Missouri S&T Magazine, August 1982

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Alumnus University 01 Missouri-Rolla




August, J982


University of Missouri-Rolla Roila, MO 65401-9990

August 1982

Vol. 56, No.4

NSPE 1981

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"Young Engineer of The Year" The following article i-s reprinted from the June, 1982, issue of the "Missouri Engineer."

Bob Berry: A Study •In Determination "The biggest problem I have is that it'~ difficult to say no," says Dr. Robert Berry about his participation in numerous civic and professional organizations. Berry's difficulty stems not from lack of .resolve but from a belief that such activities are important to society and the engineering profession. His decision and drive in civic, professional and educational pursuits were attributeS cited by the Honor A wards Committee of the National Society of Professional Engineers in choosing Berry as NSPE's 1981 Young Engineer of the Year. Berry, 33, of Raytown, is-manager of project development for Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company and was one of 35 nominees for the award. He was nominated by MSPE, which named him its 1981 Young Engineer of the

MSMALUMNUS (USPS-323-500) Issued bi-monthly in the interest of the graduates and former students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of MissouriRolla. Enters as second class matter October 27,1926, at Post Office at Rolla, Missouri 65401-9990, under the Act of March 3, 1897.

Year. He is the first MSPE member to win the national award. Berry says he believed there was a chance of his being the MSPE winner because he was the MSPE Western Chapter Young Engineer of the Year in 1980. However, he was shocked and surprised when he was informed that he had won the national award. As manager of project development since September 1980, Berry coordinates elements of project development which include analyzing client requirements, defining project scope, organizing project teams, making initial client contacts, and organizing and preparing project proposals. Since joining Burns & McDonnell in 1976 he has been involved primarily in water pollution control and solid waste management. Projects have included construction administration for expansion of a wastewater treatment plant from five to 20 million gallons daily for the local Little Blue Valley Sewer District and project manager for construction of 55,000 linear feet of gravity sewer under the proposed Blue Springs Reservoir, eliminating the need for lakesi(le~pumpmg Stations there. NSPE Honor Awards Committee Chairman Sammie Lee, PE, said of the committee's choice, "Berry has shown tremendous dedication to all tasks and is a credit to his profession, not only through his work but through his studies. He continues to learn by attending numerous short course~ and seminars and it is most commendable that he had the drive to achieve his goals through night school." Continued next page

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Bob and his dad, Jerome T . "Jerry" Berry, '49, in 1980 when Bob received his Ph.D. from Kansas University. Jerry is retired from U.S.G .S., but still assists with the UMR intercollegiate sports program. He and Bob's mother, Mary Frances, live in Rolla

Continued from page I . Night school is a task Berry began in 1973 to simply "bone up on environmen路 tal subjects." But completing night school "became a goal," and by attending night shcool for seven years, Berry earned an M.S. degree in Engineering Management from Boston University in May 1975, an M.S. degree in En路 vironmental Health Engineering from the University of Kansas in May 1979, and a Doctor of Engineering from the University of Kansas the following May . Berry received his B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1972 from the University of Missouri at Rolla in his hometown. His scholastic achievements during college included "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities," Distinguished Military Student and Graduate, D. F. Kennedy Technical Paper Contest winner, and dean's list. Berry was a member of numerous college organizations as well as a four路 year letterman on the varsity football team. His football achievements in路 c1uded All-Conference team, most valuable player, and Honorable Mention AIIAmerican, all in 1970. Berry's desire for an active life stayed with him from college to his professional career. Among the many professional and civic groups of which he is an active member, in addition to NSPElMSPE, are: American Public Works Association, Society of American Military Engineers, American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Pollution Control Federation, Conference of Federal Environmental Engineers, Environment Committee of the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Army Reserve, Reserve Officer's Association of the United States, Advisor for Raytown DeMolay Chapter, and various masonic bodies. With all of his professional and civic activities, Berry still fo und time to meet and during the last year to marry the forme r June Schlanker of Montgomery City. Bob and June were married in February of this yea r. June teaches children who have learn ing disabilities.

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Reflections By Bob's Adviser ... Bob enrolled at UMR in September, 1967, after graduating from Rolla High where he excelled in athletics and, in particular, football. His main ambition was to become a star football player at UMR and earn a civil engineering degree. During that first semester his grades sometimes reflected his interest in athletics more than engineering, but he persisted in both goals and wound up doing a most creditable job at both . In the spring of 1968 I became his academic adviser and continued in that capacity throughout the rest of his academic career. I was interested in both his athletic and academic career, but tried to emphasize that- ultimately-academic achievement would be most important and as an indication of good performance, his grades would attest to that. On one particular occasion Bob came in and dropped the bomb that he was deciding to change his major and no longer wanted to pursue an engineering degree. It had been a particularly difficult semester for Bob- nothing had seemed to work for him . After much discussion, I was able to persuade him to take a little more time to think before making such a decision . I was convinced he was making a hasty judgment and might ultimately regret it. Somehow or other, it will never be known, Bob decided to reconsider, received his civil engineering degree in 1972, and entered military service. Several times since 1972, I have been pleasantly surprised to receive forms asking for recommendations on Bob as he has applied for entrance to master's and Ph .D. programs. But to have a person who had so seriously considered leaving the engineering profession attain the lofty position of national "Young Engineer of the Year" is quite a shock- and a happy one, indeed . His many acco mplishments in the very earl y stages of his career ha ve brought honor and pride to his alma mater, to the civil engineering de partment and to the engineering professio n. Pa ul Munger, '58, Professor of civ il engineering Director, UMR Institute of Ri ver Studies.

It's New at UMR ...... .

The Mineral Technology Center Technology Center for PyrometalJurgy, is a highlight of the relationship that has long existed between UMR and the bureau." "We're delighted that UMR was selected as the site for this new research center," said Dan Paulson, acting director of research at the Bureau of Mines' Rolla Research Center. "We look forward to sharing in the discoveries that the center's researchers will make as well as providing any assistance that might be needed." "The center will serve as a central point at which a meaningful and integrated research effort embracing all aspects of pyrometallurgy can be established," said Dr. Thomas O'Keefe, UMR professor of metallurgical engineering who will serve as one of the center's research investigators. "Consequently, the center's staff will embody a broad base of expertise in the thermodynamics, kinetics and electrochemistry of extraction science." In addition to O'Keefe, other UMR faculty members who will be involved with the center are: Dr. Arthur E. Morris (principal investigator), professor of "The backbone of industrial and defense techhology is the basic research carmetallurgical engineering; Dr. Don Askeland, professor of metallurgical engineerried on in such university laboratories across the country," UM President James ing; and Dr. Robert E. Moore, professor and chairman of ceramic engineering. C. Olson said. "The University of Missouri appreciates the bureau's significant Students also will be involved in the research. investment in research and technology at the Rolla campus." In addition, an off-campus advisory committee composed of experts in the In conducting its research, the center's primary emphasis areas will be: field will assist the researchers in their activities. smelting, refining, roasting, oxidation, innovative approaches such as plasma pro"Because of the critical need for long-term pyrometallurgy research on cessing, combined computer modeling and smelting and information exchange. chemistries and approaches that differ substantially from those of conventional The researchers also hope to touch upon matters such as the decreasing qualiextracation processes," O'Keefe said, "the center will conduct long-range studies ty of ore, concentrate and other feed-stock materials; more exacting specifications of pyrometallurgical phenomena, instead of seeking solutions to short-range profor refined metal; lowering of emissions levels for toxic substances in the blems. workplace and the environment; dependence on foreign sources for certain "Researchers at the center will perform basic research and also will examine metals; and the increasing cost of energy. and determine the applicability of their results to improving existing extraction The center will conduct most of its activities in the UM Rolla metallurgical processes and the design of new ones," he added. "In addition, the researchers engineering laboratories and Graduate Center for Materials Research. hi addiwill pay particular attention to technology transfer to other suitable sources by tion, the facilities of UMR's ceramic engineering department also will be seeking as wide a dissemination as possible for the information they gather." available as needed for refractory preparation and sample preparation for UM-Rolla will be assisted in its efforts by affiliated mineral institutes at Purmicroscopic and X-ray analysis. Ultimately, the center will be housed in UMR's due University and Michigan Technological Institute. proposed new Mineral Engineering Building. UMR's Mineral Tehnology Center was one of four such centers to be funded The establishment of the center at UMR also represents a milestone in the . by the Bureau of Mines. The other three centers are located at the University of long-standing association between UMR and the Bureau of Mines. "The School Nevada-Reno, The University of Utah and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and of Mines and Metallurgy has collaborated on research with the Bureau of Mines State University. A total of 26 oroposals were submitted to the Bureau of Mines for many years," said Warner. "This new venture, in the form of the Mineral for consideration. The establishment of a Generic Mineral Technology Center for Pyrometallurgy at UM Rolla will place the campus "in the forefront of national research efforts in the field of pyrometallurgy," according to Dr. Don L. Warner, dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy . The center, which will conduct research on the improvement of high¡ temperature processes used to obtain and purify metals from ore, has been funded by a three-year ~illion dollar grant, from the U.S. Bureau of Mines. The facility will be part of the Missouri Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute in UM Rolla's School of Mines and Metallurgy. "UM Rolla's selection as the location for this new research center is a tribute to the abilities of our faculty and students," said UM Rolla Chancellor Joseph M. Marchello. "Receipt of this grant will enable UMR metallurgical engineering to further enhance its already excellent reputation for teaching and research both here and abroad."

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Mineral Engineering Building The mineral engineering building, The University of Missouri-Rolla's priority capital request, will give students and faculty facilities "that are consistent with the quality of our programs," says Dr. Don L Warner, dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy _ The proposed building will be "home" for the six mineral engineering and earth sciences departments in the SchooL It will include classrooms; teaching and research laboratories; faculty offices for ceramic, geological, mining, metallurgical, and petroleum engineering, and geology and geophysics; and offices for the School of Mines and Metallurgy _ These now are housed in eight different buildings_ The new building will cost about $18 million, with 80 percent, or about $ 14_5 million coming from state funds and the remainder from private contributions_ Joseph 0_ Wollard, UMR executive director of administrative services, says that if state funds become available, cons.truction could start early in 1983. The new building will fill long-standing needs, says mining engineering professor Ernest M . Spokes, who has held several administrative positions during his 19 years on the faculty . "We're the oldest state-supported mining school in the country-going back to the founding of the School of Mines and Metallurgy in I 870-hut we've never had quarters really designed for us. We've .made do with 'hand-me-downs,'" he says. Dr. Spokes points out that the School's departments, with some of UMR's oldest programs, are located in some of the older and less efficient buildings on campus.

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'fThe Mining Engineering Building, which houses the mining, geological, and petroleum engineering departments, was built in 1902 as Mechanical HaiL Norwood Hall, which contains geology and geophysics, and the Old Cafeteria, where a mining engineering lab is located, were both built in 1903 ," he says. "The Engineering Mechanics Building, which has metallurgical engineering's foundry , was built in 1909. Fulton Hall , which houses metallurgical and ceramic engineering, is the newest-built in 1923 as the U .S. Bureau of Mines Experiment Station." Wollard says that some of the buildings vacated when the .School's programs move to the new building will continue to be used . "For example, nuclear engineering, which is part of the School of Mines and Metallurgy, will be relocated from temporary facilities to Fulton Hall, near the nuclear reactor," he says. "Some of the buildings, like Norwood Hall, will undergo extensive rehabilitation to bring them up to acceptable standards, and other buildings may be razed ." Dean Warner says that rapid increase in enrollment has increased the need for new facilities. With high demand for graduates in the energy field, enrollment in the School has nearly doubled since 1974. Mining engineering professor Richard Ash, who for several years has scheduled classes for the three departments in the Mining Engineering Building, says that he is having a real problem as classes grow larger. "We're having to add sections and schedule classes in other buildings all over campus. It's not a desirable situation ," he says. "All you have to do to realize the need for graduates in energy-related fields is

At a special election on June 8, Missouri voters approved a measure allowing the state to issue $600 million in revenue bonds over a five-year period. Proceeds from the sale of the bonds are intended to finance state construction and repair projects and economic development programs. The principal and interest on the bonds will be paid off by the state over a maximum 25-year period. In late June the l'illssouri Board of Fund Commissioners approved an initial issue of $75 mi11ion iIi general obligation bonds and Governor Christopher S. Bond called a special session of

the Missouri Legislature in inid-August to decide which projects to finance at this time. . UMRolla has three buildings included high on the priority list of proposed construction projects at state institutions of higher education. There is a possibility that one or more of these buildings will be approved for construction within the next fhlC: years. . The governor, in his budget message to the special session, called for authorization legislati on for the Mineral Engineering Building. A description of the buildings and proposed uses follows.

A Look to The Future ...

to read newspapers or watch TV ," says Dr. John Rockaway, geological engineer' ing chairman. "At least one of the lead stories every day will concern energy." Dr. Delbert Day, UMR Curators' Professor of Ceramic Engineering, adds, 'The engineering fields we are talking about are really the 'jugular' of the nation's economy. All are involved in the discovery, production or use of materials from which most products in our economy are made. Right now we are concerned with the shortage of energy-especially petroleum-but mineral engineering disciplines are also in the area where the next shortage will bematerials. The U.S. is critically dependent on foreign sources for at least 12 metals and other minerals of strategic importance. Graduates in mineral engineering fields not only are trained to find and develop deposits of these minerals, but also to find substitutes should international events cause us to lose the sources we now use." Having all of the related fields of mineral engiheerng and earth sciences under one roof will be a "homecoming" for the now·scattered departments. "We offer the broadest spectrum of mineral engineering disciplines in the country , and integrating the facilities will make it possible for them to share classrooms and laboratories. This not only will bring about more efficient use of space but also increased scholarly interaction between students and faculty in related fields," Dean Wa:rner said. "Just beng with other people with the same general interests will be beneficial," agrees Dr. A. C. Spreng, geology, whose office is now on the third floor of Norwood Hall. He cites lack of elevators to carry heavy rocks and equipment and lack of storage space as two problems that will be remedied.

Other faculty members say they are looking forward to having up·to·date equipment. For example, the metallurgical faculty anticipates having a laboratory to teach powder metallurgy, and petroleum engineering will have a drilling simulation lab. In some cases it will be a matter of having laboratories that are the size and shape for the equipment and the work that is being done. "Some lab facilities create special environments, and others must have special environments to operate-and these aren't always compatible," says Assistant Dean of the School, R. V. Wolf, who has been involved in planning the building. "For example, the ventilation lab produces vibrations and the metal· casting lab produces dust. But the microscopy labs must be completely free of vibration and dust. In the new building, these will be separated and built for the needs of each. Others demand ~pecial features such as extra· high ceilings for the coal and mineral preparation labs. On the basis of all of these requirements, we are trying to create the best working atmosphere for all. " The mineral engineering building will be located at the northwest corner of the campus on the site bounded by Hwy. 63 N. on the west and nor th. Facing west, with an entrance on the corner of Bishop (Highway 63) and 14th, it will be a four·story structure, with earth berming on its north, west and east sides. Preliminary plans for the building have been completed by Black & Veatch, engineers-architects, Kansas City. It's a building not only for the present. "It will ensUre the co',l,nuation and enhancement of the quality programs of the School of Mines and Metalluf!i- I for the foreseeable future," Dean Warner adds.

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Engineering Management Building In addition to providing much-needed classroom space and laboratory facilities, the proposed Engineering Management Building at the University of MissouriRolla also would be a valuable resource for business and industry in Missouri, according to Bernard R. Sarchet, who is the Robert B. Koplar professor of engineering management at UMR. The building would include a production laboratory, teaching module, conference and seminar rooms, instructional TV room, computer center and office space for the department and the UMR Center for Applied Engineering Management. It would cost about $2.5 million, and about $2 million of that would be in state funds with the remainder to come from private sources_ "The increased use of advanced technology by American business and industry has created a need for managers with technical or engineering backgrounds," said Dr. Henry H. Sineath, chairman of the UMR engineering management department. "This is precisely the type of individual that our curriculum produces. "As a result," he continued, "there is a great demand for <;Jur graduates in business and industry. Unfortunately, however, our present facilities were not designed tQ meet our very specialized needs." The UMR engineering management department is currently housed in Harris Hall along with the UMR music and drama programs, the MSM/UMR Alumni Association and the UMR development program. Constructed in 1940, Harris Hall was intended for use as a hydraulics laboratory_ Consequently, Sineath explained, the department must hold the approximately 50 lectures and labs it offers each semester in various buildings around campus. In addition, the department's current production laboratory is located ina temporary building, which does not allow for the installation of all of the necessary equipment. The proposed building, however, has been designed specifically to overcome these deficiencies and provide the department with the facilities and equipment necessary to better meet the educational needs of its students. According to Sarchet, the building's production laboratory is one of its most important features. "This facility will enable students to study every facet and stage of the production process," he said . "It also will provide them with a working knowledge of the latest manufacturing techniques. "Because more than 70 percent of our students enter production and production-related positions after graduation," he added, "the production laboratory is particularly important to the department. It will greatly enhance our ability to provide students with the know-how that industry needs." The laboratory also will include facilities for safety engineering management and ergonomics (the study of the relationhsip between man and machine) courses. The building's teaching module will feature a semi-circular, tiered seating arrangement (much like a business school c1assroom( for 65 students. "This design will allow for the interchange among students that is so important in the many

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case study classes that the departmen t offers,';' Sarchet said. Associated with the module will be five seminar rooms in which large lecture classes can be broken down into smaller discussion groups. In addition , it will be equipped with audio- visual equipment. "The module also will be available to other departmen ts on campus that offer courese which would benefit from this type of seating arrangement" Sarchet said. " It also will help us attract more national conferences to campus." . The department would be able to hold nearly all of its classes in the new building. The instructional TV room would allow the department to make special videotapes for credit courses and continuing education short courses, while the computer center would enable students to get experience with the latest methods of business analysis and control. The UMR Center for Applied Engineering Management , which will have offices and meeting facilities in the building, was established in 1978 to help attract new businesses and industry into the state and to assist those already here in making their operations more efficient and productive. The center also offers a seminar program and works closely with the Small Business Administration, the Economic Development Agency and the state's extension services. "This past year, the center was contacted by about 1,000 businesses from John Amos, UM"R professor of engineering throughout Missouri," said management and center director," and we prepared ' in-depth programs for about 150 of them. "The new building would increase our visibility and our accessibility ," he added . "This, together with improved facilities, should increase our contacts by about 35 percent and cut down on our travel costs and time requirements by enabling us to hold many programs on campus that we can not at present." The department's students also will benefit from the center's increased visibility and accessibility. "We have the philosophy that all of our activities should be an educational experience-for our students and faculty as well as our clients," Amos said. "Consequently , our students, as part of their c1asswork, assist with many of the projects that the center becomes involved in. These new facilities should provide them with increased opportunities to gain 'hands-on' experience." The UMR engineering management department was established in 1967 and has granted about 1,900 B.S. and M.S. degrees. A Ph.D. program was established in the fall of 1981 . "The performance of our graduates and the accomplishments of our faculty have made the department a leader among the 100 or so similar programs that have been established nationwide since 1967," Sarchet said. "The new building would enable the department to maintain this position of leadership and better serve the needs of business and industry throughout the state." Preliminary plans for the building were prepared by Hastings & Chivetta, Inc., of St. Louis. It would be located in the intersection of State and 14th Streets. If state appropriations are made available, construction could begin early next year, Sarchet said.


Alumni-Music-Auditorium Building" The proposed Auditorium-Music-Alumni Building at the University of Missouri-Rolla would- be a boon to UMR's music and drama programs, as well as a valuable cultural resource for both the campus and the community , according to Dr. David L. Oakley , UMR professor of music. The building would contain classroom, office and practice and rehearsal space for UMR music and a 650-seat auditorium-performing arts theater. In addition , it would include office and meeting facilit.ies for the MSM/UMR Alumni Association. The building would cost about $5.5 milfion, and about $3.8 million of that would be in state funds with the remainder to come from private sources. "About 600 students participate in UMR's music program each semester," Oakley said. "That figure represents just about 10 percent of our total enrollment (6,931 for the 1982 spring semester). "A large number of these students were first chair in high school and they see their continued involvement with music and the arts as a valuable part of their education," he continued. "Consequently, the number of students pursuing a minor in music at UMR has increased in the last few years." The facilities currently available to music students at UMR, however, are located in buildings (Harris Hall and the Old Cafeteria Building) that were not intended for the teaching or playing of music. "The facilities in the new bulding would be designed specifically for our purposes and would provide us with permanent and suitable facilities for teaching and performing," Oakley said. When constructed, the bulding would provide UMR's music program with an . orchestra rehearsal room; a vocal music rehearsal room; 14 individual practice studios; a piano room; storage facilties for instruments, costumes and uniforms; and a music library. There also would be 6ffice space for faculty, staff and students. The UMR music program currently is involved in the presentation of about 40 programs a semester. These include performances by student groups and the Campus Performing Arts Series, which features performances by professional groups such as the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, the Texas Opera Company and the Missouri Repertory Theatre. "We have expanded the Campus Performing Arts Series for 1982-83, just as we increased our offerings last year," Oakley said. "This is because the subsidized support for our arts program from various off-campus sources has continued to . increase. If fact , we do not anticipate any reduction in this support in the future." All of these programs, which are open to the public eigher at no admission charge or very modest ones, would be presented in the Auditorium-MusicAlumni Building. In addition, the building would be used for the musical and dramatic programs that are sponsored by the UMR Student Union Board, the UMR Film Series, summer repertory theater and various community concerts and events such as district music and speech festivals, There also would be a

secure exhibit area in the building which would permit the showing of artistic exhibits. "At present, UMR leases Cedar Street Center but lacks permanent and adequate facilities to provide the proper ~nvironment for the presentation of these programs," Oakley said. "We are the only one of the four University of Missouri campuses to be without such facilities." The 650-seat auditorium-performing arts theater would feature a stage large enough for the St. Louis Symphony or the Texas Opera Theater. The stage also could be adapted for concerts by smaller groups, as well as for dance programs, dramati~ presentations and other events. There also would be a green room, make-up facilities, dressing rooms, an area for stage .support services, an orchestra pit, loading dock and concession areas, Planning for the building has been a long-range project. "We began keeping records of performances in 1965," Oakley said. "We also have done some marketing research and studied the facilities at comparable academic institutions such as Michigan Tech, Lehigh and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. "A campus committee solicited written input from alumni, students, faculty and staff in the form of a survey," he continued. "In addition, an open meeting was held in which all members of the UMR and Rolla communities were invited to present their opinions a,nd comments about what the buildings should offer." All of this data, along with specific recommendations from the music faculty, were presented to the architect for the project early in the planning process. "Our aim in this was to ensure that we would build the proper facility for our program," Oakley said. "We didn't want to end up with something too big, and neither did we want something that would be inadequate." The architect selected for the building, which will 'be located across the street from the Walter T. Schrenk Chemistry-Chemical Engineering Building, was Mantel &Teter of Kansas City, Mo. "We were fortunate in that Mantel & Teter worked with UMR on the design of the new portion of Schrenk Hall," Oakley said. "The firm also was involved with a similar project (performing arts theater) for Central Missouri State University," The alumni portion of the building will contain office space, meeting rooms, storage area for alumni records, a mail room, a lobby large enough to accommodate 500 persons for a stand-up affair and kitchen facilities sufficient to handle a gathering of this size. 'The new building will mean that we would be able to hold Homecoming receptions and other events on campus instead of holding them off campus as we presently do," said Frank Mackaman, director of alumni/development at UMR and executive vice president of the MSMlUMR Alumni Association, "As a result, the new building would not only enable us to fully meet the needs of our alumni, but it would also provide the alumni with a facility in which they could take pride and which would reflect their accomplishments.'.'

