Marthasville, Mo. Elaine completed her M.S. degree in computer science from the University of Missouri Columbia and has taken a facul ty position in the data processing department at East Central College in Union , Mo."

Maj. (P.) Stephen E. and Sandra Shepard's new address is 7 Tennessee Road , Vicksburg, MS 39 180. Steve has recently been assigned as deputy district engineer and deputy commander to US Arm y Engineer District. Wesley S. and Patricia Watkins now live at 62 13 E. 78th Place, Tulsa, OK 74136. Wesley is now senior staff engineer with Williams Pipe Line Co. Phillip B. and Linda Weddle now live at 41 25 (No. B) Loire, Kenner, LA 70062. Phillip is a project engineer with Monsanto in Luling, La. Paul A. Zimmer has been named director - research and resource planning for the Illinois Power Co., in Decatur, III. Pau l and Roberta live at 325 North Drive, Mt. Zion , IL 62549.

1974 James J. Barbarito Jr. is a marketing supervisor with Eastman Chemical Products in Kingsport , Tenn. Jim and Nancy (Gower) have moved to 3305 Pine Timbers, Johnson City, TN 37601.

2b/ MSM A l umnu s

Ellen (Cherry) and John Bohn are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Michelle Lynne, on June 14. John, Ellen, and Michelle live at 4775 Groveton Way, St. Louis, MO 63128. Ellen is a staff manager with Southwestern Bell.

Michael Brueckmann's new address is 1254 Whispering Winds, Arnold, MO 630 IO. He is now an engineer with the Union Electric Meramec Plant in St. Louis. Edgar C. and Janet L. Clausen have moved to 2124 Loren Circle, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Edgar has accepted a position as associate professor at the University of Arkansas. Paul L. and Nancy J. Clites have moved to 23946 Creek ridge Drive, Spring, TX 77373. Paul has been named senior staff planning analyst for Exxon Co., USA in Houston.

Gonzalo Davila-Poblete sends the following report: "After working for Bircher Ltd. in Beringen, Switzerland, as an assistant engineer, I am back in Bolivia working with Consultin Lamitida, a mining-metallurgical consulting firm , in the field of mineral processing. My address is P.O. Box 6831, La Paz, Bolivia."

J. Scott Patterson Jr., '73 , '74, has accepted a position as senior civil engineer for the City of Novato, Public Works Department in Novato, Calif. Scott lives at 335 Bahia Lane, San Rafael, CA 94901 . Trinh and Bui Kim Yen Rang have moved to 170 I Rada Road, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745. Trinh is now a senior engineer with C.F. Bra un Engineers in Alhambra, Calif.

1974 C Diane M. Bechmann now lives on Route 2, Box 148, Charleston , IL 61920. She is an industrial services engineer for Central Illinois Public Service Co. , in Mattoon, II\.

Susan and Terry Collins live at 104 1. St. , Sparks, NV 89431 .

John W. Parmeter is now executive director of the St. Louis school district. John and Ruth moved to 3134 Sunswept Park Drive, No.3 , F lorrisant, MO 63033.

1980 Rollamo


Paul E. Erlandson received his MBA from University of Ka nsas in May. He has moved to 17599 Whitney Road, No. 105 , Strongsville, OH 44 136, and is now product engineer (for polyacrylates) at B.F. Goodrich Chemical Group in Cleveland.

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Alumni Personols ____________________________________________ 1974 Continued David A. Dunavant is now an assistant professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. Dave and Blenda now live at 843 Barlow Street, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Allen and Martha Fails report that: "The last six months have been hectic. We now have a new house , a new daughter and Allen has a new job. Our new da ughter, Hea ther Ca rrie, was born on Jul y 16. Allen is now a proj ect engi neer wi th GMAO Leeds Plant in Kansas Cit y, Mo. The new house is at 205 E. Moore Court. Blue Springs, MO 6401 5." Colleen A. (Collins) and Mike Fitzgerald tell us, "We've had a very good yea r. We now live in the land of sun and ski and are rea ll y happ y abo ut that l We are also the first husband/wife sales team to be awarded one of Westin ghouse's most prestigious sa les awa rds-the President's Circle. A good ed uca tion has really put us in the 'dri ver's sea t'I " Th e Fit zgeralds now live at 8 137 S. Spruce Circle, Englewood, CO 80 11 2. They are sa les engineers with Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Denver. Colo. Robert and Patricia Hermann's new ad· dress is 393 Shoreline Place, Decatur, IL 62521. Bob is a maintenance manager with A.E. Staley Man'lfacturing Co. Dennis and Beverly Lyle's new address is Rt. 3, Box 262 , Wiliston , NO 5880 I. Donald and Jane Moffett have moved to 80 18 Bethelen Woods Lane, Springfield , V A 22 153. Don is now a material and systems officer for the U.S. Army Nuclear and Chem ica l Agency . Don is a major. Nicolaus ('74, '76) and Nancy Newmann send us the following note "We are now residing at 7866 Woodland Drive, Newburgh , IN 47630. Nic was transferred to Consolidation Coal Company's Midwestern region office in Evansville, Ind ., as the supervisor, preparation and quality control."

.J 1980 Rollamo

Major John T. Nagy has been assigned to the 6940th Electronic Securi ty Wing at Fort Meade, Md. He is with the US Ai r Force. John and his wife, Ma ureen, now li ve at 928 December Court , Gambrills, MD 21054. Craig and Julie Ortwerth were married on August 22 . They reside at 79 16 N. Hanley Road , Tampa , FL 336 15. Craig is a division representative fo r Anheuser Busch Inc. On J ul y 22 , Jim and Sue ('74) Ricker, welcomed the birth of an 8 Ib .-9 oz. boy. They named him Jedidiah James. He has a five-yea r old brother named Jeremy Andrew. Sue now teaches junior and se ni or English and Spa nish at Sa lem Hi gh SchooL Sa lem, Ark. This will be her third yea r there. The famil y's address is Ge neral Deli ve ry. Bexa r. AR 725 15. Step hen S. Schade is the chemical engineer responsible for da ta analysis and interpretat ion on a peat gassification project at Chicago's Institute of Gas Technology. Steve lives at 73 13 S. Woodward , No. no I, Woodridge, [L 605 17 . David P. Spencer has been named manager of engineerin g · mid conti nent region, at Ladd Petroleum Corp., in Tulsa, Ok la. David and Ca therine now li ve at 7409 S. Maple, Brok en Arrow , OK 740 12. Da vid and Cat herine write "Our son Aa ron is 5 now. Everything is go ing grea t since our move to Tulsa."

Patrice M. Ryan's new add ress is N.T. Station, Box 9424, Dent on, TX 76203. She is a stude nt.

George D. Steg ner repo rts " [ have been recentl y promoted to the position of ma nage r of maint e na nce a n d mechanica l engineeri ng at Placid Refin ing Co. 's Port Al len Refin ery." George and Joy li ve at 10233 Tanwood Ave. , Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Michael L. Terry announces, "We have a new member in the famil y Rebecca , born Ma rch 6. Our older daughter, Jillian, is now 2." Mike is an ass istant superintendent , primary maintenance with G ranite Cit y Steel in G ranite Cit y, [II. Mike, Jan, and fam il y li ve at 25 05 Westglen Farms Drive, Ellisv ille, MO 630 II. Anthony J. Torelli has been promoted to assistant act uary in Wausa u [n surance Company's home office group retirement department in Wausau, Wis. He wi ll be responsible for prepa ring acturial va luat ions fo r corporate pension plans. He has been with the company since 1976. Tony's address is 6 15 Woodfield Circle, SE, Wausau , WI 5440 1. Andrew and Priscilla Wilson now reside at 4 100 W. 19th Ave., Apt. G-I03, Sti llwater, OK 74074. And y is a graduate student at Ok lahoma State University. MSM A lu mnu s127

Alumn; Personals ____________________________________________ 1975 Continued Josep h B Adrian writes: "Tina and I were married on Aug. I. " He and Tina li ve at 8 11 Syca more, Rolla, MO 6540 I . Josep h is a safety specialist with the US Depa rtment of Labor, Mine Safety and Hea lth . David W. Allan has moved to 2 10 West Clara, Peoria, IL 6 16 14 . He has been named material and standards engineer for Ca terpillar Tractor Co. Jeffery and Sharon Bopp are proud to announce the bi rth of their first child , a da ughter, Shannon Cooper, born on Aug. 7. Jeff states " I am being repaid by the good Lord for my four yea rs of dep ri va tion at Rolla with a housefu l of bea utiful women. " Jeff and Sharon now li ve at 4003 Lillie, Apt. I, Davenport, IA 52806. Jeff has joined Nichols Homes hield as mill products technica l manager. His prev ious position was with Al coa, Ma sse na , N.Y. as s ta ff metallurgist, Alcoa Conductor Products. Steve Burton received his master's deg ree from the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1978. He has been a minister of ed ucation for four years at Savannah Avenue Baptist Church in St. Joseph, MO 64506 .

W. E. Broshears has bee n named director of operations enginee ring for the Peabody Coa l Co .. in SI. Louis. W. E. and Maril yn li ve at 1245 Quee ns Trail, Fen ton, MO 63026. Lawrence S. and Harriet (Deanie) Davis' new add ress is 500 S. Ri vershire, Conroe, TX 77304. Lawrence is now a division engineer for Gulf States Utilit y. Guy R. and Lynn Freese have moved to 43 2 1 Wood land Creek, Corpus Christi , TX 784 10. G uy has been named division manager for Shilstone Engineer Testing Corp. David E. and Janet M. Hamilton now live at 19 16 S. First St., Kirksville, MO 63501. Dav id now ow ns Hamilton & Associates Consu lting Engineers. Charles G. Kallal sends the following: "I've changed jobs from Amoco Oil Co. (Yorktown , Va. , refinery) to Phillips Petroleum Co. at the Kansas City, Kans. , refinery, effective June I. My duties at Phillips initially include both maintenance and staff project engineer· ing. My new home address is 5803 NW Raintree Drive, Kansas City, MO 64152, (phone: 816-587-9606)."

Stanley M. Harmon has been promoted to carbon bake supervisor at Noranda Aluminum Inc. , New Madrid, Mo. Before joining the company as an area engineer in carbon operations in July, 1980, Stan was with Fabricators Inc. , Jackson, South Carolina . His address is 725 E. 9th, Portageville, MO 63873. Jerry Kieffer (MS '75 , PhD '79) is now a visiting assistant professor at St. Bonaventure University. Jerry can be reached c/o Physics Depa rtment, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778. Michael S. McCall has moved to 4235 Louisianna NE, Apartment 12-B, Albu· querque, NM 87109. He has been nam· ed transmission design engineer for Plain s Electric Generation and Transmission Coop. Inc. Steven F. and Pamela Meyer live at 4413 Maplewood , Enid, OK 7370 I. Steve is a senior project engineer with Farm land Industries. Jack A. (II) and Angie Myers now li ve at 802 N. Jackson, Spring Hill, KS 66083. Jack is a production engineer with Emery Energy Inc., in Osawatomie, Kan. Randy Pace is now a DP consultant for Robert Half of St. Louis, in Clayton, Mo. Randy and Peggy live at 12333 In· letridge Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Robert W. Parsons II is now vice presi· dent of P&O Falcoal, Inc. Robert and Lynda now live at 26 10 Glen Haven, Houston , TX 77025. Ronald and Sandra Pinaire are happy to announce the birth of their second child, Allen. The family li ves at 318 Niagara, Park Forest, IL 60466. Ron is an engineer for Atlantic Richfield Co., in Harvey, Ill.

1980 Rollamo 28/ MSM Alumnu s

Ronald G. Simon has moved to 186 East 27th St. , Riviera Beach, FL 33404. He is a materials engineer for Pratt & Whitney Ai rcraft in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Donald an address is 33440. Do engineer ~ Engineers

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Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1975 Continued Donald and Carol Ann Simpson's new address is P.O. Box 852, Clewiston, FL 33440. Donald is now a supervisory civ il engineer for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Clewiston.

D. Freddie Ipock has moved to 26 19 E. Linwood, Springfield, MO 6580 I. He has been named project coordinatorelectric line department , for City Utilities of Springfield.

I is

Kevin C. Skibiski, '75 , '76 has been named a principal of Williams and Skibiski Inc. , in Mayfield, Ky. Kevin and Jeanie live at Route 6, Possum Trot, Benton, KY 42025.