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'Meeting Data Event/Site

JOBS AVAILABLE The services of UMR's Career Development and Placement Center are available to alumni as well as students. Each week, many companies request assistance in locating applicants for jobs requiring experience in addition to degrees. To obtain information about the current job listings, alumni need to send an up-to-date resume to the Career Development and Placement Office. The Placement staff will make the resume available to companies looking for people with experience, and will send the alumnus a copy of the latest job listings. These contain job descriptions as well as names and addresses of people to contact. If you wish to use this service, contact: A. Sam Burton, assistant directorplacement. Career Development and Placement Office, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 (phone: 214/341-4288).


SME-AIME Fall Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii , . , ' , . , ... , , , . Sept. 6 Alumni Breakfast San Francisco Section . , , . . . .. ... ...... . .. ' . . . . ... ..... . . , .. Sept. II Missouri Industry Day, , , . , , . . ... . . .. . .. . . . ' .. . ' , , , , , , . ' , , . Sept. 21 Rolla MSM-UMR Alumni Association Board Meeting, , , .. ' , ' , ' , , . . ' , , ,Oct. I Rolla Homecoming", . . ,." . .... . . . . , ., .. ,' , .. . "" " ' .. " '" ,Oct. 1-2 Rolla MSM-UMR Alumni Association Annual Meeting, . ' , , , , , ' , ..... , ,Oct. 2 American Mining Congress International Mining Show, , . Oct. II Las Vegas, Nevada-Alumni Party Parents' Day, . , , , , , , , , . ... , , , , . , . , , , , . . ' , , , , , ~ , .. . .... , .. Oct. 16 Rolla American Institute Of Chemical Engineers Meeting , , ... , , , , ,Oct. 14-18 Los Angeles Society Of Exploration Geophysicists International Meeting and Exposition . , . , , , , , . ' , , , , .. , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , ,Oct. 18 Dallas, Texas-Alumni Party UM Alumni Alliance, , "" .. , ., ,Oct. 29-30 Columbia, Missouri "Dec, 4 Cincinnati-Dayton Section, , , .. .. ' , , , .. . .. .. ' , , , , , ' , . , . " Alumni Party MSM-UMR Alumni Association Spring Board Meeting . , , , , , .. . . .. ... , , , , , , . .. , . , , , , , ,A pr. 16 Rolla Class Of 1933 50th Year Reunion, , .. . ... . '... ...... . ' , , , , ,May 13-14 Rolla Il0th Annual Commencement "' , . ... . ', . ' , , , , .. . , . May 14 Rolla


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Alumni Office Change, Barbara Petrovic Aldridge resigned her positions as administrative secretary in the UMR Alumni/Development office and as staff assistant to the MSM-UMR Alumni Association with her last day of paid duty being June 18. Barbara is known to many of you for she had been with the alumni office for eight years. Her tenure was marked by her special empathy for those she served. Elsewhere she speaks for herself and her happiness in her marriage to Lloyd Aldridge.

Louise Wilson has joined the staff as administrative secretary and brings her own special qualities to that positon. She has had extensive experience on a college cam-



pus hav ing been at Culver-Stockton for 17 years, including 7 years in the alumni/development office there. I know that you will give her the same fine welcome


you gave Barbara and I am certain you will find her anxious to serve you.


Frank Mackaman, Executive Vice President MSM-UMR Alumni Association .



Farewell to Barbara "Nervously, Barbara stood in the doorway and watched as Lloyd crossed the yard. Sensing her presence, he looked up and smiled and in that instant of recognition she heard her heart say, I'ntroducing louise 'Barbara, you've come home' ". "No, that's not a trite story line. I do Louise Wilson was born in Macon , and attendfeel somewhat like a character in a Janet ed Christ ian College (now Columbia College) Dailey romance since Lloyd's smi le stopwhere she earned an A.A. degree in commerce. ped me in mid-stride and changed my She returned to Macon and for two years worked direction and purpose, And it's a for the district Highway Department office, wonderful feeling! In 1961 she married Joe H, Wilson, a member of the state Highway Patrol, and "One of the few things my life as Mrs, M. L. Aldridge will not change is my af- moved to Canton . Louise held secretaria l positions at Culver-Stockton College for fection for and gratitude toward yo u, 17 years, seven of those in the alumni/development office there, After spending two years in St. Louis, wi'}ere she was secretary to the president of the members of the MSM-UMR Alumni' Association . You have been more Southwest Plastic Binding Co" her husband was transferred to Troop I of the than family to me- you are my friends. Highway Patrol and the family moved to Rolla, She and Joe have two-children, JUlie, 13 , a student at Rolla Junior High School. Thank you for your many examples of loving and caring and understanding and Ken , 9, who attends Mark Twain Elementary SchooL The family enjoys out door sports-golf. swimming, boating, and water skiing, A favorite family vacation and sharing, spot is the Lake of the Ozarks, "God bless and keep you," Many of you will meet Louise at homecoming, Oct. 1-2. Barbara

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UMR Academies

Academy of Engineering Managers

Academy of Electrical Engineers

Five alumni of UMRolla were made members of UMR's Academy of Engineering Managers at the group's annual meeting held on campus in the spring. The new members are: Donald R. Bowers, '71 , .project management director, agricultural and industrial chemicals, offices and laboratories, for Monsanto Co., St. Louis; Robert P. Burton, '63, '72, executive vice president, Concrete Forms Corp. , Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Maxwell L. Close, '63 , '68, managing director, Ac¡ cuRay Ireland, for AccuRay Corp. , Columbus, Ohio; Roger A. Hill, '74, manager of engineering and acquisitions for lTR Petroleum, Houston, Texas; and Edward L. Schmidt, '67, '71 , vice president of McGill Inc., Tulsa, Okla. The academy was established in 1980. It recognizes outstanding graduates who are leaders in the engineering management field and whose careers motivate UMR engineering management students. Academy officers elected at this year's annual meeting are: president, Robert S. Bruce, '69 , vice president¡regional, INTRAV , Clayton; vice-president, Wilbur Feagan, '76, president, F & H Food Equipment Co., Springfield; and secretary- ' treasurer, Kenneth Pohlig, '64, vice president-marketing and sales, General Metals Products Co., St. Louis. Dr. Henry Wiebe, professor of engineering management at UMR, was made an honorary member of the group. Other members attending the meeting were: Gilbert Fuller, '74, superintendent-environmental engineerng, Empire .District Electric Co., Joplin; Thomas Owens, '68, production control manager, Hallmark Cards Inc., Kansas City; Howard Stine, '67, vice president, Systemaire Inc., Earth City; Michael Svoboda, '70, vice president, Valcour Printing and Service Co., St. Louis; and honorary member, B. R. Sarchet, professor of engineering management at UMR and former chairman of the department.

Eleven electrical engineering alumni of UM-Rolla were recently inducted into the UMR Academy of Electrical Engineers, a departmental advisory group of alumni and other electrical engineers who have made outstanding contributions to their profession. New members are: Charles E. Boulson, '39, Marshfield, retired general manager of Sho-Me Power Corp.; C harles E. Brinkmann, '50, 210 I Cedar Hill Road, Jefferson City, vice president-operations of Missouri Power & Light Co. ; P.O. Brown, '57 , 13405 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, chief engineer, McDonnell Douglas; Frederick B. Burns, '54, 1768 Poplar Ave. , South Milwaukee, Wis., vice president, research and development, E Z Paintr Corp., Milwaukee; Vernon R. Lawson, '48, 1744 Murphy Blvd., Joplin, senior vice president of Allgeier, Martin & Associates, Inc'J consulting engineers and architects; Elmer L. Luehring, '55 , 2671 Scarborough Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, technical director of Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co., Hi-Voltage Equipment Division; Fred M. Mueller, '38, 336 1/2 West 18th St., Idaho Falls, Idaho, retired engineer, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Atomic Power Division; William F. Oberschelp, '53, 103 Lintel Drive, McMurray, Pa., vice president, marketing, McGraw-Edison Co., Power Systems Group; James J. Skiles, '51, 1305 Baskerville Ave., Monona, Wis., profesor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Energy ReSt''\rch Center, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Gabriel G. Skitek, '43, 1210 Iowa St., Rolla,' professor emeritus of electrical engineering, UMR; William Wundrack, '49, 24 Black Oak Drive, Sunset Hills, vice president, research and development facilities design, Sverdrup & pr~cel, and vice president, Sverdrup Technology Inc.

Academy of Civil Engineers Three UMRolla civil engineering alumni were inducted into the UMR Academy of Civil Engineers at the group's annual meeting held this spring. They are: Fred S. Kummer, president, HBE Corporation, St. Louis; 10seph F. Krispin, vice president, highways and scheduling, 1.S. Alberici Construction Co., Inc., St. Louis; and 1. Kent Roberts, UMR professor of civil engineering, Rolla. The academy was founded in 1972 to honor UMR civil engineering graduates for their sustained and outstanding contributions to the civil engineering profession and for their interest in students and faculty. The academy serves as an advisory group to the UMR civil engineering department. Kummer received his B.S. degree from UMR in 1955. He has been the president of HBE Corporation for the past 20 years. Originally founded as Kummer Construction Company, HBE Corporation has grown from a one-man operation into a designer and builder of hospitals, banks and hotels. In 1976 Kummer received an Alumni Achievement Award from UMR and was appointed to the Chancellor's Development Council. He also is a member of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, UMR's major gifts club.

Krispin received his B.S. degree from UMR in 1954. Following graduation and service with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, he worked for the Missouri Highway Department. He joined 1. S. Alberici in 1963. He has held various positions with the Associated General Contractors of Missouri, the Associated General Contractors of St. Louis and the American Road & Transportation Builders Association. He also belongs to the Society of Military Engineers. He is a registered professional engineer. Roberts earned his B.S. from the University of Oklahoma in 1947 and his M.S. ftom UMR in 1950. He joined the UMR faculty as an instructor in 1947 and became an assistant professor in 1950, an associate professor in 1954 and a professor in 1957 . He also has served as assistant dean of the UMR School of Engineering. He is a member of numerous professional and civic organizations, including the American Society of Civil Engineers, the National and Missouri Societies of Professional Engineers, the American Society of Engineering Education, the Missouri Association of Registered Land Surveyors and the National Council of Engineering Examiners. He is a registered professional engineer and a registered land surveyor in Missouri.

MSM Alumnus / 9



Rocky Mountain Section On June 19, 1982 the Rocky Mountain Section held its Saint Pat's party! Several of the guests were appropriately garbed for the festive affair. Do you have difficulty relating June 19 to March 17? That's how long the waiting list was to get the use of the Coors hospitality facility. It was worth the

lO/ MSM Alumnus

wait. Coors put on a first class show and spread. Not everyone signed the sheet but among those present were ; Frederick J. Smith, '65; Thomas 1. Vogenthaler, '48; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Wilhite, '31 ; David Haake, '80 and Marylou Cooper; Eva Jane Powell, '80; Paul 1. Dolan, '80; Dan Micka, '78;

David A. Weiss, '70; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horst; Bob, '48 and Lou Mornin; Ted, D. Dumm, '33; Joel Jurgens, '60; Ran- '32 and Pauline Heiser; Mr. and Mrs. dy, '74 and Cheri Kerns; Tom, '70 and Roger Dewey, '69; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jan, '70 Steury; Charles, '72 and Marti Schowengerdt, '66; Eleanor and Al Schroeder; BOb, '76 and Judy Howie; Schlechten; Louise and Joe Marchello; Nancy and Frank Mackaman. Thanks are due to Fred Smith, '65 , Wayne, '52 and Lita Jackson; William, '71 and Lorraine Zogg; Mr. and Mrs. who worked with Bob Mornin and Ronald S. Barnes, '77; Bill, '51 and Ann . others to set up the meeting.

Paci'fic Northwest Section 'ed,

rs. ank

AI :110;

'65, and

The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association met Saturday, March 20, at the Domani Restaurant in Bellevue, Wash. A social hour startee at 6:30 p.m. and dinner was served at 7:30 p.m. President Keith Cross presided at the business meeting. New officers elected

to serve this years were: Ken Mirely,

'70, president; ltsu Arimura, '59, vice president; and Stephen Wright, '68, secretary-treasurer. A picnic at the Wright's home is being planned for the chapter's summer activity. Guest speaker was Ed Parks, public

man, Ron (67) and Susan Kinoshita, Ken (70) and Angie Murly, Art (50) and Ella Krause, Lora Herman (80), David Winter (78), Max (76) and pat Waggoner, Gerry Millar (81), Stephen (68) and Susan Wright, Keith Cross (69) and Members present at the meeting were: ' Bob Yerbury (77) . Guests were Fern ltsu (59) and Nancy Ariumura, Stephen and Jim Adams, and Judy and Jim Strauss (68), Vic (60) and Rosey Hoff- Tritz. affairs officer for the Port of Seattle. Parks presented the "Port of Seattle-Gateway to the Orient" slide presentation. He also discussed the future development of the port.

SME "Joe Miner" Belt Buckle Still Available 1981 CENTURY CLUB The following donors were inadvertentl y om itted from the list of Century Club members published in Honor Roll editon of the MSM Alumnus last February. The addition of these names brings the number of donors for 1981 up to 769, an increase of 42 over the previous year. Anderson, Charles A. Ballard, Donald S. Beegle, Donald W. . Ed dJ war . Ch fisty, . R b W C ummms, 0 ert . Danzo, Frank V. Fetterman, Phillip S.

Glassel, Clifford L Heider, Robert L . Hilleary, Alex L Itschner, Emerson C. Lansford, Oris G. Lurtz, Bruce

Marchal , Jacques H. Martin, Harold W. Millard , F rank S. Staab, Kenneth F. Stolwyk , John N. Tao, Frank Williams, Richard K.

The UMR Student Chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers is offering for sale to alumni our belt buckle. Proceeds from the buckle sales will enable SME to participate in a variety of activities including field trips, honor banquets, special projects & our biannual outing. We want to thank all of our patrons for their generosity . Orders and checks for six dollars made payable to the Society of Mining Engineers should be mailed to Dale Winter, 101 Mining Bldg.-UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 . Please ship _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buckles at $6.00 each . Enclosed find a check fOf $ _______________ Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

MSM Alumnus / II

MINER SPORTS Gene Green, Editor

Women Add Two Varsity Sports The University of Missouri-Rolla intercollegiate athletic family will be sporting some new faces this fall, as soccer and cross country join the women's varsity program_ Women's soccer will be coached by Paul McNally, as the first-year Lady Soccer Miners have an II-game schedule lined up_ They open at 7 p_m_ Sept 14 at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and battle Maryville College in a 7 p_m. contest Sept. 28 for their home opener. UMR women's cross country will be under the guidance of Sarah Preston, opening up the season at home against Westminster on Sept 3. As enrollment at UMR continues to increase, more and more women are now a part of the UMR campus," UMR Athletic Director Billy Key said_"In an effort to better serve that part of our student body, we are trying to expand our women's program." Key said soccer and cross country proved popular among the students in a survey taken last year. UMR already fields varsity women's teams in softball, basketball and tennis.

Soccer Miners Face Tough Competition When University of Missouri-Rolla ing opportunities. Also back is senior coach Paul McNally's Soccer Miners midfielder Mike Shillito, a talented open up the 1982 season Sept 4 at player McNally feels must contribute Washington University, the toughest both offensively and defensively if the Miners are to be successful. schedule in their short history awaits. If the team has anyone weakness, "The 1982 schedule is indeed the most demanding we have ever had," McNally feels the squad's young defenMcNally said. "We play Division I op- sive backs must prove themselves quickponents like lllinois State, University of ly for UMR to be strong. Should they mature rapidly and play Tulsa, University of Evansville, and then face the always tough MIAA por- as a unit, the Miners will benefit greatly, he stressed. tion of the schedule." One such opponent, University of "One major thing we will have to do Missouri-St. Louis, is a national power. "They will be only one of many Division is pick up the scoring void left by the II teams we will play that will be making graduation of all-time leading scorer Pat strong bids for NCAA post-season play. Becker," McNally said. "He scored 17 And McNally hopes his Miners are goals for us last season, and that will be soon in that post-season glory. "We will something hard to replace." UMR has nine lettermen returning be strong this year, although our record may not reflect it that much due to the for the new season, plus some talented tough schedule," he said. "Realizing our newcomers which McNally hopes will program is still fairly young, I hope we step in and see valuable playing time as are not too far away from national com- freshmen . "I hope we have strong competition ' petition_" UMR lost 2-1 to UMSL in their only going for some of the key spots on the meeting last season, and Don Dallas roster, and that some of our veteran Rivermen went onto national recogni- players really take solid leadership tion and a fourth-place ranking in the roles," he said. "If those things happen, we should be able to be very competitive NCAA Division II. Leading UMR's charge in 1982 will this year." UMR opens the home portion of the be returning forwards Steve Svoboda and Don Anselm_ McNally thinks this schedule Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. playing twosome should help create many scor- the University of Missouri-Kansas City

12/ MSM Alumnus

UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA SOCCER SCHEDULE 1982 Sal. Aug 28 Sat. Sept 4 Sat. Sept II Sun . Sept 12

Rolla Alumni Game IExhibitionl St. Loui~ Washington Universit y Owensboro. KY Kentucky Wesleyan College Evansville. IN University of Evansville Sl. Louis UMSL Doubleheader Fri . Sept 17 . UMR vs Wright State Uni ve rsit y UMSL vs Northern Kentuck y Universit y Sal. Sept 18 UMR vs Northern Kentuck y Universit y UMSL vs Wri ght State Uni ve rsit y

Sal. Sept 25 Uni versit y of Missouri-Kansas Cit y Sun . Sept 26 Rockhurst Coll ege Tues Sept 28 North east Oklahom a St ate UMR Doubleheader

Roll a Rolla Rolla Rolla

7:00 1:3li l:liO 2:00

P.M. P.M . P.M. P.M.

5:30 P.M. 7:3li P.M. 5:3li P.M. 7: 30 P.M. 7:()0 P.M. 2.3 lJ P.M. 3:3lJ P.M.

Fri . Oct I

6: lJ() P.M. 8:00 P.M.

Southwest MO SI. vs Illinois SI. UMR vs Sangalllon State Uni ve rsit y Sal. Oct 2 Southwest MO SI. vs Sanga l110n State UMR vs Illinois State Sal. Oct 9 Sun . Oct 10 Fri . Oct 15 Sal. Oct 16 Tues. Oct 19 Fri . Oct 22 Sal. Oct 23 Wed. Oct 27 Fri . Oct 29 Tues Nov 2 Sal. Nov 6

Indiana State¡ Evansville McKendree College Southwest Missouri State University of Tulsa Missouri Southern State College University of Missouri-SI. Louis Maryville College Westminster College Rollins College Southeast Missouri State Northeast Missouri State

6:()li P.M. 8:00 P.M. Rolla Rolla Springfield Tulsa. OK Rolla SI. Louis SI. Louis Fulton SI. Louis Cape Girardeau Kirk sville

7:liO P.M. 2:00 P.M . 4:00 P.M. II :lili A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. TBA 7:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M.

Miner defenders up·ended a Southeast Missouri runner during gridiron action last season. UMR opens the 1982 season at Wichita State University Sept. 4.

Healthy Grid Mi,ners May Spell Winner for ·UMR Although the University of Missouri Rolla football team narrowly missed cap- ' turing its second straight MIAA title last season, head coach Charlie Finley literall y had to patch a lineup together at times. " It was an injury·filled season, and 1 think finishing second in the conference is a real tribute to the job the kids did," F inley said. "Many young players were thrown into starting roles and forced to play out of position , but this experience should payoff for us down the road ." That time has arrived, and a tough schedule awaits the Miners in 1982. Finley starts his II th season as Miner head coach, boasting a 54-44·9 record. He graduated from Southwest Missouri State University in 1960, where he was a star member of the Bears' football team. He is now a member of the Southwest Missouri Hall of Fame. Finley joined the Miners as an assis· . tant coach in 1965 after coaching successful high school teams at Sarcoxie and Lebanon. With 21 seniors and 12 juniors returning from last season's 6-3-1 club, the 1982 Miners face what could be their toughest opposition in many years. The action gets under way Sept. 4, when UMR travels to Wichita, Kan., to battle Division I opponent Wichita State in the 30,000 seat Cessna Stadium. After that come battles wi :h perennially tough Missouri Valley_ NAIA Division I runner-up Pittsburg State and new opponent Culver-Stockton. And then the competition really begin :, to

heat up with the MIAA schedule and a rematch with the University of Evansville. " It will be a real tough schedule, no doubt about that," Finley mused. "We hope that this caliber of competition will give our players something to work for and allow them to match themselves against some of the best in the Midwest. "

returnees." Dennis Pirkle will again guide the team from the quarterback slot, with fellow senior Don Kasperski ready to step in. Their main targets will be receivers Dave Stephens, Scott Stephens and Kurt Lorenzen. The devastated offensive line of a season ago should get a huge lift from


4 II

18 25 2

Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov.

23 30 6 13

Wichita State University Missouri Valley Pittsburg State (Kansas) Evansville University Lincoln University (HOMECOMING) Northwest Missouri State U. Culver Stockton College (P ARENT'S DAY) Central Missouri State U. Evangel College Southeast Missouri State U Northeast Missouri State U.