Deborah and James ('76) Light are the parents of Lisa Marie Light, born on March 29. Jim is a test engineer with Caterpillar Tractor Co. in Litchfield Park, Ariz. Jim and Debbie live at 4711 W. EI Caminito Drive, Glendale, AZ 85302.

to 4235

John and Kathleen Unks have moved to 6034 S. Niagara Court, Englewood, CO 80 III . John is now a staff development geologist with Energy Reserves Group Inc. , in Denver, Colo.

Kenneth E. Luetkemeyer is an MBA candidate at the University of MissouriColumbia. Ken's new address is 30 I Tiger Lane, Apt. 406, Columbia, MO 6520 1.

Dennis B. Wehmeyer is a petroleum engineer with Getty Oil Co. Dennis and Delma live at 1206 Calle Sur, Hobbs, NM 88240.

. Patrick A. and Barbara Maddox send us this news, "Pat has a new job in Phoenix with G.T.E. Automatic Electric. Our new address is 1018 W. Grovers Ave., Phoeni x, AZ 85023 . We've been here since May and just love it. We're looking forward to our first winter with no snow." Pat is a member of the technical staff for GTE.

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1976 David J. Chambers is now a proj ect manager for Merrick & Co. in Denver, Colo. Dave and Connie have moved to 14067 E. Stanford Circle, No. 206, Aurora, CO 80015 . Evaz and Carla Fanaian's new address is Route I, Box 447 , Aiton , IL 62002. Evaz now works for Sverdrup and Parcel in St. Louis Mo. He is a design engineer.

Thomas McCoy reports that he plans to enroll at UMR's Graduate School in the near future. Tom lives at 12115 Wensley, Florissant, MO 63033. He is a public works engineer with the St. Louis County government. Michael E. and Theresa A. Price's new address is 1808 A George Court, Columbia, MO 65202. Michael has been promoted to environmental engineer III for the Department of Natural Resources in Jefferson City, Mo.

Bob and Diane Fleischman have moved to 207 Shadyoak Drive, Ballwin, MO 630 II . Bob says: ''I'm still traveling St. Louis to Salt Lake for Miller and Co. Our first baby is due in November."

Gene L. Rovak, PDD '76, has joined Booker Associates Inc. , St. Louis, as a project civil engineer. Gene's address is 766 Gascogne, St. Louis, MO 63 141.

William Charles Hawn married Carole Anita Shoults in a ceremony held at the home of Miss Shoult's parents in Portageville, Mo. Bill is employed by St. Louis Shipbuilding Inc.

Joyce and Charles Schlefs new address is P.O. Box 816, 3 Burbank Ave., Warren, MA 01083. Joyce is a mathematics teacher at Cathedral High School in Springfield, Mass .

1980 RoUamo

Sally Schwager has moved to 27 !9 Mount Laura! , Gretna, LA 70053. She is senior engineer for Exxon Co. USA, in New Orleans. Michael E. Searcy has recent ly accepted a position as regional technical representat ive with Ashland Chemical in Sch iller Park, lll. Mike and his wife, Loree, have moved to 7 11 E. Dav is, Arl ington Heights, IL 60005. Cheryl L. Tyner is now a senior program mer/analyst with Standard Oil of Indiana, Chicago, Ill. Cheryl and Charles live at 1231 Prairie Brook, Apt. AI , Palatine, 11 60067. Daniel H. Underwood is temporarily residing at 3114-K Honeywood Lane, SW, Roanoke, VA 240 14. He is employed as a field engineer for General Electric in Salem, Va. Joseph Vehige send the following note: "Joe & Jeanine Vehige reside at 835 Water, St. Charles, MO 6330 I with Sarah (4) and Bill y (2). Joe is an application engineer for Emerson Elect ric Motors Division and Jean ine does volunteer work for her fami ly." MSM A lumnu s129

Alumni Pe rsonals _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Keith, '77 and Cheri e, '80, Cowan have moved to 3627 W hite Bark , St. Louis, MO 63 129. Keit h is an inspec ti on and maintenance engineer w ith A moco Oil in Wood Ri ver, 111. Cheri e is a proj ect engin eer wi th Monsanto. Mar ia G. and A lbert Ghara kh ani have moved to 389 Phaeton St. , W indsor, CT 06095. Ma ri a has accepted a position as engineer II at Combusti on Engineerin g. A lbert has accepted a position as associate engineer at North east U tiliti es in Berlin , Conn. Art Giesler repor ts: ''I' m curre ntl y attending T CU at night workin g on an MBA . T he constru ct ion business is boomi ng in Te xas and keeping ever yone busy ." A rt is an area manager for Y ork Di vision , Borg-Wa rn er in Ft. Worth , T exas. A rt and Karen li ve at 75 49 Bigleaf Lane, F t. Worth . TX 76 111.


1976 Continued Lt. j.g. Dav id F. T hompson, ' 76, '78, and Joy (Ewen s) Tho mpson, '77, now live at 111 0 Rainier. Oak Ha rbor, W A 98277 . " Dave. a N avy pilot , is currentl y fl ying A -6 att ack ai rcra f t w ith V A -I 28 at W hidbey Island NAS and will be dep loyed nex t sum mer on th e USS Enterpr ise. Joy is manager of an art gallery and custom frarn ing shop in Oa k H arbo r." O . W . Tobey Yadon is now ow ner of Mi nu teman Press of Fort Collins I nc. H e and Susa n live at 244 !1z Pa rt , Fort Coll ins, CO 8052 1.

1977 Prakob Chirakiti have moved to 3 I 14 La nce Dri ve, Columbia, M O 65202. 30 / MSM Alumn u s

Jon A. and Con nie Graham are proud to announce the arrival of their da ughter, Jocelyn A laine, on November 6, 1980, with a birth weight of 7 Ibs., \12 oz. Jon is now a consul tant engineer-pet roleum with Lawson Engineering in Ok lahom a Ci t y, Ok la. Jon and Conn ie li ve at 1361 7 Pin Oak Place, Edmond , OK 73 034. Ted and Dixie Greenwald have mo ved to 362 0 N .E. 5th St. , G ladston e, MO 64 119. Ted is W es tern district plann ing and schedu ling coord inator/engineering with the Missou ri Pacific Rail road. Gar y G. Holmes has moved to 3820 F ill more, St. L ouis, MO 63 11 6. G ary is now a civil engineer II for the City of St. Louis. Christopher M . Jarrett reports " I'm presentl y working at th e L.O.T.T. Was tewa ter T reatment Plant in Ol ympia, Wash. which is now under constructi on. " Chris lives at 400 108th Stree t N .E. Suite 5 12, Bellev ue, W A 98004 . H e is an assistant constru cti on manager fo r Construct ioneerin g N. W . Inc.

Max W. Lee is an engineer with T exas I nstrum ents in Richardson, T exas. Max and Inez li ve at 330 I Brookshire Drive, Plano. TX 75075. A le x and An ne L indberg announce th e bir th of th eir first child, Dan iel Josep h Lindberg, on A ug. 25 . A lex is a sales engineer fo r Schlumberger. T he fa mily li ves at 3 10 Nebraska , Laredo , T X 78 04 1. A rn old Scott Newby was ma rried to Am y Joyce Crum packer on A ugust I . at G lendale Baptist Church in Nashville, T enn . A rn old is plant enginee r for TAMKO A sphalt Products. T he coup le now li ves at 4 133 Abercor n Road. Kn oxv ille, TN 3792 1. Minh H. Nguyen has moved to 3 10 E. 9th St. , Bartlesville, OK 74003. Minh is now a resea rch engineer w ith Ph ill ips Petroleum .

K enneth and Debra Ortmann now li ve at 1308 S. V ine, Denver, CO 802 10. K en is a reservoir engineer for Northern Nat ural Gas.

M ichael and Joan Sale have moved to 1705 Derry Jane, Ma nchester, M O 630 11. M ike is now a maintanence engineer with Edwi n Cooper Inc., in Sauget, II I.

Paul C. Schnoebelen in form s us that he gradu ated f rom H ar va rd Bus i ness School in June, 198 1, and now has a new positi on as associate - corporate finance with Shea rson, Loeb, Rhoades Inc., an in vestm en t bank in g and securit ies firm on Wa ll St reet. H e is temporaril y living at 20 V illa Coublay, SI. Louis, MO 63 131. H e will soon move to New York. Rich ard B. Siebenman has jo ined Brock Explorat ion Corp. , of New Orleans as a reservoir engineer. He li ves at 3225 K abel Dri ve, N ew Orleans, LA 70 11 4.

Alumni 1971


Richard C. • Amesbury, 75206 He assurance I struments.

Gregory G. by Ralston Engineering Greg, Susan. at 1344 Twil 63026.

Joy (Ewens) band, David, Rainier, Oa "Dave, a Na A¡6 attack IVhidbey Is deployed ne Enterprise. J galleryandc Harbor."

Sieve Vrazal with Roots duslies. Sievi Connersville.

Robrrt and( to 182 1 Bartlesville, employed by

Paul E. and , al1609 Nortl MO 6411 8. Co. in Kansa


Adebowale C IS 501 Ril Sacramenlo tant e n gi~ Caltrans.

Jim and NaT .Il l Monica IS with Sverd Works for Ih(


Alutnni Personals _____________________________________________

1 Texas

1971 Continued

Max ~ Drive,


nee the Joseph a sales . family 10. TX

-ried to ust I, at lshlille. eer for : couple Road.

310 E. Minh is Phillips

live 80210. orthern






Itanence Inc., in

; that he Business w has a orporate Rhoades ng and e is tem' blay. St. move 10

~d BrOCk

~ans as a

at 3225 701 14 .

Richard C. Amesbury, 75 206. He assurance struments.

Smith lias moved to 5350 No. 22 I I , Dallas, TX has been named qua lit y engineer for Texas In-

Gregory G. Salomon is now employed by Ralston Purina Co.'s Corporate Engineering division in St. Louis, Mo. Greg, Susan, and daughter Michelle live at 1344 Twin Trails Court, Fen ton , MO 63026 . Joy (Ewens) Thompson and her husband , David, '76, '78, now li ve at I I 10 Rainier, Oak Harbor, WA 98277 . "Dave, a Navy pilot, is current ly Oying A-6 attack aircraft with VA- I 28 at Whidbey Island NAS and will be deployed next summer on the USS Enterprise. Joy is manager of an art ga llery and custom framing shop in Oak Harbor." Steve Vrazalich is now a project leader with Roots Division of Dresser In dusties. Steve's address is P.O. Box 578, Connersville, IN 4733 I. Robert and Cindy Wagner have moved to 182 1 S.E. Crescent Dr ive, Bartlesv ille, OK 74003. Bob is now employed by Phillips Pet roleum.

Susan L. Callahan li ves at 252 Jason St., Nevada , MO 64772. She is a fac ult y member in mathmatics at Cottey Co llege in Nevada.

John E. and Mary K. Johnson's new add ress is Dow's Fa rm No.7. Route 3, Cedar Rapids. IA 5240 I. John is a mechan ical engineer at Black & Veatch in Kansa Cit y. MO.

Lee A. and Andrew W. Cox are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Jessica Lee, on Nov . I , 1980. Lee and Andrew now live at 5460 Burdette Road, Jacksonville, FL 322 I I .

Randall W. Jones has moved to 2 17 W. Broadway, No. C-30. Co lumbia. MO 6520 I. He is a medical student.

Michael J. Crockett has accepted a pos ition as engineer with Texas Eastern Pipeline Corp. , in Houston . Mike has moved to 9000 Fondren, Apt. 349, Houston , TX 77074.

David K. and Brenda D. Fonner's new add ress is Box 2714, Route 3, Fu lton, MO 6525 I. Dav id is now a start-up engineer with Un ion Electric in St. Lou is. Debora A. Garrels has moved to 126 I 2 Brookl yn A ve., Kansas City, MO 64 I 46. Debora is now an industrial engineer with GMAD-Leeds. Wilma and Robert Hilton have moved to 2 I 106 Park Brook , Katy. TX 77450. Wi lma is currentl y unemployed and is not seeking work .

Jackie L. Lawrence, '78 . '80, is now a resea rch engineer for General Electric. Jack ie and Mary An n have mo ved to 290 Albert Court , Cha rlottesv ille, VA 2290 1. Steven C. Lay has been named assistant general manager of U.S. Maintenance Company in Suga r Creek, Mo. Steven and Barbara now live at 5 I 9 East Woodbridge Lane, Kansas Cit y, MO 64145. David B. Lewis is now a senior resea rch engi neer with Mobi le Resea rch and Deve lopment in Da llas, Texas. Da vid and Chery l li ve at 8525 Davis Blvd. Fort Worth , TX 76 I 80. Diane (Speer) Lincicome writes, "J im (1977) just complete his M. B.A. degree in Ma y from the Un iversity of Texas at the Permian Basin . We are both cu rrently operations engineers for Getty Oil Co." Diane and Jim's add ress is Rou te I , Box 34C A-P , Odessa, TX 79763.