Although Finley feels UMR has depth at many positions, the offensive backfield has been hit hardest by graduation. "Brian Paris, David Fischer and Oscar Berryman are gone from last year's unit, so that is an area that will have to be looked at closely," he said. "Talent still remains, however, with Randy Shed and Jon Falke the top two


7:30 7:30 1:30 7:30 1:30

Maryville Rolla

1:30 1:30

Warrensburg Rolla Rolla Kirksville

1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30

Wichita, KS Marshal Rolla Evansville ,l >~

the return of All-Conference tackle Kevin Griesemer. Out all of last season with a neck injury, Griesemer and senior center Jim Lloyd will give the Miners leadership up front. On defense, Finley has reason to smile. Only All-Conference defensive end Paul Suellentrop graduated, leaving the Miners with virtually every defen-

sive starter returning. Leading the charge will be AIIConference defensive tackle Bob Pressly . An All-American candidate, Pressly already has gained some attention from pro scouts. "He is a great one," Finley said. "He is so quick for s6m~~e his ' size." Other top returnees on defense will be defensive backs Craig Thomas, Randy Hauser, Steve Davis, Brian Bradley and Scott Teter; linebacker Todd Fizer and Steve Davis; defensive end Paul Demzik; noseguards Doug Keithly and Cleo Downs; and tackles Jeff Murphy, Ed ~tuckey and Gregg Wilhelm. What will make this group a team to be reconed with in the MIAA? "The key will be for us to stay healthy and keep people in position this season," Finley said. "That certainly is something we were unable to do last year." The highly touted Miner defense will .get perhaps its toughest test in the season's first game, as Wichita State's quarterback may be the best performer the squad faces this year. "He is one of the best we have ever faced," Finley said of Shocker signalcaller Prince Mcjunkins. "He is a very good runner and really .makes their offense go." This game will indeed be tough, but Finley downplays the opener as "tough indeed-but we figure there are never any easy games." And Miner opponents also may find out in 1982 there will be few easy games when the UMR Silver and Gold takes the field.

MSM Alumnus/ 13

Miners Take Third In National Mining Co..,test

Recent UMRolla graduates Wayne Huebner, right, Bellville, Ill. and Dean Anderson , Rolla, have been awarded three-year fellowships by the Office of Naval ' Research . The fellow ships a re awarded to support graduate study leading to a Ph.D. in the area of electronics ceramics. Forty-one of the fellowships were awarded nationwide, according to Dr. Robert Moore, UMR chairman of ceramic engineering.

A team of mining engineering students from UMR finished third in total points at the fourth International Collegiate Mining Contest held recently at the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology. The team of five students and an alternate competed in ' such events as single jack drilling (hand drilling); bow sawing; hand mucking (shoveling rock by hand into an ore car); jackleg drilling (drilling with a pneumatic drill supported by a compressed air cylinder) ; and track standing (layin-g narrow-gauge railroad track). The team took first place in one event, the single-jack drilling, but with 37Y2 points, was behind the Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology (41) and Colorado School of Mines (39) in total points. This is the third year that the UMR team has entered the contest which attracted a total of 22 teams from this country and Canada. Members of UMR's team were: Joseph Brinkmann, St. Louis, captain ; Phil Ott, Hillsboro, Ill.; Dennis Meyer, Hillsboro, Il\.: Brian Bleakney, Ellwood City, Pa .. and Peter Leussbury, Carlinville, Ill. All are members of the UMR student chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers which sponsored the tri p. Troy Harris, supervisor of UMR's ex¡ perimental mine, coached the team .

Students Wi n Research Awards From Sigma Xi

St udent members of the UMRolla chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers spent hundreds of hours pouring con.: te, aw ing a nd na iling lumber, and working with pick and shovel to build playground equipment for the Rolla Cerebral Palsy IWU I. W ith money donated by the Rolla Junior Club and materia ls sold at cost by Powell Lumber CO . .Df Rolla, the students ill 'idewa lk ,slides, swings and chin-up bars for the school. Some of the students involved in the project are , left to right: Paul .; llage, Do ug Weiss, Rick Gray , Steve Bahn , Mike Spyers and the project manager Bill Horst , a graduate student in the i M R civil engineering department.



14 MS M Alumnus

Four UMR students have won awards for undergraduate research projects from the UMR chapter of Sigma Xi, scientific research society. First place winner Mark Schroeder, Libertyville, Ill., received $200 for his report on "Ethanol Densities Between -50" and 20"C ." Schroeder is a senior in chemical engineering. Candace Star Holley, Rolla, won second place for her paper on "Frequency of Introspective Probes in Concept Learning: Effects on Performance and Process." Holley is a senior majoring in psychology. Her award was $100. Third place went to Charl~ Mike Taylor, Hannibal, senior in civil engineering. His report on "An Interactive Computer-Graphics Program for Truss Design" won a $75 award . Foad Baradari, senior in mechanical engineering from Iran, won the fourth place award of $50 with a paper on "Analysis of Hot-Wire Anemometer at Low Air Velocity."

Sorority Honors Betty Todd

AIAA Chapter In Top 10

Betty Todd, student services adviser in Student Activities at UMR, has been selected a "Zeta Lady" by the Missouri district alumnae of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Mrs_ Todd, who serves as general adviser to the UMR chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha, received the honor for "supporting and furthering the cause" of the sorority.

The UMR student branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) was named one of the top ten outstanding student branches in the country for 1980-81 _ Selection was based on membership increase for the year as well as overall activities of the group. In addition to the regular meeting schedule, the 12l -member UMR AIAA branch conducted two field trips to McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis, attended a meeting of the St. Louis Section of AIAA, and participated in UMR's University Day, Campus Showcase, the annual Merit Badge University (they spent a Saturday helping boy and girl scouts earn merit badges) and provided a judging team and prize for students participating in UMR's District Science and Engineering Fair.

NSF Grants To Two Students Recent UMRolia graduates William D. Horst, Springfield, and James M. Jackson, St. Joseph, have been awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowships. Horst was awarded a 8.S_ in civil -engineering and Jackson a B.S. in mechanical engineering at UMR's 109th annual commencement held in May. The fellowships are awarded to help support graduate study leading to a Ph .D_ in engineering, the mathematical sciences, the physical sciences, chemistry, earth sciences, physics, life sciences. psychology and the social sciences_ "These NSF grants are among the most prestigious and sought after graduate study fellowships in the country," said Dr. Adrian Daane, UMR dean of graduate study and campus officer for the fellowship program_ "Being selected to receive these awards is a great honor for these young men and for UMR ." Three other recent UMR graduates were named to the NSF's honorable mention list as superior students. Those students and their major fields of study are: James K_ Haberstock , Montgomery City. electrical engineering; Michael M. Marra, Independence , mechanical engineering; and Charles Meyer, Kansas City, chemical engineering.

Bonnie Daily-World Traveler Nuclear Engineering Scholarships Raymond J . Kirsch and Douglas S_ MacDougall , juniors in nuclear engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, have been awarded $1,500 scholarships from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations for the 1982-83 academic year. MacDougall has also received a $2,000 Lamarsh Scholarshp from The American Nuclear Society. Kirsch is the son of Raymond and Brenda Kirsch, St. Louis. MacDougall and his wife, Paulette, live in Rolla.

ASCE Chapter Receives Commendation

The UMR student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has been awarded a "Certificate Student Elected of Commendation" by ASCE for its outstanding activities during 1981. To Physics Council The award was recommended to the Matthew M. Sass, a physics student ASCE Board of Direction by its at UMR, has been elected to a one-year Committee on Student Services and was term as associate councillor of the Soci- based on chapter activities recorded in the UMR student chapter's 1981 annual ety of Physics Students. Sass, a native of St. Peters, was report. Dr. Jack H. Emanuel, professor of elected as the Zone Nine representative. The UMR junior was one of II civil engineering, is the faculty adviser associate councillors elected nationlilly. for the group.

As the daughter of an Air Force officer, Bonnie Daily attended several grade and high schools throughout the United States. But she says the highlight came when she was a senior in the Manly Girls High School in Sydney, Australia, as an exchange student with the American Field Service program. Bonnie, the daughter of Col. (U.S. Air Force, retired) and Mrs. Madison Daily of Rolla is now a sophomore majoring in petroleum engineering. During her year in Australia, Bonnie lived with an Australian family, the Piersons, and traveled with them to several parts of the continent. "I love Sydney. We lived 10 minutes away from the beach, in a city with no smog," says Bonnie, adding that she also "loved the accent of the Australians_" She perceives the Australians as "family oriented and very relaxed and casual." While in Australia, she worked for two weeks as an intern in the State of New South Wales' supreme court. She assisted a barrister (lawyer) and became acquainted with the Australian legal system. Bonnie is the latest member of her family to attend UMR. Sisters Karen and Kristy graduated in 1977 and 1980 with degrees in history and geological engineering, respectively, and brother Mac graduated in 1981 with a degree in . mechanical engineering. Her father headed the Air Force ROTC program at UMR from 1971 to 1974 and is now completing work on his Ph.D. degree in engineering management at UMR, while her mother is working on her economics degree. On her way back from Australia, Bonnie stopped in New Zealand and Tahiti and hopes some day to travel to Asia and to live again in Australia. For now , though, she is happy to be back in Rolla pursuing her education.

A. P. Green Medal to AE Student Vickie Sue Johnson , senior in aerospace engineering, is the recipient of the A.P. Green Medal for the 1981-82 academic year. The A.P. Green medal is awarded .each year to an outstanding graduating senior. Selection is based on scholarship,

leadership abilities and extra-curricular activities. Johnson, Liberty, has participated in the UMR honors program and has been a co-op student, working for five semesters for NASA at Langley, Va_, where she will work after graduation.

MSM Alumnus/ IS




Eng.lish .Schol.arship

The Thomas O. English Scholarship has been established at UMR by UMR alumnus Thomas O. English of Mar¡ shall, Texas. The scholarship is for UMR electrical engineering undergraduates who have shown scholastic excellence and finan cial need. The award covers a period of one year and is renewable. The first scholarship will be awarded for the 1983-84 academic year. English, who is a retired vice president of ALCOA , received a B.S. in elec-

This early ca'rbon arc illuminated slide projector, left, is one of the several pieces of equipment on display in the main hall of the University of Missouri-Rolla Physics Building. The Gyroscope, right, is one of several more pieces scheduled for dispiay next fall. All the instruments in the exhibit were used by Rolla students and faculty some 70 to 80 years ago: They were restored under the direction of Dr. Richard Anderson, UMR professor of physics.

Rolla Building Repairs Approved The UM Board of Curators has approved plans for repairs to the Rolla Building, the oldest building on the UMR campus, and authorized the assistant vice president for business services to advertise for bids. Work to be done includes cleaning, caulking and tuck-pointing of masonry, replacement of windows and doors and interior repairs. The total cost will be $140,632 to be paid from state and campus funds earmarked for preservation. Plans and specifications were prepared by Wedemeyer, Cernick and Corrubia Inc. of St. Louis. Joseph D. Wollard, UMR executive director of administrative services, said . that this is the second phase in the renovation of the Rolla Building. Work done under previous contracts has included interior remodeling, replacement of the roof and repair of exterior trim and fascia. "This is part of an ongoing renovation program to preserve and upgrade older campus structures so that they are more fully usable and energy efficient," Wollard said. "For example, the window replacements in the Rolla Building will be double-glazed and weather stripped, to reduce energy loss from the building. Similar windows are being installed all over campus as buildings are repaired, and are already in use in Schrenk Hall, Parker Hall and the Buehler Building." The four-story Rolla Building was erected in 1871 as the Rolla Public School Building and the top two floors were rented to the newly established University of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. In 1875, the Board of Curators purchased the building for

16/ MSM Alumnus

$25 ,000 and acquired the 20 surrounding acres. It was the School's only building until 1885, and has been in continous use. It now houses the office of the dean of students and associated offiCes and the Counseling Center.

trica l rngineering from U MR in 1929. He alSt) holds the degree of electrical engmee r i 1935) and the honorary doctor of engil1~~ring degree (1972) from his alma mat n. In addition, he is a member of the Order of the Golden Shillelagh, UM R's major gifts club. and a charter member of the Electrical Engineering Academy . English's gift to the Thomas O. English Endowment Fund, which funds the scholarship, was matched by the Alcoa Foundation.

New Gulf Oil Professorship The Gulf Oil Foundation has established the Gulf Oil Foundation Professorship in the School of Mines and Metallurgy at UMRolla. The professorship, the first named academic position in UMR's School of Mines and Metallurgy , will be used in geological engineering, mining engineering, petroleum engineering or geology and geophysics. The name of the first recipient will be announced next year, according to Dr. Don L. Warner, dean of the School of Mines and Metallurgy.

The endowment will provide a supplement to the regular salary of the professor, as well as financial support for supplies, research equipment, travel, assistantships and other miscellaneous needs. The Gulf Oil Foundation recently presented UMRolla with a check for $25 ,000 to establish the endowment for the professorship. These funds represent the first of four annual installments in a planned $100,000 financial commit ment by the foundation for the professorship.

Extension News Here's a list of some of the extension continuing education short courses and conferences scheduled by UMR. Where titles are not self explanatory you may call for more detailed information including costs. Call the office of the Dean of Continuing Education and Public Service, 314-341-4156. Written requests should be addressed to the same office, 210 Parker Hall, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, Mo. 65401

PROORAM School of Mines and Metallurgy Sixth Midwest Reclamation Tour. & Seminar Conference on Mississippi Valley Type Lead-Zinc Deposits Symposium on Hazardous & Special Waste Management

DATES Sept. 21-22 Oct. 11-14 Oct. 18-20

School of Engineering Single Phase Induction Motor Design Sept. 20-24 Nineteenth Annual Society of Engineering Science Inc. Oct. 27-29 Sixth International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures Nov . 16-17

College of Arts and Sciences Seventh Introductory Short Course: Paint Formulation Sept. 13-1 7 Selecting a Microcomputer Sept. 16 Advanced Paint Formulation Sept. 20-24 Computer Performance Management Oct. 4 Coating Systems for Bridges & Steel Structures Oct. 26-27 Estimating for Painting Contractors& Maintenance Engineers Nov. 16-18 Programming in Pascal Nov. 12 Maintenance Painting Nov. 9-11 Software Development Tools & Techniques Dec. 2 Times and dates of courses may change nearer to the time. of the course.

LOCATION Columbia Rolla Rolla

Rolla Rolla St. Louis

Rolla Rolla St. Louis St. Louis E.Elmhurst , N .Y. St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis St. Louis






Epstein Awarded Fulbright Grant

surveying medical students at the university to determine how they display their nationalistic feelings," Epstein explained. "The project will be done in a multi-cultural context with the sample group consisting of Mexicans and other Latin Americans , North Americans and Europeans." In addition to his Fulbright award, Epstein has been selected to be an adjunct visiting scholar for Latin American studies at the University of Chicago this summer. Epstein received his B.S. from the University of IIIinois-UrbanaChampaign in 1960 and his M.AT and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1962 and 1966, respectively. He joined the UM-Rolla faculty in 1973. In addition, he is the chairman of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies. He also recently served as the president of the Comparative and International Education Society/USA.

Dr. Erwin Epstein, UM-Rolla pro- Neogi Wins fessor of sociology, has been awarded a . NSF G"rant Fulbright Senior Lectureship at the ' Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico, for Dr. Parthasakha Neogi, UMRolla the 1982-83 academic year. assistant professor of chemical engineer"I spent my sabbatical year (1979-"80) ing, has been awarded a Research Initiain Mexico, and I'm really looking for- tion Grant from the National Science ward to going back," Epstein said. "It's Foundation. going to be a very busy and very enThe $48,000 grant is for a project enjoyable year." titled "Sorption in Polymers in the At Monterrey, Epstein will lecture on Vicinity of Glass Transition." the comparative sociology of education "The competition for NSF funds and assist the university in the develop- under the Research Initiation Grant ment of new programs and research pro- program is extremely keen, and it is a jects in the area of education and social credit to Dr. Neogi's ability and his impact. research program that he has been He will also work on a project that awarded this support," said Dr. William deals with the sense of nationality Tranter, assistant dean of the UM Rolla among different national groups. ''I'll be School of Engineering.

Dr. Koederitz and the other five recipients will be recognized at the SPE annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in September in New Orleans. Dr. Bobby G . Wixson, professor of The honor includes a certificate from environmental health and director of SPE and a cash award of $3,000. Nominees for the award were submitthe Center for International Programs and Studies at UM Rolla, is president- ted by student chapters of SPE elect of the Society for Environmental ' throughout the country and selection was made on the basis of demonstrated Geochemistry and Health. excellence in research and in the Wixson joined the UM Rolla faculty teaching and counseling of students in in 1967. He holds a B.S. in geology and petroleum engineering. Dr. Koederitz is an M.S. in biology from Sul 'Ross State faculty adviser for the UMR student University and a Ph.D. in aquatic chapter. biology and oceanography from Texas A&M.

Wixson Elected . To National Office

He presently is serving on the Argonne Universities Association Review Committee for the Environmental Impact Studies Division at Argonne National Laboratory and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Military Environmental Research. In addition, he also recently was named to the editorial board of the international journal "Minerals and the Environment."

Koederitz Wins National Award Dr. Leonard F. Koederitz, '68, '69, '70, professor of petroleum engineering at the University of Missouri-Rolla, is one of six faculty members in the country to win a 1982 Distinguished Achievement A ward for Petroleum Engineering Faculty presented by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). SPE is a constituent society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers.

Howell Honored By St. Louis ASHRAE

Dr. Ronald H. Howell, professor of mechanical engineering at UMRolla, awarded the 1982 Hermann F. Spoehrer Memorial A ward of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The award is sponsored by the Sporlan Valve Company of St. Louis in memory of the late Hermann F. Spoehrer, one of the founders of the company and a past national president of ASHRAE. Professor Howell received the award for his significant contributions to ASHRAE, the St. Louis Chapter, and to his community. Dr. Howell has been a member of ASHRAE since 1969 and has served on and chaired many of the society's committees, both locally and nationally. His participation in civic and church affairs was cited as being equally as impressive as his technical achievements and weighed heavily in his selection for the award.

New History Book Progressing Nicely Christensen and Ridley's sources for their material have consisted of archival Although writing a new history of the University of Missouri-Rolla has meant a lot of hard work for Drs. Lawrence Christensen and Jack Ridley during the past material and publications such as the "Rollamo" and various student newspapers. year and a half, it's also been an enlightening and enjoyable experience. They have taped about 80 hours of interviews with alumni, faculty, "The last two histories of UMRolla were published in the 1940's," said Ridley, administrators and townspeople. "Because written sources often lack the flavor of personal reminiscences, oral an associate professor of history at UMR. "A lot of important years have passed history and played an important role in both our research and our writing," said since then, and we've had to cover a lot of ground. Ridley. "In so doing we discovered that we have had more than our share of "As a result," he continued, "researching and writing the book (which is interesting people through the years." nearing completion) have been a challenge. But, at the same time, it's also been fun. " "Interviewing alumni and former faculty members was invariably an interesting experience," Christensen said, "and we were impressed with the In writing¡ the book, they have tried to present UMRolla as the "human" hospitality and grateful for the assistance supplied by these people. institution they found it to be. "Our intention was to produce a book that would be both readable and "We gained perspective, insight and valuable information from them which scholarly," said Christensen, a professor of history at UMRolla, "and I think increased our personal' knowledge and enriched our history," he added. "In fact, we're succeeding. we learned so much that selecting those anecdotes and reminiscences that we "Consequently," he added, "the book will contain a factual accounting of the would include in the book often involved some very difficult decisions." history of UMR, as well as a description of what it was like to be a student or a The book will contain four major sections which deal with the years professor on campus at any given point in UMRolla's existence." 1871 -1918, 1918-1945, 1945-1964 and 1964-present. Each of these sections, in According to Ridley , the book will provide a "panoramic view" of the history turn, will be di vided into chapters that deal with administration, construction, of UMR and, among other things, will deal with people -- students, faculty , staff, faculty , students and curriculum. Some chapter titles will be: "Mule Skinning administrators and alumni and townspeople. It also will put the history of the and Matriculation," "A Long Shadow on the Horizon: The Wilson Years," campus in context by exploring national trends in education and social history. "Boys at Work" and "Boys at Play."

MSM Alumnus/ 17 .~ I

--- - --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -------=--

Gifts and Souvenirs From The UMR Bookstore


7 UMR Miner T·shirt. 50% cotton , 50% polyester. Adult sizes S, M, L, XL. Colors: GolclJblack letters. blackJgold letters, red , royal or kelly/white letters, $5 .50. 18 Youth long·sleeved sweatshirt. 50% cotton , 50 % Creslan acrylic. Youth sizes: 5(6·8), M(I 0-12), L(l4-16). Colors: red. powder blue,$9.75. 9 Long·sleeved sweatshirt. 50% cotton, 50% Creslan acrylic. Adult sizes S, M , L, XL. Colors: gr~y , navy, powder blue, kelly green. $11.95.

Silk·screened glassware. 34 IS-oz. double old· fashioned. $1.79 each. 35 12-oz. highball (Miner). $1.50 each.

Ceramics (Gold seal) 29 23-oz. tankard . White-$10.95 , black-$11.95. 28 IS -oz. rope border mug. White-,-$18 , black or navy-$20. 27 16·oz. heraldo tankard. White - $18 , black or navy-$20. 26 12-oz. coffee mug. White-$14, black or navy-$16.75.



Walnut gifts (gold seal). 19 Ashtray-$27 .25. 20 Bookend set$37 .95. 21 Single pen set-$28 .50. 22 Wood barrel bank with combination lock-$21.25 . The University of Missouri seal framed by an antique finished laurel wreath with scrolls is ap· plied to each item.


70 Ozarks poster-$l. 7 I Tom Beveridge's Ozarks by Tom Beveridge. Covers geology , geography and the people of the Missouri Ozarks, 22 chapters-$4.95 (paper). 72 Geologic Wonders and Curiosities of Missouri by Tom Beveridge. Information on more than 400 places of geologic interest in Missouri-$12 (paperback).


dl PI iii


Prices ancIJor specification of items are subject to change witho ut notice. For other items available, write for catalog.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------ORDER FORM The Bookstore University Center· West University of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri 6540 I Postage & Handling For orders under $10add $2 postage. Over $10add $3 postage. Foreign-An additional $5 . Missouri Residents add 4.625 % sales tax . Please allow 4 weeks for delivery. Make checks payable to and mail to: The Bookstore University Center-West University of Missouri·Rolla . Rolla, Missouri 6540 I 314·341-4705

18/ MSM Alumnus

::: MasterCard or ::-~ Visa card number _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiralion Date



ORDERED BY (Please Prinil


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Personals ____________~~______ The association has been notified of the dea th of Paul McClelland Berry, Fredericktown , MO.

Word has been received that William Bennett Machin died of lu ng cancer on JUlie 26.