Paul E. and Janet Wonderly now reside at 1609 North East 77th St .. Kansas Cit y. MO 64 118. Paul now owns DynaBlast Co. in Kansas City.

1978 Adebowale O. Akinsanya's new address is 501 Rivergate Way, No. 262, Sacramento, CA 9583 I. He is an assistant e ngineer in g specia li st with Caltrans. Jim and Nancy Anderson are li ving at 131 Monica, St. Louis, MO 63 127 . Jim is with Sverdrup and Parcel and Nancy works for the Missou ri Pacific.

1980 Rollamo MSM A lumnu s/ 3 1

Alumni Personals ____________________________________________ 1978 Continued Kell y McGinnis sends the follow ing note, ''I'm working hard and enj oy ing myself. I would lik e to hear from some of my classmates." Kell y's address is Rt. 4, Olney, IL 62450. Kell y is now a district engineer with Dresser Atlas. Douglas C. and Marjorie Melton an nounce, "Our first child, Betsy Ann , was born Ma rch 7. Margie has re tired frolll teaching. " Do ug and Ma rgie li ve at 1908 Broken Hill , Ft. Smith , AR 72903. Doug is a southern Arka nsas development geologist wit h Texas Oil and Gas. Julie A. Miller now li ves at 2722 Newma n, No.4 , Houston , TX 77098. Sh e has been named geop hysicist -senior for Amoco Prod ucts in Houston. Kevin Merrill sends the following note: " In October. 1980, I join ed McAu to as a regional enginee rin g co nsult a nt. Mari lyn has been at Emerson Electric since April , 1980 , as a contract coordinator." Kev in and Marilyn now li ve at 28 19 Quen ley, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. David A. Nold is now a start up engineer fo r the Illinois Power Co. , in Cli nton. He lives at 1002 Ar lene Co urt. Apt. 301 , Bloomington, IL 6 170 1. Gregory J. Rustige is now a process cont rol engineer for Scott Paper Co. Greg has Illoved to 370 I Carl yle Close, No . 1005 , Mobile, AL 36609.

Stephen and Jan et Smid now live at 6562 Ga lewood Court , St. Louis, MO 63 129. Steve has been transferred to Dow Chemical's plant at Pevely, Mo. He is a production engineer. Roger W. and Joan E. Vessell now live at 2323 N. Wood lawn , Apt. 107 , Wichita , KS 67220. Roger is now a production supervisor with thc Co lcman Co. Steven M. Watson rece ntl y graduated from Wa s hin g t o n U ni ve rs ity Schoo l of Dentistr y and is now practicing dent istr y in Salem, Mo. His offices are on Main Street across from the grade schoo l, 109 N. Main , Salem, MO 65559. John E. Weber II I is now a powerhouse engineer for Re ynolds Meta ls in Corpus Christi , Texas. John and Connie ha ve moved to 233 8 Memoria l Parkway, Portland , TX 78374. Leonard A. Wolff has been named min ing engineer for Cities Service in Tulsa, Ok la. He and Patricia li ve at 122 1 South 29t h St , Broken Arro w, OK 740 12.

1979 Angela F. Baker now li ves at 8015 Campbell , Apartment 3 14, Kansas Cit y, MO 64131. She is a graduate student

Randy Bissey has accepted a position as an engi neer in the marketing department with Cooper Energy Services. He li ves at 9767 Pagewood , No. 513 , Houston , TX 77042. Randy was forme rl y wit h Caterpillar.

James and Paula Brink have moved to 3104 NE II th St., Mineral Wells, TX 76067. 1im is now a reservoir engineer for G ulf Oil Co.

Andrew W. and Lee Ann Cox have moved to 5460 Burdette Road , lacksonville, FL 322 11. Andrew has been named mining operations adv isor for Jacksonville Elect ric Authority. Linn A. Field has moved to 920 South Holbrook , No.5 , Ft. Scott, KS 6670 \. Steven E. Gerber is an engineer with Bendix's Ka nsas City , Mo. division. Steve and Vickie li ve a t 19 13 Jamestown Drive, Olathe, KS 66062. Stan, '79, and Rosalie (Larson, '81) Hadley "are now working for Union Ca rbide Corp. -- Nuclear Division, in Oak Ridge, Tenn. Thei r new add ress is 8400 Midd lebrook Ptke, Apt. L-37, Kno xvi lle, TN 37923." Terry L. and Darlene Hebble have moved to 95 16 Brunsw ick Circle, Bloom ington, MN 55438. Terry has accepted a position as metallurgist with the Bureau of Mines, Twin Cities Research Center in Minneapolis. Robert F. Henry Jr. writes that he was promoted to process engineer II in March. He is employed by Monsanto Chemical Intermediates in St. Louis. He lives at 4639 Kennerl y, St. Lou is, MO 63 113 .

1980 KoDamo 32/ M SM Alumnu s

Edward C. Jantosik Jr. has been named senior engineer with Emerson Electric Co. , in St. Louis. He lives at 4605 Ca ndleglow Dri ve, St. Louis, MO 631 29.

Alumr 1979 Co


Leafinl received Alumnus that I w, dated All to point note cont the allegE (me) is an fact I knc male--and can reca misread Sharon. .... .I


you rectil that may .. Should sex chang I will re, Sharon. I work at I friends W have nOlI name for



Editor's t Dear Mr. Youar misread and mist UMR's l engineers.