Not ice has been received of the death of Burl Young Slates, Kansas City, Mo. He was retired from the U.S. Corps of Engineers. He is survived by sons Elmer, ' 57, and Duane, '61

Charles A. Freeman, '28 5 Via Dellzia Hillsborough, CA 94010 William K. Schweickhardt, '28 417 N. Woodlawn Ave. Kirkwood, MO 63122 Thomas O. English, '29 605 Bergstrom Place Marshall, TX 75670

C. James Grimm, '30 Box 105 Rolla, MO 65401 S. AUan Stone, '30 1405 Three Rivers East Ft. Wayne, IN 46802

1981 Rollarno

William Brewer, '32 6799 Wetheridge Cincinnati, OH 45230




Eva Hirdler Green died in Costa Mesa , Calif. on June 28. She was 98. During the early part of her career she fo llowed her profession as a mining engineer, working for the Missouri Geological Survey and owning, drilling and leasing oil fields in Oklahoma. She later spent 33 years as a liuman resource specialist and counselor. She is survived by a daughter, granddaughter and severa l great ·grandchildren. An article l\bout her early engineering career was publish· ed in the April, 1980 issue of MSM Alumnus.

Fred Palmore Matlack died June 10 ac· cording to a notice received from R. Robert Rackley. Rackley said, "During the years, Mr. Matlack had a continuing pride in the education he received from MSM·UMR."

Carl L. SaUey, Warsaw, Mo., died May 27. following a lengt hy illness. He had lived in the Rolla area for a good part of his life, beginning his career with the Rolla Telephone Co. following his graduation from MSM. He joined the U.S. Geological Survey during the 1940's and retired from a supervisory position of the geodetic section of that organization in 1968.



The Post Office informs us of the death of Paul D. WlIkiDson. He was professor emeritus of chemistry at In· dianll- State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Ind,

ATIENTION Each year at homecoming, the MSM·UMR Alumni Association honors alumni, faculty and friends of the association. Any alumnus may nominate a candidate for these awards (Achievement, Merit and Service Awards). Just send a letter of nomination-with sup· porting materials-to the Awards Committee (made up of an· nonymous alumni)-in care of the association, 101 Harris Hall , UMR , Rolla, Mo. 6540 I . The committee will consider the nomination. Nominations remain on file and need not be resubmit· ted periodically.

Rex T. Horn, who attended the 50-year reunion activities in May, writes to say thanks for the hospitality. His address is 2715 Gene Field Road, St. Joseph, MO 64506.

Andrew W. Kassay sends the following note: "Sorry to have missed the May festivities for the Class of 1932. Julia Mae is recovering nicely from her knee surgery. Will be in RoUa in October." Andrew and Julia Mae live at 1359 Eastgate Road, Toledo, OH 43614. Andrew is retired from Allied Corp.

1932 and Before Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators: Elmer Gammeter, '26 118 Duncan Circle-Windemere Beaver, PA 15009

Charles S. White says that the Class of 1932 party during the 1982 commence· ment weekend was "great". He says this was his first time to return to Rolla since 1932. Charles and Johnnie live at 2720 Whitney Place, Apt. 505, Metairie, LA 70002. Charles is a retired Hydraulic dredging engineer.

1920 Notification has been received of the death, in 1979, of Joseph Novak, Jr.

1927 1923


The Post Office informs the assoctauon of the death of William Miller KeeHng of Falls City, Neb.

A. B. and Corinne Wilkerson write to say that after Oct. 1, 1982, their address will be 510 W. Wood Ave., Monticello, AR 71655. They are retired and are moving back to the Midwest from Fresno, Calif.

Murray and Margi Paul's address is 11121 Jersey Ave., P.O. Box 37, Youngtown, AZ 85363. Murray is retired. They send "best regards" to all.

1928 R. P. Baumgartner lives at 10402 Camden Ave., Sun City, AZ 85251. R. P. writes that if all goes as' planned he will attend 1983 graduation for his 55th anniversary.

1981 Rollarno

MSM Alumnu./ 19


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Alumni Personali-,______________________________________________________________ Fred W. Olde retired from McDonnell· Douglas Corp. on Jan. I, after 36 years of service. He and Florann live at 1890 North Downs Drive, Florissant, MO 63033.

1943 Maurice O. Bellis writes: "Took early retirement May 19, 1981 , from Ingalls Shipbuilding Division, Litton Industries, Inc. Best decision of my life, enjoying every day of it." Maurice's address is Apt. 1206, 3310 Washington Ave., Pascagoula, MS 39567.

1981 Rollamo



Edwin and Marjorie Hein live at 208 North Star Road, Newark, DE 19711. Ed is retired. He writes: "Looking for· ward to attending 50th Reunion in 1984."

Max L. Yeater, professor of nuclear engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has recently received the William H. Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award. The award honors those who have excellence in teaching, productive research, and interest in the educational process. Max lives at 1391 Valencia Road, Schenectady, NY 12309.


William J. Campbell died July 9 in Rolla. His career was in construction and, among other projects, he was in- 19..0 volved with and became an authority on John and MIldred McClendon have the construction of plants for paper moved to N5503 Elm, Spokane, WA companies. Bill retired tn 1974 and serv- 99208. John is retired form the Califor· ed on the National Board of Arbitration. nia Air Resource's Board and is a retired He and his wife, the late Marie Harvey captain in the U.S. Navy Reserve. He is Campbell, returned to Rolla in 1976. A now active in Full Gospel brother of the late Robert L. Campbell, Businessmen's Fellowship. '32, and Fulton Campbell, '34, he is survived by a son, Robert F. Campbell, Ex'57.

19..'Reumon . at Homeconung . 1937 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinator Frank C. Appleyard P.O. Box 1991 Tubac, AZ 85640

Notice has been received of the death of w UUam George Maloney on Dec. 14, 1980. He had been associated with U. S. Gypsum and A . P . Green Co. throughout his business career.

1938 Jesse and Dorothy Moore have moved to 2139 E. Old Mill Drive, Deltona, FL 32725. JeSse is retired.

20/ MSM Alumnus

Class Coordinators Robert M. Brackbill 800 Glen Lakes Tower 9400 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75231 William D. Busch 20001 Idlewood Trail Cleveland, OH 44136 John H. Lyons 9012 Congressional Court Potomac, MD 20854

Raymond R. Finch died suddenly of an appare.nt heart attack in May, according to notice received by the alumni office. He had retired as president of Finch and Bayless Equipment Co. of Kansas City, Kans.


Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators Elmer W. Belew 11614 Norgate Drive St. Louis, MO 63138

Rodney A. Schaefer University of Missouri-Rolla 204 Engineering Mechanics Bldg. Rolla, MO 65401



James W. Stephens Missouri Public Service Company P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138 Ronald A. Tappmeyer 2226 Country Club Drive Sugar land TX 77478 Kenneth W. Vaughan writes that he is now retired. His address is P.O. Box 364, Aberdeen, SD 57401.







A note from Mrs. Ruth V. Wood, 19 Topping Lane, St. Louis, MO 63131, tells us of the death of Lloyd Nelson Wood on Feb. 7. Lloyd was president of Woodsons Machinery Co., a firm selling capital equipment and service.

·Robert L. Banks writes: "Made my first 'Hole in One', June 6, in Member-Guest Tournament, Sunset Country Club, Bartlesville." Bob is a senior research associate for Phillips Petroleum Co. He and Mildred live at 5610 Cornell, Bing Quai Yee died in I Q7 3 according Bartlesville, OK 74003. to a note from his wife, Rosalind· L. Yee.

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Word has been received that Ralph Andrew Mathews died of a coronary on June 3. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy E. Mathews, 5229 Nottingham Ave ., St. Louis, MO 63109

Emery Louis Boeller died June II. He had been with Missouri Power and Light Co. for 34 years and was manager of electrical operation at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, Erma Lee Boeller, 1602 Beverly St., Jefferson City , MO 65101

Robert L. Mann is a United Methodist minister (retired). Robert and Shirley's address is P.O. Box 395 , Sullivan, MO 63080.

Notice has been received that Paul Frederick Shatto died of cardiac arrest on Oct. 28\ 1981


Nils K. Nelson is an associate professor of organic chemistry at Purdue University-Calumet in Hammond, Ind. Nil's address is 2219 169th St., Apt. 39, Hammond, IN 46323.

Hubert R. Smith writes and says: "Will probably be in the Far East later this year as a consultant for a new brewery in Manila (Asia Brewery). He and Mary live at 10926 Chimineas St., Northridge, CA 91326.

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John C. Austin retired from Alcoa on Jan. I, 1976, after 33 V2 years with the company. John and wife Katherine live at 35 Walnut Ave., Massena, NY 13662. Harold W. Haas says, "Have been out of action for about four months as a result of a heart oPeration-everything is fine now and I feel 20 years younger." He is senior engineer for Phillips Petroleum Co., Europe-Africa. Harold and Helena's address is 7 Heath-Rise, Kersfield Road, Putney , London, ' England SWI5 .







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Alumni Personals ______________________________________________ Paul B. Nolan was promoted to plant manager for U.S. Industrial Chemicals, Deer Park, Texas, in March. Paul and Betty live at 4127 Manorfield Drive, Seabrook, TX 77586.

Robert J. Remade is a project engineer for AMOCO Chemicals Corp. Robert lives at 900 DeWitt Place, Apt. 508, Chicago, IL 60611.

y Bryan Gregory See died in July, 1981, according to a note from his son, Bryan Gregory See Jr., 106 Briarcliff Drive, Hattiesburg, MS 3940 I. 1981 Rollamo

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1949 Joseph and Shirley Oooney have moved to 4606 Lakewood Blvd., Naples, FL 33942. Joseph is president of Nelson Automotive, Inc. Arthur Leo Cook Jr. died in May according to a notice received by the alumni office. Joseph E. (Gene) Greig and Rita J. Pennington were married July 17. Gene writes: "Am enjoying retired life in southern California." The newlyweds reside at 893 Melrose, Chaula Vista, CA 92011. Gene retired as a commander in the U.S. Navy.

Avery A. Drake, Jr. was recently decorated as "Chevalier du Merite Agricole" by the French Government for "ad vocational" activities in the field of wine. A very is now assistant chief geologist for the eastern region of the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, Va. Avery and Colette live at 1551 44th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. James L. Evans writes: "I retired from McDonnell Douglas ¡ Corp'. last December after 26 years of employment. At this time, I have no specific plans for the future except to take it easy. James lives at 603 S. Western, Mexico, MO 65265.


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M. Jack and Charlotte Scheid have moved to 5902 Preston Oaks Road, Apt. 1026, Dallas, TX 75240. Jack is a product marketing manager for the Eaton Corp., Cutler Hammer Division.

William C. Teas is employed by the town of Hampstead, Point Lookout, . N.Y., as director of waterways. Bill and Virginia live at 178 N. Long Beach , Ave., Freeport, NY 11520.

James O. Elliott retired from Burlington Northern Railroad on May 19, 1981. James and Mary's address is Rt. I, Box 1110, Bois D'Arc, MO 65612. James and Betty Nelson live at 747 Aramis, St. Louis, MO 63141. Jim is a principal engineer with Monsanto.

Harold M. Telthorst is a civil engineer and assistant secretary for Hamm Asphalt Inc., paving contractors. Harold tells us that his youngest son, Thomas, is entering the United States Military Academy at West Point with the class of '86. He adds, "Don't pass Topeka without stopping-by or at least calling." He and Virginia live at 6815 SW Fountaindale Road, Topeka, ' KS 66614.

Robert C. Wood writes "Going to our Hayes (England) Interpretation Office on May 24, three days after finishing 20 years with Oasis in Tripoli." Robert is manager, geophysical department for Oasis Oil Co. of Libya Inc. Robert and Barbara's new address is 838 Uxbridge Road, Hayes (England) Middlesex UB48HZ.

1951 WilHam and Ginger Bevan live at 50.3 Canterbury Road, Muscatine, IA 52761. Bill is a general engineer, construcHon-corporate engineering department with Monsanto Co., St. Louis.

Ervin ~. Dunn is vice president special projects, for HkfergusonfMorrisonKnudsen in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ervin and Dickie's address is 3292 Alta Hills Drive, Sandy, UT 84092.

Robert H. Schwaig is president of Schwaig Engineering Co. Robert and Geneva's address is Route 5, Box 48-G, Fort Myers, FL 33908.

1952 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators RAYMOND RUENHECK Raymond Ruenheck has been appointed project engineering manager for the improved Hawk HPI-Ram Program by the Raytheon Co. in W. Andover, Mass. Raymond and Iris live at 7 Montview Road, Chelmsford, MA 08124.

Frank Alvarado sends us the following report of his career: "My professional life with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, now Federal Highway Administration, started in March, 1958, when I was assigned to work on the Inter-American Highway in San Jose, Costa Rica. That same year, in November, I married a Costa Rican girl, and we were there for almost three years. Since that time, we have had two sons and have lived in Managua, Nicaragua; Bogota, Colombia; and Panama City as well as another term in Costa Rica. This August we will return to Costa Rica. Oddly enough more than 24 years have elapsed since I first accepted a job in . Costa Rica, mostly due to curiosity, and thinking that I would only be down in Latin America for two years. Counting my army time, I lack less than four years to retirement and it looks like I will reach the end where I found the beginning, but with more white hair, more weight and more wrinkles to count." Frank and Stella may be reached through the American Embassy (FHW A), APO Miami 34020.

George E. Fish is now manager of joint , ventures with Union Oil Co. of California. George and Margaret live at 3800 Spyglass Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73120.

1950 Robert and Mary Jane Buel write that son Michael earned a BS in mechanical engineering at UMR in December, 1981, and son Jim plans to enroll at UMR in the fall of '83. Robert is sales manager for Amoco Oil Co._ The family's address is 65 High Valley Drive, , Chesterfield, MO 63017 .


Bob Schafer 4426 Mill Creek Road Dallas, TX 75234 Dick Bauer Missouri Electrochem Inc. 10958 Lin-Valle Drive St. Louis, MO 63123

John E. Priest writes: "I was appointed Captain, Civil Engineer' Corps, USNR in 1981. We are changing houses but staying in the Village of Wilmette, which is a super place to live." John is the area manager, Africa/Middle East, for Harza Engineering Co., Chicago, Ill. John and Pamela's address is now 901 Chestnut, Wilmette, IL 60091 .

Roger and Jane Scrivner live at 3607 Brookmeade Drive, Rolling Meadows, , IL 60003. He is a 'market manager with Licon Division of Illinois Tool Works, Inc. in Chicago. Roger reports that his oldest daughter, Sharon, married John Gasparaitis On April 17, and his youngest daughter, Diane, graduated from Northern Illinois University as a physical therapist on May 8.

Robert L. Walz is a production manager for Natomas Exploration of Canada, Ltd. Robert's address is No . .I I-In I 12th St. SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2T3NI.

Norman and Marian Zachelmeyer moved to 10233 AmberwooO Court, Cincinnati, OH 45241, in December. Norman is plant manager for Continental Plastic Inc.

MSM Alumnus12 1




1953 Robert Lynn Crosby, Rolla, died June 24. He began his career with Dow Chemical Co. then moved to the u.s. Bureau of Mines in Rolla during the mid-sixties. Survivors include his wife Janette, 906 E. 9th St., Rolla, MO 65401, two sons, two step-sons, and two grandchildren .

James L. Kbearem writes: "Retired from Hercules Inc. April IS , after 26 years, and joined Grindsted Products Inc. (Industrial Airport, Kans.) as executive vice president. Grindsted is a Danish firm headquartered in Denmark. Will move from New York to Kansas Jul y I. Looking forward to return to Midwest & revisiting Rolla! " James and Mary's address is 15130 Melrose Drive, Stanley, KS 66221 .

Holls C. Matteson is now president of NPS Construction Division, Secaucus, N.J. Hollis and Margaret live at 24 Meadow Ave., Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750.

Earl and Bette Bunney have moved to 138 Brookside St., Lehigh Acres, FL 33936. Earl is retired.

Jobn A. Moritz has been promoted to production manager, raw materials, with the Aluminum Co. of America. John and Earlene have moved to 1520 Pinewood Drive, Benton, AR 72015.


James and Doris Wilkes have moved to 1171 Greenoaks Drive, Mississauga , Ontario, Canada L5J3A I. Jim is vice president and general manager for Kaiser Refractories Canada .

1955 Dale and JoDi Gilliam have moved to 9422 Fenchurch, Spring, TX 77373. Dale has been promoted to general manager-production, Amoco USA, and is in charge of the company's production general office in Houston, Texas.

Henry R. Willis is now employed by Grace Petroleum Corp., Oklahoma Ci· ty, Okla., as operations manager, western region. Henry and Ruth's adFrederick S. Kummer has been named a dress is 3813 S. CoacWight Drive, Ed· director of The Boatmen's National mond, OK 73034. Bank of St. Louis. Fred is president and founder of HBE Corp., St. Louis, and lives at II Squires Lane, Huntleigh, MO 63131 . HBE Corp. is the world's largest designer and builder of hospitals, owns and operates a n~mber of major hotels 195-' and has two other subsidiaries, HBE Josepb and Irene Cole have moved to Leasing and HBE Bank Facilities. 115 Lucinda Avenue South , Wahroonga, N.S.W. Australia 2076. Joseph works for Williams Brothers· CMPS Engineers as an engineering 1956 manager. Word has been received of the death of Joe Lee Simkins on June 19. Joe had Sidney J. Cole has just been named vice held engineering positions with Pitts· president and general manager of Moore burgh Plate Glass Industries, Inc. for Systems-Landis & Gyr. Sid writes that 26 years and was manager of safety and Moore Systems is a manufacturer of hea lth, Fiberglass Division , at the time supervisory control and load manage- of his death. He is survived by his ment equipment for the electric utility parents, his wife, Rose M. Simkins, 2816 industry. Sid and Mary live at 9841 Autumnwood Drive, Glenshaw, PA Ludwig St., Villa Park, CA 92667. 1511 6, and six children.






Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators


E Bill Atchley Clemson University P.O. Box 992 Clemson, SC 29631


Roger L. Feaster 401 Landings Drive Lees Summit, MO 64063

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James W. Johnson University of Missouri-Rolla 143 Chemical Engineering Bldg. Rolla, MO 65401 Clifford C. Tanquary 14219 Denver Ave. Grandview, MO 64030 Jack E. Toliver 17580 Bending Oaks Court Gran~er, IN 46530

William C. Bohling, manager, employee relations, of Babcock & Wilcox, is being promoted to group personnel director for McDermott Inc. in Southeast Asia . His headquarters will be Singapore. In his new job he will be responsible for personnel activities for McDermott in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia. McDermott is the parent company of Babcock & Wilcox. Bill joined 8& W as a student engineer in 1957 . Before his latest promotion he served as a development engineer, technical laboratory manager, assistant to the president-8&W Canada, Burl· ington, Ontario, and staff services manager. Bill and Shirley's address is 1801 Kalakarra Rise-Ridgewood, Singapore, 1027.

William L. Glick is a project engineer for GCA Corp. in Santa Clara, Calif. He and Lorraine live at 1352 Newport, San Jose, CA 95125.

22/ MSM Alumnus



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Patrick S. Coucb, '57, '64, is now employed by the California Department of Parks & Recreation as an associate civil engineer. Patrick and Peggy live at 7417 Sly Park Road, Placerville, CA 95667.

1981 Rollamo


Richard and Janice Hammond have moved to 1802 Eldora Court, Richard· son , TX 75081. Richard is manager of manufacturing planning for the Atlas Powder Co. in Dallas.



Raymond and Suzanne Phillips are the proud parents of the newly crowned "Miss Missouri of 1982," Julie Phillips. Ra y, who is self·employed, and his fami· Iy live at Hide·A·Way Hill, Box 806. Ava, MO 65608 . Julie, who is 18, was the youngest contestant in the Miss Missouri Contest in Mexico, Mo. She is a previous winner of the Queen of the Ozarks Contest in Springfield, and will compete in the Miss America contest in September. New officers of the St. Louis Engineers' Club include: Third vice presidentGeorge Tomazi, '58 , 12723 Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, MO 63033, senior process engineer for Mallinckrodt: treasurer-Philip Jozwiak, '66, 11928 Glenridge, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, project manager for G. L. Tarlton Co.: and new member of the board of directors-AI Buescher, '64, 624 Golfview Drive, Ballwin, MO 630 II , director of design engineering for Ralston Purina. James J. Murphy Jr., son of the late James J. Murphy Sr., '35 , is also a new member of the board.

Robert J. Wagner is a manager, licens· ing development , for the Standard Oil Co. Robert and Margaret's address is 2625 Central Drive, Flossmoor, IL 60422.

Gerald and Gayla Wright have moved to 2908 Pheasant Run, Edmond, OK 73034. Gerald is an assistant represen· tative (Oklahoma) for the Bureau of Reclamation in Oklahoma City.

WIlHam and Nancy York have moved to 4066 Fairfax Drive, Napa, CA 94558. William is an engineer for Tracor, Saudi Arabia .




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Alumni Personals _______________________________ 1959


George H. M organ reports that he has "recently received my ninth patent award. My inventions have mostly been Ausco Failsafe brakes & clutches, and related hydraulic drives. Am mostly working on improving mining equipment down here and we are enjoying life very much these days." George and Janis live in 309 Springhaven Drive, Evansville, IN 47710. George is branch manager for Taylor Newcomb Engineering.

David D. Sandler has moved to 18405 26th Ave., N., Plymouth, MN 55447. He is now manager, O.E.M. business unit, with Honeywell in Minnetonka, Minn.

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1960 James D. Coffman has been appointed general manager-residence and public services for Southwestern Bell in St. Louis. Jim lives at 569 Hickory View Lane, Ballwin, MO 63011. He has been with Southwestern Bell since 1960 and, prior to his new appointment, was assistant vice president-centralized services.

Robert E. Thurman, '62, '77., is an associate professor at Southwest Missouri State University . Robert and Dorothy's address is 1851 S. Maryland , Springfield, MO 65807.

1962 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators

Kenneth and Nancy Siroky now live at 20515 N.E. 66th St., Redmond, WA 98052. Ken is now employed by Pacific Electro Dynamics as director of sales marketing.

Jerry and Joyce Staley have moved to 400 E. Birch, Lompoc, CA 93436. Jerry is chief, electrical section, S & I Branch, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ill Vandenberg Air Force Base Calif.


H. Pat Duvall 11100 30th Place SW Seattle, W A 98146

Rudy M. Phillips is employed by Urban, Alexander & Tarrant as a general management/marketing consultant. Rudy and Bluette live at 155 Stoney Gate, Carlisle, MA 01741.

James W. Joiner University of Missouri-Rolla 320 Math-Computer Science Bldg. Rolla, MO 65401 Richard O. Rouse General Dynamics-Freeman Coal P.O. Box 100 West Frankfort, IL 62896

Charles Anyan, 1208 Primghar, Bridgeton, MO 63044, visited the UMRolla campus with his two sons on July I 5. Charles is an electronics systems manager for the U.S. Government. DR. MERL BAKER



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Michael R. Vancil has a new p<lSit: n as national sales marketing mar.ag~' with K & L Supply Co. (! Olc;=Gycle industry), Santa Clara, Calif. M.lke has moved to 7380B Croy Road, Morgan Hill, CA 95037.

Ed B.enn writes that he and his family are "making tanks in Michigan." Ed is a nuclear hardening specialist with General Dynaml':;' Land System in Centerline, Mich. He and Candie live at 2900 Armstrong, Lake Orion, MI 48035.

Robert and Lula Willis have moved to 1131 Lilde Court, Hastings, MN 55033. Roberts is plant manager for N-Ren Corp.

Jack L. Duncan has retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel. Jack and Shirley live at 5817 Teakwood Lane, Louisville, KY 40258.


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Henry Pat Duvall is manager-airline cargo sales for Boeing. Henry and Catherine's address is 11100 30th Place SW , Seattle, WA 98146.




Earl W. Lucas _is employed in the engineering department of the city of Phoenix. Earl and Anita live at 11030 N. 33rd St. , Phoenix, AZ 85028.


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Raymond A. Mais is district sales manager for Gould Inc. Electric Motor Division. Raymond lives at 8790-9th Street North, St. Petersburg, FL 33702.

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1981 RoUamo

John F. (Fred) Plassman has a new position as senior industry specialist with IBM in Bethesda, Md. Fred and Susan have moved to 4053 Larkspring Row, Ellicott City, MD 21043.

Raymond Lasmanis has been appointed Washington State Geologist. He will direct the Natural Resources Department's division of geology and earth resources in Lacey, Wash. The division oversees state oil and gas drilling and exploration' surface mining, and mapping of the state's geologic resources. Prior to his new appointment, Ray spent 14 years with Canadian Superior Ltd. , Port Coquitlam, B.C. and had managed the West End gold production in Idaho and the Tonzona coal project in Alaska. He had also worked for Pine Point Mines Ltd. and Cominco American Inc. He and Josephine may currently be reached through the Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, W A 98504.

Dr. Merl Baker, UMR chancellor from 1963 to 1973 , has been appointed pro- 路 vost for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga effective Jul y 15 . Following his term as chancellor at UMR, Dr. Baker served as special assistant to the president for the University of Missouri System until 1977. He then accepted a position with Union Ca rbide as coor路 dinator of energy conservation a t the Oak Ridge Na tiona l Laboratory. As provost at UTe, he will have line au thorit y fo r manage ment of the universi ty'S academ ic programs and services. James and Donna Chrisman have moved to 4428 Tarlton, Mehlville, MO 63 128 . Jim is a senior analystiprogrammer for Ralston Purina Co. in SI. Louis. Dale and Barbara Johnston have moved to 115Parkview, Crystal City, MO 63019. Dale is vice president for Swarolite Inc. in St. Louis. James R. Knox writes that he was promoted to professor of biophysics in April at the University of Connecticut. In July he will travel to Spain to give a talk on penicillin-binding protein at a meeting of The European Molecular Biology Organization. James and Jane live at 159 Hanks Hill Road, Storrs, CT 06268.

Rashmikant L. Shah, '63, '64, writes: "Say hi to everybody. I've been working with Bendix Autolife since August, 1968, and for the past four years I've been supervisor-industrial engineering. My wife, Vinoda, and I have two children, son Manish, 11 , and daughter Monica, 6. We have lived in a small town called Fostoria since 1968." The family's address is 2364 Courtly Drive, Fostoria, OH 44830. UMR's geology department reports the death of Anthony CorneHus Tennissen.

196A New officers of the St. Louis Engineers' Club include: Third vice presidentGeorge Tomazi, '58, 12723 Stoneridge Drive, Florissant, MO 63033, senior process engineer for Mallinckrodt; treas urer-Philip Jozwiak, '66,. 11928 Glenridge, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 , project manager for G. L. Tarlton Co.; and new member of the board of directors-AI Buescher, '64, 624 Golfview Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011, director of design engineering for Ralston Purina. James 1. Murphy Jr. , son of the late James J. Murphy Sr., '35 , is also a new member of the board. Charles E. Campbell is now president of Gra-Iron Foundry Corp., in Tulsa, Okla. Charles and Alecia live at 12727 E. 137th St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012.

Gerald R. Johanpeter is a staff managerdata systems for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Gerald and Vicki's address is 9327 Manoroak Court, St. Louis, MO 63126.

MSM Alumnus123

Alumni Personals ________________________________ 1964 (Cont.)


Frank Tao was promoted to senior engin ee ring associate by Ex xon Research and Engineering Co. Frank and Jessmin's address i 5 110 Ashwood Drive, Baytown, TX 775 2 1. James, '64, '69, and Teresa Terry have moved to 13089 Carla Ave., NW , Un iontown, OH 44685 . He is a senior engineeri ng pecialist for Goodyear Aerospace orp. in Ak ron .

1965 .Jay and Linda Alford have moved to 700 I tanding B y Road, 'olumb u , A 1904. Jay is vice president, manufacturing, for 'olumbu Foundries.

Clifford and Barbara Ann Kirkpatrick have moved to 515 Michael Ave., Kennell, MO 63857. Clifford is a project engineer for Federal-Mogul orp. in Malden , Mo.

Ronald Marshall recently received a certificate of appreciation and a cash awa rd for hi work with NASA. He ha been with the space agency about 12 years. Ronald' add res. is 109 Noble Drive, Huntsvi lle, AL 35802. He i. ~ n electronic cont rol engineer at NASA's Mar hall Space enter in Huntsville.

James E. Shelby, Jr. reports that he has left Sandia National Lab, Livermore, alif., after 14 years to become an associate professor at New York State Donald A. Bugg has bcen activel y inollegc of Ceramics. Jim, Barbara, and volved in the technical recruiting and ROBERT J. DACEY their 18-month old daughter, Stephan ie hiring program f r th Michigan DiviRachel, now live at 51 Pine Hill Drive, si n f Dow 'hemica l o. for the past 14802. Barbara received her Alfred, NY Rohert J. Dacey has been n minated by year. Don and Jea nine have three law degree from Golden Ga te UniversPre, ident Reagan for promotion to the children. ' hristine (I ), Melanic (9) , and ity in an Fra ncisco in I ecember. 1981 . rank of Brigadier eneral, U.S. Army. Valerie (4) . Don's title at Dow is He is urrently servinp, as di trict manager, recruiting services. The family engineer of the U.S. Army ngineer resides at 5205 Perrine Road, Midland , District, St. Louis. R bert and Ro alyn's M148460. 1966 IIddress is No. 426 len Tai Drive, ManNew offi cer of the St. Louis ' ngineers' hester, M 630 II. James L. Butler is now manager, lub include: Third vice president marketing, for Fisher ontrols Interna- GcorJ,:c Tomazi, '58, 12723 Stoneridge tional. He tells us: "In my new position I Drive, Floris ant , MO 63033. enior Faronk EI-Raz hus accepted the positi n am responsible for product planning and proee engin eer for Mallinckrodt of vice president for int ernati nal product management for Fisher's on- trea. lifer- Philip .Jozwiak, '66, 11 928 d v lopment at It ek ptical ystemc in trol Room Instrumentation Division ." lenridge, Maryland Heights. MO Lexin ton, Mass. , where he will be Jim and wife Diane live at 406 New 63043 , project manager for G. L. responsible f r d veloping systems and Salem Rd .. Marshalltown, IA 50158 . Tarlt on 0.; an I new member of the pro 'ru nlS for photography and mappin board of directors- AI Bucschcr, '64, frOIll air and SP'I . 'or th pa t 10 years 624 olfview Drive, Ballwin. MO h hilS b 'cn rec earch clirect r of the Franklin and Norma Giger live at 222 630 II . director of de ign engineering for C 'nt 'r I' r I:.artll anti Plan wry ' tudies . Monroe, Mexico, M 65265 . He Ral ton Purina. James J. Murph y Jr., at til' l1lith onion'S National Air and own and operatcs iger's Appliance n of the late James J. Murphy Sr., ' pace Museum . lie hns dir ctccl pI' j 'cts Service, and Norma is director of the '3 5. i al 0 a new member of the boa rd . whi'h in '111(1'd rem t ' S ·n. ing of th' local Licensed Practical Nursing School. Ea rth from sp.\ ". mappin ' fi nd namin Frank and Norma have three girls, Julie, Larry M. Smedley is now division f Illnar ka tllr'$ and 'ompara tive Susan and Jana . unitization manager with Exxon 0 ., pill n ·tolog r S '!lr h. Prior to j ining USA in Los Angelcs, alif. Larry and til' ' l11ithsonion. t:.ll3a". mUll lg'd lunar Nancy have moved to 1690 Palisades s 'i n " planning and 1IIIItIr explorn tion harles and usan Hanna hav.e moved Drive Pacific Palisades, A 90272. 1I ·ti viti ·s for 13 '11e 111m, In '. anti l3ell t 4810 River Hill Drive, Kingwood, T' I I h n LlIborttori'" I'or six y ars. TX 77339. harles is manager, strategic h ' pflrticipat d ill sit s I ·ti n for the planning, for Mobil hemical 1967 Apollo llIi ions to th m )on lind was Petrochemical Division. hllirl1llln f astronfl ut trRining for or· Reunion at Homecoming bital scicn . HI\(J plwt gr Iphy . Class Coordinators Terry and Amy Haung have moved to Alfred J. PonnwH z Apt. 10H, 3 Stuyvesant val, . 14th 701 M DE Alan and Carolyn Harper have moved St., New York. NY 10009. Quantico, V A 22134 to 502 Lavin Lane, Shreveport, LA 71105. Alan is a sonior construction .ary F. levert engineer for Sargent & Lundy in Gary A. Lohmann has been appointed 6609 E. 104th t. Mansfield, La. manager f r liabilit y at the John Deere Tul II, OK 74133 o. in Des Mines. Iowa. In hi po iROllllld A. Me lIulcy writ s: "I WII ti n, ary will be rcspon ible for th ' r' 'utly prOlllot'd to flSS( 'iat prof or tcsting and introduction of n 'W pro of 'r IlIIi ' 'ngin' 'ri ng with t 'nur' du ts. til' evaluation of new 'Quipment. Richard L. Baker is now vice president f Willartl iven & Associates, Sprlit Rut ger. niv 'rsi t " Ron Inti mRnagi ng in pecti n areas a nd Eleanora' address is Route . Box 524. 'v du atin g warranty pr bl'lI\s 0 11 ingfield. Mo. Richard and wife Romona Hillcrest Drive, Neshanic Stati n. NJ 'uSlOm r machines. ary'. address is live at 05 Highway AB, Box 38, 0885 3. 6 14 E. 10th t., Ankeny, IA 00 I. Willard. MO 65781.

24 1M M Alum"u




F Henry K. Hachmuth has been promoted to manager of technical services for Philips Petroleum Co.'s licensi ng branch of research and development. Henry's address is Rl. 3, Box 350, Bartlcsville, OK 74003.





William J. Graham, '67, '69. i a enior principa l engineer for Shannon & Wil on, Inc. William and Diane live at 5529 Kerth Road, St. Loui , MO 63128 .

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Robert H. Wlnn Jr., partner and con. ulting engineer with Dame and Moore ( on ultant in the nvi ronmental and Applied arth Scienc ) ha ' been named general manager, intermountain states. ne of four U.. general manager for lhe firm. h will direct regional client s rvice , marketing activitie , and per ' onnel in me 13 tat e from Idah to Tcxa . B b i a regi. tered profe ional ngineer in Ala ka, Hawaii.Wa hington . Alberta. Ontario and the Yukon Territory. He and I ria have two ons. Bobby, II. and Ja ' n. 9.



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Alumni Personals:______________________________


1967 (Cont.) Michael E. Ferretti. is a supervisorengineering planning, for McDonnell Douglas Corp. Michael and Georgia live at 2492 Country Place Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.

James and Norine Brune live at 85 Country .Club Drive, Leesburg, V A 22075. Jim is an engineer for Black & Veatch, Consulting Engineers, Kansas City, Mo.

Lt. Cmdr. Eugene J. Cummins Jr. is director, communications security, for Jon J. Kessler has been promoted to the U.S. Naval Electronics Systems supervising engineer, power operation, Security Engineering Center, for Union Electric Co., St. Louis. Jon Washington, D.C He and Kay live ·at and Shirley's address is 303 S. Thomas, 19020 Quail Valley Blvd. Gaithersburg, Columbia, IL 62236. MD 20879. Herschel .('67, '68) and Janet Pickett have moved to 4209 Oakland Circle, St. Joseph, MO 64506. Herschel is chief of the operations analysis branch of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.




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Kenneth W. Rueh is now an area production superintendent for Gulf Oil. Kenneth and Carolyn's new address is 4220 Puma, Casper, WY 82604.

Gary Isaak has joined the professional staff of Booker Associates Inc., St. Louis, as a project electrical engineer in the firm's mechanical/electrical depart· ment. Prior to joining Booker, Gary was an electrical engineer with an architec· tural design firm and president of an electrical contracting company. Gary's address is 75 Sunflower St., Highland, IL 62249. . Pbillip and Joyce House have moved to 9711 W. 87th Ave., Arvada, CO 80005. Phillip is a hydraulic engineer for the U.S. Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration.

Dennis and Reba Peavler live at 1261 Bramblewood Lane, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Dennis is manager of sales and marketing with Air Products Inc. in Brampton, Ontario. Robert K. Storek has accepted a position as chief construction engineer with Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colo. Bob and Sylvia now live at 3043 S. Boston Court, Denver, CO 80231 . Charles Allen Talbutt, 6406 140 Ter· race, Grandview , MO 64Q30, was recently the subject of a feature article on the sports page of his hometown newspaper, the Joplin Globe. Allen, who works for Amoco-Burns & McDonnell, can really whop a golf ball a long way. He is a champion long-ball hitter and qualified for the quarter· finals of the National Competition at Oklahoma City two years ago.


Donald and Linda Albert.have moved to 1712 Milton Manor Drive, EI Cajon, CA 92021. Don is vice presidentmanager of construction department-for Home Federal Savings in San Bill, '68, '75, and Somchit Murray have ' Diego, Calif. a new addreSs, P.O. Box 50, Crane, MO 65633. Bill is a construction engineer William K. Andrew' V is an assistant and unemployed at present. project engineer for ConSorcio . Kananayen. He is asSigned to the "Guri" Dam. Bill and Edith's address is P.O. Box 593, San Francisco, CA 94080.


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John (Jack) and Sherry Zimmer "have been in California now for four years with General Electric Co., after a six year assignement with · GE in North Carolina. Jack has recently been named . manager, fuel fabrication engineering, and is involved in design and development of unit operations for breeder fuel fabrication. Their address is 596 Ruby Rd., Livermore, CA 94550.

1970 Richard B. Belding is now a technical specialist with his own company, Beltee Enterprises, at 281 Ridge Trail Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017. Richard and Joann are temporarily living at 3125 Oberliri Court, Springdal~, OH 45246. Philip L. Chiu .has been named deputy director, office of structures, with the Federal Highway Administration in Baltimore, Md. Philip and Mabel now live at 7 Maymont Court, Timonium, MD 21093.

Joyce Day is the new staff manager-network administration for AT&T in Basking Ridge, N.J., and now lives at 257 Gemini Drive, Unit 4C, Somerville, NJ 08876. John J. Donnelly has a new position as director of engineering with the Western Mining Division of Nerco Inc. John and Marilyn's new address is P.O. Box 4000, Sheridan, WY 82801.

Donald H. Fielding, '69, '71, has been named frontier geologist for Union Texas Petroleum Corp. Don and Brenda now live at 7522 Weatherhill Lane, Houston, TX 77041 .


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Reginald Nations has been promoted to regional sales manager for Chemplast Inc., Wayne, N.J. He will be responsible for Chemplast's sales activities in Maine, Vermont , New Hampshire , Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C, Virginia, Eastern West Virginia, portions of Tennessee, North Carolina and Puerto Rico. Chemplast, a Norton Co., is a leading processor of high performance plastics, specializing in TEFLON f1uropolymer resins, VEKTON cast nylon and ACEO-PAX mechanical packings. Reginald and Diktra have moved to 37 Forest Dale Road, Kinnelon, NJ 07405, with their two children. .

Ed Genteler writes "Now working as a technical writer for the prime electrical contractor on WPPSS No.3 Nuclear Power Plant at Elma, Wash. Love it and the Pacific Northwest!" Ed's address is 5411 I 10th St., SW, No. C18 , Tacoma, WA 98498. Ted and Rita Spalding "have moved from Midland to Dallas, Texas." He is DENNIS R. PARKER now a senior staff reservoir engineer at ARCO's Oil and Gas Co. headquarters Dennis R. Parker has been elected presi· in I)allas. They live, with their daughter dent of Conoco-Far East, the Tokyo- Heather, at Rt. 2, No. 8, Crestview Cirbased subsidiary of Conoco Inc. He was cle, Rockwall, TX 75087. formerly executive assistant to the Con· oco chairman. Dennis joined Conoco in Joseph W. Stahl is a research staff 1967 as a staff engineer in the refining member for Institute for Defense economics and planning department in Analyses in Alexandria, Va. He tell& us Ponca City, Okla. He held a number of he moved to a new building in January engineering and operations posts in .and his new office number is company refineries and administrative 703-845-2232. He also reports "a wet positions in both Houston and Stamford spring" in the D.C area. Joseph lives at Conn. before attaining his present posi- 7723 Donnybrook Court, No.6, Antion. nandale, V A 22003.

CRAIG A. LINDQUIST Craig A. Lindquist is now with McCarthy Brothers Co. as an industrial project director (a new position). Craig was formerly marketing and managing industrial projects for McCarthy Brothers Construction Co. of St. Louis, and TGK McCarthy of Phoenix, Ariz., both general contracting firms and divisions of McCarthy Brothers Co. Craig's address is 1575 Beacon Woods, St. Louis, MO 63011.

MSM Alumnus125

Alumni Personals _____________________________________________________________ William and Margaret Kruckemeyer Stephen FrankHn has recently joined have moved to 2935 Tara Trail, Xenia, Booker Associates Inc., in St. Louis as a Frank C. Feng has accepted a position OH 45385. William is a test engineering project engineer in the structural as chemical engineer with Foster lab mechanical engineering group leader engineering department. Steve's address Wheeler Corp., in Livingston, N.J . is 14827 Woodford Way, Bridgeton, for Delco Products, Kettering, Ohio. Frank and Julie have moved to 473 MO 63044. Palisade Blvd., Fort Lee, NJ 07024. John and Carole Lampe have moved to 604 Alhambra, Altumonte Springs, FL . Carl and Darlyne Gehring have moved Michael Finkelstein has a new posiiton 32701. John is manager, electrical to 207 Pin Oak, Harker Heights, TX with General Electric in Cleveland, manufacturing research, for Martin 76541. Carl is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army's 62nd Engineering Ohio, as contracting agent-capital equip- Marietta in Orlando, Fla. ment. He says: "In new position I am Batallion at Fort Hood, Texas. responsible for searching out and selec- aark D. Mikkelsen "has returned, with ting vendors for all major equipment great pleasure, to the U.S. Army Missile William M. Herron has joined Booker purchased by G .E.'s lighting business, Command, Redstone Arsenal , Ala., as Associates Inc. , in St. Louis as a project and negotiating purchase contracts for an aerospace engineer working on the e ngineer , me c hanical/electrical that equipment." Michael and Joyce live Army Missile Plume Technology Pro- e ngineering department. Bi¡1I and at 4093 EUison Road , South Euclid, OH gram." Clark and Claire live at 8908 Patricia (Cleveland) live at 210 I Poplar St., Highland, IL 62249. He has been 44121. Hogan Drive, Huntsville, AL 35802. electrical superintendent for the City of Thomas B. Fisher has a new position as Lenard and Francis Ross have moved to Highland and a department supervisor with Highland City Utilities. an operations manager with Martin 8 Flamingo Drive, Hazelwood, MO Marietta Corp. , in Athinta, Ga. Tom 63042 . Lenard is a civil engineer with David P. Jones lives at 1109 Indian and Pamela have moved to 3381 the St. Louis District Corps of Summer Court, Fort Coilins, CO 80525. Meadowind Court, Marietta, G A Engineers. David is a development engineer with 30062. Hewlett Packard Co. Michael and Susan Simonsen have movGary M. Lee, '71 , '74, has been elected Ronald D. Halmich is a technical service ed to 192 Streamwood, Irvine, CA "Young Engineer of the Year" by the engineer with Mobil Oil. Ronald and 92714. Mike is project manager, CarMissouri Society of Professional Reatm now live at 12506 Lt. Nichols diovascular Devices Inc. Engineers. Gary is vice president and Road, Fairfax, V A 22033 . general manager for E. T. Archer & Co. Greg and Hilarie Thomas have moved Inc. in Kansas City . Gary and Donna's Stephen J. and Karen Herman have to 340 I Brook Road, Richmond, V A address is 40 I W. Olive, Box 244, moved to 28 Summer, Andover, MA 23 227. Greg has entered a four year Raymore, MO 64083. 01810. Stephen is director of new pro- course of study at Union Theological duct developement for the USCI Car- Seminary, Richmond, Va . He is pursu- Robert W. Mammen has been named assistant professor of computer science diology & Radiology Division of C.R. ing a doctor in ministry degree. at the University of Dubuque, .college Bard. of Liberal Arts and Theological James B. Zieger Jr. now lives at 1000G Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa. Bob was an Robert and Mary Hintermaier have N. Wendover Road, Charlotte, NC instructor of computer science at moved to 607 N .W. Fourth St., An- 28211 . Jim is a product manager with Missouri Southern State College in drews, TX 79714. Robert is a senior pro- G. B. Fermentation Industries Inc. Joplin, Mo., and taught mathematics at duction engineer for Exxon Corp. Webb City Senior High School in Webb 1971 City, Mo. William Howell is the plant Robert and Martha Broyles have movsuperintendent-Riverton plant-for Em- ed to 38W 233 Woodside Lane, St. James C. Meng received a master of pire District Electric Co. of Joplin, Mo. Charles, IL 60174. Bob is now district business administration degree from the He and wife, Henry Etta, live on Rt. sales manager, medical electronic, with University of Dallas in May . Jim is a Hewlett Packard in Downers Grove, OJ. project engineer with Miller Brewing No. I, Box 109, Riverton, KS 66770. Co. at the Ft. Worth plant. Jim, Lisa and daughters, Beth and Lynn, live at 6313 Trail Lake Drive, Ft. Worth, TX 76133.