We'll try r

To Yo~

may WI nick nam "Butch."


position as ing depart. ervices. He o. 513 andy IVa;

Alumni Personals, ______________________ 1979 Continued MSM Alumnus Editor

: moved to

WeUs, TX

lir engineer

Cox have td, Jackson· beennamed or Jackson·

920 South KS 6670L

gineer with ). division. at 1913 .S66062.

arson, '81) for Union )ivision, in N address is Apt. L37,

have moved loomington, pted a poSt· e Bureau of h Center in

that he was ineer II in I Monsanto ,(. Louis. He Louis, MO

been named son ElectfiC 'es at 4605 Louis, MO

Leafing through the recently received August issue of MSM Alumnus, I was delighted to see that I was the subject of an updated Alumni Personal. I do want to point out , however, that the note contains a sligh t error in that the alleged gender of the subject (me) is an im plied fema le, when in fact I know for a fact that I am a male--a nd ha ve been as long as I ca n reca ll. 1 sup pose someone misread my name (Shawn) as Sharon. .....l would sincerely appreciate yo u rectifying any alumni records that may contain the quirk. ..... Should I decide to undergo a sex change operation in the future I wi ll really consider the name Sharon. I've grown fond of it (at work at least) where a couple of friends who also went to UMR have now chosen it as their pet name for me. Yours trul y, Mr. Shawn McGuire, '79

Editor's Note: Dear Mr. McGuire, You are right , at least two of us misread your name (see below) and mistakenly added you to UMR's growing list of women engineers. Our most humble apologies, we' ll try not to do it again.

To your friends at Monsanto, ma y we s uggest another nickname- -some thin g like "Butch."

Michael P. Koclanes is now an analystmanufacturing systems with Reed Rock Bit Co. Mike has moved to 6000 Bissonnet , Apt. 272 , Houston , TX 77081.

Tri Xuan Nguyen has moved to 458 Woodra il Drive, Webster, TX 77598. He is an engineer wit h McDonnell Douglas Technica l Services in Houston.

Li-Jen David Kuo, '79, '8 1, sends the following note: " I have received my second masters' degree in engineering management in the spring semester, 1981, from the Rolla Campus." He is a staff engineer with Central and South West Fue ls Inc. He lives at 8350 Park Lane, Apt. 248 , Dallas, TX 75231.

Carolyn L. Niess now li ves at 130 I Tw in Ridge, Linco ln , NE 6850 1. Ca rolyn is a grad uate student in industrial eng in ee rin g (ope rat io ns resea rch) at the Uni versity of NebraskaLincoln.

Timothy W. Lewis has moved to 7798 Corregidor Ave., AFSC, Norfolk , VA 235 II.

John C. Pagan has moved to 9637 Meadow Lane, Leawood , KS 66206. John is an assistant structura l engi neer with Burns and McDonnel l in Kansas Cit y, Mo.

Thomas P. Lyons now lives at 13926 Britoak, Houston , TX 77079 . He is an associate mining engineer with Shell Oil Co.

Kevin D. Phillips has moved to 2520 Winrock Road , Apt. 69 , Houston , TX 77057. Kevin is a petroleum engineer with Amoco Production Co.

Vincent G. and Marilyn J. Mattione now live at 7571 Bannock Barn Drive, Apt. I, Richmond , VA 23225. Vincent is now a control equ ipment engineer with E. I. du Pont de Nemours.

Naida and Robert '(0 OS) Prough have moved to 1344 Revere, Troy, MI 48084. Na ida is a computer program/a nalyst for Merit Systems Inc.

Richard W. McFall has moved to 56 12 Boca Raton Blvd ., No . 262 , Ft. Worth , TX 76112. He is now a structures engineer with General Dynamics. James T. and Lisa D. McSherry have moved to 46 55 South West 142nd St. No. 181 , Beaverton , OR 97005. Jim is now a mining engineer with Nerco Inc., in Port land , Ore. Don B. Meyer's address is P.O. Drawer F, Hardin , MT 59034. Don is an observer with Arco Exploration.

Joel Pundmann has moved to 8085 Va lcour Ave. , Apt. 304, St. Louis, MO 63 123. Jerry N. Robinson tells us: "\ have accepted a position in the construction department of Texas Eastern Corporation in Houston. My new address is 4 11 Highland Cross Drive, No. 1008 , Houston , TX 77073." Bill Rosener and his wife, Judy , have moved to 2664 Eltarose Drive, Apt. A, St. Louis, MO 63 136. Bill is an assistant engineer with Union Elect ric Co.

Myles J. Midgl ~ Jr. is now a staff supervisor with Southwestern Bell in St. Louis, Mo. Myles and Shelly have moved to 508 Lalor, Manchester, MO 630 II.

Robert F. Rundle has moved to 7723 Shadow Hi ll , Houston , TX 77072. Bob is a senior grade petroleum engineer with Amoco Production Co.

Rosemarie C. Newberry'S new address is 123 Village Green Way, Hazlet, NJ 07730. She is a member of the technical staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel , N.]

Mohammad and Carol Saidi now li ve at 12031 Pinyon Drive, Manchester, MO 630 II . Mohammad has accepted a position as a technician with Electronics Communications in St. Louis. MSM Alumn us/ 33

Alumni Personals ______________________ Prescott D. and Edie Sundvold now li ve at 1436 Tomahawk Lane, Olathe, KS 66062. Presscot t has recent ly accepted a position as a mechanical engineer at Black & Veatch in Overland Park, Kan . Ann E. Veatch now lives at 3131 Boles, Davenport, IA 52802. Ann is an elec.路 trica l engineer for Alcoa. Katie, '79, (Kunke\) and Keith, '80, Wesselschmidt send the fo llowing "We now reside at 5525 Horton, Mission, KS 66202. Katie is a construction supervisor for Southwestern Bell and Keith is a project engineer for the Marley Cool路 ing Tower Co."

1979 Continued Terry A. Sherman has joined Booker Associates Inc. , SI. Lou is, as a structura l design engineer. Terr y's add ress is 8835 Paragon Circle, SI. Lou is, MO 63123.

Kenneth R. Schm id is a research specialist with UMR's department of mechanical engineering. Ken lives at A-6 Villa Trai ler Court, Rolla, MO 6540 I. William H. and Anita Gail Shanks' new address is Box 406, Ellington, MO 63638. Bill has been named maintenance superintendent for Ozark Lead Co., in Sweetwater, Mo.

Mark L. Skelly has moved to 1666 Country Hi ll Lane, in Manchester, MO 630 II. Ma rk is emp lo yed by Southwestern Bell in SI. Louis as a net路 work staff superv iso r. Kevin W. Stalnaker is now associate programmer with IBM in Research Triangle Park , N.C. Kev in and his wife, Sue Ann li ve at 3928 Maplefie ld Drive, Raleigh, NC 27612. 34 / MSM Alumnu s

Keith, '77, and Cherie, '80, Cowan have moved to 3627 Whi te Bark, St. Louis, MO 63 129. Keith is an inspection and maintenance engineer with Amoco Oil in Wood River, III. Cherie is a project engineer with Monsanto. Michael G. Crowley is now a support analyst with Con trol Data Corporation, Rosev ille, Minn . Mike's add ress is 11 49 Pa lace, SI. Paul, MN 55105. Patricia L. Donovan's address is 503 EI Dorado Blvd., Apartment 1308, Webster, TX 77598. She is a programmer/analyst for Monsanto, Co. , in Alvin, Texas. James A. Durham's add ress is Box 440, Mohawk Circle, Seymour, TN 37865. He is a civi l engineer for the Tennessee Va lley Authority in Knoxvi lle.