1970 (Cont.)

Charles E. MitcheU, '71, '78, has been promoted to supervising engineersystem planning, engineering and construction-for Union Electric Co., St. Louis. Charles lives at 25 Northridge Drive, Crystal City, MO 63019. John and Wilda MitcheU have moved to 3804 Farrington Wood Circle, Birmingham, AL 35243. John is a senior design engineer for Rust International Corp.

1981 Rollamo

26/ MSM Alumnu s

Alan N. Silverman, '71, '75, has moved to 3301 CSt., No. 505, Anchorage, AK 99503. He works for Houston Oil & Minerals Exploration as a geologist.

Robert and Joan Smith have moved to 12107 Manorgate, Houston, TX 77031 . Robert is a project supervisor for Bechtel Petroleum_ Robert H. Soucy Jr. has been promoted to section chief with McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Bob and Barbara live at 12824 Fox Haven Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. David F. Warner, '71, '72, '73, has a new position as manager of process development with Mobil Chemical Co.'s research and development department. David and Billie have moved to 2295 Edgewood Terrace, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 .

1972 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators Robert T. Berry 8205 Harris St. Raytown, MO 64138 Santiago Ibarra, Jr. 3466 Burnett Murrysville, P A 15668 A. Ismail Abedel-Latif reports "Have been awarded the General Electric Technical Achievement Award for 1982 by the General Electric space division for work on traveling wave tubes that are critical for defense communication satellites." His address is 610 Hazelwood Road, Ardmore, PA 19003. Wyatt M. Dunn writes: "I have just recently joined Deloitte, Haskins & Sells-management advisory services group of Dallas, Texas, in the field of consulting on depreciation, rate case, and accounting . computer systems." Wyatt and Sherry live at 12107 E. 54th St., Kansas City , MO 64133 . Irwing F. Fausek, who received the professional degree, mechanical engineer, died May 22. A pioneer in the development of the oxy-acetylene welding torch, he was co-founder of Modem Engineering Co. and Acetylene Gas Co. of St. Louis. He was chairman of the board of both companies at the time of his death. James and Shirley Fowler live at 121A Mason, NBU33F, Ft. Huachuca, AZ 85613. James works at the U.S. Army Electronic Proving Ground: Warren N. Keith is a project engineer for Black & Veatch, currently working in Egypt. Warren and Carolyn may be reached by writing do Fred Bopp, 9410 Richmond, Kansas City, MO 64138. H. Jeffrey Korklan has moved to 2909 E. 10th St., Tucson, AZ 85716.


AI.u mn; Personals _ _-----------------------:----~---

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Angelo G. BeUassai is an instrumentation and electrical control resident engineer for Black & Veatch of Kansas City. Angelo and Susan 'live at 113 W. Interstate No. 10, Bismark, ND 58501. He is working at the UP A Stanton Power Plant, Stanton, N.D.



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ijns· Wayne and Janet Bremer announce the arrival of their second son, Nathan Andrew , on May 14. He joins Matthew , his older brother. Wayne is a technical ser· vice engineer for polyethylene film with U.S. Industrial C hemicals Co. in Tuscola, IlL The Bremer's address is 400 E. Newkirk, Tuscola, 'IL 61953.


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Kenneth W. Kuechenmeister has been promoted to supervising engineer, construction, at Union Electric Co.'s Callaway' Plant in Fulton, Mo. Kenneth lives at 3602 S. Rock Beacon, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Robert John Schulte and Bonnie Faye Haertling were married May 1. Robert is a product design supervisor for McNeil Corp.· Lincoln. The newlyweds are at home at 1545 Hollywood Lane, Florissant, MO 63033 .

Dean R. LaBoube's new address is P.O. Box 20918, Billings, MT 59104. Dean is chief geologist with Milchem Inc.

Rande and Judy (Wilson, '74) Grotefendt announce the birth of their third child, Cynthia Andrea, on June 25. Other daughters are Jill, 4, and Kathy, 2. They write: "This is the 'caboose' and we're shutting down pro~ duction." Rande is a chemical engineer for Eastman Kodak-Texas Eastman. The family's address is 108 Tiffany Drive, Longview, TX 75601.

Peggy and David ('79) Lorge have moved to 8829 Holmes Ave., Omaha, NE 68127. David has a new position as a development geologist with Kiewit Mining & Engineering. Peggy is a retired teacher.


F. OSCAR CURTH F. Oscar Curth was promoted from superintendent to vice· president of operations at International Marine Ter· minals. In addition to his increased responsibilities for terminal operations, Oscar will spearhead the current and planned expansion projects at IMT. Oscar and Carolyn's address is 5518 Norland, New Orleans, LA 70114 .

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Peter M. Merten has been named vice president of Engineering Design and Management Inc. Peter's address is l215 Nancy 10, St. Louis, MO 63122. Dean A. Park writes: "Last year I purchased the engineering fIrm which had employed me since 1974. Known for 44 years as Drazen Associates, it is now The Park Co., providing engineering services for utility power systems, commercial and industrial energy management, and litigation support. Offices are at 1031 Executive Parkway Drive, Suite 110, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Quick, send business!" Dean and Vicki live at 2440 Country Run Court, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 . Darold L. Philips reports he . recently joined the consulting firm of Ledbetter, Toth and Associates as a partner. "They specialize in ali types of engineering for the electric utilty industry. On March 30, the Phillips family grew from 3 to 4. Martha joins big sister Sarah who is almost three." Darold and Helen's address is Rt. 4, Box 282L, Marshfield, Mo. 65706.

Wallace Love has·accepted a position as a design engineer with Booker Patrick and Nora Byrne have moved to Associates Inc., St. Louis, in the 15334 Monica Ave., Baton Rouge, LA mechanical/electrical engineering 70816. Patrick is now a project ad· department. Wallace lives at 6146 Lake ministration/engineer for Massman Paddock Drive, Florissant, MO 63033 . Construction Co. of Kansas City, Mo. Prior to joining Booker, he was a design . group leader with another consulting James M. Eck has been given the title firm . equipment engineer III at Stearns· Roger Corp., Denver, Colo. Jim and Sally's ad· Gene W. Meyer is now a project dress is 65 S. Yank Way, Lakewood, CO engineer with Ramsey. His mailing address is 737 Settler Road, Fenton, MO 80228. 63026.

1974 Jobn, '74, '80, and Virginia A1dag have moved to 5432 Irving Ave. SO., Minneapolis, MN 55419. John is employed by Cray Reserach, Mendota Heights, Minn., as a senior applications analyst, oil industry graphics. MIcbael A. (Bags) BarbagHa has accepted a transfer with E. I. Dupont from Houston to Seneca, m., where he is now an assistant works engineer. Mike, Jan, and their children, Gabriel and Kate have moved to 522 E. North St., Morris, IL 60450. Mike and Jan are expecting their third child in November.

Francis J. Falkner is now a district sales engineer for the Bussmann Division of Marilyn Moeblenkamp, '73, '81, lives at McGraw Edison, St. Louis. He and 1820 N.E. 104th, Apt. 42, Portland, OR Carol live at 1918 Broadhurst, Cincin- 97220. Marilyn is an assistant·professor of chemistry and mathematics at Connati, OH 45240. cordia College.

James A. Franklin, Jr. writes: "About two years ago I started 'my own corporation-Electrical Machines Inc .-in which I design, build and install electrical control panels for industrial machinery. On June 26, I married Patricia Lieb. She is employed as a licensed practical nurse at Warren General HospitaL Also, I have recently acquired an Ohio real estate license and, in my spare time, I sell real estate for Century 21's Stauffer Realt y in Niles, Ohio." James and Patricia's address is 1335 Northfield Drive, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440. (Phone: 216-652-0295).

Wayne K. MueUer has been promoted to supervising engineer at the Labadie plant for Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. Wayne's address is 212 LaVerne, Fen· ton, MO 63026 .

Ronald K. Birkhead is now a division process engineer with Anaconda· Ericsson Inc. Ron and Stephani have moved to 1701 Russet Lane, Sycamore, 1L60178.

Michael and Paulette Niehoff arinounce the birth of Alana Michelle on April 20. Michael and Paulette live at 3698 S. Cathay Circle, Aurora, CO 80013. Michael is a supervisor for Public Service Co. in Denver, Colo.

Josepb A. Cesare writes to tell us that he has recently become a partner in the consulting finn of A. G. Wassenaar Inc. in Denver, Colo. "The firm specializes in Geotechnical Engineering," he says. Joe and Susan live at 5779 E. Catey Drive, Englewood, CO 80 Ill. .

Lawrence ('73, '79) and Helen Nuelle have moved to 315 Lanny Drive, Winchester, VA 22601. Lawrence is a geologist for Milchem Inc.

Arthur A. Hartle Jr. is now employed by the City of Columbia-Public Works Department as director of sewer utilities. Arthur and Cathy live at 1709 Iris Drive, Columbia, MO 65201.

Danny and Cynthia Powers now reside at 1913 Arroyo, Oceanside, CA 92056. Danny has accepted the position of shift technical advisor for the San Onofre Nuclear Station in San Clemente, Calif.

K. Daniel Hinkle writes "Just returned from vacation in Greece. Athens was nice, but Rhodes is the place to go. We had a number of UMR grads a1 our an· nual Alaska St. Pat's Party. Marathon is sending me to the Brookings Institute in the fall ." Daniel is a division attorney for Marathon Oil Co. Delores ('75) is employed by Arco Alaska, Inc. Their address is P.O. 10-847, Anchorage, AK 99511.

Joy L. Ritter is an advisory instructor for IBM in Irving, Texas. Joy and hus· band, Gregory, live at 6322 Contour, Dallas, TX 75248 .




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Gail and JoAnne Schott have moved to 3342 River Birch Way, Roswell, GA 30075. Gail is a satellite manager for Westinghouse Electric Corp. in Atlanta, GA. Philip and Lorena Taylor now live at 3405 Melanie Drive, Des Moines, IA 50322. Philip has accepted a position as manager of pharmaCeutical production with Syntex Agribusiness.

Steve and Patricia Robertson have moved to 526 Beaumont Court, Ft. Wright, KY 41011. Steve recently earned his M .B.A. at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a staff manager for Cincinnati BelL


1981 Rollamo

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Alumni Personals _______________________________ James and Patricia Jones report: "Tran· sition is the word for our family. Mark Jeffery Jones, who was born Nov. 6, 1981 , has been changing Pat's and my routine substantially··to say the least. He's a happy kid and a lot of fun though . Pat will be carrying the load this fall when I leave my federal career (Midwest personnel representative for the Central Intelligence Agency) to com· plete my computer science masters degree. By 1983 I hope to have something lined up. Pat is also looking into other opportunities for that time frame. We are considering opportunities as far as San Diego and as close as Chicago itself. Next year at this time we expect to be in a different house, perhaps a different area, in different jobs, and probably in different state of minds for all the stress of change. We're excited about the possibilities." Current address for the Jones' is 219 B S-. Maple 1974 (Cont.) James J. Cook is employed by A ve. , Oak Park, IL 60302. Microdata Corp. as the McDonnell Douglas marketing manager. He is responsible for all microdata marketing John M. Kelley III writes: "Back to efforts within McDonnell Douglas pipelining after a few years at home in Corp. James' address ' is 1174 Chicago. Thanks to all alums who pro· Breakwater, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. vided hospitality during my new job search. Promise quick answers to all let· Steven J. Dupont sends this note: "On ters." John is now a project engineer for March 13, bachelor Dupont bit the dust. Morrison Knudsen Pipeline Division. Elizabeth Rittenhouse and I were mar· His address is cia McRiver, 7575 San ried at St. Davids Unitarian Church in Felipe, Houston, TX 77063. S1. Davids, Pa. We took a honeymoon cruise on the MIS Skyward down to Mexico. 'The two highlights of the cruise Alan S. Kornacki will present a paper at were the magnificent Mayan ruins at the ann'ual meeting of the Meteoritical Chichen Itsa and snorkeling at Society to be held in Clayton , Mo. Sept. Cozumel. Beth is a department manager 13·16. The paper is based on his in manufacturing applications develop- research into the origin of primitive ment with Burroughs Corp. In fact, she meteorites. He says he is looking for· works just a few doors down from my ward to visiting UMR friends in the St. office. Could this be carrying Louis and Kansas City areas after the togetherness a little too far? Weare meeting, Alan's address is 24 Oxford St., residing at 1402 Brandenburg Way, Cambridge, MA 02138. King of Prussia, PA 19406." Steve is a systems specialist with Burroughs. Monica (Lapp) and Jack Lauer anCarl J. Eyberg is president of Solar nounce the birth of their first child, Sara Design & Construction Inc., in Rolla. Katherine, on April 28. Monica is per· Carl and Becky's address is Route 4, sonnel services manager for St. Louis Community College. Monica and Jack's Box 221, Rolla, MO 65401. address is 510 Green Forest, Fenton, Kevin and Charlotte Farley have moved MO 63026. to 6201 Industrial Loop, Lot 32, Shreveport, LA 71129. Kevin is Charles D. Naslund has been promoted employed by Pennzoi1 as a senior to lead startup engineer for Union Elec· economic analyist. tric's Callaway Plant in Fulton, Mo, Charles lives at 1211 Randall Lane, Donald and Debbie Hall are happy to Fulton, MO 65251. announce the birth of their third baby girl. She was born on June 7, and is named Pamela Jane. Donald is manager, Peggy (Durst) and Jerry Peopsel are systems analysis/progra mming, for proud to announce the birth of their se· Data·Tronies Corp. Don and Debbie cond son on Ju ne I. Michael's brother is live at 3712 Hendricks Court, Ft. Smith, Mark, 2 Y2 . Peggy received her master's degree in secondary education in 1981 AR 72903. and is no w teaching math at Micbael and Michele Johnson have Washington High School. The family's moved to 849 Vanderbilt Court, Fort address is 1707 E. 9th St., Washington, MO 63090. Collins, CO 80525.

David and Catherine Spencer have mov· ed to 6415 S. 112th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74133. David is manager of engineering for the mid-continent region of Ladd Petroleum Corp.

Ronald C. Durbin has moved to ' I536 Olmstead Place, Dayton, OH 45406. Ron is now a student in the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright Pat· terson Air Force Base.





NJ Patrice (Harman) Fisher was recently promoted to supervisor of business ap· Randall and Denise Staponski announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, plications programming at McDonnell· Candra Jo, on June 26. Randy is a Douglas Automation Co. in St. Louis. manager, facilities planning for Public She and the twelve people reporting to Service Co. of Oklahoma. Their address her support McDonnell-DoUglas' cor· is 3003 S. Joplin Place, Tulsa, OK porate office. Warren and Patrice live at 12324 Wensley Road, Florissant, MO 74114. 63033. Warren is an electronics equipment technician at Emerson Electric. Randy L. Stranghoener is a region ex'· ploration geophysicist for Cities Service Co. In February Randy was married and his wife, Pat (Dubbert) is a doctor of psychology in charge of the research program at a V.A. Medical Center, in Jackson, Mississippi. Randy and Pat's address is 5855 Medallion Drive, Jackson, MS 39211.





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an Ray and Bonnie Umphreys have moved to 156 Flynn Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043. Ray is a member of the scientific staff for BNR Inc.



AI th James and Patricia VanHouten an· nounce the birth of their first child on July 19, 1981. They named the baby "Jonathan Roger Syler Van Houten~'. James is a senior construction engineer for Dravo Corp. of Pittsburgh, Pa. The family lives at 2217 E. 18t~ St., Farm· ington, NM 87401.

Harry and Mary Jane Ward have mov· ed to 5108 Skyline Drive, Shawnee Mis· sion, KS 66205.

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Gary Foutch, '75, '77, '80, is an assistant professor of chemical engineering at Oklahoma State University. He recently became the principal investigator on a $20,000 grant from the AMOCO Foun· dation. Gary lives at 1304 E. Will Rogers, Stillwater, OK 74074.

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Te Douglas Anthony Warden "passed away on April 10, following a three· year battle with Hodgkins disease," accor· ding to a note from Mrs. Douglas A. (Annie) Warden, 4436 Burley Drive, Pocatello, ID 83201.

Richard W. Graumann writes: "We are returning to the states after four years in Germany as resident engineer with Europe Division, Corps of Engineers." Richard's new assignment is deputy commander for military programs with the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in Hanover, New Hampshire.

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Thomas K. Holley has accepted a position as a geophysicist with Shell Oil Co. Tom and Nancy have moved to 1414 Chardonnay, Houston, TX 77077.

Michael L. Brown has a new position as supervisor of technical development with GTE Automatic Electric. Mike Terry W. Jones has moved to 2400 and ' Debbie have moved to 3429 W. Yorktown, Houston, TX 77056. He is Kings Ave. , Phoenix, AZ 85023. now manager of customer services with Universal Computer Services. Dennis P. Carlton has moved to 4600 S. Deframe St., Morrison, CO 80465. Den· nis is now engineer in charge for the Federal Communications Commission office in Denver, Colo,

Vincent J. Kunderman has moved to 6259 Walsh, St. Louis, MO 63109. Vince is a project electrical engineer with Booker Associates Inc.

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Alumni Personals.________________________________ l.

Micbael S. McCall now lives at 4235 Louisiana N.E. ; Apt. 123, Albuquerque, NM 87109. Mike is a transmission design engineer with Plains Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative.

Stepben A. Brotbers recently received his professional engineering certification from Missouri. Steve also has a new position as a mechanical engineer with Illinois Power Co. He is involved with seismic and environmental equipment qualifications for the- Clinton Nuclear Plant. He lives at 28 Carroll Drive, Decatur, IL 62521.

Roger W. McCloud was married to Mary Porter on May 15. They now live at 10409 E. 80th St., Raytown, MO 64138. Roger is a staff economic engineer for Burns & McDonnell Engineering Co.

Pbillp G. Davis is now a project engineer with Old Ben Coal Co. Philip and Linda live at 1009 N . Maple, Benton, IL 62812.

Jack A. Myers, II is a staff enginer for Tomlinson Oil Company. Jack and Angela live at 122 E. Blake, Wichita, KS 67211.

Delbert and Shirley Gann have moved to 5144 Brookleigh Drive, Jackson, MS 39212. Delbert is an associate professor of geology for Millsaps College in Jackson.

1975 (Cont.) t¡

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1981 Rollamo

Lance Alan Over meyer has recently transferred to Esso's Venture Office in Bangkok, assuming the position of geological operations supervisqr. Lance and Lori's mailing address is do Esso Exploration, Inc., P.O. Box 11-1179, Bangkok, Thailand.

Allen Pascbke writes that he and Cynthia Lebo were married on April 10. MIen is a senior operations research analyst for Ralston Purina. The newlyweds are at home at 4259 Burnett Walk, St. Louis, MO 63125. Laurence Ticby is now a design engineer with Brown & Root Inc. Laurence and Nancy live at 15607 Alta Mesa, Houston, TX 77083. . Wayne Wetterotb is a network services supervisor-transmission equipment engineering-for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Wayne and Debbra live at 2677 Bluff Ridge Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129.

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1976 Jamshid Amidi writes: "I have been promoted to supervisor of the nondestructive laboratory, radiation protection department, of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. My nephew, Darius Amidi, is attending UMR and is a sophomore in the EE department." Jamshid and Frirouzeh's address is Darrous Enteshamich I, No.4, Tehran, 18466, Iran . Katby (Hand) Becker would like to announce that she married David L. Becker on May 22. He works at Black & Veatch and was graduated in May, 1979, from Wichita State University with a B.S. in electrical engineering. Kathy is a programmer/analyst II for Black & Veatch. Kathy and David's address is 9529 Manning, Kansas City, MO 64134.

Cynthia (Harmon) and Alex Hilleary live at 39 I 8 Lexington Drive, NE No. C, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Cynthia is employed by Rockwell Ipternational as a business progfammer/analyst. Robert and Judy Howie have moved to 15410 E. 13th, No. 202, Aurora, CO 800 II. Bob is now a sales engineer with Pearsall Co. , in Denver. Patrick T. Karney is managing engineer, wastewater branch, water services division for the Department of Public Works in Jacksonville, Fla. Patrick and Mary live at 1119 Lido Road, Jacksonville, FL 32216. Debra A. Manning writes: "Still surviving in the 'Ghetto' Soulard. After three years at Ralston Purina, I switched to IBM in '81 and am now in the midst of my first year on quota-a full fledged peddler with skirts. Just sign me as single and sassy in St. Louis." Debra is a marketing representative for IBM. Her address is 2620 S. II th St., St. Louis, MO 63118 . Micbael L. McKee is employed by Arco Exploration Co., Houston, Texas, as a senior exploration engineer. Michael and Ann live at 12803 Hazelway, Cypress, TX 77429. Humberto and Reyna de Mendoza have moved to 3005 La Costa St., Apt. A, Bakersfield, CA 93306. Humberto is working for Getty Oil Co. as a petroleum engineer.

David Niemann, special projects engineer for Black and Veatch, Kansas City, has been given an 18-month assignment in Los Alamos, N .M. David and Gina's address is 10200 Wheeling Ave., Kansas City, MO 64134.

Duane and Susan Parrisb are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, on March 8. They named the baby Michele Lee. Daune is an industrial engineer for Killark Electric Manufacturing Co. The family lives at 420 Lambeth Lane, St. Louis, MO 63125. Dennis and Patra Robertson have a new address at 120 McCutcheon Drive, Lafayette, IN 47905 . Dennis is now a buyer in the purchasing department of Caterpillar Tractor Co. Masoud Sasannejad is a technical analyst for Bell & Howell Co. Masoud lives at 3228 N. Sheffield, 2FL, Chicago, IL 60657.

James J. Sbeeban was recently elected senior vice president and a member of the board of directors of Russell & Axon, Engineers-Planners-Architects Inc. Jim serves as regional manager of Missouri and llIinois projects for Russell & Axon and is currently project administrator for the American Bottoms Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility in Sauget, 1lI. Jim lives at 1718 Limetree, Creve Coeur, MO 63141.

William K. Miehe has recently received an M.S. degree in management from Paul and Mary Sneed live at 7028 Georgia College and is now completing Rhodes, St. Louis, MO 63123. Paul is a his M.S. in engineering mechanics at the resident engineer with St. Louis County Georgia Institute of Technology. Bill is Highway Department. a B-5 2 radar naviga tor with the ' Stra tegic Air Command of the United Paul E. Williams, '76, '77 , is a thermal States Air Force. Bill and Kellie's ad- engineer for Procter & Gamble. Paul dress is 3 10-67 Northlake Drive, Warner and Bonnie live at 5212 Horizonvue Robins, GA 31093. Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45239.

Jim Tracy, former professor of electrical engineering at UMR who left to become head of the electrical engineering department at Kansas State University, is now dean of engineering at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

1911 Reunion at Homecoming Class Coordinators Micbael Lackner

I7l5 E. Anderson Mexico, MO 65265 Sean E. Price 7408 Prestbury Sbreveport, LA 71129 Terry ud Patricia Coker's new address is AOAC 3-82, Box 608, Ft. Knox, KY 40121. Terry is a captain in the U.S, Army . Kathleen E. Farley is head computer operator for Love Box Co. in Wichita, Kan. Veronica (J an sen) and Micbael Habn have moved to 1019 Woodhorn, Houston, TX 77062. Veronica is a process supervisor for Arco Petroleum Products_ John S. Halloran, III is now a land agent/engineer for Consolidation Coal Co_ John and Patricia have moved to 107 Westminster Drive, St. Clairsville, OH 43950 _ Keitb and Cynthia Lively live at 2926 N_ Porter, Wichita, KS 67204 _Keith is self employed electrical engineering consultant.

MSM Alumnus129

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Thomas W. Fennessey now lives at 6915 Rufus, Austin, TX 78752. Tom is a graduate student at the University of Texas-Austin.

Jack B. Painter II is now manager of American Amicable Life, Mid-Mo. Agency. Jack and Sharon live at 103 Wildwood, WaynesVille, MO 65583.

Jeffery J. Greene is a project engineer for McBro, a division of the McCarthy Brothers Co. of St.' Louis. Jeffery and Sonja live at No. 6 Sheri Lane, Texarkana, TX 75501.

Jackie G. Pippenger is now a senior mining engineer with The Coteau Pro, perties Co. Jackie and Elsie now live at 831 Chestnut Lane, Beulah, ND 58523.

Donald and Janice Heiskell have moved to 10136 No.. 3 Alpine Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014. Donald is now graphics development manger for Televideo, in Sunnyvale, Calif.

1977 (Cont.)


Gilbert, '77, '81, and Anita Scholl have moved to 4509 Van Buren, Apt. No.3, Anchorage, AK 99503. Gilbert is an operations/analytical engineer for the Arco Alaska, Inc. .

Douglas to 5310 Douglas Corp. as

Mark M. Sebree is now an engineering manager for Amax Coal Co. in Brazil, Ind. Mark and Caroline live at 1190 Garden Drive-West, Terre Haute, IN 47802. Robert P. Sexton is an ' industrial engineer for Peabody Coal Co., Eastern Division. He and Brenda live at 3705 Marseille Drive, Owensboro , K Y 42301. Richard C. Smith has moved to 4109 Hickory Hill Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129. Richard is an engineer for Union Electric. David L. Strang has been named senior regional engineer for the Dowell Division of Dow Chemical U.S.A. in Columbus, Ohio. He has been service manager for Dowell's location in Borger, Texas. James and Christie Venn have moved to 1342 S. Carson Way, Aurora, CO 80012. James is a geologist for Midlands Gas Corp., Lakewood, Colo.

and Diane Cothen have moved Fern, Ft. Smith, AR 72903. is employed by Data-Tronics a systems analyst/programmer.

John J. Hunter is an engineer for Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company. He tells us: "Have been spending a lot of time working on the house and yard. Plan on putting on new shingles this summer. I enjoy my job as a design engineer in the natural gas pipeline business. There are many interesting facets to the job." John lives at 8214 Oak, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Robert J. Johnson tells us, "As of June 1, I have been promoted to area Thomas and Maria Doering have mov- engineer at Getty Oil Company's Robined to Longmont, Colo. and are looking , son, lli. office." Bob's new address is 205 around for a house to buy. Thomas is Park Forest, Robinson, 'IL 62454. now an associate staff (senior engineer) consultant in the nuclear power in- Dennis D. Jones now lives at 805 dustry for the S. M. Stoller Corp. of Mallard Ave., Edmond, OK 73034. Boulder, Colo. Until their search for a Dennis is now a sales engineer with home is successful, they may be reached Schlumberger Well Services in through the S. M. Stoller Corp., 1919 Oklahoma City. 14th St., Suite 500, Boulder, CO 80302.

Keith T. Duncan is an ensign in the U.S. Navy. Keith and Nancy can be reached by writing to Box 382, Rt. 5, Rolla, MO 6540 I.

Robert Durban is employed by Kellogg Overseas. Robert's mailing address is Kellogg Overseas, 3440 Richmond, Houston, TX 77046.

Robert and Anna Eagleton have moved to 1559 Matlock Drive, Florissant, MO 63031. He is a section chief for McDonnell Douglas Corp.

Glen Vierheller is employed by Singer Link Simulation-Systems Division as a senior systems engineer. Glen and Deb- Ron Frisch, senior district mmmg bie's address is 219 Granville Drive, engineer for Dowell in Greensburg, Pa., Silver Spring, MD 2090 I. has been named regional sales engineer. He will relocate to Denver, Colo., joinErnest F. Vogel writes that he has ing the Western/Alaska Region. Ron received his PhD degree in chemical joined Dowell in 1978 as a field engineering from the University of engineering representati've in Texas in Austin. He is now employed by Greensburg. He later became a district Tennessee Eastman Co. in Kingsport, mining engineer, and assumed his curTenn. Ernie's address is 1000 University rent post in 1981. Dowell is a division of Blvd., Apt. F-30, Kingsport, TN 37660. Dow Chemical U.S.A.

Steve and Joy Lautenschlaeger have a new son, Paul, born on March 7. He has an older sisger, Marie, who is two. Steve is a ventilation engineer for Hella Mining Co. The family lives at 3214 N. 19th, Coeur d'Alene, ID 8~814. John M. May is a gasoline blending supervisor for Arco Petroleum Products Co. His address is 5319 Crawford, Houston, TX 77004. John W. McVay has moved to 1112 S. Gary Ave. , Tulsa, OK 74104. John is a programmer for Seismograph Service Corp.

Gary and Louann (Rayle, '78) Prough an, nounce the birth of their first child, a boy, on Feb. 19,. He weighed in at 8 Ibs.-lO oz. and is 22 inches long. They named the baby Ethan Thomas Prough. Louann is a project engineer for Shell Oil Co. in Wood River, lli. Gary and Louann are at home at 20 I Seiler Road, Godfrey, IL 62035.



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Ik Mark Roenfeldt was married to Cheri Wohlforth on June 5. Mark and Cheri live at 1128 S. Washington St., Denver, CO 80210. Mark is employed by CTUfhompson, Inc. as a project engineer. Cheri is employed by Jefferson Bank & Trust.

Michael E. Schaefer has been selected by the Navy to attend graduate school at Purdue University in January, 1983. Mike is a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and lives at 3314 Otraitto, Corpus Christi, TX 78418.



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Robert J. SchneU writes: "I was recently promoted to engineer for Union Electric Co. in St. Louis. I will complete my course work for the MSEE this fall through the UMR-GEC (Graduate Engineering Center) in St. Louis. Robert's address is 911 Summer Leaf, St. Charles, MO 63301. David and Louise Simmons have moved to 17 Silversmith Court, Howell, NJ 07731.

Jeffrey C. Swoveland is a geophysicist for Monsanto Oil & Gas. Jeffrey & Stephanie's address is 4425 Verone, Bellaire, TX 7740 I.

Douglas C. Melton, Jr. reports that he left TXO Production Feb. I, and opened an office for C. G. Davis Production Leonard A. Wolff has accepted a posiCo. in Fort Smith, Ark. He says that in tion as a mine engineer with Getty addition to exploring in the Gulf Coast, Petrotomics Co., in Shirley Basin, Wyo. they will also renew their activity in the Leonard and Patricia have moved to lliinois Basin. His new title is explora- 761 Goodstein, Casper, WY 82601. tion manager. Doug and Margie live at 1908 Broken Hill Dr., Fort Smith, AR 72903. Henry W. Meyer, Jr., is a major in the U.S. Army at the Defense Fuel Supply Center, Alexandria, Va. Henry and San: dra live at 9186 Lake Braddock Drive, Burke, VA 22015:







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Thomas E. Bach has moved to 4036 Harbour Drive, Palmyra, NJ 08065. He is a project enginer for Nooter Corp. in Penndel, Pa.

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1979 (Cont.) Martha A. Bennett has moved to 6026 N. Jefferson, Apt. No. 6, Kansas City, MO 64111 . Martha is now a chemical engineer with Industrial Risk Insurers. Mark and Robyn Bortfeld have moved to 1254 Bentoak Lane, St. Louis, MO 63122. Mark is a staff consultant for Price Waterhouse.

Mark and Denise Hovis are proud parents of twin girls born on Jan. I. Mark writes "All my spare time is now devoted to changing diapers." Mark is a 'maintenance supervisor for Cities Ser· vice "Pipe Line Co. The family lives at 831 E. Academy Ave. , Jennings, LA 70546.

Tuan A. Le is a member of the technical staff of Bell Labs, Naperville, Ill. Taun's John W. Bosky has accepted a position address is 2824 N. 74th Ave. , Elmwood with Vulcan Chemicals as an enPark, IL 60635 . vironmental engineer. John and Linda Jean have moved 'to 7734 Bles Ave. , Apt. B, Baton Rouge, LA 70810. John and Carol Levengood live at 1230 West 42nd St. South, No.4, Wichita, John J. Bradshaw is now a general field KS 67217. John is a civil engineer I for engineer for Schlumberger Well Serthe Kansas Department of Transportavices. He can be re ac hed c/o tion. Schlumberger Well Services, Route 4, Box 234, Elk City, OK 73644. David and Peggy ('73) Lorge have moved to 8829 Holmes Ave. , Omaha, NE 68127. David has a new position as a development geologist with Kiewit Min· ing & Engineering. Peggy is a retired .teacher.

Kathleen (DiU) Shelden has accepted a position as a systems engineer with IBM. Kathleen and Barry now live at 14702 Payette, Houston, TX 77040. ,

Steven Autry has moved to 6 S. Sable, Apt. 102AA, Aurora, CO 80012. Steven is a seismic analyst for the Seismograph Service Corp. in Denver, Colo.

William J. Stein is an earth moving platoon leader for the U.S. Army. He writes: ''Trapped in Anchorage Alaska· Land of the midnight drizzle." Bill and Catherine's address is 52 l A Beluga Ave., Ft. Richardson, AK 99505.

Bruce L. Bartlett is employed by TV A's Division of Nuclear Power in Chat· tanooga, Tenn., as a nuclear engineer. Bruce a'nd Susan live at 4639·B Cary Lane, Hixson, TN 37343.

Kevin and Sharon Lynn Todd's new address is 280 S. Hill, No. B202, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Kevin is a graduate student at the University of Arkansas.

Larry P. Boyer is now with McDonnellDouglas Astronautics as a design engineer. Larry's address is 11961 Del Rio Court, St. Louis, MO 63138.

Johnie R. Trousdale has been promoted to flight test engineer with McDonnell Douglas Co., in St. Louis. Johnie and Susan have moved to 4700 Brandy Lane, Arnold, MO 63010.

Alan and Mary Ann Brook's new address is Rt. 2, Knight Road, Vestal, NY Burton K. Walker III is now working 13850. Alan is now a quality assurance for CF Industries as an engineer. Burton engineer with General Electric's and Janice live at 2138 Garden City Aerospace Control Systems Division in Road, Fremont, NE 68025. Binghamton, N.Y. Criag Lunte is a research assistant for Pu'rdue University in West Lafayette, W oifgaog S. Campbell is production Ind. Craig's address is 250 I Soldiers Mark S. Ziobro is a chemical engineer engineer for Public Service Indiana in Home Road, West Lafayette, IN 47906. for Conoeo. Mark & Cindy live at 300 Woodbury Drive, Ponca City, OK New Washington, Ind. He tells us: "Cur74601. rently , 1 am assigned to the construction and startup testing group as a testing Duane and Serna Naeger live at 215 engineer. Also, I have had a great deal Silverbell Circle, Lake Jackson, TX of formal training in vibra~ion analysis 77566. and am applying it to the station vibration monitoring program at our plant." John M. Neet has moved to 10024 1980 His address is 851 Lanier Drive, Apt. D, Briar, Overland Park, KS 66207. Madison, IN 47250. Jaya P. Acharya is an engineer III for Alex A. Okereke is a civil engineer Sverdrup Tech. Inc. Jaya and Shobha's (structural) /engineering manager for address is E·7 Continental, Taullahuma, John M. Dolan writes: "Moved to Tulsa Sippican Consultants International Inc. TN 37388. in February, 1980, married to Corinne Alex and wife Uduak live at 128 Union May 24, 19-80, and was promoted to Park St., No.2, Boston, MA 02118. project group leader, vapor recovery Dean and Lusia Archiletti have moved systems, for McGill, Inc. in September Kay A. (Hardman) Rhyne is a research to 1504 Savannah Drive, Slidell, LA 1981." John and Corinne's address is chemist for th'e '.. National Bureau of 70458 . Dean is a field support engineer 7317 S. Yale, No. 204, Tulsa, OK Standards in Washington , D.C. Kay and for Honeywell in St. Petersburg, Fla. 74136. new husband, James, live at 20505 Dubois Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20879. Richard R. Finch is a drilling engineer for Chevron U.S.A. Richard lives at William and Judy Rosener Ive at 2664 Eltarose, Apt. A, St. Louis, MO 63136. 3892 S. Biscay, Denver, CO 80013 . Bill is an assistant engineer for Union Steven and Vicki Gerber now live at Electric Co. He writes: "My wife Judy 1913 Jamestown Drive, Olathe, KS was named most valuable player in var66062. Steve is ,an engineer with Bendix, sity volleyball at UMSL, for the 1981·1982 season." Kansas City Division.

Erik and Lynn Burgdorf have moved to 8311 Gallatin Drive, Austin, TX 78736. Erik has accepted a position as a software engineer with Data General Corp. Gary and Margaret Clark have moved to 1426 Ingersoll, Waterloo, IA 50701. Gary is a development engineer for Deere & Co., PEC, in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Frank, '80, and Kathy (Cooke), '81, Danzo have moved to 1311 West 41st Street, Davenport, IA 52806. Frank is an industrial engineer for Alcoa and Kathy is in plant engineering at John Deere. Gary E. Dickerson is supervisor of photolithographic processing for Delco Electronics. Gary and Teresa live at 2410 Baxter, Apt. No.4, Kokomo, IN 46901. Mark E. Eck has moved to 4018 livingston, Midland, TX 79703. He is now a petroleum operations/analytical engineer for Atlantic Richfield Oil & Gas Co. John A. Gellerth's address is Route 3, Hillsboro, IL 62049. He is now a mine enginer with Consolidation Coal Co., in Coffeen, Ill.


Robert E. Hodgson is a maintenance supervisor with Johns-Manville in Mar· rero, La. Bob lives at 1000 Scottsdale Drive, Apt. No. 26, Harvey, LA 70058.



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William J. Hoff has moved to 10526 Huntington View, Houston, TX 77099 . He is a project engineer for Texas Eastern Products Pipeline Co.

Morgan Paul Slusher reports: "I received my Master of Arts degree in Physics from Rice University on May 8, and have been granted candidacy to the Ph.D. program at Rice. My research is in experimental atomics physics." Morgan's new address is Physics Department, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251.

1981 Rollamo

MSM Alumnu. / 31


Alumni Personals ______________________________________________.____ ___________ ~_ ~

James and Rebecca Tburman have moved to 22310 North Fork, Katy, TX 77450 . James is an associate petrophysical engineer for Shell Oil Co. in Houston, Texas. Kevin Tinker is now working for Morrison-Knudson , in Houston, Texas, as a field engineer. Kevin's permanent address is Route I, Box 4, Elvins, MO 63639. Oyde L. Trickey Jr. is employed by Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Denver, Colo. as a drilling representative. His address is 2754 Kenton Court, Aurora, CO 80014.

1980 (Cont.) Marc A. Gruenenfelder has moved to 4448 Maple Loaf Drive, New Orleans, LA 70114. Marc is employed by Gulf Oil Co. as a recovery engineer. Patrick and Deborab Heffernan may be reached by writing c/o Franklin Chemicals Limited, P.O. Box 595152, Miami, FL 33159. Pat is a project engineer with Franklin Chemicals Ltd. J. Scott Jepsen is employed by McDonnell Aircraft as a design engineer. Scott's new address is 200 15th St., Apt. A, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. James R. Jobnston's new address is P.O. Box 495, Fenton, MO 63026. Raymond S. Jost is employed by Missouri Pacific Railroad as an assistant roadmaster. Raymond and Lori'a ad· dress is 5901 John F . Kennedy, Apt. 342·2, North Little Rock, AR 72116.

James T. Kublman is now a -process engineer for Monsanto's Queeny Plant. James lives at 731 Zeiss Ave., St. Louis, MO 63125 . James Paul Lueckenhoff and Janet Mary Wilde were married in June. Jim is an electrical engineer with Union Electric Co. at the Callaway Nuclear Plant. The couple now lives at 2309 Grey Fox Terrace, Jefferson City, MO 6510 I. Eric and Victoria Meyer have moved to 511 Tish Circle, No. 1902, Arlington, TX 76011. Eric is an engineer for Bell Helicopter in Ft. Worth, Texas. Mark R. Neider is now a process design engineer with Texas Instruments. Mark , has moved to 5454 Amesbury, No. 2408, Dallas, TX 75206.

32/ MSM Alumnus

Richard R. Oetting is a design engineer for The May tag Co. Richard and Elena have moved to 625 W. 3rd St., Newton, IA 50208 . Joe P. Peter is a senior engineer for Sioux Pipeline. Joe's address is 2334 Kerry, Abilene, TX 79605.

Scott and Shari Plamer have moved to 3907 Millrock C ircle, Sugar Land, TX 77479. Scott is design engineer for Brown & Root (forest products) in Houston, Texas.


Terry Presley is now a plant engineer for Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. Terry lives at 7863 N.E. 10th, Apt. . I83, Midwest City, OK 73110. Janet M. Rimmey was recently transferred to the Health Services Division of McDonnell-Douglas as a systems programmer. Janet's address is 5305·B Forest Creek, Hazelwood, MO 63042. Stepben J. Schubert has moved to 234 No. 6 Orchard Trace ,Lane, Charlotte, NC 28213, after accepting the position of software engineer at Gaston County Dye Machine Co. in Stanley, N.C.

Mary E. (Oxford) Siemsglusz is now a mine project engineer for Peabody Coal , Company. Mary and husband Walter live at 28 W. McHaney, Harrisburg, IL 62946. Dawn (Moore) Smith is a systems analyst/programmer for Data Tronics Corp. Dawn and husband, Bryon, live at 4523 So. 22nd, Ft. Smith, AR 7290 I. Kennetb and Cynthia Smith have moved to 2504 S. 317, No. 102, Federal Way, W A 98003 . Kenneth is now a mechanical system designer with Boeing Military Airplane Co., in Seattle.

Mark G. Viox has moved to 4933 Devonshire Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109. He is employed by Anheuser-Busch Co. Inc. as an engineer. Lanny D. Voight now lives at 1981 Basston Drive, St. Louis, MO 61141. Lanny is a senior engineer with Emerson Electric.

Fred R. Cas~ner has moved to 3041 Park lane NW, Canton, OH 44709. He is an assistant engineer for American Electric Power. Susan M. Czeschin is now working -for Vestal Labs as a sales representative. Her address is 405 S. Morrison, Apt. 167, Muncie, IN 47304. Michael and Pamela Cole moved to 356 Poplar Forest Drive, Lemay, MO 63125 on July 1. Mike is a field engineer with General Electric Co., in St. Louis. He and Pam have been living in Schenectady, N.Y. Cbarles and Amy Cothern now live at 1069 E. 9th Ave. , No. 302,Broomfield, CO 80020. Charles is an engineer with Layne-Western Co., in Denver. Cbristine .Mary (O'Neal) Dasbti is employed by Goodman Manufacturing Corp. Christine and husband Gholam, '81, live at 8001 W. Tidwell, No. 1110, Houston, TX 77040.

Mark G. Wagner has moved to 2754 S. Kenton Court, Aurora, CO 80014. He is Darian R. Dickinson is now working for a petroleum engineer for Bow Valley Tenneco Oil as a geological engineer. Petroleum in Denver, Colo. Darian's address is 4951 Woodstone Drive, No. 1512, San Antonio, TX Daniel and Terri Walden have moved to 78230. 948 College, Batesville, AR 7250 I. Daniel is a chemical engineer for ArkanTedford P. Eads h~s moved to 593 sas Eastman Co. Haley Court, San Jose, CA 95 J 23_ He is employed by General Electric Co. as an engineer. Scott C. Wehner writes: "Doing fine in the 'Land of Enchantment', but nothing will ever compare with Missouri-God's Richard P. Gebrin is a staff engineer for Country.' I'm having some trouble con- Sedco Inc. of Dallas, Texas. His address vincing these concrete cowboys that is 12175 Hibler Drive, Creve Coeur, Missouri was not Yankee during 'the' MO 63141. war." Scott is an area engineer for Texaco-USA. His address is 1906 Edwar-d E. Hart is a teacher for the Brazos; Hobbs, NM 88240. Riverview Gardens School District. Edis address is 5660 Kinesbury, Apt. 204, St. Jimmy and Deanna Wilson have a new Louis, MO 63112. address, Route 2, Box 126, Galatia, IL 62935 . Jimmy is a mine engineer for Jeff Hawbaker has moved to 3367-1. N. Kerr McGee. ' Chatham Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043 . Jeff is'now an associate engineer with Westinghouse MS & TC in Columbia, Md.

1981 Paul G. Baldetti is a student at Harvard Business School. His mailing address is 1 Emerald Court, Harvester, MO 63301 .

John Boncek is now employed by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co. as associate engineer-electronics. John lives at 2272 Pinto Hill Drive, Apt. C, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Craig G. Burcbett has moved to 1504Yz June Lane, Columbia, MO 65201. Craig is a construction engineer I for Daniel International Corp. of Portland, Mo.

Don B. and Jean Holley were married in August. They now live at 2017 N. Habogast Ave., Apt. K, Griffith, IN 46319. Don is a technical assistant for Inland Steel-Indiana Harbor works, in East Chicago, Ind. Stepben R. Jacobs is now working for BEl Electronics, Little Rock, Ark. , as an electrical 'engineer. Stephen and Sheila live at 23 Johnny Lane, Sherwood, AR 7211(i. Daniel and Myrna Jones have moved to 2625 Oakhurst, No. D, Ada, OK 74820. Daniel is a plant engineer for ·OG & E in Konawa, Ok.