1980 James R. Arnold has been named ma intenance general foreman for Oza rk Lead Co. in Sweetwater, Mo. Jim and Laurie li ve at 300 South Jackson St., Salem, MO 65560. David L. Bogart has moved to 1300 Oak, ApI. 2, Rolla, MO 6540 I. Dave is now a research assista nt , department of chemistry at the Un iversity of Missouri Rolla. Danny T. Bryant is an electrica l design engineer for Texas In struments Inc., in Dallas. His address is 952 Lombardy Drive, Plano, TX 75023.


Dwight D. Fulton and Susa n Payne were married in Kirkwood . Mo .. on June 20. Dwight and Susa n recentl y retu rned from a honeymoon trip to Hawaii and are residing in Rolla where both are in graduate school at UMR. She is studying chemica l engi neering and Dw ight is studying geologica l and petroleum engineer ing. Leslie E. Greenley is now an applications engineer with Contro l Data Corporation. Leslie li ves at 2855 Rice St., ApI. 12 16, Roseville, MN 55 113. Kendall B. Hackman is now a petroleum engineer with Amoco Production Co., in Sweeny, Texas. Ken lives at 420 Gar land Drive, Apt. 1403 , Lake Jackson , TX 77566.

Muhammad J. Chalid sends us this note: "If any of you ever come across this part of the world , Sulawesi路 Indonesia , come see our mining operation. It is in Soroako, Su lawesi." Muhammad li ves at J i. Tarakan 52 , Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi, Indonesia. He is an engineer senior assistan t with P. T. INCO.

Patricia L. (Thebeau) Heim has accepted a pos ition as a comp uter programmer wit h Fidelit y Un ion Life in Da ll as, Texas. Patricia and Reuben now li ve at 1924 Ca rl Road, Apt 201, Irving, TX 75061.

Thomas and Lee Ann Christy have moved to 630 Gypsum, Salina, KS 6740 I. Tom is an engineer with Wilson Labortories.

C. Kevin Jones now lives at 206 Belle Dame, Lafayette, LA 70505. He is now an engineer with ARCO Oil & Gas Co.

1980 (

Robert A the newl represent the MidI for the el Co. He h; 1978. Hi~ Charles, I

Gregory i to the CI Clinton. ( Price Lan

Quyen C( at 15313 Li03, La structural of Los AI

Susan A. house in Working; year now WOodcref IS a petrol

James p 2309 Gre: CitY,MO engineer c operated i


A lumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

:owanhave ,St. Louis, )ection and Amoco Oil IS a project

Glen and ~ an e Lesniak now live at 1648B Shenandoah, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060. G len is a captain in the U.S. Arm y. John D. Mathey J r. reports that he has been "awa rded ' Di vision Ac hie ver of lhc Month' for February at Commonwea lth Edison for development of a new computer program saving conside rable man hours and development of a new residential conversion booklet to name a few ." 10hn is a market ing representa tive with Commonwea lt h Ed ison in Northbrook , III. He and his wife, Linda, li ve at Apt. 23 9, 2230 S. Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights, IL 6000 5.

, a support 'orporation, ressis 1149

ss is 503 EI !nt 1308, a program· ), Co., in

is Box 440, TN 37865. ! Tennessee lie.

JS3n Payne

J. Mo .. on an rcecnlly lOn trip to Rolla where )1 at UMR engineering llogical and

an applica· I Data Cor· IS Rice St.. ,5 113.

a petroleum luction Co., ives at 420 403. Lake

im has ac' rnputer pro lion Life III ~euben noW 20 1. Irving.

at 206 Belle, i. Heis noll II &Gas Co.


1980 Continued Robert A. Hays has been appointed to the new ly established pos ition of sa les representative for accoun ts loca ted in the Midwest, fro m Colorado to Ohio, for the electronics div ision of Monsa nto Co. He has been with the compa ny since 1978. His add ress is P.O. Box 1316, St. Charles, MO 633 01. Gregory M. Kaiser has been transferred to the Clearfield Cheese Co.'s plant in Clin ton. G reg and Keena li ve at 203 N. Price La ne, Apt. E, Clinton, MO 64735. Quyen Cong and Kim Dung Le now li ve at 153 13 Santa Gertrudes Ave., No. L103, La Mirada, CA 90638 . Quyen is a structural design engineer with the Cit y of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineeri ng. Susan A. Leach writes, "I bought a house in March (my first). I've been working at Gu lf Oil in Midland for a year now ." Susan's new address is 41 3 Woodcrest, Midland , TX 79703. Susan is a petroleum engineer. James P. Lueckenhoff has moved to 2309 G rey Fox Terrace No. I , 1eff erson Cit y, MO 65 10 I . lim is now an assista nt engineer at Union Elect ric Co.'s nuclea r operated in Fu lton. Mo.

Charles M. McEniry has been named associate member - techn ica l staff, of Dynetics Inc., in Huntsv ille, Ala. He has moved to 7702 Carlton, Huntsv ille, AL 35804. Jay A. and Pamela S. Medley li ve at 23 6 Glenn St. , Paducah , KY 42001. Jay is an engineer wit h Union Carbide. E. Bruce and Lori (Herman) Ne hhi tt have moved to 4423 Latona Ave. NE., Apt. B, Seatt le, W A 98 105. Bruce is a geolo gical engineer with G older Associates in Kirk land , Wash.

Huy V. Nguyen lives at 305 Memorial Drive, No. 107C, Cambridge, MA 0 2 139. H e is a s tud e nt a t Massachussetts Institu te of Technology in Cambridge. Randee Lyne Nicholas has moved to 78 00 Yo ur ee Dri ve. No. 806 , Shreveport , LA 7 1106. He has been named associate resea rch chemist with the Penn zoil Corp. Stephen A. Ott's address is 624 Ma rek Dri ve, Montebello, CA 90640. He is a civil engin eering ass istant fo r the Department of Water & Power, City of Los Angeles. J ames T. Phillips has moved to 12306 E. 58 th Place, Ka nsas City, MO 64133 . Jim is a systems engineer for Black and Vea tch.