Nancy (Bollinger) and Larry Oehler live at 3753 Lynntown Drive, St. Louis, MO 63114. Nancy is an associate contract engineer for McDonnell-Douglas and is presently working on the Harrier II V/STOL aircraft.

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Mark A. Lester is now a supervisor for WiDiam T. Phegley has moved to 1117 Pet Inc. Mark and Patricia's new ad- - Paige, No. 304, Wichita, KS 67207. He dress is Route 3, Box 387, Greenville, is employed by Boeing Military Airplane TN 37743. Co., as an engineer. Deborah J. Lewis is an analyst/programmer for Westinghouse. She lives at 3343-1, N. Chatham Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Elquin Malone now lives at 3949 Drexel, Port Arthur, TX 77640. She is a design engineer with Texaco. Michael M. McCoy has moved to 4116A Choo Road, Pascagoula, MS 39567. He is employed by Chevron USA Inc. as a design engineer. S. Dale McHenry is a student at Harvard Business School. He can be reached by writing to 601 James St., Harrisonville, MO 64701. James and Melody Minear's new address is P.O. Box 907, Shawnee, OK 74801. James is a field engineer for Schlumberger Well 'Services.


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CharleS (Lai-Trung) and Lo~e Nguyen have moved to 4800 Kristie, Apt. No. 87, Del, OK 73115 . Charles is a mechanical engineer for Tinker A.F.B. in Midwest, Okla.

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Kennetb Fred Plag lias moved to 304 Meadowhill Drive, Benbrook, TX 76126. He is an electrical engineer for General Dynamics in Fort Worth, Texas. Robert W. Polys has his first permanent position as a systems planning engineer with Kansas City Power & Light Co. Bob and Deborah's new address is III S. Oak, Apt. B, Box III , Bonner Springs, KS 66012.


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19&1 Rollamo

Colleen Marie Brice is an associate engineer for Bendix Corp. Colleen lives at 607 East 65th St., Kansas City, MO 64131.

Jon and Carol Ricbards have moved to 1512A Kings Road, Harvey, LA 70058. Jon is a project engineer for Exxon, in New Orleans.

Wayne K. Carson is now employed by A&H Testing (Professional Service industries) . His address is 3069 Morsetown Court, Columbus, OH 43229.

Kathleen (Dolan) Riley has a new position as coordinator of engineering contracts with McDonnell Douglas Corp., in St. Louis. Kathleen and Timothy now live at 376A Greenyard Drive, Ballwin, MO 6301 I.

Carl G. Strubberg is now "working as a field enginer for Schlumberger Well Services in southern Louisiana." Carl's address is 3603 W. Congress, No. 219B, Lafayette, LA 70506.

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James K. Winn is now an engineer in training at the construction material testing lab or Southwestern Laboratories. Jim and Rebecca (Churchman) have moved to 13502 Northborough, No. 916, Houston, TX 77067.

Douglas R. Bye has moved to 8 10 W. Elm, Apt. No.2, Olney, IL 62450. He has accepted a job with Union Oil Co. of California as an engineer.

Edward D. Smith is now a reliability engineer for General Dynamics in Fort Worth, Texas. Edward and Deborah's address is 520 Lottie Lane, Saginaw, TX 76179.

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Mark Allen Williams is a process improvement engineer for Texas Eastman. Mark lives at 1300 Fairmont, No. 220 I, Longview, TX 75604.

Christopber and Denise Wood have moved to 11066 Dunklin, Apt. 306, St. Louis, MO 63138. Christopher is a proKevin L. Ray is a customer-support pro- cess engineer for the Monsanto Plant in grammer for On-Line Systems. His ad- Sauget, IJJ. dress is Box 431 Amoret, MO 64722.

Bart A. Smith is now employed by Bendix Corp. as an engineer. Bart's new address is 1846 D, Mews Drive, Kansas City, MO 64131.


Tseng¡Cblang Wang's new address is P.O. Box 743, Claypool, AZ 85532. Tseng-Chiang is a process analyst for inspiration Consolidated Copper Co.

Steve Gerard Rackers' new address is Route 6, Jefferson City, MO 65101.

Phillip M. Novak has accepted a position as a development engineer with Randall J. Scblitt has moved to 2632 W. PennWalt Chemical Co., in Calvert Ci- Willow Lake Drive, No. 24, Peoria, IL ty, Ky. Phil has moved to 202 Buena 61614. He is a cost engineer. Visa Apts., Route No.4, Paducah, KY 42001. Blake E. SUkwood is a mine engineer for Jersey Miniere Zinc Co. in Gordonsville, Tenn. Blake's address is North Main Stree~, Carthage, TN 37030.


Josepb Trapani is now a distributor representative for Ingersoll- Rand, Houston, Texas. Joseph and Karen have moved to 1500 Tiffany Drive, laPlace, LA 70068.

David J. Tbomas is a structural design engineer for Boeing Military Airplane Co. David's address is 727 W. MacArthur, Apt. 411, Wichita, KS 67217.


Carl J. Alsbacb has moved to 120 Garland, Apt. 504, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Carl is an engineer for Dow William A. Cbetron is employed by the Chemical in Freeport, Texas. Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation as an Alexander O. Aning is a post doctoral engineering assistant Ill. His address is fellow in the metallurgical engineering 6002 Stonewall, Apt. No. 156, Greendepartment at UMR. Alexander's ad- ville, TX 75401. dress is 40 I E. 18th St., Apt. A, Rolla, MO 65401. Micbael and Lisa Oark have moved to Ramiz N. Ballou has a new mailing ad- 3900 Old Bullard Road, Apt. J-27, dress, P.O. Box 1317, Rolla, M065401. Tyler, TX 75701. Michael is a civil engineer for Barber, Brannon Traylor, Ronald K. Blandenhorn is employed by Inc. Shell Oil Co. as an engineer. His address is 10950 Jefferson Highway, Apt. P-23, Micbael Wayne Coleman is an associate River Ridge, LA 70123. engineer for Bendix. Michael lives at 9321 Bales, Apt. 303, Kansas City, MO 64132. Cbarles F. Blattner III is now an engineer for Potashnick Construction Inc. of Cape Oirardeau, Mo. Charles Jobn Cooley is now an assistant and Tracy live at 20620 Anza, Tor- engineer with Union Electric Co. in St. rance, CA 9050 I. Louis. He is living at No. 121 Country Aire Mobile Park, Pacific, MO 63069. Steven R. Block has accepted a position as a process engineer with Vulcan Glen D. Cunningbam is now an engineer Materials Co. Steve has moved to 7066 for IBM-East Fishkill, Hopeland JuncE. Kellogg, Apt. H, Wichita, KS 67207. tion, N.Y. Glen's address is No. 7A Ivy Court, Fishkill, NY 12524. George Henry Bohn Jr. is now employed by Oklahoma Gas & Electric as plant engineer in training, George Todd and Patt Davis have moved to and Karen (Boyd) reside at 3602 N. 7150 N. Terra Vista Drive, Apt. III, Washington, F-28, Stillwater, OK Peoria, IL 61614. Todd is now 74074. employed by CaterpilJar Tractor Co.

MSM Alumnul/ 33

Alumni Personals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1982 (Cont.) Mark. D. Dieckman is now a drilling representative for Chevron USA, Inc. Mark lives at 825 Dahlia, No. 606, Denver, CO 80220. Robert Scott DilHngham is now working for Eagle-Picher Ind.ustries, Inc. !is a ceramic engineer. Robert and Teresa's address is 216 Goodrich Place, Miami, OK 74354. Gail Louise Dolan has accepted a position as an associate engineer 'Yith McDonnell Douglas in St. Louis. Gail has moved to 717 N. Duchesne Drive, St. Charles, MO 6330 I. Thomas Craig Esry's new addresS is P.O. Box 338, Hamilton, MO 64644. Tom is now an engineer with Western Electric in Lee's Summit, Mo. Robert and Lynn Germaine have moved to 1821 East Covina, Apt. No. 228, Mesa, AZ 85203. Robert is a civil engineer. Joseph W. Gillard! Jr. is an engineer in design and construction for Texas Gas Corp. Joe and Delinda live at 3931 Fogle Drive, Apt. A, Owensboro, KY 42301. Sten and Paula Heath have moved to 3335 Bridge Manor Drive, Kansas City, MO 64137. Steve is an associate engineer for the Bendix Corp.

TIm W. Helbig is a plant engineer for

Brenda L. Horak is employed by Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Co. as a petroleum engineer. Brenda lives at 1805 E. 73rd St., Apt. 316, Tulsa, OK 74136. James and Carol Jackson have moved to 1000 Oaks Drive, Apt. No. 19, Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716. James is employed by Bell Laboratories in Holmdel, N.J. Vicki S. Johnson is an aerospace technologist with NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. She lives at 5109 Goldsboro Drive, Apt. 16C, Newport News, VA 23605 . Bill Jones has accepted a position as a management associate with Granite City Steel. Bill and Beth now live at 4520 Forest Park Ave. , St. Louis, MO 63108 . Jim K. Kozlowski is in graduate school Eric G. PoHtte is now an operations at UMR. His mailing address is P.O . . engineer for Exxon. Eric and Sue's new Box 1339, Rolla, MO 65401. address is 108 Merchants Blvd., Apt. 77, Lafayette, LA 70508 . Gloria Kriegh is now employed by DataPhase Systems as a maintenance Joseph H. Reilly is a sales trainee for the programmer. Gloria's new address is Ingersoll-Rand Corp. His address is Apt. 6929 E. 93rd St., Kansas City, MO N5 , Brakeley Gardens, Red School 64138. . Lane, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865. Gregg Lehenbauer is a project engineer for Moog Inc. Gregg's address is 12444 Merrick, St. Louis, MO 63141. Valerie R. Schoolview, Valerie is a University of

Lewis lives at 1566 Jackson, MS 39213 . graduate student at the Texas-Aqstin.

the Warren Petroleum Co. in Wickett, Texas. Tim's address is 1500 S: Calvin, . Ted A. Martin is employed by the No. 32, Monahans, TX 78756. Oklahoma Department of Transportation as .a transportation engineer. Ted's Scott D. Herzog is a junior engineer for address is 2215 Highway 9, No. 117, Caterpillar Tractor Co. Scott lives at Seminole, OK 74868 . 3120 Willow Knolls ROad, Apt. 301, Peoria, IL 61614. DaYid W. May is employed by Lincoln WIlHam and Teresa Anne Hitchcock have moved to 3105 EI Camino, Ponca City, OK 7460 I. William is employed by Conoco Oil.

St. Louis as an engineer. David's address is 2898 Poe, Overland, MO 63114.

Susan McCoy is now working at McDonnell Douglas Corp. as an associate systems programmer. Susan's address is 1836 W . Clark, St. Charles, John R. Hock has accepted a position MO 63301. with IBM in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., as senior associate programmer in scientific Richard R. McGuire is now a sales & engineering processor development. engineer for Simplex Time Recorder Co. John and Nancy's new address is Route Richard and Laura's address is 12816 I, Box 88, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Highstone Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141.

Lynn Annette Hoefer 4715 W. Wadley, Apt. TX 79703. Lynn is engineer for Exxon Co.

has moved to 806, Midland, a petroleum USA.

Vlacent Holtmann is an associate mechanical engineer for McDonnell Douglas. He lives at 5223 Schollmeyer, St. Louis, MO 63109 .

34 / MSM Alumnus

Jon S. Ressler is a plant engineer for the Omaha Public Power District. Jon and Beverly live at 11643 Burt St., P-I , Omaha, NE 68154. MitcheU R. Roper has joined Tenneco Oil Exploration and Production's Gulf Coast Division as a reservoir engineer in Houston, Texas. Mitchell's current address is No. 1028 Five Forks Drive, Bellville, IL 62221. Robert and Lisa Simons have moved to 3909 Burke Road, No. 70 I, Pasadena, TX 77504. Robert is a metallurgical engineer for Hughes Tool Co. in Houston, Texas. DaYid L. Smith is employed by Texas In¡ struments as an electrical engineer. David's address is 9289 LBJ Freeway 291, Dallas, TX 75243.

Robert William Stablin is an applications engineer for the Fisher Controls Co. Robert's address is 1707 S. 7th Ave., Apt. B-13, Marshalltown, lA 50158.

Thomas Meyer has moved to 825 W . Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64113 . Thomas is a programmer/analyst for Hallmark Cards Inc.

Stephen D. Summers is employed by McDonnell-Douglas as an administrative assist,ant engineer. His address is ' 2338D SuCasa Drive, Florissant, MO 63031 .

Charles K. Peacock is employed by International Business Machines as a junior industrial engineer. His address is 209-No. 7 Orchard Trace Lane, Charlotte, NC 28213 .

David and Christy Swaw have moved to 3001 W. Normandale, No. 2036, Fort Worth, TX 76116. David is an associate engineer for General Dynamics.

1981 Rollamo

Mary (Ford) Telker is a developmental geologist for the Petro-Lewis Corp. Mary and Robert, '82, list their address as CB 16024, Apt. 22IC, 4101 N.W. Expressway, Oklahoma City, OK 73116. Jeffrey D. Vincent has accepted a position with Procter & Gamble as a manager. Jeff and Tammy now live at 2775 Hawthorne, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Norma Viterna is an assistant computer 'programmer for Missouri Pacific Railroad. Norma's address is 1012 Provence Drive, Apt. E, St. Louis, MO 63125 . Stephen W. Voss is an engineer associate for Bendix in Kansas City. Stephen's address is 9321 Bales, No. 303, Kansas City, MO 64132. Brenton W. Weathered has accepted a position as an associate engineer with Boeing Military Aircraft Co. He has moved to 1945 N. Rock Road, Wichita, KS 67206.

Betty Wienhold has moved to Columbia Gardens Apartments, C-24, Pulaski Highway, Columbia, TN 38401. Betty is a quality control engineer for Union Carbide Corp. David B. Wilhide is now employed by Eric Mining Co., Hoyt Lakes, Minn., as a mine engineer. David's address is P.O. Box 287 , Gilbert, MN 55741. William Donald and Connie Sue Wyrick have moved to 727 W. McArthur Road, Apt. 608, Wichita, KS 67217 . William is an engineer for Boeing Military Co. Charles Ziegler is now a management trainee for National Steel-Granite City Steel Division, Granite City, Ill. His address is 9508 Sequoia, St. Louis, MO 63123.

...... MSM-UMR Alumni Association Telephone (314) 341-4171; (314) 341-4172



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Term Expires · Black & Veatch; 1500 Meadow Lake Parkway. 1982 Kansas City , MO 64114 1982 . .. 5 Pettit Dri ve. · Law re nce A. Spanier, '50 . President Elect . Dix Hills. NY 11746 ... 1982 .... P.O. Box 1991 . . . Vice President .... . .. Frank C. Appleyard, '37 . Tubac, AZ 85640 . . . .. . . . . .. . .. 1982 .20 Fox Meadows . · Arthur G. Baebler , '55 . Vice President . Sunset Hills, MO 63127 . . 1982 .6 24 Golfv iew Dr. . · Alfred J. Buescher, '64 . Vice President . Ballwin , MO 630 II 1982 · 12425 Balwyck Lane ... . . ... . . . . · James B. McGrath , '49 . Vice President . St. Louis, MO 63131 · Dept. of Metallurgical & Nuclear Engr.. . 1982 .. Robert V. Wolf. '51 . Secretary .. UMR , Rolla, M065401 . . .. 1982 · Dept. of Civil Engr. .. . . . . . . Vernon T. Loesing '42 . Treasurer ; .. UMR, Rolla , M065401 Term Expires DIRECTORS AT LARGE 1982 James D. Gostin, '44 . .. . . . 180 Mt. Olive Drive, Bradbury, CA 91010. 1983 Robert P. Schafer, '52 .. . .. . . . .. . 4426 Mill Creek Road, Dallas, TX 75234 ., . . . Gerald L. Stevenson, 59. . . .. 511 N. Main St., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. . .. . .. .. . . . . ... . 1984' Ronald A. Tappmeyer, '47 ... .... 2226 Country Club Drive, Sugar Land, TX 77478 .... ... . .. , . 1984 John B. Toomey, :49 . . . . . .. . .. 7412 Admiral Dr., Alexandria, VA 22307 .... .... .. .... . . . . 1983 1982 . Armin J. Tucker, '40 . ... .. . . . .. . 6464 Overlook Drive, Alexandria, VA 22312 . . President

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OFFICE RS Robert D. Bay, '49 .

Area Zip Code Numbers AREA DIRECTORS Term Expires 00-14 Raymond T. Ruenheck, '50.7 Monteview, Chelmsford, MA 01824.. 1983 15- 21 Robert C. Perry, '49. . . .. 302 Fox Chapel Road, PittsbUrgh, PA 15238 . . 1983 22-34 Wayne R. Broaddus, Jr. '55 .405 Esther Drive, Dalton , GA 30720 . . . . . . _. . , . . . . 1982 35-45 William D. Busch, '42. . 2000 I Idlewood Trail. Cleveland, OH 44136 . . . . . . . . . 1983 46-59 George Baumgartner, '56 . . . 2120 Syracuse, Dearborn, MI 48124 1984 60-61 Allen G . Behring, '66 . . . 121 E. Witchwood Lane, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 . 1982 62-62 Ernst Weinel, '44 . . . . 1502 West 50, O'Fallon , IL 62269 . . .. . _. . . . . 1984 63-65 Matteo A. Coco, '66 . . . . 7115 Aliceton Ave., St. Louis, MO 63123 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1984 63-6 5 Harold R: Crane, '53 ...... . 480 Country Club Drive; Hannibal, MO 6340 I . 1983 63-65 Martha Ger'ig, '69. .801 Fairground Road , Rolla, MO 65401 ..... . ... . . 1984 63-65 Harold A. Krueger, '42.. .. Kennecott-Ozark Lead, P.O. Box 11248, Salt Lake City, UT 841471982 63-65 Paul R. Munger, '5 8. . Director Institute of River Studies, UMR , Rolla, MO 65401 . . 1984 63-65 J.L. "Jack" Painter, '50 ... . . 2123 Sunset Drive, Poplar Bluff. MO 6390 I .. . ........... , 1982 63-65 J. Robert Patterson , '54. . Show-Me, Inc., P.O. Box 573, Sikeston, MO 6380] 1984 63-65 Kenneth D. Pohlig, '64 ..... 2 Vienne Court , Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 . . . . 1983 63-65 Robert E. Vansant , '51 ... . . 435 E. 55 Street. Kansas City, MO 64110 . 1983 63-65 C. M. Wattenbarger, '41 .... 205 W. First St. Terrace , Lamar, MO 64759. 1984 66-74 David D. Kick, '57 . . . .. . .. . 4915 S. Lakewood Dr. , Tulsa , OK 74135. . . .... . .. .. . . . . . . . 1982 75-79 Rex Alford, '40 . .. . .. . . .. . 5743 Jason , Houston , TX 77096. 1982 - 80-89 & 96-99 Victor J. Hoffmann , '60 . . . . . . . . . .. .. 31057 E. Lake Morton Dr. , S.E. Kent, WA 98031 . 1983 90-95 Robert L. Ray, '47 . . .. . 6045 Estates Drive, Oakland , CA 94611 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN DIRECTORS Robert W. Klorer, '44. . .. 7500 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Joel F. Loveridge, '39 . .. . . . . . ... 739 Country Manor Lane, Creve Coeur, MO 63141 Walter C. Mulyca, '65 . . ... . . No. 16 Southfield Lane, Marshall , TX 75670 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Term Expires .1984 . . . .. Missouri Electrochem Inc ., 10958 Lin-Valle Dr.. Richard H. Bauer, '5 2. St. Louis, M063123 Robert M. Brackbill, '42. · Texas Pacific Oil Co., 800 Glen Lakes Tower, 101. . . . . . . . . . .. 1982 9400 N. Central Expressway, Dallas TX 75231 Joseph W. Mooney, '39. . .. 7383 Westmoreland, University City, Mo. 63130 . .. . , .. ,. . .. 1986 EX-OFFICIO DIRECTORS . 10144 Winding Ridge Rd., St. Louis, M063124 . ... . 90 I West I I4th Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64114 · . . 9954 Holliston Court, St. Louis, MO 63124 · .. 10601 South Hamilton Ave., Chicago, IL 60643 · One Briar Oak, St. Louis, MO 63132 · .. Missouri Public Service Co., P.O. Box 11739 Kansas City, MO 64138 STAFF Frank H. Mackaman .. · Executive Vice-President , MSM-UMR Alumni Association and Director , Office of AlumnilDevelopment , University of Missouri· Rolla Larry Allen ...... . .. . . . . . . . ... Assistant Director, Alumni Activities Louise Wilson ... . . .. ....... . . Admin. Secretary, Alumni/Development

Paul T. Dowling, '40 . R. O. Kasten, '43 .. Peter F. Mattei, '37 ... . . . Melvin E. Nickel, '38 . F. C. Schneeberger, '25 . . . James v.I. Stephens, '47 .. .

Sall y White .... ............... Editor, MSM ALUMN US MSM -UMR Alumni Association , Harris Hall, UMR, Rolla, MO 65401 ·9990



9 a.m .-4:30 p.m. 9 a.m. -2 p.m. Lunch 2:15 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Dinner 5:30 p.m .-8 p.m. 7 p.m . . 8 p.m. 9 p.m.-J a.m. Breakfast 8 a.m.-Noon 11 :30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 7 p.m.-9 p.m:

9 p.m.

FRIDA Y, October 1 Registration in Miner Lounge, University Center-East Board of Directors' Meeting, MSM-UMR Alumni Association, University Center-East On Your Own . Campus Update Panel Discussion On Your Own Silver anq Gold Cocktail Party, St. Pat's Church Parish Hall M-Club Bonfire, Intramural Field Miners vs. Sangamon State Soccer Field; Sports Complex Students' Homecoming Dance, Centennial Hall SATURDAY, October 2 On Your Own Registration resumes in Miner Lounge, University Center-East Fieldhouse Feed for all alumni and friends. Features reserved seating for the Reunion Classes. CLASS PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN. Gale Bullman Multi-Purpose BUilding. Food service from 11:30-12:15. Kickoff--Miners vs. Lincoln University New Jackling Field, Sports Complex No-Host Cocktails, Miner Lo.unge, University Center-East Awards Banquet, Centennial Hall, University Center-East Annual Meeti ng, MSM-UMR Alumni Association

*Check at registration desk for special events scheduled for reunion classes. Coordination of alumni activities wi ll be handled at the registration desk . MSM-UM R ALUMNI ASSOCIA nON Unive r sity of Missouri路Rolla Rolla , M issouri 65401路9990


2nd Class Postag e Paid at Rolla , Mo . 65401路9990



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