DAVID W. SCHMITT David W. Schmitt has joi ned Booker Associates Inc. as a st ruct ural engineer. He was prev iously an engi neer on the staff of the City of St. Lo uis, Wa ter Division. Dave lives at 9021 Rosemary , St. Lou is, MO 63 123. Darrell A. Plank lives at 4705 Old Oaks Dri ve, No. I A, Lisle, IL 60532. He is a member of the technica l staff for Be l ~ Laboratories, Napervi lle, II I. Gene Ronchetto lives at 400 Bonesteel St. , Apt. 2, Rochester, NY 146 16. Alan Ruble is now a min ing engineer with the Pea Ridge Iron Ore Co., Sulli va n, Mo. His address is 34 East St., Sulli va n, MO 63080. Peter and Karin Schumacher live at 94 N. Norm anda le Ave. , Orlando, FL 328 11 . Peter is an associate engineer with Mart in Marietta . Marilyn M. Smelcer's new address is 235 15 Lyons Ave. , Apt. 277 , Va lencia, CA 9 1355. She is a reservoir engineer wit h Sun Production . Joseph L. Thebeau is now a staff engineer, transmission department, with the Missou ri Pub lic Service Co. Joe has moved to 7823 E. 80th St. , Apt. 3, Kansas City , MO 64138. MSM Alumn us / 35

Alumni Personals ______________________ 1980 Continued Keh·Lih and Wen·Chuen Tzuoo have moved to 4350 Madison Ave. , Apt. 406 , Indianapolis, IN 46227. Keh·Lih has ac· cepted a position as associate engineer with Detroit Diesel Allison. Mark G. Viox has moved to 3407 Ki l· doon Drive, Newark , DE 19702. He has recently accepted a position as manufacturing engineer with E. I. du Pont de Nemours in Glascow, Del. Lanny D. Voight has been promoted to senior engineer with Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis. His new add ress is 1891·208 McK elv e y Hill Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. David L. and Kathleen M. Weaver have mo ved to 317 Main Stree t. Ml. Vernon. IL 62804. David has been named assis· tant to the superintendent with Freeman Un ited Coa l Co. , in Walton· ville, III. Greg A. Weeks has recently been pro· moted to project engineer with Exxon Co., USA in Andrews, Texas. Greg and his wife, Yvonne, live at 4700 Boulder, No. 1004, Midland , TX 79703. Keith, '80, and Katie, '79, (Kunkel) Wesselschmidt send the following "We now reside at 5525 Horton, Mission , KS 66202. Katie is a construction super· visor for Southwestern Bell and Kieth is a project engineer for the Marley Cool· ing Tower Co."

1981 Diane Dowlen has married Mark E. Underwood. Diane and Mark li ve at 222·B Harding Road , Freehold, NJ 07728. Diane is now a member of the technical s taff (MTS) for Bell Laboratories.

Rosalie (Larson; '81) ' and Stan, '79, Hadley "are now working for Union Carbide Corp. ··Nuclear Division, in Oak Ridge, Tenn. Their new address is 8400 Middlebrook Pike, Apt. L·37, Knox· ville, TN 37923."

Glenn Heeter li ves at 1211 S.E. Adams, No. II , Bartlesville, OK 74003. Glenn is employed by Phillips Petroleum Co.

Ingrid E. Nygaard has moved to 17 11 Ca nyon Drive, Apt. 12, Columbia, MO 6520 I. Ingrid is a medical student. Donald Gene Ragsdale, 75 Cliff Drive, St. Louis, Mo., was killed Sept. 6, during a free fall attempt from an airplane above the airport at Cuba, Mo. Accor· ding to newspaper reports, he apparent · Iy became disoriented during the dive and did not pull his parachute release until he was about 50 feet above the ground. It should have been pulled at a minimum of 800 feet. Ragsdale had made 12 previous jumps and was mak· ing excellent progress with his training according to his instructor. He was shortl y to have begun work with Davy MeKee Corp. in Tulsa, Okla. Donna (Tubbesing) and James Ray's new address is Edgar Star Route, Box 64A , Rolla, MO 6540 I

Reuben Charles and Patricia (Thebeau '80) Heim have moved to 1924 Carl Road , Apt. 20 I, Irving, TX 75061. Rueben is now a reservoir engineer with Core Labortories in Dallas.

Peggy Ann (Taylor) and Peter Scholtes' new address is 151 Route 206, Build ing 8, Apt. I, Flanders, NJ 07836.

Michael R. Martin is now a production supervisor with Union Carbide Corpora· tion in Clarksburg, West Va. Mike lives at 2 10 Hazelwood Ave., Stonewood, WV 26301.

Gregory N. and Brenda J. Steurer's new address is 304 N. Adams, Desloge, MO 6360 I. Greg is now a mining engineer with St. Joe Lead Co., in Viburnum, Mo.

Benjamin P. Winter was married to Brenda Lally of Grandview, Mo. on June 27. The couple is living in Ann Ar· bor, Mich ., while Benjamin continues to work toward his Ph.D. in metallurgical engineering at the University of Michigan. Their current address is 1586 Murfin, Apt. 22, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Terry L. Yotter sends the following note: "My wife, Rebecca (Brockman, '80), and I have moved into our new home at 12328 Bennington, Grandview, MO 64030." Terry is a quality control engineer at the Bendix Crop. 36 / MSM Alumnu s

1980 Rollamo


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Homecoming 1982 is October 1·2 Homecoming 1983 is October 21·22





Scholtes' , Building

Steurer's , Desloge, a mining Co., in

)80 Rollamo

MSM-UMR Alumni Association University of Missouri - Rolla Harris Hall Rolla, Missouri 65401

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FROM NA ME : ________________________________________ CLASS _________ SPOUSE'S NAME:


STREET 0 NEW CITY _______________________ STA TE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZI P _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TITLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O NEW EMPLOYMENT



STREET 0 NEW CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATE ____________ ZIP ___________ Annual A lumni Fund co ntributions are ta x dedu ctible . Checks payable to the MSM-UMR Alumni Associatio n, Harri s Hall , UMR , Rolla , MO 65401 , (314) 341-4 17_2_...,..-______....



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